#it’s like being in timeout
waitwhathelp · 2 years
I’ve been sent back to my hunger games era. I’m not ready to talk about it yet but it’s getting easier every day.
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bluerosefox · 4 months
Little Danny's Big Adventure
New idea.
Okay now hear me out.
-Pulls out AU idea cauldron and tosses stuff into it-
Let's put in some Ghost King/Prince Danny.... But also some deaged to toddlerhood Danny that gets yeeted into the DCverse!
Like imagine, tiny baby Danny with his tiny crown of ice floating above his head and his galaxy cape wrapped around him and uses it like a baby blanket. He didn't mean to fall into a different universe, a natural portal opened up and he was being a curious little thing! He didn't mean to trip and fall in during his nap time.
Nor was he expecting to fall into this realm during a rogue attack and knock out said rogue cause they were being a meanie and harming people and now Danny just wants his nap time cause he spent a lot of his tiny engery and he wants to find a nice spot.
Danny finds a place to crash, snuggling himself into his cape and the astronaut bear Danielle got him during her last visit that he takes everywhere since.
He's out like a light as the door to this safe house that belongs to one of the Bats opens up.
Meanwhile. In the Infinite Realms, Queen Regent Jazz is going into Mama Bear Jazz Mode trying to find her deaged brother, keeping the Realms in check, and is resisting the urge to put CW in time out Soup Time because he's being cyptided again about Danny whereabouts!!! UGH!
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oddly-casual · 1 year
Mutant Mayhem spoilers
It’s such a small moment and maybe I just have brain rot or something but in the beginning when Splinter is talking abt why he hates humans it’s Mikey specifically that chimes in with that little “you don’t know that.” And just UGH
Even just by his tone you can tell that he knows his words aren’t going to change anything because they’ve had this conversation too many times. But also Mikey was the one Splinter almost lost that day, like if Splinter was any slower Mikey would’ve been gone.
And you just know in the minds of children Mikey equated their isolation from humans as being his fault because he almost got ran over as a baby.
Like I don’t wanna say it because sometimes leads to unnecessary angst, but children who grow up isolated from everyone else believing that they can’t confide in their parent often blame themselves for their parents decisions.
Donnie and Raph back talk and make fun of Splinter the most but Mikey does it like once and Leo does it never. So you can tell Leo and Mikey don’t get upset with their father, they get upset with themselves for the way things are and I just
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I always thought that handcuffs were kinda stupid. As a little kid I would watch movies where the bad guys were hauled away in cuffs and I'd always think "alright, I guess that's inconvenient for them?" but I never really understood why they didn't just... take them off and escape
This curiosity heightened when I saw that my aunt had real metal handcuffs that locked with a real key and I quickly, before any adult could see what I was doing, shackled both my wrists with the cuffs as tight as they could go.
And when I say tight, I mean tight. I had reaaaaal skinny wrists and I was a child wearing adult handcuffs, so you'd think the cuffs would be loose but nope. Those things weren't circular anymore, they'd folded in so much that they looked more like the shape a cat's pupils turn when they're mad.
And what they don't tell you about real handcuffs? Those suckers are sharp. The inside edges are almost bladed, I guess to discourage exactly what I was trying to do but that certainly didn't stop my curious lil neurodivergent brain, oh no no.
Anyway, after about five minutes of pulling, straining, huffing and puffing, I finally went to find the adult with the key.
I was so disappointed.
And so, so hopelessly confused.
Course, no one questioned why I had locked my aunt's handcuffs and why I needed them unlocked. And, of course, I didn't communicate my confusion in any way.
So it wasn't until way later in life, when I had quickly shimmied out of one of those indestructible water park wristbands and saw the horrified eyes of my friends watching me with morbid glee, that I discovered that, apparently, most people can't dislocate their thumbs at will.
The moral of the story here is that neurodivergent children have no concept of typical versus atypical and that I cannot be contained by your petty mortal means.
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cringefaecompilation · 2 months
no it’s fine. i’m not thinking about it. i’m not thinking about how dorian storm puts his trust in everybody fully and wholly. i’m not thinking about how orym is the first person he’s ever fully completely put all his faith in. i’m not thinking about how he’s the first person he goes to for guidance. i’m not thinking about how robbie said that dorian was horrified at the concept of disappointing someone he trusted all the way back in the exu wrap up. i’m not thinking about when he shared his thoughts with the team and said that he agreed with ash (notably not that other elf guy) it was immediately shot down and treated as him forgiving genocide. i’m not thinking about the heartbroken expression on his face when orym basically told him he doesn’t trust him the same way that he trusts him.
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fisheito · 2 months
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hiya l'il-- medium?...large?? Assorted Sizes-Guy
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oh thanks! i could always use more spices-
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. what am i supposed to do with this.
#surrounded by henchmen (smaller Me's) i peer reproachfully into my inbox#2: ...get him pregnant?#*slaps 2 upside the head* you absolute GOON he's ALREADY pregnant we can't get him DOUBLE pregnant#2: well... why not? if creatures can have two uteri then i don't see why--#Me: *drags my hand down my face* yes i know but. just. dont#3: Picture this. your snake wife is so full and round (because who knows how many snakelets are in there)#3: one day he has to stop working much earlier than usual. u kno. cuz of the MASS. and he starts getting insecure about his body changes#3: so he touches his tummy . looks up at you with those big eyes and murmurs 'am i... unsightly like this?'#3: and u whisper reassurances to him while kissing his face#3: then u promptly rail him on the nearest comfortable surface to erase any doubt of him being unattractive#Me: ..............WHAT THE FUFK?#3: *shrugs aggressively while maintaining eye contact*#Me: NO. pregnancy isn't even our kink. why are we-#3: not YOUR kink maybe#Me: *incredulous stare* how the-- you know what . Go to the timeout zone. i'm not dealing with this today#4: the ask says 'snakumo' though. Wouldn't he be in snake form then...?#3: so? THIS CHANGES NOTHING.#Me: GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#3: *rolls eyes and mutters while walking away*#5: who's greg?#4: dude you can't be serious. if WE know the meme then YOU know the meme#5: i'm serious. i haven't been online in 16 years#4: look. when you wonder if sex will hurt baby top of head-#Me: WHY ARE WE DISCUSSING THIS?#2: because we are currently engaged in a circle of ppl squicked by pregnancy... who must make pregnancy jokes#4: it's all about the joke potential ya see. gigglemaxxing#Me: *massaging my temples* i'm not ready to be a father. i never will be.#6: KNOCK HIM UP AND EAT HIS EGGS SO U CAN KNOCK HIM UP AGAIN. NO ONE SAID YOU HAVE TO BE A FATHER !#3: (muffled from a distance) HELL YEAH BROTHER#Me: SHUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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moominpopzz · 5 months
how long do y’all think Ashe had to sleep in Mark’s bed with him after what happened to her mom. How often do you think Mark would try to put Ashe to bed and she’d run to him minutes after he leaves her room and begged him not to leave her. How often do you think Mark would hold her while she slept, staying awake for nights on end so that when she woke up screaming and sobbing from nightmares he could be awake to comfort her.
Do you think she moved back to her own room on her own or that she got to an age where Mark slowly started making her go back to her room instead. Do you think he’d sit in there and wait until she fell asleep or with his work one day he just stopped letting her crawl into bed with him. Do you think there were nights where when she could only fall asleep in his bed he’d carry her back to her room and she’d wake up, alone, in the room that damn book was in, do you think she’d just scream until Mark ran in to check on her?
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naughtynanzhu · 7 months
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wizardnuke · 2 months
unfortunately or fortunately. between all the flat-out vile things that random people can say to you in online games. there are some actually wonderful people. and fun experiences
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artmalthazad · 1 year
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Hear me out.
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phatcatphergus · 9 months
Listen, all I’m going to say is that if my best friend of 17+ years held a gun to any child, much less my own, I would be in jail for first degree
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heartslobbf · 1 year
yj is fascinating to me. i watch the silly finale. i giggle. i think huh that's interesting. i go yepyep they're still not interrogating race and disability and consequently having some racist and ableist implications in their narrative. i whoop and cheer when coach ben says fuck them kids and tries to burn down their little cannibalism cottage, not because i think they deserve to die but i think it's deeply funny that ben Did That. what a guy. coach 'i can excuse burning like 12 children to death but i draw the line at survival cannibalism' ben. yes thats his legal name <3 anyway misty girls stay winning
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mismagiusbunny · 16 days
hi magi's followerssss .... :333 consider me the constantly in heat puppygirl in her inbox mueheheh
she calls me Pretty Lady to her friends and gets upset that can't non-consentually kiss me because I REALLY like her life is good
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f3l1c1af0x · 2 months
i had this funny Conversation with @night-terrorzz and @rekiannsubmorin
so I was being Harper and I was being annoying and I was exposing their plan of hurting Creator and it was funny because of the reactions and I would just be like 'what? :3' and it just went on and I was dying of laughter (might take pics of the chaos so y'all understand why it was funny)
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4belphie · 2 years
mc who used to be a preschool teacher and uses classroom management strategies to run HoL
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Do you think Knives calls Vash a crybaby?
It probably went something like this: Young Knives: Crybaby! Crybaby, crybaby, crybaby!
Young Vash: *While crying* Stop calling me that! I’m not a crybaby! You’re being mean! 😭🥺 I’m telling Rem!
Young Knives: Oh shit
Present Knives: Hello Vash, still a crybaby I see.
Present Vash: *Sniffling* I’m not a crybaby! Quit calling me that! Or else!
Present Knives: Or what? Rem isn’t here anymore! It’s not my fault you’re a pushover! Crybaby, crybaby, crybaby! 😈
Present Vash: *cries* You’re so mean! 😭 *runs away* I’m spreading a rumor that you still suck your thumb and that you actually wear your security blanket!
Present Knives: *under his breath* Oh Shit!
Present Knives: IT WAS ONE TIME!
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