#jump if you froggy
ausetkmt · 1 year
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smokbeast · 9 months
We can ask fang now-? Caaan...i give him a hug? And gift him...tattletail?
Himb adorable:)
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you got him on the first half ngl
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dailykugisaki · 5 months
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Day 171 | id in alt
Get shot 6 times. Show your friends. Don't elaborate. Leave.
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sacrer-blu · 6 months
*places a small frog in the palm of your hand*
Can someone get this thing off?
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katsukikitten · 2 years
To the anon that thinks it's fucking funny to go into my friend's inboxes and talk shit. Come talk to me, come to my inbox and talk to me you spinless cunt.
Take that shit off anon too cause I'm trying to see who you really are. You're out here calling people snakes when you're out here acting like a god damn worm.
Eat shit like a good little worm.
If you're jealous of her just say so
If your fics or art aren't getting reblogs or attention just say so.
If you're a fake friend who's so insecure and can only take things out behind the safety of anonymity just fucking say so!
But dead ass seek therapy you worm funk ass bitch and come into my inbox next time.
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lapisdex · 1 year
Neuvillette and Rex beefing it out bc Rex turned a vishap hatchling into an adeptus
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grandwretch · 2 years
literally all I do all day is match ppl's energy like 100% and its so funny to see the customers freak out about it like oh you mean suddenly its not okay to start a conversation with a stranger aggressive as hell? wow I wonder whose idea that was
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fizzarollitm · 3 months
“ did you ever feel bad for how different cash treated us ? “ | @wcshedup
" He didn't treat us that different— " Immediate defensiveness struck at Fizzarolli. He pinched his shoulders in and wiggled an inch away from her. His tail crawled up his leg to settle by his hands and he flicked a thumb at the spade.
Tell the truth.
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" Fine. Yes. And no— " He bent forward and dug his talon into the corner point, dragged it in towards the thin cartilage at the heart of it. His tail tingled from the touch, and it offered something to focus on besides memories long dead and gone
" It was nice. I liked it. I liked being told I was a star and have my work praised. But then he would rip you two apart and use me as the fucking ruler to do it. It was shitty and just so blatant. "
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His shoulders slumped and he let his tail go. It flicked at the air and he looked away from her. Hated how Barbie watched him like she could always see right through him. Hated how she made him honest; they were too alike in that way. Maybe it's because they shared more Cash than Tilla in their blood even if his was on loan.
" You were my favorite people in the world and each time I got better, it got worse for you. So I had to be the best because otherwise I let all that bad shit happen just so I could get an ego boost. " His head shook. " Whatever— We're too old for daddy issues and shit like this. "
My muse has to tell nothing but the truth for 10 asks. | 4/10 - Accepting
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beeaaniee · 3 months
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yungblackadlet · 8 months
fyi my living space is protected by a trained 83lb red nose terrier with aids so if you have an issue with these facts i state make sure to bring an arp and an extra mag of holopoints
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punkasite · 1 year
ic : meme replies / if you’re feeling froggy . . . jump!
ic : answered / cerebro send tweet.
ooc : meme replies / so says the great and powerful oz.
ooc : answered / and there you have it folks !!
saved / blessed content.
music / we got both kinds of music : country and western.
wishlist / if wishes were horses beggars would ride.
ch. study / ah’m rogue. only rogue n nobody else.
aesthetic / pure uncut pinterest bullshit.
face / damn ah look good !
musings / when ah discover who ah am ah’ll be free.
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peeweekey · 6 months
Sebastian likes frogs. Emphasis on the word likes.
He appreciates them, they do good for the environment. They eat up all the nasty flies that buzz around the mountain lake, too. He doesn’t have to worry about mosquitos snaking on his blood while he smokes. It’s just a plus that he finds them cool and interesting.
Which most people find weird. Sebastian thinks it’s weird that they find it weird. Frogs aren’t going out of their way to bother people.
Yes, he likes them. They’re his favorite animal, certainly.
But favorite is not enough for him to want to smooch a frog.
“Sam, I’m not gonna fucking kiss a frog.”
“C’mon! It’ll be like the movie!” Sam teases, insistently shoving Sebastian to the frog innocently sitting on a park bench. “Who knows, maybe it’ll be your very own froggy princess—”
“Didn’t the girl turn into a frog when she kissed it,” he shoots back, elbowing Sam backwards in the gut. The blond lets out an overdramatic hiss of pain, bent over and clutching his stomach. “Abby, back me up here.”
“I never watched that stuff,” Abigail shrugs, watching with amusement. She makes no move to help at all, comfortably resting against the wide wooden posts of a fence. “Watched a lotta cartoons though. Phineas and Ferb is my jam.”
“Not about the movie,” Sebastian grits exasperatedly. His brows knitting together in frustration “The frog.”
“Mhm, go on,” a cheshire-like grin on her face. “Kiss it, Seb. A big smooch right on its slimy mouth.”
Sam eggs him on, the pain of being elbowed magically disappearing. “Do it! Do it!”
Sebastian presses his lips tightly together. There’s no use resisting once Abby and Sam band together. They’re a force to be reckoned with like this—demanding and overbearing. Sebastian exasperatedly wipes a hand over his face, shooting the poor frog a sorry look.
Sam pushes him one more time, he gives him a stony glare in return. “Fuck—alright! Stop being so damn loud, you’ll scare it away.”
The frog in question croaks slightly, like it senses the trio talking about it. He gives it a wary glance.
As he slowly approaches, Sebastian can hear Abby and Sam’s satisfied sniggering behind him. They roped him into doing another stupidly outrageous thing for the umpteenth time.
He sighs, he really needs better friends.
Mustering up all his courage, he bends down, almost eye level with the frog, resting a hand on the wooden grain bench on where it’s perched upon.
He screws his eyes shut and goes for it.
Sebastian’s lips connect with the frog’s slimy, almost rough skin. So fast and featherlight that it can barely be considered a kiss. Cold against his lips. He pulls back immediately after, wiping any residue off his lips with the back of his hand.
The frog jumps, croaking with,what he assumes is, alarm.
“See?” Abby laughs, ruffling his hair good-naturedly. “No princess in sight. You didn’t turn into a frog either!”
“Man,” Sam snickers, patting him roughly on the back. Sebastian groans with every smack. “It would’ve been cool though, if you turned into a frog. We’d have a frog drummer in our band!”
Sebastian shoves his unruly friends off. “Yeah, whatever. Let’s get going. The frog is probably traumatized.”
“You can check that off your bucket list,” Abby teases, a smirk playing on her lips. “Kiss a frog before I die. We’ll tell the story for generations.”
Sam howls with laughter, Sebastian feels absolutely mortified.
Before the trio could make any move out of the park, a cloud of green smoke curtains the frog, so thick and so unusual. Sebastian unconsciously backs away from it.
“What—woah,” Sam says, more mezmerised than shocked at the green smoke pouring out of the frog Sebastian kissed. “What is that?”
“The fuck if we know, Sam!”
“Boys, boys, shut the fuck up. Look.”
Abigail points at the fog. It grows and grows, stopping and dissipating once the whole bench is covered with the green mist.
The frog is gone—disappeared into thin air. Instead, a not-so-frog shaped person sits. You blink up at Sebastian slowly.
Woah, woah.
He feels his heart accelerating—for all the wrong reasons. An unusual thumping sound that vibrates all throughout his body—his fingertips, his stomach, his toes. Where there should be fear and panic and definitely fear, Sebastian feels exhilaration.
You’re pretty.
It’s also pretty horrifying for him to think—and feel.
You blink slowly—a frog-like trait that cement his suspicions. You’re staring up at him as he stares back down at you, curious meets bewildered. “…”
His eyes are wide, scanning each and every part of your now not frog-like features. Sebastian feels cold sweat dripping down his forehead—a stark temperature difference to the heat in his cheeks. “Oh—oh shit.”
“Uhm… ribbit?”
Another thing he blames on Sam and Abby—his horrifying attraction you; the person, not the frog.
He checks that off his metaphorical bucket list, too.
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angel-of-the-moons · 20 days
Your Beanies are My Babies, too
Steven Grant x Reader (Implied Marc & Jake x Reader)
TW/CW: None!
Steven makes sure you know nothing is too silly or childish for him if it makes you happy.
A/N: This came to me because unpacking some things I found the few Beanie Babies I have! Including my sweet lil froggy I thought my sister stole :')
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You sighed as you closed the little plastic tote, your shoulders sagging with guilt as you prepared to stuff the container on the top shelf in the back of the closet.
"What's wrong, love?" Steven asked curiously as he carefully placed your clothes in the freshly emptied drawers in the dresser.
You had decided to make everything more official in your relationship by moving in together. Steven's place was bigger than yours, and with some TLC and cleaning, it was plenty big for your stuff as well.
"Oh, it's... it's nothing, don't worry about it." You reply, your smile strained and not quite reaching your eyes. He noticed, but didn't say anything.
Instead, he nodded and smiled back, his dark eyes twinkling, "Right, then. Let's stop and make lunch, yeah? Been at this all morning!"
Steven set the empty cardboard box atop the dresser, and wiped his hands dramatically free of imaginary dust, "You hungry?"
Your smile widened just a bit, genuine mirth taking hold at the thought of one of his delicious veggie wraps. "I'm starving."
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He didn't mean to be nosey. He really, really, truly, absolutely didn't!
It's just that you looked so... forlorn when you looked inside the tote. Steven got curious and merely wanted to see what had upset you so.
What he didn't anticipate, was rather cute, small, and well-loved toys! "Beanie Babies"; Marc had told him. "But why keep them in a tote?"
"I d'nno." Steven mumbled softly. "Bad memories? Gifts from a dead relative?"
Jake spoke up. "Well, whatever the case, maybe we should put them back--"
"Oooh! Look at this one! It's a hippo!" Steven cooed at the cute, purple little toy. "This one is called "Happy the Hippo"... And his birthday is..." He said as he read the colorful heart-shaped tag.
"Steven?" Your voice barked.
He jumped and dropped the little toy, his face lighting with a scarlet hue at being caught snooping.
"I--I--" He stammered.
"Wh-why are you..." You paled, beginning to feel a surge of panic sweep through you. The last time this happened....
"Hey, hey! It's okay." Steven said, quickly climbing to his feet to rush over to you. He rubbed your arms up and down as you pressed the heels of your palms to your eyes.
"Please don't be mad..." You say, biting back a soft sob.
"M... Mad?" He blinked, "Why on earth would I be mad at you? I'm the one who went through your things without permission!"
You look into his eyes; not picking up on a single hint of malice or mockery there, all you could see was... concern and sympathy?
"My--my B-Beanie Babies..." You blubber softly, looking over to the tote he'd been looking into.
"Y-yeah? What about them?" He asked, trying to follow your train of thought.
"My... My exes, they..." You sniffle. "They said they were stupid. That they were stupid little kid toys and as an adult I shouldn't have them..."
You swallow, "M-my ex boyfriend before you... He tried to throw them away because he said they were dumb... I've had most of them since I was little. I've taken good care of them, and..."
"Oh, love..." He breathed. "Did you think I'd have a problem with your collection? Is that why you're so scared?"
"I.... Yeah."
"Well, in case you haven't noticed... I have quite the collection myself." Steven giggled, looking around at his stacks of books, museum paraphernalia, bits and baubles... "Why would you think I'd have a problem with your Beanie Babies?"
"I... Everyone says they're a stupid hobby, that they're for kids--" You say hastily, as if trying to defend those that insulted something so precious to you. And that hurt him.
He leaned in and kissed your forehead affectionately, "Sweetheart, they're adorable. I didn't have Beanie Babies growing up. Mum was... Well. Things like that were for "girls"..."
"So you... Like them?" You ask hopefully.
"I love them!" He chirped cheerfully. "Why don't we get them out of that dreary old tote and put them on a special little shelf? Give them a view? Maybe they could overlook the fish tank!"
You sniffle again and nod, smiling gratefully as you wipe at your cheek. "Yeah... Yeah. We... We can do that?"
"Yep!" He kissed your cheek, "Because your Babies are my Babies... They're charming and cute... Now let's clear off a shelf for them!"
You watched, your heart squeezing so sweetly in your chest as he began to precariously climb atop his desk (and almost fell) to prepare the new place for your special collection.
Why did you ever think he'd make fun of you?
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Halloween prompts year 2, day 1
Danny had no idea what he was doing. There. He admitted it. He had found a book of spells that reminded him of Sam and stole it on instinct. He didn't have much money after running away. He didn't even have the chance to grab one of his Go Bags as his parents fired on him.
Good news was that ghost powers made it very easy to steal stuff. Now with a book that has actual magic spells in it? He'd never go hungry again! It was kinda weird though. New dimension or not he didn't think a grocery store would sell multiple copies of spellbooks just out in the open like this. They were clearly new and a product or modern manufacturing so it wasn't like it was some ancient relic or anything.
Hmm. A mystery for later then. In the meantime he was going to go around Gotham turning rogues and random jerks into frogs! It went pretty well. There was a mass Arkham breakout not too long ago and Danny was having an absolute blast sneaking up and froggifying people while wearing a cheap glittery devil masquerade mask. Once suitable frogged he trapped them in a magic bubble and left them on the rooftops for the bats to find.
This went awry however when one of the local vigilantes, Robin, tried to attack him from above. On reflex he turned Robin into a frog and freaked out, "Okay. Crud. Okay. I can fix this!" He said while picking up the tiny vigilante, "Just promise not to hurt me and i'll turn you back!"
The angry ribbiting told him that the vigilante would agree to no such thing, "In that case," Danny used his ghost powers to make a human sized ice cage and placed the frog inside. The cages bars were thin but sturdy. It would take Robin only a few good hits to break out of it but by that time the mysterious magic user would have had a head start.
Unfortunately, Danny had just started the spell that would turn Damian back when one of his siblings, Tim, got the jump on him...and got similarly froggy for it. Now there were two frogged bats and a startled magic user.
Danny looked up at the rooftops to see more and more bats staring at him. And the just froggified Red Robin. And the frog version of regular Robin. In a cage. This looked bad. After dodging a batarang Danny apologized to the frogs and quickly yelled, "Not today satan!" At batman before dropping a smoke bomb and teleporting away.
Later at the batcave Damian and Tim were placed in different enclosures to keep their new forms healthy and to prevent any frog on frog violence as they sort this out. At first they thought this was a meta who could turn people into frogs but that was quickly ruled out due to Damian and Tim both typing on devices and telling them about the ice powers.
Thus begins Danny's attempts to find the frogged siblings and turn them back before he gets stabbed by an angry bird and Robin and Red Robins attempts to escape to find this magic user cause it was clear that he had cursed them by accident and had wanted to turn them back right away.
They're family keeps trying to stop them though saying its too dangerous to go out as a frog and they don't know what that magic users intentions were. They didn't really have much choice however seeing at Constantine couldn't help them.
The trench coated brit and said this magic was like nothing he had ever felt before and he would have to do some research. Which lead to the boys swinging across rooftops as amphibians and probably making more than a few people question what was in thier coffee.
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caramelarchive · 9 months
🍪anon here! i had a little thought and it goes, L being jealous of misa having her hair brushed by reader and he acts as if it doesn't bother him but he hints at wanting his hair brushed (it was funnier in my head, my cats do this and I thought of L and Misa)
Little Kitten ╾ L, Misa
sigh. 🍪 anon you are my favourite. I have moved to my main @lawlietscaramels please follow there for new content!
The high pitched voice is clearly Misa's. It's a nice voice, good for singing, but if you listened to it too long you'd go mad.
Misa stops in front of you, holding out a hairbrush with a smile. She tilts her head to the side. "Will you brush my hair for me?"
You hesitate for a moment then smile, picking the hairbrush out of her hands. "Sure." Misa squeals in delight and starts taking her hair out of its little ponytails, sitting down in a chair and turning her back to you. She swings her feet a little as you begin brushing through her hair.
It's quite pretty, blonde and shining gold in the light. Once you've gotten the few knots out, your free hand comes to stroke through her hair. Misa sighs.
"Thanks, pretty!" she declares, turning her head enough that one of her eyes can meet yours. "So, you know, Y/N, I was with Light yesterday and..." Misa blabbers on, her arms waving all around. You're sure she's annoying the Task Force, but nobody comments on it. So you just listen to the girl's triumphs and woes, continuing to gently brush through her hair.
About twenty minutes pass before you notice L sulking at his desk.
"Hold on, Misa," you instruct, pausing her part way through a tale about a grumpy waitress. She leans her head back, eyes catching the flourescent lights, and pouts a little. You give her a pat on the head and look back over at the head detective. "L, are we distracting you?"
"No," he says stiffly, glancing at you for only a moment before his dark gaze moves to the hairbrush, Misa, and back to his computer.
"..Alright, then."
The detective stuffs a chocolate in his mouth and seems to pout.
Misa laughs. "I think Ryuzaki wants his hair brushed, Y/N." There's a mumbled "do not" from L's direction. You shake your head and resume running your fingers and brush through Misa's hair.
"He'll have to come ask me."
Another 20 or so minutes pass. It's more peaceful this time, Misa only making the occasional comment as the sound of tapping at keyboards and rustling through files fills the room. Her hair is very soft, and your task quickly becomes more meditative than anything. You're getting really into it when there's a small nudge at your leg.
L's standing beside you, his shoulders hunched and head tilted down so he can stare right into your eyes, his hand outstretched to poke at your pants. As you watch, he slowly lowers himself into that 40% froggy sit of his, and looks up with big, bush baby eyes that ask "why don't you like me?" as he lets his head fall onto your leg.
Misa laughs again, and prudently prances off, going to annoy Light. L stays crouched at your feet.
He's too cute...
You sigh but don't protest. Couldn't if you wanted. "Alright then, Ryuzaki, on the chair."
His mouth doesn't bother quirking up into a smile, but his eyes seem to brighten as he straightens up and crouches back down, this time in the chair in front of you. L keeps turning his head to look at you, jumping when he sees you looking back, and turning his head away again. You put a hand on his shoulder and he's caught between freezing and falling out of the chair.
"Be still," you scold gently, and begin brushing his hair. It's much knottier than Misa's, and you're a little scared to guess when he last ran his own comb through it, but it seems clean enough.
Once you've tugged the knots out, it's quite nice, actually.
You start humming a little, your hand reaching up to stroke through the dark, raven-feather hair sticking up all over his head. L lets out a mix of a sigh and an "oh!" and his entire body shudders. You laugh.
He leans back slowly, bending his head so he can look up at you. You give him a little tap on the chin, then the forehead and smile. L's eyes close as your fingers massage into his scalp, the hairbrush neatening and smoothing out his hair.
His lips tilt into a smile too, eyes opening just a slit to stare sleepily into yours.
"Thank you, Y/N."
𝖎𝖋 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖙 ˏˋ⋆˖⁺˖⁀➷ 𝖕𝖑𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖊 𝖗𝖊𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖌 + 𝖋𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖜
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thatstonedwriter · 9 months
⋆。「Affection Prompt 17」⋆˚
◉ Sinopsis; Getting them their favorite drink, just the way they like it
◉ Feat; poly Fizzmodeus, stolas, Blitzø
◉ A/n- I hope you all are able to have a fun and safe New Year <3
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── ˙•˚∘✮🌙ᯓ🪐˙•˚∘ ──
Soft blankets kept you nice and warm, despite the storm raging outside. Rain pattered against the window, threatening to lull you back to sleep. Today was perfect... but one thing was missing- your favorite drink. Sure you could go get it, but that would mean getting up. Thankfully, your partner(s) has/have made the generous offer to go pick it up for you.
"We're baaack~" you hear Fizzarolli call from the front door. Asmodeus chuckles, readjusting Fizz and the tray of drinks in his arms. "They might be sleeping, Froggy, lets not make too much noise." You were quick to prove Ozzie’s assumption wrong. Calling out, you beckon them over to the couch, patting the open seats next to you. Fizz is quick- jumping from Ozzie’s arms to your blanket-clad lap. Asmodeus isn’t far behind, morphing into his smaller form to place the drink tray on the table before joining the two of you and wrapping an arm around your shoulders. Once you’re all comfortable, Fizz stretches his arms, grabbing the drinks and passing them to you and Asmodeus. As Fizz grabbed the remote to put on a movie, you settled into the couch, unable to think of a better way to spend a rainy evening.
┊┊┊✧ ⁺ ⁺  °
When an episode of the Hell-a-Novella you were watching ended, you’d voiced your desire for your favorite drink. Who was Stolas to ignore the request? At the coffee shop, Stolas is careful to be specific with the drink orders. Even then, when the drinks are handed to him, he double checks the receipts and the drinks, just to be sure. As bothersome as walking in the storm was, Stolas knew it was worth it to see you happy. And of course, he couldn’t deny how cute it was hearing your excited “thank yous” and seeing you happily sip your drink. Sitting beside you, Stolas reaches up to pat your hair, giving you a kiss on the forehead before sitting back in the couch and resting his head atop yours.
┊┊┊✧ ⁺ ⁺  °
Initially, Blitzø was bitching and moaning about having to go out. He was comfortable, too. Why not just order for delivery? He eventually caves when you promise you’ll let him have the comfortable side of the couch when he gets back. And the heated blanket. As cranky as Blitzø is about going out in the rain, he reasons he’ll be able to get something for himself, and he has the heated blanket to look forward to. Blitzø is in and out of the shop as fast as possible, hastily checking the contents of the order to make sure everything’s right. By the time he’s back at the apartment, Blitz is grumbling incoherently, dropping everything onto the table and making a bee-line toward the couch, forcibly scooting you over (just enough so he would fit) and curling up next to you. Guess you’ll enjoy the drinks later, then.
── ˙•˚∘✮ 🔭๋࣭ᯓ🌙˙•˚∘ ──
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