#kicking my legs and hiding my face in my pillow
zephyrchama · 3 days
Hide & Seek
The House of Lamentation bustled with activity. Not only had the palace residents come to visit, but Purgatory Hall as well.
While everyone busied themselves with socializing, Luke challenged you to a game of Hide and Seek. The house made for an incredibly ideal location. After several challenging rounds of both wins and losses where you and Luke battled impressively, the game started to grow. More and more started taking interest.
"Thirty five... thirty six... thirty seven..."
Luke shouted with all his might so that his voice would permeate the house. He stood in the hallway, facing the wall with his eyes covered. You hurried to the place you knew best - your bedroom.
"Hey, let me hide with you." Mammon appeared by your side, giving you a fright.
"Seriously? Find your own hiding spot!" You told him.
"C'mon, it's more excitin' this way."
He persistently tailed you to the bedroom. There was no time to waste fighting or shaking him off. You didn't know how good angel hearing was, so just to be safe, you opened and closed the door as quietly as possible. Mammon ran over to your table.
"This'll be perfect." He kicked a chair out of the way and squatted down, ducking his head to crawl under the table. He was met face to face with Barbatos.
Mammon jumped, banging his head against solid wood, as he shouted "What the-!?"
You and Barbatos shushed him with a hiss, the two of you bringing your fingers to your lips in sync.
"What the hell are you doin' here?"
Diavolo and Simeon popped their heads out from behind the butler.
"Quiet!" Diavolo said with a massive grin. The prince was having fun.
"We're playing hide and seek," Simeon smiled.
Mammon tsked. Under the table was no good. Under the bed would have to do. He got down on his hands and knees and lifted the bedsheet.
A pair of glowing eyes stared back at him, making him yelp.
"Occupied," Asmodeus leered. Something shifted in the dark beneath him. It was Solomon craning his head to see who had found them.
"Huh? You're not Luke. Hurry and go away before Luke finds us," Solomon told you.
"Damn it. Plan C." Mammon jumped on the bed itself and began moving the covers around, hoping a messy pile wouldn't be overly suspicious. He picked up one of the many plush pillows to unveil an arm.
"I believe I was here first," a muffled voice stated.
"Are you kiddin' me?" Mammon pushed aside another pillow to reveal a face. "Raphael?"
The angel stoicly nodded and grabbed a stolen pillow from Mammon's arms. He carefully laid it back over his face.
"I hope you took your shoes off before getting on my bed," you commented as you tried to wiggle behind a shelf.
"Don't worry, I did," Raphael reassured you.
Mammon was now frantically pacing around the room in anger, his eyes darting to find any viable hiding spot.
"C'mere!" he beckoned. "It's dumb but we'll hide in the closet."
You chose to stay put at your shelf and watch.
He rubbed his hands together as if he could make this the greatest hiding spot in the world and pulled the closet handle with a confident flourish. Several "oofs" resounded through the room as Leviathan and Belphegor tumbled out.
"I told you there were too many of us in here!" Satan's voice angrily whisper-yelled.
Mammon groaned as Leviathan and Belphegor smacked his legs, going "this is all your fault!" and "why'd you have to ruin it?"
"Hurry up and close the door," Beelebub said.
"You've gotta be jokin'. Let me in!" Mammon was brash and tried to trudge head-first into what little space there was, but couldn't move a step with two siblings whacking his feet.
Lucifer, Satan, and Beelzebub remained inside the closet. They were sandwiched in tightly.
"I was here first," Lucifer remarked, irked that his siblings had destroyed an otherwise roomy and nice hiding spot. His cheek was pressed against the wall, squished. Satan was not very happy to be pressed up snugly against his big brother as the middle filling of this demon sandwich. He looked ready to scream. Beelzebub was pressed against the other wall with one of your shirts on his head.
It appeared that every spot in your room was fully occupied. There was nowhere left to hide.
Time was already up.
"Ready or not, here I come!"
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lalacliffthorne · 3 days
when for a change, Azriel is the one in need of cuddles 💕
I'm back on my modern!batboys roomies bullshit, bc I missed our grumpy bat and am in desperate need of a cuddle, and bc baby boy deserves all the love and care in the world.
The front door fell shut behind me, and I sighed, kicking off my shoes.
"Hello?" Raising my head, I slipped out of my jacket, and my eyes fell onto the boots abandoned in the middle of the hall next to Azriel's open door.
My brows crunched softly.
I listened for a few heartbeats, and my ears picked up on the sound of the shower running. Taking a few steps forward, I peaked into Azriel's room, and my gaze found clothes strewn aimlessly over the room, a knocked over pencil holder and pictures fallen to the floor.
My heart dipped before tightening gently, and picking up my bag, I turned around, quickly sliding into my room.
When maybe ten minutes later, I heard the door to the bathroom open, I was sitting on Azriel's bed, pillows stuffed into my back, his crumpled blanket thrown over my bare legs, one of his sweatshirts drowning my body and a gentle weight on my chest.
The door was pushed open, and my heart skipped softly against my ribs when Azriel stepped into the room, only wearing joggers hanging low on his lips. Muscles shifted under his bare skin as he ran a hand through his hair that looked damp and tousled, a rigid kind of tension in his whole body as he pushed the door close. Then he raised his head, and his body became completely still as our eyes met.
Something tightened gently under my ribs, but I just watched him, quiet.
For a second, Azriel just stared at me. His eyes, piercing and stormy, flickered over my face. Then I carefully pulled the blanket to the side and sent him the crooked ghost of a smile.
The muscles in Azriel's shoulders shifted, his jaw tightening. His gaze seemed to become molten as he flexed his fingers, something rising beneath, and suddenly, the weight on my chest shifted onto my throat.
Staring at him, I curled my fingers into my blanket and swallowed softly.
Azriel's gaze tracked the movement. Then his shoulders sagged as his whole stance seemed to deflate, the strange fight drowning out of his eyes and leaving them simply exhausted, and without another second of hesitation, Azriel moved.
Something leapt against my ribs when with a few strides, he reached the bed, the mattress dipping under his weight as he slid into the space between my legs, and something rose under my ribs when his arms slipped under my back and Azriel pulled me into a hug so tight, my heart got stuck in my throat.
My breath caught, and Azriel slid his arms further around me, grip crushing, face tucked into my neck. Then his shoulders sagged, and his body slumped heavily onto my chest.
My heart rose, and I slid my arms around his shoulders as I let myself sink back into the cushions. My legs came up to firmly frame Azriel's hips, and I dropped my head and buried my nose in his hair, squeezing him tightly.
Azriel nuzzled his nose into my skin, a soft sound leaving him as he buried deeper into me, the last bit of lingering tension in his body melting into nothingness. His weight was burying me in the pillows, so familiar that my body curved around his far taller one like muscle memory.
It felt like he was trying to hide me away, with his whole body covering mine, while simultaneously hiding himself.
My breath hitched gently, and I slid my arms further around his shoulders, squeezing him as tightly as I could as I pressed my nose into his damp hair.
“Hi,”, I whispered, sliding one hand up to curl my fingers into the hair at the back of his head, and Azriel made a low sound deep in his throat, his grip tightening as he buried himself deeper in my body.
Feeling my heart skip and rise, I held onto him, breathing in his familiar scent that made my chest ache. My thumb slowly brushed over the back of his head, then I stretched my arm with a little effort. Dragging the warm, heavy blanket over us, I let myself sink back into the pillows, slipping my hand out of Azriel's hair and carefully running my fingers over his bare back.
Muscles shifted under my touch and a gentle shudder travelled through his body as a low sound left him. Then Azriel shifted, arms tightening like he was trying to drag me closer, and something melted in my chest.
Gently, I started brushing my fingers over Azriel's back, following his spine up and down in slow, even motions. Raising my free hand to thread it through his hair, gently circling my thumb over the back of his head, I carefully dipped my head to the side slightly to catch a glimpse at Azriel’s face.
Something fluttered gently in my ribs when my gaze flickered over his closed eyes and cheek smushed against my collarbone, the crease between his dark brows slowly smoothing over as his jaw shifted, tensing before relaxing.
Feeling a wave of warmth rise in my chest, fluttering wildly, I dropped my head and pressed my lips against his forehead.
My heart dipped and skipped when Azriel's scent rose into my nose, his hair tickling my skin, and I thought I felt his chest vibrate when a deep sound left him. Then I buried my nose in his hair, running my fingers over the back of his head slowly.
"Are you okay?", I whispered, something tightening around my throat, and Azriel buried his nose in my neck. Then I felt him nod, just once.
Silence settled over the room, calm and comfortable as the sky outside slowly grew darker and darker. Azriel’s body radiated warmth, melting into mine until his muscles were completely loose and relaxed, his weight grounding as his slow, warm breath grazed my neck. My fingers carefully threaded through his hair, gently scratching over his scalp as I felt my own heartbeat calm, my eyes growing heavy. When my hand slipped up to rest against his jaw, my thumb beginning to lightly trace over Azriel's cheek, I felt his even, steady breath.
I had long lost track of time, but when I heard the distant sound of the front door opening and closing, Azriel hadn’t moved in a while. His breath was so slow, it felt like he had fallen asleep.
Gently running my fingers through his hair, I raised my head a little when there was a knock against my door, and with a creak, it opened, revealing tousled dark hair and wide shoulders as Rhys looked over his shoulder.
“Az, you he-“ He turned around and trailed off, and I groaned inwardly when his nearly violet eyes started twinkling, his lips slowly curving upwards in a smirk.
Pushing the door open further, he leaned against the frame and raised his brows.
I glowered softly and silently.
Don’t you dare.
Rhys’ grin grew, and he mouthed: “Cute.”
I rolled my eyes and flipped him off.
“Can I join in?” Rhys’ voice was lowered, though it did nothing to hide the amusement vibrating through it, and I contemplated throwing something at him. But before I could decide on what would make the least noise, Azriel’s low, tired voice vibrated through my bones.
“Fuck off.”
Rhys started grinning so widely, the dimples in his cheeks reached new depths. A low laugh vibrated in his chest, and he pushed off the doorframe.
“Rude.” Sending me a bright smile and a cheeky wink, he turned around, and I couldn’t keep the light giggle breaking from my throat as I watched him close the door again.
“Shithead,”, Azriel mumbled softly into my neck, but I could feel the ghost of a crease forming in his cheek under my fingers.
My heart fluttered gently when Az raised his head, resting his chin on my chest. Our noses brushed slightly, and the thrum under my ribs grew as my gaze flickered over his tired eyes.
"Hi,", I mumbled.
Azriel huffed gently, but the corner of his lips rose just barely. His eyes slowly tracked over my face, and something fluttered violently against my ribs at the spark of something feverish growing in his tired stare.
"Hi,", Azriel mumbled back, and my heart leapt into my throat at the sound of his slow, deep voice quietly vibrating through me.
For a second, we just stared at each other, almost greedy in the way our eyes flickered over the other's face. I catalogised the few pale freckles on his nose and the way his tousled hair fell over his forehead as my fingers slowly ran over the back of his head. Then I blinked lightly.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" My voice was so soft, it vibrated in the tiny space between us as my gaze roamed Azriel's face and my hand carefully threaded through his hair.
"Not really." Azriel let his eyes fall shut for a second, his low, deep voice wavering between dry and simply tired.
Staring at him, I felt something close around my throat.
Azriel blinked, his gaze focusing back in on me. Amber eyes tracked over mine, tired, soft, and a little feverish. Then he blinked again, and his deep voice was quiet when he mumbled: "Got caught in the darkness."
Something tightened under my ribs, squeezing my heart.
Azriel's nose lightly brushed mine as he shifted a little, his gaze roaming over my face. Then his soft, low mumble washed over me. "You pulled me out though."
My breath caught in my throat, and pressure built behind my eyes as I nodded, quick and soft.
Azriel's lips curved, just a little as his gaze flickered over mine. Then he tightened his grip and shifted forward, and my heart leapt high when he rolled onto his back with a quiet grunt, pulling me with him.
A soft, breathy squeak bubbled in my throat, and somehow, I managed to catch myself with my forearms pressing into the mattress next to Azriel's head.
My breath hitched when I felt his grip tighten to keep me from sliding away to the side, one of his hands slipping under my sweatshirt and causing a gentle shiver to travel down my spine as his calloused skin pressed against my back.
Something swelled under my ribs, and exhaling softly, I let myself slowly sink into his chest. Azriel shifted to get comfortable, resting his head against the pillows as he stared up at me, and swallowing gently, I traced my eyes over Azriel's face. Then I carefully dipped my head.
My nose lightly brushed against Azriel's, and I could feel his muscles shift, his lashes fluttering against my cheeks. His breath fanned over my skin, his scent rising into my nose as his grip tightened, and feeling something rise in my chest, bright and all-consuming, I bridged the last inch and slowly pressed my lips onto his.
A low sound broke from Azriel's throat, deep and hoarse. His hand rose to cup the side of my neck as his arm slid around my waist, and his thumb brushed over the curve of my neck as I kissed him, simple, warm and long enough to feel dizzy.
Pulling back carefully only for a few seconds, I gently brushed my nose against Azriel's. Then I dipped my head and pressed our lips together again, and Azriel exhaled slowly against my cheek, his fingers sliding into my hair, and a soft noise bubbled in my throat.
Breaking the kiss slowly, I pressed my lips against the corner of Azriel's, then his cheek, his chin, the side of his nose, slow, gentle, my heart pounding against my ribs when I felt his lashes flutter against my cheek.
Azriel's grip tightened, and threading my fingers through his hair, I sank deeper into his chest, pressing one last long kiss onto the place where the crease in his cheek formed when he smiled. Then I pulled back, and Azriel stared at me from half-lidded eyes, that tired, feverish look doubled as his gaze dragged over my face.
Feeling my lips curve, I nudged my nose against his lightly. The corner of Azriel's lips twitched as his piercing eyes dragged tiredly over my face, and I brushed my thumb over his eyebrow before letting my head fall onto his shoulder with a sigh, burying my face in the crook of his neck. Azriel's hand slipped up my back as he slid his arms further around me, then he dropped his nose into my hair and slowly breathed out.
@azrielshadows1nger @waytoomanyteenagefeels @secretlyhers @knmendiola @luvmoo @azriels-mate2 @bookishbroadwaybish @maybe-a-winchester @stayinglow-exploringworlds @harrystylesfan2686 @icey--stars @ssmay123 @kalulakunundrum
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tizniz · 14 hours
Hi my darling 😘🩵
If you're still taking smut prompts, may I suggest 114. "I like it when you're mad" (possibly for the sugar baby Eddie universe?) (I'm definitely not picky 😁)
Maggie, you know I'll always fulfill a request for you 😘 And we're DEFINITELY doing sugar baby Eddie.
Eddie is used to seeing Buck being charming and kind. The man remembers everything about his staff and makes a point to check in on them. He has a smile for anyone they encounter, getting them to fold long before he pulls out his wallet. Eddie should know - he fell much like that.
He's also used to not seeing Buck in work mode. Even though Eddie has insisted it's fine to take calls or answer emails while they're together, Buck has tried to keep a firm rule that when they're together, there is no work. And honestly, it's kind of nice being the focus of Buck's attention. But if he wants to be like this while working? Eddie isn't exactly opposed to it.
"What the fuck do you mean it's gone?" Buck barks into the phone, shoulders tense as he paces a line in the carpet at the foot of the king sized bed he and Eddie had been lounging in.
Eddie pushes himself up into a sitting position, laying back against the numerous pillows, his eyes following his boyfriend. The phone had rang a few minutes ago, and Buck had shot a sympathetic look at Eddie. It was the tone for his assistant, and Ravi would only be calling if there was a proper emergency. Buck paid him a significant salary so they wouldn't be interrupted, after all.
But the call had taken a quick turn as a cloud had appeared over Buck's head, and he had untangled himself from Eddie to start the pacing.
"I thought we had this all sorted!" Buck snaps. dragging a hand roughly through his hair, leaving his curls in a disarray. He's only wearing his boxer briefs, considering they had certain plans for the bed Eddie is still sitting in. "No, that should have been dealt with fucking months ago."
Eddie doesn't really understand what's happening, but he can feel his skin growing warm as he watches Buck get increasingly more frustrated, shouting into the phone. His boyfriend is attractive. Incredibly so. And normally he doesn't get like...this.
He'll get a little mean with Eddie in bed, sure. But mad? No. Never.
And while Eddie doesn't want that wrath turned on him, he can't deny that watching it is a bit...sexy. Maybe it's residual sensations from when Buck had been groping him just before the call had come in, or maybe Eddie is unlocking a new kink. Who the fuck knows with Buck.
So as Buck paces and shouts, gesturing wildly as his face takes on these harsh lines, blue eyes flaring with anger at whoever is on the other side, Eddie slides his hand down the length of his chest and towards where his cock is sitting half hard between his legs.
Biting his lip, he cups himself, pressing the heel of his palm against his length. Not wanting to hide, in case Buck looks over, Eddie kicks the sheets off and with his knees bent, he allows his legs to spread, tightening the fabric over his growing bulge.
Buck snarls something else in the phone and it sends a shiver down Eddie's spine. He slips his hand under the elastic band of his underwear, sighing as he gets his fingers wrapped around himself. He uses slow and lazy strokes, bringing himself to full hardness as his eyes follow Buck back and forth.
It's just so fucking hot watching him get so mad and firm. Eddie likes when Buck is firm. Loves when he uses that tone to tell Eddie exactly what to do.
He swipes his thumb over the tip of his cock, collecting the bite of pre-cum there, moaning softly at the sensation.
The sound has Buck's head snapping over, finally realizing what's going on. He comes to a complete stop at the foot of the bed, blazing blue eyes watching as Eddie's hand continues to move, hidden under the fabric.
Eddie licks his lips and tightens his grip, releasing another low moan as he keeps pleasuring himself, feeling even hotter with that blazing stare on his skin.
With his free hand, he hooks his thumb into the elastic band, tugging down until he can free his cock, the band snug under his balls, putting him on display for Buck. His boyfriend's nostrils flare as his eyes darken. But Eddie doesn't stop.
"No." Buck growls into the phone, his free hand palming himself now. "You're going to fucking figure it out. Or you and your entire team are fired. Understood? Good. Now leave me the fuck alone." He ends the call and tosses the phone aside, paying no attention as it clatters to the floor. "You are a little fucking tease."
Eddie pants as he keeps working himself, "I like it when you're mad."
"That so, sweetheart?" Buck hums, shucking his underwear so he's standing there fully nude, his cock now hard with a drop of pearly white at the tip. "Maybe next time I'll ride you while I'm getting mad."
Eddie groans, sinking down into the pillows as his hand picks up the pace. "Yes. Please."
"Keep going, love." Buck's voice is a rasp against his skin, even if they aren't touching. "Because this is only round one. I'm going to wring you dry tonight."
Choking on his next moan, Eddie comes with a jolt.
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wlw-cryptid · 7 months
if that other anon wants to fight for the first go at you so badly, they've got another thing coming. im willing to bet im easily stronger, maybe even more determined. don't worry though, you know id treat you right — i just wanna be able to start early and take my time with you
i had to wait a little bit before answering this because it makes me so shy and flustered . made me blush in real life i cant look at it directly
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itaipava · 8 months
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cannieclownery · 2 months
Genuinely love seeing how many people enjoy my silly doodles, I quite enjoy being a lottle jester for the masses
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dashofghost · 19 days
or, there's only one bed. mdni.
Winter came early, earlier than it should have, before the heat could kick in throughout the middle of nowhere base somewhere in Russia. The day of travel weighed heavily on your shoulders, exhaustion seeking into your bones. You wanted nothing more than a shower and to fall into bed and sleep for the next week.
The universe, unfortunately, had other plans.
"Right," Price sighed, "barracks are full, we've got to share." His eyebrows furrowed as groans arose from Soap and Gaz, "can it, lads. You two are together, get used to it." Soap rolled his eyes dramatically, yelping as Gaz elbowed him in the side.
"You two," Price sighs, pointing at you and Ghost, "you'll be together. Rooms 142 and 143, don't care who gets who. Just show up tomorrow." You could feel Ghost behind you, hovering like some gargantuan bat. Oh god. You were going to have to share a room with him.
You're both quiet as the team heads down the hallway, Gaz and Soap's banter loud enough for the both of you. Price dismisses you with a gruff goodnight, all too eager to lock himself in his room.
"This is us." Ghost's timbre catches you off guard, and you start, head whipping over your shoulder. The lines around his eyes crinkle, or at least, you think they do, behind the mask and the paint.
"Sorry," he mutters, bowing his head, "didn't mean to scare ya, love."
Love. The nickname, however insignificant, paints your face with a flush. You try to hide it by pushing the door to your shared room open.
It's tiny, with a cramped bathroom attached by the foot of the bed. The only bed. Shit.
You laugh, a hollow, humorless laugh, the culmination of exhaustion and frustration and longing. Ghost groans, burying his head in his hands.
"I'll take the floor," he sighs, but you cut him off immediately.
"No, I'll take the floor. Where would you even fit on the floor? There's not enough floor to fit you," you snap back. Ghost glowers at you through his mask.
"You'll catch your death on the floor," he fires at you, crossing his arms over his chest. A draft blows through the room, as if to echo his point.
"At least I'll fit on the floor," you counter, mimicking his crossed arms. He stares you down, biting his lip as you stare him down right back.
"Fine," he says shortly, "we'll share. Pillow wall work for you?" You nod, moving to arrange the pillows down the bed, trying to quell the excitement brewing in your stomach. You are colleges. This is strictly professional.
You can't help but let your eyes catch on him as he strips his vest and gear, until he's left in thermal underclothes and his balaclava, fingers hesitating at the hem.
"I won't look. If you want to take it off," you offer. He snorts, toying with the fabric.
"Wouldn't work. Besides, you've seen me before. After the grenade," he reminds you, wincing as he pulls his mask off.
He's just as beautiful as you remembered, all soft hazel eyes and sharp, angular cheekbones. His buzzcut has grown out since the last time you saw him, just on the verge of being unkempt. You're staring, and he knows you're staring, but he lets you, throwing his head back with a groan. His neck arches beautifully, and you want to cover it with marks.
You're quick to shed your own gear, trying to look anywhere but his face, but you feel his eyes linger on the arc of your shoulders, the hollow of your neck, the curve of your hips. You climb under the thin blankets, curling as far away from Ghost's side as he turns the lights out.
The bed squeaks as he lays down, adjusting the pillows. He's so big he takes up all of his side and almost part of yours. He moves his legs and they brush against your knee.
"Sorry," he mutters, pulling his calf away like it had been burned. Sparks tingle up your legs.
"'S fine, Ghost," you murmur back. The bed squeaks again as he rolls over to face you, head on the pillow just inches from yours. You want to kiss him. He's so close.
"Do you remember what I told you? After the grenade?" he asks. You nod, but stay quiet as he sighs softly. His hand twitches, like he wanted to reach out for you but stopped himself.
"When it's like this," he breathes, his voice sweet, "when it's just you and me, it's Simon. Call me Simon." He's so soft, in a way you've never seen him before, and you nod, moving ever so close to him.
"Alright," you breathe, "goodnight, Simon."
"G'night, sweetheart."
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
When you wake, it's freezing. Ghost- Simon- is snoring next to you, heat radiating off of him like a goddamn furnace. You curl your body into itself, but shivers rack your shoulders anyway. You groan in frustration, glaring up at the ceiling.
Simon stirs next to you, rolling over groggily. His arm brushes against yours, and he winces, thumb brushing over the skin.
"You're freezing," he whispers, cupping your hand in both of his. Your arc towards him, relishing in the warmth that emanated from him, and he smiles, soft and sweet.
"I'm fine," you mutter, "go back to sleep." You prop yourself up on one elbow, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
"Don't be stupid," Simon breathes, "come here. I've got enough warmth for the both of us."
You shove the pillow wall aside so fast it makes Simon chuckle as pillows hit the floor. He wraps his arms around you, pressing your back to his chest, hitching a leg over your hip. He's so warm, heat surrounding you on every side as he tucks his head into the hollow of your shoulder.
His hands rest on your stomach, thumb rubbing the exposed skin of your stomach where your shirt has slid up. You wrap your arms around his, holding them to your chest. He feels safe.
"Better?" Simon asks, pulling you closer to his chest. You nod, sleep already creeping over you as you feel him smile against your neck. His thumb rubs soothing patterns on your skin as you slowly drift to sleep.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
When you wake again, it's still dark. You're facing Simon, clinging to one of his arms with your head buried in his chest. He's rubbing your back, and as you look up at him, his eyes are open.
"What time is it?" you whisper, stretching slightly, wrapping your arms around his neck. He glances down at his watch, toying his bottom lip between his teeth.
"Five thirty-seven," he responds, tucking an unruly strand of hair behind your ear. His hand lingers, tracing your cheek and cupping it in his callused hand. Your eyes flick down to his lips and back again.
"Can I kiss you?" His voice is ragged with desperation, pupils blown wide. With a soft gasp, you nod.
He kisses you softly, tenderly. You pull him closer, hands interlocking at the back of his neck, one trailing down to his cheek. He pulls away, resting his forehead against yours as he catches his breath.
"Oh," he breathes, almost against your lips. He pushes himself up against the headboard, a spark growing in his eyes as he pulls you into his lap.
His second kiss is desperate, his teeth sinking into your lower lip, hands tangling in your hair. You arch in his grip as his hands drift to bracket your hips, your body flushing as he pulls you even closer. Your nails dig into his back and he moans against your lips, you crave the feeling of his bare skin against your fingers even though the cold prohibited it.
You gasp softly as Simon slides his thigh between your legs, cheeks flushed as he takes you in between kisses. His hands are greedy, one slipping dangerously low on your hips before slipping past the waistband of your thermal pants.
"Can I?" he asks quietly, looking up at you from where you're perched on his thigh. His pupils are completely blown, hair messy and cheeks flushed. He looks halfway to heaven and all he's done is kiss you.
"Oh, god, please-" you breathe, burying your head in his shoulder as his hands slides down, spreading you open as well as he could before his thumb found your clit, rubbing tight circles against it. You cling to his shoulders, teeth biting down on his shoulder to stifle your moans. Simon gasps, hands moving your hips to help you grind against his thigh.
"There you go," he whispers, head thrown back as you rub against him, "there you go, lovie, that's it." You whine, rutting your hips harder at his praise. His free hand dips underneath your shirt, crawling up your ribs.
"Si- si, feels so good," you moan, biting on your lip to try to keep your moans down. Simon cups your breast tenderly, pushing your top up your chest.
"Fuck, you're so gorgeous, angel," Simon swears. His lips trail down your neck, resting just above your nipple. His mouth rests open, tongue heavy on his lower teeth as the question forms on his lips.
"Sweetheart, can I-"
Three knocks echo on the door, and you jump, loosing your balance and almost colliding with the bedpost as you scramble to get off Simon's lap. Simon desperately adjusts his pants, trying to hide his raging hard on as Price swings the door open.
"Ghost, you're needed down in command," he orders, and Simon's head falls backwards imperceptibly as he pushes himself off the bed, pushing his feet into his boots. As he follows Price out the door, he makes eye contact with you, slipping his fingers into his mouth, eyes rolling back as he licks your slick off of them. He winks as he walks around the corner, mouthing
this isn't over.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
school is over and my requests deleted themselves somehow so if you've got ideas pls send them
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tojipie · 1 year
pt. 2
content: age gap, reader of age as always, dilf toji, nsfw, teasing
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“toji?” you stand in the doorway of the older man’s bedroom, anxiously playing with the hem of your sweater. the suns only barely began to peek through the blinds of the house, shrouding his form in a blanket of semi-darkness.
you anxiously watch the rise and fall of his chest, waiting for a reply. the deep rumble of his breath fills the room as you rethink whether you should bother him on his only day off.
“i missed the bus.” you whisper apologetically, padding to the side of his bed and prodding his buff shoulders with your much smaller hand. “m’sorry.”
the huff the older man let’s out only makes you feel worse as you watch him turn over, pulling the covers over himself and settling deeper into the mattess .
“‘m’sorry toji…” you whine over the lump forming in your throat. the pressure you feel behind your eyes soon gives way to the feeling of watery tears. “i-it’s finals week a-and—“
“you know why i let you live with gumi n’ me pretty girl?” he cuts you off abruptly, eyes still closed as he mumbles into his pillow.
you’re taken aback by the question, unsure whether he wants an actual answer or not.
“cause my parents kicked me out?” you mumble, rubbing the wetness from your eyes with the back of your hand.
“cause i knew you’re not the kind of broad who likes to be a fucking bother.” he states plainly, finally opening a sleep-swollen eye to look back at you with a half grin.
you’re about to apologize again but quickly quiet down and step back once he rises from the covers. toji reaches for the jug of water by his night stand, taking a hearty swing before wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. his eyes rake over your form, stopping appreciatively at your bottom half.
“fuck you got on?” he asks, taking another swing of water. the sleazy grin on his face let’s you know he’s just teasing.
“it’s our uniform.” you state plainly, a little embarrassed from the attention. you lean forward and look down at your bare legs, smoothing the creases in your skirt with your hands. “megumi kind of wears the same thing, just with slacks. you’ve seen him.”
“megumi doesn’t roll his little skirt up like a tease, sweet girl.” the older man chuckles, lifting the hem of your sweater to thumb at your double-folded waistband.
“everyone does that.” you mutter, stepping back to hide the way your thighs squeeze together at his whims.
“oh yeah?” toji rises with a groan and passes you without so much as a glance, yawning and rubbing the sleep from his face with a calloused hand.
“get my keys.” he tells you. “fuck... what i gotta take care of you too?”
˚ ✧ ───────────
“thank you for driving me.” you mumble, closing your eyes at the feeling of the warm spring air circulating through the car. toji has the roof down, clad in a black wife beater as he taps the steering wheel to the beat of the song currently booming through the classic vehicle.
“huh?” he leans in, motioning for you to tell him in his ear, clearly unable to hear you over the music.
“wh- thank you for driving me!” you half yell, eyes wandering to the half empty bottles of water that line the floor of his green dodge.
“yeah, you’re good doll.” he tells you, still nodding along to the song. “don’t worry about it.”
you’re thankful to have no onlookers as the two of you pull up to the front of campus. the older man makes no effort to turn down the radio, unlocking the car and lighting a cigarette while you gather your bag from the backseat.
“i’ll pick you up, ok?”
you pause, looking up at him with unease.
“you don’t have to..”
“i want to.” he tells you, blowing smoke to the side with a grin. “i’ll take you for ice cream or something. you like shit like that right?”
you nod, mouth slightly agape at his sudden show of interest. you could do ice cream, in fact you’d love to do ice cream.
“3:30 then?” you ask him, padding over to the door of the driver’s side.
he nods, taking another drag.
“thank you.” you mumble, leaning over to press a sweet kiss to the soft of his cheek, immediately recoiling in embarrassment.
“fuck.” he groans, reaching over to smack the back of your thigh with a calloused hand. smoke trails over his lips when he speaks.
“yeah, 3:30.”
you feel your stomach melt as you watch him drive away. what you don’t see is the ways he snakes one hand down to give his cock a squeeze before turning the radio up further.
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grimesgirll · 3 months
“are you guys coming to bed?”
you’re sitting up halfway, half lidded eyes fighting the hard fight to stay open.
blue eyes meet yours from the inside of the en-suite. “yes, one moment, sweetheart.”
your chest falls with your huffy breath. poised to pout, you splay yourself back onto the bedspread. what the fuck is taking so long? you’re about ready to bury your face in the pillow.
needy is the only word to describe you in the aftermath of nights like tonight.
fucked several times over, you couldn’t stand to be so far apart from your men. at least one of them should be on the satin blue sheets with their sinewy arms around you. their absence aches. you know someone has to throw away the condoms, fetch you a clean sleep shirt, toss the used towels in the hamper, etcetera. however, you’re too needy for them to just throw you one of rick’s oversized shirts and hang out in the bathroom without you.
you stretch your arms in an attempt to extinguish the last traces of energy in your system but you know you’d feel infinitely better in a pair of toned arms. head rolling to face the bathroom, you’re unlucky enough not to catch either of their gazes. it’s only your loud pouts that snap them out of whatever conversation they’re having.
“is someone in there whinin’?”
rick’s sultry smooth voice reignites something in you that has you responding with nothing but a hazed out moan. emphasizing the manner in which you flip yourself over to your stomach, sticking your ass up when you bury your face into the clean sheets in protest.
“don’t tell me she’s poutin’ again.”
“sounds like exactly that.”
you do your best to hide your snide smile when the bed lowers slightly right beside you.
“what do you need? a kiss?” the ex-sheriff plants an arm into the soft bed beside you to lean over and rotate you onto your back, caressing your hair and tonguing your mouth open - not that you gave up a fight.
“mhm,” you yowl into his mouth.
a matching groan rumbles from his throat as rick reaches down to inspect your panties. he chuckles. “just as i expected, two cocks and you’re still craving another release, silly girl.”
whenever he gets his fingers in your hair, you’re putty in rick’s hands. the simple sensation is satisfying enough to have you wincing when he withdraws his fingers, nearly kicking in desperation.
you can’t complain though because before you know it the man is moving his fingers from your hair to attack your entrance.
“shit,” you gasp into his mouth when two fingers pry you open.
“pretty girl need some lovin’ before she falls asleep?” daryl whispers into your ear and appears on your opposite side.
“just a little more.” rick concludes, lazily pumping a finger into you while you squirm beneath him. “i think we tuckered her out. maybe we give her one last release for being such a good girl and put her to bed.”
you nod eagerly and like that daryl is descending between your legs to lift up your rick’s oversized sleep shirt. still underwear free from when you’d first climbed in bed with them, daryl’s tongue lands on your sensitive center.
the redneck’s auburn locks are in your hands instantly as you pant, “daryl, fuck.”
“this how you like to wind down?” rick mocks with a mouth on your rosy right bud.
you muster enough energy to nod your head. “mhmm.”
“do the sounds of daryl lapping up your slutty pussy help you fall asleep before bed?”
your mouth falls open at the question. all you can do is babble, blubbering when rick bites down on your chest. “rick!”
“honey,” rick’s tone turns serious. blue eyes honing in on your cloudy stare. “awfully rude to be just callin’ my name when dear daryl’s the one fucking you with his tongue.” you can’t argue with that. “why don’t you give him some credit?”
crying out, a sob starts your apology. “sorry, daryl. your tongue feels so good,” you stutter through teary eyes, legs and lips quivering. “thank you for taking care of me before bed.”
daryl doesn’t respond; too focused on the task at hand.
rick’s face is still smug. “why don’t you ask daryl for permission to come, sweetheart?” rick muses with a hardened nipple between his fingers, painfully turning it over the pad of his forefinger and watching your face twist with wanton need.
“daryl!” you’re howling.
the man doesn’t stop.
rick snickers. “try again, honey,” he’s traveling up the bed to bestow a peck on your lips before they’re parting to plead at the man who’s taking you apart with his tongue.
“daryl, please,” you’re borderline wailing now, tempting rick with your fucked out tears and irregular breath. chest rising and falling with every respiration, you’re red with the need for release and the need for the redhead beneath you to spare you some grace. “please, i need to come, daryl. please, i want to come so bad, can i come? daryl!”
for the first moment in minutes, the archer briefly pops his vacuum of a mouth off of your weeping slit to give you the most serious look before granting you permission to, “make a mess, girl.”
leaning into daryl’s blessing, you ground your hips against his face and squeeze the hand that’s intertwined with rick’s as the pressure that had been heightening explodes.
the circles daryl’d paired with his unforgiving tongue do nothing but pulsate the pressure deeper throughout your sensitive bundle of nerves. the same nerves that were flaring and rocking you in galvanizing pangs of pleasure as if they’d also gotten that memo that daryl had given you permission to cum, encouraged by the warm tongue flat against you.
it’s only when your legs are about to collapse on top of his tawny head that daryl retreats, giving your spent cunt a light slap for good measure.
his face is glistening just as your cunt had been when he dove headfirst between your legs.
you’re bending forward towards him in an anxious effort to have him on your lips again. he’d been so close to you - you need him to be that close again. that’s why you’re about to sob when he gets up to head to the dresser. your tantrum is paused once you see that he’s bringing your water bottle to your lips.
the thoughtful man brings the straw to your lips, allowing you to take a long drink and signal for him to place the bottle on the nightstand. it’s not ten seconds before he’s grasping your face and giving you the long, drawn out good night kiss you’re always craving from him.
daryl’s flush against your left when your lips disconnect. if rick hadn’t caught you in his arms, daryl would’ve been closer but he’ll be rising early to hunt anyways, and he wouldn’t want to wake you.
rick’s arm lays atop your pillow and his head tucked on top of yours as you start to drift off, “night, sweet girl” being the last words you hear before you fall into the coziest slumber.
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artaxlivs · 11 months
"What is it?" Eddie asks, dipping down to brush the tip of his nose against Steve's bicep.
"No," Steve shakes his head, hides his face between his shoulder and his pillow, "you'll laugh."
"I always laugh, Harrington." Eddie grins, bites the meat of Steve's arm playfully, "Bullying you is how I express my love."
Steve snorts out a laugh, rolls himself halfway up and yanks Eddie in to tuck under his chin before curling around him. "You must really love me."
Eddie noses along his jaw, kisses the underside, sticks out his tongue and licks it, "I really do." And he does. Obsessively. Who wouldn't? Steve is...perfect. But real, too. Sweet and kind. A little bitchy. Kind of an air head. Great ass. Hands that can make Eddie hard from across a room. And that side smile? Fuck. Yeah, he really does.
"Tell me," Eddie demands, pushing Steve over onto his back and grappling his hands until he's holding them down on the pillows next to Steve's head.
Steve's pupils dilate, his breath catches but he wrestles Eddie back over onto his back, flipping their positions again, "If you tempt me with that sweet ass of yours, Eds, I won't tell you." Then he sort of growls, dipping down to nibble up the column of Eddie's throat, pressing his hands into the pillows, tangling their fingers together as he slides his legs down and presses his hips into Eddie's.
Groaning and arching up into it, Eddie moans, "You're being distracting on purpose!"
Leaving a trail of wet lip prints, Steve kisses down Eddie's chest, whispers, "Am I?" into the warm skin there. Sinks his teeth in gently, makes Eddie pull a breath in sharp between his teeth as he writhes under Steve.
"Steeeve." Eddie whines. Then he almost gets the wind knocked out of him as Steve clamors up and flops down flat on his chest like damn golden retriever.
"Okay, okay, I'll tell you." Steve says, biting his own lip and looking down into Eddie's eyes. He's nervous so Eddie doesn't poke fun again, just waits, runs his hands up and down Steve's naked sides and along the waistband of his sweats. "I want to ...I want to go to college," He finally gets out, setting his jaw, determined. "I want to be a teacher."
Eddie smiles, big and bright because he's so proud that this is his guy, this is his person. This man who loves to help people. Who loves to protect them and make sure they feel loved. It's the perfect career choice. How did Eddie get so lucky?
He knows, though, that Steve doesn't do great with praise or adoration. That it makes him uncomfortable. That he needs to be teased, needs to fade into the background, be unassuming and unobserved. Unlike Eddie who kicks lunches off tables and proclaims himself a freak. So instead of gushing about what a great teacher Steve's gonna make, Eddie teases, "Do I get to call you Mr. Harrington during sex? Will this lead to sexy roleplay?"
Sighing, Steve rests his forehead on Eddie's like he's not totally turned on even though they can both feel just how much of a lie that is, "If, by sexy roleplay, you mean am I gonna make you write lines while I jerk off without you - then yes."
Eddie makes a strangled noise in his throat because, yeah, he's actually super into that, Mr. Harrington.
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the-kr8tor · 11 months
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The Morning after
Pairing: Hobie Brown x gn! Reader/ Spider-Punk x gn! Reader
Word count: 2.2k
Synopsis: you spend a peaceful morning with Hobie.
Tags: no use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader (reader is mentioned to be smaller than Hobie though) TW food mentions, established relationship, FLUFF , lovestruck Hobie.
A continuation of this fic.
My Masterlist
*I don't consent to having my work translated/published on other platforms*
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Hobie wakes up with his right arm aching, he groans from the weight slightly crushing his arm– wait what?
He opens his half asleep eyes with a confused look. Hobie cranes his neck down, he finally sees who the intruder is.
Hobie smiles to himself, Fully waking up, he remembers that he invited you over. He stares at your form, memorizing every bit of detail from how you clutched his jumper with a grip, your lips slightly parted as you exhale, the early morning sun shines at your back, bathing your form in a heavenly glow. Hobie moves you closer to him, as to not let the rays hit your face and disturb your peace.
He tries to move you both farther away from the edge of the bed, but he finds that your legs are intertwined with his, preventing him from moving.
He huffs, a lopsided smile on his lips. Hobie ghosts his thumb over your cheeks, the pattern from the knitted blanket leaves a mark on your skin. A sign that you've slept well, and in his arms no doubt. His forgotten comforter kicked to the foot of the bed.
He gets a whiff of your coconut shampoo, surely leaving its scent on his pillow.
He thinks about buying a proper toothbrush holder, so he could place his and yours together.
He really should invite you more.
Hobie's spidey senses wake him up from his daze– he clutches you closer to his body, carefully cradling your head. A wave from a moving boat rushes towards the houseboat, rocking it harshly. His busted alarm clock drops to the floor in a crash.
Hobie hisses as he sees you twitch. He curses whoever was in that boat.
"Ughh" you groan out, muffled against Hobie's chest. You grip his jumper tighter.
"Shit" his voice deeper than usual, you release his jumper and instead hug his torso. The waves get calmer, rocking you both softly.
"You alright?" He rubs your back just in case you feel sick.
You pop your head away from Hobie's chest, chin resting on his scratchy jumper, you tickle him a bit, but he won't tell you that of course. You open one eye to stare at him, yawning.
"Say that again?" You ask with a tilt of your head.
"Are you alright?" He hides his laugh by clearing his throat.
"Hmm" you grin "I like your morning voice"
He chuckles deeply, knowing what it does to you.
"Oh, you did that on purpose, you dork" you softly say.
"Yeah, bet it got you all hot and bothered for it too, huh" Hobie pokes your sides teasingly.
"Don't start" you swat away his hand, noticing his teasing mood this morning, you anticipate his tickling.
"You look pretty in the morning, you didn't wake up early and clean yourself up secretly, right?" He knows you didn't, sleep still sticking on your eyes, your hair looking disheveled.
"Nope, it's au naturel" you quip back. It earns a deep chuckle from Hobie.
He carefully rubs off the gunk from the corner of your eye, you sigh into his touch.
"You like my morning breath too?" He tries to blow air downwards but you're ready, you clasp your hand over his mouth, stopping his teasing.
You laugh victorious, that is until he licks your hand, recoiling your hand away, he laughs loudly.
"Hobie! That's it, I'm not making you breakfast"
"Alright, alright, I'll stop. For now" he grabs the back of your head pushing you back to his chest.
You move to the crooked of his neck instead, in case you're crushing him. You slyly wipe his drool from your hand on his jumper.
"I saw that" Hobie peeks downward.
"No, you didn't"
"This is vintage y'know"
"It's your own drool!" You laugh.
"Yeah! And you slobbered all over it while you used me as your personal pillow" he rubs the exposed skin on your waist, cupping the softness fondly.
"I don't slobber!" You grab his jaw downwards so you could look eye to eye.
"Tell that to my soaked jumper" he whispers, his eyes flickering down to your lips. Your heart skips a beat.
Knowing what he's gonna do next, you cover his lips over your hand, "let me brush my teeth first"
You push away from Hobie, your torso barely off the bed, he grabs you by the waist, pulling you back down. You gasp out.
"Nope" in one swift movement Hobie cups your cheek guiding you towards his lips, your lips crash against each other, you cringe when your forehead hits his a bit too loudly. Insecurity fills you when you remember that you still have morning breath.
He doesn't care though, instead he pokes your sides, making you gasp parting your lips, making him kiss you deeper.
You pull away breathlessly when you hear a rumbling noise underneath you.
"Ah, fuck" Hobie facepalms in embarrassment.
Hobie's stomach grumbles again, mocking him.
You grab his hand, peeking in "aww, my poor baby is hungry" you mockingly coo. "I'll make you breakfast, sunny side up right?" You push off him, finally noticing you're on the wrong side of the bed.
"Yes, please, love" he exhales out the embarrassment.
"How'd I end up on this side?" You point out.
"Huh, I probably dragged you with me"
You imagine what it might've looked like, you fluster. Even asleep he wants you near, you look at him adoringly, swiping away the sheen on his lips before leaving a kiss for good measure.
You leave for the bathroom, he stares at the door you entered in, a lovestruck expression on his face. Once he knows you're decent, he flips away the covers, following towards the sound of the faucet squeak open.
Hobie knocks, you hum while brushing your teeth. He opens the door, then leans against it, his arms relaxed on his sides, his sweatpants hang low on his hips.
He admires you bathe in white fluorescent light, his shirt on your form hanging loose on you. You looked out of place but at the same time fitting right in his tiny bathroom.
He thought you looked like you came out of an oil painting.
"You need to use the bathroom?" You ask as you place your toothbrush down.
"You should leave it"
"Leave what?"
"Your toothbrush, for next time" Hobie crosses his arms, a sudden shyness floods him.
"Of course" you smile, already getting what he's trying to say, "I was already planning on leaving it" you come forward, leaving a minty kiss on his cheek. "Your turn stinky" you pat his bum with a smack.
Hobie hears your laughter echo around the houseboat.
After washing up, Hobie opens the bathroom door, the smell of eggs and his favourite tea covers his senses. He chuckles to himself.
He could get used to this.
Hobie enters his modest kitchen, you hum along to the music from the radio, the inside of his houseboat looks a bit different than before, there's more light shining inside, fresh air wafts through the open windows, it seems that there's more life in his home.
He moves towards you, hugging you from behind. You giggle at the contact. He looks over your shoulder, he watches as you expertly flip the pancake over.
"Hello to you too" you crane your neck to look at him "I opened the windows, it's too nice outside. Hope you don't mind"
"I don't mind, we need the fresh air" he snuggles deeper on the crook of your neck. "Where'd you get pancake mix? I know that I don't have any"
"Ah, I brought it with me" you side glance at him, gauging his reaction.
"So, you were planning on making breakfast for me, hmm?"
"I did bring it, but it doesn't mean I was planning on cooking it myself" you turn off the stove, he turns you around, crowding you in between him and the stove.
"So you're making me breakfast out of the goodness of heart then?" He holds onto your hips.
"Yes, you're making the next one by the way"
"You're a cheeky one, aren't you?" He leans towards you, his lips ghosting over yours, but before sealing the deal, he grabs his mug behind you. He sips from it loudly, making eye contact over the mug.
You roll your eyes, trying to hide your disappointment. "You're a menace" you give him a plate of eggs, sunny side up just like how he requested it. "Make yourself useful, and set the table"
Hobie sees his kitchen counter slash dining table, that's not gonna cut it out for you. He looks out of the window, the rare sun shining over the river, fluffy white clouds blanket the sky.
It's a beautiful morning, a shame to waste it.
He pushes the door open, leading to his 'porch'
"Where are you going?" You ask curiously.
"You'll see" Hobie peeks back inside, a smirk on his face.
You shake your head at his shenanigans, you wonder what he's planning.
The water looks calm, the cold morning air nips at his skin, his jumper barely protecting him from the cold. Hobie sees the metal table wet with morning dew, that won't do, so he grabs a nearby cloth to wipe it dry, he carefully puts down the plate of eggs and his tea, to wipe at the mismatched chairs.
Hobie wipes the wooden chair more thoroughly, since the metal one looks more worn down, he's concerned you might poke yourself on it.
He looks at his handiwork, there seems to be something missing, Hobie roams his eyes around the boat, his eyes stop at an empty beer bottle, he places it in the middle of the table acting as a centerpiece.
Then he perches himself near the edge of his boat to pick a single daisy from a neighbouring houseboat's flower pot; he's sure they wouldn't notice one missing. Hobie gingerly puts the small flower inside the bottle.
You open the door with your foot a little too loudly, you squint at the harsh sound. Hobie quickly moves to help you carry out the plates and mug.
"Thanks, Hobie," you grin, your smile gets wider when you see his little set up. The little daisy swaying in the air. "Oh, handsome" you gasp out.
You're finished, your eyes slightly glazing over.
Hobie chuckles at his new nickname, he moves the wooden chair for you to sit, hands on its back, like a gentleman.
" C'mon then, stop gawking, I'm starving" he stares at your dumbstruck face, the cold air leaving goosebumps on your arms.
You sit down, smiling, forgetting the cold air.
"Do you want me to grab a jacket?" He asks as he rubs your arms from behind.
You grab his wrist, you bracelet around it with your fingers, "no, stay, I'm okay" you sniff, revealing your lie.
"Nah, I'm not letting you freeze to death, let me grab it real quick, alright?" Hobie runs inside, eager to come back to you.
Oh, he's absolutely whipped for you, no doubt about it.
You revel in the sun shining on you, closing your eyes, you inhale sharply. Hobie sees you like this, his breath hitches in his throat. You must look heavenly, a slight breeze makes your eyelashes flutter. Opening your eyes, you notice eyes on you, you smile at him.
He's done for.
Waking up from his stupor, he wraps the dark hoodie on your head. A feeble attempt to hide the effect you have on him
"And here I thought you were being sweet on me" you tease him, knowing that he actually is soft for you.
"I've got a reputation, y'know" he sits down with a metal creak.
Hobie notices that you're sitting a little bit too far for his taste. "What are you doing there? C'mere" he grabs your chair, pulling it towards him, the wooden legs scraping against the metal of the boat.
You laugh, despite the harsh sound coming from the scraping.
"There, much better?" He leans on the arms of his chair.
You nod, a permanent smile on your face "much better" you kiss his cheek, your cold lips a contrast to his warm skin, it melts into his skin, etching in like a tattoo.
You intertwine your arm around his, speaking softly, as to not disturb your little peaceful bubble around the both of you, " y'know I thought you would be grumpier in the morning"
"Why's that?" He leans closer.
"I don't know, you seem like the type" you whisper against his lips, "you're a night owl, so I thought you would hate waking up this early"
"Only if I don't sleep well" heat rises in your cheeks at his implication, "Lucky for me I've got my very own koala latching on to me last night"
You raise your eyebrow "Really a koala, that's the best you can do, Hobart?"
"You always resort to calling me by my government name whenever you're flustered, koala works, lovey" he cups your jaw, his thumb brushes past your lips. You close your eyes, leaning in.
Before your lips could meet, you hear a gurgling sound.
You pull away, laughing loudly. Hobie lets out a small goddamnit.
"We should eat, before your stomach starts eating you from the inside" you say in between laughs.
"Yeah, yeah" he grumpily grabs his spoon.
You hide your smile behind your mug.
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A/N: thanks for reading! Hope you liked it, as always likes and reblogs are appreciated ❤️❤️❤️
*image above is from pinterest*
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dotster001 · 7 months
For Tuna; General End
Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three
Choose another ending
A/N: as always, add your votes for the next end here. Also, this end is going to be...familiar at first, but that's just what happens when you jump dimensions.
"So, the end has arrived."
Grim pushed his lens-less glasses down his nose and stared at Silver and Lilia, both of whom were sitting on the other side of a desk.
"I'll be honest, neither of you two is the richest here. That title belongs to Malleus and Leona, respectively. But Malleus will prioritize his country over me, I mean Y/N, and Leona, well let's face it, it's only a matter of time before he disgraces himself and is off the kingdom's payroll."
Grim waved around a sheet of paper.
"Which puts both of you in third place. Oddly enough, your finance situation is nearly identical. So it comes down to who I think would be a better dad. I know this will come as a shock to you both, but Y/N isn't actually my henchhuman. They're my parent."
Lilia gasped in mock shock as Silver just stared.
Grim sighed heavily, leaning back in his seat. “An anonymous source has told me that Lilia is the type of dad to leave his son's alone in the woods to fend for themselves. So Silver, congratulations, I guess.”
Lilia jumped out of his seat, excitedly hugging Silver.
“My boy! Congratulations! We shall have a splendid wedding!”
“Father,” Silver said sternly, gently pushing Lilia away. “We don't have to do this anymore.”
Lilia quirked an eyebrow in confusion, as Grim just stared.
“I know I'll always be your little boy to you, but I'm not a child anymore. You don't have to always put me first.”
Lilia stiffened, but attempted to cover it up with a smile.
“I know, but-”
“Y/N and I don't love each other. Our relationship is purely platonic,” Silver said firmly. “I never wanted to do this, especially knowing how in love with them you are, but now that I've beaten you at something, I can tell you to man up, and confess your feelings.”
Lilia 's jaw dropped. Silver felt the urge to retreat, but stood his ground. He couldn't let his father live with regret. So he played one more card.
“It would be a nice way to complete our family. Y/N would be the perfect step parent for me. I just know it.”
Lilia 's expression softened. “Silver…”
“A true warrior doesn't hesitate in battle! Go!” Silver said with uncharacteristic firmness, making Lilia actually jump and begin to run to the door, before stopping himself with a laugh.
“I've raised the perfect little general,” he giggled.
“Go!” Silver shouted. And Lilia went.
“What the heck was that?” Grim shouted at Silver.
“I'm your big brother now, that's what that was,” Silver grinned, with a mischievous look that could have only come from his father.
There was a knock on the front door. Grim was out for the night, promising there would be no bill. So you were just enjoying a quiet night in. You had no doubt that if you opened that door right now, it would be someone who would cause chaos. Probably Ace. Definitely Ace.
One of the ghosts moved to open the door, but you pressed a finger to your lips. He gave a quiet snicker and a nod, and went back upstairs, ignoring the knock.
The knock stopped after a moment, and the room was silent again.
“Who are you hiding from?” A voice whispered right next to your ear, and you screamed.
You grabbed a pillow to defend yourself, and jumped off the couch, turning to face your attacker. Lilia was doing the equivalent of laying on his stomach, and kicking his legs up, except in midair. He was giggling excitedly, and you gave him a nasty glare.
“What the hell, Lilia!” You screamed. “How did you get in?”
He just giggled again, ignoring the question.
“I heard you were all alone tonight. I didn't want you to be lonely,” he hummed.
“I- I'm not lonely!” You shouted. “I have half a mind to kick you out!”
“You won't.”
“I most certainly will.”
“You won't.”
“And why, oh wise Lilia, won't I kick you out of my house?”
He grinned, and floated closer to you.
“Because you, radiant Y/N, are absolutely mad for me.”
You choked on your own spit, your face instantly growing hot.
“Egh ugh, nuh uh!”
“How eloquent!” He burst into laughter. “But a falsehood, I am certain.”
He slipped even closer to you. You took one step back, but after that froze. He gently wrapped his arms around your neck, looking into your eyes, his own burning passionately.
“Urgh, nuh uh,” you whispered.
“Nuh uh?” He smiled slyly.
“Nuh uh,” you said half heartedly.
“Hm,” he hummed. “Then prove it. Kiss me.”
You choked on your spit again.
“If you can kiss me, and then tell me you really don't love me, I'll believe you and never bring it up again.”
You couldn't do that. You absolutely couldn't kiss him. Because when he was proved right, you'd definitely want to punch the smug smile off his face.
“Time's up!” He shouted, before pressing his lips to yours. 
You hated how good he was at kissing. Even if you didn't love him, you wouldn't have been able to think straight after this, and would accidentally send him the wrong message. But you did love him, which meant you didn't want to stop kissing him.
But Lilia knew that. And he liked to play with his prey. He pulled away, licking his lips as he grinned.
“Well? Still ‘nuh uh’?”
“Nuh uh,” you whispered.
“Mhm. That's what I thought. Anything you want to say?”
You yanked him back in, threading your fingers through his hair, and kissing him as hard as you could. You could feel the vibrations of his triumphant giggle. 
You pulled your pillow holding arm slowly back to hit him, but he quickly separated, gently twisting your arm behind your back, and forcing you to drop the pillow. He giggled and pressed his mouth to your neck.
“I see we'll never get bored together,” he whispered. “You're absolutely amazing.”
“Ha ha,” you said snarkily. He grazed his canines against your neck, and you froze. You knew some of your classmates said he was a vampire but…
"You just smell so delicious," he purred.
“Kidding! Let's make out some more,” before you could glare at him again, and say something snarky, he yanked you to the couch and started kissing you again.
You could get back at him tomorrow. 
He was way too good at kissing.
Tag list-@shytastemakerthing @stygianoir @leonia0 @lleoll @eccedentesiast-sapphic @supertmntgirl @cxsmicdustdreams @aethermostbeloved @krystalkiller25 @asmallbean3 @theneurodivergentdummy @candlewitch-cryptic @smilingfox22-blog @phantomgaming1920 @the-dumber-scaramouche @noidonothavetimeforthis @bontensbabygirl @xxoomiii @somany-fandoms-solittle-time @bre99 @stupidsimp @sus0daddy @a-small-tyrant @imlost-sendhelp @mizukiblogs @itslucieen @nico707 @red-viewe @fucthisshitimout @kazumify @busycloudy @ny0000mw00m
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keraxxx · 6 months
Hate or Jealousy? -Part one
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Pairing- Oliver Quick x F!Reader
Summary- When your cousin, Felix, invited his friend Oliver over to Saltburn for the summer, you hated him and didn’t know why.. you want to figure out his intentions.
Warnings- Cursing, possible mentions of ed, slightly bitchy reader(js spoiled n rich so), masturbation, possible stalking, not proof read
A/N-Happy new year! I hope everything is going well for you guys. I just watched Saltburn last night and OH MY GOD. I had to pause the movie a few times and think abt what I had just watched. Still an amazing movie of course and ik I had to write something about Oliver. so enjoy!! (inspo is from venetia and oliver's interactions.) word count- 1.4k
comment to be added to tag list. NEXT PART HERE
Requests are open!
For some reason, you didn't like Oliver. You didn't like the way he looked at you when Felix first invited him, it was as if he was trying to undress you with his eyes.. Did you hate him? Were you jealous of him? Or did you find him slightly attractive? You couldn't make up your mind. It was all over the place, emotions poking and showing on your face as you looked at him almost in a judgmental way. You think it was also the way he acted, all sweet and innocent.. his eyes showed someone different. He's hiding himself. but why?
Everyone is sitting at the table, Felix sat next to you and Oliver is sitting across. Everyone is conversing as normal, but you stay silent, nothing in the conversation is peaking your interest since your aunt, Elspeth, is just gossiping. You pick at your plate with your fork, unable to eat a single thing, your free hand messing with the silky fabric of your red dress. You look across the table and look at Oliver, practically glaring at him without a care. His features weren’t bad if you were being honest with yourself. It’s almost as if he knew you were looking at him because he diverts his attention to you quickly. You look back down at your plate, embarrassed he saw you. You saw him smile before getting back into the conversation with the family again.
After dinner, everyone disperses to their room and you walk back to your room. You sigh as you lay down on your bed, spreading out onto the duvet. You curl your pillow in your arms and rest your chin on it. Sighing, you kick your legs up behind you, swaying slightly as you think to yourself.. you think about Oliver. You couldn’t get him out of your head. Why was he so interesting to you? Something about him made you want to investigate him, figure out his intentions but it’s too early to do that now since he just got here. Time passes and you’re still lying down thinking about the whole situation, unable to sleep. Sighing, you hop off your bed and walk out your room.
You sit on a stone bench near the garden, hugging your cold goosebump filled arms as you look out into the distance. You hear footsteps and turn your head to see Oliver, wrapped up in a blanket you assumed he took off his bed. You raise your eyebrow curiously as you look him up and down. “I thought you were sleepwalking.” He chuckles slightly and looks down at you timidly. “Yeah no.” You force a small smile. “Couldn’t sleep , that’s all.” Oliver unravels himself and puts the blanket over your shoulders. “It’s cold out.” He says in a soft tone, puffing out his chest as he inhales. You scan over his boxer briefs with a hidden smirk, his tone arms and stomach staring back at you. “Are you not cold?”
You snap out of your trance and look up. “I am actually. Thanks.” You laugh dryly as you maintain eye contact. Oliver doesn't break it, he keeps his blue eyes locked on yours with an almost untrue smile. "Are you not cold?" You laugh as you refer to his almost naked body. He shakes his head and laughs embarrassedly. "N-No.. i'm fine." You nod your head and eventually look away.
"I see why Felix likes you." Oliver hums in confusion. "You're different.." You stand up, hugging the blanket around you still. "But.. I see you, Ollie." You whisper as you get closer. "I see you hiding." His lips tug up into a small smirk. "Yeah?"
"Yeah.." You look him up and down one last time before walking off, taking the blanket he gave you. His eyes were burning a hole in the back of your head as he watched you with a smug expression.
Next morning comes and as usual, the whole family is gathered up again, eating breakfast. Oliver comes and sits in the empty seat next to you. You look down at your thighs and clear your throat before taking a sip of your drink. Oliver conversates with your aunt, attempting to be nice. You look across the table to Felix and hum knowingly. He laughs as he looks at you, shaking his head before going back to eating.
After eating, you, Farleigh, Felix, Venetia, and Oliver hang out near the small lake. You and Farleigh are sitting next to Venetia on the dock, her hair in the water as she lays on her back, Felix and Oliver sitting on some chairs by the side.
"I don't think I like him." You say softly as you look over at him and Felix conversing. "Well he is Felix's toy.." "And we know Felix doesn't like sharing his toys." Venetia says in a teasing yet sarcastic tone. "True.." You hum as you bring your knees to your chest. "You think he'll last long?" You look at them both and they quickly shake their heads no.
"I think Felix is gonna get bored of him soon. He's so clingy.. and he was a nerd no one wanted to sit with at college so." Farleigh shrugs as he tugs at his curls. You stifle a giggle and roll your eyes sarcastically. "Oh stop.. he's such a sweet boy." You say in a softer tone. "Lets not lie now." Venetia scoffs before she laughs. You look over at Oliver again and you can see him eyeing you down.. that same stare that he did when you first met. He's undressing you again. You look away with a small eye roll and continue your conversation with Farleigh and Venetia. "I swear he's hiding something.." You scoff as you look down at your knees. "He's always looking at me as if he's trying to see how much i'm worth.." Venetia lifts her sunglasses up to the top of her head and looks at him. "Maybe he wants to get in your pants." She teases. You and Farleigh laugh and you gently hit her arm.
Its dinner time again and this time you're wearing a long white dress with a fold-over off shoulder look. You're picking at your food, again, still processing Oliver in your head. He needed to get out of your head for god's sake, you didn't like the boy. "So Oliver.." Elspeth starts, "How are you finding it here?" She looks at him with a smile and he smiles back. "Uh- Yeah.. yeah it's nice. I get lost sometimes but I find my way." "Good." She smiles and takes a sip of her red wine. Oliver looks down at his plate with a smile as the small chatter around the table starts up again. He looks up at you and you look back. "Did you ever go to sleep last night?" He asks in a restrained voice, just loud enough for you to hear. You nod slowly. "Mhm.." He smiles at your response. "Good." His words stuck to you, as if he wanted you to say yes.. almost as if you obeyed him in some way. You look down and drag your teeth along your bottom lip, feeling some sort of arousal course through your body, finding its way to your core. You just had to get through dinner.
Dinner is done and thank god it was. You felt as if you were about to burst, it was dreadful. You go to your bathroom, making sure to shut the door, and draw yourself a bath. You run your hand under the water, checking the temperature and immediately hum in satisfaction. You strip yourself of your dress and undergarments, leaving them on the floor by the tub. You sink into the tub, moaning at the nice feeling of warm water against your frigid body. You hum to yourself as you snake you hand under the water and down your stomach, finding your swollen bud. You let out a soft groan as you slowly move your digits against your clit, your hips moving in rhythm. You tilt your head back against the edge of the tub, your mouth left open as you let out inaudible moans. You had yourself yearning for more, the only image in your head is the man you hate, Oliver. You replaced your hand with his, imaging he was with you at the moment rubbing your soaking wet cunt. You whined and moved your fingers faster, your legs lifting up slightly. You bite your lip and cursed to yourself as you felt yourself growing closer to release, your eyes fluttering close. You wanted him so bad but you fucking hated him.
Your whines and whimpers fill the bathroom, probably almost loud enough for the whole manor to hear. You could just imagine him kissing on your neck while he fingers you against the counter of your bathroom, forcing you to look in the mirror while you moan out his name. Your juices dripping down his hand and his groans against your neck vibrating your body. You feel a knot forming in your stomach and you eagerly buck yourself into your hand while you moan uncontrollably. Your back arches and you can your legs shake slightly as you finish. You pant, pulling you hand off your clit. You exhale as your eyes open slightly. Turning your head, you look at the door and noticed it was cracked open. You swore you had shut the door and you bite your lip nervously.
Was someone watching you?
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mikkomacko · 2 months
Thank u for doing requests ! What about giiving kisses on mob boss Nico’s scars (if any)?🥹🥹
This is so sweet oh my god I’m gonna cry. (This also somehow turned into a smut scene at the end so happy first smut scene of mob boss Nico!)
Thank you so much for requesting! I hope I did it justice!
It wasn’t a big dead, not really. Just an off-handed remark Jack had made after Nico chirped him for getting a bad haircut.
“You should spend more time worrying about that lip of yours than my haircut.” He’d yapped, motioning to the recently split lip Nico had gotten. “Eventually your girl’s not gonna wanna kiss it better.”
It had healed just fine and yeah for a bit there you’d avoided the raw wound, but now that it’s just a sliver of a scar it’s fine, right?
Nico can’t help it. He’s picking at it, smears of shaving cream still splattered across his jaw and cheeks. He picks at it until the skin of his lip is red and raw, and it hurts so badly he has to stop.
In a frantic spiral he’s suddenly spotting all the little marks on his face. Every scar left over from teenage acne to fist fights to hitting his head on the coffee table as a child, Nico feels manic as he takes them all in.
Maybe he shouldn’t have shaved. Maybe he should’ve let his beard grow out, creep up his cheeks and down his neck to hide all the ugly marks.
Down and down and down the rabbit hole he goes. Wiping the shaving cream off with a towel, Nico spots the ugly mark on his collar bone from where he’d been nicked with a knife. The one on his abdomen from where he’d been kicked with steel toe boots.
Something ugly and ashamed rises in his chest, threatens to choke him. He scrambles out of the bathroom, haphazardly shutting off the light as he rushes to the closet. In his haste to cover himself he misses you already lying in bed. It’s not until he’s yanked on a hoodie and sweatpants, finally able to breathe easy, does he notice you watching him with bewilderment.
“You ok boss?” You ask him, slightly amused.
Nico runs a hand through his hair, feels like throwing up. What if you saw all of them? Like really saw them? Sat in front of him and saw all those ugly spots at once, all his ugly spots?
“Fine,” he mumbles, climbing into his side of bed. He feels stiff and awkward, ignoring your gaze as he reaches to shut off the bedside lamp.
You make a confused noise in the dark and Nico blinks until his eyes adjust. Then he’s lying back on the pillows, staring up at the ceiling. His fingers ache to reach for you, to touch your skin. But he’s terrified of you touching his skin and suddenly deciding you don’t want to anymore.
Stupid fucking Jack and his big mouth.
The sheets shuffle, the mattress moving with your weight. “Nico?” A hand pats down the duvet, then slithers across the blanket until it’s resting over his chest.
“Baby you’re on the edge of the bed.”
“M’just hot.”
“Maybe it’s the winter clothes you just put on?”
Nico hesitates, scrambles for an excuse. “Not feeling well either. Don’t want to get you sick.”
“You ate three plates of pasta, Schoa. I don’t think that’s contagious.”
Clearing his throat, Nico pathetically shrugs. Something’s welled up in his esophagus, is choking him and he wants you to reach over and make it better.
“Do you want to tell me what’s wrong or am I gonna have to piss you off first?”
He closes his eyes, feels the weight of your hand on him. That feeling chokes him again, makes him panic until he’s spiting out his worst fears to you.
“Do you still want to kiss me?”
Nico expects you to laugh, to kick at his leg and tell him he’s being ridiculous. But he thinks the pathetic whimper of his words has given away how dire this topic is to him.
“Oh baby,” you breathe out, “I want to kiss you all the time.” You sound sincere, like you’re thinking about kissing him right now. It makes his face hot, embarrassed and insecure for some reason.
His silence is thick, hanging in the air so heavily you have to sit up in bed and crawl over him. Nico can’t help it, his hands moving on their own to find your hips as you push the blankets back and straddle his thighs.
“Nothing could ever make me not want you.” You whisper. In the dark he finds your eyes, the moonlight coming through the window gleaming in them. They look shiny and blurry, warped by the night- no by him. Because he’s got tears in his waterline.
“You didn’t want to kiss my lip,” he mumbles like a child, “when it was hurt.”
You stroke through his hair, press your palm to his cheek. “Because I didn’t want to hurt you, not because I didn’t want to kiss you.”
“What if next time it’s worse? What if the cut is bigger and then the scar is and it doesn’t get better?”
“What-Nico where is this coming from? Did something happen?”
He’s silent, embarrassed again. “Jack said if my scars get any worse you won’t want to kiss them better anymore.”
“Oh Nico baby,” you huff in disbelief. “Have you ever noticed that Jack doesn’t even have someone to kiss his scars better? Who does he think he is?”
You’re right, but he doesn’t feel better. So he just shrugs, makes some weird noise of protest in his chest because he’s scared and hurt.
“Can I please turn the light on?”
Nico leans into your palm, heart thumping loudly in his chest but he mutters his consent. The lamp flicks on and at first he’s blinded. But then you come into view, one of his shirts on your shoulders and you’re pretty hair frizzy on top of your head.
You look so beautiful over him.
“Oh my god, what has Jack done to you?” You ask softly, stroking your thumb under his droopy eyes that are still wet with unshed tears.
“I don’t know,” he mumbles.
Your fingers trace his face, over the soft skin of his freshly shaved cheeks and the slope of his nose. Your thumb outlines his lips, your eyes following its movement with such adoration in them it makes his heart ache.
“You are the most beautiful man I have ever seen,” you say with earnest, stroking the scar on his lip. “No cut or bruise or scar is ever going to change that.”
You lean down, ghost your lips over his. “Yeah Nico,” you promise, sealing it with a kiss. He runs his hands up your back, holds you as you trail kisses over the little marks of his face.
Nimble fingers dip beneath his hoodie, touch the warm skin of his stomach. “Can I take this off my love?”
Sluggish, Nico nods. He sits up enough to help you wiggle it off of him, falling back into the pillows as you throw the hoodie to the side.
You sit back, admiring the skin of his chest and abs with your hands and lidded eyes. “All I see when I look at you, is the brave and strong man that I love.”
Sliding down his body, you mouth at his collarbone with soft and needy lips. Nico sighs contently, lets your breath tickle his skin and grows warm at the way you touch him so sweetly.
Sometimes he wonders how you can treat him so softly, how you can take him in those soft hands and turn him into a puddle.
“Baby,” he whines, unsure of what he’s even calling for. All he knows is that he loves you and you’re making him feel so good.
“Let me love on you,” you request, word pressing into the column of his throat. “Let me show you how beautiful and sexy you are Nico.”
He tangles his fingers in your hair, shudders as pleasure nips at his belly and blood rushes to his cock.
“Fuck, yes, please.”
You’re slow and diligent, finding any and every place on him that is marred or changed and showering it in kisses and loving touches. He’s sweating and panting when you get to the edge of his pants, peeling the band down to reveal more and more of the scar there.
“This one’s my favorite,” you say so quietly he almost doesn’t hear you.
He lifts his head, brain foggy with lust. You peer up at him through thick eyelashes, blinking sultry over the planes of his body. Lips hovering over the mark that trails down the v of his hips and the top of his thigh.
“My favorite,” you mumble into his skin, kissing at the point of his hip. Then you’re pulling his sweats down even more, innocent eyes watching him hiss when his cock jumps free, red and hard against his abdomen.
Your lips curl up, wicked as you bite into the inside of his thigh just enough to make him twitch. “Because I get to see it every time I’m down here.”
Nico’s brain short circuits, shuts down when you bite into his skin again and it feels so good he might come untouched. He doesn’t want to though, not that he needs to tell you that.
You nose at his cock, mouth wet and hot against the base of him and his bones turn to jelly. He falls back into the mattress, widening his legs for you to get closer.
Grounding himself with fingers in your hair, Nico whimpers when you drag the flat of your tongue up his length, gentle fingers wrapping around his girth.
“Baby,” Nico whines again, and you’re already kissing at the thick head of his cock, all teasing flicks of the tongue and lips sticky with precum.
“I know pretty boy,” you assure, sweet and loving. Nico moans, ears growing hot at the pet name. “So pretty, from those big eyes of yours all the way down to your pretty cock, huh?”
His hips buck up, eyes rolling back and he twitches in your hand. Jesus Christ, now he knows why you love when he talks you through sex. The rawness of your words, the truth in your tone, how utterly sweet you sound saying such filthy things.
“Make me cum,” he begs, tugging on your hair encouragingly. “Please just -fuck!”
You swallow him down easy, fitting his cock into your warm mouth just how he taught you. Like it’s habit now, to have his cock dripping into the back of your throat while your tongue licks at the underside of him.
Nico’s so worked up and sensitive he’s already throbbing and threatening to blow his load. That fire licks at the base of his spine, curls his toes and has him blubbering nonsense. You bob your head, drooling down his length and cupping his balls in your palm.
You’re so soft and warm, so loving in everything you do. Nico thinks it might kill him one day, how much you love him. But that would be a hell of a way to go.
His cock throbs, twitching in the hollow of your cheeks and you stroke a free hand over that favorite scar of yours. That’s at it takes and he’s seeing stars, coming so hard on your tongue it twists painfully at the pit of his stomach.
Dropping his hands from you, heavy like his bones are made of lead, Nico fights to catch his breath. Your merciful on him, easy and gentle as you kiss your way back up his torso and to his mouth.
Nico doesn’t peel his eyes open until you’re messily mouthing at his parted lips. Your tongue tastes like him, breath hot and he groans into your mouth as he kisses you back.
“I lied,” you pant when you part from the kiss. “This one’s my favorite actually,” and your pecking a kiss to the scar on his lips.
“Baby you just sucked the soul out of me,” Nico croaks, wrapping his arms around you and pinning you into his sweaty chest. “I can’t take anymore compliments.”
You giggle, touching your nose to his. “It’s the truth this time, I love that one. It’s the first thing I see every morning, the first thing I see after you kiss me.”
Nico hums, smacks a kiss to the corner of your lips. “Yeah? Do you think that’s pretty too?” He goads, smirking when you blush and roll your eyes. “Pretty like my cock? Or pretty like my eyes?”
Laughing, you wiggle in his hold to try and get away. “Oh shut up!”
“Noooo keep telling me how pretty I am, boss please?”
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nariism · 7 months
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the voice in my heart — i. sae
forced proximity + "oh no, the power went out, however will we stay warm?!" (/s)
synopsis. itoshi sae doesn't like how mushy you make him feel, but the warmth is nice. kinda.
wc. ~600
— for @saetoshi / @yoisagi my love 💗 | event masterlist ✉️
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you didn't think it was possible, but somehow itoshi sae gets infinitely more irritable when he's cold.
he scowls more, hands permanently stuffed into his pockets, and sulks like there's no tomorrow. and he shivers, too. an embarrassing amount. (his pride is always severely injured when you ask him if he wants your help to warm up).
your grouchy roommate always found something to complain about when the weather dipped. whether it be the fact that his heater was always running, or that he has to scrape the ice off his windshield every morning, sae has never been able to see the beauty of winter.
"beauty?" he scoffed when you pointed that fact out one day. you were at the kitchen table and he was on the couch waking up from his midday nap—a typical sunday afternoon that he had long since added to his routine. "yeah, i'd rather admire it from inside. thanks."
"come on, don't be so pessimistic," you scolded, sauntering over to him to shove a pillow into his face. he knocked it away with a frown.
"i'm not pessimistic. just realistic. being cold sucks."
and that should have been the end of it. after that, you had stopped bothering him and purposefully trying to tease him with snide little comments about his disdain for the cold.
well. the universe has always had a funny way of fucking with him.
it's the coldest night of the season thus far. the snow storm raging outside has knocked out the power for the entire building and now the two of you are stuck pressed together under the warmth of your combined blankets.
"quit squirming around or i'll kick you out of my bed."
you make an undignified noise. "you wouldn't."
"i will if you don't stop that and go to sleep. i have to be up early tomorrow."
"this was your idea in the first place!"
sae had been the one to text you, after all. he hadn't even asked nicely, only sending you the word HELP in all capital letters as if he were going into cardiac arrest. you had rushed in to see what was wrong only to get dragged into his bed.
his greed for warmth was nothing new to you, of course, but he was careful to be gentle with you. to make sure he wasn't crushing you or making you uncomfortable. it was his way of being nice and somewhat apologetic that you were being treated as some sort of personal heater.
"i hate you," you tell him when he unceremoniously throws his leg over your entire body to keep you still.
"yeah, whatever. sleep before i kick you out."
"you're the one who asked me to share our blankets," you remind him again.
there's a long silence that follows that statement. it's so quiet that you assume he just ignored you and went to sleep without replying. but then he rolls over until his back is to you and he utters out, strained: "we don't speak of this, ever."
you raise a brow, shifting to face his back. "oh? are you embarrassed that i had to keep you warm?"
"i'm not embarrassed," he quickly corrects, even with the waver of his normally dead voice.
you reach around him, back of your hand resting on his cheek. you feel him tense up beside you in bed and you can't help but burst out laughing.
"your whole face is warm."
he groans, pulling the blankets closer to his side and up over his head so you can't observe him any closer. he's worried that if you did, you might have noticed how incredibly red he was growing. something so out of character would absolutely garner a new game for you and he would never hear the end of it.
for someone with an attitude problem about everything, he was surprisingly easy to shut down. maybe it was just you who had that talent, though.
itoshi sae doesn't like how mushy you make him feel, but the warmth is nice—
"i know you're trying to hide from me! if you just wanted to be held i'd be happy to help."
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© ALABOADOA 2023 — please do not translate or post my works to other platforms.
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inuyashaluver · 7 months
spam - alessia russo
alessia russo x reader
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description: in which you always spam your girlfriend’s phone when it’s left unattended around you, she swears it’s annoying until you discover something interesting
warnings: swearing, suggestive
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your girlfriend alessia swore she could never leave her phone around you. not because she didn’t trust you, or because you don’t trust her. you spam her phone. you spam her phone so often that alessia swears it’s annoying. however, she’s lying to you because she absolutely loves it.
one day, you and your national team mates were out at dinner, you taking your regular seat in between alessia and ella, making quite a deadly trio.
“I’ll just quickly run to the loo, I’ll be right back”, she places her arm over your chair, giving you a quick peck before disappearing to the bathroom. you smile up at her and watch her leave.
once the coast was clear. you immediately grab her phone that was placed on the table, opening up her camera and taking multiple selfies of yourself in various poses and expressions, you and ella, quickly getting up and taking selfies with the teammates closest to you. you then decide to record a quick video,
“hi lessi baby! I have your phone, uh, I love you! you better keep all those pictures! I don’t know what else to say but yeah! I love you my lessi bear, you’re my favourite just don’t tell anyone”
you end the video by kissing her camera and giving a cheesy grin before placing her phone down. you knew that alessia didn’t check your spams and just deleted them straight away so you weren’t really fazed by your cheesy video. alessia came back and already knew you spammed her phone.
“you’ve done it again, haven’t you?” she moves to whisper in your ear, moving a piece of hair behind your ear. she giggled when you look at her shocked,
“what! no!” you scoff,
“funny how you know what I’m talking about before I even say anything” she squished your cheeks between her hand, forming your lips into a pout and placing a kiss there. “you’re silly, baby” she says lowly, your cheeks blush lightly.
both of you went back to your hotel room, you immediately going to shower.
alessia was bored waiting for you, she pulls out her phone. she rolls onto her stomach, head resting on her chin and slowly kicking her legs back and forth.
she decided to have a look at your daily spam. one of her favourite parts of the day but she would never tell you that.
she smiled so brightly at the phone screen, seeing your cute selfies by yourself and her teammates. she was so in love with you. each photo, she would add to her favourites, as well as her folder labelled “my girl ❤️”. she finally stumbled on your video,
she watched the video once, the biggest smile on her face. she put her head into the pillow and let out a tiny noise of enjoyment. she then takes her head out of the pillow and giggles , watching and replaying the video multiple times.
“hah! you do watch them!” you spoke out in the quiet room, only sounds heard was alessia’s giggles and your voice from your video.
she jumps and turns her phone off, “love, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“as if russo! I saw you kicking your feet and twirling your hair to me, you don’t need to hide it baby” god you loved this girl, your voice full of affection.
she ran her hands over face, going bright red. you move across the room and move to straddle her waist. you giggle at her, when she squirms under you. too embarrassed that you caught her swooning over you.
“baby,” you coo, “look at me please” she moves her hands, moving to rest them on your exposed thighs, she takes in your appearance, you’re clad with her shorts and wearing her shirt. “oh my god” she groans, closing her eyes and lightly squeezing your thighs.
“what baby?” you question, “you’re killing me, love” she shakes her head, grinning at you. you smile down at her, moving to place a sweet kiss on her lips. before you pull away, she grabs the base of your neck, deepening the kiss. your tongues swirling with each other. you both whine into each others mouths, alessia grins and you pull away from her. hovering your lips over hers,
you peck her lips multiple times before peppering her entire face with little kisses. she giggles when you lean down and whisper sweet nothings in her ear. she moves her hand into your shirt, lightly scratching your back with her nails. you were giving her the love she deserves.
you place a kiss on her pulse point and she immediately switches positions and instead straddles you. she smiles, hovering over you, grasping your cheek in her hand and moving to kiss your cheek, then your forehead, your neck and finally your lips. another short make out session quickly progresses. her hands move to your waist, she squeezes your hips and you whine into her again. this encourages her and before it can go any further, your door almost breaks down.
“I hope you two aren’t fucking! we’re going out for drinks, get ready!” ella bangs on your door in warning. alessia pulls away from you, pupils dilated, both of you messy haired and swollen lipped. “I love you, but we should definitely go before they walk in on something you can’t finish” you say, pressing your finger into her chest,
“remind me to kill tooney?” she kisses your lips quickly and moves off you.
both of you got ready quickly, both of you wearing sunglasses for some fun, wanting to match. as soon as the girls saw you at the club they were at, they immediately made fun of you for being so attached to each other. “look at you two with your glasses, we get it, you’re dating!” ella says, completely in love with her two best friends relationship.
“shut it tooney” alessia smiles, she hands you her bag, “I’ll get us drinks baby, be a good girl and wait here for me” she gives you another quick kiss and you smile at her before immediately grabbing her phone out of the bag.
you put your glasses on for the pictures and spam her phone again, not realising that alessia was coming back quickly, you kept taking the photos in various poses and faces. she walks up behind you kissing your cheek before sliding down her glasses and posing for the photos. you laugh loudly at her. you take your drink and look up at her, “you’re so cute lessi”
she kisses your nose, “you’re cuter my girl, do me a favour and keep taking photos for my collection please” she won't even deny it anymore, shamelessly wanting as much content of you as she can.
she watches as you move around the room with her phone, taking photos with everyone before returning to her. sitting in her lap, wanting to just sit with your girl and take photos. everyone in the team was admiring you two, you were both so clearly in love with each other it was endearing.
alessia adds all her pictures to her folder. when you fall asleep that night, you rest on top of her while she scrolls through your spam, grinning and kissing the top of your head. good thing she has a lot of storage, she loves this more than anything.
⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆
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liked by ellatoone and 44,232 others
alessiarusso99: baby girl spams my phone and expects me not to post it @/yourname
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yourname: this is a good one from the collection lessi baby!
↳ alessiarusso99: I love my collection
↳ yourname: trust me I know baby 😉
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