#it was such a wholesome moment and even the kids that aren't into it were happy to watch the show for a
punkymonkeehat · 1 year
I shit you not, guys...
My 7th graders, after putting things away and working really hard today, asked why we haven't watched The Monkees in a long time. I said that I thought they didn't like them anymore (cause middle schoolers always change their opinions all the time lol) and a out the entire class were appalled that I thought that and kept saying "We wanna watch the Monkees!! Can we have Monkees Friday? Can you bring in more episodes? I wanna see Davy and Micky again" (this class' favorite). Like, it almost turned into a riot!
I showed them the show last year as a reward for having a great concert and I guess they've been hooked ever since without me even knowing lol
So I put on an episode and all of them gathered around our TV and I was going to skip the theme song to get to the episode (it was the last 5 minutes of class) and they all got so upset and said "No don't, I wanna see the theme song!" So we only saw like, maybe 3 minutes of the actual episode and when the bell ring they wanted to stay and watch more 😆
Band to Monkees pipeline lol
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nobody-nexus · 8 months
What Your Fav TADC Ship Says About You
(Note: This is NOT to be taken seriously. It's just me having fun, so please respect that ^^ Also I'll be giving a 1 to 10 rating on how much I personally like the ship cause why not?)
Caine/Moon - You love The Addams Family and/or Who Framed Roger Rabbit AND the ship of tall pretty lady and short goofy man (10/10)
Caine/Pomni - You love the inherent romanticism of NO awareness at all times x too MUCH awareness at all times (8/10)
Caine/Jax - I dunno WHAT you're into, but it's the straightest gay thing I've ever seen (2/10)
Caine/Kinger - You love old man yoai but oddly enough in the most wholesome way possible (6/10)
Caine/Gangle - You're a rare bunch, but you took that ONE fact about Gangle drawing Caine a lot and ran with it (5/10)
Pomni/Ragatha - You're either pro-yuri to the MAX or you like two people so mentally ill it goes right back around into being healthy (10/10)
Pomni/Jax - You are either very comfortably heterosexual, into height difference relationships, or both (8/10)
Pomni/Gangle - You fully believe in the inherent romanticism of fucking sobbing together (9/10)
Pomni/Zooble - You either can't decide on Pomni's sexuality and wanted to still ship her with someone from the shore or you just want them to smoke weed together (9/10)
Ragatha/Jax - Be honest for a moment here, you very much want to bang at LEAST one of these two, if not both of them (0/10)
Ragatha/Gangle - Calling you out to say that hurt/comfort IS YOUR COMFORT (that and/or you like their ship name) (9/10)
Ragatha/Zooble - Another rare site, but you are SO MUCH in love with that one meme that goes "Someone will die" "Of fun" (1/10)
Jax/Gangle - You were told at least ONE TIME by your mom that the kid that was bullying you at school secretly liked you (1/10)
Jax/Zooble - You believe in the inherent romanticism of hating each other SO much that it turns into making out and sharing a cigarette (10/10)
Jax/Bubble - You are a fucking MEME LORD and you aren't even TRYING to hide that fact because YOU KNOW YOU ARE (10/10 meme wise, 1/10 genuine ship wise)
Gangle/Zooble - You're very much into weeb x goth aesthetic pictures most likely found on pinterest (7/10)
Kinger/Queenie - You either only ship canon or you just love what they can be in canon and can't wait to learn more (5/10)
Kaufmo/Pomni - You have at least one AU where Kaufmo isn't abstracted and he actually interacts with Pomni (2/10)
Kaufmo/Jax - You're just in it for the meme potential filled with the most 'no homo guys' jokes (1/10)
Kaufmo/Gangle - I swear y'all hide in the wild SOMEWHERE- I'VE SEEN YOU (1/10)
Moon/Sun - You like Steven Universe (6/10)
Pomni/Ragatha/Jax - You either want to be Pomni, or you can't decide on which ship you like more (2/10)
Pomni/Ragatha/Gangle - You believe in THE yuri of all time (9/10)
Hope you like all of these
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theslayerbrother · 7 months
So there is a lot of Saying of how Jim changed characters Such as Draal Strickler Angor and Nomura to name a few but not that much of how the character changed him (especially his friends and family ) outside of bein Supportive.
edit - there Amazing headcannos by @albentelisa and by a few more so maybe i would return on Something that people already Said
Also i am not a Writer i'm so not calming it's 100% (well Claire mabye hehe) jk.
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Let's Start with the easiest and Probably the most loyal person to Jim and the first Person after Jim that was introduce was his BFF Toby. Toby Represent Jim mortality the fact that he Can be hurt and injured because toby very easily get hurt and injured because he only human and not in the best of shape but besides that he is able to Keep going Which is Why Jim kept going able to do things despite being only human.
(i am well aware that Jim was the one who push to toby to Keep going as well was the first but Jim a lot of the time felt a moment of weakness that he isn't good enough and toby Should him that isn't true it Kinda go visa versa)
another thing about toby is his happiness and he have a Positive out Look of things toby and Jim become friends a short time after his father Left Which is Why Jim able to Keep going as much as he did because toby was always being besides him.
that's Also Why the rott movie was bad because it tainted that idea.
but isn't canon still hunts me a lot of the time.
overall Jim became much more happy and Much less angsty that he Should've been without toby.
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moving on to Jim's Crash and Jim's Soulmate the Lovely but dorky Claire.
Claire represent Jim's fear especially the ones who relate to Losing his Loved ones and become evil Plus Lacking in Self belief.
thanks to Claire Jim able or have much easier time overcoming his insecurities his Lack of believing in self to do Something risky Such as the final Push in the bathtub Scene (Part of it obviously is the fact that Claire herself is a bit of a Dork lol).
the thing that Claire gave to Jim was her Love and acceptance that she trust him and he totally deserve the Love and care that Claire give him. as he doesn't need to be fear that he always feel accepted with her.
She is also extremely Smart So she can her only Second to Blinky so she help Jim with things that aren't trollhunting related and Very Powerful So She can Protect Jim when ever he need a hand.
Claire is Jim greatest Love and i think that Jim feel a lot more confidence and accepted because of her.
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even tho Jim Claimed that he doesn't care about his father but he def need one and Blinky was the Answer. i believe that Blinky Represent Jim desire for family and being a Leader because both of them becomes Leaders Jim become a Leader at part 1 of Season 1 and Blinky at the end of Season 2 after the Death of Vendel both were hurt by a close family relative Jim by his father leaving him and his mother as a little kid. and Blinky by his brother Joining the Side of gunmmar both able to make their own family Jim found toby as best friend and brother then Blinky became his troll Dad and ARRRGHHH his troll brother. Blinky befriend ARRRGHHH and Adopt Jim as his son.
Blinky made Jim the best trollhunter change him and give Jim a Parent figure that's all the Most wholesome.
Jim need a father figure to guide him in trollhunting world and Also being a father in general. Plus Someone to share his Knowledge with.
so Overall Jim need a guidance of mentor and a father and Blinky answer that call
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ARRRGHHH is everyone favorite wingman i do think AREGGGGG represent Jim entering a role that can be very well take your whole childhood away. both were enter the role of a Warrior in a young age i believe that ARRRGHHH form @albentelisa worlds he understand Jim as a role of trollhunter the Most and Probably Jim has much better time dealing with being a trollhunter thank to ARRRGHHH
Also his big heart and Adorable Personality help Jim have much better time entering a Strange world of the trolls well and Blinky and Draal Obviously.
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Draal is Jim troll brother one of my favorite relationships in the Series
Draal represent Jim defined by his father both were defined by their fathers until they able to break it Jim but overprotecting his mom and have carry all the responsibilities in the house and Draal by following his Dad's Job of being a trollhunter which is Why is He was a rival to Jim at first
Fun fact - i thought that Draal would be an Antagonist for Jim after he defeated him but i glad that he didn't became one and instead became an ally.
Draal was a role model for Jim because Jim understood honor of a Warrior and Also build confidence in Battle as well. Draal was Protector so much that Jim carried his wish and Kill gunmmar by his name and his death consider to be the best one in the Series.
Draal was able to Change Jim make him better as a Person i feel lIke because of Draal i believe that Jim is even honor then he used to before (he had a lot of honor before that but still) better Adjust to the troll world because he had a troll for a brother.
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@pinkytoothlesso11 and @rexnanorum @yavannah  @seekerofblades idon't know about the following two these following ones your expert not mine so i feel free to add up if i miss Something.
Barbara is Jim's mom and i think she represent his heart Barbara is Super Compassionate and have a Similar heart to Jim by being a Doctor and helping people both Jim and Barbara were hurt by Jim's father when he let the both of them down.
the Desire to help people so no one will be left out is Something that they both share Jim by being a trolhunter and Barbara being a Doctor.
Jim Learnt form Barbara that he doesn't need to be afraid to share the burden that you carry with your Loved ones. and that lies not matter what the intention behind it can and will damage your relationship with your Loved ones like what happen with them in Season 1.
Thanks to Barbara Jim become more honest Person who will have better time sharing his burden with his Loved ones and put his trust in them.
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now to everyone favorite avocado troll nerd dad Mister Strickler. Strickler is one of the few relationships that is more antagonistic cuz Jim and Strickler butt heads a lot in trollhuntes in Season 1.
i feel Like what Strickler represent in Jim is the Desire to be Loved and accepted Sure Jim have toby and Barbara but he bullied and for the first part of trollhunters by the trolls because he was a human and Strickler by being a Changeling both however fortunately get the acceptance and Love Jim by Killing Bular and getting together with Claire and Building a family with Blinky ARRRGHHH and Draal
and While Strickler by getting together with Barbara and creating a family with Jim.
Strickler give further Knowledge about troll history and Changeling history to Jim teach him Combat Moves that Blinky won't teach because they cross his Limit.
Also i feel Like the Credit goes to @pinkytoothlesso11 i feel Like when Jim has a half troll Strickler is one who can understand him the most.
Which is Why at the end thanks to Lovely nerdy Strickler Jim is much easier time handling and Seeking things that others might won't understand.
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tumblingxelian · 1 month
I was reading a post by @casscainmainly earlier & my brain went on a tangent regarding the "who is Bruce's favorite" thing. & no this is not gonna be a wholesome "Bat-dad doesn't have favorites" post, this is a "Bruce is too messed up to have the kind of coherent beliefs, feelings and focus for that kind of behavior.
This is not a man with a stable & consistent mood, this is a man who argues with his cowl in the basement while he has company over.
Anyway, I will address this in order of appearances so:
Dick is the "Favorite" in the sense he is in Bruce's eyes a Bruce who managed to cope healthily with his trauma, grow up, move on and be happy as well as a hero.
On some days, this inspires Bruce, and is what makes him feel Dick is better than he could ever be. On other days, this is why Dick could never measure up to him, why he lacks the iron will, the drive, the focus, to be the best he could be.
Jason is or was the "Favorite" in the sense that he was the one Bruce went in on eyes wide open, that's his son, no complexity or ambiguity about it like with Dick or Alfred, they are family.
How well he did is up in the air, but he was trying, which is why Jason dying was basically his parents all over again but now its a parent losing a child not child losing parents. He can't handle it so he consigns Jason to a pre-made tragedy rooted in criminality.
Tim is the "Favorite" in the sense he is the one Bruce sees the most of Bruce in, IE, dark haired, blue eyed, rich boy of Gotham. He is Bruce without the tragedy, & someone Bruce has less preconceptions about.
This is also why Bruce started up mind games and trying to make Tim eventually be Batman but also at other points clearly didn't see Tim as suitable or fitting as well, again, moods.
Stephanie, she is not his kid and was never at risk of being the "Favorite" but she was taught by him. As usual, he projects, he projects Jason, her father, her background & class, her existence as a girl, IE, damsel, in his mind (Writers outfight confirmed this).
He's never once seen her, but there were a few moments that showed they could have had something cool, but it was not to be.
Cassandra is the "Favorite" in the sense that she is what Batman wishes he had. All the skills and training in the world to a superhuman degree, no civilian life, an 'innate' grasp of the morality he grapples with, and the same obsessive drive.
Note, I didn't say Bruce, I said Batman and also that projecting what you want on a person isn't the same as favoritism, nor is it healthy, nor is it even consistent.
Cos Bruce also hates sides of Cass that remind him of himself, IE, he willingness to do what she thinks is right over obediently listen, her self sacrificial tendencies. & he resents sides that aren't like him, the more reckless, less coldly detached parts of her, or her stepping away from his ideal path. In many ways he's jealous.
Damian is not the "Favorite", but he is symbolic of one of Bruce's longest lasting and most passionate love affairs. He is also, like Jason a symbolic representative of family, of what he could have but for the mission.
Damian is also his circumstances, his history, his bloodline, his grandfather, and no matter what he does, he can't escape these things in Bruce's eyes, we are all defined by our families he thinks.
Duke is not the "Favorite", though he does have the least complicated relationship with him due to the era of his arrival and his time becoming a vigilante before they even engaged much.
What's more, Duke was a independent vigilante before he was Bruce's student and well practiced in establishing his own boundaries & definitely has some of that "he matched my freak" energy.
IE, Bruce deciding to become a vigilante at all, Duke holding him before a train to spark his memory, they have zero chill.
So while there'd definitely some projection given his parents, and jealousy/paranoia/admiration with his natural talent and powers. Its a more overtly mentor-like relationship which lessens some of the baggage.
Emphasis on the word, some and no this doesn't make Duke the "Favorite", because if Bruce can't major project, pedestal or pre-judge someone he can't 'bond' with them to the same extent.
Again, its harder with Bruce, cos its comparing where he was and what he became over a mostly linear period and then reboots happened, amnesia happened, Bruce's persona got shifted, this makes things complicated dammit >< But I hope this was interesting!
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blorbocedes · 1 year
prompt: lewis' film debuting at cannes, nico only an hour away
Lewis' film is premiering at Cannes. Nico takes his daughters to go.
It's apparently in collaboration with Liberty Media, lots of big Hollywood A-listers attached as producers, and actual F1 tracks and cars in use. The story is loosely based on Lewis' life, the titular Black kid from a small town in England becoming the Greatest Of All Time. So not too loosely, the main character is named Louis Harrison after all.
It's the kind of feel-good inspirational movie that Nico thinks is important for his girls to watch. The promotion for the film went all out, inviting all F1 stars. Nico himself has been vaguely aware of this film, his social media guy told him his mentions and engagement was way up ever since the main cast included a German blonde, with some speculating it would focus on the "silver war." He clarified to the German tabloids he had absolutely nothing to do with the making of the film after they spread rumours about it being a collaboration.
His daughters, like their father, love to dress up and they walk the red carpet hand in hand in their matching floral dresses, and Nico in his organic, tailored velvet green suit; pausing for the photos.
Their seats aren't too awful, very middle of the pack. A few rows ahead Nico can recognize Lewis from the distinctive shape of his braids, and glittery jacket; talking to someone Nico assumes is the director. Nico never quite had that Hollywood fever, but it seems Lewis is enjoying his retirement.
As the theatre goes dark, his daughter appropriately chastises him for having his phone out, texting Vivian a thumbs up on when she wants the girls home before pocketing it. It starts off with Young Lewis -- or Louis -- watching Senna race, a voiceover about dreams and becoming the best. The younger actor is appropriately charming, doesn't have Lewis' gap tooth but has a mean scowl when people underestimate him. It reminds him a lot of the real Lewis. The usual diatribe about the humble beginnings, the actor playing Anthony being Louis' one man pit crew taking him to races within England, an incredible wholesome father-son racing representation, one Nico was lucky to experience in his own life.
Moving on to karting years, Louis as the only black kid getting certain looks from the rest of the boys, lily-white and jealous. One even shoves him while walking past, making a pointed racially charged comment. There is a time when Nico would've assumed this is exaggerated for dramatic purposes, that his experience on the paddock, even being around Lewis as tightknit as they were, was never that bad. But he knows better now, that there's some things he will simply never experience or flew over his head at that age, and makes a mental note to bring it up with his girls and make it a teachable moment later.
And then, a young blonde boy with the thickest German accent congratulates Louis on winning the race, and Louis' eyes go wide. "You're Julian Richter. Your family is racing legend, man."
Julian. Nico snorts. He supposed it's better than Erik or Klaus as far as stereotype go. He tries not to read too much into it, as Julian and Louis become best friends -- skateboarding on the tracks, instead of unicycling, probably to seem cooler or relating to the kids, -- and karting teammates. Something wistful in Nico aches when the scene is on a beach in Spain, and the characters in the face of their uncertain futures promise they're going to become F1 World Champions together.
The story focuses on Louis' unlikely odds, a chance meeting with an F1 team principal, nothing but a handshake promise and then the road to F1, to win on his rookie year.
And then Julian enters Formula 1. And then Julian signs with Redbull. And then Julian wins consecutive championships, in the backdrop of which his and Louis' friendship crumbles in jealousy and competitiveness, and Nico feels sick to his stomach because Julian Richter is Sebastian Vettel, and the racing legend family he comes from -- the Richters -- are the fucking Schumachers.
The regulations change, Louis starts winning, he has a famous actress of a girlfriend, there's a love story angle. It isn't until Louis wins his 4th title that Julian comes over to congratulate him, both equals again -- remember what we promised on that beach in Spain? and their friendship rekindles. If the timeline Nico's keeping track of adds up, that makes it 2016. His daughter excitedly squeezes his hand when the two characters embrace on screen, making up.
The third act conflict sets the stage for Abu Dhabi 2021, naturally. But before that, it does show Louis becoming complacent with winning, arrogant and cocky as his celebrity profile increased, a rocky relationship. And then, the Niki Lauda wise mentor older character who was there for Louis all this time passes, and it tugs at the heartstrings -- is also Louis' wake up call to change. His girlfriend ends things with him. The young Belgian villain has fully set the stage.
There's a lot of emphasis how winning this final race will match Harrison to Richter's record, the legacy of it all. And then, the controversial safety car decision. Louis Harrison has the championship slip out of his fingers. The crowd gasps, the FIA are not painted charitably, stubbornly sticking to the decision out of 'decorum' after the Mercedes team argues for it to be reversed. Someone definitely boos from the back.
One thing Nico can admit is the racing scenes are quite fun and realistic, even if Toto doesn't break headphones quite as often and once a car was in 5th gear instead of 3rd.
The Julian Richter character shows up after the race to tell Louis he's retiring to go plant trees, and that Louis needs to "win it back and match my dad's legacy, it's what he would've wanted." Nico wishes he knew where Sebastian was so they could lock eyes in this moment at this Frankenstein caricature of them, that exists only to support Louis.
'Loosely based' is correct, because this shows the next season after a lot of sulking and Louis not believing in himself, the Mercedes is immediately competitive instead of whatever the W-13 was. It's a repeat of the 2021 season, which is a repeat of the 2016 season when Julian and Louis were bitter rivals. Louis is also more outspoken now, and shows how he's changed. It all comes down to the final race. The film narrates the speech from the beginning, of believing in yourself, there's a montage of Louis ever since he was a kid falling and getting back up with dramatic music swelling, and then a shot of him slapping down his visor. Lights out and away we go.
Louis Harrison wins the race.
They got Crofty to do a voiceover line for 'This year while off the track Louis Harrison has found his voice, and on it, once again he’s found his groove, and now he finds himself alongside Richter, as top in the record books, the world championship record is equaled,' His girlfriend jumps into his arms in parc ferme. Somewhere, Julian is planting a tree and smiling at the small radio. It's hugs and kisses all around the team, champagnes bursting.
The actual crowd erupts in cheers of emotional catharsis, and it cuts to a future scene of the real Lewis Hamilton in an interview setting, being asked about how he feels about his journey in F1 and if he ever thought he would make it -- if he believed in himself, winks at the camera.
The screen goes black. A Kendrick Lamar song plays as the credits roll.
There is a minutes long standing ovation, which Nico stands and encourages his daughters to clap along, with an inscrutable feeling in his chest. It was a good movie, very awards season bait, the director and lead actors are on stage giving a speech about how much it means to be able to inspire young people with Hamilton's real life story. Nico walks down the steps with others almost on autopilot.
He hadn't realized it, he didn't know he'd been holding out some tiny shred of hope that they would watch this film and through sheer nostalgia of shared memories, he and Lewis would have something to talk about again. He didn't realise how much weight he'd held to those childhood memories until he saw it be attributed to Sebastian Vettel of all people, who was too young to kart with them. It's a piece of fiction, that Nico has no right to harbour resentment towards, he tells himself.
Nico stops for a second, and is in direct eyeline of Lewis in his glittery jacket who is conducting an interview. He feels frozen when they lock eyes.
"People are saying the true heart of the film is Julian and Louis' friendship. How closely does it mirror real life from the actual F1 scene? Like the whole best friends as kids. Would you say you guys are still close friends now, and will the driver it's based on be attending the screenings like a few other F1 drivers have?"
"Yeah definitely, man, as fans have already figured out that friendship is loosely based on my friendship with Seb -- Sebastian Vettel. And yeah, it's -- you've been racing these guys since you're in karting, you feel like you've known them your whole life. [...] No, I don't think Seb's attending, this isn't really his scene."
Lewis meets Nico's eyes for a split second, before turning back to the camera. Nico carefully plucks the emotion he's feeling for something to be discussed with a licensed professional. To be quite honest, he didn't know Lewis could still make him feel like this.
His daughter tugs at his suit jacket sleeve, and Nico guides them towards the vegan ice cream and gelato stalls. There's a PG rated animated film screening at 4.
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pinkthick · 1 year
Maybe a monster
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Pairing: Simon Petrikov & Kid!Marceline
Sunmary: Just Simon and Marcy being a wholesome father-daugther duo
Warnings: Blood
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Simon and Marceline began to pack for their upcoming expedition or adventure , gathering supplies, and filling their backpacks. Simon was meticulous about it, making sure they had enough food, water, and other necessities to last them. He even added some items to Marceline's little pink backpack, which she hated for its color, but in an apocalypse, it was the best he could find.
As Simon wanted to tie up Marceline's hair into a cute hairstyle, he noticed the wooden soldier toy she had, left on the floor. Marceline's hair was getting longer, and it had started to get in the way, especially when they were on the move. As she sat down, Simon carefully gathered her hair and tried to tie it up, a task he had become surprisingly adept at. Or he thought that. He wasn’t that good actually.
He worked diligently but not without a few mishaps along the way. "Ow!" Marceline winced as Simon accidentally pulled a bit too hard on a strand of her hair. "Simonnn"
Simon chuckled softly, his hands working more gently now. "Sorry, Marcy. It's just getting a bit unruly, and we should find some scissors soon to make it easier for you." Marceline winced again as he finished tying her hair into a makeshift ponytail. "I know, but it hurts when you do it like that."
Simon patted her on the head and leaned back to admire his handiwork. Marceline's hair was now out of her face, and she looked at least a little more presentable. "There we go. You look great, Marcy.”
“Thank you.” She beamed up at him then she looked at her wooden soldier and Marcy hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether to bring it along, but ultimately decided against it.
“You aren't taking this toy with you?" Simon asked, pointing to the wooden soldier with a gentle smile.
Marceline huffed, crossing her arms. "No. You said we're coming back."
Simon nodded, recalling his promise. "Right, we are."
But when she wasn’t looking, he quietly slipped the wooden soldier into his own backpack.
With their backpacks securely on their backs, Simon and Marceline stood at the doorway, ready to venture out into the unknown. But as they were about to take that first step, Marceline hesitated, her small frame blocking the way. Her eyes welled up with tears, and she glanced back at the familiar surroundings of their makeshift home.
Simon noticed her reluctance and gently reached out, cupping her cheek in his hand. He looked into her eyes with warmth and reassurance. "Hey, Marcy, it will be okay," he murmured softly. But Marceline's emotions were overwhelming, and a few tears trickled down her cheeks. “I don’t want to leave our home.” She leaned into Simon's touch and his heart clenched as he watched her tears fall. “Oh sweetheart.”
He wrapped his arms around her small form, holding her tightly and providing a warm and comforting embrace to ease her worries. "We'll just go to a little town to find some supplies," Simon reassured her, his voice soft and soothing. "If we keep a steady pace, we'll be back here in no time." Marceline clung to him, her worries slowly dissipating under the reassurance of his words and the safety of his arms. She trusted Simon implicitly, knowing that he would always do his best to protect her.
Marceline gradually let go of Simon, her tear-stained cheeks no longer burdened by worry. He gently wiped her cheeks once more, ensuring that no traces of her earlier distress remained. He looked into her eyes with a reassuring smile. "Where's my brave girl?" he inquired, a hint of pride in his voice.
Marcy chuckled, still feeling the remnants of her anxiety. "I'm not that brave."
Simon hummed thoughtfully and continued, "You didn't say that last week. 'You were the bravest of them all,'" he mimicked her words from their past conversation and that made Marceline's giggle burst forth.
She was too good for this world. She deserved a real childhood.
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Simon and Marceline ventured out of the building and made their way through the dense forest, the antiquarian holding her little hand. The silence was only interrupted by the rustling of leaves and the occasional sound of wildlife. Simon's senses remained vigilant, but he hadn't detected any signs of zombies nearby. Perhaps they had chosen a good time to set out.
“Simon, do you think we can find some clothes for Humbo?" Marcy asked, her eyes gleaming with hope as she tugged on Simon’s black cloak.
Simon smiled at her suggestion. "We could certainly try. Did you ever watch Toy Story?"
Marceline blinked in confusion. "Toy Story? What's that?"
Simon chuckled softly, realizing that the reference might not make sense in this post-apocalyptic world. "Never mind. It's just a movie about toys that come to life when humans aren't around.”
Marceline's eyes widened with wonder. "No way! Do you think Humbo does that?"
Simon grinned at her infectious enthusiasm. "Maybe. Who knows? Humbo might have his own little adventures when we're not looking."
Marceline let go of Simon's hand and brought Humbo to her eye level. She peered at the stuffed toy with an expression of earnest curiosity and playfulness. "Are you coming to life when we're not looking?" she asked, her voice filled with childlike wonder.
Of course, Humbo remained silent, as inanimate toys usually do. But Marceline wasn't deterred by his lack of response. She scrunched up her face in an adorable way, her imagination turning a simple toy into a potential participant in secret adventures, just as she had imagined.
Simon couldn't help but smile at her innocence and creativity, feeling just a bit better that he could still give her some kind of childhood "I'm not taking my eyes off you now," she declared to Humbo, as if daring him to prove her wrong.
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After walking for a couple of hours, Marceline grew exhausted. Her little feet ached from the journey, and she found a comfortable spot near a tree to take a break, still holding Humbo in her hands.
She looked up at Simon with a pout and said, "My foots hurts, Simon."
Simon tsked playfully. "Feet, Marcy," he corrected her.
Marceline's eyes widened as she realized her mistake. "Sorry," she said, her voice filled with a hint of embarrassment.
Simon chuckled, ruffling her hair affectionately. "No need to apologize, dear. You're doing great. Now, let's see if you remember this one. Give me the plural for tooth."
Marceline grinned, ready to show off her knowledge. "I know this one. It’s teeth!"
Simon nodded with a proud smile. "Yep. You're a quick learner, Marcy." And then they settled under the tree for a bit, enjoying a moment of rest.
Marcy placed Humbo near the tree, her gaze occasionally darting over to the stuffed toy as if she hoped to catch it moving on its own. Simon, however, was grappling with his own internal struggle. Hunger gnawed at his insides, and his stomach ached. His vampire instincts had been triggered, and he knew he needed blood. He couldn't help but catch the scent of nearby bunnies, their warm, living blood calling to him.
His black eyes flickered toward Marceline, his sensitive vampire senses detecting again a different scent of blood coming from her. She was only half-human, and Simon had always wondered how her blood tasted. He was so sure it had an interesting aroma and it was both haunting and strangely captivating. He hadn’t had human blood in so long.
A beautiful face appeared in his mind eye, her face twisted in agony, falling to the ground.
He stood up abruptly and Simon quickly pushed those thoughts away, feeling a surge of guilt for even considering such a thing. He would never hurt Marceline.
Simon took a deep breath, forcing himself to focus on something else. He stood up and patted Marceline's head gently. "I'll be right back, Marcy. Just going to look for some food."
Marceline looked up at him, her concern evident. "You okay, Simon?" Simon managed a reassuring smile. "I'm fine, Marcy. Just need a little snack. I won't be long.”
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Notes: Wrote this instead of studying. Hope you guys liked it.
Part 1/ Part 2/ Part 3/Part 4/Part 5/Part 6/Part 7/Part 8/Part 9/Part 10/?
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male-reader-haven · 2 years
Y/N Coming Out (Stray Kids Imagine)
Stray Kids react to their crush coming out as gay (maknae line)
Tags: stray kids x male reader, wholesome
Warnings: Slightly suggestive
Part 1 was received well, so here is part 2!!!
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Han looks up at you from his phone after you speak.
"Ah, nice." He looks back at his phone and scrolls through his tiktok. You stand there for a moment wondering if he even heard you.
"That's it?? You aren't surprised?" You ask him. He looks up from his phone again and sits back. He exaggerates a surprised face, putting both hands on his face.
"Wow Y/N!! I had no idea!!"
"Not what I meant." You lightly punch his shoulder.
"Ah, I see. Just because you're hot you deserve a medal or something. Where's my medal and parade???" He jokes, but looks as if he realized he said too much.
"Ah, so you think i'm hot?" You jump at the opportunity, taking a step towards his chair and lifting his chin up with your hand. He blushes.
"D-did I say that?..." He stutters as you move your face down to his. You kiss him, and after a moment, his arms are around your neck and he is completely at your mercy.
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"Wow, that's great! I'm so proud of you for having the courage to come out, that's so cool!" Felix smiles at you, looking genuinely proud. "Have you told anyone else yet?"
"No, you're the first." You bring a hand back to nervously scratch your neck. "I went to you first because it felt the least scary, you know?" You look at Felix, who looks touched.
"Well Y/N, I just want you to know that you aren't alone, and that I will always love and support you." He looks down at his feet for a moment. "Always."
"I know." You begin to get a bit teary eyed. The knot in your stomach hasn't gone away yet. If you're being honest, you knew that Felix would be supportive, but what you were really worried about was the fact that you had fallen in love with your best friend. Felix has been there since the beginning, and you don't want to lose him. "F-felix, I'm worried..."
"About what?" Felix notices your tears and moves in closer to you, holding on to your hands. "The other members will definitely be supportive too, I assure you there is nothing to worry about, and you don't have to tell them if you don't want to..."
"I, I'm worried that I might like you more than you like me..." You start to sob. Felix pauses for a moment before pulling you into a tight hug.
"That's impossible Y/N." He holds on to the back of your head, comforting you. "Y/N, I-I'm in love with you."
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Seungmin softly smiles at you. "That's awesome." He scratches his neck nervously and blushes. "I-I was kind of hoping."
"You were hoping?" You can't help but smile at his adorable face. You had a feeling he had a crush on you, so you push the conversation.
"Well, if I'm being completely honest, I uh..." He stutters and looks away, face turning bright red.
"You look so flustered, Seungmin, and I haven't even touched you yet." You smirk. He snaps his head back to you.
"Don't- don't say things like that, Y/N..." He laughs.
"Sorry I'ts just fun teasing you." You push his shoulder lightheartedly. "Anyway, yeah, I've just-" Your sentence is interrupted by Seungmin suddenly reaching up and holding your head and planting a short kiss on your lips. You both sit there in shock for a moment. Seungmin looks at you in horror, waiting for you to say something. Instead, you smile and lean down yourself to kiss him again, deeper than before. His gaze relaxes into the kiss and he melts in your arms. After a moment, you both break away. Seungmin looks much more comfortable, now resting in your arms on your lap.
"I have no idea where I got the confidence to do that." He confesses. You both laugh.
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Jeongin stands staring at you in disbelief. You shift on your feet, concerned at why he looks so absolutely flabbergasted.
"You look like you literally just saw someone explode." You try to elicit a response from him. He shakes his head and blinks.
"No, sorry, I just, that's crazy..." He laughs and looks down at his feet. "I'ts just I was literally about to come out to you, and you beat me to it."
"No way!" Both of your expressions turn into wide grins. You run up to him and hug his waist, lifting him in the air and twirling around, your laughter filling the room.
"How does that even happen?" Jeongin laughs in your arms. You stop spinning and set him down in front of you. You smile wide at each other as he looks up at you. His smile softens looking at you. He brings his face closer to yours, hesitates for a moment and pulls back slightly, then presses into your chest to kiss you. Once you start to reciprocate, he wraps his arms around you. You both lose yourself in the kiss, getting more desperate and heavier breaths. Eventually, you press him into the wall and you start fumbling with each other's shirts. I.N stands with his arms up and back against the wall, pinned as you tear through his button-up shirt. He looks so beautiful, bare chest heaving and his pretty eyes staring into yours.
"God, I've wanted you to do this to me for so long." He leans his head back as you take a hand to his neck and one to his waist and kiss his collarbone, eliciting a soft moan.
Send me suggestions on what to write next! ~<3
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spider-jaysart · 7 months
What makes Dickkory such a great ship to you? What makes you love it?
Please and Thank You 😃
They balance eachother out really well in many ways
They have great development in their relationship and aren't a rushed couple with no real history built between them to get to the point of being in love
They have strong passion in their love
I love that they're the lovey dovey and happy type of couple who enjoy eachothers time and would do a lot of things together hehehe
Kory always has so much affection and a deep love for Dick and that's so sweet. Dick has the same amount of love for her too and always thinks so, so lovingly of her
They're a total power couple
I love that Starfire's an awesome, powerful, joyous alien princess from space and is also a warrior, and meanwhile, Dick's a cool human who's a determined and very experienced hero with tons of insane acrobatic skills since childhood, naturally has great leadership, is a symbol of hope, comes from a large and very popular family who are all also vigilantes themselves, because it just makes them so fun and intriguing paired up together
They're iconic together and are honestly the best comics couple next to Peter x MJ and Clois
They also have great kids Mar'i and Jake (Mandy isn't canon in my mind though lmao) and are such a wholesome family together
Even in the cartoon form of the Teen Titans 2003 series they were also the best couple compared to most other animated ones on tv imo, because there were never any dumb complications that got forced between them just for drama in their relationship, they always genuinely cared about one another, treated eachother well, comforted the other in their sad moments or worst times, meant a lot too eachother in important ways, had a wonderful connection, and never were the type to purposely anger one another for stupid things
Thanks for the ask!!
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digitaldavis · 11 months
Rough thoughts on the movie in no particular order now that I have a moment:
Going in with the heavy hitters 'cause I can't stop thinking about it but Lui's claims that he is the first person to ever partner with a Digimon are unsubstantiated and lack hard evidence - also, unless it was explained in Kizuna and Tri, I'm pretty sure Digimon Adventure contradicts this?? (I'll check into this when I have more time, don't @ me).
The implication that Ukkomon made all of the Digimon hostile towards one another so that the Digi-Destined would fight to defend themselves and therefore Lui is nonsense and even if there is nothing to directly contradict it in Adventure and 02, I'm gonna hard pass on that canon because it lends itself too much to the idea that all Digimon would just be wholesome and good if not for Ukkomon making them fight and that feels like it excuses the things that Devimon, Piedmon, MaloMyotismon, and the other villain Digimon did or removes their free will?
Also, have I mentioned what Lui said didn't make sense???? Lui might be closer to Tai's age so it's feasible he could have become digi-destined around the same time as Tai but DUDE, Owikawa and Cody's dad discovered the Digital World and Digimon when they were kids????? AND THAT WAS AGES BEFORE LUI WAS BORN. It just doesn't make sense unless this is some alternate universe where that didn't happen or Lui is a time traveler or something (which is possible they did time travel...)
Speaking of, I'm so interested in the implication that Lui went back in time and talked to his mom about his younger self and she seemed to snap out of it for a second, like, if that was a permanent change do you think he created another alternate reality in that instance?
Moving on though, Davis. DAVIS. Seeing him in the film cured my depression. His reaction to Lui's mom was so so so Davis and I felt so strongly about it and then Ken's immediate "we can't we could ruin our own future" response is exactly how I've always imagined a time-travel AU would go between them.
ALSO: DAVIS AND KEN. The flirting. Ken just straight up grabbing both of Davis hands. (He's so COMFORTABLE WITH HIMSELF NOW) Ken throwing himself off Paildramon after Davis. I'm LIVING. The little high five they did to congratulate themselves. Ken's remark that summoning Paildramon was a little much seconds after I was like "wow that's so gay and unnecessary". Both of them were just so on point in this film. Davis was upbeat and optimistic and just believes the best in people/digimon so hard and when his tendency to charge in got in the way Ken was there to mellow him out so he didn't do anything rash.
Yolei did feel kind of off for some reason in the film but that might have been because I was so excited for the film that I couldn't pay attention to everything that was happening. I was only able to see it once and I missed so many things I know it. I can't wait for it to be released physically so I can own it and just rewatch it a dozen times.
Speaking of Yolei, though, I cannot believe the film framed her like Uhura trying to come between Kirk and Spock (which is comically absurd btw). In nearly ever scene possible it's Davis, Yolei but slightly offset and then Ken beside Davis. Like the animators are desperate to push the Kenyako narrative, like, clearly they know about the Daiken feelings being very strong with fans but they were trying to visually remind us painfully hard that, hey, actually the pairing is Kenyako. But buddy did that feel forced and it's probably why Yolei felt off to me.
J U S T I C E F O R C O D Y. That's all.
Kari actually didn't have very many major lines in the film I felt like but I loved the little scenes of her at the beginning, actually, though, she was kind of just there next to T.K. the entire time because the film also framed them together so hard it's SO WEIRD THEY AREN'T CANON.
T.K. though. God he was just so T.K. in this film. The trauma of losing Patamon in Adventure and then whatever happened in Tri like. It was just the most T.K. thing to do and say when they were talking about what they had to do. But also, I loved whenever the cops showed up and Davis goes "WHAT, HOW DID THEY FIND US?" and T.K. was like "ARE YOU KIDDING!???? YOU AND YOUR BOYFRIEND SUMMONED A GIANT FLYING MONSTER!!!!"
Honestly, this movie was everything I ever wanted really. About three minutes before we went into the movie I was talking about ghost game with my friend and how I wished it hadn't been for kids because it had such great and frankly horrifying concepts and everything was just sunshine and rainbows for children and nothing bad ever really happened which was disappointing.
And then I watched The Beginning. This movie felt so much like coming home from the start because I felt like I knew these character's so well (I lost count of how many times I sat in the theater and said a thing, only to have one of the character's also say the thing a second later), and everything was so bright and nice and then it became an eldritch horror show.
Let me tell you, when I watched the trailer for the first time I said to my friend "dude what was with that trailer??? The music????? Why is it so sinister???" and, despite that, I still did not see the horror coming and neither did anyone else in the theater. Everyone and I do mean everyone went very still and quiet and tense the second the first hint of bad began. We were all so unprepared and it was very upsetting.
As I was leaving the theater, I heard a woman fighting with her husband over having brought their very little daughter to see the movie. The mom clearly thought it was a fun kids movie because it was animated and whoever is in charge of American films absolutely thinks all animated movies are for kids so it wasn't rated which is how the film industry always handles anime films.
They seem completely incapable of understanding that animation doesn't equal child friendly. Watching it, though, it's never been more clear that a Digimon movie was for older audiences than watching The Beginning. Like, this film was not for kids. This film was for us. The setting. The themes. The fact that 79% of the entire movie is exposition/dialogue...
When the little girl's dad asked her if she liked the film as it ended, he sounded strained and his wife was complaining that the film was going to give her nightmares and while his daughter said yes, she liked the film it was in a way that you could tell that no, she didn't really because she had no idea what was going on - it was bright and colorful and there were cute characters sometimes so that was probably fine but she couldn't have been older than six so it was probably very boring for her.
That is one of my few complaints about the film, actually. It was nearly all talking and exposition. I wish there had been more action. I wish it had been a little more light hearted and goofy at times. The eldritch horror/really messed up part of the movie felt like it went on forever but that might have just been my lack of prepardness for it. I was just so shocked even while my brain was like "yes, this is what we always wanted I AM LIVING" - also because I imagined that kind of awful, dark underbelly of the world of Digimon existing for the character's I already know and love.
Nothing is going to stop me from headcanoning that Davis reaction to Lui's mom being The Worst was so immediate and visceral because he's dealing with his own trauma from his mom's refusal to accept that he's trans, okay?
I didn't care a great deal for Lui and Ukkomon obviously disturbed me to no end - I know it wasn't Ukkomon's fault, they didn't know better but also it's fair to say that I was scarred for life about Lui's parents and the baseball bat scene and I would probably like Lui a lot more if his story weren't all conjecture and exposition. Also he was so negative (understandably) and was such a downer the entire film, honestly, thank god Davis and his endless queer energy was there to breakthrough to Lui and help him see the light of queerness friendship.
Anyway, did I mention Lui's claim that he's the first ever human to partner with a digimon doesn't make sense to me? I've thought about it a little more and, fine, maybe it's possible that Lui could be the first person to partner with a Digimon but the idea that everyone else became Digi-Destined because of him and Ukkomon still doesn't sit right. Oikawa didn't get a digimon until he was an adult and died and so even though he knew about Digi-World he technically didn't become Digi-Destined and the Digital World could have existed for ages before anyone partnered with a Digimon. Those things aren't mutually exclusive, I have to remind myself, but it just doesn't feel right to me and their claims being baseless seems more legit.
Okay, I'm done, that's it for my rough thoughts on the movie, I think. They probably won't get any clearer. I'm gonna use the film to further my Trans!Davis/Daiken headcanons for sure though.
One last thing though and it's that my friend said he hated Lui because Lui took away from the 02 kids and I had to remind him that Willis exists in Hurricane Touchdown and the majority of that film is Willis and Davis talking/fighting and the other kids just existing. It's not some wild new Digimon format to have a new Digi-Destined to center the plot around.
And speaking of the plot, a final thought is on the bit where their Digivices weren't relevant anymore. That isn't off-brand either actually. I don't like that they disappeared because I have an emotional attachment to them but I understand that the narrative was not needing to prove their bonds with their Digimon and therefore anyone can have strong bonds of real friendship with or without a Digivice aka being Digi-Destined - it also makes sense with the whole "we didn't need the tags and crests to Digivolve our Digimon because our real strength comes from within" narrative that the OG Digimon Adventure established. The Digivices and tags/crests were just tools to remind them of their bonds with one another.
Anyway, that's it. I'm shutting up. This post got so long I'm sorry but also if anyone wants to share their thoughts on the movie or my bad takes but in a fun way that's cool feel free. I'm always here to talk about Digimon and how this is gonna influence all my future headcanons things but seriously don't @ me out of malice. K THX
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elenam · 2 months
billy loomis x stu macher with y/n as a wholesome family headconon:
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summary: cute, fluff, wholesome, adorable, two killers having a soft spot for a cute baby/toddler/child/teen y/n but they're mean to other people, billy and stu aren't killers on this and they are friends with sidney prescott, tatum riley and others.
billy would be that type of dad who's overprotective, caring, a little bit strict and autoritive while stu would be that type of dad who's goofy, funny, sweet as well as caring and tiny bit strict as well as billy. but in the end, they show their soft side only to you since you're cute, innocent and impossible to resist our own cuteness.
even if you're a baby, toddler, child, teen or even an adult, you are still billy and stu's little girl/boy. of course if you're 20, 50 or even 90 years old, you're still your daddies' little girl/boy, deep down billy and stu can't accept the fact you're growing up to be a beautiful or handsome girl/boy.
stu would be that type of parent who would play princess with you. dressing up as a princess from disney, eating a lot of sweetness and candy, watching movies like snow white, lion king and other kid movies. he doesn't care if people would critize him, he wants to make you happy and having your beautiful and innocent smile across the face.
and dear billy, he would do the same thing as stu did but when it's just you and him at the house since he can't allow anyone seeing his soft spot for his daughter/son. but whenever they are spending time together with you as a family they would make sure that you're happy and having a good time but when it's a raining day, you and your parents would stay at home and watching movies while eating popcorn.
when you're starting to have your puberty, billy and stu would probably call sidney or tatum about starting your period if you're a girl and probably giving you an awkard sex eductation and you would be blushing so hard and telling your parents to stop talking about that since you don't want to hear anything about it.
stu would be the chilling and happiest dad while billy would be an overprotective and observant father when you decided to bring a boy or a girl into the house as your partner. even if you're gay, bisexual and being apart of the lgbt, your dads will still love you for whatever you are and if you're happy, even if you're straight, billy and stu still love you. when billy is alone with your partner, he threatens him or her, he is an overprotective parent from the moment you were born and he doesn't want to see you hurt or heartbroken.
let's just say your partner shallowed his/her saliva before nodding his or her head, meaning your partner perfectly understood billy's message. stu couldn't wait to see you married and having children as well as billy, if you don't want to get married or having children, billy and stu would understand your choices but if your partner doesn't accept your choices, most likely billy would teach him or her a lesson about respecting you, nobody messes with stu and billy's daughter and gets away with it.
throughtout your life while being stu macher and billy loomis's daughter, they raised you right without showing you violence, sexual stuff, they're not abusive and neglecting you, sometimes you would argue about some things but in the end, you would apoligize to each other and spending time together.
in all of the families around the globe, everyone makes mistakes because nobody is perfect. some people try to change while a few people don't change at all, but billy and stu all want to do is protect y/n from all the horrible things around the world, they will do everything for y/n even letting the world burn for her.
(this is my first headconon of billy and stu, i made another headconon but it's not about billy and stu, i will try to post stories with billy loomis x stu macher and y/n whenever i can. if you want to watch the other headconon, i will post a question about it and if you want to see it or not, then i will post if you say yes.)
thanks for reading and watching this :) <3
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quandaryqueen · 2 years
Could,,, I request masters of fear Jonathan with a reader that loves trying to get him flustered, even after theyre together? Like "accidentally" falling and knocking him over so they end up on top of him or smth. Like yeah they could just ask him for a kiss normally but this is more fun. (Whether this has pure intentions or gets more spicy is up to you aldkskdk)
Oops 🫣 I've fallen 🤕 Can you help me up 😉
Masters of Fear Jonathan Crane X Reader
I love everything about this, thank you for giving me an excuse to write MoF Jonathan again 🥰
🧡 Well, aren't you a patient one. That and your endurance is at a whole 'nother level. To actually cross the border of a physical touch, let alone a relationship with Jonathan "Stay away from me you filth, I know your intentions with me is nothing but a joke to be played upon the eyes of a mass so do not bother to pretend" Crane!
It took time, sure. Now and again, Jonathan would have these thoughts about you too. They're brushed off, as you have already came this far but sometimes he thinks that this is just too good to be true.
... it's a work in progress, but hey, you've come a long way!
🧡 These little things you do... He doesn't know whether it was intentional when you trip or not, but it does leave him red.
Sometimes he knows it staged. For one, you chose to trip and "accidentally" push him on the bed and land atop him. Following the fall, you act coy and express intentions...
"Oh Jonathan... It seems I've fallen for you again."
Knees on either sides of his legs and his head between your arms, he was well aware of how he was at your mercy. Swallowing thickly, he tries to ease his shuddering breaths as your fingers trace the side of his face.
God you could have just asked him if you wanted to fuck, but of course you would always go a mile to be this extra. Only his Y/N.
🧡 But sometimes, there are times where he knows it isn't planned. Like when you tripped, and managed to pull him down with you. The landing was a bit rough, he knocked the air off your chest upon impact.
"Goodness! Are you alright?" Well fuck, he was apologetic of course! It's not even his fault but god fucking damn it, you're hurt!
It was difficult to breathe, let alone answer his question. It doesn't help the fact that little bugger in your chest beats at the sight of Jonathan alone. But does that stop you from making him blush???
"I always knew you take my breath away."
He furrowed his brows at you in concern. Are you kidding him? Right now???
He is further disturbed when you lifted your head enough to give him a quick peck before returning to your misery, as you steady your breathing. Only his Y/N.
🧡 Here's another incident!
Arms loaded with boxes blocking your sight, you were quite in a pickle when you felt your shoelaces loosened and you have no way of putting the box down... Until your saviour's arrival, getting on his knee to help you with your shoelaces.
"You look so good on your knees," or alternatively, "Well isn't this a familiar view,"
What's supposed to be a wholesome moment, was dampened with your suggestive little statement, prompting Jonathan to lightly smack your shin before straightening himself up.
🧡 Oh there are lovely little ways to grant you his forehead for kissies.
"Jon, do I smell weird?"
"I don't know, I kinda have a cold right now. Do you mind?" You lift the collar of your shirt ever so slightly.
Jonathan rolls his eyes and approaches you... Well you don't smell at all—
Oh of course you were going to kiss his forehead this way, I mean, you could have just asked, right???
Right when he glanced back at you, he predicted you'd have that dumb grin on your face.
"Jonathan can you give me a hand?" Not knowing you meant literally, he turns to you with a questioning gaze.
"With what?"
"Just give me your hand." You held your palm open and blinked in anticipation.
He squints his eyes in wary, knowing you and your schemes... But he trusts you. Jonathan puts his hand within yours and waits for whatever the fuck you have in store for him. A kiss on the hand? Entwining your fingers through his?
Upon receiving his hand, you twirled yourself around, spun and find yourself close to his chest before planting a kiss on his jaw. Jesus fucking Christ you could have just asked him, now he's about fifty shades off his normal skin tone.
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mossy-thing · 6 months
I've written something wholesome for a change! You can read it here or on ao3!
Bugs and Potatoes
Rated G
Modern au, kids being weird (and cute. And anxious. And autistic), implied/referenced selfharm in a very non self hateful kind of way (more in a curious kid kind of way but i thought it was important to mention nonetheless)
“I’ve made a friend!!”
Lúthien is jumping around her in circles, making it very hard to get to the bird feeder, but Melian only smiles, not even trying to get her vibrating daughter to calm down. “Really?”, she asks, smiling.
“Yesyesyes! His name is Beren, he has really funny hair and we shared lunch by the swings today and I talked about bugs and now we are friends!”
“That is nice, dear.”
It does not seem like she will get to feed the birds today, since Lúthien has gone over to clinging to her so hard that Melian nearly worries her daughter might snap one of her rips. A nightingale is staring her down accusatory from a nearby branch, no doubt waiting for her dinner. Melian pets Lúthien’s hair.
“I can’t wait to meet him. Why don’t you go tell your father?”
Lúthien beams, presses a kiss to Melian’s side and runs off into the house at a speed that seems like it should be impossible to reach for a six year old. Melian sighs, and picks up the bucket of seeds she has dropped under the ambush that is her daughter. It will be a nightmare to get her to go to sleep tonight.
Lúthien waits anxiously by the swings, twisting her hair between her fingers so she won't start eating it. Beren said he would be here at lunchtime like the day before, but lunchtime is 12am and according to the wristwatch she got for christmas, it is now two minutes past 12 am. She tries not to worry. Beren smiled at her yesterday. He told her he liked her bug facts. They were the nice bug facts, too, she had not even mentioned caterpillars dissolving in cocoons because Daeron had told her that made a terrible first impression. She had talked about mimicry. Mimicry wasn’t boring and it wasn’t gross, and Beren had smiled at her, so why wasn’t he here now?
Lúthien thinks briefly of going over to the grass patch at the other side of the playground so she can pick up daisies with her toes, which is always very nice, but if she leaves the swings now, he might not find her if he comes, when, when he comes because he is coming, he promised.
She wants to take off her socks, but the problem is that she already has. She stretches her toes as she rocks up and down on her feet. Can she take off her skin? What do feet look like if you remove the skin? Papa would know. He always knows these kinds of things.
Lúthien waits. A red haired child jumps onto one of the swings. She grits her teeth. They didn’t even ask first! Isn't it obvious that she is waiting for someone? She tries to think of something else while also trying to ignore the squeaking of the swings, which is way worse when you aren't the one swinging and having fun.
How would she even remove the skin from her feet? Would it hurt? It probably would, she had fallen before her dancing lessons last week and skinned her knees, and that had hurt very much. But that had been an accident. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt if she did it on purpose. If she was prepared.
“How would you get the skin off your feet?”
She blinks. Beren, who looks like he has just run from somewhere quite far away and is still trying to catch his breath, blinks as well.
“What?”, he says in the same moment as she says “Sorry,” and now they are staring at each other, and it is uncomfortable, and oh, this was a bad idea, maybe she really can’t make friends and now he is going to run away like Daeron said he would if she talked about cocoons, because this is worse than cocoons, isn’t it, and why hasn’t she realized that before and –
“I guess with a knife?” Beren looks very confused. “Why would I do that though?”
“Forget it,” she blurts, happy that he hasn’t run away screaming yet. “We can’t use the swings today,” she adds, pointing at the child still merrily blocking them from swinging side by side like they did yesterday. “Oh.” He chews on his lower lips.
“There is a stone at the pond,” he says very carefully, and then he stops talking. Lúthien looks at her maybe-still-friend, who seems to have completely lost his train of thoughts, and when she is sure he won’t start talking again on his own, she pokes his arm. He startles, and she says “Sorry,” and he says “Please don’t touch me,” and she apologizes again, and then, when she has just come to the conclusion that now he definitely will run away, he blurts out, “There is a stone at the pond with a bunch of ants under, I know because my little sister keeps trying to eat them, do you want to go there and watch how they carry their eggs around it is really cool,” and she says “Yes” far too loud because his hands fly up to his ears for a second, but then he grins and she grins too, so hard that she is sure her cheeks will split, and he carefully takes the sleeve of her blue shirt and the two run off together.
“I think I would boil the feet first,” Beren says as they walk past the benches where their parents sit fifteen minutes later, covered in mud and pond water. “That way the skin can come off more easily. Like potatoes, you know?”
Lúthien, who is in a very similar state, scrunches up her face in disgust. “I hate potatoes.”
Beren laughs. “Me too.”
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artinandwritin · 6 months
For the ask game 6, 10, 11, and 14... hopefully those can fill your time but let me know if you need more lmao!
AGH TY for asking so many!! Im certain ill be able to fill a lot of time with those <333
6. Favourite ships; like i mentioned on your post, for me it really fluctuates what ship is in the front of my mind on any given day. Ofc, hiccstrid is a big one (theyre really good to me personally) and I'm currently also in a big snotstrid mood bc of my friend @spacenintendogs 's dragons off the coast au! (Also p l e a s e if you aren't familiar yet with dragons off the coast im begging you to look into it, its such an interesting take on a modern au and Rose's writing and worldbuilding is absolutely phenomonal). Fishlout also takes up a space in my heart, adore them so much! The dynamic is so good.
Ruffnut and her army of men is also so good, and the dynamics she has with Eret, Fishlegs and Snotlout is really fun and has a lot of potential. Tho i do also think she and Heather have potential. As do Eret and Heather! That whole group can just be mixed and matched together haha. Heather and Fishlegs ofc is also wholesome, they deserved more than this!
Due to me being so involved in the oc side of the fandom and being a really big supporter of everything oc (which is common knowledge after 4 years of this haha), I also love a lot of people's ocxcanon ships! Such as Rose's oc Ermintrude and Snotlout, @nosuda-cringe 's oc Mayeth Vang and Snotlout, and ofc the ships you've hinted and teased in otwd (zephbal save me... save me zephbal. I think about them a. Normal amount. Same with castav but i wouldnt let them save me, they need to save themselves first), plus a lot of others. Theyre all very dear to me <333
10: favourite songs from the soundtrack; OKAY so ive actually got history with this! When i was about 13-16-ish i had music classes as part of my middle school experience (lmao) and we were given the freedom to do any project we wanted. In those 2-3 years i used the httyd soundtrack twice for projects!
First I used Forbidden Friendship (that song man. That song) as like. An underbeat or smt? To add things on. Im sure it sounded horrendous and y'know the other kids in my class laughed at me bc of me using an animated movie's soundtrack, but the song did remain a favourite of mine and still is.
The second time I used the soundtrack was just after the third movie released! We were once again granted freedom and I decided to learn Once There Were Dragons on the piano! (Im not certain i still know it LMAO its been 5 years, this was even before I learned about OTWD which is in hindsight pretty funny)
Ofc once again the kids around me weren't amused and I couldn't play piano to save my life (my hands are too small to reach the octaves needed which. Sucked haha) but i had a lot of fun and the song really stayed with me throughout the years, it always brings me at least some sort of emotion <3
11; favourite locations; OH gotta be Old Berk and Dragon Island. We spend so much time in Old Berk during the shows and the movies and the form of the island is just so... memorable, in a way. In school of dragons, i always loved climbing the Great Hall up to Gothi's little hut haha. Miss that silly little island.
Dragon Island is soooo underused but i adore the implications sm! Like, the Red Death's corpse is there (and we all know how much i love environment changing giants) and we haven't really seen it since RoB/DoB. Underused location in my humble opinion.
Honorable mentions to Berserker Island and the weird treasure island from rtte season 1. They really slayed haha
14; favourite animation style; everyone knows i'm a big hand animation girlie so I have to go for those little moments in the franchise where more 2D animation is implemented (like in Fishlegs' leadership dream and the Boneknapper special). The keyframing and the subtle movements are really worth analysing and i absolutely adore how it's used. A real treat for us animators! (Special mention to the animation that's been going around from the live special, so good)
As for 3d styles, I have to say the first movie. It has a very raw edge which i love and it gives everything a great feeling. Plus, the animation error during forbidden friendship they left in the final cut owns me <333
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kamyru · 1 year
Who is "Professor Overshare" and who is "Professor Brick wall" in their relationship? (Public Safety Instructors x MC) (Headcanons)
Jin Namba
Overshare + Brick wall: Jin is an overshare about his colleagues. All the cadets know how anxious Goto was when his wife was pregnant, how Kaga never curses near his kids, how Soma is the one to braid his daughter's hair, how Kurosawa goes into dad mode when he gets a call from school, how Ayumu wanted to name his daughter something peach-related, how Ishigami is all laugh and smiles near his family. But cadets have no idea what Jin kids are doing, even if they heard that he is married. He is too protective of them for this.
Brick wall: MC doesn't have enough guts to spill the other Instructors' tea in front of the students. And she has a pact with Jin not to talk about their kids. So, she comes more of a brick wall than expected. Yet, sometimes she tells them that she has a family, even if no one knows who is her family. Except the fact that they know who her husband is.
Hideki Ishigami
Brick wall: Most of his students don't even know his first name, what family status are you talking about? The most they can get is his wedding band. But if a cadet is courageous enough to ask him about it, they'll get a death stare. It's actually someone else, probably Goto or Namba who accidentally mentioned that he is married. And then, it clicked to whom, considering that they have another Ishigami professor.
Brick wall: MC is not a brick wall because she wants to be, but because she is afraid to disappoint her husband. Yet, she do actually tells students that she has a husband and kids. And when they find out who the person behind her stories is, they are bewildered.
Hyogo Kaga
Overshare: Kaga is not your typical overshare professor. He doesn't talk about his personal life to brag. He does it accidentally because it's so natural for him. Like: "I don't trust anyone but Ayumu and my wife." "Even my wife was better than you at this, and she was the worst student you can imagine." "My kids can understand this and you don't? They aren't even in elementary school."
Brick wall: MC. It's not that she doesn't talk about her personal life, she just knows that no one will ever believe her that she is married to Kaga. So, the most she says that is not related to the lesson are encouragements and stories from her youth.
Shusuke Soma
Overshare: MC. Who won't brag about being married to Soma? MC definitely sometimes feels jealous over girl students that crush on her husband, even if Soma reminds her every day that they are married. So, she once is a while talks about her husband and sometimes even kids to make a point. Yet, there are also moments when she accidentally without any jealousy involved does it and she is adorable.
Brick wall: Soma. Cadets know that he is married, because he rejected some of the girls saying this. Though, every time a student asks him about his personal life, he is as evasive as always. He gives answer, but no one knows what do they mean. So, no one really knows what is happening in his life before getting to MC's lessons.
Seiji Goto
Overshare: Goto. This man is a simp. No. He is a HUGE SIMP. There's no way MC and his kids aren't his background, lockscreen, profile picture, and everything around him. At first, students thought he is aloof, then they saw him interacting with MC and talking about his kids, and they understood that he is just shy with them. So, cadets even tease him from time to time. Once, a group of them met him outside the Academy while he was with his son, and nearly melted into a puddle due to how cute they were.
Overshare: Who won't overshare that they are married to Goto? Have you seen this man? Damn, MC may not be as cute as Goto with all his lockscreens and backgrounds, but she has the most wholesome stories about her family. She isn't openly a simp for Goto, but she is the cutest wife someone can ask for.
Ayumu Shinonome
Overshare: Everyone expected him to be a playboy, and he then said he was married. Then, the students expected him to divorce, then he took a day off to celebrate his anniversary. Then, the students expected him to be child free, and a few days later he came in with his daughter. Ayumu doesn't talk, he just likes to mess with his students and low-key demonstrating them how bad they are at reading people.
Brick wall: The same as Kaga's case - no one will ever believe that she is married to Ayumu. Yet, she knows him for so long that she understands what he is doing with his little overshare game. So, she tries to be as tight-lipped as possible, not to destroy her husband's joy. However, at least once a semester she drops a bomb before Ayumu, to mess with him for every time he was a tease with her.
Toru Kurosawa
Overshare: Toru. Has anyone has doubts? He probably came into his first class with his family album of his family with MC. Cadets know the names he wanted to name his children but got rejected, the way his heart flutters when MC kiss him goodbye, how hard it is for him to leave for missions. Everything.
Brick wall: Every one is a Brick wall in comparison with Toru. Even if MC makes a 24h video about a day in their life, she won't get to the level of Toru's oversharing.
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honeydew-sillies · 1 year
Everything you write about Omori is just so wholesome and cute, I love it so much! I’d love to see a Post-Good ending hc of Kel comforting a depressed Basil with Tickles, hugging, and cuddles, if that’s alright of course? I hope you have a wonderful night!
You're so sweet thank you so much!! And I am SO sorry this took forever I have a hard time maintaining writing motivation for long periods of time
But this is TOTALLY alright, these two are my second favorite duo after Suntan :D Also! I hc Basil as using he/they pronouns, so I switch between those when referring to him.
-Also RW Basil and Kel's dynamic <33
-I imagine that after being isolated for so long, ofc Basil is touch starved but he's also very jumpy and anxious about it, and we all know Kel is probably all over every1 all the time so! It's a slow process 
-Kel is actually surprisingly gentle (he's not as dumb as he acts), and he's the main one who slowly gets Basil more accustomed to positive physical touch
-(Also AU where everything is okay after good ending bc I SAID so !!!!)
-It mainly starts as like an arm around the shoulder, bumping shoulders or legs, ruffling hair, etc.
-As Basil gets more comfortable and confident they start initiating as well (which makes Kel so happy bc Basil has made sm progress and he's so proud of him wtf) 
-Bc Basil also has a really hard time asking for it 
-Slowly Kel kinda re-introduces tickling as a form of affection bc they all used to do it a lot when they were younger just as a form of play and whatnot and Basil was especially fond of it (mainly being on the receiving end) 
-And Basil sort of picks up on the fact that that's still one of Kel's love languages (platonic and not, they mainly see him and Hero engage in tickle fights and it makes them feel very warm bc. they really are the same kids :( ) 
-The tickling thing takes even longer but Kel notices that when Basil initiates/is more clingy he never tries to get away from Kel's mindless fidgeting with his clothes and what not (<- ADHD haver) even tho Kel notices their quiet exhales and smiles 
-Anyway they spend quite a lot of time together after Sunny moves, and naturally Basil takes a bit longer to get accustomed to Aubrey's company (but he does eventually dw)
-So Kel is his main support a lot of the time, and Polly LOVES Kel so it's never a problem when he comes over often (he gets into the habit of helping her w dinner whenever he stays late bc he is silly)
-And ofc Basil is very welcome in Kel's house, he's a bit more hesitant at first bc Kel's parents can be a lot but he loves playing w Hector and he's surprisingly good w babies 
-Ofc Basil still struggles w their mental health a LOT but they see a therapist once a week, and they're on medication that helps stabilize his moods well and let the hallucinations subside and whatnot 
-But he really isn't a fan of the dark
-Whenever the two have sleepovers they fall into the habit of falling asleep holding hands or touching somehow as a form of comfort, and Kel always tries to make sure a closet light or small lamp is on
-Nightmares also aren't rare for Basil unfortunately
-So. one of the first times comfort tickles happen is during a sleepover; they try to have them at least biweekly, switching off houses and sometimes Aubrey tags along too when she can
-The two are just relaxing together on Kel's bed, w the lights off but his bedside lamp on
-He scrolls through his phone w his arm around Basil, who has their arms wrapped around his waist and is laying their head on his chest
-Kel is just rambling about whatever, laughing at the videos and stupid memes coming up on his feed and just filling the silence in a way he knows comforts Basil
-(Forgive me but I am going to project bc I am writing most of this based off experience NNJSCS)
-Except Basil is having one of those moments where he begins to space out, dissociating somewhat but not quite
-At first Kel doesn't notice because he's used to Basil going quiet and just sort of listening
-But when he goes to glance at Basil while showing him a goofy ass photo he found, he notices their eyes have kinda glazed over and they're just staring at nothing while still laying on his chest/side 
-So he gently goes "Basil?" and they blink really fast and come back for a moment, going "O-oh, sorry."
-Kel is like "It's okay! Is... something wrong?" 
-Basil goes quiet for a moment, letting out a hum to let Kel know he heard him, and then he quietly responds "I'm... not sure. I just feel... weird."
-Kel nods and responds again with "That's okay." A tad calmer than he normally would because he knows he needs to be a bit more gentle now, "Is it bad brain stuff again?" 
-Basil nods and their eyes are still partially unfocused due to the disassociating
-He just sort of tucks his face into the crook of Kel's neck and his voice is muffled as he says "Sorry..."
-Kel sets his phone down and hugs Basil back, squeezing him for comfort
-He goes "You don't have to be sorry, Bas. Is there, uhm, anything I can do to help?"
-Basil goes quiet for a moment again, before slightly untucking his face to respond "The hugging helps…"
-So Kel just nods and keeps Basil close 
-Their positions shift a tiny bit as Kel moves from having his back to the wall to facing sideways so him and Basil are facing each other 
-He's got his arms around their waist and their arms are bent so they're pressed into his chest along w their head
-Kel has a hard time just sitting still so at first he sorta rubs comforting circles into Basil's back, but once he stops that his hands drop down and he just kinda fiddles w the edge of their pajama shirt around their lower back
-(Y'all can see where this is going)
-Everyone and their mom knows Basil is the most ticklish of the group by far like. Come on
-So he sort of starts squirming a bit and lets out a huff and at first Kel doesn't notice bc he's sorta daydreaming
-But Basil squeaks a little when Kel's fingers brush underneath his t-shirt around the sides of his back and Kel sorta snaps out of it
-Basil lets out a quiet whine bc. He's comfy and he's trying not to squirm but the feather light touches are SO bad for them
-Kel quietly (as quiet as he can be, being Kel) goes "Oh! My bad, hehe..." and stills his hands again bc he doesn't know if Basil is in the right headspace (ba dum tss) for tickling 
-But Basil buries their face even deeper into his neck (if that's even possible, and Kel can even feel how hot his face is from the blush) and mumbles out "Can you... keep, uhm- y'know..."
-Kel smiles softly and goes "Tickling you?" like as a genuine question but Basil squeaks a bit at the word bc he's a DORK. And he's feeling really soft, and wants a distraction from the nasty brain moment
-Plus the sensations are honestly kinda grounding like it sorta brings their attention back to his body 
-Anyway they nod slightly and Kel goes "Liiiike... this?" in a slightly teasy voice and lightly drags the tips of his fingers up the sides of Basil's back, making them yelp and fall into bubbly giggles 
-He lets out an embarrassed "Kel!" bc of the teasing and Kel just can't help his fond smile
-"Mmhm?" He hums softly but still teasingly, not actually expecting a response
-Basil just keeps softly tittering in response, clinging to the front of Kel’s shirt to have something to hold on to
-While they aren’t a huge squirmer (unlike Kel, who will flail and kick very hard), Basil is definitely very jumpy, and that got a lot worse after everything that happened; so try as he might, his body still isn't great at handling the sensations
-This is why they’re grateful Kel is pretty strong because he makes sure Basil doesn't accidentally leap out of his lap LMAO
-Kel just can't keep the huge dorky smile off his face bc like I mentioned before tickling is like a big love language for him he LOVES physical touch, plus being able to make the ppl he cares abt smile/laugh means so much to him 
-He tries to keep the tickling relatively tame since this is meant to help ground and relax Basil, and they've never really been a fan of rough tickles anyway (their tolerance for it is very low if at all) 
-So Kel just continues to trace random shapes and lines around Basil's lower back, sometimes straying to his sides and upper ribs which makes his giggling much louder (I'm telling you this kid is TICKLISH like all caps) 
-They don't talk much aside from Kel's occasional compliments/comments, like "Heh, I forgot how ticklish you are here!" or "Are you alright? You look like a strawberry!' 
-Which of course Basil can only respond to with either higher pitched giggles, "Nohoho!"s, or a squeaky "Kel!" 
-After a little bit (they don't know how long they aren't paying attention), Basil's giggles start to taper off and Kel feels them relaxing more and more 
-So in turn he tapers off the tickling, just resting his hands on Basil's back to make sure he's okay 
-Kel goes "...Bas?" in a soft but loud enough voice, and all he gets is some sort of "Mhhh…" noise in response, so he grins, because that means Basil is like falling asleep 
-Kel removes his hands from under Basil's pajama shirt, rubbing it firmly over the fabric to make sure the tingly sensations have subsided before adjusting himself to move Basil's face off of his chest
-He feels all fuzzy when he sees Basil's super drowsy expression; they still have a small smile as they look up at him half asleep and their features aren't nearly as darkened and tense as they were before 
-Kel goes "Ready to sleep?" And Basil just responds with another sleepy noise and a nod, letting his head fall back onto Kel's chest 
-Kel adjust both of then so that they're laying down properly, making sure to bring the blanket up over them both before squeezing Basil slightly while they're cuddled together 
-He nuzzles his face in to the top of Basil's head and it doesn't take long for him to conk out 
-Basil takes a tad longer to fully fall asleep, but he listens to the sound of Kel's slowed breathing and thinks about how they can't wait to wake up tomorrow next to one of their best friends 
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shebeafancyflapjack · 9 months
"Depressing af way to end. :(" yes! when the six said it was final i didn't expect THIS. again, especially after 5x06! alison reaffirmed that the ghosts are family! mike and alison love living at button house! julian--JULIAN!--gave a speech about being glad they found each other. and i know selling the house will have them set for life, but not once did they talk about getting jobs after the gatehouse didn't work out??
i feel a bit (ok, a lot) that a very important part of the ghosts' (after)lives were stolen from them. and sure, alison can't live forever. and yes, being a hotel now that lots of people will visit, i'm sure the ghosts are going to occasionally come across someone who can see ghosts. but those people aren't going to LIVE there, let alone going to become a family. and i doubt those people will want to talk to the ghosts--i mean, look at kylie's reaction lol. she doesn't even want to do a concert at button house, let alone stay for holiday. unless someone dies at the hotel (bound to happen) and stays as a ghost (less likely), other than each other, who knows when the ghosts are going to have found family again. and with a living? never, probably.
i just. i knew since before s4 that s5 was probably the end, so by the time they confirmed it was, and by the time i finished s5, i wasn't like, devastated or anything. but the xmas special is, as you said, depressing af. it ruined it for me. it feels OOC and the whole thing with betty was just so irritating, and not even in a funny or humorous way like barclay can be. which is why i've said it's dead to me, i have to ignore it exists as much as possible.
anyway lol
Feel free to rant to me anytime! Putting my further rants under a cut because oh boy.
I keep having to process how I feel about this finale because it's hardly Game of Thrones or Sherlock level bad. But it's also coming off wrapping up Fourteen and Donna's storyline in Doctor Who which was - *chefs kiss* - perfect found family / platonic soulmates ending. So that did set the bar quite high in terms of wholesomeness.
And yeah sadly it failed to meet it, at least in my opinion.
Thing is when people describe it as bittersweet, for me it's so bitter that the sweetness is barely noticeable. And most of it comes down to how much Alison was sidelined and downplayed in her own show, the finale at that. Having Betty be the major character that took up so much time was a huge mistake and took away from the chance of us seeing happy moments between the ghosts and Alison and the baby etc. And as you say, she wasn't even a fun annoying character like Barclay.
I really don't have a problem with Alison and Mike needing to sell and move out, I just think it should have been executed in a far less rushed and melancholy way.
For starters I think they should have had Alison make the decision to leave at the end of S5. But asserting that it has nothing to do with what Julian did, it's purely because they simply can't afford to live there anymore. And for everyone saying the point of the finale is the Ghosts "let her go" as a gift - Julian already stated that it's HER decision and they won't stand in her way. He wasn't begging her to stay as much as asking forgiveness so they didn't part on bad terms. I feel like her needing to be persuaded to leave (which she doesn't even fight them on) almost takes away her agency, in an episode which doesn't allow her to do much as is.
I see a lot of people, including the six idiots, compare it to parents packing their kids up for uni or their own place. Here's the problem - the ghosts are not her parents. And that house is HERS. It was HER dream to turn it into a hotel but she has to give up on it and leave her found family because, ho hum, baby. And there's nothing wrong with motherhood or characters being mums...it's just a trope we are so tired of seeing where everything has to be tied up because Baby! Or people have to move out because Baby! Let's ignore the fact we have a character who emphasised the benefits of raising kids in a community.
I think my problem was that, and clearly this wasn't what the idiots had in mind, I read the ghosts as almost an analogy for those with chronic illnesses or disabilities, things that limit us and often leave us feeling shut in and unable to interact with the world. Alison did things for them at the start purely for alliance of convenience - but then she did them because she chose to, because she loves them and wants to help them the same way you would help someone with disabilities who you love. So the idea of "now I have a baby, that's my priority and I have to leave you" when there are so many other ways they could have worked around that has left me very uncomfortable.
Again, I'll make it clear, I don't think that was their intention at all. But sadly it's why I felt so attached to it. Visiting once or twice a year just doesn't put enough sweetness on to sooth the pain. How about instead paying to rebuild the gate house and they bought that to live close but also have their own space? How about Barclay died and they take his house? Or even just a montage showing us how often Alison visits and happy times bringing Mia, that the ghosts did get to watch her grow, maybe even seeing Alison die and FINALLY give Kitty a proper hug as well as the others!
The coda was sweet but it was far too brief and though I see what they were going for revealing so little to us, it left me feeling cold and like we weren't welcome in on their lives anymore as we're not allowed to see them. We shouldn't have had to listen to Jim on the podcast to know the ghosts would learn to like the hotel. Show don't tell.
*sigh* it is what it is, I just feel like there was so much missed opportunity for it to be something truly amazing but sadly it is always going to be my least favorite and possibly a skip whenever I do a rewatch.
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