#it's just like that..........it's like how i love eating chocolate but chocolate causes acid
sleep-nurse · 3 months
>HKJDHGEHKJGHJEJKGHJKEHKJEG NOOOOOO IM SO SORRY 😭😭😭 honestly zer0h's songs are like that........that's why 2/10 people i end up recommending zer0h to will end up liking them and the rest just wonder what the fuck is wrong with me cus i can just listen to it without anything happening to my body
It's like those tacos that have a fuck ton of butter and lemon and salsa and who knows what else i love them and I would absolutely eat them but having even one bite means i am staying in the bathroom for 4 hours straight
HKJDGHEJKGEJKHGKKEJKG TRUEEEEEEEE god that's like when i got a huge headache from listening to this song on loop back when it was uploaded and i just. didnt stop. my ears were literally warm and probably red and i just didnt stop until i went to bed
nowadays that song does nothing to me
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Hello! I've never sent an ask to anyone before, so I don't know if I'm doing this correctly! But I seriously love your aus, so I just had to try <3
For your monster!au, do you think that there is a difference in the kinds of food they eat between monsters and humans? The kinds of food, seasoning, preparation, how it's cooked, even the degree to which something is cooked. Especially with how you mention in another post about how some species can't eat certain foods.
Like, does Yuu (female pronouns please! Or gender neutral if you prefer) come to their world and have to figure out how to cook with ingredients she's never seen before, or does Yuu just start to cook things in ways the monster bois have never seen or thought of before? Would the boys enjoy it? Would it be safe for them?
Or do you think there wouldn't be much of a difference?
Also, out of curiosity, which species would you say has the most diverse diet?
I seriously love your page! Keep up the amazing work! Stay safe and stay healthy!💙💚😃
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Thank you for sending in an ask! You did it correctly, don’t worry c: And thank you so much! I’m glad you love the AUs so much to send something in! ;;v;;
To a degree, the food being cooked in the Monster!AU would be different depending on the species. I know I’ve pretty much beaten the grape incident into grape juice already, but while some may be okay with eating it, other students can’t due to it being toxic (I looked it up, and cranberry wine is a thing. That means Crewel can still enjoy a glass of wine, and it’s possible that the monsters/ghost chefs would use it in cooking instead of grape-based wines!). The same could be said for certain herbs and spices that we take for granted being something that can make them sick or can be just as toxic as grapes, like onions or garlic. Chocolate can still be a thing for some species, but carob is the main alternative that’s available—which means Yuu will still have access to it at least!
There’s also an extra sensitivity to citrus based scents. Using citrus juice to cook something like ceviche for example would be difficult, as not many can even get past the smell even if the taste itself is amazing. Funny enough, there’s actually this one manga I came across called “His Majesty the Demon King’s Housekeeper” that actually touches up on this fact as citric acid is one of the few ways to clean certain stains off surfaces, but most of the cleaning staff in the mansion couldn’t stand the smell of the orange peels until it was turned into a powder form by the demon king. It’s such a cute manga, and has lots of helpful tips too, so it’s a win-win!
If you can’t tell by now, Slice-of-Life manga and stories are my jam. I love when they touch up on things that we don’t normally think about and put a spin on things! >v<
Anyway, as you can imagine, if (and that’s a major IF) we were strictly to focus on the ingredients we know in our world, recipes would have to be tailored to be suitable to each species to avoid causing issues while ensuring that each student has the right nutrients needed to sustain their bodies. This would have resulted in having to find alternatives that are safe for students to enjoy while still being able to ensure safety to avoid severe allergic or otherwise dangerous reactions to having something they shouldn’t.
That would be one helluva menu to try to cater to when you can’t use certain seasonings to flavor things. Good thing Crowley has those ghost chefs to work with the menu, because I certainly couldn’t fathom the mental gymnastics of creating that kind of menu! @.@
But to put it in perspective, it’s like trying to give chocolate to a cat or dog when we have alternatives such as carob as I mentioned earlier. Or how people who are lactose intolerant have almond or oat milk or even goat milk as an alternative, or how there are gluten-free alternatives for those who can’t have it due to celiac disease. Just to name a few examples anyway, since I know there are people out there who have restrictive diets due to health reasons.
Thankfully, these guys aren’t entirely missing out on flavor since in Twisted Wonderland—much like how they have unique flowers and plants such as mandrakes right around the corner—I’m sure there’s no limit to the types of ingredients that can be used to cook with! In fact, I’m reminded of this manga that I’ve stumbled across that I gotta start from the beginning known as “Delicious in Dungeon”. Basically, it’s where the characters are traveling in a dungeon and they not only find monsters and creatures to hunt and eat (not like there’s a grocery store or market inside a dungeon), but also demonstrate how to prepare and cook using the ingredients found in the dungeon as well as the creatures themselves. It just looks so delicious whenever they show the results and what you can do with the extra stuff you can’t eat!
But I digress. ^v^;
This means that Yuu will have lots of new ingredients to try and explore in various dishes, and this also means new opportunities to learn new recipes! Imagine what you’d be able to learn during the Master Chef event too!
So…what happens when you have a female human who has excellent taste buds and a love of cooking and also loves to cook for others? You’ve got a whirlwind of ingredients flying around and waves of delicious smells wafting through the air leading many drooling students investigating the source (and trying to sneak a bite).
Iron-stomach gourmet Grim is the one who gets to enjoy Yuu’s experimental cooking at first. After all, why shouldn’t he be able to enjoy the spoils of his hench-human cooking for him? He’ll try guiding her with his knowledge of flavors and what tastes good, and she learns which seasonings to use for each dish whenever she talks to Trey or Jamil or even Azul. His bragging of being the first to try true human cuisine wound up drawing in the first years, many curious to see her in action while others hoped to try and sneak in a free meal.
Imagine if she cooked two-three meals a day: mini waffles and giant pancakes that are several inches thick? She’s adding various fruits and berries and pairing it with the perfect syrup! Homemade chicken or beef soup? Simmering with noodles boiled to perfection! Roasted pork and beef stew? Veggie stir-fry? Baked fish? Burgers? Pizza??? Nothing is off the table when Yuu is in the kitchen! And don’t get started on the different desserts she could whip up with Trey!
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Soon enough, word would have spread around the school about the human’s delicious cooking and it won’t be long before Yuu has visitors around every meal time.
Yuu:*whisking eggs as the rice cooks* “Breakfast’s almost ready, Grim!”
Grim: “Hooray! Omurice cooked human-style~!”
Yuu: “Come in!” *pouring the egg into two skillets before looking up* “Oh, hey guys!”
Ace: “Hey, Yuu! Whatcha making?”
Yuu: “I’m making omurice. I asked the chefs in the cafeteria how to make it and…wait…” *narrows eyes* “Did you guys come here just to get breakfast?”
Deuce: *sheepish* “Sorry, Yuu…we just really like the way you cook.”
Yuu: *sighs and smiles* “It’s okay. Next time, just let me know ahead of time so I can prepare more, okay?”
Grim: “Don’t even think of taking my portion!”
Ace: “Aww, is that any way to treat guests, Yuu?”
Yuu: “Grim, be nice.”
Grim: “What?! That’s not fair!”
Deuce: “I can wait my turn. Is there anything I can do to help?”
Yuu: “Could you chop up some more veggies and measure out the rice? Ace and Grim can have the first two, then we’ll have the next batch.”
Grim: “Stop encouraging them!”
Ace: “Oi! As if you don’t eat the food at the Unbirthday Parties!”
Grim: “Oh yeah?! Well I-mfh!?”
Ace: “Mfhg!?”
Yuu: *dusts hands after shoving two meat buns into their mouths* “There will be no fighting in my kitchen, you hear me?”
Ace and Grim: “Yeth m’m…”
/The Next Day/
Yuu: *standing in the doorway with a bowl of pancake batter* “…are you here to socialize or do you want to try some of my cooking?”
Silver: “Fa-I mean, Lilia…decided to cook breakfast today. He wanted to try and cook some old human recipes, but…”
Sebek: *looking mildly nauseous* “I did what I could to protect Lord Malleus, but…human food should not look like that.”
Yuu: “Ah, okay. Come on in. I’ll get another batch ready, so help yourself to the ones on the table! There’s fresh fruit and whipped cream there too.”
I have a feeling that Yuu would be getting a lot of visitors from Diasomnia on days that Lilia does the cooking, and I’m sure she’ll be more than happy to feed them too! 😌
As for the “food bribes”…well, it’s kinda hard to argue with the results. Especially when they can be very valid trades. Yuu wants a specific utensil to make that special treat or meal? You’ll get first dibs on the finished dish!
Oh no, Yuu needs help with this potionology assignment and made too many cupcakes to eat by herself! If only someone could come and help with both…
As you said, there are many possibilities of how Chef!Yuu could take advantage of their knowledge and skill around the kitchen! And before I forget, if I had to choose which species would have the most diverse diet…I would have to say it’s a tossup between the basilisks and the faun and satyr species. Basilisk can essentially eat nearly anything without much issue as their stomach acid is strong enough to even digest rocks and crystals, whereas faun and satyr can eat most any plant and fruit or vegetable imaginable and can tolerate some forms of meat without issue. Though if you really want to enhance the dietary variety possibilities, Epel and Trey would have this in the bag as these two are hybrids of two different species, making them truly omnivorous like humans!
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brutal-nemesis · 8 months
Goretober III: Hematemesis (Written By Nemesis)
This one funny to me haha Castys so miserable he super loves the @coyotehusk goretober
←Previous - Castys Masterlist - Goretober Masterlist - Next→
Ingredients: chocolate, emeto (blood!), poison, gore, noncon touching that is a little bit more intimate than normal but still unsexy
Today’s restraint of choice was a metal collar around his neck that was chained to the floor, and Castys wasn’t really a fan. Sure, it gave him more freedom of movement than the table or dangling on a hook, but it didn’t really matter when Kuro could pin all of his limbs down and still have her hands free, which was super unfair. And the chain attached to his collar was long enough to allow him to sit up, but he couldn’t stand at all, which he supposed was better than being forced to stand and not able to sit, but still. 
Right now, though, Kuro was sitting across from him, holding out what appeared to be a piece of chocolate. “Here, Castys. You deserve a little treat for being a good boy so far.”
“You know I’m, like, way older than you, right?”
“You’d be surprised,” she laughed. And hey, maybe she was pretty old, too, considering that he didn’t even know what exactly she even was.
He kind of wanted to refuse the chocolate on principle, but he was also not one to turn down a little treat, especially if it was candy. Warily, he took it, watching Kuro as he put it in his mouth, but she just watched him right back, unreadable as ever. The chocolate was good, and it’d been a long time since he’d had something sweet, or any food at all, really, so he tried to savor it, but the longer he kept it in his mouth, the more he started to taste something…odd.
He was a fucking idiot this wasn’t just chocolate of course it was laced with something-But as soon as he tried to spit it out, Kuro pounced on him, pinning his wrists next to his head, her hand covering his mouth. “Swallow, Castys. You deserve it, remember?” Castys tried to squirm free and spit what was left of the chocolate in her face, but Kuro didn’t budge, so he was forced to chew the rest of the chocolate and swallow, since it would just melt in his mouth if he kept it there. “There you go,” Kuro said, stroking his face and causing him to flinch, which of course just made her laugh. It was always so funny to everyone how much Castys hated being touched!
Finally, she got off of him, allowing Castys to sit up and scoot as far away from her as his short chain would allow. “What the fuck was in that?”
“We’ll see, won’t we?” Castys sighed in annoyance and crossed his arms, waiting for whatever stupid drug or poison she’d fed him to take effect. He felt fine at the moment, maybe a little chest pain, but…okay, it was starting to get worse. As time went on, the pain only got sharper, and he started to get nauseous, which wasn’t really unexpected but still not fun. 
Soon enough he really, really had to puke, but Kuro was still sitting there, just staring at him, and he didn’t want to give her the satisfaction. However, his stomach didn’t give a shit about Kuro, forcing him to lurch forward on his hands and knees and vomit. It sounded more…solid than he was expecting, like there were little bits of something in it, but it was hard to tell by looking at the dark puddle between his hands.
Having a Suspicion, he wiped his mouth on the back of his hand, and…yep, that was blood. “What’d you do to me?” he groaned, feeling even worse now that he’d thrown up, like the worst heartburn ever combined with an awful stomachache.
“It’s a special poison that sort of…destroys your stomach lining,” Kuro said lightly. “So your stomach acid is digesting you from the inside right now. I want to see if it’ll get fixed when you die.”
“It won’t.” Castys gave up and laid down on the cold stone floor, already feeling nauseous again. Well, this sucked ass. The acid was gonna eat through him no matter how many times he died until it…ran out? Did acid run out? Probably. Didn’t matter right now, he was gonna puke again, and he was barely able to get upright before even more blood spewed out of his mouth, splattering all over his arms and hands. 
Kuro laughed and picked up a little red chunk of something. “Ooh, I think this is part of your stomach. Looks like little pieces of you are coming up now instead of just blood clots.” Castys didn’t have the energy to reply, just lying curled up on his side as he coughed blood out of his nose and mouth, waiting for the next delivery of corroded bits from inside himself as the world spun out of focus.
He could hardly tell when he’d died or come back to life, the pain never really went away despite him having a stomach lining again since the rogue acid was no longer in his stomach. At some point Kuro tackled him so she could wrench his shirt up and look at the fun shade of purple his stomach area had turned, poking at it with interest. He’d stopped puking now and was just stuck lying there and groaning as his insides turned into soup.
It would stop eventually.
Castys Cult: @as-a-matter-of-whump​ @blackrosesandwhump​ @fanmanga1357-blog​​ @thehopelessopus​ @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi​ @hearse-song​ @muddy-swamp-bitch @whumpasaurus101 @yet-another-heathen​​ @galaxywhump​ @starnight-whump​ @his-unspoken-words​ @misspelledwitch​ @suspicious-whumping-egg​ @pumpkin-spice-whump​ @painsandconfusion​ @i-can-even-burn-salad​​ @befuddled-calico-whump​ @whumpinggrounds​ @whump-queen​ @whumpedydump​
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sesamie · 3 months
what can you not eat with a citric acid sensitivity?
it's less "what can't i eat" and more "what shouldn't i eat" cause if i avoided all foods that hurt to eat then i would never eat any fruits and i'd skip most vegetables and i would never have chocolate (though i don't like chocolate anyways (but idk if that's in conjunction with the bleeding it causes or just because it's so painful)) or any common condiments or anything spicy or salt and vinegar chips or anything. and i love fruit and vegetables and i like spicy food and salt and vinegar chips are really good.
but yeah!! i have to be very careful and use really sensitive toothpaste and eat acidic things in moderation. you know how when you suck on a hard candy in one spot for a long time that spot in your mouth gets all weird and raw and painful? it's like that, but on my tongue and down the back of my throat. sometimes the roof of my mouth bleeds (this happens most often with dark chocolate). it was originally diagnosed as oral allergy syndrome but the types of foods that set it off is such a huge range of food that it was rediagnosed as just an uncommonly severe citric acid sensitivity!
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nathank77 · 9 days
11:24 p.m
I just ate a chicken sandwich. It was so good. I want to go get a chicken tomorrow but I'll wait until Wednesday cause I got my testosterone shot and therapy at 7 p.m. I'll be losing a lot of hardcore nuketown time Wednesday no matter what.
Whereas tomorrow I have virtually nothing to do but play nuketown. I'm just going to look forward to veggies burgers and vegan bacon cause it's bomb af. I really love how the vegan bacon compliments the cheese and all the veggies in the burger.
Beyond that i realize my last cheat day was the 13th of May. I'm totally alloted a cheat day every like 2-3 weeks. Technically based off of online results once a week is okay but I'm super serious about my diet. I've never dieted until now and I'm astounded at how well it works having a caloric deficiency. I can't wait until I can see how skinny I get and how muscular I get once I join the gym.
Imma have Simulate nugs and smiley fries tomorrow or wednesday. I may need to get smiley fries after this next Cheat day. I also am going to cheat a little further and eat some corn nuts. My mother bought them for me post diet and I don't want them to go bad. I have thrown out a lot of food. A lot. A lot.
But I basically eat what I buy now, I'm talking older food cause my diet is very planned. I may enjoy some chocolate on my Cheat day. My mom got me a valentine day heart chocolate thing. Idk I got to look at expirations dates. I'd like to not throw everything out that isn't on my diet. I may do chocolate and the smiley fries. And do corn nuts on my next Cheat day.
All I know is I'm fucking excited for smiley fries. It's funny though that when you start dieting, yea you want to Cheat and then you do.. and it's like this food makes me feel gross.... like last time I had smiley fries I got some acid reflux. I haven't had that in ages. So as much as I look forward to it, I actually really like the food I'm eating and find it to be tasty.
I do miss chocolate, French fries and cheese burgers. I do know if I went to Wendy's I'd enjoy it but I'd feel like shit after. Even if I made my own cheese burgers. When I eventually cheat and get a cheese burger I'm getting a fucking baconator. The very best.
Anyways, I'm about to brush my teeth and keep watching ink master. I just tried my new white mulberries cause of the return policy of a month. I can't return the others, not that I would. They seem to be fine but they don't taste as good.
Also as for bloodwork, wondering if I'm hyper or hypo or normal. I'm pooping normal. I'd say my tempature is normal, I didn't sweat today in sweat pants and a t shirt when I went to cvs. I would have if I was hyper.. I mean I'm hungry every 4-6 hours. That seems very normal to me.
When I was Hypo I fell asleep a lot easier. I wouldn't say I'm sleeping better. It was the only good thing about being hypo... and I haven't noticed it.
My heart rate is very normal when I check it too. So as for right now I'm prob doing my bloodwork on the 14th. Nothing I'm experiencing is pointing toward hyper or hypo. So that's cool. Although I'd like to go into remission...
My hallucination as I sit here is like chanting happy birthday and i have a birthday present.. it's really fucking driving me up a wall.. it sounds off. Sorta in a good way. I took my white mulberries almost a hour ago.. maybe it's changing it? Idk. All I know is I got to drown this annoying POS that makes me wants to kill myself everyday out before I do end my life.
I'm still worried about xanax... and I'm hoping Maybe one day this hallucination stops... still waiting on Kristen....
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catbreedsblog · 8 months
Can Cats Eat Granola? Unveiling the Truth About Feline Diets and Breakfast Delights
 We'll talk about the ins and outs of cat nutrition and answer the question, "Can cats eat granola?"
A lot of people love granola for breakfast because it has a mix of grains, nuts, and sometimes dried fruits. Granola is often praised for being good for people's health and having a lot of different textures and flavors. As responsible pet owners, we naturally want to know if our cats can enjoy this crunchy treat.
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Is Feline Granola Safe?
Granola: Can Cats Eat It? Granola might smell and feel interesting to cats, but it's not a good treat for them. The ingredients in granola are meant for people to eat, so cats should stay away from it. Because cats are obligate carnivores, their bodies are made to process protein from animals instead of grains and plants.
Cats shouldn't eat granola, even though they might be interested. Some of the things that are in granola, like dried fruits and sometimes chocolate, are bad for cats' health. Also, some granolas have a lot of sugar, which can make cats fat and cause other health problems.
Is granola bad for cats?
Granola: Can Cats Eat It? Cats shouldn't eat some of the ingredients in granola. For instance, some granolas have chocolate or raisins in them, which are both bad for cats. Raisins can damage your kidneys, and theobromine in chocolate is bad for cats. Even granolas that don't have these specific ingredients aren't good for cats to eat because they don't have enough nutrients.
Why cats should eat granola
Granola: Can Cats Eat It? Cats don't get any health benefits from granola. Animal-based protein and certain nutrients that are good for their health and well-being should be a big part of a cat's diet. The fiber and complex carbohydrates in granola may be good for people, but they are not good for cats.
What Size Granola Can Cats Eat?
Whatever amount of granola a cat eats is wrong. Cats can get too much sugar and unhealthy ingredients from even small amounts. It's important to give cats a balanced diet that meets their nutritional needs to keep them healthy.
What Size Granola Can Cats Eat?
Whatever amount of granola a cat eats is wrong. Cats can get too much sugar and unhealthy ingredients from even small amounts. It's important to give cats a balanced diet that meets their nutritional needs to keep them healthy.
How Do I Give Granola to My Cats?
Granola: Can Cats Eat It? Because it could be bad for their health, feeding granola to cats is not a good idea. There are special food needs for cats that are very different from ours. Instead of adding granola to their food, give them high-quality food that is good for their health as a whole.
Different options and extras
If you don't want to give your cat granola, try these safe and healthy alternatives:
cooked chicken: Cats can eat plain, cooked chicken that doesn't have any bones or seasonings. It's high in protein.
Cans of Tuna in Water: Cats can eat some canned tuna that is packed in water.
Salmon: Cooked salmon without bones is good for cats' health because it has omega-3 fatty acids.
Turkey: Turkey that has been cooked but not seasoned can be a healthy protein source for cats.
Lean Beef: Cooked lean beef that hasn't been seasoned gives cats protein.
Granola: Can Cats Eat It? Brands of cat food that you can trust include Purina Pro Plan, Hill's Science Diet, and Royal Canin. There are different kinds of these brands' foods for cats, each made to meet their specific nutritional needs.
In the end
Granola: Can Cats Eat It? To sum up, granola is not a good or safe treat for cats. Cats have specific nutritional needs that can only be met by food that is made just for cats. This granola has ingredients that aren't good for cats' health and shouldn't be part of their diet. It is possible to make sure cats live happy and healthy lives by putting their health first and giving them a balanced diet that is right for their species.
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catbreedstips · 8 months
Can Cats Eat Granola? Unveiling the Truth About Feline Diets and Breakfast Delights
 This article will go into detail about how cats should eat and answer the question, "Can cats eat granola?"
Many people love having granola for breakfast because it has a mix of grains, nuts, and sometimes dried fruits. Granola is full of different textures and flavors, and it is often praised for being good for people's health. As responsible cat owners, we naturally want to know if our cats can enjoy this crunchy treat.
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Is granola okay for cats?
Can cats eat oats? Cats might be interested in the taste and smell of granola, but it's not a good treat for them. Granola is designed to be eaten by people and has ingredients that cats should stay away from. Cats are obligate carnivores, which means that their bodies are made to process protein from animals instead of grains and plants.
Cats should not eat granola, even though they might be interested. Granola has things in it that are bad for cats' health, like dried fruits and sometimes chocolate. Some granolas also have a lot of sugar, which can make cats fat and cause other health problems.
Does granola make cats sick?
Can cats eat oats? Some of the things that are in granola can be harmful to cats. Some granolas, for instance, have chocolate or raisins in them, which are both bad for cats. Cherry raisins can damage your kidneys, and chocolate has theobromine in it, which is bad for cats. Granolas that don't have these specific ingredients are still not good for cats to eat because they don't have enough nutrients.
Granola is good for cats.
Can cats eat oats? Granola doesn't have any health benefits for cats. Cats need a diet that is high in protein from animals and certain nutrients that are good for their health and well-being as a whole. Granola has fiber and complex carbohydrates that people may like, but cats don't benefit from these parts.
How Much Cat Granola Can They Eat?
Granola is not good for cats to eat in any amount. Even small amounts can add sugar and ingredients that are bad for cats to their food. To keep a cat healthy, it's important to give them a balanced diet that meets all of their nutritional needs.
How Much Cat Granola Can They Eat?
Granola is not good for cats to eat in any amount. Even small amounts can add sugar and ingredients that are bad for cats to their food. To keep a cat healthy, it's important to give them a balanced diet that meets all of their nutritional needs.
How do I give granola to my cat?
Can cats eat oats? It is strongly advised not to feed granola to cats because it could be bad for their health. When it comes to food, cats have very different needs than people do. Instead of giving them granola, give them high-quality cat food that is good for their health as a whole.
Other Options and Supplements
You shouldn't give your cat granola. Instead, try these safe and healthy treat options:
Fried Chicken: Cats can eat plain, cooked chicken that doesn't have any seasonings or bones as a treat.
Tuna in Water: Cats can eat small amounts of canned tuna that is packed with water.
Salmon: Omega-3 fatty acids found in cooked, boneless salmon are good for a cat's health.
Turkey: Cooked turkey that hasn't been seasoned can be a healthy protein source for cats.
Lean Beef: Cats can get protein from cooked lean beef that hasn't been seasoned.
Can cats eat oats? Choose well-known brands of cat food, such as Purina Pro Plan, Hill's Science Diet, and Royal Canin. These brands make different kinds of food for cats that are made to meet their specific nutritional needs.
In conclusion
Can cats eat oats? In the end, granola is not a good or safe treat for cats. Cats have special nutritional needs that can only be met by food that is made just for cats. Although granola has healthy ingredients, cats shouldn't eat them because they can be bad for their health. You can make sure your cat lives a happy and healthy life by putting their health first and giving them a balanced diet that is right for their species.
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veylia · 1 year
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I've been doing some thinking lately.
A few years ago, I wrote something here on my Tumblr, about how I find it so stupid that so many people see life as a competition. They want the biggest house, the most money, the best job, etc. But simultaneously, they want to be the most oppressed, have the most issues, the worst experiences, etc. as long as they have something to gain from it.
It's so frustrating to me how many people see age as the defining thing about how much experience you have, how old you are in your soul. But that's not the case.
Let's say that a 25-year-old grew up rich, with loving parents, and the worst thing they have experienced is that their boy/girlfriend broke up with them. No one on this earth can say that they have more experience than a 15-year-old that grew up homeless in a country at war.
And even if it was a competition, who the hell would want to WIN it? I certainly don't. I would love to be rid of some of my experiences if it means I can sleep well at night without having night terrors, and without suffering from all the issues that my C-PTSD is causing me.
That also had me thinking about all this talk about autism and how our problems are being compared to those without it.
The saying that "everyone has some autistic traits" is downright insulting and ignores the struggles that we go through.
Let's compare it to something physical, shall we? How about diabetes? Everyone suffers from low blood sugar if not eating correctly, but no one calls that "having a trait of diabetes".
If it's something that everyone has traits of, it wouldn't be called "autistic" traits. It would just be things that are part of being human.
So someone without autism telling someone with autism that they also have traits of autism, would be like a white person telling a person of color that they know what it's like to experience racism. It's THAT big of a difference.
I was thinking about the saying "having the cake and eating it too." It's like the people without autism have a chocolate cake, while people with autism have one with raspberry. And we all know how tasty they are together, so it feels like they are sneaking in to get some of our cake too.
As annoying it can be to have autism, I feel protective and territorial about it too. We are considered to have a disorder, doctors are searching for a cure for it, and parents are refusing vaccines because of the myth that they can cause autism. And yet, people without it are daring to get into our territory for the sake of the "competition," whether they are aware of it or not. And maybe they don't have that view at all.
But that's how it FEELS. And someone without autism has no right to tell someone with autism how to feel about it, just like someone white telling a POC how to feel about racism.
You know how you sometimes get blinded and hit in the head when pulling back curtains, and it's very bright outside? I bet someone without autism gets used to it, they adapt and can go about their day. For me? It feels like my eyes catch on fire, or being burned with acid. My head feels like it's being hit with a sledgehammer, and my senses refuse to adapt. It means that going to the kitchen to get breakfast is with my eyes squinting and nearly closed. And when I'm all done, that hit with the sledgehammer has turned into full-fledged migraine and force me back to the bedroom with curtains pulled shut, the room completely dark. And it takes HOURS to stop, almost the entire day until the sun is about to set.
So please stop telling me that you too have autistic traits, because you truly don't.
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sinning-23 · 2 years
Favorite Foods Headcannon
This is me trying to cope lmao also... let's just assume that the food in current times exist in this universe lmao
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n -cigars and battery acid
I'm joking
-he likes soup
-has a little bit of a sweet tooth so he won't hesitate to get gelato or sorbet cause he bougie like that
-doesn't do fast food....only if Jinx asks then he will very reluctantly get her a happy meal.
-will always share half of his food with you
it's a habit he's picked up having grown up in the lanes and food being limited to him. He's learned to share at least half of all his food no matter what.
just don't bring it up to him lol he doesn't like having you point it out.
-salmon with asparagus and a glass of wine (so bougie)
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-really like cheeseburgers
-lettuce, tomatoes, onion, everything
-loves breakfast sandwiches too when she has time to eat them
-isn't a huge soda fan, prefers water or liquor
-can't stand strawberry flavored stuff
-thinks kiwi and dragonfruit are gross. its the texture and the seeds she hates
-licks her fingers after she's done and will make sure to stare at you when she does
"It tastes good."
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-likes fruit platters
-doesn't like much of anything else, she's a picky eater
-gagged trying to eat broccoli
-carrots are the only exception with vegetables
-"jinx you need other healthy foods, not just fruit"
-likes candy a lot...like it's getting bad how much candy she eats in a day.
she doesn't even realize it until she looks at all the wrappers scattered around her
-peanut butter & jelly sandwiches 24/7
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-spaghetti is his go-to
-likes breadsticks
-can have at least 7 in one sitting
-please keep him away from the breadsticks
-lives off top ramen
-is a sucker for Japanese food
-doest finish all his food sometimes and feels bad about being wasteful
-ben & jetty's after(only sometimes)
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-has the biggest sweet tooth.
-will eat a lot of pasties and baked goods
-put his soup in a bread bowl
-can't enjoy sushi no matter how much he likes it
-found out he had a shellfish allergy unfortunately
-likes smoothies, hates brain freeze
-hates sharing food
-again with the sweets, his favorite things to have are macarons, cheesecake or a chocolate croissant
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in kidding, I'm kidding.........sorta
-loves seafood
-will try almost anything
-was probably the one that ate what all the other kids mixed together on the lunch tray
-really enjoys king crab and lobster
-will eat lemons like its nothing
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-steak, bbq, sloppy joes (they're easy to make)
-need I say more?
-hates sweets, they make his stomach hurt
-besides his blood sugar is already insanely high
-really likes when you cook, he will eat anything you make in all honesty
-will sneak a Twix once every blue moon
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-is also a very picky eater
-I'm thinking dino nuggets and macaroni are always her go-to.
-it's hard tho because they always sever the weirdest more expensive cuisine at the parties she goes to
-will always ask "what's in this?" before eating something
-doesn't like salty foods
-has a thing for sauces believe it or not...she loves a good sauce
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-kinda like mel but less picky and loves the fancy shit
-likes pho
-is a sucker for fusion foods (Chinese/Mexican grill or something like that)
-always has tea with her meals, she can't stand cold drinks
-grilled cheese on cold days.
-will gag at certain textures
-won't go out of her way to have something sweet after a meal.
-forces herself to finish her whole plate, she thinks its rude not to
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messrmoonyy · 3 years
same anon here that asked for the remus returning thing, sorry for the confusion i meant like after he gets back but they aren’t back together yet and there are those few days we’re dora is kinda cold and distant just to protect herself and remus is doing whatever he can :)
My girl Dora ain’t no doormat, no way was she letting him get away with treating her like that and just forgive him immediately. Remus did some grovelling for sure.
Pairing: Remus lupin x Nymphadora Tonks
Warnings: none
You can find all my other writing on my masterlist and remember my ask box is always open, I love any and all requests so please do send them my way!
Tonks woke up to the sound of quiet clattering, a scent of sausages and bacon and eggs. Fresh pastries and pumpkin juice. She opened one eye but the bedroom door was closed still, the other side of the bed as cold as it had been for the last month and a half. Ever since Remus had returned to her he’d been sleeping on the sofa, still trying to even come to terms with being able to look at him in the eye. Never mind sleep beside him. She had said she’d sleep on the sofa at first. It was his home after all, who was she to make him sleep on the sofa in his own home? But he’d insisted she take the bed.
She had deliberated moving to her parents. She knew that would be the eventual outcome anyway, they weren’t exactly in the position for her to just waltz into st Mungos to give birth. But the thought of staying with her mother fussing for longer than necessary wasnt all that appealing. So she had stayed put and waited for Remus. And now he was on the sofa until she finally shifted the last of her hurt.
She still loved him, of course she did. But she couldn’t shake the purely painful feeling of betrayal. He had come back so she guessed she should have been relieved. But it was the fact that he had ran in the first place. The fight had been bitter, his words stinging her like acid, biting at her, beating her down until she felt completely worthless. She’d never heard him say such things. She didn’t know he had it in him. He’d always been such a gentle soul, she’d only heard him raise his voice once or twice. But everyone has a breaking point, everyone snaps. And he had. At her.
She’d never known he could muster words so cruel. Didn’t know his usually gentle face could twist into such hatred. Didn’t know he could look at as if he could barely stand to be within ten feet of her, when he so often only looked at her with adoration.
He’d come back quite literally begging for her forgiveness, down on his knees and finding every and any word he could to try and prove how sorry he was. She had let him back because she loved him. Because she was carrying their child. But she hadn’t forgiven him. And she wasn’t about to anytime soon she guessed. No matter how hard he was trying to win her back around.
He kept leaving her gifts, there was a constant supply of fresh flowers for her every morning. She had ignored them at first, leaving them on the kitchen counter to wilt and die. He’d started placing them in a vase now. Sometimes it was breakfast- like it seemed to be that morning from the smell. Fresh pastries on the pillow when she went to bed, chocolate frogs in her sock drawer, copies of the quibbler because she liked the comic pages, the list was never ending. She couldn’t lie that she liked his grovelling, it was really the least he could do after all he’d said to her. And she felt she deserved to have him pay for what he’d done.
She sat up in bed and sighed to herself, glancing over at the small box beside the bed that held her wedding ring. She’d thrown it in his face the night he’d left her, it landing somewhere at their feet in the front garden. She’d not even been sure on where it had landed. It had appeared on her pillow a few days after Remus had come back and she wondered if he’d actually taken it with him when he ran. Or if he’d just searched for it when he returned. She’d shoved it in the box and not touched it since. She wished she could’ve gone back to the wedding day. He’d been so happy. She’d been so happy. Her mother would’ve hated the wedding, but that had made almost a little more enjoyable. It wasn’t even the slightest part traditional.
A tiny church in what felt like the coldest part of Scotland going. Some strangers they’d met a few hours before in a local pub as witnesses, no big crowds of guests. No fancy white dress. She’d worn her boots and the nicest dress she could find in her wardrobe back home. Her bouquet had been some flowers nicked from someone’s front garden, one of which she’d pinned to Remus. It wasn’t perfect in anyone else’s eyes, but it was to her. To him. They’d shared their own vows, been bound together by magic and love and hope. They’d danced all night, stayed up until the sun rose sat up on a cliff over looking the sea. And of course the stumbled walk back to their B&B over the pub, the event that had inevitably created the tiny person residing inside her now. And that was that.
But the Remus that had shouted at her, told her that they had no choice but to her rid of the abomination they had created… that didn’t feel like the Remus she had married. She didn’t recognise that man. That wasn’t her Remus. That wasn’t the man she loved, had married, had given up everything for. He was a stranger to her.
She got dressed then, not wanting to fall into the hole of longing for Remus again and put herself in a bad mood, before leaving the bedroom. Remus was stood in the kitchen and smiling at her as she opened the bedroom door. The bedroom was the only place in the house that offered her privacy, the rest being tiny and open plan. She spent most of her time in there just lately and thankfully for her, he often left her to it. The bedroom being almost out of bounds to him. He hadn’t stepped foot in there since coming back.
“ good morning Dora “ he greeted quietly and she shook her head at him, raising a hand and pointing at his face.
“ no. I told you already. You don’t get to call me that now “ he looked down at the floor for a moment and nodded. He looked like a kicked puppy but she told herself she didn’t care. He deserved to hurt like she had. He did.
“ right. I’m sorry. Tonks “ he cleared his throat awkwardly and gestured to the table “ I. I have breakfast for you. I have to nip out to the Weasleys for a while but there’s more food in the fridge for you if that isn’t to your liking “ she sniffed and turned her head away from the table. She didn’t know why but his kindness just made her mad. Like a switch flicked inside of her.
“ and you’ll return this time? Or planning another week away? “ he sighed and ran a hand through his hair “ need another chat with Harry so you? Listen to a child’s advice but not your own wife right? “
“ Dora ple- “
“ no! “ she hadn’t completely intended to shout but she had. She closed her eyes, balling her hair into fists and tried to get rid of her sudden lack of calm. She could feel angry tears burning behind her eyelids and she blamed her messed up hormones. She refused to cry in front of him again. Refused to show the hurt he was still causing her weeks after her left “ just. Just go the Weasleys. Go on “ he hesitated for a moment and gave a small nod.
He knew better than to argue with her now. Knew it would get him no where.
“ just. Please make sure you eat something. It’s not good for the b- “
“ don’t stand there and pretend you care “ she snapped “ don’t “
“ Tonks I do. I do care I have apologised I don’t know what else I- “
“ if you cared you wouldn’t have left “ there was silence then. So quiet it was almost painful. But she felt like twisting the knife, plunging it deeper and drawing out as much agony as she could. She wanted him to hurt like she had, to feel the pieces of his heart shatter inside his chest, splinter his lungs so it felt as though no air could reach him. Make him feel how she had “ I am only here because unfortunately for me. You are the father of my baby. I don’t care how much you apologise. I will never forgive you Remus Lupin. Never “
The words burnt her own throat as she spoke them, and regret seeped into her chest. But she stayed firm. Refused to cry. Refused to feel guilty. He deserved it.
She had clearly struck a nerve. His eyes swam with pain, his hands hanging limply at his side. Defeated. Hurt. She’d won that round.
“ I don’t know how many time I can apologise “ he said weakly “ I know it’ll never come close to repairing what I did but- “
“ please. Just go to the Weasleys “ she said with a sigh and turned away from him as her tears finally fell. She didn’t want him to see. She closed her eyes. gripping onto the kitchen counter so her knuckles turned white. She heard movement behind her and the front door opening.
“ please make sure you eat “ he said softly before the front door closed and she dropped down to her knees, letting her tears run freely. Her body wracked with sobs
When Remus had been on the sofa for 2 months, and Tonks was finally starting to pass the phase of just looking a little fat, to actually looking pregnant, nearing her 4th month. She had started to become a little more forgiving. She had started to sit with him at breakfast again, didn’t shut down every single conversation he tried to start with her, sat beside him when he read by the fire in the evenings. Though she always left a fair space between them.
She found she’d started to miss him greatly. Trying to deal with how much her body was changing on her own wasn’t exactly the most fun thing. Remus was still piling her with as much affection as he could, even though she still wasn’t particularly receptive to it. But she had to admire his determination.
“ Nymphadora. I was wondering if I could have a word “ she turned to face him as she toed off her boots, having only just gotten home from a trip to see her parents “ please. If you would “ she hung up her jacket and nodded, walking over to him as he gestured towards the table where a small yellow gift bag was sat.
She sat down at the small table, it had an old copy of the prophet folded up under one leg to stop it from wobbling, but it still moved slightly when she picked up the gift bag.
“ you can’t buy my forgiveness “ she stated, not looking inside the bag “ I told you that already Remus. I can’t be bought “ he gave a small nod, clasping his hands tighter.
“ yes. I know. I do. Just- please “ he nodded towards the bag and she hesitated but sighed before pulling at the ribbon and pulling out the tissue paper. She froze when her figures fell upon a soft cotton and she realised what was in the bag. She pulled it out, dropping the bag to the floor “ I wasn’t- I wasn’t sure on the size or- it’s like Hufflepuff, you see? Of course I couldn’t get an official one. It was a muggle shop and I had to be quite quick I didn’t want to risk anything. I mean I had options of course but- “
“ Remus “ she cut him off. It was a babygrow. It was a pastel green with a badger embroidered on the chest. It was the first piece of clothing their child had. She hadn’t exactly had the best of opportunities to go shopping down Diagon alley for some herself.
“ Dora “ he tried her nickname again for the first time in weeks and this time she didn’t chastise him for it “ I know I’ll never be able to take back what I said. But as I told you when I returned. I had time to think. And these past months I’ve been thinking too “ he reached out gingerly for her hand and when she didn’t pull away he gently took it in both of his “ all I ever wanted was a normal life. A normal family. And now… now I have that chance. With the woman I love and. And our child “
“ and what if he’s not… ‘ Normal ‘. If he’s different. I’d hes half werewolf. Or full. Or. In between “ she was getting a little tense with her words again and she tried her best to remain calm. She was finally getting a truthful and meaningful opinion from Remus on the matter. She should be thankful for that. Even with the betrayal still poking the back of her mind occasionally.
“ then I’ll love him all the same. He’ll be could be born with four legs and 5 arms, two heads. No magic at all. I’d still love him. Because we made him Nymphadora. You and I. And I…. I never thought I’d get that. I never believed I’d be a father. A husband. Now I have that opportunity and I see how much of a fool I was to try and throw that away “ he squeezed her hand gently, his thumb rubbing circles over her knuckles in a soothing way. She knew him well enough to know when he was lying to her. And he wasn’t now.
“ let’s deal with the possible moon situation before we worry about any extra limbs shall we? “ she said with a small smile and watched as he seemed to relax every muscle in his body, his worries that she wouldn’t accept his apologies slipping away “ I won’t forgot what you said to me. And to him “ she placed her free hand on her stomach as she spoke “ but you’re his dad. Nothing is going to change that. And the world really fucked up right now. Like. Really. And so we have to protect him. Love him more than we can even think about “ Remus nodded.
She refused to let the world ruin her baby, refused to let him be warped into a life of terror and fear. Of feeling outcast and alone like his father had. Remus stood up then and knelt down in front of her.
“ I love you Nymphadora. And I love him… or her “ she smiled slightly as he placed a gentle hand over hers that was still cradling her bump. Remus’ acceptance suddenly made it feel all the more real. In just 4 months they’d have a baby. A real one. Screaming and crying and laughing. A most innocent thing born into a world on the brink of disaster. And somehow her and Remus had to keep him safe. And kind. And loved. They weren’t exactly the most functional of couples so it was no doubt that their family wouldn’t be either. But they’d make it work. They would.
Werewolf or not.
It was another week after that that she finally caved. The talk had most definitely been the turning point. And she’d kissed him again that evening for the first time in months. Was actually letting him touch her again without recoiling. Though he was still on the sofa.
Though December had well and truly arrived. The cold weather setting her into an almost constant chill, the old cottage not offering much in terms insulation. And she missed having him wrapped around her. He was always warm. And didn’t complain when her cold hands found there way under his shirt in the night to warm up. She also just missed him. Just him. Her Remus. The man she’d fallen in love with. She wanted him back beside her, his slow breaths on her neck in the night, his legs tangled with hers. Even the way his facial hair scratched at her when they kissed. She just missed him.
So it was almost no surprise to her when she found herself slipping out of bed, the coldness of the stone floor seeping through her socks and chilling her already numb feet some more. She opened the bedroom door slowly to see if he was awake or not.
He was in the armchair, a book on his lap. Clearly having not planned to sleep there, he’d have a sore neck in the morning that was for certain. She grabbed the blanket from the back of the sofa and silently walked over to him. The fire was crackling in the hearth, immediately warming her up. She moved the book careful not to lose his page, before climbing into his lap in its place. She wrapped the blanket around them, bring her legs up and resting her head on his chest. One more month gone and she didn’t think she’d be able to manage that. She wasn’t the tallest or biggest of people. So her bump was still pretty small. But she loved it all the same.
Remus stirred slightly and made a small noise of confusion to wake up and find Dora on his lap. He opened his eyes fully, his eyelids heavy with sleep.
" Dora? "
" go back to sleep " she whispered and felt him give a small nod as his hand tentatively wrapped around her, like he was still unsure if he was allowed to touch her or not. She snuggled in a little closer to him as if to say it was okay and he fully wrapped around her, pulling the blanket up to her chin. It felt right to be in his arms like that again. They’d snuggled on the sofa the day before. But not as… intimate as this. It felt normal again. Like she belonged there.
" why did you- "
" I was just cold " she cut him off, ignoring the way his raspy sleep filled voice made her melt. She was trying to show that she was still just that little bit mad at him. But she couldn’t deny that she missed him. That yes she was still hurt, that she might always been. But nothing could compare to the amount that of love she had for him. Still. Even after all he’d done. No one would ever come close to the way she felt for Remus Lupin.
" right " She lifted her head for a moment to find he was already looking at her. And she couldn't help herself. Because time was precious now. And she was wasting it being angry all these months later. She slipped a hand up to cup his face before pulling him in to kiss her. He seemed a little surprised at first, his lips frozen for a moment before they opened to capture her own. But she didn't blame him because she was too. She hadn’t planned for that night to be that night she let go of the final part holding her back.
" this isn't me forgiving you " she said against his lips once they pulled apart. Half joking. Half not.
" I know " he seemed quite truthful with that. Like he understood her thinking. Maybe he did.
" good "
" good " she kissed him again and found herself shifting in his lap, slipping a leg either side of him. Because she was mad at him, she was really. But she loved him more. Missed him more. Needed him more. And soon she was unbuttoning his trousers and bunching up her sweatshirt- that was actually his- around her waist, rolling her hips against him until she was panting out his name, gripping the back of the armchair so hard she was surprised she didn’t splinter the wooden frame.
They stayed on the armchair even after Remus had cleaned them up, trying to keep the warmth of the fire in her body, trying to share Remus’ own body heat.
" Remus " she said when she was certain he was just dropping off, her head against his chest. Heading his heart beating felt like home. The familiar sound she had so often fallen asleep to. Comforting.
" I know. This isn't you forgiving me " he mumbled, hurt tinging his words.
" actually I was going to say that I love you "
" oh. Oh right... I love you too. You know I do " his arms tightened slightly around her and she let herself calm to the sound of his heart. She waited again until she felt him slackening with sleep to speak again, a slight mischief in her tone.
" oh and Remus? This isn't me forgiving you "
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ungalossimp · 2 years
🍯 for Donatello
🍯 : Do they eat sweets in the morning? Such as a cinnamon bun or donut?
First of all, thank you for the ask (^ω^✧) ♥️✨!
✧ ・ ✧ ・ ✧ ・ ✧ ・ ✧ ・ ✧ ・ ✧ ・ ✧ ・ ✧ ・ ✧
✧・ Donatello doesn't really have a sweet tooth in the morning. However 👀✨ ! He has that obscure brand of candies that his mother used to buy him in that one little grocerie store near their home. They taste sugary but also extremely sour. I'm talking ”feeling-like-your-teeth-are-being-dissolved-by-acid” kind of sour. He was *obssessed* with it as a kid, and is very nostalgic about it - it reminds him of his regretted lost-too-soon happy childhood.
It was discontinued after a while (there was an urban legend that said that it miiiight have caused someone's deaths - because of how sour it was 💀). After a while they sold it again, thanks to the 90's / y2k 's nostalgia fad.
As soon as he mentionned it to me I searched for a place where they sold it. After an intense research - it wasn't easy to find, there seemed to be a craze about it but no one could tell me where they hot it ! - I finally managed to find one grocerie store that fid, and I went on to gift him a huge pacl of it ; when he saw my gift Donatello was ecstatic (>///<✧) !
A little out-of-subject anecdote - (What's funny is when I described the shop and the seller to Donatello he told me that it looked exactly like the stuff from his childhood, to a T. Even the seller seemed to fit his description.
Another thing : I never found the store again. All mentions of it disappeared from internet. Apparently the exact same shop reopened in Italy soon after, but when me and Donatello went there for a family matters of his we couldn't find it, once again it had disappeared.
Donatello speculated that the candies might have been a byproduct of a Stand - Hence their out-of-this-world sourness and good taste.)
He tries to not indulge in it every morning and to savor it slowly so he doesn't run out of it too quickly. But once a week, he partakes religiously in his candy-eating session. One candy a week, not more, not less. He looks forward to this part of the week and I think it's adorable how he gets excited about it.
What can I say, he's just a sour lemon boy that needs some sweetness in his life (◡‿◡✧) ❣
✧ ・ ✧ ・ ✧ ・ ✧ ・ ✧ ・ ✧ ・ ✧ ・ ✧ ・ ✧ ・ ✧
✧・ I love sweets for my mornings. I'm going to be completely honest, Donatello absolutely *spoils* me with them, and I won't complain x3. I'm not much of a big candy fan tbh, however I have a huge weakness for cookies, ice creams, pastries and most of all, Pains au chocolat 🤤 (idk how to translate it precisely... I think the english word is "chocolate croissant" ?).
I can't start my day without my pain au chocolat, I'm sorry but I can't fight against my french instincts 😔 /lh
✧ ・ ✧ ・ ✧ ・ ✧ ・ ✧ ・ ✧ ・ ✧ ・ ✧ ・ ✧ ・ ✧
( ask prompt )
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lady-literature · 3 years
So I know there’s a couple of eldritch horror!izuku fics or like, this fic where obsessive love is a whole ass theme (but not in an abusive way? I think, it might just be the mental illness luv) and it definitely has The Vibes (@ that murder scene tho *chef’s kiss*), but has anyone done a fic where the Midoriyas are just like,,, the Addam’s Family?
Cause I thought about it and now I can’t get it out of my head.
Like, can you imagine how chaotic and gleefully creepy Izuku would be if he just,,, grew up as an unkillable Addams? How reckless he would be but almost in that way of, not quite determination but rather just, ‘oh this is insanely dangerous, how exciting!’
Anyway, I don’t have any actual plot for this, but I do have A Vibe and a random scattering of scenes rattling around in my brain:
Izuku is born, pale as death with eyes as green as acid. He nearly kills his mother in the process, blood pooling beneath her and exhaustion clawing at her chest. But when she holds him, her dearest bundle of woe, she trails her fingertips along the blood she hadn’t let the doctors clean him of, and she laughs.
“How delightful,” she says. “Just born and already you’re trying to kill your Mother? Oh, how jealous Cousin Morticia will be when she hears.”
Izuku’s two the first time he sticks a fork in a light socket. His hair stands on end and his fingers blister and the whole block loses electricity. When Inko finds him, he’s pouting as he shoves the fork back into the socket only without the shower of sparks he so enjoyed the first time. Inko laughs as she picks him up, her hands stinging with static electricity for a moment.
Izuku grows up drinking wolfsbane tea and eating such delicious sweets as: chocolate chip, almond cookies (with extra helpings of cyanide for flavor) and cakes with belladonna frosting for special occasions. Inko mixes rat poison into his pancakes and waffles to give it a kick. A kid tried his sandwich once and had to be taken to the hospital. It’d been made with apricot jam, but his mother likes to crush the seeds up and mix them in.
Afterward, Inko has to explain to him that other kids can’t eat the same things he does.
Izuku silently wonders if he should stop sharing his cookies with Kacchan.
(Ultimately, Izuku decides that Kacchan wouldn’t let him stop anyway. And besides, he’s surely built up the resistance to it by now. What harm could it do?)
Inko has a garden in their backyard. Most of the plants are either carnivorous or poisonous. All of them are vaguely sentient. Izuku adores all of them and feeds the carnivores dead animals he finds.
(It’s best not to wonder how or where he found them.)
Inko only takes Izuku to the park when he wants to play with Katsuki.
Otherwise, she packs the picnic basket, and they set off to the cemetery. Inko wanders between gravestones, leaving behind offerings and greeting old friends while Izuku runs amok playing with the younger ghosts.
Sometimes, his new playmates like him so much they never want him to leave.
Izuku’s gotten very good at playing dead. “I just don’t want them to feel bad,” he explains to her as she cleans off all the blood. “It’s not their fault we’re hard to kill after all.”
Inko hums and kisses his forehead. Her lips come away smeared with red. “That’s very kind of you, little viper.”
Izuku grows and grows and grows.
There’s a certain kind of darkness that hangs around him. A frigid air, as cold as a gravestone in winter. It scares away most of the children, and Izuku makes it through life without being bothered for the most part.
Those children who do walk right past the warning sign though, they never last long anyway.
The voices that lovingly whisper secrets into his ears are not as kind to the children who dared try and harm their own. Izuku has an air of madness around him.
And often, it is those around him who succumb to its addictive taste.
Izuku never quite understood his cousin Pugsely’s obsession with explosives. They seemed… flashy, in his opinion. He much preferred a good knife, or the clever little mind games Wednesday liked to employ. Subtle things, bloody things.
But then, when Izuku is hovering around nine years old, he watches Kacchan reduce a tree to nothing more than splinters and ash, screaming obscenities and death threats the whole time.
Izuku has known Kacchan for years, has been around his explosive friend and his explosive quirk for years. But, well. Compared to the things he’s seen Pugsley do, Kacchan hardly seemed to control anything more than sparks.
Izuku isn’t really sure what changes his mind. But all he knows, is that as Kacchan stands there, panting, his palms bleeding from the yet too large explosions and the ricocheting wood, and Izuku finds he has a newfound appreciation for things that go boom.
Izuku decides he wants to become a hero for two reasons.
The first, is that Kacchan wants to be a hero and Izuku figures he may as well join him.
The second, is that his father is already Japan’s most dangerous villain, and while Izuku is nothing if not determined, he thinks the two hundred year head start his father has is a bit unfair. So Izuku’s going to forge a new path instead of trying to outshine his father at what he does best.
Besides, he thinks, isn’t it just a bit poetic of him? The whole, father and son on opposite sides of a conflict thing?
Dad’ll probably be annoyed, but he’ll also find it funny and be more proud about his initiative, so.
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despairforme · 2 years
Question; would Nnoitra be classed as someone having PICA or just the survival need to eat ANYTHING that can be to fill himself up? Is he drawn to tissues / sofa stuffing / drinking the non-usual liquids chemical or not, to have a fix met, or is he honestly just more of a person that'll eat anything that's 'okay' for the body, eg - toothpaste in small qualities to feel like he's eaten something rather than nothing?
Would you say that Nnoitra's eating habits could be classed as a form of disorder or just a survival choice? Eg; would he stop eating random things if he had a solid food insource at all times?
Would things like eating tissue to quell hunger, remain with him even when he's able to afford consistent meals? ( Eg the Actor verse, a decent wage if sporadic )
     Wow, wow, wow - lots of difficult words incoming. Nnoitra held up a finger to indicate he needed a pause, and then he pulled his phone out of his pocket. He definitely needed to google some things. He had no idea what the fuck PICA was. Thankfully it was a short word ( though he misspelled it once before managing to type it correctly ). According to google, PICA was a disorder that caused a person to want to eat things that were not food. Like dirt, grass or paper. Nnoitra didn’t think this was referring to him. Did he eat things that weren’t food? As a kid, he had chewed on paper ( literally eating his home work ) but that was literally because he was fucking hungry, not because he just wanted to eat paper for the sake of eating paper. Also it had been a good way to get rid of his homework. He did have a habit of eating insects, but that WAS food! It just wasn’t the standard sort of thing you could buy at a grocery store, but there were many parts of the world where it WAS normal to eat insects and bugs. 
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     ❝ It’s more a survival thing. ❞ Nnoitra decided on. ❝ I just NEED ‘ta eat a lot durin’ a day or I lose weight. ❞ This was true. He had a crazy metabolism. His body burned calories like a goddamn machine. Because he knew he had to get down lots and lots of calories every day to stay at his current weight ( he would love to put on, but that just wasn’t happening ), he always made sure to eat whenever possible. He snacked a lot. The feeling of hunger was almost always there, apart from right after a meal, so he supposed THAT was the reason why he always tried to eat things that could be considered food. He would eat food that was expired or had fallen on the floor, or whatever. As for him eating insects? That was simply because he LIKED it. He loved the taste, be it acidic like ants or a more nutty-flavor like mealworms or beetles. The crunch was delicious, as was the slight gooey sensation of the center of real thick and big bugs.
     Nnoitra crossed his arms, still holding his phone. ❝ I AIN’T got no fuckin’ eatin’ disorder. ❞ He was SO fucking TIRED of people assuming there was something wrong with him. Like he was some sort of little teenage girl who just wasn’t happy with her body. Nnoitra had been targeted for his weight his whole life, and especially during junior high and high school, where it had pretty much been official knowledge that he was anorectic. WHICH WAS NOT FUCKING TRUE! It was just how his body worked - he WAS a thin person, get fucking over it! Nnoitra hated being skinny. It was ugly and it made people think he was weak. Not to mention he could’ve been SO MUCH STRONGER if he could put on more weight to build more muscles.
     There had been ONE time in his life, when he had purposely kept himself from eating. It was when Grimmjow was in hospital after his suicide attempt. Nnoitra had felt SO guilty about that ( no wonder, it had literally been his fault ), and so he had felt like he didn’t deserve food. Eating, and especially snacking in general, was one of Nnoitra’s self-care things. He properly enjoyed eating, and he loved sweet snacks like chocolate or candy or pastries. When he had been in that dark place, he had wanted to punish himself. Not eating had been an easy way to do that. It was similar to how he had used to get into fights he couldn’t handle just to punish himself for shit. He didn’t think him not eating for a while had been an eating disorder though. Weren’t eating disorders supposed to be uncontrolled? He had purposely done it, so that ( to him ) made it different. Whatever. That was what? Two years ago? He was eating lots now, so it was no biggie. 
     Yeah, he ate random things. He would try to eat leaves and flowers or chew on branches or straws, but it was mostly something he did without thinking about it. Just a habit. It wasn’t like he couldn’t afford proper food. He had a decent enough income for that. But, it hadn’t always been like that. These were habits he had carried with him all the way from childhood, and clearly they were hard to break. And honestly? He didn’t see WHY he SHOULD try to break them. It wasn’t like it was harming him or whatever. ❝ I think eatin’ leaves ‘n bugs ‘s ‘da least ‘a my problems. ❞
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padawansuggest · 2 years
... I need to know. Are those raw frozen potatoes? Or did she cook them before freezing? Are they sliced? Or is she just gnawing away at a frozen lump of potatoe? .... it's 2 am and I need an answer, PLEASE!
Frozen French fries and tater tots are her faves but I wouldn’t put it past her to eat them raw… I kinda think she’s admitted to eating them raw before but I COULD be confusing that with my sister who also eats them raw.
Some lovely facts about us all that you guys should hate
Sis and gf both love pineapple on pizza (which I’m sorta blaze over but I’m allergic to most acidic fruits so I’m more on the side of no) but babe ordered pineapple and [ham] (I have been corrected, it was black olives) on creamy garlic pizza the other day and sis is calling for arms against her now. Lmao. They both gonna hate but I personally hate that because I dislike garlic. They both dislike stuffed crust and I’m personally offended at that.
You know how some people hate cilantro cause they have a genetic that makes it taste like soap? I love cilantro, but I have lavender, chamomile, hibiscus and walnuts all taste like soap gene. All of them fuckin rancid.
My sister shares that gene with me for walnuts, but!!!! She says she’s tried black walnuts before and they taste like not-soap!! (Can’t really say they taste normal cause to us our normal is that they taste like soap.) so. As always. The English are to blame. English walnuts that is. Anyways!!! We both eat banana nut muffins and pull the walnuts off the top (at least I do) but we LOVE them in the middle of the bread!!! It’s like this yummy yummy soap nugget in the delicious bread it’s so enticing and horrible.
Sis eats 100% dark chocolate. Babe caps herself at about 75-80% I think? I’m a 30-40% bitch and I’m not changing. 40% is my limit and even that’s a lil far for me. Horrible. If I wanted bitter I would drink chamomile. Or lavender. Or Hibiscus. Nasty.
My sister and I regularly fight over warm tomatoes. I think they shouldn’t exist. She does. I think they can be ALLOWED for marinara or OCCASIONALLY pizza, or maybe even some pastas (some!!!!! Not many!!!!) she’s out here putting them in soup. Barf city ew.
Sis and gf also fight at least once yearly over fudge recipes. While I PREFER sis’s, I have to admit, now days I’m a little bit more allergic to the family recipe. Like. A lot more allergic. It’s poison to me now. Sads. I’m still allergic to both but the GFs recipe can be tasted without death, BUT, I still don’t consider that a worthy reason to risk tummy ache, so, you feel me????
You don’t want to know what I put in my margarita. It’s just alcohol and lemon/lime juice. I’ve been told it’s rancid. I think it’s delicious.
Miralax is my favorite condiment.
I have chronically low blood pressure from some meds because of lack of salt and instead of adding more salt to my already low salt lifestyle (not a willing choice I just don’t eat much with added salt) I’ve just been licking beer salt by the mouthful.
Sis drinks Clamato beer I don’t know why god let’s her live.
90% of babe’s diet is sugar. I’m sure of it. Absolutely sure of it.
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Bucky Drabble #3
Bucky x Pregnant!Reader (female)
A/N: Still haven’t got any further on my Uni essay, but I wrote this! This drabble came to me in the early hours of the morning and I ran with it. I honestly think this is the most I’ve written creatively at one sitting in my entire life (go me).
Warnings: Angst, Bucky is the Winter Soldier, so anything associated with that, but not super descriptive, sorta fluff? All the things associated with my writing, so poor writing, mediocre grammar, not beta read, not edited (I might fix that in future idk), Author herself is worth warning you about.
Word Count: 1394 (wow I surpassed 500 words; I even broke 1K!)
It was still dark outside when you opened your eyes, the moonlight sneaking through the gap in the curtains. The urge to go to the bathroom to relieve your bladder was the catalyst for waking you from your slumber. Your left-hand slides across the sheets, reaching out for your husband in comfort, only to meet his empty and cold side of the bed.
‘Where is he?’ you thought. He wasn’t on a mission; he would have told you if he was leaving for one.
You push yourself up by your arms and shuffle towards the edge of the bed, feet meeting the cold floor before gliding into your fluffy slippers. You walk towards the ensuite bathroom to relieve your bladder, rubbing your bump along the way.
‘you sure like to play with mummy’s bladder little one. Let’s go find where your daddy has wandered off to once we’re done, hmm?’.
You were finished in the bathroom quickly, keen to find out where your husband had gone. You first checked his study that was a few doors down from your shared bedroom. Bucky hated doing paperwork and often shoved it to the back burner until he was forced to do it- so it was possible he had some that needed completed by the morning. That idea was soon shot down when you entered his study for it only to be just as empty as the rest of the upper floor of your house. Breathing a sigh through your nose as you turn around and make for the ground floor, opting to check the living room to see if he is watching TV- again not an unusual thing for Bucky to do during the middle of the night when sleep evades him. Unfortunately, he was not to be found in the lounge either, the couch not even having any signs of being disturbed.
There was only one other place in the house that he could be and that was the kitchen, ‘maybe he was peckish and decided to make himself as sandwich… and decided to stay there…’. Yeah, you weren’t even convincing yourself with that one. 
The kitchen was just as dark as the rest of the house when you entered, no signs of life to be found. Now that you were here you were just as well to make yourself something though, maybe said sandwich that Bucky ended up not making for himself. You flicked the light switch, the sudden brightness blinding you momentarily and causing you to close your eyes on reflex. Only when you open them you are met with the beautiful blue eyes of your husband, your Bucky. Except he is looking at you with a blank expression. No recognition passed through is blue orbs as he looks at you.
‘’Bu-Bucky? What are you doing down here? Why were you sitting here in the dark?’’
He makes no to move to answer your question; just continues to stare at you with his empty eyes. You walk closer to him, slowly and in trepidation.
‘’Bucky? Sweetheart, are you alright?’’
‘Again nothing. It’s as if the lights are on but no one is home. It as if- oh. Oh no. Oh no no no, not this.’
You stop dead in your tracks, an arms width away from your husband- the love of your life, the father of your unborn child. You close your eyes and take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth, hands covering your bump both protectively and for comfort. You open your eyes again, feeling somewhat calm but equally dreading the next words to leave your mouth.
His reply is instant. ‘’Ready to comply.’’
A quiet sob leaves your mouth at his words, grief overwhelming you. It felt as if your heart was following the same fate as the Titanic- sinking into a deep abyss of darkness; never to see the light of day again.  
You are lost for a few minutes in your grief, leaving yourself completely defenceless in his presence. However, the Winter Soldier makes no move. He just continues to sit there. Waiting. Waiting for his orders; for his next mission.  
Determination soon fills you, coupled with your unwavering love and desperation to get your Bucky back.
‘’Soldat, your orders are to go into the living room and sit on the sofa- the big one in the middle of the room- oh and please turn on the lamp just next to it too? I will join you shortly and give you your next orders.’’ Each word feels like acid as they leave your mouth, praying for Bucky’s forgiveness for doing this to him. The Soldier simply nods and- as silent as a panther stalking its prey- leaves the room, following his orders. You breathe a sigh of relief, rubbing your bump absentmindedly. You move forward to the counter and pull out all the necessary ingredients to make two sandwiches -Bucky’s favourite- and turn the kettle on. Hot chocolate and a sandwich, comforting food to try and help him remember himself. You would have liked to make proper hot chocolate- with warm milk rather than water- but you already have a long night ahead of you.
Putting everything on a tray (a baking tray that you have repurposed for the moment) once made, you turn and leave the kitchen, noticing the dim light leaving the living room as you walk.
He is sitting stiffly on the couch when you enter the room, his face and eyes staring directly forward and awaiting your next instructions.
Walking further into the room, you gently place the tray of goodies onto the coffee table before walking away towards the welsh dresser at the back of the room. You pull out a series of large folders and some journals, piling them on top of one another in your arms before shuffling your feet across the floor- struggling to keep a grasp of the deceivingly heavy pile. You place them onto the coffee table with much less grace than you did the tray, but the Soldier didn’t so much as spare you a glance during your fumbled movements.
‘Direct eye-contact and showing curiosity or interest in anything that wasn’t his orders got him in trouble before’. You remembered his words sadly. He didn’t like sharing what he had gone through with Hydra to anybody, but least of all you. He didn’t want to taint you with those ugly stories, instead sharing hundreds of others of him and Steve from when they were growing up and from his time as an Avenger- before he met you anyway. Stories that are now the key to bringing him back to you.
‘’Soldat, eat with me. And drink if you’re thirsty too.’’ You say gently, hoping that he will accept your orders despite holding no authority in your voice. He glances at you briefly before locking his eyes to the food on the tray, the movement so quick that you almost didn’t see it. He seems to look at the food warily, as if trying to figure out if it was poisonous. You lean forward and take one of the sandwiches, biting into it quickly in an attempt to show that it was safe to eat. He mimics your actions shortly after, not wanting to face his handler’s wrath for not complying with their strange orders.
A minute passes in silence between the two of you, as you try to figure out if this will work and how you’re going to bring him back if it doesn’t.
‘’Soldat, I’d like you to review some files with me. Please?’’
He seems to relax somewhat, your order being one that is more reminiscent of his past handler’s. You open the first folder, a vast array of black and white photos of a dark-haired boy with light eyes- the exact colour lost by the monochrome image.
‘’Soldat, this is a collection of photos. It is of the Barnes Family, specifically of James Buchanan Barnes.’’
The Soldier peruses the photos with confusion, his brow furrowed. This continues for hours, the night lost to photo albums and leatherbound journals, all detailing the long life of James Buchanan ‘Bucky’ Barnes. At the break of dawn, you hear the words the liberate you heart, cleansing all grief and cutting away the weights that held it down.
‘’Thank you for bringing me home, Doll.’’
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homeofhousechickens · 3 years
YES HELLO I HAVE CHIMCKEN QUESTION :) 1) what are some of the friendliest chicken breeds? 2) what can chickens eat? ive seen people feed their chickens a wide variety of stuff as little treats, even some human snacks and im curious as to what kind of foods they're able to eat. are their stomachs really that versatile as to eat a liddle french fry??
Chickens love french fries! :) (except Greenie Weanie who thinks they are evil)
Chickens are omnivores and can safely eat and digest most meats, bugs, fruits, nuts, and vegetables, but they do have some foods which can be harmful or poisonous.
For example Its not a good idea to feed chickens sweets or candy often as the sugar can encourage bacterial or fungal growth in the crop, causing sour crop. If a chicken eats a peppermint candy its not the end of the world though.
Amaranth- has growth depressing antinutrients and can make a bird sick (is safe cooked)
Avacado- just dont to many parts of the food can be harmful and its to rich and can hurt a chickens tummy.
Cabbage, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts- fine in moderation or as a treat but fed to often can cause goiters, immune issues, and reproductive issues in hens.
Cherry pits, apple seeds, avacado pit- poisonous do not feed
Raw poultry- salmonella risk just like you and me
Chocolate-obvious reasons the caffeine ect
Citrus- may inhibit calicum absorption but safe as a rare treat for nonlaying birds
Tomato or eggplant leaves- poisonous can cause heart failure
Maggots- avoiding feeding due to botulism risk
Onions-messes up flavor of eggs and causes anemia
Raw potatos- only cooked potatos are safe the skin and plant are toxic
Rhubarb-highly toxic contains high levels of oxalic acid
Raw and dry beans- can cause fatal blood clots
Any food containing Xylitol should be avoided.
This isnt a complete list or anything just some foods to watch out for :)
Junk food and high salt and fat foods (like french fries) should be a rare treat as to much fat and salt is unhealthy for chicken.
As for the most friendly chicken breeds it can depend on the breeder and the chicken breeds orgin. Breeds that have been orginally bred for show or ornamental reasons tend to be friendly, same goes for the giant dual purpose breeds but ill make a short list off the top of my head anyway.
Orpingtons-"if gold is hold" i think is a joke (if im remembering it correctly) in my favorite discord about how Orpingtons are prone to wanting to cuddle and getting jealous at their flockmates who are being cuddled. A good breed very fluffy, hatchery stock can have health issues so avoid. The Labrador retriever of chicken breeds
Silkies- pretty much orpington owners and silkie owners meet up in a back alley to beat each other up to decide who has the friendlier breed. Silkies owners win though, but not without consequences, vaulted skulls make them prone to disability and brain damage, fibromelanisosis depresses the immune system, and crests can obscure vision impacting quality of life. All things to keep in mind, its better to buy from a pet or color breeder then a hatchery or show breeder.
Brahma- huge heavy chonky, gentle giants, the second biggest chicken breed, Can be prone to heart failure but other then that very healthy breed. They are huge and fluffy the only problem is their gentle nature can get them bullied. Hatchery Brahmas are basically mutts most of the time, get from a breeder.
Leghorn- the neurotic skittish husky of chicken breeds. This breed orginates as a land race so their skittish nature aided them in feeding themselves and evading predators. Dont let their nature fool you though these birds are highly intelligent emotional birds, if raised correctly and with their issues in mind they are extremely friendly and one of the most talkative intelligent chicken breeds. People who want a chicken who will follow them around but if independent tend have a soft spot for leghorns. Prone to reproductive cancer, their lifespan is tragically short to compared to other breeds.
Serama- The smallest chicken breed with the strongest neotenious traits. Some of these chickens tend to stay in the mindset of a baby chick so they tend to be clingy and lovable just like a chick. Some lines can be prone to bird aggression and they are very dedicated and serious broodies. Seramas readily take their humans as members of the flock. Seramas shouldnt be kept like a traditional chicken due to their size
Modern Game Bantams- LEG birds, very friendly i dont have much 1 on 1 experience though
Old English Game Bantam: if your in the US some people will unknowningly sell their american Serama as OEG bantams and vice versa xD if a bird is really small and off color for OEG bantams it may be a serama. They do tend to be very friendly but some lines have bird or human aggression
Wyandotte- chunky heavy all purpose breed. Prone to loving hugs and sitting in laps if properly socialized or from a good breeder. Prone to harmless asthma like conditions
Anyone is free to suggest friendly breeds they have experienced as well :)
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