#just something I just suddenly thought of xD
marckinggrant · 2 years
Jake: Yo Stevie uh can we chat?
Steven: Sure! Of course we can chat. What is up with you? *he puts down his put glancing over to Jake*
Jake: Nothing nothing. I just wanna say somethin.
Steven: *Steven tilts his head, furrowing his brow* Okay… Ok then! Don’t leave me in suspense.
Jake: I feel like you got the hots for me Stevie! Like c’mon you can admit it, your eyes like glossin over me. I maintain myself pretty well yeah?
Steven: What are you talking about? I’m not up here for your jokes at this hour Jake.
Jake: I’m not jokin. I just wonder why you look at me so much whenever I’m in control. It’s like your eyes shine beams on me all the time. I know I’m handsome and all like that but I just feel… just feel there is something more. I'm sorry bout that especially since I can't really give you more than a good show heh *Jake shoots a smirk* That's not enough for someone like you.
Steven: *he gasps surprised from those words, suddenly Jake is all serious* Well… I am curious. Jake may I ask you something?
Jake: You sure?
Steven: Please~ *Steven beams a small smile*
Jake: …Heh shoot it muchacho. You can always ask me anything! *Jake rests his head on his palms casually leaning back*
Steven: Do you ever uhh.. get... the hots for me?
Jake: Wow, you’re going straight for the kill with that one Stevie.
Steven: You don’t get to pull that on me! *Steven pouts* You’re the one bold enough to call yourself handsome and call yourself someone who can’t give enough. Now out with it if you please.
…And quit calling me Stevie!
Jake: … *he sighs and draws in a deep breath, Jake gulps and stares right into awe inspiring eyes* Si. Yeah, ...Yes Steven.
Steven: Oh! Jake.
Jake: It’s okay if you aren’t the same. I just wanted to let you know bud, that’s all.
Steven: …W-well what do you like about me? Mmmh… Just tell me all that you know about your feelings. Be honest Jake. Let it all out. *Steven plainly looks at Jake in expectation* Pfft, sorry that was a little strong even for me to handle.
Jake: *he sends a soft glance to Steven before racking up to his brain to think of it* ...It all started from me being curious. Curious about a little guy that was late to school every day. Gotta say, I was a little bit of a bully back then because I always found myself laughing at the little guy who ran to the bus every day.
It felt like I was sneaking in some morning tv screentime every time I looked at him. The clothes I saw him wearing told me what's up with the weather. And looking into his school life felt like I was watching one hell of a show.
It was fun seeing how he thought of the day and trying to make the best of it, trying to get good grades for his mama and feeling very happy with himself, and trying to always push himself through the day in general through whatever means necessary. Trying to survive... However, when things started to get a lil hairy for the young kid. I started to feel very invested in him knowing his past, and relating to him. I started to become more angry than usual for this kid. That's when I realized something.
Steven: What was it?
Jake: I started to have a small crush on this fun character I have been watching every day through my anger. I felt a bit heated in every way possible just thinking about anything about Steven Grant. I can see why Marc was a big fan ahahaha! He was a big fan because you were someone that made one's day amazing. Amazing from being... amazingly kind, amazingly soft, amazingly pretty and pretty handsome, and... b-being... amazingly Steven.
Steven: O-Oh wow! I can't begin to say what I'm thinking right now. Ugh, my brain feels like it's gone to mush! Although it sounds quite cheesy haha...!
Jake: Gahhhh, why do you make my brain go to mush every day cariño~?
Steven: Hmph. Now you're trying to kill me, that's the game you're playing on me Jake?
Jake: Well, I do like playin games. Sounds good for a date right?
Steven: Hehehe! I just hope Marc doesn't mind if we cut back on control for a while. I would like to play some darts with you. We'll talk to him later about this.
Jake: Ok! But wow, you plan on targeting a bullseye on my heart or somethin? If so, ya already did darling~
Steven: !!!!!! *Steven blushes harshly as he tries to put out the fire Jake keeps igniting in his cheeks* I-I actually will if you don't stop being a cheesy joker!
Jake: Heheh, will stop for you Stevie~
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cripplecharacters · 19 days
How to Support People with Facial Differences - the Face Equality Week 2024 Special
[large text: How to Support People with Facial Differences - the Face Equality Week 2024 Special]
Today is the 13th of May, which means that the Face Equality Week has just started. This year's theme is “My Face is a Masterpiece” which is probably my favorite sentence ever said about having a facial difference. Huge fan, should be used way more often in my opinion.
Because of this occasion, I would like to share some thoughts about Face Equality that I think are rather entry-level, i.e. you don't need to know much to execute these, but you can still support us.
Stop the stare.
I know it's fun to stare - or so I guess, at least - but maybe you shouldn't. Next time you see someone who has a scar or who's face does not move the same way as yours, just mind your business. We can tell when you're “discreetly” looking.
Don't call us deformed. 
Knowing how the people you're trying to support actually call themselves should be an absolute first step, but most people still fail here. Most of us don't appreciate being called “deformed”. I certainly don't. Say “facial difference”, or “disfigurement” if you must. It's 2024. Leave “deformed” to medical reports from the 70s.
No more “What happened?!”s.
If you aren't a doctor, there's a high-to-100% chance that it's none of your business. It's cool that you're curious - keep it to yourself.
Stop insinuating that we are ugly.
“Support people who are ugly!” isn't very supportive. I would say, not in the slightest. Say “people who don't fit the current beauty standards” if that's what you mean. 
Or, to go with this year's theme, “people whose faces are masterpieces” : )
Use critical thinking online.
Is the reaction photo actually funny, or is it just a person with a craniofacial condition? Is the meme actually a meme, or is it just making fun of a person with a facial disfigurement? Is body-shaming suddenly hilarious to you when the person shamed has strabismus? 
If the entire punchline is “lol they have a disability xd”, it's ableism. Plain and simple.
To go with the point above - your joke is probably not funny.
We get it! You can't help telling us how "you're going to hell for laughing" (which yeah, probably) and how we remind you of the ugliest character you have ever seen. I guarantee you that we heard it, and that you are behaving like an edgy middle schooler who hasn't "found out" yet. It's boring and annoying. Also ableist, but you're aware of that already if you're saying that you're going to hell.
Stop with the goddamn trigger warnings. 
We aren't “body horror”, we aren't “gore”, we aren't something that you need to advise your viewers to use their discretion over. Every “graphic footage: child with neurofibromatosis” and “#tw burn scar” is a sign of ableism and disfiguremisia. People with facial differences deserve to be seen. Ableds can survive seeing a person without a nose.
Do a basic reading on what disfiguremisia is.
New word! And a pretty damn important one. It's a brand of ableism that intersects with more or less everything, and it means discrimination and hatred of people with facial differences/disfigurements. The bullying, harassment, endless name-calling, and microaggressions are all results of disfiguremisia. The ways in which everything is harder for us isn't some unchangeable rule of how the world works, it's just an extremely prevalent type of discrimination.
Understand that we are people.
I know, revolutionary - and yet impossible for so many people to get. We can be a visual representation of evil when it's necessary, we can be a feel-good inspirational story on a morning talk-show, but not much else, it seems. In reality, we are complex, we have our own lives, we can be happy and sad and have the same exact joys and worries that you have.
Hey, artists - facial differences don't make you evil.
Title stolen from a great essay by Lise Deguire (link). When's the last time you saw a positive character with a facial difference that wasn't inspiration porn? I mean a character that's not edgy, full of angst, a murderer, or a villain. Based on what you see in the media, you'd think that having a scar renders you evil on the spot, but in reality it just makes you loathe how artists apparently think you are like. It's boring, it's overdone, it's ableism. Stop doing this, and start noticing when it's being done. Point it out if your friend is writing their new villain to be an evil burn survivor. This kind of portrayal needed to stop ages ago, but tomorrow will be a great time as well.
Before you reply with “I've never seen this” - Darth Vader, Lion King’s Scar (subtle name, great thing to teach kids!), Freddy Krueger, Voldemort, we could be here forever. You're just not paying attention.
Pay attention to where we are not included.
As discussed, there are some places where you see us all the time. But where do you not see us?
Advertisements (unless it's for a scar-removal cream, of course). Fashion shows. Magazine covers. Romance movies where we are the main character.
We deserve to see ourselves in what's around us in the same way able-bodied people do. Trying to make it seem like we don't exist - that's deliberate. 
Interact with our art.
We draw, write, sing, act in movies, we do everything! Support us in the most tangible way - leave us a nice comment, read our books, listen to our songs. Watch movies where actual people with facial differences star, not pseudoinspirational stories about how “being disfigured is ok” where they shove an able-bodied actor into a full face prosthetic just to not have an actor with a disfigurement on set.
Include us.
As this year's Face Equality Week calls for, include us. In art, in movies, in books, in your life. Show us as positive people who are valuable, who are a part of your community - I guarantee that we are in every one that's out there. The world is hostile and unwelcoming to people with facial differences - be the change, wherever you are!
I know that it is different from the usual posts I make, but I hope it was somewhat educational. I just like to use every occasion that I can to force Face Equality into people's heads. To make this at least a bit about writing to keep the blog's theme, I will say that if you want to write about us, you need to care about us in real life as well. Otherwise, it's shallow and pointless.
Below the readmore are some links/resources that you can click to educate yourself further. A lot of them lead to Face Equality International because they have just about everything you should know. If you want to be a better ally to people with facial differences, I heavily recommend them!
mod Sasza
whoa thanks for actually clicking the readmore!!
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kuiinncedes · 2 years
#safiya n/ygaard’s new video made me think of the candy makers by wend/y mass almost immediately#bc that’s where my only candy making knowledge comes from lol#and i’m rewatching the video (bc i just .. have been obsessed with just rewatching safiya vids lately when i have nothing else to watch#which is often lol but Anyway)#i picked up my copy of the candymakers and Glanced at the blurb and was reminded of the characters names and now i can’t stop thinking about#it lmao bro the way i fucking remember this book even tho it’s been forever since i read it#i remember like binging their books i don’t rly remember any of the other ones but i def reread candymakers a million times#i’m losing it lmao i want to reread it rn 😭 i don’t rly have time since we’re busy fucking moving but#how do i remember how this book made me feel how am i suddenly just#no thoughts just candymakers lmao omfg i am going to reread this book and be absolutely insufferable about it#i picked it up to look at the back for the author’s other books and yeah i suddenly want to binge some middle grade books XD#BUT THIS BOOK RLY DID MAKE ME FREL SO MUCH TF IM FEELING IT NOW JUST REMEMBERING IT#help i need to reread it now XD ajshdsbdfjjfjjf anyway#back to finishing rewatching the video for like the third time already or something lol#no bc just like the candy making place vibes idk just thinking about it makes me think of the book#i’m literally alshddhdjbfbjrjeebd when we move and there’s slightly less to do i will be reading it in one sitting <3#i also own the sequel which i don’t remember as much about at all lol#what the fuck what did wen/dy mass put in that goddamn book to make me soooojdddbfjdjdjdfjrjehdhb about it so long after reading it lmao#anyway anyway kasvbddbdjjddj honestly might lose my self control and go pick it up .. at 1 in the morning i should not XD#aghhhh why do we have to be moving rn XD ok anyway i’m done jashbdjdj might look in thecandymakers tag for reasons 🥺😭💖#jeanne talks#agh not much there as expected lol but also i rly want to reread mass’s other books too now bc i vaguely remember reading some of them#but i don’t remember anything about them 😭
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factual-fantasy · 8 months
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Okay so I did some research on Seam and realized that it would be a crime to not add him to my AU in someway where him and Jevil reconcile and they escape to the multiverse together and are free and they're best friends and- 😭😭😭
I had a dark story all thought up for this but half way through drawing I changed the story so this isn't really canon anymore?? Or it might be idk- my Deltarune AU is only a few days into development so its constantly changing <XDD Sorry-
If anyone's interested in the story I've got it below the Keep reading :}} (Fair warning, its rather dark and disturbing..)
TLDR: This story is super dark and interesting to me but it might not be canon XD
ANYWAYS! The story behind this was Jevil and Seam come from a very dark and corrupt AU. Ruled by an even darker and wicked King (Lancers dad). In this AU they were Kings royal Magician and Jester as per usual. They were best friends though and preformed these beautiful displays of magic together. Side by side, hand in hand. They were best friends for years and always dreamed of one day running away together and finding a safe place to live.
Eventually Jevil met someone. Someone who spoke of a way to leave this place. They spoke of walking through your own reflection. And if done right, one could leave their AU entirely.. Jevil believed them out of desperation and tried to tell Seam about it. Seam thought Jevil was losing his mind. Walking through your own reflection? That makes no sense..
King caught wind of them plotting to escape. And as punishment to both of them he commanded Seam to lock Jevil away using his own magic.
In Seams eyes, Jevil was his best friend. His brother, the only thing in this world that he could trust. But he was more afraid of what King would do to him or Jevil for disobeying him, then he was willing to stand up against him. So while believing Jevil was sick in the head and needed help, he acted out of cowardice and sealed Jevil away..
I'm thinking that eventually sometime later, Jevil is able to escape through his own reflection. A mirror. And either he goes back and sees Seam dressed in these beautiful robes and thinks "well the king must be treating him well. Guess I'll just leave him to reap the benefits of betraying me.. >:(" And leaves with a bitter heart. THAT, or he just left. Never going back to check on Seam or see if King was treating him well or not.
So the AU continues. With Jevil traveling from world to world, meeting new people and learning new things.. When eventually he's with the whole gang and they're all sitting in a restaurant or something.
When Jevil suddenly feels this overwhelming sense of doom. Something horrible is about to happen to Seam. He just knows it, its in his bones. Deep within his soul he can feel it. He knows- he needs to save him.
He falls back out of his chair into a mirror and heads straight for his old AU. Showing up just in time to stop Seam from.. well..
They end up talking. Turns out that after Jevil was imprisoned, Seam tried to sneak down to the basement and visit him. He wanted to apologize for imprisoning him and explain himself- but he was caught by King.
"I just wanted to see him!"
"For that I will take your eye."
"NO! Please don't take my eye!!"
"For talking back, I will take your voice too."
King took Seams eye and stitched his mouth shut. He could still talk but not very well. To make things worse, when Jevil escaped? Seam thought he had died. Why wouldn't he? His magical barrier was never broken and Jevil was gone. Surly he must have died somehow.. Meanwhile everyone else was under the impression that Seam let Jevil escape because they were friends.
Seam then suffered greatly for years as punishment for "letting Jevil escape". He was bound by these magical chains made by King. He was abused for years and at this point he had enough. But before he could do anything rash.. Jevil returned.
Jevil then felt the sinking horror realizing that he left Seam alone in this world to be abused by King. He abandoned him. After all those years of promising to one day run away together..
Seam betrayed Jevil, and Jevil abandoned Seam.
After realizing all of this and having a long emotional talk. Seam and Jevil deeply apologized to the other, and forgave each other. Marking the beginning of their new friendship. And despite Seam feeling like he doesn't deserve freedom, he agreed to run away with Jevil and finally be free with him.
Now this story is super cool and morbid and all but now I'm questioning the story and wether or not I want it to be canon <XD
I have some other ideas that I really like too and this one is just a biiiiit dark... ish. I mean I've made worse- but idk I guess this one just has a bad taste to it..
I also like the idea that Seam has been with Jevil this whole time and was the first person he saved. Which motivated him to try and save other people and give them the same freedom that he gave to Seam. But then that would change the Grillby fight and Spamton situation a bit and also maybe effect the Goner kid situation- GAH!! I'll figure it out eventually- <XDD
I hope this wasn't too hard to stomach and if you read all the way through I thank you :}} 💖
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unluckiestmember · 5 months
can I request mizu with just a very tender and sweet and caring fem reader. Like just giving mizu all of the comfort she never got all these years. Like all the comfort and warmth she lacked suddenly coming all at once and like reader is super patient and just so genuinely kind to mizu
Coming right up!
Mizu (Blue Eye Samurai) X Caring Fem! Reader
Characters: Mizu, Taigen and Ringo.
Tags: Mizu being Mizu, Soft!Mizu, Tender Loving Care, TLC, excessive fluff, Taigen being jealous, Ringo being Ringo, hugging. Just a bunch of cuteness ahead. XD
Warning: SFW. Suggestive Theme.
A/N: Mizu really does need all the love in the world after what she's been through. We love you, Blue Eye Samurai.
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With how sweet and caring you naturally were to everyone, Mizu thought one of the following;
You were wearing a facade as a tactic or you were another weak soul in a sea of ignorant and idiotic people.
She didn’t give you the time of day at first, keeping herself away from you, Taigen and Ringo.
But that didn’t stop you from taking care of this woman with all your heart.
When you cared for her wounds from battle, she eased up a bit, thankful for your assistance.
When you held her hand for support, she froze up a bit to the almost foreign concept, but gently held your hand back. She liked that.
When you hugged her, Mizu’s frozen heart found itself thawing.
And when you kissed her, the ice around her heart melted as she kissed you back.
Eventually, she craved your touch. She always needed something from you against her.
Some days she seeped into your arms, picking up your scent and smiling when you kissed her cheek.
Some nights she held you for dear life, cuddling against your body with promises of protecting you from this cruel world.
Taigen couldn’t tell if he should thank you for thawing Mizu’s heart or curse you for being so unnecessarily sweet around him.
Ringo on the other hand thought you guys were the cutest couple he’s ever come across.
Regardless, every sweet action you gave this blue eyed samurai made her become more humane and in tune with her emotions.
Now when you feed her occasionally, she feeds you back.
If you’re checking for injuries and tending to her, Mizu will do the same with ten times more love and care.
If you hug her now, she will hold you and immediately miss your touch when you let go.
Maybe she was happy a long time ago, but nowadays Mizu felt blessed.
You are the source of her happiness and the best thing that’s ever happened to her.
If you got any requests for Blue Eye Samurai, send them my way!
Likes and retweets are always appreciated! I love you all, stay hydrated and have a good day! <3
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tongue-like-a-razor · 11 months
Brother's Best Friend - Part 6
Jake Seresin x F!Reader
A/N: A huge thank you to everyone who has sent in thoughts and ideas for this fic! It's so fun writing it in your vision :D Y'all are really good at this plot thing XD
Summary: The trials and tribulations of falling for your brother's best friend.
CW: Intoxication, swearing, slow burn, angsty but also a fluff factory
WC: 2000+
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Masterlist
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“Can you please stop swerving?” you whimper, clapping a hand to your already throbbing head.
“It’s called turning,” Jake responds sarcastically.
You stare ahead impassively. “You’re doing it a lot.”
Jake looks over at you with an amused grin. “You are phenomenal company, have I ever told you that?”
You eye him with contempt. “Shut up, Seresin.”
He laughs. “I’m not joking.”
“Whatever,” you say. “Make fun of me all you want. I’m not going to remember anything tomorrow, anyway.”
Jake considers your words for a moment. “You think?”
You close your eyes. “Who knows if I’ll even wake up.”
“You’re so dramatic.”
Suddenly, you jolt upright in your seat. “Pull over!” you command. “Pull over right now.”
Jake hits the breaks and veers to the side of the road and you’re pushing your door open before he even comes to a complete stop. You detangle yourself with some difficulty from the seatbelt and stumble out of the car. You’re barely out of the vehicle when you start puking all over somebody’s neatly trimmed lawn.
Jake jogs around the car to get to you, but you stretch your arm out to keep him back. He ignores your silent request and comes up behind you, grasping your shoulders tightly. “Go away, Jake,” you say in a shaky voice, feeling the onset of yet another attack.
Jake rubs your back gently while you liberate the remainder of your stomach contents. “Shh,” he says quietly. “Just let it out.”
When you’re finished, you pull away from Jake, teetering as you go. You bury your face in your hands, leaning into the side of his car with your hip, completely mortified.
“Hey,” Jake says. “You alright?”
You wipe at your face, nodding, and look up at him despite the sting behind your eyes.
“Woah, hey,” he says, brushing the hair out of your face as tears start rolling down your cheeks. “What’s the matter?” Then, more aggressively, he adds, “Did he do something to you?”
You shake your head, sniffling. “I didn’t want to throw up,” you say with a small sob halfway through the statement.
“Aw, c’mon,” Jake says, wrapping his arm around your neck and pulling you into his chest. “We’ve all been there,” he continues, rubbing your arm with his hand.
But you’re not so sure that Jake can truly sympathize. After all, not only did you ralph, but you also happened to do it in front of the one person whom you’ve loved for as long as you can remember.
Jake helps you stumble your way to the front door and then holds you up as you try to rip apart the straps of your heels to get them off.
“Need some help with those?” he asks, seemingly amused.
You huff in frustration as a wave of perspiration hits you without warning. “I. Can. Do. It!” you pant, clawing at the clasp.
Jake winces as he watches you struggle. Finally, he bends down and hooks his arm behind your knees. Before you know it, he’s lifted you off the ground. “We don’t have all night,” he says, carrying you, bridal-style, down the corridor. He starts for the second floor with you still in his arms as though hauling you up the stairs takes no effort at all.
“I can’t sleep in them,” you mumble, resting your weary head on his shoulder.
“Can’t you?” he responds, kicking lightly at the partially open door to your bedroom and walking inside. You brace yourself for an impact, thinking that Jake is going to toss you down onto the mattress but, instead, he squats to set you down gingerly onto the bed. He glances over your face and removes some of the hair that’s stuck to your cheek with either sweat or tears or – well, you prefer not to consider an alternative. “How’re you feeling?” he asks quietly.
You swallow uncomfortably, letting your eyes meet his despite the whirlwind in your chest that’s perpetuating the already pronounced nausea. “Uh,” you utter. “Dizzy.”
Jake nods with a sympathetic smile. He reaches for your foot and starts undoing the clasp.
“Yeah, good luck,” you say flatly and fall backward onto the bed with a groan.
Jake chuckles and, within seconds, removes your shoe.
You sit back up in a daze. “How…?”
Jake gives you a humorous look. “You’re going to laugh so hard about this tomorrow.”
Once he takes off your second shoe, you lift yourself off the bed and start to unzip your shorts. Jake promptly turns away. “Sorry,” you say, shimmying out of your shorts as Jake starts inspecting the frame of your bedroom door intently. He runs his fingers along the trim as though nothing has ever fascinated him more.
Normally, you’d never even consider changing in Jake’s presence but, in your inebriated state, you’re feeling far more brazen.
Once your shorts are off, you kick them aside unceremoniously. Jake’s head moves slightly as his eyes follow the trajectory of the flying shorts and you can tell that he’s very purposefully trying not to look in your direction. You start to pull off your top, certain that he wouldn’t turn around even if you yelled ‘Fire’. You toss your shirt into a pile with your shorts and grab a t-shirt out of the hamper, pulling it over your head and crawling back onto your bed. “I’m decent,” you say, dropping into your comforter.
Jake turns back cautiously, as if he doesn't fully trust you and, as he makes his way toward the bed, he’s distracted by your attire. “You’re gonna be sleeping in that?” he asks, somewhat surprised.
You glance down and notice that you’re back in his Pantera shirt. You shrug. “I guess.” You shuffle around the bed, swaying as you try to find the edge of the blanket so that you could crawl underneath. Eventually, you end up collapsing on the bed in frustration. “Everything is spinning!” you moan.
Jake reaches for the comforter. “You’re sitting on it, genius.”
“Oh,” you mutter as he helps you unravel the sheets and climb inside. “Thanks.”
Jake covers you up and says, “Turn onto your side.”
You sigh, having finally gotten into a semi-comfortable position on your back. “Why?” you whine.
“Just do it,” he says firmly, putting his hand behind your shoulder to turn you.
You whimper but follow his instructions. “Are you leaving to get Bradley now?” you ask.
“No,” he responds, lowering himself onto the floor by your bed and leaning his back against it.
You lift your head weakly. “Why not?”
“I told him to catch an Uber,” he says. “Besides, he’s probably not gonna be home for a while.”
You make an “mm” sound and lift yourself further off the pillow. “Jake,” you say curiously. “What are you doing?”
He glances over his shoulder at you. “What do you mean?”
“Why are you sitting on the floor?”
Jake sighs. “I don’t want to leave you alone.”
“Because you’re very drunk.”
“Just stop talking and go to sleep,” Jake responds grumpily.
You furrow your eyebrows. “Are you going to stay up all night?”
“I’ll sleep if I get tired.”
You narrow your eyes. “On the floor?”
Jake breathes out in exasperation. “Where else?” he says, turning his head to look at you again.
You glance down at the unused half of your bed pointedly. “I don’t think you have to stay,” you murmur, even though what you want to say is ‘There’s enough bed here for the two of us’.
“You want me to leave?” Jake asks and you’re forced to look him in the eye once more.
Slowly, you shake your head. “I don’t want you to have to sleep on the floor,” you respond.
“It’s not a big deal.”
You gulp. “You can come on the bed if you want,” you say hesitantly, dropping your gaze.
Jake lets out an uneasy chuckle. “Imagine?” he says.
You release a quick laugh because it’s all you’ve been imagining for years. “Jake?” you say quietly.
“Mm?” He turns to look back at you after repositioning himself on the floor.
“Thanks,” you say.
Jake watches you earnestly. “You don’t have to thank me.”
“I do.” You nod with your head back on the pillow. “You saved me.”
Jake scoffs. “Hardly.”
You reach forward and rest a hand on his shoulder. “Thank you.”
Jake places his own hand over yours. “You know I’d do anything for you, right?”
You nod as your eyelids become increasingly heavy. “Will you give me advice on my sex life?” you ask sleepily.
“Anything but that,” Jake responds.
A smile spreads on your face and you shift your body closer to the edge of the bed so that you can more easily keep your hand on his shoulder. “We did the thing,” you mutter almost incoherently.
Jake’s posture stiffens as he lifts his back away from the bedframe.
“It was alright,” you continue without opening your eyes.
“Alright?” you hear a hint of distaste in his tone.
“Wasn’t as good as he said it would be.”
“Then he did it wrong,” Jake responds flatly.
You open your eyes minutely. “You don’t even know what it is.”
Jake is watching you soberly. “I don’t have to know.”
You shrug. “Guess I won’t know until I do it with someone else. To compare, you know?”
Jake cringes. “What will it take for you to shut up and go to sleep?”
You chuckle. “Why does it bother you so much?”
“It’s gross,” he responds curtly. “Anyway, forget about that loser. You’re obviously never gonna see him again.”
“Why not?”
“What do you mean, ‘why not’?”
“I’ll probably see him tomorrow.”
Jake stands up briskly. “Are you kidding me? He abandoned you at some random house party!”
“So? He was just pissed about losing to a girl. He’ll get over it.”
Jake puts his hands on his hips. “You shouldn’t.”
You gaze up at him sleepily. “It’s fine, Jake. He’ll call and apologize.”
Jake shakes his head. “Don’t you dare consider seeing him again.”
You grimace. “You can’t tell me what to do.”
“I can if you’re gonna be stupid about it.”
You grit your teeth. “Are you calling me stupid?”
“If you're gonna be seeing him again, then yeah. Very much.”
You seethe. “Well, maybe you're rubbing off on me.”
Jake stares at you coolly. “Very mature.”
You roll your eyes and turn away to face the wall. “Go to hell.”
Jake spins on his heel and heads for the door. “Whatever,” he grumbles, flicking off the light and slamming the door behind him.
“What the fuck is your problem?” you call after him, scrambling out of the bed and stumbling haphazardly to the door. “Why are you such a dick?” you yell, opening your door.
Jake gives you a harsh look from the top of the staircase. “You’re going to continue dating that shithead after all these red flags?” he shouts back. “Your brother told you to be careful!” he continues, pointing an accusing finger at you.
“Maybe I am being careful!”
Jake scowls, shaking his head. “It doesn’t sound like it.”
“Stop judging me!”
Jake exhales steadily as he tries to regain his composure. Then, he begins descending the stairs.
“Where are you going?” you say.
“Home,” he replies brusquely.
“I thought you were staying,” you say, making your way toward the stairs as he disappears down the corridor.
“You’re fine,” you hear him say.
You start down after him but, when the curve of the stairs starts to coil right before your eyes, you gasp and cling onto the banister for dear life.
Instantly, you hear Jake running back toward the staircase from the front hall. He arrives at the foot of the stairs and breathes a sigh of relief seeing that you’re still upright. “Why are you following me?” he asks aggressively, climbing back up the stairs, taking three at a time.
“I don’t want you to go,” you say desperately, sinking down onto the step you’re standing on.
When Jake reaches you, he kneels down, placing a hand on your leg and another on your arm as though he’s afraid you might lose your balance again, even as you’re sitting. He lets out a wavering breath. “Are you insane? You could’ve broken your neck,” he says.
You stare at the space between the two of you moodily. “I guess it’s just one poor decision after another,” you mutter irritably.
Jake sighs, brushing his hand over your bare thigh. “Tell me about it,” he says. You shoot him a dirty look and he gives you a tight smile. “I’ll stay, alright?”
You nod.
“Let’s get you back to bed,” he says, helping you to your feet. He leads you back to the bedroom in silence.
You aren’t sure exactly if the two of you have made up or if he’s just reluctant to leave because you’re being reckless. But, regardless, you’re relieved that he still cares enough about you to stay despite being angry.
Once you’re under the covers, he sits down on the edge your bed. “I don’t get it,” he says. “Why would you keep seeing this dumbass? You could do so much better.”
You sigh tiredly. The truth is, you weren’t entirely sure whether you’d ever talk to your boyfriend again. But Jake’s pushiness hit a nerve and you made your mind up out of spite. Now, you’re not really sure how to respond. “It’s just nice to be liked,” you finally say.
Jake lifts his eyebrows. “I like you.”
You shake your head. “Not like that, Jake. You know what I mean. It’s nice to feel…” you bite your lip, slightly more reserved now that you’re starting to sober up.
You shrug. “Wanted,” you finish sheepishly. When Jake furrows his eyebrows like an idiot, you decide to elaborate. “You know – physically. To feel like someone needs to have me. An all-encompassing, mind-altering desire that can’t be helped.” You stop talking as Jake’s blinking eyes go round in his shock and decide to omit the fact that you basically just want someone to hunger for you the way you do for him.
Jake grimaces. “That jackass makes you feel this way?” he asks.
You purse your lips, realizing that you’ve never actually noticed. “Not really,” you admit. “I mean, he wants sex, I know that much.”
Jake cringes, bringing a hand to his forehead and rubbing at his brow. “I swear to god, if you mention your sex life one more time, I’m going to throw myself out your window.”
You snort. “You’re so dramatic,” you respond, repeating his own words from earlier in the night.
Jake turns around and lowers his back onto your bed to lie down next to you over the covers. He puts his hands over his chest, looking up at the ceiling. “I know it’s not my place,” he says, and then turns his head to look at you, his face barely six inches from yours. “But I am begging you, please dump his sorry ass.”
You sigh, contemplating his request.
“Trust me, sweet cheeks,” he adds. “You've got options.”
Read Part 7
Hangman Tag List:
The rest of the list will be in the comments! Please let me know if you don't want to be tagged anymore.
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Kung Fu Panda Villains x Reader || Drabbles
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Plot / Includes: The common theme is tea XD
General Kai x Immortal!Reader: After coming back to the living plain as a spirit warrior, Kai’s first stop is to find you, an immortal ex-lover. Will you be happy to see him, though??
Lord Shen x ChildhoodFriend!Reader: You make Shen some tea because he’s always so uptight, and you crave a nice moment with him ^^
Tai Lung x Reader: The first thing Tai Lung does after escaping prison is visit you, his girlfriend/boyfriend/romantic partner from before he was imprisoned- and you’ve been waiting for him ^^
Annnnd, this is my first attempt at writing any of these guys, so I’m sorry if they aren’t quite right!
Warnings: I guess Tai gets a little frisky with you? But not really XD He’s just happy to see you!! XD
General Kai:
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… A spirit warrior. This man leaves you for war, starts stealing peoples chi, doesn’t come back for 5 hundred years- and when he finally does come back, he is something called a spirit warrior??
You are deeply unamused. And he knows it- how could he not? You are standing in your doorway looking up at him with a scowl on your lips. He better be intimidated.
“So… “Your voice is as cold as ice, eyes narrowing in distaste as he rubs the back of neck in nervousness at your reaction to him after all these years. Not because he is nervous, but because he has the good sense to look it. “how did it go??”
“Wh- uh… the war??”
“Well, I um… Oogway banished me to the spirit realm… “
“I heard… “
“Oh, you know. So- uh- you know, that’s why I haven’t been around… not that I didn’t wanna see you, or forgot you or, or anything… “
“Uhuh… “
“Look, can I come in?” He suddenly snaps, dropping his large arms to his sides and moving in closer to you, letting go of the façade of nervousness. “I got other places to be.”
“Oh! You have other places to be??” Immediately Kai realises he has said the wrong thing, when you light up like this. “Great! Go there!”
Then you slam the door in his face. You think he was so close that it knocked his nose- you hope that it knocked his nose. You stay by the door just long enough to hear him grunt on the other side, before sweeping off further into your house to start forgetting he came at all. You spent over 500 years missing him, he can’t just come back one day and treat you like a stop along the way.
Also- what he did, what he is no doubt still trying to do, is unforgiveable. And you refuse to be party to it. No way.
When your door literally flies off the hinges behind you, slamming into the ground with a huge, loud THUD, you whip around with wide eyes and take in a deep breath- ready to yell at this bastard for knocking down your goddamn door-
But he strolls on in, breaking your door further when he steps on it, and holds a hoof up to your face- silencing you. “Y/N… Come on, lets just talk about this.” As you stay completely silent then, Kai takes the opportunity to soften a little bit, using those bovine eyes on you in that way he knows used to make you melt once upon a time. “I missed you.”
… damnit, it still has an effect on you. Not quite the same effect, you’re still holding together - you’re still pissed, - , but that little part of you that was there since you saw him today that desperately wants to accept him back- get a little bit louder.
Now, you can’t do that, you can’t just forgive him, but you can hear him out. On your terms, but… you can be okay with him being in your house… at least. You guess. So, straightening up, you brush his hoof out of your way with the back of your hand, relishing inwardly in the way his face drops at the motion, and head towards the kitchen.
“… fine. Fix that door and if you manage to do that before I finish the tea, you can have some. Deal?”
“I’m on it.”
Lord Shen:
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“Shen? I made tea, and thought you might want a cup before you leave?”
“Tea?... I don’t need your tea- “
“Agree to disagree. Sit down.”
This made Lord Shen look at you as if you grew 3 heads and shat on the rug for a good long moment, but you don’t remove your gaze from his even though he’s scary, and after a few moments, he narrows his eyes at you and sits down on the other side of the mat. Success-
“Just a sip.” He tells you, in that hushed voice of his that can be goddamn terrifying depending on what you’ve done, as he picks up a cup in is wing. “I’ve never had tea from you, before… Wonder if it’ll be palatable.” He thinks out loud, half to himself and half to bother you, peering into the cup.
Oh, now- Rolling your eyes, you raise a cup to your own lips, feeling the warmth in your hands, and nod to him. Go on. “Well only one way to find out.” You’ve known Shen for a long time now, you grew up together, so his meanness doesn’t do quite the same thing to you as it does to others. Also, you’ve always been rather resilient, and a little naïve. No matter how hard someone may try to convince you, you cant truly believe that Shen is evil. Evil doesn’t really exist, and if it does then surely it has worse things to do then live inside Shen.
You feel like people calling him evil is just an easy way for them to compartmentalize, and you would rather know him. Which you do. That’s how you kept up eye contact with this insane bird-
“Right… “
As you take a sip yourself, and feel the warm liquid slide down your throat and fill your insides with lovely heat, you wait patiently for Shen to do the same. It takes him a moment, scowling at you as you drink your tea, before he lets out a dramatic sigh and tries it himself. “Alright, alright.” You watch his pretty face change, no longer does it look like he smelt something awful- it actually looks… surprised. Vaguely pleasantly surprised, as a matter of fact, as he looks back into the cup. “… hm.”
“Hmm?~ “
“Its… well, I’m not dead.”
“Did you really think it would kill you, Shen? That I would try to kill you?” You deadpan, but raise your brows expectantly when he raises his eyes to you.
… He pauses. “… well- “
“You’re right, you wouldn’t have what it takes, would you? No… “ Smirking, Shen takes another sip of his tea. “Thank you, though. This tea is remarkably edible.”
… sighing, you roll your eyes look away as you take another sip yourself. “Thanks. You’re welcome.”
Shen steals your attention again, though, as he drains the last of his tea and holds out the cup to you, an oddly adorable - yet still crazy, - expression on his face. Soft, and almost pleading. “… Can I have some more, then?” His voice, of course, is still terrifying.
A slow grin spreads across your face. “… I thought you were on your way out?”
“Oh shut up, and pour me some tea.”
Tai Lung:
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“Y/N!” A familiar voice yells, banging at your front door.
“Tai??” You ask, wide eyed and shocked as you pull the door open and see him standing there.
“Y/N.” He says again, unbelievable and desperate relief in his tone as he pulls you against his chest in the warmest hug you’ve ever experienced- well, since you last saw him. 20 years ago. He breathes in at your head, taking as much of your scent as he can. As he breathes out, he releases a growl, but it is not an unhappy one- its full of comfort. When he speaks, his voice pitters into a bit of whine, at the end. “It’s been too long… “
You just squeeze him closer to you, burying your face in his shoulder and closing your eyes. Its unbelievable to you that he’s here, with you again. How did he get out?? You don’t even care. You don’t even care if he should be out, or what he’s going to do now that he is, you just want to stay here tucked away in him, listening to his heartbeat and holding on to it.
After a few minutes, though, you begin to get nervous someone will see him and call someone- and he would be taken away again- so, sniffing, you pull back gently, and flash him a warm smile; nodding inside. “Do you- do you want some tea??”
Still holding onto your hands/the ends of your wings/paws/etc, his paws being so much larger than what you have, he keeps you close to his body and warmly grins. “I don’t want to let you go, little one.”
“You don’t have to.”
“Alright then.”
You lead him inside and he closes the door behind you both, and while you’re pouring the water into the kettle he wraps his arms around your body from behind and sets his head on top of yours, curling his tail around one of your legs as well. He purrs.
After you set the kettle over the fire Tai Lung sits himself down on one of your kitchen chairs - again, not letting go of your hand/wing/paw/etc at all for even a moment, - before urging you onto his lap where he wraps himself back around you again. “I’ve missed you… “He growls into your hair. “So much, little one… I thought about you, in there, you know… all about you… “
“Oh, I’m assuming you thought about other things, too… “You reply, rolling your eyes, though still very much happy he’s here. Other things, like the scroll… dragon warrior… Shifu… escape…
Chuckling against you, and brushing his tail against you, Tai nods. “Yes, but when I was thinking of you… “ He suddenly squeezes your waist in his paws, making you yelp. “You were the only thing, on my mind… “
“Hmm,” You just him, leaning your head on his chest.
After a few more moments of blessed enjoyment of each other’s company, each other’s touch and warmth, Tai speaks up again. This time, there is a hint of nervousness in his voice that causes you to lift off of his chest in order to watch his face; Concerned. “Were you… uh, I mean, have you… “ Sighing, he looks away for a moment and gathers himself. Then looks back, serious. “Is there anyone else?... “
The look on his face is saying that he wouldn’t blame you, if their were. You were without him for a long, long time. And he would prefer you be happy, with someone else… then depressed, and alone. It would hurt him… but he loves you.
It tells you that you made the right decision in waiting all this time.
With a small, sad smile, you shake your head at him. “I promised you- I would wait. I’m yours, Ta- Ah!“ He kisses you then like he cant help it, growling into your mouth.
When he pulls back, his paw on your jaw, theirs a pleased grin on his face- but unbelievably fond look in his yellow eyes. “… I’m yours too, Y/N.”
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goosewriting · 1 year
Hello! I loved your "baby 🥺" fic and was wondering if we could get a version of it but with Donnie?
Another bebe?🥺 (rottmnt Donnie x reader)
summary: a turtle baby suddenly appears in the lab, and she looks suspiciously a lot like Donnie
relationship: Rise!Donnie x GN reader
warnings: none, just fluff!, soft Donnie
word count: 2k
A/N: the moment everyone's been waiting for lol this time Donnie gets better lab equipment xD
More “Baby 🥺” versions: Leo | Raph | Donnie (you’re here) | Mikey
(english is not my first language. constructive criticism and grammar corrections are very appreciated!)
— — —
Donnie was in his lab, because where else would he be? He was jamming to some EDM music in the background while tinkering with some project of his. You sat in front of him, starting to get bored. He had invited you over to show you his latest masterpiece, but it hadn’t worked yet, so now he was trying to fix the issue. Which according to him would be a quick fix, but he had been at it for over half an hour now, cursing under his breath.
“You better leave all the tools how you found them,” he said without looking up, as he could hear the light clattering.
“I know your system,” you reassured him. “You've explained it in great detail several times, don’t you worry.”
“Then, can you pass me the screwdriver, please?” he asked, stretching out his hand in your direction.
You reached out to pick it up from the box but it fell from your hand, rolling over the edge of his work table. You flinched slightly, ready for the clatter it would make as it fell onto the floor, since that screwdriver was modified by Donnie and particularly heavy. But the sound never came. Instead you heard more of an electrical zap and a whoosh.
Taking a couple of steps to get around the table, you saw that there was a hole on the floor where the screwdriver would have been. It was circular, formed by several zapping rays of a yellow-ish glow. You couldn't see through it, but it was clear that the tool fell in there. You merely blinked at the sight in front of you, unable to say anything.
Not getting a response from you, Donnie also moved from his spot, leaving his work on the table, and walked over, now standing in front of you on the other side of… whatever that was. 
“Huh,” is all that he said.
“What is that?” you asked after a moment. “And why are you not alarmed?”
Donnie scoffed. 
“It’s obvious it's some kind of portal,” he explained, turning around to his wall of machinery, tapping something on this brace device.
You raised your hands and eyebrows in a ‘well, sorry I didn’t immediately recognise it as such’ gesture, even though he had his back to you.
“I need to analyse it,” Donnie informed you as he turned around. “Better get a little further back just in case–”
Suddenly the screwdriver appeared again, coming out straight out of the portal, a tiny turtle hand attached to it.
You both stood in silence and shock, watching how a little turtle tot climbed out the portal carrying the heavy tool, finally getting to sit on the floor with a huff. The baby had a little ribbon tied to her head, which hung a little askew because of her efforts. She looked at you with a smile, then at Donnie, and squealed in glee, holding out the screwdriver with both hands towards him, as if offering it to him.
Then the portal zapped loudly, and shut closed. The little turtle seemed unfazed by this, still waiting for Donnie to react.
Donnie opened and closed his mouth several times but no words came out. You approached the baby and  crouched down next to her.
“H-hey there, little one,” you greeted her, and she cooed. “Where did you come from, hm?”
You took the screwdriver from the little hands, placing it on the table, and picked up the baby in your arms. 
“Huh, look at you, aren't you cute?”, you said as you inspected her chubby cheeks and big eyes. “What’s your name?”
The baby cooed and babbled as you moved the ribbon up her head to where you thought it was meant to sit. You fixed your grasp on the turtle to carry her better against your hip, in the process stroking over her back with your hand, and your brows raised at the sensation.
“Donnie look,” you pointed out to him. “She has a soft shell, just like you!”
You turned back to him and he was still in shock, unmoving. But you had been with him long enough to pick up on the tiny changes in his face to read them. Given the twitch of the corner of his mouth, you knew his mind was not only racing, but he already had a plausible hypothesis for this situation.
“Spit it out, Don,” you said with an amused sigh. “You already know what happened, right?”
“I think I do,” he answered. 
Donnie approached you and the baby, guiding you to a different part of the lab, where he instructed you to place her in a little open chamber, which you knew he used to analyse materials. You tilted your head at his request.
“Do you really need to know her molecular composition to tell she's a turtle like you?” you deadpanned. 
“I just want to know for sure if she’s who I think she is–”
“Whoa!” came a voice from behind you suddenly. “You two sure work fast!”
You both turned around to see Leo, Mikey and Raph at the entrance of the lab.
“We leave to get food and you already had a baby?” Leo joked. 
Heat spread on your face, burning on your cheeks. 
“We- Wha-??” you stumbled over your words. The baby in your arms squealed in glee, apparently very on board with Leo’s comment.
“That’s not how it works, Leo,” Mikey said, grabbing his brother by the shoulder. “Babies aren't made in labs, they–”
“Yeah, they grow in a cabbage,” Raph interjected. “Everyone knows that.”
You all went silent. 
“I’m obviously joking!” Raph called, Leo and Mikey erupting in laughter.
While you were busy trying to get your heated cheeks under control and everyone was making fun of Raph, Donnie had taken the little turtle from your arms and placed her into the chamber. He left the front panel open so she wouldn't feel trapped.
There was a loading bar on his screen, labelled „retrieving genetic material“. The bar progressed fairly quickly and after a couple of seconds the message appeared: „Analysis successful: Congrats, it‘s a girl!“ accompanied by the sound of a party blower, and followed by some caricatures of you and Donnie's faces surrounded by confetti.
At that, the laughter died down and all eyes fell on you. 
“Oh my god, called it!” Leo exclaimed.
“Shut up,” you told him, but the embarrassment in your voice didn’t make it sound particularly stern. “Donnie, clearly that's not possible, right?”
As you asked this, you turned around to see the turtle in question averting his eyes, a bit tensed up with his shoulders slightly raised, and hands curled into fists. Under his mask you could see a furious blush reaching to his neck.
“Eh?” is all you managed to mutter out.
“Clearly she came from a different timeline or dimension, but…” Donnie started, bringing up his hands to his face to try and hide from you. “Yeah, it's true.”
Letting out a shaky sigh, he picked up the little turtle, who had been following the whole exchange with great interest, looking from one person to the other. Donnie then moved to sit where he had been earlier, at the table, with the little turtle on his lap, looking lost in thoughts.
You shooed the other three out of the room, much to their dismay, to get a moment alone with Donnie. He was being a bit uncharacteristically quiet and … non-rambly, science-wise.
Grabbing your chair, you brought it to the other side of the table to sit next to him. Meanwhile, the baby turtle had discovered Donnie’s abandoned project on the table and her focus shifted completely to it. From his lap she could reach properly and started investigating the device. Donnie didn't seem to mind at all, which was sounding yet another alarm in your head. Instead of reprimanding the smaller turtle to leave his things alone, as you would have expected, he watched with soft eyes how she skillfully turned the device in her little hands, babbling to herself as if trying to make sense of his contraption.
“Is… everything okay?” you asked softly, placing your hand on his arm.
“I’m just…” Donnie took a moment to find the right word. “Stunned, I guess.” 
“How so?” 
“I’ve tried imagining this a couple of times,” he started, scratching the back of his neck, then clicked his tongue. “Scratch that, I think about this all the time.”
“About what?” you questioned, and your heart skipped a beat; does he mean what you think he means?
“You’re really gonna make me say it out loud,” he mumbled, lifting his eyes to meet yours, then heaved a deep sigh. “About us. What life will be like with you by my side.”
He then gestured to the little turtle still tinkering with the device.
“And about having kids, apparently.”
“Y-you think about our future together?” you said almost in disbelief, your chest tightening at his confession.
“Of course I do,” he responded immediately. “I can't really imagine a future without you in it. O-only if you want to stay, that is.”
“Obviously I want to!” you said and held his hand. You were leaning in, about to give him a kiss, when the turtle tot exclaimed in glee. And you could have sworn it sounded like she was trying to say “eureka”.
Before Donnie could stop her, she detached two cables, turned the thing around and connected them on the opposite side. You three looked at it expectantly to do something, but nothing was happening, so she gave it a smack with a grunt, and that's when the lights went on and it started whirring.
“No way! You fixed it?” Donnie exclaimed happily and held the baby under her armpits, lifting her up, to which she cooed and blew a raspberry.
With a smile, you leaned your head on your hand, propped up on your elbow on the table.
“Well, it’s no wonder she’s smart,” you spoke. “She’s got good genes, after all.”
Donnie’s gaze came to meet yours and he smiled as well, one of his rare soft ones, and your heart started racing all over again. 
Just as you were about to ask what you should do with her, there was some zapping behind you, the same zapping you had heard from the portal earlier. 
“Donnie is gonna kill meee,” came a familiar voice as a figure crossed through the portal into the lab, and you couldn’t believe your eyes: it was an older version of Mikey.
When he spotted the baby in Donnie’s arms, his shoulders slumped visibly in relief.
“You little rascal!” Mikey scolded her. “I look away for three seconds and you go off running!”
The baby stuck out her tongue at him, trying to hide behind Donnie’s arm.
“Heh, looks like brains aren't the only thing she inherited from you,” you tell Donnie with a mischievous grin.
“Whatever could you be implying,” he remarked sarcastically.
Mikey went to pick up the baby but she cried out, her arms doing a grabby motion towards you, and you could feel your heart tightening a bit at the sight.
“Hey now, it’s okay, little one,” you tried comforting her as you held her tiny hands. “We’ll see each other again, I’m sure.”
Donnie tensed up his jaw as the baby was taken from him, and you couldn’t help the sad smile on your face. Mikey shot you an apologetic look, and turned back towards the portal.
“This never happened, we were never here,” he said over his shoulder with a wink, and stepped through the whirls. 
The portal zapped closed again, and not a second later three heads peeked into the lab through the door.
“Is everything alright?” Raph asked.
“We heard voices just now, was someone here?” Leo questioned as he looked around. 
“Where's the baby?!” Mikey said, bringing his hands to his head.
“It’s okay,” you calmed them down. “She's back where she's supposed to be.”
Donnie’s hand came to hold your own under the table.
“We’ll see her again,” he promised, more to you than the others. “Hopefully soon.”
And then you knew the heat that prickled your cheeks probably wasn’t gonna leave any time soon.
🐥 taglist: [more info in my pinned post!] ( i really hope i got everyone! ) @hearteyedracoon, @maribatshipper, @whygz, @lovelylovelydreams, @o0-starboy-0o, @xnorthstar3x, @yarabutterfly, @isometimeswritestuff, @spacelesbianfanclub, @lieutenantlashfaz, @dybynyght, @snipersiniora, @je-m-appelle-yam, @lunar-lover1, @normal-internet-user
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wildestdreamsblog · 1 month
Latibule Spinoff: Elysian
Pairing: Doctor/Mafia!Kim Seokjin x Intern!Reader 
Warnings: Yandere behavior, Possessiveness, Manipulative behavior, If you’re not 18+ please, PLEASE, do not interact. Be mindful of the warnings. Let me know if I miss anything.
A/N: if this ain't the most unserious hiatus ever XD
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Masterlist, Part IV of __
“If you know in one glimpse it’s legendary…what we thought was for all time was momentary…”
You tilted your head to the side as you watched the young man mumbled the lyrics to a song, his head resting on his forearm on the table. He was holding the glass of soju on his other. His voice had a certain melodic tone in it, and you were certain that he could be a singer had he wanted to. But now, he was a man that was too drunk to sit straight.
“Still alive killing time at the cemetery. Never quite buried…”
You blinked from your seat across him before turning to the doctor beside you who was busy grilling meat. Kim Seokjin appeared to not be bothered by how his brother was acting, only flashing you a smile when he saw you looking at him. He added another one on the pile of grilled meat he kept on placing on your plate. Meanwhile, Jungkook’s was almost gone and Seokjin still prioritized your plate over his.
You leaned closer, your voice barely a whisper amidst the din of the restaurant. "Is he going to be okay?" you asked, your gaze never leaving Jungkook's slouched form as he continued to sing. The noise inside the tented restaurant made it harder for him to hear you. It was like he wasn’t thinking too hard for the first time since you came barging in his life as he leaned down his head to hear you, his ear almost touching your lips from his proximity.
This seemed right, he thought, to be near you. It was like he was finally following his urges, letting his control slip for just a little for you.
And for the second time that night, your heart beat so loud it was a miracle that he couldn’t hear it, or that you didn’t go into cardiac arrest.
You cleared your throat before repeating your question. “He’s singing Taylor Swift’s new song. The album only came out this morning and it seems like he already memorized it…Is he okay?”
Seokjin looked up to watch his brokenhearted brother who was now unstealthily stealing meat from your plate, unaware of both your eyes on him. “Talking rings and talking cradles………I wish I could unrecall-“
Jungkook sniffed before eating the meat. It would have been hilarious to watch the tears falling from his eyes as he chewed, except that he looked like a child that was abandoned by the way his lips were pouted. The tattoos and the lip piercing did nothing to make him less endearing. You thought he was really just a charming person. But now he was just sad, as though he lost something he could never get back.
“-how we almost had it all.”
And then cue the endless tears.
Seokjin sighed, his eyes trained on the younger man he claimed to have raised on his own since he was thirteen. It was rare to see him cry. He always toughed it out, always had this innate need to prove himself to his older brothers despite the repeated assurance they gave him that they were tough so he wouldn’t need to. But he was stubborn. And in turn, he became a hardened man, a no-nonsense CEO and a violent leader of the underworld.
Well, until he married her. Suddenly, the sun seemed to have finally shone on his world. Seokjin could remember how happy and giddy Jungkook looked when he put the ring on her finger. He could remember how excited he was to come home to her everyday, even going as far as telling them how wonderful she was, or that cute thing she did for him, or how her cooking was the best he ever had.
Spoiler alert, though, she was the worst cook. She didn’t know that there was a distinct difference between a sugar and a salt, and no, just because they looked the same didn’t mean that they tasted the same.
See what love did to Jeon Jungkook, the pickiest person when it came to food?
Well, until she left.
“It’s not his birthday today,” Seokjin finally answered. “And eat. You’re far too thin.”
“Excuse me! I’m not!”
“Uhuh,” he said as he rolled his eyes. “Are you even eating three times a day?”
“Wh- well. N-no! Who has the time?” you sputtered, cheeks warming up from the attention you were getting from him.
He raised his brows at that before pointedly looking at your plate, making a mental note to ensure that your schedule from now on wouldn’t be so tight that you forgot to eat. Or better yet, he would personally visit the head of your department to berate him for not ensuring your well-being!
“And what do you mean that it’s not his birthday?”
 “It’s his wedding anniversary today.”
Huh? Your eyes automatically went to his ring finger, only to find a tattoo that you didn’t notice before. It was a name. You thought that he must have been so in love to have permanently etched his wife’s name on his skin. However, another question popped in your mind.
“Then why is he here instead of with her?”
“She left her more than a year ago. He doesn’t know where she is right now.”
Your heart went out to the young man. He seemed to be so heartbroken evident from his tears and the sadness in his doe eyes. He was too young to be this sad, you thought. Seokjin’s eyes were on you as you looked at Jungkook. You were so soft, he thought. You wore your emotions on your sleeves, genuine concern etched on your face and he couldn’t help but marvel at your capacity for compassion despite only meeting him today.
“That’s so sad. No wonder he’s crying his heart out,” you mumbled, reaching out to pat the younger man’s broad back in display of silent support. “I don’t know how anyone can carry it.”
He nodded, “I don’t think I’ll ever have to know.”
You blinked owlishly at his statement. And when you turned to him, his eyes were dark. He was now looking at the glass of soju, twirling the liquid contents slowly.
“Why?” you asked what you shouldn’t have.
He smirked before drinking. His movements were languid before turning his dark and cold eyes to you. “Because, sunshine, I don’t think I have it in me to allow my wife to leave me.”
That should have been your first warning.
And to Kim Seokjin, that was his first warning to himself.
He didn’t avoid you. No.
But for the following week, he was distant. He smiled at you when he saw you, but other than that, he did not engage. He greeted you when you greeted him, but other than that, he claimed to have an urgent appointment every time.
See, one step forward was two steps backward when it came to him, you thought. And perhaps, it was for the better. Had this progressed beyond a harmless crush, you would have been hurt. You would only bring him down with you. So for the next days, you threw yourself at work, saying yes to whatever assistance your colleagues needed, even going as far as offering your help to their research.
What? It was an overtime which equated to overtime pay!
That was what you reasoned to yourself, and nope, it was not because you were avoiding excess time to think about that handsome doctor.
Perhaps, what deviated in your work was the amount of free meals the department was getting. It even came to the point was when you didn’t go out of the office for lunch, the department head himself went in and demanded you to eat. You were confused as you followed him out and wondered why he looked a bit terrified. Other than that, you week was calm.
This was good, you convinced yourself as you waited in line for your turn to order, less time with him meant that whatever crush you had for him would die a natural death. You certainly weren’t hurt that your last interaction meant nothing to him when he claimed to have wanted you there with him. You nodded to yourself as you thought that Seokjin looked like a walking heartbreak just waiting to happen.
“Come on, just admit you like her! Why else would you reallocate the budget to cater the food for their department?!”
Seokjin rolled his eyes at his Doctor Seong-min and his obnoxious voice. The two doctors decided to step out for the afternoon to grab a decent coffee. He shifted impatiently in line, silently willing the people ahead him to order faster so he could physically separate himself from his colleague and escape the conversation. He had yet to forgive him for almost getting the coffee his sunshine got for him.
Wait, what?!
See, this was why he needed coffee!
“I heard our branch in the far province desperately needs a resident surgeon. Maybe you want to transfer there?” he asked quietly, the tone of threat not even hidden as he smiled at the man. The mention of transferring to a far-flung province was a thinly veiled threat, one that Seong-min knew Seokjin was all too capable of carrying out if pushed far enough.
“Damn, dude. Chill. If you don’t like her, just say so. I’m just 307% sure that you do-“
“We can’t have doctors that are bad at math! What do you mean 307%?!-“
“Oh, is it 400% now?” he blinked innocently at the man who was berating him, his voice increasing and his ears reddening from his emotions. It was fun to see him like this, Seong-min noted. He was always calm and collected even in the face of emergencies. Seokjin seemed to always know what to do in every situation, and now, one mention of your name and he became like this.
With a forced smile, Seokjin turned to face Seong-min, his voice low and tinged with frustration. "I don't know what you're talking about," he muttered, though the denial rang hollow even to his own ears.
Seong-min merely chuckled, unfazed by Seokjin's attempt at deflection. "Come on, Jin. It's written all over your face," he teased, leaning in closer as if sharing a secret. "You can't fool me.”
He glared at him and Seong-min felt a shiver down his spine as though he was facing a dangerous person and not the peace-loving and hardworking doctor he knew since they were in university. “Fine! I just asked because my friend saw Doctor Y/N and asked me to set her up with him! I was just being a good friend to you-“
See, the mention of another man was what finally pushed him to the very edge and he could feel the fragile sanity of his breaking. However, what he didn’t expect from his genius brain was stupidity.
“Seong-min, are you even using your brain? Why would I, the perfect and genius Doctor Kim Seokjin, ever like someone as bland as her? I have taste. And she could never reach my taste in women. She’s not the same stature as me. She’s so far below me that it’s embarrassing to even insinuate that I feel something for her. Besides, I only entertain her because she’s funny-“
Seong-min’s eyes went in front as the line moved, and it was because of you.
With the steaming cup of hot coffee in your hand, you turned to them. You didn’t say anything. You just watched as Seokjin continued his tirade, completely unaware of your presence, adding lashes to your heart and ego.
God, you were so embarrassed. How could you have thought that he was anything but a rich man who looked down at people beneath him? How could he hurt you where it hurts?
“Honestly, the least she could do is to move faraway from me. She’s nothing-“
It was only when Seong-min pushed his shoulder that he finally noticed you and your tear-filled eyes. He blinked repeatedly as though he was just starting to understand of your presence here, that you were not just a figment of his worst nightmare came to life.
He called for you.
He knew he did.
But instead, you stalked away from him as you tried to salvage whatever was left of your dignity.
“Seriously, Seokjin, you’re an idiot,” Seong-min said, shaking his head in disdain. Seokjin had no choice but to agree.
He was the biggest idiot.
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alexa-fika · 1 month
Heyo, how are you? I’m not sure if you celebrate it, but hope you had a great Easter? Would you write another Dokucha story where she’s the daughter of Mihawk and being very secretive whenever she goes somewhere. One day, Mihawk follows her (Crocodile and Buggy follow him too, they’ve got nothing better to do xD) which is easier said than done. She’s very smart (after all she’s Mihawk’s daughter) and tries to make sure not to be followed. Once they find her, they can’t understand what they walked into. Humandrills, Bananawanis, Kung-Fu Dugongs, and many more other animals are living in a secret place together and getting along, and especially, they all love her so so much. Together with her animal family they’re taking care of a wounded Sea King. Buggy is ready to leave the place and never come back, too many fearsome creatures for his taste and Crocodile and Mihawk are just at a loss for words (now Crocodile knows where his pets went, she doesn’t like that he uses them for battles and such, she loves their company and would never want any harm to come to them). Once they sense the three men, all the animals start to become hostile towards them ready to protect Dokucha at all cost.
The Scaly and furry ( mihawk x f!child!reader x crocodile)
A/N I DID IT GUYS AFTER SO LONG I FINALLY DID IT. I din’t have any idea on how to integrate buggy so he kinda got missed out. But here we are another dracule!reader, reader is in ther middle childhood, so young but not a todler but also not a teen. But anyways thank you guys so much for waiting
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Mihawk narrows his eyes as once again his daughter had left in a hurry, leaving behind a poor excuse of wanting to explore the outside. His eyes flickering back to his co-worker as he pipes in
“If you’re that curious about what the brat is up to, we can simply follow her,” Crocodile huffs out, a cloud of smoke leaving his mouth as he spoke
It was easier said than done, seeing as his daughter had inherited haki from him, one she had harnessed under both his and Crocodile’s guidance. But it was still not on par with theirs, which made it possible for the two men to evade her detection, following her as she made her wave through the thick bushes until she arrived at a cove hidden away by trees and boulders.
She blinked, looking back
“I thought I felt something…” she murmured, turning back around smiling as she spotted one of her friends waiting for her at the entrance of a more secluded part of the cove.
“Hi Manny, I'm back!” She called to the Dugong, who made some aggressive punching movements her way as they both entered a more enclosed part of the cove
“I know, I’m sorry. Dad and Cruncle are getting suspicious, so it was harder to get this time,” the girl grumbles, letting out a squeak as she was suddenly lifted off the ground, relaxing when she recognized the presence.
“Enrique, you scared me,” she gasped, giggling when the human drill hugged her tighter
“I ‘m sorry; I know I was gone longer than normal; I'm back,” she said, smiling up at the ape that sat in the branches, letting low hoots as he put the girl down again
“I knew you cared, Enrique!”
A louder set of hoots and disgruntled noises left the Humandrill upon hearing this
“Tell yourself that, but I know you care!” She argued back to the growing cacophony of howls and screams, the occasional gecker leaving the ever-increasing group only to be stopped as Manny, now joined with his own group of dugongs, began emitting a series of whistles to get both of them on track
“Ah right, sorry,” she apologized, making haste to a blue hole deeper down the cove, smiling as a colossal beast surfaced when she kneeled next to it
“Hi Musa, how are they doing? I’m sorry it took me a bit, but I brought the medicine. Would you bring them up?” She spoke as she caressed the bananawani’s jaw, grinning when the latter let out a satisfied hiss as she sank back into the depths, returning accompanied both only by more of her kind but with a similar-sized beast being supported by their scaly bodies
She frowns at the Sea King’s state as they weakly glance at her, letting out a weak hiss in greeting
“Here, can you open your mouth?” Smiling when they complied, throwing the medication in their mouth
“You’re bigger, so I had to get a couple…hundred, but it sho-AH
Her words were caught up as, for the second time, she found herself airborne, this time; however, the culprit seemed to be a dusty mass dragging her feet in the air and dangling her upside down
As soon as this happened, as a switch being flicked, all the animals in the room became alert, aggresive, the bananawanis crawling out of the water and standing in front of her now dangling body. The dugongs and Humandrills stood in their own formations, preparing to fight the newcomers. Some of the human drills were quick to try to get the girl down, climbing through branches near her position, only to back down as the sand lashed out at them if they got too close
“It’s okay, guys, I know them,” she explains, trying to calm the growing tension in the cove
“Hi dad, hi Cruncle….what are you guys doing here?”
“I reckon we should be the ones asking that question,” Mihawk spoke, staring up at the girl
“What are you doing near them?” Crocodile growled as the creatures began to advance on them, as he flashed them with his haki in return, grinning when they backed away
“Wait, don’t hurt them! I can explain!” She hurried out
Mihawk quirked an eyebrow at that
“They’re my friends!” She chirps only to turn into a squeal as she is raised higher after a shared glance between the ex-warlords
“Dad!” She whined, a frown on her face
“Where did they come from?”
She pouts at that
“The human drills came with me from our old home, and we found the dugongs at the beach.”
Mihawk glances at Crocodile for confirmation on the latter, already knowing how likely it was for the apes to have followed them to the island, seeing how close they had grown in Kuragaina Island
“Dugongs are native to this area,” he confirms
He hums at that
“And the beasts?”
“I sneaked into Uncle’s gloomy room, and they were just there; they were lonely, so, I kind of, umm, let them go?”
Crocodile lets out a scoff at that
“They are huge predators, the only predators to sea kings, and you let them go because they looked lonely?”
“That’s what I just said, dummy.”
“Watch it brat.”
She sticks out her tongue at him in return
Mihawk rolled his eyes, walking closer to her
“What about the sea king?”
“It’s a baby! It got left by his pod, and he got really sick; he found them when me and Musa were out swimming, and we wanted to help them, well Musa wanted to eat them at first….”
“You are going to be the death of me,” he sighed, catching the child as Crocodile released the sand holding them up
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“So…can I come see them again?” She asked the men once they had departed from the cove, much to the chagrin of the animals
They glance at each other before Crocodile begins
“The banawani need to come back.” he started sending her a side glare when she began to protest
“They have a job to do; once they do their job, they are free to go and rendevous with you,” he states
“Job? Do they play with you too, Cruncle? Is their job to keep you company?”
He pauses at the scathing glare he receives from the swordsman, understanding it was better not to let the young girl know what the reptile’s actual job consisted of
“..They keep me company and help me with some cleaning.”
“Cleaning? Them?” She questions, trying to picture the crocodiles using their huge bodies to tidy up an office
“They get rid of the trash for me.”
“Oh! That sounds like Musa and the rest! They are always hungry,” she laughs
Mihawk nods his head, a silent sign of acknowledgment for the otherwise aloof man
“You have to let me know where you are actually going from now on, no more sneaking out. As long as you do that, you are allowed to continue your peculiar friendship group.”
“Thank you, dad!”
A moment of silence envelops the trio as they continue walking, only to be cut short by the girl once again
“Do you want to come to cuddle and play with them with me?”
“Worth a shot”
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Again thank you for all the kind words I got saying to take my time, and sorry I completely disregard your words cause LISTEN I WANT TO KEEP GIVEN YOU GUYYS
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crazyyluvr · 9 days
hi! Can I please please ask a kaz brekker x reader? I was thinking of reader being a blind heartrender. I headcanon blind grishas to have their abilities amplified, and a blind heartrender would be basically daredevil XD.
Thank you in advance for reading the request, I really loved six of crows!
I am the QUEEN of Hearts, Don't Tell Me Otherwise
pairing: kaz brekker x reader
summary: Having a blind Heartrender has its perks. For Kaz Brekker, having a blind Heartrender that can hear his heartbeat change around her has its disadvantages.
genre: fluff
wc: 3.4k
content: reader is blind, fem!reader with she/her prns, violence (some torture), reading is a bit clumsy, kaz's heart speeds up a lot
note: OMG I LOVE THIS IDEA <33 tysm for requesting anon. i hope this layout is fine, i just wanted to try something different. sorry if it's kinda bad, i wrote it in one sitting LMFAO. either way, hope u enjoy!!
oneshot under the cut :: not edited
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1. You didn't need your eyes to see.
It was very useful in heists to have someone who knew that someone was walking towards them without having to actually see them. Being blind somehow enhanced your hearing and your touch on your Grisha powers, and that was why you could do a lot of things easier than other Heartrenders — even Nina — had difficulty with.
It was one of the main reasons why you stuck with Kaz when he had to crack a safe; you were basically his lookout.
"Someone's around three minutes out," you whispered to him, standing a few paces behind Kaz who was hunched over a safe. Your head was tilted to the side, your ears were focusing on a melody only you could hear.
"Scratch that, two minutes out, they're moving faster," you reported. "Are you almost done?"
Kaz focus on the complicated lock didn't break as he replied, "I need more time."
"Okay," You moved forward, hands in front of your thighs to guide you around the desk in front of you.
"Thirty seconds," You said, the heart beat of the approaching guard getting louder and louder. "How down?"
"Shut-eye," He replied.
You put your hand up in front of you.
The doorknob jingled a little, and you activated your power, drastically slowing the heartbeat of the guard before he could open the door. You heard a thud on the floor, and you knew that he was unconscious.
A few seconds later, the safe clicked open. Kaz reached in and grabbed the money that you came for. "You could have at least tried to soften his fall or something. Someone could have heard that."
You shook your head. "There's no one close enough to hear." You turned to Kaz's voice, a small smirk on your lips. "Besides, It's just the two of us. I didn't want to leave you alone, 'cause you'd miss me too much."
Kaz rolled his eyes. "Don't feed your ego. It's not a fitting sight for you."
You laughed a little. "Like you don't do that everyday."
You turned to get out of the room, opening to door to free yourself. The door opened halfway before it suddenly stopped, like it was blocked by something. You didn't expect the obstruction, which caused you to trip over something and fall to the floor with a loud bang on the wooden ground.
Kaz stood over you in concern. You had tripped over the unconscious guard's body. "I thought his body was facing the other way," you groaned.
Kaz didn't have time to reply before both of you heard shouts in the corridors. Looks like they could hear that. He used his cane to get hold of the back of your jacket and pulled you to your feet.
"Time to go!" You dusted yourself off, leaping over the body and speedwalking away from the thundering of more guards, Kaz right at your heels.
2. You could always tell if someone was distressed.
You didn't live in the Slat, since you preferred to have your own place away from the gang, but that didn't make you any less close to Jesper, Inej, Wylan, Nina, and Matthias. You visited the Crows often, whether it be in the Slat or Crow Club.
You knew how important getting together was to them, whether or not they'd admit it. In a life full of mistrust and traitors, it was hard to find a crowd that you could actually trust. Of course, your friends had their own secrets that they kept to themselves, like how you had your own, but being with them without the pressure of telling them those stories was precious.
You were able to loosen up around them, laugh with them without the fear of judgement or that these moments of vulnerability would be used against you.
Instead, you relied on them to just forget your current struggles as you talked about stupid things over drinks.
You also used it as a chance to check up on them. You couldn't see them but you could hear them. Being blind made you sharpen your hearing more, both with our without the use of your Grisha abilities.
You could tell when there was something bothering your friends, which is why you knew there was something bothering Wylan when you and your friends decided to share some drinks in the Crow Club.
Jesper was mid-argument with Nina about what came first: the chicken or the egg. Inej and Matthias were just listening to them, occasionally adding their own thoughts or laughing when either of the debaters made a particularly stupid point.
You noticed that Wylan wasn't talking as much as he normally did. You felt him fidgeting beside you, his arm or his leg twitching more than it usually does.
If those weren't enough of a sign that there was something weighing on his mind, then there was his heart that also proved that point. It never seemed to settle. His shallow breaths that occasionally came in huffs of frustration agitated the muscle in the middle of his chest, making it beat faster than normal.
"Hey," you whispered to him, breaking him out of his troubled trance. He looked at you curiously. "Are you okay?" You asked, your brows unknowingly furrowing in concern.
"I'm fine," Wylan said, smiling reassuringly.
You rolled your white eyes. "You do know that fake smiles won't work on the blind, right?"
Wylan's smile dropped, shocked. "How did you know I was smiling?"
"I didn't," you shrugged, taking a sip from your glass. "I just guessed. But seriously, is there something wrong? You seem more distressed."
Wylan sighed, leaning back in his chair. He looked around at your table, and when he confirmed that none of your companions were paying the two of you any mind, he answered truthfully. "My dad's still sending me letters."
"I hope you've burned those letters," you huffed, feeling your blood boil quietly at the mention of Wylan's horrible sperm donor. "He's just trying to provoke you, make you feel worthless."
"But —"
"Don't even try to tell me that you are worthless, Wylan," you said harshly, turning your head towards him despite your blank eyes not meeting his gaze, instead staring through him. That did nothing to lessen the defiance in them. "You may not be able to read, but who cares? I can read for you, Jesper can read for you. That's kind of the point of having friends, we'll make up for whatever you lack."
Wylan thought about it for a moment. You could tell that your words worked on him from the way his breaths eased and his heart steadied.
"Yeah..." A smile slowly spread on Wylan's lips, a genuine one this time. "Thanks."
"Anything to stop your very loud heartbeat from distracting me," you joked, making Wylan laugh.
Kaz watched the interaction from the bar, his eyes unreadable as he turned back to his drink, finishing it before heading upstairs without another word.
3. Lies couldn't hide from you.
Kaz swung his cane, the crow handle finding its mark on the man's knee, hitting it with a sickening crack. He cried out in pain, keeling over but not going that far due to his hands chained to the ceiling.
The man was a spy placed in the Dregs. You found him when you were having a private heist meeting and heard his heart lingering out the front door.
So now, you were both trying to find out who hired the traitor — well, more like Kaz was beating him up for answers while you served as his lie detector.
"Who are you working for?" Kaz said, repeating the question he's been drilling into the man for the past hour. Despite the way he was pathetically sobbing, he still refused to give up the name of his boss.
Not out of loyalty, but out of fear, you thought, taking note of the way his heart beat at a pace only set by fear. Fear not only for what Kaz could and would do to him, but also fear for what would happen if he gave Kaz what he wanted.
"Olek!" He cried. Kaz, blood splattered on his black vest that was exposed from his decision to abandon his coat for mobility, turned to you expectantly.
You shook your head. "Lie."
Kaz swung his cane again without hesitation, this time bringing hitting the man's chest. The man's scream in pain was worse than before.
Kaz probably broke a few ribs, you thought offhandedly, only flinching in disgust when you felt some of the blood from the man's mouth hit your cheek. You wiped it off immediately.
"I was telling the truth!" He yelled, sobbing. "I was telling the truth!"
Kaz used his cane to tilt the man's head up by the chin, forcing him to meet Dirtyhands' cruel stare. He would receive no mercy, as there was nothing that could be given in the first place.
"My Heartrender said you lied, so you lied," Kaz said through gritted teeth. "If she keeps saying otherwise, you will die for this boss of yours. Are you willing to give your life for someone who could care less about it?"
When he received no response other than cries, Kaz prepared to hit with his cane again.
"Karlos!" The man screamed, pausing Kaz mid-swing. "Karlos Drulak!"
Kaz didn't turn to you before you spoke, your smile heard in your voice behind him. "There's our answer."
Your satisfaction was mutual, as Kaz's shoulders let go of some of its tension as he straightened — well, as much as he could without relying on his bloodied cane. "Finally." He readjusted his gloves and turned around, limping away, only stopping to speak to you.
"Send him to the grave."
Your smile widened into a grin, your teeth flashing in the lamplight. "With pleasure."
Kaz left you to your business, the screams of terror fading into the night as he went to the Slat to formulate a plan with the new information he'd just gained.
1. You didn't need your eyes to see him.
You always knew it was him.
Whether he would enter the Crow Club to find you drinking with Jesper, or he'd knock on your apartment door with an important matter in mind, or even just passing by him in a busy market despite the noise and the multiple heartbeats.
You always noticed him.
It bugged Kaz. He knew that no matter what other disguises he may put on, no matter whether or not he had his cane to tap on the tiles of the road or the wood of the Crow Club or the Slat, you always knew it was him.
He stood in front of your door, staring at the number in front of him. The plan for your heist the next day had undergone many changes, and he had to inform you of them.
He took a deep breath, raising his knuckles to knock.
"Come in, Kaz," you called, voice muffled from inside the apartment. It always happened when he popped by; he'd inhale, prepare to knock on the door, only for you to interrupt him and just tell him to go in.
He let out a quiet huff almost fondly. Of course she knew.
He opened the door, letting himself in. "You knew it was me." It was a question said as a statement. That's just how Kaz normally speaks when he's curious but wants to hide the fact that he's curious, but you could always tell the difference.
"Of course," you said, not looking up from your construction of your beverage. Your hands had eyes of their own, moving to the familiar spots of your condiments. "Your heartbeat."
"Everyone has their own, do they not?"
You laughed, meeting his jab with softness. "Yeah, they do, but none of them quite beat like yours."
Kaz's heart sped up a little at the words, and he knew that he couldn't hide it from you. Your knowing smirk just made him feel warmer.
2. You could always tell when he was distressed.
Kaz wasn' the only one who had access to unannounced appearances.
You made it a habit of appearing randomly in his office just like him visiting you in your apartment, but unlike Kaz, you sometimes came there just for his company, to just sit down on the spare chair in front of his desk and read or draw or whatever your mood makes you do. Neither of you say a word, but you could tell that he was also content with the arrangement.
You found Kaz seeming more distraught than usual, the normally steady beat of his heart thundering like a skittish horse that was cornered by unwanted oppressors.
Kaz didn't look up from his the papers on his desk when your signature knock reverberated in his space, or when you swung the door open to let yourself in.
"Is there something wrong?" You asked casually, approaching your seat and sinking into it. There was something oddly comforting about the hard wood resting on your back, like an anchor in an unknown sea.
Kaz tilted his head to look at you, eyebrows raised. "What makes you think there's something wrong."
You playfully waved your hand in Kaz's general area. "You gave off a distraught aura the moment I stepped into the room."
Kaz scoffed, making you smile. That was the closest thing you'd get to a laugh from him.
You let your playful persona slip as your face blanked, your white eyes staring at him seriously. "Kruge for your thoughts?"
Kaz studied you for a moment, before leaning back in his chair with a sigh. He ran a gloved hand through his slightly messy hair in frustration. "Per Haskell gave away one of two of our storage units for twelve thousand kruge."
Your eyebrows shot up in shock. "Just twelve thousand?"
"Exactly," Kaz huffed. "I'm trying to get it back, but the buyer's refusing. They haven't even moved in yet, and I already told them I can return the money they gave."
Kaz intertwined his fingers with each other, thinking deeply.
His dilemma also put your brain to work, shuffling through the possible solutions.
"Who bought it?" You asked.
"Karlos Drulak," Kaz said. The name sounded familiar to you.
You snapped your fingers, pointing to Kaz's left side. Kaz lifted his cane and moved your finger to point directly at him like you intended.
"Ah thank you," you said before continued. "He's the one who hired the other dude! The one who infiltrated the Dregs."
Kaz perked up slightly at the memory. How could that have slipped from his mind?
"Do you think that him buying our unit can be related to his unknown issue with us?" You wondered aloud.
"That's certainly a possibility," Kaz hummed.
You grinned. "See? Your heartbeat has already slowed."
You stood up, hefting the book you never opened in the office with you. "Well, I'll leave you to your thoughts. I'm sure you can figure it out on your own."
"Are you leaving me because you don't want to brainstorm?" Kaz rose an eyebrow in slight amusement as you made a beeline for the door, your feet having already memorized the layout of the room.
Your chin hooked on your shoulder to give him a view of your grin. "Too much of something is bad. Even thinking."
You gave him a lazy salute as you left, but as you closed the door, you could have sworn you heard a laugh escape the man's lips over the faster beating of his heart.
3. He couldn't lie to you.
Kaz's hearing was muffled from the sound of ringing in his ears. He forced his eyes to open, blinking hard to try and shake away whatever spell unconsciousness casted upon him.
He saw you crouching over him, eyes staring down at his chest, where you had a hand over. You must've revived him.
He felt panic thrum in his veins, his hands moving before he could stop them from slapping your palm away from him.
"Kaz!" Your voice was oddly muffled as he tried to stand up. His bad leg didn't cooperate with his wishes as he fell back down on the rough ground.
He looked back at you, and now you kept a respectable distance from him, your form framed by flame with worry creasing your forehead and pulling the corners of your lips downwards. He barely heard your next words: "Breathe!"
He forced his chest to comply, inhaling the smoky air and exhaling with a cough.
Two more of those, and you held out his cane for him to grab, slightly askew. He hesitated, but grabbed on it, letting you pull him to his feet using his cane. He was swaying on his feet, and you could tell from his slowing heartbeat that he was close to fainting from smoke inhalation.
"I know you don't like being touched, but you can't walk out of here without me helping!" You shouted. You felt pity pinch your chest at the ay Kaz’s heart sped up at that. You didn’t want to force him but you had no choice.
You didn't have time to wait for him to regain his bearings as part of the flaming roof collapsed mere feet away from you two. You flinched at the bang, but you didn't hesitate to sling his arm around your shoulders and drag him out of the room, snatching Kaz's cane and using it as your guide to the entrance right before you felt the flames lick the back of your coat.
Kaz furiously patted the small patch of flame on your back to extinguish it. He felt the water on his waist slowly rising, but he tried to push it down.
It was just you, his Heartrender. He'll be fine.
"C'mon, Jes is waiting for us at the rendezvous," you said, your voice strained from carrying most of Kaz's weight. He tried to walk on his own, to lessen your burden, but his body was too weak for it.
You left the building, Karlos Drulak's brand-new bar. Hey, at least the color of the fumes complimented the brown...?
Jesper caught you two and rushed forward to help, but you stopped him with a single shake of your head. It took a lot for Kaz to just let you keep him upright, what more if Jesper added to that?
You both hobbled as one to a safe distance before Kaz collapsed inside an alleyway. He took deep breaths, trying to fight the black roses of anxiety that bloomed in the corners of his vision.
"Kaz, look at me," you spoke, feeling his heart rate spike, but you weren't sure what you could do to help. "Kaz, what can I do?"
"Talk," He strained. "Distract me."
"Uh — okay, okay," your brain scrambled for some story to pull up, so it decided to bring you a memory from your childhood. "There was a time where I revived a dog of my old neighbor when I was seven years old," you said, your eyes trained on his chest like you can see his heart. "My parents were off to work, so they left me with the neighbor, and his heart just stopped beating. The neighbors didn't know what to do, but I just put a hand on him and willed his heart to beat again. He lived for seven more years after that before he peacefully passed."
"You should have let that dog die," Kaz gasped, but his breaths were slowly evening out. "I hate animals."
You smiled lightly. "Liar."
"How can you tell I'm lying? My heartbeat's already all over the place," Kaz huffed.
"I don't need my power to tell that you're lying," you said, shaking your head fondly. "I know you Kaz. In the years that we've worked together, I got to know you. I know you feed your scraps of food to the strays behind the Crow Club, which is why they keep coming back for more."
"Didn't know anyone noticed," Kaz said, his breaths more symmetrical as his vision cleared.
You laughed. "You really expected me to not notice?" Kaz saw how you hesitated, how your smile faltered before you continued with seriousness lacing your voice. "I always notice when it comes to you."
Kaz sighed, gently grabbing the cane from you and hauling himself to his feet. "Let's go to the Slat. Better make sure that the others know we're alive."
"Wow, you want to tell them you're alive so they don't get worried?" You cooed, walking a few feet beside him and syncing your steps with him. "Soft is a good look on you."
"Shut up, Heartrender," He grumbled, but a small smile broke through his face.
"Your Heartrender," you sang, skipping slightly knowing that he can't deny you from the sudden speed of his heart.
He shook his head, the smile still not leaving his face as you both walked.
His Heartrender indeed.
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anxi-aashi · 3 months
SJCKEBCEJGNF I LOVE YOUR WRITING BABES! Honestly your pirate series and giving childe a bj was hot omg- Can I request like Husband! Childe x Wife! Reader? Like childe wants a another kid or smth even thought they have so many XD and just you know breeding reader or smth- Ajfjehfjrjff anyways you're amazing!!!!! love you :>>>> <33333
a/n: TYSM this took me absolutely way too long to finish BUT im officially on spring break now so hopefully I'll be able to write some more again!
cw: breeding (with intent), praise, fem!reader, fingering, kids (derogatory), not proofread, lmk if I forgot anything!
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At last, your crotch goblins were asleep.
It felt like years had passed just trying to get them to settle down after dinner, much less convince them to get into bed; your youngest spent about fifteen minutes arguing with his dad in the bathroom before finally brushing his teeth.
And yet, as you and your husband wandered past the doorways of all five of your kids, watching them sleep without a care in the world, you felt a sort of contentness fill your chest knowing you’d probably have to do it all over again the next night.
While watching your third shift in her sleep, drooling, Childe joined you, resting his head atop yours and rubbing a palm on your arm soothingly. “Phew! That took forever,” he remarked in a whisper.
You snickered along with him and turned to meet his eyes. “You’re pooped, too? Thought you were all about the thrill of danger.”
He snorted softly. “Right, nothing more dangerous than five gremlins who napped a little too long after lunch.” His gaze slipped to your third behind you, now passed out flat on her stomach, and pressed a kiss to the side of your head. “Let’s follow their lead tonight, hm?”
With that, he led you to the room you both shared. The two of you went about your nightly routines in comfortable silence, you brushing your teeth while Childe picked out something for the two of you to watch together before bed. Or at least, you thought he was.
Childe was not doing that. Instead, he watched you, his wife. Wife. It still hit him every now and then that you were his, no matter how long you two had been married. What did you see in him that made you say yes when he proposed? When he first asked you out? He’d probably never know.
He knew what he saw in you, though. And somewhere in that long list of qualities (that he had written on his phone), was your pussy.
The same pussy that birthed his five kids. The same one that got so wet every time he whispered something filthy in your ear. That hugged his dick so perfectly.
Fuck, he was hard. And you were none the wiser, simply rinsing the toothpaste from your mouth like normal. 
Childe’s eyes trailed down to your ass as you bent over the sink. Down your legs, up to your stomach covered with the fabric from your fitted tank top. He pictured it— remembered it— stretched out and swollen, round with his kid growing inside. You had looked so good pregnant. Every time. 
And suddenly, he really wanted to see you pregnant again. 
Hands snaked around your waist as you washed your face, drawing your attention to the mirror in front of you. “Hm, what’s up?” you asked his reflection.
Childe remained silent, opting to take his time feeling you up instead. His hands idly roamed around your stomach, grazing the sides of your breasts, leaving tingles of goosebumps in their wake, until finally landing on your hips and pulling you flush against him.
A squeak of surprise escaped you, a question close behind, but the motives behind his behavior became clear when you noticed his hard-on nestled snugly between your ass cheeks. “Ajax! You can’t wait five minutes for me to finish here?”
“It’s been a while, hasn’t it?” he mused, ignoring your protest.
You bent over to rinse the soap from your face. “‘A while?’ Did you already forget how you practically jumped me the other day after the kids went to school?”
“I mean since we had one.”
You paused at his clarification, standing up straight to meet his eyes through the mirror. 
He had that look in his eye— one you had seen many times before. Five times, to be exact. Childe smoothed his hands over your hips, the pressure combined with the dull throbbing of his cock against your ass making you dizzy. “You always look so beautiful carrying my baby. Let me give you another one?” 
You forced yourself to think around the growing arousal simmering in your blood. “You want another baby or you just want to get me knocked up again? Pretty important difference, there.”
His grin was devious as one of his hands migrated to slide into your panties. “I think six is a much better number than five, don’t you think?” A finger grazed your slick folds. Childe’s grin only grew wider. “Kinda feels like you agree with me.”
You tilted your head to lean against his shoulder, relishing in the sensations of his fingers teasing your sex. “Please,” you breathed.
That was all he needed to hear. Ever the gentleman, your husband transported you swiftly to the bed, wasting no time pulling your sleep shorts and underwear down your legs while you rid yourself of your top. Your hands tangled themselves in his hair to pull his face to yours, lips meeting in a messy kiss. 
Childe ground his hips into yours, sending waves of heat pulsing through your limbs and encouraging more slick to seep from your cunt. He moaned into your mouth, the kiss becoming sloppy as impatience and need had you panting rather than meeting his lips. You were hot, so hot, desperate for any sort of attention that would soothe the steady ache building in your core, that when he finally dipped a finger into your drooling cunt, a loud moan ripped from your throat.
A hand slapped over your mouth, muffling any further sounds you made. Childe panted down at you, panic and lust etched into his face. “Shh, baby,” he whispered, “Don’t want to wake the little ones up, do we?”
You shook your head, pleading to him with your eyes to keep fingering you.
“Good girl.” His finger slowly pulled out of you, only to sink back in up to the knuckle; again, again— another finger joined— again, again, until the steady pace he set had your pussy singing his praises in lewd squelches. 
Grateful as you were for the stimulation, it wasn’t enough. You brought up a hand on top of his that covered your mouth, lifting it up just enough to gasp, “Please, please, want you inside me, wan’ you to fill me up.”
The dark chuckle Childe let out was almost patronizing. “Aw, my fingers aren’t enough for you? So impatient tonight,” he cooed, curling his fingers up to tease your g-spot before pulling them out. 
“Don't worry, I’ll fill you up soon.”
And soon came faster than you expected. This time, you’re thankful that Childe’s hand was still so close to your mouth, otherwise the whine that you let out would’ve had you answering some very concerned questions from your kids. His cock sunk into you with ease and without warning, and you were suddenly reminded of how whole you felt when he gave you the piece you were missing. A shudder rippled through your body as he rolled his hips into yours, rutting with a need that you could tell was out of his control. 
But just as it was starting to feel good, he paused, moving his hands to grip the back of your thighs to fold you into a mating press before you could complain at the loss of movement.
With your cunt bared open to him in the new position, the tip of his cock kissed your cervix with ease, grazing by the gummy spot hidden within your walls with every pass. Childe hissed in a breath when he felt you squeeze around him, hips stuttering into a steady pace that gave you no room to breathe. 
The room was getting hot. Or maybe that was you? Childe always did have the nasty habit of fucking you out of your head, and now that he had a purpose in mind, you had a feeling you were going to be walking a little funny the next day.
Every slam of his cock sent your knees knocking into the mattress beside your head. Every slap of his balls against your ass as he filled you to the hilt with every thrust had your eyes rolling to the back of your head. Every filthy thing your husband uttered without shame triggered another wave of slick to coat his cock, making it all the more easy for him to fuck you however he wanted. 
“Can’t wait to get you pregnant again,” he panted. “I hope it's a girl— your tits always look so— hah— so much bigger with a girl.” The bed was creaking. “We’re gonna get it right on the first try, ‘kay? Not wasting time with a negative test. ‘M just gonna have to fill you enough tonight so that it takes. And you—” A hand of his left your thigh to swipe vigorously over your swollen clit. Your back arched, mouth dropping open with a whine. “--- You, are gonna cum as many times as you want. Got it, sweetheart?”
“A-jax,” you whimpered. “I— gonna—”
“Ohh, already?” he crooned. “Go ahead, cum on my cock. Want you to feel good while I knock you up.”
Your first orgasm of the night ripped through you, the coil in your stomach snapping. This time it was you who covered your mouth the block the gutteral moan that threatened to make itself heard. The walls of your pussy clamped down on Childe, a small squeak accompanying the juices that spurted around his dick as he worked you through your high. 
“Fuuuck, yes, just like that. So good, mmmh.” A bright flush glowed from under his pale skin, covering his face and sweat-soaked chest. His thumb stopped its assault on your clit to catch a dribble of your cum that slid down your ass. 
You were almost a little disappointed when he didn’t offer it to you for a taste, but the sight of him licking it clean was more than enough to make it up. And enough of a distraction from the steadily building overstimulation of Childe’s cock still, albeit slowly, rocking into you. 
A tear slid down your cheek, prompting Childe to lean over you to lick it up as well. He propped himself up by your head, his tongue dragged lightly across your cheekbone, then followed up with a multitude of kisses around your face. He finally reached your lips, rewarding you with a languid kiss, rimmed with the tang you recognized from your cum. 
Against your lips, Childe continued to mumble praises in between sloppy kisses, each sentence egging him on to chase his release. “You taste so good.” His warm breath graced your mouth as he spoke. He was too close, too warm, you were too warm, the heat radiating off the both of you so palpable you swear you could touch it. And it was his fault. “I wish you could see yourself right now. So fucking beautiful. Mother of my kids.” A hand of his drifted down to palm your tummy, pressing down until you could both feel his dick rearranging your guts beneath your skin. “Feel me here? That’s where I’m gonna cum. Gonna fill you up so much it’ll be dripping out of you and I’ll just have to fuck it back in.”
You yelped as he buried his head into the crook of your neck to better focus on drilling his cock into your g-spot. “Ajax!”
“Fuck, yes, say my name. Say my name. Who’s pussy is this?”
“Yours, Ajax, it’s yours! ‘S your pussy— please cum, please, please,” you sobbed. 
“‘M almost there, almost— ” he cut himself off with a groan. His thrusts turned sloppy, steady pounding shifting to erratic jackhammering before his hips stuttered, and he pushed himself to the hilt again before spilling his load into you. 
You sighed in bliss, basking in the warmth settled in your belly. As Childe caught his breath, he picked his head up to look at you quizzically. 
“You didn’t cum again.”
You shook your head with a raspy laugh. “It's ok.”
Inside your cunt, you felt his cock twitch. He arched an eyebrow at you. “You’re right, it is. You’ll cum again soon anyways.” Childe slid out of you, making you whine at the loss before wrapping an arm around your waist and carrying you with him as he sat up, plopping you in his lap. 
“Because I’m nowhere near done with you.”
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rayroseu · 11 months
💚Mallevan/Levanoa Headcanons (1/?)
PART 01⬇️ PART 02
bcs im... cringe fluff appreciator😎✨ and my brain suddenly and randomly decided to be delulu on them 😭💥‼️
ALSO you. might see i draw them differently each time bcs these comics are actually my practice drafts for their fan design😂
... I'd like to imagine they're like a much more lovey dovey couple than a romantic MalleYuu fanfic--- 😌💕 ( plus its all the more reason why Gen. Lilia seemed to get tired by them lol)
Note that Levan is here is implied to be a dragon. (not crowley (for now) XD)
• • • Headcanon 1.
All the Draconias can basically spawn a flower garden when they are at the peak of their happiness. 🌹✨⚘
Each Draconia has different flowers that they can summon (maybe because they resonate a lot with its meaning?).
For example Malleus' flower was Wisteria, and its meaning is described on this post.
I like the thought of Malleus and Malenoa overreacting when they receive affection-- So, I'm just imagining that Malenoa once drowned Levan in a waterfall of roses once he received a "marriage proposal" from him‼️
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Why did I make Levan refer to Malenoa as Malle-chan? Well--- the gargoyles from the GloMas event referred to Malleus as Mare/Malle/Mal. Since that event seems to correlate to Briar Valley and Levan a lot, I'd like to imagine that Levan once gave Malenoa a nickname such as Malle-chan or something cute like that-- YOUKNOW LIKE HOW IN MALLEYUU THERES TSUNOTAROU--‼️🤭🤭🤭🤭✨✨✨
And, Levan seems to be twisted from Diablo (pet bird of Maleficent who got turned into a stone by one of the 3 fairies)
c: @/Ekala on yt
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This comic is also based on the scene where Gen. Lilia talked about how Levan cooked for Malenoa to cheer her up after she ate Lilia's horrible cooking---
I love how she referred to Levan as the only person she can rely on because you can relate it on the part where Malleus couldn't confide with anyone about his fear of losing Lilia--- SO!!! he went to visit Yuu—🥲💖
In that way, you can correlate it with Malleus viewing Yuu as "the only one he can depend on" as well 😭‼️💕
c: @/gasmask01 (yt) and @/081314 (tumblr)
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gawkingatyourface · 3 months
Set in Motion | preview
summary: back in the 1930s, a certain waitress was barely making a living. She went to a popular club that one of her friends owned, Mimzy. That night changed everything. She caught someone's eyes. A familiar radio host that was intrigued by the second. What would happen when this waitress and radio host meet?
characters: human!Alastor x waitress!fem!reader
warnings: gore, angst, romance, swearing, mentions of death and murder, kidnapping, yandere
notes: hi loves :3 this is a new story I'll be working on once I'm done with Sweetest Tail. hehe so excited for this! But I don't want to work on so many ideas all at once lol I'll burn myself up xD so decided to give you guys a little preview about this story. Exciting news, I'll be posting the new chapter of Sweetest Tail this weekend so keep a look out for that! Enjoy loves! <3
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"[Y/N]! Sweet Pea! You finally made it!"
Hearing a familiar voice, [Y/N] had turned away from chatting with the bartender as she noticed Mimzy walking towards her with a wave and big smile.
"Mimzy, darling! After your countless times coming to the café demanding me to come and see you perform. Kinda forced me didn't cha?" [Y/N] teased her playfully before taking a sip of her glass.
"Aw sweet pea! You wound me!" She faked her tears before laughing and giving [Y/N] a side hug before sitting beside her. "How you enjoying my club? You like it?"
[Y/N] nodded in agreement. It surely was the most popular place in town. Yet, that wasn't what caught her attention. The place was surely had an ease environment. Calm and very jazzy in her eyes.
But something else caught her eye.
A certain person that was clearly popular judging from the crowd that was surrounding them.
Mimzy noticed her attention somewhere or rather someone. She had turned around to see what caught her friend's attention. Once she found it, she smirked at the realization.
"Ohh..I see someone has caught your eye Sweet Pea."
[Y/N] hardly heard her as her eyes was glued to a certain someone. He was surrounded by women and men. All with smiles and laughter. She couldn't help but be awe at his smile. It was the most beautiful one she's ever seen.
"Um..Sweetie? Don't tell me you've fallen in love with him already." Mimzy commented with a laugh.
That broke [Y/N]'s trance of the mysterious man as she turned to Mimzy whom was still laughing at her. She hid her face in embarrassment that she had been staring too much at him. She gulped her whole glass as she looked at the bartender for another drink whom nodded at her.
"Don't be silly, Mimz. You know I don't do relationships."
"That's what everyone says Sweetie. But once they meet that certain someone, BOOM! They are suddenly fools in love!" Mimzy said as she took another sip of her glass. "If you must know, that's Alastor. The famous radio host and obviously everyone wants a piece of him."
[Y/N] was shocked to realize that it was actually him. The famous Alastor, the radio host that got so popular. She knew from hearing his radio station that his voice was so mesmerizing and alluring to everyone especially hers, but now she actually saw him. Saw what made everyone love him. She would be lying if she said that she didn't find him attractive. He clearly was.
"I'm not like that Mimz. You know that. I can see why everyone is so smitten about him. I'm surprised you haven't."
"Oh no sweet pea. He's just an old friend of mine. Nothing more. He's a doll but not my type, you know that."
"I do." [Y/N] let out a laugh which caused Mimzy to laugh with her.
"Well, it's almost time for my performance. Cheer for me would you sweetie." Mimzy said as she stood up, fixing her hair.
"Don't I always Mimz. Have fun up there."
"I sure will. I'll come over afterwards sweetie."
After that, Mimzy walked backstage to get ready for her performance, leaving [Y/N] alone at the bar. She sighed as she glanced back at Alastor whom was still surrounded by even more people. She was so lost in thought that the bartender placed a new glass in front of her which caused her to jump slightly.
"Apologizes dear."
"Oh no, I apologize. Got lost in my thoughts once again." She said with a nervous chuckle as she took a sip of the new glass.
The bartender nodded as he was cleaning some glasses, keeping the conversation going about who knows what.
[Y/N] smiled at him as he was making her laugh from his corny jokes. It distracted her until Mimzy's performance. After that, she would call it a night since she did have work in the morning.
As she kept her attention at the bartender, she didn't realize a pair of eyes on her.
Those pair of eyes had been on her ever since she walked in the club. Alastor had been in the club for quite a while. After his radio show, he would come here to socialize here and there. Sometimes to find some fresh meat for dinner. Most of the time, it was to see his old friend Mimzy and her performance.
But today was different.
He caught a sight of [Y/N].
Once he noticed Mimzy walking towards her and giving her a hug; he grew curious about her. Who was she? How did she know Mimzy? Is she new in town?
So many questions about her that he needed answers.
He had never seen her before especially in Mimzy's club since he is always here. He kept the people around him entertained by the stories that he would report in his radio show while keeping his eyes on her. He wanted nothing more to leave everyone behind and march up to her, introduce himself and hoping to get her name.
His grip on the glass tighten as he noticed one of the ladies getting a bit too close to him, touching his arm which he didn't like. He wasn't too fond of touch from strangers. It irked him. He only allowed certain people to touch him. He quickly pulled her hand away from him with a smile before pretending to pay attention to one of the men that was telling a rumor going around town.
But the other reason why his glass was so close to breaking was because the sight of her and the bartender sicken him.
The way he was making her laugh. The way they both were looking at each other.
He didn't like it one bit. He needed to go to her quick.
Before he could make his escape, the lights dimmed and the stage lights came on revealing Mimzy.
It was time for her performance.
It was a perfect time. He would be able to escape and head towards her.
As Mimzy's performance started, he would always watch her being her usual self. She was always such a grand performer. He'd give her that but tonight, he was distracted by a beauty that was sitting by herself at the bar. He glanced to see her smiling at Mimzy whom was so lost in her performance as claps and whistles were heard all over. He watched as how she clapped throughout Mimzy's performance. She looked so happy as she watched her friend's performance.
That made him smile.
He wondered if she would smile at him as she watched him on his radio studio. Smiling as he hosted his radio show. He could just imagine her being there with him, supporting him, inspiring him. Just the thought gave him goosebumps.
He broke the sight of her as he turned back to see Mimzy had finished her performance.
Everyone stood up and clapped for her. Such an astonishing performance like usual. He smiled at his friend and clapped for her performance. He looked back to see his mysterious darling but his smile faded as she was gone. He stopped clapping as he looked everywhere for her. She was no where to be found. He walked towards the bar and looked around to see if she was nearby, but nothing.
She was gone.
"You need anything sir?"
Alastor looked at the bartender with a frown on his face for a second before flashing him a smile.
"I'm looking for the lady that was sitting here just minutes ago."
"Ah yes, you just missed her. She just walked out in a hurry."
His eyes widen and nodded at the bartender as he ran out, not listening to people calling for him. He didn't care about them. He needed to see her. Needed to hear her name, her voice. He ran outside in the cool weather as he looked around for any sight of her.
He ran a hand thru his hair as he ran to the corner to see if he could catch up to her somehow but luck wasn't on his side.
She was gone. Gone of his sight.
He couldn't believe it. He had just seen her a few minutes ago and now it was like she disappeared out of thin air. He let out a deep sigh as he leaned back against the wall. He looked up at the dark sky, stars shining brightly. His lips curved into a smile as he watched the sky.
"I hope I see you again darling. My sweet darling…"
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run2gyuz · 5 months
Thoughts on Jungwon + Blow jobs? Also your writing is rly good XD
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My first ask! Also ty very much <3
dom!idoljungwon x fem!reader
𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨: Oral (male reviving), degradation, possessiveness, toxic!jungwon if you squint
𝙬𝙘: 487
I feel like Jungwon would be obsessed with having you on your knees for him, it's definitely a power thing. The fact that he has the control over you to make you gag on his cock does something to him frl... Just imagine, he comes home from a long day of practising and is met with you in the kitchen, preparing dinner for him, "Hey princess, I missed you today," He spoke, nuzzling his head into your neck. You turned around quickly meeting his gaze, "Did you have a good day Wonnie?" You ask, setting the timer for your food and bringing your arms to settle around his neck. The boy nodded slightly, explaining to you that he was really stressed with it being comeback season, and how his manager was being extra harsh on him today. "Poor baby," You sympathise, as he lead you to the couch, taking a seat with you on top of him, "Is there anything I can do to help?" You ponder, genuinely wanting to de-stress your hard working boyfriend.
That's how you found yourself, on your knees in between Jungwons thighs, his hand harshly tugging your hair as you gagged around his cock. "Fuck ___, don't know what I'd do without you and your tight throat, swallowing me so good," You squirmed at the sound of his lewd words, a pool forming in between your thighs. The boy chuckled at your movements, tantalising that you were, "Nothing but a cocksleve," and that you were, "Such a slut, getting turned on by me fucking your throat so good,". Jungwons teasing was getting to you as you brought your hand up to squeeze at his thigh for a little comfort. You felt Jungwons dick twitch along your tongue and his thrusts get harsher, indicating he was getting close. "You're mine, got it? Mine. No one else gets to have you like this do they? No one else gets to- fuck- h- have you on your knees, crying because of how good their cock is filling your throat." You shook your head, moaning around his dick, feeling his hand grip your hair tighter as the vibrations you created were sending him into a spiral.
"I- I'm cumming, swallow it all okay?" You nodded, gagging around him once more as you felt hot spurts of cum shoot down your throat. As the boy pulled away he watched as you opened your mouth, proving to him that you'd successfully swallowed his load. He could feel his cock start to harden again as a mix of saliva and cum dribbled down your chin, dripping onto your tits that were barely covered by your skimpy tank top. You pulled yourself onto the boys lap, starting to grind against him but suddenly he grabbed your hips, stilling your movements. In the distance you heard the beeping of your timer you'd previously set. Jungwon leaned back and proudly stated, "Dinners ready,"
𝘼/𝙉: I hope you enjoyed and my reqs are open!
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Because I read your alphabet for Reiner, I can't help but think now 😭 about... Reiner gathering or mustering up all the courage to tell his SO "I-I want your hand on... on m-my h-head..." which to him might have been the most subtle and the least vulgar way to ask his very innocent SO for some jerking. But since his SO is not very good at sexual cues and stuff, they misinterpret it and gives him headpats instead, and praises him for being good or having worked hard.
Feels like that'd make him feel more needy because of the praise kink. xD
TITLE | Headpats, please?
NOTE | that's just so adorable and hot at the same time 😩
WARNINGS | smut, I think we all knew it
SMUT TAGS | praise kink, handjob, penetrative sex implied
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"I-I want your hand on... on m-my h-head..."
You are interrupted in the middle of your reading by a familiar soft voice. Lifting your head, you see your boyfriend looking away shyly, his cheeks are slightly red as he is fidgetting with his fingers nervousely. It was weird, why would he be so embarrassed about some headpats? Innocent as you are, you smile sweetly to him.
"Sure! Sit down."
You pat the empty place beside you, your interesting book quickly abandoned on the side. Reiner's eyes immediately lits up and he sits down on the couch beside you with shining eyes. He was about to reach the upper button of his pants when he is suddenly startled with your hand resting delicately on his blonde hair.
"I am proud of you; you are always doing your best. I know I'm probably not telling you this enough but I love you."
You say with a proud voice, your fingers ruffling his golden locks with softness. Some days are harder for your boyfriend. However, he always manages to be here for you and gives you his love and affection even when he is feeling like his whole world is crumbling. You could not express how much you loved him so you would just do anything would ask you for.
His face turns bright red as he realizes that you did not get the sexual cues behind his demand, thinking that he wanted real headpats. Reiner's honey eyes look back toward your face where he sees the incomprehension on your delicate face. Craps, he has now to explain why his pants are half-unbuttoned...
"Uh actually-"
A long moment of silence passes before you notice finally the growing bulge in his pants, your eyes widen slightly. Reiner just wants to die right now, his dick starting to harden due to the previous praises that of course, managed to turn him on. Dammit, your attractive voice make him even more needy for your touch on his shaft! He can't help himself, his praising kink taking control over him. You let a little 'oh' sound as you make the connection.
"My hand... on your head... Oh my god! I'm so sorry I thought you wanted-"
He shushes you with his lips quickly, mumbling something about not making it even more embarrassing. You let out a chuckled, glancing down at the ground as you feel quite guilty.
"You are so innocent."
He whispers, hugging you tightly. At least now both of you are blushing and the uncomfortable situation is soon forgotten as you decide to place your hand on his crotch.
"Well, yes I can also put my hand on your head this way..."
The end.
Just kidding, here's the smut part for you, horny bitches:
Soon the room is filled with squelching sounds and your man's moans as you start to move your hand up and down slowly. His eyes are half-closed, holding eye contact with you. You caress the sensitive veins on his dick, the thumb running under his sensitive tip.
"Ah... s-shit!"
Reiner lets out a hissing sound, his hands gripping the fabric of the couch under him, beads of precum dripping from his stimulated tip. You can see that his hips start to thrust into your hand, indicating that he is close. Is he so eager tonight? Your thighs are rubbing against each other as you feel your own excitation building up, completely wetting your panties.
"That's my good boy, are you gonna cum for me?"
Your boyfriend replies with a loud whine mixed with a growl. Shit, you need his thick fingers inside you to stretch you out. You need his dick to fill your pussy up. However, you have to make him come first. Your hand is now going even faster until he throws his head back, his body jerking harshly as his orgasm hits him like a truck.
"That's my good boy, good job!"
Your praises are only making Reiner's climax last longer, your sweet but dirty words sending a shiver down his spine. When he opens his eyes again, he gets the view of you licking your fingers covered in his sperm. This is so hot that Reiner's cock immediately gets hard again. He reaches with his still shaking hands to grip the hem of your pants teasingly.
"Heh, my turn to make you feel good, sweetie."
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