#ive been there. that's not the problem.
sadclowncentral · 11 months
i absolutely love teenagers. i told a group of them about my work and asked them what their demands for the united nations would be and they debated among themselves and told me to "tell them to make doner kebab three euros again". yeah man i'll ask
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bellandeano · 3 months
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so like. how many gentle touches do you think they've actually felt in their lives haha
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fellas-is-it · 6 months
got tired of all depressing and hating yourself for being aro vibes on legit any other platform besides tumblr (looking at you tictac app) so wanted to listen to positive aromantic playlists and legit could NOT FIND ANY??????
And the ones that were vaguely positive were made for aroace ppl. Which is great! But im not ace!!! So WHERE'S MY POSITIVE AROALLO REP?!?!?!
Anyways i solved this hyperspecific problem myself and made a POSITIVE AROALLO playlist:
Larger image of the playlist cover i made
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darqx · 9 months
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Aren't you tired of being nice?
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bottombaron · 7 months
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oh ok so its the usual no-homo bullshit you always hear, good to know.
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bacchuschucklefuck · 2 months
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I know a normal amount abt waistcoats
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
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The x-files jersey devil picture is so precious to me
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s0fter-sin · 2 months
soap's whole deal being sniper and demolitions gets me going bc on the surface they sound so different but when you get into it, you realise it's bc soap's smart
sniping is all math; calculating distances and wind interference and bullet drop. something i think people overlook is he was listed as a sniper first so it can be implied that he's better at it than demolitions. he does more sniping in both campaigns than demolitions work; in capture or kill, ghost specifically calls on him to take down the aq snipers
and demolitions is math with a hit of chemistry; knowing what mixes with what, knowing how much to use, recognising environmental factors and adjusting accordingly. it's not just about the boom; so much work goes into contained/ planned explosions. especially when having enough power for a breacher charge and not bringing down the whole building is the difference between mission success and failure
the chemical bombs he makes in alone can't just be any old cleaners, they have to have the correct reaction to each other; he just knew off the top of his head what would mix with what to create what reaction. he would also potentially have to recognise them by sight/smell bc they would’ve been written in spanish
soap would also have to know architecture; recognising structural integrity and weak points so he knows exactly where to plant a charge to bring it down and how it'll come down
he has an incredible soldier's mind people just forget that bc he's sociable which itself is a skill
we know he tends to buck against orders he doesn't agree with like when he pushes back against ghost in capture or kill and shepherd when he tells them to release hassan
he gets closer to people and sees if he can trust them and that's when he follows them without question. really think about how he talks to alejandro and rudy; he asks about their home and alejandro's family and rudy's relationship with him. those aren't questions you ask a stranger after a few hours of knowing them. that's not even touching on his relationship with ghost
he also deliberately brings people of higher ranks down to his level; talking informally with ghost and giving him a shoulder punch, addressing alejandro (a colonel!!) by his first name and rudy by his nickname despite literally just meeting them. he personalises all of them and it’s in direct opposition to the reason most characters do that; it’s not due to insubordination or lack of respect, the more he respects and trusts someone, the more casual he is with them
he digs into people; he wants to know what makes them tick and that determines if he can one, trust them and two, follow their orders. once he decides that, he's the ultimate soldier; he bleeds loyalty which makes him vicious when that loyalty is taken for granted
he isn't naive or bubbly or insecure; he's an incredibly smart and aware soldier. he's aggressive and bloodthirsty and loyal and intuitive and i love him so much
#i cant believe i never posted the soap meta that got me twitter famous™️💅#as with damn near every piece of characterisation in this franchise soaps is only apparent in subtext and connecting tiny little dots#it is very easy to just pick up his surface personality and think thats all he is#but soaps not a sunshine character#hes not super friendly or bright#hes just willing to talk to people and hes paired up with ghost who never wants to start a conversation#every time i see soap presented as this bubbly airhead thats super sweet and just blows stuff up i lose a year off my life#and i dont blame people for getting this vibe from him but im begging you to look a lil deeper#this isnt getting into his anger or the fact that he is a soldier which automatically makes him a wee bit fucked up#like he is hyperviolent and takes joy in it#we all know ghosts snuff film joke but soaps the one who responds positively to it#he returns the joke and only calls him out on it when he says he wont watch it more than once and even then its teasing not grossed out#and if we take the ‘he tried to join the military at 16’ factoid from 09 as current canon then he very easily could have a rough home life#no one tries to repeatedly join the military early without having some kind of problems#soap knows his worth and his abilities you dont get to be as good and specialised as he is without being completely sure of yourself#we know ghost has an ego but soap constantly butts up against it with his own affirmations#‘you wanna be better than me johnny’ ‘maybe i already am/i will be’ ‘a little helps not so bad eh lt’#being a sniper makes me hate the ‘cant sit still’ hc hes literally an sas sniper he wouldnt be complaining after a few hours of overwatch#i like the adhd hc and maybe he fidgets in his day to day life but the second hes at work hes At Work#tldr soap could be just as complex a character as ghost if cod would stop treating their campaigns as an afterthought and actually commit#coming out of my cage and ive been doing just fine.txt#we’re a team. ghost team#talk meta to me#john soap mactavish#soap cod#cod mw2#soapghost#save post#call of duty modern warfare#cod meta
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swingstep · 4 months
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so i saw that angela does not have a shimeji yet. ... fixed it :)
ta-da!! now you can have a tiny little library director running around your screen, free of charge!! ^w^ she is very polite and will only steal your windows Sometimes. its ok, she is allowed.
link will be provided in the replies of this post; godspeed, have fun, and cherish your local angela today! 🎉✨
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fabulouslygaybean · 2 years
#dont rb#no like. look. i don't rlly hardcore ship anything anymore. im super casual abt it and i just do whatever i think is fun at that moment.#but like... what they've got going on with the two of them is frustrating at best.#im definitely not against like.. the dynamic i guess? it makes enough sense. a boy is in love with his presumably Very Straight childhood -#- best friend who also has a girlfriend. he doesn't know what to do but in the end he just doesn't wanna lose his best friend.#ive been there. that's not the problem.#my main complaint is just that like. they can't seem to decide what they wanna do with that whole thing.#they act like its Super Secret Subtext and that its just up for interpretation when it's really truly not.#the scene where he's talking about all the things el must love about him? its SO damn clear that he's talking about his own feelings too#he made a whole damn painting with mike as a focus. he's spilling out his heart in a way that hopefully won't be noticed.#mike doesn't of course because he's a presumably very straight teenager and he's too busy thinking about his gf to notice#mike feels reassured and goes back to focusing on other things while will ends up hiding his face from him and crying#jonathan notices and has a very knowing expression before he goes back to focusing on the road#even if you ignore the super mega obvious scene it's prevalent throughout the whole season#will wants to support his now adopted sister el and her boyfriend mike and he tries to keep it friendly but its difficult#mike ignores him for most of the summer bc he's your standard straight boy teen and is uber obsessed with his gf#he never calls and he ignores will when he asks if he can show him a painting he did and he ignores his worries and advice#its so damn obvious. will is trying to keep up a friendship bc he knows he'll probably never get to be with him but he still cares about -#- him dearly bc they've always been friends and at the very least he doesn't wanna lose that#ive been there!! ive been in that scenario so many damn times!! that's a common queer experience!!!#but the showrunners are always like. Oh But It's All Up For Interpretation ;) Will Is Just A Good Buddy To His Friendly Friend ;)))#also to clarify: i know what the actor himself has said about all of it. im not gonna go after the insta post he made when he was like 12.#he himself has talked about it not mattering in more recent stuff too and that's fine. i rlly have no qualms with him over this.#im mostly just frustrated with like.. the duffer brothers and maybe some of the writers. y'know?#it's just poorly executed. ignoring the elephant in the room ain't a good look. it's not the end of the world but it ain't great either.
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babe, there's somethin' tragic about you
This pose and palette came to me in a vision while listening to from eden, so of course i had to draw it! i haven't made hels to pay fanart in a bit but it still occupies my mind rent free. In fact this AU is so good that it lives in its own private penthouse in my brain sipping bourbon and eating figs drizzled with honey, i love it so much
Outstanding AU written by the brilliant @aquaquadrant and illustrated by the skilled @lunarcrown!
{textless version under the cut}
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waterghostype · 6 months
shit postings
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vacant2007 · 1 year
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catastrothy · 8 months
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slug slime girl :3
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hellspawnmotel · 2 years
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“caroline, please kill me” by coma cinema
#i hope this is readable lol#deltarune#susie#noelle holiday#suselle#art tag#man i had a whole thing to type up here and now i forget most of it. ummm#basically ive been thinkin about suselle with the new info we got from the sweepstakes#specifically from noelle's perspective. because up until chapter 2 she wants susie but she doesnt KNOW susie#its an extremely shallow crush which is normal for teenagers but what makes it interesting to me is#how noelle sort of seems more attracted to the danger susie poses than susie herself#and she doesnt really make an attempt to get to know susie personally until ch 2? iirc?#and before that almost seems to hope that susie will treat her as badly as she treats kris#and you could argue whether its bc of noelle's psychological problems or if its just. yknow. a fantasy#either way my point is shes not really thinking about susies feelings. shes not trying to reform the bully or something#so consider this little lyric comic as taking place in noelle's fantasies pre-ch1#BUT#all that said it doesnt mean noelle isnt open to getting to know susie. obviously#when she sees an opportunity noelle does reach out and not in a way where shes trying to provoke susie to hurt or threaten her#she gives susie a gift and invites her to study together. not to mention the whole ferris wheel thing#i actually think noelle didnt even consider that as an option until susie and kris became friends#and even after chapter 2 noelle doesnt really know susie all that well. and to her susie still exists mostly in the realm of fantasy#but its a start. and they have so much more room to grow and understand each other better#plus susie clearly already cares a lot about noelle#moral of the story is suselle is more compelling than just 'shy girl plus mean girl'#and i like it#good night
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pippynsworld · 2 days
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