#it must be his emotionally constipated way of showing affection
perpetualphilomath · 7 months
My dad really just said, fully deadpan: "I'm always farting."
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aurae-rori · 5 months
Now, you might be saying - "Aurae, you've done part one, and part two, so why do we need a part three?" The answer is because of two things - one. I made a deal with the Tumblr Peoples that if one of my posts hit more than 50 likes I would do this analysis. Two. Mihoyo is making this shit canon. I CAN'T MAKE THIS UP. So, let's delve into my usual disclaimer, as we might have some new people joining us for the first time with my insanity.
I have been researching psychology personally for about six years, so although I am not a professional (crawling my way there through the education system. I will be one, one day.) I do have some experience with analyzing homosexuals. Psychology hours, my children. They don't call me "chronically cooking" for nothing. Maybe I should change my url to that...
NOW THAT MY LONG AHH DISCLAIMER IS OVER, LET'S GET INTO THIS! It's time to deconstruct these homosexuals like a modern airplane, because they might as well be taking off with how canon they are.
"It can't be canon," they say, but then Mihoyo DOES PAID SPONSORSHIPS WITH THESE FUCKERS BEING GAY. We've all seen the paid partnership edit. We've all seen the video where Aventurine has the audio of "nice rack" as he talks to Dr. Ratio. PAID SPONSORSHIPS. Now, if that piece of evidence isn't enough for you - let's dive into their actual relationship, which is just a HOMOSEXUAL MESS. I will be focusing more on how Dr. Ratio sees this guy as this is a Dr. Ratio analysis™, but hey, the crumbs.. we eat 'em all. Amen.
Let's start off (I say as I write this part three days later) about how people are like, 'Aven is Ratio's favourite idiot' WRONG. Ratio does NOT consider Aventurine to be an idiot and knows that he is smart and capable in his own right. While Ratio is book smart, Aven is extremely street smart and holds his own very well. Ratio does not consider Aventurine to be an idiot as he takes off his plaster head around him and actually indulges in his whims around him. This is a blatant showcase of fondness because although he is emotionally constipated and can't be affectionate through words without sounding semi-backhanded because he's never had true affection in his life, he showcases his love through actions rather than words. He's just bad at showing love, okay? But he does love Aven. Or like him, to some extent, if you don't want to see them as romantic, which is fine. However, no matter what you label their bond as, it's obvious that they care for one another.
Also, the fucking ZEST FEST that was 'keeping up with Star Rail'. He says, "wait a minute - MUTUAL?" which indicates that he has respect for Aventurine in the first place. He LITERALLY TOLD US that he respects Aventurine and he was commenting on Aventurine's playstyle & everything.. also, at the end, he was here because 'I appreciate this show's dedication to knowledge' - his TONE. Kudos to the VA because that was not convincing at all. Bro was NOT here for the knowledge, bro was here to be GAY!!! Also his little own bathtub couch. We all know Aven bought it for him. Trust, I am John Hoyoverse.
"The Charming Audacity" HUH? BRO? Okay this is hilarious to me because this is the first time that we ever really see them interact with one another, and we get absolutely bitchslapped in the fact that Dr. Ratio calls this guy's audacity 'charming'. That's GAY. That's HOMOSEXUAL.
Also, comparing him to a peacock.. a very beautiful bird.... Must I say more?
Now, the part that I really want to focus on is the part where he gives the Doctor's Note to Aventurine. This shit is important. And I agree with the people who are like - Acheron helped him. Because she did. She was a big part of it and she helped Aventurine get back on his feet in the void. Dr. Ratio is not his only reason to live, but the note, showing that someone will stay by his side? Showing that someone truly cares for him? Someone who's waiting for him when he get back? This bond that he has with Dr. Ratio isn't fake. He already has a starting point to get back to - an anchor to return to. Dr. Ratio is his anchor. Whenever he goes off to do crazy shit, Veritas Ratio will be there when he returns. Because Ratio is loyal. Ratio cares. He cared enough to almost jeopardize their plan to make sure that Aventurine was going to be okay. He cares so damn much about Aventurine that he decided that this man's emotional state after the fake betrayal was more important than all of fucking Penacony.
If you want an example of "I would let the world burn for you," it's Ratio. He's a romantic not in the traditional sense, but he cares and loves Aventurine so damn much it makes my heart hurt. "Do stay alive," he says, knowing that Aventurine struggles with living. Those three words mean the whole fucking world to someone who struggles with suicidal ideation and suicidal thoughts. Someone wants you to live. Someone wants you to stay. Someone wants you by their side.
Dr. Ratio cares. Let me say that again - he cares. He banters with Aventurine, tries to create an environment where Aventurine can feel a little bit more comfortable with the two of them, even in a place as dangerous as Penacony. He will put his own life on the line for Aventurine.
He cares. He cares so damn much. I hate gay people. They make me VIOLENTLY homophobic.
Dr. Ratio after expressing his care indirectly and complimenting Aventurine indirectly: Did I do it?
Aventurine, who has caught none of the hints:
Anyway, thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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retiredkat · 28 days
Red-UK Magazine Raising the Stakes interview with Jacob Anderson
Must give email address to read the full article
“Jacob Anderson has a very sweet tooth. ‘I’m, like, addicted to sweetness, ever since being in America,’ he says, sipping tea with a sheepish smile. Having come to meet me in North London after dropping his daughter at nursery, the 34-year-old star of AMC’s hit series Interview With The Vampire is sitting with his face towards the morning sunshine, a move unlike the supernatural being he plays. ‘It’s good to have everything in moderation,’ he muses, opening a sachet of sweetener. ‘But the minute you start paying too much attention to quantities of things…’ he pauses, ‘it’s like sucking the joy out.’
It’s an apt metaphor for the show we’re meeting to discuss. Based on Anne Rice’s 1976 novel, the lavish revamp sees Anderson play the brooding vampire Louis de Pointe du Lac as he recounts a life of eternal love and bloodlust to journalist Daniel Molloy (Eric Bogosian). In an era when television feels increasingly bland, the show pulls off theatrical magic with its epic, queer reinvention of Rice’s work. ‘You don’t really get weird stories with scale,’ notes Anderson. ‘And I feel like this show has managed to hit the sweet spot of scale and oddness.’
Having attempted to despatch his paramour Lestat de Lioncourt (Sam Reid) and then moved to Paris with his adopted daughter Claudia (Delainey Hayles), Louis works to untangle his manipulated memories in the second season. ‘There’s a lot of tension building,’ says Anderson. ‘In episode one, in particular, I remember thinking Louis has a tension headache for years. It affects his decision-making, and his outbursts. And he makes a lot of poor decisions in season two.’ There’s a great deal of unresolved trauma, he observes, ‘Louis is very emotionally constipated in that way. I think he’s not quite able to embrace his grief, embrace his first 30 years of vampirism. He’s also unravelling in the present; all of that suppression and repression is coming back to get him.
Therapy is the place where Anderson goes to figure things out. ‘I don’t want to be like a ball of confusion and contradiction. I have two daughters to raise,’ he smiles. ‘I don’t want to be another angry man, because they’re gonna meet a lot of angry, oppressed men in their lives.’ Since playing Louis, though, he suspects the boundaries between fiction and real life have become blurred. ‘There are things about Louis that I justify, like, “I understand this decision, and therefore we’re the same.”’ he laughs. Getting deep into character, I suggest, must lend itself to overthinking. ‘Yeah, I’m a huge overthinker,’ he says emphatically. ‘Sitting here, I just noticed my own body language, and my brain is firing off.’
Despite having been in the public eye for most of his life (both on TV and in his music, which he records under the name Raleigh Ritchie), Anderson keeps a low profile. ‘I’m quite a private person,’ he chuckles. He largely avoids social media, as he has an ‘internal compass’ that guides him towards negative criticism. ‘I think it would be unhealthy to spend too much time indulging in how other people are looking at me,’ he says. ‘I feel like I’d lose my sense of self; the sense of self that I’ve been trying to build up all this time.’
As a child, he was always waiting for adulthood to begin. He moved to London at the age of 17, not specifically to pursue a career in acting, but mainly to leave his home city of Bristol. ‘I have a really healthy relationship with my home city now,’ he says, ‘but at the time, I just wanted to escape.’ He was always resourceful in his pursuit of opportunities. ‘In the beginning, I would get coaches up to London at four in the morning to get to an audition at nine. And I would do that a few times a week. And then if I stayed over for some reason, I’d stay at like a backpacker’s hostel for £19.’ Since that point, he’s worked solidly. ‘I think I have a bit of a work thing,’ he confesses. ‘I really feel like myself when I’m working. I feel like I can key into the version of myself that I most want to be, and it gives me a real sense of purpose.’
Playing the stoic Unsullied warrior Grey Worm in HBO’s Game Of Thrones was an ‘emotionally taxing’ experience at times. ‘The challenging bit was giving myself something to do sometimes, like, keeping myself alive in the scene,’ he recalls. ‘Trying to stay present was a real challenge.’ But it also proved to be a valuable learning curve. ‘You don’t need lines, you don’t need words to tell your part of the story. You can do it with your face. You can do it with your body language. So I learned a lot from doing that. But I was ready for it to be over.’
When he finished the show in 2018, he felt burnt out. ‘That last year was so brutal. It was an amazing experience in lots of ways, but I was also very low and so I just took a break for a bit.’ He considered giving up acting. ‘I was just losing my love a little bit,’ he says. The thing that inspired him again was playing recurring character Vinder in Doctor Who, a show that he aspired to be on as a child. ‘That gave me back my play. It re-energised me.’
He certainly wasn’t prepared for the phenomenon that Thrones would become. ‘It was really surprising,’ he recalls. ‘Whenever we went through the press for it, it felt like being in The Beatles or something. But when we were making it, it was really intimate.’ In any case, he isn’t driven by conventional measures of success. ‘The processes are really important. I’ve really learned that, for me, it doesn’t matter if the thing is good. If making it isn’t a pleasant experience, or joyful in some way, fulfilling or cathartic, then it wasn’t worth it. I don’t really care if something is, like, quote unquote, a hit or success, if making it was miserable, you know?’
What really drives Anderson, is creating work that helps people feel seen; and the enthusiastic response to Interview With The Vampire (plus an early season three renewal) has proved that it’s resonating with audiences on a deep level. ‘To be a part of something that people take into their hearts so much is really special,’ he says. ‘Through music and films and TV was how I learned how to be a human, you know?’ He pauses, looking deep in thought. ‘To see that I’ve contributed in some way to something that does that for other people gives me a sense of “it’s the right thing to do”. Like, I’m still doing this for the reason that I got into it.’ He smiles, ‘So yeah, it’s lovely.’”
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thestupidhelmet · 4 months
What are your least favorite seasons for each of the main characters? Season 8 doesn't count for obvious reasons.
Hi! 😀
I'm going to start with favorite then least favorite (because I totally misread your ask 🙈).
Red: Season 1.
Red's still gruff but more complex. He demonstrates his love and compassion for Eric directly in "That Wrestling Show" and "Grandma's Dead" without being emotionally constipated about it (that's a term I use for Hyde, too 😂). Same with Hyde in "That Disco Episode" and "Career Day". But he still does so in-character. After S1, the writers replied down on him being a hardass. Perhaps some humor was gained, but more was lost imo
Kitty: Season 2
Kitty shows her strengths and vulnerabilities this season. She is the sole breadwinner while Red's out of work and supports him through his emotional crisis about his joblessness. She becomes depressed at Eric's growing up (i.e. when Eric and Donna begin their sexual relationship).
Eric: Season 2
This choice was a little tough for me because I love how good a friend he is to Hyde in season 1 and how strong he is in season 5. But in season 2, he must learn to balance his ego, his insecurity, and his wants vs. respecting Donna and their relationship. Unfortunately, he doesn't learn the lesson fully enough.
Donna: Season 3
Donna grows in independence this season while her relationship with Eric remains an important part of her life. Eric's insecurity and resultant controlling actions ultimately push her away. I stead if pushing her anger (and wants and self) aside to protect Eric's ego, she finally puts herself first in a non-selfish way --
Except for her utter disrespect of Eric in "Backstage Pass" (which is the accumulation of her understandable resentment of him for trying to control her and hold her back; story-wise, it makes total sense and is completely set up for by the writing all season).
Jackie: Season 5
Jackie grows and changes significantly in this season. From bossy to communicative. From living in a superficial fantasy to appreciating the depths of reality. Hyde encourages her independence and ability to take care of herself financially as an adult -- and thus encouragement happens before she's forced by her parents to be financially responsible for the family's estate as a minor (her parents left her without any kind of adult guardian, family member, godparent, nothing).
She discovers her true strengths but overcorrects. She has to (re)learn how to let people support her.
Hyde: Season 2
Hyde's protectiveness of and support for Jackie in this season is e v e r y t h i n g . He starts helping her not because he likes (he doesn't and finds her personality abrasive) but because she's heartbroken and vulnerable and he believes helping her is the right thing to do.
Kelso, of Hyde's best friend, is not only responsible for Jackie's emotional state but also punishes her after she refuses to accept him back as her boyfriend. Hyde not only tries to get Kelso caught by Jackie, he also teaches her a method of protecting herself from bullying -- making himself more vulnerable to her by doing so (i.e. sacrificing some of his own mental-emotional safety for Jackie's).
Fez: Season 1
Fez isn't a joke but a complex character who's emotionally insightful. He's someone who's learning how to fit in with his American friends and sometimes overshoots. He doesn't yet suffer from Nice Guy syndrome and genuinely treats Jackie with kindness. He has the awareness and respect not to try to steal Jackie's affections for himself, despite believing he could.
He calls Kelso out on his bad behavior. His bond with Hyde is well-written, too.
Kelso: Season 6
Kelso demonstrates the most growth and change in this episode -- where Brooke is concerned. He leaves Jackie and Hyde alone now that he's interested in someone else (a selfish, self-interested release). He's still selfish with Eric and Donna, taking their toys without permission and destroying them. He tries to sabotage Eric's waiter job at the Holiday Hotel out of a sense of entitlement.
He doesn't reciprocate any of the friendship and support he's given except at the very beginning, trying to undo the damage between Jackie and Hyde he's partially responsible for.
All of that being said, he works hard at maturing for Brooke to prove himself a worthy romantic partner and father. He chooses a stable, albeit potentially dangerous, career. He respects Brooke's boundaries (although he does try to push them a little), and he ultimately lets Brooke and his child go because he believes that's what's better for them: his most unselfish act in the show.
Least Favorite
Red, Kitty, Hyde, Fez: Season 7
These four are almost unrecognizable from their canon selves in too many episodes. Fez is the worst written of the four. He's reduced to a punchline and punchline giver -- and his disrespect for women a d female friends is firmly cemented. (This transformation began at the end of season 4.)
Kitty is devolved from her intelligent, compassion character to a dumbed-down, alcoholic whose fear at Eric growing up and leaving home is transmuted into hostility and resentment toward Donna (but this transformation began in season 5).
Red is changed from someone deeply in love with his wife and has eyes only for her; has no interest in other women sexually, to the point of feeling guilty and scared when a teenage girl hits on him despite all his efforts to turn her away; to someone who acts like a put-upon husband in a terrible marriage, finds joy (and possible lust) in posing with two much younger car models.
Hyde goes from someone clearly deeply committed to Jackie in seasons 5 and 6 to someone who is now commitment-phobic, disrespects Jackie utterly in "Winter" and after she graduates high school. Breaks promises to Jackie. Shrugs instead communicating with her properly. This Hyde is incompatible with seasons 5-6 Hyde except in a select few episodes where he's written in-character (e.g. "On With the Show").
Jackie: Season 4
Jackie vacillates between being supportive of Kelso's potential success and utterly jealous and resentful of it (and him). She chooses her love for Kelso over money, tolerates his lazy approach to finding a job, gets a humiliating job herself -- and while her envy at his modeling gig is understandable under all the circumstances, her treatment of him is unacceptable.
Kelso: Season 5
First, I have to talk about his behavior in season 4, which leads to his behavior in season 5. Kelso's misogyny hits an all-time high in the second half of season 4, as does his hypocrisy and sense of entitlement. He makes a false equivalency between Jackie's one kiss with Todd, which she is tricked into and tells Kelso about almost immediately, to his months of sleeping with at least two other girls with no intention of ever telling Jackie about it.
He also, hypocritically, tries to see Donna's breasts while he and Jackie are in a relationship.
He becomes paranoid and possessive, stalking Jackie at work. He blames his cheating on Jackie's supposed mistreatment of him. But the specific incident he cites is never shown on-screen nor spoken about in season 1 when he first cheats on Jackie with Pam Macy. He claims men cheat "out of joy" while women cheat "out of hate" and that "girls don't even enjoy sex".
This attitude and behavior carries over to season 5. Where in season 4, Kelso is decent to Jackie during the first half, he's awful to Jackie (and Hyde) throughout the whole of season 5. While he's allowed to sleep with whoever he wants, Jackie's "allowed" only to pine for him in perpetuity and get occasional sex from Kelso as a consolation.
Upon learning Jackie isn't going to abide by Kelso's controlling, narcissistic, self-entitled rules for her life and, instead, found joy with someone else -- worse, one of Kelso's friends, he dies all he can to destroy her happiness. Not because he's in love with her but because of his wounded pride.
Kelso feels humiliated that Jackie is in a happy, fulfilling relationship with Hyde. This fact translates into Kelso's mind into other people believing he's not the hottest, most sexually skilled man in Point Place. Therefore, he must "steal" Jackie back to prove he -- not Hyde -- is the hottest, most sexually skilled man in Point Place.
The above, coupled with Kelso's possessiveness of Jackie, feelings of entitlement toward her, and misogyny, renders season 5's Kelso a completely unlikeable and unsympathetic character. He should've been kicked out of Eric's basement long before season 5, but Kelso's behavior this season -- in the real world with the friends he has -- would have clinched his ousting from the group.
Donna: Season 4
While I understand Donna's character development in this season, and believe much of it is set up well by previous seasons, this is my least favorite season for her. She is in an incredible amount of pain. It makes her self-destructive but also outwardly hostile. She jumps into another committed (for her) relationship rather than talking the time to heal herself.
Donna disregards Eric's own grief to distract herself from her own ("The Relapse"), with no regard -- or care -- that this might deepen Eric's grief. Only her feelings matter to her in this episode, and it's written as if the audience is supposed to agree with her.
Dating Casey is a way to narcotize her grief. But she bullies Eric with Casey. She snaps at Hyde and rejects his friendship when he tries to protect her. She agrees with Casey's rapey advice to Fez about Rhonda.
Yet, as I wrote above, much of her behavior is grounded in the show's previous seasons. As much as I dislike how she acts, I believe most of it is in character because of the specific stressors she's under. It's a shame T7S's writers didn't give her a chance to self-reflect on her season 4 choices and gain emotional clarity from them (beyond, "I was so stupid!")
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foodforthought00 · 1 year
two observations......
Despite being fan favourite and the most saintly out of all these messy queers, we must acknowledge that sand is difficult in his own way. While he can get people to open up to him, lean on him, weep on him he cannot return the favour. This can be attributed to the fact that there aren't many grounding people in his life but as a person who grew up in a particular manner under certain circumstances sand is emotionally constipated and suppressed. Despite the care he shows he's constipated. He rationalises his feelings without actually feeling them. He cannot openly admit his feelings and even when he does he is sure to draw lines for himself more than anyone else. And for someone like sand ray is indeed a perfect fit. How many of us can imagine being needy and whine the way ray does. The way he calls for attention, the way he asks for affection, his ability to be vocal about his affection, his declarations that are so cheesy that I'd probably die of shame replicating with someone....sand needs someone like that. This aspect of ray draws him in the most. Something sand can never do, actually it's something most of us can't do without hiding our faces. Ray validates Sand's affections even if not sand himself. As a friend someone like sand is amazing, but if ur looking for a relationship and are normal and have a thin skin, emotionally constipated sand isn't the one for you. Takes too much out of you as you keep wondering why he's having such a straight face. There's another possible type of person that can work it out with someone like sand. The Boeing type. Takes it as a game or challenge. Can beg sincerely without sincerity, as it's an act aiming to convince rather than attempt to draw out feelings. But it's not genuine and can deeply hurt people like sand. I know a lot of people think ray destroys sand but I feel like ray allows sand to be more in touch with his emotional side.
Personally I feel like sand Nick and top are key parts of ray ton and mew arc. But somehow sand is more fleshed out than Nick and top that I can write an whole as essay about him. There's more where this shit comes from but I'm stopping here about sand.....
Ok, now onto ray.
Think of it this way, ray is a long term, high rish investment. The allure of the returns devestatingly tantalizes one to give it their all. When it pays off one cannot be happier because it makes them unrealistically rich. But if it tanks ur left in a deep ditch trying to dig your way out of it, possibly for the rest of your life. So yeah. It requires a ocean patience, godly foresight, a will and gut of iron to invest in someone with mental illness. If ur not up for the task, leave at first light because the later u leave the greater the loss for both parties involved. But that is only if u invest to begin with.
Not sure if any of the above makes sense but it's been playing bounce within my skull and I wanted out. These characters have been taking a dig at my person for episodes now with their attributes, reactions and characters. Makes me restless and hopeful of finding something like they have.
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hkpika07 · 6 months
What’s James’s relationship with Gordon in your au?
Like thomas and Percy have a “he’s my dad!” Thing with Edward and Henry respectively, but it must be hard for James since he’s an attention seeker and Gordon isn’t really that affectionate.
James and Gordon have a father and son relationship in ITAR. James being Gordon’s first son. James looks up to Gordon a lot, often imitating him both personality wise and in mannerisms (in TAB he copies Gordon’s whistle and it means everything to me)
James in ITAR starts calling Gordon “Dad” and Gordon has an existential crisis about it for a while. James just kinda looks at Gordon and goes “yeah that’s my dad.” He doesn’t mind Gordon not being as affectionate as Edward or Henry. He knows Gordon. He knows he shows his affection differently. And he’s learned to appreciate that
Meanwhile Gordon is very… emotionally constipated. So he doesn’t outright show affection normally like Edward or Henry do. He shows affection through actions not words. Like he’ll leave him water and coal, and stay with him at the steam works when he’s injured, and the ultimate sign of affection being wrapping his jacket around him.
Gordon also… was in heavy denial about being James’ dad at first? Like he couldn’t figure out why anyone would see him that way. Like yeah he was his mentor but he never thought he’d be a father figure. And to be honest it freaked him out a bit. But over time he softened, if not willingly. His emotional walls wore down and grew to accept James as his son. He cares for that silly little red engine. And when he goes missing in Journey Beyond Sodor he full on panics, and aggressively mother hens him when he comes back home.
Dad Gordon my beloved.
(Also this au isn’t just mine it’s a shared au with my friend Umi)
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starlight-writer · 2 years
Okay thanks and sincerely, fuck you (affectionate). I hardly ever get genuinely pained reading something online but congradulations ig. THE ANGST. JUST 🤌🤌🤌
but wait hear me out, what if, ikik crazy, but like it turns out reader was playing the Marc Card™ and "protecting" our beloved' from either the reader themselves, or also maybe more the situation they're in (equivalent to idk, perhaps the extreme and less than uh, pleasant circumstances dear marc, steven and jake have tied to their lives. superhero shit, family trauma, anything) OR they're just as fucked up in the head and emotionally constipated and such, and is under the impression they're, again, saving the guys from "having to deal with" the reader's shit instead of using communication like a sane fucking person in a relationship. But hey, couples goals amarite 🥰
Or both. Both can be good
Happy ending or not (bittersweet too, that counts), I am in no way suggesting this is healthy and reader shouldn't be sorry and recieve forgiveness, or not. especially knowing and reading abt how much it affected the whole system. call this self indulgent af man; and please don't write, respond or keep reading if this makes you uncomfortable in any way
In hindsight, I really should have placed that warning before the ask started truly getting into it. additionally, since I'm especially off with memory today, this is all in reference to your divorce drabble/headcanons btw
Thanks 2(x) for reading this far into my ramblings, and for sharing your bomb ass writing. again, it's hard for me to feel connected with the whole y/n shebang fandoms have going on, and, despite all odds, you pulled it off
Don't know how to end these things so yayy parting thumbs up👍
Divorce Pt. 2
A/n: CRYING, ROLLING ON THE FLOOR, SCREAMING, POUNDING MY FISTS Thank you so much for this!! I am literally so excited about this!! (Also sorry for taking so long to write this, I'm a little behind on requests lol)
((I will make a part three for if reader left to protect themselves from the Moon Knight side of things so this part is if reader left due to person issues so double the content!))
Warnings: yelling, anger, talk of depression, talk of panic attacks, talks of trauma, this ain't gonna be a fun ride
Gn! Reader Masterlist
Steven is the most calm out of Jake and Marc, but that's more like being the smartest guy on the football team
It's a really low bar to meet
Steven tries to be understanding in every situation he's in, truly
His mindset is 'you never know what someone's going through' and he takes it to heart
But this?
He finds it very hard to be understanding
He doesn't even want you here, but he let you through the front door, so it must mean something right?
After explaining in full enough detail as to why you did what you did, Steven is silent
Eerily silent
It feels like the silence in a horror movie before a monster jumps out
This is the part where I could say 'and one did, Jake starts yelling at you' but that's not what happens
Steven starts yelling at you
He starts yelling at you in a way you've only ever seen Marc or Jake do
And it was never directed at you before
It scares you
Steven is so irate, he doesn't notice you shrinking in on yourself
But if he did, I don't think he'd care
Not anymore
"You led us on, you led me on, for years! You made me think I deserved kindness, happiness, love, just to drop me and make me feel like I was worth nothing! I'm sorry you went through so much and I'm sorry you're still dealing with it, but Gods! That doesn't give you the right to completely toy with us and leave when you feel trapped! You're supposed to talk to us about it! Or at least text me if you didn't want to say anything!"
"We could've worked it out. We could've... We were married. That means you at least cared about us a little, right?"
Steven's anger eventually dies and fades into depression and heartbreak
At this moment he wishes you never showed up, never tried to fix anything
He was content with walking through life, blaming himself and thinking you were an angel that got stuck with an annoying gremlin
Cause how could you do any wrong?
Steven asks you to leave, barely above a whisper
If you don't move, he will
He'll lock himself in his room until you do
You may have thought you were helping, that you were easing his confusion and pain
You were wrong
All you did was set in motion another depressive episode and make Steven feel like the worst husband
He thinks, just for a second, that he must've been so terrible at comforting you and letting you know that he was there for you
And a second is all it takes for Steven to believe it
He starts laughing
Like, maniacal laughing
"You think you can just walk in here and give me some sorry ass excuse?"
"You married us, knowing you couldn't handle it, you married us! You stood at the alter, said vows you took the time to write, said yes after having the chance of leaving, and waited months after to say you didn't want this anymore?"
"Are you fucking kidding me?!"
Unlike Steven, Marc's rage doesn't settle into depression
It sits and festers until the moment you leave
He doesn't turn violent like Jake, but he looks seconds away from destroying the apartment
Even if you manage to explain further through Marc's yelling, it doesn't register that you were in pain or suffering
It doesn't even register that your slinking away in fear at the growing redness of Marc's face
"Why'd you even come here?! To make shit worse?!"
"Of course not! I thought-"
"You've already practically killed Steven! Did you come back to finish us off?"
"No! I was trying to-"
"I can't believe I trusted you! I-"
Marc cuts himself off, digging his palms into his eyes and sniffling
He's crying
Whether in anger, frustration, sadness, or all three, it doesn't matter
He's breaking down right in front of you and you know he must truly be broken to show such vulnerability in front of someone he hates
He yells at you to leave, to leave and never come back
Don't look at him, don't breathe next to him, don't even think about him
And don't ever, ever, try to call Steven
Marc will not hesitate to visit you in his suit
That's a lie, he'd never do that
Even now, after all the pain you caused him, he could never hurt you
Once you finally leave with Marc in tears, he finally falls to the floor and cries
He cries for hours and hours, unable to move or stop
He yells into his hands in agony and frustration
Why did nothing go right for him?
Was he cursed?
Doomed to never have a happy ending?
Your visit didn't help anyone or anything
You should've stayed home
Absolutely furious
Nothing can calm him down, Steven and Marc have no chance of forcing him into the head space if they tried (though it's not like they want to)
He doesn't let you in, but he walks around the apartment, yelling at you
No, not yelling
He can't step back and think about your explanation, what is means and how it ties into your relationship
Lord help his neighbors because he will definitely throw something
Not at you, never at you
He may think he's a monster, willing to cross almost any line to fulfill his mission, but hurting you is one of the few strict lines he will never cross
He will throw things around you, slamming a lamp into the wall, throwing glass onto the floor
And while he is enraged, he's not blind
He sees his effect on you, how scared you look at him
And he thinks 'finally. finally I see how you really feel about me'
Tears remain in his eyes, not willing to fall and give you the satisfaction
He continues yelling and throwing things, hoping to scare you away
And it works
And when he's finally alone, he dissolves into sobs
He doesn't care who might walk past the open door and see him
He just cries and cries
He can't maintain the energy of being mad as much as he wants to
He may be able to do that in front of Steven and Marc, but the second he saw your face
All he wanted to do was bury his face in your neck and hold you
Apologize for his wrong doings and pray you would at least talk to him
But seeing how Steven and Marc dealt with your absence
And seeing how much you managed to wiggle into his heart before destroying it
He couldn't allow his feelings to control his mind
His top priority has always been, and will continue to be Steven and Marc
And he's willing to sacrifice everything to ensure they're safe
They're happy
And you took away their happiness
You will never be allowed in their apartment again, let alone their hearts
Jake will make sure of it
You will regret visiting
One day, everything is going to come full circle
And Jake isn't afraid of the man he might become to get the closure his brothers deserve
(beta reader note : ouchie two electric boogaloo.)
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cosmic-waves7 · 3 years
Dazai x reader but this takes place when dazai was in the port mafia and the reader is mori’s daughter and the reader is 5 months pregnant? You don’t have to do this if you don’t want 😊
Note : of course I'd love to do this request bub, also I'll assume the child is dazai's while writing.
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At this point in time, dazai doesn't care much about anything.
Nothing matters, no one matters.
Except for you.
Suicide plaugues his mind, guns fill his pockets and blood stains his fingers.
Other than that, you're the only exception for being his object of affection.
So imagine his surprise when finding out about your pregnancy.
"I'm five months along."
Dazai.exe has stopped working-
After the initial surprise he'll maintain his usual air of calm and just nod along but internally he's reeling.
Clearly, he's going to have to start making space in his life for somone new.
Lots of space for that special someone.
It's going to get a bit messy, full of change and uncertainty.
But since he truly cares for you and is trying for his own child he won't be leaving anytime soon.
I know he doesn't look the part and it doesn't seem like he gives the child much thought.
But he's just a bit emotionally constipated (〒﹏〒)
He had been left to fend for himself at a much younger age and become who he is today.
He's not leaving you or his little one behind like that.
But it's going to be a long journey while he learns.
He's not stopping though, just for you and only for you.
(◡ ω ◡)
Mori is obviously going to be slightly pissed but supportive nonetheless.
Might initially try to isolate you from dazai but would quickly learn that the bandaged port mafia executive would stop at nothing to have you.
Mori wouldn't think of harming the child growing within you at all, he can slightly relate when it comes to children and knows you would lose all trust in him if he were to ever even think of hurting the baby.
Besides, he's your father above all else and he's a total softie when it comes to his own kin so convincing him will be a bit of a challenge but not impossible.
"Think of all the play dates the little one could have with Elise."
He trusts dazai more than anyone else in the port mafia.
And considering dazai's carelessness he wasn't all that surprised it happened.
¯\_༼ ಥ ‿ ಥ ༽_/¯
Moving on-
Soon enough dazai will be making even more time for you, always ensuring tight security around you at all times.
Sweets, this man will barley let you out of his sight.
I don't think he'll let you out of the port mafia lair for the first month-
Might even suggest permeant bedrest our of underlying worry.
You're going to have to tell him that's not good for the child.
Pls comfort him. He's strict because he's nervous since you're both important mafia members so danger is already an apparent possiblity in your child's life.
You'll always find his hand smoothing over your lower back and pressing you into his side when walking.
Will arrange diffrent sleeping quarters for the both of you, away from everyone else in the port mafia.
Mori probably suggested that to him.
Dazai will be on high alert when you're out, going as far as snipers if you don't stop him.
He doesn't mind your hormonal outbursts and morning sickness although he tends to avoid being there when it happens.
Understands that you're going under a lot of demanding body changes so he won't complain as much.
He'll still tease and poke at you with his usual charisma.
The one thing that will never change is how immature he can get just to lighten up the mood.
Might read to the baby out of his suicide book as a joke.
Slap him pls
He's going to leave all the baby preparation stuff to you honeslty.
Baby shower, nursery decoration and supplies will be left for your choosing, he'll simply hand you a black credit card and let you pick as you like.
It's things like this where he doesn't engage a lot but is still more behind the scenes.
This is no white picket fence life you both have but he'll make it work in other ways if he can.
Silently kisses your forehead or discreetly instruct maids to clean you up with a flick of his hand before heading off to missions.
If you're stressed, he'll pull you aside and won't leave till you're level headed.
Might even annoyingly point out it's not good for the baby with a cheeky grin.
It's his way of showing he's been searching and reading up about all he can.
Or he's just been going to oda for tips.
Dazai will give you what you need physically but you"ll need to nudge him occasionally for more emotional and sentimental aspects.
He tries his best though
Late at night he'll rub his fingers across your belly, looking almost curiously and wondering what to do when the baby is born.
Reassure him during those moments though actions showing you care.
Whether it's by pressing little kisses to his bandaged eye or slipping your fingers through his hair as he lays his head in your lap to avoid your tummy.
He needs to be grounded into the role he's about to take as a parent and helping him through it is a must.
But don't fret too much, soon enough you'll reach a balance that both of you understand.
He still loves you and your baby no matter what happens and he'll prove it no matter what.
Even if he might have odd ways to show it.
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gukyi · 4 years
[!] fic alert [!]
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summary: FILM395, the art of the rom-com, was supposed to be an easy a with one of your favorite professors. it's not. instead, it's a sisyphean torture that comes namely in the form of fellow film student jeon jungkook, who has no problem responding to every one of your discussion posts about the consumerist ideals underlying every romance movie with his own paragraphs on the beauty of love, or whatever. and when the two of you find yourselves partnered up for your final project, which is to create a short film on rom-coms, jungkook, the world’s #1 hopeless romantic, decides to take it upon himself to show you just how attainable love can really be.
{enemies to lovers!au, college!au}
pairing: film major!jungkook x film major!reader (female) genre: fluff, comedy, slight angst, this is literally a rom-com in fic form est. wc: 30k warnings: college alcohol consumption, emotionally constipated characters, film major shenanigans, blonde & tattooed jungkook who’s also in a hip hop dance troupe a/n: as promised, here is my contribution to all of the valentine’s day fics! you guys first got a sneak peek of this fic when i made that poll back in the summer and did all of the BLM drabble commissions, and here we are! hope you guys are as excited for this fic as i am!!
“Who would we even get to star in a rom-com we filmed? It’s not like the two of us could do it.”
You regret the words the instant they come out of your mouth. In horror, you watch as they sink into Jungkook’s brain, etching themselves into his mind as a lightbulb turns on, a bright idea popping into his thoughts. 
He opens his mouth, but you get there first. “No. Whatever you’re thinking, absolutely not. I am not starring in a rom-com with you.”
That is something you can say with one-hundred percent confidence. Something that you know will never change. 
“Just hear me out,” Jungkook pleads, looking a little desperate as he wrings his hands together, aching to spill the bubbling plan that’s been stewing in his head. 
You narrow your eyes in suspicion but lean back into your chair, a silent signal for him to continue. It’s not as if you have any better idea.s 
“Okay. It’s not a rom-com. It’s a mockumentary,” he says, something that (and you can’t believe you’re saying this) actually piques your interest. Moreso than anything else he’s ever said to you. “You think love is totally manufactured, right? That Hollywood creates the illusion of it to sell to people paying twenty dollars for a movie ticket?”
“Then let’s do that. Let’s prove it’s manufactured.”
“And how do you plan on doing that?” It’s not like you can walk into a factory and ask them to make the “love” emotion for you. 
“We’ll be the stars.”
He says it like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. Like it’s your best idea by a long shot, the home run of all home runs, your golden ticket to an A.
You scrunch up your nose, hesitant. “Wait, I don’t know—”
“It’s perfect!” Jungkook exclaims, eyes wide with excitement. “Think about it. It’ll be a mockumentary of a stereotypical rom-com. Except it won’t be this big Hollywood production, it’ll be real life. And it won’t be between two paid actors with years of experience under their belt, it’ll be us.” His eyes are practically bulging out of his head, big brown eyes glinting with excitement.
“So what are we gonna do? Act out our own rom-com in an attempt to see if either one of us will fall in love with the other?” You say, an eyebrow raised. 
Jungkook shakes his head. “Not necessarily. It’s a mockumentary, right? So it’s grounded in real life even if it is based upon the stereotypical boy-meets-girl rom-com. It won’t be super scripted or anything. Think of it more like… a chronicle.”
You scoff. “Of what?”
“Of us,” Jungkook says easily. “Of the time we have to spend together to film this damn project anyway. I say that rom-coms are emblematic of the natural human desire for love, and that deep down love is the thing that makes us happy. You say that rom-coms are consumerist propaganda, or whatever it is you think they are—”
“They are, and you can’t change my mind about that,” you interrupt, just for clarity. Can’t have Jungkook thinking he’s going to somehow convince you otherwise.
“—so, with this project, let’s see which one of us is right. If the time we have to spend together, making this mockumentary rom-com, will really change how we feel about each other, or if it won’t.”
How you feel about each other? You almost laugh when Jungkook says it out loud. There’s no room for questioning in your mind when it comes to how you two feel about each other. Two desperate-to-please students with opposite views on the entire structure of a class and three years of experience arguing your points in essays under your belts. 
Jungkook believes in destiny, right? Then he must know that the two of you are destined to never get along.
“You should be a car salesman,” you joke. Jungkook’s certainly excellent at pitches. 
“So, you in?”
You narrow your eyes, still a little wary of whatever it is Jungkook’s putting down. But it’s not like you have anything better. And the sooner you agree on something, the sooner you can get this goddamn project over with and never have to sit in class with Jeon Jungkook ever again. 
“Only because this’ll finally prove to you that not everything can be solved by finding love,” you say. It’s about as good of a ‘yes’ as he’s going to get out of you. 
Jungkook grins, mischievous as always. There’s certainly something else he’s plotting, you just aren’t sure what. Maybe he’s in cahoots with Pollack. You wouldn’t put it past her. “Or,” he begins, lips curling upwards, “you’ll just fall in love with me.”
You scoff. “Yeah, right.”
“Well, then I guess we’ll just have to see, won’t we?” He holds out his hand, palm facing up as he waits for your response, that devilish glint that you hate twinkling in his eyes. 
As if you’re going to fall in love with Jungkook. For this stupid project? No way. Just because it’s a filmmaking project doesn’t make it any more bearable than your other assignments. It’s a partner project. They are, by their very nature, excruciating. You’ll be surprised if you end this project and you aren’t even more irritated with Jungkook. Does he really think you’ll actually develop some sort of affection for him?
You take his hand on your own, palm pressed against his, and you eye him carefully. Just because Jungkook’s got something up his sleeve doesn’t mean you don’t. Finally, finally, Jungkook will see why love is stupid and manufactured and fake. Why it doesn’t bring people together but instead tears them apart. 
Maybe then he’ll leave you and your discussion posts in peace.
You smile up at him. 
“I guess we will.”
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rinarecommends · 3 years
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Here’s my contribution to the Villain AU bnharem collab! You can find the other submissions here! 
I hope you enjoy!
Affliction (n): something that causes pain or suffering:
“Breaking news: We have yet another report to add to the slew of attacks this month, this comes just days after we broadcast rumours of villains running rampant over the city. This spate of attacks has put the entire metropolitan area at a standstill, road closures and damaged property making it difficult for commuters to get to work in the morning. Road maintenance endeavour to do its best to keep the city running, but it seems futile when these attacks continue to increase. The entire city was brought to a standstill by the mysterious villain who has still not been named, but reports show they are nothing like we have ever experienced before. 
Where are the heroes now? Who will save us from the terror overwhelming our city?
Every day the crime toll continues to rise and we have no one here to protect us. The Hero Public Safety Commission assured us earlier in the week that the crime rate would go down, that the top Heroes are out there protecting our city, but if so, where are they? Is it really safe to go out anymore, who can we trust? Would you put your life in the hands of a Hero today? When they have proved our streets are no longer safe. We still have no information on what is going on, or who is involved but we must remain observant. We will continue to report the latest news as we receive it, but for now, we must implore you to heed the warnings of the city-wide curfew that is soon to be implemented. If anyone has any information on these occurrences in the city please send them to us or contact the police, you can remain anonymous. The safety of our citizens is what is most important, stay vigilant and don’t go out unless it is absolutely necessary.
One thing we know for sure: we can no longer rely on Heroes to protect us. The streets of our once-great city are no longer safe, we are no longer safe.”
You stared at the TV and continued staring at it, even as the breaking news passed and regular scheduled tv resumed. When did it all go wrong? It seemed like just yesterday, you dreamt of working with heroes, helping to make the world safe, but it had been 2 years since you abandoned those aspirations, for love, or at least, that’s what you tell yourself. 
“Dumbass, I’m home.” You heard a familiar voice echo through the apartment, but you didn’t say anything, too lost in your thoughts. 
“Y/N? Are you home?” You heard him ask, but your brain couldn’t process the words to reply, to tell him yes, you were home, where he should have been hours ago instead of out destroying the city with the league of villains. 
You heard his footsteps getting closer, but the sound of them faded as your thoughts raced to figure out when it all started, when everything went wrong.
You met Katsuki Bakugou during your first year at UA. You were a first year student, but you weren’t in his class, instead you were in the support course. Each kid in first year support was paired up with a first year hero student, to be their support tech throughout the duration of their stay at UA. You were lucky enough to be paired with him. He was everything you thought a hero should be. He was strong, brave, and he had a good heart, even if most people couldn’t see it because of his rough exterior, loud disposition, and ego, but you could, you had always been good at reading people. The first time he actually acknowledged your existence was after the sports festival. 
You remember it like it was yesterday. You were in your little corner of the support lab, tinkering with a gadget you had designed for a project that PowerLoader had assigned to you.
You heard the door slide open, roughly, but you didn’t pay it any mind, support kids were sometimes rough, especially if they were deep in thought about a gadget or design they were working on.
“I’m looking for an extra named L/N. Where are they?” You snapped your eyes up at that, met with a sight of wild blonde hair and a lean, muscled physique in a UA uniform. The person closest to the door gaped at him and just pointed in your direction, making him snap his eyes, landing his sight on you. You gave him a short wave, indicating that you were the person that he was looking for, for whatever reason.
“You’re supposed to be my support tech while I’m at UA. I need modifications and shit to make me stronger. I don’t want anymore wins handed to me the way the fucking sports festival was. I’m aiming to be the undeniable number one. If you can’t do that, tell me and I’ll find someone who can, get it?” His voice was sharp with an edge to it, and you realized that this was a pivotal moment, in what would become of whatever relationship you would have with this boy. He was essentially telling you that he was going to be number one, and you had to be number one as well. If you couldn’t, he’d find someone who could. Were you the best? No. Did you want to be the best? Yes. Your answer to him was simple. 
You smiled at him and said, “Tell me what you want, and I’ll do it.” His answer was a grin that showed his pointy teeth and spread across his face. If only you had known what was coming. “Y/N? Why are you crying?” Katsuki’s voice snapped you out of your memories and suddenly you were aware that he was shaking you. You gasped and snapped your eyes towards his, meeting his ruby red eyes. 
“I wasn’t aware that I was crying.” You muttered out, wiping your eyes, finding them wet, indicating that you were actually crying. He looked at you.
“You weren’t aware? Can you at least give me a reason as to why you would be crying?” He sat down beside you, pulling you into his lap. You breathed in his scent, something that used to calm you, but it just made your chest feel heavy, with the strong smell of nitroglycerin from his quirk and the dirt and flecks of blood, that probably wasn’t his, from the destruction that he’d caused somewhere in the city. 
“Katsuki.” You said his name. He hummed in acknowledgement, his face had made its way into the crook of your neck, peppering kisses there, showing you affection. “How did we get here?” You voiced the question that had been wracking your brain for so long, something that you asked yourself so many times but never found an answer that you were satisfied with.
He grunted. “What are you talking about babe?”
“How did we go from wanting to save the world, to destroying it? How did we get here?” You asked softly, trying your best not to anger him. His temper was shorter these days, even shorter than back at UA. He’d never laid a hand on you, but you weren’t really sure what he was capable of these days. You weren’t even sure who he was. He looked like your Katsuki, but that was where the similarities to the boy you fell in love with ended, except for the small moments when he made love to you or showed you affection. 
“Y/N.” He said in a warning tone. He didn’t like talking about this. He had never given you a straight answer, never gave you a reason. He only asked you to follow him one day, to walk away from Support Course and UA, and you did because you loved him, more than anything. You sighed, not letting it go, even though that’s probably what he thought you were doing, but you wanted to choose your next words, your next step, carefully. 
Katsuki Bakugou, you had discovered while working on his equipment, was everything people had said he was, but he was also nothing like they said he was, at the same time. He was loud. He was Vulgar. He had an Ego. He was hot, but he was also kind, in his own way. He was brave. He was determined. He was smart, a genius really. You could tell he was softer than he let on. In the months since he slammed into the Support lab, you had gotten to know him, and he had shown you his kind side, in private, and in public. He had brought out parts of you that you hadn’t known existed. He made you feel things. He made you want to be better so that you could always stay by his side because you knew he was going to do great things. He made your stomach flutter with butterflies. He made your skin burn when he touched you or grazed you. He made your heart race when he came into the room sweaty after a workout with Kirishima. You liked him. You really liked him.
“So. When are you going to let me take you out on a date, or are we just going to keep up with the glances and flirting?” He grunted out while sitting beside you on your workbench, as you were working on modifying his gauntlets. You froze for a second before snapping your eyes to him, dropping whatever was in your hand. You just gave him a look before smiling softly.
“I thought you’d never ask.” you stated, going back to work on the task at hand.
“That doesn’t answer my damn question, dumbass.” He snapped, but all you did was giggle at him, making him snort.
“I’ve wracked my brain the past two years, wondering why we were doing this, why were we leaving everything behind, everything we believed in, to destroy things we were training to protect. I can’t find an answer that satisfies me. I don’t understand what could have made the boy I fell in love with decide that he wanted to destroy hero society instead of be the #1 Hero.” He pushed you off of his lap, landing you on the couch where you were before he pulled you onto his lap. He sighed in frustration pulling at his hair.
“Why does it matter so much? You’re the one who agreed to come with me, you’re the one who followed me because I asked you too. I love you, is that not enough?” He hissed out at you, you flinched because he’d never taken a tone like this with you, but his face softened when he saw you flinch at his voice. 
“The league just gave me reasons to destroy hero society as it is and rebuild it, that’s all. The heroes you know, we know, aren’t good people at all. Endeavor abuses his kids and wife, why do you think Todoroki was so emotionally fucking constipated when we were in school with him? Best Jeanist is more worried about appearances as a hero than actual hero work. I could go on, but I just, I just can’t be a hero in the society as it is today, if things were different, then maybe we’d still be at UA, or even graduated, but this is the world we were given, Y/N. This is what’s right. Why can’t you see that?” He had gotten on his knees in front of you, grabbing your hands to hold as he said this. You let his words sink in. He had finally given you an answer, albeit a very vague one, but it was progress, right? Sadly, it wasn’t enough. It didn’t satisfy you to the point where you felt comfortable continuing to build him gadgets to help destroy hero society and the city. It didn’t show you a glimpse, a sliver, of the boy you used to know. All you saw was someone that you loved, without a doubt you loved him, but you didn’t know him at all. Shigaraki and his goons had twisted him somehow. 
“I followed you because I love you, but you’re hurting people Katsuki. INNOCENT PEOPLE. The boy I love, the one that was determined to win and be the best hero there is, may have been temperamental, egotistical, but he NEVER hurt innocent people. I can’t continue to make equipment for you that’s going to be used for demolition of the city and innocent people’s suffering. Everytime I look at the news, I see more chaos, more destruction, and my heart hurts a little bit more, and I feel a little more guilty. It’s eating me up inside, that I’ve helped you for the last 2 years, but unlike you, baby, I don’t want to lose who I was completely. I love you, I really do -”
“Are you leaving me?” He breathed out, as if the concept of losing you struck a chord within him, as if it was something he was scared of, but you were scared too. Who were you without Katsuki Bakugou? What position did you play in this world if it wasn’t by his side?
“I -” He cut you off again, not allowing you to answer his previous question. 
“Do you remember when I told you I loved you for the first time?” He asked looking at you, deep into your eyes, as if he was looking at your soul. What kind of question was that? Of course you remembered, it was one of the greatest days of your life, one of the best feelings in the world was knowing you were loved by Katsuki Bakugou.
You nodded.
You looked up at the sky, watching the fireworks glitter in the sky. The hues of colors make your heart soar. You felt Katsuki grab your hand and squeeze, making you turn away from the show to him. 
“I have something I want to tell you.” He muttered, just loud enough for you to hear him. You smiled at him and nodded indicating you were listening, but he didn’t say anything else. You quirked your brow up at him, but he wouldn’t meet your gaze, so you turned back towards the show in the sky.
“I love you.” You heard him say making your heart stop, snapping your eyes back to him, away from the show once again. You opened and closed your mouth, repeatedly, not expecting that he’d be the first to say it. You loved him, more than anything, but you had been scared to tell him because you didn’t want to ruin the relationship since it had only been 5 months of dating. You knew Katsuki was slower on the uptake with feelings, especially his own, so you kept quiet for the time being, loving him in silence, but here he was confessing his love to you. 
“I know I’m not the best at this relationship thing, but you’re the only person that’s ever made me feel something besides anger. You don’t look down on me because of my attitude, and you don’t put me on a pedestal because of my quirk. You just let me be myself- “ you go to say something, but he holds his hand up, indicating for you to be quiet.
“When you smile at me, you make my heart stop. Your laugh makes me get those cringy bullshit butterflies in my stomach, and you’re so smart, possibly the smartest person I know. It’s like you complete me, make me want to do better, to be better, as if I wasn’t already aiming to be the best. All of these things and so many more make me love you. I love you, Y/N.” He took in a breath as he finished his monologue, but you didn’t let him get a good enough breath before your lips were moving against his in a slow, passionate kiss, showing him that you loved him too, before you told him. He grabbed you by your hips, pulling you closer to him, deepening the kiss, making your toes curl. They say when you kiss someone, you feel sparks if it’s a right fit, but with Katsuki you feel like a live wire, full of energy and alive. You felt tingles down your back. His kiss was like another form of breathing, you don’t know if you’d ever be able to survive without it again.
“I love you too, so much.” You breathed to him as you pulled away. He smiled softly, an expression that he reserved solely for you and kissed you again. A simple peck
“Yeah?” He said, lips grazing yours, in an almost kiss. You beamed and nodded, bringing him into another slow, passionate kiss.
“How could I ever forget that?” You muttered to him. 
“I still feel the same. I still love you. You’re still the only one who makes me feel alive, still the only person that’s ever given me shitty butterflies. You;re the only light I have left in my life, Y/N. If you leave me, what’s the point in trying to make the world better? I don’t give a fuck about anyone else in this city, besides you. I’d burn the city to the ground if someone told me that was the only way to make sure you were safe. I’d kill, steal, and destroy for you, nobody else, just you. Fuck Shigaraki. Fuck Dabi. Fuck Twice. Fuck all of them. I didn’t join the league because of them, I did it because I want the world to be a better place for you, a place worthy of your existence.” He was on his feet again, pacing, pulling at his hair. It was if he was in a frenzy of, dare you say it, psychotic rambling. Words about how much he loved you and what he would do for you kept pouring out, but they didn’t do anything but make you sadder, hurt you more. 
“Stop.” You whispered, but he obviously didn’t hear you because he kept going on and on.
“Stop.” You said a little louder, still not getting a response from him. 
“Fucking STOP KATSUKI.” You yelled, your emotions finally getting to you. Tears poured down your face like streams of water. He stopped, turning to you instantly at your yell.
“Just stop.” You said, “I don’t know what has made you think that this world is not worthy of my existence, but you’re wrong. I am fine with this world the way that it is. It has its flaws, but every society does, nothing is perfect, no one is perfect. I don’t want you to do anything for me, not kill people, not burn a city down, none of this should be done for my sake, don’t blame these actions on me. I can’t watch you do this anymore. I love you more than anything, and it used to be my favorite thing to do, love you, but it just brings me sadness and pain now. It hurts to love you, for who you are now, because this isn’t you, this can’t be you, can’t be MY Katsuki. My Katsuki was a hero, is a hero. He wants to win, wants to be the best. I tried to accept you being a villain, because not all villains are bad people, just in bad circumstances, but this is too much, you are too much, loving you is too much. It’s like an affliction in my heart, and I just can’t do it anymore.
Tears were running down his face and he fell to his knees.
“If I don’t have you, what do I have? Please…. Don’t leave me baby. We can figure this out. I can stop. We can be heroes if that’s what you want. Just don’t go. Stay. With me.” He breathed out, voice barely audible, only loud enough for you, and you alone, to hear. You thought about it. You didn’t want to leave him, that was the last thing you wanted, but after seeing what you have seen, could you stay? 
You stood in the middle of the crowd, watching All Might’s last fight as the #1 hero, except you wouldn’t know it was his last until he uttered the words “now, it’s your turn.” 
“You shouldn’t be here.” You heard the gruffness of his voice before you saw him, spinning around to see him beat up, bruised, but alive, he was alive, that’s all that mattered to you in that moment. You had told yourself that you weren’t going to cry. Katsuki didn’t like it when you cried, but the sobs took over as soon as you got a good look at him. He grabbed you and pulled you into his chest, consoling you, reassuring you that everything was okay, that he was okay, that you were back together with each other again and you’d never have to be without him again. 
“I thought you were going to die, I thought I was going to lose you, Suki. I can’t lose you… I just can’t.” You said wiping your tears furiously, trying to get yourself together for him. He grabbed your hands from wiping your face and pulled you towards him again, this time you felt a soft peck on your forehead. 
“I’m here.” He said to you. You nodded at him, looking up into his eyes, pools of ruby that you loved so much, that you didn’t think you could live without. Maybe if you had looked closer, you would have noticed the dullness that had started to take over the sparkle, maybe you could have changed the course of what was to come. 
It happened three days later. You were decorating the dorm that you had to move into with the rest of the support course, following Katsuki’s abduction. You turned your head when someone knocked on the wall beside your door, since your door was open as you were decorating. You were surprised to see Katsuki standing there, in civilian clothes. 
“Hey babe. What’s up? Need some repairs already?” You teased him, but he didn’t smile, didn’t snort, didn’t make a comment about how he only needed so many repairs because he was the best. 
He walked into your room and shut the door.
“I’m leaving UA.” He muttered, just loud enough for you to hear, as if he didn’t want anyone else to hear what he said. 
“What are you talking about?” You said, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Why would he leave his dream school? Did he want to go to another Hero School? Did he not feel safe at UA anymore?
“The league made me an offer. I’ve decided that I’m going to take it.” Your world halted at those words. What kind of offer could the league have made to make him quit his dreams of being the #1 hero? What could they have said to make him join their cause?
“The league… made you an offer?” you replied to him slowly, hoping that this was a weird daydream, a walking nightmare. He just nodded.
“What kind of offer?” You asked him. The only answer he gave you was a shake of his head, a muttered “it’s not important.” It was important though. What did this mean for his dreams? What did this mean for your dreams that involved him? What did this mean for the two of you as a whole?
“I want you to come with me. I don’t want to be without you, and I’ll need repairs for the things I’m going to do.” He said after a pause in the conversation. You looked at him. What could you say? You had always wanted to build support items. You wanted to make tools to better the world, until you met him. He became your dreams, your aspirations. You wanted to make things for Katsuki, for him only. You wanted to propel his dreams of being the best, to make them a reality. If this was what he wanted to do, if this was what he had chosen, there had to be a reason, a good reason. You trusted him. You loved him. 
You nodded. 
“When do we leave?” 
“I can’t stay, Katsuki.” You said, tears rolling down your face, continuously, no matter how much you tried to make them stop.
You headed towards the room that you two shared in the rundown one-room apartment that he paid for, somehow. You grabbed your bag and packed the few things that you had accumulated in the two years that you guys had been hiding out from everyone. You had somehow never been found, even though you and him were declared missing, even though you were in plain sight. Katsuki had dyed his hair black, gotten some tattoos, some piercings, so that nobody would recognize him. You had dyed your hair as well. You wanted tattoos, but you were too afraid of the pain. 
“How can I fix this?” He asked, watching you pack, taking things out of your bag as you put them in. You sighed and stopped to look at him.
“I don’t know if you can fix this, Katsuki. This is never what I pictured our life together would be like. This isn’t what I wanted. It’s not what I thought you wanted, and I just… can’t do it anymore. I’m tired of hiding, tired of chaos and destruction. Hero society may have some corrupt heroes, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t good heroes, worthy heroes. It doesn’t mean you couldn’t have been different, changed it by being the change.”
A tear slipped down his cheek. His eyes pleading with you, almost making you want to stop packing, to stay, to just keep helping him because you love him, but you knew, deep down, that you couldn’t. This was the right thing to do. You were being a hero, in your own way. 
You zipped up your bag, fully packed with all of your stuff. You looked at him, taking him in. This was the love of your life. You’d never love someone else the way that you loved Katsuki Bakugou. You loved him fully, wholly, deeply, intensely. It was an all consuming love. The kind of love that some people never got to experience in their life, and you were walking away. You had to walk away. 
“I love you, Katsuki Bakugou.” You said as you turned around and walked out of the apartment, out of his sight, out of his life.
*2 Months Later*
It had taken 2 weeks for Katsuki to stop calling you multiple times a day. 3 weeks for him to stop calling you every day. One month to stop calling you every other day. A month and a half to stop calling at all. Your phone hadn’t had his name across your screen in 2 weeks. You wondered if he was okay. Had he been eating? Sleeping? Had he been hurt? If so, was it because you weren’t there to make repairs for him? 
You had returned home, to your parents. They had stared at you when you showed up on their doorstep, as if they didn’t believe that it was really you, after 2 long years. They had hugged you for what felt like an hour as they pulled you into the house you had grown up in. They hadn’t asked you any questions, maybe they didn’t want to know. The police had come around a couple days after your return, asking questions, but you didn’t give them anything. You wouldn’t tell them that the villain who’d been causing mayhem was Katsuki. You wouldn’t rat him out, you couldn’t. You left him, but you didn’t want to see him in jail, you still had hope that there was something in there, something that still knew the values of heroism, that wanted to be the best. You had told them that you and Katsuki had broken up, but you wouldn’t tell them where you had been, what you had been doing. You just wanted it to be over, to try and make up for the wrong you had done, to repent for your actions.
That’s how you found yourself sitting on your parents’ couch in the living room, sifting through papers to get certified to work in the support field, thankfully there was a certification program that was similar to having graduated from a support course in a hero school. It wasn’t UA, but it was something. Your parents weren’t home, so you were left to your own devices. You had the TV on for background noise, you weren’t even sure what channel was on, focusing on what you needed to complete to get into the certification program.
“Breaking News: The League of Villains has been taken down. A raid on their current hideout occurred this morning, with heroes apprehending all members, including Tomura Shigaraki. The raid was able to occur because of inside information given to the police. 
Two years ago, Katsuki Bakugou, then a student of UA went missing along with his girlfriend and support course student, Y/N L/N. It turns out that he left UA, taking Y/N with him for support, and joined the league, having been convinced what they were doing was right, but 2 weeks ago, he turned himself in, told the cops everything that he had done, everything that the league had planned. In return for this invaluable information, he got a reduced sentence of 3 months in a correctional facility, followed with Community Service for 8 months. He also will be able to apply for a Hero License in 3 years, if he wants, as long as he has good behavior throughout the 3 years until that point. Concerning Y/N L/N, he hasn’t indicated that she had anything to do with this, and there is no proof that she committed any crimes. 
Today was a win for heroes and civilians alike. After the seemingly endlessly high crime rate, society may actually see a drop now that the league has been detained and headed to Tartarus. 
Following this raid, there will also be an investigation into hero society, due to information on certain heroes, like Endeavor, that has been revealed. Heroes are not above the law, they are just like everyone else.
More information will be given when there is more to add.”
You stared at the TV, eyes wide. Katsuki… had turned himself in? You looked at the mug shot they showed of him, when he turned himself in. Black Hair. Tattoos. Piercings. Sparkling Ruby Red Eyes, as if a light had been reignited into them. Was this because of you leaving? You were inclined to think so, at least in part, and the thought of Katsuki being in a facility, broke your heart, but it also mended it. At least he wasn’t hurting innocent people anymore. At least he had done what was right, in the end. 
You leaned back into the couch, heaving a sigh. You felt as if a weight had been lifted off your chest, leaving him had alleviated it some, but this, this news made you feel like you could breathe again. 
Your phone vibrated beside you, you answered it, not looking at the screen, assuming it was your parents or one of the few UA classmates who you had met up with when you returned, surely they had seen the news, some may have even been in the raid.
You put the phone to your ear.
“He -” You started but you were interrupted by an automated voice that began talking. 
“This is a collect call from inmate Katsuki Bakugou at Shizuoka Correctional Facility. If you would like to accept the call and charges that apply, please press 1. Fees will accumulate for every minute over 15 that the call lasts. If you want to deny the call, please press 2.” 
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sunarintoes · 3 years
Inarizaki Boyfriend Headcanons
Includes: Miya Osamu, Kita Shinsuke, Suna Rintarou (Atsumu’s can be found here)
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✗ My favourite Miya <3
✗ His favourite date to take you on is when the Main Street is full of food carts and independent sellers/farmers, the two of you walk around and try all the sweets and what not. After the two of you stuffed yourselves silly you make your way to the movie theatre and once that’s done you sit down at a park bench and just vibe with each other. And then you go get more food :D
✗ So he loves cooking - its his passion, he always asks for you to taste test all his different onigiri. Gives the biggest smile when you say you like it!!
✗ As I said before in another post, he has a horse. Like Atsumu, he will ride the horse to your house. Once he called you to meet outside the school on a Saturday and he told you to wear ‘forest spirit clothing.’ You were very confused. You showed up in a flowing dress/flowing shirt and then he came around the corner, on his white horse, wearing a tuxedo. He looked like a prince so you weren't complaining. ‘Hey sugar lets ride off into the sunset together’ was how he greeted you. 
✗ He’s kinda indifferent about pda, he’s only gonna do it if it feels right at the moment you know? When the two of you are just standing at, say, a bus stop he will go behind and hug you. He likes being close to you. So when y'all at school he will greet you with a forehead kiss in the morning before he heads off to his classes. I don't think he would make out with you in public, he prefers to keep that to himself. If you want kisses in public he’ll gladly give you short but sweet kisses on your lips, cheeks or forehead (and sometimes your hand). 
✗ He gets jealous but he hides it well. He doesn't want to come off as controlling or insecure so the majority of the time he will just keep it to himself and pout a little. When this happens please go up to him and massage/rub his shoulders while placing soft kisses on his head - it will make him calm down and relieve tension so quickly. On the occasion that he does have a jealous outburst, his face will be angry as he takes you away from whoever was hitting you up. When you're far away enough he will have an annoyed expression and will sit on the ground (literally wherever you guys are; he will just plop down in an angry tantrum). When this happens just pull him into your lap (yes, even if you are considerably smaller than him) and tell him ‘it's okay’ and that you ‘only love him.’ He’ll calm down and it'll be pretty chill afterwards (but will glare at the person if he ever sees them again.)
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✗  Yes my favourite farmer boy!!
✗ Kita - despite his somewhat cold and blunt demeanor, loves affection. In particular he loves laying down on a couch or a bed and holding you while facing each other. He likes talking to you in that position and he will open up about things on his mind.
✗ Ok so Kita is a ‘Bob the Builder’ sorta boyfie, he has building skills for some reason but you’re not complaining. If you want/need something made you can bet that he will volunteer to have a go at it. He may not be the best with the actual painting of whatever but the thing itself will be built well. 
✗ I don’t think he’s one for pda, it just doesn't float his boat. The occasional hand holding and a kiss on the cheek is fine but he doesn’t really feel the need to show his affection in public - especially because he seems to be quite a private person.
✗ Dates with Kita are simple and nice, mostly consist of picnics and walks along the beach/local area/park. Movie dates are a thing as well - for Kita he just loves being around you and spending time with you! Oh and his granny loves you :P if she didn't then he wouldn't date you. He's a granny’s boy. 
✗ Kita does not get jealous. Nu uh, never. But he does get insecure. Majority of the time he is chill and trusts you with his whole heart but on rare occasions - perhaps when you spontaneously run into a childhood friend and seem to glow with happiness he might feel a pang in his heart. I don't think he would feel angry or upset with you, but sad with himself and he may feel like he doesn't know how to make you glow that bright and all that. It will be really hard to tell when he feels this way. He’s really good at hiding it :( but Kita is a man who strongly believes in communication ← literally more than most characters lmfao, and he will sit you down and tell you what’s on his mind. He’ll expect you to do the same if you were in his position; maybe that's why you two are such a strong couple. When he tells you please listen quietly and wait until he’s finished speaking, this lets him know you care about what he is saying. After he’s done give him a warm hug and rub his back or run a hand through his soft hair, please remind him that you love him and that he makes you glow with happiness every day <3
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✗ bbg 😚
✗ Or maybe i should say bbb
✗ Mans is so fine i live for this lanky fucker <3
✗ Ok so we all know sun-sun is lazyyyy and homie definitely plays video games. He went through a fortnite phase with Atsumu boy are you glad you barely knew him during that time cause he was as you would expect 😳🤢 anywhoooo he’s more of a COD boy atm, mmm first person shooter games are his fav. He definitely gets you into them → if you're not that into them he won't push it but he thinks Minecraft dates and teaching you how to play are cute. Oh! And if you are… hohohoho boy does he love it. Loves playing with you - same team or not, yall are deadly together, especially if you also play first person shooters. Oh and animal crossing dates are a must!
✗ Most of the time your dates consist of someone’s house and vibing on their bed or a couch watching movies, playing video games and cuddling. 😩uh mans is so fine. He's a sexy gamer boy; what else could you want? 
✗ Ohohoho he does get jealous, homie will get snarky with the perp and will not be afraid to wrap an arm around your waist to publicly display that he is with you and you are with him. The perp probs gets scared of this tall, snarky boy and runs off. Will probably sulk the whole day and try to act indifferent/ignore his emotions (cause he’s low key emotionally constipated) so plz bb im begging you, crawl into his lap (yes, even if you’re taller than him) and snuggle into his chest. Then he will be happy :D
✗ Oh and this (doesn't really) bring us to our next point: pda! Mmmmmm he’s like osamu in the sense that he does and does not care - like it's up to you. He’s probably not the biggest on it and wont initiate much asides from having an arm around you, holding you hand (and occasionally your butt-)
✗ Suna, as mentioned earlier, is somewhat emotionally constipated ← though definitely not as much as other characters *cough* ushiwaka *cough* and will take a while to warm up to affection. However once you get there he will absolutely adore holding you and cuddling with you - in fact he claims he “cant sleep without you” because he’s “been trained to love you too much.” lol what a dork
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morporkian-cryptid · 3 years
I would love to hear about your headcanons for intercultural Lupin/Jigen/Goemon!
Oooooh boy am I glad you asked! -rubs hands- This is gonna be long. -checks word count- three pages on MS Word. Wow.
DISCLAIMER: I am French, and I’ve never been to Japan. All my knowledge of Japanese culture comes from 1) people who are also French and study Japanese, and 2) videos and testimonies of Japanese people, and non-Japanese people who live in Japan. So some of this might be inaccurate, if it’s the case don’t hesitate to correct me.
First off, nationality/culture headcanons. I consider that Lupin’s half-French half-Japanese but grew up mostly with French culture. Goemon is the most Japanese man to ever Japanese. While I usually stick to the idea of Jigen having grown up in America, for the purpose of these headcanons, he’s mostly of Japanese culture (maybe he grew up in Bronx like the wiki says, but his family still taught him Japanese cultural behaviours). And Fujiko’s also Japanese, but she’s traveled so much and put on so many personas that it doesn’t really show in her manners.
Lupin’s a super sappy and romantic lover. Like, he only has two settings: complete oblivious dumbass (or completely repressed pining, depending on the fic), and most over-the-top flamboyant romantic lover since Casanova. Goemon is pretty shy and reserved, his feelings only concern him and he’s not gonna flaunt them, and he gets really flustered by displays of affections towards him. Jigen is just... emotionally constipated. As soon as he gets an emotion he must shove it back into his throat. (that gets better with time). Fujiko tends to hide her real feelings, because she pretends to be in love all the time for work. At this point I think she probably doesn’t really know how to really express her feelings in a genuine way (also I kinda hc her as aro).
Japanese people don’t really say “I love you”. There are two expressions for that, “suki desu” (I like you) and “aishiteru” (I love you), but “suki desu” is pretty casual from what I’ve understood (I’m not sure), while “aishiteru” is SUPER DRAMATIC. Like, “deathbead confession” dramatic. (not THAT much, but I’ve heard it compared twice to the deathbed situation). Most Japanese folks don’t really say “aishiteru” even to their s/o, because saying it all the time would wear out the meaning. In French, there’s only one word for “I love you” and it’s “Je t’aime”. Most people only say it to their s/o and their family, and sometimes their very close friends (but apparently nowadays there’s a trend of saying it to your friends in any situation, so…). From what I’ve seen, most people don’t have a problem with saying it regularly.
So now imagine Jigen or Goemon coming home, and Lupin’s just really happy to see them. L: Aaah, Daisuke-chan! Aishiteru! J: -drops all the groceries- LUPIN, ARE YOU OKAY? ARE YOU DYING?
(also, Goemon furiously blushing every time Lupin says aishiteru to him)
I also really like the idea of Lupin saying “je t’aime” in French to his partners. Or just using French for sweet talk with them. French is not a language we hear him speak very often, despite it being probably his first language. So it must be something very personal for him (he’d use Japanese and English, or the person’s language, when flirting with some random cutie on the street, but French is reserved for his partners only, because it’s the language of his heart. Yes I know this phrasing is sappy af, stfu).
Also, pet names aren’t really a thing in Japan. Apparently, one of the closest things they have is “anata”, which just means “you”, but in a very familiar way that you can only use with people you’re pretty close to. Apparently, it’s used (among others) by married couple. As for France… we have SO MANY terms of endearment. I think it’s kinda like in English, you have the main, “official” ones like honey, sweetie, darling, etc, but if you want to call someone “mon roudoudou” or “ma crêpe au sucre” no one’s gonna stop you (except your s/o if your s/o is Jigen). You can also ~*combine them*~. Behold:
Lupin: My cherished and beloved Daisuke whom I love and adore Jigen: You (derogatory)
(in the video I watched about pet names, the (American) wife sometimes calls her (Japanese) husband "Suteki na otto", which roughly translates to "my magnificent husband". Which is DEFINITELY something Lupin would call Jigen and Goemon if they got married.)
You can combine French pet names, but the more you add, the more obvious it becomes that you’re doing it for the joke – kids tend to do that when they want to convince their parents to buy them sweets. Jigen, Goemon and Fujiko* have no idea what Lupin is saying to them when he calls them pet names in French, but they know how dramatic it is by how long Lupin has been going on.
Lupin: Mon amour chéri adoré, lumière de mon cœur et de ma vie que j'adorerais pour toujours et pour l'éternité** Fujiko : Whatever you’re after, forget it.
*except Fujiko because I think she’s fluent in French. The other two have just picked up a few words here and there. Lupin somehow managed to convince Jigen that “enculé” (roughly translates to dickhead) means “my beloved”.
**my adored and beloved love, light of my heart and of my life whom I will adore forever and for eternity
There’s also a thing about talking about your relationship – or rather, there isn’t a thing. Japanese folks don’t really tend to broadcast the fact that they’re in a relationship, a person in the video even said that they had been invited to the wedding of a friend, but they didn’t even know that friend had a partner in the first place. Considering how reserved Jigen and Goemon are, they wouldn’t really advertise the fact that they’re dating anyone, let alone each other or Lupin or Fujiko. They’d avoid any public displays of affection, and only kiss or say cute things when they’re in private.
Lupin, on the other hand…
Well, I think he’d tone it down if it makes his partners uncomfortable, but still, he is the most flamboyant and dramatic man to ever date anyone. And he’s so in love with his partners he’d want the whole world to know that he’s dating the most handsome men ever and the most beautiful woman on the planet. Fujiko doesn’t really mind (although in some situations it might be bad for business). The boys don’t really like it. Goemon blushes furiously when Lupin flirts with him in public (or in private tbh), and Jigen just mutters something and tries to push Lupin away (and hide how flustered he is). If Lupin tones it down, Jigen and Goemon would eventually get used to it, but it would take a lot of time.
Imagine when they get married. Lupin physically CANNOT shut the fuck up about how they’re his husbands.
(tbh that’s partly because he just has a very flamboyant personality, but also I think he desperately wants his partners to know how much he loves them. Goemon and Jigen both aren’t very used to having people love them, and I’d argue that Fujiko too, so he wants to make sure they know. He’s also very possessive and likes to show off, so if he’s dating the world’s greatest boyfriends, everyone needs to know about it.)
Another thing that the videos said, was that Japanese guys are apparently very oblivious to flirting (I don’t really know how accurate that is, because Japan also has a practice called “nanpa” which is basically street flirting? And I haven’t done enough research on how Japanese people flirt).
I already headcanonned Jigen and Goemon to be oblivious as fuck (as well as Lupin depending on the context), but having it as a result of cultural differences means it would be more prominent when Lupin is flirting with them than when they’re flirting with each other.
That said, they've seen him flirt with women enough to know when he's flirting with them. Maybe Lupin has even desensitized them to flirting, and now when someone flirts normally, they don't notice.
Like I said, Japanese people don’t really do “words of affirmation”, in general they’re more about “acts of services” or “gift giving” (of course it depends from person to person, but culturally that seems to be the norm). Which, when you look at canon, is kinda a thing that Jigen does a lot (cooking for the Gang? Helping Lupin out whenever he asks? All acts of services). Jigen doesn’t like to express his feelings with words. Lupin on the other hand is very big on the “words of affirmation” thing (grand declarations of love, anyone?)
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(granted, here he said “aishiteru ze” which apparently means “I love you haha lol”, BUT STILL)
He’s also a big “gift giving/receiving” person, but I think that’s mostly because of Fujiko. Look me in the eye and tell me that Fujiko’s love language can be anything other than gifts. I dare you. Okay, maybe quality time as well. I think she receives love as gift receiving, and expresses her love as quality time. I’m not very sure about Goemon, so this is mostly headcanon based on nothing in canon, but I think his love language is probably touches and quality time. Just spending time near his partners while meditating, sitting in the kitchen when Jigen’s cooking, acting as Lupin’s rubber duck when he’s preparing a heist, accompanying Fujiko when she’s scouting out the next victim for her marriage scam…
As for touches… well it’s OBVIOUS that Lupin is very big on physical affection. In canon, Jigen and Goemon aren’t really, but… personally I think they’re very touch starved. Especially Goemon. Jigen would probably try to push Lupin away at first, and tell him he’s too clingy and annoying; and then be freaked out when he realizes that he actually likes the affection. It would take him time to accept that he wants affection in other forms that making out and having sex, but Lupin is happy to provide. As for Goemon… just imagine a cat. He tries to act all tough and like he doesn’t need anyone, but as soon as Lupin or Fujiko start petting his hair he can’t help but lean into it. The poor man is completely touch-starved, please give him some love. (Lupin and Fujiko both think it’s absolutely adorable). So, like, the Gang cuddling in one big pile on the couch, but also small hand touches in passing, resting their hand on each-other’s shoulders, back hugs when someone’s cooking or studying, cheek kisses, back rubs, head scritches, brushing a strand of hair out of someone’s face… And also Lupin just hug-tackling anyone without warning. That’s something he does on the regular and no one can convince me otherwise.
(Also I personally hc Goemon as autistic, so he might usually shy away from physical touches because he’s hypersensitive, but that’s another topic)
So yeah. I think that’s all I have for now, which is already a lot! I would LOVE if y’all shared your headcanons as well, give me your thoughts on the ones I shared, or if you know other things on cultural differences that might lead to some fun headcanons, that’d be awesome!
Btw, here are the videos I mentioned:
Four odd things about Japanese husbands
Japanese pet names
Japanese don't say I love you?
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captain-hen · 4 years
dancing in a snow globe 'round and 'round
title: dancing in a snow globe 'round and 'round
Summary: Eddie mock-glares at him. “You’re a coward, starting something when you know I can’t retaliate since you’re holding your niece.”
Buck smirks smugly. “This little one will protect me,” He says and bends down to nuzzle her head, making her burst out into giggles. Eddie has to look away abruptly, something inexplicably warm and fuzzy building in his chest, a feeling of want so strong he thinks his heart might burst.
ao3 link
a/n: look at me, jumping back into the writing game after i don't even know how long. thank you @malikjavaddzayn for reading this as i wrote it and being so sweet!
also tagging: @evaneddie @matan4il
As Eddie lets himself into Buck’s apartment, he is instantly greeted with the high-pitched wails of a crying baby and the sight of his best friend looking minutes away from beginning to cry himself as he bounces his niece in his arms. Eddie bites back a smile, closing the door behind him.
“I thought you said this was an emergency,” He teases. Buck looks up, his expression morphing from one of relief to a glare.
“Make yourself useful and help me,” Buck all but whines. “She won’t stop crying and I don’t know what to do, I tried feeding her and it didn’t work. Her-her diaper doesn’t need to be changed and I-I don’t know, am I hurting her? Why did Maddie let me babysit? I’m terrible at this!”
“Alright, alright,” Eddie quickly goes to Buck and gently takes Baby Joy out of his arms. Buck lets go hesitantly and his eyes become comically wide as Joy begins to quiet down almost instantly when Eddie cradles her in his arms.
“You’re kidding me,” He says, looking betrayed. “How did you do that?”
“You’re stressed out and panicking,” Eddie says patiently. “Which means you’re stressing her out in return. Babies can sense that sort of thing, you know.” A smirk appears on his face. “Unless she just prefers me to you,” He looks down at Joy, cooing at her. “You prefer me to your Uncle Buck, don’t you, honey?”
“I hate you,” Buck grumbles, sinking down into the couch. “I’ll have you know that I’ll always be her favorite.”
“I’m surprised Albert isn’t fighting you for that title.”
“Hah! He can try.”
“Where are Chim and Maddie, anyway?”
“Date night,” Buck replies, reaching out for Joy again, sighing in relief when Eddie gives her back and she doesn’t immediately start crying again, instead just reaching up and fisting her little hand in his shirt. He all but melts, smiling dopily down at her. She really is a little angel when she isn’t screaming loud enough to wake half of Los Angeles.
“It’s their first night out since Joy was born,” He continues, looking up at Eddie now that he’s sure Joy’s not going to throw another tantrum. “I offered to babysit, and, well…”
Eddie looks amused as he sits down next to Buck, stretching his arm over the back of the couch, his thigh pressing into Buck’s. “Just because she happened to have a crying fit while you happened to be babysitting doesn’t mean you’re terrible at this, you know. Babies cry sometimes. It’s been known to happen.”
Buck pouts at him. “Stop making fun of me.”
Eddie tries to keep a straight face and fails miserably. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”
Careful not to dislodge Joy, Buck picks up a couch cushion and throws it at Eddie’s face. Eddie mock-glares at him.
“You’re a coward, starting something when you know I can’t retaliate since you’re holding your niece.”
Buck smirks smugly. “This little one will protect me,” He says and bends down to nuzzle her head, making her burst out into giggles. Eddie has to look away abruptly, something inexplicably warm and fuzzy building in his chest, a feeling of want so strong he thinks his heart might burst.
It's been a while since Eddie had come to the long overdue realization that the feelings he had for his best friend might not have been as platonic as he’d thought. It had dawned on him, ironically enough, while he had been dating Ana Flores. As smart and kind and pretty as she was, no amount of time they spent together had ever made him feel as at home and carefree and…safe, even, as coming back home after every single date with her, to see Buck either on his couch playing with Christopher or waiting with a cup of coffee and a soft smile long after Chris was in bed. The moment he’d started realizing that was the moment he started noticing everything else, the way they were constantly in sync in everything they did; be it tiding up Buck’s living room after movie night with Christopher or out in the field, doing their jobs and saving lives. The way he gravitated to Buck, constantly in his orbit, wanting to share any piece of good or exciting news or even random trivia with him, first, and no one else. The way watching Buck with his son sometimes moved him so much, he’d need a moment to compose himself, to hide the feelings he felt must show so plainly on his face, clear for the world to see.
After that, he had to break up with Ana. And he still hasn’t done anything about his feelings, because, well…
Well, Eddie has never claimed to be brave when it comes to matters of the heart. There’s a reason why Buck has teasing called him ‘emotionally constipated’ more than a couple of times.
There’s a knock on the door, bringing Eddie out of his musings. Buck perks up.
“I ordered us some pizza before you got here,” He says and nods to his wallet on the coffee table. “Could you go get it?”
Eddie is relieved to do so, convinced that he won’t be able to conceal the extent of his affections the longer he keeps watching Buck with Baby Joy. As he takes the pizza from the delivery guy, he hears Joy begin to fuss again and doesn’t even need to look over his shoulder to know that Buck is panicking. He can’t help but chuckle.
The delivery guy peers around the doorway and smiles at what Eddie presumes is Buck with Joy. “Newborn, eh?”
“Yeah,” Eddie laughs fondly as he pays him. “She’s got quite the pair of lungs on her.”
The delivery guy shakes his head with an endeared smile. “Looks like you and your husband have your hands full.”
Eddie stills at the innocuous remark and before he can say anything, the delivery guy has bid him goodbye and left. He closes the door slowly, frozen in place.
It’s not an unreasonable assumption, he thinks. Hell, it’s probably one he would make himself. It shouldn’t be that surprising that people look at him and Buck, with a baby between them and automatically think they’re together. He wouldn’t be surprised if the same thing has happened whenever Buck has joined him and Christopher on any of their outings.
No, what is surprising, somehow despite the fact that he knows he has feelings for his best friend, is how desperately he wants it to be true. How much he wants Buck to be with him and Christopher, the three of them a family; how easy it is to envision it and scarily enough, how easy it is to go even further and see them many years along the line, still together, possibly even with another child-
“Eddie?” Buck’s voice sounds in equal parts amused and concerned. “Are you just gonna stand there with the pizza all day?”
Eddie turns to face him. Joy seems to have calmed down, since Buck has placed her back in her crib. Taking a step towards him, Buck must see some of the existential crisis playing out in Eddie’s head right now on his face because he quickly takes the pizza from him and sets it down.
“Hey, man,” All traces of amusement are gone from his face now. “What’s wrong?”
There are a number of things that Eddie wants to say. That he should say. He knows he shouldn’t jump into something without thinking about it properly, especially after the disaster that was him moving too fast and too recklessly with Ana.
And yet.
This isn’t just anyone. This is Buck.
And Eddie isn’t even perfectly sure that Buck even feels the same way, but-
He’s never felt quite so compelled to just go for it, to throw caution to the wind and be brave for once as he does now.
Slowly, Eddie sways into Buck’s space, cupping the back of his neck and pressing his forehead to his. He feels Buck exhale sharply, stiffening for a brief moment, before melting into his hold.
“Eddie,” Buck breathes, his voice breaking on the last syllable.
“Is this okay?” Eddie whispers, not quite sure what it is that he’s asking permission for.
Is it okay for me to touch you? Is it okay for us to cross that line? Is it okay that nothing is ever going to be the same again?
Are you sure you want me, baggage, demons and all?
Buck responds by closing the space between them and kissing him.
It’s soft and gentle and sweet, somehow both hesitant and confident at the same time, so much like Buck himself that Eddie smiles into the kiss, joyful laughter caught in his throat as he pulls him closer. They keep it at that, mindful of the fact that there’s a baby less than five feet away from them, not even kissing after a point but just swaying together, breathing in each other’s air.
“So, this is new,” Buck murmurs what may be twenty seconds or twenty years later.
Eddie hums. “Feels like we’ve been dancing around it for a lot longer than we’ve both realized.”
Buck chuckles. “I wasn’t sure if you felt the same way.” He admits. “And…I guess I was scared, too.”
Eddie pulls away slightly to look at him. “So was I,” He says quietly. “Hell, I still am. But…” He pauses momentarily, trying to find the words. “I think we can be good together. We are good together.”
Buck’s responding smile is like sunshine personified and Eddie can’t help but kiss it, lingering softly, just because he can.
“I guess we’re really doing this then,” Buck says, breathlessly when they part.
As if on cue, Joy begins to fuss again and Eddie laughs at Buck’s groan.
“I think she’s hungry,” Eddie says. “And our pizza is getting cold.”
“But we’ll talk later, right?” Buck asks, rather anxiously. “We need to figure this out-and work-and Christopher-“
The fact that Buck’s already thinking of Chris makes Eddie’s heart swell. “We will,” He assures him, taking his hand in his, smiling when Buck interlinks their fingers. “One thing at a time.”
Joy makes another disgruntled noise and Buck finally nods, his smile returning as he turns to check on her. And Eddie-Eddie cannot be happier.
And maybe, for once, he gets to keep this.
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retrievablememories · 4 years
show me love | jaehyun
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title: show me love pairing: jaehyun x reader genre: fluff request: “I have a fic idea for Valentine's Day 💀 Jaehyun's gf is busy trying to prepare a really sweet bday gift while Jaehyun is busy trying to prepare a really nice Valentine's Day gift for his gf?” word count: 2.2k warnings: alcohol use a/n: writing pure fluff is not as easy as you’d think, but maybe that’s only an issue when you’re emotionally constipated like me...💀 anyway, here’s to the birthday boy. 🌹
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You want to be sure Jaehyun’s birthday gift is perfect this year, which is why you spent so much time saving up for it. To you, it often felt a little hard to measure up to all the lavish gifts he gets every year for his birthday from fans, friends, and family members—especially since it’s on Valentine’s Day—but he always claimed that you could get him anything and he’d love it.
You and Jaehyun haven’t met up very frequently this week, partly because you’d both been busy preparing your gifts for each other; you for his birthday, and him for Valentine’s Day. You weren’t too upset about that, though. Being able to see him when the day finally came around would make it even more special after the time spent away from each other.
It’d been a lot harder than you’d anticipated to keep your gift secret, but only because you’re so excited for him to finally know what you’d gotten for him. You’re eager to see his reaction to it and hear what he might say about it. You’re also wondering what he might be planning for you, but you’ve done your very best not to pester him about it too much—even though you really want to.
The day of his birthday, you’re so jittery that you even get up earlier than usual so you can get dressed and make sure your look for the day is perfect. You end up calling Jaehyun while you put your makeup on, not wanting to wait any longer to talk to him. It’s not too early in the day when you call, because you know he won’t like getting up at that hour, but maybe early enough to cause a small complaint.
“Hi Y/N,” he answers after a few seconds, voice a bit deeper than usual—probably because he just got up. You grin at the sound of his voice.
“Good morning! Happy birthday, baby! Did I wake you? I’m sorry, haha.”
“Y/N.” Jaehyun repeats your name and smiles on the other end. You can’t see this, but you can hear his laugh, which is full of happiness at your greeting. “Thank you, sweet girl. It’s fine, I don’t really care, I was gonna get up soon anyway.” You hear the sheets rustling in the background and figure that’s him getting up now. “And of course, Happy Valentine’s Day.”
“The day for lovers, how could I ever forget.” You smirk to yourself, sifting through your makeup bag for a certain highlighter. “By the way, you’re gonna come over today, right? I have something for you,” you tell him in a singsong-y mischievous tone.
“Oh?” Jaehyun perks up at that. “You want me to come over now? Because...I have something for you too, for Valentine’s Day, but it’s here at my place.”
“Ah, really?” You laugh. “Come to my place first, it’s your birthday and you should get your present first.”
“But since it’s my birthday, shouldn’t you come here? Do it for me~”
You almost roll over with laughter. “Aw, Jaehyun! I can’t believe you’re using that cute tone with me, I know you hate aegyo.”
He sighs, and you know he’s probably blushing from embarrassment. “Hmm, okay, okay. Never gonna do that one again. Should we flip a coin on it, then? If I win, you have to come over with whatever your gift is.”
You chuckle. “Flip a coin? You serious?”
“Dead serious. Get on FaceTime.”
“Now?” You snort and look at yourself in the mirror, makeup only half-done.
“You don’t want to? What are you hiding?” Now his voice takes on a sneaky note.
“I’m not hiding anything, but if that’s what you want, then prepare yourself...”
You both hang up and Jaehyun calls you on FaceTime a few seconds later. You smile when you see his face on the other end, still bare from just waking up. One corner of his mouth tugs up in a smirk when he sees you, then he bursts into a full grin, giggling at your half-made-up face. 
“Well, that was unexpected.”
“Yes, yes, laugh it up! My own boyfriend clowning me on Valentine’s Day, how sweet of you.” You pout for good measure.
“You laugh at me nearly everyday,” he points out, and you must admit that he’s right. “Anyway, you always look pretty to me.” Then he pulls a hand through his hair in a way that he knows can always make you swoon, and you sigh in defeat.
“...Okay, you’re forgiven.”
You see him rummage around for a moment before the phone straightens again; now he holds a coin between his fingers. “So. What side do you want?”
“I guess heads.”
Jaehyun snickers momentarily before affecting a nonchalant expression again. “Yeah, I’ll take tails then.”
“Stop being dirty-minded,” you complain, rolling your eyes.
“I’m not, Y/N,” he insists, though his tone suggests otherwise. He flips the coin into the air and points the phone camera to where it landed on the ground—heads.
“I won! Now you have to come over,” you cheer.
“Fine, fine.” He shakes his head and laughs. “I’ll be over soon. Wait for me.”
“I wouldn’t go anywhere else, now would I?”
Jaehyun arrives at your place a little while later, and he’s a bit starstruck when you open the door. Now with your makeup finished, you’re wearing a red dress with heels to match and your hair is styled prettily, falling over your shoulders. You smile happily at him, pulling at his shoulders to get him to come inside.
“Hi Jaehyun,” you say, closing the door after him and hugging him. He squeezes you back tightly, leaving a kiss on your bare shoulder and breathing in the scent of your hair.
“Y/N. How do you manage to get prettier everyday?”
“Because you love me so much.” You give him a kiss and tug his hand to guide him into the living room. You lead him to sit down on your couch, though you don’t sit next to him just yet. “Okay, before I give you your gift, you gotta close your eyes first.”
“Close my eyes? What is it?” Jaehyun keeps hold of your hand as he asks this, grinning up at you.
“You won’t know until you do what I say, silly!” He relents, although a bit reluctantly, and lets go of your hand so he can close his eyes. You go to get his gift from your bedroom and come back into the living room with it, holding it out in front of him. “Open your eyes now.”
When he does, he sees you holding a small wrapped box. “Why’d I have to close my eyes? I still can’t tell what it is.” He chuckles as he takes it from you. “The suspense is gonna kill me,” he jokes as he begins unwrapping it.
When Jaehyun finally gets the wrapping off and gets the box open, his face softens as he sees what’s inside and takes it in his hand. You clasp your own hands together, your skin warming at his smile. “It might not be what you’re used to in terms of like, luxury, you know...but it looked nice and I thought it’d look good on you.”
“Y/N…you must’ve spent a lot on this,” Jaehyun murmurs, examining the shiny new face of the watch in his hand. He holds it as if it were a rare jewel, turning it on all its sides to examine it. It’s mostly black leather and silver, but it was still more than usual for your budget, costing you a few hundred dollars.
“I did save up for some months...and still had to use a payment plan for it. Good thing we never broke up in that timespan or I woulda been shit outta luck.” Jaehyun snorts and shakes his head at your statement, knowing you’d say something like that to lighten the mood.
“Thank you baby,” he says, sliding his new watch onto his wrist. “You know this means the world to me.” He goes over to the window to see it better in the natural lighting, holding it up to the light to see it sparkle. You go over to him and peek over his shoulder, grinning softly. “I’ll have to pay you back.” You raise your eyebrows.
“What? It’s your birthday present, why would you—” 
“You’ll see later,” he says mysteriously, and you give him a curious look. “Meanwhile, we should go somewhere. The day’s still early, so let’s enjoy it.”
“You’re right,” you say, glancing at the new watch once more and then kissing him on the cheek. “Let’s go, then.”
It’s evening by the time you get back to Jaehyun’s place, having already eaten at an upscale restaurant that he’d reserved. You’d had no idea about it, and you were glad you’d taken the initiative to dress up today. Both of you spent the earlier part of the day going out to brunch and then exploring the city for a few hours, which even included taking one of those romantic boat rides that the nearby lake always offers on Valentine’s Day. You thought it would be kind of cheesy at first, but it turned out way more fun than you could imagine.
When you step inside his place, you’re surprised to see everything is decorated pretty lavishly; the overhead lights are dimmed, leaving a bunch of small tea lights as the main illumination. There are rose petals spread everywhere, too, and the sitting room is set up with pillows and blankets and a nice spread of chocolates and wine on the coffee table.
You gasp, studying the surroundings. “How did you arrange all this? We were together all day.” 
“Had some help from the guys; they came while we were gone. Hope they didn’t take anything, though...” Jaehyun shrugs as if this whole setup is no big deal, but his dimples poke out from the gleeful smile on his lips. He picks up an unlit candle from the coffee table, and you notice there are a few more spread around. “Now that we’re here, we can light these. Safety first, you know.”
“Of course,” you snicker, taking your jacket and shoes off so you can sit down on one of the pillows. You take up the bottle of wine and inspect the label while Jaehyun finds a lighter for the candles. “Considering that we already drank at the restaurant...don’t be surprised if I’m off my ass by the end of the night.”
“We don’t have to drink it if you don’t want to,” he suggests, raising one eyebrow.
“Oh no, I want to!” Jaehyun laughs at your enthusiasm as you open the wine and pour a glass for each of you. Once he’s done lighting the candles, he goes into his room. You lean back on the cushion and take your glass in your hand, waiting for him to come back.
Jaehyun returns soon with his blazer discarded and the first few buttons of his shirt undone. “I see you’ve gotten relaxed, too.” You smirk, crossing your legs. “You look so handsome with your new watch. I’m glad I got it for you.”
“Then I think you’ll like this even more.”
“Hmm?” You turn to Jaehyun as he sits on one of the pillows beside you. Your eyes widen when he pulls out a velvet case you didn’t notice before. It’s not a ring case, though, which really would’ve caused you to fall out; it’s the kind you use for bracelets or necklaces. He places it in your hands, and you gingerly take it from him like it might vanish if handled too roughly. “Oh...what is…?”
“You have to open it.” He grins, mimicking your earlier teasing of him with his own gift. You set down your wine glass and open the velvet rectangle to find a delicate necklace lying inside. At the end of it is a small circle with tiny diamonds embedded in it.
“Oh wow...it’s perfect,” you whisper, taking it out of the box and looking it over with enamored eyes. “Is this what you meant by ‘paying me back’? Because, Jesus, this is Cartier. I think you’ve done more than enough.” You smile wistfully and shake your head.
“Let me put it on you,” he says, and you give him the necklace so he can do so. You turn away from him, and you shiver a little at the feeling of his breaths on the back of your neck and his fingertips brushing your skin. You face him again when he’s done fastening it and throw your arms around his neck, hugging him closer to you and smiling against his dimpled cheek.
“I love you, Jaehyun. Thank you so much.”
Jaehyun’s lips curve up at your words, and he tucks his face against you, pressing a gentle kiss to the side of your jaw. “I love you, Y/N.”
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chi-only · 4 years
What Your MHA Best Boi Says About You
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You like boys that are like your best friend
Probably had/have a childhood friend you have a crush on
Like warm colors and green
Want to have kids
Would ride Midoriya like a fucking horse
Would die to see Midoriya smile
You have been bullied and are nice to everyone because of that
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You’re probably lazy af
Bakugou inspires you, but you think he could work on himself
You like boys that take charge but are also emotionally constipated
Favorite color is probably on the greyscale
You think Bakugou is cute unironically
You like cats
You like tv series/movies a lot
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You like quiet boys that are slightly awkward
Todoroki is the best thing since sliced bread and no one does it like him
Todoroki deserves affection
You’re his surrogate mother now
You DESPISE Endeavor and don’t care about his development at all
Probably very smart
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You don’t particularly like dogs but you love guys that act cute like puppies
You would adopt
Favorite color is probably black
Kinda cold and serious
Everytime you see Kirishima: “HE SO COOT”
Handholding is your favorite form of physical affection
Words of affirmation are your love language
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Lazy boys are your kink
You like eyebags and think they are hot
You want to adopt cats with Shinsou
All your life you’ve been well liked by your friends but you’re still insecure
Favorite food is either pizza or takeout
You’re shy but easily excited
You take showers to spend time thinking about life way too deeply
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You like being taken care of
You are responsible but don’t like responsibility
Would do anything to please Aizawa
You like older men because guys are immature and they disappoint you
Hobby is probably a creative one like painting
Hate small talk but also really bad at keeping the conversation going
Leave one leg out when you sleep
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You have a baby boy fetish
Not shy, but you also aren’t too talkative
Probably into some wild kinks
Cuddle Tamaki until his face turns red; you think he is cute when shy
You like sweets but you take your coffee black
You would stab a bitch no problem
You would be a yandere— Tamaki must be protected
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Have always had thing for fuckboys
You like money but you think sugar daddies are gross
Foxes are your favorite animal
You act like you don’t care, but you care and don’t know how to show it
Are very reliable
Your friends think you are scary but you aren’t
Are environmentally conscious and eat healthy often
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Probably very kind but gullible to a dangerous degree
You try to act tough but you are not
Love animals
Cry when mad, cry when happy, cry when sad— YOU CRY
Try to see the good in everyone
“DABI IS SO HOT UGH” constantly
You exercise because you want to be more attractive
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You are a pantomath
Curse a lot, but you don’t care
Unbelievably high standards, but Shigaraki would meet none of them
Love watching/reading depraved, taboo, nasty stuff
Favorite color is a pastel color
You laugh when people say Shiggy is ugly because, “I’M AWARE BITCH”
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thedandelion-writer · 4 years
hi!! for the 600 followers milestone- congrats!! you deserve it so much 🥺 and could i request a matchup? i'm ok with both genders, i'm an INFP and my zodiac sign is cancer. i'm more on the shy / reserved side but honestly it depends on the company i have but i enjoy talking to people! honestly i don't have high expectations,, just someone loyal and trustworthy will do :3 boundary wise, i would rather not rush my first kiss bc pda to me is more of like a sign of affection than anything else
A/N: Aw thank you sm!! ^^ And I've got to be honest with you, even if this wasn't much info to go by, the second I read through it one character popped into my mind. I've tried to search for other possibilities but my mind went nope, this is the one, now WRITE IT.
(They have sent me a separate ask with additional information about Q.4)
But without further ado, you're going with...
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My reasons!
Diluc is definitely someone loyal and trustworthy, let's get that out of the way. He's also quite reserved, and comfortable silences, I feel, would be a recurring thing between the two of you. I also find that he would be the rational person in the relationship, since you can tend to be the emotional counterpart. This is not to say he is cold though! Diluc cares about you deeply, but sometimes his troubled past can make him seem like he has a hard time expressing himself outwardly (he is touch starved and emotionally constipated please shower him with love). He is definitely one loosen up a bit over time, so I was thinking more long term when I matched you guys up! Even though he was my first choice, I had also thought about Jean or Keqing. But at the end, I felt like the two were lackluster in certain areas and so I chose fire daddy I mean Diluc- instead :)
The First Date:
It was a young night on a weekend, so in truth, you were disappointed but not surprised that this happened
"Is there anywhere else you'd like to go?" Diluc looked on the long, long line snaking out of the restaurant you really wanted to take him to
Because what better way than to know someone better than over some good food? Though that plan was utterly ruined due to the fact that waiting in line for hours on end was not very romantic
Your feet hurt, though if his did too he didn't show it one bit
"I will take you anywhere," he offered.
Sheepishly, you smiled. "Yeah, let's get out of here."
And so it was. But you still haven't answered his question, the two of you now wandering the emptying street. That was the only thing you had thought of this evening and your mind was blank as to where to go next
"Um, hey- I'm sorry," you blushed, a little embarassed, this was supposed to be his first impression and you totally blew it.
"Do not apologise," he said,"you couldn't have predicted this to happen."
"But I told you today was going to be fun, and it's been pretty sucky so far," you went on, feeling a little glum.
Times like these make Diluc wish he had a way with words, someone who could say something funny or 'cheesy' as he heard some people put it. But he always ended up sounding stiff, and you deserved him to be genuine before anything else.
Instead, he rubbed soothing circles on your back with his thumb, thinking of what other places he could take you to uplift your spirit.
"I do have another idea," you peered up at him tentatively,"oh, but I don't know..."
"What is it?" Diluc prompted you to continue.
After all, he wanted today to go well just as much as you do maybe even more so
"Well, we could go back to my place," you scuffed your foot along the pavement,"it's not going to be as fancy as a restaurant but I could whip up a mean honey ro-"
"Let's do that," he cut in. Your face must have looked somewhere in between a little surprised and amused because he cleared his throat and said,"that sounds nice."
Smiling at his approval, you tugged at his arm down the road to your humble abode, up the stairs and into the kitchen.
Setting up the table with a cloth and spare candles, you deemed it passable for a homemade candlelit dinner.
Now for the actual dinner part
Diluc insisted to help, and you agreed, but only if he would let you put a frilly apron on him (he begrudgingly lets you because he couldn't say no to the pleading, as long as you did not take a picture or breathe a word of this to Kaeya)
That was a small price to pay for the sight of the once stoic man who now looked like a housewife, ladle in hand.
Though you looked away for one second and he burned the carrots
You stifled your laughter, pushing the confused Diluc out of the kitchen, re-delegating him to making the drinks instead
Even though the evening had started out rocky, it definitely turned out better than you imagined.
After everything was cleaned up, Diluc folded his coat over an arm and you walked him to the door.
"I do hope we'll have another chance at sharing a meal," he said, halfway out the door,"if you'll have me, that is."
"O-of course Diluc, I'd love that," you looked down, suddenly feeling shy.
"Goodnight Y/N."
As soon as he turned around you closed the door, heart racing, a goofy smile plastered across your face.
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