#it's a banger of a flag though
foone · 5 months
"average person designs one pride flag" factoid actualy just statistical error. average person designs zero pride flags. Spiders Gilber Bakr, who lives in San Francisco & designs over 10,000 each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted
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Just realized I forgor to post the pins I've made!!
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beigale-shtuchim · 2 months
I love disturbed‼️‼️
So many bangers.....
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pulsar-1919 · 6 months
I saw a clip from the London 2012 Olympic Opening Ceremony earlier, got nostalgic and myself and my roommate, being the adhd fuckers that we are, ended up spontaneously watching almost 4 hours of it
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quatregats · 1 year
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omgwhatchloe · 25 days
modern au: every gang party is pure anarchy, but the aftermath is so much worse.
-javiers asleep…in the bathtub…with water in it…completely clothed.
-someone played sia and now karens in the hospital with two broken legs and a fractured arm because she wanted to “swing from the chandelieeeeer”. had it not been for charles, she wouldve been left there.
-johns all over tiktok and instagram reels for his…”pole dancing”. he made bank though.
-micah chugged a redbull monster protein powder mix and is already out of the house.
-jack is asleep under bills coat on a sofa somewhere.
-bill is surrounded by beer cans in a corner. hes just exhausted from the effort of throwing mr pearson out of the window.
-lenny is wrapped up in an irish flag in the garden, covered in vomit, bloodshot eyes and snoring like hell. the phrase “no balls” has earned him several cuts and bruises, 9 million likes on tiktok, and a deep sense of shame and embarrassment waiting to attack him as soon as hes sober.
-tilly made it back to bed, thanks to mary-beth.
-abigail and molly are both knocked out in dutch’s bed after jumping susan then hiding there.
-reverend brought the real fun (iykyk)
-strauss hjacked the dj booth and played some bangers. it didnt matter the lyrics were in german, everyone still went crazy.
-uncle slept through the entire thing.
-sean is on the floor of mary-beth’s room violently breathing through his mouth as he sleeps because his nose is so stuffed. why? he snorted ‘something’ and then snorted davey’s ashes (lennys fault). he also fell down the stairs, mixed an insane amount of alcohols together, started to flirt with inanimate objects after loosing track of lenny, vomited on everyone and everything, graffitied up the ra on the walls and on trelawny. awful idea considering trelawny owns the hideout.
-dutch and hosea? currently on their way back to their state after arthur got himself arrested 16 hours away.(how arthur. how.)
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thearchercore · 3 months
Hi! Thank you for everything you do for the lestappen community! I love hearing your opinions and thoughts on different lestappen topics/moments. You are definitely a pillar here on the lestappen tag!
I have a friend who I am trying to convince that lestappen is the superior ship over her preferred ship. Maybe you can help me convince her. Can you please give us your top 5 lestappen moments that made you fall in love with lestappen?
the inchident. - outdated? perhaps. but it's a classic. you can't call a classic outdated, that's like calling the godfather outdated. it's just simply a classic. though you need to give your friend context because it needs at least a bit of explaining to get the full experience. plus it regains relavance every other month since max emilian won't shut up about it.
the joint vegas interview - something was in the air, idk what. it was 7am in europe and i was getting my tyres changed so i had to experience it first hand at the bmw car service while fully sleep deprived. it was an experience. also you feel like they're just having a private conversation that you shouldn't be watching.
the sticker war video from abu dhabi. - banger video. no notes.
all austrias -- 2019 - the great unfollowing. 2022 - whatever they had going on. 2023 - that damn charles wink that got put in slow motion.
all their awkward moments - i think this compilation i made pretty much sums up just how awkward they were
bonus: silverstone 2021 - max got in a crash with lewis that was really dangerous, he got out of it with bruises and other smaller issues but when the race got red flagged charles immediately asks if maax is okay, then he mentions that the biggest victory of the day was that max was okay -- in the context, it was the peak of the lewis x max wdc battle tensions, at lewis' home race. max was quite disliked by some at the time so charles coming out and saying all that - while lewis did not - was a great moment for them
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duskymrel · 9 months
TWST characters as different people i've seen at school
yes most of this is slander
Riddle: The kid who treated being line leader as though he had just been elected President of the United States of America
Ace: Would stand up in class and shout "FOR KOBE" and throw a piece of paper at the trash bin. Would completely miss.
Cater: Filming a fucking TikTok dance in the middle of the school hallway during class transitions. Fucking MOVE, i got places to be. (I walk directly though their tiktok and ruin it)
Trey: That kid who's birthday you know by heart and eagerly await every year because he brings in the BEST desserts. The good kush.
Deuce: Says the stupidest shit in class unironically. Other guys are confused as to how this makes him more endearing but girls fawn all over him.
Azul: Passes by his crush (Jamil) in the hallway and thinks blud will stop and fall madly in love with him at first sight and will declare his love to Azul and it'll be something straight out of a teen girl movie. It ends up playing out exactly like this video: https://www.tiktok.com/@irljigsaw/video/7232906141385215274?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc
Floyd: Kid who only likes Chemistry because he's crazy excited about mixing chemicals and setting things on fire. Anything he makes in a lab he loudly comments on how badly he want's to take a bit fat slurp/bite out of it. (it's me i do this)
Jade: One of the mushroom core girlies. Wears mushroom jewelry, has mushrooms patterns on his clothes, draws them for art class, draws them on his notebooks and binders. It's almost obnoxious but he's forgiven by everyone because he's hot.
Leona: Literally doesn't give a shit about school. Shows up in pajama bottom's and takes the fattest nap right in the middle of Geometry.
Jack: The only nice guy on the football team, girls LUST for him ❤
Ruggie: The only class this kid liked was free and reduced lunch (real)
Kalim: Guy who refuses to eat school food. He's probably got the right idea, that nacho cheese sauce probably causes cancer. Brings the most banger lunches and makes people jealous. (Lunchables, the GOOD fruit gummies, chips, a cookie, and a Caprisun.)
Jamil: In classes where you're not allowed to eat, he's the kid who sits in the back and makes a 9 course Gordan Ramsay approved gourmet meal.
Idia: This was so easy this guy was the anime weebo who wore anime merch every day and sometimes even wore anime wigs to school. He won't admit it but he would Naruto run through the halls in middle school.
Ortho: The cute little innocent babey schnookums who the girls all doted on. Hurt him and you'll get jumped by every girl in the student body. Fuck around and find out type shit.
Vil: Bozo who would literally paint their nails in class and would be doing their eyeliner while the teacher was trying to explain mRNA.
Epel: YEEHAW REDNECK KID. you know who i mean. the one who wears a hat with the American flag on it every day and whenever the teacher tells them to take it off they go on a rant about how unpatriotic the teacher is.
Rook: The only kid who actually liked French class. Tries to rizz people up in the hallway and asks for their Snap but always fails. Maidenless behavior.
Malleus: The tall quiet emo kid who slumps in his chair on his phone, with the bottom resting on his belly. He looks like he's listening to edgy emo music but it's actually tooth rotting cheesy pop music
Lilia: The manic pixie dream girl who will spew the most wise sage advice when asked.
Sebek: Literally one of those girls who's attached to her boyfriend like a parasite. You cannot separate her. Overly loyal and won't stfu. Is like a mix between a golden retriever and a chihuahua.
Silver: I swear on my life he's one of the kids who's been adopted by his entire friendgroup. People love him he's just a likeable person. He makes a new friend and BOOM they've adopted him. You're my son now, boy.
@heartscrypt i thought specifically of you while writing Azuls
anyways all of these are people i've known i've got irl sources for this. no i won't apologize for all the slander because it's funny.
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miirohs · 7 months
skz as marching band members
cw: n/a an: can you hear my inner band kid coming out after the absolute banger this comeback was? i may not be in band but colorguard is pretty damn close- also the reader a colorguard member! shoutout to nyx, ily boo!
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bang chan:
hes a drum major. 100%
he also is band captain bc he's just that bitch
co-arranges musics with the band director and everyone knows when the time he's gonna pull out the 1970s/80s/90s music
use to be a clarinet, but definitely plays in some games if another drum major is conducting for him
an absolute beast when he's conducting, never misses a beat
he's always open to discovering new music bc he loves to arrange songs he enjoys
he's a strickler and needs shit to be on time because he needs to keep a consistent schedule lest he forget to do something
with his partner:
i mean he's definitely the type to try and help with counts (even if your counts are different than the rest of the band)
if he had a dime for every time he got yelled at because he was busy watching your section he'd have a lot of dimes
he likes to say its because your flags are bright and distracting but lets be fr he was watching you
definitely copies the stand dances when he's conducting and makes the rest of the band laugh when he messes up.
typa guy to ask you for a kiss for luck right before the halftime because in his words, "you're his lucky charm"
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lee minho:
hes the cheer captain, four time state champion and a menace
probably did band for like half a year and then quit
runs the cheer team practices like its a fucking military camp, everyone fears and loves him
hes grown to have a reputation because once a girl quit due to the pressure and he basically followed her around school for a whole week and she ended up switching schools
deviously talking shit about some of the band and all the football team all the goddamn time, loves loves loves to start beef and then walk away
he also does choreography work with the guard sometimes because he likes seeing the pretty flags
with his partner:
at some point he drags the whole team to your comps just to see y'all, he loves seeing you specifically put all his work in action
always offering helpful advice on how to fix body angles, posture, etc
since he's a performer himself, he get how easy it is to burn out so sometimes he'll bring you to his own practices and show you things he's choreographed himself
seonghwa is considering locking you away after the sheer amount of times you've gone "mysteriously" missing during the end of practice
Always cheers extra loud for you in the stands, just to see your smile
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seo changbin:
he's literally so bass/sousaphone coded
him and wooyoung (sax) and yeonjun (flute) have definitely tried to play each others instruments at at least one point
probably switches between the two every year, well versed in how to play both
definitely plays bass outside of band, is hella good at it too
people find him intimidating but in all honesty he's a sweetheart who would help you no matter what
probably one of the dudes that marches with way more energy than the rest of his section combined- literally during weekend practices he's smiling and laughing at 9 in the morning while everyone sluggishly retrieves their instruments
he's also a part of the stage crew and moves and paints a lot of their equipment
with his partner:
he'd definitely try to teach you how to play the bass and he'd be so proud when you manage to play like one chord
calls his friends over and everything and is like "look they did it!"
in return you've definitely taught him stand dances and bro is killing it- you keep trying to convince him to join but he's loyal
whenever you're performing near him, he has the stupidest heart-struck eyes and is always watching you
loves when you do rifle work because he thinks it looks sick as hell
he wouldn't try it though because he's scared that he'll hit himself and he still doesn't know how you do it
he'll give you little winks if you're close by
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hwang hyunjin:
hes a piccolo through and through
he's got both the drama and the sass all the flute section is carrying
he always has his piccolo on him, so he's ready to give the performance of a lifetime whenever needed
he's big big friends with the guard and cheer team, they have their own dedicated groupchat and everything
also the costume manager, he has literally been badgering chan to update the uniforms like forever, sometimes he adds his own little spins to the costumes and also does repairs on them
with his partner:
he admires the guard (you) from afar for sure
he carries your stuff for you because he's such a gentleman (also the piccolo is pocket sized and chan has been getting on his ass about treating the instrument right but to him nothing matters more than treating you right)
definitely joins you and seonghwa when you're gossiping about
sometimes he plays and you'll just do a random saber combo to it and he'll cheer for you
sometimes he likes to take a spin on it (and immediately regret when it smacks his fingers really bad)
whenever you get a boo-boo he always kisses it better, swears his kisses will immediately heal your bruises
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han jisung:
he's a trumpet (which is oddly fitting for him)
plays sad music even when it doesn't call for it
always doing the sad trombone thing on trumpet and the trombones are salty that he kinda stole their thunder with that
he's known in the low brass section for being able to play almost any brass instrument with the littlest instruction
chan basically refuses to let him make the switch to sax because he knows what'll happen if he does (he thinks han'll go crazy)
he loves a good challenge, will trumpet-off with other people and play songs on his instruments against other sections
with his partner:
he probably plays show tunes and stuff while you dance with him- loves to call you his showgirl
he's always vibing to your little thumps when you toss and throw, wishes that he could do it too
tries to teach you how to play but that does not end well
he's clingy, he'll do anything to stay with you a little longer
sometimes he even asks you to help find his music for him in an attempt to distract you (its in his bag and he'll magically remember after you give him a hug or some form of physical affection)
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lee felix:
probably picked the flute cause it looks pretty aesthetic lets be fr
everyone in band comes to him for marching advice because he makes it look fun and easy
always giving it 100% even if no one can hear him- he makes sure he's heard
even though he joined as a hobby, he's killing it and he plays outside of band as well
always doing musical challenges on tik tok, especially when he should be practicing in sectionals
his favorite thing to play on the flute are disney songs, but he also plays a shit ton of different genres and posts them to tik tok, bringing some semblance of fame to their little high school band
with his partner:
he 100% plays little snippets of song you like because everything sounds good on flute (trust me)
will convince you to do tik toks with him even if you aren't a fan
sometimes you let him try the flag or saber in exchange for his flute so you can try it
he admits that the only reason he leaves his flute to you whenever he goes is so that he can sit nearby and listen to you try to play it (and fail)
he would most definitely be a natural at flag but tries not to do as well so you can shine when your time comes
lets you lean back against him in the stands
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kim seungmin:
he's percussion. he's literally a percussion in my heart.
he definitely plays the drums around chan because he thinks its funny to annoy him by drumming off count
no one has ever survived a drum comp with this man fr
sometimes he hums along to his drumming
also taps his thighs/air when he doesn't have something in his hands
he has good rhythm so chan usually has him set the pace to which they go on the field to
he's competitive as hell, he knows hes also better than everyone else and he shows it
with his partner:
he loves guard but he refuses to be put next to them on the drill because he suffered an injury at your hands once
he loves to show off he can play the drums and him and his section do little drumming sessions sometimes while you do saber warmups
he distracts both you and himself a lot when it comes to joint practices so seonghwa and chan have tried to move them (to no avail)
he'll sit outside with you when you guys practice sometimes (as support he says, but seonghwa doesn't believe him)
he's always giving you little nods of approval, doesn't outright show it but he'll take your hands and give you a little kiss when no ones looking
he doesn't want his section to know he's soft for you
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yang jeongin:
he's front ensemble/pit, i hope we all agree on him being on the synths and marimba
he's a vital part of the band for sure even if he never seems to get credit but he honestly could care less
has been running synths since he joined, originally wanted to do the sousaphone but he wasn't built enough for it
also the front ensemble section leader, he's very efficient in managing the pit
but he's also clumsy as hell and will sometimes zone out and drops the mallet on the marimba or just entirely forgets wtf he's suppose to be doing on the synths
more than once he's nearly caught these hands from chan bc in chans words, "those were expensive"
with his partner:
whenever he sees you on the sidelines, he's always ginning because out of the corner of his eye he can see you jamming out to the music
everyone teases him (especially binnie) because he zones out watching you and drops the mallet on his foot
follows your every move carefully (and like minho), and he'll always give you advice, but he sugar coats it very much because he loves you and doesn't want to hurt your feelings
loves loves loves when you send him little videos of your progress
loves it even more when you question him about his work, it makes him feel so important pls ask him how he does shit hes dying for it
brushes against you when walking out to the fields during games- he just wants to let you know hes there
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mogoce-nocoj · 7 months
okay now that I'm back home it's time for a ✨ gig report ✨
first I have to mention the banger preshow playlist. everyone was singing to hits like barbie girl it was hilarious, I loved it
idk what happened to Bojan's microphone at the beginning of ssol, it seemed like it got cut off or sth? at least we at the back couldn't hear him at first which means there was no welcome!/witam! so he just looked like some guy running onto the stage lmao
Jan!! there was so much focus on Jan all the time with Bojan explicitly mentioning “Janči” multiple times and his cover of solo as well as his solos were amazing
Bojan with the bi flag!! sadly he only wore it for such a short time (for some reason. let's not unpack that.) that even we weren't sure if it really was the bi flag but it definitely was
Nace everywhere! especially with Bojan again like when they were attempting their weird mating ritual but the Nacekris was also very strong and some cute Jance moments
Bokris divorce. I don't think I'll ever forget Bojan's look to Kris before ngvot and he also stepped away from the microphone a bit but Kris didn't even graze him with one single look. wow. he really had a 'words can't hurt me these shades are gucci' vibe going on
(this was such a “???” moment to me that I actually opened tumblr to post about this, prompting my friend to ask me wtf I'm doing on tumblr during the concert lmao sorry)
Bojan did put his arm around Kris during the sharing a bunk line of the second ssol though so I guess there's still hope for them
I loved that Jan and Nace and then Nace and Kris shared a microphone they looked really cute together
I was hoping that Bojan would attempt to speak some Polish and he did say some basic phrases but also forgot a lot of stuff from Warsaw apparently. which is still nice!! it's nice that he tries his best 💕
carpe diem and novi val with catboy Bojan are my new highlights he looked adorable
Jure's solo and everyone cheering when he came to the front during novi val 💖
uuuh yeah that's it I think, it wasn't one of the more unhinged ones but it was still really nice and I'm super glad that I got to see them in their stožice outfits 💞
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strawbs-screaming · 19 days
disco kid headcanons because hes the awesomest boxer ever
he literally has done nothing wrong in his entire career, he is literally a solid green flag im willing to throw hands about this
Has a comically bad singing voice, it's so horrid that one of the boxers thought he was screaming in pain once but it was just him trying to hit a high note, he unfortunately doesn't really understand why people think his voice is bad since he is a tad bit tone deaf.
Tends to be a little bit oblivious with people, he always gives people the benefit of the doubt as he doesn't want to assume the worst immediately, this has gotten him into stuff he shouldn't multiple times.
Can and will show off his dancing skills whenever anyone even mentions dancing. (he is talented though)
Likes randomly challenging the other boxers to a dance-off randomly when he feels like it.
Hates bugs and is absolutely terrified of them, doesn't matter how harmless it is, he can and will scream his lungs out.
Always told people he was a natural blonde when he was a teenager, he got shut down very quickly about it after he forgot to get his roots done.
Has punched someone over a game of uno once.
Has made friends with everyone in the WVBA, literally has no enemies.
Has really good pain tolerance to the point where he can brush off breaking his arm in 2 different places, has freaked out the other boxers because of this before.
Unironically likes biting into lemons, thinks the sour taste is refreshing.
Sometimes wears purposefully bad outfits to annoy anyone who cares about fashion (coughcoughglassjoecoughcoughwheeze) and enjoys seeing their reactions, actually wears some banger outfits when he isn't wearing the worst outfit you haven't seen.
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hypnodrea · 4 months
songs/artists i’d force TWST Housewardens to listen to
— Riddle Rosehearts aka Rizzle Smoulderheart
Mans would probably be like, making me study or some shit, hopefully helping me or just around me in general. And I just whip out the nasty ass phone Daddy Crowley gave me and boot up whatever version of Spotify there and bat my eyes at Riddle saying, “Oh, music helps me focus more when studying!” When we all know that is a full on lie.
So he would be around or something and I would just start blasting the most inappropriate music ever. Probably something like Man Areas or Squidwards Nose. One of those, y’know? Just cause I think it’d be funny seeing him get all red and angry, like a raspberry.
He’d prolly yell “Off with your head” at me but that would be useless because I’m magic-less
— Leona Kingscholar aka Mr. Worldwide
Me, personally, me, personally, I’d be rockin’ to take a nap with this homie. He’d prolly hate it, but I would! And y’see, I’d come up with some bullshit that like, music helps with dreams or some shit, just anything to convince him to let me play a playlist as he sleeps.
And it’d be full of Tyler the Creator. But specifically the genre of his songs like, See You Again, What a Day, Earfquake, BEST INTEREST, songs of his like those. Now I think Leona would probably like Tyler, idk, they both have them vibes and them two my favorite men.
But yeah, I’d make him listen to Tyler, he seems like he would like at least one or two songs of his, and I sure as hell know that I would be down on my knees just to hear him sing a song.
— Azul Ashengrotto aka ‘Baka Tako’
I would literally sell my soul to him just to make him listen to every single FNAF song. It has to be FNAF. I want to get at least two or three stuck in his head, so he feels cringe and ashamed to admit liking the songs.
It would be so worth it though, seeing Azul all dripped up for Board Game Club (azul + idia club card when—) and just him humming like, Join Us For A Bite, and Idia slow head turning to him as he experiences flashbacks.
I’d be soulless for the rest of my life just to hear Azul singing Five Nights At Freddys, but god, wouldn’t that be a sight to see.
— Kalim Al-Asim aka the most nicest boy ever
I could not do anything mean to this boy, I would introduce him to like, Kali Uchis or Laufey. This man deserves all the pretty women music. I’d also just give him genuine song recommendations for like, parties too.
Maybe some like, Odetari type of music for like movin’ & groovin’. Definitely some Pitbull, Daddy Yankee, y’know all the good body mover ones. Songs that just make ya wanna swing your hips and drop it down white boy style.
Kalim is such a precious boy I would make it my life’s goal to give him all the classic bangers and new shit. Also Peso Pluma. No words. Just Peso.
— Vil Schoenheit aka the IT Girl
He scares me. I don’t want him calling my music taste ugly 😭 I’d get like, Rook to get him to listen to any of my recommendations. Or literally any one else but me. I’m sensitive :(
Anyways onto the songs/artists, ahhhh, probably K-pop. I like a lot of songs but I also heard that the dances are pretty sick too. So he can like, have fun with that. Maybe specifically like, Red Velvet, or like the BTS members but only their solo songs because I like them better like that.
Also giving him like, serious recommendations because I don’t want him to curse me if I made him listen to like a fucking Lorax song.
— Idia Shroud aka the loser gamer boy
I’m making him listen to every single Tom Cardy song I know. If there is any one in the goddamn school that could appreciate him, it would be Idia. And I wouldn’t go for the obvious choice of making him listen to Hatsune Miku because he has his little Fates idol group thing, and also because it would be too predictable.
Tom Cardy on the other hand, he is extremely unpredictable and I love him for that. Specifically showing Idia all the more funny and mainstream songs of Tom Cardy like Red Flags, Mixed Messages, and Perception Check.
Making him hum Perception Check as he beats the hell out of Azul on online Uno as Azul screeches and everytime he gets a +2 or +4 making him say ‘Nat 20 let’s fucking go’
— Malleus Draconia aka …who?
I think my more modern music taste would kill him, so I’d just give him the entire Nutcracker ballet to listen to because it is such a banger ballet, dude.
Or just ballets in general, I think he’d enjoy them in the background as he does whatever he does in his little Gargoyle club thingy.
Me and him when that beat drops in the Knights Dance from the Romeo and Juliet ballet.
{This is not at all supposed to be close to canon, this is just for funsies. I’ll prolly do the first years next…}
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plutoswrath · 2 years
Hey Luca, how's it going? I'm really not if you've ever done this before a long time ago but now I want to know your observations on the red flags in composite. Specifically romantically, like case in point 'forget commitment, could this possibly lead to heartbreak or a tragedy full of regrets'? Just to keep in mind of them since I know we each have to give our inputs in a relationship :D
𝕮𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖆𝖑 𝖆𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖘 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖕𝖑𝖆𝖈𝖊𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖘 𝖎𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕮𝖔𝖒𝖕𝖔𝖘𝖎𝖙𝖊 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖙
Hello! I've written a post about 'key placements' in synastry and composite and what to look out for, you can look at it here, maybe it'll help you too! x
A reminder, that your natal chart and synastry will play a huge role in how you'll personally experience and deal with these aspects and placements! And yes it's true, regardless of certain aspects and placements in composite you can still have a succesfull and loving connection! I can confirm, the people that are basically my soulmates and the loves of my life that stuck with me through thick and thin share stereotypical 'horrible' composite with me lmao not even our synastry is that great but we lead very healthy and loving friendships <333
Disclaimer: I will focus on the WORST outcome of these aspects, if you are easily triggered by these hypothetical possibilities I'll advice you to NOT read this post! Thank you x
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✦ First of all, I want to talk about Pluto in the Composite: critcal placements of and aspects to Pluto can create power struggles, mind games, secrets, paranoia, insecurities and at worst (I repeat, this is only the worst case scenario!!) forms of abuse due to that in a connection. I would say every harsh aspect to Pluto and the personal planets or the angles can feel deeply uncomfortable over time, but I will focus on a few aspecs that I want to highlight since I think they can be especially precarious in a composite chart.
✦ Moon square/Inconjunct Pluto: Will start out with this banger aspect and just straight up say that especially if Neptune and Mercury are also critcally aspected and you have 8th and 12th house placements ON TOP of that then there's going to be lots of build up emotions, trust issues, fear if re-living old trauma, assumptions, and power struggles due to that. Attachement issues. One person might be more visbly emotionally distressed due to the paranoia and feel unsafe in the relationship, the other person might withhold information/feelings and will grow the resentment quietly, but both parts will try to control the situation on their own. The advice here is to be open and upfront with feelings, to talk about worries and especially to be open with any sort of trust issues/past bad experiences you fear of resurfacing! No power plays, both partners need to be willing to be honest and be completely vulnerable. Emotions should be validated, heard and the worries of the other handled with care and grace. This aspect can harvest a lot dark and negative emotions quickly, watch out for it to not become a self fulfilling prophecy.
TW ✦ Mars square/inconjunct (would even say conjunction has the potential too) Pluto, especially if it's in a water house: The build up to the explosion might take a while, but both can probably easily feel the underlying tension. Both want to have it their way, and here, values and deep rooted fears and intenalized beliefs play a role in it. We deal here with the instinctive flight, fight or fright response, only in this case chances are high that this will be pure fight (in the passive way Pluto plots its revenge though). It can be an aggressive aspect and in my opinion way nastier than harsh aspects between Mars and Sun, because at worst (!), this can be about emotionally, mentally and physically controlling and therefore abusing the other. While Mars and Sun in negative aspects can be equally frustrating, this aspect can point and reveal to painful truths, fears and insecurities about the people involved. Lovers to enemies trope, seeing each other as a thread. I think water houses make it worse because these houses deal with our psyche and emotions, our uttermost vulnerable parts, great damage can be done here. For example if you'd have this aspect in the 4th house, your home could be a psychological battelgound. The fighting could happen at home, behind close doors, etc. END TW
✦ Sun square/inconjunct/opposite/conjunct Pluto: The theme of power and power struggles can become the core themes of the connection. Therefore this can be rally exhausting over time, both people feel like they are constantly trying each other (even if the other didn't do so) and that they can't catch a break when they're together. It's like there's always something waiting around the corner they have to tackle. One or both can be too demanding of another. If feelings fade, both might be afraid that the relationship loses its meaning and becomes too dull. This is were the constant emotional highs and intensity will show their addictive side and cause fear of the mundane, the healthy.
✦ Pluto can be tricky in every house, but I'll say in the composite I'd say the 1st, 4th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 10th and 12th house can be the most complicated ones, but it's really dependent on other aspects and influences. The 12th house especially can point to the relationship ending by some bitter truths being revealed, leading to a painful end.
✦ Neptune square/inconjunct the personal planets: Do I have to say it? You called it, it's mainly about the dellusion aspect and yes, it's necessary to acknowledge that both parties can chase a dream that might not be really found in reality. It can lead to deceiving behaviour, idealization, lying, strong disappointment and even resentment when finding out the other person/relationship is not living up to your dreams. It can also talk about trying to make the relationship work, when outer circumstances are working against it! Here, I want to mention Uranus. While Uranus in harsh aspects to the personal planets can point to on-off behaviour and feelings, I think more often it can also lead to outer circumstances forcing you to be physically apart. Due to sudden events, you might spend lots of times apart, having to rely other forms of communication and socializing to keep the connection alive.
✦ Generational planets conjunct/in close harsh aspects to Saturn: Can feel like outer circumstances breaking your foundation apart. It's not like you can't work this out, but can feel like your world is falling apart in one minute, with Saturn being nvolved the two people can feel way top defeated and pessimistic to try again or fight against outer circumstances and individual shortcomings to try again and make the connection work.
✦ Personal planets conjunct/in harsh aspect to Chiron:This doesn't have to be a dealbreaker, but given the nature of Chiron, definitely worth a mention. Especially when Moon and Venus are involved, loving each other is working through pain and healing together, Being vulnerable and intimate with each other can bring the biggest pain, but also the biggest reward. Love that feels heavy and dutiful, love that requires high amount of maturity (!). Both need to be responsible for their own pain. Being together might feel bittersweet. Similar feelings can arise with Chiron in the 8th, 7th, 12th, 1st.
✦ Black Moon Lilith being strongly present in the composite chart: I'm talking close aspects, contacts to the personal planets, the angles, NN/SN. BML can point to self destructive behavior. Two people acting out on their desires too much, indulging fully in chaotic energy without caring about the consequences. This pair might have to undergo a lot of judgement and stares from the public, which can tear them apart too. One part tries to controle the Lilith nature of the other. In general, in order to benefit from srong Lilith energy in composite and synastry both people have to respect the other and have to align their individuals powers! Disputes due to different values and ownership can occure as well with Lilith being prominent in this chart.
✦ This is not an aspect, but look at aspect patterns in your chart and potential apex planets in order to identify re-occuring themes and problems in your relationship!
✦ People often are often afraid about (personal) planets in the 12th/8th house or stelliums there, since they can indicate secrets or hiding the partner/relationship from the public, but I would digress and say that these placements grand two people extreme intimacy, the only thing I'd suggest is to always communicate, be transparent and give each other the emotional space and time to open up and grow together in a very natural and authentic way.
✦ Sun in conflicting aspects to Moon, Venus, Mars, Saturn, more so when multiple of these planets form tight, critical aspects with the Sun: Can indicate that there are just certain parts 'missing' in the connection that would lead to emotional and physical fulfillment that you need to address and work on. Again, Mars and Sun can talk about a clash of egos and pulling towards different directions, too much egocentrism, no team player mentality, lack of direction, Saturn often hints towards outer circumstances making it harder for two people to be together, both can be very pessimistic and have a hard time continuing to invest into the relationship.
✦ Having a very prominent, very afflicted Jupiter: Jupiter is the point in composite were our (shared) hopes, desires and talents come together, were we collaborate in order to create our own luck and strive for it, it's the soul of the relationship. Having Jupiter in a critical position can lead to a lack of fulfillment, we feel like our soul can't grow and expand in the relationship, uninspired to make the best out of life.
Credit: plutoswrath on tumblr, 2022. Please don't copy and repost my work.
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hopeisgrey · 4 months
My Demon - 7/10
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The announcement of My Demon literally created chaos among the k-drama fans. The Song Kang-Kim Youjung pairing was making everyone insane. The hype was unreal. But did My Demon live up to it? Well, the answer to that would be… yes or no (kissy if u read that in Na Bora’s voice). My Demon did have a very interesting plot line, good enough characters and it was successful in getting the audiences hooked with the first few episodes. The cinematography was the most talked about among the viewers and rightfully so. The wide shots of Jung Guwon’s (Song Kang) office, the underwater scene, the slow-mo shot of the waves forming a portal around Guwon and Dohee (Kim Youjung), the Dohee-about-to-fall-off-the-balcony scene and so on. Another thing that filled twitter was the fashion. And not only the female lead’s this time, but also the male leads. Guwon has secured his place among the very few male leads with impeccable fashion sense. When most male leads are shown in sophisticated suits, Guwon was rocking cropped jackets and scarfs. But then again, I don’t think most male leads are Song Kang.
Nevertheless, My Demon stands as an example that if you start with a bang, your ending should be a banger. This is where the drama failed. In the second half, it started to feel like the story line was being stretched. The cinematography and direction which was so good in the start had taken a back seat and love making montages were put in for the action that wasn’t happening. And by action, I mean just anything that would contribute to the plot. The plot was moving, but at a very slow pace. Sure, Guwon and Dohee make the best couple, the greenest flag couple, the entire amazon rainforest couple, but where is the drama? I wasn’t necessarily waiting for anything bad to happen, but for a time being literally nothing was happening. And I was mad about that. Until towards to the end, everything happened. The new trend of k-drama rom-coms only having 12 episodes, My Demon should’ve followed that. Because the more they stretched, the more Song Kang’s bad acting showed and also the writer’s inability to stitch it all together. I honestly loved Song Kang in Sweet Home, not that he had any more than 2 expressions 3 dialogues in it, but still. Jung Guwon is far more expressive, and Song Kang couldn’t do justice. He shines when the camera requires for him to be the slayest demon to walk this planet, but when it is time for the playful babygirl Guwon to get on stage, his acting feels like… acting. It’s not terrible, it’s just not the best. Also the entire past life plot is becoming more than obvious. The moment I saw Guwon dreaming of his past, I KNEW Guwon and Dohee probably died in the past life and one of them thinks it’s their fault and they will try to distance themselves from each other. You know which other drama did it? See You in My 19th Life and Destined with You and maybe more but I don’t remember. Like can we please move on? This is equivalent to the 2016 era dramas having the oh we’ve actually met in childhood and not forgotten each other since trope. But then again, they have given us the most iconic dramas, can’t the same about these though.
However, I loved the way they showed Jin Gayoung’s character coming full circle. She is probably the only one who started a certain way, learned her lessons, had character development and got her happy ending. So yeah, My Demon definitely isn’t the best drama for me. I am not going to put in on my re-watch list. But I will recommend it. It’s fun, and sweet, and great for fashion inspo!
Another thing I want to add is that My Demon is compared to Doom at Your Service a lot for having a similar concept, so I’ll just say that DAYS is a much better drama, for all aspects – storyline, acting, romance, comedy, THE FUCKING AWESOME THREESOME OF THE SECOND LEAD THRUPPLE, even the song (If Love Sight by TXT doesn’t play in my head when I look at my future partner, I’ll know they’re not the one). Except My Demon is going to take the trophy for best costume.
Ok that’s it now let me play Hyunsu’s “What should we do?” until Sweet Home S3 comes out hehe!
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silver-slates · 5 months
My thoughts on Disney's Wish (Spoilers)
Let me preface this by saying that I haven't heard all of the negative things that have been circling around the movie, but I've heard more than a few things that painted a pretty grim picture of the movie before I went to see it. I was going in expecting something akin to Strange World going in, which I really didn't like (and that's coming from someone who likes unique worldbuilding.)
After I left the theater yesterday, my thoughts were just, "This is the worst Disney movie of 2023?" I really didn't have any issues with it at all, and even if I usually tend to have a more positive outlook on movies I watch in comparison to others, I just have to say that this was NOT a terrible movie. Disney has had a LOT of blunders in 2023, but I can't say that this was one of them. I know that a lot of people out there might disagree with me or even hate me, but Wish made me feel something that I don't feel very often: magic.
It's hard for me to know what specifically to talk about since I don't know about all the criticisms the movie's gotten, though I do know about a few. The first one that sticks out to me is the movie's art style, and how some people have called it ugly and even unfinished looking. But... I honestly don't get it. Nothing strikes me as unfinished, and I never found the art style to be irritating. It was something new, and I thought it was fine. It uses shading and colors that are a bit flatter than some of their previous works, but I saw that as it being a sort of in-between of the 2D look of the classics and the 3D look of the newer movies. There was probably only one time where I noticed something was slightly off, and that was where Asha is waving around some flags at the beginning and having no motion blur or smear frames on it looked a little awkward. I can also understand how some of the shots can feel a bit flat, but once again that's something that makes it feel similar to the 2D classics.
Up next, I heard some things about some of the characters being trash. The main two I heard about were Asha and King Magnifico. Some of the main things I heard concerning Asha was that she's dorky and silly to a fault, and what I have to say to that is that although she's pretty silly at the beginning of the movie and sometimes it can be a bit embarrassing to watch, that's just Asha being Asha before the adventure kicks off. As the story progressed, I thought that she learned to be more serious over time as she learned the truth about the wishes and Magnifico and what she really wanted to do, and most of her antics after that point are mostly concerning the actions of other characters. I never felt like she was silly in places where it was inappropriate, and I actually ended up liking her a lot. As for Magnifico, I haven't heard anything specific about him other than the fact that he's supposedly the worst Disney villain of all time. But... I just don't see it. His motivations are believable (according to my standards), he's shown to be a narcissist who doesn't truly listen to other people's criticisms, and him turning from a king who wants to maintain order while very rarely giving people what they want into a power hungry madman who wants nothing more than for his subjects to bend to his will and lick his boots feels in character for him and it had the right setup. I thought that the supporting characters were all good as well, but my least favorite was probably Valentino. He was alright and he did his job, but he really felt like more of a gimmick than anything else.
The next thing I want to talk about is the music. I don't know if anybody's had a lot of bad things to say about it, but I thought the songs were great. After Encanto I was wondering what they'd have in store for this movie, because although Encanto had some banger songs there were one or two that I didn't really like. Not so for Wish though, because I liked every last song that was in the movie. I'm... not really sure what else to say here.
I heard about there being a few cameos in the movie as well, and I picked up on a lot of them as I watched it. But the references feel tasteful, not overblown and obvious, and something you'll really only notice if you're looking for it (except for the Peter Pan reference maybe, but that's just one.)
One last thing I want to talk about is how I've seen some people calling the film's main source of conflict something that makes Asha a bad person. Basically, they say that her mission goes against Magnifico's warnings of what could happen if everybody is allowed to keep their wishes and that there could be some serious consequences that she's too headstrong to consider. But... they address all these points in the movie. Even if someone's wish turns out to be a rotten one, you can always try to step in and make sure it doesn't get too out of hand.
And I think those are all the things I had to say concerning Wish. I personally feel like it paid some good tribute to the animated classics with its story and familiar themes, and it was a good way to celebrate 100 years of the Walt Disney company, though I'm well aware that there are plenty who disagree. If there are some things that I didn't cover or consider please let me know, and I'd like to hear what you all have to say about the movie as well.
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supernovaa-remnant · 2 months
Tag Game!! :D ty @raiweljace for the tag :3
LAST SONG - Hung Empty by Los Campesinos! what can I say? the album sick scenes is a banger, and I keep listening to it lol
SWEET/SPICY/SAVORY - Savory 100% Spicy is also okay, and sweet is fine, but savory will always be my go to.
FAVORITE COLOR - I'm so bad at choosing favorites 😭 In general I'd say I prefer cool tones like blues and purples. but I do also like pinks.
...and I've just described the bi flag lmao
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CURRENT OBSESSION - the dsmp it's always going to be the dsmp it has a chokehold on me I can't escape.
...other than that, though, I've been really into the x-files recently. also my current wip.
LAST THING YOU GOOGLED - ...I don't even remember but I think it was something to do with my university so I will not be sharing lmao #don't_dox_yourself_kids #internet_safety
Tags (no pressure ofc <3): @prisonpodcast @coyotecrash @pineware @sioster @milktearosethorn @drixel @dreamony @koryandrr @broke-on-books @atrenchcoatofteaandspite
(also an open tag to anyone who wants to do it. I limited myself to the arbitrary number of tagging 10 people just for my own peace of mind, but it's open to anyone)
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