#is it weird i have very well thought out ideas of Adam's opinion on every person in town?? yes
pearlbracelet · 5 months
Unnecessarily long post about my pixel son's love life under the cut because the flower dance is tomorrow in my game, and I need to word vomit this out SOMEWHERE:
I like to think that Adam (y'know, the farmer) is as confused about who he's gonna get with as I am. Because goddamnit, I'm having a hell of a time choosing.
Like, plenty of people in town like HIM, which is... new, he didn't really turn many heads in the city. He HAS been doing manual labor for a year and some change, and I guess it's gotten him a little in shape? Plus, people are MUCH nicer and easier to talk to in Pelican Town, I imagine, so it's easier for him to wiggle out of his shell.
Out of the ✨️single people✨️ in town - I specify single because I kind of have it in my head that Adam has a crush on Gus - he could probably see himself either with Harvey and Emily. They both give me early 30s vibes, and Adam's 30 - which makes a lot of the singles almost too young for him, really, that's the main reason. Elliot and Shane are also in that age range to me, probably more like late 20s - but the way I see it, Shane needs a friend, and Elliot and Adam just don't have enough in common to date.
Harvey was an easy friend for him. They just kind of hit it off. They have coffee together twice a week, (not kidding, I buy two coffees and then have him give Harvey one and then drink the other) and I feel like they flirt in an almost unintentional way. The kind where it hits later and you stop like "Oh, shit? Am I stupid for missing it or delusional for reading into it like this?"
Emily fascinates Adam. She always has something interesting to say, be it about her hobbies or a mushroom she saw or her friend from the desert, he could listen to her talk about anything. And that is saying something because that girl says some out there shit sometimes. Plus, she's adorable, and kind, she's never said anything bad about anyone ever. I feel like he almost has cuteness aggression for this woman, I swear.
I feel like he's holding back on making moves with either of them for different reasons - Harvey only because he's not really sure if dude is straight or not let alone interested, Emily because she's got that whole thing with Clint liking her and Adam doesn't want to make waves. Both easy hurdles that could be settled with a good talk, honestly.
THAT BEING SAID, he has no idea who he's asking to dance tomorrow. If he even asks either of them, that is.
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The internet is amazing, no one cares about my opinion and yet here it is.
Ok, so on paper it seems really good, and I love Jenna Ortega in it, she played it wonderfully and the latina representation was gorgeous, they nailed her character 100%. But the amount of missed opportunities on that dam show I swear. First of all and probably the most annoying TEENAGERS DONT TALK OR ACT LIKE THAT TF. l
Like I'm around that age and the amount of weird outfits and random coffee shop things and all that was so fucking annoying like a classic case of adults not knowing how to write teens. Also they never fucking went to class. Not once. I get that the plot was about the mystery, but they could have at least used it as a setting once or twice. Or implied there was homework, like, more than once. They went to plant school that one time but THAT WAS IT. As someone who is aggressively overwhelmed by homeowkr that I'm paralyzed by it this was widely inaccurate. And the use of the words "normie" and "outcast" was so fucking annoying. Like please stop.
Also, I feel like the plot could have been a little deeper, if they had just been more explicit about people they were representing. I've heard fan theories about how the whole thing was a metaphor for people on the autism spectrum, and I actually really liked that idea, I'm not nerodivergent, I don't think, but Wednesday seems like she would fit this well, especially with the plot line of her neglecting friends because she was extremly focused on her SPECIAL PROJECT TM. but they did zero with that. She spoke very briefly about how the pilgrams had stolen land, that was great, but that could have been taken further. When laurel said that thing about how nevermore was on "stolen" land I thought Wednesday was going to pull out books and maps and shit but NOTHING. Also, yes, I know, including a couple of black characters in the background was a ton of project for Tim Burton but come on, they could have gotten better roles/plotlines (one dead, one a dangerous bigot, one with a dysfucntional family who got the spotlight for one episode), there could have been more minorities in the cast, THEY COULD HAVE USED THEIR EXISTENCE TO TELL MORE STORIES. Wasted potential. And the one that bothers me most. WEDNESDAY ADAMS IS THE MOST QUEER CODED CHARACTER I HAVE EVER SEEN. SHES AND OUTCAST HER ONLY REAL CONNECTION WAS WITH HER FUCKING ROOMATE . THEY COULD HAVE KISSED, COME ON MAN. Wednesday was an "outcast", literally every gay kid ever. Come on. I'm too tired to lay out the arguments, but that bitch ain't straight, infact I'm pretty sure she's not even bi, girl's a lesbian. Doesn't want to turn into her parents who's whole thing is that they are madly hetero for each other that's a dead fucking giveaway. And enid's whole plot line where they actually name dropped conversion therapy was weird. And then she became a werewolf anyways? Like what was that plotline? No I'll never change for you, my disrespectful mother who wants me to be different. But I changed by myself to be that exact thing so it's fine now. Like let's be real, this was supposed to mean something, some writer thought this was meant to be like a thing about uniqueness or something, but even then what was this????
But you know what, the main plot was decent, I actually got invested, love Wednesday, and even though they hired adults to play children at least they didn't sexualize them.
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schrodingers-bisexual · 8 months
So I watched the Hazbin Hotel show and I have some thoughts…
So here are my live written thoughts/critiques of the first for eps
And before you get your pitchforks these criticisms have no malice behind them these are just my honest opinions (some good, some bad)
(Long post incoming)
Ep 1:
* Interesting opening
* I enjoyed the reimagining of the Adam and Eve story
* they set up Charlie’s mom being MIA at the moment so that’s cool ig
* the b plot is boring, like idc about them making a commercial
* Charlie is so earnest it’s very endearing
* the angels are moving up the next extermination by 6 months which creates a sense of urgency that I enjoy (the deadline they have to meet gives me something to root for)
* Adam kinda dismissed Charlie’s hotel idea so I’m wondering if she’ll find a way to change his mind or if she’ll just do it behind his back, I’m thinking it’ll be the latter
* ohhhhh one of the demons managed to kill an angel so that’s why they moved extermination up
* I wonder when they’ll reveal who killed the angel or if they’ll even reveal it all, I’m thinking like mid-season finale type of reveal, or maybe they’ll just never say
* Charlie is a very charming mc
* vaggie is fine ig (she doesn’t really do much)
* Alastor is just kinda there (they set up his beef with tv/modern stuff which was good)
* angeldust is annoying me ever so slightly but ig i see what they’re trying to do
* husk is my favorite so far (he’s had some pretty good one liners)
* nifty is also pretty great
* Adam is also annoying (i hate that they have him swear like a sailor when he’s supposed to be the head angel)
* i can already tell im not gonna like the characterization of the angels
* i liked Lute at first but she kinda falls into the same problems i have with Adam just a tad
* A lot of unfunny sex jokes from angeldust
* when nifty said something really weird husk said “Keep that to yourself, Niff.” And it got a good chuckle out of me
* a lot of unfunny dick jokes from Adam
* there was a silly gag with nifty that I enjoyed (every time they would try to get her to say her line she would stare blankly into the camera and then be “was that good?” in a cheery voice I thought it was silly
* Husk had some pretty good one-liners
* most of the jokes didn’t land for me tho
* Happy day in hell- Erika’s voice is really good (to be expected from a broadway star), strange bridge with overlapping verses that didn’t flow well against each other and sounded kinda disconcerting (which is a shame cause overlapping verses are usually my favorite), the camera movements are giving me a headache, 5/10
* Hell is forever- I actually kinda liked that, Alex Brightman is a silly guy w/ a great singing voice, lyricism is pretty good, I enjoyed the rock-esc vibe, pretty catchy, 6/10
It wasn’t as bad as I feared it would be but it wasn’t as good as I wanted it to be, so far I’m pretty neutral on it, the potential is definitely there but it leaves a few things to be desired, 5/10
Ep 2:
* Hell is freaking out abt the news rightfully so I’d gather
* this seems to be a good thing cause maybe they’ll be open to the hotel idea
* it’s implied that angeldust isn’t open abt the extent of his sex work like they know he’s a porn star but that’s abt it so I’m guessing they don’t know abt his SA yet
* Val is showing some textbook manipulation signs so A for effort on that front
* the vees make for intriguing foils to the MCs
* why is Vox like obsessed with Alastor what’s the beef there
* okay so I guess there was a fight of some kind (Alastor almost beat Vox but didn’t succeed it seems like)
* revealed that Alastor has been gone for 7 years so there’s that
* okayyyy so the true beef is that Vox asked Alastor to join his team but Al said no
* Alastor is the big dog even after his absence
* vees send a spy, spy is implied to be egg guy but I think that’s a misdirect, either that or he’ll end up caring abt the MCs later (great angst material when it’s revealed he’s the spy)
* ep starts to drag a bit after we get back to the hotel
* more manipulation from Val via voicemail (is he bipolar?)
* never mind egg guy is just a regular spy and it got revealed to the MCs instantly (missed opportunity)
* istg if they blame angel for this without asking questions
* damn egg guy folded really quick, like that took nothing at all, and ofc Charlie is instantly forgiving
* so looks like egg guy is apart of the main cast now which I’m not mad at, I just wished they’d done something more with that spy plot point, like that was pointless
* Egg guy (sir pentious) makes an appearance and he’s great
* Vox is a business mogul???
* i like Vox so far
* BRITISH?! (Velvet lol)
* the Vees are interesting
* Valentino is annoying
* I’m really enjoying the electricity motif they’re doing with Vox’s movements and voice
* I like whenever Vox glitches/buffers I think that’s a really cool animation thing
* I need Val to stop talking
* so far I’m enjoying the dynamic between the vees
* I wish they gave velvet a little more to do cause she seems like she has potential (makes you wonder if she’s sidelined because she’s the only woman amongst the vees/it’s not out of the ordinary for a vivziepop show to heavily sideline its female characters)
* angeldust is insecure after Charlie implied that he didn’t care abt the hotel which shows a little incite into his deeper character traits and reveals that he actually does care so another A for effort there
* I’m really enjoying the rivalry between Vox and Alastor
* “Since when do we manufacture that.” “Since thirty minutes ago.” That exchange got a smile out of me
* egg guy is really funny (not laugh out loud funny tho)
* more unfunny sex jokes from angeldust
* I chuckled when egg guy was like “you’ve left yourself an opening” and then all he ended up doing was ripping alastor’s jacket, that was silly
* I liked how during the it starts with sorry song Vaggie and Angeldust are like bro let’s kill this guy while Charlie is trying to forgive him
* were there any other jokes lmao
* Stayed gone- Christian Borle can do no wrong, but this song kinda sucks lmao, I didn’t like that little talking with rhythm segment, like they probably wanted that part to be a rap (which would’ve been way worse), lyrics have clever word play, the beat is infectious I’ll give it that but it was kinda all over the place, 4/10
* It starts with sorry- painfully mediocre and instantly forgettable, like there’s nothing memorable or standout about this song, I’m forgetting the melody as I type this, 2/10
It was fine, nothing too standout, the introduction of the vees was really good, I’m excited to learn more about them, but overall a pretty meh ep, 4/10
Ep 3:
* Egg guy is adjusting about as well as you’d think (not well at all)
* he kinda reminds me of dr doofensmirtz with all his inventions
* I like that all of egg guy’s eggs are just running around
* this seems like it’s gearing up to be a boring ep
* I wish there was a little more urgency abt the six month extermination push (like I get they wanna focus more on characters rn but they could sprinkle it in a little)
* b plot is Alastor taking the eggs on a little field trip and then he runs into some guy (zestial)
* I’m guessing this was like an old friend from way back when and they’re in a part of town he used to frequent before his absence
* oh ok so this is like a demon overlord meeting (guess I wasn’t really paying attention if they said that’s where he was going)
* ok ok things are getting good
* velvet found the head of that dead angel, vees want to lead assault on heaven but zestial disagrees, he makes some good points abt the attack leading to more bad than good
* vees don’t respect council, council doesn’t like vees
* so its seeming like the vees wanna throw a wrench in the order of things and take over for themselves, that’ll probably be a main conflict later on, and I don’t think it’d be too hard for them to garner support considering all the followers/supporters of their multi-level business, I’m intrigued
* was implied that Carmilla might know more abt the decapitated angel than she’s letting on hmmm
* zestial and carmilla went off together
* secret love tryst???
* ok wait did i get which plot was the b plot wrong, or am i just more interested in alastor’s shenanigans
* like tbh whenever it cuts back to the hotel i could care less
* carmilla killed that angel but is keeping it a secret cause she knows it’ll cause war and not a lot of sinners would survive that which is admirable of her ig
* one of the eggs overhear carmilla’s secret and tells Alastor, some mischief is sure to be afoot
* the MCs are getting along better
* Vaggie still remains kinda dull
* she’s really just there, like she acts as the “level-headed” one but doesn’t really have a personality beyond that
* that being said Vaggie and Charlie are really cute together
* Husk remains my favorite
* the eggs are silly
* Zestial is introduced (I like his design)
* so far I really like the one in charge of the demon overlord council (Carmilla)
* and I also really like zestial
* they both seem very redoubtable and deserving of respect, I enjoy that
* I knew velvet had the potential to be a compelling character, I just hope they keep her at a forefront (and I also hope she won’t get overlooked by the fandom),
* nifty is a character that I don’t know how to feel about
* finally some character development for vaggie
* Alastor is here for the chaos
* there was a nice bonding moment between vaggie and Charlie
* So many unfunny sex jokes from angledust
* get other jokes I’m begging you
* “oh look, frank is up there.” “We have names?” that got a smile out of me
* Alastor going “that was a productive meeting” after they literally got nothing done was silly
* husk has some good one liners
* Respectless- oh wow, I really like this, bro how did they manage to get so many broadway singers to be in this show, it was short and sweet, didn’t overstay its welcome and I enjoyed its company, 8/10
* Whatever it takes- I really liked zestial’s voice its kinda heavenly, Carmilla also has a good voice, vaggie’s voice is also pretty, the vocals are really nice, the song itself is just okay tho, 5/10
Better than the last ep, some interesting new characters, some development for characters I was afraid would get sidelined, I had a pretty good time, 5/10
Ep 4:
* What is going on??? Why are they watching angeldust’s porn videos???
* oh I guess it’s show and tell day
* oop husk just dragged everyone through the mud
* more seeds of Val’s manipulation have been planted
* I think this ep is gonna be abt angeldust so I’ve gotta prepare myself for that
* okay so Charlie wants to get Angel some time off, Angel seems very terrified at the notion of Charlie meeting his boss (rightfully so)
* Charlie just fucking sets the whole porn studio on fire by accident which was really silly
* Val’s about to fuck some shit up
* oh shit he’s beating Angel up
* Angeldust’s real name is Anthony (which is also my brother’s name and that makes me a little uncomfy)
* that was an effective abuse scene very uncomfortable very impactful
* the visuals of the poison song are making me really uncomfortable which I guess is the point but idk
* okay so I’ve seen mixed opinions on how they feel abt the way the depictions of the SA in this ep were handled, and I get that they didn’t want to sugarcoat it or downplay the horrors of it but I also think that there were so many better ways they could’ve gone abt it, like you did not need to show on screen SA/rape like that was entirely unneeded, they could have alluded to it (like fading to black) and then show the emotional toll/repercussions of it and it would’ve had the same effect, if they wrote it well enough it may have even been more impactful, Moral Orel and Bojack horsemen did a good job at that, I just feel like it could have been handled better (also I hear that there’s a rape fetishizer on the crew who storyboarded this ep which is very icky)
* angeldust is having a mental breakdown
* angel ran away after getting into an argument with husk and husk went after him
* i sense a bonding moment coming on
* oh shit someone’s about to roofie Angeldust’s drink
* oh shit husk just beat that guy up
* and now angel’s crying
* ok wait that wasn’t that bad of writing, it was actually kind of heartbreaking, whoever wrote this section of the episode needs to write everything else too cause that was a very effective emotional breakdown which is like insane whiplash from the start of the ep
* ok ok so husk made a deal with Alastor to keep a bit of his overlord power after gambling a little too hard so now he owes Alastor like infinite favors
* that was a pretty cool fight scene ig
* now angeldust is being more real and upfront about things so that’s nice
* Husk seems to be very observant, I enjoy that character trait
* I’m also liking Husk and Angeldust’s dynamic, it both is and isn’t what I thought it’d be if that makes sense
* okay so some major character development for angel is happening in this ep
* I like the new perspective we get to see of angeldust, and unlike other characters this development feels deserved because they’ve been alluding to this since the beginning, it’s a nice payoff and a nice insight into angeldust as a character
* ok so angeldust is constantly putting on an act to pretend everything’s fine (which explains all the unfunny sex jokes i still hate them though)
* husk seems like the therapist friend
* angeldust had a really impactful emotional breakdown scene, I didn’t hate the way it was handled
* husk and angel have a bonding moment and sing a duet,
* it was actually really sweet
* ok now that they’ve had their little bonding moment hopefully all the unfunny sex jokes directed at husk will stop
* Surprisingly there aren’t as many unfunny sex jokes (which is a good thing considering this ep is highlighting the horrors of SA/rape)
* during the loser song husk makes the L hand motion at Angel and I audibly laughed
* Poison- welp that song was… it sure was, ignoring the tactless portrayal of the SA it just wasn’t a good song, like the verses themselves are fine but the chorus is absolute dogshit which is bad cause that’s the whole hook of the song, and there’s a lot of forced rhymes and the lyrics feel like they’re shoving in too many words so the singer has to rush to fit them in, 1/10
* Loser, baby- I really like this, Keith David’s voice is absolutely ethereal, the melody is infectious, and the lyricism isn’t half bad, I Iike it a lot actually, it’s a cute little duet, 8/10
My favorite ep so far, even though the quality of writing was kinda inconsistent it was still an entertaining watch, and for all the scenes and themes that were handled very poorly there was another scene that actually did a pretty good job, it was a mixed pot, but the character development surprised me, 7/10
So that’s my little two cents
TLDR; it’s not as bad as some people will make it out to be, but it’s not outstanding either. I’m gonna keep watching and if you’re curious I’d say to at least watch the first ep and formulate your own opinion
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My opinions about the Loki (2021) series. Spoilers and all that.
I took some time off the fandom until I felt it was time to make this post, if only to get it out of my system, so I can finally rest. I thought, since I was so pumped for the series to begin with, before it was launched and everything, and how I waited to expectantly for every episode that was airing weekly, that the empty feeling I was experiencing after it was all done was just because, well, it was all done.
I thought maybe it was the normal empty-chested-feeling you get when you finish a movie, series, or book that you really liked / waited a lot for.
It was not it. It didn’t pass. It got worse.
I’m going to put this under a cut, and under the anti-tags, because I know some people liked this show and not everyone has to be miserable with me.
I want to preface this by saying that I respect everyone that was involved in this project, and I know that it may be gut-wrenching to receive criticism on something that you worked in, but I feel cheated. I feel lied to. It’s one thing to work hard and be thoughtful and still receive bad reviews, but I don’t think this is the case at all.
To start it all, I was so excited to see Loki again. He’s the only character that I maintained any attachment to throughout so long, sometimes more, sometimes less, but I always considered myself a fan since I saw The Avengers (2012) with my parents in the theaters, at the ripe age of 12. To be honest, Loki was what got me into superhero movies, and into the marvel fandom at all. And I knew, or at least suspected, that they would do something different with the character. I was ready for that, after reading the comics and realizing that MCU Loki and Comics Loki are two different versions of the same character (more on that later). And I thought it was even going to be for the best, since Tom Hiddleston, bless his heart, was one of the executive producers and, I thought, would have more of a say on Loki’s character arc during the series.
What I watched was, to be completely fair with myself, not Loki. I couldn’t really pinpoint it at the time, but I keep expecting something to happen after he was captured by the TVA to show us his mind at work. A scheme, a plan, anything remotely smart that he cooked up. And yet, nothing. He kept acting…Not Loki. As time passed, I hoped he was biding his time, fooling everyone, that he would reveal his masterplan at the season finale and go back to the main timeline. The series ended and I didn’t see Loki, any of them, act as Loki once.
Maybe it’s because I am a fan of the older version of MCU Loki. The darker, more complicated one. I didn’t want a redeeming arc at all, I don’t think all villains or anti villains need a redeeming arc. That’s boring. And, to my interpretation of his character, shouldn’t be in his future at all. Loki thrives on the gray area. I love not knowing what he is to the other characters, the chaos, the lying and manipulation, the grand schemes. This new content we’ve been getting, since Ragnarok, depict him as a more comedic, campy character (which is …fine? Meh, I don’t care for it).
And of course, that’s not to say Tom Hiddleston didn’t do a good job. Poor man did his best with what was given to him by the writers. It’s hard to keep a character consistent, however, when every director and screenwriter seems to have a different idea of who they are. He kept it together fairly well when Taika attempted to assassinate Loki’s character, but Kate Herron snapped his neck harder than Thanos ever could. And for what?
Now, hear me out. There’s nothing wrong with the concepts of Sylvie, Lady Loki, and a Love interest. Separately. In trying to bring everything together in one character, the writers not only could not come up with a compelling woman character, but also had to bring down an already well established character, the TITULAR character, no less, so she could look somewhat presentable, which is insulting. And they Still failed. I don’t like the pairing either, but that’s not what I’m talking about (right now). The truth is, I don’t know Sylvie. She just got here, I have no emotional attachment to her whatsoever, so I won’t feel for her the same I feel for Loki, who’ve I watched for almost a decade. And instead of trying to build an emotional connection between Sylvie and the viewer, they chose to spoon-feed us a romance between her and Loki.
Well, more between Loki and Her, and not even that. I felt like Loki was always trailing her like a lost puppy, and big eyes and expectations, and she was giving him…Absolutely nothing. All the sweet moments between them were initiated by him, all the talking about feeling were done by him, all the looks and gestures…And although I understand Sylvie grew up in apocalypses and Loki grew up in a palace, she still claimed to have romantic partners. Multiple, man and women. And still, showed no visible interest in Loki up until the kiss scene, which I suspect was more to shut him up and send him flying that anything.
Excuse me if I want Loki to have a love interest who is actually invested in him too.
And Why make her a Loki variant at all if she is adamant she isn’t Loki? Why go to the extent of dying her hair blonde (where in the apocalypse did she manage to get her hair blonde? WHY?) and then give her horns? If she was taken as a child, where did she get the very Asgardian like leather armor she used? WHERE IS THIS INFORMATION?
If they were going to go so far to alienate her from the identity of being a Loki variant just so they could pair her with Loki and it not be weird (it was), why make her a variant at all? If you’re going to make a selfcest pairing, at least commit to it. Sylvie Lushton, from where they got the name, isn’t a Loki Variant, if anything She’s an Amora Variant. Why name her Sylvie if she has no relation to Amora?
The plot has so many holes and is so disappointing. I was promising Loki playing around and causing havoc with time traveling. When I saw Richard E. Grant had been cast, I imagined the big bad would be King Loki, like in the comics! Something about Loki seeing what he becomes if he let darkness completely consume him, and finding balance in his chaos, after all. The premise of Loki healing though observing himself, or variants of himself, was honestly good. His variants, however, where so underused, poorly used, made Loki look like a fool. Even he was ashamed of their interactions. And Kid Loki apparently Killed Thor, which makes him the leader (???) and that’s never mentioned again. President Loki, who was a big part of the appeal of the trailer, is gone in two minutes. And then there’s the mirror scene from the trailer, that didn’t even make it to the series.
There are other things that bother me a lot about this too, but it’s not my place to discuss them in dept. To list, if anyone is interested in knowing: The underdevelopment of black character, and the reaction of the fandom, to my knowledge, to said black characters, in special Ravonna and Boastful Loki. The misrepresentation of gender fluid people, which if I can recall was one of the points they sold to us as something they would touch into Loki’s characterization. Some people have pointed out that it was biphobic to pair Loki with a woman after he “came out” on screen as bisexual. I am bisexual, and I disagree, but I can see why it’s an issue for a lot of people, as mlm relationships are rare in MCU canon. What I thought was Biphobic, however, was having Loki not show us he was bi, rather than telling us.
In summary, I am very disappointed, and I am mourning. This series managed to do what End Game didn’t, which was kill all hope I had to ever have Loki back. He’s gone.
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obeiii-mee · 4 years
Hey! Sorry to bother you with a second ask but i thought this one would be cool. Fluffy headcanons of the demon brothers watching scary movies with MC??? Somewhere MC gets scared, and some where they don't? Thanks again!! :)
It’s no bother!! I love getting requests from you guys! The more, the merrier. I sort of hc that the brothers and MC do have movie night every week or so and with them being demons, they tend to levitate towards the horror genre. Thank you for sending this, this is really cute :)))
Without further ado—-
The Brothers watching Scary movies with MC:
-Haha mf already knows how this is going to end
-He warned you, he really did
-The horror movies DevilDom has to offer are nothing, and I mean nothing, like the ones from the human world
-I’m not going to go into detail but imagine Two Girls One Cup, in a less kinky and more gorey way (then times that by 10)
-But you were adamant into giving it a go and he literally could not deny you in that moment
-Because you were giving him the puppy eyes
-That’s like, the finishing blow you use every time to get your way with him and as far as you know it’s the only one that works so-
-He expected your reaction to the last second
-You were traumatised for lack of a better word and you were basically watching the whole film through the cracks between your fingers
-Seeing you in that state was like a punch in the gut but he couldn’t stop himself from throwing in a subtle ‘I told you so’
-“I told you watching something like this before bed is a bad idea, MC.”
-He might be a bit condescending and judgemental at first, but he’s probably going to baby you a bit for the rest of the night
-Because he feels bad he allowed you to watch it in the first place
-He will start muttering words of comfort to you later because he’s certain you’re going to have trouble sleeping
-Because of that one time, he’s very hesitant to let you watch another horror film anytime soon
-But he will relent eventually (especially if you want to watch a human horror film as those are technically less extreme)
-If it makes you happy, he will go through with it, even if he has to let you cling onto him for the rest of the day
-Besides, the way you cuddle into him while you’re watching a horror film is very cute and endearing to him
-Ah yes, the most effective method of waking up the entire House of Lamentation at 3:00 am
-Mammon screaming his own vocal cords out in his room as he tries to get through his human’s favourite horror movie without dying of a heart attack
-It was his idea because he’s definitely the type to go: “Yeah let’s do this, it will be fun. Don’t get too scared alright MC? The Great Mammon will be here to protect ya.”
-And then ten minutes in, he’s basically in your lap
-Half an hour in, he turned himself into a demon burrito with his blankets
-You were enjoying the movie, laughing at the stupid sound effects and poor quality while Mammon next to you has wrapped himself in like two dozen blankets and pillows
-“Mammon you’re going to overheat.”
-“Don’t be silly human, I’m a demon who lives in hell. I can take high temperatures the same way I can take this damn movie!”
-He doesn’t take either of them well
-Mammon and the horror genre don’t mix well together to begin with
-So even if you might enjoy horror, he doesn’t react well to it at all
-And he’ll be low-key relieved if you tell him you guys don’t have to watch any sort of horror film for your date night
-“Well I guess if you don’t want to, then we don’t have to. Can’t make my human do something they’re uncomfortable with eh?”
-But if you do watch a scary movie with him, be sure to show any sort of physical affection to him as often as possible
-You don’t have to say anything, just hold his hand or let him put his head in your lap or something
-It might stop him from screeching like a female sloth in heat
-The last time that happened, his brothers weren’t too pleased with him
-They about to recreate the horror film scenes onto him, bring the popcorn have fun
-For some reason, I feel like he doesn’t get scared easily while watching stuff
-I mean, after decades of obsessively watching animes with brutal character deaths (like Attack on Titan style) and grotesque horror games that are pretty nasty even to demons, let alone humans;
-A horror film, from the human world or even DevilDom, doesn’t do much for him
-It will have to have very good psychological horror in it if you want the hairs on his arms to stand up in anticipation
-Tension is a big deal for him and he will immediately shut off the TV if there are any cheap jump scares
-But, if you manage to find just the right thing for him?
-You’ll both be hiding under the bed in no time under the bathtub more like
-Hell, if the film you’re watching is that good, he might even be holding onto you for dear life without realising it and getting flustered about it
-For weeks afterwards, any sound that is remotely similar to one from that movie will probably send both of you into panic
-You came to his room one night because you’ve had a nightmare about the stupid film and legitimately thought there was a fucking demon serial killer in your room
-So you wanted to stay in his
-“But what if there is a serial killer in your room and now you just led it to me MC????”
-It’s all jokes, there’s no question he would lock both of you in his room and then stay there with you wide awake until dawn
-You’re his best friend after all, he would have to be completely heartless to leave you on your own! (Besides Levi is terrifying when he wants to be)
-One time you were sleeping over and the sound of fumbling woke you tf up
-And Levi immediately turned into his demon form, like he was ready to throw hands with this fictional murderer that supposedly sneaked into his room
-“Ah never mind, it’s just Mammon breaking into your room again to steal your Ruri-Cham figurines and sell them on Akuzon.”
-“Oh OK.”
-I’m playing Minecraft
-Believe it or not, Satan doesn’t care much about horror movies
-Don’t get me wrong, he loves watching his brothers shit their pants out of fear in the middle of one while he silently smirks to himself because watching other people suffer brings him euphoria
-Especially if someone actually manages to find a film that is excellent enough to spook Lucifer, because then he will be cackLING
-But, overall, he watches a lot of shows revolved around drama and crime
-That’s his thing
-However, he won’t turn you down if you’re up to watching a scary movie with him
-Any time spent with you is valuable time seeing as it won’t be long before his brothers start hogging you again like the cockblockers they are
-He is honestly surprised to find out you seem to be rather amused by those sort of movies
-So, even if it’s not inherently something he does on the regular, he would definitely watch a scary film with you if you enjoy them that much
-But in exchange, he makes you promise to read with him until bedtime rolls around (imagine Lucifer having a fucking curfew for his brothers and you lmao)
-So for the rest of night you guys just read together, ya know, like sappy romantics
-Tbh, this man will do almost anything with you as long as both of you are having fun
-He knows it’s not likely, but he insists on sleeping in the same room that night just in case you have nightmares and he needs to comfort you
- :)
-Satan is a gentleman. Idk how many people that don’t play OM expected to hear this
-Why would you want to watch a movie when you could be watching him???
-I mean, you would rather watch all that gory stuff on the TV than his beautiful face?
-He may get salty over a fucking movie tbh
-Horror films aren’t something he generally looks for while trying to pick a movie to watch
-He can definitely handle them better than Mammon but it’s not something he takes great pleasure in watching
-But the first time he ever sits down with you to watch one, he’s very intrigued to see your reactions
-You started feeling the sensation of absolute dread creep in at the very beginning and you were trying your best to act like you weren’t getting affected by what you saw on the screen
-But you were
-You went from “I’m grown ass adult, I can watch a fucking horror movie, no problem.”
-To “Welp, not enough of a grown ass adult for this-“
-And Asmo thought the way you tried to hide your nervousness was very mesmerising in a way
-He was planning on flirting with you during the movie anyway, but now that you were pressing himself against him?
-Oh boy, Oh boy
-“Darling if you wanted to touch me, you could’ve just said so. Making the excuse of watching a movie is unnecessary.”
-Nightmares? What nightmares? You won’t have time to have nightmares ;)
-haHAHA funny inappropriate joke
-It’s Asmo, it’s mandatory to have at least one of those added in here
-Beel will show up if there’s food and that’s that
-He doesn’t care what type of movie is playing on the TV as long as he has a bucket of popcorn next to him at all times
-Horror films aren’t something he can’t handle, he’s a demon like the rest of his brothers and he is used to...violent deaths and such
-He doesn’t get scared but there are times where he gets attached to the characters
-Especially movies with actual good and not cringeworthy dialogue
-Therefore, when they die, he gets sad even if they’re just fictional and their death had no real impact
-He also thinks that the way you can watch these things without flinching is impressive
-I mean, he can watch it and so can his brothers because they are demons
-They’ve done worse things than the things you see in horror films
-But you’re a human! So it’s weird to see you watch a person get repeatedly slammed against a wall until their neck snaps without batting an eyelid
-Overall, he does not have an opinion on scary movies
-He gets a bit emotional when a character he really liked dies
-But other than that, he’s just focused on eating
-And occasionally patting your head affectionately
-He doesn’t really like horror films because there’s a lot of screaming and tense music and he’s just trying to nap in your lap (rhyme)
-He doesn’t really need sound effects like that in the background while he’s trying to sleep
-But one day he was like “Hey, what if I show my favourite human this particular scary film?”
-And he did
-And he’s internally dying and feeling guilty and yet so flustered because of you
-It’s like you suddenly turn into this very fidgety and anxious mess and he thinks you just look....cute
-At some point you were getting overwhelmed and sprung up on your feet to turn the lights on
-And he just grabbbed your wrists, pulled you down next to him and let you press your head against his chest
-As mentioned, he’s a little shit and will tease you for being such a scaredy cat
-“That was the most predictable jumpscare and you still flinched, wth is wrong with you lmao.”
-But at the same time....
-“Relax. It’s just a horror movie. You’ll be fine. Besides, I’m here. Like I would let something bad happen to you.”
-That’s sweet, even if the tone of voice may not imply it because he’s such a brat-
-He actually really likes holding you for once, because usually he’s the little spoon
-He’s still a bit of a sadist so I imagine him sitting there and watching this while giggling to himself
-Isn’t he the cutest, laughing at other people’s misery and their never ending suffering?🥺🥺🥺 UwU
-Ah well, at least he has the decency to spoil with affection afterwards and make sure you have no nightmares that night
-You know, as payback for the horrific shit he made you watch with no warning
OK, I think I made a decent job of this even though it took longer than it actually was meant to. Thank you for reading though. I’ve got so many requests to go through and I’ve been feeling motivated lately so yeah!
See you soon
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pan-fangirl-345 · 4 years
You Have A Visitor!
Summary: Denki needs a boost. Luckily, there’s a visitors day coming up and you, being the loving girlfriend that you are, decide this is a good time to catch up with your boyfriend.
Trigger Warnings: Swearing, because Bakugou, some suggestive thought, and the reader had divorced parents and an alcoholic father, not to mention some low self-esteem. If there’s anything I missed, please tell me!
A/N: I have no idea what the hell made me write this but whatever, I have nothing else better to be doing like the chorus assignment that was due a week ago, and the outline for a paper, and then the actual paper. Oops.
Also, I realized quite belatedly, that I never told you guys that (Y/N) means your full name, both first and last. Sorry about that!
“Hey baby girl,” Denki said, sounding tired.
“Hey, are you okay?” you inquired, flopping onto your bed.
“Yeah, I just got my grades back and I can’t say they’re great. I even studied this time!”
“I’m sure they’re fine, Denki,” you assured him, wishing you could wrap your arms around him.
“I’ve missed you,” he admitted. “It’s been so hard being away from you for this long. And I don’t mean to be clingy, but I could really use a hug from you.”
You could hear it in his voice, he was having a bad day. He was normally very peppy and chipper, but there were days when he just couldn’t muster the energy for it.
“I know Sparky,” you said. “I miss you too. Where’s Kirishima? Can’t he give you a hug?”
“Nah, he’s in the gym with the steel guy from Class B.”
“I was almost 100% sure you were going to say he was with the explosion guy, Bakugou,” you said smiling.
“Can . . . can I FaceTime you?” he inquired softly.
“Of course Denks, I’m honestly a little surprised it took you this long to ask me,” you teased, trying to bring a smile to his face.
“Well, I know how you feel about being on camera.”
“Yeah, but it’s different when I’m talking to you,” you told him.
When he called you again, you answered, smiling at him.
“Hey Denki,” you said.
He looked tired, there were bags under his eyes, and he was flopped against his bed, body riddled with tension.
“Hey love,” he said, giving you a tired smile. “It’s so good to see your adorable face.”
“Right back at you Sparky,” you retorted, smiling at him. “I really wish I was there with you. Maybe I could help.”
“This is helping,” he told you. “Just being able to talk to you.”
“Bad day?”
He nodded, sighing. “I’m sore, I’m tired, I feel like an idiot, and I miss you on top of everything else.”
“I’m sorry, I wish I could see you. When’s the next visitors’ day?” you inquired, moving to look at your calendar.
“Like, two weeks from now, on Saturday. Why?”
“I’m gonna come visit you silly,” you teased, smiling at him. “I have to work that Saturday, but it’s only until noon. I’ll come see you after that, yeah?”
“Seriously? You’re gonna come see me?” he asked, sitting up. Little lines of electricity started to run up his body and you laughed.
“Yeah, course I am Sparky,” you said.
“I can’t wait to see you! And introduce you to my friends! And-”
The lights flickered in his room for a few moments before they turned back on.
“Kaminari!” someone shouted in the distance and he flushed.
“Sorry!” he shouted, making you laugh.
“Did you just short circuit the lights in your dorms?” you questioned.
“Yeah, sorry about that,” he said, cheeks bright red.
“It’s okay, it let’s me know that you really are excited to see me,” you told him. “I know that there are a lot of other girls there that are probably prettier than I am.”
“Angel, listen to me,” Denki demanded, making you pause. It was very rare that he ever sounded that serious. “You are beautiful, inside and out, and I would rather spend an hour with you than a hundred years with them, understand?”
“You’re such a sap,” you muttered, suddenly remembering why you loved him so much. “I love you Denks.”
“I love you too, (Y/F/N), don’t ever forget that,” he said, face as serious as you had ever seen it.
“I won’t. Don’t forget that I love you either, alright?”
“I think I can handle that,” he said, flashing you that one million watt smile that you loved to see.
“Good,” you retorted, smiling back at him.
Someone shouted in the background again and Denki sighed.
“I have to go, it’s time for dinner, but I’ll call you again tomorrow night, okay?”
“Okay, I love you Denki Kaminari,” you told him.
“I love you too (Y/N).”
You smiled at him again before you hung up, sighing.
You missed Denki, you really did. It was hard sometimes, dating Denki long distance, even if he was still in the country. He was only about fifteen minutes away, but the security was so tight that it was hard for you to go see him, especially since you worked part time at the local library.
You were proud of him, and you wouldn’t trade him for all the money in the world, but you missed him.
Him and his dumb pickup lines, him and those dumb cat memes he used to send you, him and those awesome hugs whenever you had a bad day.
You had hated Denki when you had first met in middle school. You thought he was immature, way too loud, and you hated how little he paid attention in class.
But then you got paired up for a project and you learned that sometimes Denki didn’t realize he was being loud, or that his quirk was making things go haywire.
Denki had a lot of friends, he made them wherever he went, he was like that, but a lot of the time they were fake. 
You had learned how to help him remember things from class, you were there when he started to get a little too loud, and you were there when he was rejected for the first time.
You remembered tapping his arm whenever his noise level was becoming too much, or kicking him when he was unintentionally making someone uncomfortable, stepping in when someone tried to get him to do something that would get him in trouble.
He had asked you out through your third year of middle school. At first you had thought it was a prank, a dare maybe, but he had been adamant that he really wanted to be with you.
It had been weird at first, neither of you really knowing how this changed things, until you realized that nothing had to change. You could still do what you normally did together, but there was more hand holding and cheesy compliments involved.
He had gotten accepted into U.A., and you had been happy for him, but you would be going to different high schools, and when everything had started to get more dangerous there, you had panicked about Denki. You didn’t get to see him as often, and he had even tried to break up with you, worried about your safety.
But you had worked it out, you had talked about it, you called each other regularly and you sent each other small gifts every now and then when missing each other became almost unbearable.
There were small amounts of time when you worried more than usual, when they had training camps and weren’t allowed to have their phones, or when they had exams and you weren’t there to make sure that he was eating and getting enough sleep, but other than that, your relationship with him was relatively easy, everything considered.
The next two weeks were slow, but talking with Denki ever night made it better than you would’ve thought.
He assured you that his new friends would love you, though you were suspicious about Bakugou, that he wanted you to meet Eri, that everything was going to be fine, and that he couldn’t wait to hug you again.
“C’mon sweetheart, it’ll be fine! The only one you might have to worry about it Mineta, and I can promise that he won’t get anywhere near you,” Denki said, laughing.
“Why hasn’t the school kicked him out yet?” you inquired, nose wrinkled.
“That’s a good question,” Denki admitted. “I guess he just hasn’t done it in front of the teachers enough.”
“I would’ve killed him by now, I feel so bad for the girls that have to deal with him,” you said, shuddering.
“I know you would’ve,” he said, smiling. “But seriously, how was your day?”
“The same as usual, except there was this really cute little girl in the library today who tried climbing the shelves to get to a book she wanted. She was so cute! She got really high up though and I was terrified that she was going to hurt herself.”
He listened to you talk about your day, smiling as you talked.
“I’m really excited to see you tomorrow,” he said when you were done.
“I know, I’m excited too. I can’t wait to see you.”
‘I’ve missed you,” he said, getting a sad look on his face.
“Hey, no sadness remember?” you told him. You wanted so badly to reach out to him, to hold him, to run your hands through his hair while he held you. “I’ve missed you too, but we’re gonna see each other tomorrow. And I promise that I’ll give you as many cuddles as you want.”
“If that’s the case you wouldn’t be leaving the couch,” he said, smiling at you. “If you thought I was clingy before it’s only going to be worse tomorrow.”
“Trust me, if you weren’t clingy, I would be,” you assured him, making him laugh.
“You do realize that no one is going to understand how we’re in a relationship right?”
“Fuck ‘em,” you said. “It’s not really any of their business anyway. It’s a healthy relationship.”
“That’s my girl,” Denki said, smirking.
“You’re gonna be a smug bastard tomorrow aren’t you?” you inquired, making him cackle.
“You had no idea. Most of the squad doesn’t think you exist,” he said. “And when I say that, I mean that only Mina believes me because she walked in on my talking to you one night.”
“We’ll change their opinions tomorrow,” you promised, biting your lip. “I’m really excited to see you tomorrow Denki. It’s been too long.”
“I know! Don’t remind me,” he whined, making you chuckle.
“Do you want me to bring anything with me tomorrow?”
“Just your sparkling personality and enough hugs to hold me over until the time you can visit. And maybe some cupcakes or something, I’m craving sugar,” he muttered, the last part more to himself than to you.
Someone shouted in the background, and Denki sighed. “I have to go, but I love you, and I can’t wait to see you tomorrow.”
“I love you Denki, sleep well,” you told him.
“You too,” he said, ending the call.
Denki couldn’t stop pacing as people streamed into the dorms, trying to find the people they were there to visit. It was only nine, and he was already anxious to see her again.
He kept checking for her (Y/H/C) hair among the sea of people, even though he knew she wouldn’t be there yet.
He had already told his classmates that she was coming to see him today, most of them playing it off as a ploy for attention and sympathy. Both of his parents were working today, so they weren’t coming to see him, and his little sister had had a sleepover the night before and was probably sleeping it off at home with their cat.
(Y/F/N) had texted him that morning and he had been glued to his phone ever since smiling whenever she sent him a funny picture or a reminder of how much she loved him.
Mina had been waiting for months to meet his girlfriend, and while the others didn’t believe she existed, he was going to be proud to show her off.
He wasn’t anxious about seeing her again, he was looking forward to that, but what if she didn’t like his friends? What if they didn’t like her? What if-?
His head whipped up at the sound of her voice, and he zeroed in on her.
Was he hallucinating? He was hallucinating, right? There was no way she was there-
She ran to him, throwing her arms around his neck, nearly knocking him over.
He definitely wasn’t hallucinating.
“Denki,” she breathed, burying her face in his neck as she twisted her fingers into the back of his t-shirt.
“(Y/F/N), I thought you weren’t coming until noon,” he said, clinging to her.
“I haven’t seen you in like, three months, and that’s all you have to say to me?” she inquired, flashing him that smile that he loved so much as she pulled back a little, just enough to see his face.
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered, kissing her.
Yeah, he definitely wasn’t hallucinating.
It had been so long since he had touched her, it felt like he had stuck his hand in a fire. She was warm against him and they couldn’t stop smiling at each other between kisses.
“I missed you,” she whispered, burying her hands in his hair.
He slid one hand up her back, touching her face lovingly with the other as they stared at each other, (Y/E/C) eyes meeting amber.
“I missed you too, sweet pea,” he assured her, kissing her again.
“Shut up Blasty!” Mina hissed, swatting him with her hands.
(Y/F/N) pulled away, cheeks tinged pink as the Bakusquad stared at them.
“You must be Bakugou,” she said, smiling at him. “And, for the record, I’m not a girlfriend, I’m the girlfriend.”
“I told you guys she was real!” Mina shouted, making you laugh.
“It’s nice to meet you all, I’m (Y/N), I’m also Denki’s girlfriend.”
“Clearly,” Sero said, making her chuckle.
“It’s so nice to finally meet you!” Mina said, throwing her arms around (Y/F/N), catching her by surprise, though she hugged back after a moment.
“You must be Mina. It’s so nice to meet you too. I’ve hear so much about all of you.”
“Pikachu, you have some fucking explaining to do,” Bakugou snapped.
“Gladly,” he said, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.
“You know, I never would’ve thought you would have the patience to deal with someone like Kami, (Y/L/N),” Kirishima said.
“What can I say? Apparently I have a soft spot for dumbasses,” you said, making Denki protest.
“I can’t be that bad,” he muttered into your neck.
He hadn’t let go of you since you had arrived, there was an arm around your shoulders or your waist, a hand in yours or on your back, and now he had you seated in his lap, his arms around your waist as he fiddled with your fingers.
“How did you even get here this early? I thought you said you weren’t coming until noon.”
“I told my boss that I was going to see you today and he let me out early so that I could spend more time with you. I don’t know how you got him to like you so much, he hates everyone.”
“He doesn’t hate you,” Denki pointed out.
“Yes, but that’s because I actually do my job correctly and because I have more invested in that library than the founder does!” you told him.
“(Y/F/N) really likes to read,” Denki admitted. “It’s one of the reasons she’s so smart.”
“I’m an only child with parents who both had to work a lot before they divorced, I had to find ways to entertain myself when they weren’t home and when they were too busy screaming at each other to pay attention to me,” you muttered.
Denki’s arms tightened around you subconsciously.
He had met both of your parents, and hadn’t taken well to your father, who had a tendency to love alcohol more than he loved you. It had made you a lot harder on yourself than you had to be, and your father had hated Denki from the moment they had met.
He thought your mother was a saint though, and she was for putting up with your father for so long.
“Yikes, that sounds rough,” Sero said.
You shrugged. “When you grow up like I did, it makes you used to certain things. I got used to someone always putting me down. I got used to having to do a lot of things myself. I mean, it sucked, and there was a time when I had a bag packed in my closet, but it made me who I am.”
“You never told me about the bag thing darling,” Denki said, frowning.
“I mean, I was . . . eight or nine I think, long before we were ever even friends,” you told him. You kissed his cheek lightly. “Besides, I never had to use it.”
“I don’t think that’s the point,” Mina chimed in.
You shrugged, then said, “Oh yeah, my mother says hi baby. She would’ve come with me, but she had to work. Speaking of parents, where are yours?”
“Mom and Dad had to work today,” he explained, nuzzling your neck softly.
“Right, they told me that earlier,” you muttered.
“You talk to his parents?” Kirishima asked.
“Well, yeah. I mean, we’ve known each other since middle school. I used to go over to his house all the time. I used to babysit his sister with him. They’ve known me for a while, us dating just helped my relationship with them. Besides, whenever your school gets attacked, I always go over there. Makes me feel like I’m doing something useful.”
“I still can’t believe fucking Pikachu has a girlfriend,” Bakugou grumbled.
“Jealous?” you asked, wrinkling your nose. “Maybe if you acted less like you had rabies girls wouldn’t be so afraid to talk to you.”
“What did you just say to me?” he asked, palms crackling.
“You heard me,” you said, interlacing one of your hands with Denki’s.
“Do you wanna fucking go?” he snarled, standing up.
“Not particularly, I was just giving a suggestion. Do with it what you will,” you told him, melting back into Denki, who sighed contently.
“This is the calmest I’ve ever seen him,” Sero said, staring at Denki in wonder.
“I have that affect on him apparently,” you confessed, running your free hand through his hair. “You haven’t been sleeping well, have you?”
Denki shook his head. “Too many loud thoughts. Feel bad waking you up to deal with it.”
“Baby, that’s what I’m here for, besides, I’m up a lot of the time anyway,” you chided. “Call me, alright? It puts me to sleep too you know.”
“Mmhmm,” Denki mumbled, kissing your shoulder lightly.
“Cute,” you murmured, kissing his forehead. “You can go take a nap you know.”
“Wanna stay with you,” Denki said.
“C’mon baby, up we go,” you whispered, pulling away from him, hauling him up off the couch. “When was the last time you slept through the whole night?”
“Two weeks ago,” he admitted.
“‘M sorry,” he whispered.
“Come on, you’re taking a nap, even if I have to-” You stopped what you had been about to say.
Tying him to the bed sounded sexual, and so did sleeping with him. Sitting on him just sounded bad.
“Come on Denki,” you told him. “Let’s get you to bed.”
“Wanna stay with you,” he repeated.
“I’ll stay with you, alright? Just please, get some sleep,” you said. “Where’s your room?”
He stumbled his way through the halls, leading you to his room where he flopped onto his bed.
“It’s so you,” you told him, looking around.
He made grabby hands for you and you chuckled, climbing under his covers with him.
“Missed you a lot,” he muttered.
“I missed you too,” you told him, burying your hands in his hair as he wrapped his arms around you.
He relaxed again, and you kissed his forehead as he fell asleep, rubbing your hands against his back.
“Love you,” he whispered.
“I love you too Denks,” you murmured, letting your own eyes shut as you listened to his breathing.
“Are they still in there?” Sero asked as they made their way to Denki’s room.
“She didn’t leave,” Mina said.
“What the fuck are they doing in there?” Bakugou asked.
“I don’t hear anything,” Kirishima said. “This is really unmanly guys.”
“Open the door,” Mina pushed.
“Guys, no!” Kirishima hissed, but Bakugou had already opened the door.
“Aww,” Sero, Kirishima, and Mina muttered, seeing the two of them tangled together under the covers.
Denki’s arms were tight around her waist as they laid there together, her head tucked under his chin, like he was protecting her.
They all remembered the fierce way she carried herself, the way she would’ve defended him against anyone, even himself.
“They’re gonna get married one day,” Sero said, voicing what everyone was thinking.
“He deserves it,” Bakugou murmured, surprising everyone.
“Come on, let’s leave them be,” Kirishima muttered, closing the door soflty.
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
Love, Theoretically | Sebastian Stan x reader (Chapter 2)
read Chapter 1 here
series summary: having lost your husband, sister, and best friend all to the same extramarital affair, you ran away to a secluded villa in the Hungarian countryside to write and get a little time away from the life you’d left behind.  you were only looking for peace and perhaps some inspiration for your novel, but instead you found an unlikely connection with the immigrant repairman– even though the two of you don’t speak the same language.
word count: 2.3k (exactly the same as last chapter, i’m proud of myself lol)
warnings: just fluff and ~pining~ for now
thanks again to @evnscvll for making this moodboard-- and this series is for her 3k celebration challenge so def check out her writing!
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You should’ve known that you wouldn’t be able to force yourself to write, but after a quick shower to wash off the day’s journey, you decided there was nothing better to do but sit at the desk and hope for inspiration.
Your husband had never been very supportive of your writing, which is why you had struggled to complete your latest novel.  He, like your publisher and many of your readers, wanted a sequel to your last book, in spite of the fact that you were adamant it was impossible.  It was a complete story, even if the ending was ambiguous.  There was no room for growth in the characters or the world of the story; just because readers wanted more didn’t mean that they would actually enjoy a forced product.
The publisher and your husband, however, shared a very strong opinion: the fans won’t care if it’s forced, and neither should you as long as it sells.  But, they weren’t writers.  You were.  And you knew there were different stories you needed to tell… if only you could find the words for them.
You were a few pages in when you heard the stairs creaking outside your closed door.  There was a quick knock at the door; you answered with an offer to come in.  
“I was just wondering if you wanted some coffee,” Mrs. Alberti explained as she crossed the room, standing beside you at the desk.  You nodded with a quick thank you as she set the cup and saucer down onto the wood.  “Oh heavens, he’s working on the house again,” she suddenly groaned, motioning out the window.  
You leaned over and nearly spit out your coffee when you saw Sebastian outside.  He was only wearing some much-too-tight jeans, driving a hammer down onto wood as the sun cast orange light over his body.  He was glistening with sweat, which was probably pretty uncomfortable for him but he looked damn good anyways.  
“Is he always… like that?” you shuddered.  
“Maybe I didn’t just hire him because he was cheap,” she shrugged, handing you a cloth.  “Go soak this in cold water and bring it to him, he looks overheated.”
You should’ve questioned why she was giving you chores, but you just took the rag and did as she asked.  He didn’t notice you walking out to him at first, but stopped when he did see you, waving quickly and setting down his hammer.
“For the heat,” you explained as you handed it to him.
“Ah, mulțumesc,” he nodded, accepting the rag with a smile.  
As he wiped the sweat from his face, you found your gaze trailing over his arms, down his chest and abdomen.  Jesus, how could this guy eat Mrs. Alberti’s cooking every day and still have washboard abs?  When you looked back up to his face, he was looking right at you with a grin-- oh shit, had he caught you ogling?  But then again, maybe he wanted you to ogle.  Why else would he be doing housework so… shirtlessly?
“Wh-what are you working on?” you asked him to break the silence.  He gave you a puzzled look.  “Er, the wood,” you motioned to the work he was doing, “why?”
His face softened with understanding.  “Construiesc un cadru nou pentru fereastră,” he explained, motioning vaguely to the house, “în partea de est a casei.”
“Right…” you nodded, realizing that you had no idea what he’d said.  Clearly you hadn’t thought this through.
“Aici, permiteți-mi să vă arăt,” he said, grabbing a board and walking past you, motioning for you to follow him as he slung the rag over his shoulder.  You figured you looked like a lost puppy trailing behind him like this.
He stopped when you reached the wall of the house, and grabbed part of the window frame; it creaked and moved as he wiggled it, clearly on the verge of falling off.  Then, he held up the new board he had been hammering and you realized that it was going to replace the rotting portions of the frame.
“A intelege?” he smiled.
“Da!” you answered, and he laughed.
“Cred că asta contează ca român,” he shrugged.
“It’s good you’re fixing the window.  I’m sure Mrs. Alberti appreciates everything you do.”
“Bătrâna îmi plătește rahat, dar sfârșesc trăind aici gratis.”
“Well, I should let you get back to it,” you decided as you stepped back with an uncomfortable smile.
“Nu te voi mai ține, sunt sigur că ești ocupat,” he said, and though you had no real way to interpret it, his tone didn’t seem to indicate that he was trying to stop you from going.
With a little wave and a heavy sense of god why am I such a dork?, you left him and returned indoors.
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First nights in new places were always sort of surreal, but this was definitely less weird than the sleeper car of the train.  You’d felt like a proper stowaway then, but you had a stronger feeling of belonging here… even if you didn’t quite feel like you had any place to call home at the moment.
As you laid in bed and looked at the room turned on its side, you found yourself missing your room.  Your real room.  It had been designed and decorated somewhat meticulously, but most of all you missed the things about it that you hadn’t put that kind of thought into: the random earrings on your bedside table, discarded casually before you went to sleep; the layers of blazers and skirts draped over the chair in the corner; the still-slightly-visible coffee stain on the corner of the rug, even though you’d spent hours trying to get it out.
Meanwhile, this room was so obviously not a space that people lived in, but just a space people passed through.  Though nowhere near as sterile as a traditional hotel room, it had the same emptiness even with its personality-- specifically, a reflection of someone else’s personality rather than your own.
All that said, sleeping was pretty easy once you got yourself comfortable in the fluffy mattress, even if you were aware all through the night that you were not at home.  So aware, even, that you weren’t surprised at all when you woke up in the new space for the first time.  What you were surprised by was the sounds of heavy rain against your window, immediately dashing your plans for a morning jog.  As much as it seemed apropos to type by the window instead and soak in the moody weather, you decided to head downstairs for a cup of coffee first.  Already having forgotten where you had left off, you grabbed the pages you'd already written to reread with your breakfast as you slipped on some comfortable clothes and made your way down the creaky steps
Passing through the living area, it was impossible not to notice Sebastian sitting in one of the chairs, staring intently at a half-played chessboard.  Stopping for a moment to try to determine what he was doing, he moved a piece and you realized he must be playing with himself.
Against himself, you interrupted your own thought, he's playing against himself… important distinction.
“You play chess?” you asked, pointing to the board.
“Şah,” he replied.  
You pointed to the chair across from him.  “Can I join you?” 
“Luaţi loc,” he offered as he gestured to it as well, nodding in approval.  You smiled and sat down as he reorganized the pieces back to the starting position.
“Negru?” he asked, pointing to the black pieces-- “Sau alb?”-- he pointed to the white.
“Um, black,” you decided, pointing to them since they were already on your side anyways.
“Tu primul,” he prompted you, and you moved your pawn.  He moved his, and after that, it was long stretches of silence between moves.  It didn’t feel awkward anymore, though; even between two people who share a language, chess is usually a silent affair.
“Check,” you announced as your bishop came into range of his king.  He looked up from the board and gave you a puzzled look.  “The bishop, see?” you demonstrated, tracing a line through the air over the diagonal squares which led from your piece to his.
“Ahh,” he nodded, stroking his chin as he considered his next move.  It called additional attention to the shadow of stubble which dusted over his jaw.  
He maneuvred a rook in the path of your bishop, and you settled back into your chair and you pondered your options.
The next hour went by oddly quickly.  Not in a rushed way, just in a way that made you wonder how it had already been an hour.  
“Şah,” he informed you as his knight threatened your king.  You weren’t sure if it was supposed to mean ‘check’ or ‘checkmate,’ but since you were able to capture his knight with a pawn, it was definitely just a check.
Instead of mourning his knight, he grinned and moved a rook forward, capturing the aforementioned pawn and trapping your king for good.  You gasped a little as you realized you’d fallen right into his trap.
“Şah-Mat,” he declared triumphantly.  That definitely meant ‘checkmate’; you could tell by the smug look on his face as he crossed his arms and leaned back into his chair.
“You got me, man, that was sneaky,” you smiled.  Offering your hand for a shake, you looked up at him: “Good game.”
He grabbed your hand and shook it, squeezing just tight enough that you wondered if you were the only one noticing a certain energy to the air.  “Bun joc,” he replied with a nod and a smile.
He let go of your hand after lingering just a little too long, his fingers brushing over yours for an electric moment.
Now the silence was awkward again, as the two of you sat in the high-backed chairs, staring across the table at each other.
“So, you really don’t speak any English at all, huh?” you considered aloud.  He looked back at you vacantly.  “English?  Even one word?” you lifted one finger as a symbol.
“Halloo,” he replied-- apparently a broken attempt at ‘hello.’  You laughed a little.
“Yes, that counts!  Did you learn any English in school?”
“Televiziune,” he replied.  
“Ah yes,” you nodded, “I know what that is.  Television; I’m a big fan myself.”
“Puteți vorbi un singur cuvânt de limba română?” he asked you, raising one finger as well.  Turnabout is fair play, after all.
“You mean other than ‘da’?  Or ‘salut’?” you asked with a laugh.
“Pentru a fi corect, acestea sunt cuvinte,” he shrugged.
“Teach me,” you requested.  “Just one word.”  
You looked around the room, settling on a lamp.  “What is this?  In Romanian-- română?” 
“Lampă,” he replied.
“Okay, well, that one isn’t very exciting,” you frowned.  “Um, what about this?” you bent down from your chair, picking up one corner of the rug.
“Covor,” he answered, leaning down with you to run his hand over the soft shag.
“Covor,” you repeated, surely butchering it.
“Da,” he smiled.  Okay, maybe you didn’t butcher it so bad, or maybe he was just being nice.  
“Can you teach me more?” you asked, hoping it wasn’t too demanding.
“Uhhh,” he stalled, looking around the room.  Finally, he pointed to the fireplace.  “Vatră.”
“Vatră, fireplace,” you tried to memorize it as he said it.
You pointed to the window.  “What’s the window called?”
You pointed to the stairway.  “Scară,” he informed you, smiling a little.  You hoped this wasn’t boring for him, because you were actually having a bit of fun.
You pointed to his feet.  He furrowed his brow a little and lifted one, grabbing his shoe.  You nodded; “Pantof,” he explained.
You grabbed your blouse and shook it a little, appreciating the puffs of cool air that rolled down your chest;  “Bluză.”
You pointed to him; “Sebastian.”
You already knew that, but it was interesting to hear the way he said it versus Mrs. Alberti’s pronunciation.  “Yes, that’s an English name too,” you told him, “but pronounced differently…”
You wondered if your name had another pronunciation or translation, so you pointed to yourself; “Frumoasă,” he said, a little slower, a little more thoughtfully.
“Is that the Romanian equivalent to my name-- or does it mean ‘woman’?” you asked.  He just smiled vacantly.  
“This,” you pointed to the book, “what is this called?”
“Carte,” he answered.  “Engleză?”
“Book,” you replied.
“...book…” he said slowly, contemplatively.
Suddenly inspired, you grabbed the loose pages of manuscript that you’d laid on the small table beside you.  “Book,” you repeated, flipping through the pages.  He seemed confused.  “My book,” you clarified, pointing back and forth from yourself the papers.  “I’m writing this-- that’s why I’m here.”
“Ah!” his face lit up with recognition.  “Ar trebui să scrii o carte!”
“Yeah,” you nodded.  “I’m a writer; or, I’m trying to be.  My last book did… better than my first, at least.”  
“Ce fel de carte este?” he asked.  You looked at him with confusion to indicate you weren’t sure what he was asking.  “Uhh, book… este--” he made a sad face, rubbing under his eyes like a cartoon character’s weeping-- “sau--” he fake-laughed.
You laughed, actually, at his charades.  “It’s a thriller, it’s crime--” you thought for a moment, then made the motion of stabbing someone with a knife. 
His eyes got wider.  “Este… erotic?” 
You choked a little, realizing that your hand movement was… more ambiguous than you originally intended.  “No!” you blurted out suddenly.  “No, it’s… crime, mystery--” 
You looked around and saw a magnifying glass resting on the side table by your chair; grabbing it, you held it to your face and gave your best quizzical look.
“Oh!  Crimă!” he grinned.  “Detectiv?”
“Yes, yes, there’s a detective,” you sighed satisfactorily, “and absolutely no handjobs.”
shamelessly tagging the people who liked chapter 1!  @mariahthelioness29 @navybrat817 @navegandoaciegas @mandalorianspace @2smittinkittin @maizyistrash @honeygingergemini​ 
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heavenunderthemoon · 4 years
Line Without A Hook- Jennifer Jareau x Reader
summary: You were brought onto the team as a tech analyst to help with the new workload and find a certain blonde has taken an interest in you. 
warnings: none just some angst and then some fluff
I would recommend listening to Line without a hook by Ricky Montgomery while reading bc that’s what I listened to while writing (hence the title), always, enjoy! Also go check out my other works here
"Hey, hot stuff."
Your fingers tightened around the black, government issued telephone you had been holding up to your ear, eyes flickering to Penelope who was finishing up typing in a code to help filter your search results for the unsub.
Jennifer Jareau's arrogantly smooth (in your own, professional opinion, of course) filtered through the phone with ease and successfully made your cheeks tint pink.
"Jennifer." You said curtly, and Penelope spun around in her chair, her face twinged with amusement already.
Ever since you had started working at the bureau a month ago, the team had noticed a...flirtation between you and the blonde former media liaison. You remembered your first day, how her hand had gripped yours tightly and the way her lips had quirked up when you pulled yours back just a bit too fast.
The team had watched for a whole month as the blonde had found fun in her flirtatious poking, the first time she had expressed interest in anyone since her divorce. And you hadn't had any complaints- well, any real complaints. Sure, you answered her stiffly, choosing to only call her Jennifer (because, according to her, only  friends called her 'JJ' and you would vehemently attest that you were not friends), but, if you had actually been bothered by the constant poking you would've voiced it. So, she continued.
"Now, that's no way to greet your favorite co-worker." The blonde teased and you could swear you could hear the smirk in that overly-confident, pompous, velvety voice of hers.
You rolled your eyes as Penelope hit the button to put it on speaker, eyes glued to your face as if to gauge your reaction. But, over the last thirty days you had become excellent at putting on a poker face. With a dry tone, you responded.
"You're right, I'd never greet Emily that way." You cracked wittily, and a small chuckle ghosted from her lips.
They had only been gone for six hours and you knew she probably hadn't changed. She was probably still wearing that wonderful little blazer that fit her slender, toned arms so well. The one that made your eyes follow her as she moved throughout the room, that annoying, adorable little smirk on her lips because she knew it too.
"Ah, how you wound me, Y/N/N." The name grated against your ears and your lips twitched in annoyance.
You hated that nickname. You had never had a nickname before, which, you supposed should be surprising because you were well above the age that nicknames were typically given but no one had ever bothered to give you one and now that someone had (and that someone was Jennifer), you couldn't help but have your annoyance spike at the usage of it.
"Have I ever told you how much I hate when you call me that?" You asked sarcastically.
"Every time I use it." Jennifer responded cheekily, and you rolled your eyes, scooting in to your desk while Penelope giggled.
And just like that she was asking you for an address and you were dutifully searching for it. This case was similar to most you had worked on so far, though the likeness to the others did little to numb the severity of the situations these people found themselves in. You didn't know how they had all been doing it for so long. Looking at this team from the outside in had made it seem like a safe haven, a group of untouchables, of the elite. But now that you were one of them you could see that it was the opposite. That, eventually, this job chipped away at them, piece by piece. You wondered how long it would be until the first part of you left too.
The address pinged onto the corner of your screen and you were speaking into the phone once more, giving it to Jareau woman as she showered you in thanks. Perhaps it was the heat of the moment, or perhaps it was the case itself, the way the women all had blonde hair- it wasn't like Jennifer's hair, no, Jennifer's blonde was golden, like the sun itself had ventured down to earth to lay a kiss atop her head, bleeding some of its golden rays onto her long locks. Whatever the reason may be, you wouldn't particularly know because you were speaking far before you could think twice.
"Wait, Jennifer?" There was shuffling on the other end, the agent most probably gearing up as she walked to the squad cars, preparing to catch the man that had started the whole chase.
The blonde noticed the change in tone immediately. Of course she did, because you had developed a certain tone whenever you spoke with her. An exasperated, breathy, really adorably annoyed sort of tone that she knew was just for show because that cute little smile that you had, the smile that tilted down at the corners because you were trying so very hard to suppress it, always tugged at your lips. That tone was gone, stripped bare and all that remained was you.
"Yeah?" And now you noticed the change in tone, because the tone she normally used with you was irritatingly confident and poised and so frustratingly perfect that it made you automatically go in defense mode because, let's be honest, you were very far from it.
"Be safe." You said, and it seemed more like a plea than a statement and the back of your neck felt extremely hot when you recalled Penelope's presence behind you, the very excitable woman practically shaking at the small interaction and you hung up the phone before Jennifer could even respond.
"Not a word." You warned the Garcia woman, keeping your eyes glued to the screen before you. There was nothing to be done, at least, nothing pressing. You had given the address to the team. Now, what was left was the waiting. The waiting to confirm you had the right guy,  waiting to make sure your team turned out okay (the standards for okay, you had learned, was that everyone was in one piece or not in jail by the end of the case), and that the paperwork was filled out.
Penelope Garcia, being that she was Penelope Garcia, did not follow your request. Her earrings jangled as she rolled her way to you, your shoulders touching as she occupied the space next to your desk. She hadn't been too thrilled at the idea of a new occupant in her bat cave. In fact, she had detested it, all but striking where Emily had brought up the idea. But, the Prentiss woman had been quite adamant about the new addition, claiming that the technical analyst needed help with the new workload as they began to take on more cases, not to mention your resume had been nothing short of sparkling.
Grumbling, Penelope had met you, her eyes landing on the woman staring at the rows of action figurines on display on the righthand corner of the room. She had watched the way you peered at them, the recognition flashing in your eyes and successfully called you out on being a nerd (a secret nerd, as she called you, because you didn't broadcast your 'dorky' interests quite like Penelope liked to.) And that had been that, the Garcia woman clearing out a space for your desk and promising not to tell anyone about your weird niche interests that she had all but pried out of you.
"'Be safe', I think I'm swooning." The Garcia woman fanned her face teasingly and you huffed, refusing to meet her eyes.
"What part of 'not a word' needed to be translated into Penelopian-"
"Peneloponese is actually my official language, but continue."
And this time you did turn to face her with a cross look, arms folded. "Very funny, we'll have to get you on Seinfeld." You said flatly.
The blonde let out a laugh, as she so often did around you. As adamantly against she had been on your presence in her bat cave, she was grateful you had come into her life. Previously, she had relied on figurines and plush animals to bring her happiness when the darkness threatened to breach her area of sanctitude but now she had you, her secretly dorky, outwardly cool coworker who very obviously had a crush on one of her oldest friends.
"I tease out of love, Y/N. Speaking of love,"
You turned back to your computer, cutting th Newman off swiftly. "No."
Penelope let out a whine. "No? You don't even know what I was gong to say." She argued, though she knew you did.
And you did. You knew that she was going to ask what the latest gossip was on you and Jennifer was because that's what she always asked and, yes, while you typically playfully denied anything going on you didn't quite this you could do that this time because this time you were far too trapped into your own brain to dig yourself out long enough to lie. You were stuck, deep, deep in there, think about all the ways in which you thought Jennifer Jareau was an actual angel sent from Heaven above, starting from the golden color of her hair and ending with the way she twirled her pens out of boredom. And you hated that you noticed all those things, mostly because it meant you spent more time than you cared to admit sneaking Ito the bullpen, making excuse after excuse just to stand there and observe the funny way she did things (she ate Cheetos for almost every meal and it baffled you how she was still standing).
But you also hated it because it meant that you liked her and you could not like Jennifer Jareau. You couldn't like her because there was no way in hell that you were dumb enough to set yourself up for failure like that, you weren't that sadistic.
You would never be able to handle the crushing weight of rejection that would inevitably come from unrequitedly liking Jennifer Jareau and, of course, it would be unrequited because how could she like you? How could she like you, someone who simply refused to read a book unless it was a physical copy (you didn't understand the appeal to e-readers because you couldn't smell the old pages as you flipped them or run your fingers along the spine as you read it. Someone who had learned seven languages, one of which was Klingon just because you wanted to see if you actually could (it hadn't been too hard but now you had to live with the fact that you actually knew Klingon). Someone who hated polka-dots. Someone who had a fear of walking over sewer grates because you thought you might just be the one person unlucky enough to fall in. How could Jennifer Jareau, the woman who always walked in to work, never a wrinkle in sight or a hair out of place, possibly like you?
Surely, the flirty nature of your conversations was just something to tease you with, something she found satisfaction in and you hated it because as much as you wished it was true, those sultry looks and kind smiles, the shoulder squeezes and over the shoulder smirks, the walks to the car and greetings in the morning, it wasn't. It wasn't true and it never would be because she was Jennifer Jareau, a newly divorced mother of two.
"Drop it, Pen." And before she opened her mouth once more your tone was softening, shoulders deflating from the tense posture you held before, slumping in vulnerability. "Please."
Penelope's lips pursed shut, the two of you sitting in that silence you had created for what seemed like eternity. The hum of the machines, something that had typically served as a sense of comfort to you, seeming to mock you, a symphony of interruptions that added to the very loud, very panicked screaming currently happening in your brain.
It was the kind of silence that you asked for but once you received but, you regretted it. The silence that enveloped you in its entirety, consuming you whole and dropping you right into the belly of the beast. You started to drown in that silence because, for you, it wasn't silence at all, it was just a big, large, bottomless abyss that served as a chasm for your thoughts to fill and boy did you have a lot of them, none of them entirely pleasant and almost all of them torturous. You felt yourself teetering onto the edge of that metaphoric chasm, tiptoeing the ledge of hate and love for Jennifer Jareau.
But, Penelope Garcia was nothing if not a savior, and her hand latched onto your still one with gentleness.
"She likes you too."
And just like that the chasm was emptying, mind going blank, going absolutely numb because your ears were ringing at even the slightest notion that Jennifer Jareau liked you. Your face must've displayed that because Penelope was continuing.
"She does, I swear, she told me. Well, she told Emily but it was Girls' Night Out and I went to get more drinks and she told Emily but you know that JJ can't hold her liquor all too well and I don't think either of them know that I know and I can't tell them that I know because then they'll know I was eavesdropping- which I wasn't! My eyesight is just really bad so I think my hearing is just hyper-sensitive-"
Your mind raced attempting to keep up with the blonde. "Wait, hold on." You throat felt dry, full of cotton and closing up by the second so you forced yourself to breathe. "She...likes me? Not as a friend but actually likes me?" And you hated how juvenile it all sounded, cringed at the concept that you had to ask your friend if the girl you liked, liked you back, but you had to.
Penelope took a breath of her own, that brilliant smile she always adorned coming back into play. A nod toddled out of her head and she squeezed your hand. "Yes! She never told me, though I think that's because everyone thinks I can't keep a secret. But she always talks about you, never shuts up actually, and the look on her face-"
"She likes me." And as cool as you always tried to look, as mature as you always claimed to be, that childish little smile that overtook your features demolished all of those walls in an instant. Your heart beat quickened and you could've sworn they were singing, singing her name, cheering it, really.
Jennifer. Jennifer. Jennifer.
"She does." The Garcia woman confirmed.
The phone ringing cut off your inner symphony, your hand flying to the phone as you answered it.
"Hello?" You were breathless and you couldn't quite help it.
"First ring. Nothing better to do than answer my calls, huh, Y/N?" And Jennifer was back on the line, the sound of sirens haunting her background. It had been almost an hour since your last call and you could safely assume she had gotten out of the situation alive, the unsub apprehended and the team beginning their victory laps.
"Don't flatter yourself, Jareau, I thought it was someone else." And because your mind had emptied, because your thoughts had gone blank, your quips weren't;t as lethal as they always were, your guard lowered.
JJ snorted. "Oh yeah, like who?"
You spun your chair around, blurting out the first name that came to mind. "Penelope." And instantly your hand was slapping your forehead.
"Penelope? Is she not right next to you?" A breathy little laugh escaped her lips and you stared at the blonde tech analyst, eyes widened and hands gesticulating wildly to which she merely shrugged.
"Uh, yeah, she is...it's a, uh, game...we play." Your excuse was weak and asinine but it was the only one you could think of and if you could astrally project out of your body to smack yourself you would but you couldn't. "Anyways, did you catch the guy?" You asked, quickly changing the subject.
If JJ noticed the awkwardness, she didn't mention it. "Yup, so you won't have to wait too long to see this face if that's what you were wondering." That confidence, the confidence that you know understood was her way of flirting and also would probably be your cause of death.
And with that new understanding, your mind simply stopped working. "Good." And at the realization of what you had just said you attempted to recover. "I mean that's good that you'll be home soon, not good that I'll see your face- not that I don't want to see your face, it's a good face, symmetrical and all that-"
Penelope was waving her hands, signaling for you to stop and your hand was covering your own mouth to stop yourself.
JJ was silent for a moment, the sound of a car door closing before she was speaking once more. "Are you okay, Y/N? You're being...weird."
"Ask her out!" Penelope hissed and you smacked her shoulder.
"Was that Pen What did she say?"
"Nothing!" You shrieked, before clearing your throat, voice returning back to normal. "Nothing, just, uh,"
The Garcia woman was back to miming and you watched as she panto-mimed a date (very poorly, you might add, but it was enough to make you relax, shoulders regaining some movement).
"Do you want to go out for dinner sometime?"
The silence you had so loathed had returned with a sickening fervor and your stomach flipped at it. "With me...in case that wasn't clear." Your hand scratched the back of your neck, hot with embarrassment toward the entirety of this exchange.
And just when you thought you might die from the embarrassment or Penelope might faint from the whole ordeal, Jennifer responded.
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nexyra · 3 years
What is your take on rwby chara's mbti types? I think
Weiss - xSTJ, thought that she was ESTJ at first but ISTJ makes a lot of sense too.
Winter - ESTJ
Pyrrha - ESFJ
Emerald - ISFJ (I've seen some ppl type her as INFJ but I don't see how she is a Ni dom?)
Whitley - ENTJ? I'm honestly not sure abt that..
Adam - fucked up xNFJ, probably INFJ (seen him typed as xNTJ but his delusional thinking process imo screams unhealthy Ti and I think his manipulation of Blake and the WF is more Fe than Te
Qrow - was thinking ISTP but with the more recent volumes I'm really not sure..
Penny - ENFP
Ozpin - Uuuuuh INTP maybe?? But I've seen some people type him as INFJ. INFJ 5w6 would make sense as to why he might appear as an INTP but idk..
Bartholomew- ENTP
Jaune - no fucking idea honestly
Ironwood - ENTJ
Sun - Seen ppl type him as ENFP but I don't see any Ne at all..,,ESFP?
Yang - ESxP, maybe ESTP
Cinder - INTJ
Mercury - ISTP
Oscar - ISFJ
Ren - ISTx?
Hello anon ! I see my love for typology hasn't gone unnoticed 😂 Thank you so much for the ask !
I prefer enneagram over MBTI because I find it easier to type; so fair warning that I'm not an authority on MBTI-typing. But I do have have an ongoing RWBY typing that includes MBTI sooo... here goes !
(I'm putting my ennea typings along with it, but not explaining them on this post)
Ruby • xNFP 6w7 9w1 2w3?
I just can't decide between the two fors Ruby because... it kind of goes both way ??? Like Ruby definitely feels as INFP for the first half of the series; she's got a clear Fi > Ne preference... But then when she develops her Tert in V6 it's just... Te ? And she really doesn't show much Si actually she fits more the Si inf vibe in the form of forgetting about bad memories and her mom until people dig it up and she's like "nooo !" ?? So it looks like Te > Si but also Fi > Ne; conclusion idfk
Weiss • ISTJ 1w2 6w5 3w4 sp/so
Clear Fi tert rearing its head along with the 1 so I'm going with ISTJ; I also never really saw any Ne. Her type isn't too disagreed upon so tell me if you want a lenghtier explanation.
Blake • ISFP 6w5 9w8 4w3 (in some order)
Wooh this might get the anger of some (i have experience with the INFJ typers) but Blake goddamn REEKS of Fi. Less so recently but for the first seasons oh my god. She straights up catch you by the shirt and tells you "I'm doing the right thing"; and said right thing is so heavily dependant on her own subjectives values, which is why Blake can't reconcile with the current White Fang; because she doesn't have a strong Je vision of "what objectively works in the end", she only sees actions in terms of immediate right and wrong, and this b&w dichotomy stems from herself. What the WF is doing is wrong and the circumstances don't matter for judging the morality of their actions (of course I'm not talking about murder here bc that's pretty wrong ALL THE TIME but for example the stealing occuring in V1 bc of the WF is a better example)
Yang • ESXP 7w8 8w7 2w3
I'm sorry about that but I can't help you on that aspect anon, I still can't make up my mind about whether Yang has Fi or Ti. I have seen arguments for both, and i'm not the best at picking up on Ti so it's hard for me to tell.
Jaune • ESFJ 6w7 3w2 9w1
No strong opinions on his MBTI, it's kinda just based on vibes
Nora • ENFP 6w7 9w8 3w2
Textbook ENFP, not much to say here x))
Pyrrha • XXFJ 2w1 1w2 6?
In my list Pyrrha is currently written down as ISFJ but that's mostly based on the general consensus and me wanting to get rid of the XX. I don't actually have any convincing arguments to decide on Ni or Si, so I could go either way if someone else makes their case well. I feel like she's Fe aux more than dom, but even about that I could change my mind. Pyrrha didn't have that much screentime in the end :((
Ren • ISTJ? 9w1 5w4 4w5
Ironically I'm not sure about his type, kind of like you. I've mentionned I'm not very good at picking up on Ti right ? And Ren was a background character before V4 really. I had him written down as ISTP for a while but I've seen some convincing arguments for ISTJ so I might lean toward that actually but who knows. The thing I'm very confident about is his 5 fix = )
➸ Faunus bonus
Sun • ESFP 7w6 2w3 9w1 so/sx
I don't see any Ne at all either so I don't understand the ENFP typings...?? Maybe the 7 stereotypes ? Imo Sun is just a very good boy; certified ESFP 7 himbo; triple positive sunshine !
Ilia • Ti-Fe axis ?
Again, not enough screentime for me to make an educated guess. My only certainty is : not high Fi. It's the source of their conflicts. Blake confidence in absolute right & wrong, tracing lines in the sand between acceptable & unacceptable. Whereas Ilia can only shake her head and say "Because it works", or cry out "I don't know what else to do !"
Adam • 3w4 8w7 6w5
I honestly don't really have much of an opinion about Adam's MBTI, i'm sorry anon ;; I don't know enough about how he thinks
➸ Oz-related things and his circle
Ozpin • INFJ 5w4 2w1 1w9
I would personally call him an INFJ. I... never really got INTP vibes from him ? I don't see the Fe inf work out with his interactions : he's always rather at ease, he knows how to navigate around people... His focus inherently lies on doing what's best for the "group", the people, humanity. Fx functions are both concerned with ethics, in different ways, and I think Oz reflects that well. He IS concerned with the moral weight of his actions, but it's a more adaptable and unpersonnal concern than Fi people. He regards Ironwood's soul machines as something wrong, but can still agree to use it if the situations demand it for example. So... if the INFJ + 5 makes sense to you, well that's what I'm typing him personally. I also feel like Ni fits him more than Ne. Ozpin has a very linear way of planning, he does use his fair share of symbolism in every day conversation... Even when taking decisions, he... kind of cares about the meaning of things a lot ? It's hard to explain but like; the way he highlights the difference between an army and a guardian, and the emotionnal response it brings. I don't know it feels like there's some Ni vibes in there x)
Oscar • ISFJ 9w8 6w7 3w2
Oscar's type honestly isn't the one I would have the easiest time explaining in lenght but yea. It's mostly vibes; also just like Ozpin he doesn't seem to have a particularly Fi reasonning. And he feels more grounded, I don't really remember any Ni so... yay ?
Ironwood • ENFJ 6w5 1w2 3w4 (pre-Vol8); ENTJ (post-Vol8)
Might be weird if you think he was a dictator from the start, but I kind of entertained the idea of Ironwood being Fe dom ? From his very first interaction it was very clear that he was a Je dom to me; he's all about objective results; he doesn't give off the "internal framework" or "personnal values" vibe AT ALL; so it was more a matter of picking Te or Fe. He LOOKS super Te don't get me wrong; but he also has an enneagram tritype that is very common amongst XXTJs (and TJs stereotypes thus derive from it). And just like Oz, his focus at all time seemed to be the greater good and doing what's best for the people still. So I was like... Eh, a "harsh" ENFJ I think that's interesting ? Plus Fe ethics actually derive from their environment, kinda like "everyone agrees that Y is wrong", and if you consider that James is from Atlas... Well his way of thinking and ethics align pretty well with the military.
His character took a turn for the worse in V8 (whether too quick or not depends on who you ask) and past that point he's a clear ENTJ; but I feel like it was more debatable before that. Idk though I might be overthinking this in the hope of making more interesting combinations xD
Qrow • ISTP 4w3 6w7? 1w9? sp/sx
I don't really see anything else than ISTP for Qrow... But he's not a character I would want to find Ti arguments for either.
Raven • ENTJ Cp6w5 8w9 3w4
Most villains get called ENTJ at the first occasions tbh zlqfznhqzkf but I think it fits Raven for the most part actually...
➸ Atlas
Winter • ESTJ 1w9 3w4 6w5
The whole Schnee family has the same enneagram tritype in different order/different wings, it's ridiculous I think she has a higher Te than Weiss, and Fi inf fits her more. She struggles more to reconcile with her emotions and the idea of a personal right/wrong than her little sis.
Penny • ENFP 4w3 6w7 9w1 sx/so
Perfect example of a healthy 4, she's a great friend a cutie pie. ... Sorry we were talking about MBTI x) Well again, textbook ENFP. Not much to debate here.
Whitley • 3w4 1w9 6w5?
Not enough material for me to guess a MBTI type correctly either, sorry... I could see some kind of xNTJ yea but it's really just vibes and not enough concrete.
➸ Antagonists and Extras
Cinder • 8w7 3w4 6w5
Never cared to guess her MBTI type. I hereby type her as insufferable qkfqskfq. More seriously, I don't really know sorry Anon :/
Emerald • 2w3 ?w? ?w?
I never got Fe vibes from her tbh, I just think she's a 2. And Fe as a function is very infused with 2 stereotypes. So yea. Like, she isn't even that worried about the morality of her actions or anything more than the other villains. She just cares more about her personal relationships and being loved, so she automatically looks much nicer, especially with 2 mechanisms of trying to make herself useful and needed. Also because she's surrounded by 8-ish people xD
Mercury • 8w9 7w8 ?w?
ISTP doesn't sound too farfeteched, but I never MBTI-typed him either, sorry.
Bartholomew Oobleck • xSxJ 5w4
The only vibe he gave me is Si somewhere because of all his talks about learning from the past and everything repeats itself and it's a mine of informations at Mountain Glen... That's really the only time I tried to put down anything for him, and it was Si + 5. He could be some kind of xNTP nerd too for sure, but that's more vibe and I couldn't make an actual argument for it.
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84 or 33 with Obi-wan?
from this angst/fluff prompts list
[84. “going somewhere?”]
Silently, Anakin took the silent steps that had become familiar to him over these past few weeks. Normally, he had to wait for Obi-Wan to go to sleep–which was a task on most days–but Obi-Wan had night patrol tonight, so he only had to worry about the thousands of other potential Jedi who could or could not be wandering about the Temple at this hour.
He tapped out a message on his comm link, letting her know that he was on the way and would be there soon.
He walked from his personal quarters to the exit of his shared living space with Obi-Wan, anticipation and excitement at getting to see her quickening his pace and adding an admittedly childish bounce to his steps. Anakin raised his hand to open the door, crossing that final threshold–
“Going somewhere?”
Anakin almost fell to the floor.
“Master,” he exhaled, taking in the head that had appeared over the back of the couch. Obi-Wan’s eyes seemed to be glowing in the reflection of the midnight Coruscanti traffic lights. “I–I thought you had rotation tonight.”
“I traded with Master Mundi.”
“Oh,” said Anakin lamely. It seemed strange that Obi-Wan would give away the easiest shift at the Temple. Jedi only got rotated in about once a month what with the war starting and so many Jedi being off-world at once. Easy night patrol shifts didn’t come often.
Then, Anakin remembered that this conversation had started with a question.
A question he had no kriffing clue how to answer.
“Why are you sleeping out here?” Anakin parried, hoping his own question would make Obi-Wan forget his. He shifted away from the door.
“Oh, I’m afraid I haven’t gotten much sleep,” said Obi-Wan, running a tired hand across his face. “I was out here in hopes of catching you in the morning before you left.” 
Anakin noticed something indistinguishable briefly shift on his face.
“I ship out at 0600,” said Anakin with a regretful shrug, one foot already pointed back toward the door. He just needed Obi-Wan to go to his room. “But I’ll be back in a few rotations. It’s just a supply run.”
“Even so, I wanted to speak with you sooner rather than later.”
Anakin’s stomach dropped. 
Obi-Wan knew. He knew it all–the wedding, the Tuskens, everything.
“Today was...eventful for me,” continued Obi-Wan. “I wanted to run some things by you. Since you’re awake...I’d like to speak with you now, if it’s convenient.”
Convenient. What a funny word to say to a man who had just begun a secret marriage to the Senator of Naboo. Anakin wasn’t very familiar with things being convenient.
He glanced toward the door, thinking of his wife, waiting for him across the city. They hadn’t been married a full month yet, but midnight escapes to the Senatorial Residence had become the highlight of his day.
His gaze returned to Obi-Wan, who he realised looked a little out of sorts. His hair, normally groomed to perfection, looked as if it had had fingers ringing through it. His outer robe was tossed to the floor, instead of neatly folded or hung in his closet. Obi-Wan had a habit of losing his robes in battle, but never in their quarters. Anakin couldn’t think of a single time Obi-Wan had lost anything in their quarters that he was so adamant about keeping pristine.
“Of course,” said Anakin, his heart tightening. “We can talk now. I was just...going for a walk.”
“I’ll join you then,” said Obi-Wan, standing from the couch with a look of twisted relief and worry. That wasn’t like his master at all.
Anakin tapped out a quick message on the comm at his side and took a breath, hoping Padmé would understand. 
They walked the halls for several minutes before Obi-Wan finally broke the silence.
“The Council spoke with me today.”
That wasn’t abnormal. With the war and Obi-Wan’s quick work of proving his military leadership prowess, Anakin’s former master had found himself meeting with the Council almost every day.
“That’s where I was at lunch.”
Anakin quirked an eyebrow and snuck a sideways look at the older Jedi. Even when he was training Anakin, Obi-Wan had never felt the need to notify his Padawan of his every routine detail. Anakin tagged along when he was instructed to do so and when he wasn’t, he didn’t ask questions. That was that. 
It seemed weird that Obi-Wan would choose now to notify his former student of his whereabouts as if he owed Anakin any sort of explanation.
“All right,” said Anakin slowly. “I didn’t see you in the refectory, but it was no big deal. I was with Aayla anyway.” 
“Good,” Obi-Wan nodded. “Good.”
When Obi-Wan didn’t elaborate, Anakin continued to lead the way down the halls. They passed a few nocturnal Jedi, but the Temple had been silenter than usual lately, even during the day. One of the side effects of its members being strewn about the galaxy, trying to hold the pieces of the Republic together.
“When I was a Padawan,” Obi-Wan began again, his breathing shallow and short, “Qui-Gon was faced with a big decision and he...he never told me. Well, that’s not quite fair,” he amended quickly. “He did tell me, but it was after the Chancellor had accidentally informed me.”
Anakin didn’t have any idea where Obi-Wan was going with this, so he stayed silent.
“I wouldn’t have admitted it at the time, but I was...hurt. I felt like Qui-Gon’s choice to not tell me on his own was a reflection of his lack of faith in me. I now see that was foolish.” He shook his head and Anakin was surprised to feel a twinge of regret emanating from Obi-Wan’s Force presence. He’d never sensed that in Obi-Wan before. “But, even so.” Obi-Wan took a deep breath and Anakin felt the energy between them neutralise with a zap, as if there had never been any regret at all. “I don’t want you to feel that way.”
“Master, I don’t–I don’t understand.”
“Right,” Obi-Wan took another breath. “Well, you see...the thing is–” he cleared his throat. Clearly stalling.
“I’ve been asked to fill Master Billaba’s seat.”
Anakin stopped walking. “What? The Council? They...they asked you to join?”
Obi-Wan couldn’t seem to make eye contact with Anakin. “They did.”
“Master!” Anakin’s face split into a grin. “That’s amazing!”
The older Jedi looked up, hesitantly. “It...is?”
“What do you mean it...is?” Anakin scrunched his face, throwing an arm around Obi-Wan’s shoulders. “Yes, it is! That’s such an incredible honour!”
“Well, I suppose I rather thought you...wouldn’t approve.”
Anakin startled at that. Wouldn’t approve? Sure, Anakin had held some small frustrations with the Council over the years, but being asked to fill a Council seat was the highest honour in the Jedi Order. Surely Obi-Wan didn’t think Anakin wouldn’t want that for him.
“I don’t see why my approval matters. It’s your life, Obi-Wan.”
A touch of pain jumped across their bond, surprising Anakin. “I care about your opinion, Anakin. Always.”
Anakin had never considered this before. His former Master had never done anything to lead Anakin to believe he didn’t value Anakin’s thoughts and opinions, but he supposed he had been so accustomed to not being heard when he had first begun his apprenticeship, he’d never taken the time to see how different that was with Obi-Wan.
Looking back now, he realised Obi-Wan was absolutely right. He had always shown concern and care for Anakin’s opinion.
“You accepted, right?”
“I haven’t made a decision. I wanted to speak with you first.”
Once again, Anakin felt like he was punched in the gut with the weight of consideration Obi-Wan was paying him. “But you’re going to say yes...right?”
“Anakin,” said Obi-Wan with a flicker of an exasperated smile. “What part of I’d like to hear your opinion on this matter has been unclear?”
The younger knight blinked. “Oh. I...well, Master–you’re...you’re the greatest Jedi I know. The Council would be infinitely better because of you.” Then, because Obi-Wan had let his guards down and was dishing out the affirmations tonight, “As I am.”
“I–oh. Thank you, Anakin.” He didn’t seem to know what to do with his former apprentice’s words, but his eyes shone with gratitude and warmth. He hesitated, chewing on his lip. “So you...truly believe I could do it?”
Anakin had to catch himself from chuckling as he realised just how painfully nervous and insecure Obi-Wan was. He’d never seen him like this before. 
It was comforting, seeing this unguarded humanity in his former master. 
“Yes, Master. I don’t know anyone who could do it better.”
“Thank you, my pad–Anakin.”
Anakin grinned. He’d struggled more than Obi-Wan with the recent adjustment of his rank in the Order. “You’re welcome, Mas–Obi-Wan.”
Obi-Wan rolled his eyes and resumed their walk.
“Obi-Wan,” the younger Jedi called after him, his voice no longer teasing and light. Obi-Wan stopped and turned over his shoulder with raised eyebrows. “Thank you. For...caring about my opinion.”
Obi-Wan smiled, kindly, his eyes crinkling at their corners. “I am not as much fond of your opinion as I am fond of you, my friend.”
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adhd-ahamilton · 3 years
I got to see Hamilton in Sydney!!
It was a seriously, seriously amazing time – I was always worried that by the time I finally got to see Hamilton on stage (I was even supposed to see it in America last year lmfao) it wouldn’t mean the same anymore. And like, obviously it’s not my hyperfixation anymore. But even like this, it was still an incredible experience! I always figured that the recording would focus more on close-ups and the like because you can’t really see that on stage, but you really can see so much of what’s going on when you see it live and the whole stage is full of things to notice!
I have a lot of thoughts about it (mainly about the Australian cast, though some of these things could just be live performance things)!
Firstly, only two lines had their wordings changed:
* ‘John Adams doesn’t have a real job, anyway’ → ‘Vice president is not a real job, anyway.’ This got a good laugh from the audience; obviously it was changed to preserve the joke, since most Aussies wouldn’t have a good idea of who John Adams was. (I explained the joke when I watched the recording with my parents.)
* ‘Weehawken. Dawn.’ → ‘Jersey. Dawn.’ This was a bit of a surprise, but the more I think about it the more it makes sense. Aussies also wouldn’t know Weehawken (I didn’t even get that he was referring to a place when I first heard it), while Jersey is very clear because they already made a joke about it. (That one didn’t get much of a laugh though, ofc lol) And it’s actually more consistent because later they do say ‘we were near the same spot my son died, is that why’ so they drive that connection even deeper.
I don’t think there were any other music/staging/choreography differences from the recording – just the acting. But ooh, this really was differently-acted!
I love Lin-Manuel Miranda. I love his energy and enthusiasm and intelligence and his optimism. But while I loved his dorky version of Hamiton, I have to admit, I didn’t always think it matched up with even the musical’s script, let alone the real person. This Hamilton, though? I kept thinking about all the ways he felt different from the original, and almost every time, it was like ‘yeah, this feels more like what I know of the real Hamilton.’ (Or at least, the Hamilton we wrote about in fic.)
This Hamilton is aggressive and prickly. Up until Helpless, we don’t really see him smile – which makes sense, y’know, with ‘talk less, smile more.’ When he confronts Burr at the beginning of the play, he doesn’t have Miranda’s overly energetic and talkative air, he’s more pushy and too intense. You really feel like, oh, yeah, he’s just walking up to someone on the street and badgering them into telling him about their life story. When he says ‘God, I wish there was a war’ he’s less naive and more so hyperfocused on his goal he doesn’t notice he’s said something super insensitive. When Burr says ‘You wanna get ahead?’ his ‘Yes’ isn’t quiet and firm, it’s more ‘yes obviously, nobody would not want to get ahead, so just hurry up and tell me already.’
And that’s just in the first couple of songs! He continues on like this, with that kind of burning intensity and hot temper, through the musical, though ofc it softens at important times. Importantly, his relationship with Burr is largely based in frustration. When he does ‘My Shot’, it honestly feels less like he’s singing to impress the guys and more like he’s challenging Burr and everything he just told him; I’m sure I saw him glancing back at Burr several times. Likewise, when he tells Burr to go get Theodosia, it’s not questioning – he’s outright saying that if he really loved her, he’d take any risk for her. And in Schuyler Defeated, his ‘Burr?’ isn’t questioning there, either – he’s already angry, he’s just demanding his attention. He genuinely seems to like Burr in a weird way that even he might not understand at times, but for the most part he just seems to find him really frustrating and is always trying to incite him to do more.
This Hamilton also feels very independent, and even aloof. In The Story of Tonight, while the other guys are totally sincere and moved by it all, Hamilton feels sorta… distant. At one point he half walks off until Laurens brings him back, which I think happens in the recording as well, but here I especially felt like that was how he was ‘really’ feeling. Not that he was being manipulative or lying in any way, just that he couldn’t be in the moment because he was still stuck in his head thinking about the future. And the whole way through, he very rarely seems to properly open up – my friend said afterwards that Hurricane hits so much harder when it’s the first time he’s really vulnerable in the entire musical. Which is basically how it happens.
It’s funny – you think of Hamilton and Burr as being contrasting this way, with Burr keeping his cards close to his chest and not revealing what he really wants until The Room Where It Happens, but this Hamilton doesn’t feel far off. But rather than keeping a secret per se, it’s more… he has such an incredibly strong, intense drive, and you’re never super certain where it comes from. And in Hurricane, it suddenly becomes clear – all this time, he’s still caught up in that trauma, and still feels like he needs to fight and scrape just to survive, even when it turns into this self-destructive impulse. Honestly, Hurricane has always been kind of a weird song – he’s been corrupted and is not the most sympathetic beforehand, but then you get this grand slow inspiring song talking about how he suffered in the past and overcame it, but THEN you cut to an almost comedic number about how he fucked everything up for himself and his family. In Miranda’s version, that mood up-and-down always felt a little too jarring. Here it made perfect sense – it was so shocking to see how vulnerable he was at the beginning, and then the song isn’t just repeating what we learned in the beginning, it’s explaining what he’s been keeping deep down all along, but also making it clear that this is manic and awful and destructive.
Part of that is the singing, too. This Hamilton can rap really well, but his singing voice is startlingly gentle and beautiful. It really helps to get across the sincerity of his feelings in Helpless, Dear Theodosia, and as I said Hurricane. On the other hand, there are also times his voice just goes flat, like there are so many emotions he can’t process them – you see that a bit in My Shot when he gets worried (‘I never had a group of friends before’), but it REALLY stings when he says ‘I have so much work to do.’ That hit me way harder than Miranda’s version :(
However, when you combine this Hamilton’s aloofness with that certainty and intelligence, you also get a version of him that is particularly… ironic? He’s always crossing his arms (when he’s not rubbing his face with a palm; those two gestures repeat constantly through the play), and kinda stepping back and Watching people, with a bit of a sense of self-important and even patronising judgement. This is very much ‘So quick-witted!’ ‘Alas, I admit it.’ He definitely does come across like a dude who thinks he is ‘smartest in the room,’ and puts way too much stock in his own opinion. Particularly with Burr whenever they were getting along there was a distinct sense of ‘You know what? I actually think you’re pretty interesting. And my positive judgement is hard to come by, so that’s a big compliment.’ (Burr does not seem to get this weirdly condescending vibe though, lol.) Honestly…. I gotta admit: I really don’t like people like that, haha – though I can’t say it’s entirely inappropriate for Hamilton characterisation. This Hamilton genuinely feels difficult, and that matches up to what happens in the script.
But, the consequence is that after Hurricane, some of the later songs didn’t have quite as much of an impact on me as in the original. In It’s Quite Uptown, I could somehow never quite lose that vision of Hamilton as a bit sarcastic and superior – the way he rubs at his face in grief still just felt a little… put-on and theatrical, like you can hear the frustrated sigh underneath. And this is a song that demands complete, total, unrelenting vulnerability – Miranda’s Hamilton sounds like he’s dying the whole time and that makes the emotional stakes really felt. Maybe it’s that his voice was TOO gentle in this song – Miranda’s more awkward voice actually adds to the exhausted brokenness of the situation?
And finally, when we got to The World Was Wide Enough… Miranda’s speech there in the silence might just be my favourite sequence in the entire musical, so I think anyone else would have struggled to match up to that. It doesn’t help that I was distracted trying to figure out Burr in this scene (which I’ll get to later). It was still beautiful, of course, but ‘What is a legacy?’ just feels so so very Lin-Manuel Miranda and anyone else singing that just doesn’t feel the same.
Overall, I really really enjoyed this version of Alexander Hamilton – as I said, he felt much closer to the actual characterisation I always imagined for him. And this one showed some really fascinating vulnerability in unexpected places, even if the ending didn’t quite land as well for me.
This Burr was really, really fascinating as well – an interpretation that feels different all the way through, but really pays off at the end with something very striking.
So, something the group of us all agreed was that this Burr felt a lot more like the ‘trust fund baby’ he calls himself. There’s something elegant and refined about him, a rich person who is used to moving through the world as a person to be admired. He’s actually quite graceful, somehow, even though he barely dances? But that also really brings to the fore one particular element – entitlement. (Seriously, my mum is physically incapable of bringing up Burr without mentioning the word ‘entitled’, lol.)
This is a Burr who is used to not having to work for things. He just sort of expects things to fall into his lap, eventually, in contrast to Hamilton. The world will eventually shape to match his desires – that’s how things work. Even in the latter part of the musical, it doesn’t so much feel like he needs to fight and scrape like Hamilton to get ahead, but more like… getting ahead is his birthright, and he just needs to effect that inevitable change into the world. But I’ll get to all that later.
The other thing my friend said was that this Burr feels very much like a preacher’s son, and the more I thought about that the more I agree. There’s something almost… toxically positive about him – the smiles don’t feel two-faced and manipulative so much as maybe like, wilfully ignorant? There’s a very ‘Don’t fret, God will work things out in the end :)’ feel about him, actually. But there’s also something deeply naive in him. Leslie Odom Junior’s version also had some of that genuine lack of understanding – when he muses in confusion over Hamilton in Wait For It, or when his face scrunches in confusion when he says ‘I don’t see why that has to end’ in Schuyler Defeated, and this one does all that, but it feels like an even more inescapable part of his character.
Like, there’s something about this Burr that is just a bit… lame. A bit ‘Hello Fellow Kids.’ But, intentionally!! As I said, he’s a preacher’s son. When he tries to act kinda cool or badass, it just doesn’t quite work. When he interacts with the other guys, even as he smiles wanly and shakes it off when they insult him, you feel like he does still want to be – or even think he is? - part of that group of cool young men. He’s just too… nice, almost. I felt a little more bad during The Story Of Tonight (Reprise) and all. And he seems to take it really earnestly that Hamilton likes him, even if, like I said, there’s a sorta superior quality coming from Hamilton.
He just comes across more naive. Rather than a manipulator, this Burr comes across as more of a shameless Yes Man, who doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with what he’s doing. But I also sort of felt like other characters easily saw through him, and Burr didn’t quite realise that. Like with Jefferson, it sorta felt like he thought he was being really strategic but Jefferson was just like ‘sure, this guy works as an ally, even if he’s kinda annoying.’
And when it comes to Wait For It… the song makes it clear that bad things have happened to him – he hasn’t gone through life without suffering – but he hasn’t had the same reaction Hamilton has had. While Hamilton learned nothing will come to him unless he takes it, it feels like Burr learned that things will just… happen to him, good or bad, and he can’t control it. Nothing that has ever really affected Burr has been of his choice – he inherited his position, and then his parents died, and  all of that was just the uncontrollable whim of the universe. Leslie Odom Junior’s version emphasised the ‘I am the one thing I can control’ aspect a bit more – you feel that that version really had worked hard and struggled for the sake of his studies and job, but this Wait For It gave me a very uncomfortable feeling of being trapped. It’s as though everything about him is already decided, and even his efforts aren’t personal decisions so much as just what was natural and expected of him to do.
And that makes the second half of the story feel very different for him. In Leslie Odom Junior’s version, we see him take that self-control to new levels – that realisation that there is something that means as much to him as all of that drive and intensity Hamilton puts out, and it’s his own ambition. That he does want that, and he will have to fight and get his hand dirty to make it happen. As the story goes on, he becomes increasingly desperate and fearful, understanding more and more what it was to be that kid in the hurricane, becoming viscerally aware that terrible things can and will happen to him unless he stops them.
This Burr doesn’t feel like that. His downfall isn’t frantic. It’s very very cold.
In The Room Where It Happens, yes, his ambition crystallises and he changes strategy. But it feels less like an electric jolt, or an earthquake, and more of an epiphany. It’s okay for him to do these things. It’s right. He belongs in the room where it happens. Whatever he does to bring him there is by definition right and good.
He honestly seems to be feeling good through much of it. He’s so smiley when he comes up to Jefferson. He seems even more confused than Leslie’s Burr when Hamilton is actually mad at him for unseating Schuyler. And in The Election of 1800, there’s nothing of the original’s tired, manic energy, like he’s pushing himself to the brink and plastering on a smile to get through it. When this Burr campaigns, he’s energized and charismatic and friendly and filled with almost a kind of serenity. Like this is what he was born to do. His future is almost here – he just needs to reach out a little and it will be in his grasp.
Which, brief aside here while I analyse this haha – so, in Australia, a big part of our culture is what is called Tall Poppy Syndrome. i.e., an instinctive bitterness and hostility towards those who are perceived to stand above others. It’s often described as an aggression towards successful people, but I think that’s only part of it. Australians would describe their culture as breezy and casual and relaxed, but there’s also something disaffected about it, IMO. You’re not meant to ever take anything too seriously. Yes, we all take the piss out of politicians, but it’s sorta ‘lame’ to really seriously oppose them, too. It’s like our culture is stuck in the mindset of a self-conscious fifteen year old, where we’re all sorta lazily cynical and ‘bluntly honest’, but you’re not supposed to ever actually do anything about it all. Caring too much is kinda embarrassing. You’re just supposed to make fun of people and keep living your life. We don’t get the same fundamentalist groups intent on forcing their viewpoint on society like America does, but we also don’t get the same idealists who fervently believe that if we work hard we can make things better. They exist, for sure. But… well, it’s hard for me to imagine an Australian Leslie Knope, you know? (Who, btw, is one of my favourite fictional characters of all time, for reference.)
Watching Burr in The Election of 1800, I was struck by a memory. It was an Australian season of The Amazing Race, and on top of all of the typical relaxed Australian reality show contenders (seriously, I don’t know what the fuck Drag Race Down Under is on, that is the most un-Australian reality show I have ever SEEN), there was one couple that were I suppose Go-Getters. The type who eat healthily (probably vegan) and get up every morning in their athleisure to work out at the gym or go for runs. They were peppy and enthusiastic and they announced with huge smiles that they were going to WIN this! And the other contestants absolutely despised them. At one point, they did something to attract specific ire – honestly, it was probably nothing more than just not helping another duo who were going the wrong way, because in Australian reality shows everyone helps. But after that, multiple groups all ganged up to sabotage them. They took such delight in watching these two cheery people’s optimism flag, so very self-assured in having taught them to ‘not take yourself too seriously.’ Burr, as he was campaigning, reminded me of them.
It’s really telling, I think, that Burr is the one who reminded me a little of Leslie Knope, here – albeit obviously a much darker version. The kind of person who dorkily believes in the system and puts himself out there unselfconsciously, whose wide smiles are unironic and unmocking. In the original, Lin Manuel Miranda actually compared Hamilton to Leslie Knope at one point, with Hamilton’s ‘thirty years of disagreements.’ It’s a very Australian thing, to make Hamilton less earnest and more aloof and sarcastic, to make his anger as much about frustration with other people as about believing in something himself, and to make Burr, by comparison, sincere. Australians don’t really trust sincerity. Honesty is to be framed as an insulting joke, and Burr is just too polite to do that.
When the results come, Burr’s serene smile only very very slowly fades. Before his expression really drops, he turns away. When Your Obedient Servant starts, he’s quiet. The whole time he sings, he’s measured and controlled and entirely certain of himself. He doesn’t have LOJ’s grit or spikes in volume on ‘just to keep me from winning.’ He’s unnervingly quiet.
Even into The World Was Wide Enough this continues. In the original, Burr is outright frantic. He’s desperate and shaking with anger and fear, and when he points at Hamilton’s glasses and the like, you can feel that he actually isn’t sure of himself – that he’s trying to justify this to himself and knows he sounds crazy, but he just can’t pull back now. His voice shakes and goes up and down. When he says ‘we were near the same spot his son died, is that way?’ it rises and when he says ‘this man will not make an orphan of my daughter’ he cracks in real tears, like the mention of Philip reminded him of what’s at stake here, like that really is the reason he’ll kill him. This Burr stays quiet and cold. He doesn’t waver.
If that Burr was desperate, this one feels… and I hope this doesn’t sound like a joke: like a thwarted rich nice guy. The other Burr learned from Hamilton too well, and is replicating his self-destructive energy. This Burr hasn’t learned anything at all. Winning is still his birthright, and Hamilton has stolen that from him. Burr deserves it, and he deserves to punish Hamilton for this. It’s not an explosion of shock, a scrabbling for purchase in this new chaotic world that will doom them both. It’s vindictive. Burr knows what he is doing and he wants to hurt Hamilton for all Hamilton has hurt him.
After the shot, I was surprised to find myself not tearing up as I expected (usually, these two last songs always get me). With the original Burr, his singing is laced with pain as much as regret. When he repeats ‘death doesn’t discriminate’, we feel his sorrow as he fits Hamilton into the same kind of category as his parents and wife, as someone important to him who died. When he says ‘he may have been the first one who died, but I’m the one who paid for it,’ we understand that he’s referring to the depth of his grief. That having to live with knowing he killed Hamilton feels, in this moment, worse than death.
This Burr is still cold. And when he finally gets to it, and says ‘I’m the one who paid for it,’ he looks away. He almost spits. His face is contorted in bitterness. It’s rough and gritty, for the first time in the entire musical.
I can remember it vividly – it was shocking to see, and sends shivers through me to remember. I’d been waiting for that cathartic sadness, but it wasn’t here. This Burr, deep down, didn’t feel for Hamilton, at least in the end. He was pissed off because for once in his life his actions had consequences. Because of Hamilton, he had fucked up his life forever. His worldview had been shattered. And at that moment, that was all he could think about – that resignation and bitterness and anger. All along, maybe, he had been nice only because he’d had no reason not to be. Once it didn’t benefit him, and his pride and entitlement were damaged, he showed who he truly was.
It… was an experience, lol. Honestly I think it was partly lost on me because I so loved the original version and was like working myself up ready for a good cry here, so I didn’t get to just sit and take the full impact – I kept searching for a grief or fear that wasn’t there. But I don’t think this version is bad! It’s a very valid interpretation of Burr, and it was extremely fascinating to see unfold.
If I have one critique, it’s that one kind of problem with the whole Australian show is that the performances lacked grit. I really wanted more edge, more aggression, more intensity of those emotions – something more sharp and shocking. Hamilton delivers this kind of thing at times, especially early on, but ofc it fades away in the end. Jefferson, as I’ll get to, is too smooth-talking while also having that cold serene kind of anger. When we lack both Hamilton’s broken It’s Quiet Uptown and Burr’s frantic ‘this man will not make an orphan of my daughter’, we don’t get those life and death stakes quite as highly. By focusing all of Burr’s anger in one line, I think the rest of the songs didn’t have as much of an impact as I’d like.
But!! I really enjoyed this interpretation, and I’d love to see it again knowing what’s coming!
OKAY nobody else is going to get those huge walls of text lmaoooo
Anyway this Eliza wasn’t a super different interpretation than Phillipa Soo’s, but I think she pulled it off at least as well, if not even better?
So, the really big obvious thing about this Eliza is her smile. Her actress has this amazing, big toothy grin that feels so lacking in guile, but also still so comforting. It’s so attention-grabbing and almost impossible not to be affected by. It just screams ‘hey, things will turn out okay, so cheer up! :)’ And it’s something that just comes out on Eliza as if on instinct – she’s wearing it through most of That Would Be Enough, and at the end of Take A Break when she escorts Angelica away, and even in Blow You All Away when she’s comforting Phillip or in flickers when describing Hamilton’s old letters in Burn.
The thing about Eliza as a character is that she’s basically defined by her emotional intelligence. She feels as strongly as Hamilton, but where he is uncontrolled and reckless and both self and other destructive, she is the opposite of all of those things. She’s measured and practical and knows exactly who she is and what she wants at all times. She will sacrifice for others, but it’s because she decides to, and if she is hurt, she will not keep herself in harm’s way. It’s an interesting kind of competence and I can understand in theory why it’s cool to have a female character like that even if I, as a neurodivergent mentally ill woman cannot relate in the slightest and feel sorta awkward to be judged against.
This Eliza nails all of that perfectly. She’s effortlessly charming and soothing whenever she wants to be – in That Would Be Enough, when Hamilton is turned away and putting up all of his sharpest bristles, you can feel her become something soft and liquid and find her way up against him regardless without getting hurt. It’s that strength of character that makes their relationship really work – it’s not necessarily that she completely understands him or is good at ‘handling’ him, but that her certainty of purpose and deliberate, skilful compassion make her perfectly suited to calm Hamilton’s deep down insecurities. She loves him entirely and makes him believe that. And when Hamilton responds with his own intensity, she loves that, and believes in that.
And all of that makes it mean so much more when she steps out of that natural mediator role for a moment. In Helpless she’s adorable, so giddy and excited and so clearly crushing on Hamilton with a youthful energy that somehow doesn’t feel all that naive. As she sings she’s constantly glancing back over at him, it’s really cute haha. But she does feel a bit more vulnerable here – it does feel like she’s silently asking for help from Angelica when they talk. More startlingly, there’s Non-Stop – when she calls out ‘Alexander’, it is SHARP. It’s the same kind of tone Hamilton takes when he calls out to Burr in Schuyler Defeated. It’s a bit startling actually, but in a good way.
That tone, I think, foreshadows Burn. Again, I think this Eliza takes the same tone as Philippa Soo, but this version (maybe just because I saw it live!) embodied it even more – she talks about her own desperation to understand, re-reading their old letters, and cites Angelica as back-up, but when she reaches the mid-point, she stops and seems to think. She weighs up the situation and her emotions. And when she says ‘I’m erasing myself from the narrative,’ it is very deliberate and conscious. She is in control of her fate and she can see herself objectively and this is what is just. Her moral core is impenetrable. She sees long arc of the future that Hamilton and Burr are so obsessed with and she says, yes, this is what should be done.
And then in It’s Quiet Uptown, that same self-certainty is there from the very first word. This whole musical, even at her lowest, Eliza has instinctively brought out that comforting, wide smile. Here, her face is expressionless. If Hamilton’s acting here didn’t quite hit my mark, Eliza’s was spot on. The withdrawal of that earlier warmth is all the colder when there is no doubt within her about it, and nobody can argue she’s wrong in that. When she takes Hamilton’s hand, she still doesn’t smile. It’s sad :(
Of all of the final songs, Who Lives Who Dies Who Tells Your Story hit me closest to the original. It’s actually almost jarring to see Eliza ask ‘have I done enough?’ This whole song, we hear a hasty energy to her she’s lacked all musical – the first sign that Hamilton has rubbed off on her, too. But when she asks ‘Will they tell your story?’ it’s still Eliza – this isn’t about a legacy, it’s because she’s still that giddy girl from Helpless who loves him and wants to do everything she can for the people she loves.
(Whenever she and Hamilton see each other but appear to walk past one another, only to circle around and meet in the middle again, I cry lmao;;)
Her gasp at the end is soft and quiet and delighted, as though she just spotted someone in the crowd who she hasn’t seen in years and can’t wait to catch up.
If I have one critique, it’s the lack of grit again. Her scream at Philip’s death wasn’t as wild and destroyed as Phillipa Soo’s, and while I like her gasp, I prefer the original’s shocked, overwhelming joy.
Overall though, she was extremely good! Her charisma was just blinding, but it was in that perfectly ‘mundane’ way you’d expect from Eliza. But that solid, immovable core always shone through. They really sold her relationship with Hamilton, too!
This is the one I feel like I have the least to say about. My mum said she was the only character who just couldn’t quite match up to the original, and I don’t really agree, but I don’t have a huge amount to say, either.
This Angelica felt a bit older and more mature than Goldsberry. The original Angelica has a bit of brashness and vivid emotion to her – a bit more out there and exaggerated in her actions and expressions. More bold but also more chaotic. This one was a bit more quiet and considering. Diplomatic, maybe?
I actually worried when I first saw her that she wouldn’t be able to carry Satisfied because she was too confident and capable I wouldn’t be able to believe her vulnerability, but no, she pulled that off perfectly. When she was standing in the dark there in the end, the sadness radiated from her.
I actually got a lot more chemistry between her and Hamilton this time; I always thought I disliked the relationship in that canon because of my grudge against how LMM wrote it, but maybe it’s just that LMM was too old for her lmao. You’d think her quietness would contrast with Hamilton’s pushiness, but if anything it feels like she can just eyebrow-arch off his usual way of getting under people’s skin – when she says ‘you forget yourself’ it’s subtly disapproving, then when he delivers the punchline, it’s like he proves himself enough to earn her respect. Indeed, their mutual aloofness actually suits them both really well. You can just imagine them working together, quietly sharing their judgements on everyone else in the room around them. They’d be a terrifying power couple, and that really connects up to her advice in Take a Break.
I don’t have as much to say about the rest of the musical though. (actually IDK if that’s all partly just because by the end my ADHD brain had to work a lot harder to keep up, lol.) Her piece in The Reynalds Pamphlet did the job, and her singing in It’s Quiet Uptown was beautiful.
I guess, if I had to contrast them, the original Angelica felt more spirited and aggressive – very ‘you want a revolution? I want a revelation!’ - while this one felt more like the settled head of the family who already had her place but understood the world perfectly and knew she’d have to pick and choose what she wanted most. (...spoken like that she sounds like a big contrast to Burr, funnily enough?)
So not too much to say about Lafayette – the guy pretty much did him the same as Daveed Diggs, and pulling that off is very impressive but there isn’t too much to analyse here. If anything the Lafayette felt slightly less bright and cheery than the original, which may have been done to contrast with Jefferson.
Jefferson, on the other hand, was quite different. Diggs’ version is very loud and kinda abrasive and arrogant – always smiling and bouncing but with something clearly malicious lying behind all of that. He’s got a harshness to him, deliberately intimidating and surprisingly authentic in what he reveals of himself. He’s a villain character who’s fun to watch because he’s having fun himself and you gotta admire his balls.
This Jefferson is much more smooth and manipulative – maybe taking over from what Burr sometimes delves into? When he first appears, he plays to the crowd, encouraging the cheers, but it’s less arrogance and more like, he’s a celebrity putting on a show. He’s friendly and cheerful all through What’d I Miss?, disarmingly enjoyable to watch. He’s someone who knows the crowd and likes the crowd and is very very good and getting what he wants from the crowd without making it obvious he’s doing that. He’s definitely the type of #relatable celebrity fans would really want to defend.
But Hamilton represents a very clear change to his status quo. He starts off singing What’d I Miss? just in a fun, conversation-starting way as a rhetorical question, but after Hamilton introduces himself, he seems genuinely taken-aback. His last ‘What’d I miss?’ sounds like a genuine question, like, ‘wait wtf what’s going on here all of a sudden?’
And then we get the Cabinet Battles. Despite the above, Jefferson starts off his argument oozing with relaxed confidence. He doesn’t need to take any of this seriously – it’s already in the bag! Everyone loves him and as long as he makes some nice jokes and smiles disarmingly enough, he’ll always get what he want. And then Hamilton starts talking. And he’s pushy and hostile and sarcastic and mocking and angry and superior. And the whole time, Jefferson stands straight and Stares at him. We get none of Diggs’ ‘Haha, this guy is a riot! :D’ type of energy – this Jefferson is deeply displeased, and he is watching very, very carefully to take stock of the situation so he can put an end to it.
It’s actually really well done IMO – when the crowd oohed and ahhed, it felt like a 50/50 of ‘what the hell, people aren’t supposed to DISAGREE with Jefferson!’ and also ‘holy shit this guy is acting like an actual obnoxious child who needs to stfu right now.’ Both Jefferson’s easy entitlement and Hamilton’s unhelpful abrasiveness really got across.
In the second battle, Jefferson is much more careful. Whether it’s because he isn’t underestimating Hamilton anymore or because he cares much more about this, there’s an unamused urgency underlying everything he says. He still tries to be friendly and charming and diplomatic, but his smile drops often. This issue is important and he is not going to back down on it. It’s actually still not quite as immaturely insulting as Hamilton – more like, ‘can we stop humoring this asshole kid already and do something we very much need to be doing?’
(Also fun fact: in The Room Where It Happens, when we get to Jefferson’s version of events, Hamilton’s ‘I had nowhere else to turn’ is SO fake and sarcastic it was really funny, like even the Hamilton in Jefferson’s head can’t bring himself to actually say that sincerely.)
So, when we get to Washington On Your Side, he’s cold. At the time, he contrasts well with Burr, who is all smiles and surprisingly relaxed. This Jefferson is more like Angelica, quietly analysing the situation and slowly coming to a plan. The difference between cold, planning Jefferson and smooth-talking Jefferson is also great.
Because of all this, he has less of the really comedic stuff the original Jefferson got, with the exaggerated expressions and movements – in We Know, he’s more struck dumb by everything than the more over the top reactions Diggs did. But the controlled coldness contrasts with Hamilton better – it makes sense that he was the one who successfully connived himself to the top. And we get much more of that contrast between public and private Jefferson that is one of the interesting real-world meta statements, where who is was to the people and who he actually was were very different.
…….I think I had some kind of impression of ‘because I’m the president’ but I can’t remember what it was anymore. Hrm.
Anyway: enjoyed!!
So, how I’ve been saying the show lacked grit? I honestly think it might’ve all just collected in Hercules Mulligan lmao – obviously his parts are meant to be bold and brash and powerful, but these ones hit even harder than usual. His part in The World Turned Upside Down was just so Loud I could feel it in my chest! Great performance, I loved it!
Madison was very very different naturally, but also very different from the original version? While the original Madison felt tired and a bit disgruntled, like he was exhausted by Jefferson’s in-your-faceness and just wanted to get this done so he could get back to his work, his one felt much happier to be there. This Madison felt like he actually saw himself as Jefferson’s teammate, like he considered himself part of the show and was happy (even smug) to be helping out. When Jefferson passes him the microphone, rather than say ‘France’ with an irritated expression as if to say ‘everyone already knows this, just get on with it already’, it feels more like this Madison already rehearsed this with Jefferson deliberately. He calls out ‘France,’ as though it is some incredible zinger, like he’s been given the mic drop here. It’s pretty cute haha!
Overall this Madison felt a lot younger. Talking afterwards my mum mentioned that Mulligan’s role is hard because he has to switch to playing ‘an old man’, and was pretty surprised when I said Madison was actually the same age as Hamilton. This version felt a lot more age-appropriate. He still gets sick and starts coughing (and it feels a lot meaner when Hamilton makes fun of him! The dude was just so happy to be here – let him have his zingers!!), but aside from that he thrums with nervous energy behind Jefferson, like he’s ready to help out anytime he’s needed.
In all, he kinda feels like he fulfils that certain comedic henchman trope a bit? It really comes together with the ‘Can we get back to politics?’ ‘:’( please!!’ exchange. Madison isn’t made fun of, per se – it’s not like he really does enough in the script to get that kind of attention. But he’s just a bit funnier and more sympathetic, while also strangely feeling more like he and Jefferson are an actual team. (I mean, Jefferson hands him the mic as though he’s setting up a zinger, too. They’re both a bit ridiculous!)
Okay, this was one I was really curious about, for obvious reasons – LMM always sorta made it out that since he never included any of the Hamilton/Laurens stuff in the script, he kinda tried to act it in there more. In Story of Tonight or Ten Duel Commandments, or even briefly in the opening song, there’s meant to be a closeness that hints, however subtle, at that relationship.
Unfortunately, I didn’t get that at all here.
Laurens’ casting surprised me at first – he’s super short and extremely baby-faced, to the point that I wondered if he wasn’t played by a cis man. (His actor is a man, though, though ofc I wouldn’t know if he’s cis or not.) I was kinda confused about that all through the first act… until I got to the second act and, uh, remembered. But despite this – perhaps because of it? - he is an absolute firecracker. He’s hot-headed and rough and determined and every bit the young impassioned soldier.
He’s a bit more naive in the early songs – he seems genuinely friendly with Hamilton in The Story of Tonight, and you feel like he really does just like him from the moment he hears Non-Stop – but like I said, Hamilton is still pretty closed-off through all of that, so… it doesn’t really feel mutual. Hamilton likes him fine, but it doesn’t feel like he cares as much as Laurens does.
In Satisfied, he indeed seems super drunk, but it’s more like he’s just too young and drinking too much at a party than anything. The only time I really felt any particular chemistry between him and Hamilton actually comes from Story of Tonight Reprise – when Hamilton wanders off to speak with Burr, in sincere friendship, and Laurens comes over and starts ribbing Burr about his girl with almost malicious energy, it did sort of feel a little like he was jealous, if only that Hamilton and he had been talking so easily.
Finally, we get to Stay Alive. There, Hamilton and Laurens are just so angry and disgusted with Lee that they don’t really have room for anything else. It’s all very focused and determined and Manly, without any time for something softer or close between them. And I’m not sure how to feel about that. Laurens’ revulsion for Lee is historical record, and it says a lot about him and his values that that was so important to him. But there are other important parts of Laurens – that worry and fear and insecurity inside him, that ended up being so damaging to him. In such a limited script for him, ‘Alexander, you’re the closest friend I’ve got’ is really his one chance to show some of those emotions before he dies. Instead, Laurens never really gets to show that vulnerability, and I worry that it makes him feel too much like a ‘generic soldier character.’
I wonder if it’s because this Laurens looked so youthful that they sort of overcompensated, and felt the need to make him extra manly to make it clear he belonged there despite his appearance. But it sort of felt a bit too… macho for me. Nowhere to be found is that 18th century romantic friendship. Instead, it’s been replaced by a more WWI era Comrade and Comrade type deal. They’d die for each other, but would they write romantic letters to one another? And I think this is also unfortunately pretty Australian – real emotion is lame!! The only acceptable emotion is fucking hating your boss, and challenging him to a duel with your squadmate to get him what he deserves.
Well, I’m reading too much into it all, lol. But I always felt like the original Laurens barely got to show much of himself as it was, and this one felt even less so, unfortunately.
His final scene – is it We May Not Live To See Your Glory? - is done well, though. Again, Laurens just sorta feels like a generic young soldier, but ‘idealistic soldier who died too young’ is moving enough on its own. And in one of those rare moments, Hamilton really does feel shaken and vulnerable. ‘I have so much work to do,’ as I said, hurts – so lifeless and unlike him. Like nothing could process those emotions in him now, or express them.
Philip, on the other hand, is the exact opposite. First of all, yeah – having a shorter, younger-looking actor makes that Take a Break scene WAY less awkward, haha. It wasn’t even funny, it was just like ‘oh huh this just kinda looks all right?’ And the actor did really well playing a kid! He looked like a completely different person there, which is really good.
And then we get to Blow You All Away, and hoo boyy. If Laurens had been excessively confident, Phillip oozes uncertainty with everything he does. When he flirts with the girls ‘when I come back we’ll all strip down to our socks’ he manages to pull off the cocky act but in basically every other line you can see and hear the ‘a-am I doing this right? I’m not screwing this up, am I?’ radiating off of him. He definitely believes he’s doing the right thing – when he says ‘you talk about my father I will not let it slide’ there’s no hesitation – it’s just that he very clearly isn’t sure if he’s up to the task of doing it.
It was sorta interesting, actually – I think the original Phillip was more naively overconfident and reckless, and only had an attack of the nerves after he got himself into the duel. But – and this might just be me projecting here, lol – when this Philip confronts Eacker in the theatre, I got a real sense of like… ‘??? can I do this here? Where are you meant to threaten duels???’ and when Eacker is like ‘piss off, I’m watching this show now’ he seemed to wilt a lot, and straight up froze for a second or two, like he really didn’t know what to do at that point. And then of course when he talks to Hamilton he’s really worried…
And then his death. Somehow, I never used to cry much when this happened – it’s obviously very sad, but it didn’t manage to hit the right heartstrings to make crying, even in the recording. But oh god, this one was just awful… Even as he’s dying, Philip is still just so desperate for approval, like he’s so scared his parents will be mad at him for screwing it up, and Eliza is trying so hard to reassure him before he dies… I cried a lot :(
So overall, I really liked this Phillip, even if I don’t necessarily think it’s an improvement to the original. Laurens I kinda preferred the original, though this was still an interesting interpretation that gave me a lot to think about!
The guy did well! He has what Washington needs, and that’s a stature. When he’s on stage, your eyes are just naturally drawn to him. Even when he’s not doing much, he’s still a little intimidating. He has presence!
And in fact, this actor had an interesting quirk where the whites of his eyes could be seen easily? In Right-Hand Man, as he’s striding around at the center of the stage, his eyes just looked white, and it drilled in that slightly manic, crazed intensity underlying his strict, rigid rapping and self-control. It have the whole thing a really great effect.
But this Washington also had a sort of almost… slight fem-ness to him, that I didn’t get as much from the initial? It’s funny how during One Last Time, I suddenly got this vivid though, ‘oh, it’s like he’s a cool supportive teacher.’ Which… obviously?? Haha. Like he’s clearly a mentor to Hamilton all the way through! But it’s that specifically teacher description I really felt all of a sudden, that he was warm and approachable and gentle at heart, despite everything I said above lol.
Like, I feel like this Washington was just a bit less stoic than the original? Slightly more expressive and less stern. When he says ‘I’m from Virginia, so watch your mouth,’ in the original, it sounded like he was genuinely kinda offended? It was ‘watch your mouth’ as in ‘don’t disrespect my home state.’ But in this one, Washington sorta grimaces a little theatrically and says it more incredulously, like he’s actually saying ‘you wanna maybe try thinking about who you’re talking to before you say that shit, son?’ It’s more of a warning – less that he’s upset and more that other people would be, so he should really try thinking before he speaks.
He also still does the part in Who Lives Who Dies Who Tells Your Story when Eliza says she spoke out against slavery and he kinda stumbles and stares and then looks down in shame, given the real Washington’s actions.
I liked him! I felt a little more warmly to him in the end than the original, but that might just be a product of seeing it live.
Okay so I don’t really have anything to say about Peggy, which had basically always been the case, hah. :’) I mean, I think this version made the transformation between her initial wariness vs her later excitement more clear? But that is very likely a live show thing.
Maria, though!! Honestly? I was never really a fan of the original Maria’s performance. She just feels too much like a cliched seductress archetype, and while you can argue that that’s the role she plays in the story, especially since there’s the uncertainty over whether or not she was deliberately setting Hamilton up, it just feels too on the nose. It makes it harder to believe Hamilton didn’t know what was up the moment he saw her, which I don’t think is intentional. And it makes me feel bad for the real Maria Reynolds.
But this one was very different – much more vulnerable. When she first talks to Hamilton, she’s not doing a sexy pout and throaty singing, she’s just sorta… quiet and monotone and lost, much like Hamilton gets when he’s too emotional as well. Like she’s in shock and truly has nowhere to go is just sort of crumpling as a person. And when she propositions Hamilton, again it feels sincere – she just wants him to stay.
And after he talks to James Reynolds (just as perfectly, theatrically assholish as in the original), that continues. When he confronts her, she genuinely seems desperate and scared and upset. I felt so, so sorry for her that I was yelling in my head right then ‘you can’t just leave her now!’ at Hamilton – and then immediately remembered what that’d mean… it’s a much more gripping situation.
And then in the end, James Reynolds walks off and claps, and Maria just stops, face and body entirely stoic, and follows after him in silence… Is that an indication it was all an act from her? Or is it that she’s so scared of him that she totally closes up and can’t cry, can’t show any kind of emotion or weakness around him, and just has to try and be a silent and flawless wife? No matter how you interpret it, it’s chilling.
Oh, and IDK if this is done in the recording, but in The Reynolds Pamphlet, she gets given one, too, and her look of just… upset/disgust is also really painful. At the end they say ‘his poor wife’, but who thinks about poor Maria?? :(
I still wouldn’t say that this is an accurate adaptation of the real events, since I think that gets right into the script and structure of Hamilton in ways that a regional performance just can’t really make better. But this version is at least better. It plays Maria with more dignity, I think, than making her into a sexy bombshell, even if that bombshell act does get subverted in the original as well. This one feels significantly more sympathetic.
King George
He was great!! He was played by an older actor who seems to have done a lot of serious Shakespearian plays, which of course makes him absolutely perfect – both in that he could flawlessly depict that pompous old privileged Brit, but also in that he probably has a good backing in comedy and political satire :P He was clearly having the time of his life playing to the crowd – throughout all his time on stage he was constantly alternating between doing one or two lines very serious and mostly straight, before doing something absolutely hilarious. That back and forth worked extremely well!
Also I never saw it properly on the recording but when he gets up and dances in the middle of the stage during the Reynolds Pamphlet?? AMAZING.
Obviously, Johnathon Groff is his own personality and is friends with LMM and brings all of that unique stuff to the table that nobody could replicate. But this actor was just as much fun to watch, and does have the added benefit of really looking and sounding the part.
Final Thoughts
I’d really love to hear other people’s thoughts on this run, especially from the perspective of it being an Australian cast/audience – I really hoped the booklet would include at least a piece or two from someone who worked on this run, but it did not. (In fact, it was one of the scantest musical books I’ve seen? I don’t regret buying it as a souvenir of course but usually they have at least one or two interesting pieces of new content aside from just backstage pics…)
What really sticks out to me is the structure of it all. Hamilton is definitely the central character that brings everything together through the first ¾, but around The Room Where it Happens Burr starts to take over bit by bit, allowing him to keep up the energy as Hamilton falls back further and further into becoming both less of a hero but also more quiet and passive. By The Election of 1800, Burr is giving us all the energy – until the end of The World Was Wide Enough, when he too falls back and Eliza takes over.
Given this, this Hamilton did an incredible job throughout most of the performance – he had amazing chemistry with every other character and really exemplified that scrappy, intelligent, driven, but aggressive and difficult character that never quite shined through in LMM’s performance for me. Burr’s more subtle performance complements that well, and he even arguably outdoes Leslie Odom Junior in The Election of 1800. However, after that I think his quieter acting and singing sort of fails to fill the hole Hamilton left behind, reducing the climax a bit of its energy. Thankfully, Eliza was able to bring that all back for her final number.
It also strikes me that this performance is a bit less teary, at least from the men. Eliza, Angelica, and Maria all bring out that vulnerability and the sadness of their positions wonderfully – a great improvement in Maria’s case, for me. However, Burr’s The World Was Wide Enough severely downplays the sincere regret angle, while Hamilton never quite hits the right notes on It’s Quiet Uptown. However, Hurricane and Phillip’s performance in Blow You All Away definitely hit that fear and panic leading to self-destruction. (Interesting I guess that Burr doesn’t also seem more fearful in The World Was Wide Enough?) Is that also a gendered expectations thing, perhaps?
Either way, I’m extremely glad I was able to see it if only for Hamilton’s performance – honestly, maybe the reason it seemed to lose a lil steam was just that Hurricane was so good everything else failed to follow it, haha. Burr also absolutely fascinated me here, too, and that was so much fun to see play out in real time!
Hamilton will be coming to Melbourne next, and I’m not sure yet if I’ll be able to go there but I’d really like to! It’d be really fun to test out these expectations/conclusions of mine with a fresh viewing, as well as see any other new cast changes/interpretations…!
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Humans are Space Orcs, “Framed.”
Hey guys, I start my new job today, so my posting schedule is going to be erratic and sort of weird, but I will try to get a story out every weekday, so I hope you like it, and have a great week :)
They met back at the station, or the Tesraki version of a police station anyway. The building they walked into was massive, rising many stories. Robots and Tesraki of all shapes and sizes moved about with the light chatter of conversation. Of course, their presence drew eyes, though no one actually paused in their work to stare. WIth the Tesraki homeworld being one giant city, there was always something to do and no time to do it.
Adam had been patched and cleaned up, his wounds stitched back together. He had even retrieved his jacket, which was significantly more battery than it was before, requiring more stitches then he had to pull back together. He had done the sewing himself and admitted that his mother would probably have had a heart attack upon seeing his work, but then again time was limited as were his resources.
The shaking had stopped many hours ago, leaving him calm and collected as they were lead through the station and back towards the elevator. The investigator they had met at the first crime scene met them on the fiftieth floor.
“Have you talked to them?” Adam asked, stepping from the elevator and out into the hallway followed by Sunny and and krill.
“Only preliminary questions. We were waiting for your investigator to step in before we started…. Our understanding of humans is limited.”
Adam pulled off his hat and ran a hand through his hair, “probably a good idea.”
“So you think that these two attacks are related?” The Tesraki wondered as he lead the group of them down the hallway.
Adam nodded sharply, “I do.”
The Tesraki turned to look at him, ears flattening back against his head, “Are you alright Admiral. I heard that you fought off all three of them before….”
“I am alright, how about them?”
“Two of them are fine, but the third is still receiving medical care. You broke his sternum, and it is going to take some work before he recovers.”
Adam shuffled his hands inside his pockets nervously, “Whoopse.”
“You saved a life, and, in my opinion, that is all that matters. Investigators have taken statements and matched them up against your story, and everything seems to check out, so you should have no problem legally, though I would stick around for a while just in case something else comes up.”
Admiral Vir nodded, “Anything you need, Detective.”
They had just come around the corner, when a commotion from the other side of the room stopped them in their tracks. Adam turned on the spot surprised to find a group of people heading towards them at a furious pace.
At the front of the group, the detective they called in was marching, dark brown coat billowing out behind him in great whipping streams of air. The look on his face was focused and thunderous, his cold grey eyes turned on Admiral Vir and the others with dark intent.
The group of them slowed in confusion as the human and the small army of Drev and Tesraki officers followed with.
“Admiral Vir.” The Detective said, his voice booming around the room. Where their original entrance had not garnered more than a couple of glances from the assembled officers, this deep booming voice sure did grab their attention.
“Detective, wha-”
“You are under arrest!”
Adam stepped back in shock, his hands raised before his chest.
A gasp rose up around the room as everything came grinding to a stuttering halt.
“Under arrest! On what charges!” The man reached down to his side withdrawing his holstered weapon. Admiral Vir raised his hands slowly, “What is going on here.” he demanded.”
Sunny went to step in front of him, her spear raised, but he barked an order that made her stop in her tracks.
She turned to look at him and he shook his head.
The Detective walked forward glowering at Sunny, “You would do best to listen to your boss. As of yet there is no evidence liking you two to the crimes.”
He grabbed Adam by the front of his jacket and spun him around, gripping a handful of his collar as he walked him over to the side of the room, pinning him against the wall, hands still over his head. WIth a kick of his foot he widened the Admiral’s stance and began going through his pockets.
Behind them, sunny marched forward, ‘What are you talking about! Let him go! What crimes!”
“The murder of the Tesraki.”
Andam was shoved harder against the wall as the man ran a hand over the front of his jacket and down either side.
He stopped as his right hip, reaching into his coat and confiscating his sidearm, which he handed to one of the Tesraki.
“I would never. I was off-world when that Tesraki died!”
“Don’t try to play dumb Admrial. Last night in the alley, you Killed a Tesraki and nearly murdered three other people.”
Adam spluttered in shock and confusion, “Murdered! I saved that Tesraki’s life. He was in the ambulance when I-”
A sharp Jab to his ribs cut him off as the man ran a hand down either side of his legs, reaching a hand into his front and back pockets trying to find anything, “Your fingerprints were on the knife that killed the Tesraki.”
Adam shook his head in shock and confusion, “I would never kill anyone! What are you on about.”
Behind him, Sunny angrily marched forward, “Do you have any idea who he is! He’s admiral Vir, representative of the GA. So get your hands off him little man.”
She hadn’t made it more than a few steps before two big, beafy Drev stepped in front of her, both of them at least nine feet tall if not more.
She paused in her tracks as the detective grabbed the Admiral’s wrists and forced them behind his back securing them with energy cuffs.
Admiral Vir grunted, “What the fuck! I saved that Tesraki’s life. He was alive, and those three men were trying to kill him.”
“Can you prove that?”
“I…. yes! The Tesraki was fucking ALIVE when he left in the ambulance.”
“That's interesting, because I have images right here than seem to think differently.”
Adam was turned around and allowed to stand back to the wall as the Detective pulled a set of photographs from his his jacket and threw them on the floor at the Admiral’s feet.
Adam stared down in wide eyed shock as the pictures he found there. 
Bodies lying on the ground in carnage. Three humans and one Tesraki with a Knife sticking straight into its eye.
“YOu have to be pretty sick and angry to do something like that.” The detective snarled 
“But I DIDN’T He was ALIVE I…. I saved…. I saved his life. I Don’t…. I don’t understand.”
“You have a history of xenophobic behavior Admrail, so It doesn’t surprise me.”
Krill, Sunny AND admiral vir sputtered loudly at that.
Krill shook his head, “Are you fucking insane. Admiral Vir BEGGED me to come onto his ship, how the fuck is that xenophobic.”
Admiral Vir locked eyes with Sunny who was so speechless all she could do was open and close her mouth. If anyone here knew how untrue that statement was it was her.
“Look, you play a good came admiral, but I have looked over your history carefully. Your involvement in the Drev war, and your constant return to the Drev planet after that. Then of course there was the entire fiasco with the starborn, and how you are the reason humans have to wear spit shields when detained. Your tiff with Noctus, and your systematic destruction of the Gnar’lak. All of that is hardly evidence of a man who supports human alien interaction. The bran STILL don’t trust the human race because of you.”
“The hell are you talking about!” Sunny shouted, “He’s the reason the GA even ALLOWED HUMANS IN. Just call the chairwoman, she will tell you.” 
Krill shook his head, “You don’t even have to call her, there were at least thirty witnesses that saw the Tesraki leave alive.”
Adam, Krill and Sunny turned to look over at the Tesraki director, who was standing just off to the side looking down at his feet, “I am sorry Admiral, but they are right, the evidence doesn’t look good.”
More gasps.
Admiral Vir shook his head, “What are you saying! You know what happened, your men saw…”
He was cut short as the Detective prodded him in the back, “If you can provide evidence of your innocence, we will consider it, but right now i have at least 30 eye witness testimonies, a knife with your fingerprints on it and two dead Tesraki.”
“I WOULD NEVER KILL ANYONE.” He snarled completely flabbergasted at the accusations.
“Save it.” The man snarled, shoving him forward across the floor.
Adam turned back to look at sunny, who still stood dumbstruck blocked by a group of four Drev as he was dragged away. Krill was loudly proclaiming his innocence and protesting the charges as he was led back across the floor and down another group of steps.
Adam’s head spun as Sunny’s and Krill’s voices were drown out behind him.
Xenophobia…. Murder?
He had never done either of those things in his life, it was completely ludicrous. He was dating Sunny for crying out loud, how could it even be possible.
Then again no one knew he was dating Sunny, and if you looked back at his career there were plenty of things that could be taken in the wrong connotation. He thought there were plenty of more things that were irrefutable, but that didn’t seem to matter to the detective, who had already made his assumptions.
Was he part of some elaborate plot, or was he being used by someone else and fed false information. The Tesraki he had worked with on the first case seemed sure of the accusations as well, though there had been no evidence of these thoughts before today.
His boots thudded on the floor as they reached the bottom of the steps, and the Drev that held him ordered the steel door ahead to be opened. A very nervous looking tesraki pressed a button on the forward console and the interior door hissed open. He was brought into a small room, nd the door that closed behind him caused another door to open up in front of them.
The room they walked into glowed blue and purple from the energy fields on either wall where separate energy cells housed the inmates of the Tesraki jail. Most of the inmates were Tesraki, but there was at least one human curled up on their side in the corner. The way she was dressed, and how heavily she was sleeping suggested she had had an interesting night out on the town and had been pulled in for a drunken disorderly.
One of the field walls was temporarily shut off, and he was shoved into the small cramped room where he sat down on the metal bench and stared at the energy field as it was pulled back up. Outside the Detective sat watching him, looking eye to eye with each other, Adam could see what seemed like real disappointment on the man’s face.
“It’s a real shame, Admiral. I really believed you were a better man than this.”
He stood up almost placing his hands to the barrier before stepping back, “I AM  a better man than this, please just listen. I’m being framed.
“I wish I could believe that.”
“You CAN believe that, I swear. I run  a ship full of aliens if the GA wasn’t here I wouldn’t have my job. You can ask my family anyone, I would do anything for the GA, I-”
The man just shook his head and turned away leaving Adam to stare after him in complete disbelief as he did.
Sunny was irate. Not just irate but incoherent in her complete and utter rage. The only thing holding her back was the realization that attacking these people would get hr locked away where she would be unable to help Adam.
She couldn’t believe the allegations.
Xenophobic, xhenophobic.
She knew first had how NOT xhenophobic he was.
…. Like very much
… not even a little bit
… either that or he was good at faking it, but Adam was the worst lier she had ever met, he couldn’t fake his way out of a paper bag.
Beside her krill was arguing with one of the other officers, someone he said he recognized from last night,
“Instead of being angry like her, the little creature was pointing out all the inconsistencies she was too angry to see. Like how he hadn’t been arrested on the spot, or what those other three humans were doing there, or how Krill and Sunny had SEEN the Tesraki drive away in the emergency vehicle.
They KNEW for a fact that Adam was innocent.
Sunny was more than positive. Adam was the biggest marshmallow in the universe. It had taken months to convince him to actually fight here in the dueling ring, and try to hit her considering he was mortified of the idea of hurting her, or any number of examples off the top of her head.
There was only one conclusion to make.
And despite not being a genius like krill, she knew the answer immediately.
He was being framed.
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krakenbait · 3 years
kraken bait 3: the moment of truth
the moment is finally upon us! no, not the actual expansion draft, that’s in 10 days. i mean my last (but best) installment of the kraken bait expansion draft theories! 
this has been a long, long work in progress, basically since i posted the last one. i’ve asked nearly every hockey fan i know, as well as randomly messaging several friends and cool people on hockeyblr, for their ideas and opinions on their favorite team’s expansion draft situation. and as with my previous lists, i had my friend and capfriendly consultant corwin (@chaos-hockey) collaborating with me to make this semi-reasonable (largely against their wishes). i’ll be including commentary from myself and my variety of sources with each pick. 
for reference, this is a somewhat plausible look at who seattle might take in the expansion draft. it’s not a prediction, because even i don’t honestly think the kraken will take some of these players, but it’s a fun simulation. it does follow expansion draft rules, and even comes under the cap (which took some last-minute finagling by me and corwin).
without further ado, let’s get into it! this list got long, so it’s all under the cut.
Anaheim Ducks: Haydn Fleury
this one comes straight from resident danton heinen fan, ergo ducks fan @dantonheinens, so thanks for your help casey! they sent me a very detailed explanation of anaheim’s expansion draft situation basically explaining that there’s a whole lot of “ands, ifs, or buts” with the ducks, but if fleury is exposed, he’s a slam dunk (slam duck? i’m sorry)
Arizona Coyotes: Christian Fischer
the one thing i know about this dude is he got wrecked in a fight with nathan mackinnon in the 2020 playoffs. this is the first of several picks on this list i borrowed from The Athletic’s mock expansion drafts, which happens if i don’t know the team and i don’t know anyone else who does. corwin and i also considered taking adin hill from the yotes, but we decided on some other goalies instead (stay tuned).
Boston Bruins: Jeremy Lauzon
i have a lot of friends who are bruins fans, so credits are owed to: corwin, casey again, alex (@patron-saint-of-boston-hockey) & luna (@kureally) & any other bruins fans in the nwhl discord, and my irl bruins friends. i got a lot of opinions on the bruins pick, including jake debrusk, jakub zboril, connor clifton, and trent frederic. but the one name almost everyone could agree on was lauzon. therefore, i’ve decided he’s headed to seattle. 
(it feels worth it to mention that at the prospect of having to take someone from the bruins, corwin said “curses be upon your name!” in an aggressively thick boston accent)
Buffalo Sabres: Rasmus Asplund
i could not tell you who this is, other than the fact that he’s one of buffalo’s three rasmuses (rasmi?). corwin and i had also talked about maybe putting anders bjork here, like i did in the last go-around, but i defaulted to The Athletic this time, and they thought asplund was a good pick, so here we are.
Calgary Flames: Mark Giordano
another pick borrowed from The Athletic, but i’ve seen predictions of giordano to the kraken a fair amount. it just seems right (and a whole lot better than corwin’s proposition of matthew tkachuk from last round).
Carolina Hurricanes: Brady Skjei
this one comes from the lovely @summerteukka, so thank you kinga! she gave me a very good rundown on the canes and the expansion draft, with the conclusion being the canes have so much defensive depth that it’s definitely going to be a defenseman, and especially if they resign dougie hamilton, skjei seems to be a likely choice. i’m all for it- we’ll have “an S and a K and a J all next to each other” on a kraken jersey.
Chicago: Adam Gaudette
similarly to the arizona pick, corwin and i considered a goalie here- in this case, it would have been malcolm subban. but he is not one of the goalies we ended up going for. instead, we opted on bringing micaela gaudette and her husband back to the pacific northwest. 
Colorado Avalanche: Ryan Graves
this is really a no-brainer. gravy is a good defenseman, but the avs have such a strong defense between cale makar, devon toews, and sam girard (and you could add erik johnson when he’s healthy), plus up-and-comers like bo byram. gravy will almost definitely be exposed, and i think he’s a great pick for seattle. plus it’s relatively painless for avs fans who also will like seattle (like yours truly).
(corwin also wanted me to mention that they want gravy traded to the bruins so he can play with curtis hall, who is basically “color-swapped ryan graves”)
Columbus Blue Jackets: Dean Kukan
another pick taken right from The Athletic. i do not know who this is, but he’s a defenseman and the writers liked this pick so i went with it. for the record, corwin really wanted this pick to be boone jenner because he has a funky name, but i wanted another defenseman, so the fun name was sacrificed for function.
Dallas Stars: Jason Dickinson
i don’t really have an explanation for this one. corwin and i were talking about the stars options and picking dickinson just felt right.
Detroit Red Wings: Vladislav Namestnikov
thanks are owed here to joce (@doubleminor) for her red wings expertise! she gave me a few players who were likely kraken bait and i picked from there. it came down to evgeny svechnikov and vladislav namestnikov, but i went with namestnikov in the end. he was with the avs for a brief period and i liked him then, plus the vibes just seem right, so here we are.
Edmonton Oilers: Tyson Barrie
really, tyson barrie was the player who started the whole kraken bait thing. corwin made the drawing, i made the first list, and the rest is history. do i actually think tyson will be going to the kraken in a week? not really. do i still really like the idea of it? 100%. therefore, i will continue to engage in my “tyson barrie to seattle” nonsense.
Florida Panthers: Chris Driedger
oh look, our first goalie! florida had some interesting skater options, but when it came down to it, corwin and i thought the cats were a good place to take a goalie from. driedger did pretty well this season, plus the panthers’ goalie situation is locked up between $10 million man bobrovsky and future star spencer knight.
Los Angeles Kings: Viktor Arvidsson
corwin was feeling pretty strong about this one, so i’m trusting their judgement. according to them, seattle expressed interest in arvidsson, so nashville traded him to the kings instead of giving him up for nothing. now the kings get to give him up for nothing, which works out pretty well, considering i had absolutely no clue who to pick from the kings. 
Minnesota Wild: Matt Dumba
like some other picks, this just seems right. i like matt dumba a lot. he seems like a fun and wholesome guy, and his activism, both on his own and with the hockey diversity alliance, is admirable. i hope he gets to display his personality and keep working to better the sport of hockey with the kraken.
Montreal Canadiens: Jake Allen
goalie number two! picking a player from the habs was weird because i got attached to them during the playoffs, but i really don’t know many of their players? so corwin and i deliberated on this a little, and after looking at our goalie situation, decided that allen was the right pick from montreal. 
Nashville Predators: Calle Jarnkrok
after doing art for and getting a featured article from the preds, corwin thinks they’re some kind of nashville expert. i originally had matt duchene here, but corwin said not him. their logic? they did art of duchene for their preds project, so they probably want to keep him around. fair point. so we went with calle jarnkrok. the logic behind that choice was simple: “calle jarn-kraken”
New Jersey Devils: Andreas Johnsson
i wish i kept a counter of how many times corwin told me “ron francis doesn’t care about your feelings!” when we were discussing the devils pick. they kept advocating for either nate bastian or mikey mcleod, but i would not stand for the superbuddies being separated. this is my kraken bait list, so my decisions. i asked a few of my devils friends for their input (props to sabs @jakejuentzel and h @bigmouthnatebastian), and in between the mild panic, andreas johnsson got tossed out. therefore, it’s mango getting shipped to seattle. does it further lower the average age of the devils? yeah, but it’ll be fine! the nhl could use some youthful chaos.
New York Islanders: Jordan Eberle
all of my kraken bait ideas for the isles came from the bardown breakdown podcast (a great listen if you like hockey and pop-punk/punk music!), since both hosts are isles fans. they had a few names tossed out, including josh bailey and casey cizikas, but corwin and i decided on eberle. like with a lot of these, right vibes.
New York Rangers: Kevin Rooney
i’ve seen two names pretty consistently for rangers kraken bait: colin blackwell and kevin rooney. is blackwell is better and therefore the more likely pick? yes. but kevin rooney is a former devil and also mocked tom wilson, so i voted he gets to go seattle.
Ottawa Senators: Chris Tierney
i don’t think i could name more than three, maybe four players on the sens, so i defaulted to The Athletic on this one. i have no idea who chris tierney is, but it works, so there we go.
Philadelphia Flyers: James Van Riemsdyk
@phillyjoel left some fantastic notes on the flyers kraken bait in the tags of my last list, giving me good evidence to tell corwin that for the last time, nolan patrick is not kraken bait. the argument i saw was that the flyers are probably going to trade patrick instead of giving him up for nothing and make cap space by giving away van riemsdyk or voracek. The Athletic liked the van riemsdyk pick, and corwin could live with it, so that’s where we settled.
Pittsburgh Penguins: Zach Aston-Reese
i honestly don’t have a whole lot of explanation for this one. another pick borrowed from The Athletic, corwin and i liked it, there we go. we considered going with kris letang, but the vibes weren’t right.
San Jose Sharks: Ryan Donato
shoutout to my sharks friend and amazing artist K (@18minutemajor) for their help! i originally had brent burns in this slot, on K’s suggestion (we had a fantastic exchange about brent burns befriending bigfoot). however, i ran into last-minute cap trouble and had to switch the pick. ryan donato came from The Athletic, but i think it’s kind of a fun pick. he’s been passed between a few teams recently, but most of what i know of ryan donato comes from the 2018 olympics (aka the first time i really watched hockey!), when he was apparently doing pretty well for team usa. 
St. Louis Blues: Vince Dunn
thank you @powerblais (and the blues fans group chat) for your input on this one! vince dunn was one of the names on the list erin sent me, and The Athletic also had him listed, so we went with it. 
Tampa Bay Lightning: Blake Coleman
thanks @heddy for responding to my out-of-the-blue message with some good input on the bolts! ana gave me some good suggestions like tyler johnson plus something else so they take on the contract, alex killorn, and ondrej palat. in the end, this devils fan defaulted to pickles. this pick is in the same category as tyson barrie- do i actually think coleman is going to the kraken? not really. do i still like the idea? absolutely.
Toronto Maple Leafs: Travis Dermott
borrowed from The Athletic and some other kraken bait predictions, because everyone has something to say about the leafs. corwin and i waffled between dermott and alexander kerfoot for this pick, but we eventually settled on dermott to seattle.
Vancouver Canucks: Madison Bowey
this pick changed so much in just one day. we originally had braden holtby here because original kraken bait, but then i ran into cap trouble. so i switched it to zack macewen, following a pick by The Athletic. but then i wanted one or two more defensemen, so i switched to madison bowey, who was the other pick from The Athletic. after all that, it seems like the right pick.
Washington Capitals: Vitek Vanecek
our third and final goalie! corwin and i had our eyes on vanecek as kraken bait for a while- a young goalie with promise and room to improve seemed like the right pick for seattle. we briefly considered tj oshie--he’s from washington state, and corwin wanted to upset caps fans (we were talking during the first round of the playoffs)--but ended up back with vanecek as our pick.
Winnipeg Jets: Mason Appleton
last pick of the list! not much to say here, though. it’s a pick borrowed from The Athletic, but we went with him over the other option from the jets because he has a fun name. to quote corwin, mason appleton sounds like “an apple pie in a mason jar on skates.”
and there you have it folks, the final kraken bait list! if you want to know the specifics, we’ve got 3 goalies, 16 forwards, and 11 defensemen, and the total cap hit is 76.4M. i’m pretty doubtful that this will be the actual expansion draft lineup, but we’ll have to see how many, if any, picks corwin and i got right. 
thanks again to everyone who helped me out, and i hope you enjoyed the chaos and commentary of the kraken bait lists!
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tipsydipsydo · 5 years
The members having a crush on you! [their indecent thoughts🔞]
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Hey my Dears💜
Here we go again into the second round of the "When the Members have a crush on you!"-Scenario(s)!
It's not necessary but still useful to read the first part of the scenario to understand some "connections" (it's kinda a little storyline for each invidual member I'd say? 😂😅)
The link to the first scenario could be found here! [It's gender neutral so everyone can read it!] 💚
This part about their dirty thoughts is in general the same scenario just customized for the specific gender of the reader 🤗💕 (quick reminder: this here is for female readers!😂💗)
The scenario for the male reader could be found here! 
My Imagines!
My Masterlist!
Then... I don't have anything to say anymore so let's go!
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「© tipsydipsydo」
These following headcanons are my intellectual property and belongs only to my blog tipsydipsydo.tumblr.com!
I’ll not accept any kind of reposting, stealing or using/editing my work!
That includes reposting my content on other social media platforms too, even when you link me as the original author.
Thank you.
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the reason why Jin is suddenly so shy to you is...
...that with his increasing romantic feelings for you, others... certain feelings and thoughts enters his mind too
thoughts that makes him feel drawn to you and not just for hugs and cuddles ...
...these indecent thoughts that you shouldn't have about a very close friend.
how your body could look like under your tight-fitting clothes
what kind of underwear covers your beautiful breasts and your perfectly round ass
Jin hardly dares to think about how you could look in lace lingerie otherwise he would have a problem
...in his crotch.
Cooking with you is such a challenge for him sometimes
when he gives you a spoonful of dessert so you can taste if it needs a little more sugar
and you lead it between your soft lips, lick very carefully all of the dessert from the spoon, rolling your eyes full of pleasure and moaning how delicious his dessert is.
Jin has a problem down there in no time.
And not a small one...
how can you let such sinful things come over your lips and look so innocent?!
this unintented sensual moan haunts him, doesn't wants to get out of his head.
he is terribly embarrassed when he mastubates for the first time with the thoughts of you and your sweet voice
he had never cum so quickly
you drive him completely crazy
the more dirty fantasies he has about you, the more shy he'll be around you.
Jin's Adam's apple starts bobbing nervously as you bend down to tie your shoes while sticking your butt out towards him
he would love it to put his big hands on your ass and grabbing it firmly Since then, he has been troubled by fantasies of taking you from behind and ruining your pussy, placing his hands on your soft, perfectly round buttcheeks and pulling them apart to see how well his cock goes deep into you, fills you up and elicits sweetest moans from your lips
you do all of this to him without even having the slightest idea what is behind this (from you) so-called "sweet" shyness.
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there are reasons why Yoongi advoid you and locks himself in his room/studio
he wants to choke off every opportunity where he could see you in those damn cute blouses that has sometimes (in his opinion way too often) deep cutouts
seeing the swell your breasts in the white border of your lace bra is too much for him
oh how he hates that you act like you don't know what kind of effect such an outfit has on him! (Although you really have no idea) sometimes he thinks that you only do this to annoy him and to play with his feelings
he knows that he has no chance with you anyway and that he doesn't deserves to touch such a beautiful girl
nevertheless, even with the best discipline, he cannot prevent himself from certain fantasies they're caused by unfulfilled desires arising in his head
he wants to be the one who can eat your so well that you'll push his head even further between your thighs so that his tongue can fucks you even deeper
he wants to be the one who can fingers you until you squirt and let the whole house know that it's Yoongi who let you see spheres where you have never been before he wants to be the one who can stretch your walls so damn well and in all the perfect places, who can make you think of nothing but him and his thick, perfect cock and never want to feel another person in yourself again
what frustrates him most is, that he can't even work normally.
realize that his newly produced tracks are mostly that kind of songs that he wants to be played in the background when he fucks you. they're slower than usual, with a seductive melody and his rap is deep and husky, making countless promises to you of what things he wants to do with you.
the fantasy that absolutely kills him is when you would kneel between his thighs in his studio and spoil his thick cock with your sinful lips, take him completely into your mouth and let his tip slide into your throat while looking at him with big, innocent eyes
when he's about to come, he would pull away from your lips and want to cum on your bare breasts
...deep down in his mind he wants to make a mess out of you and ruin you with his filthy desires.
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When Namjoon realizes that in addition to his romantic feelings for you he also develops certain thoughts and fantasies, he tries his best to avoid them
he is afraid to sexualize you in his fantasies
you are not just a sexual object for him,only to satisfy his desires, you are so damn much more for him!
he doesn't want you to feel uncomfortable with his, sometimes not so unobtrusive, looks at you
but how can he resist when you are so damn beautiful and everything in him feels attracted to you
he learns from Taehyung that you've read Fifty Shades of Grey you wanted to understand the hype surrounding these books
you said that while writing style and characters weren't your cup of tea, you found the topic of the book really interesting
that is: Dom/Sub-Themes and BDSM
he asked Taehyung countless of questions
if you told him other things about whether and what your preferences were
but he was silent, smirked at his leader and chuckled
"You have to ask her yourself. I'm her best friend, I can't take advantage of her trust and reveal her secrets, who do you think I am, hyung?!"
since then the abstinence of mastubation was over, countless fantasies about various kinds of play sessions with you offered him the necessary satisfaction of his needs
when you pick him up from somewhere and he sits in the car just with you, that's pure horror for Joonie
because he doesn't have a driver's license himself and doesn't trust himself to make it too, he thinks it's pretty attractive that you can handle all of this stuff
especially your focused, serious look at the road and how your hands are holding the steering wheel has somehow an attractive effect on him
instinctively he would like to slide his hand under your skirt and tease your plush pussy lips through the thin fabric of your panties
before he pushes the fabric aside with his fingers and would fingers you
turn your serious gaze into a lustful one, let your fingers grip the steering wheel even more tightly out of pure ectasy
while you have still full control and your focus on driving
he doesn't understand himself, he doesn't even want to think about developing something like a "car-driving" kink maybe it is your charisma and self-confidence that turns him on
gradually he loses faith in himself thanks to you.
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Since he knows how your current partner is treating you and they seem to give a shit about your feelings and needs in this relationship he wants to be the one who gives you the attention you deserve  
you saved money for your partner's birthday present for months and he only took a quick look at it when you give it to them
you mumble in frustration that you should've rather spend the money on yourself, preferably on new sex toys
Hobi didn't believe his ears at first and looked up at you in confusion, asked what you mean by that
"We only have sex when he feels like it. When I try to seduce them in new lingerie or even ask them if we could have sex, then they makes a dismissive gesture and is pissed off that I should go out of the direction of the TV... It's been like this for a few months since I started shopping online for sex toys out of frustration. Sometimes I really wonder if I'm addicted to sex and I'm a nymphomaniac ... it's normal to want sex two or three times in a week?"
To see you so insecure about your own needs for closeness and just normal sexual activities, so that you start wondering whether you are morbidly addicted, breaks Hobi's heart
he tells you that you are not weird at all and your sexual needs are completely normal and that your partner didn't treat you as you deserve
but unfortunately he couldn't say more, it would have been very strange between you if he had said how he would treat you if he were your partner
the following days and weeks Hobi are plagued with indecent fantasies about you, his best friend
what would he have given only to know what toys you have and how you use them on yourself
and generally, all of these things he could do to you to give you the best orgasms in the world and make you feel like a goddess
he would love to be the servant for your unpleasured desires
to be the one who gives you the feeling of being Cleopatra in Person.
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it happend accidentally and unintented that you have become a part of Jimin's erotic fantasies
he took care of his needs and jack off like usual to his favourite fantasy that always makes him cum
but not this time
it seems like it wouldn't work that day, he thought it could be stress or pressure that he just couldn't cum, no matter how long he's going to jack off and teasing the most sensitive parts of his cock
he was about to give up when you jumps right into the fantasy
now it's you who's bouncing on his cock, rolling ypur hips in the most sensual way
playing with your nipples, massaging your breasts while his hands are placed on your hips, gives your body more stability so Jimin can thrusts slow but unbelievable deep into your pussy, hitting your G-spot, let come the cutest and sexiests moans over lips
you have to support yourself on his muscular chest, whine about the different angle that makes you even more sensitive
whimper his name over and over again like a Mantra
babbling dirty things that comes into your sex-focused mind
"Oh my god, oh my- Jimin, oh god, your cock feels so good in my pussy, w-when you going to fuck me like that I'll be able to cum without touching my clit, oh fuck! Please, keep fucking me like that, that feels so good, I've never get fucked so damn good, I love your cock!"
Just the thought, those words could come over your lips makes him cum so hard and so much, that his cum is spread all over his bare, sweaty chest
he needs some minutes to calm down and to catch his breath again
then he realised what he has done
he literally fucked the shit out of you and wrecked your pussy in this fantasy and he came so freaking fast only because thinking that you're the one riding his cock
at this point he already knew it's not going to change anymore
how the heck should he behave around you, when you're coming over tonight?!
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like I said in my first post, everything started with innocent... well not so innocent dreams
at first he didn't even remember the content of his dreams
but with every time it happens, he remember more and more of his fantasies
one particular is, when you're tied down to the headboard under him, all whiny and squirming while he fucks you with slow deep thrusts, hitting that sweet spot in your body all the time
then he takes the hitachi massager next to you in his hand and press it onto your clit, watching you in pure fascination when you're about to reach your high within seconds
but then taking the vibrator away and hold his cock still in your pussy until you calmed down again
and then the game starts from the beginning...
...his boxer briefs and pyjama pants are wet and stained in the mornings, sometimes he came so much in his dreams that even the bed sheets are ruined
the boys are confused why Tae starts changing his sheets so often
but when they asked he just spat back at them that's not their business
but after some time he came to Jimin and ask him for advice how to deal with this situation and that he feels helpless and ashamed
that he has such thoughts about his best friend
and then in dreams where he can't control these fantasies and his body too
but Jimin didn't laugh, he listened patiently and carefully to Taehyung
then he tried to calm him down, that these things just happen and you can't do anything against it
Jiminie blush a little bit and then reveal his own story when it comes to indecent thoughts about a person you like (a little bit more than usual)
"I hope it doesn't sounds weird to you... but maybe you can stop the wet dreams a little bit when you... when you take care of your fantasies properly before you're going to sleep, you know?"
"You think, I should jack off to my best friend?"
"Well, we all see two miles away that you developed a crush on Y/N. That's why we're all not surprised that you wash your sheets so excessively , we're not stupid and knew pretty fast it's because of unpleasant thoughts at night."
"Wait... all of them knows about it?!"
"Yep, Tae. We all know it, but it's completely fine. We all dealed with it while puberty and when someone has a crush on somebody... well, let's say, everyone here experienced that problem too. By the way, Hobi gave me this tip to jerk off before going to bed. Maybe it'll works dor you too?"
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he's the youngest of them, that's why I think he'd be still the one who is the most badly affected by flirtatious or playful alluring outfits, dirty jokes etc.
just an example: you stay over the night in the dorm, coming in the morning into the kitchen to get a glass of water for yourself. You think everything is fine until you hear someone chokes badly behind you... poor Kookie chokes on his cornflakes because you're just standing infront of him in a top and (in his opinion) super short pyjama-shorts...
compared to the others he could get erotic thoughts pretty fast without wanting it
like really.
he's suffering and don't know at first how to deal with it
thinks having such thoughts about an other person is super rude and try to avoid them
feels like a Deja-Vu with his puberty where sexual hormones sexualize literally everything
and that's a sensitive spot for him, he's sick being always the "baby of the group" (he knows he'll always be anyway bc he's the youngest)
he wants to be seen as a mature grown up man finally, that's also why he works out so much
there are two fantasies that makes him instantly hard:
1. Imagine you riding moaning and whining his muscular thigh and whenever he flexs this thick thigh muscle, your clit grinds right over it. Your hands wandering over his defined abs and pecks, try to find a spot to support yourself, seeing your eyes full of lust and desperation, seeing this hunger for a real man like him in your eyes...
that keeps him always going when he works out and push his limits
2. this Scenario in his head kills him always: He's fucking you right into the mattress, finding all these good spots of your pussy to tease the shit out of you... plus his stamina is legendary, you'll end sobbing and crying that you can't cum anymore, that your pussy and your clit is oversensitive... the cherry in top would be, when you try to keep hold of all this pleasure and grip his flexing biceps tightly as if you're drowning and whining his name...
...what ultimately change into "Daddy"... that would gives him such an Ego-Boost, that he's your Daddy, that he's your man and not only "cute boy" anymore!
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Supernatural Series Finale
It took me a couple days to collect my thoughts on one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to watch in my life. Like I said a few days ago, I cried even harder watching it the second time around. But now that I’ve had a chance to process and also see what other people were saying, I think I can finally put into words my impression of the finale. 
Buckle up, this is a long one....
Let me preface this first off by saying that as an adamant Dean girl that has said numerous times over the years that all I’ve ever wanted was to wrap Dean in a blanket and give him some forehead kisses and tell him everything is going to be fine, this episode gutted me. I fully believe that my boy did not deserve to fight so hard for so long to just die as soon as he was free. He deserved a lifetime of truly enjoying time with his baby brother, the person he loved most in the whole world.
Now with that being said, having watched this series so many numerous times, I truly don’t believe that the show could have ended any other way. It’s something that has been pointed out by the creator, the writers, the actors, and even the characters themselves in the show. Dean never saw anything else for himself than dying doing the one thing he knows best, hunting. I saw a post that discussed how this would have happened numerous times already had Chuck not been interfering in their lives, and I wholeheartedly agree with that sentiment. 
And Dean had been raised to never think anything of that. It goes back to Cas’ declaration that he is “the most loving human he has ever met”. Dean is and always has been a man of duty. He would gladly die at the end of a blade if it meant he saved someone from the fate his family was ‘destined’ to live. He has always cared more about other people than he ever has himself. It part of the reason that his freak out in 15.17 didn’t throw me because for fuck’s sake wasn’t it his turn to be a little bit selfish for once?
Anyway, I digress. Dean has been fighting for others his whole life. And as stated in 15.19, him and Sam were free to finally write their own story. Is it not 100% on character that Dean would die a hunter’s death? As we see in the beginning of the episode, the Winchesters could have chosen to walk away from the life then. They could have chose the apple pie life, a wife and 2.5 kids. But they didn’t, they chose to continue saving people, hunting things. They were writing their own story, even if it ended tragically. But that’s life, it’s messy and depressing, but it’s also beautiful and even if Dean only got a small taste of that, I can be happy.
I know a lot of people feel like that negates their character growth throughout the seasons, but I disagree. I think that the way this ended shows just how much both of them had grown. Sam very well could have went to Jack and begged him to bring Dean back and Dean could have asked him to. But neither felt that it was necessary any longer. Without Chuck pulling the strings, that scary, neurotic, codependence they used to hold was gone. Dean was okay with dying and Sam let him go. Dean told him how much he loved him and how scared he had been to go get him at school. Dean opened up, something that season 1 Dean never would have done. Just look back at “Faith”, the episode where Dean makes every joke in the book about dying instead of facing the truth that his time was up and Sam refuses to accept it so much that his one source to save him (unwittingly) is black magic. The men I saw in 15.20 were far from the men we met in season one. 
Coming back to finally being free, I have to talk about the dammed paperwork in Dean’s room. I’ve seen the speculation about that. But that’s all it is, speculation. We have no idea what that was supposed to be about. If they had meant for us to see it, they would have shown it to use like they showed us the “Dean’s other other phone” sticker. But they didn’t. So it’s perfectly fine to speculate about it, that all a part of art interpretation, but in my opinion, even if Dean was working on ‘something else’ I don’t think he ever could have fully walked away from hunting. This ending was for all intents and purposes, inevitable. 
For all the rest, as a writer, I fully understand the way that they chose to do this episode. Sure covid played a role but the boys had said that the crux of what the episode was did not change. There is a certain nuance to storytelling, like I posted back on Thursday and something that is probably one of the most famous lines from this show. Endings are hard. Writing is hard. It’s impossible to please everyone and even harder to tie up all loose ends. At the end of the day, the writers had to be satisfied with the story that they put out, irregardless of what you or I think. As Jensen so beautifully puts it, Supernatural is a piece of art, one that has numerous hands in the pot. From writers to actors and directors. And art is always up for interpretation. But that’s the beauty in it. 
I talked to a dear friend, @waywardbeanie after the episode and was like “I want to know x.y.and z” because a part of me wanted all the answers from them. I’ve always been a person so very deeply rooted in canon (I know as a fanfic author that sounds weird but stay with me). I trust the information given to me and take it as face value. I seen my stories as an extension to canon, not trying to rewrite it. So it took me a few days, and more conversations with other fans of the show, like @winchest09 , to understand that the facts left out of the final were most likely intentional. 
This is a show that has such a passionate and loving (mostly) fandom. Together we have done so much good for the world, and that is something even if you hated the finale, you can’t take back. The writers left the ending open for us, to write our own stories, whether it’s just your thoughts or if you actually write a piece of fanfiction. There is so little about what happens after Sam leaves, presumably for Austin (don’t even get me started on the essence of that cause I might cry again), because it’s our job to decide. Did Sam quite hunting all together or was he a pseudo Bobby, manning the phones for other hunters? Did he finally go to law school or end up getting some other mundane job? Who was his wife or girlfriend or baby momma in the background? Was it Eileen? If not did she know about his life? One could drive themselves crazy answering these questions, and it’s your right to do so however it will make you happy. But at the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter to the story. 
At the end of the day, what mattered was the peace that the boys found together, in heaven. Sure Dean missed Sammy when he first got there, but he didn’t fuss, because as Bobby said “he would be along”. So Dean did what he’s always done, he took a drive in Baby, and Sam was there when he finally brought her to a stop. In the end their story ended just as it had started, our boys together. 
And I know a lot of people are angry because one of the big themes this show touched on was that family doesn’t end in blood. And I agree wholeheartedly that I would have loved more familiar faces or even the mention of them (I screamed when Donna was mentioned), but at the end of the day, something Eric Kripke has been saying since season one, this show is and always has been about the brothers and their relationship. I in no way think that this negates the family they found along the way or how they could not have done a lot of it without them but, it’s not their story. I’m sorry but it’s true. 
It’s not about Cas, Jack, Bobby, Crowley, Ellen, Jo, Mary, Eileen, etc. It’s about Sam and Dean and it sucks that people can’t let that go, but I get it. I can’t imagine putting so much time into something to let something like that ruin the whole experience for you. I hope that you can find peace eventually. I guess that’s my blessing, that I never really cared for anyone besides Dean. Which isn’t to say I didn’t like characters but what happened to them never mattered to me, as bitchy as that sounds. 
I’m at peace with this ending, no matter how much it hurts me. And I think it’s just the finality of it that hurts. Jensen and Jared and Kripke are satisfied with their little show that could and that’s what matters most to me. Because those are the real people with real feelings that I care about. 
So there you have it. I have zero tolerance for negativity, so please keep your comments off this posts. You are free to your opinion but I don’t want to see it and put any seed of doubt in my acceptance of this ending. I’ll be the first to admit I’m too easily swayed, ha!
But if you need to talk, my inbox is always open. I’m still coping with the loss of this show and everything that comes with it. I don’t do well with change or facing my own mortality, something that has rattle me these past few days. I feel a million years older and that scares me. So know your feelings are valid and I’m here. 
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tumbling-odyssey · 4 years
Games I played in 2020
Just felt like getting my thoughts out on all the games I played this year. I’ve been wanting to do something like this for years but I always let it pass me by. Well not this year! Fuck you laziness! 
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I played the first half in 2019 but finished it in 2020 so I guess I'll count it. DQ11 was my intro to Dragon Quest and what a good starting point. I'm not exaggerating when I say this is one of the best traditional JRPGs on the market. Characters, story, combat, it all clicks in just the right way to make a flawless game... until the end credits roll that is. 
I have no idea what happened with the post game but by god does it dive off a cliff. It undermines everything you worked to do in the main plot. The characters act brain dead and it shamelessly reuses events from the main game. Please pick up and play DQ11 but for the love of god just stop when the credits roll.
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Doom is a game I knew I'd like. The heavy metal ascetic and soundtrack were right up my alley, but I just never found the time. With Eternal on the way though and having found it on the cheap at a pawn shop I figured there was no time like the present. Needless to say but I was right. I loved everything about this game. The thrill of combat, the screech of the guitars, and the silent take no shit attitude of Doomguy. Make no mistake though, I SUCK at this game. I played on easy but still got my ass handed to me on the regular. But I don't care, I was having way to much fun.
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I flipped my shit when this game got leaked at the tail end of 2019. Zero 3 is my all time favourite game. To celebrate this getting announced I went and 100% Zero 3 as I hadn't done it on my current cart, and Zero 3 was still the first thing I played when I got this collection! I love that game to death and I’m glad to have it on modern consoles again. As I was under a bit of time crunch with other games releasing soon I only played 2 other games in the collection Zero 4 and ZX Advent. Until the DS collection those and 3 were the only Zero/ZX games I had so I have a lot of nostalgia for them. 
Zero 4 hold ups better then I remember. Not as good as 3 but a damn solid game with tweaks I honestly wish hit the series before its end. I remember having issues with the stage design and ya it’s not perfect, but it’s far from as bad as I thought. For ZXA this was the first time I beat the game on normal difficulty. For some reason the ZX games have always given me more trouble than the Zero games, so finally beating one on normal was very exciting. Maybe I can now finally go and beat ZX for the first time...
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The Mystery Dungeon series rising from the depth to punch all those unexpecting in the face was a very welcome surprise. I had a lot of hype going into this one as I have very fond memories of my time with Red Rescue Team and even more with Explorers of Darkness. And the game lived up to it! The remastered music is great and crazy nostalgic, the 3D models are well used and don't feel as stiff as they do in the core series, and the QOL changes are near perfect... So why did I drop this game like a rock once I finished the main quest? 
Anyone familiar with Mystery Dungeon will know that the post game is the real meat of it. The story is short and all the really cool shit comes in after it's done. But I just couldn't bring myself to put more time in after I finished said story mode. I'm definitely chocking that up to me just not being in the mood then an issue with the game. Here's hoping we get an Explorers DX sometime soon. That will fucking hook me for all it's got.
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Second verse same as the first. I loved this game and sucked at it horribly. Out of all the games I've played this year Doom Eternal is the one I want to go back to the most. I was not the hugest fan of some of the changes made and retained a stance that I liked 2016 better. First person platforming has never been a fun experience in my opinion and Eternal did little to change that. And I know this a lukewarm take at best but fuck Marauders!. They are so unfun to fight and ruin the pace. The Marauder in the last mook wave took me so long I was worried I wouldn’t be able to finish the game. But the more I've seen of Eternal after my playthrough makes me think I was being far to harsh. I haven't played the DLC yet either. Mostly cuss I haven't heard great things about it. Gonna wait for the rest of it to come out to see if it's worth getting. Might just replay to whole game at that point to see if it clicks with me better.
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This was my second favourite game of the year, and was going to take the top slot until a certain other game came out. Addressing the elephant in room right away, I hated the ending. But I was expecting something like that, I think we all were. I won't let the ending ruin the rest of the game though. Not gonna let 1 segment colour everything that came before it. We have to see how the later parts play out to truly see if this ending was trash or not anyway. 
It took Square over a decade but they finally got an action RPG battle system that works and feels good to play. This may be my favourite battle system in an RPG period honestly. All four characters are a blast and it only gets better the more time you spend with it. Figuring out the nuances of each character’s skills and how to combine them not only with the skills of the others but how to enhance them with the right Materia set. This makes fights thrilling and satisfying when you finally best whatever was giving you trouble. Tis was the best way to bring 7′s mechanics into the modern landscape while also fixing the BIGGEST issue the OG had. The fact every character feels the same aside from Limit Breaks. 
All this on top of graphics that just look fucking stunning, a few glitched out doors aside. Fuck I still feel blown away looking at the characters models (mostly Tifa) and see how god damn pretty everyone is. Also Tifa’s Chinese dress is gift from the Gods and I still haven’t picked my jaw up from the floor after I first saw it.
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In my circle of the internet there was a lot of hype for this game. So much so that I ended up buying it to see what all the hubbub was about. I had never played a Streets of Rage game before and my only experience with beat'em ups was playing a LOT of Scott Pilgrim and last year's River City Girls. Turns out Streets of Rage plays quite a bit different and it kicked my ass! So sadly I had to switch to easy to make it through but I still had a fun time with it. 
I started playing mostly as Blaze but once Adam hit the scene oooooh fucking boy. I didn’t play anyone else. There's a deceptive amount of content in this game. You can unlock almost every character from the previous games and all of them rocking their original sprites and moves. If I had more of a connection with this series I'm sure I would have gone nuts on unlocking everything. I stopped after my one playthrough and I was happy with that. Always glad to support a long overdue franchise revival.
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To properly talk about P5R I think I need to air a lot of my feelings on the original game and the importance it has to me. You see, prior to 2017 I barely played games, only sticking to specific franchises. AKA Pokemon and Mega Man/Mega Man like games. Until 2016 though I still bought a lot of games. Eating up Steam sales and deals I found at pawn shops. This lead to a Steam library and shelf filled with games I've never touched outside of maybe an hour or 2. So in 2016 when I took interest in the newly released Kirby Planet Robobot I made a deal with myself. I could get the game but I HAD to beat it.  And I did just that, gaining not just a new fav Kirby game but a new rule for game purchases. If I knew I wouldn't beat a game I was not aloud to buy it. Now what does ANY of this have to do with P5 you may ask? Well... almost everything.
 I was immediately interested in P5 when it hit the west in 2017. I loved the 20 or so hours I but into P3 years ago and really liked the P4 anime I had watched around the same time. So of course with all the hype around it I wanted to dive into the series full force with P5. But I knew myself. Putting over 100 hours into a game was beyond me and I had a weird relationship with home console games as I was predominately a handheld gamer. Add in the fact I didn't even have a PS4 and I was convinced P5 would be something I always wanted to play, but never would. So when I went to the mall with a few friends and they showed me that P5 had a PS3 version, I had a dilemma on my hands. I knew I wanted to play it and I now had a way to do so. But doing that would require me to change 2 HUGE hang ups I had with games. Would I being willing to waste 60 bucks with so much working against me? Apparently I was. I immediately started going to town on this game. Making sure I spent no less then 2 hours a day playing NO MATTER WHAT. Which may not seem like a lot but it was to me... at the time.. I also had just moved to my current house, so coming home from my still relatively new job and going straight into P5 was the first real routine I formed during this heavily transitional part of my life. 
I of course ended up loving P5 and put 200 hours into it. As such my outlook on gaming was forever changed. Console games were no longer out of reach and I knew I could handle playing monster length game. I started playing way more games then I ever did before and trying out generas I never thought I would play. P5 is the main reason for this and why I'm able to make a post like this. To actually touch on Royal though? It's unarguably the better version of the game and Atlus learned all the right lessons from P4G. The new characters are great and the added section at the end is possibly the best shit Atlus has ever written. I only wish Yoshizawa joined the party sooner so I could play as her more. 
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The release of this really came out of nowhere huh? Wayforward announced it was being made mid way through 2019, then there was its weird half release on the Apple store... and then suddenly it was out! Very little fanfare for this one. Is that indicative of the games quality? Luckily no. Seven Sirens is a solid addition to the series and follows up Half Genies Hero nicely. The game goes back to Shantae's Metroidvania roots and makes a TON of improvements. 
Transformations are now instant instead of having to dance for them (don't worry dancing is still in the game) making the game feel more like Pirates Curse in its fast flow. They also added the Monster Cards which take heavy inspiration from Aria of Sorrow's Soul system. A feature I'm happy to see in any Metroidvania since Aria is one of my all time favourite games. Sadly though the game does not take the best advantage of these improvements. 
Over all the game feels kinda empty. The dungeons aren't super exciting to explore nor are they challenging in any way. And the plot is very repetitive, with each dungeon repeating the same beats. Really this game feels more like set up for a better game down the line. The mechanics are all here and Wayforward has a solid art style with the sprites from Half Genie Hero. Hopefully they capitalizes on this for Shantae 6 and we get the best game in the series.
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While it may not have been the most thrilling game, Seven Sirens really put me into a Shantae mood. So much so that I went back to play the 2 games in the series I had never touched. This being the first game and Risky's Revenge. Shantae 1 really is a hidden gem in my opinion. Don't get me wrong, it's the definition of jank, but there's a lot of heart to this game. The sprites are great, the soundtrack is good, and the characters are funny... but it's still on the OG Gameboy and that's a massive hindrance for any game. I'm hard pressed to recommend this with how poorly its aged but I think it's better then it looks. 
Risky's Revenge on the other hand was a game that shocked me by how little it had to offer. I know this game went through a hellish development and what we got was far from what Wayforward planned to make, but it's hard to imagine a world where this was the technical BEST Shantae game. It's not a bad game by any stretch... just a boring one.
For the record my ranking of the games goes Pirates Curse>Half Genie Hero>Seven Sirens>Original>Risky’s Revenge
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Sword and Shield are mediocre games at best. I know, real steaming hot take there. I managed to make my Sword playthrough a lot more fun by not spoiling myself on the new Pokemon designs for the first time since Gen 3. Either way, I enjoyed myself enough that I didn't mind playing more of it with these DLC campaigns. Plus I love the idea of Game Freak switching over to this method as apposed to making a third version, so I wanted to support it. 
Klara is a fucking top tier Poke Girl both in design and personality and is probably the highlight of Isle of Armour. GF actually went out of their way to give her multiple expressions to sell her toxic bitch personality and I love every minute of it. She sadly drifts into the background for the second half of the DLC’s story which hurts an already rough section even more. Not more then having to grind Kubfuu all the way to fucking level 70 though! That put a serious hamper on my motivation to finish the story but I pushed through anyway. Having to solo the tower with Kubfuu was at least a fun challenge though, as was the final fight with Mustard. Fuck the Diglett hunt though. Ain’t no one got time for that.
Crown Tundra may be my fav of the 2 though even if there isn't a character as good as Klara in it. The hunt for the legendaries was just pure adventure and I had a fucking blast doing it. The joy I felt when I figured out Registeel’s puzzle put a smile on my face unlike any Pokemon game since I was a kid. The whole Regi stuff was honestly a nice Nostalgia trip to my times with Emerald. The story around Calyrex was enjoyable, even if I still hate its design. Not revealing the horses before release was a good call to as it gave an honest surprise. Having to chase down the Galar forme Birds in the overworld is a great way to evolve the roaming legendaries idea and I hope GF sticks to this. Plus the Galar forme birds are some of the best legendary designs since Gen 5 and I love Chocodos way to fucking much. 
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Here we are folks, my GotY. I love Panzer Paladin so fucking much. A combination of mechanics from Mega Man, Castlevania, and Blaster Master? Sign me the fuck up! This game is tailored made for me and I knew I had to play it once it started making the rounds on social media. I'll admit though, I was a bit worried when the the first full trailer dropped and showed the weapon mechanics. Breakable weapons that you have to sacrifice for checkpoints and power ups? I'm not sure about that.... Luckily I was being a complete moron and those mechanics are near perfect. 
I love the set up of each boss being a mythological creature from different cultures. They didn’t just pull the easy ones either. A lot of these things I learned of for the first time here. I love how Grit controls. Using the upward stab as a double jump and being able to pogo off enemies Shovel Knight style just felt great and satisfying. Flame was limited but it made her sections feel tense. She does more damage then you think she could at first glance. Also the only way to heal Grit being to use pods that only Flame could access was a cool idea. 
I am begging you Tribute Games, you have to make more Panzer Paladin games. Slap some new upgrades on Grit and expand what Flame can do and you have an even better sequel  on your hands. Also maybe not have so many 'gotcha' moments with enemy placement. That's really my only complaint about the game. Great music, great sprites, giant robots, unique premise, and a reference to Canadian legends. The ultimate self indulgent game for me.
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It felt super out of left field for Curse of the Moon to be getting a sequel. The games fucking amazing but it was really just a tie in for the main Bloodstained product. Not something I expect to get a continuation. Either way I was pumped. If this was even half as good as the original then I was in for a great time. Which held true... cuss this legitimately is only half as good as Curse of the Moon. I still like the game, quite a lot actually. I mean how could I not with a fucking Corgi piloting a Death Train Mech. 
Something was just missing here that never made this click like the first game. Maybe it was the stage design, maybe the bosses, maybe the fact that it's a bit to long. I'm not sure. All I know is I couldn't bring myself to play all the modes like I did in the original. . Stopping part way in to the one where you can get the first games characters. I want to go back some day... I just don’t know when someday is.
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This was an announcement I never saw coming. A Gundam Verses game coming to the west? That hasn't happened in the entire time I've been a Gundam fan. I had played a bit of Full Boost on my old roommates PS3 thanks to him having a Japanese account and I played Force on the Vita a few years ago. But to have the latest version fully translated with open servers? Holy hell that's a dream come true. 
Having the open betas every weekend leading up to launch was some much needed fun during this shit hole year. I had a lot of fun just fucking around with different suits and seeing what I could do with 'em. Absolutely trashing two Bael players as the Kapool is a memory I'll keep with me for a long time. Fucking danced on their graves. This gave me some new appreciation for suits like the Baund Doc and Hambrabi, the later becoming a lowkey fav as it was my main.
I've fallen off with the game in the last few months but I definitely want to go back. I hope to start learning the game and take parts in tourneys when cons aren’t death sentences anymore.
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It felt like everything in my life was SCREAMING at me to start the Yakuza series. From 2 of my friends playing 0 recently, a youtuber I following live tweeting as he played through the WHOLE series back-to-back, and Yakuza 2 having a run at AGDQ 2020. Plus the constant pleas to play this series you get from following Little Kuriboh on Twitter. I finally broke and picked up 0 in the middle of August. Boooooooooy howdy did I not know what I was getting in to. And no I don't mean the content. I knew Yakuza was a series of wildly conflicting tones between the main story and side quests. What I mean is the length. I legit thought this was gonna be a 20-30 hour game. When i reached hour 30 of my playthrough and realized I wasn't even close to a conclusion, I think I knew I had bitten off more then I was planning. That misstep aside I ended up loving this game and want to play the rest of the series.... I just need to rest up first before I dive into Kiwami 1.
 Let's actually talk about the game for a moment here. Kiryu and Majima quickly clicked as likeable characters to me and I cared about their stories. Combat is fun and the multiple styles are all great.... though both the default styles take a while to get there. The mad rush I felt at the end was fantastic and the last bosses are a joy to fight. Only real complaint is the pacing of the side stories. I loved being able to just stumble into various different events while on route to the next plot objective. But this became less common as the game went on and side stories started getting more tucked away. Also hot take here, the host club mingame is more tedious then fun and I like Kiryu’s business stuff as I could do that in the background. I’m excited to dive into Kiwami and probably Kiwami 2 this year... Though I’m not sure when just yet.
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Just gonna say it flat out, I think this is better the the 2018 game. The smaller scale helps in this style of game and Miles just naturally has a better move set then Peter. I'm not sure if they actually tightened up the combat system or if they just threw less bullshit enemies at you but fighting feels so much better in this one. Traversal is better too,  simply because they changed the button for tricks. In the original you have to hold down 2 face buttons to enter trick mode??? In hindsight that was such a bad call. 
Having both the heal and venom powers run off the same meter was a good idea. Making the choice between keeping yourself alive guaranteed or potentially ending a fight quicker/disposing of a problem enemy is super fun. The player having to make small choices like this during combat is what helps it not be brainless. I love all the different venom skills you get. While they all achieve the same thing in stunning opponents, how you achieve that goal is up to you. Do you want to just slug the bastard, throw 'em up in the air, tackle the shit out of them? The choice is yours. 
Only real big complaint is certain upgrades being NG+ locked. I know you want to encourage replays, but this is a shitty way to do it I feel. Also can we retire Rhino for the next game. Man has had 2 shitty boss fights now and I need a break. Between this and Spider-Verse, I'm honestly starting to like Miles as Spider-Man more then Peter.
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I got this game more on a whim then anything. I was definitely interested when it was first announced for the west. Vanillaware's beautiful art style in a story about giant robots beating the shit out of Kaijus? Sign me the fuck uuuuuu-oh wait it's an RTS? I had never played an RTS's before, mainly due to the sheer concept stressing me out. So I let it fall to the wayside. The game started coming up again though towards the end of the year with GotY on everyone's minds.  This revived my interest, especially as what I HAD planned to be playing around that time was... well. Cyberpunk. Don't think I need to say much more. Also I had worried for nothing as the Real Time Strategy was not that Real Time. 
This game really lays on the analysis paralysis once you're out of the tutorial. Do you want to fight, do you want to do story, who's story do you want to do, what branch should you follow, how much should you play with this one character? It's very overwhelming at first. I decided to not go ham on just one character and swap around all the time. The twists in this game are equal parts exciting and infuriating. Learning something new always came with the caveat of more questions, or something you knew 'for sure' being disproven. Like when I learned 1 characters was actually 4 separate ones! Anyone that's played knows exactly what I'm talking about. 
Natsuno ended up being my fav and not just because of.... obvious reasons. BJ was cute if unfortunately named and her relationship with Mirua was my favourite in the game. Not that there was much competition except for maybe Ogata and Tomi. I ended up really liking the combat but I can see why RTS fans say it's the weakest part. It's far from complex and I had a winning strat by the third or so real fight. Aka spam turrets and have the Gen 1′s gank all the bosses.
One quick thing I want to share was how I beat the boss at the end of Area 2. The one where Inaba is singing. I had Hijiyama use the limit break skill to bum rush the boss right off the hop. I took out half its health in one hit but Hijiyama’s Sentinel was on death’s door. Only thing that saved him was sending in Amaguchi to blow up a bunch of missiles. Hijiyama took it out on his next attack but lost his Sentinel at the same time. It was a real clutch victory and crazy fucking anime. 
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The best way to really describe Carrion is that it's a fantastic proof of concept. Can you make a game where you play as The Thing? Why yes, yes you can. Carrion just needed a bit more tweaking to really bring this concept home and be the A+ game I know it can be. As it is now the game is a bit empty. The level design is super samey and the lack of a map is fucking brutal at points. I know it would make no sense for a blob monster to have a map but somethings you just have to gameify for convenience. The level design must have done something right as even though I was completely lost I still moved from area to area properly. Hell by the time I actually looked up a map I had 1 more item to get and I learned I was one door away from beating the game. 
I love the idea of losing mass as you take damage and gaining more by eating people, but having abilities tied to size was a terrible idea. It just leads to tedium as I have to go and shed myself to the right size, do the puzzle, then of course I'm going to go back and rebuild myself to see if I can do the next segment at full power. Just make it so you can swap between abilities using the d-pad or something. I hope this game gets a sequel just so this sick ass concept can be fully realized.
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