#it's different than your general sort of monster of that nature! it's weird! it's personal!
beatcroc · 10 months
but how am i supposed to take clone-type characters in media seriously now if they aren't misshapen shambling horrors; not a reflection, but a distorted parody of the original?
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ohnoitstbskyen · 1 year
Seeing your ask on Plural and I’m wondering if you would like a plural character in League maybe with a shapeshifter gimmick to represent the two personalities/spirits.
Either a case of D.I.D or of spirit possession or symbiosis with another sapient creature.
Because it is a very Christian/Western concept to think all spirits possession as a negative one takes all fight between two entire with many cultures having shamans who let spirits use their body for healing rituals. I think that blends into D.I.D too. Despite them being really different.
This even goes into Scrizophrina which is a totally different condition. With people from more rural areas reporting more positive hallucinations then from the industrialized developed world.
It’s worth noting that in Japanese a animist based culture there are much more positive portrayals of spirt possession and split personalities like in Yugioh.
Hrm, I can't really speak to your latter comments there, I don't know enough about either animism or schizophrenia (which is not the same thing as DID) to comment. Nor on the thing about shamanic cultures, although it feels a bit like you're generalizing there.
But as for League, depending on how you want to read them, there already are plural characters in League of Legends - Varus is three distinct personalities in one body, and Kalista is... somewhat inconsistently written, but in concept she is a system of all the spirits and consciousnesses of everyone who has invoked her to seek revenge.
If you want to stretch it, you might even argue that the Kindred are a plural character. They have separate bodies, but they are one person expressed in two personalities, and their origin story specifically relates them as one entity who split into two personalities because they were quite simply happier and more complete that way.
Of course, in the case of both Varus and Kalista, those characters are written from the perspective that their plurality is some kind of distorting affliction. Varus is a corrupted monster trying to possess the body of Kai, while the consciousnesses of Kai and his lover Valmar try to resist. It sorta shakes out to a shoulder angel/shoulder devil scenario where Varus pulls on Kai's anger and thirst for revenge, while Valmar tries to remind him of his humanity.
Legends of Runeterra tried to move the character in a different direction, conceptualizing them much more like a harmonious plural system that is in agreement with themselves, rather than a "tormented struggle over the true nature of the soul" sort of thing, but it's still kinda in the concept of the character that Varus' plurality is a corruptive body horror.
With Kalista, the storm of consciousnesses inhabiting the shared body has been shown to be a sort of chaotic, destructive thing that is eating away at her "original" personality and replacing it with a single-minded revenge spirit, and that's basically written as a tragic, bad thing that represents the loss of her true soul to the corruption of vengeance, anger and hatred.
The Kindred, if you want to interpret them as plural, are much more balanced and harmonious, two expressions of the same being, bonded by deep mutual love and affection.
None of them, of course, are intended to be plural representation - at least not as far as I know. And honestly, yeah, I think it would be extremely cool to have a character that is intentionally and conceptually designed to express something real about the plural experience.
I'm... not a hundred percent sure if I'd trust Riot to be able to do a good job of that, though. There's a lot of Too Many Cooks bullshit that happens at Riot, which undermines most good-faith efforts from its creatives to do interesting things. Some higher up business-suited jackass might just be like "other stakeholders think it's cooler if they're a gross evil monster who is evil because they're plural because being plural is bad and weird and makes you dangerous to people around you" and then whoops here comes a James McAvoy in Split ripoff champion :/
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replicasoul · 1 month
💛 - if you are comfortable sharing, what is your headcount? do you keep track of it? / 📼 - do you have any non-human alters? if yes, which species are the majority of them? / 🌱 - do you have a headspace? if yes, describe it! if no, do you want one?
finally getting around to these 💛 - honestly No Idea at this point. there are about 5-7 ppl who front super regularly. We Think. there might be more, its hard to tell. there are definitely More who likely front less often and are more like. internally-inclined? idk how to put that. but we havent actually taken the time to do any sort of Count. and i feel like it could fluctuate wildly over time (it has before). so Who Knows. mayb we should start that 📼 - literally none of the members of our system identify as like. Human. all of us have weird kin shit going on that is EXTREMELY prevalent for us in terms of identity/gender stuff, but which we pretty rarely Actually talk about. one of the things that complicates this, though, is that while there are Patterns that we have wrt what forms/kin things/etc each system member Tends to gravitate towards, none of those are set in stone and All of the 'usual' things span multiple 'species' or whatever you want to call them. so like. we have a lot of yknow. forms/gender/kin stuff that are Robots, Object Heads, Monsters, Aliens, Objects In General (especially living swords or machines), Furries, Plushes, Pooltoys, Balloon Dogs, Cryptids, Suits (think like. lethal company employees or HUNK from resident evil), etc. etc. etc. etc. and different system members might stray more towards some of those forms than others, but its honestly all over the place and is really confusing to keep track of. which is part of the reason we rarely talk about kin stuff at all (the other big reason being shame/embarrassment, but thats a different issue) but essentially it boils down to 1. figuring out who the fuck is even fronting 2. figuring out what form or kin or w/e that person is feeling like and both of those can switch multiple times even on a single day so the short answer i guess is: none of use ID as human In The Slightest, but as for What we are, its fucking complicated 24/7
🌱 - yes, but its been something thats been a lot fuzzier as of recent, and we generally feel less-inclined to try and mess with it these days (always feels like a waste of time, even though it can be helpful; it used to be) our headspace has Weird mechanics and is weirdly consistent. we've always been pretty naturally good at like. mapping/figuring out Physical Spaces and such, so i guess that makes sense, but it's been wild to describe it to other plural folks w/ headspaces and have them essentially go "no mine isnt like that at all, what the fuck" we have actually based a couple of different writing projects around it (Prismic Sanctum and Oubliette specifically, both are older projects not currently updating, but still worth a potential read) and continue to mess with it as a worldbuilding concept here and there if i had to boil it down: it's a massive collection of various areas that are all in a consistent layout, that could be mostly mapped out with cardinal directions. so like, if you travel North from Area A, you end up in Area B. you will Always end up there. same thing with traveling through doors, etc. some spaces are vague about distance (like the forest between the mass of highways hanging over a void and the big ashen wasteland; traveling through it has different, inconsistent travel times) but Directions are pretty much always set in stone, even then. physical space also doesnt always make sense. you may go to the 2nd floor of a 4-story apartment building, find a trapdoor in an apartment, go up into it, and end up in a castle that cant physically exist at the same time as the apartment building. but, that trapdoor will ALWAYS lead to that place, so locations are just about Always consistent the type of locations also vary wildly. often theyre either places that are possible in the real world but a bit Off (like an elementary school where gravity outside/on the playground is reversed so you can fall into the sky, or a mansion where the physical space is larger or smaller in comparison to you depending on what doors you walk through), or, theyre entirely surreal spaces that are completely impossible (like the aforementioned clump of many highways suspended over a black void that are lit by yellow streetlights, or the basement thats several miles wide with varying ceiling heights, or the motel where every room leads to some different, impossible space) it can be genuinely fun and interesting to """""Explore""" it, even though i know its just our brain generating all the weird spaces. its like one of those homemade TTRPG games that you play by yourself, where even though a Lot of it is coming from your own imagination, its still fun to mess around with
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grave-bride · 11 months
Amaya's Favorite Weird Lil' Games
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Hello, I'm Amaya. I needed some kind of pinned post here, and introductions are lame and I'm not funny, so I figure what better to have as a first introduction than a list of some of my favorite games, especially ones I consider to be somewhat under-rated. That's a vague term in some regards, and can mean different things to different people for different games. Regardless these are several video games I hold very dearly and many of them are quite formative for me as a person. I've posted something like this on Twitter before, but switching over to Tumblr gives me a little bit more leeway on how many words I'm willing to give to each title, as well as many shift some titles around, and I may edit this more in the future. It should go without saying by the way that all of these games have some incredible soundtracks please listen to them sometime if you can. Either way... shall we begin?
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Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth
I've been a Digimon fan all of my life, so in some ways this feels like cheating, like of course a Digimon game would wind up on this list when it was effectively my first fixation. Cyber Sleuth though, is a genuinely good video game, and honestly probably the first time a Digimon game has been "Good" with no caveats. This is a well constructed turn based, monster collecting RPG with a compelling narrative that unfolds over the course of multiple different mysteries you, as the titular Cyber Sleuth, work to solve by utilizing your Digimon combined with your unique ability to travel through cyberspace itself. While clunky around the edges, it's a fun video game that feels similar enough to its contemporaries like Pokemon that its fairly easy to slip into with a really good, quirky cast of characters, even among the nameless NPCs there are several who remain memorable due to their entertaining quips or the nature of whatever side quest they're attached to. Among the fandom there's even a bit of a running joke about Cyber Sleuth and its seemingly magical ability to turn people who aren't Digimon fans... INTO diehard Digimon fans after completion. The Complete Edition available via PC and Steam includes bonus content and all the old DLC, including the whole ass sequel, Hacker's Memory, which takes place concurrently with Cyber Sleuth but from someone else's point of view... I am more mixed on that game, but it's still worth trying if you manage to pick up that version.
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Digimon Survive
Look I'm a little bit sorry about putting two Digimon titles back to back but I need to talk about this one for a bit bear with me. Digimon Survive is a visual novel, and those won't be to everyone's tastes, though it is broken up occasionally by some RPG battles, still you can scroll down if that's an immediate dealbreaker. Survive though is... hard to explain for me, especially being a visual novel, it's basically impossible to discuss without spoilers. Compared to many entries in the Digimon canon, Survive feels more down to earth and grounded, all things considered. Taking clear inspiration from the original anime series, but putting a more "realistic" spin on the general premise, acknowledging the implicit darker elements of a setting like this, and it truly uses it for some powerful moments, and across its multiple endings were willing to go in directions I kind of always wanted Digimon to dive into more but never really expected they would do. It's a very... fulfilling narrative to me, and even as far back as the first trailer, its main instrumental track leaves me feeling a sort of pained, nostalgic, melancholy, and I think the full game managed to live up to whatever ethereal feeling that first reveal gave me all those years ago. Who knew it was possible for a game to come out of development hell just fine?
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Wild Arms / Wild Arms: Alter Code F
Wild Arms was legitimately one of the first video games I ever played, and has stuck with me in many ways, affecting me all my life. Despite being a sort of "forgotten" franchise, it still has a bit of impact continuing to this day, with the main creator later going to work on fucking Symphogear of all things, and the influence is noticeable. Now he's working on a more direct spiritual successor, Armed Fantasia, which does look good but it was kickstarted so I'm trying not to be too excited! To be more focused on the topic at hand, this is... a very old, classic RPG, despite releasing on the PS1 its DNA sort of traces back to a very "SNES flavor" of the genre in its general vibe. It stands apart though with its very creative setting for its genre, a Wild West inspired setting with cowboys, and samurai, and mages and ancient civilizations with advanced technology and aliens and it's all... very much, but it creates a very fascinating and unique world. It's a world that's fun to experience and explore with its "Tool" system, which may as well be adapting a sort of Zelda/Metroid like system of upgrades to an RPG, granting the ability to solve various puzzles or gain access to areas previously locked off, and in combination with this, each party member has drastically different abilities in how they function. It later received a remake for PS2 titled Alter Code F which... I think genuinely stands on its own. Many things were redesigned aesthetically, mechanically, and more. New party members and side quests added, music rearranged. It creates a very different vibe that makes it hard for me to say if there is a "definitive" way to experience Wild Arms, but I think it's a journey worth taking either way.
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Wild Arms 3
Okay, admittedly this is a bit of a tough post to write after the one on Wild Arms 1, because Wild Arms 3 in many regards is just a better Wild Arms 1. The setting is mostly the same vibes, and most of the core gameplay remains, but its feel and narrative are in a world of their own. If you are a fan of Symphogear already, then this is the title that will be more in line with what you know from the creator. Though many aspects of the original remain in play, Wild Arms 3 mixed things up quite a bit with its unique take on how skills work. Spells and skills are now tied to 12 Runes which you can divide up among the 4 party members, and you can change these at any point, even mid-combat, but there is some emphasis put on planning as each characters stats are geared towards using different spells but those are often bundled with spells the character in question cannot use as effectively. Plus, the Runes are also where passive skills come from, so while you can swap Runes at a moments notice to best take advantage of a situation, doing so does mean jumbling around the passive skills that some characters may be relying upon. It's a unique system and I like it a lot, even if admittedly the base game is hardly challenging enough for it be a common problem to consider. You can sort of tell the creator would later go on to make Symphogear based on this title, because even this game feels like an anime series split across multiple seasons, with the story split into multiple Acts, each one introducing new antagonists and even a change to the games opening movie, and it all culminates in a twist villain that sticks in my head because of how much she seems like she comes out of nowhere... until you take a second look, and realize on a new playthrough she was always there, always watching, always just out of reach.
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7th Dragon 7th Dragon 2020 7th Dragon 2020-II 7th Dragon III Code: VFD
Yes, I'm putting the entire series here, because I genuinely do just recommend the entire series if you can bear it. 7th Dragon is a series of RPGs where the emphasis is on the challenging bosses, traversing the dungeons they find a home in, all while using a party of silent protagonists you design yourself by picking out their Classes and how they invest in their skills. In many respects it is similar to Etrian Odyssey and that's... because they're made by the same dude, though sadly 7th Dragon didn't have as much success outside Japan... or even within Japan. It's a series that I appreciate a lot because I think it has a very unique style to it but they can be brutal, especially the first game. I've played many RPGs that feature the "indomitable human spirit" as part of its plot and how the conflict is overcome but I'm not sure I've ever felt it through gameplay quite like I have in these games. It's the sort of game where you will boot it up and get your ass beaten by a squirrel, and you... just have to overcome that, and every obstacle after, by finding your own strategy that works, and planning one out can be an ordeal in of itself as several Classes have such unique mechanics that it barely even seems like every member of your party is playing the same game as each other. (Seriously you can have a mage who casts spells by using MP in the same party as a mage that casts spells by micro-managing Yu-Gi-Oh! cards.) You can play as a catgirl.
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Dark Cloud
All right this one is just a fun adventure. Honestly you shouldn't expect any deep story here, nor one with any emotional impact, but it's a damn fun time if you're willing to give it some time. Dark Cloud is a dungeon crawler, where you will be venturing into multiple dungeons, traversing floor after floor after floor of procedurally generated rooms, hallways, enemies, treasure, and traps. What makes it a little bit unique though is the "Atma" you'll find alongside the way which give you all manner of things such as trees, fences, rivers, roads, houses, windmills and... people! In between dungeon diving, you will return to the surface to use the Atma you've collected to rebuild several destroyed civilizations, turning barren wastelands into small villages, bringing the peaceful people back and listening to their requests to make it even better than it was before it was destroyed... or ignore them all and do whatever you want. Either way, it's a fun and addicting little adventure full of dungeon crawling, boss battling, city planning, and making new friends along the way. Also sometimes you build a giant robot and engage in time travel shenanigans. You can play as a catgirl.
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Okage: Shadow King
Probably the most obscure game I have ever talked about, Okage is a forgotten but beloved cult classic RPG about a boy whose shadow now harbors a demon who is pushing him on a quest to conquer the world in exchange for curing his sister of her curse to always speak in pig Latin, by turning her shadow pink. It's a very ridiculous game wild a wild sense of humor, and a very quirky and charming cast with a memorable aesthetic. Sadly it is a bit of a low budget title and the game does show that sometimes with how rough it can be but the poor balance and other issues can easily be overlooked for the games absurd and entertaining world and dialogue, all of which later gives way to a pretty interesting story starring a person who feels forgotten and isolated in the world, and them learning to be more confident and aggressive by reminding the world they do exist.
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God Eater Resurrection God Eater 2 Rage Burst God Eater 3
Again putting the whole series here. Each game has unique elements, but they're all worth the time if you ask me, with hundreds of hours of content and some decent stories, I especially am a big fan of the found family narrative of 3. Though the primary reason its on here is for the gameplay, God Eater is a series of action games in a similar vein to Monster Hunter, where you are tasked with going on missions to take down dangerous, towering beasts. Though these games generally are much faster paced with a greater emphasis on the break neck combat, and your ability to customize your character with armor, a melee weapon, a gun, various passive skills and even abilities that may enhance your move set or completely change how some of your attacks behave on a fundamental level. More importantly, these games all have co-op that allow up to 4 players to tackle most missions in the game, including being able to experience the story campaigns together from beginning to end. So y'know... hit me up on a weekend sometime, I am just saying...
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Ys IX: Monstrum Nox
Ys is a long running RPG series and it is perhaps a criminal offense to specifically be recommending the ninth entry, especially seeing as how it is the last game in the series chronologically at the moment, and serves as a capstone for the protagonists current adventures. Though it was my first game in the series myself, and even after playing all of them yeah I still think this is the best one. Monstrum Nox is an action RPG where you are trapped in a large city, forced to remain until you can solve all of the mysteries in the dungeons under its paved roads. Though you and several others have the ability to turn into "Monstrums", powerful beings with unique abilities that are helpful in traversing the city and its dungeons. There's a lot of fun in meeting the Monstrums and not knowing their true, civilian identities, especially because you will often encounter their civilian identities a decent time before its revealed they are one of the Monstrums helping you too dispel monsters around town. Alongside the fun of combat, and running around dungeons with the cool cast of Monstrums, the size of the city and the various movement abilities you unlock almost make the game feel akin to a platformer sometimes, a feeling bolstered by several collectables spread through out the city and the main map keeping track of your completion percentage for all of said collectables. While the action RPG part of the game is great on its own, there's something to be said about the joy of running up a skyscraper, double jumping off, doing a roll forward into a glide to reach a far off building for another feather. You can play as a catgirl.
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This is the most recent release on this list, and quickly became a favorite of mine. Harvestella is a farming sim/action RPG hybrid, with emphasis mostly put on the RPG half of the game. It's a compelling narrative that rings with vibes of classic Final Fantasy and Bravely Default, filled with likeable characters and several gorgeous locations along the way. It's a thrilling adventure that you can tackle at your own pace, going on an adventure through dangerous locations or doing side quests in between just chilling on a farm, planting crops, raising animals, making products, all to craft various tools, prepare food or sell for income. Since it is so new I don't really want to go into it too much but look... it's good. No catgirls but the gender selection at the very beginning of the game has nonbinary as an option, and in the post-game you can give become "Life Partners" with any of the party members by giving them a "Promise Ring".
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giordirossi · 1 year
             GIORDANA ROSSI || Character Breakdown
Put under a read more for your viewing pleasure/to save the dash.
What is their go-to takeaway food, and what do they usually order?
Sushi and she tries something different almost every time. Favorites include anything involving spicy or avocado.
Who is their go-to drunk dial?
It doesn’t happen often because he’d lord it over her and make jokes until the end of time, but Vincenzo. She’s perfectly content with calling him 3 times in a row while sober.
If they take the tube, what’s the weirdest thing that’s ever happened to them?
She drives or walks to avoid 1) being groped in a crowded space or 2) being confronted by a man who smells like crackers and says that she looks like she could play tambourine in his band.
Has your character ever gotten so drunk they pissed themselves?
Not even once. Getting deeply inebriated wouldn’t be safe considering her line of work and she never feels comfortable not being in control of her own body. It would literally never happen.
Have they ever lost someone close to them, and how do they remember them? (Listen to old voicemails; look at old photos, etc.)
Not in death. I think she considers Frankie getting married a sort of loss though and she certainly hasn’t been mature about his choice of wife. There’s a little fear of abandonment in him moving away from the family, so do with that info what you will. She remembers him by being an annoying little sister and intruding on his life.
On the other hand, losing fellow Sovrani comes with the territory and while it can be infuriating, she was never close with them.
How many people has your character fucked?
It’s a lower number than you might think. She’s Catholic so there is a modicum of religious guilt mixed in with one-nighters and because of that, Giordana is actually a bit particular about the people she lets close enough to see her in such a vulnerable state.
Then you factor in the nature of her work/general attitude/quickly getting bored of people, all of which make it difficult to find a real connection. 
Generally speaking, people she goes home with are either meant to be a quick fix with minimal talking (so she doesn’t have to think), or she chooses them because of a weird, kindred spirit thing that she can’t put her finger on and the memory of that person bugs her for awhile. The latter happens very, very rarely.
Which reality TV show would your character best fit?
She would make a great demo girl on any house flipping show. Just give her a sledge hammer.
Most expensive pair of shoes they own?
Giordana’s style is classy and understated. She’s also very careful with money so the most expensive pair that she owns are black Jimmy Choo heels.
Go-to karaoke song, and can they sing it well?
She doesn’t do karaoke, but she’ll watch. If need be, she’ll do I Love Rock 'N Roll by Joan Jett & the Blackhearts because it’s easy.
Did they party in their younger years? What were they like, and where did they go?
Giordana joined the Sovrani as a teenager and spent a long time working her way up/building her reputation from scratch. So she never really had a stereotypical adolescence or early 20s, which means partying wasn’t her main priority during that time. 
Honestly she goes out more now at 30 and while that’s still fairly young, not having been in the scene during her formative years means she has some restraint to avoid going balls to the wall.
How many Disney/Disney Pixar movies has your character seen, and which is their favourite?
A good few and she really loves The Nightmare Before Christmas, Mulan, and Treasure Planet. Monsters, Inc is also one of the funniest movies she’s ever watched. Coco gets an honorable mention for being, in her opinion, the most beautiful Pixar film ever created.
Red Bull or Monster?
Red Bull, she’s not a 16 year old boy.
Has your character ever been to a music festival? Which? Did they enjoy it?
No. She considered trying Coachella at one point, but it seemed crowded and full of fake instagram girlies. So hard pass on that.
If you character had to gear up for a fight, what would they bring?
Giordana firmly believes that the most important thing you can bring to a fight is your mind. Weapons are useful, she herself would probably choose a shiv for the ease and it being lightweight, but nothing is more valuable or deadly than a person who can outwit somebody else in the middle of a brawl.
Who would they bring as their backup?
Giorgio or Rina. Vinnie if she must, but he’s a big time leader boy now and she would never risk him. More often than not, she’s his backup.
Who would your character kill/have assassinated if there were no consequences?
Melissa Lin. :)
What are their favourite three toppings for a pizza?
Spinach, mushroom, extra cheese.
How do they keep fit? What does their training regimen look like?
5 mile morning runs and she uses her home gym several times per week. Fitness is not something Giordana is willing to compromise or give up, in a fight it could mean the different between life or death.
Nutella or peanut butter?
Peanut butter.
Is your character married? If so, what was their wedding like? If not, how do they imagine their wedding will one day be?
She’s never been married and I don’t think she imagines it much at all. Giordana doesn’t get on with people or let them in very often so that makes the concept of marriage very abstract for her. On a deeper level, she also can’t fathom the idea of someone sticking around very long after knowing who and what she is. Nobody wants to marry a monster.
If they could visit any country in the world, which would it be?
Italy. Which is a cop out and she knows it, but I headcanon that she’s quite attached after visiting the country often in her youth, not just for the Sovrani. 
Which is their favourite of the countries they’ve already visited?
Giordana really loved a brief trip that she made to Costa Rica. It’s a special country.
What is their favourite cologne/perfume?
Yves Saint Laurent Black Opium.
Red wine or white wine?
Red, but she won’t turn her nose up at white.
Are they any good at playing Monopoly?
She’s the best cheater there is. Don’t let her be the bank.
Have they ever played a video game? Like Red Dead Redemption II, for example.
Does Mahjong on her phone count? Though I feel like she played DDR as a kid, don’t ask why.
What is their favourite type of weather to be stuck in?
Thunderstorm. She really, really loves the way that the sky changes color and the air feels charged with electricity.
Do they like living in London, or is their being here more of a necessity than a choice?
Absolute necessity, she would not have voluntarily relocated here on her own. Alas, she will go wherever Vincenzo does.
What’s the wildest thing that’s ever happened to them at an airport?
Being stalked by a Russian asset from security until her gate. Just barely made it. She also once had an 8 hour layover, which doesn’t sound that crazy but iykyk.
Have they ever been caught up in a natural disaster?
No, but I think she’d probably do well in a nightmare disaster scenario. Would she enjoy it? Not even a little. But she’d survive.
What is their usual coffee shop order?
She doesn’t drink coffee, she runs on spite.
Have they ever watched American Football? Did they think it was just rugby for bitches?
Well, IT IS. She thinks American Football has too many commercials, too many rules, and isn’t as exciting as rugby. (yes this is a biased answer)
If they had to join another mob (erasing their current affiliations entirely) which do you think your character would fit best?
As much as she loathes the idea of it, the Italians don’t call her their Russian for no reason. 😬
Has your character ever killed anyone? If so, what’s their kill count?
It is quite literally her job, but I don’t think she keeps a running tally because that’s weirdo behavior. 
If I had to assign a legitimate number and not say something ridiculously OP’d about her abilities/the reality of what it takes to efficiently kill a person without getting caught, the number is probably closing in on 75. Which is still very high all things considered.
Which is their favourite borough of London to spend time in?
Westminster? Idk she just got to London, but she likes that area.
Do they have any interesting /important family members or ancestors?
She wouldn’t know because she has no idea who she was before being adopted into the Rossi fam. So TBD on if that past becomes a factor in her future. :)
Who are your character’s top three celebrity crushes?
Amal Clooney, Hugh Jackman, and Harrison Ford (both young and old).
If mob affiliations didn’t exist, who would your character be most attracted to on the dash?
I’m including who she’s already attracted to, but alas... Gideon, Ayaz, Yvonne, Azra.
What’s the name of the first pet they owned, and what kind of animal was it?
A cat named Milo.
Do they have a former friendship they miss/wish they could revive?
Nope. She’s basically Spongebob with 3 friends drawn on her fingers.
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leatherlaceandrope · 9 months
Hi, call me Legion. This is my really kinky sideblog where I cum come to be horny. I'm a good and sometimes feisty kitty. Don't worry, I try not scratch and bite too hard. I prefer cuddles and pets most of the time. 😻😻😻
I'm a 31 year old trans creature man and go by he/him and it/its pronouns. It's complicated and kinda fluid, like it's 5d spacetime instead of just 4d. Also still feminine because I love cute and pretty things. And as my blog description says, bisexual because I specifically like to go by vibe more than anything else. So, really just plain queer.
I'm also a polyfrag DID system, so different parts have slightly different preferences. We're not likely to talk about it outside this post but it is important. It basically means our gatekeeper team has full control of what can and can't be done to our mind. Some of us refer to one of our oldest alters as Sir, because right now we need him to fill a dominant role for us. System relationships have been our main way of exploring what we like. If you do want to see that mess of recovery, it's @eldritch-queern-magicat.
As a whole, I'm not looking for any serious relationships. I don't care if I just happen to fall into one, but I'm not actively looking. There's a lot of other stuff I need to sort out first before I get to that point. This is simply about having fun with others.
Anyway here's the stuff I'm definitely into:
Objectification (with praise/aftercare)
Tentacles/monster fucking
Pet play
Spanking/biting (not super hard though)
Edging/orgasm denial
Bimbofication/dumbification (because feminine yay plus I think way too much sometimes)
Mommy domme little boy
There are other things, but you'll have to message me privately for those because they're really not for everybody and are entirely restricted to fantasy roleplay (because puberty did some weird things I'm still figuring out)
Other notes about what I like:
I'm always a kitty-cat first but I'm not against exploring playing as other animals (this can be creative because I love animals in general)
Please call me a cute little thing or something like it, or pretty
Femboy, girlboy, or girly boy are cool, too
My top is my chest, and those are the only words I want used
Though you may call my bottom some variation of man/boy pussy/cunt
It/its pronouns aren't totally for kinky reasons but they do amplify some of the effects by nature of their common use
I'm often eager to please and make sure other participants are having a good time so I expect needs to be communicated clearly
I've got a history of being really shy with others so even a bit of praise can go so far because I want to be appreciated
You're gonna have to build up to some of the spicy stuff I'm not listing here to make sure you actually respect boundaries
And then my absolute HARD NOs:
Tickling, bodily waste (scat, piss, vomit, etc), weight loss/gain, age play, race play, incest, any physical endangerment (I'm putting breath-play (that isn't just holding your breath longer than normal) under this, as an asthmatic)
If something you're into isn't on the list of stuff I'm definitely into, but it's not listed as a hard no, message me and we can talk about it. I'm not just going to close myself off to new ideas or kinks even if I don't understand them. May even lead to expanding my yay list. I'm an incredibly curious person.
My DNI is the basics for a kink blog, really. I don't want bigots and assholes here, and ABSOLUTELY NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 18. No minors. This is an adult-only space. That said, if you don't have your age listed and easy to find, that's on you. I will not be held responsible for the ‘what if’ you happen to be under age 18 but just aren't saying so/are actually lying. But I will use my own discretion if I have reason to suspect you're under 18. If confirmed, you will be reported and blocked. I'm operating on good faith of only adults interacting with this sideblog. Any form of age indication, even if you just say 18+ only or something, still makes me feel more comfortable with interacting here than none.
If you want something for some non-sexual, still weird fun, allow me to direct you to my general audiences drone roleplay blog, @drone-unit8454. Just remember to keep the horny shit here.
No unsolicited real life pictures by the way! And pictures of genitals will be responded to appropriately by you ending up blocked. I'm also absolutely not be giving out any pictures of myself. I'm really shy about showing myself to people online. Especially since it's Tumblr. What I do accept are things like spirals and other such gifs. If you're not sure about something, just ask.
I have the most real world experience as a sub, but if you're exclusively a sub, I wouldn't mind acting as a soft, service-oriented dom. Like I said, I'm eager to please (but let's also take it easy starting out). Either way, I'll always try to be flexible within reason. My ask box and messages are open.
Will probably edit this thing as time goes on.
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antixabound · 1 year
alright since I want everyone to know I’m working on a fantasy setting, I am working on one btw and I am very super proud of it and no I do not have anything art related to show for it yet.
ok so basically in my funny and epic setting™ there are like five species that make up the kind of the basis of people and that is a lie there is more than five but the other kinds of people are something something I dunno. there aren’t any humans because I didn’t want to. 
the big four of the five that I want to bring up are Orcs, Elves, Dwarves, and Goblins. and additionally I have arbitrarily assigned groups of languages to them. this is to say that I am a hack fraud and I take words from languages that happen to be in the same general kind of language grouping and i mix them together to make a new one. An example being Kreӧdd, which is a particular culture of Orcs and to make it I literally just looked at a fuckin english to whatever language dictionary site, and then I typed in “blood” and picked the word Krew from polish and then I typed “born” and got  född from swedish. anyway that is a nice little way to tell everyone I assigned germanic languages to the Orcs. I have also assigned Romance languages to the Elves because like that was obvious and you all know it, I put Celtic langauges with the Dwarves, and slavic languages with goblins because I needed to give them a language structure, and I couldn’t think of anything. the other species that exists on this funny continent, oh by the way the contient is called Hauldrak, are the Ogres, a collection of nomadic tribes who mostly keep to themselves in the frozen eternal winter of the north.
other funny types of people that exist are the Drakekin, a collective of people who just kinda appeared one day that all have strange and unusual bodies ranging from typically anthropomorphic to kinda all over the place. the Cog Folk, mechanical people who are often constructed originally to serve a purpose but eventually find their own individuality given time. Chimeras, some chimeras are made from the bodies of recently deceased people, and as such are capable of anything a person is, albeit asymmetrical, crudely stitched together and coursing with necrotic magic. And various kinds of demons and trolls that find some sort of appeal in living in a house and having a job and paying money for things.
most of the setting is just one one continent and its a weird and fucked up continent but it is also sometimes comfy as fuck like I don’t want it to be a grimdark setting but its not noblebright either, its cloudy, its a somber rainy day but you are comfy inside your home drinking tea sitting by the fire place, and for a moment you look outside the window and swear you saw a beast standing in the rain. the monsters in my setting are just kinda fantastical wild animals that abide to a strange concept of biology. there are cannibalistic gigantic necromancers that lead hordes of skeletons. Dragons are typically beasts so divorced from the natural order that their mere presence can cause permanent damage to the surrounding ecosystem, but there are also Dragons that fit a niche and removing them from an environment would cause catastrophe.
Also I really wanna talk about magic in my thing can I talk about magic in my setting I’ve been dying to talk about magic. there is no non-pretentious way to explain this in my eyes, Magic is like Art in my setting, every mage has to practice and do little things to hone their skills, everyone does magic a little differently, even those who try to copy someone else. A fire elemental wizard isn’t going to have the best grasp on illusion magic, and there are wizards who are jack of all trades, master of none. some do magic to make their lives easier, some to enhance performances, some to fight, and some to create nigh impossible structures. magic just kinda is, some animals and creatures can use magic alongside the people. everyone is able to do magic basically, any kind of person, they just have to at least try. the other thing is that elemental magic for classical elements like Fire, Water, Noise, Rot, etc. they are all slightly corruptive, there are ways to mitigate and or remove mutations and such but some sorcerers will often wear their strange gifts as some kind of badge of honor, or in the cases of mental changes where the caster is imbued with the hypothetical personality traits of these elements, they might not even notice.
I will elaborate further at some point and possibly make a whole ass ttrpg system or two.
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archaeopter-ace · 1 year
So bradsmindbrain pointed this out in their most recent post, but since Ted has a son in the comics, does this make him a dilf? Discuss.
My immediate thought was ‘I’m too ace for this ask,’ lol, but I like receiving asks in good faith so I’m going to do my best to answer anyway. I will certainly get things wrong. And this probably isn’t the discussion you were hoping for, it's just where my mind went.
Plant sex is weird. So is animal sex, to be fair. We spent a week in EvoBio class talking about how weird it is that any organism has sex at all, because if you have good genes why would you risk combining them with inferior genes; wouldn’t you want to asexually clone yourself indefinitely? (The answer has to do with being responsive to changes in environmental conditions).
Sex feels pleasurable to encourage organisms to reproduce [citation needed]. This means that a lot of animals have courtship displays, or otherwise try to be attractive to members of the same species. Plants do not do this. Plants are not trying to attract other plants; they are trying to attract pollinators, species from a completely different phylum altogether. Unless they are wind-pollinated, in which case they just have to be willing to expose themselves. Or unless they engage in any number of asexual reproductive strategies available to plants.
Things plants are attracted to: sunlight, and an upwards direction (negative gravitropism). Does a plant feel pleasure in meeting this attraction? Quite possibly. Is that pleasure sexual in nature? Probably not.
I still remember the last question on my Botany exam: “What are two things you learned in this class that you will never forget?” and years later, I have not forgotten my answers: 1) that angiosperm reproduction is more complicated than you think. I correctly guessed that I would not remember exactly how it was complicated, but I do remember that there’s actually two generations of tissue inside every acorn. Like after the ovum is pollinated it sort of has sex with itself, copying genes and combining them again, so that the sapling that eventually grows is actually the grandchild of its parents. 2) Tomatoes, at least in the U.S., are legally vegetables, due to a 19th century Supreme Court ruling.
My point is, on the one hand, it is dubious that plants experience sexual gratification. On the other hand, plant monsters are fictional, and this is fandom, so truthfully the diversity of the plant kingdom can be co-opted to fulfill any and all kinks a person might have, and then some. (He’s got tentacles on his face, I know what that means.) Conclusion: Ted fucks, but it’s very weird, and probably psychic. 
But that wasn’t your question! Your question was whether or not he’s a dilf. And here, I don’t think he fits the profile. Because the way the mainstream uses milf and dilf are actually fundamentally different, imo. Milf has been around for a while, iirc it was definitely mainstream by the time Gilmore Girls used it in a commercial. But from what I’ve gathered from rom-coms, milfs are sexy despite being moms, rather than because of it. (*obviously there’s plenty of people who feel different, I’m just going with broad-strokes impressions, here, based on heterosexual rom-coms.)
Why a milf designation would be needed to describe an attractive woman comes, I think, from the fact that (again, according to movies), already having kids is a ‘red flag’ to bachelors looking for a partner. A milf is also likely to be an older woman, and there was data published (but not peer-reviewed, to my knowledge) by the OkCupid founder that found that while women were most attracted to men the same age as them, men of all ages found women in their early twenties most attractive (to be fair, men were most interested in women closer to their own age). So, statistically, older women are seen as less attractive by society. Hence a milf designation, to say that this woman is sexy despite her age.
For dilfs, the calculus is different. Women are already more likely to find older men attractive (again, apologies for the heteronormativity of this data. Gay men with daddy kinks are an important part of our queer community. Also older gay and bi and pan men in general, and nonbinary folk attracted to older men, etc. etc., I just don’t have the data. Quite possibly ‘dilf’ as a term is used almost exclusively by the queer community, in which case I’m just completely barking up the wrong tree. I just don’t know what I'm talking about). 
So what makes a dilf different from just any single man is fatherhood; sexy because he’s a dilf. Now, fatherhood could be sexy for kink reasons, or it could be that it’s used as an indication of being a caregiver, having a nurturing personality. Toxic masculinity says that men don’t actually enjoy taking care of kids; dilfs say otherwise. I think a really good example of this is the comparison of Hugh Jackman on two different magazine covers - in one, he’s Wolverine; shirtless, flexing, and scowling. On the women’s magazine cover, he’s smiling and wearing a sweater/jumper/pullover/idk what they call it in Australia. 
I could be waaaaaaaay off base. I’m not tapped into actual dilf discourse to know what people are actually talking about. But based on my guesses, Ted is not a dilf, because he’s an absentee father. Even when he was still present, he was emotionally absent. This isn't to say he's not a nurturing guy! Just that, if he is, it's not because of fatherhood. (*I've read a limited number of Man-Thing comics, I mostly know him from cameos and summaries, so I don't know how accurate my characterization is)
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elysianslove · 3 years
Here to ask- could you rank the jjk boys on terms of kinky to vanilla ;) Also love your 🍆hcs I definitely would not be complaining if you said more 🤭... ♡♡
*dice rolls* sure thing shawty 😩 also thank you so much omg. i got another request for a dick analysis so 😼
for this, i basically explained each of the boys, then ranked them at the end! 
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itadori yuuji 
he’s somewhere in between! yuuji is curious enough to be considered kinky, but also he’s so loving that vanilla generally is his go to. not that vanilla can be a bad thing, because sex with yuuji, even if he’s not tying you up or spanking you and is just simply fucking you in missionary, is mind-blowing good. he never really is the one to initiate kinky things, or to ask to incorporate new things in the bedroom, but he’s always a hundred percent on board with anything you ask, no matter how extreme, even if he’s on the receiving end. maybe he’ll be the one to ask for things like “can i choke you?” or “can i blindfold you and use this toy on you?” but the hardcore shit has to come from you. it’s not entirely shyness, but there’s some of that too. he’s just generally new to sex, so even though he obviously has kinks he wants to try out, he sees sex as a way to pleasure both you and him, and that’ll be his main drive. if you want to add to that somehow, there’s absolutely no problem! 
fushiguro megumi 
oof he was a little tricky. i think he’s also somewhere in between, but definitely leaning way more towards kinky. like if it was a number scale, 1 being really vanilla and 10 being really kinky, megumi would be a good 7 or 8. it’s always the quiet ones. i think, at the start of your relationship, and when things start to get a little more intimate, he’s more vanilla, just cause he doesn’t wanna accidentally cross a line he hadn’t known was there. but as he gets more comfortable with you, he’ll definitely start asking you to change things up a bit. he’d do it cautiously though, cause what he’ll ask of you are either extremes, or kinks that have a high chance of you saying no, like pet play, or pain play. he’s definitely into dom/sub dynamics, and he’s a switch so, if you can also help him play out both roles, he’s in heaven. this was not an ask about his kink can i stay on track smh. but yeah, megumi’s definitely kinkier than he is vanilla, especially as your relationship grows and the level of comfort and trust between you does as well. 
gojō satoru
do i even have to. he’s so kinky it’s off the scale. he’s always trying out new things. start, middle, end of the relationship doesn’t matter. maybe he’s romantic on your first time. genuinely though, he’s very kinky, and is open about it too. here’s a twist though, i actually think he’s capable of being vanilla, but on very specific occasions. if you ask him, he’ll be a little shit about it, teasing you the whole time. but sometimes, he prompts it, and it’s usually when a mission goes wrong, or if something goes wrong and you nearly get hurt, or you do get hurt, and valentine’s day cause like. obviously, in his words. also gojō’s kinky in the sense that sex with him is always exciting and new, so while he’s not always incorporating extremes, he might just grab his blindfold and put it on you once, or mid-sex he’ll ask you, “wonder if i can make you cum on command,” or something of the sort. also. i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again. gojō probably has a piss kink im so sorry. 
nanami kentō
mostly vanilla. accidentally kinky. sex is something very important to nanami, something so intimate and special, something he wouldn’t share with just anybody, so most of the time it’s just that, a chase after your pleasure and his. but he is like, accidentally kinky sometimes, especially when he’s angry. he’ll be extra rough, practically using your body to chase after his own high, degrading and humiliating you, you know how it is. so essentially, he’s vanilla, with a hint of kinky that’s unlock-able during certain situations. but! just cause he’s vanilla doesn’t in no way mean you will be able to walk the next day, because you won’t. trust. 
ryomen sukuna 
this one’s weird cause, sex is traditional with him, but also it’s really, really not? like he has sex for the pleasure and he fucks to fuck, and he thinks things like toys or bindings or roleplay and he doesn’t like wasting time edging you or going all out with scenes, but he is kinky in the sense that there is huge power dynamic going on between you, or that he loves to see you cry, or that he loves to see you writhe in pain, or that he loves to call you the nastiest names. so like, he’s kinky, but that’s because that’s just who he is. it’s his personality projecting sexually, you get me? sukuna acting differently or weirdly would be him being vanilla, him being soft. (he is, very, very, very rarely). but does that make any sense? so yeah he’s kinky, but not for any other reason than him displaying his personality traits sexually. 
getō suguru
oof he’s so kinky. will put you on a leash and take you out if you let him, honestly. the thing is, he’s so subtle about it. it’s not that he’s private, he’s just really fucking subtle that sometimes he’ll be the one with the kink but it will seem like it’s you? somehow? manipulative bastard. he’s also so suave and cool about how kinky he is too. like he wants you in a collar kneeling before him, but he’s acting like it’s the most natural thing ever? like that’s just how everybody gets off? idk he’s hella kinky but seems so vanilla and for that reason we should all be scared. or aroused. both. 
inumaki toge
not so much kinky as he is open and adventurous, but also like, not exactly vanilla either. he definitely has a freaky and nasty side to him, but he’s not itching to live out those fantasies. i don’t think they’re so extreme either though, like it’s different and nontraditional, and they’re certainly kinks, but he’s not gonna suspend you mid air with a vibrator attached to you. but will he force orgasms out of you with his technique till it’s borderline painful? absolutely. honestly, toge’s leaning more towards vanilla than kinky, just cause yeah he’s for sure open to try out things, but he himself doesn’t really have anything too extreme to try out or in mind, you know? idk he’s always so difficult for me to figure out im sorry. 
todo aoi
idk man he just. fucks cause. yk. sex! i think if you ask him to choke you he might be genuinely so shocked, and that’s one of the most common kinks out there. he does seem like he’d be into pet play though, maybe, possibly. but genuinely i don’t think there’s an ounce of kinkiness in him. sex with him leaves you braindead for sure, and yeah of course there’s the whole size kink and stomach bulge thing going on, but he just. you know. he’s a basic bitch. a basic bitch with a monster fucking cock though. 
fushiguro toji
it’s kinda like the sukuna thing. it’s just his personality. so i guess he is kinky, but like. what else would you expect from someone like him? *a sexy ass dilf like him? so something like a power kink or a size kink is obvious, of course he’ll get off on that. but also, separate from sukuna, i think he does have so many kinks that are separate from his personality projecting, things like orgasm denial or breeding or! his weird obsession with sex toys. plugs you up after cumming inside of you and makes you go out like that, cause you know, he’s an asshole. 
kinkiest fucking person. or curse. he can alter his body. he can alter his body. can you imagine the shit he’d do to you with that? obsessed with sex toys, any form of orgasm play, denial or overstimulation, will suspend you mid-air with some toy attached to you, is an exhibitionist, would love to have a gang bang, praise, degradation, cum play, literally anything and everything you can fucking imagine. he’s like gojō but nastier and unhinged. a menace to society in every way, but at least he’s pretty and giggles cutely. 
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ranking time! from vanilla to kinky, we have 
1. todo aoi 
2. nanami kentō
3. inumaki toge
4. itadori yuuji
5. ryomen sukuna 
6. fushiguro toji
7. getō suguru 
8. fushiguro megumi 
9. gojō satoru  
10. mahito
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esamastation · 3 years
necer0s: Stardew Valley x AC crossover? Desmond retires to a very different Farm than the one he grew up in maybe?
When Desmond ended up in Stardew Valley, he'd quietly, and probably a bit arrogantly, figured that he'd probably be the weirdest thing about the whole thing. You know. Aside from the fact that he'd found himself in a quaint little coast town of some nondescript nationality after his death, which was pretty weird, he figured that being an assassin and all in this quaint little coast town, he'd be the weirdest thing.
Yeah not even close.
There's a local wizard, for one. There's a witch that occasionally curses crops. There's a mysterious train that never stops at the local train station, but sometimes drops valuable stuff. A hot spring that no one manages and doesn't cost anything. A mine full of monsters and apparently more valuable stuff you can just… mine. By hand. If you want to.
And there's a Farmer that everyone secretly thinks might be some sort of minor deity.
"I mean, that's just the Farmer," comments Abigail, the daughter of the local general store owner. "It's sort of always been like that. Well, I don't know, there was an old man, the Farmer's Grandfather who used to run the Farm, but the old folks say he wasn't like the Farmer. The Farmer is just. You know. The Farmer."
The Farmer owns the biggest plot of land in the town, which is filled to the prim with all sorts of crazy stuff like slime hutches and ancient fruit vines and stuff. The Farmer's house is some sort of infinite expanding dimension. The Farmer can carry half a dozen tools with them at all times. And several tons of worth of goods. The food they make has magical properties. One summer, they made several million in profits just to see if they could. The Farmer is, unquestionably, the wealthiest person in the town. Everything they own is made of iridium. Whatever that is.
"They give everyone gifts. Usually edible stuff. I think it's just because they can," Abigail says, thoughtfully. "The amethysts are my favourite."
Desmond waits and then says, awkwardly, "That's. Cool."
"I think the Farmer's looking for some farmhands," Abigail adds.
The Farm is even more impressive up close. The Farmer is…
Desmond isn't quite sure, actually. But they build him a house? And immediately begin to upgrade it. The house, which looks like just a little cottage on the outside, is on the other end of the enormous Farm, nestled in a little copse of trees and right beside a coop full of rabbits. It's, by far, the best thing anyone has ever given Desmond. But also. What?
"Are you sure?" Desmond asks slowly, eying the house. It must've cost a lot. Right? Houses cost a lot. Even if you are the wealthiest minor deity in the town, houses are a big deal. Right? Though what does he know – the Farmer has two small fortresses in their Farm where they breed actual monsters, so… maybe the value of things in this place is relative.
The Farmer shrugs their shoulders like it's whatever, and then points him to the tool chest. Time to get to work, apparently. Except…
Except there isn't that much work to do. The entire Farm is automated. There's iridium sprinklers everywhere, the crops are harvested by invisible little nature spirits, apparently – the only plot of land that needs to be harvested by hand is in the greenhouse. The barns and coops are automated too. It's all kind of neat, because Desmond can't see any actual farm machinery around – there's not even a tractor in the place. And he's pretty sure the sprinklers don't have any hoses, which is a bit weird, but okay.
Then the Farmer shows him to the various store houses, filled with kegs, barrels, furnaces and – chrystalariums? And geode crushers. There's slime egg presses and incubators. Recycling machines. Statue of endless fortune which apparently produces an infinite amount of wealth – and perfect birthday gifts for everyone in town.
"Recycling machines," Desmond says flatly, while the Farmer shows him the signs pointing what produces what and which chests the produce needed to go. The Farmer has whole chests full of precious gemstones and entire stacks of copper, iron, gold and iridium. Yeaah…
"Okay," Desmond says. "I'll… sort your stuff for you, no problem."
The Farmer gives him thumbs up, hands him a probably incredibly valuable incandescently brilliant gem stone, a small allowance of million g and promptly heads off to a tropical island.
Well… okay then.
Desmond minds the Farm – or rather, the various mystical and not so mystical machinery – more or less alone for the next week, while the Farmer does whatever it is they do in Ginger Island. Which is apparently a tropical island full of parrots and coconut trees and yet is somehow less than an hour away from Stardew Valley. The mental gymnastics Desmod does to try and figure out how that works, with Stardew Valley having a full on snowy winter season and all…
Yeah, probably best left be, that. Stardew Valley – and apparently the surrounding lands – work by their own rules. Ginger Island is no different. According to Pierre the Grocery store owner, the Farmer is renovating… everything there. With walnuts.
"Golden walnuts," Pierre says.
"Right," Desmond nods, like that makes any sense. "Golden walnuts. Gotcha."
As the island is renovated, the people of Stardew Valley begin making daily trips there to enjoy the beach and the sun – as though the town itself doesn't have an incredibly nice beach as it is. Well, guess there's no beating a tropical beach. With mermaids. There's mermaids? Yeah, there's mermaids. And apparently pirates.
"You know, since the Farmer is spending his time on Ginger Island, maybe you should do some of the quests on the notice board," the town Mayor, Lewis, suggests. "There's only so much to do on that Farm, right?"
There's over 200 different machines Desmond needs to empty and some which he needs to refill every day, and that's without counting the tappers on the trees he'd just discovered the other day. And the Farmer had forgotten to say anything about the fruit trees, which had been filled to the bursting before Desmond had realised he should probably harvest them. He wouldn't call it a little bit of work.
"Yeah, okay," he says. "What do people need then?"
Someone named Gus wants 20 copper ore.
Well… okay then. Sure. Why not? The Farmer is bound to have some laying around. The guy has literal stacks of gold bricks just lying around – he wouldn't miss a bit of raw copper. Right?
Apparently, he needs to mine the copper ore himself, otherwise it doesn't count, for some reason. Also, the mines are full of monsters. And it turns out that Assassin training did not teach him how to deal with little cute blobs of slime that want to kill him.
Yeah. It's the most fun Desmond has had in a while, though he has no idea what is even going on anymore. There's a dwarf in the mines. Literal dwarf.
They sell him bombs.
Desmond has just had his unconscious body dragged from the mines by the local homeless man when the Farmer returns from Ginger Island, a shade darker, with new gems on their sword and a whole bunch of new stuff. Apparently, they found so many golden walnuts that they managed to renovate the whole island? Which is… okay. Desmond is almost getting used to it. That's how things work here. Apparently. It's fine.
The Farmer puts up an enormous stone statue of a frog in the orchard and then brings Desmond a perfectly cool and perfectly preserved Pinã Colada as a souvenir. Somehow, despite having travelled all the way from a tropical island to the Farm, it still has ice in it. It hasn't even melted.
Yeah, Desmond muses, taking a sip. This place is alright.
Then Desmond realised he too can suddenly carry over half a dozen farming implements around and that he’s got an inventory of several tons worth of stuff and that he is on the way of becoming a Farmhand.
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canary3d-obsessed · 3 years
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed, Episode 23, second part
(Masterpost) (Other Canary Stuff)
Warning: Spoilers for All 50 Episodes!
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Nature Abhors a (Power) Vacuum
Jin Guangshan, Nie Mingjue, and Lan Xichen have gathered to decide what to do about the remaining Wen people and also what to do about the Yin metal. They have not invited Jiang Cheng to this discussion, or blowhard Clan Leader Yao, despite those clans having been hit particularly hard by the Wens in the course of the war. 
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The three of them have a conversation about what to do with the Wen captives, showing their different attitudes towards killing.
Jin Guangshan: Killing is awesome, particularly in project management. It's just so efficient. Nie Mingjue: Killing is necessary, and a little bit fun, too. Lan Xichen: Killing is necessary, sadly, but we can randomly spare some women or old people, as a token sign that we’re not monsters. Kind of like when you have a fancy dinner and include a tofu dish for the vegetarians. Nie Mingjue: Nobody likes tofu, Xichen.
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Jin Guangshan says he's looking for the Yin Iron and that they can't let any Wens or "ambitious people" get a hold of it. By ambitious people he means Wei Wuxian, not himself and his murder kid. Lan Xichen realizes this right away but doesn't, you know, do anything to contradict him.  Jin Guangshan says he's asked "A-Yao" to look into it. Which is smart, because A-Yao is already in cahoots with Xue Yang, who actually has the piece of Yin Iron they're looking for.
Getting Jiggy With It
Then Jin Guangshan introduces Meng Yao, now renamed Jin Guangyao, in a weird twist on generation names. He has given him the name of a sibling or cousin of his own generation (starting with Guang), rather than a name of the next generation (starting with Zi). JGS says that JGY just recently learned about about being related to him, although we know perfectly well that's not true. 
And they both talk like he appreciates JGY's efficiency and helpfulness, but that's not why JGS has him at his side. He has taken him in because he is a steel-eyed murder bot, not in spite of it. 
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(OP does not believe that Jin Guangyao could have been a good person if only his dad had let him hold Jin Ling that one time, as some have argued. Dude killed his own child because there was a chance he might be disabled in a way that could lead to gossip. Dude is a stone cold killer.)
(more after the cut)
In the language of CDrama costume (which is not, precisely, the language of actual historical clothing), Jin Guangyao has chosen to dress as a minister instead of as a chevalier. This is partly an artifact of his mother's ideas about a gentleman. It also suggests that he’s content with the sort of career that's available to a bastard of a noble house--not inheriting the noble title, but having enough favor to rise in power. 
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It may also be a ruse to make him seem like he's not a strong cultivator and not a strong fighter, when in fact he is both, at least by the time he’s throwing death chords at Jiang Cheng, much later in the show. 
Mingjue makes all kinds of grumpy faces and snarky remarks to let everyone know that he fucking hates Jin Guangyao.  Xichen agrees to his “nice refugee camp with only a little death” plan, with no qualifications.
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Now we get to see Jin Guangyao's manipulation of Lan Xichen. Lan Xichen says that Nie Mingjue wants a plan that’s more killy, because he believes in punishing evil. JGY deliberately misunderstands this, pretending that Lan Xichen said he, JGY, is evil, kind of forcing LXC to reassure him and take his side in an argument that isn’t actually happening. 
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They have a little handholding while bowing, and then after Lan Xichen leaves, Jin Guangyao puts on his evil face and has all the prisoners killed behind the big closed door.  
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This is done in such a violent fashion that the blood apparently flows up several stairs to the door, and over the tall raised threshold, before flowing downward toward the camera. Some evil is so extreme that even traditional Chinese doorway architecture can’t stop it.
Run To the Rock
Then we go outside to where Wei Wuxian is standing on a rocky outcropping, thinking it would be a good strategic spot to choose if he's ever in a battle where he wants to commit suicide right quick.
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Lan Wangji comes to join him and admire the view, not knowing yet that this view, or one a whole lot like it, is going to be seared into his memory for most of his life.
Lan Wangji is becoming more and more committed to Wei Wuxian, more and more inexorably joined to him, but he still doesn't agree with him. So they each have this comfort in each others' presence at the same time as being massively in conflict.
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Wei Wuxian asks him what he thinks of all the politicking and murdering. Who is good and who is evil? LWJ doesn't answer because WWX is leaking black smoke, so he grabs him and tells him to concentrate.  Lan Wangji is, incidentally, wearing Princess-Leia quantities of lip gloss.
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Lan Wangji asks if Wei Wuxian would like to learn a new tune, "Absterge" according to Netflix. The fuck? [op looks it up in the dictionary]. "To cleanse, especially by wiping." Also known as aftercare. Netflix. Honey. This word is MIDDLE FRENCH. Will you knock it the fuck off?
So anyway, instead of answering his question about who is good and who is evil, LWJ asks if he wants to learn a song called "Cleansing." Wei Wuxian says “hey babe, are you fucking kidding me?” 
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His actual words are "you doubt me too?" meaning "you think I also took the missing 4th chunk of Yin iron to make my ugly tiger amulet, rather than obviously having used that giant sword I pulled out of the turtle?"  
Lan Wangji mentally replays Wen Ruohan's questions in his head--the questions he barked at Wei Wuxian right before choking him unconscious--which Lan Wangji also feels entitled to know the answers to. Fuck you, Lan Wangji. He answers WWX with "when did you forge your amulet?" Which is his way of saying "yes, I doubt you."
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Wei Wuxian kindly refrains from saying "while we were on a break, bitch" and instead tells him the exact truth--I found a yin iron sword in the turtle--but says it in his patented "make it sound like a lie" way. 
LWJ keeps grilling him, eventually coming out and saying dude, you knew the sword was Yin iron, why did you need to use it?
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This is the crucial question--why WWX broke his first promise, to Lan Yi, which was to try to get rid of the Yin Iron. He won’t tell anyone the answer, which is that he needs to use it because he can't cultivate normally, because he lost his golden core. He made a lot of promises before that happened, and he probably expected to keep them. But without his core, everything changed; without his core, he’s a different person, so it’s maybe not fair to expect him to honor his previous promises. 
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I’m reminded of my grandfather, who was the oldest son of an old southern US family, with lots of expectations as the firstborn. He went off to WWI as a soldier, expecting to die. He didn’t die, and so from that point on, he regarded his life as a gift. He felt could do whatever he wanted with it, and let go of expectations from before the war. He moved to Paris and took up with a glamorous divorcee 7 years older than him (my Grandma, eventually). 
The actual point of that story, other than OP having cool grandparents, is that when you think you’re going to die, and then you don’t die, your ideas about what you owe to people can change quite a bit. Wei Wuxian expected to die in the Burial Mounds; he expected to die at Nightless City; he expects it, over and over, and each time he doesn’t die, he gets further and further from being what everyone else wants him to be. And--a lot like soldiers returning from a war-- NOBODY in his life knows how to talk to him about it. 
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Wei Wuxian tells Lan Wangji to back off, Lan Wangji says why aren't you letting me help you, and they are once again on the edge of the same fight they keep having. Lan Wangji does some impassioned arm holding while Wei Wuxian says he's not like Wen Ruohan. 
Romantic Duet #1
The argument is interrupted by screams and killing, so they go to check it out, and find the Jins hunting down some prisoners for sport. They arrive in time to save two people. Yay?
Jin ZIxun acts like a jerk, as always. The new element is that per Jin Guangshan, anyone concerned with Yin Iron shouldn't be alive.  He says that the Lan and Nie clans agreed, and challenges Wei Wuxian. Lan Wangji stops him from responding, grabbing his wrist.
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The Jins leave and Wei Wuxian refers back to their earlier conversation, saying there will be more resentful spirits now and that "Rest" is the music to play, not "Cleansing."
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He gives Lan Wangji a long look and then pointedly removes Lan Wangji’s hand from his wrist, by holding his hand, which is some next-level mixed signaling. Lan Wangji totally deserves it at this point, though. He keeps pushing and pushing WWX about his cultivation method, but he refuses to discuss the underlying morality of it, or the morality of the killing going on right in front of them. 
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WWX walks off, leaving LWJ to stew in his own juices surrounded by a bunch of fresh corpses. 
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Lan Wangji fails his saving throw against the guilt trip, and sits his ass down to play Rest, just like Wei Ying told him to. So switchy!  Wei Wuxian, out of sight but not out of earshot, hears him and accompanies him on Chenqing.
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This scene is slightly ridiculous and a whole lot sublime. Ridiculous because it's their first time playing music together, so it's a super slow, romantic, extended scene, but they're surrounded by corpses. And not the helpful, friendly, third-wheel-on-a-date type of corpses.
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It's sublime because the occasion of their first beautiful, literally magical duet is an argument. And they are joining together to play beautiful romantic music - as a service for the dead. And they are doing it while they are on literally opposite sides of a literal killing field. And Lan Wangji is sitting literally in the middle of a wide open road; the sort of road that they will both reject, metaphorically, later in the show. There is so much about their conflict and their journey that is encapsulated in this one musical moment.
Lan Wangji, by playing the song Wei Wuxian said was needed, is telling WWX that he took his words to heart, that he is listening, even though they're at odds.
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WWX, by stopping and playing with him, is acknowledging this. And by settling the dead souls together, they are both reinforcing their dedication to doing what's right even as they both struggle with knowing what that is.
When Other Friendships Have Been Forgot, Ours Will Still Be Hot
Now we have the sworn brothers thing. I understand, plot wise, why this has to happen, but why would Nie Mingjue ever agree to this? Lan Xichen's puppy eyes are just that persuasive?
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If they ever crack your spine, drop a line If they ever cut your throat, write a note If you’re ever in a mill and get sawed in half, I won’t laugh (HA HA HA HA)
Tedious Party Time
Now there's a cultivation party, which is about as excruciating to watch as it would be to attend.
Everyone is lining up to praise Jin Guangshan. To be fair, he did provide shelter for most of the smaller clans while the war was going on. So being grateful is appropriate, but Clan Leader Yao practically breaks his own neck kissing Jin ass. Yao says JGY’s contribution was the greatest of the war, adding, "fuck Wei Wuxian; everything is his fault."
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The Jiangs show up wearing mourning belts that show off their itty bitty waists, and Jin Guangshan makes shifty eyes like a cartoon landlord when he sees them arrive.
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JGS praises Jiang Cheng, and asks when his fancy clan-leader ceremony is going to happen. Jiang Cheng says he's still in mourning so it's not appropriate. JGS is like “Oh...yeah," as if he totally forgot about all the Yunmeng slaughter, and talks up his friendship with Jiang Fengmian. He acts comforting while WWX manages not to barf.
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Then the Lan clan shows up and there is nice encouraging chit chat between LXC and JC...
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...and just, SO MUCH mournful staring between Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian.
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Then the Nies arrive.  Jin Guangshan tells Nie Mingjue he's late, and that everyone's waiting for him. That might be true in the script but it’s clearly bullshit on the screen, where the Lans and the Jiangs are still milling around looking for the coat room.
Nie Mingjue--who, let's remember, JUST swore to be brothers with Jin Guangyao--looks at him like he's something that fell off a garbage truck.  Lan Xichen jumps in to maximize the discomfort by pointing out that Jin Guangyao should address Nie Mingjue as Big Daddy Da-ge from now on.
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Then the Jins offer Nie Mingjue the giant fire throne because...he's the leader of the Sunshot campaign, I guess? Of course it's all a manipulation tactic, designed to make him say he won't sit there, so that JGS can elevate himself to head cultivator, or something? And sit in front of the throne but not on it? Cultivator succession seems kinda arbitrary. 
I swear to god, it wasn't until I was clipping this episode that I realized Wen Ruohan had two thrones and they're in different rooms from each other.
Finally everyone goes to sit down, but because there hasn't been enough fucking awkwardness, JGY stops WWX to ask him what's on his mind. WWX asks him why he's not carrying his sword, which made me laugh and laugh. Wei Wuxian must have been just waiting for a chance to ask someone else that question for a change. 
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Jin Guangyao says he threw it away, because it was just a random sword, but he really means he had it made into a sneaky murder belt, that he will be using again in 13 to 16 years. They both fake-laugh and trade Mean Girls insults pretend to like each other. 
Everyone wanders around toasting each other. Lan Wangji goes to find Wei Wuxian, after first making sure that his hair looks good.  
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Wei Wuxian is lying around on the steps, sprawling and drinking wine, and not, incidentally, looking for Lan Wangji. He continues to not seek him out and Lan Wangji continues to chase after him.
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Wei Wuxian says "how about playing Cleansing?" but Lan Wangji says he's learning a new score. It looks like it's going to be another argument, but then Wei Wuxian smiles and kind of praises Lan Wangji for being stubborn. 
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Awkward Marriage Proposal
Just then everyone inside starts cheering for Jin Guangshan to give a speech. Jin Guangshan is making a move to marry Jiang Yanli to his son, which is a big time power grab, given that the Jiang Clan is 1. vulnerable and depleted 2. has control of the Yin tiger amulet.
We get a very rare glimpse into Jiang Cheng’s inner mind, where he thinks that saying yes isn’t a great idea, but isn’t sure what to do. This marriage would make his sister happy, but could destroy the Jiang Clan's independence.
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Fortunately, Wei Wuxian joins the party just in time to fuck up Jin Guanshan’s plans. Will this teach Jin Guangshan not to invite Wei Wuxian to parties? It will not.  
Soundtrack: Friendship, by Cole Porter (from “Anything Goes”)
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capricioussun · 2 years
💭: Any particular headcanons about anyone you’d like to share? 📢: Favorite dynamics/dynamics you’d like to see more of? ❔: What’s something you wish was addressed in game but wasn’t? 🧬: Do you believe monsters have always existed as the way they appear in game, or do you think they may have changed over time? 🪞: Favorite AU? Least Favorite? 🎮: Combine Undertale with the last (other) game you played. What’s your new AU?
💭: Any particular headcanons about anyone you’d like to share?
Yes! I have a headcanon that monsters don’t really have a wide variety of tea underground, so when they surface, Undyne starts a new tradition with Asgore where she gifts him new and interesting sounding teas and they try them together whenever they meet for tea (and sometimes lunch). Most of them are good! But not all of them… Asgore likes the earthier flavors, and Undyne likes the zesty ones =^)
📢: Favorite dynamics/dynamics you’d like to see more of?
Toriel and Papyrus!!! Sans and Alphys!!!! Mettaton and Papyrus!!!!!! I want to see/make way more Papyrus and Toriel interaction tbh, I feel like they’d be really funny or really super sweet together, especially with bonus secondary Flowey or Sans or Frisk. Yeah. Sans and Alphys because I’d love to know more about their friendship! And Mettaton and Papyrus because I just think they’d be hilarious together, whether a ship or just besties, I want to see it!!
❔: What’s something you wish was addressed in game but wasn’t?
It would be really lame to say all of the Gaster stuff since I’m sure everyone wishes that… So instead I say I wish we just learned more about the characters personal lives in general! If they have family, what their other relationships are like. Also Napstablook Mettaton reunion. I wish we’d gotten a little more Mettaton specifically because he’s like…only partially one of the main crew? And it’s just weird. He’s more important than the minor characters, but not as important as the “main” characters, and it just feels a little weird?
🧬: Do you believe monsters have always existed as the way they appear in game, or do you think they may have changed over time?
Honestly 50/50 on this one! It depends on what I’m vibing w/ any day of the week. I was once told of a theory that they’d actually initially been humans, and all humans had magic to varying degrees, but society sort of began to split between those who depended more on magic and were more one with nature and stuff and those who…weren’t, and were more focused on physicality and developing societies. The magic based humans eventually evolved into monsters, while the others eventually evolved into humans without any real access to magic. It was a neat theory, and I’d actually considered something similar but less so that they’d originally been humans and more so humans and monsters didn’t use to be so “different”…
I’m also a fan of the theory that monsters and humans were actually from two different realities that wound up fused by mistake!
🪞: Favorite AU? Least Favorite?
Favorite has to be Underfell. It’s 99% of what I think about. Least favorite…probably just like. Any of the sans-centric aus with a lot of murder or literally don’t include any of the other Undertale characters…
🎮: Combine Undertale with the last (other) game you played. What’s your new AU?
Technically, that’d be cookie run, which is hilarious, but if we’re talking actual last video game, I’m pretty sure it was Pikmin 3! Which could be. An incredibly cute idea, I should think on that more…
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implexedactions · 4 years
Yandere Vil!Hawks - Heaven
This was done as a prompt for @the-grimm-writer who I basically bullied (asked politely) into giving me a prompt. “uhh maybe villain Hawks with a hero darling, they keep going back and forth until he finally traps them”.
Warning, this IS yandere, and contains many themes associated with yandere.
You like to think you’re a pretty good hero. You’re well ranked and generally liked. You do your job well and efficiently, almost never letting a villain escape.
You walk onto the crime scene. It happened on a major street, so the area’s been evacuated for now.  A civilian, major veins sliced, and tendons cut through. According to witnesses, it happened instantly. The person was walking, a flurry of red surrounded them, and a mutilated corpse was the result. They most likely died within seconds. You knew this body, sort of. He was just a flirt at a bar, you entertained the thought, but nothing came of it.
You see a red feather, off to the side, and sigh. This was obviously Hawks, he taunts you, both literally and metaphorically. His blood-red feathers, his apathetic smile, his weird angry flirting, it drives you mad. He deserves to pay, and yet, he hasn’t been captured.
“Hey, Angel, what brings you to these parts?” comes a sleazy voice from behind you.
In an instant you turn around and jump back, seeing Hawks a bit too close for comfort. You press a wristband, sending out an alert for all heroes in the area.
“Aww, did I scare you?” he says, looking you directly in the eyes.
“I will make sure you pay for this!” you say, activating your quirk.
Wings of white light sprout from behind your back, as light wraps around you, creating armour and a sword. The Guardian Angel Quirk.
“Don’t you look so cute playing hero!” Hawks says, cooing at you, not intimidated at the least.
You dive forward, bringing the sword against his feathers. He looks you in the eyes and frowns.
“Angel…please. Consider my offer, join me! We could rule this city together!” He pushes his sword against yours, shoving me backwards.
“A society without compassion or heroes, and where lawlessness reigns? I hope you can forgive me for not seeing the appeal.”  You bring your sword against his again, equally matching his strength. Other heroes should get here soon, you just need to hold out.
“Oh, PLEASE! How much compassion do you think exists in this society?! Look around you, sweetheart! A government organisation took a child to turn them into a war machine! Where’s the compassion in that, huh? The society you inhabit is practically the exact same as mine, you’re just in denial about it!” He jumped back, gliding a few meters before stopping on the ground.
“Okay fair, that sucks, but was going out to kill really the best option? You’ve heard of therapy, right? Alcohol even?” You’re on edge, he could be attacking a lot harder, right now it seems like he’s just toying with you.
“Oh darling, I doubt therapy was going to topple the commission. So yes, killing their members, everyone who led me to become this demon? Of course, it’s the best option!” He twirled around on the spot, wings blocking your attacks still.
“But…this guy, he wasn’t a part of the commission?” you question.
“Oh…he’s almost as bad, he tried to take you away from me!” He said, looking you in the eyes with a joyous expression plastered on his.
You falter, and he uses this to shove you back. You fall onto the ground, back against the pavement.
“He was hitting on you, no? It was obvious, he was so sleazy, too. So, I took him out, can’t have someone getting in the way of our love story!”
“Y-you love me?” You say, a confused look crossing your face.
“Of course, my angel! You’re just so perfect! With those cute little wings, your angelic features, don’t you think they complement my demonic ones so well? We are made to be!”
He saunters towards you, wide grin adorning his face. His gaze pierces your body.
“You’re s-sick…and delusional as well if you EVER think I’m going to love you! You’re just some f-fucking broken freak…I’m not yours just because you want me to be!”
“Oh, angel, you’ll see things different soon! You’re my forbidden love story, a hero and a villain, drawn to each other but separated by their putrid society! I hated my quirk and what it led me to become. The commission, they made me a monster, my demonic bloody wings. But then, I saw you! Your wings of light, an angel! MY angel! Don’t worry my sweet, sweet dove! I assure you we will soon be together!”
You panic, causing your quirk to fail. The light flickers out, and you’re left on the ground, crawling backwards. He reaches down to your leg and grips it tightly, not letting you go. He forces a quirk cancelling band on it. You shake and turn to stare into his deluded eyes. You’re panicking, hands trying to grab onto anything but failing to find purchase.
“Once the other heroes get here, you’ll be in so much trouble!” A weak line maybe, but you’re kind of out of options. No quirk, no weapons, and no backup? You’re basically screwed.
“Oh, Angel. That’s the best part! They won’t even know what happened to you! If you haven’t noticed, no heroes have shown up! Your communications have been blocked! The “heroes” are all battling a team of villians, a flood appearing from nowhere, and a fire spreading through the city faster than naturally possible!  No one’s going to notice you slipping away to our little nest, Angel!”
He wraps you up in his arms, blocking you from fighting back.
“Come now, my Angel, I’ve got a beautiful Eden to show you!”
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digital-roots · 3 years
Very Long Addisons Headcanons Post (read the one for species wise here)
Tang O. Addison
- she/they
- advertises normal fashion stuff but also sites that are abt diy projects
- generally a really nice person
- ...to other addisons. to customers, they are a menace that will unapologetically scam you
- likes dressing very formal
- has a nice collection of tiny hats (not for sale)
- loves animals, has tried to own a poppup once but it ran away
- met Spamton and introduced him to the others
- mediates when the others fight
- desperately tries to bring the group together for nights at the cyber grill like old times
Taffy P. Addison
- he/they
- specializes in products made for couples and dating sites
- gives the others nicknames
- all of them overwork but Taffy does to an extreme extent
- very opportunistic
- true weakness is sweets
- is missing a tooth due to tripping over spamton once
- is never seen with his hair down
- Got a box of mysterious rings after a secret trip to a shady part of the city
- will ignore any talk abt spamton and/or will just spitefully say how he deserved his downfall (doesn't actually mean it but like. better that than actually confront the fact you abandoned your best friend lmao)
Watt Y. Addison
- xe/xem
- advertises with those weird videos for mobile games
- most energetic of the four
- loves kids
- only one not so keen on scams
- kinda strong, can carry the others without sweat
- is about 2 inches short Tang and Taffy so naturally the two joke abt xem being small as fuck
- probably drinks the darkner equivalent of monster energy
- wears "sick" shades when not working
- moved to a different part of cyber city  after spamton was evicted
- really sweet outside of work
- overall just a thembo
Char B. Addison
- he/she
- mainly uses free trials and samples of sorts to hook in customers
- usually a "go with the flow" kinda person
- lowkey a lil emo
- not someone you would want to make mad
- physically very weak but magic attacks are very strong
- semi popular due to his sweet and carefree attitude. obvs takes advantage of this
- reliable kind of person
- most responsible out of the four (but thats a low bar)
- tried finding more info abt what happened to Spamton and even tried to break in the mansion once before eventually giving up
- oh god i just realized i made her sans undertale but tall
Bonus Spamton G Spamton
- he/it and pan
- the g stands for garage mix (thats a color)
- always had the speech tics it had ingame, but used to be more controllable
- older than the addisons
- was short even before getting dumped in acid
- his legs are literal nubs because of that
- scrounges from the trash, especially for food, hair products, etc. The first one is self explanatory but the latter is because he still cares a lot about appearances
- very much Hates itself (but tbf thats canon)
- has chipped black nails
- stole the thorn ring from Taffy a while back before he became famous
- can speak in wingdings (recently found a loophole where his censoring does not detect swears in wingdings. unfortunately does not like talking in it as it obvs brings up bad memories.)
- From least bastard to most: Watt>Char>Tang>Taffy>Spamton
- All of them are still coping terribly at Spamtons dissapearance
- Yes they are all trans
- In snowgrave, Char was the only one that escaped. Tang and Watt are stuck after the fountain was closed, and we all know what happened to Taffy :)
- On a more wholesome note, if Spamton actually did come back to them, while it would be very difficult to mend together, eventually their relationship would be good again :)
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ladyyatexel · 3 years
I Went On A Manga Binge
So you don't have to
For those of you who have wisely avoided the shreds of it I've left around the blog thus-far, I had some weird notion to go re-experience Yu-Gi-Oh uuuuuh a week ago? We'll go with that. Time is meaningless.
I'd been able to read a good portion of the early manga at the end of highschool, and somewhere in my stacks and stacks of paper is fanart from this dark time, so you know I cared. I also still own a Dark Magician action figure somehow, so. I'd also watched a large portion of the anime with my brother because it had been laced with some kind of crack and we couldn't look away? I remember when we both were just like shit, wait, don't change the channel, I can't stop looking at it. And the next thing we knew we were waiting for new episodes and I was doing research on the Japanese original because I was that kid.
Anyway, unnecessary backstory out of the way, here are some... let's call them Observations and Consequences of having read somewhere in the neighborhood of 300 chapters (and growing) of a manga primarily hinged on card games from a spectrum of sources ranging from boringly lawful to sketchy as fuck.
Surprise actual character that develops in typical shounen fashion being Jounouchi. My limited experiences with the 4Kids dub and only early manga had not painted him in a particularly good light. I don't know if episodes were being aired out of order or if I had just missed the ones that established that he was making shit up as he was going along, but Wow I liked him a lot more going through the manga than I ever did watching the (dubbed, heavily edited and censored and thrown into a slurry machine) anime. I'd managed to come out with the impression that he was just as reasonably experienced with the game as Yugi back in the day. Wild.
I'm now reading every single comic-style post on Tumblr backwards.
Striking inverse to first point, wow, I don't like Seto Kaiba. Though he gets points for his general philosophy of the future, and the line I read in my sketchy online combo of scans and scanlations in which he said, "If God is in your way, you run him down," was Metal As Fuck. I somewhat shame-facedly admit to enjoying him a lot more as an Abridged Series character. (I watched Abridged as it came out back in the day! The experience of watching the anime with my brother had been so fresh that I got all the in jokes about the way things were edited and dubbed, it was great. Series remains influential part of my life to this day, which is hella weird.)
I almost understand how Duel Monsters works now. I don't want this.
That said, wow a lot of the decisions made in the anime made everything a lot more ridiculous than the admittedly already ridiculous original. I got the distinct feeling in the manga that the Duelist Kingdom stuff we were seeing was designed to be used and exploited in ways that don't make sense in an actual cardgame just played on a table like a normal person and this was part of testing everyone to think higher, differently. Maybe this is obvious to everyone already, I don't know. I had always liked that it was very, 'Not so fast, I'm going to blow up the moon to change the tides,' but I'm not really sure the anime gave enough explanation that this was an extra layer added to things for that event? You can see people actively getting used to it in the books, and people who aren't considering the real or 3D nature of it getting owned, but my memory of anime version is everyone just like, 'oh, shucks, fuck me, I forgot to consider the phase of the moon before i played this card, can't believe I forgot.' No one calls Yugi on any of this stuff because it's valid play in that situation. Plus Yami Yugi had mad trickster energy in the beginning and it suited him to think of ways to do things inside these little simulation boxes the way it suited him to set perverts on fire. I imagine the real card game trying to emulate this element as something that would be to its detriment, but I neither know nor particular care haha
Ryou Bakura.
Really, though. I think he became kind of casualty of 'wow, we have a lot of characters who really aren't able to do anything in this story anymore,' despite the fact that his whole inner life could have been as interesting as Yugi's. I always like thinking about the possibilities of stories in which main character falls into magical world and is given magical item and told they're the hero and then they find out they've been the bad guy the whole time. The first several volumes of manga were about the quiet weirdo kid that no one talked to who was always blacking out and turning into a fucked up version of himsef because he was so attached to his ancient Egyptian jewelry, so like, Bakura could have much the same shit going on. I want to know what's happening with him so much. He clearly doesn't love being possessed, but he's also so drawn to the ring. Despite it having stabbed him at least twice and him knowing it's a danger to him and his friends, he keeps being pulled back into it. You see so much more of him being like, 'Oooh, a creepy thing, I love that! :D' in the manga than ever in the anime, which I'm all about. Also more blood. I'm very about that as well. Though my memory of the anime also made it look very much like normal regular daily Bakura was just a weird facade in places before he ever would have been. I think that was it trying to compensate for what people didn't see from the Toei anime, but okay whatever, that I love everything about this guy is not news, I don't need to talk about Bakura excessively here, I'm pretty sure that's gonna show up on my blog by itself
On a related note though, damn, more of these people need to talk to each other. Can we have some existential crisis support clubs or something. Can we get like some apologies or something? "I respect you as a duelist." "Cool, but you literally built a tower designed to specifically assassinate me and my friends? You were supposed to get Better after I retaliated by putting you in a coma, but you kinda didn't." "Why would the coma have made it better" "I just told you it didn't" ---- "Sorry I went along with the plan of your evil parasite stabbing you, misled you, and then also jumped in and took up some real estate in your head too." "I understand, I also have an evil thing inside me that does things while I'm blacked out." "...no, I was conscious for all of that." "Oh." "..." "..." "..." "Do you like Ouija Boards?" "sure okay" ETC. Like damn we are reading shounen manga because no one is talking extensively about their feelings here and I'm tapping my foot angrily.
Holy shit there are so many mythologies happening at once. The ancient family guarding the Egyptian Pharaoh has a surname that's a Mesopotamian goddess. None of the god cards make any Egyptian sense except Ra, and just like. Baaarrrrely. Somewhere either Evil Ring Bakura or Mar/lik makes a reference to cremation and spirits being taken to heaven with smoke which several things, but definitely not Ancient Egyptian. Marik/Malik meanwhile is clearly trying to head Arabic, along with Rishid, but then, hey, our sister is just Isis. Goddess McGoddess. Sometimes they're the same goddess! Her name could be Isis Isis or Ishtar Ishtar. Meanwhile, all the obviously 'occult because Christians think it is freaky' stuff. ~ancient egyptian pentagrams~~~This isn't a complaint, I guess so much as a 'Wow, I can kind of see the cultural spot the author was coming from and where he was aiming' kind of thing.
Wonder where things would have gone if the card games had not been latched onto the way they were.
Managed to forget how gross the pre-cardgames stuff was on the sexual harassment front. I'm glad there was a sort of explanation of everyone drifting away from being dick heads and that that decision was made. It got way more comfortable to read after no one was bringing Yugi p*rn on VHS.
Yugi looks better with a nose, glad we got that upgrade.
Interesting to watch the series style shift as it goes away from being horror to being over the top cardgames and friendship (with blood!). The first picture of Mokuba is fucking Jarring. Also noticed that the nicer a character is, the less their teeth are defined.
Glad manga did not go as completely off the fucking the rails about Marik's face. I never got as far as seeing him back in the day because college occurred, but I remember seeing pictures and stuff and being like, "what in the Fuck happened to that dude, I think the house style has collapsed in on itself"
Things the author Really Likes: motorcycles, belts, SHOES, holy shit the shoes. These are some of the most lovingly rendered sneakers I've ever seen. All the detail on his characters goes straight to their feet and then it's stretched upward until it forms stiff peaks. Gently fold in 3000 years of trauma and bake face down in a crumb coat of scattered mythology. Remove when you roll two zeros.
Where the fuck am I going to put the extremely large omnibus volumes of this comic I purchased in order to balance out how much I would be reading for free on the internet. I should have grasped that a three in one edition would be Thick and yet somehow I was still :O when it arrived. Have I strategically purchased volumes that contain my favorite parts, maybe, what's it to you will i eventually get the whole thing because incomplete book series gnaw on my soul? yes
Wish the transition from "I've murdered several people in delightfully karmic ways" to "all you need is friendship in your heart and cards in your hand" Yami Yugi/Pharaoh had been discussed more/transitioned better. Buddy, where did you get this approved for television high horse? Please go back to strangling people with yo-yos or at least tell me why you stopped.
I still can't tell anything that looks like a big robotic monster apart from any other big robotic monster. My dude, I can't tell cars apart, all these monsters look the same.
Yami Yugi fascinated me way more in highschool? Maybe because it was still super early and the anime was like 'we need to torture you about his origins WeEkLy. Now I'm just like 'wait hold on, can we go back to Bakura and Marik for a minute, there's some extreme unpacking to do here?' Those two are paying so much more in baggage fees here my guy wow
Violently uninterested in any of the spinoff media
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m-y-fandoms · 4 years
Vampire Nagito Komaeda x Ultimate Monster Hunter reader - Part 1 (Supernatural AU)
Request: Can I get some vampire Komaeda x reader? I loved the Kokichi one and Komaeda is my absolute fave :3 thanks <3
This will be a full series with multiple chapters, not a head-canon or short imagine. Nagito is my favorite Danganronpa character, even ahead of Kokichi.
Part 2 here
Also this will be set in the DR3 anime universe, when they are all just Ultimates at Hope’s Peak before the Tragedy
- Admin Kokichi
     “When are they coming out?!” You could hear a girl roar from the crowd before you. It was your first day at Hope’s Peak Academy, and already you could tell that at least some of the crazy rumors about the school’s eccentricities were true. You’d only been walking around campus, getting your bearings before you moved into the Main Course dorms later that evening.
     It was a bit odd to see a group of nearly a dozen girls from the Reserve Course waiting at the entrance to the Main Course building, waiting to watch some of the Ultimates walk to the cafeteria. I mean, being an Ultimate didn’t make one worth fan-girling over, right? But maybe you’d have seen their side of it if you weren’t an Ultimate yourself.
     Jin Kirigiri, the school’s headmaster, was a very close childhood friend of your father’s, as was the school’s recruiter, Koichi Kizakura. It was only natural that they both insisted you go there, especially with your talent. You were the Ultimate Hunter... or... that’s what your official transcripts said anyway. Your real talent was a little more… complicated to explain to a normal society.
     Your real and extended title was that of the Ultimate Monster Hunter, just like your father before you decades ago. That was your passion, your focus, but since you were also prodigious in the normal hunting of animals, that was the title Headmaster Kirigiri assigned you. Of course, Kizakura and Kirigiri knew of your family’s hunter lineage and the existence of supernatural beings, most of the higher-ups at Hopes Peak did, what with all the connections and respect the academy had garnered.
     Most governments, large corporations and upper-class citizens were privy to the existence of monsters, and those sworn to protect all humans from them, so of course Kirigiri knew of such things, however, he couldn’t exactly have you honing your skills in his classrooms and training yards. The general public would either think he’d gone mad for allowing such activities - training to kill beings that did not exist - or worse, they’d wise up and take notice, revealing the secret of supernatural creatures to the world.
     No, no, that couldn’t be allowed to happen, and so Kizakura and Kirigiri had you practicing your crossbow aim on animal-shaped dummies, had you doing general agility and reflex training. Your firearms were used in a high-tech shooting arena that doubled as a dojo when martial arts students arrived for their allotted lesson time.
     Honestly, you didn’t even want to attend Hope’s Peak, seeing as Headmaster Kirigiri had made it very clear that you couldn’t use any of your true talent anywhere on campus or even while in uniform off-campus. You also had to hide your face with a helmet or mask of some type while hunting from now on. You couldn’t be associated with or traced back to the academy in any way, should someone see you engaged with a monster and spread word of it before being apprehended by law enforcement. This rule was only made more severe by the fact that some of your fellow students were of the very species you made a living annihilating.
     That’s right, Hope’s Peak itself was host to the very rare vampire, werewolf, demon, shapeshifter or other manner of beast. Not all of them chose to be hostile or stuck out like a sore thumb, and hey, if you had the talent, you had the talent. It made you question why you should even give the academy a second thought. It felt like they were mocking you, letting inhuman creatures attend a school they personally invited you to, but your father all but forced you to enroll. He insisted it would be the best for your future, and that there’s no one he trusted more than Kirigiri and Kizakura.
     “But if anything… anything at all happens to (Y/N), Jin, I swear on our friendship, I will handle it myself,” he’d said. Your father’s words rung through your mind like a constant reminder. He meant it, too. Your father was the hunter of all hunters, a king of sorts in his circle. Kirigiri knew very well that letting him down was not an option.
     You stood on the very edge of the group, as far from the doors as possible but still near enough to the others that you wouldn’t look like some weird loner. You sighed, chuckling under your breath at their chittering. It was all so silly.
     “Here they come!” You were startled out of your trance when one out of the whole gaggle of girls before you squealed loudly. You walked toward the front of their group, fascinated by how excited they all were. You were merely curious to see what all the fuss was about. How could they possibly be this worked up about other students their age, just walking to lunch after class? Then again, you hadn’t met any of your fellow Ultimates. Was there some kind of beauty requirement to become one? Huh, wouldn’t surprise me, you thought rather cynically to yourself. This place loves to flaunt its students and reputation.
     “Look~ it’s Fuyuhiko!” One of the girls pushed roughly past you, grazing your shoulder. You could practically see hearts in her eyes as she passed.
     “Jeez, okay...” you muttered sheepishly and leaned back again. You may be a monster killer, but that only worked out because of the adrenaline rush and the lack of attachment and value placed on your targets. In normal life and social situations, it felt like you were the one being killed.
     Great! Now I can’t see anything! You mentally snapped at the fan-girls bumping and shuffling into you with every sporadic movement they made. You couldn't see anything, but you could certainly hear the girls get louder and louder by the second. You were now completely pushed to the side of the group as the girls grunted and hissed like rabid animals.
     “And that’s the lucky one! Komaeda, I think! Man, he’s so hot…” A random brunette drooled. 
Nagito Komaeda: Vampire
Status: Protected/Neutral
Classification: B
Unique Talents and Powers: A cycle of good and bad luck. All other unique traits under review.
Age: Unknown
Coven or Clan: None
     You mechanically recalled little bits and details from your dad’s casework and journals on the most famous vampires in the country. Nagito... yes… you were going to stay away from this one.
     The supernatural beings that could pass as human and were deemed not to be a danger to society signed contracts and treaties that allowed them to live out their lives like normal and protected them legally from hunters (much to your kind’s chagrin). They had strict rules to follow, however, and those who broke said rules were prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and taken off the protection list, making them fair game to hunters. 
     You really didn’t understand why they kept giving the feral savages chances. Erasing the memories of witnesses, victims (if they survived), and their families after each attack or incident was costly and just unfair to mankind.
     The girls continued to shout and vie for the boys’ attention. Fuyuhiko huffed, rolling his eyes in annoyance at the fuss they were making. This only served to rile them up further, however. It seemed the tough, flippant, bad-boy yakuza persona is exactly what they wanted. They loved the way he gave them the cold shoulder.
     Nagito, on the other hand, was a different case entirely. He didn’t just ignore the girls, he made an obvious show of his disgust for them. He was practically snarling, nose scrunched up as he leaned away from the crowd of them. It wasn’t annoyance at their mewling and squawking, it was something far different. Something like pure revulsion mixed with condescension. But why? It didn’t really matter, as the girls clearly didn’t pick up on his cues, shooting rapid-fire questions his way and reaching out for his sleeves. You scoffed. It was so shallow of them to only like him for his looks and title of Ultimate he held. They knew nothing about him. 
     What he could do to them if they got them alone. How him could kill them in an instant, and even possibly enjoy that kill.
     While you were lost in the abhorrence of your thoughts, Nagito’s eyes had honed in on you, noticed that you were wearing the same uniform as him, and promptly glided over in front of you.
     “Why, hello there!” Komaeda stopped right in front of you. You took a startled step back, but he grasped your hand, preventing you from moving any further away. You did everything you could to repress your fear and repugnance, but your hand still shook slightly in his cold, dead one, and you were sure he could tell. He giggled, obviously enamored with your very presence. “I don’t believe I've seen you before, but you must be in the Main Course as well! What’s your name, if I might ask? You don’t have to tell me if you don’t wanna...” Nagito grinned widely, flashing a set of pearly white teeth. The girls swooned beside you. It seemed you were the only one afraid of what those teeth could do. He was deceivingly beautiful on the outside: tall, pale, doe-eyed, and dangerous. His Class B ranking put him just below the most dangerous of vampires, the elite, the royal clans.
     “(Y-Y/N). It’s my first day.” Your voice shook as you jerked your hand away roughly. It was hard to feel confident without your weapons on you, knowing there was nothing you could do to defend yourself here. Damn you, Kirigiri.
      Your father would be enraged if he knew you had just touched a vampire’s hand so casually. Nagito frowned slightly. He could sense it, the way you didn't trust him, the way you didn't like him down deep inside. He knew you knew something you shouldn't, knew more than the other humans attending Hope’s Peak, and he didn't like it. His brow furrowed in a display of frustration, but that quickly melted away, and he smiled kindly, eyes crinkling at the corners. He would figure out what made you special, even among the Ultimates he revered so passionately. Something was off, and it would kill him if he didn’t figure out why.
     “Well, (Y/N)” He leaned down to your height, his face inches from yours, breathing deeply. Almost as soon as he’d inhaled, he snapped back up, his spine stiff and straight. “Oh!” A look of almost painful surprise and confusion crossed his countenance.
     “What?” You panicked, looking him up and down.
     “Oh, uh, nothing… you smell really good, heh. Sorry, I probably shouldn’t have said that. That’s weird, huh? Wow, I’m really the worst...” he chuckled awkwardly, his hand rubbing the back of his neck in a display of innocence. Your mouth hung open, appalled. How could he be so bold about his nature in public? You knew exactly what he was smelling. The hair on your arms and the back of your neck stood up in fear and vexation. Your reaction told him all he needed to know, and in that instant, he decided he wanted to know more. Nagito was the obsessive type, and you were going to be his new fixation. Why did you know? Who told you of his... condition? “Anyway, welcome to Hope’s Peak Academy. I hope I have the honor of seeing you again.” You could hear the wave of extreme jealousy behind you. The heat of anger and envy for you was thick in the air.
     “Enough, Komaeda, ya big creep…” the small but feisty boy cleared his throat before continuing.  “C’mon, if you wanna have time for lunch it’s now or never!” You sighed in relief. Fuyuhiko placed his hand on Nagito's shoulder, pulling him gently away from you. 
     “Sorry, sorry!” Nagito offered a warm smile to his shorter friend. “I’m coming! I apologize, Fuyuhiko” He turned to you,“See you in class, (Y/N)” He simpered, and continued to trail along behind his friend.
     Not if you had anything to say about it…
     You were going to avoid that boy like the plague. Just because you couldn’t kill him, doesn’t mean you had to be best friends.
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