#it’s 3am lord help me
Alright ya horndogs here ya go:
Happy valentines btw! This is something I had thought of for a while and since everyone else seemed to want it as well why not? Also can you tell when the Jane Austen slipped out of me lol it’s as if I got possessed- although I’ve been thinking about a fic where the relationship with Diluc and the MC is like Darcy’s and Elizabeth, I love me some good enemies to lovers!
If you liked it please reblog~ and happy valentines!
Words: 5k I got carried away I’m so sorry but D i l u c
Slippery when wet (I am so sorry) Diluc x fem!Reader
18+ minors dni or faceless Ayato will get you
Warnings: switch!diluc x switch!reader, enemies to lovers ig?
It was no secret to Mondstat that you and the current owner of the Dawn Winery, had some unresolved issues.
You had never liked those pompous nobles who thought the world revolved around them.
And Diluc was one of the worst ones in your opinion.
He was absolutely perfect.
Smart, handsome, knew how to fight, and could be charming when he tried, which was very little and only when he was talking to other rich assholes. He aggravated you.
When you had first arrived at Mondstat Captain Kaeya had decided to give you a tour of the charming town, and you two eventually ended up at a tavern.
You had enjoyed the drinks greatly and wanted to have a second round. When you got up to get more however, your path was blocked by a dozen girls, all making a big scene.
Quickly you figured out it was for the bartender’s attention, but not for him to give them drinks.
That was the first time you met him. His bright red hair was tied up in a high ponytail behind him. He seemed composed, regal like, and you would’ve thought he was a handsome prince from your books if his mouth wasn’t turned into a scowl.
He sighed and he gave the ladies a fake smile, the fakest of smiles you’ve ever seen, for his sapphire eyes showed what he truly was feeling; annoyance.
He was amicable enough, but you could see his patience begin to run short. Eventually he managed to get the ladies out and turned back to cleaning his glasses.
You leaned into the counter to finally order a drink, about to crack a joke about the girls, but as he turned around your smile dropped as you saw the annoyed look on his face.
“Oh archons another one- look I really don’t know how many times I need to say this, but no, I am not looking for a wife right now, and seeing how the lot of you act probably not ever. Your senseless amount of tact is enough to make one want stay alone for the rest of his life.”
You blinked in surprise, which only seemed to make him aggravate him further.
“My patience has run short with you, why can’t you seem to understand that I am not interested? Do you have nothing better to do than bother me? Or are you really that desperate for my estate, my money and business that you’re willing to follow me until I concede?”
Oh no, this bastard was not speaking to you like that. You just wanted a drink, for Barbatos’s sake! He was acting so sweet with those girls just now- but when you show up he goes and starts nagging at you?
You glared at the man and stood up, crossing your arms.
“I could give less of a crap about your estate, your business, your money and much less your hand in marriage or whatever, sir. What I want from you right now is merely a drink. I cannot understand how all those girls fawn all over you when clearly they’re pining for a man with such low manners, with such rudeness. Believe me when I tell you not to worry, I’m sure your wish of being alone shall be easily granted, for who in all of Teyvat would want to marry such a deceitful, pompous and egotistical man such as yourself!”
The bartender looked at you, eyes widened and mouth agape as realization struck him.
You were really there for just a drink and he scolded you without thinking.
You swore you saw the tip of his ears redden, as he opened his mouth in what looked like indignation, before a hand wrapped around your shoulders and pulled you towards them.
“Now, now, Diluc, don't tell me you’re trying to scare my guest with that attitude of yours.” A singsong voice called from beside you.
“Kaeya.” Diluc scoffed. “I should have known.”
The blue haired man beside you laughed and began making silly banter. However your mind seemed to be elsewhere. The bartender- Diluc, went back to his stoic facade and didn’t look at you for the rest of the night. Which was good enough since you were sure if he said anything else you would probably punch him in the face.
When you left, carrying a drunk Kaeya towards the Knights of Favonius’ building, you tried asking a bit about Diluc. Just like you suspected, Kaeya explained how he was the son of one of the few noble houses in Mondstat, and how he’d inherited the wine business from his father.
The next time you went there a small quip slipped out of you, and Diluc was quick to glare and respond back.
From that day on the quips evolved into full on banter- the only time you two spoke to each other was when you discussed something or other.
One time Lisa was senseless enough to try and make some peace by mentioning a book, and when you kindly tried to answer her question about what you thought the character’s motives were, you were met by a scoff from Diluc as he corrected you and explained the actual meaning.
And on and on it kept going.
To be honest you quite enjoyed those verbal sparring sessions the two of you had- never stepping out of line, but still annoying each other given the chance.
Whenever you went to the tavern (which by now was mainly just to annoy him) and he wasn’t there you felt a bit disappointed and missed his com- nevermind.
It had now been a while since you had seen Diluc at Angel’s Share, so to pass the time instead you took up a few commissions.
It was near Dawn Winery, which you passed by every now and then. You loved walking through the grounds, and left quickly whenever you heard Diluc was nearby. Still, you managed to become friends with a few of its workers and every once in a while sat to chat with them.
Passing by today a few voices called out for you to sit and chat with them, but you weren’t sure if Diluc was inside since he wasn’t in Mondstat and you really did have to go and do the commission, so you gently let them down and told them you’d come by some other time. With your back to the winery, you failed to notice the redhead on the second floor, watching you walk by.
The commission was supposed to be easy. Destroy a hilichurl camp. That’s all.
You’d never struggled with combat, and you enjoyed it quite a bit to be honest.
What the commission didn’t mention though, was that beside the hilichurl camp was a whole village, with a bunch of abyss mages inside. Taking the camp was easy.
But a whole village?
Fuck no.
You tried to leave, however the whole goddamn place seemed to notice you and began following your trail.
Archons forbid you have a normal day for once, trouble always seemed to find you no matter what.
Eventually you came upon a dead end, a cliff, the village a bit farther from you.
An abyss mage teleported in front of you, making you yelp in surprise and stumble backwards. The mage waved its staff down and summoned a few icicles before launching them towards you.
You closed your eyes and waited for them to make impact having come to terms with your death- however a hand wrapped itself around your waist, and a wave of flames enveloped the mage before burning it to a crisp.
You turned to thank your savior before noticing a familiar pair of sapphire eyes locked with yours. You pushed him back and groaned.
“You? Seriously?”
Afterwards you could barely recall what sarcastic pleasantries the two of you exchanged, the whole village of hilichurls and abyss mages blocking your way.
There were far too many of them. Diluc was sure he could take care of it, if it wasn’t for the little amount of space he had.
Quickly, he turned towards you and told you to jump down. There was a river underneath which could block your fall and no rocks, but you didn't want to take any chances.
“It’s either this or the hilichurls, your choice.” Diluc said. You took in a deep breath and nodded, before the two of you jumped down.
And so now you were in your new predicament, having floated who knows where, all your clothes, bag and items wet.
You stomped towards a nearby rock, droplets trailing behind you.
You grabbed your bag and groaned, slumped with water pouring out.
“How fuckin’ wonderful” you murmured.
Before being allowed to wallow in more self pity and a string of curses towards everyone and everything in Teyvat, you heard a throat clearing behind you.
Groaning you turned around to look towards the owner of the voice. “What, Master Diluc?” You knew he hated it when you called him that.
The redhead’s lip twitched, but he managed to keep a stoic composure.
“I think we should stay here for a bit. It’s safer, and with the fall we just took it would be best to rest.” He explained
“Ugh. Fine.”
Diluc had placed both your coats and shoes on nearby rocks for them to dry, the two of you now in your undershirts.
When you offered to use his pyro to make a campfire or dry the clothes, he shook his head, explaining it could lead the abyss mages right towards you both.
So now you were stuck who knows where, with your pants wet and one of the people you despised the most. The only upside was that the sun was shining brightly in the sky, so the coats and shirts wouldn’t take too long to dry.
“Archons, why do you hate me so much?” You asked up in the sky. “I should be home already, reading a book or sparring with Kaeya or using my commission money to buy something delicious from Good Hunter- but instead I’m here.”
A voice behind you said, “if your first action after receiving money is to waste it immediately on leisurely activities then it’s best you didn’t get it anyway.”
You scoffed, turning to glare back at the voice.
Diluc had gone to check the place out, in case there were any other hilichurl camps nearby and he had just come back.
His white shirt, still wet, stuck to his body, outlining the muscles hidden beneath.
You felt your face flush and you cleared your throat, looking sideways. “Says the rich guy. I didn’t need your help back there, you know? I had it perfectly handled.”
“Oh yes, clearly having a dozen sharp icicles launched at your face while you just stood there is having it ‘perfectly handled.’” Diluc glanced at you, raising a brow, the twinge of a smile on his face.
Oh how you hated the man.
“Hey, Mr. White Knight, get off your high horse. I am so done with you wanting people to idolize you so badly- I am not falling for any of your tricks.” You growled, waving your finger towards him.
You swore a tinge of hurt appeared on his face before it turned to anger.
“Is that truly what you think I’m doing? I just saved you for Barbato’s sake!”
“And why exactly, Master Diluc did you do that hmm?” His lips thinned at the mention of his title. “Do you really think you helped? Now, thanks to you I have lost all the money from the commission. Not only that, I probably made a bigger mess for the adventurer’s guild, and for not handling it correctly I’m probably getting fined, if not worse. You people seriously think the world revolves around you, can you truly not see how your actions affect others? I’m not going to thank a pompous brat who can’t see farther up his nose and is clearly only doing all this to receive praise from others.”
Diluc’s eyes widened. “You seriously believe I’m doing this just to get you to like me? Archons, that is the dumbest thing I have ever heard.”
“Then why did you do it? It’s clear you don’t like me and I don’t like you, so why?”
Whatever retort Diluc had on his mouth immediately died. After a moment of silence he looked at you. “Do you seriously not like me?”
You let out a sarcastic laugh. “What, has this never happened to you before? Oh wow, the great Master Diluc isn’t loved by everyone, what a shocker! I don’t need you to follow me and try to make me feel like I owe you something, because I’m not like the others who follow your every command. You’re just an egotistical, rude, nagging brat.” You were now in front of him, pointing your finger, spitting out whatever venom you came up with.
“That is not what I want.” He said, a serious expression on his face. “I saved you because I believed- well I believed our relationship to be more amicable. However it looks like it was one-sided from my part…” e said, and you felt a pang of guilt. He thought you were on better terms? Quickly though, Diluc composed himself, now a look of slight anger on his face. He raised a brow before saying, “Isn’t it ironic though, how easily you point out others' flaws, unable to look at your own?”
“Tch, what’s that supposed to mean?”
“You are stubborn, don’t ask for help when you clearly need it, you lose your temper far too easily and are unable to even say thank you. Not only that you’re impulsive, a spendthrift and get into far too many fights at the tavern. You complain of my rudeness yet you’re the one always trying to get me to explode, always vexing me.” He yelled.
You were now far closer than before, your noses almost touching. The two of you panting heavily and glaring daggers at each other, before noticing your closeness.
The two of you flushed, and you noticed how Diluc’s gaze had suddenly softened.
“I…apologize. I shouldn’t have spoken to you like that.” He mumbled.
You felt your ire begin to fade as well. Today hadn’t been a good day, and you had taken all your anger out on him, which was truly not fair. You bit your lip and glanced back up at him.
Before you could apologize, however, you heard a pair of footsteps behind you. You nudged his shoulder.
“What?” Diluc asked, clearly not focused.
“Hide you idiot!” You whispered, before pushing him towards a tree. Diluc, though, wasn’t prepared for it and stumbled backwards, dragging you with him.
His back hit the trunk of the tree and he grunted, but he made sure to place his hands on your hip to steady your fall.
The two of you glanced at each other anxiously, waiting for the footsteps to recede.
You were currently straddling him, hands placed besides his head, caging him in, his hands still gripping your waist.
The footsteps stopped and you shared a glance.
“Are they gone?” He whispered.
You shrugged and tried to move a bit to the side, making Diluc yelp.
You groaned. “What?”
Diluc covered his mouth. “Don’t move.” He ordered.
You rolled your eyes, before continuing to try and move to the side.
“I’m serious.” He hissed, squeezing your hips as a warning.
“Why? We need to make sure whatever it was is gone and I clearly cannot see from here, there’s a big tree in the way.”
“Then let’s just wait it out for a few minutes.”
“Ugh, why are you being so persistent with this! If we don’t know what’s out there we won’t be prepared if it attacks.” You kept moving.
“Seriously you- listen if you keep moving like that then- ngh!” Diluc gasped as you broke out of his grip and moved, before stopping in your tracks.
Did he just…moan?
You looked down at him, face flushed and eyes glassy, covering his mouth with the back of his hand.
“That’s why I said not to…move.” He whispered.
Underneath you, you felt something poking your inner thigh and that’s when you realized-
He was hard.
Oh now things got interesting.
Stealing a glance towards him, you tried to move your hips once again.
Oh, how would people react if they knew that you had made Diluc- the Diluc react in such a way?
Besides, it could be a bit of a payback, for ruining your bag and making you lose your commission.
You could just tease him a little bit.
“W-what, what are you doing?” Diluc asked, eyes as wide as plates and face as red as his hair.
You moved your hips a bit more. “Just trying to check if there are monsters nearby.” You lied.
Diluc looked at you. “But you already- mmngh!”
You felt a knot in your stomach, hearing him moan like that, eyes glassy, face flushed with his length half hard against you.
You grinded down with more force this time, wanting to hear him again.
“Y-you!” Diluc moaned, leaning his head back on the trunk. His grip on your hip had become weaker, giving you more freedom to move against him.
You leaned closer and pressed your lips close to his ear. “If you don’t want this you can shove me off right now. But if not I’m going to continue, alright?”
You looked back at him, expectantly. He blinked in surprise before grabbing your hips once again and motioning for you to keep grinding on him.
Smirking, you began once again pressing against him, making him groan in pleasure.
You wanted to hear even more.
Stopping, you moved your hands down, tracing his collarbone, his chest, his muscles, all visible thanks to the wet shirt. Your hand reached his pants and he gasped as you undid his belt.
“W-wait- ahh!” He thrust his hips forward as soon as you made contact with his length, still covered by his underwear.
You looked at him for any sign of discomfort, and then continued to place your hand underneath his underwear, finally touching him with no clothes in the way.
Diluc moaned as you moved your hand up and down his length, already wet with precum. You began kissing his neck, your hand coming up to touch his chest, before gently pinching his nipple.
He yelped, looking at you in surprise as you kept pinching and moving and kissing.
“N-not there- ah! It’s…mhm, so good.” He bit his lips, trying to keep quiet.
It wasn’t before long when you felt him twitch beneath your hand, and Diluc whined. “I’m so close…”
You immediately stopped your hand.
Diluc whined and looked up at you, face filled with confusion.
You fluttered your eyelashes innocently at him.
“What? What’s wrong Diluc?”
His brows furrowed. “You- you know exactly what’s wrong- why did you stop.”
“Stop what?”
“Your, your hand! I- I was so close…” he sniffed and kept glaring at you.
He was pouting. How adorable.
At the look on his face you immediately wanted to continue, give him the pleasure that he craved, but at the same time you wanted to see how far you could push.
“If you tell me what you want then I’ll know what to do.” You said.
Diluc groaned.
“Now, Master Diluc, if you behave like that you won’t be able to come at all. Is that what you want?”
You smirked. “Then tell me.” You squeezed him, making Diluc moan.
“I…want you to keep touching me like before…”
“D-down there…I want to come.”
You clicked your tongue. “You know Diluc if you aren’t more specific I won’t be able to do anything.”
Diluc huffed. “My dick, please, touch it. I want to come, please let me come.”
You smiled and kissed his forehead. “Good boy.”
Squeezing him softly you sped up your pace, making Diluc a moaning mess.
“Y-yes! Like that!” He whined.
After a few minutes he gasped in pleasure as he finally became undone beneath you.
The two of you panted heavily, still feeling hot and flustered, with Diluc coming down from his orgasm.
After a few minutes, you felt him harden once again.
You looked at him in surprise. “You…”
He wanted more.
And who were you to deny him?
Chuckling, you made yourself more comfortable before taking off your pants and underwear. Diluc looked at you in surprise before you made the motion to tug his pants down. He helped you take his pants off and gulped.
Noticing how nervous he was, you cupped his cheek and kissed him.
The two of you kissed softly, Diluc moving shyly, his hand barely caressing your back.
He pulled back and looked at you, licking his lips. Cupping your neck, he roughly pulled you down and slammed his lips against yours, kissing you desperately.
Your kisses became rough, your tongues pushing against each other, battling for dominance. The two of you pulled back gasping for air, before quickly feeling his lips against yours once again.
While you kissed you touched your sex, already wet with anticipation. Diluc was by no means small, so you tried to prepare before taking his length and slowly guiding him towards your entrance.
His eyes were filled with lust, and you could tell he wanted desperately to have you wrapped around him.
A small idea popped in your head at that moment, and you smirked mischievously.
You moved his tip towards your entrance and pressed softly, before letting it slip out.
You did it again, and Diluc pushed you to look at him, an angry look on his face.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
You looked down innocently. “It’s too wet to go in.” You pressed the tip once again, making Diluc suck in a breath, before slipping it out.
You chuckled at Diluc’s betrayed expression. “Fine, fine, I’m just kidding, now I’ll- aghh!”
You gasped as Diluc turned you around, placing his hand beneath your head so you wouldn’t hit the floor. Your eyes widened as Diluc’s expression became more determined.
“I don’t have any patience left to put up with your teasing.” He growled.
You gulped. “Diluc I was only kidding- just slow down.”
“I already told you I don’t have any patience left.”
With that Diluc moved his length towards your entrance. Then he immediately slammed his hips against yours, filling you to the brim. You moaned in pleasure, and Diluc nipped your ear.
“I want to hear you more.” He grunted. He began thrusting at a slow pace, quickening his pace every time he thrust in.
The two of you let out moans of pleasure at his movements.
Diluc moved down to kiss you and pulled back to moan as you pulled at his hair, undoing his ponytail.
He gently nipped at your shoulders, your shirt’s first buttons opened for him to access your collarbone and the top of your chest.
You pulled him back in a kiss again.
“Mmmhm, you’re…so tight around me…it feels so good.” He whispered in between kisses.
“Me…too, ngh…Diluc I’m really close.”
As soon as you said that Diluc stopped his thrust. You glanced up at him, a smirk on his face.
Oh this motherfu-
“Diluc.” You groaned. No way he was doing the same thing you did to him. The bastard.
He kissed your neck. “What’s wrong?”
“Ugh, you know exactly what you’re doing! Keep going.” You ordered.
Diluc smiled against your neck. “If you don’t tell me specifically what you want I won’t be able to help you.”
This bastard.
You pushed him back, grabbing his face between your hands. “I want you to fill me to the brim and fuck me.”
Diluc’s smile disappeared, and his face immediately flushed a deep red. You smirked and placed your forehead against his.
“What? Can’t do it, pretty boy?” You teased.
Diluc gulped, but a smile found it's way to his face. “As you wish.”
You screamed in pleasure as Diluc thrusted far deeper than before raising your hips up and wrapping your legs around him.
You pushed his face down for a kiss, pulling his hair every time you felt him hit that sweet spot of yours, Diluc groaning in reply.
You felt your orgasm coming closer, and you pulled away to moan as you reached your peak, walls tightly wrapping around Diluc’s length.
He followed quickly after, pulling out and coming on your shirt.
He lowered himself on top of you, kissing you gently. You nipped his lips and ran your fingers through his red locks.
You don’t know how long you stayed like that, but eventually the sun began to go down, and Diluc stood up to put on his pants.
You groaned, as your personal heater left you and made you immediately shiver from the cold.
Following him, you stood up to put on your pants- only to stumble forwards. Diluc immediately caught you, blushing furiously.
“I-I’m sorry I got carried away.” He helped you lean against the tree and grabbed your things laying on the rock.
Still red, he handed you a handkerchief to clean yourself before going back to get your stuff.
You put on your pants- before noticing that your shirt was still covered with Diluc’s seed.
You felt your cheeks flush, and cleared your throat (which was a bit raspy from all the moaning) and called for Diluc’s attention.
He turned around, both of your coats in hand and raised a brow.
You pointed at your shirt. “Umm…it’s still, you know…dirty.”
Diluc almost dropped your coats. He covered his mouth with the back of his hand to hide his blush before nodding.
“Right, sorry. Take your shirt off.”
“My, Master Diluc, want to go for another round?” You teased.
“Wha- no! I- I’m going to clean it in the river for archon’s sake.” He fumbled to speak and you giggled. This kind of look was kind of cute on him.
While he kept nagging, you unbuttoned your shirt, making him immediately stop on his tracks. Your upper body was all covered with red marks, the love bites Diluc had given you before. He looked at you before clearing his throat and looking away, the tips of his ears red.
“Alright give it to me.” He mumbled, still looking to the side, with his hand out.
You handed him
The shirt, covering your body to stop shivering. “So am I supposed to freeze to death? The sun is already going down so the shirt isn’t going to dry any time soon.”
Diluc nodded. “True...which is why I’m giving you this.” With his other hand Diluc handed you his coat.
It was far larger than yours and could cover you up quite easily. It also looked comfy as fuck.
“Are you sure?” You asked, trying to keep your voice stable, trying to hide your growing blush.
Diluc was already near the river, washing your shirt.
“Yes it’s alright. My body temperature is naturally warm, and you need it more than me.”
“O-okay. Thanks.” You said, putting on the coat, and turning away, smiling. It smelled like him and was warm.
Diluc stopped his task and smiled.
For the first time you had actually thanked him.
He tried to ignore the way his heart skipped a beat.
While Diluc finished washing your shirt you covered your face in your hands, the events of the evening finally coming back to you.
You had slept with Diluc Ragnvindr. THE Diluc Ragnvindr.
What would the single ladies in Mondstat think? Oh archons, what about Kaeya? You knew the two had been brothers- and while Kaeya changed his last name, they seemed to care for each other in their own way. So what would he think? Would he stop talking to you? Not that you would ever tell him but…would Diluc? What would he even say- that your relationship had gotten better?
And what is your relationship now? Were you friends? Enemies? Fuck buddies?
Oh Barbatos what if he thought he had to marry you now or something? But then would you truly mind? Could you go back to the tavern and look him in the eye, knowing that before you had him squirming under you, his dick in your hand, begging for you to let him cum?
“Hello? I said your shirt is washed now.”
You turned in surprise to see Diluc holding out his shirt to you.
“Y-yes, of course.” You grabbed the shirt, gasping as your fingers touched, before turning away and shoving it in your bag. “So uh- shall we head back now?”
Diluc stared at you in wonder, finally taking you in wearing his coat- before shaking his head and nodding. “Yes, yes we should be going home now. I- uh…”
He moved towards you and grabbed your shoulder, turning you around.
You felt your heart begin to race. Was he going to kiss you? Do you want him to kiss you? Maybe?
You closed your eyes waiting to feel his lips against yours expectantly.
But then nothing. And then you felt a pull beside you and you opened one eye to see Diluc taking something out from his coat’s pocket.
He placed a small bag on your hand. You raised a brow and he shrugged.
“It’s to make up for the lost mora from the commission. I apologize that you lost it because of my interference. And if you are fined or anything else of the sort I shall take full responsibility.”
You looked up at Diluc. His expression was sincere, and you felt a small pang of guilt.
You placed the bag back on his hand and shook your head.
“It’s fine. I’m sorry for letting out my anger on you. While yes, you are annoying and a spoiled brat and you are quite cold sometimes- you are also a kind man with a big heart. I shouldn’t have said any of those things. And I… I don’t don’t like you.”
Diluc’s eyes widened in surprise before chuckling and placing the bag in his pocket.
Feeling brave, you moved closer towards him, got on your tiptoes, placed your hand on his chest and whispered close to his ear, “besides…what I got back there definitely made up for it.”
Pulling back you smiled at the flushed expression on Diluc’s face, leaving him speechless.
You turned around on your heel and motioned for him to follow you.
“Now let’s go. I’m dying of hunger.”
Diluc stood dumbfounded for a few seconds before shaking his head, a small smile on his face, before catching up with you.
“Can you not think of food for five seconds?” He teased
“Shut it mister.”
And so the walk home had the two of you back to normal- in a way. You teased him and annoyed him, and he bit back- but there was also a softness in his eyes that made your stomach turn.
When you finally made it home to Mondstat it was about 6pm.
You wanted to laugh at the grief stricken and scandalous look Donna gave you watching you come in not only with Diluc by your side, but wearing his cloak. You received similar stares from various people in town but tried to pay it no mind as Diluc walked you home.
“You didn’t have to come all this way yknow. I’m a pretty strong girl, you don’t need to protect me from any ‘bad guys’ or whatever”
Diluc chuckled. “It’s not that I’m protecting you, I’m more trying to protect them from you.”
You scoffed indignantly but let out a small chuckle. “Right. Well thanks. Again. And…sorry. Again. You’re a pretty ok guy sometimes.”
Diluc raised a brow. “Only sometimes?”
“Take it or leave it, pretty boy, it’s the closest thing to a compliment you’ll get from me.”
That was the first time you’d heard him laugh, and oh what a beautiful sound it was. You wanted to make hear it more, to have him look at you like that more.
As his laughter died down he cleared his throat.
“Alright, thank you. I…” his cheeks reddened a bit. “Look, I…about what happened-”
“Well if it isn’t my two favorite people!” A melodic voice called from down the street before walking closer.
“Kaeya” both of you said with an annoyed voice at the same time.
You shared a glance with Diluc, who had the ghost of a smile, before the Cavalry Captain appeared and wrapped his arms around you.
“Now what are you doing here with my dear brother hmm? I barely saw you at all today- I was really lonely you know?” Kaeya leaned his cheek against yours, making a fake pouty face.
You chuckled and gently pushed him away, but he came right back. “I got stuck doing a commission, sorry.
Kaeya opened his eye to look at Diluc, who was crossing his arms and glaring at him and how close he was pressing against you.
“Well, that doesn’t explain why you have Master Diluc’s coat. Hey, how come you let her borrow it, whenever I ask you, you coldly reject me.” Kaeya placed a hand in his heart. Oh that drama king.
Diluc scoffed, and Kaeya’s smirk got even bigger.
“Y'know princess,” he said,calling you by the nickname he one day gave you. Though he didn’t use it frequently, this time it did make you a bit confused. “consider yourself quite special. Diluc barely lets the maids at the winery touch his coat, so the fact you get you get to wear it is quite an honor~”
“Kaeya.” Diluc glared. “Shouldn’t you be getting drunk at the cavern right now?”
Kaeya laughed. “My, what a way to change the subject. To answer your question, yes, however I didn’t want to go without my favorite drinking companion over here. But now that we are all together we should head there.”
You pulled away from Kaeya and shook your head.
“Sorry Kae, today has been all over the place and I am quite worn out.” You tried your best to not blush.
You were not going to the tavern, firstly because well, Diluc would be there and you couldn’t trust yourself enough not to get drunk and start flirting with him suddenly.
Secondly you felt like your legs were about to collapse. The two of you had to walk quite a bit, and thanks to Diluc that was not easy. You really just wanted to shower, lay down and sleep.
Diluc broke from his staredown with Kaeya to look at you. “Are you sure you don’t need anything else?
You shook your head and smiled. “I’m fine, thank you.” The two of you looked at each other, Diluc’s face softened and a look of fondness flashing on his eyes.
“Pfft, since when are the two of you so chummy?” Kaeya asked, glancing between the two of you.
You both blushed, stuttering, and you quickly turned around to open your door. “Well I’m going now, bye Diluc, bye Kae!”
And with that you closed the door.
Diluc stared at the closed door before sighing and looking at his younger brother.
“What?” He asked, his cold expression returning.
Kaeya chuckled and turned around to walk towards the tavern. “Nothing. I just find this new series of events very…interesting.”
Diluc groaned following Kaeya. “Shut up...also, Kae…?” He asked. He didn’t fail to notice the nickname basis the two of you were o with each other.
Kaeya raised a brow. “Jealous?”
“Wha-no I don’t- ugh you’re not allowed into the tavern tonight.” He grumbled, stomping towards Angel’s Share with a laughing Kaeya behind.
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tradingjack · 6 months
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From the firmament above, a blood-red eye looks down upon us.
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thresholdbb · 2 months
In the timeline where Tuvix lives, both Janeway and Chakotay die
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waitzia · 6 months
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Elias Selberg
Dmitri Volodim
Alexander Hilbert 👍
#waitziart for my digital art
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formenos · 9 months
crossing the Helcaraxë is like grinding ice? You know what else is grinding? *points* carnifindo and forodion over there. We get it, your wives died in the ice yesterday, look, ioreth just died over there alright you’re being a bit loud. We’ll sing her a fourteen hour lament. What do you mean more noldo will die if we do that? exile yourself. die. die. I’m not a kinslayer but die. may námo cast you away from the halls of the dead. oh it’s because you have a sore throat from the ice? well that’s alrigh- oh curulambe just froze to death. Just another day on the bleeding Helcaraxë.
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ares-ariborn · 8 months
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shhhhhhhhhhhhh guys be quiet he's sleeping right now
(and so do i zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz)
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lo-cinno · 8 months
Just found out steve is canonically 5’8
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midnightwriter21 · 1 year
Sanemi, Shinobu and Obanai x Giyuu little sister reader. Reader 20 and 1 year younger than Giyuu and is the Polar opposite of Jim like she very playful and curious but also very loving to him and he spoils her. She a civilian who owns a tea shop. May I have headcanons with her and those three and Giyuu reaction to each please?
demon slayer hcs: sanemi & shinobu x giyuu's little sister!reader
characters: sanemi, shinobu, giyuu
warnings: mentions of birth control in shinobu's (idek if that needs a warning lol)
AN: pumped this out at 3am lol, ill be doing obanai in another part!
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your relationship was such a slow burn lol
when he finds out ur giyuu's sister its an immediate disliking on Sanemi's part
but are we rly surprised?
dude HATES giyuu
you spend a lot of time with the hashira
and you've become good friends with them so you're always around when the hashira are all together
they all adore u
you're sweet, funny, outgoing, confident
basically everything that giyuu isn't lollll
you brought snacks from ur teashop to one of the lil hashira hangouts
and you couldn't help but notice sanemi absolutely stuffing his face full of the ohagi that you brought
but who can blame him?
he might not like you but he never said you were a bad cook
and ohagi is his favorite
a couple days after the lil hangout
sanemi gets back to his estate after a mission and finds a cute lil basket adorned with a bow sitting on his doorstep
he picks it up and looks inside and its full of ohagi
after he goes inside and devours the whole basket
he finds a note at the bottom saying "enjoy <3" signed with your name
thats it right there.
the way to this mans heart is thru his stomach fr
when yall are dating dating
you keep it quiet
none of the other hashira know
and giyuu CERTAINLY doesn't know
until one day you're working at your tea shop and sanemi walks in to pick up the lunch that you made him
now me personally... id turn into a professional cook for this man
its not a busy day at the shop so he walks into the kitchen to find you cooking
and this man is HANDSY
so ofc he grabs you by your waist and pulls u into him
and starts feeling you up good lord please i want this so bad
you hear the faint 'ding!' of the bell above the front door
but pay it no mind assuming its a customer
and then the kitchen door opens
and everyone freezes
cause standing in the doorway is your older brother
thats the most expressive face sanemi has ever seen on giyuu
dudes eyes are wide as saucers
mouth wide open
shook af
like "dawg don't you hate me and everyone that associates with me?"
like "you have basically cursed my entire bloodline"
"you told me to off myself because im me"
and sanemi is just "i hate you not you're sister"
and goes back to feeling u up totally ignoring giyuu's presence
giyuu basically just moonwalks back out the door
and pretends he never saw any of that
lol i love them XD
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now shinobu liked you from the second she met you
she went to giyuu's estate to get him for a mission
and walks in to find you teasing and mocking tf outta ur older brother lmao
ofc she joins in
throwing in some teasing remarks of her own
poor giyuu lol
she is a frequent visitor to your tea shop
cause instead of making medicinal teas herself, now she can just get you to do it
plus she gets to see her favorite girlllll
the way giyuu finds out is too funny
you are in the infirmary at the butterfly mansion
dw ur not injured or sick or anything!!
you're sitting on the bed waiting for shinobu
when giyuu walks in
and he's like "wtf are u doing here"
you're explain your business to ur brother when shinobu walks in looking down at a needle saying
"alright i have your birth control shot! not like you need it... i can't get u pregnant"
she looks up when she hears a 'smack'
and there you are with ur hand slapped to your forehead and a bright red face
giyuu just looks between you and shinobu with a blank face
before he passes clean out
dude hits the floor hard lmao
when he wakes up you give him an explanation
and then u and shinobu tease him for passing out
lol dude can't catch a break
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wintersera · 1 year
THE GISELLE THOUGHTS ??? I am going crazy giselle does not get appreciated enough and her thighssss, plsss write a longer fic where she corrupts reader and makes her ride her thighs? 🏃‍♀️
notes: readers a virgin and aeris a little bit of a pervy creep.. also this is like almost noncon? ATP this is a full fic like oopsies my bad- i meant for it to be an imagine but i got carried away
cw: dubcon, corruption kink (hope i did it well 😭), innocent!reader, thigh riding 🤤
man… it was 3am and you were bored as hell. like bored as fawk ://
the last days of summer vacation had you exhausted even though you really didn’t do much. and lord were you tired from well… being tired. your best chances of getting rid of your boredom was to contact someone, yet no one you liked was online. just a couple of people you knew from class because of a project and that was about it… thats so fucking boring 😭
sitting up and thinking in your emptied and rotting brain, you pace around your room wondering what you should do. like if it was some miracle, your friend, bestest friend- aeri was online.
opening up your dms you find that she beat you to it- her messages appearing as soon as you opened the app.
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NOW, you were excited as hell. not seeing aeri in ages bc of college and whatnot, you felt your heart skip a beat because of some short message she sent. oh you gay ass- anyways, you get to see her again and you couldn’t contain you excitement. now if you had a dog tail it would be wagging so hard rn.. yes, you were that excited to see her.
after a while she pulled up in your driveway like the hot ass bitch she was, yeah sunglasses on even though it was almost pitch black outside (she actually put them on before she saw you open the door) she wore a white baggy tshirt on and some shorts and that was it. it was hot all day and the cool night breeze really helped with that “you just gonna stand there? or… are you gonna come inside”
“you gonna let me have the aux?” she giggles at you, nodding as you duck your head to get inside her car.
the sky was pretty, the view was gorgeous and even she looked stunning, the moonlight highlighting her sideprofile,,, lawd have mercy she was so ethereal.
throughout the entire journey you were pouring your whole soul out to girls generation songs,, i mean fr, you were belting out the notes like mariah carey- it was that serious for you 😭 and aeri yet looked at you with fondness in her eyes… funnily enough you looked like a hot mess in front of her. a thrown on tshirt and some shorts you found on the floor bc she came around too early,, way too early, she looked at you as if you were the prettiest mf ever, a slight blush on her face. aeri thanked all things holy that it was dark outiside, she thought that you would notice her blushing at you and your silly antics- even though you were a little dense that you would never think that your bestie was thinking of so many nasty things.
you didn’t realise it, but she had her hand resting on the top of your thigh, massaging your flesh ever so lightly, however your dumbass was too occupied with gee (STREAM GEE BY GIRLS GENERATION) aeri could feel her face heat up, she knew touching you like this was so wrong, but when would she ever get the chance to touch you ever again? the way you weren’t even paying attention made her think she could get away with it. she couldn’t help the way she thought of you, you looked so damn pretty and she had to ravish you.
all of a sudden the car jerked… then stopped in the middle of fuckass no where.
“we’re here-“ she huffs
“i can’t see anything?”
“don’t worry you’re pretty little head about it, just come out. the view is actually nice here” but she knew she was lying. getting you out of the car was one thing, shoving you into the back seat was another- as soon as you were thrown into the back, aeri had also placed herself on the seat next to you, the corner of her lips tugging up ever so slightly “don’t be scared just… come here” pulling you closer by the front of your shirt.
aeri was strong as fuck- like she was strong STRONG using her bigass hands to pull you in by the waist… 😵‍💫 why exactly did she lock the car with you and her in the back? was she planning to murder you or something? is that why she called you out so early in the night? all these questions kept circling around in your head, you couldn’t exactly understand her intentions and you were scared to death.
a cold sweat ran down your temple, ohhh you thought you were fucked… but now she’s moving you onto her lap? your face meeting hers, her hot breath hitting your neck when she nuzzles into the crook of it “aeri…?” a painfully slow hand caresses your hips. shaking, no, shuddering in her grasp, you felt terrified and confused as her hands wondered across your hips to your bare back “you don’t know how long i’ve been waiting for this… just you and me” her voice low and raspy. her hands rested back down onto your hips, squeezing them in a way that made your stomach coil.
“i-i don’t get what you’re doing.. let me go aeri” frantically looking around to see if there was any escape, to your misfortune there were none and you were utterly fucked. the grip on your hips became stronger- clearly she didn’t want you to leave “let me go!! aeri please” she felt mean,, seeing you so vulnerable and weak, yet that didn’t stop her. firmly holding you, she moves your hips back and forth across her thighs, eliciting a squeek from you.
“what was that?” a chuckle from her
“what’s so funny? aeri, you’re so fucked up”
another chuckle.
innocent… aeri had the strongest urge to completely destroy your innocence.
again she rocked your hips, this time pressing you down on her thighs harder “a-ah… feels funny” you couldn’t explain it, but there was this weird heat between your legs whenever she moved you against her. it felt alien, yet you didn’t deny that it felt sort of felt good.
despite your pleas she continued to make you ride her. you were an emotional wreck, you felt so fucking scared but at the same time you felt ecstatic. tears fell from your eyes and stained her shirt yet she kept going and going, going so far until you began rocking your hips yourself.
eventually you were fucking yourself on her thighs all by yourself. aeri noticed that and laughed, taking her hands off of your hips and wrapping them around your waist “h-huh… why’d you let go?”
“enjoying yourself? thought you were begging me to stop… or did you secretly want me to do this to you”
she stopped you with another firm grip
“do you want to feel good?” you nod embarrassingly, it felt good… and you wanted more of it, although you didn’t know why it felt like electricity lit your body up.
“move on your own then” oh the embarassment, the humiliation. you were so innocent that you didn’t know how to move by yourself. aeri had to guide you bc you were sooo clueless, yet here she is telling you to do it on your own while she watches you crumble.
“i don’t know how…”
“figure it out.. you want to feel good right? just move your hips like you did earlier” and you do, moving in slow circles as the fabric on your soaked panties hits your clit in the best way possible.
watching you with a keen eye, aeri felt aroused by you. your innocence slowly fading away with each moan and each thrust, seeing how you pressed your body closer to hers unconsciously and how the way your eyes glistened from the tears you previously shed. you looked like a hot mess and she was glad she contributed to it.
your movements became faster and sloppier, your sighing turned into whimpers and eventually into moans. an unfamiliar tightening in your stomach formed “mmm.. ah- aeri? aeri… coming.. feels like somethings coming”
you stopped abruptly, you felt something rush head to toe, making you scream out aeri’s name. arching your back into aeris embrace.
after a while you calmed down, coming back to reality and shit- aeri just looked at you with a huge grin and hoisted you off of her. eyeing the mess you made on her legs you, again, panic. this time it was more out of concern rather than fear “i’m sorry i didn’t mean to wet myse-“
“it’s not pee dumbass, you came- anyways, did it feel good?”
“it’s not pee?? and what??? also… yeah it felt good…”
it’s safe to say aeri drove you home. you blacking out from waisting your energy on getting yourself off- and because she’s ur bestie she has spare keys to your door. princess carrying you into your bed and making herself comfy in it as well. you and her slept for the god knows how long.
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i mean moral of the story let your bestie fuck you i guess idk.. sorry if it seems rushed </33
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iwrotetheilliad · 2 years
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♡ Sae is mad. You’re a stubborn bitch. Put that together and that equals hate fuck
Genre: P WITHOUT P ;) also a little fluff at the end
CW: Oh lord there’s quite a bit. The biggest one is def that this entire situation is a bit toxic cuz y’all are flirting in a fight. Ig u could think of it as cheating, but I don’t so. SAE IS A BITCH. He also calls u a bitch so be warned that he is mean af. Also degradation. Slapping, hair pulling, clothes getting ripped off is also there. No prep as well. Unprotected sex babes. Theirs is also mentions of hickies and heavy making out. Sae manhandles you a bit. THAT SHOULD BE ALL THE TRIGGERING CONTENT MATERIAL BUT BE WARNED THAT THIS IS SMUT SO PLS PROCEED WITH CAUTION!!
Characters: Sae Itoshi
A/N: thé sae brain rot has been BAD. Like there was so much in my head, so this fic is honestly just like, a small portion of the smutty thoughts and hcs I’ve had. I’ll probably write more if this does well!
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“What the hell is wrong with you?” Sae demands.
“Oh please,” you scoff, tossing your black clutch purse onto the bed. “There is nothing wrong with me, she had it coming.”
You whip your head around to face your husband. He stands in the doorway, his white shirt slightly unbuttoned, letting some of his collar bone peak out at you. Anger and jealousy flood throughout your body again at the thought of what that cunt did. You can practically see the line she traced with her nail across Sae’s neck. To get back at her, you had pretended to bump into her, practically tossing you wine all over her. It was a shame honestly- because of her inability to take a hint, her pristine white dress left the body with a giant wine stain adorning her side. Good thing you wore a black dress. It just looked like someone’s spilt water on you.
still the way you spilled the wine was very obvious. What can you say? Acting’s never been your strong suit. People were bound to notice, and although no one said it to your face, it’s obvious that they knew you’d done it on purpose.
it’s fine, after all, if they were in your situation they would’ve done the same.
“Y/N,” Sae groaned tearing off his overcoat. “You can’t just ruin-”
“The dress was ruined the moment it touched her skin.”
“You are fucking horrible.”
“No, Sae! You know what’s horrible? You did absolutely nothing to stop her!” You shout storming towards him.
“Oh shut up, yes I did,” he replies, shoving past you.
“Oh I’m sure that tent you have in your pants was trying very hard to shove her away from you,” you roll your eyes, pursuing him.
You knew right know was not the time, but Sae’s back looked very nice in that shirt. It hugged his muscles in all the right ways.
“Are you insane?” He growls, spinning around to stare you down. You didn’t back down though, sizing up to his gaze.
“I fucking wish,” you say just as lowly. “Look, it’s still there.”
You cast your eyes down to where his dick was in fact pressing up against his pants. It looked uncomfortable, and if the night had gone any better, you would’ve loved to help him, but right now, sex did not seem anywhere within your near future.
“You’re actually fucking mental,” Sae rolls his eyes, straightening himself out. “I cannot stand you when your like this.”
“You can’t stand me?!”
“Sae! She was flirting with you. That bitch was unashamed and practically choking you in the middle of the hall!” You scream. “You are so frustrating sometimes. You cannot say that you can’t stand me, when you’re like this!”
“Like what?”
“Better than being a jealous bitch.”
“The fuck did you just call me?” You ask, stalking towards him like you’re about to pounce on your prey.
Sae didn’t move, just stared down into your eyes as you two came chest to chest.
“You heard me,” he muttered hotly.
From being this close, you can see something you weren’t able to recognize just moments ago. Sae’s pupils had blown up, almost completely block the aqua of his irises. His breath was hot against your face, and his lips were such a pretty pink-red color. His hair was pushed off to the side, making him look so much more handsome than he did normally. It was all so much, and you couldn’t tell if the sudden feeling in your blood was lust, anger, or a weird mix of both.
“Fucking try saying that shit again,” you mutter lowly.
He shivers. “You are such a fucking bitch.”
His hands slowly traces curves through the skintight fabric. They travel up your ass to the small of your back, and then slide back down to the swell of your ass. He offers a light squeeze, before leaning over you.
“You,” he begins, “are such a jealous. Fucking. Bitch.”
You hands move on their own accord, shoving Sae back onto the bed. Shock doesn’t last long in him though, because just moments later, you’re falling on top of him. Your arms wrap around his neck, and the swell of his dick is pressing against panties you wear underneath this dress. His hands stop balancing himself, and he reaches up to drag them all over your body. He starts rubbing them over your back, before moving down to your ass. He gropes them unabashedly now, guiding them over his crotch. His left one stays leading your ministrations, and his right hand goes up to your scalp. Grabbing a handful of hair, he pulls you back, a string of saliva lingering between your mouth as you pant. Your eyes are lidded as you stare into his. There is not a single doubt in your mind right now that you look like a fucking whore, and you know he’s thinking the same thing.
Sae pulls your hair again, this time making your head tilt back. You raunchily moan out, and his mouth immediately finds a new home on your neck.
“You are such a dick,” you gasp out as he sucks hickies into your skin. “Mmmmmm.”
“Yeah?” He growls, pulling away from you. “I’m a fucking dick huh?” He releases your hair to slap your ass. “I’m a fucking dick? Dirty bitch.”
His other hand slaps your ass again. Moans break free from your throat, involuntarily, of course. “Yes,” you whimper. “You’re so fucking horrible.”
Sae lifts you off the bed with absolutely no effort whatsoever. It’s infuriating how strong he is. His lips find yours again and soon enough, the kisses devolve into something sloppy. You hear the bed creak again, as Sae kneels onto it. He drops you onto the mattress of a sudden.
You land on your side, with your left leg hiked up over your right one. You lean on your right forearm and push yourself up with your left hand. You toss your hair over your shoulder and glare at him.
“What’s wrong?” you sneer, “afraid that your gonna cum in your pants like a fucking virgin?”
Sae is quick to lean over you, continuing the messy kisses. He shoves you down so that you’re entirely on your stomach now, and with his free arm, pulls your ass into the air. He pulls your dress over your butt, revealing the lacy black underwear you’re clad in.
“Me? Cum in my pants?” He growls. “With how wet you are, you might as well have already came.” He leans down to lick up your pussy through your panties, further wetting the already soaked fabric. “Might as well just leave you like this huh? Since you already fucking finished.”
Desperate thoughts want you to scream at him to not, but your stubborn ass decides against that. “And what? Jerk off in the bathroom? You’d still be imagining me in there.”
Sae backs away from you, and grabs the top of the back of the dress. He pulls, and you are now just sitting on all fours. You’re confused as to what he’s doing, before he grabs the same spot with the other hand. Soon, there’s a loud riiippp, and the fabric falls off your body in one giant piece.
“That was fucking expensive,” you growl, as Sae flips you onto your back.
“As if a cunt like you pays attention to the price of shit. I’ve spoiled you too much huh? You need a good lesson.”
You gulp, but still try to mask your fear. “What are you gonna do?”
His left hand traces your neckline, before wrapping tightly around the bruise littered column. “Maybe I will just leave you here like this,” he muses. “Your pussy soaking wet, begging for my cock.”
“Then I’d just cum myself,” you laugh sinisterly. “I’m thinking I’ll get off to Ryusei in my mind what do you think.”
Another loud crack echoes through the room, but now the sting isn’t in your ass. You cheek burns as you yelp. Sae backhands you next, creating to bright red glows on your face.
“You bitch,” his voice sounds demonic, like he’s two seconds away from becoming evil.
“You were gonna be the one leaving me here needy!” You cry out, trying to lean up. His hand on your neck pushes you back down though.
“Shut up.” Another loud rip, and your pussy is suddenly exposed to the world. The cold air is oddly nice. “I’m gonna make you regret everything you’ve said.”
“You can’t do that.”
“If you cum,” he starts. His hand traces your lips, and his voice grows a mockingly gentle as he whispers, “I’ll tie you up to the headboard, stick a vibrator against that clit, and drain you dry until your begging and screaming and crying yourself hoarse. Ok, baby?”
The pet name is new. Normally when you two hate fuck, he ignores all of them, but the sudden presence of it makes you realize that your actually in deep shit right now.
“Do your worst,” you command.
Sae doesn’t even prep you. He undoes his belt with one hand, unbuttons his pants with the other, and swiftly drags them down with his underwear. His dick springs out, hard, pink, leaking precum. You want to suck his dick so bad, make him feel so fucking good, but you push that urge down.
He lines himself up against your pussy, and in one move, starts fucking you ruthlessly. He’s going fast, he’s going hard, he’s doing everything that he needs to be doing to make pleasure erupt in your body like only he can.
Moans tumble from your lips but you literally do not care whatsoever that this is your admitting to him making you feel good. That stubbornness is quite literally being fucked out of you, and right now your perfectly ok with it.
“Hm?” He hums shakily from above you. “Do you need to come already?”
Never mind, the stubbornness is back.
“N-no. I just wanted to tell you that you can’t fuck to save your life.”
Somehow, he gets faster and harder. You hadn’t even thought that possible, yet here you are, getting your shit absolutely rocked.
“Really?” Sae mocks as you whimper louder.
“Yes,” you reply, not daring to back down.
Sae doesn’t say anything else, content to just let you go insane on his cock, however much you try to deny it. He can tell when you’re close. He’s fucked you so many times that he’s memorized every tell that your body has to offer. Right now, your eyes are becoming heavy, almost looking like you’re about to fall asleep. They’re also turning super glossy, despite no tears falling. When he feels your hole repeatedly clamping onto him without letting go, making yourself feel even more tight, he knows your going to cum.
“You can’t cum baby,” he growls.
“O-ok, I wasn’t going to,” you sigh as he continues screwing you.
“Good job,” he says mockingly.
You don’t miss the sarcasm drowning his words, and somehow, you find the strength in you to reach up and slap him. When he doesn’t say anything, you backhand him. A couple seconds go by, before he commands, “Harder.”
You slap him again.
You slap him again.
“Goddamit, I said harder bitch!”
You slap him, then yank on his hair for good measure.
“Still can’t cum,” he groans, pleasure overtaking every nerve of his body.
“Sae!” You cry when he starts ramming into just the right spot.
“No. Cumming. Baby.”
“Sae, please!” You sob. You’re trying, you really are. “Sae!”
“What is it?”
“I’m sorry!” you moan out finally. “Sae please, I’m sorry I’ve been- oh my god please Sae, please just let me cum!”
“That’s it baby. That’s all I wanted from you,” his voice suddenly saccarine sweet. “You can cum baby don’t worry.”
Your orgasm is so intense, you almost pass out. Every part of your body is lit on fire, you feel like your blood is lava. There’s it not a single inch of your body left untouched by this overwhelming pressure that does nothing but consume you. It feels like you’re drowning at the same time as flying. Your back arches and finally, you feel satisfied with something that’s happened tonight.
Sae fucks you until he comes, and the feeling is pretty much the exact same as yours. Nerve shattering pleasure follows each thrust he sends into you. His thighs shake at the end.
When he finally gets a good look at you, he watches the red painted across your skin, shining from sweat. Your hands cover your face, and a twinge of remorse stings at his heart.
“Y/N?” he hesitantly moves to touch your hand. When you don’t pull away, he lifts your hands off of your face. Your eyes stay closed though. You’re not crying which is good.
Sae sighs, and steps out of his pants. His shirt sticks to his skin with sweat, so he removed it before walking to the bathroom. Right next to it is a cabinet with towels, which he grabs a fresh one from. Going into the bathroom, he cleans himself off, dampens the towel and goes to clean you off. Your eyes are still closed, but you respond to his touch. He wipes the inside of your legs, and then chucks the towel somewhere behind him. He walks to the bedroom door, where his lounge shirt and sweatpants hang. He slides the sweatpants on, and then grabs the shirt.
“Y/N, I need you to sit up.”
Slowly, you pull yourself up. Sae pulls the shirt over you, and you adjust your arms through the sleeves. It’s only after that do you open your eyes to look at him.
Your eyes have darkens but a little bit of light still reflects in them. You look exhausted though, which he supposes is only fair.
“Sae…” you whisper, collapsing against his body. He wraps his arm around you, hugging you firmly against him.
“I’m sorry too,” he mutters. “I shouldn’t have… encouraged, I guess, what she was doing.”
You’re silent for a few beats, before murmuring, “It’s ok.”
“No it’s not.”
“To me it is now,” you say, leaning back to look him in the eyes.”
“Why?” He snorts. “Cuz we fucked.”
“Because you apologized,” you roll your eyes. “That’s all that I wanted.”
You end up falling asleep against Sae and when you wake up, the two of you are curled up underneath a blanket on the couch. Figures, the bed was probably messy. After all, it always is after your 3 AM activities.
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A/N: Goddam.
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c-nstellati-ns · 2 years
I'd like to believe that vampires go into heat, so sometimes during that period, you wake up from a wet dream, just to lift your blanket and find Dio under there slobbering over your hard on as he desperately palms at the tent in your pants while struggling to get your pants off. You only ever see Dio in such a horny irrational frenzy when he's really worked up or nearing climax, but you haven't even touched him yet and he's on the verge of tears. All he wants is some relief and to be bred. You cant help but chuckle at this unbecoming sight of so called "Lord Dio"/ "Dio-sama", so you decide to have more fun with it. You'll only give him what he wants if he can ride your thigh and hold off cumming until you say so. Needless to say, he failed. He did not last particularly long, but his whorish whiny begging got you consider going easy on him. You toss him backwards onto the bed, his legs slung over your shoulders as you tease his hole until he's sobbing for you to just put it in already. You fold him into a breeding press and your mouth latches onto his nipple as you sheathe yourself into the right ring of that Brandussy. He instantly crumbles into a mess. If you didn't know any better, you'd think he's just a common whore instead of a 100+ year old being who's transcended human mortality. With each thrust, spurts of his pre cum shoot onto his tits. If anyone on the other side of the bedroom door were to hear the happenings from the inside, they'd probably assume Dio is toying with another unfortunate woman who'll soon become his next meal. His face is contorted into a splendid teary eyed ahegao as he babbles and claws at your back. Just as you feel he's about to come, you pull out and lean back. Absolutely dumbfounded, he sits up with a pout. You feign boredom, "you useless hole. Your worth boils down to a mere toy for me to use for pleasure, and you can't even get me remotely close to climax? Do you think you deserve to cum before me? You didn't even listen to me the first time and I let it slide." Dio's eyes widen, and tears cascade down his cheeks. "nonono please, I'll do anything, pleaseplease I just want your cum. What can I do? I- I just-", he sobs. You grab his cheeks and force his face close to your own. "I'll give you one last chance. Ride me. If you can last until after I come, I give you full permission for you to do so as well." Dio wastes no time mounting you and bouncing on your cock. You sit back with your hands behind your head and enjoy the show. You watch as the bulge in his abdomen appears and disappears inside him, the way his eyes roll painfully back into his head when your tip continuously pounds his sweet spot. You're also very much enjoying the bouncing of his tits to the rhythm of his movements. The girlish moans he lets out only encourage your quickly incoming climax. He's putting on a real spectacle for you without really trying. You wouldn't trade this view for anything. You finally let go and fill him to the brim with your seed with a sigh. The feeling of your warmth spreading through his lower half pushes Dio to his own climax. He throws his head back in a silent scream, and collapses onto your chest. Thoroughly satisfied he nestled his face in the crook of your neck. Your cock slips out of him and your cum seeps out of his gaping hole and onto the bed. Dio revels in the feeling of the sheer amount of seed pouring out of him as he embraces the wave of fatigue that has just washed over him. Well, you'll deal with the cleanup later. His face is totally serene. You find yourself staring at his features: his partly open mouth, drool threatening to breach his lips, and his eyes, usually filled with fire and emotion, now closed and relaxed. Your hand makes its way to his hair to twirl a strand towards his neck as your heavy eyes also push you to your own slumber. -that anon
Fucking hell I need to sleep it's almost 3am
I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU!!! i genuinely wish both sides of your pillow are cold tonight and you get a hearty healthy 8 hours of lovely rest along with it.
but when you do eventually both wake up, dio is clinging onto you tightly, refusing to let you go. he refuses to acknowledge how he acted the night before, but when you press close and mutter, "so you wouldn't like it if i pushed you down right now and knocked you up all over again?" the noise he makes after is equivalent to that of a dying goose and scoffs, trying to deny it,, but you know the truth <3 tho he wouldn't exactly mind if you did try to get him pregnant,,,
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missglaskin · 2 years
Do you Love Me? 
Note- Once again, it’s 3Am as I finish this. So I apologize for the many grammar mistakes. Also, this was greatly inspired by The great (hulu), come on Aegon gives off Peter vibes 
Pairing: Soft dark!Aegon II Targaryen x reader x fem!reader
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Tags: EXPLICIT/SMUT, Arranged marriage, character deaths, strangely some fluff, lots of angst, pregnant!reader, Aegon is a terrible husband at first, squint of Jace/reader, love confessions, manipulation, jealousy, implied painful first time
You worshiped the prince. And how could you not? He was young, handsome, and, as mentioned, a prince. Every girl in the seven kingdoms dreamed of him. But he was yours by oath. And when you finally saw him on your wedding day, it was the happiest moment of your life. 
Your arms were linked with your father’s. Feeling your heart pound in your chest. Stomach churned with excitement. When you finally reached the altar, your father handed you to the Prince. And the second his hand touched yours, the butterflies in your stomach violently clashed with one another. 
In the sight of gods and men. The prince will become yours. And you will be his. Your eyes didn’t look away from his violet ones, wanting to drown yourself in them. They are so alluring that the Septon’s words are muddled in your ears. But you didn’t need to hear them. Memorizing the vows by heart. As you recited them to the mirror every other day. One heart, one flesh, one soul. 
After the vows were said, you and the prince sat side by side. The servant on his side poured wine into his cup throughout the entire night. He didn’t speak to you. He didn’t even ask you to dance. Watching all the other lords and ladies surrounding you laugh and dance with one another. 
His face turns to you on occasion and you smile at him every time. He didn’t return them. Maybe he was nervous. You hoped he was so you wouldn’t feel that slight pang. To distract yourself, your eyes roamed the remaining table, seeing his family. His grandfather, his mother, his sister, his brothers were all there. You couldn’t help but notice the shared look they gave you. In return, you continued smiling, even when you sensed it slowly faltering. 
Soon it was the wedding night. And the excitement bubbled once more. You remembered your times at the library back home. You were a lady, and it was a scandalous thing to do, but you indulged your curiosities. Reading such shameful books that your Septa would’ve certainly had you flocked if she ever heard of it. 
The pleasure, the desire, the yearning, the burning, the ecstasy all written in such detail. And the men in the stories. They were so selfless and giving. Meeting her every need, making her see the stars and the moon. The thought of doing all of those things with the prince crossed your mind more times than you can count. It made you ashamed, but should you be, knowing he’ll be yours someday. 
But on that night, he tarnished your dreams. 
The prince, your newly husband; Aegon crawled to you. Stinking of wine. There was no preparing, no reassurement, no kisses, no praises. Laying there as he thrusted sloppily into you. Your body moved back and forth from the force. Your eyes on the ceiling, tears welling up. He wouldn’t even look at you. 
Aegon lies beside you now, passed out. All that drinking finally got to him. Your eyes are still on the ceiling, unable to grasp the reality you’re in. There was no pleasure, no ecstasy, and you surely did not see the stars. You doubted if it even happened, if not for the aching in your legs and the cum stains on your inner thighs.
Finally, you move to get yourself clean. Maybe you were to blame. You had all these whimsical dreams and such lofty expectations. It was known that first times are always awkward, so maybe it will get better the next time. And besides, you have a lifetime together. He’s just drunk. The following morning, he will treat you much better and finally show you the love and affection you have so desperately craved.
The following morning he did not, in fact, treat you better. He wasn’t even there. The breakfast that you had the servants prepare was left mostly cold, with you being the only one at the table. His presence during the evening was nowhere in your ‘shared’ chambers. And when he finally showed himself, it was him drunk either collapsing on the bed or going on top of you to do what he must do. 
Is that what your life is to be every day. Where were the embraces, the kisses in the morning, the heartfelt confessions, the gifts, the loving gazes. He treated you as if you were some common whore, rather than his wife. But it wasn’t his constant drunkenness that pushed you over the edge, nor was it him ignoring your mere existence. 
It was the sight of him with another woman that did. He didn’t even notice your presence as you turned to leave. He finally did it. He broke you. As sobs wreck your body. You finally understood the looks his family gave you, the court, the servants, even the guards. It was a look of pity. Foolish girl, they must think. So hopeful, so naïve, so stupid. 
The morning after, he showed up at the breakfast table. The day before, it would have made you giddy in your seat. Batting your eyelashes and listening intently to every word he said. But now you have seen what you need to see. Your head down while you eat in silence.
You just couldn’t understand. He didn’t show you an ounce of kindness even when you greeted him with open arms. Even when you were ready with a heart full of love.
With all of that, you shouldn’t have taken pity on him. He came drunk as he always did, but this time it was in such a state that it almost seemed as though something had happened to make him seem so miserable. Aegon puked, filling the space with the foul stench. It seeped through his shirt. 
You genuinely despise your tendered heart as you move to assist him. Having him lean on you as you shout for the servants to run the bath. They also assisted you in taking off his clothes and getting him into the bath. During all of this, Aegon was still somewhat conscious.
Out of the corner of your eye, you see a servant reach for the sponge to wash his body with. But you stop her, taking it from her hand. You command for them all to leave. Call it jealousy if you will.
As you scrubbed his body, half-lidded eyes watched you the entire time. When you were finished, it took all your strength to get him out of the bath, his wet body soaking through your nightgown. You grabbed the towel to go dry him off only for your nightgown to be tugged by his fingers. 
With his words slurred together, he murmurs "take it off". Even in this state, he was still thinking of what’s between his legs. As you finally glance down, you realize his sudden arousal. As the wetness made the white night-gown a see-through.
You could easily deny him. Slap his hand away. Push him to the bed and tuck him in. His condition left him in no position to fight. He has always gotten his wishes. And will it fill you with some satisfaction to finally deprive him of his wants. Absolutely. 
But what of your wishes, your wants, your needs. Perhaps it was driven by a sense of entitlement, but you wanted to experience the burning desire you had always heard of. Not the sloppy drunken fucks he gives you, all just to release his seed and pass out later on your side.
Hands reaching the bottom of the nightgown. Lifting the drenched fabric over your head. Drawing the violet eyes to your bare body. His lips arc into a contented smirk. You smack the hand trying to grab you. Wiping that smirk off his face when you push his chest. 
Resting your full weight on him. Palms placed on either side of his head; caging him. Feeling the soft strands of silver hair between your fingers. Through his haze, he can mostly see your face. And that's what you want. For him to focus on you and nothing else. For the rest of the world to be nothing more than a shroud. 
You reached down to grab his cock, brushing it against your pussy lips. Rubbing his cockhead in between your folds. Breathing heavily, coating the tip with your witness as the pressure builds in your stomach. This all becomes too much for you to endure. To him, the said can be said as silent pleas escaped his lips.
A hiss is let out between clenched teeth as you slowly sat down on him. He groans at the feeling of his length gradually filling you up. Your movements are halted while you inhale and exhale with the dull pain from the stretch. It wasn’t long before the said pain fades away and it morphs into the pleasure you yearned for.
As his hardened cock seeps through your pussy walls. You began to slowly grind yourself against him, slowly circling your hips. Aegon's hand slides through your body all the while he moans loudly, with no shame in the slightest. You can feel every vein on his shift. The squelch of flesh fills the air. Rolling your hips in a way that his cock brushes every inch of your inner walls.
It twitches inside you. With your body arched and head thrown back in pleasure-you are unable to contain the noises that you let out. The aroma of sex fills the spacious chambers. He tries to keep up with you, to try thrusting his hips, but all he could manage is to roam your body from your hips to your tits. Another moan escapes you as he gropes them.
You lean forward. The change of the slight position makes his cock reach further into your core. Your hands grab his shoulders and dig your nails into his skin. The sloppy sounds of you two fucking echo off the walls. Feeling your insides clench around him causes him to groan louder. 
Kiss me. You whispered it, breath touching his face. And he obeyed your command. Lips clashing against yours. A kiss filled with passion and desperation. His tongue invades your mouth, entwining and twisting it with yours. He presses you against him, your nipples briefly brushing against his chest.
It leaves you breathless, not in how he seems to inhale your breath, but in the way his arms are tightly wrapped around you as if you were to vanish at any moment. His mouth muffles your gasp as the head of his cock touches that special spot inside of you. And you felt him cry into your mouth, feeling your insides wrap even tighter around him.
Both your lips swollen when you pulled back for a gasp of air. A salvia string between your mouths. Just for Aegon to close the distance once more, a hand on the back of your neck. By now, you are both a moaning mess as you continue riding him much faster than before. The sound of skin slapping against skin identifies each second, your bounces becoming more abrupt. 
In an almost scream, you struggle to keep your eyes open with the overwhelming pleasure that washed over you from head to toe. He followed you right after. His body shivering and twitching underneath you. His swollen lips parted in broken moans.
It seems like another bath is needed.
The morning came and instead of the breakfast you thought you’d share with Aegon; it was instead shared with your mother-in-law; the queen. “Has my son been treating you well,” were the first that greeted you as you sipped your tea. You merely nod, setting the said cup of tea on the table. Alicent sighs, "Good." She then makes a brief pause before speaking, "Has he been doing his duty?"
In other words, are you with child. That was the question she wanted to ask. But perhaps it was too forward. As the heat spreads to your skin, you nod again. In all your preparation for marriage, discussing your sex life with your mother-in-law was not one of them.
Then, the door opens. You turn to face the other way. Seeing Aegon. His raised brows and slight widening of the eyes tell you that he didn't anticipate his mother’s presence. His mother asks of his arrival before you do. His eyes remained on your face even when he answered her, “You weren’t at the breakfast table.”
He was waiting for you. You briefly blinked. Aegon was waiting for you. In all your days, it was you who did all the waiting. Every morning. Sometimes he didn’t arrive, and you were left to eat the cold food. Pitying the rest that will be thrown away.
The butterflies flutter in your stomach, but you keep them at bay. Turning your back to him. You had no intention of keeping your hopes up. One night of an intimate moment and a considerate gesture in the morning won’t easily sway you to forget it all. Your heart was in his hand and he threw it to the ground then stumped on it. It still aches from that night of the wedding and seeing him with that damn woman who you were certain was one of the servants.
But he was making it all the harder for you. Gods, have you mentioned how much you hate your tendered heart. 
"I have a gift for you." When your eyes caught sight of the necklace in his hands, you couldn't help your awe. Fingers gracing the emerald stones before it’s swept away from your touch. “Let me.” He intends to put it in you, you realize. So you turned as he placed it around your neck. Back in his line of sight, you gave him a smile. Detesting the way your chest tightens when he returns it. 
Wearing nothing but the emerald necklace. The prince and you are bathing together. You truly have no idea how the two of you got into this predicament.  Though at the moment you are in no mood to fuck, but have you ever known Aegon not to. Pushing against his shoulders. “So what do you want me to do then,” he asks in exasperation, and you couldn't help but raise a brow. Has he ever done anything remotely affectionate for another other than fucking.
Relax, you told him. Just relax. All you got was a blank stare. Heaving a sigh, you turn around, leaning your back against his chest. You sensed his surprise at the act, but he welcomes it. His chin rests on the top of your head, and your lips almost curve upward as his arms awkwardly embrace you. You close your eyes to enjoy the peaceful silence that now permeates the space.
But in the end, Aegon always got what he wanted. Your wet bodies entangled on the sheets soaking it. It feels refreshing not to taste the wine on his tongue. Aegon was rough as he always was. But this time there was something different. 
He fucked you like he didn’t just want you. But like he needed you. And when he came. He didn’t move to sleep on the side as he did all those times before. Resting his cheek on your chest with his cock still inside you. Your fingers combed through the strands of his silver hair, receiving a hum that made your skin tingle.
Despite all of your self-talk to the contrary, you held the optimistic belief that the relationship changed. That he changed. 
And how could you not, given that Aegon's hand never left yours. Everything you wished at the altar that day finally came to you. The embraces. The kisses not only given in the morning but all throughout the day. A never-ending stream of gifts.
Not to mention his insatiable lust for you. It doesn’t matter the time or if there were others in the room. When Aegon wanted you, there was no stopping him. Even if you were his wife, it was still a scandal. The many scoldings and fights it caused. You promised his mother it will never happen again, only for Aegon to have you break it the same day by having you in the gardens. 
There was something you did notice in Aegon. Such as when you tug his hair back and hear a moan. Or how he never moves the hand that wraps itself around his throat. How he hangs on to your every word. But you dare not to mention it.
It was no surprise then when you visited the maester and were informed of your condition. Strangely, his family showed more excitement for your pregnancy than Aegon did. Even his grandfather was oddly proud at the announcement. 
But another announcement was heard. The arrival of the princess Rhaenyra and the rest of her family. You only heard rumors. But it seemed they have some semblance, given that Aegon doesn’t seem the slightest bit happy by the news. 
It wasn't until suppertime that you got to meet them. As you couldn’t attend the petition. Alicent demanded you must rest for the time being. Aegon tried to insist on staying by your side, but he was compelled to leave, kissing you goodbye before he did. And thank the gods you weren’t permitted to attend as Vaemond’s fate filtered through the castle. Such a sight would not have been something you can stomach. 
At suppertime though, you are utterly furious with Aegon. No matter how many times you nudge his feet or whisper for him to stop. He continues his inappropriate remarks to Baela and Jace. You offer an apologetic smile and even move to stand to raise a glass to their upcoming union.
But you assume he got his own taste of medicine when the music began and a hand reached out to you. Looking up to see it's Prince Jacaerys. As soon as you took his hand, you felt a tug on the other. It’s Aegon; giving you a silent command. To refuse. But you simply ignore him, moving to stand.
Jace says a few words, but you can feel Aegon's watchful eyes never leave the two of you, sending blood rushing to your ears. It wasn't until you were a little distance from the table that you gave yourself permission to enjoy the moment. 
With your round belly, unfortunately, you were unable to jump, but Jace only gave you a reassuring smile and opted to link your arms together instead.
You have only known him for a brief period of time, but you felt at ease in his presence. He seems to share your love for dancing, which you weren’t able to do as much even at your own wedding. With him, you allowed yourself to smile. To giggle when he whispers a jest in your ear.
But when Aemond gave his speech, that moment of tranquility was tarnished. When Jace goes to punch Aemond and Aegon pushes Luke onto the table. The guards pass you by, moving you aside and your hand protectively reaches for your stomach. 
Before Alicent could usher any of you to bed, Aegon has already grabbed your arm, dragging you along. The fury on his face tells you of what to expect later at night. And as rough as he wanted to be, there was the concern of ‘hurting the baby’.
But the following morning, your husband was nowhere to be found. 
Matters were made worse when the news of the king’s death was told to you. Standing in front of the green council, it was they who informed you of his passing. Being watched by them, with most of the focus on your round stomach, made you feel uneasy.
When you heard Otto's words, you did not try to conceal your shock. Aegon will become king. But they all swore allegiance to Rhaenyra. She was the king's chosen heir. However, you dared to keep those thoughts to yourself. You knew what it meant. That you'll be made a queen consort. And the child, who the council is already referring to as 'he' will be the heir.
A servant greeted you as soon as you returned to your chambers. But she seemed nervous, her hands clasped together with clothes that appear too big for her. She didn't perform any of her duties; just standing in the center of the room as if she were waiting for you.
Asking of her name, you make your way to sit on the bed. "Mauriel," she responds, voice trembling in unison with her body. Before you can blink, she goes down on her knees. Head pressed to the ground just inches from your feet, choking sobs pierced your ears.
You are at a loss for what to do as you hear her pleas. But at the mention of your husband, your body tenses. Finally, her familiarity dawns on you when she lifts her head. That day when you saw Aegon on top of another woman. It was her. She was indeed a servant.
It was hard to hear her words over her hiccups and sobs. You then saw her hand reach for the bottom of her clothing. And you prayed. Prayed it wasn't what you assumed it to be. But the gods were cruel when you are met at the sight of her round belly.
A hand over your mouth, taking deep breaths to keep your composure. Tears and snot ran down her face. "I tried so hard hiding it my lady, but it gets bigger every day," she cried out. You can only nod along. “I don’t ask much, my lady, only for some money to help me leave”. 
As much as you were boiling over with resentment and jealousy. You found it in your heart to pity her. 
Before you could even respond, the doors were thrown open. Alicent is there with guards on her side. Maurel's face is seen to be filled with horror. As if she expected them. Despite your protests, they drag her away. I will deal with it, Alicent assures you. “But-” “I will deal with it,” she repeats sternly this time. In no position to fight, you are forced to back down.
You decide to change the topic. "Where is Aegon?" She doesn't respond, and you ask her again. "We're looking for him," was all you got from her before she left. The rest of the guards follow after. Strangely, Ser Cole was not in sight.
When the doors close once more. You are back on the bed. Face covered in your hands, trying to process every overwhelming thing. The worst fucking thing is Aegon was nowhere to be seen. He left you. Abandoned you. You're not sure why it startled you. From the beginning, you vowed to stop yourself from keeping your hopes up, from loving him.
Then again, you don’t know if you wish to see Aegon again. You can still see her. Mauriel on her knees, tears rolling down her cheeks. A sick part of you was relieved that she wanted to leave rather than stay or, worse yet, ask Aegon to be involved in the child's life.  As if that will happen. There was also this horrible thought in that you wish Alicent had given her moon tea. It will be a blessing. She is in no position to care for a child.
You were well aware of the rumors before you were wed. The bastards that were in the street of silk. But you assumed they were simply rumors. That he was an honorable prince and such revolting behaviors were not a part of his character.
But you soon come to understand that 'the you' prior to the marriage was not in love with Aegon, but the idea of him. That he was just like all the princes you have read of in your books. He was far from them though, hell even Aemond fit the image better, and that said something. All those thoughts of the many women he has slept with and all the bastards that roamed King's Landing are racing through your mind.
It made you livid, green with envy. And you let it be known when he returned. 
Upon his forced return, you weren't allowed to see him. And when you did, he was standing at the opposite end of the Dragon pit's. His family positioned behind you. You stay close by as Ser Cole places the crown, Aegon the conqueror’s crown on his head. Then, in front of him, stands his mother. Kissing him on the forehead.
She then turns to face you. A steward comes from your side bearing another crown on the red cushion. The golden crown carved with rubies—fit for a queen—is taken by Alicent. She places it in your head before giving you a polite kiss on the cheek.
At first, there was no noise from the crowd, but as they began to cheer, it quickly gained momentum and echoed in the pit. As your husband raises the sword to the sky, you watch him soak in all the cheer and praise. Then his hand grabs yours, raising it as the applause continues, but this time for their 'queen'.
Your hands briefly entwined with his before you wrenched it away and forced it back to your side. A clear frown could be seen on his face in response. His daring to wonder of your treatment of him only served to inflame your rage.
When just the two of you were in the chambers. You let him have it. Screaming at him, using every foul word in the book, letting all your frustration seep out of your mouth. The stress finally caught up to you, feeling yourself stop when you began to feel an ache in your stomach.
Apologies were uttered over and over. You wanted to shove the hands that wrapped themselves around you, the face that buried itself in your neck. You had to use all your strength to push him off, and when you did, you weren't prepared to see his heartbroken face. 
Heading to leave, your fingers stopped just as they touched the door handle after hearing it. I love you. The words reverberated throughout the chambers. You hated how your body ached for you to turn to him. How those words made your stomach flutter. How long had you been waiting to hear those words. But after what he did, do they really mean anything.
"I love you," he says it again. And this time, you come to face him. Only for him to be standing so close to you. You tried not to falter. Not to show the effect of his words. "You love me?" You ask of it, knowing he'll just repeat it again.
“Then beg,” the words shocked you as much as they did to him. But there was no turning back now. Your face stiffens, taking a bravery gulp before opening your mouth. “Then go down on your knees and beg for my forgiveness.” 
At the moment, time seemed to freeze around you. Truthfully, you are unsure of his reaction. But to your amazement, he does it. Eyes never leaving yours as he bends down on his knees, holding you by the waist.
He puts his pride aside as he begs for your forgiveness. As he begs you not to leave him.
You blink for a moment, almost left speechless. And before you were able to realize what you are doing. Your fingers stroked his hair. He now looks at you with such longing and desperation. The fingers then moved to stroke his cheek only for his hand to cover yours. Watching as he places your palm over his mouth, giving it a few quick kisses.
And before you know it. You are pushing his silver locks to devour your aching cunt. Moans carelessly slipping from your lips. His tongue eagerly, lapping against your dripping folds. Eager to satisfy your lust and prove his love. Making such a mess of you as he drinks in your juice, your nectar.
Even with the pleasure enveloping your senses, you are able to speak out the words. “Do you love me?” You ask him yet again. Yes. He spoke it softly. You whimper at the vibration it causes on your sex. “How much,” you say, looking down at him. "More than anything.” There was no hesitation in his words.
More than the crown, you ask. Yes, he answers. More than your family? Yes. More than the wine? Yes. Each time, his response was the same. Even when you ask him this. “More than your whores?” Yes.
Your mind flashes back to Mauriel. Clenching your fists and scowling at the memory of her. So you said the words, without thinking of the repercussions that will follow. “Then be rid of them,” you demand. You groan at the loss of the feeling of his tongue as his face is revealed, your juice seen dripping down his chin.
You took a deep breath, daring to take the risk. "I want every whore you've ever been with to be gone, whether she sucked your cock or had it in her." Just the thought of them seeing his bare boy was enough to make you envious. When your words reach his ears, worry coils in your stomach. Fearing his response.
Much to your relief, with a muttered promise to do so, he returns to dive in between your legs. 
Waking up in the morning, your husband was not there. Even more, taken back when Ser Cole appeared at your door. “The king demands your presence,” is all he says before giving you a moment to dress. As you follow him, you ask Ser Cole where the two of you are heading, but he doesn’t respond.
Moving through the hallways, you start to notice the eyes that watched you from every corner. At first, you thought it was your new position. Being the queen of the seven kingdoms. But these weren't the looks of admiration or curiosity. But ones filled with fear, judgment, and even anger.
Seeing Alicent stopped in your tracks. She didn't greet or smile at you, making you feel more uneasy. “Your husband made such a commotion today,” she claims, “his first act as king all done under your name”. You can only stare at her. Utterly unclear as to what she meant. And when she said her final words to you, you were left more bewildered and even hurt. “And to think I once pitied you.”
Then it's as if the prior mentioning of his name summoned his presence. "My wife," Aegon proudly announces, beaming as he rushed to you. Embracing you as his lips met yours. You hear Alicent sigh at the display. The second he pulls away, Aegon drags you along, forcing you to follow him. With Ser Cole not far behind.
Unsure why the two of you are outside the castle. The chilly air has you shivering, wrapping arms around yourself for some warmth. It's when you look near the gates, do you nearly scream in horror. 
Wishing for it is one thing. Speaking of it was one thing. But to see it. To have it be fulfilled was another.
Several bodies lay in front of you. Every one of them hanged. Your eyes can see the darkening bruises on their necks, as it’s bent in an inhuman manner. Every one of them was a woman. Their faces unrecognizable. Against your better judgment, you allowed your eyes to wonder until they came across her. A face that you are familiar with. Mauriel.
“I was planning on bringing you their heads, but that would be too much work, wouldn’t it.” You didn’t respond. No matter how much your body cried out for you to turn away from the horrifying scene, your eyes were powerless to do so. You jumped when Aegon drew you close to him, forcing you to look into his face.
“Do you like it?” Gazing into his eyes, you see it-the ferocity-the love they had for you. But you can also make out the madness whirling around. “Yes,” you uttered, so low and shaky. Sure he must not have heard it, but he did. A smile on his face. You let out a faint gasp when feeling him tug the emerald necklace to pull you in for a kiss. 
“Let’s have breakfast, shall we? I had them make your favorite.” You could only nod. Doing all you could do not to break down.
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ilovechuuy4 · 7 months
Hi! I've been lurking around your page for a while and I really wanted to request you at some point. If you're cool with it, could you write about skinny dipping with Nikolai?
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୨୧We go skinny dipping in the barrels of toxic waste ♡
🂫Nikolai Gogol x GN!Reader
Warnings; Skinny dipping, smut, kissing/making out, thigh fucking, public "sex" etc.
Description: Skinny dipping with Nikolai~
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A/N: LORD THINGS ARE BEING SO DELAYED AND I'M SORRY MOTIVATION HAS BEEN ON THE LOW AND I'M A BIT BUSY HOPE Y'ALL LIKE IT THO~ (can you tell my writing has changed... That's what I get for reading books, I blame the love hypothesis /j I rlly love the book
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→ Nikolai Gogol is the type to not care where you and him are, if he's horny/hot and bothered he's gonna have sex with you, very passionate sex at that.
It was the depth of the night, maybe around 3am if you had to assume. The moonlight shining down on you and your boyfriend, he is definitely a pretty sight to see. The both of you had made it yall's mission to walk through the loomy forest on a night like this, not only because the stars were beautiful but the moon was like no other, a blood moon. To you, they were alwayys the prettiest of any moon, the way the sky around the was a soft red.
As the two of you walked down the mushy, messy path that outlined the forest, Nikolai spotted something that much definitely caught his eyes. A beautiful-ish pond. It wasn't necessarily the cleanest, the pond was overgrown with all sorts of leaves around the exterior of this pond. There were frogs crocking, crickets chirping, the wind wasn't to strong nor cold, but cold enough to send shivers down your spine.
"My dove! Look at the pond over there, let's go cmon cmon!~" The white haired male spoke as he tugged on your arm, urging you to follow him. "You won't believe it cmon! I just got an amazing idea and you will live for it now let's go please my dove?" He said with pleading eyes, you smile softly and reluctantly follow him. "My love, what's this idea you have?" You asked him with a raised eyebrow. When you asked his eyes seemed to light up.
"My dear Y/N, my amazing idea is to go skinny dipping here!~ I know it's PDA or public indecency but cmon nobody's around?" He exclaimed with a cheeky smile as he took off his shirt. You sighed, this was definitely more of an illegal act perhaps? Ugh, you didn't know but it seemed so everly fun so you just ended up following his lead, taking off your shirt. Nikolai was almost down to his boxers as he helps you undress, unbuttoning your shorts.
Your face was a red hue as he helped you undress yourself. Once the both of y'all get down to yall's underwear, the both of you slip them off and get into the water. It was a bit cold on your bare skin, yes. But it wasn't too different from the usual pool water you would get in.
Nikolai's hands wrap around your waist, pulling you closer against his body as he gently kisses the nape of your neck. Shivers run down your spine as you lean into the kisses. "My dove? You seem to be enjoying yourself, yea?" Nikolai murmurs softly against your neck. You let out a content hum as you feel your boyfriend's hands trail down your body.
Nikolai's hand ended up just below your privates, rubbing your inner thighs his free hand gently grabbing your chin, turning your face to his own. He gently kisses up your jawline, up your chin and then to your lips. It was a slightly messy yet passionate kiss, his tongue pushing past your lips and into your mouth, exploring it thoroughly not letting a crevice untouched by his tongue.
You let out a soft moan into his mouth as the both of yall's tongues start a war of passionate dancing. "Mhm, my sweet, you taste fantastic." He groans against your lips. "Here just.. Push your thighs together closely, for me?" He said, slowly breaking the kiss. You comply, squeezing your legs together tightly and once you do you could feel Nikolai's erection slowly push in between your pushed together thighs making you flinch a bit at the sudden movement.
"I know this isn't the right thing to do, my dove, but you just get me so hot and bothered." The white haired male whispered into your ear, nipping softly at the earlobe. As Nikolai finishes his sentence, he slowly starts thrusting in between your thighs his erection rubbing you in all the right ways making you moan out in ecstasy. The noises were quiet but loud enough to be heard from close up, frogs still croaking and the crickets chirrping.
"Mmh~ my sweet you feel so nice even if I'm not really inside you." Nikolai groaned, his voice hoarse with pleasure. You were moaning softly, trying to keep your voice down even if y'all were in the middle of nowhere in he depth of the forest. "Ah~ kolya this..this could probably get us fined." You moaned out softly it coming out hoarse and scratchy as you try to keep your voice down.
Nikolai kissed the nape of your neck, his pace speeding slowly, as he thrusts a bit harder, he seemed more urgent then most times, his balls slapping against your ass as his thrust into between your thighs speeds. Nikolai groans against your neck, kissing and sucking on it softly. "Oh, my sweet Y/N, honey..~ mmh, I'm close~" Nikolai whines his teeth gently sinking into your shoulder blade causing your breath to hitch.
With a couple more thrusts between your thighs, your boyfriend let's out a soft whimper before he came between your thighs, you cumming with him with soft moans. The both of you pause taking in the after math of the pleasure, was it intense? Yes, very much yet it felt amazing. Nikolai slowly pulls away from your squeezed together thighs.
"My dove, that was amazing. You did amazing." He murmurs softly into your ear, he gently takes your chin, pulling it to make you look at him before pressing his lips against yours in a passionate kiss. It lasted long enough to make you pant when the both of y'all pull away. "I love you, Kolya" You mutter softly resting your head back against Nikolai's shoulder.
"Oh I love you more than the amount of stars above, my dove~" Nikolai says with a cheeky grin, his hands squeezing your ass as y'all rest in the cool pond of lust for just a hour more.
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mimilogoff · 11 months
you're my music
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song: the night we meet
warnings: angst to fluff?, violence, death(not Danny nor you)
"I want to show you something," Danny said as he guided me to his room and locked it. "okay.....what is it?" I said squinting my eyes at Danny, grabbing my hand he dragged me fast in front of his work table, and then I saw the demonic-looking book. "Danny.... what's this, where did you get it from?" I asked with concern, I had a little hobby in the field of witchcraft and I already knew that whatever this was, wasn't good." That's why I called you to come over! I told you there was an earthquake!" he said while looking at you with that look that I knew too well, he wanted to do something with that book, something you wouldn't like not one bit. "Danny, how did you find it?" you asked with concern visible on your face. "when I was in the garage with those annoying rats, the earthquake came, and after it, I saw that there was a hole and went to check. You should have seen what was inside, it was like an ancient bank, but anyway, after I got inside I went a little bit ahead and saw a dark room with many crosses and coins hanging from the roof-" I stopped Danny from his paragraph with grabbing the book and putting it inside the cover it came with. "were going to place it back where you found it from" I said with my hands visibly trembling, this was a demon book, something none should ever touch. "but mom won't let me out tonight" Danny looked at me with that piercing look of his, oh how I wish I could kiss those lips...get yourself together! you mentally slapped yourself then sighed in frustration. "tomorrow first thing in the morning you're returning that book!" I told him with a stern voice. "but I could sell it for a good price!" Danny compromised with me. "no, Danny! this is very dangerous!" Danny looked at me with sadness in his eyes then he snapped "You don't know anything! The money I would sell this for would be a blast for Mom! you would never understand!" I let him finish and without a word, I went out, he did not even bother to follow me or say sorry, no, not a word. I hope he at least will follow what I told him. As I was walking home to my cold and dark appartament I had one of the worst feelings, should have I not left? ... ... ... Its his choice! I warned him! I continued to ramble to myself till I arrived at my appartament. Going to the bathroom i looked myself in the mirror, what is he doing right now, is he thinking about me how I'm thinking about him? nah, no way, he surely doesn't even care about me, literally forgot about me, I tell myself as I walk into the shower, while washing my face i couldn't stop thinking about Dann, is he good? is he sleeping? my mind couldn't stop thinking about it, about him, what is he doing? is he thinking about me like im thinking about him? at least 10 precent? no way could he ever... i keept telling myself the same thing till i somehow found myself in the kitchen making some tea. 3AM read on my phone, oh dear lord how did time pass that fast? i continued as i was making my way to the bed ploping in it and dozing off in an instant.
I shot my eyes open searching for my phone and looking at the contact...Danny? at 5AM? I answered, ready to scold him for calling me so early in the morning but I got interrupted by rapid breathing and hearing him scream at the phone for me to open the gates to the building I lived in, as I was rushing to press the button to it I heard him scream about his mom going crazy and all his family going crazy then I heard him running up the stairs to the 4th floor where I was so I opened the door and ran downstairs towards him when I saw him all bloody with his left arm covered in blood and visibly stab wound i=I helped him upstairs to my apartment and when I got him inside I locked the door as he kept shouting too, and started to undress him from the top to see the wound, not calling the ambulance as he said that he doesn't want to. "what happened?!" I asked him while searching in the kitchen for a pair of scissors without letting him answer I went into the bathroom to find the med kit then ran back to the kitchen almost slipping and starting to rapidly and messily throw everything on the table to find the disinfectant "tell me what happened?" I asked the second time a little bit calmer so as to not alarm him even more "Bite my shoulder if it hurts too much you'll tell me later what happened." I said as I started pouring the disinfectant on his wound making him scream and bite my shoulder making me wince in pain but I continued pouring, after making sure I got it clean I bandaged it as good as I could, his shoulder, arm, then locked it with a piece that went around his other shoulder. I sigh as I sit on the chair next to his handing him a glass of water. "now, tell me what happened." I asked as my hand went to his tight comforting." I.....I...I opened that damn book...and- and-" he began then got interrupted by his own sobs, I already knew what happened." did someone remain alive?" I asked as I looked at him sobbing not wanting yet to hug him, I had to know the truth. "yes Kassie and Beth, but They remained inside To kill it, I... I couldn't help and I just ran, it's all my fault-" he continued to sob then I hugged him. "Let's go to bed so you can lay and rest, you had a long night," I told him as I got up and helped him get up then he looked at me panicked "What's wrong?" I asked him then he shock his head and kept on saying that he didn't deserve to go to sleep and wake up, I then only realized how bad he actually felt "Oh Danny... come to bed, you deserve it, you're alive for a reason, stay alive for me, please." I beg as I look at him with pure love. He nods and grabs my hand as he lets himself dragged to my bedroom. When I let him sit after helping him to get his pants down and wash himself in the bathroom next to my bedroom I help him get the pajama pants he left over other times he came. I help him lay in my bed and as I go to the other side to go under the blankets too he grabs me with his right arm "Can you cuddle me...please?" he never asked me for physical touch, not saying a word I gently take him in my arms and make sure he's comfortable, with his head on my chest.
Before falling asleep he muttered something, something that will allways remain with me
"I love you.....please never leave me"
I kiss his forehead and whisper I love you, even tho he will never know how truly I love him, for how long I loved you, you will never leave me, you have nowhere to go, you have no one. I say to myself as I watch him sleep, oh how id do anything for you, my love.....
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if you liked it show me by rebloging or liking my post, it really helps! Requests allways open! I write anything.
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ijustthinkhesneat · 1 month
Outta the way I’ve got hot takes coming through!!!!!!
Dick doesn’t resent Jason pre-death: I have found no evidence to support this. He definitely has issues with Bruce but Dick taking his anger out on Jason is so ooc. I think they were never super close though, partially because Dick wasn’t around much and Jason wasn’t around that long.
The Joker Jr of it all: I honest to god don’t know how I feel about this. On the one hand if Joker Jr had had a bigger impact on canon I really would have liked the dynamic it would create and how the Batfamily would react to Tim. On the other hand this absolutely could never happen because Batman would go full serial killer at that point. I personally think Joker Jr was the best version of Arkham Knight/Dick being mind controlled by the Joker.
Damian Wayne is an asshole: Yeah I went there. I’m throwing your Cherubic God King on the pyre and what will any of you do to stop me?! I understand Damian needing a lot of time to adjust and going through an immense level of trauma but like guess what he is still a jerk. I totally hate that he so rarely gets just brutally humbled in canon. Like their is the time he picks a fight with Jason and just gets absolutely bodied and he tries to fight previously mentioned mind controlled Dick and also gets rekt. But I swear he is way to arrogant for someone who gets clapped by like every other character.
NO ONE WOULD EVER WANT TO BE FRIENDS WITH ANY OF THE BATS EVER IRL: Yup it’s time to address the elephant in the room. All of the Bats with the exception of Cassandra who has never done anything wrong in her life and maybe Barbara if you close your eyes and ears, are terrible people.
Bruce Wayne: Look I could forgive helping old ladies while dressed up as a furry, I could over look being an emotional nightmare, I could even see why he didn’t murder the joker. But I cannot forgive his greatest sin. Being a fucking BILLIONAIRE.
Tim: Emotionally manipulative, a liar, has zero respect for other’s boundaries, also a billionaire, no fashion sense. He is that emo boy in a coffee shop who you think is deep but he is just stoned as hell and will ruin your credit.
Jason Todd: It’s the child murder for me, It’s the being an actual drug lord for me, it’s the duffel bag of severed heads for me. Truthfully those things are iconic, but this man is PTSD ridden and armed to the teeth with guns. I would get up to get a glass of water at night, sneeze and then Stable Mabel would blow my head off.
Dick Grayson: That friend who is never okay. Dating him would be like dating any generically attractive boy in college, yeah he’s hot but the eating disorder and body dysmorphia are reaching a turning point. Have you ever met a college gymnast? I don’t think he would be as gross but like he is a cop so if his friend assaulted someone he definitely wouldn’t tell anyone about it. I feel like he would gaslight me into breaking up with him only for his jackass to show up on my doorstep at 3am sopping wet. Also he’s a circus kid, that is a theater kid with talent and no shame. He would be so fucking annoying, like you would be embarrassed to be seen with him.
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artificialbreezy · 10 days
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so many thoughts, here they are. Girl dad Matt coming in HOT i have more thoughts too, will make a part 2 if you want
this is just really fluffy okay? i’m so soft for him
there’s so many dude, so there’s a cut to not clog up the dash
when he finds out your pregnant, he’s literally crying. he’s so happy. goes right up to your belly, “hi baby, i’m your daddy. i’m so fucking excited to meet you.”
immediately starts planning the nursery tbh
stuck between winnie the pooh or lord of the rings
settles on lord of the rings because “the plants will be soothing and it’ll be neutral and not harsh on her eyes!”
“Matty, we don’t know if she’s a girl yet.”
“i know it!! i know she is, i just do.”
he was right, she was in fact a girl.
you guys didn’t wanna wait, the doctor asked and Matt immediately said “we can’t wait, please.”
“it’s a girl! and she’s looking as healthy as can be too.”
he’s crying again, you’re crying again. he just stands up and kisses your head, “i love you. thank you for this.”
he always runs to get you whatever you need too. cravings at 3am? he’s got it don’t worry
you’re not staying home alone either, you’re coming with him.
boo is so protective too btw
he’s got a copy of your birth plan, a bag of clothes for you and him (plus all your travel size shower stuff), and a baby bag in his car at all times plus the one originally prepped in case you have time to grab that. but emergency one is ready also
he’s your biggest advocate at the hospital
he’s not letting anyone do anything you don’t want
doctors look at him for his opinion? no sir you ask my wife, or let me consult our paper (he though he has it memorized front to back)
he’s holding your hand the entire time, he’s cheering you on, he’s being the best support he can be right now.
when all is said and done, and his little girl is here. he’s so emo.
you get skin time first, she’s laying on your chest and he’s leaning against your bed. head resting on yours, “you did it mama, she’s here.” and his eyes are just sparkling man, he’s so mf happy
when it’s his turn for skin to skin, he’s ready. hair is put up, shirts off and he’s comfy in the chair. telling her all about how her mama is the best mama ever, and he’s gonna do anything to keep her safe and she has loads of uncles who are so excited to meet her, even tho one is more excited than the rest
the first guest is Noah, he was sitting in the waiting room the second Matt said it was happening tbh
and that’s when Matt gives him a little gift bag that has a shirt that says “godfather” and then Noah’s crying and you’re crying again and he’s blabbering about how he swears nothings gonna happen to her on his watch and he can’t wait to spoil her so rotten
when everyone leaves and it’s time to shower. he has no shame asking the nurses to take his baby to the nursery for a little while.
he’s helping you the whole time, he’s gonna wash your hair and your body and he’s gonna be so gentle and he’s so soft the whole time.
“can’t believe we’re really parents now, honey.”
“she’s the sweetest thing to ever happen to me, outside of you of course.”
“thank you so much, honey. i love you and i love her so much and i promise to always be here.”
when you finally leave the hospital you are not carrying a thing
“honey, you carried her 9 months and went thru 23 hours of labor. the least i can do is carry her to the car.”
you guys settle into this life so easy tbh
he’s big on baby wearing
especially when he’s working, it gives him time with his girl and his other girl time to relax
when tours are happening or a show is happening, he’s baby wearing and he’s putting those big ole headphones on her so he can work and take care of her
and yeah she can’t hear a thing but he’s gonna tell her about how she’s gonna be just like daddy, so he’s gonna teach her young
and when she gets a little older, he’s gonna make her own little garden in the yard. get her those cute little gardening tools, and take her to home depot to pick out seeds and he’ll teach her how to garden while her pretty mama is sitting on the deck watching all lovingly
and suddenly it’s her first year of school
and daddy daughter dances are here!!
he’s gonna go all out for her, big dress, dinner before, a photo shoot with auntie Lana
and she had the time of her life.
he walks in, in his button up carrying her against his chest
“she fell asleep in the car, let me go put her in bed and i’ll be right back honey.”
and he’s so happy, life couldn’t get any better in his eyes.
until he sits down, and you hand him a little old piece of plastic that just says “Yes +”
and now he’s crying, because he’s gonna have ANOTHER baby?!
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