#julie is trying to be normal after leaving THe Cult
lyingbattery · 1 year
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knuckles realtalk
inspired by this line of dialogue
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also that one ed edd n eddy quote
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blu-wingz · 1 year
whats up its stampede saturday and ive GOT SO MANY THOUGHTS
trigun/stampede/manga spoilers blah blah im normal
ok so what the fuck /pos
ok so fuck. i know i said i had thoughts but ah to put them into words FUCK
disclaimer: i’ve read the manga and seen 1998 trigun so i know whats up.
The Tesla scene. god. they made it much more gruesome and i loved it. KEEPING HER ALIVE ooooh that hurts. but i wish they had a whole episode to explain tesla, what the humans did to her and how this drastically changed the twins’ POV of humanity and their place in the world. bc god that scene was only like less than 2 mins long and i dont think they did her much justice. maybe they will dive into it more but i doubt it since they have to deal with A GIANT PLANT MONSTER
that thing is gorgeous btw. the animation style is so good, that doesnt need to be said but god the studio is using the medium so well. im sure some botany fanatic is gushing about the flora symbolism. and i’ve no clue how July will perish now. anyway, vash is gonna feel SO guilty after this. oh goodness.
VASH HANGING ONTO HIS LAST REMNANTS OF REM THAT HURT LIKE A BITCH FUCK. AND WHEN NAI TOLD HIM “i did this [The big fall] all for you” “so its my fault”. OH BOY I DO LIKE TO SEE VASH SUFFER BUT BITCH THAT FUCKING HURTS. man. seeing him as a husk, a void vash, and it hurt. and him asking if he knew meryl and roberto, fuck!! ouchie!! and also Knives reading the Bible and deciding “yeah humanity is fucked and heres the proof” is SO FUCKING FUNNY. lmao. the implications that he was inspired yet disgusted by the bible sm that he despises humanity and also started a religious cult. oh my god.
Wolfwood wasn’t in a hurry to leave. he didnt want to get involved but he wasn’t rushing to the exit to move on with his life. he was hanging around just in case. of what? idk. this tristamp WW is a bit more mysterious for me and i like it. He didnt make Meryl leave either. didnt bother to stop her. that says so much about him.
oh and poor meryl. for a sec i saw the vines unleash in the room and thought it was gonna be like that volume where she sees what Vash’s feels/sees bc she touches his feathers. i got so scared. bc damn it. every moment in the manga has its impact and trying to shuffle them around to fit this new story hurts me personally /sarcasm. again, i LOVE this new show. im thankful for this new cake but sometimes i see remnants of the manga and i miss the original story. anyway, i cant wait to see what will happen to July, WW and Meryl.
also wtf happy birthday twins i fucking guess. idk if it was hinted before but what a jumpscare. but not a terrible jumpscare as the fucking plants being impregnated by Vash or Knives of the fucking core or whatever the fuck. like yeah. i know the metaphors of motherhood and shit but fucking. i didnt need that imagery personally. and i dont wanna think about it anymore. yall can have it. whatever. it just makes me uncomfy, nothing serious lol
it seems like they keep touching, briefly, on plot points from the manga but not exploring them fully. and i get it. its hard to explain anything from og trimax in 22 minutes, much less 12 episodes. and also i cant blame them so much. maybe watching this live is skewing my view of the entirety of the show. i am definitely re watching this when its finished. i fucking love trigun. and so i won’t comment much on the event order or whatever. i should just let it go. Its a new show with remnants of the manga and its so cool.
.anyway last episode is the day before my birthday so yipee! bday gift for me lol
edit: VASH HAS LEG PROSTHETICS WOOW how did he lose em hmmm
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inafieldofdaisies · 1 year
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WIP Wednesday: tagged by @socially-awkward-skeleton <3 | I'm on time for once and hope you all are ready to meet Hartley.
Tagging @direwombat @detectivelokis @strangefable @vampireninjabunnies-blog @ms-rampage and anyone with something to share
In Hope of Tomorrow | Chapter 1: Welcome to Hope County
Present day Sabrina
Sabrina woke a bit before sunrise as usual, sleeping in late was a rare occurrence especially when her mind was too preoccupied with worries. Her thoughts kept drifting back to a vision from the previous night as she prepared breakfast. They had breakfast together as a family every morning, a tradition she kept going for her little sister, no matter how busy she was- it was all worth seeing Savannah happy. Most of the time the visions repeated or they were random flashes about other people, but she couldn't figure out the "why now" aspect of some of them. And he… The man who kept calling her "Butterfly" was back in her visions, his presence neverending, and things got worse with the move. Many times she wished she'd see at least his face, maybe then the puzzle would become more clear. As she was putting back things in the fridge, she couldn't help but look at the things Savannah made her hang on its door. A couple of polaroids, one of them of younger Brin with her father, a bittersweet memory. Around them were butterflies Sav made. She knew how much they meant to her older sister. And then there was the letter that started their new lives in Hope County.
Dear Ms Donovan,
The purpose of this letter is to inform you that your candidature has been selected for the position of Deputy in Hope County Sheriff's Department. Based on Captain Buchanan's recommendation, that spoke highly of you as a detective from his division in Portland, as well as your Personnel records, accomplishments and success rates in investigations together with your personal qualities and motivations, we believe you'd be a great addition to the Sheriff's Department and are excited to have you as part of our team. We take privilige to inform you that your employment would start from 23rd July, 2018 upon acceptance. However, the expected date of joining is liable to change per your request.
Looking forward to have you as part of Hope County Sheriff's Department!
Regards, Earl Whitehorse Sheriff of Hope County
The acceptance letter bought so much hope and promise of a final "fresh" start, especially after the way things ended in Portland. Sabrina knew she had to leave it all behind if her sister was to have any type of normal life. Promising career as detective be damned. Hope County seemed like the perfect place for the move as her own Captain at the precinct suggested it, saying how they'd have a quiet life there.
"The views are to die for, kid. Let me speak to Whitehorse, ask if he has an opening, he's an old buddy of mine, works as a Sheriff there. You wanna stay out of trouble. This is the place."
Soon enough after their move it became clear to Sabrina staying out of trouble was going to be a hard task especially with the cult that was trying to run the County… Eden's Gate, short for Project at Eden's Gate, was taking serious roots at her own doorstep and nobody seemed capable of putting a stop to it.
I'm starting to wonder if Captain Buchanan secretly hates me. Quiet life, my аss.
A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts, followed by a loud "Honey, you awake?" Before she could even answer Ms. Darcy let herself into the house. "In the kitchen. I just finished breakfast. We're having pancakes, bacon and eggs today." Her sister would be down in few minutes at most, now that their vivacious landlord was present.
Darcy Harris, though she insisted everyone call her Ms. Darcy, was in her 70s, with graying hair and was always well put together. She owned two cabins on the same property in Holland Valley and was quick to rent one of them to Sabrina, almost too quick, but the older Donovan sister didn't read much into it at the time. After all, the two-story wooden cabin was just what Sabrina had envisioned: affordable, homey, with enough space for her and Savannah and close enough to the Sheriff's Office. On top of the lovely interior, the house was surrounded by pine trees and had a backyard where you could watch the stars all night long. Brin couldn't imagine living anywhere else, it had already become a habit to sit there each night after her shift, play her guitar and stare at the open sky until her mind had calmed down. Shortly after the move she found out the reason Ms. Darcy wanted a tenant…
"Better to have a Deputy next door, especially with all of them Peggies running around my land. Damn them." It was what the old woman told her one day.
Sabrina knew nothing of Ms. Darcy's Peggies troubles until it was too late, until the sisters had already settled in and two cultists showed up at her door. Now she was worried about leaving her sister at the house with members of Eden's Gate taking interest in the properties.
Still, Ms. Darcy was good at heart and amazing with her little sister, Sabrina couldn't blame her for wanting to feel safe. Not to mention she pretty quickly turned into a grandmother figure for the sisters, something that was always missing from their lives.
"You know, I'm starting to think you scared them off, Brin." "Who?" "The Peggies. Haven't seen them around here since you told them to get lost." "I just hope it stays that way. I'm glad you're around to watch Savannah while I'm at work." "Your sister is such a gem. It's my pleasure, honey, I always wanted to have grandchildren, but my Ben…" Sabrina didn't know too much about Ms. Darcy's son, aside from the fact he died quite young and that she still found it hard to talk about it. "Morning!", Savannah entered the kitchen, wearing her signature smile that made you forget all your troubles, even for a little while. It's exactly what happened with Ms. Darcy - Savannah's arrival made the sadness at mentioning her son's name vanish from her gaze. "Ms. Darcy, we're still baking cookies, right?" "Of course, honey. We're making your sister's favorites this time." Savannah turned on the TV as she did every morning, but instead of the usual channel, it was HIM on the screen, hijacking the signal. "We are all sinners. Every one of us." Sabrina quickly switched off the TV, she could tell her sister was freaked out by his sudden appearance. The mood in the room soared. "Goddamn you, John Seed. One day I'm gonna shoot my TV because of you." Ms. Darcy's green eyes flashed with anger at seeing John's face even for few seconds. Sabrina knew she wasn't joking, she really couldn't stand the man.
And Brin didn't blame her, not only were his men constantly bothering her landlord, but his face was on so many billboards around Holland Valley, you'd think he's a local celebrity selling you something. "We love you and we will take you." First time Sabrina saw the sign, she honestly thought it was a joke, a failed attempt at cheesy marketing. Reality was far worse. He truly was TAKING people, marking them. Sabrina had heard the stories of his own baptisms, not once had she stopped his people from almost drowning a Holland Valley resident. Indeed, she wondered if Captain Buchanan hated her, why else send her in the middle of this man's territory. And if the stories were true… his other siblings were no better.
Aside the TV accident, breakfast was uneventful, Savannah quickly took over the conversation and chatted away happily about anything she can think of. Sabrina loved when her days started that way, it was as if her sister's energy recharged hers too and how much she needed that: it was another day of fixing John Seed's messes…
After breakfast she got ready, it was only few weeks into her job as Deputy yet she felt like she has been wearing the olive green uniform for years. She certainly was happy to belong somewhere again.
Brin made it to the Sheriff's Office around 7:30 and was immediately greeted by Nancy, Hope County Sheriff's Department only dispatcher. The older woman was at the front desk as usual, ready to ask her 20 questions before Sabrina even stepped over the threshold. Where she loved Ms. Darcy's chattiness, something about Nancy's constant inquiries rubbed her the wrong way and somehow nobody else at the Department seemed too worried. "She's just a big gossip, Brin. You're new so she's curious.", they'd say. Yet her father's words about not trusting strangers too much came back to Sabrina anytime the woman shifted her focus on her.
"Sooo, anything new, Sabrina? When are you going to bring your little sister along, I'm dying to meet her. I always wanted a sibling. You're so lucky." Nancy barely paused as she said all that and the whole time was staring at Brin intently through her red framed glasses. "Morning. Nothing interesting, every day's the same. You doing well, Nancy?" "Ah, yes, yes, I'm fine, thank you. And what about your mother, she still back in Portland? Candice's missing out on Holland Valley!" How Nancy even knew about Candice was beyond Sabrina and she was wondering how to shut down the conversation when Hudson walked in and noticed the dispatcher yet again badgering Hope County's newest Deputy. "Brin! Good morning, do I have something to tell you." Thank God for Joey. Sabrina didn't have to be asked twice, she took the out Hudson was offering her and followed her further into the station, away from Nancy.
Joey Hudson was one of the other Deputies at the Sheriff's Department. At 28, she was an year older than Sabrina and quickly had become one of her closest friends in Hope County. Joey was happy to take Brin under her wing and introduced her to many people just in her first few days in town. Deputy Hudson had the type of warm personality Sabrina thrived around, she even managed to convince her to go out and celebrate her 27th Birthday at the Spread Eagle. Her birthdays lost any appeal or cheerfulness after her father's death, she'd bake a cake or buy one just for Savannah's sake and put on a happy face for her sister, but inside it felt wrong to celebrate when he was gone. That year Sabrina told herself she'd try to live a bit more, after all Hope County was about new beginnings, so she embraced Joey's idea. And as much as she felt guilty to admit it, she did have fun. It was good to get out and celebrate with her fellow Deputies, the Ryes and other Holland Valley residents.
"Nancy been bothering you again? You know, you should just tell her." "I tried, she's not taking the hint. I'm losing my mind." "Who's getting on your nerves, Gray?" Before she knew it, Hartley was at her side, an arm over her shoulder. He was waiting for her answer, baby blues pointed her way, eyebrow playfully raised. "The usual, noisy Nancy. You're not late for once, kid?" "Oh, trust me, it's better if he's late, bad things usually happen when Rookie's early." Hudson gave him a look. "Don't even deny it. You know I'm right." "Hey! Why are you still calling me Rookie, shouldn't the title be transferred to Sabrina, she's the newest now?"
For once he used her actual name. Since they met he kept calling her "Gray". The nickname was a bit on the nose and nothing she haven't heard before. In comparison to Hudson's brown hair that was always in a braid, Sabrina's bangs were gray and in stark contrast to the rest of her chocolate brown hair. It was something she inherited from her father and lived with for years. She loved her hair because it connected her to him, so she didn't mind the nickname, plus she knew Cal wasn't using it as an insult.
Deputy Calahan Hartley, or who everyone more often called Rook or Rookie instead, was the youngest Deputy of Hope County. At 23, Cal was a wildcard, often getting on the nerves of Sheriff Whitehorse, with blonde hair, a short beard and blue eyes many swooned over, he had the looks and charm and knew how to use them to get out of trouble. Rookie stuck with him as a nickname as punishment, because everyone knew how much he hated it. "First, Deputy Donovan here has more experience than you, Rook. Second, you start behaving accordingly and I might reconsider what name I use." "Boss, come on. I'm about to call HR." It was Cal's usual responce, so full of misery each time. Whitehorse was the last to arrive that morning, along with Deputy Pratt, who just chuckled at the exchange between his usual partner and the Sheriff. There was no doubt Staci had his hands full with Hartley's shenanigans, so Sabrina couldn't blame him for laughing at Cal's over-the-top reaction.
"Okay, playtime is over. Back to business." "What Peggie bullshit are fixing this time, boss?" Cal loved the cult as much as Ms. Darcy. Whitehorse went over each Deputy's "special" assignment of the day: whenever there was an issue of great importance that needed adressing The Project was most likely involved and it was up to the Deputies to deescalate the conflict, though with Hartley deescalation flew out the window and straight into "we're getting shot at by a bunch of angry cultists" territory. Sabrina felt lucky that day, she was to check on Rae-Rae and her farm because she got yet another visit by Peggies that wanted her land and Hope County's most famous dog. Like with Ms. Darcy this was an issue all landowners in Holland Valley faced: John Seed was looking to secure land for his brother's Project and nobody was to stand in his way, no matter the cost or means. It was rumoured he used to be a lawyer and was now putting his skills at work to keep the Project out of legal trouble.
It feels close to performing a miracle with the ever-growing list of cult offenses.
Most people were terrifed, some ran away from the County, some decided to oppose him, and others… were never heard from again. The region was becoming John Seed's to a point where he had a huge Hollywood sign rip-off built by his people, spelling the word "YES" and nobody batted an eye. Guess the "Power of Yes" was too long. Sabrina was over the havoc he and his people caused around the Valley, but she had no idea how any of this can be fixed. Dark thoughts and visions kept her awake at night, she was ready to uproot her sister yet again if the situation escalated more.
On her stop at the Pumpkin Farm, Boomer was first to great her, full of excitement at her visit. Sabrina tried her best to calm Rae-Rae down, knowing any promises of things getting better were most likely a pipe dream. Brin admired Rae-Rae for her love for her son and farm and her decision to fight against John Seed's scare tactics. She promised the woman to come by again, hoping that she'd be able to bring her sister along next time to meet Boomer. "Savannah would love Boomer, she gushes over all animals and he's just precious." "He's our hero, that dog. You be safe, sweetheart, you hear. Send Ms. Darcy my love and tell her to stay strong. John ain't taking our land."
The rest of the day was a string of mundane conflicts that needed fixing. Truly if Eden's Gate wasn't around, she could see herself leading a quiet life in Hope County.
Sabrina couldn't wait to go home, have some homemade cookies and be done with anything Seed related for the day. Little did she know, her shift was far from over and that all hell was about to break loose…
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e-lisard-archive · 3 months
Original post July 13th, 2021 (x)
It’s… Not even the first time this happened. Some people hear ‘Goddess of Lightning’ and think of some terrifying being who would strike down anyone who dares oppose her. Not a (seemingly) young girl who is fast to make friends with young children and animals.
And for some reason, those people think sacrifices are needed to appease this Goddess of Lightning. Most of the time it’s a small animal. Sure, it’s sad, but… Well, it’s better than a human, isn’t it?
But sometimes… When the storms have been really bad… (And it’s not like Laia does it on purpose. Sometimes nature just needs to let loose.) Well, they try to sacrifice a human. Never someone old. Always someone under 20.
(Honestly, Laia doesn’t even know why this cult is worshipping her. There are plenty of other gods to worship, like her sister, her brothers, her nephews… They could even worship the Grim Reaper - not that he would care much for them, but it’s still a better choice than her, no?)
It’s not what she wants. Especially not in this way. They kidnap children, leaving their parents grieving. If they’re going to sacrifice human lives, they should sacrifice their own. They’re the ones worshipping her. Not those poor kids or their families.
So whenever that happens, she tries to prevent it. Sometimes she’ll ask the Grim Reaper to help (she helps him with guiding souls to the afterlife so he can train two princes and flirt with the king, he can help her save some kids every now and then) and other times her family. Most of the time, she does it on her own.
Sometimes she doesn’t notice until they’re about to sacrifice the child, though. So then she let’s the lighting strike, taking the child to the safest place she knows: her home. She keeps them there for a while, helping them heal from any injuries the cult inflicted on them. Some of them decide to become her disciples. They build temples for her, or they go out and preach about her kindness.
(So many more people have started praying to her, begging for her help. And, well… If she can help, why wouldn’t she? And it’s not like her nephews mind jumping in every now and then either.)
Others reunite with their families once they’re healed, and if they accept further help she helps them to move somewhere else, where the cult doesn’t have any connections yet. Somewhere they’ll be safe. Somewhere they won’t have to worry for their own children if they ever get them.
And sometimes… When she’s journeying, trying to understand humans better… It’s not some random kid who gets kidnapped. Or, well, it is in the eyes of the cult. But it’s not.
Those times, it’s her.
Laia might not like violence that much, but… She’s not weak. Still, she just lets the cult take her, struggling just enough to make sure they don’t think something’s off.
And this is one of those times.
There’s a weird kind of joy in watching the cultists prepare the sacrifice without knowing the Goddess is sitting right there.
And when it’s time for the sacrifice to start she cries, she shales her head, she begs them to stop, as they drag her to the platform. They don’t. So, Laia decides, she won’t stop when they beg either.
They untie her on the platform, thinking she won’t be able to escape now. While that may have been true if she were human, the magical barriers 'preventing’ her from running are nothing to the Goddess.
It’s hard not to start laughing.
The chant begins and Laia feels the tugging on her soul. Time to start the show, then.
Lightning strikes, right where she’s sitting. The way it always happens. But this time, instead of the child being gone when everyone is able to see again…
She’s still there.
She smiles at the cultists as the energy races around and over her body, her feet not touching the ground anymore.
“You know…” Her voice is still the same, and perhaps it scares the cultists even more than a changed voice would have. After all, she still looks so much like a normal child now.
“I would expect a cult who claims to sacrifice in my name to at least recognize me when I wander the lands.” The energy gets wilder and wilder, and Laia doesn’t try to keep it down. The only thing she does is contain it to the area they’re in.
They’re already begging for her forgiveness, but… She doesn’t care. Not really.
The lightning hurts them, burns them, and eventually kills them. Or, most of them, at least.
Only one of them stays alive, a boy around 15. The same age Laia looks.
She knows he can’t be blamed for any of this. Children are easily manipulated, and even she can feel the pain radiating off him.
“Don’t be afraid, I won’t hurt you.” She fixes her braids as she approaches him, knowing he probably won’t believe her. Not with all the dead bodies around her.
“I know I might seem ruthless… But these people have been murdering children for ages, or at least attempting to. I don’t want any sacrifices made in my name.” She sighs, looking up at the stars.
“Please, go forth, warn people of the dangers of this cult.” She glances to the side, seeing the familiar black cloak of the Grim Reaper. “I don’t wish to harm more people than I need.”
No matter what kind of joy she may find in doing this to people hurting others for personal gain… Not having to do it would be even better.
The boy doesn’t bother with an answer, choosing to flee instead. She feels bad for having scared him like that, but… Perhaps this was what he needed.
Perhaps he’ll succeed in warning people of this cult. Perhaps he won’t. Only time will tell.
For now, Laia just starts to gather the souls alongside her friend, to send them off to the afterlife.
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awakenee · 2 years
hsmtmts . ep 104
july 8, 11:03 am cst
heya, so before i get into this i wanna let whoever is reading my daily rants know that i'm going to be on vacation from july 11 to july 13 i think? i'll most likely leave my laptop at home and therefore won't be able to post the episodes for those days, and even if i do bring my laptop i'm going to try to enjoy my time out lol. i'll probably just rewatch them early and schedule the posts for those days or rewatch them when i get back. on another note, ep 104 is definitely one of my top 3 favorite season one episodes, definitely excited for this one!
ohhh, kourtney's in costume crew
tbh i kind of agree with her here. for halloween i've thought more than once about dressing up like characters from a musical, but then i realise that they're just high schoolers wearing normal high school clothes. sure, some may be recognisable, but other than troy's red and white shirt and chad's iconic t-shirts with messages nothing really stands out.
that pineapple is great
ej has something on his lip, i assume from when ricky wacked him with a basketball?
"bribing some hacker" nini's an icon
i, once again, want nini's sweater
nini lowkey defending ricky
nini: summer's over. season three: well, yes, but actually no
carlos screaming
"is that a hot wing?"
argh lynne, words cannot express how much i dislike this woman
hot wing pt. 2
ricky needs therapy counter: 5
ej done effed up
"you're on, lovers!" horrible timing carlos
ricky's face combined with the camera zooming in on him is something else
ricky needs therapy counter: 6
"not a sars epidemic" about that
as someone who was in the lion king, i can say that no one walks with furniture on their head
all of these "downstage" and "upstage" are making me dizzy
seb's smile
big red has realised that theatre is a cult, and if you mess up your lines we'll feed you to the band kids
where tf is kelsi
what happened with the slow, romantic tempo of this duet
okay but hsm aside this is one of my favorite songs/covers in both seasons right next to the mob song
ash's face
you can see nini getting ready to strike
ricky, you dont barge into a rehearsal like that
miss jenn is going through her middle age crisis
the emotional support coyote >>>>>
rip nini
ricky needs therapy counter: 7
the hamster
miss jenn seeing right through ricky
gina, eff off
i actually feel bad for ej
gentle reminder that portwell is now a thing
plot twist: ej is actually jd in disguise
nini stop
"shopping! ... for a lie detector."
yeah screw tonya
uhh nini... i think tonya's a her
i relate to shiggy
i want the sad-looking bran muffin
i love nini's shoes
my keyboard broke
yeah, ej's jd
ricky needs therapy counter: 8
how can big red sleep
ricky needs therapy counter: 9
aw, poor boi
"and after everything that's been going on with n..."
ej why are you stalking her
nini didn't use a period at the end of her text, that's a good sign
i want a bestie like kourt
nini is a mood
how in hell is ricky not freezing
all i want my beloved
oh right, she gets interrupted
"slc pride" this better be foreshadowing
see? nini's not over him
ricky needs therapy counter: 10
aw, he's going to cry
oh my god gina
ricky, stop ditching everyone
also how long did it take for nini to get a goddamn pillow
what ive been looking for reprise >>>>>
this ending is very depressing
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caranfindel · 3 years
Take these broken wings and learn to fly (15.20 coda)
het, but Wincest-compatible | about 2300 words | PG-13 for language | characters: sam winchester, sam’s blurry wife |
Julia has been widowed (God, what an awful word, widowed) for three years when she meets Sam. It’s a work-based friendship at first. She’s kind of lonely and sad, he’s kind of lonely and sad, and they gravitate toward each other. And then one evening they’re at a bar, the last ones left from an after-work happy hour, both of them drinking more than they should, and she thinks he’s kind and thoughtful and smart and he may be 10 years older than me but he’s still hot as hell and I enjoy being with him and I look forward to seeing him and maybe I should just… and she kisses him. He’s shocked; shocked enough to confirm that he wasn’t just hanging around hoping to make it out of the friendzone. And then he’s holding her face in his hands and he’s kissing her too.
It’s good. They’re good together. It’s not the earth-shattering, all-encompassing romance she had with Shaun. Julia knows she’ll never have anything like that again. Most people don’t even get one soulmate in their lives; no one gets two. And she knows Sam doesn’t have that same desperate love that Shaun had for her; she knows she’ll never have his whole heart. (She knows the woman he intended to marry was killed in a fire, she knows another woman he loved went back to her ex. She doesn’t know which of these women still owns that last piece of Sam’s heart.) But she loves Sam, and he loves her, and they get married.
(The sex is amazing. Sometimes he’s gentle, almost reverent, as if he’s afraid he’ll break her, and other times he’s fierce and passionate and almost tries to break her, and she loves both ends of the spectrum.)
She suggests they melt down her old wedding band to make a new one. It was an heirloom from her grandmother, a plain wide band of yellow gold that she loves, that she thought she’d wear for the rest of her life. But Shaun is the one who put it on her finger the first time. It doesn’t seem right to ask Sam to accept it now. A new band from the old gold seems like a good compromise. No, Sam says, I couldn’t ask you to do that. I know a way we can make it ours. He has the inside of the band engraved with the same symbol he wears tattooed over his heart, and makes her promise to never take it off. Bad luck, he says.
He’s such a contradiction. Scary smart, but as superstitious as an Appalachian grandmother. Calm and unflappable, but with a weirdly hyperactive startle reflex. Kind and empathetic, but capable of extreme violence when pushed to his limits (seriously, don’t walk your drunk ass up to Sam Winchester’s wife and lay hands on her, and don’t get mouthy when she tells you to back off) and just really, frighteningly skilled at that violence.
(A little frightening and also very sexy. Julia’s always had a thing for the hero type.)
They both have nightmares. One night Julia watches Shaun’s face melting under his gear and wakes with a cry of horror. Sam holds her as she tearfully describes living on the knife edge of constant fear that comes with loving someone whose job is literally running into burning buildings. I know, he says, over and over, even though he can’t possibly know. The irony of their first loves both dying in flames is not lost on her, but it’s not like his college girlfriend was a firefighter. It’s not like he watched her go to work every day and prayed she’d make it home alive.
Julia’s pregnancy is a wonderful surprise. She and Shaun had tried for over a year before she was widowed, and she just didn’t count on it happening with Sam. They agree not to name the baby after anyone they’ve lost. Let’s not name him after our pain, she says, and Sam is okay with that. (Or he isn’t. But ever since she showed him the positive pregnancy test, she’s known she could ask him for anything. She’s known he would rip out his heart and serve it on a platter if she asked for it.)
But they haven’t decided on a name yet when her water breaks four weeks early. When their perfect baby boy is born at 12:10 a.m., the nurse announces the date and time and Sam looks up at her in shock and blinks away happy tears and says it’s the 24th. It’s my brother’s birthday. Julia is flying high on endorphins; she loves this baby and she loves this man and she even loves his dead brother she never got to meet, and she says it’s got to be a sign; let’s name him Dean.
She takes off her wedding ring, just this once, to have Dean’s birthdate engraved on the inside. Sam does the same with his own ring. He insists they go to a jeweler who will engrave while they wait, rather than leaving the rings there. She waves a hand at her lumpy postpartum body. You afraid someone’s gonna make a move on all this if you don’t keep a ring on it?
He laughs at her and says you’re onto me, even though he’s the one who needs to be locked away, still with that long lean runner’s body and the amazing shoulders and the goddamn dimples. I just don’t like us being without them, he says. He is a sweet, sentimental fool and she adores him. He bends down to kiss her, carefully maneuvering the baby he’s wearing in a sling, and Julia looks at this man and this baby and this life she didn’t think she was get to have and knows she’s happier than she has any right to be. And she’s relieved when Sam slips the ring back onto her finger, this ring imbued with the men she loves, so maybe he’s not the only sentimental fool.
(One thing she loves about Sam is that he understands why she feels guilty that Shaun didn’t get to share this life with her.)
In July they light a little candle for Dean’s six-month birthday. When Julia wakes the next morning, Sam’s side of the bed is empty and cold. She finds him cuddling their sleeping baby in the living room. I got up to give him a bottle, Sam says. I guess I just fell asleep out here. His red-rimmed eyes and empty coffee mug suggest he didn’t actually sleep at all, but, well. They’re both battling their own private demons. If a night cradling the baby gives Sam some peace for whatever reason, she’s glad of it.
Sam’s fierce love for their child takes her by surprise. If Julia has 90% of his heart, his son has 110%. He parents with a vengeance, is the only way she can think of to describe it. Like he’s making up for something. She doesn’t feel slighted, but it’s impossible to ignore that ever since Dean was born, Sam’s prime objective has been to make sure the boy is happy and safe. Everything else comes second.
(When she notices Sam has been carefully marking his tattoo symbol onto Dean’s clothing, hidden near seams and always in a color that almost matches the fabric, she decides not to say anything. He gets a little funny about his superstitions sometimes.)
Sam desperately wants Dean to have a sibling, and they try for another one, but it doesn’t happen. Julia reminds him that they’re lucky to have even one child. That having a sibling is not a lifetime guarantee of companionship and love. She should know, after all, since Stephanie cut her off after she married that asshole Scientologist and decided she couldn’t have a relationship with anyone who wasn’t also in their stupid cult.
Dean has plenty of friends and tons of activities, which Sam encourages with an almost religious fervor, but he never pulls away from his parents. They have so much in common, Sam and his son. Instead of rebelling as a teenager, Dean seems to grow even closer to his father. They spend hours together, paging through the ancient books in Sam’s study (she hates them, they smell musty and make her sneeze) or driving in the old Chevrolet. They even travel together sometimes, visiting those friends of Sam’s that live up north somewhere. Julia met them at the wedding and they were perfectly nice, thrilled to death that she and Sam had found each other. But she always feels like an outsider when they’re around, like they’re part of something she’ll never understand. So much history, with Sam and the brother she never got to meet. They absolutely dote on Dean though, and he seems to love them too, so the boys’ trip to Sioux Falls becomes an annual event.
(Dean is 14 years old when he comes home from one of these trips with his own version of the tattoo.)
When Julia is diagnosed with cancer, Dean is 16 years old. Sam does his best to ensure life goes on as normal for their son but somehow never neglects Julia’s needs. He throws himself into research and is always on top of the latest treatment, always at her elbow with the top internet-recommended remedy for her side effects, making sure both she and Dean have everything they want and need, all the attention and support they can tolerate. She doesn’t know when, or if, Sam actually sleeps. When she feels up for it, he arranges experiences for the three of them. A week lying on the beach, a weekend in New York City, a night in the mountains looking at the stars. When we look back on this time, he says, I don’t want us to only remember how much it sucked. I want us all to have good memories too.
(She doesn’t know why he’s concerned about her memories. There’s a good chance she won’t have much time to enjoy them. But it’s good for Dean. She doesn’t want this to ruin Dean’s childhood.)
Sam insists Dean go away to college as planned. Julia agrees, although she’s kind of surprised he’s willing to let the boy out of his sight. Aren’t you going to miss him? she asks.
So much, he answers. But this isn’t about me, and what I need. It’s about him. They drive Dean to school in the ancient Chevrolet. Supposedly because the trunk has room for all of his stuff, but Julia is pretty sure it’s just one last sentimental road trip in the old thing before Sam retires it. When they pick Dean up at the end of the school year, it’s in her SUV. Dean promises his father, more than once, that he’ll restore the Chevy someday.
Five years after Julia’s diagnosis, she’s sitting in the doctor’s office learning that her last remission was her last remission. There are no more options. She has months, not years. Sam clutches her hand and nods, once, as if to say I should have known this would happen; I should have expected something like this. Then he takes her home.
It’s a blessing in a way, he says late that night, after a little too much to drink. Knowing what’s coming. Having time to say goodbye. You don’t always get that. And yes, she knows this as well as anybody does.
Sam has always been supportive of her choice not to contact Stephanie, but one day he says Jules, I promise I’ll never bring it up again. It’s just that I don’t want you to have any regrets. I don’t want you miss the opportunity to say things that you’ll wish you’d said. Julia isn’t sure Steph will speak to her. She’s not even sure she’ll have the same phone number — they haven’t spoken since Dad’s funeral, a year after she was widowed — but she makes the call. And Steph answers. And cries. And comes to visit, where she hugs and cries some more. Sam watches it all with a sad smile for a while, then disappears into the garage to sit in the old Chevy.
When Julia takes her last conscious breaths, Dean is holding one hand and Sam is holding the other. She squeezes her son’s hand and thinks I love you, dear boy, and I’m sorry I have to leave you. She squeezes her husband’s hand and thinks thank you for giving me this, thank you for taking care of me, thank you for loving me and letting me love you. Then she closes her eyes and lets the soft, warm darkness take over.
And then. Then she wakes to a cool breeze and the sound of chirping birds. She’s standing at a lake she recognizes. It’s Shaun’s favorite fishing spot. And Shaun is there, waiting for her. And everything is okay.
Sam does show up eventually. Julia’s sitting on the porch of the cabin with Shaun, enjoying the perpetual nice day (sometimes a spring morning, sometimes a fall afternoon, but always nice) when she hears the familiar rumble. It cant be, she thinks. It can’t be that old car. But it is.
I’m glad you found someone with good taste in cars, Shaun says, as Sam unfolds himself from the driver’s seat. He looks exactly as he did the day she met him; no glasses, only a little grey at his temples. Still tall and strong and beautiful. She runs to meet him and embraces him as Shaun watches from the porch.
You found Shaun, Sam says. I’m so happy for you, Jules. I really am. He doesn’t seem to have any intention of joining her (their) Heaven permanently, but he doesn’t seem to have anyone else with him either. Where is the dead girlfriend? How is this fair?
They talk about Dean, and Julia’s heart swells with pride over her strong, smart, kind, brave son. He’s like you, she says. He’s just like you.
Sam shrugs. He’s a Winchester.
But what about you? she says. You’re not — you’re not alone here, are you?
Nah, he says. I’m good. I promise.
(Eventually Julia meets the first Dean, and she understands.)
I know a lot of people have mocked Sam's blurry wife, but I actually have grown to love the concept. Because it means she can be anything we want her to be. And yeah, initially I liked the idea of her being Dr. Cara, or Eileen. But now I don't think that would happen. I think Sam would have to start fresh to have that kind of relationship. And I also like the idea of Sam's wife having her own soulmate somewhere, waiting for her, so she's not a huge part of Sam and Dean's shared Heaven. I mean, they're gonna visit, obviously. And then they'll go home to their soulmates.
The title is from "Blackbird" by the Beatles.
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kaylorfails · 3 years
Yes, Karlies Kloss is married.
I normally don’t do debunks but the outright lies being spread and about about Karlie Kloss’s marraige to Josh Kushner are annoying, so here we go.
On July 24 2018, People announces that Karlie and Josh got engaged X . This wasn’t a surprise to those of us not kaylors, it was quite obvious, but before the announcement all was well in kaylorland on July 23rd:
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This surprised and angered a lot of kaylors whose reactions went from “they’re stigmatising lesbianism” (X), “this is horrible news” (X), “she’s going to jail” (X), “they’ll never get married” (X) (X). “it’s part of the fucking story” (X), “giving you the truth is not my call to make” (X), to “publicity stunt” (X) 
While kaylors were bemoaning her lack of ring, Karlie showed it off (X), posted insta stories about her friends and family reacting to the news just to rub it in further (X). Congrats from the sisters-in-law (X) (X), parents-in-law (X), Toni Garrn (X).
That was just the antipasto, now onto the main dish. I’ll be using “you” in this. This is a debunk directed at kaylors, so never mind that.
On Otcober 18 2018, Karlie Kloss got married to Josh Kushner and prior to that, she made a spotify playlist with her wedding date.
“She isn’t Jewish and didn’t converted” She is and she did. Apart from the fact that a British Vogue video in 2015 showed “meeting a Rabbi” in her notebook, shes’s spoken about it in Vogue in 2018, on WWHL, and recently with Naomi Campbell. Her conversion has also been discussed on various Jewish publications (X) (X). Any further insistence she didn’t convert is antisemitic. There’s only so much ignorance can excuse.
“A thursday wedding is weird” It would be if they were WASP or Catholic. Even then, I’d still call it unusual at best. But they’re Orthodox Jews. Shabbat, a weekly 25-hour observance from just before sundown each Friday through the completion of nightfall on Saturday, would make the usual saturday wedding not possible. For a Jewish couple, thursday is a good day to get married. I could understand thinking thursday is a weird day if you’re not Jewish, but insisting it is after being informed about it, is offensive.
For your information, ttb, a blog run a white, straight, definitely not Jewish woman and followed by many non jewish kaylors, is telling you about Judaism.
I don’t get the “photoshoot” argument. The kaylor fandom is literally build on a Vogue photoshoot actually used for promo (X). It was also a blatant ripoff of Poppy Delevigne and Alexa Chung’s bestfriend shoot (X) (X).
“The wedding was a photoshoot” You know those beautiful wedding pictures you might have seen on facebook or instagram? They were taken by professional photographers. Not by a ghost or potatoes, professional photographers. Yes, you can gasp.
And they are hired to do their job and do it beautifully. I don’t know what kaylors real life wedding experiences are, but there’s this thing called pre-wedding shoots people like doing at their weddings. Yes, it’s a weird world we live in. These pictures end up in a strange thing called wedding book, which will be shown to friends and family, future babies and grandbabies, and unsuspecting guests. Or burned if the marriage ends in a divorce.
Professional videographers are also hired to film the whole thing. From the bride waking up, to her getting her makeup done, her friends being silly, to her leaving her wedding reception. The world is wild.
On the wedding day, the pictures were posted on Hongbo Li’s instagram:
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A friend of hers demanded it to be taken down (Karlie follows this friend on IG):
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Who is HongBo Li? A comment on a ttb post gave us the answer:
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And he’s also mentioned in this Vogue writeup about haute couture. As you can see, he isn’t some random kaylor voraciously living through strangers. he’s actually worked on various celebrities wedding dresses. Karlie didn’t put on a local store wedding dress, she actually had one Dior designed for her. That lucky bitch! I mean oppressed lucky bitch!
Onto the photographer. Her wedding pictures were taken by Heather Hazzan, A NY based photographer and very good and successful at her job:
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Again, Karlie didn’t get a random photographer for her wedding, she got the best.The only thing this is proving is that being rich and famous gets you access. And not ony is she rich, she also married an obscenely rich man. The picture of the oppressed.
“There was nothing showing a wedding was going on” Now, that’s a lie. Should Karlie have released a full movie showing every detail? For why? You’d still call her wedding fake:
JK robes and hotdog stands (The guy is Kristine’s boyfriend):
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More (X) Go through this tag you lazy bags! I’m tired.
Karlie getting prepared for her wedding (X) (X) (X). An expression you might have while your sister is being forced to fake a wedding:
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“None of her friends were there” While I’m sure there’ve been many guestless weddings and they’re just as valid as the populated ones, this doesn’t seem to be one of those.
A childhood friend who didn’t get the memo about this being a stunt:
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Toni Garrn, a kaylors appointed ex gf, posted this a whole year after the wedding:
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David Geffen showing you’ve been sold a bridge about this being fake:
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Ashley Graham speaking about being a guest at the wedding.
“She doesn’t look happy” Uhm, if you say so. Here’s Karlie being an unhappy and miserable being on her wedding day and here she looks devastedly sad looking at her wedding dress.
“There was no wedding reception” As Katy Perry would: “Time, the ultimate truth teller” Here’s the video Karlie posted on her 2nd anniversary showing there was indeed a wedding reception.
A pre-wedded Karlie with Josh and his parents.
Everything pointed to this being a real wedding and not a woods photoshoot you’ve been told it is. I’ve yet to see the magazine spread this shoot was supposedly made for and It’s been 2 years already.
So yeah, Karlie Kloss is married. She’s married and pregnant. Move the fuck on.
If you’re sure of your stuff, come to me with something that isn’t a version of this:
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If you’re a kaylor trying to get out of the cult, go through this Joshlie timeline to purify your soul.
But if you’re a firm believer that Karlie is pregnant with Austin Swift’s sperm and she’ll raise the baby with Taylor Swift, there’s no hope for you and you’re disgusting.
That’s it for the October wedding!
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gra-sonas · 3 years
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For two seasons, The CW's Roswell, New Mexico followed the struggles and triumphs that came with Liz Ortecho returning to her hometown. Along with dealing with acts of racism within her community, Liz's life is further sent into chaos after discovering her childhood best friend and his family are actually aliens. As the series progresses, the brilliant scientist not only catches an alien serial killer, but she also helps her resurrected sister, Rosa (Amber Midthunder), adjust to the future and saves the city of Roswell from a bomb threat.
There is no stopping Liz, especially with Roswell, New Mexico Season 3 kicking off July 26. In anticipation of the show's newest season, Liz's actor Jeanine Mason sat with CBR to talk about what's in store this year for her character, including how the show tackles social issues, the importance of Liz's role as a scientist, and how Season 3 isn't afraid to go big or go home.
CBR: Since Season 1, Roswell has tackled a lot of real world social and political issues. For you, why do you think this show is able to address such important topics, alongside the more sci-fi oriented plot points?
Jeanine Mason: First of all, that is the history of sci-fi, and that is why we love sci-fi, to actually be living metaphors for cultural issues, and that was the thing that made me most excited about getting to work in sci-fi with this show. Particularly because it's a show led by a Latin woman, and in 2020, which is when Season 3 happens -- but even in 2018 when we started, the idea to exist as a Latina you can choose to not be political is a farce. Your existence is political. Our existence as women is political. I assume that you identify as a woman?
I do identify as a woman.
Jeanine Mason: So there you go. Our existence is political because our body is on the ballot. So by the nature of this show, being led by a Latin woman, it is a show that is always going to be centered on social issues. Every year, it's fun to see what our writers, what their hearts are yearning to discuss, and what messaging activists they're connected to or that I'm connected to are urging us to put at the forefront of our dialogue in the year. People can definitely expect more of that in Season 3, and even more in Season 4.
That's very exciting, and talking a little bit about Season 3 without getting into spoilers... Since this takes place in 2020 and in past seasons we've seen [Roswell] directly address the past presidency and stuff like that -- what social themes can we expect in Season 3?
Jeanine Mason: A big part of our show always is LGBTQ+ social issues, and we had trans woman in Season 2. Is that Season 2?
Jeanine Mason: What I love about our show is it's in everything. Sometimes it's something where someone's just existing. By nature of that not being the reality as often as it should be on television, it is a protest. And then sometimes we're more explicit, and we find other things to nail some messaging with, and then other things we present questions and present both sides. That's the best kind of TV. I think we do a great job of that, especially with our LGBTQ+ characters. I love Alex the most, so I was thrilled to see what Alex is navigating, particularly in his journey as a war veteran.
I think this year for Liz it relates to work, which I thought was super fun. She's working for a giant corporation, and she is brilliant, and her contributions to this corporation are significant. She is doing them on the promise that this corporation's morality lines up with her own, and that all of her contributions and brilliance will then be brought directly to her community and affect positive change in her community. Oftentimes, we are finding that people of color, marginalized people who're thriving at their jobs, in journalism, and in everything, that when they get to a point where they're like, I'm getting to actually speak with a real platform or develop a drug that is going to save lives, but I don't work for a company that cares to do that first, that cares to put what they report to be a priority actually as their number one priority.
It's devastating because then you get people having to make the decision and not have all the resources they could benefit from with these big corporations, and that's absolutely something that Liz is navigating off the top of the season for sure, and Genoryx does become a big presence in Season 3. I thought it was a brilliant way to, first of all, honor her Latina, but also honor that she's a scientist, and especially after a pandemic, where we got to honor that she's a scientist, and what's something that a Latina scientist actually faces in her workplace, and this is maybe not the first thing people would guess, but we found it's very pressing.
Speaking about Liz and her role as a Latina scientist, there was one line that really stood out to me in Season 2, which was, "This isn't what the world teaches girls like me to dream." I wanted to know, for you, what makes Liz such an important character, and what's it like playing such a badass protagonist?
Jeanine Mason: I love it! Thank you! I think, to be honest, the amazing thing about Liz is that this book series that this is all based on, Roswell High, her name is Liz Ortecho; she's Latina. Not long ago, the original [television] series aired, and the decision was made to make that character white, and listen, Shiri Appleby, I'm her biggest fan. It is not a reflection on the actors at all. It's just a reflection on what we prioritize in our culture as the things we were going to consume, and we can love that series, and we can acknowledge the brilliant work that so many people... like a cult following my god! Brilliant! But we could also go, "That wasn't that long ago." And now you're getting to do this show, and we're going to honor what was originally the intention with this character.
Sometimes I forget because we're all making such a conscious effort to talk about our representation and do better, but the problem with that is it becomes commonplace for some people, and then I have moments where I have to remember it's been such a short amount of time. I've been acting now for 10 years, as a professional, and when I think about what my pilot seasons looked like, those first five years, and the kind of roles I was going up for, I never, ever would have thought this job would be coming when it's coming. The jump was fast, but the awareness was fast.
But that doesn't mean that as much as we are trying to normalize it, absolutely stoked to celebrate it, because it's huge milestones. So I'm trying to really be bold in what I advocate for, being included in this woman's journey on this show, and being honored and respected and fully fleshed out. So the next time it happens, it's like, "Oh, right! We have heard Jeanine talk about how her room should be a reflection of a young, Mexican woman, so it's not weird that we're setting aside extra funds to get the real products from Cuba for this Cuban character to have in her room." Whatever it is, little things like that.
What are you most excited for audiences to see in Season 3?
Jeanine Mason: Oh, man! I think it's like a real dynamic season. I think the beauty of a Season 3 is you're getting to get away with murder because season threes don't get handed out all that often anymore. We really took it as an opportunity to totally escalate their growth. All of the characters. To go, "Okay, let's confront some stuff that's been holding us back, that they themselves have not even been aware of." So it's a real big metaphor for marrying themselves.
The Jones and Max (Nathan Parsons) of it all is an actual sci-fi literal metaphor that all of the characters are going through, of them shedding what they have not acknowledged that's not servicing them for a long time. The characters end in a very different place and in a place that allows them to expand into stuff for some characters like Kyle (Michael Trevino) for example is more playful and romantic by the end of the season, which I loved for him.
And the other thing is, partially as a result of the COVID protocol, we just went full out with the alien explosions and gags and tricks and effects and stunts. Our stunt team, god bless them, they were just on overtime. The last episode of the season's insane. I think a majority of the cast had body doubles there, and even with the most incredible, competent stunt doubles, I still manage every year for the finale to have my knees all cut up. I just can't help but be, "Let me do a couple of takes." And I am no hero. Leave it to the professionals. Let them do their thing. But we really upped the ante on all that stuff this year, so it's really dynamic. You're gonna love that.
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Wherever the Winds Take You: Chapter 13
A/N: Okay, not gonna lie, didn’t really edit this one much. It’s super duper short, sticks pretty close to the episode, and it’s just been a week. So I apologize for any spelling errors or awkward phrasing. But otherwise, I hope you all like it! Thank you so much for your continued support of my shameless guilty pleasure.
Santa Prisca July 22 21:10
The tunnel remained dark and cold for a few minutes, the only sounds being the ragged breaths of six young heroes and the shuffle of feet against stone. All members collectively could hear their own heartbeat in their ears, and felt the adrenaline pumping through their veins.
Finally, a loud crack broke the silence and an eerie red glow emitted from the glowstick that Aqualad held and promptly tossed to the ground. Every member of the team stood there; Kid Flash and Zephyr showing the most wear, as the non-humans held good composure and Robin stood silently, staring at the barricade of rock and debris that separated the team from the way they came.
After a moment, however, Robin finally broke the silence.
“How could my first mission as leader go so wrong?”
“You do have the most experience, but perhaps that is exactly what has left you unprepared.” Aqualad spoke. “Fighting alongside Batman, your roles are defined. You two do not need to talk. But this team is new, and a leader must be clear, explicit. He cannot vanish and expect others to play parts in an unknown plan.”
Robin whirled around, snarled and poison-tongued. “Oh, so I’m supposed to hold everyone’s hands?!” The boy let out a growl of frustration and glared down at the ground. But then, after a moment, the tension in his shoulders released and his form slumped slightly. “Oh, who am I kidding? You should lead us, Kaldur. You’re the only one who can.”
“Please! I can run circles-” Kid Flash’s outburst was cut off by Robin’s now much calmer tone. “Wally, come on. You know he’s the one.” The young boy’s eyes lifted to meet his elder’s. “We all do.”
“Hello, Megan! It’s so obvious!” M’gann chirped.
“Could’a told you.” Superboy shrugged.
Kaldur’s eyes met Lina’s knowing gaze. “You know you have my vote.”
Everyone turned to Wally, who stood awkwardly for a moment before sighing in resignation. “Okay!”
“Then I accept the burden,” Kaldur nodded, stepping towards Robin and placing a hand on the younger boy’s shoulder, “until you are ready to lift it from my shoulders. You were born to lead this team, maybe not now, but soon.” Robin nodded, his normal smile returning to his face.
Kaldur turned back to speak to the team as a whole. “Alright, our first priority is preventing that shipment from leaving this island.”
“Funny,” Robin smirked, “I had the same thought.”
As the group began to dash down the tunnel’s length, they began to compare notes.
“Robin and I discovered data about the new shipments on a computer in the warehouse.” Kid Flash spoke up. “It looks like Kobra has combined Venom and the Blockbuster formula from Cadmus, making Venom three times as strong and permanent.”  
“So obviously Kobra attacked Bane’s Satna Prisca to have an unlimited supply of the Venom formula, making it able to create the new superformula.” Robin explained. “Which explains how normal supply chains have been cut off if--it’s for a whole new product. But it doesn’t explain how Kobra got his hands on Dr. Desmond’s formula.”
“We discovered that the supplier arriving today was the villain, Sportsmaster.” Aqualad nodded.
Robin pulled up his holo-computer. “Okay, so that must mean Sportsmaster is the supplier and buyer...but it still doesn’t track. He’s a gun for hire, he doesn’t have the power to acquire the blockbuster formula or to get Kobra to do his dirty work.”
“And neither of them have the chops to bond blockbuster with venom. That took some major nerdage.” Kid Flash chimed in.
“I believe the expression is…” As the team arrived at the mouth of the entrance, they were met with the sight of Bane standing there, finishing pumping himself with his normal venom serum which connected from a tube from his arm to the base of his skull, and seemed to enhance his muscle to an inhuman amount. With a sigh of relief, the masked villain dropped the vial formerly containing venom and gazed down at the team of young heroes with a crazed look in his eyes. “‘tip of the iceberg’.”
“Halt, ninos.” Bane growled and revealed a handheld trigger in his grasp. “I’m feeling...explosive.” Simultaneous beeping alerted the team to gaze up, revealing a large number of charged explosives around the mouth of the tunnel.
“You betrayed us, why?” Aqualad spoke, in a tone that-to anyone that knew him-sounded very fake. Bane, however, didn’t seem to notice the falseness. While Bane was distracted, the Atlantean reached out via the telepathic link. “Kid, you’ll need a running start.”
“I want my factory back!” Bane began to monologue. “So I forced you into a situation where you would either take down my enemies for me, or die trying. If the latter, the Justice League would certainly have come to avenge their sidekicks. And when the smoke cleared, Santa Prisca would be mine once more...blowing the tunnel with you inside, should have the same effects.”
Caught in his own monologue, Bane didn’t see the dark blue that flew by him.
“With what?” Kid Flash suddenly asked, now suddenly behind the hulking man and holding the hand-held trigger that had just been in Bane’s grasp. “This trigger thingy?”
Bane let out a loud growl and pulled back to land a strong punch to the speedster, but promptly found himself being lifted off his feet by an invisible force. Being slowly turned around, Bane saw a smiling Miss Martain standing under him, lifting him telekinetically with a raised hand.
“Finally,” Superboy smirked as he stepped forward, and cracked his knuckles. “Drop him.”
Santa Prisca July 22 21:31
Back outside the warehouse, at its helipad, we watched patiently until Sportsmaster and Kobra bid goodbye to one another. Sportsmaster was a tall, hulking man that was essentially all muscle, who wore a signature goalie mask over his face, but otherwise had no notable physical traits. Kobra, on the other hand, has an almost just as tall figure with an equally as strong build, although his muscles were not nearly as hulking as his compatriots’ and hid his figure under a dark crimson cloak. His pale skin was almost anemic and seemed to glow under the light of the moon, but somehow didn’t make him look sickly. Overall, the aura around him made Zephyr’s spine tingle uncomfortably.
“This Kobra man…” Zephyr whispered from her spot in the shadows next to Robin, Kid Flash, and Aqualad. “I do not like his vibe.”
Robin snickered quietly. “Have you liked any villains’ ‘vibe’ before?”
The young girl thought for a moment. “Poison Ivy.” She whispered, thinking deeply. “She is, uh, qu'est-ce que...fine as hell, tres tres bonne. Robin, why are most of your famous villains so good-looking, hm? Seems very unfair.”
This made both Robin and Kid Flash snort with laughter to the point where they had to muffle themselves.
“Do you want to trade cities Zeph’?” Robin asked, eyebrows cocked in amusement.
The young women paled, recalling the patrol she and Aqualad had done the other night. “Fair enough! No thank you!”
This made Robin chuckle a little more.
Sportsmaster began to make his way towards the helicopter, causing Aqualad to give Kid Flash his signal, and the young ginger ran off at lightning speed, knocking down cultists and pulling gunfire in his wake.
“Protect the shipment!” A cult member exclaimed. Just in time for Superboy to jump and land in front of Mammoth, who stood next to Kobra.
“Go again?” The clone yelled at the hulking beast, causing it to roar and attack. However, it was promptly forced off-course by a sudden continuous force of water, controlled by Aqualad, sending him right into nearby trees. “Sorry, not the plan.”
As Mammoth roared fiercely and began to fight back against being sprayed, Zephyr flew over him, moving her arms and collecting as many of the coldest Winds she could find. The girl reached high up into the atmosphere to find the ones to complete her task and sent them crashing down onto the blast of water and onto Mammoth, freezing the water around him until slowly but eventually, he was encased in thick, frigid, ice.
At being controlled so forcefully, the Winds carrying Zephyr faltered and the girl landed on the ground in a crouching stance. “I am going to be honest with you,” She called to her new team leader as she dodged a cultist’s fire. “I did not know if that would work!” She managed to grab hold of the cultist’s gun and bashed him in the head with it, before chucking it at another cultist’s head, successfully rendering both unconscious.
“Be thankful it did then!” Aqualad yelled back as he fought his own share of cultists.
Not a moment later, the helicopter filled with products began to take off with Sportsmaster inside. Zephyr turned and prepared her Winds to go after it, just in case, but was relieved when it exploded into flames mid-air, causing it to plummet down towards the factory. Off in the distance, the figure of Sportsmaster leaping out and deploying a parachute could be seen.
As the burning helicopter dropped into the factory, it only took a moment before a deep, rumbling ‘boom’ seemed to shake the island as a whole, and flames erected from the giant metal structures. As the fire began to swallow up the entirety of the warehouses, the cultists-those who remained conscious enough to stand-began to flee from the helipad and into the forest, causing the team to turn its attention to Kobra, who stood (no longer wearing his cloak) over Robin, with a single foot pinning the boy to the ground. The cult leader seemed to scan the six teenagers carefully as if weighing his chances of success, but ultimately began to move away, removing his foot from Robin’s chest and slinking away into the shadows of the trees with a low, grumbling “another time then…”
Robin stood, and immediately darted into where Kobra had disappeared, but alas, he was gone without a trace. Slowly walking back to his team, Robin gazed up at the sizzling remains of the factory and watched the flames like at the metal for a moment, before looking back down at his comrades.
“We picked the right guy to lead.” Robin nodded with a smile at Aqualad. “...automatically making you the right guy to explain this mess to Batman!” Robin walked away, laughing, and Kaldur’s face seemed to immediately drain of any blood as fear entered his eyes.
“Don’t worry Aqualad.” M’gann piped up, floating close to her leader. “We won’t let Batman chew you out too much! Besides, I was technically the one who made the helicopter explode.”
“Yeah, don’t sweat it too much.” Wally smiled. “We’re a team now, which means we’re all gonna be killed by Bats equally!” This earned him looks from all the remaining members.
“Your bedside manner definitely could use some improvements, my friend.” Lina shook her head, but she quickly offered a supportive smile to her best friend-now leader.
Mount Justice July 23 10:01
“A simple recon mission! Observe and report!” Batman growled loudly, his tone so uniquely terrifying that it could possibly strike fear into every living creature on the planet. Or at least that’s what it felt like. “You will each receive a written evaluation detailing your many mistakes. But until then…”
The main open room of the cave seemed to ring with anticipated breath as the co-leader of the Justice League paused.
“Good job.”
This shocked every member of the team with surprise, causing them to all whirl their heads to look at Batman with bewildered looks.
“No battle plan survives first contact with the enemy. How you adjust to the unforeseen is what determines success. And how you choose who leads determines character.” Batman turned and began walking away. “You’re all dismissed.”
“Did…” Wally spoke, a small smile itching at his lips. “Did we just get verbally patted on the back by the Batman? For blowing up a factory?”
“I...I think we did!” Robin chuckled, running a stunned hand through his spiky black hair.
“We just finished our first actual mission together, right?” M’gann perked up. “I believe that’s cause for celebration! What do you guys think?” All the members of the team looked to one another, and then looked to Kaldur.
“Well...leader gives the orders.” Robin smirked.
Kaldur smiled and nodded. “Celebration is well-deserved, I think.”
The team all cheered, or in Superboy’s case silently smiled, and began making their way towards the exit to the cave.
“I’m thinking...pizza, Chinese food, snacks and a movie marathon...with possibly dessert provided by the lovely M’gann?” Wally asked, shooting finger guns at the martian herself.
“You...want me to make dessert? After my batch of cookies went so wrong?” M’gann asked, seemingly delighted and flattered.
“I will give you some help in the kitchen M’gann, don’t worry,” Lina said, locking her arm with the younger girl’s. “We’re going to need two sets of hands in the kitchen if we need to feed Kid Mouth and everyone else anyway.”
“Oh, this is going to be sweet!!” Wally exclaimed.
As the gang began to loudly plan their big party, Lina leaned away from the conversation slightly, pulling her phone out of the pocket of her jean jacket. Unlocking the device, she quickly found her and Roy’s texting conversation. Smiling to herself, she quickly types out her message.
Call me when you get home from patrol tonight! You’re going to want to hear about our first mission! Guess who our new leader is…. :D -L
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libertyreads · 3 years
Best and Worst Books of 2020
This has been a mess of a year for everyone, but I actually managed to get a lot of books read. I decided to repeat this post from last year because I enjoyed going back through all the things I read and remembering how I felt about them.
I’ll try to avoid any repeats, but I’m sure it’ll happen at some point. If you want more info about my feelings on these books, check out my ratings and reviews on GoodReads.
Best Sci-Fi: This one was such an easy pick for me. All Systems Red by Martha Wells. This whole series just knocks it out of the park. The Murderbot Diaries is a series about a Security Bot who hacks their governor module so they can just watch their shows all day. Too bad the humans they’re assigned to protect are getting into trouble left and right. Worst Sci-Fi: Starstruck by Brenda Hiatt. I remember this being a free e-book that I picked up this year. I explained it to my husband as a sci-fi version of Twilight. You get a small town nerdy girl with few friends who suddenly becomes important when this alien boy pays attention to her. It was definitely a book of its time. Best Fantasy: A Fantasy that I really enjoyed this year was Fable by Adrienne Young. It is about a girl whose pirate father leaves her stranded on a deserted island after her mother dies. If she can survive, she can find her way back to him and receive her inheritance. It goes in depth about family and friendship. Plus found families. Am I right? Worst Fantasy: The Magicians by Lev Grossman. Oh boy. How do I get into it with this one without regurgitating my review? I had a problem with the author taking all of the best known magical stories of all time and twisting them throughout this dense book in order to point out that magic is a problem to be dealt with and not all unicorns and rainbows--just to rip that point out of the reader’s hands in the last four pages of the novel. Please read my review I go so in depth there. Best Contemporary: Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson. I think this was mostly just that I read this book at the right time. This book is about a family who is going through a hard time when the father is diagnosed with terminal cancer. They decide to spend one final summer at their cabin on the lake before he passes. I distinctly remember crying my eyes out at the end of this one and it hitting me so hard. Worst Contemporary: Girls in the Moon by Janet McNally. This was a Book of the Month pick for me at a time when they had less variety in their options. I felt like I couldn’t keep pushing back my picks every month. It’s a story about this rock band family who divorced in the late 90s and the fall out for their two children while one moves to New York to pursue a music career. A lot of fluff and almost no substance. Best Mystery: This is the year I realized that I like YA Mystery novels and not a lot else in the mystery genre. I had a three way tie for best Mystery and they call came from the YA Age Range. The Hand on the Wall by Maureen Johnson, In the Hall with the Knife by Diana Peterfreund, and The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes. These were all done so well and all taking the things I love about mysteries and twisting them. Worst Mystery: In a Dark, Dark Wood by Ruth Ware. I had heard so many amazing things about this book, but it fell so flat for me. I hate unreliable narrators. Why are they necessary in this genre? I feel like if you need an unreliable narrator to write a good mystery then you’re a bad mystery author. Best YA: Traitor to the Throne by Alwyn Hamilton. This is book 2 in the Rebel of the Sands series. It’s a desert Fantasy that is written so well. The world building is fantastic. We have a rebellion, magic, and some amazing characters. In book two we see Amani thrust into court politics. I marathoned this whole series in a couple of weeks and loved the adventure. Worst YA: The worst YA book I read this year was Wink Poppy Midnight by April Genevieve Tucholke. I felt like the story went no where and the writing was overly flowery. I’m sure it does good things for some people but it’s the polar opposite of what I love in books. Best Adult: For this one we have a two way tie. The first book is House of Earth and Blood (Crescent City #1) by Sarah J. Maas. Is this the next great American novel? Of course not. But I had an amazing time reading this book. I felt so many feelings and the world building was fantastic. The second book is In A Holidaze by Christina Lauren. I read an ARC of this for my Christmas in July and enjoyed it so much I had to read it again right before Christmas. It was perfect for getting in the Christmas spirit.  Worst Adult: This category is also a two way tie. I read The Broken Girls by Simone St. James and thoroughly disliked the mystery aspect of the story. I felt like it was left too open ended and it completely put me off. The second is a book of poetry called Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur. It felt like a lot of these poems were incomplete thoughts. Maybe it’s how open it is too interpretation again, but I really did not like this at all. Best New Release: This feels like the hardest category to pick from. If we’re going based on ratings, Check, Please! Volume #2: Sticks and Scones is the highest rated new release that I read this year. But I also have a couple of YA Mystery novels that I read this year that I loved and that stuck with me throughout the year. The first is The Hand on the Wall by Maureen Johnson which is the third book in the Truly Devious series and finishes out that mystery arc. The second is The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes which I have been raving about since I read it this fall. The Inheritances games is the first book in a new series that is like a combination of Knives Out and Clue plus puzzles minus a few murders. It’s just so good. So, a top three for this category I guess. Worst New Release: The Bookweaver’s Daughter by Malavika Kannan. This one was easy to pick hands down. I felt like this book brushed over some major events that happened. As well, there’s a major lack of world building in this novel. I think with some polishing it could have made for a good middle grade novel but was sold as a YA novel. Best Backlist: The City of Brass by S.A. Chakraborty. I’m normally not huge into Adult Fantasy, but I feel like the author does a good job of making the world accessible to the reader even though it’s vast with a lot of political machinations. Probably one of the best series I read start to finish this year. Worst Backlist: The Cruelty by Scott Bergstrom. I was going to put in Wink Poppy Midnight here again, but technically I gave The Cruelty the same rating and I wanted to avoid repeats. For this one, I gave a LENGTHY review about my problems with the book. I wanted to like it, but the author’s internalized ableism and misogyny really ruined the party here. Best 2021 ARC: This was a two way tie between “You Have a Match” by Emma Lord and “Shipped” by Angie Hockman. I had no idea I enjoyed these equally because they’re such different books. Both are contemporaries but “You Have A Match” is YA Contemporary about families and secrets while “Shipped” is an Adult Contemporary about a hate to love romance and work/life balance. Worst 2021 ARC: “The Castle School (for Troubled Girls)” by Alyssa B. Sheinmel. This one is more of a problem about what the publishers sold the book as. Because the book summary wasn’t correct when it came to the whole point of the book. So I went in with completely incorrect expectations. I think because of the plot twist I would have still rated it lower than the other 2021 ARCs I read, but it would have been a closer contest. Best Standalone: I Hope You’re Listening by Tom Ryan. This is a YA Mystery that came out this Fall that I really enjoyed. It’s about a girl who is present when her friend gets taken from the woods. Years later she still has trouble dealing with being the child left behind so she starts a podcast to help people solve missing persons cases. It also had a surprise cult element that I wasn’t expecting and really enjoyed. Worst Standalone: Meet Me at Fir Tree Lodge by Rachel Dove. This one is a bit blurred in my brain. I think that really speaks to how I feel about this one. It is about a girl whose life falls apart after a skiing accident and how she tries to put it back together. But it involves a romance with an Alpha Male character which everyone hates at this point. I wanted it to be sweeter and softer and more heart wrenching than it was. Best Book in a Series: All Systems Red by Martha Wells. I scoured my spreadsheets to try to find a book I hadn’t already gushed over, but there’s a reason this one is in the top of so many categories. I love Murderbot and following all of their misadventures. The Murderbot Diaries is a series about a Security Bot who has hijacked their Governor Module and just wants to watch their serials all day. But those pesky human’s they’re hired to protect keep getting themselves in trouble. Worst Book in a Series: I found the book in a series that I gave the worst rating to and I had to go over my review to try to remember what it’s even about. I read Legacy of Ash by Matthew Ward which is the first book in the Legacy Trilogy. And I still don’t remember much about it. I remember it being dense and hard to read without getting a lot out of the book in reward for my effort. It was a hard slog and clearly not great if I can’t remember what it’s about less than 9 months after I read it.
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moderate-brainrot · 3 years
legion lore is bullshit 😐
But first; some disclaimers
First of all, I literally love the entirety of legion so this is not even remotely hate, in fact it’s genuine care. They deserve so much better that it hurts my brain, and I’m going to complain about the lore until they fix it (which they never will so don’t bother waiting for me to stop).
Secondly, I’m a shitty interpreter. Although the story of DBD is left ambiguous and vague on purpose, there are still some set things that are supposed to be in place. I tend to take a humanistic approach, the same way I did with Lisa and Rin’s backstories, so this could sound like I’m sympathizing, or excusing. That’s not really my intention but also I’m probably biased, I make an effort not to be but! We all make mistakes. Small story details and choices of words tend to mean very little when I’m looking at the lore, so precedents that someone else may have identified might not even be considered important to me. I’m trying to piece together a coherent and interesting conclusion.
I also wanted to note that I will not consider “the legion is out of place!!!! they clash with the entire cast!!!!!” in this whole rant because? it’s stupid as FUCK, nobody complains about ghostface being in the game, and they (unfortunately) are very similar in terms of age group (Danny is implied to be pretty young, not as young Frank though). I think legion fits in alongside the other killers just fine. It really wouldn’t make sense if you only had traditional representations of “evils” anyway. These evils are supposed to come from every corner of the world, it would only make sense if one of the evils happened to be a band of delinquents.
Okay, here we go.
I think the legion is a good idea. A nice concept. I think their powers and perks were thought out and nicely intertwine with their personalities/characters.
the lore for them is so shoddily put together that all you really have to piece together an actual character is their appearance. That only really works to some degree. I feel like the players know who the legion are. You can feel what they stand for just by looking at them. They are cynical, unforgiving, and callous just like normal teenagers would be. Except these teenagers are deeply disturbed so they solve their problems with murder.
You get NONE of this from the lore. It’s an observation. That’s not exactly the best thing. Your killer shouldn’t have to be explained, but when the lore is left with so many loose ends, you’re asking a lot from the player. There is very little to go off of.
The lore, essentially, is this:
Frequently moved around foster kid, Frank, is looking for an escape from his newest family since the new town is so unbearably boring. He tries to get out by finding another adoptive family but he meets Julie, who is also looking for a way out of the bland town. Frank goes to the parties Julie hosts and meets Joey and Susie (who were SUCH afterthoughts that they don’t even have fucking last names). They start hanging out in this abandoned place, and for whatever reason, Frank suddenly wants to do crime and have his new crew trained into soemthing.... “”powerful””???? They become neighborhood bullies and do delinquent shit.💡 Joey gets fired from his job and Frank says that they should all go vandalize the shit out of it.💡 They go to vandalize it but some janitor guy happens to be there and he grabs Julie, she cries out for help and Frank stabs the janitor in the back because of his.:.. “”dark impulses””...ok.💡 Then Frank says “okay now you guys have to kill him” and Joey stabs the guy in the ribs, Susie however refuses and Julie does it for her until Susie actually has to stab him but Frank moves her hands for her.💡They go to mount ormond (hey) to dispose of the body💡 and They’re digging the janitor’s grave when Frank sees some weird shit in the woods and goes to it and then doesn’t come back.💡 The rest of the legion follow his footprints before they even bury the body which leads to thick fog™️ and now they are killers in the realm.
The lightbulbs are for notes I made while reading the tomes.
💡(1). The legion start off by doing the most juvenile shit. Graffiti, yelling at neighborhood children, and stealing. They don’t sound like deeply evil entities, they sound like pathetic teenage swine, bullies. They’re supposed to be oppressive and unforgiving, but they are too passive to be taken seriously. They should have made it so they were never really killing people but just stabbing people, lots of them. That’s a lot more violent/evil than petty crimes.
💡(2). Frank’s first thought when Joey gets fired is to dare Joey to GRAFFITI HIS FORMER PLACE OF WORK???? NOT KILL HIS BOSS? NOT BURN THE SHOP DOWN? JUST SPRAY PAINT??? You would think that his mind, apparently attractive enough to the entity, would go to darker places than vandalism.
💡(3). Only Frank had these “”dark impulses™️””, so Why are there even four legions instead of just fucking one. He literally had to guilt everyone else to stab the man. He is completely alone in experiencing this impulse.
💡(4). What happened to “It came to a point where they would do anything he asked. Nothing was off-limits when they put their masks on.” ?? Susie downright refused to stab the man the first time she was handed the knife. It was only when Frank guided her hands that she “did it” (which she didn’t because it was Frank controlling the blade). Sure, Frank is manipulative, but the lore can’t decide if he’s good at it or not. The legion seems less like a group and more like a cult with Frank at the forefront. It’s very contradictory.
💡(5). The legion are chaos fiends. That’s their whole thing. Burying the body creates zero chaos or worry anywhere. The dude was a janitor, if you bury him there’s a good chance that nobody will notice which defeats the entire point.
💡(6). Frank goes in first. I really think that’s where it should’ve ended. I think it would make him more evil. He would’ve abandoned his ragtag “troops” to selfishly escape the possible consequences of murder after he made them reliant on him. But since they follow after him, it seems more like they found him rather than he abandoned them.
I think the legion is seen as a group of muderous juveniles who were so bored of their town that they decided to cause as much chaos as possible to make it less unbearable. That’s pretty evil. Way more evil than killing one dude impulsively and bullying kids less than half their ages. It would make sense with their power, why it’s not so focused on killing, but on the bigger picture, spreading fear and pain across a wide scale. This also ties in with their mori. It’s very quick, boring, and underwhelming. This could be because the legion don’t care for killing people that much, they want action, drama, and chaos. Depending on the strategy, you leave the survivors with deep wounds that take time and effort to patch up, when they can do easily be slashed down again, it’s pretty despairing, empty of hope. It’s also a little charming I think it adds to their overall immaturity, moving on looking for more survivors to hit rather than viciously hound your prey and finish them off.
The legion’s power makes no sense when it’s not on Frank. In the lore, Frank is the only one who showed any remote desire to kill, but even then it was presented as an impulse, a reflex even. So Why in the fresh HELL would Susie have this power? She didn’t want to kill anybody . Julie and Joey as well. Julie probably only felt guilty and indebted to Frank for saving her, and Joey was literally presented as the guy who likes to show off. Of course he’s not going to be openly reluctant, it would shatter his persona. I really think they got too carried away with the ritualistics surrounding the murder that they forgot character values are a thing. Sure the fact that they all stabbed him is symbolic but their reactions do not match up with the mechanics. They could’ve done so much more with the characters and mechanics if EVERY LEGION HAD THESE “”DARK IMPULSES™️””
They’re given to us in-game as delinquents. So I think they should ALL be punkish dammit!!!!
That’s the end of my rant;
for now.
will probably elaborate some more later but I haven’t slept yet and it’s time for school so ..
囧rz.. anyways
legion love club:
idc if frank is a manipulator he can come manipulate this dick
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merci-bitch · 4 years
Rose The Hat x Fem!Reader
Warning (s): smut, angst, fluff
Words: 2,4K 
A/N: This was actually very emotional to write, in the beginning at least. I wrote this for a very good friend @shart-xing. Hope you like it Kat! Despite it being some what semi emotional to write it was actually quite fun. It really was. I took time to explore what I was comfortable with in the process of writing it all. I’m not an expert in writing smut so sorry if it wasn’t completely full on. 
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“And I want her...I want her” Rose said as she looked up at Crow Daddy. He slowly reached out for her hand before she slapped it away. “I fucking want her” Rose’s face expression was deeply serious. She’s never felt like this before. She’s never wanted anyone like she wanted her.
I was walking down the street after a day of school. Despite being 23 that didn’t stop me from studying. I didn’t just wanna be some lazy kid that just sat at home and complained about everything. I wanted to become something, not caring if I would make it into anything. I had promised my grandmother before she died I would make something up with music. That’s promise has been with me ever since. 10 years is a long time. I wanted to build my life off of music. Not caring if I became famous or not, just wanted to share the gift I had. The pleasure I found in making music. I didn’t wanna make music for eyes, nor rather for ears. I couldn’t care less about what people would think about me. Sure we all have had our ups and downs but in the end? I’m sure we all get what we want at some point, we just have to work hard for it. As my mother always said, if you wanna enjoy the pleasure, you better do something to earn it.
I had made a few songs. One in particular had gotten recognized. It was called ‘Life’. It was about how our every day is, how we all actually feel deep down inside. How we all are too scared to ask for help. But despite all this, I’ve never felt more alone in the world. Ever since I was a child I had always been told I was special, different then the others. That I didn’t only have the gift in singing but the gift of them shining’. I could read people’s thoughts, make people do stuff by just thinking about it. I’ve been called many names. Some like freak, monster. I’ve never really understood why I had been born this way. All I really wanted was a normal life, without any of this. But I guess we all can’t have a normal life, right?
I sat on a park bench as the sunset was beginning to form. The air slightly cold, not enough to freeze though. It was nice. A nice day in the end of July. A few weeks after my birthday. I hadn’t really celebrated it. It wasn’t really a day that meant anything to me anymore. When I turned 15 my parents abounded me and my big brother. I woke up one day and they were gone. No note, no phone call. No nothing. After it all I began to shut people out. I started balling myself for my parents disappearance. I felt as if it was my fault they left. Me and my brother still have contact despite not seeing him in person for 5 years. Since I lived in New York and he lived in London with his girlfriend it wasn’t really easy to just jump on a plane and meet up. I did miss him. I texted him good morning and goodnight everyday and told him if anything would happen. Like when my song ‘Life’ blew up. He would always say he was proud of me, that mom and that would have been proud too. As much as our grandmother would. We agreed on that the first star that would shine up in the sky was her. That she was watching over us, protecting us from any harm.
“Isn’t it to late for a young stud like you to be out here?” I heard a voice behind me say. I turned around and saw a mystical looking woman starring back at me. She was wearing what looked like a magicians hat. Her eyes looked like they were hiding so much. Like she knew everything that was happening in the world. Her facial reconstructions softened as she saw my tears stained cheeks. She walked around the bench and sat down next to me. “Dry those pretty eyes of you my love” She reaches out for me but I managed to pull away. Feeling awfully uncomfortable around this woman. I felt as if she was reading my every thought. As she knew my whole story by just looking at me.
I stood up and turned to walk away when I felt a grip on my arm. “What a rude way to greet someone. Haven’t mommy and daddy told you to be nice to everyone you meet?” I felt myself tense up. “Oh that’s right. Mommy and daddy left” Her lips forming a wicked smile as she tilted her head to the side. I pulled my arm to myself and took a few steps away from her. “I-you know nothing about me. Stay away from me please” I turned around and started to walk away. Feeling her eyes on me.
(What’s wrong my sweet. Scared of old Rosie?)
I felt myself tense up once again. Her laugh echoed inside my head as I felt her presence next to me once more. “That’s right baby. I’m just like you.” I felt a light sting on the inside of my neck before everything went black.
I woke up by hearing two people talking behind me. I was lying rather comfortably on what I think was a bed while lying on my side. My head against the wall as my back was against the people who were talking.
“We’ve been over this Rosie. Just because you see someone you like doesn’t mean you can just take them with you everywhere you go!” I heard a manly voice say. “I told you she’s different. She’s steamy, and she’s mine.” That female voice I recognized. The woman at the park. “I fucking want her and now she’s here. Lying right over there. If you ever touch her I swear to god, I will kill you with my bare hands and feed you to the others Crow” Feed you to the others?! What was this? Some kind of cannibalistic cult?! I need to get the fuck out of here, that’s for sure. And why did she keep saying I was hers? I was my own property thank you very much. I heard a door open and close. I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep as I heard footsteps coming closer towards me. I soon felt someone lie behind me. That person was placing light kisses on the inside of my neck. “Can’t wait you show you so many things my love. Can’t wait to make you mine.” She turned me around as she grabbed my jaw and placed a kiss on my lips before getting off the bed. I heard the door open and close again. I opened my eyes as touched my lips with my fingers. Wondering what the hell I had gotten myself into.
I had been quite some time since this woman had been here. I guessed her name was Rosie since that’s what I’ve heard. Apparently she was living in an RV? A rather big one, and a very homey one to. It looked so much like the pictures you would see on Pinterest or FaceBook. Hell, there was even a bathtub. As I looked at the selections of books lying on the small table next to the bed I heard the door open and close once more. I was meet with that very woman. Her lips forming a big smile. “Well, hi there sleepyhead. Had a good nap?” She moved towards me and stood behind me. Running her hands up my arms, squeezing my shoulders lightly.
“Where-who are you?!” I turned around to face her. She took a piece of my hair and placed it behind my ear. “I would have figured you would have known that by now. I’m Rose, Rose The Hat as my friends call me. You much be Y/N.” I didn’t say anything but just nodded my head. “I did give you a chance though. I tried as much as I could not to go inside that pretty little head of yours” My eyes went wide as she spoke. She let out a chuckle as she took ahold of my hand and lead me towards the bed. Patting the space next to me.
“Where am I actually.” I asked as I sat down. “You’re home, my sweet” I let out a snort. Apparently surprising her. “I don’t even know who you are and you’re calling this my home?” I stood up again as I threw my hands in the air. “Don’t you wanna know what happened to your mommy and daddy?” She asked incidently. I turned around to face her and looked her dead in the eye. The silence making her grin that was planted on her face grow. Did she have anything to do with my parents disappearance? “Oh yes. Of course I did.” She answered as if it were nothing. My first thought was, she killed them. I knew she was reading my mind as she let out various of laughs. I couldn’t help myself but launch at her and grab her throat to choke her while straggling her. I felt my vision being blurred by the tears forming.
“How-how could you! You killed my parents! I-I was 15!” She grabbed my hands that were wrapped around her throat and pulled them away from her. She then embraced me in a tight hug as she started to rock me back and forth. “I didn’t kill your parents. Yes they were steamy despite their age and we were gonna eat them-“ “oh real cute Rose. Real cute” She shushed me up. “But then I saw you. So young and so vulnerable. So much pain and fear after your parents. It hurt me to be honest. I didn’t kill your parents, however I watched as they drow off a cliff” I felt my world shatter. My parents would never do that, they would never just leave me and my brother without a reason. I started fighting against Rose’s grip around me. Started hitting her. Trying to get away, but nothing worked. She was too strong.
After what seemed like ages I finally calmed down. Feeling slightly comfortable in the strangers arms. “Really? You’re gonna call me a stranger?” Rose said as we broke apart, me still sitting on her lap. “Could you stop reading my fucking mind for a moment please?!” I dried my eyes in the sleeves on my shirt. “Only because you said please.” I mouthed thank you. She handed me some tissue to dry my nose. After I was done I threw out the tissue I had used and found Rose looking at me. “What” “You’re extremely cute” Despite not wanting to, I felt my cheeks grow hot. I hit my face in my hands as I rested my head against her shoulder. “Oh no sweetie. Let me see that pretty face of yours” She took ahold of my wrists and made me look up at her again. She rested her forehead against mine. “You’re safe with me Y/N. I’ll never leave you. I promise” Despite only know this woman for maybe 4 hours? I felt safe, not rather said, loved. I raised my pinky finger. “Pinky promise” She smiled as she nodded and raised her pinky finger as well. “Pinky promise.”
Just as I pasted the doorway into Rose’s RV I was slammed up against the wall. My arms being held up above my head. “What the actual fuck Rose?!” She shut me up with a kiss. The kiss wasn’t just full of love but full of pure lust. Her knee moving in between my thighs, pressing up against my core. She started trailing her kisses down my jaw, down my neck. Letting her hands move down and stopping at my chest. I forced back a moan in the back of my throat. Wasn’t gonna let her have all the joy that easily. I used all the strength and flipped us over, slamming Rose into the wall. I meet her surprised eyes.
“What’s gotten into you? Damn.” She leant forward and bit my jaw. Making me let out a low groan. “I want you...I want you so bad. Let me have you” Rose answered as I felt her hands on my ass. Her hands moving further down as she lifted me up in her arms. Caring me towards the bed and dropping me before getting on top of me, attacking my neck. Trailing sloppy, wet kisses down my neck as her hands moved up to my chest. Squeezing my bra threw my shirt. I let out the first of many moans. I saw her rip open my shirt and trail the kisses further down. My breathing became more shallow and harsher as she continued. Her fingers hooked under my pants and pulled them down, taking my panties with. Leaving me in only a black bra. She threw my pants and panties on the floor as she got in between my legs after spreading them wide. Locking her hands under my thighs as she started placing light feather kisses on the insides of my thighs.
“Rose. God dammit-just please!” I had been begging for god knows how long. She had gotten me so close, so many times. “I don’t know Y/N. Do you really deserve to come?” Her fingers teasing my clit further. “I-yes! I’ll do anything! Just please! I need to come!” She let out a deep laugh as she lowered her head and let her tongue touch my clit. Doing kitten licks, up and down before taking my clit in between her lips and starting to suck. “Fuck! Yes-thank god!”
Rose was lying next to her. She was hers now, and Rose was going to make sure that it stayed that way too. No way in hell she was letting go of her sweetheart. Not now, not ever
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vanessakirbyfans · 4 years
After breaking out in Netflix’s hit global series and stealing scenes in 'Mission:  Impossible' and 'Hobbs & Shaw,' the British actresses about to display her range with frontier romance 'The World to Come' and gut-wrenching drama 'Pieces of a Woman.'
Vanessa Kirby was two days away from shooting Mission: Impossible 7 in Venice — reprising her role as the glamorous gunrunner known as the White Widow — when Paramount halted production. It was late February, and Italy had just recorded Europe’s then-worst outbreak of the novel coronavirus, at the time not officially labeled a pandemic. Tom Cruise’s billion-dollar blockbuster franchise had become the first major Hollywood casualty.
Seven months on, and with the film industry appearing irreversibly changed, Kirby is preparing her return to Venice. But it’s not for Mission: Impossible (she starts shooting that later in September). With The World to Come and Pieces of a Woman, filmed almost back-to-back in late 2019 and early 2020, the British star, 32, has the rare honor of having two films compete against each other in the Biennale, the first A-list film festival to physically take place since cinemas — and much beyond — shut their doors.
Appearing alongside Katherine Waterston and Casey Affleck in The World to Come — a frontier romance set against the rugged and patriarchal terrain of the mid-19th century American Northeast — Kirby plays flame-haired Tallie, who sparks an intense and liberating affair with a farmer’s wife, played by Waterston.
But it’s Pieces of a Woman — also heading to Toronto — and her quietly powerful and gut-wrenching turn as Martha, a woman dealing with towering loss after a home birth that goes wrong (shot in one hugely impressive yet frequently hard-to-watch half-hour take), that marks yet another new chapter for the actress, who already has condensed what many would consider a lifetime’s worth of career milestones into just a few years. A critics’ favorite on the British stage; Emmy-nominated and BAFTA-winning for her global screen breakout as Princess Margaret in the opening seasons of Netflix’s smash hit The Crown; part of two of the biggest action franchises around (she also appeared in Fast & Furious spinoff Hobbs & Shaw last year); and, for her next act, independent cinema’s newest leading lady.
Even before the reviews come in, Pieces of a Woman — also starring Shia LaBeouf, Ellen Burstyn and Sarah Snook — has found a fan in Martin Scorsese, who recently came aboard as executive producer.
“I haven’t stopped smiling,” says Kirby, speaking from the south London home she shares with her sister Juliet (a theatrical agent) and two close friends. “It’s such a mind-blowing thing.”
The actress was originally shown the script in L.A. by filmmaking couple Sam and Ashley Levinson (Ashley is producing the film for Bron Studios). Within 24 hours, she'd jumped on a plane to London, then Budapest, to meet director Kornél Mundruczó. “You know when you’re supposed to do something. ... It felt so right,” she says. “I wanted to show up and tell Kornél face-to-face how much I loved it and how much it touched me.”
Mundruczó, a Cannes regular who won the top prize in the 2014 Un Certain Regard sidebar for White God, also was taking something of a career leap, Pieces of a Woman marking his first English-language feature. But he found the right partner with whom to “take the big risk together,” likening Kirby to his favorite screen siren, Catherine Deneuve. “She’s someone who can express emotion for the unseen, and that’s very difficult,” he says. The World to Come director Mona Fastvold is equally praising of her star, describing her as an actor “who can truly disarm us” and their work together “one of most fulfilling creative partnerships I've had so far.”
Kirby, who cites Gena Rowlands as her cinematic idol (she has a photo from Rowlands’ 1980 drama Gloria in her room), says she had been “biding her time” waiting for such an opportunity: “I felt ready to lead a movie for a long time, but to actually do it was such a gift. Now that I’ve done it, it feels like a new stage for me.”
While there were few thespian genes in her family (her father is a top prostrate surgeon and her mother once edited Country Living), an 11-year-old Kirby caught the bug after watching a production of Chekhov’s The Cherry Orchard. “I suddenly realized the power of telling these stories is that they can make you feel differently about yourself when you leave,” she says. “And I think that’s always been a goal for me since.”
Countless school plays — including an all-girl Hamlet (Kirby as Gertrude) — would follow, continuing on into college, where spare periods and evenings would be spent relentlessly rehearsing and putting on shows with friends (including Alice Birch, who recently adapted Normal People for TV). Audience numbers didn’t matter – several struggled to make it through a four-hour Eugene O’Neill adaptation, while there were definite walkouts when a group of them took Shakespeare's Julius Caesar to Edinburgh (“Why would you take Julius Caesar to a comedy festival?” she laughs).
It was all for the discovery, experience and thrill, which is why — just a few years later — when Kirby received her first paycheck, having picked up an agent and signed on for her first three professional productions, it felt strange.
“I still have the vision in my mind of holding that white paper and being like, why are you paying me? Someone’s paying me for this? Because I’ve done it so much.”
Performances of As You Like It, Edward II and A Streetcar Named Desire and collaborations with directors like Benedict Andrews would quickly establish Kirby as one of the U.K.’s hottest stage talents in the early 2010s. But by this point, screen had already come calling. BBC drama The Hour — a small part as a troubled young aristocrat alongside a pre-Bond Ben Whishaw — was her TV debut in 2011, landing four years before being cast in her most famous role to date.
The Crown creator Peter Morgan recalls going “rogue” when he chose Kirby, overruling the other show execs’ preferred choice for Princess Margaret. She had turned up to the audition looking like what he describes as a “catastrophic mess”; fake tan smeared haphazardly on her shins and hands stained orange (she’d forgotten to wash them after applying the tan).
“But she had an electrifying presence. ... You realized you were in the company of a rare and special talent,” he says, adding that her chaotic appearance plus visible nerves evoked the essential vulnerability he was looking for. “It was very Annie Hall.”
Subsequent screen tests — and the public reaction — confirmed what Morgan first saw, that Kirby was a “high-impact booking,” much like the royal she was taking on. “There was no room in which you were not conscious that Princess Margaret was there.”
To craft her Margaret, in which Kirby laid the largely unknown foundations that would support the royal’s more brash and defiant public persona in later life, she absorbed everything she could, seeking out footage where the princess thought cameras had stopped rolling, plastering her walls in photos and even listening to her favorite music on repeat (including a version of “Scotland the Brave” played on the bagpipes, much to her housemates' dismay).
“It was so exciting to play someone that was so complicated and so conflicted, who was really struggling with a sense of who she was,” she says. “But I also had to chart this journey carefully, across 20 years of a person's life, and try to make it believable and also set her up for the rest of the seasons that were coming.”
Mission: Impossible came off the back of The Crown, sometime in the middle of season two. “I think Tom had watched it, because he watches everything,” says Kirby, who was surprised to be warmly welcomed into the “Mission Family” during her first meeting with Cruise and director Christopher McQuarrie. “On my way home I rang my agent going, ‘I think I got the job, I’m not sure.’”
Hobbs & Shaw arrived via another route, Kirby approached by creative duo David Leitch and Kelly McCormick after she led a 2018 summer run of August Strindberg’s Miss Julie at the National Theatre.
While different adrenaline-fuelled vehicles, Kirby used both blockbusters to creatively “subvert” the usual expectations for female characters in action films, particularly within the typically masculine Fast & Furious world. “I was like, I don’t want to have to be saved ever, I don’t want to have to wear anything compromising, I want her to have her own emotional journey.” Her efforts were rewarded when a journalist wrote that Hattie — Kirby’s fearless MI6 operative in Hobbs & Shaw — had been her son’s favorite character. “How cool is that?” (She found the writer’s email to thank her).
As Kirby waits to start on Mission: Impossible 7 (and also 8 — she says the White Widow will likely “float in and out” of upcoming storylines), and for audiences in Venice and Toronto to see her first lead role, this philosophy is set to continue into what could be yet another career progression.
Alongside a daily film club with her housemates (with titles ranging from a list she found of the Dardenne Brothers’ favourite films to the cult so-bad-it’s-good hit The Room), Kirby has also used the months of lockdown to consider her next creative step and dream: setting up her own production company.
“I feel so excited by the thought that there’s so many female stories that haven’t been told. And so many that have examined the psychology of a man in a particular situation, but not the woman,” she says. “I feel like there’s so much opportunity for that and that we do actually have a responsibility. Changing that space is very important to me.”
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rational-mastermind · 4 years
@angelic-writer, Happy Birthday! Thought I’d surprise you with a Quinnby ficlet for your special day. nwn Hope you have a good one! tw for sensitive readers: it gets kinda suicidal and depressing. 0x0;;
  When you begin a line of work, you begin to understand very quickly what it is you have willingly signed on for. When you work retail, you understand there’s going to be one customer who demands to see the manager. When you work as a manager you know there’s always one customer who demands to see you.
   When you work as an STP field operative you know there’s likely going to be something supernatural in the works and you’ll likely be scarred for life if you’re not emotionally stable nor compromised enough to just simply accept that yes, that is a cultist hanging from the ceiling and yes, we’re likely dealing with another pagan god of old, if not the common house demon.
   I, Trilby, am of the former. The kind of agent who is emotionally stable enough to simply accept what I am given if there is no other logical explanation. My partner, Chris Quinn, is more of the latter, mentally compromised enough to where he does not look for logical explanations, but simply takes it at face value and deals with such, usually in an appropriate manner, that meaning appropriate for him. Not entirely appropriate for the supernatural, nor myself.
   This is all to say, Chris and I were currently investigating another cult’s attempt at creating a bridge, however flimsy, between our World of Technology and the World of Magic. They managed one entity to escape into our world, before being swiftly shut down by us and the exact nature of said entity is unknown. Hence, our current circumstance as we continue to travel through the ramshackle hideout of an abandoned warehouse, hoping to at least gain some insight on what we’re up against.
   “Hey Trilbs?” Chris broke the deafening silence with a whisper as we tread carefully through the warehouse.
   “Yes?” I replied, sparing him a glance, careful to keep my voice as low as his.
   “Can you possibly chill out?”
   “What do you mean?”
   “You’ve been tense all night and frankly it’s starting to kinda get to me too. Loosen up. It’s just another demon.”
   Chris is, of course, blind to the situation. While I would admit to my more cautious nature, the reasoning for such was complicated and I would say, well justified. The simple answer would be to say I was tense because the exact timing of this ritual and the similar nature of it all was too eerily familiar to previous experiences.
   The more complicated answer would be to say it was currently a warm night in mid July and it reminded me too much of my personal dealings with an insane cultist attempting to please his self-proclaimed god. The encounter left me scarred in both a physical and mental way and the last thing I would wish for was a repeat of that.
   Normally I would try to avoid working too many cases this time of year, but alas, we were unfortunately, yet again, short-staffed and turning away a job offer by the government wasn’t exactly an easy thing to do. So here we were, wandering through a warehouse with a supposedly malicious entity on the loose. It didn’t help that this abandoned warehouse just so happened to work with mannequins in particular and the faceless dolls and disassembled limbs only added to my ever-growing anxiety.
   A part of me knew that it would only be a matter of time before I rounded the corner and would once again gaze upon the clean-slated pale white face of the horrendously stretched out monster that was The Pri-
   To explain, after I told Trilby to loosen up, he had rolled his eyes and lapsed into another internal monologue. It’s a narcissistic thing I think. So I did the natural thing, started poking around, finding a prop to help lighten up the mood around here. If things were to remain as uptight as Trilby’s ass, it’d be hard to fight whatever hell-spawn escaped the ritual. And wouldn’t you know it? There were just so many expressionless styrofoam heads in these crates! It’s like they were just WAITING for a punchline!
   Emphasis on punch as Trilby literally punched the head off my shoulders, after giving a terrified shriek in response to my surprise.
   I thought it was funny, but I was actually surprised when Trilby went on to scream at me.
   “What? They look just like that Prince you told me about from last year! I thought it’d be hilarious!”
   Trilby only scowled for a moment before I felt a sharp and jolting pain searing through my body and everything went black. Only previous experience would tell me when I woke up that he obviously tased me with his grolly.
   When I did wake up, he was dragging my body back to the car. He was roughed up. Must’ve fought the demon. As soon as I was able to register that much he dropped the rest of me back on the ground.
   “Good. You’re awake. You can get to the car yourself.”
    I groaned and rubbed the back of my head.
   “Did you use your taser on me?”
   “Because you’re an asshole.”
   I pulled myself up and Trilby was already at the door to the warehouse. I sighed and followed after him.
   “Did you defeat the-?”
   “Yes. It was just an elemental.”
   “Oh… Should I write the uh..?”
   “No. Best you leave it in more capable hands. I’ll write it when we get back.”
   We headed out to the car and while I moved to get to the driver’s side, Trilby cut in front of me and got in. I sighed, confused, and climbed into the passenger’s side instead.
   “I wouldn’t have minded driving.”
   “I merely assumed someone more sensible should be behind the wheel.” Trilby replied coldly.
   I continued to puzzle over his behavior as we pulled away and got back on the main road. As far as I understood it, I played a prank, he got mad. But.. I didn’t understand why. It was innocent enough. Just a harmless jump-scare, isn’t it?
   The mood was dower and I was stewing over things for too long. Fortunately I remembered the radio was left on a great channel when last we were in the car. I turned it on.
   “Here we are now, entertain us! I feel stupid and contagious!”
    I started to lighten up almost immediately but just as soon as the music started, Trilby turned it off. I frowned and started to turn it on again but he swiftly smacked my hand away.
   “Don’t.” was the only warning he gave, through gritted teeth. “I’m not in the mood.”
   I sighed and simply shrugged. I guess he really was just in a bad mood. I hoped it would clear up by tomorrow.
   Obviously it didn’t.
   I came into the STP, same as normal. When I got to Trilby’s office I found Claire, talking with him. Trilby was smiling well enough but as soon as our eyes locked, he scowled.
  Claire glanced back and her grin also disappeared. A worried frown instead.
  “Oh.. Um.. Anyway I should get going.” Claire quickly grabbed a few papers off his desk and headed out the door. “Morning Chris.”
  “Morning. See ya later, Claire.”
  “See ya.” she rounded the doorway and hurried back into her own office, across from his.
  I looked back at Trilby who was busying himself with the computer.
  “Hey. So uh.. How’s it-”
  “Chris I’m horribly busy. If you’re not here to discuss work then get out.”
  “I just wanted to ask how you’re do-”
  “Get. Out.” He bit out, scowling up at me. “I’m still upset about yesterday. I’ll come fetch you when we have a new assignment.”
  “So what, Claire gets to talk to you but I-?”
  Trilby smacked his desk as he stood up and rounded its corner.
  “Don’t you have your own work to do? Or anyone else to bother?” Without wasting any time he shoved me out into the hallway.
  And just like that, I was standing out, staring at Claire’s office. She peeked around the doorway back at me, worried.
  “...What got into him?” I asked her.
  She sighed and came fully into view. She leaned on the doorway and gave me a skeptical look.
  “Well, from what I gathered, you played a pretty harsh prank on Trilby the other day.”
  “I wouldn’t say it was harsh.”
  “No? What happened?”
  “I grabbed a fake head and held it over mine to give him a scare. You know, to lighten the mood.”
  “Chris..” Claire sighed and pushed her glasses up. “Nevermind. Maybe it’d be better if I just let you and Trilby settle it.”
  “No, what?”
  “Chris, I don’t wanna play translator for you two. You guys figure it out. I’ve…” she paused long enough to glance back at Trilby behind me. She sighed and shook her head. “I’ve got my own work to do.”
  Claire went back into her office. For the rest of the day, Trilby avoided me. When we did have to go on a mission, a ghost-hunting one, he made an obvious effort to work separately from me. And I wished it was only for the day, but he continued to act like this the next day. And the next day.
   And then one day I bumped into Jim from the morgue division in the elevator.
  “Oh! Hey Chris! I didn’t expect to see you still hanging around.” Jim smiled back at me.
  “What do you mean?”
  “I thought you already left. With Mr. Trilby.” he shrugged.
  I frowned.
  Jim’s smile faltered.
  “Didn’t he…? He.. Got a mission just earlier. I thought for sure he’d take you.”
  “The fuck? No. He didn’t get me. What mission?”
  “Oh. Uh…” Jim quickly became uneasy. He fidgeted with his clipboard. “Umm.. Nothing! Nothing too bad! Just a small mission!”
  I normally try to get along with most anyone here in the STP, save for David Smith, and I know it’s not easy to pull off, being over 6 feet tall and usually smeared in someone’s blood with heavy bags under my eyes. People say I look deranged and unstable and while normally that’s a compliment in my eyes, I try not to let it be the only thing I’m known for among my co-workers.
  But in this case I wasn’t above stepping a little too close for Jim’s comfort and drawing myself up to my full height. My hand slipped onto the hilt of my trusty machete, not that I intended to use it.
 “Jim.” he was visibly cowering underneath me. “Tell me the truth.”
 “H-He uh.. W-w-well he um.. Mr. Trilby went to track down a rift.”
 My stern expression suddenly dropped and I felt my blood drain. Rift? A RIFT?!
  “That’s why I thought he took you along!” Jim cowered.
  “What the hell is he thinking?! Where’d he go??”
  The doors to the elevator opened up and Jim slowly inched his way to it but I was too blinded by concern to really notice.
  “I.. I would say but.. I-I..”
  “I don’t think Mr. Trilby would want me telling you.” He finally confessed before ducking out of the elevator. “I’m sorry!”
  I normally would’ve screamed. Or chased him. Demanded an answer. But I was just stuck on the simple fact that…Trilby didn’t want me to come with him. Trilby didn’t want me with him.
  I felt a pain I couldn’t laugh at as my heart sank down low into my gut. I was worried and angry and confused but the most bizarre thing was that I was just simply hurt. I haven’t been genuinely hurt in years and I honestly didn’t understand why… Why was he doing this?
  I couldn’t stop thinking about it until Trilby finally came back into the office two days later. As soon as I heard he was back I immediately tracked him down only to find him slumped over a table in the breakroom, a cup of coffee in hand and barely awake.
  “TRILBY!” I couldn’t help but shriek, making him jump up in his seat with a yelp of his own. “HOLY CRAP where have you been?! Are you okay?! Oh crap oh fuck you’re bleeding!”
  Trilby was clutching his heart and shaking, recovering from the shock, and when I got to him he immediately shoved me away.
  “Get the fuck away from me.” he growled half-heartedly and fixed me with a scowl. “I can take care of myself.”
  I rolled my eyes. He was still going on about this.
  “Trilby, where the hell have you been??”
  “None of your concern, Chris.” Trilby sipped his coffee.
  “Well what the hell were you thinking, trying to close a rift alone!? You know how dangerous that shit is! You need a partner!”
  “No, I actually don’t.” Trilby argued. “I don’t need a partner, I never did need one. I’m not required to have one. Despite however dangerous any mission would be, we’re not required to team up unless specifically instructed because frankly with as understaffed as this infernal organization really is, they could use as many operatives on the field as they can doing separate jobs to cover more ground without any concern for their well-being seeing as it’s more than easy enough for them to drag in another convict or psychopath to replace the previous agent. To further illustrate the matter, Christopher Quinn, LOOK AT WHO WE REPLACED AND HOW EASY IT WAS TO DO SO. Bottom line is I. DO NOT. NEED. YOU.”
  With that he stood up and left with his coffee in a huff. I chased after him.
  “Trilby, look if this is about that stupid prank I pulled on you back in the factory, I’m sorry! Alright?? Is it really worth getting yourself hurt like this? Are you that fucking pissed at me? Trilby! Come on! At least let me apologize!”
  I grabbed his hand to turn him around but he snatched it back and scowled at me.
  “I don’t want your apology, Chris.” he replied. “I don’t wanna hear it. Yes I’m still angry. No, you can’t just get off the hook with an apology. I don’t want you to try to make it up to me. I don’t want you to-”
  I leaned in and kissed him but that was immediately reciprocated with a punch to the face.
  “I ESPECIALLY DON’T WANT YOU TO DO THAT.” Trilby all but shouted at me. “I HATE IT when you try to pull that shit off, thinking it’ll just magically make me forget to hate you! Especially at work! Why don’t you just take a hint and FUCK OFF?!”
  Trilby walked away again, leaving me behind. I didn’t know what to do anymore. I had never seen him get so angry. I was surprised to find tears pricking my eyes, but I guess that’s a normal response.
  Trilby kept it up for a couple of weeks after that. Avoiding me. Refusing to speak to me. Keeping his distance. Going on missions alone and coming back looking like dog shit. All I could do was stand there and keep hurting. Wishing I could make it up to him. Wishing I knew what exactly I did wrong. Wishing I could fix it, somehow.
  Then one day, while I was having lunch with Claire and Jim, Trilby came into the room, looking around. His eyes locked on our table and he came over.
  “Good, you’re here. I’ve thought about it and decided I needed another pair of hands for this mission.”
  I stood up so fast I almost lost my lunch.
  “You mean you’re not-??”
  “Mind coming along, Jim?” Trilby utterly ignored me and looked down at the kid.
  Jim was immediately put on the spot and looked up with big, confused eyes.
  “HIM?!” Claire and I both asked as Jim also responded at the same time.
  “Yes, Jim, I need you. There’s talk of a tv celebrity who was murdered in her apartment under mysterious circumstances and I need your help.” Trilby replied smoothly.
  “O-Oh… Um.. Y-Yes Sir.”
  Trilby smiled. “Thank you. It’d be nice working with someone competent.”
  I would’ve loved how well he cut into me with words alone, if it was under any other circumstance. Claire and Jim seemed to think the same, as they frowned at him.
  “Trilby… Come on, isn’t that a bit harsh?” Claire asked.
  “How is that harsh? I simply paid Jim a compliment by saying he was going to be good to work with.” Trilby glanced back at her.
  “Well…  Yeah…  But…” Claire looked up at me but all I could focus on was the split-second glance Trilby gave me. The kind of pointed glance that easily conveyed that he wasn’t as innocent as he sounded.
  He turned to leave, with Jim following close behind him. All I could do was watch in frustration.
  “....He really knows how to hold a grudge, huh?” Claire asked as I slowly sat back down.
  “Yeah… Who would’ve guessed?” I huffed and jabbed my cold leftovers.
  I stewed over the comment for the rest of the day, only getting angrier and angrier about it. The way he said it, the stupid look he gave me, that kind of smug air of a kid who thinks he’s so fucking smart by “not touching” you.
  I finally went on a search for him near the end of the work day. It wasn’t hard. Trilby was pretty much a creature of habit and I knew if he wasn’t in any closet or dark corner befitting an ex-thief, he would only, naturally, be on the roof.
  Trilby seemed surprised though, as I kicked open the locked door and made my way out onto the roof.
  “Oh for heaven’s sake, won’t you leave me ALONE?” Trilby sighed.
  “No, dammit!” I stormed over to him. “Cause this shit has gone on long enough!”
  “Chris, I don’t want to hear your apology.”
  “WHY NOT?!”
  “Cause I can’t take you seriously!” Trilby snapped at me. “How am I supposed to? You’re nonstop with being utterly ridiculous!”
  “I’M ridiculous!? I think you’ve been! It was just a joke!”
  “Oh yes, I forgot to laugh! HA! HA HA HA HA! Yes let’s all laugh at my pain!” Trilby stepped up onto the railing and scooped up his grolly. “Everybody come witness the fool who went and got himself tormented on his first case! Let’s all laugh at the idiot who experienced death first-hand, MULTIPLE TIMES! I’m SO sorry Chris! I FORGOT HOW HILARIOUS PAIN IS.”
  He knelt down and leaned in close to scowl down at me. I couldn’t help but shrink back, feeling the same twisted pain in my gut from before in the breakroom.
  “Trilby I didn’t mean it like-”
  “Oh yes you did, Christopher.” he seethed. “You only think it would be funny to point and laugh at pain, but you never consider who’s pain, do you? I know you have mental issues, but you see the real problem was that I do too. I just don’t go announcing it to the world like you do.”
  “Well I’m so-”
  “Let’s see how well your apologies matter when I finally give in and just let go, Chris.” Trilby stood back up and it was now that it really hit me how dangerously close to the edge he was.
  Fear had an icy grip on every nerve in my body as Trilby took one giant, swinging step.
 “DON’T!!” I shrieked.
  He turned around almost effortlessly in one full swing and sat his foot on the railing again. I looked up only to find him grinning back down at me.
  “Hm, things are a little different on this side of the railing, aren’t they?” He turned and began walking very quickly along the edge, making me follow helplessly behind him.
  “Trilby, okay I get it! This isn’t funny!” I continued shouting.
  “No? Oh, I thought this was hilarious to you! Especially if I were to-” he suddenly stopped, faster than I could register and started walking backwards, as if it was only natural.
  “TRILBY!” I skidded, trying to stop, slipped, skinned my hands on the floor as I twisted around and tried to catch up to him.
  “See, isn’t it so funny? Let’s all laugh at the man who suffers from PTSD!” Trilby continued.
  When I got close I reached out to pull him back down.
  My heart froze in mortal terror as he suddenly jumped.
  It didn’t start again until he landed, feet away from me. He turned back around and sneered.
  “Let’s see how well you laugh, when the man who suffers from horrific flashbacks, visions, and suicidal thoughts plaguing his mind both day and night, finally gives in…”, he shrugged. “...finally sick of all the nonsense and teasing. Too tired to keep on fighting and caring anymore like he struggles to, every single day. Let’s see how well you laugh when I finally… take the plunge.”
  There really wasn’t an excuse for allowing it to escalate to such heights, just as there shouldn’t have been any excuse for me to lose balance.
  But I think, if nothing else, it got the message across.
  Of course I hadn’t fallen too far before I made use of the grolly. I caught myself and looked back up as Chris was leaning over the edge, a look of pure fear on his face. He was actually tearing up.
  When I finally pulled myself back over the railing Chris scooped me up and clung tighter than ever before, crying into my shoulder and apologizing over and over.
  I took a breath, my anger finally quelled though my heart still raced, and held him, apologizing back for the way I treated him.
  When we calmed down, we ended up sitting, with our backs to the railing, his arm wrapped securely around me, and mine around him.
  “To be fair, I do spend the better half of my efforts into hiding my own problems.” I said, breaking the silence. “And that’s not entirely fair to you.”
  “Well.. I could stand to pull my head out of my ass more often.” Chris shrugged. “...But it would be nice for you to tell me.. I had no idea you were…”
  “Well…” I shrugged. “No one does. I doubt even Claire really knows how hard some days are… Surprisingly enough your antics do sometimes help.”
  “They do??”
  “Well… It… Keeps me distracted I guess.” I scratched the back of my head, for once unsure of how to properly phrase my thoughts. “… It’s easier to get out of bed some days when I think about you. When I worry about… how bad it would be to leave you. Especially after we’ve… Well..”
  Chris grinned and I couldn’t resist leaning in and kissing him for it. Until half a minute later when the consequences of my word-choice came to mind.
  “That’s not an excuse to just be an asshole though.” I warned him, pulling away quickly.
  “Aw but Trilby-!”
  “But Trilby…!”
  “For the love of- DON’T.”
  “I thought you liked my-”
  I shoved him away and shook my head as he rolled with laughter. Stupidly enough I couldn’t stop grinning myself. Before I could say anything else, he suddenly pulled me close and kissed me passionately.
 And it’s in moments like this, that I couldn’t have possibly expected for when taking on this job. And it’s moments like this that I find a reason to push on with every day.
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mallorytaylorblog · 4 years
What is your truth? 21st July, 2020.
I wrote a whole blog post last night that I wanted to sleep on and edit in the morning, but when I checked my computer just now the post has disappeared.
Disappointing. I digress.
I’m pissed off. And confused. There’s so much conflicting information out there. I’m so disappointed, horrified and in disbelief over what’s happening in our world right now.
I’ve spent the past week reading and exploring. There’s so much... shit going on. And I feel emotionally depleted, I can’t go on any of my socials any more without being confronted with some new fact, fake news, conspiracy theory, or some sort of discourse and “debate” (which really is two or more people hating on each other for simply having a different point of view, there’s no debate).
I don’t know who or what to believe. And isn’t that the mainstream media’s goal? To confuse and divide with endless streams of information, all designed to polarise and counter claim. MSM is owned by a few select individuals and the conglomerates they run, so the narrative is fed to us and we gobble it up. I’m ANGRY that it’s up to the people now to discern the truth, and even then we get so caught up in our truths that all healthy discussion goes out the window.
We don’t debate any more, we argue with the intention of convincing the other to “join our side”. We’re so divided.
Fair doesn’t exists.
Is that statement true? Where does it sit in my body? In your body?
We are all one.
What about that statement?
We’re pitted against each other at the behest of the 1% that “own” us. I do believe psychological warfare is rampant right now - the narratives being fed to us aim to disarm and bewilder. There’s a lot of us waking up now though, and I haven’t fully come to terms with that term either. Waking up. Woke. What does that even mean? Woke to what? Which narrative?
Everything that I’ve consumed the past few days has me questioning the reality I’m living in. Is this real? Can this possibly be real? “Masks work”, “masks don’t work”, “first it’s a mandatory mask, then it’s a mandatory vaccine”, “Trump is our saviour”, “deep state”, “adrenochrome”, “child sex trafficking”, “Satanic ritualistic cults run by the secret elite”, “celebrities selling their souls”, “the veil being lifted”... All of this as another truth to be consumed. It’s so far fetched, but is it real?
What the fuck do we believe? What do I believe?
We’re in a pandemic right now. And we’re so divided. The information available is changing and evolving as we become more aware of what this virus is really doing, but there’s so much HATE for personal choice. We’re all learning our way through this. But where’s the unity? Where’s the thought for our fellow human? Asians were ridiculed, Muslims were vilified for covering their faces but now that it’s for “the health of the nation” it’s okay? Have we forgotten how we treated those groups before the pandemic started?
I keep seeing my mentors speak about their truth with an open heart, with love in mind. Coming from a place of love, that’s the objective. Feeling what feels right to them in their body.
Where does any of this sit for you? What feels good to you in this moment?
For me...
I’ve typed many sentences here only to deleted them because really, what I thought felt good and felt like my truth.. overwhelms me.
I don’t want to wear a mask. I am worried about the control being exerted over the population. We saw it with the Patriot Act after 9/11 in the USA. But I do worry about others becoming ill - this virus seems to be very real, regardless of how common it is and the death rates versus the common flu. People are still being affected by it. So I’ll wear a mask in crowded areas. But I’m uneasy about it.
As for child sex trafficking... The evidence seems too damning. But holy fuck, satanic rituals? The whole adrenochrome thing? It’s so out of this world, I’m struggling to believe it.
What I do know is that we’ve been desensitised to violence and murder from almost the moment we’re born. The media we consume, the games we play, the movies we watch show graphic depictions of trauma and torture and death and we don’t even flinch when we watch it any more. It’s SO normal to us as a society. All this hate and divide, “us versus them” rhetoric is amplified today. It keeps us arguing and fighting, when instead we should be focusing on taking care of ourselves and our fellow humans. Regardless of what political party you align with, we are all the same and we are indeed all in this together. The system is rigged and it is, as maddening and it seems, up to the people to take control of the narrative.
I don’t have any answers other than to echo the sentiments of my mentors - come from a place of love and understanding and curiosity. For me personally what that looks like is committing even further to deepening my spiritual practice, to have discussions that allow me to examine my biases, to practice setting and honouring my boundaries, to committing to exercising more and choosing higher vibrational foods, to educating myself more and more every day on how I can help others tap into their kindness and curiosity. I recognise I have certain privileges and I’m working on being my best self so that I can help others from a place that is warm and vibrant, not fuelled by fear and separation.
At the very least, I’ll be attempting to gain clarity on what feels true for me - that means feeling into my body and taking what feels good, and leaving what doesn’t. Discerning fact from fiction seems trying in the current state of information. I acknowledge I have been an active proponent of the ‘us versus them” rhetoric, and I am aiming to come from a more understanding place.
If there’s anything you take from this, I hope it’s to consider your own truth and to be more respectful of those with differing opinions right now. Everyone is doing their best, and if we all understood that maybe we wouldn’t be so up in arms.
I’m just angry. And confused. And I know a lot of you are too. Do what’s best for you and focus on the love. Fear keeps our immune systems low. It’s helpful to everyone if you keep your immunity, mood and vibration high. As I said, take what feels good from this and leave what doesn’t. Keep your heart open.
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sweetmemories2606 · 5 years
Emergency (Gruvia and NaLu Fanfic)
Wrote this one-shot for @jfangirld​ since today is her birthday. 
Sorry this is a little late. I hope you've had an amazing day!
Title: Emergency
Pairings: Gruvia/NaLu/Luvia brotp
Summary: Everyone believed that Lucy had been saved by Wendy and Chelia, but the truth was much more complicated than that. 
Warning: IMPORTANT!! This story is the prequel of If They Knew, so you gotta read that one first if you want to understand what happens.
Word Count: 2.000 
Happy reading, everyone!
                                         January of X791
Juvia watched the unconscious man below her, relieved that he was breathing normally again. “There you go, my love.”
Gray stirred, but didn’t wake up. She assumed he would remain unconscious for a while after having been knocked out by the leaders of the cult they had come to arrest.
The mission had seemed rather simple when they had taken the flyer a couple days before, but as it turned out these people were expert magic users and they were light on their feet.
They had made defeating Gray look easy, although Juvia knew that the only reason they had done so was because he had been distracted when she was injured.
When she had screamed in pain, he had glanced at her and in that one second they had hit him hard in the head, knocking him out.
To make it even worse, they had started beating his unconscious body, which led Juvia to increase her magic power in order to trap all of them in her water lock.
Thankfully, her plan had worked, thus all the cult members were now scattered across the sunflowers field behind the church where they operated.
Once they were defeated, she had immediately come to her beloved’s side and that’s when she had realized the extent of his injuries.
The blow to his head had managed to draw a lot of blood and someone had stabbed him in the lungs.
Even if Juvia had known that Gray was strong and would probably be fine, she hadn’t wanted to take any risks.
“You’ll be okay now.” Leaning down to press a soft kiss to his forehead, she was worried by its coldness.
“You didn’t have to heal him.” Now that voice was unmistakable.
The water mage straightened herself and turned around to face her oldest friend. “I know.”
“I thought we agreed that you shouldn’t use the Fairy Heart anymore.” Mavis sternly said.
“And I haven’t used it in years.” Juvia replied before glancing at Gray again. “But this is different.”
Mavis followed her gaze and sighed. “This is dangerous, Juvia.”
“I know very well how dangerous love is.” The water mage sincerely said. “But it’s also worth it.”
“Is it worth constantly lying to him?” Fairy Tail’s first master inquired.
“What choice do I have?” Juvia stood up and crossed her arms. “He can’t know about the Fairy Heart, so…”
“So you should stay away.” Mavis interrupted.
“No.” The former shook her head. "I spent decades living in loneliness. I want to live this life now; with Fairy Tail.”
“I understand.” The latter nodded. “But I still think that you shouldn’t use the Fairy Heart anymore."
“I’ll try not to.” Juvia conceded. “Unless there’s an emergency.”
Before Mavis could say more, Gray stirred again and groaned; signaling he was about to wake up.
She gave Juvia one last pleading look before walking away. Once she was at a safe distance, she looked back at them.
Watching as Juvia wrapped her arms around him and Gray hesitated before hugging her back, Mavis sighed once again. “I hope that at least their story will have a happier ending."
                                                 July of X791
“Lucy!” Natsu’s scream resonated throughout the stadium once he rushed to catch the celestial mage.
Juvia watched him, noticing the familiar pain and desperation that Zeref had shown so many years before.
Can anyone else tell that he absolutely loves her?
It was clear as day, but not clear to all apparently.
Soon her attention was caught by Gray, who rushed after Natsu. He seemed tense; which was understandable after having been forced to watch one of his closest friends be tortured.
Though Juvia knew that’s why he didn’t spare a glance at her,  it still hurt to be ignored after she had just declared her love for him in front of everyone.
Although; if she were to be honest; it might be best if he says nothing. She had a feeling that his response might not be positive.
Everything with Gray was so complicated. There were times when Juvia was sure he felt the same, but during others it seemed he didn’t even think about it.
It had become rather irritating how he could ignore her one moment, then become sweet and caring in the next.
It specially didn’t help that he acted like a jealous boyfriend whenever Lyon interacted with her.
Juvia had never encountered someone as confusing and complicated as Gray Fullbuster in her 100 years of existence, but somehow that only made her fall for him even more.
“Come on, Lucy, please say something.” Hearing his voice, her attention went back to the present situation.
Noticing the fear in his eyes once he tried to awake their friend, her heart squeezed with sorrow.
“What in the hell is your problem?” There was an unmistakable yell. Natsu. “You went way too far!” Juvia followed his angry gaze towards Minerva and frowned.
How could someone be so cruel and ruthless?
“Hang on, I need to give her emergency treatment!” Wendy yelled and Juvia realized that she was rushing towards the celestial mage.
I should do the same. No time to get distracted.
“I’ll help you.” Chelia offered; she was running closely behind the water mage.
Good. With the two of them helping Lucy, she'll be fine.
“Just hang in there, Lucy.” Having reached the celestial mage, Juvia stood behind Chelia as the two healers combined their magic.
Her attention shifted between Lucy’s concernedly pale face to the rest of team Natsu, who were facing off against Minerva and her pals from Sabertooth.
They traded dirty looks and threats, with Erza reminded them that making an enemy of Fairy Tail was a decision that they would regret.
Juvia knew just how true that statement was. She hoped they would face the consequences soon, but for now her focus was on Lucy.
It was truly worrying that the celestial mage’s injuries didn’t seem to be lessening despite being healed by both Wendy and Chelia.
Why wasn’t their magic working?
Soon two guards came with a gurney, so Juvia and Wendy began attempting to lift Lucy up until Natsu rushed to her side.
Understanding that he wanted to do it himself, they stepped away and watched as he carefully took the celestial mage into his arms; dismissing the gurney with a shake of the head.
Fairy Tail Teams A and B plus Chelia followed him to the infirmary, where Porlyusica was already waiting.
Juvia followed Team Natsu closely, keeping an eye on Lucy to see if her condition improved.
Once Natsu gently placed the latter on the first bed and sat on the chair beside it,  the water mage smiled softly.
He’s not going to leave her side, is he? He’ll stay here until she wakes up because he needs to know if she’ll be okay.
Her thoughts were confirmed a moment later when Porlyusica began scolding the dragon slayer and trying to persuade him to leave.
He refused to, claiming he wasn’t leaving until Lucy was awake. Thus Gray and Erza had to half drag him to the waiting room that was being filled with Fairy Tail members.
Juvia watched from her chosen spot by the window as the latter tried to comfort him. “She's going to be okay, Natsu.”
“She was hurt pretty bad.” Gray muttered, ignoring Erza’s glare.
“At least she managed to get second place.” Gajeel said and Levy frowned at him.
“Is that really all you care about?” His face hardened.
“Of course not! Do you really think I’m happy that blondie is hurt?” Juvia chose to intervene before this turned into a fight.
“No one thinks that.” Gajeel glanced at her and already knew something was wrong. “What's wrong?”
“Are you okay, Juvia?” Mirajane asked. Now all eyes were on the water mage.
It’s taking too long. Lucy should be better by now.
“Yes.” She offered a weak smile. “Just worried about Lucy.”
“She's going to be fine.” Erza repeated.
“I don’t understand.” Wendy whispered, exasperated. “Chelia and I joined our powers, so why didn’t it heal her?”
“You did a great job, Wendy.” Mirajane reassured the young girl.
“That is a good question, though.” Levy frowned.
Something isn’t right. Wendy’s magic has never failed before.
“My guess is that Minerva’s magic power is stronger than we had imagined.” Makarov suggested. He had been deep in thought ever since entering the room.
“There's something strange about it.” Erza said, crossing her arms.
“I don’t care what her magic is, I just want to take her down!” Natsu yelled and many people nodded in agreement.
Minerva’s magic. It did feel strange; different. What if Lucy was in more danger than they'd assumed?
It was decided. Juvia had to check up on the celestial mage and make sure that she would be alright.
“Excuse me.” Natsu frowned when the water mage tried to move past him.
“Where are you going?” Gray asked and she tried not to look at him.
Why is he always so distracting?
“I’m going to check up on Lucy.” His confusion was clear once she avoided his gaze. After all, she had never done that before.
“But Porlyusica said…” Natsu started.
“I don’t care.” Juvia firmly said, catching him off guard.
Seeing an opportunity, she slightly pushed him to the side and managed to move forward to reach the infirmary.
Thankfully, it had been spelled to be soundproof so no one could hear what happened inside.
Closing the door behind her, Juvia’s eyes were drawn towards the nearest bed.
Lucy was still as pale, lifeless and injured as before. It seemed no matter what anyone tried, she wasn’t getting better.
“What are you doing here?” Porlyusica yelled as soon as she spotted the water mage.
“Her condition isn’t improving.” Juvia whispered, taking another step until she was in front of the bed.
The healer sighed. “Something is preventing her wounds from being healed.”
They could try to figure out what that was, but time was running out. Saving Lucy was the most important thing and Juvia quickly realized that there was only one way to guarantee her friend’s survival.
This is an emergency.
She looked in Porlyusica’s direction. “I can help her.”
“How?” The healer frowned, confused.
Lucy drew in a long, deep breath and her body trembled. She seemed to be in pain and Juvia wanted that to be over and fast.
“No time to explain.” Any explanation would include revealing secrets that were reserved only to masters of Fairy Tail.
“Alright.” Porlyusica nodded before stepping away.
Juvia sat at the edge of the bed and placed a hand on the celestial mage's forehead. Closing her eyes, she concentrated and soon enough felt magic power coursing through her.
A bright green light spread across her body, then the glow was transferred to Lucy’s. Miraculously, the latter’s injuries began disappearing one by one until her skin was once again flawless, the color returned to her face and her breathing returned to normal.
It was like she had never been injured at all.
“How?” Porlyusica watched this in amazement.
“There you go.” Juvia whispered after the light had disappeared. Briefly glancing at the healer, her expression turned serious. “You can’t tell anyone it was me. Please, promise me.”
“Why not?” Porlyusica was genuinely confused.
“It's complicated.” That didn’t even begin to cover the truth.
The healer assessed the young woman in front of her. After a few moments, she concluded that this was serious, so best to keep the secret. ”What should I say, then?”
“Wendy and Chelia’s powers were delayed because of the extent of Lucy’s injuries.” Juvia suggested.
“Alright.” Porlyusica nodded again and the water mage gave her a thankful look.
Juvia watched as she moved towards the door, opening it and walking outside. Then her voice resonated throughout the building once she explained that Lucy’s condition had finally improved thanks to Wendy and Chelia’s efforts.
I don't know why you agreed to keep my secret, but thank you.
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