#it's great to be editing merlin again
twistedshipper · 1 month
Merlin, Arthur, Gwen, & Morgana || XANNY [modern] what is it about them? / i must be missing something / they just keep doing nothing / too intoxicated to be scared
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sirtaliesin · 1 year
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The Demon (1972) - Issue #5
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Remember that one scene where Arthur is training with Merlin and Merlin is fighting for his life while Arthur repeatedly knocks him on his arse? I can’t remember what episode but it was early in season 1.
I like to imagine Merlin starts being sarcastic with every hit in hopes it’ll piss Arthur off enough to storm off and leave him alone. It backfires when Arthur starts replying and it turns into a venting session.
Like, Uther said some dumb shit about Arthur? Merlin starts a fight about it.
The knights can’t follow orders? Merlin is disobedient enough that Arthur starts yelling about how dangerous it is when his men don’t follow orders.
Arthur’s feeling bad about someone he couldn’t save? Merlin makes him see why he’s doing enough by arguing with him about it and reminding him that he’s only human.
And Arthur knows what he’s doing, he catches on eventually and will occasionally walk up to Merlin, push his shoulder only enough to be annoying until Merlin stops whatever he’s doing, then Arthur will just say “Fight me.” and Merlin will either say something he knows will get Arthur angry or he’ll throw a punch he knows Arthur will block and they’ll start sparring. (Merlin learns to fight eventually, neither of them realise it’s happening until he sucker punches a bandit and he’s out cold)
Anyway, it becomes something they do to help Arthur vent his frustrations.
The best part? It works.
So Arthur sees Merlin upset. It goes on for about a week when Arthur realises what’s going on. He sits down next to Merlin on the floor one night, nudges his shoulder like he would if he wanted to fight, and says, “why are you upset? It’s not like you’ve got anything to worry about.” In a purposefully taunting way.
Merlin scowls and keeps working, and Arthur tries again, “Really. All you do is follow orders. It’s not hard.”
And so Merlin looks up, clearly angry until he sees what Arthur is trying to do, so he puts down what he’s doing and starts fighting back, “no, just exhausting when those orders are given by a prat.” Or “Maybe if I had a day off once in a while.” I don’t know, I suck at dialogue.
It goes on for a while, until they get too close to the issue, Merlin snaps, tells Arthur he’s a dick and sobs, yelling about magic, and the great dragon being manipulative, loosing his father, loosing Freya, Gaius lying to him about his father and thinking Uther is a good king and a good man, and literally everything else that’s gone wrong.
Arthur pulls him in and hugs him, then tells Merlin they’re fighting together from here on out. It takes a while, but they work it out.
There’s plenty of “fights” about Arthur feeling betrayed by Merlin keeping secrets and Merlin being mad at his situation in Camelot and then being frustrated that he can’t get himself to feel angry at Arthur (I’ve got a half baked character analysis for Merlin and Arthur’s codependency somewhere in my drafts. I’ll come back to it eventually.) but they’re okay and they figure it out and end up stronger for it.
I’m holding back on sharing the major character death/dark!Arthur angsty alternate ending for this, but let me know if you want to see it :)
Edit: Part 2 - (the angsty alternate ending)
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pogueswrld · 9 months
*•.¸♡ make up sex ♡¸.•*
pairing: fred weasley x fem!plus-sized!reader
summary: Freddie talks too much, and his girlfriend is exhausting all the ways she knows to shut him up. Softly, of course.
warnings: smut🦢!1!1!1!1! there's plot and fluff, and everyone's of age ofc, although it is hinted that reader is still in Hogwarts, kinda sub!Fred top!reader, like he's whining and panting and begging and shit (bites lip) ANYWAY, dick riding hehe, no usage of y/n.
note: it is 2:59 pm on a Friday, let's see how fast I write this shit. note 0.2: Okay so it's 5:54 pm on the same day, I think I'm done. This isn't edited, but it took me 3 hours to write 😁
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He was still talking. Why, in the name of Merlin, was he still talking?
Dating Fed Weasley is fun, there's no denying that, but Good Heavens isn't that a boy a handful. Both literary and figurative. He's got a wide imagination, a never-squelching desire for knowledge, and a big heart. That is a dangerous combination for a somewhat intelligent and never-quiet man.
She's a saint, his girlfriend, and Ginny made a point to always express that to her. "How do you put up with that all the time?" Gesturing to Fred, who was using his hands in elaborate motions as he went on his fourth rant of the morning on the same subject to George. She'd only shrug, lips engulfing another spoonful of whatever ice cream the girls were sharing. "In one ear and out the other darling."
Not to say that she hates it, or that it bothers her- quite the opposite actually. Fred's excited and hyper personality is what made him so interesting to her, it was what drew her to him in the first place. She enjoys listening to him rant, even about the most random things -he stopped her the other day and explained in great detail how penguins mate and how once the female accepts the male's proposing gestures, they're together for life- and she adores it.
Yes, it sure can be a bit much at times, but she wouldn't change it for the world. Imagine loving a man who was as boring and dry as his older brother, Percy? She would have to jump out of Ginny's bedroom window!
Today was her first day back in the Burrow from Hogwarts for summer break, and she was exhausted, to say the least. She was up from dawn, finishing up the last bits of her packing before leaving for the train station with Harry, Hermione, and Ron. And because she's a good friend, she made sure each of her friends made it to their transportation safely before she and Ron were picked up by Fred and George.
In the car, Ron opened the untameable can of worms by mentioning Bill who was staying over at the Burrow for the summer as well, taking a couple of months' worth of vacation away from the dragons and such. That was the spark Fred needed to blast off into a hundred rants one after the other.
He spoke about seeing Bill again, which is understandable, he hasn't been home in years. He spoke about the dragons, which led to his excited mention of his favorites and how he's going to ask Bill how it was training them. Then he turned to Quidditch training, and even though both him and George had left Hogwarts a year or so ago, the both of them still found time to play the game as a side hobby. After that was all done, George gave her and Ron and update on the shop, and Fred went on and on about all kinds of new candies and flavors and combinations they were working on to add to the store by the beginning of next year.
She was understandably tired by the time the Burrow came into view. And as much as she adores her boyfriend, she needed him to shut the fuck up for twenty minutes. But he's so sweet, and his eyes light up when talking, and he gets this beautiful energy surrounding him when he does it that she doesn't have the nerve to ask him to be silent for a bit. So she excuses herself and tries to bury her body under the covers of his bed.
But he finds her there, and he reports to her that dinner is ready, and that Bill is here, and that she looks so gorgeous on his bed, and that there's a strange animal in the backyard, and that Ginny tried to curse the bathroom when he went in to use it, and that he doesn't understand why she'd do that, and that George is out in the garage, and that-
She jolts up on his bed, her eyes twitching as she stares at him. He looks so beautiful, but he's talking too damn much. She cups his face, and he goes silent and stares at her with wide eyes.
"Wha'?" He mumbled, his lips squished together as she squeezed his cheeks.
"You talk too much, ya' know that?" She said, her thumb slightly caressing the apples of his cheeks.
He opens and closes his mouth like a fish out of water, and tilts his head ever so slightly. "Do' it bothe' yo'?"
She giggles breathlessly and lets go of his face before pressing her lips tightly against his. "Not all the time, but times like today..." She rests her forehead against his and sighs, "It can be a lot, and I need you to read the room and tone it down a little bit, d'ya think you can do that for me?"
He stares, something in his gaze changes, and he nods. "Of course, baby. Whateva' you want."
Great. Now she feels bad. She sighs and pushes past the blankets swallowing her to sit up on her knees. She wraps her arms around his shoulders and pulls him into a hug. "I love you, truly love you, and I don't mean to be mean to you, and you know I love it when you ramble, but I'm really overwhelmed today, darling. I'm sorry."
Fred wraps his arms around her waist in return, hugging her tightly. It's true that he can't always read the room, and now that he's no longer attending school he's got much more free time on his hands than he knows what to do with. It takes him a couple days to be able to read his girlfriend's body language like he used to once she's home from school, and he feels terrible that he was one of the reasons for making her feel so incredibly overwhelmed. He also feels slightly ashamed of his non-stop rambling all day.
He buried his face in the crook of her neck, mumbling something into her skin that made her shiver and giggle away from him. "Stop," she breathes in a giggle, "It tickles."
He chuckles, his hands squeezing at the skin of her waist as he stares at her dreamily. "I said, I'm sorry I made you feel overwhelmed, I promise to try and do better."
She grins at him, so brilliantly, that he can't help but lean down and capture her lips in a soaring kiss. "I love you." He mumbles against her lips, and she smiles while trying to kiss him back. "C'mon now, love, let's go have dinner."
Her eyes darken; her pupils widen, and she smiles that mischievous grin that he adores so much, and he groans while throwing his head back. He knows exactly what is on her mind.
"I have a better idea." She whispers, giggling as she throws herself into his lap and kisses him with such force that she's pushing him down on his bed. He yelps, his hands traveling to the bed and her waist, holding on to her for stability. Bubbling heat travels across his body through her kiss, and he sighs when her cold fingertips trace down his arms, sending goosebumps across his body.
Her kisses transfer from his lips to the sides of his mouth, his cheeks, down his jawline, until she's pampering open-mouthed kisses across his neck like stardust.
He sighs, his eyes closed and his head thrown back on the pillow. "Please," He breathed, a low whine undertoning his voice. She shivers above him, her teeth grazing his skin in a teasing bite.
She's always hated the effect his voice has on her.
"Please what, darling?"
He whines. It's low, for her ears only, it's a barely-there breath, but his mouth is right next to her ear and she hears him loud and clear. Her panties dampen almost immediately.
"Please touch me," He whispers. His hands gripped tightly to her thighs. He knows better than to roam her body without permission. She pulls back slightly, blinking up at him with a soft smile and long lashes. "But I am touching you, Freddie."
He knows this game. This cruel, cruel game she adores to play. He whines in pretentious of hating his role, but his hips buck, and his cock twitches underneath the fabrics of his boxers and trousers.
He slowly traces one of his hands from her thighs to her palm before letting her fingers rest on his aching cock. He guides her hands to gently rub him through his clothes and he lets out a breath when her fingers squeeze around him. "Touch me there." He gasps.
She entertains him, allowing him to set the pace and buck into her hold. He releases deep breaths and low whines, stuttering moans every time she tightens her grip around him. She can feel herself getting wetter by the second, how his eyes are shut desperately, his teeth bite down on his bottom lip, and her name is gasped out of his throat with every other movement. It makes her feel powerful, it makes her entire being vibrate.
"That's enough." She mumbles, pulling her hand out of his grasp and bathing in his complaining whines as she pulls off her shirt. He blinks up at her, watching her boobs bounce in the push-up bra she's wearing before she unhooks it and slides it off her shoulders. He blinks again and swallows whatever drool and saliva has gathered in his mouth, causing his Adam's apple to pop along with the action. She smiles at the sight and quickly bends down to leave a swift kiss on it.
"Take off your shirt." She commands him, and he does so without hesitation, throwing the garment somewhere on the floor of the room he shares with his twin brother. He watches her hands intensely as she teases him by running her thumb on the inside of her trouser's elastic, before slowly pulling the item down and off. He groans at the sight of his favorite panties on her; a partially lacey red thong that settles up between her butt cheeks. She always told him how uncomfortable it made her, but the look on his face when he saw it on her made every second she spent wearing it worth it.
"You're trying to kill me, love?" He groans, daring himself to take a dangerous leap and push his thumb against the damp cloth, pushing down on where he knows her clit hides. He glances up at her, watching the way her lips part and her mouth hangs open at his action.
"And what am I to tell George when he asks? Death by a red thong?"
He grins up at her, picking up the speed at which he's rubbing on her bud of nerves. "Only if you're the one wearing it."
She shudders, forcefully holding herself back from grinding against his thumb. Instead, she grips his wrist and pushes it away from her. She hooks two fingers on each side of his trousers and boxers before meeting his eyes, watching as he licks his lips and nods before pulling the clothing items down his hips and legs.
His cock bounces out from underneath the fabric happily, it smacks against his lower abdomen and she giggles at the sight of precum beads rolling down his slit. He whines, throwing his arm on his face to cover the embarrassing blush that matched his hair color. "Don't laugh at me, why're you so mean to me today?"
Her giggle grows louder, and she leans down to push his arm off his face. "I never intend on being mean to you, my darling, you just bring it out of me. I'm sorry." She mumbles as she meets his gaze, her hand cupping one side of his face and he leans towards her touch. "Don't hide from me, yeah?"
He nods.
"Good boy."
He whines, his eyes squeeze shut and his jaw drops when her fingers wrap around him again, but her thumb is collecting his precum before spreading it down his length before she works a steady rhythm going up and down. His whines slowly turn into moans. His noises were so heavenly that she could swear her wetness was flowing through the fabric of her thong and onto the skin of her thighs.
She sees his muscles contracting and she stops, removing her hand from him altogether. He opens his eyes, blinking up at her in confusion as a noise of complaint slips out of his throat. But he swallows it back up when he sees her push her thong to the side and spread her folds before sitting on his length, and she grinds back and forth on him without actually allowing him access to her.
He groans, throwing his head back. She's coating him in her juices and there's a delicious squelching noise coming from between them and it's driving him insane. He sucks air into his lungs through clenched teeth and shudders when she allows a single moan to slip through her parted lips.
Suddenly, he's engulfed in her warmth and he hisses. His hands grip tightly to her thighs, hips, and any plump skin he can find. He squeezes her, hissing, and pants until he's sheathed completely inside of her. "Slow down," He gasps, "Slow- slow down, slow down, slow down." His voice turns from low breaths to almost high-pitched whines, and she leans down and captures his lips in a silencing kiss.
"Need you to lay here and keep your pretty mouth shut, darling, can you do that? Can you stay quiet for me so your family doesn't hear us fucking?" He whines, hips bucking into her warm cunt causing his eyes to roll to the back of his head as he nods mindlessly. "Yes, yes, yes. I'll be quiet. Fuck- please, baby, please fuck me."
She giggles at his desperate whines, and slowly rocks her hips back and forth, just enough movement to send pleasure jolts but not enough to get them going. She was testing the waters, trying to see how loud he could get without giving him much of anything.
Fred was losing his mind, he could feel her walls clamp down on him every time she moved back, and he could feel himself nudging against her feel-good spot every time she moved forward. Her wetness made a mess out of both of them, making it easy to slide into her and pick up the pace.
He arched his back slightly, just enough to hint at her to go faster. Because she was starting to feel frustrated, she obliged. She switched from grinding down on him to bouncing, her knees and hips working overtime to not make a noise every time her ass cheeks met his thighs.
She's now moaning, leaning down to muffle her noises by his neck or breathe them directly into his ear. Fred's eyes roll to the back of his head every time, and his hands grab onto the fat of her hips to help her.
"I-" She gasps, pushing herself upwards, clamping down on him tightly before forcing deep thrusts with her movement. "I'm gonna cum." She whimpers, and her legs begin to shake and fail her. Fred let out a loud breath that turned into a whimper before pushing himself up and, with a tight hold of her hips, forced her up and down his cock.
"Wa- wanna feel you. Wanna feel you gush around me. Give it to me, please." He whines, his words muffled into her temple, his eyes closed as her walls flutter around him, her body shivering against him and her lips part in long whines. One of his hands sneaked in between them, and his thumb drew quick circles around her clit, just enough to electrify her over the edge.
She freezes up, squeezes down on him and Fred is gone. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her tightly down on him, the repeated squeeze of her walls stimulated him over the edge and they were shaking through their highs together. Her hands were buried in his hair, his hands holding onto her hips, while their lips interlocked in an overflowing kiss.
A few seconds later, their mouths parted as they gasped for air, holding onto one another as their highs dwindled. He traced random shapes on her bare back while she scratched at his scalp in a way she knew he loved.
He was the first to pull back, looking up at her with nothing but love and adoration. He tilts his head and grins, "Do you still want to go down for dinner?"
She laughs, heartily and loudly out of his arms and back onto the bed. "If you'll be going downstairs for a plate, get me one with you. There's no way I can look your mum in the eye after this."
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starshiningao3 · 5 months
It's a MoD Harry time-travel Tomarry WIP! ---
The first time Harry tried to change the course of Tom Riddle’s life, it had been too late.
He’d saved Myrtle, thank Merlin, but Riddle had known it was Professor Evans that had thwarted him. Within just a few weeks Harry had been led out of the Great Hall by an aptly-named Professor Burly, his lip turned in disgust and his grip on Harry’s arm crushing. Three fifth year girls had accused him of being far more… hands-on as a DADA professor than was appropriate. They even had the memories to prove it, apparently.
The girls were from families just influential enough to sway the school board and just unimportant enough to not make the headlines. Professor Evans would fade into obscurity, and the girls would suffer no long lasting damage to their social standing.
It was calculated. It was artful. 
It was Riddle all over.
Riddle’s face had been impassive as Harry was marched from the hall that evening, but his eyes glittered in triumph. Riddle’s mind glanced across his own, grasping carefully for surface thoughts in a way the Slytherin likely thought was undetectable.
Well played, Harry thought forcefully, and watched with satisfaction as Riddle’s brow first crinkled in confusion and then furrowed in earnest when Harry flung him from his mind. Harry had never mastered Occlumency himself, never had the knack for it, but there were some perks that came with his… position.
Death? Harry thought. An iciness bloomed in his temple and blew across his mind like a cool breeze localised entirely within his skull. It shouldn't have been comforting.
Master. Death said into his mind, an echoing whisper of infinite voices. You are done with this life?
Can I stop him from mutilating his bloody soul in this one?
Death was silent for a moment, tracing the strings of his and Riddle’s fates. He'd shown them to Harry once, gossamer webs glowing faintly gold and spanning infinitely through the white fog of limbo. He wasn't sure how Death made sense of them, and he wasn't keen to learn.
Harry glanced at Professor Burly, his wand drawn as he marched Harry through the halls towards the professor's wing.
Will they think Burly killed me if I leave right now?
Death’s Yes rattled with something like amusement as he breathed it across Harry’s mind.
“Good,” Harry said out loud. Burly startled, his grip loosening a bit in surprise. Harry stopped walking and turned to face him.
“You’ve always been a bit of a prick, Burly.”
Harry wrenched himself back, his vision white as he untethered his soul from his body. He blinked the fog of the transition away and watched from the outside as his body crumpled like a puppet whose strings had been cut. Burly’s rage at Harry’s last declaration morphed into increasing horror as he first cast a diagnostic spell and then desperately tried to shake Harry back to life.
Smug in the knowledge that Burly’s life was about to get very unpleasant, Harry returned to Death’s domain to rest before he tried his hand at changing the course of Riddle’s life again.
Let me know what you think!
Edited to add: This story now has 3 chapters on Ao3!
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latoyalestrange · 1 year
hi! i love your writing! 🖤 could you do one where sebastian is all jealous when f!mc starts spending a lot of time with another boy, seb says he’s a “bad influence” and she says something like “you taught me all three of the unforgivables seb, if you’re jealous you can admit it” just calling him out
accidentally escalated things near the end. oops?
green is for envy
s. sallow x f!reader
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yes i'm using this gif again what about it
summary: you'd been friends with sebastian since your first day at hogwarts. during your seventh year, professor weasley assigns a project to complete alongside garreth, thinking you would be a good influence on him. you only thought of him as a friend, but sebastian didn't see it that way.
words: 3.1k (longest one to date oops)
warnings: aged up seb and mc, pining, jealousy, swearing, smut, unprotected sex pinv, soft!seb, virgin!reader not edited!
when professor weasley said you'd be partnered up with garreth, you were annoyed at first. he had a reputation of putting off assignments that didn't interest him. that of course wouldn't make professor weasley change your partner, so you had to persist anyway.
sebastian was distracted the entire study hall that day. you'd decided to sit with garreth instead of him, wanting to discuss the project. he sat on the opposite side of the great hall to you, your back facing him. he had a clear view of garreth as you talked. he scoffed as he saw the sly expression on the gryffindor's face.
"just look at him, trying to flirt with her. pathetic." if looks could kill, garreth would've been on the floor minutes ago. a searing scowl replaced his normally handsome eyes.
"merlin, i knew this was going to happen." ominis instantly rose out of his seat, closing his book and taking it in his arms.
"where are you going?" his tone was harsh, his mind still on you.
"i'm not going to listen to you mope about this. you've had plenty of chances." he started to take his wand out to light his way out, but sebastian placed his hand on his wrist, halting his movements. if it were anyone but sebastian or you, he would've blasted them with his wand.
"what's that supposed to mean?" his voice softened, almost sounding hurt. ominis sighed and retired his wand back to his pocket.
"i mean you've fancied her for two years and have avoided every possible opportunity to make a move. i wouldn't blame her if weasley was winning her over right now." sebastian's shoulders slumped at his words, looking more defeated than angry.
"i try flirting with her, but it doesn't seem to phase her. what am i supposed to do?" he let his head fall into his hands as he rested his elbows on the sturdy wooden table. ominis rolled his eyes dramatically and returned to his seat.
"you're oblivious, aren't you?" he asked, his voice hushed. sebastian peeked at his friend from behind his hands, his face feeling suddenly feeling warm.
"probably. to what?" ominis bit his lip, trying so hard not to laugh when he was supposed to be annoyed at him.
"she flirts back, you git. she's just not as arrogant as you, she's more shy. when she gets you little sweets from the kitchen, asks you to walk her to hogsmeade, or asks you for help on assignments, she's flirting with you." sebastian looked away for a moment, contemplating what ominis was saying.
"for merlin's sake, has she ever picked someone other than you to duel with? do you notice her doing those things for anyone else? no."
"bloody hell, ominis," he turned to face his friend and placed a firm hand on his shoulder, pleading with him. "how do i fix it?" ominis rolled his eyes once more.
"send her an owl. tell her to meet you in the undercroft tonight." sebastian quirked his head to the side, expecting more.
"yes, and then what? fall to my knees and beg for her hand?"
ominis shrugged, "sure, i don't care. just don't break the couch. i like that couch." sebastian shoved him where he sat, withdrawing his hand back to his lap.
"don't speak of her like that. she's a lady." ominis stopped himself from chuckling, but his cheeks flushed a bright red as a knowing smile still shined through. "what's that face for?"
"you should hear some of the things she's said about you in confidence." sebastian's eyes went wide as his friend allowed himself to laugh. he swallowed down hard, his tie feeling much tighter than before. "don't ask, because i won't tell--"
"right, right, of course." sebastian wiped his brow with the back of his hand-- was he sweating? why was it suddenly so hot? and just his luck, you had turned around to check on your friends in that moment. you smiled sweetly at him and waved. with his jaw clenched tightly shut, he painfully waved back at you. you turned back just in time to miss garreth mocking sebastian by waving his fingers and batting his eyelashes. he didn't have the heart to fight him right now, he was already so distraught. he could've had you this entire time.
Undercroft tonight. Urgent.
seeing his lettering on the page made you feel like a giddy schoolgirl. maybe because you were one. you practically skipped down to the undercroft once the common room was clear and your roommate was asleep. part of you knew he was just going to ask for a favor or needed council on something, but another part of you hoped so badly that he just wanted to see you. to be in your presence.
your heart was racing as you were anticipating your answer, the door to the undercroft letting out a series of mechanical clicks as it opened. you stepped through, slowly advancing into the dimly lit room with anticipation. about half of the candles that were usually lit were put out, creating a gloomy orange hue. perhaps he wasn't there yet?
"sebastian?" you looked over the room once more, unable to spot his familiar figure. then, just as you relaxed as you knew you were alone, a pair of firm hands gripped your waist, startling you out of your skin. you gasped instinctively and forced yourself out of their grip, turning around as fast as you could. you let down your defenses as his eyes met yours.
"you have to stop doing that, sebastian. one of these days i'm going to blast you on accident." you placed your hand over your chest that was still heaving from the adrenaline. he was unphased, chuckling at the sight of you. he quickly stopped to place a comforting hand on your arm, rubbing circles with his thumb.
"okay, okay, i'm sorry." a pleased smile still remained on his face as he allowed you to regain your composure.
"you better hope that's not why you sent for me," you teased, fixing your hair slightly, which sebastian took note of.
"absolutely not." there was something behind his eyes that you were trying to decipher. something you'd never seen before. the smirk, sure, he looked at you like that every day, but you could tell that his mind was somewhere different. it made you feel like his prey as he towered over you.
"well go on then, i don't have all night." you folded your arms, but your face was anything but intimidating.
"i'll get to that in a minute. first," he took a small step towards you, his muscular hand still gently resting on the back of your arm. "how was your day? haven't seen you since you ditched me for weasley in study hall." his hand shifted upward and ghosted over your skin until it met your cheek as he delicately brushed the stray strands of your hair behind your ear. you tried to suppress the rouge that unfortunately persisted to your cheeks.
"yeah, i'm sorry about that. i was worried he was going to leave all the work for me, but he actually seems very interested in the project. he even offered to work on it after class with me this week." his hand fell to his side as he rolled his eyes and scoffed.
"of course he did." you furrowed your brow at him as he grimaced.
"what does that m--" you cut yourself off as it all started to click in your head. the lighting, the urgent letter, the attitude, everything made sense. "i can't believe it. sebastian sallow is jealous?" to your surprise, he didn't defend himself. in fact, his face was entirely confident.
"so what if i am? he's a bad influence on you."
"really, sebastian? you taught me all three unforgivable curses, the worst that he's done is procrastinate." he took a few steps forward, returning to your comfortable proximity.
"it's not what he's done, it's what he'll do. or rather, what he can't do." you found his hands palming the sides of your arms again, squeezing gently.
"yeah? and what's that?" you pushed through the sickening feeling of your stomach fluttering and looked up at him innocently, something you knew for a fact affected him. he met your gaze hungrily, then shifted down to your lips.
"there's absolutely no world in which garreth weasley can treat you better than i can." your breath stalled as he loomed over you, unable to find your words. it felt like he moved in slow motion as he brought his hand up to your cheek, palming your blushing skin. his amber eyes searched yours for any sign of hesitation. when he found none, he still waited for a moment, just breathing heavily with you. unable to hold back any longer, he connected your lips in a firm, but romantic kiss, tangling his fingers in your hair and letting his other hand pull you in by your waist. your arms eventually settled around his neck when he didn't pull away. he greedily snaked his arm around your back, bringing you further into him.
when you finally came up for air, he only trailed his lips further down until they were attacking the crook of your neck. you lips flushed and swollen, you still had the mind to tease him.
"is this what was so urgent, sallow?" he paused, and you could feel his devilish smile against your skin.
"maybe." he straightened his spine and composed himself a bit. "is that a problem?"
you shook your head, "not at all." you found your hands grasping at his neck and hair, desperate for contact. he obliged and pressed a gentle peck to your lips before retracting once more.
he sighed, "i want to do this right. come here." he directed you to the couch and sat opposite to you with your hands in his.
"are you sure this is what you want?" he didn't have to say it. the both of you knew exactly what was on the other's mind. you nodded softly, your doe eyes making him feel guilty for ruining such a pure thing with his touch. "i need you to say it."
"yes, sebastian, i'm sure." he returned the nod, looking as if he were going to burst at the seams if he didn't get some kind of release.
"okay," he breathed out heavily. "if you want me to stop at any point, just tell me."
he knew you were a virgin. there was no way someone had touched you and he didn't hear about it. you told him everything. so to say he was nervous was an understatement. perhaps more nervous than he was during his first time. he couldn't take something so precious and mess it up in the process. he needed this to be perfect for you.
he started with another gentle kiss while he refrained from letting his hands roam your body. you were disappointed when he stopped to fidget with the buttons on your uniform vest. he took his time, unhooking each one and licking his lips as he watched you toss it to the floor and start on your blouse underneath. he helped you shimmy out of your skirt and you were suddenly entirely exposed for him.
"lie back," he shifted, facing you as you let your head rest on the couch arm behind you. "just relax, okay?" he sensed tension in your stomach as he allowed his hands to needily search your body, wanting to memorize every dip and curve. he peppered loving kisses all down your stomach, stopping at the hem of your underwear. your skin felt like it was burning underneath his lips, sending electricity through your legs. he hooked his fingers under the band and slowly pulled down. you lifted your bottom half to aid him, your legs shaking as you did so. you felt so vulnerable as he took in the sight of your naked body. his eyes devoured you as he bit his lip desperately.
you let your gaze drift to the ceiling as he trailed kisses along the inside of your thigh, leaving purple marks with every few. you couldn't contain your voice, feeling so incredibly sensitive.
"probably never been touched like this, hm?" his mouth was still buried in the plush skin of your thighs.
you shook your head, "nuh uh." just as you answered, he dove straight into your core, gently circling your bundle of nerves. your back instantly arched into the couch and he forced your hips back down with his hands. your own clenched tightly at your sides, unsure of where you should put them. he noticed and placed them in his hair, encouraging you to grip onto the strands. you followed, using some of the pent up tension on his locks. he groaned, the vibration overwhelming you further.
"oh, sebastian!" your eyes screwed shut tightly as you tried your very best not to scream. everything felt so good, too good. your knees clenched around his face, which seemed to just encourage him. luckily, he came up for air, but only for a moment before he slowly pushed a finger into your heat that was already dripping. you stretched around his digit, making his pants even tighter than before. you let out a guttural moan, throwing your head back into the cushions.
"fuck, you're so tight." he couldn't help but grind his hips into the couch in search of some for of relief. after a few pumps, he added another and he could feel you starting to come undone around them. in hopes to not overwhelm you further, he retracted both of his fingers and began trailing kisses up your tummy, in between the valley of your breasts, all the way up to your lips. you could taste yourself on him, unsure if you should find it as attractive as you did. he paused to half-undress himself, leaving him in an unbuttoned dress shirt and disheveled tie. you took the opportunity to pull him toward you, connecting your lips in a heated exchange.
"eager, are we?" he teased, going back to kissing your neck. you nodded, biting your lip as you looked up at him. "don't tempt me. i don't want to hurt you." you blush deepened at his caring words as you felt his hardness press in between your legs. almost as an instinct, your back arched against him as you lifted your hips to meet his. he growled in your ear, sending a chill down your spine. he quickly planted a hand next to your head to hold himself up as he rubbed his tip against your slick entrance. you could feel the nervous pit in your stomach return as you looked down to watch.
"eyes on me, love. eyes on me." you felt his hand force your gaze upwards to meet his own. he placed one last gentle kiss on your lips before letting himself sink into you. keeping eye contact, he watched you unravel beneath him, unable to contain your moans any longer. he slowly bottomed out inside of you and stopped there, letting you adjust to his size.
"i know, i know. you're doing so good, darling," he cooed sweetly in your ear, a complete contrast to the sounds coming from you. he finally found his pace, an agonizingly slow one at that.
"sebastian, please!" you could feel tears start to brim your eyes from the frustration.
"please, what? tell me, princess." his sultry tone could've drove you mad.
"more, seb, please-- i want more!" he chuckled mischievously in your ear, lifting himself to face you again. the look in his eyes was almost scary. he quickly snaked an arm under your hips to angle them upwards, and placed his other hand on your lower stomach, pressing down gently. unsure but trusting, you closed your eyes as he aligned himself again. his pace wasn't rough by any means, but it was firm, and your cries were louder than ever before. you'd never felt anything like it before. your stomach felt like a spring that was so tightly wound that it could burst at any moment.
"oh, yes!" with each thrust you felt closer and closer to euphoria, all of your senses were drowned out by what he was doing to you.
"it's okay, i got you. let it happen." his voice was broken as he was close to his own release. he dipped his head down to push through it, sending the two of you over the edge and then some. warm tears finally fell down your cheeks as you let go, a blur of his name and other curses falling from your swollen lips. with one last go, he emptied himself inside of you.
"feels so fucking good...fuck." he fell into a heap on top of you, his warm body trapping you on the couch. not like you could move anyway. you felt stuck, your chest heaving with his.
"i'm sorry i didn't do that earlier." he admitted, his head resting on your torso. you were finally able to giggle, smoothing his disheveled hair down.
"it's okay." he sighed at your words, it wasn't okay. he placed another gentle kiss on your chest before pulling himself off of you to remove his dress shirt and tie entirely, leaving him in his shorts.
"can i get you some water?" he rose to his feet and trailed off to a dark corner to retrieve a blanket.
you shook your head once more, "nuh uh. can you just hold me?" he smiled sweetly at you as he returned, unfolding the blanket to drape around his shoulders before he sat on the couch again.
"of course." he opened his arms for you as he stretched his legs out next to you. you happily accepted the offer and found yourself engulfed in his warm, muscular arms with the blanket trapping the heat in around you.
"it's not okay, y/n." you quickly looked up to analyze the expression on his face. he looked remorseful.
"i could've said something too. i just had no idea you thought of me that way-- this way."
"that's my point exactly. i was sending mixed signals. but no more of that, okay? we tell each other absolutely everything from now on." you chuckled and nestled into him, feeling more comfortable than ever before.
you spent the rest of the night wrapped up in his arms on the couch.
reblog if you made it to the end!
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delicrieux · 6 months
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𝐣𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐚 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐝 | endless oneshots (winter edition)
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pairing—regulus black x reader genre—angst, doomed to fail trope <3 summary—what could the cards have in store for him? word count—1.6k
masterlist. ☕. reqs are open!
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“you will be great.”
those words, spoken in a pliant tone, do little to move regulus. perhaps history, tradition, and the cumulative expectations of both had shaped him in such a way that prophesy meant greatness, whether desired or not. he will be great, because he is the only son of the great and noble house of black, and he will be happy, because he knows no other alternative, nor does anyone care to provide him with one. the reality of such an existence has weighed him slightly, made his expression pensive and head stuck slightly downward. happy. in a depthless, easy sense with no meaning.
regulus longs for meaning. you search for it in the cards.
you sit, and he sits in front of you, and together you are illuminated by the fire. the hearth burns and the carpet feels scratchy on his palms, and regulus likes the way you shuffle the cards — the rhythmic slide and click of expensive laminated paper, the soft way you breathe with the lower lip slightly gaping — and the way you draw — the flick of your wrist, the schooled expression, the lazy flick of your lashes, and the light twitch of your cheek.
in your eyes he can find a pensieve — not for their colour, but for a quality entirely different that in all of his reading and thinking he has still failed to name.
“naturally,” he responds slowly; he hopes that as you see past the pretty image held between your fingers, you will see past the layers of a lie, too, “that is all i need to know, yes? i will be great, and so this is pointless."
"if that is all, then i will not tell you more."
your response is too simple. "and if i ask for more?"
"you are free to. the cards not only speak of destiny, regulus. they can guide, but they are not a prophecy."
"so the cards do not tell the future?"
"the future is never set," you tell him, and this time you look up. in his eyes he thinks you might find a reflection, but it is only a mirage. "it is an amalgamation of events. each and every choice we make changes it and changes it again."
 "so what good are the cards then?"
"they are a guide," you chide, your expression morphing into something vexed, "merlin, you grow more stubborn by the hour. the cards can only show the possibilities."
"useless. i already know my path."
"you will be great."
"i will be great."
"do you not wonder what that means, regulus?"
you speak as if you already know the answer. you speak as if you know everything. you are a seer, or, at the very least, penchant for the gift of one. like your mother and grandmother and the women before you, you suffer from fever and delirium late at night. they had gone mad prophesising a future undeciphered, and you shall, too, only regulus refuses to believe it only for the fact that he cannot bear the idea of your fate.
"what more is there to know? it is simply a title and an empty one at that. my father will be the minister, and he is great. i'm his son, and, so," and then he pauses, his lips twitching. "i will be great."
regulus is not naive. he knows the reality of the world he lives in. the weight of responsibility and expectation upon his shoulders is not one he is blind to. he has always known that his future is to be a facsimile of the past, a carbon copy of his father and a shadow of his ancestors. his fate is written and the pages are sealed. he can accept his but he can never accept yours. it appears absurd to him. the very thought scorns.
"is that really the life you want?"
"yes," he answers, perhaps a little too quickly. "of course it is. who would not?"
you could be great, too. you predicted exam questions, menial relationship drama between classmates, a meteor shower mid-june. the death of the heir. when you spoke of it, your voice wavered; in the candlelight, regulus looked hard for a sign of sorrow, but he found nothing.
the stars had aligned in a month with his mother's raised wand. sirius was burned out the family tree, leaving a stain of soot and a strange emptiness. you saw the change, and remained gravely silent, and your eyes, such pretty twin planets constantly calling him into your orbit, had poured into his portrait instead.
the cards seem meaningless now. a paltry mood has enveloped him and an ancient sorrow swells. the darkness of the dining hall seems closer, nearer, and the fire crackles and your clothing glows and your skin shifts with each flicker.
he wishes that he could sit in the gentle silence of your presence — however awkward it may be — until the sky erupts into another storm. a part of him imagines that it would be nice to watch with you. better than his empty room, the oppressive solitude he always seems to return to when he looks at you or thinks of you or remembers you suddenly and for no reason. just because he can think of nothing he would not tell you should you ask, but he realises this is less indicative of a desire to speak and more of a desire to keep you close to him.
the light hits and regulus is struck by a sudden awareness. a desperate longing arises inside him. whatever this feeling is, whatever this urge is, is overshadowing rationality and decorum. his palms feel sweaty on the taupe fabric covering his legs. he feels shaky and anxious and his stomach stirs with a familiar unease that he has learned to repress in your presence, yet some fluke, some unaccounted for variable in this constant, ever-growing, uncontrollable infatuation has taken root and is growing far quicker than any other sprouts had before.
an undeniable change is bubbling up inside him and he feels he might collapse into himself surrounded by your fragrance.
how pretty, how lovely, how much he wants to touch you. to stroke a fingertip across your bottom lip. how strange that regulus cannot tell you such. he wants. in a soft, quiet way; a greedy sense of need overwhelms him, so he clenches his teeth, shuts his eyes, and wills it away. in the darkness he thinks and then realises that the ache in his stomach is only a hunger.
"can you," he begins slowly, clawing through his muddled thoughts for a shred of clarity. he needn't see you to know you are at attention. he feels it, perhaps, or wishes it to be so. to see the truth would be to deny himself a selfish sweetness. a dog can live on scraps, but he is supposed to be more than that. he keeps his eyes closed, "can you see others?"
"in my future," he clarifies, though he believes he is saying too much.
"in a moment," he hears you murmur. paper sounds as if brushed aside, and there is a brief moment of what feels like privacy before the clicking begins again. the slow, rhythmic thudding of regulus' pulse. his breath. your breathing is more stilted.
regulus is patient; when he opens his eyes you have spread out five cards on the rug between you. your fingers graze each one and he is envious. each movement is so purposeful.
"...i'm sorry, regulus," you begin, your voice lacking the confidence it possessed only minutes ago. there is a nervous drawl in your tone that disturbs him. "i can't see past the waves."
a metaphor, surely, but regulus knows he is sinking under the expectations placed upon him. in his mind, the words play in a loop: i will be great.
"it's alright," regulus says, his voice hollow. something of a void has overcome him and he feels cold — so cold. "you must be tired."
with another smooth noise — a soft, pleasant sound — the cards are carefully returned to their container. regulus bites his tongue. the dull sensation of a headache settles in his temples. a thought. an action. decisions not yet made. he wonders if the cards could show him each and every action he could have made to show you what he feels for you, and what you could have done in return. would they emphasize his failure or gloss it over in the vague fog marked 'past.'
"a tad," you admit, a bit lighter, the life pouring back to your face in a gentle stream. you look at him as if you are waiting for an invitation he can't find in himself to make.
is it better this way?
regulus feels a sickly disappointment stir. it sits heavily in his chest, an unpleasant reminder that he still yearns for something else and has given up on finding it. if he stares into the fire long enough, perhaps it will consume him. but it's not his element.
"no," he starts before you can ask the question and beg the answer he will not give. "i'm fine."
"a fortuitous reading," he remarks with a small, wry smile. "i am truly favoured."
you offer a lopsided smile back, though he is taken aback by your weariness. it is a glimpse beyond the false pretence of your pleasantries, and he knows you must pity him, even if you will not say. you are always saying things he wants to hear and not saying things he needs to. you offer distraction and praise where you should offer reality. what is the point in fortunes and dreams and spells to foresee one's future? such things merely lead one to misfortune, or, in regulus' case, a predetermined, inevitable misery.
he will be great, won't he? it matters so little. you don't reveal what hurts him. he knows that you can't see past the waves because you aren't there to cut through them. whatever future exist, it exists without you.
to him, that is no future at all.
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hope u enjoyed! mwah! <3
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httpsbearily · 27 days
18+ request! :)
Reader as Merlin, and basically, the whole Dark Forest gang (Lyca, Eironn, Lorsan, and Bryon ofc) are having drinks. Lorsan gets a lil bit toooo affectionate to reader for Bryon, and plus he's starting to get annoyed of Lorsan being a yapper.
And so, Bryon just ends up deciding to fuck reader in the mirror, but he has his blindfold off just bc he wants reader to look at him in the eyes <3
☆*: Reflection
[Tags]: bryon x reader | GN Merlin!reader | smut
Minors Do Not Interact
[Author’s Note]: anon you mf--affectionately--you're so real for this holy shit. so real. Obviously I had to stop everything because I have sm to say about this; School is temporary but Bryon is forever. arches back.
Edit: this took longer than expected im so sorry anon, wuthering waves came out and I may have spent too much time on it already…btw this isn’t proofread so I’m sorry for any grammar/spelling errors
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As the sun glimmered off the horizon, illuminating the world around you a pinkish-orange hue and the sounds of your friends filling the warm atmosphere, you couldn't remember when you'd last felt so serene. It been a while since you had had the opportunity to reunite with all the friends you had made during your time in the Dark Forest; What felt like yesterday was, in reality, already a year ago. Since it's saving, all who were currently present had gone their own way in continuation of playing their role of supporting the forest.
Lyca, who had been officiated as a leader of the forest by Eironn himself, could not say it'd been easy but, still, held no regrets even during the most overwhelming of times. Eironn, who had continued his journey to seek betterment of his swordsmanship, had only returned to celebrate the anniversary of the group's success but carried the most sentiment of you all. Lorsan of course was also in attendance, pausing his travels to return to his home with more than a million stories. And Bryon, who had remained the same throughout the passing time, but reconvening with the gang with more passion…so to say.
As the great magister, you couldn't deny that you had your own fair share of reminiscencing to give the group. The sentimental feeling could be felt in each person, and it showed in the way you all enthusiastically interacted with each other. Sitting together around a circular table situated just outside the wood-built eatery, the five of you conversed enthusiastically--even your hamster familiars had partook in the joyful reunion before falling asleep a few feet away in a pile of leaves. You didn't blame them, the three of you had traveled here all the way from Holistone after needing to meet with General Hogan and his top knight Valen. Although a little tired yourself, you didn't restrain yourself to not accepting the drinks offered up by a waitress.
"--And then, as if I were some mouse instead of rabbit, they told me they me 'rodents weren't allowed'! Could you believe the nerve?! I almost used my skill to summon a gust of wind and blow them off the bridge!" Lorsan exclaimed, holding onto his ears in exasperation as he recounted an event from his wandering. You chuckled at his words, looking towards Eironn as he spoke: "Wait...You mean to tell me you've been a rabbit this whole time? Oh. I was so certain you were some type of chinchilla."
Lorsan made a noise of betrayal, lowering his hands into fists on the table as he leaned forward to the elf across. "Eironn, of all the people here, I never expected you to treat me like this!"
But Eironn only hid his smile behind his cup of tea. The bunny turned towards you, who sat to his left, and pouted, "magister, you don't think I'm a rodent, right?"
You played along with the eldest wilder, retuning a confused, wide-eyed look to the windwhisperer, "I thought so too...Bryon is always calling you a pest, so I assumed..."
At the mention of his name, everyone turned to look at him, including you. You bit back a smile, wanting to laugh especially when Lorsan had called out to the older man in complaint. Bryon remained his normal, calm self, not even flinching as he lifted the teapot to refill his teacup; "I have never, nor will I ever, tell you a lie."
You laughed loudly, not able to hold it back when Lorsan gave a downright confounded look to the older windwhisperer sat on the other side of you. Even Eironn and Lyca snickered in their seats, not offering any defense for the youngest of the group. Slightly inhibited by the alcohol running through your body, you raised a hand to ruffle Lorsan's hair between his ears good-heartedly. The bunny crossed his arms over his chest with the turn of his head so that your hand would fall away; "Don't condescend me! Perhaps I was better of on my own enjoying the world around me. I won't miss you, really!"
"Your promises are fallible," Lyca responded, teasingly deadpan, "You would be the first one crawling back when you miss us."
"Hmph. As if. And even if that were so, then I would really only come back for the magister. The rest of you have been a bad influence so I don't fault them for their behavior and know that in their heart there is kindness! Isn't that right, magister Merlin?!"
You only hummed with a smile, which was all the bunny needed to continue his debate. His tendency to run behind you when the others bullied him with their teasing was nothing new to you, and after so much time witnessing it, you had even grown to view the youngest wilder as your little sibling. Although, it couldn't be said that the perspective was shared by all the others.
To your right, Bryon silently drank his tea with not even a crack in his demeanor. All throughout the evening the antics had been like this; You had refused any more drinks after your second so as to not become inebriated, but Lorsan continued which resulted in him becoming even more emotionally involved with the group. He picked battles with everyone at the table just for fun it felt and had taken to scooting closer to you so he could whisper [read as: yell] into your ear little comments about all the others during his squabbling as if you were on his side. You weren't, you were just here for the show which is why you never pushed him away but instead leaned in, highly entertained.
"If you ask me, Bryon could do to take some of our advice. Walking around barefoot like that has to be a kind of fashion statement," Lorsan snickered to you with a hand cupping his mouth to speak in your ear.
"Lorsan, all of us are barefoot. Even you," Lyca countered.
"I don’t count, and neither do you. If you haven’t noticed, our feet aren’t exactly like theirs. Eironn and magister Merlin wear boots. Bryon, doesn’t it hurt to walk around like that?”
“I feel quite fine,” Bryon responded.
Lorsan huffed, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. “You must now. I don’t think I have never not seen your toes.”
Bryon stood suddenly, “I’ll be heading in for the night”. Stepping around his stool and pushing it in after himself, he regarded the older two wilders with a nod.
“Alright. It is getting late, we’ll be heading back ourselves shortly,” Eironn said, but at the same time, Lorsan made a noise of protest. The bunny wrapped both arms around your shoulders, hugging onto you from the side; “Nooo! We just got here! I’m not even tired, look, even the magister is still wide-eyed!”
You pat the little brother wilder on his back soothingly to calm his drunken theatrics. Bryon, however, did not appear impressed by the display, and with a twitching ear held out his hand to you.
“Dearest,” he called curtly, “would you accompany me to the room?”
His tone drew your attention—to many others, he would appear normal, acting with his usual reserved speech, but you caught the subtle annoyance laced in his words. Surprised by his mood, you accepted his hand and moved to stand, but Lorsan protested again loudly at your side.
“Magister, don’t leave me! They’re going to bully me again! I’m more fun than that old bird brain,” he protested with an accusing finger pointed at Bryon.
You laughed lightly, once again patting between his ears, saying, “Sorry, Lorsan. I’m a little tired as well. We can continue our celebration tomorrow.”
Bidding the other two a good night as well, you were led away by your partner. Once the two of you were a good distance away, you inquired about his mood; “Is something bothering you, Bryon?”
He didn’t spare a glance at you even as he hummed in discontent. Confused, you tilted your head to think about everything that transpired…was he mad about Lorsan teasing his bare feet? The thought made you chuckle, something that caught the man’s attention.
“What are you laughing about?” He asked you.
“Just about what Lorsan was saying. He really is quite the character,” you mused, linking your arm with his so that you could walk closer to him while leaning your head on his shoulder.
“If there are boundaries then he is the last person to find them”. There it was again, the agitation weaved in his voice. What exactly had sparked that irritation in him? He hadn’t responded when you asked him about it…does that mean it’d been something you’d done?! Concern leaked into your mind as you relived every moment that had lead up to where you were now. To your misfortune, however, you didn’t have much time to reflect because the two of you had reached the room you stayed at. Bryon took care of opening the door, letting you walk in before closing it behind the two of you.
Already adjusted to the night light you made your way to your closet to hang the accessory clothing you wore without bothering to turn the lights on. Thoughts on how to get your windwhisperer to open up to you filtered through your mind, distracting you to the way the person in your thoughts locked your door and closed your blinds before coming up behind you. You were in the middle of removing a hair ornament when Bryon gently grabbed your wrists in his hands, pulling them down to cross behind your back. A questioning look made your expression.
“Bryon…?” You asked, turning your head to the side to watch the other. But he offered no words of explanation, only leaning forward until his lips ghosted over the shell of your ear. The warmth of his soft breaths made a shiver run down your spine.
“What’s wrong?” Bryon finally whispered, “Do you feel uncomfortable with me so close?”
His words tickled were spoken directly into your ear and his honey smooth voice murmuring so close filled you with something you couldn’t describe; You only pushed down the feeling to focus on the situation at hand. With a shake of your head, you responded, “No, it’s not that—”
“Good.” Bryon interrupted, “Because it didn’t seem like much a problem when Lorsan behaved the same.”
That statement caught you by surprise; Perking up, you attempted to turn around to face him only for Bryon’s hands to tighten around your wrists, keeping you in place.
“Is that what has you grumpy?” You asked incredulously, “Why, you know more than any of us how affectionate he is—much more so when he’s drunk.”
“Too much so,” Bryon corrected, “I’ve found that there is something more grating than his ceaseless prattling…”
He pressed a soft kiss to your ear—an action that you had not realized at the time to be falsely calming. A small smile formed on your face as you listened to his words, understanding him to be sulking. The last time you had seen him this way was quite some time ago when Elona had taken to playing with your hamster familiars instead of accompanying him in his free time. That novelty had not lasted long, however, when eventually Chippy had gotten a little too frightened by the bird’s play hunting and called the quits in hanging out with her. Bryon had assumed an air of attached indifference when the bird returned to him, but you could see the hidden smile on his lips as he stroked her feathers. The memory made you want to laugh a little, but that urge was quickly replaced by breathlessness when the wilder spoke the end of his sentence with a pitch deeper tone: “Him touching you like you are his.”
Saying that, he moved his kiss to press it behind your ear before moving down to plant another near the hinge of your jaw just below your ear. You sighed at the feeling; “I don’t think he meant any harm. He’s just full of emotions.”
“Even so, that does not discredit what I say. Being near to you, touching you like this, is a privilege that only I have. He could never do so, even if he dreamt it, do you agree?”
His words were spoken against your skin, heating the expanse of his trailing kisses. The grip on your wrists never waned, even when he used only one hand to hold them together while his other lifted to caress your neck.
“Even if he could, that doesn’t mean I would let him. He’s nothing if not my family—like a little brother,” you said back, not really sure why you were defending the rabbit when there was nothing to defend. You knew there were no intentions behind Lorsan’s behavior tonight, and his overly affectionate tendencies were only heightened with alcohol.
“Oh? Is that so? You think he could make you feel the way I do? Hold you like this—kiss you, like this?” To show his question, Bryon moved his hand from your neck to your chin to turn it towards him so that he could kiss you deeply. Already one to be weak to the windwhisperer, you folded quite quickly but held yourself in check to see where it got you. The angle made the kiss messier than normal causing your breath to be lost to you more quickly as you put effort into returning Bryon’s kiss and holding your head to the side. Deep interest drenched the kiss as Bryon licked your lips in askance to be let in; Of course you had no obligations, letting his tongue massage against yours.
The atmosphere heat up fast with the kiss alone leaving you gasping for breath after only a couple of minutes like this. When he finally broke the kiss, you had a light flush on your face from the lack of air. If Bryon was affected by the kiss he didn’t show it because his next actions found him replacing his tongue with two fingers so that his kiss could linger down along your jaw.
“Do you think he thought of you like this when he was whispering in your ear? How you look flustered and out of breath?” Bryon prodded your tongue with his fingers in instruction for you to close your lips around them, so you did. You sucked lightly, moving your tongue around them as Bryon focused his attention on the pulse point beneath your jaw. He mimicked your actions only much harsher in order to leave his mark—no one would be able to deny that you were his with it shown.
You couldn’t respond to his words with his fingers in your mouth, so you only made little noises in your throat. Those noises, however, seemed to have been misinterpreted; “If you have tricked yourself into believing it true, then I must show you the answer.”
He removed his fingers, pulling his hand away completely to undo your top as he walked you to your bed, never moving from behind you. After your top, he stripped you of your bottoms, leaving behind a trail of clothes until he finally had you against your bed, bent over the edge with your face in the sheets. Leaning over you, he bent down to nip at the back of your neck before kissing down your spine. His free hand moved to hold the inside of your thigh from the back, using his hold to spread your legs wide enough for him to work.
When he reached the base of your spine, he lowered himself onto his knees, saying, “My dearest, I should make you forget any names other than my own. Be good for me and don’t hold back.”
You didn’t get a chance to respond because suddenly his tongue was on you. You twitched stay the pleasurable feeling, already enraptured by the feeling of his warm, wet tongue licking at you entrance. It was unlike him to dive right into it considering he was so fond of foreplay, but his emotions had gotten the best of him. With a mixture of jealousy and annoyance filling his heart, Bryon couldn’t help but chase relief for his emotional stats. Even if that relief came in the form of fucking you to tears.
His ears were attentive to all the sounds filling the room, searching most desperately for the ones you made. You squirmed under his hold, your fingers clenching making your nails dig into your palms as you panted in effort to sort through the sensations flooding your body. The hand holding your thigh rotated to relieve the pressure on his wrist but didn’t slacken the push to elevate your leg—in fact, it pressed into you harder to raise your leg higher, exposing more of yourself to his avid mouth. If you listened close enough, you could almost hear the slick sound of his tongue teasing your nerves, his saliva mixing with your falling juices. You whimpered out quietly, enjoying his actions but feeling like it was not quite enough when his tongue only prodded without entry. When you tried to shift your weight closer to his face, he squeezed your wrists, pulling away to say, “You seem to be enjoying yourself. Tell me, darling, who is it that has you this eager?”
You sighed at the loss of his mouth on you, taking a moment to gather your thoughts as his question registered in your mind. Breathily, you responded, “you do.”
“‘You’?” Bryon parroted, “I see.”
He stood up completely, pulling you up to follow him with gentle hands but firm guidance. A noise of surprise left you when he first moved you, but it didn’t take much more than a few seconds for him to situate you in front of the body-length mirror placed against the wall. Looking at your reflection, you grew shy at the sight of you fully naked before Bryon who still wore his light-colored over robe. You didn’t even notice when he’d undressed himself, ridding himself of his wing-like half cloak and pants.
The wilder lowered the two of you to your knees in-front of the mirror and you felt his blindfolded gaze persistent on your reflection. Pulling your wrists back, he made you lean against his front so that your your weight would be shifted off your knees and distributed throughout your legs instead. Like this, he moved his unoccupied hand to bluntly cup your slick heat instead. You shuddered at the feeling.
“I’m afraid you still don’t understand,” leaning over your shoulder, he kissed the underside of your jaw, “When I ask for a name, I expect it to be mine. Who else if not me? Lorsan?”
“No, if I think of him at this time it’s only because you bring him up. There’s none other that I would think of, being like this.” You spoke honestly, gathering the confidence to look back at him in the mirror. You didn’t expect the sight to be at steamy as it was—him holding you in his hand, your essence leaking through his fingers making them glisten. The look on your face was dazed, your chest heaving slightly bringing attention to the erect buds on your chest. Despite how steady Bryon looked in the mirror, you could tell that it was not true; With your back pressed against his front, you could feel his anticipation. His member was hidden behind the robe he worse, but you felt the stiffness of it on your back and you had the fleeting thought of wanting to rub against it.
However, the wilder didn’t let you indulge yourself because he tsked at your response. “Someone as smart as you, great magister Merlin, should know it’s unwise to make comments like that. You only make me believe another is really, truly on your mind. I don’t consider myself to be possessive, but dearest, you make me want to claim you. To let everyone else know that you chose me to be your partner. That only I have been ordained to your most secret pleasures.”
He pulled his hand away from your groin to resume his hold on your inner thigh, pressing into it so that you would spread it open. Like this, even the most hidden spots on your body were vulnerable to the cool air of the room. Still watching your reflection, you gazed down lower to see his hand trace a light path up to your entrance. He looked up from your neck, “And I realize there is nothing stopping me from doing just that.”
Firmly, he used two fingers to collect your dripping fluid. You believed he was going doing so with intent to use it as lubricant for his entry into you, but had your breathe knocked out of you when he lifted his fingers to his mouth instead. As if craving it, Bryon licked his fingers clean, humming deeply as he savored the taste of you; You had even felt his member twitch against your back. You bit the inside of your lip, committing the moment to memory and feeling your hole clench around nothing. Bryon didn’t rush himself to enjoy your presence which is a fact that made you melt but also slightly frustrated you. Why did he chose now of all times to initiate foreplay?!
Squirming against him, you spread your knees open more—throughly avoiding looking at yourself in the mirror knowing you most likely looked like a desperate mess—in hopes that he would be enticed enough to act. He was. Your movement took his attention away from his fingers and you heard him breathe deeply against the back of your neck.
“So impatient…” he murmured, “But you’re right. You still have a lesson to learn.”
With that, he lowered his hand between the two of you, shifting behind you to hoist the front of his robe to the side. Immediately, you felt the heat of his member and the precut leaking out of it as the tip rubbed against the skin of your back. A whine you couldn’t control slipped out of you, more following when he had softly begun to slowly rut against you.
“Look at you, still only the beginning and already so deliciously ready. Tell me who the only one to make you feel like this is?” Bryon murmured into your ear.
“You are, only you. Please, now, hurry up.” Slightly arching your back, you fidgeted against him. But the windwhisperer only held you still. There was a momentary silence to which only heightened your need, but Bryon’s discontent with your response had him considering his actions. Stubborn, he thought…No matter, he was a patient man.
So he chose to indulge you; He wrapped a hand around his shaft and slid it down between your legs. Try as you might, you couldn’t look away from the scene reflected before you; Bryon’s dick already wept with his own juices and all it took was his hand rubbing it to create a coat of lubricant that would help him ease into your aching hole. He grunted at his quick self-induced pleasure before aligning his tip to your entrance. Moving his hand out of view, he gripped your thigh, tensing his fingers into the soft skin of it as he finally slid himself into you.
You moaned loudly, transfixed by the sight of him bottoming out and the feeling of him stretching you out. Taking a couple seconds to adjust, you dropped your head against his shoulder—an action that he was quick to correct.
“No, darling. You must watch. Since you don’t seem to learn by feeling alone, you must use your sight. Come on, look straight ahead. Look at the way I fit inside you so perfectly; Look at how much your dripping. Look at your expression,” as he spoke, Bryon began to move his hips slowly and shallowly, “So overwhelmed already. Have you been expecting this all night? Behaving so coquettishly with others just to rile me up?”
You shook your head, “No…I didn’t mean anything…”. The words you spoke were hard to focus on when he pushed himself in so deep it felt like his tip brushed your stomach. Soft moans spilled from your tongue as you struggled to keep your attention on the mirror’s image. Dazedly watching the way Bryon’s member pulled out of you before pushing all the way back into you at a pace that was slower than a snail. Your fingers flexed in urge to hold onto him, the skin of your wrists slightly irritated after being held so long in a tight grip. His speed—or lack thereof—was killing you; He was going so slow that you could only think of all the pleasure you should have.
Your cries of exasperation made Bryon smile subtly as he enjoyed working you up; If you knew the tension he inflicted upon himself by moving slow then you’d almost feel better for yourself. But he kept his composure, “What’s the matter, dearest?”
“When you,” you breathed, “said I’d learn my lesson…I didn’t think you meant it in this way.”
His open hand moved to your front, dipping a finger into your weeping slit and massaging it passively, making your hips twitch. “Not enjoying yourself? But your body is telling me different, look at how it responds,” he told you with added pressure of his fingers.
“I’d—hah—I’d enjoy it more if you went faster. Please,” you said, conflicted on wether you should wiggle you hips up into his hand or down onto his cock.
“And I would enjoy it more if you appeased my tormented heart, yet here we are,” Bryon said, his tone full of feigned dismay, “One of us is bound to relent sooner or later. I wonder who it’ll be? Wouldn’t it be so fulfilling if you simply called out my name—loud enough for all others, for Lorsan himself, for head?”
Your eyes shifted to his blindfolded ones in the mirror, “Perhaps, but how could I if I’m not feeling it?!“
Bryon’s hips snapped into yours suddenly with a newfound force, knocking the air out of your lungs. Giving you no time to adapt to his brutal pace, Bryon pulled your wrists down to make you lean further into him. Slapping noises filled the room, mixing with the wet sounds of his thrusts and you struggled to catch your breath. His fingers continuously massaged the area around your slit, focusing primarily on the area with the most sensitivity. The depth of his thrusts was numbing, the pace making his tip rub over the spot that made you see stars faster than you could cope with. Burning waves over pleasure coursed through your body, forcing loud, crying moans to fall from your lips.
“Oh gods,” you moaned, letting your head fall back against his shoulder once again. Just as abruptly as he started, he stopped and you almost sobbed out at the sudden cut of flowing pleasure.
“Look at me, darling. Don’t take your eyes off the mirror,” he scolded. Desperate to reach your high you lifted your head, dazedly looking at the mirror. He began his movements again with the same rhythm as before.
“Does this make you feel better, my dear? Do you remember who the only one who could make you feel like this is?” He asked you, voice low in your ear, the grumbling tone mixing with his heavy breathing. You could’ve came with that alone.
You nodded your head quickly, “yes, yes. You, Bryon, only you make me feel this good.”
“That’s a good magister, hmm? Come on, let the others know as well.”
Giving in to what he wanted, you increased your volume, moaning out his name as wantonly as you could—whatever you needed to do to keep him going. Bryon didn’t object, reveling in your cries. His balls slapped against your skin, adding that extra stimulus in tandem with his fingers; Looking into the mirror, you could practically see the mess the two of you were making on the floor, soaking it with a mixture of sexual fluids. You watched his dick disappear into your hole, clenching around him at the sight causing him to groan. His own pleasures noises caught your attention, making you look back up at him through the mirror. Bryon caught your eye.
Without pausing him thrusts, he released one of your wrists, telling you, “take it off”, and you understood immediately. With an unsteady arm, you reached up to his face, using the mirror to guide you as you hooked a finger around his blindfold before pulling it down.
Beneath it, his eyes shone, glimmering with dark lust. His focus was sharp, and already he was staring straight back into your eyes. The rare view of his eyes, the direct eye contact, it made your head spin. You almost cursed him for wearing the blindfold in the first place, but chose to attend to the sensations at hand. With his blindfold off, Bryon was exposed to so much more than just the sound of you falling apart under his lust. He was absolutely entranced by how you looked, face flushed, eyes glazed, neck littered with his marks, heaving chest covered with a sheen layer of sweat, and a sopping mess in between the legs—he couldn’t be blamed if he orgasmed on the spot. Unable to look away from the sight of you being fucked right, he didn’t even mind that you had not returned the hand that he released. With it, you held onto the back of his neck.
“‘m close,” you panted, torn between rushing towards your peak of running away to keep this moment lasting forever. Your eyes fell shut momentarily, relishing in the overwhelming tension in your core.
“Open your eyes, darling. I would regret stopping now. I want to see you,” Bryon gave a particularly deep thrust to make you open your eyes again. The action, however, was all you needed to be pushed over the edge.
With fluttering eyelashes, you tried hard to keep his gaze, but your orgasm crashed into you. Your legs spammed as you came, hips stuttering against his thrusts, and you felt that you were leaving scratches all along his neck. You changed his name like a prayer as you arched your back, wanting to both escape the onslaught the sensation of him still filling you and chase it. Even your hole convulsed around him, making him moan in effort to continue through the feeling.
Wet eyes stared back at him in the mirror, your voice begging him—what for, neither of you weren’t exactly sure. He took in your wrecked appearance in the mirror, and the urge to big down onto your neck to leave one more mark controlled him. While he never regret his decision to hide his vision, he did wish he could see you like this forever. You looked so good, so divine, so seductive that it made his dick twitch with want. The thought of any others seeing you like this filled Bryon with a bitter feeling—one that he took out on you.
The closer he got to his high, the more relentless he became, his tip abusing your oversensitive bundle of nerves even as you came down from your high. It took you looking at him with a downright sexed out expression to make him tumble over the edge. With a quick speed, he pulled out of you just in time to blow his load onto the mirror surface. He took his hand from you to fist his cock, milking it dry as he groaned out your name, his own eyes falling shut.
It was the hottest sight you might ever see; Although you were exhausted, you couldn’t help the flash of lust that shot through you. Watching him breath heavily, and his seed splattered all across the mirror, you leaned your weight against him.
“You should keep this off more often,” you joked weakly, tugging the the blindfold around his neck.
“What would you have to look forward to if I did?”
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mistiell · 2 years
Pairing: Sirius Black x Fem! Gryffindor! Reader
Summary: You and Sirius have been pining over each other for years. When he asks you to come with him to a family gathering as his girlfriend, your feelings become impossible to ignore
Warnings: Mutual pining, fake dating trope, Sirius’ parents might be a little ooc, Walburga’s a grade A bitch to reader, Blood prejudice (I think that’s what it’s called?? Reader’s a halfblood), I think that’s it but let me know if I missed anything
Word count: 4k
A/N: Okay so I had to delete the original post because it posted the unfinished version and wouldn’t let me save any edits. Hopefully this one works. I hope you enjoy.
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“Y/n, please—.”
“Sirius, I’m not pretending to be your girlfriend to please your parents at a family gathering!” You laugh incredulously, continuing to walk through the now dwindling crowd of students in the corridor. It’s honestly ridiculous. You’re shocked that he even thought about asking you considering the fact that he’s got a new person on his arm every other week, “Besides, why would you ask me of all people? What happened to Esther? You two seemed to be pretty cozy last I checked.”
He rolls his eyes and looks at you like what he says next is entirely obvious to everyone but you, “He’s sweet, but there could never be anything serious between us.”
“Why not?”
‘Because I’m in love with you, you oblivious git!’ He wants to say, but holds his tongue. Instead, he glances away from you and shrugs, “Too affectionate.” You burst out laughing at that and he glares at you through a smile, “What?”
“That is rich coming from you.” You giggle and he swears that his heart might just flutter up out of his throat at the sound.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He asks, chuckling a little now despite himself.
You stop dead in your tracks and scoff dramatically, practically gawking at him, “Sirius, you’re joking.”
“No?” He stops and turns to you, shaking his head and laughing at the look on your face.
“You are literally the most affectionate person I know!” You exclaim, “I mean, for fuck’s sake, you made out with Audra Ferlot in the middle of the great hall! On several occasions!”
“Okay, fine! We just... don’t mesh well.” He thinks you’ve seen through his lie until you finally shrug your shoulders.
“Alright. I’m still not pretending to be your girlfriend, though.” You state, resuming your trek down the hall.
“Oh, come on!” He groans, quickly following you and falling back into line at your side.
“Seriously, though. Why me?” You ask earnestly. You try not to sound insecure but he catches it anyways. He knows you too well by now to have missed that vulnerable lilt in your tone.
“Because you’re one of my closest friends and you don’t take shit from anyone, which is a skill you’ll need if you’re going to meet my family,” He chuckles before smirking that stupid little smirk he does just before he starts flirting, “You’re also quite pretty, but that’s just a bonus.”
You make a point of gagging exaggeratedly at his comment—despite how fast your heart is racing—and he rolls his eyes, “Merlin, you’re the only girl I’ve met that gags at compliments.”
“It wasn’t the compliment I was gagging at.” You smirk, watching the looking of confusion on his face morph into bemusement.
“Har, har, very funny,” He sighs, grabbing your wrist to stop you from walking again, “What do I have to do to get you to agree to this? Get on my knees and beg?”
You know he’s joking, but you smile up at him puckishly anyway, “I’d quite like that, actually.”
His brows raise a little in shock before a coy glint shines in his eyes. He takes both of your hands and slowly lowers himself to his knees, making a point of holding your gaze the entire time. You honestly didn’t expect him to do it. Part of you wants to tell him you were just fucking with him, that he can stand up, that people are staring. The other part wonders whether or not he’s actually about to do this, and whether or not you really want to watch.
Apparently, you do, because the second he opens his mouth, you swear you’re just about ready to combust.
“Y/n, darling, will you please do me the great honour of being my fake girlfriend at this party? I swear, I’ll do anything you ask of me, just please, for the love of Merlin, come with me.” His words aren’t anything special, but the way he says them has your face catching fire and your heart thudding rapidly against your ribs. Despite how exaggerated it is, his voice is soft and pleading, his expression only stressing that last part. He’s looking up at you through his lashes, brows quirked up into the most damning puppy dog eyes you’ve ever seen. Between the way he’s looking at you and the feeling of his skin against yours, you swear your heart might very well beat out of your chest. You swallow, and in a flustered panic, you utter the faintest, “Okay.”
His eyes light up and you swear if he were in his animagus form, his tail would be kicking up dust with how hard it would be wagging, “Okay?”
“Okay.” You huff, tugging on his hands to get him to stand up again. When he does, he’s so close that you have to look up a little to make eye contact, and when you do, you swear you just barely catch his gaze lingering on your lips before it lowers further. It’s then that you realize you’re still holding his hands. You all but snatch yours away and clear your throat awkwardly, “I have a few rules, though.”
“Naturally.” He smiles, beaming at you so brightly you swear you might go blind.
“Number one, no kissing.” He throws his head back and groans dramatically at that and you smack his chest, earning a very dramatic ‘ow!’ in response, “Number two, limited touching-.”
“Limited?” He smirks, that familiar cockiness laced in his tone, “That mean I can touch you a little?”
“Keep pushing your luck and I’ll revoke that privilege all together,” He shuts his mouth.
“Third,” Part of you doesn’t even want to set this rule, but you know you’ll be better off if you do, “The second the party’s over, we pretend it never happened.”
His smile falters a little at that. Just barely, but you catch it. He doesn’t protest though, just nods his head and offers you his hand, “Deal.”
You smile and nod, taking his hand and giving it a good shake.
“The party is at my place this Saturday. I’d say you should be there around seven thirty or so. You know where I live, right?” He asks, and when you shake your head, he pulls out a piece of parchment and scribbles his address down for you, folding it into quarters before handing it over.
“Is there a dress code?” You ask, though you already have an idea of what to expect.
He hums and glances away, thinking for a moment before turning his attention back on you, “Wear something formal and expensive looking.”
“Yes, because I definitely have something like that floating around in my closet.” He rolls his eyes and pulls out a pouch of coins, counting out twelve galleons and handing them over.
“There. That should be enough for a nice looking dress.” He smiles, chuckling when you splutter and try to hand it back to him.
“Wh— Sirius, this is way too much!” You exclaim, trying to follow him as he starts walking away, “I can’t—!”
“Yes, you can. I asked you to do this, the least I can do is pay for your outfit.”
“Wh— I can’t— it’s too much!” You repeat, watching as he grows further away and laughs, turning on his heals to walk backwards so he can look at you.
“Remember, something expensive looking!” He calls before disappearing around the corner, leaving you standing in the middle of the hallway. When the late bell rings you curse, scrambling to shove the coins in your own coin pouch.
“Fucking, dick.” You mutter, slinging your bag back over your shoulder before rushing to your next class.
Three days later, you’re walking down the street in search of 12 Grimmauld Place dressed in, ironically, the most expensive black dress you’ve ever purchased. When you reach number eleven and look the the house beside it, you notice the number thirteen beside the door and frown. You look across the street, wondering if perhaps the numbers alternated between even and uneven depending on which side if the street they were on, despite the fact that they hadn’t up until this point, and find that the numbers continue linearly in the forties instead of teens.
You huff and turn to look back at numbers eleven and thirteen. It was unlikely that Sirius had made a mistake when he gave you his address — Who forgets where they’ve lived for their entire life? — but at this point, you were ready to give up. That is, until the space between the two houses begins widening, a third slowly appearing in front of you. Your jaw drops as the place literally manifests in front of you. Never in your life have you seen something like this, you weren’t even aware this was possible.
Eventually, a set of steps appears leading up to the door, if you could even call it that, for when you finally reach it, you realize it doesn’t have a handle. The only thing that tells you that this is, in fact, the front door is a silver knocker in the shape of a serpent that sits in the middle. Hesitantly, you knock thrice with the knocker and rock back and forth on your heels, heart fluttering nervously in your chest. It feels like ages before it opens to reveal Sirius, who lights up at the sight of you.
“Y/n!” He beams, stepping aside to let you in and guiding you into what you can only describe as the most grande entry way you’ve ever seen. You’re halfway through gawking at the place when you feel Sirius’ hand on the small of your back, heart leaping to your throat as you stop yourself from jumping, “You look stunning.”
“Thanks.” You smile, finding him looking you up and down when you finally look back at him. You smirk, a little rush of confidence flooding your veins, “My eyes are up here, pretty boy.”
His eyes snap back up to yours and you swear his face flushes red as he chuckles, “Sorry.”
“S’alright.” You smile, taking the time to take in his outfit. He looks devilishly handsome in a white dress shirt and black slacks, a couple buttons undone on his top to showcase just a bit of his collarbone, a move that you’re sure was meant to piss off his mother.
He clears his throat and you look back up to find a cocky smirk hung on his lips, “My eyes are up here, pretty girl.” You open and close your mouth a few times, cheeks aflame, and Sirius laughs, “You’re cute when you’re flustered. Did you know that?”
“I— Erm, no.” You stutter. You never doubted his abilities but merlin, he’s doing a damn good job at acting like he’s your boyfriend. You figure you should start playing your part too, but every touch, every nickname, every stupid flirtatious remark has your mind drawing a blank.
Just then, a woman exits the living room and comes strutting up to you gracefully, head held high and back straight as a rod while she nurses a fancy glass of what you think is champagne in one hand. By the way Sirius deflates beside you, hand sliding to pull you a little closer to him by your waist subconsciously, you can only assume this is his mother.
“Y/n, I presume.” She looks you up and down and you adjust your dress nervously, suddenly feeling very small, “When my son told me he had a girlfriend, I certainly wasn’t expecting… you.” You aren’t entirely sure if it’s an insult when you catch the way she’s looking at you, more curious and a tad judgemental rather than disdainful, “A Slytherin, are you?”
“Oh, erm— No. Gryffindor.” You smile a tight lipped smile as you watch the curiosity slip from her gaze, being replaced with the disdain you were worried about.
“What a shame. I’d have thought my son could do better.” She hums. Christ, barely three feet in the door and you’re already being criticized.
“He could.” You straighten your posture to appear a bit more confident despite how nervous you actually feel, “But definitely not with a Slytherin.”
Sirius snorts beside you before clearing his throat awkwardly and willing his face into a neutral expression. This is why he brought you. Well, this and the fact that he’d madly in love with you, but he tries not the think about the latter.
Walburga purses her lips and raises a brow at you, but stays quiet, much to Sirius’ surprise. She shoots him a disapproving look before disappearing into the living room, leaving you and Sirius alone in the entry way.
“That was bloody brilliant!” He whisper yells, grinning from ear to ear, “I knew bringing you was a good idea.”
“Yeah, well, it certainly wasn’t a good idea for my blood pressure.” You titter, hand placed on your chest to will your heart rate to slow down. He laughs and starts guiding you into the living room by the small of your back.
“So, who’s who?” You whisper and he jerks his head subtly towards the man standing next to his mother.
“That’s my father. The two they’re speaking to are my aunt and uncle, Cygnus and Druella.” He’s dipped his head closer to whisper to you, breath ghosting the shell of your ear. You swallow thickly, the hairs on the back of your neck standing on end with how close he is, “You know Reg, of course.”
“Oh, of course. Who could forget him.” You chuckle and he snorts, laughing a little with you. The boy in question is currently stood off to the side, that familiar brooding aura practically engulfing him.
“He is quite the character, isn’t he.” You giggle at that and he grins. 
“Sirius.” Your attention turns back in the direction of Sirius’ parents to find them directly in front of you. You startle and Orion laughs, a sound that you honestly didn’t think he was capable of making based on what Sirius has told you about him, “My apologies. I didn’t mean to frighten you.”
“Oh, um, it’s alright.” You titter, chancing a glance at Sirius and finding him tense beside you. You look back to Orion and offer your hand, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir.”
“Likewise.” He gives you a tight lipped smile and it’s then that you realize this is just for show. He disapproves of you just as much as Walburga does. You shift your weight between your feet nervously. You know this is just for tonight, that none of this is real, but a part of you had hoped Sirius’ parents would at least give you a chance. Probably because a part of you hoped he would give you a chance. Merlin, this was a stupid idea. Why did you ever agree to this—?
Sirius gives your waist a gentle squeeze before subtly rubbing your side with his thumb over the fabric of your dress. A way to say ‘I’m here. Calm down.’ without drawing too much attention. He can practically feel your nerves radiating off of you. Little does he know, his touch is doing absolutely nothing to calm your racing heart.
“Sirius mentioned we’d finally be meeting you today.” You attention focuses back on the man in front of you and you smile.
“Finally? Has he mentioned me before?” You ask, looking to Sirius and finding his face flushed.
“In passing, yes.”
“Though I can’t begin to understand why.” His mother mutters and your stomach twists into a knot.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You ask, you aren’t a fan of confrontation, but the words have left your mouth before you can really think about the consequences.
“My son in love with a half-breed like you?” She scoffs, and that knot in your stomach pulls taut, “I can only wonder what possessed him to even consider it.”
“Half-breed? What—?”
“Your father is F/n L/n, correct? Successful, powerful. Any witch in her right mind would have married him in a heartbeat,” you swallow thickly, glancing at Sirius to find him scowling at Walburga, though she pays him no mind. Instead, her gaze is focused entirely on you, “But no. He went and married your mother, a muggle.”
“How did you—?” How did you know that? Is what you were about to ask, but you don’t get the chance.
“We have eyes and ears everywhere, miss L/n.” She states, gaze cold and unwavering, “You’ll find it is impossible to hide anything from us for long. Especially when your sorry excuse for a mother is married to one of the most successful men in the wizarding world.”
You find that the shame that’s been building in your gut shifts, anger flaring hot and bright in its place. Your eyes darken and your gaze hardens, spine straightening as your anger gives you a new found sense of confidence.
“You have no right to speak of my mother that way.” You state, tone firm and deadly. It almost dares her to do it again, to see what happens.
She quirks a brow at you, face screwing up into a scowl, “Talking back to your elders. Has no one taught you respect?”
“Respect is a two way street, Mrs. Black,” You state, watching her scowl deepen, “Whether you’re my elder or not.”
“How dare you.” She hisses, and Sirius goes rigid beside you, grip tightening on your waisy, “I refuse to be disrespected like this in my own house! Especially not by a filthy mudblood like yourself.”
Your heart drops to your stomach and the anxiety that’s been building in your chest reaches a breaking point, each breath feeling shallower than the last.
“Leave.” She states, leaving no room for arguments, “I don’t ever want to see your face here again.”
“Gladly.” You glower, pulling away from Sirius and speed walking towards the door.
You hear him call your name but you pay him no mind, storming out of his house despite the fact that it’s now pouring. It takes mere seconds for the rain to soak through your clothes and wreck your makeup, though it’s unclear whether your mascara is running due to weather or your tears. You can hear Sirius calling your name over the sound of droplets showering the pavement, hear his steps splashing over the sidewalk. 
“Y/n, wait! Please!” He grasps your wrist and turns you around, face falling further when he sees the look on your face.
“What?” You ask, voice thick with tears, “What do you want? If you expect me to go back in there, you’re wasting your time.”
“I don’t. I came to see if you’re alright—.”
“Of course I’m not alright! Your mother practically ripped me apart in there!” You exclaim and he winces. You laugh wryly and stare off behind him, holding the sides of your head in your hands before running them down your face and letting them fall limp at your sides, “Y’know, there was actually a part of me that wanted this to work out. I thought that if they liked me, maybe—.” You stop yourself short, swallowing the lump in your throat.
He steps into your space and tentatively takes your hand, “Maybe what?”
You suck in a shuddering breath and shake your head, hair hanging wet in your peripherals when you lower your head to stare at the ground. 
“Hey,” His touch is as soft as his voice when he tilts your head up to look at him, “Maybe what?”
You stare up at him earnestly, eyes wide and glassy. When you finally speak, your voice is wobbly and barely louder than the rain falling around you, “I thought maybe you’d… I don’t know, maybe you’d want me? I thought if they approved, you might want to keep me around. Not just as your friend.”
“Y/n, I…” He wets his lips and seems to think for a moment before sighing with a small smile, “Fuck it.”
 In an instant his hands are cradling your face and his lips are on yours. You let out a small sqeak of surprise before you’re kissing back, hands sliding up to grip his collar and pull him ever closer. He chuckles through his nose and you feel the vibrations tickle your lips, his breath fanning over your cheeks in short bursts as his thumbs softly caress your cheekbones. The kiss is languid, almost overwhelming, the both of you savouring what you’ve denied each other for so long.
When he pulls back, he rests his forehead against yours, your heavy breaths mingling in the space between you. His hands leave your face only to settle on your waist to bring you closer.
“What was that for?” You ask softly and he snorts before throwing his head back and breaking out into a fit of laughter. You can’t help but laugh a little with him, “What’s so funny?”
“Merlin, how much is it going to take for you to get it?” He chuckles, his laughter dying down and being replaced with an almost unbearably soft smile. He tucks a few wet strands of hair behind your ears and cups your face again, voice soft but firm, “I already want you, Y/n. I’ve always wanted you.”
“Really?” You utter, and he can’t help but think that it’s entirely unfair for you to still look so beautiful with your makeup running and your face all flushed and blotchy from crying.
He guides your face closer to press a kiss between your brows before pulling back to look at you again, “Really.”
You beam at him and lean up to kiss him again before pulling back suddenly, “Oh.”
“What?” He frowns.
“I think we broke one of my rules.” You whisper and he chuckles.
“Yeah, I think we did,” He smiles, looking down at your lips again, “But really, when have we ever cared about rules?”
“We?” You quirk a brow and he laughs.
“Okay, when have I ever cared about rules.” he pecks your lips, “Better?” 
“Better.” You giggle, leaning up to press a few more soft and sweet kisses to his lips.
Just over a week later, you’re sat in the Gryffindor common room. With it being Saturday, you decide to spend a bit of time reading before your friends decide to finally drag you out with them.
You’re curled up against the arm of the sofa with your book, thoroughly lost in the story when you hear James and Sirius bickering about something as they come down the stairs, Peter and Remus following close behind.
“You are so, painfully wrong, prongs.” Sirius laughs before spotting you and practically draping himself against your side. He pulls you close with the arm around your shoulders and you lean into him when he pecks your cheek, “Hello, love.”
“Hi.” You smile, shifting to lean against him instead of the sofa. You catch James looking between the two of you suspiciously and frown, “What?”
“What is this?” He asks, gesturing between the two of you with his pointer finger.
You turn to Sirius to find an amused look hung on his face, “You didn’t tell him?”
“Tell me what?” James asks, looking thoroughly confused.
“I wanted to see how long it would take for him to figure it out.” Sirius says, watching the look of realization dawn on his best friend’s face, “Looks like the answer is a week.”
“Oh my god!” He exclaims, “Fucking finally! Merlin, we were all so sick of watching you two pine over each other like love sick puppies.”
“To be fair, one of them is a love sick puppy.” Remus smirks and you chuckle at the halfhearted glare Sirius aims at him.
“Sod off, Moony.” He laughs.
“So, how’d it happen? Did he finally confess his undying love for you?” James asks and you chuckle, sharing a look with Sirius.
“It’s kind of a long story.”
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Random Merlin Rewatch: Where a random number generator gives me a season and an episode from BBC Merlin; and then I comment on it as I go.
Today's episode: Season 1 Episode 5 - Lancelot
Before I start, I have to comment that it's quite the fucking coincidence that, even though I'm randomizing the seasons and episodes separately, I've landed an episode right before out last edition of these Random Merlin Rewatch posts. Maybe these generators just really like the early seasons BBC Merlin. Can't blame 'em.
Can't wait to see my boy Lancelot again.
Those mushrooms Merlin is picking look fucking delicious, damn.
Can you imagine you're just chilling, picking mushrooms, and then you look up and there's a huge ass 4 legged bird looking creature just straight up coming straight at you? Jesus fuck. Merlin, my son, you CANNOT catch a break, it's almost impressive.
Colin sometimes made the funniest of faces. Merlin looked about to literally shit himself and it made me crack up.
It truly is actually so sweet and brave for Lancelot to just. Do that. Like he just wanted to save Merlin, no questions, no nothing, he's just a good man.
What a horrifying thought that a creature that can fly and takes human might just. Come by where you live. And you just gotta be prepared. Fucking Christ that's scary.
Merlin looks so gorgeous with the light just shining on him like that. Long pretty eyelashes, bright blue eyes, red lips. Motherfucker looks fuckable I can tell you that much.
"The great Arthur" what an interesting thing for Merlin to say, to refer to Arthur like that. Is that what he hears about Arthur? Especially when it comes to his fighting?? That's so funny. Wonder how Arthur feels about that; pride or need to meet up to expectations. Knowing him, probably both.
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Gotta say, I love the fashion sense of this random lady here. Simply gorgeous.
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Jesus he's so dramatic.
What the fuck is this man doing, just flinging both of his swords around, what the fuck.
Merlin just immediately resorting to lying. Why does he think that resolves everything when it literally never does??
Merlin shaking his head and Lancelot's just. immediate disappointment is so funny to me for some reason. He's just "Yeah, I figured, fuck me, oh well, might as well kill myself-"
Did Uther just straight up create Camelot? I think he did. The first code came because of Uther wanting knights that he could trust, those who had allegiance with him, the nobility. And that's where the first code came from. Uther straight up created Camelot? From scratch? I always assumed he'd inherit from his father, but honestly, the fact that he made Camelot as great as she is by himself makes sense: that's why he never wants it to change unless it's by his own accord, not only because he's King, but because this kingdom is purely his.
Love Lancelot's little leather bracelets: a big thick one on his right arm, and a bunch of thin ones on his left. It's really cute how humans just like to make themselves look prettier or cooler or whatever with anything they've got.
"My father, my mother" implying Lancelot's an only child, since he doesn't mention any siblings dying at the raid.
Love how attached Merlin becomes of Lancelot. I think it's because Merlin can just see, plainly, that Lancelot is a good man. No hidden bullshit about, he's a good person. He knows Lancelot would make an amazing knight, probably better than the assholes he suffers while following Arthur around. That's why he fights so hard to give him what he deserves.
"Homework." yeah, 'cause your famously enrolled in a school, aren't you Merlin?
Merlin literally cannot be fucking subtle to save his life. Everybody just knows he's up in some shenanigan or other.
It's the way that Merlin is doing this almost with the intent of them finding Lancelot out, but much later on, when he's already proven worthy of his role, etc etc. However, Lancelot is right, you can't lie like that and then be a knight, so he knows that if he's found out, they'll kick him out. You have Merlin who knows the rules have to change, not just for his friend but just in general 'cause it's unfair, and then you have Lancelot that knows that it's not a good idea, and they'll be found out, but damn it it's literally what he's been working towards his whole life and, really, Merlin isn't wrong, is he? So even though he knows it won't end well, he'd rather take this little bit than nothing at all.
I'm not gonna lie, I would've died if I saw Gwen smiling at me on her knees. Jesus Christ, I feel flustered.
They're crushing HARD BRO.
"Best seamstress in Camelot." I don't even care if that's just Merlin exaggerating, this is now part of Gwen's character to me.
Lancelot is so awkward and dorky and then he has his smooth moments but it's just because he says what he means, he doesn't even know he's being smooth, please I love him.
The little sound Lancelot makes when he comes back from the stables. I'm fucking dead. That's me.
"And the truth before I lose my temper?" underrated Gaius line.
Arthur looks so slutty with that red shirt and red pendant combo.
We don't talk enough about how good the fight choreography can be in BBC Merlin. It looks so REAL, I don't know how else to describe it.
Jesus, Lancelot aimed to kill. Without a helmet, half of Arthur's head would've been cut off. Damn.
Arthur is so dramaticcccccccc
"You set him on a path of your choosing." This is so interesting. Mainly because, the point of saying that, Gaius means that Merlin played God and that he can't change destiny, he can't change everything. Well..... doesn't Kilgarrah literally tell Merlin the exact opposite? In the sense that he always tells Merlin that he's the one who needs to choose the outcome of others, like whether they live or die, which is literally playing God. Doesn't he expect Merlin to shape his own destiny but also the destiny of Arthur and of others, something that never works out and cannot be changed? Yet he always made it seem like he could change the outcome? I'm saying this just with a pit in my stomach that, unknowingly or not, Kilgarrah set Merlin up for a failed task, in the sense that, in him trying to play God and force everybody's destinies, he doomed them all. And I just don't know if Kilgarrah didn't think about that or just didn't care and just placed his bets. He put it all on Merlin, and it ruined everything. Kilgarrah really is the one who killed Arthur, not Mordred, not Morgana, not Merlin. I hope I worded this well.
Interesting that Morgana is wearing the same dress as the first episode, but also a high ponytail, which I can't remember any other time she did.
Oh jesus, it's so weird that Morgana and Arthur are looking at each other like that. I do get it, the king's ward I think would have the expectation of marrying the prince, but it's just sick that Uther just let that grow, knowing what he knows. People would talk about them two. He's hear them. And he'd just what, say "Perhaps they will marry."? Ew, bro.
Not Gwen just heavily hinting that her type is Merlin. But also, are you about that? Considering: Arthur? 'Cause girl, you love that man. (and also Morgana, but it's not canon or whateverrr). Anyways, Gwen's type is: heart of gold. Now, is that heart obscured by anything? Like some defensive and prickly walls? Maybe. But it's still there.
Merlin and Gwen having girl talkkkkkkkkkk
Merlin and Lancelot at the VERY VERY least cuddled on that tiny little bed, didn't they? (they snogged too, but shhhh)
Well, that was short lived.
Lancelot is stronger than me, I would've started sobbing. Not even to get away for the crime, I'd just be so embarrassed and distraught, bro.
Oh, the fact that Arthur called Uther "Sire", ohhhh he wants to get on his good graces so bad to maybe save Lancelot.
"How can you trust a man who's lied to you?" by understanding any layers of his decision. By understanding why he did it. And only then can you make a true and complete judgement of his lie.
Lancelot is just. A good person. To a fault, I imagine, I personally think he's not truly always present, like in the moment, always either thinking of the past or future or just living day by day, unaware of really anything. It makes him a bit idealistic, but also quick to be realistic/pessimistic once he's brought back down to earth. He hasn't had a home since childhood so he never feels like he belongs anywhere. It's why it's so easy for him to leave. And while he never expects anything from anyone, he craves it so much; but once he receives it, he'll take any indication he doesn't deserve it and accept without question and just move on to the next. He doesn't think he's worth fighting for, so he doesn't advocate for himself. But he'll always advocate for others, if he has them. It's what he would want other's to do for him.
The fact that things only recorded in myth or legend are just. Walking about. Chilling.
I wonder how Bradley trained for the "ON ME!" screams he does. They're immaculate, but I bet training for it must be so fucking goofy.
It's a stunning creature, though, ngl.
It's the way that Arthur is, canonically, only 20 years old right now. He turns 21 in ep 9. He's literally my age. Jesus fucking Christ.
Well finally the guards are good for something.
One thing I'll always appreciate about Bradley's acting? He WILL look like he's exerting himself. His cheeks will be puffed out, he is inhaling and exhaling, he is pursing his lips in concentration, he is doing the WORK.
Uther is so fucking stubborn. How terrifying it must be for Arthur to know that in an hour or two, him and his knights are marching to what is, most likely, their deaths? He KNOWS they're weapons are useless. And yet he can't defy his king, his father. How fucking scary it must be to be the prince and to just have to maybe die for your father, the king? What the fuck??
Oh the things Gaius says about Merlin :((( they care about each other so much.
Oh yes, Arthur, we know YOU need Lancelot, you've looked down at his exposed hair chest twice now.
What a homoerotic charged scene. They need to bang at least once. Don't know if it would resolve anything, but at least it'd get them off.
Gaius trying to be so supportive, ough.
Gwen's father is still alive, do they not live together? Lancelot just barged in and there's no Tom in sight. Does he sleep at the forge? Actually. He just might.
Oh the music is GORGEOUS, hello???
Love how Gwen went straight to Merlin, she knows he'll do something about it. She doesn't know what to do, but she knows Merlin will at least try something. I feel like it's moments like these where it shows thar Gwen just always knew that somehow Merlin would solve things, and where she starts to suspect Merlin is truly very special. Maybe not "he has magic", not right away, but that there's just something about him.
Lancelot literally looks like the coolest knight ever bro. Most knight knight to ever knight.
Props to Lancelot for not freaking the fuck out when his lance just starts fucking glowing out of nowhere. I guess he's busy looking eye to eye with the griffin.
AHHHHH ARTHUR JUST SO EXCITED FOR LANCELOT!!! The way he said his name so softly, ough...... He's not gonna stop thinking about Lancelot for a LONG time, huh.
Oh, I love when the episode has so many happy moments like these :))) tugs at my heartstrings in the best way.
"I see you feel strongly about this Arthur." I just know Uther knows about Arthur's bisexuality bro, ain't no way.
It's the way that Merlin and Arthur just. share so many views in common. Makes me bonkers. I wonder how many amazing discussion they could've had if they ever felt truly comfortable in talking about such sensitive topics, and with Merlin hiding so much of who he is.
Uther watching Lancelot leave knowing he's literally all a knight is supposed to be. But then, it's not as easy to command them when they have such set morals. He knows Lancelot stands for what is right and THAT is a problem: he needs knights that stand for Uther, not for what is right. But he can recognize that Lancelot is a worthy man of it.
Also Arthur's heartbroken face. Yeah, Lancelot is gonna live rent free in his mind for a while. He'll never admit it though. Duh.
Oh Morgana speaks to Gwen so softly. The way she says her name??? Jesus fuck.
It's the way that they let him have a Pendragon red cloak at also armor? Hello???? That's a full knight riding out of Camelot bro. Now I'm thinking of the hilarious concept that Gwen was looking at the wrong guy-
Not Morgana doing an Arthur when she gets jealous: make Gwen take her mind off of things with work. She says it much kinder because that's just what Gwen deserves, but it's the same technique. Don't think about that other person, go do something for me instead.
And done!!! Fuck yeah brother
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wildlife4life · 7 months
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by @devirnis @exhuastedpigeon @daffi-990 @wikiangela @lover-of-mine @hippolotamus @jeeyuns and @disasterbuckdiaz. You are all so amazing and I cannot wait for all your works! Thank you!
I haven't really worked on any of the fics I dropped on tease bit tuesday, so I went into the vault of wips I have and pulled out the first buddie fic I ever started, buddie/911 in the Once Upon a Time verse. It was posted for a bit on ao3 but recently took it down because I wasn't all that happy with was posted and not having a sense of direction to take it in. But I'm looking back over it, and editing, adding. So I'm sharing a bit of it with ya'll today, test the waters really and see if its something I should keep working on. Hope you enjoy!
Once upon a time….
24 years ago, in the land of Misthaven, a cloud of dark magic thundered across the lands towards the Kingdom of Camelot. At the helm of a large round table sat Sir Robert, the kingdom’s noblest knight.  To his left was his beloved and soon to be wife, Queen Athena who cradled her two children to her chest. But no fear be felled her demure. No great evil could ever shake her resolve and it could be said for many of those that sat at the round table. Many who whose entire attention was on the enterically designed wardrobe that stood in the middle of the table. 
“Are we sure this is what needs to be done?” asked Howard the Hatter.
Sir Robert clenched his fist tight at the tables edge, “The dark curse is among us and there is nothing we can do to stop it.  All that is left is to secure the prince’s future.”
To his right, the great wizard Merlin nodded in agreement, “The magic of this wardrobe is powerful enough to send little Evan far away from his mother’s curse.  We must trust that the one with belief will return him home.”
“And what of the rest of us?” King Michael spoke what many were thinking.
Merlin looked to the man who held his very heart, “I’m sorry my love, but I do not have those answers.  I cannot see past the curse itself and the dark one won’t share his secrets.  We can only hope, and that in itself is powerful enough to see us through.”
The King of Camelot nodded and took the wizards hand, giving it a tight squeeze.
The rest of those around the table conceded with King Michael and Sir Robert took a deep breath, “Bring them in Henrietta.”
The warrior that stood at the opposite of the knight, dipped her head before turning and opening the large wooden doors.  “Princess Maddie, come along.”
A small girl no older than 10 with curling brown hair and wide brown eyes, slowly made her way into the room.  In her arms she carried a very small boy, just on the cusp of turning one.  Blonde curls sat atop his head and framed eyes as blue as the ocean.  But his most distinguishing feature was the pink mark along his left brow.  Many believed it was the mark of his prophesized power, that it told the world of the golden heart that rested within him.  The golden heart that would one day break any and all curses.
Maddie clutched her little brother tight to her chest, her lower lip trembling, “She’s coming for him again. The Evil Queen is coming for Evan.”
Sir Robert looked at the young girl he considered his own and tried to hold his tears, “We do not know why your mother has sent this curse, only that she intends to take the entire land with it and your brother is meant to save us all.”
“He’s just a baby!” the princess spits angrily, making the prince stir in her arms before Maddie quickly composed herself and soothed him with soft shushes.
Isabel, the eldest and wisest among the group rose to her feet, “No child should have the world on their shoulders and all we can hope is that you and Evan can be free of burden until the time comes.”
Tears streamed down Maddie’s face, “How do I do that when only I will know?”
Behind the little princess came a glowing blue light that grew brighter and larger before dwindling out to reveal a dark-skinned woman in a flowing blue dress and shimmery wings.  “Tell him our tales, instill the belief. But most important, love him.  Love Prince Evan as you do now.” The blue fairy answered before bending down and giving the two children a gentle hug.
Maddie returned the embrace with one arm then stepped and faced Sir Robert, “Will I ever see you again?”
The brave knight let one tear roll down his cheek as he gave the princess a sad smile, “We can only hope.”
The thunder of the curse rumbled in the silence and lower in the castle, the sound of battle rung out.  Their time was up.
Princess Maddie climbed atop the table and stepped towards the wardrobe.  Above the noise of battle and magic, the Blue Fairy’s soft lilt rang out, “The last child born to a queen of sorrow shall be given a heart of gold.  His heart alone can save those who are cursed.”
“And on the child’s 25th birthday, he shall return to those who have left, led by the one who has belief.” Merlin finished as the young girl sat within the wardrobe.
“Be safe and have hope.” Athena stated firmly then watched with the rest of those at the round table as the wardrobe was closed and the doors to the room burst open.
“It’s over.” The Evil Queen proclaimed stepping inside with the cloud of cursed magic behind her.
“What will happen to us?” Sir Roberts asked.
The Evil Queen cackled, “The worst imaginable.”
Then darkness.
Alright, I know its a lot, but this is basically the prelude to the whole story. If anyone wants an indication of who is who, just let me know I can drop a list of characters and their identities from the fairy tail world. Hope you enjoyed! (Also Captainswan stan! Its true love ya'll!)
Tagging (no pressure!): @bekkachaos @hoodie-buck @theotherbuckley @ladydorian05 @prosperdemeter2 @spotsandsocks @malewifediaz @elvensorceress @bigfootsmom @watchyourbuck @watchyourbuck @jesuisici33 @thewolvesof1998 @fortheloveofbuddie @giddyupbuck @eddiebabygirldiaz @loserdiaz @spaceprincessem @thekristen999 @lizzybizzyzzz @homerforsure @sibylsleaves @spagheddiediaz @try-set-me-on-fire @monsterrae1 @rogerzsteven @eowon @honestlydarkprincess @911onabc @911-on-abc @cowboydiazes @vampbuckley @brokenribsdiaz @buck-coded @housewifebuck @arthursdent @glorious-spoon @buddierights @athenagranted @rainbow-nerdss @gayhoediaz @gayedmundodiaz
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janesociety · 1 year
lily evans x fem!reader
type: fluff
summary: you, a slytherin prefect and quidditch player, and lily evans, gryffindor’s golden girl, have seemed to find yourselves in a strange and lovely situation
word count: 1.1k
notes: completely self indulgent. also sorry if this feels short.
marauders masterlist
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You couldn’t have imagined in a million years that you would’ve Lily Evan’s type.
You, the loud mouth, aggressive, quidditch playing prefect whom she never seemed all too thrilled to do night rounds with. You, the avid defender of all the younger Slytherin students which usually led to you getting into regular spats with the marauders when their pranks hit more than Death Eaters. You, the one who had a notoriously bad break up with one of her best friends (let’s be real though, how many queer girls at Hogwarts hadn’t had a bad break up with Marlene Mckinnon at some point?).
You, the girl.
All of these things didn’t stop her however from snogging in a random broom closet every Tuesday and Thursday night when the two of you were assigned patrols.
You weren’t exactly sure how the little affair started, but you were sure you didn’t want it to stop.
You were suddenly hyperaware of her at all times- how you stared a little too long in the dining hall and in lessons, how she stood a little too close in prefect meetings, how she now sat in the front row of the Gryffindor section at quidditch games. It was like you were both making a game of how far you could push the limits of a secret affair.
“What’s got you all dazy?” Pandora had asked you one Saturday morning in the Great Hall. She sat directly across from you, reading the new edition of the Quibbler as she ate her toast. It was the third Saturday of the month, meaning the Gryffindor’s would be out on the quidditch pitch for the next hour before it was the Slytherin’s turn to practice. In that time, you were hoping to somehow steal Lily away- at least for a little while- while a good portion of her friend group was busy. The only issue was that she hadn’t walked in yet.
“Nothing,” you said, snapping your head back to your friends. You picked up a spoon full of cereal and quickly shoved it into your mouth. “Just thinking about what we need to work on at practice today.”
“Good to know someone’s finally got their head back in the game,” Lucinda boredly chimed in from beside you. “I was getting worried.”
“For the last time, Lu, the only thing that distracted me at the last game was that bloody bludger nearly taking my head off right,” you said, dropping your spoon into your bowl of now soggy cereal. “I swear to Godric the next time I see Sirius Black I’m gonna-”
Someone behind you cleared their throat.
You spun around in your seat, the conversations near you at the table falling silently. Lily Evans making an appearance at the Slytherin table wasn’t an everyday occurrence, you know.
“Hi,” was all you managed to stutter out, hoping it didn’t come off too forced as your cheeks warmed.
“Hi,” Lily smirked, watching you get all flustered in front of her. “Sorry to interrupt, Filch requested us to meet him in his office to discuss something that happened last night.”
Your blood went cold. What had happened last night was you and Lily snogging in an empty corridor for the better part of an hour.
“Oh, alright,” you said, your cheeks once again heating up. “I’ll- I’ll be back in a minute,” you told your friends, hoping your awkwardness wouldn’t make them suspicious of anything.
“You better be on the pitch by 9:30!” Lucinda shouted after you as you and Lily exited the Great Hall.
You rung your hands out in front of you as you followed Lily through the school. He couldn’t have seen you two, right? Surely one of you would have noticed. You weren’t exactly sure what you would do if you had been caught. I mean, what could you do? You’d surely be stripped of your prefect titles and, Merlin, the rumors would be something awful.
“Lily,” you said, breaking the silence of the hall, your mouth dry. She glanced at you before once again looking forward as you passed a group of third years. “What exactly did Filch want-“
Without giving you any warning, she gripped the sleeve of your robe and pulled you with her into an empty classroom. She forcefully pushed her lips onto yours- the taste of her now familiar chapstick making butterflies in your stomach. You leaned back onto the wall she pushed you to, letting the back of your head rest against it as she wrapped her arms around your neck. There was a charm about her that made you completely forget what you had been worrying about just moments before- your full attention now on the girl in front of you.
“Lils,” you laughed lightly as she pressed kisses down your jaw. “I’m assuming there's no Filch?”
“Well, aren’t you clever,” she smiled, pulling back for a moment to look at you. She pecked your lips again. “Sorry to worry you, I just needed to get you away from your friends.” You couldn’t help your cheeks warming again. There was something about this girl that turned you to straight mush.
“Getting bold, are we?” you asked, tucking some of her fiery red hair behind her ear. “Bloody Gryffindors,” you joked.
“Hmm, see I think you’re rubbing off on me,” she said, pursing her lips to hide her smile. “After that little show I put on for your friends back there, I’m starting to think the hat made some sort of mistake.” You couldn’t help the snort that came out as you laughed at the idea of her in Slytherin.
“Yeah, and I should’ve been in Hufflepuff,” you said sarcastically. “You know, with how patient and just I am.” She laughed again, crinkling her nose as she closed her eyes.
“Oh, very patient,” she said. “It’s your best trait, really.”
“What can I say- I’m a lot of things,” you started, letting your head lull back against the wall, “Patient, resourceful, intelligent, humble. I can’t be confined by the restraints that are what we call Hogwarts houses.” Lily hid her face in your shoulder this time as she laughed. You laughed too, wrapping your arms around her and simply holding her for a moment.
You thought about your friends and if they saw you now. You thought about her friends and what they wouldn’t do if they saw you now. A bloody protective bunch, the marauders and co. were. You couldn’t even bring yourself to care what any of them would say. Not even Sirius Black could hex off the smile that had seemed to take permanent residence on your face when she was around.
It was something truly special, you two had, and it was yours.
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jsbluelove · 11 months
So, what did I know about Arthur and Merlin?
Not much. Just that these two names are always said along, knew something about Arthurian legends, and that's just about it. And I knew that these two are often shipped and when some people say, 'they were good friends ' others would go like, 'sure'.
I didn't even know there was a series called Merlin, until I saw someone say in the comments of a YouTube video on Red, White and Royal Blue trailer that Henry and Alex giving of Arthur and Merlin vibes.
So, I asked again, 'How come they know so much from one or two movies or few stories that might have been about Arthur and Merlin?', and then I also wondered maybe there is/was a show - which led me to discover Merlin(2008).
And I thought, 'oh what a great way to spend my Saturday!' Might be an old show but maybe I will enjoy'
And by Monday night, I'm watching 5x13, except for the last part, because I won't...I won't cry..I don't want to cry. I felt so alone because I was so late to the series, overwhelmed, a little offended because I was genuinely thinking that the magic will do the deed, and bring back Arthur.
By Tuesday, I have already read at least two fanfics, watched 10+ edits, but I still won't watch any video of that last scene. I don't want to accept.
But there's a silver lining: I'm not really alone, I see people creating fanfic even in 2023. Look, I just wanted to have a fun Saturday, but by today, I feel like I should go jobless and read through all the content around Arthur and Merlin.
My thoughts on Arthur and Merlin being gay
This is something I heard people saying even before I knew the show existed. I thought they came from the tales of the legend itself.
I also watched a video where the cast and the showrunners talked about the characters' sexuality. But what I think is, Arthur and Merlin don't necessarily have to be gay, and yet can definitely be romantic.
The kind of person Merlin is, and the kind of person Arthur was, they bonded so well for a reason. They tease each other, they enjoy each other's jokes - Arthur did, they worry about each other, they have each other's back, they have adventures together, they need each other, and most of all, beyond need, they want to be around and with each other.
And the kind of person they are, why would I not think that what they feel about each other is beyond their sexual preferences? It's so much more than that. Arthur doesn't have to be gay to want to spend all his life with Merlin, live with only him forever and wanting no one else(considering he didn't have any royal responsibilities), and vice versa. I believe if Arthur would love Merlin even if Arthur was straight, gay, bisexual, or anything else. Because his love for Merlin goes beyond anything else.
The show focuses more on Merlin's dedication, love and loyalty for Arthur
Merlin's love for Arthur is what we see most - because he has been told in the beginning that he is destined to serve and help him. So what did he do? He devoted his whole time and attention to Arthur - the bond with Arthur only followed after that.
But I want to focus on Arthur here.
I see Arthur's side more - because despite so many to love and bond as friends, he found his bond with Merlin. So much so that even when outing with a princess he should impress - he stuck to trying to annoy Merlin. Outing with his wife - he is nonchalantly talking about Merlin. He definitely pictures being away and alone, but alone doesn't mean not Merlin.
Merlin is adored by many - he is just that lovable. He has a great mother, friends find it easy to like him, and he finds it easy to talk and connect with most people. That's his character - cheerful and cheeky.
But Arthur had this particular nature that only comes out while he was with Merlin. I'd like to call it instant cheerfulness. Merlin was special to him.
Arthur, I believe, always knew how much Merlin meant to him, how much Merlin cared about him, and he also knew that it is mutual.
Arthur was really hurt to know that there's a great part of Merlin, his magic, which was kept from him. It truly hurt me too.
I don't know if I'll ever watch that last scene or if I'll ever cry. Maybe someday I'll get over it and finally watch it.. or maybe I'll just bite the bullet and watch it and cry..
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a-d-nox · 1 year
asteroids that aren’t getting more attention than this and aren’t related to my typical mythological shenanigans but that i still love (part 3: a semester’s worth of literature edition)
everyone hold on to your hats, my last semester is due to begin next week, and i just finished unpacking the fall semester in this post lmao. but don't worry though, there is always more literature and asteroids to explore! but do note i slow down on tumblr when i am in school so bear with me on slow ask response!
i have written about 25 literary asteroids based on what i read about this past semester in college and thus have never been mentioned by me and likely will never be mentioned again on my page (mythology is my main focus). this post is very different and long. if you have no interest in the history, look for bolded statements to avoid all the reading lol. an asterisk in the OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS section indicates that the other mentioned asteroid(s) can be found in this post!
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angelou (asteroid 9011)
Maya Angelou was a popular poet and civil rights activist, who received many awards and honorary degrees during her life. She wasn’t born into the prized poet career - originally she worked in a fried food restaurant, as a sex work, etc. In the late 60s her publication of “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings” became very popular and she became an extremely popular poet/writer. She is the first black American woman featured on the a US quarter. IN MY OPINION Angelou in your chart can represent a) where you work hard to make your dreams reality, b) where you rise, c) where you advocate for others, d) where your intellect is rewarded, and/or e) your love for or aptitude for poetry.
antigone (asteroid 129)
Antigone is the incestuous daughter made by Oedipus and his mother, Jocasta. The play by Sophocles in which she is featured opens with the chorus singing that will rise alone and die young. After Oedipus dies his brother, Creon, sits on the throne. Her brother is faced with the challenge of what to do with the body of an invader; he declares that anyone who tries to bury the body will be put to death. Antigone goes against this order and then is sealed in a tomb to die from starvation. When Creon is advised by a prophet that the gods look down on his lack of honor regarding the body of the invader, Creon goes to the tomb to free Antigone. Antigone is found right all along only and Creon finds that she has killed herself. IN MY OPINION Antigone in your chart can represent a) where you are taboo, b) the piece of you that dies young, c) where you are willing to die for your beliefs, c) where you stand against your family, d) where you are forced to starve yourself, and/or e) suicidal tendencies or experience hopelessness.
OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: sophocles (2921)!
arthur (asteroid 2597)
King Arthur was born from deception - the King of Britain, Uther Pendragon, had a great lust for the Duke of Tintagel’s wife, Ygraine. When the Duke and his wife left the castle, King Uther demanded that they return - the Duke declined his request, suspecting his lust for Ygraine. The Duke and the King went head to head for a short time until King Uther went to Merlin for help, desperate to have Ygraine. Merlin agreed to help him in exchange for any child born from their union. The King readily agreed, and Merlin transformed the King to look like the Duke. He went to the Duchess and the two spent the night together. When the “Duke” (Uther) left in the morning, soldiers came to the castle shortly after stating that the Duke had been killed in battle. Shocked and in denial after having spent the night with her “husband,” the soldiers told her that she must have been visited by a ghost to bring her peace of mind. After King Uther took control of Tintagel and married Ygraine. Nearly nine months later, Arthur was born, and Merlin takes Arthur by force. "The Sword in the Stone" is a famous tale most of us know regarding how Arthur comes into power and becomes King after living life as the “bastard son” of Sir Ector (the knight whom Merlin has raise Arthur). King Uther Pendragon died shortly after Arthur was taken, leaving no one to reign over the kingdom. Merlin wanting no one to take Arthur’s spot place a sword in the stone; "Whoso pulleth out this sword from this stone, / is right wise King born of all England" was inscribed on it’s blade. At fifteen, Arthur pulls the blade from the stone to the shock of many people - his stepbrother, Sir Kay, does try to claim he pulled it, but after placing it back in the stone he and many others fail to pull it from the stone. Only Arthur is capable of pulling it out and therefore is the legitimate king. Onto something not many of us talk about - Arthur's death. In Le Monte d’Arthur, after a long reign, the knights of The Round Table appear to stray from their morality. Guinevere and Lancelot have a love affair and Arthur knows (he cared too much for each of them to expose/punish them), but when the other knights learn of this, they demand the two be held accountable for their actions. Lancelot escapes with his followers after slaughtering many knights. Sir Gawain insists that he and Arthur go after them - Arthur agrees to this. While they are gone Mordred - recently knighted by Arthur and brother of Gawain - claims himself King of England and new husband to Guinevere... and sends an army to attack Arthur whom is already dealing with the whole Lancelot campaign. Mordred mortal wounds Arthur, but Arthur kills Mordred. Lancelot and Guinevere die from illness and Constantine is instated as king. Arthur is momerialized and said to one day return to the lands. IN MY OPINION Arthur in your chart can represent a) adoptive families, b) where a lot of the world around you is filled with deception, c) where you lack knowledge of who you are or underestimate yourself, d) where you have power at a young age, e) where you are passive in a situation, f) where you care more about those around you than you do for yourself, and/or g) where you are the model for greatness.
OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: lancelot (2041), gawain (2054)*, guinevere (2483), merlin (2598), and camelot (9500)*!
atlantis (asteroid 1198)
Atlantis is a lost city at the bottom of the ocean. The ocean is one of Earth’s most unexplored frontiers - 80% hasn’t even been looked at beyond boating and satellite imaging. So it is not hard (for me at least) to imagine that Atlantis may have existed. Plato is the first to discuss this city in any “modern text” and all this is in reference to another philosopher who went to Egypt and studied the city that was lost... about 1000 years before him. Like all of Plato’s other musings a lesson was presented in the “downfall of Atlantis” that luxury, hubris, and wealth were bad for the virtue of humanity. Plato stated that Poseidon and his wife at the time, Cleito, lived on this island - Poseidon then gave fractions of the land to his demi-god children. Plato steps in to state that when the generations continue to progress they get further from their original godliness and find they are more susceptible to things like greed and pride. Plato’s dialogue is actually lost after this point so we have to infer from Plato’s “abstract summary” at the beginning that Zeus noticed that Atlantis was becoming too corrupt and forced Poseidon to sink the island using his powers over storms and earthquakes. IN MY OPINION Atlantis in your chart can represent a) where you should be careful and beware of vices, b) where you are undiscovered and dreamlike, c) where there a lot of rumors regarding yourself, d) living with a lot of your family members or multiple generations, and/or e) where you are torn down for your actions.
OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: zeus (5731), plato (5451)*, and poseidon (4341)!
beatrix (asteroid 83)
Beatrice was both a real and a fiction person. Dante immortalized her and his adoration for her character via The Divine Comedy - at age nine he saw her for the first time and it was something like "love at first sight." In Dante's Inferno (the epic i read this semester; i will not be writing about her role in the other two parts of The Divine Comedy), Beatrice lives on as the object of Dante's love. Her spirit brings forth the great poet, and Dante's idol, Virgil to escort the Dante, the pilgrim through Hell. At the beginning of Inferno Beatrice is seen by Dante, the pilgrim as a beautiful and virtuous angel who makes him wish to renew his faith in the heavens and make his soul more virtuous. IN MY OPINION Beatrix in your chart can represent a) where you are graceful, b) where you are likely to capture someone's eternal attention, c) where you are seen as angelic, d) how you inspire people to be better, and/or e) where/how you connect people with those that can help them reach their goals.
OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: dante (2999)* and vergilius (asteroid 2798)*!
bede (asteroid 3691)
The Venerable Bede is considered one of the greatest Anglo-Saxon theologian and historian of the Early Middle Ages. His Historia ecclesiastica is one of the most vital sources of history for Christians on the Anglo-Saxon tribes. IN MY OPINION Bede in your chart can represent a) where you're considered an expert by those of a set belief, b) your interest in the Middle Ages, and/or c) where your knowledge goes unquestioned.
beowulf (asteroid 38086)
Beowulf is the one of the first epic poems to have existed dating back to the seventh century. The poem was found in the tenth century and was saved in a rather noteworthy fire - sections of Beowulf are thought to be missing due to the great devastation cause by this fire (often marked *** in sections where ashes landed on the pages). Beowulf as a character is a Pagan warrior who is Christianized by the anonymous Christian transcriptionist. Beowulf is an incredibly strong and notorious hero in the ancient realm of Geatland/Denmark. After hearing word that a monster named Grendel haunts the halls in Hrothgar’s land, Beowulf lends a helping hand. Beowulf beats the creature who has been destroying Hrothgar’s realm for twelve years in one night - empty handed. Beowulf himself vanquishes two more nearly indestructible creatures after his first victory. He dies gloriously at an old age, post-battle with a dragon as a king surrounded by gold. IN MY OPINION Beowulf represents a) where you may be culturally washed over by those who believe they are superior, b) where you are heroic/humble/strong, c) where your tale is nearly destroyed but has been preserved, and d) where you attract glory.
OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: grendel (541982)*!
see part 2.5 for other christmas-y & wintry asteroids!
camelot (asteroid 9500)
Camelot is the city and castle of the famous King Arthur and his knights. Camelot was home to the round table - which presents as a utopia in which everyone must abide by the code of chivalry. Allegedly Camelot was given to Arthur and Guinevere by Merlin. IN MY OPINION Camelot in your chart can represent a) where you abide by a code of morality, b) where you experience honorable acts, c) where you meet a lot of people with good intentions, and/or d) large gifts given to you.
OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: guinevere (2483), merlin (2598), and arthur (2597)*!
click here for camelot-sn aspects in synastry
chaucer (asteroid 2984)
Geoffrey Chaucer is considered perhaps one of the greatest poets to have existed. This belief arises from his work The Canterbury Tales. As a man involved in diplomacy and politics (he aided Edward III, Richard II, and Henry IV), he saw many aspects of life and was capable of encompassing the political satire associated with any given class. Chaucer grew up around royalty and had what is assumed to be a decent education. He married well - to a woman of higher class. Upon his turbulent retirement from clerk of the king, Chaucer began his work on The Canterbury Tales. This epic consists of twenty four unique tales following a different character who each tell their own tale in hopes of entertaining those on a pilgrimage in order to win a free supper. Each tale has a different genre in mind, ranging from romance to fabliau, sermons to allegories, etc. To accomplish such a feat (despite him having a bigger goal in mind - that each character tell four stories total (he did not accomplish this)) one could only assume that Chaucer was a very talented writer/poet with great knowledge of life within and outside of his class station. IN MY OPINION Chaucer in your chart can represent a) being deeply involved in politics, b) your appreciation for satire, c) where you can see the perspective of others, d) your judgement of the class system, e) your talent in story telling, and/or f) where you don’t reach the goal you had in mind but you are still praised for greatness. 
chekhov (asteroid 2369)
Anton Chekhov was a great writer and playwright; his works are identifiable by their simple plot and messy conclusions. Chekhov wished to focus on the everyday lives of the average person - a characteristic of Russian realism. Chekhov originally got into writing to support his family and pay his tuition - he was a doctor then a writer. Shortly after he became a physician, he learned that he had tuberculosis and seemed to gravitate towards the calmer world on writing (over the world of a traveling physician). Chekhov lived a shorter but full life of drama and the arts. IN MY OPINION Chekhov in your chart can represent a) where you wish for simple life but experience drama, b) where you are forced to go with a second option, c) how your health effects your career, d) where you support your family and self, and/or e) where simple life makes you money.
click here for taurus chekhov and chekhov-mc aspects in a natal chart
cslewis (asteroid 7644)
Many of us know C. S. Lewis as the man that wrote the Chronicles of Narnia - a thrilling high fantasy book series that had so much popularity, that it was made into a popular movie series as well in the 2000s. Lewis served in the infantry division during World War II then found himself engrossed in a literary education. He completed a three year degree in one in regards to English Literature (note to my readers: i too am doing my english major in one year (my cslewis is at 27° in my 12h)) then became a professor of medieval and renaissance literature. Most don't know that Lewis was an atheist for a long time in his youth and that later he became an apologist. Notably he wrote Mere Christianity in which he defended Christianity. IN MY OPINION Cslewis in your chart can represent a) your love for high fantasy, b) your enjoyment of anthropomorphic creatures, c) how must you enjoy a topic, d) quick education, and/or e) where you change beliefs.
see part 2.5 for other christmas-y & wintry asteroids!
dante (asteroid 2999)
Dante Alighieri was an infamous poet and philosopher. His Divine Comedy is likely one of the most important of the poetics from the Middle Ages because of its unique nature and inspiration of topic. During the Middle Ages most poet wrote in Latin - making the topic accessible to only the educated - but Dante wrote his Commedia in Italian. Most poets at the time also wrote in some kind of pentameter, but because Dante wrote in Italian and not Latin so he had to deviate from the typical rhyme scheme too. Dante was the first poet to use terza rima - three-line rhyme scheme, triplets in iamb (aba bcb cdc). Dante wrote his Divine Comedy in exile from Florence, Italy after being accused of corruption and financial fraud and due to not paying the fine associated with the crime. It is thought that his opening line of Inferno reflects his feelings whilst in exile: "In the middle of our life's journey, I found myself in a dark wood." The lines following are Dante, the poet's, musings of what Hell and it's punishments are like. Dante, the pilgrim, and Virgil, the ghost of the Roman poet, takes readers on a tour of Hell where all readers can observe the punishments of sinners via contrapasso. Contrapasso is a law of nature, much like karma, stating that for the crime there must be an equal and fitting punishment. Dante, the pilgrim, is in a constant state of existentialism as he reflects on the wrongdoings of others as well as his own wrongdoings. Dante, the poet, also included political figures in the sinners whom Dante, the pilgrim, sees along his journey through Hell... because Dante, the poet, was bitter over being exiled... IN MY OPINION Dante in your chart can represent a) how your writing differs from other people's, b) where you do your own thing despite common practice, c) where you reflect on your actions, d) your thoughts on the afterlife, and/or e) your metaphysical journey.
gawain (asteroid 2054)
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is a popular epic that opens at the winter dinner party of King Arthur. The party is interrupted by a stranger who introduces himself as the Green Knight (no shock he is quite literally all green) - he challenges the room of party-goers to strike him with his own blade, so that he will be peaceful and may gift his great golden axe to the winner. The only condition is that the Green Knight will strike whoever strikes him in return in one year’s time. Sir Gawain volunteers claiming that he would be no loss to the company because his life only means something because he is related to Arthur. Sir Gawain takes up the axe and decapitates the Green Knight. The Green Knight simply picks up his head and rides away reminding Sir Gawain he must seek him out at the Green Chapel a year and a day from now. Sir Gawain leaves around fall that year to seek the Green Knight only to find that he is unsure where to go - he finds his way to a castle. At the castle Gawain is invited to stay with the lord and take part in a hunting game; each day the lord and Gawain will exchange what they caught that day. The lord hunts, but Gawain stays in and finds himself pursued by the lord's wife... At the end of each day Gawain gets various animals and gives the lord the kisses he has gained from the lord’s wife. On the last day, Gawain keeps a girdle that the lady of the castle gives him claiming that it has the power to protect the wearer. When Gawain leaves with the lord - who states he knows where the Green Chapel is - he guides him then states he will go no further. When the Green Knight emerges the act ensue in which the knight strike Gawain. Gawain flinches twice until the third blow, but nothing happen but a tiny nick on his neck - thanks to the girdle. The Green Knight laughs then announces that he is actually the lord of the castle and the lady is actually Morgan le Faye who wanted to test Arthur’s court. Gawain returns to the court wearing the sash as a reminder of his failure to remain truthful, his cowardice, and his sinful nature. IN MY OPINION Gawain in your chart can represent a) a lack of confidence and/or good self-esteem, b) where you fear death but feign fearlessness, c) where you toe the line of your code of honor, and/or d) where you are constantly reminded of your cowardice and/or failure.
see part 2.5 for other christmas-y & wintry asteroids!
gogol (asteroid 2361)
Nikolai Gogol was a famous Russian writer. Gogol is thought to be the first writer to use the grotesque in the Golden Era of Russian Literature. His writing is identifiable by its his use of his character's defamiliarization with themselves (ex: in "The Nose," Major Kovalyov wakes up without his nose one day and experiences life as someone of low status and regard). Gogol himself was not a popular peer - he was thought to have a dark disposition. Gogol had many ambitions in life - he wanted to be an actor, a poet... When he tried to be a poet, his poetry (published under a pseudonym) was ridiculed by everyone everywhere. In response, Gogol bought all the copies that remained in stores and destroyed them swearing to never write poetry again. Gogol later decided to try literature and he excelled. IN MY OPINION Gogol in your chart can represent a) where you see the world through a strange and dark lens, b) where you degrade others as they degrade you, c) where you can't be everything that you dreamt of being, d) where you may be close to your job of choice yet you fail, and/or e) how you approach rejection on a grand scale and which area you are likely to face it in.
grendel (asteroid 541982)
Grendel is the first monster faced in Beowulf. Grendel is a lonesome beast who lives in the cold outreaches of Denmark. After being constantly annoyed by Hrothgar’s hall and the rowdy people within, Grendel decides to exterminate those within as punishment for disturbing his peace. For twelve years, each night Grendel slaughters Hrothgar’s people until Beowulf’s arrival. Grendel appears in the hall as he had many times before to discover that a shirtless, disarmed man lay in wait for him. The two battle and Grendel loses after Beowulf tears his arm clean off. Grendel retreats to his cold, lonesome lake in the forest to die. IN MY OPINION Grendel represents a) where you may feel alone/depressed, b) where you are envious of others, c) where you are annoyed the most, and d) where you must return to baser instincts to achieve peace.
OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: beowulf (38086)*!
see part 2.5 for other christmas-y & wintry asteroids!
haiku (asteroid 12477)
Haikus came to popularity in the 17th century and really didn’t have a name until the 19th. Haikus were originally targeted as zen philosophies for life - they aimed to have the reader reengage with world around them. Now these three lined poems (following the 5 syllables, 7 syllables, then 5 syllables pattern) follow any subject matter. The practice of writing a haiku is to practice the ability to use concise wording despite limitations. IN MY OPINION Haiku in your chart can represent a) where you can find peace, b) your talent regarding haikus, c) where you tend to be short and consistent, and/or d) where you experience peaceful thoughts.
isolda (asteroid 211)
This one is fun - so in the Arthurian legends in which Tristan is the central character, Ysolt is his love interest. The thing is how crazy this is her name is often evolved with language: Iseult, Isolde, Isolda, etc. In the versions I read (The Madness of Tristan, Chevrefoil, and Le Roman de Tristran) she was referred to as Ysolt - so that’s what I am rolling with. BUT the horrible this is that there are three Ysolts: the mother Ysolt, the Queen Ysolt, and Ysolt of the White Hands. I’m referring to Queen Ysolt because the founder of the asteroid was referring to Queen Ysolt, the star-crossed lover of Tristan. So here we go - Tristan is a bit nutty because Ysolt is his uncle’s wife… and he is in love with her… because of a love potion… He is obsessed, she is hopelessly in love with him as well. Ysolt constantly stands by Tristan and approaches him with gifts of recognition - honeysuckle, hazel branch, scissors, etc. In The Madness of Tristan, she refuses to believe that Tristan is indeed himself and despite his ostracism of her and her “lack of loyalty,” she is still accepted by him when she final believes him. IN MY OPINION Isolda in your chart can represent a) where you may have an identity crisis, b) where people may struggle to differentiate you from others, c) where you are hopelessly obsessed with others, and/or d) the types of gifts you give lovers.
click here for isolda-krama aspects in synastry
click here for isolda-vesta aspects in synastry
kafka (asteroid 3412)
Franz Kafka was a Bohemian writer, who is considered a big part of the modernist movement as he fused ideas of reality with the fantastical. Much like Chekhov, Kafka was not initially a writer by trade - Kafka was going to school to be a lawyer (but went into insurance) and spent his free time writing. He often wrote late at night but struggled with anxiety and self doubt - he burned an estimated 90% of his work. During his life he received very little recognition - publishing only a few works and mostly sending letters to those he had strained or romantic relationships with. Kafka died at 40 from tuberculosis (just like Chekhov), and in his will he instructed his friend Max Brod to destroy everything left unfinished (The Castle, The Trial, etc.) - but Brod ignored this and had most of these works published. The Castle and The Trial are two of his most popular works - both would have been destoryed had his friend followed his wishes. His works explore alienation, existential dread, guilt, absurdity, and so much more - many people relate to Kafka though he struggled with self esteem most of his life. IN MY OPINION Kafka in your chart represents a) where your reality is distorted, b) where you doubt yourself, c) your anxiety and existential dread, and/or d) where your thinking/intrusive thoughts are the most relatable.
ortrud (asteroid 551)
Ortrud is a character from Lohengrin - a final chapter in the medieval epic poem Parzival. Ortrud is the wife to the Duke's guard, Telramund. The Duke has been murdered, Telramund believes the Duke was murdered by his sister Elsa - when the King finds no answer to who is responsible for this murder he blames Telramund and orders a trial by combat. When a Knight arrives on the scene, supporters of Telramund beg the guard to withdraw from the duel but he refuses. All of his supporters begin praying, only Ortrud does not - instead she claims that he will live and likely win against the Knight. The Knight spares Telramund's life and Telramund and Ortrud are banished from the court. Ortrud confesses that she is a witch and can promise that they will rule the kingdom. Ortrud convinces Elsa to take pity on her and Elsa allows Ortrud into the castle again. Ortrud plans to topple the Knight's reputation by claiming he is some sort of sorcerer because the Knight has yet to introduce himself and share his identity. Despite not knowing who the Knight is Elsa marries him. The Knight easily defeats Telramund, who tries to attack him on his wedding night. The Knight states that his name is Lohengrin and Elsa has learned his identity so he must go home (somewhere in the fight scene there is mention of "In fernem land" which indicates his identity). A swan boat arrives to take him home but Ortrud comes forward to claim that the swan figure is Elsa's brother who Ortrud cursed into becoming a swan. Ortrud is then found guilt of witchcraft and essentially melts into nothing as she watches Lohengrin turn the swan back into the Duke. IN MY OPINION Ortrud in your chart represents a) where you are wrong about everything, b) your deception of others, c) where you expose yourself and your wrongdoings, and/or d) where your beliefs aren't in alignment with the majority of those around you. This asteroid was asked for by @brielledoesastrology !
OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: lohengrin (9505), telramund (9506), and gottfried (9507) aka the duke!
plato (asteroid 5451)
Yes, we have talked Plato before in a prior post BUT THIS IS DIFFERENT. Today we are talking Plato’s Myth of the Cave. Imagine that all your life you have lived life in a cave - chained since childhood. Your back to the exit you don’t even know exists because you can’t turn your head. People walk behind you carrying objects, the shadows they cast are all you know. You are likely to belief that this is the reality of life - chains, shadows, and darkness. One day you break free and discover the exit - life exists outside of the cave. At first you would only pay attention to the shadows that are casted by the objects around you. You would eventually come to the realization that more than what you previously believed existed is real. This is how Plato explained knowledge - often people are trapped by their own perception, and what they see they believe. IN MY OPINION Plato in this context can represent a) where your beliefs rule your reality, b) where knowledge limits you most, c) where you need to shift your perspective, and/or d) where you can experience a major shift in belief and reality.
poe (asteroid 17427)
Edgar Allen Poe was a famous American writer known for his macabre mysteries - he is perhaps America’s first short story writer. Poe had several jobs before his creative writing - clerk, journalist, the military, etc. Poe also had many issues in his live including drugs, alcohol, women, and more. Most interestingly about Poe is his death; at age 40 he died from “congestion of the brain” according to the papers, but his death certificate is lost. “Congestion of the brain” is akin to inflammation of the brain - which means he could have suffered from carbon monoxide poisoning, epilepsy, menginitis, etc. Poe is also theorized to have been a victim of cooping - which is when someone is held hostage forced to drink alcohol whilst being beaten based on popular vote of hatred. IN MY OPINION Poe in your chart can represent a) where you have a dark perceptive, b) where you have a lot of life struggles, and/or c) uncertainty and skepticism surrounding death. 
pushkin (asteroid 2208)
Born of noble descendant but lacking any of the titles or entitlement associated with said descendant, Pushkin became Russia’s most famous author and poet. Pushkin went to school with other children of nobility but only ever excelled at literature. When he graduated he was free to do what he wished and he chose to write poetry - around 130 were written and were unpublished due to them being deemed too lewd for the era. One poem in particular was about a political figure and caused Pushkin to be exiled from Moscow. The Czar forgives him about ten years later and Pushkin returned home. He married a very lovely woman who had many suitors... One suitor she continued to see - and I’m not talking about Pushkin. Pushkin was then forced to propose a duel (completely illegal). Both survive the duel but Pushkin suffers for three days with a bullet wound and inevitably dies. On his death bed whole neighborhoods and even the Czar sent his regards. IN MY OPINION Pushkin in your chart can represent a) where you have increased opportunity, b) how well you do with literature, c) where you are forgiven and loved despite your shortcomings, and/or d) how love wounds you.
shakespeare (asteroid 2985)
Shakespeare, also known as the Bard and Sawn of Avon, is perhaps the greatest dramatist and poet of all time. Very little exists regarding Shakespeare’s childhood and education though most assume he was taught the basics as a public official’s son - often people doubt his authorship because of this lack of information. This gap in information and mysterious nature regarding his life is found frequently in his timeline; it is only when he becomes active in theatre that we have consistent knowledge regarding Shakespeare. IN MY OPINION Shakespeare in your chart can represent a) your appreciation for theatre/plays/poetry, b) where you are prolific, c) long-lasting public recognition, and/or d) where your life is mysterious and no one knows anything worth noting about you.
tristan (asteroid 1966)
Sir Tristan is part of a popular Celtic legend in which Ysolt and he are often experiencing tragedy and illicit love - by illicit, I mean that Ysolt is married to Tristan’s uncle, so technically this relationship would be consider at the time adulterous and incestuous. This relationship often begins with Tristan escorting Ysolt to Ireland to marry his uncle. On this trip the two accidentally drink a love potion causing a love affair to arise between the two. In Madness of Tristan, Tristan tests Ysolt’s claims of loyalty - he disguises himself as a homeless man and interrogates Ysolt about her love for Sir Tristan. He claims that she lacks loyalty and proves he is Tristan. She of course is so relieved to see him and the two have a reunion - in Chevrefoil the two actually are indicated to have sexual interaction. Anyone who knows about the chivalric code knows that knights aren't supposed to be adulterous and anyone who knows about chivalric love knows that there shouldn't be intimacy of that level for any coupling. In Le Roman de Tristran, the couple travels to meet one another out of lust and  but when Ysolt arrives Tristan is dying and quite literally does so in her arms, while she begs God to help him (news flash God doesn't support your adultery or incest, Ysolt lol). IN MY OPINION Tristan in your chart can represent a) a tragic and/or forbidden romance, b) where you go against your moral code for love, c) incest, d) distrust of your lover, e) lust or a “romance” you can not avoid, and/or f) where you die for “love.” Tagging @factsrological​ as a follow up to our Tristan conversation back in December 2022!
click here for mars-tristan aspects in synastry
vergilius (asteroid 2798)
Virgil, the Greek poet, wrote many great poems and epics (most notably the Aeneid), but his appearance as the guide of Dante, the pilgrim, in Inferno is one of his greatest historical moments. Virgil's ghost guides and protects Dante through Hell despite being seen as damned and not good enough for heaven due to his polytheism. Virgil advises and gives wisdom to Dante on human flaws and sins through out the journey to help Dante become pure enough to reach Paradiso. IN MY OPINION Virgilius in your chart can represent a) your appreciation for mythology, b) where centuries later you may inspire another with your work, c) where/how you protect those you guide, d) where you advise others to reach their highest potential, and/or d) where you are kept down due to your beliefs.
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lorrainmorgan · 4 months
Serpent’s Desire
[ 𝐋𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐮 𝐦𝐲 🐍 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 ]
Previous Chapter 2 Next
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Finally! This was the very first chapter I uploaded here ( Chapter 2, for some reason (?) ) . I wanted to edit it and write it again, because Merlin it was a MESS and was badly written 😖😫 ( not that I'm a pro now ) and here it is! enjoy!
🍯 much fluff ahead 🍯
Ominis, on the other hand, felt genuine remorse for bringing Lorrain into this situation. He wanted to apologize, but his body acted on its own accord as he leaned in to kiss her again, shutting her up.
The thought of Lorrain Morgana being his date for the Yule Ball consumed Ominis' mind all day. He couldn't bring himself to leave his room, preferring to stay in his safe heaven and daydream about the evening ahead. Lost in his thoughts, he even practiced some choreography in solitude.
But as the hours passed, the excited chatter and bustling noises of other students getting ready for the ball began to seep into Ominis' ears. He knew it was time to start preparing himself. Despite Sebastian's constant pestering about trying out a new hairstyle, young Gaunt found himself looking forward to the event with anticipation. What would Lorrain wear? Would she find him handsome enough? Would she actually show up? Or would she change her mind at the last minute?
"Ominis! Are you still among the living? I need help with my tie, would you mind?" Sebastian's voice pulled him back from his intrusive thoughts. As he helped his friend with the final touches of his attire, Ominis noticed a small smile forming on his own face for no apparent reason. The excitement and nervousness of the upcoming evening were getting the best of him. 
“You look absolutely stunning, Ominis. You deserve to have a great time tonight.” Sebastian said with a grin, eyeing his friend up and down. Ominis couldn't help but feel flattered by the compliment, despite Sebastian's usual teasing nature.
“Thank you, Sebastian. If only you weren't so annoying, I might have even considered asking you to the Ball” Ominis retorted playfully.
The two friends emerged from their dormitories to find the Slytherin common room lounge abuzz with excitement. The air was thick with the scent of expensive perfumes and the glint of jewels adorned each person's attire. It was clear that everyone was dressed to impress for this special occasion.
As they made their way through the crowd, Imelda Reyes appeared before them. They exchanged casual greetings before Imelda turned her attention to Ominis.
“Go on outside, Gaunt. She's waiting for you out there.” she nudged him gently.
Ominis felt his face flush with embarrassment at her not-so-subtle hinting. He resisted her push, trying to maintain some semblance of composure before making his way towards the exit of the common room.
“Why is she already outside?” Sebastian asked curiously.
Imelda rolled her eyes before responding, “Do you think Ominis is the only nervous one here? Men...” She punched Sebastian on the shoulder before heading off in another direction. 
As Ominis stepped out of his common room, his wand noticed a lone silhouette walking in circles near the entrance. The figure was shrouded in darkness, but as he drew closer, Ominis could see the outline of a person. As soon as he stepped out fully into the light, his emerald green gown caught Lorrain's eye. It was a striking color against the dark, stone walls of the corridor. 
They both stood there for a moment, their eyes locked on each other. Lorra felt her heart race with anticipation and with a sudden burst of energy, began to walk towards him, her feet nearly skipping as they echoed through the quiet corridor halls. Every step brought her closer to the person she had been longing to see, and she couldn't contain her excitement.
“Hello, Ominis Gaunt. ” she greeted him with a hint of shyness in her voice. Her cheeks flushed pink as she remembered their innocent but romantic encounter from the day before. 
“My fair lady,” he said smoothly, “I’m sure not even The Mirror of Erised itself could rival your beauty.” Ominis mentally kicked himself for the cheesy compliment, regretting it almost immediately, and wondered why he kept listening to Sebastian's advice when it came to flirting. 
But to his surprise, Lorra giggled and blushed even more. It seemed like his terrible attempt at charm had actually worked.
“How could you say such a thing if you don’t even know what I look like, silly”. Lorra reached out and took hold of both of his hands. The warmth and strength of her grip surprised Ominis as she gently drew him closer to her. One hand rested on her hip, the other on her shoulder.
As he held his breath in anticipation, Ominis was met with an array of textures that delighted his senses. The upper part of her dress was intricately laced with delicate crystals adorning the neckline and back. He ran his fingers over the smooth silk of her long gloves that covered her arms, and marveled at the soft and sparkly fabric of her dress, which felt rocky to the touch.
"May I?" he asked, unable to resist the temptation of seeing her face. 
"Of course, Gaunt," Lorra replied with a smile, granting him permission to explore. 
With the gentle touch of his fingers, he traced the contours of her chin, the curve of her lips, and the smoothness of her cheeks. It was like uncovering a beautiful masterpiece. Ominis felt Lorrain’s hair being carefully pulled up into a bun adorned with rhinestones, and a delicate diadem was placed atop it all as if crowning her beauty.
His words floated softly on the breeze as he whispered, "You are so beautiful..." There was no hint of flattery or pretense in his tone; his thoughts poured forth unfiltered from his mind. The weight of his admiration and adoration hung heavy in the air between them, tangible and raw.
"Thank you, Ominis. Y-You are too. I mean, handsome, you know? Oh Merlin, let’s just go please" she said shyly, taking his arm and laughing at their awkwardness.
He felt her body next to his, her soft warmth. If he could see her, he would have probably melted right then and there. They walked together through the halls, and Ominis took her hand into his, his fingers gently touching hers. 
As they stepped into the Great Hall, they were greeted by a winter wonderland, with snow and ice covering every surface. Candles flickered on most of the tables and floated above them, casting a warm glow throughout the Hall. The scent of delicious food filled the air, prepared by diligent house elves. Tables were laden with an array of dishes, tempting even the most discerning taste buds.
It was rare for students to dress up in such lavish and elegant attire, but that night was a special occasion for everyone. Even the teachers had shed their usual robes for more formal clothing.
"Are you alright?" Ominis asked with concern, his wand capturing her elevated pulse.
Lorrain smiled up at him. "I must admit, I am a bit overwhelmed by all the people here. I've never seen this many in the great hall before." She clung to his arm tightly with both hands, finding comfort and protection in his presence.
Ominis returned her smile, feeling a sense of pride that she chose to hold onto him so tightly. 
"Yes, it's quite a crowd. But it's quite nice to finally see everyone in proper attire for a change.”
She couldn't help but burst into laughter at his comment about everyone finally being at his level of elegance. "Oh Ominis Gaunt, don't be so rude," she scolded playfully.
After navigating through the crowded Hall, Lorrain and Ominis finally reached a small table tucked away in a corner. They sat down and enjoyed their dinner, chatting and laughing until the music started to play. Ominis' eyes lit up with excitement as he turned to Lorrain.
"Ah, my lady, I hope you haven't forgotten that I am quite the dancer," he said with a mischievous glint in his unseeing eyes. "I doubt you are ready to accept defeat."
Lorrain couldn't help but smile at his playful challenge.
“Well, I had a pretty good dance teacher, I’m sure I’ll be fine”. 
As they strolled hand in hand towards the dancefloor, their voices rang out in laughter and reminiscence. They recounted their first dance together, the day they first met, and how their nerves had fluttered like butterflies in their stomachs. The music pulsed through their bodies, drawing them closer together with every step.
As Ominis lightly brushed his fingers over the intricate textures of her dress again, he couldn't help but wonder if Lorrain had intentionally chosen it knowing his fondness for interesting tactile sensations. The thought filled him with warmth and a sense of closeness to her, concluding she had done it just for him.
But as the room grew crowded with dancing bodies, Lorrain's usually outgoing demeanor seemed to shrink away. Her social battery was running low, and Ominis could feel her anxiety rising.
In a sudden burst of clarity, Ominis came up with a solution that would not only ease Lorrain's anxiety but also involve himself. They continued to sway to the music for a few more moments before Ominis leaned in close and spoke softly into her ear.
"Would you like to escape somewhere with… fewer people?"
Feeling grateful for his constant attention and care, Lorra’s eyes lit up with delight as he asked her to join him at the Deathday Ballroom. It was a place they had talked about in their night meetings, full of mystique and intrigue, nestled in the depths of the castle. Lorra leaned in close to his ear, accepting eagerly as they made their way through the crowded room towards their destination.
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As they entered the dimly lit cold ballroom, the sound of hauntingly beautiful music filled the air. Ghosts swirled around in a never-ending dance, their ethereal forms gliding gracefully across the floor. Ominis took her hand and led her into the center of the room, their feet moving in perfect harmony with the music, as they began to dance again.
With each passing dance move, Lorrain could feel herself getting closer and closer to Ominis. Her heart pounded in her chest as he took the lead, their bodies pressed together as they moved seamlessly across the floor. The ghosts continued to dance around them, adding to the surreal atmosphere.
As their dance gained momentum, she felt an intense warmth spreading throughout her body. She couldn't believe how close she was to him, feeling every breath, every movement as if they were one.
The last notes of the song faded away, leaving behind a lingering sense of longing and love. Ominis and Lorra stood embracing in the classic finishing pose for ballads, his arms wrapped protectively around her from behind. Turning to face him, she placed her hands gently on his cheeks, feeling the warmth of his skin against her fingertips.
Without his wand by his side to guide him, Ominis closed his eyes, trying to concentrate and sense Lorra’s body language. 
“Are you okay?”
She gazed into his blue eyes with a soft smile before leaning in and capturing his lips with hers. Their kiss was slow and tender, filled with all the care and reverence one might have when handling delicate porcelain. As her hands caressed his cheeks, it felt like the gentlest touch from the purest clouds.
Lost in the moment, Lorra deepened the kiss, her lips moving against his with a passionate fire that had sparked within her since their previous encounter. Desperate for more of him. 
Ominis' hands pulled her in closer, his fingertips trailing over the soft curves of her body as if to memorize every inch. The touch of her skin against his ignited a fire in him that he had only ever imagined. He wrapped his arms around her, feeling the weight of her body against his own, and he gently ran his fingers through her red hair. 
Their kiss was unlike anything Ominis had ever experienced in his life. Every movement of their lips was a dance, a symphony of passion and desire. The taste of her lips was intoxicating to his senses, sweet and addictive.
Her hand went up through his well-combed hair, messing it just enough to show him a different level of ecstasy. Her touch sent shivers down his spine, making him crave more.
After parting the kiss, they were both left breathless and their noses were slightly touching. Their hot breath mingled together, creating a heady mix of scents - hers sweet and alluring, his filled with longing, with lips still parted, eagerly waiting to kiss her again if she chose to.
“ I-I'm so sorry Ominis.” Lorrain's apology was half-hearted, her mind racing with doubts and confusion. Kissing Ominis had felt so right, but now she wasn't sure if it was a mistake. What would he think of her now? 
Ominis, on the other hand, felt genuine remorse for bringing Lorrain into this situation. He wanted to apologize, but his body acted on its own accord as he leaned in to kiss her again, shutting her up. Part of him knew it was wrong, but the other part just wanted to give into the intense attraction between them, his lips demanding more from hers.
Lorra smiled while Ominis was kissing her, knowing he matched her feelings. The ghosts around them were dancing to a new song, the floating candles were surrounding them now while everything else was dark.
Her arms wrapped tightly around him, drawing in his familiar scent and the comforting warmth of his embrace. It felt as though she had known him all her life. Like two intricately crafted puzzle pieces, they fit together effortlessly.
"Perhaps we should take a moment to sit, Lorra," Ominis suggested, sensing the tension between them. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his wand, using it to guide them towards an elegant couch tucked away in a corner of the grand ballroom.
They settled on the plush couch, their bodies facing each other. Lorra could feel the gentle brush of his breath against her face, igniting a flutter in her heart and heightening her senses. “Tell me Ominis, do you think I'm mad for falling so deeply for you in such a short time?” she asked, her voice laced with shyness as she leaned in closer to him.
"You could not have fallen as hard for me as I did for you already," he replied, his eyes locked onto hers. "From the moment we first met, when we first danced, to the first time I heard your voice speak my name, I was hopelessly entranced by you. Your kiss was just the final confirmation of what I already knew deep down."
Even without seeing her, Ominis could sense where her gaze lingered: up at him, studying his features with curiosity and admiration. Lorrain started to trail her fingers delicately over his face, mirroring his own actions from days earlier. He closed his eyes, basking in the sensation of her cool touch against his skin. It felt like an extension of her very being. Her warm breath caressed his cheek as Ominis parted his lips to say something. 
“Is there something you'd like to share with me, Mr. Gaunt?” Her voice was filled with a hint of playfulness as she addressed him by his last name. He couldn't help but smile as she called him this.
As he looked at her, Ominis couldn't help but feel a warmth spread through his chest. Of all the titles she could have chosen, she went with that one. 
"There is something I've been meaning to tell you…" Ominis began, his voice gentle and earnest. His words were laced with vulnerability and emotion, conveying the depth of his feelings for her.
Read it on AO3
Chapter 0 - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8
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👉 I'm honestly humbled that people actually read Chapter 2 ... it is honestly so badly written I'm not even gonna delete it because it's a good reminder of the progress I've made so far, but DAMN it is so bad 😂
👉 Same thing with the "covers". I'm not going to delete them... I'll just post them separately.
👉 I'm still a coward with coloring. But my babies here deserved full color for their date.
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latoyalestrange · 1 year
ghost of our love
s. sallow x gn!reader
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(inspired by real events in my second HL playthrough made possible by the companion mod lmao)
summary: a map with messy sketches of landmarks was all you had to go on. that normally wouldn’t prove so challenging if you hadn’t been at hogwarts for all of a week and hadn’t gotten a chance to leave the castle yet. the remedy? a somewhat overconfident fellow fifth-year, who’s face hadn’t slipped your mind since the moment you saw it.
warnings: fluff, fluff, and more fluff &lt;;3 not edited!
words: 1.8k
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you needed to use lumos, that much was clear. a bridge, some floating candles, a disheveled archway, some trees, and…hogsmeade? you took your eyes away from the dusty parchment for a moment to scan the boundless grounds that surrounded the northern exit of hogwarts. You stood just outside the courtyard with the gentle wind flowing through your hair behind you. Your scarf followed suit, protecting you from the dusk chill that nipped at your now blushing cheeks and nose.
you saw a few different bridges leading to what looked like an endless sea of forest and no floating candles. having already circled the castle looking for good amount of time, you realized treasure hunting was a lot harder than you had anticipated. you eyed the map again, searching for the missing piece of the puzzle.
being at hogwarts so far had taught you many things. one of those being honing your ability to focus. casting ancient magic required great amounts of focus and discipline, as did any spell. sometimes your ability to drown out distraction came to your benefit, and other times— well, other times it just made it easy to sneak up on you. and, of course, sebastian sallow loved it.
“searching for buried treasure, are we?” the familiar feeling of your soul jumping out of your body momentarily rushed over you, an instinctively deep breath entering your lungs.
“for the love of merlin, sallow! don’t you know it’s rude to sneak up on people?” you pouted, clutching the parchment to your chest. your chest heaved as your heart settled and he just chuckled looking at you. you hoped the heat rising in your face would be excused as wind chill.
you couldn’t help yourself around him. around everyone else you were cunning, witty, and charming, but in front of him, you were a awkward school-girl, tripping over your words at every turn and blushing at his every remark. the flirtatious slytherin boy picked up on it immediately and it pulled him to you “like a moth to a flame” as he described it to his closest friend, ominis.
“yes, actually. i just like to knock you down a peg. the ‘chosen one’ ordeal is going straight to your head,” he replied sarcastically, gesturing to your head with a poke of his finger. you swatted his hand away, unamused.
“i’m not the chosen one,” you mocked him, returning to your map.
“that’s what it sounded like to me!” he retorted, but you didn’t bother responding as your eyes locked on the sketches again.
“hey, is that the entrance to the forbidden forest there?” he invited himself to investigate the clues, pointing to the rocky archway in the center. he leaned in to get a better look, closing the gap between the two of you. at that very moment, you were pretty sure you forgot how to focus because you couldn’t even try if your life depended on it. the wind carried his scent over to you as he started to fill your senses.
“yes, there’s the bridge, the entrance, then the trees and hogsmeade to the northeast…that’s just over there.” your gaze followed his hand, indicating to the furthest stone bridge from you and if you squinted, you could see the forgotten archway. he casually grabbed your hand, starting to lead you in the correct direction.
“i don’t remember agreeing to this!” you called to him as he walked swiftly in front of you, trudging through the wild grass to cross in a more direct path.
“you didn’t!” he called back, turning to meet your eye with a mischievous smirk falling to his lips. you stifled a girlish chuckle and jogged lightly to catch up to his long strides. after finding your way back to a path, the bridge was just a few paces in front of you. you eyed the forest’s edge, wondering what might be hiding behind the thick brush. you stop just before the bridge and sebastian notices your distant stare.
“don’t tell me you’re afraid of the forbidden forrest. nothing you can find in there is worse than what i’ve already seen you best.” he assures you.
“i’m not afraid! just thought i heard something…” you trail off, leaving the two of you in silence for a moment. you listened to the wind howl around you, taking in the path you could now clearly see you were meant to take. you took a deep breath and held up your wand.
“lumos.” now you wear leading the way across the stone bridge, scanning the space around you for any reaction. then, as if they appeared out of thin air, a few flickering candles began to float into your view, taking you across the bridge and under the ancient-looking archway that held several warnings against your very actions.
“ah, following floating candles into the forbidden forest. this should be interesting.” you welcomed sebastians familiar sarcasm. at the present, even though you previously denied it, you were trembling in your little boots. the countless duels didn’t scare you because you were at the advantage. no one expected a 16 year old to wield such powerful magic, so you were always underestimated. it was aggravating, but it gave you the upper hand when they were too shocked to cast back.
in the forest, however, you were left vulnerable with so many possible blind spots and vantage points that enemies could hold against you. it made you nervous, to say the least.
"we're looking for a large, dead tree..." the both of you continued to hold your wands up as you followed the candles deeper into the forest. owls cooed and dugbogs crooked in the distance, saving you from the awkward silence. If only the peaceful ambiance and captivating nature around you could calm your nerves too.
"ah, here we are...just a bit further i presume." his casual and confident tone ignited a warmth in your stomach that was fairly new to you. you couldn't quite put your finger on it, but being in his presence, especially hearing his voice, made your entire body buzz. you weren't sure what to call it, but you knew you wouldn't be able to keep your feelings hidden much longer if it kept recurring. you wouldn't be able to bare it.
"jackdaw didn't exactly tell me what i was looking for. we could be walking into anything," you admitted, biting your lip as you realized how far you had traveled.
"jackdaw? i doubt he would give a map of certain death to a student.
"you should've seen where i had to go to find the blasted map,' you retorted, causing the boy to snort with laughter. without thinking, you giggled along with him, your eyes meeting for a brief moment. you looked away instinctively, but the furious blush on your cheeks still remained.
"look! just up ahead!" he swiftly passed you, following the candles around a sparse, rocky path with a large brush on either side. you found yourselves on a landing looking over a charming river, an overgrown wooden bridge going across it. the bundle of candles that led you here joined a larger swarm that lit up the romantic scenery in front of you. an iron set of two chairs and a matching table with more candles and a bundle of wildflowers as a centerpiece. the flames flickered like shining stars that surrounded you, illuminating the various flowers and shrubs planted around the table.
your heart instantly started pumping faster in your chest as you searched his expression for a reaction.
"you could've just asked me on a date, you know," he teased, looking around at the scenery.
"i didn't--"
"i'm only teasing, calm down now," he held a defensive hand up and interrupted you before you could respond. "treasure!"
you followed his sight to see a shiny bronze chest with a lock clasped around the opening. he immediately tried it, just in case, but no luck.
"just our luck..." he scanned the area for a clue and you followed suit. while investigating the table, you noticed a tiny glowing swirl in each seat. you looked back to the lock to see a matching light coming from it as well.
"sebastian...i see something." he rushed to your side.
"what is it?"
"the seats, they're glowing..."
"okay, are you sure this wasn't a secret plot to get me to go with you? you really didn't have to do this--"
"enough, sebastian." you rolled your eyes, and he broke.
"alright, i apologize, that was the last time. i promise." he couldn't help from chuckling at your furrowed brow and twisted mouth. you hated when he said it, but he found you incredibly adorable when you were angry. you sighed and he silenced himself, clearing his throat.
"okay, i think it's pretty clear what we're meant to do." it was his turn to show a flustered demeanor as he straightened his robes, looking at you from the opposite end of the table.
"right..." you fidgeted where you stood before he finally gained the courage to round the table, placing both hands on the back of your chair. his hazel eyes met yours, almost asking for permission. you nodded and he pulled your chair back for you, watching as you took your spot in it. the grass floor prevented him from pushing your chair forward, so he lifted it to set you down further beneath the table. he returned to his original stance, facing you as he fixed his suit once more before sitting down as well.
the candle's glow grew significantly, lighting up the area as if a street lamp was just above. you heard a prominent click-click come from the chest as the lock fell to the ground. you almost turned to look at the chest, but your eyes were locked in with sebastian's, unable to falter. he looked breathless, almost. completely and utterly taken aback.
"sebastian? are you alright?" he blinked as if your voice brought him out of a trance.
"yeah, just...you look stunning right now." he admitted honestly.
"oh! thank you." the redness in your face returned just as quickly as it faded. silence fell on both of you again. he seemed deep in thought as his gaze fell to the table.
"sebastian? the treasure?" his head popped back up, and reality set back in for him.
"right. you're splitting that with me, by the way." he was back to his cocky self as he stood to investigate the chest. you followed suit, rushing to catch up to him.
"you wish, sallow."
"is that so? you wouldn't have been able to open the chest without me here, would you?" he taunted you as you joined him next to the bronze treasure.
"fine, but you're getting us butterbeer after this." he opened the chest, revealing what looked to be around 250 galleons.
"I don't think that will be a problem."
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