#jay walker comfort
kywaslost · 2 years
Sleeping With The Ninja
A/N: I guess it’s about time I finally get something posted… I’ve been in this depressive slump for a while, especially because of the way my friends have been treating me, and for some strange reason Ninjago has been my source of comfort, so here’s this. And I made them platonic, idrk why.
Kai: Person A falling asleep in Person B’s shoulder/chest/lap and Person B really needs to get up to go do something but doesn’t want to wake Person A.
Today’s tasks have taken a toll on you. It was a chore day on the Bounty, but around lunch a call came in requesting help from the ninja. You went with Cole to take care of what you thought would be a simple mission, but it ended up taking 5 hours and leaving the both of you bruised and battered. It was a bank robbery, but on a much larger scale than you thought. There were so many ‘villains’ to catch while also protecting civilians. It was a tough task for only two ninja.
You didn’t get back to the Bounty until after dinner and you were exhausted. You barely had enough energy to shower, and it took you twice as long to complete the task and change into something more comfortable. You still had a few chores to do, but Wu dismissed them for you to complete in the morning. You didn’t have enough energy to do anything other than sleep, but it was only almost 7 at night and too early to go to bed.
Stepping into the gaming room to find a way to kill time, you spot your best friend Kai sitting on the floor, sorting through the various video games and stacking them neatly. You quickly walked over to him, sat down beside him, and laid your head down on his lap.
“Oh, hey Y/N,” he greeted with a smile. “How was it?”
You only shook your head, burying your face into Kai’s knee.
“Not well?”
“I’m exhausted,” you muttered, closing your eyes. “ ‘Ma lay here a minute.
Your words blurred together slightly. Kai didn’t say anything as he finished up sorting and stacking the video games.
It didn’t take long for him to finish, and Kai needed to finish a few other chores before he was allowed to turn in for the night. You were still laying on his lap, so Kai said softly, “I’ve got to get up, Y/N. You should go to bed anyway.” Except he didn’t receive a response. Leaning over to look at your face, Kai asked, “Y/N?” Your eyes were closed as Kai noticed you were sound while resting on his lap.
Kai smiled softly, pulling out his phone. He was totally going to tease you for this later. Taking a picture of your sleeping form, Kai set his phone to the side and looked around the room. He had to finish his chores so Wu wouldn’t get on to him, but he didn’t want to move you. You looked so peaceful and you looked really worn down when you first entered the room. Kai didn’t want to disturb you.
There was a basket of laundry not too far away that needed folding. Kai was pretty sure that was Jay’s chore, but surely he’d swap chores around so as not to disturb you. So Kai pulled the basket closer and began folding laundry, careful not to disturb you. He’d carry you to bed later, or wake you up, but for the moment he was going to let you rest.
Cole: Person A falling asleep during the car ride home and Person B carrying them into the house.
The whole team was sent on a long single-day mission, leaving early in the morning and returning late into the night. You were all piled into one of the many vehicles that could carry you and soft music was playing in the background. Lloyd was driving as Kai sat shotgun, talking quietly to keep both Lloyd and himself awake. Nya was passed out on Jay’s shoulder, and Jay leaned over on Zane. The nindroid stared out the window quietly, joining in on Lloyd and Kai’s discussion every now and then.
You sat beside Cole in the back of the vehicle in a peaceful silence. You were curled up with your feet up on the seat between the two of you, drifting in and out of sleep as you watched a movie with Cole on his phone. As time passed, your feet slid off of the seat and your eyes began to droop. Your head now rested against Cole’s shoulder. Sometime later, your eyes closed for good as you slept soundly against your friend.
By the time you’d reached the monastery, you were passed out still, except you had moved to lean against your window.
“We’re here,” Lloyd called softly to those who were still awake or somewhat aware of their surroundings. Nya had just woken up, and Jay was in the process of waking up. As people started getting out of the car, Cole noticed that you were still knocked out beside him.
He contemplated waking you up, but you were hit pretty hard during the mission and he wanted you to rest as much as you could. So, in response, Cole slowly slid one arm under your knees and one behind your back. He pulled you close to his chest and slid out of the vehicle, kicking the door shut behind him.
“Aw, look at Cole being a gentleman,” Jay laughed slightly.
The earth ninja glared at Jay. “I don’t want to wake them.”
Following the others into the monastery, Cole carried you up the stairs and to your bedroom. He pulled back your blanket, gently laid you down, and tucked you in. You began to move in your sleep, and Cole froze. He was afraid he had woken you up, but watched as you rolled onto your side and buried your face into your blanket.
Cole smiled softly, then leaned down to press a gentle kiss to your forehead. He pushed the hair out of your face before leaving you be for the rest of the night.
Jay: Person A and Person B sleeping in the same bed and Person A keeps waking up cold because person B has pulled all the blankets off of them.
Having a movie night with Jay leads to you falling asleep in the same bed as him, his laptop sitting in between the two of you. You lay closest to the wall, back to Jay as you bury yourself in Jay’s blanket. You hadn’t been asleep for long, but you fell asleep before Jay. You’d say your sleep was quite peaceful, or it was until you were exposed to the chilly air abruptly. Opening your eyes, you realized that you no longer had a blanket.
Rolling over, you saw Jay with the blanket you were previously sharing. He was still asleep and didn’t seem to be aware of his actions. You grunted slightly as you pulled the blanket back towards you, enough to cover yourself as you rolled back over and closed your eyes.
It didn’t take long for you to be awoken again by Jay yanking the blankets off of you. It happened several times within the next 15 minutes, and you finally had had enough. Crawling out of Jay’s bed, you stomped over to his closet, pulled out his spare blanket, and made yourself comfortable back on your side of his bed. You closed his computer, tucked it away at the foot of the bed, and layed back down and finally fell asleep for the rest of the night.
When you were awoken by Jay in the morning, he had asked why you had a different blanket. “Where did you even find that?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.
You glared at him playfully from where you still lay. “In the closet. You kept taking the blanket we were sharing. I finally had enough so I took your spare.” You lightly kicked him off of the bed. “I’m not sharing a blanket with you anymore.” Your words only made Jay smile with a small laugh, and you couldn’t help but laugh with him.
Zane: Person A can’t sleep so Person B sings them a lullaby.
You weren’t sure what time it was. You remembered leaving your room around 1:45 a.m. but you had been out on the deck of the bounty for a while. You had tried for hours to fall asleep, but you finally called it quits and headed outside to get some fresh air. You hated how you were feeling at the moment. Your body was so exhausted you couldn’t stand, so you resorted to leaning against the railing on the edge of the ship. Yet you couldn’t seem to rest in the slightest.
You were scared out of your mind when a cool hand was placed on your shoulder. Shooting upright and wiping your head around, your fearful gaze met Zane’s blue eyes. The nindroid was kneeling behind you, looking at you worriedly. “Are you alright, Y/N?”
You blinked slowly, then turned your head to look over the edge of the railing. Shrugging, you muttered, “Can’t sleep.”
Zane’s brows furrowed. “You don’t look well. Maybe you should come inside.”
You shook your head. “I like it out here.”
With a sigh, Zane moved to sit beside you, pulling you to lean onto his shoulder. “Then I will stay here with you.”
You hummed contently, nuzzling your cheek into his shoulder. The two of you sat in silence for a moment, enjoying each other’s company. You still couldn’t seem to fall asleep, but you were much more relaxed. “Hey Zane?”
You hesitated for a moment. “Do- do you think you could do something for me?”
Zane’s voice was gentle as he responded with, “Of course.”
“Could you hum something?” You hoped you weren’t asking too much from your friend, but his voice was so soothing. There would be times when Zane would be driving the team home from a mission, and he’d hum quietly to himself when he thought everyone else was asleep. And if you were sneaky you could catch him humming to himself while making dinner. There was just something about his voice that calmed you.
“I suppose I could.” Zane wrapped an arm around you so you could get more comfortable before he began to hum quietly. You could hear his voice vibrating lowly through his chest, and you closed your eyes to enjoy the peacefulness of it all. For the first time that night, you felt like you could finally close your eyes and get some rest.
After a few minutes, Zane looked down to check on you. You hadn’t said anything in a while, and your breathing had changed. The nindroid smiled softly when he saw you asleep on his shoulder. He thought you looked exhausted when he first found you, enough to make you sick. He was just glad you were finally resting. Zane wanted to carry you back to your room, but he was afraid of waking you, and it was a nice night. He did adjust you, however, so you were more comfortable. Starting to hum again, Zane watched over you for the rest of the night.
Lloyd: Person A can tell that Person B is having a nightmare because they’re making weird noises/motions in their sleep so Person A wakes them up and asks if they’re ok.
Lloyd wasn’t known to be one of the deeper sleepers on the team. In fact, he was probably one of the lightest sleepers out there. It didn’t help that some of his roommates were loud sleepers. Jay talked in his sleep, and Cole snored excessively loud. It drove Lloyd insane on nights when he was exhausted but would be awoken several times due to his brothers, but he touched through it most of the time.
You never really made noise while you slept, and that’s what allowed Lloyd to get a full night’s rest. The two of you were best friends, and the two of you often spent nights together in one of your rooms. Especially during the day, when Lloyd wants to take a nap, he’d settle down in your room for a few hours while you either napped with him, or worked on something quietly.
Afternoon training had finally ended and everyone was either in the process of showering and settling down or getting ready for dinner. It didn’t take long for you to shower, change, and curl up under your blanket while you waited for dinner, and it didn’t take much longer for Lloyd to come knocking on your door.
“Hey Y/N,” the ninja greeted with a gentle smile as he leaned against your doorframe. “Mind if I come in?”
You looked up from your phone and scooted over on your bed, patting the spot next to you. “Not at all!”
Lloyd flopped down beside you with a groan. “Man, am I beat. HIs blonde hair fanned over your pillow, and Lloyd tilted his head up to look at you, still smiling. “Whatcha watching?” He scooted further up the bed, moving to rest his head right above your shoulder to look at your phone. His hair tickled your face slightly, and you could smell his shampoo from the shower he must have just taken.
“Just social media, nothing much,” you answered, turning your phone off and setting it beside you. You adjusted yourself to rest on Lloyd’s shoulder, burying your face on the side of his clothed chest. In response, the green ninja wrapped an arm around you. “I could go for a nap right about now.”
Lloyd’s fell to rest on top of your own. With a contented sigh, he said, “Me too.” The two of you fell into a soft silence as Lloyd pulled your blanket over himself and began to doze off.
It didn’t take long for Lloyd to be woken up by you. He woke up quicker than usual, because you almost never made noise in your sleep, especially soft whimpers and whines. Opening his eyes, Lloyd immediately scans the room for any threats. There seemed to be nothing harmful that he could see. The two of you were the only ones in your room, and you were still asleep beside him. That’s when Lloyd noticed how distressed you were. Your back was to the ninja, but he could still see how quickly you were breathing. Your shoulders shook, and you kept moving slightly.
Lloyd was no stranger to nightmares, and he knew how much it could mean to someone to be awoken and comforted by a close friend. So Lloyd gently wraps his arms around you and turns you around to place your head on his chest again. He keeps one hand around your waist and moves his other to run through your hair. “You’re alright,” he said softly, pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head. “Wake up Y/N, you’re alright. I’ve got you.” It took a lot of gentle caresses and soft words for Lloyd to wake you up, but eventually your eyes opened and you were pulled away from your nightmare.
You weren’t sure where you were at first, but it didn’t take long for you to recognize your best friend beside you, covered by your favorite blanket and watching you with watery eyes. “Are you alright?” Lloyd asked as he placed a hand on your shoulder. “You had a nightmare.”
You took a deep breath, releasing it shakily. You shrugged your shoulders, slowly curling in on yourself against Lloyd. “I think so?”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“I don’t remember it.” Part of you was grateful you couldn’t remember the dream, but you felt terrible for waking your friend. “I’m sorry for waking you up. I know that’s why you sleep in here, cause I never --”
“Hey, don’t be sorry,” the green ninja cut you off, hugging you tighter against him. “I’d wake up a thousand times every night if that meant you’d rest peacefully.” He smiled at the thought. “I really don't mind. And, besides, I think dinner is almost ready. We’d be waking up soon anyway.” He was silent for a moment. “You sure you’re ok?”
“Yeah, I’m alright.” You smiled softly, and added, “Thank you Lloyd.”
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writer-room · 5 months
Isn't it fun how everyone saw what terrified them most, but Nya's was so "unbelievable" that she broke out instantly? She was shown the one thing that was supposed to terrify her, make her spiral. But of course it wasn't real. It's Jay. If there's one thing she never once doubted, its that Jay is absolutely smitten, so of course he'd never forget her. What a silly thing to think, to be afraid of. She went through so damn much for this boy, and him for her, and we know how she is. Wouldn't it be petrifying if all that work, all that emotional turmoil, that clawing for love, could be forgotten just like that? Its quite a feat, really, that she can finally be confident in knowing such a fear is irrational.
It was easy to break free from such a place. It was only ever meant to scare her, and she has nothing to be afraid of. Right?
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spinjitsuburst · 11 months
no cuz listen listen listen LISTEN TO ME Cole is so so so so good in Skybound he’s literally maybe the best part of Skybound for me the “don’t lie to me I know you too well” the way he’s supportive of Jay until he physically can’t be anymore the way he’s so upset that he’s been kidnapped the fact that HE’S THE ONE TO FIND HIM ON THE SHIP and he’s so soft and the fact that he saw Jay’s tortured state and had to FORGET HE FORGOT ALL OF IT WHY COULDN’T HE HAVE REMEMBERED IT I’m unwell
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ninjas-and-coffee · 11 months
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went through my dead sketches folder,
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sunsetelo · 4 months
Writers block is making me go insane so I’m taking requests. I usually write hurt/comfort, angst, whump, fluff, ect.
Jay is the my favorite to write for but I’m open to all characters :)
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spinchip · 2 years
Making Electricity// You Can Feel it in Your Mind
pairings: Gen/no pairings
Wordcount: 2.5k
Authors note: Title from electric feel MGMT lol. I am sick so you know what that means *Inflicts the horrors on my blorbo*
Warnings: Zane is electrocuted. this is what the whole fic is about
Summary: Jay accidentally shocks Zane during a fight.
His world is eclipsed by a pain so deep and all consuming that it leaves his body singing after it is done with him.
His vision is a kaleidoscope of colors and shapes that move and undulate in a constant flow. It’s a suggestion of the world around him, scrambled and shaken twice before it makes it to the part of his program responsible for interpreting reality. His vision is swarmed by a color- he knows his friends all have a signature color, but there’s a disconnect in his mind and he can’t understand what color he’s looking at. He is aware of the input but the information stalls and fails to process, leaving him clueless to the body at his side. His hearing is muffled and distant, the person is speaking but its formless syllables echo in his head as he tries to decipher it all. It’s overwhelming and he desperately wants to ask them to stop talking- but much like everything else, Zanes connection with his jaw has failed and he can’t vocalize a word.
He’s on his hands and knees- he doesn’t remember stumbling or falling. The amount of concentration it takes to keep his body off the floor is monumental- all his joints feel loose and liquid, like a light breeze could knock him over and scatter the pieces. He doesn’t know which way up or down is, everything swaying and twisting around him- his gyroscope is off kilter. It has to be. His clothes feel painfully tight- the person beside him touches his shoulder and Zane hisses in pain, and when he flinches away it knocks his hands from underneath him and sends him sprawling to the floor. Every one of his artificial nerves is on fire, like their sensitivity has been turned up past 11. Like someone had taken steel wool and scrubbed down each sensor until the wiring was exposed and sparking. He can’t feel his legs- the strangeness of that exacerbated by the fact he could still move them. The blobs of shifting light that he called his vision changed when he thought about moving his legs. He was watching them move. There was no input from the waist down, no data or pressure or spatial awareness to pin down how they were moving. Just that they were.
The air is sharp and chemical, ozone saturating every breath Zane takes.
He’s shaking. He’s breathing. There’s an awareness of the room creeping over the fog of his mind and he has to stop the ice from spreading- energy spits from his core and his chest feels hot and wet, his arms ache down to his fingers.
Something that sounds like it might be his name is called.
He’s on a table- a bed- it’s flat. He’s laying down. He’s so exhausted he can’t bring himself to think for several long moments, not processing any data his body is supplying him with. He drags a trembling hand up from his side and tries to focus on how many fingers he’s holding up. The fractals in his vision have merged and sharped to one point, but now everything is so fuzzy he can’t make out any details. His hand looks- dark. The casing is gone? The back of his hand, down his forearm, all bare- maybe more, but Zane doesn’t have the strength to turn his head. He slumps his hand next to his face instead of taking the effort to place it back at his side. A sound. Attempting to be soothing and soft, but his ears hurt anyway. Even that light, gentle sound input is overloading his processor and causing a sharp pain between his eyes. He feels nauseous.
What happened to the fight? Where was he? He doesn’t remember getting here. There were no memories connecting each moment. Did he black out?
His jaw is still locked. He beeps at the voice instead, a downturned note to show his disapproval of the silence being cut. A light turns on above him and his vision whites out completely, sharp piercing pain that feels like a fire has been lit in his face. He can’t close his eyes. He can’t do anything.
Zane wakes up.
He can see. It’s the first thing he acknowledges when his eyes open- still blurry on the edges, but clear enough he can make out where he is. It’s the garage, the one on the lower levels under the Monastery- in a back room that was tucked away from the rest of the place. There were desks in here, a few work tables for smaller scale projects and a couch that Zane was curled up on. There’s a blanket wrapped around his shoulders. His skin still feels raw, but the blanket is soft and welcome and he tugs it closer. The lights are on and dimmed, just enough so that he can see around the room easily. There’s a glass of water next to him that's only half full, and an apple with a bite taken out of it that Zane puzzles over for too long.
His brain isn’t catching up with him. Thinking is like trudging through quicksand, and he keeps losing the thread he’s following and staring blankly into space before remembering he’s trying to figure out what that water is doing here. It means something, right?
A door clicks, and Zane looks up. Someone is in the room. Dark hair. He closes his eyes and thinks, dragging up all his memories until he finds her inside them.
“Nya.” He concludes. His voice is jittery on the edges, but he can speak now.
Nya nearly jumps out of her skin at his voice. She barely avoids spilling her coffee down her shirt, looking up from her phone that she’d been absorbed in. She sighs in audible relief, “Hey, Zane. How are you feeling?”
He stares at her for a long moment, watching as she approaches him and sits in the chair set up next to the couch. She waits patiently for him to formulate a responde, “...it is hard… to think.” He manages. “...Why…?”
She smiles weakly, “You were struck by lightning, Zane.” She launches into a well-rehearsed and poised description of exactly what type of internal damage he had taken and how the blow had affected his body and delicate electronics. Each word is delivered carefully and confidently.
“This… is not the… the first… time…” He closes his eyes at the effort, grunting unhappily.
“No, this is not the first time I've told you all this.” Sipping her coffee, she shoots him a tight smile, “Hopefully it’ll be the last, though. Can you sit up? If you’re feeling up to it, we can do a few tests and see where you’re at recovery wise.”
He pulls the blanket out from under him, struggling to unwrap himself before he hauls himself up. His right hand is completely exposed, no protective casing at all. The wires are all shiny and brand new. Zane doesn’t dwell on figuring that out. He’s not in his ninja suit anymore- he’s in his pajamas. Did someone else dress him..? Uncomfortable, but understandable and necessary.
As Nya tests his reflexes and asks him to unbutton his shirt to examine his power core, Zane tries his best to organize his thoughts. His upper chest plate is brand new- the pieces around it have strange spider webbing marks, yet to be replaced.
“Lightning…” He makes a sound in the back of his throat that’s supposed to be the word how? But it catches on his tongue and doesn’t come out right.
Nya understands anyway, but she hesitates. Finally, “It was Jay. It was an accident- do you remember the fight?”
The fight. He does remember- but he also doesn’t remember. Strange. The thoughts and memories surrounding the moments before his world turned sideways are disjointed and nebulous, hard to pin down and recall. He doesn’t remember why they were fighting. He had been in the middle of a fight with another man- no, he had just defeated him? He was standing alone, taking a moment to… to… analyze the field… no, he stopped because his head hurt. Didn’t he? The guy he’d defeated had gotten a lucky shot. His jaw had ached, possibly dislocated…? Then the world was a bright white-hot pillar of fire and nothing made sense anymore.
“Is Jay… okay?” The feeling of Nya's hands in his chest makes him shudder, which she nods approvingly at. His sensory input was reacting correctly.
“Er… Physically, he’s fine.” She reassures him, “But mentally… Well, he feels really guilty. He thought… we all thought it was possible he killed you. You would wake up but you wouldn’t retain any memories or information we’d give you. You just kept resetting.”
“How long…?”
“How long have you been out of commission?” She guesses. He nods and she sighs, staring at his core, “Three and a half weeks.”
Zane stares at her, dumbfounded.
“This was not a light blow, Zane. Your internal self repair programming system has really been struggling to deal with all the damage. It was touch and go for longer than I’d like to admit.” Her voice is gentle, “We’ve all been taking turns watching over you in case you wake up. This isn’t the first time we’ve had this conversation.”
“I… do not… feel good.” Zane says plainly, weakly pushing her away from him and ending the examination. She doesn’t fight it, leaning away and giving him space.
She motions to the water and apple, “Those are yours from before. You should eat and drink- I know you don’t need to, but your core took some damage and you're on an energy deficit right now. You need physical fuel.”
He falls asleep before he finishes the apple.
He comes back to consciousness again in the same room, curled up in the same way, tucked in with the same blanket. This time, sitting next to him is Pixal.
“Pixal.” he says plainly. He says it like he’s proving that he remembers her.
She’s on her Borg Data Pad when he speaks, and she politely closes the case and sets it on the desk behind her, “Good morning, Zane. How are you feeling?”
The words make more sense, “I remember.” He tries to tell her firmly, with conviction, but his voice croaks out awkwardly despite his best efforts. “I remember… talking to… to Nya last… night.”
She blinks. Her whole demeanor changes- her shoulder slump in a bone-deep relief, and her eyes close, and she even takes a deep breath in. when she releases it, it trembles. When she opens her eyes again they’re shiny and wet, “You scared me.” She tells him before throwing her arms around him in a hug.
“Sorry.” He apologizes, slumping boneless into her arms.
"We're not out of the woods yet but this- this is a huge step in the right direction." She doesn't squeeze him too tightly and he's grateful.
After another examination, Pixal asks Zane if he's feeling well enough to make a trip up the elevator to see the others. To be honest, Zane wants nothing more than to do that. It’s early morning according to Pixal. He could have breakfast with them. He doesn’t respond right away, thinking. Truly feeling out everything.
His body still aches, his vision is still blurry, and it’s hard to think. He has to sort through the fog to remember anything- but he can walk, and talk, and remember.
“...Yes, I.. I want to.”
She helps him hobble his way over to the elevator and braces him while they head into the monastery. They take a break at the couch so he can gather some energy before making the final stretch to the kitchen. She sits him at the breakfast nook table and starts on pancakes at his request.
He leans back in the chair and involuntarily his eyes close until he’s lightly dozing in his chair, the rising sun warming his metal skin.
“Zane?” Cole asks, jaw dropped at the door.
Zane blinks open his eyes and smiles, “I am… okay… ish.” He says gently, and politely ignores Cole's tears as he brings him in for a quick hug.
Kai comes in next and actually jumps up and down in joy, clapping his hands. Nya is after him, and her sour-puss morning attitude does a heel turn and now she’s absolutely glowing.
When Lloyd comes in, he cries the ugliest out of them all. Zane is weirdly thankful he can’t think too clearly, or else he wouldn’t be able to simply not think about the snot patch Lloyd left on the shoulder of his pajamas. As Lloyd wipes the last of his tears he says, “I'm going to wake up Jay. He’s been sleeping in and I think he’d like to see you the most.”
Accidentally, Zane drifts off again. It feels so nice in the morning sun, and he’s exhausted again. He can’t help it.
A hand touches his gently and Zanes' eyes flutter open.
Jay is sitting next to him, looking like a kicked puppy but sixty times more pathetic and sad. He’s staring at the point of contact between their hands and Zane has to focus really hard to understand why. More of those spider webbing patterns wind down his left hand. The casing on his right had been replaced, but his left was still… still scarred from the blow. This makes Zane feel lightheaded. The injury suddenly feels so real.
“I am so… so sorry.” Jay looks like he’s about to cry. Oh- oh Jay is crying.
Zane doesn’t want Jay to cry, “It is.. Okay.” he reassures him, raising a shaky hand to place on top of Jays, “I will… be… alright. It was… an… an accident, I… I forgive you.” He says, and he means it.
“I was stupid and reckless!” Jay insists, looking at Zane with a pleading expression. Like he wants Zane to be angry- like he thinks he deserves it.
Zane pats his hand, “Eat with me.” He says as Pixal brings them each a plate.
He has to let Cole cut his pancakes up for him- his motor skills are severely lacking. It will take time for the fried pieces of his programming to repair. The next few weeks are hard and frustrating- but his friends are there to help him eat, help him walk through the monastery, even remind him basic facts that his processing fog loses.
There are things he’s lost forever. Memories that don’t exist anymore.
“We could watch the original Starfarer movie? But we’ve all already seen it.” Kai hums as he pokes through the stacks of DVDs they were discussing for movie night.
Zane wracks his brain, “I… have not…” He rephrases, “I do not… remember seeing that one.”
“Aw, lucky! What I wouldn’t give to watch it for the first time again!” Jay laments, not stopping to think before he speaks. He looks absolutely stricken when he realizes what just left his mouth.
The words shock Zane so much by their absurdity that he barks out a startled giggle before following it up with actual laugh, tittering at the sheer wrongness of that whole sentence. Jay is smiling again, and the room feels lighter.
They were there to help him laugh, too.
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zaccosnacco · 6 months
This would definitely be one eventful car ride
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Original image being this, I added two more sillys in the mix hehe
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guys hear me out
in the ninjago movie Lloyd lost his arm right (he gets it back but Shh)
I just think it would be epic if he had a prosthetic or something
that’s just me tho so
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basicallyjaywalker · 9 months
Secret Santa Fic :D
I shared this w/ Oli much earlier but they gave me permission to publish it so!!!
Here is my gift to @tornoleander for @spinjitsuburst's Secret Santa event!
Pspsps come get your AO3 link
Title: Arms
Genre: Hurt/Comfort w/ Angst
Characters: Jay and Cole focus, but appearances from Nya, Lloyd, and Kai!
Length: 3,349 words
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littlespaceofmine · 9 days
⚡︎₊˚⊹Echoes of a Storm, Reverberations of Together ⊹˚₊⚡︎
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You stay, like you've stayed before and like you always do and you notice. Changes, small ones that turn to deep ugly things that take root and break someone's strength, motivation and self esteem, bit by bit. You've seen it before and seeing it again, happening to one of the closest people to you when he lost his powers. You don't know how to go about it but you know one thing. Whatever happens you'll stay, your doors will always be open for him.
Warnings: low self esteem, imposter syndrome and talk of inadequacy.
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It’s been weeks since Jay lost his powers, and the absence feels like an open wound he can’t quite heal. For as long as he can remember, lightning wasn’t just a tool; it became a part of him—a constant, buzzing energy beneath his skin, the spark that defined him. Now, without it, the silence in his veins is suffocating, like he’s lost a part of his soul. His worth?
He pretends it’s fine. Cracks jokes, laughs louder than before, and tries to play it off with exaggerated gestures and complaints that don’t seem too serious. But you’ve known Jay long enough to see through the act. The way his smile is too wide, the restless energy replaced with a deep, confused frustration, and how his eyebrows constantly shift between raised and furrowed. Even if he hates it, he trains twice as hard now, grumbling the whole way. It’s as if he’s desperately trying to compensate for the power he no longer wields. When he thinks no one’s watching, you catch him staring at his hands like they’ve betrayed him.
One night, unable to sleep, you find him on the roof of the monastery. The night is unusually quiet, except for the distant rumble of thunder from a storm brewing on the horizon. Jay sits there, knees drawn up, staring at the sky. He’s always loved the sky and its celestial bodies, but tonight it feels like more than mere admiration. The flashing clouds reflect in his eyes, a faint flicker of longing that makes your heart ache. His hand is outstretched, fingers twitching as if trying to summon the lightning—just one spark—but nothing happens. His hand falls limp to his side, clenching in frustration.
You hesitate, your hand reaching out only to withdraw. Now is not the time for insecurity, not when he’s so hurt. You force yourself to speak, "Jay," but he doesn’t turn.
Panic rises. Maybe he needs alone time. Maybe you need to learn social cues better. But you notice his face turned away, his shoulders and posture relaxed, as if he’s afraid to face you, afraid of what you’ll see in his eyes.
Throwing your reservations aside, you sit down next to him, the space between you thick with tension. For a long moment, neither of you speaks. The storm rumbles closer, but all you can hear is the quiet sound of his uneven breaths.
“I thought I was getting better,” Jay finally says, his voice low and brittle. “That I was moving on. But every time I see a storm... it’s like a reminder of what I used to be. What I’m not anymore.” He laughs, but there’s no joy in it, only bitterness. “I can’t even call down a single bolt. What kind of Master of Lightning can’t control lightning?”
Your chest tightens at his words. Jay’s always hidden behind humor, the guy who makes everyone laugh when things get tough, but this? This is different. He’s stripped bare, vulnerable in a way you’ve never seen him.
You reach out, hesitating for a moment before your hand gently finds his. “You’re not defined by your powers, Jay. You never were.”
He lets out a short, bitter laugh, shaking his head. “Yeah? But I’m useless like this, aren't I? I’m supposed to protect people, but without my powers, I... I can’t even protect myself.” His voice cracks, and he finally looks at you, his blue eyes stormier than the skies above. “I was never the strongest out of the team, but now this really takes the cake. What am I good for? How am I supposed to protect you?”
The raw vulnerability in his gaze nearly breaks you. You’ve seen Jay at his bravest, his brightest, and his most nervous. But now, seeing him at his lowest, you realize the weight he’s been carrying—and how alone he’s felt in it.
“You’re not useless,” you say firmly, gripping his hand tighter. “Your powers... yeah, they were amazing. But they don’t make you who you are. You’re Jay. The guy who always puts everyone else first. The guy who never gives up, even while saying you'll do so. You’re still the bravest person I know, because you face your fears and fight them. Fear was never your limit, and that’s incredible.”
His shoulders shake slightly, and he swallows hard, blinking rapidly as if trying to hold back tears. “I just... My life felt like it started with them, and now it feels like it ended with them too. I don’t know how to be me without them. Everything feels... different.”
“I know.” You scoot closer, resting your forehead gently against his. “But different doesn’t mean worse. You’ve always been more than your powers, Jay. And even without them, you’re still you. You still have us. And I still have you.”
For a moment, he’s silent, and you wonder if your words have reached him. Then, slowly, he lets out a shuddering breath, his hand squeezing yours in return. He leans into the contact, closing his eyes as if trying to hold onto this moment, to the steady presence of you by his side.
“I’m scared,” he admits quietly, and it’s the most vulnerable you’ve ever heard him. “I’m scared I’ll never get it back. That I’ll never be the same.”
“You don’t have to be the same,” you whisper, brushing your thumb over the back of his hand. “You just have to be you. And that’s more than enough.”
He lets out a shaky laugh, one that’s half a sob, and finally, finally, he looks at you with something softer in his eyes. “How do you do that? Make me believe things will be okay, even when everything’s falling apart?”
“I guess you could say I’ve got a spark,” you tease gently, and a real laugh escapes him this time, full of warmth and relief. You find yourself exhaling in relief and laughing with him.
“Also, I may have laughed at it now because it was so unexpected, but never do that again. That was terrible,” he says, fully serious.
“Hey, you just don’t know how to appreciate the true art that is my humor. That’s a you problem, sorry,” you reply halfheartedly, watching him with half-lidded eyes. He shakes his head, jokingly exasperated.
The storm rumbles closer, but as you sit there with him, fingers intertwined, you realize that the real storm has already passed, and you’re more victorious than ever.
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Wordcount: 1,336 words
A/N: The header has flower symbolism if you want to search that up yourself because I'm way too obsessed with flower meanings! (flowers' names are Forget-me Not, Blue Daisy, Blue Iris). Was hoping to make it more midnight blue but oh well blame it on the flowers.
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senseigrace · 10 months
What if I wrote an Evil Lloyd story?
A story where he snaps and finally gives destiny the middle finger it deserves?
A story where a rogue ninja with godlike power becomes the greatest villain Ninjago has ever seen?
A story where the ninja are divided on whether they should continue to protect Lloyd or protect Ninjago?
A story where people get hurt by the one person they thought would never hurt them?
A story where the real Lord Garmadon was actually his son.
So yeah, what if I wrote a story where Lloyd was evil?
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kywaslost · 1 year
HELLO! Hopefully you're doing well!❤️ I wanted to request something for ninjago!
Basically a platonic scenario where the ninja ( it can be the main four + Lloyd or just anyone you feel comfortable writing for!) with a reader(gn!) that has a slight temper and its just the ninja trying to calm down the reader after they did something that made sensei wu bench them from missions(it doesn't really matter what the reader did but definitely something surrounding their temper). The ninja try to cheer up the reader in their own ways and basically give them advice about calming down and stuff!
Hopefully this made sense😭! I'm sorry if its a lot I wanted to be as specific as possible so you're not confused! Thank you, bless you❤️❤️
Anger Issues - Main 4 + Lloyd
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A/N: This has been in my inbox for a while, I’m sorry! But HI HOW ARE YOU!? I’me doing so much better than I was during the school year and I am so proud of myself. I’ve been feeling down the past day or so, but I’m sure I will get over it soon. I did make these kinda like hc’s though, because I don’t feel up to doing much today but writing helps.  And don’t worry, your request makes total sense! Thank you so much for making sure I understand <3 I hope you’re well <3 <3 <3
You are not a morning person by any means, and that paired with your slight anger issues was just asking for trouble. You also hated being woken up by others, especially if that means they tap your foot to wake you, which just so happens to be how Jay woke you up this morning. You immediately glared at him before rolling over and grumbling to yourself.
Your mood didn’t change, even after you had your morning coffee/tea and breakfast. You were just asking for someone to get into a fight with you at this point. You could feel the anger taking over, and you tried your hardest not to take it out on your friends, retreating to the indoor training room while they played video games. It was your one day off during the week where Sensei Wu would not force you to train or do mission work unless absolutely necessary. 
The longer you trained, the more frustrated you became with yourself. There was one bot in particular that you could usually beat but today you struggled. Yelling, you kicked it so hard you reduced it to splinters. And with your luck, Sensei Wu saw all of it.
“Y/N, he said sternly, catching your attention. You whipped around to face him, face red with anger. “That is no way to behave when you have a setback.” The old man paused for a moment. “You are to sit out on missions for the time being.”
If it were possible, steam would be pouring out of your ears. “WHAT?!” you exclaimed angrily. “All because I broke a stupid training bot? That happens all the time!” Your yelling caught the attention of your friends, five heads poking around the corner of the doorway.
Without waiting for a response, you shove past them and Wu, storming down the hall and to your room.
Kai knows what it’s like to let anger get the best of you, so I feel like he’d be super understanding about the whole situation
With this, he also knows the best way to calm you down and settle your temper
“Don’t worry guys, I’ve got this!”
Takes off running after you
He gives you about 5 minutes alone before knocking on your door and then entering the room without permission
“Shove off, Kai,” you’d spit towards him.
“Come with me.”
When you don’t make a move to follow you, Kai will throw you over his shoulder and drag you out the front door, you attempting to kick hit him to make him let you go
Drags you over to a patch of trees before putting you back down on your feet
“You dragged me out here to look at trees?!”
He’d smirk and say, “look at them.”
“This is stupid.”
He’d explain that he wants you to scream at the trees. Scream until you can’t scream anymore, or at least until you don’t feel angry anymore
And you do
It helped you more than you thought it would.
Once you feel better, Kai will bring you back inside, making sure to keep the others away from you for a few hours in case they were to make you angry again
Sits with you and does things with you that won’t make you angry, like reading or playing video games that won’t work you up
Kai’s the best one to help you with your anger issues, in 100% honesty
He’s been dealing with Kai and his anger issues for years so I feel like Cole would also be a good person to help you
At first he gives you space to cool off, then sits with you in your room with you
If you start ranting, he’ll sit and listen, occasionally offering his own words of wisdom
If you don’t want to talk, that’s fine too except Cole won’t let you sit and stew in your anger
He’ll drag you out for a walk, but not just like a small walk around wherever you happen to be staying at the time
Like these are full forced rock-climbing type walks
Something that tires you out semi-quickly but also makes you feel better in the end
“Do you feel better now?” he’d ask, laughing quietly at your exhausted form laying in the dirt
“Much. Thank you.”
Cole would be a good second choice if Kai wasn’t around to calm you down
The others forced him to check on you
When you’re angry, you’re scary and Jay wouldn’t want to be within a 10 mile radius of you
He’s very sarcastic and tends to say things in tones he doesn’t mean to, so he’s super afraid of saying something wrong 
He resorts to grabbing your favorite snacks and bringing them to you
You shoot him a nasty glare but upon seeing the food in his arms your gaze softens a bit
“Wanna help me with a new mech?”
Jay will bring you with him to where he works on projects with Nya and Pixal, letting you help him solve any issues with machines or just building them in general
He lets you go to town on hammering things
He’d rather you bash a nail into something that’s not his head
Jay doesn’t say much, still afraid of saying the wrong thing, but he’ll definitely sit and listen to anything you have to say
He’s going to force you to talk about it
Doesn’t even give you enough time to get to your room
Zane is a nindroid, and although he’s learned a lot throughout the years there are still some emotions that confuse him
Such as your extreme anger
So he sits you down with a warm cup of tea and forces you to tell him about how you feel, why you feel this way, and what you think he could do to help you
If you get angry and blow up at him, he’s going to take it with a grain of salt because he knows that you most likely don’t mean it
If you still don’t feel better, he’ll take you to where he stores all of his scrap projects or failed inventions and lets you either smash them to bits or attempt to fix them
Or he’ll take you to where he’s planted a small garden and has you help him pick fresh fruits and vegetables
Zane will even let you chop them up for dinner (but he keeps a close you on you because your anger issues + the sharp knife in your hand kinda scares him)
If you need someone to think rationally for you then Zane’s the guy to go to
He’s basically Kai’s little brother, so he’s dealt with his fair share of anger issues
Due to his childhood, or lack thereof, and his upbringing, Lloyd is incredibly understanding and thoughtful when it comes to other people’s emotions
He’ll give you time to cool off, then come sit in your room with you.
He’ll ask you if you need to yell, break something, or cry about it
And whatever option you pick, he’ll be right there with you.
Need to yell? He’ll take you someplace the others can’t hear you and let you scream at him, or at the threes like Kai, or at anything really
Want to break something? He’ll find the nearest rage room and take you to it, or if there’s a pile of broken training props or scrap work he’ll let you break those
Feel like crying? That’s ok too! Lloyd will hold you and let you cry into his chest. If you don’t want to be touched he’ll hand you a box of tissues and silently sit beside you until you let him know that you’re ok now
He may get just a bit frustrated with you if you take your anger out on him but he just reminds himself that you can’t help it and then he’s fine
If reading calms you down he’ll smile and drag you to his room and digs out all of his Starfarer comics and any other comics or manga he has
Yes I believe he collects manga
I think Lloyd is tied with Kai when it comes to who should help you when you’re this angry
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goldenavenger02 · 11 months
not all lessons are about fighting
AKA 5 times the ninja used their first aid training on Lloyd and 1 time Lloyd used his first aid training on someone else.
“Lloyd, I know you got hurt. Just let me see it.”
“No, I didn’t.”
“All of us got hurt today. I know you don’t want Sensei to know that you came with us, but if you come to dinner bleeding, he’ll know,” the opening of a small, metal case, “let me see it.”
Cole waited until he heard the eventual sigh from the small boy who turned around, his split lip apparent in the dim light of the back room of Dareth’s dojo where he had retreated to as soon as they returned from fighting the pirates.
He was careful as he gently cupped Lloyd’s cheek, examining the small cut across his lip while being slow to movement in order not to startle him.
“I’m not gonna sugarcoat it, that’s probably gonna leave a mark,” Cole told him, reaching to get a pair of gloves as well as an antiseptic pad, “but we’ll get you cleaned up and tell your uncle it was a training accident, okay?”
Lloyd nodded, still refusing to meet Cole’s eyes. But the earth ninja pressed on, tearing open the paper sleeve that held the small piece of soaked gauze before gently cupping Lloyd’s cheek again to bring the injury back to eye level.
“I don’t like this kind of thing any more than you do, but us ninja have to stay in tip-top shape. Sharp sting.” And with that, he pressed the gauze to Lloyd’s face, unable to hide his wince when he heard the young boy hiss through his teeth while trying to pull away, only to back into the wall.
Luckily for everyone involved, the process was quick and the red-tinted gauze was quickly pulled away as soon as Cole was sure that it was cleaned out; after a quick once-over, he was relieved to find that the split lip was the worse of Lloyd’s injuries and he held out his arm, wrapping it around Lloyd’s shoulders as he spoke.
“What do you say we find out if Kai bought popsicles like he was supposed to?”
And despite having been on his very first mission and having to watch as his dad left him behind again, Cole was glad that the request made the boy giddy despite the tear stains on his face and his lip still as red as before, even if the trickle of blood had stopped by now.
“I want a cherry one.”
Cole pulled him closer with a laugh, “You deserve it, kid.”
The weeks after the battle against the Overlord were…rough to say the least.
For starters, Lloyd had seemingly refused trying to actually be on bedrest for his ankle, citing many things from “did you know that the judges of Ninjago Talent want to give me an award? I wasn’t told Spinjitzu was a talent!” to “I really should be helping my dad with his monastery. He asked me to guest teach”, the now golden ninja insisted on being on the move despite how injured he really was.
But the other thing was the horrific nightmares that seemingly all of them were suffering from; while Nya, Lloyd and Cole were the most affected from the battle itself, in Kai and Jay’s case, it seemed to be that the culmination of the last two years were finally catching up to them now that they no longer had adrenaline as a safety net.
Despite Zane insisting that he was a Nindroid and therefore, didn’t dream, Jay could have sworn that he had heard similar cries of terror as he slept after Julien passed on a few weeks after the final battle.
But right now, Jay had more pressing issues like watching over the Ultimate Spinjitzu Master as he vomited in the adjoining bathroom of their room to make sure he didn’t choke.
“I-I’m okay, Jay,” the boy stuttered even though his face still looked more green than his own moniker and sweat was practically pouring off of his bare chest, “just a bad dream.”
“Uh-huh,” Jay raised an eyebrow, waiting to see if Lloyd turned back to the toilet again, “see, we’ve all been having horrible nightmares lately, and even though I’m only sharing a room with you right now, no one else has rolled out of bed and nearly split their head open and I know that none of them have thrown up on themselves either.”
Just the mention of the word “throw up” had Lloyd scrambling back to the open toilet from where he had been sitting on the floor which made Jay wince from both the force at which he had been throwing up but also the fact that if the vomiting was not just a side effect of both the painkillers he was taking for his leg but also the nightmares, he was going to have to wake up someone else to help him with the situation unfolding in front of him.
But, after the painful sounding round of retching, Lloyd slumped against the wall, the green tint had faded fully, replaced by small pinpricks of red on his face indicating broken blood vessels. Jay took that as his chance to get a better look at the cut on the side of Lloyd’s head.
He reached over and shut the toilet before flushing it and then he held out his hands for Lloyd to take, muttering as he maneuvered the boy from the floor to the closed toilet seat, unable to ignore how shaky he was, “easy, easy, don’t put weight on your right foot, there you go.”
As soon as Lloyd was sitting still, Jay gently pushed away his still sweaty blonde wisps of hair in order to get a good look at where the trickle of blood was coming from; calling it anything other than a graze was generous, since the blood was only coming from a small scratch of open skin near the hairline.
‘One less thing.’ Jay thought to himself with relief over the fact that the chance of needing to wake the others was much smaller now while he carefully wiped the wound with a cold, wet cloth.
“How’d you guys learn to do this stuff?” Lloyd asked as he stayed perfectly still while Jay disinfected the wound, even though the blue ninja could see the younger boy clench his fists with pain.
“Sensei wanted to make sure that we knew how to handle every aspect of battle,” Jay shrugged as he grabbed a large band-aid, making sure to hold Lloyd’s hair out of the way while placing it in order to prevent him pulling out the strands later on, “not just punching our enemies or witty quips.”
Jay couldn’t help but smile when Lloyd did, even if it was fleeting due to his worry, “I’m pretty sure my uncle didn’t count on witty quips when training you four.”
“Well, given that he recruited me,” Jay stopped to loop his left arm around Lloyd so there was zero pressure being put on his injured ankle in order to lead him back to bed, “he should have counted on it. Let’s find you a clean shirt.”
Kai cursed under his breath as he looked through the tiny first aid kit that was aboard the ship; he had worked with less then this before, but given that the boat was moving so slow and Lloyd only was continuing to deteriorate as the adrenaline ebbed away from him, he was really hoping for a more extensive amount of supplies.
But,he had to use what was on hand, so he clasped the kit closed, taking it with him to the small room below deck where the captain had shown them too after Lloyd had started to sway and would have fully collapsed on the desk if he hadn’t been paying attention and looped the boy’s arm around his shoulders.
Sure enough, Lloyd was sitting on one of the bottom bunks where Kai had left him, holding a bloody handful of tissues to his bleeding nose; the bright red brought out the paleness of his skin in a way that made Kai’s stomach churn with both worry and guilt over ever letting him out of his sight.
“Has it stopped?” Kai asked, setting the first aid kit on the small nightstand at the end of the bunk bed and finding an antiseptic pad to wipe down his more than likely dirty hands while desperately trying to focus solely on getting Lloyd taken care of instead of pulling him into a tight hug.
“Don’t know,” Lloyd admitted, his voice nasally, “didn’t want to pull away the tissues in case it wasn’t.”
Considering the bright spots of blood covering the robes that once belonged to Garmadon, Kai had a feeling that his caution was from learning that it was a bad idea instead of a guess.
“Alright, let me see,” Kai insisted after putting on a pair of gloves, watching as Lloyd’s shaking hand pulled away from his nose which had thankfully stopped bleeding, but the bruising was indicative of a break, “when did you hit your face?”
“Probably while portal jumping,” Lloyd shrugged, his voice void of any emotion which only made Kai’s heart twist harder in his chest, “my powers will fix it, you don’t have to.”
“If you want it to heal crooked, maybe,” Kai shrugged, gently pressing his fingers on the bridge of Lloyd’s nose, “it’s probably going to bleed again once I set it, so-”
“Be ready,” Lloyd finished, lifting the blood-stained tissues up with one hand while gripping the edge of the mattress, “just do it. Please.”
“Okay,” Kai nodded, before moving the bone to its correct position, blocking out the gasp of agony that escaped Lloyd’s lips despite his attempts to be stoic and still, “all done.” 
Sure enough, blood once again started to run down Lloyd’s face even when he pressed the tissues to it again, dripping onto the front of the robes and while he wanted to talk to him, Kai knew that Lloyd was too closed off and on edge to do so, so he settled for grabbing some gauze out of the first-aid kit to press to Lloyd’s nose.
As he placed bandage after bandage on his skin and looked over the bones that were starting to show through due to not being fed, all Kai could do was hope that he would be able to repair the mental wounds when that time came.
“Nya, we don’t have time for this!”
“Oh, yes we do,” Nya scowled as she grabbed onto his arm and pulled him back toward her, having to ignore his hiss of pain as he jostled his very dislocated shoulder, “if you think you can lead the resistance like this…well, I’m not sure I want to know what would stop you.”
“Our resources should go toward the others-”
“Don’t even start with that bullshit,” Nya continued to glare at him so her point would indeed get through to him, no matter how much she hated it when she had to treat him this roughly in order to get through the stubbornness that had been instilled in him. “Your shoulder is out of its socket, and with how bad it looks, you’re lucky you didn’t lose your entire arm."
Lloyd continued to look at her with a mix of annoyance and what she assumed was guilt, but he didn’t retaliate, so she continued to speak as she maneuvered his tattered gi off of his mangled body.
“I know you miss them. I miss them too,” she stopped, forcing herself to take a deep breath while forcing away the thoughts of the fact that she had lost her brother, her boyfriend, her teacher and two of her best friends she had ever known, “but they would want you to get taken care of. They were your protectors.”
“Can you just fix it?” Lloyd demanded as his face shifted from near tears to neutral, “before anyone else gets hurt?”
“It’s going to hurt a lot, but Darreth is working on getting more food and painkillers-”
“I don’t need them,” Lloyd cut her off, scooting slightly toward her where he was sitting on a few wooden boxes in the large warehouse they were currently hiding in, “I just need my arm back in place.”
Nya pressed her lips together tightly, placing one hand on the top of his shoulder socket and wrapped the other one just under the curve of his arm; as soon as she was sure that her hands were in the place that she had been taught to put them for this very scenario, she forced herself to keep her eyes open as the bones snapped into place.
Lloyd’s swearing as his head hit the wall, trying to pull away from her until the final snap, proved to her that his hard exterior was just that,  a shell to protect himself in the case that he lost anyone else, it wasn’t like she could blame him.
After all, he had lost everyone who had been fundamental in raising him aside from herself; the only other people he had let his heart open up to had either become the problem or he just was unable to get as close to them like he had with the ninja and his uncle.
But she refused to let herself harden up and shut everyone else, even if it was just to show him that he didn’t need to sacrifice his own needs for the others, despite losing everything.
“When Darreth gets back, you will eat and take some medication, even if I have to shove it down your throat,” Nya insisted as she helped him down from the boxes, “until then, let’s go make a plan to take our city back.”
She wasn’t surprised that he didn’t respond and if she was being completely honest, she was just glad that he didn’t fight her on the instructions she was giving him.
‘The last thing we need to be doing right now is fighting each other.’
“I know what I saw, Zane,” Lloyd insisted, “I saw my grandfather and he was on the golden dragon, the one I learned how to conjure.”
“Lloyd, seeing The First Spinjitzu Master is impossible,” Zane told him as he rested his hand on Lloyd’s wrist in order to get an accurate pulse reading to assure him that yes, Lloyd was alive and well, “we’ve all seen his tomb.”
“I know that, but…he wanted me to go with him.”
“My guess is that your subconscious was trying to make a decision and used your grandfather as a tool for you to comprehend what was happening,” Zane explained as he moved his hand to Lloyd’s back to get a clear reading on his breathing while knowing that it would more than likely be unusual, “I had a similar experience with my own father while I was fighting the Digital Overlord, you know.”
“You did?”
“I did, and I don’t regret my choice,” Zane nodded, gently pressing on Lloyd’s upper torso so he was laying down in order to examine where the door had been pressing on his chest, “but I guess I should ask if you regret yours.”
“I don’t think so,” Lloyd said slowly, wincing whenever his chest was pressed on which was not unusual for Zane to see, given the bruising that covered his chest, “I mean, one of my options was to keep doing what I have been doing, keep being the green ninja, but…”
“Something is troubling you.”
“What do you think would have happened if I went with him? If I…”
“Lloyd, like I previously expressed, if you had done what you believed was to go with your grandfather, the probability of you returning to us is non-existent,” Zane explained while determining that he was not suffering from any sort of lung injury and placed his focus on wrapping his ribs tightly to avoid further injury, “but if you feel like you shouldn’t have returned-”
“No, that’s not what I’m saying,” Lloyd insisted, although given the circumstances of the last few years, Zane couldn’t help but wonder if he was lying to him in order to stop his worrying, “I just hate feeling like I could have made the wrong decision.”
“Well, I speak for all of us when I say this,” Zane said, placing his hand on Lloyd’s shoulder to bring his attention forward after he finished wrapping his torso, “we all love you very much, and we all believe that coming back to us was the right decision and that if you feel like maybe that it wasn’t, we all are willing to speak to you so we can try to understand why you may feel that way.”
Zane had to admit that the tight hug he was pulled into that made his gears squeak with retaliation was something he only partially expected, but that didn’t stop him from holding tightly onto the boy that he had seen grow up before his eyes.
“Thank you, Zane.” Lloyd choked out.
Zane didn’t add any of his own words and instead, wrapped his arms around Lloyd and held him while tears dampened his shoulder.
Lloyd sighed as he put the gloves on; he was glad that his suggestion for a small medical area when they rebuilt the place was granted by his uncle, and given just how clumsy Arin was, he should have known that it was some sort of guess he had made about his future students at the time.
“I should be training, master Lloyd!”
“No, what you should be doing is holding still while I stitch up your arm,” Lloyd retorted while setting out the supplies he would need, making sure to meet Arin’s eye in order to distract him from the panic that was surely setting in by now that he mentioned the need for stitches, “what were you doing this time anyways?”
“Oh, you know…just the training course.”
“You sure that’s really what happened?”
“It happened to you last week! Kai even had to give you stitches!”
“I’m aware what happened last week,” Lloyd insisted as the still healing wound across the back of his head throbbed as a reminder of the incident while he started to disinfect the gash on the boy’s arm, “but what happened to you?”
“Okay, I was hanging out with Sora and I may have distracted her while she was inventing and she may have hit my arm with a power saw.”
“What?!” Lloyd shouted, nearly dropping the sterilized needle on the floor, only for Arin to wave his arms, resulting in blood droplets splattering on the wall of the monastery.
“It wasn’t on!”
‘No kidding,’ Lloyd thought as he grabbed Arin’s arm to hold him steady while he finished cleaning out the wound, ‘otherwise we’d be dealing with an amputation.’
“Besides, it really is just a scratch,” Arin continued, slowly trying to pull his arm away from him, but Lloyd had a really firm grip that he had perfected over the years thanks to the many times he had almost fallen from a large height, “so this whole needle thing is really unnecessary-”
“Arin?” Lloyd raised an eyebrow, waiting until his student stopped speaking, “the longer you stall, the longer you have to sit here and look at the needle.”
That short sentence was enough to cease his rambling and allow Lloyd to start pulling the skin back together. Even with the small winces that were coming from Arin, the wound only needed four stitches, so almost as quickly as he pushed the needle in for the first time, he was pulling it out for the last and wrapping his wrist in a bandage.
“That actually didn’t hurt that bad,” Arin admired to which Lloyd shrugged until he asked, “how’d you do that?”
“Just a little trick Jay taught me, putting a numbing agent on the antiseptic cloth. It’s really nothing-”
“No, I mean, how’d you stitch me up? Last time I checked, none of you have MDs.”
“Yeah, you are right about that,” Lloyd couldn’t help but laugh at the thought of any of the others having the time or the money to go to college, “but, my uncle taught us that not all lessons are about fighting.”
“Because just fighting doesn’t make you a good ninja?” 
“Exactly. But specifically, Cole taught me how to do stitches. I already had taught myself how to sew, but he taught me the differences between sewing fabric and, well, sewing skin.”
“Do you think you can teach me?” 
“I was already planning on teaching you and Sora,” Lloyd explained as he stood up to clean up the medical supplies, snapping off the gloves last, “but only if you promise me that you aren’t going to pass out when I give you a needle.”
“I’ll do my best.”
“I suppose that’s all I can ask for,” Lloyd shrugged before helping Arin to his feet, “but first, we should get your blood sugar back up and in my personal experience, nothing does that quite like Zane’s brownies.”
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if you know about the permanent anacondrai Kai au can you please do a Kai X reader where the reader comfort Kai about what happened at the tournament of elements like the reader says that Kai was brave to take on the mark of the anacondrai to trick Chen and the reader and Kai end up cuddling at the end with the reader saying that they love him no matter what he is (this is both comfort and fluff and the only people in this are the reader and Kai the others are just mentioned and the reader was not at the tournament of elements nya was the one that told the reader about what happened Kai was in his room when the reader come to convert him)
I never knew about the permanent anacondrai au! So the research might kill me, but here you go!
Btw you didn't mention what reader you wanted so I made it gender neutral, hope that's okay!
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How can you love a beast like me?
A Kai x gn!reader, uses they/them. Just pure comfort and fluff!
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It had been a week since the incident at Chen's Island. The anacondrai's had been banished, and everything was fine. But one thing wasn't, and that was Kai. He had taken the responsibility in tricking Chen and saving his friends, he bore the mark of the anacondrai in order to earn his trust. But now, he was permanently stuck as an anacondrai snake.
He hasn't talked to you since the incident, which worried you. Kai Smith, the man or rather snake whom you loved wasn't responding to your calls or messages. Nya had informed you of what happened and you were surprised at how brave Kai was, but he wasn't brave enough to face you...
You gave him another week, but still nothing. Your messages were being left on seen and the calls would lead to voicemail immediately. You wanted to give him all the time in the world but he hasn't said anything! No update on how he's doing, if he's sick, or if he just needs more time.
Hell, even his friends didn't know how he was doing, apparently he went off somewhere. The only person who knew where he was, was Zane. But he promised to not say anything on behalf of his now snake friend.
But it's been bothering you, you wondered if you could get it out of the nindroid's mouth in order to find your beloved boyfriend. It took a lot, a whole week. he finally caved, and gave you the coordinates. He asked you not to tell him, for he wanted to apologize to Kai himself.
"Kai! It's me!" You said, ringing the doorbell. You could hear some shuffling, but it stopped at the door. "I... know you probably still won't talk to me, but we've been worried sick! No one has heard from you in weeks..."
Silence was present, "Nya's starting to think she's a bad sister, but she understands you want to be alone." you pressed you forehead and hand against the wooden door. "We just want an update on how your doing, nothing too extravagant, just a simple, small sentence."
You could hear a small sniffle behind the door, "Just know, we all love you. No matter what you are, you will always be Kai Smith, the older brother to Nya Smith, the master of fire, and my the love of my life." you started tearing up, you then lifted your head and started walking back to your vehicle. But before you could open your door, you heard a small weak 'wait...'
"Don't go... not yet." he was looking at the ground, and this was the first time you saw him in his snake form. His hair was the same, but his skin was adorned with purple scales... "I... well, I-" he stuttered, he didn't know what to tell you.
"Can I come inside?" you ask, giving him a small smile, "...sure." he moved out of the door way and deeper into the home. The silence was loud, but once you sat next to him on the couch that had layers of blankets and pillows on it, he began to cry on you. You hugged him, patting his hair and rubbing his back. "It's okay Kai... let it all out."
"How do you still love me? *sniff* how can you?" he muffled through your shoulder. "Kai... you're still the same man I fell in love with all those years ago. And I told you already...
No matter what you are, you will always be Kai Smith."
"But... I'm a beast! A monster... people look at me in horror... How could you still love me, I'm a beast."
"Then you will be my beast."
the day ended in you both cuddling, you giving him all the love and care that he needed all those weeks of being alone. You kissed him, comforted him, and reassured him that no matter what, he his Kai Smith, the master of fire, a brother, and your boyfriend.
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sickiehugs · 1 year
My working title for the platonic Edgeworth & Gumshoe fic is "You Never Forget." My explanation might get a little long because I wrote a lot of notes about this one!
It starts off with Edgeworth working on a case in his office, waiting for Gumshoe to bring him files from Criminal Affairs.
As Edgeworth is trying to piece together a case, an earthquake hits and he passes out (despite his best efforts not to. There's even a moment where he sees an image of Gregory before he faints.)
Gumshoe knows Edgeworth doesn't do well with earthquakes, so he rushes through the hallway to try and reach him as fast as possible.
Gumshoe finds Edgeworth unconscious and helps to wake him up and take care of him in the aftermath of his panic attack.
Edgeworth expresses his gratitude in a roundabout way, but he gets there in the end.
Edgeworth goes on to mention how he could never forget DL-6 or completely move on from it, and Gumshoe says he understands, because he could never forget his first time in court either.
Edgeworth is curious about this first time in court, and Gumshoe tells him a story he hasn't told many people: about the time he took to the witness stand when he was only 12 years old.
Gumshoe had seen the drive-by shooting of Uncle Jay (full name Jay Walker), his close family friend and mentor who taught him all about gadgets.
Edgeworth recognizes they have something in common: they each lost someone important to them in a case that would change their lives forever.
The two of them resolve to solve as many cases as they can going forward, in hopes of granting closure to other survivors left behind (just like them.)
Someday I hope I will have the time, energy and focus to actually make this into a proper fic, because I still think about it quite a lot! It gives me a good cozy feeling to have these two reach an understanding like this.
I really, really like that. As someone who also witnessed the killing of someone close to me, I really like how you've made it into something the two of them can bond over. I won't get any more personal than that, I just wanted to express my appreciation for your story.
The title is something else I appreciate, too. Both of their traumatic events happened so, so long ago, and yet sometimes it feels like it was just yesterday. Even when you've healed from it, you never forget.
Sorry for the personal response ^^; Please let me know if there's anything I can do to assist you in writing your fic.
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sunsetelo · 1 year
This is what I finished at nearly 3am bc I forgot about it a month ago.
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