#jon x elsa
feleshero · 11 months
Wow didn't realize blade has been out for three days
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Are you telling me that you WEREN'T in line to see Marvel's Blade (2023) on Thursday Night (into Friday Morning) for a midnight viewing at your local IMAX Cinema?
Baby, you missed out on the movie of the year, easily! Not to jump on bandwagons, but the whole 'MCU Dead, MCU Back' thing? We're SO back with Blade, i'm not even keeding!
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martelldragon · 4 months
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jon fc: matteo martari, daenerys fc: diane kruger / paintings: “elsa and lohengrin” by gaston bussière, “lancelot and guinevere” by donata giancola / quotes: a dance with dragons - jon xiii, a dance with dragons - daenerys x
letting gang know i fw jonsa AND jonerys and expect jonsatin/daensa/sansaery because it’s #pridemonth
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secondgenerationnerd · 7 months
May I ask why you ship Damian and irey, even though they have very little interaction in the comics? Doesn’t he call her “flash baby”😭
As someone who lived through Jack Frost and Elsa being shipped, interactions are not a requirement 😂😂😂
I got onto the ship from a friend years ago, who’s no longer on tumblr. And absolutely he did! In my cannon they got into a fist fight when they met at 11.
But I like the balance they have for each other, even if it’s just in my head.
Aside from the obvious Grumpy x Sunshine, I have tried to show that they’re very similar deep down. They both have trauma, but because of the boxes they’re in, they don’t feel safe opening up to just anyone about it.
Irey is just as snarky as him and isn’t afraid to call him out on his shit, but also knows how much he loves his friends and family, he just struggles to say it. She sees how he shows it, even if the others don’t—like Colin and Milagro always being off for Sunday Mass. Lian having Saturday nights free for shows. Going to all Mar’i’s performances or Jon’s debates. He loves deeply and with her it’s easy to say it.
Damian, despite the rocky beginning, admires her intelligence and cleverness first and foremost. He knows how much she struggles with how people view her, thinking she’s an “innocent” who needs protection. But she’s so fucking strong too. She can be excited and bubbly and cute, then turn around and be so scary he falls in love all over again.
Do they still argue? Absolutely! But they build a relationship and future together on mutual love and respect.
I ship them because I want to believe someone will see the parts of me I hide and love them in the open.
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mkstrigidae · 4 years
In Westeros, each noble house is known to have an affinity for a particular type of magic. For thousands of years, House Stark was stronger than all of them- holding the north with mages who could command winter herself. When Torrhen Stark knelt to Aegon Targaryen to protect The North from the wrath of dragon flame, however, the Starks forgot the language of winter- their gifts faded into legend. Since then, the children of House Stark have traditionally been born as wargs, or skinchangers.
Sansa Stark is neither- an outcast in her own family, no matter how hard she prays. Years pass, and Sansa’s dreams remain silent, devoid of wolves, while water refuses to rise at her fingertips as it does for Robb. Only Jon, who keeps the secret of his own magic, comes close to understanding. No matter how Sansa wishes she could stay with him, they walk different paths, and she has to travel south- reconciling herself to a life away from Winterfell.
Until they cut off her father's head, and Sansa Stark freezes over all of Blackwater Bay in her grief.
Sansa’s fury awakens in her a power that hasn’t been seen in Westeros since the arrival of Aegon the Conqueror. As a result, the very fate of Westeros is altered.
A storm swirls overhead as decisions are made, and events are set in motion.
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that-s-the-illusion · 4 years
|| Game of Thrones, Disney x DreamWorks style Part II ||
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Hope you’ll enjoy ♥
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girlygameofthrones · 7 years
Let it Snow
Fandoms: Game of Thrones and Disney (this one is Frozen)
Summary: While at a particulary dead night at work the other, I started playing around with Disney princesses meeting various characters from Game of Thrones.  This is the first one.  After being proclaimed King in the North, Jon Snow goes to create an alliance with the “Night Queen” in hopes of stopping the war with the dead.
Warnings: None...except it being cheesy
Jon Snow found himself beyond the Wall once more, thick Northern furs there to protect him from the chill, yet his shoulders still quivered.  His hand rested on the hilt of his sword, one of dragonglass.  They’d told him about the supposed “Night Queen”, that she was different from the rest of the White Walkers, that she could be bargained with.  Sansa had told him to form an alliance with her to save many lives.
North of the Wall had always been a dreary place, and it was still dreary, completely blanketed in snow, the conditions too harsh for most animals to live in, but as Jon trudged forward, he saw something ahead of him that hadn’t been there last time.
That must be where the Night Queen lives, he thought to himself.
Before him was a magnificent castle, complete with protruding towers, spires, stain glass windows, balconies, and it was entirely made of ice.  
Since becoming King of the North, Jon couldn’t afford to be uncomfortable, but for the first time since that fateful evening, he found himself unsure, confused, and anxious to go inside.  He wasn’t like Robb.  He was never trained to be a leader.  Oh sure, he had led his men in the Night’s Watch, but who was he when it came to political allegiances and really playing the game?
He straightened himself, angry at his hesitation.  He approached the great blue doors and knocked upon them.  At once, though he saw no one there, they opened, beckoning him inside.
The inside was different than he’d ever seen before, but it was magnificent.  The entrance had a fountain right in the center, and two stairwells that curved and went up both sides, only to meet in the center to take whoever into the further part of the castle.  When Jon’s eyes traveled up the left stairwell, he made a little noise in the back of his throat.
Standing at the top was a woman, white as snow, and just as lovely.  She was slender, graceful, face a perfect heart shape.  She had thick white hair, like the Targaryens, pulled into a messy braid.  Her eyes were an icy blue, and she wore a shimmery blue gown some would call scandalous.  It displayed her shoulders and one leg through a slit.  Regardless of one’s opinion on the dress, it was clear that it wasn’t one fit for Winter, and yet this woman was perfectly still, her body not quivering from the cold at all.
“I am Queen Elsa of Arendelle,” the woman said, voice bold and intimidating as a queen’s should be.  Jon himself had never heard of an Arendelle before.  “What brings you to my castle?”
“I am Jon Snow, son of Lord Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell, and King in the North,” Jon said.  “I came to speak with and perhaps create a treaty with the Night Queen, the Ruler of Ice.”
Queen Elsa’s eyebrows furrowed, and in that moment Jon saw confusion, a strange thing on such a regal face.
“Why do you want to create a treaty with me…?” She asked.  “I don’t have anything to offer.  Arendelle is very far from here, and only I live in my ice castle.”
“I want you to tell your white walkers to stop attacking us,” Jon said.  Was she a White Walker herself?  She didn’t look dead and icy though…  “The Seven Kingdoms is in disarray already.  Cersei Lannister sits on the throne, the woman who burned half of King’s Landing to the ground, and it’s rumored that Daenerys Targaryen, daughter of the Mad King and possibly as mad as he is, is traveling here with three fully grown dragons.  Meanwhile, my sister and I are slowly but surely rebuilding Winterfell, but we can’t do that, we can’t care for our people, if we are continuously threatened by the dead.”
“I have no control over the White Walkers,” said Elsa, a shiver in her voice, though it had nothing to do with the cold.  
“Didn’t you create them?” Jon asked.
“The White Walkers have been around for thousands of years,” she said.  “However, those with powers like mine have been able to create more and control, depending on how well they can use their power, these creatures.  There are two kinds of White Walkers.  The ones created from the dead, and the ones created from ice, created by dark magic.”
“And why would you create such things?  Surely you know what kind of destruction they bring,” Jon said impatiently.
The Queen sighed.  “Because I’m losing control of my powers once again, and they came from the ice around my heart when I was too weak to stop it.”
“Ice around your heart?” Jon repeated.
Elsa flicked her wrist, and Jon jumped back in surprise.  A very light amount of snowfall descended from midair, the flakes landing in his dark hair and all over the floor.  Elsa moved her hands again, and ice sculptures were created right before his eyes.  He gasped in both awe and fear.
“I’m not the first to be able to control the ice like I do,” Elsa explained.  “But it’s a difficult power to have, and it reflects the inner emotions of a person.  The reason I subconsciously created more White Walkers and can’t control them is because of my fear.”
“Fear of what, your grace?” Jon asked carefully.
She smiled sadly.  “Do you have brothers and sisters, King Jon?”
“Yes,” he said.  “I love them very much.”
“I have a sister,” Elsa explained.  “Her name is Anna, and she’s as warm as the sunshine.  She was my sunshine, and she always kept me strong, always believed me, even taught me to use my powers thanks to her kindness.  She melted the ice around my heart.”
Jon shifted a hair beneath his fur cape.  The way she spoke of her sister reminded him of the old days with Robb, back when they were a family, back when he brooded over being a bastard.  He’d take those days over being King in the North any day.
“But Anna was stolen from me,” Elsa said harshly.  “Taken by a woman, ripped from my life!”
“Did someone kill your sister?” Jon asked.
“No,” said Elsa quietly.  “But she was captured and is being held a prisoner.  When Anna was taken, I couldn’t help it.  The number of White Walkers doubled.”
Suddenly Jon found himself walking up the stairs, walking toward the ice queen.  All at once she wasn’t frightening, but rather frightened.  Her mouth fell open, and he noticed her beauty all over again when he drew in closer to her.
“Then we must rescue your sister,” Jon said to her.  “That will be our treaty.  We will form an alliance and we shall bring Anna back home to you...to melt the ice.”
“Your grace…” Elsa began.
“Call me Jon,” he said.  “Now, do you know who took your sister?”
Elsa nodded.  “Queen Cersei of House Lannister stole her when Arendelle wouldn’t bend the knee to her rule.”
Jon’s hand instinctively tightened around the hilt of his sword, but his eyes never wavered from Elsa’s.
“Then we will work together to retrieve her from Cersei,” he said.  He held a hand out.  “Is it a deal?”
There was a moment of hesitation, one where neither of them breathed, but at long last, Elsa took his hand and nodded.  Her eyes lit up like there was a hope in them.  Then Jon offered her a small encouraging smile.
“We move out today,” he said.  “Come, your grace.”
He only behaved how he’d seen other lords do it, wrapping his arm in Queen Elsa’s and guiding her down the stairwell to the front entrance.  He was just about to lead her out into the snow when he paused and turned back to her.
“Perhaps you should get a cloak, your grace,” he said concernedly.  “It’s very, very cold out there.”
For the first time Jon saw Elsa smile a bit, and though it was small, it still took him aback.
“You don’t need to worry about me,” she said confidently.  “I will be fine.”  Then she shrugged.  “Besides, the cold never bothered me anyways.”
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thesilvertargaryens · 5 years
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It's so nice to see my Queen thrive after the Prince didn't manage to stab her to death.
D&D should have taken notes.
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adecila · 5 years
Finish the essay!
😭 I'll give you my bullet points:
But imagine their power. Literally the ice queen and the fire queen, it's a song of ice and fire hut oh so much better.
Elsa's BDE is off the charts once she embraces her power. Think Dany after she burns the Khals. She's the kind of woman Dany would instantly wet herself for.
Elsa with her hair down
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And Dany with her hair down
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... is what dreams are made of.
Can you spell power couple ???
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Forget Jon Snow. Elsa would never kill Dany and that's a fact. Dont even @ me.
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bellarkeselection · 3 years
Game of Thrones Masterlist
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Robb Stark- requests open.
Queen Stark - Robb and the reader return home after defeating the Lannisters. A royal ceremony is held for the pair, wearing golden crowns and a proposal is revealed.
Frey Wolf - Robb actually marries a Frey girl. The pair wait to have their wedding night until she's ready. Set where he wins the war of five kings
Dany's daughter - request from @lydiastarkofwinterfell Robb falls for the only daughter of Daenerys but her daughter lies about who she really is. Robb comes back from a mission and confesses his love and finds out the truth. (First Robb request).
United in Love - Y/n Lannister and Robb just happen to fall in love despite their families hating each other
We'll Rule Winterfell Now - Request from @woah-is-this-real-life Maybe Robb and his wife returning to winterfell for the first time after the end of the war. They got married in the camp during the war.
Our Little Catelyn - Request from TheBaseballBabe on Wattpad Robb and his wife are announcing to the family that they are expecting. The family is so excited for them when they welcome a beautiful baby girl that they name Catelyn after his mom.
Soulmated Stark - Request from @groovy-lady Robb Stark x fem!Reader (from a lesser House that House Stark is liege lord to) Matching Tattoo Soulmate fic. Robb and Reader are greatly encouraged to marry by the rest of the Stark family
Jaime Lannister- requests open.
Lion Luck - Y/n Stark flees Winterfell that Ramsey rules. Sansa her older sister sends her off to find Tyrion, but she bumps into his brother. Unknown to her he's been sent by Tyrion to protect her.
Wolf Sword - The oldest daughter of Ned Stark has been married to Jaime for 5 years. The pair spar with swords before riding with King Robert Baratheon to Winterfell. Hoping her family will welcome her home. (Changed this into a series instead of a just one shot)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Gentle Matching - Request from @makeshift-prime (Fluff with Jaime). Jaime is sent to bring Myrcella home. But during a feast he meets the reader Oberyn's sister, and Myrcella plays matchmaker.
Beautiful Rock - Jaime decides to bring his wife Y/n Tyrell to the Rock after he helped Tyrion escape his execution. Freeing his innocent love from the horror that is his twin sister.
Dragon Twins - Request from @phoneixgirl23 on Wattpad. Jaime Lannister x Targaryen reader. Reader is Jon's twin sister who was given her own dragon and has twins with Jaime, her husband.
Ice Wife (series) - Request from @deepprincesstraveler Jaime Lannister x Stark Reader that has ice powers like Elsa from Frozen. The two have an arranged marriage.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Fiery Wolf - Request from @TillyG584 on Wattpad. Jaime feels a burning connection with the oldest Stark girl during the feast at Winterfell for King Robert's visit. The reader secretly has fire powers.
Fairy Accident - Request from @Babygurle36 on Wattpad. Margaery's younger sister is married to Jaime and he finds out about her fairy powers by accident.
Romantic Castle - @phoneixgirl23 on Wattpad came up with this idea. Jaime and reader spend the night together when he's free from being Lord of the Rock. Finding out his wife has powers and is unsure how to react.
Lannister intentions - Request from ReaderCrazy2 on Wattpad. Jaime does everything he can to make an innocent reader his. Y/n Stark knows he's the bad guy.
Kingslayer Prisoner - Y/n Tully is held Jaime's prisoner when he wants Riverrun but he underestimates her skills with a sword. He just might've regretted becoming a member of the Kingsgaurd
Part 2
Part 3
Rights to Swords - Request from @tashitash Dialogue prompt: “you had no right to use it without asking.” (Jaime says it )
Never a Damsel in Distress - Request from @makeshift-prime Could it please be about Jamie finding the lost reader in the gardens at kings landing and ending up becoming their friend, Cersei sees this and orders to have the reader killed. Jamie finds this out and goes to save them, but the reader didn't need to be saved and defended themselves.
My Tully Lover - Y/n Tully can't help but start a secret love affair with Jaime Lannister while she is supposed to be working her way towards a husband
You’re Better Than Any Proper Lady - Reader is a servant and Jamie is I love with her and they are together secretly but everyone knows because they have 2 children and cersie hates reader because she took Jamie from her and Jamie defends reader every chance he gets
Tyrion Lannister- requests open
Marriage Trade - Tywin announces Tyrion is to wed Sansa. But what happens when her older sister Y/n steps up to bear the Lannister name. Tyrion slighty disagrees at the possibility of losing his love.
Part 1
Part 2
Library Love - Request from @makeshift-prime Reader is a librarian and bonds over her love for books with Tyrion. The pair start out as friends but become something more while hiding from his father.
Dragon Bonding - @fluffymadamina helped me with this idea. Tyrion and the reader decide to free the dragons. Afterwards the pair slowly bond as the dragons slowly trust them. Tyrion and the reader end up admitting their feelings and kiss.
Lannister Maiden - Tyrion has a secret relationship with a handmaiden and Jaime helps keep them hidden by acting like he's the one quartering Y/n.
No Typical Lord - Request from @my-current-fandom-is Y/n Tyrell is looking for isn't like the typical man of Westeros. She meets Tyrion during the financial planning of her sister's wedding.
Witching Stark - Request from @deepprincesstraveler Tyrion Lannister x Stark reader with magic powers like Hope Mikaelson from TVD
Ned's Daughter - Request from @whateverthecostner Reader being Ned Stark's oldest daughter and goes with him to King's Landing. I would love to see Tyrion's reaction to the curvy stark girl and maybe her reaction to the charming, intelligent Lannister.
Lioness Cold - Request from @supermystic29 A one short where his wife is sick and he takes care of her till she's better.
Lioness Cold pt 2 - request from @tyrionsprincess30 Tyrion comes back from the north and he finds out the y/n has got worse then when he left
Wife in Need - Request from @supermystic29 Can you do a Tyrion one shot where he comes back from being away finding his wife is upset because she found out her family was killed. And she has not moved from her room at all and he trys to help her.
Scared She Lion - Request from darkanglel_28 on Wattpad. Reader is Tyrion's wife and is pregnant. She's afraid to tell him so she talks with her sister Sansa.
All Hail Royals - request from @tyrionsprincess29 Tyrion and the reader are crowned after the war us over
Lannister Heir - Request from @tyrionsprincess29 His wife is having their baby, he watches over the baby as she is geting some sleep from the brith and names their son.
Wife's Safety Keepers - request from @tyrionsprincess29 Tyrion's wife is sent North to be protected by his brother and Sansa but he panics.
Misunderstanding - request from @tyrionsprincess29 the reader thinks she is to marry Joffrey so she has a panic attack but Tyrion tells her the truth.
Nameday Suprise - Request from @tyrionsprincess30 His wife is away visiting her former home and isn't sure if she'll be back in time for his nameday. So Jaime and Sansa manage to bring her back.
Peace Proposal - request from @tyrionsprincess30 Tyrion goes to meet with the dragon queen to make peace but the only way that can happen is if he marrys the princess of dragons
Peace Proposal pt2 - Tyrion marries the dragon princess
For Once I Didn't Know - request from @supernaturalgirl30 tyrion short where he here's y/n singing to there baby as its time for bed . And he was shocked because he didnt know she could sing
Standing up to The Queen - Request from kgiven on Wattpad. Could you please do one where tyrion falls in love with the reader after she stands up to cersei for insulting him. after they elope and live happily as a strong team
We're The Others Dream - request from @supernaturalgirl30 Hey i was wondering if you could do a tyrion one short. Where y/n was feeling that tyrion was rethinking on marrying her but he talks her down. And that hes deeply in love with her no matter what
You Were My Choice - request from @supernaturalgirl30 Can you do a tyrion short where y/n and meet in winterfell after he found out he was to marry her and he talks to her about how he will be a good husband. And he finds out that she was the one that requested she marry him ?
The Best Marriage Switch - Y/n and tyrion are married and go north to tell her family abd have a Argument because she was supposed to marry the king but she tells her bother that tyrion asked if he could marry her instead cuz he was worried about y/n life
Traitor to the Stark’s - tyrion lannister short were there just newly wed and y/n bother is makeing a Speech about how his y/n is a trader to the family for agreeing to marry Tyrion
Jon Snow- requests open
Knight Freedom - Y/n Lannister is held captive by Ramsey after her father Tywin sent her North to marry a northern house until Jon saves her after winning the Battle of the Bastards.
Kind Lannister - Request from @utherisanass on Wattpad. Jon thanks the reader for helping return Bran home before tomorrow's battle against the Night King.
Wild Love - Request from @stellarosedutton Reader is a wilding and secretly dating Jon. She gives birth on a trip to see her brother and Ygritte
Crow Snow - request by @lydiastarkofwinterfell The wildling reader stumbles on Jon while hunting.
Tag List - just ask if you want to be added
@makeshift-prime @rosie-posie08 @kittykylax (Robb Only) @lover-of-books-and-tea
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zae82 · 7 years
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Im juz saying…Daenerys Targaryen is also Hans Christian Andersen’s Snow Queen.
She’s definitely Jon Snow’s Queen now. He said it! Not me…
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ofxscavengcrs · 2 years
.。.:*☆ Alright, so, here we go, this is my starter/ Plotting call for the upcoming event! If you have any questions regarding powers or whatever, just shoot me a message!
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telepathy and foresight  - Elena Gilbert, Harry Potter
astral projection ( x-men ) -  Tony Stark
force sensitivity ( star wars ) -  Marian Hawke,  Raya,  Bill Denbrough
cleric abilities ( critical role ) -  Rei Hino,  Elsa
size manipulation and enhanced strength ( marvel ) - 11th doctor
hypnosis and memory altering ( tale of the nine tailed ) - Queenie Goldstein, Kara Danvers
miracles ( good omens ) - Sam Winchester
superspeed ( marvel ) - Jessie Cook
telepathy ( twilight ) - Calcifer
shapeshifting ( encanto ) - Jim Kirk
elemental bending ( avatar ) - Fluttershy - earthbender
super hearing ( encanto ) - Grogu
tactile thought projection  - Anakin Solo
fae magic ( acotar ) - Melinda Halliwell
levitation ( marvel ) - Spencer Hastings
spiderman powers  - Jilyan kari’ya
energy manipulation and projection ( dc comics ) - r2d2, Eleven Hopper,  Sabrina Spellman
chlorokinesis ( percy jackson ) - Sally ragdoll
transmutation ( marvel)  - Faith Lehane,  Catra
magic via song ( hadestown ) - Gilgamesh,  Mary MacDonald, Sidney Prescott
bad fortune  - Alice Kingsleigh
flaming feet ( hades ) - Godric Gryffindor,  Raven Darkholme
snow and ice manipulation ( frozen) - Geralt Of Rivia, Bruno Madrigal
magic and exorcism ( chilling adventures of sabrina)  - Boba Fett
telekinesis ( stranger things ) - Lucifer Morningstar,  Lestat De Lioncourt, Daryl Dixon
orbing ( charmed ) - Eowyn
compulsion ( the vampire diaries ) - Celeste
sharingan ( naruto ) - Charlie Weasley
shadowsinger ( a court of thorns and roses ) - Poe Dameron
emotionally linked psychic powers ( mob psycho 100 ) - Percy Jackson
alchemy ( fullmetal alchemist ) - Johanna Mason
no changes - Jon Snow, Pamela/Ivy, Haku, Crowley, Scott McCall
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heaux-burrow · 3 years
For the fanfiction writers ask: 16, 21, 34
16. Any guilty pleasure trope(s)?
• Smol x Tol is a requirement not a request
• Arranged marriage AU queen 👑
• No one else challenges me mentally or physically but you
• Bodyguard AU’s (bonus points if her parents are never around and she’s a Poor Little Rich Girl™️)
• We meet in our dreams AU
• Somehow I keep falling into another plane or realm and you only exist there and “we” only exist there and slowly I start to spend all my time and energy on being with you and completely losing my whole life in the “real world”
• Captive/Captor AU’s (think Briseis and Achilles but I’m not above a good old fashioned bank robbery gone tits up I’m an equal opportunity slut for Stockholm Syndrome)
• We had a past life together and we only remember flashes but the energy is still there between us and it’s undeniable - however, being together would completely dismantle our present day lives
• This can’t last and it’s not meant to, but I’ve been through a lot and you’re a very nice resting place for now
• I’m a brat, but vulnerable only with you. You’re an asshole, but soft only with me. I don’t hate anyone else but you. But I don’t love anyone else either.
• We’ve both been through trauma no one else understands so we don’t really know how to trust or love anyone else, but no one would ever be accepting of us being together (yes I meant to google Lucrezia and Cesare Borgia)
• Honestly, anything where the shtick is ‘we’re really not supposed to be doing this’ bonus points for sneaking around and loads of pining angst about it
21. Favorite pairing to write for? (platonic or romantic!)
I’m about to lose so many followers 🙈
Max x Audrey (Gossip Girl)
Sarah Cameron & Rafe Cameron (OBX) (yes I know they’re related no I don’t care)
Ciri x Geralt (The Witcher, more the video games and the books than the tv show)
Javier Peña (Narcos) x Helena (Narcos) x Santiago Garcia (Triple Frontier)
Robb x Sansa or Jon x Sansa or Robb x Jon x Sansa (ASOIAF) (who is GoT don’t know her)
Sookie Stackhouse x Jason Stackhouse (True Blood) (watch the first episode again and tell me I’m wrong lol)
Eric x Four (Divergent) (books not the movieverse)
Becca x Lucas (Banshee)
Cassie x Nate (Euphoria) (yes I know it wouldn’t work leave me alone) (all I’m saying is, Nate spent a lot of fucking energy trying to get McKay to NOT date Cassie and Nate would never have made Cassie get an abortion)
Mal x Evie (Descendants)
Elsa x Kristoff (Frozen)
Tink x Hook (Peter Pan universe - more the books than any of the movies) (in the second Peter Pan book she is literally lost to the group and found locked up in the captain’s quarters among Hook’s treasure on his ship don’t come for me Barrie shipped it too)
Freya x Freyr or Freya x Fenrir (Norse mythology)
Morgan x Arthur (Arthurian legend)
Lucifer x Eve or Lucifer x Lilith (biblical mythology NO I’m not talking about Lucifer the show lol I’ve never even watched it and I won’t)
34. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of.
From “Through the Lake”, a Grishaverse fic I wrote 5 years ago but never posted (Darkling x OFC)
They’ve begun travelling now. He likes to stay diplomatically relevant. Likes to be known to the kings and queens of lands beyond Ravka. Because the otkazat’sya Lantsov king is weak and stupid. She knows. She’s met him many times. And she met his father before him. She’s dined with their ambassadors and danced with their advisors (Shadow likes to show her off as his little relic. His little stolen child, kept as a pet the same way fairies of old would keep children from her world. It is also a very clear piece on the chess board. Look what I have. Look what she can do. Know your place).
“Lantsov is lucky anyone even continues to acknowledge him as king. If I were a queen, the only diplomat I would sit down with is you.” She’s known her Shadow a hundred years now. She cannot fathom why anyone still bows to the Lantsov king.
“Do I not treat you with all the adoration and reverence due a queen?” He asks in response, ignoring her statement for the moment. Though it strokes something warm and needy inside him to hear her say it.
They’re in Kerch. A disgustingly wealthy merchant’s villa is their home for the night. At his table they dined on sweet-buttered grouse and roasted kale and salted caramel cake.
The back of his ungloved finger traces her neck as she takes her jewelry off and lets her hair down. The touch flares her power with a shivering thrill of electricity. Unable to help herself, Jo flexes her abilities enough to let him know not to push her. The air in the room compresses for a moment until all sound is narrowed down, resting on the pin of a needle and ringing in his ears. Thirty seconds go by. Finally, she lets up and he has to grip the window sill as his lungs drag desperately for oxygen.
“What?” He half snarls, half chokes. Jo is shown more favor than anyone else at his court by far. He’s never lavished another with the same attention and devotion he pours over her. He’s never trusted anyone enough to allow them so close. But he’s careful to keep her loyalties where they belong. Uses her power to keep the other Grisha in check. To keep their eyes fixed with jealousy so they’ll never look upon her with love. So she has no other confessional but him. So she can never hold anything she knows to his throat. Even if she thought to overthrow him and seize power for herself, they would never follow her. They’d wear her bones first.
“You know what. Do not dare to play the victim with me.” They argue as if they’re married. And maybe in a way they are. Promises forever unbroken. Loyalty carried to the grave. Secrets pressed between them for centuries, that no one else could ever unfold.
Swallowing, he swipes away the blood dripping from his nose with the handkerchief in his pocket. Glances out the window, partly guilty and partly annoyed that the girl can even make him feel guilt.
“You know why I can’t let you stay.” They’ve been over this a hundred thousand times. He won’t have her for one lifetime when he needs her power for much longer than that. And perhaps, a part of him needs her to be hungry for him. To know she’s in Duluth salivating at the mouth to get back here. Perhaps he’s scared that if he gives her all she wants of him, of Ravka, she’ll have her fill and go back for good.
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hello-nichya-here · 3 years
Other than zucest, what other -cest ships are you into?
Oh boy, that's a loooong list.
I ship of bunch in GOT/Asoiaf. Cersei X Jaime by far my favorite, but I also ship Cersei with both Tyrion and Tywin. Ned X Lyanna, Oberyn X Ellia, Theon X Yara/Asha (I mean, come on, they were full on groping each other when Theon first came back to the Iron Islands, and I'm forever frustrated that they didn't fuck), Arya X Jon, Jon X Rob, Dany X Viserys (*sighs* if only he had been less of a dick and protected his baby sister, they could have been an incest couple to rival the Lannisters)... there's just too much possibility for incest on that story XD
Another one has a lot of incest ships, to the point that is hard to find one that isn't incest is the Percy Jackson Universe. All the gods and demigods are related, and that is incest no matter what BS Riordan claims so his books can still be sold to children.
There's also Nezuko and Tanjirou from Demon Slayer, as well as River and Simon from Firefly.
I really like Elsa and Anna from Frozen - but that is more of a "I'm not blind" than a "I ship it"
There was a ship from my childhood that I had completely forgotten about until recently, which is Justin and Alex Russo from Wizards Of Waverly Place. There's also Casey and Derek from Life With Derek, but that one doesn't really count in my eyes since they're step-siblings and only met as teenagers, so they never really saw each other as family in the first place.
Edit: I forgot Norma X Norman Bates from Bates Motel
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astralis01 · 4 years
Damian Wayne X Reader: Out
Damian Wayne X Male!Reader
200 followers special
Ok, another request  from @imgayandilikeit.  (How about Damian x male reader , reader is Damian childhood friend ( after watch a fic online , this ideal come out ) reader have ice magic + can also turn into a big ass wolf . Two of become friends in League of Assassin but until the movie event happen ( when bitch Ra's dead , can you think the rest form here :3 )
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Damian and (Y/n) had been allies, what Talia had said after the League discovered him from the ruins of a city. To both of them though, they were best friends, nothing could change that opinion in their minds.
As they were walking down the long corridors of the League’s base in Nada Parbet, there was the sound of gunshots and swords. Both the boys rushed to the place they were hearing the noise from.
To their surprise, Slade and Ra’s were having a fearsome fight. Talia came along and dragged Damian away. Y/N  went behind him when Talia said, “Y/n, now it is your responsibility to look after my son. Look after him with your life.”
Damian folded his arms and said , “I don’t need anybody ‘s protection, Mother . I can protect myself well enough.” Y/n shrugged his shoulders and pulled Damian along with him. As they ran, Y/n looked back at Damian to check whether he was still behind him or not but then he noticed that Damian was not there. With a quick mutter of seriously, Y/n rushed in to save Damian.
Both Damian and Y/n were dropped of at Damian’s father’s abode. There Y/n was met by Dick Grayson, whom he fairly liked, Jason Todd, who was just his type of guy and Tim Drake, whom Damian for some reason hated the most but Y/n liked him the best. With Damian using the ‘blood son’ card every morning and Y/n behind him, scolding Damian about his behaviour, it became morning comedy for both of them.
When both of them were out on the field for the first day, Jason asked, “So Y/n, what are your talents other than telling off Demon?” Y/n grinned and motioned Jason to come near him and magicked up a snowball and threw it at his face. Jason looked surprised and turned around to see the snowball. He said, “Ok, Elsa. What else?” As soon as he turned around, he noticed that a wolf was in Y/n’s place and there was a scream.
Damian, with his not-so-surprised look came and said, “Hello Y/n, so you finally showed Todd what you could do?” Y/n gave a wolfish grin and morphed back to his human form.
-Timeskip to Damian meeting Jon-
“Hello Kent, this is my friend Y/n.” 
“Nice to meet you Jon. It is nice to see someone stick around Damian for so long.” 
“Didn’t you know Damian for such a longer time?” 
“Sadly, I did not have many options.” 
“Stop Dami, those do not work on me anymore.”
“I feel like this is a daily occurrence here?”
“Yes” “No”
“Anyway, it was nice to meet you Jon. Hope you have dirt on Dami.”
“Of course, you have too, I hope.”
“Of course”
“I command both of you to stop. Wait- where are you going?”
“Funny Dami, how you think you owe me.”
As the years passed, their friendship grew. The three of them were thick as thieves. Jon and Y/n were even more close over the shared ways of how to annoy Damian while Damian was slowly developing feelings for his oldest friend Y/n.
As he watched Y/n and Jon, Dick and Tim and sat down beside Damian and Dick said, “So Dami, we noticed that you have been staring at Y/n for a while. Wanna tell us something?” Damian said, “TT, it’s nothing.” Tim leaned back and said, “Dick, I heard that (random girl’s/boy’s name) wants to ask out Y/n.” Damian looked at Tim and opened and closed his mouth like a fish and he crossed his arms.
Dick gave a look at Tim and said, “Dami, it’s perfectly ok if you have feelings for Y/n. You don’t have to hide it you know.” Damian said with a sneer, “I have no feelings for him. He is just a friend.” The last part was a little unsure and he looked back at the place where Y/n was saying bye to Jon.
As Y/n was walking towards them, Dick and Tim slipped away unnoticed, leaving both of them alone. 
Y/n said, “So Damian, what were Dick and Tim here for?” Damian gave an answer with a TT noise and both of them sat with a comfortable silence. Y/n broke the silence and said, “So Dami, are you free on this Saturday? We could go out to the place Jon recommended to me.” Damian with hope in his voice said, “So, is it like a date?” Y/n shrugged and said, “If you want it to be.”
From faraway the others watched and said to each other, “They both need to be taught how to ask people on dates.”
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collectorscorner · 4 years
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ABLAZE Mirka Andolfo’s Un/Sacred Volume 2 #4 (Cover A Olivier Vatine), $3.99
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COMIC SHOP NEWS Comic Shop News #1749, AR
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SOURCE POINT PRESS Black Of Heart #4 (Of 5), $3.99 Claim A Song Of Ire And Vice #3 (Of 4), $3.99 Damned Cursed Children #2 (Of 5), $3.99 Dead Ends Kids The Suburban Job #2 (Of 4)(Cover A Criss Madd), $3.99 Dead Ends Kids The Suburban Job #2 (Of 4)(Cover B Ryan Kincaid), AR Eighth Immortal #2 (Of 4), $3.99 Era Of Great Wonders #3 (Of 6), $3.99 Fear Diaries Special Edition #1 (One Shot), $9.99 Touching Evil #13, $3.99 Warcorns Combat Unicorns For Hire #2 (Of 4), $3.99
TITAN COMICS Blade Runner Volume 3 Home Again Home Again TP, $16.99 Michael Moorcock Library Elric The Eternal Champion Volume 1 HC, $19.99
VALIANT ENTERTAINMENT Bloodshot #11 (Cover A Adelso Corona), $3.99 Bloodshot #11 (Cover B Leonardo Manco), $3.99 Bloodshot #11 (Cover C Brent Peeples Pre-Order Edition Variant), AR
VAULT COMICS Vagrant Queen Volume 2 A Planet Called Doom TP, $17.99
WAKE ENTERTAINMENT Ascencia #2, $3.99
ZENESCOPE ENTERTAINMENT Grimm Fairy Tales #45 (Cover A Igor Vitorino), $3.99 Grimm Fairy Tales #45 (Cover B Caanan White), $3.99 Grimm Fairy Tales #45 (Cover C Collette Turner), $3.99 Grimm Fairy Tales #45 (Cover D Keith Garvey), $3.99 Robyn Hood Iron Maiden #2 (Cover A Martin Coccolo), $5.99 Robyn Hood Iron Maiden #2 (Cover B Canaan White), $5.99 Robyn Hood Iron Maiden #2 (Cover C Josh Burns), $5.99
Games – KONAMI DIGITAL ENTERTAINMENT Yu-Gi-Oh TCG Freezing Chains Structure Deck, AR
Games – NECA/WIZKIDS Warlock Tiles Dungeon III Angles Expansion, AR Warlock Tiles Dungeon III Curves Expansion, AR Warlock Tiles Town And Village III Angles Expansion, AR Warlock Tiles Town And Village III Curves Expansion, AR
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youngfcs · 4 years
Hi cib can you please update the list of the crackships?
Hello <3 The next crackship is Douglas Booth and Sabrina Carpenter! 
1.   Douglas Booth + Sabrina Carpenter - lua-magica
2.   Jensen Ackles + Leighton Meester - anonymous
3.   Sam Claflin + Emeraude Toubia - anewchapterlove
4.   Chace Crawford + Katie Stevens – anonymous
5.   Cole Sprouse + Elizabeth Gillies - anonymous
6.   Stella Maxwell + Jordan Barrett + Elsa Hosk – anonymous
7.   Lyrica Okano + Katherine Langford - anonymous
8.   Paulina Singer + Camila Mendes - anonymous
9.   Dominic Sherwood + Alberto Rosende - blue-anchor
10. Dylan O’Brien (thomas) + Marie Avgeropoulos (octavia) - anonymous
11. Maxence Danet Fauvel + Kristine Froseth - anonymous
12. Toby Regbo + Jamie Campbell Bower - anonymous
13. Bill Skarsgard + Liz Gillies - anonymous
14. Natalie Dormer (GOT) + Bruna Marquezine (Deus Salve o Rei) - anonymous
15. Gwilym Lee + Eiza Gonzalez - anonymous
16. Benjamin Wadsworth + Tom Holland - thebaudelairefiles
17. Olivia Holt + Lana Condor - thebaudelairefiles
18. Cody Christian + Madelaine Petsch - anonymous
19. Jesse Lee Soffer + Lucy Hale - anonymous
20. Zendaya + Elle Fanning - anonymous
21. Taron Egerton + Zoey Deutch - anonymous
22. Aaron Taylor-Johnson (O garoto de Liverpool) + Luca Hollestelle - anonymous
23. Dacre Montgomery + Zoey Deutch - anonymous
24. Alfie Enoch + Melissa Benoist (loira) - anonymous
25. Gina Rodriguez + Jesse Lee Soffer - anonymous
26. Will Tudor + Lili Reinhart – b-coopers
27. Shawn Mendes + Madison Beer - anonymous
28. Benjamin Wadsworth + Shelley Hennig - anonymous
29. Alicia Vikander + Brie Larson (como Capitã Marvel) - anonymous
30. Benedict Cumberbatch + Gemma Arterton  - anonymous
31. Jared Padalecki + Danielle Rose Russell - anonymous
32. Chris Evans + Cindy Kimberly (pode ser fotos) - anonymous
33. Harry Styles + Dane Dehaan  - anonymous
34. Benjamin Wadsworth + Madeleine Petsch - anonymous
35. Zayn Malik + Nam Joo-Hyuk - anonymous
36. Dustin Clare/ Gannicus from Spartacus: Gods of the Arena + Diana Agron wynonnaholliday 
37. Tom Holland + Shelley Hennig - anonymous
38. Paul Wesley + Becky G - anonymous
39. Elle Fanning + Nick Robinson- anonymous
40. Robert downey jr + Emeraude Toubia - anonymous
41. Douglas Booth + Alexia Fast – anonyymous
42. Matthew Daddario + Tarjei Sandvik Moe - kedileryadakediler 
43. Luke James +  Justine Skye – anonymous
44. gabriella wilde and michael malarkey in his role as The Oath – anonymous
45. Brandon Flynn + Lili Reinhart – Anonymous
46. Brandon Flynn + Stefanie Scott - moved-tocrylids
47. Tom Hiddleston + Gemma Chan - peraltajake
48. Zayn Malik + Marie Avgeropoulos – Anonymous
49. Bem Barnes + Zoey Deutch – anonymous
50. Jake Gyllenhaa + Emeraude Toubia – anonymous
51. Harry Styles + Cailin Russo - thgirla
52. tom hiddleston + jemima West - strippersoul 
53. Matthew Daddario + Alicia Vikander - anonymous
54. Charles Hunnam + Lily James - anonymous
55. Robert Downey Jr + Jennifer Garner – anonymous
56. Bob Morley + Caitlin Stacey– anonymous
57. Legolas + Kaya Scodelario (época)- anonymous
58. Joseph Morgan (como Klaus Mikaelson) e a Hande Erçel – anonymous
59. winona ryder and skeet ulrich  - anonymous
60. Rami Malek (Elliot) + Rachel Keller (Cassandra) – anonymous
61. Bruna Marquezine + Daenerys, Jon Snow, Sansa e Arya – Anonymous
62. Kriti Sanon x Daniel Sharman - bollycrackships
63. Emmy Rossum and Bill Hader  - anonymous
64. Timothée Chalamet x Nick Robinson – anonymous
65. Ana de Armas (de preferência morena) com a Tessa Thompson (de preferência como Valkyrie) – anonymous
66.  Lili Reinhart and Andrew Lees (Lucien Castle from The Originals) – anonymous
67.  Tessa Thompson and Alicia Vikander - anonymous
68. Froy Gutierrez x Kristine Froseth – Anonymous
69. Park Minhyuk and Danielle Rose Russell (as Hope from The Originals/Legacies) – anonymous
70.  Cheryl Blossom and Eliott Demaury (Skam France)? ♥ - Anonymous
71.  Blake Shelton+Taylor Swift – anonymous
72.  Matthew Goode and Lily James  as Richard Reed and Sue Storm – anonymous
73.  Jon Kortajarena & Matthew Daddario – anonymous
74.   Adelaide Kane + Chris Evans – anonymous
75.  Camila Mendes and Ryan Reynolds – anonymous
76.  naomi scott & crystal reed – anonymous
77.  Luma Grothe com o Sen Mitsuji – anonymous
78.   nicola peltz e bill skarsgard - Anonymous
79.  Adam Driver and Emeraude Toubia – anonymous
80.  lex meraz x nina dobrev or jackson rathbone x nina dobrev or charlie hunnam x emeraud toubia or victoria justice x dominic sherwood - decadentprincessbird 
9 notes · View notes