#just dont think about anything that happens after shhh
bisexuallsokka · 1 year
“I was ready to fight for us. I was ready to find a way, any way for us to work. And you were the one who ran away when it got too hard!” “That’s not what happened and you know it!” Sokka snaps. “It was never going to work, and it was stupid to keep pretending otherwise! I’m sorry Zuko, I am, but just because you are the Fire Lord, just because we– we were in love, everything wasn’t going to magically fall into place.” Zuko still has a stubborn expression on his face. There are angry tears in his eyes when he says, “We could’ve figured it out. We could’ve…been us. We could’ve had a good life together.” “Yeah, well, I guess we won’t ever know.” (or, the twenty years between Zuko and Sokka breaking up and finally getting together again, shown in 5 times they don’t say goodbye, +1 time they don’t have to)
here is my divorced zukka fic that i have been working on for fifty million years <3 as I mention in the notes of the fic, i borrowed some iconic lines from some iconic fictional divorced couples that I am listing under the read more
Part one:
"We could’ve been us." - Good Omens season two
"We could’ve had a good life together" - Brokeback Mountain
Part two:
Everything from: “I just…maybe we should talk about,” Zuko gestures between the two of them, “this. I feel like there’s some things I wouldn't mind saying. And explaining.” to “We gave it a go” is adapted from a TomShiv moment in the last season of Succession.
Part three:
"Sometimes I miss you so much I can hardly stand it." - Brokeback Mountain
Part four:
"I love you" / "It’ll pass" - Fleabag 
"I love you" / "I know" - Empire Strikes Back
i'm a fool who didn't keep a list of everything i used as i went, so if you think i missed anything please let me know!! again i am in no way trying to pass these as my own lines
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danielnelsen · 1 year
so ive beaten dao solo before (on easy) and ive never played it on nightmare, what if i.........................................hmm...
#shhh im actually making this post a few days after starting this playthrough#it's definitely Difficult that's for sure#but it didnt get Extremely hard until some of the lothering side quests#like i was getting worried about potions in ishal#but those wolves in lothering........ Demons all of them#anything that knows overwhelm can kill you in one shot if it gets close enough and there were.. idk how many.. 15? 20? dude.#im realising im gonna need some very high physical resistance for this run#it's also the first time ive played a solo playthrough as anything other than a rogue (which i usually do for lockpicking/disarming traps)#but i thought mage would be better because you can basically be tank and high dps and crowd control all in one#and it's fun when i dont have to worry about friendly firing my party#now for most solo runs i usually recruit people and just leave them behind but for this one im actively avoiding/getting rid of them all#i started being mean to alistair and i Hate Myself. the first time i went to talk to him and he said 'what do you want?' i wanted to DIE#anyway ive finished lothering and im having trouble deciding which main quest i should do first hrmmmm#maybe i go for redcliffe now so i can level up the mana spell branch? mana clash one-shots nearly every mage in the game#which is completely overpowered but after broken circle it's not that useful anymore#yeah i think redcliffe makes the most sense. ive gotta give up on the idea that i might try to save everyone. not gonna happen!!!!!!#im guessing the meta here for choosing abilities is animate dead for a mage or ranger for a rogue right?#like having that one follower to take some threat? idk that's what im going for. walking bomb is helpful anyway so animate dead is easy#spec-wise im thinking arcane warrior and then... probably shapeshifter?#i was thinking spirit healer at first but that would be solely for the passives and for lifeward#i guess the best use for shapeshifter is healing with flying swarm which requires all four spells so im not sure. other forms could help?#ive got until level 14 to decide so i'll just choose whichever seems more helpful then. arcane warrior is the main one#i dont think there's any reason to choose blood mage except that i wouldnt have to put any points into willpower.............#but by level 14 the second spec is just to support your existing abilities. you cant pick a playstyle to start at L14 in a run like this#assuming i make it through this and try the dlc i think i'll probably respec for arcane warrior and both new specs#they're both very good for melee. and i'll also want the respec to start with more of the new spells because they're also good for melee#personal#da#dao#ash plays da
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sh1-n0bu · 2 years
punishing rubedo for being a little bitch🤭
sub!albedo × dom!reader × sub!rubedo
c.w // slightly implied kidnapping(?), dick/strap, albedo is a crier,,, fight me😋,
As you walked back inside of your room, you saw Albedo standing infront of a tied up Rubedo, who was glaring at him harshly.
"Why am I here, you couldnt just finish fighting me off? Are you that weak?" Rubedo spat at him. Albedo didnt say anything, only staring at him. Neither of them noticed that you were inside. You decided to watch them quietly, seeing what would happen next.
"Are you going to say something? What are you, scared of me?"
"...no. I'm just not going to spout useless insults at you." Albedo replied, fiddling around with the brim of his gloves.
This went on for a bit, Rubedo being a bitch and Albedo just silently taking it. You had gotten bored, so you let out an audible sigh, making both if them jump and look at you. You walked towards them, pulling Albedo's waist close to you.
"Now now Rubedo, I see that you're not being very.. kind." You said in a teasing voice, staring down at him from over Albedo's head, which was already turning red. Rubedo glared at him one more time before looking up at you with a suspicious look.
"What do you have to do with this?" He asked, but not in the way he spoke with Albedo. He couldnt bring himself to speak with such venom, not even glare at you.
"Don't worry about it. Why are you being so vile to 'Bedo?" You inquired, using Albedo's nickname to get a reaction out of him, and you did. His hands clenched against the ropes restraining him from just attacking Albedo, and his grit his teeth.
"I think you need to be punished." You were going to have with this.
"MNNGH! Traveler, plHEASE!" Too much, it's too much, too mUCH!" Albedo moaned out, tears dripping down from his face to the sheets. He'd been riding you for a while and when he couldn't continue, you started to manhandle him a bit.
How many times had he came? How long had you been inside him? He couldnt think straight at all, only about how you felt inside him, and how mad Rubedo was, muzzled and watching you two's performance for him.
You ran you fingers through his hair, kissing his tears away, "Shhh, it's okay love, you can take one more round, cant you?" You whispered in his ear. He nodded and whimpered, he wanted this to last as long as possible. He wanted to please you in anyway he could, and he loved how much Rubedo was seething, wishing he was in Albedo's place instead.
You carefully moved Albedo into doggy position [i like calling it that🤝] and carefully shoved his into the pillows as you adjusted yourself to be deeper inside him. He moaned, his eyes rolling up with little heart pupils, and you had positioned you two to be looking straight at Rubedo.
"You want this dont you? Maybe if you behave, this could be you." You taunted, fucking Albedo harder, his moans growing louder. Rubedo looked down at his own hard member. You pitied him, you truly did, maybe that's why, after you finished with Albedo, you decided to help him.
"I pity you, I really do." You whispered his ear as you rubbed his dick up and down, causing muffled moans to spill from his mouth. You sped up, pulling his hair a bit, and that was the last thread, and he came all over himself and you.
"Good boy."
we are so horny, but we can be horny together🤝
also sorry this took so long, i had to take care of myself😔
[psss... heres your food, 🦝!]
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slayfics · 2 years
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Inosuke finds himself for the first time ever not wanting to leave on a mission. Tanjiro explains it might be because he will miss you.
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Inosuke, Tanjiro, and Zenitsu all stood outside the gates of headquarters getting ready to leave for their next mission. An assortment of people gathered around to say goodbye to the demon slayers and wish them well on their journey. Inosuke realized that the helper who always took extra care of him was making their way over to say goodbye.  
“Are you all ready to leave Inosuke?” They asked.
“Yup sure am! Those demons better be ready because Lord Inosuke is coming!”
The cutest giggle escaped their lips.
“Be careful for me ok, and here shhh I made you some extra.” The helper handed over some rice cakes to the demon slayer. Inosuke didn’t realize the feeling he now had in his stomach. Oh duh it must be hunger. Inosuke grabbed the rice cakes and began to eat them.
“Those are for the journey Inosuke! But something told me you’d eat them right away, so here promise to save these ones ok.” Inosuke grabbed them from the helper. Hu... that feeling again... Maybe I'm still hungry he thought. He put the extra rice cakes away to humor the helper, but as soon as they turned away, he planned on popping them right into his mouth.  
“Ready Inosuke?” Tanjiro asked already starting to head out with Zenitsu.
“Well looks like you're all ready... be careful ok...” The helper moved towards Inosuke and pulled him into an awkward hug. Inosuke wasn’t sure what this custom was.. Were they trying to fight? Surely not they were no match for him or even a beginner swordman. He did not move but stayed limp in the hug.  
“Umm ok bye!” They said turned and quickly left. Inosuke noticed they were breathing heavier and seemed to have turned pinkish... Maybe they were sick? Or was there something he was missing. Whatever there's demons to take care of he thought and took off after the other two boys.
“Wow that was embarrassing to watch.” Zenitsu said.  
“Hu?” Inosuke wasn’t sure what he was talking about.  
“Stop it! Both of you! It’s too early in our mission for this.” Tanjiro stated hoping to calm the two boys.  
The two demon slayers stopped arguing and continued on their journey. Zenitsu caught up to Tanjiro and they both were in a conversation about whatever, Inosuke didn’t care to listen.  
A hug? Is that what that was? What was that supposed to symbolize? Inosuke found himself wishing Zenitsu wasn’t here and maybe then he’d ask Tanjiro. He didn’t want to give the yellow hair boy any excuse to make another jab at him.  
A hug had to symbolize something good right? After all the helper took off looking a bit flustered. I mean who wouldn’t be after being so close to Lord Inosuke though. For the first time Inosuke found himself not as excited to be out on a mission. He wasn’t sure what was going on, but his stomach felt weird, and he had the slightest urge to turn around. For what?? This never happens.. Maybe I'm sick he thought.
“Inosuke?” Tanjiro asked approaching the demon slayer.
“Hu? Yeah what do you want?”  
“Are you ok?”
“Yes! And I don’t need you checking up on me alright!”
“Ok.. You're just falling behind quite a bit and that’s unusual...”
Inosuke realized Tanjiro was right. What was wrong with him today??
“Ok maybe something is wrong.” Inosuke replied.
“What do you mean?”
“I think I might be sick.”
“Sick? How do you feel?”
“Usually there isn't anything else I want to do but be out here on a mission... But I have this weird feeling like I want to turn back. I don't know I just don’t feel right. My stomach feels weird and... I DONT KNOW OK I’M SURE IM FINE NEVER MIND!”
Inosuke found himself frustrated not being able to describe what was going on with him, he just knew he felt different.
“Oh I see..” Tanjiro said with a sly smile.
“I’m sorry Inosuke... but could it be you're going to miss your friend?”
“That helper that is always sneaking you food and gave you hug before you left. Could it be you’re going to miss them while we're on our mission.” Tanjiro asked in a curious tone trying not to upset Inosuke anymore than he already was.
Miss them?? Inosuke didn’t think he’d ever missed someone in his whole life. He’d had no family or friends before Tanjiro and Zenitsu and they were always together on missions or at headquarters. But Tanjiro might be right. The thought of the extra food the helper always found ways to get to him, and the way they smiled at him as though he was the best thing in the world gave him the slightest desire to turn back around. And even though he wasn’t sure what a hug meant it made him curious for more interactions with them.
“What would that mean if I missed them?”
“Well, it could mean you like them...”
“Like them?”
“Yeah you enjoy their company and being around them makes you happy.” Tanjiro attempted to explain.  
“I don’t like that it makes me feel different. I’m not used to wanting to do anything other than missions and testing my strength.”
“Well when I miss someone, I use it to fuel my motivation to fight even harder and to be even stronger. Then when I come back, I'll have amazing stories to share, and the time apart only makes seeing each other again even better.”
Inosuke thought about this for a few moments before responding.
“Yeah.. That makes a lot of sense. ALRIGHT THEN! Let's get this demon and when we get back, I'll tell them all about it!” Inosuke felt fired up and ready for the mission now, and for the first time ever excited to come back as well.
Tanjiro smiled at his friend. It was endearing to see him grow and learn human customs. Tanjiro always tried to be patient with Insouke and explain things in a way that would make sense to the stubborn boy.
“One more thing.. Next time you should probably hug them back.”  
“But not too hard! Gently ok!” Tanjiro said having an image of Inosuke squeezing the life out of the poor helper.
“Gentle, got it! They do look weak.” Inosuke said.
“Ughh!” Tanjiro ran faster to get away from the two boys bickering. The two followed and continued their journey.  
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orangekittyenergy · 4 months
hi! is it too late to do an ask for the kiss roulette?? if not could you please do rolan with 14? a kiss to the stomach. 👀
Oooooooh 😏 It's never too late my friend!! 🫦 (Kiss asks here)
A Kiss to the Stomach - Rolan x reader (early relationship)
(im in an angsty mood so it came out a little tender)
The first thing you hear is the rustling of pages. The soft scrape of paper on paper. Your newly awake ears immediately feel overwhelmed by it; it sounds like someone is shuffling reams of paper right at your cheek. Before you can get too annoyed, your other senses start to return. You sense bright light just beyond your eyelids. You can smell a soft delicate scent. Flowers? Your mind feels fuzzy. Are you outside?
Your body slowly catches up and you feel plush sheets beneath you. A soft bed is cradling your body. You find yourself blissfully wondering where you are for a moment before the sudden rush of memories and pain comes washing back. A heated battle. A crash down into the water.
Your body jolts back to reality with a lurch and you find yourself trying to move. Your body refuses to comply. Instead, you let out a small groan and feel your eyelids flutter.
"Good morning." A voice approaches swiftly, getting louder as it joins you at your side. You swallow thickly, your tongue heavy. You feel dizzy, confused. Everything is muddled.
"Where...where is everyone?" You mumble through parched lips. Flashes of your companions fill your mind as your brain races to catch up.
"Shhh..this is the first night you've slept all the way through. You might feel a little off from the sleep tonic." You feel a hand gently stroke your hair. Rolan. It was Rolan's voice.
Your eyes snap open and meet his, gazing down at you. A sudden flood of memories fills your brain. The battle in the sky. The parting of ways on the docks. Your first stop had been to come here; to see him. A few fitful nights filled with nightmares later and he had finally convinced you to try a sleep potion.
"Gods." You groan and force one heavy arm up to run a hand across your face. "Why did I let you convince me to try that?"
He smirks at you and lets out a huff of air.
"Well, you needed sleep. Dont cry. You'll be up and feeling much better in no time." He replies, a teasing lilt to his voice.
You turn your head to face him, begrudgingly having to admit to yourself that you are already feeling better and more alert by the second. But, you wouldn't admit that to him.
"Have you ever tried one? Ugh, I feel like I drank a whole barrel of wine last night." You give another groan. He fights away a smile and pushes his lips out in mock concern.
"I guess there's no helping you then. Here I thought I was housing the hero of Baldurs Gate, not a whimpering child."
You chuckle softly and attempt to sit up to be met with a rush of pain in your abdomen. You wince and pull down the covers a touch and raise your nightshirt to find your stomach still covered in bruises. You frown at the sight.
"Ah yes, potions and spells can only do so much. Your body still needs mending. You need r e s t." He says, enunciating each letter as if to prove his point that he was correct about the potion. Your eyes snap back up to his with a heated look.
"I can't just sit around here and let you wait on me." A slight blush crosses your cheek and a slight slip of a bruised ego at the idea of lazing around in bed all day and being tended to. Rolan smiles softly back at you; knowing all too well himself just how bad an ego can be bruised.
"You can and you will. I insist. Despite what others may think, I can be a very good caretaker." His smile fades slightly and his eyes dart away for a moment. "I won't let anything else happen to you." He adds quietly.
After a moment's hesitation, he leans down and plants a careful kiss on the tender skin of your stomach. He lingers there a moment, his breath hot on your skin, avoiding your gaze as he often does when confessing something emotional.
"Let me take care of you. Please?" He breathes out on your stomach.
You squeeze your lips together, the sudden moment of intimacy replacing all feelings of pain. You suddenly feel like you could hop out of bed right then, ready for battle again. Instead, you reach up and gently tuck a few strands of hair behind his ear letting your fingers linger there a moment.
"Fine. Tend to me. I won't argue." You let your body ease back into the bed, resolve gone and pushing away any lingering hints of your ego. Rolan gives one more soft kiss and leans up, pulling your shirt back down for you.
"There. Was that so hard?" He raises an eyebrow at you with a smirk on the corner of his lips, his teasing tone back. "I'll go fetch you breakfast."
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whumpy-wyrms · 18 days
The Last Lab Rat CYOA #3
tllr au masterlist | tllr masterlist
content: second person pov, sprained ankle, home invasion, manhandling, needles, creepy whumper
You chose: Run home now. It’s not far and you think you can make it.
Before the man can get any closer and find you curled up behind the dumpster and do who-knows-what to you, you dart out of your hiding spot and out of the alley, ignoring the stinging pain in your ankle as you run down the street.
“Shit,” you hear the man murmur under his breath and pick back up his pace after you.
You run as fast as you can, obviously limping now, but that doesn’t stop you. And finally, finally, you see your apartment. Home.
An eerie silence fills the air as you hobble towards it, and you look around apprehensively. There are suddenly no frantic footsteps like before, no shadow of the man behind you, no voice calling out for you. He’s absolutely nowhere to be seen.
Goosebumps spread across your skin as you walk up the steps to your front door. Your eyes trail your surroundings as you fish your keys from your pocket. There’s… There’s no way he just gave up, right? You swallow your nerves and burst through the door, slamming it shut behind you and locking it.
You lean back against the locked door and let out a huge sigh of relief. You’re home. You’re safe.
You flip on a lightswitch and try to step forwards when a sharp pain jolts through your leg. Right. You grab hold of the wall and limp your way to the kitchen, not worrying about hurrying too badly anymore. You plug your phone in and drink some water while you wait for it to turn on. You can do nothing but wait now, since you live alone. Your phone is still the only thing you have to call for help.
A small noise from behind you pulls you out of your brief moment of peace.
Before you can turn around, a hand clamps over your mouth and pulls you back against someone, trapping you in place. “Gotcha,” a voice rings in your ears. “Shhh, don’t scream. I won’t hurt you.”
It happened so fast, you could barely register it. The man following you— he had somehow gotten into your home. And now he has you.
You struggle against his grip and try to push yourself away, but he wraps another arm around you and pulls you against his chest, pinning your arms to your side. You can’t get away. He’s so much stronger than he looked.
Across the counter, you see your phone screen finally light up in the dark. If only you could just reach over and grab it. You futilely try to step forwards, but your ankle sends jolts of pain through your body, causing you to let out a pained whimper.
“Don’t move,” he says into your ear. Before you can react, he removes his arm from around your body, and pulls something out of his pocket. You reach your now free arms up to pry at the hand covering your mouth, but he just tightens his hold, pulling your head closer and tilting it slightly to the side.
Something cold and sharp presses to your neck. Your heart pounds in your chest.
“This is gonna sting a little.”
There’s no way out of this.
i made the poll duration one day so i can get the next part out faster since this one was a bit short! sorry for the long wait i completely forgot about this oopsie
taglist: @creppersfunpalooza @whumpsday @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees @inkwell-and-dagger @silly-scroimblo-skrunkl
@vidawhump @bottlecapreader
let me know if you want to be removed or added to the taglist!
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rockermybuddie · 6 days
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A/n: this might be the first story i actually post. I have one finished and one in the works in my drafts im just too scared to post them lol.
Tommy x Evan (Buck)
Summary: When Tommy comes home and sees broken glass everywhere his first thought is Evan. He finds Evan pretending to be asleep in bed after a really rough shift and comforts him.
~Bucks POV~
The moment the engines came to a stop in the bay i jumped out and went straight to the locker room grabbing my bag. “Buck!” Eddie calls out. I’m supposed to help stock the engine back up on supplies and clean up since its after shift but i’m too upset. “Leave him be.” Cap told Eddie.
I felt everyones eyes on me as i threw my bag in my jeep slamming my door shut. I drove out of there fast and went straight home.
When i arrived at home i saw that Tommys truck wasnt in his spot. I remembered that he said he picked up a shift which means he wont be home till later. That just made me a little more mad.
I unlocked the door and threw my bag down, I immediately went up stairs and took a shower to wash all the blood and soot off. I watched the red and black color go down the drain.
I got a flashback from the call and its all i could think about. My anger building inside of me about to burst. I got out of my shower and I couldn’t tell if the steam coming off of me was from the hot shower or if i was just that angry.
I walked downstairs to make dinner so i could try and get my mind off of the call. I got out the ingredients to make chicken parmesan pasta, Tommys favorite. I figured if i could just focus on Tommy i could get past this.
I got out a glass pan for the oven but set it down too hard out of anger causing it to shatter.
I didnt feel bad. It was just a glass pan. Usually i would be upset that i broke it but i dont feel anything but anger, not towards the broken glass.
Next thing i know im ripping open the cabinets knocking out everything, hearing the glass shatter on the floor and the need to break everything that can break.
I don’t remember anything after that, whatever happened after that was a blur.
~Tommys POV~
I pulled into the driveway and saw Evans jeep in the drive way, making a smile appear on my face because my love was home.
I walked into the house, i saw Evans bag tossed on the floor untouched which is weird because he always unpacks it and does the laundry.
“Evan?” I call out. No answer.
I put my bag next to his and make my way into the kitchen. I stopped in short when i saw all the cabinets open and they were empty. When i walked in further i saw all the broken glass everywhere. My first thought was we had an intruder. My instincts went straight to Evan. Where is he?!
“Evan!” I yell. I ran upstairs and swung open the bedroom door. My heart beating fast but slowed down a little when i saw him laying in the bed.
“Evan?” I say turning on the light, its only 7pm theres no way hes already asleep. “Evan i know you’re not asleep.” I walk over to his side of the bed.
I see his tear stained face as he looks up at me, his eyes are filled with sadness and his hands are shaking ever so slightly.
“Did someone break in Evan?” I ask him, maybe thats why hes so shook up. He shakes his head no.
“Whats wrong my love?” I crawl over him sitting on the other side. Buck moves to sitting between my legs leaning against me, his head resting on my shoulder.
He tells me about the call he was on about the call he was on and the whole time i just rubbed his head with my hand.
“I’m so sorry Evan. That had to of been rough.” I say when he finishes talking. “I know everyone there did their best. But sometimes those things happen. You had no control over that.” I tell him trying to comfort him.
“I’m sorry about the mess downstairs. I’ll clean it and buy new stuff.” He says. “Shhh, dont worry about that. I’ll deal with it okay?” I tell him, I kiss his forehead wishing i could take all his pain away.
“Thank you for this. I really needed it.” He says nesting his head deeper into my shoulder.
“Anytime.” I plant a kiss on his lips as we sat there a little longer.
A/n: i know this is a basic story, but my first ones gotta be a little rough to read. I hope you thought it was ok, lol. I will write more because of my non-stop brain but if this gets positive feedback i will post the others when i write.
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headkiss · 2 years
a little on-brand seasonal idea? eddie and a scared reader going to a haunted house, eddies all like “i’ll protect you dont you worry” but then you get separated or something & he finds you crying/upset/anxious. proceeds to be the angel he is & comforts you
hiiii i hope u like it! ty for requesting :)) | 0.8k words, scared reader, sweet sweet eddie
Eddie loves Halloween. It’s his favorite holiday.
This meant that he would drag you along to every single Halloween activity he could think of. You’d complain, but really you were happy that you’re the person he thought of to do this stuff with.
When it comes to movies, you’re usually okay, only hiding in Eddie’s neck or shoulder at the super graphic or scary stuff. In real life, however, you were scared of so much.
Spiders and snakes and every cliche fear, really. Eddie didn’t mind, though, because he liked to protect you. He likes to be the one you yelled for to kill a bug, to call when you were nervous alone at night. It made him feel helpful, needed.
He had to do a lot of convincing to get you to go to the haunted house with him. You hated the jump scares, the masks people wore. But you liked to make him happy and so, you eventually agreed.
He beamed at you, promised not to let go of your hand for a second.
That brought you to where you were now, sitting in Eddie’s van that was parked outside a haunted house he saw in the paper. He was excited, practically bouncing on his feet. You, on the other hand, were a ball of nerves.
When you��re walking towards the entrance and your steps slow, he slings an arm over your shoulders, urging you to walk with him.
“Don’t you worry, baby. I’ll protect you.”
“I know. Just scared.”
“That’s the point!” He’s being overly positive to try and make you feel better. It’s kind of working. “C’mon, it’ll be fun.”
You can't imagine describing this as fun, but you walk inside with him anyways.
He makes good on his promise to hold your hand, he doesn’t let go at all. He even takes his free one to give you brief hugs after each scare. You certainly aren’t having fun and you feel awful about it, but he does help you feel safer.
It’s not until the very last jump scare that the experience is completely ruined.
You could see the exit, and by mistake, you let your guard down, stopped clinging onto Eddie’s arm the way you had been for the majority of the haunted house. Then, some sort of thing jumps out at you while fake spiders drop from the ceiling, thin strings holding them just above your heads.
You actually scream this time, not just a squeal or a scared gasp. A full on scream. You get so scared your eyes fill with tears.
As soon as Eddie hears that scream he knows to get you out of there so he squeezes your hand tight and pulls you until you’re outside. He doesn’t stop until you’re by his van again, away from other people.
“Shhh. Baby, you’re okay,” he holds your face in his hands, wiping away your tears with his thumbs while you lean against the side of the car.
“Sorry,” you sniff, more tears fall. “I didn’t make that fun.”
“Stop it,” he kisses your forehead. “This is on me, ‘kay? Should’ve known you wouldn’t like it.”
He feels horrible. The last thing he wanted to do was make you cry. He thought that maybe going through the haunted house would ease your fears a little but he’s made them worse.
Realistically, he’s not responsible. He couldn’t have known about the last scare, but he feels terrible anyways.
“Promised to protect you and look what happened,” he says.
“It’s okay, Eddie,” you’ve calmed down some, your eyes still shiny but no more tears have fallen. Your eyes are slightly puffy, you have tear tracks in your makeup. “Not your fault I’m so scared.”
“Baby. I’m still sorry. Still love me?”
“Like I could ever stop.”
It’s true, you don’t think anything could take the love you have for this boy away. He’s so caring, so soft with you and it shows. His rings cool against your cheeks but his gaze is warm. He hasn’t taken his hands off of you, and you reach up to grasp his wrists, give them a squeeze. A reassurance.
“Yeah?” He smiles, “I love you, fears and all. How ‘bout we go home and you can pick a movie.”
“Not a scary one.”
“No, not a scary one. Whatever you like. And I’ll cuddle you real good. Squeeze that stupid haunted house memory right out of you.”
He draws a smile from you with his words. You don’t know how you got lucky enough to deserve someone like him. Someone who stays good when he’s faced so much negativity, someone who loves so completely that you feel it every second of every day.
“Sound like a plan, baby?”
You nod, he kisses you, and he takes you home.
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absentia-if · 1 year
OOOH! Got this one fromna different IF. But! ROs reaction to drunk MC walking in and just gurgling "Shhh Dont tell *insert RO name here* I love them~" just being heavily drunk xD
"--I love them."
Your dopey smile, paired with the slightly glazed look in your eyes, tells them all they need to know about your current mental state. Hazel eyes take in the almost serene expression, one they hadn't seen in so long, and a smile of their own comes unbidden to their lips.
"I'm certain they love you too, MC," they murmur, mindful of the way you were starting to sway on your feet. "Why don't we get you settled in for the night, okay? You wouldn't want to get injured before you tell them you love them, right?"
At your responding nod, K takes you by the forearm and leads you in the direction of where they hope spare bedrooms are located. Deliberating on if they'd bring this up to you tomorrow and ultimately deciding that they won't-- not now, not in this manner. Everything will happen, in the way it's meant to, given enough time.
The sight of your drunken face, paired with the slurred speech, causes a sense of déjà vu to crash over them; azure blue eyes narrow in concentration, trying to place where the feeling had risen from, but, like the wind, it slips through their fingertips every time they're close.
"Don't tell M--"
At the mention of their name, they react faster than they can think, whipping their hand out to cover your mouth; ignoring the bolt of electricity they feel prickle their skin at the contact. They don't know why, barring the obvious, but it felt wrong to hear whatever you were about to say while you were so intoxicated. If you wouldn't tell them while you were sober, then they shouldn't hear it while you're drunk. Even if their heart was screaming at them to let you speak.
"Let's get you some water and a place to rest for the night, okay?" Taking you gently by the arm, they begin to lead you toward the guest bedrooms. "You can tell me everything, and anything, you'd like to in the morning."
"You do, huh?"
A wide smile stretches across B's lips at your admission. The warmth of their gaze almost let it take on a honey-hue, dazzling gold overtaking the brown. They're not certain what manner exactly you meant, after all the saying wasn't uncommon between you both, but the context, and the events that had continuously happened up until now, give them a good indication, which causes their heart to skip a beat. However, they weren't about to let you confess everything while you were so drunk-- above anything else, you were still their best friend, and they were going to protect you.
"Why don't we talk about this in the morning, okay?" They gently nudge your shoulder, before pushing you down onto the couch they had previously been reclined in. "You know how you get without your beauty sleep."
A hard look flits over their face at the confession. They're more than aware you didn't mean to tell them but, barring their innate concern about how forthcoming you are when drunk, that doesn't make it any better. The knowledge that your feelings were real, that you felt anything for them to begin with, was troubling in itself-- becoming a nightmare when they take into account the way their heart had skipped a beat when they heard the words.
"That's a mistake, MC," they reply, even though they're well aware you won't remember this in the morning. "One that I refuse to let you make."
Standing, they take in your swaying form and an almost dopey smile stretched across your lips, and sigh, they know they couldn't leave you by yourself. Not now. Or ever, their mind unhelpfully supplies.
"Let's get you somewhere safe for the night."
They didn't hear you correctly, they couldn't have heard you correctly. There's no way that you felt the same way about them. It had to be the drinks you've been knocking back since arriving at the party-- something N had only come to because their best friend and you would be attending; parties had never, and will never, be their scene.
"You--" Their mind blanks on what to say, well aware that you were well past the levels of being considered sober. Wringing their hands together, lightly tugging at their sweatshirt while doing so, N offers you a strained smile. "You should get some rest, MC. I think you've had too much to drink."
Before you could protest, N takes you by the arm and begins to lead you towards a quieter area for you to be able to lay your head down. Desperately trying to ignore the way your words kept echoing within their head. You didn't mean it, they think. You couldn't have meant it.
Even if they want nothing more than for that to be false.
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For the send a character: Icarus Morningstar aka icky ricky
icky ricky real and canon??
[First Impressions]
okay very interesting shit you got going on there. got some trauma, some issues with denial. very funky
[Impressions Now]
*oh my god* /pos ; fuckin *gestures at every post ive made about them*
[Favorite Moment]
okay. okay i. the once a failure always a failure parallel is so /pos, i do also hold unlocked in my hands like a little loser; their reaction after centross was killed is perhaps my most recent favorite - theres so many little details about it and i kick my feet
[Idea for a story]
ill just say preemptively that im sorry; ill also preemptively thank echo for their medical knowledge relating to this particular topc.
[Unpopular Opinion]
Okay, i so. not so much as uhpopular as it is just an opinion, and not to call anyone specific out, dont wanna do that; but like, you can call what's happening to them now a form of karma, but karma implies its deserved, yeah? but like. regardless of what theyve done, or anything, no one deserves to be treated, manipulated, or harmed in the way they have - especially not from their own father. I think itd be fair to think *hed* think it be karma, and write that from their pov, but from an outside perspective calling it karma feels. weird to me? i dunno, i needed to get that out of my system-
[Favorite Relationship]
Prison duo man. *Prison duo.* theyd find each in every universe, not necessarily in a romantic way just that *they would*
[Favorite Headcanon]
I write this one into so many of my fics, and i just hold it into my hands (yes this is copy pasted from the discord, shhh /lh) - Icarus' teeth are just a *little* bit too sharp, and just a little bit too long. Just inhuman enough, and just *wacky* enough that they have to wonder what exactly Quixis was trying to make them into. (Their smiles are soft and reserved for a reason. They don't bare their teeth unless given a reason to - for all the yelling yesterday, they never did. The only time they remember, in recent memory, even attempting to use their teeth and the clear threat they gave to their advantage, was when they were yelling at Fable.)
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ema0rsully · 1 year
Nicktoons Unite: Turning the Tables (Wattpad)
4: Bikini Bottom
Timmy POV
8 hours later…
That fish finally finished talking and left us alone. I don't know what it is about citizens from Bikini Bottom but whenever they tell you a story, it is like you're in a trance and you can't do anything to get out of it. And before you know it, 8 hours have passed. We collapsed onto the sandy floor, our legs could barely hold our weight anymore. Even Cozmo and Wanda fell to the floor. We decided to take a break and just sit until we can feel our legs again.
     "Did anyone pay any attention to that guy talking?" I asked, hoping for someone to give me a synopsis of the whole story. Jimmy rolled his eyes, "Luckily Turner, I did. A week ago, all the townspeople were supposed to have their daily breakfast at the Krusty Krab but it was closed. They assumed it was closed for the morning so they went on with their day. Unfortunately, the Krusty Krab never opened and the town spiralled out of control without their daily Krabby Patty" he explained. My face turned into a frown, "Wait, so why didn't that reporter just explain it to us the way you did? Why did it take almost eight hours?!" I asked again ad I rubbed my legs trying to get the blood flowing.
"He proceeded to explain every detail of what happened in their daily lives when the Krusty Krab was closed. Some tried to break in but failed," he added. "What happened to the Krusty Krab? Why did it suddenly close?" I asked. "He said he wasn't sure but an inside man that works at the Krusty Krab told him that their fry cook didn't show up for work." Jimmy said in a whispering tone, "Spongebob.." I said. "Exactly," Jimmy said "..but what confuses me is why Mr Krabs didn't call in a new fry cooker? All he cared about was money, so why wouldn't he mind replacing-" "Because he's too good" A voice said. Danny who was quiet the whole time finally spoke, his voice sounds tired. I mean we were all tired. "What do you mean by that Fenton?" Jimmy questioned.
Danny flopped his back onto the sand to get more comfortable, "Spongebob is the only one that can cook the Krabby Patty perfectly. Other fry cookers have tried, but they still can't outmatch Spongebob's way of cooking. So even if Mr Krabs replaces Spongebob, the food won't taste the same. The townsfolk won't be satisfied and another riot will start" Danny casually explains. "How do you know all this?" I asked looking down at the ghost boy. "Spongebob said one time he left Bikini Bottom because he felt like he was not needed, after he left Bikini Bottom went downhill and his friends had to get him back" he explained. I looked over to Jimmy to see what he thought of it, it looked like he had his thinking hat on.
     I realised we already wasted eight hours, we need to start looking for Spongebob. I turned to Cozmo and Wanda who were sitting next to me, "Cozmo, Wanda, are you guys done resting?" I asked. "Don't worry Sport, we're well rested. What do you need?" She asked for their wands at the ready. "Turner, please don't-" "I wish we were at Mr Krabs's house," I said. A loud POOF was heard and we were gone.
Danny POV
I was blinded by glitter and dust before my face met with the sandy floor. Jimmy was on the ground next to me while Timmy stood in front of us with his fairies by his shoulders like angels. "Who to question first then none other than the boss himself," he spoke. I and Jimmy pulled ourselves up and glared daggers at Timmy. "This is the third time Turner, one more time and I'll-" "Shhh, what's that sound?" I said. We all listened carefully, from outside the giant anchor house we could hear loud footsteps walking around. They sound very heavy, it must be Pearl. Spongebob says Mr Krabs has a daughter named Pearl who's a whale.
     I was about to ask Timmy something when he was blasted back by a water gun. I and Jimmy looked at where the water gun was shot from, "NO PEARL- wAiT! Dont attack! We're harmless!!" I yelled as we got in between her and Timmy. Pearl lowered the water gun she had, "What do you want?" she asked as she fixed her blonde hair. "We came to look for Spongebob. Have you seen him?" Jimmy asked, she frowned as if many people had asked her this question before. "For the last time, how would I know! It's not like he's my boyfriend!" she yelled, "Now get off my property you freaks!!" she stomped the ground making the earth shake, we lost balance and before we fell to the ground she shot the water gun at us. We fell back onto the road soaking wet which makes no sense because we were underwater! Pearl slammed the door shut and I heard the click of the locks.
"Well that went great" Timmy sarcastically said. I frowned at him telling him to shut up. I went ghost and flew through the wall and into the house. Pearl was still at the door when she saw me she just sighed. "Great, a ghost. I knew that weirdo was making weird friends" she stated. "Listen, Pearl, we just want to know where our friend is, we mean no harm," I spoke calmly. She raised a brow, "I'm listening", I landed on the wooden floor a few feet from her "..do you know where Mr Krabs is?" I asked. She groaned, "he is living somewhere near the bank. Ever since Spongebob left he didn't earn any money. So he decided to stay near the one place where there's lots of money". I nodded and thanked her, I flew quickly out of the house and landed next to Jimmy and Timmy.
"Got anything?" Jimmy asked, "Mr Krabs is staying somewhere near the bank.". "Well I'm not gonna question that. What's next?" Timmy asked. "We should visit the bank then." Jimmy replied, "Shouldn't we go ask Squidward and Patrick? Spongebob said his house and Mr Krabs's house aren't that far." I asked, Jimmy, thought about it and nodded "you're right. We can get more clues to where Spongebob went at his house too," he added. "Doesn't he have a snail? Maybe the snail knows where he went!" Timmy said, "I'm not sure, but it's worth the try?" I said.
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Terry KK3 X Reader
Context: Your feeling sick and Terry helps you 💚
You were hanging out at the dojo today, but your weren't really feeling yourself. You didnt know what was wrong with you, you just felt a little queasy, dizzy and had a bad headache. This wasnt like you and were so confused as to what was going on. Terry was working the morning lesson while you hung out in the office, you weren't a sensei so you didnt need to be out on the floor. Terry told you that morning that he was going to take you to one of your favourite restaurants for lunch after he finished his lesson, but now you were feeling like this, you didnt know if you wanted to go.
You just wanted a cuddle from him, but you couldn't have that, and you were starting to feel worse. Your body started to ache and you were getting hot and cold shivers. Your throat was hurting and it hurt to swallow when you tried to drink. You hadn't had anything to eat and very little to drink, the thought of eating or drinking just made you feel worse. You stood up and reached for Terry's hoodie he had left on the desk, and as you put it around you, you caught sight of yourself in the office mirror. You were as white as a ghost and you had dark bags under your eyes, you could barley make out your looks because your vision was a little blurry. What was happening? Why were you feeling so bad?
You sat back down on the office chair as the body aches started hurting you more, that's when John walks in to grab his phone. "Hey Y/N, just getting my- Y/N are you alright?" He asks you, looking concerned. "I'm not sure John, I dont feel well" He stands next to you and holds his hand against your forhead. "Damn your burning up, I'll grab you a bottle of water, and I'll get Terry too. His lesson should be finished by now" He leaves the office to go and find Terry, and you stand up to try and open the office window. You feel the need for fresh air, unfortunately its locked, and your need for air is growing stronger. You make your way out of the office slowly, holding your hand against the wall as you head towards the back door. Your vision is still dizzy, and just before you reach the door you stumble and fall forward onto the floor.
You could feel your stomach churning, and you were about to throw up. Thankfully being next to the bathroom, you stood up and ran in, making it in just in time to throw up into the toilet. You felt so awful after throwing up, your stomach was hurting, and you were in tears as you sat next to the toilet. You couldn't feel anything else left in your stomach, so slowly, you get up and head over to the sink. You took a sip of water and spat it back out to wash out the taste, then stuck your hands under the tap water and splashed it onto your face. You exhale as the wave of nausea goes away, but you still feel really unwell. "Baby?" Comes Terry's voice as he knocks on the door. "Baby can I come in?" "Yeh" you say, your voice a little croaky. Terry enters the bathroom and sees you leaning against the sink, your arms are shaking and there are tears running down your cheeks. He instinctively takes you into his arms.
"Oh baby, you poor thing. You look as white as a ghost. Have you just thrown up?" You look up at him with tears in your eyes, your body was still aching and your headache was getting worse. "Yeh I did, I dont know what's wrong with me babe, I really dont feel well" "Shhh it's ok baby, come with me" He guides you back to the office and sits you down on the chair, John walks in and hands you a bottle of water. "Thank you John" you open the bottle and take a few little sips of water, while Terry kneels down beside you, resting his hand against your rosey cheek. "There has been a stomach flu going around recently, I think that's what you've got baby. I'm going to grab our things and put them in the car and when I come back I'm going to take you home, ok baby?" "Ok Terry" He gives you a kiss on the head and heads to the door.
"Could you stay with her please John?" "Of course Terry" Terry leaves and John leans against the table. "Dont worry Y/N, Terry will take care of you" "I feel a little guilty John" "About what Y/N? You cant help that your ill" "But Terry wanted to go out, and now we cant" "Y/N he doesn't care about that, hes crazy about you and missing one lunch isnt going to upset him. Dont feel bad about it Y/N" Terry comes back into the room. "Thanks John" "No problem Terry. I hope you feel better soon Y/N, I'll see you both soon" "Thanks John, see you later" Giving Terry a tap on the shoulder, John exits the office and heads to his lesson, and Terry is back at your side. "Come on baby, I'll take you home" "I'm sorry we couldn't go out Terry" He shakes his head and rests his hand against your cheek. "Dont apologise, you cant help it. Now, let's get you back home" You take his hand and he leads you out to the car, and once your all strapped in, you fall asleep within a few minutes of the car drive, Terry just gives you a loving look as he drives you home.
Your awoken by Terry lying you down on your bed. "Terry?" "Shhh it's alright baby" "Terry did you carry me from the car?" "You were fast asleep baby, I didn't want to wake you" He sits beside you on the bed and strokes your hair. "Terry you didnt need to do that" "I know, but I wanted to. Now, you just close your eyes and get back to sleep, you need it" you tried to stay awake, but him stroking your hair made you feel so tired and before you know it, you fall back asleep. Later on when you wake up, it's dark outside and your headache has gone down quite a bit. You lean up and sit yourself against the bed frame, when Terry stands in the door frame. "Hey baby, how are you feeling?" "A little better I guess, my headache isnt as strong as it was" "But are you still feeling poorly?" "Yes" He nods and enters the room with a trey of many things.
A glass of water, a plate of plain toast, paracetamol, ibuprofen, and a cool cloth. "I have a few things hear to help you baby" "I love you Terry, thank you for taking care of me" "No need to thank me baby, I'm always hear for you" You eat a little toast, take the painkillers and manage to drink about half a glass of water. And once the painkillers kicked in, Terry climbs into bed with you. "How are you feeling now baby?" "A little better now thank you" "Come hear" he says as you snuggle down and rest your head on his broad muscular chest, listening to his heartbeat. He wraps his arms around you and holds you tightly against him. "I love you Terry" "I love you too Y/N"
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hotcocosstuff · 1 year
Castiel x reader Smut: Comfort
From my wattpad
You were sitting in the bunker waiting for a case with your older brothers when Castiel showed up. You smiled up at the angel as he greeted your brothers. You had never met the angel before but you had heard a lot about him. You were reading a book in a corner so he didn't even notice you there as he continued to talk to your brothers. "Hey Y/N" you looked up from your book "Yeah Dean?" "Can you grab my weapons from the trunk of the impala I want to clean them." You nodded waving at cas before you dashed out. When you got to the impala you heard a flutter of wings behind you. "Who are you?" You turned around to find castiel "I could ask you the same thing." You say smirking. "I am Castiel a angel of the lord" you laugh making him tilt his head "I was kidding Castiel I know who you are" he nodded softly "My names Y/N im sam and dean's younger sister." "It's a pleasure to meet you Y/N" you smile before continuing to grab the weapons once you were done you closed the trunk and turned around so you were facing him "Well i should get these back to Dean bye Castiel" you walked away leaving him standing there. Once you got back inside the bunker you handed dean his stuff " Your angel is peculiar." Dean laughed "More like clueless." You sighed yawning softly "well if we dont have a case yet than im going to take a nap." "Ok" dean said "love you sis." Sam said smiling "love you too sammy" You were the only one allowed to call him sammy because you were his little sister. You went to your room and went to bed.
You were dreaming about your past when you were taken from your family far away from anyone else. John had left you to these stupid demons and it was like you were back there all over again."Please i didn't do anything i just want to go home!" "Don't we all but the boss wants us to hurt you in every possible way." You sucked in a breath before the demon ran his knife across your shoulder digging in deep leaving a scar there forever. "Please let me go please someone anyone save me i don't want to die not like this"
You woke up screaming and to a hand on your sweaty forehead "Y/n are you ok?" You looked up into worried blue eyes. "I-im ok Castiel." You try to put on a smile and be brave but a tear falls down your face. "Can i read your mind so i can understand and help you?" You nod weakly now crying hard. After a moment of silence he speaks up "I know sam and dean said john was mean but i didn't think he was that mean." "He left me to die and be raped and tortured" you say between sobs. Castiel put his arm and laid down next to you carefully. "Shhh i know its ok your safe now little one your safe." "Why are you helping me Castiel and where are Sam and Dean?" He sighed "Sam and dean went out to a bar and im helping you because even though we just met i like you and, i honestly think you are a kind and beautiful especially after reading your mind." You smile softly burying your head into his chest and falling asleep. He smiled looking down at you watching you sleep and keeping the bad dreams away.
When you woke up the next day (because Castiel made sure you got plenty of sleep).
You found Castiel staring down at you. "Good morning Y/N" "Morning?! How long was i out?" "Since you curled into my chest and fell asleep yesterday." "Oh sorry Castiel." You move to get off of him and get up but he pulls you back down so your straddling his lap. "Where do you think your going?" You blushed "To see my brothers." "They left on a hunt." "Without me?" "I told them you needed rest." "Ok." You decided to bury your head in the crook of his neck. "Castiel i know we just met but i think i love you." He looked down at you eyes wide with surprise. You gulped sitting up to face him. "I'm sorry I.." You were cut off by his lips pressed to yours. You took a minute to register what was happening before you moved your lips against his. He then took you and flipped you underneath him.
"C-Castiel" you moaned and he took the opportunity to put his tounge in your mouth exploring every inch of it. "Mmm you taste so sweet." Castiel said running his hands up and down your body. He moved his lips to your neck kissing and biting until he found your sweet spot. "Castiel please i need more." He looked up at you "so impatient baby." He snapped his fingers removing your clothes but leaving him fully dressed. You whined tugging at his trench coat "Shh baby I'm going to take good care of you." He then moved his head down to your nipples. He kissed and licked at one while tweaking the other one with his fingers. "It's always the quiet ones" you laugh softly your laugh turning into a moan. " you wont be laughing for long." He moved his head between your legs smirking. You felt something warm run through your body touching every part of you in a pleasurable way. "W-what are you doing?" He smiled "My grace i want to feel you in every way little one." You moan as he sticks his tounge inside you. He took his tounge out and moved it to your clit as he shoved three fingers into you "Castiel I'm close." "Cum for me baby." That was all it took for you to be seeing stars. You opened your eyes to find Castiel naked and lining himself up with you. You gasped as he thrust into you " so tight baby." "Castiel faster please." That was all it took for him to thrust his hips forward and set a slow teasing pace. You saw his wings form and spread as his eye glew a bright blue "Can i touch them" you asked in between moans he nodded and when you grabbed onto them burying your hands into the feathers he let out an animalistic growl and thrust into you at a brusing pace. It wasn'tlong before you were close "Castiel I'm close." He growled his grace now rubbing at your clit "Then cum, cum with me baby." You were then seeing stars again and moaning his name as you came. He came as well shooting his hot seed into you.
As you both came down from your highs he pulled out of you. "I love you too Y/N."  You smiled kissing him and running your hands through his feathers. He groaned softly. "Love you so much." Then of course dean and sam walked in already back from there hunt. "Wow you guys literally just met a day ago and your already fucking." You nodded and kissed Castiel smiling "Your just jealous dean." Sam said walking in. You sighed "He probaly is too he cant get a girl and keep them like i can." Castiel said smiling "Ouch." Sam and you said at the same time laughing. Castiel pulled you closer to his chest nuzzling his face into your hair. "Whatever, if you hurt my sister i will hurt you though." Dean said rolling his eyes. Castiel looked up for a second before sighing "I could never hurt this precious human being." He said then nuzzled his face back into your hair. You smiled "Alright dean that's enough threats" Sam winked at you then pushed dean out and closed the door.
"I know this is alot for a first meeting and only knowing each other for a day but will you be my girlfriend y/n?" "Of course Castiel." He smiled turning you to look at him "You can call me Cas, honeybee." You tilted your head "honeybee? Where did that come from." He smiled pecking you on the lips softly "I love bees and i love you so im calling honeybee or bee if your ok with it." You smiled it was your turn to give him a peck on the lips "Of course im ok with it babe." He smiled before spooning you as you closed your eye "Get some sleep honeybee I'll watch over you." You smiled "I love you cas." He kissed the back of your neck "I love you too bee." You then closed your eyes and fell asleep.
Sure enough Castiel had kept his promise and was there when you woke up "Good morning Y/n." You smiled opening your eyes tiredly "Good morning love." He flipped you over so you were facing him. "Hello brother." You both look up "What do you want Gabriel." He smirked and pulled out a lollipop before answering "I'm helping the winchesters out on there next case and i realized i hadn't seen my favorite winchester yet." You smile at your second favorite angel (after cas of course) "Too bad he got to you before i did, i more than happily would have took you." You roll your eyes chuckling softly. "Ok well I'll leave you guys to get dressed." Then he was gone. "Come on bee get up and get dressed I'm taking you out on a date today." You smiled at him "Ok baby." He disappeared and you got dressed in something rather revealing. "Castiel I'm ready." He reappeared
"Mmm bee think we can get a round in before we leave." "Castiel." You blush softly as he backs you up onto the bed. "Babe didnt you say we had somewhere to be." You say chuckling "It can wait bee you look to good in that." He snapped and both of your clothes were gone. He didn't waste anytime before he pushed into you. It was the night before all over again he had you screaming his name so that everyone in the bunker could hear.
After you were done you smiled and laughed "Now i need a nap." He smiled "Take your time honeybee." With that you fell asleep in your angels arms knowing you would always be safe.
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who-is-shades · 1 year
raz dnd 10
raz gave teya fuckin 12 points you bitch.
sunnie can smell it and wonders why it smells rotten in here.
senna finished meditating hours ago and went around presti'ing the house. teya got rid of 4 points with her potions which isnt much. 'i think something died in the house.' sunnie you oblivious dumbass.
senna stomps over and tells him go help with breakfast and she will help teya. hes so scared of her hes like 11 ft tall lol. wheatley whispers to zen if they should tell him lol. zen says he can figure it out himself. wheatley says hes gonna help heal teya.
senna knocks and walks in with wheatley. senna and wheatley go about healing her. together shes at 0 points, but did use half her potions. senna uses presti to clean. wheatley pats teya on the head.
parsley finally wakes up fully. he glares at sunnie for some reason lol. sunnie is confused lol. parsley grumbles and sips some coffee and doesnt say anything.
wheatley comes out and looks at sunnie, then at parsley. zen is setting up plates! senna takes some plates and thanks him for helping. teya says thats why hes their favorite and he goes 'i am?!' wheatley helps parsley stare lol.
senna also helps stare lol. 'teya your friends are being weird!' 'could be worse!' parsley says they could try to kill him cause thats worse. wheatley offers to do that. sunnie starts shifting toward his bedroom. he slaps his head on the doorframe and wheatley and parsley start laughing and calling him a pussy. wheatley also calls him that wtf.
zen scolds them and parsley says this is teyas house so its fine. senna warns him his son might learn from him. teya uses message on sunnie that they wont hurt him unless she says so, so get tf out here. senna jokingly offers to melt the door. SP is now screaming pussy oh no.
SUNNIE RAN OUT THE WINDOW! senna goes after him! we need the dr appointment info! SP asks parsley what a pussy is oh no. he says its another word for coward. wheatley chases SP around cause he sees a star shaped leaf.
senna keeps hearing rustling leaves and its pissing her off. she pokes a weird branch with her rapier. sunnie falls to the ground, invisible. senna helps him up and reassures him were not gonna hurt him. she says teya needs as much support as possible, and that includes him.
he says the appointment is late noon when it starts getting dark. he doesnt like being seen hmm. we have some time. in the distance wheatley is yelling at SP to slow down. senna is sad he thinks shes scary and goes back to breakfast.
theres a faint aura from her bag! the secret orb from earlier in the campaign! its glowing! senna tells sunnie to hurry ahead in case he could get hurt! she picks up the orb and she feels a fiery heat through her entire body! it stops suddenly. MORE SECRET DMS! and also more secret stuff dont worry shhh
wheatley catches SP! sunnie says hes hiding and heads back home. wheatley follows him cause hes lost. sunnie talks about having never met robots before. wheatley talks about that he a support unit war forged. sunnie is confused how wheatley made a child. wheatley says hes the first to do that. wheatley lets sunnie name what new type SP is. S-Type oh no their friends. Wheatley says its impressive he can write stories. sunnie tries to sell him the fuckin book and wheatley says he cant read common well so he reads to him. regrets, eh wheatley?
they get back home and SP starts going off about space. wheatley stops him cause they gotta get ready for the appointment. wheatley speed walks inside lol. sunnie asks android where everyone went. senna shows up as well, sees everyone is gone, and goes to town.
zen and parsley and teya and are in town! bookshop! smearc! hes just working at the counter. parsley tried to wander off and teya grabbed him to fast lol. she introduces parsley and zen to smearc. he says its been a while since hes seen a warforged. he wonders if something big is gonna happen soon. he says he saw lots in 1 place before he moved here. smerc shakes all of zens hands lol. parsley shakes too.
smerc mentions hes known teya since she was little. mentions how sunnie hits his head on the doorframe a lot. parsley asks what teya was like as a kid. smerc says she loved to read and he gave her books on necromancy when she got older. he says teya once tried to cast a spell until she passed out from exhaustion.
smerc asks about zen and parsley! parsley avoids the question lol. zen says he cannot tell as it is a secret. parsley says zen is in a cult. zen says its a normal religion. (k realizes she cant roast him in sylvain lol) parsley asks for a dictionary lol. teya gets it for him. zen disagrees and says theres many followers and his god is very real.
teya asks zen to put her in contact with god. zen says thats not wise cause smerc is here. teya says you can totally trust her and she has an actual question for robot god. zen says her god is trusting the CHAMPIONS to save the world. Not party tricks. Smerc asks if teya got involved with a cult lol. teya says maybe a little. and that robot god could use more followers. zen whispers that RG doesnt like organic followers. parsley asks wtf that means. zen says it could change he just doesnt want any right now.
zen says he will ask, but he may not answer. aha hes here! teya replies in giant secretively. smerc isnt surprised that a warforged can do that. god responds in giant and leaves. teya hides the question from smerc lol. something about a game <.< hmmmmm smerc doesnt believe anything xD
parsley points out sunnies book on the shelf. teya mumbles in sylvain that if parsley buys the book she will kill him. parsley snorts and says he would never spend money on it, theres copies at her house. parsley says he hates sunnie and teya agrees.
they say bye and leave. parsley winks over his shoulder and smerc just laughs. teya asks if parsley needs to do anything. they head back home. android begs teya to make them stop talking. sunnie wont shut up. wheatley and SP are so dead inside. unable to stop.
parsley stares at sunnie and tells him to stfu! hes surprised and asks him to knock next time! parsley says no one cares. sunnie says hes very successful. wheatley immediately begs parsley if they learned anything, so he can avoid sunnie. parsley says they went to a bookshop. android grumbles he wouldve killed him if he wasnt related to teya. teya says it doesnt matter. 'you giving me the go ahead?' wheatley says 'no! hes my....'friend'.'
teya and parsley are fucking mortified that wheatley and sunnie are...friends. oh no. 'i mean i wanna be friends with android.' sunnie tries to fuckin sell the book to them goddamn. 'this is why tori left. shes alive btw.'
sunnie loses his energy. wheatley sighs and asks how much the book is. teya snaps not to charge him so he offers it for free. wheatley says he will pay. parsley threatens if he pays for that book. sunnie fuckin raises the price. wheatley refuses the raised price and offers the base price. sunnie fuckin signs it. wheatley asks zen if god can teach him how to read better. god agrees and zen takes his hand. god fuckin downloads common into his head lol. an immense brief connection to thousands of warforged. he sends a brief connection of platonic love to them before hes disconnected.
wheatley has to sit down for a sec. sunnie asks if hes ok. wheatley is so happy and worried theres so many of his people. teya is dumbfounded that wheatley learned common just to read the book. wheatley hugs sunnie dear god.
senna is wondering around town since she didnt meet up damn. she finds a small hut that wasnt there before on the edge of town. she goes toward it and its a little decayed but still nice. scarecrows around it but no crops? movement in the home with lights on.
she examines the scarecrows, but not much straw. she checks why there might be no crops. the plants nearby are pretty dead. she checks for anything magical. strong necrotic energy in the air. she turns to leave and the fuckin scarecrows are looking at her. she has a hand on her weapon and loudly says she will be here with her friend later for her friends appointments, and she isnt an enemy.
senna makes it back finally. shes like 'oh when did you get back? and is wheatley ok?' zen says hes having a moment. 'i guess i missed something important.' senna says she found teyas doc and its spooky. wheatley is clinging to parsley lol. teya says that sounds about right.
senna asks what she missed. teya says he learned how to read. 'he couldnt read before?' 'he wanted to read sunnies book.' sunnie tries to sell senna the book oh no. senna says his sales pitch needs some work and they should focus on teyas appointment. senna says shes gonna sit in the woods so yell when its time. parsley also gets released cause he wants to go into the woods.
zen says wheatley mustve felt the connection. wheatley was just overwhelmed after being alone for so long. and maybe embarrassed himself. zen thinks it was cute and android doesnt wanna admit he liked it lol. wheatley apologizes to android for overstepping. he grumbles it doesnt matter. teya comments the fey pact didnt apply to wheatley. android calls teya a bitch for revealing that.
sunnie says hes going to support teya as much as he can. teya is like 'uh where did that come from?' sunnie says shes his sister so of course he wants to support her. gonna confront the doc. wheatley gonna use his sending stone for lil bro. teya realizes shes having a hard time breathing (2 points). lil bro responds lol its cute.
as senna is meditating something happens its SECRET goddamn. she shakes her head hard and gets up. the others found parsley. they eventually find senna pacing. teya tries to ask if shes ok but shes very lost in thought. senna notices her and apologizes for not noticing. says she has a headache.
following teya to the doc! senna side eyes the scarecrows. it waves to teya but stops if anyone else tries to look. sunnie knocks for the doc. doc cirmes. its a tall man in a nice hat and plaque doctors mask. he wasnt expecting the rest of us and doesnt like uninvited guests but allows it. zen and android wait outside.
clean doctors home. a skeleton and organs in jars. has teya sits on a cushioned table. he uses a stethescope on teya. typical doc stuff. teya asks if theres any point. they both know shes dead. he pauses. 'so you know. then why come here.' 'because what you did has stopped working.' he will try to fix it if she lets him finish the appointment. senna mumbles to parsley in elvish that hes a fuckin crook.
he yells that the spell is gone! a spell to preserve her but its just gone and demands to what happaned. wheatley perks up and looks outside. theres more scarecrows. teya and senna both know why its gone! the anti magic field from spingledorf. senna says from the fish villiage. he says itll take so much more to fix. parsley yells at him to hurry and fix it.
he says he doesnt have the resources! senna asks what he needs. he says her necromatic energy is much higher and will be harder to make a new spell on her. he slams the table and demands to know how she got so strong. senna sees him slam his hands and reaches for her weapon. he steps back and wonders if his theories were correct.
teya calls him out. senna in elvish mumbles shes gonna hit him. parsley says a robot god gave them power. teya says their on a quest from a robot god. wheatley says they gotta get stronger. senna says the god wont wanna talk to him. wheatley straight up says its his god.
doc talks about a war of gods and that the gods are dead and few remain. wheatley calls for zen to help. zen says its a need to know basis. doc says evil gods make it worse for teya. wheatley says hes neutral at best. he says if we know the gods intentions and senna says 'do we know yours?' he says to not interrupt him and she says to fix her friend.
senna asks again for what components he needs. he says its useless cause she knows now. wheatley asks if its enough for her to pay. he says its beyond money and shes fine. teya is heartbroken being called a waste of resources.
parsley grabs him and screams in his face. "you are going to help our friend! and your not gonna call her a waste again!" he says teya is her greatest triumph. freak. he says her body was bad when she was brought in at first.
Senna grabs him and says teya is rotting faster every day. hes like so? she yells that she wants the flesh! he yells to not interrupt him. he talks about sunnie carrying her corpse. he called it a perfect opportunity. he was surprised he could even rez her. he says she couldnt have wanted anything she was dead. teya yells its still her choice and she has to hide her appearance.
he demands she hand back the crystal if she doesnt care about her life. he says it wont hurt. senna looks at her sadly. wheatley says he would miss her. sunnie looks at teya sadly and goes 'teya?'
teya says she has a job to do. 'so thats all thats keeping you alive?' 'better than nothing isnt it?' 'and when the jobs done?' 'figure that out. find another way to destroy this thing.' senna looks so fucking sad. doc says teya is wasting her life by pitying herself. teya says shes choosing 1 day at a time. 'very well.' if she changes her mind she knows where to find him every year.
teya asks him to remove his mask. 'humor me. you lied to me for 6 years.' the knowledge has only brought her pain. senna and parsley team up to grab him and remove the mask. missed. senna says to let teya see her face. teya tells sunnie to support her now. sunnie asks doc to let her. sunnie BOLTS AT THE DOC! doc snaps his fingers and sunnie disappears! he claims sunnie is safe.
teyas like fuck this im gonna get his ass and uses firebolt. zen says the scarecrows are moving and surrounding the house. senna avoided being cursed lol. he pulls out a bunch of gems and crushes them and summons bunch of weapons. ROLL INITIATIVE!
he summons a putrid undead spirit and an aberation. aberation wisdom save throws! wheatley and parsley feel madness against their minds and take psychic damage just being near it. it attacks senna! hits. bitch. undead attacks! being near it is a con sav. teya gets poisoned. it attacks teya! hits. con save for teya and she fails and gets paralyzed. fuck.
wheatley casts aura of vitality. cool. SP uses repair action on wheatley.
parsley enters rage and has wild magic. we get a plus 1 to ac thanks parsley. he then throws the handaxe at the doc. hits. attacks putrid. missed.
senna uses ray of frost and he fuckin eats it? his staff is cold now. senna casts spirit guardians and attacks putrid! hits!
teya turned skipped F.
docs turn the fucker. he points at senna and casts finger of death the fucker. somehow i passed but still take half damage. fucker senna is dying. THEN shroud damage senna is dying. THEN HE CASTS BLIGHT ON SENNA. half damage fucker. im at 10 and started at 81. wtf who is this fucker. he tells us to gtfo. wheatley says to let sunnie go and we will leave. he agrees and brings sunnie back. guys senna had 20 ac and fucking got her shit kicked in.
wheatley drags sunnie out. senna doesnt care how badly hurt she is she scoops up teya and carries her out. parsley is pissed but walks out.
the scarecrows are destroyed from the robots but there was also more but they stopped. teyas paralizes wears off. parsley tosses his bag to teya and says theres healing potions. teya has a hard time breathing and when she coughs theres a dust cloud. wheatley casts aura of healing on teya.
senna casts mass heal wounds on everyone. teya force feeds senna potions from parsley. wheatley heals senna. senna tells them to focus on healing themselves. android asks wtf happaned. senna says its her fault. senna says he chose to let them live. senna gives android permission to yell at her and parsley keeps trying to tell her to shut up and she is ignoring him. wheatley says he was fucking terrified and hugs teya.
senna says to finish this convo somewhere else. the scarecrows are staring. theres loud thunder and the house is gone. teya keeps coughing up smoke. wheatley doesnt get infected says raz. wtf.
'that was my last shot' 'shot at what he was a dick?!' senna reminds them of spingledorf. wheatley wonders how tf were gonna beat zorbolt if we couldnt beat this guy. senna says itll be ok and theyll get stronger. senna notices a pair of glowing red eyes and then it disappears. she doesnt have the spoons for this right now.
sunnie walks over and hugs teya and apologizes. teya nods in understanding. teya coughs again. sunnie goes stiff. senna feels for a pulse. hes still alive. senna calls for zen. wheatley is freaking out. zen shines a light in his eye but his pupil doesnt react. hes catatonic wtf.
senna yells at parsley to stfu. sunnie suddenly blinks and snaps out of it. senna says he was just frozen there. hes not hurt or feels any different. parsley says teya has poison breath. 'she coughed and he froze.' teya tries to not cough again and aims it away.
parsley inhales the fucking smoke willingly. the sky turns red. its the mushroom spore shit all over! wheatley looks broken down. sunnie is a very long version slenderman version. teya is a skeleton. senna is a robed figure.
he punches teya. he screams wtf happaned?! this is reality for him he doesnt know anything else. parsley sees the robot wheatley limping towards him. he backs up and snarls for them to stay away. wheatley flinches back, hurt. wheatley clings to teya and sunnie.
parsley sees the robot holding the skeleton. teya is gonna cough! doesnt work on wheatley. zen approaches, looks like a multi armed demon with charp claws. he absorbs the cloud and says their spores. from a mushroom. parsley thinks their gonna eat him or something and runs off.
zen says mushrooms are growing in her lungs. teya thought exploding wouldve cooked them out. their growing throughout her entire body. oh no. zen says it wont affect her cause shes dead. more spores pop off lol. senna says she cant kiss teya if shes full of spores. teya says to find parsley first. senna tries to tell sunnie to stand back but hes back unconscious. teya keeps getting status effects.
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sunny6677 · 1 year
Summary: Skid is saved from a situation he never thought he'd be in. But now he has to heal from everything he went through. And he doesn't know how.
Chapter 12: A Memory.
For the rest of the night, Skid had temporarily slept inside of his mother's room.
His mother had a soft but comforting grip around him as he slept beside her, her face buried into the back of his head. He had stopped crying many minutes ago, yet his eyes still felt dry from the sheer amount of tears that had seeped out of his eyes. His tiny hand remained gripping on the sheets of the already dark bedroom. Skid tried his best to keep his eyes closed, considering anytime he did, his mind played tricks on him.
Often, this did occur even before he was.. taken. It was a natural thing for human beings to experience after all. If he kept his eyes open in the dark for too long, he would start to see things. He would think things would move, he'd think he'd see something lurking in the dark. But alas, it would always be nothing but his mind. For he was bound to either find out that it was merely the paranoia of his brain, or it was just some random object in the dark.
Skid opened his eyes for only a moment. He saw a silhouette of the coat rack beside the door, which his mother would often go to whenever she was throwing on clothes for work, or whenever it was cold outside.
Many coats hung on the frame of the coat rack, and Skid could recognize one of them as the one his mother wore whenever he went over to Pump's house that one time. He shivered a little, thinking of what had happened with that Happy Fella doll that very same night. Even if it had been a fairly long time ago, it still frightened him. And even if he remembered that the doll was basically dead due to he and Pump shoving it in the oven, he could still remember the way it melted. If he were the same as he had been then, he wouldn't feel scared. But now, it.. felt as if things were different.
He looked at the coat rack again. The frame of it oddly resembled a man. A tall man, in fact. It was only his imagination, of course. But he couldn't help but think it looked like a man. An oddly familiar frame of a man in fact.
He let out a small whimper, clenching his eyes shut. He gripped the sheets harder as a bead of sweat rolled down his cheek.
In response, his mother held him tighter, and gently rubbed his head. She softly shushed him, "..shhh.. its okay.". Skid would have pulled at his hair out of stress if it wasn't for the grip his mother had on him right now. "It was just a nightmare.. you're okay.." She whispered to him gently, rubbing her fingers through the tendrils of his hair still.
He didn't even bother to open his eyes. He didn't want to look at anything anymore. He just didn't want to see anything anymore. He didn't want to be anything anymore.
He didn't want to feel anything anymore.
Morning soon came, and sunlight poured upon the town from outside. Skid had already been out of bed, for he was awoken by his mother. His mother wouldn't be taking the day off of work like she did yesterday. He still felt a little ashamed of what he did yesterday. He caused a scene, and probably worried the heck out of Kevin. He freaked out more than he should have. Guilt coursed through him like a wave of thundering emotions ever still, pounding within him like the flap of a butterflys wings.
He wanted to apologize to Kevin for what happened yesterday, even if he had already. But he didn't know how he would if he couldn't even go to the candy store without causing such a ruckus over such a small thing. And as to what such a small thing was, he still didn't know.
His mother was still present, for it was morning, and soon she'd be taking him to Pump's house. After all, it was what was always done whenever she had to go to work. He'd be thrown under Mr. Wonder's care until she got back. Rays of light seeped from the window from outside. His mother was making him breakfast, and currently, he was in the kitchen. He was waiting for her to finish making breakfast, since he didn't want to make her angry or anything. Wait—no, no. She wouldn't be angry. She wasn't..
He shook his head. He was beginning to grow tired of his new anxieties.
His mother was beside the kitchen counter, seemingly making a simple stack of pancakes for both him and her. There were even two plates of crispy bacon beside the stack of pancakes. He couldn't really do much but watch in anticipation as she kept cooking. He wondered why and where she had gotten such good cooking skills sometimes. Was it a natural born skill for any type of parent? If so, then it certainly didn't count for..
He shook his head again. Now wasn't the time to be thinking such thoughts.
Eventually, upon hearing the sounds of the still sizzling bacon coming closer, he realized that his mother had been done with the cooking. He heard the clinking of the plate being placed upon the table. He blinked, contorting his head in the direction of where the plate had presumably been. His mother was now standing beside the table with a somewhat nervous smile. The plate now had both bacon and pancakes on it. He smiled, hunger aching within his stomach. A need for digestion coursed through him and splashed within like a writhing waterfall.
His mother then walked over to her chair, and sat in it, looking at him with an anxious gaze. Her hair was tied up in a ponytail, like it had been ever since he reunited with her. He wasn't really used to seeing her hair like that, considering he always remembered it being down. But it wasn't like he minded it or anything. It was just going to take some getting used to considering that within the few days Skid had been back, she never took it down.
Skid then grabbed weakly at a piece of bacon, and slowly pulled it towards his mouth. He took a small bite out of it, still a little paranoid of vomiting again. It was good. Just like all her cooking had been. The flavor washed within Skid's mouth, feeling like a liquid of heaven had been spilled upon him if only for a moment. If it were possible, he'd have stars in his eyes. Even so, he only took small bites out of it. It was weirdly funny. Had he been the same as he was before he was taken, he would have basically consumed every bit of it already.
As he continued to eat, his mother spoke up. "So, uh.. are you excited to see your friend again?"
Skid paused. He then looked up at her, but only for a small moment. He quickly looked away again, averting his gaze. "U—Uh.. yeah, I am."
His mother went quiet for a moment. Skid could hear the close sounds of her silverware clinking against the plate. "Are—are you sure? You don't look too excited."
Skid replied, "I—I am! I promise.. I just don't think I feel too good."
His mother went quiet again. "Well.. hey, I know things have been hard since you came back. But.. maybe seeing your friend will make you feel happy again!"
"Yeah.. if I don't ruin it this time." Skid mumbled softly under his breath.
"What was that?" His mother asked, seeming curious.
His trembling voice immediately stammered back, "No—Nothing! Don't worry about it.."
There was silence that filled the room once more.
"Sweetie.. are you sure you're okay?"
Skid gulped.
"..yeah, I'm okay. I promise.."
Skid had currently been in the living room by now. His mother was preparing herself to drop him off. He had been waiting for about 10 minutes right now, sitting in front of the couch as the artifical light from above still rained down upon him like an unnatural force.
He could hear the faint buzzing of it. It buzzed like a fly scattering around and searching for a way of its survival. The TV had been flipped to some random horror movie he hadn't exactly seen before. His mother hadn't turned it on for him. He had actually. He felt a little proud of himself for being able to do such a thing on his own. Perhaps he was more capable than he originally thought.
On the screen, there was a child character seemingly hiding from what Skid could obviously tell was a threat. The child character was in a closet as ominous ambience played on the movie. Skid cocked his head to the side, watching with nervous happiness. He felt almost nervous that he was happy. Anxious that he was happy. Fearful that he was happy. But he wasn't sure why.
Artificial light continued to buzz from above, immortal in sound. It would only ever stop if he turned the light off. But he had been too focused on the movie to really do that. Staring at the TV screen, he was continuing to watch the movie despite the internal dread he felt. Like something bad was about to happen.
The child character walked slowly off screen as ominous footsteps were heard in the background. There was a shadow of two feet walking by the door, stopping for only a moment, only to move again. The movie was doing an oddly good job at keeping the aura and feel of the whole scene ominous. Whoever the film director had been must have been really cool.. or at least that was what Skid had thought to himself.
The child character let out a sigh of relief. Skid watched with raised shoulders, his hands clenching onto his legs. He was internally preparing for some kind of jumpscare. Despite his now anxious nature, he couldn't help but feel a little excited. He always got some sort of childish glee out of horror movies after all. As he watched with bated breath, the child character began to walk toward the door slowly, as if to walk out. Slowly, slowly. Closer, closer. Skid's eyes shimmered with delight as if seemingly built up to the jumpscare.
Yet as the child character got close to the door, and slowly wrapped their hand around the door handle.. nothing happened. No jumpscare had occurred. Skid felt confused, wondering why it hadn't followed the usual horror movie trope of unnecessary scares. That was what he loved about horror movies after all. He cocked his head to the side a few more inches, arching his brow. The child character slowly peeked out of the door, a dark hallway being revealed as they held a flashlight up nervously. Nothing else had occurred but the sound of complete silence.
The child character began to slowly walk out of the door, seemingly aiming to find some way of quietly escaping. They continued to walk, trying to be quiet. The film could pick up the sounds of their footsteps making the wood planks creak. Though as they did, they suddenly stopped in their tracks. Despite Skid's confusion, he continued to watch with great curiosity, wondering what they had seen.
The child character looked downwards at whatever they had seen. They had stepped on something. The camera slowly panned to what appeared to be.. an ominous child-like drawing of some kind. A.. A drawing. A paper with a badly drawn horrific figure of a man upon it and some child.
Skid continued to look at the screen, almost hypnotized. A feeling of sticky dread made its way to his head, making it feel as if he was experiencing some kind of pain within. He held his tiny hand to his forehead, and pressed his palm against his skin. What was this feeling? A coat of sweat began to form on Skid's face as he tried to keep looking at the screen, but he just couldn't pay attention. And.. and he didn't know why he couldn't.
A flash of a memory them occurred within his mind. It was something he already remembered, but it felt.. vivid for some reason now. Like he was experiencing it again. In his memory, he could internally see.. Keender. He could internally picture himself sitting in the dirty living room of Keender's house, drawing on a slightly ripped piece of paper. The paper had been ripped because Skid had struggled to get it out from where he found it.
He remembered what he drew. Sort of, anyway. It was a drawing of him inside of the house, and a drawing of Keender right next to him. He drew himself frowning with tears pouring out of his eyes. Keender had been standing next to him in the drawing, bared teeth in his snarl. He looked abnormally big in the drawing, and Skid wasn't sure why. He seemed as tall as the house even, yet somehow he still looked to fit inside.
A feeling of dread began to internally overwhelm him. The memory kept flashing at him. He remembered Keender coming in with a rough pound of his footsteps hitting the ground as if he were smacking it with his bare hands. Keender had always walked like that, and due to it, Skid couldn't ever really tell if he was angry or not.
He could see Keender's irritated expression within his mind, his teeth bared just like the drawing. He was angry. Skid knew it so. Skid felt a wave of anxiety flush through him, just like it had then. He remembered looking at Keender for only a moment, before looking away. He could recall Keender cursing under his breath, saying something along the lines of, "God.. its fucking hot.. its warmer than the fires of hell.. I swear to.."
He could remember Keender then going quiet, and the feeling of intense anxiety splashing over him whenever he felt his gaze set upon him. He remembered Keender growling, saying between angered gasps, "What the fuck do you think you're doing, kid? Where'd you get that paper from?"
Skid could remember him not being able to answer, for he was too frightened. Nothing else came out of his mouth but a short gasp. He remembered looking up at Keender, or at least forcing himself to. Finally, after a bit, he remembered himself saying in a meek tone, "..I.. I dunno." It was a lie, obviously. But it was an automatic response to Keender's anger that he couldn't really help but say.
"Bullshit.." Keender would curse behind his tone of anger, "Give that here!"
Keender then suddenly launched foward, and grabbed the paper before Skid could even take it from him. Skid wouldn't even dare try, for he feared being hurt again. He feared the feeling of Keender's sharp and painful slaps. Skid couldn't remember what else had really happened in that moment. No.. no, wait.. he could.
He could remember Keender looking at the drawing, only to look at him with a sharp and angry gaze. Skid remembered that automatically, an apology began to slip out of his mouth. And then.. Keender's hand had suddenly balled up and began to move closer to his face in an agonizing move of harm—
"Sweetie! I'm done changing! Are you ready to go see your friend?"
Skid blinked, suddenly snapped out of his memory. His head contorted to the direction of the voice, only to realize that it was his mother speaking from another room. She sounded as if she were nearby, most likely near the entrance already. Skid then felt sharp pants slipping from out of his tiny mouth, feeling as if he had just ran some sort of marathon. A bead of sweat was still rolling down his skin as he looked on with anxious eyes. His pupils were shaking with a blinding tint of fear.
Yet even so, he gulped, keeping down the urge to cry once more. He wasn't going to ruin everything. He couldn't ruin everything again.
Ignoring the agonizing memory the best he could in his mind, he spoke the best he could in a steady voice, and said, "Ye—Yeah! Coming, mom!"
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irrelevaantidiot · 6 days
Get ready for a yap fest in 3.. 2.. 1..
OKAY so ur AU right. I fr love the concept and everything, so obviously, brainworms.
One of my fav bands (the crane wives) has recently relased a new album, so obviously, again, brainworms.
So. My brain has connected the two into a very specific thing that could only work if i draw it. But im fucking lazy.
So get ready for Moths Inconherent Description Of A Big Nonexistent Drawing With Some Of The Lyrics To "Predator" By TCW Because Why The Fuck Not ™️
"Whats the worst thing that could happen, whats the worst thing you can imagine" - not really literal to the lyrics, maybe just astrobiology hanging out together or smth?
"This world is a nasty place, Im afraid to get comfortable" - BH feeling out of place on uh.. earth? Where the fuck is the universe set in (personal headcanon but shhh)
"Unavoidable disaster" - The Tree incident
"Serial overreactor" - This could be Fanny imo. From BHs perspective she is overreacting about the team loosing and the whole pact thing
"My head is a nasty place, I'm afraid to get comfortable" - BH getting ✨️The nightmares✨️ after decapitating his boyfriend i mean boyfriend i mean best friend
"What were you thinking, shouldnt you know better" - BH blaming himself for the incindent and stuff
"You opened a door for an apex predator" Tree trauma monster nightmare demon thingy
I dont think the rest of the lyrics fit the au or astrobiology itself tbh but the brainworms have taken over. Anyway ramble over i am so sorry for this
the whole "bh feels out of place on earth" thing like. makes complete sense to me actually. in my gijinka interpretation he was a space creature before the more "human" form I guess i can say. and he doesn't remember anything before the new form. it drives him mad tbh.
"Your heart is a nasty place—I'm afraid to say no to you" An exchange of sorts. Trauma monster Tree is like "I hate you you suck" and Black Hole just kind of. takes it. because, well, he blames himself for what happened. so he feels he HAS to take the deprecation or whatever his mind throws at him. the torment and guilt and anything else. hence "I'm afraid to say no to you" being blackholecore. listening to this song makes my brain switch the imaginary animatic in my head between waking moments and the horrific dreams "I am fighting for survival" I can imagine this being Black Hole being constntly and constantly haunted by the incident and the dream stuff, and he just keeps going and going. Idk how to explain it just works man :gay: "I keep forgetting that you won't learn so I keep getting hurt" I can imagine this being Tree himself telling Black Hole that, atleast in his dreams. (Trauma monster Tree is always switching between like "I hate you I hate you this is your fault" and "I forgive you. I love you." type shit.) I imagine Tree trauma monster saying those kind of things as a result of the shit he has gone through tpot 8-10. especially in black hole's nightmare?? it just makes sense to me. not sure how to explain.
get shoved into the brainrot playlist thank you for sharing this ramble with me. ALSO TYSM IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE THIS AU AND THOUGHT THIS UP. new animatic idea.
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