#its ninjas with big fuck off dragons
ravenrambles6229 · 1 year
Born to be a ninja, forced to pay taxes
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analog-kidd · 8 months
If Fire Emblem Had Tumblr
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🪄child-of-elimine Follow
This is a reminder that practicing dark magic will always be dangerous, evil, and very problematic!
🌑purplegaymagic Follow
Yes certain types of dark magic can be dangerous but ITS NOT EVILL!!
🖤the-elder-mage Follow
First of all op, you're from elibe so you should know that the preferred name for dark magic here is elder magic.
Second, op is a dragonphobe and supports the g*nocide of all dragons.
(4,322 notes)
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❤️️crimsonrider Follow
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👼talyspeggy Follow
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(25,434 notes)
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🪚sidecharater121 Follow
Me watching my friend getting warped to Zenith for the 5th time in different clothes cause they were popular
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(1,547 notes)
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🌪wimdymagey Follow
wdym you dont need a tome to summon magic in fodlan and valentia??????
🌪wimdymagey Follow
Im over here flipping thru the pages of my book for my life hoping my head doesnt get caved in by a hand axe!!
(3,957 notes)
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🌘nohrian-cum Follow
Wait... weapons can break????
⚔️myrmigone Follow
(122 notes)
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🪵chopinheads Follow
Hey guys! I'm a fighter about to promote!
Should I promote to warrior or hero?
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🗿the-real-axe-man Follow
pegasuses are such misandrists. wtf did i do to you flying pony??
Pegasuses arent even usful, they litterally get one shotted by an archer with 5 strength.
👼talyspeggy Follow
Literally not every pegasi breed "hates" men.
Go to Hoshido if you wanna see men riding pegasi.
I'm so sorry that certain pegasi were born not wanting a man to ride them.
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😷helpfulheals Follow
Hey guys @/begnionianloverss is a laguzphobe and supports the s*renes m*ssacre saying that "they deserved it"
😺ran-the-catboy Follow
Oof,, thanks for informing us, I have friends who follow that account, gonna tell them that info immediately!
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🏰armored-general Follow
Can myrmidons shut up abt their crit rates???
Yall cant even do 1 damage against me, how tf that crit rate gonna help you???
⚔️myrmigone Follow
Flame Sword
Levin Sword
Wind Sword
Sonic Sword
🏰armored-general Follow
with YOUR 3 MAGIC???????? LMAO!!!! stop coping and admit that myrmidon is a shit class
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🏹no1-archer Follow
Heard that @flameempire was hosting a bbq at belhalla, very excited!
🏹no1-archer Follow
🐉divinedragonfanclub Follow
wtf is happening in jugdral
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🚫anti-crest-revolution Follow
Gods I hate people with crests
Privileged mfs
⚡️zapanddash Follow
Brooooo my crest literally randomly summons a thunder storm whenever im around.
I was in khadein (a literal desert nation) a while ago and in the middle of THE HOT DESERT DAY A FUCKING TORENTIAL RAIN STORM APPEARS!!!
That is not a privilege
🌑purplegaymagic Follow
OP you literally have a crest! how can you say you hate crests when YOU HAVE ONE YOURSELF!!!! SMH
(34,667 notes)
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🧙‍♂️gotohs-big-naturals Follow
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I can fix him
💐eirika-erica Follow
No you fucking can't
🐎expthiefseth Follow
No you fucking can't
🐲frenofdragon Follow
No you fucking can't
🪨the-obsidianrock Follow
No you fucking can't
🔱lancemaster22 Follow
No you fucking can't
(2,331 notes)
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🥷ninja-paint Follow
pets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets youpets you
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😺ran-the-catboy Follow
gets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets petgets pet
(776 notes)
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This website was a waste of money
(933,720 notes)
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1K notes · View notes
Unexpected Delivery- Kabal x F!Reader
So I had an idea of a reader who gets unexpectedly pregnant by Kabal and potential interactions the reader might have with other kombatants as a result of them finding out they're pregnant.
Warnings: swearing, mentions of blood, bodily functions, abortion thoughts.
Y/n is a kombatant, morally grey. Grew up in the south side of Chicago, living vagrantly and poor. Pick your own skills/abilities. Y/n is sometimes on the side of good, sometimes not. Y/n interacts with the Black Dragon faction every now and then for quick missions for quick pay, although she is not a dedicated member (merc; she doesn't like killing unnecessarily). Y/n and Kabal have been dating and getting busy for the past 10 months (and its poorly kept secret, everyone knows). Also (b/c this is my story, fight me) you are really close to Mileena. Y/n realizes Mileena is just misunderstood and just wants to be accepted and loved :) (this is relevant later).
"Fuck, fuck!" y/n paced in her bathroom what seemed like an eternity before shakily picking up the third and final pregnancy test off the side of their bathtub.
The two lines flipped Y/n's denial back on its head. Y/n was pregnant, and she had suspected so for a couple of weeks. Frequent urination, body aches, sore nips- all the alarms went off for Y/n, but those parallel pink lines struck like a ton of bricks. Was it worth telling Kabal? Should she just terminate? How far along was she? Y/n had to lean against the sink as these thoughts made her woozy.
Y/n unlocked her phone and began to type a long message to the speedster, but selected it all and deleted it. Y/n was lost in infinite possibilities. She would have to stop doing runs for the Black Dragon. What about Kabal? Y/n did not want their child to be exposed to any of the criminal syndicate, especially...Kano.
The words though, their child rung in Y/n's head, immediately spurring a flurry of butterflies in her stomach. She imagined Kabal with a goofy grin, speeding around with their child. She knew from the few times he's spoke on it, he values family and wants a big family of his own. She imagined their little family watching nerdy movies like Star Wars or Ninja Mime...
Y/n swattted at the air as to physically dismiss her thoughts. She had a mission today and that came first. She decided if she was going to tell Kabal, it would be after she completed this mission.
Y/n had to pick up some packages for the Black Dragon. Minus an excessive amount of stealth, this should have been a straight-forward and easy mission. All Y/n had to do was bust open the back of the truck and steal the two smallest boxes. Y/n drew a ragged breath before engaging. Looking through the poorly lit truck, she found the two smallest boxes surrounded by piles of larger boxes keeping those two in place. What are in the boxes? Who knows, Y/n does not ask, as she likes to keep some emotional investment apart from her despicable position. She does this for money, not for shits and giggles.
Reminiscing on her days homeless on the streets of Chicago, Y/n quickly moved the larger boxes before snatching the two and taking off. Despite her speedy pace, Y/n was not as fast as she normally would be, knowing damn well why. This cost her, however, as gunfire began to ring out. Y/n dashed off as fast as she could, but took a bullet near her lower abdomen. Y/n screeched in pain, but also fear- what about her baby?
Y/n gritted her teeth and kept running as fast she could, bleeding out in the process. Y/n reached the Black Dragon compound after 10 minutes of running. As she pushed the doors open, she drew a ragged breath, and the floor began to speed towards her. Everything went black.
Y/n groaned and winced, perceiving the bright lights of the infirmary through her eyelids. Realization hit Y/n like a ton of bricks, however, and she sat quickly and violently upright. Y/n let out a grunt before taking in her surroundings. As she quickly surveyed the room, her eyes met with a mask all too familiar. In a millisecond he was at her bedside, speaking 100 miles per hour. All Y/n could make out is "what the fuck happened?" "I'll never let you go on a mission alone again." "Those fuckers are going to pay..." Y/n drowned out Kabal's stammering once she saw a medic.
Staring at y/n, y/n asked the head medic, in merely a whimper, "how is my baby?" Dumbfounded, but lightly amused, Kabal said "I'm fine but what the hell happened to you? Are you okay?" Y/n would have laughed had not the situation been dire.
"The bullet just barely missed the babies. We ran some tests, from we can tell, the babies are healthy for three months." Holy shit, three months? BABIES? PLURAL?
Although he had a mask on, you knew Kabal was blank. For what felt like years, he did not say a word. Then, merely a pained whisper, Kabal asked, "why didn't you tell me?"
"I planned to tell you right after my mission. I legitimately found out this morning. I was still processing it myself."
Kabal sat quietly, before walking away. "Kabal, wai-," he was already gone. Tears began to form in the corners of your eyes. Was he just going to throw everything away? Just leave just like that? All the crying and the morphine began to takeover, and Y/n began to unwillingly drift off.
When she awoke, she was at her apartment, in her bed. Pacing in the living room, was the speedster. As rare as it could be, he was unmasked and in a plain white tee and black sweatpants. Besides intimate moments, Y/n did not see this casual side often. Kabal was known to be ashamed of his disfigurement. To Y/n, however, the burns meant nothing at all. You loved that man with every fiber of your being.
Kabal heard the sheets slightly ruffle and looked to see Y/n awake and dashed over. Staring down for a moment, is soft brown eyes met yours, vulnerability painted over them. "The doctor said its twins, said we'd know the gender in two more months." Kabal saying "we" was a relief, calming your heart rate and the warmth running up your throat. Y/n swallowed back the potential nervous vomit before stating, "I thought you were going to leave me."
Kabal flinched slightly, as though you'd physically punched him. "Why would I ever do that? Y/n...although sooner than expected, this is always wanted. A peaceful life, loving kids, loving wife..if you are offering me that, I would never pass it up."
Y/n was about to reply before you stopped. Wife? You involuntarily smiled and blushed at the idea before verbalizing that exact question, "Wife?"
Kabal smiled before getting up and speeding around to your side of the bed, digging in his pocket.
"I know I am bottom-feeder, a nobody." His brows furrowed for a moment, but then his face softened. "But you make me feel like I am somebody, Y/n. I forget the monster I see in the mirror every morning. You love me like no one has ever loved me, Y/n. There is nothing I want more to spend the rest of my life with you and this family we're making. Will you marry me, Y/n?" The beautiful black and diamond ring sparkled brightly.
Of course you said yes.
Kano: "Don't think just cause Kabal knocked ya up I am givin either of ya a break."
Y/N: "Wouldn't expect anything less, cue ball."
Kano: "Just for that, I am goin to make sure ya suffer."
Kano: "I gotta ask, is Kabal too fast in bed?"
Y/n: "Drop it."
Kano: "Ill take that as a yes."
Kano: "Don't think I am giving you paternity leave."
Kabal: "I'm taking permanent leave."
Kano: "In a body bag. Shame ya kids will be without a daddy."
Sindel: "So you let that bottom-feeder weaken you with a child."
Y/n: "Here I was, going to ask you for any pregnancy tips."
Sindel (disheartened): "Edenian pregnancies are different than Earthrealmers but, make the speedster give you backrubs."
Y/n: "Noted."
Y/n: "I gotta ask, any pregnancy tips?"
Sonya (face softens): "You're not going to like it but, low-strain exercise will actually help."
Y/n: "You're right, I didn't like that."
Sonya: "You better treat Y/n like a damn princess."
Kabal: "Yes, madam bootlicker." *sarcastically salutes*
Sonya: *sigh* "I tried, Y/n."
Sonya: "I don't know what Y/n sees in you."
Kabal: "At least Y/n didn't bang Johnny."
Sonya: "Now ya done it."
Cassie Cage: "Please tell me you're having a gender reveal party."
Y/n: "Maybe...."
Cassie Cage: "PLEASE let me plan it. Please."
Kabal: *regretfully* "Any advice on being a father?"
Johnny Cage: "Oh my god so first....When I first...you gotta be prepared for...'"*endless rambling*
Kabal: "I shouldn't have asked."
Johnny Cage: "So, finally settling down, eh?"
Kabal: "Choose your words carefully, Cage."
Johnny Cage: "Congrats."
Kabal: "That was surprisingly..genuine."
Kabal: "I am not going to make my kids watch your trash movies, Cage."
Johnny Cage: "C'mon, they're fun for the whole family!"
Kabal: "I don't want to fry their brains that early."
Y/n: "Look, I can pick anyone for Godmother, you can pick anyone for Godfather."
Kabal: "Deal. No quips about who I pick though."
Y/n: "Same goes for me."
Mileena: "Dearest Y/n."
Y/n: "I have to ask you something." *explains what a Godmother is* "Would you like to be the Godmother of my twins?"
Mileena: *tearfully runs and hugs you, no fight ensues, match ends in immediate friendship*
Kabal: "MILEENA? Are you serious?"
Y/n: "Like Erron is any better?"
Kabal: "She will eat them!"
Y/n: "You said no quips."
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zaptrap · 9 months
Seeing that you've been here since 2012 is INSANE like you've witnessed it all huh. You've seen probably SO many weird and crazy things in this fandom like man that's so cool for you I feel...
ive def seen and participated in a lot of dumbass bullshit over the years LMAO. although notsomuch during the skybound-to-seabound era cuz i'd lost interest for a bit
Random shit I remember off the top of my head (plz feel free to fact-check):
deviantart era: (2012-2013)
that bright green ninjago ask meme
like, literally everybody making self-insert purple ninjas (sometimes orange, teal, or rainbow) and shipping them with their fav ninja
everyone making their own genderbends of the ninja. cole was almost always called nicole or colette lmao
people also naming their accounts (name)-the-ninja (or "teh-ninja", since this was 2012)
there's a non-zero probability that if you were in the fandom during the season 1 era, you're a furry now
naruto crossovers
half-snake ninja aus.........wonder who uh......who could've done that.....heheh (me) (that was my whole deal pre-nindroid!jay lmfao)
everyone posting like, doll-maker things they made of ninjago? especially dragon ones
(me) posting leaked screenshots of season 2 eps that i found on the lego wiki or smth lmao. this is also how i found out zane was a robot. i think i kept posting leaks when i moved to tumblr
legends of chima releasing and i thiiink it was supposed to be a ninjago replacement? like, legitimately? though a lot of people weren't happy about it. "furry gang drug wars" was a phrase used a lot lmfao.
tumblr era (2013-2016 for me) (may overlap with dA era)
everyone losing their minds over the shirtless ninja in ns2 lmfao
that one video of kirby marrow (rest in peace) saying cole was 14
that other vid of like, behind the scenes and it was the ninja's actors but like in-universe? it's where "cole bucket" comes from
also some behind the scenes vid with the actual voice actors lol
thinking back on this, im like 100% sure it was bullshit but when the end of rebooted aired, there was a rumor going around about fans being so upset over zane's death that they carved a snowflake on their stomachs. lots of people were freaking out lmfao
the rise and fall of "fucknoshittyninjagoOCs" (ashamed to say i heavily participated in harassing this blog even if i rlly didnt like the premise.........)
lots of tension with instagram cuz of all the art reposts. like. tons of reposts. i remember someone blocked me when i said to take something down but then unblocked me the same evening and apologized LOL so
roleplay twitter accounts (twitter was kinda not-as-a lot at the time)
nindroid!jay of course. its so old there was an update that was made in flash lmfao...
absolute fucking shitloads of AUs and headcanons. i dont think this has changed much but like. there were so many lmfao. entire threads
actually there's too many fucking AUs. im scrolling through my main blog and i cant fuckin find anything cuz ITS ALL THESE STUPID AU THREADS THEY AREN'T EVEN LIKE DEEP LMAO
the absurd screenshot redraws i did. like they were super stupid lmfao. icr which blog they're on but they're on my comp still at least
ninjagians just. being a term used at all lmao
the ninjago fan-tournament during ns4. people would draw/write about their ocs doing whatever prompt was posted and then everyone came together to defeat a big bad snake man
tbh i started naturally losing interest during ns5, and then VERY QUICKLY dropped the show (and therefore fandom) when skybound came out lmao............... so i dont really remember a lot from this era and everything after
and now im back :D
i hope this is insightful! xD
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ramspatula · 6 months
Zinnias | Lloyd Garmadon x fem!reader | Part 5
Why are big statues coming to life?
Previous part, Masterlist, Next part
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It was oddly domestic how we worked. Lloyd would often have to leave at odd times for work and would come back very late or early in the evening. I felt like a housewife. I had no lessons due to it being the holiday but I had way too much work to do as it was. I hated being in this shit hole but it was better than back ‘home’, here I had friends and Lloyd. The tapping on my window made me frown. Lloyd was at work. I peeked out to see green and I grinned, pulling back the blinds and opening the window.
“Hey, homeboy, where have you been?” I asked and his eyes turned from wide, happy to see me to a dull, unamused, stern gaze.
“I regret coming here already.” He said and I smiled, climbing out the window.
“C’mon, don’t be like that. Where have you been?!” I asked and he shrugged.
“I’ve been busy- you’ve been busy.” Green added and I flushed.
“You know about that?” I asked and he nodded, he looked almost smug? From what I could tell from his eyes.
“Personal stalker, remember?” He asked and I nodded.
“Right, forgot about your obsession.” I said and he rolled his eyes. “What are you doing here then?” It’s mid-day? Just because my dorm building only has 3 rooms occupied at the moment doesn’t mean no one can see you. There’s probably some 13 year old losing her mind right now.” I said and he rolled his eyes.
“I’m on my way to the museum- I’ve just took care of our dragon and I was on strict orders to not come until all its shit was picked up so I’m sorry if I still smell. I feel like I can’t wash it off.” Green explained and I frowned.
“You have a dragon?” I asked and he nodded.
“Yeah- the one with four heads- they’re actually right above us if you want to see.” He casually added and I looked up to see the beast staring down at me. I jumped in shock as it bent down and the two centre heads gently nudged me and one blew really cold air on me. I even shivered and that caused the other one to breathe really hot air on me and now I felt over heated.
“That is really cool but I also feel like I’m in shellshock right now.” I said and he laughed.
“Okay, back off, she’ll pet you guys another time.” The dragon- moped? And got down to allow Lloyd on- Green- why do I think of Lloyd every time I see him?! I watched as the green, oddly familiar, green eyes winked at me and I smiled in response. “I’ll see you soon, bro.” He said and I laughed.
“You admit it- I’m a homeboy!” I yelled but he flew off. What a surreal experience.
“Was that a ninja?!” Fuck.
🪺. *. ⋆
The ninjas were smashing so many of these little figures that had come to life, Lloyd’s arrival almost made no difference.
“How many of these things are there?!” Lloyd asked only to be met with another one jumping at him. He thought with his father’s sudden disappearance he would get a moment of peace.
“Look who decided to turn up! We’ve been at this for an hour!” Jay screeched.
“Yeah, I hear you, I got caught up.” Lloyd excused and Cole scoffed.
“Ever since this guy got laid, he’s been a flake!” Cole said and Kai stopped one from hitting Cole in the back of the head.
“Yet he’s doing better than us in training!” Kai added and Cole shook his head.
“Who’s giving you that good of a fuck, it’s excelling your training?!” Cole asked and Lloyd smashed the figure in front of him, sending a mini earthquake through the room, the vibrations causing the figures on the floor to shatter.
“Okay, we get it, you still have your powers.” Kai said and Nya sent a burst of water into a figure about to attack Kai. “You too.” Some stone warrior figures poured marbles below him and Cole’s feet and that seemed to push Kai over the edge. “Alright, play times over!” He yelled before doing spinjitsu. The other 3 following as Lloyd, Nya and Sensei Wu watched, un-approving of their actions as the whole room was now destroyed. However, all the figures with the exception of one were destroyed. Only Wu seemed to notice this, sprinting out the chase the figure when the other ninjas clocked on a followed.
He managed to chase the little figure down and smash it with his foot. Wu didn’t have time to be proud of himself when he heard a familiar heartbeat. His super-hearing had made him memorise heartbeats in the same way his nephew and brother did. But this one he had spent hours upon hours listening to. When the door behind him creaked open, and the heart he knew so well almost rang in his ears, he turned. The first and only woman, Wu had ever loved stood before him.
“Misako?” The name slipping so effortlessly from his mouth.
“Wu.” She said, her voice still as smooth and charming as it had been some time ago.
“I- uh…” He fumbled over his words.
“It’s been a long time..” She added and he nodded.
Her braid still hadn’t changed although it was now covered in grey rather than the rich brown he was accustomed to. Thought of so passionately in his mind. The last time he had even seen her, she was only just starting to grey and had a newborn in her arms. A newborn with red eyes like his father. A newborn who was now an adult and his nephew. Because she had chosen his brother. Married him. And had a child with him. A child she abandoned. Wu was now over aware of who had a hand placed on his shoulder.
“So are you going to introduce us?” Jay asked, trying carefully not to break the moment. Lloyd showed no emotion to the woman and actually chose to eye her with suspicion but she hadn’t focussed on him yet. How would she know it’s him? Lloyd didn’t know her. And Lloyd certainly didn’t look how he was meant to after their 12 year separation. Wu cleared his throat and held the boy’s arm, Lloyd frowned at his Uncle but said no more. His Uncle had a content, almost excited smile on him. It was unusual for any of them to see.
“This is Misako, Lloyd’s mother.” And just like that, Lloyd’s world came tumbling down.
“My mother?!” Lloyd spoke, frozen in his shock.
“Lloyd?” She said, stepping forward. Her smile and tone felt so ironic for a woman who abandoned her 2 year old at a boarding school. “My little boy. You’re so much bigger than I thought you’d be-“ Lloyd smacked his Uncle’s hand away and took a step back. The anger seeped into his veins and did so quickly.
“Yeah, well, it’s been a long time.” He said, moving his arm away from his mother’s attempt at holding his hand.
“I didn’t want us to meet like this. I have a reason why I’ve been away-“ Misako tried to get to her son but he shook his head.
“And I don’t want to hear it.” Lloyd said before storming out. The others were shocked at such a reaction from Lloyd. Most his expected the boy to welcome his mother with open arms with how highly Wu always spoke of her. Garmadon had not spoke so highly, not after learning Lloyd had spent his life in a boarding school. Turns out the over-lord wasn’t pleased to learn his son that he was oblivious to his existence had spent a good 8 years in a boarding school being relentlessly bullied and then homeless at 10. It just wasn’t fair. Lloyd’s whole life wasn’t fair. And now his mother turns up in his life again after 12 years?
He couldn’t take it. He found his way into some room, with a giant pit. And a part of him felt like stepping into it. His mother wouldn’t care but Y/n would. His mind was spiralling. All these memories of mothers days that he had spent alone. How could his evil, tyrannical father care more about him than his mother? Garmadon didn’t know where he was or about him and within the first day of learning about his existence, he had sought his way out the underworld and had moved in with his enemies to kill snakes and reclaim his taken son. The first time they had met after he’d been rescued, his father had broken down. Holding him and spewing so many apologies for being absent when he hadn’t even known he existed. Lloyd held him back because for the first time, he had felt actual love. Like someone cared about him. Now he had grown up, he understood love. What it does to you. How deeply it can affect you when the person you love does something. Which is why Lloyd had always listened closely when Garmadon spoke of Misako. And it wasn’t nicely. It’s funny how a man corrupted by pure evil couldnt understand abandoning his son and only kept Lloyd with Wu because he was destined to be the Green ninja and because he believed that Lloyd would stay at the monastery until he grew up. Garmadon believed Lloyd would be safe. He was not.
“Hey, baby, you alright?” He basked in her voice.
“Is there any way you can make it to the museum right now?” Lloyd asked and he could hear the girl’s confusion on the other line.
“Museum- Lloyd the ninjas are there-! What are you-?!” He loves how concerned she is over him.
“I just met my mother.” He cut her off and she paused.
“I’ll be right there, it’s like a 10 minute walk. Are you okay?” He smiled. Not that she could see it.
“Just, come as quick as you can…” He said and heard her agree before she hung up and he sighed.
🪺. *. ⋆
This museum was a fucking maze. I didn’t even know what room he was in and there was barely anyone here. Lloyd wasn’t responding and I was considering giving up, until I turned around and saw a massive live statue of a stone warrior. It would’ve been cool if it hadn’t started raising its sword at me. I screamed. I’m not afraid to admit it. Before I sprinted. The thing didn’t hit me with the sword but it did make the ground shake which almost made me fall.
“What the fuck?!” I yelled as it was now chasing me?! What the hell?! What did I do?! “No,no,no-“ I screamed again as it almost got me.
“Peach!” Someone called but I didn’t see who. That was before 5 ninjas had jumped down before me. I saw no green in this rainbow and continued running. I heard someone talking, aggressively talking. The doors were closed though but I recognised that voice. I recognised it anywhere. I banged on the door, hearing and feeling as the footsteps got closer again.
“Open up! This massive asshole of a statue is chasing me!” I yelled and the doors swung open and I practically fell into Green’s arms- could’ve sworn that was Lloyd.
“Peach! Are you okay- I never should’ve of told you to come here--!” He looked up at someone cleaning their throat. I saw an older woman with grey hair and a braid, she didn’t look too old though.
“Lloyd-“ I said and his eyes widened.
“What?” Green asked. His hands cupping my cheeks.
“Where’s Lloyd-?!” I asked- almost begged, frightened tears threatened to spill from my eyes.
“He’s okay. You aren’t though.” Green told me and I shook my head.
“No-! I need to find him! It’s serious.” I said, my breathing becoming erratic.
“Lloyd will understand, you’ll see him soon but for now I gotta get you to safety and others because that thing is massive-!” He suddenly yelled at the appearance of the statue and I nodded.
“That was chasing me-!” I yelled and he took my hand, making me sprint with him to another room. The woman followed but I didn’t pay her much attention, I was holding onto Green like a lifeline as we ran away from this thing. We ended up in a large room and I noticed that everyone was here but I couldn’t breathe- I was suffocating. This felt like a panic attack. Green frantically turned to me and held me as I crumbled to the floor. I tried to breathe but I couldn’t.
“It’s okay, it’s okay.” He repeated, smoothing my hair as I gripped onto him like a lifeline. I suddenly pushed him off and looked around.
“Lloyd-“ I said again but he turned me back around.
“He’s fine, he’s okay, he’s safe. You’re not. We’ve got to focus on you, Peach.” Green told me and he sounded so much like him, felt like him. His hand moved my cheek and I held the side of his neck to support myself.
“Lloyd.” I said, more stern as I looked into his eyes. Those were Lloyd’s eyes, I swore those were his. His eyes widened more and I swore I saw some red in his iris. “Lloyd.” I whispered more harshly, my eyes widening. He shook his head. The red ninja placed a hand on his shoulder but he shrug it off. All the ninja were here? How embarrassing.
“No…” he said, weakly. He seemed so vulnerable right now. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I flinched.
“Maybe now is not the time for this-“ Wu said. Fucking Wu. I grabbed the man before I could think.
“Peach-!” I heard Green say but I stared into the old man’s eyes.
“Where is he?! I know you know.” I watched as his stern eyes drift up to Green who reached out for me again. I looked back to him. “Don’t say-“ I turned around to look at Green again, he looked guilty. “-what the fuck?!” i looked back at Wu who nodded. I let go of the old man away and stalked away from them all.
“It’s best to let her cool off-“ I heard a woman’s voice as I walked away.
“Don’t touch me.” That was Lloyd’s voice. He was Lloyd. Green was Lloyd. Lloyd was the Green ninja. With that thought in mind I felt like collapsing. The world around me slowed and I knew what came next.
But it didn’t matter because soon arms were around me, shielding me as a green force field encased us, the green turned mixed of peaches and purples before I watched as the statues sword glitched and burst after the colours turned back to green. It now had no weapon. Green held onto me- Lloyd held onto me -tighter as the big statue tried to attack the green bubble with his hand. It didn’t break but I could feel as it exhausted Lloyd. His eyes were closed tightly, in focus. I held him back and his eyes seemed to close even tighter before suddenly the statue was running away, chasing something else. Lloyd let the bubble burst and took a moment to catch his breath again. I just sunk to the floor. Staring blankly at where it had left. Lloyd quickly looked from me to the doorway before holding my head in his hands, making me look at him.
“I know you’re confused and that’s okay, I’ll be back soon, stay here, okay?” Was all he said before running off. I didn’t move, I don’t think I could.
Fuck that I could.
I moved to the doorway and watched as they tried to lead him to the big gaping hole in the middle of the floor of one room but it suddenly turned around a charged at some civilian who came running this way. I heard the ninjas protests and sounds of disappointment at their little trap not working. I watched as it now charged at me again. The blast of green energy on its back didn’t even make it falter as it stared me down and stopped, raising its hand. Ready to pummel me into the earth. I only glared up as I heard the yells, watching as the first came back down.
When the world slowed, everything felt so dramatic. I felt so untroubled. Like nothing really mattered. I felt like I could see the ins and outs of the earth and more, something no one else could. But now I just felt hurt, lied to. Somehow, I had really thought I’d bet on a winner only to realise I’m still by the loser’s side. Losing every time with them. At least I feel like I win when I lose. So I let myself feel the loser’s guilt as the fist came down on me. If only I could escape my problems so easy. It would’ve been easy to let that thing kill me. I started, tears in my eyes as the thing was now lodged into the floor. It glitched and got stuck. It would stay like that unless dug out. Only side of its face and some parts of the body could be seen. I climbed over the piece of forearm sticking out and saw the rest of the ninja. I didn’t let my tears fall but I suddenly had a feeling I knew who these ninjas were and specifically who the red one was. I shook my head at him.
“Peach! Peaches!” I heard his voice but I ignored him as I walked away. I was too tired and I had been deceived. I really believe they were separate people even with their uncanny similarities. “Y/n! Please!” I paused at that. The vase on display next to me, glitched. I let him run in front of me. “Thank you… I can tell you everything-“ I shook my head.
“I don’t want to know.”
“Just- come back to the monastery please. I can explain everything- show you!” Lloyd said and I shook my head.
“No.” I said and he sighed.
“Then I’ll come to yours just please don’t walk away.” He said and I let the tears flow, I quickly tired to wipe them. His hand reached up and grabbed my face again, I let him. Trying not to cry more as his thumbs gently wiped away a few tear tracks.
“Green, we need to go-!” Someone yelled but he growled- actually growled.
“No!” He said immediately. “Please, Y/n.” He whispered and I nodded.
“I’ll go with you.” I said and he rested his forehead on mine.
“Thank you, thank you!” He said quickly, desperately, and I let him lead me out the museum. I stayed silent, letting him decide everything for me. I felt numb. Like I had been overwhelmed to the point of exhaustion. And in a way, I had. He quickly pulled a cloth from the gift shop and wrapped it around the lower half of my face, covering my mouth and nose, before pulling my hood up. “To keep your identity secret.” He explained but I just looked up, blankly.
The dragon bowed and lowered its body to me. It gestured with one of its heads towards its back and I realised it wanted me to get on. I looked to Lloyd who lifted me effortlessly onto the shoulder of the dragon’s front leg and I had to grab onto onto the straps of the saddle to climb onto the saddle itself. If it wasn’t for my static state I might of been freaking out about the fact I was on a dragon, actually I was starting to feel a little freaked, that was until I felt Lloyd behind me. After adjusting himself accordingly, he held me closer to his body and grabbed onto the reigns. This thing was about to take off. I grabbed onto Lloyd’s arm around me, tightly. My eyes widened as it spread its wings and took off, it was a large and terrifying beast and it took its time ascending into the air. I pressed myself back into Lloyd who didn’t say anything, just rested his head against my shoulder. I hadn’t looked up from the saddle.
“It’s really pretty up here.” I heard Lloyd said but I ignored him. “I’ve always liked flying more than driving… feels more peaceful. Especially when it’s not really windy.” He said and I relaxed a little, looking up. I couldn’t tell if that was a bad or good thing. It was pretty but we were so high up. I was more interested in the dragon than the scenery. I placed a hand on the exposed white scale and felt as a rumble went through its body. I quickly retracted my hand. “They’re purring, they like you.” Lloyd added and I just nodded. The dragon head with brown outlines let out a long croon and I froze. “They want you to continue.”
“I’ve always loved dragons…” I said and scratched the scales area. The dragon shook almost shifting us too far off, I did not scream. Lloyd didn’t laugh at the fact I screamed. Because I didn’t scream.
“I’ve got you… if I knew you liked dragons, I would’ve got you to meet them sooner.” He said and it came back, the deceit. I could almost get it but it still hurt. I thought I had two new people and it almost feels like I lost a friend. I slumped again, removing my hand.
“You lied…” I said and he fumbled to try and get his words together.
“I didn’t want to… but I had to! I can’t go around saying I’m the green ninja.” He said and I nodded.
“I get that, I do but- but why would you get so close to me?! I thought I had a friend, Lloyd.” I said, hurt evident in my voice and I felt as he held on a little tighter.
“I wasn’t meant to! But I can’t leave you alone, you’re all I think about- I wasn’t meant to get too involved but then the thought of seeing you and not talking to you got to me- and then I found out about your powers-!” He reminded me and I shook my head.
“You were going to try and teach me as another person?!” I yelled and he cringed.
“Yes…” he admitted and I scoffed.
“And I felt guilty about the fact I didn’t tell you about my powers.” I said and he sighed, digging his face into my shoulder.
“I would’ve told you. I wouldn’t have let you find out like this if things were different.” Lloyd said and I paused.
“You called me…” I started and he pressed his head further into the corner of my neck. “You sounded so… so broken. I’d never been so scared, Lloyd.” I said and he nodded.
“I saw my mother and everyone acted like it was this happy thing. Like the woman hadn’t abandoned me and never came back to visit.” He said and I held onto his hand around my waist. We were started to descend now. Lloyd looked up to be able to our surroundings as we went down. “Wu looked at her like she was amazing. Some sort of spectacle. In reality, even my father used to say she was even more of a monster than him for abandoning a baby and not telling the father anything about him.” Lloyd revealed and my eyes widened. The landing was rougher than I thought and he was jumping off as soon as and encouraged me to slide down before he caught me and placed me firmly on the floor. I held onto for a moment as the sensation in my legs came back. We began walking after a moment, taking his hand in mine as he ripped off his mask and I pulled my hood off and makeshift mask too. “She tried talking to me. To explain everything- I didn’t want to know. I don’t want to know.” He added and I just followed him as he led me to a room that was covered in poster and green ornaments and nerdy things. Like Star Wars Lego sets and funko pops. He closed his door after I stepped in and opened his wardrobe. This was his room, I realised. I looked to his bedside to see a picture of a younger version of Lloyd in a smaller green Gi sat next to his uncle with the others in their Gi surrounding the two. They were all unmasked and poor Lloyd has a bowl cut.
“Your barber did you dirty.” I said and he looked at the frame I was looking at and let out a surprised laugh.
“The boys in my old dorm put a bowl over my hair, it was like a mullet- really long, anyway, one day they put a bow around my head when I was asleep and cut my hair. The teachers tidied it up the best they could but because it was boarding school for bad boys, they were rewarded and I just began hating my hair. Luckily, after the tea, my hair had changed drastically and Kai cleaned it up after.” Lloyd told me and I looked back at him, he was now just in his boxers. Pair of trousers in his hands ready to put on.
“I love your hair.” I said and he looked up before smiling, putting on his trousers as he spoke to me.
“With how much you tug it, I was thinking you were trying to rip it out-“
“Okay, Okay! I get it.” I said and pushed him away as he got seriously close. I laughed as he grabbed me and started kissing all over my face and neck. “Okay! I’m sorry, but I do love you hair. It’s softer than mine.”
“It’s not!” He immediately argued but backed off to go put his shirt on. He kicked the Gi towards a pile of dirty laundry, before turning and picking me up, easily. My legs wrapped around him and I let out a surprised laugh. “Being the green ninja means I get a few extra perks, like Cole’s super strength, meaning you don’t weigh anything to me.” He said and my eyes widened.
“That’s how you left my thighs bruised black.” Lloyd cringed at the reminder.
“I’ve not done that since, have I?” He asked and shook my head, kissing him.
“No, I don’t mind, however you do bite.” I said and tilted my neck to expose the bite a little.
“I don’t know where that came from. I think I tried to give you a hickey?” He questioned himself and I laughed.
“With teeth?!” I questioned and he threw me on his bed. He had a double bed. I starfished immediately. “Oh we’re staying round yours from now on.” I said and heard him laugh.
“We’d get zero privacy.” He said and I sighed in relief.
“I don’t care. This bed has made me forget how upset I am right now… that and I want to hear about your mommy issues.” I said and felt the bed dip, he grabbed my ankle and dragged me down the bed. I laughed as I settled in the new position. Putting my legs in his lap. He rested on arm on them, massaging my leg with his thumb.
“Peach… I don’t want to make this about me.” Lloyd said and I frowned.
“Maybe not, but I want to. So speak green boy. Tell me about your life before I leave.” I said and he grinned, amused.
“I realise how much you’re taking in right now, so I’ll give you the summary and we’ll delve into the specifics later.” He said and I nodded. “When I was 10, I left my boarding school and started some trouble here and there, the others had just started their training and were overly cocky and fed up of being called out to deal with ‘Garmadon’ and it being me.” He started and I frowned.
“You started trouble?” I asked, perplexed and he nodded.
“I was a wild kid, wanted to be just like my Dad. Except I was homeless and had no actual power to my name.” Lloyd said and my eyes widened.
“You were homeless?!” I asked and he nodded.
“For like a year before I was forcefully taken in by my Uncle.” He explained and my eyes saddened. “And that was only because my deviance had excelled to releasing the serpentine.” Lloyd told me and my jaw dropped.
“That was you?!” I questioned and he nodded.
“I thought it would somehow make my father proud enough to take me in. But he didn’t even know I was alive. And I was kicked out by each tribe until I met Pythor who I thought was my friend but he just wanted my serpentine tombs map and he deceived me and then tried to push me off the top of my boarding school but he had to run away before he could actually get me far enough to the edge. That’s when my uncle took me in and taught me to never trust a snake.” Lloyd told me and I smiled.
“Hey, I learnt that lesson too! Except it was on my own and with a bitch called Alabama.” I said and he chuckled. “I still don’t forgive that snake.” I said and he rubbed my leg.
“I don’t forgive Pythor either. I was just a kid. A bad one but nonetheless.” He said and I absentmindedly started playing with the hem of his t-shirt. “Then I got kidnapped by him, and my uncle had to go to the underworld to find my Dad to get his help in getting me back. My Dad tried to rip my Uncle’s throat out for knowing about my existence, and the fact I was alone and how he left me there. My Dad still says that my uncle either should’ve brought me to the underworld when my mother left me or took him in himself. Anyway, he saved me and I met him for the first time. It was weirdly emotional, for him at least, I felt nothing which still surprises me. It just wasn’t what I expected.” He told me and I nodded.
“It sounds like your father loves you a lot. Dare I say unconditionally?” I added and he smiled.
“He loves power more.” Lloyd added and my smile fell. “It’s okay, I know what to expect from my father. He came for me, that’s all that matters. A little while later, we go to find a fangblade and it’s in a volcano. Short story short, it starts erupting and Kai achieves his true potential saving me because somehow he realised that it was to protect me and therefore the green ninja. And I know you don’t know the prophecy of the green ninja, but it is the one destined to defeat darkness and bring back light. That darkness being my father. I have to fight and defeat my father in what’s called ‘the final battle’.” My eyes widened, and I sat up.
“You have to fight him?!” I almost yelled and he nodded, soothing me by patting my leg.
“That didn’t really settle well with my father and he left, the whole thing has sent him into a spiral really. Pythor managed to resurrect the great devourer, the one thing my Dad hates more than himself, and Wu. The ninjas gave up their golden weapons to my Dad so he could kill the devourer. He then took off with them after, creating that mega weapon which the ninjas somehow destroyed, that day is a blur really. Before that however, he used it resurrect the grundle. Which led to aging me to adulthood. The tea is supposed to somehow bring someone to the age that fate needs them to be. The grundle wasn’t needed and me, I’m supposed to be fate’s soldier. And children aren’t very successful in fights.” Lloyd said and I just looked up at him for a moment before jumping up and hugging him. He returned the hug, shifting me to actually be sat in his lap.
“I’m sorry.” I apologised and he shook his head.
“Don’t be. You have nothing to be sorry for.” Lloyd told me and I shook my head.
“Maybe not, but everyone else does. You’ve had the shittiest life I’ve ever heard of, and you haven’t even heard what Pearl’s been through.” I joked and he chuckled, kissing my cheek before holding me again. I held the back of his head and played with his hair and he rested the side of his head on mine.
“It’s not so bad. I have you now.” He said and that made me break, sobbing into his arms.
“That’s so sad.” I said and he laughed.
“Not to me.” Lloyd argued and I shook my head. “Hey, don’t cry over me, that’s a waste. Cry over your own shitty backstory not mine.” He told me and I giggled through my sobs.
“It’s not that shitty though! I was just neglected with a heavy handed sprinkle of bullying, you were actually homeless!” I argued and he shook his head.
“No, yours is so much worse. My mother actually tried speaking to me.” Lloyd said and I smiled.
“You sure that’s better than mine not?” I asked and he contemplated it for a moment.
“Yeah, I win. My life is worse than yours.” He said and chucked me onto the bed, off his lap. I laughed as he stood up.
“Okay, I can accept that loss.” I said and heard him laugh before suddenly he was next to me, laying down and star fishing, half over my body. I groaned at the sudden weight. “You’re so big, you need a whole bigass bed just to fit-.” I said and I saw the smirk come across his face and before I could take it back-
“That’s what you said-“
“Shut up- shut up-“ I covered his mouth and he laughed against my hand before licking it. I brought my hand back.
“Ew, Lloyd!” I said and his eyes snapped open.
“Wait licking your hand is gross but now-“
“Shut up! Someone could hear you-“ I said and he shrugged.
“My family has super hearing, my uncle definitely heard us fucking before he knocked on the door. He probably waited until we were out the shower to knock-“
“Oh my god! Are you serious?!” I asked and he nodded but shrugged a moment later.
“My uncle and Dad are really old. They were around during the times people used to fuck publicly like it was nothing.” Lloyd said and my jaw dropped. He started laughing and I shoved him.
“Not funny!” I scolded but he didn’t care.
“Okay! Okay! I’m sorry. But they are really old. I think my Dad is around 1300 years old.” Lloyd said and I froze.
“How old?!” I asked again and he nodded.
“Well my grandfather is the first spinjitsu master so it makes sense.” I stared at him momentarily.
“I think I’m going to be sick.” I said and he laughed.
🪺. *. ⋆
Peach fell asleep as soon as they spent 5 minutes in silence. Lloyd had listened as her heartbeat slowed and her breathing evened out. They had thrown his covers over them both and spent some time just resting in each other’s arms. It was getting late and he hadn’t spoke to his team since the museum. And he was hungry. He had the appetite of a dragon and he can’t remember the last time he ever felt full. So carefully, he got out the bed. Freezing as Y/n turned whined and then turned over, displeased. He breathed a sigh of relief when she settled back and quietly left his room. His footsteps didn’t make any sound anyway.
The halls of the monastery were simple, but elegant. The monks had spent the past millennia carving prophecies and teachings into the walls, making a beautiful architecture as the heads went on. When Lloyd made it to the kitchen, everyone was there. They all paused to look at him and he stopped for a moment before walking over to a cabinet. He hadn’t noticed his mother sat at the table, initially.
“Are you going to explain to us who that girl is or?” Cole asked, breaking the silence and Lloyd looked up, debating whether to say anything.
“That’s my girlfriend, her name is Peach.” He said and the table shot up in uproar.
“Girlfriend?! When?!” Kai immediately whined.
“How long have you even been seeing her?!” Nya asked, outraged she wasn’t the first to know.
“Before me??” Cole’s grating voice.
“It wasn’t just a hook up?!” Jay asked, perplexed.
“That’s where you’ve been?!” Cole’s voice again.
“I have no records of someone named Peach in the residents of ninjago records.” Zane was the last straw.
“Yes! I have a girlfriend! And her actual name isn’t Peach but she’s got powers too, they’re not elemental and really unpredictable. We call it glitching. As you’ve seen. We think they’re triggered by certain emotional triggers. Her name is apparently one of them.” Lloyd told them and it did not satisfy them at all.
“She lodged that thing in the ground! It’s still there!” Jay yelled and Lloyd nodded.
“We haven’t spoke about that yet so don’t bring it up please.” Lloyd said and they all froze. He was different.
“Congratulations, nephew.” Wu said and Lloyd looked up at him. “I’m sure you 5 have probably connected that this girl is the reason for Lloyd’s sudden excelling in training and skills. Love sharpens the mind, and makes the body more defensive.” Wu said and Lloyd’s eyes widened.
“Woah- not there yet!” He said and moved to take his snacks away from his eager Uncle.
“We may live for long, but we fall in love quick. Your mother would be able to attend to this.” Wu said and Lloyd’s eyes sharpened.
“So would Dad, y’know, until he found out he had a son he didn’t know about.” Lloyd said Misako’s face fell.
“Your father spoke of me?” She asked and Lloyd smiled.
“Oh yeah lots!” He said and she smiled back at him. “Lots of unforgiving, hateful things.” Her face fell again. “I haven’t heard him mention you with a positive tone since he asked me where my mother was!” Lloyd said and the atmosphere soured, dangerously.
“Lloyd.” Wu warned.
“Don’t pretend to care about me.” Lloyd said instead of acknowledging his Uncle. “I don’t need you.” He added and walked out the kitchen.
“He’s really upset.” He heard Nya say.
“Can you blame him? Kid was abandoned multiple times.” Cole.
“Lloyd! Wait up!” He didn’t, but Kai caught up anyway. “Talk to me, dude.” He said but Lloyd only looked at him. “C’mon, we used to talk about everything! I even used to read you to sleep when you first moved in.” Kai reminded and Lloyd smiled a little. “I mean- you got a girlfriend?!” Kai said, with a smile. It made Lloyd willingly open his door wider to reveal the lump under his covers. Hair just visible.
“I did.” He said, Kai smiled looking in as Lloyd rested on the door frame.
“I can’t believe you scored Peach.” He said and Lloyd laughed before nodding.
“I was there when you came over the over day.” Lloyd revealed and Kai paled a little. “She said you are a massive dick.” Lloyd added and Kai laughed.
“Are or have one- because she has walked in on me and Pearl-“ Lloyd shoved him and he laughed.
“Are. And she’s right.” Lloyd added and Kai smiled. “Come in, I don’t want those weirdos listening in on us.” Lloyd said and a faint ‘hey’ from Jay was heard. Kai nodded, at Lloyd’s point being proved. It was soon followed by ‘blabber mouth’ from Cole.
With the door closed, Lloyd sat on the end of his bed as Kai took residence on the floor.
“She won’t mind?” Kai asked and Lloyd shook his head.
“The only thing she’ll mind at the moment is an alarm.” Lloyd said and Kai chuckled. “You awake, Peaches?” Lloyd asked and shook the lump who groaned and aggressively pulled the covers around herself more. “See?” Lloyd said and Kai’s eyes widened. “Do you mind if Kai stays in here?!” Lloyd practically yelled and the lump only whined, shoved him away from her and turned on her side to avoid him. “Not a care in the world.” Lloyd concluded and Kai nodded.
“Oh my god.” Kai said, perplexed and Lloyd smirked. They talked for a solid hour before the lump suddenly shot up and collapsed into Lloyd.
“I can’t sleep without cuddling something.” I said and I heard two voices chuckle. How did it take me this long to realise someone else was in the room? I looked up to see Kai and I turned to Lloyd.
“I told you, no privacy.” He said and I shrugged, settling down.
“Shame, I was going to give you the head of your life.” I shut my eyes, as my head rested comfortably on his thigh, facing away from Kai and towards his stomach.
“Get out.” I heard Lloyd say, most serious I’ve ever heard him. I laughed and so did Kai.
“What time is it?” I asked.
“Late. You slept most the afternoon away, Peaches.” Lloyd told me and I nodded slightly.
“Is Kai still here?” I asked and Lloyd nodded.
“I asked him to leave.” Lloyd said and I sighed.
“You didn’t ask, you ordered.” Kai argued.
“I told him to leave.” Lloyd said, instead and I laughed. Brothers, definitely.
“No head then.” I said and watched as Lloyd glared at Kai.
“Can you even move, Peach?” Kai asked and I didn’t move.
“I’m gonna pass out again.” I said instead and soon surrendered to sleep again.
“You just cock-blocked me so hard!” Lloyd said and Kai shrugged.
“You’ve cock-blocked me so many time, I don’t care.” It was true. The other ninjas used to send him to knock on Kai’s door whenever they knew Kai was having phone sex or make him tell Kai he was meant to babysit him when he was about to go hook up with someone and then his hookup would start talking about how cute his younger brother was.
“Not my fault.” Lloyd defended.
“You did it for a price.” Kai counter-argued and Lloyd shrugged.
🪺. *. ⋆
I woke up to no Lloyd. I was in his bed but no him. I sighed and sat up. How did I feel so tired? And hungry. What do I do until Lloyd comes back? Stay here? I stood up and looked around the room. He had his own bathroom. Good. I stretched in the middle of his room. The t-shirt he had put on me before I fell asleep rose slightly above my ass, exposing the skin and the fact I had nothing on my lower half. I shoved my trousers from yesterday on, keeping his shirt though. I pulled my bra on, clipping the back before listening with my ear against the door to try and hear if anyone was outside. I noticed my phone was on charge and his was next to it. Good, that meant he hadn’t left. I checked it. No messages. The usual. 8:07am. What the hell? I thought it was like 1pm with how I felt and how everything looked. Where the hell did Lloyd have to go at 8pm?
I slowly opened Lloyd’s door and peeked out it, taking one look down the long hallway. I took a deep breath. It’s a long hallway. How big is this place? I didn’t really get a good look at it. It was already bigger than any home I’d been in before. That’s when I made myself pause. This wasn’t a house. It was a monastery. That meant other people lived here, specifically monks. It was also owned and used by Lloyd’s uncle whose father is the first spinjitsu master. That meant that this wasn’t a normal monastery and in fact it was dedicated to ninjitsu and the first spinjitsu master’s techniques and teachings. It was also evident in the engravings and painting in the walls and supporting poles of the building. I didn’t even realise how far I’d walked when looking at the decor until I was staring into a kitchen. Empty. Thank god. I was really hungry. I can’t just take their food though. That would be extremely rude. Unless I just took Lloyd’s food. I bet they all share though. I’ll wait. I’m starving though. My throat is dry. Having some water isn’t rude, is it? Where the hell are the cups? It’s rude to snoop. Why is etiquette so hard? I’ll suffer. I’d rather suffer than be asked the condensing question of ‘what are you doing?’ Before I could leave, a voice made me jump.
“Not hungry?” An older woman’s voice. I frowned as I turned to see her. Her hair was in a singular grey braid. This is the woman I saw with Lloyd before. In the room with the hole. This is his mother. The woman who abandoned him.
“No.” I lied. My stomach stayed quiet. “Just trying to make my way around.” I said and she smiled.
“In Misako, Lloyd’s mother.” She introduced herself and I nodded.
“Peach, Lloyd’s girlfriend.” I said and Misako’s smile didn’t falter.
“Do you mind giving me your real name?” She asked and I nodded.
“I do mind.” I said, finally smiling back. “If I wanted you to know it, I would’ve said it.” I turned on my heel and went to walk out.
“I understand you’ve only heard about me through Lloyd and he is very upset.” Misako started and I rolled my eyes, turning around again.
“Rightfully so.” I said and she just nodded.
“But it was to try and find a way around the final battle- see, I knew from his birth that he would be the green ninja. So I left him at that school to do everything I could to try and stop it.” She said and I narrowed my eyes.
“I’m not following.” I said and Misako sighed.
“I had to try to put a stop to all this.” Misako said and I nodded.
“No, I got that- I just don’t get why you’re telling me and not Lloyd why you left him.” I said and she came a little closer.
“I tried, he didn’t want to hear it.” Misako said and I ‘oh’d’.
“And you want me to try and talk to him?” I asked and she smiled.
“You are in his prophecies, helping him in any way.” That freaked me out. “You have to start playing your part.” She told me and now I was annoyed. Lloyd did not inherit a thing from this woman.
“Where is he, by the way?” I asked and Misako seemed to ease up, thank god. Except she was still sort of close to me.
“You think about him a lot, don’t you?” This felt creepy now. She reached out a hand to put on my shoulder and my arm glitched causing her hand to go through my body. When she retracted her hand and nodded to herself, I remained neutral. “He’s with the others and Wu in the dojo, training.” Misako said and I nodded.
“Okay. Thank you.” I said and sped out. I had no clue what was up with that woman but I was starting to think it was best Lloyd wasn’t raised by her. This whole place was weird and all the authoritative figures were eery and thoroughly made my skin crawl. Back down the long hallway I went, trying to ignore the fact Lloyd’s mother was apparently following me. She split into another room not long after and I thanked any spiritual being listening. I heard voices at one point and stopped at the open door. Actually none of these dojo rooms had doors. There I saw the 5 ninjas surrounding Lloyd who blindfolded.
“Don’t rely on your eyes, use your ears.” Earth said and they all suddenly drew their weapons and charged at Lloyd. I watched in silence as they fought. Lloyd expertly dodging and even disarming them at some points. It wasn’t until the blue one flew past me, into the hallway and onto the floor was I noticed.
“Oh, hey… I’m Jay by the way.” He said and raised his hand from where he was laying on the floor, I shook it and smiled. He was ginger and had a mass of freckles populating his skin that wasn’t as pale as expected from a ginger.
“Peach.” I said and he smiled.
“Nice to meet you!” Jay stood and nodded before jumping back in the fight. I watched as Lloyd wore them down and worked on not exhausting himself before lighting up his green elemental fire which apparently signalled that he had won or the fight was over? I don’t know. However, I tried not to jump when he suddenly turned to me. Sythe in hand and smirked.
“Hey Peaches.” Lloyd said and I tried not to give too physical a reaction. And he have to sound so smug.
“Good morning.” I said and he chuckled.
“Feels like mid afternoon with how early we got up.” Kai said, from where he was sitting on the floor.
“I hate to tell you, Peach, but I don’t think training is over yet so I can’t see you until Cole tells me I can take this off.” Lloyd said and I laughed.
“Shame, I woke up hotter than I was yesterday.” I told him and he whipped around to the others.
“Bro I could not care less-! Just use your stamina on something other than us at the moment! Got I hate not having my powers!” ‘Cole’ vented and I nodded. Lloyd bent his head down and I untied the blind fold. He let his eyes adjust before looking me over.
“Wow, you did.” He said and I shoved him.
“Lloyd has game. Who would’ve thought? Not me.” Kai said and before anyone could retaliate. The ground shook violently and Kai shot up. “I’m sorry, I won’t diss your grandson again!” Kai pleaded and I looked to Lloyd confused.
“That’s not my Grandad, he likes thunder. That’s an actual earthquake.” Lloyd said and I frowned.
“What the-?” I went to question but was shut up by another shake, more violent. Lloyd held on to me, instinctively and I held grabbed onto his arm.
“Okay, that’s not good.” Jay said and Cole smacked him.
“Thanks for stating the obvious!” He said, annoyed. How did Jay annoy him so easily? Lloyd rolled his eyes and turned on a TV I hadn’t even noticed was in here. That seemed dangerous. He sat on the floor and I joined him, following his lead as most the ninja were already on the floor due to exhaustion. The two elders came in not long after and started watching the news too.
“So it’s just earthquakes?” I asked after Gale went on about how the aftershocks were getting stronger.
“It’s never just earthquakes, there’s always something wanting to destroy ninjago behind it. Last time there were earthquakes, it was because the great devourer had become ninjago city’s new train service except the only way on was through the mouth and into its stomach.” Jay said and I nodded, quickly looking up at Lloyd who shook his head.
“What could it be then?” I asked and Lloyd shrugged.
“Anything from my father to a big evil dog a this rate.” He said and I smiled.
“Would’ve be surprised if it was Garmadon, we haven’t seen him for a while.” Kai said.
“He would never.” Misako said and I couldn’t hold back the frown. “Lloyd‘s father is evil, but he would never do anything to put his son in harm’s way.” She added and I looked up to Lloyd who took a deep breath, restraining himself.
“Misako’s right. He only tried to thwart his training. This is something else.” Wu said and Lloyd stood up, offering me a hand which I took as he lifted me up.
“But what is it?” Jay asked and it went quiet before Ice whistled and a bird came out of nowhere. I jumped at the sudden animal appearing.
“My friend. Be my eyes and ears in the streets from above.” He let the bird fly out the window and I stared up at Lloyd, confusion evident.
“Zane is a nindroid. That falcon is a robot.” He explained and I nodded.
“That’s really bad, we’ve gotta get out there and start helping people.” Cole said and I looked to Lloyd.
“Right.” Lloyd said and turned to me, I nodded.
“I think I need a time out anyway.” I said and Lloyd kissed me before pulling up the mask on his gi. “Do you want to go home?” He asked and I nodded. “Come on.”
🪺. *. ⋆
My dorm building was gone. I just watched it crumble to the ground. There was dust everywhere. My eyes burned from the haze of it. The whole building just collapsed after a particular harsh quake. I was on the other side of the road. It came down like it was made out of sticks. What if someone was still in there? I felt sick. I was glad it was the holidays. My ears were ringing too. I only just recognised the crying and screaming from someone next to me. A girl, not even 13.
“My friend-! She was- I don’t know if she got out!” She said when I turned to her and I held her. “When did you speak to her?” I asked and she shook her head.
“Not even 10 minutes ago-!”
“What floor?” I asked and she took a deep breath.
“5th.” Shit.
“Maybe… come on. We’ll go look for her.” I told her and soldiered in to the haze of dust and fresh debris. “What’s her name?” I asked and the girl was still shaking.
“Kaliyah.” She said and I nodded, before yelling the name. I waited for a moment before nothing. I yelled again and the little girl followed.
“Wait- what’s your name?” I asked and she looked up at me.
“Fiona.” She said and I smiled.
“Peach, we’re gonna find your friend.” I said and Fiona smiled gratefully.
🪺. *. ⋆
The ninja had just successfully pulled a woman out essentially a growing sinkhole. All Cole could say was how annoying her dog was as he panted on the floor. In the haste. Everyone had forgotten he no longer had his super strength and was using his raw natural strength and muscle to haul the 5 of them and a woman to safety. Safe to say, his arms felt like they were just ripped off him. The woman had run off and now they were just stood, looking around at the damage as the quakes continued.
“These things keep coming with no warning!” Kai said, trying to remain on two stable feet.
“That’s it! A warning!” Misako said, pulling out a scroll from her satchel. “The scrolls said the earthquakes would be a warning. A warning for something far worse to come.” She finished and Jay immediately spoke up.
“Far worse? What could be far worse?” He asked.
“Misako? The indestructible stone warrior we fought yesterday, where did you find him?” Cole asked and Lloyd’s eyes widened.
“The one Peach put in the ground?!” He asked and Misako responded.
“He was buried under the city.” She told him.
“You don’t think there’s more do you?” Jay asked, worriedly.
“Be on guard ninja. We must be ready for whatever comes our way.” Wu said.
“Uh- Lloyd…” Kai said, and Lloyd turned to see what he was staring at. He followed Kai’s gaze to the TV screen in a shop broadcasting the news, and on it was a crumbled building. It was expected with the quakes. What wasn’t, was the sign of a particular school and the disturbing title under it.
‘Emmer’s boarding school dormitories first building to fall in unexpected earthquakes, deaths and injuries unknown.’
“Shit- I gotta go-!” Lloyd said and started running.
“Go where?!” Jay yelled after him but Kai stopped him.
“Peach’s home has just been destroyed.” Kai filled in and Jay’s eyes widened from behind the mask.
🪺. *. ⋆
I had nothing. Literally nothing. It was all gone now. What the fuck? What do I do? The only thing I could do right now was look for this little girl.
“Kaliyah! Kali-“ I paused at the sound of a sob. It sounded breathless and strained. “Kaliyah?!” I asked again and I heard it, more urgent. I looked around in the direction I heard it and saw a little leg peeling out under some rumble. I gasped and immediately started lifting the bit of rubble on top of her. “Fiona-! I found her-!” I said and heard the girl yell and head my way. I used all my strength to get the first piece of rubble off and the desperate, immediate breath that the girl took broke my heart. She was bloodied and it took all my strength to not cry at the sight. Instead I worked and dislodging the debris that had trapped her arm.
“Kaliyah! Kal-!” Fiona yelled and held the other girl’s hand.
“Help me lift her up.” I said and Fiona helped me position her better in my arms as I was forced to carry her bridal style. “Call an ambulance, now!” I said and Fiona immediately pulled her phone out. “She’s barely breathing- it must’ve crushed her lungs..” I murmured to myself and set the girl down on the flat ground near the road. Another quake came rattling through the ground and I watched as the school itself came crashing down this time. “Cover your eyes!” I yelled and Fiona, even with being on the phone dropped to ground and covered herself. I used my own body to shield Kaliyah’s and thanks to Ninjago city’s top tier healthcare, we had no idea when this ambulance would turn up. Especially with the emergency currently happening. I felt as the cloud of dust and debris came rushing over us, fiercely. I fully covered the little girl and prayed she lived to not remember this and have a happy life. I opened my eyes to check on Fiona when an ember flew in my eyes and I cried out. It stung and I couldn’t open my eye as it burned through the socket. It probably didn’t but it felt like it. I heard sirens and silently thanked the gods above.
I felt numb as they took the girl away, I told Fiona to go with them. She was unsure but I nodded. It didn’t matter about me being alone and having nowhere to go because Lloyd appeared and rushed over to me. Immediately checking me over. I was probably covered in dust and debris and the odd cut.
“What the hell happened?!” He asked and I shrugged.
“My school and dorm collapsed and I just dug out a 12yr old from some rubble and had to dislodge part of a radiator from her arm so her lungs wouldn’t be considerably crushed. Oh by the way! I have nothing and am currently homeless.” I said and he shook his head.
“No you’re not… come live with me.” He said and I nodded.
“Can’t believe we’re already moving in together… can’t believe I almost died.” I said and he held me tighter.
“You’re safe now, okay?” He said and I just leant on him. “Peach? Y/n?” He asked when I didn’t respond and I just smiled.
“I think I’m gonna pass out…” I said and he shook his head and bent his head down to look at me.
“No, you’re not… not atleast until we’re out of here. Buildings keep falling around here.” Lloyd said and I smiled.
“Tell me about it.” I joked and he shook his head.
“C’mon… the stone warriors are going to be attacking soon- well they already are but more.” He told me and I frowned.
“The who?” I asked and Lloyd grabbed my hand, leading me back to ninjago city.
“Y’know that big live statue from yesterday?” He told me and my face dropped.
“And you’re taking me to it?!” I almost screeched.
“No! Everyone is being evacuated to the top of the news tower and then we’re going to use the bounty to evacuate as many as we can.” He added and I frowned.
“The bounty?! Lloyd- what’s going on?!” I asked and he didn’t stop running but briefly looked at me.
“We think the final battle is starting. The earthquakes are meant to be a warning according to my mother.” Lloyd said and I looked up at him.
“What the fuck…?” I questioned.
“My thoughts exactly.”
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morroodle · 2 years
Every time I escape the Mechanic Morro brainrot he comes back and punches me in the face.
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Mechanic morro finally gets his own mech(s)! It took me forever to figure out what they should be cause dragon is already taken but @butterpony100 gave me the idea of dragonflies and its fucking perfect. I'm still working out names but I have so many ideas for these bad boys.
The big mech
It dosent get used much since morro isn't an actual ninja but he likes having his own anyways
It has so many guns
The tail segments are each missiles
The eye hexagons are also tiny missiles
There are so many hidden guns in the body. At least 80% of the surface area is hiding guns
The feet are claw things similar to the claws on his spider backpack, they can grab onto stuff and perch very well
They also shoot out like grapling guns because morro is extra as fuck
The head splits open (into 4 segments because 2 is for losers) and out comes the middle sized dragonfly! Speaking of...
The hoverboard
The middle sized one is a hoverboard
Its morro's favorite and gets used alot, even for non ninja things because hoverboards are cool dammit
Not as many features (guns) as the big one
The feet are the same claws but no grapling gun, makes easy storage cause he can just mount it on the wall
The eyes store guns (morro would never ride something with less than 3 guns)
The tail segments are not in fact guns! They each detach and turn into different tools that he can use for quick repairs and on the go projects
It has an autopilot and is able to come to Morro on its own. Think he's just chilling and then suddenly needs it so he presses a button or something and it activates and flies straight to him. Very useful.
It's very fast and precise, great for moving in tight spaces
He has funky lil shoes that stick to the hoverboard somehow so he dosent fall off and can do sick tricks (skaterboy morro?
Clips onto morros back for transport but cannot be used as wings
The drones
The littlest ones are multipurpose and there are three of them
They have cameras and guns (because morro) and can be used for security but thats not their main function
They mostly serve as little helpers for morro, like extra arms/flying shelves
Tails are either a tool or storage for nuts n bolts n stuff
Sadly they don't Russian nesting doll sit inside the hoverboard but they can absolutely be stored and deployed by the big mech
Theyre so cute I'm emotionally attached to them
That's all I have for now. Man I love these dragonfly dudes. Anyway butter you are officially un-banned from giving me drawing ideas (for now)
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ninjastudioart · 2 years
Feral Lloyd Nonsense
•Lloyd crawling on all fours like an animal as if its normal terrified the ninja at first but eventually they just accepted it.
•Cole nearly died one night when he saw Lloyd just sitting on a counter like a gremlin with his giant glowing eyes staring dead at him.
•Lloyd makes a variety of weird sounds, especially when he's angry. When angry or threatened he's known to cat-growl, cat-hiss, raptor-hiss, snake-hiss, yowl, raptor-screech, cougar-scream, deer-bleat, deer-snort, bull-grunt, spider-hiss, goat bleat, raven-croak, and raven-scream. Just a sample for ya :)
•Sometimes when he laughs he squawks like a bird. He also snorts and he doesn't find either very amusing
•Lloyd purrs when he's happy or content, but he'll occasionally purr as a self-soothing mechanism. The sure way to hear him purr is giving him headpets. He hates being made to purr, but can't deny the head pets >:)
•Lloyd tends to shake himself dry, and it works despite his thick hair, well, most of the time
•Lloyd will chase lasers and you better believe the ninja abuse this
•Lloyd curls up into a ball, or crescent, to sleep if he's not comfortable or is wary (basically all the time) However if he does feel safe, he sleeps on his back, legs and arms in the air, tongue hanging out, drooling, limbs twitching, hair amess. The ninja refer to this as the "dead opposum"
•Lloyd hates people touching him without consent, but he'll crawl all over you. He's a cat bastard
•Sleeps with pillows in a nest formation
•Shreds cheap plushies apart for fun by holding them in his mouth and flinging his head around
•If you as a criminal run, he will chase. Don't activate his predatory instincts!
•Lloyd will lick and chew on people, especially their fingers and arms. The ninja stopped asking
•Y'know how cats yawn? That's Lloyd. He yawns by just stretching his cheeks to the breaking point. It may be funny, but it also shows off his awfully sharp teeth so-
•He scratches at things to keep his claws/talons nice and sharp
•Lloyd shows affection by rubbing his head on people, head butting, pressing noses together, sleeping on top of you and licking/biting
•Goes absolutely berserker at times and just becomes a savage animal
•Pupils do the cat thing and get big when aggressive or scared
•He will enter any box that seems big enough, and this contortionist may as well fit in every box
•Ninja went fishing once and watched him catch a fish with his mouth. Shocked doesn't describe how they felt
•Ears move around to show he's listening to something and to convey emotion
•Chews on shit like a puppy
•Makes biscuits in blankets and on frens (can be painful)
•He has toe beans. The ninja try to touch and Nya almost lost a finger when he snapped at her
•Endless teeth
•He's an ovo-vegetarian but sometimes instincts do what they do. Has caught mice and eaten them
•Likes to pounce from the shadows
•Actual gremlin
•His purrs are cat-like, but he's occasionally "purred" like a spider
•Hair gets boofier and messier when he's irritated
•He will bare his teeth and it is intimidating since his mouth is abnormally large and his jaws are long
•Sniffs people when they offer his head pets and such
•Will bite if you irritate him. Will scratch too. No shame
•Has ripped peoples throats out before. Don't fuck with his loved ones
•Licks his wounds without even realizing
•Fun cat stretches when he first gets up
•If he fits he sits which is problematic cause he's claustrophobic
•Ninja saw him bite at his arm when he had an itch and just stood in shock as he chewed through his skin on accident. The itch did leave tho-
•Not really a feral trait but Lloyd's hair is so thick you can't see his scalp unless you shave it. I count it on grounds of it coming from his dragon blood so shut-
•The first time Zane watched Lloyd scratch his head with his leg he thought a robot-dog had somehow disguised itself. Lloyd was not happy about being tackled
•Lays in the sun and lazies about when he won't hate himself for it
•Hates the cold and uses others as a heating pad. Kai is his favorite person ever for this
The ninja love their feral bastard tho, even tho he is an absolute rat child
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Hi.What reactions ninja will have to Tiger Widow stuff in Skybound?Will the encounter with one make Nya remember her true potential or is it just "oh,those can make good food" reaction from Underworld duo?
Skybound is one of the seasons where I have a vague idea of what will happen, but not a whole lot nailed down. Like in cannon a few people have been captured already, and on top of that I think I'm going to have everyone split into two teams almost immediately, after the Lantern Memorial but before Nya actually makes it back to Ninjago.
I have no idea who's already been captured at this point, and other than probably Lloyd being the first family member Nya finds, I'm not sure how everyone is going to be split up, or which group will be doing what.
All this to say, I'm not entirely sure who'se going to be going to Tiger Widow Island, so I'll just list all of the Main cast and what they would be doing if they end up going there
Jay: Doing him first to say that if Jay makes it this far he doesn't get sent after the venom solo bc if he still makes the wishes for money and a big house he doesn't hide it from everyone else bc he has no interest in Nya in VT and a wish for money and a house would be for his parents bc they're not getting any younger and Jay's worried about them. No motivation to lie -> no liar revealed fallout.
Nya: If she doesn't have much of her memory back, she's taking one look at the Tiger Widow, thinking 'hell yeah, lunchtime!' since Tiger Widow is probably her favorite food, and charging. If she does have more of her memory back, then she's a lot more cautious; not for her sake tho.
Lloyd: He all but superglued himself to Nya once they reunited, so he's clinging to her back while she's doing whatever she's doing, whether that's on Tiger Widow Island or not. He would think it's really cool to finally see a Tiger Widow after hearing his dad and sister talk about hunting them, and he's also really glad he's still kinda stuck in his Dragon form bc holy shit they were downplaying how freaky and dangerous Tiger Widows are.
Garm: While answering this ask the image of Garm chokeslamming Nadakhan through a brick wall popped into my head, and now I have a bit of an actual plan for what happens to him, so thank you for that! He is going to be captured by this point; Nadakhan targets him first bc he's the biggest threat to his plans, and also bc Garm's a grieving father who desperately misses his daughter, so he has a glaring weak spot to exploit. But as soon as Nadakhan tries use Garm wanting Nya back to manipulate him, the Oni snaps, going from super depressed to super pissed in .02 seconds. Its been awhile since I've seen Skybound (its my least favorite season despite how much I Love fictional pirates) and I don't remember when/where the lava lamp of doom Sword came from, or how it worked (didn't he like, need them to wish themselves into the sword or something? or did he just like fucking with them?) so lets just pretend that there would be nothing preventing Nadakhan from immediately trapping Garm, he just tried getting him to make wishes for fun and made it two sentences into his 'wish it all away' pitch before nearly dying
Misako: Nothing really phases her anymore, so she just kinda shrugs off the giant spiders. If she's the only parent there she insists on being the one to milk the Tiger Widow. If she's not the only parent she initiates the game of rock paper scissors to decide who's going in.
Ray: Absolutely hates spiders, they gross him out, but if he's the only parent he also insists on being the one to collect the venom.
Maya: Actually kinda excited to see the Tiger Widow. Again, insists on being the one to collect the venom if she's the only parent. And if she isn't the only parent, she grabs the other parents and drags them with her to get the venom as a team.
Kai: If Kai doesn't know that Nya is back, he's laser focused on getting the venom. He and Pixal actually start planning on using the venom to weaken Nadakhan so they can wish for Nya back without him twisting their wish to help him. If he does know that Nya's back, he's more focused on helping her than anything else.
Pixal: Pretty much the same as Kai.
Morro: He would nominate Jay as the one to get the venom, but would probably choose to be the one to get it.
Zane: Would volunteer to get the venom. If I go with Oppo, he's also picked up on the fact that Kai is planning something and he's keeping a concerned eye on him. If I don't go with Oppo, than Zane has turned his emotions way down, which means he would try and insist that he be the one to get the venom, as he's rebuildable and therefore the most logical choice.
Cole: Other than not being mad at Jay, unless I go with Lava the only thing that changes for Cole is him not being a ghost. If I go with Lava than he's the one who picks up on Kai planning something and is keeping a concerned eye on him.
I think that's everyone
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aethergalaxias · 2 years
ninjago crystallized rewrite (kinda)
UGH so i guess i deleted that post i made where i asked people about complaints they had about crystallized??? so here i am making a brand new post instead. please kill me
spoilers below!!!
give her a consistent character please. please. please. ple
redemption arc?????
im giving her a redemption arc instead of keeping her evil because i think thats what the writers were aiming for,,, it just didnt turn out well :/
also i feel like keeping her as a villain would be way easier so i wanna do the opposite >:)
no llorumi. get away. die 
in this version shes only working for the overlord because he brought her back to life and she doesnt want to die again
a lot less cruel; shows genuine regret over her actions 
still doesnt like lloyd, but willing to work with him to get rid of the overlord
refused to explode the ninja in ep 14 which led to the overlord replacing her with clouse (yes. clouse is here) as his second in command
some shit happens with pythor and harumi finds out that he freed the great devourer. harumi gets pissed and decides to betray the overlord
instead of lloyd escaping on his own harumi helps free him and they escape the temple together. emotional conversation ensues. harumi officially leaves the council and becomes an ally
shes down fighting with the main gang during the climax instead of at the overlord’s floating island thing
after helping to rebuild the monastery she pulls a garmadon and goes off on her own to go on a journey of healing and self-reflection or whatever
or she goes to jail and then goes on a journey of healing and self-reflection or whatever. consequences babeyyyyy
i mean i could also just keep her as a villain
i feel like that would be a lot easier. not rewriting a lot here since keeping her evil takes way less effort than giving her a legitimate redemption arc
getting rid of all the scenes where shes like “noooo dont kill lloyd D: possible redemption arc?? oh no wait nvm im evil again” shes just consistently evil now
lloyd doesnt take her with him when he leaves the temple she just jumps out after him. because she is insane <3
uhhh idk what to do with her at the end. she either dies or goes back to prison
problem one fixed. onto the next one.
oni lloyd oni lloyd oni lloyd
it was built up to be this huge thing and we got like five seconds of him??? unacceptable. where is my boy??? let him be angry and go feral and destroy stuff he deserves it
while escaping the council lloyd goes partial oni. he only realizes this once he ends up in the river, which ends up freaking him out, which ends up with him being unable to revert back to Normal Human Form. not full oni at this point hes just got like. the horns and fangs and stuff
(he stays like this until the final battle because why not)
(he stays like this AFTER the final battle because why not)
lloyd is like “oh no im a monster :( what have i become :( this is horrible :(“ until garmadon tells him to stfu and starts training him
(training goes better in this version since lloyd’s stuck with the oni traits which leads him to be a little more accepting of them)
episode stuff happens. yea h
uh uh overlord “kills” garmadon, lloyd goes batshit and turns full oni, Fucking Murders the overlord, crap now hes lost control of his oni form oh no. garmadon is freaking out, garmadon turns into an oni, the elemental dragon shows up, cool epic battle, lloyd regains control, yayyy happy ending cue the music
post battle he still keeps the horns and stuff. its part of his acceptance arc or whatever. im a very big fan of creacher lloyd okay
problem two fixed. man i am killing it
um uh those were my two major problems i guess i’ll just put minor stuff here
nya doesnt get her powers back. consequences for being turned into the ocean. sorry bbg 😔 no more elemental powers all the ninja are average human beings except for zane who is still a robot
“bbbut then howd the merlopians get the message that they needed help???” idk power of friendship. someone sends them an email. nya just yells it really loudly. general Bad Vibes or smth
nyas still a ninja bc like you dont need elemental powers to be a ninja. or something inspirational like that idk
pixal stays as samurai x because nyas too busy being an epic girlboss 
the elemental dragon IS the og 4 ninja. they had an awesome magical girl transformation or whatever. dw they turn back to people afterwards just without their powers
clouse should be there. clouse needs to be there. clouse is revived as part of the council and becomes a major antagonist
lloyd legitimately thought his friends were dead in that one episode??? and then he found out they werent and he was like oh ok cool :D ??? anyway now theres a scene after nya and wu rescue him where hes like hhhhhhow the fuck. are you alive i thhought you all got murdered and then he has like 50 emotional breakdowns at once bc i! like! suffering!!!!!!!
wu’s wing mechs are actual dragon wings because garmadon got wings therefore wu should also get wings. i think thats only fair
wu DIES. he falls off the temple and DOESNT land in the water and the newspaper kids DONT find him. sorry dude its for the greater good (lloyds character arc again)
the new ninjas actually do stuff. they are helpful!!! annoying but helpful. also they dont get turned to crystal right off the bat wtf writers
vania gets lines. and a cool emotional fight with her father
lloyd’s problem with his father learning empathy is less focused on the fact that he’s part oni and more focused on the fact that he was literally brought back as a violent destructive overlord hellbent on murdering his son and conquering ninjago
i get rid of the birthday card line. like i get the significance behind it but you could have picked literally anything else??? turned the emotional moment around real fast 
also lloyd and garmadon get a better reconciliation arc instead of just arguing Forever
minipix gets a name goddammit. she literally saved their lives and they’re like “oh yeah minipix 7 is a good name” what the hell. why 7. are there 6 other minipixes who've saved your ass from exploding?? yeah i dont think so
that is ALL I HAVE RN ill probably come up with some other stuff later
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redsbrainrot · 10 months
An extremely controversial ranking of Mariokart 8’s 95 courses.
I know there’s 96 but I’ve missed one and can’t figure out for the life of me which one it was. Please help.
Wii rainbow road - nostalgic banger, made easier in this game tho
3DS rainbow road - fucking beautiful, was my number 1 but wii just had a special place in my heart
Big blue - a masterpiece
Mount wario - another masterpiece
Coconut mall - let down by its remakes but still a classic
Maple treeway - pumpkin spice latte
Waluigi stadium - it’s fucking waluigi stadium
Daisy circuit - a beautiful and classic course
Sunshine airport - the star cup in 8 is just the best cup
DK’s snowboard cross - prefer Wii’s but I still love it nonetheless
Waluigi pinball - DS had me in a chokehold
Daisy cruiser - mesmerising
Squeaky clean spirit - probably the best new course out the whole pack
Bowser’s castle 3 - simple but fucking amazing
Bowser’s castle - a banger
Mute city - speed
DK mountain - why are the turns harder to pull off in 8
Peach gardens - was my favourite as a 6 year old
Excitebike arena - carnage
DK Jungle - the great banana
Dolphin shoals - George Michael
Electrodrome - boing
Singapore speedway - shiny
Moonview highway - wii nostalgia
Merry mountain - um overhated it’s fucking Xmas themed
Wario stadium - again, loved it on DS and 8 did it justice as a remake
Koopa cape - the most butchered wii remake
Royal raceway - pretty pink
Yoshi valley - playing this with noobs is the best
Melody motorway - 3DS nostalgia
Grumble volcano - meh
Mushroom gorge - best on wii
64 rainbow road - meh, still fun
Wario’s goldmine - prefer it on 8 cause wii was just rage inducing
SNES rainbow road - shroom high
Shy guy falls - mew woosh
Kalimari desert - meh
Piranha plant cove - ooh pretty :0
Hyrule Circuit - dun duuuun dun dun dun dun dun duuuuun
Cloudtop cruise - meh
Mario circuit - can’t even remember which one this was
Toad harbour - used to love it but now I get bored
Yoshi’s island - never played it so don’t really care
Boo lake - good remake
Tick tock clock - got bored of this one
Cheep cheep beach - loved it on DS
Vancouver velocity - music is alright
Mario kart stadium - boring
Ribbon road - pretty good (would swap rankings but I cba)
Rainbow Road 8 - I wanna like it but it’s just so meh
Moo moo meadows - fight me
Piranha plant pipeway - alright I guess
Baby park - mehhhhhhhh
Mario circuit DS - mehhhhhhhh
Alpine pass - done dirty
Sydney sprint - eh
Toad circuit - get fucked
Sweet sweet canyon - cool aesthetic lame ass gameplay
Paris promenade - alright
Choco mountain - overhyped
Thwomp ruins - not keen
Mario circuit - again I don’t know which one this is
Sherbet land - no
Snow land - no
Koopa city - I like the vibe but I hate it online
Animal crossing - mEh
Riverside park - a let down
Donut plains 3 - heheheheheb 69
Athens dash - alright
Bangkok rush - mEh
New York Minute - eh?
Berlin Byways - music is good but it’s boring
Tokyo blur - for Tokyo this sucks
Toad’s turnpike - womp womp
Water park - water who
Twisted mansion - just put luigi’s mansion in instead and we’ll all be happy
Madrid drive - this comes up like 50 times online and I hate it
Sunset wilds - boring
Dry dry desert - I hate the desert ones
Ice ice outpost - wouldn’t pick it
Super bell subway - liked it at first but it got old quickly
Wild woods - sick of it
Sky High Sunday - an eyesore
LA laps - not enough shit
Shroom bridge - had enough shit
Sky garden - let down
London loop - easy, boring
Rome avanti - the city tracks just flop huh
Ninja hideaway - I HATE IT I HA IT HATE IT
Mario circuit 3 - why is this in every game
Amsterdam drift - I hate the dutch
Dragon driftway - I cant stand it
Bone dry dunes - worst track ever
Cheeseland - wait no, this is. I hate cheese land. It makes me feel sick. I’m lactose intolerant but I love cheese. But I hate cheese land. Whenever anyone picks it I officially hate them as much as I hate this course. Kill it. Burn it. Erase it. Get rid of it.
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voidsentprinces · 1 year
I continue poorly explain ffxiv
Welcome back to Final Fantasy XIV or as I like to call it Fantasia Character Rotissiere. Last time we fought secondary dragon satan who possessed the unwashed elf boy that is Estinyan. Saved our baby boy’s sister from being assassinated by Identity Fraud and his gang of back up dancers and watched our one true boy Papalymo sacrifice himself to stop another calamity. So naturally Spike from Buffy the Vampire shows up and convinces us to activate an alien super weapon to break our boy’s sealing spell and we’re like SIGN US THE FUCK UP! So naturally after that happens a new war begins between the Eorzean Alliance and the Garlic Jr. Empire cause Garlic died last time and there was a civil war but we didn’t see it. All you need to know is Blond Alan Rickman is now the Emperor and his right hand man is...still probably on those floating islands safe and sound and is still very much alive because I unlocked Aurum Vale for roulette and I am unlocking nothing else that is essential to progress that isn’t MSQ. Where was I? Oh yes, Ala Mhigo which lies somewhere between the Red Wood Forest and Death Valley. Whose people are subjigated by the Garlic Empire. The time has come to free them and by free them I mean get told off by the local populace fight an angry scottish woman and then get one shot by Rocky from the Horror Picture show if he was ten feet tall and carried a golf bag of SWORDS! So many swords he probably swipes left if you’re not at least metallic and SHARP! But enough about that, Al Pacino has the bright idea that in order to free Ala Mhigo we first must free Doma who is under the same rule as Ala Mhigo working with the same exact problems Ala Mhigo does but I am sure this will turn out just find. So after black mailing Captain Elf Sparrow, we send Al Pacino where he belongs. Into a ghost graveyard and we leave his ass there because now its time to arrive at Kugane, where we’ll attempt to climb a tower for five minutes, get pissed by invisible collision boxes, log out and swear we’ll never play this stupid fucking game ever again. But the game knows you’ll be back, YOU’LL BE BACK! So we start up Genshin Imp--hahaha fuck no, log the fuck back in we got a catfish to punch, an old samurai to save, and the lost Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle to save all while running away from the POLICE! And what better way to evade arrest than to flee the fucking country so out into the Ruby Sea we go, which is controlled by the Confederacy. Don’t worry its not the racist one its the pirating one. But I hope you like swimming because you’ll be doggy paddling back and forth between these small islands for about 2 hours before we are hooked up with DIVING! So come visit the Ruby Sea. We got manta rays, grotesque demon walruses, an armored turtle with a giant fuck off sword and getting STEPPED ON by an angry woman who I am 20% spends half her scene time smoking opium. Don’t worry though despite the Garlic Empire being a big problem they’re not so much a big problem that you and the Scooby Gang can’t handle them. In fact we can handle them so well we only get our asses kicked by the giant top heavy Ken doll ONE more time before we’re allowed into the LIZARD KINGDOM. Where reptiles roam the earth and every single one of them want to kill you. So like Heracles we have to do a bunch of tasks to win their trusts like breaking into their sacred holy ground and stealing their parrow, picking unwater sea kress, and talking to Sadu Dotharl the baddest motherfucker this side of the Hildibrand questline. Seriously if you ever wished you could be a crater on the ground, this woman will GRANT THAT FUCKING WISH! Sorry where was I. Oh yeah, after descrating their holy ground we are invited to a blood contest to choose their next leader so naturally falls to you and your first decree is maybe show up to class when the Garlics are ready to rumble. Cause if you don’t well...this entire trip was completely utterly useless. Lets just blow up the castle and call it a day--actually we kind really do just blow up the castle in the process of freeing Doma. Who knew the only thing you needed to do to win a revolutionary war was raise up an army of dragon people and causing FLOOD DAMAGE to the Historical District. Don’t think too much about it because now that we’ve TOTALLY freed Doma from the iron fist of the Garlics its time to go back to Ala Mhigo...despite there...still be an entire empire out there that will definitely reinforce their lost territory but don’t worry about it. They don’t seem the type to just level an entire territory on at the slightest scent of revolution anywhere else...right? Anyway after crossing the sea and remember Alphinaud exists, we return to Ala Mhigo with none of the Doman army to back us up and we...actually do very well. We run into Braveheart again but its alright she just pisses off the snake people and summons a GIANT WOMAN TO ENSLAVE US WHEN WE SLEEP! So after knocking that one out of the park. Rock the Ken Doll arrives and decides he likes us blowing up buildings so much he’s going to give Fordola a cannon. And blow us to kingdom come...and thus ends our life in Final Fantasy XI--I am fucking kidding Estinien comes back and ONE SHOTS A FUCKING CANNON! If you think that sounds dumb, it isn’t it is the most awesome thing ever. Imagine watching a War Documentary where after the battle of Gettsyberg, the ghost of George Washington juiced up on the blood of Satan got into fist fight with a tank and WON! It is EXACTLY as awesome as I just described and will be taking no criticism at this time because after a wardrobe change for Yda definitely Yda, she is definitely Yda don’t worry about it she would Lyse to you now would she? We go to the Lochs. Where we take in the sights, get caught by border patrol, beat the Guinness World Record for longest breath ever held, listen to a soldier talk about getting the BEST head ever before killing him and his comrades and facing off against a woman I am surprise isn’t wearing 20 belts and using some healing crystals to give her a migraine. All in the name of saving Krile who will DEFINITELY give us black mail material so we can hold Alphinaud hostage. Sorry, I meant we’re going with Alphinaud to fight a bunch of Samurai wolves and if you think that sounds awesome, you’re kind of fucking right. After punching them so hard PETA is probably going to ram a jeep into my front room, we kick open the door, fight through the streets of another castle and whoa would you look at that Doma finally shows up to give us aerial support...like...at the last fucking minute seriously we re-capture 99.9% and Doma comes in acting like its 0.01% is going to get us the A+ on the project. Anyway, all you really need to know is Ken turned into a DRAGON and we fight on a convinently placed platform in the sky before he kills himself and we play the National Anthem....seriously what the fuck did I just pl
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lucysmuse · 1 year
september 21, 2023 //
hello again.
ive decided to stop ignoring my pain, my depression, my emotion. i have tried for years to shut this down and turn it off, ive tried to only be angry and sharp-edged and self destructive. im only self destructive now. and pitiful. im ready to just start feeling these saturated, vivid things and if i die from it so be it. at least i felt something.
my appetite can be ravenous some days. this month i had my first day with three separate 'meals' (nothing big but i called them meals all the same. half a sandwich is a meal for me and god damn thats a huge fuhking improvement) and i cried openly in j's arms and he just gave me so much encouragement and support
and j and i are maybe still honeymooning after these months but i really. i really fucking think we have something good going. i finally feel like im fully comfortable to be myself in every way with someone. i do not hide how im feeling. i tell him how im feeling, and i explain how i would like to respond to that, and j either agrees or starts offering compromise.
i dont ever. EVER. feel like i cant speak my opinion in any way. its not even that i couldnt do that with others in the past, it just is so palpable that i dont usually second guess myself, which would lead to insecurity or self hatred or both
and the sex. holy shit the sex. i never realized how incompatible i was with previous partners (AGAIN, not to anyones blame, just a mismatch unfortunately and i didnt understand how to tell or not) in that realm. were an open relationship and it can hurt a little every once in a while when i catch a glimpse of his texts with random people but hes very understanding, patient, kind, he just wants me to be happy too and i believe that
i feel like i am just. cut open and bleeding every time im with him. i feel like my blood is brighter. hes sunshine thats shot into my veins and im radioactive and glowing in his arms
i ate four dino nuggets today and its only 930 pm. i think i can eat more !!
i had my first therapy session since i dont even know when. it left me crying on and off the next 2 days and i cant afford the current frequency but i needed it so badly. im also finally on sleep meds that actually work. its fuhkin surreal the difference
i get tested for adhd next week. i need it so badly. jesus christ i need it badly. even if they tell me i dont have it, i just need to know something concrete. i need to know if i sound like an idiot in my head when im reading something about adhd and i just resonate more than a zildjian cymbal at a gwar show
im losing weight. im getting more active. i went on a hike last week, and ive been cooking a lot. i have a new job on monday after this absolutely hell gig. full time with benefits. i hope i can handle it. i really fuhking do.
im saving up to leave my house. but my student loans are estimated to be about a quarter of my wage so i really need to strike gold or some shit.
cest la vie
souhaite-moi bonne chance
song: dragon slayer by ninja sex party
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veenixdreamjournal · 2 years
2 dreams today and they're both weird. In the first one, I was in... well I'm not sure what but it resembled a hospital room with a fucking bar. The beds were all in a row under one wall and the bar stretched across pretty much the whole room. It wasn't anything special, just a bar made out of medium-toned wood. All the way to the right of it, there was a door leading to a room where my brother's friend was. It might've been a specific ex friend but not too sure. We helped him clean up his toys n stuff. I remember confusing his apple pencil for mine but then I saw a giant crack in it and went "oh yeah, it fell off various heights multiple times". I picked up mine which only had a small crack in the cap, not present irl. It's very hard to pinpoint the continuity in this dream but I think that next there were preparations for some contests like most... charged battery? And most cooked steak? What.
Well, I had mine prepared, some object charging for hours upon hours until it showed "E" instead of a percentage. There was a dude that was gloating about his charge being the best but I was sure I'd win. The steak was in a small roasting box, also plugged into the wall. Didn't burn despite being cooked the entire day, dream logic. While we were waiting for the contests, a dude showed up. We decided to go absolutely rabid and start yelling his name over and over, I think it was a polish name starting with a k. Maybe Karol? The room was flooded and every time someone yelled his name a raft appeared. The goal was too fill up the entire room. Never achieved it but oh well. The rafts only spawned in a grid so that was interesting.
The time came, the contests. I had to leave early though and I started crying because I really wanted to participate. I unplugged my stuff and started eating the steak. Mom decided to ask if I could submit stuff early still and the lady running the bar said yes but the stake was already done. However, she somehow found a teeny bit of meat on all the fish bones in the steak. Why the steak had fish bones is beyond me. I think I won? Somehow? Well, we left anyway. Aaaand flew back home on our dragons. The flight only took 5h but we did stop on an island to sleep.
Not sure when this happened but it definitely is a different dream, just with a transition. I was in the hospital room and discovered sonic frontiers was available on my ipad so I downloaded it and started playing. I had an old ps1 controller plugged in and it had its own config menu for some reason. The graphics for it looked like an old pc shooter and you could overlay those on anything anytime. The game itself started off with me playing as Shadow and immediately dropping into lava multiple times. I got around it and found myself in a facility with some special springs I though were really cool. Forgot what they did but they were cool. I made it out eventually and it switched to Sonic who was... very mentally impaired. Always crying and stumbling thought he could definitely run. He was completely non verbal and just made sounds. Every cutscene in the game ended with the camera being struck with a big rock, except one where sonic was standing on the edge of a high up building mumbling to himself while someone else tried to communicate. The camera still got a face full of rock but it went through instead of blacking out. The levels were similar to a demo I played waaaay back in a dream from like half a year ago. Lots of sidestep sections n stuff. The game also had soldiers from forces scattered around. You could attack them but if you did you lost a life for being a dick.
Lastly, little bonus I suppose. I was in a room with a similar layout to the hospital but it was all wood and bamboo with red accents. I belonged to a group of warriors or something, ninjas but different in a way. There was something about gathering in one spot near the door but I forgot
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scalproie · 2 years
(aka I need a refresher on the 3d games of the og timeline)
What I found so far (still to take it all with a grain of salt, you know how it is with leaks, plus this is basically sourceless so, yknow.):
Tumblr media
^ leaked dvd cover art & title
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^ leaked description of the plot
("Everything is at stake and never have the consequences been so grave!" Bro there was a mass cosmic destruction happening at the end of the last movie)
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^ leaked cast audition list (OLD leak, from 2021, pre-botr release)
First off, safe to say this is a WILD departure from both the og timeline and the current timeline, obviously there has been a timeskip, but just how much time has passed? We can make two hypothesis based on Kuai: baby boy has grown and is still rocking the beard, but Kuai has been on record to skip his 30s, 40s and 50s in the og timeline because of the dragon medallion when he became Lin Kuei Grandmaster, so either he pulled a Metal Gear Solid 4 Solid Snake and gained a couple of decades in a few years, OR time has just passed naturally and the entire old cast would be quite old... but in that case how the fuck is Kano still kicking enough to try and take over the world? My theories are 1) Aussie boys make do, even at whatever age he is (keep in mind that Kuai is probably one of the youngest character of the og cast, so Kano would be older than him), 2) Kano died in revenge but was brought back, 3) Kano regained his youth somehow OR 4) its a mistake and it's not Kano but Shang Tsung that does these things (maybe disguised as Kano or as himself and the leak might just be wrong)
So now Im gonna do a character breakdown:
Kenshi: basically the implied protagonist of this one, tho if the timeskip is real and Kuai isnt an outlier, he is MUCH younger than hes supposed to be, maybe even his own son's age from the games or even younger. His backstory with Shang Tsung and Sento might fully be intact considering Shang is on the cover AND Kenshi is already blind. From the plot description, he might have a standard "stepping up as the new hero" or smth heroic arc, almost feels like he took a page from Takeda.
Kobra: honest to god dont know, black dragon member but Im not expecting him to be super interesting, might just be a jobber like Reiko was in botr.
Kira: same goes for her, black dragon member as well but Im also expecting her to be here for some cool fights
Tremor: his ground/rock powers are definitely gonna make for some cool fights Im sure, as for the rest of the black dragons, idk what sort of arc hes gonna have, even tho I do think hes more interesting than the other two. If Johnny makes it in this movie somehow (or if hes just referenced), that would make for a fun interaction, considering Tremor is one of the only one who enjoys his movies.
Kabal: whatever goes for Kabal, he can be a good guy from the get-to, he can he a bad guy the entire time, he can have a heel-face turn during the movie, he can have a revolving door arc depending on who the winning side is. The fact that he's listed as a "ninja" above and not as a black dragon member is kinda eyebrow-raising tho... MAYBE he already defected or thats just a "vibe" description but... mmmh
Kuai Liang: with what little we have so far, you really cant tell how his arc for this movie could go: did he rebuilt the Lin Kuei and became Grandmaster or did he not? It's the oldest we've ever seen him but is his age natural or medallion-induced? His main arc aka "revenge for big bro" was """TECHNICALLY""" over in botr, and judging by his advanced age implied in everything above: we skipped his second "reform the Lin Kuei" arc, meaning we dont know if he did or not. With what we have anyway, especially that line in the description, we can assume he's going thru a bit of a late midlife-crisis. So either his arc will be "the champion coming back for one last hurrah" or he will fully take on a mentor role to inspire Kenshi. Plus him having a link/alliance with Kenshi does fit their og timeline incarnations, but not wiyh such a large age gap. Anything goes, but I wouldnt be surprised if they killed him in that movie just like they did Raiden in botr. My question is: will they fully commit and give Kuai an entirely pacifist role, OR will they give him a fight, because come on, he's Sub Zero.
Kano: HONESTLY dont know what to make of it. I thought he died in revenge but he mightve not had? Or maybe he did and was brought back? Again, it all depends on how many years the timeskip is worth. Also the more I read the description, the more it doesnt sound like Kano... but also the black dragons seem heavily involved in the plot and he IS the black dragon so... yeah idk, will have to wait and see. What surprises me is that Kenshi has more beef with the red dragons, but I see why they would bring a known character back than introduce a new one.
Shang Tsung: hes on the cover art in his YOUNG form and he has history with Kenshi. So my guess is that, with Shao absent or dead, he used Kenshi to get the souls of the well of souls and get his young body back, I think he might have an important role in this movie. Plus, Shang means he may bring along with him Ermac and Mileena as he made them both (Ermac because hes relevant in Kenshi's story, and we may finally see that one concept art of Mileena that went nowhere in action). I would put my money on him being the main big bad of the movie with "Kano" being a misdirection. Idk. Like. "Take over earthrealm soul by soul". Come on.
Sonya: If Kano is a big deal in the movie, it would be WEIRD not to bring Sonya as well... but also, outside of like, implied history, she doesnt seems to actually HAVE a lot of history with Kano, no mention of him killing her partner, and she was mostly focused on saving Jax in Scorpion's Revenge, they fought for 20 seconds, and he "died". Plus (again with that damn timeskip) IF the timeskip is natural, shes either dead or. pretty old. In any case, her arc has been done so idk what would they make her do. I would except a quick nod or a cameo for her.
Johnny: same as Sonya, his arc has also been "completed" and his character relied a lot on her in these movies, so I have no idea what he would bring to the table. Im also expecting a quick nod or cameo, but it wouldnt surprise me if he doesnt come back
Jax: the special forces form a whole, and if neither Sonya nor Johnny have smth to contribuate due to either age or other factors and dont return, sadly I see Jax as unlikely to return too. THO IF the black dragon are one of the main focus, there could be some references to Mortal Kombat: Special Forces (WHICH WOULD BE SOOO HYSTERICAL)
Liu Kang: so if "Kuai Liang is the only one strong enough to take on Kano", where the hell is the Chosen One? Idk if "the winner of the tournament doesnt age" is still a thing, but youd think the twice hero who saved the world would be the first choice to stop someone threatening earthrealm. Either he was unavailable (like. He died. But come on), or my guesses are: he stayed with Kitana in Outworld/Edenia, or he took Raiden's place in the order of light's temple.
Kitana: this seems like an earthrealmer-issue so far so I dont see any edenian/outworlders being heavily involved in the plot, which mean, sadly, I wouldntbbe surprised if Kitana didnt returned other than again, cameo or quick nod. Plus she speeran her character arc in the last two movies so.
Raiden: so obviously Raiden lived at the end of botr but will they actually go somewhere with that? They could go the dark raiden arc... somehow, or they could go the "the world is safe so I will leave earthrealm's fate to the mortals" road, or he might straight up not show up.
Scorpion: babygirl has been done with his arc all on his own in the first movie, in the second movie he was here for Kuai Liang, and so far he seems absent from the third movie. Also, same problem as Liu Kang, if 60-70 Kuai Liang is the only one who can save the world, where the hell is Hanzo, who is still a wraith which doesnt age? Maybe they had a "Lets agree to never see each other again" with Kuai, or maybe he "disappeared into legend", or he went back to the netherrealm, or again, with such little information, anything goes. It would be REALLY WEIRD for the poster boy himself to NOT feature in a mortal kombat movie, but his arcs have been twice done over, so it would sadden me not to see him but it wouldnt surprise me too much if Scorpion was absent from the third movie or just having, again, a cameo/quick nod.
Bi-han: Im not betting a lot of money on it, and Quan Chi is dead, but Shang can fill the role of necromancer, or Bi-han can just come back from the dead with sheer force of will like Hanzo did. He would only come back because he was kinda wasted in Revenge, and Sub Zero Brothers Drama is always engaging to watch, but theres nothing so far that would imply his return.
Kung Lao: dead. Unless as revenant, somehow
Stryker: dead. Unless as revenant, somehow
Jade: sadly, if Kitana is not involved, Jade has even less chances to be able to
Shao Kahn: yeah I know "his body's gone" but I think itd be a bad call to bring him back as the main big bad again
Most Outworlders: Kintaro, D'vorah, Reiko, Li Mei and so on: they dont seem to have ANY stakes in what we know of the plot so far so I highly doubt it
Quan Chi: dead. And it would be such a fuck you in the previous movies' face if they brought him back, same goes for Shinnok
You can include the cyber Lin Kuei here as well tho I would expect them to be mentionned
... or I'm just dead wrong about all of this. time will tell. Time Will Tell.
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moscarific · 2 years
1984 for the ask thing. :)
Well, this sure did become a thing.
This Is Spinal Tap - Almost forty years later, I have not stopped laughing at this movie. When I saw it as a kid, the mockumentary style threw me for a loop in the best way, because I was so used to seeing comedy that was showy and carefully timed, and the humor here feels off-the-cuff and real. Everything in my home goes up to 11.
The Muppets Take Manhattan - This film does not actually hold up except for the music, but the scene with Miss Piggy and Joan Rivers turned me into a 5-year-old drag queen.
The NeverEnding Story - Am I too old to harbor a tiny hope that I will someday step into a book and become the hero of its story? And get to ride on a big fluffy white dragon?
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension - It has been a couple of decades since I first watched this in college - drunk and/or high at midnight in the college theater - and I still have no idea what the fuck I just saw. But I'm pretty sure it was awesome.
Ghostbusters - My dad took me to see this in the theater when I was four, and I lasted a full 15 minutes before I got scared and started crying. I don't think my dad has forgiven me. Anyway, I like it better now.
Stop Making Sense - David Byrne's big suits were my first drag aesthetic, and the music. The weird, jittery, post-apocalyptic, transcendent music. Someday I will step into a suit and live in David Byrne's head.
Neuromancer (William Gibson) - I read this the way it was meant to be read, at age fourteen, to impress the upperclassmen on the literary magazine staff. It felt prescient in the '90s, and now it's just uncanny. Gibson is one of those authors who doesn't seem like he turns much of a phrase, until you step back and see how immersive his worlds are.
The Unbearable Lightness of Being (Milan Kundera) - I pulled this off my parents' shelf in high school because it had a cool cover and read the whole thing while I was home with a cold. When I try to explain to people why I find it comforting to believe there's no afterlife, I wish I could hand them this book instead.
The Illuminatus! Trilogy (Bob Shea & Robert Anton Wilson) - More weird cult stuff that you have to read in high school or never. It's not... good? But it's great.
The Butter Battle Book (Dr. Seuss) - Every parent should teach their young children that the problem with war is that it's banal and nonsensical, and we can all do better.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Kevin Eastman & Peter Laird) - My friend got her hands on trades of the early runs of TMNT in middle school, and the revelation of this darkly satirical source text of the TV cartoon was a pop culture coming-of-age moment. It's about superheroes as people, and adolescents as people, and gentrification and marginalization and homelessness and family, and it made me want to move to New York immediately.
Muppet Babies - My generation has collectively forgotten most of the cartoons we watched at 8 AM on Saturday mornings while building pillow forts and Lego spaceships with our little brothers, but we've all retained this one.
V - I watched this by accident on a hotel room TV when I was way too young for it, and it creeped me out and made me fall in love with sci-fi in ways that I was surprisingly ready for.
Sunday in the Park with George - One of the great works of art about making art, from the perspective that process is inscrutable but people are not. The score bangs on dissonant chords until the exact moment when you think you can't take it anymore, and then it opens up into beautiful, soothing melody just long enough to really fuck you up again. Assume that whenever you read my writing, I hummed "Look, I made a hat!" just before posting.
The Pretenders - Learning to Crawl - Chrissie Hynde's voice is so sexy, and the songs are full of a uniquely Midwestern longing.
Robyn Hitchcock - I Often Dream of Trains - Side A is all pranking on Freud and Christianity, and side B finds things to have faith in, even if Hitchcock still sounds like he's snarling.
R.E.M. - Reckoning - Mostly mournful and lovely, plus two absolute bangers that are retroactive bi pride anthems.
Depeche Mode - Some Great Reward - I bristled at this in high school when I thought it was edgy (but too pop), then embraced it in college when I realized it wasn't that edgy after all (but stunning).
Madonna - Like a Virgin - I can perform an improv lip sync routine to any song on this album, on demand.
Prince & The Revolution - Purple Rain The best pop album ever made. I am not accepting criticism at this time.
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rwbybutincorrect · 3 years
I have some suggestions for your RWBY pokemon AU
I think Absol makes more sense as a pokemon either for Ruby, or, what I think is more fitting, for Qrow. Absol in the pokemon world is considered a harbinger of disaster because of its ability to sense oncoming calamities, and Qrow considers himself a bad luck charm and his weapon is called Harbinger, so I can imagine it being like, his signature pokemon, and maybe Ruby, wanting to emulate her Uncle, catches one for herself.
I also think Ruby and Yang's starters make more sense swapped around, Blaziken fits more with Yang (a hot headed fighting type) rather than Incineroar (a Dark type meant to emulate Heels in wrestling I.e the bad guys). Incineroar also fits better with Ruby's v1-v3 colours, though I also don't think a fire starter would fit Ruby, I think Sceptile fits more, as it's a fast pokemon that uses its leaves on its arms as blades, which I think fits Ruby better.
I'd also pick Rosarade over Florges but that's just my purrsonal preference.
Now for Weiss, my only suggestion  would be changing Corvinkight with something else, and I'm thinking Glaceon. I love the idea that Weiss as a child finds an injured Eevee in the large family garden and secretly takes care of it, but her father finds out and forces her to take it back to the wilds, but while out there it saves Weiss from several Beowolves and in the artic climate evolves into a Glaceon which Weiss then adopts.
Blake, id replace Absol with Greninja for aesthetic, but otherwise I would change Gallade's past, Ralts' only show themselves to trainers with strong positive emotions, so I can't see Adam ever having one, but I like the idea of maybe Blake and Yang being helped during the forest exam at Beacon by two Ralts/Kirlia's who they then take (Yang saying its the sign of their new partnership), and otherwise I would change Gallade for Gardevoir for Blake and have Gallade be Yang's pokemon, since it's a pokemon with strong morals and I feel fit Yang better.
Now for Yang, and other than the previous suggestions of Blaziken and Gallade as hers, I would replace Tyrantrum with Hitmontop, storywise I'd say that, when she's recovering post Beacon and on her way back from visiting Summer's grave, she encounters a Tyrouge rushing headfirst into fighting a stronger pokemon and getting seriously hurt, so Yang saves it and takes it home to recover. Despite all its injuries it still insists on training, Tai seeing this starts encouraging Yang to train with it, hoping it'll help her out. As both Yang and the Tyrouge bond and train, learning not to rush headfirst into battles and to adopt a more balanced fighting style, it evolves into Hitmontop to symbolise Yang's recovering and training.
And thats just RWBY, I have plenty of suggestions for JNPR, Sun, Ilia, Adam, Salem's forces, STQR, the Ace-Ops, Happy Huntresses and Neo~
submitted by @ladydevoir thank you :EYES:
[for reference, this is about this post]
treating this like an ask because i assume that's why you submitted it, because of the text limit but :EYESY:EYES:EYES
my choice of absol for blake is because i knew about the lore implications of absol and thought it would be a tragic detail if an absol appeared before her trying to protect her from the travesties she's repetitively had to face. i might give one to qrow anyway because I'm not afraid of duplicates!!! i didn't think about any supporting adult pokemon teams quite yet!
i will be honest, the blaziken choice for ruby was mostly self indulgent :3 i love chickens and blaziken's aesthetic. notable moments in the anime stuck with me, like during xy's series when there was a vigilante "blaziken man" protecting luminous city - that's a big reason why i chose it for her, that kind of over the top kind of heroism i thought worked. as opposed to incenroar who fights dirty. early in rwby, yang is a very backhanded and not exactly noble kind of hero. just look at the "yellow" trailer, fucking shit up for self motivated reasons (good for her.) i thought it fit her! --- but i can absolutely see what you're saying with sceptile, that is another favorite of mine and i'd love to see her with a sceptile that could mega evolve!
roserade, yeah i can see that fitting too! i forget it exists sometimes- my bad - and i like the grass type a little bit more to some extent than the fairy type because ruby has less of an association to the balance of nature~ that fairies do
i like the glaceon idea a lot too!!! the concepts of potential and direct reflection of her cold home - not to mention it's my second favorite eeveelution :D corviknight, yeah, it's my weakest link and i wanted to add it purely on the basis i'd like the snow queen to have her knight - but i think a glaceon would be much cuter, considering she already has plenty of stand ins for her glyphs!
I'm also interested about the greninja for the aesthetic! I'm not all that attached to the kalos starters so i tend to forget about them a lot more, i leaned on the "dark" type for blake but definitely didn't consider the. actual ninja pokemon. but i also tried to hold off on giving her a proper starter because in this little hc concept of mine, starters come specifically from pre-huntsmen schools (like signal in yang and ruby's case). i liked having the narrative of some students being "othered" by lacking starters - a visual tool when displaying their teams that they didn't have the opportunity to start where others did. not to say greninja couldn't have been a wild encounter or something else - fun to think about and really fits!
i DID not know about the kirlia lore though, i thought it was pretty weak when i was coming up with it and that is so interesting to know. i enjoy the idea of a pokemon switching allegiances from adam to protect blake but with this new information, I'll probably rewrite it in a way where the bee duo's ralts evos are more exclusive to them :3 i do like your idea of switching them, though, i tried to switch them to divert expectations, right (yang being a bit more masc than yang yet having a gardevoir, blake having the more showmanshy evo) but i might switch them. or i can just say the pokemon are practically shared and will switch up who they're paired with by their own choice. gf things <333
the hitmontop concept is really interesting for yang! it really does fit her - and i never paid attention to the line because, i will be honest, it never aesthetically pleased me, but narratively it works super well. i liked tyrantrum because i loved giving yang dragons and i also thought if she restored a tyrunt herself, it would be a nice indication of yang's genuine intelligence and wisdom. i don't like people boiling her down to a bimbo, haha funny stupid lesbian, but i feel like people also fail to recognize her genuine technical and social intelligence that she's portrayed throughout the series. then again, a hitmontop could show that emotional and protective instinct and intelligence she carries. it's sweet!! I'm torn!!!
AAAAANYWAY LONG STORY SHORT thank you so much for your opinions!!! i love the feedback and second opinion. i did a little bit of brainstorming with few friends in our discord server and its nice to hear an unrelated voice's takes!
feel free to send us more ideas if you'd like!!! :D as of right now I'm working on (the original) jnrp's post, and have penny, oscar, roman, neo, emerald, mercury, and cinder's teams planned! (I'm not sure how to section them off atm so their posts are coming later!) I'm curious to hear your ideas for when i get around to these other characters
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