#kalena fic
sierrale8ne · 20 days
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kalena’s masterlist . . . ! requests are open!
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mini series’ !
power trip one two three | paige bueckers x black!fem!oc nsfw
oneshots !
little family | paige bueckers x black!mom!oc nsfw
break, bite, bang | azzi fudd x fem!reader nsfw
blurbs & headcannons !
kinks and things with 5 | paige bueckers x fem!reader nsfw
short fics !
don’t fw me | jealous paige bueckers x black!fem!reader nsfw
double ended strap | paige bueckers x fem!reader nsfw
baby daddy | paige bueckers x fem!reader nsfw
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lycanhood · 4 years
Kara Danvers is working as a war reporter for Catco Worldwide when she meets Lena Luthor, genius CEO of L-Corp. They quickly fall hard for each other. But with such demanding careers and each with their fair share of baggage, their relationship takes work. Kara is often out of the country and war takes its toll on her, while Lena is often traveling for business and still struggling under the weight of her family's sordid past.
They have to learn to love and support each other while still managing to be themselves in a world that seems hellbent on making life difficult. Welcome to the ride, and consider this the fasten your seatbelts sign
*No Powers/Human AU*
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tweenlove-n-hate · 3 years
Kate/Yelena Bodyguard AU - Sneak Peak
Title: Target: Bishop Securities - Entry Member: Kate Bishop
Plot: Yelena is placed, while still under mind control, as a spy within Bishop Securities. While there Yelena is placed as Kate Bishop’s personal bodyguard when the family begins receiving threats. Is it possible to fall in love when under mind control? Is it possible not to fall in love with your bodyguard whose constantly saving and changing your life?
The question to hire a bodyguard from in or out of the company came up eventually.  
“In.” Derek immediately answered while Eleanor disagreed. Which meant they each needed to try and prove their points. 
The two stood in front of a dry erase board that had several names of female agents that worked for Bishop Securities or were known to one or both of the Bishop’s. 
“Monica Rambeau, won’t work. She’s the chief investigator for this case.” Eleanor frowned as she crossed out one of her top choices. 
They crossed off Misty Knight, Coleen Wing, while Felicity Hardy had a question mark next to her name. Then there were others that were still on the board but had no indicators at all like Jean Grey, Kitty Pride, and Scarlet Witch. 
Derek smiled as he looked up from his tablet, “Jessica Jones is open for hire.” 
“No.” Eleanor stated immediately. 
“But…” Derek stopped when Eleanor glared at him. 
When Derek crossed off Jessica Jones’ name Eleanor went back to her list, “That leaves Sharon Carter, Jessica Drew, Yelena Belova, and Laura Kinney.” 
Derek looked at the names and circled the two that were employees he recognized. “Yelena and Sharon are the only ones left from within the company.” 
“Sharon huh?” Eleanor knew Sharon. With that in mind Eleanor glanced at the profile for Yelena Belova quickly, after seeing the picture at the top. It showed a young blonde woman with deep brown eyes, a chiseled face and hard stare. “Yelena is the member from Marcus’ team?”
Derek hummed affirmatively, Eleanor’s eyes widened as she looked at the young operatives file. “She saved three operatives on her last mission.” 
Derek shook his head in the negative and quickly explained, “Five actually, two died from complications later. But she pulled all five from the rubble. She even did field triage.” Derek recounted, “Marcus and I were discussing promoting her, again.” 
“Again?” Eleanor might have been a bit impressed and trying to hide it as she looked down at the tablet in her hands instead. 
Derek drank a sip from his tumblr, this time it was filled with water. “Mmm…she’s already been promoted three times.” 
“But…she’s only worked for us for…” Eleanor looked at the file, “Just shy of three years.” 
Derek shrugged, “She’s good. Speaks five languages fluently, half dozen more well, mastery in multiple weapons, permits and licenses are on the higher end, top of her class in everything.” 
Eleanor looked at her husband, “What’s the catch?” knowing Yelena couldn’t be perfect, even if on paper it looked like she was. 
Derek shrugged, not sure if her faults were all that imperative. “She has a bit of an attitude and distrust problem. Standoff-ish, but for her current missions that’s been somewhat of a benefit.” 
Eleanor was surprised that the woman had been hired let alone promoted three times if she had an attitude problem. Usually that was code for ‘doesn’t follow orders’ or is ‘hot headed’. “She follows orders?” 
“The right orders. Promotions came after she didn’t follow the wrong ones.” Derek grinned when he watched Eleanor accept that answer. “She’s a good operative. She’d have been on the fast track in the public sector, no matter which track she took. Army, Navy, Coast Guard, FBI, CIA…”  
“Then why did she come to work for us?” 
“She was born in Russia, came to the US on exchange during high school, went to college here, and applied for a work visa, and citizenship. You know with that new unspoken axiom, no matter how hard she worked in the public sector, unless she had a connection she wouldn’t get as high as she could with us.” The unspoken concern being that she was a spy. 
“Or make as much.” Eleanor noted the woman’s salary with a grin, swiping through the accommodations in the file and each successive monetary increase. 
“Or that.” Derek watched as Eleanor went up to the dry erase board and started to erase the names and notes they’d taken and replaced all the other options with one: YELENA BELOVA.
End Sneak Peak
Prologue posted here!
I am hard at work writing this fic, trying to get the first chapter finished after writing the last chapter first. >.< Can’t control the writing process, but in the interim I thought I’d share a sneak peak of Eleanor and Derek discussing their decision to hire Yelena for the job. 
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katesyelena · 3 years
You've Got My Number
It's not really normal to be on a regular texting basis with your enemy, but in Kate's defence, Yelena was the one who found her number. And it was hardly Kate's fault if her enemy was fun and easy to talk to. As long as they kept their boundaries, what harm could come from a bit of texting?
A/N:  As someone who loves text fics and these two, I knew I was going to end up writing this from the moment Yelena first texted Kate. 
Read on AO3 or continue below (full transcript beneath images)
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Dec 24 11:14 PM
Kate: Hey I don't know if we had solid plans or not, but just in case I'm not gonna be able to make Christmas Eve drinks :(
Yelena: You disappoint me, Kate Bishop. Who will be able to show me New York's finest dining now?
Kate: I'm sorry, I honestly would but I have had my ass kicked like five times tonight My head is killing me
Yelena: How's your mother?
Kate: Arrested It was what needed to be done
Yelena: Still shit though.
Kate: Yeah I'm just gonna try and focus on christmas instead of her By the way, thank you for not going through with your mission I know he may not be the hero I built him up to be, but he didn't deserve to die.
Yelena: It was for Natasha. You should take an ibuprofen for your head, and get some rest. It'll be a long journey to Barton's.
Kate: ... How did you know?
Yelena: Never try to hide anything from me, Kate Bishop. You're shit with secrets.
Kate: Well, I'm still sorry we didn't get to properly talk
Yelena: Yes, such a shame. You seemed to like me so much.
Kate: You know everything about me, I want to get on an even scale
Yelena: Hahahaha You're so funny, Kate Bishop.
Kate: Gee, thanks.
Yelena: Aw, no need to get grumpy with me. I've been training to do this all my life. You've won some trophies and destroyed a belltower.
Kate: I think I could still surprise you
Yelena: You could never scare me, but you're capable of doing things I may not expect.
Kate: Like what?
Yelena: Like continuing to spam my work phone even after we could've gone our separate ways. Why are you talking to me, Kate Bishop?
Kate: I just wanted to see if you were okay I felt bad leaving you alone after what you went through with Clint Especially on Christmas Eve
Yelena: I suppose I should thank you, in that case. But I will be alright.
Kate: Well, if you ever aren't I'm sure your regular phone also has my number :)
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snailwriter · 3 years
✨New fic ✨
(Because the world needs more Yelena x Kate)
Title: Bandages & Beers
Rating: Teen
Pairing: Yelena Belova x Kate Bishop
Length: 2.8k words
Fandom: Hawkeye & MCU
A few months after Christmas, Kate Bishop is still trying to sort out the mess that currently is her life.
A knock at the window changes everything.
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doyelikehaggis · 4 years
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Rowing the Rarepair Rowboat: Kate Kane (Batwoman) x Elena Gilbert (The Vampire Diaries)
Requested by @softolivarry
Everything is sparkling. It's hard for Elena to pick out something in the giant room that isn't glittering and shimmering under the lights, including the many chandeliers hanging above them.
And there are so many people. It's a charity event in Gotham, of course a lot of turned up for it, but still. She's having flashbacks to the Mikaelson ball and it's making her give everyone a second glance just to be sure there are no familiar faces lurking in the crowd. She wouldn't put it past the universe to thrust her into that kind of situation.
Taking in a slow, deep breath, she turns to the bar as she lets it back out in a sigh. Before she can even think about ordering a drink, there's a light tap on her left shoulder.
The space beside her is empty when she turns halfway, only to feel an arm curl around her waist from behind.
Eyes wide in surprise, she spins around, and for a moment thinks she's jinxed herself and is going to find herself face-to-face with Klaus or Elijah.
She breathes out a laugh of relief as Kate simply laughs, amusement shining in her eyes that are particularly bright in this light. A pale green that's cool and elegant with her usual cat-like gaze.
"Don't sneak up on me!" Elena says, playfully pushing at her shoulder. Her hand settles there, over the fabric of Kate's suit jacket.
Kate arches an eyebrow and feigns shock as she says, "Sneak up on you? I would never."
Elena rolls her eyes, scoffing for the simple fact that she can recount a number of times that Kate has in fact snuck up on her, and usually on purpose. Sometimes it's just the military training in her that makes her quiet by accident.
"If you think being cute will distract me from the fact that you're late, and--" Elena cuts herself off with a noise of disbelief, eyes widening as she finally takes in the fresh cut above Kate's eyebrow with alarm, "--and bleeding. Then you are sorely mistaken."
Kate grimaces. "Was kinda hoping, yeah."
She gently cups her face, her thumb grazing the skin around the cut. It's not too deep from what she can see, but it doesn't go unnoticed by her that there's a patch of purple blossoming on her jaw. Probably not the only bruise.
"You said that you weren't going to do anything stupid," Elena reminds her, fingers beneath her chin to gently tilt her head.
Some ice should quickly heal up the bruise, but considering they're in the middle of a very big, very public event, she's guessing that makeup to hide it might be their only option. If Kate's dad starts asking any more questions, or hell, if anyone does, Elena thinks she might finally slip up.
"And I didn't," Kate says with another gentle laugh in her voice. She catches Elena's hand in her own, stopping her inspection. "This could have been a lot worse. Trust me. You should see the other guy."
"Somehow, that doesn't make me feel better," Elena says.
But she smiles a little as Kate does, too. It could be a lot worse, she reasons. After all, the villains in Gotham have really been ramping up their tactics, getting more violent ever since the breakout at Arkham.
Plus the appearance of a literal vampire has made people even more unnerved than before. Including Elena.
"But," Elena sighs, lowering her free hand back to Kate's shoulder, "you're okay for the most part, and that's all that matters. But don't think I'm not going to do a double check over all of those injuries, and am going to get Mary to do the same, just to be safe."
Kate nods, the smile on her face stretching all the way up to her eyes. "Okay, that's fair, doctor."
"And for someone who was saving the city less than ten minutes ago, you don't look half bad," Elena teases, a little more relaxed. "At all, actually. You look great, and I'm happy you're here. Not just so that I don't have to awkwardly drink by myself at this bar the entire night."
Kate snorts, a soft chuckle. "Well, I must say, you are looking stunning as well."
She makes a show of looking her up and down, eyes flickering over her crimson dress with a touch of amusement and something else that darkens her eyes ever so slightly.
"Like, really good. Out of curiosity, how hard do you think it is to get that dress back off and how long would it take with someone's help? Specifically, someone like me."
Elena's eyes widen and her voice is exasperated even as she feels her skin flushing and a smile fight its way onto her face. "Kate."
"All right, all right." Kate laughs, hands in front of her. "I'll stop."
Elena pretends to consider it for a moment, but she's already shaking her head.
"Absolutely not," she says.
Kate's surprise is brief, a momentary shift in her expression, as if she was ready to pull away. Still not used to being so public despite her own brazen flirting. It's an adjustment, Elena knows, and she gets it.
When the surprise fades a second later, replaced with a sly, delighted little shine in her eyes and embedded into her smirk.
"Oh, well, in that case, how could I possibly refuse my beautiful girlfriend?" Kate says.
She leans forward, and Elena meets her without a beat of hesitation, kissing her happily. It already feels like it's been too long since she's been near her even though she saw her in the morning before she left for work. Living in Gotham, even only for a weekend here and there, it tends to make her savour things a little more. Just in case.
When they pull back, Kate doesn't go too far, staying close enough to still be able to talk in a low murmur and be heard by Elena only as she says, "Seriously, though, that dress..."
"Later," Elena promises, and bites her lip when Kate's eyes light up.
"I suppose I can--"
Something beeps, cutting Kate off. Their eyes are drawn down as Kate pulls her phone from her pocket. It's lit up and Elena catches sight of Luke's name as the phone buzzes.
Kate shoots her an apologetic look and answers. "Hey, everything okay?"
"Uh, well, depends on your definition of okay," Elena hears Luke reply. "Nocturna's back. With a friend."
Alarm surges through Elena again, with a good dose of worry thrown in. She and Kate share a look. Elena draws in a breath and nods.
Clearly understanding the message, Kate presses her lips together in a sigh. Then, "All right, we're on it. Send me the location."
"Good news: you're in the same building."
"How the hell is that good news?" Kate asks.
"Do you really want to argue with me right now when there are two vampires probably plotting some evil plan somewhere on the roof of a charity event full of the richest, most influential people in Gotham? Including you, Mary, and your dad?"
Kate rolls her eyes, and Elena notices a muscle in her jaw twitch, clenching slightly. She hangs up and when she looks at Elena again, they both understand.
Even so, Elena firmly says, "You are not leaving me down here while you go and find someone from my old life. Let me help, it worked last time on her. Maybe it will again."
Kate doesn't argue. She takes her hand, and says, "Okay then, let's go," and they set off into the sea of oblivious people, winding their way through them to get to the elevator before this event turns into a bloodbath.
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zalrb · 4 years
stefan getting the recognition he deserves today i see. alright i'm entering the ring. i think the 5x14 kalena + stefan seduction scene is one of the hottest scenes in the show. the dobsely chemistry has my brain short circuiting (i would have actually imploded if it really was elena but alas) if he WERE to actually end up going through with it despite trying his hardest not to, what do you think it would be that would push him over the edge? What do you think she'd have to say or do?
I really don't think there could be anything, like even when I did my SE affair fic, it was like years if them being with other people and trying to make their respective marriages work and just not being fulfilled to the point that they couldn't take it anymore, with season 5, the relationship with Damon is still too fresh for even that to happen and even if Elena said everything Stefan wanted to hear, even if she said she realized that the person she wants to be with is him and it's always been him, there would still be a part of him who would feel for Damon and be like you have to say this to Damon because despite what that anon said Stefan doesn't have the kind of mentality that Damon had where it was like fuck it I'll just do what I feel like doing because I already feel like shit anyway so at least let me do this one thing, we don't get that with Stefan, what we get is 3x14 and 3x22 where he can't help himself and dances with her because he's like I'm here and I remember us or he kisses her because he needs that potentially one last kiss before it's over for good or even 8x16, I just have to see her one last time, I just I just I just but in kind of fire contexts. It just wouldn't happen with 5x14 but I feel like what could've happened is him being like heavy breathing maybe foreheads pressed and him being like I have to walk away and her being like yeah and they stay there for a bit and then he leaves with his signature conflicted clenched jaw.
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erandri · 7 years
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This isn't the first lifetime Danny's been in Hawaii. When the stress ratchets up, the dreams get more and more real. Turns out Danny has some unfinished business . . . with Steve.
Warning: Ambien use may lower inhibitions in a wakeful state.
The dreams started not long after he blundered over the heiau that horrible Halloween, right about the time he started getting maybe six minutes of sleep per night. At first he didn't think anything of them. They were just vivid snatches of color and motion, like flipping past tv channels. But after a while, he began to notice that he was dreaming in longer fragments and remembering more details when he woke in the mornings. It's been a couple months. They're crystal clear now.
The baby . . . Rachel's baby. The baby that should have been his. He grits his teeth, crushes the insidious longing. He's pretty sure that's what brought on the next round. It all seemed so . . . real. He'd slipped into exhaustion and crashed on the couch, dead to the world, within minutes after Steve drove them back from breakfast.
He looks down at his hands and watches them measuring flour on a scale. He's not surprised they're shaking. Women die bearing children. Customers murmur in the store, dust motes following them in the diluted sun from the windows. He looks up at every movement, every blade of light from the door, distracted beyond bearing. Before he can chalk the amount onto the slate beside him, someone is shouting, "Will! Come and see the baby!"
He rips the oilcloth apron off and vaults over the counter, his feet echoing as they pound up the stairs of the square house next to the store. The flock of women in the doorway moves apart and he shoves through to see his wife sitting up in their four-poster bed. She is exhausted, face pale and her dark hair clinging to her forehead in damp ringlets, but she's smiling at him. Glowing. In her arms she is holding out a bundle of cloth and she says, pride in every syllable, "Come and meet your son, William."
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la-ermitana · 4 years
love yourself challenge
rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 favourite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you’ve brought into the world. tag as many writers/artists/etc as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
Tagged by my dear @mymostimaginaryfriend
That wasn’t the first girl who died parallel
I’m still learning how to gif so this was the first one I got the coloring and pixelation just right.
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# the more stressed James is the more attractive he becomes
The first one where I turned the brightness and contrast to change the vibe of the whole set inspired to do so by @mymostimaginaryfriend and she inspired the theme too
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Some of jeresa’s many acts of love
This is me thinking I was clever by wanting 200 gifs in a post but trying to figure out how to trick tumblr into letting me get all of them in
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Nothing Left - One of my favorites I’ve written in terms of the progression of the story.
Siete Semanas - My first and so far only future fic and I enjoyed trying to write King George’s personality
I have no ideas for new fic at this time. It’ll probably ramp up once we get crumbs for s5 (whenever that sadly will be). But since I’ve had too much time at home, I’ve made many more gif sets and have more to be proud of coming soon as the queue cranks them out in the coming weeks. I learned and played with more effects along with having completed a rewatch to inspire more! Thanks for the support!
Tagging @kalena-henden @taraknowless @fennethianell @skiesfallithurts and @queenstephaniaa (if you want, I know you don’t make gifs, but your crack edits are amazing!)
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viviansternwood · 5 years
Alright, so. I’ve calmed down. I had a tall glass of water. And here’s what I’m going to do.
I believe in second chances, and, with some thinking done, and with a lot of emotional support from @kitten1618x (ily babe), I’m going to give this show a second chance. I’m going to gif the crap out of this episode (yes, sad moments too), I’m going to write a crap ton of fix-it fics, canon divergence fics, modern au fics, future and married fics, you name it - I will write it (send me prompts!). 
If you need support after watching this episode - come to me, I’ll cry about it with you and will help you get through this tough time. But let’s not give up on Sidlotte and on Sanditon. 
Because the sanditon tag has become quite a toxic place at the moment (my few posts not helping it), I thought we should make a positivity tag, one we can scroll through and feel safe that we won’t see anything upsetting. The tag will be #believeinsanditon. No negativity in it about the show. If you post negativity in this tag, you will be blocked. Excited to see your posts in this tag! <3
Going to tag some wonderful people who might want to spread this message for the sake of the tag. Feel free to ignore if you’re leaving the fandom or do not feel positive about this! No pressure, do what is right for you. <3
@flaxens @inakingdombythesilversea @veinsofmantra @bethepenny @obsessedx @tarahhnicolee @kalena-henden
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themagicalshrimp · 4 years
I was tagged by @hurlumerlu​ thanks :)
slowburn or love at first sight // fake dating or secret dating // enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers // oh no there’s only one bed or long-distance correspondence // hurt/comfort or amnesia // fantasy au or modern au // mutual pining or domestic bliss // smut or fluff // canon-compliant (or divergent) or fix-it // reincarnation or character death // one-shot or multi chapters // kid fic or road trip fic // arranged marriage or accidental marriage // college romance or middle aged romance // time travel or isolated together // neighbours or roommates // sci-fi au or magic au // body swap or genderbend // angst or crack // apocalyptic or mundane  
i’m tagging @kalena-henden @mymostimaginaryfriend and @evanbucklley and i feel like everyone else’s already done it
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onlymorelove · 4 years
@kalena-henden tagged me. Thanks, friend. <3 slowburn or love at first sight // fake dating or secret dating // enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers // oh no there’s only one bed or long-distance correspondence // hurt/comfort or amnesia // fantasy au or modern au // mutual pining or domestic bliss // smut or fluff // canon-compliant (or divergent) or fix-it // reincarnation or character death // one-shot or multi chapters // kid fic or road trip fic // arranged marriage or accidental marriage // college romance or middle aged romance // time travel or isolated together // neighbours or roommates // sci-fi au or magic au // body swap or genderbend // angst or crack // apocalyptic or mundane   If you’d like to do this, please consider yourself tagged by me. :) 
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obsessedx · 5 years
I wasn’t really tagged but I saw this awesome game on @lastbluetardis’ blog, so I decided to do it!!!
copy/paste and bold your fic preferences because why not, gotta choose one (near impossible, but go with your first gut instinct), and tag someone
slow burn or love at first sight
fake dating or secret dating
enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers
oh no there’s only one bed or long distance with correspondence
hurt/comfort or amnesia
fantasy au or modern au
mutual pining or domestic bliss (i am not choosing this one!)
smut or fluff (neither this one!!!)
canon compliant or fix-it fic
alternate universe or future fic
one shot or multi chapter (but i love one shots too)
kid fic or road trip fic
reincarnation or character death  
arranged marriage or accidental marriage
high school romance or middle aged romance
time travel or isolated together
neighbors or roommates (neighbors who turn into roommates ;) ;) )
sci-fi au or magic au
body swap or genderbend
angst or crack
apocalyptic or mundane
I’m tagging @swainlake, @admiralheywood, @viviansternwood, @kalena-henden, @stolenxkissess, @queenofunpopular, @stevn-rgers, @captainsantiagos, @hanorganaas, @stenbranlons, @rickgrrrrimes , @belvsck ♥♥♥ and of course anyone who wants to do it, tag me in it :)))
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tweenlove-n-hate · 3 years
Hawkeye (Kate/Yelena) Bodyguard AU -
Yelena Belova is placed, while still under Dreykov's mind control, as a spy within Bishop Securities. While on mission Yelena is placed as Kate Bishop’s personal bodyguard after the family begins receiving threats. Kate Bishop is spoiled, opinionated, and talks too much, but a mission is a mission. A mission made far more frustrating as Kate Bishop wants nothing to do with having a bodyguard, even when it becomes clear she needs one and there are pesky things like FEELINGS developing. 
Is it possible to fall in love when under mind control? Is it possible not to fall in love with your bodyguard whose constantly saving and changing your life? Lets find out!
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qqueenofhadess · 5 years
Hey, so.
It’s your old pal, Hilary. Same url, extra s.
After three solid weeks of absolutely no communication from tumblr whatsoever, I am finally forced to admit that the odds of ever getting my old blog back are looking.... bad. I’ll keep trying everything I can, and maybe a miracle happens and maybe it doesn’t, but as it is, I have a bad feeling that six solid years of work, fic, meta, questions, history and more are gone for good. So I’ve lost all my followers, my platform, my creative output, my flailing, and six years of my life, all because of a totally avoidable circumstance that tumblr won’t fix.
So here I am, hat in hand, and I’m going to have to apologize for the mass user tag/cross fandom/ship tagging, but also, my old blog got deleted for absolutely no reason Jesus Christ, and I’d appreciate a signal boost. I’m trying to remember everyone I was following, but it may take a while. Please remind me if we were mutuals.
If you remember me from:
Once Upon a Time (Captain Swan, Outlaw Queen, Jones brothers, etc etc, fics such as Crimson, The Lightbearers, Incarcerus, When in Rome, The Dark Horizon, etc)
Lucifer (Deckerstar, The Inferno, In Nomine Patris, in the land of gods and monsters, etc)
Timeless (Garcy, Timeless Season 3 (which got restored but I have no access to since it was a sideblog), Starlight & Strange Magic, the tangled web of fate we weave, The Procurator, The Alchemical Wedding, etc)
Marvel Cinematic Universe (Steggy, Kastle, breath of ash, bone of dust, other drabbles now mostly gone)
Medieval history (my many, also lost, historical posts, medieval magic, medieval women, 50 Women to Know, so on)
Black Sails, The North Remembers, etc etc
.... this is where I will be for the foreseeable future. I am not sure how much content is going to go here, because I am absolutely gutted about losing my old blog for, again, no reason whatsoever. I thought about not coming back at all, but I guess we’ll see. And I missed you guys too much.
And now for the deluge:
@letmetellyouaboutmyfeels, @extasiswings, @prairiepirate, @sweetestinthegale, @jonathansnowflakes, @kmomof4, @whimsicallyenchantedrose, @captainswanouat, @hookedoncaptswan, @wedlakeserenities, @queen-mabs-revenge, @winterbythesea, @battleshipgarcy, @rionsanura, @oldshrewsburyian, @frankcastle, @garciaflynnismyspiritanimal, @weaverofthenight, @geekalogian, @artielu, @daeneryskairipa, @chidis-eleanor, @somekindofflowergirl, @katechaucer, @businesscasualprincess, @aloha-4-ever, @lightbringersamael, @clockadile, @saettres, @ohmarqueliot, @ofhouseadama, @mearcatsreturns, @sharkflip. @lucifersfavouritesinner, @writtenwolves, @findwhatyourefightingfor, @romancelvr, @kalena-henden, @onlymorelove, @captainofthefallen, @lenfaz, @natascha-ronin, @gelbmantrees, @koortega, @tsuuriki, @alchemistc, @squidproquoclarice, @queenincrimson
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cowandcalf · 6 years
For the fanfic ask game: I would really like to know your answers to question T & U.
Hi, there, lovely anon! Thank you a lot for your ask. I’m kind of overwhelmed by all the asks and it’s like ‘wow - another one. I mean wow!’ And that’s so awesome. I love to answer your questions.
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand?
Yes, there are tropes that are just not my jam. The one I really avoid because it causes too much pain is Major Character Death (MCD). Fandom life is my happy place and no one dies, especially no one from my ship. I can’t deal with this, with the loss, the pain, and all the agony. I don’t want that. Fandom is my island where I create a universe for my OTP and they end up always happy and in love. That’s how I want it.
I can’t deal with abusive relationships. So I won’t read such stories.
BDSM has a huge variety of how it’s lived, of how it’s going down. I’ve read a lot of these stories and this world - it’s just...I can’t find a way into this energy. I don’t understand it because I don’t feel it. Although there are many, incredible great stories out there which I love a lot. And I’ve started to love some of them because they approach that topic in a new, unknown way. Not with the common rules of BDSM I normally relate to this kink. I love, and I mean love the dynamics of A/B/O and there is a lot of possession, marking, devotion, domination, submission involved. It’s actually ruled by it. But - but it’s handled differently and there’s always this feral part that drives me crazy. This animal part, the instinct, and the made-by-nature and this changes everything for me. But the common BDSM I normally find in stories is not my thing.
What else? I guess I leave it here. I’m sure there are more tropes but right this moment I can’t think of anything else.
U: Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
Ha! That’s not an easy one because there are so many, incredible, awesome, mind-blowing writers out there who deserve all the love and attention. But of course, I have my favorite writers. I’ll go with five, three are just not enough. And my thirst for writers and their special, individual style of writing changes. The longer I write my own stories, the more I develop my own style, the more I look for other details when I read a story.
So, right this moment there are actually five writers who are a role model for me, whom I admire like hell, who are my stars at my writer’s firmament and I look up to them and they kind of are a guide, a words-sensei, for me. I learn a lot from them. They’ve all written H50/McDanno stories.
MissSlothy @missslothy
kalena and JiM have written a lot of McDanno stories together.
I’m all game for hurt/comfort, for emotional baggage and for feelings. For the psychological side of the human brain and how the heart deals with feelings and all that. The big game of mutual pining, of misunderstanding, of hope and despair, of deepest love and the fear not to find it, of fighting for the one and only and of finding true love.
All these writers knock me off my feet when I read their stories. They have such a kaleidoscope of words that blows me away. Everything is rich, dense and so intense that I have to take breaks when I read. I kind of get over excited and also feel despair and kind of hopeless because I think I never will be able to reach that level of writing, to create this intensity in the reader while they read my story. Their stories and I mean every single one I’ve read from each of my favorite writers, is great. AWESOMESAUCE. I tend to read ALL of the stories of a writer when I’ve fallen in love with their style. I gobble it down, overwhelmed and addicted to their words. So I guess that explains why I love these writers so much. My mind implodes when I read their fics and my heart combusts and I don’t recover for days. And that’s just - fucking WOW!
I hope you like my answers and I thank you again so much for your ask, dear anon. I had a lot of fun answering your questions and I’m always so flattered when someone shows interest. Mahalo and I wish you a great time.
FanFic Ask Game
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