#jump scared me a tiny bit ngl
icarusdiesatdawn · 9 months
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I did not realise VCL Media Player was aware of The Seasons
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ladysomething · 1 month
That time jump in the snippet did seem to be a little sus ngl. Happy (not) to see Manipulative Mads is back.
But coming to the chapter, this part:
“Charles—” “You love me.” Charles’ voice is flat, devoid of any real emotion. Like he doesn’t believe him. But how could he not believe him? How could he look at Max and see anything other than someone hopelessly and completely devoted to him?
Someone get this man a goddamn mirror 🙄
Usually it's Charles who is contradicting himself in every other chapter. But Max is no better honestly!! He knows he has scared Charles, lied to him or at least kept the truth from him, manipulated him and still expects Charles to see him as someone who is DEVOTED to him?! Like GURLLLL?!?!!
I have always been Team Max and still am, but it's funny that in Charles POV chapters where we are supposed to get mad at Max, I'm not really able to do that and in this chapter, where we are supposed to feel sorry for Max, he infuriated me with his (lack of) logic here.
So rant over, but I think I'm missing something here which is probably insignificant but I'll still ask. Why did Kelly say at the end that they'll have to wait for a few hours? And is it connected to Max arriving late enough to skip media day? How? Why?
It's totally fine if that's a spoiler, but if not, my mind is stuck on that tiny detail that I can't figure out, soooo pls...?
well hey I gotta gaslight ya'll every now and again otherwise you'll start to think I'm always telling you the TRUTH.
Max and Charles are also the kings of gaslighting, but they do to themselves.
also ... good to see people feeling a little bit more for Charles haha.
and for your question - basically if they arrive late, it's less likely people will see Kelly coming in.
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the-kr8tor · 2 months
AAAA DRESSING UP HOBAT AS A COWBOY...pirate captain next pls cus ykykyk How in all of god's name do you overcook soup-? Daily Hobie HC! I really wanna write more hobat hcs but I dunno what.. Hobie is like a shark whenever you guys are going to the beach or pool. Any body of water he can go under, Hobie turns into a shark. A shark that grabs your ankle and dunks you underneath the water. It was hot in your universe, so you, Hobie, Pav, Miles and Gwen all decided to cool off by going to one of the calm beach-lakes nearby. The sand was hot, but the crystal clear and glistening water immediately drowned any heat that clung onto you guys from the sun. Everything was going well with playful splashes and laughter, wading a little deeper until the water came up to around shoulder height. However, after realizing everything was too quiet, you begin to notice how one by one, people are being dragged underwater. Hobie was under the water, holding his breath as he swam up behind Miles, his first victim. He grabbed the boy by his shoulders, instantly dunking him with a chuckle. Then Gwen..then Pavitr. Hobie goes for you last before you can turn to try swim off, tugging you back by your waist, dunking you below as the others resurface and laugh at each other's demise. The moment you spring up you lunge towards Hobie, dunking him in the process, your hands splayed on his chest as you shove him underneath the water, before seeing him pop up as he wipes away the water from his lashes. After more laughter and everyone ganging up on Hobie, Gwen eventually brings up the memory of playing 'mermaids', which everyone immediately jumps on board. Despite not having those mermaid tails, you all got into the roleplay fast, with betrayals and mermaid war against the self-proclaimed evil merman, Hobie Brown. He made himself the villain of the story, being more powerful than everyone else just for the plot's sake. After all, who wants to see the hero win? Bit by bit, the roleplay quickly turned into something of survival, trying to escape the villain as they slowly kill off more and more 'mermaids'. Finally, you were the last one to be killed. Still playing into the act, you look around frantically, calling out the names of your lost comrades as you tremble, knowing that the evil merman was lurking nearby. Hobie springs up in front of you, drawing out a loud gasp, before grabbing you by your swimsuit firmly and dunking you underneath the water, counting as a kill the moment you began to act limp. Despite the flawless and perfect acting, the minor thing to ruin the entire storyline was the way Hobie's stomach growled loudly with hunger. He rolls his eyes with feigned annoyance, crossing his arms over his chest as Hobie brings you out of the water, wiping away the water from your face for you as you laughed. Hobie leans towards you for a kiss, yet you playfully deny him, teasing Hobie about how he doesn't deserve to be rewarded for 'murder'. It wasn't long before you cave, though, almost immediately leaning towards him as well for a kiss. -🐦‍⬛
Uh i forgor
Daily Hobie HC!
Hmmm maybe Hobat being a huge bat this time instead of a tiny fruit bat!
Awww that sounds so fun!! The trio would be the best beach companion and ofc Hobie too!! He probably forgets to drink water and you have to remind him every time lol but he never forgets to put on sunblock! (Especially if he has to put it on you hehehhehe)
Bro the line of them getting dragged down one by one scared me bc i thought something was in the water HAHAHHAHAHA
I've never heard of that game before! My cousins and i used to play mr president in the water lol one of us would suddenly put our hand on our ear whenever we want to and the last person who does it gets splashed relentlessly
He's so kissy kissy muah muah 😘❤️❤️❤️ I'd cave to ngl
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yibennianyaji · 1 year
In which I liveblog Beyond Re-Animator so you don’t have to.
Spoilers: this movie is an absolute hoot. You can see the exact moment when I begin realizing I’m actually having a good time
Oh it starts with a fakeout jump scare, that’s fun. And the murder of a babysitter. Cool, cool. 
I mean, I guess, that’s on canon with Herbert not keeping track of his zombies, but even Bride tried to start with some class. 
Please tell me this small, sad child is going to grow up to try to murder Herbs. I feel like that’s where this is going. 
TIME SKIP AHOY (go back movie, I demand to know what Herbert was doing in the suburbs, and was this before or after Dan tried to leave him for the umpteenth time)
Oh my God Herbert you can’t just steal peoples’ pet rats, this is how you start prison riots. 
Holy shit is vengeance kid played by BABY EDWARD NORTON?
Yes this is our DEATH wing of the prison where we bring DEATH down on condemned inmates and they sure do stay DEAD yessir no problems with the DEAD here
Ah, and I see the warden will be playing our Doctor Hill for the evening
To this movie’s credit at least it’s moving at a quick lil pace
Norton are you here to play an angrier Dan. Did they literally just say “okay we still want to do the same thing but we’re scared of having two older dudes in the lead.”
Oh, baby Graham is just dispensing with the backstory aaaaand he is totally on board with Herbert I AM INTRIGUED WITH THIS DEVELOPMENT. 
“Yo I saved this reagent for 13 years and got it past the guard with no trouble so, here you go.”
Herbert “short term memory loss” West doesn’t bother to watch the zombie for longer than a minute
Well at least he learned, don’t approach the violent dead. 
EYYYYYYY is this lady character actually going to get to have plot agency? NEAT
OH HERBERT NO. YOU REALLY ARE TRYING TO USE HIM AS A REPLACEMENT DAN. This does not end well for you. Just ask James Sunderland.
(And HOW COLD IS THAT, move. Not even flashbacks, just one line about Dan giving testimony for the prosecution. COLD).
Wait, so the zombie that killed bby Norton’s sister was from the Miskatonic morgue…which means it would have to be from the original film because it would take some REAL SWEET TALKING to undo Bride….ARE THEY TRYING TO DECANONIZE THE MIDDLE MOVIE. SHAME. 
Okay I don’t remember either of you you kids’ names but you’ve got some cute chemistry
Herbs do not use the puppy eyes on the kid it’s not the same
Ah, it’s not a ReAnimator movie without some real awkward fuckin. 
“He doesn’t seem human anymore.” Because his precious assistant turned him over and broke his tiny sociopathic heart, baby Will Graham. A future version of you will understand (Imma go down with this ship, internet. Keep spinning in that grave, HP).
Ooh, reporter gal is real good at her job
Aw Herbert, you’ve worked your way up to sciencing the soul! I’m very proud
Okay, ngl, the prison yard scene is the most Herbert thing and I love it. 
Aaaaaaand demonic rat. Of course
Whoa. Not-Hill got his ear bit off AND THEN TOOK IT BACK
Ohhhhhhhh Herbs has his “lol ethics” hat on
Also bby Norton’s raw rage is a touch harder to buy than Dan’s was. She was a nice girl, but they’d only had a few dates.
Oh yeah, untie her. Good plan. 
Kuds to this gal, she’s giving it her all. 
Wow, this prison allows a fuckton of leniency on its mad scientist inmates
YES GOOD. Cross shot murders
Wow, it seems like opening all the prison cells should be harder than that
Ugh, so hard to get a patient to give good feedback huh West
Aaaaaaand the soul carries the personality of course it does. YOU GAVE THE ASSHOLE DUDE NEW LIFE
Kudos again to this gal though (Elsa Pataky, I see - seems to be known for the Fast and the Furious movies?), she’s getting some fun stuff to play (although as “herself” mostly for the character that means screaming and cowering)
Vengeful Herbert is my favorite Herbert
Okay I lied, sassy Herbert is my favorite
And ohhhh there’s still half an hour of this left. Hurm. 
Hey where did bby Nor- oh, there he is. Still making poor life decisions I see
Ey, seems like the Warden is a famous giallo actor? That’s neat
Awwwww, I was totally wrong about that being baby Ed Norton, too. I am saddened by this fact. No disrespect to Jason Barry, I just mourn all the Will Graham jokes
Oh bro, bro are you gonna reagent inmates just so you can kill em again? Dude. That’s….dude.
Aaaaaand the addict fellow found the reagent. Well, at least he’s having a good time.
That…is a weird place to include boobs, movie. THIS IS WEIRD ALL OVER
“That dude is DEAD THOUGH.”
Ohhhhh my God they just pulled an I Spit On Your Grave with the blowjob thing HOLY SHIT. I CAN’T EVEN
Bifurcated hanged man. Of couuuuuuuur he’s swinging it like a dead cat good lord
“This is mine” Herbert ARE YOU FIVE
I sense more intestine exploding coming
Herbert: holds up flashlight because FUCK IF HE’S GONNA MISS AN OPPORTUNITY
The rat is rolling the severed penis I’m kind of running out of words what is even
Herbert is done and he has a cane. There is a CROSS CUTTING BEAT DOWN
And the fight choreography is from the UFC WHAT IS EVEN HAPPENING BACKFLIP CRAB CRAWL?
Goopy electrocution aaaaaand the rat drops the penis in slow mo because OF COURSE
Aaaaaand he just takes his ID card and leaves like NOPE NOT DOIN THIS AGAIN
Everyone’s laughing, CLEARLY A HAPPY END
And then he wandered off into the night. To find Dan and have a talk (HUSH it’s the only thing that can make this more perfect)
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archiarthur · 3 years
UT/UF/US Sans x Male/Masculine Streamer Reader
Quick things to clear out
- this is my frist time writing multiple headcanons, for multiple characters at once
- I couldn't think of any multiplayer horror game that I know pretty good, other than phasmophobia. All that stuff I know from watching others, and ngl, memory lmao.
- I haven't written for UF and US Sans before, so don't kill me. This is how I see them.
-US Sans ain't a baby
- let US Sans say fuck sometimes ✨
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UT Sans
- So you're a steamer? Good for you.
- Don't worry if he's over in your house and you're playing, afraid to wake his lazy ass up by yelling without realising. He can even sleep off a hurricane.
- Kinda jealous, beacuse you can sit down, play, have fun and get some money.
- Definitely showed up on your streams, at least once, in the backround. Maybe said "Hey" to chat too once or twice.
- You have to deal with your fans then spamming chat with,, who dis,, or ,, SANS,, or overused joke,, So cool,,
- Context to the last one is: when you were explaining the game on your stream, to both him and your chat, everytime you finished a sentence he said, so cool.
- Don't forget puns, he taught them some
- Chat remembers everything, this is your curse now.
- Sans definitely stream snipped you at least multiple times. For example, you play animal crossing? He knows your island code? Broom Broom mf, somone is coming to your island to steal your coconuts or something.
- BTW his island is lazy, except memes on the floor too
- Surprisingly good in shooting games but not a pro.
- Playing a puzzle game? *cracks knuckles * let me tell you an answer, casually, to ruin your fun or not. I love you too babe <3
- In all seriousness, as much as he likes to play around with you, he's chill he's most of the times in the backround not visibale, vibing.
- Sometimes comments on your stream even, even when he's next to you.
Now to inviting him to play a horror game with you
- At first politely refusing, saying he doesn't want to ruin your fun. But he caved after you said he's allowed to make as many puns as you like
- You almost regretted your life choices after telling both chat and him how to play phasmophobia. Beacuse this cheeky adorable bastard said,, so cool,, in the end.
- Chat both hated it and loved it.
- At first it was still explaining him some stuff here and there. It was chill and even kinda funny. What did you except, its Sans he is a man that tickles the funny bones.
-Yes he did that joke, he told you to see the bone, asked you if it does look funny to you and tickled it.
Now depends what type are you, you either threw something in his direction or started laughing. Or both /neither.
- The hunt is what got him woken up. Have you ever seen Sans choke on his words and get awaken from his sloth mood? Now you have.
- You were sitting safely behind a door, or something, watching him lose control over his character lmao.
- In the same round when Sans calmed down (a little -) you decided to troll him a tiny bit. Since he's still new, you can.
- You got the beating heart sound ready, your throat, you waited till he didn't had his flashlight on, and then decided to turn the lights off and pretend it's a hunt.
- Sans YELLED only to then a second later realise its you. He was laughing his ass off, congrats king, you did all that to scare him 👑
- Hey did you know that when you die as a ghost you can throw shit? You knew : ) or at least now you know BUT SHH.
- He was a little nervous because you're dead, and he's left alone to figure out what type of ghost it is.
- Nearly broke his back by jumping when you threw something in front of his face. He wasn't ready, it was quiet OK?.
,, *silent wheeze cuz u dead *,,
,, You slick bastard *chuckle*,,
- Sans was actually really good at analysing ghost and the game. Quickly casually playing after a few rounds.
- Aw you had your fun :c
- Sans isn't mad or anything at you, he actually found that pretty funny, and that he deserved it. Still, he won't forget it.
- Don't except him to be more present on your streams tho. You two do it alone as a thing to spend time together because you got him interested.
- Good luck trying to make him play again on stream. It's not like he doesn't like it,but he just prefers it when it's you two alone, maybe one of your friends coming along, sharing laughs, open.
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UF Sans
- *plays guitar * you're in their bed, I'm in their twitch chat
- This man is a streamer too, or at least a sweaty gamer that likes to show off sometimes, bonus points if you two met through streaming/gaming
- He's your numer 1 fan but also a #1 pain in the ass
- What's this? A donation? Show yourself shirtless? From Coccyx_Kicker69 ?... Sans you gay ass mf
- If he's at your place you can hear him laughing from another room after you read that. No matter what's your reaction.
- Babe, watch this, this one's for you *misses the trick shot*
- He's still good watch out
- He's sweaty, but won't say no to a small chilling game session, together after a long day
- Chat knows you two are dating/have a thing, won't shut up about it when one is mentioned.
- Your chat loves Sans, his chat loves you.
- You yell while playing? Well you got yourself a competition my friend.
- After a hard match, if you'd massage his shoulders, he's bliss. Couldn't ask for a better boy(bone) friend, you're the best.
- Definitely does puns to fuck with your chat sometimes, or when the opportunity is just golden.
- If you think this man swears like a sailor before, wait till you hear him play when frustrated.
- If you need help with your game he will tease the hell out of you, but will do it...eventually. Don't be surprised if he wants something in return tho ;D
- Definitely drinks stuff like Gfuel, MountainDew and Monster. Also eats Doritos? Why? He thoguhts its funny but then it stopped being a joke.
Now to inviting him to play a horror game with you
- Fuck yeah, collab stream maybe 👁?
- Isn't experienced in horror very much, but knows his stuff
- This man lived in the underground. He's form Underfell universe I don't think you can make him jump so easily. Or at least without getting something hit.
- Played around while you explained the rules in the backround
- If y'all or he is on VR... Bro you know he slapped your ass
- Definitely tried to glitch in the lobby out of boredom or just because
- He was feeling a little off by having to play in a hunted house, especially if it happens to have not working lights at first
- He panicked at the hunt mostly because there's a ghost running after him, and doesn't want to die and it's first time, let's be honest
- All you can get is a jump or a yell, one or two. But damn is it worth it
- He once thoguht you were a ghost and it was dark af. Almost broke his equipment.
- I like to think when he's nervous you can catch him sing dump shit like,, IIIIIIM GONNA DIE 🎶,, under his nose
- If you both hiding in the same place during a hunt he'd try to make you laugh.
- Little rat tells the ghost to get you insted, because you actually have a juicy ass and all, unlike him,when he's being chased.
- Laughs 'sorry babe" when you do actually die lmao. You're allowed to throw shit at him.
- Curses like a sailor ™
- If he's living with Papyrus or he's over. If you're lucky you can hear him laughing his ass off. Hearing his bro scared, especially because of you, puts him in a good mood.
- Hear him groan to death when you both die or get the wrong ghost
- In general pretty good and fun to play with.
- 10/10 would definitely want to play with you again... Unless he had a rough game, and he's a little salty, then give him some time, he has to rest for a bit.
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US Sans
(y'all gonna be disappointed by this one, I'm shit at it)
- Tbh kinda a gamer too. But his favourites are detective, puzzle ones.
- You're a steamer? That's so cool!
- Definitely shows up in your streams, not bothered. Says hi to chat everytime : D
- Man's loud so be aware that chat might hear him in another room, lmao, he's trying to not interrupt you
-,, YES DEAR KICK THEIR ASS,, type of man when you're playing against somone
- Sometimes just likes to watch you talk and play, focused on the screen : )
- Asks a lot of question when you're introducing him to a new game but respectfully listens. Pls be patient
- GOD may protect you if you're playing with him and Papyrus they're just arguing like the siblings they are 24/7 skworootpy
- Papyrus will try to fuck him over for funnsies which will cause a circle
- Speaking of, yeah this man's a gremlin, he will tease you so hard sometimes.
- Either playing or in real life, can't escape.
- Imagine talking and Bonestrule on kazoo plays in the backround, which stops everytime you stop
- *Sans comes in the room *
,, What are you wearing,,
* Sans wearing a shirt with an arrow that says goofy or cheesy shit like "I'm with my datemate" *
,, A shirt ✨,,
- Supportive boyfriend all the way
- You need words of encouragement after losing or not knowing how to solve something? WEWOWEWO SUPPORT AMBULANCE
- Will massage your shoulders when you're tense, doesn't care if you're steaming or not
- also yes he does introduce himself as magnificent Sans, but he also always calls you words like : gorgeous, amazing, magnificent, great etc. before speaking your name
- If there's a rude person on your chat he'd immediately spot them and scold them like a parent. But if they're still a meanie he's not so nice -
- He does swear, but doesn't like to very much. But definitely made family friendly curses on your stream to frustrate the audience lmao.
- Isn't afraid to do goffy shit on your stream unlike others. Like dress up for hallowen, do each other make up (Yes on him too), do Q&A etc.
- If you don't want him to be a part of your streams he understands that and tries to do something useful or have a hobby while to stream
- Imagine hearing fuck in the backround that's muffled because he's in another room playing jenga lmao
- Supports you, and if you have merch, wears it like he used with his armor back in the underground, he's damn proud of you
- Isn't afraid to recommend you to somone even if that gets you flustered, but if it makes you upset he'd stop
- Ah forgot to say,yeah this man definitely had his rage gaming moments but only of its really frustrating, he ain't a hot head
- Maybe off topic but don't let him drink a Monster, he'd vibrate like crazy
- Speaking of Monster. He'd want you to eat healthy!! So no crazy amount of MountainDew or Doritos. (ik stereotypical but you got the idea) Except some fruits or/and vegetables in a bowl and some water brought by him.
- Oh you're hungry but you still have an hour left to stream and don't want to leave because you have to do something? Don't worry baby here have a sandwich!
- Again, I'm gonna say it. Cares for your health and wants your eyes to be well. So he'd be asking you to stop the stream respectfully to get some rest after too much hours or playing
Now to inviting him to play a horror game with you
- Always happy to play with you! So there wasn't a problem inviting him. No matter the game, he's happy
- Respectfully listens but he does gets lost there and there which you can see and you have to explain to him again. Have time for him pls.
- He definitely says he will protect you even tho you might be more experienced lmao
- You two definitely teased and pranked each other before , but still, he's oblivious
- Perfect
- Accidently dropped a few things off the desk /his controllers (depends if that VR or not) out of surprise. He's likes horror but he's new to the game ok, he's jumpy.
- Definitely jumped when, you, invisibles cuz you're dead, threw something in his face
- I dare you to, make the bone joke with the bone. He'd be disappointed, but will still smile, he hates that he does, but you know.
- Decided to ignore the chat for the rest of the game because it kept milking the joke
- You faked a hunt and almost made him jump out of his skiii...cloo-. Fuck it you just scared him so bad that he felt his soul jump.
- He may be a little jumpy but he's not a pussy, plus he's GREAT at figuring out what ghost type is it.
- You heard me this man WILL be in a dark room alone to get the ghost to talk
You using voice edit or something idk : B҉e҉h҉i҉n҉d҉ y҉o҉u҉
Sans turning around in the room alone thinking the hunt activated: ASGORE- oh stars, dammit (Y/N), stop it! I'm trying to catch the gho-
The ghost : ADULT
Sans : *girl scream*IT SPOKE. SPIRIT BOX IT IS
- Even if you two had teasing moments where one died here and there he stil enjoyed playing with you
- Wouldn't mind playing with you again
- Will do extra research for the next game to catch ghost better and how to fuck with you
- One time Papyrus called him during the stream and he didn't realised there's a hunt which killed him
- Papyrus fucking knew, and Sans knew he knew, and Sans was angry kworog0t
- Ngl I see Sans being a Phasmophobia fan. So except him to be invested in the game more afterwards I guess
- He calls himself a great investigator and you the greatest (but sometimes starts to consider if you're a ghost too that's likes to fuck with him)
Author note : I'm sorry this took too long, school, dissociation, plus I never wrote for US and UF before so I DIDN'T KNOW where to go.
Don't worry im still planing to write more, one person requested something else and I gonna try to write it.
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afterhourswjay · 3 years
General thoughts on s/o's (part 2), but- prohero version, and also in no particular order. Is this an excuse to write for Hawks?? Noooo...?? 100%, he's got me hook, line, & sinker send help Also, also, my friend, @dynacats, wanted to be tagged in my stuff, sooo... Hello frenn :3
Warnings: Aged up reader, swearing
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EraserHead || Aizawa Shota
- you're probably best friends with mic and midnight. like, he almost always is hanging out with those 2, so being friends with them is pretty much a must - he likes to observe (stare at) you & your habits. like, if it were anyone other than shota, it'd be really creepy - you enable each other's bad habits - cat parents. you probably have 3 of them. a ginger tabby named tim(othy), an all-black one named bobbert (you probably just call him bert tho), and a small tortie named lacey - cuddle dates! staying late at school dates!! dinner dates!! dates when you should be patrolling!! all of the dates!! - he's not big on pda, but is willing to let you hold his hand if you need/want to - likes to smother you in kisses when you're alone or at home - he probably likes to go through the process of making dinner/dessert with you - you two probably share aizawa's sleeping bag during lunch break. after all, if your anything like me, your always tired - he'll give you his lunch if you forgot yours - he will chuck a water bottle at you if he knows you've gone a while without drinking anything - kinda like a cat ngl. he'll give you affection when he wants to, and it may be soft or aggressive. it's a 50/50 toss-up between the two. don't complain, tho, cuz he'll stop lol - this man is fueled by spite, an egregious amount of caffeine, and any food/non-dehydrating fluids you give him. does this contradict some previous points? yes, now shut up affectionate - man's insanely flexible, his reflexes are on point, and he's probably scarily stealthy - if you're anything like me, then you're super skittish. and like, any changes in your peripheral vision will inevitably scare the shit outta you - he doesn't do it on purpose, but aizawa scares you all the time. he'll just be meandering along with his coffee, and you'll suddenly yelp. he'll jump a bit in shock -
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Present Mic || Yamada Hizashi
- if old man aizawa was having a hard time keeping up before, well he stands no chance now - you two could legit talk for hours and not get bored or run out of things to talk about - despite all that, you two are a force to be reckoned with - he likes celebrating all the holidays, especially new years and valentine's day - uses them as an excuse to have you on his show, tho if you wanted, he wouldn't be opposed to sharing his radio show with you! - he's a disaster in the kitchen, there's no talking me out of this. don't let him go in there, not even to microwave something. he simply wanted to reheat his coffee and ended up setting the microwave on fire. how does that happen?? - you two have a cat named gracey. she looks like bluestar from warrior cats, but she has a fantastic personality uwu i said what i said - you probably have 2 budgies as well. one, frank, is blue/grey/black and the other, carl, is green and yellow - they get along well with gracey - y'all have some fish tanks, too. one's a freshwater tank, one is a saltwater tank, and then you have one for the tiny ass shrimps to feed said fish - karaoke friday nights with the rest of the gang!! gang being aizawa, midnight, all might, mic ofc, and you - most of the time, y'all just take turns. but sometimes you'll 'battle' against each other. and sometimes, when you do your singing battles, you and mic will team up against the other teachers with your cheesy 'love' song duets lmao - this one is also all over caffeine, but he is capable of balancing it out with water - he seems like the one to have a motercycle for a vehicle, but he probably has a 10 seater car lmfao - is actually a very good driver... tho i hc him to have adhd, so he gets distracted really easily and as such no one should talk to him, nor should there be any sort of music lest we want to crash and/or die me tho - all in all, you're a very energetic couple who love your friends and family
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Midnight || Kayama Nemuri
- admittedly, i don't really like her all that much becuz she's often depicted as a match maker... and I don't like those types of people... but i'd be lying if i said that she wouldn't be playing match maker - love at first sight, yo - you two started dating 3 weeks into your first year of enrollment at ua and the rest is history - while nemuri's a parttime teacher, you devote all your time to being a hero. you're decently ranked, too, probably in the top 20-25 heroes - you two are both great at cooking and baking, so i can see you two sharing the duty of making dinner for the two of you - like, if she's too tired to make something then you make dinner. but if you're too tired, then she will - you two have a business of ferrets. this business is five noodles large. you got minx, naif, lapid, sadi, and fae. they get along as well as fur noodles do - she likes to show off what lessons she's teaching at ua - that said, sometimes she gets swamped with having to grade, so you organize meetups with mic and eraser so that the three of them can hang out and relax and grade stuff in peace - i feel like whenever she sees you struggling to fall asleep that she'd use her quirk on you. and like, sometimes you argue about it cuz you don't want her to feel like she needs to do that. but she always responds with she wants to help you sleep - ok, but like... dates at nice restaurants are a must on holidays (only if you like that, tho). she makes the reservations months in advance - if you don't like sitting down and eating there, then she'll order some stuff and you guys can eat in the comfort of your shared apartment - she almost never has any sort of caffeinated beverages. her body doesn't react well, so she defaults to water. tho if its a friday night, she won't say no to a nice red wine - probably shit at driving, so either you need to do that, or y'all're taking cabs a lot if you can't carpool with friends
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Hawks || Keigo Takami
- a'right. gonna say this straight up - you two do not have pets. it'd be a disaster for all involved - anyways, he is 100% devoted to you - if there's ever anything you want/need, regardless of what it is, he'll go and get it for you - if you two go public with your guys' relationship, which he'll be against only because of he wants to keep you safe, he would be so happy to dump his playboy persona on its ass - you two probably do photoshoots together, especially if their spicy pictures - he has this small local cafe that's his favorite, and he always makes sure to stop by in a disguise. he doesn't do that because he doesn't want the business to grow, quite the opposite in fact. he just loves the fact that they're a smaller business that devotes themselves to quality over quantity and he doesn't want to make them grow too fast too quickly (going corporate isn't always a good thing) - i like to imagine when you guys have particularly boring meetings, you sit next to each other. and as you're zoning out, the tv static noise playing in your brain as you do so, you just start... staring at hawks' jacket. he probably gets uncomfortable at first, at the intensity of your stare, but then he feels you poking him - and then he's suuuuper confused, because you're not one to try to get his attention when y'all're in a meeting... but then, as he stealthily looks over his shoulder, he realizes that your picking hairs/loose threads/fuzzies off his jacket. you're basically preening him, and he couldn't be happier - he loves it if you bring him either shiny rocks, or shiny trinkets that you find. well, actually, he loves anything you give him because it's you and he's in love with you - but like, if you find something and you give it to him, saying that 'i saw this and it reminded of you' then he'll immediately attack you with cuddles and kisses - i feel like he's too busy to preen his wings sometimes, so you offer to help him straighten up his feathers read here: you affectionately force him to let you help - he vocalizes like a bird sometimes. you do something cute, or you get upset? he's cooing at you. you do something that makes you really happy/excited, or you get him something? he lets out excited chirps. he definitely sings like a bird in the shower. whistle at him. like, try to whistle a song to him. i feel like the avian portion of his brain would end up mimicking the song back - do his pupils canonically change size & shape? idk, but i think they would. his pupils would resemble that of a cat rather than a bird, tho - one of his gifts to you would be one of his feathers. i love the idea of him leaving you one of the 'lesser' important feathers with you so that he can monitor how you're feeling if he focuses on that feather... that sounds creepy, but i promise he's not doing it in a creepy way ^^;
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megumis-lashes · 3 years
A Tokyo Revengers Halloween!
Headcanons for Halloween!! 👻🎃
An: happy Halloween!! I personally love Halloween so have some last minute tokyo rev headcannons! I was gonna write these earlier but it’s still Halloween where I am so!
Contains: mentions of fake blood, just like Halloween activities lol, gn reader, currently not edited/proof read cuz I wanna post on time, I’ll add the ‘read more’ thing later since I’m on mobile 👹
Characters: Mikey/Manjiro Sano, Chifuyu Matsuno, Kazutora Hanemiya, Keisuke Baji, Haitani brothers, Imaushi Wakasa
Mikey - Manjiro Sano
A literal menace to society
Gets away with the craziest things purely because it’s Halloween and his costume is cute
Will complain about the amount of candy different houses give out
Even as an adult he’ll still wanna do something for Halloween, like at least get candy for himself lmao
Not against matching costumes but will make you do most of the work for his costume if you do match
Even if you don’t match expect him to ask you for help with his costume or makeup/SFX ☠️
That one kid that counts all their candy at the end of the night and has intense trade offs with other kids
Either easily scared or completely unbothered by jump scares/ horror movies there’s no in between
Loves the classic horror movies, the cheesy/funny ones that are either Halloween comedy or just so badly done that they’re funny
Overall menace/10, very fun person to spend Halloween with but also very chaotic 🎃
Chifuyu Matsuno
When is he not a sweetheart
Will match costumes with you even if you ask extremely last notice, he’ll drop all his plans for you
Not too picky on Halloween activities, down to watch movies, get costumes, go trick or treating
Leans more towards the cute side of Halloween, likes the cats and stuff, not super up for realistic SFX or anything crazy
Will dress up Peke J (as proven by official art)
That one kid who was a cat for Halloween for like 10 years straight (this totally wasn’t me no what are you talking about)
Will share candy with you as long as it’s not one of his favorites
If you’re going out he’ll probably be the most attentive person there, he doesn’t want your night to become a horror movie lmao
The type to ask you to draw cat whiskers on his face last minute and then forget he was wearing makeup and smear it
Overall sweetheart/10, very nice experience, we love cats in this household
Kazutora Hanemiya
Younger Kazutora? Menace to society (maybe even more than Mikey)
Time skip Kazutora? Still a tiny bit of a menace ngl
Will try to casually scare you after watching horror movies or just randomly
The type that would steal your candy as kids, but then he might feel bad and give you some of his in return (only if he liked you tho)
Another that abuses the cat costume except he makes it different by being a tiger or something lol
His costume is his excuse for wearing the tackiest tiger print clothes
Either that or he’s a demon/devil (like in the official art) which is very fitting for how he acts
Not against matching costumes (especially in timeskip, he’d be much more willing then)
In timeskip he would rather stay in for Halloween and watch movies, carve pumpkins something like that instead of going out
If you somehow convince him to go out then simple costumes!
Do his makeup and hair for him and he’s sold, a sucker for having his hair played with/done by other people
Overall chaos/10 or the second sweetheart/10 depending on which Kazutora we’re talking about
Keisuke Baji
Another menace lmao
Will run around the whole time, not actually going to houses really, and then complain about not getting any candy
Goodluck getting him to plan his costume more than half an hour before leaving
Also don’t even try to do his makeup or hair, mans is incapable of sitting still and will severely mess you up
The type that gets insane sugar high but then passes out for 12 straight hours when it wears off
His official art is like a werewolf costume? But he would use whatever he had to make a costume lmao, it’s a bonus if it’s not complicated or he doesn’t have to wear a shirt
If he’s staying home, he’ll insist on buying like 3+ bags of candy for trick or treaters just for him to eat it all and get mad at kids that wanted some of it ☠️
If you go to a party or something like that then put a tracking device on this man. He will somehow manage to end up at entirely different party and just blend in perfectly
Another one that would try to scare you but go all out, faking his own death kinda shit, then he’ll laugh at you for half an hour straight
Overall catastrophe but fun/10, exhilarating experience but you may or may not remember 80% of it the next day
Ran Haitani
The type to take Halloween as an excuse to commit crime cuz ‘no one’s gonna know’
May or may not use real blood instead of fake blood for his costume
Seems like someone that would dress up as ‘himself’ at parties ☠️ and take it as a compliment if someone knew who he was lmfao
Other than that he would somewhat go all out on costumes, use fake blood and SFX
Might match costumes if you ask in advance but would choose the spooky route over the cute route
The type to ruthlessly scare little kids but then give them candy afterwards as payment lmao
Seems the type to put at least some effort into decorations, or will just commit a crime in front of his house and claim it’s fake
Doesn’t care that much for candy but is lowkey territorial over his favorites
Most likely to get tipsy or just all out drunk at a Halloween party and say something along the lines of ‘babe we should totally recreate this horror movie it would be great’
Pls tell him no
If he stays home then he will sort through the candy for his favorites before he hands any of it out
Will prank you and scare you constantly throughout October, you will not get a break until it’s practically Christmas lmao
Overall insane but kinda fun/10, beware the crimes that most likely will occur with this man
Rindou Haitani
Kind of a deadbeat ngl
It would take a bit of convincing to do anything for Halloween, let alone match costumes
If anything I could see him matching with his brother purely so that they both could get away with crimes ☠️
If he did any sort of costume it would have to be simple, something that requires minimal effort and no makeup or anything really
Uninfluenced by what you wear, the type to go to a Halloween party in normal clothes with you wearing a whole ass costume and just say that he’s a waiter or something for Halloween lol
Surprisingly good at carving pumpkins, great at detail work somehow
I feel like he has a huge sweet tooth but hides it shamefully lmao
If you find out about his sweet tooth then this man will steal your candy as punishment
The type to be home, and so obviously so, with lights on and stuff, and not answer the door for trick or treaters.
Might scare them away with a kitchen knife if he’s that bothered
If you manage to drag him to a party when he’s in a good mood, then he’ll play along with your costume a bit and probably tease you
Overall kinda lame but also can be fun/10, you just need to inspire this man ok
Imaushi Wakasa
Ok so mans has a sweet tooth and that’s why he likes Halloween
Will bully you to give him lollipops, if you refuse he will give you silent treatment for like 3 days
Once he’s past the stage of enjoying going out/ trick or treating/partying, his favorite Halloween activity is watching scary movies the whole day
It’s a lazy but wholesome activity, especially if they’re Halloween comedies or those old movies with effects so bad they’re funny
Will still buy candy though, even if you don’t get trick or treaters
Not one to decorate much but will get some pumpkins for ‘fall spirit’, he thinks they’re nice but he won’t be that up to carve them, it’s too much mess
If you convince him to go to a costume party then please do his make up
Has the prettiest lashes and can pull off practically anything he desired Istg
I feel like he secretly likes some of the Halloween tropes? Like the whole vampire, werewolf thing, stereotypical stuff like that
Would be a vampire maybe, it’s an easy costume but it never fails
Overall chill/10, nice to hang out with, even if you aren’t doing much
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macaronnya · 2 years
Fresh(?) Impressions (1)
Other parts: |Trickstar| |UNDEAD| |2wink| |Ra*bits| |Akatsuki| |fine| |Ryuseitai| |Knights| |Valkyrie| |Switch| |MaM/Double Face/Crazy:B| |Eden| |Alkaloid|
Hello Enstarries~☆ I'm a newbie and wanted to share my kinda-first impressions of our maybe beloved idols bc the fandom (on tumblr) seems pretty 🤏 and so this might....idk serve as another entertaining post or smth. A viewpoint from a newcomer. I'll do each unit per post bc holy moly are there many and we'll start with Trickstar here. For a little structure, I'll begin with an overall impression (vibe, songs etc.) and then continue with indivdual members (appearance, personality etc.).
|Next| <- I'll put the next post here, when I'm done (assuming I'm dedicated and committed enough to really do everyone) See above ⬆️
Before we start, you may wonder why it's a fresh? and kinda-first impression. Well, I've been listening to their songs for about 2 years (Eden & Crazy:B fan here) and so know a bit about them (mainly their banger songs), be it through memes, iceberg explanation, memes and wiki pages. But I only really got into it since the global release. So even if I have all these random out-of-context info, I still basically know nothing. I only read their Episode 1 in the game for this bc want to start with the ! era first before jumping into !!. Now, one last thing...
DISCLAIMER!: Everything said here is for entertainment purposes only and not meant to attack anyone. This is not an accurate description of any characters but my subjective rambling for fun, so please don't take it too seriously. (Just to be safe, I'm kinda scared of elite idol fans) Also, you will hear me mention other games a bunch of times bc I'm that bad and uncreative at explaining and I'm still grieving A3!EN's shutdown. Eng is my 2nd (or 3rd?) language and it's 4am, do with that what you want.
Without further ado....Let's Ensemble!☆
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Typical first unit in idol games. Cheerful, innocent, ambitious and leading a revolution.....? That took me off at first, but, uh, good for them. Ngl their songs are boring. They remind me of Love Live's earliest songs and general idol songs. Pop, cheerful and encouraging messages, it's not bad. I just wouldn't listen to it if could. I do appreciate their preppier approach to the standard military inspired idol uniforms, though. Oh, the VA line-up is also 👁👁, like, damn.
5/10 - average, I don't have a strong opinion of them
Hokuto Hidaka
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I love his voice. Tomoaki Maeno's voice is just melting butter~🧈 At first, I thought he'd be the boring, serious, smart blue coded character out of the red-blue duo but I learnt my lesson with Deuce (Twisted Wonderland). He's earnest, honest, responsible and doesn't suffer from trauma with his famous parents, which is pretty good and possibly rare. I haven't heard a lot from him. He actually looks boring🧍‍♂️but this card is really pretty for some reason?? Apparently comes off as cold often as well, which is very relatable 😓
5.5/10 - average guy (the irony)
Subaru Akehoshi
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The 6th redhead, who's the poster character for their game. He looks like the standard first boy you meet and help to achive whatever the goal of the game and his dream is as his manager/producer/director/master/etc idk. Cheerful, naive, energetic. I don't really expect a lot from him but Sakuya (A3!), another redhead poster boy, became my most beloved baby sunshine 🥰, so...I'll just wait and see. His smile is pretty cute. And he likes money and sparkling things??? Random but not a bad thing.
6/10 - average but positive, slightly adorable
Makoto Yuuki
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Funky guy with glasses 👓 The only other character I reacall rn with colored rims is 707 (Mystic messenger). I haven't seen a lot of blondes with glasses, I think. He's kinda cute. If you haven't noticed yet, glasses are a tiny soft spot of mine. He seems to be the token clumsy dumdum but is self-aware and a bit self-conscious of that. His chibi has :3!!! A worried one even. Also, one of the grey haired ones or so is a really big fan or so of him and chases him? My condolences 😔
6/10 - still a bit boring but glasses and :3, he's trying his best
Mao Isara
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Initially, when I first listened to their songs, I thought Subaru's VA was his. It just seemed to fit better. He looks like a chatterbox and a social butterfly. Trendy and always up to date online. Maybe it's due to Cater (Twisted Wonderland), who looks similiar. But he's the student council president??? Looks truly decieve. I like his enthusiasm to have a just and actual working school. Well, he's still pretty friendly and so it seems.
6/10 - big role he carries but he's got the spirit, also cute
Honorary mention:
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Our dear MC, who has a lot of fans as well despite: 1. being a self-insert, 2. not having any real lines?, and 3. being a girl in a joseimuke game. Through A3!'s Izumi Tachibana, I learnt just how amazing self-insert MCs could be if they weren't self-inserts and had actual personality. I'm looking a bit forward to seeing more of her but I'll stay cautiously optimistic. Girl failed a revolution at her old school and attempts the next one right after her transfer, what an unyielding will. A bit miffed, that everyone seems to have a good relationship with her but is forced to stay ~professional~. Like, what is the use of names if you don't use them?! Let them call her Anzu or so >:( She also overworks quite often? You're not even 20....pls REST!
8/10 - I trust in my fellow Enstarries, maybe there will come a day when she gets her own card (perhaps as an anniversary gift?) (I really wanted one for Izumi (A3!), April fools has every side character except her. The audacity?!)
It's a bit weird how everyones' individual impression scores higher than the overall one. I suppose, it's like how mixing everything you like won't necessarily make an even better thing.
Now, if you reached the end, first off, congratulations! 🎊🎉 Idk if it's bc I was actually entertaining or bc you're that determined but thanks~♡ As you can see, I write a lot. I don't mean to do that but I always just somehow end up writing way too much bc I want to deliver my thoughts precisely. It's nearing 6am rn and I accidentally deleted my first draft. If there are any grammatical errors or so...have mercy. Feel free to comment whatever. It would give me more motivation to continue, though ofc I want to do everyone anyways. Just keep in mind, it's all just for fun and games and we're all here for a good time.
See you in my next impression post! (Hopefully)
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bbelphie · 5 years
Any hcs about how the MC would comfort Belphie and Levi when they’re feeling down? 💕
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don’t mind me i just got a tiny bit sad when doing this and also may have gone a tiiny bit overboard with belphie’s.
rly i got into some sensitive topics that may resemble symptoms of depression and anxiety/mild anxiety attacks. if you’re uncomfortable with it ((or maybe just hits home way too much)) please be careful while you’re reading!
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naps naps NAPS nApS nnnnaps nanapsps nupsnA ps naps nanaps naps
and i’m not even kidding, belphegor just sleeps the sadness away. most of the time. i can relate to that ngl
however, there are times when feeling down that he can’t sleep. and sadly, they’re more common than you’d expect it. before the exchange student event, he would have beel to help him with that, and when he was locked up in the attic, he had his anger towards lucifer to take his mind out of the sorrow.
it often feels like a heavy weight that crumbles over him and stays. especially when he overthinks about his sister’s death.
now, most of these moments are spent alone, because he can’t bring people to worry over him after everything. his relationship with his brothers are still being mend back together. beel can’t always be there for him. even his wrath towards lucifer has dissipated.
belphegor had nothing to occupy his mind with. the thought was almost suffocating.
what else can he do besides finally succumb to the emptiness?
that when he remembers you. so bright and strong, the lovely memory clouds his mind in such a way and all he can think about it’s you, you, you.
that’s when he calls you on his d.d.d with such a desperate voice that belphegor himself was surprised hearing it. the powerful seventh prince of hell felt so vulnerable and open but wasn’t able to think about that with his longing increasing now at a severe rate. he wanted to see you. to hear you voice, to feel your warmth.
when belphegor finally spots you on his door, just a few meters away, he swears he could even feel your warmth radiating in waves. all he wanted to do was crash into you and let it all out.
and yet, he was so scared. he didn’t move a inch after you entered the bedroom. a mist of blue and pink irises stares at you expectantly but he was paralyzed. he did so much bad to you, why did you even...
spoken words aren’t needed to realize that belphegor needed you. you met the demon half way to his bed before his train of thought comes back and he hugs you tightly. and in a matter of seconds, the mighty demon belphegor was being saved by no one else but you. a human. a being he swore to hate until the end of the times. his human.
he felt so safe and welcomed inside your embrace. belphie didn’t need to say anything, neither be understood. you were there for him nevertheless, and it felt like home.
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levi is a mess. anyone would agree about that fact. always rambling and being the shut-in otaku that he is. he’s the dirty weirdo of the family and is not wanted by anyone. or that’s what he thinks.
but lately it’s been worse. everything is just going wrong for him and all he wants to do is curl up on a ball on his bed and cry. but as one of the demon brothers and the third powerful prince of hell, he has things to do. but that wouldn’t matter if at the end of the day he comes back to his precious 2d girls.
however, he wasn’t able to even do that. the week was full with stuff he had to do, and he needs to do it if he doesn’t want to hear another one of lucifer’s discurses about responsibility and respecting diavolo.
it was not, in any way, something he wanted. every meeting, every reunion, every ball full of people that leviathan attended drived him to the edge. the simple thought of being around so many demons and angels makes his skin crawl and send shivers running down his spine.
“ they hate me. why would they want someone like me here? ”
he can feel their eyes on him. judging, gossiping, laughing. they’re all making fun of me. his heart is palpitating so much it feels like it wants to get out of his body. maybe that’s why levi feels like his chest is gonna burst. maybe that’s why his vision is so blurry and he feels like being smothered. and maybe that’s why he can’t breathe.
in a moment of worry, your vision fell upon his form. it was really subtle and he was hiding so well in the ballroom but you could swear you’re seeing his body shaking. as soon you got closer, you realized your suspicions were right. but it wasn’t only that.
you noticed three things first: leviathan was staring at his feet with both of his hands gripping tight on his clothes. his breath was irregular and way too heavy. and if you looked closer, he was sweating.
you say his name once, twice and thrice again and he’s still in a strange daze. on last resort, you touch his trembling arm, softly. and yet, leviathan jumped in surprise with the contact. his eyes — always reminded you of the sunrise you missed seeing so much — finds yours in a worried state. the sight of you relieved him for a single second, only to make him remember the reality of his situation again.
there was fear in his eyes but, he managed to stutter a “what do you want?” though in a very slurring way, just enough to you understand. you take his hand in yours — they’re cold as ice and it makes you wonder if you’re really in hell — to take him somewhere without any people. you know lucifer will scold you, but you also needs to share some thoughts with him as well.
you arrive at the balcony and you can see his tense shoulders shake. all you could do at that moment was hold him tight and whisper encouraging words in his ear while levi cries with his head on your shoulder. surprisingly, he didn’t flinch from your touch. in fact, levi found himself craving it.
levi was so tired. he just wanted to take a breath. everything kept happening and happening and he didn’t had the time to react properly to them. it was like a snowball of bad events rolling down in his direction, about to crash into him.
and it did and it hurted. but he had someone with him to go through this time. he had you. and he couldn’t be more thankful. after some blushing and embarrassing realization that he just cried on you, he will totally thank you properly.
but for now, he only wishes to hear your calming voice and to be comforted by your presence more. to stay with you. just a little more.
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kimberly-spirits13 · 4 years
Right Hand Man (Loyal to the End) (Full Series)
Pairing: Damian Wayne x reader
Synopsis: You were like Talia’s daughter. The only thing was that you weren’t and instead, you had grown up in the foster care system and at a young age were taken by and personally trained by Talia. Along the way, you meet Damian and the two of you start to work side by side and eventually, after some time become closer and closer. However, when disaster in the league strikes, you face balancing an old, forgotten life as a normal child and the burden of right hand to the demon heir.
Note: I know that this is long and that there are a good number of time skips, but I didn’t want to make this into a series and just wanted it as a long fic because .... well because I can lol
Also, I didn’t want to have Damian so young in this so just go with it. I’m thinking maybe early 15 or almost 16 at the most. Idk I just don’t like writing for young Dami.
Warnings: mentions of murder, blood, brief mentions of torture but not for long, almost dying, sadness, trying to find your place?, pit madness, this entire series had some angst ngl
Word Count: 21151
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        Growing up was a lot different for you than anyone else. For the first part of your life, you grew up in a perfect little family with a stable living condition and happy atmosphere. What happened later was easy to explain in all theory. There was a drunk driver and it didn’t end to well for your parents. With no remaining family, you were thrown into the foster care system and rotated around homes until finally one day, a strange woman came in with a smiley demeanor and was walking around the orphanage that you were in looking around when her eyes landed on you. You stared before she approached you. During your time in the system, you met tons of different people. Most were good, but some were bad. Those bad people had two different personalities around different people and you recognized it easily. This time however, it was different. You knew she was bad, but not anything that you were really scared of.
        “You’re not who you say you are.” You whispered to her softly.
        She smiled in a way telling you were right. A few months after that encounter, she came back again. This time however, you were going with her. She took you to a hotel room after a short and quiet drive. That was when she finally started talking.
        “My name is Talia, you will address me as such.” She said, “I’m going to take you to a place far away from here where you will train to become one of the most lethal of your kind.” “I expect only obedience. If I do not get this, you will be punished. Now, do you understand?”
        “Yes Talia.” You replied carefully.
        “What is your preferred name?” Talia asked.
        From then on, you were trained and taught with the best tutors alive. Not that they wanted to without a bit of persuasion and after your lessons, along with Damian’s, Talia’s birth son, they mysteriously disappeared. You knew what happened to them however. It was pretty easy to guess even for the most stupid person. Besides, you had to kill one yourself in the past.
        You were a quiet person and took well to Talia. She saw you as one of her own. That was high praise coming from someone who wouldn’t hesitate to kill anyone at a wrong glance. Your training came from her and only the top members of the League. Anyone else was seen as too easy or below even your own level of skill. That’s how it always was. You always avoided too much conversation with Damian when you were young and merely tolerated him for the most part. You saw him as a begrudging equal in power and standing. You were liked more secretly since you weren’t one to be overly proud or bold in talking about where you stood. In fact, the most you did was command and fight. You saw no point in boasting on positions of power. It was a useless waste of time and a means to get yourself killed.
        On days you got time off, even if It was for a few minutes, you were always found in the quietest parts of the base. Whether that was your room or any kind of gardens, you would be found there. Talia always knew where you were because of this.
        “I expect you are prepared for the next mission Y/N?” She asked walking to you one morning after training.
        “As always Talia.” You said standing to greet her.
        She sat down with you for only a little bit and the conversation was brief.
        “I’ve noticed you’ve been lost in thought recently.” She noted, “What matter is this over?”
        You were shocked. It wasn’t everyday Talia showed any kind of emotion like this. Maybe tiny, tiny gestures after successful missions that you had led, but not much other than that.
        “I’ve just been thinking of the success of my upcoming mission. I need to know that these certain recruits are not going to jeopardize the mission. While they aren’t new, I have an instinct they will prove unfit for this kind of work.”
        “I understand. Measures will be taken if they prove useless.” Talia assured, “All concerns aside, you are needed prepared and ready. If not, the roll of leader will be given elsewhere.”  
        “You should not concern yourself with me, I will be fully capable of leading a squad myself.” You stood, “it is time for me to leave however.”
        The mission was going fine until now. You were right about the recruits. When they messed up, you immediately jumped into action killing who they missed. In this process, you were drenched in rain water and blood. No one had ever seen you this furious. This is why you were leader, you were the only one that knew what to do in times of stress and how to punish those who wronged the goal of the missions.
        “You fools!” You shouted in the ship, “You had the perfect chance and did not take it! Your assignments were simple for a reason and you almost jeopardized the entire assignment over a bit of rain!” “I have finished missions nearly dead and you incompetent idiots couldn’t kill four people.” “When we get back to the base, you should be expecting punishment accordingly.”
        The rest of the ride was dead silent but for your second in command and yourself discussing matters of the mission in a different language. It wasn’t a long flight and by the time you were back, you were still soaked. Brushing a piece of wet hair that was just now starting to curl once more, you approached Talia, who was being trailed closely by Damian who almost stepped back by the look you had on your face.
        “What happened?” Talia demanded glaring for a quick second at the questionable recruits.
        “The mission was almost jeopardized by the recruits that I raised concern about. They put unnecessary risks onto the table and missed the simple instructions they were assigned.” You narrowed your eyes some, “I took care of what they couldn’t.” “The mission was successful.”
        “Very well. Hit the showers and meet me in the briefing room in 40 minutes.” Talia said.
        “Understood.” You walked passed her and Damian, only stopping to acknowledge him for a few seconds, “Damian.” You said nodding.
        “Y/N.” You were the only one that could address him as his first name besides Talia and The Demon Head and you were the only one he’d use a first name for.
        You continued down the hallway and a few more before making into another sector of the building that you stayed. Those in high ranking had their own bathrooms such as you and Talia. It was seen as a sign of respect and designation from the rest. You walked into your bedroom, smaller as they tended to be and grabbed your change of clothes. This is what you normally wore around the complex if you weren’t going on missions. It was as simple as a black suit with straps for weapons and a place for your swords. Other than that, it was nothing special. It was against code to wear any kind of sleep wear outside of your room.
        While on your way back from the briefing room, you decided to take a detour to the roof tops where you stayed sometimes. The view was incredible at night and the stars shown brighter than you’d seen anywhere else. There was a cool breeze up there and the occasional glimpse of the nightly patrol off in the distance. You were alone for most of the time and became captive to your own thoughts running wild. That didn’t mean you didn’t hear the footsteps behind you though.
        “What brings you to the roof?” You asked to the figure not even turning around.          
        You knew it was Damian just by how he walked. It typically took a few minutes for the two of you to drop your guard, even in the slightest, however it was the only time you could.
        “I wanted some fresh air and figured you’d be here. I am pleased to find that I was not incorrect in my thinking.” He replied sitting next to you.
        “I’m flattered.”
        The sarcastic tone of your comment led a smirk onto Damian’s face.
        “You looked abnormally angry after today’s assignment.” He commented, “I was surprised to see you so...”
        “Covered head to toe in blood and rain?”
        “Well, that would not have happened if there was not a reason for it to. By all means, sometimes, I expect there to be mistakes. I also expect there to be repercussions. But if you cannot even finish off the simplest of tasks, you are by all means an absolute incompetent fool.” “I could have done that as a young child.”
        “I noticed you seemed to be less than pleased when recruits were assigned on Monday.” Damian said, “I presumed it was something to do with those individuals.”
        There was some silence between the two of you. Some night up on the rooftops, there were no conversations. You two acknowledged each other’s presence and continued on your way, minding your own business, and ultimately being comfortable in each other’s company. However, tonight you had something else in mind.
        “Has Talia been acting strangely more... emotional? In a positive way I think.” You asked him, “I thought it might have just been me, but with some more conversation with her earlier this morning, I suspect something must be wrong.”
        “I have noticed that. I am sure that there is nothing too terribly wrong to fear. Grandfather has had no change in his demeanor... That said, he is more seasoned to conflict.” Damian remarked, “You do get more information on matters on occasion with your status.”
        “I know, that’s why I’m concerned.” “I don’t want to be caught in the middle of some war or whatever the case may be. Besides, I have my real assignment which is watching over you. I don’t need anything getting in the way of why I’m supposedly really here.”          
        “You are aware that your “only job” isn’t just to be my protector or however my mother worded when we were young children. You’re also one of most commanding and powerful people I’ve ever met. Your position was well placed in your hands and it is well taken care of by you.” Damian commented.
        “High praise coming from the grandson of The Demon Head.” You almost let a smile slip onto your face at what he said.
        “I don’t remember a day where you weren’t there in some way.” He said, “Whether that was to scold me for being too proud of my bloodline or just making sarcastic remarks about anything you could.” He smirked, “Not that I didn’t fire back.”
        “Mhmm. Talia, as much as she doesn’t want to admit it was extremely amused when I used to talk like that to you. Although, she denies it every time now.” You thought back to the days when you and Damian used to bicker about everything. You were always secretly the more serious one no matter how much he wanted to keep that up. For you, there was no family line to fall back on. You only had your reputation and especially here, that was easy and dangerous to damage.
        “What do you think is going on?” He asked, “If there is anything wrong, one of us, if not both will know within the next few weeks at most.”
        “I don’t really know. I think that it might be something internal. The Demon Head and Talia might be about to sweep the lower and middle ranks for traitors or those less competent. They might even take the upper ranks. Just watch your back.”
        “As always.”
        You looked back out at the view looking at the mountain tops, inspecting each and every one that you could see. The snow gleamed in pale moonlight and every once in a while, you’d possibly see a shooting star go by. When training wasn’t underway and most everyone was asleep, the compound was one of the most peaceful places you’d ever been. You caught yourself yawning and suddenly a wave of exhaust washed over you.
        “How long has it been since you slept properly?” Damian asked noticing right away your shift in demeanor.
        “Maybe four days at best. It was just the mission preparations. I’ll be fine, besides, training for me in the morning is not until later. I’ll have time to sleep longer.” You stood back up, “I am going to head back to my room now. However, I do expect to see you at sparring tomorrow?”
        “I will be there.”
        With that, you hopped down the roof top and left back for your room. You knew he’d follow shortly after you, it was customary for him to after some alone time. That always helped with anything he was dealing with since he rarely ever got it. That’s the unspoken worst part about being in the positions you two were in. There was never any time to yourselves.
End Post
Second Start Part
        You walked around the squad that you were assigned to watch over this morning. It was an easy viewing as you picked out each mistake that was made by the fighters. The objective of this time was to make improvements in skills where needed in the time that you were waiting for Damian to arrive for sparing. Now that you were older, the two of you trained outside almost to set an example for the rest of the members in lower ranks. It was almost a shaming method as well. Look at these two teenagers, they are years ahead of you in skill and training.
        A few minutes of this routine had passed. You were getting tired of no action yourself. Damian must have been attending to some private matters since he was never late. Talia made sure of that for one part. Eventually, the mood shifted into something even more serious and focused and you knew that he had entered the training grounds.
        “How kind of you to finally show up.” You said drawing your sword.
        “I had previous arrangements to attend to.” Damian returned taking his own sword in hand.
        “An eventful morning for the demon.”
        “Indeed, it was General.”
        You could tell that there were eyes on you the entire time that the two of you were training. It wasn’t uncommon but for the longest time, it took a while to get used to in the start of this newer training environment. Eventually you did get very accustomed to it and started playing harder. It was important to look like you really had the best training and grasp of what you were doing. Otherwise you were a bigger target. That was something you didn’t want under any circumstances. Damian didn’t mind. Instead, he seemed to like the challenge you presented. It wasn’t often in the field he ever got any sort of action like this. It was pretty typical for take downs to be easy, child’s play really. At least, that’s what he liked to think of it.
        For what started feeling like hours, you and Damian trained along with the rest of the recruits. It was sweltering hot outside. The sun’s heat beat down on everyone there without any sign of stopping. The cloudless sky offered no shelter from the rays either. You finally defeated Damian for the last time. Your fights would go until the other slipped up and then they’d start over until you both new that it was time to leave.
        “You haven’t heard anything about strange happenings or something of concern of late have you?” You asked entering the building.
        “No, I didn’t. Today was a common briefing of training and education. I anticipate you will have a meeting with mother at a later time over the same subjects.” Damian replied as the two of you turned into a different hallway heading to the cafeteria, “Mother was acting strange this morning however. I do not know if it has to do with our shared concerns.”
        You didn’t say anything, instead you just nodded before the two of you entered the giant room that everyone sat and ate in. There were different rooms situated inside for different ranks but mostly everyone sat together. It was difficult to escape the people which was something that was meant to be established but for the top players. They stuck together. That’s another reason why you and Damian were so close.
        “I want you to sit with me today instead of with the other group.” Damian said as the two of you took what you wanted for lunch and walked to where he and his mother always sat and ate. Talia was to be late today because of matters she was handling by herself. You two sat in silence for some time.
        “The recruits seemed ... mostly normal for the decent part of today.” You said, “In other words, there have been no red flags of anything internal. I walked around the entirety of the grounds to check.”
        “Maybe Mother and Grandfather are planning something that will just be sudden.” Damian pondered out loud, “We most likely won’t have to worry about it.”
        “It will probably affect me more than you.” You commented, “I’m pretty certain that you’d be safer when it came to some mass elimination scheme.”
        “You should be confident in your place among the League.”
        “I am, I just know that things can change at the random.” “That’s what makes it exciting around here.” “You know, other than the constant threat of being killed.”
        Damian spared you a smirk at the comment but nothing else. You saw it and knew he understood for some part.
        “Where is your next mission?” He asked.
        “It’s to Italy.” “I should only be gone for two, maybe three days at most.” “It’s basic kill a diplomat here, a politician there kind of mission before you ask.”
        Damian cocked a brow, “How did you know I’d ask?”         “You always do al Ghul.”
        “That is the one part of your training and job that I envy.”
        “And that is?” You asked.
        “You get to go and actually do things outside of the League’s headquarters and fight.” He answered simply.
        “Don’t let your mother hear that.” You chuckled only a bit to yourself.
        It was only in times like these or even just only on the roof tops that you’d ever let yourself crack a smile or make anything close to a joke. It was the only time you’d actually be even a sliver of yourself around someone. That is, whatever of yourself was left from all of these years spent here. You thought that what you did was important. It kept your branch of the League together even. Assigned to watch over Damian and be his right hand, that is what you defined yourself by. It was always position to you. Whether you liked it or not, this wasn’t the place to be friendly or all that different from the rest besides in skill and ruthlessness.
        “We’d better get to our class.” You said breaking the silence that came between you two.
        Damian stood up followed by you and the two of you headed to your tutoring session. It wasn’t long before this was over, in fact today was probably the last you’d see your teacher alive.
        The tutor seemed to know just as well as you and Damian that this was their last day probably seeing the light of day. The room that the two of you were seated in was a well- lit room with only a table and large chalk board. You could practically feel the nervous energy that your tutor was radiating today. It got worse and worse every day leading up to it. You almost wanted to feel bad for him but you didn’t. That’s where you sometimes come to question the League. It was always taught in some lessons that it was human nature to be compassionate and not disassociate from others. People were supposed to need and feel for each other. You didn’t though. The League made sure of that very quickly.
        The lesson was quick, you didn’t really care much about what the tutor was saying. It was mainly just an overview of what you and Damian had learned. You two exchanged looks at the end of the session before walking out of the room. Talia was there with another recruit. You knew what the other was there to do when he walked into the room you were just in, you didn’t know however why Talia was there.
        “Y/N, I need to speak with you about your upcoming mission.” She said.
        You nodded goodbye to Damian before leaving with Talia.
        “I trust that your lessons were more than suitable?” She asked.
        “Correct, they were of desirable level.” You replied walking by her side.
        “Good. Now about this mission.” Talia turned a corner and into a room before shutting the door behind you, “This isn’t just another simple mission.” “The diplomats that you’re targeting will have highly trained security teams. You must choose the right moment to strike which I’d like to think you might be able to do from your training. Make sure there is as little of security as possible. After you accomplish stage one, move your squad onto stage two of killing the others and then return as soon as possible.” “Any questions? This should be standard by now.”
        “Understood.” You nodded.
“In addition, with the success of your past few missions, it has been decided that you will be elevated into a newer status of High General. Still by the same title, you have more tasks and control over your own squads. I do expect that you will handle this well. You start after your mission with the same schedule. However, you will be training more in the middle ranks.”
“Thank you, I am honored.” You said sincerely before cocking a brow, “However, I must ask since it has been troubling me for the past few days. Is there anything that I should be expecting that will happen? Are there any sweeping of the ranks that I should know about?”
        “I see that you must have picked up on something.” Talia said, “This is confidential information. I am only sharing this with you because of your status and position. There have been concerns raised of an attack from outer forces. We have not figured out which ones yet, you should not concern yourself with that yet. However, the only thing besides your mission and daily tasks you should be concerned with, is the safety of my son, the heir to the League. There is no true telling information on what will happen so keep on your highest guard.”
        “Yes Talia.”
        There was a pause that filled the room. You knew that there was something else.
        “General. That is the position you have been given. That is not however your only job.” Talia started, “Your main, most important job is to be my son’s second hand. If something were to ever happen to myself or The Demon Head, I fully expect you to stay with Damian over everything. Do not make me regret my decision in picking you off the ground of that orphanage.”
        “My loyalties are well placed Talia. I stay with him until death just as I was assigned from the start of this all. As High General, as the Demon’s second, you have my word.”
Eventually, you left. The rest of the day was ahead of you and tomorrow, you’d be suiting up for Italy. Ready to leave the League even for a mission, you were antsy the rest of the day. Not enough for notice as usual though. Damian knew however. He could tell that your game was a bit off since this morning. He could tell that you were either anticipating more than what you gave off, or you were preparing yourself for this next mission a bit too much.
        That night he confronted you as the two of you sat on the rooftop.
        “You were off of your game today Y/N.” Damian said almost catching you off guard.
        “So, I was.”
        “What caused this rarity?”
        “I am just ready to start my mission. I have a brewing feeling that it should go over very well.” You answered, “That is what Talia wanted to discuss with me earlier today.”
        “It was just this and nothing else?” Damian cocked his brow suspiciously.
        “Correct.” You reassured, “There was nothing else besides talk of schooling. She did inform me that I will be taking the High General position which was gratifying.”
        “You have my congratulations Y/N.” He commended.
        “And you have my appreciation Damian.”
        “The only thing that I did pick up from the conversation wasn’t... much. Just keep on your highest guard.”
        You didn’t bother saying anything else. Watching the stars and then the clouds float by every now and again was enough. It was easy to just stay up there and do nothing. There was no schedule besides having to get at least some sleep that night. There were no recruits training out in the heat. And best of all, it was silent and cool outside. This was the best time and always would be a place of your favorite memories from life.
        “So, do you have any plans of changing your squad?” Damian asked.
        “In what way? My squad is perfectly formed. There shouldn’t be any issues within it. Not unless you’re insinuating that you want to join al Ghul.” You smirked.    
        “No, not at all. I’d rather not be taking orders from my right hand.” He shot back.
        “And I’d rather not be giving orders to one of the most stubborn people I know.”
        “Very funny L/N.”
        “Oh, so we’re on last name status. I must have said something to upset the young Demon.” You poked fun at him as you typically did.
        “You’d like to think you could.”
        “Anyways, regarding your question. I will not be adding or eliminating anyone from my squad unless I find someone in the lower ranks more suitable that can and will advance faster. Nevertheless, I am not actively looking for any new blood as some might call it.”
        “I understand.” Damian stood up to leave, “Will I see you before your mission tomorrow?”
        “Most definitely during breakfast. My team and I are leaving for Italy right after that though.” You answered jumping down from the roof top and onto the pavement below before walking inside, and down a hall until you eventually split from Damian to go to your room.
Part Three Start
        You boarded the jet that was to take you to Italy. Looking back at Damian, the two of you exchanged quick nods and you headed into the cockpit. After a few minutes, the flight had taken off and you were on your way to Italy. As always you had promised to return with a song. It was something that he could have that wasn’t assigned or approved of by his mother. You understood that well. Sitting back, you sighed just a bit and got your mind into the game.
Damian’s POV:
        It wasn’t a rare thing for you to leave on missions. You did every month or so. It was just that things seemed to be even more of a task around the compound. Training’s vigor was more noticeable. Classes were more boring. The food and company were terrible. The list went on and on when you left. It did improve greatly when you came back most of the time however. The rare nights that you got back and were injured were some of the scariest. You took the worst blows for your team. It was what made you the best leader he’d ever met.
        On the nights that Damian saw you being taken to the infirmary practically bleeding out stayed in his nightmares from day one. Talia would try and make him leave since she knew that he typically reacted strongly to it no matter how hard he tried to hide it. He’d worry all night about you until you were back on the training field. The one night he lost it was when you almost died. It was so bad they had to use the pit. He could hear you screaming and knew that you would have rather died. It was a way that the league would torture you. If you messed up, they’d put you in front of a film showing all of your mistakes. After that, you would be nearly dead once they tried to bleed you out and thrown into the pit by yourself. The next day when no one was looking, he pulled you into a massive hug. It’s never been discussed since.
        Now he was alone training. His sparring partner was in Italy on a mission without him. It was too quiet in the room now. Damian’s thoughts ran wild as he imagined what might happen while you were in Italy. He knew that there was something that you knew about this turmoil in the league that you were hiding. He suspected that it was on his mother’s demands. Besides, if it was a serious danger, you would say something. At least, he thought you would.
        Looking up at the clock that was hanging high on the wall, he was taken from his thoughts be the time. Damian picked up his bag and left for his class that he would be late for if he didn’t rush. Talia would never approve of that. Throughout the rest of the day, he was distracted by the thought of your absence. Though, he’d never admit it. Sitting on the rooftop alone was strange. He almost expected you to join him at any moment preferring the comfortable silence and ease that came with you during these times. He found no point in staying much longer since he couldn’t relax and eventually headed to bed early.
Your POV:
        It was night time in Italy. You had scouted the convention and knew all of the points that the targets could get in and out. Going over the plan one last time with your team, you had the map of the building on the desk between everyone.
        “Beta, you take target two, make sure that no one of importance leaves alive.” You had explained, “Regroup at the jet once you’ve finished your task. If you’re not back by the end of the hour, find your own transportation to the compound.” “Is everyone clear on the objective?”
        The group nodded, “Yes General.”
“Good, we will not be having the issues that were with last mission’s assigned team.”
You folded the map and put it into a compartment in your belt before leaving with the rest of the team and splitting up into groups. This mission was going to be easy in all regards. You had entered the dressing room of your target. The rest of the squad was taking care of the security on the outside. Breaking communication was the most important aspect of the starting phase. This way no one would know if anything was going on. You watched the security team of the foreign diplomat. They were in formation even here. Their weapons were advanced but nothing you wouldn’t be able to handle. The song of an American movie played in the background on their phone. You knew it was something from a Disney musical.
“Tightrope!” You thought remembering that you’d never gotten the chance to relay the song to Damian, “Hopefully the timing of the song isn’t ill placed with everything going on behind the curtains.” “Focus Y/N, you’re on a mission, not at a concert.”
Without a moment’s notice, you hit the signal button on your communicator and then threw in a poison dart into all of the guards. There was a sudden clamor as men started dropping. You smirked some seeing the substance work before coming behind the diplomat and ending him with an injection of a stronger substance sure to end him before giving one more dose of a different chemical to insure the death of all.
You saw that your team was finished and packed back up with the team before heading out.
“Report.” You demanded once getting to the jet on the coms.
“Mission was successful, heading to meet up now.” The squads confirmed.
“Well done to all sides.”
Careful to remember the song, you played it on repeat in your mind as you boarded the jet and took off. Ultimately, you were glad to be sleeping in your own bed tonight if you had the chance to sleep after reports were made to Talia and that the team was competent. You wanted to groan thinking about not sleeping tonight. You were bone tired but knew that the show must go on. Otherwise you’d be severely punished. No sleep was better than the pit.
Upon arrival, Talia met you at the landing pad as usual.
“Report.” She said with a better demeanor seeing you not covered head to toe in blood and rain.
“The mission was a success. All parties were taken out without alerting anyone with the approved weapon of choice.” “No intervention from myself was needed.” You said giving a very, very brief rundown before you’d have to relay the entire mission to her later.
“Good. Report to your rooms. General, I expect you in the briefing room in forty minutes.”
“Yes Talia.”
You saw that Damian was coming from down the hallway. He was later than usual but none the less, you were glad to see him. Even if you’d never admit it.
Damian’s POV:
        Damian ran down the hallway upon seeing the jet land. He knew to slow down when the hall would become populated and he’d be exposed so he did. However, the moment that no one was around, he was running again. Damian heard his mother and slowed to a walking pace, taking back his proper stance and commanding look.
        “Yes Talia.” He heard you say before you walked past her and towards him.
        He was glad to see you ... not drenched in blood. From your blood or someone else’s for that matter. You almost glistened in the moon light as you did on the roof tops. Though, he’d never seen you in mission gear like this for some reason. You looked like the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.
        “Damian.” You nodded walking to him.
        “Y/N. I am pleased to see you not covered in blood and rain.” He commented smirking just a bit.
        “Very funny demon. The feeling is mutual.” You replied.
        He turned and watched you walk down the hall before going to the roof tops after talking with Talia. Damian knew that you wouldn’t be joining him tonight, however he was ready whenever you did.
        That day almost never came. With what you had taken on with the new rank, you were always busy well into the night. Damian hated it. You almost hated it too. You loved the nights on the rooftop. Slowly, you tried to get back on better sleep but tonight you just wanted the stars and the mountains. That was it.
        Over the past few weeks, you had hardly had any time to talk. Even during training for some part was spent with recruits instead of him. You both hated it. For the first time it felt like you were away from a mission but still there. Damian thought that you were too busy for him most of the time so he just didn’t make the attempt to talk to you. You thought that he was going for space for a while so you didn’t push anything. Eventually, you were sick of it though and decided to head to the roof.
        You climbed to the top noticing that Damian was already there. Carefully, you sat next to him, legs hanging off the side of the structure.
        “I assumed you would not come tonight.” He commented.
        “I do not blame you. I’ve been ... extremely busy as of late with this new roll.” You sighed laying down on the roof.
        He didn’t say anything for a little while and just enjoyed being able to relax in a place other than maybe his chamber. You enjoyed the silence for a while before he did finally say something.
        “Did you come back with a song?” Damian asked glancing at you some.
        “As always.” “And do you still want to hear it?”
        “Of course.” He rolled his eyes some at your answer.        
        You started with the song ditching the higher notes as to not be too loud. He knew you could hit them and he knew that you dodged them. He’d heard you before as Talia wanted you to be able to sing for some unknown reason. When you weren’t training as a child or in schooling, you were doing that with a professor. The two of you sat there for a while just admiring the view.
        “I should be going off to bed now.” You said, “I have a lingering feeling tomorrow will be long.”
        “I understand.” Damian stood with you and headed for his bedroom.
        “I expect to see you at afternoon training tomorrow? I don’t have as many responsibilities tomorrow.”
        Damian almost smiled, “Of course.”
        You headed to your room and plopped into the bed. It was going to be a long day tomorrow. No matter how much you couldn’t wait to see Damian more, something told you not to get your hopes up. Before being totally consumed by your thoughts, you drifted to sleep.
Part Four Start
        The sun shinned brightly overhead in the cloudless sky. It was a warm day, nothing unbearable however. A light breeze flew through the training ground as all seemed unusually calm. Everyone was focused on their training. You and Damian were well underway in sparring. You were on your highest guard. The ease of today was not going to throw you off your game. Trusting your instincts, you kept an eye out for anything that was off balance.
        “The only thing besides your mission and daily tasks you should be concerned with, is the safety of my son, the heir to the League. There is no true telling information on what will happen so keep on your highest guard.” You thought about Talia’s words from a few weeks ago, repeating them in your mind, “General. That is the position you have been given. That is not however your only job. Your main, most important job is to be my son’s second hand. If something were to ever happen to myself or The Demon Head, I fully expect you to stay with Damian over everything. Do not make me regret my decision in picking you off the ground of that orphanage.”
        “Is something on your mind?” Damian asked saying the last part softly enough so no one else would hear, “You’re more intense than usual today.”
        “I am fine.” You answered knocking him to the ground before he kicked you down getting the upper hand.
        “You don’t seem it General.”
        You cocked a brow before getting in position to knock him off. The sound of something flying quickly for you caught your attention though. With wide eyes, you saw an arrow. Looking around there were hundreds. Going into a more intense version of a mission mindset, you rolled over taking Damian under you, moving in time as to not be hit by the arrow.
        “Get behind me.” You demanded standing up.
        “Get behind you?” Damian was in disbelief at the look on your face.
        “That’s an order!” You quickly took the man coming for you down, stabbing him in his lower abdomen region before pulling your sword out and killing another assailant, blood splattering on your face much to Damian’s shock.
        Damian looked to where his mother and grandfather was and stopped seeing his grandfather bleeding out on the floor. You saw this too. Kicking into high gear, the words of Talia played faster and louder in your mind taking over all of your thoughts. Everyone not in proper league attire was now a target and threat. You had your route in mind and took it.
        “Fallen is the Ra’s al Ghul.” You said quietly in respect, “I stay till the end.”
        Damian had seen you fight aggressively before. It was amazing to watch. This time though, there was a sense of something that he couldn’t quite pick up. Watching you, he saw you must have planned for this countless numbers of times.
        You nodded at Talia who returned the signal before taking the bow and arrows of the man you just killed and shooting it at anyone who dared to come close, “Follow me.” You ordered
        Running in front of Damian, you took the heavier side of the arrows. You were both in your armor which wouldn’t be susceptible to arrows that easily, you just weren’t taking the chance of it failing though. Once you were out of arrows, you threw the extras at anyone who was in your way. Damian would have found that amusing if you weren’t so serious.
        You ran through the hallway and then down another. Damian didn’t know where you were going but from what he was seeing, it was to the pit. Once you were down the stairs and then hall that would take you to the pit, you stopped and looked around before opening up a hidden door in the wall’s decorative moulding.
        “H-how did you-“
        “No time for questions, get in.” You hissed pulling him in by his wrist before shutting the door      
        You pulled him into another room down the long and confusing hallway maze that was built to get people lost in case they followed this far.
        “Don’t lose me al Ghul.” You commanded running into the middle of the maze before heading out of another secret passage.
        “That’s not the plan General.”
        Once entering the last room, Damian saw the jet that was in the middle of a new room that you’d come into.
        “What is this place?” He asked once you were both in the jet waiting for Talia, “And why don’t I know about it and you do?”
        There was an envelope that was a note from Talia to Bruce incase she died. It was to tell him about you and Damian. Apparently, there was something in there that would convince him that you two were legit. Though, you never asked. When it came to Talia and the birth of Damian, you didn’t ask questions.
        “Answer me Y/N!” he demanded once you didn’t answer as you were busy at the controls.
        “Do not raise your voice at me.” You said in a deep, ominous tone making him blink a few times, “Talia and I knew that one day there might be a time that the compound would be taken over or just attacked. We knew that the league depended on your survival. It was important to have a place that I could take you in case something did happen.” “If she doesn’t show in 10 minutes or we are attacked between that time, I am expected to fly to Gotham City and take you to your father.”
        “You will take me to the Batman?” He almost stated instead of asking.
        “Who else?” You remarked rolling your eyes a bit.
        The ten minutes had passed and Talia was flying the jet to Gotham. No one spoke for the first half of the flight. There was too much to think about for conversation. Damian sat in the back as you and Talia took to flying the jet. Night was falling upon the oncoming city. Talia had already contacted Bruce and you were expected shortly.
        “I do not know when I will see you next.” Talia said addressing the both of you, “Stay with Bruce until I come back.”
        In a dialect Damian didn’t understand, Talia spoke to you, “General, I will send updates on occasion. You know your mission.”
        “Yes Talia.”
        You and Damian entered the building behind Talia. She was in front of him while you were behind. Damian knew that this was for a reason but he knew better than to say anything. The three of you headed into an elevator and then up a few floors. Talia was determined to be there before Bruce and have the two of you hidden away. Placing you two behind the curtain you stayed silent.
        “You’ve got blood on your jawline.” Damian commented very quietly.
        You looked at him for a second before trying to rub as much of it off as possible before braiding your hair over the spot so that it wouldn’t be seen. There was no reason to cause any more concern than what there would be. The two of you exchanged glances upon hearing Bruce’s voice. You heard Talia talk about her scans and Damian. Bruce obviously didn’t know that he existed. Knowing that that would bother Damian, you placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder for a second before the curtain was pulled back.
        “This is your son, Damian and his right hand, Y/N L/N.” Talia said leaving Bruce shocked, “She is not your daughter, I found her in an orphanage when she was a small child. She is however a high general and will not leave Damian’s side.” Talia more demanded than informed the last part.
        Damian walked to his father, “The great Batman... I imagined you taller.”
        You almost rolled your eyes at that one, typical Damian.
        More discussion between Talia and Bruce took place before Damian told her goodbye a last time. She turned to you not really expecting anything but a nod. Instead you repeated what you said on the training field.
        “Fallen is the Ra’s al Ghul.” “I stay till the end.”
        Bruce wasn’t much of a talker, you didn’t mind until getting into the Batmoblie. That was going to be a bit more awkward.
        “I’m taking you two back to the manor. I expect you to act civil while I’m on patrol.”
        You nodded thinking Damian might possibly do the same.
        “I’ll drive.” He instead said.
        You tried not to facepalm, instead pinching the bridge of your nose for a second.
        “No.” Batman replied.
        “I know how!” He insisted.
        “I don’t care.”
        Damian got into the front seat with you in the back. You didn’t mind sitting back there if it wasn’t for the constant glares you were getting from Bruce at times. He didn’t trust you and you didn’t blame him. Maybe giving your title and position wasn’t a great idea on Talia’s part. You just weren’t sure anymore. After the entire talk of not killing and rules in the house, you just wanted to arrive and were beyond relived when you finally did. Damian of course asked the more condescending questions once he was in the cave. You found the tech impressive whether it was small or not compared to what you thought. It was very... on brand as some might say. You also didn’t mind just having the one Butler. It made you feel better just be able to be a bit normal and do things yourself.
        Before Bruce was about to get back into the Batmobile you stopped him.
        “I have direct orders from Talia to give this to you.” You passed him the envelope.
        “Thank you.” He raised a brow, “I trust that you are loyal to your position?”
        “I am not high general anymore.” You said making Bruce pause, “Not until or if I return to the league. My only mission now is protecting Damian. Where he goes, I go. Where he stays, I stay. Where he might die, I am prepared and expected to take his place. I am loyal to that.” “It has been this way since I was brought to the league and will stay this way for the rest of our lives.”
        “I respect that.”
        When Bruce left, Alfred took you and Damian up to your rooms. Alfred said little but did reply a “Yes Master Bruce.” Into a comm that he had in his ear. The rooms were right next to each other which was nice. You suspected that was on purpose. Maybe Bruce was going to respect your position. You only had your suit to sleep in. It was a bit ... bloody though. You cursed under your breath in Arabic looking in the mirror and seeing it. That must have been what you were getting looks for besides the intense glares you were given back. You were about to wash your face even if it was just with water and hand soap, as much as that made you cringe, before a knock at your door stopped you.
        You walked to the bedroom door and opened the door revealing Alfred.
        “For tonight, I have only this set of nightclothes from Miss. Barbra Gordon, a family friend. Tomorrow I shall have new clothes for you in a suitable fashion.” He passed you the neatly folded stack of clothes, “There are toiletries in the bathroom under the faucet.”
        “Thank you. It is greatly appreciated.” You said taking the stack from him.
        “You are welcome.” He paused, “If you would prefer, I may be able to arrange a trip with Miss. Gordon and Miss. Brown. They are both heavily involved with the family.” “I have also already informed the young Master Damian that there are three others here. Master Dick, the oldest, Master Jason, and Master Tim. I expect the best behavior from all of them.”
        You knew what he meant by that which was intentional and nodded at his words.
        “That would be suitable.”
        Alfred wished you a goodnight you shut the door, before taking a shower and properly washing your face. The clothes that you were now in were very comfortable. You knew that they were second used but you were used to it. Right now, they reminded you of the nightclothes you wore when you were young and still moving from house to house. You never had proper attire until the league and then even then, that was far from normal. Only on some missions would you wear “normal clothes”.
        Once you were out of the shower, you had gotten into bed. The gold necklace from your parents that Talia had let you keep was still on. You didn’t really want to take it off tonight. While Damian had you, you only really had the necklace as a kind of good luck charm no matter how cliché that might sound to some. Before you could actually get into bed, there was a knock.  You didn’t really know who to expect at this point but weren’t surprised to see Damian.
        “Damian...” You stepped aside to let him inside.
        “L/N, I must address something with you.” He said, “You kept a secret from me. Something that could have ended my life.” “Why?”
        “I gave my word I would.” You answered honestly, “Talia told me-“
        “I don’t care what my mother told you.” He raised his voice some, “You’ve known that this might happen for weeks and didn’t say a word. Grandfather could still be alive if you had said something.”
        “It was on my word, of course I wasn’t going to say anything demon.” You were upset with him now.
        “I don’t care about that! What if something had happened more? You and I both know that the league is probably in shambles right now and you did nothing!”
        “I did everything I was supposed to Damian!” You said making him step back, “What you saw was years of training. Ra’s al Ghul wouldn’t be saved by my words. He knew. Talia knew. I knew that something was wrong. When I told you to keep on your highest guard, I meant it. I said nothing because if I did we’d be in a worse situation now. I take my commands, I take them and I follow through with them. I was not the second hand of your grandfather. I am your second hand. If I was anything different, we wouldn’t be having this conversation. You may question as much as you want, however do not dare question my loyalties or actions.”
        “When Talia picked me off of that floor of the orphanage, I gave her my word I’d follow through with anything she told me. I’ve been trained for the worst. I’ve been trained to die for you. So, don’t ever think that you even have any right to judge what I’m doing.” You glared at him waiting for him to speak.
        “Y/N I didn’t know-“
        “Just leave. I don’t want to continue this conversation anymore. If it is still a concern to you, we’ll talk in the morning.”
        You watched him leave and shut the door behind him before falling back onto the bed and passing out from the sudden wave of exhaustion washing over you. No one knew what tomorrow would bring. The only thing you knew was that it was coming like a train ready to run you right over if you weren’t careful.
Part Five Start
        You woke without an alarm with the 4am birds. It was a sound that you weren’t used to. Typically, you’d head down to one of the indoor training rooms and join Damian. It wasn’t unusual for one of you to be a few moments late but after that you’d get breakfast. This time though, you didn’t want to see Damian. You went instead out to the gardens. Instead of really working out or training, you decided that the best thing to do was just sit and meditate.
        Walking down the hallway some the opposite way of where you were going, you saw that Damian’s door was open. Wanting, to avoid him, you went out one of the side doors. He would be in the cave training for the most of what you could tell. You walked outside greeted by the morning air. It was cool outside and the birds had stopped chirping for the most part. You walked towards the sounds of the fountains along the cobblestone path. The trees and shrubs were cut perfectly in different shapes and animals in some areas. You smiled walking through it all, the moon being the only light.
        Once at the fountain, you sat down. There wasn’t really anything you were focusing on. Everything just swirled around in your mind. With no indication or signs on what was going to happen, the only thing you felt like you could do was keep on the tightrope that you had been thrown onto. The start of it all was a blurry and foggy mess. The end however, was even worse. You had no idea where this new life was going to take you or Damian. It was easier when you had an idea. That didn’t make it better.
        You were consumed in your thoughts for the longest time before getting up and walking around more. This was the longest you’d been alone to wander freely like this since God knows when. It was nice but was eventually interrupted. You turned upon sensing that someone was there. Carefully, you reached for your dagger but didn’t pull it out yet.
        “Miss Y/N, breakfast has been prepared. Miss. Gordon will be here soon to take you to the shopping mall.” Alfred said, “I hope you are not about to pull a weapon on me. I will warn you, I don’t fancy being attacked.”
        “N-no. It’s just...” You slacked a bit.
        “Training. I understand.” Alfred gave you a reassuring look, “You seem to be adjusting better than Master Damian even on your first day here.”
        “That’s because I wasn’t born in the league. This is just like some distant home to me. I was in the foster care system until Talia got me.” “I also got to go on more missions outside of the compound.” You informed the older man.
        “I see.” He sighed, “Well, I hope that you will eventually find some sort of comfort here.”
        “Thank you.”
        It was strange hearing words of good wishes. Not that you hadn’t heard them before, it was just that it was rare and typically in a secret kind of code for lack of a better term. No one dared give well wishes directly, only in little ways. You and Damian did that the most out of anyone you’d ever met. It was just normal in that sense.
        The walk back inside was quiet. Alfred informed you of a few other details that you’d need during your stay. Most had to do with the boys. He said that they would be behaved but that they can get a bit... rowdy. It was just in their nature. You understood and told yourself to expect it. Walking inside you prepared for the worst. What you did get though was a very sleep deprived looking teenage boy, a tall man who was almost zombified, you knew that was Bruce, a very chirpy young adult male with bright blue eyes, and a tall red headed girl rolling her eyes at the younger man.
        “Master Dick, Master Tim, Miss. Gordon, this is Miss Y/N. She came with Damian last night and will be staying in the manor now.” Alfred said introducing you.
        Tim looked up, “Hi Y/N.” He then proceeded to down his cup of coffee.
        “Um, hello.” You replied. It was unusual to see someone like that but you also related to his actions deeply. You thought it was kind of funny anyways.
        “Hey, I’m Dick. So, did you get here last night?” He asked smiling and said the last part quietly, “You’ll have to excuse Timmy over there, he’s a bit tired from a case he’s working on. Just wait, he’ll eventually fall asleep somewhere for a day.”
        “Yes.” You shrugged, “And I understand where Drake is coming from.”
        That made Dick chuckle, “You seem to be less temperamental than Damian.”
        Barbra hit him with her elbow some, “Really Dick?” She looked at you, “Sorry about him, he gets excited about new people.”
        “I am only the temperamental type when I need to be. Other than that, I find it partially unwise to try and scare everyone with anger. Silence works just as well for me.” You sat down at the table with breakfast.
        The meal looked like something out of heaven. It smelled fresh and looked like whoever prepared it had been doing this for a while. You took the first bite, and after that you devoured the entire meal. You then remembered that Barbra was taking you shopping and started worrying about what was going to happen.
        “So, Y/N.” She said seeing you drift off into your own thoughts, “I was thinking that it might be best if we go to the smaller shopping center first. That way you might not feel so uncomfortable there. They’ve got some things I think you might like.”
        “That sounds suitable.” You answered, “Um, I have seen the more recent fashions from previous missions, however, I’m hoping that there are still stores that carry items of reasonable value instead of ... absurdly over the top garments.” “Avant-garde if you will.”
        “Oh yes, you’ll have plenty of options.” She laughed some at the concerned look on your face, “But I agree that some people do wear some very over the top things.”
        You nodded in an understanding way noting her tone. In these cases, she probably means that the clothes are normal and what you have seen is just avant-garde clothing worn by the rich to turn heads. While you had walked by the mall countless numbers of times on missions, and even inside, there was nothing that really caught your interest. Besides, missions were never for shopping you had the job of staying on task at all times.
        “Oh, and I invited Steph but she had previous arrangements so it will just be the two of us today.” Barbra said.
        “Very well.”
        You and Barbra made your way inside of the mall. It was deemed best if she was the one to drive everywhere since Alfred and the limo would draw unwanted attention. Bruce did still have to figure out how he was going to break yours and Damian’s arrival to the press. He’d probably just pull another adoption stunt in your mind. It wasn’t rare and at this point, the media just accepted that he has an obsession with it.
        The two of you made it through the parking lot and into the building, you on high alert the entire time.         “You’re tense.” Barbra commented, “I can practically feel the tension coming off of you.”
        “Unfamiliar settings may lead to all too familiar circumstances and fallouts. I find it most wise to keep on guard in a place like this. It’s open to any assortments of attacks. With the right variables, a disaster could strike at any given moment.” You replied back looking around overwhelmed at the options of stores not noticing Barbra giving an understanding yet concerned look, “I uh- where do we start?”
        “I have some suggestions. Although, I think the first store that we should try is something with a bit of variety so that you might be able to find something that you like.” She said.
        “I think I might have something in mind. Maybe something a bit dark, classical, refined, but also something that might be able to be turned down to a more casual piece.” You listed some features you were interested in with an almost inquisitive look only to meet Barbra’s eyes which portrayed an almost warm and kind look.
        “I think I know just the place.”
        You and Barbra walked around the shopping mall sipping on coffee from the Starbucks and eating some of the pastries.
        “These are not too bad.” You commented speaking about the treats, “I must admit, I have never had anything quite like this before.” “It tastes...”
        “Commercial?” Barbra asked laughing some making you shrug in agreement, “There are better places we might go some time. I just figured this would be suitable for the time being.”
        “Well the decision wasn’t ill placed.”
        “Oh, we should try this store up here. Steph and I are always finding some good items here.” She commented leading you into another store.
        At this point you had almost lost track of everywhere you’d been. It was like navigating a more organized jungle. This time however, the animals were people and there was no North Star nor moss to guide your way.
        “You were talking about more classic. This place has some clothes I think you might really like.”    
        Walking in, there were rows of all sorts of clothes including fitted and paper bag pants, pencil skirts, turtle necks in some places, tweed jackets, blazers, sweatshirts, hoodies, and almost anything you could have desired. You gawked at the sight and started wandering off on your own to explore the vast new area you had found. Slowly, you took what you thought looked best and gained an eventual plethora of clothing articles before heading off into the dressing room with Barbra in close pursuit.
        “What do you think about this?” You asked stepping out in an outfit you had put together from the clothes you’d picked.
        “I like it. I like it a lot. I do think though, that we might be able to add some jewelry to spice it up a bit.” She replied, “Change back and then we can go jewelry hunting.”
        Once outside of the dressing room, you and Barbra checked out and went into the jewelry store that was down the hall and across the walk way on the second floor which you were already on. You headed inside and were immediately drawn to some plated jewelry. It was simple and elegant, just what you were looking for.
        “These look nice.” You gestured to some, your own ring on your finger flashing some in the light. It was an ever so slightly worn gold ring that you wore on your right ring finger. On it had intricate braided designs and a symbol that represented an eternal bond or promise.      
        “I didn’t notice you had a ring already, it’s very beautiful. You were allowed to keep it?” Barbra questioned pointing it out.
        “Thank you. But no, actually, I’ve had this ring, and smaller versions of this ring as I grew up. They were given to Damian and I when we were young. It is a symbol of promise. I’m his right hand, I go where he goes, and stay where he stays. Think of it as a contract of sorts, or maybe even a wedding ring. It’s just a daily reminder of my place.” You explained.
        “Interesting. Was there anything you did keep or was this is?” She asked.
        “I um.” You fiddled with something around your neck, “A necklace from my parents. It’s a moon and stars, the only thing I have from before the league really. The piece was the only thing I could keep.”
        She didn’t ask any more questions, instead opting for the task of browsing for jewelry. You picked out a few pieces, some with jewels and others just plated and empty. Barbra picked up a black watch to throw into the mix saying that it goes well with everything. You didn’t really doubt her. There was no reason to thus far. Once you left the store though, the two of you started to notice shopping’s effects and how the pastries and coffee had worn off.
        “I’d say we try the restaurant down the block. It’s got some really great options and I think you might really like the burgers there.”
        “It sounds like a decent plan.”
        You and Barbra walked inside of the place. Inside there were booths and tables along with a bar and waiting area. It was the run of the mill nicer business which thankfully, quickly got you seated. With drinks and even food ordered, there was a silence. It was kind of uncomfortable and awkward, you weren’t the greatest with social skills and starting conversations with new people. Damian wasn’t either which made it so easy to be around him. Well, at least when you weren’t fighting. You sighed thinking about it.
        “You’ve got that look on your face.” Barbra noted making you snap out of your thoughts.
        “I know that you have just arrived and have much on your mind, however, you have that “boy issue” look plastered all over your face.” “Did something happen between you and Damian?”
        You weighed your options. Typically, these things worked themselves out. Damian wouldn’t be able to be rid of you unless he killed you and that would breach one of the highest codes of honor in the league. Typically though, these arguments were stupid or at least simpler like too many missions or being hurt on the field. This time, his grandfather had died as a result.
        You huffed some and took a deep breath, “Damian and I were in an argument last night because of my mission. I have been assigned since day one a location and route that would take him to Gotham in case something like what did happen, happened. For years, I’ve trained for this like some prepare for Armageddon. However, Ra’s al Ghul died in the battle. He blames himself mostly but also claims I have some part in it. Although, I think he might have changed that outlook since the fight last night.”
        Barbra looked shocked at what you told her, “Ra’s al Ghul is dead?”
        “Correct.” You answered grimly, “Heavy arrow fire took him.” “And, you don’t have to give your condolences, I know of what has happened at his hands and how that is viewed.”
        She nodded, “So you and Damian have just been avoiding each other all morning hoping that this all blows over?”
        “Precisely.” You sighed, “I for one know that this might never be worked out if there isn’t a final confrontation on the matter at hand however, I’m not quite sure how to approach that.”
        “Well from what I’ve seen, it might be best to just be straight forward with him. Letting this drag on and on isn’t going to solve anything whatsoever.”
        “I would have to agree with you Gordon. You have my appreciation.”
        “It’s no problem.” She smiled some.
        “I do have one concern and the only reason I’m mentioning it is because I trust my instincts and they tell me you can be trusted.” You said.
        “That is?”
        “How, how are we supposed to adjust to a different culture, life, policies, and circumstances in a matter of a few weeks. I mean I assume that Bruce will introduce us to the public and then with the blink of an eye, we’ll be out in public being swarmed by the media. I worry about Damian’s more impulsive and temperamental behavior with the newer surroundings and how he will cope. I think it will be difficult for the both of us to start abiding to certain ... rules if you know what I mean.”
        Barbra didn’t comment for a few seconds and instead took what you were saying all in.
        “I cannot say that I understand your position. I can say though, that I think that you of all people are more than capable of doing this. From what I have seen, you know what is best for the two of you and will stick to those beliefs, you’ve got the mindset of a fighter and strategist. Whether it be training or even turning away from some of it, I think you will find a way to adjust. And I know that it’s hard to trust people at first. That part I understand, however if you need anything, Alfred and I are always there.” She explained carefully almost washing away all of your fears.
        “Thank you.”
        You and Barbra were back at the manor now. Alfred had taken your new clothes for cleaning and you had your new room decorations and jewelry to put into place. You didn’t get many things seeing as the room already decently matched what you felt most comfortable with, however you were not going to protest against a few touches of your own.
        Once upstairs, you closed the door and got your new record player set up. Picking one that looked the most suitable and got to work making things as you pleased. You hadn’t noticed how much the time had passed before there was a knock at your door. You turned the music off and opened it to reveal Alfred with an assortment of clothes on hangers and another stack of freshly pressed and folded clothes.
        “I have your new garments ready to be put away.” He informed you.
        “Thank you, I can put them away myself.”
        “It is no problem Miss. L/N.” He handed you the clothes, “Dinner shall be ready at 6pm sharp.”
        “I understand.”
        Once he had left, you closed the door only and started putting items away only for another knock to interrupt you once more.
        “Yes?” You opened the door again, “Oh... hello demon.”
        “General- L/N, I wanted to talk to you about last night.” He said almost sheepishly.
        “Very well. You may enter.” You closed the door behind him, not wanting anyone else to hear the conversation.
        “I must apologize, my actions of last night were impulsive and guided by misjudgment from the events that have taken place prior to now.” Damian sat at your bed as you were still putting away clothes in the closet, “I stepped out of my place questioning your choices because I did not know under the circumstances they were made.” “You did nothing wrong.”
        “I accept your apology Damian.” You said making him almost sigh in relief, “I understand where the outburst came from.” “As cheesy as it might sound, I have thought over what happened last night.” You went and sat down at the end of the bed and looked him in the eyes, “The only thing we can really do now is stick together. We have no one else here that knows about where we came from and the worst choice we can make for ourselves in splitting apart. Especially over a recent quarrel or smaller dispute.”
        “I agree.”
        There was a small passing of silence, “Just promise me that you will try everything you can to make adjusting as easy as it can be on yourself. It will be a challenge, but you don’t have to do it alone. We’re both in the same boat on this one Damian.”
        “I promise, just as you have done so many other times before.”
        There was a small ringing from the phone you had gotten at the mall.
        “That means it is time for dinner.” You got up and turned off the alarm quickly before walking towards the door, “After supper I expect to see you for some sparring?”
        “I will be there.”
        You and Damian were sitting next to each other at the dinner table. It was awkward and quite for some time, no one really wanting to bring any conversation up.
        “So how did you feel about Gotham Y/N?” Bruce asked you trying to start some sort of conversation.
        “It was fine.” You replied, “it’s comparable to a darker version of Chicago with a hint of New York.”         “When did you go to either one of those cities?” Dick asked inhaling his food.
        “I went to Chicago on a mission a year ago and New York three years ago.” You replied, “It was only for two nights at maximum.” “The people are strange though.”
        Your comment made everyone either smirk or chuckle which lightened the mood a bit. You could tell that Damian was uncomfortable in this newer situation however. He wasn’t one for talking to those if he wasn’t bragging about something. You never commented on it while he was doing it, only glaring some to get your message across to him. He’d typically get to a stopping place but on the rare occasions he wouldn’t, you’d actively end the conversation or bite your tongue to keep from saying anything regretful.
        “I took Y/N to that joint near the mall you told me to go to Bruce. It was good.” Barbra commented.
        “Agreed.” You responded, “We also picked up a great plethora of items from the shopping center. Thank you for letting me go. It is greatly appreciated.”
        “You are most welcome Y/N.” Bruce replied with a look of approval showing on his face, “And Damian, because you have opted not to go out with one of the boys, Alfred has had a selection of items delivered to the manor. They should have arrived already.”
        “Yes, they did father.” Damian said quickly, giving you a slight glance.
Damian’s POV:
        You seemed to be adjusting well. It was typical of you to take what you understood of your circumstances and adapt so quickly. You were just like that. He’d always admired it but right now, it was strange seeing you as the best adapted like you were. The strange distant feeling of seeing you not in armor or commanding a squad got to Damian. New surroundings like this were uncomfortable and unpredictable. He watched you fake your every move like it was nothing, the way that you carefully examined everything around you intrigued him. Then again, you were doing too well. He knew you were covering something. Old habits, old nightmares along as new ones, new yet familiar styles in the way you dressed, he saw your walls hold higher, most of the ones you “dropped” were mere props in the way you played. You’d always said life was a game or a gamble anyways, you just had to know how to play it.
        The conversations at the table were forced. At the Leauge, typically there were either no conversations, or they were over missions and training. Though, it’s not like he really enjoyed any of it to begin with. He reached over just enough so that no one would noticed and lightly tapped your leg.
        “most forced conversation I’ve had.” He tapped in a shorter way of speech than typical with Morse code.
        “same.” You answered back quickly, “wonder how long we’ll be here.”
        “very funny demon.”
Your POV:
        Damian was right, it did feel like hours. You didn’t really know when it was alright to leave, so you stayed until Bruce left. He was sitting at the head of the table, so he was in control of when you could leave. At least, that was how it was when you were raised in the foster care system. Damian left when you did and you both got suited up for sparring. You two met up outside of your own rooms when you were done, swords, daggers, and armor in all. If someone wasn’t familiar with the situation, they would have thought you were coming from a dress up party or cosplaying in some sense. That would have been insulting to you if you didn’t care about keeping your cover.
        “Woah there kiddoes, where are you two heading dressed like that?” Dick asked coming down the hallway.
        “Daily sparring.” You answered sharply.
        “With all of that?” Steph chose to comment as well.
        “Correct.” You continued, “They are merely swords and a few items of weaponry, nothing that should be too out of the ordinary seeing as you have the regular superhumans or even super heroes coming in and out regularly.”
        Dick nodded and let you two through after Steph got him to stop pestering you two with questions. You and Damian exchanged looks of distaste in regards to your interaction. Rolling your eyes, you continued, eventually making it to the cave. Once on the mat, you started training. There was no conversation at first. There didn’t need to be. You’d always thought that if there was no room for conversation, there was no need to squeeze it in. If conversation wanted to add more space, it would naturally.
        “So, how are you?” You asked, “Adjusting wise.”
        Damian looked around some before responding to make sure no one was there, “I am doing as well as I can be. I find that we are being underworked in responsibilities however. It’s boring here.” “You seem to be adjusting well.”
        “In standards of not beheading the shrubbery,” You smirked at the glare he gave you, “I’m... just testing the waters at this point.” “It feels strange not having a squad to command, I don’t like it that much but it is what it is.”
        You didn’t reveal everything or really anything close to the most. What you were supposed to do anyways? It’s not like you were going to reveal all of your struggles in one training session. You weren’t ready or willing to do that anytime soon. Deep down though, everything felt wrong. Not having your position anymore was just the surface of your issues. The constant urge to pull yourself back into your old habits was overwhelming. At a strange noise, you found yourself reaching for a weapon that wasn’t there. When someone tried to talk to you, you immediately put even more walls up trying to figure out what they wanted to really know. You needed action and something to focus on besides keeping up some imagine like you always did. At night or in the moments you were alone, the constant shadow of your former self was there to greet you like a figment of your worst flashbacks. You knew exactly what was wrong, you just didn’t know how to express it because of the quantity in which your problems amounted in. So, for now, you’d keep it to yourself.
        “Understandable.” He said pinning you down to the mat.
        You went to flip him over and then stopped in mid motion where he didn’t hesitate to take you down before standing up.
        “That was far below your own expectations for yourself in combat Y/N.” He said offering a hand up.
        You felt your fight or flight mode kick in the moment everything happened thinking back to the arrows falling from the sky. Taking a deep breath, you reminded yourself of where you were. There were no arrows flying. No screaming from those around you. You looked around to reassure yourself before hearing someone come up silently from behind you.
        “Hey love birds.” Dick said loudly walking up behind you.
        You felt him go for a pat on the back. Clearly, he was just being stupid for the time being but you could control what you did. Taking the man by the wrist, you used all of your force and some of his own weight against him to slam him over you onto the mat. The rush of adrenaline faded when you saw who it was laying on the mat groaning in pain.
        “Holy shit.” He mumbled.
        Damian’s jaw dropped to the floor seeing you pull something like that. You snapped out of your temporary trance and immediately extended your hand to help him up.
        “M-my apologies. I mistook you for someo-“
        He stopped you, “No it’s fine. Should’ve known not to do anything too sudden like that.” Dick looked at you for a second, “You put up a fight Y/N. Although, I wouldn’t expect anything less from a high general.”
        You sighed some at the comment, “Thank you. I must be leaving now.”
        The two watched you swiftly head up the stairs. You made sure to travel through the manor as quietly and quickly as possible. The last thing you needed was for anyone to try to touch or talk to you. Once you made it to your bedroom, you immediately grabbed a change of clothes and headed for the shower. A hot shower was the only thing you thought would help. At least, that’s what you were hoping.
Start of Part Six
        It was three days later since you had mistakenly slammed Dick into the mats. You and Damian hadn’t talked about it at all seeing as you were trying to avoid the topic like the plague. Darkness had settled over the manor. Bruce and the rest were just back from their patrols and you were just getting ready for yours. It was unofficial at least. Today would have been your turn for the 2:30 am shift of patrol at the league. You couldn’t sleep at all with the thought of your responsibilities running through your mind. 20 minutes had passed of you battling yourself on the aspect of going out. It would be unnecessary, Mr. Wayne has the best security money could buy or make. You thought it through over and over again. What if an alarm didn’t trip off when an intruder came in? What if the manor was attacked and nothing happened to prevent it. With these thoughts overpowering the logic you tried to introduce, you got up and changed into your suit.
        Exiting from your window, you went on top of the manor. The roof was pretty massive seeing as this was a mansion. You looked up seeing the stars and thinking back to what it looked like at the compound. The biggest difference here was seeing the lights from the city in the distance and pine trees instead of endless mountains. You jumped from different points, quietly landing on others. As you did this, you scanned the area and moved on if you didn’t see anything strange.
In the Manor:
        “It looks like she’s patrolling the area.” Bruce said sitting back in his chair in front of the computers that were installed in the cave, “I don’t like it.”
        “Master Bruce, Miss. Y/N is merely practicing habit. Leave the child be.” Alfred said as he cleaned up his first aid tools from tonight’s patrol.
        “She could be plotting something. Getting intel, either way, she’s triggering my alarms.” Bruce responded.
        “Master Bruce! Enough of that.” Alfred raised his voice in disapproval, “This isn’t a normal household as you might have gathered. Everyone here deals with trauma differently. As a child when you picked up strange habits after ... your own set of traumas, I did nothing to stop you of such actions. I knew you’d grow out of it.”
        “I guess you’re right.” Bruce muttered.
        “Nothing new Master Bruce.” Alfred remarked walking into the other part of the cave.
        Bruce eventually left, turning the system off. He knew Alfred was right and even though he wanted to, he knew that there was no ill intent in your actions.
        Back outside, you were still well underway in your patrol. You had only thirty minutes left and then you would be able to return to your bedroom. Everything was silent but for the crickets and occasional fire fly here and there. You marveled at their beauty once you figured out what they were. That was strange to see for the first time. Other than that, the only other sound was a new pair of footsteps coming from behind. You knew who it was without turning around.      
        “I thought I would find you here.” Damian said.
        “Well, I guess you thought right then Damian.” You replied perched on the side of the manor.
        “I assume this patrol is stemming from previous habits of yours?”
        “One might say that.” You gave him a side glance seeing that he was coming to sit by you, “Old habit.”
        “Closer to, a sign that you really aren’t taking this move well and are actually covering it up for the sake of reputation and your own personal expectations you have set for yourself.” Damian commented making you roll your eyes some.
        “Wow, caught red handed.” “In all actuality, you’re correct on many levels.” “I just needed something ... normal for a change.”
        “I understand.” He said shortly, “I heard father talking about a gala. Something to parade us around to the rich snobs and media as an introduction. I do not look forward to it.”
        “That sounds like one of the worst ideas I have heard in quite a long time.” You huffed, “And that’s saying quite a lot.”
        He chuckled but after that, everything fell back into silence. You carefully looked out over the grounds before being startled by the vibration and alarm of your phone.
        “Looks like my patrol has ended.” You said turning off the alarm, “I shall return inside. Care to join me?”
        “I will.”
        From there, sleep was impossible to come by. You were plagued by nightmares which you never had before. It was probably since you weren’t constantly focusing on training or a mission you had convinced yourself. What you needed was something to focus on and that was what you got. You didn’t rely on coffee like Drake since you never had it to begin with at the league. For the first few days, no one noticed anything. That was what you had planned, however it was of course Damian who raised the first alarm. You were in the library catching up on some studies for ancient history and astronomy. The sunlight was streaming in golden beams through the windows and you were sitting at one of the tables wrapped up in one of the long jackets that you had gotten. Damian walked in to see you hunched over one of the books with your hair in a messy bun.
        “Y/N?” He asked quietly as to not scare you.
        “Mhmm?” You hummed in response giving him a quick glance of acknowledgement, flipping the page to a star map.
        “With all due respect, you seem tired as of late. When was the last time you slept?” He questioned sitting next to you examining the pile of books you had pulled.
        “Last night?”
        “But did you actually sleep an entire night last night? That is the real question.”
        “Why are you concerned on the hours of sleep I got Wayne?” You asked in return.
        He didn’t answer. The truth was that he was worried more than he’d care to admit. He knew that you had terrible dreams like he did, neither of you cared to talk about them at all. The memories of mornings where you’d come for training with dark circles and eyes flooded his conscious. Those days you were scarier and had less patience, though he’d never blame you for it since he understood the feeling for some part.
        “You never answered my question.” You said pulling him from his thoughts.
        “I-I... no reason, I was just making sure my right hand was in stable mind.”
        “Well, I am fine.” You glared at him for the comment, “I’m perfectly stable demon.”
        That was a few days ago. You kept the exhaustion hidden well, especially considering you were in a house full of detectives. That didn’t mean you didn’t feel it though. You were bone tired and almost lagged along. Focus became harder to maintain and you felt yourself drifting on and off into sleep. Now you were in the training room running a simulation. It was an easier one you had to admit, but nothing enough to give anything away. Your moves weren’t sloppy, just not as pristine as typical. You also didn’t notice Damian walk inside of the cave to watch you. Rubbing your temple as you finished, you grabbed your water bottle and splashed some of the cold liquid on your face to wake you up. You turned around and were startled by Damian.
        “My apologies, I didn’t mean to startle you.” He said reaching to grab your arms to keep you from hitting him from habit.
        “It’s fine.” You replied, “I just didn’t realize you were there.”
        “You never drop your guard like that. I think it’s time for you to sleep L/N.” He said, “I know you haven’t been getting any.”
        “I insist that I am fine.” You went to grab your duffle bag off of the floor with the intention of showering in the cave showers near the back. Standing up was the issue. With the worst light headed feeling you’d had in years you fell back down.
        “Y/N!” Damian grabbed you before you had totally hit the floor, “That makes it final, I’m making you sleep.”
        You mumbled an argument before totally passing out. There was no way of avoiding the obvious of you being passed out as he took you to your room.
        “Damian, what happened to Y/N?” Bruce asked alarmed standing up to see you completely out. Bruce wasn’t fazed by much, however, he wasn’t ready for that at all.
        “Lack of sleep.” Damian said shortly, “I think I know why.”
        Alfred followed him up the stairs explaining that he’d need to make sure you were okay other than not sleeping. He was sure that after a good night’s rest or so, you’d be fine. Damian knew though, that that was asking a lot from you no matter how simple it might be.
        You awoke suddenly in your bedroom only to be surrounded by darkness and the light, delicate streams of moonlight shining dimly across the objects inside. You felt someone taking hold of your hand and immediately looked to see that it was Damian. Next to you, he was sitting in a chair with his head resting on the side of the bed and his hand around yours. With the shift in motion that you had caused, Damian awoke.
        “What are you doing?” You asked, a blush creeping across your face.
        “Oh- I,” He let go of your hand and rubbed the back of his neck, “I knew you needed to sleep and I also knew that you wouldn’t unless there was someone with you.” “I just didn’t think you’d want me to be in the be-“
        “I-I understand.” You replied, “Thank you.”
        “I will leave now.” He got up.
        “Damian I ... you were right about the sleeping bit. I actually wouldn’t mind if you stayed.”
        “I see.” He sat back down in the chair.
        “Damian, I’ve known you since we were three, you can sleep in the bed.” “If you’d prefer, there’s an extra quilt you could use in the closet.”
        “Are you sure?” He asked standing back up.
        Damian retrieved the quilt from your closet and returned quietly getting on the bed. You stayed under the original bedding and he slept on top of it. There was a distance that was kept between you two since it would be strange for you to be any closer. You were just close friends and nothing more. Although, that thought made you a bit upset. When you did finally awaken however, you were startled to see that you were tangled in the covers laying as close as possible to him. Damian’s arms were draped over you holding you tightly and neither of you cared to talk about it.
        That did however start a routine of going into each other’s rooms for sleeping. You didn’t classify it as a romantic or intimate thing. It was saved for whenever either of you had dreams terrible enough that you didn’t want to be alone anymore. At night, you might have been awakened by Damian coming into your room and getting into the bed only for you to keep close to him or it would be the other way around.
Start of Part Seven
From the day that you had collapsed, it had been a week. You could tell that the few weeks you had been at the manor had done some good with trust between all parties. Even Bruce was becoming more and more tolerable. You had met Brown who was exceedingly excited to meet you seeing as there would be another girl to level the boys when Batwoman wasn’t around. You and Damian both had started your mandatory six months of training before you could patrol which was going off very well on your end. And now, you were sitting in the living room scrolling through your phone as Damian sat next to you pretty much doing the same. There was suddenly the looming of another presence in the room which caused the two of you to look up.
“I have to inform you two of a gala that I am holding to raise funds for the Gotham City Orphanage. I’m introducing the two of you then to the public, Y/N, I will not be formally adopting you at your own request but you will be included as a family friend.” Bruce explained, “The gala is Friday, starting at 6:30pm. Clothing arrangements will be made and if you have any questions, you may ask one of the boys, Alfred, the girls, or myself at any time.”
Damian merely nodded and watched you fiddle with a golden chain around your neck. He had seen it before but had never questioned it. You always seemed to avoid showing it off at all. When Bruce left though, he asked you about it.
“Is that a new necklace?” He questioned.
“Uh, it’s from my mother and father.” You answered, “Talia let me keep it. I don’t really know why though. It’s kind of like my good luck charm as strange and naïve as that might seem to you.” You pulled from under your shirt to revel a gold chain with a diamond crescent moon and star pendent, “I don’t remember it well, however, I just remember my parents giving to me. The engraving on the back is a bit corny.”
You flipped the pendent over to show a small message relaying that they loved you to the moon and stars. You rolled your eyes a bit at the message but didn’t deny it made you feel closer to them in some way.
“It is very beautiful.” He commented, “You never wore it out. I hardly remember seeing you with it at all.”
“That’s because I always wore it under my suit. I didn’t want it to be stolen under any costs.”
“I’d be surprised of any fool tried.” Damian said making you chuckle.
“I wouldn’t, however I just wouldn’t want to be the one that stole something from me.”
After some time, you had gotten up to make arrangements for shopping with Brown and Gordon. It was important to have their input on what you decided to wear since they have been to galas before and you have not. This time, you were going to a different mall with higher end stores. This was where they swore you would find an outfit to wear. You didn’t doubt them, however you were dubious of whether or not you’d like anything truly.
You were sitting at the vanity that was in your bathroom getting ready for the gala along with Brown and Gordon who were at the sink doing their own makeup. You didn’t want to wear any makeup, instead under their request opting for only some mascara. Even with that, you felt entirely different. Stephanie offered to do your eyeshadow but you declined seeing as you didn’t want to look ten years older than you already were. You told her that maybe next time you’d consider but today you just wanted to get a feel for how things worked as well as be as comfortable as possible. She understood what you meant.
        You and Damian didn’t leave each other side the entire night. Bruce introduced the two of you to everyone there and the prospect of talking to all the people was exhausting and by the end of the night, you were getting anxious to leave. Damian noticed you fiddling with your ring and looking for the nearest exit. That’s when Bruce brought you and Damian over to another man covered head to toe in garments that you thoughts to be more than your entire life over two times. The man smiled at the three of you walking over and loudly greeted your party. You smiled some and shook his hand, introducing yourself but not before getting a strong whiff of something that smelled like the drug they used to use on you in the league. Looking panicked, you searched for either an exit or a bathroom.
        “It was lovely to meet you, excuse me.” You said quickly making your escape to the bathroom and into a stall where you immediately started throwing up.
        Damian came in after you quickly knowing that he wasn’t technically supposed to be in there. He locked the bathroom door and went to your stall before knocking.
        “Y/N.. are you in need of assistance?” He asked.
        There wasn’t an answer from your end, instead he just heard faint sniffling which caused him to pick the lock of the stall and come inside. He hugged you from behind and held your hair back if you were sick again, the whole time knowing what caused your reaction. Bruce would have to not invite this person again if you were ever coming to a gala again.
        “I’m sorry... I just can’t-“
        “N/N, you don’t have to apologize, you had no idea or preparation for what happened.” Damian said braiding your hair back, “I’ll get you into the car without anyone seeing and you can go to sleep.”
        You mumbled an agreement and Damian texted Bruce that he was getting Pennyworth to bring the car to the back. Damian picked you up bridal style and carried you outside and into the backseat where you laid your head in his lap the entire ride. When you got showered and asleep, he stayed since he knew that you’d be having terrible nightmares all night.
        You woke up the next morning with sunlight streaming in through the curtains in one of your oversized nightshirts that you had gotten with Gordon instead of some dress and heals. Damian was next to you already awake running his fingers through your hair. He immediately stopped when you awoke and sat up.
        “How did you sleep last night?” He asked, “After everything I mean.”
        “Fine... thank you.” You answered huddling under the covers some like you were almost trying to hide, “About last night, I don’t know what came over me. It was a mistake.”
        “You don’t have to take responsibility for this one Y/N. I remember what happened at the league and I know for certain that you do. No one else found out about what happened, I know you take those kinds of things hard.”
        “I appreciate it a lot Damian.” You didn’t really know what to say next but Damian started again.
        “Y/N, I want you to tell me when something like that is happening. We’re meant to protect each other, not just you to me. I c-care about you more than anyone else, we’ve known each other since we were children. I don’t want anything happening to you for the sake of reputation.”
        “I understand that.” You said still thinking about the last part he said, “I care about you too. I-I wouldn’t want to lose you either of anything like that.”
        At that point you kind of wanted to just disappear. While you were typically a lot better at words than Damian ever was, today it just seemed harder. You glanced at him for a second to see him blushing. Thinking you said too much, you started to climb out of the bed to bolt for the bathroom to take a long shower.
        “Wait, Y/N.” Damian grabbed your wrist, “I have to say this, just from what’s been happening between us recently-“
        “Damian you’re killing me with this. I like you a lot, do you like me?”
        He looked almost embarrassed with the suddenness of your question. While he was getting to that point, he wasn’t expecting you to be so forward to it.
        “I do love you, a lot.” He said.
        “Well damn it demon, kiss me finally!”
        He chuckled some and did what you said, 15 years of shared trauma and memories attached to the few long seconds it happened.
        “I’ve actually been waiting on that for years beloved.” Damian informed you.
        “So, my name is beloved now?” You commented snickering some at his comment
        “It is.” He nodded, “But, do you want to keep this secret for now?”
        “Absolutely. Only if you’re in for it though.”
        “I was actually hoping you’d say that.” Damian answered.
        “Well my love, let the games begin.” You said getting out of bed and walking to get changed and grab coffee.
Start of Part Eight
        Both you and Damian had now been secretly dating for two months. It was an exhausting game of cat and mouse of either running from his family, or the prying eyes of the press. You had just excepted at this point that this was just going to be a new normal for a long time. There was nothing you could seriously complain about much however. This was all you had wanted for years and if the company of clandestine meetings was going to be a center of attention in this relationship, that was what was going to happen.
        Dates were mainly just tea or coffee on the rooftops late at night for only a short amount of time if it was on patrol, and longer if it was at the manor. Right now, you were sitting in the library, laying in Damian’s lap, both reading your own books. No one but Alfred was in the manor however, you were sure that he knew about you and Damian. Light streamed in through the windows and silence blanketed the room as Damian ran his fingers through your hair, occasionally braiding it. You fiddled with the matching golden ring on your left ring finger some as he did this. This was the most relaxed you had been in years and you wouldn’t trade it for anything.
        He didn’t know this until recently, but the only professor that had ever lived was one that you had. Your voice professor used to braid your hair during warm ups. She was the closest thing that you had ever had to a mother and in return for this, you begged Talia to let her live. You decided not to make it out so that you trusted or cared for her, but rather that she had connections to people that the league could use. With this tactic, Talia actually allowed her to leave but under a life- long oath of secrecy to protect the league. You braid your own hair when you were stressed or anxious but it’s better having someone else do it. Damian only found out when you started braiding and braiding your own hair in the roof tops one night at the league, only to let the piece unravel and start again.
        “Beloved are you going to go on patrol tonight?” He asked breaking the silence.
        “Of course.” You answered, “Is there a reason you asked?”
        “No, I was just checking.”
        “...Damian, how long do you think we’re going to stay a secret? I’m not upset or anything of the sort, it’s just a bit exhausting sometimes.” You questioned, flipping the page of your book.
        “I don’t really know Beloved. How long do you think you’d want to stay like this?” Damian set down his book to give the conversation his attention seeing as this one was important.
        You audibly sighed as he started braiding a portion of your hair, twisting it around and then letting it lose again, “I don’t really know, 3 months at most maybe?”
        “Are you tired of seeing strangers online pine away after me?” He asked smirking.
        You rolled your eyes and jokingly slapped his arm making him laugh, “What about me? I’ve seen plenty of suitors for myself.”
        “Don’t remind me Y/N.”
        “Oh no, I’ll remind you. First there was one that actually messaged me asking if I was single. Oh, another that tweeted asking if I was single. Then, there was another that mailed a love letter to the man-“
        Damian cut you off, putting his hand over your mouth making you laugh. You sat up and sat crisscrossed in his lap facing him, running your fingers through his hair.
        “You didn’t really think you could shut me up that easily did you demon?” You asked quietly.
        “I’d gage you would find a way to get your point across any way you could General.” He kissed the corner of your lips which made you glare at him some before pulling him in for a real kiss.
        “Next time some girl gets a hold of you at a gala though, just make sure not to charm her for me, will you?”
        “Whatever you say.”
        Patrol started off boring and uneventful. Nothing exciting was happening but for maybe a few ally level crimes. You and Damian were perched on the rooftops looking down at the city lights and occasional people. Damian had obviously gotten the whole Robin outfit, in his own version of course. You however, took the same style as your past uniform. It was similar in the sense that it was amour and a hood, you still had your knives and compartments, this time though, the color was different. He couldn’t see the look on your face through the mask you were wearing which covered your lower face to your eyes, but he was sure you were bored. He was going to start a conversation when the comms came on with Bruce talking loudly.
        “I need everyone at the Rosehill Apartments on 7th Street! There’s multiple bombs spread throughout the building, civilians are inside.”
        You looked at Damian who nodded at you before you both swung off the building.
        “ETA 2 minutes.” You replied back getting onto your own bike and speeding off towards 7th St. following Damian.
        Upon arrival to the building, you could see that everyone else was already inside but for Nightwing who on crowd duty until you two had gotten there.
        “There’s one more bomb in the kitchens. Everyone else is either getting their own or helping the residences escape.”
        You looked around for an entrance that wasn’t in terrible condition. Once you found one you ran towards it at full speed with a bomb on your mind.
        “Stick close, the roof might not be stable anymore.” You said, “If the bomb goes off, I expect you to leave immediately.”
        “Beloved I’m not leaving you if anything happens.” Robin replied running beside you.
        You didn’t reply, instead bursting into the kitchen and jumping over one of the carts in the way of your path. Using the locator on your wrist device, you scanned the room stopping when it got a hit.
        “It’s in the freezer!” You ran over and opened the door into the large room, “Hold this open and make sure it doesn’t close, I’ll disarm the bomb.”
        Damian nodded and did what you said as you went inside and ripped open one of the floorboards to find a massive collecting of wires and buttons connected onto one device. The type of timebomb was one that you had seen plenty of times before in training and when you yourself had used them. Part of training was learning to make one so it wasn’t too terribly difficult to disarm this one. The hard part was getting out.
        “Y/S/H/N!” You heard from behind you as you were about to stand up, “The place is on fire.” Damian called out, “We have to leave!”         You turned around and saw the place ablaze. Damian already had his other mask up over his face so he could breathe when you got out of the freezer. The two of you started running out to find the hallway also up in flames.
        “Don’t come near the kitchens, the whole place is going up in flames.” You said, “Bomb has been disarmed however.”
        “Good, now get out of there.” Batman replied back.
        “Working on that.”
        You and Damian sprinted down the hallway making sure no one else was inside on your way out. Once in the lobby you turned hearing someone screaming from a room nearby.
        “I’ll be right back.” You said turning around locating the person who was a small child.
        “I can’t find my Mommy.” She said sobbing into your arms.
        “I promise you I’ll find her.” You said running back up front, “I’m going to give you to Robin and he’ll take you outside, I’ll find your mommy.”
        You reached the front of the building where Robin was, “Take her, she can’t find her mother, I’m going in after her.”
        “You can’t, the building is going to come down at any minute!” Damian said taking the girl in his arms.
        “I have to check, I can’t let her grow up without parents like I did.”
        You ran inside not really aware of what was happening outside anymore. Looking around you saw no sign of anyone but that didn’t mean that they couldn’t be buried under something. As you did this, you pulled out the scanner again but this time had it scan for biological creatures instead of machinery. There was nothing at the point where you were. Going farther into the structure was a no go at this point but it was your only option.
        Outside, Damian was trying to find the girl’s mother in the crowd as he mentally cursed himself for allowing you to go inside. He should’ve done more, he could’ve done more but he didn’t. Running to the line of ambulances, he looked for someone that matched the girl’s description of her mother. When he finally found the person, he rushed over just in time for the lady to see her daughter and burst into tears. She hugged her daughter and thanked Damian for bringing her back to her before Damian rushed back to find you.
        “Y/N!” He screamed getting inside catching your attention.
        Further down the hallway you heard Damian yelling for you. You turned around and started headed quickly for him and once he saw you, he announced that they had found the mother outside of the building. The two of you started running for the exit when you looked up hearing a faint beeping. The exit was 50 feet ahead and the closer to it you got, the louder the sound.
        “Damian! There’s a bomb above us, I- I think it’s about to blow.” You said as pieces of wood from the building came down little by little, “5 seconds now!”
        Damian had a look of terror as he picked up the pace. You knew that both of you wouldn’t make it without a little boost so you got behind Damian and launched him out of the way where Nightwing was standing right as the building was coming down. The last thing you heard was a defining thunder and then the screams Damian who was kicking and trying to get away from Nightwing to go back for you.
        “Y/N is still inside you idiot let me go!” He sobbed trying to elbow his oldest brother in the rib.
        The second round of explosions came, only making the structure collapse more, fire raining down.
        “Beloved!” He screeched making Nightwing almost drop him in surprise at what he called you.
        He understood why Damian was fighting so hard now, but that didn’t mean that he could let him go. The rest of the family standing by heard it as well. It would’ve been hard to miss anyways.
        “You can’t go in after her!” Nightwing yelled over the explosion.
        “I have to! She’s the only one I have, I have to go! Let me go!” Damian got lose just as the dust was settling.
        He ran to where he last saw you and started digging, tears filling his eyes so that he couldn’t see. There was no chance you were still alive and if you were, it wouldn’t be for long. That was when he heard you try and move something. He was looking in the wrong place, only a few feet away. When he saw where you were, he lifted the piles of wood and debris off of you to find you badly injured and hardly awake.
        “Beloved stay awake for me okay?” He said lifting you up out of the rubble.
        There was a part of your side where you had gotten impaled. It didn’t look like it hit any vital organs, however, you were bleeding out rapidly.
        He swept the hair out of your face and gently held you to him as he ran for the Batmoblie quickly trailed by everyone else. With you in the backseat, Nightwing front, and Batman driving, you were quickly headed for the cave. Damian wrapped your wounds tightly and held your head up in his lap checking your pulse every few seconds.
        “How is she?” Bruce asked sparing a glance at the back seat.    
        “Unwell, I-I don’t know how she’s still alive.” Damian responded.
        “Enhanced strength from the pit.” You groaned some in pain.
        “What the hell?!” Dick turned around to see you trying to sit up, “Enhanced strength my ass, how many times did you take a dip?”
        That earned a sharp glare from Damian and a reprimand from Bruce. He apologized realizing that he overstepped.
        “Beloved don’t move like that, just stay down.” Damian said gently, “You’ll only hurt yourself more.
        “I work through pain.” You muttered.
        “Funny, I’m sure I’ve heard that somewhere.” Dick said.
        Getting to the cave, you don’t remember much, just waves of pain and floating in and out of consciousness. The only part that you really remember was the worst part, but that was later to come when everyone really thought you would die.
Start of Part Nine:
        After Alfred removed the pipe that was in your stomach you started bleeding heavily. No one was ready for it and the amount of blood made it hard to work. Damian looked over and saw you bleeding out on the table and went into panic mode. He jumped up and started looking through your belt for something.
        “Damian- what are you...” Your eyes went wide as he pulled out a small glass of liquid, “You’re not going to do what I think you will are you?” You groaned.
        Talia had allowed you to have a vile of the pit just in case something happened and you needed to use it on Damian. If it was injected, it would be stronger so you always carried the proper supplies for it.
        “Pennyworth, a moment?” Damian pulled him to the side once you weren’t totally bleeding out, “She’s going to die isn’t she?”
        “Master Damian I- yes, she will die if something else isn’t done. I do not know what can be done.”
        Damian sighed, “We have to inject this into her, where ever the wound is. It’s a vile of the water from the pit. She has it to use for me, but, she needs it now.” “I’ll hold her down.”
        “Why ever would you have to...” Alfred thought about it before a long look came over his face, “I understand. Right away then.”
        Damian walked to you carefully, knowing you had an idea of what was to happen.
        “Dames, please don’t.” You whimpered.
        “Beloved, I know you hate it but it has to be done. I’ll be right here for you the entire time, you won’t be alone this time, I promise.” He said taking your hand in his, “Just let Pennyworth do this quickly and it’ll be over faster.”
        “Damian no!” You started crying, “Please not this, just let me die, please!”
        “Y/N, no you have to just listen to me. I’m right here, the entire time.” Damian said after Alfred put a hand on his shoulder.
        He pulled you to his chest close and held your hand as Alfred injected you with the stuff. Damian knew it would work, he just didn’t really know about what would happen to you after that. The issue of the pit’s madness might not be one here, however no one was entirely sure what an injection of it would do. He knew shortly after though.
        You screamed and cried into his shoulder almost not being able to breathe.
        “Make it stop please!” You begged, “It hurts, please!”
        “Beloved I’m right here.” He said, “I’m not leaving you.” A few minutes had passed and he knew from past experience that you’d be back in just a second. That didn’t make it easier. As you came off of the hallucinations and pain, you were silent. The silence was the worst part. It was like after all of that, you went into autopilot now just trying to figure out where you were and how to get topside. The sudden mental change was all too familiar but instead of waking up alone and in a cavern illuminated by the light of the pit, you woke under florescent lights that had been dimmed and a figure holding you tightly after Alfred had left. Your hands immediately found his hair and with the comfort and familiarity, your heart rate dropped to something normal instead of rushed.
        “Dami?” You blinked a few times, “Is it over yet?”
        “Yes beloved.” He said looking up, eyes puffy with tears in his eyes, “I’m sorry beloved, I just, I can’t... I don’t know what would happen if I didn’t have you with me.”
        “It’s okay Damian. It really is this time.” You sat up clutching your side some, “Doesn’t mean it won’t hurt for a little bit though.”
        “Here, let me help you.” Damian helped walk you upstairs to his room and wash your hair. With the number of wounds you had to have dressed and cleaned, you didn’t need a shower, just the rubble and dirt out of your hair. He pulled up a stool in front of the sink and held your head up and he washed the hair.
        You didn’t really know what to do or say, so instead you just sat back and let him take the lead for once. After drying your hair enough, you went and sat on his bed, him sitting behind you. He took sections of your hair and started braiding them over and over again.
        “I thought I was going to lose you Y/N.” He said, “You’re so stubborn.”
        You scoffed, “You’re one to talk demon.”
        “That is true General.” He remarked, “What you did was truly remarkable though.”         “I had to do it Damian. She was around the same age I was when I was brought to the league.” You said.
        “You should’ve seen the look on the mother’s face when I brought her back. She was so happy to see her.”
        “Well, at least if anything happened, a family would not have been lost tonight.”
        Damian didn’t respond, you knew he couldn’t because while he knew you were right, it pained him to think of you leaving him.
        It was a few days later, your wound was healing rapidly probably just to leave a scar and sun was finally shining onto Gotham. Damian was out with the guys not of his own free will though. You were sure that when he got back there would be a ranting session about the dramatics of it all. Alfred had a day off right now and the rest of the family was gone. For the time, it was just you in the large house left alone to roam around as long as you wanted. With that silence and peace however, was an interruption. A knock at the door came and when you went to check, nothing was there but for a parcel sealed in wax addressed to you.
        You looked around knowing it was Talia’s writing and nodded before walking back inside and heading for your bedroom. Once sitting at your desk, you opened it up with the small knife you kept on you. Unraveling the letter that was set atop the actual package, you read it.
General Y/N,
        I send this letter as an update to the league. Nothing has changed as the last one has arrived to your doorstep but for the slow process of filing through recruits once more. The attack was assisted by an inside source which is now being handled as seen fit. As for you, I have heard the news of your recent relationship with my son. I give you my blessing to continue, seeing as I have anticipated this for an extended amount of time. I also write this as a thank you for your recent near sacrifice. You have lived to my expectations dramatically and I see you were the right fit for this position. As such, I have obtained a second vile of the pit and sent it to you as a token of my gratitude.
        Talia al Ghul
      You smiled reading the letter before in code writing the important parts down in a leather journal you kept locked in a trick door on the third drawer of your desk. With the actual letter, you burned it in the fireplace which was already going. And with the ashes of the letter, you knew that this was the start of something new. You watched the rest of the letter disappear into the rest of the ashes and then headed outside for a walk in the sun, letting go of all of your issues for even a few moments of serenity.
@we-want-mini-mini @a-door-into-my-mind​ @idkmanicantenglish​ @queengeorgiaaa​ @lucy-roo​ @wolfiemichele​ @grey-water-colors​ @random-fandom-girl-24​ @crumpets-are-better-with-jam​
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magic-iland · 4 years
I'd like to request a one-shot where your have sex with Boemgyu for the first time and you're nervous.
Don’t be nervous- Beomgyu 18+
Warnings : smut, oral (f receiving) , fingering, sweet talking ,penetration, . first time little aftercare
A/N : This took longer than I expected
A/N : Ngl I’m not the best at soft smut. Please ignore if there are mistakes
Love was something that you was scared of , the thought of being getting heartbroken. It kept you away from relationships. You can’t get heartbroken if you don’t fall in love. You made it through out high school with that thought process just fine. After high school you went to college and that’s where you met him. Your current boyfriend of one year , Beomgyu.
The relationship was everything you wanted. It’s filled with hugs, kisses ,cuddles just cavity sweet love. Although, there was something that made you nervous. There was just something about intimacy that scared you. That made you push him away when you felt like a kiss was getting to heated. He respected you of course and wrapped you in his arms to end the night. It just makes you wonder , how much longer is he going to stay though. When he is wanting you. You want him too though. It’s just the thought of him seeing you bare and vulnerable made you nervous.
Your thoughts are running wild as your boyfriend places kisses on your jaw. You were use this , a tiny make-out session wasn’t anything new to y’all. When he gotten above your low cut shirt , he stopped but stayed above you.
“Baby you don’t have to be nervous around me.” Beomgyu raised his hand to rub the side of your face. “ I will never do anything that you are not ready for. “
“I know. I trust you beomgyu. I’m just nervous that maybe you won’t love me after seeing like that. “ The hand that was caressing your face has now your hand in his.
“Y/n , it’s okay to be nervous but I do think you are the most beautiful girl. You don’t have to worry about what your body looks like I will love it in every single way if you let me. “ As one hand is holding your the other goes to caress your side. “ We can continue if you want “
“ I do “ He gave you a soft smile
“Okay just trust me. I got you. If you change your mind in the middle of it let me know. “ He said before pressing his lips to yours. You know it sounds crazy but you feel like the kiss is totally different from the rest that y’all have shared. The kiss was deep. You wanted more. The way that his tongue swiped against your lip wanted entrance. You allowed it. His tongue exploring your mouth. The long the kiss went on the more intoxicated it was. Before the kiss wasn’t long enough as he broke it to move back down to your neck. You didn’t realize his hips that was hovering above yours was now pressing against you moving slightly. You couldn’t help but to let out a whimper. Which made him raise up his head and flash you a cheeky smile. “ That noise was so pretty baby. Can I hear more “ You nodded you head. “ No I wanna hear the words “
“ Yes please. “ You said to more him into kiss. His hands left your side and your hand to play with the hem of your.
“Can I take this off baby?”
“Yes” you said raising yourself and your arms up so he could throw the shirt in a corner. He stared down at you in a lacy burgundy bra. There’s that vulnerability that you hated. That’s what made you cross your arms
“You wanna stop baby? It’s okay we can”He started to pull off of you. But you pulled him back down.
“It’s okay. I hate how I’m nervous. I don’t know why I am. I want this please. I want you . “ You thread your hands throughout his soft hair. Pulling him down in a soft kiss.
“Okay let me take off your shorts. If you want me to. “ You life up you hips so those can also be thrown to a corner. Leaving you in just your undergarments “ You are so beautiful you know. Just relax for me baby. “ He said as his hands caress your sides upwards to your bra. He looked you in the eyes before pressing a kiss against your head. And then to your neck. You understand what he was asking. You arched you back and unclaps your bra yourself. He raised up “ Damn you been hiding this from me “ He started to leave open mouth kissed right about your breast. And one hand went to grope your left breast. The kisses went down to nipple and he sucked one into his mouth swirling his tongue around it. Your hand went to his hair pushing his head more into your chest. The next moment he left his head up giving you a smile before kissing down your sternum. He stopped at your panty lined pressing open mouth kissed there.
“Please I feel you are teasing. “ You whined snapping his attention back to you.
“ Just making sure you are alright baby. Don’t tell me you are getting impatient” He chuckled at you desperation before snapping his attention back to what he was you. He took your panty lines. And started to slowly pull it down. Waiting if you decline or not. We nothing came out. He yanked them throwing in the pile that was already there of just your close. “Have I told you how perfect you are”
“ You said I’m beautiful not perfect. Which I hate how much clothes you are wearing compared to me. “
“ Well you are perfect and don’t worry my time will come. “And his hands caress your thighs spreading them a bit more so he can officially lay in between them. He looked up at you just double checking. Then he took his fingers to spread your folds. To them press a kiss to your clit. Hearing the whine that you let out. Made him want to just to dive in. But he wanted to take his time to feel things out. Then he licked stripe down the middles of you. Making you curse and raise your hips up. “ Keep your hips still baby “ He said wrapping one arm. To hold them down. And he continued his work.
He gotten the feel of you so now he is eating you out like a starve man. “ Oh god “ You said as you pulled his hair. Something is feeling weird in your stomach. The feeling was just making you want more. It was making you desperate. The pull made his eyes stare at you. He lifted his head up to spread you again. You couldn’t help but whined. He slowly slid one finger into you. When you made a sound that was music to his ears. He slid another one. He slowly started to pump them in and out. And his thumb started to rub your clit. You moans became louder and you started to clench around his fingers. He could tell you was so he raise up and sucked one of your nipples into his mouth swirling his toungue around the little bud.
“ Beomgyu “ You moaned out louder than you expected.
“It’s okay baby let go. It’s okay. “ You arched you back and the tightness in your stomach snapped. His mouth on your drinking in your sounds. His finger continued pumping in and out until you high was over. He pulled his fingers out sticking them into his mouth to lick clean. He leaned down to you ear. “ You are so amazing “ He said before he pressed a kiss to you lips. Your hands went to shirt tugging it. He complied raising his arms up so the shirt can come off. Once it was off he leaned back down to your neck pressing open mouth kisses to your neck again. Seeing his torso gave you confidence you didn’t know you had as you reached down to cup his bulge making groan in your ear. He gotten off of the bed taking his jeans and underwear off. He unwrapped the condom quickly sliding it on. He then crawled on top of you kissing you deeply. “ Tell me if it gets uncomfortable sweetheart. “
“Okay. “ You said wrapping your arms around his neck pulling him connecting lips again. That’s when he entered you slowly. You whined into his mouth a part from the pinch a part from the pleasure. He stopped half way.
“You okay. He asked pulling away from your lips.
“Yes please keeps going. “ that’s all it took for him to enter fully. He waited giving you some time. You whined wanting more.
“You want more ?” One of his hands coming up to your face tracing your bottom lip with his thumb. You nodded giving him a slight pout. He started moving slightly. He rested his head in your neck. The soft kisses there became more rough lightly biting. He was marking you. Your arms that were around his neck went to his back slightly starting to rake your nails down his back.
“Beomgyu please go harder or faster. “ The soft feeling of him wasn’t enough. His hips that was going in a lullaby rhythm sped up. His hips started to snap faster into you. The moan that you let out was something that you never expected. You didn’t want to hurt him either. But the faster and hard that he went. The harder your nails went into his back but he enjoyed it. He groan was louder in your ear.
“Baby you feel so good around me. You are so perfect. Fuck you was made for me. “ One of his grabbed yours as the noises of moan, bed creaking and skin against skin continued. Your moans began louder. You can feel that tightness again.
“Beomgyu......”You said breathless “ .....Oh my god. “ Your sentence before was cut off buy one of his hands went in between yalls hips playing with your already sensitive clit. “ Fuck fuck fuck fuck “ Your words became chanting
“Come on baby. Let it go don’t fight it again. Come on let me feel you cum around me. “ His mouth going to your already marked breast. That’s what made it snap again. You back arched as your legs shook as a moan that you would only hear in adult films left your mouth. His hips moved faster as he chased his own high with you. His face in you neck as his moan became louder as well. One more thrust and he spilled in the condom slightly collapsing onto for a minute all that could be heard was heavy breathing. He pulled out of you and getting up to throw the condom away. And wetting a “ Hi baby “ He said sitting down next to you softly wiping you with the towel.
“Hi “ Your voice was soft due to exhaustion. “Please hurry and just cuddle me. “
“Okay okay , do you want to dress?” He questioned putting the towel in the dirty clothes. You shook your head. “ Okay naked cuddles it is. “ He jumped in the bed with you wrapping his arms around you. Soft talk didn’t last long as you fell asleep fast but you did hear the soft “ i love you” before you went to dream land.
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talas-starlight · 4 years
Can i get a fluffy headcannon for suki x fem!reader? Since my birthday is coming up, I’d like to see what she would do for her girlfriend on her special day. I want all that soft shit if you need more specifics then you can just like message me bro - @simpinforsukka
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A/N: Happy birthday!!! 🥳🥳 Omg omg I hope you had an amazing day and please accept my (awful) gift to you,,, YALL this is my first headcannon & request and omfg this was a lot harder than I expected HAHAHAHA BHRIDFVG ☠️ 🤣🤣 – also I think this is a bit longer than a normal headcannon is supposed to be??? & I think I low key did it wrong AHAHAHAH - I really don’t know my friens oop but i hope you like it! @simpinforsukka​ 💖💖💖
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• OKIE so let’s establish something real quick,,
• You were not expecting anything on your birthday- well anything extravagant that is 
• Suki is super sweet and supportive of your passions, just as you are of hers, so generally in past years she would let you take the lead,, happily joining along just to make your day brighter 
• Yet of course this year,, she’s learnt quite a lot about your likes and dislikes from past years hence making the decision to take the lead 
• Well actually, you weren’t really surprised more so discombobulated when you naturally woke up to her on top of you
• Arms wrapped securely around your waist 
• Head nestled into your neck, with her hair tickling your chin
• But you were able to fight the urge to freak out at the initial shock of finding someone in your bed fast asleep- as you soon realised it was your girlfriend 
• Yet you were unable to fight the happy tears welling up in your eyes 
• because even thougH zuko would ALWAYS be more than willing to allow suki to come visit you - you rarely woke up together in such a peaceful way 
• let alone on special occasions like birthdays 
• because tbh the guilt of taking her away from the duties she was so proud of doing always ate you up inside 
• ANYWAY, so suki being as skilled as she is, sensed your uneven breathing and woke up
• “Baby? What’s wrong? Did you have a nightmare?”
• Okok so now she was fussing over you and you tried to diffuse the situation 
• “No, I’m okay- yes suki I promise!! I’m just really happy you’re here”
• Realising why you were so happy, she squeezed her arms around you even tighter (but not tight enough to break ur ribs because I knoW she could) 
• *insert cute, slow & soft make out session because happiness and yoU BOTH DESERVE IT*
Okok now time for the proper festivities!!!
• So, after your wonderful reunion suki takes you on a lil trip/ game 
• NOW what this involves is that whatever age you’re turning is the number of things she has install for you for the day 
• Okie so foR the first item of the day she serves you your favourite cake for BREAKFAST because who cares about eating norms when its your birthday 
• And if you don’t like cake its your favourite celebratory meal 
• Following this she takes you to all of the places your love 
• if it involves travelling, she uses one of the fire nation hot balloons that she stole because she can
• So throughout the day she throws in some significant places/ activities that relate to the two of you 
• BECAUSE you’re with suki and you’re GUNNA have some places that make the both of you soft even if you’re not that much of an affectionate or sentimental type of person 
• And the ENTIRE day you’re just in awe realising how much your girl actually pays attention to what you love and what you care about 
• Like she’s a total SWEETHEART and a total BADASS but there are multiple points throughout the day where she just made you think 
• “is this really my life?” 
• Tbh you were already over yue that she came to your home while you were sleeping just so she could spend all of your special day with you 
• & you would’ve been more than content with just staying in bed all loved up 
• OKAY BUT SEE WHAT I DID THERE – OVER YUE??? OVER THE MOON???? I'm a comedic genius take it or leave it
• AND LET ME TELL YALL she one-upped herself with every single thing she did with you that day 
• Okay so you just finished your second last activity for the day, and you were genuinely wondering what she could possibly have planned for you with the last one 
• So, you were both taking a stroll through the woods and the sun has already set 
• Honestly you were a tiny bit concerned – like why does someone take their girlfriend into the woods, IN THE DARK
• But she was doing so well all day, you didn’t want to jump to conclusions
• And she leads you to an open field 
• Your jaw DROPS 
• you’re just like… “what is all of this?”
• before you in said field are dozens of lanterns, a giant fire pit with a LEGITIMATE FEAST on a GIANT wooden table 
• you have no idea how you’re supposed to consume all of that with just suki
• anyway, she fully LAUGHS AT YOU 
• “just wait my love”
• “Did you really think our friends would allow me to keep you all to myself on your special day?”
• now it was your turn to laugh
• so, when he lands ALL of your friends come running towards you
• you’re legit tackled into one giant hug as they all scream 
• Ngl tho sokka was the last one there because he got side-tracked staring at the food 
• You were so overwhelmed with happiness that you cried for the second time that day
• And then they cried because you were crying over how happy you were (yeS EVEN TOPH LET OUT A TEAR)
• Then eventually you all got over your tears and to sokkas relief you spoke out jokingly 
• So, for the rest of the night, you joked, laughed, and cried (just a little bit more) with all of your best friends around you 
• But that didn’t stop you from turning to suki with a loving smile as multiple conversations broke out around the table a few hours into the night 
• “Thank you, my love, for everything.”
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TAGLIST: I'm not guna put one here honestly because idk if anyone wants to be for stuff like this or if they only want to be tagged in my fire nations assassin series sooooo lmk if you do want to be added to other alta content & I'm scared ppl are guna get mad at me for tagging them in female character content LMAO AHAHHA 
also if you liked this and want to send in ur own request you're more than welcome just read the rules first please :)) rules are: here!
masterlist is: here!
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cutelittlestar · 4 years
Lone Wolf: Chapter 1 || Peter Parker x Reader
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Pairings: Peter Parker x Reader
Summary of the Series: You were given the ability to transform into a wolf, but you’re  unfortunately captured and experimented on by a cynical madman. Despite being saved by the Avengers and given a place to call home, you’re still having a difficult time grasping onto the basic concepts of being human. However, everything changes when you met a boy, Peter Parker. Slowly but surely, he helps you on your path to recovery –showing you that all you needed was love and patience. 
Word Count: 4.3k
*gifs are not mine*
Warnings: injury, mentions of death and pain, kidnapping, physical and mental abuse, torture, MATURE CONTENT, 18+.  
A/N: Hey y’all! I hope you guys are safe and well :) Thank you to everyone who supported me in deciding to write this story, I’m so glad there are people out there willing to read my work (ngl, it still baffles me lol). Anyways, I hope you enjoy this, and lmk if you guys want more!! Although I’m already writing a series at this moment, I wouldn’t mind squeezing in another; however, this might mean that I’ll post the chapters a bit later than expected. Hope y’all understand 💕❤️
There was once a time where you freely roamed the remote wilderness, and you called it home; the soft chirping of the birds in the morning eased your mind, the calm flow of the river was music to your ears, and the beautiful green scenery was your protection. You had decided long ago to leave your pack, knowing it was for the best; you were the outcast of the group, and they constantly mistreated you for it, deciding that your life was less meaningful than theirs. The emotional, mental, and physical abuse you endured was too much to handle, so one night, when your pack was soundly sleeping, you left without a trace, never looking back. Ever since you became a lone wolf, your life became considerably better and worth living for; at first, it was difficult to realize, but then you began to learn the secrets of the woods, and it taught you that all life was precious. You deeply cherished this thought, never letting it go. The wilderness was your guardian and you were its child. However, it was all gone in a blink of an eye, and the sacred memories you once had were burned to ashes, along with your home. 
Men of greed, power, and corruption immediately disrupted your sanction, and they destroyed everything in their path without remorse. You were too scared and weak to fight them off, so you decided to run away. However, despite how hastily you fled, you were quickly surrounded. There was barely any time for you to attack as the soldiers in black gear immediately used their weapons, electrocuting you as many times as they could; you howled in pain, but they mercilessly continued, ignoring your screams before ultimately subduing you.  You thrashed around in the dirt, attempting to escape, but your body was slowly losing its strength, and you soon gave up; as your eyes were on the verge of closing, you faintly remembered a man walking towards you, a man who completely stood out from the rest. The man’s callous face was standing over you, and their void black eyes sent a shiver down your spine. A sinister grin stretched across his face, and that was the last thing you remembered before everything went dark. 
You woke up and realized that you were laying on the cold floor; it was strange and terrifying to you, and you hoped that it was just a nightmare but you were wrong. As you tried to stand up, your body screamed in agony. You shivered in the darkness and realized that you shifted back to your human form. Panic started to grow by the second and you were terrified that the men would learn of your abilities, but it was already too late. 
“You should be more careful of your surroundings, you never know who’s lurking in the dark,” an ominous voice announced, causing you to scoot back in fear. The lights were immediately turned on and you quickly covered your exposed body as a man stood in the middle of the room. You squinted your eyes, taking note of his features, and you immediately recognized him; he was the same man that stood over your body before you passed out. Despite your desire to rip his throat out, you were prohibited from doing because you were caged in a cell. You let out a menacing growl, but the man didn’t react.
“Let me go,” you ordered, but he merely chuckled, shaking his head. 
“Oh Y/N,” the man scolded, and your eyes widened in shock, your body shaking. How did the man know your name? “I’m afraid I can’t do that.” The man’s callous eyes examined you, and he was content with himself, knowing that he was the one that managed to capture the infamous shapeshifter. You were so gullible, the man thought to himself; you actually believed you were safe in the woods. Your heart began to beat faster as you were horrified of the man’s calm yet intimidating demeanor; various situations ran through your head as you wondered what he was going to do to you, but you made a promise to yourself, declaring that you would remain strong. 
“Let’s see if you're better than the other test subjects,” the man disclosed, walking closer towards you. He crouched down to the ground in order to look at your face, excited to see your reaction as he began to unveil his intentions. The threatening glare you tried to maintain utterly failed as you listened to his words, and your breathing got heavier. “I don’t want to kill another shifter, but if I must, I will,” the man whispered, a sinister smirk plastered on his face, pleased at your reaction. Tears threatened to fall down your face as you wondered if the man was speaking about your former pack, but you didn’t want to believe it. 
“Once I get out of this cage, I’ll fucking rip your throat out,” you fumed. You ignored the pain that coursed through your body and jumped at the bars, hoping you would be able to injure him. Although your hand was centimeters away from his throat, the man didn’t flinch at your violent response. Instead, he simply stood up and took a step back. You watched as his eyes darken, but his face remained blank. 
“You may think you’ll have the opportunity, but you never will; you’re going to rot in this cell for the rest of your life, Y/N. Don’t say things you’ll regret,” the man angrily declared. Your chest heavily rose and sank as his words stuck to you, but before you could say anything else, he turned and walked out of the room, leaving you alone with your thoughts and your worst fears. What you didn’t realize at the moment was that he was right. 
Ever since then, you endured horrible and excruciating pain; you were experimented on for a reason they did not explain. No matter how many times you tried to fight, whether by biting, kicking, scratching, hitting, and even killing, it only made things worse for you. After quite some time, it finally began to dawn on you that it was utterly useless to resist; you believed you were going to spend the rest of your life in this tiny cell, and there was nothing you could do. You allowed them to do damage to your body – either by letting them shove countless needles into your skin or allowing them to cut you in order to determine how long it took for you to heal. You endured draining and extensive trials, and you were forced to constantly shift back and forth – despite how many times you almost died due to your horrible conditions. You lost track of how long you’ve been kept in the cage, but as time progressed, your hope in escaping gradually disappeared. You regretted saying those words to him, but it was too late.
The damage was already done. 
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
You laid on the concrete floor in your wolf form, softly whimpering to yourself as you were engulfed in the darkness. The men were already gone, but you knew they would be back soon; in this moment of silence, you closed your eyes and attempted to think of your home but your mind remained blank. It was as if those precious memories were gone the minute the men arrived. You knew you could never retrieve them. You wanted to give up so badly, but you never allowed yourself to. While it seemed impossible to ever think that you could escape, you mercilessly clung onto the possibility. However, it wasn’t hope that motivated you. No, there was only one emotion that was capable of doing this: rage. Your hatred was the thing that kept you alive, and you constantly imagined all of the horrific actions you would commit if there was a chance of escaping. 
The sound of footsteps disrupted your thoughts, and you immediately remained still and closed your eyes. The door was swung open, and you were able to recognize the two distinct smells that were attached to the men. The two men, Hughes and Perez, walked towards your cell, but you continued to remain frozen, hoping the men would think you were unconscious. 
“Fucking hell, it smells like death,” Perez stated in disgust; the men now stood inches away from your cell, but they kept their distance, afraid you would attack them whenever you had the chance. 
“Shut up,” Hughes whispered, “and step back from the cage–you have to be prepared–you never know if she’ll attack.”
Perez let out a laugh, amused at his partner’s remark. “She’s unconscious, you have nothing to be scared of. Look.” You mentally prepared yourself as you heard Perez get closer despite Hughes’ protests; he whipped out a taser baton and a blue light flickered. Within an instant, Perez angrily struck the baton down on your body, and a cynical smile formed on his lips as he enjoyed the way the electricity burned your fur and your skin. You bit your tongue down so hard that blood was drawn, and you wanted nothing more than to lunge at Perez and rip off his arm; yet, you didn’t move, thus, proving to Hughes that Perez was right. 
“Tsar was right,” Perez announced, putting his baton back on his buckle, “there’s no reason for us to be afraid anymore.” You felt your heart beat faster as you finally heard the name given to the man. Tsar, such a typical title. After such a long time, you never believed you would have the power to laugh nor find happiness again, but at this moment, you wanted nothing more than to let out a chuckle; the man compared himself to monarchs and supreme rulers. What a joke. However, your desire to laugh quickly disappeared as you heard Perez continue speaking. 
“Tsar already got what he needed from her. Sooner or later, we’ll be just as strong as her–perhaps even stronger. Can you imagine an army of shifters? The Avengers wouldn’t stand a chance. Now, it’s our time to shine, brother.” It felt as if your heart stopped beating in your chest, and it became more difficult for you to breathe; you were unable to grasp his words. An army of shifters? Was that why they experimented on you? Suddenly, everything made sense; they were going to use your DNA to make soldiers for war– soldiers who would have the ability to transform into a beast– and the thought utterly terrified you. While you’re not aware of who the Avengers are, you assumed they were in opposition to Tsar. However, it doesn’t suggest that the Avengers are good people–maybe they’re just competitors, striving to be at the top of the food chain. 
In a blink of an eye, the two men were gone, and once again, you were left all alone. You wish you had the strength to fight off every man, but you knew it was impossible. If Perez was right, Tsar would soon have an army of shapeshifters, and they would be unstoppable. Unfortunately, there was nothing else you could do. Your time was up and it was already too late. He got what he needed from you, and soon, they would dispose of you like trash. You never expected to die like this; you always imagined yourself laying on a fresh patch of grass, next to the lilies, before you took your last dying breath. Tears ran down your face as you began to accept your fate. You would die in this small cell, never having the opportunity to see the sun again.
Yet, the relatively quiet room eased your mind, and in a mere second, you were able to conjure up a pleasing image; while it did not resemble your old home, it depicted a warming view of the ocean. As you imagined yourself standing on the shore, it felt as if the picture you created in your mind was coming to life. You could hear the waves of the ocean gently rocking, but off in the distance, you could hear another sound, a sound that did not fit the blissful scenery. Without warning, a massive explosion erupts, causing the ground to roughly shake, and you open your eyes in shock and fear. You bolted upright as you heard from distance men shouting obscenities and commands; the distant sirens began to wail, and they were coming closer to you. Your head began to hurt as the uncertainty teased your hopes, but you tried your hardest to remain composed. Gunshots and blasts came one after the other in rapid succession, and you then heard sounds of screams echo across the building, causing shivers to run down your spine. Footsteps were coming closer to where you were being held, but you didn’t know how to react; should you be relieved or should you be scared? 
The door was instantly kicked down, its hinges falling as well, but the very first second that it happens, you’re confused; the light from the outside completely engulfs the room, and it turns you blind and disoriented for a slight moment. You’re able to see a figure standing in front of the door, but they did not move a single muscle. Things seem oddly calm, but you took a step back in fear, your tail cowardly hiding in between your legs. Your ears flattened down against your head, and you let out a soft whimper, petrified of what could happen next. The person was wearing an ominous suit, distinguishing itself from the men that held you captive, but as they tried to step closer, your instincts to protect yourself came out. Suddenly, your ears and your fur bristles are fully erect, and your lips curl back, your incisors displayed; despite still being in a cell, you let out a snarl, telling the person that if they came any closer, you would attack them without hesitation. 
“Hey, it’s okay,” the voice softly spoke, slowly walking towards you. The voice was comforting, and it sounded as if the person was barely a young adult. As the person came closer, you began to take note of their red and blue suit; there was a spider at the center of their chest, and they reminded you of a hero in a children’s book, but you were still terror-stricken. While this person was different than the other men, they all had one thing in common: they all wore masks. Not being able to see the person’s face made you uneasy, and you continued to bark and snarl.
Peter understood your fear and aggression, and he respectfully stopped moving; however, he was saddened at the scene in front of him. The wolf clearly showed signs of wanting to trust him, but due to the horrible conditions it endured, any person was a threat to them. “I’m not going to hurt you,” Peter reassured; while it may have been idiotic for Peter to speak to an animal, he felt as if you understood every single word that came out of his mouth. You stopped growling, but your hairs stood erect on your back, suspicious of the man’s actions. 
“We have a problem, guys. Meet me here soon,” Peter announced on his comms, alerting the rest of the Avengers; your ears perked up as you realized that he wasn’t alone, and you stepped back, afraid of what was about to come. The building was now completely silent, signifying that the Avengers successfully completed their mission. Peter eyed you carefully, watching as you paced back and forth in the cell, growing anxious by the minute. Within seconds, all of the Avengers were in the room. 
“Wow, that really is a big problem,” Tony remarked, letting out a sigh and trying to determine what to do with the humongous animal. 
“We can’t just leave it here,” Peter stated, knowing he would feel guilty if they left without you. You carefully observed the boy turn his head to look at the man in a red-and-gold armor and there was a moment of silence. It looked as if the man in the armor exactly knew what the younger boy was thinking, and he immediately shook his head. “No. There’s no way in hell we’re taking this thing back to the compound.”  
“What?! Why not?” the boy argued. 
“Because, no. It’s not like a regular dog, Peter. It’s a wolf!” 
“Tony,” another man interjected, getting the attention of the whole group; the man was carrying a shield, and judging by the way everyone remained quiet, you knew he was the alpha. “Maybe we should listen to the kid, he’s got a point. We can’t just leave it here nor allow it to run free; it’d be better if we take it with us. We can figure things out later.” You narrowed your eyes at the men as you continued to listen to their bickering, and you did not like where the conversation was going. 
“I think it’s a great idea,” a man proudly stated. “It’s about time we finally got a pet.” You turned your head to look at the man, and you let out an intimidating growl, indicating to him that you deeply despised his comment. 
“Sam, stop making it mad,” a woman with red hair scolded. She rolled her eyes at Sam’s behavior and smacked him on the shoulder; you mentally thanked her, glad that at least one of them understood your reaction. You averted your attention back to the alpha, your ears pulled back and your tail pointed straight outwards, curious about what he was going to say.
“Then it’s settled. The wolf is coming with us.”
“Alright,” Tony mumbled, throwing his hands up in defeat and walking towards the exit, “but if it tries to kill you, don’t say I didn’t warn you!” Despite Peter’s excitement of convincing the team to take you in, you did not share the same enthusiasm. Instead, you were enraged. You hoped that since your enemies were either dead or gone, you would finally have the chance to run away, but of course, that wasn’t going to happen anymore. You let out a huff of frustration, irritated by their plan, however, you knew it would be best if you didn’t fight back.
Peter turned his attention back to the cell, his mask eyes staring at you; he slowly walked towards you but kept enough distance, respecting your desire to have boundaries. 
“Don’t worry,” he vowed, placing his hand on his chest. “you’re safe, you can rest now.” 
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Once again, you laid on the concrete floor, but this time, everything was different. You weren’t kept in a cell that was small, unsanitary, or cold; instead, you were given a proper size, allowing you to roam around the spacious room. Although you were still confined to a location, you didn’t mind the bulletproof glass wall since it granted you to see beyond the confinement; there was a comforting heat engulfing you, and you weren’t surrounded by filth. You were alone for the time being, but you weren’t bothered by it; rather, you were oddly relaxed. Perhaps, it was due to the fact that there was an enormous window which gave you the privilege to see the beautiful skyline. Although you were still unsure of where you were, you were mesmerized by the sight; it would never compare to your home, but the buildings, cars, and powerful lights caught your attention. You limped towards the window and sat down, settling in the moonlight and continuing to stare at the small figures that moved. 
You heard footsteps approaching, but you didn’t bother to turn around; you hoped that whoever was standing there would leave soon, but as you felt their presence linger, you slowly turned your head around. Standing right in front of the glass wall was a boy who looked around his early twenties; he had dark brown hair, fair skin, and enticing brown eyes that caught your attention. There was something about him that felt familiar, but you couldn’t place it. The boy smiled at you as he held a tray of food, but you merely narrowed your eyes and decided to ignore him. 
“C’mon, I know you’re hungry,” the boy pointed out. You instantly recognized the voice from before; it was Peter, the one who was wearing the red-and-blue suit. 
He bit his lip in anticipation as you didn’t move a muscle, but he was determined to get you to eat. You let out a big huff, irritated that he did not leave. Suddenly, the sound of a door opening made you alert, and you instantly stood up, turning around to face Peter. Your ears and fur were standing up, and you crouched backward, baring your teeth. 
“Don’t worry, I’m not going to try anything,” Peter assured, placing the tray on the floor and sliding it across the room. You immediately stopped your actions and directed your focus on the food instead of him; you carefully examined the food, not knowing whether to eat it or leave it there, but you were unable to resist the delicious smell of the meat. Peter watched in awe as you quickly ate the food in seconds and licked the tray clean. The violent and capricious behavior you were once showing was completely gone and was now replaced with a relaxed demeanor; you sat like a sphinx and your tail was placed down, signaling to Peter that you were starting to trust him. As Peter began to examine your calm posture, his eyes gazed over the large gash that was on your left thigh; there was dry blood and dirt around the wound, and it looked as if there was puss leaking out. Peter needed to treat the injury as quickly as he could, but he feared that you wouldn’t allow him to. 
You nudged the tray back to Peter and licked the food that lingered around your mouth; Peter let out a slight laugh, understanding that you wanted more food. 
“I’ll be right back,” Peter affirmed, stepping out of the room to retrieve more food. You waited for Peter to return, and once he did, you couldn’t help but feel happy, content that you were interacting with someone other than the vicious men. Once again, you began to hastily swallow the food, but you were so ravenous that you failed to notice how Peter tried to discreetly look at your wound. As soon as you felt Peter place his hand on your thigh, you immediately stopped eating and snapped your mouth at him. Luckily, due to Peter’s abilities, he was able to save his fingers from being chewed off, but he stepped back. You let out a menacing growl, angry that he violated your space, and Peter felt like he was back to square one. 
“You have an injury,” Peter defended himself, “I need to treat it before it gets worse.” You growled again, not caring about the severity of your wound. What Peter doesn’t know was that it’ll heal shortly; however, judging by the burning pain you felt every time you moved your left leg, it seemed as if that wouldn’t be the case. On the other hand, you were stubborn, so you decided to ignore Peter’s words. You limped to the corner, attempting to get as far away from the boy, and you plopped onto the ground. Peter stood still, not knowing what to do; while there was a chance you were going to attack him, he didn’t want to leave you with an unattended injury. Peter walked towards you once again, causing you to become angrier by the second, but you also gave him credit; he was determined to treat your injury. You watched as the boy kneeled down, inches away from you, but you didn’t growl nor bear your teeth; instead, you intently observed his every move, watching as he took out the necessary medical tools. Your heavy and strong breathing intimidated Peter, but he also knew that you weren’t going to harm him. 
You flinched as Peter poured rubbing alcohol onto the wound, to which he quickly apologized, but then you soon found yourself letting out a sigh of relief. You continued to watch Peter as he pierced your skin with a needle, but it was over in a blink of an eye, and now he was wrapping the wound with a clean cloth. “All better,” Peter proudly declared, returning the equipment back in the kit. You gazed at him, shocked that someone was willing to help you even though you’ve been aggressive to them. 
Before Peter could react, you slowly moved towards him until your head was resting on his lap. Peter sucked in his breath as his muscles contorted, but then they smoothly eased up as he watched your chest rise and fall in a steady and tranquil motion. This was your way of thanking him, and although you did not truly know him, you felt completely safe with Peter; he had gained your trust. Peter felt a smile stretch across his face, and he gingerly placed his hand behind your ear and slowly petted you, to which you happily accepted. As Peter continued to caress your head, your eyes began to feel heavier every passing minute; slowly but then all at once, you fell asleep in his lap, but Peter didn’t mind at all. Instead, he pulled himself closer and leaned his body up against yours. 
After a few hours passed, Tony and Steve decided to stop by and see how you were doing, but when they entered the room, they were shocked at the sight in front of them. Peter blissfully slept in the confinement with the beast, but that wasn’t what frightened them. Rather, what terrified them the most was that the beast was gone and was replaced with a naked woman who peacefully rested in Peter’s arms. Tony quickly connected the dots but was still unable to believe it was actually real.
“Holy shit,” Tony remarked to Steve, “she’s a shifter.” 
Taglist: @juliebean247​
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wetalkinboutbooks · 4 years
New Year, New Review 🤩
A Sky Beyond the Storm by Sabaa Tahir
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Summary: The long-imprisoned jinn are on the attack, wreaking bloody havoc in villages and cities alike. But for the Nightbringer, vengeance on his human foes is just the beginning.
At his side, Commandant Keris Veturia declares herself Empress, and calls for the heads of any and all who defy her rule. At the top of the list? The Blood Shrike and her remaining family.
Laia of Serra, now allied with the Blood Shrike, struggles to recover from the loss of the two people most important to her. Determined to stop the approaching apocalypse, she throws herself into the destruction of the Nightbringer. In the process, she awakens an ancient power that could lead her to victory--or to an unimaginable doom.
And deep in the Waiting Place, the Soul Catcher seeks only to forget the life--and love--he left behind. Yet doing so means ignoring the trail of murder left by the Nightbringer and his jinn. To uphold his oath and protect the human world from the supernatural, the Soul Catcher must look beyond the borders of his own land. He must take on a mission that could save--or destroy--all that he knows. (Taken from Goodreads)
Our Ratings:  
 → Geena:  ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
 → Kae: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Overall: The final instalment of the Ember Quartet had us crying in the metaphorical club. It’s exciting, terrifying, and probably the horniest book in the series and we loved it!
~Spoiler-full discussion below~
The Good:
→ Elias and Laia
Geena: In the final instalment of the Ember quartet, Sabaa deprives us of an Elias POV and slaps us with the Soulcatcher instead… He’s very much an ‘emotions are bad’ type of dude, the opposite of Elias who always had so many… but both of them are so angsty? The Soulcatcher really likes to beat up trees when his memories from when he was Elias resurface which was so emo to me. Despite being possessed by Mauth he is also such a coward, especially around Laia, because Elias’ feelings for Laia scare him and every single time he is like *running emoji*. We were surprised that Sabaa let him remain the soulcatcher for so long, every chapter I was like ‘Okay, maybe this is where Elias breaks through…’ but no.. Elias remained buried UNTIL their night in the cabin… the Soulcatcher was like ‘k I’m out’ but ONLY for ONE NIGHT and that still makes me scream.. The Soulcatcher was like ‘you kids are too horny for me, I’m gonna take a nap for a bit and let Elias take over bc Jesus.’ 
Despite it all, the Soulcatcher’s chapters were enjoyable albeit painful because this man was so duty bound, like even Elias wasn’t that dedicated when he was a Mask. But near the end, when we finally get the chapter that starts with Elias…. Ngl I cried a little, and immediately wanted to reread the whole series (I feel like Sabaa did this on purpose to torture us). I want to fight Sabaa though, like she did an amazing job showing how Elias’ conscious and the Soulcatcher’s conscious were constantly fighting one another, and how Elias’ memories of the people he loved ultimately fuelled the Soulcatcher’s actions… even though the Soulcatcher was like ‘I’m doing this for the ghosts’ like okay… no ghost told you to keep protecting and kissing Laia but you still did it…  
Kae: Okay, so Geena summed up my boy Ilyaas pretty damn well. Also, we LOVE HIS ETHNIC NAME IN THIS HOUSE. But um, YES. Elias was a sad boy ™ the whole time while fighting his emotions and ultimately losing. It was so PAINFUL as a reader, seeing all of  his chapters except the ONE say ‘Soulcatcher’. But when it finally said ELIAS again, I too, started to cry. Because he was BACK. 
You can all thank the power of Laia’s determination to seduce Elias back to himself, because our girl was NOT giving up. She said ‘you gonna get this coochie, dammit’ and in the cabin, Elias was like ‘well i’ll be damned. I sure as hell am. I am BACK BAYBEEEEE’
Geena: Sabaa Tahir said horny rights like ksjdnfdsjknfsdk
Kae: AUFVAHLHVKJ. BUT YES. In the end, love won. And so did sex because everyone was doin it or TRYING to do it. I guess when the world is ending, you only get one last time to uhh…. Have a good time. So they made sure they did lmao 
Now, let’s get into Laia. 
Laia. My sweet little cupcake. My mug of tea with too much honey. This girl has been through literal hell and back, and yet, she kept going. She NEVER gave up. Laia woke up in book 4 like ‘Today i will commit crimes. Helene and I crave violence’ and they both just started kicking ASS and I LOVED THAT. I was really happy to see the progression of Laia and Helen’s friendship and how they genuinely grew to like one another and see each other as besties. They both deserved a girl friend and I’m glad they found a friendship within each other. 
Laia is the bravest character in this damn book. She went from poor scholar, to slave, to hero and she was brave because she had to be. Laia is strong and took on their entire world. She had help, but she did a lot of it alone and that takes some real guts. She is the most genuine, sweetest, bravest girl and I love her. <3 
Laia also single handedly brought the Ilyaas back from his Soulcatcher shit. During this whole book she was just like ‘You know what? I think I’mma go mess with Elias’ emo ass today to see if I can get him to kiss me or something’ THEN SHE PROCEEDED TO SHOW UP AT THIS MANS HOUSE (realm or whatever) BUTTASS NEKKID. And he saw her and immediately flew the hell out of there it was TOO MUCH and he LIKED IT but couldn’t admit it. 
Geena: You know what I love about that whole scene was like earlier she was like ‘He’s a lost cause idc’ and then Darin was like ‘Elias wouldn’t give up on you if that happened’ and Laia was like ‘you’re right, he would show up stark naked and try to seduce me back to my body’ and she did just that...
Kae: SHE DID. SHE SHOWED UP AND SHOWED OUT! Like, her entire mission was to bring Elias back while also planning on taking down the Nightbringer. But she was straight up like ‘okay but not before i get my man back through SEDUCTION’. Ugh, the mango scene?  Superb. 
Geena: Laia is hands down one of my favourite book characters to exist. Her journey from the first book being a scared girl with a missing brother, to being the face of a revolution… like the GROWTH. Like Kae mentioned, she and Helene end up as BESTIIEESSSS, and I was surprised at how natural they seemed. Because we went from them hating each other to close friends, but despite not seeing their development, it came off so natural? So, I loved that! 
Kae covered Laia’s character pretty thoroughly, she was both a horndog and a bad bitch. Like this girl has pretended to be a Slave for the Commandment to travelling a desert by herself and facing off a squad of Jinn… In retrospect, Laia is a unique case, she’s allowed to be kind and caring and doesn’t have to be a fighter type to be strong. She’s not the chosen one, which this book made clear, it could’ve been anyone to fight the Nightbringer… but only Laia was strong enough to love him AND defy him. And I just love her a lot… she was very much an anime protagonist with the power of love, family, and friendship… anyways I love her and that’s all I have to say
→ Helene 
Geena: The way I ended up liking and rooting for Helene this book? Came out of left field. To be honest, in previous books I didn’t feel much for her other than ‘stop chasing after Elias and Laia pls.’ But this book I wanted her to win, especially with the fight against the germanic-esque invaders. She goes through substantial development, no longer seeing Scholars as slaves and taking their opinions seriously.. Like Laia, Musa, and Darin were all a part of her crew. A stark difference from Book 1 Helene, who thought Scholars only had one role in the world and that was slaves. 
Helene… like Laia… really has the Ember equivalent of hot girl summer with Harper… all the time she spends denying it she is like *jumps on him the chance she gets*. The bath scene… Helene’s power was turning her tortuer into her MAN… But also Sabaa said that ‘yes she has changed, but she has to repent for her sins’ and that’s why Helene is basically left alone at the end (save for Laia, Elias, and Musa). 
Kae: So not gonna lie, I never actually disliked Helene. I saw her as the flawed character she was in the beginning. During her cat and mouse chase with Elias and Laia in the beginning, she would piss me OFF because like, that’s your BEST FRIEEEEEND. JUST STAAAAHP. But also, it was him or her and her family's death, so I get it. But I always saw potential in her to be better. And thank GOODNESS she went through all that character development. Because she was a damn menace in the beginning. 
Also like Geena mentioned; Helly and Harper finally hooking up? I swear the heavens opened up in that moment because EVERYONE could feel their tension. LIKE JUST DO IT ALREADY. You can’t fight love, baybeeee
Watching Helly grow as a person was really rewarding as a reader. Like Geena said, she went from hating scholars to being like ‘hmm, maybe my opinions are shitty?’ and straight up changed.  I also feel for her because she lost her ENTIRE family and like, honestly? I would’ve given up. BUT SHE DIDN’T. She’s a literal fighter, bred for this shit. So she FOUGHT. And I was really scared she was gonna get murked because y’all know Keris’ tiny evil ass doesn’t have a chill button. And when they were fighting? I was like LAWD PLS DON’T  TAKE HELLY. But instead he took Harper *upside down smiley face* SO THAT WAS FUCKED UP AND I WASN’T READY FOR IT. But a piece of me knew it was coming. 
The Bad:   
→ Darin and Harper
Geena: As Kae mentioned… Harper kicked the can in this book :’( His eventual fall came from loving and caring for Helene too much, which left him open and gave Keris the chance to stab him. Harper was basically Helene’s heart outside her body, and when he went down so did Helene. I had had a feeling when Book 3 ended that Harper wouldn’t make it, but I WASN’T HAPPY ABOUT BEING RIGHT FOR ONCE… Harper had finally met his brother (Elias) and hadn’t even had a chance to meet the real Elias and talk to him about their father or other sibling stuff. LIKE OF ALL CHARACTER DEATHS… AND THERE WAS A LOT… The other one that came out of left field was fucking Darin of Serra… DARIN… THE ONE DUDE WE SPENT TWO WHOLE BOOKS SAVING… DEAD WITH A SNAP OF HIS NECK!! I WAS SO MAD
LIKE SABAA HAD US THINKING HE WAS GONNA BE SAFE, SHE GAVE HIM A LIL GIRLFRIEND AND EVERYTHING BUT THEN SHE GOES.. AND KILLS HIM?? JUST LIKE THAT?? Then we had to read the scenes where Elias helps both Darin and Harper pass over into the afterlife and I was just *cries angrily* 
Kae: Well, THAT was sad. Have you ever just like, felt your heart break into a million tiny irreparable pieces? That’s how I felt when Darin and Harper died. Because like, they were both trying to save the women they loved. Darin to Laia, (foolishly so against the Nightbringer) but I would do it for my little sister too. And Harper with Helene against evilass Keris. Dude, that shit just sucked. It hurt to read. It hurt to imagine the girls feeling the pain of their deaths. They were both such good men. And DARIIIN. 
Darin didn’t have to go out like that, man. It was such a harsh death. No last words. It was just over and his body was just gone. I wish Laia would’ve been able to talk with him at The Waiting Place at least one last time. But it is what it is. I hated to see both of them go. Especially since Darin pretty much sparked this whole series. 
Sure, Laia, Helene, and Elias were the main characters. But Darin was the spark that started the fire. And he didn’t even get to see it’s flames extinguished. 
Geena: He was the ember in the ashes… literally like Sabaa uses that for Elias and Laia but it applies to Darin the most
Kae: LITCHRALLY gonna get teary eyed over here. Our boys deserved better :( 
Geena: This was not at all a disappointing end to the series we’ve followed closely for so long. The different plot points and character arcs were tied up nicely, and Sabaa Tahir showed us once again why she’s one of the best fantasy writers on this side of the Milky Way. We didn’t even bother including a ‘The Ugly’ section because we loved it too much ksfmsd. The only qualm I’d have with the end was the empire remaining, Helene recognized the Scholars as equals but centuries of pain isn’t easily forgotten you know? SO THAT’S WHY I THINK WE DESERVE A SEQUEL SERIES… BUT I DIGRESS… OVERALL, I loved this book and the ending for all the characters ESPECIALLY FOR OUR GIRL LAIA <3
Kae: YES. I AGREE 100% WITH GEENA. It was such a beautiful end to the series. Sabaa is  GENIUS and her storytelling is phenomenal. I loved every little surprise she’s hidden in all of the books. ESPECIALLY WITH COOK BEING ALIVE? I DIDN’T SEE THAT SHIT COMING AT ALL. LIKE HOLY SHIT? So Laia had some remaining family afterall, and I think that’s very sweet. I’m really sad to see the series be over with and Geena and I are both *~HOPIIIING~* for an epilogue or some little crumbs or SOMETHING with the gang and how their lives ended up into middle adulthood or something. 
Geena: I would literally take a single paragraph… Ms. Tahir…. Blease…
Kae: But yes, in conclusion, Laia has a heart of gold and we LOVE HER. She’s brave and strong and smart, and was the only one out of THOUSANDS to stick for herself and defy the Nightbringer, and save the whole world. Helene has come a long way and she developed beautifully as a character. And Elias. Ohhh, Ilyaas. His continued self sacrifice and bravery and love still helped him live in the end and I think that’s beautiful. 
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cutietobio · 5 years
HC’s for Ushijima, Bokuto, Kageyama, Nishinoya, & Kuroo with an S/O who fosters kittens / has lots of pets cats. Like sis just can’t seem to say no to an animal in need. How would they react?
Sure, anon! Hope you like it :’) I apologize for the inconsistent length, but I get more ideas for some characters than others at a time.
- He’s a dog person (confirmed by my group chat, very reliable source) so he’s used to more energetic pets. He does admit that your cats are very calming, and he finds himself smiling at the sounds of their purrs. All of your cats are drawn to him like a magnet, he doesn’t understand why and he sits with a stoic face, hands on his knees while dozens of cats are rubbing up against his legs, chest and one even found its way upon his head. He would remain as still as possible, hoping they find it comfortable up there.
- He’s not very talkative when playing with your cats, but you see the soft smile which graces his features at the funny antics of your furry friends. It’s all very calming, your favourite moments is during a rainy evening when Ushijima cuddles with you upon your couch and all your kitties join in on the love. (catch me crying in the club rn, your head is resting on his chest, legs intertwined, blanket over the both of you and your cats are scattered everywhere. One is nestled upon your feet, a few on the armrests and on top of the back while a very tiny kitten is curled up on Ushijima’s sternum, underneath his warm hand)
- He would spoil them a lot, bringing over treats and exotic-sounding food. The once he came over with cotton candy flavoured meat treats and you soon realized his obsession with strangely flavoured items. Each week he comes back with something weird and you fear that your cats won't like it but you give it to them anyway, to your surprise, they almost never turn their nose to it, and if they do, Ushijima is able to get them to eat it just by holding it out for them.
- He’s surprised upon first visiting your home, only to be greeted by seemingly dozens of cats staring back at him. He lets out a sudden noise of excitement, causing all your furry friends to scatter in multiple directions. Yeah, they’re kinda scared of him and yes, Bokuto looks extremely dejected about it. The whole visit he attempts to warm up to your cats who keep a wary eye on him and pouts when none of them warms up to him. Feeling bad for him, you brought him your newest addition to your cat family which had been a tiny little kitten which you distanced from the rest. It had no power to fight back and instantly curled up into Bokuto’s chest. You swore his eyes grew misty and his smile was absolutely contagious. 
- Eventually, your cats warm up to him after his constant visits and he never fails to bring them gifts. These include treats, toys and even costumes. He buys these all unironically, he’s genuinely so excited to see what they will look like in the cute sparkly dress he bought because his heart swelled upon first seeing it. Unwilling to disappoint, you dress up one of your more tamer cats in the outfit and Bokuto is almost brought to the verge of tears at how cute they look. He’s very enthusiastic when it comes to your babies :’)
- Frequently questions when you’re considering getting your next cat. You make the mistake of asking him if he would like to tag along with you and pick out a cat to foster, you return home with four additional kittens all snugly asleep in Bokuto’s arms. (...can ya’ll imagine seeing him carrying a bunch of sleeping kittens in his muscular AF arms... I-) 
- Your love for cats is so endearing to Bokuto, he catches himself staring at you whilst you play with them, admiration gleaming within his eyes. Seeing you so gentle towards them makes his heart swell with pride at the thought that he managed to meet and date someone as loving and caring as you. He doesn’t even play his staring off as something else when you catch him and instead he openly admits what a lovely person you are. (your cat is sitting there like...human...proceed giving me attention with the delightful chase of the feather string...why do you love this owl-head anyway)
- The only experience Kageyama has had when it comes to pets is his own fish which he sometimes forgets exists. This is proved canon by my group chat members and I. He’s pretty overwhelmed by the sheer amount of cats you have and finds himself awkwardly stroking one who comes up and rubs themselves against his legs. He looks a bit uncomfortable, not sure what to do. You help him ease up by putting your hand on top of his and guiding it over the soft fur of your cat. 
- Kageyama finds your will to help cats admirable, not that he would do something like that himself, but he can tell a lot of hard work goes into it and he thinks you’re amazing for being able to cope. Many times he finds himself willing to help you clean up or even help bathe one of your cats. His hands are full of scratches afterwards and you feel sick to your stomach with guilt, only for him to offer you a small smile of reassurance and tell you he didn't mind - it was fun, in fact, seeing as he never had the opportunity to take care of his own pet in such a way before. 
- He’s only close with one of your cats. For some reason, this cat eases him and whenever he comes over, he’s instantly greeted by the cat upon stepping through the door. The one time, you caught Kageyama falling asleep upon your bed with the cat curled up against his chest, both of them with seemingly content smiles. You managed to snag a picture and it will forever remain your profile picture because what on earth can top a sleeping Kageyama with his favourite cat snuggling on top of him. (me thinking about Kageyama cuddling with a cat.)
- Your poor cats.
- In the beginning, Nishinoya is in awe at how many cats you have. He doesn’t make an attempt to rush towards them but he definitely thinks their cute. He’s more interested in how he can entertain himself by playing with them. You show him some tricks they can do and he’s immediately hooked, oohing at every minor thing they do. 
- “Whoa! that was so cool,,” 
- “Uh..that wasn’t a trick.”
- Lowkey terrorizes your cats ngl. He’s gonna test out the theory that cats are afraid of cucumbers like he’s seen so many times on youtube and laugh his ass off when one of your cats jump nearly ten feet into the air. He records the whole thing and likely uploads it to social media. He likes to set up pranks for them. The one time you wanted to walk into the kitchen, only to find the entrance blocked off with clingwrap and all your cats sitting expectantly before it, their heads bouncing around in sync. Peering around the doorway, you find Nishinoya sipping on a milk box as he waves a toy around, holding back the snickers at how funny your cats look trying to get through.
- Overall, he thinks its really cool of you to do such a thing. Despite pulling pranks on your cats, he’s really endeared by them. Knowing how much you want to help, he often sends you posts he finds from animal shelters who are looking for foster homes. It makes you happy knowing he keeps your interests in mind when you’re away from each other.
- He’ll come over with catnip one day, saying he wants to see how high your cats can get. “Damn, pass the joint du-” *hiss* “I just want my hit, man.”
- He’s in his element whenever he comes over to your house, your cats literally swarm around his feet upon barely taking a step inside the door. He’s their cat daddy, and you have zero say in the situation. Your cats probably like him more than you and you can’t even be mad at them tbh. Of course, you get a bit salty when your cats, which you have handpicked and rescued from a terrible fate, turn their nose to your cooing and tempting treats and instead find comfort in curling next to Kuroo who is watching youtube videos, not even making an effort to coax them into doing so.
- You have that one cat, the true OG, your loyal disciple who refuses to leave your side. They turn their head at Kuroo like he’s a walking infestation inside your house and they refuse to look at him with their nose up in the air. You don’t pick favourites, you love all your kitties equally, but you do find yourself loving that specific cat more during those moments. Kuroo doesn’t really mind, he just ruffles your hair teasingly and sarcastically comments that it’s good at least one of your cats love you. (yes, you did attack him with a pillow afterwards.)
- He truly doesn’t mind your mild obsession with cats. He loves them and they love him, with the exception of one. He doesn’t encourage you out of the blue but if you talk about potentially wanting to rescue a new cat he’s totally there to support you. This dude buys you so much cat food! You hardly need to go out and buy any, it’s like an unlimited supply. The one time he burst your front door open, carrying two bags of cat food over his shoulders whilst posing theatrically. “Come to me, my sweet children,” he says loudly over the deafening meow’s of your cats that circle his legs.
- He would likely ironically buy your cats these stupid looking costumes and dress them up with literal tears of laughter in his eyes. He lowkey makes fun of your cats and even YOU feel personally offended. But you gotta admit, he brings home really funny outfits and you feel bad for laughing at times. Kuroo is there for all the fun things, but as soon as it comes to bathing your cats or cleaning out litter boxes, he’s outta there.
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atzbabyy · 5 years
Struggles of a Blessing | KYS ~ Nari
genre: fluff, angst
summary: in which, after nari’s birth, you and yeosang take time to reflect on the whole process
age: Nari = 4 months
warnings: conceivement struggles, vomit, labour, long ass story
14th September, 2023
“She’s down,” Yeosang whispered, coming next to you and kissing your head.
You smiled, laying on the sofa and allowing Yeosang to lay beside you, arm over your stomach, drawing shapes on your waist lazily with his finger.
Yeosang sighed, kissing your head, “it’s been so long since we were just like this.”
“Hmm?” you hummed, slightly confused, “what do you mean?”
“Since it was just us, together, quietly, completely content,” Yeosang said, content sigh escaping his lips along with his sentence.
You nodded, thinking back, “I guess it has.”
9th May, 2020
“Come on, come on,” you held your breath, looking up to the sky as you sat on the bathroom floor, “please?”
Your timer went off and you smiled, getting up quickly to turn it off before looking to the small white stick; negative.
You sighed, rolling your eyes as you walked out to see your husband stood there with hopeful eyes.
You shook your head, “nope, not yet.”
Yeosang nodded, pulling you into a hug and kissing your head, “it’s alright, we can keep trying, right?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, squeezing his hand, “we just have to stay positive.”
15th December, 2020
“What does it say?” Yeosang asked, “Y/N? Wait! If it’s good save it for a Christmas present!”
You sighed, opening the bathroom door and shaking your head, “no, Sangie. It’s negative.”
Yeosang’s shoulders deflated, his whole demeanour shrinking slightly, “you’re not joking, are you?”
You shook your head, walking into your husbands arms, “it’s okay, it’s okay. We’ll keep trying.”
“Y/N we’ve tried everything,” Yeosang said, his voice hitching in his throat as he buried his face in your hair.
“I know,” you said, rubbing his back as tears formed in your own eyes, “I know we have. But we have time.”
15th November, 2021
“So our results show that Miss Y/N isn’t producing eggs at the rate that most women do,” the doctor said, “which would explain the lack of conception.”
You nodded, “is there anything we can do?”
“If you desire, we can put you on medication, such as clorifene, to speed up your egg release. Otherwise, there are obvious routes such as IVF, or even adoption,” the doctor explained, “I’m sorry.”
You smiled, squeezing Yeosang’s hand, “thank you, Doctor.”
The walk out the hospital was silent, both you and Yeosang too scared to say anything. The ride back to your house was silent as well, only the radio playing quietly in the background.
It was silent until the moment you walked into the house, Yeosang putting the keys on the side gently as the two of you took off your shoes.
Suddenly, Yeosang grabbed your arm and pulled you into a hug.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, tears beginning to fall from your eyes and onto Yeosang’s shirt.
Your husband sighed, clutching you tighter, “it’s okay. We’ll keep trying, okay? We could even take the medication if nothing happens. Come on, shh.”
18th February, 2022
“No, Yeosang, I’m so tired,” you sighed as Yeosang grabbed your waist and you felt his hard-on against your thigh.
“Seriously?” Yeosang asked, “Y/N we said we’d keep trying.”
“Yeah, and we’ve tried every single day for the past two weeks, Yeosang!” you exclaimed, “I’m tired! I’m just so, so tired! Not just of this, of everything! I’m physically, mentally and emotionally just exhausted, Yeosang.”
Yeosang sighed, watching as you sat up, practically tearing your hair out, “I’m sorry.”
You looked back to your husband as he laid in bed, rubbing your back soothingly. The red birth mark on the side of his face was evident in the morning sun and you smiled slightly, leaning over and kissing it.
“I love you,” you whispered, kissing his cheek.
Yeosang smiled, tucking your hair behind your ear, “I love you too. And this will work. We’ll have a child.”
21st August, 2022
“So?” Yeosang called, a slight sigh in his voice, “Y/N? It’s okay if it’s not, look we’ve already called the doctor to ask about the medication, please just come out—”
“Yeosang,” you said, appearing out the bathroom, tears already streaming down your face.
“I know,” Yeosang sighed, “I know, it was the seafood, wasn’t it?”
You shook your head, laughing slightly, “Yeosang, I—I’m pregnant.”
“It says positive,” you sobbed, as Yeosang fell to his knees.
“Quick! Quick, take another one!” Yeosang exclaimed, “I can’t take it if it gives us false hope.”
“Look,” you sobbed, showing him the three pregnancy tests you’d done, all displaying the word ‘positive’.
“Oh my god,” Yeosang said, beginning to sob, “oh my god.”
You smiled, wiping away your tears as he wrapped his arms around your waist, pressing kisses to your stomach.
“Our baby,” he mumbled, “finally, we have our baby.”
18th November, 2022
“You alright, Y/N?” Hongjoong asked.
You shook your head, putting your plate down quickly and running to the toilet, throwing up everything you’d eaten, probably for the last two days.
Yeosang sighed, “do you want me to—”
Yunho chuckled, “she’s very headstrong.”
Yeosang sighed, getting another slice of pizza, “this has been happening every day, I just think she’s used to it.”
“Like this though? Everytime she eats?” Seonghwa asked.
Yeosang nodded, “but the baby’s always hungry, so it’s kind of a vicious cycle.”
The boys all looked a bit sad as their wives just all grimaced.
“But they’re healthy right?” Mingi asked, “the baby, I mean.”
Yeosang nodded, sighing slightly, “yeah. Everything’s just... not as easy as we thought it would be.”
Hongjoong’s wife snorted, “wait till they’re actually here.”
26th February, 2023
“Yo!” Wooyoung shouted, walking into the house, “yo, where’s my best friend?”
Yeosang chuckled, taking off his shoes, “she’s on bed rest.”
“Bed rest?” Wooyoung repeated, eyes wide.
Yeosang nodded, sighing slightly as he went to the bottom of the stairs.
“I’m home! With Wooyoung!” he called.
“Shit,” you said quickly (and what you thought was quietly) before footsteps could be heard across the upstairs.
“Kang Y/N!” Wooyoung shouted, “have you been up while you’re supposed to be on bed rest?!”
Yeosang rolled his eyes, nodding for Wooyoung to follow him as he ran up the stairs, seeing you get back into bed.
“It’s so boring!” you exclaimed, making Wooyoung laugh as he jumped into the bed beside you.
“Is baby not well then?” he asked.
You shrugged, “they’re just taking precautions.”
Wooyoung nodded, “your child is being very stubborn about coming into this world.”
“You’re telling me,” Yeosang sighed, sitting at the end of the bed.
You sat up slightly, rubbing your back, “but they’re coming whether they like it or not.”
“Good to know Y/N hasn’t changed a bit,” Wooyoung laughed, cuddling up to you.
You hit his arm, “ya, what’s that supposed to mean?”
Yeosang laughed, rolling his eyes as he watched you two play fight. His two best friends (though one may have a tiny bit more bias).
4th May, 2023
“One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Two, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight,” Hongjoong counted, “Mingi, too wide, you need to stay more in the middle.”
Mingi nodded, shuffling in a bit.
Hongjoong sighed, seeing all the member’s exhausted faces, sweat dripping down their faces.
“Alright, let’s take a short break,” Hongjoong said, getting a towel to wipe his own sweat, chucking a few others at the boys.
“Yeosang, your phone’s blowing up,” Jongho said, looking at the notifications on his hyung’s phone, “you might wanna get this, they’re all from Y/N.”
Yeosang’s eyes widened slightly as he jogged across the room, checking his messages first.
Y/N🤮🧡 - can we get take-out tonight ??? i want chinese (delivered 17:44)
Y/N🤮🧡 - just to let you know (bc i know you love me loads and want to know whats going on with me every second of the day) i have some pretty serious cramps (delivered 17:45)
Y/N🤮🧡 - yeah ngl these are serious (delivered 17:59)
Y/N🤮🧡 - hi just occured to me that i might be in labour (delivered 18:07)
Y/N🤮🧡 - just came off the phone with the doctor, i am in labour (delivered 18:09)
Y/N🤮🧡 - kang yeosang pick up your phone right now (delivered 18:12)
“Everything alright?” Wooyoung asked.
“No, my wife’s a fucking idiot,” Yeosang said, eyebrows furrowed as he called you back, ���hello? Yeah, what the fuck?”
“Yeosang I need none of that I am in a lot of pain,” you said, taking deep breaths.
“Wha-What’s going on? Are we gonna go to the hospital?” Yeosang asked.
You sighed, “no, the doctor said I should wait until my contractions are every 5 minutes.”
“Oh,” Yeosang said, “and what are they now?”
“Like, 10?” you guessed, “I don’t know, I haven’t timed it.”
“Well time it please!” Yeosang exclaimed, “do you want me to come home?”
“Yeah, can we get chinese?” you asked.
“Y/N, you’re in labour,” Yeosang said.
“Yeah and I am very hungry,” you said.
“Order the food now, I ate with the boys,” Yeosang said, “call me if anything else happens, okay?”
“Okay, love you,” you said, hanging up quickly.
“What’s going on?” Hongjoong asked.
“Y/N’s in labour,” Yeosang said, “she said she doesn’t want me home but...”
“Go home, Yeosang,” Seonghwa said.
“Should I?”
The boys all nodded and Yeosang smiled.
“I’ll call you when we go to the hospital!” Yeosang called, quickly gathering up all his stuff, “oh my god. Oh my god it’s happening.”
4th May, 2023 (still) (now 22:54)
“Y/N please,” Yeosang sighed.
“No,” you said, shaking your head, “nope. Not happening.”
“Y/N, they’re like, 5 minute 45 seconds we can go! We, actually, need to go!” your husband exclaimed.
“Yeosang, I can’t,” you said, shaking your head.
“What do you mean you can’t?” Yeosang asked, “Y/N. You’ve taken a bath, you’ve eaten, you’ve cleaned the nursery, you’re water has broken and your contractions are 5 minutes apart. You can and you need to.”
“Right now?” you asked.
“Right now,” he said, nodding, “and we’ll get to the hospital and they’ll deliver our baby and we’ll have our baby!”
“We need to go,” you said.
“Thank you,” Yeosang said, sighing slightly as he picked up your hospital bag and the keys, holding your waist and slowly guiding you out the house.
5th May, 2023
“Yeosang?” you asked, gasping in pain, “can I have your hand?”
Yeosang nodded as you took his hand in yours, squeezing tightly as the other hand squeezed the bed sheets.
“Just breath, Y/N,” the nurse said, “keep breathing.”
“Can we go yet?!” you exclaimed, panting as the contraction got more intense.
“Do you want us to measure again?” the nurse asked.
The nurse nodded, walking over and measuring your dialation as you squeezed tighter and tighter onto Yeosang’s hand.
“I’m sorry,” you said quietly, quite aware of how tight your grip was.
Yeosang shook his head, a polite smile on his face.
“Nearly there! 6cm,” the nurse said.
“6?!” you exclaimed, “I’ve been in labour for 10 hours and I am 6cm?!”
“It’s quite normal,” the nurse said, “don’t worry.”
You sighed as your contraction passed and you collapsed against the bed.
Yeosang smiled, brushing some of the sweat off your head, “you okay?”
“What do you think?” you asked, making Yeosang laugh slightly, “obviously not.”
“I’m sorry,” he said, kissing you gently.
You shook your head, entertwining your fingers with his, “don’t be. This’ll be worth it.”
Yeosang nodded, “of course it will. All to have our baby.”
5th of May, 2023 (still) (now 13:19)
“Okay, Y/N, 10cm,” the nurse said, “you can start pushing now.”
“I can?!” you exclaimed, “oh my god, oh my god, Yeosang, where’s Yeosang?!”
“I’m here, I’m here,” he said, arriving at your side, “it’s alright. I’m right here.”
“Okay, do you want to start pushing, Y/N?” the midwife asked, the nurses all walking around busily.
“Come on,” Yeosang smiled, “it’s alright. Want to hold my hand?”
You nodded, taking his hand tightly into yours.
“In the count of 3, yeah?” the doctor said, “1, 2, 3.”
You began pushing, your body already feeling tired from all the pain you’d been feeling for the last 20 hours.
“Come on, if you keep pushing soon you’ll meet your baby,” the midwife said.
“Do we know what the gender is?” the nurse asked as you began pushing again.
Yeosang shook his head, stroking your head comfortingly, “no. It’s going to be a surprise.”
“I don’t feel well,” you sobbed as Yeosang wiped away your tears.
“Do you want some gas? Or are you gonna be sick, honey?” the nurse asked.
“I think I’m gonna be sick,” you said, panting.
The nurse got a sick bucket and held it by your head as Yeosang stroked your hair back away from your face.
“It’s alright, completely normal,” the nurse said.
“We ready to start pushing again?” the midwife asked.
You shook your head.
“Come on, then you can hold your baby!” the midwife encouraged.
“Once more?” Yeosang offered, “you can do it.”
You took a deep breath, beginning to push once again. After a few minutes of pushing they called more doctors into the room.
“Yeosang, what– what’s going on?” you asked sleepily.
Yeosang shook his head, “I don’t know. But it’ll be okay.”
“Okay, Y/N, we’re going to have to take you to the surgery room to do an emergency c-section, okay?” the nurse said, “we’re gonna have to do two more injections, okay?”
You nodded slightly as Yeosang helped you sit up, the nurses lifting up your hospital gown and injecting two needles into your back, Yeosang helping you to lay back down.
“I want Yeosang there,” you said, not letting go of your husband’s arm.
“I’ll be there,” he nodded, “it’s okay. I will.”
6th May, 2023
“Oh my god,” Yeosang breathed, the midwife holding the small baby in his arms.
“Would you like to do skinship while we finish off the surgery?” the nurse asked.
Yeosang looked to you and you nodded, “go, do it.”
Yeosang smiled, nodding eagerly as he and the nurse left the room, Yeosang taking off his shirt and letting the nurse lay his daughter on his chest.
“So by hearing your heart beat, it will help your baby to feel closer to both parents as she is obviously already aware of how her mum feels,” the nurse explained, “having your shirt off allows for her to her your heartbeat clearly.”
Yeosang nodded, looking in awe at the tiny baby on his chest.
“Any ideas of names?” the nurse asked.
“Um, we like flowery names,” Yeosang nodded, “like Changmi or Nari.”
The nurse nodded, “river lily.”
“Oh yeah,” Yeosang nodded, smiling, “Kang Nari. Our river lily.”
“You might wanna check with the Mrs first,” the nurse chuckled.
Yeosang smiled, running a finger down Nari’s back, “I’m sure she’ll like it.”
14th September, 2023
“I love you,” Yeosang hummed, pressing a kiss to your forehead, “you’ve been through a lot.”
You smiled, looking back and kissing his lips, “we both have.”
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