#it is soul destroying stuff and i get wanting a space away from that
orionsgirdle · 5 months
just read the tags on that "vote for b*den" post and scrolled OP's blog and lol I don't know why I bothered. too many people on this hellsite seem to have drunk the anti-zionism = anti-semitism koolaid.
i mean it's understandable because before oct. 7th i relegated all israel-palestine rhetoric to "too complicated" category. that's definitely an idea that is routinely promoted by zionists.
i keep thinking about this talk that michael brooks gave:
ultimately the way that zionists use anti-semitism as a weapon to shut down any criticism of their racist, colonial project in palestine minimizes and trivializes actual anti-semitism. something else they have in common with nazis.
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celluloidbroomcloset · 5 months
OK. I wrote some of this in a vent to @sparklywaistcoat, but I'm gonna say it here.
I'm less sad about there not being a Season 3 and feel more just tearful anger that once again studios and streamers truly don't give a fuck about art or what it means to people or to culture. It’s corporations who just want to reproduce the same boring shit for the same boring people and even when they have something that’s popular and loved, they just can’t see past their own very narrow worldview. I really did think that the second season was going to get chucked once HBO Max restructured and WB merged with Discovery. I was shocked that it ever got released.
There’s such a wonderful scope of art in this world, but streamers won’t give it the space it needs to breathe. So when you get something like OFMD or Reservation Dogs or Good Omens, it’s so hopeful and yet you just sit there in heartbreak, hoping it doesn’t go away, or that it can at least play out as the people who make it want it to. Sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't, but we have to remember that even when it doesn't, it still means something.
Now, Hollywood has always been like this, but it’s still very hard to see art being treated so callously. It’s like when the Code came in and you look back and see all these lovely things, truly groundbreaking stuff, that got cut off at the knees because of the fucking mainstream conservatives who thought they knew what was best, and the Hollywood studios that went right along with them to keep selling their product.
But the studio system, and the Code, broke, and it is breaking again. We’re in line for a major bursting of cinematic art as creators escape from franchises and the mainstream, a la American Independent cinema. It is already happening. The new studio system, built on streamers and franchises, of which WB and HBOMax is a part, is collapsing. OFMD is a big sign of that—an openly queer, incredibly diverse TV show that kept pushing and pushing through eighteen episodes, that rejected queerbaiting, that rejected convention, and that built itself on being a gay pirate rom-com and was exactly that.
Queer media has done more than broken through. It has embedded itself in the culture in a way that it never did in the past. It's out from the underground without assimilation. OFMD is not the only part of that, but it is a part of it. And that's something that HBOMax, Zaslav, Hollywood, the studio system, the entire straight, cis, white, conservative, conventional mainstream world can absolutely never take away or push back into the closet. They will try, though, and they will lose. They already lost.
So, yeah, I'm angry and I'm sad, and they fucked Calypso's birthday. But we can chuck a fiddle at their heads to protect the people we love, and it isn't going to destroy our souls.
Our spirit will last throughout their entire fucking empire.
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jlepixie · 11 months
Can you write about Tom Riddle ? A dark nsfw :)))
hi love! yes of course, thank you for requesting! I hope you like it <3
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╰ ୨ Tom Riddle nsfw ୧ ╯
༶⋆˙⊹。⋆ʚ♡⃛ɞ ✩ ˛˚.
You are a Slytherin, but the difference between you and the others from your house is that you are shy and silent like a bunny. You never start fights, you found it immature and a waste of time. All you want to do is attending the classes you have and try not to fail them, and to not let anyone even realise that you are there. Unfortunately for you, he started watching you. He was watching from the dark corners, waiting the right moment. You watched him as well but only when you passed by him. In your opinion he was handsome but you could never imagine yourself with someone like him. 
When you were asleep he was touching himself, thinking of you. For Tom you were a prey and he loved the feeling of a predator. That thought made him obsessed over you, all he wanted was to have you, to own you. He even started following you everywhere, keeping a generous space for you to not notice him, but you did. Every time. It wasn't scary although you preferred to be alone. 
One day when you were enjoying the company of a book in library, he entered and leaned over the wall, examining you. Every move you make. “It is rude to stare” he hummed and replied “I can't help it, you are relaxing to watch” Knowing he is saying random stuff but that didn't stopped you from forming a blush on your cheeks. That day was the start of your nightmare. He was following you everywhere, like a lost puppy, he was too close for your own good now. You didn't mind it that much. At least he wasn't talking or touching, only following. 
After a week he finally talked “This school and her rules are stupid” “In that case you could just hope it will finish soon” That was the beginning of a weird friendship. You believed he was stupid in the head. Always complaining and com-plotting. Tom was hoping you would beg for him, for his attention, but nothing, that was making him desperate to take you and destroy you. 
The night after reading together and making silly conversation, he decided it was time to own you. At your parents request to the school, you were staying alone in the room, that was making it easier for Tom in completing his plan. You were sound asleep when he got into the one bed room, he started touching your body, putting his cold hand under the loose shirt you were wearing. The friction made you gasp and wake up to find him towering you. You actually were expecting that, you knew what was in a mind of a person like him, it was easy to know what he wants. He grabbed your chin and covered brutally your mouth “Don’t take out a sound” His dark brown eyes were staring deep into your soul and that made you have goosebumps. Shaking your head, assuring you will be quite, he took off the hand from your face but not until getting an easy slap on your cheek. 
“Fuck, you don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for this moment” He loved the scared look on your face. Tom didn't know what he wants more, to make you beg for him, or just take what he wants. You on the other hand, didn't mind what he was trying to do, in fact you were loving it. Someone making you to be submissive was your weakness after all. He was on top of you looking straight to your eyes. Lingering with your lips open, slightly touching but not kissing, your breath was heavier with the every second that passes. “Fuck it” whispering you get your hands around his neck and push his head so that you can kiss him. He looks surprised for a moment but not long after Tom gets his rough hand on your neck squeezing a little. The other hand travels along your body until it reaches the waistband of your trousers. He slides in to feel your cunt. “How pathetic, look at you, all wet for me” He laughs at your reactions. Trying to look away to hide your embarrassment, Tom grips one more time on your neck and forces you to look at him. 
“Don't look away doll, not when you have those glossy eyes.” He demanded “You are so pretty under me” He pushes one finger against your core, teasing you, making you suffer. “Please Tom” you cry out-loud “Please what? hmm use your words pretty girl”, “Please stop teasing” He giggles, getting closer to your ear “I will stop teasing, if you will be only mine”. Your desperation was reading through your shaky voice “Than make me yours Tom Riddle” He didn't waited any longer and pushed two fingers in your now soaked wet hole. 
In the end birds of a feather flock together. 
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© 2023 jlepixie.  ─  please do not copy,  repost or translate any of my works on other platforms without my permission. 
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acourtofthought · 4 months
Hello, good night!!
What do you think about this?
A brazilian girl (E|riel stan) made
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Hi there!
SJM did say that it's possible for there to be two mating bonds however she said that before we found out that Rowans bond with Lyria was fake.
I really think the point of her saying that was to keep the theories that Rowan and Aelin were mates alive until she revealed the truth.
If two mates were truly going to be a thing in her world, why have we never seen it after 10+ new mating bonds? Why do we have confirmation of a character losing his mate in the CC series and continuing to speak on how he's lost half his soul?
Bloodbane does inhibit someones magic and the ability to reach out to their mate.....but Bloodbane does not have the ability to erase a bond. Just like wearing noise cancelling headphones doesn't take away my ability to hear on a permanent basis. So yes, it's possible someone may not have felt their bond if Bloodbane was in their system but the second the poison was out of their bloodstream, the bond would be restored. And the Mother / Fate cannot be "tricked" into who is supposed to have a bond because of poison. She / It is the one who decides on bonds in the first place. Besides, Az didn't seem to have any trouble at all snarling at the king for speaking to Mor and we know he doesn't have a bond with her, it's clear that SJM wanted to be sure that we all remembered Lucien as the one who tried to get to Elain's side as she was being forced into the Cauldron before he knew they were mates. Bond or no bond, that's good stuff.
There is a carranam bond but that's not what Amren was talking about. In that scene they were all clearly talking about Feysands mating bond. As we know Elucien does have a mating bond then it's safe to say their bond also cannot be undone.
The Cauldron was corrupted by the Asteri so they could use it to create evil monsters and dangerous weapons. They also tied the Cauldron to the land so it could not be destroyed without destroying the land. There is absolutely nothing to suggest they had any interest in messing with mating bonds and I'm not sure why they would. The Asteri created beings that they felt they could control. Thinking they wanted to "mate" them to other beings in order to create strong offspring would mean something could be born that could possibly become a threat to them. Also, we found out that one character who was originally from Prythian ended up mated to someone from Hel. Mating bonds exist across dimensions and that is not something the Asteri had anything to do with.
Rhys was definitely the product of an unhappy bond because his father was cold and vicious and his mother was soft and fiery. His father also snatched her away the very day the bond snapped.
As the only comparable piece of information from this is the fact that Elain is also soft and fiery, I think it's clear we don't have to worry about Lucien being anything like Rhys's father.
Truth Tellers special power is what it can do when used with the Starsword. And only when used by a descendent of Theia. Yes, Elain was the first person Az let use it but as far as we know, it's also the first time Az had to sit out of a battle and someone was in need of a dagger. And the reason Az sat out of battle is because Mor begged him "with tears in her eyes" to sit out. Az did not fight because the female he loved asked him not to.
I also have a theory about Truth Teller and that Az is going to end up giving it to Emorie so there's a chance Az lending it to Elain is no different than Amren giving Feyre a piece of her jewelry and convincing her it's what got her out of the prison.
Elain likes balls and parties, Az likes his space. Elain craves sunshine, Az prefers shadows. Elain is good at talking to people. Az barely talks. Elain loves nature. Az likes........snowball fights, I guess? But that's in the winter and Elain can't do what she loves in winter. Cruelty bothers Elain and Az tortures people in a symphony of pain.
Feyre and Nesta both had their bonds described as a thread. Feyre even send she felt something pulling at her gut. Elain feeling a tug on her rib is a lot more romantic than someones stomach.
We actually don't know if Elain wants Lucien. It seems she doesn't, she says she doesn't, but looking at Feyre in book 1, would we have ever known she wanted Rhys even UTM? Looking at Nesta at the start of SF, did it seem like she wanted Cassian? Considering Aelin said something extremely derogatory towards Rowan, was it easy to guess they were going to end up together? When Yrene told Chaol she only got close to him because opiates made people do stupid things, would that have clued us in to them falling in love?
(Hopefully I'm making my point here, lol).
Az's mother does live in Rosehall......and that's the most ridiculous reason for anyone to think Elain should end up with him when we know absolutely nothing about it or his mother. Feyre looked at the Night Sky and ended up in the Night Court. Elain says she needs Sunshine, not roses.
SJM tends to sample from fable and mythology however in the books these things are almost unrecognizable. So anyone trying to convince themselves of an E/riel endgame based on things SJM has sampled or might sample from should probably check in with the people who thought Bryce would end up living in Prythian as the ruler of the Dusk Court with Az.
I hope you have a great night!!!
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I think i should really show more info on my avatar to flesh out ihisdesign and what hes supposed to be since the previous info i made was lazy.
This Creature only named Kaiju (how original) is extraterestrial entity that is sapient with alot of facinating abilities and a very vague origin, refered by Humans who witnessed him as a XenoManiraptorian due to him resembling a maniraptorian theorpod, with his bird like body covered in feathers and has hard scaly lower legs and hands and that he came from outer space.
Hes a space fairing creature exploring every solar systems and looks at any planets looking at various things such as wildlife minerals and see if theres any other sapient intelligent race, although he is never fond of trying to communicate with them as when he explored one planet he was somehow capture by aliens and was interviewed by them, he doesnt really awnser alot of them but from one of the aliens they did wrote stuff he awnsered such when they asked is he born from another planet when they wanted to know his origins he replied by saying no he wasnt born on another planet nor does he have parents or relatives, this confuses the interviewers and when they ask more about about himself he starts to get frustrated by this and when they forced him to awnser using electrical weapons but little did they know is that he can absorb any kind of electricity and becomes enraged starting to wreak havoc in their base murdering and destroying anything in his path, as he escaped he starts to calm down and flies to the vacuum of space traveling to another solar system!
During his space travel he can fly by incasing himself in flaming energy and flies faster than the speed of light his eyes are well developed and can see things light years away to search another solar system, his eyes are souless looking as they are pitch black and no light can reflect them and has bright glowing pink irises
He has many abilities such has the ability to weaponize Fire but this fire is bright pink with black vapor and it is stated to be about as hot as the sun itself although we dont know if thats true and could just be an exaggeration, he can manipulate fire through his body and releases them not only though his mouth but in various parts of the body such as claws or tail which he does that for explosion attacks, the flame is soo hot it can melt the ground around him fast and uses that to drill through the ground for a surprise attack, he also has electric powers capable of shoot a beam of lightning as well as releasing them through his hands and can summon a storm for more lightning attacks, when hes overcharged by electricity he gains electromagnetism where he can make any minerals levitate and throws them at enemies but it wont last very long,
When hes enraged he would transform into a form called The Spark Rage State
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in this state his coloration changes entirely and gains a weird symbol on his abdomen his attacks are way more potent and his physical strengh is increased and is capable of picking things many times his own size, he starts to act more violent and enjoys tearing apart and eat the flesh of its enemies and sometimes even hurts himself in the process while even capable of regenerating incredibly fast!
His next state is an Uncontrollable rage called the Hellish Soul State!
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hes now darker with flaming wings and his energy is soo unstable that he has to rip opent his chest to let it all out and can cause an apocalypse in this state it lasts for hours or even days before finally turning back to normal and regenerate!
not much is known about this entity but it is truly an unstoppable force that many sapient race consider it a god, He rather avoids contact with any of them and just explores the solar systems.
Thats all i can say about my Avatar also his design is heavily based off of my favorite kaiju of all time Gigan and i even used to be a recolor of Modified Gigan during my Cringe days of DeviantArt, although i might try someday to think of other things i can say about my OC but il stop for now.
anyways you can leave your thoughts on my Avatar down in the comments i would love to see you guys think about it! ^w^
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sharky-the-idiot · 8 months
So Maria is the granddaughter of Dr.Gerald robotnik, who is also the grandfather of eggman. Maria and eggman are cousins I believe, unless it's been changed as of like 2018+. Maria has N.I.D.S, an illness that causes the affected person to get weaker and weaker and need constant medical attention as it progresses, and so her and her grandfather are in space, due to the anti gravity helping the symptoms to not progress as fast. While up there, her grandfather, who was actually the opposite of eggman, a kind caring person who wanted to use science for good and help cure his granddaughter was put on a task to create the ultimate life form by the government. So he created shadow, Gerald gave Shadow a soul so that humanity would not abuse his power for monstrous acts. Little did Gerald know that in the end, he himself was still only human. the plan was called off while still being worked on, and he was taken away and executed by the govfor creating shadow and 'putting humanity in danger' despite building its best protector. They interrogated him, before asking "is that all?" And it cuts to black, them prolly shooting him off screen. He didn't get a trial either, so it was straight up murder. While all this was happening, it's seen in the cutscenes of both the games and anime, that Maria was standing above a control panel weakly, before it cuts to a scene of shadow in the tube thing, in shadows flashback it showing maria saying how she wanted revenge on humanity. this is seen altered a lot though And YKNOW WHAT REALLY FUCKS ME UP? The fact that Gerald altered shadows memory so he wouldn't feel as pained, only the true meaning and stuff coming out when Amy says something that triggers it. And because of eggman being related, imagine if that's the reason he's so fucked up now This actually would explain why Eggman has so many childish characteristics despite being a grown man - since people who have experienced severe trauma as children often carry on childlike traits well into their adulthood to cope with the fact that the innocence of their childhood was cut short. It makes the concept of his "Eggmanland" amusement park SO much more tragic when you think about how it's probably a manifestation of the final drops of a traumatized childs innocence seeping through the cracks of an angry, bitter and broken old man's rampage of revenge against a world that wronged him and his loved ones so brutally, suddenly and pointlessly that he lost his goddamn mind That might also be why he hates sonic so much, due to him striking a resemblance to shadow. Oh and btw Shadow's design is based on the Prophecy of Super Sonic. In otherwords, Shadow almost owes his existence to Sonic in every way. but also due to Gerald coming into contact with Black Doom during his experimental processes, who offered up his immortal alien DNA in order to create Shadow. That's why Shadow looks like Black Doom and its why he's immortal while being able to channel the power of the Chaos Emeralds. Black doom is also why they shut down the project AND HIS FUCKING LAST SPEACH FUCKS ME ALL THE WAY UP! YOU DONT EXPEVT LINES LIKE "You ungrateful humans who took everything away from me will feel my loss and despair…" FROM A GOD DAMN SONIC GAME WHERE SOMEBODY IS CHAINED UP AND ABOUT TO BE KILLED Oh and Shadow tried to retcon certain details; such as wanting to remember Gerald fondly. The same man that nearly destroyed the entire planet from beyond the grave due to being driven mad with grief. This entire story line (not including silvers, knuckles backstory, blaze's lore ect) is why I'm still so into sonic.
infodump on shadow the hedgehog lore ehe
I saw Maria and thought both "SPLATOON⁉️⁉️⁉️" AND "OMORI⁉️⁉️⁉️" at the same time I need help
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poweredbystarlight · 1 year
Obligatory introduction time!
Hello fellow lovers of the written word! I’ve been lurking here for a minute and it seems to destroy my soul a bit less than all the other social media homes, so I may stay here for a minute.  I am Nikita (she/they), and I have been writing my entire life. Sometimes I even share that writing with others! I have a blog where I haven’t posted since before the pandemic before tonight. I posted the same story, Rya, on Tumblr, which I may or may not continue doing for shorter stories. It’s a bit of an existential piece about loneliness and connection and the places that only exist in our minds. I also am constantly submitting my stories to magazines and am writing a novel based on the idea of fairytales as propaghanda for the ruling class that I will probably be posting a lot about, as I am currently living vicariously through one of my MCs, Oak. I had no idea that her whole journey of being locked in a tower and only experiencing the world as an adult vagabond was my way of coping with a childhood of extreme isolation and probably undiagnosed autism and only truly experiencing the world as an adult vagabond because I am, among other things, utterly clueless. 
I write about setting, traveling between worlds, metaphors in nature and space, blending real and unreal, insignificant moments that feel like they either weigh a thousand pounds, or could carry you away. Really I write whatever I need to get out of my head at the time. 
I am interested in reading almost everything! Seriosuly, I will read the ingredients to mustard if that’s all I’ve got. I do have a love for character-based stories, unique worldbuilding, focus on non-romantic relationships (have a weak spot for sibling relationships, long-term friendships, or relationships with a huge generational gaps), switching character POVs, weird stuff that doesn’t make sense, stories that span ridiculous timelines, and any story that is basically philosophical questioning in disguise. I’m usually not a fan of romance-heavy plots, but if the relationship is good, I’ll probably love it anyways. 
I am looking for writer friends, above all else! I also want to connect with artists, as I have Art Needs. Ideally I want to build relationships with people where we can honestly workshop one another’s work, discuss the craft, lament about the process, and ask the important questions we didn’t realize we needed. But I also just want to read your work! Discover indie authors! Feel less alone in this very lonely craft I have chosen to base my identity on! I’m about a year away from completing a creative writing degree, and I miss the ambience of being in a room of people who genuinely care about writing and want to help one another grow. 
Also though, I am terrible at social media and Being Online in general, so please be patient with me as I break rules I didn’t know existed and use the terminology all wrong. I am hoping this is finally the time where I carve a space online where I can feel relatively comfortable and don’t burn out from the unfamilar social landscape (at least for a couple of months).  So please! Say hi! Link me to your work! Ask me a question! Rant about your characters! I want it all!  I look forward to meeting you. :) 
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neon-skeleton99 · 2 years
Fresh Out of Luck
The normal uncomfortable feeling in your head is spreading, spreading down your spine and weaving itself in between your ribs. It keeps moving further until it’s inescapable, until it twists inside your gut.
You don’t know what he’s doing now. Something strange is happening with your magic, causing your spine to tingle. You suppose it might have something to do with the weird glitchy version of yourself he’s currently fighting, but who knows. It really doesn’t matter either way though,  you remember. You try to stop thinking about it. You’ll probably never escape the thing controlling you, and why should you bother? You’ve never done much before, so why even start now.
Your thoughts are interrupted by a flash of pain. You had tuned out the fight and the odd feeling of your body dodging and attacking without any input from you, but now you are forced to notice the cut on your leg. It’s not even a bad cut, really, but, then again, it actually is pretty bad for a guy like you. 
An annoying voice coming from inside your own head startles you. 
“Oh jeez, man that’s.. that’s kind of wack.”
“So, Sans, any ideas man?” Surprisingly, he continues.
He was talking to you? He had gone this whole time ignoring you and now he talks, and it’s to ask something for his own benefit? God this guy was the worst.
“Aw man, do ya really think that of me?”
He can hear you. He could probably hear you this whole time, probably since the start and you didn’t know. He probably heard everything you thought.
“Oh you didn’t know, huh,” He snickers.
“That’s actually hilarious dude.”
It’s not, actually, and it sends your soul racing with the ideas of what he knows.
“Woah chillax man. I already knew most of that stuff anyway,” he explains. “So, you got any ideas or not?”
If you were honest, your only idea includes simply walking away, but you aren’t sure how to do that considering most of the area is destroyed. 
Now that you look properly, you are standing on a floating rock. In space. 
“Well, couldn’t we both all up and just poof away?”
You couldn’t “all up and just poof away”, because a lot of your energy was used on fighting. The little bit the creature in your head had gathered would not be enough to leave.
“Oh. That’s a bummer,” He lightly puts it.
“What about… how about…?” He trails off. Clearly you both have no plan.
Finally he seems to get it.
Your body turns and you notice the other version of you that was fighting you had been talking this whole time. 
“…and how dare you hide in my favorite place. I hate you so much,” he rambled on. “I will destroy you because you are a filthy glitch!”
Horrifyingly, your body skates over to him and puts a finger over his mouth. You were under the impression you both wanted to live through this encounter, but no, apparently not.
The other guy furiously wipes his mouth back and forth with his sleeve, scowling. It’s a little hard to take him seriously when the jacket fabric against his teeth is making a ridiculous squeaky noise. It honestly reminded you a lot of when Papyrus cleaned the windows in your house. Laughter emanates from your mouth without your instruction. Though to be fair if you did have control, you might have laughed too.
“That’s ENOUGH! I’m sick of you!” He yells “You’re gonna pay for that!”
The other skeleton pulls a blue string from his eye socket and swings it towards you.
It wraps around your soul, which is floating within your right eye, and slams you towards the ground, flinging you towards a larger stretch of land. A sharp pain seems to stab you in your eye like shards of glass. A hiss of pain you didn’t make escapes you. 
You reach your hand toward your eye. That really hurt this time. Wait. You reach your hand. You have control.
“Wait WAIT! Let’s talk this out? One on one?”
And there’s the guy who was in charge.
You don’t care how panicked he sounds, you aren’t helping him anymore.
You reach into you pockets and feel for something. You’re going home. You pull out your house key. Papyrus bought you the dog keychain for it.
You start to walk until the way looks familiar and you arrive on your front porch.
“Bro, that’s not your house. This is an alternative version of your reality. It looks like ya house, but it ain’t. Get it?”
You don’t care. You slot the key into the door. It swings open with a satisfied click. You walk up to your room and lie down in your mattress. Someone will probably find you later, but you don’t care at the moment.
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malaismere · 1 year
m9 classpects, continuing from the vm ones over here, because boy do I have a problem
Fjord is the Knight of Heart
Beau is the Knight of Mind
Caleb is the Mage of Light
Veth is the Thief of Void
Jester is the Maid of Space
Molly is the Prince of Blood
Yasha is the Maid of Hope
Caduceus is the Sylph of Time
I was tempted for there to be Even More Knights because boy howdy are the M9 a Knightly sort of party. But I think this makes the most sense.
descriptions below the cut
Also starting with lunar sway:
Fjord, Beau, Caleb, and Veth are Derse to Jester, Yasha, and Caduceus' Prospit. I am torn between saying Molly is Prospit, Derse, or a a dual-dreamer.
The rough idea for order (as a chain, idk who'd actually go in first) is:
Caduceus -> Fjord -> Jester -> Beau -> Molly -> Caleb -> Nott -> Yasha
Fjord: Knight of Heart
This is a bit of a tangent, but do you ever thing about Charisma saves and what they imply about Charisma as a stat? Like, Charisma seems pretty self-explanatory, it's how pretty/charming/persuasive you are, but it's the same save you make to avoid getting banished. That's because really, Charisma is about a sense of self, knowing your own truth, and that's what makes you so charismatic/persuasive/etc.
Fjord's the Charisma caster of the party, which is interesting, because he's got a fucked up sense of self. It isn't that he lacks a sense of self, but more that he refuses to accept it - you don't hide something you're unaware of, you hide something you're ashamed of.
Heart is very much the Charisma Aspect, because while, superficially it's about relationships, it's way, way more about yourself, your identity, and your soul. That is, I think, the center of Fjord's journey as a character - who he is, and who he wants to be.
Class wise, there's a fun read with the Destroy classes (Prince/Bard) as he does more than a decent job destroying hearts (see: any number of verbal takedowns of an NPC) but while he's tactical, he doesn't really ghost mind the way you'd expect. So, I don't think he's Destroying using Heart, I think he's weaponizing it - that is, he's a Knight.
Knights are defined by their inesecurity and the resulting mask, in Fjord's case, his false accent. That mask is literally a false confidence, masking insecurity by pretending to be great at their aspect (despite the fact they already are). Fjord's entire confidence is with a fake self, even though his normal identity is great, peak Knight.
Also, on a more literal level...boy's a Paladin.
Beau: Knight of Mind
Beau is a Mind player. She's smart, sure, but moreso she's decisive. Mind is all about outcomes and consequences, and as such, has a strong tie to justice, which is also something Beau has in spades.
Beau also couldn't more clearly be a Knight. Knights fight with their aspect (the Cobalt Soul style being quite literally fighting with your mind) and are most notable for their masks. While powerful, their very insecure, specifically about their aspect, and hide that beneath false confidence or some other shield. Their challenge is to accept themself and their abilities, and understand that they can, in fact, do this.
While she never reads as indecisive, Beau, like the rest of the Mighty Nein, shies away from important things, the stuff that really means something. She doesn't truly trust in her decisions, her ability to shape the world. She definitely hides behind a cool persona to cover for this, and also her general fears relating to her family trauma.
However, as she comes into her own as an expositor, Beau becomes way more of a focus as a leader, a gatherer of information, and a tactician. Endgame, we see her more literally becoming a lawyer, again Mind associated, and has faith in her decisions and how she chooses to shape the world.
Caleb: Mage of Light
So, Caleb would also make a pretty good knight-
Archetypally, Caleb is bouncing between Magician/Prophet, which are the two that are closest to swapping and are more fluid. He reads active to me, selfish and taking control rather than being moved by his aspect, but these are the classes where that distinction is the smallest. I think any of these could work, but wow is my boy a Mage.
Mages are defined by experiencing their aspect, usually categorized as suffering it, and through that gaining a unique perspective. And what can you say Caleb's done but suffer.
Despite his interest in turning back time, Caleb's not much of a time player, and it's not really what he suffers. I can see an argument for doom, but he's not quite so fatalistic; instead, I think, it's his greatest downfall and his greatest strength: Light.
Light is often associated with Knowledge, which is great for a wizard, but more than anything else, it's Plot Relevance. Light is attention - the spotlight shining on you, which is where things started to go wrong for Caleb - Trent focusing on him. It's also literally light, ie, fire. So, you know.
Now, Caleb's an interesting case, because I say that during the Volstrucker training, he inverts to a Heir of Void. Heirs are prodigies, their aspect comes naturally to them, but they're also easily manipulated by it. Void is darkness, secerts, the hidden, and irrelevance. All very Volstrucker qualities!
As Heir of Void, Caleb's an excellent Volstrucker. But, he's easily manipulated by Ikithon's lies, to the point of murdering his parents. And, well, Caleb's not really the Heir of Void - inversions are unhealthy and unstable. He breaks, and becomes made of Void - insane, irrelevant, hidden away in the Asylum.
I'd argue that most of C2 is Caleb recovering from this inversion, slowly moving back towards the Light. He's very much hiding when we meet him, after all, terrified of being seen/found again. But, eventually, we see him return into the Light, really pushing himself into the limelight and leadership. He also uses that information he learned from his struggles to change the world around him - not, to be clear, the suffering of killing his parents, but the suffering from Ikithon's attention, as his goal is to keep others from going through what he had.
To top it all off, Mages are prophets, but unlike their opposite seers, they are less about the telling of prophecy (not ones to be listened to) and more about the act of miracles. And Caleb has the most iconic miracle of Light in the campaign - the return of the Luxon.
Veth: Thief of Void
Veth's main associations are with sneakiness/secrets, water/alcohol, and shiny useless things. There's a lot of Void/Light imagery going on with her, which ties into a lot of her issues with attention/hiding. There's also some stuff with her and doom (death, obligation, explosion) but thematically I think Void wins out.
Class wise, she has a lot of aspects that are very Knightly. She's got a literal mask (doll's) and a figurative mask ("little goblin girl") and a bunch of layers on top of that. But, I don't think she's truly a Knight (and not just because that would make for a VERY Knight-heavy session) but that it's more a matter of roleplay/inversion - with the inverse of Knight being the very appropriate Thief.
Thieves steal their aspect for their own benefit. Same as Knights, they're hiding insecurities behind their natural confidence in it. Veth is, naturally, a quiet, fade in to the background person, uneventful, unnoticed, and incredibly sneaky, natural fit for a thief of Void. She both steals using Void (stealth) and steals Void (useless, unimportant objects, also alcohol).
Now, speaking of alcohol, let's talk inversion.
I don't think it's right to say that Nott represents a full inversion - to be honest, the change is less in her personality and more her anxiety/comfort. But there are definitely some points where Veth inverts to Knight of Light.
The biggest, I'd argue, is the event that got her turned into a goblin to begin with - where she goes from quiet background to taking the stage and being a hero, weaponizing attention to keep her family safe. This, arguably, doesn't go as well as it could of, because, well, inversion never goes well.
In general, alcohol also tends to represent an inversion, and we can see this with Nott's alcohol-induced confidence. Drunk!Nott pushes the plot forward rather than being caught up in fear, and is much more of a fighter, as well as in general being louder and brighter. Again, this is unstable and unhealthy.
Veth puts inversion aside, but in her healthiest form, she's definitely a brighter and more open person, having better integrated Light into herself. Part of the challenge for thieves is sharing their aspect - and for Veth, a big hurdle is sharing her secrets with others, letting them in, both in revealing her true identity to the M9 and in being more open with Yeza. The honesty doesn't make her lose her abilities as a thief the way inverting did; instead, it's made her better, a more stable confidence.
Jester: Maid of Space
Jester's main motif is art - cluttered drawings and paint and creation. That's all Space, baby! Also, on a more superficial aesthetic, while it's not one of the class colors, Space is associated with green (like the Traveler!)
I do think there's a good argument for Heart or Blood as Jester's aspect - she's a romantic, and she's got a lot of stuff related to manipulating people, both magically and, just, everyone's in love with Jester. But I think a lot of Heart is, in fact, her roleplaying her mother versus herself - while she leaves home looking for her dad and hoping to get them back together, I don't think that's really her arc. Instead, I think it's more about how she relates to her own power and the Traveler, which is way more a Space thing.
Archetypally, Jester's hard to placae. She's got some vibes as Prophet of the Traveler, and also with the Fairy, and Magician.
There's a fun connection between Seer and Scrying. She's got the rebellion of a Witch, and the natural talent of an Heir. But I think, inevitably, I'm going with Maid.
Maids start out relying on others for their aspect. Jester has been given everything she's ever wanted from her Mother, all the tools and art for creation, just not Space itself. She's also, notabbly, pretty lonely. And then she gets her new 'patron' in the Traveler, who gives her the powers of Space, and also, like, literally Space and travel.
Maids arcs are about coming into their own power instead of relying on others, and, arguably, Jester's is about the fact she doesn't need the Traveler - he needs her. While she is still a Cleric, their endpoint is as friends, not god/worshipper, and they're on pretty even footing. Also, like, the general vibe that Clerics aren't warlocks, their power comes from themself.
However, I don't think this 100% fits, and I think there's a good argument for Witch of Space, as Jester's definitely got that rebel Witch kick, or Heir of Space, as it comes naturally to her, plus inheriting powers from the Traveler, and in general she's more of a Change than Create/Heal, although, like, she may not be Cad but she does still Heal. For Witch, there's also the fact that the inverse is Seer, but I don't think Seer is really an inversion for Jester so much as just a thing she also does / roleplay, and even then it's more Seer of Space than Time.
Molly: Prince of Blood
Mollymauk Tealeaf is all about living in the moment, floating change, being free and clear of everything binding yourself to the past and reality, inspiring others with your actions, really, the cornerstone of Breath.
Anyways here's my read on Molly as a Hero of Blood.
Okay, joking aside, I do think that Breath/Blood is the cornerstone of Molly as a character. There is some fun Hope/Rage stuff (and the Rage/clown/circus motifs) but I think that's more aesthetic than anything else. Breath and Blood is the conflict between the worldly and the divine, the grounded and the free.
Mollymauk Tealeaf is terrified that one day he's going to wake up and be Lucien. Because he doesn't want to have those connections, he doesn't want to be stuck in this body, he wants to change and grow and escape.
Princes are one of the two Noble Classes, and they destroy their Aspect / using their aspect, while ghosting the inverse. Molly's breath aligned, flighty and chaotic and fun and free, and uses that to destroy connections, as well as to literally destroy using blood. Also, like, I am your King, Long may I Reign is huge Prince energy.
Molly I don't think ever fully inverts, but I do think he dances around it; I think his advice is, for the most part, shit, because giving advice is a Sylph of Breath thing. He's better at actually taking action, not just telling people what they should do, y'know?
The challenge of a prince is to not destroy themselves along their journey. Molly accepts his bonds to the Mighty Nein, and the doing of it kills him. A failure, but far from a disastrous one, although there's definitely still something reckless that's very princely to the whole Bloodhunter class.
For the other persons Tealeaf, I think they're all the same classpect (which I don't think Molly would especially like knowing). Lucien is much more about Destroying Blood - his entire plan is abandoning the physical to ascend to the spiritual. Kingsley, I'm less sure of, mostly because we haven't seen enough, but I think that it still fits; he's got a lot of the similar arcs, and is definitely very Breath oriented.
Yasha: Maid of Hope
So, there's a very fun Light/Void read on Yasha - Void for her being quiet/in the background/constantly leaving, then Light for her true, divine self. (Light is also the Lesbians aspect, notably. Yes, I gave it to Caleb. No, this doesn't mean anything). I think there's a fun take here, but it's not quite where I want to go.
Instead, I'm looking at Hope/Rage.
Rage is a pretty obvious get for the barbarian, but it's less anger and more chaos, skepticism, defiance, vs Hope's optimism and inspiration. As an aasimar, Yasha feels like she's inherently a hero of Hope, but in this reading, she's spent all of her time since she was a child and first fell to the Rumblecusp arc inverted as a Hero of Rage.
While Angels are a hope symbol in general, I think especially it tracks for one of the Fairy/Create classes inverting to the Noble/Destroy classes. I can't imagine Yasha ever being a Sylph, so instead, we're looking at Maid of Hope, with it's inverse Bard of Rage.
Bard of Rage is a very barbarian classpect - it's what I gave Grog! - where Rage builds up and becomes used to destroy. When Yasha is fallen, she's very destructive, and her fallen aasimar abilities are very Rage. But, as this is an inversion, it's not stable.
So, who is Yasha, Maid of Hope?
Well, to start off, the Maid of Hope is epitome of life and inspiration - Obann has chosen her for her unkillable nature as a Zealot barbarian, and I'd argue this is the Maid of Hope at work.
Maids start out kind of as doormats; a Maid of Hope relies on other as to what to believe in. This tracks for Yasha, who's pretty gullible (see: like any Nott/Yasha interaction) and in general easily manipulated; this ties in to both the Skyspear and Obann pushing her towards that Bard of Rage inversion (although it still being important she's Hope at her core, for the Zealot barb powers for Obann and because she's the future leader for Skyspear).
Maids, however, rise to their power, they decide what to do, what to believe, and gain confidence in themselves, earning their power. Yasha in Rumblecusp arc really feels like this; she's decided what she wants to be, and ascends on wings of light.
Also something something Yasha's ideal life is being a housewife, not a warrior. Yeah, it's not that kind of Maid, but you know what I mean.
Caduceus: Sylph of Time
Class wise, Caduceus is the easiest of anyone - he's such a Sylph! Sylph are the most passive of the classes, the most healer, and, most importantly, the ones who give the most advice! Boy do Sylphs love to talk! They both heal their aspect and heal with it, and grow their aspect from seeds. Lots of plant imagery, which fits lives in the woods Clay.
Caduceus' main aesthetic is, far and away, death. He's the keeper of graves, after all. He's also got a lot of thoughts about fate and destiny. Now, these aspects are ones I used on Vax to associate with Doom, but for Cad, I think these are Time.
Time's the most active, and the most destructive, and personality wise doesn't track super well with the more patient Cad, but I think a lot of that is Sylph. He's not super space-y either, while he does have a plant association, he's not who I really class as creative, and I also really don't think he's impartial. The more you dig into Time, especially a calmer Time, the more it fits Cad - empathic, relentless problem solver, defensive, etc.
As Sylph of Time, Caduceus heals using his aspect - in this case, I'd argue, Destiny. His main work is with Fjord, fixing his path and destiny, and to a lesser extent, Caleb, pushing him away from his darker timelines, and, literally, the time manipulation plan. He also heals via death, which tracks with his decay/rot vibe, as well as healing Death itself, being the gardener tending a graveyard.
We don't tend to see much as to what Sylphs need to improve, because Sylphs are pretty stubborn and think they know best. Arguably, they need to accept that they don't, and that their meddling in other peoples lives isn't always helpful. Caduceus never learns this lesson, nor do I think he ever will, because everyone is too fucked up to even consider calling him on any of his bullshit. The only one who I think ever came close is Caleb, and hsi path was always to just sit there, nod, and ignore it.
(Before anyone asks me, Caduceus is helpful, but he also, definitely, doesn't always know what he's talking about. I love his one liners, but he has a narrow view of the world. Like, literally every single one of Taliesin's charaters has this same tick, a very strong and well developed and fundamentally flawed way of viewing the world; Cad's is just flawed in ways that are helpful to the M9).
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thebladeblaster · 6 months
So okay I have the stupidest idea and I have finally decided to share it because I’ve been thinking about it so much basically…
A Yu-Gi-Oh-ized version of Psyqualia
This is just the beginning of the stupid😅. Considering I have been thinking of Vanguard x Yugioh a lot recently I was thinking of how Psyqualia would be in the Yugioh universe. You could easily explain it away as a psychic duelist power but I thought that was boring.
In Duel Monsters the origins of the powers are rather dark like the Millennium Items were made through human sacrifice. So considering Psyqualia is obviously very space-like and alien I thought what if I went with a cosmic horror angle to its origin?
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Here’s the stupid
The idea I have for it is loosely based on the H.P. Lovecraft story The Shadow Over Innsmouth. To make a long story short the towns people in the story worship Dagon and turn into these weird fish creatures.
In the idea the Void replaces Dagon and the townsfolk’s are the Soryu. Essentially the Soryu worshipped the Void and were bestowed with the power of Psyqualia in return. As Leon narrates in Asia Circuit they use this power to conquer the seven seas. The Soryu in this version of the story are destroyed and trapped on the island by Dartz and the Oricalchos. However, not all of the Soryu were trapped on the island and were elsewhere when it happened. Most of them are hunted down and have their souls taken. Though, some do survive this.
So, the descendants of these survivors are capable of having Psyqualia. It has always bothered me that the requirements for Psyqualia seemed so broad that it was really confusing as to why no one after the og series gets it. So, basically that’s why I thought of the whole bloodline thing and tied it to the Soryu. Everyone who has Psyqualia in the present is a descendant but your not really guaranteed to have it. On top of needing to be descended from the Soryu you also need to fulfill the original conditions for having Psyqualia. I was also thinking considering that Psyqualia would probably be recessive making it more exclusive 🤔.
Other important stuff
This whole thing is basically how the Link Joker units came to be and why they’re so varied. The Link Joker units are not only those who were assimilated but those who were descended from those who made a contract with the Void on various planets and joined it.
1st generation Psyqualia user (Psyqualia Zombie): Basically the people who made a contract with the Void. Because they made a contract they are bound by its will and lose much of their free will. They instantly have a fully developed Psyqualia.
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I thought this would be an interesting way to explain the Psyqualia bargain sale starting in season 2😅. I was thinking this could be used for Ibuki and also an interesting reference to Psyqualia Zombie from the manga/reboot also the comparison that’s made between Reverse and Psyqualia in og. Actually yeah they should be called Psyqualia Zombies.
Descendant Psyqualia user(If you can think of a cool shorter name pls share it): They are those who are descendants of the Soryu. They aren’t bound by the Void’s will and have to gradually awaken their Psyqualia.
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This is obviously the camp that Aichi and co is in
Now for the ADVANCED stupid
Honestly I probably thought of this because I’ve been thinking about Tekken 😅. To be fair this is also related to The Shadow Over Innsmouth. Basically the idea is that rather than the turning into fish people thing that it would make the Psyqualia users transform into “demons” (or whatever you call what a Link Joker unit is). Though, like Tekken and unlike The Shadow Over Innsmouth it would be more temporary with it being able to be shifted in and out of. So, anyway this is probably WAY too extra. Though, to be fair this IS Yugioh we’re talking about. I thought it would be an interesting explanation for Ren’s slit eyes.
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Anyway this idea is SUPER silly but I wanted to share it because I can’t stop thinking about it. So, this is the version of Psyqualia I came up with for the Yugioh universe 😅.
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victorluvsalice · 1 year
AU Thursday: Valicer In The Dark (the Blades In The Dark AU)
Yes, finally, actually doing a PROPER POST on this AU that I’ve mentioned in passing a couple of times! How it came about is like this:
1. I’m a fan of Outside XBox, Outside Xtra, and their DnD stuff, Oxventure
2. While perusing the Funny Moments section of Oxventure on TV Tropes one day last year, I found that they had a side series where they play “Blades In The Dark” (where you and your friends play a daring criminal gang in a world that used to be a fun fantasy setting, but then the apocalypse happened, the sun exploded, most of the continents got sunk/flooded, the seas are now like liquid space full of whale-demons, there are ghosts everywhere because something happened to the afterlife, and they hunt the whale demons because you can make electricity out of their blood).
3. Intrigued, I read the TV Tropes page on BitD, then went over to the official website, and eventually got so into it I ordered a PDF of the book so I could get to know the setting and the mechanics properly and do what I always do in these situations -- stat up Victor and Alice, and in this case Smiler (as I was getting into that around the same time as the Valicer stuff took off in my brain)!
And yeah, this has been a little side project I’ve poked at from time to time ever since! It’s a fun little AU, and I’ve been enjoying adapting the trio to the setting of the RPG. Here’s the basics of what I’ve come up with so far:
Alice was the daughter of Dean Arthur Liddell of the prestigious Doskvol Academy (located in Whitecrown, THE fancy bit of Duskwall, the central city of the setting -- the Lord Governor lives there, away from the riffraff) and his wife Lorina, and the younger sister of Lizzie. The family had a happy life living in Brightstone (the next-fanciest district) -- up until one Angus Bumby entered Doskvol Academy and became obsessed with Lizzie. When she rebuffed his advances, he broke into the house, had his way with her, and set the place on fire to both cover his crime and try to destroy the bodies so they couldn’t let out ghosts. Alice was the sole survivor, and after a year in hospital spent convalescing from her burns, got sent to Rutledge Asylum, here situated right next to Duskwall’s freaking PRISON. This Alice is probably the only one who had a WORSE time in there than in canon, as psychiatry is basically an unknown art in Duskwall, and I imagine a lot of lunatics are just locked up to rot or have their souls ripped out so they can become slave labor -- a fate Alice avoided solely due to being a minor. She still had her Wonderland in this world, though, and was able to use it to lever herself out of her catatonia and eventually deal with her grief enough to join the waking world. . .and promptly ended up sent to the Hounsditch Home in Charhollow (one of the “poor but honest” districts), where she was to help the owner, Dr. Bumby, as general dogsbody. As per A:MR, after about a year here, Wonderland kicked her in the pants and helped her realize Bumby was the one that killed her family -- but unlike canon, by the time of the main action of the AU, she has NOT pushed him onto any train tracks. Mostly because that would likely result in him leaving a ghost, and a spectral Bumby is the LAST thing she wants to deal with. Her playbook is the Cutter, the fighters and heavy hitters, and she starts with the Not To Be Trifled With special ability, which allows her to push herself to perform superhuman feats of strength and fighting prowess (including taking up to six people at once!).
Victor is the son of William and Nell Van Dort, fish merchants living in Nightmarket (one of the main shopping districts, and where the “new money” tends to live). William invented canned fish when Victor was young, which the public pounced on, and his canneries easily made the Van Dorts the wealthiest family in Nightmarket. Nell wanted to eventually make the transition to Brightstone, though, and thus when Victor came of age, she started trying to arrange a marriage with one of the noble families living there. She got lucky shortly before the beginning of the AU, as the Everglots (an old noble family whose fortunes were on the downswing -- noble families control the ships that hunt the whale-demon “leviathans” in this world, and their ship was coming back dry more often than not, meaning their power, prestige, and most importantly coin was running out) consented to let Victor marry their daughter Victoria in exchange for some of that sweet sweet Van Dort fortune. As per canon, Victor and Victoria met right before the wedding rehearsal, and while they liked each other, it wasn’t enough to calm Victor’s nerves. Three hours of failed practice, one dropped ring, and one burn on Maudeline Everglot’s dress from a forgotten candle later, and Victor was banished into the streets to learn his lines. He wandered around for a while, trying to get them straight in his head, and eventually got them right down an old forgotten alley. . .only for the wandering ghost of a bride, Emily, to hear them and think they were meant for her. Victor was promptly dragged into the “ghost field,” the spectral echo of the city where ghosts live, and held captive by Emily (whom he did feel sorry for, but ghosts are bad news in Duskwall -- they tend to lose their minds quickly due to not being able to pass on, and Emily was showing a few signs of “going feral,” as it were). The main AU is actually kicked off by him finally escaping her and finding his way back to the material plane by falling out of a wall in front of Alice and Smiler. . . His playbook is the Whisper, the arcane and magical ones, and he starts with the Ghost Sense special ability, which allows him to sense the presence of all supernatural things in his area and have an easier time getting information on them.
Smiler was the “son” of one Dr. Kellard Kelman, owner of The Sanctuary, a refuge for people who have “lost their smile” -- in actuality, a horrible hellhole of a “mental hospital” where Dr. Kelman conducted experiments on the patients and threw failures in the basement. Smiler and their father clashed about a lot of things (including Kelman’s brutal methods for ensuring “social compliance” and his refusal to accept Smiler as nonbinary), and eventually Smiler just ran away at about twelve years old, rather than be a part of Kelman’s nonsense any further. They ended up in Silkshore (the “red light” district), where they encountered Carol and Matthew Alton, members of the Advocates cult, who worship Mar-Mal, the Unending Smile. Matt and Carol took in the young Smiler and told them what the cult was all about (basically, maximizing happiness however possible, from genuine kind acts to straight-up selling drugs and hypnotizing people) -- Smiler thought it all sounded better than Kelman’s deal and joined up, changing their name from Marmaduke Kelman to Smiler Alton. They proved to be a very eager little cultist, developing a knack for hypnosis and -- as they got older -- a talent with chemical concoctions, eventually making a drug that induced a heavy state of bliss that they called Joy Serum. The invention of this drug caused Mar-Mal to mark them with its favor, turning their previously green eyes a glowing yellow (Matt and Carol were so proud!). At the start of the main AU, they spend most of their time brewing up and selling Joy Serum in Silkshore -- not far from The Mangled Mermaid where Alice’s old nanny now plies her trade as a prostitute, meaning Smiler and Alice are at least somewhat acquainted just from her visits to see Nan there. Their playbook is -- well, it’s mostly the Leech, the tinkerers and chemists, but they also share some stuff with the Slide playbook, the smooth-talkers and manipulators. They start with the Alchemist special ability, which gives them bonuses to any alchemical concoctions they craft and a free recipe (like their Joy Serum).
How they meet -- Well, as indicated, Smiler and Alice were already acquainted from Alice’s trips to see Nan in Silkshore, with Smiler being a friendly presence who’d helped Alice out a couple of times in the past (spotting her money for meals and suchlike). As a result, when Alice fled the Houndsditch Home looking for help with her Bumby problem (either a way to bring evidence to the Inspectors, the only members of the police force known to be incorruptible, or at least not subject to bribes, or a way to kill him and make sure he didn’t come back as a ghost), her first instinct was to go to Nanny, and along the way she encountered Smiler. Her attempt to tell them what was going on was interrupted by Victor’s attempted escape from Emily, however, and the two ended up helping him over to the Mangled Mermaid to just get some food and water in him and help him calm down after his experience. Unfortunately, Emily managed to follow them there and got rather annoyed at finding her husband in a brothel -- fortunately, before she could do any damage, Smiler managed to talk her down (mainly by reminding her that humans gotta eat). Victor took the opportunity to finally explain to her what he’d been doing and that he was already engaged --
But when he mentioned Victoria’s name, Nanny commented that she’d heard that she’d already gotten married that day, to someone named “Lord Barkis.” And Emily recognized the “Barkis” name, as that was the name of the man who killed her. She and Victor agreed they had to go see Victoria for her own good, just in case she’d gotten married to a murderer, and Smiler and Alice chose to come along as back-up. The three took a gondola over to Brightstone (as Duskwall is part Venice as well as being part Victorian London, and is cut all over the place by canals) and crashed the Everglot-Barkis wedding reception, where Emily did indeed identify Barkis as her murderer. Barkis attempted to take Victoria hostage as the guests fled, but the group was able to free her -- Victor sending her away to get help or at least find a safe place to hide -- and Emily ended up destroying herself to possess Barkis and kill him, thanking Victor for at least helping her get revenge on her killer. The local police, the Bluecoats, finally arrived once the deed was done, and searched the corpse while the trio tried to explain what happened --
And then one of the Bluecoats found a fancy brass mask on Barkis. Marking him as one of the Spirit Wardens, the group that goes around collecting corpses and burning them in electroplasm to make sure that the city isn’t entirely overrun by ghosts. A group of people bankrolled by the Immortal Emperor himself.
Yeah, that’s not good. The Bluecoats, already not really believing the gang’s story, decided they’d murdered Barkis (or, at least Alice and Smiler had -- Victor got added to the list when he refused to just run off back home or bribe them) and were prepared to take them in, but Alice managed to hold off the entire gang with a butcher’s knife just long enough for them to start running. Through various means (like Smiler just straight-up injecting a purser with joy serum and using a homemade flash bomb, and Victor managing to accidentally lead a couple more into a very angry, very electric ghost by using his new Ghost Sense to help his new friends avoid it), the trio was able to escape into Six Towers, a previously rich neighborhood fallen to ruin and squatters in recent years. They found shelter in an abandoned building, which proved to be the old home of one Elder Gutknecht, a former Whisper who had managed to keep his senses after death and become a genuinely friendly ghost. The three began wondering what to do next, and Alice finally told Victor and Smiler the full story about Bumby. . .
And either Victor or Smiler was like, “Well, we’re already accused of murder. . .”
And so the group became a crew, with their first scores being to take care of Bumby and to get Victor’s stuff back from his family house! I picture them as a group of Shadows, spies, thieves, and saboteurs, though there’s a bit of a Hawker element because Smiler is of course still selling Joy Serum (and is working on an inhaled drug called Giggler Gas). And even though they are criminals, they’re trying to help where they can -- Victor, after figuring out how to infuse insects with ghost stuff to make glowing moths and stuff to help plants grow, wants to make a community greenhouse for people; Alice still looks after the kids at Houndsditch as best she can from afar, and is only too happy to kill other people hurting children for free; and Smiler of course does want to spread happiness, even if it’s in a bit of a bizarre way sometimes. They’re my chaos crime morally gray group and I love them. :p Hopefully I’ll be able to flesh them out even more for you in the future!
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Fresh Out of Luck
The normal uncomfortable feeling in your head is spreading, spreading down your spine and weaving itself in between your ribs. It keeps moving further until it’s inescapable, until it twists inside your gut.
You don’t know what he’s doing now. Something strange is happening with your magic, causing your spine to tingle. You suppose it might have something to do with the weird glitchy version of yourself he’s currently fighting, but who knows. It really doesn’t matter either way though,  you remember. You try to stop thinking about it. You’ll probably never escape the thing controlling you, and why should you bother? You’ve never done much before, so why even start now.
Your thoughts are interrupted by a flash of pain. You had tuned out the fight and the odd feeling of your body dodging and attacking without any input from you, but now you are forced to notice the cut on your leg. It’s not even a bad cut, really, but, then again, it actually is pretty bad for a guy like you. 
An annoying voice coming from inside your own head startles you. 
“Oh jeez, man that’s.. that’s kind of wack.”
”So, Sans, any ideas man?” Surprisingly, he continues.
He was talking to you? He had gone this whole time ignoring you and now he talks, and it’s to ask something for his own benefit? God this guy was the worst.
“Aw man, do ya really think that of me?”
He can hear you. He could probably hear you this whole time, probably since the start and you didn’t know. He probably heard everything you thought.
“Oh you didn’t know, huh,” He snickers.
“That’s actually hilarious dude.”
It’s not, actually, and it sends your soul racing with the ideas of what he knows.
“Woah chillax man. I already knew most of that stuff anyway,” he explains. “So, you got any ideas or not?”
If you were honest, your only idea includes simply walking away, but you aren’t sure how to do that considering most of the area is destroyed. 
Now that you look properly, you are standing on a floating rock. In space. 
“Well, couldn’t we both all up and just poof away?”
You couldn’t “all up and just poof away”, because a lot of your energy was used on fighting. The little bit the creature in your head had gathered would not be enough to leave.
“Oh. That’s a bummer,” He lightly puts it.
“What about… how about…?” He trails off. Clearly you both have no plan.
Finally he seems to get it.
Your body turns and you notice the other version of you that was fighting you had been talking this whole time. 
“…and how dare you hide in my favorite place. I hate you so much,” he rambled on. “I will destroy you because you are a filthy glitch!”
Horrifyingly, your body skates over to him and puts a finger over his mouth. You were under the impression you both wanted to live through this encounter, but no, apparently not.
The other guy furiously wipes his mouth back and forth with his sleeve, scowling. It’s a little hard to take him seriously when the jacket fabric against his teeth is making a ridiculous squeaky noise. It honestly reminded you a lot of when Papyrus cleaned the windows in your house. Laughter emanates from your mouth without your instruction. Though to be fair if you did have control, you might have laughed too.
“That’s ENOUGH! I’m sick of you!” He yells “You’re gonna pay for that!”
The other skeleton pulls a blue string from his eye socket and swings it towards you.
It wraps around your soul, which is floating within your right eye, and slams you towards the ground, flinging you towards a larger stretch of land. A sharp pain seems to stab you in your eye like shards of glass. A hiss of pain you didn’t make escapes you. 
You reach your hand toward your eye. That really hurt this time. Wait. You reach your hand. You have control.
“Wait WAIT! Let’s talk this out? One on one?”
And there’s the guy who was in charge.
You don’t care how panicked he sounds, you aren’t helping him anymore.
You reach into you pockets and feel for something. You’re going home. You pull out your house key. Papyrus bought you the dog keychain for it.
You start to walk until the way looks familiar and you arrive on your front porch.
“Bro, that’s not your house. This is an alternative version of your reality. It looks like ya house, but it ain’t. Get it?”
You don’t care. You slot the key into the door. It swings open with a satisfied click. You walk up to your room and lie down in your mattress. Someone will probably find you later, but you don’t care at the moment.
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lukeskyrunner1 · 9 months
I have this idea for my D&D campaign and I'm going to say it because there is nothing stopping me! (coffees and dragons please DO NOT READ THIS POST OR SPOILERS WILL COME)
well, this is going to be a long one so be warned (also first post so idk how this works)
I have 7 players and I'm going to say every single one of their characters names because I'm going to refer to their characters a lot and I don't want this to be messy.
Lilith (an asexual succubus that resigned her work and currently has the "doomed ones fire")
Sirwick (a guy who's wife and daughter were slaughtered and has a gun, also is the death goddess champion)
Eldar Wizard (a guy who's mom died because mafia)
Calíope (a young woman who's mother and father died when she was young so she has to take care of her 11 brothers and sisters but now has gone for some adventures to get money)
Soul (a tiefling (who I prefer to think about as non binary because when the player explained their gender I did not understand anything) that is a cleric for a god)
Endora (don't really know a lot about her character just that she is royalty)
and here should go a character for a player that hasn't made it yet so let's get to the point.
The party is currently in the "space" plane, they are looking for the temple of Soul's god (Everbright), what it's going to happen is that they will enter the temple and soul is going to get in contact with Everbright and will talk with them because their relationship is shit, so there is going to be like a weird talk where Soul is going to become a sort of avatar for Everbright, then they come out of the temple and have a fight with something really powerful and they see how strong soul is and all this time Sirwick feels his connection with the death goddess weakened until he doesn't feel it anymore.
At the end of that they beggin walking somewhere forgettable and they are encountered by a mysterious figure that says something along the lines of:
-You don't recognise me Sirwick? I'm your new replacement, the crow queen (goddess of death) feels you not being as much of a... bringer of death as you should. Oh what do we have here, Everbright herself! what a pleasure it will be to finally kill a god.
And he just begins punching and destroying Soul even with their Goddess helping until he calls her coward and takes Everbright out of Soul's body and begins a fight that is much more difficult but he still only with his hands obliterates her and kills her.
after that he says something like:
-Oh, I'm getting all the fun stuff, I should of waited for my friends!
and 3 more mysterious figures appear behind them and because of light angles and a little green mist they can't see their faces. After that, the mysterious man tells them something like:
-We are the bringers of death, we bring Hunger, Plagues and War into this world, we are the apocalypse riders (sorry if this is wrong traduction, I'm Spanish speaking).
and he declares himself as death.
the party runs away and learn about the vestiges, old weapons of the gods from the gods war, and also learn that with one of them get to a potential godly power, that the apocalypse riders have 5 of them each and that if even 1 of the riders is at (place I haven't thought about yet) the gods war will start again obliterating every lifeform. So they decide to stop the riders getting Vestiges and just killing them before they can get to that place.
1st vestige they get is Sirwicks ring of time, they travel to a great library said to be the home of a vestige, he actually finds the god of time himself and has a conversation in wich the god says something like:
-I have already seen what the future awaits and you will not get my vestige nor win the war, this effort is useless and already written, there is nothing you can or will do to surprise me, for wich I do not see time a line or branch, but as a single dot, everything all at once.
and Sirwick somehow will confuse him and he will give him his ring that has the power to make him make like a checkpoint in time, he can go back at the last one and everything resets except some enemy's attacks and his HP.
Then (at some point) Soul finds a way to become their gods essence because gods can't really die until their kingdoms are destroyed so they become the new god of light.
Then (at some other point) Lilith has to travel to the doomed realm to get her vestige, a black crown that she puts the doomed fire inside of it making it very very powerful with some necromancer hablitys.
so, that's the end of the vestiges and I published this here because I wanted to know if anyone has any idea of what vestiges could be given to any other character. thanks for reading
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legolasghosty · 9 months
jatp + dnd au? (general fantasy au if dnd isn’t your thing)
Oooo okay anon, thanks for the ask! I'm fairly new to DnD but I shall do my best!
Julie is an eladrin(elvish) wizard(she prefers sorceress though), well known throughout the land for her skills in communing with the dead. Everyone knows her by that reputation, so they visit her tower expecting lots of gothic art and black, only to be surprised by all the plants growing around the space and how light and free the space feels. Her secret to connecting with the dead is to offer them a taste of life through her space and powerful aura.
Luke is a human bard, because of course he is. He met Julie while on a personal quest to 'find his soul' or something like that. After finishing the quest and gaining a new, magical lute, he couldn't get the bright, lively necromancer off his mind, so he went back. They became fast friends and make music together. And Luke maybe writes a lot of songs about Julie(hey he's a bard, it's his duty to praise those around him).
Reggie is a half-elf ranger. Like Luke, he first met Julie while on an adventure. He was assisting another party at the time. But they didn't appreciate his help and expertise and cast him off as soon as he was no longer of use. Alone and wounded, he found his way back to the only sanctuary he'd found on the journey: A tower that balanced between life and death. Julie nursed him back to health and they two became close during his recovery. He still adventures a lot, he's got a fair amount of wanderlust, but the tower and those who live there have become his home.
Alex and Willie found the tower while fleeing a mob that was determined to destroy their 'abominable' union. To be fair, an elven druid and a changeling rogue aren't exactly a common combination. However, the two cared deeply for each other and were willing to risk the wrath of their families to be together. Julie granted them shelter and sent their pursuers off in the wrong direction. The two stayed in the tower for a few weeks, then began constructing their own home nearby. They have a little cottage just a few minutes away from Julie's tower. They also adopted a baby griffin they found. It was hurt and alone, what else were they supposed to do?
Flynn is a human artificer who befriended Julie before she moved out into the middle of the woods. She comes by regularly to swap stories and hang out with her best friend. She is endlessly amused by all the strays Julie keeps collecting. But also she and Willie get along really well, and he starts teaching her some fancy combat stuff. It's not uncommon to come into Julie's clearing to see the pair of them sparring in the open space. Often Julie and Alex are in the garden nearby, working on the plants and chatting and watching them.
This was so fun!!! I'm way too invested in this AU now. I hope that was what you wanted, I... have no idea.
(Send me an AU and I'll give you 5+ headcanons about it!)
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tsfs-dragon · 1 year
And it continues,
Yeah me doing some more ranting of XBC3 cause, just damn it all they really didn’t need to screw up stuff this badly. Just trying to blow off some steam since I don’t think many people think about this. Remember, SPOILER stuff.
So at the end of 3 Noah throws his sword away. Always though it was strange since doing that wouldn’t matter cause everything is going back the way it was before all this crazy stuff happened. Strange but never bothered me. Then in the DLC story you learn the importance of it and the people connected to it. First of all to have that in the DLC seems doubt like you just made shit up there to make it more important. And two, for it to carry that kind of meaning makes Noah look like a shitbag. Oh the sword carries the souls of the rest of the XBC1 party and the red sheath implied to have Pyra/Mythra’s core crystal... well fuck this shit we’re going to end it by tossing it. Yeah world being fix makes this action amount to nothing, but the act itself carries the weight of just discarding what the other games were just to look cool. But only makes Noah look bad in the end. The DLC really just made me want to punch Noah for doing that.
Now this part I’m not too sure of since I don’t recall it being noted in any, but I hear that N’s sword has some connection to Logos. Which if true is again really bad story telling. I don’t just mean the lack of narrative but just the impossibility of it all. Malos, the blade form of Logos met his end in the space station with said station getting destroyed. How in the heck can anything of his be recovered since his crystal was likely smashed to bits, and most of all would end up floating in space?
Oh, and Pyra and Mythra’s core crystal being in Matthew’s gloves makes no sense. Yeah just throw them there as if that just wasn’t stupid and AGAIN making them manage the whole Origin thing would have ended with no problems. As if the reveal at the end of Future Redeemed was meant to be a shockingly cool moment. But then you stop to think about it the moment is just dumb.
Also I keep hearing that this was meant to end the whole Klaus thing in relation to Xenoblade, but in reality..... not really. Sure the developers can keep saying it to the cows come home, but with how bad the story was doesn’t make it feel real. Like it all finished with Xenoblade 2 with no reason for 3′s plot. At least with a series like Kingdom Hearts there has at least been clues that there is more to come regardless to how crazy the story gets. But with 3... you can just cut it out of existence as a game and the XBC1 and XBC2 wouldn’t suffer from it. After all the universe of XBC1 shows a world that was created as if it was an act of god, and the universe of XBC2 shows a world were the old world was laid to ruin and a new system for the world to work was built on top of that. Nothing that gives the faintest idea that these two worlds were something split apart. Hell if the “split apart” thing had some credibility why didn’t Klaus of XCB2 just tell them, “Oh yeah something important this world is one of two made of opposing matter so soon it’s going to get pulled back again resulting in everything being wiped from existence. Got that? Okay cool, peace out.” So they made a plot that had no solid ground to exist and they want it to be all done. Which is strange because I remember one thing that came from the universe experiment that never showed any result of. I remember Klaus noting at in the wake of his experiment many people in the world were taken to different dimensions (yes that is plural so this can’t be a case of them going to the world of XBC1 if anyone would be so dumb to think that) so could have shown the result of that and what came to be. But that would be good story telling that would work on ideas that came before and for some reason we can’t have that.
For Alpha’s plot..... how the fuck does it make any sense? So he wanted to take the City people to a new world, and getting rid of everything else in the Xenoblade 3 world. Since it was Moebius keeping the world as it was would naturally fix things but Origin that was made to fix things would be in Alpha’s control and not fixing them so the worlds would be doomed to become all light meaning there would be nothing for Alpha to make a new world for. For a machine that was a part of a grand super computer called the Trinity Processor which should at least be smart enough to figure things out can’t seem to think that this is a bad idea. Cause what was Alpha meant to do in this case? Warp to another universe? I can’t imagine that happening. And for anyone who thinks, “it’s possible cause in XBC2 it was said that Ontos pretty much warped to the XBC1 world” For one that was himself doing that, not taking anything along with him and two, remember that there was a central thing to the experiment that was revealed in XBC2 being the Conduit, the source of power that allowed it all to happen. I would think that would have the power to do something big enough but Alpha himself with a machine that isn’t made to jump to another universe is likely to do this.
This just came to me as I was make this.... but why does Origin have a bloody FACE of all things? Just why, when I think of Origin I recall that dumb look of a mecha face on it for a machine that is just a sphere and I’m like... what’s the point?
Seriously this game isn’t written like people know how the story of the previous game worked. Xenoblade 3 just feels like some poorly written fanfic that was given the green light to be officially made.
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Things I am pretty sure are true:
1. The Eridians are still alive and used the Machine to go back to their home dimension
Nyriad was the one to control the Machine, but she really didn't know wtf was going on. Tannis could use it to open a portal to Pandora... Who is to say it couldn't open one to another dimension like the Vaults. Also the Overseer mentions that the Guardians' masters have left the house... Not that they've died. She even talks about proving our worth to them as if they are still around and watching... I think she knows.
2. The Guardians specifically want more Vault Hunters because they want them to open more Vaults
"War is coming, ur gonna need all the Vault Hunters you can get, blah blah", none of the Guardians actually stopped the Vaults of 2, Tales, and 3 from getting opened, the Watcher let Zarps actually give the info of where the Vault was to Jack in tps and did nothing to stop her death and help Elpis get destroyed, then did nothing in 2 to stop Jack from opening the Vault, in fact in 3 the Seer is mad at Lilith, not the twins. And what did Lilith do? Took the key to Pandora away.
3. The Guardians can possess people/things/stuff, not just other Guardian bodies (unless...)
Cannot fucking believe I called this one with my silly H2O AU but you know... See: Grave and Ward possessing Graveward, and the Ava podcast bonus dlc where the Seer possesses a dude
Things I am fairly confident are true, but also if we get more evidence I'm not complaining:
1. Humans were created by/aided in their development by Eridians
The murals in the Vaults. Just. That. The fact that apparently we lived side by side and then magically forgot that tiny piece of info after the Eridians peaced out. Sirens exist for no clear reason other than 'space magic??' and have an obvious connection to eridium and the Vaults themselves and can absorb Guardian wisps and Eridium. The lost legion were psuedo sirens (notably, they were dudes!) created by hanging around in the Vault on Elpis with some toxic slutch. Human souls/spirits/ghosts/whatever are represented by wisps, the same things we see when Guardians are killed, and the same thing we see when Lilith gets her powers back. We can see the 'bodies/forms' of those wisps using Eridian tech grafted onto a gun. Possible addition: humans can be possessed by Guardians. Compatable hardware? (possible addition: we are living in a simulation crafted by the Eridians, so them leaving for a higher dimension was just them leaving the simulation. See how Guardians do their quick moves and leave behind holograms/trails that look pixelated, and how Tannis could create the mayhem system (also Digistruct Peak, tbh, eridium and salami fingers is NOT a good enough explanation). Also, see the Vault on Elpis having an eridium crystal be a sort of simulation you enter to fight the sentinel. You beat him in that simulation and he enters as his Actual Vault Monster form, which is significantly bigger... Because you're inside a vr crystal. Counter argument: its a video game series and sometimes they just want cool stuff to look cool... No consensus until more info is given.)
2. The Vault Monsters were experiments done by the Eridians- either they were built by them or experimented on by them
The eye of the Destroyer shows fear when injected with slag in TPS and then does some stuff that greatly resembles Siren powers. Non-Siren humans (and animals) start to go mad and mutate really fast when exposed to (any) Eridian stuff long term- Sledge's mine, Hector's whole team, Terramorphous being a thresher that lives in Eridian ruins and grew to be absolutely huge (granted they're from Elpis, so maybe they could grow that size on Pandora naturally, but still...), Bloodwing, Krieg!, etc, etc. I've gone over this hundreds of times :Y. The Warrior has Eridian stone tech grafted onto it with the wings/tail thing it has and has no free will. The Rampager absorbs wisps to change itself into different forms. Why were they locked away? Iunno. Too dangerous, not needed, got bored, etc? For what purpose were they made/experimented on? Personally, for the more organic ones, I think just because they could. Maybe a mix of 'we wanna profit off this unethical science' and 'let's see what we can do bc nobody here can stop us'. For the rock boys (Traveler, Sentinel) I think they had a specific purpose, like they actually tie into the themes of their Vaults, which is awesome. So I assume they had a greater purpose there. Even if it was just 'protect what's inside'.
3. The Guardians want Vault Hunters to open more Vaults so they can possess the Vault Monsters inside them
A mashing together of 2 and 3 from the above category. Vault Monsters are strong. Most Guardians, not so much (the Martyr and the Seer are the exceptions, (probably the Watcher as well), not the standard). In the Vault on Pandora that opens when you kill the Destroyer, there was a Guardian mind core that Tannis uses to make the mayhem system on sanc-3. Why was it in there? We will never know. (unless...). Addition that's not so much proof as it is another related theory, but: the Guardians are bitter that they were left to do their jobs when the Eridians ditched them (see prev post) and potentially cannot stop until they escape through other methods (tricking others into being their successors (the Overseer) or possessing other bodies that aren't bound by ur creator's rules).
Things I desperately hope BL4 is about:
1. Lilith took Elpis to the other dimension and is currently with the Eridians, and the game is all about finding her/them alongside a B-plot, and then BL5 is gonna be putting down the Guardian rebellion with them.
I still hope the Eridians are gonna be the ultimate villains of the series, but, in the event they're not and gearbox makes me sob irl, this would be a cool thing for Lilith since she'd get to master her powers (character goal) and follow in the footsteps of Nyriad. Additionally, the Vault Map in her room on Sanc-3 simply shows the firehawk symbol when clicked on. It was originally meant to point towards Vaults (places where u can enter the other dimension), but now points towards the firehawk symbol. That could mean she's gone to the other dimension and is chilling with the Eridians, or is permanently in phasewalk, or smth between the two. I'm guessing the B-plot will be the Guardians possessing Vault Monsters and stuff, tho I would not be opposed to uhhh Anshin and Pangolin lore. Pls???
2. The events of BL4 are going to have the Guardians as the villains, but the plot twist at the end is that they are gearing up (via possessing Vault Monsters that the VHs are going to race to kill) to go to war with the still-alive Eridians (or another enemy they were left to fight if the Eridians actually are dead, like the Seraphs (boo)) and we end up working together with some of them in BL5 to fight the Eridians, who we learn are kinda assholes and Just Another Corporation, let's be real
Uhhh see previous post bc I go into wayyy more detail, but basically the Guardians and the Eridians ditching them are a direct parallel to BL1 where Dahl ditches their workers on Pandora. Yeah, bandits end up being enemies in-game, but there are also groups of ppl who were left behind that are just trying to survive and do what they can to make a life for themselves and others. Can you blame them for being angry and bitter at Dahl? Tbh, I can't. I can't really blame the Guardians for being angry at the Eridians for leaving them, either. (Fuck you, Scourge the Martyr tho, I have beef with you, Personally.) There will likely be groups of Guardians that attack humans (esp if humans really were created by Eridians and the Guardians are jealous of our free will and or genuinely think humanity/Nyriad killed all the Eridians with the Machine, leaving the Guardians to rust), and then groups that are willing to work with us in order to accomplish their goals. Bonus points if in BL5 we get to work alongside all the Vault Monsters in the series as they are possessed by Guardians. I think that'd be neat and a cool send-off for the series.
3. The Guardians are the villains, the Eridians are Actually Dead, and the Watcher just wanted to help us prepare for the Guardian War by doing um... Nothing for a majority of the time.
Bad ending. Worse than the first option here, because at least then we'd get to see the Eridians in action even tho they're total jerks. Potentially, the Watcher was working behind the scenes with Lilith, since even Tannis didn't know why Lilith had an Eridian chest in her room and theorizes something more was going on. The Guardians are pissed off at humanity/Nyriad for killing the Eridians with the Machine and leaving the Guardians to do their jobs pointlessly forever with no Masters. Also for making that sacrifice be in vain by trying to open Pandora bc... greed. I'm guessing the Seer and the Martyr (Scourge) fucking hate each other lmao. It would be neat if we teamed up with a small subset of Guardians (like the Watcher) to fight other Guardians and got to witness giant Vault Monsters battling against each other. That's all I can really say abt this one.
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