#its an introduction to furry
nico-moist-moses · 5 months
Guess who just learned how to draw crocodilian anthros! Ill post a fuller rendition later. for now, ~sneak peak~
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spooky-angel-eddie · 4 months
Eddie does an intro post..finally!!
Hello, my name is Eddie but i also go by Angel! I use He/They/It pronouns, i am gay and a demiboy
I am autistic, and that will be evident in my post because damn does it give me brain rot...
Although i am not sure how much i will actually post, when i do, it will probably be a variety of different things since i am multifandom and a multishipper!
──・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .*──
So, here are a few of the fandoms/things i am interested in that you might see on my blog..in no particular order:
The Rock-Afire Explosion & CEC
Five Nights At Freddy's
It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia
Furry Fandom
There are definitely more fandoms i am in but i doubt i will post about them very often
I will be posting OC content as well!
──・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .*──
Content Warnings:
It is important i mention that i am over 18, and some of my posts might be suggestive sometimes, so i am asking that people keep that in mind when looking at my blog!
There is a possibility that some of my posts may have some gore/horror content so be aware of that as well!
Stay safe and look after yourself
I would prefer if people did not send me private messages
I have a lot of headcanons and ships, and they will probably be featured in my posts. They are just my personal headcanons and ships, and it is cool if you agree with them! And if not, that is alright too! Please just try to avoid any negativity in my notes!
Similarly to that, i understand that some people dislike some fandoms, and of course that is alright too! But again, please do not bring that negativity, unprompted, to my blog!
More importantly now, i need to make everyone aware that although i accept everyone on my blog and it is a safe space..
This is my DNI list:
DNI paedophiles
DNI zoophiles
DNI problematic shippers
DNI racists, xenophobes, homophobes, transphobes and etc.
DNI AI "artists"
If i accidently interact with a post of someone who is/supports any of these things, please know it was purely accidental as i just do not check every single person's blog before liking a post, thank you!
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maydaymayday-mayday · 4 months
Hello! im May, and i draw and paint and all of that. I am disabled, I cannot work. But I try and be creative to pass the time and make myself useful. You can tip me on ko-fi if you feel I deserve it!
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There isn't much here now, but i want to be active! As health allows it! so- LOOK OUT TUMBLR!!! THE GREMLIN ARRIVED!!! IM small AND I DO BITE ANKLES
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thepradapariah · 4 months
Astrology Observations
Twin Flames 😇😈, Karmics 🪐 & Soulmates 🕊
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Hello to all the Kosmic Baddies!! And welcome to all the new ones! I ADORE you all. All the positive comments and words of encouragement really make my soul warm and it means the world to me that you enjoy the content as much as I enjoy making it.
You all have given me the energy to write something else! And I appreciate it because I get so bored……………………………………
Thank y’all. Love y’all and I hope y’all enjoy this post. If you aren’t interested in my definitions, you can scroll down to the observations. I promise, I won’t take it personally :)
With Love & Lust,
Unlike most of my other posts, this is a breakdown for how to read soulmate connections in a chart. Most of these observations are ones that me and my sister made just studying couples in pop culture and in our personal relationships. I thought it would be a fun post to write how I categorize these different kinds of relationships.
This post is probably my most subjective in awhile. These aren’t rules, per-say, but they are patterns I noticed when studying different relationships.
First, I will breakdown MY interpretations of what all these different titles mean, and then I will breakdown how they MAY appear in a chart. It is imperative to have the correct birth details for these observations to reign true. In Vedic Astrology, you don’t have to have a birth time because you can use these same calculations through the Moon chart. (Making the moon sign the ascendent. For instance, I am an Aquarius Sun and an Aries Moon, so my Moon chart starts with Aries. So my first house is in Aries, Second house in Taurus, third house in Gemini etc. My sister on the other hand is a Gemini Sun, Scorpio Moon, so her Moon Chart would be Scorpio in the first house, Sagittarius in the second house, Capricorn in the third house etc. Moon charts are a nifty thing to look at when doing astrological overlays, particularly if you don’t have an accurate birth time).
Again, just a friendly reminder that this is a PERSONAL OPINION piece. Now, for those of you who have been with me for my previous post, you know I’m not talking out my ass. So I can absolutely promise that I am giving you the most educated and thought out explanation that I can give at the moment. I am by no means the final say on ANY of this stuff, I am far from God and don’t want to be the judge or the jury…it is faaaarrr too much work. But please understand that there may be some things in this post you disagree with~ that is LOVELY, share your opinion with me in the comment section, I am more than happy to hear from you and listen to your insight!
But without further ado, let's break this down shall we?
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Hinduism, Buddhism. action, seen as bringing upon oneself inevitable results, good or bad, either in this life or in a reincarnation: in Hinduism one of the means of reaching Brahman.: Compare bhakti (def. 1), jnana.
Theosophy. the cosmic principle according to which each person is rewarded or punished in one incarnation according to that person's deeds in the previous incarnation.
Soulmates are just that– a mate for your soul. This is another soul, individual, or essentially another life force that you just “get”. Every relationship comes with its ups and downs and soulmates always seem to find one another no matter what. I find animals to be some of the BEST examples of soulmates out there. Isn’t it crazy how you can form a bond with another life force? I don’t find it to be a coincidence that animals and their hoomans can even look alike!
But enough with the furry friends, let's talk about hooman friends as well! Soulmates can also manifest as people (duh…)– whether super long lasting or a fleeting moment. Some friendships can prove to be some of the most profound soulmates in the course of a lifetime.
And of course…a soulmate can be a lover. We will discuss what can make a soulmate different from a twin flame further in the post. But yes, soulmates can absolutely manifest as boyfriends/girlfriends/theyfriends/husbands/wifes/partners etc. This is probably the most common and sought after kind of soulmate in mainstream culture, but I cannot express enough how soulmates can manifest in so many different ways. You know how Prince would rock out with that beautiful purple guitar? I consider that guitar to be a soulmate? After all, they shared a vibration and what is a man without his tools? As long as science says that everything is made up of tiny atoms, and each person, place, or thing contains its own vibration, we are bound to time and space by our soul’s connection. These types of connections help us move through the void of the darkness and chaos that is the universe, and we will be defined by the contracts of our souls through lifetimes and eons. (Smeeexxiiii, huh)
Twin Flames:
All twin flames are soulmates, but not all soulmates are twinflames. This is IMPERATIVE to understand when you are defining your connections for yourself. It seems to be trendy in mainstream culture to conflate the two, but these relationships have very distinct qualities and very different karmas (lessons). For the sake of starting on solid ground, let’s say that Twin Flames are like soulmates on steroids. Why? Because the contract level of Twin Flames can be an extremely heightened feeling and bring out the best and worst of ourselves so we can confront ourselves through a mirror like image, a reflection, if you will, so we can truly see ourselves through a 3rd eye perspective. Sounds like a lot of mumbo-jumbo, huh? Well, it kind of is. This may be a hot take, but it is an important one, NOT EVERYONE WILL EXPERIENCE A TWIN FLAME RELATIONSHIP IN THEIR LIFETIME. I repeat, NOT EVERYONE WILL EXPERIENCE A TWIN FLAME RELATIONSHIP IN THEIR LIFETIME. Why? Again, because this is HIGH level spiritual work that most souls just aren’t prepared to encounter. To be fair, just because it’s high level spiritual work does not equate to it being “high vibrational”. Most Twin Flame journeys deal with lower vibrations in order to raise them. So don’t confuse the work with the payoff. Twin Flames catapult one’s soul to the next dimension when it comes to spiritual growth and learning. One of the most popular modern examples of a Twin Flame relationship is…drum roll, please…Twilight (Spoiler Alert!). Bella started out as an innocent, run-of-the-mill suburban average teenage boring, blah blah blah, nothing-special kind of girl, with perhaps a proclivity towards darkness, who got entangled with a 300 year old vampire (or however old….), went on to experience the highs and very very very lows of a relationship, flirted with death, lost him, got him again, was deflowered, got pregnant, damn near lost her life trying to give birth and ultimately had to be “killed”/ “turned” by Edward– literally (or figuratively because it’s in a book…) “dying” to be born again and made anew. Essentially growing from an innocent virginal girl, to a very powerful woman & mother. Meanwhile, Jacob, who I would argue is simply a soulmate (see the difference…he was obviously the “safer” choice, but would not have sparked that dramatic of a shift in her soul) just watches from the sidelines. It’s just worth noting how traumatic that entire 4-book series and 5-part movie is from Bella’s perspective, but also from Edward’s. His darkness engulfed her willingly, like Hades to Perspephone. He wasn’t really a willing participant– until he unleashed all his passions and desires onto her. She reflected back to him a purer version of himself that was lost to the past and to his “vampirism”, while she was drawn to him to take her out of the mundane expectations of suburban living. Both parties were made to sacrifice a sacred part of themselves in order to embrace one another, but ultimately to embrace their truest form. For Bella, it was her becoming a mind-bending vampire…a FAR cry from the less than average suburban girl she started as. And for Edward, it was to bring love and happiness back into his life. He had to let go of his “I’m a monster” perspective of himself and see that although he is a lust driven, blood sucking, overly wealthy, perpetual teenager…he is…in fact, worthy of love. Awwww…now isn’t that just…romantic? To the teenage version of me…yes. To the adult version of me who has bills to pay…not so much. However, the story is a powerful one because it clearly illustrates the drama, the passion, the highs, the lows, the love, the lust, the hate, the envy in a spiritual twin flame connection.
(Tangent, but the word envy made me realize another key difference in the twin flame journey versus the soulmate or karmic journey…Envy plays a major part in twin flame relationships. There is something that you feel your twin has, that you feel like you don’t. Going back to our Twilight example, Bella envied Edward for his mystique, and his seemingly other worldly experiences. She envied his relationship to his own darkness. She found him interesting, to say the least. He was a masterful artist, a great pianist, wicked smart, and a selfless individual. Bella, at best, was a mid-level high school student. She didn’t have any talent, any hobbies, any desires. She was very boring and humdrum. She envied him for being so ridiculously complex. She was essentially a blackhole, wanting to be filled by him– sexually, physically, mentally, etc…She wanted nothing more than to dissolve into his world, inheriting his self-hatred and his life issues (like the Volutrie)...she envied his essence. On the other hand, Edward was envious of her purity. He found deep comfort in her lack-lusterness. She was beyond ordinary. So ordinary, in fact, she became extraordinary to him. To see a virginal young woman, full of life, and promise, brought him great desire. A desire he fought for like 3 books/movies. Edward, was by far, the “runner” in this scenario because he absolutely felt that his presence in Bella’s life would destroy her. And for what it’s worth, he was absolutely correct. He demolished her from the inside out– taking her virginity to ultimately making her a mother, an evolutionary act within itself. The triumph of the virgin to the whore pipeline (lol, no pun intended, but pun definitely accepted). Tangent over lol)
BUT what makes them a twin flame specific quality is the fact that you realize, you are actually the same. Edward was equally as dark as he was pure and same for Bella. There was no need to envy one another because they were both capable of all states of being. Edward and Bella are a good and bad example of twin flames, because they are the rare twin flames that stay together. So it’s beautiful they were able to find a middle ground and create a child and merge families–blah blah blah…but, that is pretty uncommon. MOST, not all, but MOST twins do not end up with a happily ever after. They usually are unable to reconcile their souls' differences. These relationships are usually to prepare one another for a high vibrational soulmate.
Karmic Soulmates:
Karmic Soulmates, are souls that have past-life unfinished business OR are meant to inspire a lesson that may or may not be resolved in this life in general. Karma/Karmic is a neutral term, so this type of relationship doesn’t have to be inherently good or inherently bad. It is a relationship that brings forth lessons so the soul can carry out the rest of its karmic mission. These relationships can play out in a romantic way, but they tend to be more on the platonic side. You can be in a Karmic relationship with your mother, brother, sister, teacher, etc. as well as a place! You can have a significant bond with a city, country, place and time. Anything that promotes the soul’s growth through support, challenges and forces you to learn, is a karmic contract/soulmate.
You are certainly meant to learn. But because of Karma being ruled by the planet Saturn, these relationships can go on for a long time, can be extremely difficult and will keep pressisting until the lesson is learned and the karma is fulfilled.
Karmics tend to have a negative connotation, particularly in the youtube tarot world, but it genuinely doesn’t have to be. In fact, I argue that all significant relationships are inherently karmic– be it clearing up Karma from a past-life, or creating new karma for the next.
Always remember, the universe is neutral. Lessons are neutral. Love/Hate is…neutral. We need not judge the nature of any relationship, including our own, if it means to help enlighten, enrich and grow our souls. We are social creatures and we don’t learn lessons about ourselves in a vacuum. Different souls, people, places, and things can trigger our growth in ways that we are incapable of imagining beforehand.
I say all that to say, as one of my favorite quotes from a family friend who passed away years ago said, “some things, you just don’t need to experience”. There will be times in life where you touch the fire and need to feel it to get burned…other times, you will know what that burning feels like and will turn away. This is the perfect system of Karma. Sometimes you will get burned, whether you “asked for it” or not, and other times, you will know that there is no need to even play with the fire to begin with.
So take everything in life with a grain of salt and a shot of whiskey! Life is supposed to be fun…even the not so fun parts! Live, laugh, love, lust & learn! Enjoy the moment.
(This is a great example of a non romantic karmic, he wrote this song for his grandmother who passed & it catapulted him to another dimension career wise)
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Observation 1
Do not underestimate the power of Chinese Astrology
Hear. Me. Out. I haven’t found a more accurate astrology for relationships than Chinese astrology. Crazy, I know. But Chinese Astrology is extremely straightforward. Screw the birth times, you just need a month and year and you’ve got all you need. I always joke that I exclusively date through Chinese Astrology, but I am seriously only half kidding (lol). I kid you not, whenever I study my relationships through this particular astrological lens, I am genuinely AWE STRUCK with how uncannily accurate it is. Try it! Next time you find yourself dating, or even checking the compatibility with your current mate, read a few articles and see how it lines up for you. I’m sure you’ll be pleasantly surprised. I manifest partners through their Chinese zodiac because I am so passionate about it! It hasn’t let me down yet!
***Note: I don’t have this as an official observation because it’s not astrologically based, but look into numerology as well when studying compatibility! It is VERY insightful.
Observation 2
Usually Twin Flames/Soulmates have Gemini placements somewhere in their personal planets or ascendent
So this take may not sit well with everyone, because you may feel limited in the types of soulmates you can encounter if you don’t have any Gemini placements. Fret not, keep reading, you may fit in another category.
I am not saying that this is the LAW, I am saying this simply is something I have noticed when studying what I consider twin flame relationships. In most Twin Flame/Soulmate relationships, the Zodiac sign of the twin is usually present for BOTH individuals/souls. The psychic nature of Gemini makes it very easy to just “get” someone, and feel as if you’ve known them for years. Have you ever heard two Geminis talk to one another? It can be hard to keep up with them!
Soooooo…..I feel the same to be true when it comes to these kinds of intense relationships.
It is also worth noting that Gemini is ruled by Mercury. Mercury/Hermes in Greek Mythology is the only God that can travel between Mt. Olympus (Heaven, so to speak) and The Underworld (Hell, if you will). I think this is important because it demonstrates why Gemini placements in particular can experience a love of such depth. It can go into the pits of hell and to the glories of heaven with ease, making it one of the most valuable placements for a twin flame relationship.
Another note is, in traditional tarot, The Lovers card is depicted by the twins. I feel this is a significant indicator of a deep soulmate connection because of the telepathy and how intertwined lovers/gemini energy can be. The inherent closeness of these soulmates is intrinsic to closeness that is required for any level soulmate/twinflame. Nonverbal communication can play a major role in these types of connections. As chatty as Geminis can be, it’s what they don’t say that ACTUALLY matters. Only another Gemini person would understand that.
Now, Virgo is also ruled by Mercury, but Venus is in detriment in the sign of Virgo. I don’t think Virgo fits this description as well, because Virgo is inherently about solitude, represented by The Hermit in traditional tarot, making it more about virginity/purity than about a 3D twin flame physical connection. To be honest, I just haven’t witnessed it as much when dissecting charts, but I will study it more and perhaps my opinion will change. But as of right now, I don’t believe Virgo placements depict as strong of a connection as Gemini in this case. Feel free to prove me wrong! I’m always open.
Back to Geminis…It seems so weird that Gemini energy would be the ones who attract such intense relationships because they seem so, unloving…but one of my favorite Gemini on Gemini relationships is Courtney Love (Gemini Sun & Moon) and Kurt Cobain (Gemini Moon). Ooof. OOOF. But it was like they had their own language and lived in their own world. Now, that relationship ended up in tragedy…but hey…they had some “fun” moments. They were so similar and too similar at the same time, that it fueled an outwardly bizarre connection, but to them it made perfect sense. This is the power that a double gemini connection can have. Minus to tragedy part.
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Observation 3
Twin Flames almost always have the SAME zodiac placements or DIRECT OPPOSITE zodiac placements.
This rule, without fail, is one of the most important and powerful observations that I have come across. If you are checking the zodiac for twin flame compatibility, I will almost say YOU MUST have the same or opposite placements in the big three (rising, sun, moon) and/or Venus and Mars.
This can be ANY SIGN in ANY HOUSE.
For example: You have Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Cancer, Rising in Sagittarius…Your twin could have Sun in Virgo, Moon in Taurus, Rising in Aries. Because the Sun and Moon are in opposite signs, you could experience a twin flame relationship.
Another example: You have Sun in Gemini, Moon in Aquarius, Rising in Pisces…Your twin could have Sun in Libra, Moon in Leo, Rising in Aquarius. Because the Moon and Rising are in the same sign, you could experience a twin flame relationship.
You can mix and match, as long as something mixes and other things matches (lol). I’ve seen so many charts of couples that share placements or have opposite placements and immediately I go “uh! Twin Flame!”.
I think this is due to the illicit push and pull nature/mirroring nature of Twin Flame relationships.
This is where “real” science comes in. All energy has an action and a reaction to create equilibrium. This is why this particular observation is so important. As I’ve stated from the beginning, when it comes to Twin Flame relationships, they are meant to teach, expand, challenge and heal, so it makes sense that you would be met with the opposite force and attract one another OR the same force and repel one another. (Let’s talk physics…think magnets…two positives and two negatives repel, but a negative and a positive attract…woot woot! Call me Bill Nye biiisshhhessss) The entire effect is to make your soul ebb and flow so it can reach a state of neutrality. You want someone to challenge your opinions and your sense of self so you can know what/ who you are. If you’ve never had a mirror, how do you know what you look like? Again, the same is true when someone is so similar to you. You may look at them and go “wow, is this how I come off?”. Just to reemphasis, I don’t want this to come across as an inherently negative thing, it doesn’t have to be. It just usually requires a highly developed spiritual understanding to see that. This particular alignment can give the “can’t live with em, can’t live without em” feeling.
If you have complementary placements, like your Sun is in Capricorn and your partner has their Moon in Taurus, this may be more of an indication of a soulmate connection. The same can be true if you are both air/air or air/fire or water/water or water/earth.
Now, another way you can see it is if you have opposing elements. But, I don’t think it reads as strong as actual zodiac signs.
Just to be clear, all my examples thus far have been using Sun, Moon and Rising, but this trick can extend to Mars and Venus. So let’s say you have Venus in Cancer and your partner has Mars in Capricorn…it counts!
Observation 4
For long-term compatibility, your partner’s Venus will be the same as one of your placements in your big three or your venus– ESPECIALLY WOMAN in Heteronormative connections or Males in same-sex relationships.
Trigger warning for those who are sensitive about pronouns…please use your imagination. I am talking about ANCIENT astrology, so it is rooted in traditional gender norms. You may disagree, that is fine, no judgment, but for the sake of this observation, you can bear with me…or ignore it. The choice is yours!
Now, I am talking about a man’s Venus placement here. In traditional astrology, Venus indicates the man’s wife. So if your “man” has Venus in Pisces, you may have Pisces Sun, Moon, Rising OR Venus/any other water placements. This would make you complementary. In fact, I would say if his Venus placement aligns with your chart, other placements in the chart won’t matter as much.
For example, You are a Gemini Sun, Libra Moon, Aquarius Rising. If your partner is a Pisces Sun, Cancer Moon, Scorpio Rising, BUT their Venus is in Gemini, Aquarius, or Libra…you’re in luck! From the big three, it may seem as if you are completely incompatible, but low and behold, your partner loves what you are putting down, so the “differences” may not be so different after all.
Venus is EXTREMELY important to long-term relationships. So is the 7th house. I won’t go down that rabbit hole for this particular post, but keep that in the back of your mind.
These connections may not be as intense as Twin Flame, but this is certainly a great indication for a wonderful connection. Let me say, like I said in the beginning, not every soul needs to experience a twin flame connection for its evolution. If you are wanting something more grounded, then follow this rule of thumb when checking initial compatibility with a partner.
BONUS: If your person’s Venus falls in your first house, this is a great indication of producing love at first sight! Now…other placements matter, obviously, but this is an extremely powerful indication of strong, immediate, attraction.
Side Note: For Women, you would look at your Jupiter placement for compatibility with your “husband”! I find that you can also use this rule for Mars when it comes to “boyfriends” as well.
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Observation 5
Synastry and Overlays Matter!!!!!!!
Synastry- When comparing two natal charts, this calculates the planetary alignment between two individuals.
Examples- Mars conjunct Venus or Sun trine Saturn
Overlay- When comparing two natal charts, this calculates how a person’s planets fall into another person’s house system.
Examples- Person A’s Jupiter is in Person B’s 8th House. Or Person A Venus sits in Person B’s First House.
(if these are new concepts to you, I HIGHLY suggest you do some research. Tumblr has some wonderful posts dedicated to these practices that are highly informative. I would love to do posts concerning synastry and overlays in the future!)
Okay, this may be the MOST important observation, but it is more advanced than Sun/Moon/Rising/Venus compatibility. This requires you to have knowledge of the WHOLE HOUSE system (sorry, western astrology) and deep comprehension of planets, conjunctions, oppositions, trines, squares and aaaaallll that good stuff.
My sister and I LOVE synastry and overlays. It really puts entire relationships into context to see how your chart lines up and what underlying energies you’re dealing with, regardless of the actual placements. How the planets react to one another and how those planets show up in your chart is MUY IMPORTANTE! Chances are, if you’ve read these other rules and they haven’t resonated with you, I guarantee, you’ve had a relationship that is based more on planetary alignment than zodiac compatibility.
(Just to be clear…this is why I started off with Chinese astrology…Chinese astrology is INSANELY accurate and doesn’t require nearly as much study as what I am saying here. DO NOT underestimate the power of Chinese astrology when it comes to compatibility. I love how accurate it is with very little information.)
With this rule, you don’t need birth times, but my goodness do they make an impact when doing overlays. If you don’t have accurate birth times, always remember you can do it off the moon chart, which essentially makes the moon the ascendent sign. Just know, for an accurate overlay, you will need to use the moon sign for BOTH charts. It will not be as accurate if you use your birth chart with an accurate birth time and overlay to their moon sign. It isn’t “wrong” per say, it just isn’t nearly as precise. You want to use the same charts. Moon charts overlay one another and natal charts overlay one another. If you have both birth times, then do both! Go wild! The more the merrier!
Now, I am not going to go in depth about what these two practices mean, because that’s an entire post within itself and I wanted to keep this one “short and sweet”. But I will say, for a rule of thumb, if you have strong trines, oppositions, and conjunctions with a person, that is an indicator of a twin flame, soulmate, and karmic connection. If you have Saturn, Pluto, Venus, Neptune and Mars with low orbs, this can indicate a soul contract/intense connection. If yours or their placements sit in your 1st/7th/8th/12th house, this can be a VERY strong indication of a powerful & spiritual connection. There are plenty of ways this can be mixed and matched. The relationship between two charts is so important, they are a study within themselves. I am only scratching the surface here, so if you are a novice, again, I cannot express enough how exciting it is to do some digging when it comes to this stuff in relationships.
There are plenty of free synastry calculators online, so please use them as a resource– even if you don’t understand the calculations, it is important to see the results. These placements can truly unlock a much deeper understanding of your relationships that you just won’t get when it comes to looking solely at your charts at face value!
Let me know if you’d like me to discuss these topics further moving forward! You know I love to spread the knowledge, and there is just something so sexy about synastry and overlays…it’s honestly one of my favorite parts about Vedic astrology!
Bonus: North Node/Rahu and South Node/Ketu can play a VITAL role when determining what kind of karmic relationship you are in.
Just kidding, there is no test, because I’m too lazy to grade anything, BUT here is an example of what I’m talking about when combining the previous observations. I am not doing a super deep dive, but I want you to see how everything overlaps and intersects.
Let’s use Rihanna and ASAP Rocky as an example. Their connection hits on a few different cylinders. Rihanna is an Aquarius Sun and ASAP Rocky has his Venus in Leo. Why does this matter? Although Rihanna is an opposite, so Sun opposition Venus, which is twin flame-y, she is a FAMOUS, CREATIVE, ENTERTAINER and MUSE…this is ALL dealing of the 5th House/Leo energy, so it make sense…for now…as to why he would be attracted to her. She has No Leo placements in her big three, but because it’s the opposite, we go to that push-pull magnet thing I was talking about earlier. As far as how their relationship will play out long-term, I have ZERO idea, but I can say their attraction to one another is very real, but it will probably be volatile at times because of the Sun Venus Opposition. I’m sure her ego will cause difficulties to his love language, BUT he may be able to take it, because his Venus is ruled by the Sun. See how layered and complex it can be? And we are just looking at one placement. They work because he enjoys the attention that she brings (not in a vampire way, just in a “wow, isn’t my lady so cool” kind of way) and he allows her to shine without dimming her light, while she enjoys the fawning that he gives her. He loves that his partner is larger than life and Rihanna is larger than life because…well…she’s Rihanna. She is able to appreciate him, because at this point in time, he doens’t in any way seem like he is trying to compete with her. He is a confident person who can stand beside and behind such a force, BECAUSE he has such a strong Venus placement.***
Relationships aren’t black and white. These are just observations and rules/patterns that I have found to be true. But as you’ll see, as I have presented, some things will contradict, some things won't make sense, what makes sense for one chart doesn’t make sense for another. Etc… This is such a fun topic because it really is like a puzzle. And it really is a case by case basis. The more in depth you can look at a chart, the more knowledge you can walk away with.
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Oof….okay, what a ride! (Can you believe I had the intention of this being a short post. HA!) I hope that you were able to take something away from this post and learn something new! As you can see…there is a very intricate science behind how soulmates/karmics and twin flames work. It is so much deeper than saying “oh wow, that’s my twin flame”...like…maybe? I feel mainstream spirituality/astrology/tarot has taken that phrase and run with it. And saying “if you identify as twin flames then you are” is misleading. It really isn’t something you “identify” with. They either are or are not your twin flame. There isn’t an in between. It is not ambiguous and it can be fact checked. Also, twin flame makes it seem like you can only have one…I don’t think that’s the case. I think you meet as many “twins”/mirrors/soulmates/karmics as you need until your soul learns the lesson. Have you ever felt like you just keep meeting the same person over and over and over again? That’s because we are talking about soul recognition and not necessarily 3D body recognition.
You may be attracting different “people”, but you could be attracting the same “spirit”. So don’t always get so hung up on a particular person. TRUST ME BABES, if there is unfinished business, that same energy will come back around over and over and over and over again until you geeeetttt ittttt.
Another note is, if you’re like me, and you have exalted Venus in Pisces conjunct Ketu…then every relationship feels twin-flame-y. Why? Because I have my relationship planet tightly conjunct my south node, so I am on a spiritual journey on my own when it comes to relationships…my twin flame is most likely…Jesus Christ…sooooooo……yeah. (I kid, I kid, but not really. My placement can indicate being a nun…and trust me, after dealing with the crap I’ve had to put up with when it comes to these men folks, I have absolutely considered giving my body to God…cuz these men just don’t do right…lol…anyways…) Men and relationships have become my life’s work…which is why I am here sharing this information with you today. Each relationship is very nuanced but all have similar themes.
I am very much into tarot and astrology and all the things, but I do feel like there is a fad going around about this twin flame business. And as much as I enjoy a tarot reading popping up on my tiktok talking about my “twin”, I am always acutely aware that it can be a mislabeling and inspire people to put up with all kinds of crap for the sake of the label. If you’re going to be in a shxtty relationship, then be in a shxtty relationship, but don’t misuse the word. Twin Flame does not automatically translate to terrible, explosive, runner-chaser relationships and it does not excuse poor behavior. There is a difference between someone who is making mistakes because they are trying to learn and someone who is taking advantage of someone who won’t stand up for themselves. Sometimes, someone you like, just doesn't like you and your ego in tandem with your fear of rejection/abandonment is preventing you from actually growing and pursuing a relationship that would benefit and promote your soul’s growth. It’s almost like getting stuck on level one of a video game. Until you beat that internal need for validation from one specific person/soul…you’ll never get to play the next part of the game. Now…this isn’t me saying that soulmate/twin flame/karmic relationships don’t have their downsides, but I am saying, at least know the kind of energies you’re dealing with before you go putting pressure on a presumably less evolved/knowledgeable individual expecting them to “challenge your soul” and you haven’t even challenged yourself. This whole twin flame ordeal is like handing a toddler some markers and leaving them alone in a room full of white walls– it is bound to get messy. Soulmates are a BEAUTIFUL thing. And very rarely, I mean VERY rarely can a twin flame move into a more relaxed “soulmate” relationship. It is not impossible, but the amount of effort that is required to transcend, is unbelievable. BOTH PARTIES have to be spiritually mature and aware to do the work. This connection is NOT one sided…BOTH individuals are required to learn, grow and HEAL. Mind you, healing is the main reason for these kinds of relationships. There is no way to heal when your relationships keep pouring salt into an open wound. People can get caught up with and hang on to people for far too long because of a mislabeling. It is equivalent to a misdiagnosis from a medical doctor. Sure, you may have a cold, but if they misdiagnose you with a broken leg…are you receiving the right treatment? NO! And now you won’t heal properly! TO BE CLEAR…I believe in fate– so if you meet someone and you have an extraordinarily intense connection, you probably fit one or more of these rules and THAT IS why I am making this post. I want you to do the research for your own sanity so you can express FREE-WILL in whether you want to walk down that path or not with a certain individual– while also knowing the other person has free-will too. No label, or synastry, or overlay, or Chinese compatibility will change the fact that you may be fated to meet someone, but free-will may take you down different paths.
On another, equally important note…It is also possible to end up and stay with the wrong person. It is! You may look at a chart and follow some of these patterns and realize, you have NO BUSINESS with that individual. But people end up with the wrong people all the time. People have wasted LIFETIMES with someone they had no business with. But their ego decided they were a “soulmate” or a “twin flame” or they aren’t “healed”/spiritually awaken enough to realize they can do better…and low and behold…they were wrong and they wasted precious time. Now they’re miserable, can’t figure out why, and they end walking straight past a real soulmate in a supermarket…unable to even recognize them because they are so bogged down and clouded in their unhealed ego and a bad relationship that has cut them so far off from their own divinity, they can’t recognize love if it smacked them in the face. DON’T LET THAT BE YOU!
THERE ARE LEVELS TO RELATIONSHIPS!!!!!!!!! Not every soulmate will be as intense as the next. Not every boyfriend/girlfriend will be as compatible as the last. Love is a game of musical chairs. There is movement, there is stillness, seats get taken away, and eventually, there is a winner. And babe, it will ALWAYS be you. You will always be the last one standing when it comes to relationships because you have free-will. (Let’s not forget the importance of the 1st House/7th House axis. You vs Relationships. It is as equally you as it is them.) You are bound by nothing. You are bound to no one. You are love. You are light. If you do the work, you may find a wonderful, loving, long-lasting relationship full of romance, but this is not guaranteed. You AND your partner have to choose each other every single day. The best relationships require discipline, work, forgiveness, “God”/some higher power, and love– no matter who you cross paths with in this life…you have to do this for yourself first and foremost. Alas, if you are too caught up in people who won’t meet you in the 3D, let alone the 5D…you will always fall flat of what you are looking for. The chair will always be ripped from under you when the music stops. Always. All of this is irrelevant if it doesn’t come from within. And this is why I want to express it one last time…NOT EVERYONE WILL EXPERIENCE A TWIN FLAME CONNECTION. You don’t understand how much you have to overcome rejection, overcome fear, overcome lust, desire, ego ALL the things, to open yourself up enough to join forces with another soul and try to tackle life together. Your ultimate lover is not your savior– they are your equal. You have to save yourself. You are not your ultimate lover’s savior. THEY have to save themselves. You ain’t super(wo)man and they aren’t either. Your partner has to be willing to do the same work…THAT’S what makes them a twin. It is not because they are treating you like shxt, babes…
Learn the lessons. Do the work. Love every bit of the journey…especially the crappy parts, because THAT’S what will make it all worth it in the end and you’ll enjoy the beautiful parts as much as the Greek Gods enjoy sweet nectar and ambrosia.
Why is this important to differentiate? Why now?
Now, one thing is for sure…and two things for certain, I am psychic and I have seen in my crystal ball that there is heavy energy of union in the atmosphere. I am hoping that whoever stumbles upon this post, is on the path of self-discovery which ultimately leads to liberation because not all union is good union. (I think covid brought in a lot of bad unions for example…but that is another topic for another day). The days are getting darker, and the evil forces are getting stronger (am I being dramatic enough for ya?) so it is important to know exactly what we are all up against. Only few are chosen to be in relationships that are led by light. There is so much overwhelming darkness now and I don’t want anyone that I am influencing to fall into the trap. There is potential for WONDERFUL, POWERFUL, SEXY, LOVING, LONG-LASTING & HIGHLY SPIRITUAL unions right now. But you may be tempted by something that seems beautiful and it is nothing of the sort. So please, do your research. Love with all your heart. Let spirit lead you! Let love find you, there is no need to seek it out! Take calculated risk! Open up your heart chakra! But ultimately, always be mindful of the wolves in sheep's clothing.
Ciao ✌🏾
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2996-sana · 10 months
kookeu's divorced parents
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summary: exes to lovers / could this be the start of a new chapter? nayeon let out an exaggerated sigh as her phone pinged, drawing attention to the message on the screen.
y/n: nayeon, i need to see kookeu. it's been two weeks.
rolling her eyes, nayeon swiftly typed back.
nayeon: busy week ahead. can't make it.
chaeyoung, across the practice room, noticed nayeon's dramatic reaction and playfully inquired, "what's bothering you, unnie?"
the question piqued the interest of the other members, who were lounging on the practice room floor after a tiring practice.
nayeon, adopting a frustrated tone, spilled the beans. "y/n is asking about kookeu again."
"sounds like a serious kookeu withdrawal,” momo said.
tzuyu, offering sensible advice, suggested, "just let her see kookeu, unnie. after all, you both adopted him."
"why have you been gatekeeping kookeu lately anyway?" jihyo questioned.
"rumor has it nayeon thinks y/n might be off the market. they’re preparing for a custody battle." jeongyeon, seizing the opportunity to tease nayeon giggled.
nayeon gasped and playfully tossed her cap at jeongyeon. "so what if she is? i don’t care.”
sana leaned in with an exaggerated expression. “kookeu might be meeting his stepmom soon.”
mina, usually reserved, chimed in, "maybe that's why y/n is so eager to see kookeu – she's planning introductions.”
"you two are relentless. kookeu is just a dog, and y/n wants to see him because... because she misses him.” nayeon sighed in mock exasperation. "i can't believe i'm entertaining this conversation. y/n just wants to see kookeu, that's it.”
"are you trying to convince us or yourself?" jeongyeon couldn't help but raise an eyebrow,
chaeyoung chimed in with a giggle, "yeah, unnie, and what's with the sudden detective work? last i checked, she was single."
nayeon, brushing off the playful accusations, rolled her eyes, "since when have you and y/n been besties? anyway, it's not like i'm jumping to conclusions here. two weeks ago, i was at her place, bringing kookeu, the usual routine, right? and then, out of nowhere, a new scent lingered in the air. now, i'm not crazy, but we all know y/n is practically married to that jo malone perfume of hers. so, naturally, i found it a bit suspicious."
"did you ask her about it, unnie?" tzuyu asked.
nayeon, adopting a defensive stance, quickly replied, "no! why would i? it's none of my business anyway."
the other girls exchanged knowing looks. despite nayeon's attempt to sound nonchalant, they were pretty sure she considered it very much her business.
"momo, i'll be off now," nayeon announced from her living room, catching momo's attention. in nayeon's arms was kookeu, and as momo approached, she couldn't resist showering the furry friend with affection, planting kisses on the small dog.
"are you going to see your other mommy today, kookeu? be good, okay," momo cooed to the little dog, who wagged its tail in response.
nayeon, feigning dramatic exasperation, sighed, "yeah, we gotta go."
during the drive, nayeon found it challenging to shake off her nerves and growing annoyance. how dare you be seeing someone new? and to top it off, bringing her to your place? though she tried to convince herself that she didn't care, the possessive feeling lingered. she justified it as merely being protective of kookeu—what if he started favoring the new step-mom over her?
the door of your apartment swung open, and nayeon couldn't help but appreciate the cozy atmosphere you exuded. clad in just a grey hoodie, you looked incredibly cute, and nayeon briefly considered going in for a hug but dismissed the idea as too awkward. instead, she gently placed kookeu on the floor, who immediately dashed inside your apartment and offered a small wave, "hi."
you greeted your ex-girlfriend with a grin, pulling her into a warm hug, "hi, nayeon. i missed you," before turning your attention to kookeu, adding, "and you too, of course, my cute little angel baby."
nayeon couldn't suppress a smile at the heartwarming scene. your affection for kookeu had always been evident, and one of the most challenging aspects of the breakup was being separated from him. although you both adopted him together, it was nayeon's idea, so you respected her decision to let him stay mostly at her place. but now, as kookeu darted around your apartment, nayeon couldn't help but miss this—coming home to you and spending time together with kookeu.
the nostalgia was interrupted by a familiar scent, the lavender that now put her in a sour mood. fond feelings evaporated, replaced by a sense of irritation.
clearing her throat, nayeon headed for the couch, engrossing herself in her phone. after a while, you joined her, dropping kookeu on the floor to explore your space. "how have you been? how are the girls?"
"they're okay," nayeon replied dryly, raising an eyebrow at your concerned expression.
"are you okay?"
"why wouldn't i be?" nayeon scoffed, glancing around the room, noticing the changes in your once-empty space. it used to lack personal touches, as most of your things were at her place. now, with new furniture and decorations, she couldn't help but wonder if you chose them with your new girlfriend. bitterness crept in. "i like what you've done with the place."
"right? i've been having fun decorating, i guess," you sighed. "had a bit of help, though, so i can't take all the credit."
nayeon raised her eyebrows, curious. "oh? from who?"
before you could answer, the doorbell rang. "oh! i had food delivered. your favorite," you exclaimed, rushing to get the food.
as you both indulged in the meal, she momentarily forgot about the new person in your life, and it felt like old times—sharing a meal, joking around. nayeon's momentary lapse allowed the bitter feelings to dissipate, and for a while, it was almost comfortable. however, beneath the surface, a part of her cursed the constant reminder of your shared responsibilities, especially when it involved seeing you so often. if only she didn't have to be around you so frequently, maybe moving on would have been a little easier for her.
her thoughts wandered to the desire to lean in and wipe the side of your mouth, as she used to do when eating together. and when you did something particularly cute, she wished she could just start making out with you right then and there on the floor of your apartment. god, she missed kissing you. it was a luxury she no longer had, unfortunately.
"you look really pretty today," you said with a flirty smile.
nayeon snickered, finding the compliment amusing despite herself. she couldn't deny that your attention had a certain appeal, even though she tried to keep things light.
the moment, however, was rudely interrupted by the intrusive buzz of your phone. annoyance flickered across nayeon's face as she quipped with a teasing edge, "is that your new girlfriend?”
confusion etched your features, "you're being ridiculous. you were the one who wanted to end things. why do you care about my personal life now?”
nayeon gasped, attempting nonchalance, "i don't care if you're seeing someone new. i just find it amusing that you're inviting me over, buying me food, and flirting when you have someone else.”
"so, you don't care then? if i'm with someone else?" you asked, a hint of skepticism coloring your voice.
nayeon hesitated before responding, "no, i don't. besides, she has dreadful taste in scents. lavender? suffocating."
despite her attempt at nonchalance, you sensed there was more to nayeon's feelings. "what about you, nayeon? i'm sure the long line of admirers hasn’t dwindled. who's been hitting you up this week? how many responses did they get?"
the shadow of past insecurities lingered, fueled by the knowledge of nayeon's charm and the potential admirers seeking her attention now that you were no longer together.
nayeon felt a mix of frustration and unspoken emotions. she wanted to assure you that no one else occupied her thoughts, that you were the constant presence in her mind. but right now, she couldn't bring herself to offer any comforting words.
“we’re leaving,” as she announced her departure, nayeon felt a firm grip on her arm, stopping her in her tracks.
you seemed weary, worn out by the misunderstanding. with a tired tone, you clarified, "there's no one new. i just wanted to try something different, so i got a lavender diffuser. see?" your finger pointed towards the diffuser a few feet away, emphasizing the innocence of your actions. "you're so stupid, nayeon."
embarrassment tinged nayeon's cheeks as she noticed the lavender diffuser on the table. "o-okay," she stammered, taken aback by the realization.
your teasing tone cut through the tension, "you don't sound like someone who doesn't care."
nayeon rolled her eyes, unwilling to admit how your words affected her. she opted for silence, gazing at the floor in an attempt to conceal the hints of vulnerability.
your sigh broke the quiet, and the frustration in your voice was palpable. "i... there's not going to be anyone new for a long time, nayeon," you confessed. "i don't know why you think i'd move on so quickly. i didn't even want to break up in the first place."
nayeon chuckled, trying to ease the tension. "no one's getting replies from me either," she joked, meeting your gaze with a hint of contemplation.
feeling the unspoken emotions, nayeon decided to break the tension with an unexpected move.
she closed the gap between you, gently pressing her lips to yours. so gentle you almost don’t feel it at first. you sigh against her mouth. your head is spinning and your heart pounding at the realization that you’re kissing her.
deep down, both of you acknowledge that it's time to figure things out and maybe give your relationship another shot. however, for now, you prefer to let your actions speak louder than words.
"wanna take this to my bedroom?"
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bloodpen-to-paper · 4 months
Qsmp Finale Moments That Take Me Back to the Start (And Other Things I Enjoyed)
-Pre-stream chatting between streamers and their chats. Friendly teasing, funny donos, and talk about what's gonna happen next
-Quackity and Pol chatting while Bagi tries to kill Mike in the background. Q and Vegetta talking about using the plane to go to Andorra while Foolish yells about having a bomb to Cellbit and Tina. The chaos of people doing something crazy while others have calm conversations on the side
-The feeling before an event stream, when you're waiting for the timer to count down as you listen to the cinematic music. You and the others in chat, holding hands
-The admins doing lore cinematics, the kind that you might've needed to get used to since its all in Minecraft but that in this community gets your blood pumping and your eyes bright
-Streamers doing lore cinematics to make some goofy ass plotline where they turn into a rat or an egg
-The voice of Cucurucho
-Vegetta and Foolish being obnoxiously flirtatious, especially in public
-Bagi and Tina running towards each other with no hesitation
-Baghera and Cellbit wearing gas masks. Bolas. Always.
-Quackity not being able to teleport on his own server cause he's eternally broke (and only realizing he has no money when he's at the teleporter. and having to ask the admins for tps)
-Tazercraft coming in with the gimmicks, Zombie Mike and Pacovo
-Various multilingual conversations happening at the same time
-Seeing all the BibleThump crying emojis in chat when something sad happens, and the kkkkkkk's and jajajaja's when its something funny
-The streamers taking asides to set up the real time translation, for all the languages
-the hug emote being used. group hugs
-Tina making high pitched noises to signal distress
-Funny screenshots from the translators above the cubitos heads and the in-game chat messages
-Reunions with the more inactive members when they finally log on again
-Everyone getting abruptly tp'd to spawn and immediately screaming
-Quackity being reminded about his lack of houses
-The buildings. The Wall. Fit's gym. Foolish's Titan. Baghera, Vegetta, Cellbit's houses. The train station. Spawn.
-People killing each other out of boredom waiting for the event to start
-Foolish revealing that Cellbit killed the Fed workers
-Pierre greeting people with "hola!"
-The special way Bad greets Pierre and Baghera, the french speakers
-Group visits to the museum
-People (Quackity) moaning over Vegetta in a suit
-Pierre whining for Maximus
-The part in the museum with the server's historical items. The memories every one of these items brings back. The reminder of how much this project meant to the admins who put it all together, and how much it meant to us
-Foolish and Pol laughing as soon as they see each other, and Fit being there to witness it all over again
-"Quackity pay the server"
-Quackity being obsessed with Fit's baldness
-Pierre being a furry
-Maximus being a furry
-At least one person having the rainbow jelly effect
-Lucky Ducks mention
-Vegetta freaking out over copyright music
-Cellbit revealing he stole the Gem of Fobo
-Cellbit throwing a tantrum cause he never got to kill Empanada, followed by Bagi critting him
-The sound of a chainsaw revving. Baghera laughing not long after
-People trying to break out of designated event areas to explore
-Everyone getting tp'd to an event location on the same block and immediately taking damage from entity cramming (and then screaming)
-My computer lagging the fuck out during streams. This isn't something I miss in fact its something that infuriates me to the point of violence but the prompt was "things that take me back to the start" so here it is
-Q, Pierre and Vegetta walking in on Pol shitting and refusing to leave
-Quackity hitting on random men
-The introduction of a new launcher. The feeling that shit's about to get real
-CCs immediately crashing after the introduction of a new launcher
-cine. cinema. the PopCorn emote
-That eerie, electrifying feeling when the CCs have been transported to an entirely new place, far from home...
-Foolish getting downed 2 seconds into the new location
-Bad running away from the group shouting "every man for himself!"
-The puzzles. Enigmas. The CCs having to work together however chaotically in order to solve them
-Quackity panicking and going "we're fucked" over and over as soon as they're given an objective
-Foolish, Cellbit and Quackity screaming at each other over the radios (sometimes in fear, sometimes just because they can)
-At least one person suggesting cannibalism upon realizing they've been left to the wolves
-Cellbit locking in and working through the enigmas
-Bad and YD chatting, being in their own little bubble
-People getting the radios and immediately messing around with them and using them to insult each other
-Pierre asking "how does this thing work?" and Quackity excitedly explaining the transceiver before a beat of awkward silence and Pierre going "I MEANT THE MAP"
-Foolish's 10/10 voice acting making the horror event feel genuinely tense
-Fit using the transceiver to say "buttcheeks" and Cellbit going "what the fuck is wrong with you" in that way he does
-Cellbit bringing up who he'd eat first if they run out of food
-The admins getting one last opportunity to jumpscare the players with scary soundbites
-Fit saying "calma" when Pac starts freaking out
-Those special conversations that happen when the CCs are having to travel long distances
-Bagi traveling with a blue bird and calling it Jaiden
-Quackity seeing a crow and calling it Philza
-Seeing skeletons and scattered codes on the floor
-Dungeons. Code fights.
-Quackity explaining the Federation lore to YD. YD being the last newbie to get The Talk from an existing member who's dealt with the Federation first hand. Carrying on the tradition.
-The realization that the Federation were the ones that brought the August batch to the island. That the Feds were the ones who encased them in ice all those months ago. We might've known, but now they know
-Pac and Mike figuring out how to exploit game mechanics
-Maxo talking about atomic bombs
-Maxo immediately interrogating YD on her Federation allegiances
-The sight of an egg running around. The ghost of what once was
-Players getting downed either to stupidity or op mobs and having to wait around for revives
-Tina speaking spanish with Maxo, and them speaking korean with YD. Fit speaking portuguese around Pac, Foolish speaking spanish with Vegetta, and Vegetta speaking english with Foolish
-Quackity hitting on Badboyhalo
-Pierre and Maxo being the way that they are (the way they haven't been able to be in so long)
-Tina finally telling people she's a demon. Tina telling Bagi, who already knew. Who stills loves her.
-CCs crashing and having to wait for the server to start back up
-Autotune Quackity
-The Bad x Cucurucho allegations
-Baghera distributing random items she definitely should not have
-Cellbit antagonizing Tina on principle and her clapping back that she's marrying his sister
-Maxo getting bombs and having them stolen by the admins
-Quackity telling Baghera and Cellbit to throw up in his mouth and Baghera being 100% down no questions asked and doing it (while Cellbit runs away from these freaks)
-LGBTQsmp jokes
-Pierre's incredibly horny type of humor
-Cellbit telling Tina he'll be at the wedding
-Bad stealing all the couches
-The players being utterly unable to find the elevator they need and deciding to just destroy the entire house
-The admins having to replay a cinematic because it didn't play the whole way through the first time
-Bad admitting to stealing all the couches. All of them.
-Old Ordo and Resistance members getting together for theory meetings. Pac telling everyone about the Codes in the basements. Everyone communicating their way through building the escape plane like a well-oiled machine. The familiarity of it.
-It happening amidst Maxo singing the Halo theme with reverb right next to their ear
-The sky turning red
-The Codes being enemies
-Bad getting absolutely swarmed by mobs as Foolish comically screams in the background
-SOFIA. Her and Maxo. Maxo's final moment in the spotlight.
-Running through the old Federation hallways. The last rush to find the exit. To freedom.
-The final cinematics. Getting kicked from the server.
-"Thank you for participating :)"
-Elena's montage of all the old bases and moments. Her saying the hell she went through was worth it for the beauty of what she saw and experienced with the players. The Qsmp's message to us.
-Vodwatching lore you missed cause you slept through it
-Scrolling through the Qsmp tag to find all the details of streamer POVs you missed
-Liking fanart, seeing people's reactions, memes, clips. Laughing together, crying together, theorizing and taking in every last little detail. Seeing people make the most cursed comments under Cucurucho thirst art. Seeing people cry over images of the eggs. In all languages. On the Qsmp.
-Being part of a community. Being Here. Juntos.
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someone needs to investigate the link between hentai and furry because from the furry art i sometimes see on this website, most seem to have pornbrain. they almost always have the same anime like drawing style, im always embarrassed they call themselves artists when there is nothing creative about that drawing style. im sure there are some furries who treat it like cosplay more than a sex thing but it very much is a sex thing. if you type in furry in tumblr search bar you will see kink shit within the first few posts, and of course enlarged breasts. furries do have a zoophilia and zoosadism problem in their community too, unsurprisingly. how many kids first introduction to kink is through furry stuff online? you take these characters appealing to kids, often even from kids shows, and sexualise them in the wildest ways possible. my first exposure to vore was through furry fetish „art“ on this website when i was a minor still.
none of this has anything to do with being same sex attracted. and i think most trans people would also be offended to be compared to people who have a fetish for (cartoon) animals. and „dressing weird“ and „looking different“ are not inherently lgb characterisitics.
this is why i hate the term „queer“. to me its not a slur because im german and we have no equivalent (to my knowledge), the literal english term was introduced here as an umbrella term - we even have a „queer beauftrage“ („queer deputy“) in the national government. „queer“ is always associated with lgb and now trans people (who are already two different groups with divergent interests and the only reason we‘re historically tied is because transvestites used to be homosexual). now all sorts of kinksters and „sexual minorities“ attach themselves to this. we already have an issue with how bold both bdsm and pedophilia groups are in germany. they love that „queer“ is associated with gays and lesbians and their valid advocacy for same rights, same sex marriage, and so on, which gives legitimacy to the tqa++* since gay and lesbian acceptance has increased since the 2010s (and now back to decreasing because of gender nonsense and worse, these other groups), while at the same time not meaning same sex attracted which allows anyone considering themselves a „sexual minority“ - such as furries - to call themselves „queer“, leeching of the legitimacy of the gay rights movement while at the same time undoing progress of the movement by branding same sex attracted people „queer“, weird, different, basically the same as having a fetish. fuck off!
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audible-smiles · 8 months
So, I think I may have accidentally found the worst book ever written by a human being.
I don't know if you guys have ever heard of Savitri Devi; she was a Hitler stan who moved from Greece to India, got really excited about "Aryan" racial mythology, changed her name, and tried to fuse Nazism with Hinduism. A lot of her ideology is patently absurd (e.g. Hitler is an avatar of Vishnu), but none of it is funny because she spent her entire life actively trying to build a coalition of the most violently racist people you can imagine. Hindutva paramilitary groups, American neo-Nazis, early ecofascists; you name them, she probably went to their meetings and wrote propaganda for them.
So, knowing this, it makes one feel particularly deranged to learn that she also wrote fiction about- and from the POV of- her many cats.
The book in question is called Long-Whiskers and the Two-Legged Goddess, or The True Story of a "most objectionable Nazi" and half-a-dozen Cats.
Published in 1965, this text features a protagonist named "Heliodora", who Devi admits in the introduction is just her lightly fictionalized self-insert. In the beginning Heliodora heroically rescues a stray kitten and its mother, but then the narrative grinds to a halt to explain the weird racial theories that brought her to India, before it picks right back up with the cat fancying. Here is an excerpt that may convey a little of how jarring these transitions can be:
"An unexpected thought crossed Heliodora’s mind, like a flash of lightning: “Had I gone to Europe in 1939, or even in 1940, 1 should not have had this lovely creature, nor, in fact, any of these cats to which I have given a home. They probably all would have been dead, by now — would have died of misery, in some gutter, without love, poor beautiful felines!” And a strange question followed that thought: “Was it for them that I was fated to remain here?” She knew the thought was a nonsensical one and the question too. For of what account was the life and happiness of any creatures, nay, of any human beings, including her own, compared with the Service of the Aryan Reich and of the Cause of truth?
It is all. Fucking. Like This. There are grim descriptions of feline suffering contrasted with long, ecstatic descriptions of her cats learning to trust the only nice human in the world (her). There are passages on the virtue of vegetarianism and the evils of (especially Kosher) slaughterhouses. She thinks it's a great idea to do medical experiments on criminals rather than animals! She thinks kids who throw rocks at cats should have their hands cut off! She starts chapters with direct quotes from Mein Kampf! When her favorite cat runs away she writes the (fully imaginary) story of his adventures on the streets, including him having cat sex. Here is the cat sex:
"The coquettish she-cat jumped up and ran away, only to stop again some twenty yards further and again to roll in the grass, calling for love, — and again to ran away as soon as the lover was about to take her. At last, however, — after many an unsuccessful leap and further and further galloping in the moonshine, Long- whiskers overcame her faked resistance and possessed her. He forgot himself, and she — his black silky panther — forgot herself. Their individualities ceased for a while to exist, and in him, the eternal He-Cat, Creator and Lord of everything, and in her, the co-eternal, sphinx-like, dark Feline Mother, Lady of all Life, once more mingled their opposite polarities and took consciousness of their double Godhead, as they had been doing for millions and millions of years. And once more the divine spark — the Creative Lightning — flashed through their furry bodies, and the daily miracle took place: there was life in the female’s womb."
Sooooo......anyway...........the lost cat finds its way back to her, but has caught feline distemper and dies in her arms, but then he is REINCARNATED IN ENGLAND, as a kitten in a decent (white) home where his family loves him. Heliodora is coincidentally going back to Europe at this time (she lists her religion as "national socialist" on the travel paperwork), which means we get pages and pages of her obsessing over every 'misstep' in the war, and Germany's tragic loss, but more importantly, she meets a random cat and he is (unknown to her), the reincarnation of her beloved Long-whiskers, the Cat Who Fucked. She sees that he's well-fed and happy and is like "I finally understand why Hitler was so nice to the British; they treat cats well so I guess they're Aryan too". I am not making any of this up:
“They have poured streams of fire over Germany; betrayed their own race; identified themselves with its worst enemies ...”
“Prrr, prrr, prrr,” purred back the cat; “that is because they had been (as they are still being) misled, deceived. But one day they shall wake up from their delusion, tum against their bad shepherds, and help the people of their own blood to build up a new Europe — the very Europe of your dreams, in which we creatures will all be happy — for they are good people at heart; good people like Aryans generally are, taken as a whole. Prrr, prrr, prrr . . . The proof of it is that they have taken such good care of me! Prrrrrrrrr . . .”
This version of her cat grows old and dies. Meanwhile, Heliodora is arrested and imprisoned for distributing Nazi propaganda. When she gets out, she meets the reincarnation of a different cat she had left behind in India. (All of her cats want to find her again after death because they love her so very much.) In between her banal, mundane descriptions of caring for this new cat, she describes her various arrests, interrogations, and brief periods of imprisonment. And then she moves, gives that cat away and gets another fucking cat. It is at this point where I completely lose track of which cat is meant to be the reincarnation of which other cat; this woman goes through cats like potato chips. She says she doesn't even love them as individuals, but as one piece of "the intangible Essence of Catdom", so I guess it doesn't fucking matter whether I know their names or not.
This woman's primary thesis is "human suffering doesn't matter, only animal suffering matters" and she beats it into the ground. Her secondary thesis is that national socialism is the one true religion and will save the world. Not only is this a deeply self-obsessed, morally incoherent, grotesque piece of writing, it is also boring as hell. It's half stories about how people who are mean to animals all deserve to get murdered, and half a travelogue where the protagonist goes on screeds about race-mixing every time she visits a new city. While you're reading it you feel as if time has stopped, and you will be stuck reading this terrible book for the rest of your life. All she knows how to do is repeat her two ideas over and over again. Honestly, it reads like heavy-handed satire of a very specific type of white woman. Heliodora wears golden swastika earrings.
I'm exhausted. Never read this book.
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shapeofshifter · 8 days
[ Introduction ]
Hello!! My names are Martin/Elias. I wanted to start a blog to rant about otherkin and therian stuff but i am not very good at being active online.. I'll just post whenever i feel like it me thinks :3 feel free to dm me or interact in any way !! I am a big enjoyer of questions..
[ Info ]
[ I am 6teen ] [ My blog is not safe for littles or age regressors!! despite being one myself. i do not consider my content suitable :( ] [ I am trans masc. aroace. gay. polyamorous and genderless :3 ] [ I am a pronouns + xenogender + name hoarder ]
[ Pronouns ]
[ He/They/It ] [ Sh3/Hxr/H☆rs/H♡rselfs ] [ H3/Hxm/H☆s/H♡mself ] [ Th3y/Thxm/Th☆irs/Th♡mself ] [ Xe/Xemself ] [ Mew/Meowself ] [ Bite/Biteself ] [ Vix/Vixen ] [ Fau/Faunself ] [ Star/Starself ] [ Pon/Ponyself ] [ Arf/Barkself ] [ Fog/Fogself ] [ Eye/Eyeself ]
[ Interests ]
[ Podcasts: The Magnus Archives. The Magnus Protocol. Malevolent. Welcome To Night Vale ] [ Shows: Good Omens. Hannibal. Madoka Magica. Gravity Falls. Dhmis. Sanders Sides. Our Flag Means Death. Sonic Prime ] [ Object shows: Hfjone. Its Time For The. Love Of The Sun ] [ Games: Cookie Clicker. Metal Gear Solid. Plants VS Zombies. The Stanley Parable. Gmod. Fnaf. Roblox. DBH. Minecraft. Portal. Cookie Run Kingdom. The Beginners Guide. Animal Jam (Specifically the trading system..) ] [ Misc: Despicable Me Franchise. Sonic The Hedgehog Movies. LPS. Jerma. Roleplay. Speculative Biology. Horror. Pony Town. ARGs. Psychology. Writing. Art. Online Trading Systems. All Tomorrows. Furry Fandom. Indistinct Chatter ]
[ Kin Types ]
[ Therian Kin Types: Wolves. Octopus. Deer. Sheep. Horses. Ponies. Nudibranch ] [ Otherkin Types: Shapeshifter. Naga. Angel (Throne and Principalities). Winged Human. Celestial. Vampire. Galactic Whale. Object Head (Multiple). Moth Humanoid. Demon. Faun. Deity ] [ Fictionkin Types: Eye/Stranger/lonely Avatar (TMA). Stranger!Martin Blackwood. Martin Blackwood. Jonathan Sims ] [ Conceptkin types: Empathy. Deceit. Theatrics. Balance. Justice. Sight. Onism. Omnipresence ] [ Objectkin Types: Old Computers. Red Rotary Phones. Phone Booths. Cassette Tape Recorder. ]
There may be some kin types i am forgetting...But if i wrote everything down i would be here all day because my identity is incredibly fluid !! Apologies if the formatting is a bit bad or boring or if i made any grammatical errors. i am tired </3 https://meatboyandfriends.carrd.co/ commission info <3
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asqadia-banthen · 12 days
Introduction!! :3
I go by buddy, bud, Neb, skelly, or whatever nicknames u wanna call me :D
I use any pronouns, including neopronouns, but I prefer it/its
sexuality: uranic, diamoric, demiromantic, objectum
gender: agender, cassgender
I am a furry, therian, otherkin, and fictionkin (list of kintypes already posted) 🐾
I’m objectum and attracted to headphones, water trick snakes, nanobugs/hexbugs, plushies, semi trucks, and traffic lights 🎧🌊🐛🐨🚛🚦
I am autistic, I have selective mutism and many sensory issues ♾️
my special interest is dragons :3 🐉 (ask me about them!)
I like to draw, so I am open for requests ^^
NSFW centered blogs allowed to interact, but I won’t interact with your content
I love collecting things, such as bones, feathers, rocks, 4+ leaf clovers (most leaves on one was 7) 🍀
I follow back!!
I am interested in dragons, animals, mashed potatoes, analog horror, music, and art
sloth bear
honey badger
gray fox
red standard poodle
black cat
golden tabby / strawberry tiger
harbor/common seal
gelada baboon
wild rabbit
norway lemming
syrian hamster
sperm whale
wild boar
suri alpaca
spectral bat
hyacinth macaw
bald eagle
song sparrow
wild turkey
emerald tree boa
common acorn barnacle
eastern tiger swallowtail butterfly
oasis dragon
fuji dragon
brown werewolf
harpy wingkin
P03 (Inscryption)
sand wraith (HTTYD)
bearowl (The Croods)
eastern white pine
plastic spinning top
golden retriever
conceptkin (i know im concept kin but have no idea what I am D:)
I will edit these as I confirm/uncomfirm :3
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DNI: anti-alterhuman, anti-nonhuman, anti-objectum, z00ph1l35, p3d05, anti-lesboy/gaybian, anti-neopronouns, anti-xenogender, anti-age/pet regression, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, etc
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qierxing · 2 years
Hear me out, Yandere twst isekai au, during the masquerade event. Imagine the drama with RSA and Rollo when you add the whole yandere aspect- just a random thought I had while rereading it tho
oooh that's fun, although I will say I don't really read in depth with future event spoilers, but I do have a general gist of how the event went down from hearsay. that said most of this may not be accurate bc I haven't played the story lmao (speaking of RSA, I have a WIP in the works with yandere heartslabyul & chenya in the isekai au >:3c) tw/cw: twst spoilers from jpn server, immolation/arson, graphic descriptions
As much as you wanted to see the City of Flowers, you did not want to see the student council president of Noble Bell College.
For many reasons, of course. There is the fact that being magic less and also quite literally from another world has its implications, and you don't want to subject yourself to Rollo's piercing gaze when he learns of this. And...even if he was beloved by others, you cannot say the same. His backstory is tragic of course, but there's something in his eyes that make you squirm. As if you were a sinful criminal before a judge, awaiting your verdict.
It is for these reasons that you linger in the back of the group, hoping desperately his cold sharp jaded eyes will pass over you in introductions. You don't even gaze at him directly, opting to instead focus on the mobs behind him. And yet, for all your efforts, his gaze still focuses on your face when he speaks of formalities and activities the following days will have.
So you decide to stay out of his way as much as possible. Screw what Crowley told you, you were not going to be a part of another mess that was about to go down. Instead of showing up to the group sessions that was meant to promote friendly relations between NRC and NBA, you indulge Grim's bad habits and ditch to hang around the quaint city. The cafes around here are relaxing to be in, and it's too easy to lose yourself in the calm atmosphere of sipping coffee and nibbling on madelines. You're ordering a plate of macarons when someone sits at the table you and Grim have situated yourselves in.
Your heart drops when you stare at an irritated Rollo Flamme crossing his arms across from you.
"Care to explain why you haven't showed up to to our activities, Prefect?"
The others give you confused looks when you're dragged in by Rollo's firm hand on your wrist. No matter how much you tug, it doesn't budge and he has the nerve to sit you in your chair like a child. And instead of trying to keep a modicum of discretion, he sits in the very chair right next to you, separating you from Grim. It's very obvious that he looks distastefully down on your furry companion, although if it's because he's a mage or because he's right by your side at all times, is something you've yet to discern.
It escalates, somehow. Somehow. He's always one step away no matter what you try to do to shake him off, always claiming that you must remain under supervision to make sure you weren't off causing trouble--as if Grim wasn't always left to his own devices as soon as Rollo put a hand to your back and ushers you to the hallways.
The holy fire that sweeps the place is unbearably hot. Not only that, you're separated from the others, pressed against the raging pyromaniac. Some have said being burned alive is somewhat similar to being frozen to death. With the heat, numbness takes over first; then an itching that urges the body to tear at the skin, to get rid of the terrible sensation. You would say that it was worse than that. Burnt flesh has a very particular smell, after all. These flames, which Rollo claims to be the height of purification, was like a rash that no ointment could sooth, forever branded into the very cells of your body.
Before you could take your nails and claw them down your throat in desperation, the heat is gone, replacing your skin with a low, raw ache. When you open your eyes again, it's not fire that greets you but Chenya and Neige's worried faces. "What...the hell...took you so long..." is the last thing you can get out before you straight up faint into Chenya's arms.
When you wake up again, it's pandemonium. You can barely understand who is saying what and what is going on. RSA came to the rescue of NRC? Yes yes, you already knew this, can someone explain why you weren't in a hospital bed, but instead in a shiny canopy bed that looks too expensive to be lying in?!
"My, my, they awake! Callooh, callay!" You scream at Chenya's head suddenly popping into existence directly above you. He snickers as you try to swipe at his head as it bobs just out of your reach.
"You--! Don't do that!" His eyes twinkle with mischief as the rest of his body materializes, still hovering parallel to yours on the bed.
"I think you guys should let the young'un rest, instead of burbling all this info to them, y'know?" The cheshire cat grins widely at the disgruntled NRC students. They reluctantly acknowledge his statement, leaving you to an empty room.
Well, a mostly empty room.
Chenya's face turns serious as he floats closer to you. "You should know, prefect, that the priest lad is also here."
At your confused look, he shrugs, body starting to de-materialize. "He wouldn't leave, no matter what Riddle and his crew would threaten. It's up to you on what you wanna do."
His chuckles echo in the air as his head disappears.
"If you decide to see him, that is."
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fake-static-airspace · 2 months
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more roar lyrics, this time feat blue staple remover and feather duster
coloring and expanding a whiteboard fox sketch todayyyy, also playing around w color tinting bc yknow i wanna get better at that!! uh. this is my first post w them in it. uh yeah there's. a lot more where that came from LOL they're like brain parasites. they just live in here.
i might post a bunch of old art soon, i have quite the backlog of stuff i still like. and since i've gotten the whole furry designs introduction business outta the way, it doesn't rlly matter what i do w them now. its still funny to think people will just see this out of the blue random and be like "who the fuck" LOL
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axigailxo · 2 years
Pretty Like You | PJM (1)
part one: mini-skirts and big problems
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— in which park jimin desires nothing more than to be pretty like you.
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series summary. where jimin is jealous of the beauty that is you, writes about it, and falls apart when you accidentally read it.
pairing. feminine!jimin x reader
rating. M | 18+ |
genre. enemies to lovers, feminine!jimin, self hatred au, slight identity crisis, self love journey, eventual smut, sub!jimin, angst, fluff, heartfelt
w.c. 4.2k
warnings. heavy descriptions of self hate and self abuse later into the story, please be advised
ch summary. an introduction into the crumbling life of park jimin and his cat, daisy.
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**this is part 1 of my new series pretty like you, not a stand-alone
series masterlist | next->
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It’s horrendous.
Implausible, even.
No human being should’ve looked that good on a Monday. But of course, like always, you did. You always do.
Jimin has drawn the conclusion that there’s no way you’re naturally that stunning and you go the extra mile to get ready every morning. And he thinks it’s ridiculous. It’s ridiculous that you’d get up an extra hour or two earlier just to show up to a class that only lasts a little over an hour where you’re just sat behind a desk the whole time.
But then again, Jimin appreciates your attire. So much so that he was able to memorize it from this morning’s lecture.
A dainty black miniskirt with a cami and cardigan that Jimin may or may not have a replica of, and the sheerest shade of pantyhose to really capture that sex appeal you love. Jimin has noticed, by now, that you try to add at least one sexy article to every single outfit you wear. Jimin notices, and Jimin hates it.
He hates that you can dress sexily without the fear of being judged, whereas for Jimin, it’s not so easy.
Tossing another cropped tee into the mountain of clothes piling on the floor, Jimin’s huff is quick to turn into something of a strangled cry as he collapses to the ground, back against the side of his bed.
As if on cue, a furry figure of a cat peaks into the doorframe, walking in proudly like it owns the place. At this rate, it does considering it’s always there to ease Jimin during these troubling times.
Daisy takes care of Jimin, and on occasion, it’s the other way around.
Daisy, Jimin’s calico cat, nudges her soft head against his arm that’s lazily slumped down, encouraging him to pet her. When he does, her purrs rev up like an engine and the small gesture is enough to steal a slight twitch of a smile from the man.
However, it doesn’t stop the oncoming sob.
Tears fresh and emotion at its highest, Jimin stays sat on the ground wearing nothing but the repulsive baggy sweatpants that he forced himself to wear only because it’s better to pretend he likes dressing that way than wearing what he actually likes and getting judged.
Jimin, believe it or not, is a coward. His words. He hates that he can’t just put the damn skirt on. He hates how he can’t bring himself to leave his apartment in that cute cropped tee that he bought ages ago and still has never worn.
He hates how he’s such a pussy when it comes to this.
But it’s not just skepticism. Jimin knows there’s not a lot of nice people out there, especially not at his college campus. Don’t get Jimin started on all the homophobic and pitiful words that frat boys have thrown at him so far in the span of his first year. And that was when he was wearing his clothes that he believed were seven sizes too big and awfully plain.
His “boy” clothes.
Jimin knows that in today’s society, you’re labeled. Weather you want to be or not, every passing stranger is going to label you as what they see. And with said frat boys, the ones with a single brain cell, if they ever saw Jimin wearing the clothes that he has piled in front of him— he’d fit their accusations.
Jimin was raised by only his mother, who was raised by only her mother and a sister. Jimin has had absolutely no male figure in his life so it’s not bizarre that his demeanor is more feminine than most men.
But people at school aren’t so smart, or nice. Therefore, Jimin isn’t just a boy who was raised by a woman, to them— he was just gay. Jimin hates how his demeanor is what chooses his sexuality. Because, contrary to those frat boys’ belief, Jimin is straight.
He may not know a lot about himself at the ripe age of 21, but he knows for sure that he’s not into men. Being a teen and liking things that the world tells you is for girls definitely made Jimin question his own sexuality time to time, but after a couple nights out at a gay bar and a two extremely awkward hookups, Jimin knew men weren’t up his alley. Especially not when the thought of women is what gets him off every single time.
He just wants to wear a damn skirt and have a girlfriend, is that really so much to ask for?
Daisy was able to sneak her way onto Jimin’s lap, already half asleep despite Jimin’s occasional jolts when he sniffles for air.
“Thank you Daisy,” he whispers, his fading cry turning into a soft giggle when the feline looks up at him, eyes glinting with a look that Jimin knows by now.
“Or are you just being nice to me because you’re hungry?”
Daisy continues to nudge her head against his chest, confirming his accusation and enticing Jimin’s first real giggle.
“Okay,” Jimin says in an exhale, more in an attempt to get ahold of himself. “Fine, let’s get you some food.”
The cat happily jumps off Jimin’s lap at the invitation, hurriedly exiting the bedroom and scurrying off to the kitchen before Jimin can even make it off the ground. When he does, he nearly trips on the mound of hopeless clothes, eyeing it over before trailing his vision to the standing mirror.
His eyes scan over his chest, down to his waist, and to his hips. He loves his shape, loves the way women’s clothing looks on him. It’s too bad no one will be able to appreciate it the way he does, though. It’s too bad he can’t show it off like he so badly wishes to.
Like how you do.
You get to dress in fitted clothing and show off your shape without an intense fear of getting judged or labeled. Jimin despises how blind you are to that advantage. He despises how badly he wishes he could be you for even a day.
Because for Jimin, he has to hide. Whereas for you, you’re allowed to be beautiful whenever you want.
Even on Mondays.
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“What do you think, Daisy? Be honest.”
Peeling his eyes away from his reflection, he twists to show Daisy, who’s freshly awake from a nap, his outfit that he’s in love with.
A grumpy meow is all he gets before her eyes slowly shut again and Jimin scoffs in offense.
“Whatever, you just don’t have taste.”
Turning to face himself again, he bites back a smile as he snaps yet another mirror pic of himself, halting midway as he adjusts himself to sit on his knees. And it’s when the miniskirt rises up his thigh that he gets an idea.
Thigh highs.
A subtle gasp of excitement escapes the boy as he recklessly tosses his phone onto the bed— completely missing which makes him flinch in startle in response to the thud that followed. Navigating to his dresser, he ignores Daisy who clearly did not appreciate the sudden noise, and begins to dig in his scandalous drawer for the thigh high socks.
And yes, Jimin has something he calls his scandalous drawer. It’s for moments like these where he wants to add sex appeal to his outfit.
Kind of like how you do.
“There you are,” he murmurs under his breath as he takes hold of the long white fabrics. He doesn’t wait until he’s back in front of the mirror to put them on, sitting on the edge of his bed and hurriedly slipping the thigh high socks on.
Jimin just knows he looks good. He can feel it. He feels sexy, and he hasn’t even looked in the mirror yet. A miniskirt paired with thigh high socks and an open cardigan— no shirt.
And fuck does he feel good in it.
Not able to wait any longer he tiptoes to the mirror until he’s met with the figure he wishes the world could see.
Jimin loves his appearance, a lot. It’s just that the version he loves is only seen on rare occasions like this where he spontaneously decides to try his risky outfits on. No one else can or will see this version, and for that, Jimin’s self love is private. Almost invisible given how little he lets himself see it.
“Good call on the thigh highs,” he mumbles to himself, staring a little longer until he starts to notice all the imperfections. When he does, he’s quick to step away, landing himself back first onto his unmade bed that Daisy was way too content in.
“Move it, there’s room for both of us,” he tells her as she mopes over to the opposite side.
One hand behind his head, other on his stomach— toying with the ruffled hem of the skirt, Jimin stares at the ceiling as his nightly dose of thoughts kick in. And tonight, all he can really think about is how badly he wishes someone could see him. And if he’s lucky enough, earn a compliment or two. Maybe, if his luck was good, he’d be called pretty if someone saw him dressed like this.
But his luck has never been good.
It was his poor luck that made him be born into a rude and strict society. And he hates that. But what can he do? He’s just a person in this big world. He doesn’t believe his voice is loud enough for change. And even if it were, he’d still be too much of a coward to try.
It’s all one big tangled problem that he’s trapped in.
He’s only a freshman in college and he feels like the world is ending.
But does yours? Jimin wonders. For a long moment or two he ponders if you sometimes feel that way too. Of course it wouldn’t be for the same reason as him, but could there be something that weighs you down?
And if so, how the fuck do you mask it so easily with that bright smile of yours?
Maybe because you’re perfect, Jimin thinks.
So perfect that Jimin is laying on his bed wearing an outfit almost identical to the one you wore today all only because he thought it looked great on you. He wanted to feel great too.
He wanted to feel the way you probably do in such fragile clothing. Leaving absolutely nothing to imagination because that’s how brave you are. Jimin envies that. He wants that.
Bravery, of course— not you.
He wants to be brave enough to show some skin and go the whole day feeling good. Feeling confident and relieved. But that day won’t come, unfortunately. All he has is the privacy of his apartment to feel brave in these clothes.
But even when Jimin is hard on himself, that doesn’t stop him from wanting to just feel good sometimes.
And there’s no better way than this.
Somehow in the mix of his thought spiral his small fingers managed to drag his skirt up the length of his thigh, cold air traveling straight to his exposed tip.
He knew he wasn’t wearing underwear. He did that on purpose. Again, he wanted to feel good.
He wanted to feel sexy.
His fingers slide their way across his left thigh, getting higher and higher until his breathing is hitched and his bottom lip is raw.
But then he stops himself.
Quickly adjusting the skirt, he sits up with a sharp breath.
What was that?
It’s one thing to touch himself, he always does— everyone does. But he will not do such a thing with you fresh in mind. You already have some power over him. He won’t give you this as well. And It doesn’t matter if you know about it or not because he always will.
He already hates that he envies you so much, he will not envy you like this too.
You’re just an annoying, perfect, confident girl who has no idea how lucky she is. Jimin doesn’t envy that part. He just envies your fashion sense. That’s it.
All he needs is some sleep.
Hopefully when he wakes up, not only will his hard on be gone but so will you. Not a single thought of you will be in his mind from this point forward, Jimin declares to himself.
Let’s just hope you don’t find your way into his dreams.
Like always.
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“Nice jacket.”
“You’re not funny.”
A subtle laugh escapes the man, playfully nudging Jimin which causes him to almost fall off the bench.
“Taehyung!” Jimin whines as he regains his balance on the tiny seat, crashing his hips into his friend’s on a mission to knock him down too.
He fails, earning another mischievous laugh from the man.
“Sorry. Now what were you saying you had to tell me?”
Sat in a corner table with Jimin’s one and only friend in their favorite campus cafe, Jimin sets his bag on the table and turns to face him.
“Hello to you too,” he scolds.
A boxy smile is given and before he can greet the fed up boy back he’s already talking.
“Last night,” Jimin begins, brows furrowed in half embarrassment half concentration. “Something weird happened.”
“Did Daisy catch you jerki—“
“Tae!” Jimin cuts him off in a whisper-shout, hoping no bystanders hear his unfiltered words.
“Joking. What happened last night?”
Jimin sighs as he tries to find his thoughts again. He had it all organized in his mind but his friend’s reckless banter has made it all the more scrambled and confusing.
To put it simply, Jimin doesn’t know how to tell his best friend that he thinks his crush made him hard last night.
Ah, yes. Kim Taehyung. His and Jimin’s friendship goes all the way back to freshman year of high school, also known as Jimin’s worse year ever. Endless bullying and his identity crisis at its peak, Jimin was so done with everyone and everything. That’s until one of the most popular boys in school took him under his wing.
Taehyung has been Jimin’s shield for almost five years now, defending him from every derogatory slur and glare from arrogant frat boys. And being a frat boy himself, Taehyung had most, if not all of those arrogant asshole’s respect. And with that being the case, they’d never disrespect Jimin in front of Taehyung.
And it’s nice having at least one friend to help him out, Jimin thinks.
The only underside is that his one friend has no clue about his secret and God only knows if he’d still accept Jimin if he did. And that he’s in the fraternity for fucks sake.
Also that he has a massive crush on you.
That may or may not be another reason Jimin doesn’t like you so much. You have the whole school wrapped around your finger, and unfortunately for Jimin, that includes his best friend.
“Hello? Earth to Jimin,” Taehyung tries to get the older boy’s attention.
Blinking himself back to space, he shakes his head as he discards where he was going with the conversation.
“I forgot.”
“I did,” Jimin rolls his eye, snatching Taehyung’s coffee and taking an obnoxiously big sip to shift the attention away from what he originally had to say.
Taehyung doesn’t believe him, but he respects Jimin enough to not pry.
“Whatever. Just know you can tell me anything.”
“Yeah yeah,” Jimin shakes off.
And he knows that. Taehyung may be friends with all of those terrible guys who’ve made Jimin’s life hell, but he’s still good to him. Believe it or not Jimin has had many other issues that weren’t about his secret, and with each one Taehyung was the one who provided him a shoulder to cry on.
They’re close enough to joke about all the things Jimin gets bullied for. Like his jacket for example, it’s the same one he wears probably three days out of the week. It’s big and ugly but Jimin thinks it’s boyish so he wears it. Anything to hide. The frat boys still give him shit for it, though. But Taehyung loves it, and he thinks the hate it gets is so ridiculous that he himself teases Jimin about it occasionally. And Jimin finds it funny when it’s Taehyung who teases him, because he knows it’s coming from a place of close friendship. Unlike those other frat boys.
But despite how close they are, he knows he can’t talk about his secret, or you with Taehyung. That’s the one part of him he’d like to keep tucked away for as long as he can endure.
“Alright, well I’m gonna get going. I told Johnny I’d meet him at the dorms so we can get a session in before class.”
“Smoking is bad for you,” says Jimin as he rolls his eyes.
“So is sulking, lift your head up Minnie,” Taehyung massages at Jimin’s shoulder for a second or two before he gets up and grabs his stuff.
“I’m not sulking.”
“You’re always sulking,” The younger man teases as Jimin swats his hand off of his shoulder. “We’ll talk later?”
Jimin hums in what Taehyung assumes is agreement, ruffling his hair before making his way over to the door of the cafe. A grumpy Jimin is left behind fixing his hair, gathering his stuff too so he can head to class early.
Nothing beats the stares he gets as many students still, to this day, wonder how on Earth Taehyung is friends with him. It’s fucked up, really, but Jimin is used to it.
He’s used to favoritism in the school, and Jimin groans as he realizes he’ll be seeing more of it for the next hour or so that he’ll be seeing you in class.
But he can’t seem to figure out if he’s more excited to see you than he is annoyed.
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Jimin is furious.
Nothing new, except that this feeling of anger isn’t rooted from jealousy or insecurity— It’s because you rejected his kindness.
Jimin, like many, were eyeing your outfit. It’s dainty and may even be the prettiest shade of baby blue Jimin has ever seen. So when he forced himself to smile your way when you caught him staring, he did not expect an eye roll from you. But nonetheless, it happened, and Jimin hates you a little bit more now.
Jaw clenched and eyes piercing lasers into the big clock on the far wall of the lecture hall, Jimin counts down the seconds until he’s able to free himself from this torturous environment. Until he frees himself from you.
When the clock does hit the desired time, he’s the only student to stand up— earning him several stares which only makes him angrier, and with little to no more patience left he’s walking out the doors on a mission to channel this frustration.
Past the corridor and straight to the art room— also known as the room that’s almost always empty because why is there an art class in a writing school in the first place— Jimin slams his bag down on the first desk he sees and sits himself down.
Why couldn’t you prove him wrong?
Why couldn’t you just have smiled back?
You just had to roll your eyes when Jimin didn’t even like you in the first place. If he had it his way he would’ve snapped profanities the moment your eyes met. But he’s not a monster. He’s polite.
So polite that he smiled your way and now regrets it miserably.
Jimin can’t stand you now.
Grabbing a random notebook from his bag, he does what any angry writing major would do and begins to jot down all the many reasons he hates you, all in the form of scattered thoughts.
All words that are used quite frequently in his paragraph of scribbled rage.
All words that he hates to admit but must include because they’re the reason he hates you like he does.
Jimin goes on and on for a while writing nothing but blunt absurdities that are simple and cuts straight to the point, majority of them being repetitive I hate you’s. It’s not until he finds himself at the peak of frustration that it all boils down to an ache within him.
Jimin thinks about why you anger him so much. He thinks about that outfit he could’ve worn today if only he wasn’t so scared. Then, Jimin writes down every raw, painful feeling he has.
Why do you have to be so beautiful? Why can’t I be like you? I often wonder if you think about my predicament. I wonder if it ever crosses your mind that I’m even one percent envious of you. When I think about that, it hurts even more.
I wish you knew I was hurting because of you.
You don’t know me well. I hardly know you. But what I’m certain of is that you’re the most beautifully ignorant person I’ve ever come across and I do hope one day you’ll realize how blind you are.
You’re blind to your reality of easiness. It’s not easy for me. I can’t wear that shade that you do. Can’t wear a shirt so low cut like that either. Because for me, I’m expected to dress like someone I’m not.
This isn’t me.
And I think I may hate you most because I see the real me in you. That courageous being who doesn’t even think twice about breaking the rules of my gender; that’s the real me. Although I hate both versions of me because neither of them have helped me out of this suffocating barrier.
I want to be me.
I wish you weren’t you.
I want to be you.
A slam of a period is what concludes the built up momentum, pencil flying across the desk as he slouches back in his chair with an exhale. He skims over the words that are quite dark since he was applying significant pressure. He vaguely reads some words until he’s not in the mood to think about any of it anymore and closes the journal shut.
And although he didn’t reread that essay of his, the last sentence still can’t seem to leave his mind.
Even if it’s just for a moment, he wants to be you.
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Racing down the long hall of the unnecessarily large school, his strides echo off the walls as his heartbeat is ten steps ahead of him.
He should’ve never written that journal, he thinks.
He should’ve never left it in class either.
The passing of two more doors is all it took until he was standing out of breath in the threshold of what he hoped would be an empty classroom, the journal that he was going to grab and go no longer being in the spot he had left it.
His heartbeat almost fails him, legs buckling as his thoughts falter.
He knows it’s you. He knows your figure. He also knows that you’re standing there, reading his journal full of absurd remarks about how he wishes he were you.
Jimin wants to die. He wants it all to just dissipate. But before the boy can erase what he just walked in on, you turn around.
Journal open in your hand, your eyebrows are furrowed and Jimin doesn’t know if he can withstand that look of genuine concern on your face.
He also doesn’t know if that’s a good or bad look.
“I’m not gay,” he helplessly throws his panicked words up.
Slightly less confident, having used up all his energy on those three words, he manages to follow up, “…if that’s what you’re thinking.”
And the giggle that escapes you despite what you just read, the cruel things he wrote about you even though you did absolutely nothing but be beautiful, Jimin notes how badly he’s fucked up.
“It’s not,” you respond, slowly closing the journal, eyes following.
It’s while you’re still looking down that you decide to ask your first question.
“Listen, Jimin,” you bring your eyes up, tone a little too concerned for his liking. “Do you want to talk?”
“Those things you wrote, it’s just—“ you stop yourself. “I know you didn’t mean for anyone to read it but from what I saw I think you need someone to help you learn to be kinder to yourself.”
Jimin opens his mouth to talk only to close it when he realizes he doesn’t know how to respond.
“I know it’s none of my business and I’m sorry for reading, but I don’t want you to feel like that. Let me help you.”
Jimin feels like a villain in a movie. He feels like the worst possible character there could ever be. He feels like a bad person. Because there he was all this time, writing about how much he hates you for being you, and here you are now, asking him to accept your help seconds after you just read everything.
The world does not deserve someone like you, he thinks. He does not deserve someone like you.
But as much as he feels unworthy, he’s never been more excited at the opportunity to get to know you. To have you there beside him on this new journey of self love.
“Okay,” he accepts, voice quiet and still embarrassed.
“Okay,” you repeat, smile big and hope at its highest.
a/n: part one of a new seriesss les mf goooo (i missed writing so much omg, hope y’all like this one im vry excited abt it 🥹) ALSO part 2 isn’t as confusing lmao, it’s always difficult to clearly start out a series :/ pero i promise it’ll make more sense along the road :)
🏷️: @exactlygreatcoffee @sweetieguk @ctrlsht @blessrious @someusername133 @dreamer-pjm @zadkielr @dearsullix @lailaaxd @osakis-gf @jnghs @seltansworld @bxnqtxnie @moon-kid39
taglist = open, let me know if you’d like to be added <3
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jkj-digital · 8 months
Saw your reblog and mate if you got queer visual novel recs I got spare time that needs eating.
If you´ve come for gay furry visual novels, this is certainly a place with recommendations
Assume NSFW, Unfinished, and free unless otherwise specified
Adastra – get kidnapped by handsome space wolf and become involved in political shenanigans. The one that least needs an introduction – COMPLETE!
Astatos – A pair of mages (kind of) lose their home, summon a god and a devil, and help solve various political issues using card game mechanics. The queerness of this one is pretty heavily constrained to subtext, but there’s no doubt that all major characters are hot men in various states of undress – PAID, SFW
Chardonnay Romancia – Innkeeper who hates heroes discovers an amnesiac hero who quickly becomes obsessed with him, among many other subplots. The characters find themselves in many explicit scenarios, often enough against their will – PAID
Deers and Deckards – As a college student, get into a relationship with either your best friend, his dad, or both. Also, at some point the game decides it becomes tired of its light-hearted tone and takes a dip into a more supernatural setting. Currently, only the polygamy route is complete.
Demons Within – You play a demon of lust influencing the emotions of a soldier and those around him, attempting to assist your host while also growing your own power and keeping them ignorant of your existence.
Devil’s Gambit – A doctor reunites with an old friend, uncovering a supernatural mystery and kicking off a strange romance.
Glory Hounds – A young man finds himself with an unexpected employment opportunity: becoming a sidekick to a superhero.
The Human Heart – Wake up as the only human in a familiar world and find yourself adopted by a colorful group of friends – SFW
In Case of Emergency – Find yourself as the last of the chosen ones in gay furry Narnia and awkwardly ingratiate yourself into the longstanding group of heroes – COMPLETE!
Kingsguard – When things go to hell at your royal birthday how will you reclaim your throne from the magical forces trying to take it from you and, more importantly, which of your kingsguard will you fall in love with
Minotaur Hotel – Discover the true story of (and also fall in love with) the Minotaur of legends and turn his crumbling home into a home for the lost. Even among visual novels, this one is a slow burn, but it’s absolutely worth it
My Pirate Husbandos – Get rescued from drowning at sea by a crew of rowdy, and very gay, pirates, and help them until you earn yourself a place among their ranks
Nekojishi – Become forced to face an uncertain future when you suddenly awaken the ability to see spirits and find yourself fought over by three handsome cat men who each want you to become the priest of their shrine (or equivalent) – SFW, COMPLETE!
Orveia – Awaken in an unfamiliar and horny world along with your best friend (who somehow arrived about a decade before you did) and several handsome men to become an adventurer. This game contain heavy RPG mechanics
Pervader – Discover your kindly DILF of an employer is a wizard and get infected with “becomes a wizard” disease along with the heir to an order of knights whose primary goal is to stamp out all magic
Shelter – Become enraptured in a strange world of medieval fantasy dogs, and protect your home in a world that wants to take that away from you
The Smoke Room – Learn to trust again in the wild west in 1915 after a man you though loved you tried to kill you, while the world itself seems to want to drown you in your guilt
Temptation´s Ballad – A young rogue trying to live up to his father, a commoner with an obsession with adventuring, and a sheltered chosen one looking to broaden their horizons form an adventuring party by happenstance and find themselves with a quest far larger than any of them believed
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its-jaytothemee · 6 months
Until I Met You - Chapter 1
Chapter 1: Introductions
Pairings: Halsin x Tav
Word count: 3,898
Rating: Currently M, will be Explicit in later chapters.
Read on AO3
Summary: A slow burn Tav and Halsin romance fic about their relationship forming between the major events of Baldur's Gate 3, and probably a little bit after too. Explores Tav's friendships with some of the other companions, but mainly Karlach. Lots of longing and fluff, including plenty of soft Halsin moments.
Tags: Slow burn, hurt/comfort, love confessions, eventual smut, light angst, implied past rape/non-con
A/N: After starting another playthrough specifically to romance Halsin, I decided to write some additional details of how their relationship forms throughout the game. Not sure how many chapters there will be yet...we'll see where the game takes me :) There will be POVs from both Tav and Halsin throughout the fic. Enjoy!
The disgusting sight of the goblin camp was bested only by the smell that assaulted the group’s nostrils as they strolled through the mucked-up halls.
“Ugh, goblins are such vile little beasts. Remind me why we agreed to come here?” Tav could hear the eye roll in Astarion’s tone.
“Because Astarion, there’s a medically talented Archdruid who can maybe help rid us of these tadpoles who is being held and probably tortured by these little beasts.” She tried to keep her voice down but found it hard to stay quiet while keeping up with Astarion’s quips.
“Speak for yourself, my friend. My tadpole and I are getting along swimmingly. I can walk in the sun, wade through rivers, and enter any home I like. I’m living the dream.” He teased back at her.
“All good points. I’ll make sure to remind you of them when your skin is turning purple and sprouting tentacles.” She turned back with a smile just in time to catch Astarion’s playful glare.
“Hey soldier, eyes up. Archers on the beams.” Karlach had her eyes fixed above them on the two goblins patrolling the large chamber.
“Best exercise caution. I might remind you all that goblins come by dozens when one of those war drums sounds off.” Gale was clutching his staff with a white-knuckled grip.
They carefully continued exploring the unfamiliar temple, on the lookout for anything that could give them a clue to Halsin’s whereabouts. Tav had thought the mercenaries and tiefling refugees may have been exaggerating about the goblins. But now that they were here amid their den of depravity, she was starting to doubt the abilities of her party – and herself. The numbers alone were enough to overwhelm them even if Karlach could cleave three goblins at a time.
In one of the far corners, Astarion spotted a small path that wound around into a back room. There was a door guarded by a few goblins, but they were able to pass by them easily while still passing as ‘True Souls.’ The air around them somehow smelled worse as they walked into the next room. The mix of decaying flesh and the worg pens caused them all to gag slightly. Several small laughs and squeals drew their attention towards another prison cell, inside was a very large cave bear. Two young goblins were throwing stones at the bear huddled in the corner of the cage. Tav quickly and quietly cast Speak with Animals just as the bear’s eyes locked on to hers.
“Stop them…free me.” The bear growled. Listening to its voice, Tav noticed the smallest tone difference between this bear and other animals she had spoken to in the past. Given Rath’s description of Halsin, she was almost certain this bear was the Archdruid they had been searching for.
“Again! Again!” One of the young goblins squealed, picking up another rock. Tav jogged up to them.
“He’s helpless! Let him go.” She demanded.
“Tav, what are you doing? We can’t stop to help every furry creature in need.” Astarion didn’t even try to hide his disapproval. She turned around to glare at him and called on their shared tadpole.
“Astarion! Use whatever piece of your brain the tadpole hasn’t eaten yet. This is obviously Halsin from the Emerald Grove.” She held her glare until he seemed to understand their situation. He let out an exaggerated sigh and backed off.
Gale groaned behind her, realizing that they were probably going to be fighting off the several goblins and worgs in the room with them.
“The beast is stayin’ right ‘ere.” The older goblin responded, taking a step towards Tav.
“I’m ending this. Now.” She growled back. The bear let out a small roar in response.
“Time for blood.” Its voice was a low snarl.
Before she had a chance to react, the cave bear rammed into the cell doors, effortlessly breaking them from their hinges. The older goblin was crushed beneath the heavy iron, causing a scream from the two younger ones.
“The guards! Get the guards!” One of the little ones yelled. They both turned to run past Tav and her party.
“Those little brats are going to bring this whole fucking camp down on us!” Astarion yelled, daggers twirling in his hands.
“Then take care of it you whiny prick!” Tav yelled back at him, lunging for the goblin that was looking after the worgs. Karlach followed suit, jumping back up the stairs to swing at a goblin that had been butchering some suspicious looking meat.
“We’re killing children now?!” Gale cried from the top of the stairs. A thin line of ice shot from his hands to the goblin archer approaching them from the rear.
“Goblin children, darling. Hardly a moral dilemma.” Astarion responded, driving his dagger into the chest of the first young goblin.
“Perhaps but still, I think we should discuss –” Gale started to respond but let out a strangled yell that interrupted him. When Tav looked back she saw an arrow sticking out of his neck, and blood was starting to spew from his mouth. Another arrow suddenly struck him in the chest. He made a small choking sound before collapsing to the floor.
“Shit! Gale’s down!” Tav yelled. When she turned away, the goblin she was fighting tried to make a swipe at her but was quickly taken down by the cave bear that had rushed to her side.
“He’s going to have to wait! We can’t risk these little monsters alerting the rest of the camp.” Astarion was slicing his blade across the throat of the other young goblin.
Tav drew her bow and shot two arrows into the worg pens, easily landing the shots right between their eyes. She could hear Gale’s labored breaths, the sound was warped by the blood spilling into his throat. Karlach took her goblin out with one more clean swing of her axe and turned to the archer.
“I’ll get Gale, take that archer down!” Tav yelled. The others all moved in to surround the last goblin as Tav dashed over to him. She quickly looked him over, ready to remove the arrow in his neck so she could heal him. Before she could start the spell, she heard one last raspy gurgle come from Gale before his body went limp.
“Fuck.” Tav whispered under her breath. She pulled her pack to the front of her waist and started frantically searching through it. They had found a couple of revivification scrolls on their journey that she was certain she had stored in her pack somewhere. Just as she started to search through the pockets, the air around her became thick with the smell of death.
“What the…” She started to exclaim before she became horribly sick, necrotic energy swirled all around her. Startled and struggling to breathe, she jumped back a few feet away from Gale’s body, allowing her to cough the toxic air from her lungs.
The last goblin’s body fell to the floor with a soft thud. Karlach and Astarion walked back down to join Tav, examining Gale and the small cloud of death encircling his lifeless body.
“Terribly tragic, always a sad day when you lose a friend. Oh well, best we keep moving before these goblins catch wind of our little fight.” Astarion said, waving his hand in the air nonchalantly and starting to walk away.
“Astarion…” Tav grumbled and turned to shoot him a warning glare. He smiled sweetly in response.
Before they could say anything else, an illusion of Gale popped up in front of Tav, causing a small scream to escape her lips.
“Well met! I am a magical projection of Gale of Waterdeep, and if you see this manifestation, that means I have prematurely perished.”
“Oh for fucks’ sake Gale…” Tav pressed one hand to her forehead, already exasperated by Gale’s afterlife theatrics.
“…it is of vital importance that my death be remedied at your earliest convenience.”
“How am I supposed to bring you back then?” Tav asked, annoyed.
The three of them sat and listened to Gale’s projection list a very detailed description of his security protocol to receive a scroll of true resurrection. First, they had to retrieve a small pouch from his robes which Astarion deftly picked from his pocket. To open the pouch, they had to unwind the purple cord in a counterclockwise motion. Inside, they found a small flute and a folded letter with notes in the corners that they would have to play. Next, a magma mephit was supposed to appear and pose the question ‘I’ss k’cha t’chiss n’aga’ to which the answer should be K’ha’ssji’trach’ash. The mephit would then give them the scroll.
“Well shit.” Tav muttered. “Does anyone know how to play a flute?”
Karlach and Astarion shrugged in response, the panic they felt evident on their faces.
“I at least caught the mephit name!” Karlach offered.
“Gods above, Gale!” Tav yelled. “What are the chances that whoever you’re dying around knows how to play a fucking flute?!” She waved the small instrument in front of the projection’s face, whose expression didn’t change. While she continued berating the magical illusion in front of her, she failed to hear the magical whoosh behind her.
“…and even if we do figure this out, it won’t matter! Because I’m going to punch you so hard that I send you in to the beyond again! And then I’ll revive you, just to choke the life out of you so we get to do this shitshow all over again!” Tav was stomping and screaming at the projection now. She noticed Karlach and Astarion staring past her, bewildered looks on both of their faces. Was Astarion…blushing?
“Excuse me,” A deep voice called out from behind her, “perhaps I could be of some assistance? It’s the least I could do.” She could only assume it belonged to Halsin.
 “Look, I know we came here to free you and all and yes, we will need your help but right now our melodramatic friend has…” She had whipped around ready to tear into the mysterious addition to their group, but her breath caught once she was able to fully look at the Archdruid.
Tav wasn’t sure what she had been expecting to see when they met Halsin, but it certainly wasn’t the large, handsome elf standing in front of her. She was rather large for an elf, but Halsin made her feel tiny. Her mouth was hanging open, unable to form words as she stared him down. His smile was enchanting, his tanned skin covered in blood from their fight.
“I owe you my thanks, I am the druid Halsin. I did not expect to meet the acquaintance of someone who would not only speak with a bear, but free it too. I’m always happy to meet another true friend of nature. And you are?”
“I’m…” Tav sputtered, “…single.” Her voice was barely a whisper. She shook her head to regain some semblance of composure. She could hear Astarion giggling like a child behind her.
“Tav…my name is Tav.” She finally blurted out.
“Oakfather preserve you, Tav. Now I’d be happy to…”
Halsin was speaking but she wasn’t really listening to his words. She saw that he was holding his hand out to her. Without thinking, she placed her hand in his and gave a soft handshake, interrupting him. He gave her a confused look, still smiling.
“As I was saying, I know how to play the flute if that would help to resurrect your friend.” He was still smiling at her.
Tav’s face and chest turned a deep red and she yanked her hand back quickly. Astarion burst out laughing behind her, almost falling over. Karlach at least had the decency to try and cover her laugh. She handed over the small flute and quickly unfolded the paper, holding it in front of her face to try and hide her blush.
“Okay so his instructions said to play the notes listed in the corners of the pages, starting in the bottom right, and working our way around the page clockwise. I’ll read them off to you. Ready?” She asked, peeking over the page at Halsin. He gave a small nod, flute held up to his lips.
“D…” The first note floated through the air.
“E…” Halsin switched gracefully to the next note.
“A…” Another note rang in across the room. Tav paused before reading the last note, fighting the urge to roll her eyes.
“…D…” The last note echoed off the walls slightly mixing with the groans of her companions. Of course his resurrection tune spelled out ‘dead.’
A small magma mephit appeared in front of them.
“I’ss k’cha t’chiss n’aga.” He asked.
“K’ha’ssji’trach’ash!” Karlach responded, excited to help.
“D’a jah’jah s’um!” The mephit leaned forward as Tav held the folded paper in front of her. The small note transformed into an ornate scroll. She turned back to Gale as the mephit vanished.
Tav read the incantation and felt a warm swirling energy gather around her. It was quickly transferred to Gale who disappeared momentarily. He reappeared in front of her, standing and gasping for air. His hands shot up to his neck, feeling the area where the arrow had pierced him. Then he started laughing.
“You did it! Oh it feels good to be alive. I’m sorry to say my hands are still quite cold, so a handshake will have –” Gale was interrupted by Tav punching him in the gut, letting out a loud grunt.
“That was for your ridiculous protocol. What if we couldn’t find someone who could have played the flute? What if you had died and we weren’t around? We need to do something about that orb, Gale.” Tav was yelling again, she wasn’t truly angry with him though. She had come to like Gale, seeing him dead had upset her more than she cared to admit.
“You know the volatility of my condition, Tav. The element of mystery helps persuade others to keep me amongst the living. Sore abdominals aside…I sincerely thank you.” He wheezed back.
“You’re welcome,” Tav sighed, “and welcome back.” She nudged his arm slightly.
“Thank you for your help.” Tav looked back over to Halsin. “I suppose proper introductions are in order.” She wanted to put her embarrassing display from earlier behind her.
“This is Gale, that’s Karlach back there, and Astarion standing next to her.” She pointed to each of her companions as she introduced them. Karlach waved enthusiastically, Gale was still bent over catching his breath, and Astarion wiggled his fingers seductively in their direction.
“A pleasure, truly. Might I ask how you found me?” Halsin looked between the four of them.
“We’ve been to the Emerald Grove, it’s in danger.” Tav responded. She quickly filled Halsin in on their adventure so far. Kagha’s alliance with the Shadow Druids, the cult of the Absolute, the mercenaries that had escaped from the goblins. She paused, trying to decide if she should tell him about the tadpoles yet. Before she could continue, Halsin held a hand out in front of her.
“That look in your eyes…” He said quietly. A golden glow surrounded her as Halsin closed his eyes in concentration.
“Oakfather preserve you child, you’re infected, aren’t you?” He jerked his hand back to his side. Tav placed a hand on her sword, prepared for a fight. Halsin held his hands up innocently.
“It’s no coincidence that you found me, I wager. I’ve been studying these tadpoles. They’re different from how mind flayers typically procreate.”
Halsin launched into a summary of his research surrounding the tadpoles. Of course, there wasn’t going to be a simple cure for their affliction. He confirmed that their tadpoles were special, altered, just as they suspected. He was also able to give them their next destination, Moonrise Towers. She froze at the mention of Moonrise. It was their first solid lead since the nautiloid crashed, but the news filled Tav with dread. She knew all too well the evil that besieged that land. Without thinking, she stepped close to Halsin, leaning in so only he could hear her. She reached up and grabbed his arm, trying to keep her balance.
“You’re sure that’s where we need to go?” She asked quietly, in Elvish. “That is no easy task.”
His expression softened and he gave her a knowing look in response.
“You know of this place?” He lowered his voice to match hers, as smooth as his voice was before, it was nothing compared to hearing him speak their native tongue.
“Unfortunately, yes. I would not go back there unless I had no other choice.” Tav’s hand was starting to shake slightly against his arm, but he placed his other hand over hers to steady it. His hands were lightly calloused but warm and comforting. She felt the blushing feeling returning to her face.
“It will be dangerous, but it can be done. And perhaps, we can see the light there again.” He whispered back. His voice was hopeful, but his face was a mask of pain.
We? Before she could respond, she heard Astarion clear his throat loudly.
“Care to include us in your little whispers, darlings?” He practically sang the words.
Tav quickly let go of Halsin but noticed his hand lingered on hers for just a fraction of a second longer.
“Don’t be jealous, love. There’s enough of me to go around.” She composed herself and flashed a teasing grin at him.
“Thank you, Halsin. At least we know where to go now.” Tav turned back to face him.
“Wait,” He called after her, “I could accompany you if you’ll have me. I’ve long sought to return to Moonrise.”
“Great!” Tav said a little too quickly. “We just have to find a way to sneak through this camp and we can get you back to the Emerald Grove. Could you shift into something small so we can sneak you out? Like a mouse or a bird?”
“I cannot do that.” Halsin said, his voice lower than before.
“So much for a powerful Archdruid.” Astarion murmured. Halsin pursed his lips.
“I cannot allow these butchers to continue to threaten the Grove. I have no right to ask it of you, but if you would lend me your aid in removing the goblins’ leadership, I would be free to join you on your journey.”
Tav considered his offer for a moment. They were a capable group of fighters, but there was an alarming number of goblins between them and the three leaders. Even with Halsin, she wasn’t sure if they could fight their way out. Then she thought back to the refugees, the tieflings sheltered in the Grove. Even if they could sneak past the entire camp, Zevlor and his kin would never be able to survive on the road. Halsin was right, they needed to take out the leaders.
“Having a shapeshifting bear-druid at my side might make things easier.” She smiled at him and held out her hand. “Welcome to the team.”
He smiled back at her and clasped her forearm, once again lingering just a little longer than she would have expected.
Halsin let go of Tav’s arm and took a moment to catch his breath. He had been in his bear form for days now, standing on two legs made him feel a little uneasy at the moment. The four strange adventurers in front of him had huddled close together, plotting their plan of attack on the goblin leaders.
His eyes wandered to Tav, who seemed to be their leader. A picture of elven beauty in his humble opinion. Her long white-blonde hair was tied back in a braid that was currently slung over one of her shoulders, several strands had worked their way out of the confines of the braid and swirled around her head. The long scar that ran over her nose and right cheek looked like it had been caused by a claw of some kind based on the shape of the edges. She had a rugged look to her, like she had been in the wilds long before she was abducted by mind flayers. But something was off. He listened as she strung together a plan with her companions, effortlessly doling out assignments and orders, commanding their attention despite their tired state. There was a noble air about her, but he hardly knew of any nobles who would prefer stomping around in the wilderness over the comforts of their estates.
Seeing her now, it was hard to believe their initial awkward encounter had happened. She seemed so confident and sure of herself talking with her companions. He wasn’t a stranger to others being caught off guard by his appearance. Given her own beauty he was surprised that she would have any trouble forming words of flattery. She seemed witty enough and happy to flirt back at the pale elf in her company. He would have assumed she had suitors lined up from here to Neverwinter, so why would he elicit such a flustered response from her? Regardless, he would be lying if he said he didn’t feel a slight pull in his chest looking at her. It had been quite some time since anyone looked at him with any kind of desire in their eyes. As for her awkward fumbling, he found it rather endearing. He pushed the thoughts away for now, he couldn’t allow himself to be distracted, not when he finally had a chance to correct so many of the mistakes from his past.
At some point while he was lost in his thoughts, Tav had summoned a large wolf to her side. The beast paced around her protectively, the smells in this wretched hideout were no doubt overwhelming to it. Halsin met its eyes, causing the wolf to freeze. He kept calm, careful not to startle it. Making a small lap around the others, it walked over to stand in front of him, still crouched in a protective stance.
“Lunari! Here girl!” Tav shouted.
Halsin carefully lowered his eyes, continuing to stand still. The wolf tentatively circled around him, sniffing around his legs. Seeming satisfied, she moved back over towards Tav and plopped down on her haunches in front of her, tail wagging slightly. Such a loyal creature, he thought to himself. Tav was absentmindedly scratching Lunari’s ears, causing her to lean against her legs and wag her tail faster. A friend of nature indeed.
Halsin thought back to Tav’s reaction to Moonrise. She had to know of the curse. When he looked into her eyes, he saw the same fear that had haunted his reflection for the last century. There were so few still alive who knew of that tragedy, let alone who had lived it. Now, it seemed that he may have found another who shared that burden.
“Okay, I think this gives us as good a chance as anything.” Tav’s voice rang through the room. “Anything to add?” Astarion’s hand shot up in the air, but Tav gave him a look that caused him to lower it again. She took a deep breath and motioned for them to head for the door. Halsin took the cue to wildshape back into his bear form. He padded up behind Tav, braced and ready to follow her into battle.
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cringeandproudx3 · 4 months
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Hi!! We're the Chrysalis System, and we reblog!! A lot!! Sometimes we post though! We don't make anything, we're just here!! yes we're on mobile dont remind us please /j
The following is just a copy of our desc. If you want more about our system, see this Reddit post bc we're lazy :/ https://www.reddit.com/r/plural/comments/1chaypl/introductions/ there are more, but they don't front online.
Basic info:
Collectively we identify as xenic, transneumasc, and omnigay, aroace, and gray platonic
Some of our sysmates use diff labels, but we just go by the host's identity!
basic criteria, xenicphobes, kinphobes and anti alterhumans, antifurs, exclus, transmed, radqueer, under 12, sysmeds/fdc people, pro/neutral/complex contact for harmful paras,
Interact: Lgbtqia2mx+, xenic/neopronoun users, aspec, mspec, alterhumans, furries, rad inclus, anti radqueer, systems, neurodivergent ppl (especially autism or ADHD!), angelkin
Tags for specific headmates posting (This post and simple rbs are not tagged)
#Pyrite🎇 (It/ze/ne/neos)
#Eum💤 (It/its)
#Soph💕 (She/plush)
#Vixa🎨 (She/they)
#Sinox💜💚 (It/goo/neos)
#Ares💿 (Any)
#Partyzee🎈 (Neos)
#Bug/Bagu🩹 (No pronouns)
#Mox🌷 (🌱/🌱s)
#Hilite🌈 (He/her)
#Entr0py🎲 (He/glitch)
#Orynge🍊 (She/wem)
#M☢️ (It/them)
#Kinitocantfindanemoji ("nah" idfk kinitos words ig no pronouns)
#Rin🎸 (They/them)
#Maro☁️ (They/hir)
#Mezku🌀 (No pronouns)
#Citrus🍋 (She/vem)
#Kendie🍭 (Ip/ips)
Some tags might not have posts yet :)
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