#it was in my mailbox when i came home and since then its sat in its packaging on my dresser
peachyykira · 7 months
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sadnesslaughs · 3 months
Someone is told what their destiny is by an Oracle. However, they accept this destiny and live their life as normal, accidentally changing fate in the process.
(A response to a writing prompt)
I gingerly kissed their foreheads, not wanting to disturb their sleep. It was hard to believe this was the last time I would ever see them again.
My lovely wife hadn’t changed since the day I met her, holding our little baby girl, protecting her from any nightmares that may disturb her sleep. Keeping her in that loving embrace, showing our daughter the same kindness she had shown me in all our years of marriage. I wish I had more time to spend with them, but today was the day and I didn’t wish to challenge fate. If I did, fate may show its cruel teeth by harming those I loved. At least this way, I knew they were safe.
I had paid my dues and made sure they had enough money to get them through life. All those extra shifts didn’t seem so painful when I knew they were going to a good cause. That was about all I could do to help them, unable to do much else, as that could potentially disturb the flow of fate. Any step out of the ordinary could invoke a reaction.
It would have been nice to write a letter, but I didn’t have time for it. Preparing my tea, I wondered about death.
Would it hurt? It had to hurt.
Would it be messy? I hope not. I didn’t want my daughter to see that.
What if I went out and grabbed the mail, then it would miss me, right?
The kettle hissed before I could think too deeply about that, pouring it into my cup. I let the tea bag float in the hot bath of water, smiling as I took my daughters drawing off the fridge. “Cute.” There we were, three happy green blobs holding circled hands. The three of us standing under a smiling sun, with a horse or dog floating through the clouds. It might be cliché to put a child’s drawing on the fridge, but I wanted everyone to see the cute drawing, hoping it would make them smile too.
I threw the tea bag into the bin before leaning against the doorframe of the bedroom, taking one last look at them. “I love you both. Be good, Lilly, ok?” I gently shut the door, before steeling myself for what was to come.
As soon as I sat myself on the couch, my body tensed, paralyzed by the fear of what was to come. I couldn’t even bring the tea to my lips, only able to stare at the blank tv, not seeing any reason to turn it on. It would happen soon, and it would happen quick. Yet, time seemed to slow, that quick death dragging, feeling like I was stuck in some weird loop, where the last five minutes continued to play on repeat until the scratching of wheels shattered my eardrums.
Here it was, the drunk driver that would crash into my living room, killing me in a freak accident. I brought the tea to my lips, taking a long sip of it, listening as the powering engine got closer, drowning out any other noise. I shut my eyes until I heard the crash.
“Am I dead?” That had been painless. Maybe I had gotten lucky? I slowly peeled one eye open, until my other flicked open in surprise, seeing our home unharmed. But there had been a crash. Spilling the rest of my tea, I rushed to the window, seeing a car halfway through our fence, leaving a trail of marks along the grass and a knocked over mailbox.
None of this made any sense. That car was meant for me, wasn’t it? My wife rushed over, grabbing my shoulder, joining me by the window. No doubt the sound had disturbed the entire house.
“Is he ok? I’ll call an ambulance.” She kissed my cheek and left as quickly as she came, acting while I stayed frozen. The longer I stayed frozen, the less sense any of this made. Why hadn’t it happened? The oracle was never wrong about these things. Unless my willingness to accept death threw them off? Eventually I gave up on trying to make sense of this, caught between wanting to hug my daughter and help the man in the car. Deciding to do my civil duty, I went for the man in the car. Maybe if I helped him, I could change two fates today.
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arthyritis · 1 year
A Wonderful World (Welcome Home/Puppet Friends AU) - Chapter Two
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The whistling sound of the kettle interrupted Pip and Frank's conversation, and Frank excused himself to fetch it so he could make the two of them some fresh afternoon tea while Pip sat in the side room filled with butterflies in frames. Frank was telling it all about the different types, and Pip just couldn't help its excitement.
It swung its legs, dangling off of the couch as it waited for its new friend to return. Soon enough, they did.
Frank sat back down, handing Pip a cup of steaming tea. He stared at it with the cup for a moment before lifting his own to his mouth and sipping, watching as Pip copied, and brightened. "That's really nice. Thank you."
"You've never had tea before?" Frank asked, taking another sip. "This is another otherworld thing, isn't it?"
Pip's new friend had taken to the news of it coming from another world much better than Poppy had. Even though they didn't quite understand how that was possible, nor how there was already a house ready for it to move into, they did know there was something uo with Wally just as much as Pip did.
They didn't, however, understand how Pip knew who Wally was from such a brief meet. They didn't bother asking many questions, though.
"I guess so. I didn't need to eat or drink when I was with my keeper." Toy was the word it had used to describe itself, demeaning as it felt to Frank. "I went on so many adventures, though."
"Well, talk about those adventures, then," Frank pressed. He was more curious than he was letting on. Any information was good information, and Pip was happy to provide.
The library that had once been Pip's home was made out in stories to be a place of hell and haven in one. And the girl who took him in was like the angel he never knew he needed.
Frank was absolutely enthralled by the time the next knock came at the door. Opening it to once again see Wally's smiling face was like those stories of hell come true.
Frank sighed, "Come on in, Wally. We're just finishing tea. Eddie should be back any moment, too."
"Thank you, Frank Frankly."
Pip shifted in its seat as it heard the now-familiar voice. It had been playing on a loop in the back of its head since it had arrived, and only Frank had pushed the thought aside.
The uncertainty came back full force.
"Pip," Wally greeted as he walked in the room ahead of Frank. His shoes tapped on the floor and his eyes wandered around the coffee table. "I think it's about time we take a tour of your new home."
The smallest puppet nodded, hopping off of the couch with a sigh and setting the empty teacup down so that Frank could tidy up. "Bye, Frank. I hope you have a good night."
Frank smiled. "I'm sure I will. Enjoy your new house tonight."
They waved goodbye as Wally led Pip out the door into the early evening.
Pip stayed quiet as they walked past some houses he had already seen as well as a couple he hadn't (a cutesy red and white house with a flowery yellow door, a house decorated like a stage) until they came up to a small light blue house with a clean white door.
A small silver doorknob was right at his height, and a matching white mailbox which wasn't too high up the wall. A couple of pieces of mail were already poking out of it, but he ignored that to open the door instead, surprised when it was unlocked but sighing in contempt when Wally just said, "We're all very respectful here." He'd work around that, somehow.
Wally stayed outside of the door as Pip stepped in, exactly like he had at Frank's house.
Pip considered inviting him in, if only because of how new this all was, but decided against it. "Good night, Wally," it said softly. Of course, it wasn't even late yet, but Pip needed to take everything in, and an excuse it was, it being night was the easiest.
The smile on the other's face never seemed to drop. "Goodnight, neighbour," he relented quicker than Pip expected and walked off toward that red house in the middle of the neighbourhood before it could say anything else.
He let the door shut in front of him and turned to admire the house in peace.
As much as he was cautious and hating that this had happened (the how was still the biggest mystery), he had to admit the house was... nice. And it was all his.
It was so used to sharing--the box that it'd lived in with its friends at the library, the attention of its keeper, even clothes when some kids decided its yellow and white raglan shirt suited its fox friend better than it did Pip.
It took one step forward, further exploring the entrance hallway. A simple painted desk sat by the door, accompanied by a matching chair.
They looked like they were painted by a child, someone in the neighbourhood, maybe?
A stairway was several feet away, leading to a dark upstairs that Pip disregarded to turn into an open doorway leading to a front room. Attached to it nearby was a small kitchen and dining room.
It all looked so small, but so perfectly sized for him, with just a bit of extra room to walk around. He guessed whoever lived in the bigger houses would have a bit of trouble navigating, but they'd fit... if he ever so planned to have them over.
Poppy sprang back to mind. She had been so kind when he'd unknowingly toppled in here. Was she like that with everybody? Was it just because he was the so-called 'new neighbour'? He was sure he'd rather that just being her personality, because maybe that meant he had two friends here, then. Two people to help him get home.
"--once you give Home a fair chance." Wally's words from their first meeting replayed in his head and he had to groan to try and drown it out.
It didn't help that he didn't exactly have a choice as of right now. Without an answer blatantly obvious, it might take a while.
The kitchen was filled, as he found himself standing by the cabinets and looking through them. This was more food than he'd ever seen. He'd have to find a cookbook, or ask one of the others for help since he didn't exactly know how to cook.
Oh boy, the pressure to engage with his new neighbours was really on here, wasn't it? Did he have to pay all of this back, too? He hoped it was just a welcome gift, like the entire house.
Pip was done thinking for the night and decided to forgo looking around any further except to find a bed to settle down in. And it was easy enough, with only two doors at the top of the stairs, one open to a bathroom and the other adorning a flowery sign that said, "____'s Room" in pretty, squiggly writing. The style of flowers looked similar to that red and white house it had passed with Wally, and he assumed its name was meant to go on the line--another time.
It pressed into the room and looked around for a moment before hopping up and collapsing back onto the red, yellow and blue checkered quilt to fall asleep.
The morning sun was warm on Pip's face, making it curl into the blankets happily and reaching for one of its friends like it did every morning. Only its hand met nothing but the air beside the small bed.
He jumped up quickly, throwing the quilt off and toppling off of the bed. The lack of space of going to be something else to get used to.
But all thought was quickly thrown out the window as a landline phone he hadn't paid attention to last night started ringing on his bedside table. He let it ring in shock, before it stopped and he stood up from the rug to look out the window.
More neighbours were out and about today. He spotted a blonde head of hair jumping rope while also following a hopscotch drawn onto the pavement. They looked like they were having fun. It was something his fox friend back home would possibly try; he should remember this to tell her--
The phone gave him a cold dose of reality once again. Why couldn't this have been a dream?
Its hand reached for the phone this time and picked up the call. "Hello?"
"Good morning, Pip. How did you sleep?"
Pip held its breath and looked out the window again. Wally was nowhere to be seen, so how could he know...? "Fine," he forced out in as friendly a manner as he could. "I miss my friends at home, though."
Wally hummed. "I'm sure that'll lessen as time passes." Before Pip could respond to that, Wally continued, "It would seem Poppy wants your attention, so I do hope you didn't make any early morning plans with Frank yesterday."
Sure enough, a soft knock came to Pip's door not even a moment later.
"Thanks for that..." Pip didn't wait for a response before placing the telephone back down and going downstairs to the door.
Maybe he was just tired last night, but looking at the house now gave him a sense of joy. Again, the reminder that this was all his stuck at the front. He smiled as he answered the door to the rainbow bird.
"Good morning, sunshine!" Poppy greeted, holding a basket down to it. "I hope you don't mind me bringing some baking over for you to try."
Pip's button eyes widened and it shook its head with that same smile. "No, come in."
"Thank you, dear." Pip moved to let the bird in, and, yep, she just fit, her head feathers flattening against the top of the doorframe as she crouched and entered. "So, Frank told me this is all new to you. In light of it, I went ahead and made muffins and breads for you. Though the muffins turned out more like cupcakes because I couldn't resist frosting them. There are also some cookies I made with Julie the other day--have you met Julie? Never mind. We'll go meet everyone later and anyway--" she stopped ranting to take a breath. "I just hope you'll like them... the treats and the other neighbours."
"I'm sure I will," Pip responded, closing the door behind Poppy. She looked around the house in just as much awe as Pip himself had. "You're right, though. So far, I've only met you, Frank, and Wally. Everyone's been kind, but you're going to make me feel like I owe you all." He laughed.
Poppy set the basket down on the dining room table and spun around as best as she could. "Oh, no, dear. You don't owe us anything. This house and everything in it is all yours. No stipulations."
This was also sort of new to Pip. To answer, it nodded and let that be the end of it. In its head, an art piece for both of its friends was taking shape. It felt no guilt about not thinking about Wally for the time being.
"Thank you. I appreciate it all, even if I won't be here long."
At those words, Poppy frowned. "Yes, I remember. You do miss your old friends dearly. Which reminds me, might you need anything to make your stay more comfortable? We all tried our very best to make this place liveable, but, of course, if there's anything that might make you happier during your stay, or less homesick, please let me know."
"Let me give it some thought?"
Poppy chirped, "Of course, Pip. How about we make you some breakfast, hm? How does pancakes sound?"
"Are you sure you've never cooked before?" Poppy teased with a loving glint in her eyes. Her new little neighbour was sitting at the dining table eating the pancakes they had made topped with fresh berries, and while it was covered nearly head to toe in flour and batter, it still looked happier than she'd seen since it arrived.
Pip knew she was teasing, patting the dirt off of its shirt with her wing between bites of food. It smiled, just thinking about how easy it was to get along with her.
It stuffed another bite in its mouth. "So, other than baking, what do you like to do for fun, Poppy?"
"Oh! Well, baking is my main hobby, but I'm also the Home's resident nurse of sorts. It's terribly difficult to reach any doctors from here; luckily, no one ever gets hurt badly enough that it's an emergency, though. Besides that, we all enjoy putting on shows for one another and collaborating on art projects!" Poppy looked off fondly. Her wing remained on Pip's face as she wiped away the last of the pancake mess and he laughed as her feathers tickled him.
The words sunk in and Pip's eyes brightened as he finished his pancakes. "Art projects?"
"Yes," Poppy said wistfully. "If you like art, I'm sure you'll fit right in."
Pip hopped up from his chair, then. "Well, I guess I'm in luck. Where can I get some art supplies?"
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wowbright · 2 years
Fic: Philosophies of Men
Klaine Valentine’s Challenge 2023: “If” by Bread (Day 13 prompt)
Words: ~1,700 words
Rating: Teen and Up
Summary: Kurt is changing.
I’m back with more vignettes from my Mormon!Klaine universe for Klaine Valentines 2023! This vignette takes place after the mission conference and before Don’t Be a Dumbass.
My Mormon!Klaine Masterpost. (Klaine Valentines 2023 posts are bold and italicized.)
Some days after the mission conference, they came home after a long day to find letters for both of them in their mailbox—one from Mercedes for Kurt, and Blaine's long-awaited letter from Cooper.
“Aren't you going to read that?” Kurt said a few minutes later, sitting at the kitchen table with a glass of milk, a plate of cookies, and his unopened envelope from Mercedes.
Blaine had deposited his own letter on the bookshelf next to the Books of Mormon and various pamphlets they hadn't managed to give away that day. It seemed the only thing to do for now, since he certainly wasn't going to read it in front of Kurt. Who knew what Cooper had blurted out in its pages? Blaine didn't want any chance of Kurt catching the words over his shoulder.
Blaine shoved a cookie in his mouth to give himself time to think. “Maybe. I want to clean up first.”
“OK. But if you keep taking so many showers, I might have to mention it to the mission president.” Kurt gave a one-shouldered shrug, a coy smile spreading across his face.
Blaine’s stomach fluttered. OK, maybe it wasn't his stomach. Maybe it was something lower. Maybe it was a blood vessel that fed the snake between his legs.
He hadn't thought about showering for that reason, but now he was. “Come on, Kurt,” he said in half-hearted protest. “It's been so warm lately. And we bike everywhere. I sweat so much. You don't want me stinking up the bedroom.”
"Oh, I’m just teasing.” Kurt pushed the plate toward Blaine, encouraging him to take another cookie. “It's none of the mission president's business what you get up to in the shower, as long as you don't use up too much hot water.”
Well. That was new—Kurt thinking that not everything they did was the mission president's business. Not that he'd ever been the type to go running to the mission president every time his companion hit a note off-key. He’d never threatened to tattle on Blaine’s more serious indiscretions, like jerking off in their shared bedroom while Kurt was in it (seriously, what had Blaine been thinking? and how had he not realized he had feelings for Kurt?) or surprising Kurt with an unwanted kiss after the concert (ditto).
Still, Kurt’s silence on those matters had always seemed like exceptions—Kurt didn't mention them to President Steele, but it wasn’t because they were none of his business. They were his business. But as a senior companion and zone leader, Kurt was responsible for practicing judgment in what he reported to the mission president and what he dealt with himself. President Steele always had a bazillion pressing issues to deal with; it wasn't necessary to burden him with things that the missionaries could resolve themselves.
Still, something had changed in Kurt since the mission conference. Elder St. James had apparently set a fire under him.
“What are thinking about?” Kurt said, setting down his glass of milk. “That shower in your future?”
Blaine’s face heated. “No. I was just thinking.”
“I was wondering what exactly Elder St. James said to you at the mission conference. You've been different.”
“Well,” Kurt sighed, “he said a lot of things. And that got me thinking about my baptism.”
Blaine pulled out a chair and sat next to Kurt, to indicate he was really listening.
“Okay. So I was eight years old, like you were, presumably.”
Blaine nodded. Eight was the age of accountability, when people began to accrue guilt for their sins. Before that age, children were automatically covered by Christ’s atonement. But after the age of eight, the atonement could only redeem those who were baptized.
“And obviously, when I was eight, I wanted to get baptized,” Kurt said. “I wanted to be with my family forever. I loved God and I wanted to follow the commandments, as I understood them then. And what I understood was that we were supposed to mourn with those who mourn and comfort those in need of comfort, keep the Word of Wisdom, tithe on our income, and give fast offerings. But because I was eight years old, I wasn't thinking about the fact that leaders are always putting new commandments on you. Cut your hair, wear a tie but not that tie, don't dress like a pansy, don't be a pansy, pay tithing on any gifts you receive—”
“Kurt, wait. I don't like hearing you use slurs to refer to yourself.”
“Well, I like saying them.” Kurt arched an eyebrow, daring Blaine to contradict them. “Because I’ve come to realize that I actually like pansies. They’re one of the few colorful flowers that can survive a frost. I can identify with that. And they have a sort of masculine build, don't you think?”
“I don't think I know what a pansy looks like.”
“Desert boy,” Kurt said fondly. “Here, I’ll draw a picture for you. I’m sure you’ve seen them here in Germany. They’re called Stiefmütterchen—little stepmothers. Oh! I should plant a bunch for Carole when I get back to Ohio.” Kurt leaned over and pulled his pencil case out of his bag, which was sitting on the floor next to him. He quickly sketched a flower with purple and yellow petals. “See? They kind of look like butterflies.”
“Oh!” Blaine squealed in recognition. “I love those! I thought those were violets, though.”
“They’re related. I suppose I could call myself a violet. But I like the idea of reclaiming ‘pansy’ better,” Kurt said decisively, his whole body emanating a sense of pride that Blaine rarely got to see—not the defensive kind, but a confidence in his own worth. “Anyway, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted—”
“I didn’t mean—” Blaine started, but stopped himself when he realized: (1) he was interrupting Kurt again and (2) Kurt was just teasing, anyway. “Sorry.”
Kurt smiled sweetly. Blaine’s heart melted. “Don’t be. I enjoyed the detour. But did your bishop tell you to pay tithing on presents?”
“Yeah. Gifts of money, at least.”
“Did you?”
“No. My parents told me it wasn't necessary, because anyone giving me money had already paid tithing on their income.”
“Well,” Kurt sighed, “I put my middle school bishop above my dad when it came to church rules. And if you think I worry too much about rules now, you should've seen me then. If my dad bought me a candy bar or took me to a movie, I paid tithing on it out of my allowance—which, of course, I also paid tithing on. My dad didn't catch on to what I was doing until I spent all Christmas afternoon nagging him to tell me how much each of my presents cost. The next week, the bishop called me in to tell me I had misunderstood him, and I only needed to pay tithing on cash gifts. But I know that's not what he said the first time, and it still didn't solve the problem. Because my grandparents put money into my college fund every month, and I’d get a statement from the bank and get mad at Dad for not letting me take out ten percent to pay tithing on it. Which I think is probably illegal, anyway, but still, my dad had to keep going around with the bishop about making up extra rules for things that should be matters of conscience—until we got a new bishop, who told me unequivocally not to pay tithing on presents. And my point in even bring it up is, well, when I got baptized, I was agreeing to the things I knew about. And ever since, leaders have told me I was also agreeing to everything else. That at eight years old, I signed away my right to fall in love or wear organic cotton underwear or watch an unedited version the The King’s Speech or, heaven forbid, just lie in the grass and do nothing without worrying I should be striving and progressing instead. And somehow I’ve gone thirteen years without it ever occurring to me that I wasn’t agreeing, because I couldn’t agree—because it’s impossible to agree to things you haven’t been informed about or you don’t have the capacity to imagine. And then Elder St. James gave me a monologue about what the ‘consent’ in ‘common consent’ is actually supposed to mean, and I have to reconsider everything.” Kurt took a deep breath. “Speaking of monologues.”
Blaine patted Kurt’s knee. “It was a good monologue.”
“So yeah. That’s what’s different about me. I’ve come to know something I never knew before, and it’s very inconvenient, considering I’m a missionary. But I can’t unknow it, either.”
Blaine considered this. “I wouldn’t say it’s inconvenient. I’d say the timing is perfect.”
“Yeah. Missions are a time to deepen your understanding of the gospel. And that's what's happening. God’s teaching you how to sort the essentials from the ‘philosophies of man, mingled with scripture.’”
Kurt stared at Blaine, as if trying to solve a secret code. “You are so inscrutably positive.”
“I know,” Blaine said. “It gets irritating sometimes, doesn't it?”
“Sometimes, maybe. But not right now. And when it does irritate me, it's only because I'm a curmudgeon. So don't change, okay?” Kurt squeezed Blaine’s hand. “I love that aspect of you.”
Blaine’s heart did a somersault, and the fluttering sensation returned. Love. Kurt loved Blaine not just because he was a child of God, but because of all his individual quirks and foibles. Maybe not in the way that Blaine loved him. But it still felt incredible.
It made Blaine feel so incredible he ended up having to do the thing that was none of the mission president’s business in the hot steam of the shower. Ugh. Living with Kurt was going to be the ruin of Blaine. And it was going to be absolutely exquisite.
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sorry-i-ship-drarry · 3 years
A prompt idea/suggestion :
Usually Harry is back at home by evening but its almost 10 and he isn't back yet, Draco starts to worry and contacts everyone but got no news of him. Harry arrives just before midnight and draco is not in good state. As soon as draco sees him he hugs him and starts crying. Harry is late because he planning something for draco.
No pressure!
I didn't know how to write this without making this a cliche but perhaps it's supposed to be cliche, I tried my best.
Fidus Amor
Fluff | domestic | Comfort fic
Draco checks outside the kitchen window like a usual routine to see if harry had reached but to his surprise he hadn't, Draco only frowned to himself but didn't thought much about it assuming Harry must be stuck with some last remaining work, he let it be and continued cooking the dinner but lost in making the curry, Draco didn't realise when the clock stroke 10 in the night. He frowned as checked outside the window again but still nothing more unusual than it was 1 hour ago. He turned off the last of stove and placed the dinner on the table, hoping that Harry would enter just then and apologize for being late and ramble on about how there was a chaos at workplace because a niffler left loose but Draco stared at the watch on his wrist, then on the wall, his hand under his chin as he waited for Harry but still no see.
15 minutes later draco picked up a cucumber from the salad and ate, then chewed a few more and ultimately finished the plate of salad but harry still hadn't came home yet. It was unusual of harry to be this late, Draco thought. And just for reassurance when it was finally 10:45, Draco decided to call Ron and Hermione to check if perhaps was at their for dinner that harry might've forgotten to mention this morning but upon calling them, he heard they gave no such invitation and Hermione rambling on behind how they should do the dinner again and maybe go to a new place but Ron had confirmed Draco that Harry left the office pretty soon and nowhere later than 8:30 and wasn't at their place. Reluctantly Draco cut the call ensuring them that everything was fine, when it wasn't.
One by one Draco called everyone on the phone list, the speedial, the people from the pub around the corner, rang the neighbours, called molly too, and for heaven's sake even Ms. McGonagall just in case Harry had managed to reach her out but upon calling almost 15 people at ungodly hour for just a five minute information, he didn't receive any whereabouts of harry because nobody had seen him and told him the same sentence over and over that Harry would come back and Draco had nothing to worry about but that was it, wasn't it, he couldn't help but worry about where Harry had gone.
His mind played the evil card once the clock went beyond 11 and imagined all the worst case scenarios of harry being abducted, fainted on the way that nobody knew of or perhaps harry got lost, or whatever the worst that could happen to him and draco couldn't help but panic and be extremely worried about Harry's whereabouts. He sat alone on the couch, his legs bouncing up and down chewing his fingernails in panic as anxiety washed over Draco like the water at the beach over sand. He remained seated there till the clock stroke 11:20 and just as it went to minute 21, Draco stood up abruptly and paced across the room, opening and closing the door and checking if harry had returned but no matter what he did, nothing offered him peace and that he was nowhere to be seen or heard. He started talking to himself loudly, consoling himself that Harry is absolutely fine and nothing had happened and that he probably just got stuck traveling back in a Muggle transport after all London was a busy City but no matter what he tried he couldn't help but worry more minute by minute. He was just at his last straw almost wanting to burst out and look for Harry himself when the doorknob jingled and harry walked Just Before midnight and stopped dead in his movements and stared at Draco standing in the middle of the living room.
" where the hell have you been ?" Draco snapped loudly knowing he was angry at harry but he couldn't deny the flood of relief that ran through him when and instantly hugged harry almost knocking them both our of the apartment and started crying in his neck.
Stunned by Draco's reaction, he soothed down and tightly wrapped his arms around immediately understanding how he had worried Draco " I'm sorry Draco- I didn't mean to worry you so much "
" well yeah that fixes everything " he sarcastically responded yet didn't release harry even a little bit.
" Draco, I love you but we're at the door " harry smiled
" I don't care " Draco weeped.
Harry sighed lightly and started pushing Draco backward little by little so they could just be inside enough to close the door.
" I had been worried sick about you, you could have just given me a call or owled me or sent a damn mail but you had to be out without telling me. I - I thought- something happened-"
" no- Merlin Draco, no " he sighed as he pushed Draco behind so he could see his face and this time Draco let him.
Harry cupped his face " Its alright, I'm here and I'm so sorry about this. I just- I never wanted you to worry "
" then where were you ? You could've told me instead of all this " Draco whispered.
Harry noticed a dry tear over cheeks and in a sweet moment, he kissed it away then looked at him fondly to realise how much Draco really cared for him and then he said " let me show you something "
Harry took Draco by hands and disapparted to where he had been all evening.
" okay- before you say anything or do, Just know that it's all for good intentions. I wanted to brighten the place up and I know we love our apartment but I know how much you love the big houses, so, I tidied up Grimmauld place " harry explained as he pushed open the door.
" you had been here all this time ?" Draco as he followed behind Harry and into the hallway.
" well yeah but there's more to it. I only started cleaning up this place and I only managed to clean the attic yet, apparently kreacher wasn't very helpful. And I wanted to show you this once it was ready but I think if I don't tell you now, you'd be more worried " harry told.
" tell me what ? Gotta be honest harry, you're scaring me a little bit " Draco said as they walked through the kitchen door and to the backyard and harry disappeared.
" harry ?" Draco called out as soon as he lost sight of harry
" just a second " harry muttered from somewhere and Just then a bunch of scattered lights turned on and harry shone in golden and silver lights from above him.
" harry " Draco muttered as he looked above him, completely awestruck..
" I- know how much you loved those tree house's from the movies and you told me you wished you had one too but since we're obviously too old to be fit into these, but I made one for us and I know we haven't heard from the adoption agency yet but I want that kid to have everything we couldn't have and even everything better. I wanted to show you this after we had heard back from them because I didn't wanted you to get hurt if we get put on hold for long but- I- I think there's no time better. I know I should've waited but ever since we applied I couldn't stop thinking, so I came here almost every night and made this. It's still in progress and it still needs a lot of work but this is a start and I know it would no where be around perfect but it'll be ours- and- I think that's what matters, right ?" Harry hopefully waited for a response but Draco was left speechless, he only suited with staring at harry with such fondness that he perhaps might've never seem him with but just the thought of harry doing this made his heart swell too much that he was worried he'd get a cardiac arrest.
" Draco- say somet-"
" I love you "
Harry's eyebrows spiked up in surprise until his face turned soft and into a grin.
" i don't think I've ever loved you more " Draco said with a small smile and approaching harry.
" well-"
" shush-" Draco placed a finger in his lip with a mischievous smile until he put his hands on Harry's neck and kissed him over the lips softly, showing him in that kiss that he meant the entire world to him, that there was nothing better than this, than them, that how much he loved Harry that he couldn't stop even if wanted to.
" wow " harry chuckled when they separated just as a small joke he could erupt.
Draco rolled his eyes but nonetheless pressed his forehead against Harry's " this is beyond perfect, and that's-because it's ours "
Harry smiled wrapped his arms Draco's torso and pulling him closer if it were anymore possible.
" you could've told me though, I would've loved to help you " Draco said after a while of just having pressed their foreheads together and staring into others eyes.
"I wanted it to be surprise but there's plenty left to do, you can still help " harry shrugged as he turned to the side to watch the tree house.
Draco leaned his head over Harry's shoulder, his arm circling his back " I'd love to "
And harry placed a soft kiss on top of Draco's head, wrapping his arms around the other.
"you'll be a good dad, harry " Draco said after a while, watching harry fondly, his head still on his shoulder.
" so would you. We'll give him or her everything " harry smiled gazing into Draco's eyes.
" everything " Draco said in a faint Whisper only for the words to be delivered just to harry until the wind took it away and they remained there watching the tree house, In each other's presence when there awaited an unnoticed letter in their mailbox from the said agency, but everything could wait, just for this moment, where there was love and nothing else.
My apologies for not having been focused on day prompts in a while but I will try to keep up while working on " Da Capo "
300 followers appreciation dialogue Prompt requests open
Angst prompts request open
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pappydaddy · 4 years
Make-up (s.h.)
  A/N: I am finally being able to start writing more (slowly but surely)! This is a request sent in by the lovely @secretjellyfishpolice​ (I love your profile pic by the way lovely!!). I love writing Steve x Henderson!reader stuff purely because I love Dustin and Steve’s relationship! This might be a little short, but I just thought it should end there, felt like it would be better. Sidenote: I had absolutely no idea what to name this... So, thank you so much for your request and I hope you like it💛!
pairing: steve harrington x henderson!fem!reader
fandom: stranger things
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warnings: fluff. good dustin and steve content. slightly suggestive, mentions of sex. 
- not my gif -
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  For as long as Y/N could remember, her dream was to go to Cosmetology school to learn how to professionally do make-up. Her mother always told stories of how Y/N just couldn’t stay out of her make-up when she was a baby. Unfortunately, her mother told those stories to everyone who would give her the time-of-day to tell the said stories. No matter how embarrassing the stories and the pictures that came along with the stories were, they helped Y/N realize what she wanted to do with her life after high school.  
  When the day came that her mother had yet again pulled out the photo album loaded with the embarrassing photos to show Y/N’s now (much more) serious boyfriend Steve Harrington, she had decided to finally take the plunge and apply for the Cosmetology school a thirty-minute commute away. It was in the city, sure, but it was very prestigious and close enough for her to still live at home if she managed to get accepted. Steve was the ever-loving boyfriend through the entire application process, offering to help hold the light so she could take the required photos of her make-up skills (that she had used her mother as a model for) to send with her application. But his support didn’t end there. 
  “I am sure your acceptance letter is on its way right now, stop pacing and come sit down,” Steve tried to calm his pacing girlfriend down as she just about wore a path in the carpet in front of the door. “Come on, Sunshine, I bet your legs are exhausted from all that walking back and forth.” He spoke as he patted the couch cushion beside him. 
  She stopped her pacing, looking up at him as she wrung her hands together. “I’m too nervous to sit,” She shook her head, resuming her pacing. Steve remained silent, simply looking at her. He knew her, he knew that in any given moment she would rush over to the couch and worry from sitting down. Sure enough, with a final over-dramatic one-eighty whirl, she scampered to the couch. Sitting on her knees, she completely faced Steve with her eyes wide. “Why do you think it’s taking so long? It should have arrived by now, shouldn’t it have? Maybe they are trying to figure out the best way to let me down? That’s probably why it’s taking so long! They are trying to tell me that I suck without making me want to run through a wall-” 
  “Y/N, darling. You know how the postal service is in Hawkins, it’s complete shit! It’s probably sitting in a mailbag attached to some mailman taking yet another forty-minute coffee break and talking about everyone behind their back with the other mailmen that should be working.” Steve rambled, resting one of his hands on hers, shifting to prop one leg up and face her. His elbow propped up on the back of the couch, resting the side of his head against his closed fist.
  “Yeah, you’re probably right,” She sighed, slumping back slightly as she relaxed. Steve once again watched her, knowing that her mind was still racing and that it wouldn’t stop until she held that letter in her hand. She suddenly stiffened up again, sitting up straight as her eyes nearly bugged out of her head. Steve wasn’t startled by the sudden action, only blinking and trying to hold back his smile. She was too cute in his eyes. “That doesn’t mean they don’t think I suck though.” 
  “They don’t think you suck,” Steve reassured her gently. “And if they do, they are clearly blind since you are the best damn make-up artist ever. Seriously, I am always amazed. You work wonders.” He praised her, boosting her confidence. She smiled at him, her body finally relaxing to the point where Steve knew that she would be relaxed for at least a few minutes. That was until she spotted the mail carrier walking towards the mailbox from the window. 
  “He’s here!” She jumped out, this time scaring Steve out of his mind, He jumped in his spot, his hand flying up to his chest in an attempt to calm his wildly beating heart. Taking deep breaths, Steve stood from the couch. 
  “Give the man a chance to get to the mailbox before you trample him.” Steve told her, watching the man lazily shift through the disorganized mail. Y/N surprisingly listened to him, dancing around on her tiptoes to try and peer out one of the three triangle-shaped windows at the top of her door. 
  “Is he gone yet,” She asked, rolling back down to her flat feet, unable to see out the windows. Steve shook his head, stretching his arms and legs as he watched the man add envelopes to the mailbox one by one. “God,” She let out a dramatic groan, slumping her shoulders over. “What is taking him so damn long?” 
  “By the looks of things, he decided to skip the part where he pre-sort the mail,” Steve observed. “There, he’s done-” He didn’t even get to finish his statement before she yanked the door open and took off down the driveway, not even caring that she was running into the crisp air of late August in her thin socks. “You could have at least put shoes on!” He called after her, standing in the open door. 
  “I got it! I got it! It’s here!” She ignored him, smashing the mailbox door closed before racing back up the driveway, nearly bowling Steve over to get back into the house. Steve kicked the door closed, following her back into the living room. She threw the other mail on the coffee table, not caring about the assortment of bills and junk mail. Steve settled back on the couch, his knee bouncing as he waited impatiently for her to open the letter she inspected with awe. 
  “Well, come on, don’t leave a guy hanging here,” Steve spoke up after he watched her flip the envelope for the second time. “Open it and see if you got in!” 
  She followed his instructions, using the letter opener she had placed on the coffee table weeks ago to tear along the fold of the envelope. Her nerves were overridden with impatience as she pulled the tri-folded paper out. The empty envelope fluttered to the carpeted floor by her feet, but she paid it no mind, too busy unfolding the letter. “I got in!” She screamed, turning to Steve, her eyes wide and her mouth dropped in shock.
  “You got in!” He yelled back, shooting up from the couch once again, his arms open wide, his eyes just as bright and excited as Y/N’s. 
  “I got in!” She repeated, stepping onto the coffee table before launching herself into Steve’s arms, her legs wrapping around his waist. The force of her body flinging towards him knocked him off balance enough to send him falling back to the couch. His head lulled to rest on the back of the couch, his eyes set on the excited girl still clinging to him, the corner of the letter digging into the back of his neck little, but he didn’t mind. 
  “I told you that you would!” He reminded her. She pulled her head from his neck, peering down at him with sparkling eyes, he assumed it was from the excitement of getting into her dream school, but he didn’t know it was because of all the love she felt for him. 
  “You did, didn’t you?” She asked, a soft smile tugging at her lips. She was beyond thankful that she had managed to find someone that believed in her even when she didn’t believe in herself. 
  “Just to prove how proud I am of you, I will gladly loan my face to you for practice anytime,” He suggested, tapping her nose. She scrunched it up, pulling away from his finger. “All you have to do is ask.”
  Steve did mean his words with his whole heart, but when a few weeks passed without her taking him up, he had thought she didn’t want to. It wasn’t until two weeks before she started school that he was proven wrong. “Steve!” She called in a sing-song voice, skipping through the house in search of her boyfriend. Her shopping bag swung by her side as she skipped through her living room into her room. Instantly, she spotted Steve laying on her bed on his back, tossing a slinky back and forth, giggling lightly to himself at the noise it made. 
  “What’s up, Sunshine,” He asked, not taking his eyes off the metal slinky, still pushing it back and forth. She hopped onto the bed, causing her and him to bounce. Dropping the bag between him and the slinky, she obscured his view as she practically vibrated with excitement. He oohed at the bag, not seeing the label on the other side of it. “Did you go to the naughty store to get me a present?” 
  She scoffed as he sat up, moving to dive his hands into the bag, thinking that was exactly what she had done. “You wish,” She commented, flipping the bag around so that he could see the store logo. He pouted in disappointment when he realized that it wasn’t from the dirty store. “I had to go get some supplies for school because they want us to get used to these specific products before the first day.” 
  “Okay?” Steve questioned, looking into the bag. He saw a bunch of make-up products that he wouldn’t even try to figure out what they were. Y/N had tried to explain the different things, but he just could not get the hang of it. 
  “Well, I can’t possibly get used to them without a model,” She pointed out, snatching the bag back from him. “You told me that I could use your face, all I had to do was as and this is me asking.” She bounced on her knees, her hands pressing against Steve’s side to shake him lightly. 
  “I did say that and I always stay true to my word,” He agreed, smiling as she clapped happily, cheering. She scrambled off the bed and over to her desk. “But I am really disappointed you didn’t go to the dirty store.” He added in, standing from her bed and plopping himself in her vanity chair, the slinky still in his hand. She plucked the slinky out of his hand, tossing it to the bed before resuming to unpack her make-up. 
  “If you behave, maybe we can go together tomorrow.” She bargained, clipping his hair back from his face. He nodded eagerly, making her laugh as she reached behind her for some primer. 
  “Make sure you match to my skin tone,” He reminded her his eyes fluttering closed as she started to apply the primer. It was almost like he could see the look she gave him when he added a quick ‘just making sure’ behind it. Shaking her head, she set to work on the base of his face. 
  “I am surprised that you’ve sat still enough for this long.” Y/N voiced her amazement, her eyes zeroed in on his eyelids as she swept the pigmented pink eyeshadow over it, carefully putting it in the right spot. Steve scoffed, trying his best not to move too much. 
  “You have no faith in me.” He muttered sarcastically. He was even surprised that he had sat for this long without getting antsy. Maybe it was because she had let him rest his hands on her waist as she worked, maybe it was just that he wanted to help her in any way he could, but it was probably the promise of going to the dirty store that kept him so still. Either way, they were both utterly shocked. 
  “Not true, I have lots of faith in you,” She corrected, moving to the next eyelid to cover that in pink. “I leave you alone with faith that you won’t burn my house down,” She pointed out, her eyes nearly crossing from how hard she was focusing. “I also leave you alone with my brother with faith that you won’t kill him, though both times he could have been killed, you were almost killed instead so-” 
  “Yeah, but was Dustin in danger?” He perked an eyebrow in question. She gave him a look. 
  “Last time I checked, trying to not be killed by Demo-dogs, Billy Hargrove, Russians, and a Giant Flesh Spider is classified as dangerous. So yes.” She pressed her lips together, twisting around to grab another eyeshadow brush, collecting some pigmented blue eyeshadow on it. 
  “But he didn’t die.” 
  “True,” She started, brushing some blue in the outer corner and crease expertly. “But you almost died instead, so I don’t think that pleads your case.” She jumped to the next eye, trying to get it the exact same as the other one. She leaned back, inspecting the blue powder on both, adding more to the second one. 
  “What’s the third colour you want?” She asked, unable to pick the next colour for his eyes. 
  “Purple.” He blurted out, not even sure that the other two colours were. 
  “Purple it is then,” She shrugged, plucking yet another brush off the table beside her, coating the end with purple eyeshadow, placing it in the inner corner gently. Steve scrunched his nose up as it tickled lightly. “Sorry,” She whispered, too focused on trying to perfect it. “You know, I didn’t think these three colours would look good together for an eyeshadow look, but I am pleasantly surprised,” She spoke as she started the other eye. “Once I blend it, it’ll look better too.” 
  “Remember, make me look good,” His warm breath fanned over her wrist as she put the final stroke of eyeshadow on. Grabbing yet another brush to blend the eyeshadow. “Dear God, how many brushes do you need?” He questioned, feeling the new brush swirling over his eyelids, making them flutter. 
  “A lot, now keep your eyes closed or you’re gonna mess it up,” She exclaimed, moving to the next eye. Steve remained silent, fighting to keep his eyelids closed. “Now, lipstick, mascara then I am done! You want pink or red? Pink might look better with your eye make-up.” She trailed off, looking at the two tubes of lipstick. 
  “Pink.” He chose, his eyes staying closed.
  “You can open your eyes now, you Doofus,” She giggled, uncapping the lipstick and twisting it up. The creamy lipstick smeared onto his lips easily, taking no time at all. “Now, you need to keep your eyes open for this or it’ll mess this all up, okay?” She instructed, putting on the lipstick and grabbing the tube of mascara. Steve nodded, watching her intently. He visibly gulped when she pulled the wand out and brought it to his eye. 
  “Woah, woah, woah,” He panicked, leaning away from it in fear. “What the hell are you going to do with that?” He pointed to the black-coated wand. Y/N glanced down at it, shrugging as if it was nothing to be scared of. 
  “Put it on your eyelashes,” She told him, looking back at him. Her hand gripped the back of his head, keeping it in place as she brought the wand closer. “Stop being such a baby, it’s not going to hurt! I do this to myself all the time!” She struggled to keep his head in place, finally touching the wand to his already luscious lashes.
  Just as she went to do his other eye, her door burst open to reveal Dustin standing there. The couple jumped, snapping their heads to look, the wand still raised in the air, and Y/N’s hand still on the back of Steve’s head. Dustin looked between Y/N and Steve, his eyes stitching together in question. “Did I just walk into some weird sex thing,” Dustin posed the question before squeezing his eyes closed and frantically shaking his head. “You know what, don’t answer that please?” He pleaded, opening his eyes to look at the couple again. 
  “It’s not a sex thing, it’s a make-up thing. Steve offered me his face to work on,” She clarified, turning Steve’s head back to face her. Whisking the wand on his eyelashes, she spoke to Dustin. “What do you need Dustin?” 
  “I honestly can’t remember now that I walked in on this.” He gestured to the scene in front of him, trying to hold in his laughter as he looked at Steve all made up. 
  “Stop laughing!” Steve cried in protest, his eyes tearing up slightly as Y/N fanned his eyes to make the mascara dry, her other hand placing the now capped mascara on her vanity. Dustin couldn’t help but let out a barking laugh at the comment. 
  “Yeah, stop laughing Dustin.” 
  “I’m sorry, but do you really expect me not to laugh at Steve with make-up on?”  
  “Yes, because A, make up doesn’t have a gender, and B, I think a man who is in touch with his faminine side is very sexy - so do a lot of girls, you should take notes from Steve for when Suzie finally comes to meet us.” She listed unclipping Steve’s hair from his face. 
  “Yeah, Twerp.” Steve stuck his tongue out at the teen. 
  “Real mature, Harrington, real mature,” Dustin narrowed his eyes at Steve. “I am ordering a pizza and I expect you guys to pay since you’ll end up eating most of it.” With that, he turned on his heel, marching down the hall. Y/N huffed out as he left the door wide open. 
  “You know what it is,” Y/N turned to look at Steve, pointing to the open door that Dustin was just standing in. “This attitude is all because his teeth are starting to grow in.” They both hummed at this, agreeing. 
“Can I take this off now?” Steve asked, interrupting Y/N as she worked to put everything away. Looking behind her, she saw the glammed-up Steve blinking back at her. Furrowing her eyebrows, she put her brushes back in the spray-painted mason jar she kept them in, slipping her new eyeshadow pallet in the drawer with the rest of her make-up. 
  “Why, don’t you like it?” She asked, worried that he didn’t like the idea of having make-up on (which would be fine). Steve shook his head frantically. 
  “No, no! I do like it, I love it even, but, uh,” His nose twitched weirdly, making her eyebrows furrow even more. “It’s just my nose is itchy and I don’t want to ruin it, also, I am weirdly warm right now,” He gushed, his face scrunching up as he tried to survive the itch on his nose. “I have no idea how you guys wear this all the damn time, honestly.” He muttered in awe. 
  Y/N laughed, tossing him the package of make-up wipes. “Here you go.” She chuckled, sitting down on her bed, sliding a magazine off her nightstand table to read. 
  “I look damn good though, I almost don’t want to take it off, but I can’t take this itch anymore!” He exclaimed, scrubbing at his face with a wipe. Y/N peeked over her magazine at him, watching as he leaned close to the mirror, working hard to rid his face of the perfectly applied make-up. Glancing at the clock, she hummed, a smirk on her face. 
  “Hey, Steve,” She sat her magazine on the bed beside her. Steve hummed, working on the eye make-up just like he had watched Y/N do countless times before. She bit her lip, trying to stop the sneaky smile stretching onto her face. “As a thank you for doing this for me, I think I should give you something in return,” She paused, scooting to the foot of her bed. “How about we go to the dirty store today instead of tomorrow? We’ve got the house to ourselves after Dustin goes over to Mike’s for an overnight campaign.” She said with a suggestive tone. 
  Steve snapped his head to looked at her so fast, she was sure he’d be feeling the whiplash soon. “Really?” He asked with wide, excited eyes, a multitude of colours smudged around the from the eyeshadow, mascara, and eyeliner. She nodded, giggling at his excitement. 
  “Really! The store doesn’t close until nine and it’s five now, so hurry up, we can go after we drop Dustin off.” Steve started madly. 
  “Hey, Dustin, how about we give you money for pizza and drop you off early at Mike’s,” Steve yelled, still scrubbing at his face. “I guess he was right, this was a weird sex thing.” He commented, dropping the used wipe in the garbage by her vanity. 
  “It wasn’t a weird sex thing!” She defended weakly.
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glitterge1pen · 3 years
Put A Basket On My Bike
Kyōtani Kentarou x reader, sfw, fluff, word count 3,039
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Your apartment complex was composed of seven buildings. Each building was made of two towers that went ten floors up. The two towers were connected by big concrete stairs that had green iron railing. A large platform would connect two apartments before the stairs took you to another floor. 
Since the only thing that concealed the stairs from the outside was the railing most of the building was exposed. The sun shone endlessly and lots of people kept plants out on the space outside their doors. You had made a good choice moving here. But when you first moved in you had made one crucial mistake.
You were nice to the neighborhood kids.
You had been moving the last of your boxes into the front hall of your new apartment when three kids came bounding up the stairs. Their footsteps echoed in the labyrinth of stairs.
“Hey! Are you the one who just moved in? The new person?”
“It's rude to just say stuff, you to have to introduce us”
The most enthusiastic of the bunch was Flowerpot. The other stated their name was Poprocks and Flowerpot pointed to Sleep, who said nothing.
“Are those your real names?”
You asked with a sly smile.
“No! Of course not, what are you stupid?”
“Thats rude”
“Right, sorry”
Flowerpot explained that their nicknames were two summers old and that they had chosen names based on their absolute favorite things. You laughed.
“Your favorite thing ever is a flowerpot?”
“Not a flower pot, all flower pots!”
“You can't yell it makes you sound mean”
Flowerpot and Poprocks bickered and argued like this some more. They only stopped when the quiet Sleep spoke up.
“Can we play here?”
“Yeah can we?”
Poprocks reiterated.
“The lady that lived here before you was so mean, she never let us play up here! No one lets us play anywhere, Mad Dog is the only person who doesn't care! And he's mean to!”
You figured that Mad Dog was your across the hall neighbor.
“Does everyone who lives here have nicknames?”
“Mad Dog came with the nickname it's different.”
Flowerpot said, his tiny arms flinging up in the air as he ranted.
“If he lets you guys play out here why did you call him mean?”
Poprocks jumped onto Flowerpots shoulders, excited to speak.
“Because he uses bad words, he never says good morning or smiles at anyone and he always plays his music too late at night!”
She seemed pleased with the list of your neighbors' atrocities and once again you could only laugh.
“Okay, if my neighbor over there doesn't care that you guys mess around out here neither do I”
That first spring in your apartment was filled with various elementary school kids shooting nerf guns, fighting with pinecones, petty arguements and a rare homework session. Other kids from different buildings would often flock to your floor as well. You didn't know most of these ones, but occasionally when Flowerpot, Poprocks, and Sleep would speak to you and talk about apartment complex drama. You were able to differentiate with ‘the kid who always wants to be Mikey when you guys play Ninja turtles’ or ‘the kid who brings over water guns’ and so on.
You left out a bowl of candy for the kids and on your way out for the day you usually ran into Sleep’s mom, who would thank you for letting the kids “make a mess in front of your house” before waving you off.
Besides the pleasant atmosphere of your new home, there was also Kyotani.
☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  
The first time you saw Kyotnai was two days after being officially moved in. He was bringing up his groceries and looked tired so you only waved to him before heading inside your own place. You found that Poprocks was right. Sometime around 11:30 Kyotnai started listening to music. Loud. So loud. You were across the hall and could feel the vibrations of the music. The people below him must be pissed. You were pissed actually.
The next morning when you saw him pulling a bike over his shoulders on his way down the stairs you stopped him.
“Hi, I just moved in a couple days ago,”
You trailed off, he was staring so intensely. You turned away, forgetting where you were going with this conversation beyond the simple introduction. After telling him your name you expected him to introduce himself. He just kept looking at you, eyebrows creased, head tilted up to look at you as you were two steps above him. A panic settled in over you. Your mind scrambled for anything to grasp to make this less awkward.
“Those kids who play out here called you Mad Dog-”
“My name is Kyotani.”
☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 
After the terrible first meeting you had with your neighbor you did your best to avoid him. You didn't want to deal with whatever it was that had transpired between you two. Well actually, nothing had transpired between you. Much to your surprise that was just how Kyotani was.
When he went to pick up his mail from the front office, he would shoulder check anyone who was standing too close to his mailbox. When he left to go somewhere on his bike he rode in the middle of the parking lot, once you had watched him turn onto the street and when a car almost hit him he just flipped them off.
You couldn't decide if he was arrogant, always running late and that's why he came off as rude, or if he just didn't care. Maybe it was all three. For about two weeks you waited for him to leave first in the mornings and put your headphones on when the music from across the hall got too loud.
☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 
You had gotten home unexpectedly early. When you came up the stairs you stopped and watched the scene before you in slight amazement. Poprocks and some of the girls from another building were all huddled around Kyotani. One of them had brought their bike over.
“I’m sorry, I know you fixed it that one time but it came off again and I tired to do it but I didn't do it right”
The girl was almost crying and Poprocks patted her back soothingly.
“You're like nine its a miracle you even kinda knew how to fix this”
Kyotani said, his voice still had that gruff edge but you thought it wasn't too bad when he wasn't being horridly awkward.
He said pointing down to a part of the bike by the pedals.
“The chain works because it's tight, when you switch gears that changes how tight the chain is. When it fell off you put it on the wrong ring”
Now he moved his hands to the back of the bike and pushed on another part.
“Because the chain isn't tight, you can just pick it up, and put it where it's supposed to go, put it around the ring, then you just let go of this back here, and done”
Kyotani removed his hands from the bike. The girls cheered and spun the back wheel of the bike to test it.
“It's that easy?”
The girl said with a smile.
“That easy. I can break it again and you can try to fix it”
All three girls shouted at once before hurrying away past you down the rest of the stairs. It was now that Kyotani saw you. There was a brief moment of eye contact before you pretended to look for your keys and he went inside his apartment.
☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 
A couple days later you found yourself headed down to the pool. It had been a mostly shitty week and then you remembered the hot tub. There was only about an hour or so until the pool area that stood in the middle of the complex closed. But you were going to make sure it was an hour well spent. You got yourself ready, grabbing head phones, something to look at while you sat in the hot tub.
It had been cloudy all day so you doubted that anyone was down there. It hadn't rained and the sky had thrown no lightning so you felt safe heading down. Covering your swim wear with a t-shirt and grabbing some sandals you headed down.
You were walking along the cement path to the pool when you spotted a familiar blonde head already in the hot tub. Your steps faltered and you almost stopped. But you lived here, this was your home. You didn't want to feel uncomfortable around anyone here.
Opening the gate with your key three people turned to look at you. You ignored the note of your presence and took off your t-shirt, tossed your belongings onto a beach chair, and did your best to feel confident.
“Mind if I get in?”
It wasn't Kyotani who answered, but one of the guys he was with. He had brown hair that swopped in front of his eyes a bit.
“This is Iwaizumi,”
Kyotani said pointing to the other person in the hot tub with you guys.
“And this is someone who wasn't supposed to come today but wouldn't stop calling me”
Mentioned person ignored Kyotani and focused only on you.
“My name is Oikawa, nice to meet you,”
After saying this Oikawa turned away from you to face Kyotani.
“You know you if you wanted me to leave you could have just asked”
Oikawa’s voice was double dipped in sarcasm and his face was so dramatic.
“I did actually tell you to leave”
Oikawa and Kyotani went back and forth like this. It eased your nerves, made you feel welcomed. You watched the lap of small waves and bubbles in the stream of warm water. You wished you could stay out in the relaxing water longer.
“Are you a friend of his”
Iwaizumi asked motioning his head to Kyotani, he sat across from you but the other two boys were too engrossed in arguing to pay attention to what he was saying. You sure weren't close to Kyotani, you were barely aqutinaces, but it would spoil the mood if you said otherwise. So only responded with a playful,
Iwaizumi nodded before asking another question.
“You live here too?”
“Yeah, I actually live across from Kyotani”
Oikawa saw an opportunity to jump in here.
“What's that like? Terrible?”
“Shut up Oikawa”
Kyotani said quickly, flicking droplets of water at the other with his fingers.
“Besides the loud music it's not too bad”
You said with a shrug of your shoulders. Kyotani turned to you, a puzzled look adorning him.
“The music is loud?”
“Are you kidding? Has no one ever said anything to you before?”
The words came out as a stifled laugh as you watched Kyotani try to process this information.
“Why didn't you say anything before?”
You were about to answer when a crack of thunder cut you off.
Kyotani said before hosting himself out of the hot tub. The other boys followed suit and you all headed up to the building together.
“What are your plans for the rest of the night?”
Oikawa said, pulling you to him by the shoulder in a friendly gesture.
“You should ask someone if it's okay to touch them before you touch them dumbass”
“Oh he's actually right about something, sorry about that”
Oikawa apologized and pulled his arm off you.
“Apology accepted, and I was planning on watching a movie maybe getting some take out, nothing extragevent”
“Let us come over!”
You said, surprised that your rather normal plans excited Oikawa.
“I can use a movie night where I don't have to watch a Godzilla movie. By the way did you know there are a lot of Godzilla movies?”
“It’s not every time, okay? I let you pick movies too!"
Iwaizumi said, suddenly getting defensive. The two were in their own heated conversation now as Kyotnai and you trailed behind them up the stairs.
“Are you sure it's okay if we come over?”
“I’m sure”
☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾
"Oh, sorry I can come back another time,"
You said to Kyotani, propping open the swinging door with your foot. Usually you did laundry on a different day but the week had been busier than expected.
"It's okay. I'm leaving-"
He was cut off by the sound of Sleep and Flowerpot jumping down the stairs. There were laundry rooms on every other floor, they sat on platforms in-between the sets of stairs. They only had a washer and dryer, and enough room for one person to come sit watch over their clothes.
"Hey let me help!"  
Flowerpot dipped underneath your laundry basket and pushed it up from your grasp. Sleep rushed to help his friend before the basket had chance to fall over. They placed it onto the washing machine with a thunk.
"How come you little shits are so nice to them and not to me?"
"Because they're nice to us!"
Flowerpot said pointing at you.
Kyotani made a sound somewhere between a growl and a gruff laugh.
"What and I'm not?"
Flowerpot crossed their arms, not backing down to Kyotani.
"Just because you fix our bikes and toys and stuff doesn't count"
"I don't know, sounds pretty nice to me"
You said teasingly.
“The parents of the building hanging out!”
You said as Poprocks bounded into the cramped room and pulled herself up on top of the dryer. Her swinging legs shut the hatch that Kyotani had just opened. The kids laughed at his annoyed expression.
“You guys always do stuff for us, and even though it's not a yard you let us play in your yard”
You were able to laugh but Kyotani said nothing, his head buried too far into the dryer for you to see his face.
“Speaking of parents dont you kids have other adults to go bother?” You asked them.
“Woah, Mad Dog, how hot is it in there?”
Flowerpot asked curiously when Kyotani pulled his head and the last of his clothes from the dryer.
Kyotani said.
“Your face is so red it has to be really hot-”
“Hey don't do that!”
Both you and Kyotani said at the same time as Flowerpot attempted to stick his head in the dryer. Kyotani yanked at the kids shirt pulling him out.
“I’m fine! I’m fine! It's not even that hot!”
“It's rude to yell like that”
“I know!”
“Then why are you still yelling?”
With that Flowerpot chased Poprocks out of the room, Sleep and Kyotani following them out. Leaving you alone to do your laundry in quiet.
☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾
“That's weird”
You said looking at the banking app on your phone. Your paycheck hadn't deposited yet. Most Fridays the money just showed up in your account. You closed the app and then opened it again only to get an error message. You tried on your laptop. Then you googled your bank's name and found a couple articles talking about how your bank was updating their app, website, and other internal servers. Something hadn't gone correctly though. A lot of people couldn't access their accounts online.
You decided you would deal with this issue tomorrow. You opened up the fridge trying to piece together a meal with what you had  when pure fear raced up your spine. It was the first of the month. Rent was due. You ran to your room putting your shoes back on, checking what time the bank closed, grabbing your wallet and then running outside.
You were halfway down the stairs when you saw the bus you were supposed to be getting on pull off down the street. The one time the bus was there when it should be and you weren't there to get on it. The bank was going to close soon, it was about four miles away you wouldn't be able to walk there in time. You turned back up the stairs and knocked on Kyotanis door.
“How fast are you on your bike?”
☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾
Riding on the pegs of Kyotanis bike was a church like experience. You leaned over him, arms tightly wrapped around his shoulders. At turns and stop lights you closed your eyes, or buried your head into him. Everything was just blurs of sound and color. The two of you left behind whistles of speed as Kyotani continued to pedal faster and faster.
“I have the-”
The person in the car couldn't even finish before Kyotani spat out his own retort.
“I’m on a fucking bike!”
This was true. He was on a bike and somehow both very good and very bad at riding it. When he turned into the parking lot of the bank you two spun as he braked. You felt disoriented and didn't want to let go of him just yet.
“Do you have rent to pay or not?”
“Okay, okay, I’m going!”
You jumped down from the pegs and jogged into the bank. Kyotani had managed to get you there with only ten minutes before the bank closed. You weren't the only one in line to speak to a teller though. Your fingers tapped on your arm, your foot bounced worrying that you wouldn't be able to speak to anyone in time. But another teller opened their station and you were saved.
☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾
The ride home was much less stressful. You didn't feel nervous about being flung into oncoming traffic because Kyotani had also seemed to calm down. There was no aggressive speed or sharp turns. The wind felt gracious on your skin, the sun orange and cool in the dusk. It felt like you were gliding over the concrete.
“We should do stuff like this”
You said.
“What? Go to the bank again?”
“No, we should like hang out”
You slapped his shoulder.
“Don't just say hm”
“Fine, I agree we should,”
The words fumbled around in his mouth and it was the closet you'd ever see him stutter.
“Hang out”
☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾
A/N: No editing , no planning, just the usual late night word vomit.
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waywardnerd67 · 4 years
Be Mine
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Title: Be Mine Summary: All of (Y/N)’s friends were getting married while she was traveling the country killing monsters. As all the invitations flood her P.O. Box, she decides to ask her hunting partner for a huge favor. Paring: Dean x Reader Word Count: 2607 Rating: E - Everyone Warnings: Fluff/Slight Angst Square Filled: Fake Dating Bingo Card: @spndeanbingo​ A/N: None
Check Out: SPN Dean Bingo Masterlist
You are cordially invited to…
Lauren and Michael, Renee and Michelle, Allie and Caleb, Theo and James
“Fuck. My. Life.” (Y/N) whispered opened the fourth wedding invitation for the year.
She was at the point in her life that all of her friends were settling down with significant others while she was fighting the things nightmares were made of. Taking out the R.S.V.P. card, she stared down at the million dollar question she had been thinking about for weeks.
____ Yes I will be attending with a guest. Guest’s Name: ____________________
She could not remember the last date she had been on since most of the men she met she left sleeping in their beds in the morning. The life of a hunter was not one where you could have real attachments to anyone. Which is why being partners with the Winchesters worked perfectly for her. They had the same beliefs about hunting, except for Sam who had found a hunter to fall in love with. Most times, (Y/N) was happy with how her life was but right now is when she missed having someone to be with.
“Hey, you ready?” Dean called into the Mailbox Store.
(Y/N) gathered the rest of her mail sighing, “Yeah.”
They were driving back to the Bunker after another dead end of finding Chuck. They had dropped Sam off halfway on their trip home for him to meet up with Eileen. (Y/N) sat in the passenger seat, re-reading the latest invitation.
She heard Dean chuckle, “Another invite? Jeez, how many is that now?”
“Four. Four weddings to go to all within a month of one another. That is four different dresses. Four lousy dinners. Four different tables in which I know nobody and can’t talk about what I really do for a living.”
“Four open bars.” Dean smiled, finding the only positive in the whole thing.
“True and hopefully four chances to find a hot guy to get laid.” She smirked, glancing over to see Dean’s hands grip the steering wheel until his knuckles were white.
She shrugged it off deciding to go through the rest of her mail. Once they were back in the Bunker, Dean walked off towards his Dean Cave while (Y/N) decided to do some much needed laundry. Sitting in the library, she pulled her phone sending a text to her friend.
“Got your invite! Can’t wait to celebrate with you!”
The response was immediate as her phone rang, “Girl, it will be the party of the year! Please tell me you’re bringing a date.”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes, “I thought weddings were the place to get drunk and find your true love?” Her phone started to ring.
“(Y/N), you haven’t RSVP with a date to any of the weddings. You. Need. A. Date.”
“Theo, you know me and dating have been on the outs for a long time. I’m a love ‘em and leave ‘em before they wake up kind of girl.”
He laughed, “Where that has its benefits, aren’t you lonely? Traveling around all by yourself and no one to come home too.”
“I love my life babe and I wouldn’t change it for anything. Now, tell me all about the suit you chose because I know it has to be to die for.”
She knew exactly how to get Theo off topic and spent the next thirty minutes listening about all his wedding plans. As she was changing out her laundry, she found one of Dean’s flannels in her bag. It was by far her favorite one he wore with the red and black buffalo pattern. Bringing it up to her nose, it smelled just like the leather of the Impala and fading scent of Dean’s natural musk. The mixture made her head spin slightly as she walked off with it to her room.
(Y/N) had been with the Winchester for nearly five years after a werewolf had killed her husband and she was on a revenge path. They had helped her kill off the pact of female werewolves killing men in her hometown. After learning about monsters being real, she knew that hunting them was where she was meant to be. Sam had been more accepting than Dean at first, but once she saved him from being a Djinn’s juice box. She proved how serious she was about being a hunter.
Of course, she was not immune to the Winchester charm and feelings for the elder brother developed quickly. (Y/N) pushed all feelings deep down and only when she drank alone did they sprout up momentarily. She was surprised that she found her mind wandering to thoughts of what Dean would be like at weddings. She imagined him in one one of his nice FBI suits charming all the bridesmaids and drinking whiskey all night long. The thought of him being her plus one made her stomach buzz and heart race. Quickly, she pushed those thoughts aside reminding herself that he did not have attachments and nor did she.
Over the next three months, (Y/N) attended three out of the four weddings. She came walking in fairly early from wedding reception number three. Dean and Sam were sitting at the map table with a few lore books opened.
Dean let out a cat call, “Hey sexy, you’re home early.”
“Yeah, just didn’t feel like staying plus the bar was only free until a certain time and no single men to take advantage of.” (Y/N) hopped up on the table crossing her legs in between the two men.
From the corner of her eye, she watched as Dean’s piercing forest eyes traveled the length of her body and then sucked his bottom lip between his teeth. An all too familiar ache hit her hard as he averted his eyes from her.
Sam cleared his throat as he stood up, “I think I’m going to get a few more books. You do look beautiful, (Y/N).” he leaned down kissing her cheek.
“Thanks Sam.”
She hopped down kicking off her shoes, “Well I’m going to wash off all the girly crap and relax in my room.”
“O-Okay, if you… uh feel like watching a movie later I’ll be in the Dean Cave.” He stammered watching her every move.
She nodded walking off to her room. After a shower and putting on comfy clothes, she decided that a movie with Dean would be nice. She did not want to be alone after watching all the happy couples at the wedding. Sure enough, Dean was in one of the recliners watching her favorite horror movie. One thing she loved about Dean was no words were needed with him. There was never an uncomfortable silence between them.
Even though it was her favorite movie, her eyes kept going over to him. His long body stretched out covered in gray sweatpants and a black hoodie. She found her body urging her to go over and snuggle with him. Her heart beat encouraging the same thing to go be with him. Her mind screaming to stay far away and protect herself from heartache.
Then her mouth opened asking a question burning on the tip of her tongue, “Hey Dean, do you think next weekend you would come with me to my friend’s wedding?”
He looked stunned for a moment then smiled, “Absolutely.”
Her heart leaped and she hid her face with her hair as it burned hot with happiness. The wide smile he had on his face was mirrored by her own spreading across hers. Over the next week, she tried to distract herself from the upcoming evening she would be spending with Dean. Saturday, she had hardly seen him at all as she spent most of the day getting herself ready. She tried hard to push away any expectations or hopes as to what could happen, but something felt incredibly right about going with Dean.
Slipping on her one shoulder white dress and the last touches of make-up, she walked out to the library. A small gasp escaped her lips as she walked in to see Dean standing by the stairs talking with Sam and Eileen. His lean body was dressed in a fitted black tux. The jacket fitted snug over his broad shoulders and biceps. His hair was over to one side and as he turned his bright olive eyes connected with hers.
There was a tense moment of silence before Sam elbowed him, “You look gorgeous (Y/N). Right Dean?”
He nodded as his eyes trailed down her body, “You’re beautiful.”
The words were barely above a whisper floating into her ears making them burn, “Thank you.”
She continued her path towards Dean as Sam stepped away saying goodbye. He swallowed hard, gently brushing a rogue strand of hair came loose.
“Come on sweetheart, let’s go get drunk and dance the night away.”
The wedding was beautiful as Theo and his husband recited their vows and sealed the ceremony with a kiss. The reception kicked off as waiters came around handing out champagne. She watched in amazement as Dean charmed and dazzled every person he spoke to. Theo caught up to her at the bar as she was watching him talk to a group of Theo’s co-workers.
“Girl, where have you been hiding Mr. Hottie? Good god!”
She started laughing, “I didn’t want you stealing him away from me.”
He rolled his eyes at her, “As if I could, he hasn’t taken those dreamy emeralds off of you all night. Now, tell me the truth… how is he in the sack?”
She averted her eyes to the floor as her silence answered his question.
“Hold on, back it up a moment,” He placed both hands on her shoulders as she took a sip of her whiskey, “You’re telling me that you have not fallen to your knees and climbed that man like the mighty, thick, hard tree he is?”
(Y/N) nearly spatted her drink out, “Theo! No, believe it or not I have some self-control and I really don’t know what this is. We work together and I don’t want it to get weird if this dating thing doesn’t work. He may not be into me that way.”
His eyes looked over to Dean and she followed his gaze finding his piercing eyes staring right at them, “Oh honey you blind as a bat. That man wants to ravage your body and tonight is as good a night as any for him to take you to church”
“You’re terrible. Get your damn drink and find your husband. Leave my love life alone.” She rolled her eyes as he held his hand up to the bartender.
“Baby, someone has to invest in your love life since you won’t,” He grabbed his drink then kissed her cheek, “You look gorgeous and I love you. Now, go over there, drag tall and handsome into a closet and suck him up like a vacuum.”
Theo walked away as her jaw hit the floor. Dean walked over with his eyebrow perfectly arched in curiosity, “Everything okay?”
“Y-Yeah… yeah, just my dear friend…” she downed her drink, “spitting truth at me as usual.”
He chuckled then held out his hand to her, “Care to dance?”
The slow, sensual love song began to fill the room as Dean led her onto the dance floor. Slipping his hand over her hip pulling her against him and clutching her other hand within his. His cheek rested against her temple as they began to sway back on and forth. For the first time since losing her husband, she found herself completely relaxed. His body was firm and strong caging her in with a sense of security. The few days stubble tickling her skin as he lowered his head slightly. Then his beautiful, husky voice flowed into her ears.
Darling, so it goes Some things are meant to be Take my hand Take my whole life too For I can't help falling in love with you
The lyrics were like an arrow piercing her heart. He looked down at her searching her wide eyes before they drifted to her lips. His tongue darted out over his lips as they slowly descended towards hers. Suddenly, the song switched to heavy bass and quick pace as bodies began dancing around them.
“I have to go.”
She stepped out of his arms threading through groups of people until she found the doors leading outside. The cool night air hit her burning face as she ran out into it. Her chest heaving as she desperately tried to catch her breath. Small gasps of hot air turning into puffs of mists as her chest ached from gulps of air filling her lungs.
She flinched hearing Dean behind her, “I-I’m fine. I just needed some fresh air.”
A blanket of warmth covered her shoulders as he placed his jacket over them, “What did I do wrong?”
She turned around hearing the defeat in his voice. His eyes downcast and shoulders slumped forward with his hands stuffed in his pockets. He looked like a child who was just scolded for breaking something.
“Dean, you did nothing wrong. You’ve been perfect this whole night. Everyone, including Theo, thinks we’re this happy couple madly in love,” she paused as he looked up smirking, “but we’re not. We’re partners who hunt monsters together and kind of friends.”
Dean took a few steps closer to her, “Kind of friends? Other than Sam and Cas, you’re the only other person I trust completely in this world. Said that is a bit more than kind of friends.”
Rather it was the whiskey and champagne flowing through her or pure desperation she found the feelings she had long buried bursting from her lips.
“That’s all we’ll ever be. Just friends. Just partners. Forever stuck watching you sleep with woman after woman and me being sickeningly jealous of them for catching your eye. I know you don’t see me that way and I get it if it’s weird knowing that I have feelings for you. Feelings that I have bottled up and buried deep that I’m just word vomiting all over you. Oh god…”
(Y/N) turned away from him as tears slipped down her cheeks. Her heart splitting in two as the truth slipped out into the world for all to know. Hanging her head in shame from even allowing the hope from this evening to breach her defensive wall. Agony and guilt and shame weighing her shoulders down and making it hard to breath once again.
His large hands gently grasped her shoulders, turning her around slowly. His hands gliding up to her face just as his lips firmly pressed against hers. They were warm and surprisingly soft and all too tempting to keep falling down the rabbit hole he was creating.
Pulling away, “Dean…”
“Shut up and be mine.”
“W-What?” She stammered not believing what she was hearing, “What did you just say?”
Dean flashed his famous charming smile that she had seen many women and men fall for right at her. Her heart pounding against her chest and knees trembling.
“I said, shut up and be mine. Haven’t you noticed that I haven’t been with anyone in almost a year. Ever since that damn haunting in Iowa City when you almost died. The thought of losing you tore me apart. If Cas hadn’t been there to save you then I don’t know…”
She pulled his lips to hers silencing him before whispering against them, “Shut up and be mine.”
“I’m all yours beautiful, I’m all yours.”
If you enjoyed this story then check out my Masterlist!
For updates please follow #waywardnerd67fics
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write-ur-wrongs · 4 years
Request: Geralt and reader with their child (even though its impossible😂 lets just say some magic did it) when geralts mom visenna wants to see her grandchild ... but Geralt is torn because she left him when he was a kiddo
I had so much fun writing this!! Thank you sweet anon for the request :’) 
Word count: 2078.
It was always a welcome surprise when letters arrived at your doorstep. Sometimes your family members would write, keeping you posted on what was going on in their little lives across the continent. Sometimes your own witcher would write you, and while his letters were never long, you always had a laugh when Jaskier would scrawl over the back, adding his own little twist on their tales. Every now and then one would arrive from someone Geralt had saved somewhere along his travels. You kept these in a cherished old chest beneath your bed and pulled them out when you needed to be reminded why Geralt couldn’t always be home with you.
It had been ages since you had to pull out that chest for comfort, though. Nowadays, everything you needed was right here with you. You had Geralt to wake up to every morning, Ciri to raise, Roach to train and tend to, your dear friend Jaskier, and finally your beautiful daughter, Wren.
To say Wren was a surprise would be an understatement. Witchers couldn’t have children, you knew this. You also knew that you loved Geralt and Ciri more than anything. When you and Geralt decided to get married, it took you so long to convince him you’d be alright with just them; that with them, you’d be more than whole.  
You had a beautiful wedding. Ciri by your side, Jaskier serenading on the lute, Eskel as officiant. You had your friends and family with you, and Geralt had his. Together you made a blissful pair.
It was late in the evening, everyone was flushed with ale and laughter, and you had somehow managed to keep Geralt on the dancefloor for more than his standard two songs.
You watched fondly as Geralt’s old friends teased him mercilessly, their gruff faces warm with fond smiles. Watching young Ciri be twirled by Vesemir, Geralt looked softer than you’d ever seen him. You shook your head at them and laughed to yourself, thrilled to see your big, brooding witcher truly happy.
It was so hard to remember a time when you were happier.
The party had fizzled out by the time Yennefer appeared. She had kissed Ciri softly on her forehead before bidding her goodnight, and held Geralt in a long embrace. You watched them from across your yard with a tight smile; you knew you had no reason to be jealous, but still. It had stung a little.
That jealousy is something you’d regret for the rest of your days, because right after she let go of him Yen made her way over to you and gifted you with something beyond your wildest dreams; fertility.
And thus, was born Wren, your beloved and cherished girl. The first of her kind, surely to grow up to be as strong as her sister Cirilla and as enchanting as her Godmother Yennefer.
Now, sitting in the kitchen as the morning sun came pouring in, you watched with adoration as Wren mushed her breakfast between her chubby little fingers, pushing it around and painting bright streaks across her cheeks.
“Eat your berries my sweet girl,” you laughed, wiping what you could off her little face. Wren squealed gleefully as you pinched her stomach lightly, waving her sticky hands as she giggled.
Still laughing, you turned to greet Ciri as she came in the front door, dropping a basket of herbs on the floor.
“Mom,” Ciri said, out of breath from her excited run from the mailbox, “there’s a letter for dad!”
“Oh?” You examined the thick envelop between your fingers curiously. It was too high a quality to be from any of the villages Geralt had visited before your pregnancy, but not so luxurious as to be from a royal family he’d impressed years prior.
“Is it from Aunt Yen?” Ciri asked, through loud bites of an apple.
“I don’t think so, hon” you said, running your fingers over the fine penmanship used to spell out your husbands’ name. “This isn’t her handwriting.”
“Maybe she wrote it with magic?” Ciri mused looking over your shoulder, “an enchanted quill might have its own style.”
“I suppose you never know,” you agreed, brow furrowed as you weighed the envelop in your hands, finally dropping it on the kitchen counter. “We will have to wait for your father to return to find out.”
“Can’t we just open it now? You used to read his mail all the time.” Ciri said, still loudly chewing on her apple.
“That was long ago when your dad was still travelling, Ciri,” you chided, “and close your mouth when you chew.”
“Fine,” Ciri rolled her eyes and ruffled her little sisters’ hair, “but call me when he’s back. I’m going to train on the trail.”
“Be back for dinner please,” you said, reaching back to smooth down Ciri’s cloak.
“Got it, mom,” she said, kissing the top of your head and ruffling Wren’s hair once more on her way out.
You shook your head and smiled as you watched her run out the back door, turning your attention back to your tiny tot and doing your best to ignore the letter on the counter as you cleaned up Wren’s mess.
“Up you get you little goose,” you say as you scoop Wren up into your arms and carry her to your large basin in the kitchen. The water should be the perfect temperature by now, after all it’s been about an hour since you took it off the hearth.
Wren settled happily into her bath but it took almost all your energy to keep your focus off the letter on the counter behind you.
By the time Ciri had returned, the sun had set and Geralt was still nowhere to be seen. You spent all of dinner trying to distract Ciri – it seemed all she wanted to do was discuss the letter.
When Geralt finally came home, the moon was high on the horizon and Wren was blissfully asleep in your arms. Ciri practically jumped on her father, shoving the letter excitedly in his face, begging him to open it right then.
You saw the change in his face happen quickly. One moment he was beaming down at his child surprise, and the next he seemed numb, distant. The more Ciri spoke of the letter, the more you saw Geralt’s anger bubble to surface.
Unwilling to let Geralt blow up at Ciri – something you knew from experience he’d regret deeply – you quickly interjected.
“Ciri, baby, take your sister to bed, would you?” You said quickly, handing Wren to her sister before she could contest.
“Mom the letter –” she began.
“Cirilla,” you said, gently but with a tone that signaled finality, “take Wren to bed.”
She frowned at you slightly, big mousey eyes begging for a chance to be a part of what she knew would be a big discussion.
“I’ll come tuck you in later.” You said meaningfully, giving her arm a squeeze. Ciri gave you her big grateful eyes and you swallowed a smile and nodded her toward the bedrooms.
Once the girls were off to bed and out of earshot you turned back to Geralt, who had ripped the letter open and sat stock-still on the chair by the door. His golden eyes were vacantly scanning the letter he held in one hand while the other rested firmly over his mouth.
You made your way over to him hesitantly as his face grew sourer the farther he read.
“Is Yennefer well?” you tried, praying Ciri was right about the elusive writing style of enchanted quills.
When Geralt’s golden eyes met yours though, you knew you were wrong; or right, depending on the case. Yennefer hadn’t written this infamous letter, and by the looks of the man before you, you weren’t sure you wanted to know who had.
“Do – um, Is uh… Are you…?” you sputtered, desperate to find to right thing to say.
Geralt put the parchment down and crushed it in his hand. While you waited for him to make his next move, you sunk to your knees before him, placing a steady hand on his knee in comfort. Your other hand betrayed your nerves and trembled as you clutched at the necklace around your neck.
It felt like eternity before Geralt brought his eyes up to yours, and you could feel your heart beating through your chest as you waited.
“It’s… from Visenna.” He said through clenched teeth, barely audible.
It took you a moment to put two-and-two together, but once you did, your eyes grew wide.
“Your mother?” you asked, almost as quiet as he’d been.
He gave you a low, ‘hum’, in response, jaw tense as his eyes looked vacant.
When you spoke again, you brought your other hand to his knee and gave both a comforting squeeze.
“Why did she write you, Geralt?”
He closed his eyes and signed slowly through his nose, only relaxing his clenched jaw once his hand clutched around yours. You gave his hand another squeeze and leaned down to lay a gentle kiss atop your hands, looking up at him through your lashes.
“She wants to meet Wren.” He said quietly, brushing a stray strand of hair out of your face.
You screwed your face in confusion. “How does she even know –” you started.
“Says she’s always wanted a grand-child,” he interrupted you bitterly, golden eyes dark with hurt.
You scoffed under your breath, unable to imagine the rationale of someone who wanted grandchildren sending their only child off to the Witchers for mutation. When you looked up and saw the expression on your husbands face though, you put your own strife aside and cupped his face in both your hands.
“What are you thinking, my love?” you asked gently, brushing your thumb along his stubbly cheek.
A single tear left Geralt’s eyes. He did his best to blink them away, hiding his face into your palm.
“She’s my mother –” he choked through tears, swallowing repeatedly to keep himself from sobbing.
“Okay,” you hum soothingly, stroking away his tears as they fell, “If she wants to meet Wren, she can do so with all three of us present. We can invite Jaskier and any of your brothers from Kaer Morhen – Hell, let’s invite Yennefer. We both know Yen would kill anyone who even thinks about harming her Goddaughter and Gods, Cirilla isn’t about to let anyone hurt her sister either,” you were rambling now, saying anything you could to see Geralt relax.
“You – You’d be alright with that?”
“Oh, love,” you said, running your thumb gently across his cheek, “my only concern right now is whether you are alright with that.” You waited a beat before adding, “You don’t need to let her into our lives if you don’t want to, Geralt. Mother or not, you owe her nothing.”
He let out another sigh before standing you both up, taking your hands in his. You held each other tightly with only the sound of the crackling fire of the hearth playing around you.
Geralt pulled away from you just enough to let your lips meet in soft kiss.
“You know…” you said lightly, quirking up a brow, “Ciri isn’t going to sleep until we tell her about the letter.”
Geralt hummed out a laugh, shaking his head at his daughter’s unsatiable curiosity. “Maybe we can wait her out, she surely trained hard today,” he said, tilting his head toward the filthy pile of clothes Ciri had thrown unceremoniously onto the floor of the entryway.
“I wonder where she picks up these little habits,” you laughed, hugging Geralt from behind and pointing to the bloody sword and boots he’d abandoned by the door just moments prior. You felt the low rumble of his laugh through his back and laid a small kiss between his shoulder blades before pulling away.
“You know don’t have to decide anything tonight, Geralt,” you said, brushing your fingers through his hair, “and you certainly don’t need to tell Ciri everything.”
He hummed happily as your nails scratched his scalp and turned to take you into his arms once more.
“Let’s discuss and decide it together, then,” he said with a smile, nodding his head towards girls’ room, “as a family.”
You smiled up at him then, certain that no matter what was you all chose to do, you would be okay.
“As a family,” you repeated, leading him down the hall.
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bigpandahero · 3 years
The legacy of appetence(the translation of 欲望遗产 from Lofter written by 此人已死)
Original link:https://ryuusuke.lofter.com/post/1cc28a98_1cb209a44
Original author:此人已死(from lofter)
Home link:https://ryuusuke.lofter.com/
Authorized reprint translation.
thank to @ask-ivanbraginsky for your help!
July 20, 2017
The culprit
 July 20, 2017
 Potato .beef. onion.
 Every time he took something off the shelf, Wang Yao would cross out a word on the list. He looked for discounted goods in various barcodes, a pen and paper in hand. He pushed his shopping cart as he walked around the supermarket. Until seeing the last thing on the list, wine.
 Wang Yao went out to a supermarket very rarely.This time he went out because the refrigerator was empty, like his brain. He entered, throwing a coin and heard a Do re mi.
 He walked to the shelf picking out a 700ml bottle of vodka and checked the price, cautious as a housewife, he finally chose the 50ml "baby bottle" next to him. 
The checkout cashier was chewing bubble gum. They looked at him with disdain, a look that Wang YAO was accustomed to. This kind of look had been haunting him since he became an adult. 
He looked down at the gray tracksuit he was wearing, and his plush slippers of the Sesame Street cartoon character. He looked like a hapless boy with a drunkard father. 
He swept the colorful over-packaged goods into a sturdy plastic shopping bag—a blue squirrel logo was printed on it, its face squeezed out of shape by a box of cereal.
 What kind of perversion will paint the squirrel blue.
 Wang Yao heard the cashier from behind turn his head and whisper something to his colleague. He carried the plastic bag and walked out of the automatic door blankly. The toy monkeys on both sides shouted "Welcome".
 He walked home, passing by an open park. There were a few young people playing baseball on the lawn. He sat on the promenade smoking a cigarette and unscrewed a bottle of ice sprite. He drank down half the bottle in one breath, then allowed the carbon dioxide to tumble in his stomach for a while. 
He took out the wine bottle that he struggled to find from the plastic bag, imagined that the small metal bottle cap was the heavenly spirit cap of some heinous person, opened it with his teeth in a crisp "bom" and poured it in happily. His body began to get hot, sweating from his back in the 28-degree weather. The polyester cloth stuck to the skin, uncomfortably. He threw his leg anxiously-in the season when others were wearing short-sleeved T-shirts, he was still wearing long-sleeved trousers. In times like this he thought of the Russian, and began to scold him furiously in his mind. He silently cursed, mouthing the words that went along with his thoughts. He was suddenly interrupted, he snapping back to reality. "Hey! Damn gay! Help us pick up the ball!”
everal young people gathered together maliciously and whispered. They made nasty gestures and sneered unscrupulously in Wang Yao's direction. 
 He pressed the cigarette butt on the bench, swept away the soot from his thigh and raised his butt, bending over to pick up the baseball on the grass. He threw it at the crowd fiercely, then made a more wretched gesture. 
My paramour could screw all your fucking “balls” off.
 Wang Yao shook the plastic bottle in his hand and heard the remaining liquid hit the wall of the bottle with a hollow echo.
 He finally took the plastic bag and went on his way, stopping to place the wine bottle down by a homeless man who laid lifeless on the side of the road against the wall.
 He returned to the white-roofed house and passed by the neighbor's beautiful fence with a few swaggering violets planted in it. He inadvertently looked inside, and happened to meet the eyes of the Labrador. Even though he had moved in a month ago and had returned his flying disk a dozen times, the dog still didn't recognize him, damn it. 
While the dog annoyingly barked, he glanced at the empty mailbox, then, as timid as a thief, he unscrew the door handle of his home. 
The person inside the door was standing by the shoe cabinet. They smiled, watching him with a pair of indifferent purple eyes exposed under ash-gold hair.
"You came back early." Wang Yao greeted dryly. "There is nothing I need to do today.  You didn't tell me you would go out—you went out again in slippers?" Wang Yao threw the key under the nose of the man who was nagging like a woman, and sat on the steps to change shoes .
the key has a key chain of panda holding a bamboo hanging on . It hurt the man's face. Wang Yao was very gloating, even though this man named Ivan Braginsky was his lover.
The keychain was the first and last time they went to the amusement park together and won with a gun. To be precise, Wang Yao won with a gun himself.
Because Ivan doesn’t have a good temper to wait for him, but Wang Yao is as stubborn as a cow.He seems to be possessed by a demon and must win the key chain.
In the end, he took the key chain from the boss who were smile flatteringly for $25 in front of the game booth which  you would cost 2.50 dollars each time on shooting. Wang Yao believes that the main reason for the inaccuracy of shooting was the sexual harassment of him by Ivan during this period. Ivan—Standing upright and stomping his feet impatiently, like a dishonest vibrator, he patted Wang Yao's ass and yelled in his ear: "You fucking under the noses of these men pouched and played with a toy gun for more than half an hour, just for a piece of junk plastic!"
Of course, no one was able to help Wang Yao in the end. He was thrown into the toilet cubicle by the Russian man by the collar. It is estimated that all the men who went to the amusement park to go to the toilet that day could hear him being fucked. Now he still could memorize the smell of air freshener choking in his throat as long as he saw the panda.
Ivan turned a blind eye to Wang Yao's innocuous violence. He always indulges him in all the trivial things, and people who are not familiar with him would think that he is a good gentleman.
Ivan is being troubled by something more important-a headache gnaws at his brain like a devil, and his alcohol addiction has blurred his consciousness. He lifted the plastic bag on the ground and pressed it against the wall to hold himself who was about to fall. It took a while, and then he stood up straight again. At first, his steps were still a little staggering, but soon, he began a brisk pace, walked to the refrigerator, hummed a few unexplained Russian, twisted the refrigerator in the shape of the Eiffel Tower before opening the refrigerator door. He snorted impatiently, and tossed the food into the cold storage as before.
"You forgot to throw away the paper notes."
Wang Yao followed him to the living room, listening to unfamiliar Russian in his ears, slowly translating it into English in his head, and lightly taking a glass of tap water for himself.
"So, where's the wine?"
Wang Yao put down the glass, and the bottom of the glass touched the marble table ,letting out a crisp sigh. He stared at the swirling vortex in the cup, cold sweat was oozing clearly on his forehead, but his bones creaked in excitement. Before exhaling a breath in his chest, he answered the question from the person behind him in Russian: "I have drunk it all”.
All the words he didn't have time to say were stuffed back into his throat by the strong, opaque plastic bag with the blue squirrel on it. Ivan's forearm muscles bulged, like the thighs of a carnivore running. He tightened the mouth of the plastic bag, twisted the other's fragile neck, and dragged Wang Yao's struggling body up the stairs.
The process was extremely unsatisfactory and annoying, and the alcohol addiction made him more irritable, so he pressed Wang Yao's head and slammed twice on the newly laid pine-green wallpaper. The plastic stopped the splashing blood and the blood turned into a dark shadow on the back of the blue squirrel. Wang Yao who was rebelling was like a kitten in a bag, weak and vulnerable.
Wang Yao was thrown on the soft bed. A thick tape was wrapped around his mouth with a plastic bag to seal the last oxygen. He tried to break it with his fingers, but it was useless.
His hands were grabbed by Ivan, and he couldn't see anything. He just guessed from this strength that Ivan’s knees were pressing on his arms. It was very painful and heavy, and even the thought of resisting was blocked. Pressed under the body. Wang Yao gradually calmed down and even breathed regularly. The sound around him fluctuated in the dark with his breathing. The sound of fine plastic fragments no longer pierced the ears, but turned into a regular pulse. His head was soaked in carbon dioxide, warm and damp, squeezed in a narrow film, he looked at the only light circle in the dimness-the hands tore the uterus, holding the weak head, playing with the balance of life and death.
He finished his dying ejaculation at the end of suffocation.
Ivan helped Wang Yao get rid of the tape that bound him on his head. The tape tore off a few long black hairs, connecting to the coagulated blood entangled in the hair. He took off Wang Yao's clothes, revealing his familiar and obsessed body.
The setting sun flicked through Wang Yao's eyes, reflecting the golden light of bronze.The black hair scattered beside the beautiful face, constituting the most mysterious color in the oil painting, blurring the limitation of gender. The naked body was covered with old scars and fresh bruises, wounds which were cracking and the redness that was swollen. The body was still beautiful, graceful and weak.The bloody scars made him show the power of life, making him no longer a flawless corpse.
Those scars were incomplete by Ivan, but he still deserved to be the culprit, although most of the time Wang Yao had to take the responsibility. Yao liked enraged him, teasing him, and sometimes even gave that handsome face to two resounding slap. Even if he knew that Ivan was insane, he would still deliberately drink up the wine at home, hiding it, observing the person in front of him turn into another devil who would chase his butt to strangle him.After waking up, decorate all with a terrible sex until dawn.
“Stepan? "
"Damn it, don't call his name in front of me."
"It hurts a bit.”
Wang Yao stretched out his thin arms to block his lover's head, kissing his soft and warm lips, counting the fluffy golden eyelashes, and exhaled a few silly love words in his blended breath.
He took the initiative to open his legs to cater to the opponent's hot desire, the erect penis had already oozes transparent liquid, squeezing into his soft and moist flesh cavity.
Wang Yao cocked his hips, his legs were like two gluttonous pythons, tied tightly to Ivan's waist. His body shook with the opponent's movements, his nails sinking into the tight muscles, and he scratched red marks on the wide back.
 He uttered a few high-pitched obscene words under the man, and was sobbed by the top of his penis, then he could no longer speak a complete word.
 Ivan's hand passed through Wang Yao's hair and kissed his favorite eyebrows and narrow neck. His five fingers hooked the other's lovely fingers, palms pressing against each other, and the vent of lust was more delicate than the girl's mind.
Car lights flashed outside the window, and a few beams of moonlight leaked in. The silver rings on the two ring fingers complemented each other in the dimly lit room, calling for each other.
 After exhausting sex, they slept with each other like two sleepy beasts.
 It was early the next morning when Wang Yao opened his eyes again, and the alarm clock on the bedside stopped at number five. The people around him slept quietly in the dark, their sturdy bodies undulating with their breathing. Even in his sleep, this person's body was shrouded in a heavy sense of oppression, like a huge animal.
“I want to change the bed. "
 Wang Yao stared at the mosquitoes on the ceiling intently. "This bed is yelling like a dead pig."
 After waiting for a long time, no one responded to him, and he felt a little bad. Although he had predicted the result, he still had illusions and was rather self-deceiving and tragic.
 He ignored the pain everywhere in his body, got up abruptly, grabbed the gray-golden hair.He picked up the heavy head from the soft pillow, and forced the purple eyes to look at him.
Then he heard a clear bark rolling out of the man's throat.
Discloseable information:Both Wang Yao and Ivan are American citizens.
Yao has a bad temper, so Ivan can bear it if he can bear it.
Ivan is a patient with multiple personality disorders.
The first personality is Stepan, who usually only appears after being addicted to alcohol and drunk, so it appears for a short time. It is a personality with no emotions and absolute violence. He does not love Wang Yao, and he does not love anyone. He only speaks Russian, will conceal his spasms with his fists, and has a very serious obsessive-compulsive disorder.
The second personality is a dog. His name is "Los", which means "frogfish" in Russian. Only appears out of guilty after Stepan caused irreparable pain to the loved one , so the frequency of appearance is extremely low. It means that Ivan has few guilty, because the master character is not a good guy either.Ivan and Stepan hate each other, so they don't communicate with each other, and they don't share memories.
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gretavanbitch · 3 years
Tangled up in blue- 5
Warnings- swearing, drugs (the usual)
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After the first night, the adrenaline rush of the tour slowed to a constant drawl in Penny's mind. Her heart constantly at a slightly hazy pace compared to its resting pace. She blinked slowly, rubbing sleep out of her eyes as the dull light of the morning flooded into the stuffy bus. The only sounds to be heard was the steady breathing of the band and rain pattering softly against the windows. Her hair was spread across Josh’s bare chest and rose and fell with every breath he took. She got up as carefully and slowly as possible, being careful not to wake anyone. She flinched slightly when the bathroom door opened with a creak. Her eyes were slightly sunken and smudged and her lips were still swollen from the abundance of love that was present last night. She reached to her neck and lightly caressed the marks still present from Josh’s kisses, remembering the feeling of his lips on her neck. 
Brushing her teeth and hair, Penny exited the bathroom and made a large pot of coffee for the boys, the mornings were never easy for them and alcohol made them even worse. Knowing it would take some time for everyone to get up, she made herself comfortable on one of the couches on the back of the bus, separate from the bunk area. She sipped her coffee, reading a book Jake had recommended to her. Surprisingly, Jake had very good taste in books, better than Josh in fact. Josh was a very visual person, he could sit through a four hour movie, but never read a book for four hours. The pages breezed by her eyes, in what seemed like minutes she was halfway done with the book. It was a thrilling tale of two lovers, a classic trope of a peasant and a prince. She was a sucker for cliches. 
Through the curtain she soon heard the sounds of the boys stirring from their sleep, one by one waking up. She pushed the fabric of the curtain open softly, leaning against the frame. Jake was pouring three cups of coffee, rubbing his eyes harshly. Sam was in the bathroom, probably releasing the demons of last night from his stomach. Danny sat on the edge of his bunk, stretching his long arms and waking up. Josh on the other hand was now lying face down on the bed, soft snores coming from his frame. His hair was a curly mess and he only had on his boxers. She chuckled to herself, of course he was the last one to get up. 
“Mornin’ everyone,” she muttered softly, pattering over to Josh. Sluggish responses followed her. She sat on the edge of Josh’s bunk, running her hands softly down his back. She admired the way his lips parted slightly in his sleep, eyes fluttering in REM. She leaned over his frame, kissing his cheek softly, causing his eyes to blink open softly. He smiled out of his sleep, turning over onto his back and pulling Penny down onto his chest. 
“Good morning mama,” he rasped, burying his nose in the crook of her neck. 
“Good morning handsome, want some coffee?” He groaned a yes in response, still holding Penny tight. She felt the steady thump of his heart on her chest, not wanting to move in a million years. He felt so warm and alive, hands wrapped around her frame and legs wrapped around each other. She sighed, knowing there were actual things needed to be done with the day, and removing herself from Josh reluctantly. 
“What's the plan for today?” she asked Jake as she poured a cup of coffee for Josh. 
“We are stuck on the bus for the majority of the day, heading to Washington for the show in two days,” he responded from his seat across from her, looking up from his phone. “Emily and the other girls are going to meet us there too, so you won’t be stuck with all us boys anymore.” He noted, referring to the other girlfriends joining them on tour. She nodded happily, she got along well with all of them, and texted them pretty consistently. Although she was closest with Carly, Sam’s girlfriend, Emily and Dana were both her friends as well. 
Once Josh had coffee in his system, the bus slowly stirred to life. Sam was nursing his hangover, Jake was texting with Emily, and Danny was playing guitar softly in the corner. Their manager had come in as well, delivering bagels for everyone and announced that they would hit the road in 20 minutes. 
Penny dressed herself in something comfortable, knowing her limbs would become sore from sitting on the bus for hours. She was now clad in a long sleeved linen dress that had buttons down the front and a seam in the middle. Her hair was loose down her shoulders, and birkenstocks on her feet. The rest of the boys were in their usual attire, Josh in a grey hoodie and tan pants (of course). 
The bus was now officially on the road after a sluggish morning. The state of California soon passing by Penny’s eyes in a haze. She was sat on a couch at the back of the bus with Josh directly to her left and Danny to her right. Josh had one earbud in his ear, sharing the other with Penny, and a bagel in his hand. His head nodded along to the song as he chewed. Penny smiled, leaning her back into his frame and putting her legs on Danny. Neil Diamond filled her ears as she closed her eyes, inhaling Josh’s sent. He always smelled the same, like patchouli and cinnamon. It was almost hypnotizing. 
“We should go for a hike when we get there,” Sam announced, breaking the comfortable silence of the bus ride. 
“I want to go thrifting too,” Josh added with his eyes closed, head swaying to the music. Everyone silently agreed and went back to whatever they were doing. 
Northern California passed by with images of tall looming trees and thickening forests. Josh’s playlist ranged from The Fleet Foxes to Phoebe Bridgers, just because he knew Penny had a soft spot for her. When Scott Street came on shuffle, her eyes lit up and she craned her neck, looking up at him smiling. He laughed, kissing the top of her head. Penny had never felt so at home. The comforting smell of Sam’s incense wafted through the backroom of the bus, and Josh’s warmth made her head dizzy with love. She hummed as she softly toyed with his fingers mindlessly. 
After a few hours, the bus stopped in the middle of Oregon. Everyone was grateful for the opportunity to get snacks and stretch their legs. Penny stepped out into the midday breeze, breathing the fresh air in deeply. The group then entered the small gas station, Josh holding the door for her like the gentleman he is. 
“fuck I need another coffee,” she sighed, making her way to the coffee station and pouring herself a hot coffee. Josh bought himself a water and some granola bar. Sam, Jake, and Danny got themselves an assortment of junk food, dumping it in front of the cashier with a smile. Once everyone payed, they sat on a curb by the bus for a few minutes, not wanting to get back on the road quite yet. Penny was grateful that she grabbed her camera, because the cloudy light and light breeze was picturesque. She took her bottom lip between her teeth and scurried in front of the boys quickly, kneeling on the ground to get the shot. They all looked dramatically off into the distance while the shutter clicked. 
“alright now smile for me boys,” she laughed. They obliged, looking at the camera now and smiling brightly. 
“beautiful.” She sighed, returning to her spot next to Josh. 
“I don’t know how you do that,” Josh said, looking off into the distance as he spoke. 
“do what?” Penny answered, sipping her coffee. 
“Just see the world around you and turn it into something so beautiful.” Her heart jumped, it always did when Josh talked about her photography. 
“It’s easy when I’m around the most beautiful person in the world.” 
He laughed, meeting her eyes. She shook her head, still relishing in the compliments. 
“alright time to go boys...and girl,” their manager announced, sticking his head out the bus door. Penny huffed a laugh as she took Josh’s hand and once again entered the bus. 
The rest of the trip came in a dreary haze of naps and Josh’s playlist filling Penny’s ears. He never played a bad song. The bus had now parked outside the venue, Penny silently thanking the universe that they wouldn’t be sleeping in the bus for the next two nights. The boys had agreed to rent and house in the suburbs of Seattle so they could have some privacy and not be confined to a hotel. They also rented a jeep, stuffing their bags in it hastily so they could have some fun with the afternoon. Since the group got such an early start, they still had the remainder of the day to explore and shop. 
Sam entered the driver’s seat of Jeep, Jake shotgun, and the rest of them stuffed in the back. The drive was relatively short and rowdy. Jake playing Steven Stills on aux, while arguing with Sam over which album was better. Danny and Josh were talking about the set list for the tour, still tinkering on which songs to include and which to leave out. 
“Yeah, but I think we should do Stardust Chords after Black smoke it will be a good lead up,” Danny suggested calmly. 
“Ooh yeah, and we should do light my love after that,” Josh agreed. Penny sat silently, relishing in the banter surrounding her. They soon reached the house, it was a small bungalow on the edge of a hill. 
Josh opened the trunk and took out his and Penny’s bag, carrying them both up to the door and unlocking it with a key he found in the mailbox. The interior was just as lovely as the outside. A small living room and kitchen were on the left with a five person dining room table on the right and the stairs in the middle. Josh then jogged upstairs with the bags in hand, wanting first pick at rooms. He chose the one closest to the backyard with a view of the woods. 
“Mmm good choice babe,” Penny sighed flopping down onto the bed with a thud. He smiled, placing the bags down on the floor and laying down on his back beside her. 
She turned on her side to face him, he did the same. The room smelled of wood and clean linen. Her eyes drifted to Josh, he was smiling at her stupidly with his hands tucked under his chin. 
“what?” she laughed, poking his shoulder. 
“nothin’ I just love you baby,” he spoke softly, blinking his eyes. 
“I love you too Josh,” she said, loving the sound of saying it. 
Then he kissed her, softly capturing her lips with his own. She sighed into the kiss, running her hand down his jawline. Before the kiss could become too heated she pulled away with a stupid grin on her face. 
“lets go get something to eat then we can go shopping,” she said, pulling him up off the bed with two hands. 
“whatever you say mama.” 
The streets of Seattle were damp with the constant flow of soft showers. Josh’s hair was slightly less curly due to the climate, and it made him look even more 70′s, it was beautiful. The group got lunch at a nice sandwich spot on the wharf then split off into groups to do some shopping, planning to meet up at the house for a late hike. 
Josh and Penny were on the hunt for a thrift shop, hand in hand wandering the streets. After about thirty minutes with no luck, Penny spotted a bright neon sign a few feet ahead of them reading “vintage”. 
“fucking finally,” she said, tugging Josh’s hand hurredly into the store. Good thing they kept walking because this place was a gem. Josh’s eyes lit up as he scanned the rows of clothing and records. They then began searching through the rows, looking through every piece of clothing incase they found anything good. 
“Ooh babe you would look stunning in this,” Josh said excitedly as he held up a dress. It was a dusty red with a deep v-neck and ruffles down the chest and sleeves. 
“holy shit,” she smiled “I need it.” 
After about an hour, Penny had a substantial haul piled in her hand and Josh had found a few good pieces as well. He had a few necklaces that he loved and a vintage woodstock t-shirt. Now they were running late, of course and had to rush back to meet the boys. 
They were greeted with unamused expressions when they returned to the house, rushing up to the room to change quickly. Josh changed into a white t-shirt and black windbreaker, Penny wearing his grey hoodie and leggings. 
“let’s go mama,” he smiled, pecking her on the lips and leading her down stairs. 
“fucking finally,” Sam got up from the couch, Danny following suit. Jake then entered from the kitchen, trail map in hand. 
“Ok well we don’t have that much time before it gets dark so we should bring headlamps,” he suggested as his eyes scanned the map. Penny nodded, stuffing some water bottles into her bag as Josh wrestled Sam on the carpet. 
“Hey dickheads, the owner said there’s a trail through the backyard to a waterfall lets go,” Jake said loudly, shoving Sam and Josh as he spoke. The group made their way through the backyard, following the clear trail into the woods. The trees were some of the biggest that Penny had ever seen, they towered over them, making the light a faded blue. Jake led the group, confidently stepping over branches and rocks as he walked. Penny and Josh were at the back of the group, taking their time to admire the scenery, walking hand in hand. 
“It’s so pretty here,” Penny said, looking up into the treeline that was illuminated by the dusk light. 
“yeah it’s beautiful,” Josh said, only he wasn’t looking at the scenery, his gaze was fixed on the blonde next to him. A familiar smoky scent soon wafted into their noses from in front of them. 
“Sam, I know you aren’t lighting up right now,” Penny laughed. 
“what? I want to take in the nature,” he spoke through a hit, coughing slightly. 
“well share the wealth,” She reached out her hand as he passed the J behind his back. She took a few hits, before handing it off to Josh. She watched has he held it between his fingers, bringing it to his lips and inhaling deeply. The rest of the hike was peacefully silent, the light slowly fading into the sunset. They reached the waterfall after thirty minutes of walking, finding some rocks to rest on by the water. 
“Josh, stay still for a sec,” Penny asked, taking out her camera quickly. He nodded, not moving from his seat on the rock on the edge of the water. His head was turned towards the sky, knees facing the water. As always, he looked beautiful. The waterfall itself was also beautiful, the water cascaded off of a cliff into the pool below, misting the group slightly. 
“guys i’m hungry wanna head back?” Josh spoke up after a few minutes of silence. Everyone responded with ‘yeas’ gathering up their belongings slowly. The walk back was quiet, relishing in the earthy smell of the woods and fading light of the day. The backyard appeared quickly, and the grouped collectively plopped down on the couch. 
“lets order pizza, Sam and Danny go get alcohol,” Josh suggested as he lay his head on Penny’s lap. She toyed with his hair, nodding along to his suggestion. Sam and Danny agreed, grabbing the keys to the Jeep and heading out, Jake ordered the pizza. 
“alright mama, lets go make a big ass bonfire,” Josh said, reaching for her hand to lead her outside. 
“alright loverboy,” She laughed. 
Hey babes! this chapter felt so long, maybe because it took me so long to write lol. 
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drunkserval · 4 years
A Fresh Canvas: Incomplete Preview
Quite some time ago I did a silly little thread on Twitter, and I’ve always wanted to take that and actually make something out of it. Well it was a little harder than expected, but it’s coming along!
When I have the entire thing done I will be uploading it to AO3, but for now it seemed seasonally appropriate to at least drop this.
I wanted to have this posted yesterday but festivities kept me busier than expected! Story is below the cut. Keep in mind that this is still technically a rough draft, and will receive its final beta pass before the full story hits AO3.
(Tentative) Title: A Fresh Canvas Fandom: Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System by MXTX Rating: G, No Warnings Apply Summary: Shen Jiu and Shen Yuan are neighbors in the same modern apartment complex who, despite looking similar enough to be mistaken for each other, couldn’t be any more different. Or so they think.
Shen Jiu and Shen Yuan were neighbors in the same apartment complex. They lived on the same floor, in the same hall, and were often mistaken for one another due to this proximity combined with how similar their appearances were.
But there were key differences, as both would readily point out to their neighbors. Shen Jiu’s hair hung shy of his shoulders while Shen Yuan’s was shorter and lighter in tone. 
And still the mix-ups kept happening, particularly if they were at some distance or facing away. The misunderstanding would very rarely last past the first glance since Shen Jiu would snap and take immediate offense, and Shen Yuan would just sigh and say, "Sorry, wrong one."
Shen Yuan had no idea why Shen Jiu got so offended over it. Surely he didn’t look that bad, come on!
The neighbors eventually started learning to look at the clothes first--or to at least look for Shen Yuan’s thick-rimmed glasses. 
Both men carried and dressed themselves so differently. Shen Yuan dressed in hoodies and jeans--well, if he was planning on going any further than the mailbox, that was. Otherwise why bother changing out of pajamas or sweatpants?
On the other hand, Shen Jiu didn’t touch anything that wasn’t from a known designer. 
Shen Jiu spent proudly--and why shouldn’t he? Because he at least earned his money!
That Shen Yuan kid down the hall? Rumor was that his parents were paying his rent and he'd never had a real job in his life.
But because he never went out, Shen Yuan was one of the only people still hanging around the apartment complex when Shen Jiu went around knocking during a major holiday. 
In Shen Jiu’s arms was a box containing two fluffy black pups.
Shen Yuan’s eyes widened at the sight of them and he completely forgot to greet his neighbor until Shen Jiu cleared his throat. The dogs were like little storm clouds with feet and stubby tails, staring back at him with big black eyes. One started wagging its tail with such vigor that its whole back end wiggled about.
It took Shen Jiu a moment to find his voice as he followed, such was the state that his neighbor had chosen to answer the door in. Hideous cucumber-print pajama pants, a tacky anime shirt covered in snack crumbs, and unkempt hair had greeted him. But the continuous movement of the box in his arms reminded him of his mission. 
“I found... ” Shen Jiu shifted the box in indication as Shen Yuan shut the door behind them, “these, out by the garbage.”
Shen Yuan blinked as the other passed by him, “Have you tried calling any nearby shelters?”
“Of course I have,” Shen Jiu scoffed at the implication that he was so simple. “You try getting a real person on the phone today, though. It’s impossible. I could only leave messages.”
Shen Yuan put a finger to his lips, “Oh, right. Today is…” Glancing at a wall calendar almost as ugly as his shirt he nodded, “Right. Right.”
Did this kid ever so much as leave the building? Shen Jiu was starting to wonder. Shen Yuan dressed like he’d just rolled out of bed in the latter part of the daytime. And he hadn’t realized it was a major holiday. And then there were the countless odorous takeout boxes covering every available surface in his apartment.
Shen Jiu wrinkled his nose but still asked in spite of his rapidly growing doubts, “You don’t know anyone who can take these little mutts in for a day or two, do you?”
Shen Yuan shook his head and heard Shen Jiu sigh. His neighbor set the box down to give his arms a rest… but Shen Yuan couldn’t seem to rip his attention away from one of the pups. It hadn’t stopped staring at him, or shaking its fluffy little behind, for a moment.
“What if we take them in?”
Shen Jiu’s tone was flat, “What.”
Shen Yuan picked up the excited little pup and it immediately started wiggling in his grasp. Not struggling, however--just trying to get closer to his face, paws waving in the air and its little pink tongue darting out to reach for him even though it was still well outside of range. He had to fight back the urge to laugh at the silly little storm cloud. 
“The building allows us to have one animal per unit, right?” Shen Yuan shrugged, “so what if we each took one, even just long enough to find them new homes?”
Shen Jiu frowned. Taking in a dog, or really any animal, had never been on his agenda. He liked his nice clean apartment and intact furniture unlike a certain someone. Plus he was more partial to cats. He moved his gaze from the overexcited animal back to the box. Though the pups looked identical on the surface this one was clearly the calmer one. It looked up at his scowling face but put forth no such ridiculous display… thank goodness.
Who knew? Maybe Shen Yuan’s idea wasn’t so bad. And if it was, it was only a temporary arrangement, in the end. He might be able to get rid of the animal as soon as tomorrow if it was truly intolerable.
Tentatively, Shen Jiu reached out to pick up the dog…
And felt tiny teeth close around his fingers.
Jerking his hand backwards, Shen Jiu sneered down at the animal. “What, you ungrateful little beast!” 
Shen Yuan finally stopped cooing at his own pup to look over and said, “Maybe he doesn’t like your cologne?”
“And what’s wrong with my cologne?” Shen Jiu snapped, voice raising.
Stepping back, “Nothing, nothing!”
“It was a gift, you know!”
Shen Yuan barely avoided tripping over a haphazard stack of game cases as he kept moving away. “P-perhaps it’s just too strong for a dog’s nose, that’s all!”
This time Shen Jiu moved quickly, snatching up the dog by its middle before it could get its ridiculously tiny muzzle around anything, and he stared directly into the animal’s eyes.
“Do that again, and I’ll put you back out in the cold where I found you. Understood?”
The dog stared back at him, placid and indifferent… until its tongue darted out and licked the end of his nose.
“...good enough.”
It was a few days before the two of them crossed paths again. 
It’d seem they both had decided to keep their newfound pets and they were both out that day to take the dogs for walks.
The air in the park was warm, so they sat themselves on a bench to enjoy it for a bit longer and soak up some of the sunlight that was so rare that time of year. Shen Jiu’s pup sat like a sentry at his feet while Shen Yuan’s pup curled up on his lap the moment he sat down. 
It was through the ensuing conversation they realized they both gave their dog the same name by sheer coincidence.
One was too lazy and the other was too stubborn, so neither changed it. At least they’d bought different-colored collars. But this brought to light a new revelation, and Shen Yuan just had to ask…
“How did you come up with it?”
“It was just the first thing to come to mind,” Shen Jiu had explained, “from something I’ve been reading, probably.”
"Wait, you read that too!?"
As he suspected! That name was from one of the top-rated web novels that year, from its stallion protagonist: Luo Binghe!
Shen Yuan couldn’t imagine someone as outwardly prim as Shen Jiu reading trashy webnovels, but it turned out to be true. It was just a quick, easy way for him to kill a few minutes of downtime at work, Shen Jiu reasoned in his defense.
Whenever they met up from that point forward, Shen Yuan talked his ear off about his various grievances with Proud Immortal Demon Way.
‘Villains that dig their own graves but don’t bother finishing! Women that lead the protagonist on a three-chapter long subplot just to get to their lewd scenes, only to never see them again! And every single character lost all of their intelligence when the protagonist came around!’ 
And yet he had nothing but praise for said protagonist… almost excessive praise. 
Shen Jiu is annoyed at first but he starts enjoying the company. Which is good because the dog turns out to be a menace.
Well, both dogs could be counted as menaces, just in different ways.
Bing-mei (as they come to call him) would start whining so pitifully when Shen Yuan shut the door between them, thus he often just gave up and took the dog with him whenever it was feasible.
Bing-ge, on the other hand, broke his toys within days, climbed around on furniture he wasn’t allowed on--sometimes when Shen Jiu was looking right at him, too--he barked, he scratched furniture, he tore up pillows.
Despite all the trouble he was causing for his master, Shen Jiu would no longer entertain the idea of giving him up. Not after Bing-ge tore up three separate muggers on three separate occasions and growled at the person who kept taking his parking space until it never happened again.
But the biggest takeaway from their conversations, for Shen Jiu, wasn’t webnovels or dogs. It made him start to realize how lonely he'd been. 
The only other person he really spoke to was halfway around the world for their work and they only spoke a couple of times a month. Now that Shen Yuan was around, Shen Jiu actually started to have things to look forward to besides the monotony of work--knocks on the door, long walks with the dogs, the occasional cup of tea afterward on colder days...
Shen Jiu was never the sort to be up-front with his feelings, so he found a way to show his gratitude by helping Shen Yuan with his confidence issues. He started encouraging him to go out more, and to put a little more effort into his looks when he did. This morphed into helping clean up his squalid apartment since Shen Jiu could barely stand to look at it when he came over. 
Months later, Shen Jiu’s recommendation had helped Shen Yuan to land an entry-level job. That, and a steady habit of going out once a week, gave them something else to do and talk about.
Progress was slow, but visible. Shen Yuan seemed a little less awkward in public with each passing week.
One night they were leaning on Shen Yuan’s balcony. It was a night of celebration, for he’d just earned his very first promotion, and Shen Jiu had brought over wine for the occasion.
He found himself leaning closer to Shen Jiu, telling himself it was just to get a better look at him in the dim light of the city night. His focus wasn’t the best even when he was sober after all. Yet Shen Yuan didn’t stop. And when Shen Jiu turned to look at him in confusion, and their lips met, he didn’t withdraw for several seconds.
Neither did Shen Jiu.
Shen Yuan tried to flee as soon as he realized what he’d done only for Shen Jiu to pull him back saying:
"Don't run, take responsibility. We talked about this."
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kyuublu · 4 years
The phone call game.
I get along without you very well - Chet Baker | Inspired by the boys in the band.
Saturday. 2 am.
I was sitting on my carpet floor, looking at the window. My mind was hazy.
Then a champagne bottle popped open behind me. All of my friends were gathered to celebrate Bokutos birthday. We were at Akaashi’s apartment that was previously nicely decorated but turned into a wreck. Me and Keiji have been preparing everything since morning but we already knew it would come to this. Our gatherings always ended up messy. For some reason, this one felt different though.
“Who wants another round?” A tall brunette screamed as he poured himself some of the sparkling drink.
“Me!” I raised my glass with enthusiasm.
The last weeks haven’t been that great for me and everyone knew why, expect one person. The one that made me feel like shit in the first place was seated across from me on a chair next to a window. The dark haired man was sipping on his beverage as if it was just another day.
“Me too, please.” Keiji pointed to his empty glass after Oikawa poured champagne into mine. He wasn’t a heavy drinker, but something has been bothering him for awhile now and I knew he coped with it in his own ways. This time it was drinking.
“Guys~ Come on this is getting boring. We gotta do something or else this grandpa over here will fall asleep.” A whine escaped the raven haired boy near the kitchen island. Both, the kitchen and the living room were connected which happened to make the guest spread out even more.
“Tetsu I fell aseep two times already but your drunk ass couldn’t tell.” His friend, Kenma, replied unfaced as he stared at his phone. For him the alcohol only made him more sleepy.
“Kuroo is right! We need to do something. Come on, this is my birthday guys!” Even the ball of energy sounded pretty done at this point, though Bokuto was still convinced to keep the party alive.
“Maybe we could play a game.” Keiji shrugged, eyeing the glass in hand.
Suddenly a gasp could be heard from Oikawa as he placed the champagne bottle on the counter near Kenma and Kuroo.
“How about we call the one person we’ve ever truly loved and-“
I could practically feel the panic in Keijis eyes. My friend had a secret and he sure as hell wasn’t going confess it like this. I put up a finger, intruding on Toorus stupid idea. “Hold up, what kind of shitty game is that?”
A scowl graced the brunettes face but soon after he continued his idea. “We get points for every phone call. One for calling, two when they pick up, another two when you say your name and-“
His brown orbs scanned the room until they landed on the figure next to the window. “five when you say these three simple words: “I love you’.”
His devilish grin made me sick to my stomach.
“This is childish.” My head snapped to the man Tooru was staring down. Oikawa knew at this point that he had sparked my interest. My hate for this one man was bigger than anything as my mind was still scrambled by all the booze.
“You know what Wakatoshi, who cares? I think it’s kind of interesting actually.”
Me and Toshi always had a weird relationship. I’ve been friends with everyone in the group but we unexpectedly grew closer over the years.
The catch was: He couldn’t communicate and I was frustrated.
“See! We could have a little fun with it.”
The smirk grew bigger on Toorus face as he observed the two of us. Somehow this didn’t just feel like him being an asshole, maybe there was more to it. Maybe there was more to this whole night. I didn’t want to go back home drunk, ending up on the couch with smeared makeup and the same worries like every night. I wanted some answers for once and this game seemed like the key.
“Yea it sure will be ‘fun’.” Akaashi sipped his drink, sarcasm was written all over his face.
Shit. I forgot him.
Quickly averying my eyes back to my long time friend I reassured him. “Not everyone has to participate. It’s not like you’re forced to.”
Then another voice intruded. “Oh come on Akaashi! I think its pretty cool. I mean it takes balls to just confess to someone like that.” Kotaro smiled at him as he sat up straight next to Keiji. I knew my friend couldn’t resist after that comment.
“Well it’s your birthday after all...” His grin showed how whipped he was for the man he called his best friend.
Yes we were a drunk mess, the both of us.
The confident brunette trudged towards his next two victims. “You two are on board, right?”
Kenmas eyes fell on the figure infront of him. He actually turned his phone off and put it in his pocket. Tetsuro gave out a dry chuckle and began nodded towards Oikawa.
“This says enough doesn’t it?”
With his chin raised Tooru slowly backed away. Suddenly his gaze went back to Ushijima that was still seated at the window.
“Y/n was right. Not everyone needs to play but I know you won’t want to miss out on this, Wakatoshi.” The mans stare was still stale. He never seemes faced by anything and it was starting to piss me off.
“Let’s just freaking do it.” I interrupted their little staring contest as I put my glass between my lips.
“You start.” Oikawas head turned to me after my comment and I choked on the liquor that entered my throat. Is this a joke?
After I composed myself again, I spoke up. “Why me? You were the one that was so hyped about this!”
Tooru rolled his eyes. He was so bad at losing, he didn’t even want to start. “Everyone has to do it y/n. It doesn’t matter because you’ll need to call that special someone anyways.”
Tetsuro suddenly moved up from his seat, picking up the telephone that was next to him on the counter. Kenma raised his brows at the action in amusement.
“Be a good example then.” He pointed the phone at the brunette and smirked. I swore to myself then that one day I will thank that smooth talker for his big mouth. Tooru shrugged but took the phone from his hand. Everyone could tell he was nervous by the way his posture changed slightly.
“So who’s the lucky person?” Bokuto broke the tension with his usual bluntness as the brunette typed away at the phone.
“I won’t tell you.” Then my drunk self took over as I stood up and tore the phone away from him.
“No sir, we all gotta say who it is or it won’t count. Stay fair, Tooru.”
“Why does it matter? I’ll have to say it to him anyways.”
Tetsuro intervened again as he leaned against the counter again. “Ohh~ it’s a him then?”
“Don’t act like you didn’t know.”The brunettes cursed at the tall guy. I sighed, holding out the phone to him again.
“Just tell us, nobody will remembers this in the morning anyways.” I tried reassuring, earning praise by Bokuto from the couch. “Yes! What happens at Akaashi’s apartment, stays at Akaashi’s apartment!”
Both of us chose to ignore that comment. Oikawa slowly picked up the phone and began talking with caution.
“He and I knew each other since we were kids...”
With that statement everyone knew who he was referring to. The room was dead silent.
“I know we dated other people from time to time but it was always him. Even when I went overseas, I couldn’t stop thinking about him. I mean-“
His eyes were glued to the name on the lit up screen. Everyone seemed struck by his emotions. Tooru usually led the mood of the party and this time, he didn’t pretend. He was just purely filled with sadness.
“If there was the slightest possibility, everything could change.” Suddenly a small smile grew on his lips as he looke back up at me again. Both of my hands found their way on his shoulders.
“Call him.” I said with the most determination I could muster up.
The phone rang as the group followed Toorus nervous fidgeting.
“One point.” Kenma mumbled, still focused on the event infront of him.
Suddenly a click could be heard and Tooru froze. “Hello?“ His friends voice could be heard through the speakers but it was obvious that it was a recording.
„It’s the mailbox.“ Tooru whispered but didn’t hang up. I silently swore as the line fell silent after the tone.
„Hey, it’s me Oikawa-“ His pale hands were still stuck the phone as if he was hanging on it for his dear life.
I quirked a brow at his determination.
“Two points.” The boy with ombre commented again.
“I know this is probably not the right time nor is it the right way to do something like this but... I just-“ His eyes began watering, his gaze casted up at the ceiling, avoiding the intense stares from his friends.
“I love you, okay? I always have.”
My eyes grew wide. I knew it was going to happen but it didn’t feel as accomplishing as I thought it would.
After a few seconds of sniffling, my usual cocky friend spoke his last words. “I hope this doesn’t make things weird but call me when you aren’t busy. And if this all goes to shit... then i hope i didn’t ruin our friendship because of my stupidity. I’m sorry-“
A weak smile formed on his face again.
“Good night.” Tooru pushed the red button. The room was still dead.
After a few minutes of silence Tooru cautiously looked down from the ceiling again and towards me. “So, who’s next?”
Hurt laced his voice but his eyes spoke for themselves. He wanted the game to continue no matter what.
“Akaashi you were awfully silent tonight. Isn’t it your friends birthday? Shouldn’t you be ecstatic to prepare such an amazing event for him?” The brunettes words felt as sharp as knives. He knew he had dug himself a grave but didn’t want to be the only one left feeling this way.
“I didn’t mean to-“ Keiji stuttered at his blunt accusations until Ko stepped in. “It’s fine. I loved it Akaashi! The food, the decorations, everything was great.”
Tooru clapped his hands sarcastically. “Here we go, you loved it! What else do you love or rather-“ He came closer to the birthday boy. “Who do you love, mh? I’m curious about this one.”
In a spur of the moment I yanked the phone away. Tooru’s attitude was rubbing me the wrong way and Keiji was in this situation because I agreed to it. I finally needed to own up to my feelings.
This game really was stupid.
Before Tooru could provoke another friend of his, the figure at the window finally began to move from his seat.
“Y/n, give me the phone.”
Toshi stood next to me now, his big hand held out in persistence. He always got the reaction he wanted out of me but not this time. I was frustrated AND drunk.
“And why would I do that?” I asked narrowing my eyes at the all too familiar man.
“Because I asked you to. You aren’t in your right mind at the moment.” He concluded.
“Don’t act like you care, Toshi.” I pleaded, phone still in hand until he began stepping further towards me.
“Okay, why don’t we calm down?” Tetsuro chimed in as he went between the two of us.
“I am calm.” The stoic figure infront of him stated.
“Oh wow, newsflash: The statue remains calm.” Sarcasm practically dripped from my voice as I took the last swig from my drink. Tooru’s chuckle could be heard from the back of the couch he was leaning on now. Tetsuro sighed as he held my shoulders in place.
“Come on, give the guy a chance.”
My eyes grew wide at the betrayal my friend just committed.
“Do you really think he’s gonna call someone? This guy hasn’t loved anything in his life besides his career. Trust me, I would know.” My comment stung as much as I intended it to.
“Give me the phone.” Wakatoshi repeated with even more determination this time. The dark haired boy still stood between us and slowly took the phone out of my hand, turning around to the other figure.
“Don’t pull anything funny.” He warned Wakatoshi as he proceeded to hand him the phone. He left the space between us and I turned away immediately.
I couldn’t watch this shit anymore. Everything, from the time we first spend a day together to the endless nights awake. The happyness I felt with him, but mostly the confusion, led up to this moment.
I could sense Toshi’s fixation on me.
„So who are you going to call, mh?” Staring at the cold wall white walls that mustered Keiji’s apartment as I crossed my arms.
“It sure as hell aint me.”
The line kept ringing as the man kept his demeanor. Our friends were at the edge of their seats at this point. Some because they worried for their friends relationship, some for pure entertainment.
Suddenly the back of my pocket started vibrating, releasing a calming little ringtone.
“One point.”
I shook my head slowly, trying my best to keep my eyes from watering.
“Please, pick up.” He urged.
For the first time in this weird relationship we had, I felt some sort of emotion coming from the man. I started turning around slowly to the figure behind me.
Silently cursing to myself I took the phone out of my back pocket and placed my finger on the green button.
“Two points.”
“Y/n, it’s Wakatoshi.”
“Another two points.” Kenmas voice erupted in the background again, it only felt like a tv softly playing in the background.
My emotions got the better of me as I softly cried out. “I hate you.”
The line fell silent again. I closed my eyes as I put a hand over my mouth.
“I know you don’t mean that.” His deep voice rang through my ears, calming me in a way. “I know it because after everything that happened, you always stayed with me. Y/n, I-“
“Don’t fucking say it.” My hand fell as I stared him down with tears trickled down my cheeks. He opened his mouth for a second again.
“Toshi, don’t-“
“I love you.”
“Five points.”
I stared at the figure infront of me. This man wasn’t someone that would enter a game in the first place but if he did, he intended to win.
„Congrats.“ I blinked away the tears. „Hopefully next time you can express your feelings without it having to be a competition.“
After pressing the red button, I quickly placed my phone back into my pocket and looked for my purse. I couldn’t stay in this room any longer.
Slinging the bag I found on the table over my shoulder, I turned towards the exit.
„Are you leaving?“ Keiji cautiously stood up and approached my dishevelled figure.
“I have to go. I’m sorry.” Without sparing him a second glance I walked out of the apartment.
After running down the flights of stairs, the slightly colder air felt like heaven to my lungs. I panted for a while until I began walking towards the river that was nearby the apartment. Halting at the rails I took a look at the scenery, the city lights mirrored in the dark blue.
At times Keiji and I would take a walk along the sight and talk for hours. How come I can open up to some so easily and with others it feels so difficult?
“I was scared.”
Wakatoshi’s deep voice rang behind from me. I remained on the rails, waiting for him to continue without my help.
“Maybe, you were going to call somebody else. When I realized that that could be a possibility I panicked.” Suddenly his tall figure stood next to me. He wore his black coat and had his hair casually down, just effortlessly.
“It might be too late but I still had to say it before you could say it to another man.”
My gaze slowly drifted to him.
“What difference would it make?”
His features looked so soft in this light, eyes glimmering. Toshi’s eyebrows were furrowed as if he was in deep thought. Then his soothing voice could be heard again.
“I don’t think I would be able to handle it. I know doing it like this was not right and I should have done it before.” He paused again until his eyes suddenly met mine.
“It might be selfish when I put it like this but I can’t see you with anyone else.”
My vision became blurry again as his eyes began to soften at his last words. A sudden wave of emotions hit me and I wrapped my arms around his neck. I clung to him as if he was going to run away.
“I love you Toshi. I only love you.”
10 points.
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secondhand-trash · 4 years
Tumblr media
A/N: words cannot described how entertained I was when I was writing this...
Warning: suggestive themes
Word count: 1888
(click here to see more of Osamu’s bento)
(taglist in the notes, please go to the link in my bio or send me an ask to be added to the bento taglist uwu)
You were so determined to tell him everything as it was, but you immediately didn’t have the heart to do it when you were met with his round eyes fixed on you.
You had it coming…
“Yeah,” you said, “we are going through this real big project right now and everyone is on edge.”
He took your hand and pressed it against his cheek. You smiled as he leaned into your touch, caressing his jaw with your thumb. He was lucky that he’s cute, you thought to yourself, silently deciding that maybe you would try to be a little bit more openminded the next time he turned your lunch into a meme canvas.
“Then I should try to bring you some excitement with your bento then! Something that both taste good and can motivate you visually!”
You might have deliberately left out that the true reason to your exasperation was the fact that your brain was squeezed dry after playing a game of edible pictionary under Osamu’s drive, but you didn’t exactly lied about anything either. There was really a big project your department was undergoing and it was pushing everyone’s mental well-being to the edge. Your friend, the one who sat at the cubicle opposite to yours, nearly had a meltdown in the office the other day because the drafts of a powerpoint was printed in greyscale instead of in colour. The head of the department, a middle aged man who looked like a round department store mascot and never raises his voice, was heard sobbing in his office after getting off a conference call with the management board. Needless to say, you had been walking on eggshells in every waking minute and you felt like you had aged by years just from theses few days.
The only bit of joy you had in the office was the short 30 minutes you were mercifully given each day to fuel your body with food so you could continue to be tortured by work. Osamu kept his promise with changing up what was in your bento every single day with no repeats. Making count of what you had seen in your bento had become part of your daily routine. You had gotten several different pepes, a few cat memes and some very ambiguous looking faces (most of which you assumed to be him). You were hesitant to accept his new hobby of using your lunch as a creative outlet but now you appreciate it to no end.
Slamming the door shut, you placed your palm flat on the wall and sighed as the soreness in all the muscles you did not know was in your body started getting worse and worse.
God could give you 48 hours in a day and it still wouldn’t be enough.
“I’m home...” you muttered, kicking your shoes to the side as you limped into the living room.
Osamu appeared from the doorway and took your bag from your hand. You groaned at the weight that was finally off of your shoulder, rolling your neck to feel each joint cracking. He caught you in his arms swiftly when you latched onto him, putting all your weight on him as you allow your tired legs the rest they needed.
“Urgh...” your voice came out as an inaudible noise as you groaned into his chest, rubbing your face against the fabric of his shirt. He let your bag fell onto the ground with a chuckle, wrapping his arms around you as he felt you sinking deeper into his embrace, “if it goes on like this I’m not going to live to see tomorrow’s sunrise..."
You whined as he rubbed soothing circles on your back, the warmth reaching from his palm to your body. You felt your limbs slowly reviving under his touch, his hand trailing from your back to your shoulder blades then down your spine again. You could feel the rumbling from his chest as he spoke, his voice low by your ear and his breath ticking your neck, “Do you need me to give you some motivation?”
A sound that resembled a choked moan slipped from your lips when his hand pressed down at a particularly stiff spot on your back, “Please do.”
The corner of his lips curled up at your breathy reply. Brushing your hair away with his finger, he dipped down to the sensitive skin of your exposed neck.
“Can you make nanban chicken for tomorrow’s bento?”
He froze in place at your request. Ah, you had taken his suggestion towards a completely different direction. He thought that he sounded pretty sexy when he was whispering in your ear but perhaps the suggestive tone lacing his words went lost in your tired brain.
He bite back the sigh that was threatening to leak out, “Of course.”
Osamu didn’t try to initiate anything again the next couple of days, mostly because you came back looking like your soul had flown away from your body every single night that he felt bad for even thinking about doing anything that might tire you out even more. Was it bad that the thought of not being able to do anything actually made him even needier? Perhaps. But it had been a while and quite a while since you had done anything intimate and being a normal young man with normal needs, he felt like the even the slightest bit of skinship he could get from you was setting off something indescribable in him. 
Like right now, on the long weekend that he had been looking forward to every day for the past week, he swore he would combust if you shifted around next to him for just one more time on your couch that felt particularly crowded today.
You smelt so nice, he silently thought to himself as he buried his nose in your hair, and your skin was so warm. Your body fit against his perfectly, each sharp corner and soft bump molded together like the world created you two to fit with each other like this.
This was good, and all he needed was a slight push...
His arm around your waist tightened and his hand started wandering to the side of your thigh, "You know, it’s been a while since we... you know...”
He tried his hardest to not press against you when you pushed your hips back as you turned around to face him, “Hm?”
“And I miss you...” his voice was dripping with honey as his lips ghosted over where your ear connected to your neck.
You grinned, feeling the way he got more and more handsy all over you, “Is that so?”
Osamu felt his chest swelling when you didn’t push him away, “Uhm.”
Your hand was on his toned chest as you slowly sat up and he couldn’t help but let out a heavy breath in anticipation when you inched towards him.
He nearly lost balance and fell off the couch when the doorbell rang.
He wanted to scream when you perked up, snapping towards the door in excitement, “Oh it must be my parcel!”
A million different curses in all the languages he didn’t know he knew ran through his head as you leaped out of his arms, leaving his hand hanging in the air as you hopped over to the door.
His eyes followed your frame like a puppy who got kicked to the side as you, not sparing him a glance, happily walked into your room with the card box in your hand.
Running his hand down his face, he let out a muffled groan as his plan was spoiled. Throwing his head back in frustration, he felt the dread building up inside of him when he felt the familiar stuffiness in his pants.
Oh. Oh hello.
Not that you were aware, but he had gotten rather familiar with the shower and its temperature settings the past week and as he once again shivered under the cold water that rained on his head like a waterfall, he contemplated the possibility of being drowned in a cold shower.
Your hand was shaking as you moved the mouse so that the arrow on the screen hovered over the send button.
Was this all? Was there anything you needed to add? You paused, your mind in a state of blank before your finger bounced against the key. You stared while the page buffered, before it returned to your mailbox.
You blinked, processing this sudden overwhelming feeling that was the fact that there was nothing you needed to do anymore.
It’s over. The earlier hollowness caught up to you in the form of thundering joy and trumpets going off in your head. You finished up everything.
You could not help the little squeal that you let out as you stretched your arms wide, rolling your shoulders bac to reward them for carrying you through. Clasping your hand together, you almost felt like humming when you saw that it was just in time for lunch.
You could not be in a better mood. Your work was done and you managed to get it cleared out before lunch. How long had it been since you last had the leisure to really savour your food instead of gulping it down to squeeze out more time? 
You paused when you opened the lid of the bento, tilting your head to the side as you took in the very oddly shaped onigiri that was sitting in the center.
Hm- oh? Oh.
You scrambled to shut the box up with flailing hands when you realised what it actually was, looking around in panic to check if anyone had seen what was inside just then. 
What the fuck? What the actual fuck? 
What was he thinking? Your chest was pounding and your face was steaming with embarrassment at the very visual representation of the last thing that was safe for being shown in the office. How the hell would he think that this was a good idea?
Sliding your lower body off your chair, you carefully lifted up the corner of the lid so that you could peak inside to confirm your suspicion.
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For fuck sake.
You attracted the bewildered gaze of a few concerned colleagues when you flopped down onto your desk, hiding your burning face on the cold surface to calm down your mind that was going haywire from what you have noticed in addition to the what you had figured out earlier.
That dummy did not model it after his own...
You were not sure if you wanted to be angry or amused when Osamu gingerly, but also a bit anticipatingly poked his head out from the doorway to observe you from afar when you came home that night.
All that was left was for him to have a tall to wag behind him when he stared at you with his round eyes like he wanted to say something but was also too scared to bring it up.
He immediately stood up straight, “Yes?”
“I’ll give you 10 seconds to explain yourself.”
He blinked, his eyes skittering around the room before focusing back on you, “Was it not obvious enough?”
You found yourself unable to question his logic. Palming yourself, you did not know if laughing was the right reaction when he snuck up next to you and very awkwardly pulled you closer to him before resting his chin on your shoulder, looking up at you with a look that he deemed to be extremely irresistable.
Fine, he looked kind of cute.
You wanted to smack him when he very eagerly latched onto you when you turned to face him, his hands being everything but well-behaved as he leaned over to kiss you square on the lips.
His eyes widened when you put your hand on his face right when he was almost touching you.
“Should I worry about you doing that again?”
He shook his head frantically, looking at you from behind his bangs with a pleading look.
You laughed, before moving your hand away and let him close the distance between your lips.
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otherworldly-healer · 3 years
Raine sat down at her office desk warily examining the envelope that held her name on it. She had placed it there earlier after checking the mailbox. Taking a shower and getting into clean clothes after trekking through the forest all day was a more pressing matter. Then dinner, lesson plans, and a few chores stole her attention. After everyone else had returned to their rooms for the night she finally got around to investigating the letter. 
She noted it didn’t have a return address. It was rare if ever that she got mail that wasn’t some sort of advertisement for a business or an announcement of activities at the University or other community hub. Most correspondence was much easier on the telephone or meeting in person, so whatever it was it must have been formal. She unfolded her reading glasses and turned on the lamp to begin reading.
Professor Raine Sage,
I've been told I'm better at expressing myself in written word than spoken, and I'm inclined to agree. Even so, I'm not looking forward to writing this; I haven't written a letter in some years, and our relationship is complicated enough in normal circumstances.
I'm writing several letters now as a contingency. In the event I should disappear from the island before I find the courage to say these things aloud, I've given instructions for them to be delivered. If you're reading this, then I am no longer in Spirale. I suppose it's possible that you're reading this letter while I'm still here, but as I've entrusted these letters to one of my dearest and most reliable friends, I won't bother entertaining the thought.
A part of me is grateful that I won't have to deal with the fallout when these letters are first opened. For that, and for everything, I am sorry. On the other hand, it's entirely possible that I will return tomorrow and have to face the immediate consequences. But there's no way to predict what will happen, and I'd rather have those difficult conversations than leave, potentially for good, without a word.
Out of all of Spirale's victims from our world, I chose to write to you because I trust you are the most capable of understanding my intentions.
In my wake, I've left a path of devastation almost as wide as Yggdrasill's. I can't excuse the things I have done, nor would I want to; to try would be an insult to every life sacrificed, and despite what you may think of me, I cannot accept such callousness.
And yet, I must try to convince myself that there is a way to atone - that I am not irredeemable. I must believe that I can make a difference. It's naive - childish, even - but if I consider my current actions as useless, what hope can I have to actually make a change?
If I can't undo the past, I will do what I can to better the future. That is what I believe. It has taken me six years since my arrival to put it into words, but I believe I have felt that way deep down for a long time.
Unfortunately, I won't be able to act on that belief in Spirale, at least for some time. And that brings me to the point of this letter: I want you to remind me of this.
When people leave and return, their memories are sometimes altered or erased. I believe it due to the nature of the differing timelines between the island and its targeted worlds, but that's all I can say. Ironically, I can't remember if I ever told you this. It's a very real possibility that, should I return at all, I will not remember any of the experiences here that have shaped me.
I can remember who I was when I first arrived. The thought of being like that again scares me.
That isn't to say I expect you to restore my memories, nor do I expect you to try. If I do return as the bitter, apathetic person I was before, I doubt you would be able to convince me anyway. I simply ask that you tell me what I have said here - that no matter how hopeless it must seem, I must try.
I won't burden you with any other messages, though you are free to tell the others what I've written here. I pray that we get the chance to meet again, even if it is while I am someone else.
Take care, Yuan Ka-Fai
She had to reread the contents a few times before fully processing what was written. Even then she felt a rush of conflicting emotion that she couldn’t quite describe. He was really gone? Just like that?
She couldn’t understand him. He would write to her because he felt she was the most responsible one? He didn’t say that he trusted her personally, just that he trusted that she could understand his intentions. It made some sense, admittedly, rather than burdening one of the younger members of the group. Still, she couldn’t help but feel weighed down by this task that he had given her. To always have to be the mature voice, to be composed and weigh all perspectives, felt a bit unfair. Yet she had never been one to ever vocalize that she was being overwhelmed. Yuan and her weren’t close. Would this task not be better served to someone else? Was she just a last-case scenario, in case others had disappeared as well? Surely that must be all.
She had had little reason to keep checking her phone during these eclipses. Ever since Genis had arrived, she had little reason to keep obsessing over who had come and gone from this island. And while she felt a stinging loneliness when Colette and a melancholy when Six had disappeared, they had come back the same people. In her experience it seemed to happen more often than not. She knew from prior conversations with Yuan himself that it was possible for people to come here differently—Mithos had once been from four thousand years ago, and many of her companions such as Sheena had come from different times in their Journey. 
Of course it was possible. But she didn’t want to think about it. If she allowed herself to, that bubble of optimism that she’d been trying to build would surely burst again-- as fragile as it already was. She wanted to enjoy her time here to just be herself. She wanted to have a home and not have to be a historical figure, a leader for her race. Despite setbacks she was happy here; at times more content than she had ever been in her entire life. But time and time again the reality of this place threatened to take that all away. How long would it be before someone she was closer with would be spirited away back to their home plane? What if they came back, but had no recollection of ever meeting her? 
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No. No. No. I’m so damn tired of starting over! That’s all my life has been! Hit a dead end, regroup, turn on my heel, and set off again. Pretend that it doesn’t hurt. Pretend that it is inevitable. Right when I’d been foolish enough to begin to feel comfortable in this city.
Yuan had done it again. What a frustratingly cowardly man. Even going so far as to say he’d be glad that he wasn’t there to deal with the fallout of the letters. He would speak with her briefly and leave her with some worrying information while having no answers for what to do with said information. No plan of action. Just a looming threat to be wary of. Raine could feel anger welling up as she ran her hand through her bangs. Her fist pounded the table, rattling the cup set next to her on a coaster. 
Of course after four thousand years he had never had answers before, why should she expect it to be any different now? A man of inaction. Indifference. And yet he still insisted that he had changed. Waver had insisted that his past didn’t matter in this place, but she couldn’t agree. Experiences and memories formed who people were. Yuan had admitted to his mistakes but she hadn’t known him well enough to tell if he had really devoted himself to changing. Besides her, how many of her companions had he approached and expressed his desire to atone? To build that better future?
She still had so much to say to him. So much to ask him. She hadn’t had enough time. As infuriating as it was, Yuan had been incredibly helpful with acclimating herself to the city. He was a straightforward voice that helped dispel confusion. She wanted to understand him better, but to the professor it felt like he was always trying to hide from her and the rest. Complicated was right. She had respect for him. She hated his guts. They shared more commonalities as half-elves that she cared to admit. Raine could never forgive how he hardened his heart to overlook the damage he caused through negligence. How turning into an angel had tainted him and his view of mortals as expendable. She was conflicted. In another time and place, she could have even seen them as friends with their common interests. It was just too hard to divorce him from his past actions in her mind. Not completely.
Yet…she had to admit there was a heart there somewhere deep down. She’d seen it, briefly, on more than one occasion. The one time that Yuan had let a glimmer of his emotions show. That one argument they had at the club. He was desperate to make amends. He repeated that wish here in the letter. To acknowledge how much of a hand he had in perpetuating the cycle of violence and hatred in Aselia. Even if those things could not be forgiven, at least he was not running from them. That alone proved that he had changed. 
She didn’t want to believe that it was too late for anyone. 
She needed to have hope that people could change if they wanted to. 
She refused to ever let go of that plea.
In her eyes he wasn’t irredeemable. However, she couldn’t shake the feeling that he was still too scared to actually face any of them. Meetings were always sporadic, and they had spent a fair share of their time working in the same place avoiding one another. She’d said it time and again…adults were troublesome creatures, stubborn and often stuck in their ways. Deeply complex and entangled in their own doubts and fears. Her included. She had to have compassion for that.
“You better believe that I will hold you to that, Yuan,” she whispered. Raine let the letter rest on her desk, pinching the bridge of her nose. Her eyes stung as if forcing back tears.
No, I refuse to be upset by this!
...though it was much too late.
 The half-elf closed her eyes and took a deep breath, leaning back in her chair and staring at the ceiling. Her hands curled around the sides of the letter, causing the page to wrinkle. “To write me of all people a last message. What are you thinking? It sounds almost like a will.” She reached over to her phone to check the contact list and…sure enough, Yuan’s name had vanished.
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“If you come back with all of your memories intact, you’ll truly be sorry.” She folded the letter back into its envelope and took her glasses off. 
“Whatever happens next, don’t ever stop trying. You’ve gotten too far to give up now.” But she was merely talking to herself. Her words would no longer reach him. Hopefully someday in the future she would have the opportunity to say that to his face.
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mycatshuman · 4 years
Fright Night But Make it Gay
Chapter 2 : Human Is Too Pretty It's Illegal
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Pairings: Prinxiety, Intrological, Moceit
Warnings: panic attacks, let me know if I missed any
Virgil had existed for a long time. Existed. Not lived. He wasn't alive. But he also wasn't necessarily dead either. He just kind of was. And his being had been in existence for a while. So there really wasn't a lot that surprised him anymore. He had been all around the world. More than twice. He had experienced nearly everything the world had to offer. It's cultures, environments, it's people. He had a few lovers and acquaintances here and there, but for the most part, he was alone. All on his own. 
Along with being not quite dead or alive, Virgil was also immortal. Humans called what he was many things, the most simple definition was a vampire. Because of this, he had to move often to keep suspicion off of him. He didn't want any unwanted attention. He just wasn't that kind of person. 
Luckily, as the world progressed into the 21st Century and touch screen phones came into existence, people became more eqngrossed in their phones and less and less concerned themselves with the business of their neighbors. It made it a lot easier for Virgil to live in a place without people noticing his lack of aging. Of course there was the occasional Karen who couldn't learn how to mind their own business but for the most part, Virgil was able to live comfortably in one place for more than five years. Lessing moving was good for him. He wasn't all too comfortable with things changing all the time. 
As of late, existence for Virgil had become kind of boring. Things didn't really cchange.it was too much of the same things day in and day out.  Sure there were small differences from day to day but things had become kind of dull. He had been alone for a while, deciding to take a break from people and isolate himself for a few years on top of a mountain. But now, Virgil actually found himself missing a little adventure. Interacting with people online was nice but sometimes he craved a cuddle. Was that too much to ask? 
So, he decided it was time to enter the physical human world again. Virgil  could never have guessed that the adventure he was so craving would come in the form of a hot as hell theater human living next door to his newest house. 
Virgil randomly picked an area on the globe for him to move to before picking another random area on a map of that area. He repeated these steps until he had a nice little college town. After that, he worked on renting some storage and a hotel room in the town until he was able to find a suitable home in the market. He almost considered going through college again until deciding it was not for him. He was only just starting to fully immerse himself on the public again, he needed time to readjust. Maybe in a year or so he would be ready. 
Surprisingly, it didn't take Virgil long to find a suitable house that he could move into. It was a nice old Victorian house. And it was relatively close to the college so if he did ultimately decide that he would go in for another degree, it wouldn't be a long commute for him. He quickly purchased the house and set up a date for the move. 
Virgil moved into his new home on a stormy weekend in early September. It was in a relatively small neighborhood near the college he had been looking at. He had played for a moving company to move his things from the storage unit he had rented and into his new house. He did feel a little  bad for making the movers work in rain for the better part of the day but he knew that if he moved on a sunny day, he would forget to reapply sunscreen every hour and he didn't know how to explain to people he was supervising that he was a vampire and burned easily.  He also wasn't really in the mood to get a severe sunburn anytime soon. But he had paid them fairly well and bought them pizza for their drive, so he only hoped that made up for moving things in the rain.  
As they drove away, he was able to truly appreciate his new home. I think I'm going to like it here. 
It had only been a few days since he moved into his home. Unlike normal people, he didn't spend any time unpacking anything aside from the essentials. He just sat. Moving took a lot out of him. Even if he wasn't the one moving everything, it still took its toll on him. Talking to strangers, having them move his things, the anxiety with just that alone would wear out his social battery for a day. But the worst part of the entire moving process was the adjustment. Virgil had to take two whole days just getting used to the noises and movements of his new home and neighbors. He had to actively adjust to the new environment otherwise he would be woken up because of some noise that scared the hell out of him and threw him into a panic attack only to find out that it was just somebody opening their mailbox or something. (Virgil had learned his lesson from the last time it happened.)
But by the end of the first two days, Virgil was comfortable enough to begin unpacking and organizing. And by the time a week had passed, Virgil could say he had settled into the environment nicely. He was comfortable and things seemed to be going well, no one had come to bother him. There wasn't a mob outside gunning for his head. Things were good. 
Then it happened. 
Virgil was just bringing in some blood bags from the vamp market, minding his own business when he suddenly heard someone screaming about a vampire next door. Immediately, Virgil dropped his cargo and slammed his backdoor shut before pushing himself flat against the wall. He froze in fear as he heard the yelling again. It sounded from behind him. Oh my Selene! Did they see me?!?! Did they see the bags?!?! Are they coming for me?! No! No! No! 
Whoever had yelled, however, did not come banging on his door with a torch and pitchfork. Virgil listened intently and picked up on faint, tired sounding voices as someone told whoever had yelled that it was just a dream and to go to sleep. 
Virgil let out a sigh. He wasn't completely in the clear. He still didn't know if they actually saw him or not. But he also wasn't in immediate danger either. He leaned down slowly to pick up his box of blood bags so he could put them away. He would be on high alert for the next month. At least until he was sure that it was indeed just a dream. Although, he had to recognize that the supposed dream was oddly specific. He couldn't just blame it on coincidence.  That could cost him greatly. 
He also couldn't help but wonder how his neighbor would react if they found out he was an actual vampire. The thought terrified him. Images of horrible deaths that could be inflicted on him flashed rapidly through his head. If only he knew how opposite the reaction would be to what his anxiety riddled brain told him would happen. 
The next morning, Virgil went about his business while keeping an ear on his neighbors house. He faintly heard them talking about vampires again. Most of them didn't believe the other guy. (Thankfully) But then Virgil heard the guy say that the vampire was going to bite him and then they were going to get married. Virgil froze. What the fuck? 
Virgil got lost in his thoughts after that only to startled out of it when he heard a knock at the door. Virgil frowned and moved to the door and peeked out only to nearly have a heart attack. Oh no! He's hot! Slowly, he worked up an ounce of courage and opened the door. "Yes?" He asked quietly. 
"Um, Hello. I'm Roman Belmonte and I just wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood with some homemade cookies."
Virgil eyed Roman suspiciously. "Mm." Roman learned forward a little and Virgil shrunk back a little. 
"Oh, who am I kidding," Roman exclaimed. "These aren't homemade cookies, they're just store-bought." A chuckle. "I was just trying to impress you, I caught a glimpse of you when you moved in and well, what can i say, you're gorgeous." And then he had the audacity to flash Virgil a flirtatious smile. 
On the inside, Virgil was shouting "No! Stop! I'm already gay!" But on the outside,  Virgil somehow kept his composure. He snorted. "I don't know, I mean you're hot as hell but then I found out that you didn't even make me homemade cookies and I don't know if I'm willing to date a guy who won't even put in the effort to make homemade cookies. What, are your kisses gonna be store bought too?" Virgil opened the door more and motioned for Roman to come in. 
Roman's jaw dropped. Score one for Virgil! Then he licked his lips. "A date? I don't remember mentioning anything about a date...but if you're offering."
Screw you and your handsome face! Virgil snorted. "Princey, Princey, Princey, so naive," He said, in an effort to keep his composure. "You're going to have to do more than flirt with me to get a date with me."
Roman raised an eyebrow. "Is that a challenge?" 
Virgil grinned. "Sure, pretty boy." 
"Be prepared to go on a date with me," Roman said with a grin.  Virgil rolled his eyes as Roman handed him the cookies. "I know they're just store bought but they're still good."
Virgil watched as the other turned to leave and frowned. "Wait." He waited until Roman was facing him again. "You don't even want to know my name?" He asked. "That's going into the cons." He was only teasing. And the flush that spread across Roman's face was worth it. 
"I-well-uh, what's your name?"
Virgil smirked. "Virgil. Good luck in that challenge, Princey." He watched Roman leave with a smirk before closing the door and burying his face in the cookies and let out a high pitched squeal. "Oh my Selene! How did I do that?!?!?"
Virgil leaned back and slid down the back of his front door. He sighed somewhat dreamily. "I have never, in all my years upon this earth, been flirted with like that." Virgil stared at the boxes scattered around the foyer. "Wow," he breathed. Long had he forgotten about the fact that his next door neighbor suspected he was a vampire. He was too busy in his gay panic. He had been flirted with. It was going to take him a bit to recover from that being the gay mess that he is. Little did he know the other was in the same boat. 
Virgil stared at his phone in utter horror. "What…Roman are you there?" He already knew he wasn't. He had heard the line go dead. What's going on? What is Roman's family doing? It took Virgil a few more seconds for things to fully register. What if they had found out what Virgil was!?!? Virgil jumped up and quickly tried to figure out where Roman was. As soon as he figured out, he was out the door. 
Only to come back in and get his car keys. It was daylight out and he couldn't very well run without risking getting spotted. Plus, he was too worried about his boyfriend to put sunscreen on. Virgil quickly climbed into his car, a nice '67 Chevy Impala, and started the engine and set his GPS to Roman's location. He was really lucky that Remus had forgotten to check to see if Roman's location was on. 
"Don't worry, Ro. I'm coming. I'm your Prince Charming this time." 
FNBMIG: @lehuka123
Everything: @misery-killed-me @superwholocked-for-life @mirror2thespirit @aroundofapplesauce @lyditist @little-euro-girl @unicornofdarknessstuff @maryann-draws @odette-ssbu
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