#ivy says stuff . .
sophisticatedmarten · 2 years
Dog Toes are the forbidden frito.
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Fig was also being groomed by Porter - and not just groomed to help him, groomed to be a sacrifice and die. She is allowed to be mad about it.
And should that anger be turned at Porter? Probably, but she has spent a not insignificant amount of time trying to sus out how guilty various Rat Grinders feel about having caused Lucy Frostblade's death. Fig, whose relationship with her friends is more important to her than anything in the world, and couldn't imagine being the cause of one of her friend's death let alone making it impossible for them to cross over to the otherside peacefully or denying them a final resting place that would give closure to their family, spent much of her time trying to understand why the Rat Grinders would abandon their friend without even the respect of last rites.
Also Fig gave Ruben chance after chance after chance to do the right thing (and not just in this episode, but all season long) And on one side we understand Ruben's point of "You killed my friends, I had to psychic scream" but on the other hand Fig's friends are also dying and she is seeing all this work she's put in to try and get Ruben to switch sides and god how many spell slots has she used on this boy that could have been heals for her friends or attacks against Porter? And where was this energy for Lucy, left to rot in the forest, no way to cross over, too late to be revivified, where was her Psychic Scream?
In this moment, in Fig's mind there is undoubtedly a loop of "How much of my energy throughout this past year would have had more successful results if I had put it into my relationships or studies or music? How much help did I deny my friends by wasting my time on this guy?"
What she yells at him is mean and DEEPLY DEEPLY hurtful, but her friends are ALSO dying, she was ALSO groomed to be Porter's tool - why wouldn't she be mad? Why wouldn't she be angry?
Her words were particularly harsh, and turned to the wrong target, and Ruben Hopclap didn't deserve to go to hell (which in terms of hell's he could be trapped in - polka music untangling chords hell, not that bad). But crucifying Emily for playing Fig the way she did isn't the move, because she played her in a way that made sense for both the character and the stakes of the battle.
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andanshi · 6 months
“i want an obsessive yandere partner irl” mfs when the “irl yandere” is ACTUALLY obsessed with them to the point they would harm themselves (or others) for their affection
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sketchy-tour · 9 months
I love getting new followers after posting stand alone WH art because I sit here wondering how long until they get jumpscared by my oc x canon :3c
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fluttervee · 4 months
my kingdom for a rat grinders spinoff season. give me an inversion of the seven, please please please
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aalesu · 1 year
Okay, but this is why I love hero/villain
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Harley forgot her lunch so Ivy commited a crime so Harley would show up 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️
You know the classic story where hero and villain fall in love so one of them turns the other side...? NO, IF YOU DO THAT THERE WOULDN'T BE THINGS LIKE THIS!
I think batjokes would work perfectly like this, only a little darker and less cute¿¿ idk
I need more Hero x Villain things
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allthegothihopgirls · 2 months
i am here again asking the good people of tumblr.com for comic recommendations... i am in such a reading slump and the world is so big and i don't know what to start
i'll take anything that's not batfam or harley/ivy centric. it doesn't just have to be dc either... and a shorter run is always appreciated
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kalosbian · 9 months
ivy isn't lesbian coded btw y'all just have an aversion to the word "headcanon" and like to ignore that m!alear exists and has the exact same dialogues with ivy that f!alear does
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
I would like to know more about the pretty lady please (Gem)
Gem in an Eye, sometimes referred to as the Witch Lady, is the sixth Iterator built in the Eo group. i was originally gonna call her Gem in Eye as a pun on Gemini (initially inspired by the song GeminEye by The Megas), she was also supposed to be nearby Notos on the map and have that classic witch cap n be a lil mad
she said No to that so now she is mainly inspired by the greek witch goddess Hecate. here's she n her voice claim (song: Čerešne [Cherries] by Hena Hegerová)
her iterations often include crystals and botanical stuff. Fish is the one who can tell you about all the spiritual effects of a wheel flower, but his knowledge started in studying Gem's notes which he later expanded upon himself and She is the one to go to if you need to know how to grow a wheel flower naturally, basically. she also likes making poisons out of her flora and, unfortunately, poisoning wild animals that are an annoyance to her. to see what will happen while also getting rid of them
she became the local puppet maker when Gen 2s started coming out. so she Did make Fish's puppet, but not any Gen 1's
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she has dull claws specifically to help her with this craft- the organs and such of the puppets are grown first and slowly she integrates the mechanical parts to them during it, all in her labs. when this main naked body is finished, the whole thing is sent to her chamber where she frees it all and puts on the plating, while checking over for any imperfections in the insides like a cog not entirely sitting right and such. after this she paints on the mark/markings and drafts skin on top of all that, waits till it grows over the whole thing, puts it into a new safe fortified test tube n sends the thing on its way to the new Iterator structure
she's a close "friend" of Expiation n Spore and is the main reason why Notos ended up having to manipulate Spore to get into their friend group and right Gem's bastardness to actually help with Mission Self-preservation
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even though the Mission would've helped Spore with her fungi sickness, Gem didn't give half a shit n was content to just sit back n let everyone else do the work while she iterates as normal n reaps the Mission's benefits this disgusting manipulative kind of shit she does to Moon too, but only in that giant global Gen 1 chat so it isn't as pressing as what poor Spore is going through cuz of this younger bitch
it's sort of impressive that she manages to manipulate Iterators older than her, cuz Itties have a strong sense of need to follow, listen and respect their elders, usually. hierarchy machines ✊😔 doin smth like this isn't supposed to be really possible
Boreas hates her guts because he Sees her manipulation bullshit n she likes pissing him off since she can't manipulate him
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so basically she's this pretty witch devil god who does horrid things but Apparently is kind of "silly" about it. she refuses to act seriously or threateningly or more... Elegantly i suppose, when i'm doing stuff with her, so i guess...
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me and my husband by mitski but platonic.
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sojo-gatoru · 1 year
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been redrawing one of my favourite JJK/Hidden Inventory panels yippie :)
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hermanunworthy · 11 months
would it be insane of me to consider getting into some huuuge ass media that ive had almost zero interest in before just bc its something my fave character likes
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andanshi · 6 months
i yearn for your tenderness, your affection, your love,, but your absence reflects a terrifying reminder that things are not the same as they were before, a part of me still looks forward to your return, to fill the void you left behind,, but deep inside i know that i long for a love that will never come back...
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lesbianclaryfray · 5 months
“actually ivy is CANON BISEXUAL in main continuity” and the “source” is 2 completely different continuities, a screenrant article citing a source that does not exist, and her “relationship” with her groomer
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microwave-core · 4 months
asmr channel that rps as engage characters waking up alear which progressively become more deranged
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w0rld0flight · 9 months
I wish Ivy and Pandreo had more interactions in FE Engage.
They have three things in common:
Both went through religious trauma
Both are very devoted to the Divine Dragon
And most importantly...
They're both gay
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