#just something i noticed rewatching the show
x-gabrielle-x · 2 days
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Withered Cards | III
Pairings: Jason Todd x Reader.
Warnings: Blood, gore, violence, murder, swearing, major and minor injuries, death.
Summary: Despite the many different problems you overcome with Jason Todd, you always eventually make it back to each other. Even after his death, how could you still love a man who changed so much? Even when you made a turn for the worst.
Series Masterlist
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Jason Todd 5:48am
"Mistakes are not something you can afford to make, Jason," Bruce commented, though his gaze was trained on the screen before him. "I told you this was an intel mission. You should have waited for my queue."
I adjusted my position on the chair I was currently sat on, my gaze burning into Bruce's back the longer he continued to stare at the projective computer before him. The tape that he had collected from the mission played on repeat, and truthfully, it was becoming painful having to rewatch it over and over.
Yes, I had been given strict orders to merely stay hidden within the shadows and report back to Batman with the intel I was instructed to gather, but I wanted to do more than be a sidekick to gather information.
“How was that a mistake?” I retorted, pointing to the screen. “If I hadn’t gone, you would have never known what was happening down there.”
Finally, Bruce turned in his chair, his voice just as deep as always. Like a parent scolding his child - which was true to an extent.
"You're telling me that you found out what that whole ordeal was about?" He questioned, gesturing a hand to the screen. "Because it sure doesn't look like you do."
It angered me more than I would have liked to admit that he was mostly right. The most I knew was that the Joker was up to something, but when was he not? The best possible answer I got was that he has an alliance of some sort. The girl seemed to be around my age, possibly younger, and yet she was one of the most skilled fighters I've fought. She was experienced, and no doubt deadly.
My nose ached from the harsh punch she had thrown, the wet rag that was now soaked with crimson blood was discarded beside me.
When Bruce noticed my silence, he continued to ignore me from then on. His fingers dancing along the computer and leaving an uncomfortable silence I wished to break.
Alfred walked in with a tray of coffee; something Bruce had waved him off to go and grab whilst he worked. Whilst the silence lingered, Alfred's gaze flickered up to the screen of the masked girl.
"I do not recognize this criminal," Alfred spoke as he settled the tray down. "Have we seen this girl before?"
Bruce shook his head, a frown etched on his features. "No, but there have been witnesses. Apparently, she's only showed up around Gotham the past two months."
Alfred hummed. “And what does this criminal do, exactly?”
Bruce pushed his body away from the desk with a long sigh, his brows still pinched into a deep frown as his hand dragged down his face. “Jason’s body cam just managed to pick up a little of their conversation before she ran off. The Joker is in on this, too. She knows him, and well.”
My curiosity was piqued. What was the Joker's intentions, now? Surely it was another scheme to lure Batman into a trap.
“Perhaps another laughing gas?” Alfred suggested as he glanced over at me, gesturing toward the tea as he offered to pour some, but I shook my head.
"Not a laughing gas," I concluded, digging into the suit that I still wore. I pulled out the familiar vial that I had managed to snatch from the masked girl, holding it up for everybody's view. "I'm thinking maybe a drug, or maybe some sort of crazy mutation serum!" I looked between the two, a satisfied smirk on my face.
Bruce remained silent for a moment, his gaze never leaving the vial in my hand. I was expecting praise, a congratulations, maybe even a pat on the back and allowed more freedom whilst on patrol. But Bruce's face remained stoic.
"Jason," he started, tone very far from what I had expected. Was it anger? Disappointment? Shock?
He was quick to saunter over and take the vial from my hand, analyzing it carefully as he twisted it in his grasp.
With a shake of his head, his frown deepened. If that were even possible. He placed the vial carefully onto the desk beside the computer.
"You're too reckless," he began. "Not only did you go against my orders, but now you are involved with a crime much deeper than what you can handle. You've put yourself in danger. And not only yourself," he pointed to the screen again. "But you got her in danger, too.
I felt my anger boil, ready to spill over any second. Could Bruce not see my success for once? Could he not give me the approval I desperately wished for? It was risky, but I got the job done.
"I did what I had to," I defended, the anger evident in my voice as I took a step closer.
Bruce quickly snapped back. "And what you did was wrong."
A pause.
"Next time something like this happens, you follow my order... otherwise the title of Robin goes to somebody else."
In the heat of my rage, I stormed past both Bruce and Alfred and made my way out of the Batcave, cape flowing behind me with every long stride. Before the door had slammed shut behind me, I just managed to hear a little of Alfred's voice.
"They're both just children, Master Wayne," he tried. "Much like you once were."
"I cant have him making more mistakes."
Y/N Y/L/N 5:27am
A harsh slap landed against my cheek, my head snapping to the side from the force. The burning sensation left behind caused for my eyes to sting with tears, my vision blurred.
His maniacal laughter was all i could hear despite the ringing in my ears, and I didn't fail to notice the very evident annoyance behind each deep inhale of laughter.
"I cant believe it!" Joker paced. "You really let that little rodent slip past your fingers, just like that? My, my, I might have placed just a little too much faith in you."
He crouched down before me, masking a frown as his thumb came up to swipe the blood from my lip. My tongue darted out to swipe at the cut he had left, the metallic taste lingering in my mouth.
"I must say I am very disappointed," Joker hummed, but oddly enough his hand came to rest on my shoulder, like an odd way of comforting. "But that's why there's always room to learn from mistakes!"
The vial that I was sent to retrieve merely a few hours ago was no longer tucked away safely in my pocket.
I had only realized once I was in front of Joker's latest warehouse that he used as a current hideout, my hands searching every pocket, each shoe in search for the vial. Robin had managed to slip it out without me noticing, and it enraged me.
He was fast, skilled, and very obviously sly. Although it was a tough fight, it brought some adrenaline and excitement into my night. Something I had craved for a while.
Joker clicked his tongue in thought, now sat on a torn couch across from me with his leg propped up on his knee.
"You'll make it up to me, right, my little clown?" his tone was almost mocking. "Perhaps next time you might run into the little birdy again, oh, that would spice things up!"
I inhaled a shaky breath. "I'll get it back," I said, but he waved me off.
"Nah, I'll just get the doc to make me a new one. Although, we cant afford any more mistakes now, can we, Y/N?"
He looked at me expectingly, dread washing over me the longer his gaze pierced my own.
"No, we cant."
"That's my girl!" He clapped his hands. "Harley! Come get the poor girl cleaned up, will ya? She looks like she's been through hell!" He let out a loud cackle at what he considered a joke, slapping his knee.
Harley's head popped from around the corner of the cracked wall, pigtails swinging with every movement she made. With one look at me, she was rushing over.
"Puddin, what happened?" She practically squealed, ushering me to stand up, though the small smile never left her lips. "Oh dear, lets get you all nice and cleaned up!"
The bathroom that she had practically dragged me into smelt of urine and had broken tiles scattered across the floor. Mold was growing along the ceiling and puddles of water crowded at the base of the sink. I had to hold back the look of disgust when Harley took a small rag and wet it under some water.
It wasn't long until Harley was finally finished with dabbing my split lip with the cold water and tending to the few cuts I had littered over my flesh. It was a poorly done job, but the moment I got to step into my own small room - a storage space that barely managed to fit the worn mattress I used to sleep on, I was instantly flopping down.
It was quiet and dark, but nothing I wasn't already used to. I enjoyed having some time away from the two clowns, after all.
Looking over, I reached for the same small bear that I've kept over the years, only now it wasn't as soft as it used to be, and the familiar smell of my old home was gone from the fur. Instead, it was now covered in dirt and grime. A button had been sewn on poorly as an eye after the last had fallen off, and its right arm was barely hanging on by a thread. Still, I carefully held it against my body as I laid on my side, alone and tense.
My mind refused to settle, thoughts swarming with the Robin boy who had managed to make my night go from alright to horrific in only a few hours.
He had outplayed me - tricked me - and still somehow, he had managed to get my mind swimming. Our fight was oddly thrilling, and it confused me with his cocky comments. Batman was nowhere to be seen, meaning that Robin had let me go. Why?
My knuckles had tightened their hold on the bear, a reminder of my life before any of this had happened. I didn't dwell on it, knowing that there was no way back. But the sadness lingered once I buried my face into the soft fur, allowing for the sleep to catch up to me. As usual it was never a peaceful one, but instead filled with nightmares and an all too familiar wide grin.
@annabellelee @stormz369
©x-gabrielle-x. Do not steal, copy or translate my works.
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magicwithineleteo · 1 year
i know that a lot of people say that ricky’s confession to nini in 1x10 is cringey and you can tell joshua improvised it but i think it was perfect for rini because everything he said was never shown in the show
in his confession, he goes on about past experiences w nini that we as the audience never saw. this is so perfect for rini because the sole reason they came back to each other in the first place was because gina left and they started talking about their past in 1x08.
ricky specifically was growing after he stopped chasing nini in 1x05 and where he started to really get closer to gina. gina is the embodiment of change, and ricky absolutely hates change. she helped him a lot, he’d reach to text nini or something like that and then gina would end up saying the right things needing to help him.
ricky and nini only started to “fall back in love” after gina left. ricky didn’t think he would ever see gina again (her saying there’s no point in calling her anymore and not responding to his dozens of texts) so he ended up regressing back to who he was pre-gina.
this included being in love with nini.
and this may not make sense and may sound dumb but i think it just summarizes rini’s relationship, the fact that them coming back together was based on moments the audience never saw.
we never saw rini as kids, ricky microwaving her doll, them coming up with their nicknames for each other, etc. everything they reminisce on before.
ofc the show isn’t gonna show this stuff because the show is in the present, not their past.
but i find it interesting that their memories are somewhat baseless to the audience because we never see them.
whereas with gina’s confession in 3x08, we saw everything she looked back on. when they met, her giving him the hat, etc. everything with rina, we saw. we saw them both grow. we saw them help each other. we saw gina validate ricky and support him during his world falling apart while everyone else was berating him. and we saw ricky accept gina when no one else did, him being her first friend at east high and help her break down her walls a little. i imagine she doesn’t let herself get emotionally attached to anyone whenever she moves, so it doesn’t hurt when she leaves. that’s why in the beginning she primarily looks out for herself and has her walls up.
ricky breaks down those walls, and she later gets hurt because she let them down. since he got back with nini after thinking he would never see her again.
“maybe i’m safer when i’m on the run, no time to open up my heart. maybe i’ll hide behind my walls again, instead of tearing them apart.”
sorry, just a random thing that i liked about the show, the fact that rini’s whole foundation was based on them romanticizing their past; it just foreshadowed that they weren’t going to last.
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heartorbit · 1 year
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start remembering ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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gayofthefae · 8 months
Me? Oh, nothing. Just thinking about how when Will breaks eye contact sadly after Mike and Will's interaction Mike doesn't look away.
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thebiggestmenace · 7 months
yk something I find interesting is how Castiel became "Cas" to the other angels. we know he became Cas so quickly to the boys, but don't angels always call each other their full names? yet, Anna (and I think the ones at the playground) called him Cas
idk it's interesting to me. like, was this them acknowledging that Cas lost his need to serve Heaven and him gaining a sense of humanity?
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palaceoftears · 8 days
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Something something about the cycle of loving someone that took -directly or indirectly as Hatice represents the ottoman empire to Ibrahim at this point of the series- away who you loved, your home, and forced you to forget about your past in the turkish soap opera magnificent century
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averlym · 1 year
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"careful, or i'll quote that"
#adamandi#was going to be normal but then this scene popped into my head and played on loop and like#guys this scene just makes me Miserable. they're so friends now they're so happy and funny and then later in the show#she manipulates him and he tries to kill her and like. my god beatrix vincent friendship. omg.#im so. it kills me. i realise these arent the most accurate character styles but i Had to get it out. oh my god. literally the other day i#i was like ''oh haha im not going to directly draw scenes from the show im going to be Thinky and Extra'' but no actually sometimes the#the scenes from the show just hit. this line the delivery the Situations it kills me. im so hnnghghf about them#something also maybe about rewatching media knowing the whole plot and the extra Tragedy it all brings also. like to know the ending will#break your heart (but be also some sort of stunning catharsis) and to watch it all!!! again!!!! aaagh.#fun facts about the first time i watched adamandi proper after looking through the tumblrs and half-spoiling it for myself.. i went in with#the strangest assumptions of portia dies/ vincent makes a virus that kills the other nominees instead of actually stabby stabby and the#new invented biological thing would make him the winner a-la frankenstein style //. quincy cuts off his hand????? i am not sure where any#of these came from T-T but im glad i was wrong on literally every count.#miscellaneous brainrots from re-watching.. in the very very start i think vincent is wearing a mask in word to the wise?? like it was probs#a covid safety thing but it makes me go teehee for some reason. like the whole infectious thing was foreshadowed LMAO (approx 35 seconds in#also the balloons. and the admin. and the balloons. the way it's horrific and the balloons gently rain down#and you can see them bounce in the stunned silence. ooo that little detail. what a moment.#also at this point? i have been noticing the little inconsistencies in actions btwn shots but a) they're not seeable unless you're looking#Closely like i was for specific moments as references.. and b) it makes u think about the inconsistency of theatre as a medium and how nth#is ever delivered the same two ways which is really just !!!! to me. smth smth so so many ways to intepret characters and how everything is#always in flux every single cycle. theatre medium my beloved.#last side note from now: i am so abnormal about the marmorius society members who were phaethon nominees in their own right and instead#perished helping ambrose with HIS project. like. that is some sort of love there isn't it? like???? yes they're all bullies and awful but.#i've been reaching tag limit really quickly with all the recent posts. rambles i guess. so so many thoughts. well actual tags now i guess!#vincent aurelius lin#beatrix valeria campbell
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wildlyfreemoon · 1 month
what if i just... do my fifth watch of lockwood and co
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apocalypticdemon · 9 months
okay okay okay so i just finished the terror and i think i'm insane
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isolophilian · 9 months
me @ Disney: make Smelly Gabe a sculpture or Mickey fucking gets it
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magentagalaxies · 8 months
get someone who looks at you the way scott thompson looks over at me while i'm filming behind the scenes for the buddy cole documentary
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I really want to write about how actually disturbing pockets death is/ also a bit about Estella and possibly pip because most (normal) people don’t look to much into things like that but I’m autistic so
I might post it on here but I really don’t want a certain group of people to see it
I’ll still write it ofc but I might not publicly post about it if I’m still paranoid
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(Off topic but joe looks like a giant compared to pocket even when sitting but it’s just that the sp kids are so short)
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alternautxyz · 1 year
guys guyg uys the monkie kid soundtrack would have such a stranglehold of me if they actually released it i need the soundtrack out now
like the score is an essential part of so many of the most iconic parts of the show it adds so much emotion and gravity to the scenes
and i would honestly listen to it on its own on repeat is so good sounding with the melding of different genres of music
i know nothing about how music works but i’d really like to analyze all the the leitmotifs and sounds associated with all the characters and it would be a whole lot easier if they officially released it
anyways look at this please
tldr muisc goob pls giv eitt o us aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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teafiend · 1 month
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A revisit of Episode 7. This episode is truly the most heartbreaking in an already deeply tragic show.
The tragedies are shown in the small moments, the minute expressions, the conflicts, the words and each and every gesture 😫😭👏🏽🫡
And KGY is forever gorgeous 🫡
(GIFs credited to @Nungchae, Twitter/X)
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kazscrows · 1 year
I just noticed that right after Jesper’s mom calls him little rabbit it cuts immediately to Baghra holding a rabbit bone—
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korvos · 5 months
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