#it’s not just his physical appearance he acts so different I swear
houseswife · 5 months
sorry but every time I see a pic of s1 wilson my brain’s automatic response is “who the FUCK is that”
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vbecker10 · 2 months
Hellooo, hope u r doing good , I rly like ur work like it's all amazing ♡
Can I request Loki having a friend who is a mortal -female reader- but she is a mutant who can take up body energy -like Rogue in X-Men- and that's why she was always alone till her and Loki met and she defends him infront of the avengers, and he falls for her slowly ig 😅 -smut or fluff as u want-
Ik it's kinda lame, if u can't write it's alright
In all cases, thanks for the amazing writings ♥️
You Can't Hurt Me
Pairing: Loki x female reader (Y/N)
Summary: You are finally going on a solo mission as an Avenger, or at least you were supposed to. At the last minute, the team decides to send Loki with you which is something neither of you are happy about. After an accident in the field, you come in contact with Loki and the two of you realize your ability to absorb someone's life force, memories and powers doesn't work on him.
Warnings: arguing, swearing, feeling alone, pushing others away, minor injuries, plane crash, Loki being an ass to everyone including you - fluff in the end of course
A/N: I'm so sorry it took me forever to get to this ask. I'm finally going through my requests and I thought this idea was awesome! I tweaked it just a little cause my brain kept going in different directions but I really hope that's okay. Thank you for sending it! I hope you like it! 💚
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"Are you freaking kidding me?" you ask in an annoyed tone as you get up from your seat in Steve's office.
Before Steve can reply Loki stands and adds, "I have never agreed with a mortal before but I am afraid I must in this case."
You glare at him and cross your arms. He could agree with you without being an ass about it, you think angrily.
Steve sighs and rubs his temples. "Look Y/N, I know you were supposed to go on this mission alone," he says and you nod dramatically, "But Fury, Tony and I decided Loki's skills would be useful on this mission."
"Then let me borrow his powers," you look at Loki and begin to pull off one of your gloves.
"If you touch me-" he threatens as a dagger appears in his hand with a green flourish. You put your glove back on slowly but you smile to yourself knowing you made the god nervous.
"Stop it, both of you!" Steve says loudly, slamming his hand on the desk. You and Loki both sit immediately on the chairs opposite Steve, you suddenly feel as if you are at the principal's office. He clears his throat and calms himself before he continues, "So far teamwork is not something either of you have excelled at. If you both want to remain on this team," he emphasizes the word, "you will go on this mission together."
"This is absurd," Loki argues and you roll your eyes but agree with him.
"What's absurd is the fact that neither of you are willing to work with anyone," Steve counters. "You are here because you have both been written up for splitting off from the team when we have explicitly ordered you not to."
"You know I'm better off alone," you tell him holding up a gloved hand. "The X-Men never had an issue with me going on solo missions or handling things on my own."
"You are welcome to return to the mutants," Loki offers with a smirk.
"Loki, seriously?" Steve says with an exasperated sigh but the god just shrugs.
"Y/N, just because you can't physically touch anyone doesn't mean you can use it as an excuse to avoid being near people or working with them forever," Steve says turning his attention to you.
"Yes it does," you mumble and sulk down in your chair with your arms crossed.
"And you," he ignores your comment and turns to Loki, "you are still on probation. If you want to remain here, and not be sent back to Asgard, you need to act like a member of this team."
Before either of you can say anything else, he gets up and says, "If you can't work with each other, neither of you will last much longer here. You're dismissed."
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You snap your gum and click to the next page of the book you are reading on your tablet. Loki sits across from you with his nose in a book as the autopilot guides the jet towards your destination. You pop your gum again and Loki groans in annoyance. A smirk spreads across your lips, you would feel guilty about bothering him but he spent the morning calling you 'human' so you pop it loudly a third time.
"Will you stop that," he hisses, looking up from his book.
"It's an old habit," you make an excuse and shrug.
"It is an exceptionally annoying habit," he corrects you.
You hold eye contact with the God of Mischief and pop your gum in response. He practically growls as he closes his book but his words are cut off by a warning alarm blaring throughout the jet.
"What the hell is that?" you ask, getting up from your seat.
"I have no idea," he admits as he follows you to the cockpit of the jet.
The plane shakes violently and you almost lose your footing, Loki instinctively reaches out to steady you, his hand grabbing your clothed arm. You nod quickly to acknowledge the gesture and the two of you reach the control panel. A series of red lights blink frantically and your heart races as you try to decipher what is wrong but neither of you knows how to operate the jet.
You flip the switch to contact the base, "Tony what the hell is going on up here?" You know the panic is evident in your voice.
The only response you and Loki get is the crackle of static then suddenly one of the two engines goes terrifyingly silent.
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You blink your eyes open slowly, your head pounds and your whole body aches. The smell of smoke and fire fill the air and your eyes sting. You try to sit up and hear someone talking but you can barely make out their words over the ringing in your ears.
"Y/N," Loki says again, shaking your shoulder lightly to get your attention. "Are you alright?" His lip is split and he is covered in dirt. His eyes are full of concern as he kneels over you, not something you are used to from the God of Mischief.
"Yea," you answer him quietly as he leans back a bit so you can sit up straighter, "I think so." You look around in awe at the torn and broken remains of the jet scattered throughout the field, unsure how you are both alive.
"I've radioed the team, they should be here in less than an hour," he informs you in a calm voice.
He rubs your shoulder in a soothing manner and you close your eyes as a breeze blows dust around you both. You shiver a bit and realize your jacket was torn during the crash, panic floods through you when you notice how much of your skin is exposed. Loki's hand gently rests on the bare skin on your shoulder and you pull away from him quickly.
"Don't touch me," you warn him and he backs away from you, his hands up in front of him. "You can't touch me, I'll hurt you," you remind him, trying to cover your skin with as much of left over material as you can. You try to get up to put distance between you and the god but you can't put weight on your left leg, it buckles under you and you fall back to the ground. You look down and see clean gauze wrapped tightly around your calf, your pant leg torn open from whatever caused your injury.
You look down in shock then look up at Loki. "How did you do this?" you ask, noticing the blood on his hands.
He shakes his head, "I don't know. I wasn't thinking, I just needed to stop the bleeding."
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"I need to talk to you," he says unphased by your attitude which makes you nervous. "I haven't been able to stop thinking about what happened after the crash." He rubs his hands nervously as if your blood is still on them.
That night you lay in bed staring at the ceiling unable to sleep. When you first climbed into bed, you worried the memories of the crash would prevent you from sleeping but it was the moments after that kept replaying in your mind. Closing your eyes, you can almost still feel Loki's warm hand resting gently on your skin. You roll over, pulling the sheets tightly around yourself when to hear a knock at your door. You sit up and check the clock next to your bed, it's just after midnight.
You limp carefully to the door and open it, unsure who you expect to see. "What do you want?" you ask Loki, easily returning to how you typically treat each other.
You take a step back to let him into your room. You feel anxious knowing he is the first member of the team you've ever invited into your private space. Loki takes a seat on your couch as you pick up your hoodie that is hanging by the door.
"I think I know why I could touch you without your powers affecting me," he says and you look up at him, pausing as you zip your hoodie.
You shake your head and take your gloves out of the pockets. "Strange said it was most likely because I was unconscious," you remind him.
"I don't think your powers work on me," he says after a few moments of silence pass between you both.
"You and I both know that's not true," he keeps his eyes on you as you slip on one glove then the other.
You sit at the far end of the couch, afraid that he is wrong about whatever his theory is. He is right about one thing though, Strange's reasoning didn't explain why Loki was able to touch the skin on your shoulder after you woke up. You had done everything you could since you arrived back home to not think about how that was possible, you were terrified that it was some sort of fluke and would never happen again.
"They work on your brother," you remind him. You had grabbed the older prince by the wrist for only a few seconds during a training session two months ago. You were unable to contain his lightning abilities and fried all the computers in the lab. Thor spent the next four hours unconscious in the med bay. "Being a god doesn't make you special," you tell him in a harsher tone then you mean to.
"Thor and I are not..." he sighs. "We are not the same. You know we are not true brothers?" he asks and you shake your head. "Thor is an Asgardian and although I look like one, I am not."
"So whatever you are is why you think I can touch you?" you ask.
"It is hard to explain," he tells you. "I am from Jotunheim, realm of the frost giants. This is not my true form. I use an illusion to alter my appearance as Odin did before I knew the truth." You can tell by his tone that this is not a story he is used to sharing with others.
You take off your gloves and look at your own hand, remembering the pain and heartache even a light touch has caused to others around you. "Are you sure you want to risk this for me Loki?" you ask. "If you're wrong... I could seriously hurt you."
You listen quietly as he explains how he was taken as a baby and brought up on a series of lies. He rubs his hands nervously as he talks and never makes eye contact with you, staring at the ground as he speaks. When he finishes he lifts his hand and looks at it as he wiggles his fingers slowly, a green glow emanates from his fingertips and flows down his hand. As his magic travels, his skin slowly turns a deep shade a blue, thin ridges form intricate spirals on the back of his hand.
"This is just a well crafted illusion," he says as the glow retracts and the blue fades away.
"If I'm right... you might not need to be so alone," he counters gently.
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"I... I don't believe this," you smile. Tears of joy and relief gather as you slowly look up at Loki.
He holds his hand towards you, palm up waiting patiently for you to move. Slowly, you reach you hand out, your heart pounding in your chest. Your fingertips lightly touch his fingertips and you hold your breath as you wait for the pain to spread through both of you but nothing happens. Your eyes lock on your hands as you slide your fingers towards his open palm. You still don't feel anything as you rest your palm on his, your fingers settling on his wrist.
He closes his fingers around your hand and you let out a laugh in shock and disbelief. There is no pain, no burning on your skin or in his veins as his memories are pulled from him or his powers are absorbed. Just his warm, soft skin against yours, a feeling you had almost forgotten.
"You can't hurt me," he says when your eyes met.
"I can't hurt you," you repeat. He raises his other hand to wipe away one of your tears as it travels down your cheek. The simple gesture draws even more tears. It has been so many years since you have been able to feel another person, you can barely hold yourself together. You get up suddenly and walk away from him.
"I'm sorry," he says as he stands.
"It's not... you didn't do anything wrong," you assure him as you wipe your face then wrap your arms around yourself. "It's been almost ten years since I've touched someone I wasn't trying to harm. When I gained my powers, I severed my connection to everyone I've ever loved or cared about. My family, my friends, my coworkers. I left all of them."
He listens to you quietly, not moving closer.
"I'm terrified of hurting the people I care about, that's why I left the X-Men. I was there for eight years and I was becoming too close to everyone. I was constantly afraid someone would try to hug me or give me a high five or just bump into me in the hall. I had to leave and when I came here..." you look down, ashamed of how you acted. "I avoided everyone and antagonized you on purpose so no one would want to be friends with me. I thought it would be easier, safer if no one ever wanted to be near me."
"I understand," he says and you look up as he takes a few steps towards you. "I have my own experience building walls to keep everyone out, even my brother. My reason for keeping the others away is far less noble than yours. You push people away to keep them safe while I push them away to keep myself safe."
"I have been lied to and betrayed by my family my whole life," he reminds you of your conversation only minutes ago. "If I never let anyone in, if I never care about anyone, then they can never hurt me. It's why I've been so rude and condescending to everyone on the team, including you," he admits.
You are quiet for a moment, you know exactly what you want but you are afraid he will turn down your request. "Can I..." you pause and he gives you an encouraging smile. "Can I have a hug?"
"I'm sorry for how I treated you," he tells you honestly. "Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"
"I'm afraid I am not very good at hugs," he says and when you look at the ground he adds, "But I can give it a try, for you."
You can't stop the smile that spreads across your face as you move towards him. He puts his arms around you, pulling you close. You wrap your arms around him, your hands settle on his back and your cheek rests against his chest. He is stiff in your arms but after a second, he seems to relax and lowers his cheek to rest on the top of your head.
You close your eyes and listen to his heartbeat, his breathing slows and you feel as if all the tension is leaving your body. After a moment you mumble something against his chest and he chuckles.
"I have no idea what you said," he tells you.
You lift your head and look up at him. "This is the first hug I've had in close to ten years," you repeat.
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He touches your cheek gently and says, "That is truly a shame because you give wonderful hugs." You giggle and blush then he adds, "This is the best hug I have had in a very, very long time and I do not plan on letting go any time soon."
I hope you liked this!! Please like, share and comment if you did 💚💚 Please let me know if you want to be added to my taglist!
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taifenggg · 7 months
love Language HC’s for the brothers? Like love languages that if you do certain things they’ll fall harder, like spending time with mammon when you don’t have too. Or getting new books for Satan that he couldn’t budget.
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I love you more than words can convey.
CW: none
Characters: GN!Reader, Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmo, Beel, Belphie
Authors Notes: ahhh this is so cute <3. Based on what you said, I'm assuming that this is the brother's favorite love language to receive lol
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Lucifer [🦚💙]
Lucifer's favorite love language is quality time, but it can be argued that acts of service are his love language as well.
Lucifer is fairly busy in his day-to-day affairs, and it pains him whenever he's too busy to spend time with you. He's always busy working on paperwork that has been piled up so high that you can barely see him behind all of the papers. However, your presence brightens up his day as you make your way into his room. You don't say a word as you plop onto the sofa in his room, absentmindedly scrolling through your DDD or reading a book that you brought yourself. Just your presence is enough to get him to relax and get right back to work so that he can go to bed sooner to cuddle with you.
Furthermore, if you just so happened to brew his favorite Hell Coffee, setting it down on his desk, he'll feel himself soften even more in your presence. The coffee you make for him is always especially bitter, not that he minds. Lucifer is always looking after everyone, his brothers, Diavolo, and you. So going out of your way to do things just for him makes his pride swell. This man is so whipped for you even if he won't outwardly say it LMAO.
Mammon [💰💛]
Mammon's favorite love language is physical touch, but it can be argued that words of affirmation are his love language as well.
Always the tsundere, Mammon is not one to ask you for your attention directly, instead implying it and waiting for you to take action. Being the Avatar of Greed, Mammon is determined to hold onto every shred of attention that you give to him, which contributes to how possessive he is over you. Somehow he always has a hand on you, whether it's his hand wrapped around your shoulder protectively as you two navigate the bustling streets of the Devildom or the way he holds your hand tracing circles against your palm as the two of you lay together in bed. He can't keep his hands to himself, but thankfully you don't mind.
Mammon's self-esteem always takes a hit whenever his brothers berate him for being a "greedy scumbag". Please reassure him and tell him how amazing he is. Brush your hands through his hair, and press a gentle kiss to his forehead as you tell him how much you love him. Tell him about how he's your favorite, how he's the best thing that has ever happened to you and he's putty in your hands.
Leviathan [🐍🧡]
Leviathan's favorite love language is quality time, but it can be argued that receiving gifts is his love language as well.
Levi enjoys the company you provide. If he could, he would spend hours upon hours holed up in his room, playing video games, or watching anime, or reading manga. Of course with you at his side at all times. Perhaps maybe the two of you could even do matching couple cosplays together, but alas Levi is too shy to even bring it up without his face flushing 5 different shades of red at the thought. Really, he just enjoys doing things together with you, and he cherishes all the little moments you have together.
He's always doing his best to get his hands on the latest anime merch, or the newest release of his favorite manga, but he appears crestfallen whenever he can't get his hands on what he wants despite waiting in line for 5 hours. His face lights up however when he finds that you managed to get your hands on the exact thing that he wants and he feels his heart flutter when you hand it to him, telling him that it's a gift for him. Levi swears that he just fell more in love with you than he was before.
Satan [😾💚]
Satan's favorite love language is words of affirmation, but it can be argued that quality time is his love language as well.
To Satan, words are the best way he can convey his emotions, especially if it's written down. He struggles a lot with who he is, without feeling a surge of anger whenever he feels that he's starting to be a little too similar to Lucifer. He wants to be his own demon without constantly feeling like he's just a copy of Lucifer. Tell him about how smart he is, how he always knows what to do, or how reliable he is. He'll have the smugest smile on his face as he listens to your praise, and he shoots it at Lucifer because he knows that he's your favorite and not Lucifer.
At the end of the day, Satan just wants to spend as much time as he can with you, unwinding with a book in one hand, and preferably with you sitting in his lap reading with him. Not many words are spoken between the two of you, but just the feeling of you resting against his chest is enough to help Satan relax and forget about his troubles. As much as he enjoys listening to your voice, and hearing you ramble about your day or things that interest you, he also enjoys the silence with the two of you basking in each other's presence.
Asmodeus [💋🩷]
Asmodeus' favorite love language is physical touch, but it can be argued that acts of service are his love language as well.
Asmo can't get enough of you. Asmo is so open with his affection towards you and he's not afraid to show it when he openly holds your face in his hands and coos about just how adorable the two of you are together. Whether it's in class, when you're out and about, or when the two of you are hanging out together, Asmo either has his fingers threaded into yours or has his leg pressing against yours. You don't mind though, his presence is comforting to you.
Asmo loves it whenever you get all fussy over him and do things for him. Don't get him wrong, he's independent and can do things on his own, but he enjoys being pampered and taken care of by you. Yes please do his nails for him, please paint his nails for him while the two of you have your regularly scheduled gossip sesh, please massage his shoulders, he was feeling a bit sore around his neck.
Beelzebub [🍔❤️]
Beelzebub's favorite love language is acts of service, but it can be argued that words of affirmation are his love language as well.
Beel loves you and the fact that you're so willing to indulge him and his hunger. He knows that he has a voracious appetite, but does that stop you from making more than enough of his favorite foods? Hell no. You wanna make this man melt even more? Offer to help him whenever he works out, maybe sitting on his back so he can use you as a weight, or stay there by his side and hand him some water whenever he finishes working out so he can stay hydrated.
Beel struggles with conveying his emotions and ever since what happened with Lilith, that has worsened exponentially. He's not the best at saying how he's feeling and at times he can get depressed and insecure over things that happened in the past. Reassure this gentle giant, tell him that what happened was not his fault and that no matter what happens, you'll always love him unconditionally. He's so, so soft for you.
Belphegor [🐮💜]
Belphegor's favorite love language is physical touch, but it can be argued that quality time is his love language as well.
Belphie is clingy, that's an established fact lmao. He always has his tail wrapped around you to ensure that you don't suddenly leave him. Pillows don't have legs after all! He's such a little brat too, he would totally slip his ice-cold hands underneath your shirt right as you're about to fall asleep and would blink sleepily at you unapologetically as you jump and squirm to get away from his freezing fingers. Belphie discovered that he couldn't sleep without keeping his hands on you. He'll pout and whine until you oblige and slide into bed with him.
He loves taking naps with you, and he'll keep you trapped there for as long as he can. There's just something that's so comforting about you and him lying together in bed. He'll press his forehead against yours and squeeze you so tight to the point where you can't breathe. Sometimes Belphie wonders how he got so lucky, managing to get the chance to call you his own. It's only when he watches over you, cuddled up to him that he feels his heart melt. He wants to keep you with him like this forever, no matter the cost.
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actiniumwrites · 11 months
hiii ! I saw that your requests were open :) could I request a scenario with scaramouche and xiao. Where their lover is a super cheerful person, but someone makes fun of them and they get super protective. p.s I really like your writings ^^
synopsis: how they defend you, their cheerful lover, after hearing other people talk bad about you
characters: scaramouche, xiao x gn!reader (separately)
warnings: fluff, a pinch of angst, hurt/comfort, insults, physical violence (not toward reader), swearing, insecurity, xiao may be a little ooc
notes: thank you so much for the request, anon! these are a little short, but i did enjoy writing this. i also tried my hardest to capture the reader as very cheerful, but it was a little difficult to do without it being overbearingly cheerful, so i hope it turned out okay. and i’m very happy you enjoy my writing, it means so much to me <3
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A trip around Sumeru City was not what Scaramouche had planned to do that day when he offered to spend time together — of course, he couldn’t admit that what he really wanted was to go on a proper date, but he settled for this nonetheless. As long as you’re happy, he thought.
All day you had been pulling him around to various little shops and sights around the city. Even though many of them had existed for many years, you felt as though they were hidden gems amongst all of Teyvat. And with both of you originally being from Inazuma, neither of you had really had the chance to experience all of Sumeru together.
Scaramouche didn’t mind it to be honest — you dragging him around, to be specific. As soon as he saw that stupid big smile on your face, any ounce of resentment for his inability to communicate what he wants drained from his body. Naturally, he still put on the mask of boredom, but with you being your excited self bouncing around the city, you hadn’t even noticed. So he dropped the act, and just let himself live for once.
Just before the sun was about to set and conclude the day’s fun, your hand quickly grabbed his as you dragged him over to a flower shop. When you had first arrived in Sumeru, the very first thing you ever took notice of was all the different plants and flowers. And ever since, you’ve tried to get flowers or other little plants whenever you can.
Scaramouche picked up his pace to match yours, although still dragging a bit behind, his hand held on tight to yours. But as soon as you arrived at the front of the shop, your hand moved to the flowers and away from him. Quietly, he moved to the side and watched as you admired the flowers.
“Wow, these are so beautiful! Did you grow them yourself?” you excitedly asked the man at the shop. There were an array of bright and colorful flowers in front of you, each one carefully tied among others to create stunning bouquets.
The man, who appeared to be the shop owner, furrowed his brows and gave you a light scoff, “Pfft, of course I did.”
To that, Scaramouche snapped his eyes over at the man who hadn’t seemed to pay him any mind. His arms crossed over one another as he eyed the man, not pleased with his attitude, but not saying anything just yet. As Nahida had taught him, he can’t just go around accusing everyone of having malicious intent. So for once, he would wait and see, maybe give him the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps he was just having a bad day or something or didn’t mean to come across like that.
“Oh, Archons. Those vases are just as beautiful as the flowers. I saw some really pretty ones at another shop, but these are even better! You really have a good eye, sir!”
The man rolled his eyes and ignored your comment. Meanwhile, Scaramouche sent him a subtle glare from the other side of you. The guy was giving him a bad feeling that he just couldn’t seem to shake.
After a few more minutes of you pointing and beaming at different bouquets and individual flowers of all different kinds, compliments pouring out of you left and right, the man finally snapped.
“Would you just shut up already? I’ve had it up to here with how much you talk. You are so annoying, I mean my god, I get it! I have nice flowers and I’m a talented gardner, just pick some and go!” he yelled out, flaring his arms around the air.
“Screw what Nahida said,” Scaramouche grumbled.
In a split second, you were behind your boyfriend and his arm was held tightly onto the shop owner’s, “Are you done? Cause let me tell you, you have to be a real piece of shit to yell at someone who’s just excited about flowers.”
“Let me go, damn it!” He tried yanking back his arm, desperately trying to pull Scaramouche’s off of him. If only he had known he was messing with an ex-harbinger and a being created by a God.
Scaramouche spoke in a dangerously low tone, “You don’t get to talk to them like that, you hear me? Do it again, and I’ll ruin your fucking life.”
The man backed up quickly, hitting the side of his shop and falling backward. A few people stopped to snicker at him, but Scaramouche paid no mind. His hand slipped into yours and he eagerly pulled you away from the chaos.
He gagged and wiped the hand that grabbed the man against his shirt as the two of you walked to a quiet area, “People like that disgust me.”
You nodded quietly and sat down on the bench he had brought you to. His eyes filled concern for a brief moment before he blinked it away. Sighing, his hand squeezed yours and he nervously gulped, unprepared for situations that involved any form of comfort, “Are you…are you okay?”
“Yeah,” you spoke softly, not quite meaning it, “Thanks for sticking up for me back there.”
Gently, he pulled you into him, “Don’t listen to people like that, you hear me? The only annoying one out of the two of you was that ugly piece of shit. So don’t go all sad on me, okay? I mean it.”
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“Hello, my love!” you loudly called out at The Inn, happily marching in to greet him on the upper floor. A few people on the deck below looked up quickly, startled by your bold introduction.
Xiao nodded at you, a small blush on his cheeks and small, “Hi.” Even after nearly a year of dating, you still managed to fluster him.
Your arm looped around his, pulling him closer to you. You sent him a bright smile and tilted your head toward his, “Are you ready for our lunch date?”
Xiao nodded and moved your hand off his arm and down to his hand where he softly clasped his fingers around your own.
When you arrived at Liyue Harbor, the two of you began walking to your favorite restaurant. It was really nice with all the outdoor seating that allowed the both of you to enjoy the fresh breeze from the ocean while you ate. It also allowed Xiao to be more comfortable instead of being cramped up inside some restaurant with a bunch of people he was unfamiliar with.
If Xiao was being honest, the restaurant itself still was not something he particularly enjoyed. Not because he disliked the service or the other people who ate there, but because he wasn’t a huge fan of their food being an adeptus and all. However, you raved about it all the time and got super happy whenever you got the chance to go, especially if it was with him. Xiao could never bring himself to say he didn’t enjoy it when it made you so happy.
“So, have you done anything super interesting lately?” you excitedly asked your boyfriend, eagerly awaiting his weekly stories.
“Not really. I went to the Chasm recently, but I was unable to find what I was seeking,” he answered and nodded at you, “What about you?”
“I went to this really cute tea shop the other day with Yun Jin! You know, my friend from the opera we saw last year? They had the cutest cups and the tea was so good. We should go together some day!”
Xiao smiled ever so slightly as you spoke, not even focused on the food on his plate, but instead entirely focused on you, “That sounds nice.”
You went back and forth for around thirty more minutes, updating each other on the week, laughing about silly jokes you heard from Hu Tao, and talking about some future plans. Xiao had barely touched his food, but you hadn’t noticed with how caught up with him you were.
Nor had you noticed the snickering behind you.
“Oh my god, is that the Yaksha?”
“I think it is!”
“Woah he’s kinda hot, what’s he doing with a person like that?”
“I know right!”
It was hard for Xiao not to hear them, and he really wished he hadn’t. Of course he wanted to defend his relationship, but he always hated how people seemed to stare at the two of you.
Polar opposites.
To be clear, you were not the one that made him feel insecure, but rather the thoughts in his head. Xiao already had such a hard time believing someone like you could even like someone like him. You were so happy and cheerful and brought the best out in him. Xiao didn’t feel like he deserved you at all, not when he is the way he is.
Insecurity and all, it didn’t stop him from glaring past your shoulder. The more they talked, the worse he heard about you. It was like all they could talk about was your personality and how much it seemed like you didn’t deserve him. How you “couldn’t seem to shut up,” or “wipe the smile off your face.” Or that you “probably had to pay him to date someone like you.”
Xiao was already seething, but what set him off the most was when one of them made a comment about wanting to physically hurt you to take your smile away.
“Xiao?” You shot up out of your seat when he suddenly teleported away from you. When you turned around, you found him at the table behind you.
His hands were grabbing a guy by his shirt collar, holding him up into the air until he began to choke, “Shut your mouth before I shut it for you.”
The guy rapidly nodded up and down. Meanwhile, the two girls at the same table were gawking at the scene in front of them until one of them began yelling for Xiao to put the guy down.
“Stop it! You’re hurting him!” She screamed out.
“You said you wanted to hurt my partner. I am only returning the favor,” he said calmly before slamming the guy to the floor and walking to the girls behind him, “leave before I do something worse.”
Your jaw dropped as you watched the scene play out in front of you. Within seconds, the three of them had scrambled away. Xiao walked back over calmly and sat down. You were still stood up in your seat, confused at what had just occurred, “What the hell was that!”
“They were not saying nice things about you.”
Your eyes widened. You were happy he had defended you, but concerned for the consequences that could follow, “You can’t just go beating up random people like that, you could get in trouble!”
“That does not concern me. Any one that says anything bad about you does not deserve to be in your presence.”
“Xiao…” your voice softened, unable to think of anything to say. You knew he was protective, but it was rare for you to see that side of him up close and in person.
His hand gestured to the table, “Now please sit. I would like to hear more about your week.”
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rashoumon-homo · 5 months
No Such Tastes In Men pt.3 (Dazai x Reader)
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Dazai x Male Reader, NSFW
-> Content Warnings: male!reader, anal sex (Dazai receiving), bottom Dazai, dom!reader
-> 1.9k words
<- Previous Part
When Dazai approaches you for your weekly meeting, you can tell there’s something more on his mind. He’s biting his lip, eyes not meeting yours, while you give your report on suspicious activity you’ve monitored in the past days. It’s not like him to be so distracted, so nervous, so you stop mid-sentence and fold your arms over your chest. 
“Alright, spit it out,” you say, eyes narrowed. “You’re thinking so loud it’s drowning me out.”
Dazai gives you an apologetic smile. “That obvious, huh? I was trying to find the right words to invite you back to my place after this meeting.”
You raise an eyebrow. “Why?”
“Why do I want to invite you over, or why was I thinking so hard about how to ask you?” he asks.
“Both, I suppose.”
On the surface, Dazai looks as calm as ever, but to the trained eye he’s clearly nervous. That slight tremble of his hands that he hides by shoving his hands in his pockets; how his gaze flicks away as he laughs nervously. “I wanted to try something new with you.” He swallows. “I want you to fuck me.”
You can’t help but laugh, relieved. “That’s it? You don’t need to be nervous to ask me that! We’ve been getting each other off for months now, it’s no big deal.”
“Only during the weekly meetings,” he clarifies. “And only with our hands or our mouths. Inviting you over outside of that time frame, and to actually fuck me– which would be my first time, mind you– is different.”
You shrug. “I don’t think it’s weird, if that’s any consolation. You want me to top?”
Dazai nods. You smile and step forward, tucking his hair behind his ear. “Alright,” you murmur. “I’ll make it good for you, don’t worry.”
He shivers, breath catching in his throat. His reaction lights a spark inside you, your heart racing at the prospect of making him melt in your hands; getting to fuck those pretty whines and moans out of him. 
“I’ll let you get ready. 9:00 tonight?” you suggest. 
Dazai nods. His eyes are wide and if you had better hearing you swear you’d be able to hear his racing heart. 
“Hey,” you say softly. “Don’t stress too much, okay? I’ll take care of you.”
As you leave the alley, you hear him say quietly, “That’s why I’m worried…”
You knock on Dazai’s apartment door a few minutes before 9. He opens it a second later, his face flushed and a nervous grin on his face. He’s changed into a much more casual outfit; a plain t-shirt and jeans. It’ll be much easier to get him out of it than his work clothes would have been. 
The apartment is warm and cozy. There’s music softly playing from a speaker by the tv, something slow and romantic you don’t recognize. He leads you to the living room and invites you to sit down on the couch, then heads to the kitchen. “Want anything to drink?” he calls out. 
You smile to yourself. He’s trying so hard to set the mood and it’s kind of adorable. “Water’s fine,” you reply. 
He appears a second later with two glasses: water for you, and whiskey for himself. You down half the glass in a couple gulps, while he sips his drink and sits beside you rigidly. 
“Relax,” you remind him, bumping your shoulder into his. He smiles sheepishly in return and takes another sip of his drink. 
“You hook up with women all the time, don’t you?” you ask. “Why’re you acting so shy?”
“It’s just… different,” he says with a sigh. “You’re the only guy I’ve ever been with, and you’re so experienced. I don’t know what we are; what our boundaries are. We’ve made each other cum a dozen times but we’ve never even kissed. I just… don’t want to do the wrong thing.”
You smile sympathetically at him. “We don’t need to figure out a label right now unless you want to. But you do make a good point about boundaries. For me, anything physical is fine. You can touch me, kiss me, bite me, whatever you want. I’m fine with you calling me ‘baby’ or whatever during sex, just don’t blindside me with an ‘I love you’ or anything.”
Dazai shakes his head and laughs. “Pfft, I wouldn’t do that, don’t worry. My boundaries are the same. And I don’t mind if you leave marks or anything, they’d probably get covered by my bandages anyway.”
“Since we’re both okay with kissing,” you say playfully, “Want to get our first kiss out of the way? Might help you relax a little.”
Dazai sets his drink down and scoots closer. “Okay,” he says, cautiously reaching his hand up to rest on your shoulder. You cup his jaw in your hand and stare into his eyes for a moment. Your other hand rests at his waist. You brush your thumb along his lower lip and pull him forward so your foreheads meet. 
“God, you’re handsome,” you whisper, then bring his lips to yours. He kisses you softly, tentatively, at first, but then you part your lips and he mirrors you, tongue dipping into your mouth. You hear him groan quietly into the kiss and you can taste his whiskey on his tongue. His hand slides up from your shoulder to your cheek. He holds you surprisingly gently, more so than you expected anyway. 
When you break apart, you’re both breathing hard, cheeks flushed and soft smiles on your faces. 
“Better?” you ask. 
He grins and kisses you again in response. This time, he swings his leg over yours to sit in your lap, his fingers threading into your hair. You trail your kisses down to his neck, where you suck hickeys onto his skin. 
“I could do this all night, just keep kissing you until my lips hurt,” he says breathlessly. 
You laugh, the vibrations tickling his neck. “I can think of something better,” you say. Then you grab the undersides of his thighs and lift him up. He wraps his arms around your neck and crosses his ankles. 
“Which way to the bedroom?” you ask, still nibbling at his neck. 
“Down the hall, first door on the right.”
You continue kissing him as you carry him down the hall, and with some difficulty (considering you’re carrying him, kissing him, and have never been here before) find your way to the bedroom. You lower him onto the bed and climb on top of him. 
“Doing okay?” you ask. You sit up and pull off your shirt. 
Dazai nods enthusiastically, then pointedly bucks his hips up to press your erections together. You both groan at the contact, and then it’s a tangled mess of you grinding against each other while trying to pull clothes off. 
Finally, you’re able to slip his boxers down and get your hands on that cock. You’re careful not to touch him too much; you don’t want him cumming before it’s time. But just a little for now is fine, to tease him. 
“Gonna have to stretch you now,” you say. “It’s probably gonna take a while since this is your first time, but-” You stop talking when you see Dazai looking to the side, embarrassed. “What…?” you ask.
“It is my first time, but I’ve, uh… fingered myself before?” he says quietly. 
“Oh?” Just that “oh?” is enough for Dazai to crack, spilling the secret he’d tried to keep all day. 
“A little after we first hooked up, I tried fingering myself, cause I was curious, and it was really good but it wasn’t enough and then I ended up buying a dildo but pretty soon that wasn’t enough either and I realized what I really wanted was YOU and that’s why I asked you to fuck me,” Dazai says quickly. 
Your eyes widen with surprise. “Pass me the lube,” you say finally. He hands it to you, looking a little apprehensive still. You coat your fingers, then slip one in. Dazai gasps quietly as he feels it go in. He’s loose, way more than you expected. And so soft and warm inside. You add another and ask, “You stretched yourself before I came here, too, didn’t you?”
Dazai nods. “Mmh… wanted to be ready…” he moans. You slip a third finger in and curl them, petting his walls while searching for his prostate. “Feels so good when it’s someone else’s fingers,” he says. He’s squirming and letting out little breathy grunts as you finger him open. And then you brush over his prostate and he jolts and cries out. Applying just the right amount of indirect pressure has him writhing under your touch and moaning lewdly. 
“Please,” he begs. “I need more…”
“Think you’re ready?” you tease. It’s too much fun taking him apart like this. 
“Please,” he whines. And he looks so pitiful and needy that you just have to oblige him. 
“Alright,��� you say. You kiss him to distract him from you pulling out your fingers, then grab the condom he hands you and roll it on. “You sure?” you ask again, this time your voice tinged with genuine worry. “If you want to stop at any point just let me know and-”
Dazai impatiently pulls you down into a bruising kiss. Precum smears onto your stomach as he pulls you close, and you can feel how hot his cock is against you. “Fuck me,” he says desperately. 
You nod and line yourself up with him. You hold his hips in place as you slide in, as slowly as he will let you. Once you’re all the way in, you grind your cock against his prostate and he mewls, pushing his hips further into you. 
“So full…” he groans. “Please… move…”
And so you do. You drag your cock almost all the way out, then thrust in. Dazai positively wails at the sensation. “Fuck,” he cries. 
“You’re so tight and so perfect,” you moan, thrusting in again. The feeling is addictive; Dazai’s hole is sucking you in so nicely. Soon you’re thrusting at a regular pace, holding Dazai’s hips and listening to him moan. 
Fuck, he’s loud, too. Between his loud cries and the sound of the bed frame hitting the wall, he’s sure to get some complaints from neighbors. But you can’t even bring yourself to care. He’s so perfect, so fucking sexy. 
“Please… gonna…” Dazai moans. “Touch me…”
You barely wrap your hand around his cock before his back is arching and he’s cumming hard, moans cutting out into a silent scream as he reaches his peak. The feeling of him tightening around you brings you over the edge too. You thrust hard into him one last time and let out a guttural moan. 
As your orgasms taper off, you collapse onto Dazai’s chest, listening to the rapid beating of his heart. 
“Holy shit,” he says finally. 
You laugh. “Yeah?”
“I think I’m bi.”
Dazai starts laughing and then you laugh too, kissing him lazily. Maybe you’re just caught up in the moment, but you can’t help but feel like there’s something more between you two than just sexual exploration. It’s something to ask him about later, for sure, but for now you just want to be two happy, sweaty, cum-covered bodies tangled together. Besides, the way Dazai kisses the top of your head? That’s gotta be as good as it gets.
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greenandsorrow · 11 months
WARNINGS; 18+, shameless smut, ken x fem!reader, reader uses she/her pronouns, praise k!nk, size k!nk, virgin!ken, switch!reader, sub!ken, dom!ken, the plot doesn't connect with the movie, kinda slow burn, grammar mistakes
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Part 4
"i had a vision, a vision of my nails in the kitchen scratching counter tops..."
~stargirl interlude, the weeknd / lana del rey~
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Ken's and y/n's desire is deepening, darkening the same way the night does outside of the apartment. They're standing so close to each other in the centre of the tiny kitchen, the lights low, making the shadows longer and dreamier all around them and softening their features. The atmosphere is electric to say the least.
Ken's pov;
The confusion from earlier is subsiding his arousal (but not for long). You see, Ken has almost lost all the courage and confidence he had gained after their last... misadventure.
Mostly, he hates how naive he still appears when it comes to the real world, to y/n's world. In addition, that man's advances towards y/n had seemed way too bold to Ken and he secretly envied the guy for it. He wishes he could act that "authoritative" (if that was the correct term) around his girlfriend (and not turn into a stammering and blushing mess).
But then again, y/n had assured him she didn't have any emotions for the human. Would it be too much to ask her again? Just to be sure. Would it push her away?
Ken is wanton for her touch, his body physically aching to be caressed, admired and even used by his sweet girl. He really adores her apart from, you know, physically craving her.
She's standing in front of him, barely reaching his broad chest, but somehow she is no less intimidating (at least to him). Her paralyzing gaze is scanning every inch of his body. When she reaches his eyes, which are expressing so many different emotions, her gaze softens. Ken swears she saw her nod, reassuringly, making his doubts vanish -at least a good chunk of them-.
The words are out before he has time to decide if they are the right ones, his mind giving in to the heat between his legs.
"I too can prove you are the only one."
It sounded harsh, breaking the silence but y/n doesn't seem to object to the idea. (These random bursts of confidence from Ken make her heart flutter in her chest.)
Y/n's pov:
Simultaneously, y/n's previous fear of people finding out about her toy-boyfriend has vanished.
She also can't help but notice the change in Ken's body language. He seems rigid, but expecting, definitely unprepared for the pleasure he's about to experience.
Y/n has already explained to Ken the basics of the reproductive system and he'd been profoundly scandalised about how making babies is supposed to also feel so good. But then again, the blowjob he had anxiously received from her, had hopefully made him understand what she meant. (He had even seemed surprised by his own cum.)
Her skin is prickling with heat at the way Ken's aqua blue eyes are dancing over her silhouette. All that heat is going straight to her core and even the air around her feels hotter on her skin.
It's also the first time Ken's seeing her with actual clothes on -and not pyjamas-. Y/n is wearing jeans that hug her hips tightly and a sage green, crop top.
When she hears Ken's oddly challenging words, she raises an eyebrow, a wicked smile forming on her lip-glossed lips.
Y/n gets on her tiptoes so that she can have access to his (unfairly handsome) face, teasing him but never connecting her lips with his. Just feeling his hot breath on her face drives her insane with want! (She has never been more turned on by a man before)
Y/n palms the bulge -that is now all too obvious- in his light washed jeans while maintaining eye contact with -a too entranced to say anything- Ken. The low groans that are coming from deep in his chest make her impatient (but she knows better, she's going to take her sweet time).
Ken is flushed once again, putty in her hands. His hands are fumbling with the ends of his jacket and his chest is heaving with swallow breaths, but he manages to not break eye contact.
"Ken, luv, you can touch me you know."
"Mmhmm", his answer turns into a whimper as he feels y/n unbuttoning his jeans.
While she's struggling with the zipper of his pants (his cock fully engorged in them), Ken attempts to make his hands useful, even if he is still feeling shy. He's always been in awe of y/n's curves, so he reaches for her outer thighs, (finally, he thinks) cupping them with his big palms and pressing his fingers into them, kneeding them. Ken's curiosity, as he's exploring y/n's hips, expands and he moves his hands on her backside, feeling his dick throb when he gives her round ass a squeeze (which causes y/n to moan lowly in return).
Y/n has managed to unzip Ken's jeans and she's now taking a step back.
"Ken, undress me Ken, please..."
Ken is at a loss for a second, but thanks to her slightly begging tone, he discovers he always wanted to do this.
He takes a deep breath, collecting some courage. He wants to show y/n that he is better than her male "friend", that he can do anything she wants.
Firstly, he takes off his own clothes, -shoes, jacket and jeans- (keeping only his boxers on). All the while y/n has started playing with her breasts while looking at him like he's God. That alone, makes Ken go to her and claim her mouth in a forceful kiss (there it is, a burst of confidence!)
She melts in the kiss, they both do.
Still, his hands are trembling when he takes hold of her top, almost smiling at how small it is (he could even use it as a bandana). Her bra is next. That makes Ken hesitate, not only because he has no idea how this piece of clothing works, but because her skin there seems so soft and he desperately wants to touch it. He also wants to touch her collarbones, her thin neck, her delicate arms...
"Someone's getting distracted"
"No! No, I-
You're beautiful, y/n"
She can't help but giggle. Ken loves that girly giggle of hers, he always gets butterflies from hearing it. He doesn't know how or why but he leans down and presses a chaste kiss on her -slightly sweaty- forehead. Ken then rests his own forehead against hers. The silence is comforting, tender almost.
When he pulls away, y/n is smiling at him, both of them feeling more comfortable now, ready to get more intimate together than ever before.
Y/n takes Ken's hands and guides them to her back, helping him to undo her bra. She then discards it on the floor.
Ken gasps at the sight of y/n's breasts.
It's not just the fact that he had never seen a woman's breasts before, it's the fact that all this beauty is his. Don't get me wrong, unlike many other men, Ken doesn't think he owns his girlfriend. He simply admires the way, he has the privilege of being able to see and touch y/n, in her most vulnerable. His privilege on her breasts.
He's trying to tell her something, maybe a compliment or ask for her consent. But he's breathless.
All the while, y/n has grown so hot and is so lost in the lust she feels for Ken, that she gets off her jeans on her own, discarding them on the floor. She's about to take off her panties, but that seems to snap Ken out of it.
"No, no, no y/n! I want to do it."
"Well, I want you to do it too."
She then starts taking steps backwards, retrieving towards the kitchen counter.
Ken, on the other hand, is walking forward, like a predator stalking his prey (unbeknownst to him of course).
When her bare back meets the cold counter y/n's breath hitches in her throat. Before she has time to react, Ken is towering over her, hands on her thighs, but this time it feels different.
Skin on skin. The shivers down her spine don't seem to stop, her pussy aching for attention and Ken's hard-on pressing against her lower stomach doesn't help much.
"Ah- Ken, I need you" y/n moans, hands blindly gripping his mascular biceps, nails pressing into his skin.
She doesn't want him, she NEEDS him.
"What, what am I supposed to do? Y/n, we're gonna have sex, right?!"
His voice sounds unstable, his breathing loud. Is he anxious or as lost in his desire as her? Probably both.
Y/n is about to brace herself on the counter, but Ken, catching the motion, helps her up by lifting her from the waist. His hands completely encircle her torso and they're unbelievably warm. More shivers, another moan from y/n.
She looks deeply into his eyes. This is important. This, right now, is a big step, especially for Ken. He's eager for her but still confused about pleasure. This time giving it.
Y/n calms down her breathing as best as she can. Resting her hands on Ken's chest, soothing him, she is ready to answer.
"Yes baby we are. Are you okay with this?"
He places his own hands on top of hers.
"Of course I am y/n. I just...you, can you show me how it's done? We need a bed, don't we?"
"Not yet -the bed-, I- I want to show you something else Ken, from what I was telling you last time."
Ken smiles confidently.
He knows that stuff, y/n had taught him what her own sex looks like. He's aware of the placement of the clit and of the entrance, where the penetration also happens.
"I know what you mean y/n. Look, I want to make you feel good, I owe you that one."
He was referring to the oral.
"Okay then", she presses a kiss on his chest.
Y/n adjusts her position on the counter, so that Ken can have better access to her pussy.
After that, she guides Ken's hand where she needs him most. Ken's touch is gentle, like he's afraid he'll hurt her. He rubs her on top of her underwear with his thumb, experimently. The friction is making her moan. Ken is transfixed from the warmth that's spilling out of her core, he needs to see her.
Taking hold of both sides of the panties Ken guides them down to y/n's ankles, where they fall to the floor, along with the rest of their clothes.
Y/n is fighting back the urge to squeeze her thighs together, the air harsh against her sensitive bundle of nerves.
Ken is staring at her pussy so intensely, she begins to feel self conscious. She's probably blushing.
"Ken?", her voice comes meek in her own ears, so weak.
"Now, now I touch you, right?
"Yeah, should I show you how?"
"No I can do it. I can also use my mouth, like you did, hm?"
"That's right"
While they speak Ken lowers himself, looks up at y/n, looking so damn hot panting and then looks at her folds, almost dripping. Ken has learnt that them being wet is a good sign.
He feels dizzy and so very unsure of his abilities at pleasing y/n. Fortunately, his instinct urges him to nuzzle her inner thighs with his face (and mouth) while keeping her legs open with both arms.
He's planting kisses on the soft flesh, attempts to nimble it and smiles when he hears a soft moan from above.
"Mmmm, Ken, yes, that's so good"
The praise keeps him going, gingerly covering every bit of flesh with open mouthed kisses.
At last, after some more teasing, he's face to face with the most breathtaking thing he's ever come across.
Ken takes one hand, one finger, pressing down on the centre of her swollen clit.
Y/n gasps and moans at the sudden touch.
Her thighs try to squeeze his head, but he can keep them open with ease (he kinda likes the idea of him being squeezed by her beautiful legs).
"Ken please"
"Was that the clit?"
"What? Oh yes, please, Ken"
Ken is getting focused now. His girlfriend needs him.
He trails a finger all over y/n's clit, getting used to the feeling, studying her expressions, deciding which parts feel the best for her.
He opens her legs a little more, so that her entrance can be better visible. Ken moans at how it seems to be contracting and extracting.
He's caressing all around the circle, mesmerized.
Y/n looks down at him, he's so focused, almost keeping his breath.
"Ken, touch both at the same time"
He nods, ready.
He draws circles with his thumb on her clit, while the other hand's index finger slowly slides into her.
The moans that escape y/n's mouth are the best sound Ken's ever heard. He needs to hear more. They mean he's doing a good job, they are a reward, a praise.
With clumsy hands, he continues doing the same pattern, trying to find a rhythm. Thumb pressing, rubbing and circling her clit, while a finger slides in and out of her.
And then "Please, oh- add another finger"
As he's sliding both fingers in, y/n's hand reaches for Ken's hair, using it to somehow ground herself. Ken's touch is heavenly to her, the groan caused by her grip on his hair vibrating in her pussy, and she mewls.
Ken's had enough, he presses a sloppy kiss on her clit and then another. He's soon feeling confident enough to suck at it, while still thrusting two fingers inside her.
His tongue is what makes her react the most. And so he ends up lapping it over her folds.
She lets out a sound like sobbing, her hips trembling.
"Did I hurt you?!"
"Don't stop, Ken pleaseeee"
"Are you crying, y/n-"
"Ken you're amazing, please..."
She must be feeling so good. Ken could do that for the whole night, if y/n asked him to.
A few moments later and Ken's movements are unrelenting, driving y/n closer and closer to her orgasm.
Her moans have become higher pitched and her legs are shaking, toes curling involuntarily, how can he be so perfect?
Ken, I- ahh-
Oh my- mhhhhmmmm, Ken! Ah!
Ken, oh yes Ken, don't stop yes!"
Ken is so lost in the feeling of her muscles flexing against his fingers, the smell of her so intoxicating to him and all the praises coming from y/n's trembling voice... it's a miracle he doesn't come in his boxers right then and there.
Y/n feels the knot in her stomach ready to snap. She curls her fingers in Ken's hair, letting out the most sinful of sounds. Now, incapable of forming coherent sentences, she just cries out, her boyfriend's name being the only thing she can grasp on to.
And just like that, with another thrust of Ken's fingers, her orgasm hits her, shaking her whole. Her back arches, allowing Ken to hit THE spot a few times.
Ken is filled with pride, the reactions he managed to get out of y/n forever priceless.
She grips his wrist to show him that was more than enough. He removes his hand, but licks her one more time, from her dripping entrance to her clit, tasting her juices, feeling her tremble and mumble his name, all because of his touch.
Y/n's body finally relaxes. She feels so exhausted, but also content.
In Ken's eyes, she's shining like the moon, gleaming, maddeningly beautiful.
But truth be told, Ken was worried about all those sounds she made at the end, was he hurting her?
He asked her that much, about the almost screaming part.
"Oh my sweet boy! Sure they were screams but, happy ones!"
"So I made you 'happy scream'?", the playful tone in his voice is matching with the look of adoration he has on his face, as he stands up back to his full height.
He brings the two fingers he had used to his mouth and sucks at them.
Y/n simply stares at him, too stunned (but in a good way) to say anything.
Ken simply says, "You taste really good"
And he's speaking with such innocence it's hard to believe what he's referring to.
He takes both of her hands in his much bigger ones, studying how she regains her composure, her chest still heaving heavily, her cheeks like two apples.
"Ken you made me feel, probably the best I've ever felt!"
He chuckles, bashful once again.
"I'm glad you liked it y/n. I would do anything for you. I love you."
(Ken is obviously the type to say 'I love you' during sex and anything that has to do with it.)
Y/n doesn't get scared by the statement. She smiles, a big, tired one.
"I love you more, Kenneth"
He leans in, peppering her face with kisses.
"No, I, love you more"
"Nah, I do"
"Noooo, I love you more"
"I lo-", y/n's sentence is cut short as she yelps.
Ken has picked her up, bridal style, without any warning and he is now carrying her to her bed.
He places her down slowly, horizontally, in the middle of the bed.
Ken then takes a few moments (maybe whole minutes) just looking at y/n, memorizing every inch of her exposed body.
Y/n is laying on her back, completely limp as the mattress holds her. She feels so light, simply enjoying every minute of her afterglow. Ken's presence isn't threatening, but safe, Ken is her safe place.
"Hey, sweetheart, come join me", she pats the empty space next to her.
He joins her, reluctantly, his movements stiff all of a sudden. Ken loves how calm and in peace y/n seems to be and he doesn't want to bother her with...his situation.
What I'm saying is, his dick is still in his boxers -that are wet with tons of precum-, rock hard and aching, asking for attention and twitching when y/n simply presses a kiss on his neck.
"Ken, lovee..." she purrs at him, turning her body so that she can face him, resting her head on one hand, cupping his face with the other.
Ken leans into her touch and closes his eyes, letting out a deep sigh. When he reopens them, his eyes are pleading her silently, like he's a puppy desperate for a treat.
It's time for y/n to take the lead for one more time. She lets the hand on Ken's cheek fall, lazily trailing over his chest, drawing some random shapes, moving lower, teasing his abs, the muscles tensing where she touches them, then his lower abdomen, her touch so gentle it almost tickles him.
She's taking so long and Ken has been waiting for too much time (all day in Barbieland, while her friends were here and then when he was pleasing her). He can't stand it anymore, it's too much to handle. He almost cries out, ready to beg her to finally give him what he's so desperately craving. He exhales deeply, grabbing her wrist, firmly but without hurting her.
"Y/n- I can't-... Please, I can't..."
Y/n's other hand starts to massage his (swollen by now) balls.
Ken growls deeply, back arching, squeezing her wrist enough to leave his fingertips printed there.
His whole body seems to be flushed and he has unconsciously begun rocking his hips forward, an attempt to feel some sort of relief.
"Ken, should we stop?", y/n is genuinely worried. (Ken's face is a deep red and he whimpers like he's being fucked already)
touch me, I can't- can't breath...mhmmmmm"
He lets a sound like crying, his head falling back as y/n finally takes hold of his cock. His underwear flying in the air and out of sight.
She stays sitted beside him, muttering sweet nothings to him, trying to make sure he doesn't pass out.
Y/n starts giving Ken a handjob, but without much teasing since he's already so worked up.
As she pumps him, Ken can't stop moving. His head is thrown back as silent screams leave his lips, eyes squeezed. Ken's left hand is holding onto y/n's booty, like he's scared of all the pleasure shooting through his body.
More. More. More. He feels like he's gonna -literally- explode.
She stops. The whimper Ken voices is enough to make her all wet for the second time tonight. (And also loud enough to wake up the neighbors.)
"Why, why did you stop?", Ken almost breathes out the words instead of speaking them. He even looks offended that y/n stopped, still holding onto her thigh.
"'Cause I have an idea"
"Ken, we can still orgasm together, if we...have sex."
Ken immediately sits up, looking incredulously at his beloved girlfriend.
"And what if I'm not good at it y/n?!"
"You've been so so good for me so far sweetie pie. We'll figure it out together, it's like I explained to you."
Ken replays all that y/n has taught him. He is petrified, but the trust he has on y/n (and the need to finally orgasm himself) are enough motivation for him.
"Let me start"
She nods, sweat glistering skin, her y/h/c hair sticking on her face.
Ken is ready to make an impression. He's happy to see she is as destroyed and needy as he assumes, looks himself.
Grabbing her waist he brings y/n closer, kissing her without trying to make it clean or precise. And what he does next is a new to him. (aka burst of confidence)
Ken isn't content with JUST kissing her on the lips and he starts exploring the rest of her beautiful body, with his hot mouth.
He has been waiting for this, he has worked for this, he deserves this.
In a state of delirious trance, Ken licks, nimbles, sucks and bites y/n's body like he'll die if he stops.
First the column of her neck, second her collarbones and arms, all the way to each palm and back up. Her tits are being worshipped longer than the rest of her. Ken starts by giving them gentle squeezes, his palms able to fist them whole. Then (mimicking the movements he had performed while he was playing with her sex), he rubs the pads of his fingers on what he knows is called 'the nipples'. Y/n moans his name, scratching his back like a cat. Her nipples are darker after that, and harder too. Just like he did with her clit, he is now sucking at them, lapping his tongue against them, y/n shuddering at the sensation, too overwhelmed to say anything but faintly utter "...so good"
And we all know that's all Ken needs to hear.
Next is her stomach, an unexpectedly soft and smooth area that Ken appears to love as he kisses every centimetre of it. (Y/n's insecurities leaving her body along with the sweet sounds she's making for Ken)
He also mumbles his thoughts against her skin.
"You're so soft"
"Your smell's making me feel lightheaded"
"So beautiful, so gorgeous, thank you, I love you, I love you, I love you "
After spending some time on her thighs, leaving a trail of marks on them (his favourite part of y/n's masterpiece of a body), he's tempted to taste her juices again. However, he decides against it, both of them too tired to waste any more time on foreplay.
Ken climbs back up, supporting his body with his muscular arms as he's hovering above y/n.
"It's time"
Y/n captures his lips in a long kiss, while grabbing his dick, guiding it to her entrance. (There is no need to use protection, Ken's not meant to give baby dolls.)
The head of his cock is in contact with her pussy now, but not inside yet.
Y/n believes she'll die from all the anticipation, but she wants to make sure Ken's first time will be a good memory for him to recall and not an awkward mess.
His forehead is resting against hers.
"Will I hurt you, when I push in?"
She plays with his hair, reassuringly.
"It's all gonna be happy screams"
Y/n can feel him smile. She really adores that dork.
They readjust their position a bit, so that they're holding hands. Fingers intertwined.
Oddly enough, Ken maintains eye contact as he very slowly pushes his length (quite long and thick too) inside her tight hole.
They simultaneously gasp at the sensation.
Ken grunts, going deeper and deeper, his entire body trembling on top y/n's smaller one.
He's forcing words out when there's no air for them.
"You okay?"
"Hell yeah"
And that's it, he's as deep inside her as it goes. His libido is taking over, but he tries to fight the urge, unsure of what he's supposed to do next. Ken's looking down at y/n, the blue almost entirely gone from his eyes.
Below him, y/n is experiencing new levels of being stretched out. She's gasping for air. If her pussy struggles to adjust to the feeling she pays no heed to it. She feels so full and so so so so good.
Y/n knows neither of them can last very long, their bodies being on edge for hours.
"Ken, Ken my baby, please!"
Her usually more composed self fails her. She's pleading Ken to use her for his own pleasure. Every nerve on her body is going crazy, she's almost shaking without Ken even having moved inside her.
"Please what?"
Ken's voice is so raw, almost demanding, his obedient and bashful self giving space for this new version of him.
"Please fuck me like you only can!"
(She's ashamed to sound like a whore but she needs him to start moving inside her.)
Ken growls at that, a sound that feels laboured (and sexy).
With their hands still clutching tightly, Ken pulls back, leaving only the head of his dick inside y/n, before pushing back in.
He moans loudly at the feeling. So does she.
He's not sure he can do it.
Ken's body feels like it's gonna collapse on y/n at any given moment, trembling like he's dying from cold weather, even though he is in so much heat his vision is blurring.
"Oh my God Ken! Do that again!"
He's sure he can do it.
For the next ten minutes or so, Ken is thrusting inside y/n. His pace is fast, showing just how needy he is.
For y/n, keeping her eyes open is becoming harder and harder. Ken's dick is hitting her g-spot frequently. All the moaning and crying out Ken's name are definitely going to leave her throat sore.
Ken is vocal as well. His moaning is loud and the whimpers always present. And how could they not be?
As he continues to thrust inside y/n's perfect hole, he feels the familiar sensation gathering at the pit of his stomach.
He's going to 'cum' very soon. He's proud he can understand his body's reactions, thanks to y/n's teaching.
Ken's head finds shelter in the crook of y/n's neck, as he tries to muffle a series of "Oh crap- oh crap- of crap- OH- shit- shit-"
He is being milked. The way his cock is being tightly squeezed by y/n's pussy making him see stars.
Y/n is also feeling a second orgasm rapidly building up inside her. The satisfaction that they're actually going to come together is surreal.
"Ken -ah- make me -ah- cum AH!"
Her precious Ken increases his speed. And just like that y/n loses control of her body, as she comes without warning all over his cock. Pathetic whines and Ken's name, her mantra.
The spasms that electroshock her body and the tight space that is y/n's pussy, are Ken's last straw.
"Y/n! Y/n it- it's happening...
Mhm, Augh-"
His hands abandon hers so that he can steady himself, as he comes at last, spilling it all deep inside y/n.
Y/s is there for him when this happens, she knows it must be so overwhelming for him, his whole body shaking (hers still spasming as he thrusts into her after her own orgasm).
"That's it sweetheart. Oh- that was perfect Ken, so perfect. It's alright, I told you you could do it"
Ken -finally- collapses on top of her. He's nuzzled up on y/n's breasts (the best pillow), arms around her torso, as she lovingly pets his upper back and arms, massaging them gently.
They stay like that for a good while, breathing going back to normal. Ken's cock softens again, leaving y/n's warmth when he changes his position.
Y/n breaks the comfortable silence.
"We should go get cleaned up"
"I love you"
"I know"
"And you're not gonna say it back?"
"Only if you get your handsome body off me"
"But I've found the perfect position to sleep in"
"Ken, for God's sake, you'll squeeze me to death"
He gets off her and off the bed, making dramatic noises. Y/n mimics his actions seconds after him.
They end up showering together, giggling and having fun like little kids.
After a failed attempt from Ken to wash y/n's hair, after the "I love you" y/n owned him for not letting her suffocate beneath him and after getting dry and into clean clothes they are both too exhausted to do anything else.
They just get comfy under the covers, this time Ken being used as a pillow. Y/n is laying her head on his chest, just where his heart is, Ken's heartbeat lulling her into a deep sleep. Our lucky Ken, has his arms wrapped around y/n's frame, nuzzling the top of her head, inhaling the flowery scent of her shampoo, feeling his eyelids getting heavier.
He knows that he won't be waking up next to her in the morning, but he's immune to the disappointment for now.
He would leave Barbieland forever if that meant he could always be by y/n's side. But that's a thought for another time.
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I hope you had fun reading this shameless smut. I'm proud of it actually, bc I brought an original idea to the table with Boytoy. I'm sure there are grammar and spelling errors but it's okay. I can write a small epilogue, a happy ending if you will! (UPDATE; bonus part is out!!!!!)
Bye for now ✨✨
Dividers by; @cafekitsune
my masterlist
Tags; @heyimizzy @notleclerc @moonmaiden1996 @vilovedr @goldenvespa @hope4rain19
461 notes · View notes
weareapackofstrays · 5 months
A New Kind of Love: Chapter III
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Genre: Non-Idol college au, slight enemies to lovers (more like they annoy e/o at the start), friends with benefits, smut, angst, romance, drama
Pairing: Minho x F!Reader
Warnings: Drinking, Cigarette Smoking, Mention of Weed, Nonconsensual touching, Cussing, Spanking, Rough Sex, Physical Violence (Minho punches a guy), Degradation, Reader is a bit of a brat. Let me know if I forgot anything! MINORS DO NOT INTERACT.
Word Count: 5,377
Summary: You didn't grow up with great examples of love. Your parents were always at each other's throats. As a result, you have struggled with expressing your true feelings and can come off cold or defensive. After your boyfriend of 2 years cheats on you during freshman year with your childhood best friend, you decide to swear off love for good. Now in your second year of college, you move into the basement apartment of a house full of college boys. Inevitably crossing paths with one of them, Minho quickly gets under your skin in more ways than one. Despite your differences, you can't stay away from him.
A/N: Apologies for the lengthy chapter. I am also realizing that I have written a lot of parties into this story haha, but it's college. Side note/fun fact: I based the campus and house off of Penn State and where I used to live. Feedback/thoughts are always welcome!
Chapter III: Those Are Mine Now Prev | Next
Fall semester was coming to a close and the first snow had fallen on campus. You loved the smell of snow and the sound it made when it crunched under your boots. It rarely ever snowed back home. A few weeks had gone by since your library encounter with Minho and as much as you tried, you couldn’t stop thinking about him. His touch, his tongue, they were haunting your dreams both day and night. As you replay the moment in your head, you miss Yuqi and Momo walking up to your table at the usual meet up spot. Yuqi sits down across from you and exchanges a look with Momo as they notice your spaced out state.
“Ground control to Major Tom?” Yuqi waves at you to get your attention.
“It appears we've lost connection,” the two girls mimic speaking into an intercom. You banish Minho from your head and smile at them.
“Damn, where did you go?” Momo, your other best friend, slides into the booth next to you wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
“Nowhere…” you shrug your shoulders. After placing your orders, the girls turn their attention to you.
“So are you going to Max’s party this weekend?” You look between Momo and Yuqi blinking.
“I guess she hasn’t heard,” Momo says. “Max is throwing a party at the Theta Chi house Saturday night to celebrate the end of finals. You have to come!”
“Jisung is going so he’s bringing his roommates with him,” Yuqi adds.
“Wow I guess you two are really hitting it off.” You mindlessly flip through the sugar packets for something to add to your tea.
Yuqi bites the tip of her thumb and scrunches her nose. “Yes.” She starts to giggle.
“Ew, okay.” You stick your finger down your throat, jokingly.
“Stop, I really like him!” She covers her face shyly.
“They’re all over each other, it’s gross.” Momo rolls her eyes in gest. 
Yuqi scoffs. “Whatever, you just can't stand how cute we are.”
“That is accurate.” You laugh at Momo’s comment before changing the topic.
“So you said Jisung and his roommates will be there?”
Yuqi is scrolling through her phone mindlessly. “Yeah.” You pick at your napkin trying to act nonchalant. 
“All of them or just-”
Yuqi lets out a frustrated sigh. “If you’re trying to ask if Minho will be there then just say so.” She places her hands on her hips and gives you a pointed look. The waiter walks over interrupting to drop off your food. 
Momo takes hold of her plate and turns to you, “Minho? Who is that?” 
“No one. He’s no one.”
“No one doesn’t fuck someone in a library, Y/n.” Yuqi raises an eyebrow, casually taking a sip of her coffee.
Momo’s eyes go wide as she shouts, “ What?!” You look around at the other restaurant patrons and try to shoosh the girls. Yuqi lets out a cackle. “What the hell, Y/n. Spill!” Momo drops her hand from your shoulder and nudges you for an explanation. 
“Sorry, it’s nothing really. We just kinda hooked up a few weeks ago.”
“Minho went down on her in the stacks.” Yuqi says with a mouthful of food.
“In the stacks?” Momo lets out a whistle. “Yeah, sure sounds like nothing.” They both laugh and you kick them under the table. 
“Ouch!” They cry out in unison. 
Yuqi rubs her calf, still laughing. “And to answer your question. Yes, he will be there.”
“I didn’t ask.” You take a sip of your tea and shrug. Yuqi kicks you under the table now, but you don’t react.
“What are we going to do with her?” Yuqi sighs.
Momo looks at you coyly, “I can think of a few things.” She winks at you.
“Okay, now it’s my turn to be grossed out,” Yuqi feigns disgust as she looks at her meal. “And in front of my salad.”
“Speaking of tossed salad.” You choke on your drink and start laughing along with Momo. Yuqi throws her fork down. “I just lost my appetite.” She raises her finger in the air, “Check, please!” 
On your way to the arts building to take your last final of the semester, you see Minho talking to a very pretty girl. Shoot. You had definitely been avoiding him at home and on campus recently, but curiosity gets the better of you. Quickly ducking behind some students, you settle behind a tree to get a better look. Minho stands leaning against a wall of a neighboring building. He’s dressed in utility pants, crewneck, and a beanie. He looks good. Too good. What a dick, you think. He’s laughing with her and they seem to be close. You feel an unfamiliar pang in your chest at the sight of them together. Minho looks in your direction and you flee into a crowd, sprinting to your final. 
Minho chats with his dance partner, Mel. They break out into laughter as they recall something funny their dance instructor said earlier during their final. They have known each other since the start of Freshman year and while they weren’t best friends, there was still a closeness between them as dance partners. Minho was blown away by her skill the first time he watched her dance and knew he had to make her his partner after that. Mel has really helped him grow as a dancer and maybe had an influence on his patience too. While going over their plans for Christmas break, Minho feels the back of his neck tingle and senses eyes on him. He turns to look for the source and thinks he spies you, but you’re gone before he can confirm it’s you. He looks back to Mel to continue their chat when Mel’s girlfriend, Leah, joins them.
“Hey, you two.” Leah plants a kiss on Mel’s cheek. Minho greets her with a nod.
Leah looks at Minho and pats his arm. “You going to Max’s party this weekend?” 
“Yeah, Jisung is making us go.”
“Making?” Mel questions.
“A girl he’s sweet on will be there so all the guys are going as moral support.” He shrugs.
“Sweet on? Are you from the past, old man?” Leah tries to poke Minho in the rib teasingly, but he immediately flinches, avoiding her. She turns to Mel, “We should get going, love.” Mel nods and gives Minho a wave. 
“See you this weekend!”
He watches them leave admiring the two of them as they walk hand in hand. Minho catches himself imagining the two of you similarly walking around campus and gives himself a slap.
“Stop that!” he chastises himself and leaves for his next class.
Momo, Yuqi, and you stand at the base of the stairs of the Theta Chi house and look up. There are colorful lights blinking in the window and you can hear the base of whatever song is blasting. Yuqi pulls you both into her side and you ascend the steps. As soon as you open the door you're greeted by a flood of people dancing and chatting. Yuqi helps guide you through the crowd for a meeting point she had pre-planned with Jisung. Jisung and Felix spot all of you and Jisung jumps in the air to capture your attention. Yuqi sees him and shrieks excitedly. Still holding onto your arm, she starts running in the direction of the boys. You quickly grab Momo’s hand as you are pulled through the sea of people. Jisung pulls Yuqi into a hug and places a peck on her cheek. They stare into each other’s eyes fondly as they say hi to each other. It makes your chest tighten a little.
“Oh my god. They really are whipped for each other,” you whisper into Momo’s ear. She laughs and nods back.
“Hey, Y/n!” Jisung pulls you into a hug next, followed by Felix. Felix lingers a little and you notice he is staring at something past you. Minho watches the four of you from across the room and meets Felix’s eyes. Felix releases you.
“Hi Felix," you smile at him.
“It’s good to see you again,” he says, giving your arms a gentle squeeze. 
You look at Jisung. “Hey, neighbor.”
“I feel like it’s been a while since we’ve seen you,” Jisung says. You laugh uncomfortably and Yuqi turns away to hide her knowing giggle.
“Just been busy I guess.” You turn to Momo, bringing her forward. “This is our friend, Momo, by the way.” 
“Momo! We finally meet!” Jisung grabs her and gives her an unexpected tight hug. Yuqi’s face lightens up with the biggest smile. Momo looks at the two of you with a shocked face and laughs. Jisung releases her and Felix takes her hand as they exchange hellos. After Felix offers to grab beers for everyone, the four of you settle into a corner and comfortably chat. Felix eventually returns with drinks and joins in on the conversation. 
You take a few sips, nodding your head to whatever Jisung is saying while you casually scan the room for someone. For him. Right on cue, the crowd parts and directly across the room in front of you, stands Minho. You notice his hand holding a red cup and find yourself staring at his fingers, then your eyes drift up to his arm admiring the tattoo covering most of his forearm. You make a mental note to get a better look at it later. Minho feels your gaze and looks in your direction. He thinks you’re staring at him at first, but then follows your eyes to his arm. He tilts his head and a grin spreads across his face. He takes a sip of his drink purposely pulling you from your thoughts. Your eyes meet. A warm sensation trickles through your body. Minho turns his attention back to someone. It’s her. The pretty girl from before. Did he come here with her? And who the heck is she? Are they sleeping together? You want to ask Jisung or Felix who Minho is talking to, but worry you’ll only get more questions back from them. Minho puts his hand on the girl’s shoulder and you feel an emotion akin to jealousy ignite within you. Momo notices you looking distracted so she nudges you.
You face her and arch a brow. “What?”
Momo leans into your ear. “Let’s dance.”
Felix asks to accompany the two of you and the three of you walk out to the makeshift dance floor in the living room. Minho watches you curiously, but remains chatting with Mel. Felix and Momo sandwich you between them while you jump around dancing and shouting the lyrics of the song playing. You try to forget about Minho and his pretty friend and get lost in the music. A girl you recognize from one of your art history classes taps on Felix’s shoulder and asks him to dance. He looks at you and Momo for permission, but you both wave him away.
“Go, have fun, babe!” He leaves the two of you to dance together. Momo gets distracted by someone behind her and chats them up so you now dance alone. Minho catches your eye again and you see him with another girl. You turn around growing further annoyed. Why isn’t he coming to say hi? Minho looks at the back of you wondering what game you're playing. He turns to Mel’s girlfriend, Leah, and excuses himself for a moment. He starts to make his way onto the dance floor when another guy steps in instead. He’s unsure what’s said, but he assumes he is asking to dance with you. You wrap your arms around the guy and start moving together. Minho feels anger boil under his skin, but decides to go find his roommates before he does something dumb.
Momo finally returns her attention back to you and gives your new dance partner a get lost look. “My turn,” she shouts as she grabs hold of your waist possessively. You thank your dance partner and turn around to face Momo. The two of you dance in the middle of the makeshift dance floor while taking more swigs of beer. She takes hold of you pulling you in closely. You both get into the rhythm and her warm body feels good against yours. You wrap an arm around her neck gently grinding into her. She takes that as a signal and brings you in for a kiss. It wasn’t the first time you had messed around with Momo. The two of you usually end up making out at some point whenever you attend parties together. Momo slides a hand down and gives your ass a squeeze. You slap her jokingly, but she doesn’t relent. Instead, she slides her tongue further into your mouth and you can feel her moan. Excitement rushes through you.
Minho finds Jisung and Yuqi in the backyard. They have been joined by a few of his other roommates, Hyunjin and Changbin. Jisung’s hand is wrapped around Yuqi’s back, holding her closely to his side. Minho hasn’t seen Jisung look this happy in a long time and it makes him swell with joy. He bumps beer bottles with the boys, greeting each other. 
Yuqi leans into Minho’s side. “Have you seen Y/n?” 
“She’s on the dance floor with your other friend.”
“Momo?” she asks. Minho nods and looks back in the direction of the dance floor.
“They’re somewhere over-” he cuts himself off when he spots the two of you making out. Yuqi and Jisung follow his gaze curiously. Yuqi sees the two of you embracing each other and rolls her eyes. Jisung stands with his mouth open like a fish and Yuqi smacks his chest. He laughs, but nervously looks to Minho for his reaction. 
“I guess it’s that time of night then,” Yuqi says jokingly. “They’re like that sometimes.” 
“Sometimes?” Jisung says surprised. “Aren’t they friends?”
“Yeah, of course, and it’s just two drunken friends having fun. Don’t read too much into it.” She says that more for Minho’s benefit, but notices his fist balled at his side. 
“There’s nothing between them. It doesn’t mean anything, I promise.” She places a hand on his forearm to reassure him. Minho looks at Yuqi and gives her a quick smile that doesn’t meet his eyes. He takes the last sip of his beer and walks away. Changbin notices Minho leaving abruptly. 
“Where is Hyung going?” He asks Jisung. 
“Probably to get another drink,” he lies. Minho hadn’t really told anyone about the nature of his relationship with you, but Jisung and Felix knew something was happening.
If you were being honest with yourself, you knew there was a chance Minho would see the two of you together. You didn’t know where he was, but you could feel him near. Were you doing this for attention? Maybe. Did you know why? Your buzzed state convinced yourself no. Momo weaves her fingers into your hair, pushing you closer together. Her kisses were becoming more desperate. You try to enjoy the sweet taste of your silly friend’s tongue in your mouth while you both sway to the upbeat music together, but Minho’s potentially disappointed face keeps interrupting your thoughts. You decide it is time to stop. You disconnect your lips and Momo whines when you try to step away. She pulls you back and nuzzles into your neck, licking your sensitive spots. She was definitely tipsy and the two of you often got touchy feely, sometimes more in the privacy of your apartment, but things were getting borderline public indecency now. 
“Babe, we should stop,” you reluctantly push her away. 
“Fine.” she says exasperated. “I’m gonna go grab another drink.” You could tell she was disappointed so you call after her.
“I love you!” 
“Yeah, yeah.” She waves you off.
Alone in the crowd you look around for Minho, but accidentally bump into someone else. You face the person you assailed and see a gorgeous dimpled man smiling back at you.
“Y/n?” It takes you a moment to connect the dots. 
“Oh! Chris?”
“Yeah!” The two of you had recently seen each other in passing, but hadn’t spoken much. You look down to inspect him. 
“I’m so sorry, did I hurt you?”
“Nah, nah you're good.” The two of you start to casually dance together and chat when Momo finally returns with a new drink in hand. She looks to Chris then you.
“Is this the famous Minho?” Your eyes widen in mortification. Chris coughs and laughs, which makes you wonder if Minho told Chris about what had happened between you. You brush it off and recover your composure. 
“Uh, no, this is-”
“I’m Chris,” he puts a hand out and Momo takes it. “I’m one of Y/n’s neighbors.”
“Oh, how fun.” She looks at you and smiles while waggling her brows. Still holding hands, you notice the two are definitely attracted to each other so you use this as an opportunity to escape.
“Alright, well, why don’t you two chat. It looks like I am in need of a refill now.”
“Later!” Momo waves without breaking eye contact with Chris. Pushing through the crowd of drunk college students, you look back and see Momo wrap her arms around Chris’s neck as they start to dance. Good. You love Momo, but you sometimes worry that if the two of you keep things going too long, feelings might get skewed and you don't want to risk losing her friendship…even if it was a lot of fun. 
The kitchen is surprisingly sparse of people and you take a moment to soak in the quiet. You pour some punch into a solo cup and lean against the counter to sip. Minho knocks on the wall to announce his presence.
“Hey.” He stands with his hands in his pockets. He’s wearing black jeans with a white v-neck tee and jean jacket. You can feel your heart start to race so you look into your cup for a distraction.
“Hey,” you say casually. He takes a step into the kitchen and hovers. Minho can tell you’re trying to avoid him. Unable to take these games he finally speaks.
“Look, we need to talk.” 
Before he can say what he wants to say, Kyle enters the kitchen and greets you, completely unaware of Minho’s presence.. 
“We meet again, sweetheart.”
A slight panic sets in as your two hookups stand in the same room together. You can feel your cheeks warm from embarrassment. “Hi, Kyle,” you say awkwardly. 
“I was hoping we’d run into each other.” Minho feels anger climb up his spine as he sees Kyle swoop you into an embrace. He walks out of the kitchen in defeat. You peer over Kyle’s shoulder and watch him leave. The pang in your heart returns. Kyle releases you and pins you to the counter. 
“I’ve missed you.” You look away from the empty space where Minho stood then meet Kyle’s eyes. You cock your head to the side amused. “Sure, you have.”
He leans in and whispers. “I’m serious. I miss the way you feel, baby.” You’re annoyed at his words turning you on. Are you really this horny or just tipsy? You chastise yourself.
“Why don’t we take this upstairs, sweetheart?”
“I don’t know, Kyle.” You attempt to deny him.
“Are we really going to do this same dance every time?” He takes hold of your hand and heads for the second floor. Minho watches as the two of you disappear up the stairs and decides he’s had enough.
The two of you walk into the hallway where a few other couples had escaped to for some privacy. Kyle pushes you against the wall and kisses your neck. You place a hand on the back of his head as you feel your body give in to his caresses. He starts to pull you towards a bedroom, but the pang in your heart gets even louder. This isn’t right. You place your hands on Kyle’s shoulder and push him off of you.
“I don’t think we should, Kyle.”
“Come on, baby. Just a quickie.”
You roll your eyes and laugh as he starts to kiss your cheek. You push him away again.
“I’m being serious, Kyle. I don’t want to do this.” He ignores you and tries to guide you into an open bedroom, but he’s interrupted when he’s ripped from your arms.
“Get off her.” Minho yanks Kyle off of you pushing him into the other wall. 
“Who the fuck are you?” Kyle shouts.
“Minho, what the hell are you doing?” Kyle interrupts you and lunges at Minho. Minho anticipates the move and decks him, knocking him down to the ground. 
You look down at Kyle in horror. “Minho, what the actual fuck?” Minho doesn’t hear you and instead throws you over his shoulder. Kyle attempts to stand, but Minho whips around with you in tow and threatens him to “stay down.” Kyle slumps back on the ground. Minho’s punch dazed him a little. He holds his hands up in surrender. 
“Fine, she’s all yours.”
“Gee, thanks, Kyle,” you say sarcastically as you and Minho walk down the stairs. You try to wriggle out of his grasp, but this just makes him grip onto your exposed thighs harder. He takes you outside to the front of the house and cautiously places you on the ground. You see him hover closely, anticipating your escape, but you just cross your arms and scoff.
“What? Do you think I’m going to run away?” The two of you stare each other down before he takes hold of your elbow.
“We’re going home.” It’s not a question, but a demand. 
You pull your arm from his grasp. “You’re not my dad, Minho! You can’t tell me what to do.” 
He laughs at how childish you sound. He gets in your face and you have to lean back so your noses don’t brush. You forgot how good it felt to have him this close. Minho thinks the same, but he tries to remain focused. His voice lowers and he repeats himself, “We are going home.” A shiver runs through you at the shift in his tone. You bite your lip as you feel warmth shoot through your middle. Minho grabs your hand and you don’t fight him this time. 
Finally in front of the house, he releases your hand and you walk past him, but he reaches back out for you and grasps your wrist before you can get too far. You swing back at the force and face him. Minho is looking to the ground when he speaks. He looks calmer now, a little unsure.
“Were you really going to sleep with that guy?”
You shrug, “Probably not.” He shoots air out his nose and shakes his head. He lets you go and leaves.
“Where are you going?” you shout.
“To bed?” He looks at you incredulously.
“You’re such an asshole.” 
He stops in his tracks, turning to face you. 
“I’m the asshole? Me?” He cannot believe how bratty you are being. He also hates how turned on he is.
“Yes.” You stick your tongue out at him. That’s it, he says to himself. His eyes darken and he takes long strides back to you. He grabs hold of your forearm and pulls you into the alleyway beside your shared house. He cages you against the cold brick wall and all you can do is stare at him in bewilderment at his sudden actions.
“What the fuck are you doing, Y/n?” he growls. His anger sends a pleasant sensation through your body again.
“What?” you ask. Doe eyes on full display. He laughs and releases a hand from the wall to run through his hair. The smell of his shampoo invades your senses and you have to keep yourself from purring. Minho looks back at you, all amusement gone from his face. Goosebumps visibly spread across your skin.
“So were you just going to fuck everyone at the party until you got my attention?” Your mouth drops in surprise. He wasn’t…wrong, but you also weren’t expecting him to call you out. You look down at your shoes and shift on your feet. Minho grabs hold of your chin and forces you to look at him.
“You’ve got my attention now, princess. Are you happy?” You don’t answer. “What, no retort? You’re usually so opinionated.”
You try to look away again, but Minho keeps you in place. 
“And what about you? You’re not so innocent.” Your voice shakes as you try to cling to a shred of your dignity. 
“Me?” he asks.
“You were flirting with a few girls yourself!”
He takes a moment to think of who you could be talking about and realizes you mean Mel and Leah. It dawns on him in that moment that it was you he caught watching him on campus earlier in the week. He blinks a few times. “Is that why you were so misbehaved tonight? You were jealous?” You don’t know how to answer him. His eyes drop from yours to your lips. He gently moves his thumb over your bottom lip before slowly sliding it into your mouth. He watches you intently as you accept his digit and start sucking. You swirl your tongue around his finger, but he stops you when he pushes down on your tongue forcing your mouth open. He leans in and swipes his tongue across your own and you moan. He licks your mouth again before forcing your lips together. His hand drops from your chin and slides down to your waist. He takes in your lips fully. Minho’s other hand grips the back of your head pushing you further into your kiss. Your tongues wrestle for dominance, teeth clashing.
You grip the hair on the back of his head and tug, making him moan at the painful sensation. His moan vibrates through your mouth and down your spine. Minho takes his free hand and gently climbs your thigh and up to your waist. Goosebumps spread across your body from the touch of his hand. You have been craving this for weeks. He finds the band of your thong and snaps it against your hip. You both smile against each other’s lips as he pushes his tongue back into your mouth. He then traces the top of your panty line before slipping the tips of his fingers underneath the fabric. His fingers are cold in contrast to your warmth. He separates from your kiss and looks into your eyes for permission.
“Please,” you whisper. Still holding your gaze he slides his fingers down and through your folds. He collects your wetness and pulls out to admire his slick digits. You purr at the sight. He sticks his fingers in front of you. You take hold of his hand and push them fully into your mouth, tasting yourself. Minho swallows hard. There is only hunger in his eyes.
He grabs hold of your neck and crashes back into your lips so he can taste your arousal on his tongue. Minho’s hand returns to your panties and begins to trace circles around your clit. 
“More,” you whisper into his mouth.
“I don’t think you’re in a position to demand, princess.”
“Please, Minho.”
“Better.” He pushes two fingers inside of you and begins to aggressively finger fuck you until you hear your wetness. You missed this feeling. He pants into your mouth as moans spill from your lips.
“You like the way my fingers feel inside you, baby?”
“Yes, Min, yes!” 
“I fucking missed you, Y/n. Did you think of me?” He curls his fingers inside you and you cry out. 
“Every day!” 
You feel yourself about to come. “I’m so close, Min.” Minho removes his fingers from you leaving you empty. Your eyes fly open at the loss. 
“Turn around.” You acquiesce and face the wall. “Hands on the wall.” You place your palms on the cold brick while Minho rustles through his pockets. He pulls out a condom and tears the packet with his teeth. 
“Hurry up, Minho.” He gently slaps your ass and you yelp. “Patience, princess.” Minho slides the condom on and lifts the skirt of your dress. He gently rubs the skin of your cheek where he tapped you and gives it one more slap, this time harder. He pulls your thong down your legs and spits letting the string of saliva slowly fall onto you. He uses a finger to spread his spit through your folds, not that you need the extra lubrication.
“Minho, if you don’t stick your dick in me I am going to-” Minho tugs your hair pulling your ear to his lips.
“Never thought I’d see the day when you would be begging for my cock.” He slaps your pussy.
“God, I hate you,” you choke out. Minho just chuckles. 
“Liar,” he whispers. Losing patience himself, he aligns his tip with your entrance and pushes in allowing your body a moment to adjust. After he bottoms out he pauses taking in the feeling.
“Fuck, Y/n, you feel amazing.” You can’t help, but preen. You’ve thought of nothing else than this moment.
“Minho, move!” you demand. 
“Such a fucking brat.” He feels you clench on him. “Of course you’d like that, slut.” You clench again and he lets out a strangled moan at the sensation. He finally rolls into you and fireworks flash before your eyes. With absolutely no regard for your surroundings, Minho slams into you repeatedly. His hands grip your hips so hard, you’re certain he’ll leave bruises. You look forward to checking the damage in the morning. The heat begins to climb up your body as your orgasm approaches. 
“Min” thrust “ho” thrust “I’m gonna” thrust “come ahhh!” He grabs hold of your mouth to muffle your screams as you cream on his cock. He looks down where the two of you are connected and groans seeing your come trickle down his dick and your legs. He continues to ride you through your orgasm before he finally grunts and releases. Remaining inside of you, he leans into your back and removes the hold on your mouth, gently sliding it down to your back and around to hold your breast. You place your hand on his as he gently massages you. You feel his warm breath on your back. The two of you remain holding each other against the wall until your breathing calms. After your high dissipates you pull away from him and turn around to push Minho off of you. He pulls off the condom, ties it off, and throws it into a bush. While he’s pulling his pants back up, you bend down to grab your thong.  
“Leave them.” 
“What?” You look at him confused.
“Those are mine now.” 
You snort. “You’re kidding me, right?” He holds out his hand and motions for them. You throw them at his face, but he thwarts your efforts and quickly catches them, placing them in his pocket. You tug your dress down, feeling completely bare to the elements, and walk away. 
“Good night, Minho.”
“So she does have manners.” Minho smiles expectantly.
“Crawl into a hole,” you say with a sickeningly sweet smile on your face.
“Sweet dreams, princess,” he blows you an air kiss. You bat his flying air kiss away dramatically. Minho just sighs and follows closely behind you to the front of the house. 
“By the way, the girl you saw me with earlier is my dance partner, Mel.” You face him surprised at the sudden confession. He continues. “And the other girl is her girlfriend, Leah.”
“And I care because?” Feigning disinterest, you look at your nails. Minho says nothing back so you turn on your heel and leave. Minho shakes his head and laughs to himself. 
Silently, the two of you head for your separate doors. He pauses at his entryway and waits for the sound of your door shutting. Once he hears your door close he goes inside the house wearing a smile he hasn’t been able to wipe away since meeting you.
Tag List: @linocz @queenmea604
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holding-monsters-hands · 10 months
May i get a uhhh..a really sleepy reader with medic, Spy, heavy and maybe Demo? Like sometimes they just sit and stare at a wall and fall asleep in the weirdest positons ever (it would be funny if it looked like a ragdoll) but they are very very cuddly and love to be carried!
Sleepy reader! with Medic, Spy, Heavy, & Demo
He thinks you’re just so silly, and he finds it rather endearing that you sleep like you just fell from a 70 ft story building. <3
He can read you like a book, and knows all the cues of when you’re about to fall asleep. So he’ll typically scoop you up in his arms, and carry you off to bed no matter where you two are, or the time-of-day.
Though he does get a little concerned with how sleepy you are ALL the time, and may run a few tests to check and see if this is a under-lying health issue. He tends to overthink when it comes to you, very unlike how he is with his own team-mates.
But if that’s just how you are, and it’s nothing to be concerned about.. he’ll fret over you a little less, and just focus on making sure his love is comfortable and well-rested. Snuggling will always be a must, as he considers that physical connection to be highly necessary to your sleep cycle. (Or so he claims.)
He is SO fed up with your shit, I swear. 😭 [loving]
When he can see you’re about to nod off, he’ll quietly excuse the both of you- that’s if you’re in a place to do so, of course. Otherwise, he’ll try his best to gently prod you awake if need be.
He loves to snuggle, no matter how up-tight or nonchalant he may act about it. Having you in his arms brings him a sense of.. peace, like he can finally let loose a little. Like he doesn’t have to worry about appearances, when all he can do is admire how you cling onto him.
Some nights he just does not sleep with how much you move around, you’re a very chaotic sleeper. But regardless, he wouldn’t give away his nights with you for the world.
He’s pretty used to the weird shit you do, including your sleeping positions. So he won’t even bat an eye if you’re laying in a starfish position in the bed with a hand in his mouth and half your body off the mattress.
He loves to carry you around, no matter what size you are: you’ll never be too big or too small for heavy, he’ll hold you like you’re light as a feather either way.
But similar to medic, your constant state of exhaustion will worry him a bit.. so he’ll have medic look you over, and he’ll also probably turn to old home-remedies that his mother used to do for him and his sisters.
And don’t get him STARTED on cuddles, he loves them! however, he’s always as stiff as a board because he’s scared he’ll roll over and hurt you in some way or another, so he always prefers to have you sleep on top of him.
He’s right there with you, you both are the absolute WORST at falling asleep together in weird places and positions, like he will be holding onto you like a limp-teddy bear and you’ll still look so comfortable.
Will never attempt to make you feel embarrassed over your sleepy state, he’s just as bad when he’s a tipsy.. and even then, with how much he works? that guy could fall sleep the second he sits down.
He absolutely adores cuddling you, and he is not afraid to show it. You guys probably have over a hundred different cuddling positions at this point, but his preferred position is to spoon you. With him as the big spoon, of course.
Though when you’re sleepy and he’s not, he’ll just rest you comfortably on his lap, gently stroking your back and instantly shushing anyone close by that he deems as ‘too loud’.
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somethingswift19 · 5 months
Toxic - JJ Maybank x (f) reader
| JJ x Bartender (f) Reader
| Warnings : angst, swearing, cheating
| Summary: You are in a toxic situationship with JJ Maybank and no matter what you do, you can't seem to let him go.
| (a/n): Based off of a real conversation and very true events
This is my first ever imagine so please be nice :) hope you guys enjoy! P.S. feedback is greatly appreciated! Sorry if this is terrible!
Part 2
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"No. That's unacceptable," JJ seethed. "How could you be going on a date? No. Who the fuck is this guy anyway?" This argument was becoming less and less playful by the second. The usual playfulness in his tone was sounding more like jealousy.
"Don't worry about it," you sigh in response. "And I'm going because he's cute and funny and sweet. Plus my dad is pissed that I'm still single at 22." At this point you were just trying to end this conversation seeing as there were people actively sitting at the bar. Not to mention the fact that if your boss saw any of this happening on the cameras, you would both be screwed.
"Your dad and I have that in common," he smirked. "But I still don't think you should go."
"Why shouldn't I go? I'm not seeing anyone! So why the hell n-?"
"Because you can't!" JJ cut you off. "You're mine, don't you get that? It's my turn." His usual arrogant demeanor was faltering as darkness started forming behind his usually playful eyes.
"YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!" you yelled getting more irritated by the second.
He looked like a puppy that had just been kicked. He knew you were right. He knew the position he had put you in. That he had lied to you time and time again. But he loved you, not her. "You know our situations are completely different. You know mine is complicated."
"No it's really not that complicated actually," rolling your eyes and giving an aggravated shrug of your shoulders. "Do you or do you not have a girlfriend?"
JJ just stared at you, letting out a huff. His blue eyes now appeared completely black as a pink tinge came over his lightly freckled face.
"I said do you or do you not-"
"YES! Ok, yes I do! But-"
"Then that's it!" it was your turn to cut him off. "It's not fair to me. None of this is fair to me! When you're here you act as if we are together. You're physically all over me. You compliment me and know what to say to make me feel special. Always keeping me attached somehow. You're always telling me how I'm beautiful and gorgeous and amazing...but then you go home to her."
"You were supposed to wait for me!" heartbreak evident in his voice.
"I DID WAIT!" a tear slipped down your cheek. "I did fucking wait for you! And you went back to her."
"That's cold."
"But it's true," you bit back. "And the worst part is I had to find out from someone else."
You thanked the heavens you were the mid and so your shift was ending. Gathering your things you quickly clock out and head for the door. Tears now threatening to spill over.
"Just wait! I'll have my turn one day!" a smirk covered his sun kissed face. It was a complete 180, his cockiness returning. Almost like he was pretending this argument never happened. "You're mine and that will never change."
As soon as you reach the parking lot the sobs started. Not because of the argument but because of what he just said...because deep down you know he's not wrong. And the thought of that makes you sick. How could you let yourself fall so head over heels in love with someone who is already taken? But then the image of his smile flashes through your mind and you think of what it feels like to be wrapped in his embrace and you have your answer.
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transmascpetewentz · 7 months
A Short Guide To Writing Gay Trans Men
So a few disclaimers before I start:
I'm not going to talk about anything sex-related here because 1) people have made other guides and google is your friend & 2) I'm not very comfortable with it.
I am just one person, and due to the fact that I am white and thin and perisex, I will definitely have blind spots. If you want more information about intersections that don't apply to me, ask someone who it does apply to!
I did get lots of messages from trans guys giving me advice on this, but nonetheless I do not speak for absolutely everyone.
There will be very little info here on how to accurately write medical transitions because that's not something I've experienced. Google is your best friend on this one.
This is not a complete post. I will keep adding to it as time goes on. If you're seeing this post reblogged by someone else, click on the original to see if I've made any additions or corrections before you send me that anon hate and/or comment telling me to kill myself.
What Not To Do
When there is a trans male character written by a cis person, especially a cis man, there's a very solid chance that he is going to check off at least 9 of the following boxes:
Neurotypical or LSN neurodivergent
No nuance given to his identity and expression
Sexuality not specified or elaborated on
A cis person's love interest
2 dimensional transmasc stereotype
Usually small and feminine, but not actually femme
Gay transmasc characters written by cis people are very difficult to find because cis authors will often not specify the sexuality of the trans man dating a cis man or elaborate on his connection to the MLM community. This is because many cis authors believe that writing a gay trans man is just writing a woman but switching one of the genders. This is, of course, not true, and there must be more care taken to provide nuance and create a more accurate (and non-dysphoria-inducing) representation.
Moving Past The White Twink Stereotype
This is one of the most basic bars to clear for a cis person writing a gay trans man, and yet so many continue to fail at this very simple task. Ask yourself: is your gay transmasc character a white, hairless, thin person? If the answer is yes, that's not inherently a bad thing, though it may be good to reflect on why you want to create a character like this if this is the only type of transmasc representation you write.
The biggest thing you need to do here is to give him a set of defining traits. Not physical traits, not even gender expression traits. Just personality. What kind of person is he? How does he cope with the transphobia in this world (unless you're writing a fantasy universe without transphobia)? How does he act towards strangers? How does he approach people of different genders? What is his outlook on cis people? Once you have the basics, it's time to think about his physical appearance & expression and how that has impacted his life and his personality.
You also want to avoid the trope where a gay trans man's personality is undeveloped and he is treated as an object for cis men to help them advance their character arcs. It's fine for trans men to serve a purpose like that in the story, but they need to be their own individual humans.
Writing Sexuality
If your trans male characters date men, and I cannot reiterate this enough, make them be open about their homosexuality or bisexuality. Give them a sexual orientation and make them be proud of it. Of course, not every gay trans man is going to identify heavily with a masc/fem role in gay male relationships, but you should seriously consider whether or not your character would.
Additionally, don't follow the flawed line of logic of "trans man -> vagina -> bottom -> fem/femme." It's fine to make your gay trans male characters fem but please, I swear to god please give them a good reason for being so. If you do make your character femme, be very cautious to use language that doesn't trigger actual trans men's dysphoria. Don't constantly point out the character's physical features that may be associated with femininity unless you're making a point either about his dysphoria or about how society treats him or maybe about how he comes to accept his body. However, please be extremely careful with the last one as this trope has been used in so many transphobic portrayals.
Have your gay trans male character exist in gay spaces with other gay men (both cis and trans). Have him be open about being a gay man specifically. Give him cis gay male friends. Give him trans gay male friends. Don't allow your reader to ignore the fact that he is very much a gay man.
For the love of all things good, please do not write your gay trans male character's dysphoria as "from the day I was born, I knew I was born in the wrong body. I have had no internalized shame or guilting into making me doubt my transness, and it was obvious that I was not a woman." That's not how anyone's dysphoria works, even if they did know from a young age that they were born in the wrong body.
For gay trans men specifically, most of us end up realizing we're trans around either age 12 or age 20. This doesn't mean he has to be exactly that age, but that's generally the safest age to have your character's egg crack. Of course, you can sprinkle in signs that he's trans since he was a young child, but I know a lot of gay trans men and I have yet to meet one who has known since birth and has had no doubt in his mind about it. However you can and should write older gay trans men, even some who find out they're trans in their 40s or older. Representation of older trans people is seriously lacking compared to how many there are.
Don't make your character the stereotype of a straight trans man who doesn't face the specific intersection of being trans and gay. Facing this intersection does affect something even as personal as dysphoria. Many of us will have self-doubt, believe that we're disgusting fetishists of gay men, or simply exist as women in gay spaces for a time. You also have to take into account gay beauty standards & your character's upbringing to figure out what they're likely to be most dysphoric about.
hi :3
That's it for now. I'll keep adding to this post as I get feedback and suggestions. If you want more advice, feel free to send me an ask. When I get enough asks about things, I'll make an FAQ post answering some of them.
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purplemoonabove · 1 month
Beautiful, an Angel Dust x Husker/Husk One-Shot
One chapter only
Wrote it as a writing prompt – “Beautiful”
Inspired by that romantic scene in Fresh Prince. When Philip was describing how beautiful Vivian (the first one) was, the two standing in front of a body mirror. Such a beautiful scene if you haven’t seen it yet!
Light uses of swearing/cursing
Husk’s POV
It was the first word that popped in his mind.
He would deny it out loud in avoid embarrassment, but in his mind, the truth was loud and clear.
He looked beautiful — He is beautiful.
A part of him then thought of a funny: how a common drug name, used currently for an adult film stage name, can also be how it was done.
A blessing from an unknown substance that’d be an irritation but actually owned an effect upon physical contact. No allergies, no congestion, no skin damages. He wasn’t sure if the latter would be possible. Decades in the current life and appearance made human skin a shedded layer for a new type to grow and life with. Angel was no different, even with multiple arms and eyes and owning a venom that was rarely exposed through a bite.
It was, as if, an amplification to the actor.
Keeping him as beautiful as he may have been when alive in his new demonic form.
Could he even call him demonic? Is ‘demon’ even a good term to describe? Before it’d be an annoyance – a mask that hid the true spider man’s nature – but now was a new direction: being a proud loser like himself.
Just more beautiful, at that.
Even his voice was beautiful, the thought expressed before blinking a return to reality. The spider sat upon his stool by his multi-lit vanity table. His breath-taking, neon-colored heterochromia eyes gazed with curiosity and humor towards him.
He smirked, the golden tooth sticking out.
“Like what you see~?”
Such a skill in teasing and enticing someone to be in his temperate possession was an act Husk would always avoid – in the past. With a soft chuckle, he rose from sitting at the side of the bed to go over.
“Can you blame me?” He returned, not even denying him. Not this time, ever since the new change of relation.
Angel giggled then waved a spared hand. “Nah, I know I’m gorgeous.”
The smirk stayed as he resumed on his powder work at the cheek. Only to waver in further curiosity, his hand slowing to a stop as clawed hands laid and held in a gentle touch on his shoulders.
Golden eyes stared at the pink through the mirror’s reflection, connected as the winged cat lowered his head.
“You’re much more than that,” Husk purred in his ear. Reaction was immediate: the back straightened, his eyes widened, a hint of red came under the furred cheeks, and the powder puff laid correctly in the container without notice.
Fucking cute.
“I see a young man right before my very eyes, who made it impossible to compare. Sweet fluff of fresh snow, with a gazing of melted pink diamonds to form such hearts. Eyes so breathlessly hypnotic through emotions and appearance. Hands to hold more than expected, feeling the love and care in every grasp. And a smile… Oh, that beautiful smile that brings just a little bit of color into this red, dark world.”
Angel broke away, turning to hide but Husk can easily see behind the covering hand the growth of said smile and redness that became a line over his nose.
“Look how beautiful you are.”
Angel didn’t turn, wanting to lower his head to hide under the table.
One hand released the shoulder to grab the closest cheek, carefully turning until the red and bashful spider made contact to his reflection again.
Husk smiled, and whispered his repeat.
“Look how beautiful you are.”
The request was short-lived when Angel’s eyes shut tight.
It was the only warning before Husk felt slightly winded, then adjusted with a chuckle as the spider pressed his make-up face into his bare, fluffy torso. The four arms wrapped about him as they would when cuddling, only with a grip due to the embarrassment.
“I like grumpy Husk better!” Angel complained into his chest, muffling. “I’m not used to this shit! When did you get all ‘romantified’ or some shit?!”
Husk release a long laugh that vibrated his being. One clawed hand gentle raked through the massive hair, already washed and combed before.
“I think I’ve always had it when alive and all,” he confessed, then shrugged. “Guess there was no reason for me to do it again when dead… until now.”
The arms tightened. Husk smiled.
“Do you want me to stop?” He then asked, the raking at a pause for the answer.
“… No…”
The hand moved towards the chin, lifting Angel’s pouting and red face.
Such a precious gem you are. I’m so lucky.
“So beautiful.”
Angel scrunched up his nose, the red practically burning. “Husky!”
Future complaining was forgotten once Husk sealed their lips for a well-deserved kiss. Relaxation being instant, Angel’s top arms went to wrap around his neck while the bottom two stayed put, but loosened during. With Angel soon getting up, Husk got his own arms to wrap at the small waist, their bodies held close with no desire of letting go.
At a moment of oblivious time, their lips eventually pulled away, but allowed a brushing at contact.
There, Angel whispered with a content smile.
“Thank you, Husk.”
I can’t get enough of these two. Weeks of them and I can’t stop! 😍
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sixxteenbullets · 11 months
hi!! if ur requests were open, if not thats fine!! i was possibly wondering if u could possibly write a henry bowers x masc reader? basically where the reader recently gets diagnosed with autism, and some assholes make fun of them for it, henry finds them crying in the bathroom and comforts them? if not that's fine!! thank u!!
SUMMARY- Y/n was used to being made fun of for being different. She didn't dress like the other girls in her school, nor did she really act like them either. But when people find out about her diagnosis with autism and decide to poke fun at that? It certainly hit a nerve. Not only did this bother her, but it apparently bothers the biggest bully in the school and even brings out a softer side of him. BLURB.
A/N- Requests are always open, I just might not get to them very quick or even at all if the plot isn't what I'm comfortable with. Also, if you wanted a male reader, I'm sorry but I don't write that right now (maybe once I get more into writing I'll try)so the reader is female, just masculine. I also chose to stay pretty in character for Henry, take that how you will.
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She didn't know why her dressing differently struck such a nerve in the guys at her school. It's not like she wore anything offensive. Why did it matter if she didn't wear skirts as tiny as Gretta's or shirts as right as Beverly. It wasn't effecting anyone.
Y/n got used to the picking though. She knew what it meant to be different in her time and eventually grew indifferent to the harmful words or physical actions.
What she wasn't used to, however, was a particularly bad group of boys going through her medical records at the drug store and finding that only says before, she was diagnosed with autism. That's when it really got bad.
The news spread around so fast, the morning of the day after, everyone in school knew about it. All day she had paper balls and pencils thrown at her head, words she'd never heard directed at her, and she'd even been shoved into her locker more times than she cares to remember.
It was only until the fifth period, after lunch, did she realise that it affected her more than what she led herself to believe. This realization grounded her in the girls bathroom, cigarette loosely hanging from her lips.
Y/n never smoked much, only when she was trying to seem cool or trying to piss off people around her, but the moment seemed worthy. The unfamiliar mass of smoke going in and out of her lungs was welcomed. Every puff that has the back of her throat aching and her tongue dry was her method of distraction from the tears burning her eyes and the reoccurring urge to puke in her belly.
Every word said to her replayed in her mind as every bruise on her body ached. The pain was just as appreciated as the tears. It was as if she deserved it. Overall, she knew she shouldn't feel bad about it, it wasn't like there was anything wrong with it, but insults can only be ignored so much.
These thoughts distracted her from the creaking door of the bathroom, which opened and closed with unneeded force. She only looked up when the sound of footsteps clicked in her mind. Her head shot up, tears unwillingly falling, and she was met with the strange sight of Henry Bowers. Henry fucking Bowers.
She panicked, immediately thinking that he was there to fuck with her. He had always kept his pack of boys at bay when it came to her, but she knew of the horrors he'd done.
When she expected him to begin his bullying, he didn't. Instead, he trotted over to where she sat down and leaned back against the wall. Crossing his arms and sighing deeply.
Y/n watched him wearily through teary eyes. Every movement of his alarmed her. What the fuck was he going to do? It appeared like he was working up the nerve to do something, maybe spew more insults, bang her head against the wall and ditch.
Then, finally, he broke the tension filled silence. "Ya' know, who gives a fuck,"
The words spiked a confusion in her, making her draw her brows together and stare as he went on.
"So fucking what you dress different, fuck those assholes. Why don't you fight back?"
It took a while for her to reply due to the shock that dominated her mind. "S' not that easy for me."
It wasn't. She had barely any friends, none who would defend her, and she couldn't fight anyone herself. And let's be honest, that's how everything is fixed now. Fight for it or let it happen, that's just how it was.
"Just because you don't dress like some of those sluts." Was she dreaming? Or was Henry Bowers comforting her? If so, he wasn't very good at it. Though, she didn't really expect that he would be. "Or are fucking different."
"Are... You comforting me?"
His head shot to her and he has a look on his face that made it seem like he was offended at the accusation. Once he took in her disheveled state, his eyes softened slightly. When his response never came, she asked something different.
"Why?" Her voice was so quiet, as if she was scared to ask.
To be honest, he didn't really know why he was being so nice. It wasn't often in his nature to be nice, not right away, anyways. If he did happen to choose kindness, it was someone he trusted, but he only knew the basics about Y/n.
The soft feeling within him was foreign, but not unwelcome, as much as it alarmed him to let his guard down. He sunk down next to her, stretching his long legs out. "Shut up."
As unneeded as the rudeness was, she wasn't mad. In fact, a small giggle left her lips. He was being nice to her and he was horrible at it. She didn't know what his home life was like, but she knew it was bad, so there was no reason to be upset with his poor ways of comforting.
The tears left her eyes red and cheeks damp, but they were gone. Her head rolled to the side and she looked at him. Did he always have such a cute nose? As these types of questions arose in her brain, other things came up as well. Things that never stuck out to her were now as clear as day. Faint bruises at the base of his neck, a jagged scar peeing out from his hairline, a sort of wildness in his eyes as he glanced around the empty bathroom.
As if a puzzle came together, she realised the rumors were true. Henry's dad wasn't only drunk, but he was a damn abuser.
"I'm sorry about your dad." It wasn't necessary in her nature to be comforting either, but he sure as hell needed something.
"Sorry about those kids sticken' their nose in your business."
"Thank you." Very, very slowly and very, very hesitantly, hee pinky overlapped his, which was resting on the floor between them.
While he did nothing to egg it on, he did nothing to oppose her affection.
"Fuck them." He muttered one last time.
"Fuck them." She agreed.
Choppy, messy, ooc, late. I have new writer syndrome.
I think I'm depressed.
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bonesandthebees · 2 months
Oh shit it’s been so long. What was my set up again? Right, split-screens so I can see the text while writing. (I am vibrating with excitement, I’d bounce up and down if I could.)
Anyway, I love how Tomys, while being the capable one, is still very much a child who doesn’t know everything. He goes and gets bowls because they need to drink. He knows to boil the water first. He can catch a fish with his bare hands, somehow. But he can’t actually cook. And he can only stay optimistic for so long.
Meanwhile, Wilbur is completely immobilised. He can’t go anywhere and he has no survival training, but he does learn to cook the fish. And he learns to improve with it. Like Techno says, they taught him to think and thinking is thinking. It’s the same with fixing his leg. He has not been taught, but he’s smart enough to figure out something that works based on what he does know.
Also, these boys have so much trauma. Not just the nightmares. Wilbur is developing separation anxiety towards Tomys. I wonder if that will go away once they are back in the palace. Right now it makes sense. It’s a survival mechanism. If something happens to Tomys, he’s due a very slow and painful death. Meanwhile, both of them also have nightmares. Tomys worse, because he’s just a little kid.
And just [Then, his eyes locked onto Wilbur’s, and Wilbur watched as Tomys’ fear disappeared as quickly as it had appeared.] What if I screamed?! The trust. So much trust. That boy feels so safe even if Wilbur physically can’t defend him. It’s about not being alone. It’s about being saved before. It’s about wanting him to be okay.
These boys will be the death of me. I swear.
ahhh the nostalgia seeing an ask like this again. it's been too long spruce my friend.
I loved deciding what tommy could and couldn't do. he knows basic survival skills that'll keep him alive, but there's a difference between catching your own food and actually preparing it. cooking is something he and wilbur both have never touched before because they're rich kids. but at least they have water.
wilbur is very good at figuring things out on the fly and using his knowledge where he can. he's adaptive, so he does what he can to make up for the gaps in tommy's knowledge.
separation anxiety ah my beloved
tommy already trusts wilbur so much. before the L'mannes visit he looked up to wilbur as this cool older kid who knew a lot of stuff and acted like a stuck up prick but was pretty fun to mess with. there was already a sense of admiration and respect there, even if wilbur didn't realize tommy felt that way towards him. but now wilbur has saved his life. he's the older one who has all this random knowledge and in tommy's eyes, even if he's physically incapable of protecting him, if he has wilbur then he's safe. if he's alone he'll shutdown. he's only able to be so capable because he has wilbur to bounce off of.
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pinksilvace · 5 months
Fern guides their mutuals and followers through Cats 1998 as if we're all sitting on the same couch watching it and I'm shouting out stuff: 3/?
shaking you by the shoulders it's about the SUBTEXT this is SUBTEXT you've got to trust me on this one I swear
7: Grizabella the Glamour Cat
OKAY OKAY OKAY NOW WE'RE COOKING!!! We're moving along with Plot #1 (Grizabella) and getting hints about Plot #2 (Macavity)!!! Wahoo!!!
Unfortunately, the beginning of this scene is cut off in the official clip, so I'm going to drag a few pics from this recording as well since it covers all the same bases:
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Starting off strong with a Psychic Moment (TM) so we know Something Big is coming
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Bombalurina always does this sort of haughty walk past/around Grizabella, since Bomba's 100% on Team Demeter and Grizabella (maybe) represents stuff that Demeter wants to detach herself from. I will say, this production is quite a bit more aggressive than 1998, but I like this portrayal a whole lot too!!!
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One of the big and obvious things to notice is how the kittens are physically protected from Grizabella (and moreso her past/what she represents). In 1998, this happens more in the form of the older cats pulling the kittens (Mistoffelees, Jemima, [who Skimble does physically restrain], Electra, Etcetera, and Victoria) away from Grizabella.
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Another kitten moment - Plato and Tumblebrutus convince Pouncival to scratch Grizabella (in this recording it's just Tumble convincing him) and are reprimanded by Munkustrap. This is definitely one of my favorite background moments.
First, it shows off a dynamic consistent throughout the show: everybody takes care of everybody. More specifically, there isn't a specific assignment of which adult takes care of which kitten or who is closer than whom, and however much I'll reference ships and siblings and whatnot throughout these posts, I can only think of one canonical relationship; the rest change production to production, even in replica performances. Hell, they change cast to cast. The one exception is that of Coricopat and Tantomile, who are almost undoubtedly siblings/twins. Even the thing going on between Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer is left vague. TLDR, I enjoy how everybody bears some amount of responsibility for the kittens in this community model.
Second, this is one of those parts that calls into question Plato's age. He's in the same nebulous area as Mistoffelees, Mungojerrie, and Rumpleteazer, where he primarily hangs out and has interactions with the kittens but spends more time on his own than most of them. This is where looking at the RCCL performace coincidentally comes in handy for this analysis; the interpretation of Plato's character in that one has him older and more responsible. I've seen versions wherein Plato essentially acts as a third protector, and that's a neat way for his character to progress! Anyway uhhh I like him and he's pretty :3
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THIS, THOUGH??? THIS IS THE IMPORTANT PART. Demeter reaches out to Grizabella, gets skittish, and rushes off to seek comfort from Bombalurina.
SO. Obviously, with all of the lines she sings, Demeter is familiar with Grizabella - if not on a personal level, then at least at a level distinct from that of the rest of the tribe.
What gets me. What GETS ME. is that Demeter only acts strangely (and stands out in general) whenever events have to do with one of two cats: Grizabella and Macavity. Most fans I've come across elect to go with the theory that these relationships are connected, especially because Demeter appears to have some sort of trauma associated with each of them. Their appearances also affect the tone of the Jellicle Ball in relatively similar ways, the main difference being that fear of Macavity translates to disgust of Grizabella.
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Other folks have pointed out before that some stagings of this scene have Bombalurina (and sometimes Munkustrap) physically turning Demeter away from Grizabella, presumably for her own well-being.
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Somewhat similar to what I pointed up above, this number establishes one of the few gender norms recurring through this show: the female kittens are guarded/protected/turned away, but the male kittens are left comparatively unsupervised. Considering that the only male kittens are Pouncival, Tumblebrutus, and Plato, one could argue over whether this is a gender norm in this society or whether there are other reasons for this. For instance, it is possible that Plato's older age and taller stature grant him independence, or that Pouncival and Tumblebrutus don't have solid guardian figures in the tribe.
Personally, I think it's more likely the choreography was directed with the mentality that the female kittens have a greater need for protection - which, considering the implied content of Macavity, Grizabella, and Demeter's stories, might not actually be wrong in-context.
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So, it's obvious that Demeter wants to talk to/about Grizabella, even if she brings up apparently bad memories. She turns away from Bombalurina of her own volition. Whatever memories are stirred up, the badness of them likely does not have to do with Grizabella herself, lending credibility to the idea that she's connected with Macavity.
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Tottenham Court was, historically, somewhat of an entertainment district in a poorer area of London. Allegedly (as in, I've only seen this stated in Cats circles and don't have time for further research at the moment), it was also strongly associated with prostitution in Eliot's time. "The Rising Sun" and "The Friend at Hand" are local pubs.
Essentially, the lines Demeter sings imply that Grizabella was a cat of the streets that hung around seedy areas, and that she eventually became so wretched as a result that even humans wonder how she's still around.
Some earlier lines - those that Grizabella sings about her appearance - are from a different poem of Eliot's and are used to describe a prostitute.
All in all, one interpretation of all of this is that Grizabella fell from grace by being "in kahoots" with Macavity. At this point in the show, the other Jellicles don't chase her off, but she is clearly not welcome.
I'll talk more about Demeter's deal in the Macavity section.
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Electra loving Munk moment :3
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Hey! I hope you’re having a wonderful day. I was wondering if I could get a BG3 match up? 💜
I’m fairly motherly and quite sassy when I like to be. I tend to care too much for others to the point where I will end up destroying myself in the process out of worry. My best attributes are probably my loyalty to the people I love and my persistence. My worst attributes are probably my lack of confidence and my insecurity.
As for hobbies, I enjoy doing art as a way to express myself. I also enjoy walking outside during the nighttime. Puzzles are also incredibly fun for me since I enjoy theorizing and problem-solving.
I like the nighttime, warmth, physical touch, quality time, cats, playful banter, and cheese. It’s really important to me that friendships I make are built off of honesty and genuine likeness. I dislike loud noises, tomatoes, stereotypes, and people acting fake or lying.
When it comes to my sexuality, i’m pan and demisexual. I’m open to any gender, though I would much prefer a monogamous relationship.
Thank you SO much! And I genuinely hope you’re having a wonderful day. Take care of yourself. 💜💜💜
A/N: Don’t worry, I got your second ask as well! I have included the description below as a refresher (since you said your memory can be tricky at times) and so other people know what I’m referencing as they read my answer. I didn’t just make toritofrito’s attributes up people- I swear lol! 
For you @toritofrito because you said you’re pan but specifically monogamous, I’ve made (who I think is) the best selection for you below:
Hi there! I submitted a previous BG3 ask but forgot some things! Sorry for forgetting some stuff, so here’s some additional info. And I do hope you’re having an amazing day/night! (Also, ahead of time, apologies if I repeated anything from my previous ask. I have some issues with memory.)
I am an INFJ with a 1w9 alignment. I tend to conflict with myself over the moralities of certain things, but I try to be a “peacemaker” of sorts, if that makes sense. Yet at the same time I do really enjoy the idea of adventure and freedom, and I tend to be open to different perspectives.
I also LOVE learning new things from different subjects. Some of my favorites being about international cultures and language. Its something i’m passionate about.
As for appearances, i’m 5”8 and have a lanky and curvy build. I also have shoulder length dark brown hair and amber eyes.
(Disclaimer: I’m unsure if whether or not I do have autism, and I definitely won’t self-diagnose myself with it until i’m sure that I have it.) I do struggle with sensory overload sometimes and get terrible social anxiety. I also have some PTSD. It would be nice if my partner would relate or be able to comfort in some sort of way (not that I wouldn’t return the same comfort). I also tend to struggle with properly communicating my emotions or ideas verbally, so someone who could be patient with me would be wonderful.
Again thanks so much! Take care of yourself and have a wonderful day/night. 💜
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☸ Gale would be a great match for you! 
He’s genuine and kind and always striving to be greater than he was the day before. I think you and Gale would get along well together. He’s quite ambitious and has a tendency to lose sight of himself in that ambition. Gale would do well with a partner who’s a bit motherly, as someone needs to remind him to take breaks from his learning or studying to feed himself/get enough sleep, etc. And while you said you tend to care for others so much to the point of neglecting yourself, you’d be able to relate to Gale’s overworking himself. But at the same time, because Gale is such a loyal and dedicated partner, I think he’d take it upon himself to do the same for you. If he notices you working so hard for others, to the point where you neglect your own needs, he’d sweetly ask you to stop, before spending his day or night pampering you, ensuring you’re taken care of. 
As a wizard and a professor, Gale is all about learning and continuing to challenge the mind. I bet he’s an avid puzzler, and he’d love to have someone to share this hobby with, especially when it comes to solving literal puzzles with puzzle pieces. Tara is nice to talk things out with, but she can’t really contribute to those, having only paws to work with. I can see the two of you spending the early parts of the evening in front of a roaring fire, huddled over a table where a thousand tiny puzzle pieces sit scattered across the surface. You could snack on some good wine and cheese as you excitedly reveal the puzzle’s final picture. Once the sun fully sets and the stars come out, Gale would love to take you on a nighttime stroll around his tower. The nippy night air gives him an excuse to hold you close, plus he gets to infodump all he knows about the constellations to you. 
I see Gale as an ENFP, which means he is very compatible with you as an INFJ. The two of you tend to be authentic yet idealistic, which means you can be very honest with each other, and that you both genuinely want to see the other person be the best version of themselves they can be. You also have a strong desire to do what is good/right, something Gale shares. Occasionally, his ambition may cloud his judgment, but I think your love will help ground him. With you at his side, Gale doesn’t need to become a God, he just needs to be a man worthy of your affection, something he strives to be every day. 
He loves your willingness for adventure, and how open you are to learning new things like cultures and languages. He’s spent many years collecting knowledge and books dedicated solely to such subjects and would love to share them with you. Any book, any scroll in his tower- it’s now yours as well. Gale loves you so much, there is no story or fact or piece of knowledge he would not search endlessly to find should you inquire about it. He wants nothing more than to satisfy every one of your needs- the emotional, the physical, the intimate, and the intellectual. 
Gale thinks you’re absolutely gorgeous with your enchanting amber-brown eyes and lovely hair. He offers to braid it or tie it up for you, even though he isn’t all that adept at hairstyling. He will try for you of course, but there’s a lot you’ll have to teach him in that department. (And if you want to get in Tara’s good graces, while you’re teaching Gale about haircare, maybe suggest he shave his beard every once in a while. Tara will thank you profusely if Gale was to ever show up to a family function clean-shaven, even once.) Plus Gale cares deeply about how you respond to his appearance. You could tell him he looks sexy in a cowboy hat once, and the next day come home to find one atop his head. He wants to always be someone you want because you are someone he always wants. 
Even with your anxiety, and PTSD, Gale wants you to know he loves you, no matter what. And he understands how overwhelming things and people can get. He tends to be a bit awkward socially, much preferring Tara’s company to the company of strangers. So if things ever become too much for you, he’d gladly call it a night, and usher you away to a quiet spot to calm down. And he tries very hard not to rush you when you talk. He may butt in unintentionally, unable to keep himself from starting a ramble or two of his own, but he does his best to reign it in, and not interrupt your train of thought until you’ve said everything you want to say. 
Gale is a very genuine and open lover, although he has made it clear he believes in monogamy- the full devotion of oneself to one’s singular partner. You can trust that his affections will not stray or ever become untrue. You are his future. Nothing, not Mystra, or the orb, or the parasites could ever take him from you. He promises a happy life, away from all the unintended madness, where the two of you can happily spend your days reading and learning and enjoying each other's (and Tara’s) company. 
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stillness138 · 4 months
can i ask for two characters: gezras of leyda and thaler? if not you can choose one of them xD
oooh nice, thanks! gonna do both
and cut it because it's gonna get long :D
first impression:
i think i first saw him in gwent actually, and that was when 'silver spies' were still a thing. he was a pretty good card back then. only learned about his character once i watched a witcher 3 playthrough on youtube though. i don't recall it that well, but if i thought anything particular, it was probably "i hope he'll wash his hands at some point soon" because he's literally peeing at the start of the cutscene.
impression now:
he's cool! questionable hygiene aside, i love characters that have like, a thing? as in, a simple but fun premise or at least a surface reading. he's a spy, but very dedicated to the shoemaker cover, and that's how he manages to get by in an occupied land. i like that there's a little throughline with him about appearances often being deceiving. the shoes are one thing, but even further, he seems like a crude, self-serving bum, yet his loyality to Temeria is something so integral it's not even a question. This country really lucked out on devoted spies. Foltest was just that charismatic.
favorite thing about him:
willingness to do anything, no matter how uncomfortable, for the country. i think i like it because it's different from Roche's brand of servitude. again, cdpr is pretty good at writing ocs.
thinking about it now, he reminds me of a few guys i know. rural Temeria is, from an outside view, a cold, wet, kinda bleak bumfuck middle of nowhere, yet Thaler has this air of loving the physical country for what it is - he even mentions that he prefers the travelling more than a different cover like being an innkeep. like it doesn't bother him that it's cold, it seems he finds comfort in it in his own way. i find that kinda sweet.
least favorite thing:
seriously mate wash your hands 😭
i'd also rather cdpr didn't make him a vessel for racist jokes in the first game. (i swear i was looking for the exact clip where he talks about Azar and couldn't find it, i need to play the first game properly...)
favorite line/scene:
[how are you doing?] "A bit like a potato beetle. I keep quiet, stay outta trouble, and live on fucking potatoes."
i saw only a few scenes from witcher 1 and they were dubbed in czech, which adds to the hilarity of it to me, but his voice actor probably had a field day with it. "Nedělej si ze mě kurva srandu, seš zasranej amatér." [Geralt: will you play poker with me? Thaler: Don't fucking bullshit me, you're a goddamn amateur.]
favorite interaction he has with another character:
befriending and handling the three trolls. game Lambert has something to learn from him in that regard.
a character that I wish he would interact with more (or at all):
imagine if he appeared in the second game in any capacity, that would've been fun. in wild hunt, it's the same as with Roche: i wish the entire politics plotline was better. if i had to pick one character, it'd be Letho. there would be a lot of profanities but i actually believe Thaler would have more to say than even Roche at Kaer Morhen.
another character from another fandom that reminds me of him:
again i only know 5 things, and the only method acting spy in elder scrolls is Caius Cosades from Morrowind, whose similarities to Thaler pretty much end at taking a cover story too seriously.
as a side note though, i went to tv tropes to look at character lists in case i forgot about someone i actually do know, and in "sir swears-a-lot" subpage for videogame characters i found Thaler twice; gwent has its own separate mention. legends only.
a headcanon about him:
if Roche likes architecture, i think Thaler really enjoys music. maybe he even plays the lute. i'm also really curious about his youth and how he ended up a spy, but i do think it's quite different than Roche's background. i imagine he had a lot of friends as a kid and a comparably normal home life, but always showed talent for remembering what people say and for getting them to say even more.
a song that reminds me of him:
it's more vibes based than anything, but this czech song, most known from a movie. zmrzlinář means ice cream seller. it's all kinda... reminiscing, nostalgia and trying to find something nice or poetic in ordinary things (and in the case of the movie, in a shitty political regime). short movie version isn't on youtube, so i gotta upload it here.
an unpopular opinion about him:
this is less about the text and more meta, but i genuinely think he has a load of potential for exploring loyality, northern politics, motivation, and tropes or trope subversion (like the appearance thing i mentioned), but people sleep on him because Roche is right there. that's not to say dissecting Roche doesn't have merit - like i said, they're similar, but each has a different approach to what they do and what they believe.
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favorite picture:
probably the gwent card. it says what it needs to and is surprisingly fun or even whimsical for a character most known for swearing on every third word. i think that's a neat choice though.
first impression:
the cat school is, beside manticore, my favourite, so when the witcher expansion dropped i was curious who the leader will be next to Erland or Ivar. i wasn't disappointed. pretty sure i thought he's cute.
impression now:
*gently holds*
where Erland continued performing the trials to create a knightly order, Gezras and the growing cat school did it to protect themselves. it's the witcher dissected towards its core; a cycle of abuse maintained as something deemed necessary despite its harmfulness, out of desperation, out of a sense of belonging, out of losing touch with what's enough and what's too much.
and all that in pursuit of autonomy. Gezras; sold, experimented on, discarded, hunted. the fact the formula used on him was meant to suppress emotion yet ended up doing the opposite is a testament to that - this is about being treated as human. the trials are literally reclaimed, to strengthen other abandoned and thrown-out stray kids. to enact revenge. it's no wonder then that they'd seek refuge with the elves. the cat school was the one that took systemic oppression the most personally.
favorite thing about him:
that he's a unique exploration of the things i just mentioned. i find this very compelling and him relatable on that level, as an abuse survivor myself.
also his gwent card art and the bags under his eyes. that's relatable too.
least favorite thing:
it's meta again because i'm near incapable of judging the character without judging the writer: the little bit there is in gwent leans too much towards the edgy. he does have one voiceline about elven sages which i find especially interesting, but given that his trial ended up enhancing all emotions, if you want to show that somehow, give me rapid mood swings or something like that. gimme nuance!
this is me wanting every minor character to have dimensions.
favorite line/scene:
his flavor text; "Take a contract from Aen Seidhe over a dh'oine any day, as you’re far less likely to receive a knife between the ribs in place of coin."
favorite interaction he has with another character:
i think he actually has no lines or scenes with any named characters apart from the expansion key art where all the founders are together, because unlike the other three, he wasn't in the tabletop rpg books. i do however like his card's interaction with the bronze that happens to have my most favourite card art. there's awesome fanart about it too!
a character that I wish he would interact with more (or at all):
any named elf of his era, naturally, and especially the sages, but i am actually curious how he'd react to all of the other founders. Erland, i think i can imagine, but given both Arnaghad and Ivar ended up opposing Erland, that'd be more interesting. and even Iwan, the founder of manticore school as per the trpg, maybe he'd be the one Gezras would find most common ground with actually. If only for leaving the other three to their squabbles and seeking work and protection in a more equal society.
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another character from another fandom that reminds me of him:
this is weird and i'm going to bring it up again, but Gezras reminds me of Allinall's work. weird because these are takes or adaptations of other media - particularly elder scrolls and berserk - but he specifically brings forth similar themes; conflicts of humans and elves, othering and otherness, cyclical abuse, coping mechanisms. the concrete characters i'm thinking of are Allinall's oc from the elder scrolls project and Rosine (and by extension the in-world fairytale character Peekaf) from the berserk project.
the nameless oc, mostly referred to as "One-Ear", had mixed parents, their human father cut their ear off in an attempt to hide their identity, even though their yellow sclera is undeniably elven. they join (or rather, their vulnerable state of trauma is exploited and they're indoctrinated by) a regime that aims to end material existence. Rosine is also a domestic abuse survivor, a village girl who comes across a promise of power in the form of an evil artifact that turns her into a moth-like elf monster. she starts devolving into bloodthirst and allows for horrible stuff to happen in order to maintain a fantasy of comfort and freedom.
a headcanon about him:
i didn't come up with it, but i love the idea that him and the saber-tooth tiger were buddies.
i think it's safe to assume that he's not actually from Leyda. if he was mutated at Stygga, he more likely was a local kid from Ebbing. I do also think he stayed in Dol Blathanna at some point when the school was wandering around, though.
and maybe that's too shallow, but i like to imagine he did genuinely enjoy being in nature. and if he ever conducted any trials by his own, he might've been notably good at herbology.
a song that reminds me of him:
'To Die' by Allinall (relating to One-Ear), and Peekaf Song (to Rosine).
as for more personal picks, my forever favourite, Nihilist Blues by Bring Me The Horizon (and Grimes); "do you mind if i'm exhumed?"
and Unraveled by Lorn, which is kinda ambient, but i like the harsher noises and associate it with my own search-for-identity oc.
an unpopular opinion about him:
Gezras is more interesting to me personally because of that focus on abuse, autonomy and revenge, and he's already a bit on the side because Erland and Arnaghad's conflict is at the forefront when this era of witchers comes up, but i think Ivar Evil-Eye needs even more love. despite being in the trpg, no one talks about him (he has that in common with Thaler i guess) and that's a disservice to the viper school as a whole, i think it's just as fascinating and has just as much unique and profound stuff to say as the cat school's story.
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favorite picture:
his gwent card is in my top 20, but i especially like his reward tree portrait; it's the most detailed likeness we have. the mega tired eyes just draw me in.
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