#it’s me. i’m just like cater.
saayatsumu · 8 months
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cater says “no literally” every five seconds in a conversation
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I will fully admit that every time a blog vehemently hating AEW and fans comes across my for you suggestions, I block them.
Like yeah you’re allowed to have your opinions but how does it feel to never experience joy and also be wrong because we have Eddie Kingston and Willow Nightingale?
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raisedbythetv89 · 1 month
just saw someone saying “buffy has a lot of faith in her in seasons 1 & 2” and I’m like um… NO buffy has a lot of BUFFY in her in seasons 1 and 2 and then they CHANGED HER COMPLETELY when they introduced Faith!!!!?????
Buffy was ALWAYS the rebel slayer who didn’t follow the rules and got into trouble - FUCKED THE SOUL OUT OF A VAMPIRE AND HAS DIED FOR CHRIST SAKE and lived on her own in LA for several months supporting herself and escaped a hell dimension and they fucking changed her into a goodie goody who dresses like a church mouse in order for her to actually contrast enough with faith when those changes make zero fucking sense given everything she’s been through and everything they established about her in the first two seasons!!!
God how the fuck can you attribute characteristics of the main character to a character who hasn’t even shown up yet. That is just the dumbest interpretation I’ve ever fucking seen. I hate season three for so many reasons but the main one is what they did to Buffy’s character in order to make the faith storyline as “her shadow self” make any sense.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again it would have been so much better and made wayyyyyyyyyy more sense if Buffy had become the “bad slayer” after helpless and they had kept kendra to continue to contrast buffy as the “good” aka rule following, council obeying slayer
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worms-i-think · 8 months
I literally love Baldr Legal so much, and seeing William Lewis in the Bakerlon event is like eternal entertainment to me!!
Like even just take this earlier conversation where he explains why he’s here…
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I think his sentence is meant to be taken as, “if it wasn’t for Howard Syter, my partner would be Ingrid Rosworth…” but it could also totally be taken as ‘smh I can’t believe Howard isn’t here on this cool train adventure with me’. Canonically Howard and William are just love rivals for Ingrid, but it would be sooooooo good if that dynamic was complicated by them liking each other. Or at least William liking Howard.
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We know you’re both pining after her, but if you took a moment to face your supposed rival maybe your issues would be solved…
Perhaps the whole firm is just made of Baldr Bisexuals. Ingrid is already so complicated but I think she’s voiced at least a few of her feelings before—though the better spokesperson on her is def @theres-a-bea whom I love and adore but yeah.
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mycological-mariner · 3 months
One thing I find deeply frustrating is whenever you go “This piece of medía looks really good and like something I would enjoy however when I tried to get into it, I found it contains a great deal of things that I find extremely triggering which sucks because it otherwise sounds like something I’d really enjoy” and someone goes “Oh that sucks, I’m sorry you’re missing out it is REALLY GOOD and you WOULD love it!”
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lowcallyfruity · 5 months
TREY LOVES BOTH OF HIS BOYFRIENDS EQUALLY!!! TREY LOVES BOTH OF HIS BOYFRIENDS EQUALLY…. TRey ClOver LoVes BoTH of HiS bOyFriEnDS EQuALlY…. Trey clover loves both of his boyfriends equally….
I say. Rocking back and forth. Sobbing uncontrollably.
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fierykitten2 · 9 months
There are no objectively bad Paradox Pokémon, most of the fandom just hates robots
On a related note, these artworks are amazing and only add fuel to my need to see the worlds that the Paradox Pokémon come from (even though I’m a firm believer of the Terapagos did it theory)
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castielmacleod · 2 years
I want the “waltz with the villain” trope for Crowley so much… literally instead of talking with Cas in hell in season 6 he should have taken him back to his fancy house, dropped a needle on some smooth jazz record, and had Cas dance with him while he monologued about his proposal for their partnership. More or less the same conversation but dramatically different vibes.
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dearsnow · 1 year
I think one of the saddest things in the world is saying “I’m used to it.”
“I’m used to being mistreated, I’m used to being left out, and I’m used to not even being considered. I’m used to being sad. I’m used to people not liking me. I’m used to the unique sort of torture life has created specifically for me.”
You shouldn’t be used to it. You deserve a good life, one where your experiences are meaningful and special. You should only be used to peace and happiness and love.
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cerealmonster15 · 2 years
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btw this has haunted me since I watched a translation in 2020 and now that I’ve played it in eng I can just. openly scream. god. theres so much Unspoken here that makes me feel A Lot. especially paired with his home screen ceremony robes line where he says this about his friendship with cater -
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bc back to back hes basically like “yeah cater is my good friend and i feel comfortable and natural and open around him :). but i dont think he feels the same way about me :(” and like. it kills me dead!!!! extra so bc a few times other characters even make comments about how those two are like always together!!! there’re more hints to cater’s whole deal sprinkled around the different stories and stuff, but this one in particular from wish up on a star just slams me down into the ground and stabs me every time i remember it.
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autistic-katara · 7 months
girl help the hyperfixation’s returned but i already binged all the short angst fics featuring my Mental Illness™ in one night
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pernicious-pastas · 4 months
HEY ALL !!! quick update im back after like… three years ??? 😭 my creepypasta hyperfixation came back in full swing :p i may be irrelevant now but hoodie and ej are not. art and fanfics posting soon !!
all seriousness though these lil guys have been such a big part in my life and i just cannot keep away. Stay tuned for creepypasta content 👍 asks for headcanons appreciated !!
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Feeling deeply tired of my family hours.
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munamania · 9 months
i won’t apologize for being a hater. seeing comments on chappell roans posts about being too hypersexual and needing to dial it down (mmm dial what down. say it very explicitly to me. what is making you uncomfortable in your own very clear words) and directly contrasting it with renee rapp just made me not like that girl even more i’m sorry! maybe she should try not being an annoying blonde bi girl who only seems to hang out with other blonde bi girls making mediocre pop. whoops
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k-aveh · 2 months
I think the thing that will forever haunt me is the fact that the only people who could tolerate me at all are slightly older people who just want to use me. They’re the only ones who could deal with how impossibly exhausting I am, who could put up with me, give me the time of day, be prompt, actually make me feel like I’m not a burden or a hassle…
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sinnbaddie · 2 years
I hate Timber more than I hate Timkon. Which is saying a lot cuz I hate Timkon
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