#jorden kent
dcxdpdabbles · 4 months
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my adventures with superman season 3 theme: revenge
after seeing the last episode of season 2 yeasterday (which was awesome i might add) and it is comfermed that their will be a season 3 i want to make a sort of perdiction of what it might be about and i think it might be about revenge. With the episode: the machine who would be empire introducing a green lantern and a thanagarien i have this theory that season 3 might introduce mambers of the justice league (if not all at least two of them) starting out as enemies who are after Clark and Kara (Especially Kara) for the crime the kryptonian empire did to their planets. it could also included attemps from luthor how is still convinced that superman and supergirl are just standerd allen invaders.
i also get the feeling that season 3 might have a time skip at leas one year after brainiacs invasion of earth.
personally here what i'm hoping for from season 3 members of the justice league coming into the show and more members of the superfamily being introduced to.
who'ed i want to see from the jl in this order
1: Arthur Curry/Aquaman
2: Barry Allen/Flash
3: Hal Jorden/Green lanturn
4: Diana Prince/Wonder woman
5: John Jones/ Marten manhunter
6: Shiera/Hawkgirl
last: Bruce Wayne/Batman
who'ed i'ed like to see from the superfamily introduced into season 3, if not directly and mentioned or cameoed:
Jon kent
Conner kent
Chris kent
Krypto the superdog
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idioter · 9 months
Du är min bästa vän
Den jag älskar mest på jorden
Allt har sin tid, Kent
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So I'm watching Superman and Lois episode 9 of season 2 and I haven't even finished the episode but I have too many thoughts to keep to myself, so I'm gonna add a new bullet to the list as I watch and have thoughts.
Jordan saying to Lois that he's the one with the superpowers was a little different in execution than I thought from the spoilers. I don't think he meant to say that his mom doesn't get to make decisions for him because he's her son and a minor and it's her job to protect him. I don't even think he meant to say that he's clearly more powerful than his mom so she should back off. I think he was trying to say that these are his powers, so he gets to decide what they're for. Clark had to go through his own journey with this - at nearly the same age Jordan basically is now. Clark and Lois have basically decided that Jordan should not use his powers. Powers are to be respected and disciplined but never properly used. Jordan doesn't even want to grow up into the family business at this point, he just wants to be able to help in case there's an emergency because he has the ability to help. Like with Mr. Cushing earlier in this episode. I think that's what Jordan meant, Lois doesn't get to decide that Jordan won't help people. And since I as the audience just watch Mr. Cushing nearly die because, as Jordan says, John Henry was late, I'm inclined to agree with him.
Kyle telling Sarah that she deserves to be first in Jordan's life is a bit much. I knew from spoilers that this is why Sarah's going to break up with Jordan later, but I didn't know that the line came directly from Kyle. This is a high school relationship, and Kyle doesn't know why Jordan wasn't helping Sarah with moving Kyle's stuff out of their garage. Literally, Sarah doing that is a personal family thing and I don't know why she would have asked Jordan for help with it anyway, but let's say she did ask him, and he said no. Jordan has his own stuff going on, and Sarah is not noticing at all to the point it's frustrating. Any other superman show and Sarah would be upset that Jordan isn't sharing his life with her more, but no, not here. The question for Sarah is why doesn't Jordan care more about her. He stops following her around like a love-sick puppy and he's suddenly not attentive enough? I look forward to the breakup in the next 20 minutes. Cause the only thing I can see as saving this relationship is if we flip what Kyle says. "Someone should remind that boy he's lucky to be dating my daughter." Like, no. She's lucky to have him at this point.
YAS my boy Jordan gets to be a hero!!!
LANA'S THE MAYOR! Excellent choice from the composer to have the hero theme play underneath that
Okay so this breakup scene, Sarah wants to know what going on in Jordan's life and he says it's family stuff he can't talk about, so obviously he isn't putting Sarah first????????? I don't think I need say anything more, the double-sided nature of this is obvious.
And the episode ends with essentially a bunch of different characters crying for a bunch of different really sad reasons, and I cry too
Bizarro Jon! Yes!
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vaguely-smart · 2 years
Ya know when the protagonist of a story is like winning a fight 100% but they keep getting distracted by the fight that they forget their main goal even though their opponent is down and they could have definitely completed their goal by now if they didn't let their emotions get in the way and you're just screaming at the screen, like "no stop! You've won. Just leave before the villain manages to one up you! Quit whiles you're ahead!"?
Yeah that was me at Jon-El throughout his entire fight with Jordan. Like, just take Jonathan and fly, my dude.
That probably says something bad about me but I just really like him and he deserves happiness. (Plus it would mean Jonathan gets more screen time)
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penstrokes · 4 years
Superman & Lois Season 1 "The Perks of Not Being A Wallflower" Episode 3 Thoughts
The whole family dynamic in this show is >>>>
- The opening scene! Jonathan saying the Hunter’s Tribute is just poop? Splashing each other with paint? Clark messing around with the boys? *Chef’s kiss* This is what I watch this show for
- Superman removing one hand from the bottom of the bridge to wave at the fisherman lolol, I was like “nO Clark you’re holding a bridge”
- Someone blew up Lois’s car?? Rude
- The boys and Sarah sitting in that one booth in the diner looks so funny idk why. Like the twins looked so crammed together and awkward
- And the look the boys shared when Sarah started exposing her entire family in front of everyone? Literally the Homer Simpson backing in a hedge meme. That was so funny
- Jordan apologizing to Sean? That’s some good shit
- Jonathan, helping Jordan get to play football rather than being jealous that he’s better than him? That’s some even better shit
- Jonathan for brother of the decade award tbh, or just best brother on any CW show ever 
- We getting some good ass Lois scenes!!! This show is making me love Lois Lane so much 
- I love that we got like one and a half action scenes in this episode and yet it didn’t feel slow at all? Like that’s amazing writing
- That scene between Lana and Sarah was so well acted and honestly I felt that. Made me like both Sarah and Lana a lot more
- So Edge is creating all these people who happen to have one of Superman’s powers but not all of them? Is that right?  
- Clark pretending to struggle with the water cooler ASDFDHSJKE Tyler’s Clark Kent is so good!!!!
- Guess Luther was taking a day off this episode huh
- One small thing that kind of bothers me is that it seems like the twins are just gonna have a fight every episode and then make up at the end. And I guess brothers fight but like its getting a bit repetitive? It doesn’t bother me too much though cause they’re not fighting over stupid stuff like both of them falling for the same girl or something. 
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whitepolaris · 2 years
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thatgraysoncharm · 2 years
Since we call the founding member’s of the Teen Titans the ‘Fab Five’ and Young Justice the ‘Core Four’ I’ve made the executive decision that we should call the founding member’s of the Justice League the ‘Slutty Seven’. 
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helreigns · 5 years
tag dump #2
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wookiee-monster2 · 6 years
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art by Jorden @jordenarts
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This is a piece by @Jordenarts and he steals money from clients. When confronted with the theft he blocks the person and tries to prevent them from warning others by deleting their warning messages on his posts. If you commission him he will take your money. I created this blog to get the word out and to try to ensure he doesn’t steal from others again. Reblog this and spread the word so that this con artist doesn’t take others money.
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howtheworldcouldb · 3 years
Since I’ve seen too many bad takes on DC genderbent names, here’s my own personal list of ones that don’t make me want to cry
First Gen Justice League:
Bruce Wayne -> Bryce Wayne
Clark Kent / Kal-El -> Clara Kent / Kal-El
Diana Prince -> Danae / Danaus / Dius Prince (please I spent so long looking for Greek mythology names)
Bartholomew "Barry" Allen -> Bernadette “Betty” Allen
J'onn J'onzz -> J’oan J’onzz
Hal Jordan -> Haley “Hal” Jordan
Oliver Queen -> Olivia Queen
Dinah Lance -> Darren Lance
Arthur Curry -> Alana Curry
Kara Danvers / Kara Zor-El -> Karl Danvers / Kar Zor-El
Victor Stone -> Victoria Stone
Second Gen Heroes/Assorted:
Conner Kent / Kon-El -> Connie Kent / Kon-el
Wallace "Wally" West -> Wendy West (Winifred “Winnie” West could work but it has worse vibes)
Donna Troy -> Donald “Donnie” Troy
Roy Harper -> Roy Harper
Rachel Roth (Raven) -> Richard / Rowan Roth (Raven)
Garfield Logan -> Gretchen Logan
Bartholomew "Bart" Allen -> Bernadette “Bet / Bart” Allen
Cassandra "Cassie" Sandsmark -> Cassian “Cassie” Sandsmark
M'gann M'orzz / Megan Morse -> M’cah M’orzz / Micah Morse OR M’gann Morse / Morgan Morse
Gotham Crew (Batfamily)
Richard "Dick" Grayson -> Rachel “Dixie” Grayson
Jason Todd -> Jaiden “Jay” Todd
(Alternatives include Joan, Jean, Jorden, Jaclyn and Jocelyn)
Timothy "Tim" Drake -> Tiffany “Tim” Drake
Damian al Ghul–Wayne -> Dahlia al Ghul–Wayne
Alfred Pennyworth -> Alice Pennyworth (fight me)
Barbara Gordon -> Brendan or Bernard Gordon
Cassandra "Cass" Cain -> Cassian “Cass” Cain
Stephanie "Steph" Brown -> Stephan “Steph” Brown
Duke Thomas -> Duke Thomas (fight me part II)
James "Jim" Gordon -> Jane Gordon
Kate Kane -> Kade Kane
This is not a comprehensive list so feel free to add your own or suggest alternatives
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@inxthexxshadows​ replied here
Chase glanced over Jordan and then gave a shrug at the others questioning "Sorry. God and I go way back. Eighteen years to be exact. And we have a bit of beef. Anyway...Uhm. No. You shouldn't be. This is about me." As self centered as that came off, it was still very true of Chase. He made most things about him. Looking toward the outstretched hand Chase paused a moment.
Then he walked a little closer and took the others hand "Jorden Kent. Huh." Jordan was certainly not bad to look at, he was sure about that. The fact that he was even thinking that was unsettling to him, though. He wasn't used to this sort of thing. Giving a shake of the others hand he quickly pulled his own away and went silent for a moment before saying " My Benny 'The Jet' Rodriguez."
Now, if the other had watched the movie, The Sandlot, they were certainly going to see right through his lie. But Chase had often liked to deflect his true identity, if he could get a bit of amusement out of it. Looking Jorden over still he put on a grin "You know, they always said a soulmates mark would glow brightly. It wasn't till this moment, of course, that I actually believed that."
"So what are you doing out this late, Jordan Kent?"
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batmaneveryway · 8 years
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Happy Nowruz a.k.a The First Day of Spring
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Quran (6:59)
Egli possiede le chiavi dell’invisibile, che solo Lui conosce. E conosce quello che c’è nella terra e nei mari. Non cade una foglia senza che Egli non ne abbia conoscenza. Non c’è seme nelle tenebre della terra o cosa alcuna verde o secca che non siano [citati] nel Libro chiarissimo .
ปละที่พระองค์นั้นมีบรรดากุญแจแห่งความเร้นลับ โดยที่ไม่มีใครรู้กุญแจเหล่านั้น นอกจากพระองค์เท่านั้น และพระองค์ทรงรู้สิ่งที่อยู่ในแผ่นดิน และในทะเล และไม่มีใบไม้ใด ร่วงหล่นลงนอกจากพระองค์จะทรงรู้มัน และไม่มีเมล็ดพืชใด ซึ่งอยู่ในบรรดาความมืดของแผ่นดิน และไม่มีสิ่งที่อ่อนนุ่มใด และสิ่งที่แห้งใด นอกจากจะอยู่ในบันทึกอันชัดแจ้ง
On klíče má k nepoznatelnému a zná je toliko On; On nejlépe ví, co na souši je i na moři, a nespadne list žádný, aniž by On o něm nevěděl, a není zrnka v temnotách země ani stébla zeleného či uschlého, jež zaznamenáno by nebylo v Knize zjevné.
Er verfugt über die Schlüssel des Verborgenen; niemand kennt sie außer Ihm. Und Er weiß, was auf dem Festland und im Meer ist. Kein Blatt fällt, ohne daß Er es weiß; und (es gibt) kein Korn in den Finsternissen der Erde und nichts Feuchtes und nichts Trockenes, das nicht in einem deutlichen Buch (verzeichnet) wäre.
Él posee las llaves de lo oculto, sólo Él las conoce. Él sabe lo que hay en la tierra y en el mar. No cae ni una hoja sin que Él lo sepa, no hay grano en las tinieblas de la tierra, no hay nada verde, nada seco, que no esté en una Escritura clara.
보이지 않는 것의 열쇠들이 하나님께 있나니 그분 외에는 아 무도 그것을 알지 못하니라 그분 은 땅위에 있는 것과 바다에 있는모든 것을 알고 계시며 떨어지는 나뭇잎도 대지의 어둠속에 있는 곡식 한알도 싱싱한 것과 마른 것도 그분께서 모르시는 것이 없으 니 그것은 성서에 기록되어 있노 라
Hij bezit de sleutels der geheimen; niemand kent die buiten hem; hij weet wat op het droge land en in de zee is; er valt geen blad af, of hij weet het; nergens is een eenvoudige zaadkorrel in de duistere gedeelten der aarde, nergens een groen of verdord spruitje, dat niet in het duidelijke boek is opgeschreven.
Hos Ham beror det uutgrunneliges nøkler. Ingen annen enn Han kjenner til dem. Han vet hva som er på land og i hav. Ikke et blad faller uten at Han vet det. Det finnes intet korn i jordens mørke, intet friskt og intet tørt, unntatt ifølge en klar bok.
On posiada klucze do tego, co skryte; zna je tylko On sam. On zna to, co jest na lądzie i na morzu. I żaden liść nie spada, żeby On o tym nie wiedział. I nie ma ziarna w ciemnościach ziemi, i nie ma niczego, świeżego czy suchego, co nie byłoby zapisane w Księdze jasnej.
Ele possui as chaves do incognoscível, coisa que ninguém, além d'Ele, possui; Ele sabe o eu há na terra e no mar; e nãocai uma folha (da árvore) sem que Ele disso tenha ciência; não há um só grão, no seio da terra, ou nada verde, ou seco, quenão esteja registrado no Livro lúcido.
El are cheile Tainei pe care nu o cunoaşte nimeni afară de El. El cunoaşte ceea ce este pe uscat şi în mare. Nici o frunză nu pică fără ca El să o ştie. Nu este nici măcar un grăunte în întunecimile pământului, nici nimic, fie verde, fie uscat, care să nu fie amintit într-o Carte desluşită.
У Него ключи к сокровенному, и знает о них только Он. Ему известно то, что на суше и в море. Даже лист падает только с Его ведома. Нет ни зернышка во мраках земли, ни чего-либо свежего или сухого, чего бы не было в ясном Писании.
Han har nycklarna till den dolda verkligheten; ingen känner dessa [ting] utom Han. Han vet vad som finns på marken och i havet; inte ett löv faller utan Hans vetskap och varken fröet, [dolt] i jordens mörker, eller det gröna [strået] eller det som vissnat, saknas [bland det som har upptecknats] i Guds öppna bok.
Hänen hallussaan ovat kaiken näkymättömän avaimet; ei kukaan muu sitä tunne kuin Hän yksin. Hän tietää kaiken maan päällä ja meressä; Hänen tietämättään ei ainoakaan lehti putoa, ei piile yksikään jyvä maan uumenissa eikä ole kosteata eikä kuivaa, joka ei olisi selvästi (Jumalan) kirjoissa.
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eleonoregustafsson · 5 years
Böcker jag läst 2016-2019
På den här bloggen har jag varje år lagt ut en lista på alla böcker jag läst ut från pärm till pärm under året som gått. Men 2016 blev det inte av, inte heller 2017 eller 2018. Framförallt för att listan inte kändes representativ. Under dessa år har olika jobbprojekt gjort att jag behövt ägna mig åt research där jag tvingats läsa utvalda delar i olika böcker istället för enskild bok i sin helhet. Under 2016-2017 läste jag t.ex. mycket om anabaptismen, men det är inget som märks i listan. Men nu har jag ändå bestämt mig för att lägga ut den. Kolla gärna in taggen #aureliaguläser på Instagram, där lägger jag ibland ut boktips och små recensioner (och där syns även de böcker jag inte läst från pärm till pärm utan bara utvalda delar). 
2019: 40 böcker
Böcker om Bibeln Sitting at the feet of Rabbi Jesus av Ann Spangler och Lois Tverberg A Life that’s good av Glenn Pemberton (om Ordspråksboken) Phoebe – a Story av Paula Gooder Hebrews av Mary Healy Priscilla av Ben Witherington III The Torah’s Vision of Worship av Samuel E. Balentine Reading Backwards av Richard B Hays
 Kristen ledarskapslitteratur If You Love Me av Matthw The Poor (på arabiska Matta-Al-Miskin) A Pastoral Rule for Today av Burgess, Andrews & Small
 Kristen uppbyggelselitteratur The Arena av Ignatius Brianchaninov How to be a Sinner av Peter Bouteneff 
Teologisk litteratur Paradiset åter av Tomas Einarsson Journyes of the Muslim Nation and the Christian Church av David W Shenk 
Kyrkohistoria The Patient Ferment of the Early Church av Alan Kreider 
Reportageböcker och dylikt Med Guds hjälp av Gabriel Byström Skärmhjärna av Anders Hansen Bön för Tjernobyl av Svetlana Aleksijevitj En piga bland pigor av Esther Blenda Nordström Tidens second hand av Svetlana Aleksijevitj A Time to Die av Nicolas Diat
 Romaner Beckomberga av Sara Stridsberg Bränn alla mina brev av Alex Schulman De kommer drunkna i sina mödrars tårar av Johannes Anyuru Vända hem av Yaa Gyasin Din stund på jorden av Vilhelm Moberg Den svalgula himlen av Kjell Westö Längtans flöde av Alva Dahl Pappaklausulen av Jonas Hassen Khemiri Sveas son av Lena Andersson Arv och miljö av Vigdis Hjort En dag i Ivan Deniosovitjs liv av Alexander Solsjenitsyn Konturer av Rachel Cusk Testamente av Nina Wähä Jag for ner till bror av Karin Smirnoff
 Biografier och självbiografisk litteratur Utan nåd – en rannsakan av Fredrik Virtanen Allt jag fått lära mig av Tara Westover Konsten att feja arabiska av Lina Liman Löparens hjärta av Markus Torgeby Vilket jävla solsken av Fatima Bremer En bokhandlares dagbok av Shaun Bythel
2018: 28 böcker
Romaner Never let me go av Kauzo Ishiguro Min kamp 3 av Karl-Ove Knausgård Mitt liv och ditt av Majgull Axelsson Min kamp 4 av Karl-Ove Knausgård Min kamp 5 av Karl-Ove Knausgård Min kamp 6 av Karl-Ove Knausgård Sågspån och led av Vibecke Olsson Amerikauret av Vibecke Olsson Själasörjaren av Christine Falkenland
 Kristen uppbyggelselitteratur Helig rot av Peter Halldorf (för 3e gången?) Hädanefter blir vägen väglös av Peter Halldorf  (för 4e gången?) Bottenkänning av Fredrik Lignell Through, with and in him av Shane Kapler 
Teologisk litteratur Välkomna varandra av red. Tomas Poletti Lundström 
Böcker om Bibeln Korsets mysterium av Agne Nordlander 
Kyrkohistoria The Forgotten Desert Mothers av Laura Swan Biskop Lewi Pethrus av Joel Halldof
 Självbiografisk litteratur Sorgens gåva är en vidgad blick av Patrik Hagman När livets stramas åt skärps blicken av Sofia Camerin När träden avlövas ser man längre från vårt kök av Tomas Sjödin (för 2a gången) Välkommen in i min garderob av Anton Lundholm Kristunge av Malin Aronsson En shetel i Stockholm av Kenneth Hermele Hur jag lärde mig att förstå världen av Hans Rosling Katolska läror av Gunnel Vallquist Livets ord: mina tio orimliga år som frälst. Del två, Förnyad & befriad av Tomas Arnroth 
2017: 32 böcker
Romaner Ta itu av Kristina Sandberg Den döende detektiven av Leif GW Persson Gilead av Marilyone Robinson De polygotta älskarna av Lina Wolff Tystnaden av Shusaku Endo Utvandrarna av Vilhelm Moberg (för 2a gången) Invandrarna av Vilhelm Moberg (för 2a gången) Nybyggarna av Vilhelm Moberg (för 2a gången) Bricken på Svartvik av Vibecke Olsson Min kamp 1 av Karl-Ove Knausgård Sista brevet till Sverige av Vilhelm Moberg (för 2a gången) Hemma av Marilynne Robinson Min kamp 2 av Karl-Ove Knausgård
 Reportageböcker och facklitteratur Halleluja Brasilien av Kajsa Norell Två systrar av Åsne Seiersdal Rom – en stads historia av Eskil Fagerström
 Självbiografiska böcker och biografier Letters from the Desert av Carlo Carreto Bonhoeffer av Eric Metaxas Det finns annan frukt än apelsiner av Jeanette Wintersson Livets ord: mina tio orimliga år som frälst. Del ett: de första åren av Tomas Arnroth Brev från en klostercell av Hans Gunnar Adén Århundrades kärlekshistoria av Märtha Tikanen
 Ledarskapslitteratur När du leder av Josefin Arenius Ledarens hantverk av Lennarth Hambre
 Kristen uppbyggelselitteratur Klostret av James Martin SJ (egentligen en roman) Kristliga råd och betraktelser av Fénelon Becoming Who You Are av James Martin SJ
 Teologisk litteratur Inte allena av Patrik Hagman & Joel Halldorf Martin Luther – hans liv, lära och influytande 500 år senare av Stephen J Nicholas Att älska sin nästas kyrka som sin egen av Peter Halldorf 
Böcker om Bibeln The Theology of the Letter to the Hebrews av Barnabas Lindars SSF
 2016: 38 böcker
Romaner Torka aldrig tårar utan handskar: Sjukdomen av Jonas Gardell Torka aldrig tårar utan handskar: Döden av Jonas Gardell Levande och döda i Winstord av Håkan Nesser Innan floden tar oss av Helena Thorfin Århundrades kärlekskrig av Ebba Witt-Brattström  Drömmen om Elim av Vibecke Olsson De ensamma av Håkan Nesser Flickvännen av Karolina Ramquist En mörderska bland oss av Hanna Kent Flykten av Jesús Carrasco De oroliga av Linn Ullman Glöm mig av Alex Schulman
 Facklitteratur Kunskapens frukt av Liv Strömquist
Reportageböcker Det heliga berget av William Dalrymple 
Självbiografisk litteratur, biografier, memoarer eller dylikt Brännpunkter av Thomas Merton  Jag sökte Allah och fann Jesus av Nabell Quresh Cigaretten efteråt av Horace Engdahl 96 lampor – om oss som brann och försvann av Jacob Langvik Min pappa Ann-Christine av Ester Roxberg Den sista grisen av Horace Engdahl Älskade terrorist av Anna Svadberg och Jesper Huor Och i Winerwald står träden kvar av Elisabeth Åsbrink Halvvägs av Fredrik Reinfeldt
 Kristen uppbyggelselitteratur Mellan skymning och mörker av Peter Halldorf Den brinnande busken av Lev Gillet Spår av den osynlige av Mikael Hallenius Den helige Ande i den kristnes personliga liv av Kallistos Ware Tron Allena av Bo Giertz (för 2a gången) Gud och intet mer av red. Ulrika Ljungman Contemplating the Trinity av Raniero Cantalamessa Du brinnande kärlekslåga av Peter Halldorf Den som hittar sin plats tar ingen annans av Tomas Sjödin
Kyrkohistoria Following in the Footsteps av Christ av Arnold Snyder Vindarna från väster av Per-Eive Berndtsson A Brief History of Spirituality av Pilip Sheldrake
Teologisk litteratur Som om allt förvandlats – Ekologi, ekonomi och eukaristi av William T Cavanaugh
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