#it's literally a trauma response
helloyellow17 · 1 year
Idk man I might get torn to shreds for saying this, but I simply cannot understand the new trend, particularly among younger internet users, where people write a laundry list of their triggers in their bio and then expect everyone to read and cater to said list on a PUBLIC PLATFORM.
This is the same mentality that drives people to attack appropriately tagged fics on AO3 for having x y or z content because “How dare you post this when I have trauma about this???” Obviously if someone is going to write a super heavy and highly sensitive fic and NOT tag it properly, they ought to be called out on it. But this isn’t about that, it’s about the people who don’t curate their own content, it’s about the people who enter public spaces and demand that the general public cater to THEM specifically.
Additionally: Listing out your triggers for everyone to see is just ASKING for trolls to come into your inbox and flood you with triggering content. (Unfortunately, as much as we would like to believe otherwise, the internet is full of selfish jerks who don’t give a crap about anybody’s trauma.) Not only this, but the algorithm does not read your bio. The algorithm does not care about your triggers unless YOU make sure to block specific tags and content.
YOU are responsible for curating your own content, and nobody else.
Obviously this is not to say people shouldn’t try to tag their posts for common triggers, because that’s the common courtesy thing to do. But if Becky has a phobia of bees, it is on her to block that tag and curate her feed around it, and she does not get the exclusive right to suddenly demand that nobody talk about bees within a ten mile radius of her. If Alec has a phobia of dogs, then it is well within his right to avoid contact with them, but he doesn’t get to go to a public park and yell at anybody who brings their dog there. It is his responsibility to know his own limits and seek out parks that are dog-free. (If someone brings a dog to a dog-free area, that’s a whole different issue that I won’t be getting into rn but yes, the person who does that is in the wrong there.)
The internet is widely a public space. If you want to create a safe space completely and utterly free of your specific triggers, you have to put the work in to make that space for yourself. You don’t get to ask other internet strangers to do it for you.
I’m saying this out of genuine concern (and admittedly, frustration) because there are so many young teens in fandom nowadays who don’t understand this, and they end up putting themselves in extremely vulnerable and even downright dangerous situations because they don’t understand that putting your well-being in the hands of a stranger is a terrible idea.
Please be safe, and for the love of all that is holy, be reasonable. Curating your content yourself is just as much a protection for you as it is a vital key that allows public communities to function.
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deimosatellite · 3 months
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stavrovensky childhood meeting
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inluvwcaitvi · 2 months
vi yap session/analysis bc i’m tired of ppl glossing over her wonderful complexities as a character ✌️
okay so one thing i feel like some ppl gloss over or don’t realize when it comes to vi is that her eagerness and preparedness to fight is literally a trauma response. she is not just fighting just bc she necessarily wants to, or just bc she feels like picking a fight w someone for wtv reason.
it’s the reason she slapped powder and called her a jinx in ep 3– becoming angry in order to physically defend herself (or others) from what she perceives to be the problem is one of her main coping mechanisms/trauma responses. it’s natural for her brain to react this way. unfortunately, in her alr traumatized and deeply wounded state, she saw powder as the problem in that moment and was only able to realize her grave mistake a little too late.
i’ve said before that i believe that vi could have a stockholm syndrome-like attachment to violence/fighting which specifically occurred after years of being abused in prison (it was there before that but not to the same extent it is now).
when things feel familiar, sometimes they’ll start to eventually feel comfortable and become a normal, everyday part of ur life w/o u entirely realizing it. vi had alr been prone to violence as a teenager (again, trauma response) even before she went to jail. the shit that happened to her only increased it, hence the vi we see throughout the series.
what makes it even more sad to me was that vander had tried to teach her that violence isn’t the answer, and that it isn’t going to solve her problems— and she tried to do it his way. she genuinely did. she summoned the enforcers to benzo’s shop and was planning to let herself be peacefully arrested.
but then, ofc, as u know, everything goes wrong, and vander’s life lesson has is almost instantly turned on its head, and vi has to return to what she knows, using violence to protect herself and her loved ones, in order to survive silco’s assault and protect her family.
even more, she gets sent to prison and is literally trapped w some of the worst murderers and offenders in both zaun and piltover. she has to defend herself from both the other inmates, the wardens, and the guards/enforcers. using violence to defend herself from abuse, as a transaction, as a way to communicate and to get what you want, to even just survive the next day, etc. becomes even more ingrained into her head at a greater intensity for the next 6-8 years straight.
she rly did try to listen to vander and do things his way, but it was too late and the circumstances she was put in gave her no choice but to stay stuck in the same ideology in order to survive.
and what happens when she finally gets out? more fighting, ofc. she’s practically been conditioned to do so.
ik this is kinda long atp, but my entire point is that vi is way more complex than she’s given anywhere near enough credit for. too many ppl write her off as “me angry, me punch” and it was funny at first but it’s become a genuine mischaracterization and it’s rly annoying lmao.
anyways, i might do more vi analysis like this in the future that talk abt her largely ignored and tragically well-written complexities more.
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stuckinapril · 6 days
I don’t understand it when people say that Carrie was also the problem bc she was anxiously attached bc like …. maybe she had a moment or two but for the most part it was absolutely Big being such a selfish prick and then justifying it w “ohhh I have commitment issues bc my last marriage fell through” umm ur a 45 year old BABY actually
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lunarharp · 1 month
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post that reads like a mood swing
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anakirui · 2 months
every now and again i think about the fact that all of akito's shit behavior in main story was spurred on by the fact that he wasn't able to get an to join BAD DOGS . lol
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paldogangsaan · 3 months
the most frustrating part abt the scene with alicent and rhaenyra (other than it being ridiculous) is the attempt at portraying alicent as a passive victim with zero agency (TO BE CLEAR she's a victim of both otto and viserys, that's not a question, she had no choice there. she did, however, have a choice in other moments and those are what i'm talking abt in this post). the writers essentially made her go "oh i thought he was talking about MY aegon. well, it's too late. i am a tragic figure who never wanted war. oh no" like ?? some of us have eyes and can see that alicent has been actively trying to gain power, undermine rhaenyra, and divide the family even before the time skip. she shows up to rhaenyra's wedding late and wearing green, she sows discord between their kids, spreads rumors of rhaenyra's children being bastards despite knowing it could get them killed (+ in the book the only ppl yapping abt them being bastards were alicent and criston cole bc the point of spreading rumors was to undermine and hurt both them and rhaenyra, if it was true or not was irrelevant), and she literally hits aegon and insists that rhaenyra will kill him to cement her claim to the throne even when there's been no indication that she would. alicent did not have to do any of those things, she actively chose to
and rhaenyra was willing to leave all that in the past by marrying helaena and jace thus ending the (then metaphorical) war between their sides of the family, but alicent refused bc she wanted power and for rhaenyra to not have any, so she made active choices to ensure that, and didn't care for the consequences. now her son is the king, she never prepared him for it so he's shit at it, she can't control him, she has no power, and the only person surprised is her (and otto). but again, these are choices SHE made or helped make. making an enemy of rhaenyra, and everything that came bc of that, was a choice. she would've helped put aegon on the throne whether viserys quoted the prophecy to her or not, be it usurpation (which it was) or not. that was a choice alicent made. stop portraying her as a passive victim of the dance when that role belongs to helaena
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deservedgrace · 1 month
"Being victim to christian indoctrination is a personal failing bc there are people that were also exposed to christianity as a child and still didn't take on the views 🙄"
Were they exposed to other points of view? Did the adults in their life not take it very seriously? Was it taught as an option rather than fact? Were other people's faiths (or lack thereof) seen as valid and okay? Were they allowed to have relationships with people outside the church? Were they taught critical thinking skills? Were they allowed to develop their own morality? Were they allowed to research other viewpoints and come to their own conclusions? Were they not metaphorically dangled over the flames of hell every second of their life?
Being "exposed" to it and being forced into it to the point that your physical and emotional safety is at risk if you fall out of line are entirely different things. Did you go to church on Easter every year, or did the only people you were allowed to be around (which you had no say in) manipulate how you think and dictate your reality and morality and beliefs and undermine your ability to think critically so you wouldn't stray?
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moving-to-dreamwinged · 11 months
hate when The Character does ONE THING and their personality is forever reduced to that
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tai-janai · 5 months
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divorced ... de-voiced? beheaded ... beaten? died... uh, slain.
for the musical theatre rays of sunshine
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dodgeryy · 4 months
Cluster B bitches watching Baby Reindeer:
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AU where Future Mikey and Future Leo, after risking everything they had to send Casey Jr. through the portal, find themselves not only alive but also awake in New York.
...The New York of the 2012 TMNT series.
With much less intimidating Kraang, seemingly no mystic powers beyond their own, and a whole-ass other set of both themselves and their brothers, I just think there’s a lot of potential there.
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yourlowkeyidiot3 · 12 days
Why are people blaming the fact that Stan got kicked out on Ford and not on Filbrick
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backpackingspace · 1 year
thinking about how for like the first two years of obi wans apprenticeship qui gon did not give a fuck what obi wan did (or even really what happened to him) before snapping out of it and realizing he was actually very much responsible for this child and course corrected into being a helicopter parent and how obi wan always read this as mistrust instead of concern and guilt.
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jaynovz · 11 months
I do wanna say re: Silver Backstory and my rec list and my tendency to poke and prod and explore where he may have come from--
That's not me saying that the way his character is presented in the canon *needs* that, at ALL.
First off, the speech on the cliffs, the Solomon Little stories, the complete inability to share?
It's perfect for the character, as well as an absolutely jaw-dropping ballsy as hell decision to make a prequel/adaptation about the most famous pirate figure in Western media and simply... refuse to define him in those terms the way we've seen the other main characters. It's such a ballsy and brilliant move that sometimes I stare at the wall thinking about what they have done and just, god I hope one day I can write something that great. I could go on about that but it's not my main point.
Second off, many ppl have said that the point is that the story of Black Sails itself *becomes* his origin, and in many ways that is absolutely true and I agree.
However, I also wanna point out that the acting and the writing reflect all the information we would ever need to know about John Silver even if he cannot bear to speak it in specifics.
in 4.9, Silver says:
“I have no story to tell. It all might seem as though I’m trying to conceal something from you, but… truth is, there is no story to tell. ... Not unremarkable, just…without relevance. A long time ago, I absolved myself from the obligation of finding any. No need to account for all my life’s events in the context of a story that somehow…defines me. Events, some of which, no one could divine any meaning from…other than that the world is a place of unending horrors. I’ve come to peace with the knowledge…that there is no storyteller imposing any coherence, nor sense, nor grace upon those events. Therefore, there’s no duty on my part to search for it. You know of me all I can bear to be known. All that is relevant to be known."
"Other Than That The World Is A Place Of Unending Horrors."
Now, coming at this as someone with my own fucked up trauma, that one sentence coupled with the performance from Luke really tells us everything we need to know.
So yeah, in a way it both does and doesn't matter that we don't get his history wrapped up in a pretty package, both bc it's NEVER THAT SIMPLE, and bc his REACTIONS to events/ppl are... so VERY clearly the reactions of someone who has been deeply traumatized. We don't NEED to know for the story and character to work EXACTLY as intended.
We can see him, we the audience. If you pay attention, he is not some mystery at all. We may not know exactly what happened to him, but also, we do... don't we?
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maegalkarven · 1 year
So look in my mercy mirror.
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m!Dark Urge x Gortash, m!Dark Urge x Astarion.
Redeemed!Durge (but not morally), good run.
The team confronts Lord Gortash in his keep.
Karlach wants to kill the man; June has another idea.
TW: tadpoling (not graphic), June refers to Gortash solely by his name.
What are you doing?
Emperor’s voice rings in his ears - in his mind - slightly tinted with suspicion. Funny, for how much the mindflayer insists June can trust it, it doesn’t seem to trust June at all.
You said I need to gather my allies, he replies absentmindedly, hands working on taking this damn cork off and opening the bottle. Such a small thing it is, and how much it contains.
Enver was personally responsible for the creation of this new, nether-touched illithid parasite.
Enver and him; the details are hazy, but June can easily see himself fit into the narrative the lordling painted for him. He can see himself, on top of the world, with crown of Karsus in his hands, ready to conquer the entire Toriel for his father.
What a fool he was.
It’s changed now. He is a changed man.
“June?” Karlach looks uncertain and that hurts.
Hadn’t she learned by now to trust his judgment, had he not proved himself to be a good, loyal friend? The mere fact what she doubts him still is simply unacceptable.
She’ll see, June knows. Once he puts his plan in action, she will see the brilliance of it.
What use Enver’s death would be to her? It would not turn back the time, it would not give her back her heart or ten years of her life.
But this? This can turn the tide.
“It’s alright,” he smiles, but for some reason she doesn’t smile back. Damn it, did the smile come out wrong again? “Just hold him firm.”
She complies, but looks even more unsettled.
“This is...Not what I’ve expected,” Karlach admits. “You...What are you going to do with this thing?”
June smiles; this time the smile comes out right.
“I am going to fix it.”
Enver lets out a deep, throaty chuckle.
“And there I was, concerned they’ve somehow ruined you,” for a man beaten bloody and pressed down the cold tile floor he looks surprisingly content. “Worried Orin damaged your brain too much and somehow turned you into...” he trails off. “But I was a fool to fear that. No, you’re just as you’ve always been.” Another annoyingly long pause and then- “You’re going to tadpole me.”
“Yes,” June smiles.
Of course Enver of all people would understand.
He pulls the specimen out of its glass cage and holds between his fingers. Gently, ever so gently.
Enver’s eyes trail the movement.
“We worked so hard on these curious little things; you’ve worked so hard on them. It would be a shame for you to not test out your own creation, would it not?”
“June,” Wyll calls out and June doesn’t need to turn around to know his friend looks downright horrified.
Why can’t they see?
This is the right thing to do. Death is too simple, too easy. This? This will give Enver a chance to atone for his crimes. No, it will downright force him to cooperate.
And cooperation is exactly what June needs.
He is in your head, comes out an echo of a conversation long passed. Gortash, Gortash, Gortash – this damned lordling is all you can speak of these days! I doubt father approves of that, brother dear.
But June doesn’t care if father approves anymore. June doesn’t do his father’s bidding.
He is a free man, a free and a good man. And if he can change like that, who knows how Enver could?
“This is a chance,” he thinks and realizes he’s spoken aloud. “To work together. To fix the mess we’ve started. To make things right.”
“This is wrong,” Wyll argues. “You know this is wrong, June-“
“Juniper,” Enver speaks. There’s a strange glint in his eyes and it takes June some time to decipher it. There’s dread, of course, but also...Satisfaction? Like this is expected outcome. Like this aligns with Enver Gortash’s image of the world.
June frowns.
“You look entirely too pleased, my dear,” he comments lightly, crouching down to Enver’s level. The parasite dangles from his fingers, sharp jaws opening and closing in a rather rhythmical manner. As if it senses the prey nearby.
Enver manages a weak shrug, still pressed firmly down; Karlach looks distressed but her hold does not waver.
“No sense to panic over something I can’t change, is there?” True, but that does not explain the smugness. “And it’s a relief.”
“A relief?” June slowly reaches out, hand getting closer and closer to Enver’s face. Did he caress this face before? Were they that close?
The deep, annoying longing inside insists they were.
Close. Closer than Bhaal would permit, perhaps. Was he the reason for June’s little rebellion?
If so, it’s only right to repay for that.
“This thing with Selûne,” Enver frowns. “It was entirely...anticlimactic. I am glad you’re as ruthless as I recall you to be.”
June frowns right back.
“You’re delusional,” he replies. “I was ruthless once, but no more. This is mercy. I am sparing you, sparing your life. Enver, I am your savior.”
That makes the lordling look even more smug.
“Of course you are,” he smiles as if he knows something June does not. Annoying. “Now, shouldn’t you cut this ‘will he, won’t he’ business and finally-“
His voice cuts short as June drops the parasite on his face, as close to the eyes as he manages.
The creature crawls up and immediately buries itself into the depths of Enver’s skull. Clever little thing.
June watches, fascinated, as the man struggles while parasite takes a hold on him.
Then he raises an artifact.
Emperor? He calls out. Will you do the honors?
Of course.
A wave of pcionic power washes over them and Enver’s mind clears. He blinks; once, twice, brushes the uncalled tears away. Then looks up, straight at June.
“Not too bad,” comments plainly, asshole. Like June didn’t just turn his life upside down. “I assume you’ll force me to comply with your clever plans now?”
“Of course,” June thought it was rather obvious. “Now we’re going to save the day like the true heroes we are,” he smiles. “We don’t need any gods for that, we don’t need any cults. Bhaal and Bane can fight over the rubbish all they want, but we know better. We are going to have Baldur’s Gate eating from our palms. But first,” he feels his smile turn slightly malicious. “We’ll visit an old acquaintance. Halsik has everything prepared and stands at the ready.”
At that Enver perks up.
“You’re dragging me to Hell,” he comments rather cheerfully. “Again. If I didn’t know better, I’d think a trip to Hell is your idea of a date.”
June snorts, and Karlach snorts, and even Astarion, who was mostly silent through the entire encounter, snorts, though his snort is more unkind than the others'.
“No, silly,” June drags his hands up Enver’s torso until they lay placidly on his chest. Warm, he notices absentmindedly. Warm and familiar. Selûne’s Grace, am I in love with this man?
That would be...unfortunate, all things considered. But not entirely unexpected.
“We are going to break into the House of Hope,” he feels Enver stil underneath the touch. “I assume you’re more than familiar with the place, are you not?”
The lordling wets his lips, then grasps June and uses him as a leverage to stand up. Karlach almost doesn’t let him, but June waves her off and she, rather begrudgingly, lets go of the man.
There’s still a sense of unease about her, unease and...A hint of distrust? Of him, of June?  But he is fixing things, surely she knows that!
“And what exactly are you planning to get there?”
Enver is close, gods, he is so close and his breath is warm on June’s forehead and it’s hard to think- Fuck, they definitely were lovers and June is definitely not over it. Astarion is going to kill him. Or worse, going to be hurt by him, by that. Stop, stop, stop, he needs to stop-
Two things happen at once.
Enver’s hand finds its place on June’s waist and takes a sure, firm hold of it.
Astarion’s mind, gentle in a way a mind of a man intimately familiar with all the ways personal boundaries can be broken, making damn sure he is not breaking and entering into the depths of June’s mind unwelcome, brushes past him.
June lets him in.
Stop fucking fidgeting, his glorious lover complains immediately. You’re giving the bastard a leverage over yourself.
I’m sorry, June immediately blurts and does it with such a force he is sure both Karlach and Wyll heard him. He avoids thinking of Gortash being linked to them the same way now. I’m sorry, I didn’t know, or maybe I did, but didn’t want to acknowledge it, but he’s here and he is so close and I- I am sorry, I am so, so-
Do you take me for an idiot? Comes out a huff and how did Astarion manage to huff through a mental link? You might have emotional intelligence of a redcap, but I’ve been aware you two knew each other on a level what’s far beyond any niceties the moment Gortash stopped his own coronation to gape at you.
He didn’t gape at me, June argues, thought he isn’t so sure now. Was Enver gaping at him? He sure looked friendly, much friendlier than Ketheric and Orin combined. But gaping?
He stopped his coronation, Astarion repeats. To come down from his high horse and chat with you. To welcome you back. He took control over one of his steelwatchers simply to invite you to the damn thing. And you- now there’s an actual, visible huff coming from his lover.
June catches Enver watching Astarion closely; a loose, entirely self-satisfied smile on his lips, hand still on June’s waist, head leaning on his. Enver invades June’s personal space like it’s his life goal, like instilling his presence in June’s life is something he has at his top priority.
This is...flattering.
“No, the fuck, it isn’t,” Karlach says aloud, and it’s a cue for June to realize he might have been thinking too loudly. “This is disgusting is what it is, I can’t believe you would-“
“My sweet June has his strong suits and his weak ones,” Astarion speaks, giving Gortash the smile so sharp it should’ve splinted the man in half. “His awful taste in men is, admittedly, one of the later. Not me, of course,” he chuckles, but June hears the underlying self-degrading tone noneless. They should’ve made Cazador Szarr suffer more. “But other,”  vampire spawn gestures at Gortash. “Lesser men.”
“Lesser, you say?” And of fucking course Enver would take the bait. “I would-“
“Enough,” Wyll all but barks and for once they all comply. “We have bigger things to worry about but you two fighting over June’s affections,” June catches Karlach make a gagging face at that and Enver sending her a rude gesture in response.
Children, he is surrounded by literal children. Worst of all, these children are the ones saving the world with him. Ridiculous.
“Right, right,” he sends a grateful smile Wyll’s way and is relieved to see the man smile back just as warmly. At least someone is in his corner. Someone other than Astarion, but that’s given; June and Astarion are bound for life now, for as long as both of them live.
Admittedly, said life might include Astarion murdering June’s former, current – who could tell? – tyrannical lover in a cold blood. Or hot blood. In a pool of blood, definitely.
June isn’t even sure he would be very angry about it, mostly just...sad? He does seem to care for the said tyrant a lot. Oh, bother.
“We are going to break into the House of Hope,” he reminds these literal children who now are making faces at each other. If anything, seeing Karlach and Enver flip each other off would work for an evening entertainment. June will have to work on this destrusting undertone of her; talk her through it, explain things.
Karlach is a good person, she will understand. June is sure of it.
They’re doing this for the greater good.
“For what?” Enver cuts the chase off. “I assume not to make a deal with Raphael, he usually comes to his victims himself.”
“No,” June agrees. “Not for that, though he tried to strike a deal. He needs the Crown of Karsus, you see? And has something we need. But luckily, Raphael was kind enough to let us know he has it.”
“And why would we strike a deal with him,” Astarion hums. “When we can simply take what we need?”
Enver smiles.
“You are planning to steal from him.”
“No,” June leans into him almost involuntarily. He smells...good. He smells familiar. He smells like home. “We are going to steal from him. You,” a sharp nail hits Enver in the chest. The hand is immediately grabbed and held firm. “Are going with us. Care for some heist, my dear lord? Not Mephopheles’ vault, I’m afraid, but just enough for an evening entertainment.”
Enver smiles, wide and sharp and entirely wicked. An evil smile, people would call it. How he managed to convince people of the Baldurs Gate he is not villainous villain is beyond June’s comprehension. By brainwashing them, most likely.
“When let’s rob the devil,” the lordling speaks.
Then he kisses June.
And June can finally breathe.
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