#it’s ridiculous this is every time I wanna watch anything why do I have so many fucking services
masonmontz · 19 hours
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heey, hope you like it :)
fluff word count: 1,2k
✦‎۟    ࣭   ⊹
You sighed when you stopped the car and saw Mason standing there waiting for you, and as soon as he saw you he walked slowly towards the car looking at the ground.
Rasmus walked in front of the car and greeted you, and you gave him a smile, but you knew neither of them were happy about the draw in today's game.
“Hey babe” you said as Mason sat in the passenger seat, and he just threw his backpack in the back seat and rested his head on the seat. 
“Hey” he spoke softly and sighed, and you unbuckled your seatbelt and leaned in to leave a kiss on his cheek. Mason turned his face and you kissed his lip, trying to hug him, but a car honked behind you and you had to let go of him. “What a day.” 
You smiled and started to leave the airport parking lot while Mason didn't say anything, and he was quiet the whole way home. It wasn't a bad game, but Manchester United didn't score any goals even with possession, and they missed a lot of chances to score, but you know that's not what's bothering Mason.
“Do you want to have dinner with me?” you asked as soon as you entered the house, without talking much during the journey. You talked about everything except football, and sometimes Mason answered or he just listened to you. “I can make pasta or we can order something.”
“Actually, honey, I'm not hungry, but you can order something for dinner and I'll pay” he said and took off his uniform jacket, and you just shrugged because it's hard to comfort Mason at times like this. “I'm going to take a shower.”
You sighed and went to the kitchen to get a bottle of water and then went back to the living room to look for a restaurant to order something for you, and even though Mason said he wasn't hungry, you knew he would eat your food if you didn't order anything for him. 
Fifteen minutes passed and Mason still hadn't come downstairs, which was odd, so you put your phone away after ordering Mexican food for the two of you and went upstairs to talk to him.
You could hear the shower running from the bathroom in your room, so you walked over there only to see Mason with his eyes closed and his hand resting against the wall. He had left the door open, but you still knocked before entering. Mason opened his eyes and saw you, and even though he was sad he smiled at you, making your heart skip a beat. 
Mason turned off the shower and you grabbed a towel for him from the counter, and as soon as he opened the shower you handed him the towel, which he thanked you for before starting to dry himself.
You watched Mason dry himself off as you leaned against the bathroom sink, and even though you knew he was sad, you couldn't help but run your eyes over his thick thighs, which looked more attractive every day. Mason wrapped the towel around his waist and you left the bathroom, and when you lay down on the bed, he went to the closet to put on a black sweatsuit. 
In less than five minutes he threw himself next to you on the bed, and you just reached out to stroke his damp hair.
“Wanna talk about today?” you asked and Mason closed his eyes, putting his hands on his face. “You don't have to keep it all to yourself, Mase.”
“I’m so frustrated” he said and you sighed, approaching him and placing your face in his neck. “I don't even know why I traveled with the team today if I didn't even leave the bench.”
“You were injured until last week” Mason tends to put too much pressure on himself and that's why he gets so frustrated when things don't go as he expects.
“I know, but Erik said that I was going to play today and he didn't even consider putting me in, it's ridiculous” you just put your hand on his chest and caressed it over his sweatshirt, but it was difficult because Mason spent his vacations training to be in the best shape and return to play and he got injured quickly, and only you saw how he reacted when he received the news that he was injured again.
“You need to be patient, Mason, Coach believes in you and-”
“I've been patient for so long, I just want to play and be a starter in a game for ninety minutes, is it really that difficult?” you could hear the frustration in his voice, and he knows you get sad the same way he does. “I can't stand reading so many bad messages about myself anymore, and it consumes me.”
“I know last season was tough, honey, but everyone knows how hard you worked to get back in top shape this season” you said. “Erik believes in you and so do I. You're there for a reason, you need to understand that the more you demand of yourself, the more frustrated you become.”
“Sometimes I feel like I'll never play like I did at Chelsea and-”
“You know you will, the season has started now, you have many months left to prove everyone they were wrong about you.”
“I just feel like if he had put me in today we would have had a chance, I just watched them and couldn't do anything to help the team.” 
“Today's draw wasn't your fault, and yeah, maybe you would have helped if you had played but questioning the coach is not the best idea, Mase. Who knows, maybe next time you'll start as a starter?”
Mason didn't respond and just sighed, but he pulled you against him and wrapped his legs around yours, hugging you while leaving a few kisses on your neck. You laughed out loud as he tickled you because he wouldn't let you go as he laughed with you at your screams. 
“Let me go, oh my God” you were out of breath from laughing so hard, and Mason climbed on top of you and finally stopped tickling you, and you pulled him by the neck and pressed his lips against yours. Mason leaned on the bed and when you ended the kiss he looked at you smiling, and you ran your hands over his face, because you love seeing him happy.
“Thank you for this, I know I'm being annoying but you always know how to help me” he said and you just gave him a little kiss. “You’re the best part of me, Y/n.” 
“You can talk to me about anything, right? I'll always support you, Mason.” Mason lowered his head to give you another kiss, but the sound of the doorbell interrupted you. 
“What’s that?”
“My dinner.”
“Your dinner? How about me?” 
“You said you were not hungry” you said as you walked down the stairs, smiling. 
“Looks like I'll have to eat yours then” Mason said and took the credit card before leaving the house and going to get your dinner. 
You went to the kitchen to get some plates and cutlery and returned to the living room, so you could have dinner as you always do at the coffee table watching some movie. 
“Ah, you really know how to make me feel better” he said as he saw you sitting on the carpet. 
“Do you want to watch One Tree Hill with me? Please, please” you begged and he smile. “Thank you, that’s why you’re my favorite.” 
“Just because I love you, ‘cause I can't stand hearing about Nathan and Haley anymore.”
“Don’t be so dramatic.”
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juniperhillpatient · 4 months
Does anyone have any tips for managing streaming service subscriptions? For a long time now I’ve been subscribing to whatever whenever & unfortunately my tv just lets me, like I just have to talk to it I don’t even have to sign up. And now I just have so ridiculously many subscriptions hurting my finances it’s awful & I still have to pay to rent anything I ever actually wanna watch because the market is spread so fucking thin so it’s not even like it’s worth it. But I have no idea where to start sitting down & unraveling which ones I genuinely use enough to be worth it & which to delete or how many I even really have so I just…. let it build & it’s. Actually really bad lol 🥲
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lowkeyremi · 3 months
𝐃𝐀𝐃 ?!
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pairing: aizawa x fem!reader note: thanks to @violetraccoon04 and @hiqhkey for giving me the inspiration to write this!! Part 3 of dating the teacher series ! (Pt 1 and pt 2) summary: class 2a has always wondered if their stoic teacher has a partner… huh.. the more you know! (This is set post war so class 1a are now second years.) content: fluff, crack, teasing, just class a being sillies. wc: 1.5k
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Your favorite people in the whole world are soon to leave for school, one a teacher one a student. You check over both of them. From what you can see Denki has his backpack, his training bag, his lunch (which he complains about packing because he wants to eat at the cafeteria every single day) and his hero gear.
Shota on the other has all of his lesson planning things, his eyepatch on his face, a protein shake, coffee, lots of coffee and his scarf around his neck.
You look at them expectantly, but before you could say anything Shota beats you to it, “you sure you’re okay taking Eri in today?”
“Babe, I promise you it’s no big deal. Her school isn’t far from my workplace.” His eyes soften and he gives you the kiss that he gives you every time he has to leave. Of course the romantic moment is ruined by your son, “could you guys swap saliva some other time? yuck.”
Both you and Shota turn to glare at the high schooler and he just smirks accordingly.
“I’ll see you Friday, sweet boy. Stay out of trouble. Sho, you’ll be back before midnight right? Or do you have to patrol?” He smiles at you which puts your mind at ease. Even though the war has been over for a couple of months now, you still feel paranoid watching your son and husband leave out into danger.
“I’m patrolling until 10:30 so I’m pretty sure I’ll be back before midnight.” You let out a sigh of relief.
U.A. has let up on their strict policy of students being in the dorms at all times, and has allowed them to visit their families on the weekend, which is why you get to see Denki every weekend before he has to return to the dorms for the week.
“Is your laundry clean?”
“Yes, mom.”
“You’ve turned in all your assignments, right?”
“Yesssss, mom.”
“And you still have allowance to buy food if you nee-”
“He’s got everything, darling. Try not to worry too much.” You kiss Shota again, tension leaving your body.
“Okay. I’ll see you guys later. I love you both, stay safe.”
“Love you too mom!”
“We’ll be safe, bye baby.”
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Denki had stopped by his dorm before heading to his home room… which also happened to be his first period class… and the man teaching the class is his stepdad.
The young boy was told by both you and Aizawa that their marriage was no secret and he could tell his friends if he pleased.
And yes, he had planned to.. awhile ago, but he’s just embarrassed sometimes. Not by you! Or Aizawa. He already considers the man his father, it’s just, what would his friends think? He knows most will probably be kind about it considering Aizawa is their teacher.
But he’s still scared of being ridiculed for such a thing. He lets those thoughts disappear as soon as he walks through the classroom door.
The first thing he does is go and bother Shinso. He had been trying to make the boy his friend but he is very closed off and hard for even Denki to talk to.
They’ve made progress though, mainly because Aizawa talked about how he’s trained the boy a few times.
“Hey Shinsoooo, wanna get lunch together later? Today’s lunch is always the best!”
“Don’t you always bring your own lunch on mondays?” Denki smiles, “yeah but you could always give me a little bit of yours and I’ll trade you some of mine! My mom’ll never find out.”
“Yeah no, I’m good.”
“Come on man!!! Please!!!” Before Shinso can deny him again Mina makes her way over to Denki and places her hand on his shoulder.
“Denki! How was your weekend? Do anything fun?” The boy stops himself from saying that he and Aizawa went shopping together to find you a birthday gift.
“Nahhh you know me, video games for life!” Mina rolls her eyes playfully.
“Alright, you know the deal, in your seats.” Aizawa mumbles out to the class.
Nobody wastes time finding their seats.
“I know you guys would rather work together or something but I’m gonna be lecturing today.” A couple of groans and sighs leave the lips of various 2-A students. Aizawa’s posture straightens and his look is deadly. Everyone else straightens up, but Denki has to keep himself from laughing.
He can’t take Aizawa seriously when he makes such sickeningly sweet faces to you at home.
“Would you like to share what’s so funny, Kaminari?” Your last name had been Kaminari before you got married. You gave your son the option to keep your maiden name or go with Aizawa and he chose your maiden name. He said that he didn’t want to get married one day and not have his own last name, whatever that meant.
“Uh, no sir.” He responds straightening his face.
“Now, if any of you have a problem with me lecturing you can go out in the hall and read the whole textbook.” Nobody makes a sound and for good reason, that textbook is thicker than a dictionary.
“As I thought. Now onto the lecture.”
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Denki had been falling asleep during the lecture so half way through, in his sleepy state he raises his hand, “Hey, dad?”
The blond feels the class’s eyes on him and gets scared that he’d accidentally exposed himself which he did but that’s not why his friends are staring. They just find the slip up funny, they don’t know Aizawa is really his stepdad.
“DID YOU JUST CALL HIM DAD? WHAT AN IDIOT.” Bakugo snorts loudly.
Denki’s face reddens and he covers it up in embarrassment.
“Looks like someone was takin’ a snooze.” Sero says with a chuckle.
“Oh come on guys, be nice. I’m sure we’ve all slipped up and called our teacher dad/mom before!” Uraraka says trying to calm down the laughter.
“Is it strange that I have never called a teacher mother or father before?” Todoroki asks suddenly feeling like an outcast. Midoriya tries to explain to him that he is in fact normal and not an outcast.
“Settle down. It was an honest mistake and I don’t blame him. I’m technically his father.” That gains the class’s attention.
Denki squeaks out a noise of embarrassment.
Aizawa immediately understands the situation his eyes widening a little in both shock and amusement, “you haven’t told them yet?”
Denki uncovers his face, “I was going to eventually…!”
“Tell us what?!” Kirishima asks excitedly.
“I am Denki’s stepfather. His mother and I are married.” It’s silent for a second but of course Mineta breaks the silence.
“Wait does that like mean you get good grades, cuz they bang each other?”
“THEY’RE MARRIED. M A R R I E D. NOT CASUAL!!!” Denki explains his face as red as a tomato.
“That still stands, your mom is married to your teacher, you can benefit from that!! Aizawa sensei, since we’re Denki’s friends can we get good grades too?!” Mina asks excitedly.
“That’s enough, nobody’s getting any special treatment. If anything Denki has to work 10x harder, because I’m around to watch him do his homework.” Half the class responds with “aw” or “aw man.”
“And mineta,” he stiffens at his name being called.
“I will not hesitate to send you out for inappropriate comments, do you understand?”
“Yes sir.”
“Pay up I was right!” Jiro of all people says.
“HUH?” Denki asks in shock.
“Well, we were betting on sensei’s relationship status. “Is he in a relationship or not?” was the question we’ve all been asking. Everyone was saying no, but I noticed that necklace he wears. It has a ring on it.” Jiro explains.
Sero and Bakugo both groan taking money out of their pockets. Uraraka holds out her hand too, they also owe her for being right.
Aizawa had always kept his necklace with his wedding ring tucked into his shirt so he had no idea how Jiro caught that.
“Oh crap that means I owe money too!! I made a bet saying he was married to present mic!” Mina sighs digging in her bag for her clutch purse.
“I prefer my wife over Mic any day.” Aizawa confirms. (In another life he would so marry him.)
“You guys don’t think it’s weird? That like- he’s my stepdad?”
“Uh, not really. I mean the only thing that matters is that you and your mom are happy.”
Denki realizes then and there he had no reason to be scared, his friends didn’t seem to mind all that much that Aizawa was his stepdad.
But from time to time when he hung out with them one would ask, “you think you can get on Aizawa sensei’s good side so _________”
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This was so silly and fun to write. I had a sudden burst of inspiration 🫶🏾
©𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐊𝐄𝐘𝐑𝐄𝐌𝐈 All works are written by me! Please do not copy, translate, or upload onto other sites thanks!
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itsmarsss · 2 months
hunchback of notre-dame [Wade Wilson/Deadpool x Reader] (Marvel)
You get this ridiculous idea that you just need to mark a huge heart into his back.
Word count: 1,945
Warnings: sexual innuendos and jokes all around, mention of logan being a 'free pass' in your relationship lol, wade having a hard time grasping intimacy that isn't of a sexual nature, wade feeling self-conscious and speaking badly of his own appearance. established relationship. so many ridiculous and over-the-top pet names.
kiiinda loosely based off this ask- "Deadpool with s/o who keeps biting him? Not sexually (mostly) but I need to CHOMP this man."
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“Please? Please please please please please please? Come onnnn sweetie-pie. Darling-dear. Baby boy. Baby.”
“Oh my God never call me ‘darling-dear’ again, what is this, medieval england?”
“Don’t change the subject!”
“Geez Louise why do you wanna do that so bad? Is it like a biting kink or something?”
“It could be.” You shrug.
“I’m listening.”
You roll your eyes at his reply. “‘Course now you are. I just wanna see how it looks!”
“It’s gonna heal in like two seconds, you know that, right?. I’m not sure it’ll even show.”
“Yeah but get this- what if you tried really really hard to stop it from healing?”
“I… don’t think that’s how it works, pookie-bear,” he tells you, booping your nose along with the ridiculous pet name.
You ignore it. “You don’t know that!”
He stops to think for a couple seconds before letting out an exaggerated sigh. “Fine. This once.”
“Yes! Take your shirt off. And throw it in the wash, how many days have you been wearing it for?”
“Oh, too many to count, sweetheart.” 
“That’s gross, Wade.”
“Hey now, I’m gonna revoke your biting privileges!” He threatens, but proceeds to take the shirt off as and throw it in the hamper anyway.
“Nuh-uh, no take-backsies.”
“Then stop insulting my habits!” He sits down on the bed and you sit yourself on your legs right behind him. 
“What? When have I ever done that?” You feign confusion, kissing his shoulder.
“Now that’s just gaslighting. You’re a gaslighter. A mean, evil, toxic gaslighter and you’re gaslighting me.”
You laugh. “Oh whatever, grown man who needs to be reminded to do his laundry. You ready?”
“Why do you even care so much? You get, like, stabbed on the daily.”
“Yeah but this isn’t… stabbing. Stabbing I’m used to.”
“I can stab you if you want me to.”
“Can you really?” 
“If you’re into that,” you play along.
“Oh you know I am, baby. No but that’s not what I meant.”
You kiss his lower back without a warning, and you can’t contain a smile at the way he shivers. “What do you mean, then?”
“This is… different.” He fidgets with his own hands as he talks, eyes trained on them over his own lap.
“What, not every person you’ve ever dated that’s asked to bite a heart into your back?” You continue kissing your way up his back, up until where you want said heart to start.
“Oh no, everyone asks me for that on the reg actually. I’m actually super mega lucky that I heal so fast, otherwise I’d just have to come home with all those hearts on my back all the time and you would not be happy with that would you?”
You punch his shoulder lightly and he smiles. “You bet I wouldn’t! Only I get to do this, you hear me?” You exclaim, feigning offense.
“Wolvie carved a heart into my thigh once. Hottest thing to ever happen to me. No offense.”
“None taken.” You bite the skin of his back right where you’d just kissed before. Not so hard that it’s meant to hurt, it’s not that kind of night, but not as if he’d break either, since, well, he kind of can’t. You suck lightly on the skin to make sure to leave a tiny mark and it’s a little funny to be doing this with no ulterior motives. “Especially since that for sure never happened.”
“It could have.” 
“If Logan ever carves a fucking heart into your thigh and I’m not there to witness it I will be so mad.” 
“Hey I thought we had a free pass with him!”
“Not if I’m not involved! Or at least get to watch.”
“Aye, aye, captain. Anything else you wanna witness between us, sweetcheeks?”
“I’ll tell you when I’m done, how about that?” You grin before resuming your work, biting and sucking on the scarred skin until you can see the aligned marks almost forming the shape you want them to. 
It’s a shock that it gets him to shut up for even just a few seconds, so it’s no surprise that the silence doesn’t last all that long. “This is…  It’s different… It’s… It’s really intimate isn’t it? Like overwhelmingly so. Is it hot in here, are you hot?”
You stop immediately. “Hey. Don’t freak out on me. I know I insisted a little but I didn’t think you were hesitating ‘cause you were uncomfortable. I wouldn’t have-” 
“No- no no no no no, it’s fine. It’s… Nice. It’s silly, but it’s nice. Just different.”
You stare at him until he manages to get himself to look up at you and nod, easing your worries and letting yourself believe him. “Okay. But only if you’re sure. And don’t call me silly!”
“You’re making it really hard, sugartits.”
“Hey!” You flick the back of his head.
“Ow! What was that for? It’s obvious that by ‘it’ I meant my dick. I was dirty talking. Clearly.”
“You’re ridiculous.” You bite into his skin again. He stays still and weirdly quiet once again, eyes closed and still shivering occasionally as you trace kisses along his back before following them with bites and, finally, the main goal- the hickeys. 
“You done?”
“Almost. Missing three.”
“They all still there?”
“They’re fading, but they’re still there. You trying to keep them?”
He shrugs, very obviously trying his hardest to pretend he doesn’t care. “Well you wanted me to, didn’t you?” 
You smile, cupping his jaw with one of your hands and turning his face to the side so you can give him a quick kiss. 
“Almost done,” you promise.
“Do it harder.”
“Bite harder.”
“What, is this you saying you have some sort of biting kink?”
“First of all, you should have guessed that. Second of all, no, I just don’t want them to fade so fast.” 
“So someone’s enjoying the idea now.”
“Enjoying is pushing it. Curious is a better-fitting word.”
“Yeah, yeah, sure.” Making the last of the marks, you lean back to admire the work. “Done,” you announce, tracing the shape with the tips of your fingers. 
“Well, can I see it?”
“Yeah.” You pull him to his feet and lead him to the full body mirror in the corner of the room. Turning himself around so his back is facing the mirror, he looks over his shoulder so he can see it too.
“You don’t like it?”
“I thought it would… you can barely see it with the… you know. The scars.”
“Of course you can see it! Look!” You trace the shape on his skin with your pointer finger for him to see in the reflection.
“You know what I meant.” 
“I- didn’t want it to make you feel bad. It was really silly anyway. You can let it heal if you want to.”
“It’s not- it’s not that. Fuck, I know this was supposed to be this whole funny haha silly cutesy little thing but I just- I don’t even know why you do it.”
“Do what?”
“Put up with it.”
“What exactly?”
“This. It’s not really the best view in town, is it?” There he goes, unable to look you in the eye again.
“Like why would you even want to see this? You just spent like ten minutes staring at my back, which frankly looks like I single-handedly brought leprosy back to fashion and then you- just- like even just my face is enough for people to, like, projectile vomit. Why’d you make yourself do this right now?”
“I didn’t make myself do anything. I had to convince you to let me do it´.”
“‘Cause you wanna prove something.”
“What would I wanna prove with something so dumb?”
“I don’t know. That you don’t see me as a monster or something.” 
“I don’t see you as a monster. But I wasn’t trying to prove anything.”
Letting his face fall into his hands, he lets out a frustrated sigh, as if he hadn’t meant for the conversation to come to this. And he probably hadn’t, really, but he already did so much of pretending to be fine all the time. It sucked to see him like this, but at least he was letting himself be real, be honest with you about the way he was feeling. 
You’ve come a long way to gain this kind of trust. 
“Sorry. Ruined the moment. Way to go, Wade!” He apologizes.
“You don’t have to say sorry, you know that by now.” 
He glances at the mirror again and sees all the marks have gone away already, his mind going elsewhere and interrupting the focus he’d been putting into trying to put off the healing of them. He finally turns around to actually face you. “See? Can’t even have this one fucking silly little thing you wanted. It’s gone already cause, guess what, I’m a fucking freak of nature now. Like The Hunchback of Notre-Dame or something. I don’t know, I didn’t watch the movie.” 
You laugh. “Well I’ll just be Esmeralda then.”
“Who the fuck is that?”
“Oh you’d find her so hot, dude. But doesn’t matter.” You walk up to him, kissing him gently from his ear to his jaw to his neck to his lips. “Don’t fucking question why I love you ever again, that’s, like, so rude.”
“Oh that was just so sappy, even for you babe, massive sap vibes all over.”
“Oh shut up you big baby.” You place a last gentle kiss on the palm of his hand. “I have an idea.” You pull yourself away from him, disappearing into the bathroom.
“Yeah? Does it involve pity sex? Cause I’m feeling down and I am ready to pounce if you are and-“ He raises an eyebrow in question when you come back holding up something. “That some new vibrator or something?” 
“Can you wait like ten seconds?” 
“Ten seconds? Babe, you know that’s asking too much of me when I’m this horny. They don’t call me The Flash for nothing.” 
“Who is ‘they’? And what does that even mean?”
“Sorry, wrong franchise. You wouldn’t get it.”
“Back to the vibrator.”
“It’s lipstick.” You turn to face the mirror, taking your time applying the dark red color to your lips. “Kay, turn around, pretty boy.”
“Oooh, kinky! You gonna gimme a rimjob with that lipstick on?  Wait is that another kink? We are full of surprises today.” He quips, turning around as asked. 
“Wade please shut up.” 
“You know I can’t do th- aaahh what are you doing?” He flinches, taken by surprise by the kiss you place on his back, right where the heart you’d marked on him had been.
“Well you can keep these ones a little longer.” This time, he keeps quiet the entire time you take to mark the heart on his back once again, with the lipstick this time, reapplying it before every other kiss so the marks truly showed. 
“Fuuuckkk I’m never washing my back again,” he comments as he admires the reflection in the mirror.
“Don’t even start.” 
“I’m staying dirty forever and it’s gonna be your fault, sweetheart,” he declares as he turns around to face you, and it pleases you to see his mood seems better. 
“We are taking a shower in a couple hours and there’s nothing you can do about it.”
“We?” He raises his eyebrows suggestively at the implication.
“If that gets you to actually shower for once.”
“Hey, I shower all the time!”
“Then you can shower without me like a big boy.” 
“Actually I don’t take showers I don’t know how.” 
“Yeah, yeah I figured.”
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A/N: hey send me stuff for deadpool i actually enjoyed writing this lol it was v fun and cute!! i hope it isn't much too ooc lol i still gotta get the hang of writing wade
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polakina · 6 months
how they fuck you
red dead redemption headcanons #2
hc masterlist // masterlist
on my third playthrough of rdr2 and i cannot bring myself to play low honour. why do i put myself through this?
also this is ridiculously long, got a little carried away but i shall not apologise
rating: explicit
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is always gentle with you at first
delicate touches, lingering kisses, gazing eyes at your every movement or ministration
"what do you want, mi amor? tell me"
loves to hear you beg for him, want him
it just turns him on even more
dirty talk through the ROOF
this man knows how to talk you through it
"fuck you feel amazing, hermosa. yeah, just like that, huh? anything for you"
will eat you out for days if he could
never really tried it before, even when he lived in Mexico, he never really gave it a go
but with you, he wanted to try everything. whatever you wanted, he was up for it
so when you first asked him, he was nervous as hell, but willing to try
he found out he loved it and does it every single fucking time he had you all to himself
buries himself between your thighs like a man starved, his arms wrapped tightly around your thighs to keep you still
his tongue worked fucking wonders on your pussy, knowing exactly where to focus his attention, loving how you always moaned a little softer when his tongue dipped inside your cunt
fucks you slow, savouring the moment when he can
loves to have you riding him. seeing you on top spurs something inside him
his hands grip your waist fiercely, guiding your hips to grind against him, pulling sweet, elicit moans from your throat
loves to cut your clothes from your body with his knife
it's so much more satisfying than just taking them off with his hands
kinda likes quickies. prefers taking his time but there's something about pulling you away for a few minutes to have his way with you behind the protection of a tree or something that he loves
usually happens out on missions, so there's risk of the gang seeing you guys, but what's life without a little risk?
you could be on watch beside your tent while everyone sleeps, and javier will come over to keep you company
but it doesn't take long for his hand to slip into your pants as he whispers all sorts of things in your ear as he sits behind you while you try and continue your watch duty
was terrible at aftercare before, never really understood the in's and out's of it
but learned eventually with you, when you explained it to him
now he's at your beck and call whenever you need it
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wear this man's hat around camp and that's all he needs to pull you to a secluded tent
but wear it while you fuck him? arthur would die happy in that exact moment
likes to call you 'cowgirl' when you ride him. you always roll your eyes at how stupid it sounds, but it doesn't stop him
the two of you don't have all the time in the world. being one of dutch's most trusted members, he's needed away from camp a lot more than anyone else
so you've both learned the art of being fast
and it doesn't take long for him to make you cum
never asks for them, but loves blowjobs
he likes to draw in his tent when he's got time to himself, so when he sees you come in and sink to your knees in between his lap, he can't think of a better sight
the absolute king of praises (have you heard how he talks to his horse?? imagine him talking to a woman oml)
not a fan of degrading, he never saw the appeal, but uses other methods to 'punish' you
"what do you want, darlin?" he'd say as he's fucking you from behind, your face pressed into the pillow to stifle your moans, your ass in the air held up by his hands on your hips. "oh babygirl, you wanna cum, huh? then you can beg me for it, can't you?"
will edge you for days
especially when he knows he's going to be away for a few days afterwards
definitely grabs the headboard
mainly for his own stability to be able to thrust into you harder as you moan his name into the room
has his hands on you at all times
holding your hands above your head by your wrists, holding your face against the mattress with his hand on the back of your neck, curling his fingers in your hair and gently yanking your head back when he pounds into you
when you do get a night away from camp, he wants to make it last the whole night
takes his time with you to the point where he's practically teasing you for hours
takes his time undressing you, kissing every part of your body, touching every part of you until his fingerprints were practically imprinted into your skin
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give this man some guidance or it's like walking through a maze blindfolded
learned a lot with you
figured out really quick what you liked and what you didn't like, what places he could touch you that would send your head spinning
this eventually led him to learn how to be very sneaky in public
he could touch you in such simple places, in such an innocent way that no one else would think anything of it
but you'd know, and you wouldn't stop it
you like the way he touched your neck? he was all over that shit, cupping your cheek, his fingers tickling your neck
you liked his hands in your hair? his fingers tangled at the base of your neck, pulling your hair slightly to tease you
his hand would rest on your thighs, fingers slowly creeping up your thigh while you were all sat around the campfire
you'd always give him a little glare, which he would ignore, a goofy smirk on his face
and the way he fucked you was no different
he had mastered the art of teasing your body and your limits, and put that knowledge in every time he had you alone
"come on, marston. stop teasin' me like this"
he'd always smirk, working his way down your body in a painfully slowly manner
"i'm takin' my time with you, sweetheart. you just lay back and relax. lemme take care of you"
loved to make you feel good before he even thought about himself
but when he was too pent up, he came a lot quicker than he wanted
but he made up for it when tending to you afterwards until you were practically pushing him away, too sensitive for his expert fingers
not the best at going down on you, but makes up with experience
but what he's really good with is his hands
his fingers
they know exactly what they're doing when he pushes them inside your soaked pussy
curling at that devastating spot inside you that makes you crumble to your knees
loves to be on top of you, seeing your face contort when he pushes inside you slowly, deeply
he's basic, a lover of missionary, but seeing your face and watching your body writhe under his grip is really what turns him on
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fairyhaos · 1 year
✰ seventeen as boyfriends: jeonghan edition
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event taglist (send ask to be added): @rubywonu @cinnamoroxie @belladaises @wheeboo @minhui896 @slytherinshua @kokoiinuts @jun-of-love @dandycharmer
pairing: jeonghan x gn!reader
genre: fluff, headcanons, mini scenario
word count: 531
warnings: one curse word
notes: jeonghan edn. for the 500 event
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so, so sweet and soft
the most attentive. is always keeping an eye on you to make sure you’re okay, even if it looks like he’s absorbed in the most nonsensical conversation in the world with seungkwan
it's all an act, bc he's actually paying The Most attention to you, always
that bf who puts his hand over a table corner/ the top of a frame when you’re ducking under it so you don’t hit your head against it. does it almost without thinking i swear
also a teasing lil shit tho like
reminds you every other month of the way you used to be a stuttering mess around him back when you didn’t know each other well and he was just your crush
wiggles his eyebrows all annoying and mimics your voice in a ridiculous pitch as he pretends to be a flustered you
gets hit over the head with your hands/ a pillow/ anything within reach every single time
also: he pretends that he wouldn’t, but jeonghan would do absolutely anything for you.
yields in practically every game if he’s playing against you and you want to win really badly. sacrifices going to see his favourite things first when on holiday if it means he gets to follow you around as you’re bouncing on the balls of your feet, the grin wide on your face
it’s not like he’s doing nothing that he wants, bc you still go to the beach w him and watch the puppet shows he wants to, but there’s something so much more gratifying about watching your face positively aglow with joy.
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“Jeonghan. Jeonghan.”
“Shh, I’m sleeping,” Jeonghan mumbles, trying to bury his face into the pillows. It’s late at night, and you’ve been poking him for god knows how many minutes straight, and he loves you but he also really loves his sleep. “What is it?”
“I just want to know something,” you say, and your voice is clear and awake, making him roll over to squint at you blearily.
You shrug, and even in the darkness, your thoughtful expression is visible. He knows that this either means you’re going to spout utter nonsense or something incredibly meaningful. “I just wondered what would happen if we’d just stayed as friends.”
Jeonghan leans his head back, looking up at you as you prop yourself up onto your elbows on the mattress. “Why are you thinking about that?”
“Dunno,” you reply. “Just… what would have happened if, rather than accepting my confession, you’d just rejected me?”
Jeonghan furrows his eyebrows. Even in his sleep-addled brain, that didn’t sound right. “I would never have done that.”
“Yeah, but what if?”
“There’s no what if,” he says, and tugs you back down so you’re lying next to him again. “Don’t say weird things. I wanna sleep.”
You don’t protest as he wrangles you around so you're facing him, his chin resting on the top of your head, arms around you under the duvets. “But what—”
“No what ifs, love,” he says, and his voice gets blurrier as he slips into sleep again, with you safe and secure in his arms. “I was always going to love you.”
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talaok · 1 year
Hi, I was watching your writing and I'm in love, could you do one where Pedro Pascal and the reader have a child and are very famous?
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x reader
A/n: OK. i'll be honest i panicked cause I don't know if by have a baby you meant giving birth to one or having having it, so I googled it and Google said the first one, so I went with that.
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Having to sneak out of your own home while in active labor definitely wasn't on your to-do list, but the mob of paparazzi right at your front door didn't give you much of a choice.
It was midnight, why the hell they were still there was well beyond you, but then again, everything that had happened since you and Pedro were first spotted together had been just as crazy.
It was like a media tornado. Everyone seemed to have an opinion about you, and of course, a constant need to regurgitate it on the internet, magazines, and even newspapers at one point.
It was ridiculous it's what it was.
And when the vultures found out you were pregnant... oof, you can imagine what a shitshow that was.
A camera was being pointed at you every time any of you left the house, whether you saw it or not, you could be certain it was.
And Pedro had tried to do everything in his power to stop it, he wasn't someone who lost his cool very easily, but when it came to you and the child growing in your belly... he transformed completely.
He had filed lawsuits and spoken with everyone he could to let you have some godforsaken privacy and peace, but when that clearly wasn't working he started to get more practical.
You walked everywhere with him now, so that the moment the paparazzi got even a tiny bit annoying he could do his best to try and make them stop (which oftentimes required him to scream at them to "let you fucking breathe").
And now, that the media had somehow obtained your due date, of course, Pedro had planned the perfect escape route.
Which was why he was now backing up the car to rush to the hospital.
"You ok?" he breathed, although his lungs had long been uncooperating.
"yeah" you hissed through another contraction "just-hurry please"
His eyes were on the road the whole time, but you could feel him staring nonetheless.
His right hand was holding yours for dear life, telling you -I'm here, it's all gonna be fine- all the way to the delivery room.
"Just another push" the doctor said, and you obliged, pushing and squeezing Pedro's hand until all his veins were seconds from popping.
And then-just when you were ready to say fuck it, I'm done here, you heard it- you heard the cry, and you didn't know why, you didn't know how... but tears, tears a mile long started flowing from your eyes.
"It's a girl," The doctor said, handing the now blanketed child to you, into your arms.
If you could you would have told him that it wasn't a good idea, that your arms felt about as strong as noodles right now- but all you could do was watch, as the baby -your daughter- stared back at you with her dad's eyes.
"hey" you felt a voice to your left, and turned to find Pedro crouching beside you.
"hey there" he whispered to the baby, letting his finger trail her minuscule face.
"It's your daddy," he murmured "Listen, I know you're probably tired and don't wanna listen to me, but I just wanted you to know-" he paused, looking almost unbelieving, like he was waiting for the moment he would blink, and everything was gonna disappear, his daughter, you, everything he cared for the most in the world just... poof.
But you didn't.
And he still couldn't believe it.
"I just wanted you to know that I love you" he said, "I love you and your mommy more than anything, anything in the whole world" he kissed her pretty forehead "And I swear... I swear I'm gonna spend every single day of my life proving it"
You smiled through the tears, as he struggled to fight back his.
"I'm sorry, we need to take her for a moment" The doctor spoke again, 
You had forgotten he was still in the room.
"Do you?" Pedro asked, although he already knew the answer
"We do, Mr. Pascal, I'm sorry, we need to wash her and make sure she's all right"
He sighed, looking down at the tiny creature in your arms with a glint in his eyes you had never seen before.
"fine" he mumbled
You sniffled, staring down at her.
"I love you." you murmured, kissing her cheek "God, I love you so much" you chuckled, before handing her to the nurse.
Please be careful, you had to fight the urge to say.
And just like that- only you and Pedro remained in the room.
Silence, a light, stunned, happy silence fell- and only after you regained consciousness, and realized what just happened, did all the noises come back.
The beeping of the monitor, the buzzing of the tv, and- and shouts from outside, talking and murmuring of what you already knew was a crowd.
Pedro must have noticed too, because he went to peek from the window.
"I'm gonna kill them" he sighed, his forehead falling to the glass, watching as interviewers and paparazzi clogged the entrance of the hospital.
"It's a lot?" 
Again, silence.
"Baby?" you called 
"We'll think about it later," you said, holding your hand out for him.
He immediately took it.
He crouched next to you and you looked at one another, so many things to say and yet no idea how to say them- until- until-
"We have a daughter" you smiled
And he laughed, he laughed all the happiness and anxiety right out of his body.
"We do" he grinned, his eyes teary "We have a daughter"
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girlreblogger · 7 months
the annoyance with blk y/n and the stories she’s in is hilarious. her characteristics might be the problem one day or her side characters the next. it legit feels like we may never get to a balanced solution on what to do with our own representation since the wrong ppl always talk about it and create it. we have mean and shallow ppl who take over the conversation, ppl who really self hate but try and cover it up with “i just don’t want her to be a stereotype” and then the ones who probably love and support tyler perry movies.
the bottom line is the ppl who do write those niggafying, toxic (it’s a buzzword but that’s what they are) or smutty fics (not talking abt the actual good ones with a blk reader though 🧎🏽‍♀️) can do wtv they want and owe you nothing. that’s why they get so frustrated. i don’t think all the times those should be crucified for what they write when other groups of ppl (or our own) write all kinds of other crazy shit.
and.. i know a lot of ppl who don’t want to say it but y’all keep bringing up the smut and niggafying as the main problem, but i think it’s some of the ppl writing it and their underlings. it’s just no one wants to say anything.
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an excerpt from a draft of mine
“a lot of ppl on here be weirdos or mean asl. so when someone block you don’t be like “oh what i did” “they that mad cause of my (internet—fictional—digital on screen) presence”
like nobody got time to go to your acc and say “i don’t like you” who cares. oddly some miserable ppl do actually but still. the lack of awareness is ridiculous. that’s why ppl don’t f with y’all.”
i was talking abt all of tumblr and every other app but it applies here.
from what i see on here, some are just straight up weird, cliquey, and chiesty (if that’s how you spell it) and that’s why ppl be so mad abt those types of books 💀. we also have to acknowledge the amount of overwhelming & honestly damaging blk yn fics (not to be confused with ppls screwed ideas of stereotypical) there are. i understand why ppl write them for personal reasons but when it comes to our own reflections of ourselves as blk women it’s almost hurtful to read some of the things people put “her” through. i mean even her with a white man that use aave and has cornrows is hurtful.. 😔 (i’m trolling now 💀) naw but fr. i personally don’t like reading blk women just being written for smut or going through crazy situations or kinda like.. i don’t wanna say unfulfilling but like.. idk i can’t think of the word. (edit: ppl write blk yn to be in unfulfilling situations) but girl i can watch a tyler perry movie for all that.
again. ppl write these stories for there own personal reasons, relate to them and enjoy them for those reasons as well. that’s why depending! on what it is i don’t think blk writers should be bombarded with hate like that. also ion think smut should be banned like y’all go to far can we just slow down on it … there are some nice ones out there i promise 🧎🏽‍♀️
but in all seriousness there are many other reasons why i feel toxic and smutty fics are popular for blk yn but i don’t think anyone cares to hear that and the conversion will prolly go back to nigga eren somehow which is crazy cause y’all be arguing over a fictional white man.
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oh! 😒 i almost forgot 😒 the ppl who are against “ghetto” y/n to try and advocate for more fluffy or like.. normal (healing) stories and from what i see the ppl who are the most up in arms about it in my personal opinion seem to dislike certain parts of blkness that i appreciate personally and so i just straight up disregard their opinions. y/n doesn’t have to “act” (😒) blk but i see ppl get mad about her protecting her hair….. with a bonnet….
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sigh, anyway but yeah we need more soft and sweet fics or just like calming ones? but someone gon have to write it! i don’t like this app or my writing all too much so i gave up a while ago.
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just like many other blk writers….
gaspp! we should also do like a fluff challenge or sumn where writers do like fluff … march? girl idk so maybe that will trend and all the ppl who spend time arguing and going back and forth with ppl who write stories they don’t like can like idk look for other writers who write soft, normal, fun stories and reblog them or make a list of them. or maybe like possibly write their own stories too????
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everyone says the smut fics gets the most likes and they do. that’s why you keep seeing them. so maybe support or refreakingblog the fics that are comforting to you so others can be as well.
i actually made this page to repost softer fics because i was tired of blocking certain tags so i can avoid heavy smut and subtly abuse fics. also pls leave the ppl who niggafy anime characters alone they will not be stopped. i mean we still have ppl who have been calling chris evans jamal since 2020.. calling him that to this date. married and all.
sigh… 2 more days until blk history month ends. maybe next year we can find a balance between “dramatic” and smutty fics and soft and slice of life ones for blk y/n next year. remember this is tumblr too and the ppl writing aren’t even getting paid for this but it’s for the ppl yk.
ppl who are respectful and reblog tho.
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lizzieisright · 6 months
right???? me too! I want Abby to have my kids
female alpha!reader x omega!abby
Palestine: what can you do
Tags: dead dove: do not eat. a/b/o universe (female alphas have dicks), modern AU, absolute filth, breeding kink, reader goes into rut.
There's one thing Abby loves the most about your ruts: you absolutely lose control. Her sweet, patient, ridiculous alpha has so many restraints - you can try to hide it all you want, but Abby knows. She knows it when you grip her thighs too hard and then immediately release her, because you're scared to hurt her. She knows it when your bites are a little harsh and your growling is a lot louder. 
But no matter what Abby does, she can't break you on normal days - she might beg you when she's in heat and you will get a little rough because whatever Abby wants during heats, Abby gets, but you never show your full alpha with her. 
(“It goes against my nature.” you tell her when Abby asks you why you don't let yourself let go. 
“You're an alpha, baby, it is your nature.” Abby smirks.
“And you're my omega, so I can't hurt you. I almost had a heart attack when you fell on your skates last week, I can't handle smelling your hurt and know that I caused it.”
Understandably, Abby drops to her knees and makes you cum down her throat. You have no idea why, but talking about how much you care about her makes Abby so fucking horny.)
But then your rut comes, and every time Abby notices the change in your scent, she gets excited. And horny. 
You smell her lust and it drives you absolutely crazy when you're in pre-rut. You're more territorial and smelling how much your omega wants you makes you want to fuck her literally everywhere. You can't stop scenting her, constantly rubbing against her, and it only makes Abby hornier. So it makes you hornier. 
Ellie stays away from both of you, because you make her horny and because she and Dina still dance around each other, she can't do anything about it. Plus you start growling at her like an idiot every time she gets too close to Abby. (It makes Abby laugh, so you don't feel too bad about it)
This time your rut starts when you and Abby are cooking dinner. It hits you so hard you almost cut the meat through the board, and Abby grunts quietly when your scent gets into her nose. 
“Shit. Fuck.” You pant. Your hands are shaking, but you keep cutting. “We need to finish cooking first.” You tell Abby and she nods, suspiciously obedient. “Fuck, did I use my voice on you?”
“Yup.” Abby sighs shakily. “We need to finish this fast. No talking. If we talk, we will fuck.” 
You chuckle, but agree with Abby. Right now you can only think about how and where you want to fuck Abby, and you can smell her getting hornier - getting wetter - and if you open your mouth, you'll end up fucking her on your dinner table. Or on the counter. Or just standing, fucking her from behind-
Yup. This is exactly why Abby said no talking. 
It's amazing how fast you finish cooking. Abby sighs, relieved that you managed to do everything and not burn the kitchen down, but then there's heavy silence. She takes a sniff and looks at you. 
You're barely keeping it together: eyes red, fangs lengthened and you cock making a tent in your joggers. Abby has the sudden urge to run and she swallows. You look dangerous - like any alpha in rut, all your instincts are in overdrive, so you watch Abby like she is your prey - and it makes Abby wet. 
“Wait.” Abby tells you when you step closer, and you stop. God she fucking loves seeing you like this, half-animalistic. One day you'll sync and Abby will enjoy it thoroughly. 
And then Abby bolts out of the kitchen. You stare after her for a second, but then your instincts kick in and you run after her. You catch her before she can get inside the bedroom and press her into the door, holding her hands behind her back with one hand while you growl into her ear and grind against her ass, your other hand gripping her hair. Abby didn't think it would actually work, but your control doesn't exist anymore, and this is exactly what she wanted.
“You're not going anywhere.” Abby whimpers and presses her butt into you. “Oh, it's what you wanted, huh?” You gently bite her neck and Abby whines.
“Yes-fuck.” Your pheromones are so heavy Abby can't think, get head full of horny fog. “Breed me, alph- uh!”
You sink your teeth into Abby's shoulder so hard she thinks you fucking mated her - and the thought of it makes her cum immediately. She shakes and whines in your arm while you lick your bite and hump her ass. 
“Mine.” You growl and pull Abby closer, supporting her weight since her legs are wobbly. You let go of her hair and pinch her tit. “I'll never let you go, you're mine, no one can have you.” Abby groans and wiggles one of her arms so she can stroke your cock, making you grunt into her ear. “Love you so fucking much.” You growl and give her cunt a squeeze before opening the door and pushing Abby inside. 
You don't give her time to do anything, ripping the clothes off her, but Abby is so horny she gets absolutely stupid, mesmerised by the wet patch on your pants where your cock has been leaking. It makes you smirk: it looks like your rut makes Abby more desperate than her heat. You look into her pretty golden eyes and feel like you'll tear her apart. 
Abby claws at your clothes and gets rid of your t-shirt, happy there's no bra underneath and she can watch your pretty tits with no time wasted. She latches on one of your nipples and you grab her hair roughly, making her moan. You don't have patience for foreplay right now.
“Lie down.” Abby moans louder: she loves when you use alpha voice on her in bed. 
Abby lies down and opens her legs for you, showing her soaked cunt, and your eyes get darker. You can't wait - usually you'd at least fuck her with your tongue or fingers first, but rut makes you selfish - you hurriedly take your pants off and free your cock. Abby watches the drop of precum slide down and bites her lip, she needs you.
Abby strokes her cunt to get her hand wet and then wraps her fingers around your cock, pumping it just like you like it. You groan and pinch her nipples, making her jump - she is sensitive when she is pheromone high. 
“You're so fucking wet.” You smirk and align your cock with her soaked hole, pushing inside in one thrust. Abby whimpers and throws her head back, not ready to be stretched like this, but enjoying it so much. “Just like that, baby, take it.” You murmur as you bottom out. 
Abby tilts her hips trying to get you deeper, moaning your name, and you finally break. You pin her thighs and start thrusting into her hard, not giving her time to adjust, and Abby is in heaven - your cock feels amazing, but the way you treat her feels even better. 
You can't help your moans: Abby's pussy feels so good, so wet and hot and tight, her walls clenching on you like she doesn't want you to pull out. 
“Look at you, you're not letting me go.” You growl into Abby's ear and she clings to you, buries her nose in your scent glands, while you fuck her deep and hard. “Want my kids so bad, huh? Want me to breed you like a good omega you are?”
“Please, oh god! Yes, breed me, mark me, please!” Abby whines into your ear. “Want you to knot me so fucking bad.” 
You growl and start rubbing Abby's clit, her moans and whimpers echoes through the room. It takes two more thrusts for her to cum and you smile at her, absolutely feral as you watch her coil and shake under you, her walls trapping you inside her. 
“God, you feel it, baby? Don't worry, I'll cum inside, make you so full of me that next time when I fuck you with my tongue I'll be able to only taste myself.” 
Abby moans and her scent spikes, making you fuck her harder, bite her harder - she mewls and arches into you, submitting fully. It's the most addictive feeling in the world when you're in rut, and you can't help yourself but to wrap your hand around Abby's throat firmly, holding her in one place while you fuck her. Abby bares her throat in response and your pace stutters for a second. You're close. 
“Wanna be the mother of my children?” You grunt in Abby's ear and she whimpers, little “mm”s of agreement and you bare your fangs. “Gonna take my knot, baby?”
“Yes! Shit, please- knot me, make me yours, please-” 
You hiss and thrust especially hard, and Abby claws at your shoulders and chest, overwhelmed. She feels your knot catching on her hole and drives her crazy. 
You lean down to nuzzle into Abby's scent glands while you chase your own release and Abby wraps her legs around you, pressing you closer. She feels your fangs on her neck and shudders, desperate.
“You're so fucking big-” She whines and you thrust deeper, making her choke on her own moans. “Alpha-” 
You groan, weak to Abby calling you alpha, and smash into Abby, pushing your knot inside her and filling her up with your cum. Abby feels your cock pulsate inside her and starts rubbing clit, clenching around your knot, whining like a bitch in heat. You groan and lick her neck, collecting her pheromones on your tongue, and something in your brain explodes. 
“Cum, baby. You're gonna be so tight around me not even a drop will leak.” Abby shudders and whines more, the rumble of your voice vibrating through her. She groans loudly and cums, her whole body squeezing you: her cunt and her legs and her arms, while she bites your shoulder like a kitten. “Fuck yes, pretty girl.” 
For a few minutes you both just shake and whine as the aftershocks hit you. Abby keeps clenching around you, and your cock twitches inside her, pressing on her sensitive walls while you knot stretches her. You keep rocking your hips as much as you can, still cumming, and Abby opens her legs wider, letting you sink even deeper and you moan. It's fucking perfect. 
The pheromone stench eases up and you feel more relaxed, more clear. Abby giggles under you and brushes her soft fingers over your back. 
“Shit.” Abby sighs and you kiss her tit. You frown: you neglected her pretty tits the whole time. Unacceptable. “Already?”
“You know how horny I am during my rut.” You murmur and take her nipple into your mouth while Abby pats your head. She sighs and tilts her hips, changing the pressure on your knot, making you grunt. “And I love when you cum on my knot. Feels fucking amazing.”
“That's because you wanna knock me up, sweetheart.” Abby chuckles and moans when you bite her nipple. 
“Like you don't want it too.” You smile and snake your hand between your bodies to rub her clit. Abby sighs happily and relaxes: you're slow and gentle right now. “You know what.”
“I'm hungry.”
Abby laughs and you both hiss when she clenches as her abs contract. You run your fingertips over her taut muscles, marvelling at her lines and curves, and Abby hums. 
“Pick me up, big strong alpha, and we can eat.”
“I hate you.” You whine when your cock twitches at her words. Abby snorts and kisses you. 
“No you don't.”
“No, I don't.” 
Abby is still shocked that you can actually pick her up, but you carry her to the kitchen with ease, holding her up by her butt as she holds a blanket over the both of you. You don't even get plates, just two forks so you can wolf down the food, sharing the pan. 
It's a miracle you manage to eat fast enough before your knot eases up and you slip out of Abby, because when you see your cum flowing down her thighs, you eat Abby instead of your dinner. 
She doesn't complain.
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bananadramaaa · 5 months
Idk if you’ve got any ideas or backstory for Alastor’s sisters, but I love the designs for them and have kind of taken some ideas about them and ran with it, mostly about the eldest, Adeline, though:
• Adelice was definitely a protector of the whole bunch. Alastor helped protect the younger sisters and worried a lot about his older sister, but Adelice would make a target out of herself to make sure the younger kids faced as little of their father’s bad days as possible.
• Leonore and Bertilda (the younger two) still experience a lot of the family drama, but it’s a little less than what their older siblings do since they try to keep them out of the fire, so while the older two seem to mature way too quickly, the younger two stay kids for a bit longer. This, however does piss off their father, who takes every moment to ridicule them on their inability to act like their older siblings when their older siblings aren’t able to keep them out of the fire.
• Adelice also gives off Tiana from Princess and the Frog vibes. She’s got a Dream and she’s gonna work hard every day to make it happen.
• Alastor Worries™️ and thinks she’s pushing herself too much, taking on the brunt of their father’s anger, taking on so many jobs, and trying to get as much of an education as she can for as cheap as she can get it. So he becomes her Distraction, constantly dragging her off to parties and out drinking and listening to music. Anything to get her to chill tf out.
• He’s also a hypocrite though, considering he takes on a ton of “side jobs” by the time he’s 15 before he starts working in radio to try to help out their maman. He somehow manages to get all the fun jobs though. She’s out here working in restaurants and factories and he’s playing piano at the speakeasy and working at a nearby gator farm during the summers. And even the jobs that shouldn’t be fun, he manages to turn into a blast, like apprenticing at the butchers or working the graveyard shift at the cemetery. He thinks he’s so damn funny, while his bosses low-key wanna strangle him. This somehow makes him more likable as a radio host.
• Eventually, Adelice manages to find herself a nice, rich, Creole man who she and Alastor run through the wringer trying to test just how wholesome of a man he is before she’ll accept his hand in marriage. This man is confused, but he is dead set on winning her heart. He offers her the money to achieve her dream, he offers her the happy and stress-free life that New Orleans won’t afford her, he offers a life where she’s free and not trapped by anybody, himself included, and most importantly, he offers to take her whole family away from their father and the impoverished life that keeps them with him.
• Their maman can’t fathom a life without her husband, but she can see why they’d want to leave.
• Alastor doesn’t want to lose his sisters, but he knows someone has to watch out for their maman and he’s far to attached to New Orleans to leave it now.
• Before all his sisters leave, Adelice jokingly says she’s gonna name a son after him and he politely declines the offer.
• They move to Alabama or something and he never sees them again, but Adelice has a bunch of happy children that she loves who know all about him :)
• Bertilda also gets married, but Bertilda and her husband find themselves unable to have kids so they adopt a cute little red-headed girl and her green-eyed little brother.
• Leonore dates a lot of people before she finds the perfect gal for her and they move in together as “friends.” Their maman was a bit progressive in some ways and taught them not to judge, where most others would do when Adelice and Bertilda don’t make a big deal out of it when they find out about it.
• All three of them keep an eye on the news regarding New Orleans and whatever can be said about their famous radio host brother from far away.
• The only times the lot of them return to New Orleans is when they hear about Alastor’s death and their maman’s death.
I've talked briefly about them in this ask :3 And I really enjoyed reading your version of their story. It seems more wholesome compared to what I have in mind for them (like Adelice definitely won in this one) XD
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slashsrealgf · 2 months
a/n: im pretty sure this kind of cockwarming like sleeping with someones dick inside u is dangerous and u can get like a yeast infection or something?? so like dont try it xx also this is my first fic and im really just diving in head first w smut and its cringe. enjoy ★
warnings: smut, cockwarming, semi-public, p in v, squirting, hickeys, i dont think theres anything else its sex idk
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You woke up from your nap in Slash's bunk in the tour bus. You sit up groggily, then see Slash sitting next to you. He smiles when he sees that you're awake. "Have a nice nap?" You smile and nod, "yeah, although i do miss my own bed," you reply with a slight frown.
Slash leans closer and whispers in your ear, "You know what I'm in the mood for?" You look up at him, "Slash, no! Don't you remember how pissed Axl got last time?" Slash whines, "please? We've been on tour for two months and we haven't had any time together. I'm starting to lose my mind!" You sigh, "I know, but I don't wanna get into trouble again... Axl was really pissed off last time, and it wasn't even because of the noise! We made a huge mess!" Slash frowns and whines.
You knew how needy Slash already was, but when he went a long time without fucking you or getting off, he only got needier.
He sat pouting for a while, then a wide smile spread across his face, "I've got an idea..." You look over at him with a worried look, "oh no..." He moves around the bunk, then starts to take off his pants.
Your eyes widen, "Slash, what the hell are you doing!?" You asked, whisper yelling because you knew the others were asleep. He kicks his pants off and pumps his already hard cock a few times, then looks up at you, "sit on it?" You stare at him as though he were crazy, "are you insane?" Slash frowns, "you don't even have to do anything! Just sit on it and then we can go to sleep! Please?" He was practically begging at this stage.
You sigh, knowing there would be no changing his mind, and besides, you kind of liked the idea too. Even though you weren't as needy as him, you still hadn't been touched in a long time, and this was better than nothing.
"Fine," you say, with a hint of annoyance.
His eyes light up as he watches you pull your shorts off, then your panties. You grab onto his shoulders and lower yourself onto his cock. He grabs your waist, guiding you down. You let out a slightly loud moan, but Slash presses a hand over your mouth, "Baby, you need to be quiet." You gaze up at him and nod.
He takes his hand away when you're fully seated, then he shifts the two of you so that you can both sleep. You look up at him and feel a wave of excitement wash over you as you realise that you're going to sleep with Slash buried deep inside you.
You start giggling. Slash raises an eyebrow, "what's so funny?" You keep giggling, "this." Slash looks down at you, "how is this funny?" He asks, confused. "Because we're not supposed to be doing it." He sighs but smiles, "we aren't making any noise, and we won't make any messes, so we're not doing anything wrong."
Eventually, your giggles start to die down, and Slash falls asleep first with his arm draped over your waist. You stare at his face for a while, admiring how peaceful he looks when he sleeps. Then you hear footsteps, and you panic, pulling the blanket up over the bottom half of both of you.
Axl pulls the curtain of your bunk open and looks down at the two of you. He could tell Slash wasn't wearing pants, and you weren't wearing a top or bra, so he had his suspicions. "What are you two doing?" You look over your shoulder at him, acting innocent, "we're going to sleep? What are you doing?" He glares at you, still not convinced, "why is Slash naked? And why don't you have a top on?"
You roll your eyes at his ridiculous questions, even though he had every right to be suspicious. "I'm too warm, and Slash usually sleeps naked. Is that really shocking?"
Axl glares at both of you for a second, "I guess not, but you better not be doing anything like last time. I like spending my money on stuff for the band, not on trying to get your mess out of the carpet." You roll your eyes again and wave him away, "yeah, yeah, we get it. Now go away!"
Axl sighs and pulls the curtain closed again, then goes to his own bunk. You look back at Slash, who was still asleep. You nuzzle your head into his neck and slowly start to fall asleep.
When the tour was finally finished, the band was on their way back to L.A. Slash was the most excited. The entire journey back, all he could think about was getting off, whether it was with or without you.
When the two of you finally got back home, he practically shoved you inside the house and into the kitchen, not even bothering to lock the door. He lifts you onto the island in the kitchen and starts kissing your jaw and down your neck, "fuck, I've missed you so much..."
You giggle, "I was with you through the whole tour?" He pulls your top and bra off and grabs your chest, "and I didn't get to see these once, or your pretty little pussy." You turn red and laugh nervously, "they're not that great..."
Slash looks up at you, "are you fucking kidding me?" He says, sounding slightly offended. You frown, "what?"
Slash doesn't reply. Instead, he starts unbuttoning your jeans and pulling them down, followed by your panties. You lift your hips slightly to help him. He takes his own leather pants off, pumping his hard cock a few times before lining it up with your entrance.
He pushes into you in one swift motion. You gasp and grab onto his shoulders, "fuck!"
He smirks and starts to slowly thrust into you. He leans forward and starts kissing your neck. You wrap your arms around him, soft whines and moans leaving your lips. He starts to increase the pace, thrusting faster. Your moans start getting louder and needier.
"Fuck! Slash! Please...don't stop, don't stop," you cry out. He reaches down and starts circling your clit with his thumb, "oh baby, I'm not stopping any time soon." You moan louder at the increased pleasure on your clit. Slash leans down and starts sucking on your neck and collarbone, leaving dark purpleish hickeys all over your skin.
The kitchen fills with the sound of your loud moans and Slash's grunts and low moans. You arch your back, feeling yourself getting closer and closer. Slash could tell you were close, feeling your walls tighten around him.
"Fuck! I-I'm gonna cum! Please! Don't stop!" Slash smirks, "cum for me, baby" he says, gripping onto your hips to hold you in place.
You moan loudly, and your eyes roll to the back of your head as you squirt all over his dick. It doesn't take long for him to finish inside you. He pulls out and looks down at you, "you okay, Princess?" You look up at him with lidded eyes and nod lazily. He chuckles softly and picks you up, and carries you to the bathroom.
You rest your head on his shoulder, feeling exhausted and barely able to register being set down on the counter or the cold washcloth between your legs.
Once he's satisfied you're clean, he picks you back up and carries you into your shared bedroom. He sets you down on the bed and goes over to your shared dresser and grabs a clean pair of panties for you, knowing you feel more comfortable wearing them when you go to sleep. He slips them on you, then sits down beside you.
"Are you okay? Do you want any food or water before you go to sleep?" You smile and shake your head. He smiles and kisses your forhead, then pulls you close, "get some rest, darling."
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nashusglasses · 1 year
it's a spotlight stuck on the ceiling (why are these the things i'm feeling?) (m)
+ based off nsfw prompts: 11.  “You’re fucking hot when you cry.” & 50.  “You’re such a good cunt/cock warmer.”
note: i got tired of writing exposition so u know what? it's F word time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! these prompts are from this list
note 2: this is based off my gojo work husband au, which. u might be asking. where is it?????????? that's a good question. I have no answer. please enjoy and lmk if u wanna know more! 8)
PAIRING. gojo/reader GENRE. established relationship WARNINGS. oral (f receiving), overstim, crying from said overstim, multiple orgasms, penetrative sex SUMMARY. You forget you ever had a bad day. WORD COUNT. 2k
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You’re past any formalities of new relationship butterflies the third time Satoru gets you naked. It’s still weird that the person who fills out invoices next to you at work knows how to make you cream around his dick, but you can’t say the added baggage of dating your coworker is a bad thing. You save on gas when you sleepover at Satoru’s place. He gets his own personal cocksleeve when he’s had a bad day in the office. It works out.
It’s you who has a bad day today. Nothing catastrophic, but IT playing email tag all day pissed you off bad. You begged Satoru to get a knife from the break room and gouge your eyes out instead of looking one more second at your monitor. He’s used to the drama. He promised you a better solution, anyway. 
He kept his hand on your thigh the entirety of the drive home; a touch you’re still not quite used to, but you melted under the warmth. You crossed the threshold of his apartment door, half-expected your typical night in with takeout from the Chinese restaurant down the street. But now you’re two orgasms deep into forgetting why you needed a pick-me-up in the first place, and Satoru’s already asking:
“Think you can do one more?”
You vibrate at the thought. That’s easy. Late nights and hours with a clit sucker have prepared you well, but this is different. Toys don’t watch you squeal, crumble at the edges. Satoru gleans your every move, especially when he’s determined to make you feel good. You’d curl up, but he keeps you pliant with a hand on your thigh.
“Stop trying to hide from me,” he snorts. “I already told you I don’t care that your left boob is bigger than the other.”
“Shut up. It’s because I’m the only one naked here.” It’s true. He’s still got his work clothes on. Sleeves rolled up, one button undone because you like to fiddle with his chest when you make out. You won’t tell him that you think his slacks make his legs look ridiculously good. 
He just teases a spit-wet finger inside you. Nothing threatening but you close your eyes in anticipation. You feel him lean over, leave a quiet kiss on your nipple as an apology. “You know I like you like this.”
You do. Satoru’s a greedy lover. Coaxing those lewd noises deep from your chest not just for your pleasure, but because he knows he’s a good fuck. He realized fast that you like his fingers the most. He takes agility to a whole new level, doesn’t stop till your bones melt into the bedsprings. One more orgasm means ultra-focusing on that explosive feeling, and now you’ve got cotton candy brains. 
You’re sweating into his sheets. Something tells you he’s craving something even wetter. You’d give it to him if it meant getting him on top of you faster.
“I can do one more,” you concede, and Satoru wastes no time settling down between your knees, licking a thick stripe over your core like he’s grateful. The heat is almost unbearable. “Oh–god.”
He cradles your thighs with a tight grip. You’ve got no choice but to take it. “Relax,” he urges. “Let me make you feel good.”
You don’t expect anything less. But that sharp jolt of pleasure every time he sucks on your clit makes your head fog over. Your hands smooth into his hair, clawing when he teases his tongue inside. “It–it hurts.”
He lifts his head, mouth and chin shining. “Too much?”
“Keep going.” You’ve got a promise to keep good on. Satoru yields to your efforts, adjusts your legs till your knees settle on his shoulders. You know this move. Leaves you trapped under that incessant tongue but you’ll fiend for it regardless, and you don’t care about the cramp in your hips. Not when he’s just so into it. 
The first time he went down on you, he let you keep the lights off. Fend off the unnecessary anxiety of seeing you so vulnerable, but he made it clear that he liked hearing you unravel underneath him. You’re not shy to moan. When he drags another hard suction on your clit, you mewl loud. “Oh my god.”
The fog thickens. Arching your back, digging your nails in his scalp because he relishes any physical reaction. He slurps at your clit till he feels you shake. He’s taking advantage of your sensitivity, but the feeling is addictive. Almost like you yearn for your demise, and he’s got you right in his palm for the taking.
You’ll always give in to him. “Satoru,” you warble. “Oh–ngh!”
He heeds your call. Clutches onto your thighs even tighter, tongue a lightning strike on all your good nerves. No need for his fingers because his mouth is just that hypnotizing. You don’t know where he’s learned how to get you to fold so fast. You’ll ask him what kind of porn he’s into later.
Satoru makes the most disgusting slurping sound, and you laugh amidst the haze. “I think–haah–you’re enjoying this more than I am.”
“What?” He grumbles, kissing the soft spot above your pussy. “I get to fuck the shit out of the hot office lady, sue me.”
You blush in the praise. “So get to it.”
“I’m getting there. You want my fingers?”
In other words, choosing your poison. You’ll come either way. Your gut clenches at the thought of his fingers inside you again, clawing at your heat till you saw white, your body spun off its axis. The assurance of his mouth is softer. More bearable, because half an hour ago he’d fingered you till your begging was gibberish and you couldn’t talk for a solid minute afterwards. His ego is the brightest hue of pride when it comes to getting you off.
So you shake your head, and Satoru bends down again. He’s done easing you into it. Craving your orgasm like he’s impatient, too, and you whine when he swipes that hot tongue with hard strokes. Inviting that deep fever till your ankles dig into his back. Your mouth is dry from your panting.
“Oh my god don’t stop,” you cry, and he groans like he’s preening. You sweat where his palms meet your skin, slippery when you twitch your hips up in instinct. “Satoru–close–!”
Your eyes roll back. Satoru holds your legs wider, eats you out like he’s starving and you’re the sweetest slice of cake on the shelf. The heat makes your chest collapse with every shaky exhale, clutching on the sheets because you’ve got nothing else to hold you down. There’s spit dripping down your ass, but you relish in that wet feeling. The nasty mix of your pleasure with his. You open your eyes, lean up on your elbows to watch him savour it too.
The sight is too much. Legs dangling over those wide shoulders, his nose nestled on your clit, pushing that tongue so deep you collapse right back. Pleasure ripples quickly from your centre into all the edges of your body, and you dissolve into desperate whining.
“Holy fuck that feels good,” you praise. Satoru just moans again. Too busy luring that climax he wants down his throat, and you don’t know what to do with yourself. It’s so much. All your frayed nerves from your two orgasms make you ache for something you don’t know you can handle. 
He probably knows it, too. You might genuinely pass out. But you haven’t tapped out yet, and he’ll let you call all the shots if it’s your pussy in question. It’s almost romantic, the way he lets you take from him, chasing that feeling from his mouth. He stokes that fire over and over again.
You settle into it. All thoughts filtered out except the sounds of Satoru’s indulgence, the squeal you let out when he teases a bite. Soothing the hot rush with fast flicks of his tongue. You tense with every movement, hips canting back and forth because staying still is too much to take. 
He doesn’t heed to that, though. He clamps his hands down, forces you to take the hard latch of his tongue, guzzling hard on one spot till you’re begging in your sheer desperation. “Oh god–! Satoru, I’m–coming..!”
There’s 0.01 of a second before you feel the wave crash, and you’re reduced to nothing but a mess of your most intense orgasm of the night. Gargling nonsense, shrieking his name, his nails digging indents in your skin to keep you from flailing too hard because holy shit are you going through it.
“Oh my god,” you hiccup, and all of sudden you’re crying, and you shiver with every tremor of your subsiding high. “Oh my god, Satoru. Holy fuck. Y-You–”
“I’m here,” he says. He leans up, wipes his (extremely!) wet mouth on the back of hand, crawling over till he can cradle your head to his chest. “Jesus. You’re shaking.”
You’re weeping. Your body shivers closer to his. “Yeah. Oh my god.”
“I can’t even lie.” He presses a soft kiss on your hair, a little reward. “You’re fucking hot when you cry.”
If you had the energy you’d kick his shins till they bruise. But for some reason you can’t stop the tears from falling, and you heave through another sob. “Yeah, well. I’ve just–never felt that before.”
Satoru grins. Leans down to kiss your mouth with no urgency, just the need to feel your lips on his. Despite your exhaustion, you know he’s still left wanting. 
You feel his dick press up against your stomach when he kisses you harder, sneak a hand down his slacks to tease a stroke. He tenses up.
“You’re not tired?” He asks. The answer is a resounding yes, but you won’t let him know. As if you could just leave him to jack off in the bathroom while you take your well-deserved post orgasm slumber. You tug at his zipper till he finally gets it, and he shoves his pants and underwear off like he’s relieved.
You sniffle when he settles over you again. “I feel like I want you all the time,” you confess. 
Call it the general horniness of discovering your partner’s body, but you can’t remember the last time your hormones have acted up like this. You’re almost scared for the calendar reminder of your next ovulation period, but you think Satoru won’t mind one bit.
He just nods. Smiles into another long kiss, and you spread your aching legs for him to position himself. It doesn’t surprise you both just how fast he slides inside you, all that residual wetness a sticky invitation. “Oh. That’s–oh don’t move yet, shit.”
It’s still new. The instant transition from empty to full, and Satoru collapses into your neck. “You’re still–so tight.”
“Means I’m not horny yet,” you joke. You don’t think you have any orgasms left in you, but the thought of Satoru creaming you till you spill over has a luring call to it. “The hell’s wrong with you?”
“My bad. Guess I’ll–” he bottoms out, and you bury a moan in his hair– “try better next time. Holy shit. You’re such a good cockwarmer.”
“Go to hell–ngh!”
“I’m taking you with me.” Satoru chokes through the small twitch of his hips, like he can’t help the motion. You feel it tenfold. Eyes rolled back with the sensitivity because you honest to god could not come again.
He rolls a deeper stroke still sticky with your arousal. Moans streaming from his mouth right into the heat of your neck, and he bites down to hear you squeal. “Fuck that feels good,” you teeter with clenched teeth.
Satoru leans up, watching you dissolve. “Like it when I go deep?”
“God yes,” you hiss. You still twinge with the novelty of dirty talk, but Satoru makes it easy to get used to. He’s earnest with his fucking now. Still shy of the harder thrusts you know he’s capable of, but you revel in the pleasure regardless. 
You’re going to start crying again. 
“Oh baby,” Satoru coos. He slams a thrust so heavy you sob. “That good?”
He does it again. Takes one second of breathing space to ram his dick so hard his balls make that foul sound against your ass, and you’re sure he’s watching your tits bounce like the perv he is. It feels good, knowing you get him off. He swipes a stray tear from your chin, leaning down to kiss you. Swallowing the hiccups you can’t get rid of. Satoru licks fire behind your teeth.
“How ‘bout one more?” 
He’s smiling. You’re shaking with tears and he’s smiling. Sick freak knows it’s not happening, and you bet he’s goading you because he’s close. So you shake your head, heeding with no verbal response because you can’t think straight. Not when he’s picking up the pace, bed frame complaining under you. You cry freely. “Sa-to-ru–!”
He kisses the spot between your eyebrows, grunts with every press inside you. “I’m close,” he pants. 
“I want it,” you quaver. You pull him close. Hide your face on his shoulder, forgetting to breathe. “I–I want you to come, please–!”
“Oh fuck.” He lets his pleasure guide him. Hips twitching in that desperate draw for a climax, and he sits up on his haunches just to fuck up into you faster. You’re limp with every movement, wailing from the change of position. 
He seizes the meat of your inner thighs. Keeps you embarrassingly exposed with rugged hands, and you think you’re wet all over.
“Please,” you beg. Your pussy so battered you think you’ll pass out any second now. “I can’t–”
“I’m coming.” Satoru’s head hangs forward with concentration. Watching where your centres meet, his dick creaming you full. “Oh my god baby–!”
You open your legs as much as your hips allow. It’s a depraved sight: the base of Satoru’s cock white with your combined arousal, and you can’t help but squeeze him deeper inside you. He shivers through another wave of his orgasm, pumps till he physically can’t take the warmth of your cunt, pulling out quick. He collapses on top of you.
You think he’s got cum on your stomach. “Mmmrrghhhhh,” he grumbles.
“I’m sweating balls,” you say.
“And I’m spilling cum onto your sheets.”
He shrugs. Still saying nothing, so you pet his hair with a tired hand. 
“I don’t think I can walk,” you tell him next.
Satoru huffs a breathless laugh. He groans incoherently one more time, then flops onto his side of the bed like a dead fish. He keeps his eyes closed. After thirty long seconds of silence, he twitches so violently you flinch. “Huh–oh.”
“There’s no way you just fell asleep.”
“Maybe.” He licks his lips like he’s parched. “Good pussy does that to you.”
“Oh my god.”
“Let me rephrase. Hot office lady pussy does that to you.” 
“I need you to stop talking,” you urge.
Satoru opens his eyes. Gives you a tired little smile, and you feel your heart twist. “You have cum on your belly button, nasty ass.”
He rolls out of bed before you can smack him. He owes you that takeout, after all.
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bonefall · 7 months
I just wanna say that I LOVE all the detail you’re giving side/background characters. My favorite part of wc is getting to read about generations passing by, watching the young scrappy main character turn into the next main character’s funny grandparent or something. Canon is really bad about acknowledging this but god, you’ve done such a good job with BB. Reading about Jaypaw and Owlpaw’s rivalry knowing the life Owlpaw is going to go on to live in the background later is so cool. Imagine an alternate universe where BB was the real warrior cats and 14 year old you reads a scene where some background character is casually mentioned and realizing it’s that guy Jaypaw beat the shit out of. Shit like that doesn’t happen in canon, they would forget who Owlpaw is and he would never do anything else in his life.
The one thing that WC has over any other xenofiction brand, and most other book series period, is the fact that you are able to watch several GENERATIONS of characters pass by in basically in real-time. So it's a shame that they kinda neglect it in the main series!
I LOVE when WC does do neat things with its cast, like how Harepaw gets trounced by Brambleclaw in Po3 and becomes Leader later. Or how Firestar's recurring background buddy, Onewhisker, became a major character in TNP and beyond. It's honestly a major reason I still follow the books, and why I've never found something that quite scratches the itch like WC does.
Unfortunately, it's ridiculously rare outside of WindClan LMAO. Owlpaw DID get forgotten. He was one of Jaypaw's bullies in his canon training, but then the writers lost track of his age and made him an apprentice on a patrol Tigerheart was giving a lesson to in a field guide; problem is, Tigerheart is younger than him!
Which is not too big a deal, dgmw, but my point is that they forgot. ShadowClan in particular is really lacking in-canon, especially considering they're the neighbor of ProtagonistClan. Ivytail and Owlclaw were part of the Po3 apprentice generation and should have been at least a little relevant going foward, y'know?
I desperately crave the Clans feeling like communities. With petty drama, watching characters gain skill and shuffle around the ranks, every family struggling with how they define their legacy under the emblem of the Clan, that sort of stuff. So that's how I approach it.
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Disclaimer: This isn't actually a disclaimer I just wanted to start this by saying Jessica Drew is mother. She gave birth to me. That's my mom. Anyways.
Friendly reminder:
Jessica helps Gwen at the end of ATSV.
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At the end of the movie, we see Gwen leave to go get Peter.
She's leaving Miles apartment, and goes up to the roof to open the portal so his parents don't see.
Jess sees this happening.
And she absolutely knows it's Gwen, for two reasons.
1) Gwen is one of the only people who knows Miles' exact address - so it's either her or Peter.
2) Hobies portals look distinctly different from Miguel's. The visuals mimic Hobies universe, which Jess would recognize.
Considering Gwen is one of the people he's closest to - not Peter - Jess can probably guess that's Gwen up there.
This gives Jess SO MUCH information.
Now we know that Jess not only knows that Gwen is alright and not in her universe, but is now the ONLY enemy that knows of Hobie's ability to recreate watches.
She now knows that Hobie has his own technology and that him and Gwen are working together.
And knowing Hobie, those is obviously a premeditated idea.
He made the watches after all. If Gwen has one, Hobie absolutely has one of is own, and if he can make two, why wouldn't be make three, or five, or a dozen.
This one thing tips her off to a much bigger operation than Miguel is completely 100% unaware of. That's huge!!
But as far as we seeee, she doesn't call it in. She lets Gwen go.
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And that's the last we see if anyone in The Society. After that, Gwen recruits Peter - while Miles G. confronts Miles.
There's no scene of Miguel being enraged at the fact Hobie has basically bested him in every way imaginable, because I think he doesn't even know about Hobie's watches, not yet.
Because Jess didn't rat to him.
That's perfectly in line with her behavior. Jess NEVER told on Gwen. She doesn't even threaten to send her home (but people misconstrue her words and assume she did - I'll write on that one day. Maybe.).
Jess doesn't tell Miguel she sent Gwen to Mumbattan, he only finds out when Miles disrupts a canon event and the Spot opens a huge hole there.
Even in the scene where Miguel is yelling at Gwen and Miles, he's yelling about Miles worrying about Spot and Gwen letting him get away.
If you ask me, looks Jess changed sides already, all by herself. She didn't NEED a teenager to come to her house and invite her like SOME PEOPLE (*cough* Peter *cough*)
But what do you think?
I wanted to add the third in one specifically because I think Jess is in a particularly interesting place.
We can see she has sympathy for Gwen, and she has a HUGE opportunity to help her out.
Peter is now on the outside, but Jess is still directly with Miguel - and in still in his good graces. Now that she knows what she knows, she could massively throw Miguel off Gwen's trail.
I don't think she'd actively entirely sabotage Miguel. Jess knows better - but she does have a huge possibly of nudging Miguel in a different direction if she thinks he's getting too close to Gwen's location, or finding out about Hobie's watches.
Anything from calling false alarms on Miles' wearabouts at the 'worst' time, to - if Miguel begins to suspect Hobie's plan - acting as if it's ridiculous and impossible.
In her position she can either do this, or choose to go completely AWOL, seeking to find Gwen herself or outright leaving the Society.
But I wanna hear y'all thoughts cause !!!!
People be sleeping on my mama!!!!!!! She about to do BIG THANGS!!!!!!!!!!
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redfurrycat · 8 months
🤠🍈🍈🐓Bosom!Hangman Fic Recs🐓🍈🍈🤠
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Check the Top Gun Masterlist post for the latest updated version. 💕
Ao3 Authors: Anonymous, Boobooblue, Default_Lee, Discosleaze, Dracculaura, Ladybundle, Miiichaaan, Notchka88, Perishablealex, PleaseHellMe, ReformedTsundere, Sam_Haine, Tasteofoxidation, WaffleToaster, Welcome_to_the_Badlands, Whoreternal.
PWP {🤠🐓} > The Chicken Peach & the Zenithal Cowboy > The Perched Rooster & the Brooded Texan > Everywhere. Every-Fucking-Where.
‼️Art Visual‼️ ==> Phone Number from Oidingus
Acting on your best behavior by miiichaaan {E}
“You’re beautiful,” Jake whispered and stroked a finger over Bradley’s cheek. Bradley swallowed, his voice thick, “Wanna take this to bed?”
squeeze a little (tease a little more) by dracculaura {E}
Bradley had thought that nothing could test his will more than Jake sitting in his lap shirtless, but that was nothing compared to Jake sitting in his lap wearing his shirt. And leaving it unbuttoned. (or, jake walks around shirtless when the dagger squad goes to mardi gras and it drives bradley a little crazy)
Hotter Than Hell by Welcome_to_the_Badlands {E}
Or, the one with the heatwave and the popsicles.
beggin' you to touch by tasteofoxidation {E}
Jake has issues with wearing shirts properly, Bradley Bradshaw is a tits man. Put the two together--
Feels Like the First Time by ReformedTsundere {E}
"I want to have sex with Bradley Bradshaw." Saying it out loud is a weight off his chest, but then Jake has to worry about Javy because the other man is doubled over, having started choking on his spit.
the good girl faith and a tight little skirt by whoreternal {M}
the one where Jake loses a bet, wears an obscene shirt, [sexual tension] and then gets fucked.
kiss me softly (til I love me like you do) by daydreamingstoryteller {M}
"Jake, you don't have to do anything other than be yourself and they'll love you." Bradley insisted. Jake’s breath hitched. His body started to tremble the slightest as he whispered a confession he’d never said out loud even to himself. "I don't even know how to be myself Roo." Jake "Hangman" Seresin is trans, nonbinary, queer - the works. He just wants to wear a dress and feel good about himself so his boyfriend is there to help.
way too busy for them problems by ladybundle {E}
It's a boring goddamn Wednesday. That’s why the Hard Deck is annoyingly empty. Jake shifts his sweating beer to his other hand, flexing his cold fingers. It’s uncharacteristically humid and the balmy air is making Jake feel antsy and tense (Jesus, I hate being hot). ——— On a night out with the team, Jake worries about who might know.
As You Need Me To by perishablealex {E}
It begins with three words. No, not I love you. Who's your daddy?
I'll Treat You Sweet by Sam_Haine {E}
He imagines himself in the woman's position, on his knees in some dirty back alley, mouth wide open and taking someone's fat cock down his throat. No. He alters the scenario so that it's Rooster he's on his knees for.
I'm looking for a partner (someone who knows how to ride) by boobooblue {E}
Bradley turns to see a mechanical bull in the back of the bar, some girl laughing drunkenly as she's flung across the padded flooring. "Think you could do better?" Jake whispers in his ear as he presses a cold bottle to his hand. Bradley takes the beer and turns to his boyfriend. "Of course." "You sound awfully confident for a man that owns a ridiculous amount of hawaiian shirts." --or, the bull riding fic
We'd Always End Up Here by Default_Lee {E}
Jake always thought their banter was going somewhere, two planes circling that were bound to end up at the same place. He was definitely and unrequitedly in love with Bradley fucking Bradshaw. But he's actually an idiot and Bradley is 100% into Jake too. So Bradshaw gets off his perch to come find Jake in the showers.
watch your honey drip (can't keep away) by Notchka88 {E}
“Distraction is an acceptable strategy in gaining advantage over the enemy,” Jake intones, like he’s reading a tactical brief but his lips are twitching with a barely suppressed smile. Then he does a little shimmy of his hips that definitely doesn’t make Bradley consider the merits of pushing him down in the sand and pulling Jake’s shorts off in broad daylight. (Jake always plays to win, but even when Bradley loses, he finds the competition rewarding.)
You Got Me Walking' Side To Side by PleaseHellMe {E}
"You're burning up. Are you feeling sick?" he asked and noticed how sweat had started to bead against Bradley's hairline, making the bronze curls stick against his skin. When Bradley didn't answer, Jake cradled his cheek and tapped it lightly to gain the Alpha's attention. Bradley blinked his eyes open. It happened so slowly like they felt impossibly heavy to open. The barely opened eyes revealed blown-out pupils that had swallowed the beautiful hazel irises, which were one of Jake's favorite things about him. "Are you going into a rut Darlin’? Is that what's going on?"
homecoming (jake seresin's pierced nipples) by discosleaze {E}
sugar on my tongue
"pierced nipples taste like keys and baby, i'm coming home" - Bradley Bradshaw's pinned tweet, probably. Jake has a pierced nipple. Bradley is incapable of thinking about anything else.
you've got the win in your bag
“I’m going to go in and get something pierced, and if you’re a good boy, it’ll be my nipple. If you’re not, it’ll be my tongue.” Speaking of tongues, Bradley just about swallows his. “Why would that be a bad thing?” he croaks out, not enjoying how amused Jake is, mocking, even. “Well, Bradshaw, because I wouldn’t be able to blow you for weeks afterwards.” Jake contemplates a second piercing, Bradley contemplates nothing.
Here for the Show by ReformedTsundere {E}
Bradley commissions his favorite OnlyFans user for a personal video.
Go to your bosom by Anonymous {E}
Is saying ‘he doesn’t know how this whole thing started’ a cliché? Jake thinks so. Specially because, when he really thinks about it, he does know exactly when this whole thing started. Bradley isn’t subtle, and the way he blushes gives every intention away, and Jake likes the attention he gives him. And maybe he’s liking the fact that Bradley is oddly obsessed with his chest more than he expected it. Or, Bradley is a tits man and Jake feels like he’s slowly descending into madness.
The mishap in medicine by WaffleToaster {E}
A mistake with his medication causes Jake’s body to show some interesting side effects. Or rather it’s mostly Bradley who finds it interesting while Jake has to suffer for it. Otherwise known as: the weird kinky get-together story of two idiots involving Jake’s pecs and Bradley’s growing obsession with them.
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dbnightingale24 · 1 year
It’s Ridiculous, But I’ll Always Love You
A Lloyd Hansen Love Story
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Part 1
Okay, this is too make up for my last Lloyd Hansen story (I’m really sorry y’all). This popped into my head while I was working on my Ransom story, and it wouldn’t leave me alone, so now I’m working on Lloyd and Ransom stories at the same time, because I clearly hate myself. Now, I will give y’all a heads up and let you know that there will be a few parts that might make ya cry, but it’s not like the last Lloyd story, I PROMISE.
Thank you to @fuckingbye​ for an amazing mood board (as always). You’re perfect and I love you. 
Lets get to it.
Word Count: 38,582 (me and my fucking novels)
Warnings: SMUT (Minors DNI OR I WILL SNITCH), 18+ ONLY, Fluff, Swearing, Drinking, Smoking, Cheating, Angst, Toxic Relationship, Minor Abuse, Lloyd Hansen (because he’s a walking warning),  Violence Gun Violence (it’s Lloyd), Slight Family Drama, Depression, Daddy Kink, Degrading Kink, Crying, Arguing, Child Trauma...I think that’s everything?
Song(s) That Inspired This Chapter: I’m Sorry That You’re Jaded
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I do not give consent/permission for my works/stories to be posted elsewhere. I do not condone this type of behavior, this is for entertainment purposes only.
“Mom!” your son, Travis, yells as he runs towards you, Lloyd following behind him at a leisurely pace; a slight scowl on his face.
Of course.
“How was your week with dad?!” you ask enthusiastically, laughing as you almost fall over from the excitement of embrace.
“It was great! We went to a football game, the park, the aquarium, and so much other stuff!”
“Did you get your schoolwork done?” you ask with a chuckle as you cock an eyebrow at your ex-husband.
“Yup! Dad helped me with math before we left for the football game! He told me he can see me being a quarterback one day!”
“I bet he did,” you chuckle, “go inside and get ready for dinner. Stuffed shells and salad tonight.” “Hell yeah!” he yells before letting go of you and running into the house as Lloyd chuckles.
“Watch your mouth!” you yell after him, before getting up, “Lloyd.”
“Hey Little Hummingbird,” he smirks.
“We’ve been divorced for four years. You can’t think of another nickname?”
“It’s the only affectionate one I have for you at the moment. The other ones are too...dirty.”
“Don’t be a dick. What’s wrong? You look annoyed.”
“Sometimes, I forget how much he’s like you.”
“Says the one who I’m sure encourages him to say ‘hell yes’. What happened? Am I grounding him?”
“No, he didn’t do anything wrong. Got into a little disagreement at the park, and like his Mother, he showed me why I was wrong.”
“Well, in that case, he’s perfect and I’m getting him whatever he wants tomorrow,” you smile as Lloyd just shakes his head and chuckles. “Are you staying for dinner?”
“Ya know, I could stay every night if you’d just take me back.”
“It would be so easy, if you hadn’t cheated.”
“A minor infraction,” he scowls and you roll your eyes.
“Are you staying or not?”
“Can’t. I have a mission to pack for.”
“Don’t start. Denny called while I was on my way over-”
“You know I’m looking at houses next weekend! You agreed!”
“It’s work, Hummingbird.”
“Seems like you’re loyal to everyone except me,” you bite, and by the look in his eyes, you know you’ve hit a sore spot.
“You know I’m sorry-”
“Am I supposed to feel special because I’m the only person you’ve ever sorry to in your life?”
“I don’t wanna argue with you, Y/N. I’ll make it up to you. Hell, I’ll buy whatever house you decide on.” “I don’t want you buying me shit.”
“Still the most gorgeous and most stubborn woman I’ve ever known. Can you just agree? I’ve gotta leave in two hours.”
“The universe just loves to work in your favor, doesn’t it?”
“I’m obviously gonna take him, Lloyd. I’m not leaving our son with some stranger. Especially with the line of work you’re in.”
“I’ll make it up to you.”
“Yeah, whatever.”
“Don’t get upset, my pretty little flower,” he coos as he wraps his arms around your waist.
You hate how much you’re always reminded of how much you miss his touch whenever he makes any type of contact with him. Asshole.
“Let me go, Lloyd. I swear to God, I’ll knee you in the nuts.”
“We both know how much I love it when you try to get rough with me.”
“I’m not trying to fuck you over, Y/N. It’s just work. I will make this up to both you and Travis. I promise, okay?”
“Yeah fine, whatever,” you sigh. “Travis,” you call as you reluctantly break out of Lloyd’s hold, “come and say so long to your dad! He’s gotta go away for a bit!”
“What?! No!” your son yells as he makes his way back to the doorway. “You promised me-” “It’s work, Trav. I have to go.”
“What the-”
“Watch your mouth,” you warn. “Don’t give your Dad a hard time. He said he’ll make it up to you and he always does. Now, give him a hug. He has to leave in a few hours.”
 Travis lets out a heavy sigh but hugs his Lloyd tight nonetheless, “I hate your job.” “Sometimes, I do too. We’ll do something when I get back, okay?”
“Yeah,” he mumbles solemnly before letting go and running back inside.
“I can’t seem to get it right with him,” Lloyd sighs.
“He’ll forgive you. He always forgives you.”
“And you?”
“I’ll get over it. I always do.”
“I love you.”
“That’s nice,” you mutter, running a frustrated hand through hand through your hair, because that little statement still means more to you than it should.
“Saying it back won’t make us married again, Hummingbird.”
“Why say something that isn’t true?”
“Why lie to the world’s best liar?” he smirks.
“Just go. I don’t have the energy today and you have to go.”
“I’ll call you when I’m on my way back.”
“Sounds fair enough...Lloyd, have you pissed anyone off lately?” you question as an uneasy feeling starts making its way into your stomach.
“According to you, I piss everyone off all the time.”
“I mean more than usual.”
“Nothing you need to worry about.”
“What’s wrong, little Hummingbird?”
“Something feels...off. I don’t know. I just don’t have a good feeling.”
“Everything is fine. No one knows where you live, no one would dare dream of attacking you to get to me, and you have protection even when I’m not here. You’re fine.”
“Something doesn’t feel right. Be careful, okay?”
“Seems my sweet little butterfly still cares.”
“I fucking mean it, Lloyd. Be careful.” “I’ll be fine, Hummingbird,” he reassures you before kissing your cheek then turning to walk away.
Something you always tell him you hate, but you and him both know it’s bullshit.
“Do you still have that pistol I gave you?” he asks, turning around and facing you once he reaches the bottom step.
“I always keep it on me.”
“If you’re really feeling that paranoid, make sure it’s loaded and always on you. I’ll check in after I land, okay?”
“I love you, Y/N.” “I love you too, Lloyd.”
You watch him walk back to his car and look around for anything suspicious. After being with Lloyd for forever, you’ve learned that every and anything is a possible threat. When you don’t see anything out of the ordinary, you close the door and make your way into the dining room.
“Who’s up for pasta night?!”
Technically, you’ve known Lloyd since your Freshman year of High School. He was on the football team and you were in the book club.
Needless to say, you two never interacted.
Sure, you’d heard of him (him being the star quarterback and all), but you two were in two completely different social groups. He made the speeches for the assembly’s to get everyone about football season, and you made sure to have your headphones on when he did. He dated (or fucked) all the cheerleaders, and you took pictures for the school paper. He was voted Homecoming king, and you and your friends made fun of the people who were obsessed with that kind of thing. He was prom king, and you didn’t go to prom.
You two just led completely different lives.
Then came college.
“Thought I knew you from somewhere,” he said, smug grin on his face as he approached your desk after Psych class. “We went to High School together.”
“May I help you with something, Hansen?” you asked, very obviously annoyed as you packed your backpack.
“Don’t get all sour on me and I haven’t even done anything yet,” he taunted with a chuckle.
“Lloyd Hansen: world’s biggest asshole, star quarterback, campus’ biggest womanizer, straight A dickhead...how may I help you, Hansen?” you sighed as you stood up and slung your backpack over your shoulder. “How may I help you?”
“I thought we’d have lunch together.”
“Now, why would that big brain of yours come to that conclusion?”
“Because I know how much you don’t want to,” he grinned at you.
And that’s how it started.
It didn’t matter how or how often you said no, Lloyd wouldn’t give up. You could conclude that the chase is what drew him in. Every woman on campus (even the fucking teachers) threw themselves at him.
And then there was you.
All you wanted was to stay clear of him because, if anything, Harvard made him worse than he was in High School. He was more arrogant, more annoying, way more of a dickhead, and more of a womanizer. While everyone else flocked in his direction, you made sure to stay as much out of his line of site as possible, which only made him want you more.
Then your Junior year came.
“Y/N, we never get you out of your dorm! Now, we finally get you to come to a party, and you’re not even gonna drink?!” your best friend, Tina, pouted as she tried to make herself heard over the music.
“I don’t want to sleep all day tomorrow, and-”
“Y/N, it’s a party!” Tina laughed. “Just have a drink!”
“You’re a straight A student! One drink isn’t gonna hurt!”
Well, soon enough, one drink turned into one too many
“How’d they get the Virgin Mary to leave her dorm?” Lloyd laughed as he stumbled a little, approaching you with his red Solo cup in hand.
“Leave me alone, Hansen,” you slurred as you leaned against the counter to stay upright.
“Well, the poet-”
“Lloyd, I am not like every other girl here. I’m not impressed with all the shit you can quote from dead old guys. Go...go away.”
“Let me impress you with something else then,” he smirked.
To this day, you still blame the alcohol for the reason you gave in to him at all. You were both drunk, so he wasn’t even all that charming.
“Lloyd,” you moaned as he laid you down on what you can only assume was his bed.
From the look of the room, you had a hard time imagining that it could have been anyone else’s room.
“Such a dirty little hummingbird, aren’t you? Letting me eat your pussy in the kitchen where anyone could see,” he hummed as he ripped your dress off.
What an asshole.
“Please!” you whimpered as he took his shirt off.
“Felt so good, didn’t it?”
“Lloyd, I fucking swear-”
“Jesus, a needy little whore, huh?”
“Then satisfy me!”
“Ask nicely,” he growled before slapping you.
It’s painfully annoying how much he knew what you needed. Even before you did.
“Ask nicely,” he warned again before he slapped you harder.
“Please who?”
“Please, Lloyd!”
“Who?” he growled before slapped you again.
“Please daddy! Please!”
“There’s a good girl,” he smirked before he crashed his lips into yours, as you both fell back on the bed.
You’d always had rules about hooking up, and one of them was them was that you never kissed. For as much as you wanted to push Lloyd off, it felt so fucking good to get kissed with so much passion.
You’d never been kissed so good in your life.
“You want daddy to destroy this pussy, little Hummingbird?” he husked as you two broke apart.
“Please,” you whimpered as you clawed at his chest.
“What will give me in return, hmm?”
“Anything you want,” you promised him.
God, how did he manage to turn you into the biggest idiot in such a short amount of time?
You and Lloyd kept each other up all night, pleasuring and torturing each other in all the ways you could think of, before finally bowing out at 2am. You were usually smart enough to leave after all was said and done, but Lloyd wore you out and he wasn’t kicking you out. You don’t even remember falling asleep, you just remember him letting you rest your head on his chest.
When you woke up the next morning, he was still fast asleep, so you grabbed a pair of his sweats and his crew neck, and quietly slipped out. It really didn’t mean anything to you that you let him eat you out on some dirty kitchen counter top at a party, because isn’t that what college is for? Being crazy and stupid? However, the attention you received after started to annoy the shit out of you.
“Okay so, if you would have told me that alcohol makes you that wild, I wouldn’t have encouraged you to drink so much,” Tina laughed as she caught up to you as you were leaving your English class.
“It was just sex. It’s not like I injected myself with heroine or did a line of blow off of someone’s ass crack. I let Lloyd Hansen eat me out during a party.” “Exactly!” she laughed, “Lloyd Hansen-”
“He’s not God.”
“Around here he is!”
“Only because you all make it so.”
“Isn’t that his crew neck?”
“It’s comfortable and I overslept.”
“When are you seeing him again?”
“It was sex, not some lifelong commitment. He fucks whoever and whatever he wants all the time. I’m not anything special to him.”
“He let you stay over.”
“Yeah? So?”
“Lloyd never lets anyone stay over. If he does, he wakes up early enough to kick them out in the morning.”
“I left-”
“Denny said he’s not happy about that. He expected you to be there.”
“That was a dumb thing to expect.”
“He likes you, babe,” she laughed as you two continued your trip to the library.
“Tina, he’s the same piece of shit hes always been. The only difference is that I got drunk enough to let him get his hands on me.”
“You don’t even want to consider the idea of one date with him?”
“I don’t want to consider the idea of anything with him.”
Too bad Lloyd had other plans.
“It’s been two weeks and you haven’t come to see me,” Lloyd growled quietly as he aggressively took a seat across from you in the library.
“Well, look who it is,” you mumbled, not even bothering to look up from your book, “I’m amazed you could find the library, honestly.”
“What the fuck is your issue?”
“Currently? You distracting from my work.”
“We fucked-”
“Exactly. We fucked. There was no exclusive agreement made that I’d come and see you, fuck you on the regular, or that we’re dating. I know that you know that more than anyone else. It was a college party, we fucked, and now it’s over. Sorry I didn’t leave you a goody bag,” you scoffed as you started to take notes.
“You didn’t seem to hate me so much when my face was buried between your legs.”
“The fact that I even let you touch me lets you know just how fucking drunk I was. You’ve been trying to get into my pants since Freshman year, and it took you until I got shit faced at a party to fuck me? It wasn’t anything special.”
“Why isn’t it?”
“Why shouldn’t it be?”
“Because I’m your Huckleberry,” he smirked.
It’s sad and pathetic that, that’s all it took for him to win you over. A cheesy line from what you would come to find is his favorite movie. It took a bit of back and forth, but Lloyd Hansen eventually talked you into going on a date with him. You could tell by how hard he was having to work, he was getting annoyed.
However, one date turned into two. Two turned into study sessions and late night phone calls. Soon enough, you were the only woman on campus holding all of Lloyd’s attention, and pissed off every other woman. You found yourself giving a damn about football and showing up to almost every game (which he made a big show of every single fucking time), and he stayed up with you during the nights when you studied entirely too much over the things you already knew for an exam.
Eventually, you two became boyfriend and girlfriend.
“What would think of me with a mustache?” he asked one night while you were studying in his dorm.
“Stop watching so much damn ‘Tombstone’,” you laughed.
“Shut up. What would you think?”
“You mean, would I still fuck you? I don’t know, Huckleberry. I guess you’ll have to grow it out and we’ll see,” you shrugged. “If it stops you from letting me ride your face, then I don’t want it.”
“Now why would I ever tell you to stop doing that?” he smirked as he pushed your books off the bed and you burst out laughing. “Exams are over, aren’t they?”
“You kept daddy waiting for so long,” he continues as he took your shirt off, “and now you bring up riding my face?”
“Daddy,” you moaned as you lost all resolve.
“Hummingbird, I’ve been patient with you. It’s time for my reward.”
“Fuck,” you sighed as he ripped off your panties.
“Am I still your Huckleberry?”
“Always, daddy!” you moaned.
“There’s my good girl. My perfect little Hummingbird,” he smirked before he dove between your legs and started fucking you with his tongue.
In a short amount of time, you two had become inseparable. It’s not like you ever meant to fall in love with him; he was an asshole, he was rude, he was unforgiving, he was prideful, he was boastful, and he was arrogant.
Arrogant as fuck.
But with you? He was different. You could almost say that he was a gentleman.
It didn’t take long for you to see that he was a bit unhinged, especially when he was playing football, but somehow you found a way to make an excuse for it.
Then, everything changed.
“So, I’ve been talking with Denny-”
“That’s never a good thing,” you sighed, as laid down on Lloyd’s bed.
“I would be a good fit for the CIA-”
“HA! No you wouldn’t!”
“Fuck you!”
“Lloyd, you barely listen to your football coach. You think you can handle training for the CIA?”
“I’m not that bad.”
“Lloyd, just stick with-”
“I took a test.”
“So, we’re keeping secrets now? That’s great,” you scoffed as you got up. “I didn’t keep a secret, Hummingbird,” he scowled.
“Don’t fucking get cute with me! You didn’t tell me about it-”
“Cause you’d try and talk me out of it!”
“We had a plan, Hansen!”
“We can still stick to it-” “We quite literally can’t if you’re joining the fucking CIA!” you huffed as you put your shoes on.
“You’re not fucking mad at Tina-”
“I’m not in love with her or thinking about marrying her!”
“Oh, don’t be dramatic, Hummingbird,” he mumbled.
“I’m going back to my room-”
“No you’re not,” he growled, grabbing your arm and pushing you against the door. “We’re talking about this!”
“Oh, now you wanna talk about it? Too fucking bad!”
“Y/N, don’t make a big fucking deal out of-”
“You lied to me! You don’t get to be annoyed-” “I didn’t fucking lie!”
“You weren’t fucking upfront about it! I’m going back-”
“No you’re not!”
Instead of deciding to keep the back and forth going, you opted to knee him in the nuts.
It’s truly cute how thought that was going to get you out of his room.
“There you go, being a little bitch!” he groaned, his on you still tight as he thew you onto the bed.
“I’m leaving!”
“Hummingbird, it’s really a shame that you haven’t figured out how this works,” he chuckled darkly as he took off his shirt and threw it across the room, “you don’t fucking leave until I say so, and I say that we’re not done talking about this.”
It’s not lost on you that and you and Lloyd were never in really a normal or healthy relationship. You two got off on arguing and getting physical with one another. In fact, on more than one occasion, his housemates had to check to make sure you two weren’t killing each other.
You were sure that Lloyd would never actually physically hurt you. If anything, he let you hit him a lot more than he ever put his hands on you. He knew he was an asshole and 90% of the times when you slapped him, he knew he deserved it. Occasionally, he’d get rough and throw you against the wall or grip you by your neck, but that’s how you two usually ended up in bed anyway.
Why the hell should you give a damn?
That’s also why Lloyd loved you so much though.
You weren’t afraid of him, you didn’t take his shit, you put him in his place, and you were just as sexual and wild as him. He’d met his match. He couldn’t control you (something he both loved and hated), you were witty as hell, you were smart as whip, and you constantly called him on his shit.
In some ways, you two were a match made in hell; so to Lloyd, it meant you two were a match made in heaven.
You two stayed up arguing and fucking for hours that night, but at the end of it all, his mind was made up and you weren’t going to breakup with him. Somehow, you’d become in love enough that putting up with his shit didn’t seem like too much, though Tina would beg to differ.
You two just understood each other. There wasn’t anything necessarily wrong with Lloyd. His parents (while snobbish and infuriating at times) loved the hell out of him, supported him in everything he did, and his Mother made sure to always tell him how proud she was. Whatever Lloyd decided to do, he was good at. No matter how hard or challenging, he excelled better than anyone else. If he wasn’t going to be number one, he didn’t see the point in doing it. It also helped that his parents were loaded and he had every opportunity in the world lined up for him.
No, Lloyd didn’t have some terrible backstory as to why he turned out a little unhinged. He just did and he was good at hiding it from everyone. Everyone except you.
As for you? You just were what you were. No, you definitely didn’t hate people as much as Lloyd did, but you did your best to stay away as much as possible. Your parents had gotten by, by living paycheck to paycheck, but taught you the value of being kind and patient with others, but to never be a fool. They loved to throw little parties and had lots of friends. The day you got your acceptance letter from Harvard (on a full scholarship), they partied all weekend with their friends. There was no short supply of love in your house, and you (for the most part) cherished that. Maybe that’s why you were able to handle Lloyd so well.
You both could tell that neither of your parents were expecting the two of you to be together, and it wasn’t hard to see that they didn’t really like each other, but they saw how happy the two of you were. So, when Lloyd proposed after graduation, both of your parents worked together to throw you the very best engagement party. Yes, there was back and forth about where it should be held, how much money was spent, but it was overall gorgeous and you two were happy.
For the longest time, you two were so happy.
It’s not like either of you didn’t know that Lloyd was sociopath, but you always handled it well, and that always made him feel normal. When he got kicked out of the CIA, you weren’t surprised in the slightest, but you never rubbed it in his face. When he was assigned to the private sector, you weren’t necessarily happy about it, but accepted it with as much grace and dignity as you could.
“It’s a job!” Lloyd yelled as he followed you into the kitchen of the house his parents bought for the both of you as a wedding present.
“I don’t wanna talk about it anymore, Huckleberry,” you sighed, grabbing a bottle of Jack Daniels off the shelf, as well as the cigarettes you kept beside it.
“Lloyd, I love you. I feel like after all the time, it’s very obvious just how deeply and truly I do. However, this? I need to process it.”
“What’s wrong with it?!”
“Let’s not do this right now.” “No, tell me!”
“Lloyd, you’re fucking insane! You didn’t get kicked out because you’re too soft! You got kicked out because you don’t know when to fucking stop! Now, you have your own private fucking sector that you’re in charges of, and it’s supposed to be okay?! All of this is supposed to be a good idea?! We’re fucking married! Besides the fact that I absolutely hate this for you, what about me?!”
“You know there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do-”
“Lloyd, you have this job because the CIA can’t do the jobs you’ll get assigned! Your enemies are gonna be way worse!”
“I will always keep you safe, no matter what! You know that!”
“This is good! It’s good for us! I can provide-”
“I have my own fucking job that pays me well enough!”
“Hummingbird, I’m good at this. Really fucking good at this. It’s what I’m meant to do.”
“I don’t want to talk about it anymore, Lloyd. If this is what you’re gonna do, it’s what you’re gonna do. You always do what you wanna do, so why should that change now, right?”
“I don’t feel like talking about this anymore,” you shrugged, grabbing a lighter, along with your drink and cigarette, before you made your way out on to the patio.
That was one of the roughest weeks you two had, had in a while. He wasn’t backing down and you weren’t changing your position.
Maybe that’s when it all went wrong.
It was the first time you weren’t giving Lloyd all of your support, and it hurt him more than he wanted to admit, because Lloyd was prideful before anything else. Nonetheless, you two were just as in love as you two had always been, and a year later, you were pregnant. Initially, you were both over the moon, but the reality of his job started to set in, and soon enough it just became another argument for you two to have. He wasn’t going to quit and and you weren’t going to change your mind about wanting him to do something else.
Nine months later, you welcomed Travis Michael Hansen into the world, and you both fell in love with him instantly. You’d both agreed on the name Charles (after your grandfather because Lloyd wanted to name him Doc and...no), but while you were sleeping, he decided he didn’t like like it and told them Travis. Too tired from being tired when you woke up, you let him win that round.
Lloyd shocked you both with how good of Father he was. He was very hands on, he got up to take care of Travis when he would scream at three in morning and you were too tired, he read to him, and he even took time off of work when he thought that Travis was close to taking his first steps because he didn’t want to miss a thing.
For all of the faults that he had, Lloyd was a good Dad.
Years went by and for just as good as they got, they also got that much worse.
“Lloyd, I can’t fucking do this by myself! I need you here!”
“Don’t fucking start, Hummingbird. I’m working-”
“I’m working! I’m working, raising our son, making sure that everything-”
“I’ve told you over and over again that you can quit!”
“Lloyd, you are not the only person who likes their fucking job! Why should I have to-”
“Because you’re a fucking mom now!”
“You’re a fucking dad!”
“It’s your fucking job-”
“Fuck you, Hansen,” you scoffed, grabbing your glass of wine before you got up, “go straight to hell.”
From then on, the arguments got harsher and the nights got lonelier. Even when he was home, you didn’t sleep in the same bed as him. You weren’t strong enough to deny him what he wanted from you most (which was intimacy), and staying away was the only way to not give in.
Then, one night, he came home from a mission and you could easily tell that everything was about to change.
“What the he is all this?” you asked as you walked into the kitchen, seeing Lloyd seated with two glasses filled with red wine.
“Is he sleeping?” he asked solemnly.
“We’re still at the age where it doesn’t take much for him to want sleep. Having a four year old has it perks,” you smirked as you sat down. “What happened?”
“You know I love you more than anything-”
“Just spit it out. What happened?”
“I cheated,” he sighed.
You drank your entire glass without taking a single breath to stop, before you instantly refilled it.
“Hummingbird, we can work-”
“I want a divorce, Lloyd. Simple as that.”
“We can work this-”
“I told you that would be where I drew the line. That, and I can’t keep fucking do this with you anymore.”
“We can figure this out-”
“We’ve been “figuring this out” since we graduated from college. You’re a selfish bastard-” “Don’t act like you didn’t play a part in this!”
“Because I won’t open my legs for you, it’s my fault?!”
“You’re not available at all! Not even to talk! You’re constantly punishing me for not doing the things you want and deny me any ounce of affection!”
He had you there.
“This isn’t Harvard. We’re too old to just fuck this away-”
“I have never cheated on you before!”
“But you’ve fucked me over before and I can’t...we both can’t keep hurting each other anymore.”
“We don’t have to do this,” he sighed, his voice cracking as he fought off his tears.
“I can’t keep settling. I can’t keep making excuses for the shit that you do. I’m not another one of your punching bags.”
“You know I love you.”
“It’s clearly not enough,” you laughed humorlessly as you sniffled. “This is just done.”
“Hummingbird, we can make this work.”
“Give me a good reason to.”
“Because I’m your Huckleberry.”
You reached across the table and grabbed his hand while smiling mournfully at him, “no, not anymore.”
You couldn’t even blame him for cheating, honestly. You denied him of yourself in every way possible. You pushed him away, not because you wanted to, but you wanted to him to choose you over everything. When you’re honest with yourself, you purposely pushed him away because you were hurting. You’d been hurting for so long and you’d stop talking about it, which was something Lloyd was big on when it came to you. He didn’t give a fuck about making sure anyone else was happy, but when it came to you? He needed you. He needed to know what you were thinking and how you felt about everything, even if it wasn’t happy.
That was one of the many true perks of being with him; he didn’t care if you had something positive or negative to tell him, he just wanted to know your true and honest thoughts. He needed to know where you were at all time mentally and emotionally. You shut yourself down and, after trying to reach you so many times, it made sense that he just went for comfort elsewhere.
In the end, you told him you wanted nothing (even though he tried to give you the house), got your own house, you both evenly split your time with Travis, and you two were divorced.
As simple, and as painful, as that.
Of course, Lloyd pulled every trick he could, claiming that movers missed a few thing, but you knew he hid them in attempt to see you.
“Where the fuck is it, Lloyd?” you scowled as you made your way inside the house.
“Where’s what?”
“My Mother’s fucking charm bracelet! You know what? I don’t have the time or the patience for this today. Plus. Travis is sleeping and I don’t want to wake him.”
“Maybe we should look for it together,” he suggested with a smirk.
That should’ve been for signal for you to leave, but you missed him just as much as he missed you. You were just as pathetic.
“Fuck,” you sighed, as Lloyd shoved you against his bedroom wall. “We can’t!” you whispered as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“Oh yes we can,” he chuckled. “If I recall correctly, we’re very good at it,” he teased as he undid your jeans.
“Lloyd,” you whimpered, not even slightly embarrassed by the moan that leaves your mouth when his hand started teasing your sensitive bundle of nerves.
“My little Hummingbird is so wet for daddy,” he groaned as he got on his knees, “don’t worry, daddy’s gonna make it all better,” he promised before he ripped off your panties and buried his face in between your legs.
Every part of you knew that you should stop, but it felt so good to have him again. Even if it was just for a moment. It had been so long, and you could tell just how much he loved and missed you. By the time he finished you off with his tongue, you told yourself that it would only be one time. You just needed a fix and that would be it.
That was such bullshit.
You couldn’t even pin it all on Lloyd, because the second you two got started, you couldn’t stop. You didn’t want to. It’s not like you filed for a divorce because you stopped loving him, it just wasn’t working anymore. You missed him, you were still deeply in love with him, and he was your soulmate. Lloyd Hansen is no saint, but that doesn’t change the fact that he’s the only one for you.
He pulled you apart in every position you loved, your body writhing in pleasure while your head and your heart were at war with each other, and his name leaving your mouth like a silent prayer every time he brought you off. During the final round, he whispered that he loved you, and you said it back without any hesitation. There was no sense in hiding the truth, because you’d always been an open book to Lloyd to begin with.
When you both a fell asleep that night, he held you tight, like he was afraid you’d disappear like the night when you two first slept together.
He was right.
When morning came, you woke up first (because made the mistake of facing the blinds), and his grip had loosened just enough for you to slip out. You knew it would hurt him, but the night shouldn’t have happened in the first damn place. Almost as soon as you stepped foot inside your house, the texts started coming. You truly didn’t want to hurt him, but you knew you two couldn’t get back together. It would be great for a while, then it would all go back to shit.
That’s what always happened.
It was easier in college. You two would argue, things would be said and sometimes things would be thrown, you’d storm out, you’d ignore him for a day or two, he come to your dorm, you two would fuck like rabbits, and everything would go back to how it was.
That’s not the case anymore.
You two have a child and his job was only becoming more and more dangerous. You were tired of feeling like you were the only one doing all the work, and tired of feeling like Lloyd didn’t put you first. Yeah, he loved you, but it wasn’t enough for him to truly put you and Travis first. At some point, you had to draw the line. You weren’t even holding the cheating against him, you just couldn’t keep up the act anymore. All of it was tiring and even if you’d be alone forever, you couldn’t deal with the pain he made you feel. He was your world and you just felt like an awkward painting hanging up in his.
“So we’re back to you sneaking out after-”
“That’s the only time that’s happening again,” you quietly interrupted as Travis ran past you and into the house.
“It can’t happen anymore, Lloyd. I fucked up, but I’m not strong enough to keep this up with you. We’re divorced.”
“Because you filed for one!”
“Lloyd, I don’t wanna argue. It’s part of the reason I filed for the divorce in first damn place. Just...we had our time together and now it’s done.”
“You still love me-” “What does that have to do with anything? For as much as we love each other, we can’t seem to get any of this right. It’s not enough for us!”
“Why can’t you just let it go?!”
“Why can’t you quit your job?”
“Lloyd, we have to stop hurting each other. I know your main setting is asshole and mine is bitch, but we do love each other, and we’ve gone through too much to be cruel to one another. I don’t want to hurt you and you don’t want to hurt me. Besides, we have Travis now and we have to do our best for him.”
He let out a frustrated sigh but didn’t say anything, because as much as he didn’t want to admit it, he knew you had a point. Even if that point broke his heart, and made him angry because he wasn’t getting his way, he did love you too much to ever truly hurt you.
He pulled you close and kissed you so passionately that you went weak in the knees. When you two broke apart, you could see the pain in his eyes, but you could also see the look of defeat. He looked you over before he let you go and walked off.
And that was that.
It’s not like Lloyd hasn’t made advances towards you since, and you almost give in, but it’s been bearable for the most part. His pride and anger does get the better of him sometimes, which causes him to be an asshole and you two to argue. He gets mad that this isn’t just a phase for you and that you’re actually sticking to it, and it causes him to be...well, Lloyd. Sometimes it’s a drunk text about how he had a threesome and he couldn’t figure out why it took him so long to cheat on you, sometimes he’ll call during those threesomes just so you can hear him getting those other women off and how desperate they are for him, and other times it’s just the cold shoulder.
Which is somehow so much worse.
You know he never means it, but it doesn’t make any of it hurt any less, and when Travis is fast asleep, you sit in your kitchen and drink; crying until you’re desperate for sleep. So, in return, you stopped telling him you love him, or showing him any sort of affection at all, really. Maybe it was for the best. The only time you tell him that you love him is when you get the feeling that he’s in serious danger. Which is why you’re so damn worried now.
Yeah, Lloyd checked in when he landed and told you all was fine, but the lack of communication is driving you insane. Yes, it’s always like this for your own safety, but right now, not constantly knowing that he’s safe is making everything worse. The last time you felt like this, he ended up almost getting killed. Some brat named Sierra Six was keeping something from him, a drive or something (you don’t ask questions because you truly don’t care to know), and Denny sent Lloyd to get it back. In the end, Six was killed, Suzanne was killed, and Agent Miranda was killed. Lloyd was in a coma for a while and you stayed by his side every second of every day (which you never told him about) and his and your parents were happy to look after Travis. You think it helped to keep all of their minds occupied, cause it was the first time you saw all of them truly get along with one another.
Now? You don’t know what it is, but something isn’t right. God, you just hope he’s okay.
“Mom, dad said these are-”
“Put it back, Travis,” you said as your son tries to hand you some protein drink.
You’re gonna choke Lloyd when he gets back.
“Why don’t you ever want me to bring up Dad?” he scowls as he resumes his job of pushing the cart through the grocery store.
“Because you always bring him up when you want something.”
“That’s the only time I can bring him up, because you hate him.”
“I don’t hate your Father, baby.”
“Well, you sure as shit-”
“You never like to talk about him,” he mutters.
You’re gonna beat the shit out of Lloyd when he gets back.
Travis is a very good mix of you and Lloyd, and you figure that’s God’s way of playing a joke on you. He has Lloyd’s athleticism, your love of art, Lloyd’s love of movies, your love of music, your patience and big heart, Lloyd’s smart ass mouth, and both of your tempers. On more than one occasion, you and Lloyd have had to make trips to the school because of his temper. Either, he’s calling a teacher a dumbass or shoving other kids into lockers because they annoy him, and it’s very obvious that he’s a product of the both of you.
The kid is only eight.
“It’s complicated, okay? Maybe one day, when you’re older.”
“I’m old enough-”
“You’re 8 with the mouth of a damn sailor,” you mumble. “Do you want any lunch meat for school?”
“Dad said I should keep eating those grilled wraps you make. Something about protein and all that.”
“Your Father would know all about that,” you scoff as you shake your head. “Then we’re all set.”
“Can we watch an action movie tonight?”
“If you watch your mouth for the rest of the day and finish up your homework. One movie.”
“Is Dad gonna be home soon?”
“I hope so,” you sigh as you feel a pair of eyes on you.
You look over to the butchers section and see a man watching you intensely.
Yeah, you have one of your pistols on you (something you’ve kept on you since Lloyd left), but it doesn’t help that you’re out in public with your son. Maybe you are just being paranoid, but it really doesn’t. After almost losing Lloyd, you’ve learned to always trust your gut.
“What does Dad even do?” Travis asks, completely oblivious to your anxiety and stress.
“He takes care of business for your Godfather when he can’t.”
“Doesn’t Uncle Denny work for the government or something?”
“Something like that. What’s with all the questions?”
“I don’t know. I just miss Dad and I wish he was around more.”
“Me too, kid,” you sigh as you two make your way to the self check-out line.
“Is that why you two aren’t together anymore?”
“You and the questions today!”
“I’m allowed to have them!”
“Don’t worry about it, okay? Just know that we both love and think the world of you, and we’d do anything for you. You’re the center of our universe.” “Then why is he always gone?” he sighs and your heart breaks.
You’ve been asking yourself the same question for years.
“Hey, how about we watch ‘Tombstone’ tonight?” you smile at him.
“Just don’t let your Dad know when gets back, deal?”
“Deal,” he laughs.
There’s no way in hell you’re going to let Lloyd know that you cracked and watched his favorite movie to make your son happy. Cocky son of a bitch doesn’t get to rub that in your face.
Checkout is a breeze and you and Travis load everything into your truck without an issue, but you still feel uneasy. Between going to the bank and not seeing your usual teller, feeling as if you’re being followed whenever you go to work, and now the feeling like the new butcher was watching you at the grocery store, you just can’t shake the feeling that a storm is brewing. You don’t know who the fuck Lloyd pissed off, but you wish he’d come back already.
You’d feel a lot safer if he were back.
“Alright, Mary’s gonna be here in a bit-”
“You said we were gonna watch ‘Tombstone’!”
“Calm down!” you quickly interject as give him the key to the house before starting to unload the groceries. “I just have some work to do. You knew she was coming over-”
“You and Dad always have to work!”
“At least I’m here!” you snap before you can control yourself. “Trav, listen, we have a whole weekend together and I promise to spend every minute with you after this. I just need to close on this deal. I promise you, I tried my hardest to get out of it, but my boss doesn’t want the client speaking with anyone else. It should take two hours at most, okay?”
“I hate your boss.”
“That makes two of us, sweetie.”
“You promise it’ll only take two hours?”
“I’ll do my best to keep it down to one. Listen, if you don’t give Mary a hard time, I’ll even let you stay up and watch a horror movie.”
“Yeah, it’s Friday, why not?” you laugh.
“Thanks Mama, I love you.” “I love you too. Now, lets get all of this crap in the house, huh?”
“I’ll get the door,” he yells over his shoulder, already running to unlock it.
Now you feel like shit.
It’s not lost on Travis, Lloyd, or you that you always make Travis a priority, but that doesn’t matter right now. He’s upset because he misses his dad, and now you have to work too. You’ve done your absolute best to be there for Travis as much as possible, but they’re some things that are out of control. It makes you feel a little bad for always being so angry with Lloyd about his job, but you also take into account that your job is a lot less dangerous.
However, you both have a child and you’re more than sure that he just wants to feel as normal as the other kids in his class. Their parents aren’t divorced and one of them isn’t flying off on random ass trips most of the time. You know that Travis is reaching an age where he’s gonna want and deserves more answers, but one, you don’t know how to deal with the fact that he’s growing up so fast, and two, you don’t know how to explain all of shit to him.
“Your dad is basically a contract killer, we got a divorce because I felt like he didn’t care about us enough, and we both miss each other terribly but don’t know how hard we try, we can’t seem to work anything out. We love you the most though and that’s what matters most.”
Yeah, for as smart as you may be at 34, you’re not smart enough to figure out that conversation yet, and you’re sure as shit that Lloyd isn’t either.
A rapid tapping on your door pulls you out of your thoughts, and you’re instantly running to the front door.
“I’m so sorry I’m late!” Mary breathes as you usher her in.
“Please don’t feel bad,” you chuckle, closing the door behind her. “Thank you so much for being so flexible. With Lloyd leaving so suddenly, without any warning, I appreciate the help.”
“I would do anything for you and Travis, you know that,” she smiles awkwardly.
You know the poor girl feels like she’s paying penance at times, because she slept with Lloyd during his revenge tour, but you never blamed her. If he could get you, and you absolutely loathed him when he first approached you, you knew he could get anyone.
Lloyd Hansen may be a complete and total dick, but he’s also a charmer when he wants to be.
“The longest all of this should take is two hours, but I’ll do my best to get it done quicker. Travis is starving, so I’m sure he’ll be more than happy to help in the kitchen, but you also have the option to order food. My card is on the kitchen countertop, so get whatever. He usually loves Chinese food, but it’s Friday and he’s his Father’s child, so pizza may be the best...why am I telling you all of this? You’ve watched him long enough that you know everything.”
“I promise, everything will be fine,” she smiles. “Good luck with your deal!”
“Yeah, I’m gonna need it,” you smile at her. “I’m gonna go upstairs now, okay Trav?!” you call from the living area entry way and, almost instantly, Travis is running towards you and wrapping his arms around your waist.
“You sure you can’t just hangout today?”
“I promise to make it up to you as soon as it’s over.”
“I love you, Mom.”
“I love you too, hun,” you tell him sincerely before breaking yourself out of his hold. “I promise, the second I’m all done, I’m all yours,” you smile at him.
With that, you’re rushing upstairs and hoping onto the call just in time.
You gotta take him Disney World or some shit when everything calms down.
For the first thirty minutes, everything is fine and as it should be, then you hear a commotion downstairs, followed by gunshots.
“Are those gunshots I-”
You close the laptop before he can finish and grab your pistol.
You fucking knew something was wrong.
You quickly and quietly make your way to steps before you hear another set of gunshot.
“Are you sure she’s his wife?!” one person yells.
“They have the same fucking hair and that’s her card on the countertop! It’s gotta be her!”
“That’s the woman you saw at the bank?!”
“Is that the woman you saw at the grocery store?! If we don’t get this right, Andrew will kill us!”
“It’s gotta be her!”
“You sure we got the kid?!”
“I’m positive! We gotta- ah, shit!” the one guys yells as you run down the steps and you start shooting.
You hit one of them in the arms and the other in the leg, but they’re able to get away. You would be more than happy to go after them, but Travis. He’s all you care about right now.
You make your way into the living area and see Mary dead on the floor; two shots to the chest and one to the head. You have to search for Travis (he’s always been a smart kid), but once you find him, you instantly fall apart.
“Shh, don’t say any thing,” you cry softly as you cradle him in your arms. “I’m gonna call for help and you’re gonna be fine.”
“It hurts!”
“I know, baby, I know. Just focus on anything else right now,” you cry as you take out your cellphone, frantically dialing 9-1-1. “Tell me about the football game you went to with Dad,” you sob, doing your best to keep your cool.
You know that you being a complete wreck isn’t going to help a damn thing. As Travis tries to goes on about the game he went to with Lloyd, you explain to the operator that hes been shot in his ribcage, his stomach, and you’re pretty sure in his hip. You can’t get a good look because you can’t stop fucking crying and there’s so much blood everywhere. Soon enough, the medics arrive and they’re taking Mary out in a body bag and while the other set of medics are tending to Travis.
You don’t want to leave his side, but once again, you’ve been with Lloyd long enough to know that you always need to take precaution. You’re quick to run upstairs and grab your purse, your phone, your second pistol, and any sensitive information. When you make your way downstairs, you grab your credit card that was on the kitchen countertop, as well as the pistol you shot the perpetrators with, before quickly following the paramedics out.
You send Lloyd a handful of text messages, as well as your parents and his, but no one is answering. The paramedics try to offer you a sedative, but at some point, you threaten to bite them if they don’t leave you alone.
You don’t need a sedative, you need Lloyd.
About 20 minutes after you arrive, both you and Lloyd’s parents show up, asking every fucking question known to man.
“I can’t do this right now,” you sob as they keep pushing for more answers than you can provide. “I need you all to stay here. There’s something I need to do.”
“What’s more important than taking care of your son?!” Lloyd’s Mother sobs.
“Finding your fucking son, his Father!” you snap, getting up and storming out.
You don’t mean to yell at her, just like you didn’t mean to yell at the paramedics, and just like you didn’t mean to yell at the doctors when they told you that there’s a strong chance that Travis might not make it. You don’t mean to snap at anyone, you just need your soulmate. Which is why you find yourself in a car service and on your way to CIA headquarters.
“DENNY!” you scream as you storm your way inside, scaring even the security guards.
“Ma’am, you can’t-”
“Get me Denny Carmichael, or I wear to GOD, I’m going to start killing people. You think Lloyd Hansen is crazy? Just wait until you have to deal with his ex-wife.” “Shit,” you hear one of the guards mumbles before he runs off.
Smart man.
It takes all of 40 seconds before you hear Denny yelling, “WHAT THE FUCK, Y/N?!”
“Call Lloyd and bring him back. I don’t care what the fuck he’s doing, I don’t care how important it is, get him back here, now!”
“You know I can’t...why are you covered in blood?!”
“GET HIM BACK HERE, DENNY! This isn’t a fucking request!”
“Y/N, you know I can’t just-”
“Travis has been shot, Denny. He’s been shot and he might not make it.”
“Someone is mad at Lloyd and they went after us for revenge...none of that matters right now! Your fucking godson is in surgery and his Father needs to fucking be here! I don’t care how important this mission is, you get him back here, and you get him back here now!”
“Okay okay, I’m on it. Just please-”
“I don’t see you on the FUCKING PHONE, DENNY!”
“Jesus, I’m on it! Just...lets get you back to the hospital, okay? Trav needs you both, so lets get you back.”
“Denny...I can’t handle this...I can’t do this without him,” you sob, finally breaking down as you collapse onto Denny and sob into his shoulder.
“We’ve been through this with Lloyd. It’s going to be okay. He’s a Hansen, isn’t he? If I believe he’s gonna pull through, then you have to, too.” “I need him home, Denny. I can’t handle this without him.”
“I’ll get him back here, lets just get you to the hospital, okay?”
All you do is nod and Denny leads you both out as he makes his way to his car.
Denny knows that you’ve never forgiven for him for when Lloyd almost died, but you also know Denny loves Travis. He loves both you and Travis more than he cares to admit, because (like Lloyd) he hates showing any other emotion besides hard ass.
However, besides the fact that Denny actually cares about you, he also knows how much you and Lloyd are still obsessed and in love with one another. So, instead of leaving your side when you two arrive at the hospital, he sits next to you and lets you rest your head on his shoulder. You hear his soft sobs, and you want to be there for him, but you just can’t in the moment. So much has happened and your brain (as well as your heart) can’t figure out how to make heads or tails of all of this.
Hours go by and you’re almost asleep when you hear Lloyd yell, “WHERE THE HELL IS HE?! WHERE’S MY SON?!”
Sleep is probably something you’ll never experience again in this lifetime.
“Mr. Hansen-”
“Lloyd-” you call sleepily as you make your way out into the hallway.
“YOU!” he shouts before shoving you against the wall with his hands around your neck.
“LLOYD!” his Mother shouts.
“Tried...tried to get you back...earlier,” you cough as you waive everyone else off. “Didn’t...answer...”
You know he’s not actually going to hurt you, but he’s also never been good at processing bad information, and this is earth shattering news.
“Let her go, Lloyd!” Denny demands.
“You were supposed to be watching him!” Lloyd yells, ignoring everyone else. “Where were you?! Getting your cunt fucked by some other-”
He’s cut off by you slapping him hard across the face, and his grip instantly loosens.
“Where were YOU?! I was at home, with our son on the weekend that you were supposed to have him! The fucking weekend you requested in the first fucking place! Look at me, Lloyd! Where the fuck does it look like I was?! I was there, in the house, when two people came in and shot Mary, thinking she was me, and then-”
“They thought...”
Lloyd’s eyes go from anger to full blown rage, and he instantly lets go of you.
“We have the same hair color and my credit card was on the kitchen counter-”
“Can someone explain to me what the fuck is going on?!” your Mom yells.
You give Denny a look and he’s quickly ushering everyone back into the waiting room.
“Where is he?” Lloyd asks softly after a few moments, trying to think as well as control his rage.
“He’s still in surgery.”
“Are you-”
“I’m fine, Lloyd. Physically at least.”
“You’re moving in with me for the time being.”
“It’s just fucking safer that way. This isn’t a discussion or a debate, you’re packing what you need, selling that house, and moving in until you find a new one.”
As much you want to disagree with him, you know he’s right.
“I’ll pack some things-”
“Pack everything you need. I’ll get fucking movers if needed. I don’t want you back in that house at all.”
“I can’t deal with them trying to take you away from me twice. I’ve already got Travis to be worried about...I can’t be worried about you too, Y/N. You may not believe it, but you are my whole world, you always have been. I’m not strong enough to deal with it.”
You make your way over to him and wrap your arms around his waist, and he gives you the tightest hug hes ever given you.
“I can’t lose you,” he whispers softly into you hair, and you force yourself to hold back tears.
“I can’t go to that house alone, Lloyd. Not because I’m scared, but because...”
“I know, baby. How long has he been in surgery?”
“6 hours,” you sigh.
“Lets go now, drop your stuff off at my place, and we’ll come back, okay?”
You just nod as you let go of him and take his hand. Neither of you bother telling your families your plan, because you need a break and Lloyd will just start yelling. You grab your purse and he sends Denny a text telling him you two will be back shortly.
The car ride is somber and quiet, Lloyd holds your hand the entire time, and you keep checking your phone to see if they’re any updates. Tina has sent you a handful of texts, but you don’t have the strength or energy to respond. You haven’t slept for hours, you’re now covered in dried blood, and you’re body is dehydrated from all the tears you’ve cried.
By the time Lloyd pulls up to your house, you just want to take a fucking nap.
“Pack some clothes and I’ll leave post-its on the things you really want, so the movers know what to pack,” Lloyd tells you softly as you both stand in the doorway of your house.
The reality of whats happened in the last few hours hits you all over again, and you just stand there frozen.
“Hey, nothing is gonna happen. I’m here,” Lloyd promises, gently placing a hand on your lower back.
“How...um...how will you know what to...” you sniffle.
“I know you well enough to know what matters and what doesn’t. Just get clothes, okay?”
“I don’t know...the living area is where everything...I don’t know if anything’s been cleaned...it doesn’t look like it so...ya know.”
“Let me worry about everything, you just get some clothes,” he urges as his phone goes off. “It’s Denny.” “Is it an update?!”
“If it were, one of our parents would have called. I’ll take it and take care of everything else, you just grab clothes.” “Okay,” you sob softly.
You make your way past the kitchen and living area as quickly as you can, and practically run up the steps. You grab two suitcases, and just pulling things out of your drawers, not even paying attention to what you’re grabbing. You pull out drawers from your makeup dresser and just dump all their contents in, and you’re about to do the same thing with the drawers from your nightstand when you hear a loud thud.
“FUCK!” Lloyd yells and you’re instantly running down the steps.
“What’s wrong?! Are you okay?!”
“I’m fine, I’m fine. I’m sorry, Hummingbird.”
“Is Travis-”
“There’s no update.”
“What’s wrong-”
“You don’t need to hear it right now.”
“Lloyd, don’t push me out. Not right now. What did Denny say?”
“A message was left for me. They’ve got eyes on Travis and they’re coming for you next-stop, I’m home now,” he tries to calm you as he rushes over to you and wraps his arms around you.
“I won’t let those fuckers get their hands on you or Travis. I promise.”
“Did I promise to always to take care of you?”
“Yes, but-”
“But nothing. Those pieces of shit only went after you because they knew I wasn’t around. It’s not gonna happen again. It’s never going to happen again.”
“Lloyd...what about you?”
“If I have to die to protect you then-”
“I can’t lose you,” you confess softly.
“Then I’m not going anywhere,” he promises you sincerely. “Finish packing and I’ll get started on marking things up.”
“Do what I said,” he demands gently.
You take a few moments to get yourself together before returning back up the steps. You’re quick to gather up a few things before closing up your two suitcases and slowly making your way into your son’s room. You mean to grab some of his toys and a few shirts you know that he loves, but end up just sitting on his bed and looking around.
How did everything get so out of control? Aren’t there supposed to be some sort of rules? Isn’t there a line you don’t cross? Yeah, they’re all ruthless killers, and killing you would’ve been one thing, but going after your son? You know Lloyd goes to extremes, you’re not a fool, so maybe this is penance. However, for as terrible as Lloyd is, he’d never go out of his way to kill a child. The ones that hes killed were assignments, and while that’s not something to be celebrated, it speaks volumes. Lloyd did work and this was retaliation. Travis had nothing to deserve this besides be a Hansen.
The best one.
“Hummingbird?” Lloyd calls softly, pulling you out of your thoughts.
“He has...favorite shirts and toys...I want him to have them, ya know? God, he loves this house so fucking much. Between the pool and the swing set, I think he wants me to leave it to him when I die,” you laugh with a sob.
“He’s going to be-”
“Don’t. Don’t give me false hope, Lloyd. I can’t...after everything, I can’t deal with it right now-”
“What did you tell me while you were pregnant?”
You instantly remember what he’s referring to and chuckle softly as you wipe your eyes, “Hansen men are the worst, so they’ll survive anything out of spite.”
“Our boy is a Hansen, isn’t he?”
“I wouldn’t have anyone else’s kid.”
“Then he’s gonna be just fine out of spite,” he smiles at you, but you can see the weariness in his eyes. “We’ll go to my house, you can take a shower, and we’ll head back to the hospital.” “I don’t have time to shower. What if he wakes up? He’ll-”
“He’ll need to not see his Mother not covered in his blood. Shower and we’ll head back, okay?”
“Hummingbird, just trust me, okay?”
How could not?
You nod before heading over to Travis’ drawers and grabbing his favorite shirts and pajamas. You pull out his little duffle bag and pack it, putting in a few of his favorite toys, before giving his room one final look over.
“It’s going to be okay,” Lloyd promises you softly.
You close the door behind you, going back into your to grab your laptops and chargers for all your devices, then quickly follow Lloyd down the steps. Once you two are back in his car, you just keep your eyes on the house as he pulls out of your driveway.
You’d made a whole new life for yourself, and just like that, it was gone.
You two are half way to Lloyd’s when you realize, “We have to go back! I have to get the photo albums! His baby pictures, our wedding photos, family-” “Calm down, Hummingbird. I packed them. They were the first things I grabbed.”
“Are you sure you got all of them?” you ask frantically, turning around and checking the backseat.
“I’m sure. Just rest. You’ve been doing everything...just try and let me take care of things. I know I’m a dick, but at least I’m capable of getting things done,” he smirks.
You let out a small giggle as you get comfortable in the passenger seat and take a deep breath.
You forgot how nice it is when you and Lloyd work together instead of against each other.
When you two reach his house, he makes you go inside and take a shower while he brings all of your things into the house. It doesn’t hit you how worn out you are until you start taking off your clothes. Seeing them on the floor, the blood that’s now dried onto your body, makes you realize just how long you’ve been awake, and how much has happened. You make the water as hot as you can stand it, and let out a sigh of relief when it hits your skin like a million tears that you haven’t cried yet.
You lean against the shower wall and think over everything that’s happened over the last few hours, days, and months. It would be so easy to be enraged with Lloyd, because you begged him for years to quit his job, but you know hes just as torn as you are, if not more. You know how much he loves you and Travis, even if he isn’t always the best at showing it, and you know he’d take a bullet for either of you in an instant. Lloyd is a lot of terrible things, but he’s also an amazing Father. For as much as you want to be angry with him and scream at him, you know how much he loves and adores Travis. It’s not like he became a saint when Travis was born, but he did stop being so angry all the fucking time.
For all of the things that have gone wrong between the two of you, Travis isn’t one of them.
You laugh when you see a bottle of your favorite soap on the shower floor and shake your head. You know it’s not for any of the women he brings over, cause it’s never been touched and is close to it’s expiration date.
Lloyd Hansen: always the dreamer.
You grab a wash cloth off the rack next to the shower and let it get soaked before squeezing more than a handful of soap out of the bottle and scrubbing yourself as hard as you can; almost breaking the skin. You figure, if you can scrub hard enough, you can scrub the pain away. Yeah, it’s bullshit, but it’s still worth a shot, isn’t it?
“Hummingbird?” Lloyd calls as he softly knocks on the door.
“Are you okay?” he asks, coming into the bathroom.
“Gotta get...there’s more blood than I realized-it’s not mine,” you assure him instantly when you see the alarm in his eyes.
“When’s the last time you ate something?”
“Jesus, I don’t know. Probably...” you trail off before you fall into a fit of laughter.
“I’m sorry...it’s not funny at all,” you breathe as you lean against the shower wall, “I just...we went to the grocery store. I spent over $200 on groceries that are just gonna go bad,” you laugh. “I spent over $200, saw my son’s attacker at the fucking butcher counter, and it’s all gonna spoil. Mary got killed because I had a fucking meeting and left my card on the counter, so she could order a fucking pizza because I didn’t have time to make his favorite meal and it was a sort of peace offering! Even though I had just spent a shit ton of money on groceries! You gotta see the humor in that, can’t you? It’s kinda funny?” you laugh as your tears start to fall.
“This is all my fault! This happened on my watch and-”
“Don’t you dare. This isn’t your fault-”
“You were all too sure of it in the hospital!”
“That was...you know me and my temper. This-”
“Lloyd...he’s fighting for his life and it’s my fault,” you cry as you slide down the wall.
“My sweet little Hummingbird,” he sighs, getting into the shower and getting on the floor with you, wrapping his arms around you and holding you close.
“You’re gonna ruin your clothes!”
“Fuck my clothes,” he chuckles and you laugh into his chest as you wrap your arms around him tight.
Its moments like this when you remember just why you fell in love with Lloyd. He can be so fucking sweet and caring, and he reserves that small part of himself for you. No, it’s not some Disney fantasy, but it’s enough for you. Truth be told, if Lloyd would have told you that he’d quit his job, you wouldn’t have asked for the divorce. You would’ve looked past the cheating and found a way to fix everything that was wrong. The divorce didn’t happen because of lack of love, it happened because worrying about him and Travis all the fucking time was taking a toll on you emotionally and mentally.
Keeping a pistol at your bedside, in the glove compartment, sleeping in your car outside of Travis’ friend’s houses when he would go to sleepovers, keeping another pistol in your home office...it just became too much, and it’s not like Lloyd didn’t see it, he just refused to acknowledge it. You just weren’t built like him, and you didn’t want to be. However, in his defense, it’s not like he ever hid anything from you. In his own Lloyd Hansen way, he really did try. Lloyd has never hidden just how much he loves you, and he always took all precautions to keep you safe. When Travis came along, he tried even harder to keep you both safe.
It’s not lost on either of you that the love you feel for one another has always been complicated.
“We have to get back to the hospital,” you mumble as you wipe your eyes.
“Y/N, I mean it. None of this is your fault. The way you love and lookout for him...the both of us really, this isn’t on you. I’ll kill those fuckers and I’ll keep you both safe.”
“Lloyd, what happened?” you ask, looking up at him.
“Another time, okay?”
“Don’t keep-”
“I’m not saying that I’m not going to tell you, I’m saying that enough has happened and I’ll tell you after you’ve had some rest. Plus, you know your parents are gonna have a million questions.”
“I can’t fucking deal with them right now,” you sigh as you lay your head on his chest again.
“We’ll get through this, Hummingbird. So will Travis.”
“I love you, Lloyd.”
“I love you too,” he responds softly before pressing a soft kiss into your hair.
You two stay on the floor a little longer before decide it’s time to get up. You make sure all the blood and soap is off of your body, before getting out. Lloyd hands you a towel before getting out his clothes and wrapping a towel around his waist.
Even with clothes on, the man makes you weak in the knees, but it’s been so damn long since you’ve seen him naked. You can’t stop yourself from staring.
“I set you up in the spare room next to mine,” he smirks as steps into his shower shoes.
You can’t even blame him for being arrogant this time. Tattooed gorgeous fuck.
“Travis’ room is right across from mine, and I know you’ll feel better. It’ll make me feel better having you both so close.”
“Travis isn’t home.”
“He will be. I want all of his care happening here.”
“How are you so calm with him being at the hospital now?”
“Denny’s still there and he’s not gonna let a thing happen to him.”
“He has-”
“His Godson and you are his top priority right now. Get dressed and we’ll leave,” he tells you softly, walking over and kissing your forehead softly before leaving the bathroom.
You look yourself over in the mirror and let out a heavy sigh.
You’re gonna need a vacation and multiple spa days when all of this is over.
When you get into the spare bedroom, you smile at the three photo albums that are on your bed. He really is thorough. You throw your towel off to the side and rifle through your suitcase for something to wear but, for as silly as it is, nothing feels right. You stand there in your underwear and literally throw all of your clothes around, trying to find something, but nothing works.
“You ready?” Lloyd asks as he walks into the bedroom.
“I don’t know what to wear. How silly is that? Our son is still in surgery, and I’m trying to figure out what the hell to wear.”
“Anything will be fine, Hummingbird.”
“Then you pick, because I don’t know,” you sigh as you step aside. “I don’t know anything right now.”
“He’s going to be okay, Humming-”
“What if he can’t walk? What if...Lloyd-”
“I can go back by myself if-”
“No,” you sniffle as you dry your eyes, “I can do this. I need to be there for him. I need to be there for the both of you-”
“I’m fine-”
“You’ve never been good at lying to me, so I don’t recommend starting now,” you smile softly.
Lloyd says nothing as closes the small space between you two and kisses you passionately and walks you both back towards the bed. You don’t even fight him because you need it. You need him. Soon you feel the edge of the bed against the back of legs and you know you two need to stop.
For multiple reasons.
“Lloyd....we don’t have time...we need to get back,” you moan as he guides you back onto the bed before continuing to kiss down your body.
“It won’t take me long to make you relax,” he coos softly as he pulls your panties down. “We both need this, please,” he begs softly.
Before you have a chance to make an argument, you feel his tongue on your clit, and you lose all resolve almost instantly.
“Fuck,” you sigh, gripping his hair as you grind your pussy against his face.
Four years is a long fucking time to be without your soulmate intimately, and you can tell that Lloyd feels the same by how desperate he is to bring you off. When he easily slides two fingers into your weeping cunt, you start massaging one of your own breasts as you arch your back a little.
“So close you,” you whimper as he starts pulling on your clit with his lips, you know you’re not gonna last much longer. “Baby...baby, please!” you beg as you prop yourself up on your shoulders and meet his loving gaze.
Lloyd slides a third finger in and curls all three, and you know you’re done for.
“Oh my...fuck, LLOYD!” you scream out as you squirt all over his fingers, knowing his face will be glistening your juices.
He fucks you through your high with his fingers while he kisses his way up your body. When his lips on yours again, the taste of you ever present on his lips, you can feel just how desperate his for you on your inner thigh.
“We don’t have time for that, Hummingbird,” he husks as you start to undo his pants. “Gotta....fuck,” he groans as you start to stroke him.
“Just wanna return the favor,” you moan. “We don’t have to do that, I just...you gave me an orgasm-”
“The way I’ve been getting off to the thought of you...we don’t have time,” he moans as he forces himself to stop you.
Of course, him getting forceful with you only makes you long for him more.
“Another time, Hummingbird. We have to...Jesus!” he exclaims as you grind your hips against his. “If you still...fuck, if you still want this when we get back, I’ll be more than happy to destroy this perfect little body.”
“I love you, baby.”
“I love you too, Hummingbird. More than I’ll ever be able to put into words,” he promises as he slowly pulls out his three fingers and you whimper in protest. “Wear the ‘Alice in Chains’ shirt with your black jeans,” he sighs as he gets up. “He can’t see you right now, but I can.”
As he walks out of the room, you lay there for a second, coming terms with another thing that was never supposed to happen, before getting up and getting dressed.
By the time you two get back to the hospital, both of your families are beside themselves, and Denny looks worn out. Also, Tina is here, and she looks just as concerned as she is anxious.
What now?
“Has there been any change?” you ask Denny as Lloyd makes his way to the nurses’ desk.
“One of the bullets hit his arteries,” Denny starts, “they were able to fix it, but the hit he took to his stomach...it was harder to get out than they expected-”
“How bad is it, Denny? And don’t bullshit me.”
“That’s why the last part has taken so long. That wound might be the one that kills him-hey!” Denny shouts, catching you as you collapse. “I said might, you don’t get to quit on him! If I have hope, you have to have it too!”
“He’s still fighting, Y/N. No one has declared him dead, so he’s still here-”
“He’s still here, Y/N,” he quickly interrupts. “You have to hold on to that for now.”
You rationalize everything he says with a nod before accepting his help with getting up, then making your way to the waiting area and sitting down in one of the waiting room chairs. Soon enough, you’re joined by Lloyd and you take his hand in yours before laying your head on his shoulder.
“You need to eat something, Hummingbird,” he coos softly.
“You eat something.” “I already did,” he chuckles and you playfully hit his arm. “C’mon, lets go to the cafeteria. It doesn’t have to be anything big, but just eat something. I already know you’re going straight for the wine when we get back. Eat something, please?”
“Since when do you ask nicely?”
“Since I know when to tread lightly,” he scoffs before kissing the top of your head and you laugh softly.
“I want him to be okay.”
“I know baby, but you have to be okay too. If anything changes, you know they’ll all get in contact with us immediately.”
“Fine...shit! Mary’s family and my job-”
“It’s all been taken care of. You’ll talk to Mary’s family when you’re ready, and her funeral has been covered. Just focus on Travis for now,” he tells you gently.
“Something small?”
“Something small.”
You both make your way out, hand in hand, and you don’t miss the way your Mother looks at you.
She’s clearly unhappy about it.
“We’re gonna grab a bite to eat, be back in a little,” he tells everyone, without even stopping.
“Babe, can we talk for a second?” Tina asks, looking from you to Lloyd.
Alright, what the fuck is going on?
“Sure, come with us to the cafeteria.”
“Just you.”
“Tina, what’s-”
“If it’s not an immediate update about Travis, you can talk to her when we get back,” Lloyd practically snaps before pulling you along with him.
If they slept together, you’re blowing up the fucking building...once Travis is safe, of course.
“Lloyd, I swear to God, if you slept with Tina-”
“I haven’t slept with Tina since Freshman year of college, and that was only because I wanted to know more about you. Well, that and we were both shitfaced.”
“Then what was that all about?”
“After you eat.”
“After you eat,” he tells you more firmly before walking off towards the counter to place his order.
“Why’d you get me a grilled cheese?” you ask as he sets a plate down in front of you.
“Well, they don’t have dumplings or pasta, so this was the next best thing,” he smirks and you laugh as you flip him off. “You said you saw one of the guys at the butcher counter in the grocery store-”
“I’m pretty sure I saw both of them at two different places, cause I heard them both trying to confirm that it was me when they shot Mary...something about how Andrew would kill them if they didn’t kill the right person.”
“Did one of them have a tattoo of an anchor between his thumb and forefinger?” Lloyd practically growls as stabs at his chicken salad.
You’re so happy hes finally started listening to you and just started eating more salad.
“The bank teller did. Uh, I didn’t go up to the butcher’s counter, but the guy had a short, brown, curly hair, and a tattoo under his eye that said ‘pain’.”
“Mother fucker!” he proclaims as he slams his hand down on the table.
Well, at least he seems to know who they are.
“Lloyd, calm down-”
“I’m gonna fuckin’-”
“Huckleberry,” you plead softly and he softens almost instantly.
“You haven’t called me that in forever.”
“Four years does feel like forever,” you smile weakly. “Tell me what’s going on. Is this why you don’t want me talking to Tina?”
“I don’t want you talking to Tina because I’m going to fucking kill her, and I have to refrain from doing it in front of our fucking family,” he mutters dangerously before shoveling a fork full of salad into his mouth.
“I’m sorry, come again? Tina? She did this?”
“I’m sure not purposely, because she loves you, but she has a very big part in all of this.”
“This doesn’t make any sense! She’s Travis’ godmother, she wouldn’t...how do you know?”
“It’s my job to know, Hummingbird. I told you, I always keep an eye out for you. Granted, she got the fake information I left, and her little workers went rouge, more than likely trying to prove themselves, and that’s why everything went wrong.” “Lloyd, she loves-” “She loves you and Travis. She hates me. I guarantee that’s why she wants to talk to you in private. The way she looked at you, the way she looked completely out of her fucking mind when she got here...this was never supposed to blow back on you. Which, poor fucking Tina, but I’m still gonna fucking kill her.”
“Lloyd, please just tell me-”
“You’re not eating.” “I’m sorry, I’m still trying to comprehend the fact that you just told me that you’re going to murder my best friend!” you whisper harshly.
“People die-”
“Fucking don’t, Lloyd. Not while our son is fighting for his life. Do not sit here and tell me how people die all the time, like we live in the same fucking reality!” you snap and he sighs.
After all this time, it’s completely insane to you how he always forgets. He would come home to feel normal. After being surrounded by killers all fucking day...it has been a while though. A while since you two have had a real and honest talk...you’re both the same, but have changed in so many different ways.
“You need to eat-”
“Do you have to kill her? We don’t even know-” “You don’t know what happened, I do. I can’t let her live, not after this.”
“You’ll see after she talks to you. Eat.”
“Hummingbird, please eat. I know it’s been over 24 hours since you’ve last eaten anything, so please eat.”
“How do you know so much about all the damn time?” you scowl before begrudgingly take a bite out of your sandwich.
“Just because we got a divorce, doesn’t mean I stop keeping tabs on you.”
“I didn’t file for the divorce, you did.”
“I didn’t cheat, you did.”
“Lets not fucking do this here.”
“You’re the one keeping fucking tabs-”
“I’m not doing it to be your fucking hall monitor. I’ve have you watched so I can keep an eye out on your and keep you safe. Just because I fucked up doesn’t meant I don’t love you. You know why I did what I did-there’s an update!” he tells you as his phone goes off.
“How do you-”
“It’s my Mother, we should go-”
“Lloyd...” “He’s fine, Hummingbird. I promise,” he reassures you softly.
You both make your way back to the top floor, hand-in-hand, and you take not of how much tighter his grip gets once you get closer to where everyone is congregated.
God, how you wish you two would’ve been able to work all shit out, so you’d be able to go through this together. Not as Lloyd Hansen and his ex-wife.
“He made it through the surgery,” the doctor smiles as you both approach him. “It was touch and go for a while, but he’s strong-”
“He’s a Hansen,” Lloyd smiles proudly and you roll your eyes.
“That he is,” the doctor laughs, “he’s still not out of the woods. He hasn’t woken up and we don’t know when he will, and he’s going to need a lot of therapy, but he can go home-”
“Today,” Lloyd quickly interjects, looking towards Denny who just nods.
Whatever expenses you thought you were gonna have to worry about, they’re gone.
Your tax dollars hard at work.
“Mr. Hansen-”
“He comes home today. Whatever medical supplies he needs, he’ll have them, and whatever care is needed will be provided around the clock. My assistant is on his way and he’ll go over everything with you. Travis is not staying here.”
“Lloyd-” “He’s not staying here for another minute,” he snaps towards his Mother.
And that was that.
Soon enough, information is being taken down, plans are being made, Lloyd is all but shouting demands, he’s choosing caregivers only he trusts, and Denny is giving him the next six months off.
“What just happened?” you ask as you get in the passenger seat of Lloyd’s car.
“You don’t need to worry about it.”
“You’ve done enough, Hummingbird. Let me take care of the rest.”
“He’s our son. I should know-”
“All you need to know is that you’re safe. Travis is safe, you’re safe, and I’m never letting anything happen to either of you ever again.”
“What about Tina?”
“She’s going to come over tomorrow night to talk to you. She’s gonna tell you everything and then I’m gonna stick a fucking bullet into her brain.”
“She doesn’t get to get away with this. I know you love her and all that shit, but they’re some things that are unforgivable. This is one of those things.”
“You haven’t even heard her side-”
“I know her side, I don’t need to hear it. My son was almost killed, you were almost killed...I don’t give a fuck about how bad she feels. She’s lucky that I didn’t kill her on the spot.”
“Huckleberry, please just tell me what happened.”
“Don’t fucking call me that just because you know it makes me soft.”
“Then fucking calm down and talk to me-”
“You don’t need to worry about anything from here on out-”
“Lloyd...you still don’t get it,” you chuckle softly as he pulls into his driveway. “You aren’t not out of harms way, so I’m going to worry! This isn’t over because Travis isn’t in fucking surgery anymore! You think I married you because it seemed like a fun idea? You think I was fucking bored? You think I didn’t have other guys gunning for my affection?! I fucking love you, Lloyd! I don’t know if you’ll be okay and...lets just not get into this now. Too much has happened, Travis is getting set up in the house, we both need sleep...Huckleberry, if you don’t get it by now, you’re just never gonna get it, and I’m really sorry about that,” you shrug before getting out of his car, and slamming the door shut.
Fuck him.
If he still doesn’t get it after all this time, then fuck him. How dare he?! He should know you well enough to know that you wouldn’t be this stressed out and frustrated over someone you don’t you don’t give a shit about. The divorce never fucking mattered. Lloyd has been the center of your universe since you fell in love with him. Hell, since you fell in like with him. Then you two went and had Travis, and it just added on. Yes, you know Lloyd has his flaws and isn’t perfect, but he’s your perfect mess. You tried to not fall in love with him, but it clearly didn’t work.
Every mission he goes on scares you, because you’re not sure how he’ll come back, if he comes back at all. Every time you see him, you commit it to memory, because you might not ever see him again. You re-read his affectionate texts because your heart still yearns for him all these years later. So, if he doesn’t understand that you divorced him because you love and care for him too much, and you always will, then he can go fuck himself.
He’s slow to follow behind you, and you feel his intense gaze on you, and you know he’s going through everything in his head. As the doctors go through everything with you, and the caregivers set everything up, you wonder if he’s even listening.
You’re probably gonna have to write all this shit down for him later.
“Is there anything you need or want us to do before we leave?” one of the doctors asks as she packs up her things.
“We’re fine,” Lloyd nods as he stands off to the side.
“I know you’ll have round the clock service, but here’s my number just in case of any emergency,” she smirks at Lloyd, handing him her card before she walks out of Travis’s bedroom.
She’s a bold one, ya gotta give her that.
“I’ll sit with him so you can rest-”
“Denny’s made sure the house is heavily secured. Lets both go lay down.”
“What if he-”
“They’ll wake us up,” Lloyd reassures you, kissing your temple softly as you wrap your arms around his waist.
He’s a piece of shit, but he’s your piece shit. Divorced or not.
You lean into him for just a moment, before forcing yourself away. You slowly and quietly make your way to the room set up for you, as Lloyd goes into his bedroom and leaves the door cracked; and you tell yourself it’ll all be okay. All of you will be just fine.
You toss and turn for about an hour before you force yourself out of bed, and make your way to Lloyd’s bedroom and knock on it softly.
“You know you can always come in, Hummingbird,” he replies nonchalantly.
“I can’t sleep...”
“Get in,” he encourages, turning the covers on his bed down, keeping his attention still on his phone.
It’s not like you need much convincing.
“What’s happening?” you ask as you settle into his bed.
“Denny is still in the middle of a panic attack, so there have been 30 other guards assigned to protect this house-”
“That’s not what I mean, Huckleberry. How are you?” you ask softly as you lay your head on his chest.
“Just rest right now.”
“You have enough on your mind and on your plate. We’ll talk about me after you rest,” he promises as he presses a soft kiss into your hair.
“Don’t...Lloyd, don’t fucking go and put yourself more at risk than you already are. Do you understand?”
“I fucking mean it. I can’t do this without you...I can’t...I can’t live in a world without you. I’m already dealing with Travis....don’t you fucking...” you trail off as you start to sob.
“Changes are going to be made, Hummingbird. I swear to you, I’ll never put you through anything like this again. Concerning Travis or myself.”
“I love you, Huckleberry.”
“I love you, Hummingbird. Just sleep,” he urges, stroking the side of your arm as he kisses the top of your head. “Sleep.”
For the first time in a long time, despite all hell that happened that day, you’re able to fall asleep almost instantly. Feeling safer and more loved than you have in years.
When you wake up, Lloyd is gone but you can hear him yelling about something downstairs. You sit up to an open door and you see that the door to Travis’ room is open. You grab your phone before getting out of bed and slowly make your way to his room.
“Has he woken up at all?” you ask the doctor softly.
“Not yet.” “Is he...will he wake up? Lloyd interrupted the other doctor he could really say much...”
“We’re monitoring him closely. Yes, the surgery went better than we all expected, but his body is still weak. He took on a lot, so we need to-”
“No, I get it...I understand,” you sniffle as you take a seat in the chair by Travis’ bedside. “Can we have a minute?” “Of course,” the doctor nods with a soft smile before leaving.
“Hey sweetheart,” you sob with a weak smile, taking Travis’ hand and squeezing it softly. “It’s Mom, I finally have time,” you laugh humorlessly. “You always want to hear stories from when your Dad and I were together, so here’s a fun one,” you chuckle as you start searching through your music library, smiling once you finally find ‘Sea of Love’ by Cat Power and playing it.
“I can not begin to explain how much your Dad hates this song, but it’s one of my favorites. We got married in Hawaii and I annoyed the hell out of him until he agreed to let this be our first song. From that day on, I always played it on our anniversary, and we would dance in the living room. No matter how busy either of us were, we stop to dance to this song. Then, I got pregnant with you,” you sob with a smile as you wipe your eyes. “If you were ever wondering where you got your impeccable taste in music from, it’s me because I made you a playlist and played it ever single day that I was pregnant. Jesus, your delivery was a shit show. Your Dad was yelling at doctors, I was pelting the staff with ice chips because of course, that would make you come out faster, and your Godfather was running around like a chicken with his head cut off because it was the first time that he had ever truly given a damn about anything....both sets of grandparents were crying messes...it was a circus. However, 9 hours later, at 8 pounds and 13 ounces, you were brought into this world. You didn’t scream and you didn’t cry, you just looked at me and smiled, and we were instantly best friends. The moment your Dad laid eyes on you, he was in love with you. Everything else that was wrong didn’t matter. Holding you for the first time...I knew my life was complete. I had you, your Dad....nothing else mattered. It was everything. Soon enough, I fell asleep, but your Dad was too wired. He refused to put you down until the nurses took you from him. When I woke up, he was holding you and walking around with you while this song played,” you sob even harder as you dry your eyes. “I’m so sorry, baby. I should’ve been there. If I could’ve taken those bullets for you, I would have. I’m so fucking sorry, but please...I need you to hang on. You haven’t even begun to truly annoy me, you don’t know how to drive a car, you haven’t gone to or avoided your prom...you have a whole life to live and I’m excited to watch you live it. You are the sweetest soul and the world needs you, so please...please, just hang on for us. Your Dad and I need you so much...please,” you start crying uncontrollably and you feel an arm wrap around you.
“He’s going to be okay,” Lloyd promises softly.
“Lloyd...,” you sob as you lean into his waist. “How did...he’s a good boy! He didn’t do anything to deserve this!”
“I know, baby,” he responds, his voice cracking as he rubs your back. “It’s all going to be okay. I swear to you, everything will be fine.”
“I gotta get out of this room,” you sniffle before pausing the song, getting up, and walking out.
You go into the spare bedroom that was set up for you and rifle through your purse, until you find your pack of cigarettes. You then quickly to make your way downstairs and into the kitchen, ignoring the mercenaries that now occupy the massive living area, and grab a wine glass. You fill it to the brim before grabbing a cigarette, lighting it, then taking a seat at the dinner table.
Yeah, Lloyd hates you smoking in the house, but you think you’ve earned a pass for the next few days.
“I thought you quit,” Lloyd sighs, coming into the kitchen and pouring himself a glass of scotch.
“Well, our son is upstairs fighting for his life, so I figured I’d really commit for a while,” you mutter before taking a drag from it.
“Just say it,” he says as he takes a seat across from you.
“Say what?”
“This is my fault.”
“I’m not gonna throw you a fucking pity party, Lloyd,” you chuckle humorlessly, “not right now.”
“If this wasn’t my job-”
“If this wasn’t your job, if I hadn’t been working, if I hadn’t left my credit card out, if I hadn’t had my blinds closed, they’re a lot of fucking ‘if’s so don’t sit here and try to get me to blame you. I may be a cunt, but I’m not that fucking petty.”
“I blamed you.” “That’s because you’re a fucking asshole.” “Y/N-” “Lloyd, I don’t wanna fucking do this with you. I haven’t felt this terrible since you were in that fucking coma-”
“That’s why you never came by?”
“God, you are such a dick,” you scoff. “I was in that fucking hospital all day, every day, until you got out of that coma. When they tried to tell me I had to leave, I punched a male nurse in the face. Don’t fucking sit here and try to tell me how much I do or don’t love you, because you have no fucking idea. You can’t even begin to fathom how much you truly mean to me. How much you’ve always meant to me.”
“Then why not take me back? Why not make this work?”
You knew it was coming.
“Lloyd-” “Answer the question, Y/N. You’ve been dodging it for four years-”
“I haven’t dodged shit!”
“You haven’t fucking answered it!” “You really wanna fucking do this today?!”
“You’re already here!”
“Fine. You wanna know why we can’t just “work this out”? Because fuck you! It’s not even the fucking job! It’s you! Nothing is ever enough for you! There can never be a conversation, you just have to be right all the time! You just have to know every single fucking thing! No one else can ever be right! I love you! I love you to the point that I made myself miserable for the last two years of our marriage so that you could be happy! I had two fucking miscarriages, Lloyd! TWO! You wanna sit here and fucking tell me that I’m so selfish? That I’m a cunt?! You have no room to fucking talk! I have given you everything I have in me, and it wasn’t enough for you! I wasn’t enough for you! You are Travis’ hero, and it’s not enough for you! You have a higher kill count than anyone in the fucking agency, and it is STILL NOT ENOUGH! You’re hurt?! You’re wounded?! You and Travis are my entire universe and you still don’t fucking get it! You think that I don’t know you’re a fucking lunatic?! You think I don’t know that you have a couple of screws loose?! I LOVE YOU ANYWAY, YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE! I love you and you keep missing the point! I was never expecting roses and warm hugs everyday from you, but I expected you to at least meet half way sometimes! But you never fucking did,” you sob. “Then you, being the piece of shit you are, went and fucking cheated, and you know what? I’ll take responsibility for that. I pushed you away and took away the one thing you really needed: affection. Fine, I’m a bitch and it’s all my fault. However, you couldn’t just let it be a clean split, could you? No, because Lloyd Hansen can never just accept the things he doesn’t like, can he? You just have to be a dick about it. The texts, the fucking phone calls, the blatant lack of respect for me at all! Yet, I’m always defending you to Travis. Making excuses as to why you miss his birthday parties, why you aren’t able to go to his soccer games, why you can’t go on the family camping trips, just to make sure you’re still a god in his eyes! Now, after all the shit that’s happened, you’re gonna fucking sit here and tell me that I wasn’t at the hospital while you were in that fucking coma?! You’re gonna fucking try and tell me about shit you don’t even know about?! You know they were going to let you fucking die?! They were just gonna stop working on you and I threatened each and every one of those fuckers, because a world without you in it, is a world I don’t wanna fucking live in for whatever reason! You wanna know why can’t we work things out?! Because of you! The issue has always been you! So don’t fucking sit here, being all self righteous, like I haven’t done my absolute best to make you happy since this shit show started!” you yell, ashing your cigarette on his table, because fuck him.
Lloyd says nothing, but he looks at you as if he wants to throw you across the room. Whether it’s because you ashed your cigarette on the table or because of what you said, you’re not really sure. Instead, he gets up and storms out, knocking a chair over on his way out.
You don’t know why you took the bait. You knew he was picking a fight because he feels like shit, and he needed you to yell at him. He knows how to push all the right buttons at the worse time, so when you didn’t yell at him for Travis, of course the failed marriage was the next best bet. You know he blames and hates himself for everything, but Lloyd doesn’t know how to vocalize feeling like shit or failure. That’s why you feel so fucking special when he apologizes for anything, because he never apologizes to anyone for anything.
Maybe Travis if he feels especially bad about something.
However, you took it too far this time.
It’s not like anything you said was wrong, but you didn’t have to be so fucking harsh. God, he didn’t even know about the fucking miscarriages. Yes, Lloyd Hansen is a complete and total asshole, but he’s also the love of your life. There’s a way to go about everything, and you screaming at him wasn’t the way to go about that. Yeah, he needs to feel like an asshole because it fuels his...whatever the fuck is wrong with him, but all of that at once...that wasn’t the way to do it.
You’re slow to finish off your wine before slowly making your way upstairs to his bedroom, and the scene in front of you shocks the hell out of you.
He’s sitting on the bed and crying.
To this day, you’re convinced that Lloyd Hansen has never cried, not even as a baby. Out of pure stubbornness. Sure, his voice has cracked a total of two times since you’ve known him, but hes never actually cried. As far as he’s concerned, crying is a sign of weakness. Sure, you can cry because you’re a woman, but Lloyd? He’d never dream of it. He’d get shot in the dick before he’d cry, let alone let someone else actually see it happening.
“I’m sorry, Huckleberry,” you sigh, closing the door behind you as enter the room. “I took it too far-”
“It’s what I fucking deserve.”
“Stop it. Don’t do this to yourself, not right now.”
“I was a horrible husband and I’m a horrible Father-” “No you aren’t,” you tell him softly as you stand in front of him.
“Don’t, Y/N. Don’t fucking stand there and tell me-” “Travis couldn’t have a better Father, honey. All you’re doing for him, all you’re going to do for him, it’s more than any other parent would do. Us? It’s not like all parts of our relationship were awful.” “I didn’t make it easy,” he sniffs as he wipe his nose with the back of his hand.
“I was able to give you a run for your money from time to time,” you chuckle and he scoffs as he wraps his arms around your waist. “I never stopped loving you, Lloyd-”
“Why? There’s no use cause we both know I’m not worth loving,” he questions as he looks up at you. “Because,” you smile down at him as you caress the side of his face, “you’re my Huckleberry.”
Two fools. You two have always been a pair of fucking fools.
“Lloyd,” you moan as he kisses your hip and unbuttons your jeans.
“Don’t tell me ‘no’, Hummingbird. Please, not when I need you so much,” he begs as he pulls your jeans and panties down.
“We shouldn’t...fuck! Baby!” you whimper as he starts to massage your clit with his tongue. “God, you’re so fucking good at that!”
“Always taste so fucking good,” he mutters as he easily slides two fingers into your dripping pussy.
“Oh God...fuck!”
“I’m gonna destroy this perfect little cunt, Hummingbird,” he promises as he fucks you faster with his fingers.
“Please,” is all you can get out as you grip his hair.
He resumes his assault on your clit with his tongue, before pulling on it with his lips and sucking on it. You grip his shoulder tight as you try and hang on and ignore all of the voices in your head telling you this is a terrible idea.
You know it’s a terrible idea, for a million reasons, but right now you just need him. You’ve been without his touch for so long and now, you just need his love. You need him to make you feel okay, because everything is happening so fast at once.
“I’m so fucking...ah, ah, AH SHIT!” you cry out as you coat the lower half of his face and fingers with your release.
“I’ve missed you, Hummingbird, and God, you still get so fucking wet for me,” he husks as he removes his fingers and sucks your essence off of them. The groan that leaves his mouth somehow makes you even more feral. “Take that fucking shirt off, let me see you,” demands softly as he takes off his own shirt.
Who the hell are you to disobey?
Instantly, you’re taking off your shirt and bra, and you can’t help but feel a little prideful at the way he marvels at you. After all this time, he still looks at you as if he’s never seen anymore more beautiful in his life.
“Gonna make you feel so good, Hummingbird,” he promises as he grips you tight and whips you onto the bed.
“I need you. I always fucking need you,” you whimper as you undo his belt buckle, getting fed up when you can’t stop fumbling with the damn thing, so you just force them down.
“Do you still love me?” he asks as thrusts himself inside of you, never breaking eye contact with you.
“Fuck!” you gasp, grabbing at nothing as relish in the pleasurable sting you’ve gone so long without. “It’s only ever been you for me! I’ll love you forever!”
“I love you, Hummingbird,” he broods as he fucks you harder and faster.
You feel like you’re on a cloud. Yes, you’ve had other relationships and hookups since Lloyd, but no one knows your body like he does. He knows all the right angles, what positions make you wild for him, and how to get you where you’re always desperate to be.
Lloyd knows you better than everyone else in every way.
“Don’t know how I’ve gone so long without you,” he groans as he pins your hands above your head, entwining his fingers with yours.
“I...I love you so much,” you whimper as you wrap your legs around him, grinding your hips against his. “On...only one for me!”
“Taking me so fucking well...fuck, this is still the best little snatch, baby! So fuckin’ wet!” he mumbles as he forces himself upright and forces himself deeper.
“OH MY GOD!” “Fuck! Squeezing me so damn tight!”
“Lloyd...I...I...holy shit!” you cry out with tears streaming down your face as you turn your head away.
“Look me, Hummingbird,” he demands gruffly, “wanna see your fucking face when you...fuck!”
“Please...need to...need to- FUCK!” you scream as you squirt hard and you pray this isn’t the first thing Travis hears if hes woken up.
“JESUS...FUCK!” Lloyd exclaims as he fills you, collapsing on top of you, releasing your hands as you wrap your arms around him.
Fuck, you’ve missed him.
“You tired?” he asks as he sits up and you both catch your breaths.
“Not even close.” “Such a good girl,” he smirks as he pulls out and flips you over, “cause we’re just getting started.”
Two fucking fools.
Once again, you know it’s a terrible idea, but you can’t and don’t want to stop. For as terrible as he is, Lloyd has always been your home. He’s always understood you, always accepted you as you are, always loved you, and has never made you feel less than. In his world, no one is worth saving or loving. No one except you. Besides the fact that he can easily give you orgasm after orgasm, he’s your person. He’s your person and your best fucking friend. Nothing feels right until Lloyd’s back in your life.
He’s nothing but chaos, but he’s the only way your world makes any sense.
“Daddy...too much! Can’t-” “Yes you can,” he grunts as he fucks you hard from behind, slapping your ass, hard. “This bed has never been so fucking wet!”
“Please...need to...oh my GOD, don’t fucking stop!” you whimper as you strangle the pillows.
Well, the ones that are left.
“Still such a filthy little thing! Still a dirty little Hummingbird?” “Only for you, daddy!”
“Fuck! Go ahead, fucking make a mess!”
“JESUS!” you scream as your arms give out and you make a mess for him, just like he loves.
“Good fuckin’ girl,” he praises as he fills you, pulling out just to watch the mixture of your juices run down your leg. “Best little cream hole.”
“Lloyd,” you whine as you lay down.
“I know, you’re tired, Hummingbird,” he coos as he smooths his hand over your ass before slapping it again.
“We’re done, I promise,” he laughs as he gets off the bed, “I’ll take care of you.”
He goes into the bathroom and you get comfortable as you settle under the covers, ignoring how wet the sheets are because of you.
“You okay?” he asks, coming back with a wet towel so he can clean you up.
He came on every part of your body, so it’s honestly the least he can do.
“It’s been a while, but I can still handle you, Hansen,” you giggle as you try and keep your eyes open.
“Sleep,” he urges as he gets in bed next to you and holds you close.
“You’re not sleeping.”
“I have work to do.”
“I’ll work with you.”
“You’ll never stop being stubborn, will you?”
“Nope,” you smile as he starts laughing. “That’s why you love me, Huckleberry.”
“And I’ll never stop.”
“Thank you, Lloyd. For coming home early and...being here-” “The fact that you have to thank me for that proves just how much of terrible-”
“Stop it, Lloyd,” you hum as you lay your head on his chest. “Even if you weren’t always the best husband, you are the best Father. I love you.”
“You need to rest.”
“You need to rest.”
“I will. For now, just take a nap, at most.”
“You’re a good Father, Lloyd. You’re a good man,” you promise with a yawn.
As you rest, once again feeling safe and loved, you hope you’re providing for him the same feeling he gives you.
You hope that he feels the same peace you do.
Lloyd’s P.O.V
“How’d they get the Virgin Mary to leave her dorm?” I laughed as I stumbled a little, approaching you with his red Solo cup in hand.
“Leave me alone, Hansen,” you slurred as you leaned against the counter to stay upright.
“Well, the poet-”
“Lloyd, I am not like every other girl here. I’m not impressed with all the shit you can quote from dead old guys. Go...go away.”
“Let me impress you with something else then,” I smirked before I got on my knees and lifted up your dress.
“Lets see if that tongue is as impressive as all the girls say,” you shrugged before you took a sip of your drink.
The challenge was more than accepted.
Before you could bitch about me ripping your panties off my tongue fucking that perfect little honeypot between your legs.
“Oh fuck!”
And I’ve been addicted ever since.
I half expected you to stop me. Yeah, you were drunk, but that didn’t change the fact that you hated me. The fact that you actually let me eat you out in the kitchen at a frat party, blew my fucking mind. Letting me carry you up the stairs into my room?
I was sure I was dreaming.
“Oh my God!” you moaned as I fucked into relentlessly. “Never felt so fucking...never felt so fucking good! Never felt so full!” you whimpered as you clawed at my back.
“Yeah? Never been stretched this good?” I chuckled as I looked at this blissed out mess that you were.
“N-no, daddy! Oh...feels so...fuck, LLOYD!” you cried out as you came hard, messing up my sheets, and I had no choice but to follow your lead.
You and that fucking pussy of yours.
“I’m gonna go,” you panted after a moment.
Usually that would’ve been fine with me, but I waited so fucking long for you and before I could stop myself-
“Just stay. You’re too drunk and you’re already in a bed-”
“No point in leaving, Hummingbird,” I shrugged as if it was no big deal.
It’s funny to me to this day that you’ve never asked about that nickname, you just accepted it. Yeah, later on, I found out you love hummingbirds, but that had nothing to do with the nickname.
It was one of the first things that attracted me to you.
You were so fucking quiet in High School. You never said a thing unless you were around your friends or teachers called on you, and made sure to keep it that way no matter what.
You hummed a lot though.
Whether it was something you came up with, or your favorite song, you were always humming. You tried to keep it to yourself, but if anyone listened close enough, they’d hear you.
I always heard you.
It’s not like I ever fucking meant to pay attention to you, but once you had my attention...that was the end of it. There was no point in talking to you when we were in High School, because I already knew you wouldn’t give me the time of day. I figured we’d run into each other whenever either of us came home from college and I’d make my move then. So, imagine my fucking surprise when we got into the same damn college.
Maybe that’s why I worked so damn hard. College was a fresh start, but you were already wise to my bullshit and that’s fair. However, I wanted you and I wasn’t about to give up. Then, I saw you dancing with Tina in the living room and you looked so fucking happy and carefree. You looked so fucking perfect so, of course, I was determined to destroy every part of the goodness in you.
My plan was to fuck you and leave you begging and desperate, but that’s not what happened, is it? You made me beg for you and it pissed me the fuck off.
I woke up and you were gone.
Granted, you’re the only person I’ve had to chase after or even wanted to, but of course it made me want you more. You didn’t need or want a single fucking thing from me, you weren’t impressed by my football status, you didn’t care about my grades, and you sure as fuck didn’t care about the fact that every woman on campus wanted me. You truly were solely focused on your schoolwork.
So, of course, I had to fuck that up after going too long without your attention.
That was the problem though, wasn’t it?
After only one night, I needed more of it. More of you. I tried to not think about you, how you felt, the sounds that left your mouth, or the way you held onto me like your life depended on it. I tried to to not need you, but after two weeks without, I knew I was fucked. Hell, I knew it after the first damn day.
So, I talked you into a date. God, you were so fucking annoying about it.
“I’ll pick you up at 6 and we’ll head over to-” “I hope you don’t think we’re leaving this fucking campus,” you scoffed as you started to pack up your books.
“Why the fuck would you want our first date-” “I don’t care about how much fucking money you have, Lloyd. You want my attention? Earn it. Fancy restaurants and a nice car aren’t going to get you anywhere with me, Huckleberry,” you smirked at me. “See you at the cafeteria on Friday at 6,” you stated plainly before walking away.
Of course you made me work for it. It was stupid for me to think this would be simple, because if it had been, I wouldn’t have wanted you. From day one, you’ve always been a challenge and I’m nothing but a fucking sucker for a good challenge.
However, soon enough, you became more than that to me. Before I knew it, my entire life revolved around you. I needed you by my side on campus, I needed you cheering me on at football games, I needed your opinion on everything, I needed to be in your space at all times...
I was in love with you.
I never imagined falling in love, because I never believed in it. Yeah, my parents have been married for over 30 years, but it’s a sham. They’re both equally terrible to each other, so why the hell should I believe anything between them is real? So, when it came to you, I was skeptical, because why wouldn’t I be?
To this day, I still find it funny how much you didn’t wanna love me back. You tried to fight it so hard, but every date I asked you on (and I stress asked you on, because you were such a fucking brat about it), you never turned down. Soon enough, you were just as in love with me as I was with you. That makes me the asshole though, doesn’t it though?
I never told you that I had been talking to Denny about the CIA since Freshman year. Every time I tried, we were having a good day. The little trips I would surprise you with, the impromptu study sessions I couldn’t get you to take a break from, the weekend dinners with your parents...there was just never a good time.
Then, I finally told you, and it was a fucking shit show.
“Where are you going?” I sighed as you got out of my bed.
“Back to my fucking dorm, like I told you.” “Hummingbird-”
“We fucked, Lloyd. We fucked like we always do, it doesn’t change shit.”
“I don’t see what you’re so fucking mad-”
“YOU COMPLETE ASSHOLE!” you shouted at me, finally looking at me, “I fucking love you and you know that! And what does that love get me? A sociopathic asshole!
“Do you want me to pull you back into bed and-”
“We can’t fuck this problem away, Lloyd! You kept this from me and now-”
“You know that I’m more than capable-” “I LOVE YOU! YOU FORCED YOUR WAY INTO MY LIFE AND I LOVE YOU MORE THAN I HAVE LOVED ANYTHING OR ANYONE....you know what? Fuck you. You’re a fucking piece of shit and you can go fuck yourself,” you scoffed as you toed on your sandals.
It’s not like you were wrong.
“You know that I’d never-”
“Lloyd, I can’t have this argument with you and I don’t fucking feel like it. You wanna fucking join the CIA? Then go ahead.”
“Why are you-”
“You piece of shit! What if you get seriously hurt?! What if you don’t make it back to me?! You expect me to just be okay? You think I’ll just live on and love again? Fuck you!”
“Don’t be so fucking dramatic!”
“I swear, I fucking hate you!” you yelled before storming out.
That should’ve been enough, shouldn’t it? I should’ve thrown it all away and made you the center of my world, but you’re right.
It’s never enough for me.
I got you to forgive and then marry me, and it was the happiest moment of my life at the time. I should’ve told Denny I wasn’t going to join him, but that wouldn’t have been in my nature, would it? Since I knew you weren’t leaving, I ignored what you wanted. I knew I could keep you safe, so I did whatever I wanted. Of course I noticed you getting fed up with my shit, but I was always able to reel you back in, so it didn’t phase me.
I was getting my way and that’s what mattered.
Then you got pregnant.
“Jesus, I know I don’t matter to you, Lloyd, but-”
“Fuck you! You know you’re my entire world!”
“Yeah okay,” you scoffed as you poured yourself a glass of orange juice, “it’s not just about me anymore though-” “I’ve kept you safe for all these years-” “We’re having a fucking baby, Lloyd! We are bringing a child into this world! You can’t always-” “I’ll never let anything happen to you or our child!”
“Whatever,” you laughed as you opened the door to the patio. “Keep fucking thinking you’re God for as long as you want, but you’re fucking us all over in the end. Fuck you.”
Of course you ended up being right, because fuck you.
Travis was born and he was perfect. How could he not be? He’s a fucking Hansen. At first, everything was perfect and you seemed to calm down a bit. Then, my missions got more dangerous, you couldn’t go out when you wanted, Travis rarely ever left the house, and then came the great debate of him being home schooled.
“You’ve lost your fucking mind if you think our son is being fucking home schooled,” I chuckled incredulously.
“What else do you want?! If I can barely leave the house-”
“He needs to have some sense of normalcy!”
“I swear to God! I can’t go to the fucking grocery store without someone fucking watching me, but our son can happily go to Kindergarten? What fucking sense does that make to you, Lloyd?!”
“I’m fucking trying-”
“No, if you were trying, you’d quit your fucking job!”
“Don’t start that shit!”
“I’m tired of excuses! I’m tired of all this-”
“Mama!” Travis called from his bedroom, and I could tell he was having one of his night terrors.
“I’ll go-”
“He said ‘Mama’, ‘not absentee Father’,” you sighed as you put your wine glass down.
“That’s not fair!”
“Don’t,” you laughed as you walked away from me, “don’t fucking try and tell me about what’s fair and what isn’t. You made me love you just enough to accept a life that’s total and complete bullshit.”
That’s when it started to fall apart. Two fucking miscarriages? Those arguments are starting to make a lot more fucking sense.
“Lloyd, you were gone for almost a month. Travis still young! You can’t just keep-” “Can you not use our son as a weapon against me?! Besides, why stay around when you refuse to try again for another child?!”
“Fucking watch it!” he growled as you reached for a wine glass.
“All you fucking do is drink wine and smoke! You’re fucking moody or crying all the fucking time-” “Lloyd, I swear to God!” you screamed, as you opened the bottle and almost filled your glass. “Shut your fucking mouth about shit you don’t fucking know about!” “Well, if you’d just fucking talk to me-” “YOU’RE NEVER FUCKING HERE ANYMORE!” you screamed before you stormed out.
The sleeping in separate rooms, not talking to one another, arguments over the dumbest things, finding reasons to avoid one another...
I was losing you.
I couldn’t really blame you though, could I? Because it was all me. I was the one unwilling to compromise, because I need to be in control all the time. So, I pretended that I didn’t see the issues, and pretended to not understand that I was the fucking problem. Then, my pretending turned into resentment, because how could it not? You were the only person in my life to make me feel any normalcy or love, and then you just took it from me. You took it like it was nothing.
So, since you hurt me, I had no choice but to hurt you.
Yeah, I remembered what you said about cheating, but I was so sure that I could get you to stay, because I always could in the past. I never wanted you to leave, I just wanted to grab your attention again. I hated every second of it, because she wasn’t you.
She wasn’t my home.
For all my clever thinking, I knew it was over the second I walked through the door. The look on your face let me know that you were still hurting from our last argument, and you didn’t even look a little excited to see me. However, I’ve never lied to you and I wasn’t about to start then.
I was so angry with you for filing for the divorce, because I didn’t want to acknowledge that it was my fault. Nothing can ever be my fault because I’m a god, right?
So, because you refused to back down, I of course had to be a piece of shit about it. I knew the phone calls and texts were hurting you, but I told myself it was worth it because you hurt me. Because I’m a selfish fuck, and that’s a fact that’s not lost on either of us. I would see it in your eyes when you would drop Travis off, but you’ve always been too good for me and never said anything.
Then you started dating.
“So, you’re just bringing our son around anyone?” I bit once Travis ran into your house.
“I don’t wanna argue with you, Lloyd,” you sighed, clearly tired of the back and forth we constantly went through. “How was he this week?”
“You’re dating a fucking lawyer?”
“It’s only been two dates. Why are you having me followed?”
“So that I know you’re safe.”
“Lloyd, you can’t keep doing this-”
“Just come back to-”
“I’m sorry, didn’t you call me last week so I could hear you fucking two other women? Hearing you command them and telling them what positions you wanted them in?”
“You know-” “I don’t tell you how to live your fucking life, even when you go out of your way to hurt me, so don’t start telling me I can’t try to fucking move on,” you snapped as your eyes started to water.
Why can’t I ever put my fucking ego and pride aside? Why do I always have to hurt the one person who makes living worth while?
“Are you seeing him again?”
“It’s really not any of your business. Now, how was Travis?”
“He wants to know when his Mother became such a fucking whore.”
“God, you are such an asshole! See you next fucking week!” you cried before you slammed the door shut.
As always, I took it too far.
“What?” you sobbed when you answered the phone later that night.
I’m such a fucking asshole.
“I’m sor-” “Save it, Lloyd. You always go out of your way to hurt me, then fucking apologize.”
“I love you.” “Don’t. Just don’t, okay? I am trying my hardest to get all of this shit right, you’re always going on some fucking mission-”
“I miss you.”
“You can’t keep doing this to me, Lloyd,” you sobbed. “I’m not some fucking toy that you can just play with-” “Just come back to me, I’ll make changes-”
“Will you quit your job?”
“If you’re not quitting, we really don’t have anything else to discuss.”
“We have everything left to discuss.”
“Why is that?”
“Because I’m your Huckleberry and I love you.” “Then why don’t you treat me better?” you asked before you hung up.
It’s not like it wasn’t a fair fucking question. You give me everything and I give you bare minimum. It’s not lost on me that you’re more than I deserve, but if I could just stop trying to control everything all the fucking time...stop trying to control you, this could work. I can’t though, can I? There are just parts of me that won’t change. Not really for lack of trying, but it’s embedded into my system at this point.
I couldn’t stop myself from looking into the guys you were dating, secretly threatening them, and watching what you were up to. No, I never told you, but I knew you knew you. The scowl on your face whenever you saw me let me know that you knew. It’s not like you ever said anything to stop it though, so you clearly didn’t have a problem with it. We’re complete fucking fools for one another, so knowing that I was desperate for and needed you, made you just as happy as it made to know that you were still in love with me.
Even if you refused to say it out loud.
It’s not like you ever took getting back together off the table, you still wear the Hummingbird necklace I got you after our third date, and I know that you love me just as much as I love you. If I can get my shit together, I know you’ll take me back, but I need you to compromise. It’s not fair to ask of you, but I can’t just give all of this up. It’s the only thing that keeps me normal around you. Yeah, you accept me flaws and all, but you deserve better.
I want you to have better.
“What?” I ask as a soft knock breaks me out of my thoughts.
I know I told you I was going to work, but leaving your side...it’s been so long since I’ve had you like this, and I just can’t pull myself away from you until I have to.
“They found the guys,” a mercenary tells me as he opens the door softly.
“Alive or dead?” “Alive. They’re in the cellar.”
“I’ll be down there in a minute.”
As I go to get out of bed, your grip on me gets tighter, “It’s okay, Hummingbird.”
“Where..what’s going on?”
“You sleep. We’ll talk about it later.”
“He hasn’t woken up.” “Lloyd-”
“Rest, Hummingbird,” I encourage before I press a kiss into your hair.
“I love you, Lloyd,” you tell me lazily.
“I love you too, Hummingbird.”
In a matter of seconds, you’re back to sleep and it makes me melt all over again. I know we’re not together anymore, and I know it’s my fault, but having you like this...I’m going going to fix all of this.
First, I’m going to make sure Travis is okay, then I’m gonna make you mine again.
I’ll never lose you again.
Y/N’s P.O.V
You’re awoken by your phone buzzing on the floor. You roll around for a bit, trying to regain consciousness, before feeling around on the floor for your pants, and fishing your phone out of your pocket.
In all the chaos, you’d forgotten all about what Lloyd said. You checked the time and saw that it was 10pm, and you’re sure shes been calling you for a while.
You take a deep breath before answering, “hey.” “Hey is everything okay?! I’ve been calling-” “Yeah no, I’m just exhausted. I’m honestly even sure what day it is at this point.”
“I can come over another day-” “No, it’s fine. You seemed like you really needed to talk to me.” “Yeah, I’ll head over now-”
“I’m at Lloyd’s. He feels better having both Travis and I close after everything.” “Oh,” is all she responds with.
God, please don’t let Lloyd be right about this.
“I’ll let him know you’re coming by. Do you remember the address?”
“Yeah, I’ll see you in a bit,” she responds softly before hanging up.
You’re slow to get dressed as you go over what happened just a few hours ago, and what’s about to happen. How can so much happen in such little time? Literally everything was fine and then in an instant, your entire world is flipped upside down and falling apart.
And how did you respond? By fucking your ex-husband.
What now? You know him well enough to know that this isn’t going to be a one and done kind of thing. It’s not like he didn’t know that you never stopped loving him, but now you’ve let him in again. Physically, emotionally, and intimately. So, he’s gonna try and work his way back in, which isn’t even the main issue. The real issue is that you want to let him back in.
You’ve missed him so damn much and he’s been amazing (for the most part) about handling all that’s going on. You want to fall asleep in his arms again, you want his kisses to wake you up in the morning, you want everyone in one fucking house again, you want to be with your soulmate again.
Being with Lloyd is the only thing that makes you feel sane.
There’s his job though. He’s not going to quit, and it’s clearly not getting any safer. It’s not lost on you that Travis is across the hall fighting for his life, because someone wanted revenge on Lloyd. However, it’s also not lost on you how much more protective he’s going to be over the both of you now.
Why can’t any of this shit be easy?
To make everything all that much more complicated, even if it turns out that Tina isn’t responsible for the hell you’re currently in, Lloyd has decided that she is and he isn’t going to change his mind. From the tone in her voice, you already know she’s coming over with a fully loaded gun, and the last thing you need is for a fucking gunfight to break out where your child is currently laying unconscious. Something you wouldn’t put past either of them, because when they’re both angry enough, they’re both unreachable.
And Lloyd is way past furious.
You scoff when you notice all the feathers all over the floor from one of the pillows you both destroyed. In your defense, if he hadn’t been fucking you completely senseless, while biting and sucking on the hollow part of your neck (which he knows makes you crazy), then you wouldn’t have started clawing at the pillows so fucking hard.
You quietly exit the room and make your way to Travis’ room, where he’s still unconscious.
“Has there been any change at all?” you ask the new doctor sitting next to his bedside.
The one who gave Lloyd her card. Great.
“No, but that’s not a bad thing. His vital signs are good and nothings happened to cause any alarm. We just have to wait and see when he’ll wake up.”
“If he’ll wake up,” you sigh as you walk over to the bed and take his hand in yours, “I love you, sweetie. Your Dad and I love you so much,” you promise softly, fighting back tears. “I’ll be back in a bit to check on him,” you nod towards to the doctor as you let go of Travis’ hand.
With that, you leave the room and close the door behind you. You want the both of them to hear as little as possible.
Once you’re finally downstairs, you only see half the mercenaries in the living area, which means work is being done. You look out the window and see that Lloyd’s car is still home, because he likes to drive himself when he’s angry. He likes to piss people off while driving, so they’ll get out and wanna fight, and  he beats the shit out of them and gets his anger out that way.
Like you’ve told him before, it’s not lost on you that he’s a lunatic.
But where the hell is he? You know he wouldn’t do anything in the backyard, and it’s not even because he’s afraid of someone seeing. It would get too messy, and it’ll drive him insane. Same with the garage. Lloyd needs everything to be clean and neat at all times.
Well, almost at all times.
“Where’s Lloyd?” you finally ask one of the mercenaries.
“He told us-” “Where is he?” you demand more than ask again, cocking an eyebrow.
“You know, you really have to ask yourself, how crazy someone has to be to marry Lloyd Hansen. What could they be capable of?” you warn with a growl. “Now, where is he?”
“He’s downstairs, in the cellar,” the poor man quickly explains as he points towards the direction it’s in.
Since when has there been a fucking cellar? Then again, it has been a few years since you’ve been in this house.
“Thank you,” you smile sweetly before turning and making your way to the door.
The second you open it, you can tell that a lot of people have been killed down here. It’s the one part of the house that isn’t painted, the lights are flickering, the walls are stone, there’s no carpeting, it’s cold, and they’re dried blood smears on the wall.
It’s downright terrifying.
The closer you get to the bottom step, the more you regret your decision to search for Lloyd. Yes, you know what he does for a living, but this is the first time you’ve actually seen this part of his life. While hes never hidden anything from you (since you chewed him out in college), hes also never shown you this side of him. The unhinged side? Yes. The murdering side? No.
You quickly start making your way down the hall, and the closer you get to the end of it, the louder the grunts become. As you walked past the other closed doors, you don’t even want to begin to think about what goes on in them.
“You know,” you hear Lloyd chuckle menacingly, “my torture process is usually a lot worse than this, but making you bleed is just too damn fun. “Please-”
“Where the fuck is Andrew?!” he shouts, and you’re more than sure hes punched the man in the face.
You knock softly on the door and get me with a gruff, “What?!”
“It’s me” you respond softly.
“Be right back, Pork Chop,” you hear Lloyd breathe.
Soon enough, he’s opening the door and you the sight of him has you wet almost instantly. His hair is wild and some of it matted to his forehead, his knuckles are covered in blood, he’s breathing heavy, they’re beads of sweat on his forehead, and he’s dressed tight fitting all black clothes, with black loafers to match.
The fact that he also looks so wild and feral has you ready to jump on him and fuck him in front of everyone. Maybe you are just as unhinged as him.
“Is everything okay, Hummingbird?” he asks softly as he cleans off his hands with a white cloth.
What the hell did you come down here for? Oh, yeah, that.
“Tina is on her way here.” “Talk to her down here in that room,” he sighs, pointing at the room two doors down.
“I know I’ve done things that have hurt you in the past, but its never been anything on this scale. I wouldn’t do this if I wasn’t sure. I don’t want to take anything else from you, but she has to go. I can’t forgive this. The only reason she isn’t dead yet is out of courtesy towards you,” he mutters, fury burning in his eyes.
“She’ll want to know why I wanna talk to her down here.” “Tell her it’s in case you two start yelling at each other. This cellar is soundproof.”
“Lloyd...are you sure?” “Do you trust me?”
“I always have.” “Then trust me on this,” he assures you softly.
You can’t help but find it funny that he can switch his attitude so fast when you’re around.
“How will you know...?”
“They’re a million little tricks I’ve put down here. I won’t be far at all.” “Just...let her at least explain her side of it. Hear her out and then, if you still think...”
“Hummingbird-” “Lloyd, please. I’ve been through hell these last few hours? Days? I can barely tell which way is up at this point. If you’re going to kill my best friend, I at least want her to have a fair chance,” you sigh.
“Fine,” he agrees begrudgingly.
You resist the urge to kiss him before going to leave, when he grabs your wrist, pulls you close, and kisses you passionately.
You swear you can kiss him all fucking day.
“I’ll be close by, okay?” he breathes once you two break apart, before turning his attention to back to everyone else in the room.
You honestly forgot about them.
“Hook the cables up to his chair,” he demands, his tone authoritative and menacing like he hadn’t sweet with you seconds ago. “If I can’t beat an answer out of him, maybe I can freeze it out him. I want it on the highest setting until I get back, you understand me?”
“Yes, Mr. Hansen,” one of the mercenaries answer, “what about the other man?” “See if survived the waterboarding. If he did, see if you can get him to talk. If he won’t, break his ankles and shoot him in his knee caps,” Lloyd shrugs before closing the door.
Of all the times for you to be turned on.
“I’m sure she’ll be here soon, Hummingbird. You should get upstairs.”
“Lloyd, you promise-”
“I swear to you, I’ll be fucking fair. You may not like the outcome, but I’ll wait and hear her out.”
“Thank you.”
Your heart is heavy as you turn and start on your way back down the hall and up the stairs. You believe Lloyd when he says you’ll hear her out, but when he’s this sure about something, you know it’ll take a miracle to change his mind. If he were the one who got attacked because of her actions, he truly wouldn’t care, but hes always known how to outsmart her and hit her where it hurts. However, it was an attack on you and Travis, and he’s having a hard time not seeing red.
As soon as you reach the top step, you hear the doorbell.
Here we go.
“Hey,” she greets you with a warm smile and a hug, which return, since it’ll probably be the last one you ever give her. “How’s Travis?”
“There hasn’t been a change, the doctor is upstairs with him right now.” “Is there anything I can do to help?”
“For now, it’s just a waiting game,” you smile weakly. “Lets have this talk down in the cellar. Lloyd’s working down there anyway, so he’s not gonna be around, and it’s soundproof. If we start yelling, and I have a feeling we will, I don’t want everyone hearing. One of the mercenaries might tell Lloyd, and he’s already hot headed-” “When isn’t he?” she scoffs.
“Tina.” “I’m sorry, that was a low blow. His son is...I’m sorry,” she sighs. “Lets go,” she smiles weakly.
You two make your way down the steps in silence, and when you reach the room Lloyd told you to go to, you hear gun shots followed by the most agonizing scream you’ve ever heard.
Guess that guy didn’t talk.
“So, what’s up? What happened?” you ask as she closes the door behind the both of you.
“Just...we’ve been through a lot, Y/N. So, please just hear me out.”
Fucking great.
“What happened, Tina?” you sigh, your hands on your hips because you’re already exhausted.
“What happened to Travis....what almost happened to you...it wasn’t supposed-” “The fuck does that mean?!”
“They weren’t supposed to go after you! Lloyd was the fucking target and they had been tailing him. He was supposed to be back on the day that everything happened, but when he wasn’t back, they decided to-” “Are you fucking shitting me?! WHAT THE FUCK?!”
“It wasn’t...listen, how much do you know about Prague?” “Lets not fucking talk about Prague,” you laugh incredulously as you start to pace.
“I’m sorry, but if we don’t, you won’t get it-”
“I’m never going to get it, because you know how much I love him! You saw how I reacted when-”
“He killed Suzanne!”
“Tina, you better be fucking kidding me,” you scoff in disbelief. “You wanted the love of my life killed, because he killed your revenge girlfriend?!”
“She wasn’t-” “Don’t fucking say she wasn’t! You started dating Suzanne to get back at Denny! You couldn’t stand her just as much he couldn’t! She tried to kill Lloyd, and almost did, and he killed her instead! It’s his fault that he’s good at his job?! You saw how broken up I was when he almost died! All the hell I went through, the panic attacks, the sleepless nights, trying to take care of Travis-”
“Lloyd killed a girl-”
“BECAUSE IT WAS HIS JOB!” you shout at her. “Jesus, I know that he’s a prick, but you and I both know that when it comes to work, he does what needs to be done no matter how bad he may or may not feel about it later. It’s not like he goes out of his fucking way to kill kids! No, this is about your fucking bruised ego. Denny fell out of love with you, Lloyd kicked you out of his office when you got hysterical, and you felt humiliated. Did you forget that I’m your best fucking friend and you told me all of this?!”
“So what? You put out a hit on him and it fucking backfired? No surprise there,” you mutter.
“Don’t be fucking cruel!”
“I’m sorry, my son is fighting for his life and I was almost killed! YOU DON’T GET TO TELL ME NOT TO BE CRUEL!”
“Y/N-” “What happened, Tina?!”
“I met Andrew at bar and I had seen him around because of work,” she sighs, running an exasperated hand through her hair. “We had a few drinks, we got to talking, and we realized that we have a common enemy-”
“Lloyd. You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me,” you laugh humorlessly.
“I only gave him Lloyd’s information and he had his guys follow him around-”
“Tina...fuck you,” you laugh, “fuck you for all of this!”
“He was supposed to be-”
“Y/N...babe, I’m sorry...I didn’t think-” “No, you didn’t fucking think! Did you forget that you had to keep Travis for two weeks because I wasn’t even capable of cooking?! YOU WERE GOING TO DO THAT TO ME AGAIN OVER A PETTY DISAGREEMENT-
You don’t even jump when the gun goes off from the side of the room. You just breathe heavily as she falls to the ground and try to feel something. Your best friend not only betrayed you, but is also the reason why your son is fighting for his life, and shes been killed right before your eyes and yet...
You feel nothing.
“If it makes you feel any better, I really wanted to be wrong,” Lloyd sighs as he wraps his arms around your waist from behind.
“I don’t feel anything. I’m all out of fucking feelings,” you mutter, leaning against him because leaving his side seems impossible at the moment. “Have either of those guys said anything yet?”
“I haven’t gone back in-” “I want to go in with you.” “Hummingbird-” “I wasn’t asking.”
Lloyd lets out a heavy sigh but nonetheless, presses a soft kiss into your hair before taking your hand and leading you out of the room. You take one last look at Tina’s dead body before he closes the door. You hear him clear his throat as he places his gun back into the waist of his pants.
“You sure, Hummingbird?”
“I just saw my best friend get killed. I’m pretty fucking sure I can handle two pieces of shit who tried to kill my son.”
“Y/N, don’t be mad at me for-” “I’m not mad at you, Lloyd. I’m truly not. I’m just fucking tired and I want this over with. I want Travis safe, I want you safe, and I want...I just want all of this to be over.”
“I know, Hummingbird. I promise, as soon as I find out what I need to, I’ll finish everything.”
“Then we should get in there.”
“I guess you’re right,” he sighs.
He pulls out his phone and sends a quick text before shoving it back in his pocket and leading you into the room.
“Looks like you’ve got a visitor...oh, you look like you’ve seen a ghost,” Lloyd chuckles as you close the door behind you two. “There’s a pathetic little thing lying on the floor in the other room. Get rid of her,” he commands to two of the mercenaries, before returning his gaze to the shivering man in the chair. “As for you-”
“Mr. Hansen-”
“I’m working!” he snaps.
“I understand, but the other guy...he’s gone.”
“I guess he really wasn’t a daisy,” Lloyd chuckles. “Get rid of him, he’s of no use to me now. Drop him into the bottom of the ocean, or chop him up and get rid of him in the tub, it really makes no difference to me,” he shrugs as he once again turns his attention to the man in the chair. “Do you wanna tell me where Andrew is, or do you wanna try out another form of torture?” Lloyd asks sarcastically as he takes out his pistol.
“Please, just-” “Boring,” he sighs, rolling his eyes as he fires a shot into the guys arm. “Tell me what I want to know!”
“He’s gonna-”
“He’s not going to do anything I won’t do much worse! Now, tell me where the fuck-”
“Lloyd,” Denny interrupts as walks through the door, “we need you upstairs.”
“Denny-” “It’s an update on Andrew. They just caught two guys trying to break-in. Committed suicide before we could get anything out of them, but they came with a note.”
Lloyd sighs and drops his head, “we keep getting interrupted, Pork Chop. I’ll be right back. Lets go, Humming-” “I wanna stay in here,” you interrupt softly, which has Lloyd quickly turning all of his attention towards you. “What?” “You go, I’ll stay.”
“Y/N-” “I’m fine, Lloyd. You go, I’ll stay,” you repeat, not taking your eyes off of whimpering piece of shit in the chair.
Lloyd lets out another heavy sigh, but says nothing as he heads out and closes the door behind him.
“I don’t know why you’re crying, he’s taking it easy on you,” you shrug as you make your way over to the weapons table. “No, I’ve never seen him kill anyone, but I’ve also known him for a while now. He’s good at his job for a reason.” “Please, I’m sorry-” “No no, I talk and you listen,” you interrupt with a kind smile as you pick up Lloyd’s butterfly knife. “It’s not as sharp as it usually. He probably used it for work and never got the chance to sharpen it. Ya know, Lloyd fucks with his toys,” you chuckle. “I’ve been fucked with his guns, he would test out how strong his ropes were by tying me to the bed or tying me up and made sure that no matter how hard he fucked me I couldn’t get out, he liked to cut my underwear off with his knives, he has a bit of a blood kink so every once in a while he would “accidentally” cut me while cutting off my clothes. Lost a lot of cute underwear during our relationship,” you sigh as you shake your head.
“Ms. Diaz said-” “Oh, Tina? She’s dead. Nothing she says holds any weight anymore,” you shrug as you make your way over to the guy. “You were so desperate to make your guy happy, and now look? Tied to a metal chair, freezing your balls off, crying like a bitch, all bloodied up, and your little buddy is dead,” you laugh as you stand in front of him. “Where’s Andrew?” “I don’t know!”
“Lies irritate me,” you scowl before grabbing his hand and stabbing it.
“FUCK!” “Where is Andrew?” “I don’t-” “Lying,” you sing as pull the knife out and start to cut off his fingers.
“I DON’T KNOW!” “Lie, lie, lie,” you tsk as you add more pressure and cut the bone. “Where is he?”
“Oh look, I took off two fingers,” you laugh as you toss them on the table. “I’m nowhere near as skilled as Lloyd is, so you’ll have to forgive me for that. Anyway, wanna keep this up? Or do you wanna tell me-” “I WAS PROMISED-” “Still not the answer I’m looking for,” you shrug as you start cutting his ear. “Now, where is?” “LONDON! HE’S HIDING OUT IN LONDON! KNIGHTSBRIDGE, LONDON! THERE’S SOME HOUSE...IT’S FAMOUS HOME...HE’S THERE!” he wails as you cut through the last of his ear.
“Good boy,” you smile at him before kissing his forehead. “You stay here and someone will be down to see you soon,” you promise him sweetly as place his fingers and ear in a white cloth.
“Please...please...d-don’t kill-” “Don’t kill you? Oh honey, that’s for Lloyd to decide,” you smile as you wrap up the cloth then make your way out.
You’ve never done anything like that in your life, and you never thought that you would, but your patience and discipline have all but dissolved. Your son still hasn’t woken up, your best friend is not only responsible for all of this but intentionally going after your soulmate, and now this asshole sends someone else to attack all of you?
The good girl is on leave right now.
“Lloyd, we’re at least able to narrow it down to two different-” “I want an exact location!” Lloyd shouts at Denny, as you enter the kitchen. “He sent someone-”
“He’s in London,” you state flatly as you drop the cloth containing the fingers and ear on the table on the table. “Knightsbridge, London. He said it’s a famous home, so I have a good guess that it’s that place where they hosted Picasso.”
Both of them just look at you with pure shock and amazement in their eyes.
“Someone tried to kill my son. I want him gone. If you have more questions, I’m sure he’ll be more than happy to answer...if he’s still alive. I’m not a doctor, so I don’t know how these things work, but he was still begging when I left-” “You did this?” Lloyd asks, trying to hide how turned on he is.
“That I did.” “Come with me, lets talk to him together since you’re clearly more persuasive than I am. Denny,” he smirks as he turns his attention to his bewildered best friend, “give me about 20...30 minutes to have an exact location.” “Lloyd-” “It looks like I’m not the one calling the shots anymore,” he laughs as he gets up. “Lead the way,” he smiles at you.
He holds your hand as you lead him back down the steps, and for the entire short trip, you feel his eyes on you intensely. You know that he never thought you’d be capable of doing something, but he doesn’t hate the fact that he now knows that you are. If anything, it just makes him feel closer to you.
“You did this, Hummingbird?” Lloyd asks softly once you two are back in the room, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you close. “You did so good,” he praises against your neck before kissing it.
Feeling him hard against your the back of thigh only makes you even more desperate for him.
“He doesn’t want you to kill him, daddy,” you moan as he teases kisses up and down your neck.
“He doesn’t want me to...that’s cute,” he laughs as he pulls out his pistol. “You’re gonna tell my Hummingbird whatever the fuck she wants to know.”
‘My Hummingbird’. God, you love the sound of that.
“I told her-”
“You didn’t give her an exact address,” he tuts as he shoots him in the leg.
In no time at all, Lloyd had more than all the information he needs, all the while teasing the shell of your ear with the tip his tongue.
“What do you think, Hummingbird?” he asks as he unbuttons your jeans with one hand, while the other is still pointing the gun at the blubbering mess, “should I let him live?” “N-no daddy,” you moan as he slides his hands down your panties, his fingers quickly finding their mark and starting to tease you.
“P-please,” the man blubbers.
“Sorry,” Lloyd smirks against your neck, “you heard my Hummingbird.”
It’s embarrassing how hard you came when he pulled the trigger on his pistol.
“We have to stop,” you whimper as Lloyd continues to massage your clit with two fingers.
“Do we?” he husks before biting your earlobe. “I think we should keep it up.”
“You want me to beg? I can get on my knees right now-” “Lloyd-Jesus Christ you two!” Denny scowls and you smile as you feel the rumble in Lloyd’s chest as he chuckles. “You need to get upstairs so we can plan how you wanna go about this.”
“Isn’t that why they call you the Chief?”
“This is your revenge, jackass,” Denny snaps back.
“Go,” you laugh softly, “I need to check on Travis anyway. I’ve been away far too long.”
“We can go together and then-” “Lloyd,” you laugh, hating how good and loved hes making you feel.
“I’ll come up after, okay?”
“Sounds good-shit!” you moan as he removes his fingers.
“You’re sleeping in my bed tonight,” he chuckles before licking his fingers as he walks away.
Are you even sure this is your life anymore?
You scoff and shake your head as you look at the dead idiot in the chair, before you finally make your way out of what you can only call Hell. You’re still trying to wrap your head around what the hell has taken place over the last 2 days? 3 days?
When is the last time you ate? When’s the last time Lloyd ate?
As you make your way into the kitchen, you ignore everything that’s going on and start searching for menus, when you realize the time.
Looks like you’re cooking.
“You don’t have to cook,” Lloyd sighs as you start taking out pots and pans.
“We need to eat. I’m sure everyone needs to eat,” you chuckle humorlessly. “Though, I don’t know how the hell I’m going to feed everyone. How do you all feel about sandwiches?”
“Hummingbird, I’ll send for food and have it brought up to you-” “It’s 12am, Lloyd.”
“What does that mean to me? Get upstairs and I’ll bring up some food to you when it gets here.” “You don’t know what I want.”
“I always know what you want,” he smirks.
“Lloyd-” “Jesus, I’ll feed you too, Denny. Calm down,” he scowls.
You laugh as you start to make your way out of the kitchen, but Lloyd grabs your wrist as you walk by and it tugs at your heart. You wrap an arm around him and kiss the top of his head before letting go and making your way into the living area and starting on your way up the stairs.
It’s not lost on you that you can’t just get back with Lloyd like nothings happened, but that doesn’t change the fact that you want to. You want to so bad that it’s actually starting to hurt. Yes, the last few days have been hell, but hes been by your side for all of it. Hes been by your side, hes been amazing, and all of it has made you realize why you fell in love with him in the first damn place.
He’s always going to be your Huckleberry.
“Am I allowed to lay on the bed with him?” you ask the doctor as you lean against the door frame of Travis’ room.
“Just be gentle,” she warns softly.
You ease into bed with him and grab the remote off the nightstand.
“I promised you ‘Tombstone’ and that’s what we’re gonna watch,” you tell him softly as you kiss the top of his head.
You settle in next to him and lay your head on his shoulder as you find ‘Tombstone’ on some streaming service, and start playing it. “Has there been any change?” you ask the doctor.
“Everything is the same,” she smiles softly.
Of course it is.
You give her a small smile and nod before focusing your attention back on the screen. As you sit and watch, a small smile comes to your first as you remember the first time you watched it.
“We’ve been dating for four months and you still haven’t watched it,” Lloyd grumbled as you two laid in his bed.
“Why do you want me to watch it so bad?” you laughed.
“Because it’s my favorite movie!”
“Lloyd, will it really make you that happy if I watch it?”
“I’ve been asking every damn day for the last two months, so yes, it will make me that happy, Hummingbird.” “Jesus, alright. Put the damn thing in,” you laughed as Lloyd practically jumped out of the bed.
He talked through the whole damn movie.
“So, I’m guessing your Doc Holliday in all this?”
“Of course I am! He’s the most badass out of all of ‘em!”
“A fair point,” you laughed as you got up and started to get dressed.
“Where you going?”
“Back to my dorm, Huckleberry.” “Stay the night.”
“I have spent the last three nights here and I can tell that Tina wants to hangout.”
“Who gives a fuck about Tina?”
“Clearly I do since she’s my best friend.” “Go to breakfast with her tomorrow or something.” “You can’t always get your way, Lloyd.” “Why not?”
“Now now, don’t get all soft on me.”
“I would fall in love with someone who has a mind of her own,” he muttered before he could stop himself.
That made you freeze.
“Wh...what? What did you say?” you asked, slowly turning around to see that Lloyd was sitting straight up.
“Nothing.” “Yes you did.” “It doesn’t matter, because it’s not a big deal.”
“Then why don’t you want to say it again?”
“Hummingbird-” “Did you mean it?” “Yes.” “Then say it again.”
He was quiet and his breathing got heavy before he finally repeated, “I love you.”
You were back on his bed and straddling him instantly. You cupped his face and kissed him passionately, while Lloyd wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close.
“Say it again,” you breathed once you two broke apart.
“I love you.”
“Are you just saying it because you want me to stay over?”
“Y/N, I have never said that to anyone. Maybe my parents on their birthdays. I have now told you a total of three times and we both know that they’re a million ways for me to get you to stay without admitting how I actually feel. I love you.”
“I love you, Lloyd,” you smiled before you took off your shirt.
“I thought you were gonna hangout with Tina tonight,” he smirked as flipped you over on your back.
“I’ll take her to breakfast.”
In all honesty, you stopped watching the damn movie because it became too painful. Remembering that moment and how perfect everything was, him telling you that he loved you for the first time...it was too much. For the longest time, you thought that Lloyd showed Travis the movie out of spite, because it’s not like he isn’t that much of an asshole, but then you really thought about it. The amount of people who know anything personal about Lloyd are three: Travis, you, and Denny, and you’re honestly not even sure if Denny knows that ‘Tombstone’ is his favorite movie because that would mean that someone besides you would know that Doc Holliday is his hero.
It would also mean that he’d have to admit that his whole ‘tough guy’ persona isn’t his own...well, the being a psycho part is 100% him.
“Your Dad holds his gun just like that,” you laugh softly to Travis, as you watch Doc Holliday, walk away from the barber who was trimming up his mustache.
“Don’t reveal my secrets to him,” Lloyd mutters as he enters the room, two containers in hand. “Besides, I don’t hold my gun behind my back, I hold it in front of me.”
“Yeah, but you still hold it the same way, and don’t reveal your secrets? Says the man who wanted to name him Doc, like that wouldn’t have been a dead give away,” you smirk.
“Lloyd,” the doctor smiles at him.
Of course hes fucked her.
“Has there been any change?” he asks you, completely ignoring the woman in the chair.
“He squeezed my hand a little, but he hasn’t opened his eyes.”
“That’s good, right? It means he’s showing signs of improvement?” he questions, eyes hopeful as he takes a seat next to you.
“It’s a very good sign,” the doctor smiles at him.
Maybe she should go to bed with him tonight.
“Shit! I missed the gun fight!” he scowls as he passes you a container of pasta.
“I can always rewind it, it’s not like you missed it by much,” you laugh as you grab the remote, “what poor soul did you bully into making this?”
“How do you know I didn’t make it?”
“Cause you can’t cook for shit,” you scoff as you rewind back to his favorite scene and he flips you off.
“My Mother made it.” “Then take it back, cause she can’t cook for shit either.” “Shes hired a chef and I’m more than sure it’s because of something my Father said.”
“Don’t tell me Stef is getting sensitive now...Lloyd, did this chef just start making food yesterday? This is terrible!” you cough as you spit it out and press play on the movie.
“She had to make this, cause this tastes awful!” he laughs as he takes your container away from you. “Jesus, I’ll get-”
“We’ll get something in the morning. We’ve gone this long without eating. Another couple hours won’t hurt us,” you shrug.
“Hummingbird-” “We’ll get breakfast, I promise. Lets just finish the movie and go to bed. We both need rest, its been a long day,” you sigh.
“You did good today, Hummingbird,” Lloyd praises as rests his hand on your thigh.
“Thank you, Huckleberry,” you sigh, resting your hand on top of his.
Why can’t you two just work it out?
When the movie comes to an end, you both give Travis a kiss and tell him you’ll see him first thing in the morning, you tell the doctor goodnight and bids you a good night as well before giving Lloyd a suggestive smirk.
This is why you’ve got to stop fooling around with him.
“Burn this,” he tells one of the mercenaries as he passes him the two full containers.
“Goodnight, Lloyd,” you tell him softly as you make your way to the room you were supposed to sleep in last night.
“What do you...goodnight?” “I’m going to bed, it’s been a long day and-”
“Don’t do this to me, Hummingbird. After last night...don’t make me sleep alone.”
“Y/N, I can’t sleep without you in my arms and I know you can’t sleep without me by your side.”
“Lloyd,” you moan as he lays you down on the bed, quickly getting to work on the front of your jeans. “We have to...we’re not...fuck!” you sigh as he easily slides two fingers inside of you. “Feels so...shit! Lloyd!” you squeal when he starts massaging your clit with his thumb.
“You look so fucking good when you’re so desperate, Hummingbird,” he coos as your toes curl.
“Need it...need to fucking cum, please!” you whimper pathetically, clawing at the bed.
“So fucking gorgeous,” he whispers as he curls his fingers inside of you, finding that spot that makes you come alive for him and picking up his pace.
“Fuck!” you sob, coating his fingers with your release.
“Take off that shirt. It’s time to get you cleaned up,” he demands with a low growl, slowly removing his fingers then bringing them up to his lips.
“You’ve been a good girl all day, don’t start acting up now,” he warns in the tone that makes you want to do any and every everything for him.
Why can’t you just stop?
“Fuck! Daddy please!” you beg as he pins you against the shower wall, water already on and at the temperature you love.
“Never dreamed that my good little Hummingbird could be so bad,” he groans as he kisses down your body.
“I’d do anything to...to keep you both s..safe! Oh fuck! You and that tongue! That’s it daddy! Bring your good girl off!” you encourage, gripping his hair tight as your pussy against his face.
One of these days, you’ll be strong enough to tell him no...sure.
“Right there, daddy! Oh fuck!” your cry out, looking down and meeting his intense gaze. “Gonna fuckin...YES!” you scream, trying to stay upright as your orgasm washes over you and your legs almost give out.
“You want it?” Lloyd smirks after he cleans up between your legs, licking up your body at a tortuously slow pace.
“You know I do!”
“Tell me what I need to hear,” he demands with a soft husk once he’s by the shell of your ear.
“I love you! I will always love you!”
Before you have a chance to prepare yourself, he’s hoisting you up and forcing your legs around his waist, before thrusting himself inside of you.
“Oh God!”
“You were gonna make me sleep without you? Make me go without this perfect little honeypot? I shouldn’t let you cum at all!,” he growls as he wraps a hand around your throat and grips it tight.
“Fuck, please! Aht! That’s...please!” you beg desperately, grinding your hips against his as you claw at his back.
“But you did so good today, my little Hummingbird,” he praises, and you clench around him, as his movements start to pick up. “Saw the video, heard you get the information...God, I want to bend you over and fuck you right in front of that poor fuck when we went back into that room.” “Daddy!” “Oh, someone’s close,” he chuckles darkly, “you don’t fucking cum until I tell you to, understand?” “Shit!” “Do you understand me?” he questions again, slapping you hard.
God, it’s been so long.
“Fuck, yes daddy! Anything you say! Anything you want!”
“Good girl, I was beginning to think you forgot how this works,” he taunts, as your toes curl in a weak attempt to fight off your release.
“Feels so good!” “Yeah? You love when daddy’s fat cock is deep inside you? Filling this tight little cunt?”
“Feels fucking amazing! You’re so good to me!”
“You’re mine, Y/N. You’ve always been mine and you’ll always be mine, understand me?” he whispers against your neck before biting and sucking on the hollow of it.
“Lloyd,” you whimper as you lull your head back against the shower wall.
You have no fight left in you to tell him ‘no’ anymore. Doing it the first time was hard enough, but now? After everything that’s happened, walking away is beginning to feel impossible again. Yeah, you’re well aware that he would’ve acted like this if you’d never left in the first place, but it was all too much. It’s not like it isn’t too much now, but seeing just how seriously he takes you and Travis’ safety...it’s been emotional last few days, and Lloyd has truly been the only reason you’ve been able to stay anchored.
“I can’t be without you, Hummingbird. I can’t...I need you, baby!” “Fuck, I need you...too! Need you so much! Please...too much!” “Squeezin me so fucking tight! Christ, let go for me!” “LLOYD!” you scream out, gripping him tight as you squirt, slowly fading out of consciousness.
“Could stay buried deep inside this pussy forever,” Lloyd growls as he fills you to the brim.
Lloyd rode out both your highs, whispering sweet nothing against your chest, while caressing your thighs.
“I love you, Hummingbird,” he tells you softly as he sets you down.
“I love you, Huckleberry,” you mumble.
“You okay?��
“Mhm,” you mumble lazily, regaining your balance as he passes you a wash cloth.
“Want me to wash you?”
“I can handle it, just give me a minute,” you giggle softly, taking it from him.
Taking a shower together was never good for you two, because even after you two would have sex, Lloyd wouldn’t keep his lips and hands off of you.
This time is no different.
Lloyd gets on his knees for you at least two more times before he finally lets you clean yourself up, but he still won’t stop pressing you against the wall and kissing you all over, and don’t protest because it’s the happiest and most relaxed you’ve been all day.
In some ways, it feels as if you two are back in college.
“What happened to start all of this?” you ask when you two finally get out of the shower.
“Hummingbird-” “Lloyd, tell me what happened. I know you’re tired, but I am too. I deserve to know why.”
“I know you do,” he sighs as he wraps a towel around you. “Andrew pissed me off-” “Everyone pisses you off, Lloyd.”
“This...he made a comment about you. It was a couple of months after we had that huge argument about me bailing on Travis, which I wasn’t,” he scowls and you roll your eyes, “and you stormed out. I never liked Andrew to begin with, but Denny needed me to go on this op with him, because he likes to think he can do whatever, whenever-” “So, he thinks he’s you?”
“I’m actually good at what I do, Hummingbird,” he smirks. “Anyway, we’d just finished up, and I was gonna go out for drinks and write up my report like I always do, and he wanted to come along. He wouldn’t shut the fuck up about it, and I knew Denny would be up my ass if I killed him, so I told him he can come as long as he shuts the fuck up,” he finishes with a growl.
“Then what?” “Some pricks can’t hold their fucking drinks. After only two drinks, he’s going on about he’d bend you over and show you who’s boss, how he’d be able to keep a woman like you in line, he’d make sure to keep you quiet with his dick in your mouth...the more he drank, the more he wouldn’t stop talking about it.”
“Oh fuck,” you sigh.
“Sure, I could’ve slit the walking void’s throat right then and there, but where’s the fun in that for me? So, after he passed out, I left him at the bar and set some...traps.”
“Should’ve kept his fucking mouth shut. Anyway, when he woke up, he was locked up at headquarters, and was...punished for his “crimes”. To pour even more salt on the wound, I recorded myself fucking his fiancée and sent it from her phone, so when he finally got out it was the first thing he saw when he checked his phone.”
“Should’ve kept his fucking mouth shut,” he repeats with a shrug. “Anyway, it wasn’t hard to put two and two together after that. He quit, Tina was around me and my office out of nowhere, then this shit happened. He’s not a slick as he thinks he is. His little bitch boys weren’t as smart as they thought they were. I fucked up because I didn’t think that anyone would be stupid enough to go after you and Travis, but I’m more than sure Andrew promised them something if they didn’t fuck up.”
“Why do you always have to add insult to injury? Why couldn’t you-”
“You’re mine, Hummingbird. Married or not, you are mine, just like I’m yours. He doesn’t get to talk about you like you’re some...I couldn’t just leave it alone. You know me well enough and long enough to know that was never an option.”
Why is it that simple words, from him, make your brain go stupid? Why is your heart always louder than your brain when it comes to Lloyd fucking Hansen?
He pulls you close and kisses you passionately and, for just a moment, everything feels as it should. Then, you remember the doctor in the other room and push him off. Yeah, you two already sex, but it doesn’t change the fact that, that issue still hasn’t been resolved.
You push him off of you and roll your eyes before storming out of the bathroom. The heavy sigh that leaves his mouth breaks your heart, but he’s the one who decided to bring her here.
“You’re mad at me,” Lloyd sighs once you two are finally in bed.
“I’m not mad-” “You’re not happy with me, and I know it’s not because of Andrew.” “At best, I’m annoyed,” you begrudgingly confess, “and don’t pretend you don’t know why.”
“I didn’t hire her to hurt you,” he starts. “Before I knew that you threatened everyone to keep working on me, she was one of the Doctors credited with saving my life. If she could save my ass with how fucked up I was, she should work on Travis if something happens. If I wanted to hurt you, I would’ve been a dick about it.” “I know, but it’s painfully obvious that you fucked her-”
“I only did it because I thought you hadn’t come to see me and I was pissed. She made advances towards me, I had no reason to say no, so I fucked her. It was just once and it didn’t mean anything, she doesn’t mean anything. I never returned any of her texts or phone calls.”
“It’s not like I have any right to be annoyed-”
“Don’t start that.” “Lloyd, don’t. This doesn’t change the fact-” “What if we compromise?”
“Compromise?” you ask, sitting up and facing him.
Since when is that word apart of his vocabulary?
“I’m not saying that I’m going to quit, BUT-” he quickly interjects when he  catches your roll your eyes, “I spoke to Denny about it, and I can...I can do desk work. More suit and tie shit and no more field work,” he mutters.
“Lloyd-” “You’ve gotta meet me halfway, Hummingbird. I’m trying.”
“Too much has happened-” “It’s nothing that can’t be fixed or worked on! We’re both guilty, and I’m very obviously the more guilty party in all of this, but you pushed me away-” “Because I wanted you to put Travis and I first!”
“What do you think I’m doing now?!” “Not quitting!”
“Hummingbird, you love me just as much now as you did then, if not more. You never take that necklace off and instead of throwing your engagement ring out, or selling it, you added it to the chain. You know that my love for you has never stopped or changed, we both...we can fix this. I’m still the same man you fell in love with, made a little bit better because I had you in my life, and you’re just as perfect as you’ve always been. I know I’ve hurt you and I was a petty piece of shit, and I’m sorry, but it’s not gonna happen again. I want to do right by you and Travis and I can, but you have to have to meet me halfway. You’ve known me long enough to know that this is the closest I’m ever gonna get to a fucking desk job.”
“Why can’t you be a weapons specialist or run your own weapons store? Why do you have to-” “Because it makes me happy, and you know how many few things actually do that. Yes, you and Travis make me happier than I ever thought I could be, but I’ve found my calling with my job and for as much as you hate it, I’m fucking good at it.”
“Meet me halfway, Hummingbird. Please,” he begs softly.
This would be so much easier if you didn’t love him so much.
“I can’t just...I have to think about this, Lloyd. I mean really think about it,” you tell him softly.
“I’m not saying ‘no’, Lloyd. I’m saying I need to think about it. Yeah, we’re madly in love with each other, and we always will be, but it’s not like this relationship has always been healthy to begin with. I want to be with you, I know Travis wants us to be together, but I can’t just say yes to make you happy. I’ve done more than my fair share to make you happy, and I need to truly think about this. If we’re going to raise Travis together, we can’t be together like we were before. It won’t work.”
“You promise to truly think about it?”
“I do,” you smile at him.
Almost instantly, Lloyd is pulling you down and kissing you passionately.
“Lloyd, we need rest,” you giggle with a moan as he kisses down your body.
“We have enough time and energy for one more round, Hummingbird,” he mumbles against your skin before disappearing under the covers.
As Lloyd takes his time bringing you off with his tongue and fingers, you lay there (lost in pure euphoria) and wonder if you two really should give it a try? Is all of this, you and him, really worth trying?
One thing is for sure: you’re not against the idea of it.
“Lloyd, we don’t have time for trips! We finals coming up and-”
“You and I both know you’re gonna pass, so don’t give me some bullshit excuse about how you need to study, Hummingbird.”
“I wasn’t gonna say that I need to study, you need to study!”
“I’ll be fine-”
“Lloyd, we’ve been driving for 4 hours-”
“Which means we’re almost there! Will you stop worrying?”
“Where are you taking me?”
“It’s a surprise.”
“You trust me?”
“Then just be happy,” he chuckled softly as he placed his hand on your upper thigh.
“You wore my favorite dress.”
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“I thought we were going to breakfast!”
“This early?”
“You never know with you. I showed up for a sunrise breakfast that I thought was a early morning run with you once, and I’ll never make that mistake again!” “Yeah, but your ass looked great in those sweats,” he smirked and you playfully punched him in the arm. “Hummingbird?”
“Remember a couple of months ago when I kidnapped you from the library and we fucked under the stars?” “Yeah,” you scoffed.
“You remember what I said?”
“About our future?”
“No matter what happens, you’ll always look out for your little Hummingbird and you’ll always love me. There’s never going to be anyone or anything more important to you, and that you’ll take care of me for as long as eternity allows.”
“Did you believe me?”
“I always believe you, Lloyd.” “I love you, Hummingbird.”
“I love you too, Huckleberry.”
The rest of the trip didn’t take long, but you didn’t stop showering him with questions. However, by the time you two reached the destination, you couldn’t help but laugh at where he took you two to.
“Huckleberry Farms?!” you laughed.
“I figured it would be a good break for you, Hummingbird,” he smirked.
“But you-”
“You come first. You need a break, so I’m giving you one.”
There was no sense in arguing with him when he was like that. When Lloyd wanted to do something for you, he was dead set on doing it, no matter what. So, you just decided to let yourself enjoy the day and make the most of whatever he had to offer. Lloyd loved to spoil you, especially when he felt you were stressed out or too high strung.
However, it really was the best day.
He rented out the farm, had all your favorite breakfast foods made fresh, indulged in your silly desire to pick berries, gave you piggyback rides whenever you wanted them, and made sure to have whatever you were too shy to ask for packed up and sent back to your dorm.
It was like something out of a fairy-tale.
“Lloyd, we have to get back,” you giggled as placed kisses up and down your neck, as you two walked down one of the fields.
“You don’t want anymore berries?” “Lloyd, I’m going to turn into a berry if you keep feeding them to me,” you laughed.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about the CIA thing. I promise to never lie or hold anything back from you again.”
“I’m still not happy about it,” you muttered as you looked up and stuck your tongue out at him.
“But you’re still here,” he laughed.
“Because I still love you. Even if you are the most insufferable asshole in the world.” “One of my many charms,” he chuckled, “how strong do you think your love is for me?”
“Despite your need to be a complete asshole at times, I think my love is strong enough to handle it. I think the love I have for you is strong enough to survive anything in this life and the next. It’s strong enough to love you just as much on your good days as well as your bad days.”
“You really think so? Flaws and all?”
“Flaws and all, Hansen. There’s only you for me,” you smiled at him as he came to a standstill.
“That’s good, cause it makes my next question a lot easier to ask,” he said as he got down on one knee.
“Oh my God! Lloyd-”
“I know that I’m not the easiest one to love or get along with, and I know that I don’t make this easy, but I love you, Y/N. I think I’ve always been in love with you, I was just too arrogant and cocky to admit it before, but you were patient. You’re nicer than I deserved, more understanding than anyone I’ve ever met, extremely loyal, you’re fucking gorgeous as hell, you’re annoyingly smart, you have an extremely dark sense of humor, you...I can go on forever about why you’re so fucking perfect,” he chuckled and you giggled as you wiped away your tears. “I know I don’t make any of this easy, but I swear that I try my fucking hardest for you, and I will always try my hardest for you. So,” he started as he pulled the black velvet box out of his pocket, “will you marry me?”
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He burst out laughing when you knocked him over with the hug you tackled him with. He wrapped his arms around you and kissed you passionately and you unintentionally ground yourself against him when you went to sit up.
“Ya know, we do have the farm to ourselves,” he smirked as burst out laughing.
“Give that finger,” he laughed as he took your left hand and placed the engagement ring on your finger. “I love you, Hummingbird. Until the end of time.”
As you toy with your engagement ring, that sits on the chain right next to your hummingbird, your other hand brings your cigarette up to your lips and you take a drag from it. You can’t stop thinking about that day. It was the best day of your life, at the time, but it also feels like a lifetime ago. No, maybe you and Lloyd aren’t ever supposed to get back to that place, but how do you two get to a place that’s better? Especially, after everything that’s happened between the two of you.
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“I thought you quit those damn things,” your Mother sighs as she makes her way out onto the back deck.
“Ya know, for as much as you hate Lloyd, you sure do sound like him a lot,” you mutter.
“I don’t hate him-” “You don’t like him.”
“Can you blame me?”
“Stay out of it, Mama.”
“I’m guessing by that mark on your neck that you two are back together?” she questions as she takes a seat next to you.
“We’re gonna try and see if we can work things out.”
“After all of this?” “Please-”
“Do you see how you’re living?! All that you’re going through?!”
“Mom-” “And you were clearly okay with not telling your Father and I everything from the beginning-” “I told you he works for the CIA!”
“You never told us that your life would be at risk! And now look! My grandson is upstairs fighting for his life and guards are watching the house! Do you know how that makes me feel?!”
Whatever patience you’re holding on to has just left the building.
“How you...how you feel?! He’s my son! I held him in my fucking arms while he bled out! I was the one trying to be strong while I had a dead babysitter in the kitchen, who’s only dead because she’d been mistaken for me, while I tried to calm my son down! I was alone! How do you feel?! How the fuck do you think I feel?! I already went through this shit with Lloyd, and now I have to go through it again with our son!? I’m so fucking tired of everyone preaching to me like they know the hell I’ve gone through! You don’t know a damn thing, so stay out of it!” you finish in a huff.
Your Mother is quiet before saying, “because I was out of line, that is the only time you will ever speak to me like that. Do you understand me?”
“I swear to Christ-”
“No, you don’t get to come here, criticize me or Lloyd, and then tell me I can’t speak to you in the manner in which you deserve! You don’t know all the hell that either of us have been through, or how hard Lloyd has been working to find the man responsible! So yes, when you come over and start talking shit, I will talk to you in the way which you deserve!”
“I’m just trying to protect you-” “I DON’T NEED IT RIGHT NOW!” you shout at her. “I don’t need anyone else telling me how bad Lloyd is for me or how much better I deserve!”
After everything with Tina, the last thing you need is another fucking lecture.
“I’m not trying to upset you-”
“He’s waking up!” Lloyd says as he makes his way outside. “He started stirring in his sleep...he’s waking up,” he smiles with tears in his eyes.
You can’t even think. You just make your way inside and push past everyone in your way, before racing up the steps and almost bursting into Travis’ room.
“Mom?” he calls softly.
“Mommy’s here, baby,” you sob with a giant smile on your face as you make your way into the room.
“Are...are you okay? What happened?”
“You’re fine, so I’m fine. Don’t worry about what happened,” you sniff as you make your way over to his bedside, “all that matters is your safe now and everything is going to be okay,” you smile as you cup his face, kissing his forehead. “Your Dad is here and so am I, and we promise to keep you safe.”
“My body hurts,” he croaks, his voice still hoarse.
“We’re gonna get you back to yourself in no time. We have football practice starting soon,” Lloyd smiles, and you can see the tears welling in his eyes.
“Are you hungry? Is there anything you want? What can he have?” you ask the doctor, finally looking up to see that there’s a new doctor.
While the doctor is going over his dietary restrictions, for the time being, your Mother runs downstairs and you know she’s making him something to eat.
“When can he start physical therapy?” Lloyd asks as he takes a seat at the edge of the bed.
“We’ll see how he feels in a few days and that’ll help us figure out the best time to get started.” “You’re gonna stay, right Dad?” Travis asks weakly, but hopeful.
“I’m not going anywhere. Your Mom and I are gonna be right here in this house every step of the way,” he smiles at him, but you can see the pain in his eyes.
The fact that Travis would have to question whether or not he would stay with him during a time like this breaks his heart, and he knows that he’s going to have to start making changes and making them soon.
Soon enough, your Mother comes back with a tray full of food that Travis can only some of, and Lloyd is texting Denny to tell him that Travis is awake, only for Denny to come running in a few moments later with good news of his own.
“Hey Lloyd Jr.,” Denny smiles towards Travis, a few of his own happy tears falling. “The sooner you get better, the sooner we can get you back to the shooting range.”
“The shooting...?! LLOYD!” you shout as Travis starts laughing softly.
“I’m joking,” Denny laughs and you flip him off. “I do need to speak to the both of you though.”
“Mom-” “We’ll both be right outside the door, baby. I promise,” you smile at him before ushering both Lloyd and Denny out into the hallway. “Mom, listen to the doctor and stop trying to feed him,” you warn before closing the door behind you.
“He’s in the basement,” Denny tells the both you before you even have a chance to ask what’s going on.
“Is that fuck alive?” Lloyd practically growls and you say a silent prayer, BEGGING God that your Mother stays in Travis’ room.
Shes never seen him unhinged and the last thing you need is for this to be the first time she sees it.
“He’s alive. A bit beat up, the asshole put up a fight, but he’s alive. How do you wanna handle it?”
“Hummingbird, you go back in there with Travis and I’ll-”
“I want to go.”
“You don’t have to deal with this, Hummingbird. This is my mess. I did this.”
“That is a hell of a thing for you to say to me.”
Lloyd nods with a smirk before opening the door open a little and telling Travis, “we have to go down to the basement for a little bit, okay? Listen to your grandmother.” “You said you’d stay-”
“We’re all gonna stay in the house, we just need to have a talk in the basement. Behave yourself and we’ll watch whatever movie you want when we come back up, okay?” Lloyd tells him in a stern voice.
Daddy indeed.
As the three of you start on your way down the stairs and to the cellar, you’re nothing but amazed by how quickly both of their demeanor’s change. It’s not lost on you that Lloyd is extremely good at what he does, God knows he has more than enough crazy to do it, but this is the first time you’ve seen it in real time. He’s not coming home and telling you about a shitty mission, or fucking you until you can’t talk to get over a mission: you’re actually watching him work. You don’t mind watching him work, because the people he’s killing now...well, they deserve it.
Maybe that’s how you’ve been able to stomach his job for all these years.
You constantly told yourself that he was doing what he did, because whoever he was hurting deserved it. You’re not some naive idiot that thinks that government is pure and true in all of its activities, and you’re not dumb enough to think Lloyd is some saint at heart, but you also know him well enough that he’s loyal. Yeah, he cheated on you, but he also didn’t lie to you about it. He would do anything Denny asks and Denny wouldn’t ask unless he really needed it.
If Lloyd is Doc Holliday, Denny is definitely Wyatt Earp.
When you all reach the cellar, Denny and Lloyd are quick to grab guns before continuing down to the end of the hall.
“You sure about this, Hummingbird?” Lloyd asks, his hand on the doorknob.
“I’m stronger than I look,” you nod towards him.
Lloyd chuckles before opening the door, and once again, his demeanor changes almost instantly.
“Well well, looks like we’ve caught the ugliest fly in our little trap. Hello, Andrew,” Lloyd chuckles with a sinister smile.
Okay, maybe you should have stayed upstairs.
“Brought your little bitch so you could show off?” the man sputters out, spitting out blood all over himself.
“Awh c’mon! Our little game of cat and mouse wasn’t fun for you? I had a blast!” Lloyd smiles while feigning innocence at the same time.
“Should’ve killed you when I had the chance!”
“I’m really loving the fake optimism,” he chuckles, “because you and I both know that’s bullshit. You never had a chance, because you were never good enough,” he almost whispers as he makes his way over to the man that’s tied up to the bloody metal chair. “You weren’t good enough to take that mission on your own, you weren’t good enough to keep your fiancée or satisfy her, and you weren’t good enough to kill me or my family. You’re no daisy at all, you’re a waste of fucking time and your Mother would’ve been better off swallowing you. Maybe that’s the problem. Maybe you’re just a botched abortion,” Lloyd laughs before back handing the shit out of him.
All Andrew does in response is spit at Lloyd and it makes you laugh, because that’s one of Lloyd’s softer insults.
“If you didn’t want to be friends anymore, that’s all you had to say,” Lloyd sighs before backhanding him again.
“I thought I made that pretty fucking clear when your kid got shot,” Andrew sputtered with a dark laugh.
Maybe you’ve been around Lloyd too long, but that statement alone is all it takes for you to snap. You push past a mercenary, grab Lloyd’s pistol, flip it easily enough and pistol whip the asshole in the chair.
“Ah, I see the draw of you, you’re a feisty little bitch,” he chuckles darkly, sadistic grin coming to his face.
He’s a tough ignorant piece of shit. You’ll give him that.
“You know,” you start as you backup slowly, “I was gonna be nice and let Lloyd just kill you. Not as a courtesy to you, but because I’ve experienced so much shit in the last few days and I’m tired. However, I’ve had a change of heart. I think you I want you to experience just some of the pain I’ve gone through these past few days,” you smile at him before ripping off his pants (which was easy enough because of all of the damn holes in them), then turning to Lloyd. “Where are the cables?”
“Right over there, Hummingbird,” he smirks, nodding towards the wall while not even attempting to hide the fact that he’s turned on by the new side of yourself that you’ve discovered.
“You think I don’t know Lloyd’s torture tactics? I’ve worked with him, you ignorant bitch!” Andrews calls, coughing up blood.
“I’ve never seen a single thing Lloyd does, so this is all from my head,” you giggle as you clamp one of the cables down on his barely covered cock (his boxers have clearly taken a beating also).
“Don’t tell me you’re getting sensitive on me! I haven’t even done anything yet,” you pout as you attach the other clamp to the upper part of his inner thigh.
“Stop! Stop, I’m sorry, okay?!” the man pleads desperately.
Either you’re crazier than Lloyd, or this guy really didn’t expect you to be this broken up about him trying to kill the two most important people in your life.
“You’re sorry? That’s...I’m so happy you’re sorry,” you laugh maniacally as you grab the electric cable box and hook cable cords to it.
“God, she’s such a little Devil, isn’t she?” Lloyd muses with a smile.
“Gun please?” you ask politely as you hold out your hand, and Lloyd is all too happy to give it to you.
“Too late to be a little bitch about it now,” you chuckle softly as you shoot him in the kneecap. “You’ll soon come to find that Lloyd is the least of the problems,” you promise as you shoot the other, popping it like a bloody zit.
You attach the cables to the electric box and turn it up to 60.
“Now, I’ve never done this before,” you smile innocently, “so this is gonna be an experiment for the both of us.”
You press the little black button and a small smile comes to your face as painful and pitiful cries leave Andrew’s mouth.
Alright, you’re starting to understand why Lloyd loves his job so much.
“You tried to kill my son!” you all but growl after you release the button.
“I didn’t tell them-”
“There’s no use in coming up with an excuse now,” you shrug before pressing the button again.
“PLEASE! PL...PLEASE!” he cries out and you hear Lloyd chuckle behind you. “STOP!!”
“Does it hurt?” you ask as you turn up the wattage. “Does it feel terrible?  I promise it doesn’t feel nearly as terrible as holding your child in your arms while he’s bleeding out.” “I’M....PLEASE!”
“Just a little bit longer,” you promise, still holding the button down giving Lloyd back his gun.
“Ll-Lloyd! MA...MAKE HER-”
“She’s the one running show,” he laughs not hiding any of the pleasure he finds in all of this.
“Before you die, I just want you to know the ounce of the pain I felt and that I’ve been feeling since all of this shit happened. Burn in hell you piece of shit,” you spit before finally letting go of the button.
“Finish him,” is all you tell Lloyd before dropping the little box.
“Lloyd-” “Goodnight, Dewdrop,” Lloyd smiles.
Once again, you don’t even flinch when you hear the gun go off. You just stand there and look at the lifeless mess in front of you. In that moment, it hits you. You finally understand how Lloyd feels and why he does what he does. No, it’s not perfect or ideal, but it helps a lot with all of the issues and anger that everyone tends to hide away. Of course, your anger was only concerning Travis and Lloyd, but you’re now able to understand how Lloyd’s line speaks to him.
Every bit of anger, understandable or not, was released in the work that he did. The shootings, the torture, the belittling, the self assured attitude...you understand it. Lloyd has always been unhinged, that’s never been lost on anyone, and this job is the only thing that keeps him from going off the rails completely.
No, you don’t want to take that away from him, but you also can’t keep living like this.
“Take him out and get rid of him,” Lloyd demands and it pulls you out of your thoughts. “You and I are gonna have a little talk later,” he whispers seductively before turning his attention to Denny. “Is this finished?”
“It’s done.”
“Good, we’re gonna get back upstairs to our son. He’ll be asking for you soon enough, so whatever work you have to do...”
“I’ll be up soon,” Denny smiles softly before addressing everyone else. “Clean this room out. I don’t want any traces of what happened these past few days. No residue; make what happened disappear. Disobey and there will be consequences.”
How the fuck are they able to fix their emotions so fast? You’re still ready to burn everything down.
Lloyd can sense your anxiety and grabs your hand, leading you out of the room before saying, “tonight, Hummingbird. I’ll take care of you and make all of this better.”
You both spend the rest of the day with Travis, Denny, and both sets of your parents (you try to get them to limit their time but neither are having it). Travis drifts in and out of sleep, which the doctor explains is to be expected. He’s stable and in good condition, but he’s been through a lot of trauma. The doctor also says that he’s gonna have a rough road to recovery. However, overall, things are looking up and you feel confident.
For the first time in a while, you feel like you can breathe again.
“We’re gonna be right across the hall, Honey,” you promise Travis as he grips your hand.
“What if-”
“I’ll never let anything like this happen to you again,” Lloyd promises him.
Usually, Lloyd hates when Travis gets emotionally and starts crying (it’s something you two have argued about in the past), but you’re more than happy to see that he understands that is a fair response to everything that happens. Yes, you know that Lloyd is a more than capable parent, but that doesn’t change the fact that he’s a dick most of the time.
“I’ll be right across the hall with your Father, I promise. I’ll check on you before I go to bed.”
“We both will,” Lloyd assures him.
Travis doesn’t say anything, he just nods and you both make your way over to him and kiss him on the forehead.
“We love you so much,” you smile at him, giving his hand a soft squeeze.
“I love you...love you both,” he yawns as he quickly succumbs to sleep.
Both you and Lloyd quickly and quietly make your way out, and let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding.
“He’s okay, Hummingbird. He’s going to be okay,” Lloyd tells you softly, kissing the top of your head as he takes your hand in his. “I want someone outside this door at all times. I don’t give a fuck if you have to take a shit, you don’t leave this spot until someone is here to take your place. Do you understand me?” he instructs one of the mercenaries.
“Yes sir.”
“If you fuck this up, Andrew will have gone through a walk in the park compared to what I’ll do to you.”
The mercenary gulped and Lloyd smiles in satisfaction.
“Good boy.”
You’re all set to go into the room that has been set up for you, but Lloyd’s grip on your hand tightens, and he’s pulling you into his room. It’s not lost on you that you can say no, but once again, you don’t want to.
“Don’t look at me like that,” you breathe, backing up until your back is against the wall.
“Like what?” he asks, kicking the door closed.
“Like I’m your prey.”
“Hummingbird, you’re my entire world,” he coos as he makes his way over to you.
“Lloyd, we can’t keep doing this. We haven’t...don’t,” you moan as he grips your neck and starts to caress it with his tongue.
“If you really want me to stop, I will,” he promises before pressing soft kisses up and down your neck. “If you don’t want me to ever touch you again, I won’t.”
“Lloyd,” you sigh with a moan, running your hands through his hair.
“I love you and I’m sorry. I’m sorry for all of this, but please,” he begs as he gets on his knees, unbuttoning your jeans, “please just think about taking me back.”
“Think about it while I make you feel better,” he pleads before licking your clit.
At the end of the day, there’s nothing you won’t do for Lloyd, and taking him back...well, it can’t be too bad, can it? If there’s a way for you two to work it out, isn’t it worth giving it a shot? You both are still deeply and madly in love with each other, and you both-
“Shit!” you moan as quietly as you can as he curls the two fingers he has inside of you, grinding your pussy against his face a little.
All you’re doing is encouraging to pick up his pace, because Lloyd’s most favorite thing in the world is bringing you off.
“Pl...please,” you beg pathetically, gripping his hair tighter than you mean to, as you grab at nothing.
You force your gaze on him, and see that his gaze on you is both soft and intense. You don’t need him to vocalize that he’s begging for you. He needs you just as much (if not more) as you need him.
“I’m yours,” you whimper softly, “I’m yours !”
He pulls on your clit with his lips and that’s all it takes to send you over the edge. He takes his time cleaning you up, never breaking the gaze, before starting to kiss his way slowly up your body. The touch of his fingers are teasingly soft against your skin, and it makes you ache for him even more. The ghost of his lips on your collar bone make you whine in protest, and you hear him chuckle softly as he pulls on your black tank top, pulling just enough to expose your tits as he maneuvers the both of you to the bed.
“Still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on! Never gonna be without you again, Hummingbird,” he husk, getting you on the bed and on your back, before taking one of your nipples into his mouth, licking and sucking on it like he hasn’t had you time and time again over the last few days.
“I need you! Please!”
“Gotta keep quiet, Hummingbird,” he chuckles after releasing your nipple with a ‘pop’, while you undo his pants. “So fucking desperate!” “I need you inside me, baby! I always fucking need you!” you confess with a sob.
“I love you so fucking much,” he groans as he thrusts himself inside of you.
“Always such a warm fucking welcome, Hummingbird!”
“I want you...want you to show me...how much you love me,” you whimper, grinding your hips against his.
“I’ll take all night just to make sure you get the point,” he promises before pinning your hands above your head, “so, hang on tight.”
You both do your best to keep quiet, but it’s hard not scream out in pleasure every time Lloyd brings you off. It feels like the first time you two made love all over again. No, not the drunken chaos that was you two hooking up at the frat party, but the time after that.
“Lloyd,” you moan as he grips your hip tight, before he caresses then hooks it over his waist.
“I could listen to my name leave your mouth all fucking day,” he grunts as he fucks into you harder and faster. “I love you so fucking much! God, the greediest little fucking cunt!”
“I never...never wanna be without you again,” you confess softly as as your orgasm builds. “So...so full! Lloyd!”
“Do you need it, Hummingbird? Do you need it as bad as I do?”
“Fuck...yes! Yes please!” you sob as you dig your nails into his back, the feel of his breath on your neck pushing you even closer to your release. “Feels so good...having you...having you like this! All mine!”
“Shit!” you cry out softly as as you squirt your release all on his cock and the bed.
“Such a good girl,” he husks as he shoots his load into you, coating your walls with his release.
There’s no use in fighting it anymore. There’s no use in telling him no.
“Lloyd,” you breathe as you come down from your high, trying to silence all the voices in your head telling you not to say what you’ve been thinking all day. “I’m not...I don’t know if we can ever be together again-”
“I’m not gonna lie to you and tell you something you want to hear just because we’ve had amazing sex these last few days. However,” you quickly continue before he has a chance to interject, “I’m not against trying.”
“I love you and you love me. It’s not perfect, it’s messy, and there’s a lot to work on, but it’s worth working on. We’re worth working on.”
“Hummingbird, don’t say it if you don’t mean it.”
“I’m not promising you anything other than me trying. We’ll do our best and see how it works out. I want to make this work, Lloyd. I miss you and...I miss us. I wanna try again,” you confess reluctantly.
“Say it again,” he demands as he starts to move within you.
“I wanna try again,” you giggle with a moan, wrapping your arms around him again.
“Say it again,” he begs desperately.
“I wanna try again!”
“And to think, I was gonna give you the option of sleeping in the other room tonight,” he smirks and you burst out laughing.
You and Lloyd keep each other up for hours, repeatedly telling one another how much you love each other and how you’re both determined to make it work. When you both finally bow out, you letting Lloyd hold you close because it’s the only way you’ll feel like you’re home, you think about all you’ve told him in the last few days.
No, it’s not exactly what he wants to hear, but it’s honest and that’s what he wants more than anything. You’re not giving him false hope, and you’re also not giving him no hope.
You’re giving him just enough to go on.
As you rest your head on his chest, feeling safe and loved in his tight hold on you, you fall asleep praying that things can finally go how you’ve always wanted them to.
Hoping and praying that you and Lloyd have finally gone through enough shit to finally get it right.
1 Year Later
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“Mom! Dad! Keep up!” Travis calls as he runs towards Cinderella’s castle.
“Why the fuck did we bring him to Disney?” Lloyd growls under his breath as giggle quietly.
“Because he almost died and now he gets everything he wants. Plus, it’s his birthday,” you smile at Lloyd before turning your attention towards your son, “we’re right behind you, sweetie!”
“Where the hell is Uncle Denny?!”
“TRAVIS!” you shout as Lloyd starts laughing.
You’re truly going to choke him out.
“Where is Uncle Denny?” Travis scowls as he rolls his eyes.
“Right here,” Denny chuckles as he throws out the cup that contained his drink.
Since the shooting, a lot has changed. Lloyd made good on his work and has stuck to desk work, only doing physical work when he absolutely has to, he’s been around for Travis and all of the activities he participates in, Denny comes around more (at Travis’ request), and you and Lloyd purchased a home together.
Much to your parent’s dismay.
“So you’re just gonna take him back? After everything?” your Mother questioned, standing in her kitchen with her arms folded across her chest.
“Please, I don’t need it.”
“You need to listen to your Mom, she’s just looking out for you,” your Father sighed before he took a sip of his whiskey.
“Yeah, I know, okay? If there’s anyone who knows, it’s me. I’m the one that fell in love with him, I’m the one who married him, had his kid, argued with him, cried over him, divorced him...it was all me! I don’t need anyone telling me how terrible he can be!”
“Yet, you’re going to get back with him?!” your Mother shouted.
“We’re not back together, it’s just for convenience. Travis feels safer this way-”
“Don’t bullshit a bullshitter, babygirl,” your Mother scoffed as she threw her cooking rag down.
“Can we not argue about this? I’m really not in the mood.”
“You never liked him anyway!”
“Him? His parents? How can you like him?! Let alone love him?!”
“He’s not as terrible as you think!”
“Didn’t slam you against a wall and choke you when Travis-”
“He didn’t hurt me! He never would!”
“Y/N, you’re not safe with-”
“Travis and I are safer with him than anyone else! Jesus, I’m not a child! I don’t need you both to agree with everything I do, I’m just trying to make you aware-”
“Did you know that they’re still people watching our house? Watching where we go?!”
“He’s just trying to keep you both safe-”
“Safe from what?!”
“FROM WHATEVER ENEMIES HE MAY HAVE!” you yelled, tired of the constant back and forth with them.
“Y/N,” your Father sighed, clearly tired and fed up, “if you’re going to be with Lloyd, we obviously can’t stop you. We’re both very aware of how much you love him, and you’ve always been too stubborn to listen. Just make sure that the life you have with him, is the life you really want. Yes, love is a hell of a drug, but don’t get too addicted to it. Don’t get too addicted to him,” he warned.
It’s not like you don’t know that they both were making valid points. Yes, Lloyd lives a dangerous life, and he’s 100% certifiable, but you also know that he’d do any and everything to keep you and Travis safe. From the moment Lloyd stepped foot into your life, he has become the center of your universe. All you ever wanted was a full and happy life with Lloyd, and unfortunately, that’s never going to change.
“Stop it,” you giggled as Lloyd hoisted you onto the counter, quickly ripping your panties off. “Travis is sleeping!”
“So be quiet,” Lloyd smirked as he got on his knees.
“Do you like the furniture, Hummingbird?”
“Yes daddy,” you moaned as he easily and skillfully pulled down your panties.
“Is there anything you want that we don’t have, baby?” he asked as he massaged your clit with two fingers.
“Is there anything you need?”
“Only you, daddy. Only ever need you,” you sighed as he started to fuck you with his fingers.
Yes, you two had many sweet and romantic, you two never stopped being sluts for one another, but that doesn’t mean the arguments ever calmed down.
“I have done everything you’ve asked of me, Hummingbird!”
“You could just fucking quit!”
“We agreed to desk work-”
“Lloyd, stop it! Stop acting like I’m being unreasonable! It’s not safe-”
“Hummingbird, you promised me you’d try-”
“I have!”
“Its only been 4 months! Its been 4 months and you’ve been complaining since day one!”
“I need you to meet me half way on this!”
“AND I NEED YOU TO QUIT!” you screamed before you stormed out.
“Y/N,” he growled as he followed after you, “stop being a fucking brat!”
“I’m being...then how about I just fucking leave?!”
“Stop it!” he demanded as grabbed your wrist. “You fucking told me you’d try, so you need to at least fucking try!”
“Let me go!”
“I will when you start behaving!”
“Behaving?! I’m not a child!’
“Then stop acting like one!”
“Lloyd, let me go or I swear to God-”
“What will you do, Hummingbird?! Hmm? Cause you’re not fucking leaving me!” he shouted as he slammed you against the wall.
“Stop it!”
“You have to fucking try! Stop threatening to leave every time something doesn’t go your fucking way! Stop trying to bully into doing whatever the fuck you want!” he demanded hotly as he undid your jeans.
“You don’t want to leave, you want to get your way, and daddy’s told you about being a spoiled little brat, hasn’t he?” he husked as he forced your pants down, before he slid his hand down your panties.
“You’re such a fucking asshole,” you moaned before slapping him.
“Don’t be a little bitch, Humming!” he growled as he started fucking you with his fingers.
“You need daddy to be rough with you, is that it? It’s been so long since I’ve treated you like my own little fuck toy, I forget just how much fucking need it!”
“What’s my fucking name?!” he snapped before slapping you with his other hand, while fucking you faster with his fingers.
“You better not fucking cum until I say so! Now what’s my fucking name?”
“DADDY!” “Good girl,” he chuckled as he removed his fingers.
“I’m gonna spend all night reminding you who is in charge. Lucky for us, Travis is spending the night with his grandparents, so feel free to be as loud as you want, Hummingbird,” he smirked as he shoved his fingers into your mouth. “I think we’ll start with you sucking me off until I’m satisfied and we’ll work our way up from there. Sound good, Hummingbird?”
It’s not surprising that sex is what always brings you both back down to earth, instead of yelling and throwing things, because the whole thing started because of a college hookup. No, it’s not necessarily healthy, but it helps get you two to someplace. Plus, you’ll never turn down sex Lloyd. That’s just as a good as it is bad as far as you’re concerned.
No, it’s not always a walk in the park, but you and Lloyd do your best to make it work. Lloyd holds his tongue when you do or say something he doesn’t like, he tries his best to not take charge of everything, and he finally fucking listens to you. What makes you happy, what makes you anxious, what your fears and doubts are, and what want for the both of you.
In return, you try your best to to control your temper. You don’t yell when he stays late, you don’t go silent when he has to do physical work, you don’t shut him out when he makes you upset, and you don’t resort to petty activity when he pisses you off. You both make an active effort to be better than you two were before because, after staying up for hours and talking about it, you both know that you two won’t last long and it’ll make Travis’ life harder.
It hasn’t been the easiest year, but its been worth it.
“Are you happy?” Lloyd asks as Travis drags Denny off in the direction of the ride.
“Yeah, I think I’m pretty happy,” you chuckle softly. “It’s not always easy, but it’s much better than it was before.”
“Yeah, Hummingbird? You feel like you can tough it out?”
“I don’t see why not,” you smile at up at him. “We’re better than we were before, we’re happier, we’ve grown and learned more about ourselves and each other...I think we needed some time apart to get to a good place.”
“I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you too, Lloyd. So much more than you’ll ever know.”
“Yeah? Then you wanna do me a favor?” he smirks as he gets down on one knee.
“You have been the center of my universe since I first laid eyes on you, and I knew that you were the one for me. It hasn’t been easy, and we’ve both made mistakes along the way, but we’re still standing. Yeah, this relationship isn’t always a daisy, but it’s no thorn either. I have never felt this way about anyone, and I’m sure I never will again. I want inch of you, every day, for the rest of my life. The good and the bad, the ups and downs, the happy and the miserable. So, I’m hoping that you’ll do me the honor of marrying me...again,” he chuckles as you dry your eyes.
“I’ll marry you over and over, again and again, every day for the rest of this life and the next,” you laugh as he places a new hummingbird ring on your finger.
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It’s amazing how quickly everything goes from wrong to right in your world.
“HANSEN!” a man yells as he goes to pull out his gun.
Lloyd is quicker, pulling you down and covering you, before pulling his own gun out and firing off two shots.
You would be in love with someone who gets into a fucking gunfight at Disney.
It takes a moment, all the screaming and running only add to your anxiety, but Lloyd’s hold on you is tight enough that you know he’s okay. You look over and see Denny covering Travis, and let out a breath of relief.
“Are you-”
“I want you out of this, Lloyd. If we’re going to be together and be a real family, I want out of this for good.”
The look in Lloyd’s eyes lets you know that he’s truly on the fence about what choice to make. Does he leave the life that makes him and try something to keep you and Travis safe and happy, or does he walk away from you and all hes ever wanted?
For once in his life, you can truly see that Lloyd doesn’t know what the hell to do, and you don’t know if you’re scared for him or yourself.
taglist: @maroonsunrise83​, @autumnrose40​, @fuckingbye​, @companionjones​, @emerald-evans​ , @whiskeytangofoxtrot555​, @mazda098​, @pono-pura-vida​, @nomadstucky​
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