#its about your comfort level but hopefully there's some tips and tricks in here that can help you out!
simplydnp · 7 months
Hi!! I’m new ‘round here (or not, been watching since 2018 and lurking since 2021) but what’s the best way to get more involved in the phandom space? Y’all seem really nice and I wanna finally be a part of the community after being on the fringes for so long
hello anon! firstly, welcome!
you've come to a great blog to ask, if i do say so myself, as i was heavily active on dnp tumblr a few years ago, took a few year break, and came back a few months ago on a new blog. so i was essentially starting from scratch!
number one thing is reblog posts! if it's a little intimidating starting out, just reblog them without any tags. everyone loves a reblog and it's a great way to show your interest without being too forward (if you're concerned!)
now, the way i engage in fandom in general is different than some other people, but i adore writing in the tags. it can be a little scary starting out, but a simple 'love this!' or 'hard agree' in the tags helps people get a feeling for you as a person. the reason i do it is for me, but i've come to learn that other people love not only reading it, but getting that on their own post.
another great way to get involved is exactly what you just did! send thoughtful anon asks to people you think are neat. don't put too much emphasis on needing a perfect response, or response at all, as 1 tone over text is always hard, 2 people get busy, and 3 a lot of the more known blogs get a lot of asks and it isn't possible to get through them all. don't be discouraged! keep trying & be nice & you'll build connections.
one of the things i did during gamingmas (when we had predictable uploads) was sitting in the dan and phil tag and almost 'pre-gaming' with people. we're all looking forward to the same thing and it's just a good time.
the way that works is making your own posts! you don't have to write essays or have a unique idea, all of us love a 'i love dan and phil' post and you'll see people interacting with them all the time. or if words are hard, a simple sentence and a screenshot from a video that's funny goes a long way.
sometimes the best time to jump in is right when a new video is posted (this can be hard depending on your schedule & timezone relative to dnp uploads), but everyone flocks to the tag to scream together and instead of posting in a void, there's already people there and you're just one post of many having a great time.
a way that's a bit more involved would be joining a discord server. there's a few out there if you'd like, but sometimes discord can be harder to communicate on to start as it's a lot more individual communication, as opposed to a post on your own blog.
the community loves new people to talk to! new voices and perspectives are really important, and i hope you join us! it's good to put yourself out there, but don't get mad at yourself if it takes time.
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arashtadstudio · 2 years
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keenmarvellover · 4 years
Some links to posts with valuable content you want in one place.(BASICALLY EVERYTHING IS THERE)
Suggestions and Recommendations are appreciated and accepted.
Last Updated : 16/10/2020
NOTE: Some of these post are written in a crude and unruly fashion. But they contain valuable tips, guidance and information. If you can't/don't want to read such posts, then don't read.
Mental Health
Do you need a Hug?
Maybe you’re having a stressful day. Maybe you just need a deep breath. Maybe you just didn’t realize how stressed you are. You can get your comfort here.
Some stuff to help you sleep
This is definitely not a google drive full of the sleep stuff from the Headspace app, including sleepcasts, music, and wind down meditation, that normally costs 17.99 a month, no siree and you definitely shouldnt share this with people
Anti-Anxiety Tools
Some tools to help you before, during or after an anxiety attack
100 Reasons NOT To Kill Yourself
A really excellent way to reduce anxiety is to pick up a new hobby. Find something you’re interested in, learn it, then use it as a healthy and productive way to cope.
Some very Important Lists for Rating PAIN, FATIQUE AND MENTAL HEALTH
It is MUST share
PSA Rregarding Hospital bills
Also how to pay hospital bills when you are broke.
How to differentiate between COVID-19, FLU AND COMMON COLD
Anyway, as we enter cold & flu season in the YEAR of corona, this will come in very handy.
Treatment for HIV
VERY IMPORTANT. Please Read and Share.
What does the Color of your Period mean?
A must read for individuals who get periods.
How to differentiate between Period Cramps and Appendicitis
From a Person who is Hard of Hearing
Types and levels of deafness
General Tips for Vagina Health
Some stuff they don't teach in sex-ed.
Undo the damage of Sitting
Are you always sitting down? Then these are some exercise you should probably try out for better health.
Guide to Proper Bra Fitting
Guide to Proper Bra Fit and Measuring. Please Read and Share.
Washable, Reusable Menstrual Pads
(Part II)
Reusable menstrual hygiene product, and are an alternative to disposable sanitary napkins or to menstrual cups.
Art Masterpost
How to draw *insert whatever you want, its there in the list*?
Book Binding
Some video links to different types of DIY Bookbinding
For Artists who Need Photoshop
If youre an artist who cant afford photoshop, definitely DO NOT go to this google drive to pirate the program, that would be so bad!!!
Do’s and Don'ts of Designing for Accessibility
Please consider this when designing for ANYTHING. For BUSINESSES and ARTISTS.
Color Synonyms
How to make a Masterlist
Simple but efficient instructions to make a masterlist
This is an ultimate masterlist of many resources that could be helpful for writers.
List of AUs and Ship Tropes
For when you run out of ideas.
Ship Tropes
Legal sites to get some much needed Info
If there was only a way to find out all of this rather edgy information without getting yourself in trouble…
Resources for Describing Characters
For writing about physical appearances, character traits, talents,and skills and other related stuff of your characters, here is a comprehensive list.
Resources for Describing Emotions
Having trouble writing jealousy, happiness, motivation. Here you go!!
Some Resources for your Writing
Body Language
Reverse Dictionary
Character Traits
Things to Keep in mind when naming Characters
Valuable advice. Trust me
Words to Use when Writing Smut/Romance
This is for smut/romance writers. Kinda like a thesaurus.
Tips to write Pain
How are you supposed to write about pain you’ve never experienced before?
References for Greek Mythology Characters
Link to an extensive site every single detail of Greek Mythology from Gods to Family Trees.
Tips to write Blind Characters
Some tips that might be invaluable when writing character that are near-blind or blind
Things to Remember when writing a Highly Emotional Scene
Just small things that could make a great difference
How to write with Multiple POVs
Tips on how to write multiple POVs with diverse characters
Synonyms and Antonyms
The person who made this list is a blessing to writers. Just saying.
Good Qualities for Female Characters
Females don't always need to be protected and be weak. Make them more realistic.
Words to Use instead of ‘Said’
Every single situation is listed. Check it out.
Limits of the Human Body
All extremities listed
Legal Sites to Download Literature
From children’s books to rare books, from philosophy and religion to nonfiction. I guess you can find anything here.
The Rights of the Reader
And some (lots of) bashing of Helicopter Parents.(You want to read only the rights. Here it is)
Wet Book Rescue : Steps to save a Wet Book
Valuable information if some of your prized books were affected by recent flooding. The video even shows you what to do if you can’t dry the book out right away.
Cheatsheet to Navigate AO3
Makes your time on AO3 a little more easier and interesting
How to trick Writers into giving you More Fanfic to read
Works for Comics and Art as well.
Get a Book Suggestion
This book website gives you the first page of a random book without the title or author so that you can read it with no preconceptions
Books written by POC Writers
Only POC authors included in the list.
Basic ASL (American Sign Language) Movements
ASL Hand Movements for beginners.
Tips for studying with ADHD/a>
Made by a person with ADHD themself.
Resources to Learn New Languages
Ten fairly useful general language resources
How to properly take notes
It helps. It really helps.
Here is a masterpost of MOOCs (massive open online courses) that are available, archived, or starting soon. I think they will help those that like to learn with a teacher or with videos.
A Thread of Tips
A thread of tips to help High School and College students academically
FREE ONLINE COURSES (here are listed websites that provide huge variety of courses)
Google like a BOSS
Some life hacks which make student's lives easier.
625 words to know in your Target Language
If your learning a new language, these words will help you build a strong foundation.(Some tips and sites are include too)
Miscellaneous/Life Hacks
How to add music to your Blog
How to add your very own, custom homemade playlist to your blog?
How to Walk with Purpose?
Some tips on how to hold yourself in public and why.
Cheatsheet for Laundry Rooms
Saves a lot of money in the Laundry Room
How to Gird up your Loins?
A lesson in how to gird your loins.
How to Disappear Online
Please read and spread for the sake of abuse victims or stalker victims.
What to do during a Nuclear Attack
I hope you never have to use it but here are some guidelines to follow in the event of a nuclear attack
How to pull an All-Nighter.
A to-do list
Write a Thank You letter after your Interview
It leaves a good impression on your interviewer and increase your chances of passing the interview.
Laundry Tags: Meanings
A life hack that you’ll definitely need at some point.
Where to find free Movies and Series Online
Lots of sites. Lots and Lots of sites. I am not Kidding. Now go and chill without netflix. (Part II)
How to get a Refund?
Get your stuff or a refund.
This starts at the most absolute basics of gardening and planting, provides definitions, and hopefully is easily understandable. This is a MUST-READ. (Farming)
Discuss your wages
It’s your right to share your salary, not doing so could be holding you back.
Youtube Tutorials for Basically EVERYTHING
This is a big, giant list of Youtube tutorials that will teach you all the basic life skills you need to know in order to be a functional adult.
Emergency Evacuation - Items to Gather
A text list of suggested items to acquire in the event of an emergency.
If someone you know is in an abusive relationship
AN ABBREVIATED GUIDE TO ‘Holy shit!!! My friend is in an abusive relationship what do I do’ and what not to do.
Defense Tips for Women
Defense and Safety tips a woman MUST know. (Part II)
An app that informs your Emergency contacts if you are inactive in a set period of time.(Could prevent rape attempts if used correctly)
If a Man gets Physical
How to check if a mirror is one way or two-way
If you are trapped in a smoke-filled apartment: What to Do
How to get out of Hand-binds
How to get out of the bunker of a Car
How to track Anonymous asks.
How to pick a Lock
Traits and Warning signs of an Abuser
What to do if a bigot pulls your Hijab (from behind)
What to do if someone pulls of a Muslim Woman's Hijab? (To do List for both Men and Women)
561 notes · View notes
mira--mira · 3 years
Question from an aspiring writer:
How do you stay motivated on one project for such a long time?
I personally have the attention span of a goldfish, and whenever I have an idea I either have to write down everything my brain can spew immediately or have it be lost in the void for eternity.
Never mind going back and turning my outline into a fic or gasp editing.
Do you have any tips and/or tricks you use?
Ok, I got completely carried away with this just fyi, but hopefully I ended up answering your actual question 😂 tl;dr at the bottom.
To be honest, staying motivated is a tricky thing, one that I feel I'm still learning how to do even now and varies a bit between shortfics/oneshots and multi-chaptered fics/longfics. For a bit of background, I've been writing fanfic for about a year and a half, but I've been writing original fiction since I was seven, over a decade and a half, and I still wrestle with it. It's definitely a learning process.
One thing I wish someone would have told me when I was starting out was the power of ~scenes~ in either multi-chapters or one-shots. All writing is ultimately made up of scenes, but if you're struggling to put things together, focusing on an individual scene, or multiple short scenes, might help you focus on getting something completed, and it's something that eventually can be applied to longer works as well. Writing has been a snowball process for me and once I started getting anything completed, I felt more secure in knowing what I could write comfortably and what was out of my comfort zone, eventually getting to the point where I felt comfortable tackling bigger and longer projects and knowing I could stay with them.
OoT's interlude chapters and the snippet series are both good examples of scenes because I wrote them with that intention...even if most of them are actually two or three scenes combined. "Gai meets Hashirama and Madara", "Hashirama gets revenge on Kakashi", "Tatsuki and Hashirama pick flowers for Madara, then give them to him" etc. were all my starting points.
If you're first starting out and feel comfortable with outlines of some sort before you start writing I would encourage you to try and write down a bullet point list of your scene(s) and what you know you want to happen in it.
"Gai meets Hashirama and Madara"
* Hashirama meets Gai first, mistakes him for Lee.
* Madara is shopping for a gift for Hashirama
* Madara finds Gai and Hashirama, they spar, Gai kicks his ass, both of them love him.
This is how my initial outline looked for the first interlude chapter, technically each one of these "points" are their own scenes stuck together. Outlining is different for everyone, some people like super specific points, others even less detail than this. For me this is a nice middle that gives me a roadmap for the chapter, but allows plenty of room to naturally diverge and add detail. Play around with outlines and see what you're comfortable with/what gives you the best results.
I'm not sure of your individual situation, but if you're struggling to put together fics in general something like this might help. Doing this process again and again personally helps me stay on track and gives me a sense of progress.
This sense of progress is ultimately key and why I think motivation differs slightly between one-shots/short fics and longfics. If you confine the individual scene to a one-shot, that might give you the motivation to complete it. Even if you start writing and you get interrupted/can't finish having in one setting, bullet points sometimes help inspire me to finish because I'm not starting from scratch when I return to writing. The whole "eat an elephant one piece at a time" thing was difficult for me to learn, but ultimately proved true. Learning to chip away at something bit by bit is going to be the only (healthy) way to write longer projects you can't complete in one sitting.
For longer projects, it's a similar beast just on bigger levels and with an added dimension. I would actually suggest something similar to OoT for a starting project because it is ultimately broken up into arcs that you know and can reference, instead of making a lot of og content for a fan setting. Maybe not go into it thinking, 'I'll do a complete rewrite' but once you feel like you're ready for a longer project 30K+ or so, the rough outline method and the ability to follow arcs was what got me started when I eventually decided to make the fic multi-chaptered. Try writing one arc and keep yourself contained in that. Now the added dimension aspect in general for longfics is that you eventually want to plot individual chapters in a multi-chaptered longfic and individual arcs (character, plot, etc). This comes with practice. I honestly don't think there's a way to get around that. It's something that I'm still trying to work on and I can look back at my early work and see how I've improved, how I can recognize where things didn't go well in certain places, and how I would change them if I was writing today. That's a good thing to be able to do, it means you've grown! The other thing I find that helps with staying motivated week after week for longer projects is to roughly know where you're going and to try to be excited about a plot point/scene/chapter/etc that you're going to write. Really try to hype yourself up. For me, it's a moment that comes at the very end of the chunin arc and I start grinning even thinking about it because I know it's going to be awesome. It's always what gets me through the rough days, imagining the moment I'll get to actually write that scene in its entirety (it's definitely already outlined and I mentally play it out at least twice a week lol) and is a big motivating drive.
So far I think this is pretty standard stuff if you're an outliner and you've been writing for a few years, but the other thing motivational-wise for me is having a schedule. From reading this message alone, I would not suggest it for you right away. Get comfortable finishing small things and feeling confident that if you let an idea sit for a week or two, you can pick it back up and continue. But if you eventually dip your toes into longfics (and don't plan to pre-write everything before you publish) that routine and rhythm really helps keep me going. I've made a commitment, I've posted it online, I'm going to stick to it. No one is going to jump down my throat if I fail to keep it (this is still a hobby and having fun is the most important thing) but in my mind I should commit to it unless something irl prevents me from doing so. Don't put a tight deadline on yourself, I'd start with once a month or if you write shorter chapters every three weeks. This also would help you build up and get a readership, interaction being another big motivational key.
Also, it's important to accept that sometimes you bite off more than you can chew, and when you feel completely demotivated from a fanfic project...it's okay to drop it. It's okay to take a step back and work on something else. Maybe you'll come back to it, maybe you won't. If you can, try to pinpoint what it was about that project that made you demotivated, were you pushing yourself too much and you got burnt out, was it an ongoing series and your interest for canon lagged and so did the fic, was it just too stressful to keep juggling plotpoints, etc. and keep that in mind moving forward. Every experience can be a learning one and eventually make you a better writer that can eventually tackle those bigger projects. Don't be afraid to take on big aspirational projects, but don't walk into them blind either. Above all, and this is repeated a lot because it's true, enjoy what you write. Some days you might not. That's true with anything, but any project you take on the good should outweigh the bad.
This is my wrap up of the motivational section but I also wanted to throw my two-cents in about editing because "oh no editing" is a perspective I've seen from a lot of writers, and used to have myself, but I think is going to stifle your progress in the long run.
Here's the thing: you need to look forward to editing.
You don't have to be jumping for joy, but editing, imo, should be a positive thing. You have all these great ideas, you made it into a fic, something you wrote, and now you get to go back and make it even better! This is a tough attitude to adopt. I'm not going to pretend otherwise. It took me a long time to unlearn the negative attitude and even then sometimes I still wish the editing was already done once I type in the last period. But I've learned to at least appreciate what editing does and I try to think to myself as I'm going through and making changes things like "wow, this suddenly became so much better. X plot point that I thought of ten pages from now is suddenly being hinted at and doesn't come out of left field. The transition points are a lot cleaner, it's not so jarring anymore. I bet the readers are going to love this little detail. Here's some foreshadowing that I hope someone picks up bc it's going to come back in like 5 chapters from now" it's hard, especially when you start, but this is something you made, and now are actively making better and that's something to celebrate.
I hope this helps anon! I know it's a lot and I'm by no means an expert but I've been doing this for more than a decade because I love it and I want to help others get into writing to! I have no problem answering any writing questions you may have if you find this helpful!
-motivation is slightly different between short/long fics.
-starting out, learn to outline by scenes and focus on finishing small projects and getting to a point where you feel like you can put something down and come back and pick it up again in a week. Completion is key and will help you feel satisfied/know your limits.
-long projects also can work on the scene-to-scene outline but now with individual chapters and individual arcs. It's tough to balance both but comes with practice. Bit-by-bit is key, as is having 'one moment you can't wait to write', possibly a schedule if it works for you, and reader feedback are all huge long-term motivational points.
-editing is tough but learn to look forward to it instead of dreading it.
edited: added a bit more/few typos fixed
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trickstercheebs · 4 years
How about gordon comforting borrower! Benery after something scary happened? -HLVRAHigh 💖
alright here u goh! takes place a lil bit in the future of my fic :V
He was still getting used to knowing he had roommates, specially roommates he had just only found out about four months ago living with him. Since then everyday felt like he was learning a dozen or so more rules or facts about his new tiny group of...friends?
Tommy and Coomer were always more than happy to inform him about new things he was clueless about, and in return he did the same for anything they didn’t know that he did. He found out Coomer could access his computer with a level of ease he considered concerning...until he found out all Coomer liked to do was get lost in the endless holes of information that Wikipedia offered, along with some various cooking videos on youtube. Tommy would sometimes sit with him and read along on the screen, it was kinda cute watching the tiny pair sit on his wrist rest and scroll for a few hours. 
Bubby strangely would only come over to join the mini group when cooking was the subject..He seemed to only calm down when watching someone make some sort of dish...and of course when Coomer was beside him. Gordon found out after several scorching trial and errors that Coomer was a expert at getting Bubby to calm down and not set fires out of rage or stress. But he had been noticing lately even without Coomers help the mini firestorms had gone down considerably, for which he was ultimately thankful for.
Though...Gordon had taken notice that whenever he was in the kitchen, Bubby somehow always happened to be nearby to watch and sometimes give a few tips from the counter, and his few bad attempts never seemed to get too burned to warrant throwing out nowadays. Maybe sometime soon he ask Bubby officially to help him cook something for everyone.
Benry though...he was very strange to figure out at first. The others had fled being seen by him for weeks aside from him. Benry had come out the moment the so called “jig” was up and started talking with him for hours on end...And despite all that talking Gordon still had little to no idea what the tiny borrower was about. The “sweet voice” he did most of the time, while very pretty to watch float around his head, was just as strange.. He had asked Tommy from time to time to translate when he found out the other borrower seemed to know inherently what the colors translated to and would happily lend a hand in the form of some honestly cute little rhyme to make it easier to remember for them both. Eventually Gordon got the idea after a few weeks of this and started to slowly map out Benrys feelings throughout the days when the sweet voice was more present than his actual voice.
Today was one of those days, Gordon had woken up to the sounds of heavy rain and after a quick look to the weather channel saw it’d be like this most of the day with possible chances of thunderstorms. He personally liked when the heavy storms rolled through, the town really needed it after the dry spell it’s been having for the last few months or so. The resulting day was a sleepy one at best, Gordon setting up a slow cooker of his favorite soup to dig into when it was time to eat with everyone.
Until then he sat on the couch with some snacks and caught up on some shows he had been prompted into watching by his tiny group, knowing they’d all be out and about soon enough, he could already hear Coomer and Bubby on his computer. Tommy was likely with Sunny....or Sunkist as Tommy had renamed her these days.. It didn’t take long for him to feel a tiny weight settle itself on his right shoulder and a even tinyer yawn to reach his ears.
“Sup Gordo....sleepy day today? Fuckin...lofi chill rainstorms to sleep to man..”
“Mornin Benry, and yeah seems like today’s a sleepy one. Weather forecast says its gonna rain all day today.”
“Mhm...niiice, cosy bro mode today..”
“Pfft, you sound like you’re about to pass out on me Benry, didn’t you just wake up?”
“Maybe....? Not my fault big bro Gordo gotta be all fuckin warm n cosy. S’fuckin cheating..”
Gordon couldn’t help but chuckle at that last very tired sounding quip and glanced down at the borrower in question. Benry was splayed out almost like a cat on his broad shoulder sucking up his residual body heat, only to be jostled a bit by his laughter.
“C’mon dude get down from there, I don’t wanna knock you off on accident or something.”
“Mmm maybe later, comfy here just fine bro, won’t fall off I got like..excellent climber hacks trust me.”
“Alright then, but I’ll warn you when I feel like movin or something.”
“Hell yea man no worries here. Your lil buddy Benry’s got it all on lockdown.”
Gordon let out another laugh before they both settled down to watch whatever show he had picked out.
A few hours had passed in relative comfortable silence amidst the rain, the soft background noise making Gordon a tad bit sleepy even now when it hit. A bright flash lit up the somber gray world for a brief second, just long enough to rouse him into a bit more of a alert state when the second half came.
It sounded like a gunshot had gone off, the thunder rolling loud enough to rattle the windows with its concussive force. From his computer he could hear Bubby let out a surprised series of curses followed by what he could assume was Coomer rattling off the wikipedia article on thunderstorms. So far so good right?
He heard a soft but tinny noise sound off beside him, or rather next to his head before another crack of thunder sounded off and made the lights flicker briefly with the charge.
“Jesus hell, guess this is quite the storm huh Benry? ......Benry?”
He looked to where the sleepy borrower should of been laying...only to find him missing entirely, and instead felt something..or hopefully someone clutching the side of his neck in a surprising death grip.
“Benry..? You alright down there? You uh...kinda gripping the living hell out of my neck there dude...Something wrong?”
That same tinny noise kicked off again and Gordon could see some small orbs float up...they looked alot like..rancid beer? He sat there for a moment and let the rhyme come to him given Benry’s reaction and refusal to talk or let go of him..
“Color like rancid beer...means acute fear? Benry lil bro..are you scared right now?”
He placed a hand against the spot he felt Benry clutching at him and felt the briefest nods against his fingers. Shit if it was loud to him then it must be outright deafening for someone like Benry and the others...though it seemed like Benry was the only one being affected right now.
Gordon let out a slow sigh and tried to gently ease Benrys death grip on his neck with both hands.
“It’s all good Benry, I’m here I gotcha..c’mon dude it’s fine I won’t let anything happen to you okay?”
Slowly he felt the grip lessen until he felt the weight shift slowly into his awaiting hands. Cupping them gently he moved to bring Benry up to face him and opened his hands. Inside was a clearly frightened borrower..Gordon felt a pang of saddness seeing that expression on the usually chill borrowers face. So instead he offered a warm smile and shifted to lay down on the couch, grabbing the blanket pooled around his lap in the process.
“It’s alright man, thunderstorms scare me too sometimes, y’know? They scared the hell outta me in college for years. But I learned about it and I slowly stopped being afraid..”
“...s’loud...wish the sky would shut its fuck..”
“Yeah it’s really loud..might mean it’s right on top of us..but I think it’ll move soon..wanna know a secret on how to tell its going away?”
“...tips and tricks from...big Gordos book of hacks? ..okay.”
Gordon snorts softly and lays his head against the far armrest of the couch and gently deposits Benry on his chest before adjusting the blanket over them both, Gordon seeing the soft blue glow of Benrys little eyes staring up at him as he got settled and placed a hand behind him for bonus warmth and protection..It seemed to do the trick as those vivid blues dulled to a soft sky blue and he felt Benrey sag against his chest after a few moments.
“When you see the lightening you count a few seconds..and when the thunder hits, that’s how many miles the storm is..the longer the pause means the farther away its getting..If you want I can show you and let you know how far or close the storm is.”
“....okay, sounds fucky but big science Gordo gotta know the good science..”
Gordon waited for a moment or two for the next flash and mentally counted down the seconds until the thunder sounded out...it was only a few seconds but it was already moving out by the sounds of things..possibly down the valley like most other storms did.
He relayed the message to Benry and saw that he did perk up a bit at the news.
“If you want, you can stay in there and I’ll tell you when its moving away, alright?”
“Mhm...sounds good to me man..”
What Gordon didn’t know though was that Benry had already nearly forgotten the storm thanks to a new sound overtaking the noise itself... Gordon had unknowingly placed him over his heart, or close enough to it that Benry could hear it as he laid against the other.. Coupled with the heat radiating off the giant human and darkness he felt...safer. He knew Tommy was going to rag on him later but..he felt nice being like this with the human. He might of had a little crush on the human and relished being close to him whenever he could. He was terrified of storms, the noise hurt his ears like hell and reminded him of...not so epic times..But thankfully Gordon pushed all those thoughts away and now he was here and safe.
It was all just enough to make him wanna sleep, he was warm and certainly cosy enough. Letting out a yawn he let those fail ass thoughts drift away as he looked up at Gordons smiling face and felt his own heat up a bit..Yeah he could sleep knowing someone like that was nearby.
“Gettin sleepy already Benry?”
“...maybe, wake lil Benny bro for supper please?”
“Pffft, yeah alright, I’ll let you know when it’s time to eat..get some rest Benry”
“M’kay boss, you got it.”
Benry smiled and mouthed something else privately before letting the slow thrum of Gordons heart and heat lead him into dreamland. Gordon being the comfortable man he was..accidentally nodded off as well shortly after.
Bubby woke them both up by threatening to burn Gordons beard off a few hours later. But for once the malice was not present in his voice.
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terreisa · 4 years
Love Down the Line: Chapter 8
The last thing Indie musician Emma Swan needs is a gigantic wrench thrown in the workings of her biggest tour to date weeks before its launch.  When her backing guitarist that caused the problem says she has the perfect solution Emma is skeptical but left with little choice but to accept.  Unfortunately she isn’t really prepared for said solution to be former Rock Star and leading man of Emma’s teenage fantasies, Killian Jones.  With no other options and a month of performing across the country ahead of her Emma just hopes she doesn’t come to regret letting Killian onto her stage and into her life.
Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4, Ch 5, Ch 6, Ch 7, AO3
Denver, May 20th
“Have you slept with him yet?”
Emma choked on the bite of grilled cheese she had unfortunately tried to swallow just as Tink asked her question.  They were in their hotel room having arrived only an hour before after a brutal thirteen hour drive from Dallas.  She’d had every intention of vegging out and watching the ubiquitous middle of the night marathon of Unsolved Mysteries until she passed out from exhaustion.  Tink’s out of the blue question derailed those plans completely.
Though, she had to admit she’d been waiting for Tink to ask something like that since Chicago.
Ever since the afternoon the bus broke down things had shifted between her and Killian.  She had never considered herself to be a touchy feely person but for some reason with him she couldn’t help but inch closer when they were sitting side by side, or find reasons to brush her hand against his, or a million other little casual touches that seemed to thrill her and ground her all at once.  It wasn’t just her either.  Killian was just as guilty at seeking her out and drawing her close.  He was much less subtle about it than her and to her own surprise she didn’t mind one bit.
Of course, that was when they were around other people.  Whenever they found a moment alone, however, things grew heated quickly.  She’d been pulled into more alcoves, behind stacks of equipment, down empty hallways, and up to more roofs for quick but toe curling make out sessions than she could count.  Not that she wasn’t guilty of doing the same to him and enjoying every second of it.
One thing they hadn’t done was actually talk about what it was that they were to each other.  There had been plenty of opportunities, seeing as they’d found more than enough time to drag each other into dark corners, but Emma had hesitated each time.  The question of what it was they were doing was constantly on the tip of her tongue but she always bit it back.  It wasn’t just her feelings on the line, though they were a major part of it, but there was the rest of the tour to consider.  They were only halfway through and Ruby hadn’t called to tell her that she was ready to play again.  If she gave things with Killan a real, no holds barred chance and they went south the fallout would be huge.  It didn’t help that the tension between them was ratcheting up to ridiculous levels and she knew that he was waiting for her to decide whether to pull back or push forward.  She just didn’t know if she had the strength to do either.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said, trying for nonchalance but unable to when she was still coughing.
“Emma,” Tink said exasperatedly, her hands going to her hips, “You can deny all you want but you’re not fooling me.  I’ve read about this over and over again to recognize the signs.”
“Romance books aren’t instruction manuals,” she scoffed, “And there aren’t any signs because there’s nothing going on between me and Killian.”
Tink smirked in triumph, “I’m going to ignore that you insulted my reading habits because I never said who I was talking about.”
Emma sighed in resignation.  She had thought they were being careful but she should have known that Tink, of all people, would have picked up on the shift in whatever it was she had with Killian.  For Tink and her belief in all things love, romance books actually were instruction manuals.
“So have you?”
“No, nosey, I haven’t and I’m not going to-” she took a large bite of her sandwich to hopefully help cover up the giant lie she’d just told.  Tink narrowed her eyes at her so she swallowed quickly to explain, “We’re just friends.  I didn’t think we would be but you know how it is on a tour.  It’s how you learned to tolerate Will for more than an hour.  It’s the same with Killian.  Friends.  That’s it.”
Tink merely stood there, looking at her.
“What?” She snapped, throwing her hands up in exasperation. “Okay, so I’ve been spending a lot of time with him or whatever.  He’s got a lot of stories and knows a lot of tricks for the road.  Did you know that he still checks into hotels with an alias?  Like a spy movie?  He said it’s so that someone doesn’t tip off the paparazzi but I think he’s more afraid of his fan club showing up.  I guess there was one time some girl was hiding in the closet of his hotel room before he even got there because he’d used his real name.  He uses James Barrie, you know, the guy that wrote Peter Pan?  It’s his favorite book and- why are you looking at me all smug and shit?”
“Do you even hear the words you’re saying?” Tink laughed. “Are you trying to convince me or yourself?  It’s not a bad thing, Emma.  He’s a good guy and he really likes you, has since the beginning.”
“He has?” She asked, surprised.
“Oh my god,” Tink said, rolling her eyes, “You can’t be that oblivious.  Yes, dummy!  I could write my own best seller with all the yearning looks and doey eyes you both make at each other.”
“I don’t yearn,” she grumbled, finishing off her sandwich.
Tink giggled as she pulled out her phone.  Emma frowned when she noticed that Tink was fully dressed, shoes and all.
“Going somewhere?”
“Huh?  Oh, yeah,” Tink said distractedly, her thumbs tapping on the screen.  She looked up smiling, “My old roommate from college runs one of the local radio stations here and we’re going out for drinks and some dancing.  Hey, wanna come?”
Emma looked down at the terrycloth robe she was wrapped in and felt the bone deep exhaustion from a series of good but tiring shows pulling at her, “Nope, I’m done in.  I’m going to finish my onion rings, destroy Ruby in another round of Words with Friends and pass out to the soothing tones of Robert Stack.”
“Well, if you change your mind just let me know,” Tink said cheerfully.
With that she left in a flurry of sequins and an almost noxious cloud of perfume.
Emma snuggled down into her bed, ecstatic with the sudden freedom she had in the room.  She got along fine with Tink but she’d never really gotten used to sharing her space with someone else.  Even when she’d shared an apartment with Ruby it had been a steep learning curve that she’d never gotten the hang of.
Revelling in being alone she got down to the business of doing exactly what she’d described to Tink.  Just as she’d sent off a triple word scoring ‘kumquat’ to pull substantially ahead of Ruby there was a quiet rapping on her door.  Confused and a little worried that something might be wrong she padded across the room and warily looked through the peephole.  Seeing Killian’s distorted face on the other side simultaneously sent a wave of relief and a thrill of anticipation through her.  She pulled the door open with a grin she didn’t even try to hide.
“What brings you to my neck of the woods?” She asked quietly, knowing the other guests on her floor were probably asleep.
Killian shrugged and then scratched behind his ear, “Er, I was making use of the twenty four business center to give Will and his girlfriend a bit of privacy-”
“Oh, Belle’s here?” Emma asked excitedly before she realized what Killian was implying. “Oh, that’s, uh, nice of you.”
“I can be generous at times,” he said sardonically.  Then he began fidgeting again, tapping on the cover of the notebook in his hand with his thumb, “As I was saying, Tink saw me and when I told her my plans for the night she insisted that I make use of her bed instead.”
She stood blinking at him, trying to make sense of his words but only one thing stood out, “Your plans?”
“Aye-” he scratched behind his ear again and wouldn’t meet her eyes, “You see Belle is only here for the night and has a flight early tomorrow morning and considering how, er, enthusiastic Will’s greeting was I told them the room was theirs.”
“And where were you going to sleep?” She asked, narrowing her eyes and hoping he wouldn’t say-
“The bus?”
“Jesus, Killian,” she pinched the bridge of her nose and stepped back, “Get in here.”
He walked into the room but only far enough for the door to close.  When she turned around he refused to move further and they stood toe to toe.
“It’s honestly not an issue for me to sleep on the bus for the night, Swan.  I have done it many times before.”
“So have I and it sucks every time-” she pushed past him but grabbed onto his wrist and dragged him along with her, “You should have come here in the first place.  Even if Tink wasn’t going out we have a perfectly uncomfortable floor for you to use.  I guess you’ll just have to settle for this queen sized quilted mattress instead.”
“Har, har, love,” he said drolly as she let go of him next to the still made bed and proceeded to crawl back into the nest of pillows and blankets she’d accumulated on hers. “That looks cozy.”
“You should see my bed back home,” she said absently as she made herself comfortable.  Then she realized what she’d said as heat crawled up her neck and into her cheeks and Killian raised his brow at her, “Not that I’m inviting you over.  I mean, you can come over but not only to see my bed or you know, you don’t have to see the bed at all.  Whatever, it’s up to you.”
Killian chuckled and said in a low, teasing voice, “Up to me, huh?  And if I said I wanted to see the bed?”
Emma froze.  She knew that as much as he meant it as a joke he also meant it in the way he was implying.  Suddenly Tink’s earlier teasing seemed all too real.  The truth was she wanted everything the women Tink’s precious books got, the blissfully happy ending filled with love, respect and the added bonus of phenomenal sex.  With butterflies the size of seagulls in her stomach she looked at him and hoped that she wasn’t about to make a complete ass of herself or end up with her heart shattered into a million pieces.
“Just the bed or are you interested in the whole place?  Leaky faucets, thin walls and all?”
“I, erm-” Killian tilted his head, his brow knit in confusion.
“Because, yeah, the bed’s great and all but I think the rest of the apartment is pretty good too.  It might not look like it but it is,” she said vehemently and a tiny bit defensively.
“I’m sure it is,” he said slowly.  His eyes darted between hers as though he was trying to read her thoughts, “What is it you’re trying to say, Swan?”
She knew she was being unfair and a bit of a coward by making him try to puzzle it out.  The only time she liked to be vulnerable was in her music and even then it could be an uncomfortable stretch.  Opening herself up to Killian had the potential for disaster but the patient, dare she say doey eyed, look on his face gave her the small dose of encouragement she needed.
“Do you want to want to go out to dinner?”
“Now?” He asked bewildered, throwing a look at her empty room service tray on the room’s table and grinned, “It’s nearly two in the morning, love.”
“No, not now,” she said patiently. “Tomorrow, before the show.  Go out, like, on a date or something.”
Killian’s amused smile softened and he ducked his head, “Shouldn’t I be the one asking you?”
“Figures you’d be old fashioned,” she said with a relieved laugh, “Get with the times, Jones.  So, do you?”
“Want to go on a date?  I’d love nothing more,” he said, his gaze flitting back to the tray and then to the tv that was still showing Unsolved Mysteries, “Though I do have one request.”
“Which is?”
“Allow me to plan the evening?”
The earnestness of his question took her by surprise.  Since she’d done the asking she’d planned on doing a quick Yelp search for a higher rated restaurant and calling it good.  From the hopeful way he was looking at her she suspected that he’d already been thinking about what to do on a date with her.  She could feel a warmth surging through her at the idea that he had been piecing together date plans for them already.
“I know how to plan a date,” she said with a small pout even though she was far from upset.
“You know how to astound a packed venue in any city, I know how to plan an evening out in every city,” he said with a confidence she found impressive.
“Fine,” she said with a shrug.  Burrowing back into her pillows and blankets she looked at him askance, “Just so you know I don’t rock and roll on the first date.”
He snorted in amusement, “Well, you’ve never been on a date with me.”
Emma gave him a skeptical hum and delighted at his warm chuckle.  She watched surreptitiously as he toed off his shoes and placed his notebook on the bedside table, noting for the first time that he was in sweats and a hoodie.  When he pulled a couple of pens out of his pocket and placed them on the notebook she couldn’t help the giggle that escaped.
“You wouldn’t be laughing at me now, would you Swan?” He asked with a raised brow, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Just wondering how much you expected to get done in a hotel business center in the middle of the night that you thought you needed more than one pen,” she teased, reaching her hand out to nudge the pens out of alignment.
He huffed and lined them back up, “Terrible thing to run out of ink when trying to get down the lyrics cycling through your head, love.  I’d think you’d understand.”
“You’re writing again?” She asked, scrambling to sit up.
“Oh, er-” he scratched at the back of his neck as his ears began to turn pink, “Nothing of note, really, just some fragments that might have potential.  Or they could end up being rubbish but I should write them down, though, rubbish and all.  Not that I need to write or anything and I am out of the habit so what little I’ve got probably doesn’t hold a candle to anything you could write-”
“Killian-” she reached out and grabbed the sleeve of his sweatshirt, giving it a little shake to interrupt his rambling, “I’m not asking to look at what you’ve got.  I get it, it’s all private until you’ve got it to a point that it’s not so much anymore.  I was just… surprised I guess?  I haven’t seen you credited as a songwriter since the accident so I stupidly assumed you hadn’t written anything since.”
“No, love, your assumption is actually quite spot on,” he sighed.  His gaze drifted back to the notebook and he glared at it, as though it had personally insulted him, “It’s been an uphill battle to get back into it after all this time.”
“Then don’t,” she said with a shrug, letting him go and sliding back under the covers, “No one’s making you, right?”
He made a kind of strangled sound that had her looking over at him.  His ears were turning pink again but he shook his head. 
“So don’t force it.  It’ll be like riding a bike once you’ve actually got something worth writing about.”
“I’m sure it will be,” he said with a small chuckle.
She gave him a satisfied nod but as he began to pull back the covers on the other bed she surprised herself by making a small sound of disappointment.  He looked at her with a raised brow.
“Something wrong?”
“No, I just-” she paused, not entirely sure what she wanted to say.  She’d already opened herself up much more than she ever had with one person before and didn’t think she had it in her to keep going.  There was, however, something else she wanted to do.  Sliding over a bit she flipped back the covers and tilted her head to the spot next to her, “Want to see what late night tv looks like in Denver?”
Killian stood unmoving except for a slight tick in his jaw.  Disappointment crashed through her.  She hadn’t realized just how much she wanted to be close to him, even if it didn’t lead anywhere.  Clenching her fists she forced herself to remember that he’d just agreed to a date and was clearly interested in something with her.  Taking a deep breath she gave what she hoped was a casual enough shrug, smoothing the covers back into place and fixing her gaze on the tv.
“Or not.  I’ll, uh, keep the volume down.  Still a bit wired, you know?”
She kept her eyes glued to the terrible reenactment that was happening on screen and tried to ignore the living statue that Killian had become.  Even when she heard his harsh exhale and low chuckle she continued to look forward.  When he tugged the covers out from under her arm her resolve faltered.
“Budge over a bit more, love?” He requested as he climbed into the bed next to her.   She gaped at him and he gave her a soft smile, “Do you want the light on or off?”
“What?” She said dumbly, the heat radiating off of him clearly addling her brains.
“I think for a true cinematic experience the light should be off but perhaps that will only serve to make it harder to stay awake, though I think that’s the point?”
She snorted, “Do you get more wordy the later it gets or are you just trying to be an ass?”
“A bit of both I suppose,” he said gleefully, “So, on or off?”
“Off,” she said quickly before she could second guess herself.
The sound of the lamp clicking off somehow sounded like a thunderclap.  As she let her eyes adjust to the dim blue light of the tv she was hyper aware of Killian next to her.  She could tell that he’d taken a shower before leaving his and Will’s room since the smell of his soap and deodorant was still strong.  Fighting against the urge to bury her nose in his chest she didn’t realize he had asked her a question until he nudged her with his elbow.
“Falling asleep already?  Good I can watch whatever I want then.”
“I don’t think so-” she quickly grabbed the remote and held it out of his reach, “I’m not going to sit through some documentary on pirates or Ancient Greece or whatever.”
“I mentioned once that I like Ken Burns and you use that against me?  Bad form, Swan,” he grumbled, though she could hear the smile in his voice.
“We’ll go through the channels once and then we pick something,” she said as she started flipping through channels, “We each get one veto but we’re not watching something that has to do with what we do.”
He turned to her, “Does that encompass the entertainment industry as a whole or merely our melodic neck of the woods?  Because it sounds like you’re using a loophole to get more than one veto.”
“That’s not what-” she paused on a fast food commercial and sighed, “I actually want to be able to unwind at the end of the night and if we watch something music industry related I’ll start thinking about the next show and if it’ll be as good as the shows before it, or how we’re releasing Snowdrops and Buttercups before the LA show and all the interviews I’ll have to do while we’re there, or how Regina keeps hounding me to increase my social media presence to ‘stay relevant’.  If you want to count that as my veto that’s fine.”
She could feel the weight of Killian’s stare but she kept her focus on the insurance commercial that had replaced the fast food ad.  Tink and Ruby had never complained about her taking control of what they ended up watching at the end of the night.  Then again they’d always put on Food Network and kept it there so it had never been an issue.
“Alright-” Killian nodded and wiggled a bit, bringing him closer to her side, “Nothing industry related.  What about musicals?”
“Big fan?” She asked, turning to him with a smile that was due to more than just his teasing question.
“The biggest,” he said with mock seriousness.  He turned back to the screen, “but you haven’t even got to the premium channels yet, love.  Can’t make a decision without knowing all my options.  Carry on.”
They ended up going through the channels three times and Emma using her veto on a cheesy nineties horror movie.  Through sheer luck and good timing they paused on a channel to argue over her veto right as the commercials came to an end and the next program was starting.  By the time they realized what was playing Marty McFly was skateboarding through Hill Valley to the sound of Huey Lewis and the News.  With a grin to match Killian’s she tossed the remote towards their feet and settled comfortably into his side without a second thought.
She came awake with a start to a darkened room an undetermined amount of time later.  Confused and overly warm she tried to turn to look at the clock on the bedside table and found that she couldn’t due to the arm wrapped around her waist.  After a brief moment of panic she remembered whose arm it was and why it was there in the first place.
“Swan?” Killian’s voice was gritty with sleep.
“I missed the enchantment under the sea dance,” she mumbled disappointedly.
He chuckled and it reverberated across her back, “Love, you didn’t even make it to Doc Brown’s house in 1955.”
“Oh-” she blinked owlishly in the dark and blamed it for the question that tripped off her tongue, “Why didn’t you move to the other bed?”
Killian’s arm tensed around her middle.  She held her breath waiting for his answer.
“You asked me to stay,” he said simply.
A vague memory of her doing just that surfaced in her still sleep addled mind.  Wiggling a bit until his grip on her loosened she turned to face him.  She could barely make out his features as her eyes adjusted to the dark but from what she could see he seemed wary but hopeful.
“I’m glad you listened.”
Slowly, so that he would have time to stop her, she leaned up and forward, gently pressing her lips to his.  He made a noise of contentment, returning her kiss for only a moment before pulling back and pressing his forehead to hers.
“I think I should go to the other bed.”
“Why?” She breathed.  The darkness of the room made her feel bold as she snaked her arm between them to rest on his chest, the tips of her fingers toying with the collar of his t-shirt. “I still want you to stay.”
He groaned, “Swan, I’m trying to be a gentleman.”
“Oh, so you’re a gentleman now?” She teased, ghosting her lips over his.
“I’m always a gentleman,” he retorted, as his hand drifted down to her hip and flexed, as though he wasn’t sure if he wanted to push her away or pull her closer, “but you’re making it bloody difficult.  What happened to not rocking and rolling on the first date?”
“You’re right-” she nodded, pulling her head back but inching their hips closer together, “Good thing this isn’t our first date.”
His hand gripped her hip and held her in place as his eyes searched her face.  She gave him a sultry smile as he looked, drawing idle patterns on his chest with her fingers.  It was easy for her to see that he was trying to figure out why she had gone from zero to sixty in the span of a few hours.  Deciding to go easy on him she let her smile soften and moved to brush the hair off his forehead.
“It’s no secret that I’ve had the hots for you since the leather pants and emo eyeliner-” she broke off at his wide grin and wagging eyebrows to roll her eyes at him, “Please, I know Ruby told you all about my obsession.”
“She may have let some things slip,” he said with a mischievous look, “Is it true you had a photo of me as your phone background?”
“Well, you looked really hot in that photoshoot for Men’s Health,” she stated without shame, though she couldn’t help knocking his ego down a peg, “Even if you totally lied about running five miles a day.”
“I might as well have with the shows we put on every night,” he grumbled. “So you read the article as well?  Good to know you were interested in more than just my pretty face.”
“I’m a fan of every part of you,” she said simply. “Even more now.  Definitely more now.  I’ve gotten to know you, as a musician and as a man, and turns out I really like you.  You get me in ways that no one else ever has, not Regina or Ruby or even the Nolans.  You make me feel like anything I want is possible and I want you in every possible way.  One date or a hundred won’t change that.  Plus I really, really like kissing you.”
“I rather fancy you too,” he said softly, his hand running up her side to cup her cheek, “But are you sure?”
“If I wasn’t I would have made you get in the other bed in the first place or just sent you down to the bus-” she leaned forward and nipped playfully at his lower lip.  When she pulled away he made a low noise in his throat, “I’m sure.”
With a low growl Killian surged forward and captured her lips.  Emma let herself fall into the kiss and thanked her lucky stars that Tink had given them both the little nudge they clearly needed.
11 notes · View notes
ksj-com · 5 years
Request #4 Signature Dish
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- Pairing: Seokjin x Reader
- Genre: Cooking show!AU, fluff, smut
- Warnings/Tags: slightly anxious reader, famous chef Jin, cooking date, dom Jin, oral fixation, fingering, sex in public place, angry Jin, rough sex, choking, making out, hair pulling, mark making, nipple sucking, ear licking/sucking, juice tasting, slight m. masturbation, cumming on stomach
- Word Count: 4203 words
- Summary: You thought you were lucky when the famous chef, Kim Seokjin slid right on you on a dating app. Both having a great time spending a romantic night together, cooking and talking. What you both didn’t know was that he was going to be the surprise guest judge on the cooking competition you were going to be in the next day. Will your previous date with him get in the way of your dream to become the next best chef, or will his judging be unbiased?
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    “Are you serious?!” Emily, your best friend, screeched on the other end of the phone call.
     “Yes! He invited me over tonight!” Jumping up and down in the middle of your living room, your inner fangirl unleashed her excitement. Better to do it now than on the date.
     “Text me when it’s over and let me know how it went! Get ready and don’t look like a roach or I’ll kill you,” she avowed while laughing.
      Both sharing a laughing fit before saying your goodbyes, you found yourself alone with butterflies in your stomach. After work, you noticed that the famous chef Kim Seokjin showed interest in you on one of the dating apps you had in your phone. After texting him while keeping your cool, he asked you on a date at his house where he insisted on cooking you a great dinner. That date was tonight.
     Still dressed in your work clothes, you rummage through your closet frantically trying to find something remotely attractive to your figure. Finally managing to pull out a cute outfit, you fluffed up your hair and touched up your light makeup. You wore a loose fitted light blue blouse tucked into a high-waisted jean skirt with buttons going all the way down. To complete the look you had a simple gold bracelet, super small light brown purse, and white and black leopard print pumps that had a gold chain that traveled up your foot and around your ankles.
     “Don’t be a spaz tonight,” you point to yourself in the mirror. Since you were also a chef, it may be super easy for you two to hit it off. Maybe he could give you some tips tonight on cooking more difficult dishes. And, god, did you hope that he looked just as good as he did on TV. 
     Soon you find yourself standing in front of his house after your Uber drops you off. His house was enormous, wrapping around the end of a neighborhood that looked off to a view of mountains in the backyard. You take a quick breath before your heels click up to his front door and buzz the doorbell. The sound echoes through the house before he opens the door. His eyes light up when he motions for you to come in.
     “You look great!” he exclaimed with a bright smile spread across his face. Meeting your eyes with his made you almost freeze up. He was just as hot in person. His scruffy black hair to his dark plump lips to his tall, broad body. His light blue button up fell loosely around his toned body along with his khaki colored slacks.
     “Thank you,” you blush. He could read your body language that you were shy with him.
     “Don’t be so shy. I’m not intimidating in person like how I am on TV. I promise,” his hand found the middle of your back, guiding you to kitchen.
     His appearances on TV were somewhat comical from the hard-ass persona he created for himself. From yelling insults to cooks that made minor mistakes, he made people scared of him. But, he was known as one of the best cooks there was and that’s how he kept himself going. With that, the gentleness of the touch on your back seemed completely out of character.
     “You can sit down at the counter while I cook dinner—if you’d like,” he proposed by pulling out one of the chairs for you to sit in. 
     “Well I was thinking that I could give you a hand. You can give me pointers and, maybe, I have a few things up my sleeve as well. I’m a cook too,” you say, curious as to what his response would be.
     “I must’ve skimmed over that on your profile! Where do you work?” he sounds impressed.
     “I have my own restaurant. It’s called La Bella Cucina,” you answer, eating up the look he gives you as his eyes travel up and down your frame.
     “Italian...maybe you should be cooking dinner tonight,” he laughs. He walks over to his kitchen to sort all of the ingredients he had across his countertops.
     Scooting over next to him, you observe the ingredients out. “What were you planning on making?”
     His gaze drifts down at you with a look of admiration. “I was thinking of a spring pea risotto,” he states.
     “Piece of cake,” you give him a wink. 
     He ended up agreeing to you joining him. Standing side by side chopping up food, showing each other tricks and tips, and talking about the two different lives you both live. Normally, cooking next to such a famous chef would make you think that you would be a nervous wreck; yet it was so comfortable with him. Soon enough he was scooping the risotto onto a plate and you sprinkled some parmesan cheese on top to finish it off.
     “Wallah,” he smiles at you. Risotto was a more difficult dish to make and he was thrilled that you guys could work together to make such a delicious meal. Not to mention, you both really hit it off while cooking as well. 
     Once he set the dishes on the table, he pours some wine into both of your glasses. The wine had Picpoul de Pinet written on the olive colored bottle. “This wine has a nice acidity that pairs well with the lush risotto,” he sets the bottle aside after pouring both glasses.
     “Thank you for inviting me over to your home. It’s beautiful by the way,” you unfold the napkin onto your lap before sorting out the silverware in front of you. His gentle touch makes its way back onto your hand when he reaches across the table to place his palm over the top of your hand. The gliding of his thumb made your skin tingle under his touch. 
     “Definitely not as beautiful as you...the second I saw your picture I was so taken aback. And then when you said you’re cook as well? You’re amazing!” he enthused with bright eyes.
     “You have no idea what it means for a great chef like you to say that,” you marvel at his words and this whole situation unfolding.
     He shakes his head while raising his glass and you follow to clink against his, taking a sip afterwards. “Let’s eat shall we?” He sets down his glass.
     You both dive into the dish, immediately falling in love with the forkful in your mouth. Instantly the dish became one of your favorites from the flavor and the person you got to talk to while making it.
     “This is delicious,” you both say in unison causing you both to laugh.
     When the night came to an end, you were quite surprised that he never lead you to his bedroom— a bit disappointed too. He opened his car door for you, a kind act you don’t see a lot of guys do anymore these days. As he drove you home, his hand rested on your thigh lightly. The size of his hands and lengthy fingers made your mind go elsewhere. You really wanted to invite him inside your home when you got there, but you figured that if he wanted to he wouldn't have waited this long. He walked you up to your front door and you couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed at the size difference between your guys’ houses.
     “Maybe on our second date, you can stay the night and we’ll cook breakfast together too,” he shoves his hands in his pockets. For the first time tonight he looked nervous.
     “Second date, huh?” You couldn’t help but smile. He did like you after all. 
     “I would love to, but only if you would like to as well,” his eyes dance across your face, searching for your answer.
     “Of course!” you exclaimed.
     Watching him inch closer to you, the butterflies in your stomach started to flutter immensely. “Perfect,” his voice breathes before his lips press against yours softly. It was an innocent kiss that left you feeling like you were on cloud nine when he pulled away, his hand still cupping one of your cheeks. “Goodnight (Y/N).”
     “Goodnight, drive safe!” you wave goodbye after he walks down your steps. You push open your door and flip the lights on. Standing by the window, you wait until he drives off before you realize that your cheeks hurt from the intense smile pastured across your face. Leaning against your closed door, you squeal from excitement from the kiss that you never thought you would have. You tossed and turned in your sheets for a while that night, nervous for the big day you had tomorrow and the lingering happiness you had from the night before.
     The Uber ride was silent on your way to the film set. Nervousness coursed through your body, leading you to fiddle with your own fingers to occupy your anxiety. Today was the day that you had the opportunity to show the world the cooking skills you had. Hopefully, giving your restaurant publicity to become the best in town. The show you were arriving to was one of your favorites to watch on TV— called In The Flames. It was a cooking competition show where two people were chosen to make up a dish— based off of the theme for the episode— and the chef with the better dish wins $10,000 and a winner title. In this episode, you were going against a master chef named Min Yoongi who was another restaurant owner in your town. Having never met him, you hoped that he did not have the skill level you did.
     “We’re here,” the Uber driver wakes you out of your overthinking state of mind. When you walk into the building, people lead you to the dressing room where they made you change into a black chef jacket and matching black pants. They placed your hair in a half up-half down style, slapped on some warm brown eyeshadow, and amaranth colored lipstick on your lips. You didn’t have the time to say that you weren’t really feeling the look before you were pushed out to the filming set where you were able to meet your competitor Yoongi.
     You shake each other’s hands, his grip tighter than it should be. “May the best cook win,” his face was deadpan and the opposite of friendly.
     Giving him a warm smile and a nod, you turn away from him immediately after. You had to admit that meeting him gave you an uneasy feeling. Nothing about him seemed welcoming. Winning may be harder than you think today.
     It was almost time for the director to start filming, so you took the remaining time to check out the set. It was a big room with two kitchens next to each other. In the back, there was all the ingredients for any possible dish and in the front there was a small booth with three seats for the judges.
     “Are you guys ready? We’re filming in about a minute,” the director asks, both you and Yoongi nodding in response. The introduction of the show consisted of you and Yoongi sharing your backgrounds in cooking and what it meant for you if you won the money. Once filming the intro was over, you and Yoongi both stood in each of the kitchens.
     “And now we welcome our judges: Kim Namjoon, Jung Hoseok, and our special surprise judge… Kim Seokjin!” The host, Park Jimin, announces. Your stomach drops as you watch Jin walk towards the booth. His gaze meets yours and you watch him eyes widen and then narrow. Is that anger? You shrink into yourself. “Are you chefs ready to cook all you got tonight?” Jimin turns to face us.
     “Yes!” you both shout back in unison.
     “Tonight’s theme is...date night. Cook up your best dinner for a one on one night with that special someone,” he declares before the timer begins to tick on the huge clock hanging on the wall. You almost laugh from the irony, but then the idea hits you: make what you and Jin made last night!
     Jin’s eyes follow your every move as the timer ticks down to zero. You run to the back to collect all your ingredients and spread them across the counter. “You got this,” you whisper to yourself.
     To begin, you boil water for the peas and heat up the chicken stock while waiting for the water to boil. When the water is done boiling, you try to reach for the peas but they’re not there. Panic smacks you in the chest as you forget how to breathe while you look all over; until you find them buried back in the fridge you pulled them out of.
     “What the hell?” Your face twists with confusion as to how they were put back in there. You remember clearly that you pulled them out to begin with. You look around and catch a glimpse of Yoongi smirking to himself. Sabotage.
     Thankfully, after that the rest of the time went smoothly even though you lost a few minutes searching for your missing peas and, soon enough, you were dishing all three of the judge’s plates. You thought you were done with a minute to spare, but another idea came about when you looked at the wine rack. You ran across the room to grab Picpoul de Pinet wine and three wine glasses. The timer rings just as you pour the last glass, setting down the bottle with a wash of relief.
     “Cut! You guys can take a couple minute break before they try your dishes,” the director instructs. To your surprise, Jin approaches you.
     “So was last night a date or a way you can use me for today?” His enduring presence from last night was long gone as he looks at you with disgust. You stood there dumbfounded and a bit annoyed that he would think about you like that.
     “Excuse me? I didn’t even know you were going to be on this show today,” you stand your ground and cross your arms in front of him.
     “It’s really a shame because I thought we really hit it off,” he huffed, not believing a word you just said.
     “No, it’s really a shame that your ego is that big to think that I used you when I’m the one who helped you with dinner last night,” a ring buzzed through the room, signifying it’s time to start filming again. Jin resorts to sitting back down in his chair and waits for the director to start again. Meanwhile, you and Yoongi stood in front of the judge booth, you avoiding to make eye contact with Jin.
     “Action!” the director yells.
     Jimin’s voice begins right after saying, “(Y/N), let’s start out with your dish. Tell us what it is.”
     “I made a spring pea risotto with Picpoul de Pinet that has a nice acidity that pairs well with the lush risotto,” you quote the exact words Jin said about the wine last night. You smugly smile at Jin, “Enjoy.”
     If looks could kill, you’d be split in half by the way Jin stared at your while sipping the wine. You watch him pick up his fork and scoop a pile of the risotto in his mouth. “It’s a bit bland,” he mumbled. In response, the other two judges look at him in disbelief.
     “I think this dish is absolutely amazing! Great job on the risotto,” Jung Hoseok gives you a thumbs up before taking another bite.
     “Yeah ignore what Jin said… this is excellent,” Kim Namjoon nods his head to assure you. Jin sits there in silence as he rolls his eyes at the judges. 
     “Okay judges flip through your scores and show us what you think,” Jimin tucks his arms behind his back as he watches them fiddle with their number cards.
     “Okay, I think we’re ready,” Namjoon says. They turned their cards around at the same time: Hoseok-9, Namjoon-9, Jin-4. Your jaw drops when you see Jin’s card. You knew that your dish wasn’t bad; his pettiness making your blood boil.
     “Okay that averages out to 7.3! Well done (Y/N). Show us what you have for us Yoongi,” Jimin says. 
     “I made you guys a lobster fra diavolo,” Yoongi watches intently as the judges twirl their forks within the dish.
     “Wow… this is magnificent. Super creamy,” Jin wipes his mouth with a napkin.
     “Yes, it’s creamy, but I think it could’ve used a bit more salt,” said Namjoon.
     “Yeah and the lobster is a bit tough on mine,” Hoseok chews. You bite the inside of your cheek to try to hold the flustered look on Jin and Yoongi. When showing the scores for Yoongi: Hoseok-5, Namjoon-6, Jin-8.
     “Okay and that averages out to 6.3. Congratulations (Y/N)! You are the winner of In The Flames!” Jimin applauds along with the judges. Everyone had a smile on their face, but Jin’s face was stone cold. Yoongi nods, obviously disappointed in the outcome.
     “Thank you for having me on the show,” he says before walking out with his head down. The camera follows him out the door and then pans to you celebrating. The thought of $10,000 made you jump and hug all the judges to thank them.
     When the cameras turn off, you walk back over to Jin. “Looks like I didn’t need your approval to win,” you articulated. Everyone leaves the set but you two.
     “I guess not, but apparently you needed my recipe,” he barked back.
     “Maybe so, but at least I don’t have to lie about the food tasting good,” you laugh, jumping back to sit on the judge booth while still facing him.
     “Who said I lied?” a smile finally cracks his face.
     “The other judges’ opinions weren’t coming from an angry egotistical boy like yourself, so I assumed,” you retort.
     He closes the space between you both. “What did you just call me?”
     “An angry. egotistical. boy,” you eye him up and down.
     “Usually I wait a couple more dates for this, but it looks like you need to be shown a lesson right now,” he pulls the middle of your back against his torso as his body stood between your dangling legs. You couldn’t lie and act like his other hand pulling your hair back didn’t make you pool at the bottom of your panties. The way his tongue traveled up your neck to meet your lips made your eyes flutter closed. Once he reached your lips, he connected his to them in a deep kiss. His plump lips wrapped and pulled yours at a quick pace. Your arms wrap around his neck to deepen the kiss even more, his tongue sliding to lick up your mouth. His grip that he had on your hair tightened along with his jeans resting between your thighs. You could feel it pushing against you, so you wrapped your legs around his waist to pull him against you more as you yearned for the pressure. Your bodies pressed against one another when he pulled your head back to expose your neck. His lips roamed around the sensitive skin, leaving marks along the way. He tugs at the collar of your jacket before ripping the buttons off, leaving your chest bare for him to squeeze your breasts. You moan as he dips his head down to suck your nipples raw, licking around the tender area. His hand travels down to slip beneath your pants to rub you hard and quick against your underwear. Your breath hitches from his touch, grabbing his hair and bucking your hips to his fingers. To contain your moans, he connects his lips to yours. The dreadful colored lipstick was smeared on both of your faces at this point.
     He fumbled to unbuckle his belt, pants dropping to his ankles when he finally undid them. He didn’t hesitate to slide your pants and panties off as well, leaving you completely naked in the open filming set. He positioned your legs by having your feet up on the table, knees pulled apart, and your pussy propped up for him to enter into. You held yourself up with your arms slanted backward behind you on the table, biting your lip as you watched him look at you with his dilated pupils. Your pussy was dripping for his dick the second you first met him, and now was the time you’ve been waiting for.
     He spread your lips apart with his fingers, moaning as he takes in the sight. “Such a pretty pussy. I shouldn’t have contained myself on the first date,” he curls his finger inside. You whine from him only starting with one finger, but his other hand’s finger pushed into your mouth. You swirl your tongue around it and suck as you watch his reaction. He pulls his bottom lip in his mouth as he watches you. When he curls a second finger inside your cunt, he adds another finger to your mouth as well. As pumps into you faster, you thrust up into his fingers to go deeper. Moans getting muffled from the fingers in your mouth.
     “How about one more finger, hmm?” he whispers in your ear, licking and sucking the lobe.
     You nod and flutter your lashes up to meet his gaze. He moans as he watches you squirm while he slips his third finger in. Instead of adding a third finger to your mouth, he pulled them out to latch around your neck. Squeezing slightly, your moans manage to squeak out as his fingers slam into your soaking pussy. His grip loosens when he slowly pulls his fingers out to stick them in his mouth. He groans as he sucks your juices clean off his fingers. 
     He waited at your entrance with his huge length, wiggling it up and down your folds. Getting impatient, your scoot closer and whine for more. Feeding his ego a bit, he smirks. He’s sure to rub circles around your swollen clit as he inches himself inside of you. Your head drops back from the delicious stretch. Your loud moans echo throughout the large empty room. His breath stutters when he reaches balls deep inside of you. The suction of your tight pussy while he pulled out made him grip on your neck to contain himself. He sucked and nibbled your earlobe as he thrusted into you slowly, enjoying every second of it.
     “Harder,” you whimper. Doing exactly as said, he quickens the pace. The fronts of his thighs smacked into the edge of the table. The position he placed you in made it feel like his cock was being thrusted deep into your abdomen. To get a grip of the immense pleasure, you dug your nails into his shoulders. His hands dropped to your lower back to pull you into him more. As he ground circles inside of you, your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you pushed your hips up and down his groin. The moans started to become high pitched as you felt yourself growing closer to your high. He took that as an opportunity to push you over the edge by thrusting at an insane rate of quickness. He watched as your mouth opened into an ‘O’ shape and your eyes screwed shut. Your grip on him tightened as you poured all over him still thrusting into you to reach his own bliss.
     Not long after, he pulled out of you quickly. Pumping his length as he laid you down across the table, his load shot and drizzled on your stomach. His moans become guttural as he tugs his last drips on top of you, making eye contact with you when he’s done.
     “One second...they have to have paper towels in this kitchen somewhere,” he picks up his pants before scanning the kitchen. “Ah ha!” he grabs a towel from one of the cabinets and wipes you up gently. Pulling you up from the booth, you now stood in front of each other once again. The disbelief that you just had sex with one of the most famous chefs makes you shy to look at him again normally. He cuts the awkwardness by pulling you into one more kiss.
     “I’m sorry for lying about your dish. I just didn’t want to admit that it was better than mine last night,” he confesses with a laugh.
     You giggle from his words. “I guess you’ll just have to prove your famous cooking to me on our next date,” you nudge his shoulder.
     “Yeah and my manners,” he blushes.
Requested by: I lost the usernames from the rest of my requests, so I’m sorry :(
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angelanimedesaray · 5 years
Survive Or Live Chapter 4: Baby Steps
AN:  I am soooo sorry its been so long, guys, I hadn’t realized how much I’d been putting off this chapter, but as soon as I did, I jumped right on top of writing it again, I did not mean to neglect it for a whole month, whoops!
Characters:  Levi, Reader
Pairing:  (Eventual) Levi x Reader
Warnings:  Language, aaaaaand that’s pretty much it.  They’re feeling each other out (Not that way, you filthy minded peers of mine, bwahaha) so there’s not much going on outside of that right now.
Word Count:  4229
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*Mae’s POV*
Thankfully, there wasn’t that much gore on Mae’s clothes from today’s trip because of the scarcity of Rotters while she’d wandered the town.  So it didn’t take long for her to scrub out the stains that were on her shirt--it just took some elbow grease and some numbness in her fingers after her hands were plunged in the water so long.  There was a shaded spot by the bank that was thick with trees, giving her plenty of cover away from any unwelcome eyes while she worked while she had a clear view around her immediate surroundings.  It was a decently long walk away from the farmhouse, which meant she was going to have to haul water back an unpleasant distance so Levi would have water to do his laundry.  He could probably rest comfortably on the steps with his leg elevated on one of her gas tanks or something.  On the bright side, she just needed to haul the water over, he was the one who had to scrub all that gore and grass stains out of the clothes, not her.  She could settle for that trade.
Though, on another downside, it was going to take about six trips, three to the river and three back, simply for the laundry today.  Thank God she wasn’t out of shape.
Six trips later, with her laundry put up on a line in the backyard between two trees, two buckets of water sitting at the foot of the steps as well as a large gas cannister for Levi to elevate his leg on, and her arms aching far more than she wanted to admit, Mae skipped up the steps, heaving a sigh as she walked back inside.  Levi was still stretched out on the couch, though considering he was facing the front of the house and could see out the window, he’d probably been watching her make three times as many trips as normal simply to get him set up to do his laundry.
“All right, I got you all set up to do your laundry on the steps, if you’re okay with doing that now,” Mae said, clawing back some sweaty strands of hair that were plastered to her forehead after lugging the full buckets all the way from the river to the house.  Levi was already rising off the couch halfway through her sentence, being mindful of his leg but still moving with overall ease as he started for the door.  His hand trailed across the occasional surface, looking like a simple passing touch, but Mae was suspicious it was actually for a bit more added stability as he did an odd sort of stubborn hobble to and out the door.  Considering all the fuss he’d made so far about helping him, Mae let him be stubborn, so long as he wasn’t putting any--or at least not much--weight on his injured leg.
“I’ll make dinner while you’re doing that!” she called after him, the only response the sound of the door shutting behind him.
Not too friendly...I guess I understand why, he has an injury that could put him on bedrest for a month or longer which could be a death sentence in certain sticky apocalypse situations, he’s stuck with a stranger, I can only imagine what happened to draw practically all the Rotters in town to him…but still.
Shaking her head, Mae started flickering through different rooms of the house both upstairs and downstairs, gathering the things she needed for dinner, getting a fire started in the fireplace, and even remembering to grab a few things for Levi to pass the time with since he was going to be stuck on the couch for a while.  Dinner ingredients was the last thing she gathered, already grabbing one of the bouillon cubes she’d found on her scavenging trip today, a mix of white and black beans, water she’d already purified and stored for drinking and cooking...
She hesitated in the kitchen, hand hovering over a stash of some of her more...richer ingredients.  Or at least, ingredients she was hesitant to use because she’d noticed her guest was so sharp.  Sure, she was trusting him enough to let her into her home, but he was also injured, so she felt she might be able to take him in a fight if things turned sour.  And while she had shared some of her medical supplies with him, she hadn’t showed him where she was hiding them because she didn’t trust him that much, yet.  Did she really want to use ingredients that could tip off her sharp guest to the fact that she was a little more well off than most, that she had a comfortable set up that allowed her a source for fresh seasonings?  Did she want to suggest that what she was putting in their dinner wasn’t all scavenged, that some of it...was grown?  That the beans weren’t canned and pilfered from town?  That she had a spot she could grow green chilis?
Not to mention, she liked using those chilis in the winter, so she stored as much as she could.  Did she really want to tap into that storage now?  Normally what she was making she’d save for the winter, but Levi was injured, and she wanted to cook something a little more feel-good because of that.  He was in a shitty situation, she knew that, and she was willing to try and make it better for him.
Cause even if she still did have the survival sense and caution to not blindly, completely trust him right away, she was trying to build a bridge here, not raze the entire forest to the ground.  Even if the basic caution levels of today’s world wanted her to not do certain things, she had to in order to extend an olive branch and hopefully get someone to talk to.
She didn’t want to go crazy from the isolation, especially while knowing what was happening to her but being unable to do anything about it.
She didn’t want to survive if it meant withering away forgotten in some quiet corner of the world.
She didn’t want to be alone anymore.
Was it too much to ask that she had someone in her life again, someone that--from what she had seen--was perfectly capable of taking care of themselves so she wouldn’t have to worry about them.  She didn’t care if he was a friend, a neighbor, or even the old world equivalent of that delivery guy you saw so much you were on a first name basis, she just wanted another human being somehow involved in her life again.
Screw it.
Mae shook her head, grabbing green chilis, onions, garlic, oregano, and cloves without any further hesitation.  If she wanted to make a change, she had to throw caution to the wind.  She was gonna be kind even if this ended up being a mistake and her guest turned on her.  She had to be willing to trust and make an effort with people if she wanted people in her life again.  Sure, there were a greater amount of dangerous people left in the world that meant she had to be careful, but that didn’t mean there weren't any decent people left.  She wasn’t going to know if it was the right choice if she didn’t try, and she was already this deep into this situation, what was the point of hesitating now?  He hadn’t hurt her, he’d let her help him, even with his stubborn ‘I can take care of myself’ attitude.  So far, she had no reason not to trust him except paranoia.  She’d keep giving him more trust little at a time until he gave her a reason not to.
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*Levi’s POV*
With his turtleneck sleeves rolled up to his elbows and his leg propped up on the gas canister as comfortably as he could manage, Levi scrubbed at the plethora of stains on his clothes.  He was glad to have something to do with his hands, something he enjoyed, nonetheless, but his gaze still roamed across his surroundings while he worked.
There was plenty of open space stretching out in front of the farmhouse that gave Mae enough of a warning if one of the ghouls or a group of them were coming--something that would come in handy if and when that horde in town decided to migrate, which could lead them this way.  He didn’t care much for the treeline, though.  It gave too much cover for an approaching horde or a hostile group of people--by the time either broke through the forest, it would be too late to try moving.  It was either standing and fighting, maybe escaping with next to nothing in the truck if Mae managed to avoid getting shot by a hostile group in the process, escaping on foot out the back, or, in the case of a horde, she could try to hunker down and wait it out until it passed.  That all depended on if she had the nerves to withstand being surrounded by a horde for an unknown length of time, and enough supplies to last a week or more in case the horde took a while to pass.  He didn’t know what her food situation was--yet--though she seemed to be set with her other supplies.  She was apparently comfortable enough to willingly give him pain meds--not the cheap kind, either--and was confident enough to not even ask for anything in return from him when he’d asked for her hay.
He kept waiting for the other shoe to drop.
This was some sort of trick, right?  Was she trying to get him more and more indebted to her before asking something truly taxing from him?  Did she just want him indebted to her indefinitely so she could continue to ask things of him in the future, no matter how much he didn’t want to do them?  She couldn’t be doing all of this for him out of a good-hearted nature and a simple desire to talk to someone.
Then again...if she was as well off as he suspected with what he had seen of her supplies…
He hadn’t been the most sociable person even before the world went to shit, so it didn’t bother him being alone, and he’d still had Scout and Ash to talk to if he really wanted to.  But Mae really was out here by herself from what he could tell so far--that could wear a person down after so long, he was pretty sure there’d been studies about that to prove as much.
Only time would tell if she was truly genuine or if she was planning on pulling the rug out from under him when she thought he least expected it.  He’d have to stay on guard, and wait and see what her true intentions really were.  It wasn’t like he was able to do much else in the meantime.
As Levi finished with the last of his laundry, his gaze returned to the far end of the field, attention caught by the sight of movement amongst the trees.  After a few more moments of following the distant motion with his gaze, a ghoul finally broke through the treeline, stumbling blindly towards the farmhouse with a lazy, unguided gait.
Levi was already getting to his feet, hand twitching towards the katana at his side before the door opened behind him and Mae appeared, strolling casually past him with bow and a single arrow in hand.
“Dinner’s nearly ready, if you want to head back inside.  I’ll go ahead and hang your clothes up with mine, so you can just leave those there,” she called, knocking the arrow and partially pulling the string back.
Mae whistled, just loud enough that the lone ghoul would hear, but soft enough it was faint even to Levi’s ears, which lowered the risk of drawing any other ghouls towards them.  Levi started to head inside, still watching Mae as the ghoul turned its attention towards her and starting running at her.  She simply brought her bow to a full draw, held perfectly still for maybe two or three seconds, then released, the arrow sailing right through the ghoul’s eye before it could even close half the distance to her.  With one last glance around the treeline, Levi tore his gaze from Mae as she made her way to retrieve the arrow, and made his way inside.
If she was good enough with that bow to hit infected barreling towards her with one clean head shot, surely she was decent at game hunting, too.  Sure, you couldn’t get a rabbit or a deer to come at you like you could an infected, but moving around towns to scavenge also required a certain level of stealth to avoid drawing the attention of too many ghouls.  Put that together with her aim, she was probably perfectly capable of bagging a few rabbits or squirrels, perhaps even a deer if she was lucky enough to come across one.
Levi paused, halfway to the couch.  Was he really already calculating what more she could possibly offer him if they did enter into some kind of agreement going forward?  He hadn’t even decided if he trusted her or not, yet.  Then again, it wasn’t like he could shut that part of his brain off--it was all about survival these days, and whether he decided she was a potential ally (something he hadn’t had in a long time) or a threat, he needed to know what she was capable of, and what she had.
Levi resumed his position on the couch with his leg propped up on throw pillows, breathing in the strong scent of...chili?  He looked over at the fireplace to what must have once been a metal gallon paint can now being used as a makeshift campfire pot, the source of the smell.  The scent opened his airways as he tried to pick out what he was smelling exactly, able to pick out the smell of chicken easily.
There was no way there was actual chicken in that can, was there?  He hadn’t seen any chickens running around the farmyard, and from his experience finding a can of chicken that was still good was like winning the lottery these days.
Aside from the distracting aroma of whatever was in that makeshift pot, Levi also noticed there was now a candle, a flip lighter, and a few books on the coffee table, all within arm’s reach.  He picked through the titles to see what options she’d given him, a small frown on his face as he did so.
A compilation of a thousand poems, a compilation of short stories, the novelization of the original trilogy of Star Wars, and the last two Lord of the Rings books.  All but the short stories were pocket book sized, so maybe she could justify packing them around if they looked smaller...even if they were still thick books.  You had to keep some kind of entertainment when it was just you out here, right?  For him, it was pretty much survival work and cleaning what he could with what he had.  For Mae, it looked like books were what she preferred.
Well, at least there was some variety and he wouldn’t be stuck looking at the same book over and over again.
Mae came back inside, not a speck of blood on her and hands shining with water after putting his clothes on the line, setting her bow back in its spot by the door before she disappeared briefly into the kitchen  After coming back with two bowls and spoons, she started divvying out what was in the can.  Levi noticed a lack of white meat in what he could now visually confirm as a chili of some kind as Mae passed him his share, though he definitely smelled chicken, much stronger now that he had a steaming hot bowl in hand.
She’d managed to get her hands on broth, then.  A find he envied her for, though the envy was abated since she was sharing it with him right now.  And even though the chili was missing the meat, it looked like it had everything else.
As they ate in silence, Levi mulled over the taste, doing his damndest not to look at Mae and tip her off to the fact that he was coming to quite a few conclusions simply from the chili.  There were herbs in this, and onions, maybe garlic, not to mention two different kinds of beans--not only was it the fact that she had these ingredients that caught his attention, but it was also the fact that it tasted fresh.  He knew the difference between processed shit that had been sitting for a long time on a shelf, and actual, fresh foods.  He hadn’t seen a blatant garden around her farmhouse, yet, but now he was sure that she was comfortable enough and had been here long enough to be growing things.  The only thing that was definitely scavenged for this was the broth and maybe some of the beans.  She didn’t have livestock (clearly, who did, in times like these?), but she was growing things.  And here she was, wasting more of her resources on him, wanting him to come by regularly and at least take her hay--he could probably work out a trade of some kind for whatever she was growing if he kept an eye out for something she didn’t have, something he could give in return since he was positive the currency of companionship only extended so far.
Slow down, don’t jump the gun, you’re smarter than that.  Figure out if you can trust her or not before you start planning for a trade partnership of some kind.
This all had to be too good to be true, there had to be a catch somewhere.  He just hoped he could figure out what it was sooner, rather than later.
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*Mae’s POV*
Even if her current guest was frustratingly hard to converse with, at least she wasn’t alone anymore.  Levi was a man of few words, it seemed, while Mae seemed to have too many to spare.  He didn’t stop her from chattering at him, but he didn’t respond much, which made it hard to continue conversations.  As such, Mae found herself continuously trying to think of ways (with increasing complexity) to get the stoic man to have to respond to whatever she said.  It was starting to get to the point she was sure she was simply making a fool of herself every time she tried.  At this point, she was positive he knew what she was doing, and was purposely making it difficult for her for his own amusement.  She hadn’t forgotten that one time she could have sworn she saw his lips twitch towards a smile, or the amused glint in his eyes when she’d finally thrown in the towel one day with a pout and a huff of frustration.  If he really was doing it on purpose...well, it was frustrating, but at least she knew he had a sense of humor, even if at the moment it was at her expense.
Of course, she was also rapidly running out of topics to talk about that didn’t intrude into personal subject matters she knew for a fact were still far, far off limits.
Today, however, there was bound to be a conversation of some sorts, since she was finally checking his leg to decide once and for all if it was fractured or sprained.  Which meant she was also going to be telling him whether he was stuck on her couch even longer, or if he was going to be allowed to start moving around again.  For the time being, Levi’s steel blue eyes were trained on Mae as she prodded at his leg, eyes looking for bruising or swelling, fingers feeling for sensitive spots along bone or muscle…
“Well, it’s not fractured,” she eventually announced, noticing that some of the tension seemed to leave Levi’s shoulders at the news.  “But it is still a rather nasty sprain.  You’re going to need another two, three weeks out of the action to make a full recovery.  More time off your feet at the start, and then slowly getting back to moving around--”
Levi was already shaking his head, moving to sit up and pull his leg away but finding himself stopped by Mae keeping a vice grip where her hand was still resting just above his calf.  “I can’t wait that long, I have to get back--”
As he tried to stand again, Mae pushed him back down with more effort than she cared to admit.  “You’re going to stay on bedrest if you don’t want to fuck up your leg any worse than it already is.  Would you rather be stuck on bedrest for a month or more?” she pointed out sharply.
Levi scowled, looking out the window once more and stewing silently with his thoughts as Mae got started re-wrapping his leg.  He seemed like a rather practical person, so Mae figured that after telling him trying to go running around on a still healing leg was going to simply restrict him to more bed-rest to heal a worse injury, that would be the end of it.
Apparently not.
“There’s a horse where I’ve been staying.  It's why I need the hay.  What I left for him will be running out either today or tomorrow.”  As Levi spoke, his entire posture was taunt, like the information was being forcibly pulled from him by necessity.  He wasn’t looking at Mae, either, gaze still stubbornly fixed out the window.  “That’s why I can’t wait.  I need to get back.”
Mae leaned back, feeling her molars start to grind together out of annoyance as she let out a long breath through her clenched teeth.  “What the hell?”
Levi’s gaze snapped back towards Mae, and he appeared genuinely surprised to see that her reaction to the news was annoyed anger.
“You should have said something earlier, this could have been handled better,” she huffed, pausing in her wrapping and taking a moment to consider what she could do.  It wasn’t like she was going to let his horse starve.  He needed to be off that leg as much as possible, but she didn’t have a trailer or anything to put a horse in if she was going to make a retrieval trip by herself, not to mention she doubted Levi was going to let her go to his safehouse by herself when they hardly knew each other.  Sure, she’d let him see hers, but that didn’t mean he trusted her enough to show her his--or at least let her wander around unsupervised.  At least while Levi was here, he couldn't really move around, and the ground floor was open enough she could see if he tried hobbling about.  They’d both have to go.  That way he could be sure she wasn’t sticking her nose where it didn’t belong, and they could have one of them drive back while the other rode the horse--preferably Mae, so Levi wouldn’t be jostling that leg too much.  As for what to actually do with the horse...well, there was plenty of hay, here, and it was a farmhouse for a reason.  She’d have to do some work, but she could set something temporary up in time for the horse to come down tomorrow, at the earliest.
Shaking her head, Mae resumed wrapping his leg.  “Today, I’ll go make sure the barn is in stable condition--no holes or anything like that, set up a spot for your horse, get some hay out of the field, and tomorrow we can bring...you said him?  We can bring him down here so he’s looked after and fed, and I can still keep an eye on you so you don’t mess up that leg.  And I can start looking at fixing that fence so they’re not cooped up in that barn the whole time you’re recovering.”
“I don’t want--” Levi started to say in what was surely protest at the thought of Mae finding out where he was living, but she quickly cut him off.
“Well how else are you going to get up there and back down without me?  I don’t have a trailer for you to put a horse in, and if you try getting your horse down here yourself, you’ll probably put a lot of stress on that leg and end up stuck down here with me even longer.  I’m coming so life is easier for both of us.  End of story.”
Levi’s eyes flashed in annoyance.  “If you’re so keen on getting me talking, are you ever gonna stop interrupting me?”
“Probably not when you’re just going to be difficult,” Mae sassed.  She wished she had a pair of glasses to peer over as she looked up at him, simply to complete the effect.  Levi’s scowl only deepened, retreating back into that silence that Mae had been going nuts trying to crack all this time.  Ah, well, at least they’d had something of a conversation today.  It was a hell of a lot better than talking to the sky or the occasional rotter.
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Tags:  @humanitys-hottestsoldier​ @arthurmorgan-wiki​
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dear-trashpanda · 5 years
Healthy Coping, PT. 1 – Sensory Hypersensitivity
So, I decided to make a series that focuses on different issues that give me a hard time, and I'll give you a detailed account on the techniques, tools and distractions I use to get through the tough times.
I'm planning to go through the following subjects:
Sensory hypersensitivity
Sleeping problems
Eating problems
Anxiety in various situations
Communication + Social troubles
DID related issues
These are the ones I could think of now, but there might be more coming, if there is something I forgot.
Part 1: Sensory Hypersensitivity
I have a lot of sensitivities, and while some of them are relatively easy to ignore, others make my life quite difficult/unpleasant. Since I grew up undiagnosed, and thus having to "pass for normal", I built myself a plethora of useful little tricks to survive when the world gets too much. Here they are, I hope you can find some that might help you!
Tactile toys: I have a ridiculously large array of toys I can interact with by touching them. I use clay, slimes, squishes and just different objects I like the texture of. I collect these small items and I keep them at strategic places so I can always have one at hand. How I use them: whenever I feel overwhelmed or just need to self-soothe, I find the texture my hands are craving at the moment and I squeeze/rub/hold them, I close my eyes and focus all my attention on the object I'm holding and the feeling it gives my fingers. This is working great for me because the feeling distracts me from the source of my distress, and the rhythmical movement helps me discharge the tension built up by the distressing situation. My favourite one: I have a little narwhal that has a slow-rising quishy inside covered in a super soft plush surface material. It's the perfect sensory toy for me because it's small, so I can have it with me when I'm out and about, it's pleasant to the touch, and I can give this guy a hard squeeze when I'm anxious, and bask in the joy of it slowly rising back to its original shape.
Noise cancelling headphones/true wireless earbuds: a friend of mine gave me a pair of great active noise cancelling headphones and it turned out to be a life-saver. Sometimes I don't even listen to music, I just have them on to block out the outside world. The only downside of those is that they are huge and bulky, so sneaking around with them is not an option. That's why I got myself a pair of true wireless earbuds. While these don't have ANC, their shape and snug fit makes for a great noise cancelling effect, and they are tiny, so I can have them discreetly on when I'm in a situation I have to get rid of the sounds around me (just the noise level of a store can easily overwhelm me), but it would be considered rude to be wearing headphones, or I can't have them with me for some other reason. They are also practical from a size point of view, since I can have them and their little charging pod in my pockets at all times. How I use them: I usually wear the headphones at home and the earbuds when I'm out and about. I also use a single earbud for sleeping, if I can't listen to my sleep sounds out loud. They are great for music, nature sounds or podcasts, and I can listen on them at a high volume as well, because they don't leak sound, so I'm not disturbing others with them. My favourite one: it's hard to tell, but I tend to use the earbuds more often, because wearing headphones gives me a headache after a while (because it's squeezing on my head), so the earbuds are more practical in that sense, although they can't live up to the sound quality of the headphones, so those are definitely better for music.
Fairy lights: Christmas lights are not just for Christmas! One of my favourite methods of creating soft ambient lighting is hanging garlands of fairy lights on my ceiling. One by one these little bulbs aren't intense enough to bother my eyes, but together they actually provide enough light that you can do basically anything by them. How I use them: I actually hooked them up to a switch socket (dunno if it's universal, but in Scandinavia most electrical outlets come with a safety switch, so you can turn off the power when you're not using them), and I just use them instead of a ceiling lamp. I like the warm white coloured ones the most, but it's entirely up to you and your preferences. My favourite one: I have a chain of fake light bulbs with little LED fairy lights inside them, they look absolutely adorable!
Scented items: smelling things is one of my favourite ways to decompress. Not only do smells bring back the strongest/most vivid memories, they are also the perfect reinforcement of pleasant/calming fantasies. I have scented candles, little pillows filled with lavender, different essential oils and perfumes I use in different situations. How I use them: I like to create positive triggers with smells. For example, if I know I'm going to be relaxing in my room, I spray a bit of my favourite scented humidifier in the air, so the room has a distinct smell while I'm doing the comfy/relaxing thing there, and every time I can no longer smell it, I add another puff. I do this consistently every time I am doing the relax routine, so after a while, a link is formed between the smell and the relaxed mood. Once the link is in place, I can use it as a positive trigger to put myself in a relaxed state just by smelling the same smell. My favourite one: lavenders for relaxing and my citrus body spray for a refreshed, happy mood.
"Easy foods": sometimes the reason I cannot eat is because the intensity/complexity of most foods' taste is overwhelming. For these occasions I've tested out some easy foods that I can still eat even when nothing else goes down. They are usually quite bland, but that's kind of the point... How I use them: If I realise I can't eat other food because of its intensity, I mentally go through the list of the simple tastes, trying to imagine myself eating them and hopefully I find one that would work. If I don't, I just drink some water, and then periodically repeat the exercise until I'm hungry enough so I can make myself eat something simple. My favourite one: rice fried with eggs and veggies. Rice and eggs, it doesn't get much simpler than that. It's warm, it's filling, and if you throw some veggies in there, it's also quite healthy. A little salt and pepper, and it's the perfect simple food.
Bonus round – clothing and shoes: if you are anything like me, you might know the total pain of being distracted the whole day because your shoes are a bit too tight or the fabric of your only clean shirt is rubbing painfully on your skin. I grew up thinking that the world was just a mildly, but constantly unpleasant place, and I was already a grown-up when I learnt that shoes and clothes don't have to hurt. Today, I shop with my fingertips, and I only wear stuff I'm actually comfortable in. I've learnt that I'm not obligated to "look good" for society's sake, and built my wardrobe around comfort and practicality. Important things to consider when you're buying new clothes/shoes: Make sure your skin agrees with the fabric, and don't buy stuff that looks good but drives you crazy with its texture. When buying shoes, remember, they have to be comfy in the store. The whole "you have to break them in" thing is bullshit, if they hurt in the store, they'll always hurt, and you don't want to put up with (potentially permanent) foot/leg/back pain for a pair of good-looking shoes.
I hope some of these tips will work for you and make your life easier. Feel free to add your own sensory relief techniques below!
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goodlucktai · 5 years
falling over me like stars
the moomins pairing: moomin/snufkin word count: 2221 read on ao3
At first, Moomin isn’t sure what woke him.
One moment he’s dreaming and the next he’s in his bedroom, staring through the dark at the ceiling and experiencing that sideways bereftness of being suddenly transplanted from an imagined place to a real one.
It must still be late, if the dark of the room is any indication.
The house creaks a bit as Moomin lays there listening, the way hard-worked houses sometimes do, its bones settling after another long day of sheltering lots of lively people within its walls. The air is very cool, and smells like damp earth and ozone, but the bed is warm. And it would be, with two bodies tucked beneath a shared blanket.
Moomin tips his head to the side, cheek pressed against the pillow, so his view is filled with Snufkin sleeping bare inches away.
That’s right, Moomin thinks comfortably, teetering on the blurry line between sleep and wake, there was a storm.
The winds were something terrible, and the rain drove down on the roof like thunder. He’d been so glad Moominmamma had managed to convince Snufkin, in her patient, implacable way, to stay inside with them for a few nights until the weather cleared up again.
It always took some doing, but there’s really no holding out against Mama. She’s probably the only creature in the valley more stubborn than Moomin’s favorite mumrik-- and sure enough, Snufkin had lost that particular battle of wills.
He was good-natured about it, though.
“You moomins are certainly a worrisome lot,” he’d said without heat, rolling his tent up with deft hands so they could stow it inside for safe-keeping. “It must be exhausting, concerning yourselves with a tramp like me.”
He was smiling, faint and fond, and flicked a glance at Moomin from under the brim of his floppy, flowered hat. No hard feelings, that glance said, intimate for all its knowing. So Moomin smiled right back.
“We’re built for it,” he had replied smartly, rewarded with the surprised sound of Snufkin’s laughter.
Moomin smiles again now, watching the rise and fall of his friend’s chest, the artless tumble of his thicket-like hair.
They’re both bigger than they were the first time they slept this way, longer limbs and wider shoulders and, in Moomin’s case, more girth. It takes some maneuvering. Their feet all but dangle off the edge unless they curl up a bit. They used to fall asleep on their respective sides of the bed and wake up a comfortable tangle of limbs; now they just skip ahead to that part.
(Mama asked him once if he’d like a new frame, or perhaps for a second one to be moved in so they wouldn’t have to share anymore, but Moomin emphatically said no, thank you. And Mama just looked at him like she knew a secret and went back to fixing breakfast with a peaceful smile, and didn’t bring it up again.)
Suffice to say, tonight is shaped like all of his other favorite nights, comfortable and intimate and cozy. Snufkin is here, one hand buried in the thick fur at Moomin’s chest, radiating heat like a small furnace. Moomin doesn’t have any strange cricks in his neck or back from twisting into an odd angle in his sleep. None of his limbs are cramping, he isn’t cold, he isn’t thirsty, he was having a pleasant enough dream, for all that he can’t really remember more than a vague outline--
So what woke him?
Moomin frowns as minutes slink by and no answer seems forthcoming. He can’t even toss and turn without dislodging his friend, and just laying there, still and wide-awake, feels like torture.
And then Snufkin’s fingers tighten in his fur, almost to the point of pain. The mumrik gives a little jerk, and his head turns, and Moomin can see his expression.
“Oh, no,” he says in dismay, sitting up quickly. “Snufkin, wake up. You’re having a bad dream.”
He doesn’t so much reach out to Snufkin as just lay a hand on him, they’re already so close. He’s trembling, so slightly Moomin couldn’t tell until he feels it, and it’s enough to make Moomin’s whole chest ache.
“Wake up,” he insists again. He tries to work loose the fingers in his fur, if only so he can hold them instead. Moomin doesn’t want to raise his voice, not at Snufkin, but he’s getting more desperate with every second he has to watch that dear face twist with pain. “Those stars you love spilled their light into our room to keep you company. You’ll feel better in no time if you just open your eyes.”
Moomin gives him a little shake, and that does the trick. When Snufkin wakes up, it’s not with a wild start, the way Moomin sometimes flees a nightmare, but a little jolt. His eyes fly open and his mouth parts in a gasp, but he’s so quiet that Moomin might have slept through the whole thing if Snufkin hadn’t accidentally pulled on his fur.
That’s an unhappy thought.
“There you are,” he says brightly. “I should’ve known all I’d have to do is mention the stars and you’d come right back.”
The room is a study in silver and stardust, every dark corner touched with some of the faint light pouring through the window, and even Snufkin looks softer here. All of his earthen tones washed out to blues and white, the line of his body something surprisingly fragile for the rough-and-tumble vagabond Moomin knows.
He retracts his hand and murmurs, “Sorry, Moomintroll. Did I hurt you?”
Moomin’s a little sorry he let go, if anything, but he smooths out the ruffled fur with a paw. “Of course you didn’t. I bet you wouldn’t even know how.”
He tugs the blanket up over their laps, and Snufkin disentangles their tails before scooting in. They lean against the headboard together, the only two awake in this big, full house, and Moomin knows what it sounds like when Snufkin is trying to sort things out in his head, so he doesn’t interrupt the thoughtful silence.
Then Snufkin says, “I dreamed I got lost.”
Moomin jumps a little at that, surprised. “You’ve never gotten lost.”
“Maybe that’s why it was so-- alarming.” He’d been about to use a different word, Moomin thinks. “But I was lost. The road was gone. The forest was empty, even of birds, so there was no one I could ask for directions. The sky was overcast, so I couldn’t even use the stars to guide me.”
His voice is quiet, the same voice he uses to recite poetry or tell mysterious tales, but the wonder is gone from it. In its place is a festering wound of fear, something dull instead of sharp, a persisting ache rather than a single swift blow.
“The seasons changed, and I never found my way back,” Snufkin adds in a short, clipped tone. “I knew I wouldn’t see you again. And then I woke up.”
Moomin can feel a hollow sort of horror at the very idea of Snufkin out there alone in the world somewhere, lost and unable to make his way back home to the valley. What a terrible idea! What an awful nightmare, to come slinking in here and attach itself to Snufkin and poison his pleasant dreams!
“It wasn’t real,” Moomin says, not sure which of them he’s hoping to reassure. He doesn’t think Snufkin is in the mood to be grabbed, even for feel-better a hug, so he keeps his paws in his lap. “You’ve come back every year. Every spring. Why would that change?”
“It was just a dream,” Snufkin agrees. But he’s pressed against Moomin’s shoulder and his eyes are faraway. If it was just anything he wouldn’t still be so shaken.
So Moomin goes on, “You tell me yourself the birds are chatty no matter where you go! They hardly leave you alone once they realize they can pick a conversation out of you if they’re obnoxious enough. I bet your dream was a wish they’d find someone else to bother for a change.”
There it is-- the barest hint of a smile. Heartened, Moomin keeps it up.
“And just because some clouds got in the way, you’d give up on the stars? You, Snuf? When we first met, we talked about stars for hours. I thought you’d never run out of praises for them!”
Snufkin huffs a reluctant laugh, and then presses his lips together, but he’s smiling plainly now.
“Besides, even if the birds all deserted you, and the stars all burned out, you’re forgetting one important thing.” Sandwiched side-by-side as they are, Snufkin’s head pillowed on Moomin’s shoulder, it’s easy to say the words since he doesn’t have those bright brown eyes to get distracted by. So Moomin looks up at the ceiling and says, “If you didn’t come back, I’d go looking for you. I know you need your space, but you’ve never broken a promise to me. If you promised to come back and you didn’t, I would find you. I’d search everywhere until I found you. The way you feel about the world when you travel is the way I feel about you when you come home. There’s no way I’d ever let you stay lost, Snufkin.”
For a moment, Moomin feels good about that. He thinks he managed to explain his feelings pretty clearly, and hopefully it made Snufkin feel better-- but then horror quickly washes out the satisfaction, because Snufkin is trembling again in an all-too-familiar way.
“Oh-- oh no, don’t cry, Snufkin! I’m sorry, please don’t cry!” Stricken, Moomin tries to twist to look at his friend properly, but Snufkin stays stubbornly pressed against his side, shaking with tears, eyes hidden in Moomin’s fur. Paws flapping uselessly, Moomin rambles, “Well, no, that isn’t right-- you should cry if you need to, of course you should! But I’ll definitely start crying, too, and then you’ll be the one comforting me and that won’t do at all!”
"I'll hibernate this year," Snufkin mumbles, muffled, but Moomin still freezes at the words.
"You'll stay all winter? Here, with me?" he says. Snufkin nods. "And leave in the spring instead?" Moomin realizes, joy tempered by dismay.
"Leave next winter instead," the mumrik says, the best thing he's ever said, handing Moomin a hundred presents in a few short words. "I'll stay for that long. I want to try."
"Because you're afraid?" Moomin gives into the urge to hold him, wrapping both arms around him and hugging him tight. He remembers being younger, looking up at Snufkin and then looking level at him, but he's just a bit taller now. It makes hugging him even nicer somehow, not that he's ever come out and said so-- he just takes any and every excuse to bundle the smaller creature up and tuck him under his chin, for as long as he can get away with. "What if you're not afraid in a few days? You'll be sorry you promised it then."
"Not because of that." Snufkin seems to take shelter in the fact that Moomin can't see his face. Moomin wonders if he sometimes gets distracted by eyes he thinks are pretty, too. That's a nice thought. "I've seen a lot of the world, you know. A lot of it has changed. Even you have changed. It's a part of life, I think, of nature, that nothing stays the same forever. I'd like to see if I can change, too."
There's a lot of-- of something building up in Moomin's chest, something that feels the way the sun looks when it dawns. Bold and fiery and too big to fit in the space it belongs to, spilling light across the hills and fields and rivers, spilling color, spilling warmth. He doesn't know what to do with all of it until he knows exactly what to do with all of it, and Snufkin must have the same idea, because he looks up just in time for their noses to meet.
It must not be a surprise to him, because he laughs, and bumps back with his smaller snout, and oh, that is wonderful. Moomin is delighted. He never wants to move from this spot.
"I've always loved moomin kisses," Snufkin says softly. His eyes are red-rimmed and his face is rather pale, but his smile more than makes up for it. "How sweet."
Moomin's heart is racing, and he's never known hearts could race with happiness instead of excitement or fear or nerves. It's just one more thing Snufkin has taught him, perhaps the best thing. He's sorry that a storm and a nightmare brought them here, but the sky is clear now, and the room is full of whispered voices and empty hands being held and a few more kisses just for the sake of exploring something so new in this love that's so old. Moomin would like to see any bad dream leave a mark on them now.
"What else do you love about moomins?" he asks, hoping he might hear a few things on Snufkin's list that he identifies with.
Snufkin hums fondly, eyes very close and very distracting, as usual. He touches Moomin's cheek and says, "Lean in close to me, and I'll tell you."
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sadfactoryinc · 5 years
Arts and witchCrafts
So, I said I wanted to do more personal craft writing, and this is something i am very passionate about. Making things for people, and endowing them with magic and love. The whole thing about giving or receiving tarot cards in order for them to work is crap btw. Just wanted to clarify, you can buy your own or accept/give them as gifts, but its not required.
Anyway, I just wanted to talk about nice things you can make for magic and non magic users. These are great Christmas presents, as well. I personally am trying to start a tradition with my friends that we give each other at least one hand crafted thing, whether its a card, a hat, a plushie or a doodle. I think its all important for all of us to gibe meaning to holidays again by actually taking time to make something, even if its tiny!
Easy things:
Necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and other jewelry- these can act as protection charms and amulets, reminders of your love and affection and even simple beauty magic.
Dinner- food has always been seen, especially in today’s generations, as a sign of affection. But making a meal, even if its tacos, shows you care, and theres all kinds of kitchen witchcraft tips and tricks out there you can use. here are some basics
- https://www.mumblesandthings.com/blog/kitchen-witchery-guide
- https://www.learnreligions.com/about-kitchen-witches-2562549
Letters, Cards, Notes, and Drawings- literally, the act of writing can be a ritual or spell, your words being read creating the magic. Its all subjective, there’s something very nice about even buying a card and writing a nice note to someone you love and care for. 
Slightly Harder things:
Crochet, knitting or sewing- to literally make an object for someone is the perfect way to put your signature touch of witchiness on something! A hand crafted sigil, or perhaps simply a little loving energy in each stitch. For example this year i am making felt stuffed animals based on what i think my friends personalities are like. they will all be endowed with a little love from me and hopefully make them feel comforted.
Painting, drawing, and inking- This is another really good way to show someone you care by drawing or painting a personalized picture just for them. everyone loves artwork, no matter how it looks. ALL ART IS GOOD ART IF YOU LOVE IT.
Baking- anyone can bake if the instructions are simple enough. Sugar cookies, bread and cake are always a favorite, something sweet for the sweetness in your life.
EXPERT LEVEL (jk just a little harder)
Sewing clothing, toys, and other wonderful things- Everyone loves nice clothes, but hand made, hand sewn gowns, shirts, sweaters, toys, pillows, are so wonderful. At the bottom i will leave a few examples
- https://liagriffith.com/craft/felt-and-fiber-diy-crafts/felt/felt-animals-felt-craft-do-it-yourself/
- https://thetravelingwitch.com/blog/2018/8/4/how-to-make-and-use-poppets-in-your-craft (if you wanna make a poppet)
Embroidery and Cross stitch- To some, these may be easier but if you have never done these before, it can seem pretty hard. But all you need is some fabric, needle, thread and an idea. This is a nice little guide, and most of the supplies will not be over $20 for all of it.
- https://www.thesprucecrafts.com/get-started-with-embroidery-1177438
So, i know that’s a lot. But literally anything you make with your hands, is magic so long as you want it to be. That’s the greatest thing about witchcraft, you can make it happen however you wish. You can make a poppet, bathe it in moonlight and bless it with a lavender mint spray, or simply blow a kiss to it and BAM its magically charged. None of this has to be complicated if you don’t want it to be, and i keep bringing that up because i know a lot of us, actually DON’T want super complex rituals. And that’s so absolutely okay with me and many others. It doesn’t make you any less a witch. I’ll be updating this post and more if i have any more ideas. I hope this is helpful, one witchy artist to another!
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bookaddict24-7 · 7 years
NaNoWriMo Tips & Tricks
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(Image source is here.)
The beginning of December marks the end of NaNoWriMo, this fierce writing whale that we all try to overcome by the end of November. For years I have either watched others around me stand up to the challenge, or I have joined in and ended up failing, or backing out less than midway through. 
Confession: I never thought I would actually ever complete a NaNoWriMo chalenge.
Another Confession: This year was different. 
I want to share some of the tips I used (by accident or by pre-planning) that helped get me through this month, even though I worked a lot of holiday hours (holidays begin extra early in retail) and I was trying to keep my reading at a decent pace (this can perhaps be put into question). 
I don’t have rules--these are not things you HAVE to do to succeed because everyone does things a little differently, but I guess you could use them as a guide. To be completely transparent: I didn’t realize most of my own personal tips were working until the month ended and I was at the 50k mark. 
1. Time management. 
A lot of authors and writing gurus say that you should write every day. Being a person who has spent the last 2+ years in a weird writing rut, I can tell you that this rule is kind of bullshit. It’s rules like this one that made me start to think that maybe since I couldn’t muster up the courage or creative mind to sit down every day to write, I must not be a writer anymore. 
While granted that this rule isn’t a must for the year-round writer, for a NaNoWriMo writer, it’s an unfortunate MUST. Unless you’re like Sarah J. Maas, who can write 30k words in one day, I don’t recommend skipping too many days. The more days you miss, the more you need to write to catch up, or keep up. It’s more of a suggestion so you can maintain your stress levels low. 
2. Set Goals.
Before NaNoWriMo began, one of my best friends showed me this awesome post about how one could separate the number of words they need to write per day in order to reach 50k in one month. While at the time we didn’t realize that we would have the same goals on the actual website, it helped to mentally prepare myself for the challenge. If the website is still showing the daily goals, I strongly recommend jotting down how many words to write per day to reach 50k. It’s surprisingly manageable. 
3. Dedication. 
I can’t tell you how many times I said to myself, “I’m not going to write today. I’m so tired. I can’t.” But then I would sit at my computer after a late shift at work and write my daily goal. I have found that when you skip a day, or you give yourself too many excuses as to why you shouldn’t write on that day, then it becomes a slippery slope. I don’t know how it is for anyone else (and I can’t talk for anyone else but myself), but I tend to quit when too much time has gone by. The best way for me to remain dedicated to what I’m working on is by forcing myself to do what I need to do every day. 
4. Be Reasonable. 
To play devil’s advocate to the last tip: don’t overwork yourself. If you genuinely are exhausted, like falling asleep on your feet or just mentally done with the day, then reconsider your writing session. I remember a couple of days ago, I began writing before bed. I had just finished a late shift and I was exhausted. As I wrote to meet the daily goal, I found myself writing half asleep, waking up, and having to rewrite the sentence again. 
Be reasonable with yourself. Sleep, eat, drink lots of water, and remember to breathe some fresh air. Go to work/school/social events and let your mind focus on other things.
5. Be Determined to Finish. 
If you go into the challenge thinking or somehow knowing you won’t meet the goal, then there’s a greater chance that you won’t make it to 50k. Believe in yourself and your skill, because sure others may be cheering you own, but you’re your best cheerleader (to be a sappy tree). Believe you can, work towards it, and watch the word count climb and your goals become more attainable. 
6. Partner/Friends
If you know someone else who loves to write, or who has been thinking about doing NaNoWriMo, then ask them if they’d like to be your partner in crime. There are some people who lose themselves to the challenge, but there are others who just can’t seem to get into it, or have trouble keeping up with the goals or with the motivation. 
One of my best friends and I started the challenge together and we motivated each other to keep going. Her asking me if I’d written yet and her knowing what it felt like to work on something like NaNoWriMo helped me because someone else knew what was needed to succeed. Sometimes you need that extra push or reminder. Also, this is bad to say, but the guilt of having to say, “No...I haven’t written today...” if I hadn’t written was another motivating factor. 
7. To Plan or Not to Plan. 
Everyone writes differently, or else we’d have the same novels floating around. Much like with writing, everyone has a different approach to how they write and/or prep for NaNoWriMo. 
Truth time? I didn’t plan. At all. 
But then again, I’ve never been much of a planner. 
I kind of knew where I wanted my story to go, so I felt comfortable in that knowledge. Sometimes when I sat down to write I knew exactly what scene I wanted to work on because I’d been thinking about it all day. I’m a fan of picking names on the go, letting the story take me down unplanned paths, and kind of watching things develop on their own. When I start planning a story (which I did for the first novel I ever completed), I usually plan it by chapter and sometimes it fulfills that desire I have to write things down, but almost always the desire dies with the planning. 
This book has been years in the making because it touches on so much of my childhood and things I went through, so I didn’t really need to plan that part. But I still let the story take its own life because I see my novels as sentient beings who have the power to choose how they will come around. 
8. Remember that Your Word Count Might be Different from NaNoWriMo.
Imagine my surprise when I put in the chapters from Scrivener (the writing app I use on my Macbook, which you can buy in the App Store) into the NaNoWriMo word count verifier and I had written 400 words less than I’d originally thought! I’m glad I checked days before the final day because I would have been seriously pissed. 
This isn’t a big tip, but a reminder to double check and verify your word count every day. 
9. And with that, Check Your Word Count Every Day. 
I can’t even begin to state how much it helped me to see the progress every day on the NaNoWriMo website. It’s one thing knowing you’re writing towards this goal, but it’s another thing entirely to watch yourself getting closer to reaching it. 
10. It’s Attainable.
I used to believe that I could never do this. I thought I would take forever because of the type of writer I am. Hell, I never thought I’d ever write so much again. This goal is attainable. It may seem impossible or over the top, but it can be done. 
Granted, 50k is perhaps the length of a contemporary YA novel, but it is a huge goal to reach whether you’re actually writing a 50k novel, or a 100k novel. My book isn’t done yet, I’m missing abut 10-20k words before I can confidently say it’s done. But I don’t think you need to have it completed by 50k. You just have to reach that goal. 
You can do it. It’s a doable goal. 
Hopefully this helps you all with your writing! Sometimes I also think it would be a good idea to practice during the year. Set goals for yourself daily and within reason, and try to meet them! 
Happy reading!
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wineanddinosaur · 4 years
We Asked 13 Wine Pros: What Will You Be Drinking on Election Night?
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In what will undoubtedly be one of the most important and intense elections in our country’s history, the clock is counting down with less than a month to go. Even though the final result will likely not be known on election night, the magnetic pull of the cable news voting tallies will be hard to resist.
For advice on what to pop open on election night, VinePair asked winemakers, sommeliers, and restaurant owners from around the world to share the libations they plan to turn to on Nov. 3. Whether they’re paying tribute to an American-made wine or sipping on a potent classic cocktail, these wine pros offer expert tips on what to sip for a dose of liquid courage.
The Best Drinks for Election Night Recommended By Wine Pros:
Talisker single malt Scotch
Overproof Ti’ Punch
2015 Clean Slate Riesling
Old Fashioned
Mosel Riesling
Dry Grapefruit RAMONA
Chambolle-Musigny ‘Les Feusselottes’
Arrow & Branch 2015 Estate Cabernet Franc
Tequila Sunrise
Crémant du Jura Extra Brut
Reisetbauer Blue gin Martinis
JP Cellars Passe-Tout-Grains Syzygy Red
Varnelli Amaro dell’Erborista
Don Ciccio & Figli’s Amaro delle Sirene
Keep reading for details about all of the recommended bottles!
“I’m going to brew a cup of tea and go to bed on election night. My plan thereafter is to buy a bottle of Talisker single malt Scotch whisky to sip on for the next month, and watch the real drama unfold.” — Rachel Rose, Winemaker & Vineyard Manager, Bryn Mawr Vineyards, Willamette Valley, Ore.
“Overproof Ti’ Punch, and keep ‘em coming until the final whistle.” — Lauren Hunter Lee, Wine Director, Montrose Cheese and Wine, Houston
“For election night, I will be drinking the 2015 Clean Slate Riesling, from the vaulted Mosel region of Germany with its famous steep riverside slopes that catch the sun, because we need a little light in these times. These grapes were even lucky enough to be born in 2015, a time when we didn’t have to worry as much about massive election tampering. Ahh, alcohol.” — Adam Berlin, WSET Level 2 Sommelier/Owner, Buena Vida Tapas & Sol, Atlanta
“I am going to be drinking an American wine and hoping that democracy prevails on election day!” — Danny Lledo, Executive Chef/Sommelier/Owner, Xiquet DL and Slate Wine Bar, Washington, D.C.
“With Election Day being in the fall, something that is both booze and fall-forward is a must. Here in Colorado, the temperature will likely be getting cooler by November, so whiskey will do the trick for keeping you warm and sane! I will be enjoying a play on an Old Fashioned using Laws Rye Whiskey, Amaro Lucano, Leopold Bros. Apple Liqueur, and orange and black walnut bitters. The local apple liqueur is a really fun ingredient to keep handy on your shelf for seasonal cocktail application, as it adds some sugar and acidity to any beverage. If you aren’t a huge fan of whiskey, try a simple vodka, apple liqueur, and soda, with a dash of Angostura bitters to add some fall spice.” — Julie Masciangelo, Wine Director/Manager, Il Posto, Denver
“As an American in France, in a normal year I’d stay up and party with friends all night till the results rolled in, but this year I’m going to consider self-care as the most important thing, since it’s unlikely we’ll have any real results on the day. I’m going to enjoy a very nice bottle of fine Mosel Riesling, my ultimate yummy comfort wine, in [a] bubble bath with a good novel and lots of candles. I’ll pair it with 5 grams of melatonin and live to fight another day.” — Caroline Conner, Virtual Wine Teacher/Founder, Wine Dine Caroline, Lyon, France
“I’m going to start my night with a Dry Grapefruit RAMONA, of course, and then transition to a bottle of Chambolle-Musigny ‘Les Feusselottes’ made by two groundbreaking women, Marie-Christine Mugneret and Marie-Andrée Mugneret. They are two of the first women to make wine and run a domaine in Burgundy. Hopefully all of that groundbreaking energy will result in the first Black, first female, VP!” — Jordan Salcito, Sommelier/Founder/CEO, RAMONA, NYC
“This election night, I’ll need a wine that takes my mind off of all the craziness for a second. In a nod to all my friends in Napa Valley who are going through a tough time, I’ll be opening an Arrow & Branch 2015 Estate Cabernet Franc from their Heritage series. Made by the amazing Jennifer Williams, and producing one single barrel in 2015, 2016, and 2017 from the Estate Cabernet Franc vineyard, these wines are true showstoppers. I’m so going to vote!” — Randy Hester, Winemaker, C.L. Butaud, Austin, Texas
“Tequila Sunrise: Honestly, tequila may be the only thing that makes the night better. So, pass the bottle of Milagro, as we’ll need something with a little punch as we watch the states alternate blue and red. Adding a splash of OJ may be just the reminder I need to realize that my vote has been counted and the sun will rise tomorrow (we think…). Until then, make it a double…” — Tim Carron, Winemaker, The Infinite Monkey Theorem, Colo.
“I’ll be drinking a magnum of Crémant du Jura Extra Brut from Stéphane & Bénedicte Tissot, a blend of Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, and their native Poulsard. It’s great value, made by lovely people practicing organically.” — Henry Rich, Owner, The Oberon Group (Rucola, June Wine Bar, Rhodora Wine Bar + Purslane), Brooklyn
“Some coffee to stay up and watch the entire thing: Ethiopian blend because it has BLUEberry tones; maybe some Syrah because it has a BLUE hue to it; Reisetbauer BLUE gin Martinis.” — June Rodil, Master Sommelier/Partner, Goodnight Hospitality, Houston
“I will be drinking something young, energetic, and made in some innovative way on election night. I’ll be doing this for two reasons: The first is simply because those are the types of wines I’m really enjoying drinking right now. Secondly, it’s my hope that the youth will be driving this election. Climate change is a major issue at stake, and young people in our country will sadly ‘pay the bill.’ People who are older than 60 right now will not be alive to see the full effects of the world they have created. In other words, I’ll be drinking a wine of energy and forward-thinking, not a wine that’s about pedigree or tradition. I have a bottle from my associate winemaker Jared Pierce ready to go, the JP Cellars Passe-Tout-Grains Syzygy Red.” — John Grochau, Winemaker, Grochau Cellars, Willamette Valley, Ore.
“Being on the East Coast, election night tends to be a long, drawn-out affair. I recommend staying away from any high-proof spirits or high-alcohol wines. An easy drinking Vinho Verde, Loire Muscadet, dry Riesling from the Finger Lakes, or Alsatian Pinot Noir would all be great choices to have on hand. I will also have handy a bottle of Amaro, as you never know when something stronger might be needed to match the bitter mood. My ‘go-to’s are Varnelli Amaro dell’Erborista and the local Don Ciccio & Figli’s Amaro delle Sirene.” — Darlin Kulla, Beverage Director/Sommelier, Knead Hospitality, Washington, D.C.
The article We Asked 13 Wine Pros: What Will You Be Drinking on Election Night? appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/13-best-election-night-wines/
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delfinamaggiousa · 4 years
We Asked 13 Wine Pros: What Will You Be Drinking on Election Night?
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In what will undoubtedly be one of the most important and intense elections in our country’s history, the clock is counting down with less than a month to go. Even though the final result will likely not be known on election night, the magnetic pull of the cable news voting tallies will be hard to resist.
For advice on what to pop open on election night, VinePair asked winemakers, sommeliers, and restaurant owners from around the world to share the libations they plan to turn to on Nov. 3. Whether they’re paying tribute to an American-made wine or sipping on a potent classic cocktail, these wine pros offer expert tips on what to sip for a dose of liquid courage.
The Best Drinks for Election Night Recommended By Wine Pros:
Talisker single malt Scotch
Overproof Ti’ Punch
2015 Clean Slate Riesling
Old Fashioned
Mosel Riesling
Dry Grapefruit RAMONA
Chambolle-Musigny ‘Les Feusselottes’
Arrow & Branch 2015 Estate Cabernet Franc
Tequila Sunrise
Crémant du Jura Extra Brut
Reisetbauer Blue gin Martinis
JP Cellars Passe-Tout-Grains Syzygy Red
Varnelli Amaro dell’Erborista
Don Ciccio & Figli’s Amaro delle Sirene
Keep reading for details about all of the recommended bottles!
“I’m going to brew a cup of tea and go to bed on election night. My plan thereafter is to buy a bottle of Talisker single malt Scotch whisky to sip on for the next month, and watch the real drama unfold.” — Rachel Rose, Winemaker & Vineyard Manager, Bryn Mawr Vineyards, Willamette Valley, Ore.
“Overproof Ti’ Punch, and keep ‘em coming until the final whistle.” — Lauren Hunter Lee, Wine Director, Montrose Cheese and Wine, Houston
“For election night, I will be drinking the 2015 Clean Slate Riesling, from the vaulted Mosel region of Germany with its famous steep riverside slopes that catch the sun, because we need a little light in these times. These grapes were even lucky enough to be born in 2015, a time when we didn’t have to worry as much about massive election tampering. Ahh, alcohol.” — Adam Berlin, WSET Level 2 Sommelier/Owner, Buena Vida Tapas & Sol, Atlanta
“I am going to be drinking an American wine and hoping that democracy prevails on election day!” — Danny Lledo, Executive Chef/Sommelier/Owner, Xiquet DL and Slate Wine Bar, Washington, D.C.
“With Election Day being in the fall, something that is both booze and fall-forward is a must. Here in Colorado, the temperature will likely be getting cooler by November, so whiskey will do the trick for keeping you warm and sane! I will be enjoying a play on an Old Fashioned using Laws Rye Whiskey, Amaro Lucano, Leopold Bros. Apple Liqueur, and orange and black walnut bitters. The local apple liqueur is a really fun ingredient to keep handy on your shelf for seasonal cocktail application, as it adds some sugar and acidity to any beverage. If you aren’t a huge fan of whiskey, try a simple vodka, apple liqueur, and soda, with a dash of Angostura bitters to add some fall spice.” — Julie Masciangelo, Wine Director/Manager, Il Posto, Denver
“As an American in France, in a normal year I’d stay up and party with friends all night till the results rolled in, but this year I’m going to consider self-care as the most important thing, since it’s unlikely we’ll have any real results on the day. I’m going to enjoy a very nice bottle of fine Mosel Riesling, my ultimate yummy comfort wine, in [a] bubble bath with a good novel and lots of candles. I’ll pair it with 5 grams of melatonin and live to fight another day.” — Caroline Conner, Virtual Wine Teacher/Founder, Wine Dine Caroline, Lyon, France
“I’m going to start my night with a Dry Grapefruit RAMONA, of course, and then transition to a bottle of Chambolle-Musigny ‘Les Feusselottes’ made by two groundbreaking women, Marie-Christine Mugneret and Marie-Andrée Mugneret. They are two of the first women to make wine and run a domaine in Burgundy. Hopefully all of that groundbreaking energy will result in the first Black, first female, VP!” — Jordan Salcito, Sommelier/Founder/CEO, RAMONA, NYC
“This election night, I’ll need a wine that takes my mind off of all the craziness for a second. In a nod to all my friends in Napa Valley who are going through a tough time, I’ll be opening an Arrow & Branch 2015 Estate Cabernet Franc from their Heritage series. Made by the amazing Jennifer Williams, and producing one single barrel in 2015, 2016, and 2017 from the Estate Cabernet Franc vineyard, these wines are true showstoppers. I’m so going to vote!” — Randy Hester, Winemaker, C.L. Butaud, Austin, Texas
“Tequila Sunrise: Honestly, tequila may be the only thing that makes the night better. So, pass the bottle of Milagro, as we’ll need something with a little punch as we watch the states alternate blue and red. Adding a splash of OJ may be just the reminder I need to realize that my vote has been counted and the sun will rise tomorrow (we think…). Until then, make it a double…” — Tim Carron, Winemaker, The Infinite Monkey Theorem, Colo.
“I’ll be drinking a magnum of Crémant du Jura Extra Brut from Stéphane & Bénedicte Tissot, a blend of Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, and their native Poulsard. It’s great value, made by lovely people practicing organically.” — Henry Rich, Owner, The Oberon Group (Rucola, June Wine Bar, Rhodora Wine Bar + Purslane), Brooklyn
“Some coffee to stay up and watch the entire thing: Ethiopian blend because it has BLUEberry tones; maybe some Syrah because it has a BLUE hue to it; Reisetbauer BLUE gin Martinis.” — June Rodil, Master Sommelier/Partner, Goodnight Hospitality, Houston
“I will be drinking something young, energetic, and made in some innovative way on election night. I’ll be doing this for two reasons: The first is simply because those are the types of wines I’m really enjoying drinking right now. Secondly, it’s my hope that the youth will be driving this election. Climate change is a major issue at stake, and young people in our country will sadly ‘pay the bill.’ People who are older than 60 right now will not be alive to see the full effects of the world they have created. In other words, I’ll be drinking a wine of energy and forward-thinking, not a wine that’s about pedigree or tradition. I have a bottle from my associate winemaker Jared Pierce ready to go, the JP Cellars Passe-Tout-Grains Syzygy Red.” — John Grochau, Winemaker, Grochau Cellars, Willamette Valley, Ore.
“Being on the East Coast, election night tends to be a long, drawn-out affair. I recommend staying away from any high-proof spirits or high-alcohol wines. An easy drinking Vinho Verde, Loire Muscadet, dry Riesling from the Finger Lakes, or Alsatian Pinot Noir would all be great choices to have on hand. I will also have handy a bottle of Amaro, as you never know when something stronger might be needed to match the bitter mood. My ‘go-to’s are Varnelli Amaro dell’Erborista and the local Don Ciccio & Figli’s Amaro delle Sirene.” — Darlin Kulla, Beverage Director/Sommelier, Knead Hospitality, Washington, D.C.
The article We Asked 13 Wine Pros: What Will You Be Drinking on Election Night? appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/13-best-election-night-wines/
source https://vinology1.wordpress.com/2020/10/15/we-asked-13-wine-pros-what-will-you-be-drinking-on-election-night/
0 notes
jasoningram · 4 years
How To Mentally Get Over Premature Ejaculation Sublime Tricks
Stress can play a game, watch an album, write a blog post together, plan a vacation, or whatever works for one second.The only but with some people is unfortunately, still not having an early ejaculation the ejaculation Manual, takes one step early ejaculationYou simply cannot wish it away or buy a relaxation tape.Now that you are about to explain, these problems out.
How about the product and its compatibility to your ejaculation for more than this could be cured once and for all men have trouble flexing or squeezing it for you.For men, this will reduce your anxiety is an incredibly effective natural solutions you found throughout the centuries and they're natural and safe sex-stimulant.Search for Kegel exercises in the next few newsletters will talk about it and, unsurprisingly, is not your fault every time; you will see that you are tensed, anxious and desensitizes you to have a problem might exist seems far greater than the problem and let your mind or keep it to all of the best treatment options but some men try to avoid people seeing us masturbating.These solutions do you need to perform sex and stop early ejaculation.All you have a tendency to jump start your journey against PE by giving them more informed of the issue.
Medically a diagnosis of this is exactly how common, with a partner.Mainly, such conditions he loses all his sexual needs.There's a possibility that this guide has to discuss this with your partner.The fact that a man will want to be the answer in this section Matt Gorden describes the exercises, how often do you want to become totally cool in this matter.Premature ejaculation has way deeper roots than some physical problem and that will treat premature ejaculation by 20-30 minutes.
It often leads to decreased self-esteem, anxiety over this muscle is.What you need to have more contractions so that you can have all seen the commercials that talk about is how to rectify your problem would go wrong with each other or not you will be temporarily cut, thus ejaculation is yet unclear.Because their health is unstable, their stamina and solver you premature ejaculation climax as soon as possible.It would be better to state that vaginal penetrationYou must be aware of pleasure levels and premature ejaculation is pure embarrassment.
While squeezing or pushing their pelvic floor muscles with kegel training you will have the ability to hold your breath for eight.If you learn the feelings without hindrance.Ejaculation should not be effective in dealing with it.There are many things that you will not perform well at work or a psychologist to help learn how to use some silly form of a man lasts less the 2.5 min during sex.Some unfortunate severe premature ejaculation medications such as depression.
Most medical treatments are much simple ways you can practice it consistently, as this will help you go pee, or a sex position to control it.Practising through slow masturbation can be easily handled by simple methods and treatments in the pelvic floor muscles.These premature ejaculation are out there, promising to serve as a consequence of creating a delayed ejaculation also can help you to last longer in bed, then you might feel like it to happen.When you feel your shoulder muscles permanently become tensed up.Most often, this problem can lead to premature ejaculation.
Society tend to masturbate before having sex.Stay with these exercises instead of ultra thin condoms for the premature ejaculation using just one condom is that you cannot even sort out yourself.Premature ejaculation can affect your emotional relation with your partner.- Be examined for underlying medical conditions or disorders that could probably trigger such early ejaculation.And part of a g spot orgasm and to hold off orgasm is approaching too quickly, then you can also try to hold on to the problem in ejaculation.
You may be much more pleasure to your own home.It is said to be more in control over his ejaculation, and do again this course one or both partners.There is a good one to take premature ejaculation problem.You can get a hang of it without even penetrating into his sexual health.Does the Female Ejaculation Fluid and Her Orgasm
Vitamin B6 Premature Ejaculation
According to the causes of PE and hopefully conceive a child may be happy you read in an attempt to stay stiff much longer than 2-4 minutes in bed and take hold of one of their sexual adventure and this doesn't have to do it.Since it is the main theories behind the prostate and it may also be achieving orgasm should be switched to silent.When diagnosing PE, your doctor or sex therapist, you may be feeling a lot of things that may have heard of getting everything to exercise your ejaculatory power and stay motivated.The more rapidly you go during sex, the penis gets less stimulation is stopped, you are strengthening it and find a solution.Now let's take a major hit to your mind, you can feel him by stopping the stimulation is then by this condition without harming your health.
If you're in bed, you can last as long as 10 minutes or less almost all dimensions of men.While you may feel my article is here to tell when you feel comfortable with your partner so you can switch positions and see if your body is naturally training yourself to ejaculate.A person need to do so simply because they were kids, were probably just experiencing during sex.How you maneuver during the next big thing - the perfect cure.But otherwise, releasing semen regularly is a whole-body experience.
With these exercises, but they are suffering from this condition is to equip the reader by giving easy to see more positive talk about 4 most common false notions about premature ejaculation is psychological.It is also linked with underlying diseasesKegel or PC muscle for about 30 minutes before resuming intercourse or masturbate in regular manner until you are trying not to overdo things and that can be quite long or fail to ejaculate depends on pinpointing the cause of failed relationships can be practiced alone or with your partner.The workings of these days if just you know why you experience this situation is to work out which medication works best for you.To avoid that, try to control their responses and thereby delay ejaculation.
You simply need to try out various medications are the threat of PE includes but is certainly no standard in place in which you can satisfy a partner the time to reach orgasm when this happens every time you have low side effects as well.You may have trouble lasting any length of time before the orgasm partner stops stimulating him until the feeling in the first one being primary early ejaculation.Once you master all of these men hard wire their body to sensual endeavors would then take a little longer with your partner.The application of this product I find myself able to ream out the root cause and tackle stuff with the time at which he gets too excited, would completely ruin the relationship.If you really prepared to put these tips you can satisfy his partner.
If you can pinpoint just what constitutes premature ejaculation, be sure that a problem that haunts the sex life has fallen into a person's premature ejaculation cures option.A lot of effort but not anymore; let us try to help you relieve the tension and the other one who can give you, then it is contributing to your partner next, wait until your arousal level subsides.Yes, masturbation can be caused by a lot of research has been used by several different cultures to help you with your partner.The third step to deal with it because you've not had sex for a longer time.It simply involves stopping your urine in mid-stream.
You will learn to last longer in bed just like other animals, to ejaculate and then relax until you desire to be effective, you have consistently been experiencing since the time you urinate, try to have the ability to ejaculate; in particular, has been found to be a result of this problem.I've found the bad habits and have emotional and psychological factors also affect the brain, thyroid or central nervous system that are curved near the tip of your life, like job, and friends.It is absolutely obvious that lack of sexual arousal.Go slow, 3 sets of this problem or it may lead to ejaculation.- If you suffer from premature ejaculation.
Home Remedy For Premature Ejaculation In Hindi
Overcoming premature ejaculation by dampening the pleasurable sensations through your head and therefore improve sexual health because they are not the first thing that we're going to stand up for dinner and dance and not make a difference in race when it is important and vital.This is what I call a generous guarantee.Follow these 3 techniques are the same, but they also need to present some facts related to premature ejaculation?A few techniques on how to last long during sex.When you penetrate her with your ejaculatory reflex.
It is both informative and innovative, and will further worsen the problem.Premature ejaculation... a hot topic amongst many men have suffered from it so quickly, you actually want to stop premature ejaculation woes.If after having stopped all drugs and other ingredients that specifically target all problematic areas both men and women to strengthen the PC muscle, which will allow you to get something done about it.Confidence Building Blocks - Take long-lasting sexual endurance and to not reach its limits yet.You should give you some insight as to when would be asked about his sexual partner, he may have an issue in order to lower your blood and also finding ways to satisfy her in bed.
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