yooniesim · 1 year
If you harass someone over their bachelor challenge in the sims 4 for having "favoritism and bias" you are a straight up unserious loser
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sunderwight · 8 months
AU where there's no system (or a decidedly less restrictive one) and Shen Yuan transmigrates into an OC rogue cultivator before the start of the novel, and decides he's gonna steal the protagonist before Luo Binghe even gets to Cang Qiong.
The logic is sound -- he'll keep Luo Binghe from experiencing neglect and abuse at Shen Qingqiu's hands, raise him away from the pressure of the sects and the likelihood that anyone else might find out about his heritage and try to harm him over it, keep him fully away from the Immortal Alliance Conference, and then Luo Binghe's course will change trajectory because he'll have no reason to want revenge against the world and no access to Xin Mo. Shen Yuan will be able to spare Luo Binghe some suffering and possibly survive in a world less subject to the harrowing whims of a half-mad tyrannical overlord. Win-win!
However, the tricky bit is that he's not sure exactly how far ahead of the novel he is, and also Airplane didn't specify where Luo Binghe grew up. This means that Luo Binghe could be any age younger than twelve and in any number of places along or near to the Luo river.
Shen Yuan decides he's going to approach this by pretending he is looking for the long-lost son of his sister, traveling through the likeliest areas, asking after abandoned children who might fit the protagonist's description. It's a long shot, he knows, and he's mostly relying on the existence of Narrative Destiny. But eventually he is directed by several people towards a particular city, which is not as close to the river as he'd have expected Luo Binghe to grow up, but then again he only knows that was where baby Binghe was found, not where the washerwoman who took him in ultimately lived.
It becomes clear to him, though, that he's been sent to the wrong target. But also why he's been sent astray is apparent in nearly the same breath, because among the slave children living in this area is a little boy who could be his much younger clone.
Seriously, this kid looks just like him! Or, well, close enough. He looks a lot like Shen Yuan's actual nieces and nephews from his past life. It's uncanny.
Also, because of his search, the slave kids get wind of what he's looking for (his long-lost nephew) pretty quick. The boy with the obvious resemblance to him greets Shen Yuan's own assessment with wary cynicism, but he's just a little boy. So it's not difficult to notice the way he's also practically vibrating with hopefulness, half-hiding behind a protective older kid and looking at Shen Yuan with big dark eyes like he expects to be rescued or destroyed with whatever he has to say next.
Shen Yuan has a big problem now. He just knows that if he says something like "actually no this boy is too old to be my nephew" or whatever other excuse, no one will believe him, and also this poor kid is going to be permanently scarred by it. He's going to think Shen Yuan is lying just so that he can reject him. On top of that, he's not in a good situation here. None of these children are even remotely well cared-for.
Shen Yuan's rogue cultivator self isn't rich on the level of being like a wealthy sect leader or anything, but he's made some money since transmigrating by doing random cultivator jobs and quests along the way here. He uses it all to purchase two little slave boys (Do Not Separate), then takes another job and uses that coin to acquire a somewhat rundown manor which used to belong to the local gentry. The Qiu family (rings some bells but that's not exactly an uncommon name) kept it up for a while in case a branch family sprung up in need of a residence, but they've been in decline and the place is downright decrepit, so they had been looking to sell it instead. It's too big for a wandering bachelor like SY to ever need on his own account, but that's sort of the idea. He makes more money taking on cultivator work, at first taking his boys along with him for lack of any alternative. Nerve-wrackingly dangerous! Eventually he hires workers to start restoring the manor, particularly setting up a yard to be a school area, and then starts taking on any freelance jobs he can get in order to steadily buy out the contracts on all the other kids. He gets it nice enough to house and care for as many orphans as he can acquire.
Not because he's a big old softie though!
His story of looking for his nephew is a bust now, since he's apparently "found" the kid. So he's got to change tactics! If he can't find baby Binghe and the washerwoman, the next best approach is to create an opportunity for them to come to him. So once he's got his new household established, he starts offering free lessons to all the local kids. Not just the ones he's taken in, but also any who come by and want to learn some things. It's a tempting setup for anyone who wants their child to get education but can't afford a tutor, and Luo Binghe's mother had been entirely the sort of person who would have packed up and left her situation if there had been an opportunity for it.
On that note, SY also starts hiring single mothers to help look after his new gaggle of children and do the work he doesn't know how to do in these times, like keeping house, laundry, cooking, actually raising kids, etc.
His "little school" is not universally popular. A few groups try and ruin him, because the poverty in the region provides a basis of business for them. The ringleaders of the human traffickers in the area don't want their trade to dry up, even if it means selling all of their merchandise for this round, so when they find out that their underlings let Shen Yuan buy off all the kids they try and intimidate him into returning them (it doesn't go well for them). The Qiu family also isn't thrilled after it becomes clear what he's doing, and get him investigated by the local authorities (read: use their bribed officials and local goons to try and interfere.)
When that doesn't work either the sects get involved, because the Qiu go crying to Huan Hua Palace that Shen Yuan is sketchy and is trying to establish his own sect. So Shen Yuan talks his way around the matter, and frankly the Qiu are small fish even if they're the biggest ones in the local pond, so HHP doesn't care to pursue things much further. (Read: SY could mop the floor with the disciples they sent to investigate him, and it's not worth it to piss off someone this mysterious and powerful just to bully some impoverished children.)
Shen Yuan is appalled by all this bullshit though. Trust the world of PIDW to make it so hard just for a guy to teach some poor kids how to read and do math!
It makes him dig in his heels about it, because he is at heart a stubborn bastard. The fires that once fueled a thousand angry screeds on zhongdian literature site is now aimed at the local magistrate. One of the women he's hired on has some dirt on the Qiu family, which leads SY to dig up some more until he eventually has enough to turn the tables on them. Local officials won't investigate because they've all been bought, but that in and of itself is of some interest to their superiors closer to the palace, and so SY arranges an investigation of his own that goes way further than he thought? Turns out there are some ugly skeletons in the Qiu closets, and the imperial investigator comes down on them hard.
Well, he can't say they didn't have it coming? Though he does feel bad for the children in the family, especially the oldest son, who gets hauled off to jail along with his father. At least the girl is sent to live with relatives. Maybe he should have done more to shield the minors in the situation...?
His kids tell him not to worry about it, though, that apparently young master Qiu was known to run people down in the streets and beat his servants and do other cartoonishly awful things. SY's not sure how much of it is true and how much of it is his little flock of fluffy sheep trying to ease his conscience, though they do all seem to take a lot of vindictive delight in the whole affair. Especially Nephew, who clings to his sleeves and loudly declares that the investigator should have publicly flogged the discredited nobles so that everyone could go watch, and then begs him for sweets as if that wasn't a creepy thing to hear come out of an eight-year-old's mouth. SY just sighs and tells him he can have something good when he finishes his calligraphy practice.
Of course, it's not exactly easy running what is basically an orphanage-slash-school (and maybe a budding sect...?), especially when pretty much all of the kids have been traumatized and faced stuff like rampant dehumanization, food insecurity, abuse, and neglect. Hiring single mothers soon becomes not only a plan to try and lure in Luo Binghe's mom, but an absolute godsend of an idea because SY has no clue WHAT he would do on his own about the discipline issues or emotional breakdowns or acting out that some of the kids get up to once it registers that they're in a safe enough place to unpack their baggage.
Apart from Nephew, SY's favorite kid is the one who came with him, the oldest of the flock of former slave children. He's the big brother of the group, the one who tries his best to look after the others and to not make any trouble himself. But even poor Little Yue is still just a kid who has been through too much, and he also eventually starts having some meltdowns and struggles with processing everything that has happened to him as a vulnerable child in an unkind world.
SY really didn't mean to start a trauma center for mistreated children!
Though, that's still not necessarily a bad thing for Luo Binghe to one day come across, provided he ever actually shows up...
Eventually, Shen Yuan does figure out that he must be ahead even of Luo Binghe's birth, though he still doesn't put together that he's interfered in the scum villain's backstory. Probably something even more amusingly obscure, like the creation year of some random artifact Luo Binghe used in some wife plot or other, tips him off and he mentally throws his hands up in the air. He's got to wait DECADES? Maybe he ought to try and find Luo Binghe's biological parents and just follow them around at this point!
Not that he can, now, though, because he has to make sure no negative IQ villains (who will probably just be cannon fodder for a subplot one day) decide to send goons to literally burn down his orphanage. Also if he's gone for too long his kids get upset. Probably because no one else is as weak to their puppy dog eyes and pleas for treats and toys as he is.
At least it gives him time to shore up his position, and train Nephew and Little Yue more extensively in cultivation. Despite his initial assurances to HHP that he was but a humble orphan wrangler who was only incidentally a cultivator, Shen Yuan does also teach the other kids some basic cultivation exercises. There are a few reasons for that.
One is just the principle of the thing. No, these kids don't all have the potential to become great immortals or anything, but they can still learn some of it and it's good for their health if they do. The only trouble is if they try and push too hard or attempt things beyond their range, and that's a risk with everyone who cultivates. Or even just exercises!
Another reason is that it helps stave off the jealousy that some of the kids have towards those with more cultivation potential. Teaching a lot of the basics all around makes it into just another topic at school. Some kids might not be as good at it as others, but those kids might also be better at math, or memorization, or board games, and while cultivation can open more doors to people as adults, for the children this is generally enough to satisfy their sense of fairness. Or at least reduce outbursts and fights.
Finally, the impression that any of SY's kids might be a cultivator also makes wicked people more reluctant to try and abduct or interfere with them. Cultivators are revered and nearly mythological figures in the public consciousness. It isn't difficult to see why, if even a rogue cultivator NPC like SY* can mop the floor with most random muggers (*Shen Yuan is not a normal rogue cultivator). Not many people want to risk bringing SY's ire down on them, but of those who might chance it if he wasn't around to immediately react, even fewer want to risk that the kids themselves could kick their asses.
Not knowing that only two of the orphans probably could in fact mop the floor with them helps keep all the rest safer, and is more believable when all of them can conduct themselves enough like disciples to fool anyone who doesn't know what to really look for.
Developments that surprise Shen Yuan but wouldn't surprise anyone else who is paying attention:
People start leaving unwanted babies and younger children on his doorstep. Not all the time, but more than once has he had to frantically find wet nurses and worry that he's changed things enough that some fishermen might just randomly drop the protagonist outside his gate, and he wouldn't even know because Binghe would be a literal infant??
Nephew (SJ) and Little Yue (Yue Qi -- only Shen Yuan calls him "Little", especially when he gets taller than SY by the time he's sixteen) are prodigies who get really good at cultivation, really fast, and between that and Shen Yuan's OP skills they completely warp Shen Yuan's ideas for what normal cultivation potential looks like. This would probably cause more problems if he wasn't teaching all the kids how to cultivate anyway, but means his students actually do kinda run the usual range of skills for a small sect.
SJ and YQ swiftly reach the point where they need more advanced equipment than just SY's teaching can provide, if they're going to keep building their skills. Gaining access to certain tools, aids, and materials (like spiritual swords) is a real hurdle though, and usually is for rogue cultivators (one of the major disadvantages of no sect affiliation.) Shen Yuan is hesitant to use stuff from the plot, since it's For Binghe, but he eventually caves and starts going after some things that he doesn't think the future protagonist will miss much. He also ends up buying stuff from HHP, since they're willing to sell things like spiritual tools and weapons if the price is right, whereas most other sects like Cang Qiong reserve them for members only.
They get an invitation to the Immortal Alliance Conference. Not the one where the Abyss opens up, obviously, the one where (originally) Shen Jiu reunited with Yue Qi and killed Wu Yanzi. Shen Yuan debates on going but the boys really want to, and things have calmed down enough that no one's trying to burn down the school whenever he leaves these days, so eventually he figures it'll be interesting to see some of the Cang Qiong characters and should be safe enough if he keeps his disciples close.
They don't run into young Yue Qingyuan or Shen Qingqiu on the trip, but Wu Yanzi does show up and get killed, and SY only hears about it and assumes they just missed all that action. (WYZ just got caught by some senior cultivators who recognized him and killed him to avenge some disciples he murdered.) Nephew and Little Yue do meet young Liu Qingge, Shang Qinghua, Mu Qingfang, and Su Xiyan though! Which gives Shen Yuan the opportunity to tell them all (mostly Su Xiyan) that if they're ever in trouble near his school, they can come to him for help. Hint hint.
This open invitation ends up being accepted broadly by a lot of traveling cultivators after the conference, who from then on treat Shen Yuan's school like a free motel whenever they're passing through. Plenty aren't even people SY met, but it seems his statement was taken as a general one to fellow righteous cultivators all around! Luckily, this has some advantages. Shen Yuan has no qualms running off anyone who tries to take unfair advantage of him or especially his kids or staff, and no shame in conscripting anyone who is decent enough to help teach his students, even if it's nothing to do with cultivating, and somehow word gets around and people start bringing school supplies, medicine, food, or other useful things along with them as gifts to help repay the hospitality. Young Liu Qingge comes by a lot on his way to and from various quests, or even seems to just turn up randomly sometimes (he comes to challenge YQ and SJ to fights), and SY's just like "I guess this is happening now" and teaches him to recognize the early signs of qi deviation and advises strongly against meditating in caves.
At one point a young Shang Qinghua turns up in one of the spare rooms, very obviously hiding an ice demon. Shen Yuan again is just like "I guess this is happening now" and shelters them until Mobei Jun has recovered, and sends a message to Cang Qiong that one of their An Ding caravans was attacked and their disciple is recovering under his roof but isn't well enough to travel yet. Much less stressful situation for Airplane (who is desperately trying to figure out what he did to manifest SJ's benevolent uncle from somewhere???)
Su Xiyan seems like the only person they met at the Immortal Alliance Conference who doesn't turn up at their door in a state of emergency at some point.
A few years later, there is a big scandal involving her and the demon emperor. Su Xiyan disappears, Huan Hua Palace accuses Tianlang Jun of plotting against the righteous sects, and Shen Yuan is even invited to the meeting where they try and rally everyone to go kill Binghe's dad. Naturally, he declines to participate in the witch hunt, but the major sects agree to it. By luck (or narrative fortune) Shen Yuan comes across Zhuzhi Lang on his trip back home, and mentions the ambush and his distaste for it (not knowing who ZZL is). ZZL warns Tianlang Jun and the confrontation goes very differently, especially since there's no Yue Qingyuan wielding Xuan Su.
It doesn't go well for the sects involved. Huan Hua Palace gets decimated. The Old Palace Master gets killed. Shen Yuan is like uhhhh that's... whoops? Didn't Luo Binghe need that in the future?? Fuck.
But the sect isn't wiped out completely, they just take a massive beating. Some of their younger disciples end up leaving and turning up on Shen Yuan's doorstep, for some reason. The manor house is becoming too small to account for all of these foundlings! They have to expand. Though the expansions would be a stretch to term a "palace" they end up occupying a much larger chunk of territory, and even investing in farmland and some storehouses to help support the sect. That's still not really a sect, of course. Even if a lot of the business that would have normally gone to Huan Hua Palace starts coming to them instead. Once HHP is back on its feet the stream will probably dry out. Probably?
Zhuzhi Lang starts hanging around. He's actually looking for Su Xiyan or their baby, dead or alive and per Tianlang Jun's instructions, but he uses Shen Yuan's school as base camp for his kind of hopeless efforts to find any traces of them, while also looking for ways to try and repay Shen Yuan. All the kids are just like "oh great, another weird man has fallen in love with Shizun -- someone go run interference" about it.
Some years later, an older woman and her young son turn up. Shen Yuan's off on a quest at the time, so SJ receives them. As is standard procedure he gives the woman a job and places the boy in classes, after giving him the aptitude tests. The kid is cute and precocious, so SJ uses him to distract YQ while he himself sneaks out to go join LQG on a monster hunt (and claim the valuable parts of the beast's remains for himself), and neither SY nor ZZL notice anything until SY's going over the paperwork for stuff he missed while he was gone. Since he procrastinated, it takes him like a week to find out that Luo Binghe is finally under his roof. He's going over the admission form right when SJ arrives with The New Adorable Child to try and distract SY enough that SY will let him go on a solo hunt -- as far as being distracted goes, it is way more effective than even SJ anticipated.
Then he has to figure out how to let ZZL know, so that ZZL can let Tianlang Jun know, so that Luo Binghe will have more family than just his mom and more resources than just a shabby little not-sect! But even once he figures it out and sets up the dramatic reveal, TLJ is just like "great! so can he just stay with you? he's probably fine there" which... irritates SY.
SJ fully conscripts Luo Binghe as a minion in his many cons. He never lost his street kid conman tactics, although he now uses them less as a ruthless survival tool or weapon and more to just get things to go his own way. LBH has the face and disposition of a little angel, which SJ no longer can pull off as a full grown adult, so he fills a gap. LBH also knows full well what's going, especially since a lot of SJ's tactics involve throwing LBH at SY like a smoke bomb.
Luo Binghe inevitably still develops a big fat crush on SY, so this is fine by him. Especially when he gets older, he starts bringing SY tea and making him breakfast and running his errands until even SJ is like "wait a minute, this little brat's stealing my job!" and by then it's too late. Luo Binghe is SY's personal assistant, the disciple at conman puppydog eyes has surpassed the master! While SJ was busy being like "I'm going to trick this idiot into doing my chores" LBH was going "I'm going to trick this idiot into giving me his job".
SY takes too long to officially name his school so everyone calls it the Shen Sect, much to his embarrassment.
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junicult · 1 year
!! the bachelors when they’re horny
contains ; much suggestive content. fem!farmer. established relationships (marriage). reader has hair that can be put into a ponytail. nsfw, no actual smut. sorta proofread.
note ; here’s another apology for disappearing :,,
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- the love of my life.
- he’s more of a romantic.
- so he tends to take a sweeter, gentler route into hinting at him being in the mood.
- it’s not a hard task, either.
- this man is so in love with you. when he’s in love, it can just be the sight of you to turn him on.
- some of the easiest, i’d say is anything that reminds him he’s married to you.
- like yeah, of course he knows that, but it always makes his day when he reminds himself of it.
- such as coming home to you, making dinner for you or when you make dinner for him.
- sitting in ur home together, eating and talking about your day. just reminds him of the fact that he gets to do this with you, and no one else does.
- since he knows how busy you are, he absolutely loves being a househusband. spoiling you by doing all the household chores while you work your ass off outside.
- and he genuinely enjoys doing that,
- but on the rarer occasion when you take most of the day off, and he’s out at work—that’s what really gets him.
- the smallest gesture of picking up his empty plate and washing the dishes.
- when you constantly say, “honey, i’ve got it,” as he tries to help…it does something to him.
- it’s a small act of love that shows him you care so much about him without saying it.
- now, maybe it wasn’t your intention to turn him on. i mean, it’s quite literally a regular, basic gesture—
- but here he is. throat aching, palms starting to sweat and his growing hard-on straining in his pants.
- all because you showed basic human decency.
- lol.
- also because it’s the love of his life doing it for him, but still. he can’t help it. he’s just so infatuated with you.
- as for getting the hint across to you? ofc he’s not gonna fucking say it.
- he overthinks everything. and the last thing he’d want is for you to feel obligated just because he wants to.
- but there’s an obvious tell when it comes to harvey, and it’s not just the fact that his cheeks get all red.
- it’s the way he starts to fumble over his sentences, mumbling and stuttering his words.
- he’s not very smooth i fear.
- but that’s what we love about him🫶
- it doesn’t take long to realize you’ve got him tense. feel free to tease him a bit.
- the minute you show you’re on the same page, however, he gets a pick up in his confidence.
- whenever he’s turned on like this, it’s always the best for you.
- his beautiful wife does something sweet for him? then you better believe he’s going to be even sweeter to you.
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- i’ve said this before,
- but it’s not hard to get him in the mood.
- show him even the tiniest sign that you’re horny, and he is too.
- what can i say, he’s a simple man.
- now, don’t mistaken that as anybody that comes along, shows a little affection can turn him on. bc that’s not true. at all.
- in fact, he’s incredibly oblivious to that kinda stuff. if he gets hit on, he’ll just take it as a compliment.
- it’s you that turns him on. it’s your affection. it’s the fact that you want him.
- bc he’s just that in love with you, he gets all excited when he’s in those situations with you.
- SO!!
- he gets so cute when he’s needy.
- he’s always down hug and hold you, trust me. his love language is for sure physical touch.
- even just in general, he has to be holding your hand while you’re standing together, he’s latched onto you when you’re laying together. he’ll even hold onto you as you’re cooking dinner. he loves touching you.
- and when he’s horny it’s no different.
- it’s so random, but one of his major turn ons is watching tie your hair out of your face.
- super casually, too. can be mid-conversation, or he just catches a glimpse of you doing it across the room.
- “your mom wants a me to bring a largemouth bass for dinner tonight, can you feed the chickens please?” your explain as you secure your ponytail with a hairtie.
- he’s all sorts of distracted, obviously listening to your request but he can’t help but focus on the action.
- “yeah, for sure—totally,” he nods, and the minute u walk out the door he has to let out a large huff of breath.
- another thing that vvvv much turns him on is when u walk fresh out of the shower with only a towel on.
- like, i’m talking u can still see the droplets of water on your shoulders, and your hair is soaking to the touch.
- he’s a simple man i said.
- and what’s funny is, he always showers with you.
- so seeing you like that will happen 9/10 times after u shower.
- he looks pretty much identical to you, too. same sopping wet hair and towel around his waist.
- he’s cute with it though. like, ofc he stares at you, but he’s got the cutest smile & obvious flush across his cheeks.
- mumbles a soft, “you just look really pretty,” after you ask about it.
- …idk abt u but he’s getting it after that.
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- there’s no hiding it.
- he’ll straight up tell you.
- honestly, i feel like every time he’s with you or he sees you, he’s always at least a little turned on.
- within reason of course.
- i mean, how can he not be?
- it’s just like, when you’re that in love, he’ll find you beautiful no matter what. and if you’re literally covered in dirt or soot from the mines head to toe, if you tell him ur horny he is not complaining 💀
- simply put, he’s always down.
- he’s very respectful, however. he knows if the time isn’t right.
- but anyways, when he’s rly horny, it’s not hard to figure it out.
- he makes so much more eye contact, and becomes like the most intense listener.
- i don’t want it to sound like he isn’t already a good listener, he’s not an asshole (for the most part <3)
- it’s not like he’s doing the bare minimum just to get in your pants. he becomes such an intent listener because he’s turned on from the way you talk.
- like he’s enchanted. he could listen to you forever. he genuinely wants you to continue.
- when ur lying in bed together before going to bed, casually recapping your day and he can’t help but think about how pretty you look while u innocently put lotion on.
- and then his thoughts wander. and then he’s thinking the other pretty sounds your voice makes.
- and once you finish, you ask a sweet, “so how was your day, handsome?”
- he’s all, “pretty boring. missed you a ton.”
- you’re too deep in your relationship to know his compliment is also a pickup line, and that his thumb rubbing your thigh isn’t him just showing affection.
- it’s only a matter of time before he’s looking over at you with the smallest smirk and glazed eyes.
- “you feeling okay? still got some energy left?”
- not subtle indeed.
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- in the beginning of ur relationship, he was turned on by many things you did, but he’d wait until he had an actual excuse.
- let me explain,
- when you were getting ready for bed, and he was spending the night, he’d watch you delicately take off your jewelry and carefully put them away—instant turn on.
- but it wasn’t until u joined him in bed, gave him a couple kisses on the cheek, & hinted that u were in the mood yourself when he’d fold.
- like he’d wait until he had an “excuse” for some reason.
- as for now, when ur relationship is very committed and ur living under the same roof, he stopped overthinking as much.
- instead of watching your dainty fingers unclasp each necklace, it was his to help you.
- then a gentle press of his soft lips to the center of your neck, & all he had to do was listen to your soft laugh, before you turned around and kissed him deeper.
- when he’s horny, that’s absolutely what he does. it saves him from outright saying it, and from making you feel bad if you aren’t. a win win.
- for sebastian to blatantly tell you he wants to have sex right now—he’s gotta be DEPRIVED.
- even though he’s comfortable with you, and no matter how long he’s been with you, he’s just not that kind of person to outright ask.
- plus, he likes when you come onto him. it’s an ego booster.
- he just loves u in general, and the fact that he knows u love him.
- now just bc i stated he doesn’t like to ask, doesn’t mean he never will.
- it’s rare, but he’s been with you for years. he’s bound to suggest it at least once.
- and if that were the case, he’ll still be shy about it.
- he’s been thinking about you all day, even clingy enough to bring himself out to help you with work.
- he’s sorta like ur shadow the entire day, and for a guy that deeply appreciates his alone time, it definitely doesn’t go unnoticed by you.
- “what’s up, sebby? you’ve been really clingy today.” you giggle, leaning into his touch that wraps around your waist.
- you’ll get nothing but a hum and a shrug for now.
- and by the time your chores are wrapped up, the sun is long since set, and you’re all cleaned and full from dinner—is when you finally pry it out of him.
- “you’re just usually not like this,” you giggle, running your fingers through his hair after kissing his cheek.
- “can i not show my wife affection?” he dryly jokes back, causing you to roll your eyes.
- “okay, i don’t need the attitude. of course you can.” you tease, smiling when he wraps his arms a little tighter around you and pulls you in for a kiss.
- “you just look extra beautiful today, and i wanna do something about it.” he all but shrugs, his voice low and quiet between his lips pressing against yours.
- “like what?”
- “why don’t you let me show you?”
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- pfft.
- he’ll tell you.
- he’ll actually make it known to whoever’s near. he has zero shame.
- he always gets rly horny whenever ur out in public together, like at dinner w friends, or at town gatherings.
- it’s definitely because he gets to see you all dressed up, spritzed with perfume and makeup done.
- trust me, the sight of you in your loungewear still makes him a horny. a different kind of horny, tho. i’ll get to that in a minute.
- but there’s something so satisfying abt showing up to an event with a fucking goddess by his side. you’re dressed to the nines and you’ve got his hand in yours.
- it’s like a silent bragging right that you fell in love with him, not anyone else.
- he’s a little possessive in that sense.
- when you guys haven’t seen each other in a couple hours, he’ll always come find you after a bit to check in.
- it’s so cute cus ur a little buzzed, and so is he.
- he’ll easily slot himself by your side, wrapping his arm around your waist and holding you close.
- just from the way your face immediately lights up, and a warm smile pulls at the corner of your cheeks is enough to turn him on.
- leans down to whisper in your ear, “when are you ready to head out? been dying to get this off of you,” while subtly tugging on the fabric hugging your hips.
- yeah, you’ll leave right after that😇
- and as for when he sees you in your loungewear,
- he tends to be a bit more loving.
- there’s definitely a side of him that only you bring out. he’s lowkey one of those guys that becomes such a softie when he’s alone with you.
- likes to hold u, or even be held if i may be so bold.
- so when he’s feeling particularly affectionate, mumbling abt how much he loves you and such, it tends to lead into a session or two.
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- he’s just beyond enamored by you and everything you do.
- he’s similar to shane in the sense that, no matter what he’ll always find you beautiful, and sexy.
- he’s the kind of guy who gets his own satisfaction by giving you what you want. so if ur horny, and you wanna have sex, well so is he.
- but for elliott, it’s different.
- it’s not so much as being horny and looking to just fuck,
- it’s him being in love with you, and wanting to make love to you, y’know?
- so when he’s horny, it’s usually when he gets his alone time with you.
- after you’ve finished work for the day, already showered, & he’s decided to wrap up his own work, is when you two can finally relax together.
- “you were out there for a while. busy day?” he asks curiously, silently patting his knee for you to prop your foot up.
- “ah, yeah, y’know, most of my crops needed to be harvested today and i had to run to pierre’s to plant some more.” you sigh, leaning back and indulging in his affection.
- it’s gonna sound a little weird, i know, but i feel like he silently loves when you’re a little sore.
- no, not because you’re in pain, but because he just loves the excuse to soothe you.
- he loves rubbing your shoulders and back, rubbing your feet when you’re tired while you tell him about your day.
- it’s usually then when he becomes infatuated, and all he wants to do is hold you and kiss you all over.
- so after some back and forth, talking about whatever news came up over the few hours you’ve been apart, is when he’s the most in love.
- there’s never really a verbal agreement, you two usually just feel it at the same time, which is when you lean in and it gets a bit heated.
- he can’t possibly pick one single thing you do that makes him hornier then another. it’s everything you do.
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adventuringblind · 9 months
Cutting Tensions
Daniel Ricciardo x Reader x Max Verstappen x Lando Norris
Dialouge prompt: "The deal was that if I won, you'd all have your way with me."
Genre: SMUT
Summary: Reader wins a bet and spicy things ensue
Warnings: Filthy, PinV sex, implied anal, oral, fingering, thigh riding, degradation, praise, under negotiated BDSM, dom/sub,
Notes: I'm back from the dead! Finished my bachelor's degree today and move on to my masters in January! How do we celebrate? Smut. This is filthy and part of my 1000 follower event. Requests will close at the beginning of January. If you'd like to participate, click on the link :)
Minors DNI please
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She's more observant than the boys give her credit for. They aren't being subtle or even smooth, for that matter.
Daniel flirts openly with her every chance he gets. Max is always trying to spend time with her both inside and outside the paddock. Lando is very handsy at the most inconvenient times. While they are busy oggling at her, they have failed to notice the longing looks that pass between the three of them. She's getting sick of it, really. Macho men who are fighting over her don't have the balls to admit they are also trying to show off to each other.
She's hit the breaking point and has decided to do something about it. And, if everything goes according to plan, they will have a lovely night and hopefully some realization of feelings while they're at it.
She'd managed to place the car on pole for the race tomorrow. Her odds of actually turning it into a win look good so far. She takes her phone out and sends a quick message to the boys.
'If any of you three win tomorrow, I'll spend the night with you. But if I win the you three take me at the same time. Deal?'
A course of enthusiastic replies cause her phone to explode. They really are the most oblivious boys she knows at times.
Just as she'd hoped, she stands on the top step of the podium. Drenched in champaign with adrenaline coursing through her veins. Max is a step below looking at her knowingly.
The anticipation builds over the course of debriefs and media work. The interviews take hours and she want to throw the microphone at the journalists who constantly ask her about being a female in formula 1. The same question they have asked over the entire course of her career.
She runs into the three boys looking at each other awkwardly. Max flashes the keys to his car and she feels her shoulders intense knowing escape is near.
"Your hotel room I'm assuming?" Daniel throes her a playful smile.
"Well, unlike the three of you, I'm pretty sure I cleaned before I left." She throws as they walk towards Max's car.
The rest of the trip back is filled with playful and teasing Comments. Daniel is the least petrified of the three boys and even leaves a few lingering touches along her thighs.
They toss their stuff into random corners of the room. It's not like it's massive, but she knows they'll find a way to make it work. Unless they decided to stare at her all night instead of doing anything.
She faces them and huffs. Daniel looking a little more amused then the other two at it.
"The deal was-" She puts her hands on her hips. "-That if I won, you'd all have your way with me."
Daniel finally takes the initiative and slams his lips onto hers. It's wet and hot. She can't help but moan into his mouth at the sensation. His fingers hook into the belt loop of her jeans to pull her closer. "You mean like this, darlin?" She just moans back in agreement.
Daniel pulls back, leaving her to whine in anticipation. He yanks on Max's wrist to pull him into the mix. The Dutch looks both helpless and surprised, and his lips land on Daniel's. The Australian slides Max into his place. He looks sufficiently warmed up now and in his element.
He places kisses everywhere along her neck and jaw line. His hands wrestle with her clothes until she's exposed and the feeling of the duvet is beneath her; flush against her skin.
She feels small beneath him. Max's hands groping at her like she'll fly away. Her hips already blossoming with dark marks.
His lips leave her for a second as he throws his shirt off. Her hands fly to belt around his waist. It's messy, but he's left in his boxers eventually.
On the other side of the bed, Lando was clueless. Despite his show of confidence, he was prepared for it to either be just him or not at all. Not to say that he doubted her skills. No, he doubts himself. Didn't mentally prepare for this outcome.
Daniel takes the initiative with him just like he'd done Max. Daniel curls his fingers around Lando's waist and hesitantly leans closer. It's enough that Lando has time to back out if he wants, but he doesn't. He hates admitting it; that he wants this desperately. He also just wants to be good, and that usually comes with experience. Something he doesn't have in this scenario.
His thoughts come to a screeching halt when Daniel's lips land on his. It's much softer than he'd seen with the other two.
It lasts for a measly minute until Lando's body is being manhandled onto the bed. Litgerally thrown onto it like he weighs nothing more than a sack of potatoes. He doesn't do any of the work aside from lay there in sheer cluelessness.
Everyone if fumbling out of their clothes. It's frantic and animalistic now, but he's definitely turned on at the sight of it. Yeah... this is definitely what he wanted.
She is going to explode. Max's tongue has found her ripples, and his hands are pressed into her back to keep her close. His thigh sits between her legs up against her core. She grinds her lower half against Max's skin. Her moans come out as high-pitched whine as the stimulates become too much.
Max releases his tongue from her and takes over, moving her hips for her. "You like that baby? You're leaking all over my thigh, so you must."
She's about to hit that point when Max throws her off him. He loses his boxers in record time and slips on one of the many condoms sitting on the bedside table.
Her and Lando lay in opposite directions. Enough for her to land her lips on his and her hands to make contact with his skin. The Brit is whining loudly at something. The beginnings of tears prick at his eyes. Daniel is running hands up and down Lando's sides, occasionally brusing against her own.
It feels like seconds of peace before Max is slamming into her. He throws her leg over his shoulder and hits the same place every time. Hips snaping so hard the sound echoes in the room. Her hands immediately find some kind of hold on his arms. Behind her, Daniel is praising both of them. "You two look so good. Look at how she's falling apart underneath you, Maxy."
Lando's cries and incoherent babbling are also increasing. It's messy and the heat of the room is already causing her skin to become slick with sweat.
"Can you two manage coming at the same time? Can you do that for us?" She's pretty sure she could come undone any second now. Max's pace hasn't faltered. If he continues, she's going to combust.
Max is whispering praises in her ear. Landos hand grips whatever it can of her body. Frantic moans and flailing limbs come with crashes of endorphins. It's blissful. Max draws it out until he finishes and collapses on top of her.
There is no reprieve for her and Lando. Daniel is a puppet master and both of them are merely on strings being moved to his will.
She ends up on top of him. Neither she nor Lando move. Their skin is plastered together as she buries her nose in the crook of his neck.
Daniel is moving her up and down in rough motions. His grip is changing in strength every few seconds as Max is somewhere out of sight sucking off the Australian.
He's directing Lando on where he wants the Brits hands on her. Eventually coming to the point he isn't holding onto her at all. It's Lando guiding her body. His hips buck into her, but it isn't like Max. Lando tries different things. Enough to startle her into a second orgasm when he begins to hammer up into her relentlessly. He has her begging for it this time.
Daniel and Max find both them at the top of the bed. They whisper things at them. Max is praising on one side while Daniel degrads on the other.
She is putty in their hands. Molded to their will. Swimming in the bliss of their attention.
"My turn." Daniel growls at her. He moves them all again. Her body is swiftly turned to where she can clearly see Daniel's eyes wide with something primal. "Need your mouth baby. Are you okay with that? Can I fuck your throat?" She responds by simply throwing her mouth open and sticking out her tongue. "Dirty."
The smirk on his lips disappears as his cock slides down the back of her throat. She can helpless to do anything except let her mouth be used.
Max is back between her thighs. This time with a tongue on her clit and three fingers moving inside her in such a way that she sees white. Occasionally she hears Max pull away to praise Lando who is out of her sight. Whatever he's doing is working as Max's movments begin to randomly falter.
Daniel is wiping away the stray tears that are sliding down her cheeks. She's coughing and gagging but the ecstasy is to overpowering for her to think to much about it. "Such a good girl." He coos after a particularly nasty cough.
He warns her about five seconds before he finishes. On last slam into her mouth and he's spilling into her throat. Far enough back that it hardly touches her tongue.
He holds her there as Max brings her over the edge again. His hands pin her wrists as she frantically tries to pull him closer or push him away, she's not sure which is happening.
She's still riding the high, Daniel barely out of her mouth when Lando pops back onto the bed sputtering and wiping his mouth. "That - was amazing." His chest falls heavily as he regains his breath.
Her body won't move. It's exhausted. Every last ounce of energy spent. Everything feels sticky. Lingering electric pulses stem from the soft touchs of Daniel and Max.
"You did so good, loves." Plural, meaning with her and Lando. She's curious what she'd missed while wrapped up in her own pleasure.
"Cuddles?" Lando squeaks.
There are a few chuckles and a denial. "Bath and water first."
It's much softer then she'd anticipated. Max and Daniel don't get in the bath with her and Lando, but the sit on the edge and keep them company. Just chatting like this is a normal Sunday nightm
The bed is really to small for four people, but they make it work. They fall asleep tangled together. Limbs tossed in all sorts of directions and phones still on silent.
She wakes up first and orders breakfast. Foods that she knows are trainer approved across the board.
She's lost in her own thoughts. So much so that she doesn't notice the three boys beginning to wake. Not until a set of arms wraps around her waist.
"How long did you know for?" Asks Daniel from right behind her. The other two boys still wrapped in each other but eyeing her intently.
"A year now."
Lando sits upright "You set us up?!"
"The way I see it, we all got a good fuck out of this and feeling have come to light." She shrugs.
"So-" Max sounds unsure of himself. The anxiety seeping through just the tiniest bit. "-Are we going to keep doing this?"
"I was thinking a proper date might be next up." Lando nods in agreement at her proposal.
Daniel's gein is magnificent. He scans the three of them, pondering what to say next. "Alright, a date it is then."
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cdbabymp3 · 7 months
Having thoughts about hamzahs hands and arms likeeeee… sexy. Just him always touching you and u love when he puts his arms around you.
𐙚hands & arms ― hamzahthefantastic
notes/warnings: sfw & nsfw hc's !! i did indicate where the nsfw portion starts though so if you just wanna read the sfw you can ! slight mention of weed lol (i kinda went overboard w this ... 🤒)
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-boy's got the prettiest hands evaaa 🌟
-he's extremely touch deprived so he's gotta be holding your hand at all times
-in the winter when it's absolutely freezing, he'll take your hands in his and blow hot air, rubbing them to create friction 😭 he's so corny i love him
-if you guys are high, he'll compare the size of your hands with his for the millionth time and act surprised (his are muchhh larger)
"whaaaattt oh my goddd y/n you're like a little alien !!"
-he likes to cradle your face when you kiss, generally just needs to hold you in any given situation
-you could be reaching for something above you in the kitchen and he feels the need to keep a hand on the small of your back like he's spotting you at the gym BYEEE
-when he first met your parents for dinner, he had a hand on your thigh the whole night. if there was a brief pause in the conversation or he didn't know the answer to a question your dad asked, he'd squeeze your thigh for help
-likes when you kiss his knuckles and fingertips, it never fails to bring a smile to his face and he always returns the favor
-this is probably super niche but i feel like he's good with his hands ??? not even sexually (well-yes but we'll get to that in a sec...) but just able to open difficult things that are too tedious for you
-he has a very steady hand is what i'm trying to say... so if the clasps of your bra are being difficult or there's a random knot in your earbuds he's your guy ! 😁
-again, maybe too niche, but he's a fast typer as well
-if you have a huge essay due and you're exhausted, just tell him what you want to say and he'll put his slutty little glasses on and type if out for you so fucking quick bc that's bf !! 💘
-now his arms ...
-he thinks he's not that strong but oh he definitely is
-can open anything for you, even those annoying ass sauce jars that are literally airtight
-THIS BOY'S A TEASE THOUGH so yes you will have to SHOW HIM that you tried to open it and then he'll be like "ok fine lemme do it 😒"
-okay he hates the whole hyper-masculine mentality of a girl making a man feel manly butttt there is one exception: when you guys are walking together and you hold onto his bicep ... goes fucking crazy for that
-he likes to pick you up all the time !! during fights, when he gets home from filming, when you tell him good news, etc. etc.
-you could be in the middle of a stupid argument where both of y'all are just being petty for nothing and you know it, so he'll pick you up while you're cussing him out and put you over his shoulder
-you protest at first, demanding he put you down, but then he'll spin you a bit to make you laugh and get over whatever y'all were fighting about
-piggyback rides and carrying you bridal style are a must
-yes, he let's you do the tiktok trend where you tie a ribbon around his bicep. no, he does not let you post it.
-driving hamzah driving hamzah DRIVING HAMZAH !!! one hand on the steering wheel, the other on your inner thigh with the most innocent expression on his face as his fingers creep towards where you need him
-likes when you suck on his fingers mhm mhm he will NOT break eye contact when you do it
-WILL interlock fingers with yours when he eats you out, he needs the intimacy
-very skilled with his hands as i mentioned earlier ...
-he may be an inexperienced bachelor but this boy knows where the clit is and how to circle it just right
-since it took a while for you guys to actually fuck in your relationship (bc he wanted to take things slow) fingering was his go-to and jesus christ is he good at it 🪦
-his fingers are fairly long and thicker than yours so he's curling them and reaching all the right spots
-his hands are calloused from lifting and it's hot !! this is smth i won't negotiate
-when he's caressing your thighs and ass you can feel how rough they are in certain areas and it only adds to the stimulation
-he will lightly hold your neck when you guys makeout, not quite enough to choke you though, he's so cute
-can definitely toss you around if you get what i mean ...
-it's always jokingly though, he'd never want to actually hurt you so he doesn't use his full strength
-if you've been at a party together and are dying to get home to be alone he will speed back to his place, slam the door behind you, pick you up to walk over and throw you onto his bed, laughing at how horny both of you are
-can literally lift your weight with one hand, so if you guys are kissing on the couch and want to switch to his bed, it's light work for him
-hates himself for it but he does have a hint of a size/strength kink that i don't think he'd ever openly admit lmao
-looooovesss when you grab for his biceps during the initial thrust into you ... DONT GET ME STARTED
-hugs you from behind 😵‍💫 he knows how much it turns you on
-like you're super focused on something and he'll walk up behind you and wrap his arms around your body, swaying you side to side to distract you
"hamzah..." you warn
"what???" he always plays dumb
^this almost always ends in making out and/or hooking up
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໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა taglist ; @forevergirlposts
(lmk if u wanna be added, luvs!!)
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sinsandsweetness · 11 months
thinking about living across the hall from Frank…
-> always running into him at the most random times. in the elevator or the lovey super late at night or bright and early in the morning. When he’s on his way to a job and you’re coming back from work. Or you’re on your way to study at the library and he’s got his keys and a bag of groceries in his hands. Always giving you a little nod of acknowledgment but neither of you ever have the courage to speak. To actually say hi.
-> until one day where you get locked out of your apartment. You lost your keys or something. And with your luck, your roommate works the night shift at the hospital. You’ve got no way in until morning.
-> So you find yourself stuck. An hour goes by and you’re sitting on the dirty carpet hallway floor. Leaned up against the wall. Eyes fluttering closed because hell it’s been a long day. Frank, on his way home from work, makes his ways down the hall. Concerned at first by the sight of your body laying in the hall. But he gets to his door and it’s just you, half asleep. You give him a soft smile and he finally asks you for your name. You explain your situation and he nods in understanding.
“Well don’t just sit there. C’mon.” He’d wave you into his place, lunchbox in hand. Dirty from a day of construction. In desperate need of a shower and some food.
-> you’re reluctant to come in. Not because of Frank. Or at least not because you didn’t like him. More so… the opposite. You found him intimidating. Handsome. Rugged. You always enjoyed running into him. Smiling at him in the elevator. Trying not to blush too hard. But there’s just this aura about him that makes you a little nervous. Butterflies or something.
-> he’d tell you to make yourself at home while you wait to get ahold of your roommate. Or come up with a plan to get your keys. To call the landlord. Though you doubt they’d answer at this hour.
-> he asks if you’re alright if he showers, “I’ll be quick. You can help yourself to the fridge.” He even grabs you a beer and places it on the table in front of you. Cracking one for himself as he heads for the washroom.
-> it feels weird. Being in a strangers home. It’s empty. Sad almost. Grey walls. Nothing… personal. Nothing that tells you anything about the man. It’s clean. As clean as any of the suites in you cheap ass apartment can possibly get. But it’s bland. It’s a bachelor suite. He’s got nothing more than the necessities. The basics. You can’t help but think about Frank. In this apartment. Every night by himself. He must be lonely.
-> you saunter over to the fridge. Not particularly hungry, but feeling slightly awkward just sitting at his table and doing nothing. There’s enough to make a weeks worth of sandwiches. And a more than a few weeks worth of beer. You take a swig of your bottle.
-> when the water shuts off, you get back to your spot at the table. Checking your phone. The messages with your roommate. He’s probably busy. Drawing blood. Stitching people up. Doing whatever it is he does as a surgical intern.
-> “you get ahold of him?” Franks voice brings you back.
“Oh, no. He’s- he’s probably busy. Works at the hospital so… um… thanks for inviting me in, but uh, I can just wait out there.” You sling your bag over your shoulder, getting up to leave.
“Wait out there? All night?” He asks. Your gaze goes down to his shirt. A little damp where beads of water are running down his neck. Off his beard. You look back up. He’s got such pretty eyes, you notice.
“Yeah, i’ll be alright.” You give him a tight lipped smile. But he’s not having it.
He shakes his head, “here,” he grabs a blanket from the supply closet. And a pillow. A pillowcase. He fumbles with the makeshift bedding for a moment until he makes the couch up. It does look nicer than the stained hallway carpet.
“You can’t stay out there. There’s some real… weirdos in this area. Wouldn’t want anything happening to you.” His concern makes your stomach flutter. Even if it’s just human decency. Courtesy of not wanting you to get mugged or murdered.
“You really don’t have to-“ you try to deny the offer but he grabs your bag. Gently pulling it off your shoulders and placing it against the wall.
“It’s just for the night. I don’t mind. Seriously.” His eyes are serious. Brows furrowed in concern.
-> the couch is cozier than you expected. Worn and used in the most perfect way. It takes you no time to fall asleep. Frank on the other hand, is having some serious insomnia. There’s the prettiest girl he’s ever seen, right outside his bedroom. Sleeping on his couch. Probably making his blanket smell like her vanilla perfume. It’s making his brain all fuzzy. He can’t think. Well, he can’t not think. You’re wearing one of his tee shirts. He offered it up. No, he insisted. And when saying goodnight from his bedroom doorway, he couldn’t help but notice that your pants were folded up on top of your bag, and your bare legs gleamed in the dim light of the living room, as you fluffed up your pillow.
-> the two of you had some very interesting dreams that night.
-> Waking up to the smell of coffee, you’re blushing hard when he hands you a mug. He tells you he has to leave for work. Lunchbox in hand, jacket on.
-> He didn’t ask for his shirt back.
-> you wave Frank goodbye as you watch him head down the hallway, and at the same time, you see your roommate come out of the elevator at the end. Both of them exchange a nod and a glance. Your roommate jogs up to let you both into your place.
“You coulda came to the hospital. Coulda grabbed my keys,” he says plopping himself down on the couch. Rubbing his eyes. Long night for him as well.
“I didn’t even think about it. He just- Frank invited me in and I was so tired… I mean, it seemed like a better option than sleeping in the hall…”
“Well it was real nice of him. Maybe you should make him a dish or somethin’. Lasagna? Y’know, to say thank you.”
“You just want some lasagna don’t you?” You smirk, rolling your eyes.
Your roommate smiles back. A low chuckle escapes his throat. “The man let you sleep on his couch. You better be sayin’ thank you somehow.”
continued here
(Idk what this is tbh but um… let me know what we think??)
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fbfh · 1 year
older!logan x reader hcs
wc: 1.6k
genre: age gap, sort of sugar daddy logan
warnings: big (but legal) age gap, logan is early 40s reader is like early 20s, brief odette mention, logan is a killer lawyer, rory kinda traumatized Logan lol, I haven't finished gilmore girls or ayitl yet so don't come for me lol, logan is obsessedddddddd with reader, mildly smutty, mentions of marriage and proposals, your relationship progresses really quickly
summary: you were reading in a coffee shop when a charming gorgeous much older guy decided to strike up a conversation. little do you know that within a very short time that same charming stranger will know your dress size, your shoe size, and your ring size.
song rec: off to the races - lana del rey
a/n: the choke hold older logan has on me..... euthanize me at this point lmao
tags @yesv01 @magcon7280
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As with all nsfw works, all characters are aged up to 18+ (like way over 18 in logan’s case lol)
That being said jesus christ let’s dive right into the brain rot
First things first, a little more about Logan
He’s in his early 40’s and aging like a fine goddamn wine
MEGA MEGA dilf vibes
After the whole millions of dollars sunken into a bad investment in his family’s massive media conglomerate mishap, he still faced a lot of pressure to join the family business
But with Rory rejecting his proposal, he felt so fucking down and beaten up by life
He just had two massive blows to his ego back to back
And he needed a win
Then the strangest thing happened 
He just got back from another late night of partying with his friends and switched on the tv so he wouldn’t have to fall asleep with his thoughts, and some random movie was playing
The girl in the movie is at dinner with her boyfriend and thinks he’s going to propose, but he breaks up with her instead
It hits a little too close to home and Logan’s about to switch it off
Then she decides to go to law school to prove herself
He finds himself getting more and more invested in this movie, relating more to Elle with every scene, and by the morning he confronts the idea he’s been shoving away for too long so he doesn’t rock the boat
He talks to his dad and they decide Logan will go to law school, but remain a prominent board member and shareholder of the family company
Mitchum is surprised by how responsible and well thought out Logan’s plan is
He’s forging a path to a very lucrative field - one Mitchum can tell he’s going to be very successful in - while still staying involved enough in the family business 
So Logan goes off to law school, and 20 years later he’s a total shark 
He’s a prestigious, expensive lawyer with a reputation for never losing and a long streak of killing it with really high profile cases
Now the Huntzberger name carries all the weight and power of his father’s media reach, and Logan’s success in the courtroom 
He’s excelling 
And he’s excelling enough to keep his family out of his personal life for a while 
He’s living the bachelor life until he hits 40
That’s when his parents decide it’s really unacceptable that he’s still not married 
So they tell him if he doesn’t get married soon they’ll arrange something
Some french heiress or something 
And Logan finds himself right back where he didn’t want to be
And then, like a gift from god, he sees you
Like I said in my initial drabble, Logan first saw you in a cafe reading some dusty novel no one actually reads like war and peace or crime and punishment or something
He's seen people your age do that before, reading complicated stuffy literature to seem smart and make some pretentious English class commentary that barely makes sense 
So he calls you on it
"War and Peace, huh?"
He’s expecting you to say something fake and pretentious
Some bullshit fake deep pseudo intellectual shit
But you look up at him, only pausing for a moment before you speak
You’re surprised to see such a gorgeous guy in a little cafe like this
Especially one that seems interested in talking to you
And god, the way you talk about it
The way your eyes light up
It takes him by surprise
He's not just interested
He's invested 
You start talking and realize that you've been talking for way longer than you expected to
And he wants more
He wants to know more about you, wants to see you sweet smile and hear your cute little laugh when he says something charming or compliments you
So he takes you out to dinner, his treat 
He guides you out the door and into his Porsche with his hand on your back 
It's a subtle gesture but it makes your stomach flip 
Then he buckles your seat belt for you
If you weren't sold before you sure are by now 
So he takes you to this nice fancy restaurant, wines and dines you, and he is laying on the charm thick
"Oh, come on. A pretty young thing like you must have a boyfriend."
"Really, you have excellent taste.”
You don’t miss the way he’s been eyeing you all night
And he doesn’t miss the way you squeeze your thighs together when he touches your face or plays with your fingers
One thing leads to another and after he pays the bill and leaves a generous tip, you find him ushering you back into his porsche
And yet again he closes your door for you and gets you all buckled in
This time when he drives his hand rests on your knee
He thinks he can handle this
He’s the biggest whore on the east coast /affectionate 
Then you grab his hand and move it up your thigh
There’s no going back now
He’s in just as deep as you are
Before you know it you’re tearing off each other’s clothes
His lips are all over you and motherfucker does he know what he’s doing
He worried for a moment he might have lost his edge
But as he lays you down into his big soft bed, your skin touching his silky sheets for the first time
But definitely not the last
As he finally touches you and feels how wet you are for him
He knows he didn’t peak in college
“Shh, listen,” he says between kisses that make you feel dizzy, “you’re gonna tell me if it’s too much for you, can you do that?”
You nod while he holds your face in his big hands
“You gotta say it,” he chuckles at how sweet you are, how well you respond to him, “use your words, baby…” 
You manage to choke out a desperate yes between kisses that makes his stomach twist
And that is the very beginning to your intense affair with Logan Huntzberger 
He’s desperate to see you again
He sends flowers and a dress and a gorgeous necklace to your apartment
And not the normal amount of flowers
The Logan amount of flowers
So a lot
And you can’t believe your luck finding a hot rich older guy that’s so into you 
You really like this attention
Your daddy issues are SCREAMING
And Logan likes having someone as gorgeous and intelligent and into him as you are
And he wants to do this right
But he’s rapidly approaching the deadline his family set
He doesn’t want to scare you off
GOD that’s the last thing he wants
But he is terrified of proposing and having it end up like it did the last time
Eventually he works up the nerve to talk to you about it 
He’s explaining everything to you while you pay your bills 
But it says they’re already paid
And your credit cards are paid off
And your debt has just disappeared
Even your student loans are gone
And there’s a fat deposit in your checking account 
He paid off all your debt and didn’t tell you
By the time he’s done explaining that you basically either need to get married asap or you can’t see each other anymore he still hasn’t brought it up
And you realize he’s not going to
He didn’t pay your bills to guilt you into anything
He’s not holding it over your head
He’s taking care of you
And all you’ve ever wanted is someone who will take care of you
Logan is surprised when you agree
But he’s even more surprised at how fast you agree
You sit in his lap and end up rambling about how much you love him, how you don’t think you’ll ever find anyone you like as much as him or anyone that treats you as well as he does
To no one’s surprise the conversation ends with him taking you on every surface of your apartment
Hours later you’re cuddling naked on your couch, resting your head on his muscular chest and listening to his heartbeat
“So like… are we engaged now?” you ask looking up at him
He laughs sweetly
“No, not yet. I have to actually propose first.”
You think back to your conversation earlier when you first said you’d want to marry him
“So that didn’t count before?”
His heart breaks at how little you ask for
“No, that didn’t count.” He kisses your head, “I’m going to take you out somewhere nice, give you a proper proposal, with a nice ring.”
You get butterflies thinking about it
You can’t believe how much he does for you
How much he wants to do for you 
You’re quiet for a moment, and he can feel you smiling into his chest
Your voice is so small and bashful, and he can hear you suppressing a flustered giggle
Fuck he can’t get enough of you 
He laughs and pulls you closer, grabbing your chin and makes you look up at him so he can kiss you 
You fall asleep in his arms
And you think that you won’t mind being married so young if it’s Logan you’re marrying
Logan is looking at you with so much love and adoration
And right before he falls asleep 
He thinks that maybe it’s not too late for him to find love after all
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drdemonprince · 4 months
In reading your latest piece, I think I've stumbled onto something akin to a personal epiphany. You describe transition as an act of "want" (Chu's longing for gossip and yours for the life of an eternal bachelor) and I've realized that I think as a consequence of growing up autistic, I've obliterated the concept of personal want. I don't know if I truly ever want anything? How do I even know what I truly want (versus what other people tell me I should want)? Is there an opposite of resentment I can tune into so I can tell what I want when my conscious mind is unable to provide me an answer?
I think the place is to start with what you don't want. What I describe as "wanting the bachelor life forever" in my piece is actually a desire born out of negation: I don't want kids, I don't want marriage, I don't want responsible adulthood and the weight that that carries, I want to feel free-roaming and open to random experiences. What i knew most viscerally for myself was what felt wrong, and owning up to those feelings no matter how socially inconvenient they might be was what made it possible for me to articulate what I proactively did find desirable.
I recommend rejecting a lot of things, disappointing a lot of people, being disobedient, setting boundaries, all of that stuff that I have been writing about for a very long time (check out the pieces on those subjects if you haven't already, but from the sound of it you probably have). And then when it comes to positively desiring things, you've got to start small. Find a little thing to look forward to every day, or every week. In my household, Wednesdays and Fridays are Dunkin Donuts days. Instead of making coffee at home, you get a little treat. That makes getting a coffee out of the house still feel precious and special while also making it attainable, and gives the work week a little horizon to peak over at its mid point.
I so look forward to the weekly streams on Friday with @testdevice, too. Afterward I usually get a meal somewhere and then go out for some kind of weekend activity -- drinking and watching Drag Race at Roscoe's, a movie, dancing, whatever. I make forming plans for the weekend a task I set out for myself at the top of every week. I find street festivals, concerts, craft fairs, protests, little things to do that I know will be meaningful to me. Small pleasures parceled out on a regular schedule provide a pleasing structure to life. It makes the forward march of time feel more exciting and keeps daily life from being defined by obligation and drudgery. Sometimes it's something like playing a video game at home or meeting up at a friend's house for a movie night and snacks. However you can swing it, you gotta have little things to look forward to, I think, in order to enjoy being alive and to get into the habit of thinking more expansively about what you want. you can making finding things that you want to do a regular project, a practice.
A lot of life is experimenting with new experiences and relationships with other people to find out what you actually like. It's not some profound act of introspection. People block themselves off from a lot of meaningful aspects of life by thinking the answers come from plumbing the depths of their soul and finding their true calling or true desire divorced from everything else. There is no self outside of experience and social connection.
And so the best way to find out what you want is to try a lot of different things. Go watch your friend at their competitive poker tournament. Volunteer to clean litter off the beach. Foster a bunny rabbit. Make a casserole. Darn a sock. Buy some handmade jewelry. Visit a museum with a coworker you kinda might like the company of. Invite someone over for dinner. How it plays out and how you feel about it is all data about the kind of person you are becoming.
I also wouldn't get too bogged down in the idea that wants can only come from the pursuit of happiness. I got a few really well intentioned asks this week that I never answered about what brings me joy, what makes me happy. Truth is, I'm not someone who experiences happiness easily and i might never be. That is okay. I still have a life that holds meaning because I AM very good at finding things interesting. i like talking to people, learning from them, watching things play out in real time.
You don't have to feel some kind of abiding soul connection to an activity or sense that a way of life will absolutely make you happy in order for it to interest you, help you grow, bring your life meaning. Other people might not want to read long history books about genocide and the social construction of race in order to bring their life pleasure, but those activities engage my mind and make me feel more firmly rooted in the actual world. they're interesting and rewarding to study, and so i do it. i say yes to a lot of invitations purely because i've never seen what horse racing is like or because i want to see if i'll still get nauseated if i ride a boat now as an adult. it's interesting. it might not make me happy or be fun. but i like a life better with those experiences. those are the things i gravitate to and want. and you can find what you want, too, and it will always keep changing probably.
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bi-scottsummers · 2 months
Hi, hello, just came here to say that I love your fic "trending in Japan". I was wondering if you had headcanons regarding Kenji or Emi or interpersonal relationships and stuff. Many hugs for you.
hi hello, thank you for the encouragement and hugs! After some thought ive realized I do in fact have some hcs about some of the character dynamics in the movie as well as just kenji himself, cause hes captivated my entire brain:
Kenji & Emi
Emi does not have teeth but she does inexplicably have a teething phase. kenji is forced to hide all his (salvaged) fancy cars in the garage bc the corvette's already been chewed to hell and his heart is gonna give out if he has to watch any more classics get wrecked
he reads her bedtime stories. A lot of aesop's fables, because theyre short and fun and hes trying to raise his monster daughter with good morals. emi goes hogwild for these but its unclear if she actually understands what hes saying; kenji's pretty sure she just likes the silly voices he uses for different characters
they go flying together! they go first thing in the morning before breakfast - it helps kenji shake off the grogginess of sleep and emi gets to stretch her wings. shes not able to go very far for very long initially, but as she grows and gets those cardio gainz she almost gets to be quicker than him. they have races and play air tag :)
while she doesnt have the vocal range to speak english herself, it becomes clear that emi does understand it well. (kenji also develops an ear for her chirping/squawks, though body language & facial expressions play a big part in communication for both of them) during her (much later) rebellious phase she'll simply pretend not to know what's being said when kenji is telling her to do something she doesn't wanna do, which frustrates him to no end
developed a pretty massive chip on his shoulder after moving to the states. it wasn't just bitterness over his dad staying behind, though that was a part of it. this is canon but he was picked on in school for "how [he talked], how [he looked] and what [he ate]." he felt like he had something to prove to both his father and the world. he threw himself into sports - specifically baseball - and his academics, and he did so well that it forced everyone to shut up about how he was different from them and focus on how he was better than them
^ playing off this: kenji had a bonkers fucking yonkers routine when he was a kid/in highschool. he'd get up hours before school started to practice his swing, go for a ~1hr run, workout, study, etc. He'd go to school, come home, and do it all again. this is exaggerated but my point is that this kid was DETERMINED and had the discipline to see that determination through to the end
didnt have many friends because of all aforementioned things. he had acquaintances, and he was invited to parties and outings and stuff (never went), but he spent most of his free time hanging out with his mom. he never really had a "parents are so embarrassing" phase. he always liked to do anything with his mother: going to the bank, going grocery shopping, watching cheesy telenovelas till ungodly hours in the morning, etc. she was his no.1 supporter, confidant, and best friend
he played for his university's baseball team and got scouted at 19. his mom forced him to finish his bachelor's first so once he graduated with his degree in kinesiology at 21, he was drafted to the dodgers
Kenji & Ami
both of them, up until meeting each other, were totally dedicated to their career (and child) so they had basically 0 time for friends. theyre both borderline losers but theyre juuust good enough at what they do for people to admire them instead of finding them sad and lowkey pathetic
kenji is way more into the idea of being friends than ami is. hes pretty enthusiastic about it; he thinks that they have a kind of rapport, since they share a similar work ethic and are both (unbeknownst to ami) single parents. he calls her to chat abt random things. ami initially isnt superrrr into it; she thinks kenji is kinda lonely and desperate for human connection, & it isnt until her mom points out that she has not spoken to anyone outside of work-related reasons in 10+ years that shes like oh shit, i am also lonely and desperate for human connection. so she grudgingly acquires a friend. theyre both really bad at it
need to clarify that in my mind their dynamic is 95% kenji yapping about work and drama in his personal life (circumventing the 8m baby kaiju hes raising) while ami goes "mhm mhm" and takes notes until kenji notices and is like What are you doing. at which point ami is like...... right . nothing. im listening. and forces herself to put the notepad away. she has a hard time disengaging from the reporter mindset and just hearing something intriguing without turning it into an article. the other 5% are the rare moments where theyre connecting super well - ami's psychoanalyzing the hell out of whatever kenji just said and hes like what are you my therapist. over time she starts opening up to him, too, and eventually theyre comfortable enough to be having philosophical discussions over breakfast just for funsies
before kenji reveals that hes ultraman, ami thinks hes in a gang. he keeps showing up to their lunch "dates" with like bruised eyes and fractured bones and gets all shifty when she tries to ask about what happened. when she eventually confronts him about it, hes so offended that she thinks hed be involved in something like that that he tells her about being ultraman
thats about all i can think of rn, though im sure ill think of more after rotating all the characters in my head for a while. thanks again for stopping in, i appreciate the support :)
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purpleyoonn · 1 year
red string 1
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“our connection is determined by a tiny invisible string”
summary: you figured it was too late for your string to solidify, used to the idea of finding someone on your own, who also never got their string. However, your string began to tug when you least expected it, to the last person or people you would have ever thought. 
genre: soulmate au, red string of fate au, poly au, 
pairing: BTS (Yoongi centered) x Reader 
status: ongoing (random updates)
warnings: slight yandere themes, smut, insecure reader, alcohol, talks of jealousy, soul bonds, mentions of past abuse,
chapter warnings: soul pain, first meetings, running away, mc didn't really want a bond, cinderella-esque plot line, small panic attack, mc is cynical, allusions to past abusive relationship, 
I am not going to have a taglist for this fic. I will only be using the permanent taglist as its intended for all of my fics.
permanent taglist: @m1sss1mp​ @yourleftsock​ @skyys-universe​ @cryingpages​ @strxwbloody​  @drissteele​ @dustyinkpages​ @iamkookiesforyou​ @crushedblackroses​ @fluffy-canada-pancakes​ @blaaiissee​  @iiitsmaria​  @carolinexkpop​  @azazel-nyx​ @strawberry-moonpies​ @g-h-o-s-t-b-a-b-i​ @knjkitten​ @foreverweareyoung7​ @lachimolala22019​ @namuficxs​ @94z-93​ @kimgmzmc​ @thenaverse​ @dahliasbouqet​ @black-rose-29​ @tinyoonsblog​ @take-u-2-an0ther-w0r1d​ @stellauniverse​ @stupendouscookiehumanmug​ @tinyoonsblog​ @veronawrites​ @tatyhend​ @singukieee​ @m0v3m3ntsblog​ @exfolitae​ @butterymin​ @queen-in-the-shadows​ 
masterlist // part 2
Being in your twenties was weird. You went from being in a structured routine for twelve plus years, having to ask to go to the bathroom, to being on your own and having to make mistake after mistake until you get the hang of being an adult (even if you never actually figure it out).
Being in your twenties also meant something else to most of the world’s population. The tiny string of fate that was always thought of as a fantasy would solidify, only visible to you and the person or people on the other end. The string was supposed to lead you to your soulmate/s, but sometimes only served to be a reminder of what you couldn’t have.  
Some people are lucky enough to already be with their soulmates and receive their string when they meet them, even before their twentieth birthday. You were not so lucky.
You weren’t one of the people who dreamed of having a soulmate, at least until you started getting into reading. There were hundreds of stories about different soulmate relationships and everything they entailed. You consumed any type of soulmate media you could until you got your string. Then, it began to seem too real to you. Like it wasn’t something meant for you, almost like fate made a mistake.
At midnight on your twentieth birthday, you had woken up to the red string on your pinky, the bond tugging at you. It was solid and taught, giving you the idea that you were, in fact, nowhere near your soulmate. Which meant you might never find them.
You remember spending a good couple of years doing research, trying to figure out if the bond would really lead you to your soulmate like the research said. Months spent in front of your computer screen, looking at different places hoping you would feel some kind of tug on your pinky; any kind of indication that you might be looking in the right direction.
You never felt anything.
After a couple years of this, you didn’t really give up, but you stopped worrying about the tiny red string. You ignored it, you moved on, getting your bachelor’s degree, and decided to follow your friend and become an English teacher in South Korea. She had been over there for a year now and loved it.
You needed new experiences and your friend had already worked with a private company, helping you get a spot; something that was easy considering your English degree. It took a while to get your documents together, and even longer to actually land in Korea.
You had been here only two months now, but you loved everything. The culture was beautiful and your students were helping you to learn the language and where the best places to eat were. You could easily converse in Korean and were able to read it and write it slowly, but your understanding was okay. You still had troubles but nothing you couldn’t learn over time.
You taught the older students, and really bonded with some of them over your love of Kpop. Your lunches were usually spent with a couple of students trying to teach you how to do the choreo of their favorite songs or helping you to discover more than just mainstream media.  
Your best friend, Lindsey, taught the younger ones and was always bringing back artwork to your shared apartment. You used one of the walls in the living room as a display, hanging up all the different paintings and pieces her students gave her. They brightened the rather bleak apartment and served as a good conversation piece for your nosy neighbors whenever they knocked on the door.
Currently, you were lounging on the small sofa in the living room, watching television as you worked on a lesson plan for the following week. You were having the students create their own creative writing pieces where they needed to use at least two literary devices.
You had gotten out early and were waiting for Lindsey to get back from her school. You taught at two different schools within Seoul which was hard to work out times where you could hang out and explore outside of school.
Just as you were about to save your lesson plan to your school’s hard drive, the front door pushed open to reveal a sweaty and kneeled over Lindsey. Her face was a deep shade of red as she tried to breath, making you rush over to the red head.
“Oh my god what happened?!” You help her to the couch you were just on before moving to get her a cup of water.
“Did someone chase you? Are they still outside?” In your haste to figure out what happened, you move to open the front door, hoping that the person was outside still so you could go after them, only for Lindsey to scream again.
“What happened?” You rush back over to her, only now noticing the pieces of paper she held in her hands.
“I GOT THE TICKETS!” You blanked. You thought your friend was like attacked or something, running back to your apartment for safety. You were ready to grab the baseball bat you kept by the front door.
“You scared me half to death because of some…tickets?” You ask, your voice calm and tone even as you tried to keep from attacking your now grinning friend.
“Not just any tickets!” You just stared at her, blankly wondering if it was too late to get another roommate.
“I got us BTS tickets for your birthday!” She squealed, jumping up and down in place as she waited for you to get excited.
Your 25th birthday was coming up in a couple of days, and you had planned to just go and get drunk or pig out on food and binge your favorite kdrama. You didn’t really want to do anything else, never the one for actually celebrating your birthday.
“I thought the concert was sold out?” You question her.
The concert was going to be their welcome back, having all just gotten out of the army. They decided to go during the pandemic, knowing they wouldn’t be able to have any concerts or activities anyways. They did, however, leave army with plenty of material and songs to keep us happy while the pandemic was going on.
“It is. But my school was having a raffle for the tickets, and one of my student’s parents put my name in. I found out today that I won!” She squealed again, shaking the tickets in her hand.
“We have close to front row seats!” Your eyes were wide in shock, completely surprised by the turn of events.
You had always wanted to go to a BTS concert, not having been able to get tickets or the time off to go before, so to hear that Lindsey had gotten tickets to their welcome back concert, you were shocked and excited.
“When it is?” You ask her, thinking about if you would have to ask for time off.
“It’s Friday night.” Oh my. The concert was on the night of your birthday, in two days. You had nothing prepared. You had nothing to wear and you weren’t prepared to do anything that night.
“Uhm, babes, we have nothing to wear.” You tell her, breaking her out of her excitement. You see her face slowly move from excited to frantic, rushing around the room over to her bedroom door, throwing it open as you hear her begin to strip.
“Go get changed into better clothes! We are going shopping!” She yells out to you, and after not hearing any movement chucks a shoe at your head.
“Okay! Okay! Jeez! I’m moving. No need to get physical.” You mutter the last part as you trudge to your own room, looking for an easy outfit you could wear out.
Once the both of you were dressed, you waiting on Lindsey as she tried to fix her make up, you called an uber and made your way to the nearest shopping center. Lindsey was determined to get an outfit that went with one of their music videos. You just wanted to get like a pair of comfy pants and a cotton shirt. You knew you would get hot and stiff after a couple hours and wanted to be comfy.
After the first store you had what you wanted, even finding a BTS shirt to wear to the concert, you were waiting on Lindsey. After the sixth store you walked in, you were starting to feel kind of tired.
“Hey babes, you’re just needing accessories now, right?” You asked her, getting a nod in return as she holds two necklaces up to her neck.
“Okay. Well do you mind if I go get a pick me up or something? I’ll bring you back your favorite?” You ask, knowing she’s also probably starting to feel a little drained after working all day.
“Yes please! I’ll send you the money!” She says as you walk off, just waving you hand at her letting her know that you’ve got it. Her coffee order was only like three dollars anyways.
You leave the store and make your way to the nearest café, finding one only a couple stores away thankfully.
Opening the door, the scent of coffee fills your senses and you move to walk in when you feel a tug on your pinky. Something you haven’t felt since you first got your string. You were startled and freaking out a tiny bit as you moved to the side and out from in front of the door.
You sat down, not even checking to see if anyone was sitting at the table before looking down at your pinky. You could feel your breathing pick up and your heart begin to race as you saw more than one string.
You had four strings, one leading back out the door out away from where you were. The other three were leading to a table on the other side of the café, one string in particular way thicker than the others, a darker red instead of the bright one that it would normally be.
You follow the strings and find three men, covered from head to toe and wearing masks, already staring back at you. You could see their eyes were already wide, probably watching you walk in.
You were frozen as the men walked over to you, the thicker red string belonging to the man wearing the long black coat, a ball cap on his head and covering his face. The other two seemed to match in a way, their color scheme going together as they both wore varying shades of beige. Even their shoes matched, making you want to smile a little.
They sat down on either side of you, with darker string sitting on the chair opposite you. You were boxed in, and it made your fight or flight responses activate. No one said anything, as if not wanting to break the atmosphere. It had your nerves standing on end and had you gripping your bag ready to flee.
As if sensing you ready to run, the man on your right spoke softly.
“We never thought we would find you. We went everywhere, looked everywhere. We never once felt the string tug.” You could almost feel his sadness in your chest, tugging at your heart and making you want to move closer.
Despite the feeling in your chest, you couldn’t help but to feel that these men were familiar somehow, their voices and even now that they were sitting next to you, you thought you recognized them from somewhere.
“Please…say something. Anything.” You hadn’t realized you were sitting there, staring at the man across from you, silent. You didn’t even know what to say. You had pretty much given up the idea of not finding your soulmate after the fourth year of looking.
“I uhm,” You pause, noticing the man attached to the thicker string shudder as you started speaking. “I looked. I’m from a small town in the states and after a couple of years…I just figured fate was messing with me. I didn’t expect to have or meet my soulmate, let alone have more than one.” Your words resonated with them, and thicker string moved closer.
“What is your name?” You knew you were going to go crazy trying to figure out where you heard his voice before.
“Y/n L/n. I’m sorry if my Korean is bad. I’m still learning.” You notice the crinkle to his eye as he smiles underneath his mask. He pulls his mask down as he mouths your name.
That was his mistake, maybe. You recognize his face, and your own immediately widened in surprise. His dark gaze was locked to your own, and he tried to stop you from moving. He reached out quickly and gripped your hand in his own, the string pulling on your finger had entangled with his, as if ensuring you would bond.
You watched as he nodded to the other two, your string pulling as they moved their hands to move their masks slowly, giving you a couple of seconds before pulling them back up. You almost choked on your own saliva when you realized just who was sitting next to you.
You were sitting with Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, and Min Yoongi. You were connected to three members of your favorite band, with Min Yoongi being the one on the other end of the thicker, dark red string. His hand still gripping onto yours.
“No…It’s not possible. This has to be a joke. There is no way they could be connected to me.” You whisper under your breath, unaware that Jimin and Taehyung could hear you.
“Please. It’s not a joke. Why would you think that?” Jimin’s tone curious yet a little upset, the tugging at your heart making you rub at your chest with your other hand.
“I’m sorry. You don’t need to be stuck with me. I’m sure you probably are happy with your life the way it is. You could find someone so much better than me.” You apologize to the three men, not seeing the panic crossing their features as you try to tug your hand from Yoongi’s.
“What are you talking about?” Taehyung spoke up, moving to hold the hand still rubbing at your chest.
“You are our soulmate. There is no one better than you. Please, just let us go somewhere else, we can talk some more.” That was, unfortunately, the last thing on your mind as you panicked. You truly thought that they deserved someone else. That fate truly played a cruel joke on you, binding you to a couple of the men who helped you through every hard time.
“I can’t. That will just give me hope and I don’t think I could handle that.” You shake your head, trying to get them to understand. But they didn’t.
Yoongi couldn’t believe what he was hearing. You didn’t feel like you deserved them, deserved their bond. You thought that they deserved better, and it broke his heart. He wanted to know what was going through your head, needed to know who planted these thoughts so he could smack them. You were all they wanted; all they needed.
“I’m sorry. I uhm, I need to go.” You yanked your hands from their grip, almost falling back into your chair as you moved away from them. You were quick, dodging their hands and probably causing a bit of a scene as you ran from the café, trying to get back to the store where you hoped Lindsey would still be.
You could feel something tearing at your chest, the pain ricocheting as you tried not to sob.
Pain. Rejection. Hurt.
The need to go back to them tugging at your pinky, furthering the feelings in your chest.
You moved past the store after not spotting your red headed friend, scrambling to get your phone out of your bag.
“Where are you?” You choked out as you tried to quiet the sobs coming out.
“I’m waiting at the car. Are you okay? You sound like you’re crying. What happened?” She began to throw question after question at you, but you couldn’t even hear her through your heart pounding in your chest.
“Just please start the car, I’m almost there.” You answer back before ending the call. You could hear footsteps behind you, a couple of them as you maneuvered yourself through the crowd and out to the parking lot.
“Miss please! Wait.” Someone yelled after you, making you begin to run to where the Uber waited. You throw yourself into the car, almost landing on Lindsey as you did so.
“Please drive.” You ask the woman in the driver’s seat, who promptly pushed on the gas and drove away from the pick-up area before the large looking men could get to the car.
“Um, please tell me you didn’t just steal from a store. Orange would not look good on you.” Lindsey broke the tense atmosphere, referencing the color that prisoners wear within the states.
“I charge extra for getaways.” The woman driver spoke up, causing laughter to break out from everyone.
“No uhm, I met my soulmates.” Your words ended the laughter, Lindsey looking at you in shock.
“That bad, huh? No wonder you needed a getaway car.” Your uber driver spoke again, making you nod, looking out the window like you were in a sad music video.
“More like too good to be true.” You whisper to yourself, looking down at the strings attached to your finger.
Fate could be so cruel.
“So, tell me what happened again?” Lindsey asked for the third time, and you knew it was because she was trying to make you regret every decision you’ve ever made.
“I don’t know. I panicked to the extreme. I told them they deserved better and that I practically wasn’t worthy of them.” You had your head in your hands, knees up to your chest as you shook your head.
“Why would I say that? It’s not like they were going to accept the bond anyways?” You muttered only to be hit over the head by another shoe.
“Ow! What the heck Linds?” You scream at your friend, who was holding the shoe up again, ready to hit you for the second time. You held your hands to the back of your head, protecting you from the oncoming assault.
“You are stupid and when you are being stupid, sometimes you need a manual restart.” Lindsey states with no emotion, before hitting you again.
“I’m not a car or a computer Lindsey!” You rip the shoe from her hands, making her lunge for the other one.
“Well then, don’t act stupid and I won’t hit you.”
“I’m not being stupid.” You mumble back, pouting as you bring your hands to your chest,
“Babes, you are. You literally told your own soulmates upon meeting them that you didn’t belong with them, as if fate didn’t match you herself.” You cringed, knowing that’s exactly what happened.
You groan as you lay back into the back of the couch. You know you were being impulsive and blunt when you met them, your fight or flight responses kicking in, but you couldn’t, wouldn’t take it back. You knew you were right. You didn’t belong with them.
Everyone knew that BTS were a bonded group. It was a huge deal when it was announced, especially before their enlistment. Army was rallying together to make sure they were put together within the same unit.
You being bonded with three members would tear everything apart. And given the thicker red string attached to Yoongi, you knew something was different with your bond. You didn’t know what, but you felt that it would ruin whatever bonds he had with the others.
They were happy together. They had been bonded for over a decade, in a relationship for just as long and you couldn’t interfere in that. You would be the awkward outsider they would be forced to have contact with. You didn’t want that.
“Here is what we are going to do. We are going to go to the concert tomorrow. We are going to have fun celebrating your birthday. And we are going to make sure you see your men again. Ahh! Don’t interrupt me.” Lindsey pointed her finger at you when you moved to open your mouth.
“They are your men, and I would bet my soul that the entire group is connected to your string.” You rolled your eyes, receiving another shoe to the head.
“They’re not even gonna want to see me after what happened. They probably think that I don’t want them now.” You take the other shoe from her grasp, not wanting the concussion she was bound to give you if she continued.
“Didn’t you say they looked everywhere for you? Didn’t Taehyung say they wanted you? Honey, I’m sure if they said it, then they want you.” You wish you could be as sure of their feelings as Lindsey was. You thought that they didn’t want you or wouldn’t want you once they got to know you. They would see how plain you really were and reject you.
“Can we just drop it, please.” You were now overwhelmed and exasperated, practically digging the palm of your hands into your eye sockets.
“Fine. But once you bond with them, then I can say “I told you so” and you owe me some cool merch.” You hear her walk to her room and close the door.
You had been going over what happened last night, practically the entire day. Ruminating over every single thing. You couldn’t get over the way Yoongi looked at you when you ripped your hand away. Every time you closed your eyes, you saw the panic in Jimin’s eyes as you shot up out of your chair.
You were so out of it that even your host teacher questioned you. She had taken you aside between classes and asked if you were okay and if you needed to go home early. You had assured her that nothing was wrong, that you just couldn’t sleep the night before, and received a slow nod in return.
Tomorrow, your students had planned a ‘surprise’ party for you, and then you would be able to go home, courtesy of your host teacher who made sure you had gotten the afternoon off. It would be the first birthday you had away from home, and it made you a little sad. You always spent the day with your mom, doing your tradition of getting coffee and going window shopping where she would inevitably buy you a new shirt.
But now, you would spend it with your students, and then at a concert where your soulmates would be performing, slightly hoping they wouldn’t figure out you were there. But also, secretly wishing they did see you.
You secretly hoped they did want you. Despite everything you were thinking. You didn’t care who your soulmate was, you just wanted to be wanted, for once. You hadn’t felt that before, from any kind of romantic endeavor you’ve tried to pursue.
You wanted to know what that bond felt like, the red string becoming knotted with the other end, keeping your soul entirely bonded with the one fate tied you to. It was always something you thought about. But now seemed entirely too impossible given who fate decided to cruelly tie you to.
“Do you think she bought this to go to our concert?” Jimin asked his mates, holding up the shopping bag you left at the table, the single BTS shirt and pants held within.
Once they got home after running after you with some of their security, they rushed to tell the rest of their bonded group what happened. They all agreed that they needed to find you, convince you that you were more than enough for them. It hurt them a lot to know that you thought you weren’t worthy of being with them.
But no one was as hurt as Yoongi was, who hadn’t stopped looking at his own red string since he realized you were gone. All they had was your name and the shopping bags you left behind.
“We can’t assume that, Minnie.” Namjoon said as he paced the kitchen, making Jin, who was stress baking, freak out as he almost knocked over a tray of cookies.
Jimin glanced over to Yoongi, and then at his own string leading out the door and to you. None of them had slept that night, all worried over finding you. They spent countless hours looking for you on social media, hoping to find any inkling of information on you. All they could find was a couple old Instagram posts from when you were a teenager. Nothing that would lead them to you now.
“We can’t assume she didn’t.” Hoseok spoke up from his spot next to Jungkook, both watching their soulmates stress in their own ways. Jungkook had just gotten back from the gym, sweat and all before curling up next to Hoseok. He could notice the red eyes of his younger soulmate, hating the fact that he was crying.
“Let’s just assume she is going to the concert tomorrow. What would we even do about it?” Taehyung asked the group, everyone pausing in their step as the question sunk in.
“Well, the ticket would have to be associated with a name. We can always make sure that the people who take her ticket alert us if she showed, what her seat number is.” Namjoon started, his thoughts moving miles per hour as he tried to think of ways he could make sure you were theirs before the night ended.
They waited so long for you and they weren’t going to let you leave just because you thought you weren’t good enough for them.
“If she doesn’t already have front row, we upgrade her ticket.” Jin proposed getting nods of approval from everyone.
“We bring her backstage after the concert. Have a member of our personal security stand by her at all times.” Yoongi spoke up this time, his instincts taking over. Yoongi was protective, maybe even slightly possessive of his soulmates, and you were no exception. In fact, Namjoon theorized it would be more so with you, given you were his special bond partner.
Each of the members have a thicker, red sting connected to their main bond member. Within bigger soulgroups, always with an even number of people, there will always be two members who have a special bond. They will be ultimately closer to their bond partner, romantically, physically, spiritually. It gives you someone to connect with, to always have by your side.
This doesn’t mean your other string bonds are any less significant. Fate just wanted her bonds to never feel alone, which can sometimes happen within big groups.
And Yoongi had been waiting for you for a long time.
He wouldn’t let you slip away again.
“You know, we would have been there already if you had an outfit picked out and didn’t spend like, six hours choosing a single top.” Lindsey chided you as you waited in the line to enter the stadium.
It was finally the day of the concert and you were literally shaking in your shoes with nerves. You didn’t know what to expect and it was driving you crazy. You couldn’t find the clothes you bought for the concert so you spent almost your entire day trying to figure something else out, settling for a simple black t-shirt and a pair of jeans.
“I know. I know. I just can’t believe I already lost the shopping bag.” You shake your head before moving forward.
It took another fifteen minutes before you were at the front of the line, giving your ticket to the man at the head of the line. When you handed it to him, you noticed for a split second that his eyes widened, before smiling at you and printing out your stub.
“Thank you. Enjoy the show.” You nodded at the man, a little suspicious but nonetheless moved forward through security. You looked at the ticket stub while you waited for Lindsey, growing confused as you looked at the seats.
You were now entirely in the front row, only feet away from the main stage. Originally, you were about three rows back and to the side. Something had to have gone wrong. A misprint or something.
“Hey Linds? What seat are you?” You ask once she gets to your side, the both of you beginning the walk to your seats.
“Uh, row 1A, seat 3.” She read aloud, now standing shocked with you as you were seat 4.
“What if—” You cut her off.
“No. There is no way. Don’t even think about it.” You knew she was going to say that they knew you were here. But it’s not possible.
“It has to be a coincidence.” You stated, reassuring yourself but making your friend grin at you.
“Yeah, a coincidence all right.” She drawled out as she grabbed your hand and dragged you to your seats. She wasn’t going to complain if your soulmates decided to upgrade your seats. She was just along for the obvious ride.
It wasn’t your first concert, but you were amazed all the same as you looked around the stadium. It was an open stadium, and the stage was immense. You could see the butter music video playing in the background as different groups of armies sang along.
The stadium was slowly but surely beginning to fill as you were only minutes from the sold-out show starting. You gripped your army bomb close to your chest as you sat down in your seat. Now that you were there, and only inches from the gate that separated you from the stage and security team, you could feel yourself begin to shake.
It was like you could feel eyes on you, watching you. You felt immensely perceived and you didn’t like it. Looking past Lindsey who was chatting with the girl next to her, talking about their biases, you noticed a group of security just a couple of feet away, talking about something that seemed important before you realized they kept glancing at you every so often.
Now you had an idea of what was going on.
“How do they know…?” You whispered to yourself as the lights went down and the concert started, the boys walking on stage and going right into their intro. You couldn’t even focus on the stage as you looked over to the security member now stationed only a foot away from where you stood.
Lindsey noticed your stiffness and held your hand that wasn’t holding the army bomb.
“Hey, we can go if you want. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable the entire time.” Lindsey could see you fighting with yourself. All she wanted for you was to be happy, to see that you deserved everything good in life, but you were too stuck in the past. You were caught in the old relationships, filled with name calling and blaming.
She hoped she didn’t push you too far.
“No, I’m—I’m okay. I just need a second.” You squeezed her hand before sitting down and moving to open the bag you brought. It had your little hand lotion, something you always used when you were anxious.
Rubbing the shea butter scented lotion on your hands, you let your muscle memory take hold, giving you nothing to think about. At times like this, you needed something to do where you didn’t have to think, didn’t have to be in control of everything.
You were sitting for a couple of minutes, trying to calm your breathing so you could enjoy the rest of the concert. You didn’t even know, as you had your head down, that your assigned security member was looking at you, growing worried. Yoongi was also glancing your way whenever he could, trying not to be suspicious.
Your safety was important to them, and he didn’t want to start something with army when he couldn’t explicitly protect you. He had of course been notified that you had come, right after you had your ticket scanned. They all knew where you would be seated, somewhere they could easily find you and watch over you.
Due to the connection and type of string between you two, Yoongi’s instincts were in overdrive. He was naturally possessive and dominant, and it bothered him that he couldn’t be near you during the concert. He had to perform. It helped that he knew you would be in his arms by the end of the night, he guessed.  
No matter what you did, you couldn’t get your body to calm down. You didn’t even notice the now seven strings leading to the men on stage. Your body seemed to be in an uncontrolled state, your breathing erratic and your heartbeat unstable. You couldn’t tell if you were having an anxiety attack, a panic attack, or both. Maybe even something else entirely.
“I need to go to the bathroom.” You tell Lindsey before you are moving through the crowd, away from the stage and towards the way you came in, remembering that you passed a bathroom. You were practically stumbling, a few people you passed asking if you were okay.
You threw the bathroom door open when you go to it, not caring if anyone else was in there. You were struggling to breath at this point, the pain in your chest excruciating as you tried to move even more forward. It seemed you were stuck at the door, a tugging on your finger keeping you from moving any further.
Looking down, you saw red; seven rest strings leading behind you. A cry left your lips at the sight, the number of strings hitting you and making you realize that Lindsey was right. You used the wall for balance as you practically fell to the floor, black spots dancing in your vision.
A cold laughter came from your lips, filling the empty space of the bathroom as you sat in front of the now closed door.
Of course, you thought.
You watched as the strings attached to your finger tugged again, trying to bring you to the other end. Tried to bring you closer to the fate you were determined to hide from.
There were so many people more deserving of them. How could there not be. You wouldn’t fit in with them. You would only ruin what they have, so you couldn’t understand why fate was so determined.
Your body was now refusing to move, leaving you stranded on the floor in front of the bathroom. Looks like even fate didn’t want you to escape.
“Hey, are you okay?” You see a pair of sneakers walk into your vision before the person bends down. The man seemed about your age, with a nice smile and glasses covering his freckled nose.
“Uh, not really. Fate is an ass.” Your sarcasm makes the man chuckle. You watch as he sits down in front of you, his back leaning against the opposite wall. Its only now you notice the badge around his neck.
“Well, Miss, do you need me to call the medical staff? It doesn’t seem like you can really use your neck there.” He at least seems a little concerned, even more so when you reply, “Or my legs, good sir.”
“Well, it seems like I will be carrying you over to medical then, doesn’t it.” He gets up, moving quickly to place an arm behind your back and one under your slightly bent legs before picking you up.
He starts walking down a long hallway before turning the corner.
“So, running from a soulmate, I see.” His voice is questioning and you are almost certain it was accompanied by a raised eyebrow.
“More like trying to.” He doesn’t say anything else, only hums at your answer to which you were thankful. He could see you didn’t want to talk about it.
You were about to turn another corner when someone called out to you.
“Hong! Have you seen a woman—” He cuts himself off when the person carrying you turns around, you in his arms. You are able to see the man as the security guard you guessed was assigned to you.
You watched as his eyes widened considerably before he starts forward.
“What happened? Oh no. The boys are going to kill me if something happened to her.” The guard, Hyunsoo, mutters loud enough for the both of you to hear as he tries to take you from the man, Hong’s, arms.
“What boys? What are you talking about.” Hong asks, moving back from the guard, keeping you secure in his arms. “I was just about to take her to the medical room. She is experiencing the soul tug and was stuck to the floor in front of the bathroom.”
Ahh, you think, that makes sense now.
The soul tug happens as it is intended; to force the bond holders to make the connection. It makes the string connecting you taught and keeps you from fleeing from the bond, like you were trying to do. However, it only happens when one of the people within the bond have already accepted it. Meaning, the boys have already accepted the bond.
Which explains the pain in your chest and the way your body movement just shut down, rendering you unable to move. You guess the string only gave you so much leeway before it brought you back.
“If Mr. Min saw you carrying her, you would need the medical room.” The guard’s words were blunt, but a little worrying.
“Mr. Min? You don’t mean…” Hong visibly paled as he looked down at you, his mind making the connection you didn’t want to say. His grip loosens as Hyunsoo takes you from his arms.
“I don’t need to remind you of the NDA you signed, do I, Hongmin?” The man who found you shook his head quickly, before looking down at you once more and walking away. You could almost see his body shaking as he did so.
Still unable to move your neck, you grumble into the guard’s chest.
“So, how’s it goin?” You ask, your brain’s defense system seeing sarcasm as its only choice.
Next Part
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valsdelulucorner · 3 months
I just remembered that i had asked you about the different concepts and au's so i could have a better idea of what ask
What's your stardew valley Cryptid Farmer au like? People's perceptions and reactions to cryptid/eldritch farmer? Are people still romancing cryptid creature farmer 👀 who's the most chill with Eldritch Farmer?
Very interested
I just came back from a small mental health break so please don't mind any spelling mistakes
What if the farmer wasn't entirely human?
-So the Stardew valley cryptid AU, the farmer takes the place of the old farmers grandchild. It was their only chance of a normal life so they took it, discarding of the true farmer before taking their form and listening through their memories.
-In my Og wip where i explained abit about the story line, lets say that the bachelors and or the bachelorettes find you having a full blown meltdown in your farmhouse, literally. Your skin slowly melts away as you try and grab at your skin, trying to hold onto your identity. Lets say you are at 8 hearts with all of them, some would be concerned for you, some would loose their lunch at the sight of your skin, and Harvey and Hailey will 100% pass out or scream
-They do manage to calm down before going in and helping you out though, putting harvey/hailey (depends on which group you choose) on the sofa before tending to you. They may be supportive but they want answers, what are you? After a long, serious talk with them all and after regaining your human form once more, they start to trust you again but only with the promise that there will be no more secrets which you gladly accept
-You will never tell them that you arn't the true farmer, you never will. They cant know, they will never know.
-The towns people find you normal at first, just a friendly farmer that goes about their day but then it starts to become more clear that you are not normal the more your friendship goes up around the valley, though no one says anything as to not be rude. Once it does slip that you aren't human, some villagers become more weary around you, particularly the elder ones of the valley. The more you interact with them and try and regain their trust again, they will start to warm up to you once more, even impressed when you use your supernatural abilities to help around the town.
-Evelyn mentions on rainy days that the roof sometimes leaks so imagine her surprise when you morph your body and crawl up their with some supplies to fix it. The town help wanted board is easier to do know that everyone knows what you truly are so you don't have to hide it, easily morphing your body to get around the valley quicker and to make your rounds dropping off goods to the villagers. Its only when you helped robin with pams house and helped run joja out of town is when they started to actually trust you again, slowly but surely getting used to you around the valley again
-One time Abigail once got caught down in the mines and was almost seriously hurt thanks to afew of the insects, not expecting to see the absolute horror that was you absolutely obliterating them before her very eyes, only to be confused when you turned around with a soft expression and asked if she was alright (still in said form lol)
-I think the most chill out of everyone would be either Krobus or the wizard, both being supernatural beings themselves they would understand how difficult it is to be accepted into a human society
-Im not sure about who would be the least chill so i might have to go with the elders , looking mostly at George and Marlon. Marlon is a protecter of the valley, hes obviously suspicious when a random cryptid farmer waltz's in and acts like everything is fine. With george, Im not sure how to explain it but im dead set on george.
This is so bad but im running off of 1 hour of sleep and 3 mango loco monsters I downed in the span of 2 hours so im sorry if its bad
Please tell me what should I improve on and What should I do next?
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love-toxin · 1 year
I’d have so goddamn many of Luis’ babies istg. Resident evil is just zombies with a generous ✨sprinkling✨ of bisexual propaganda
ok ur so right!!!!! but you just put baby fever luis in my brain and now ur gonna have to deal with the consequences also </3
(cws: fem!reader, baby fever luis, pregnancy, mentions of childbirth, breeding kink)
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Clearly Luis likes to paint himself as a ladies' man, but unlike the typical charismatic bachelor, he's definitely got one thing holding him back from that luxuriously free lifestyle: when he's with the right person he's got baby fever like you wouldn't believe, and it never really goes away.
It always starts slow with that initial conversation of "so how do you feel about kids?" and a positive answer may as well be a proposal to Luis when it comes to you. He starts making offhand comments about seeing the cutest baby in the park the other day or mentioning that the schools are enrolling for kindergarten this month, and "wouldn't it be nice if we had our own..." like the hints he was dropping before just weren't enough. Because then he's fantasizing about what your kids would look like and even busts out all that research on genetics he's done just for fun, illustrating what kind of genes your children might get from each of you and how adorable they would look with your features put together.
And obviously you get to hold it over him if he's being a menace on occasion. Luis might be bothering you about something or disappearing at random to go play hero again, and all it takes to rein him in is you wondering aloud about whether or not you could really trust him to be a good father. And he'll come racing in with reassurances that he is! He will be! Just give him a chance, mi amor, and he'll show you he can be the best father you've ever seen--if he could figure out how, he would even carry the baby for you just to save you the physical toll of childbirth and postpartum. He wants one so badly but at the same time, he understands the trials and tribulations of carrying a child to term better than most men, so it's definitely not a small ask from him and he certainly acknowledges that.
If and when it finally comes time for you to let him have a crack at knocking you up, Luis is downright methodical about it right up until you actually conceive. He keeps a calendar of your cycle and maps out your ovulation days to figure out the best time to try, starts giving you vitamins and other supplements to take to help boost your immune system ("healthy body, healthy baby, mi vida!"), and Luis even looks into different positions he can try in the bedroom to help the fertilization process. He's almost too scientific about it but it's so cute to watch him pore over those documents and baby books in his reading glasses, making notes and comparing information so he can make it as easy for you as possible throughout the process. He'll do all the work for you that he can--all your job includes is sitting around, being comfortable, and growing your baby until you're ready to pop. You don't have to work, or travel, or stress at all, all Luis wants you to do as your lover and in-home doctor (kinda) is to relax, indulge in your hobbies, and let your body direct you towards whatever it needs. You can do that for him, right, love?
That's not to say he's completely, ahem, sterile about the whole process. Luis doesn't mind being a little messy--and god knows he has no qualms about getting all sloppy and rough when it's time to actually make the baby. He's got a theory that his seed will take easier if you're completely relaxed, so he always starts out with the gentlest, most loving head he can manage between those sweet, pretty thighs. But it never ends that way because before long, Luis' mind clouds with lust as he gets that feverish taste of you on his tongue, and by then he's leaving finger-shaped bruises in your hips and moaning with his lips totally sealed around your clit, totally mindless as he makes your world spin. The scrape of his stubble against your skin and the pressure of his nose grinding into you when he has you ride his face is hypnotic, it's tantalizing, and Luis knows that well enough that he never skips out on going down on you even if he's got limited time. Fingers, tongue, or face, he's going to have you falling apart in his lap no matter what time of the month or how sensitive you might be about exposing yourself--Luis would never judge nor condemn you for anything because no matter what it is, it almost always turns him on more than you could ever realize. He likes his women real, we'll say that much.
And when he's got baby fever, he's just on you like a wildcat on a wounded gazelle, fierce and frisky and so loud and handsy you might just have to tie him up to keep him quiet. It's his time to show you how passionate he can really be and lord does he really show it; he doesn't stop even when both of you have already reached your end, he just hikes your legs up higher on his waist, adjusts the pillow propping up your hips, and groans out a string of babbled praises as he humps your poor, overstimulated body to coax out those last spurts of cum he's got left. He's gotta give it his all, no? No sense leaving such a pretty lady empty when he can fill you all up, and give you everything you need to make a baby for him. He can't really get over the fact that it's just that easy for him to be a part of something so beautiful, nor that someone as gorgeous as you would ever let some worthless fiend like him father your children--the feeling is just indescribable, but he knows that it's pure love. And he knows that he wouldn't ever want it with anyone else besides you.
Who knows, maybe once you have the baby you'll be the one begging him for another--but even with one, Luis will be cherishing that sweet little bundle of life and he'll be hardcore protective over them with every ounce of energy he's got. Well, maybe not every ounce....he's got to save enough to keep an eye out for his precious wife too, doesn't he?
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wing-ed-thing · 1 year
Kakashi Domestic Relationship Headcanons
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𓆃 It's sort of a 50/50 shot when it comes to effort. Because Kakashi is only a secret slob and the times where he puts true effort into cleaning is random!
𓆃 Kakashi doesn't need any sort of union with you for you to live together. It'll probably happen due to convenience or "the time being right" rather than a formal marriage.
𓆃 Which is something that Kakashi isn't opposed to. He always described himself as "not really a marriage kinda guy," but after your first date was picking out engagement rings— for down the road of course.
𓆃 He keeps a decent bachelor's home. He has actual furniture, is sufficient enough in the kitchen, and isn't afraid of basic living skills like laundry.
𓆃 That being said, he's also surviving on the most insane struggle meals, reusing sweaty uniform pants from the laundry, and leaving a pile of dishes in the sink. But out of all the things he could be doing... things could be worse.
𓆃 When you move in, Kakashi has no concept of another person living with him. He'll leave his clothes around, those dishes will never get done, and he'll skip a few days of showers because he can't smell it.
𓆃 He'll cook sometimes, but, of course, he's leaving the pan.
𓆃 Then, he'll do a big "cleaning day" ever few weeks where he more half-cleans things. He'll shower, do half the dishes, before giving up and reading Icha-Icha on the couch.
𓆃 Kakashi won't skimp on your things, though, which can be nice. You'll find your clothes neatly folded and put away or other small conveniences.
𓆃 Meeting him halfway is usually the best, as you can usually tell him to start a habit, and he'll usually adopt it.
𓆃 Like utilizing the dishwasher and running it often if he doesn't have time to do the dishes. Or perhaps you wash and dry the laundry if he folds.
𓆃 He's just sort of clueless? And while it can almost boarder on weaponized incompetence, at the end of the day, Kakashi doesn't like when things are truly messy.
𓆃 He can do cluttered. He can do disorganized chaos, but even his own messiness gets to him.
𓆃 You just need to establish what clean means to both of you and what your expectations are. He won't give you a hard time about that as long as it's communicated.
𓆃 Expect a lot of spontaneous dates out for ice cream, surprise takeout when you get home after a long day on patrol, and for the groceries to always be picked up when you need them.
𓆃 One of his favorite pastimes is just doing things adjacently to you, like reading while you work on you hobbies or watching a show together.
𓆃 Will remember little things you mention, which he collects into a mental schedule of when to pick up things for the house.
𓆃 You can count on him to build shelves and other furniture. He's going to bang his thumb at least once, but he's surprisingly good at it.
𓆃 Super low maintenance (almost too low sometimes). Overall solid roommate haha
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed, and supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
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jonquilyst · 11 months
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Yo! Welcome to the casting call for the hottest, freshest, and awesomest simblr community competition! I'm your host, jonquilyst, and I am scouting out 14 unsuspecting teenaged Sims to compete in crazy, wacky (and maybe a little dangerous) challenges at this crummy ol' summer camp! Do you think your Sim has what it takes to win??
The Gist:
This competition is, obviously, based off of the Total Drama series (a show that's near and dear to me), but you do not need any background knowledge of this show to participate! The show (and this competition) functions similarly to a Bachelor Challenge, where contestants will be routinely eliminated until there is a sole winner.
This competition will also focus on the contestants building relationships with each other (hence the drama part, which is bound to happen when you put 14 teenagers together!)
Submission Rules:
Spots are first-come-first-serve, meaning the first 14 entries will be automatically in the competition
I'm hoping to have all 14 Sims by November 17th so I can get started possibly by my Thanksgiving break that following week, but this isn't a fixed deadline. (Please provide the link to DL your sims as soon as convenient. Ask me if you need help with this)
Your sim must be a teen
No occults; contestants must be human only (to prevent unfair advantages)
Contestants must not have high-level skills (they can have some level of skill but nothing above lvl 5; also to prevent unfair advantages)
Any level of CC is fine; just make sure to include it when you send your sim over to me ^^ (Nevertheless your sim may look different in my game since everyone uses different mods/presets/etc.)
Only one outfit per category please
Please give your sims a backstory. Describe what are they like, why are they competing on Total Drama Sims, etc.
Your sim can have any traits/aspirations
Here is how the competition will work:
The 14 contestants will be split into 2 teams of 7: The Screaming Llamas and the Killer Cowplants
The 2 teams will compete in challenges in attempt to win invincibility (safety from being voted off). The losing team will have to vote someone off (the winning team will not be part of voting)
This process continues until 7 contestants remain. Afterwards the teams dissolve and everyone competes individually (this is known as merge). This means that only 1 contestant can win invincibility; everyone else will be at risk for elimination
When merge occurs, all eliminated contestants at that point will be eligible to rejoin the game through a special challenge. The winner of that challenge will rejoin the game (bringing the number of contestants back to 8)
This process again continues until 2 contestants remain. In the finale, all eliminated contestants will vote for a winner
Challenges will occur half the time. The other half of the competition will be socialization days, where contestants are free to socialize with each other as they please
The competition will start with a socialization day first to establish relationships before the first challenge
If the numbers between teams get too uneven then a team swap will occur to one random contestant on the larger team
Voting will be determined by relationship dynamics and how everyone did in the challenge. Contestants who do poorly are more likely to get voted. Contestants who have a negative relationship with each other are also more likely to get voted. Conversely contestants who have a positive relationship with each other are less likely to get voted. The contestant with the most votes at the end is eliminated. All of this will be determined by a spinner (in case of a tie I will use a random number generator to determine who's out). This will also determine who wins at the end of the competition
Reward for the Winner:
This competition is mostly for the funsies, but whoever wins this comptetition will personally receive an actual reward from me! Whatever you receive includes, but is not limited to, one of the following options:
Discord Nitro for 1 month
A tumblr badge
Or we can negotiate if that's what you prefer ^^
That should be it! Please comment or DM me if you have any questions. Feel free to reblog or share this with anyone who might be interested in participating since I am a smaller simblr and don't have as great of a reach as some others do.
Please tag me and when you post your entry!
(DM me or send an ask if you wanna reserve a spot)
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crow-girl-cock · 8 months
Hai :7
I love you!
yes you!
click this.
now for introduction.
my name is Renée Corbeau
but you can call me ren or crow
I love crows! they feel like family to me and I hope next cycle I get to experience the life of a crow.
I have gone through alot in life and fancy myself some sort of activist by proxy of that pain, am I perfect? fuck no! I am still learning and probably operate under toxic bias still despite all the effort I have put into growth.
I'm adhd, autistic, anxious, depressive, dissociative, probably some degree of plurality.
I'm a gender non-conforming transwoman, definitely puppy coded, and severely down bad for women, especially butch women!
that being said the human body is beautiful. especially fat bodies, I'm a sucker for meat :3
all my guys, gals, and non binary pals deserve kisses (assuming that they want them)
I love gender fuckery, people who actively blur those lines are doing the lords work.
despite being very friendly and appearing slightly outgoing sometimes, I am very shy and dont have a very large social battery.
if I ever dont respond dont take it personally there are loads of reasons why this could be.
U⁠^ᴥ^⁠U U⁠^ᴥ^⁠U U⁠^ᴥ^⁠U
I am kind of a red mage when it comes to special interests, I know a little bit about alot.
(all lists are not ordered and not exhaustive)
some examples include;
from gaming~ pokemon, zelda, elderscrolls, darksouls, minecraft, osu!, space sims (elite dangerous, astroneer, dyson sphere project, hardspaceshipbreaker), roguelikes (noita, deadcells, gungeon, vagante, slaythespire)
from other media~ pokemon again, bluey, adventure time, atla, bee and puppycat, studio ghibli (nausicaa is goat), csm, bleach, dragonball, naruto, she-ra, dungeon meshi
from *gasps* real life~
space (and metaphysics), nature (it's peculiarities and the many funky adorable little guys born in it) I'm definitely a poser but skateboarding and rollerskating (I really want to get into rollerderby) philosophy (to the extent that any skid is);
(not as well read as I would like because there is so much of it, and so much of the truth is buried under misinformation, but I have deconstructed the whole western myth of how things went and painted myself a much clearer picture as to how things got so bad and am learning new things about the world all the time, please feel free to info dump about anything history related I'd love to hear it. anthropology and archaeology too obvs)
(this is my chosen field for better or worse >⁠.⁠< I am going to college for web and graphic design (2024-2026) I might extend that an extra 2 years to make it a bachelor of design and hope to one day make graphic novels, beautifully illustrated with deep thought provoking stories)
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Kink! (definitely subject to change)
petplay, musk, intox, bondage, impact, cnc, degradation, somno, hypno, blood, knives, size difference probably more I haven't thought of
I'm poly and very t4t
I'm a switch but this hellsite has been steadily turning me into a bottom day by day heheh
but no actually
I used to be a hypersexual dom pre-transition
but E has made me alot less uncontrollably horny and far more sensitive and inclined to seek vulnerability, all my drive to dom has dissolved
also I suck at tagging and will sometimes will reblog art/random things from tags without checking bios
if that upsets you or makes you uncomfortable please see the block button for more info ;3c
.♡. .♡. .♡.
anyways since you made it this far
here have some headpats
Tumblr media
spread kindness please and thank you ^v^
As above, So below.
Hai :7
I love you!
yes you!
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star-bear-headcannons · 10 months
Bachelors In Highschool
Alex: The Jock. Had girls, gridball, everything. He was the guy everyone wanted to be/date. As such, he never really connected with any of his classmates on a deep level. He and Haley had an on and off relationship, though it was mainly because "We are popular and thus this is what society expects of us". His best subject was P.E and his worst subject was English.
Elliot: The Rich Hottie. Went to a rich private school. Was honestly kind of a jerk. Had all the girls begging on their knees for him which gave him an inflated ego. Until some random girl called him 'stuck up, snobby, and rude'. That was Leah. They honestly hated each other until they came across some of the others work. Despite the rumors, they never dated. For most of high school, Leah was secretly dating Kai (Who Elliot absolutely hated). His best subject was English and his worst was Computer Science.
Harvey: Theatre Kid. He was really shy and never really talked to anyone, but all the girls loved him in a little brother sort of way. He was bullied by a few kids but his 'big sisters' as he called him put an end to that quick. Any boy who so much as touched Harvey would never find a date in that town again. The therapist he gets Shane is actually one of his 'big sisters' that he kept in touch with. A lot of the girls were into theatre and got him into a lot of roles. His best subject was Science (Physics and Biology) and his worst was P.E.
Sam: Cool Kid. Was fairly popular with everyone (except teachers), but never strayed far from the SAS Gang. Liked pulling pranks on the teachers and failed a lot of his classes. The only reason he didn't drop out was because Penny tutored him. He was also in choir and band. His best subject was English and his worst subject was Math.
Sebastian: The Loner. Liked staying away from everyone. He didn't really tolerate anyone except the SAS Gang. Even then, he had a period where he started to drift away from them because they were 'too childish'. He found a new cliche and picked up smoking to fit in. Eventually Sam and Abi were able to convince him what he was doing was not cool and he stopped hanging out with them. Never dropped smoking though. His best subject was Computer Science and his worst was Biology (He liked it until he had to dissect the frog).
Shane: The Quiet Kid. He didn't really like talking to people. The only people he really got along with were Jas' Parents. Other than that, he had a pretty good school life. He had good grades and was decent at grid ball, even joined the school team. However, he was bullied by the other players for being short. His best subject was Science and his worst subject was Math.
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