#it’s time to become so beefy boys……..
transcakeoutintherain · 4 months
Guys this is the year I’m becoming buff….. it’s happening……..
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buckyalpine · 7 months
Imagine beefy Bucky with a baby girl. That’s his tiny princess. His little angel. She’s nearly invisible the first time he carries her, the little bundle lost in his thick arms. Her tiny hand hardly wraps around his finger, holding onto him while he caressed her soft chubby cheeks.
He’s in tears the first time she’s placed in his hold, her first instinct being to nuzzle into his warm chest.
Just like her mama.
She's so delicate and precious, he never wants to let her go. He wants to keep her warm, safe and protected forever, giving her the most feather light kisses while snuggling her close.
She loves his voice, easily falling asleep to it when he reads and sings to her. She coos when he's near by, happily squealing when she hears his footsteps, ready for the warmest cuddles in daddy's firm, strong arms. She loves to lay her head against his chest where she can hear his heart beat, falling asleep every time he carries her.
It makes everyone around the compound melt into a puddle every time they witness it. This large mass of metal and muscle cooing and giggling at the tiny bundle of pink sleeping on his chest, swaying with her while she clutches onto his dogtags.
Sam and Tony initially want to tease him over it but its just so wholesome, all the sneaky pictures they take are saved for memories. Steve could spend hours watching his best friend become a husband, a father, happy to see him get a happy ending that he deserves. He loves seeing the way Bucky's face lights up when your by his side, looking at you with pure heart eyes.
He loves to spend time with the both of you in your shared bedroom, keeping you in his lap while his little one nurses, caressing your skin, telling you how much he loves you both. He loves intimate moments like this where his kisses and touches are purely from how much he loves you. You always almost fall asleep because of how warm he is and he loves it every time. As soon as your eyes grow heavy, he takes his baby from your arms, helping you lie down before rocking and burping her. He wipes her little pouty lips, before soothing her to sleep.
As soon as she's in her crib, he's there to tend to you next, rubbing your back while you're already softly snoring, sighing contently feeling his touch.
This is the life he's dreamed of and there's nothing that could get better than this.
Until a few weeks later where he'll find out he has a baby boy on the way.
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diorcities · 2 months
── ꒰͡⠀𝅄⠀͡꒱ ۟ nct dream and their gestures w you !
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nct dream suggestive headcanon. library.
haechan. putting a hand on your back pocket. the gesture seems possessive and at the same time relaxed, something he does absentmindedly and out of inertia when you are near or when he wants you to get closer to him. but of course, the glance he casts fleetingly at the guy who's been staring at you all night doesn't go unnoticed. the warmth radiating from his hand on your ass causes your stomach to shrink and flutter furiously, especially when you sense him squeezing it a little bit as he pretends you won't notice. he likes to do it because he knows the effect it has on you and because it keeps assholes at bay, and if he wants to take it a little further, he would make out with you as he does it.
jisung. ass slap. can't help it. you look good in those jeans, but he likes to do it especially when you're walking around in your underwear. the image doesn't leave his head, imprinted in his memory that he replays over and over again until his hand tingles with the desire to spank you. the tingling in your skin leaves you a little bewildered. it always takes you by surprise and causes a tingling sensation to take over your senses. he likes the high-pitched cry in awe that assails you before you turn around and stare at him in a daze. caught. his cheeks blush furiously, but from the way he giggles and avoids your eyes you know he would do it again. swear to you, he'd do it again. and you're not gonna lie, you find it attractive since he sometimes squeezes you before letting you go.
jeno. manhandling. when he moves you from here to there like it's nothing. sweeps you by the waist without effort, it surprises you of course. you're not very light, but jeno makes it look like he can do it blindfolded and with just one finger. it's probably because he's a big boy, he makes you feel safe, and every time he pulls you in somewhere he wants, you can't help the furious butterfly wings that hatch in your gut. the fact that he always draws you to himself makes you lower your guard a little and let yourself go, although sometimes he doesn't control his strength and you end up looking like a rag that he moves at will.
renjun. back hugging. He can't find a way around it. glued to you anytime, anywhere. in the bathroom, in the kitchen, whenever you're doing something, he finds a way to wrap his steady arms around your waist and pull you to him, his body heat coming through the cracks into your heart. beefy chest pressed against your back, hands deliberately drawing circles on your bare belly. you can't move easily with his grip, moving slightly only causes his crotch to be buried between the line of your buttocks. oh. he visibly knows what he's doing. it almost feels like he's making the gesture to rub himself against you, but he promises that most of the time he just wants to melt into you..., so that other parts of his body get excited in the process is something else.
chenle. jealousy. his expression makes him more attractive and appealing than he is already. just because he clenches his jaw and his eyes seem like they'd be able to blaze someone with just a glare. 'cause his grip on your waist tightens when a guy comes up to you and visibly only talks to you, excluding his presence rudely. his whole aura changing at the same time as he becomes more sarcastic and sardonic. clearly bugged, and apologetically scoffing with the man's attitude towards you because how dares he. his hand going up your back and resting on your shoulders to pull you to him and kiss you in front of him unscrupulously.
mark. quick reflex. something endearing about him reacting fast. he looks like a little spider, already prepared for any situation. catching you almost immediately when you trip over, grabbing things in the air without thinking, and preventing something from falling to the ground. you allow yourself to be more clumsy because his spider senses are always kicking when he's with you. it makes you feel safe and sound that he's always taking care of you. you obviously find it fascinating, dazzling that his reflexes are so fast. catching him off guard is no easy task and even if he is not paying attention, he is in some way. he doesn't really understand what you find attractive about it, but it's because he just can't see his arms flexing to catch something in the air or his face focused when his reflexes strike in.
jaemin. watching over you. when you leave the cupboard open and your head threatens to crash into it, so he puts his hand in to cushion the blow. when he covers your bodies with a blanket after the rush goes down and you feel suddenly shy that he sees you so bare. when you hug him and your skirt is very short so his hand immediately goes towards the fabric to pull it down, his warm fingers brushing the skin of your inner thighs fleetingly, causing a black hole to open in your stomach and clog your senses as he holds you tight against him. it seems so simple but so appealing to you, enticing flustered emotions to take over every time. you know he's aware of the effect his gestures have on you, so he'll probably keep adding more to the list if you keep blushing this cutely.
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bluehourbucky · 1 year
pairing: beefy!bucky x reader
summary: you obsessed with buckys thicc thighs
a/n: we've all seen the pictures and I know I'm not the first or the only one who's gonna write this but I have to bc look at him
|main| bucky masterlist|
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bucky loves how affectionate you are and you're not shy about it either.
you're always touching him in one way or another, he likes the attention he relishes in it.
bucky loves that you show everyone that he's yours as much as he is showing people you're his.
but there's one thing that bucky knows makes you feral and he doesn't know why but he knows what.
it's his thighs you're worshiping like there's literally nothing better on the planet earth than his thighs - and there's not according to you.
you love to put your head on his thighs when you two are on the couch and are watching something, it is rarely that you choose somewhere else to lay your head on. apparently they are comfier than pillows.
another thing you love his thighs for is when you're feeling extremely horny and needy you would use his thighs for your own pleasure and never just one because the other one would feel excluded whatever that meant.
what bucky has a love hate relationship with is the way you tease him and it always starts with his thighs.
him driving you somewhere, your hand is in his thigh so close to his crotch but yet so far away.
out and about in public you squeeze it either for the possessiveness or because you seek comfort it's usually the first thing but oh well
dinner with friends is a torture the gentle touches drive him insane and you live for it.
the way you hold onto his thighs when you're riding him makes him absolutely feral.
but his favorite was when you're choking and sucking his cock and the more you do it you start scratching his thighs harder and harder, you're hugging them with every little atom of your body. even before you get to his cock you always and he means always spend a few minutes on marking up his thighs.
bucky didn't know he could love being marked like this so much but he does and it's no surprise his favorite season has become summer just so he could show off your art work.
he doesn't know if you love giving his thighs hickeys more or him receiving them..
bucky hates to admit but he loves when there's other spaces you could sit on, any chair couch bean bag literally anything, you choose his lap, it does wonders to his confidence.
one time when he was feeling a little insecure about his thighs bucky got a long and very pleasant reminder from you how his thighs are in fact the sexiest thighs on planet earth.
and you remind him of that every day.
"doll me and the boys are going out for drinks wanna come?" bucky asks and you check him out and stand up from the couch and walk over to him.
'in those jeans?" you eye him.
"you're not going anywhere in those, you're going to take them off right now also tell them you're not going that you have some unavoidable business to attend to."
and who was bucky to deny you pleasure of enjoying his thighs.
[the end]
likes comments and reblogs are appreciated <3
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alphajocklover · 1 month
Hey ! Recently, I've heard about a guy in my college, a young jock fresh from high school, that honestly acts very weirdly.
Apparently, his friends all went to local universities, while he moved all the way out to the capital, apparently in a bid to get some "elite" education. But that's not really weird, isn't it.
No, the weird thing starts at how he already acts like he's the king of uni, belittling everyone, including those like me who have been here for quite a few years, acting and even stating that he is the "alpha" of our department - as if such an outdated and so obviously false way of classifying people was even remotely correct. But then, he just goes around stating that he needs some "betas". Now, while I can imagine what they must be, those "yes-men" you see in movies accompanying the bully, I can't even begin to see how he wants to bring that to real life ! Especially since he's not in high school anymore !
Well, whatever. The real thing that creeps me out is how he seems to hang out near me weirdly often... Should that be cause for concern ?
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck. I’ve only just seen your message. Hopefully there's still enough time for me to warn you. What you’ve met isn’t human. Not exactly. He’s… more.
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Most teenage boys go through puberty with drastic changes. They shoot up, gain a bit of hair and possibly some muscle. Their voice deepens, and of course they get some… urges. It’s all very natural. But some teenage boys undergo a… startling transformation. They don’t just shoot up, they tower. They don’t gain a bit of hair, they grow bushes of it. Some shave it so that they can better show off their muscles, but most don’t. Muscle isn’t just possible for them, it’s inevitable. They’re bodies become beefy and hard, even without exercise, though most still become obsessed with lifting weights and getting even bigger. But what sets these boys, or rather these men, apart from the rest most are their urges. They don’t just feel the need to cum like most guys. They get the urge to dominate. The urge to show their power. The urge to fuck.
These men are what’s known as Alphas. And no, that’s not just some arbitrary classification. This isn’t some guy calling himself an alpha male because he’s an insecure Andrew Tate obsessed bitch. What you are dealing with is a real fucking Alpha. Once they were normal people like you or me, but something… awakened in them at some point. Usually during puberty, as I showed before, but it’s not impossible to have an Alpha discover his true self later in life. These men, if they can be called mere men, are bigger, stronger, more dominant than the average man. Much more dominant. So much so that the world seems to… bend to their will. I don’t know how they do it. Maybe they have some sort of special pheromones, or magic powers. But what I do know is when they want something, it just happens. If they want to be good at something, they just are. If they want to win at something, they just do. If they want the world, it’s served up to them on a silver platter with a protein shake.
And if they want you to be their Beta, you will be their Beta.
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I’m not kidding. They can just.. change people. You’ve probably already seen some symptoms, in you and your friends. A sudden interest in fitness, in sports, in ‘bro culture.’ A strange growth spurt, the kind that really shouldn’t happen after puberty. An increased libido, a simpler vocabulary. And most of all, a great admiration for your Alpha. Not just admiration, a deep love. A need to do what he says, be what he says. Once those feelings start it’ll be too late to save you. Soon you’ll be nothing more than his Beta. Everything about you will revolve around what they want.
It’s not the worst fate in the world. Most people think that if a horny Alpha could do whatever they want to you, you’d end up a brainless sex doll. But more often than not what they really want is a bro. Or, more accurately, they want bros. Alphas are so competitive that they rarely are able to spend extended periods of time together. It’s like having two leaders of a pack. Eventually they end up locking horns. So they find, or rather make, Beta bros for them to hang out with. Big, but not as big as their Alpha. Sexy, but not hot enough to take any pussy away from the Alpha. Cool but not cool enough to take any attention away from the Alpha. There are some differences based on what the Alpha wants. Some Betas are stoners, some are jocks, some are surfers and some are skaters. It all depends on the Alphas personal aesthetic and taste. But Betas are all muscular, horny, hung, and completely subservient to their Alphas.
If you’re lucky, you can get out. Move somewhere far away, and forget about all of this. If you’re lucky the Alpha won’t care enough to go after you. You can keep your identity and sense of self intact.
But if you’re not lucky? If you’re too far under his influence? If your Alpha has taken a liking to you and won’t let you go? Well…
… be grateful you’re his Beta bro and not his Beta bitch.
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**3 post in 2 days! I feel like I’m on fire! Guess I’m just very motivated to write recently. Anyways I hope you guys liked this one! Hope mentioning Andrew Tate wasn’t too political. I hate to let irl politics ruin my online fun. Enjoy!**
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styxwanderer · 1 month
The Wrong Fake Identity | Twisted Wonderland [pt.2]
part 1 <part 2> Part 3 Part4 part 5 part 6
˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙·̩̩̥͙**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙˚*
The lot of you decided to eat around the garden instead, all of them exhausted from all the running, not you of course, you are safe and secure in Jack’s beefy arms and the cushion of his abs. Although the mental panic and bashing of yours had left you sleepy and mentally drained. 
“I thought they are going to give a chase! I have never ran so fast in my entire life!” The orange head said sprawled in the grass.
“I second that! Vil is definitely going to kill me!” The purple haired boy said, sprawled as well near your feet. 
“Worse, riddle is definitely going to collar us like a dog and make us sleep in the flamingo cage! Erkk! The thought of it makes me shiver!” Deuce followed.
“If— if me, the great grim have to run like that again, i think i will just give up!!”
“Leona is going to make me run laps….” Jack more composed, still holding you in his lap.
“All of us could take sanctuary in ignihyde dormitory you know! I’m sure brother will take us in happily.”
“You! I can see through your pla—“Grim shouted
“I… i…”
“I .. i can’t believe it … i betrayed waka-sama, 
I BETRAYEDD WAKA-SAMAAA ARGHHH… how could i even repay this!! I have betrayed him! I am the unworthiest pawn in existence, ARGHHH…. What is wrong with mee. I beg for your forgiveness!!!! Kuuuuhuuu… please forgive this stupid lowly crocodileeee~.”
Sebek is curled up, hand gripping his hair tightly, crying his heart out and start to degrade himself. 
“D-damn… not so loud!” Grim grumbled
“Hey.. uhm.. don’t cry.”  deuce unsure how to console the green hair guy, sitting up. 
“Uwah.. he turns out to be quite a crybaby..”
You slide out of jack’s lap and hold, much to his disappointment, and crouched down in front of Sebek.
Sebek looked up at you, cheek wet from his teary eyes and mouth quivering. 
“Whaat…?” He whimpered lowly. 
Your plan to smack his head to the ground for being loud and hurting your newly enhanced ears, vanished as your eyes dilate into a full round. Then your self control broke.
Followed by a numerous “AAAA!!!!”
The lot of them froze from shock at your uncharacteristic behavior.
You had licked his wet cheek and the tears that is falling in his face. In a moment the red wet face of his had become a raging red as he hold the part where you licked him. 
“HUMANN! WHA—-…..are you trying to console me?”
You had your ears covered when he shout, bow that he is talking. Your sleepy brain went on over-drive and went full cat. You went to nuzzle your head to the crook of the aligator’s neck. 
Blushing even more Sebek then hug your waist as he scoop you to his lap. “OH HOW KINDDD! ill accept this with the greatest honor!” 
The sun shining on you had made you even sleepier, so you don’t mind getting a cuddle from the aligator man. Plus his toned abs and muscle had made a great cushion for you to sleep on. 
“HEY!! THATS NO FAIRRR!!!” Epel now snapped out of his trance stood up and point at the both of you.
“ you cheating scoundrel! I also want to hold themm!!” He continued.
“Yes not fair at all!!! Why does the one doing a half assed job get it all?” Ortho followed 
“Yeahh! Why do you have to be the one holding them..” deuce asked.
“We also deserved a rewards for saving her you knoww!” Ace said
“It should’ve been me the great Grim that they hold and pamper not you guys, i am the original so shooo! Find someone else!” 
“C’mon guys.. we can take turn.” Truth be said, Jack is disappointed that it is not him that you fall asleep on, but he is trying hard to save his dignity and so he chose to act mature as begrudgingly that is.
You had gone far from reality and off to the dream world. 
The lot of them decide to spend rest of the lunch break eating their food while also passing you around.
“Heyy.. heyy .. y/n.. its time for class.”
“Hnn.. what time is it?” 
You had woken up in deuce lap. Enjoying the plush of his thighs as pillow. You slowly wake up. Then your instinct told you to lick him and so you did.
“AA.. AA.. what ..”
“Oh sorry.. i didn’t realized  what im doing” you yawn.
“No no its alright!! you could do more if you want.” He mumbled the last part so you couldn’t quite hear it. The tip of his ears are now red.
Deuce has determined, he will never wash his face again.
Thankfully no one saw that action or the whole group is going to go for a whole banter show again. 
Then it’s time to separate to different class much to epel’s, sebek’s, jack’s, and ortho’s disappointment. 
“Ah.. i wish you are in my class y/n” epel said
“I double that!”
“Hehe.. too badd so sadd..”
“They belong with us.”
“Whomp whomp.” 
The trio idiots jeered making epel and the rest, veins popped out in frustration.
“Just ya wait ya bastards!”
Surprisingly even jack is quite annoyed as he let out a low growl.
Ortho is planning some mischievous prank to follow the trio. 
Sebek is hiding his jealousy although it is very apparent on his face how annoyed it is. 
Adeuce and grim are sneering at them like they had win something. 
Sulking the rest of them go to their respective classes.
Finally the last class has rolled. Adeuce and grim not reallg excited to have to share you with the other four, and the other four anticipating your presence. You better prepare to say goodbye to your privacy time.
“Oh we dont have enough mushroom for this potion. We need to get more of it.” groaned grim your lab partner.
“Ooo..! Dont worry ill take it!” 
“Really?!! Thanks a lot y/n”
“No problem!” You hopped off your seat and begun to make an exit.
Into the glasshouse you go. 
“This campus is too big im getting tiredddd..”
You groaned as you open the glasshouse. You begun to make your way to the garden-shed. 
A hand suddenly grip your ankle making to fall.. into a soft cushion?
Your hissing starts to quiet down as you slowly processing who just grab you.
Before you know it you are hold captive in the embrace of the great lazy lion. 
“Ohh.. look who is here, herbivore.” 
“Leona, you scared me.”
He chuckled in response. 
“Please let me go now.” You try to wiggle out.
“Why would i do that.”
“I need to go back to class before professor crewel kills me.”
“Hahaha, don’t worry you are safe within my arm.”
Before u could continue your word Leona had rubbed the spot just behind your ears shutting you up. 
All of that human instinct thrown out the window.
Revert bacc to cats
You nudge your head toward his hand as you purr. 
“You like that don’t you.” he chuckled. 
He removed his hand away from that spot, craving for more you nudge your head to the crook of his neck.
“What should i do with you. Demanding a royalty to scratch your ears tsk tsk..”
“You better stick around with me you hear, after all who can protect you better if not me.” 
He lazily said
Leona’s sleepiness begun to affect you as you begun to feel comfortable in his hold. You decide the lion hair is messy you give it a lick.
“Ohhhh… sorry... i dont know why i did that…” you snapped
Leona held the back of your head and place your head to his chest. 
“Moving on too quickly on the relationship, are we? What an impatient and impudent herbivore of mine. I should teach you properly. but for now, let’s sleep”
Yawning He placed his arms and legs caged you and his tail intertwining with your new ones. He doubted anybody would disturb the sleeping lion, but this is you he is talking about. Everybody would do anything for you. Not taking any risk he draped over a tarp to cover the both of you, learning from experience that they are a good disguise material.
After all, the hunting game would start at the end of class, it will be an easy win for him, plus nobody could blame him or call him cheating, since technically you fall down to his arm and got caged. And on the extra side he wanted to see malleus dread angry face as he saw the both of you with burning jealousy.
Meanwhile in class,
“Hey grim where is y/n?” Ace approach the doodling werebeast. 
“Oh they went to get more mushroom for the project. “ 
“Since when?” Deuce continued
“Around.. an hour ago..?” 
“GRIMM!!!” The both of them exclaimed
“Whatt.. i got distracted!!”
“The class is almost over noww!”
“And they are still not here!!”
“Ehem.. little pups, why are you making a fuzz over here?”
“Eeek!!!!” Trio idiots turn around finding crewel with the whipping. 
“One.. two.. three…, where is the other pup, or should i say kitten now?” 
“Uhmm you see proff, we ran out of mushroom.” Grim swallowed his saliva
“So they left to get some..” ace half mumbled.
A large heavy sigh escaped his mouth as he hold firm of his whipping stick.
“And they haven’t returned yet is that it?” The man tone getting lower.
“Eeek!! YES SIRE!” The three of them shrieked. 
“what am i to do with you, tch i know i should’ve prioritize that adoption paper sooner.” he whispered half of the part. 
“Well you better find them sooner— “
The bell has rung and in the same exact time the door flung open to reveal Epel, Jack, Ortho, and Sebek. 
“WHERE IS Y/N ?!!” Jack barged
“Geez you can’t wait can you.” Ace groaned.
“This is importantt!!” Ortho interjects
“It’s not thatt!! Its just—.” Epel word was cut off.
That is it, that is the breaking point for crewel. Fuck that bird brain crow, he is going to shave him bald. And for his naughty puppy, well lets just say disciplines awaits. 
“Is that so.” Slapping his whip to his hand creating a loud sound. 
“Oh goddd look he is emitting black aura! “ Ace shooks
“We are in trouble!!” Grim stammered.
There is a collective gulp throughout the classroom. 
“Well then what are you doing? FIND THEM!” 
“Yes, sire, yes!” The lot of them immediately jumped out of the door to find you. 
Soon news that you had gone missing spread throughout NRC.
Meanwhile in Heartslabyul,
“Where could they be? I hope those insolent fools haven’t broken any rules and trapped you!”Riddle hoped before he gave orders to his soldiers ,including ace and deuce, to find you. 
Riddle had thought that it is better for you in the care of heartslabyul since both he and trey have experience dealing with a cat beastman, hecc they can even invite Che’nya to help you adjust into your life as a new cat beastman, he just hoped che’nya won’t teach you anything wierd or questionable. 
Meanwhile in Octanaville,
“ oh my what a turn of event! My angel-cat fish is missing, i shall be the one to find her first. Jade, Floyd, our perfect plan can wait, for now its time to search them.” 
“Yes Azul.”
“Yes Azul~”
Meanwhile in Scarabia,
“Eh?!! They are missing?!! I hope they just got lost in the campus! Oh how scared must they be if they’re under the hands of one of the students.”
“Not now Kalim, we need to focus on finding them.”
Meanwhile in Pomefiore,
“Rook, did you manage to target the spell onto them?”
“ Non, I’m embarrassed to say but since they were covered by jacket belonging to jack howl I am unable to track them down.”
“Tch. where can they be… Rook change of strategy, it’s time for a different kind of hunt.
“Oui, Roi du Poisson, let your wisdom guide us through.
Vil shudders on the thought that any other dorm leader had gotten his hand on you, and most certainly he hoped it is not Leona. What a lazy lion could do to affect your beauty potential, keeps him up at night. 
Meanwhile in Ignihyde,
“ what ortho, y/n is missing, and just before the hunt. My luck could never be better.” Idia moaned. 
“I’m sorry brother.” The robotic voice of ortho can be heard through his tablet.
“Thats alright, you’ve done well. Now if you could scan all the campus and i will access all camera.”
“It will take about 30 min with the school slow internet.”
“Its good enough. Now leave it to you brother. Its going to be an eazy Peezy catch. LAWL.”
“Heheheh, of course brother!”
Meanwhile in Diasomnia, 
Once the news had reached the ears of Malleus Draconia, a loud thunder light had blasted through. 
“ calm down Malleus, it’s not like the hunt is over yet.” He chuckled.
“ you’re right lilia. I need to make haste to find them. Silver, come with me lets us play this game of hunt.”
“Yes, Malleus.” Silver anticipatingly answered. 
“Khufufufufu, they can hide all they want but it will be an easy game for us” 
Meanwhile in Savannaclaw,
“Ohhh? Y/n is missing? Shishishi…Leona might’ve captured his prey on record time afterall. Oh well, less work for me and I get the spoil too, Yeahh! Lucky!” Ruggie chuckled as he can’t seem to find Leona as well. 
[words 2318]
>> to be continued<<
.·:*¨༺ ❈ ༻¨*:·.
taglist: @agaygothicmushroom @feverish-dove
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fbfh · 1 year
Sweet Pea x soft!reader hcs
wc: 1.3k
genre: mutual pining, tooth rotting fluff
pairing: sweet pea x soft reader
warnings: reader is implied to be smaller than sweet pea but he's like 6'3 and beefy so it's not too out of the question, reader is called clingy needs attention and hates being alone by jughead but sweet pea LOVES that about you, size difference, protective sweet pea, sweet pea is a rottweiler boyfriend, kisses and cuddles, mentions of fighting and gang activity
song recs: fight for me - heathers obc, big boy - sza
a/n: been watching the anime my love story and it's feuling my sweet pea obsession lol. I've also decided that while horribly bad, riverdale is camp. If I convince myself it's camp I can drag myself through it. It's supposed to be bad and make no sense and of course there's a "goblin king" running around town causing problems because it's camp.
tags: @yesv01 @magcon7280
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Okay so like I said in my initial drabble
When Sweet Pea first sees you he deadass thinks you’re an angel
You are so sweet and soft and perfect
The only way to describe you is angelic
He’s so wrapped up in how alluring and enamoring you are that he doesn’t notice you’re just as drawn to him
You immediately see past his gorgeous and intimidating exterior to the soft great big heart inside him
You see all his good traits and you’re not scared off that he’s a little rough around the edges
But Sweet Pea sees that you’re not rough around the edges
And he doesn’t want you to become that way
Especially not because of him
He feels so protective over you from day one
Even though he’s fighting his obvious feelings for you and ignoring your obvious feelings for him, he still tries to look out for you
Keeps an eye on you a little, just to make sure no one’s giving you any trouble
You’re friends with Betty so you’re sort of tied to the serpents already, but he doesn’t want to drag you any deeper into gang life than you already are
So he tries not to fall any harder for you than he already has
Even though Jughead is always bringing you up, telling him that Betty says you’ve been asking after him
He can’t even process that Jughead just said you’ve been asking after him and about him a lot because of how Jughead keeps describing you
He says you’re sort of clingy and need a lot of attention, that you get nervous in crowds and you’re really touchy and hate being alone 
That’s why your last boyfriend broke up with you
But the more Jughead talks about you and your apparent flaws, the more perfect you sound to Sweet Pea
You’re exactly what he’s been dreaming of
Someone he can go all in with, someone who wants him and needs him as much as he wants you and needs you
Which is obviously a lot
And now it’s getting harder and harder to listen to that logical voice that tells him he’s no good for you, that you deserve someone from northside who can take good care of you and not drag you into any more chaos than you’re already surrounded by 
But you’ve been writing his name in your diary over and over for weeks now, and it’s really just a matter of time before you end up together 
All your friends know this
Betty and Jughead and Toni know this
Even Fangs knows this
Everyone knows but you and Sweet Pea
You both still think it’s an unreciprocated pipe dream
Something to imagine scenarios about before you fall asleep
You’re more alike than you realize 
But soon you find your way to each other
You just can’t stay away anymore
And once you’re together, once you’re finally in his arms, neither of you ever want to let go
Sweet Pea is an amazing boyfriend to begin with
But especially when it comes to someone as soft and sweet and precious as you?????
He’s literally the best person you could ever hope for
He’s a classic rottweiler boyfriend 
AND he’s a gang boyfriend
Plus Sweet Pea’s just naturally a very protective person to the people he loves
So you can guarantee you’ll be safe with him
He won’t hesitate to stare down anyone he thinks looks at you too long
But he’s not going to start shit with you around unless he has to
If he does need to fight someone, he’s going to make sure you’re not there to see it
Even if he has to ask Betty or Veronica or Fangs to drag you into the other room and stay with you until it’s over
He doesn’t want you to see him like that
But he knows how to hold his own, and Fangs and Toni both reassure you there’s not a fight he hasn’t been able to walk away from
You’re always there to patch him up afterwards too
You touch him so gently
With more love and care and tenderness than he’s ever gotten from anyone before
It makes it kind of impossible to regret sticking up for you
Even if he did walk away with some nasty scratches and a black eye
You’re still not scared of him
You don’t judge him
Like at all
He always makes you feel so safe around him 
All he’s wanted for a while is someone to go all in with
Someone to protect, someone to take care of
Someone who needs him
And you do 
You spend more and more nights together before finally confessing that you can’t really sleep without him anymore
When I tell you his heart explodes when you say that?????
God as if you couldn’t get him wrapped even tighter around your finger
Surprise! Yes you can
He dips you a lot too
Mostly because he’s so tall and it’s so easy and it makes you so nervous when he pulls you close and leans over you like that
It makes you all dizzy and he talks so close to your face for a few moments before finally kissing you
GOD it makes your head spin
You can’t get enough
And he can’t get enough of the way you look up at him all soft and sweet
Like you’re not scared of him
Which you’re not
It’s still kind of new for him
But it’s something he really hopes he can get used to
He’s touchy too
He pulls you into his lap and rests his head on your shoulder a lot
Or wraps his arms around yours
Don’t even get me started on holding his big old hands with both of yours
It makes his stomach flip every single time
You kiss his neck and jaw a lot too
Mostly because it’s all you can reach half the time
And because you know it drives him completely crazy
If you ever worried about getting unwanted attention from guys, you don’t have to anymore
EVERYBODY knows you’re Sweet Pea’s 
And EVERYBODY knows not to fuck with him
Sweet Pea can be fucking terrifying when he wants to
Which makes things like him pinning you to the couch and tickling you until you tap out and you’re both blushing giggly wrecks even cuter  
You completely and totally have scary boyfriend privileges 
And you take such good care of him too
He really doesn’t think he’s ever been this happy and content and at peace
His friends can easily attest to the fact that they’ve never seen him this happy either
And your friends have never seen you this happy too 
Over all, you’re really just a fantastic match
You become the emotional support couple of riverdale high so fast
People get used to seeing him walk you to classes he doesn’t even have 
Seeing you ride around town on the back of his motorcycle together 
Because you belong together
You really do
Sweet Pea might not know what the future is going to look like
He might not know what’s going to happen tomorrow
But the only thing he does know about his future is that you’re going to be in it
And he’s going to be in yours
You’re starting to make him dream about a soft domestic life away from gangs and murder and conspiracies
He doesn’t know if that’s practical or attainable, but he hopes it is
Until then, he’s more than happy just getting to be around you
Getting to see you all the time and wake up next to each other on the weekends
He loves loving you, he loves keeping you safe and happy
Just like you love him and keep him happier than he’s ever been
Just being with you is more than enough
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 6 months
Xyleth had me giggling n kicking my feet likeeee ok big man 😘 “trying to make me jealous little one?” GAJRLCIWOENDLS tbh the whole planet messing around w/ thembo reader was so peak,,, if it’s too much to ask could we hear more about them 🙇
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Alright, dear Anon ❤️
I'm so sorry, I know you asked this a long time ago now (I've been so busy omfg), but I did just post a mini sexy drabble for my beefy boy and thembo Reader ❤️
But just for you, here's some extra seasoning ❤️ thank you for your patience ❤️
Even the most overt flirtations go right over (Reader's) head. Everything that Xyleth does is instantly chalked up to "cultural differences", and it is always a shock whenever someone explains to the barbarian that, no, this was not a platonic gesture.
Everyone in the village adores Xyleth's mate, and finds great humor in watching them lose their mind over simple concepts.
(Reader), returning to Xyleth's tent with their arms full of food: Everyone's so nice here! They all kept congratulating me on becoming your friend haha :)
Xyleth, bursting with love: Oh, what do you mean by that?
(Reader): Well, they all kept saying "Congratulations to our leader's mate"!
Xyleth, smiling: :)))))))
(Reader): ...What?
I feel like Xyleth would absolutely love children, although whether it be by gender or species differences, he would certainly propose adoption. Because for Xyleth, it wouldn't be the act of biological procreation, but raising the finest warriors of any species alongside his most favored warrior, (Reader) ❤️
Also, Xyleth and Thembo! Barbarian have the best relationship I think of any of my characters, because any controlling, weird behavior of Xyleth's is just completely misunderstood by (Reader), so there aren't many opportunities for (Reader) to feel fear or discomfort.
Xyleth, standing with a giant statue of (Reader) in the middle of the village: And for you, my mate, I've commissioned this piece to preserve your strength and beauty for all time~
(Reader), looking saddened: Are my delts really that small..?
Xyleth: I will behead the artist immediately.
(Reader), happy again: Nah, bro, you don't have to do that! That first means I have to work out harder! You wanna help me get these arms looking statue worthy?
Xyleth: I fucking love you.
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b1mbodoll · 10 months
how can u say bull hoon like i’m in a crisis now. just thinking about beefy hoon being brought into a new farm and immediately becoming obsessed with the sweet little farmhand who’s in charge of collecting his seed. everyone’s always talking about how impeccable the quality of his seed is and how they’re gonna have to have him breed with the cow girls. but why would hoon go near those girls when he can just dump his load into his pretty little farmer and make her carry his calf :( just thinking about her all round and swollen with his baby has him pumping load after load into her
pairings: park sunghoon x f! reader
warnings: hybrids + courting + oral + scent kink + strength kink + begging + jealousy + pregnancy
💌: help u sent me !!!! into a crisis im going to think about this for literally forevwr like i cant rn omfgkfsoskkfjfkskdnf i need him ps it doesnt matter what u look like i promise bull! hoon is large and in fucking charge!!!!!!!!!
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bull! hoon is no stranger to sex. sometimes farmers would slap a wad of cash on his handler’s desk n he’d be sent to the field where a scared little cow hybrid was waiting for him to take what he wants, but he never did. instead he’d stay away from the heifer n do his own thing until her owner would get angry n snatch their payment, cursing sunghoon as the pair leave because how dare the bull not seduce his hybrid!!!!!!
his handler gets fed up with the constant failed breeding attempts n sends him your way, tired of dealing with such a stubborn bull. when sunghoon lays his eyes on you it’s like his personality does a complete 180. he’s no longer cold and distant n is so careful with you because ur such a tiny little thing in comparison to the buff bull.
when you try introducing him to ur sweet cow hybrids sunghoon is so distraught because he’s been courting you for weeks n this is the final nail in the coffin, he can’t keep pretending like he doesn’t wanna pound you til you’re crying. completely unaware of the bull boy’s feelings you leave the pair alone, tending to your other hybrids in the meantime.
sunghoon’s snorting and stomping his feet because he’s so angry!!! he doesn’t want to fuck a cowgirl he wants you!!!! wants to stuff you full of cum n make you a slut for his dick til all you can think about is getting bred :( sends the cowgirl back to her pen n waits for you in the pasture
when you return to check on them you’re surprised to find the bull alone, slipping into the fenced in area with him before asking, “hi hoonie, what’s wrong? did something happen?” he nearly caves at the sound of your sweet voice laced with worry, but he maintains his composure. “what’s wrong?” he snorts angrily, “what’s wrong is i’ve been tryin’ to show you i’m worthy of being your mate but you won’t give me the time of day!” the shock is evident in your face and hoon cant believe you really didnt know his intentions. “wha? hoonie i can’t be your mate! you don’t know what you’re talkin’ about, y’just haven’t met the right cow!” you continue making excuses for him and he’s had enough, biceps flexing as he shoves you facefirst into the dirt.
the display of strength has your cunt dripping and you can only pray he doesn’t notice. but he’s a top hybrid, the best of the best and his sharp nose instantly picks up on your arousal. “stay down” he grunts, making sure you’re properly presenting for him before making his way behind you and tearing your shorts off with his large hands, leaving you clad only in your tiny tank top and cotton panties drenched in your juices.
your bull stuffs his face between your thighs n shoves his nose right up against your cunt, inhaling deeply and becoming obsessed with how good your pussy smells. “if y’can’t be my mate then why are you so wet, human?” you’re so embarrassed n your hole clenches around nothing at his words. “‘s normal sunghoon! what else do you expect after treating me like this?” he ignores you completely n rips your panties off, throwing them to the side before digging in, mouth slurping at your pussy like he’s fucking starving.
his tongue is so fucking long and he’s so skilled, it’s not long before you’re creaming. “you’re ready.” is all he says before lining his dick up with your sloppy cunt, filling you in one quick thrust. he moans so loud you’re sure the entire farm can hear him, feeling sorry for your hybrids because you can’t bring yourself to make him pull out. “you wanna cum again, sweetheart?” you nod your head like crazy, wanting nothing more than to milk his dick for all it’s worth. “then fucking beg.” sunghoon is a dirty pervert and you’re just as bad, begging instantly with no hesitation. “please hoonie! wanna be your breeding bitch, need your thick cum inside now! wanna cum with you n feel you impregnate me, please!” he’s in fucking heaven, cums so hard n so much it’s no wonder he’s a prized bull, fills you up so well it makes you black out.
after he makes you cum again sunghoon carries you inside, tucking you into your bed before taking his spot next to you. when you wake up the following morning your body is so sore and you still feel so full because sunghoon is insatiable and couldn’t resist fucking you til he passed out from exhaustion. as you make your way around the farm to check on your hybrids you can’t help but notice how they’re staring at you, jake, your sweet dog hybrid is even outright glaring at you because how could sunghoon get to you first? it’s only fair if he gets a turn because he was here before that damn bull!
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koyagi-writes · 1 year
Folder: Genshin-Impact Accounts (characters): Arataki Itto, Baizhu, Cyno, Gorou, Tartaglia, Tighnari, Xiao, Zhongli Query: N/A Pop-Up (warnings): Fluff, Smut (will be marked), GN!AFAB!Reader (female anatomical language), but you/your are used, overstimulation,  monsterfucking, biting, marking, inappropriate use of visions, breeding, aphrodisiacs (consensual), oviposition, drug use (mushrooms), high sex, intercrural sex (thigh fucking), semi-public sex, Spoilers?
We headcanon that most (if not all) of these characters have rut or rut-adjacent experiences, and you being there makes it “worse” for them. At least you can relieve any of their pent up stress.
Arataki Itto (Oni, bull/cow)
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Itto is a big, beefy boy, everyone is aware of that fact. Not only is he the tallest playable character, he’s also one of the strongest. This is all thanks to his heritage as an Oni, plus the support of the gang in his formative years.
Once you come into the picture, Itto is a big showoff; he’s an Oni, and Oni are proud beings, evident in his initiations of PDA. He’ll kiss all over, even leaving bites and hickeys--that almost mirror his markings in color--in places he knows you can’t possibly cover or hide. Also, don’t eat beans; his allergies will spike if he even kisses you.
Bulls often display unpredictable aggression, a trait that Itto and Ushi share with you. As your boyfriend, he’ll catch you off guard by playfully tackling and wrestling you. He’d try not to hurt you, but if he gets too rough a tug on his horns will immediately get him off of you. He’ll panic and worry if you’re mad at him, even almost crying as he inspects your body for injuries. Once he’s sure you’re okay, the play-fighting will cease, replaced by cuddles under the softest blankets you own. Ushi would headbutt the both of you, but otherwise makes a soft pillow once the brawl is over.
He will fold if you can scrounge up the mora to buy the both of you matching pajamas or lingerie (strawberry cow bikini strawberry cow bikini strawberry cow bikini).
(NSFW) During his rut, Itto becomes more aggressive, and advises the gang that he’ll need to be alone for about a week. Early on in the relationship, he would have Shinobu keep you busy to keep you safe (he doesn’t want to hurt you :( not even by accident) and wait the week out.
The first time you insisted on helping him, Itto was astounded. His hair disheveled, crimson skin covered in a thin layer of sweat, large teeth on full display as you entered his room, much to his protest. It doesn’t take much to get him to cave and be a bit rougher with you, and his aggressive demeanor slips as you straddle his lap and press the sweetest kisses into his skin. He has you ride him, makes you set the pace at which the two of you melt into each other. He knows you want to help him feel better, but he won’t do something unless you explicitly tell him or let him know. After a while, maybe he’ll let loose and give in to his instincts and fuck you into the mattress. He will definitely want to breed you, but again will only do it if you say so.
Outside of his rut, sex with Itto is different. The room will be filled with small giggles and moans as you indulge in each other’s bodies. He’d make stupid jokes here and there, or his mind will completely wander and he’ll start rambling while thrusting into you. On nights when you’re both tired, he’ll spoon you, and slowly grind his cock just between your thighs and play with your body, then--once he knows you’re dripping--slip it into your relaxed cunt, continuing his slow movements. He’ll build you up, groaning sweet affirmations into your ears, as he ensures your pleasure before chasing his own. There’s a chance he’ll stay inside you as you both drift off, but on most occasions, Itto will pull out, and you’ll take good care of each other for the night--mainly with snacks, water, massages and cuddles.
Extra tidbit, it’ll be hard to hide if he does breed you, since you may or may not temporarily develop some of his markings on your chest, arms and tummy.
Baizhu (Snake/serpent)
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We headcanon Baizhu using he/they pronouns. Also that he can sometimes turn into a lamia/naga for the sake of our monsterfuckers.
It seems Changsheng has an effect on Baizhu’s personality. While maintaining the people skills necessary for the pharmaceutical business, he’s reserved and quiet, and rarely speaks, usually only to you, Changsheng, Gui and Qiqi. When he does speak, however, they have that traditional hissy, seductive tone. He’s lean, relying on different herbal remedies and meals to stay healthy.
Again, Baizhu is reserved, and prefers to keep his affections between the two of you, rather saving his kisses for those cozy nights in bed. Poor boy is cold-blooded, so he’ll cling to you and leech off the warmth radiating from your skin as the two of you retire to your soft bed for the night.
You and Baizhu coparent Qiqi, helping her remember various information, keeping track of her, and helping her carry the herbs she picks on harvest days. He’ll greet you with a kiss on your forehead, then take over taking care of Qiqi for the rest of the day. You guys are just like a happy little family!
He is resourceful, incorporating his venom in various supplements and remedies. They’ll even “prescribe” you some of these supplements.
(NSFW) A side note before we begin, Baizhu’s venom contains a mild aphrodisiac, one that induces or strengthens the effects of one’s heat or rut. It also may contain a very mild sedative.
During their rut, Baizhu will close the pharmacy or have Gui manage the place while he’s out of commission. He’d keep you in bed all day, gently trailing kisses, bites, and sweet nothings into your skin, before prepping the rest of your body to take him, even if you do feel a tad sleepy (You had the talk with him, and ensured that the venom’s effects were safe). They’ll have two cocks, one for eggs, and the other for his cum. He’ll wrap his body around yours, feeling how warm your soft body has gotten, then slowly push them both into you from behind. Once you’ve adjusted, he’ll begin pumping into you. They don’t need to, they can just release the eggs into you, but they know that poor little humans need friction to reach their climaxes. He’ll tease you about it, how his sweet darling would get so needy and demanding, releasing an egg with each thrust, filling you until he’s satisfied.
Outside of their rut, Baizhu will only have one cock (the other will be sheathed away). He’ll still wrap himself around you, using his coils to massage your body and help coax your orgasm. They’ll be more gentle, thrusting into you from the front, whimpering and whining your name as he indulges in your pleasure. They love cockwarming, so once they’re satisfied, be prepared to fall asleep in a sweaty, cum/egg filled mess, round with his young. There could even be a chance you give Qiqi a young sibling.
Cyno (jackal)
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Cyno is about as lean as Baizhu, but has strong legs and abs, and immense stamina. He may not be a hybrid, but he’s just as protective of you as any jackal would be with its mate. The General would bring down the whole wrath of the Matra just to keep you safe and happy.
He’s mostly reserved and keeps to himself, believing air shouldn’t be wasted on frivolous words. All of that goes out the window when he retires from his duties for the night. You’d probably already be in bed, or lounging around your shared home, but once he removes the headpiece and armor, he’d cling to you and ramble, be it about a TCG match, a case he recently resolved at the Akademiya, or the meal you packed him that morning. He’d hold you close, rehearsing his dumb jokes that no doubt have you giggling into his neck.
By even associating with Cyno, you’ll become popular amongst the people of Gandharva Ville. Tighnari will sometimes have you come over to help Collei with her studies while he goes out for field research, and he trusts you dearly; you basically become family to the pair!
(NSFW) Now, we know we said that Cyno isn’t a hybrid, but we like to think he goes through something similar to rut. Every once in a while, when the stress of his work and the heat of the desert culminate into something potentially dangerous or unhealthy, he’d take a break for a while once he realizes where his mental state is taking him. During that break, he’ll have you laid out or bent over any surface in the house he deems adequate--which will probably be all of them--and take out all the stress on you. Cyno would never hurt you, clearly, but he just needs you so badly, it’s not his fault that he’s being so rough with your body, leaving blossoms of purple and red on your skin, thrusting in and out of your cunt with such fervor, going for as many rounds as he needs. At this point he doesn’t care much about getting you pregnant; if you do then you do, but if you don’t want to, he’ll at least listen to that. If you end up pregnant, it’ll just make him even more protective of you while you’re so vulnerable.
Other times, he’ll be more gentle, more rational, most in tune with your desires. Cyno’s most vocal at this point, whining and “howling” as you sink deeper into pleasure together. Some nights, you might catch him off guard, your figure adorned with violet and gold to match his attire, straddling his lap and taking care of both his and your needs. He’d hold your hips gently, gaze deep into your eyes, and beg you to push him over the edge.
No matter what time, you and Cyno have aftercare down to a science. The two of you sat down and had a long, thought out discussion about keeping each other safe before, during, and after the two of you have sex. He enjoys a warm shower, water, and cuddles afterward, and he’s willing to treat you with the utmost care. You could almost say he spoils you sometimes, and at some point you’ll both get competitive over it. You just love each other so much, you’d rather “fight” over who loves who more. Even that will end up with one of you on your backs.
Gorou (Shiba Inu)
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Like Cyno, Gorou is lean, with strong legs and arms. Before meeting you, he used to spend almost all of his free time on training and building his endurance. Now, he only spends half of that time on that, opting to rather be pampered and spoiled by you, whether by brushing out his tail, scratching that itch behind his ears, or even preparing his favorite dishes every sundown.
At some point, the rigid muscle of his abs will develop a little fat, making his tummy much softer and more squishable. He’ll be a bit self-conscious, worrying that you and his soldiers will no longer see him as the pillar of strength; he couldn’t be further from the truth. You love him, no matter his size, and his soldiers even continue their diligence and respect.
During the colder nights on Watatsumi, Kokomi will have the General retire to your shared quarters early. You’d greet him at the door briefly before wrapping him up in a blanket and spoiling him all night, a warm meal and cuddles awaiting his arrival.
He’s bold, but likes to keep clean. When the two of you bathe together, he’ll lean into your touch as you lather homemade shampoo into his scalp and tail. If you’re lucky (which you are, no doubt), he’ll let down his guard and have you rub his sensitive belly, whimpering and yelping at your gentle touch.
(NSFW) The poor Doggy General has a rut, during which he’s extremely sensitive and emotional. He’d hide away, and cry as he tries and fails to take care of himself again and again and again. Once you come into the picture, your scents would have him absolutely intoxicated. He’ll try to pounce on you, only able to restrain himself by a thread, but catch himself, and cower into his little pile of blankets. He wouldn’t lay an unsavory finger on you, so he’d let you take the lead for the time being. He’d buck his hips up at any touch, begging you to just satiate his urges. Once you’re straddling his hips, bouncing up and down on his length, he’ll squirm and cry, seeking out any friction your body is willing to give him. Gorou will try to knot and breed you as you both fall into depraved ecstasy together in his quarters, but that’s only if you let him (we love consent out here, folks). If not your cunt, at least let him knot your hand; please, he’ll be so good for you~.
Outside of his rut, Gorou will be slightly more dominant, his rationale being that he has more restraint of himself, and there’s less of a chance he’ll hurt you. His stamina will remain the same, only able to indulge in your warm, slick cunt for so long. His knot will be smaller, if not completely gone, so you can more safely take him into your mouth, swallowing load by load as his fingers grip and tug at your hair. Once he has you prepped, and his cock is aching for that searing, soaking embrace, he won’t hesitate to bottom out immediately. But he won’t move, not until he feels your hips buck against his. At that point, forget trying to say anything; any words will be interrupted by sweet moans enveloping the room around you, moreso on your end now. He’ll chase his own pleasure, but still maintain a shaky thumb against your twitching clit to help you find your own release. Scratch at his back, bite him, mark him in any way; he’ll only reciprocate tenfold while he has you on his cock.
Usually it’s you taking care of him after, gently petting him as he apologizes incessantly into your marked neck. Poor Gorou will feel bad if he made a mess of you, so he’ll insist on cleaning his cum out of your sore cunt. But if you insist, he’ll just let you carry him to the bath, wincing as you rub gentle soaps and shampoos into his hair and skin, ointments and lotions into the scratches you left on his back, and him doing the same to you in exchange. You’d dress in cozy shirts and underwear, and grab the fluffiest blankets you own, draping it over the two of you and cuddling the rest of the night away with steaming cups of tea that would be cold by sunrise.
Tartaglia (Fox)
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We all know that a crucial piece of Ajax’s charm is his cunning, charismatic nature; it’s what got him so far in life (aside from the power he obtained during his time in the abyss). He even had to employ such cunning tricks to win your heart, which even he struggled at. You gave him a hard time at first, teasing him and playing hard to get. But due to his determination and adaptive nature, he ended up wooing you anyway. Now it’ll be him teasing you from now on. Aww, don’t look at him like that, then he’ll want to kiss you even more.~
Ajax is well built, and his figure astounded you the first time he had let you see his body. He trusted you the most, allowing you to gently trace over his scars and freckles with your fingers and leave kisses in their wake. His body is versatile, built for all manners of combat and warfare; a true warrior’s body.
He’s possessive of you, that’s a given, and as a proud Snezhnayan man, Ajax would damn near beg you to have some sort of sign of himself on you. He doesn’t care how--be it you wearing something of his (clothing or his cologne), or having a tattoo, hickey, or a piercing-- it just has to signify him. He’ll even get one to match, if that’ll make you more comfortable.
This possessive nature comes not out of malice, but of the want to be near you. As a Harbinger, he’s often mobile, embarking on perilous missions for the Fatui, and can only make it home every few weeks, leaving you alone in your shared home. His position is a dangerous one, and there’s always a chance he won’t come home, which is one of his greatest fears.
Ajax is a family man, always striving to keep his siblings safe and make his parents proud. As a result, he’ll have you meet them as soon as you can, and as far as you can tell, they seem to like you. Tuecer recognizes you immediately from his time in Liyue, and clings to you, calling you big sib and having Anthon and baby Tonia do the same.
(NSFW) Now we know Ajax is one of the few people on this list to not have a rut, but do you know what he does have? He has an alternate form of an abyssal beast that does, which has way less restraint than his human form. Foul Legacy’s “rut” is the culmination of Ajax’s tendency to tease but never follow through, his need for you even when he’s away, and his absolute adoration for you and your body. Huge claws tracing your skin, leaving angry trails of red on your waist, hips, back, wherever he can reach. The opalescent orb settled in his mask admiring the bulge of your tummy as your poor cunt struggles to take all of his cock; he’ll understand if you can’t take it all, but a pleased chirp-like sound will erupt from his chest if you can manage all (checking notes) 16 inches (40.6 cm) of him, including the fat knot at his base. He may hold back, but that same orb will look down, and your facial expression will be enough to make him lose control, bucking into you at a pace you almost can’t handle. He’ll get loud, groaning and growling into the vacant space of the Golden House or the bedroom you share with him.  And as if just his cock was too much, just one load of his cum would leave you looking pregnant, and may end up getting you pregnant anyways (this goes without saying, only if you let him).
As a human, Ajax is most able to treat you just the way he wants--like the most precious and delicate relic he had ever laid his eyes upon. Unlike his demeanor in battle, he’d be gentle with his hands, ghosting his fingers over your skin, taking slow, deep strokes inside your weeping pussy. Now it’s you digging your fingers into his skin, throwing your head back as he hits the spot that drives you crazy, laying hickeys up and down your neck and chest. He’s also quite loud like this, never shying away from how his body reacts to yours; moans and groans would accompany the sweet, sinful sounds of his body connecting with yours. He’d press his forehead against yours as you reach your highs together, guide you through the foggy sensations washing over your body, and help you come down with even slower thrusts and gentle circles of his fingers around your clit as you scream his name, his real name. He knows pulling out is the worst, so he’ll insist on staying inside of you to ensure you feel full and warm inside.
Sure, he can be rough with you. He can tease you and edge you until you’re a crying, whining mess for his touch, his cock. If anything, he savors every night that he has you to himself, no matter how fast or slow, rough or gentle, whether he dominates your senses or becomes your submissive foxboy for the night. Any way it goes, you both bask in the aftercare, cuddling close under the warmth of the various sheets and blankets to combat the sudden drop in your bodies’ temperature, and the piercing frost of Snezhnaya’s mountains.
Ajax always looks forward to coming home to you, and he wouldn’t exactly mind coming home to a kid or two. Again he’s a hardcore family man, and would devote everything he has to settling down and having kids. He’d still worship the Tsaritsa and keep Foul Legacy, but would step down as a Harbinger and return his Delusion to Pierro in order to keep you and the children safe.
Tighnari (Fennec Fox)
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Also uses he/they pronouns.
We imagine Tighnari developed his physique and knowledge from engaging in field research. They have a strong upper body due to his heavy use of a bow, and legs built for sprinting through the terrain of the forest floor. For the most part, he’s solitary, only keeping close company. Tighnari only seems to open up to Cyno, Collei, and you, only able to tolerate Al-Haitham and Kaveh during their weekly TCG duels at Lambad’s. He’s caring, but will display his care for others with a sassy, almost mocking tone and attitude, excluding the times you are alone together. At that point is when they feel safest, and can be vulnerable in your company alone.
Most often, his idea of a date is a research date, where you’ll accompany each other into the wild and assist each other in various experiments and observations. Other times, they’ll surprise you by leading you to the canopies of Ghandarva Ville to stargaze. Either way, Tighnari would hold you close and just ramble about anything and--if you let him--everything. He’d be cheesy with his flirting, perhaps Cyno’s knack for dumb humor is rubbing off on him. Tighnari would incorporate topics like research, mushrooms, the forest into the dumbest, cheesiest pick up lines for you (even though you’ve been together for years).
Speaking of mushrooms, most meals he makes and eats incorporate some delicious fungi. It’s been said that edible species of fungus have great effects on one’s health, so one of their ways of showing you affection is to cook you dishes that are both delicious and healthy.
Tighnari never really anticipates the effects some mushrooms have on the body and mind. Like seriously, you’d be wandering in a beautiful clearing, then boom there he is, splayed out in the grass tripping his ass off. Once they catch sight of you, it’ll be like they’re falling in love with you all over again, clinging to you and headbutting your chest, almost as if demanding that you scratch their ears.
(NSFW) After so long, and so much research, Tighnari is able to exploit his knowledge of fungal species to aid in your trysts together. Be it taking one with hallucinogenic properties, or a straight up aphrodisiac, you and Tighnari always find a way to enhance the pleasure you two feel.
He does experience ruts, usually in the late winter to mid-spring. For that time, they’ll become possessive and hide away with you in your shared hut. He’d rearrange your living space, and spray his scent (cologne, or something that reminds everyone of him) around the hut; even you end up smelling like him. Expect them to cling to you, even if you have to venture away from the safety of your shared home. His cooking will alter, and he’ll ignore any invitations from Cyno or Al-Haitham; all he’ll want to do is be with you. He’d be extra careful, and not risk using aphrodisiacs on you during his rut.
He’d take you at any hour of the day, his hips rocking against yours while you’re bent over any surface he can fit you on (which would be all of them). Or they’d have you on your back, be it on the sofa or in bed. Either way, he would want to be on top of you, or at least parallel to you. This will give them the chance to control and restrain themself much better than if you were on top. If that were the case, Nari would be bucking his hips up into you, whimpering and moaning loud enough for the neighbors to hear. They’d rather stay quiet and enjoy your moans, despite them knowing how much you adore their sounds, and claw at the soft skin of their back. You can always use his ears as an indicator of how close he is, as they’d be downturned the whole time, but begin to twitch indiscriminately as he reaches his peak, at which point he’ll ask where you want him. If you want them to pull out, they will and let you finish them off, knotting your hand while they reach down. If not, he’ll knot your cunt, pumping ropes of his thick seed into your walls. They’ll stay close and cuddle you, opting to keep you warm with their body and tail.
Outside of his rut, Tighnari is more keen on using fungi in the bedroom. Some nights, you and him would have the usual conversation, putting each other’s minds at ease, and hold each other close--foreheads pressed together, exchanging soft giggles and kisses--as the drugs you both took begin to take effect. You’d take it slow, basking in the warmth of their lips on your skin, fingers tracing over your most sensitive bits as they prep you to take them. The foreplay would be slow and drawn out, Nari focusing on your pleasure over his own as his nimble fingers and tongue gently stroke your slit until it’s drooling, weeping for his cock. Only after you’ve had a few orgasms will they even want to feel your pussy clench around their length. Even then, he’ll pull you into his lap, having you set the pace. In tandem with the mushrooms you had both eaten, the emphasis that Tighnari places on your pleasure will have your head reeling as you grind against them, feeling every touch of their skin against yours as you overstimulate each other.
Again, Tighnari will hold you close once your bodies are too exhausted to keep moving, curling his tail around your spent body, pressing kisses to your cooling skin and massaging any soreness from the muscles beneath. They love you dearly, and their actions both in the field and in the bedroom convey that clearly. He cherishes you, and is proud to have you as his mate for life.
Xiao (Bird)
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We headcanon that Xiao specifically would be a solitary prey bird, like an eagle or an owl hybrid. This means that he’s territorial before anything else. He doesn’t want to lose anything else, let alone you. You are one of the few people he holds close to his heart, and he’d destroy anything to ensure your safety. The only limit he finds to protecting you would be his loyalty to Rex Lapis.
Your adeptus boyfriend is slim and lean, built for speed. He has a long stride, despite his short stature, and can traverse Dihua Marsh in the blink of an eye.
You are one of the few people he’ll let near him at any given time, especially as Spring approaches. Xiao may spend most of his time away from Wangshu--leaving your nest-like bed cold and empty--but he always ensures that he returns with another blanket, pillow, or flower to add to the cozy pile. You don’t mind patching him up, just so long as he comes home in one piece. He doesn’t mind you scolding him, just so long as he can return to your warm embrace.
(NSFW) The yaksha are damn near extinct, so it shouldn’t be a surprise if you wake up one spring morning to his hard length grinding between your plush thighs, hands gripping your waist to hold you steady as he whimpers into your ear, begging to pump you full of his seed.
Be ready for almost constant contact with Xiao during his rut. All day, and all night, he’ll want to hold you close. He won’t care where, but if he can, he will most definitely be whispering his lust into your ear. He’s shameless and blunt, his words reaching down your spine to your core. Don’t worry, he’ll drag you somewhere nice and private to fulfill his lascivious promises. He’s not afraid to get caught, he’ll take you to Wangshu’s roof, drag you to Luhua pool, or just bend you over a random rock in the marsh
Other than that, Xiao’s habits remain pretty consistent when it comes to those hot nights at the inn. He’ll prep you with his tongue and fingers, every time, without fail, to ensure you can take his length without hurting. He’d hold your hand as he bottoms out, instructing you to squeeze if anything hurts. Once he’s in, tip kissing your insides, he’ll hold still and whisper his love and lust into the skin of your neck. Despite your teasing, he takes it seriously the whole time, each thrust is deliberate and precise as whimpers haphazardly escape his soft lips. He doesn’t experiment much, but is at least willing to try out a couple of things. His hard limit is anything regarding actions that will actually hurt you or permanently scar you, and he won’t touch you unless he knows you’re comfortable.
After a few rounds, he’d give you a choice: either you fall asleep while still connected, or he��ll carry you to the bathroom to clean you up. Either way, you always end up cuddled close together, Xiao carding his slender fingers between your hair as you watch the sun rise.
Due to Zhongli’s generosity (and Childe’s wallet), you and Xiao never run short of fancy lotions and soaps. His favorites, of course, are the ones that make you smell of a plate of Sweet Dreams (almond and qingxin).
Zhongli (dragon)
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We headcanon that Zhongli uses he/she/they pronouns, depending on the form they take.
Even after retiring, Zhongli retains many of the qualities that once signified the great Rex Lapis; be it their shapeshifting abilities, immense strength, or their stoic demeanor. Over the millenia, the Geo Archon took many forms, finding themself preferring the half-dragonic figure that sculpted the very earth you stand on, Rex Lapis. During the early stages of your relationship, however, they were getting self-conscious, constantly assuring you that they could take any form you wish. You’d retort, telling them that you’d be happiest with them in their most comfortable form, which broke the stony expression lining his visage.
As the dragon hybrid, Rex Lapis is most relaxed, and your shared room will reflect that with soft lighting, pillows and blankets piled up in the bed (almost akin to a hoard), and a constant loop of Liyue’s finest hymns and lullabies emitting from the euphonium unbound; it’ll be quite the chore to tempt them away from the cozy space. Perhaps you of all things, their most esteemed treasure, could be the perfect little trinket to lure your draconic love from the mountain of bedding. Or you could just be the opposite, the crown jewel pinned between the plush duvets and their imposing figure as their tail surrounds your leg and their tongue dances with yours.
In his human form, Zhongli poses less of a bite risk, and he’d rather just rest with your head settled on his lap, reading the latest light novels. The room will reflect this as well, with stacks and shelves full of scrolls and books surrounding the cozy bed, floor lamps decorating the safest space one could imagine. He’d be engrossed in said books, absentmindedly carding his fingers amongst your hair as the stories enthrall his attention.
(NSFW) Rex Lapis will most often be their form of choice during monthly ruts, as their dragon-esque body would need to retain plenty of energy. Usually Zhongli and you would have the necessary discussions and preparation for both you and himself ahead of time, be it buying extra food or medicine ingredients, running extra laundry, or just talking to each other through the whole thing. Rex Lapis becomes more secluded, only remaining in your shared bed except to either eat, or to find you for spicy time. Speaking of which, Rex Lapis would often just wake you with their nose bumped against your belly, just above your womb. If you got the message and agreed, you’d spend the day getting pumped full, load after load. Their preferred position would be you straddling their body, controlling the pace as they hold you close. They wouldn’t speak much, opting to show their affections for you in the form of pleasured grunts, growls and whines; their yearning for your heated body in the form of languid strokes of their tongue against your burning skin. They’d show some restraint, evident in their gentle thrusts as they press their cocks within your hot walls.
Rex Lapis will overstimulate themself with your body, going round after round before their mind goes blank, giving you as much room to take over as you’d like and keep fucking them brainless to your heart’s content.
During the rest of the year, Zhongli is more willing to experiment with you, and toy with your body. He won’t need to be as gentle with you, but will still take precautions so as not to hurt you. If anything, Zhongli wants to spoil you at all times. Everything you say goes, including your pleading moans and cries for him to plow into you harder, faster, more, and he will certainly acquiesce. It’s fairly easy for Zhongli to dominate you like this, seeing as he has more control over his body and mind. Seeing you, spread wide open on his cock, legs anchoring him in, taking everything he’s willing to give you, now that just turns him on even more as his hips slam against yours. He enjoys the sight of you drowning in pleasure, the tears of bliss rolling down your cheeks and your cunt weeping with need. He’ll give you everything, reaching between the two of you to roll your sensitive clit with his thumb in order to overstimulate you as you reach your peaks together.
During the last round, Zhongli will be slow and gentle, grinding into you while planting kiss after kiss anywhere he can reach--your neck, chest, lips, cheeks, etc.--as your orgasm slowly builds. Ironically, he’ll speak words of worship, adoration, praise into your ears as your climax washes over your body like a tidal wave.
In the afterglow, your skin shimmering with a layer of sweat, Zhongli will always be there with you, ready to spoil you and make sure you feel safe and loved in his arms. Cuddles and massage would ensue, and if you’re up to it, he would draw you a warm, steamy bath to help relax your muscles. He’d pull out all the stops to ensure your comfort, opting to dress you in your softest pajamas afterward, replace and wash the sheets, and carry you around as he pampers you. He’ll lay you down in bed and crawl in with you, holding you close and humming a soft lullaby as the two of you drift off among the soft sheets and crashing waves of the harbor.
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vampcubus · 1 year
That post about big men whining makes me think about edging Goku until he’s a sweaty and flustered mess. Just watching him tremble and glare at you for being “So mean!”. Maybe you’ll be nice and let him cum, maybe you’ll make him beg some more. Either way, it’s a win win for you!
YOU GET ME!! 😩 i didn't mean to make a thirst out of this but djhasdkjfsad
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:ఌ¨ ♱ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 : nsfw, sub!goku, dom!reader (no pronouns or anatomy mentioned), edging, subby saiyans >>>
:ఌ¨ ♱ 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐒 : 0.6k+
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Goku isn't the most well-behaved sub by any means, so you almost have to edge him just to get him to take you seriously. There's nothing that makes him whiny quite like being denied pleasure does. Just imagine this beefy Saiyan whimpering into your neck, hot breaths tickling your throat as you tease him with featherlight touches, only sparing him two fingers to stroke the length of him. His cock is flushed so red it's almost purple, leaking heaps of pre and twitching at every scrap of friction you give him.
For once, Goku dares not to buck his hips, lest he'd like you to stop entirely. He was finally beginning to learn, you mused, all too satisfied with his gruff whines so close to your ear. "Y/nnn, c'monnn."
"Hm? Something wrong, baby?" You hum, feigning innocence. Even an airhead like Goku could see through such a farce.
"Wanna cum. Why're ya bein' so mean to me?" The Saiyan huffs, thick fingers clenching in the fabric of your shirt. His bulging thighs tremble with the effort to remain still, to be good like you asked. But your hand is so soft, and feels so good against his cock, he just needs more of it. Your thumb scrubs over the sensitive head, and his whole body jerks.
His tongue licks over his top teeth, eyes rolling back as your hand captures him fully, pumping him from base to tip with a firm grip. He pants against your neck with increasing frequency, thighs squirming inward and shivering. A telltale sign that he was frighteningly close, and just as he approaches the point of no return, you release his cock, letting it slap noisily against his tummy. Goku whines loud and long, a frustrated sigh following as his thick brows pinch.
"Nooo, no please don't stop. Fuck!" His hips thrust into the air, chasing a stimulation that was no longer there. His cock twitches angrily, hips still fucking the air for a few moments longer before he flattens out with an annoyed huff. "I was really close that time."
His dejected tone only makes you giggle and he pulls away from your neck just to give you the stink eye.
"Aww, my poor baby. That was pretty mean of me, huh?" You tease, and he nods despite the lack of sympathy in your tone. The tall Saiyan sits up and then crawls on top of you to straddle your hips, cock twitching against your tummy adorably. Your size difference makes it look a bit funny, but you hardly care, especially when you see just how flushed his face has become.
You rest your hands on his thighs, stroking up and down the toned muscle. His large hand snatches one of yours, guiding it from his thigh back to his cock. You let him wrap your hand around it, pleased by the way his eyes go all glossy at the feeling. You slide a hand down to fondle his heavy balls and your mouth falls open at how big and swollen they've gotten, no doubt a result of your torturous edging. He was ready to burst, you could feel it. He humps into your fist when you make no move to start up again, and you only tut.
"Hmm, well I suppose you've been good enough, haven't you? What do you think, d'you think you deserve to cum?" You hardly get the question out before he's nodding frantically.
"Uh huh, I've been good. So stop teasin' me already... please? please I just wanna cum," Goku begs, mouth falling open when you squeeze his balls and start stroking his cock again, not even scolding him as he fucks into your grasp.
"I'll be good," he babbles and you only coo at him.
"Go on then, show me how good you can be n cum loads for me."
And boy did he. All over your shirt... oh well, you supposed he earned it.
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poppitron360 · 10 days
I’m trying to branch out from my usual angst by writing a happy(ish) fic.
Summary: Jason goes back to Camp Jupiter after the war and reveals that he and Leo are dating. He struggles so deal with the backlash from that while simultaneously having to cope with being long-distance.
CW: Swearing, Octavian
Word Count: 2,423
When Jason had announced to Camp Jupiter that he was seeing someone, he wasn’t sure what had been more appalling. That the someone in question was a boy, or that he was Greek.
Octavian had, of course, been outraged on both accounts: “We let a man like this become Praetor! He is fraternising with the enemy in a very un-Roman-like fashion!”
That’s what he called it. “Un-Roman”- like for some reason Jason was any less Roman because he was bisexual.
But it wasn’t just Octavian spouting bullshit. There was a shift in the way people acted under his command- they seemed less trusting, like Jason had become some foreign invader. Even though he had stepped down as Praetor and given his powers to Frank, he still held the newly-created title of “honorary Praetor”, alongside Percy, to commemorate all the work he had done defeating Gaia. People should still listen to him, respect him. But it was different now. His boyfriend was a Greek.
He didn’t dare tell them it was the same Greek that had fired on New Rome, albeit under the influence of evil spirits.
Some of them had been supportive, especially those in the fifth cohort. They were used to being outcasts.
“Children of Vul- I mean, Hephaestus, though?” His friend, Dakota, had said, “They’re good to have around. Large, beefy, big muscles. Good fit for a son of Jupiter like you.”
Jason laughed nervously, “Uh-huh. Yeah… large… muscles… right.”
Oh my gods, Praetor Grace had a twink. That was another thing he didn’t dare tell them. He let them imagine their leader with a powerful hunk for a boyfriend- at least that way he could keep some dignity.
He felt bad being embarrassed by Leo. He was awesome. He had a badass flying dragon. He told cool jokes and made Jason laugh. Jason was proud to call him his boyfriend. Or, at least, that’s what he told himself every morning. Then he’d step outside, and be faced with the weird looks and behind-the-hand whispers, and suddenly he didn’t feel so proud. He didn’t hold it against Leo, though. He loved how the kid acted so unapologetically himself- unlike Jason, who needed everyone to like him so much.
Jason didn’t care about the stares when he was with him. The asshole comments from Octavian seemed like distant memories when he looked into those big, dark eyes, complete with the playful little twinkle and mischievous smile. But when he was without Leo, he was a nervous wreck. The only thing that kept him going were Leo’s monthly visits. That was the one thing they couldn’t take away from him. He counted the days in his head to when he was gonna see him again. When Octavian was being shitty, he’d just think “twenty more days”, “ten more days”, “five more days”, “one more day”.
He met Leo and Festus outside the New Rome border. He picked the tiny guy up in his arms and twirled him around, and then kissed him. Leo’s skin was warm to the touch, like it always was when he was nervous.
“I missed you so much,” Jason whispered, although there was no-one around to overhear.
“I missed you too, Sparky. Camp isn’t the same without you.”
“Are they treating you well there? Anyone still giving you shit for your powers?”
“I’m fine Jason, everyone’s super nice,” Leo replied, although Jason could tell it was probably exaggerated. Not a lie- just a projection. What Jason wanted to hear. He decided not to call him out on it- Leo just didn’t want Jason to worry, that’s all.
“You’ve not been spending too much time in the workshop, I hope? Actually go outside once in a while.”
“I’m outside now.”
“That’s not what I meant.”
“You worry too much,” Leo said, standing on his tiptoes to kiss him.
But Leo had worries of his own. They talked causally for a while, before Leo interrupted him with a question that Jason had been dreading.
“Why do you always ask me to meet you outside the border?” Leo asked.
Jason had a pre-planned response for this, “I just wanna keep you separate from my work. At Camp, I’m a leader. A soldier. Praetor Grace. With you, I can be myself. I can be Jason. I want it to stay that way.”
Leo’s eyes held so many different emotions, it was hard for Jason to tell what one was most prominent- sadness, resolution, hope- Jason had spent many hours searching those eyes for the secrets that they contained, and he still had not found them all. Leo sighed.
“They… they don’t know about me, do they?”
Jason hesitated- but he couldn’t lie to Leo.
“They know I’m dating a son of Hephaestus… they don’t know it was the same son of Hephaestus that fired on New Rome,” he admitted.
“You’re embarrassed.”
“No, I’m not!” Jason said, which wasn’t entirely true.
“You are! You’re worried about being seen with me! That’s why you meet me out here- you don’t want people to know you have a dangerous freak for a boyfriend. Praetor Grace and the scrappy little street rat he took pity on,” Leo looked down and kicked the dirt.
“I think you’re a pretty cute street rat,” Jason said, ruffling Leo’s messy, greasy hair. Then his smile turned serious, “Leo, I don’t want you to think that I think of you that way. I’m not embarrassed by you, it’s just…” he looked at the sky and sighed, “There’s a lot of expectations that I have to live up to. And when I’m with you I get to say “fuck ‘em”, but when I’m there…”
“Yeah, I get it,” Leo said. He looked up at Jason with those big, busy eyes- drawing ordinance survey maps of Jason’s face in his mind, “I really do, Jason. I understand feeling like you need to be someone else to get people to like you. I get it.”
Jason smiled and hugged him.
“We can stay like this. You don’t have to let me inside the border. We can just say “fuck ‘em” out here,” Leo mumbled, his voice muffled in the fabric of Jason’s hoodie.
“One day,” Jason assured him, “One day I wanna say “fuck ‘em” to their faces. There’s a really nice café in New Rome I wanna take you to.“
“But we don’t have to say “fuck ‘em” today.”
His time with Leo came and went. Jason went back to his duties, to the stares and the whispers.
He sat on the lunch table with the rest of the fifth cohort, chatting idly about the local gossip.
“Heard we got some exchange students from Camp Half-Blood,” one of them remarked, “Because we’re doing that now, apparently.”
“They have all these freaky little behaviours- it’s not sitting right with the other cohorts.”
“Yeah, Greeks are weird,” Jason remarked, leaning back in his chair, “And I should know- I’m in love with one.”
The whole table went quiet. Jason seemed to realise what he’d just said.
“Oh,” was all he could manage in response.
Dakota broke the silence, “Man, I thought you were just his sugar daddy, I didn’t know you guys were actually in love!”
“I-I didn’t know either, ‘til I just said it,” Jason stuttered, still in shock, “But… yeah. Yeah, I love him.”
“So when do we get to meet him?” One of the other members of the fifth asked.
“Well,” Jason leaned forward, contemplating, “He comes to visit me every month. He’s coming again in thirteen days. I could…”
He looked around the dining hall. He took in the sneers as people caught his eye. The whispers and snickers and pointing. He realised that that would never change. As long as he was open about who he was, there would always be backlash. The only thing he could do was to not let it get to him. To say “fuck ‘em”. And as terrifying a prospect as that was, Jason was ready. He was ready to rise above the snide remarks and disrespect and yell “I’m in love with Leo Valdez!”
Because he was. He loved that tiny imp of a kid. He loved his loud mouth and weird quirks. He loved how Leo would hold his hand and tap out little morse code messages that Jason didn’t understand, but would speculate for days what they meant. He could look it up, or ask Annabeth, but he loved to fantasise.
Leo was leaning against Festus in their usual spot outside the border. When Jason saw him, he tackled him with such force that Leo’s hair caught fire in surprise. Luckily, Jason pulled away before it could burn him.
“You’re in a good mood,” Leo observed, patting out the flames on his head.
“Yeah, well… I’ve decided,” Jason told him, “I’m ready. I wanna take you inside the border.”
Leo stopped fussing with his hair and looked up at Jason, “Are you sure?”
“Positive,” Jason assured him, holding out his hand, “Come on!”
Leo grinned and took Jason’s hand. A little spark of electricity ran along Jason’s spine. He took off for the city, pulling Leo behind him. Leo was giggling in that cute way he did when he got exited and thought no-one could hear him. They ran like the wind- literally. As Jason yanked him along, he summoned the winds to push them faster, lifting them up into the air slightly. They were inside New Rome now, Jason dragging him through winding streets and bustling crowds. Jason felt truly free, running along with Leo. He was overjoyed. For once, he didn’t care about expectations or who he should be. They were just two kids having fun.
They stopped outside a sidewalk café with Romanesque architecture, like the rest of the city. There was one of those classic red-and-white-striped awnings over the front, and clusters of tables and chairs littered the pavement outside.
“Lunch?” Jason asked, turning to Leo, “They do paninis and toasted sandwiches.”
“I would kill for a panini right now.”
“What about drinks?”
“Diet coke?”
“Gods, no. You’re not having any more caffeine, Mr Hyper. I’ll get you a lime soda,” the conversation was dull and mundane, but Jason found it comforting. They had spent so much of their time together with the weight of the world resting on their shoulders. Now that that was finally over (and Jason rapped on the wooden café table at the thought, praying he wouldn’t jinx it), they could finally settle into a monotonous rhythm, like and old married couple.
Wow. That image took him by surprise- him and Leo growing old together- but it was a good sort of surprise. Jason didn’t push the thought away, instead, he let it wash over him, clinging to the notion that they had hope. A future in the making.
Lunch was going awesome- until Octavian showed up.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Praetor Grace- sorry, former Praetor Grace.”
“Honorary Praetor,” Jason corrected, not looking up from the menu he was reading, “Still ranked above you, Octavian, so a position you should treat with respect.”
Jason didn’t bother looking up to see Octavian’s reaction. He continued to ignore the kid, until he saw him turn to face Leo.
“Hey! Isn’t that the Greek Scum who destroyed half the city?!” He yelled, “Guards! Guards!”
“Octavian, no,” Jason commanded, looking him directly in the eyes, “I saw to it that Leo was pardoned. That incident was not through his actions.”
“It very much looked like it was through his actions, from where I was standing!” Octavian replied, angrily.
Jason stood up. He grabbed Leo’s hand, partially for reassurance, partially as a way of telling Octavian to suck on a cavalry sword- a way of saying “Fuck ‘em”.
“Oh… oh my gods! That is your little pet?!” He pointed at Leo like he was a disgusting patch of mould.
“Uh-huh. And what’re you gonna do about it, Octavian? Run and tell? I am fucking fine with everyone knowing. In fact-“ Jason leapt up onto the café table, still holding onto Leo’s hand, “Listen up, motherfuckers!”
“Jason, what’re you-“
Jason squeezed Leo’s hand to reassure him and Leo stopped protesting, but he still looked worried.
“I’m in love with Leo Valdez!” Jason yelled, “He’s tiny and Greek and he’s awesome. You motherfuckers might look down on him. You might think he’s dangerous, or that he’s a freak. But I see how awesome he is. And sweet. And badass. And cute. And funny. And none of you-“ he pointed a finger at the crowd of passers-by, who were giving him annoyed and disgruntled looks, “Get to say a fucking WORD against him!” He turned towards Octavian, looking down at him and jabbing a finger in his face, “Especially a slimy little piece of shit like you, Octavian.” Jason jumped down from the table, reclined in his seat, picked up the menu, and studied it with his glasses at the end of his nose much like how an old man would study a newspaper.
“Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna enjoy lunch with my boyfriend.”
Octavian scoffed, and left.
“Jason…” Leo was staring at him with those eyes of many feelings. Jason counted wonder, shock, horror, pride, lust, reverence and a seventh emotion he couldn’t quite describe.
“I’m sorry if that was too… loud, Leo. I don’t wanna make you feel-“
“Y-You’re in love with me?”
“…Yeah. Yes. I am,” Jason searched for what emotion was the brightest in those eyes, but there were too many and it was too confusing. He could never pick just one, “Is it too soon? Should I have waited? Should I have asked you first before yelling it in the street-“
“No! No, it’s fine. It’s… amazing, actually. And I love you too, Jason, I really do.”
Jason squeezed Leo’s hand again. Now that Leo had said it, Jason saw the love surface above the mess of other feelings in those eyes. He saw it bud and bloom like blossoms in springtime across Leo’s fiery irises. He wanted to get lost in those meadows of brown and gold, and when Leo closed those eyes to lean in to kiss him, Jason was slightly crestfallen at the fact that he couldn’t keep staring at them. Soon, though, Leo’s lips were against his, and his disappointment melted away. He had plenty of time to stare into those eyes later. They had their whole future ahead of them, and nobody was gonna stand in their way.
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xiao-come-home · 2 years
Genshin men going through your period with you;
✰ Characters: Ayato, Itto, Kaeya, Diluc, Zhongli, Xiao, Thoma, Albedo, Kazuha.
✰ Words: 1,6k.
✰ SFW headcanons ; fluff ; no reader pronouns or gender specified, but the reader is implied to have an uterus.
Warnings: none. please tell me if you wish to get something added!
A/N: this is actually a request that i got a long time ago, im sorry! I decided to add a few boys as a compensation :) they’re a bit shorter tho! request at the end of the post.
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he’s probably the busiest out of everyone, so you definitely have personal maids assisting you as soon as he steps out of the estate; not that it makes him calmer, though. Even if he trusts his stuff a lot, he’d rather personally take care of you.
Ayato does have quite an experience dealing with periods, since he has his dear sister - which is also a perk! Ayaka is more than happy to spend time with you until Ayato gets home. And probably to share your pain together...
When your pain reaches the limit, he doesn’t hesitate to bring a doctor. And no, you can’t talk him out of it. And no, the doctor can’t leave the estate until your pain goes away.
Ayato is probably the most calm out of everyone as well - it’s somewhat reassuring though. His gentle smile gives you so much comfort, even more so when he lies next to you in bed and kisses your forehead, whispering that it’s all going to be okay while playing with your hair.
He’s attempted to make you a healthy soup once. Weirdly enough, it took him twice the time it should take to cook...
Thoma becomes your full-time bodyguard whenever Ayato leaves! Not that he minds, there’s always a lot to catch up with.
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oh lord.
he’s absolutely lost. especially for the first time. His usual, cocky behavior pops like a bubble, so now you have a beefy child that holds you squished against his chest for hours. also, he’s probably panicking more than you.
in solidarity, he’s crying with you. 
in a more serious tone, Itto’s really worried about you. As not only his life partner, but a member of the Arataki gang, he can’t stand seeing you in so much pain, yet he’s barely able to do anything, that really sets off his guilt.
Attempts to talk you out of your pain! Tells you various adventures that happened, how many times he’s gone to jail, and how Ms. Hina’s stand happened to be in possession of the Arataki Gang... Wait, what?
When no medicine or comfort works, he holds your hand very tightly, putting his head onto your shoulder - he gets unusually quiet, his brows furrowed; Itto isn’t mad at you - but rather, angry that you have to endure all of this. He’s feeling so, so dirty for just watching you suffer. This isn’t right.
Whenever you cry, he kisses your tears away. It’s definitely not enough for him, but as soon as he sees that you appreciate his presence in any way, he feels a wave of hope.
Asks Shinobu and Granny Oni for help! He does want to make you feel better, and being there for you is not enough for him. Even if it’s traveling through half of the Inazuma to gather special herbs Granny told him about, he’s gone in a second.
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the cavalry captain probably hates your period as much as you do. He especially isn’t pleased seeing you in so much pain, so he’s trying not to be as annoying as he usually is.
he’s trying to check up on you as soon as possible, occasionally - he even stays home, so he’s able to take care of you the whole time. Though, while at work - he’s feeling on edge, which is totally visible despite him trying to hide it.
Kaeya actually... Asks Jean or Eula for guidance. While they offer quite good advice, deep down - he feels a bit guilty for not being able to lessen your pain.
Even though it’s hard for him to compensate for your pain - he’s way more affectionate with you! He places gentle kisses on your lower stomach, gives you massages, or simply, just holds you in his arms.
Can’t sleep? Don’t worry, Kaeya can’t sleep while being aware that you’re in pain. He doesn’t mind staying up once in a while, so he’s trying to shift your attention from pain as often as possible - be that telling you stories about Klee’s adventures, gossiping, or simply just reading for you.
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similar to Kaeya, he wants to be available for you as much as possible - which, technically, isn’t needed at all, because he’s perfectly capable of recruiting new maids just to serve you.
heating pad? nah, he’s warming you up with his hand and pyro vision. don’t worry, he’s particularly gentle with that; he’s tested it on himself... once.
listen, this man is dedicated. whenever your pain is too unbearable to the point of insomnia, he’s making you various juices to try out. yes, so what if it’s currently 3:57am, Diluc is busy making you a new mango drink. Maybe a little half asleep.. but it’s tasty.
Being the Teyvat batman makes him barely sleep at night anyway, so he’s down to you being his taste tester. Or, perhaps, listening to his stories about beating some treasure hoarder’s butts. Or Kaeya’s...
Prefers to simply ask you what to do to make you feel better - after all, there’s no other person that knows you better than you yourself, right? He complies with whatever you say, as he doesn’t want to upset you - whether it’s him cuddling you until you feel a bit better, or just giving you space.
he’s actually willing to bring you the best doctor in Teyvat, regardless of the cost. Mora has no value to him, as long as you’re suffering; he does bring it up once in a while, hoping that you’ll change your decision and let him take care of you professionally.
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he’s probably seen it multiple times in his life - being a former god, the only question that arises is whether he handles the situation correctly.
BUT! He’s got so much knowledge, that at this point he’s testing on you what ancient method works best - seriously, ointments, compresses, herbal teas - the only downside sometimes is the taste... or smell.
During the most painful moments, Zhongli doesn’t hesitate to hum you a soothing melody, while having you sit in between his legs, leaning against his chest; he traces an invisible pattern on your thigh ever so slightly, hoping to get your mind in a warm place.
knowing probably a handful of excellent healers/doctors, he might get in contact with one, to get a bit more insight of it, or just for them to check up on you.
Brings you a bouquet of flowers! Zhongli always leaves them on the bed next to you; each bouquet is always different, whether the arrangement of flower species, or colors - but has a small, handwritten card that explains it thoroughly and why it reminds him of you.
I feel like he’d try to do a lot of “homemade” things together? Like cooking or baking - perhaps making you some sweet stuff, like chocolates. Though, mostly by himself, having you watch him or taste his goodies while being comfortable, wrapped in a blanket.
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he’s so, so sweet! his smile is enough to make you feel better :(
constantly checks up on you, especially whenever Ayato lets you stay at Kamisato estate. Literally, his free time is sitting next to you and knitting or talking.
This sweetheart prepares you many tasty dishes like soups or your favorites! Also, expect some tasty cupcakes when you wake up after a very needed nap, at least once a week.
Taromaru likes to spend time with you as well! The problem is, you can’t really understand his engaging conversations...
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poor thing thinks that if you’re already in so much pain, then his karmic debt won’t make it any better - therefore, he avoids you (unwillingly) until persuaded otherwise.
keeps you company when you don’t sleep! he knows you need a lot of rest right now, so he shyly sits next to you on your bed with you in his arms. Tries his best to initiate small talk or just lets you listen to his heartbeat.
brings you qingxin flowers. sounds familiar...
whenever you need any supplies, Xiao visits Liyue harbor and grabs them for you. Please appreciate it. He’s trying really hard.
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this man is DETERMINED, and I mean DETERMINED A LOT to find a cure for your horrible pain.
makes you breakfast before leaving to Dragonspine :(
Though, whenever he’s at home with you, he likes to draw you a lot - often wearing different clothes, visiting places you haven’t been to yet, or including magical scenery. You lying still on the bed helps him a lot.
sometimes you’re left alone with Klee when Albedo leaves to bring you the necessary stuff - Klee, after a solid explaining from your lover and noticing by herself, tries not to be a bother too much and just enjoys her time with you! Be it showing you her drawings or even napping together. It truly gives Albedo a big smile on his face when he’s back.
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he. he precious. must PROTECT
Kazu wants you to feel the most comfortable you can during that dreadful week, so he fluffs up your pillows, covers you gently with a duvet, and gives your nose a kiss before joining you shortly after.
Reads you his poems, sometimes even writing haikus with you. 
He’s also willing to cook you some light things to make you feel better! If you like fish, he’ll gladly prepare his special grilled fish to eat together.
he’s just. so gentle. treats you like glass and wants you to feel at least a bit better by having him by your side :(
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bonny-kookoo · 8 months
bonnie~! (Or question for finish line mc) In a bunch of race car movies I’ve seen the drivers are ripped… so’s Jk buff too? Mc’s answer to the interviewers question made me cackle, so… what is mc’s reaction to maybe first time seeing him work out or just meeting buff Kook for the first time?
yeah JK is kinda beefy not gonna lie...
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You remember the first time you noticed a change in Jungkook after he'd been 'discovered'- now put under a more demanding workout routine, an actual team now taking care of him to make sure he's in top-condition for training and every single race.
It was late summer. A simple barbecue, to celebrate one of the driving instructors' birthday- Jungkook already there with friends, since you had to work that day, only able to meet up later.
Maybe it was the hectic schedule he's had, the lack of sex you both had (and if you did have something slow and sloppy before going to sleep it would be in the dark), or maybe it just happened over night and you never knew- but when did he became so.. big?
"I uh- brought beer?" You announce yourself as Jungkook turns around from where he stands near the barbecue grill, nothing covering his upper body but a white sleeveless top, a bit of sweat in the back making the fabric slightly darker. He's always wearing that chain around his neck with the promise ring you both exchanged when you first started dating- Jungkook still a little shy, nerdy, glasses on his nose and voice a bit quiet.
You barely recognize that Jungkook from back then now.
"There's my baby." He beams at you happily, hugging you before he takes the plastic bag and carton of beer from you. "You could've texted me to help you carry everything." He says, helping you set everything down on a camping table close by.
You're familiar with this dirt-road by now. It's a little like a second home, that dusty racetrack he basically spends almost every weekend at.
"I brought you something for the mosquitos later?" You say, and he nods.
"Ah, look at him- he's got a keeper!" His instructor laughs, greeting you. "You make sure he keeps that head on his shoulders, eh?" He says, and you grin, nodding.
That old man is proud. Of course he is- he's pretty much adopted Jungkook as somewhat of his grandson by now.
A little on the side now, me runs his fingers over your bare arms, before he moves them to sit around his neck. "When did you become so.. beefy?" You ask him, eyes squinted in suspicion as he laughs.
"I think it's the new workout." He shrugs. "Is it too much?" He worries, but you shake your head.
"Honestly? Makes me wanna ride your thighs again. Feels like I don't know your body at all anymore." You simply say without shame. "Also makes me feel all fuzzy in my heart- so have such a strong, pretty boyfriend- like a knight in shining armor!" You sing-song, and he laughs, head tilted back for a second.
"I'll even carry you around like the princess you are." He purrs down at you, pecking your lips.
Twice, because once is never enough.
"...pretty sure you could just fuck me while holding me too, no?" You whisper up at him, and he bites his lip, playing with his lip ring.
"Guess we'll have to find out?" He responds, and you giggle.
"But right now I'm hungry, so too bad, beefy-boy!" You laugh, hitting his chest before you run towards the barbecue again to grab a beer for yourself.
Leaving Jungkook a little frustrated between his legs-
but he'll get his revenge.
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alphajocklover · 23 days
I saw this super hot biker dude on my way home and I was wondering if you could make me like him? I’ve always been a nice guy but I want to experience life as a total bad boy. I mean everything, the muscles, the tattoos, the straight promiscuous sex, being in a gang doing crime. All the bad boy biker things. You think you could make me that way dude?
I actually haven’t done much with bikers. I don’t really know why, but besides that one wolverine based transformation I haven’t so much as mentioned bikers. I suppose it could be because I’m slightly obsessed with jocks and tend to focus on them more than others but it’s not like I haven’t reported on different transformations, like surfers, dilfs, and even greasers before. Yet I’ve almost never mentioned bikers before, and I’ve absolutely never turned someone into one. There's a first time for everything though, and bikers are really hot. However, before we turn you into a bad boy biker we need to figure out how you’re going to become one. Most of the transformation methods I have on hand are jock based. But… There is one thing I have on hand that would be perfect for you.
It’s a motorcycle. Yes I own a motorcycle. It’s not really mine, I’ve never ridden it or used it. I actually inherited it from an Uncle, but that’s another story. I haven’t got a clue on how to ride it, and if I was going to use a motorcycle I’d probably use something else. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a well made machine, and it looks cool as hell, but if I were to put the key in the ignition and start the engine… while you can probably guess where this is going.
It won’t happen all at once. It’s going to be a more gradual than you’d think. You’ll gain muscle slowly over the next few weeks, just slowly enough that it seems less like magic and more like an unexpected growth spurt. The mental changes will go at about the same rate, with you slowly losing old interest over the next few weeks, replacing your geeky hobbies with more… biker appropriate ones. You’re going to end up with a fascination with motorcycles, a love of beer, and a knack for getting into trouble. The most starling change will probably be the tattoos, as I believe they’ll just appear towards the end of your transformation. In a matter of weeks you’ll go from a skinny nothing to a beefy, beer guzzling, motorcycle obsessed, pussy fucking leader of a biker gang. Yes, you’ll be the leader. You’ll probably attract a gang quickly without much effort too. People are gonna be drawn to you, your sheer badass manliness.
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No more mister nice guy for you. From here on out you’re anything but fucking nice.
**hey there guys! Hope you like the Biker TF. It was nice to try something new. And it gave me an idea for the mystery uncle I mentioned. Enjoy!**
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leaentries · 1 year
ethan landry x chubby!reader headcanons
SFW & NSFW under the cut!
warnings: none
ethan is a major cuddler. he loves they way your soft plushy thighs feel against his head when he takes naps. your his own personal pillow :(((
imagine you’ve just come home from class and ethan’s already waiting for you to get comfy bc you already know he can’t even think of sleeping without the feeling of his special girl under his body
he absolutely LOVES the way your clothes fit you, no matter what you’re wearing
you’re wearing tight fitting clothing? gorgeous. he could watch and admire the way your body curves for hours upon hours. i mean this man has dedicated and will continue to dedicate his time to remembering each and every dip and stretch your body has to offer
you’re in the mood for a baggy t-shirt or hoodie? stunning. he loves how cuddly and soft you look. he would literally grab you and throw you into bed with his beefy arms ready for his daily nap
now we all know that he is a shy baby boy, but let someone disrespect you in front of him? it might, quite literally, be the last thing they ever do
he can be a bit possessive of you. just the thought of someone else touching the roundness of your hips or the swell of your soft, beautiful, tummy is enough to have his skin crawling and blood boiling
he always makes sure to have some sort of physical contact with you 24/7. i mean, he just can’t help himself. he just melts when he feels your body, he would probably glue you to himself if he could tbh
warnings: explicit language, detailed smut, mentions of virgin!ethan, sub!ethan, a bit of dom!ethan, use of the names slut, corruption, breeding kink, marking/biting
to start, i love to think of virgin!ethan and little bit along the corruption lines
like the first time he saw you naked he pretty much came untouched. his swollen angry, red cock dripping precum waiting to be touched by you
i feel this is collectively established at this point, but this man whimpers. that’s it.
he feels your round, full breasts pressing into him while he rubs his painfully hard cock along the outside of your clothed core and he’s cumming in his pants
he’s just so pathetic for you. he can’t control himself. your just so unbelievably pretty and soft.
his poor and untouched body just begging for you to play with him :((
i get the feeling that once y’all have gotten used to each others bodies, he definitely opens up. he becomes more stern and his more possessive and dominant side shows out
he just loathes the idea of any other person having a shot with you, so making sure to pump your abused pussy full of his cum by the end of the night just helps him sleep better. so he claims
along with this is his raging marking/biting obsession. he’s a simple man really, he wants everyone to know your his and i mean only his.
a good way to get him riled up is to push his limits and make him jealous.
this just inspired me to write a little blurb, so here you go 😋
everything is hot. your body, that way ethan’s hard glare sends waves of arousal to your core. it shouldn’t turn you on, you know he’s pissed, but it’s so hard to deny the ache of lust that begins to make its way through your bones. ethan makes his way towards you, eyes locked onto where your full hips had just been pressed against some other guy. you didn’t intend to flirt with someone else, but the way ethan looks right now almost makes it worth it. the wave of pleasure and need drowns out the slimmer of guilt that began to rise. as ethan approached you, you couldn’t help but clench your thighs together slightly in attempt to ease the dull throbbing between your legs. his grip is tight around your wrist as he begins to lead you up the stairs and to the nearest empty bedroom. he drags you through the door, making sure to lock it behind you. his hands immediately find their way to your throat, pushing you against the door. his dark eyes meet yours in a collision of lust and fire.
“you want to be a little slut? grinding against another guy, knowing damn well i’m right there? you belong to me and now you’re gonna prove it.”
a/n: this was inspired by a post from @whorrorifics thank you for putting the chubby!reader agenda in my brain 😍
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