#it’s good for the soul to latch onto a guy that shows up for one episode I think
bisclavaret · 1 year
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scrappy comic to draw Them………….
Bonus doodle:
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ninjago-sideblog · 11 months
Skybound had so many good ideas and concepts that I really like the season for. On the other hand, it fumbled like 80% of those ideas soooo hard that makes me want to cry.
(suuuper long indulgent rant about Skybound underneath cut read at your own risk)
Nadakhan is my favorite villain in a bubble. He’s this disgraced djinn prince who runs away from his home realm to become one of the most feared pirate captains in Ninjago and when he tries to return home, it’s all crumbling. He then exacts revenge on those who destroyed his home by manipulating them and toying with them psychologically, eventually trapping their souls in a sword? Badass, right?
Except that all of this cool characterization is contradicted and bastardized left and right. The season dumbs down the ninja instead of making Nadakhan smarter so he can win. When he gains the ability to make his own wishes, he resorts to immediately killing everyone. His obsession with Nya is really weird considering that she was the one who CAUSED Djinnjago to get destroyed.
Jay and Nya’s character arcs are really interesting too. In a bubble. Jay has to step up as a leader after all his friends were taken by this guy, who he has to face after he kidnapped and tortured him. He fucked around and found out the hard way and has to make up for it. Nya continues to struggle with her identity and coming into her own as a ninja and not having Samurai X to latch onto. They both have to fight to keep each other safe and make sacrifices and fall back in love.
Once again though, this is all fumbled and explored in a way that makes me tear my hair out. Jay is a selfish obsessive whiny asshole who’s pining for Nya is super uncomfortable and annoying to watch instead of cute or relatable. Nya is an even bigger asshole than he is. She lets Clouse get away in the beginning to throw a tantrum on Jay, which causes Nadakhan to be freed in the first place. She causes Jay to nearly get killed by the Tiger Widow and then get kidnapped/tortured, all because she was mad at him.
So many other plot points and character choices make me so upset it really detracts from the season as a whole. To name some:
Kai’s ultra inflated ego/obsession with social media and girls
Forcefully inserted misogyny
All of the prison arc. All of it.
Ronin betraying the ninja for the police. I get he likes money, but the ninja saved his ass and he is a known criminal. Just a weird place to take his character.
The ninja turning on Jay immediately and effectively sacrificing him to the ultra deadly giant spider
Cole and Lloyd being unceremoniously/anti-climatically removed from the season so Jay and Nya could be alone
Marriage plot (specifically Delara and the marriage plot only ever being used as an excuse for Nadakhan to fight with Jay over Nya which is really gross)
I wish Delara was explored more and was not a creepy Nya clone for Nadakhan to drool over, ew
Cole, Lloyd, and Nya using up their wishes immediately in really stupid ways
Tonal whiplash from the goofy lighthearted first half of the season to the dark hopeless second half
Echo Zane (before the Echo fans come after me, I like his character, but he just introduces a lot of plot implications that are never resolved or addressed for a character who has like 10 minutes of screen time max and never gets to come back)
We never learn why Cliff and ‘Libber’ abandoned Jay with the Walkers. Cliff obviously cared about his son, he made a shrine for him in his dressing room, so why did he never contact him before his death? What happened to Jay’s mom? Did Wu know? It’s annoying to have this plot point, only for it to never be explored in the whole show besides a line about being adopted in Prime Empire. Maybe we’ll get some context in Dragons Rising, but I doubt it.
We were robbed from a rematch between Captain Soto and Nadakhan
I honestly wouldn’t mind the ending, if it wasn’t for the fact that the writers can’t decide wether everyone remembers the alternate timeline or not. That and it’s seems like the events of Skybound don’t effect Jay and Nya in later seasons like at all besides a wink and a nudge at the viewer. Once again, Jay was kidnapped and physically/psychologically abused and tortured, and Nya straight up died. They are the only people who (completely) remember and gained what should be a massive amount of trauma but nope! Lloyd has more on-screen/canon trauma over Harumi than Nya does about DYING or Jay does about TORTURE. Again, I don’t think that Dragons Rising will explore this to any extent either.
I also don’t mind the whole trapping the ninja in the Djinnblade thing, I just wish the ninja could have had more screen time. Either by keeping them around longer before trapping them, or showing what inside the sword was like idk
Nadakhan and Jay are kinda weird because I’m not sure why he singled him out out of all of the ninja. I know the Doylist answer is that Jay is the focus character for the season, but I find it weird that instead of getting the other ninja while he could, he wasted a lot of his time toying with Jay on Misfortunes Keep. Why didn’t he just kidnap all of the ninja on Tiger Widow Island instead of giving them a chance of escape. His obsession with Jay could have been easily explained or explored it it never is?
TL;DR, Skybound is a mess of really good and really bad ideas Frankensteined together in the messiest, laziest way they could. I still like it quite a bit, but I would be lying if I said it didn’t frustrate the hell out of me.
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intertexts · 7 days
- they actually rerecorded this episode. bizly wanted dakotas lesson to be strategy so ORIGINALLY they were fucking. playing chess. for two hours. according to charlie "they had chess dot com open. I don't know where condi was but I was physically prone on the other side of my room like hiding behind something" SO THEY HATED IT. AND THEN RERECORDED IT AND ENDED UP WITH THIS.
- DAKOTA IS OFFICIALLY 18. HAPPY FUCKING BIRTHDAY. really funny that this happens in the hyperbolic time chamber where time in the real world doesn't actually move.
- grizzly: "in the beginning were you guys told to tell me that you were quitting the Prime defenders?"
condi: "no, not at all. that just came out naturally I think"
charlie: "I was so sad to see how heartbroken dakota got at that"
condi: "I mean vyncent doesn't really... get it. a lot of hardship has come from being the prime defenders I don't think he sees it as worth all that. dont worry i dont think this is a permanent state of mind for vyncent, hes a malleable little boy, but its where hes at right now. itll change with time but right now hes a little jaded"
charlie: "williams whole plan was, now that he's basically wisp-free and given a new lease on life (< side note. phrase that causes me harm specifically) his plan was to find a way to return this smoke soul and help save ashe and then after that.. who knows"
- dakota ended that scene with "I never wanted to do it alone" and that's what gave him the idea to have them help him with the boulder. he didn't want to do it alone
- the only reason william is still here at all is because of dakota and vyncent. if they weren't here he would've been gone ages ago
- chaos beano :]
- cue anime talk for like 10 minutes. prime defenders the weeb podcast ever <3
- OK AWESOME. BIZLY TALKING ABOUT THE CHAOS DEMON: "the way it kinda works is like... the chaos demon lost all sense of personality. yknow it was a soul at one point, but the longer you're in a place like where he was, you just lose what makes you you. imagine you're in a place where people are screaming all the time and you don't even know if the screams are coming out of your own mouth and it's just eternal nothing and everything (< horrifying!). and then when he latched onto you, dakota, it became like feeding off of your negative emotions"
- "What is dakotas worst fear personified? Who is dakota afraid of the most?"
grizzly DOES NOT ANSWER THIS >:| however he does say "it was a really good choice to show him the fall right away. had he not turned into le frog I think I would've played dakota a lot more serious. but because it went from the fall to doug to le frog *then* to ashe, I think it just pissed him off more than it scared him"
- "people try to scare us by looking like ashe a lot"
"okay, no, its only been TWO people and one of them IS ASHE."
- charlie: "yeah I was nervous about that encounter considering I looked at my sheet and all I have is a chainsaw and a shotgun in the middle of an active volcano"
- charlie slime has put together a william playlist it's it's my life mission to find it now. I found the ashe playlist I can do this. I need to judge his music taste.
- theyre talking about jason dying in one of the big darkstar battles and everything and grizzly goes "wow it's crazy how dakota was there and saw all of that"
HELP THAT'S SO FUNNY. frankly i would love to see the two hour chess hell session that's so funny to me oh my god. ALSO DAKOTA 18 WHOOOO he can get shot now!!! great!!
literally took so much psychic damage over the quitting the prime defenders talk. head in hands. im so ill over them... oh boy can't wait to see william stay wisp free and enjoy his new lease on life and be a normal uneventful teenager again !! im sure thats what the next few episodes are about!! ^__^;;
but mac he's literally an angel with a shotgun fighting til the wars done!! he wants to live not just survive!!!
prime defenders weeb podcast of all time... were they talking about one piece. thats my guess. one piece & dragon ball. also the more they talk about chaos demons the worse it is!!! fucked up!!! especially with the new knowledge from the oneshot etc! can't wait for someone to get tossed in there!!
all he has is a chainsaw and a shotgun in the middle of an active volcano.... i love u william wisp. god. also PLAYLIST... good luck finding it....
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sweetrottenendings · 9 days
"Bleed Me, Need Me"
Efren Dagohoy x GN AFAB!Reader NSF/W
Tags/TWs: Dead Dove, Dubcon (Reader's into it but has Stockholm), Pet Play but only like a single nickname, Blood, Biting, Mention of ripping out flesh, idk he's just a freak
738 words
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I've NEVER written smut in my whole life but I've been SOOO obsessed with this man, I love him, officially my fav character of like any murdersim (srry law bbg). Efren is from an upcoming murdersim called Death By Mixer by @t0talbra1nd3ath ! They are so talented and the demo is a great play, check it out ! Thanks for creating this lil freak I really hope I've done him justice!
First smut please don't bully me guys I tried
okok please enjoy!
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The air is stolen from your lungs, blood-stained lips threaten to swallow you whole. His nails dig into your wrists, desperate to break them- there’s never enough blood when it comes to Efren. He’s always trying to take more, wanting- needing more. Pleasure floods you with every thrust, every cut, bite, whatever he does to you. He encompasses you completely just like always and you love it, being his pet- to do with whatever he pleases. Dressing you up in cute lingerie- more frills than fabric, to which he’ll excitedly smear blood over it. He’ll never tear it off though, too obsessed with the way it clings to your form.
The wet, squelching sounds of your cunt ring loud- the pink mixture of your slick and blood creating a creamy ring around him. You’d think after all this time you’d be used to his size but no, he stretches you every time- the dull pain of it always helps build that coil in your gut. He pants hotly onto your face, eyes glazed in that violent lust which always lingers no matter the situation. 
He babbles praise as he moves a hand to dig into a particularly deep wound. He slides two fingers into it, treating it like your cunt- shallow thrusts. It almost sounds the same if you don’t focus on it, which makes you moan sweetly.
“Haaah- that’s it…” He coos, gazing at you with the closest thing to love he can muster. “Good kitty- sooo good-” He lets out a deep whine as you tighten around him at the praise. The coil in your gut grows faster the quicker he thrusts and the more he digs into your wounds. Drenched in blood, his favourite sight- it’s when you’re the most connected. He latches his lips to your neck, suckling til it turns into a rich, deep bruise. It’s one of many, something that proves you belong to him- showing how he claims you. He licks the mark before biting it, hard, digging his teeth into it like he’s going to rip out the flesh. Your back arches as you squeal, eyes watering although you can’t determine in pain or pleasure- no matter, they’re one in the same.
The hand on your wrists goes to dig into your jaw, his thumb dragging along it in a way that almost seems soft, but Efren can’t be soft- it’s just not who he is. Your gaze is sharply turned into his as he groans, then licking a long stripe up your cheek. The leftover blood on his tongue leaves that colour onto it, you whimper in the way you know he likes. He pries your mouth open and latches onto your tongue- swirling his own with yours. Saliva drips between you both in the kiss, it dribbles down your chin and onto your collarbone. You love kissing him, no matter how sloppy or painful he wants it to be. It makes you feel so close to him, not just in the physical way but in the way of your souls. Efren owns your soul completely and he will for the rest of eternity.
The kiss is what causes the coil to unravel. Your tongue lolls out, your eyes glaze over and roll back deeply into your skull- it’s a reaction you’ve carefully created with each time he’s fucked you because you know he loves it. He’s a pervert through and through- you don’t mind though, if anything you love it. Your drooling mouth screams his name as you cum, body convulsing as the white-hot pleasure wracks your form. He comes undone as well, pressing himself as deeply into your cunt as he can- stuffing you with his cum. He cums so hard that it leaks from you before he even softens, dripping onto the mattress.
You both come down from the high, catching whatever breath you have left. He pulls out slowly, moaning as he watches the concoction of fluid seep out of you- almost entranced by it for a moment before he gathers himself. He tugs you into him as he flops down, wrapping his arms so tightly around you that if you didn’t know better you’d think he’s trying to crush you to death- hell, he still might do that, you'll never really know with him. A hand roughly pats your head as he smiles at you, you smile back. 
You enjoy being his pet, sometimes.
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How would Sevika interact with an autistic reader? I wanna know could she deal with me:D
I love this one! I included autistic traits that I have (I have never been diagnosed, so not saying I am, sorry for the inaccuracies) but if there are some you had specifically in mind just let me know! Also reader works for Silco
The Undercity is full of odd people so Sevika can handle just about anything
When she first met you she did find it amusing that you didn't make eye contact with her, instead focusing on her feet or a spot over her shoulder
She barely got you to speak which she didn't mind. When the two of you were in a room together, it'd be a comfortable silence for her
The first time you spoke it scared the shit out of her, even though the only reaction she showed was he widening of her eyes
It was the same routine, you two in the break room and her re calibrating her arm like usual. The only difference was that you had asked her a question about her prosthetic
You flocked to her as she started explaining, taking an unusual interest in the mechanics of it. You actually kind of make her nervous with that intense stare
So she's talking, and you just interrupt. Butting in with an "Actually-" and telling her how her own shit operates. She is not amused but you do not take the hint
It bothers her that when she checks with Singed, you turn out to be right
Now you just latch onto her, gravitating towards her like a moth to light whenever you see her
Once she mentions something you're interested in, you're going a mile a minute. She can hardly get a word in but she's honestly kind of... fascinated. Not with whatever you're talking about, that's boring as shit, but she's smitten with how overexcited you get.
You realize you've been making prolonged eye contact during a rant and you start glancing away. She'll step back into your line of sight with a smirk. It's cruel, but she likes it when you're flustered.
If you're really good at masking, she won't notice anything until you get closer in your relationship
Honestly just thinks you're fucking weird
One of your quirks would be your hell-bent insistence on planning anything before doing it. You don't let her surprise you, at all. If she deviates from your usual schedule, maybe going to the bar instead of directly heading to the gambling table one day, you get STRESSED
Your hand will tug at her cape and then she's looking down at you, more specifically, your hand, irritated at the offending limb that's delaying her drink
"Um, babe. We go to the table first, then bar." You explain to her like it's common sense. She'll sigh, roll her eyes, head to the table just to sit down and stand back up before heading to the bar. "There"
The Last Drop overstimulates the hell out of you. She'll get you some noise-cancelling headphones or a booth with a drape to block out flashing lights
When you're anxious you complain as a coping mechanism. She knows this and asks "Do you want advice, or someone to listen?"
She'll also understand how masking can be exhausting for you and doesn't take it personally when your social battery runs out
When you don't want to be touched, you get very upset. It's not her fault because it can happen in a flash. You'll be fine up until you're suddenly not but it's hard to voice how you feel
You'll get bitchy with her and ignore/curtly respond to any of her efforts at making conversation. Surprisingly, she's very understanding and will give you space if that's what you want. If she needs to hold you, she'll do that too.
When you DO want to be touched, you're overly clingy. She'll be on duty trying to intimidate some poor soul and it's hard to do that with you hanging off her arm
Sometimes you're dogshit at understanding social cues. Which is a doozy because her tone is very dry 90% of the time.
Sevika needs to beat some guy unconscious for some reason so she hints at you to leave the room
"Why don't you get me some more whisky?" Everyone's tense. None are meeting the pleading eyes of the poor, stupid soul that decided to try and cheat Sevika at cards. Her glass presses against your chest but her eyes never leave the asshole who's currently pissing his pants. You eye her full glass. "That's already full-" "I'm gonna beat the shit out of this guy, baby." She'll say bluntly. "Oh."
Sometimes her teasing will become too much for you and she has to clarify that she doesn't actually want you dead
When she's injured, had a long day, you don't quite get that it's not the best time to be criticizing her habits
Sevika's arm is gone. All that's left is scrap metal and wires sticking out of an exposed socket. She's struggling to light a cigar and holds it out to you pleadingly. "That's the 10th one you've had today, I thought you were cutting back- sorry, sorry" She releases the most frustrated groan.
Or, "The metal seems a bit rusted here, Sevika have you been taking care of it?" and half her arm's fucking missing
You do not realize when someone's hitting on you and it drives her up the fucking wall
If you're in meetings with Silco, you have a bad habit of interrupting him but he's actually very patient with you aww~
If he’s in a bad mood, Sevika will clamp a hand over your mouth to keep you from interrupting him and turning that rage on you
Sevika's sarcastic comments fly over your head at Mt Everest altitude
Silco's leaning against the desk, smoking a cigar freshly lit by Sevika. "Hm. I guess we should just give into their demands then." Sevika huffs at the sardonic quip. "I'll tell my boys to stand down, let the shimmer go up in flames." "Guys, really? We have the numbers to beat them I don't know why-" You cut yourself off at Sevika's deadpan look. Silco has his cigar-holding hand pinching his brow between thumb and forefinger. "Oh, you're joking."
OKAY OMG you swaddle yourself in Sevika's cape and create a little sensory therapy swing for yourself one time when you're really bored at a card game
You'd be so still in there she'd nearly forget where you were
She'll sometimes not even notice you're tangled in it and stand up, there's a loud tearing noise and then you hit the ground
"What the fuck-" "Why did you move??"
You're both pissy until you sleep it off then it's like it never happened
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jeweled-blue-eyes · 6 months
You know I gotta ask for AFOFA for ship bingo 🙏
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Did you know that you are the reason why I ship them? The First to Fall RUINED me. I swear it changed something about my brain chemicals. Thinking about them every waking hour of the day and going a little bit more feral every time I reread your fics.
Anyway seriously WHERE is all the fucking CONTENT? Did all the incest shippers just latch onto the Todoroki family and never let go? Guys, you know there's other fucked up families out there, right? Open your third eye to AFO's replacement brotherism and his necrophilia adjectant corpse keeping Saturn esque tendencies. "The babies only had each other." "I named you Yoichi because you are my gift" "If I can't have you [no one else can]" "You will be mine, little brother." AFOFA is such a treasure trove for dead dove eaters, I was actually expecting an upsurge in fics when their backstory dropped. AFO should get weirder and grosser about his brother (Yoichi also deserved to have one codependent freak moment. IDK try to possess Izuku's body for the greater good or smth. can we talk abt Kudo's resemblance to AFO? Suspicious). They are DIVORCED. To me. Yoichi initiated their relationship out of curiousity and because he hoped showing AFO physical intimacy could reduce his aggression and violence, and fix him but instead he just made him more insane. Good job, Yoichi! Now your brother doesn't murder people for fun, he murders them because you refuse to fuck him merge souls with him.
I hope the manga ends with them fusing and AFO dies from the intensity of it and the whole thing is described like sex.
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zuc6 · 2 years
HEY! 😎 im a new fic writer, well like- not new but this is my first time writing like a introduction kinda thing so: (not proofread ☠️)
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Hi, im vee. Just vee. Not short for any name or anything, my pronouns are she/they (afab🤙). i like to write oddly specific fan fiction that i dont necessarily see a lot 🦾
Im 17, 6'2 (the hoes gon loooove this), and here are some things im open to writing for
(ALSO feel free to leave requests i love other people's ideas)
Stranger Things
i WILL write for stranger things characters but im open to aging some up but if im uncomfortable im just like..not gonna...do it..
DEFINETLY open to writing like Joyce x Fem!Reader, since i havent seen that yet
Especially Milfs. Milfs 4ever.
CHARACTER POV'S, I've noticed in fics theyre usually from the readers perspective so its like only what the reader thinks of whatever character. Now while i like that i think itd be super fun to throw in what the character thinks of reader. like what they think of you, what they like, what the notice, shit like that!
The Last Of Us
WOOP i love the last of us. by the last of us i mean ellie williams and abby anderson
Im open to Ellie smut, Abby smut, Ellie AND Abby smut, whatever you want fr.
obviously not open to writing smut of minors so if you just so happened to let the thought cross your mind, no 😓
Idk how i feel about Joel x Reader shit considering Joel is like grandpappy but ive seen a lot of people open to it so dont lose hope if u were wondering
OK DONT BUG OUT im not like gonna write shit about underage characters like i said before
If you guys want euphoria shit tho im open to like angst or fluff mainly with like rue because obviously drugs rahrahrah
or like imagine being Fez's younger sister (only by like a year) Like fluff bond with Ash, showing him affection when hes not used to it, being close to rue bc drugs rahrahrah and like sister in law relationship with Lexi ykyk?
(i cant think of shit else)
Random shit ill write:
Reader listening to rock and being an epic hottie
Reader playing instrumentssss
I lean more towards Fem or Gn reader but i will do male reader dw
Reader being emo 😎 jk like metal lover reader
I will of course leave room for imagination but also include like Reader outfit photos
Reader having good sense of music, style, being shy, anxiety, panic attacks, angsty feelings, drama and trauma oooo
pet names
bold, punk, jerk or like asshole reader
Lots of aus, and like modern au bc im annoying
i was thinking of doing like a crossover of like Robin x Vickie but Vickies past is Anne with an E since theyre the same actor yk? it would be difficult to figure out since the timelines in each are so different
anything u want
will NOT write:
age play, baby talk, annoyingly cliche submissive shit, get that shit out of here
i wont romanticize domestic violence or make light of abusive relationship dynamics, hell noooo 🙅🏽‍♀️
Emotional whiplash, i want things to make sense
animal play. if you wanna be a bunny demon angel wolf hybrid please screw off 😭
Any kinks im uncomfy w (ex. piss kink 😦) ill let u know what im not okay with writing
tbp smut ☠️☠️
OKAY HI i wrote this and got extremely busy and just fucking like bonked out so here i am returning. i was gonna delste this account and make a new one because i didnt wanna like write this, disappear, and then come back and act like i never left sooo im back woop woop!
I HAVE GREAT NEWS THO! during my time away i found a new interest to latch myself onto and write about... and that isss...
WOOOOOOOO I LOVE THIS MOVIE!!! and rinney is so fucking cool. i love those little gays, man
rinney fluff and angst is needed so bad i love them with my soul, man
gonna say this once again, im not gonna write smut about kids so pLEASE if any minor hunters read all the way down here just for that, take this moment to consider jumping out of the highest window possible 🙏
fix-it au's and modern au's are gonna be my main go to when writing tbp content because i uh... suck...at writing fics that take place in the fucking 70's in denver ☠️
FIX-IT AU, like finney getting another chance is so good im foaming at the mouth. im currently obsessed with @starsthatlinethesky 's fic on that so (PLEASE) go check that shit out its so good!
brance, MAYBE, most likely. i love bruce hes so sweet and vance is cool so i probably will write shit about those little gay men
terrance and finney's mom place swap. i want to write about finney and gwen being able to be happy without terrance and his destruction so hes getting erased at least once or twice 😊
gwen pov fics since i havent seen a lot of that
stranger things x tbp crossovers are so cool. like finney/will where will moves for whatever reason w his dad after season 2 or 3 since itd make the most sense. i love that shit
not writing smut but i probably will age everyone up a bit once or twice 🤘
i dont know if im gonna end up making x reader shit but if i do, reader isnt gonna be a preppy giddy child, theyre gonna be a punk, an asshole, a badass, closed off and overall AWESOME. you're welcome 🤗
other than that its pretty much fine, if u have any other like show ideas i might be open to write for hmu in the requests babeee MWA MWA
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televinita · 2 years
Alaska Daily: premiere thoughts
Since Abbot Elementary is literally the one TV show I watch live at this point, I’ve been getting assailed left and right by promos for this, so FINE! OKAY! I WILL LOOK AT IT!
Background: despite the snark, I am actually interested in this premise. I’ve been reading a lot of books set in Alaska lately, but I can’t remember the last film or TV show I watched set there, so anything that lets me see it (yes I know it’s actually filmed in Canada) is interesting. Cold cases also compel and intrigue me, and I’m very aware of the MMIW rates up north.
[so much so that I was surprised when the show explained it like we’re 5, and I realized this might not actually be common knowledge to the viewing public?]
Also, I really loved Chevy Stevens’ Dark Roads when I read it last year, which followed a similar theme of women who’ve been murdered or gone missing, albeit not from an officially investigative perspective, and this reminds me of that.
The Show: The part that does not interest me is Hilary Swank, whom I cannot see or read the name of without flashing back to the Office debate episode “Hilary Swank: Hot or Not?” and me firmly coming down on the side of NOT, where I remain to this day. I just...do not enjoy watching her. So I spent most of this thinking, great script! Recast your lead to match.
(although this character is not likeable even on paper. I assume that’s on purpose. Still not my favorite choice in storytelling.)
+ However, I really love... okay, I can do this, I can force myself to look up and write down character names for Future Me’s clarification no matter how weird it feels when I don’t think of them that way yet....Roz Friendly. And also -- OKAY, UNFAIR, IMDB is confusing me about what the youngest woman’s name is, which is apparently Yuna Park for the first episode and then... Jieun Park??
+ Anyway, I dig both her alone and also the Puppy Love Pair of the Newsroom, a dynamic I obviously latched onto immediately. It remains to be seen how the guy having a kid will affect my interest in that. Could go either way.
+ Honestly, I don’t know if I’ve ever watched a show about journalists -- not a drama, anyway -- so between that and the setting, I’m pretty excited about seeing a new concept.
+ I will accept random one-night-stands for such a beautiful scenic natural view from the guy’s porch, no problem. My soul knew instant peace, even secondhand through a TV screen.
+ Already VERY OVER Swank Eileen’s seemingly random panic attacks; their Aura O’ Mystery & Impending Backstory does not intrigue.
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Bottom line:  I’m sticking to the “great script, not the best cast” takeaway, but will probably continue weekly watching. The thing is that if a show is really good, I immediately bin it due to emotional overstimulation and have to take a long break (hey there, The Big Leap! Ordinary Joe! One day I’ll get to the second episodes of your canceled selves), and then, preferably, binge it at my own pace (hey there, Big Sky whose first season I watched in under 2 weeks! One day I’ll start season 2. maybe even before 3 is over). A show that is merely Fine, on the other hand, can be managed appropriately without getting me all blocked up. Annoying but true.
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planetgutz · 2 years
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i h3art you
✶ content: camgirl reader, mentioned knotted dildo (i swear that's not implying anything :)), blackmail ??, slight virgin kink, cunnilingus, implied nonconsensual photography
✶ pairings: leona x camgirl!reader
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you were his rival of sorts, he'd just never admit that to you.
not the best academics-wise, but you were cheerful, personable, and full of other qualities leona himself didn't possess. as he watched you get along with nearly everyone you met, he began to despise your perfect goody-two-shoes nature. there had to be another side to it. no one was just that good and happy 24/7.
imagine the joy leona feels when he stumbles upon a twitter account dedicated to your more nsfw lifestyle. ok yes, ruggie did send him the account like "check out this hot chick she's into some freaky shit" but he immediately knew it was you. you never showed your face but he'd know the sound of your voice anywhere. it's also completely normal to identify a very distinct blemish you have and use that as even more evidence to confirm his suspicions.
two days later, he's dragging you into a dark corner of the school and holding his phone up to you, a clip of you stuffing your cunt with a knotted dildo from your last stream displayed proudly. it's impossible to miss the smug smirk on his face as you gasp and try to snatch the phone from his grasp.
leona holds the phone out of your reach and leans closer to you.
"i won't tell a soul if you can make it worth my while, gorgeous"
you mull it over for a bit. this is probably the most mortifying moment of your life and you've done some embarrassing things in your lifetime. you could assume what he wanted from you, it was almost painstakingly obvious. letting him fuck you would probably be beneficial to you, letting you get the major crush you had on him out of your system. wanting to save the little bit of dignity you had left, you put on a brave face and grab him by the collar.
this actually catches him off guard for a moment as you drag him down to your level. "my room. midnight. don't be late" you release him and walk away, which gradually turns into a speed walk as you can still feel his eyes on you as you walk away.
it's 11:58 and all that confidence you had is quickly fading. you're just about to consider jumping out of your window and booking it across campus when you hear a knock on your door. you take a deep breath, pray to whatever deity is looking out for you, and get up to open the door. leona stares down at you and without a word, brushes past you and plops himself onto your bed.
you stand as far away from him as possible, nervously playing with the end of your tank top. he sighs and gets up, grabbing your wrist and dragging you closer to him, positioning your body between his open legs. "you're so shy now, c'mon don't keep me waiting" you shudder as he lifts up your top and starts to trail kisses down your stomach. okay, this would probably be the best time to tell him.
"ima virgin," you mumble, barely audible.
leona looks up at you. "what did you say?" your grip on his shoulders tighten as you repeat yourself. "i am a virgin aka I've never like actually had sex with another person before" the silence between you two hangs there for a while before he smiles and throws you on the bed, climbing over you.
"that's fine by me, i'll just be the first guy to make you cum until you blackout"
he smirks and roughly presses his lips against yours. you moan into the kiss, allowing him to slip his tongue into your mouth. leona breaks the kiss and moves to take off your tank top. he latches onto one of your nipples, sucking harshly, as you move to shimmy out of your already soaked panties. panties discarded, you bury your fingers in his brown locks, bringing his head closer to your chest. "a-ah fuck leona please" he releases your nipple from his mouth with a pop, staring into your eyes intently.
he doesn't say a word and just slides himself down your body. he takes hold of your thighs and holds your legs open, baring your pussy to him. "such a pretty cunt and it's all mine now" almost immediately, he buries his face in your cunt, catching you by surprise. you instinctively go to shut your legs but his grip stops you from doing so. his lips wrap around your clit and you feel one of his fingers enter you. you whine and start to squirm, adjusting to the new feeling. your moans are fueling his actions as he slides a second finger into your cunt, picking up speed.
"fuck! please don't stop, feels so good" your grip on his hair tightens. leona groans and somehow manages to bury his fingers even deeper inside of you. you begin to feel that familiar knot in your stomach and start rocking your hips against his face. he slaps your thigh, making you cry out. "stay still" you comply and he resumes his ministrations. "'m gonna cum p-please let me cum" he says nothing but seems to move almost impossibly faster.
the knot finally uncoils, your back arches and your legs shake around him. he slows as you come down from your high, pressing a kiss to your sensitive clit as he pulls away. eyes closed in your blissful state, you don't miss the sound of a camera click. your eyes fly open to see leona holding his phone, a wide smile on his face. "just getting one for my own private collection" he throws his phone to the side and pounces right back on you.
leona got a lot more pictures that night and of course, he made you upload some of them to let all your fans know you were off the market now.
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aetheternity · 3 years
When their meeting is about to start but they can't get their erection to go away.
Sprays the minors be gone spray
Warning: (Fem reader) In this scenario you have been in a sexual on again off again relationship with these guys individually. You're not dating them. The guys have all tried masturbation before coming to you. Also mommy kink for everyone except Levi.
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Poor thing has been hard since he woke up which was about four hours ago.
He runs into your room almost slamming open the door.
"Mommy, please.. I can't make it go away."
He almost cries when he slips inside. The pain in his balls eased a bit as he wraps his fingers in the blankets.
Mouth open as he lets every noise out unabashedly.
He can't even begin to be ashamed of his noises when your wet cunt continually sucks him in.
"You're so hard baby." You moan as you tug him in close, running your hands over his undercut and through his hair. "What were you thinking about?"
"I wasn't being bad mommy, I promise.. I-I just-" He gasps as he sheaths himself all the way inside. Barely pulling out for each thrust.
Pretty blue eyes rolling towards the sky.
"I woke up hard and.. I tried to go back to sleep but it got so painful.."
You kiss his pretty red lips coaxing them out from where he's biting them.
Your legs stay spread for every rough pound of his hips. His cock pressed impossibly deep.
"I need you." He whines "I need you so much."
The ache inside him slowly being released.
"You're gonna make me cum.." He whimpers
You cover his mouth with your hand. His face impossibly red as his eyes finally flutter open.
Blue doe eyes filled with tears that quickly begin to trickle down his cheeks.
"Finish baby. You're such a good boy. Don't moan too loud ok? Let it stay our secret."
When he cums inside you his hips stutter and his screams are covered by your hands.
"That's it, good job baby." You moan back arched for him.
When you release him he inhales sharply letting out one last gasp as he fills you up.
"Mommy there's so much.." He heaves
"Hurry and get to your meeting ok?"
"Ok. I'll be back later to properly thank you." He says tongue curving over his lips.
He takes one more second to stare at his cum where it's flowing down to your ass and he almost gets hard again.
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Waits until there's like 10 minutes left before the meeting starts.
Partially because he thought he could manage to get rid of it before then and partially because he was worried you wouldn't be up this early.
He just kinda awkwardly shuffles around until you notice the very obvious bulge in his pants.
When he does finally go to you he's glad to see you awake.
"I.. it won't fuck off." He grunts
The second you wrap your hands around his cock he lets out the deepest groan throwing his head back. And when it slides inside..
His soul almost escapes him.
"Mommy.." He grunts
You need a couple seconds to adjust even though it hasn't been that long since he last fucked you.
When he finally gets going he's so rough but slow as if he doesn't have a meeting to get to.
His hips pressed right up against your inner thighs and pelvis.
"Baby speed up." You gasp softly "You need to cum so you can get to that meeting."
"I know.. but fuuucckk."
He's absolutely losing his mind.
He's got the bed slamming into the wall, hands making permanent marks where they're squeezing around your waist.
Starts fucking your tight cunt a little harder when you start to sound breathless.
At some point he's pushing both your knees forward into the pillows using that leverage to fuck you so deep you can barely breathe.
He growls into every kiss he plants on your lips.
His cock pounding your g-spot so roughly you've started crying.
Starts to shake when he gets close.
His hands slipping from the backs of your knees to right next to your head.
"God.. fuck!" He huffs, cum painting your insides. "Shit.." He groans in your ear.
You can't even speak too focused on trying to catch your breath.
Veins dark where they show up in his knuckles.
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Mouth hung agape as he pulls his now limp cock out.
Gives you a sweet kiss before he leaves.
"Thank you mommy." He smirks at your blissful expression.
"Help me? Please?"
Doesn't wait as long as Eren and Armin.
Probably around 15 minutes of stroking himself to zero effect before he's coming to you.
"What's the magic word, love?"
Has your legs wrapped around his waist. His cock mixing your insides and you can't help but let every sinful noise spill from your throat as he does.
Simultaneously kissing you and playing with your nipples
He's fucking you like you're his girlfriend and he doesn't have a meeting to go to.
"Jean, baby.. you gotta hurry."
Even you don't want him to hurry. Or stop.
"I promise I'll get to my meeting on time I just wanna spend as much time as I can here with you mommy."
Rubs your cheek in circular motions with his thumb when you sob over his pace.
Spreads his legs and presses as deep as he can with a hand on your stomach until you're whimpering on every thrust.
"You feel so fucking good mommy. So good, please keep squeezing my cock."
Till you're cumming around his cock.
Has you moaning his name and arching your back.
Only then does he actually speed up and give in to his need to cum.
Deep moans of mommy falling off his lips onto yours.
Every bit of your pussy full of him till his name is the only word you remember.
He wraps his arms around your shoulders. Keeping himself deep as he empties every drop of his load inside.
He stays in you for almost too long just giving you kisses all over your face and hands.
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Whines your name in between little mentions of gratitude
Honestly you're a little sad to see him go.
Finally pulls out and gets dressed.
"I kept thinking about the mission tomorrow and that kept me up most of the night. Then I started thinking about you and that kept me hard the other half." He laughs
Abuses the fact that he can ask you for sex and you'll almost always say yes.
But it's more because it's you than because he's constantly after sexual pleasure.
Just a little. 🤏
You know because the first time you let him hit was surprising but the 45th time he's still in shock but he's adoring every second he gets to climb in your bed and touch every bit of your skin.
Bites his lip a little when he slips in balls deep.
Only because he loves the fact that it's you more than the fact that he can get off with someone.
As soon as it hits morning and he knows you're awake he's pulling himself out of bed.
"Shit.. mommy this is what I needed." His eyes roll back as he penetrates you from below.
Cock twitching inside with every thrust.
Somehow still manages to smirk and flirt with you while groaning in between each word.
"Mommy, you never deny me.. might as well tell me you're in love with me."
You snort, "Cum already so you can go to your meeting."
"I'll cum when you tell me you love me."
He tries he really does but he's getting so close and the way you're squeezing his cock just isn't fair.
Profanity flying from his lips when you slam your hips down using your knees as leverage.
"God mommy please.." He begs reaching out for your waist.
He lifts himself up latching his tongue to one nipple while his free hand is cupping your breast.
Groans low in his throat when he cums. His eyes fluttering shut
Whispers of fuck and goddammit cresting off his lips.
His cock twitching against your walls. The feeling making you bite your lip.
"You take such good care of me mommy." He cooes
He leans into your ear, "What if I just stayed here and fucked you all day?"
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"Go to your meeting!" You huff, getting off of him.
He finally leaves when you give him a silent glare.
Walks into your bedroom without so much as a knock and locks the door.
He waits it out for almost 3 hours before finally going to you with all his pent up frustration.
He wants it to go away on its own so bad.
"What's up with you this morning?" You laugh as he tosses your panties aside haphazardly.
He doesn't need to answer his dick print speaks for itself.
Thrusts all the way inside with no warning.
Like Eren he has your feet in the air, knees pressed into the sheets.
You wanna tease him so bad for being this hard and a little loud this early in the morning but his cock feels like it's in your stomach.
You can only keep your head back, noises spilling off your lips with every thrust.
Eyes coasting north when he slams into your sweet spots.
Keeps fucking into you like you're his little toy. Simultaneously rough and gentle.
Angles his hips in a specific way to hear you scream and then mutters for you to be quiet.
Groans when your nails dig into his back.
Eventually he lets your legs go, allowing them to wrap around his waist as he finally picks a pace.
His thrusts so hard you can hear small clatters from the wood under the mattress hitting the floor.
And you're clenching around him so tight.
Screaming his name along with every curse word known to man.
He lets out a long drawn out moan as he fills your tight pussy with every bit of pent up frustration he possesses in all 160 cm of himself.
And surprisingly it's a lot.
And finally he's letting you go with a chaste kiss to your lips.
"Good girl." He whispers, thumb coaxing strands of your hair off your cheeks.
Meanwhile your heart beat is slamming against your rib cage so loud you're sure you'll bust.
You probably have shit to do today too but after that you just wanna go back to sleep.
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gnocchighoul · 4 years
the demons brothers + a touch starved mc
If you’re going to Lucifer because you’re touch starved, then you’re definitely going to be close to him already -- he doesn’t let just anyone touch him.
.......He’s also touch starved but won’t admit it, so one of you is gonna just have to bite the bullet and make a move.
(It’s gonna have to be you)
You’re going to have to go about this carefully--make a really good plan and then execute it flawlessly.
Literally just throw yourself at him. 
He’ll catch you. 
Nothing says ‘give me affection’ quite like yeeting yourself off the staircase at him, and he definitely understands what you want when you latch on tight to him like a weird little barnacle that he cant peel off no matter how hard he tries dfghjkkgf
He’s really warm and he smells Really nice and he hugs you so tight, like it’s the last chance he’ll ever get, so he’s honestly one of the best snuggle buddies. 
He’s gonna act all fussy about your love-attack at first--just play with his hair and smother him with lots of kisses and he won’t be able to resist snuggling u. Or banging u, but that’s your choice
Y’know, because “demons can’t resist temptation” and all that jazz. 
(tbh he just likes likes you alot)
...Why are you staring at him like you wanna eat him?
Seriously, knock it off, you’re freaking him out!
Wait, why are you coming closer…? Get Back you Fiend don’t you DARE wrap your arms around him and nuzzle your face into his chest like that what the FU--
Huh. This is kinda nice.
(Just hug him. If you want his affection, just wrestle him into a bear hug and don’t. let. go.)
At first, Mammon doesn’t really understand affection that isn’t along the lines of a friendly/loving punch. He’s not used to kindness. It’s a fucking tragedy. 
He doesn’t know how to ask for love because I don’t think he even realizes thats an option, tbh. 
He’s kind of like an unsocialized puppy--will definitely put up a fight until he realizes that, hey, being snuggled is nice.
Luckily for Mams, you are touch starved and determined to show his stupidass what affection is supposed to be like. 
He’s going to get so blushy. Sooo blushy. He totally pretends to not like it at first, but inside he’s over the fucking moon happy.
It takes him a while, but eventually, he realizes that he can ask you for snuggles too. At first he’s all “C’mere human, I bet you’re just itchin’ for me to hug ya, so let me make all your dreams come true!”
(It’s a defense mechanism.)
But over time, he eventually seeks you out and just flops on top of ya, and doesn’t feel the need to make a big show about it.
He feels safe with you, and that’s priceless.
Is incredibly confused about why you’re seeking out him for affection.
When you ask him if you can give him a hug, he expects you to just like... Wrap one arm around his shoulders for .2 seconds. 
Which doesn’t sound too bad, so he says “Um, sure, I guess? I dunno why you’d want to though” 
So when you climb into his lap and wrap your arms around him like a koala bear, his brain straight up blue-screens. 
Seriously, he forgets how to breathe. Don’t squeeze him too hard or he might never restart.
You smooch him on his cheek and his soul promptly leaves his body and is ejected into the atmosphere at mach 5.
This is literally better than Heaven. And he would know, he used to live there.
He totally freezes up and makes a wheezy sound that’s somewhere along the scale of “Dying Animal” and “Exploding Sink”
Needless to say, you create a snuggle monster.
I promise you that you’re never going to be touch starved again, because once you’ve given Levi a taste, he can’t get enough. 
He constantly needs to be touching you. Holding your hand or the fabric of your shirt, leaning against you, sitting with you in his lap while he plays video games--it literally doesn’t matter, he just needs that contact with you or he might literally die. 
He’s very enthusiastic about it dfghkfd
Look… Satan is very smart. 
But he’s also incredibly dense at times. 
You have to be blunt with him, or else he’s just not going to know what you want.
(Feelings that aren’t all consuming anger and hatred are still a bit new to him--he’s learning as he goes)
Just walk up to him and tell him that you need him to snuggle you right now, dammit. Lay your soul bare to him. 
He really does love that you trust him. It makes him feel all weird and fuzzy inside.
And how can he possibly say no when you set his heart alight?
That said, he is a bit of an over-thinker. 
Worries about crossing boundaries or making you uncomfortable and a million other things--give him lots of reassurance pls
He isn’t opposed at all to cuddle sessions, especially if he’s able to read at the same time. 
It definitely becomes a normal thing to cocoon yourselves up in a really fluffy blanket to read together.
Satan is honestly one of the best to snuggle with because he’s very chill about it. You want this and he wants this, so he doesn’t see a point in playing games.
So yeah, he’s chill! But he’ll also threaten the life of anybody who interrupts you guys 
Please, he knows that you’re touch starved before you even do.
Until you’re upfront about it, he’s going to tease you by like, patting your head, playing footsie with you, giving you only the briefest of hugs--just slowly giving you a taste of his affection until you finally cave and demand that he snuggles you properly. 
(Is that a euphemism? It could be lol)
As soon as you ask he’s gonna push you down onto the nearest couch/bed/whatever and just flop on top of you. 
Honestly, Asmo wants You to be the one holding Him. He wants to use your chest as a pillow, and doesn’t he just look so cute all snuggled up to you like this? He totally does, you should take a pic of him!
Cuddle sessions are absolutely going to become a regular thing, and he makes them into a big event each time. My mans Asmo is gonna bust out the candles and the softest blankets and the fluffiest pillows.
If the opportunity strikes, he’s definitely gonna try to bang you.
If not, expect to do face-masks together. Maybe manicures. But definitely the face-masks, at least.
He’s gonna spin this into a fuckfest or a self care session--it really just depends on what you prefer sdghjk
Once you’re in his arms, he will tickle you. rip
He is the BEST hugger in the whole entire world.
When you approach him and ask for cuddles he will pull you into a hug without hesitation.
I do not care how tall you are, Beel is taller. He will engulf you in a hug and rest his chin on your head and sway you back and forth 
You want a piggyback ride? Hop on. 
Just wanna watch tv and snuggle? Great idea! :D but maybe don’t watch cooking shows or he’s gonna drool on you dfghj
(lowkey I think he would really enjoy watching human movies with you. He found Mamma Mia to be absolutely enchanting)
Want him to lay on top of you and crush you until all of your woes have been squeezed away? He will absolutely oblige you
Congratulations on your newly acquired teddy bear! Please don’t forget to feed him.
Literally just sit on his lap or wrap your arms around him whenever you want, he’s always down for a good snuggle. 
He’s by far the nicest about it too, he won’t tease you about it and he will never hold back from telling you exactly how much he loves holding you in his arms
Definitely loves to be the big spoon but has no problems with being the little spoon either. 
He’s just so fuckimg SWEET
Oh, you're touch starved? Perfect. He's been in the market for a good snuggle buddy.
You silly human, why didn’t you come to him sooner?
Don’t listen to what Asmo says, snuggles are Belphie’s domain.
Once it’s established that you two are going to be snuggle buddies, he will literally just abduct you for snuggle time. 
He doesn’t care what you’re doing, he’s going to throw you over his shoulder like a sack of flour and haul you off to his blanket nest whenever he wants.
He just wants you all to himself. 
Will share your snuggle time with Beel tho.
After abducting you, he's just gonna toss you onto his bed and fall on top of you. He's really warm and he really just wants to lay on you. Partially so that you cant escape once he falls asleep lmaoo
He's happy to just talk to you about whatever you want while you guys get your snuggle on, but be warned: he's eventually going to fall asleep. 
Probably mid sentence. 
He won’t wake up when you poke at his cheeks or shake him, either. So uh. I hope you’re in the mood for a nap too!
Get matching sloth onesies with him. He’ll tell you it’s stupid but he’s actually thrilled with them. (Make sure you also get Beel a bear one though)
((part two with the undateables + Luke))
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han-shinsuke · 3 years
t h e b r e a k f a s t t a b l e
[🔞] k e n t o n a n a m i [‼️]
s m u t • s m u t • s m u t
ᴍɪɴᴏʀs ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ᴏᴜᴛ ɴsғᴡ
If only you were at home, listening to sleeping at last and maybe with a cup of hot cocoa in hand, you would really appreciate the heavy pour of rain outside. However, you weren’t. Therefore, you must try to not show uneasiness while he’s around— while it was only you and him inside their manor.
“The generator isn’t working,” he informs you after inspecting the machine in the cellar. Kento turns off the penlight then sat on the chair beside you.
As reported by, the thunderstorm will last for two hours. A hundred and twenty minutes of being alone with your principal sponsor, Kento Nanami. “We will be fine. We have enough candles to get us through this darkness.”
Are you sure of it? Can you keep your calm around him? Especially when he’s that close? You can even smell his natural peachy scent.
“Do you not like me?” your face almost slipped from your palm. Why would he think that?!
“No.” you reply, absentmindedly licking your bottom lip. “You sponsor my studies and allowance and you bought me an apartment. How can I not like you, sir?”
Just to clear things, he is not your sugar daddy. You were not obliged to give something in return, though, you’d be glad if he wants to. Besides, you are not the only one he sponsors. There are twenty in total including you.
“Then why are you so distant?” he leans his back on the backrest, searching immediate answer from your intriguing reaction.
Yes, you were not aware but he finds your manners interesting.
You let out a low and defeated laugh.
“It’s because I like you romantically, sir.” you avow.
“Oh.” his response, “you’re only eighteen.”
“Can I not like you just because I’m young?” you sigh, looking away. Watching the rainwater rolls down the glass wall. “I lost my virginity last month, sir. I heard from your exes that you didn’t fuck virgins.”
What were you thinking, really? Spurting private matters like it’s some kind of gossips.
You heard him coughed. You laugh, “whom do you surrendered your innocence to?” he asks.
“Megumi Fushiguro, sir.”
Why do you have to be so polite? It’s driving him mad. His chair creaks. You eye him in question. He transfers the vase to the most secured spot.
“Quit the talking, baby, let’s fuck.”
Your heart races when he sits you on the tabletop, parting your legs. He creates an opening between your thighs. Everything about this man is thick so the width fuels your desires. He’s standing between your legs, sliding his palms up and down your sides.
You remove his shirt. Tracing his beefy muscles using your fingertips. You gasp when you reached his hard packs. You went lower, inserting a hand pass over his waistband. Kento let out a throaty moan when you palm his bulge inside his pants.
You were doing right, just right to make him close his eyes and gasp for air. You run your tongue in between his chest, hand still busy putting pressure on his other head. Damn. You can feel your own heat juicing.
“Do you want more, sir?” you ask, still licking him, moving far to the left, you poke his nipplexx using your tongue then eventually, started sucking it.
“Fuck, baby~ have you done this before with Megumi?” his breath is shaking though he can still speaks clearly.
From palming his head, your hand proceeds stroking his length, stretching its skin down from the tip. Nanami growls like a beast, you did pretty well with your hand so he grabs your nape and tilts your face up.
“I didn’t, sir. But Megumi had a mouthful feast on his study table. He devoured me like a feral man.”
You retract your hand from his pants. He moans in disappointment. He loves how you work your hand underneath his bottoms.
He didn’t talk after that. Nanami helps you with your clothes, stripping you out from your restrictions. You serve yourself... naked and flushed on his breakfast nook. You were no different from those sluts he fucked before. You crave for him so you do the service.
Nanami disrobes the remaining pieces of his clothes before pulling you on your ankles. He leans down to your face, kissing your chin first. That first kiss gives you butterflies compared to how Megumi taught you the basics of kissing. He may be your first of everything but nothing can compete with this man that makes you feel 𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 by just kissing your chin.
Your both hands were pinned on each sides of your head. He examines you from head to toe. Your heat throbs, his tip is poking your abdomen. He’s long and thick. Will it fit? Of course, you're this ready for him. You anchor your legs behind him, pulling him down.
“Put it inside, sir, I’m ready.” you beg with your fluttering eyes. He teases your lips with his, brushing slightly. You whine. Pleading again.
He knows you were so desperate for him so he ended the thirst with a very rough kiss. Sucking both lips like its some kind of delights made for him. He surely enjoys kissing you torridly that it makes you thrash for air when he didn’t let go of your mouth.
That made him laugh. When your breathing return to normal, Nanami claims your lips again, this time, he’s moving slow, so slow that you didn’t notice his mouth has already left yours gaping open. He’s now down on your neck, sucking while a hand is palming your folds. You grope his right ass, earning a grunt from him.
His mouth keeps traveling down, it reached your bare chest. He takes in a bud inside his hot mouth. Sucking it, biting it. You moan. You just keep moaning and at the same time grinding your leaking pearl against his erection.
He pops out your first nipplexx, he does the same to the other. Flicking his tongue against it. Sucking it as well unti it turns red.
He goes down again, another spot—the most vulnerable one is waiting for him. He adjusts himself, groping your titsx hard while pinching its both buds.
“Aahh sir~” what? Did you just moan like a slut? You make him smirk and feel proud of himself. He gropes you again, even harder this time. He hears more of your 𝒂𝒂𝒉𝒉𝒔 and 𝒐𝒐𝒉𝒉𝒔. You satisfy him by just moaning his name and how good he makes you feel. He squeezes your sides, moving down to your thighs. He hit you there. He didn’t stop until he sees stars in your eyes. One star rolls down. Nanami licks his lips, planting soft kisses on your face.
“Ooohhh gosh, sir~” your body jolts when he tugs your clitx before latching his tongue between your folds.
Damn. Nanami eats better.
You grab onto his hair, gripping there. He dives deeper into your cunt, tongue lolling in and out of your still tight core.
“Hmm~ you taste like a real lady hmm~” fine, reaper! You can take her soul now.
Nanami’s 𝒉𝒎𝒎𝒔 sounds so sexy and you push more of your drenched cunt toward his face. He seems to appreciate your little movement so he eats deeper and thumb you harder.
“Sir—sir! Aahh~” surprise! You spill in his mouth and he’s grateful for your milk so he slurps everything and gives your clenching cunt a good run using his tongue.
You were panting when he pushes your legs to your chest, locking those tight with his forearms. He joins you on the tabletop, folding you in half. His hands grips tightly on the edge and pressing his knees firmly on the table with you in between.
Suddenly, you remember what Megumi had told you before that if a guy fold a lady to half, he’s been meaning to breed her.
Now. Now. Now.
You start to panic. He notices it. You receive his unusual smirk. You put your hands on his shoulders, shaking your head.
“S—sir— don’t fuck a baby into me, please.”
Instead of a reply or an assurance that he would not, Nanami claims your lips again, masking the slow and eerie penetration of his cockx into you.
He earns a loud gasp from you when he installed completely his length inside you. It stretches you really wide that a lone sob escapes your lips.
“What’s wrong, baby?” he taunts you, caressing your face. “I’m inside you. Full and deep. You will be fine, trust me.”
Your lips quivers when he start pulling out. You can feel how thick he is and how farther his tip reached inside.
He can feel your shaking so he kisses you again, focusing on your neck.
“H—hold—please sir aahnnn~” your whine is pure and appealing. He cannot wait any longer. It’s just that this is not his way. He loves ramming a pussyxx harder and deeper. He loves being in control.
“Be still, baby. I will move hard now.”
Again, what’s the use of shaking your head no? He slams right there. Just right there when he crashes his mouth on yours to drown your cries.
He’s tight. Hard. And strong that with every thrust and every pull and with every ruthless push, the table that supports the weight of the two people atop it, creaks louder.
He shakes your world and uses your womanhood the way it supposed to be fucked. He didn’t stop. He can’t be stopped. Not this time, not at this moment that he loves how you clench around him and how your cunt responds so sweetly.
“Here comes my seeds, baby~ take it all my pretty baby~” he pounds you so hard at the time his semenx spills inside you, combining with your juice. He pumps you even harder, grunting. While you, all you did is moan his name and that he should not cum inside you but he still did.
He fucks his jizz inside you, watching it leaks from your throbbing cunt.
You end up staring at nothing.
You still feel it dripping from your hole.
Nanami takes you in his arms, carrying you to the bathroom. Still in dazed, the both of you dip in the warm water in the tub. You on his lap, legs spread.
“Wha–what are you doing?” you breathe when Nanami slides his hand between your thighs, dipping his fingers between your folds.
He kisses your nape from behind, moving to the side before ending on your shoulder that he licks and bites.
“What else my pretty baby? Finger fucking you hmm~”
Just when he starts rubbing hard circles on your clitx, the rain pours heavily, drowning your moans once again.
You have proven the rumors surrounding his name. Kento Nanami fuck better in the dark.
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Character: Toad
give me a character and I'll answer
do I like them: I want to wrap him up in a blanket and keep him safe (yes)
5 good qualities:
1. I want to say "loyalty" but Toad's loyalty towards people like Magneto is rather unhealthy and marred by Erik's history of abuse towards him. But that's also not really Toad's fault? I think I'd still see it as a positive, because here is this little dude willing to devote his heart and soul to someone, it's not his fault that the first object of his devotion treated him like garbage. But he does need some therapy, big time.
2. Intelligence - Toad has been well established to be very, very smart, and it drives me nuts that some characters still treat him like a moron. He was completely wasted as a janitor in Wolverine and the X-Men, they should have had him teaching science or engineering.
3. Willing to help others - Toad isn't always the nicest fellow, but there have been several instances of him going out of his way to help people. He takes the Brotherhood to Empyrean's island to help Legacy Virus-stricken Pyro, even though there's no real gain for him to do so (it's not like Pyro is likely to get better and rejoin the team). He helps Lorelei after she gets beaten up during the 198. He saves Quentin Quire from falling to his death in WatXM, and later goes to Hellfire just to help Husk and the other mutants who have defected. He also apparently agreed to take the fall for Wanda's death and go to the Pit for a crime he didn't commit, in the very badly written ToM. (Free Toad, btw.)
4. Willing to learn - there are versions of Toad who has his shit together and he usually comes across as a very well-rounded person with a lot of intellectual curiosity, like in House of M, where he has written a book, and AoA, where he is a Shakespearean actor. Toad also took it upon himself to learn mechanics just by studying the Stranger's devices. He had a shitty time in formal education, he was branded as "stupid" from a young age, but Toad has taken it upon himself to study and learn new things, with no real help from anyone (and active discouragement from people like Magneto who repeatedly calls him a moron). If Toad had proper therapy and access to education, I could imagine him as being similar to 90's cartoon Beast - an intellectual with knowledge of many subjects.
5. Cool powers - despite jokes about Toad having crappy powers, the dude actually has a ton of abilities. His powerful legs could easily kick someone's head off, he can mind control frogs, he's got the prehensile tongue, he can spit up acidic gunk, he secretes both mind-control pheremones and a paralyzing toxin. Toad has got a whole grab bag of abilities, and if writers ever let him get his shit together and stop treating him like a clown, he could be a force to be reckoned with. (Unfortunately, every time one writer tries, the next writer will slap him back down to "loser" status very quickly.)
3 bad qualities:
1. Toad can be a very nasty person, and was even willing to kill Karl Lyko's girlfriend Tanya to transform Lyko's back into Sauron for his Brotherhood. He is more than capable of doing some very shitty things, especially when he's trying to establish himself as a big bad guy. He can also be very vindictive.
2. Obsessive - in particular, Toad fixates on Wanda early on, to the point of attacking her and Vision when she is with the Avengers. He also starts fixating on Husk after she shows him simple kindness during WatXM. He's much nicer to Husk, and actually rescues her from the Hellfire club when her skin mutation is causing her instability, but it's still not a very healthy relationship.
3. Fawning/servile - Toad latches onto authority figures like Magneto, and becomes completely devoted to them. He will let Magneto abuse, berate and hit him, and still come crawling back, and will put down others on the team as much as possible to establish himself as Magneto's special favorite. (Toad spent a lot of early Brotherhood stories tattling on Wanda and Pietro.) To some extent, I feel like this isn't entirely his fault, it's due to mental illness and trauma and abuse. Toad fawns over authority figures because he desperately wants to be loved, and he wants to see others punished so that he isn't the target. But it's still a bad quality of his, and he needs massive amounts of therapy.
favourite episode/etc:
-The first X-Men Forever storyline, where Toad, Iceman, Jean, Mystique and Juggernaut time travel. Some good Toad development there.
-Toad leading his own Brotherhood in the 90's. It showed his nastier side, and he was unfortunately often treated as a joke (some writers try to elevate Toad by showing him as this strategic genius, and other writers immediately tear him down by having his team get their asses kicked easily and repeatedly). BUT it was still Toad in a leadership position, very different from his previous characterization.
-Toad in The 198, where he is just this very cynical, world-weary kind of guy, just very fed up with all this shit.
-That time Spiderman saved Toad from committing suicide, and he started trying to help him and wound up teaming up with Spider-kid and Frogman to be a group of crime-fighters.
-House of M and Age of Apocalypse Toad - both very competent and mentally healthy, showing how impressive Toad can be if he just gets some encouragement and therapy.
-Toad in WatXM - they mostly treat him like a joke to a frustrating degree, but the storyline with Husk treats him very sympathetically. (Also, how completely incompetent was the Jean Grey school staff when they all totally miss how Husk is falling apart? She's sitting there at teacher meetings just spacing out, and no one notices she needs help?)
-That one scene where Toad warns Rogue about how easy it is to get caught up in hero worship of Magneto, and Rogue should have immediately responded by sending Morty to therapy immediately.
otp: Toad/self esteem. I really don't know who would be good for Toad romantically. Toad/Husk wasn't a bad pairing, but it was still really unhealthy for both of them, and I think they'd need to try again when they are both in a better place mentally.
Also apparently one of the Mastermind sisters was once shown having a secret crush on Toad? I think they should go for it - if Martinique or possibly Regan wants the slimy boy, she should have him. Whatever makes them both happy.
brotp: I want Toad and Husk to at least be friends on Krakoa. Also maybe Toad and Blob? They've hung out together in a few Brotherhoods. I would honestly love for Toad to have a mechanically-inclined friend, like maybe he and Forge could work on things together. Or maybe Toad and Phantazia, who needs to make her reappearance in the comics anyway.
ot3: Toad/self-esteem/a loving partner, in a mutually respectful relationship.
notp: Toad/Wanda or Toad/Magneto, for obvious reasons.
best quote: "I ain't the kind of toad that turns into a prince when some beautiful lady kisses him. I just stay a toad."
head canon:
-Despite his generally terrible childhood in England, he sometimes nostalgically misses little things about the country. Like, a lot of his memories are tinged with bitterness and trauma, but sometimes he gets hungry for a Jammie Dodger or something. He generally has good memories of British snacks and candy, those are some of his few pleasant memories of the orphanage (assuming he could eat them before other children took them away).
-On that note, I imagine Toad being one of those types who has trouble saving food and feels the need to eat everything as quickly as possible, for fear that it will get taken away. He never got to easily keep anything for himself, so if you give him a box of chocolates, he'll probably scarf it down quickly rather than saving it, because he's got that anxiety that anything he tries to save will disappear.
-Similarly, I think Toad doesn't really hang into possessions. He's always had a pretty nomadic existence, he's used to having next to nothing and living a chaotic, unpredictable life. I could imagine Toad either not giving a shit about owning things (because he can so easily lose them) or else going the other way and becoming a bit of a hoarder.
-I think Toad both enjoys, and is very good at video games. They give him a relaxing outlet for stress, and they boost his self-esteem because he can play well. He actually starts to make a few friends over voice chat while playing online, and it's easier for him because they're not talking in person, and being a skilled player means that his online team-mates are generally very positive and friendly towards him. Maybe he starts posting some Youtube speedrun videos.
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piecksz · 3 years
animeverse where eren is still in his cell and hange+others have an idea of bringing ina girl to fuc to 'loosen him up' so he can give info,hange has studies n research to back this up they bring you dressed scantily to go be his whore he knows why ur there n hates u so hes mean and ignores ur advances eventually he hate fucks u w his anger being directed at u from his situation choking xtreme degrading just being rough in general MEAN SERIOUS EREN NO FLUFF OR LOVE
eren yeager x reader
warnings: nsfw, roughness, mentions of breeding, degredation, choking, explicit language
a/n: this is my first prompt request n i was vvvv nervous so pls go easy on me ok ok i hope i did your vision justice
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“As romantic as this reunion is, it’s not a date, we need answers.” Levi’s words were austere, ricocheting off the passage walls as the three of you traveled deeper below ground. “He’s still a shitty-ass teenager. Hopefully isolation has made him desperate enough for female contact.”
You said nothing, and instead your eyes looked around fretfully. The chamber was inhospitable, forged from naked rock adorned with smoldering torches. Your minimal attire was inapt in its frigid ambience, so you walked clung to yourself, arms wrapped around your bare shoulders to retain as much body heat as you possibly could.
“Are you sure this is gonna work?” Levi questioned Hange, keeping his attention forward. He maneuvered through the sharp turns of the labyrinth, which gave you the impression he’d had many experiences down in the cells with his comrades.
Hange released a tremulous sigh. “It doesn’t matter. We’re out of options.” Their nervous tone had them looking over their shoulder, reassuring you with a placid smile. The gesture was thoughtful, considering it had felt like you’d been a third party to their strategic and undivided conversation, but it did nothing to soothe your hesitancy.
Levi and Hange had tracked you down and invited you to meet with them, urgently explaining that they needed your help with debriefing Eren after his insubordination and his blitz on Marley. He’d refused to disclose any further information about his conduct to anyone in the military, not even Mikasa and Armin, his closest confidants. So Hange suggested bringing in someone unbiased, someone not in the military to ruse more details out of Eren.
You were their prime choice after hearing how you and Eren had met when the Anti-Marleyan volunteers had arrived on Paradis. You’d been one of the several civilian volunteers that had helped with affairs and military proceedings at the port. There you’d met Eren and quickly forged a friendship, although Eren’s friends could have sworn there was more between you two than you would have liked to admit.
You weren’t sure why you agreed to their proposal. Perhaps it was your readiness to help the military in their righteous endeavors, or maybe it was for a different reason. Perhaps you were driven by your own selfishness. You wanted to see Eren again, even under the strange circumstances.
Eren’s cell was at the end of the corridor. Once Hange let out an abrupt “we’re here” your lips carried an eager smile, but your expression quickly faltered once you stepped forward and caught a glimpse of him in his cell. Even with the arrival of visitors, Eren kept his head forward while he sat on his bed, one arm balanced on his knee.
“Nice of you guys to pay me another visit. I’m starting to think you just miss me.” Eren’s voice was deep. So much deeper than you remembered. How long had it been? You couldn’t do the math.
“You know you’re our favorite problem child.” Levi responded humorlessly. He stepped aside for Hange to slip the key in the lock, and with one turn the door was swung open. “Don’t look so agitated. We brought you a gift.”
You made no efforts to step out from behind Hange and Levi, but Eren could see you clearly enough. You weren’t sure what you were expecting, but maybe it was foolish of you to envision Eren slipping out of his troubled temper the moment you two saw each other again. Realistically, it never would have been that easy. Eren’s face remained hard, if anything it looked like seeing you made him even angrier.
Hange’s hand found its way onto your shoulder, supportive, but reminding you of the reason why you were there.
You shuffled forward, heels loud against the granite cobblestone. Darkness swallowed you as you crept in further, and you flinched at the sound of the heavy door being shut and secured behind you. Looking over your shoulder, your heart began racing at the sight of solid metal bars separating you from the outside.
“Let’s give them some space,” Levi suggested, stepping back from the cell.
Hange’s mouth opened to protest, but they were discouraged by Levi’s strong grip on their ear.
“We’ll be waiting outside if you need us, Y/N.” Levi announced through Hange’s squalls of pain. He gave you a comforting nod before his eyes drifted to Eren, and his expression toughened again. “Don’t try anything. Screams echo down here.” He paused and then turned on his heel to leave, tugging Hange’s ear before releasing it from his hold.
You watched nervously as the two of them disappeared behind the wall.
Hange’s voice was heard again further down the hall. “That hurt a lot, you know.”
It was the last remark you heard from the pair before you heard the door to the corridor close, and then worry flooded your system like it was on an intravenous drip. The Eren you were convinced you were meeting was replaced by someone you weren’t sure you knew, and suddenly you felt unsafe being alone with him, but you held an obligation to Levi, Hange, and the rest of the military that needed the information they expected you to gather.
You walked slowly, feigning a gentle smile to masquerade as though you were happy. It hurt to know that it was something you had to fake. You sat at the edge of Eren’s bed and took note as he made no efforts to shift away. That had to have been a positive sign.
“You look different,” you chuckled. “I like it.” The weak blaze from the burning torches casted a menacing shadow onto Eren’s stolid face. In the half light of the cell he appeared much older. You reached a hand out to brush away the loose wisps of hair that decorated his face, but your movement was stopped by Eren’s unyielding grip around your wrist.
You jumped, surprised at his roughness.
“Do you honestly think you can outsmart me?” His words were bitter.
You looked at Eren with wide, stunned eyes before blinking quickly and trying to laugh off your clear fright.
“What are you talking about?” You brought your unrestrained hand to his jawline, fingers tracing the shape of his face until your touch met the broad span of his chest, and then you felt gutsy enough to slip your fingers under the fabric of his shirt. “You’ve been down here too long. Not everyone’s your enemy, Eren.”
Your fingers wandered far enough until they met the defined curve of his collarbone and the robust muscle of his chest, but the moment was fleeting, interrupted by the jolt of Eren shoving you backwards. You fell off the bed and teetered, momentarily losing your balance.
“It’s pitiful that you’re letting them use you as a pawn.” Eren’s words were sharp, but venom in his words were bearable compared to the resentment behind his eyes.
He knew. He was smart, you should have known he would catch on. You created distance between yourself and Eren.
“What? They’re not using me as a pawn.” Your voice was unsteady. “I promise Eren, I have no idea what you’re talking about, but you can help me understand if you just—”
“Then why are you here?” Eren rose from his bed to begin closing the distance you created, and your body began to quiver with dread.
You continued inching backwards until your tailbone collided with the edge of the cell’s sink, and you latched onto it with a sweaty grip.
“I’d rather be a pawn than be driven to do terrible things out of my own free will!” You had no choice but to admit what he already knew, and in seconds Eren’s hands were strung tightly around your wrists while he trapped your body against the sink.
“I’m sorry,” you apologized quickly, blinking back tears. You searched for something past his eyes, just a modicum of vulnerability to at least let you know there was a person behind the Eren you were speaking to, but the once fiery hues of green and blue in his irises were now frosted to an unremarkable grey. If it was true that eyes were the window to the soul, Eren was truly void.
“Please let go.” You pleaded and writhed in his grip. “Eren, seriously let go. You’re hurting me.”
“I don’t expect someone like you to understand.” Eren’s face showed nothing but malevolence.
“Someone like me?”
Eren pushed you back further into the sink until you bit back a shrill cry. “Someone that’s never had to make any sacrifices.”
Tear after tear did nothing to ease Eren’s painful hold, and as obvious as it was that he was hurting you, he remained unconcerned.
“Who are you?” You shook your head. “This isn’t the Eren I know.”
“Then your first mistake was thinking that you ever knew me.”
Eren’s words were somber, but he moved swiftly, and in seconds he tore you from the sink and had you pinned up against the wall, it’s jagged surface digging uncomfortably into your cheek. His mouth hovered by your ear, and when he spoke his breath fanned over the side of your face.
“Scream and I’ll break you.”
So you said nothing as Eren’s knee slid in between your legs, parting them far enough so that he could press his thigh to your cunt. His hands retired from holding your arms behind your back, and they traveled to your ass, riding up the fabric of your dress until it was on full display.
“This is nice.” His voice was condescending as tugged on your dress's short hem. “They did a good job at making you look—,” Eren delivered a sharp spank to the exposed skin then he ran his hand over the area searing with pain, “—like a whore.”
You took your bottom lip between your teeth to stifle a wail as Eren’s palm collided with your backside. He slipped a wicked finger under the thin material of your underwear and dipped his touch down between your thighs to stroke your folds through the cloth.
“Why are you shaking?” Eren used his free hand and slid it around your neck, gently at first, but you knew he wasn’t averse to tightening his grasp. “I thought this was all part of your plan.”
It had been, but your tremors weren’t the result of fear alone. You were scared out of your wits knowing that Eren had no reservations about harming you, and the thought shouldn’t have been as enticing as it was, but the combination of not knowing how he would choose to have his way with you had you feeling hot.
Your words were muffled through sobs, and your dazed mind didn’t make things easier, so all you could do was nod, which solicited a dry scoff from Eren. He hooked his finger around the fabric of your underwear and tugged it aside forcefully before parting your folds.
You released a feeble moan, and you could feel your knees buckling. If it weren’t for his tight grip, you were certain you would have collapsed. “Eren…”
“You’re wet already,” he said scornfully. Two fingers rubbed your clit mercilessly before slipping down to tease your entrance. “Acting scared meanwhile the whole time you were fucking dripping at the thought of me touching you like this. I don’t have to tell you how pathetic that is.”
Your breathing grew more labored at the anticipation of Eren’s long fingers entering you, pumping in and out of your hole while he ridiculed you for how desperately you tightened around his fingers, but you inhaled sharply when his touch disappeared.
Instead you felt Eren wipe your arousal on the inside of your thigh, and you had no time to question his behavior. A pitiful cry of surprise left your mouth as he grabbed the back of your neck, forcibly pulling you off the wall before throwing you in the direction of his bed.
“Move,” he commanded.
You staggered, looking back at him in alarm, but observed his directive without sacrificing any more time. Once you reached his bed, Eren followed closely behind, waiting until your back met the mattress to cage you in under his intimidating frame, and it then became clear that he held no other resolve than to use you for his own satisfaction. He disregarded your discernable ache and began unbuttoning his pants, pushing them down along with his briefs in one haste motion.
Eren’s large cock was already half-thickened with beads of precum glistening at its crown. He brought his palm to his mouth and spat in it before grabbing himself in the large curve of his hand to pump his length in preparation. He ran his tip up and down your folds, taking pleasure in the way you squirmed every time it prodded your tender clit, and then without warning he drove his cock into you, kindling a fervid cry that rose from the pit of your stomach and tore through your throat.
The sound echoed off the walls of the concrete box before ebbing into silence. Eren’s eyebrows creased in irritation while he looked down at you, and you suddenly harked back to his threat. You threw a quivering hand over your mouth, and shook your head, spluttering out a fragmented apology.
“I—Eren—I—I’m sorry…”
Yet he took no heed, and he began thrusting in and out of you, rocking back just to slam his hips into yours, over and over again until an uncomfortable pain grew from deep inside you and diffused over the span of your pelvis. All you could do was swallow your wails while your palm did it’s best efforts to smother your pleas. Fat tears ran down your cheeks and soaked into the sheets; your agony was hard to hide.
“Stop crying,” Eren barked through grunts. He pressed his hand to the hollow of your neck, fingers digging into your fleeting pulse. “You said yourself you have no problem being used.”
Sweaty fingers clutched his forearm, and you struggled against his dominance, breaths growing more and more shallow in an effort to conserve the air you were quickly losing.
He grabbed your wrists and held them together, pinning them to the mattress above your head with one hand.
“Maybe I should put a baby in you, then you’ll understand why what I’m doing is our last resort.”
Eren arched an eyebrow, but when you said nothing and only looked at him with glossy eyes a disdainful laugh slipped past his lips. He continued fucking himself deep into you, watching the way your body lurched with his movement, and then you felt his cock pulsate inside you.
It served as wordless notice that Eren was close, especially since he made no efforts to warn you. His eyes shut tightly, jaw hung slack while his groans intensified, and then he was cumming inside you, his hot seed flooding your walls as he claimed you.
You wound your eyes shut too, dark mascara-tainted tears staining your cheeks while you felt Eren thrusting through his high, making sure he had jettisoned every drop of his cum into you before he pulled himself out and wiped the creamy, white liquid that glazed his cock on the inside of your thigh.
“And when you report back, why don’t you tell them—” As if it were nothing he eased his weight off of you, taking a seat on the bed beside your shuddering body while he tucked himself back into his pants. “‘I let him fuck me pregnant because I’m a whore.’”
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drakenology · 3 years
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𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: smut, slight obsession, stalking?, yandere!reader, bakugo’s a fuck boy, kirishima’s his himbo roommate, mentions of drugs and alcohol use, & obsessive acts. reader is creepy and insane.
𝐀/𝐍: welcome to my first chaptered series! I really hope you guys enjoy this, seriously I have so many plans for this series. you guys may think this is pretty mild rn but remember... this is only the first chapter. feedback is welcome! please don’t be shy! 
𝐓𝐀𝐆 𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @quaranweeb​ & @vilbabywritess​ (wanna be tagged? reply to this post!) 
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“Officials are looking for a woman who goes by the name of Y/N L/N as they are a prime suspect of the murder of-“
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When you moved to Japan you never expected to fall for someone. No, not this hard. You remember the day you saw him last summer when you arrived, working with a tall red-head on a car in front of his house. They were on break it seemed as they passed each other a blunt to share, the blonde one leaning back against the hood as he took a drag. You saw him tilt his head up to greet a girl as she walked by, a smirk written across his lips as he waved to her.
The red-head waved to her in comradery, his smile warm and inviting. He was handsome, sure. But he couldn’t possibly compare to the blonde one. You watched from the window of your bedroom as they put out the blunt and continued their work, observing the way the blonde stranger held his wrench. His tanned skin glows under the heated sun, moaning at the sight of his sweat glistening off his building muscles. His blonde hair seemed to shine just like the sun that reflected upon it, noticing the way your heart slammed against your chest the longer you stared at him. He was beautiful. Like a breath of fresh air. Like as if just watching him through your window gave your body a pick me up. You had to know him. Had to smell him. Had to have him. You grab your keys and lock up your home, acting as if you’re just in the neighborhood and not a person who lives two doors from him that was watching him from her window. You pull down your tank top, pushing up your breasts to ensure you nab his attention as you walk by. You almost trip on your shoe laces when you hear his gruff voice up close, a feeling in your core set ablaze when you hear him call you over.
“Oi. Where you headed, sexy?” He asked, nudging his redhead buddy as if to tell him to watch and learn. You bite your lip before turning to him, putting up a front like he doesn’t make you nervous.
“Just passing by. I like walking in this weather.” You lie, feeling your forehead perspire as he turns around to grab his phone from his tool box. He strolls over to you with swagger in his steps, taking your breath away a second time as you realize he’s about to be up close and personal. Your eyes sprout visible hearts in your irises, looking up at him with a love sick gaze that causes him to smirk.
“Name’s Katsuki. What’s yours?” He asked, reaching his big hand out for you to shake. Katsuki. It was like a song when you said it aloud.
“Y/N… it’s nice to meet you.” You say, flustered; nearly dropping to the ground when he lifts your hand to kiss it. This feeling. It had to be what it felt like to be electrocuted -- like someone just took a defibrillator to your chest and made you feel alive. He hands you his phone with a smirk.
“Maybe we could get to know each other better? ‘M havin’ a party at my place. My roommate Kirishima’s still in college and he’s inviting his frat losers over for beers. It’d be nice to have a pretty girl like you to show off.” He says smoothly, the sound of his voice like a hymn to your ears.
“I’d like that..” You say, nodding, taking his phone to put in your phone number. You save your contact under your name, adding a few cute emojis before you hand him his phone.
“Oi, shitty hair! I’ve got a date to the party tonight. Catch up loser.” He says, turning to Kirishima to flip him the bird; Kirishima flipping him off back. “See you tonight? You’d better be there.” He winks, walking back over to the curb to finish fixing his car with his roommate. The redhead smiles at you and waves goodbye.
“Nice to meet you! Hope you come out tonight. Bakugo’s been slackin’ with the ladies.” He teased, Bakugo shooting him a glare as he threw a towel at his chest. You giggle, walking away with a shy wave. Looping back around the block, you arrive home; holding the hand he kissed against your face with a sigh. You didn’t wash that hand all day. It was like you could still feel his plush lips on your skin even hours after he kissed it. It was like a drug and you needed another fix.
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You hear crickets chirping from the grass as you knock on his door, standing with a hot container of nachos for the party to make a good impression. The door swings open, your heart dropping when you only see Kirishima.
“Y/N! You made it! Come on in.” He chimes, taking the nachos from you and leading you inside. He leads you to Bakugo who’s playing beer pong with a few friends, not even noticing that you’re standing across the room.
“Yo, Bakugo! Our new neighbor’s here.” Kirishima beckoned, his mouth full of nachos as he turned to go to the other room with his other friends. After hearing his loud outburst and completely missing his shot because of it, he groaned and walked over to you.
“Glad you showed up. You would’ve made me look like a loser if you didn’t show up.” He teased, wrapping his arm around your waist to lead you over to the couch. The night started smoothly, drinking flowing and laughs shared as you both got to know each other.
“So you moved here a week ago. What brings you here?” He asked, sipping his beer. He doesn’t need to know the exact reason as to why you wandered here. Truth is, you’ve done some dark things in your past; things you don’t exactly regret no matter how gruesome.
“I just… love Japan.” You lie, your mind flashing to blood on your hands -- a blade clutched within your fingertips. You blink a few times when Bakugo turns away to greet a friend, trying to shake your flashback. Bakugo turns over to you, his eyes locked on your cleavage as he leans in close to you.
“Wanna go upstairs?” He asks randomly, tilting your chin up to his face and kissing your lips just about as randomly as that question. It didn’t make any sense how much control this man has over your thoughts -- over your body. Before you knew it you were upstairs in his room parting your thighs for him, feeling him deep inside your soaked cunt. It felt as if every thrust of his hips tugged at your heart strings, falling deeper in love -- yes in love.
Bakugo may just be using you for a quick fuck, but fine by you. As long as you can smell him, feel him, taste him; it didn’t matter. Or maybe it did. Maybe the sight of Bakugo with another woman would drive you mad. Maybe he was meant to be yours and he just didn’t know how much he loves you yet. You’ll show him, but for now you just claw at his back as his hips snap in harsh thrusts.
“Like that? Huh, slut?” He slurred in your ear, taking your breasts into his hands and squeezing tightly. You moan out in response, feeling your soul combine with his with every glide of his cock against your slick walls. His mean words sound like a love poem to you, relishing in his demeaning tone as he fucked your thoughts right out of your head. At this point you’re soaking, hearing your own wetness squelch when you cream around him. A knot forms in your stomach, whining when you feel him hitting your spongy spot with sloppy slaps of skin to skin.
“U-Uuhh, fuck, Y/N.” He moaned when he felt you get tighter, moving faster to get you both to the finish line of pleasure. The sound only drove you into euphoria, wanting to hear him moan your name for the rest of your life.
“‘M yours, Katsu. Anything you want. I’ll do anything to make you feel good. Anythin’ for you.” You plea, Bakugo groaning in response. It almost sounded endearing but being as you had only just met today and you’re this devoted to pleasing him is a little weird. Still, the thought of someone as hot as you at his every beck and call whenever he felt an ache in his cock sounded amazing.
“Dirty little slut. So desperate for my cock, aren’t you?” He grunts. His lips latch onto your swollen nipples, running his tongue over it to cause chills to run up and down your spine.
The knot in your stomach snaps as your mind blurs, only feeling an intense sensation of pleasure when you feel him cum in thick ropes inside you. Bakugo’s head hangs back as his hips ride out your highs, groaning as he looks at your fucked out state.
“Good, huh? Shiit.” He groaned, pulling his softening cock out of your used pussy. You whine at the loss, feeling like he just pulled out a piece of your heart with his dick. The careless and sloppy act of him wiping his cum from your thighs was the most romantic act of kindness you’d ever received, looking at him like a love sick puppy as he tossed the soiled towel into his hamper. After flopping into bed next to you, he was out like a light as he lay on his stomach. He let you stay there that night. In his room. The place he lives most of his day. A sudden rush of adrenaline surges through your body as you carefully climb out of bed, creeping around his room to look at all his stuff. You find his closet and steal a hoodie or two, moaning softly when you catch his scent still engraved in the fabric.
You fall to the floor as you inhale the faint scent of his cologne, nearly orgasming a second time that night as you writhe on the floor. Staring at the ceiling, you ponder about your potential life with Katsuki; even though you haven't even known him for 24 hours yet. What if you get pregnant from having sex with him tonight? Wouldn’t that just be wonderful? He’d be yours forever. No one could ever come between you.
You loved Katsuki, loved him. He doesn’t know he loves you yet, you thought. Having sex with him seemed to link you to him forever. This drunken hook up was destiny -- hell it was fate. You can’t wait to move in here and carry his child. You can’t wait to share the rest of your lives together raising a family once that red headed idiot moved out. What was his name again? He’s a little too close to Katsuki. Way too close. Was he trying to steal him? Trying to keep you away from him? You’ll put a stop to that. By any means necessary. Katsuki doesn’t have a choice. 
“Y/N? Why are you on the floor?”
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pennylanefics · 3 years
Unknown - Isaac Lahey
a/n: this turned out a lot longer than i expected, but i’m happy with it :) super soft isaac is my weakness
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Scott had warned you about going out at night during a full moon. Everyone had, honestly. But people telling you what to do wasn’t how you went about life, so that’s why you found yourself running to the grocery store for some dinner.
Sure, you had things to make at home, but nothing sounded good. You let Scott know you were heading out, just so he was aware of your location. Though you were sure nothing would happen.
Strolling the many aisles of the store, you quietly hum to yourself and finally find a box of frozen toasted ravioli in the freezer section. You also grab a bag of chicken nuggets and a bag of waffle fries for more variety, and head to check out.
“What’s got you out on a full moon?” The cashier asks. You pause from getting your wallet out of your bag.
“Huh?” He laughs and scans your items.
“You gotta be careful on full moon nights in Beacon Hills. I’ve seen shit happen, and it’s not pretty.” You nod, saying nothing, getting a bad vibe from this guy. Once your things were bagged and paid for, you dart out of the store and to your car as quickly as you can.
You came to a stop at a stop light, the roads empty from any soul. As you wait for the light to turn green, something falls on top of your car. Or jumps.
The sound of whoever, or whatever, raises your anxiety, and you are too terrified to get out and look. Instead, you grab your phone and call Scott, whispering to him in case you made a sudden noise and startled whatever was outside.
“Scott?” You whisper-yell to him. “There’s something on my car.”
“Something on your car?”
“Y-yeah. On top of it. I’m at the intersection of-” You were cut off by a scream emitting from your throat as the creature broke your windshield. Your shaky hands unbuckle yourself from the seatbelt and as fast as you can, you jump out of your car and try to run away.
The wolf, as you had now determined from the sound of their growl, caught your leg and tore your jeans, their claws digging into your skin. You let out a loud scream as the pain courses through your body. The phone was still in your hand, surprisingly, so Scott heard everything.
As the wolf was beginning to tear at your back, something startled them and they ran off, leaving you bleeding out and attempting to speak to Scott.
He raced to you, though feeling the effects of the full moon, he was able to bring you to his house, where Melissa was waiting for you to tend to your wounds. The pain became too much, causing you to pass out. But Melissa monitored you the entire time.
“How are you feeling?” She asks when you finally awake the following morning. You groan and realize you’re laying on your stomach.
“Like I’ve been hit like a truck,” you moan. She chuckles and hands you a glass of water, helping you sit up. You hiss sharply as you sit on the stitches that Melissa sewed the wounds up with.
“I’d advise you to sleep on your stomach for the next few nights, at least until some of the stitches are gone. Scott is wanting you to stay here for a couple days, just so we can watch you and make sure nothing else happens.” You sigh and try to stand, but ultimately fail due to the weakness of your leg.
“Where is he?”
“At school. He didn’t want to go because he wanted to watch over you, but I made him. No use in staying around if you’re just resting.” You chuckle and sit back down, the pain slightly subsiding as you put pressure on your other leg.
“He’ll be back in a few hours. I’m sure he’s going to want to know everything that happened,” Melissa continues.
“I’m not even sure I know what happened. I mean I remember it breaking my windshield and running for my life. I didn’t even see who attacked me.” Melissa rubs your shoulder and gives you a couple painkillers to take.
“They’ll figure it out. They always do. Scott can always go to Derek to help figure it out.”
You were ordered to lay down for the rest of the day, per Melissa, but when Scott and Stiles returned from school, you weren’t allowed much rest.
Scott and Stiles run through the door as soon as Stiles parks his jeep. They run up to the guest room, where you are staying, and are very happy to see you awake.
“Why the hell would you go out on a full moon?!” Stiles scolds you.
“Fuck off,” you mumble, sitting up with the help of Scott. The medicine you took earlier had worn off, so Scott took some of your pain until you could comfortably sit up. You leaned against your friend while Stiles stood in front of you two.
“I don’t know who attacked me, so don’t even ask, I went out because I wanted some food to make, I was aware of my surroundings the entire time, and the wolf jumped on top of my car. I couldn’t do much, I didn’t even know what it was until it broke my windshield and I ran out.”
“I wonder if it’s one of those new wolves that Derek bit,” Stiles wonders, the wheels in his head turning.
“It doesn’t matter who it was now. (Y/N) said she didn’t see, so there’s really nothing to be done. The most important thing, though, is that she’s alive.” Stiles nods and takes a seat next to you, hugging you carefully.
A week later, you were back at school like nothing had happened, though you were still healing. Your friends weren’t able to help you throughout the entire day, but you managed. Thanks to someone.
Isaac saw you struggling to put things into your backpack from your locker after school ended one day, so he came over to help.
“Do you need someone to hold your backpack?” He asks nicely. His bright blue eyes captivated you and his smile was just as bright.
“Uh sure, thank you. I’m still recovering from an accident, so it’s still a little tough to get around.” He takes your backpack from your shoulder and holds it open for you, allowing you to stuff some books in and take some out.
“You’re Isaac, right? On the lacrosse team with Stiles and Scott?” He chuckles and zips your backpack for you.
“Yeah, that’s me.”
“I recognize the curly hair,” you grin glancing up at his golden locks. He blushes a little and throws the bag over his shoulder for you.
“I’ll walk you to your car, I can tell carrying it was uncomfortable.”
“Well thank you, again.”
From that moment, you and Isaac grew very close, spending lots of time together on the weekends, seeing each other every day in school, him helping you with your backpack and walking you to your car as well.
A year later, and a relationship had blossomed. Months after meeting, Isaac confessed his feelings and asked you to be his girlfriend. It was a sweet moment and Scott was so happy to hear that you two were together. He thought Isaac was great for you, after having his name cleared after his father was killed.
Thankfully, you had fully healed from your attack wounds, although they left deep scarring, you were slowly accepting that it happened, and there’s nothing to do. Isaac had been so loving and tender with them, though.
You told him the truth after a couple months of being together, that you were attacked by a werewolf. Since then, he always took time to run his fingers along them, kissing them sweetly in more intimate moments, and assuring you that they are perfect and don’t make you any less beautiful; he in fact told you they make you look even more beautiful, and it shows you’re strong.
Now, there was an alpha pack in town, looking to stir up trouble, and of course involving the pack.
It was a normal day at school, so far. During your independent study, you and Isaac offered to help your teacher get some stuff from the storage closet. She knew you were dating, so she told you, “no funny business”.
You and Isaac stood in the closet, rummaging through different boxes to find what you needed.
“Should we partake in some “funny business”?” Isaac cheekily asks. You giggle and smack his chest.
“No. As much as I would love to, she trusts us t-” Your sentence was interrupted by the door to the closet slamming shut. Isaac whips around and jiggles the handle, and when it doesn’t budge, he starts to freak out.
“Isaac, it’s okay,” you whisper, your hand coming to rest on his shoulder.
“No, no, no, no,” he mumbles, running his hands through his hair in a stressful manner.
“Hey, look at me, babe,” you try to get his attention off the fact that it’s a small space. He ignores you and tries to push the door, knocking and banging on it for someone to hear.
“There’s something against it,” he breathes, shrugging his cardigan off and continuing to push on the door.
“Isaac, please calm down, it’s going to be fine.” He starts screaming and pounding on the door, slightly terrifying you. You try once more to pry him away from it, but he turns to you, eyes golden, canines on show.
You stumble back, scared of his current state.
“Babe, please, listen to my voice, Isaac!”
He growls, and fear runs through you. His claws latch onto your arm, digging into your skin. You yelp and trip over your feet, falling against the shelving.
Suddenly, the door flies open and Scott grabs Isaac by the shoulder, throwing him to the ground. He growls again as his alpha screams to anchor him. You slowly walk out of the closet, holding your wrist close to your chest.
Scott stands and comes over to make sure you’re okay, but he can tell there is something else wrong.
“I’m so sorry, baby, I didn’t mean to do that,” Isaac whimpers, tears in his eyes. You stare down at him, nights of the attack flashing in your mind. The growl the wolf let out that night.
Isaac’s growl.
“It’s okay,” you whisper, wanting to run all the way home.
“(Y/N)?” Scott breaks you from your daze. “What’s wrong?” You try to explain it, but Isaac’s beautiful eyes stop you. He’s vulnerable at the moment, you couldn’t tell him.
“N-nothing. I’m just gonna go to the nurse,” you mumble, dashing away from the two wolves and to the nurse. They share a worried glance, but brush it off and carry on with the day.
When school ends, Isaac cautiously makes his way over to you.
“(Y/N)?” He calls out, stepping up to your locker. You don’t make eye contact with him for a moment, trying to ignore the voice in your head telling you to.
“Baby, please. I’m so sorry I hurt you, you know I didn’t mean to,” he begs. Finally, you look at him and shut your locker.
“I know. I said it was okay.”
“But you-” You walk away, events playing in your head as he yells for you. You quickly run out of the school and to your car.
Later that night, you head over to Scott’s house to talk with him.
“Hey, what’s up?” He answers the door, letting you in from the rain.
“I need to talk to you.”
“Okay.” You two head up to his room, and for the time being, you completely forget that Isaac lives with Scott.
“Is this about earlier?” He asks.
“Yeah. I, um, I’m…”
“It’s really unlike you to be scared around Isaac. And I could smell the fear on you, it was so strong.”
“He’s the one who attacked me,” you blurt out. Scott is stunned speechless.
“Wh...How do you know?”
“His growl. It’s the same growl I heard when I was caught by him.”
“Are you sure?”
“Aren’t you the one that said every wolf has a different growl? I know what I heard, and as soon as I heard his growl today, it brought me back to that night and I began to relive it and-”
“What?” A new voice makes your blood run cold. Isaac opens the door even more and steps inside. Tears were evident in his eyes and on his cheeks.
“I did it?” He breathes out, his hands shaking at the thought.
“Isaac, listen-”
“No, it’s okay,” he whimpers, leaving the room almost immediately. Scott tries to stop him, but he’s too quick.
“Should I go talk to him?” You wonder. Scott shakes his head.
“Give him some time, until he’s ready to come to terms with it.”
That day came a week later. Isaac had been avoiding you all week at school, not wanting to be reminded of what he did. But it wasn’t him, it was the full moon.
Scott had something up his sleeve, though. He asked you to meet him at his house after school, but when you arrived, he wasn’t there. Isaac had to answer the door, and had to face you by himself.
“Uh, I guess since I’m here, can we talk?” You ask him softly. He nods and lets you in. You follow him up to his room and he takes a seat on the bed.
“Isaac, I don’t blame you, if that’s what you’re worried about. I talked to Scott about the whole thing and he said that since it was a full moon, and your first full moon, you had no idea what you were doing. You had no recollections because it wasn’t you.”
“It was me,” he whispers. “I gave you those awful scars, I put you through so much pain, and I hate myself for it.”
“Now what happened to my scars being beautiful?” You tease, wanting to lighten the mood. Isaac surprisingly chuckles, but stops moments later.
“They are beautiful, but I put you through so much pain that night.”
“You don’t remember it, though, do you? Because if you did, as soon as you saw my scars, you would have known it was you.” He nods and stares at his hands.
“I just don’t think I can be with you and forget what happened,” he whispers. Your heart shatters at his words and you sigh.
“Please don’t do this, Isaac,” you beg softly. “I don’t blame you, I don’t hate you, I-”
“How can you sit here and look at me, and not be reminded of that night?”
“Because I love you!” He goes silent. Sure, you’ve said it before, but now, it feels different.
“I truly love you, Isaac. I may have been hurt, but I’m alive.”
“No. I don’t care about anything else. Yeah, at first, it was hard to come to terms with, but I’m okay now.”
“I always knew there was something about you that I recognized, your scent. You smelled so familiar when we first met, but I could never figure out what it was. I even asked Derek and he had no idea. But now…”
“Hey,” you whisper, cupping his cheeks, making him look up at you. “It’s. Okay. I promise. Please believe me when I tell you that I’m not upset with you and that I don’t care that it was you.” He stares into your eyes and after a few moments, he nods. You let go of his face, but he stands up as soon as you do.
You step back a couple inches and wait for him to either say something or walk out of the room. To your surprise, he falls into your arms, pulling you close to him, and begins crying into your shoulder. His body shakes with sobs and the sounds break your heart.
“I’m so sorry, babe. I really am. I know I wasn’t aware, but I feel awful.”
“I know, Isaac. You’re okay.” His face is nuzzled in your shoulder, the tears pooling on your shirt.
“I love you so much,” he whimpers, his voice slightly strained. “I’m so sorry, I promise to never hurt you like that again.” Your hands run up and down Isaac’s back comfortingly, not saying anything else and just letting him get everything out.
“Can I stay the night with you?” You ask him when he pulls away. You knew it was a long shot and you weren’t even sure he would want you there.
“Of course, baby,” he smiles, caressing your cheek with his hand, wiping your tears away while doing so.
He pulls you over to the bed, and sits down, but before you follow him, he stops you. As tender as ever, he removes your shirt and shorts, discarding them to the side.
“Turn around,” he softly orders. You do so, facing the wall of his room. His fingers ever so gently dance across the deep scarring on your back and thigh. Quiet sniffles sound through the room as Isaac comes face to face with what he’s done, after finding out that it was him after all.
“Come lay down on your stomach,” he says this time. You wipe your tears away and climb onto the bed, your head turned to the side to watch him a little.
“So so beautiful,” he whispers, straddling your back like he is going to give you a massage. Instead, he leans down and presses his lips to the scars on your back, kissing them one by one, up until he reaches your shoulder.
“Yet so much pain,” he continues, moving down to the back of your thigh and doing the same. By now, tears were free falling down your cheeks and onto your arm.
“I already said this, but I promise to never hurt you like this again. You mean the world to me and I never want you to be in pain because of me. For the wrong reasons.” A giggle escapes your lips at his slightly sexual connotation. He flips you back around and crawls up your body to face you.
“I love you,” he tells you once more, kissing your lips as sweetly as ever and as passionately as ever. “Please don’t leave me.”
“I won’t,” you confirm, bringing him back down for another kiss. “You mean the world to me as well, Isaac.”
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