#it's ok to rely on meds
deoidesign · 4 months
#ok finally making a post about meds#I've not ever tried taking medication before. I was sorta raised with that classic 'dont rely on meds you have to learn to manage without'#I mean I was also raised with the idea that therapy is stupid unless you have 'real' trauma. and also like idk.#can't stay home from school unless your temp is over 100 or you're throwing up. etc. very suck it up mindset#so I was just really nervous to start. also of course worried about losing myself or whatever I know that's a silly fear but#it's also a common fear for a reason!!! anyways#so I finally was like 'I need to do something' when I realized I was so anxious I couldnt even get myself to go outside alone#like I just don't want to do ANYTHING alone to a detrimental effect. and it was butting into my ability to do my work...#for various reasons. but then ALSO adhd has been a constant issue with my work as well!#it is SO hard to write and draw on a weekly pace like I am without being able to focus#my whole life I've had these terrible nightmares constantly and I've always woken up constantly in the night#sleep has always been terrible so I've always dreaded going to bed.. ESPECIALLy because it didnt even make me less tired#it was more something that I just did because I had to.#but going to bed was always terrible. there have been times I was too scared to go to sleep for weeks on end...#I've been mitigating this for years of course. and recently I've been taking melatonin which has been helping too.#but I've also always struggled to get up. because I've always been EXTREMELY exhausted#but also anxious of what the day might bring... idk.#anyways it has all hit a point that I was like okay. I am doing as many coping mechanisms as I can. the psych said they were good too#but... it just has never been enough. it's never been enough to make me not tired it's never been enough to make me not scared#so I finally talked to the doc about it. and she was like youve def got smth wrong basically. which yah I know.. but yknow#anyways so I started taking wellbutrin. and I am so frustrated now. because it's WORKING#that constant looming sense of dread is gone. I'm excited to get up. I'm excited to go to bed BECAUSE I'm excited to get up#I feel like for years I've been holding on to the idea that I have to get up because I have to put something good out into the world#and I've been clinging to knowing that if nothing else. I am able to help other people feel better.#but now for the first time in my life I'm like. free of it. I didnt even know it was possible... and I'm so sad how much I've lost out on#and so frustrated how my whole life I've been told to put up with it and push through it. and treated like a failure for it being too much.#and just. It has only been 2 weeks. but the lack of anxiety is SO noticeable I'm so...#I'll never miss it. the adhd is still pretty present but like whatever. I can manage that better.#and I'm just crying because of all this combined.#I just. I hope I get to finally be the best I can be now. for myself but also for you guys!
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myrtaceaae · 2 years
One thing about talking to my old housemate the other day reminded me of what a mess my other housemate was
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a-fluffy-dog24 · 1 month
The legend of the sea bros
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The boys are off on an adventure at sea And talk about they issues and they need each other emotionally and physically to survive. Ford is trying to reject the help from his brother that he desperately needs.Stan is so worried about his brother that he forgets that sometimes he needs to rely on his brother for support.
It was a beautiful morning off the coast of South America Stan was standing on the deck of their boat. "Good morning you up early" Ford said sarcastically Stan sticks his tongue out at him Ford rolls his eyes. "At least I don't go to bed at 8:00 "Stan teased "well at least I'm not hungover" Ford teased "Shut up and give me my coffee".
Ford handed him his coffee "what have you been up to this morning" "well I shower made breakfast and, I packed us supplies for today". Stan ate breakfast then they headed out to go exploring.Stan is wearing a red beanie and a white shirt and brown coat,blue pants Ford is weairing red sweater and blue coat,black pants boots They went through the forest, and caves and found a small black egg with red spots alone on the ground. Ford wants to take it to learn more about what creature it is he never seen an egg that color before. Stan thinks he shouldn’t.Because he remembered that time during the summer when he hatch a dinosaur egg and it end badly for his wallet. But Ford is interested on trying to hatch they had lunch on the top of the hill.
."Well Stanley we did it, do you remember when we were 12 years old and we found a boat and named it the StanOwar". "Yea seems like only yesterday I remember mom came to check on us to make sure we weren't missing she thought it was so cute"Stan said "yeah she took this picture of her two little adventurous" Ford put out the picture and showed him and Stan remember “we try to paint the whole thing" ,"I remember you through paint at me" Ford teased. "Yea by the time we were done we were covered in paint" "do remember how upset mother was"Ford said "She was pissed we didn't have shirts we were sunburned that was not a fun night "Stan remember
"Anyway this sandwich is beautiful” he says well eating “oww god I have a bad headache” he complains . “Do you take your meds this morning” Ford asked “no” he replied “well that’s probably why you need to take them when we get back”. They packed up and hiked back to the beach to their boat. They can see the sunset fading from blue to red."Did you see that" Stan asked "what did you do you see" "sixer I think a sea monster maybe". They ran onto their boat and put the egg down somewhere safe "I don't see anything" "never mind let go"Stan pulled up the aker. They sailed out to sea for a while then they saw it bobbing in the water.
Stan look at the water it rose from the water "LOOK THERE IT IS GET SOMETHING TO KILL IT WITH holy SHIT it's huge".The giant monster starts attacking the boat "ok I got a spear" Ford grabs a spear and throws it at the huge green sea monster. It has one eye but he misses and the monster gabs Ford's arm and starts putting him overboard.He accidentally hit his head into the wall of the boat it makes him feel like the floor is moving up and down.He starts pulling away and hitting it hard with his hand but it no use "Fuck " Ford yelled Stan run over and punks the monster in the eye, "GET AWAY FROM MY BROTHER YOU SON OF A BICH "he yells.It goes away back into the water, Ford laughs "you did it how hard did you punk it ""I don't know hard enough I guess".
Ford has difficulty sitting down because the his body is shaking and his head really hurts. He tried to get up on the wooden box,but he is feeling frustrated that he keeps falling down do his dizziness."Are you ok" Stan looked worried as he can’t even sit down "I'm fine" "but you’re bleeding and you’re still dizzy let me help you". "No, I can take care of myself I manage to for 30 years” Ford tried to stop the large cuts from bleeding. On his hand and arm it bleeding all down his arm. But he can’t hold still long enough for the blood to clog.Stan dock the boat on the sandy shore but after he come up with a first a kit and a bowl  of soapy water. Ford takes the wet washcloth and wipes his arm ."Thank you" "I'm not going to let my brother get hurt by some dumb monster" he said hopeing that his brother will let him help. “I’m perfectly capable of tending to my own wounds ” it takes him a long while to rap a bandage around his arm.
Then the guys try to call Dipper and Mabel "mazel tov how do you turn this thing stupid on "Stan frustrated hit the phone "I don't know, did you read the intrusion they gave us"Ford said sarcastically."shut up it's working " ....... "Hi Grunkle Stan Hi Grunkle Ford"she yelled excitedly "Hi you guys"said Dipper "we have missed you kids"Stan told them . "What are you doing?"she asks "I just defeated a sea monster" Stan said proudly "how big was it" she wondered "It was huge bigger than the mystery shack" "wow cool"she added "are you sure you're not lying"Dipper questions.
"No he's not and I found this meritorious egg" Ford held it in his hand. It's almost as big as his hand "that's amazing, what do you think it is"Dipper wondered. "I don't know, we have to wait and see" "I think it's like a big butterfly"she hoped ." Mom and dad said we have to go to bed by" Dipper interrupted "by love you guys"she smiled and waved goodbye "bye bye ""by see you soon"Stan hung up  the phone.
Then later Stan makes dinner because if Ford made it they would be eating cereal for dinner.They eat dinner they have fish with carrots and drink their beer on the deck and watch the stars. Ford turns on a radio to listen to some 60s and 70s music.Stan looks angerly at Fords bandages. “Why do you drive me crazy” Stan asks frustrated “what do you mean what are you talking about” he has an idea about what this might be about. “Ford why won’t you let ME HElP YOU ” Stan yelled “because I’m a grown man WHY DO YOU CARE SO MUCH” he argued “CAUSE I LOVE YOU StanFord I’m trying to make sure you don’t fucking die…. I don’t want you to be hurt” Stan argued. “You need to let people help you sometimes” he finish saying
“I’m sorry Stanley I’m just so used to being independent I don’t realize when I need you” Ford apologize. “It’s okay…….remember when we were kids and we tried to be explores we made a car out of a box. Whore dumb little outfits with the stuff from dad’s shop” Stan reminisce and lit his pipe. Ford takes a sip of his beer “Yes we were really young I think 6 or 7 without are understanding how gravity works.We tried to see what would happen if we pushed it down the stairs with us in it.” “Oh boy that hurt but that didn’t stop us we got up and did it again”Stan laughed. “I think thats how I lost my first baby tooth” Ford told him. “Speaking of which remember in the Photo Booth when we were fooling around and I fall down on my head. I lost my front tooth I was such a stupid kid .” Stan sheepishly .
“Yup I didn’t enjoy explaining that to are parents,they we should have known better at 13 not to be roughhousing. They never got it properly fixed did they?”Ford add “yeah as a teen I got a fake tooth and that help. I mean now I have dentures so that Solve that problem.”He eat some of his food. Then he asks Ford “I've been going out with this girl” “are you sure it’s not a siren we don’t want to end up like the men in tales” Ford jokes. “NO she not or I hope really hope not ……Sixer hey do you want girlfriend", Ford looks up from his journaling "umm Stanley I don't know how to say this but" "oh do you boyfriend"he ask seriously ."I'm ok by myself..I have hobbies, I have the kids, I have you and that is all the love I need. Romance is a confusing feeling to me.I don't want a relationship at the moment I would probably prefer a male partner. It's has taken me a long time to accept that part of myself rather than me trying to run from it. But thank you for the offer".Stan took a smoke from his pipe and blew it off then he asked him.
"Ok just thought I ask....I still love you" Ford hug him and lifts Stan up a little "Hey put me down"Stan smiles at Ford “ since when can you pick me up off the ground you and your week nerd arms” Stan quested. “I’m stronger than you give me credit for little brother” Ford tease him. “Only 15 minutes there show off” Then Stan tried to licks him on the cheek, "what are you doing? No stop it". He moved closer "AHH STANLEY are you high'' Ford laughs "little bit "Stan laughs. "Do you want some" he asks "no I tried it in college I didn't like it and I'm still to mentally recover" he jokes "do you still smoke cigarettes" he asks. "No I quit been clean for 13 years or so" Stan tells him "well that's really great I know you were smoking for a long while good job " "Thanks I did it for the kids Soos brought me to the doctor and helped quit. But I still smoke cigars and stuff like to mix it up every once in a while. I guess that’s not as bad ."
"..Did you bathe today" Ford asked "well no" "that weed makes you stink like stunk go shower" Stan sticks his tongue out at him Ford rolls his eyes and smiles. "Oh bye the way I cooked you clean" Stan asked him "ok but please tell me you didn't use every pot and pan we own." Ford said and goes to start cleaning the mountain of dishes.But before he quickly realizes he needs to keep the egg warm. He picks it up from the blankets it had raps around it He put the egg under the a heat lamp and turned it on. Maybe they’ll have a new pet.
After Stan showers, they go to bed.12:00 am Ford got up to use the bathroom and he found Stan outside out the deck watching the waves. A 6 fingers hand was put on his back "Stanley what are you doing out here" "I couldn't sleep" "Did you have a nightmare". "Yes... I was in a room by myself in the dark and someone was telling me that I was worthless and I believe it.
The voice said it again and again but louder  and then dad came out of nowhere he told me to my face again that he thought I never was good for anything anyway. I...I COULDN'T"T DO A GOD DAM thing about it and I couldn't make it stop it's all my fault "he sobbed. Ford hugs him tightly "shhh okay you are not worthless without you I still be stuck in a another  dimension or the kids would gone.He really was a bad person it's feels a little worse to say that about our own father. But he hurt you and thats Something I can't let you be dragged down by for the rest of our lives. You're much more smarter than I am when it comes to noticing  things and braver too you really mean the world to me Stanley.
“Did you take your medicine this morning” “I don’t remember.. just to let you know you’re the one diagnosed with depression the medication is under your name” Stan told him he’ll have to call the pharmacy in the morning to get the prescription under Stanley name. “Come on let’s go bed” he whispers. He carried Stan like a small child and walked back inside. Ford decided that he too tried and exhaust from his withdrawal to drag himself to bed.
And he thinks that maybe this is a way to make up for his mistreat of his younger brother. Ford thinks that he is unhappy with himself for not being a good brother to him for being so selfish and stubborn even when Stan just trying to help him. He finds it difficult to let himself be cared for. Because he struggles with his shame of feeling like he doesn’t deserve to be loved. Stan would has no problem doing the same for him. Inside Ford gets his him his medicine and helps him in to bed. Stan looked at him and smiled a little bit and Ford thought maybe he still has a chance to change. He feels a lot better now that he’s brother looks to be doing alright. Ford wrapped a red plaid blanket around both of them they slept and cuddled side by side.
A day or two later they did some exploring on the beach of the new island it seems to be very populated by people. The locals are friendly to the twins they stop at a restaurant for breakfast "hey Ford do you want to hear the dream I had last night". "Maybe? Sure ""I had a dream that mom told me that she is proud of me for helping you..Isn't that weird". "Yea that odd I had a similar dream that she wanted me to be less stubborn and she was very happy that we're looking after each other".
"I wish mother was here"Ford told him taking a sip of his tea "I wish too but if it makes you feel better she knew" Stan comforted him "she knew about the portal and my disappearance" he asked. "Yes she is the only one I trusted and she knew I could bring you back. She gave me money when she could to help run it.And told me when she died I think that was a little while after the kids were born. She said to keep going to Bring you back." Stan took off his gold chain and opened it to show him.And in Lock it was a picture of the two of them and their mother.Ford touched with 6 fingers hand gently rubbing it and smiled Stan smiled too.After they finished their food they did some shopping at the market for supplies and food that should last them a few weeks. And get some cool stuff to show the kids.
"Is Shamans still alive" Ford asked him "umm no unfortunately he passed away a year ago from kidney cancer sorry" Stan told him. "That's a shame I thought we could go and see him is his wife Faith is she still alive" he said " Faith is she in a nursing home in Piedmont we could go with Michael if you wanted to" Stan offered Ford shook his head and agreed that they should when they get back home. Stan showed him a Hawaiian shirt he wants to buy even though he already has about 10. They headed to the ship and start dinner when the egg starts to hatch “look Stanley it’s hatching get my journal” Ford waits and watches what ever creature might come out.
“Lets hope it’s not a siren I don’t want to go through that again ” Stan hands him his phone a little brown head slowly pops out it has the ears of a cat and the eyes and mouth of a dog. A small round brown body covered in curly dark brown hair and a cat nose.Paws too big for it body thick tail with a white patch on the end. “Well that’s looks like something Mabel would draw she kind of cute” Stan try to pat her she moves away. “It’s incredible I’ve never seen anything like it before”Ford wrote down his observations.She jumped into his lap and licks his face “gross stop it be a good test subject ” Ford takes her and measures her height and takes pictures.Get a blood sample then he uses a microscope to look at her DNA.
A few hours later after Ford runs more tests Stan asks “You weren’t thinking of just using her to run your experiments and then getting rid of her were you”. “Well yes we can’t take care of a pet” Ford says “why not she can’t survive on her own just look at her” Stan points to her playing with a ball on the floor. “Ok you make a good point” he reaches out and gives her a scratch Stan pick her up and gives her her bottle. “How about Joy” he suggests “perfect” Ford agrees.They sailed around the world together from Colombia to Ireland to Australia to the Netherlands to Antarctica, to Africa and many other places looking for babes and treasure and creatures, myths .
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lolitakirstein · 6 months
Hey Neighbor Pt 9
Part 8
WC: ~1.5k
AN: I'm so worried about writing longer chapters in case they are too boring. but I hate splitting things up when I'm on a roll. ha
You watched as the man you had run into exited Toji’s house 30 minutes later. Unable to hear what the two were discussing you relied on their body language to give you some hint as to who he was. The men seemed formal towards each other yet relaxed; Toji with his hands in his pocket or across his chest, the other guy casually lighting a cigarette while showing his back to toji. There must be some level of trust between them, then. Before the man leaves, you notice him gesture towards your house. You draw back further from the window, afraid of being seen.
Once the car is out of sight and Toji returns to his house, you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. Should you ask Toji who he was or was that being too nosy? Not like i’ll get a straight answer, he refuses to tell me anything, you think, settling on being nonchalant about it.
Fortunately, you had work to keep you focused. And most fortunately, your hangover was minimal. Nothing more than a slight throb thanks to the pain meds Toji had offered you. You become robotic as you scan, sort, and shelve books and answer the same boring questions from customers. 
Before you can notice, it’s your lunch break. You sit in the small cafe that the bookstore offers, downing a hot chai latte and checking your phone. One message from the work group chat and one from Toji that was sent a few hours ago
Toji: You ok?
You fight back the urge to send, “I can’t tell you right now, it’s not the right time,” instead, pocketing your phone and playing hard to get. You clock back into work, ready to start the second half of your shift. 
 Wait, am I wanting him to chase me or something? This guy who knows things but won't tell me? Why am I trying to act like this is a dude i’ve swiped on Tindr? This guy has secrets, deep ones. Ones I probably don’t wanna know—
“Excuse me,” a soft voice snaps you out of your internal monologue. You spin around and are met with a man. His dark auburn hair is close-cropped at the sides while the top fashionably brushes just above his deep brown eyes. A soft shadow of stubble peppers his strong jaw. 
“Oh, hello. Can I help you?” you quickly revert to the robotic motions of a customer service provider.
“Yeah, I was looking for your classical section.”
“Are you looking for anything in particular,” you ask after leading him to the designated section of the store. 
“What would you recommend?” 
A question every worker hates. “Well, can never go wrong with Doestrevsky.” 
“Ah, yes, I read Crime and Punishment in school. Incredible prose,” he responds. 
Your heart lifts at finally being able to discuss books with someone. “Indeed, if you like that, you might like The Idiot. Same themes of human nature and society.” You grab a copy off the shelf and hand it to me. 
“Well I’d be an idiot if I didn’t take the advice of such a beautiful, well-read woman,” he says coyly as you walk to the counter.  You internally groan but also can’t help but blush at the compliment, though the joke was indeed awful.
“Let me know how you like it?” you say after ringing him up and bagging his purchase. 
“How about we discuss it over dinner sometime,” he cocks an auburn brown.
“Oh,” you stammer, thrown off by the sudden offer. It’d been so long since you’d been on a date you forgot what it was like to be asked out. “Sure!”
“Great I’ll keep you posted on my progress,” the man who you now know as Connor pockets his phone after you exchange numbers. “I look forward to discussing it with you and hearing your beautiful thoughts.”
Ok, he was laying it on a little thick but you don't mind. The only interaction you had had with a man for the past few months had been with Toji. And those interactions were hardly civil, much less flirty. Though Toji tended to tease, it was mostly to throw you off the topic of his secrets. 
The rest of your shift goes by quickly and you arrive home before the sun goes down. As you get out of your car, you notice Toji sitting on his porch steps. You try to ignore him but ignoring him is like trying to ignore a bear about to devour you. You give a wave, walking fast to your house. 
“You ok?” Toji asks, still sitting on the steps. Damn, he either can’t take a hint or is just stubborn. 
“Yeah, thanks,” you respond fumbling your keys out of your pocket. You drop them. Cursing yourself for being so easily intimidated by him you stoop to pick them up. Toji’s feet appear in your line of vision. You look up at the giant man standing over you. You want to feel afraid, but you can’t deny the absolute feral part of your brain at the sight of him standing over you. 
“Why didn’t you text me back?” the possessive tone didn’t help dampen the submissive part of your psyche. Damn, why do I have to be such a whore for crazy men?
“I was working,” you squeak out, picking your keys up and walking to your front steps. 
“I wanna talk,” Toji says behind you as you march up the steps and unlock your door. 
“It’s fine Toji. Nothing to talk about,” you turn around, Toji is standing at the bottom of your porch steps. 
“There is,” Toji huffs a breath. “A lot, actually.”
You were not in the mood for this. Your day ended on a good note and you intend for it to stay that way. “Look, whatever it is. I don’t care.”
“Yes you do,” Toji takes one step up. 
You shake your head, even though you were screaming yes in your head. You will not let him win. “Nah, I’m good. I really couldn't care less what your little secrets are. I don’t even know you.”
“It’s not that, it’s just—”
The notification on your phone interrupts the moment. You reach into your pocket for it and notice a text from Connor. 
Connor: I hope you had a good rest of your day. I must say, you made mine :) 
Oh, the cringe was off the charts with this guy. But you can’t keep the stupid smile from appearing on your face. Followed by a giggle. Shit I’m giggling over a guy. I need laid 
“Who’s that?” Toji asks sharply.
“No one,” you shake your head.
“No one huh,” Toji takes another step up, finally standing in front of you. “‘No one’ got you smiling like a goof?”
“You have your secrets, I have mine,” you shrug.  
“You don't blush like that for just no one,” Toji teases, he steps so close you can feel the heat off of him. “Now who could possibly be making sweet little y/n blush so much besides me?”
You crane your neck up to look at him, refusing to show he’s affecting you. “I can’t tell you. It’s not the right time.”
Finally, you manage to knock him off his game by throwing his words back at him. He steps back, putting some distance between you. A scowl wrinkles his brow and his jaw ticks as he clenches his teeth. You smirk, pleased with yourself. “Good night toji.”
Toji stares at the door you slammed in his face, stricken dumb by the sass you dished out. He had expected this to be a moment of confession, finally getting it all out in the open. Now standing at your closed door, Toji has no choice but to retreat back home.
After dinner and tucking Megumi into bed, Toji collapses onto his king-size bed. He turns his head to the window, towards your house. The lamp on your bedside table creates a soft glow from your window. He watches as you enter the bedroom. Your eyes on your phone, smiling. 
Toji clenches his jaw. Here he was ready to start having an honest conversation with you, and you were too busy with this mysterious ‘no one.’ He hated being this way, but he couldn’t deny that he felt a sense of protectiveness over you. 
He watches you throw your phone on the bed, the giddy smile still on your lips—perfect lips, soft delicate lips he’s thought about kissing on multiple occasions. With your back to the window, you remove your shirt and toss it to the chair before you begin sliding your pants down. As much as Toji would love nothing more than to watch, he has enough decency to look away, he’s not THAT much of a pervert. 
He reaches into his back pocket, depositing the contents beside him. 
First is his cellphone which he text Shiu–I need to borrow a few of your tech geeks.
The second, is a sealed envelope. No address, no street names or numbers. Just 3 words written in delicate script:
il mio agnellino
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Some people are capable of maintaining house by having a regular cleaning schedule. I rely on semi-regularly getting the random urge to Do Something and trying to default that whim into housework. I was already getting ready for bed for the lack of anything better to do, taking my meds in the bathroom when I noticed that the sink's in-built plug looked scrungly and gross, and suddenly remembered we have this bathroom cleaner spray thing somewhere, and out of curiosity decided to try if it works.
In a fascinating turn of events, a cleaning detergent specifically designed to remove caulk and other bathroom scrunge from surfaces like that does, indeed, work in removing caulk and other bathroom scrunge fron surfaces like that. Fascinated with this discovery, I ended up washing the faucet too. And the showerhead and tabs as well. And running out of metal surfaces to spritz and magically unscrunge, ended up also wiping down all the other surfaces of the bathroom. At 9 pm. My boyfriend came in to ask if I'm ok.
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can we put the doctor on antidepressants. would that be ok for them....... god knows they need it
Can Gallifreyans take human antidepressants?
Gallifreyans have brains that are way more sophisticated than humans. They've got all the usual brainy bits—like a cerebrum, cerebellum, and brain stems—but with some extra bells and whistles that make them, well, alien. So here's why popping a Prozac might not be so straightforward.
🧠 Gallifreyan Brains
Gallifreyan brains are wired differently. They have an extra lobe specifically for time, a super-charged cerebellum for balance and coordination, and a cluster of nerves that lets them literally rewire their brain pathways. They even have a pineal gland that's beefed up to handle psionic abilities like telepathy. In short, their brains are very complex, which means they process things—including drugs—differently.
💊 The Problems with Human Antidepressants
Metabolism Might Be Too Fast: Gallifreyans have a super-efficient digestive and metabolic system, meaning they break down substances really quickly. A standard dose of antidepressants might just get chewed up and spit out by their system before it can do anything.
Neurotransmitter Differences: Antidepressants work by balancing neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine. Although Gallifreyan brains probably have these two, they might not rely on these chemicals in the same way, or they might have additional ones we don't even know about. Plus, their ability to control their brain's activity means they might override or negate the effects of the meds.
Psionic Side Effects: Gallifreyans use alpha waves for telepathy, and those same brainwaves are linked to mood regulation, which is what antidepressants can influence. Messing with these could throw their telepathic abilities out of whack, leading to issues like loss of telepathic control or psionic overloads.
Regeneration Risks: And then there's regeneration. Since regenerating involves a complete overhaul of their body and brain, anything that messes with their neurochemistry could potentially interfere with this process, and that's not something you want to gamble with.
📝 Types of Antidepressants and Gallifreyan Considerations
There are different classes of antidepressants, and each works a bit differently in humans. These differences could lead to varied effects on Gallifreyans:
SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors): These increase serotonin levels by blocking its reabsorption in the brain. For Gallifreyans, the effects could be dampened by their advanced neural controls, and the increase in serotonin might disrupt their natural balance of neurotransmitters.
SNRIs (Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors): These work on both serotonin and norepinephrine. Given the potential extra neurotransmitters in a Gallifreyan brain, SNRIs could have unpredictable effects, possibly overloading the system or causing extreme mood swings.
MAOIs (Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors): These prevent the breakdown of neurotransmitters. However, with the Gallifreyan ability to reroute neural pathways and regulate brain chemistry, MAOIs might interact unpredictably, potentially leading to a dangerous buildup of neurochemicals.
Tricyclics: These affect several neurotransmitters at once. For a Gallifreyan, the broad action of tricyclics could be too blunt an instrument, leading to severe side effects like disrupted time perception, cognitive confusion, or even interfering with the autonomic brain's control over vital functions.
⚠️ Potential Side Effects of Antidepressant Use in Gallifreyans
Considering their complex biology, Gallifreyans could experience a range of side effects from human antidepressants, including:
Telepathic Disruption: Loss of telepathic control or interference with psionic abilities.
Cognitive Overload: Overstimulation of neural pathways leading to headaches, confusion, or even temporary cognitive impairment.
Emotional Dysregulation: Extreme mood swings due to interference with their natural emotional balance.
Impaired Regeneration: Disruption of the regeneration process, leading to incomplete or faulty regeneration.
Metabolic Reactions: Ineffective metabolism of the drug leading to either no effect or toxic buildup.
🏫 So …
In theory, Gallifreyans could take human antidepressants, but they'd probably need something much stronger, specifically tailored to their biology. Standard human meds might not work as intended—or at all—and could even cause some pretty weird side effects that can't be predicted. Given their advanced neural controls, complex neurotransmitter systems, and unique regenerative abilities, Gallifreyan antidepressant therapy would need to be a highly specialised field all on its own. We await the arrival of the Universe's first Gallifreyan Pharmacologist.
💬|🥗💊How do recreational drugs affect Gallifreyans?: The effect of human drugs on Gallifreyans, and some of their own.
🤔|🥗😆Why is my Gallifreyan a little bit giggly today?
💬|🧑‍🤝‍🧑😔How do you help a lonely Time Lord?: Brief guide to helping your lonely Time Lord
Hope that helped! 😃
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princelylove · 5 months
Part two of my interpretations of la squadra esecuzioni. 
Ghiaccio is like a smaller Risotto. He doesn’t have a very distinct waist. He’s so picky with his food that it’s a wonder he even got that much distinct muscle- or maybe it isn’t, cutting is effective (in moderation, starving will only set you back on your progress). He mainly works out for his job, Ghiaccio doesn’t really care what he looks like. 
He has a strong nose, and although his lips are small they aren’t quite in the thin category, he has really nice bone structure… He just doesn’t realize it because he’s horribly insecure and feels inferior. He copes by not trying, so he can always rely on the ‘Well if I actually tried it’d be better’ type of logic. Once a year Prosciutto gets to wax his eyebrows. 
Not only does he know what mogging is but he knows where it originated. Because he was there. I’m dying on the hill that Ghiaccio knows what green text is. He’s appealed countless bans that all sounded like “I’ve never even fucking been on /mu/ you stupid fucks” (that all got approved the night of). He fills his mind with toxic masculinity, but isn’t into alpha male bullshit. Somehow he thinks hunter eyes are a thing but he draws the line at “smooth brained jock bullshit.” 
I cap Ghiaccio’s height at 5’9” or 175 cm. 5’10” or 177 cm with his shoes on. He’s got fantastic posture for someone that sits at a computer all day. Ghiaccio’s sensitive about it, teasing him about his height is a death sentence. What a good way to end up in a freezer. 
While he has a horrible temper, he cools off the second he gets it out of his system. Just moves on after smacking the shit out of his designated rage pillow like nothing happened. At least he’s coping. Not well, but an outlet is an outlet. It’s the same when you piss him off- he gets upset, says things he doesn’t mean, and then moves on. He apologizes like a father would- none at all, but brings you a snack or buys you something you’ve been asking for. He’s a big fan of the “Check if there’s mail.” approach. He genuinely does feel bad, but he’s not a little bitch that’s gonna tuck his tail in between his legs because he made his darling a little sad. 
He smells like absolutely nothing at all. It’s actually a bit frightening. Zero smell presence. 
Melone keeps every medicine known to mankind in his room, under his bed. He’s a great person to befriend if you find yourself in the hands of one of his roommates, but to be entirely honest with you, he’s selfish. He doesn’t really care about your agony because it’s got nothing to do with him, how does it benefit him to give you meds when he doesn’t even know you? (He budges if you belong to Prosciutto or Ris- he’s not pissing off his pseudo mom and dad.)
Melone is thin and mainly gets his exercise from running. His stand takes care of hits for him, he just needs to worry about the set up, so it isn’t really an issue. There’s no need for him to lift heavy, or really lift at all. Doesn’t really matter if he’s stronger, he just needs to be faster than you are. Sure, bash his head in, pick him up, aren’t you getting tired, though? Real sleepy? Go to sleep, it’s gonna be ok. 
Mel’s stand is possessing an actual computer he modified. He runs tests consistently with the blood samples he’s managed to store in his room- he knows the best combinations to get him what the boss wants, and as long as he’s got ample blood left over, what’s wrong with killing a few juniors off in the name of science? 
I classify Melone as apathetic and a bit mean. He’s an asshole. He gets a lot better once he’s comfortable with you, look at how much he plays with the rest of his ‘family.’ It’s just that he doesn’t know you, and doesn’t want to waste time on you if you’re going to get in his way long term. When you do spark his interest, of course, he gets obsessed and oh-so-curious. 
He’s still very playful- Melone likes to hang off of Formaggio’s shoulders and tease Ghiaccio, but he’s calm. He’s not very smiley, he’s not very giggly, he just can’t force himself to react in the ‘correct’ way most of the time, but he’s totally having fun! Melone loves you a lot, he just doesn’t look like he’s having fun most of the time. It’s hard for him to care about things, but you quickly rotted his brain- isn’t that testament enough? 
His seemingly cold nature makes it hard for him to form genuine bonds. Melone thrives with other difficult types- he shares a room with Ghiaccio (alternatively Formaggio) because they’re short on space and Prosciutto won’t share a room since The Incident they get along surprisingly well. 
In the beginning of your new life, it isn’t uncommon to hear Formaggio gently push Melone in the right direction. “Come on, Mel, you’re scarin’ the poor thing. Smile a little.”  (Which is normally met with “I’m running tests, go away, Formaggiooo…”) Melone’s shy- he’ll just stay off to the side, and speaks to you in a very formal manner. You might feel like you’re being tested on by a medical student. Which is wrong! Melone doesn’t have any medical experience! I mean, he’s taken classes, but he’s a genetics student. Oh, yeah, he’s in university. 
Once he gets used to you, he falls into his normal, playful routine. He still doesn’t smile too much, but he’ll speak more openly, which… is it better to not know what the iv in your arm is, or to fully understand? Melone’s quite the talker, and is happy to (over) explain. 
Melone doesn’t hide you like the others would- it isn’t shameful to him to kidnap a whole person, and he needs them to keep you here when he isn’t. Morals aside, you need to be socialized. It isn’t good to keep someone isolated and cramped in a room they don’t like. If you don’t want to talk to him, talk to anyone else. You’ve got options. Maybe not Prosciutto, or Illuso, they’re not going to play host as easily… (Although Prosciutto might ask what Melone’s “little friend” is gonna be having for dinner)
Formaggio’s body type is similar to Guido’s. He’s fairly bulky. Formaggio spends all of his free time playing whatever sport he can think of, neglecting to do his chores (You’re starting to think he likes Prosciutto yelling at him), annoying Melone, and blowing your phone up. He spends a lot of time working out, but he considers that to be more of a daily ritual than a hobby. 
Since his only real responsibility is taking care of his cat and his job, he’s not stressed at all. He’d be a lot more stressed if he had to cook, and clean, and, I don’t fucking know, be an adult or whatever- like the shit Pro and Ris do all day!
If you ever ask him about it, he’ll go “I mean, it sucks that Boss is watching us and all, but to be honest, who cares? You don’t like being on camera? It loooves you.” and leaves it at that. 
His psychology is a bit odd. He seems like a typical, immature guy- the type of guy you meet at college that does sports and seemingly nothing else. No interest in philosophy, religion, general culture, etc. While I think that his personality is close to a casual type like Guido or Squalo, he seemingly lacks any depth at all. There’s no “Oh, he’s actually very smart!” thing going on here, Formaggio is painfully average. There’s no reason for him to be a mafioso other than bad timing and a lack of drive to get away from it.
He’s actually pretty simple. He’s just a guy that wants to relax and have a little fun- who doesn’t like fun? But Formaggio is crazy insecure. He takes almost every negative reaction as a jab- neutral ones, too. If you’re not into his lifestyle, what, he isn’t fuckin’ good enough? Huh? You think he’s some fuckin’ nobody that doesn’t have the real talent it takes to be where he is? 
You can calm Formaggio by stroking his ego, and by that, I mean stroking him. He’ll forget about any transgression if he finishes a few times. 
He only speaks italian, and will “Huh?” you to death if you do not. He’ll buy you an italian-english dictionary to help you understand him, but won’t make any real effort to learn english.  
Formaggio’s kitty was a stray before he snatched her up. She’ll try to comfort you while Formaggio is gone- but she’ll abandon you if he comes back. Little traitor. He calls her a ridiculous amount of pet names- sometimes he’ll reuse whatever name he calls you on her, and will pretend he’s always called her it. Awww, my little pwincess, my cuuuutie, my baby, my angeelllll. He treats her very well- she’s a bit pampered.  While Formaggio’s cat is able to relax fully in his arms, you probably will not, unless you’re a masochist. He loves good, old fashioned sadism- no prissy mind games or punishments, he does it for absolutely no reason other than how funny your reactions are. He’s like that asshole boyfriend that throws a basketball into your face and laughs when you groan. Come on, it’s just a ball, don’t be such a baby. It’s just a joke. Aw, your face stings? You want some ice? Hey, that’s a great idea, why don’t you go get him something from the fridge?
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freesia-writes · 10 months
Lil Life Update for Y'all <3
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I've been a lil cryptic or back-n-forth, I think, and just wanted to share a little bit about what's been going on. I say it's not for attention but who knows what motives lurk under there, LOL. It's mostly because I love you all and want to let you in, also hope that it's encouraging or connective for anyone else who's experienced the same, and also I just miss the community I have sooooo loved here. 🥹
I'm a 34yo female with 2 kids aged 4 and 7. I had depression like crazy during and after my second pregnancy especially. In Aug 2021, my primary doc suggested I try something like Zoloft since I'd been complaining of irritability, no capacity, constant worry, and other anxiety symptoms. When I did feel some relief and felt encouraged that I could "feel like myself" again, I pursued solutions for other issues I was noticing. Over the last year and a half, it's been quite a ride. ADHD symptoms led to Adderall for 4 days, then Wellbutrin for a few months, then Buspar for a few months, then Strattera (tapering up and then back down) for about 3 months, then Ritalin for 1 month, which I thought was helping until we realized that the entire month of October was basically an increasingly manic episode.
We're talkin 2007 Britney here (ok I didn't shave it but I cut my hair off into a pixie). Spent thousands on a new wardrobe of the "dark academia" style. Bought Disneyland tickets. Invested in a photography mentorship. So much energy and inspiration. Then we realized it was getting out of hand.
I had also been tapering off a lot of the meds over the last two months, so it was just a crazy cocktail of chemicals that made my brain finally go kaput. I finished the last dose of Zoloft on November 5th, and that was the last of the meds, so now I'm off everything. My therapist thought the mania was medication-induced due to all the changes plus the addition of the stimulant, so the goal was to try to allow everything to settle down and see what "baseline" is for me right now.
And it has been frickin HARD.
Cervical vertigo. All-or-nothing sleep and appetite. Extreme sensory sensitivity. Random itchiness. Racing mind. Total inability to focus. And the worst part has been the mood swings.
I'm basically having all the symptoms of bipolar disorder in a rapid-cycle format. It may be cyclothymia, or it may be the withdrawal effects from all the meds, but regardless... It's been quite the roller coaster. The nerd in me has been fascinated by the experiential knowledge of it all, since I majored in Psychology and have always loved learning about it, but the overall negative effects on me and my family have been difficult.
I'm someone who has always relied completely on being highly capable and in control. I find my worth in my productivity and competence. And it has caused increasing stress throughout my life. I've been praying for years that God would break me of it, and I can see how he is using this to do precisely that -- lovingly trying to answer my request to be freed of this relentless pursuit of the illusion of control. He's inviting me to simple, joyful life of trust. The perspective shift is so freeing when I realize that I don't need to have it all figured out because he already does, and I can just rest in his loving guidance and look to him for the next step instead of trying to plan out every possible outcome and strategy. I went on a reflective retreat in the Santa Cruz mountains and just felt so encouraged and loved in the way he invited me to let my shoulders down and to ground myself in his warm provision and care.
But the change doesn't happen overnight.
So in the middle of a total storm of bipolar symptoms -- days of mania followed by days of depressive episodes and being so new at it all that I don't know how to navigate "normal life" with all of that -- I'm also trying to rewire 34 years' worth of the way I think and act. BUT it's a blessedly simple process: the only thing I have to worry about is this moment. I can't affect the future or the past. So all I have is right now, and I can turn to God for guidance, encouragement, insight, or anything I need in this moment, and he is so faithful to give it. But man, it's easy to forget. ;)
Literally me with that right now, trying to figure it all out on my own before I remember I can't and don't need to:
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Anyway, this got LONG, surprise surprise, but I've always enjoyed being vulnerable for the sake of connection and potential encouragement. And selfishly, I'd LOVE to hear from any of you who may have had similar experiences. Right now the fixation of my [very limited] capacity is on my photography business, but I've been feeling drawn to writing more and more, and have attempted a lil drabble here and there. So I'm just patiently waiting for the inspiration to return. :)
I have so appreciated the love from you all. I also haven't been as active with reading/reblogging/supporting/etc as I was, and that's just where I'm at right now, but please know that my heart is with you even if my brain is not, LOL.
If you made it this far, you get a gold star. Or a Howzer hug. Or somethin. :)
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Matt- Dating Him
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"Here she is" Herrmann shout smiling at me as I make my way into the firehouse
"Hi Herrmann"
"What are you doing here?" Matt asks walking over to me
"Well I don't start my shift till this evening so I thought I'd give you guys a break and cook for you"
"Yes!" Herrmann shouts fist bumping the air making me chuckle. Matt walks over to me and kisses my lips
"You don't have to you know?"
"I know, but you guys have quickly become my family. So no arguments" I walk passed Matt and head into the kitchen area opening up the cupboards to see what I have to work with
"The best food is at the top" Kelly says
"Thanks" I reply climbing up the counter top
"What are you doing YN? You'll fall and hurt yourself"
"How do you think I reach my top cupboards?" I laugh at Matts overprotectiveness
"Leave her be. If she falls then she's got the best paramedics and ambo in Chicago" Gabby says
"Thank you Gabby. Now, I think I can make us all a Mac and cheese, I can add some spice into it if you'd like or some bacon?"
"Bacon!" Cruze shouts making me laugh just as the house alarm goes off
"Duty calls" Matt says as I get down off the counters
"Be safe. I'll have food done for when you get back" I kiss Matts lips and they leave.
While they're gone I make their food, but of course by the time they get back the food is cold
"Hey I've got to head off to Med, but food will be ok to reheat" I everyone
"Thank you YN. Kelly says giving me a hug"
"Not a problem"
"Come on I'll drop you off" Matt places an arm around my shoulder and leads me out. We get into his car, his hand on my knee"
"I feel stupid that you keep driving me to work"
"Don't feel stupid. You've got anxiety about driving. When your ready I'll help you. Sit in the car with you while you drive around
"You'd do that?"
"Of course I would. Your my girlfriend" his hand gives my knee a little squeeze
"So I might be looking at a new car on the weekend"
"Really?" He glances at mw before his eyes go back on the road
"You want me to come with you?"
"Text me what time you want to leave on what day"
"I will. Thank you"
The weekend rolls around and Matt drives me to look at the new car
"What do you think?" I ask for Matts perspective as we look at a white Mini
"It's nice what about you? What do you think?"
"I like it, I'm just scared about getting in it"
"You don't have to do this yet YN"
"Matt if I don't do this now then I'm never going to do it. I can't rely on you all the time" I turn to look at my boyfriend
"Tell you what. I'll give it a test drive with you, if you like it then you get it, put me on the insurance. Then when it's ready to be picked up I'll have Severide bring me here I'll drive it to yours. Then we can go ride around"
"You'd do that?"
"Of course I would because I love you" that's the first time he's said those words to me
"You love me?" I ask shocked
"Yes. I do"
"I love you too" I lean up and kiss his lips
"So what do we think?" The salesman asks walking over to Matt and I. I look at Matt for some reassurance. He gives me a nod
"I'll take it"
"Fantastic. Let's go and get all of the paperwork in order"
At the end of the day Matt drives me home
"Do you want to come in?" I ask "may as well stay the night. I have some of your clothes here that are clean so you can change into those tomorrow and I'll wash what your wearing tonight"
"You know, we may as well move in together. We are already spending every night with each other. Also we've both said I love you so we're practically married now" Matt jokes exiting the car
"Would you actually want to move in together?"
"Wouldn't have said anything if I didn't want to"
"Well maybe that's something we can talk about over the next couple of days. Decide if your moving in with me or if I'm moving in with you"
"Why not tonight"
"Because I have other things planned for tonight" I drag Matt into my house and up the stairs towards the bedroom.
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sylvies-chen · 7 months
wait no then give me all of ur fav moments ♡
HAHA I LOVE U IVY ok well I only really have lke 4 honourable mentions
6. aaron and celina — granted, it is a trauma bond and aaron is misplacing his feelings/relying on her too much, but I see a lot of potential here. at the very least I still love their dynamic as friends and despite the awkwardness of that kiss (I mean yeesh!) I still just really enjoyed seeing them navigate their trauma together. they’re both the younger ones who are still figuring things out about themselves, and I really miss those days where we had our original trio and everything felt as fresh and new territory to them as it did to us viewers, and aaron and celina in this episode reminded me of that/those days.
7. luna’s mini confession to grey — I keep telling y’all I love them and I mean it!! they both have such soothing and kind voices and energies, and their marriage seems so solid and mature even in a storyline about her being silly and making a fake book club to hide something from him. he is her number one fan though and to see him encourage a lot of later in life exploration in her is awesome to see. she thinks she’s too rusty but that bike still pedals baby! graduating med school! (or whatever medical program it was)
8. shut up german — this line was crazy and just stick out in my mind, I laughed my hardest at this scene, honestly Richard T Jones has that skill for comedy I think. But if you’re a german rookie fan out there please tell me how you reacted to this, I’m dying to know 💀💀
9. flower boys — can we give a round of applause to the already slept on scene of the guys getting together to make the new floral arrangements for the wedding? I never thought I would see the day where tim bradford fusses with flowers and all the guys band together to make centerpieces look pretty as a bachelor party but here we are. I love this little dose of healthy masculinity, so gorgeous mwah
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vylad243 · 7 months
Hello! I was wondering how would Alastor react if he found out Vox took anti depression and sleeping pills to deal with life.(if you feel uncomfortable answering this it's ok) I got this idea from the fact that he is basically carrying the entirety of hell on his shoulders since without him pride would have no electricity and technology. Bro has to be under extreme stress.
Also another post I saw from an artist was how Valentino assumed that Vox had the easiest job and that he took all the credit
(I love your story btw I reread it everyday)
Hi! Thank you for reading my story ^-^
To answer your ask, Alastor wouldn't be surprised but he would a bit hurt that Vox didn't tell him. Alastor knows that it's important to keep secrets in Hell so it isn't taken advantage of- but Alastor feels hurt that Vox didn't trust him with that information.
Vox is always drowning in work. Even having Papermint doesn't help usually because Papermint's powers aren't as expansive as Vox, and he can only do so much as a sinner. Vox would rely heavily on sleeping meds to get a healthy amount of sleep so as not to stress out Alastor.
Vox and Alastor would talk it over and Vox would tell Alastor that he did trust him, he just didn't want Alastor to stress over his issues while Alastor would politely remind Vox that they are partners and that Vox's burdens are his. Vox would feel comfortable enough to take them around Alastor instead of hiding it and raises a huge load off his shoulder.
As for that post- honestly Valentino would totally say that lol
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clotpolesonly · 3 months
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ok i didn't wanna reblog that whole long post just for one little bit, so @aspirationallyeldritch hope you don't mind me making a new post
i just really wanted to address this directly, cuz it's a sentiment i've seen a couple of times since that ep aired, and (completely respectfully) it's really been rubbing me the wrong way. now i'm not gonna sit here and try to armchair diagnose Persephone with anything specific, but the treatment of Persephone as a person with some kind of mental illness has been pretty consistent, whether it's an actual "normal" (?? non-psychic-related) mental illness or something related to/caused by her above average connection to the spiritual realm doesn't really matter, functionally it presents much the same. she is still shown to have some support needs -- we see Maura helping to manage her schedule for her because she can't keep track of time and her memory is unreliable, we get Calla reminding her to eat and drink and take care of bodily functions, Jimi is always checking on her and cleaning up her space for her and reminding her to smudge her space (the psychic equivalent of "take your meds" i feel like 😂). we even get an indication that Persephone has gotten lost before (in the literal physical sense, like she wandered off) (a nice little parallel, i think, with Adam's fugue state tbh, i liked that), with all the ladies distressed but immediately ready to mobilize when Blue said she couldn't find her. the whole community of that household contributes to Persephone's care and it's clear that she needs it and would struggle to live alone.
HOWEVER, none of that disqualifies Persephone from making informed decisions over her own life and the activities she engages in, and it's ableist to claim otherwise. it's like the popular assertion that adults with developmental disorders can never consent to sex because they're "mentally children", or that people with stigmatized mental illnesses shouldn't enter into romantic relationships until their "healed" because they can't possibly be a good partner until they're fixed. ya know what i mean??
Persephone may have support needs, and she relies on the other fox way ladies in order to function fully within a society that's not set up to include her, but she's still a grown adult woman and an extremely capable psychic who has a solid grasp of her own abilities and limits within her sphere of expertise. she deserves the same amount of respect and autonomy that Maura and Calla are offered, and i for one am so so glad that she was offered that within the narrative and her friends/family/partners didn't try to hold her back or speak over her to make her decisions for her. disabled people have a right to take risks too, if they want.
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bullet-prooflove · 2 years
Could I ask for a Sonny 5 sentence (or more)? Thanks in advance ❤️❤️
“You deserve love and a home-cooked meal. Thankfully, those go hand-in-hand”
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a patient you weren’t supposed to be treating, one with mental health issues and a violent temper. You had caught the brunt of it. You knew it hadn’t been intentional, the poor guy couldn’t afford his meds but it hurt like a bitch when he’d clocked you across the face.
“Here.” Sonny said, handing you another icepack. He had wrapped it carefully in a navy-blue dishtowel so it wouldn’t irate your skin.
“Thanks.” You murmured, handing him the old one.
“It looks like the swelling is starting to go down.” He commented, smoothing the hair away from your face before he placed a tender kiss upon your forehead. “So, I’m thinking I stay over tonight…”
You open your mouth to cut him off, remind him of his early morning meeting. The truth is, you are so used to being independent that it feels unnatural for you to rely on somebody else. He holds up a hand to stop you and you fall silent, because honestly, you want him to stay. Sonny is the only person you trust enough to show your vulnerability, to allow into your home, you love it when he stays the night, how safe you feel in his arms, how secure.
“You deserve love and a home-cooked meal.” He informs you. “And thankfully the two of those go hand-in-hand.”
“Ok.” You whisper as his palm cups your face, his thumb caressing over the apple of your cheek. “I want you to stay the night.”
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acid-onthefloor · 2 months
ok now that i got accepted I'll have to decide which city i move to. We got:
PRO: living with my grandparents, so no rent. I'll have almost half if the (quite big) house only for myself including kitchen and bath. this is a pretty big thing, because i'm not eligible for any financial help from the government and wouldhave to rely on my parents and whatever job i have time for as a med student. CON: my grandparents are both transphobic and not quiet about it. there is a 30min commute to the city by train and walking.
PRO: a friend also studies there. closer to home. i know the city better. better public transport i think. home of one of the biggest goth festivals and generally better for concerts etc (yes i know it shouldn't be a criteria, but i want to go there again. i need my music). CON: rent (~300-400€), less comfortable living in general for obvious reasons
no university is ranked significantly higher than the other one and both cities are nice places to live. i haven't come out to my grandparents yet, but i will do within the next days or weeks
of course i will decide for myself, but it would be nice to hear a second opinion
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fatherforgivethem · 11 months
Hi💚I saw your Hotd Hunger Games post and I couldn’t help but ask to do Hotd meets Bly Manor, or Hill House if you can🤷‍♀️
“I’m a dream, and so are you, and so are we…”
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Alicent Hightower had only ever wanted to give her family a sense of adventure. She wanted them to see different parts of the country, and with her job as a house flipper, she had been able to do just that. Until recently….
She had wanted her children to like the new house, she had wanted herself to like the house; but something about it made her feel a certain kind of unwell. And no matter how she tried to encourage her children, it was a known fact that the family was sick and tired of Hill House.
Yet, life had changed when her little girl had begun to speak of figure she’d scene around the house. A women, she’d explained, that she called the Bent-Neck-Lady. And when Aemond had spoken of a very tall man he’d seen walking about the halls. All of it seemed to be going wrong. She herself had begun to see a vexing auburn-haired women that would snarl hateful nonsense into Alicent’s ears. Even Daeron hated the house. Aegon seemed to be doing the best out of all of them.
Her life felt like chaos, like madness. It was so mad that it drove her to point of no return. She felt light, like she was floating. She was once there, in the flesh with her children. And now, she was one with the house. She was of Hill House. Forever wandering the halls alone until a voice that sounded like her little girl’s rang through her ears like music.
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Aegon could identify the exact moment that his and his families life had gone up in flames. It had been when his uncle Gwayne, who had been staying with them at Hill House, had pulled Aegon and his siblings from their beds, ordering them to keep their eyes closed as he lifted them in his arms and began running down the halls as fast as his feet could carry them.
He’d shoved them into a car and driven like a madman to the nearest hotel. It had been in the chaos of the car that his uncle had revealed what had happened to their mother. It was that exact moment that Aegon knew nothing would ever be the same and the family would be forever changed. The days after that night had been full of questions from Aegon and his siblings, but those questions had all gone unanswered by a shell shocked, almost hollow-looking Gwayne, who Aegon realized only the next morning had been covered in blood the night before when they’d escaped Hill House.
They had moved in with Gwayne. Who in Aegon’s opinion, was not stable enough to care for them after the death of his sister, Alicent. Aegon did what he could for his family. But despite his efforts they always seemed only just out of his reach. From then, time had gone on, and Aegon and his siblings and grown up. Aegon had married a man named Jace and the two opened a funeral home. They had a little girl and even Daeron had moved in with them, living in the guest house.
Aegon thought, or at least hoped, that life should have been set, it should have finally been at a place where they were all fine and happy. But that was never the case with the Hightower family. Aemond had fallen victim to nearest substance, Helena hadn’t been taking her meds in over a year, and it had all been left to Aegon to sort out, as their uncle Gwayne had become harder and harder to reach in the last several years. It seemed that Daeron and Aegon were the only ones holding on to some semblance of a healthy sibling relationship with each other.
Despite it all however, Aegon could at least say that it was going ok. Aegon had been able to get Aemond a place in a rehab facility. And Helaena had her husband to rely on. It was going ok… until Helaena had called.
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Aemond had been seeing the man again. It had been ok for a little, it really had. He had been in a facility, one he had wanted to be at. He had been taking his medicine. He was even going on six months of sobriety. He was doing ok… until he saw him again. The man, the one with the hat who seemed to be at every corner that Aemond turned, always looking in the opposite direction. He had made the mistake of leaving the facility for a girl he thought had cared for him.
All he wanted was his family, he wanted his mom who he remembered only in pieces, he wanted his older brother Aegon who always knew what to do, but who Aemond knew was tired of him asking for money, he wanted his little brother who wanted nothing to do with him, and who he really wanted was his twin. Helaena. It was Helaena who would understand what he was feeling.
He had tried to stay somewhere, to sleep, but he only saw the man, the tall one who was always there, watching him. He had tried calling his uncle Gwayne but he hadn’t answered. He tried calling Aegon and Daeron but they hadn’t answered. When he called Helaena, she had sounded off, like something wasn’t right. Aemond could always tell when something wasn’t right with Helaena. The same way she could always tell with him. It was a twin thing. That’s what they’d always said. She had kept going on and on about Hill House. And the line had cut off after that. He needed to get to Helaena.
He needed them, his family. He would get to them somehow. He would.
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Daeron knew people looked at him as odd for always wearing his gloves. As if wearing something on his hands made him a freak. It was just gloves, truly. And to others, he wanted to keep it that way. But he knew the truth. Those gloves protected him from knowing things that no else wanted to know. He could touch an object and feel the exact emotion of the last person that had used it. He could touch a couch and feel the emotions of the last person who has sat on it. He could touch a lamp and the same thing would happen. And with his mother gone, there wasn’t anyone to help him with it. He was all by himself when it came to this. And so, the only way to keep it in check was to put a barrier between himself and everything else. To put leather gloves over his skin. The odd stares people sent his way were worth it.
After the events at Hill House, Daeron had put most of his time and energy into school, and it wasn’t long before he was graduating and staring his job as a child’s psychologist. He could still remember the proud look that Aegon and Helaena had given him when he walked across the stage. Aemond had been absent. He’d been at one of many rehabs. All of that, the struggle of school, the absence of Aemond, that had all been before. Before everything else that soon occurred. Before Helaena’s husband had died and she had stopped taking her medication, before Aemond was nowhere to be found. Moving in with Aegon had been the best decision he made in a long time. They needed each other more than anything.
And so, years after Daeron had cut ties with Helaena and Aemond, years after dodging calls, Daeron was surprised to see Aegon so worked up after a voicemail from Helaena. It wasn’t long before Daeron was waking up in a fright. His sister was there. Back at the house they had sworn to forget all those years ago. He could feel it.
She was in the Red Room.
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Life was a terrifying task that Helaena had been forced to live through as of recent. She had a husband, a charming man who had loved her despite her odd quirks and nightly terrors. He was loving and supportive, kind and gentle. She had needed him. The two had been happy, she had been happy for once in a long time. When her mother had passed, it seemed as if nothing would be the same again. However, when she met him, Arthur, her life had seemed to brighten. He was the lamp inside a dark room. Though, like most lamps, the bulb eventually went out and the room was left in the dark once more. He had gone in the night, a brain aneurism of all things. Unexpected and bewildering. One moment he was there, and the next, he was gone.
She had been plagued as a young child with night terrors. A woman with long black hair and a bent neck who seemed to float above her her bed and she jay there, or before her in a dark hallway. And each time she saw her, it was as if her body was stuck. Frozen. Paralyzed by fear. She couldn’t breathe, she couldn’t blink, she couldn’t scream. That was always the worst part.
It seemed it would never end. Until one day it did. She had been glad that she had called Aegon. Glad that she was able to leave some kind of message before departing.
If there was a creature in the woods, they would have seen her feet moving along the gravel and into the creaky house. Hill House, it was called. Now, if a particle of dust were to watch her, they would see her dance with no one, deeper and deeper into the house, until she was so far, that she could never dream of making her way back out. Until the world she had once known had been replaced with a world full of something different. Something less real.
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hearth-and-veil · 2 years
Things I wish someone had told me about menstruation:
Menstrual blood isn't more dirty than any other type of blood.
But it's still blood so...protocols.
Salt water is the best thing to presoak anything bloody in.
Designate a set of underwear for periods. It makes life so much easier to have a set of comfy underwear that you don't care about potentially staining.
Bad cramps are normal, but that doesn't make them healthy. All normal means is that it's a common problem. Don't let your doctor blow you off.
Your uterus is actually a very important organ with many functions and getting it removed for non-medical reasons is not a good idea. Your doctor wasn't refusing just to be a natalist asshole.
A tubal ligation will absolutely impact your hormones and period, no matter what the doctors tell you.
Depo provera is the fucking devil.
The average length of a period is 3-5 days. Which means half of all women have a period longer than that. Learn math, genius.
The average length of a menstrual cycle is 27-28 days. Again, yours can be longer or shorter than that. Averages suck.
Do not buy bras the week before or the week of your period unless you're buying them to wear during that time. (I go up a full cup size the week before my period.)
If a man has a problem with your period and claims it's just a problem with blood, then doesn't have an issue with blood from violent shit, don't fucking be with him.
Conversely, some men do just genuinely have an issue with blood. Having the same issue with your period blood does not make him a misogynist.
It's not terribly uncommon to get super horny on your period instead of during ovulation. But you can still get pregnant during your period so be smart.*
Taking iron and magnesium supplements regularly can make your period better. But they're hard on your stomach, so take them right after a meal, trust me.
Masturbation eases menstrual cramps better than any meds I've ever tried. Just make sure to put a towel down and thoroughly clean your toys.
Masturbation can also provoke your period when it's 'stuck' and just won't start.
Consult a medical professional first but a free testosterone boosting supplement (not a testosterone pill!!) can also unstick your period. BUT it may also make cramps worse and it will make hormonal acne worse.
Taking an emmenagogue to unstick or speed up your period will make cramps worse. Their entire role is to contract the uterus, and that's what a menstrual cramp is. Also pennyroyal is the least delicious mint.
It's ok to rest and relax. Men are not the shining gold standard of the world which women need to emulate. Equity, not equality.
*The only time you can't get pregnant is during the follicular phase. If there's an egg anywhere near sperm, you can still get pregnant. The egg can drop the first day of ovulation and not be expelled until the last day of menstruation. And my paranoid ass wouldn't even rely on being in the follicular phase. Protected Sex Gang for Life.
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