#it wasn't a cat burglar
beanghostprincess · 8 months
I will forever love seeing Luffy and Nami holding Zoro's swords. He's so protective of those three but it's not even because he fears something might happen to them, but because he's scared something might happen to the crew and himself if he doesn't have them with him. They're like extra limbs. The ones he uses to fight and protect and breathe. He feels uneasy whenever his swords aren't around him, and that is just a fact. You can't deny that he feels comfort in having them by his side at all times, knowing that he'll be able to protect the crew from any dangers. They're tied to his heart and soul in a way that if he loses sight of them he might actually lose himself too. So he does not enjoy seeing his swords in somebody else's hands. They can disappear, he will find them. They can run away, he will follow. They can break, he trusts them not to but if they do, he will keep going carrying their bond with him still. But he doesn't like seeing them in somebody else's hands because those are his swords. His limbs. His heart. His soul. It's just not right. It never feels right. But.
But sometimes Luffy acts like he knows what he's doing and actually asks for permission instead of just taking what he wants. As if crossing Zoro's boundaries would be unforgivable, when he knows Zoro would give him anything he wanted to take from him. But he asks. He asks, with a careful, polite, deep voice Zoro isn't used to hearing. But it always ends with the softest of smiles and the petition reaches a place inside of Zoro's heart that he just knows has also touched his swords. So he lets him, because how could he not, and he runs his fingers through all of them. Amazed. Astonished. Respectfully talking to them as if they could hear him. And they can. Zoro knows they hear and feel and love and crave and long for his captain's touch. He knows, because he does too. Because who wouldn't? Luffy holds them in a way he never holds anything else- Carefully. Like they aren't his. Like befriending somebody he fears might reject him. Like taking hold of Zoro's heart and holding him so gently in case he might break him. He worships them as if he weren't the god in this relationship. He looks handsome, too. Not pretty. Not cute. Handsome. Mature. His hat covers his adventurous gaze but leaves his mischievous grin for the whole world to see. And yet, the swordsman trusts him enough. Without any look or any word. He knows Luffy's face by heart, he realizes, now that he can picture his eyes quite too perfectly under his hat. His skin glistens under the sun and his tender fingers hold the sword with so much clumsiness it looks dumb. He doesn't know how to hold them, yet they don't want to move away from him. It's clumsy but it takes over them. Maybe it's his haki. Maybe it's the effect the future king of the pirates has. Zoro thinks it's just him. Luffy. And his heart stops the second Luffy smiles, as if he had just heard the sword respond to him. He wants to kiss him. Bite him. Let him bite back and draw blood and eat him. Let him hold him the way he holds the swords but tighter. Closer. Maybe he's in love. Zoro. With Luffy. It's not a maybe. Who is he trying to trick? He knows he is in love. With the way he smiles and the way he holds and the way he wants but respects and loves. It's funny like that, the fact that Luffy keeps being so careful when Zoro would let him tear his heart apart and eat it if he so desired. It's funny that the swords love him with such gentleness when they often demand power. Perhaps kindness is the most powerful weapon of all or, at least, Luffy's most powerful skill. Zoro hates it when somebody else holds them because they don't own them. They don't own him. He doesn't even own his swords, anyway. Nobody can. They're his the same way he's theirs, just with a bit more dominance and respect. But Luffy isn't owning them. He's praying to them. Talking to them. Befriending them. Loving them. And they would bow to him if he so desired. Zoro knows they would, as fierce as they are and violent as they seem and as sharp as they cut. They'd bow to him because Zoro would too. The uneasiness does not exist when Luffy is the one to hold them because, if Zoro had to give out his soul for somebody to take care of, that would be Luffy. And if he has to be unprotected. Naked. Bare in front of a thousand soldiers. He will if it's Luffy the one fighting instead.
Sometimes Nami wants to hold them just to feel what it's like to be in Zoro's shoes. It's a stupid reason. He refuses to let her do it as an instinctive reaction at first. She doesn't seem as interested in following the protocol as Luffy is, but she knows where to stop and she knows what to say to get on Zoro's nerves, anyway. She's equally as fierce. Equally as sharp. He won't let her hold any cursed sword, but it's not like she wants to. She's smarter than that. Careful and respectful but not that interested in the swords and what they mean, more in how they feel. Zoro gets it. Kind of. Somehow. She says something about always letting them eat her precious tangerines, so he should humor her by letting her hold Wado at least. She isn't pushing him. He knows she wouldn't. She's just teasing because she knows. She always knows. She knows he will say yes. Because he always does what she says, although he keeps demanding a bit of respect to not be treated like a dog. But Nami never forces him to do anything. He could refuse. She would give up at some point. But there's just something about her- Stubbornness. Strength. Love. So much love and care and worry and anger. And Zoro likes her. She's selfish, too, like a pirate should be. Stronger than Zoro in the ways that matter. Smarter, too, even if he wouldn't admit it out loud. But she leads the way and he follows, not because that's a dog's job, but because he wants to. He trusts her. Something he never thought he would. But he does. She's smart. She leads the way. She knows where they're going. They somehow are the same and totally different at the same time. Zoro grounds Luffy when he gets lost. Nami leads them both so they won't. So there's something about her curiosity that makes him soften. He never knows exactly why he does what she says. Why he indulges her like that. But it's satisfying, for some reason he refuses to read within himself, the satisfactory and pleased grin on her face when he hands her Wado. She's careful with her. Awful at holding her. Bad posture. Great smile. Horrible movements. Beautiful eyes. It's okay, though, he thinks. Wado likes her because Zoro likes her. Nami loses interest within a minute, complaining about the weight and the sudden realization of "you always have this thing in your mouth" which makes her want to give her back. But she stares at her for a whole minute. It isn't her thing, but her eyes spark when the sword is returned to Zoro. Trust. A smile. Thankfulness. Her bangs are getting a bit longer and one strand of hair gets in the middle of her teasing smirk. She says she prefers her clima-tact, but swords are fine, "I guess". "She's pretty" she says. Zoro thinks she is pretty. Nami. In a way he can't quite describe because he has never really been good at that. But she is. Like a blade. Sharp. But in the right hands this time for her not to cut the ones she loves anymore. She hands him a tangerine next, every time he lets her hold his sword. An exchange. "I give you something that matters. You give me something that matters". Zoro wants to say it's not the same, but the tangerine is sweet. Juicy. His fingers then smell strongly of citrus. Almost as similar as steel. If he can feel Nami's heartbeat in every bite, he wonders if she has been able to hear his in the hilt of his sword. Calm. Peaceful. Safe.
Zoro doesn't like seeing his swords in somebody else's hands because those are his swords. His limbs. His heart. His soul. It's just not right. It never feels right. But.
But sometimes it does.
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nnobodoodles · 6 months
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My favourite background gag in One Piece is when Luffy bites down on a glass and just, has it in his mouth, while Nami is explaining in detail the very real possibility of crashing on Reverse Mountain
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benevolentcannibal · 3 months
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some pretty boy nami, she's my other baby girl
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umihoshi · 1 year
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Sanji x Nami's 3 weddings.
you can't tell me this wasn't done on purpose.
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arlmy07 · 1 year
Strawhat Crew As Things Me and My Friends Have Said
Nami: "Imma spend my money like money ain't shit. And by 'my money' I mean 'your money' because I kind of need mine for later..."
Robin: "When I was twelve, my teacher asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I looked her dead in the eyes and said without hesitation: 'Deceased'. She sent me to the counselor and told my parents I needed therapy..."
Sanji: "I know things seem pretty bad right now but look on the bright side...my ass has never looked better."
Franky: "According to my expert opinion....I'll need exactly four rolls of duct tape, a two liter coke, a Philips head, three Band-Aids, a whole pack of Twinkies, and twelve screws to fix that...Oh, and maybe some spit in case of a fire."
Luffy: "If I say I'm going on a diet, what that really means is that you should probably keep a closer eye on your food when I'm around."
Usopp: "If I were to write a poem about how I feel right now it'd go something like this: roses are red, melted ice cream is sticky, my foot's stuck in a hole, get me out of here quickly"
Zoro: "The benefits of you all getting me a sword for my birthday: 1) It'd be cool as fuck and 2) I'd never have to hear my neighbor watching romcoms at full volume at 3am ever again."
Brook: "My grandma says that if I get any thinner and paler she's going to hang me up with her Halloween decorations..."
Chopper: "I know I'm cute, stop telling me or I'll punch you."
Jimbei: "I told my dad I was going to sleep with the fishes and he said 'good night, don't let the sharks bite' and now I'm a little concerned for my safety."
Luffy: "Sorry, I zoned out. I was looking at my gummy bear..."
Usopp: "Look at this gourmet cereal."
Nami: "Well when you're five feet then four inches is a lot..."
Zoro: "Sign this petition to make weaponized stilettos legal. I'm not asking in case you were wondering *brandishes stiletto*."
Jimbei: "I think the reason I like the ocean so much is because it tastes like the tears of my enemies. Salty~"
Chopper: "Don't send a search party, my phone is just having an identity crisis."
Brook: "You have no idea how many women I had to seduce to get this music."
Sanji: "What's it gonna take for a guy to get a fancy set of knives around here?"
Robin: "Did you guys put the fun in funeral?"
Franky: "Explain it to me like you would to a five year old."
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Nami watching the final fight between Luffy and Enel:
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empress-belosbeck · 1 year
So this is going to be my breakdown of the One Piece Live Action trailer. If you are not interested, just keep scrolling
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So these are the first few shots and I like how these appear. Foosha Village and the Baratie looks good. I really like the Going Merry in the shipyard due to the mess and the fog in the background. From what we see in other promotional stuff the Merry looks cool as well. Idk why, but I get the feeling the Luffy is going to get the Merry from the very beginning. I could be wrong, but that’s the vibe. At first I didn’t really like it but I think that’s just me being too strict on the series and I realized that some liberties would be taken. Plus it probably won’t change the story that much.
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The next few shots is Shells Town and Zoro. The actual town looks decent, but I fucking LOVE how Morgan keeps a giant fucking poster of himself. It’s so ridiculous but also fits his character. I also love the idea that the people who he keeps prisoner have a Big Brother style poster looking at them. As for Zoro he looks good. His hair his better than Nami’s which we will get to. But for the fight we seen it looks good and Zoro looks appropiately badass.
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Nami’s hair is the first thing that I saw that I didn’t really like. It doesn’t look too good. Now I will admit I have gotten used to it, but I do hope if this gets a second season they will get her a better wig.
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Then we switch to Luffy’s flashback with the Loard of the Coast and Shanks! We don’t really get a good look on Shanks but the Sea King looks really fucking good. I just love how it looks and can’t wait to see how they did the flashback and how Shanks looks.
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So the next shot we see is of Alvita’s ship(which I didn’t screenshot) and of Buggy. The ship looks alright, but holy fucking shit BUGGY!!! At first he looks so fucking uncanny and creepy and I didn’t like it at first but it has grown on me. I realized that it was probably the way the lighting and shot looks and as soon as we see Buggy in other lighting he probably won’t look as creepy, but now I LOVE this shot. He looks so fucking creepy and am excited to see it.
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And now from one of my favourite scenes to one I don’t really like. It can be summed up to a few words:
The only one that is accurate to the manga in this scene is Nami.
Zoro saying that he doesn’t work for Nami does feel in character but not Luffy. So Luffy says that he thinks there is some tension among the crew. From Luffy’s monologue in the beginning I feared that they changed his character but this pretty much confirms that they did. And I do get the sheer dumbassery of Luffy probably wouldn’t work in a live action series since that’s has to deal with reality and the manga and anime can get pretty cartoony, so the sheer dumbass Luffy is can fit in that setting. However, I worry that they just replaced Luffy with the mediocre, quippy marvel-type superhero rather than the absolute dumbass Luffy really is. Like I need to see more of him but I don’t think this Luffy would believe Usopp’s disguise as Sogeking in Water 7.
And Zoro’s response to Luffy of “We’re not a crew” ALSO makes me worry that they changed his character. Zoro is just as much of a dumbass as Luffy, but the main difference is that Zoro often stays stoic and serious and Luffy getting serious is a sign shit is going to go down. But I worry that they just made Zoro into just being a badass rather than the mix of badass and dumbass he really his. Also, why would he help Luffy if he’s not part of the crew. I mean I could see Zoro staying with Luffy just to get escape Shellstown but if he’s not part of the crew, why stay in Orange Town and Syrup Village? The angle they are probably going for is for Zoro to join the crew in Baratie after his duel with Mihawk, but for me if Zoro is this hostile to the idea of joining up with Luffy how does he deal with him until the Baratie? Like for Nami was already the reluctant crew member going along and her arc works because there is the double plot twist with her. at first she was a reluctant member going with the crew and would join them because they grew on her. But wait, she just stole their money and ship and THAT’S the reason why she went along. But when we got to Arlong Park there is a second twist and that she DOES care for the crew and did it because she was blackmailed. But for Zoro, there is no reason why he would stay with Luffy long enough to meet and duel Mihawk. They could handle it but I worry about that.
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And now we see shots of the rest of the crew! I’d say they both look good. Some people might be disappointed about Sanji’s swirls and Usopp’s nose not being there, but I understand that the prosthetics might be annoying to put on/break easily and they excluded them for convienience.
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Finally, we see Koby and a proper look at Luffy’s devil fruit powers. I can’t really make out Koby but he looks like the skinny guy he was in the beginning. Luffy’s powers though look good. I feel like this scene takes place at night so they could hide some of the CGI but I think it looks good. I think they will make Luffy a close-quarters fighter similar to what Randy Troy said on Youtube, but I don’t mind that.
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Another scene that showcases that Zoro is just a 100% serious badass that I don’t like.
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And the logo to end it all!
Despite with how it might have appeared with the Zoro rant, overall I liked the trailer. I do worry about the changes they made to Zoro and Luffy but overall I think it has potential.
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gildedmuse · 1 year
Hey, don't want to start any dramas (which is why I'm writing you here instead of reblogging with message), but please let's keep it civil and pleasant in this fandom, okay?
You see Zoro and Nami as monosexual gays, great! Good for you! Some see them as bi4bi and ship them and that's fine too!
Please don't use Zonami tag and censor Zonami ship name when you talk negatively about it in your posts. No one who checks Zonami tag is there to see an anti take, even if it's not aggressively delivered. You wouldn't like people ranting about how your ship doesn't make sense in your ship's tag, right?
You don't have to answer to this ask, I'm simply politely asking you to just untag Zonami from your post and censor the names, or at least consider doing so from now on.
Umm, I don't think I use the tag though? I purposely didn't use just the ZoNami tag, though I did take it "ZoNami but Not"
For the record, I support whatever you want to ship. I'm just a random fan, what I think about a ship means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
Ships should be fun. They're about how individuals view the show, the way they see the characters and that makes them fascinating. But also means they're going to be unique. Even people who share a ship, they're going g to have different reasons. But that doesn't make any ship bad.
You can even support unhealthy ships but because it's fiction THAT IS OKAY. Its a way to explore ideas that might not be healthy in the real world, but that you personally might find intriguing.
(And for the record while I don't like Zoro x Nami, I don't think it's an unhealthy ship AT ALL. In fact, it's one of the healthier straight ships in OP. I just mean generally.)
I apologize, I didn't mean that insult anyone. I thought it was just me having good fun. I mean, it's like when I come across anti ZoLu posts, but not the means ones. The ones that are like "Did you not notice Luffy was aro?"
People see different things in fiction and they are ALL valid, because no matter what a creator intends, they can't make an audience member not FEEL how they FEEL, how they THINK. What they SEE.
So to any Zoro x Nami shippers out there, you're pov is so valid.
It's may not be what I saw, but I'm not you. When you watch a show or read a book or a post or see a piece of art that's personal. That's a combination of your own experiences and expectations and everything that makes you, you and NO ONE should tell you it's not valid.
Also Zoro and Nami are both gay as fuck
But you don't have the feel that way. And don't let anyone tell you you should.
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viiiiiiiiiin · 7 months
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How they confess their love for you !! PT. 3
Includes: Nami , Law , Kid , Caesar , Ace , Sabo , Doflamingo , Rosinante.
Pt. 1 , Pt. 2 , Pt. 3 (here)
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Cat Burglar: Nami
She could tell , but she was good at hiding it. She felt like she didn't deserve you , so she never tried to make a move.
Until her feelings continuously grew and grew. She couldn't stand it.
Why did you make her feel like this ? You were so kind to her , but so was the rest of the crew. Why were you different ?
To her , you were special. She'd find herself looking at things in stores that she thinks you'd like.
One day , she brought one of those things to the Sunny after a big battle.
She was worried about losing you , but she knew you could handle yourself. But you got injured. Very , very injured. She was extremely worried because you've been out for days.
She came to your bedside and placed a jewel on the bedside. She sat on the bed next to your sleeping form and started talking to you as if you could hear.
Little did she know , her presence awoke you.
She told you how she felt and called you stupid for getting so hurt. While she was crying , you placed your bruised hand on her arm and told her you felt the same.
She was so surprised that she slapped you and started shaking you violently for worrying her.
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Surgeon of Death: Trafalgar D. Water Law
At first , he thought something was wrong with him. He stayed up for nights on end trying tor research what could be wrong with him.
He looked up his symptoms in any book he could find. He knew a lot of illnesses because he was a doctor , but this was foreign to him. It worried him. Was it something like White Lead ?
He continues searching. Heated body (similar to a fever) , heart skipping beats irregularly , clammy hands , etc.
The only conclusion he could draw was the love sickness that any former Empress from Amazon Lily had.
But he wasn't an empress. Then , it clicked. He was in love. He wasn't sick , he was just LOVE sick. For you , no less.
He talked to Ikaku about how he felt and she squealed happily at his confession.
She bombarded him with advice , flowers , snacks , etc. She told him to just tell you.
When he gathered the courage , he did just that. He brought those flowers to your desk and waited for you. When you came in , the anxiety set in.
He cleared his throat and nervously confessed his feelings for you.
You laughed and told him you felt the same. He felt like a weight was lifted from his chest.
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Eustass "Captain" Kid
Similarly to Law , he thought he was sick. He stayed in his office for DAYS , mostly to avoid you.
He thought you were sick too. How else did he feel sick around you ? You were contagious.
He told Killer about his sickness and he laughed his ass off at him.
Kid yelled at him and told him to stop , but he didn't.
When Killer calmed himself , he told Kid that he was a dumbass. That he wasn't sick , but in love.
Why would he be in LOVE ? THE Captain Kid !
He denied it and shooed Killer out.
But Killer pushed him to tell you. Every. Day.
Eventually , he caved.
When you brought him dinner , his mouth spewed out all he felt. He turned extremely red and angirly grumbled.
That was until you kissed his chin and told him you felt the same.
He turned even redder and shooed you out of his office.
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Caesar Clown
He didn't actually understand why he fell in love with you. Was it your power ? Your looks ? Your influence ? He wasn't sure.
Everyone noticed. He would literally stumble around and make mistakes whenever you come around.
Monet teased him about it often. He shut down everything she said and would yell at her for even suggesting that he liked you.
He's had hookups and such before , but he's never fallen in love with any of his flings. He was a master scientist , why would he need love ?
But he fell for you.
Hard , actually.
He tried his best to avoid you but it never worked. You were stronger than him , so you had to protect him. That was your job.
While working in another part of his lab , Monet just straight up told you that he's in love with you.
You laughed and told her that you knew. You followed her to his current location , and you both told him what you conversed about.
He was embarrassed as hell and yelled at both of you.
He shooed Monet out and talked to you in private.
He , nervously , told you that it was true.
You told him you felt the same way and shocked the hell outta him.
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Firefist: Portgas D. Ace
It was SO obvious to the entire crew.
He would become nervous and a blushing mess around you.
Even Whitebeard noticed.
Ace didn't , however.
He was never actually in love. He has had hookups , yes , but never a significant other. He didnt feel as if he deserved love.
But you made him feel like he did.
You were so sweet to him and would love him like he was your lover.
Marco , Thatch , and Izo would tease him about his little crush on you. Anytime they did , he denied it.
But Izo told you one day while you two were hanging out.
You told him that you felt the same way.
Izo and Thatch pushed you two together and got you both to confess in the kitchen
When you both confirmed that you were dating , the entire crew threw a party.
They just wanted an excuse to party. Sigh.
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Flame Emperor: Sabo
Koala noticed before he did , but he noticed a bit after.
He chose not to act on it , however. He was too busy with the Revolutionary Army for a relationship.
But Koala was OBSESSED with the idea of you and him dating. She would continuously tell anyone who would listen about how much she shipped you and him.
She even told Dragon.
Dragon supports.
One day , Koala sets you two up in the kitchen of the current Revolutionary base.
She locks you both in there and leaves , waiting for you both to confess.
You confessed first because he wouldn't budge.
He told you he felt the same.
Hours after being locked in there , you both had fallen asleep together in the corner when Koala came to get you both.
She took pictures and showed them to Dragon.
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Heavenly Demon: Donquixote Doflamingo
He knew he was obsessed with you. He always wanted you close , would kill anyone that was brave enough to confess to you , etc.
He's had many flings (men and women) , but he threw them away like they were toys.
But you were different to him.
You were headstrong , brave , and quite strong. It intrigued him.
How you held onto your dreams like they were part of the last meal you'd ever eat.
How you were so kind , even if he degraded you and hurt you.
You always came back.
One day , he called you to his throne room. While you sat in front of him , he offered you a place in the family as his Queen / King / Royal.
You weren't allowed to deny. If you said no , he would cut your head off. But you didn't even think of that.
You were in love with him too and told him so.
Now , you're the Queen / King / Royal of Dressrosa alongside your king , Doflamingo.
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Corazon: Donquixote Rosinante
When you joined the Donquixote Family , he knew he had to get you out of there. Just like the children.
He normally wouldn't care about the others in the family because it wasn't his mission. However , your heart wasn't in the same place as theirs.
It intrigued him.
You were kind , smart , caring , and you took care of Baby 5 , Buffalo , and Law as if they were your own.
He immediately fell in love with you.
When taking Law away from Dressrosa , he took you with him and explained everything.
While Law slept on an island one day , he confessed his feelings to you by the fire he started.
He was red in the face and extremely nervous. He even lit himself on fire.
After dousing him in water , you told him you felt the same.
But smacked him and told him to be careful because he hurt himself.
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yuvany · 2 months
⋆。˚ ⋆ # 𝙈𝘼 𝘽𝙀𝘼𝙐𝙏É
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Moments where they can't stop adoring you ;; w.c : ~ 200 / character .
pairing: ot7 enhypen x fmr ;; warning(s) : fluff+ skinship+ down bad behaviour+not proofread!
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𝐋𝐄𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐔𝐍𝐆 always tries to make you laugh because he strongly believes that your smile could light up a dark room. Heeseung invited you over to spend time with his friends–and that’s how you found yourself cuddled up in his arms right now. You zoned out their boring conversation, turning to your phone. Your boyfriend asked if you were comfortable multiple times, and you reassured him that you were. It wasn't until you heard the group roar with laughter that you perked your head up with interest."Babe, look." He said, calming down his own laughter, and turned his phone towards you. You saw a funnily edited picture of one of his members with thick black glasses while holding up a finger, resembling a nerd emoji (🤓☝️). You burst out in giggles at the unexpected picture. "Hah, who is that even!" You exclaimed. It was obvious to everyone else in the room that Heeseung just wanted to make you laugh, because his focus immediately shifted to your laughter. When you realised that no one was laughing with you anymore, your laugh quieted down. "I have more of these." He says excitedly mostly to you while he skims through his gallery with a wide smile, searching for more memes.
𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐉𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐒𝐄𝐎𝐍𝐆 is as much of a listener as he is a talker. Spill the recent tea to him, and he'll actively listen to what you have to say. The same goes for when you want to rant about a stray cat you might've seen, or perhaps a concert you bought the ticket for. Jay never gets tired; if anything, he finds you cute and entertaining. Let's say the two of you found yourself in his kitchen while cooking together, you were washing and chopping up vegetables while he was by the stove and oven. You spoke about your day, and he hummed along, secretly also snatching glances at you from time to time – he would've been staring at you if he wasn't scared that the pot would over boil if he wasn't looking at it. You suddenly stopped without realising, probably due to the loud noice of the water tap, or sound of the food cooking. Jay would then ask what you wanted to say. "So, I went to this cat cafe with a couple of friends, and..." You zoned out, not fully comprehending that there was more to your sentence. In which he fills you in, "you and your friends went to a cat cafe...? Was it fun, sweetie?" He inquires, getting you back on track. "Right! The cafe..." He smiles to himself when you're back in the rhythm again.
𝐒𝐈𝐌 𝐉𝐀𝐄𝐘𝐔𝐍 loves his dog, Layla, just as much as he loves you. So, there's no doubt that he'd stay silent and watch the two of you play together. By silent, I mean watching you spend time with his other life. Jake was sitting in the livingroom with Layla beside him on the couch, petting her fur while watching the TV. The sound of keys turning the door open caught both of their attention. "Hello?" You called out while shutting the door behind you, not wanting them to think you're a burglar. The familiarity of your voice had Layla sprung up from the couch and hurry towards you with Jake close behind. Before even getting the opportunity to take off your jacket, Layla was excitedly climbing your leg. You leaned down, and cooed her name as you petted her head. Jake kissed you on the cheek when he arrived, and held Layla back to give you space. You quickly hung your jacket, and neatly placed your shoes to the side before returning Jake's kiss, and turning to Layla. You sat on the floor, and patted your lap for the dog. While you spent a lot of time with the pet, Jake rested his head on his propped arm on his knee, enjoying the sight.
𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐍 and you were at the mall together. The two of you walked hand in hand as you entered a clothing shop, Sunghoon already leading the way. Time went by, and you had walked around the shop enough times to be able to navigate with your eyes shut. Sunghoon approached you with a short pile of clothes on his arm, asking you to try it on. You sighed, knowing he won't take 'no' for an answer. He stood outside the changing room as he waited for you to step out. You walked out in the outfit he had picked for you, consisting of new pieces of clothing covering you from head to toe, literally. This man could not pick out just a top and bottom, but felt the need to hand you a hat, and a pair of shoes as well. "How do I look?" You questioned as you twirled to show him the fit. Sunghoon looked you up and down, leaning against the wall with crossed arms, and a satisfied smile. "Beautiful, as always." He replied. Sunghoon took a step forward, and adjusted the collar slightly, before taking one last look, and nodding happily. Some might say he's a fool by the awestruck look on his face, but others will argue that he's a man inlove.
𝐊𝐈𝐌 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐎𝐎 is captured by your beauty at any given moment. You will never hear him judge what you deemed as accidents or mistakes in your make-up or attire, if anything, he'd call it a new fashion trend. Sunoo takes a lot of care of his skin, so it's natural that he'd want his precious girlfriend to also beam as much as him. He loves watching you apply both skincare and makeup. You could call it a hobby of his. The way you would hold the brush and swipe it along the apples of your cheek, applying lip balm, lipstick, and gloss. He talks to you non-stop at all times. You doing makeup is no exception. You sat in front of your mirror by your vanity, and Sunoo posistioned on your bed with crossed legs saying,"You're so pretty" "Woah, that colour is gorgeous!" and so on. If you asked if he wanted to try your makeup, he'd say yes in an instant, i mean who wouldn't want their awesome girlfriend to doll him up? Sunoo leans in, with his nose scrunched, and eyes closed, and you wave your brush on his nose like a magic wand, now a soft pink spot was on his nose and cheek. "Am I pretty like you now, Y/nie?"
𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐆 𝐉𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐖𝐎𝐍 starts to think that there's something magical about the bathroom in his house every time you stayed over –specifically the shower. It was any normal evening, you had excused yourself from the movie to take a shower–which you promised Jungwon would take maximum fifteen minutes. Well, you just happened to break that promise. By now, an hour went by, and it felt like torture for the poor boy who just wanted to snuggle with you. He heard the shower turn off, and he shifted on the sofa to watch the door swing open. You stepped out in your sleep wear, and a towel wrapped around your head. Wet droplets slid down the contours of you face from the baby hairs that stuck out. You might find it annoying, but Jungwon thinks it adds to your charisma. Something about you just looks so fresh and authentic, he wishes his brain could snap photos so that he could make a collection of you stepping out the shower with your face slightly flushed, exposing the temperature of the water, "Sorry if took a litte longer than promised, honey. Your shampoo just smells amazing." You said taking a seat beside him, and he cuddles close to you, taking in your scent. "No worries, use it as often as you want."
𝐍𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐌𝐔𝐑𝐀 𝐑𝐈𝐊𝐈 loves playing video games with you, that's no secret, everyone knows that. It didn’t matter what you guys played, he'd always let you win. You guys played Mario Cart? Riki would 'accidentally' bump into the side of the track to slow himself down. On the other hand, if you played a game that required teamwork, he'd carry you without question, and you wouldn't even notice. He's just sneaky like that. Riki would always glance over at you from time to time, just wanting to see you sat beside him on the floor, and thanking fate for binding you two together. Sometimes though, he'd watch you as if he was in a trance, examining your profile a while longer than before. His eyes traced the shape of your nose, the way you bit your tongue in concentration, and your brows, making you also turn your head, catching him in the act. You made eye contact, and he jerked his head forward again. If he heard you giggle, he'd flush in embarrassment. Even though he is flustered, all he can think about is the sheen on your face in contrast to the darker background in his room, and how pretty your focused face is. He remembers the small details on your face, like moles or freckles.
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Layout credits to @flwrstqr
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
Yes! Please talk more about transfem!Usopp x Nami!!! Power couple!! You think they were annoying together when they were just friends? Its ten times worse now that they're dating <3<3<3<3
Anon, I can't thank you enough. I appreciate this ask so much because they've been living in my head rent free and if I don't talk about this I might collapse. I need it. So. Thank you. Really. I'm gonna add transfem!genderfluid!Sanji and Sanuso too, by the way, to the surprise of literally no one because I am obsessed with them. It's like. My whole online personality. Sanuso, Nami and being a lesbian.
Okay, first things first, transfem!Usopp. She has a hard time realizing she's a girl and accepting it, not because she thinks it's wrong or weird, but because she's so, so focused on being the guy her father would like (Yasopp, before going away, always told Usopp (s)he'd grow up to be an amazing man like him). Usopp still admires him and she doesn't want to be a disappointment. It's kind of dumb, but she has his words in her head all the time. Not to mention that "maybe if I had been that type of boy he would've stayed with us" and also the fact that Usopp just... It feels like lying to her mom, you know? Banchina always knew she had a daughter, but Usopp didn't know yet and never found out about her mom knowing, so she thinks that being a girl now only turns the years she spent with her mom into a lie because she wasn't truly herself. Again, irrational thinking, but it keeps her from accepting she's a girl. When she hangs out with Kaya she feels way better than when she is near guys. She feels safer. At home. Maybe it's just because they're best friends, really. Maybe it's just that being in love makes you feel like this. Safe. But Kaya knows. And sometimes, when they were 15 or so, they used to get drunk without anybody else knowing. And sometimes Usopp told her how nice it'd be to be a girl. Not to wear dresses and having cute stuff like Kaya, she- She wouldn't be like that. Or maybe she would. It's kind of a mix. "If I were a girl, which- Which I'm not, but just imagine for a moment. I'd be so fricking cool, right?" / "Usopp, sweetie-" / "I'd be the coolest woman in the world! Strong. With long hair, oh God, long hair. That would suit me, wouldn't it? And okay, not dresses, because, uh- They don't look comfy. But maybe long skirts. You know that green, long skirt my mom used to wear? That one. But the point is- Hear me out. Boobs. I like yours. They're nice" / "Thank you? Usopp! Please, let me speak-" / "I wish I had boobs. I don't want girly clothes, I really like my overalls. But- But they'd look great with boobs, wouldn't they? And-" / "Usopp!" / "Wha- What?" / "First, stop drinking. You've had enough, honey. And second... You know you can just... Be a girl, right?" / "Mm? Come again?" / "A girl. If you- You can trust me, alright? If you feel more comfortable being addressed as a girl-" / "No! No! Me? A girl? What? Nope. Never. I'm a man, what- What are you even saying? Kaya, babe, I- My dad-" / "Your dad? Usopp, this is about you. Follow your heart-" / "My heart tells me I'm a man. I swear. I'm not a liar".
She has always been one, but she wasn't sober enough for the words to make sense to her. It did hurt to say it, though.
So Usopp joins the Strawhats knowing something is weird about her gender but never quite accepting it. Until she starts spending more time with Nami. The thing about Nami is that she's extremely feminine but unapologetically a menace to society and she doesn't give a fuck about what other people think. She's strong in her own way and she's the smartest person Usopp has ever met. She's gorgeous, too, it makes Usopp wonder what the hell she's doing with this crew when she would rule the world on her own. So she's... She's the girliest of girls and yet she manages to be extremely ruthless and scary too. It's kind of the perfect mix. And it's not that Usopp accepts instantly that she's a girl, but Nami helps quite a lot. Who makes her realize, though, surprisingly, is Sanji.
These are two different stories, you know, but the point right now is that Sanji treats women differently. We all know this. And Usopp isn't sure when it starts. Maybe Skypiea? Water 7? Perhaps even a little bit earlier. But she has this huge crush on Sanji and hates it. Because he's just a guy! Nami won't stop telling her, too. He's!!! He's so annoying!!! But-- But Usopp sees more of him than others do, and he's just so kind and self-sacrificing and he has the biggest heart in the world. So when Usopp sees him interacting with both Nami and Robin and, you know, all the girls he meets... She thinks "Oh, that'd be nice" and it turns into a "Oh. Oh, fuck. Fuuuuuck. Nooooo" because she just realized that imagining herself as a girl being treated as such is not normal man behavior. She comes to terms with that thanks to Nami, because she's the first person she comes out to. She opens up her heart to her best friend. She tells her everything about her parents and her experience with Kaya and how badly she wants to be seen as a girl but doesn't know if people would like her that way. If people would be disappointed. But Nami? Nami loves Usopp deeply. Nobody has ever trusted Nami so much before. it kind of makes her want to cry, so she hugs Usopp to hide the tears a little bit. Usopp hugs her back even tighter. Long story short, Nami makes her see that being a girl is so much more than what people think, and that nobody in the crew would ever think less of her for that. And by the way: "Really? Sanji?" / "He's- He's cute, okay? I know he's a moron but you know how he is" / "I know. I know, don't worry, sweetie. It could be worse".
MEANWHILE! While Usopp was falling for Sanji and coming to terms with her gender, Nami was having a sexuality crisis! She's a lesbian. She's always been a lesbian. She has always known, ever since she was a kid. She has never liked a man that way. Never will. But- But Usopp. You know? But Usopp. They've always been a duo. From moment one. They've always been so, so close. She feels a connection to her (him, at that moment for Nami, but you know) in a way she has never felt before. They have intimate moments she can't quite explain and she never wants to use any romantic labels here because she's a lesbian. She's not supposed to see Usopp that way? But it's not even sexual or anything she's not- She's not attracted to her but if she wanted to she would and if they kissed she wouldn't move away and- And, okay, it's just weird. And when Water 7 happens she knows she's completely, utterly fucked. Because the second she leaves the crew? That's the moment Nami knows she's losing the love of her life (one of them. Vivi is her long-distance girlfriend and is also the love of her life). So imagine her face. When Usopp comes to her to tell her she's a girl (yay! Sexuality crisis solved. Nami's gaydar is awesome. But also- Fuck, she's in love with her best friend) and that she's in love with Sanji. In love. With Sanji. Of all people. And she's in love with him. And not her. And it kind of kills Nami. But they're best friends. She's supposed to help. So she deals with Usopp's drama all the time, pining in the background as she sees this new relationship happen in front of her.
Okay, So Usopp comes out to crew. And guess who was having another sexuality crisis at the same time as Nami? Exactly, Sanji. So everything makes sense right now, and Usopp and Sanji start dating not so long after Usopp comes out. Usopp starts dressing a bit more fem sometimes, everyone of course starts seeing her with different eyes, she moves to the girl's room... Etc, etc. Sanji and Usopp are-- Awfully clingy. It's horrible to witness. Nami is going through the worst time of her life because Usopp right now is the happiest woman ever and,, And Nami should be happy for her. She should move on. But they won't stop kissing everywhere. And hugging. And Sanji pays way more attention to Usopp now, so, okay, whatever, less snacks for her too, to hurt her even more. Nami and Usopp often have private talks together in the middle of the night. They always do. They literally sleep in the same fucking bed which is, the worst thing right now because Usopp is touchy and clingy when she sleeps. And sometimes she spends hours talking about Sanji and- And Nami can't stand having her so close yet so far. And most of the time she can't even stand the sight of Sanji himself. But she has to live with it. She wishes Vivi was here.
So, we have Sanuso dating. Transfem!Usopp being extremely happy right now. And Nami having the worst moment of her life. Yeah?
Well. There's MORE.
Because of course, Sanji and Usopp have THE talk about Nami. Because we all know Sanji loves her to death and isn't sure how... Usopp feels about that. Long story short, after a very brief but emotional conversation, they both realize they're in love with Nami. So. Fucking hilarious. Because they can't make her just?? Join their relationship, right???
Well, things happen.
While everything was going on, Sanji was having a gender crisis. I don't need to explain much about this because we all know how trans-coded Sanji's story is, so I'll just say: Genderfluid Sanji realizing in the timeskip that she wants to have a more normative fem body (Ivankov we love you). She goes by any pronouns but, you know, it changes and she usually prefers she/her but she's alright with whatever. Usopp coming out to the crew truly helped her realize what she wanted. Usopp and... Also Nami. Basically for the same reasons Usopp has. I have a whole post about this. The point is! The timeskip happens and Sanji comes back with a different body and comes out to the crew. Usopp comes back, still in love with Sanji and Nami (idk if they get help from Ivankov or if it's Chopper the one who helps or maybe even Law, but they help her transition. Choose your fav. The girlie wants boobs, I don't care how she gets them). And Nami comes back, still in love with Usopp but finally accepting their relationship. Well, jokes on all of them, because there's more drama.
Whole Cake Island is... It's fucking awful. Sanji comes back to a family that doesn't love her and just wants to play with her feelings. They make her act like somebody she isn't. They make her pretend to be a boy and bind her chest and it's,, Leaving Luffy. Leaving the crew. Leaving Usopp and Nami. It's killing her. While she tortures herself this way, Usopp begs Nami to bring Sanji back with her. And Nami-- When they were at Zou with Sanji. The time she spent with her without Usopp and the others around. Sanji smiling at them before sacrificing herself. Nami is starting to feel things she thought she would never feel for Sanji. And while Usopp waits in Wano, Nami goes to look for Sanji. And when the fight with Luffy happens, she's angry. She's angry at Sanji for treating them this way. She's hurt because she knows this isn't her Sanji if Sanji was even hers in the first place. She's frustrated because she can't do anything to fix this. And she's furious, too, at herself, because she just found out she's in love with Sanji too. So imagine this poly lesbian realizing she can't be with the ones she loves because they're already in a relationship and one of them just left their fucking crew.
WCI happens and... Okay. This is probably Nami's fault. Or Sanji's. Nobody knows who leans in first but right after WCI, they kiss. It's short and sweet and soft and Nami won't stop crying because Sanji is finally back and she won't let her go. Never again. But she's now panicking and Sanji will probably die from a heart attack because she just kissed Sanji??? And Sanji has a girlfriend??? And her girlfriend is also Nami's best friend??? And she just happens to be in love with her too??? So Nami does the most reasonable thing ever and runs away without explaining anything. Yay. She's sure, once they get to Wano, that Sanji will tell Usopp and they're going to hate her forever. She's not used to this! She usually has everything under control! She's losing her mind. God.
But... But Sanji just experienced the one thing he's been waiting for for years??? God, she needs to tell Usopp right away. Wano happens and it's not like they have much time for talking. Sanji is still going through her, um, 'bring on more past trauma' era, so it's pretty difficult. And Nami spends Wano all the time with Usopp and it's so, so hard not to focus constantly on the fact that she has kissed Sanji. And she's about to die when she's fighting against Ulti and sees her whole life passing right before her eyes so she realizes, then, that she has to be honest with both Sanji and Usopp if she gets out of there. When she actually survives she kind of hates herself for making that promise. Yadda yadda, post-Wano happens. They're all partying, still there, and Nami tries to distract herself from all this drama because if she thinks more about it she might end up having a breakdown. But Sanji and Usopp do talk and- And they need to approach this. Usopp is a bit hurt that perhaps Nami only wants Sanji, but she can deal with it. If Nami wants to be with Sanji, that's completely fine with them. So they have the talk, finally, in a private corner of the festival where nobody they know is around.
Nami starts uncharacteristically apologizing? Which is weird for her to act like that, but she does. She's lost so many people already and she refuses to let that happen again. So she apologizes. She should've never kissed Sanji and- And what's even worse is that she's also in love with Usopp. With both. And it makes her look so selfish and greedy and she swears it isn't like that. Her feelings are genuine. But then Usopp starts?? Laughing??? She finds this whole situation hilarious and explains that they've been stupid the whole time.
So, uh, yeah. They're idiots. This is biblically accurate because lesbians are always like this. We do not know how to communicate.
They're all,, So relieved. So, so happy. They won't stop smiling. And Usopp is honestly feeling a bit left out because?? She hasn't yet kissed Nami??? So they finally kiss. And then they kiss again. And Sanji joins. And they're the cutest thing on earth. And telling the crew is just as easy as Franky seeing them like that, telling him... And the word spreads fast enough.
This is getting long but, basically: They're the clingiest throuple in the whole world. If they were all annoying at first, imagine how annoying they are now. At this point, there's no "girls' room" anymore because Robin has moved to sleep with Franky, so Sanji, Usopp, and Nami have their own room. Which is good for literally all the crew because imagine having to deal with them. Sanji is so loud about her love for her girls... She's constantly showering them equally with love and cooking their favorite meals. She's always panicking a bit because she wants to give attention to both but sometimes Usopp is in her workshop and Nami is taking care of her trees so what is she supposed to do??!!! She wishes she could be everywhere at the same time... They end up telling her to do whatever she wants and follow her heart and split her time because they know she loves them equally and she doesn't need to prove anything. For Nami, dating her best friend and the person she thought was incredibly annoying at first is... Weird. She isn't used to so much affection from Sanji. Like, reciprocating the affection and loving him back. It's weird because now he isn't annoying at all but incredibly sweet? And her relationship with Usopp is pretty much the same except that now they kiss and hold hands and whenever Nami is like "Zoro! Carry me!" he always goes "Tell one of your girlfriends to do it" and it sucks because tbh Zoro does look like he has comfy muscles to rest on. Usopp is so excited about this! She loves both of them deeply she never thought this would happen. She sends letters to Kaya constantly about them, too! They're just,,, So so sweet. They go to sleep together and wake up cuddling and all tangled up. Usopp and Nami do gardening together but they always end up making out behind the trees. Sanji and Nami try to be casual about it but Sanji just loves showing all the love she has for her girlfriend to the world so PDA is something assured. Sanji and Usopp always spend the night watches together (Nami doesn't because it's comfier in bed and bold of you to assume she's getting out of there). Usopp gets stronger and toned post-ts and Nami and Sanji are always sitting on top of her. Sanji has a lot of issues going on after what happened in WCI/Wano and both Usopp and Nami help them go through their panic attacks. Usopp draws them all the time and has her whole sketchbook filled with drawings of her partners. Nami always peels the best tangerines from her trees and brings them to them even though Sanji insists on being the one doing it, but Nami says that sometimes she needs to be the one eating and not just serving. They share clothes constantly, but they have different clothing styles so sharing clothes pretty much happens either on accident or whenever they want to make Sanji go insane. Usopp leaves notes and drawings for them all over the ship. Nami is always offering to put makeup on them but it's always an excuse to be close. She also often falls asleep while working on her maps so they have to carry her to their room without waking her up. Nami loves brushing Usopp's hair!! Sanji absolutely adores feeding them sometimes like, playfully, and you can imagine how that ends. Oh!!! And Usopp is always giving them flowers. Not to mention that Nami often creates rainbows for them because they're pretty!! Also, when the fight isn't that serious, both Usopp and Nami act like they need saving because they know how much Sanji adores playing the hero. Usopp tells them stories while they paint each other's nails and talk shit about other people together.
This is the best relationship ever because it's just three best friends to lovers. My absolute beloved. I have a lot of,,, More ideas for them,,, But yeah,,,, Thank you so much for this ask. I love talking about them.
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sorcererofsolitude · 6 months
Enid, bounding up excitedly to Wednesday: Okay, I'm ready to do my first crime!
Wednesday, pinching the bridge of her nose with a sigh: Enid... dearest love of my life... when I said I wanted you to be a cat burglar, that doesn't mean you have to actually dress like a cat.
Enid, dressed in kitty makeup, fake paw gloves, a cat ear headband, and a shirt that says "Purrfect" with a cartoon feline on the front: Oh... whoops.
Wednesday: I can see why you dressed up as a cat, but why did you bring a crate with you, too?
Enid, looking embarrassed: Well... I wasn't sure if you wanted me to steal a cat or be a cat that steals stuff, and I was too afraid to ask so... I came prepared.
Wednesday: A respectable decision. Now come on, the Target dog statue isn't going to steal itself.
AO3: SorcererOfSolitude
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aangelinakii · 5 days
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— would i lie to you, baby?
summary : in a world where it's impossible to lie to your soulmate, you think you've finally met your match.
note : halfway through i got stumped on where to go with this so it kind of begins to lack quality as you go further soz guys
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they say it's impossible to lie to your soulmate. being a cat burglar, you lied to everybody you met, never found a soul worth being honest to. in fact, lying had never been something you had a problem with.
until you met the bat.
thinking back on it, perhaps you should have been more thoughtful about secretly infiltrating bruce wayne's office in the middle of the night.
it had been a bucket list hit; unsure what you'd find, but knowing you'd find something.
until the alarm went off. where it had been, where you'd hit it, you didn't know. you'd blown powder into the office, no hidden lasers. you'd been careful touching anything before you could find the trap out of it.
turns out the entire office was the trap.
when the alarm began to blare, it didn't take long for back-up to show; not when it's bruce wayne's name involved.
and that's how you found yourself cuffed to a table in the gotham city police department, tapping your booted foot impatiently against the tile. it wasn't your first time in one of these things, but you always had your way of getting out.
the door behind you opened, and a heavy footstep hit the ground, causing your ears to perk up. with each step, the officer came closer, slower than any you'd ever met; each step more demanding. didn't know they were hiring.
but as the figure slumped down opposite you, you realised why they had left you alone for so long.
dark, a great contrast to the pale walls, tall. behind that mask, his eyes bored into yours, and all confidence drained from your pores like the pull of a plug.
there was no way you could lie to this man.
"i assume you know why you're here," his dark, gravelly voice thundered, sending a wrack of shivers down the line of your spine.
no, i was simply testing mr wayne's security system for him. you can ask him if you need. bringing in the names of the big people tended to do the trick, shut 'em up.
"yes." when you spoke, your voice wasn't your own; small, uncertain, truthful.
your hands clenched into fists, cuffs digging into your wrists, and molars ground together in the back of your mouth. what were you saying and why were you saying it?
"what were you planning to do in bruce wayne's office?" from behind his midnight mask, his dark eyes narrowed, and the lower part of his face — the only part visible — pulled into a heavy frown.
before you could even think about lying, the words flooded past your lips, and it was evident it was unexpected, from the way your eyes widened, and you flinched against your restraints.
"find something. anything." batman leaned in, eyebrows furrowing behind his mask. "don't know what he's hiding, but i know he is. a man like bruce wayne always has something to hide."
"he does," the bat responded almost too quickly, frame flinching slightly, so small you could miss it. he pulled away, sitting back in his metal chair, lips trembling beneath the cowl, like he was trying not to say something that was right on the tip of his tongue.
before you could ask any more, the shadowy bat rose to his boots, gloved hands firm on the table.
"what are you doing?" he asked, deep voice owning a barely-there tremor, and he balled his gloves into fists so tight his knuckles were probably ashen beneath them.
with a curt shake of your head and a crease of your brows, you gave a scoff. "what am i doing? i'm not doing anything. what's your problem?"
his firm gaze settled on you for a few long beats more. "tell me your real intentions at bruce wayne's office tonight," he repeated, some sort of desperateness in the undertone of his words.
"i already told you," you huffed back, making no effort to disguise your annoyance. "i just wanted to snoop around. i knew i'd find something. what makes you think i'm lying?"
"i don't think you're lying." now when he spoke, his voice was soft – vulnerable? "i just needed to..."
despite the batman's tall stature, one sigh seemed to cause him to deflate, and he stepped away from the table.
"i will discuss with the commissioner what should be done with you."
and he slammed the door behind him, leaving you alone in the gcpd's interrogation room, much more confused than you had intended to be when you were first brought in.
it was as if he knew something you didn't.
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aphroditesmoon · 1 year
umm, you’re taking Gwen x reader? I have a request. Black cat reader who was best friends with Gwen and Peter but is the rival of Spider woman. Something or another happens and their identity’s get revealed
love it if we made it
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gwen stacy x blackcat!reader (gn)
warnings: cursing, tiny angst, gwen's peter is alive here, reader has hair long enough to tie them (only description)
a/n: i rlly hope u like this!
A robbery happened on a Tuesday, 6th July 3AM sharp. A robbery in a golden jewelry store. A minute after that, the Pandora store next to it.
No one cared about the robbery, of course. People were too busy talking about the anonymous donation worth more than 15000 the next day to three different centres in need of them.
Gwen Stacy's mind however, is still stuck at a particular difficult nemesis, the black cat. She's never failed to capture a villain like this, never took this long. But again and again, with time, the annoyingly quick and sneaky cat escapes from her grasps.
It was probably obvious that she wasn't too enthralled by any of the breaking news today, all of them critiquing the infamous Spider-Woman for being unable to get her webs on the villain. Her mind was so full and blurry with different kinds of thoughts that she didn't notice her own best friend walking into class and waving at her.
You took your spot next to Gwen, creaking your chair loudly to get her attention. When she finally flinches out of hee daydream and looks at you, she's met with a knowing smile. "Sleeping? Its not even the first period yet." She shook her head and forced a smile out. "No, just dreading AP maths." You laughed at that. Gwen was good at maths, and all the stupid numbers and figures that came with it, that couldn't have been the reason.
"Well, whatever it is, I need you took a little alive for this gift im about to-" "Gift?" Her eyes brighten up immediately. You grinned at her and pulled out the small paperbag, waving it in front of her.
Gwen, impatient she is, snatches it from you and gets to opening its ribbons open. "It's not even my birthday." She mumbles. "Good, now you can't ask me for anything on your birthday." You settled it, earning a mischievous smirk from her. She knows, you would've given her anything if she'd only asked.
You revel in her suprised expression as she pulls out the golden bracelet, it was a waving design, two long whirling gold around in a circle, with a small blue diamond placed in the middle. "You are insane." She says, glaring your way. "What? Can't treat my girl?" The both if you turn slightly pink with those words. You should've just said your welcome.  "The blue reminded me of you. A centerpiece around all the golden whirly shit." She lets out a small laugh, shaking her head. "I love it, thank you." You replied with a nod and your same small smile.
"This must've costed you a lot though,  couldn't you have bought me a two dollars friendship bracelet." She joked while putting the gift on her right wrist. "Oh don't worry, I stole it." You say with your usual tone.
Gwen almost backtracked when you said that, before hitting herself awake in her mind, forcing herself to leave the Spider-Woman alter ego aside for today.
You were making a joke because you didn't want her to feel bad, you always did. So she rolled her eyes before repacking the box and the paperbag to put them under her table. "You'd be a shit thief." She concluded. You furrow your brows. "Well then, at least I'd get to see Spider-Woman." You teased while wiggling your brows.
"I wonder how many people became really bad burglars and thieves just to get her autograph." The last of your sentence became muffled ariund the sounds of other students as your teacher finally arrive, but gwen who heard it all to well only smiled at the thought. 
School finished two hours ago, and neither of you saw or heard from Peter the whole day. He was probably at the lab again, as he always was so you didn't really bother.  Gwen, on the other hand, wouldn't stop trying to get him to answer his phone.
She's pacing around the room with her phone speaker on while you're laying on her bed, messing with her giant flower shaped plushie while she loses her mind. "Maybe he left his phone at home." You reasoned. Gwen shool her head and kept trying.  "He always lose his damn phone."
You frowned at her and decided you were done waiting. "Gwen, its over 10pm, I need to get back home, my dad will be worried." You say before getting up and taking your jacket from her coat hanger. "When has your dad ever even noticed if you're gone." She snaps, phone thrown on her bed in frustration. 
Your eyes widen at the words and you scoff at her.  She opened her mouth to apologize, immediately getting cut off. "Look, I don't know what spider has crawled up your ass these days, but we both know Peter's always disappearing these days, he's probably fine, and I'm going home since you're so worried over your friend that isn't in front of you." You ended the conversating as soon as it started, not giving her a chance to respond, you left her room, banging the door.
Your house was a few blocks away from Gwen's. When you're sure no one's around, you climb up quickly inti your room by the window, hands fast, some help from your claws. Tossing your backpack onto your bed, you changed into your suit without wasting time.
Gwen was right about something, your dad has long since noticed if you ever even came home these days. You jumped back out of your window, swinging upwards onto the roof instead of the streets.
You hopped from building to building, taking your time while enjoying the view. The lights. They were beautiful tonight,  accompanied by the bright moon, staring down from above. Even the neon signs of Joe's Pizza seemed pleasant to look at in times like this. You wished you could've shared these kind of moments with Gwen, but you didn't want to think of her now.
You find a spot above a tall empty building, where the ciry lights seemed clearer, and the smell of trash and dog piss was further away. Pulling your hair up in a bun, you tied it over twice, fixing it so you'll be able to see better without your hair always on your face.
And what a fate, as you're tilting your head down whilst your hands fixes the hairtie, a robbery happens right in front of your eyes.
Your heart skipped a beat at the crime, until you remembered you were also a criminal of a sort. This was interesting to see. A crime done by someone other than the Black Cat, finally.
The pleasure was shortlasting though,  when you had realized who was getting robbed. It was Peter. The masked man pulled out his gun, aiming it to Peter's face when he tried to run. "Run, and I'll shoot." His voice a mumble from below.
You move to stand up, backing away from any visibility, tiptoeing until you've reached the end of the building and hopped off, landing on your feet.
When you walked over the building to stand behind the robber, Peter's eyes involuntary widen,  as if a warning towards another civillian. But you weren't a civilian,  and when he takes in tbe suit and the masks, he realized who you were.
The robber gets annoyed when his eyes weren't on him anymore. "What the hell are y-" he spuns around towards you, receiving a kick to his stomach, making him fall on his back on the blow. You smiled at the victory watching Peter look between you and the fallen robber in confusion.
It seemed your victory didn't last long when a sling if webs shot againts your face.
You wretched the sticky web out of your face, growling in disgust. "Robbing an innocent citizen? That's low, even for you kitty." The annoying voice spoke. Once you manage tu cut the webs off fully with your claws. Regaining your vision,  you sneer at the ghost-spider, standing in front of Peter, who's finding protection behind her. "Is being blind apart of being spider-woman? I didn't rob him, I saved him." The hero's eyes squint along with her mask. "You? Saving people?"
Your eyes actually widen in offense before looking towards Peter. "Tell her doofus! I literally kicked him for you."
Gwen swings her head back at him and he stutters in panic. "Wh-I mean, yeah, she did, technically...kick him." You fold your eyes and glare at her as she turns back at you.  "See?" The two of you lock eyes for a minute long before she finally speak. "Peter Parker-" She calls him.
Both you and Peter frown at the name dropping . "-go home. I'll deal with her." The boy doesn't hesitate, turning his back and running way.
You snorted at her words. Always a show off. "You'll deal with me? How?" She tilts her head. "Like this." When you saw herbhand moving up, you move faster than her, snatching up her wrists in a tight grip as you push her againts the wall. "I might not have any venom on me, but try that again spidey, and I'll make you'll feel these claws for days." You see her physically wince at the words.
"You think just because you saved one man, that erases the 166 crimes you've done?" She asks sarcastically. You pout and pretends to think.  "I think, I really don't give a fuck, but its nice of you to remember all of my crimes, definitely not weird and obsessive or anything." 
She tries to speak again but you shush her when your eyes bore into the bracelet on her wrist. Firstly, who is stupid enough to wear their jewelry outside of their suit? Its like they're begging to be robbed.  Secondly; "Where did you get that bracelet?"
Your nemesis lets out a 'huh?' You repeat yourself, sterner. "I bought it?" You scoff. "You couldn't have bought something I've robbed." She seems annoyed by your questions. Being accused of stealing by a thief is pretty hurtful. "I could've brought it before you robbed it, you know."
You hummed thoughtfully at her words before you spoke. "You could've, or-" Your grip on her loosens, "-We're both just really, really, stupid." Gwen cocks her head in confusion. "What the hell are y-" realization hit her then. "Oh my god, no."
"No? Are you sure, Gwen stacy?" She winced at the mention of her name. Her hands move towards your mask. "How did I never..." Her words trails off a second before loud voices of people coming your way was heard. You pull her back swiftly into an alley, putting yourself between her and the open space.
The both of you lean yourselves againts the wall, you feel her fingers slowly slips into yours and holds back a tired sigh.
Once the group of kids has passed the alley, you finally relaxed. Her hands try to pull aw
ay but you curl your own fists around it.
She spins you back to her and her free hand moves to graze over your mask. "I didn't want you or Peter to be involved like this." She murmed. Your own hand slids around her waste as you lean closer. "I don't think it's up to you, Gwen." She huffs. "You know what I mean." You say nothing, eye staring down at your intertwined fingers. 
"Are you still going to get me arrested, spidey?" You could feel her glare from inside the mask. "What? Because I'm your friend, it all changes now?" You honestly ask. "Because I love you, and I know you and your heart, is why it's all different now. You're not who I thought you were, you can't be,  the Black Cat I've thought of before was evil in my head, evil and cruel."
You say nothing, waiting for her to continue. "You're not evil, and you're not cruel." You raised a brow. "Then, what am I?"  She's hesitates. "You're, with me. And I'm not going to let them take you, not anymore, whoever your secret identity is." Your mouth remains shut at that.
  All the bad jokes and sarcastic comments dies on your throat.  But your stubornnes always wins, "You didn't really seem to care much about me this evening."
Gwen groans loudly. "Come on, we'll go back to my place, I won't even look at the ground on the way home to shown you how much I'm paying attention to you now." You snort, a smile escaping you despite your efforts to remain upset at her.
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bossbtch1 · 1 year
Welcome to my sinful haven. I'm a bit of a new to Tumblr (please don't judge me). In this post, you'll find my completed works and WIP. Patience is appreciated with the latter, as I cater to all the hot characters out there – making this blog a multifandom paradise. I hope you enjoy them and join me in the sinful delights.
¡! A quick heads up: Please be aware that most of my content is intended for adults/mature audiences, so if you're a minor discreetly exploring or hiding in plain sight, please read with caution ¡!
Feel free to drop any questions in my asks or share your thoughts on my works! Your feedback is always welcome and appreciated.
𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙒𝙤𝙧𝙠𝙨
𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬
• Against All Odds : SMUT, Angst
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
╰┈➤ You recently joined the Avengers, and everyone has accepted you except for Bucky. Now, the challenge lies in proving him wrong, but can you succeed changing his mind and earn his trust? Or do you have to do more to earn it?
• Shadow Of The Past : SMUT
╰┈➤ Bucky's nightmares have returned, and you wanted to make him feel better. However, both of you have different approaches in mind. Bucky then attempts to make a deal with you. What kind of offer will he propose, and will you accept it?
• Cat and Mouse : SMUT
Part 1, Part 2
╰┈➤ You're the notorious Black Cat, a cat-burglar who initially caught Spiderman's attention. Engaging in a thrilling cat-and-mouse game with the web-slinger, the stakes escalate when you stole from the Avengers, prompting them to send the Winter Soldier to capture you.
• Forbidden Reunion : DARK FIC, SMUT
╰┈➤You managed to escape from Loki after discovering his lies. Aware that both he and the TVA would be searching for you, you prayed they wouldn't succeed. However, now Loki stood in front of you and he had no intentions of letting you go.
• Shadow Play : DARK FIC, SMUT
╰┈➤In which Loki took revenge on you after you left him in prison, tormenting you with shadows and magic. Strangely, you found yourself caught between arousal and fear, oblivious to the fact that it was him all along.
𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬
• Golden Boy of America : DARK FIC, SMUT
╰┈➤ What if Steve Rogers wasn't the revered symbol of American virtue that everyone believed him to be? Contrary to the public perception of his kindness and charm, you've come to realize it was all a façade. Now, you find yourself in a nightmarish scenario—kidnapped and bound, questioning everything you thought you knew about the man once hailed as the golden boy of America.
• Hottest Night of Your Life : SMUT
╰┈➤ Bucky and Steve joined you for a night out at the club, but things took a dark turn when a stranger spiked your drink. Bucky and Steve were more than willing to "take care" of you.
𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬
• In which Bucky got his nightmare back (version 2) : fluff/comfort, angst
288 notes · View notes
guilty-pleasures21 · 8 months
The thief & the detective
Just an idea that's been sitting on my mind for a while: cat burglar mc x detective Miguel?!
I split up part 1 just because it got really long 🫠 and I also only have a few bits and pieces for part 2, so please comment/message me if you have anything you'd like to see in part 2!
Part 1a
Part 1b
Part 2
Warnings: explicit descriptions of sex (male x female).
     She scrambled over the wall, the gleaming building behind her still dark and quiet as she made off with her stolen goods. Well, it wasn't really stealing if they'd already been stolen in the first place, right? She leapt off the top of the wall, bracing herself for the impact that never came. Her heart stilled as she felt warm arms wrapped around her, but then she glanced up and a wave of relief washed over her when she saw a familiar face. Detective O’Hara looked down at her, his delicious lips curling into a victorious smirk as he held her in his arms. “Got you, gatita.” 
     He set her down on her feet and twisted her around, slapping the handcuffs onto her wrists and binding her hands behind her back. 
     “Took you long enough,” X teased him, turning her head back to grin at him. “I was getting bored of winning all the time, Miguel.” 
     He frowned and tugged on her handcuffs. She yelped as the metal cut into her skin, but he didn't seem too concerned. “That’s ‘detective’ to you.” 
     X rolled her eyes. “Why so uptight, detective? I thought you missed me. Chasing after me all the time.” 
     Miguel huffed in irritation, turning her around to lead her to his car. Peter’s eyes widened as they passed by, stunned by the rare sight of X in handcuffs.
     “You got her?!” he exclaimed, still not quite believing it. “You actually got her! Yes! Up top!” He held a hand up for Miguel to high-five, but his partner just narrowed his eyes at him and continued guiding his prisoner to the car. 
     “Hey, Peter!” X greeted him cheerfully, flashing him a warm smile before Miguel shoved her into the backseat. “Glad someone is happy to see me.” 
     “Oh, believe me,” Peter chuckled, gesturing to Miguel, “no one is happier than Miguel to see you in handcuffs.” 
     X lowered herself onto the seat and looked up at Miguel, fluttering her eyelashes at him playfully. “Is that true, mi Miguelito?” 
     He scowled at the unwelcome nickname and placed his hand on the car door, gesturing for her to pull her legs inside. “Get inside.” 
     “Wait, wait, wait!” she beseeched him, twisting her body around and angling her cuffed hands towards him. “Can you change my handcuffs to the front? This position is kind of uncomfortable.” 
     Was that really her biggest concern right now? After she’d just made off with a cache of valuable jewels from one of the city’s most celebrated museums? He fixed her with an exasperated look. “No.” 
     This time it was her turn to huff in irritation. She frowned at his brusque response as she settled into her seat, but then her expression softened and she straightened, arching her back so that her chest stuck out. She tilted her head, letting her dark hair fall over her shoulder, and bit her lip as she let her gaze travel over his body hungrily. 
     “You know,” she began carefully, finally dragging her eyes back up to his, “if you wanted to see my breasts, all you had to do was ask.” His heart skipped at that, momentarily caught off guard by her declaration. Then he set his thick brows back into a frown and slammed the door shut, trapping her inside. He walked over to the driver’s side and slid into the seat beside Peter. 
     “So, uh, change of plans,” Peter informed him, glancing down at something on his phone. He set it aside when he’d finished and turned his attention to Miguel, nervous. “Her cell isn’t ready yet, so we’re going to have to hold her at an … intermediate location. Just until tomorrow morning!” 
     “What? Why can’t we just throw her into an overnight cell?” Miguel argued, prompting a scoff from X. 
     “Rude!” she called out, offended. Even after she’d just stolen millions of dollars worth of jewellery. He ignored her response, waiting on Peter’s instead. Peter shrugged.
     “Full. And besides,” he glanced over his seat at X before turning back to Miguel to give him a knowing look, “Chief doesn’t trust her to stay in the overnight holding cell.” Miguel sighed and rolled his eyes, remembering himself the dozens of times she’d managed to escape from whatever cell they’d locked her up in. 
     “So where are we keeping her?” he asked. Peter hesitated, shifting in his seat uncomfortably. 
     “Er, the governor has … kindly provided us with some … accommodations,” he revealed. Miguel ground his teeth together, his frustration growing with every extra second Peter took to respond. 
     “What accommodations?!” 
     He pulled to a stop outside the grand hotel, immediately taking note of the four different guards discreetly keeping watch over their surroundings. “No.” 
     “Yes!” X cheered from behind him. 
     “The governor has already provided extra security!” Peter assured Miguel. “So it’s basically like an overnight holding cell! Just … nicer.” X shuffled forward to lean over the seat, excited. 
     “Yeah! I’ll stay in it! I promise!” she pleaded. She twisted her lips into a pout and fluttered her eyelashes up at him. “Please, Miguel? I mean, Detective O’Hara?” 
     Mierda, he couldn’t decide which one was worse: the intimacy of having her know his first name or the seductive way she’d always pronounce his title. He tapped his fingers on the steering wheel, thinking. Though there was nothing much he could think about - it was the governor, after all, and he was just a detective. Never mind that he was the best damn detective in the entire country. Unfairly attractive criminal in the backseat who continued to evade his grasp aside. He sighed, slumping over in defeat. 
     “Fine,” he relented. “But we’re not giving her her own suite!” 
     “I get a suite?!” X exclaimed, her excitement continuing to grow by the second. Miguel twisted around to scowl at her. 
     “We get a suite,” he corrected. X let out a dramatic gasp. 
     “Detective! How presumptuous of you!” she joked, fixing him with a wicked grin as she said it. Miguel felt his stomach flip at her look, but he swallowed it down quickly.       
“I’m the presumptuous one?” Miguel retorted, raising an eyebrow at the devious expression on her face. X continued to smile at him, everything she’d like to do to him once they were alone running across her unnecessarily pretty face. Miguel let out another weary sigh and turned back to the steering wheel. It was going to be a long night.
     Her eyes widened in wonder as she walked into the room, taking in their lavish surroundings.
     “Wow!” X breathed, turning back around to face Miguel. “Is this, like, the governor’s personal suite or something?” Miguel folded his arms across his chest, refusing to respond as he silently grumbled over the predicament they’d ended up in. What was the Chief thinking, letting the governor keep their most wanted criminal in a fancy hotel room like she was some VIP guest or something?! X ignored his sour mood and continued her exploration of the large suite. 
     “Where’s Peter staying?”
     “Detective Parker is staying right next door,” Miguel warned her, marching over to her and towering over her with his intimidating form. “And there are guards posted all the way down this corridor. And throughout the building. So don’t try anything.” 
     She looked up at him, her dark eyes running across his body appreciatively. Then she pulled her gaze back up to his, her lips curling into a smirk as she did so. “With you around, Detective? How could I not?” 
     Miguel sighed and let his hands fall to his sides as he suddenly realised how tired he was. “Just go to sleep, gatita.” 
     “With these on?” X gestured to her handcuffs, looking up at him in question. He fixed her with a suspicious look and she grinned. 
     “What? Are you gonna cuff me to the bed?” She took a step closer to him then stretched onto the balls of her feet so she could murmur in his ear. “How do I know you won’t take advantage of me while I’m asleep, detective?”
He sucked in a breath as she pressed her lips to his neck, his eyelids fluttering shut at the feeling of them brushing along his skin. Why couldn’t he move? Why wasn’t he trying to stop her? 'Because it feels nice', a little voice responded in the back of his head - having her soft lips travelling down his neck, the little moans falling from her mouth as she pressed her body against his. He swallowed hard, trying to regain control of his thoughts. 
     “I think I should be the one asking you that question.” His voice was low, thick, and she giggled at the sound of it before nipping at his collarbone. He flinched and she turned around, wiggling her hands at him and silently asking him to release her. 
     “Should we find out?” she challenged him. He clenched his jaw, his thoughts a jumble of protests against the desperation rapidly building in his body. Would she do more, if he took the cuffs off? Did he want her to do more? She was a criminal though, a thief - the antithesis to everything he stood for. And yet … He reached into his pocket and took out the key, undoing her handcuffs. 
     “Finally!” X rubbed her wrists, relieved, then she turned around to slide her hands up his chest before wrapping them around his neck and pressing her body against his. “So. How should we take advantage of this big, empty suite, mi Miguelito?” She leaned forward to brush her lips against the base of his ear and her hands glided back down his torso again. She stopped when she reached the hem of his shirt, her fingers curling around it as her lips continued to make their way down his neck. 
     “Should we test out the shower?” she suggested, her voice low and seductive. She pulled back to gauge his response, her fingernails tickling his abdomen lightly before she hooked her fingers around his belt and tugged on it.
     “Gatita …” Miguel began softly, taking hold of her hands and guiding them back to her sides. “You can go take a shower. I’ll keep watch.” X bit her lip, the ends curling with mischief. 
     “Mmm. But joining would be so much more fun than watching,” she pointed out, gaze still fixed on his. “Right, detective?” 
     Miguel curled his fingers into fists, trying hard not to think about what it would be like, watching her undress and get in the shower. And then joining her himself, his hands running all over her curvy little body as he- Ay, coño, he had to stop thinking about her like that: she was a goddamned criminal, ¡por amor de Dios! (For the love of God!)
     X tapped a finger on her lips, not missing the way his eyes roved over her body before he realised what he’d been doing and pulled them away from her entirely. So, he was interested - enough that she might finally be able to get what she really wanted from him. She reached up and began pulling down the zip of her jacket, her eyes remaining fixed on his face as she tilted her head thoughtfully. Miguel glanced up at her briefly, then looked away, shifting uncomfortably in position. “What are you doing?” 
     She shrugged her jacket off and tossed it onto the bed before pulling down her tights and kicking those aside as well. “I can’t take a shower in my clothes, can I?” 
     Miguel turned his head to the side, doing his best to avoid looking at her as she continued to strip in front of him. What the hell did she think she was doing, exposing her smooth skin and her toned thighs and her- f*ck! 
     “Yes, but … You can’t take a shower out here, either,” he pointed out to her, his mind yelling at him to get her to stop. Even as his body begged for him to tell her to keep going. “Can you?” 
     She took a step closer to him again, clad only in her underwear now, and hooked a finger around the collar of his shirt, tugging him closer to her. 
     “¿Qué pasa, mi Miguelito?” X asked, a hint of laughter in her voice. “Why so nervous, detective? Cat got your tongue?” She stretched onto her toes and flicked her tongue out, licking his lips before lowering herself back down again. Miguel felt his entire body tighten in response. 
     “I’m not nervous,” he mumbled, turning his face away from hers again, his heart racing in anticipation of what he knew she was trying to do. X dropped her hands down to the hem of his shirt, pulling on it playfully. 
     “Then? Come watch me while I shower, mi Miguelito.” She snuck her hands beneath his shirt, sucking in a breath when she felt his hard muscles beneath her palms. She took another step towards him, sliding her hands around his waist and up his back so she could drag her fingernails across his skin. “You wouldn’t want me to try to run away from you again. Would you?” 
     She stretched up and pressed her lips to his collarbone, groaning against him so that the vibrations danced along his body down to his core. “¿Mi Miguelito?” 
     Ay, coño, she felt good - much too good - pressed against him like this, her nails scratching his back lightly, her lips murmuring his name so possessively. He clenched his fists, trying to stop himself from touching her. “Gatita …” 
     “Mmm. ¿Si, Miguel?” X lowered herself to her feet and hiked his shirt up. And for some damn reason he couldn't - didn't want to - explain, he raised his arms, letting her slip it off entirely. She tossed it aside, then bit her lip when he was bare before her, his tanned skin glinting under the light. 
     “Mmm, shit, Miguel,” she began, tracing her finger over the defined lines of his muscles. “You're so frickin’ hot.” 
     She let her finger drift lower and lower down his hard abdomen, then hooked it around the waistband of his pants, peeking up at him to give him a suggestive look. He gulped and she grinned. “Too bad you have to be such a goody-two-shoes.”
     Miguel gritted his teeth to stop himself from responding, from indulging her highly inappropriate behaviour. But it was a little too late for that, wasn't it? X ignored the tension in his body and began undoing his belt, taking her time to unbuckle it before unbuttoning and unzipping his pants.
     “Come on, Miguel. Don't you want to take a shower too? You've got to be at least as sweaty as I am,” she teased him, stretching up again to brush her lips along his jaw. “At least as dirty?” She nipped him playfully, then grabbed hold of his waistband to start tugging his pants off. He placed a hand over hers, stopping her, and she looked up at him in confusion. 
     “I am nothing like you, gatita,” he told her, his tone harsh. X frowned, pushing out her rosy lips in a pout. 
     “Why don't you ever say my name, Miguel?” 
     The muscles in his jaw worked as he straightened and took a step back from her. “Because you're a criminal.”
     “Criminals have names too, detective,” she informed him, still using that exaggeratedly upset tone. “Or did you forget that when you reached that moral high ground you're always standing on?” 
     He scowled at her. Por Dios, why did she have to be so infuriating?! He wasn't on some moral high ground - he was on the appropriate level of morality; the most basic level. And he'd worked hard to get everything he had: working by day to look after his brother while his mother spent her days on drink and her nights on men. And then studying at night so he could achieve the barest level of qualifications, enough to get a stable, full-time job that would allow him to create opportunities for his brother that he'd never had. He was nothing like her, taking the easy way out, stealing from those who had put in the work to get what they wanted. But why should he waste time explaining that to someone who clearly didn't care? He fixed her with a glare as he zipped his pants back up and bent over to retrieve his shirt. But then X stepped in front of him, placing her hands on his chest to stop him.
     “Wait!” X chewed on her lip, suddenly nervous - she was losing him. But she didn't want to lose him, this man who drove her mad with his black and white morals and his cute little smirk and the way he knew her so much more intimately than anyone in her life had ever bothered to get to know her. Sure it had all been because he was trying to catch her, but … she could hope, couldn't she? That somewhere along the way, sometime during the days and months that they'd been running after one another, she might have stolen his heart as well? In just the way he'd stolen hers? She swivelled around and swept her hair over her shoulder, twisting her head back to glance at him. “Could you at least help me get my bra?” 
     What game was she playing now, making herself seem all vulnerable in front of him? It was all just an act, he knew, but for what? Sex? There was nothing valuable in that - not for her, anyway. But for him? To become so intimately acquainted with this woman who drove him mad? Who took over his every waking thought with her incredible talents and her clever words and her sparkling smile? Who did remind him of himself, at times, pushing herself to her limits to snatch the opportunities she'd been denied since the moment she'd been born? If only there was some way he could have helped her, could have guided her to use her skills for good, fighting crime alongside him. But those were just the hands they'd been dealt. All they could do now was play them. His hands found their way to her waist, his finger curling around her smooth skin as he tried to decide how far he really wanted to take this. 
     “If you can put it on, you can take it off,” he told her, tone resolute despite the tapping of his fingers against her skin. She grinned at his weakening resolve, her stomach flipping at the familiar woodsy scent of him.
     “And who says I put it on myself?” He tightened his grip on her.
     “Who put it on?” And that was his next mistake: the pure jealousy radiating through his voice. Here he was, driving himself crazy trying to figure out how he really felt about her, and there she was having the time of her life with God knew how many other men.
     “I'll tell you if you take it off,” she promised. He was jealous, he was so jealous. So he must have felt something for her, right? Begrudgingly as he did. She heard him take a deep breath behind her before he let his hands fall away from her waist. Then he reached up, hesitating at the clasp of her bra as he thought about it. Finally, he took hold of it and undid it. She twisted her arms behind her back and grabbed onto his forearms immediately, guiding them around to her front and sucking in a breath at the feeling of his large hands closing around her breasts.
     “F*ck,” he muttered, his fingers squeezing and stroking her as he familiarised himself with her body. She was so soft, unfairly so, and he was curious now to find out what the rest of her would feel like against him. 
     “Of course I put it on,” she revealed to him, her tone incredulous. Then she leaned back against his chest, one arm reaching around his neck to guide his mouth to her shoulder. She sighed as he started brushing his lips along her bare skin, his fingers still teasing her as they explored her soft curves. "You think I'd ever let another man touch me? ¿Mi Miguelito?"
     Her voice was low as she said it, her fingers burying themselves in his hair as he ran his hands along her body, and he felt a spurt of victory at the words. She could have any man she wanted - if she wanted. But she didn't; she just wanted him. “Mmm, gatita.” 
     She shivered at the feeling of his low voice rumbling along her bones and her head fell to the side as he licked a line up her neck, giving him more space to taste her. “M-Miguel …”
     He chuckled at the helplessness in her tone and moved his hands lower down her body, his fingernails scratching the base of her abdomen lightly. “Where's that smart mouth of yours now, gatita?” 
     “Where do you want it to be?” she retorted quickly, drawing a growl out of him in response.
     “Joder,” he swore, his long fingers tangling in the waistband of her underwear before pulling it off and letting it fall down her legs. She squeaked in surprise as he squeezed her bare ass in her hands then pushed her towards one of the beds, tapping her on the ass playfully to move her along. “On the bed, gatita. Hands and knees.” 
     “Already?” She grinned as she climbed onto the bed, getting into position and wriggling her butt at him teasingly. “I didn't know you could move this quickly, detective.” 
     He pulled down his trousers and underwear, kicking them off before grabbing onto her thighs and spreading them apart a little more. 
     “Callate, gatita,” he sighed before pressing his mouth into her folds and licking a line up the centre. (Shut up, kitten.) She shivered as he groaned against her, her torso collapsing onto the bed from the sheer pleasure of it all, and he pushed his mouth deeper into her folds, his tongue slithering along her p*ssy. She whimpered as he paused occasionally to press soft kisses along her length, her legs twitching whenever his lips brushed against her clit. “Sabes … muy deliciosa, gatita.” (You taste ... so delicious, kitten.)
     He dug his fingers into her ass, then pulled back slightly to admire how helpless she was beneath him right now. Then finally, “X.”
     “Oh, shit!” She'd never heard him call her by her name before - it would have been too personal for him, she supposed; made him see her as a real life human being with her own baggage instead of a common thief. But holy shit, it sounded good, hearing him take the time to form the letters of her name in his mouth - it was like her name had been made just for him.
     “¿Qué pasa, gatita?” he asked when she said nothing more, just continued to whimper and moan beneath him. “Cat got your tongue?” He pulled her folds into his mouth and sucked hard on them before releasing them again, adding his own saliva to the c*m already leaking out of her to lubricate her more. Then he let out another satisfied groan and she shuddered again at the feeling of his deep voice rumbling against her p*ssy, the vibrations racing to her core and adding onto the waves of pleasure rolling through her. She struggled to push herself back up to her hands. 
     “M-Miguel … Faster …” He chuckled at her request and another violent shudder wracked her body, causing her to fall over again. 
     “I'm in charge tonight, gatita,” he reminded her. “X.” She moaned loudly at the sound of her name in his voice and he gave her a last hard suck before turning over and sliding up the bed. He settled back on the pillows, then grabbed onto her thighs, tugging her towards him. 
     “Ven aquí, gatita,” he commanded her. (Come here, kitten.) She nodded, dazed with arousal, and shuffled forward so that her hips were over his face. 
     “Sí, Detective,” she obliged, prompting a low groan to escape his chest. 
     “¡Ay, coño, gatita!” he chastised her, pulling her down onto his mouth and mumbling against her. “No … No digas eso.” (Don't say that.) He closed his mouth around her, licking and sucking on her slowly, taking his time drinking her up. She whimpered as he began prodding at her entrance, circling his tongue around it slowly before tickling the edges. And then he plunged his tongue into her, and she had to grab onto the bed frame to try to maintain her balance, her body sinking down onto his mouth in pleasure. He dug his fingers into her ass, grinding her against his mouth as he lapped at her walls with his tongue, his nose nudging against her clit every time he moved his head. She moaned as her legs began to twitch, unable to contain herself any longer, then she cracked, her body wriggling and squirming against his mouth as she came into it. He let out a delighted groan and held her there for a moment longer, making sure to drink up every last drop of her sweet c*m. Then he released her and pushed himself up against the headboard, allowing her to collapse onto his chest. 
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