#killing you halk
shadow0-1 · 1 year
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Commission by @arcandoria
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shadow-coolness · 3 months
Lor: This is a parody, official release, support DC Comics!
[Cut to a space ship landing near a farmer's home]
Farmer: You're an alien!
Halk: I'm an alien.
Batman: Am I an alien?
Halk: doubtful. Where's my brother?
Batman: I don't know.
Halk: Then you're useless to me! [flies away]
[Super Souls!]
[cut to Clark and friends on the beach]
Clark: I have a kid!
Jon: I'm socially awkward.
Jimmy: He's adorable!
[Jimmy gets bitched m through the Kent House and the owned counter goes off the scale]
Halk: I'm here for my brother!
Clark: Am I your brother?
Halk: Yes!
[Shookness ensues]
Halk: I'm taking your son.
Clark: No, you're not! [gets Kneed] Ah, he took my son!
Batman: I'm here to help you.
Clark: Aren't we enemies?
Batman: Nobody read Pre-Crisis. Let's go!
Clark: Are you insane?
Batman suddenly in a straightjacket: Hells yeah!
[they catch up with Halk]
Clark: Gimme back my son!
*Unzipping noises*
Clark: Gross.
Booster Gold: HA HA!
[one battle later Clark has Halk in a full-nelson]
Clark: Batman! Get him!
Batman: Convenient Kryptonite Spear!!
[the spear pierces the brothers]
Announcer: DOUBLE KILL!
Clark: And now I am the dead bleh.
Jimmy: Oh, no! Clark’s dead!
Lor [through the transmitter]: Hey, Non, let's go to Earth.
Non [through the transmitter]: Ballin'.
Jimmy: Oh, no! More Kyrptonians!
Batman: I'm taking Jon! [flies off with Jon]
[cut to Wild Cat]
WC: Hi, maggots. I'm training you. I'm old and overly violent, but I'll never say it flat-out.... BA!
Jimmy: AH!
[cut to Batman teaching Jon]
Batman: DODGE! [kicks Jon]
[cut to Clark in the afterlife]
Cutlass: YARRRG!
Clark: Who are you?
Spectre: Im the Spectre. You now know the KryptoKen and the Solar Bomb. Fuck off, Shut up Cutlass.
[cut to Batman and Jon]
Batman: 12 months have passed! Let's go fight Kryptonians!
Jimmy: Oh, God, it's the Kryptonians!
Lor: Hi.
Jimmy: Ambush's here!
Jimmy: Ambush’s dead!
Lor: Non, get 'em!
Non: I am hilarious and you will quote EVERYTHING I say.
Jimmy: Steel, get 'em!
Steel: I am the only serious character in this comic. That is the joke.
[everyone except Jimmy and Jon get wrecked]
Jimmy: Oh, God! Everyone's dead!
Non: Hilariously derailing one-liner.
Superman: Supe's here!
Jimmy: Clarks here!
Lor: It's over nine thousaaa---
Non: AHHHH--
Lor: aaaaaaa-----
Non: AHHHH---
Lor: aaaaaaaa--
Non: AAAHHH---
*They continue screaming until Lor kills Non*
Non: LOR, WHY!?
Lor: Because I'm a lizard!
[Lor transforms into a giant lizard monster]
Clark: Kyrpto-Ken!
Lor: Kyrpto wha-?
[gets his tail cut off and reverts back to normal]
Lor: Oh, no! I'm not a lizard! OH, NO! The kid's a lizard! FLAMEBIRD FINISH!
Jimmy: The FUCK?!
[Lor cuts off Jons tail]
Lor: Yay! [the giant lizard body of Jon falls on him] No!
[Lor gets crushed]
Lor: ...Leaving now. [takes off in a space ship]
Superman: And we'll never see him again!
Lor [in space]: They'll see me in the next issue.
[Ghost Non pops up]
Ghost Non: And I'M a ghost.... Or AM I?
[Cut to Peter Parker who was reading this]
Peter: .... This has HOW MANY readers?
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Solar Opposites in Mighty Solars Issue #39: “Danger in Blood” Ch. 5
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Mighton then heads in the mansion searching around for clues
Terry Solar-Opposites/Mighton: Okay! Time to look for clues.
He then hears someone coughing. Mighton walks around the place and then sees Brandy on her bed, poisoned.
Terry/Mighton: You there! Where is Quasarblast, what have you done with him?!
Brandy: He is safe, but all of you aren't. (Coughs.) The benders are in danger. Darkness is about to lead Qourra into bloodbending and killing the man who murder that her mother. (Coughs.) They can't get ahold of you and your family...
Terry/Mighton: You don't look well. I'll take you to the hospital!
Brandy: (Grabs Mighton’s hand.) I am beyond... all medicine. (Coughs.) Kano is really Darkness and he poisoned me and... and soon I will... (Coughs strongly.)
Brandy pulls out a phone from underneath her pillow and shows Mighton a photo of Alice.
Brandy: Stop Darkness at all costs. That's what my maid would have wanted... (Mighton is mortified.)
Brandy: Transform back, transform back! (Closes her eyes.)
Terry/Mighton: What? Why? Wake up! Wake up!
Then, a door opens and he sees Alice who is shock.
Alice: Oh, who are you?
Terry Solar-Opposites/Mighton: Uh ma’am try not to freak out but-
Alice sees Brandy and gasps.
Alice: Mrs. Brandy! No! What happened to her?!
Terry Solar-Opposites/Mighton: She got poisoned by Darkness and died.
Alice starts crying as mascara runs down her eyes. Alice’s sadness then turns into anger.
Alice: That son of a bitch! kicks a vase so hard it breaks
Terry Solar-Opposites/Mighton: Whoa easy there ma’am.
Alice then starts crying again as she hugs Mighton.
Terry Solar-Opposites/Mighton: Aw, don’t cry. I’m sure we’ll find a way to bring your boss back to life.
Alice: I sure hope so.
Terry Solar-Opposites/Mighton: Come with us. You can help us. Trust us.
Alice is touched by Mighton’s kindness and wisdom and nods with a yes. Mighton turns to Principal Cooke and Miss Frankie.
Terry Solar-Opposites/Mighton: You two go with Alice and take Brandy to the hospital! I’ll go find Darkness and save my husband!
The two teachers nod as they pick Brandy and heads to the hospital with Alice.
Montez: What about the rest of us?
Terry Solar-Opposites/Mighton: You guys can come with me too! sees Qourra and Kano heading to the market Oh shit! Sherbet!
Montez: Sherbet?! She’s here?!
Terry Solar-Opposites/Mighton: Wait, you know her?
Cherie: She was a Wallian! She was blind was she first came here and had to wear glasses.
Mighton gasps.
Terry Solar-Opposites/Mighton: What?! How?! She’s not even an adult! She’s an orphan teenager!
Nova: Orphan teen?!
Montez: Sherbet’s a teenager?!
Cherie: And an orphan?! What happened?!
Mighton groans in frustration.
Terry Solar-Opposites/Mighton: sighs sadly Montez, Cherie, Nova… Sherbet’s parents died in a car crash!
Montez, Cherie and Nova gasp while Pezlie whimpers. Nova starts crying.
Nova: starts crying Oh my God… when did this happens?
Mighton sighs.
Terry Solar-Opposites/Mighton: Two years ago before she got shrunk…
Cherie: sighs sadly Oh God Sherbet…
Montez: She was homeless?
Terry Solar-Opposites/Mighton: Yes. She lived at a homeless shelter and then took a place at an ice cream parlor so she can have a new home before she accidentally got shrunk and Yumyulack didn’t know.
Cherie and Montez sighs sadly while Nova looks down for a bit and thought of something. Before Halk died, all she wanted was to start a family. Then, after realizing this may finally be her chance of a having a child and a family, Nova makes a decision.
Nova: I’ll adopt Sherbet.
All: What?!
Terry Solar-Opposites/Mighton: Yo-you want to adopt her?
Cherie: Nova… I thought you gave up on having a child when Halk died…
Nova smiles.
Nova: I know I did. But, it’s what Halk would’ve wanted. And after what Sherbet’s been through the past two awful years, she deserves the perfect mom.
Mighton hugs Nova.
Terry Solar-Opposites/Mighton: I think you made the right and bravest choice Nova. But Sherbet never needed a perfect mom. You are so kind, compassionate and a great teacher. Sherbet would really love to have you as a mom.
Nova smiles and hugs Mighton and then develops determination in her eyes.
Nova: Wait. We have to stop Kano!
Cherie: Nova is right guys! Let’s go save our friends and loved ones! Together!
All: Right!
Cut to the back view of Zandar as he walks toward the town's entrance. Cut to some vegetables on display at a stall. The scene changes to where Zander is walking to the marketplace of the town village, the place almost desolate. Zander enters the screen. He begins to buys seeds from a stand. A wind chime tinkles from one of the other stands. Sherbet, who is sweeping a deck sharply turns around to view the suspicious activity. The camera view changes to someone ducking behind the stand.
Zander: [Suspiciously.] Hello? [To Sherbet.] Did you see someone?
Sherbet: I don’t think so.
Sherbet shrugs and heads back to sweeping
Zander is later seen walking back to house down some steps. He stops again and looks up.
Zander: Hello? [Camera view shifts to show someone hiding.] Is someone there?
He resumes walking again. Kano and Qourra appear from their hiding place.
Qourra: That was him. That was the monster.
Kano: I know. We attack soon.
Zander then walks while sensing no one, he picks up the seeds and continues on his way. He unknowingly steps on a thin wire, causing him to fall into the mud. He tries to get up only to see a fire blast coming his way which he quickly avoids. Kano appears before him.
Sherbet: Huh?
Kano: Prepare to perish, Zander!
Zandar: Whoever you are, take my money. Take whatever you want. I'll cooperate.
Kano laughs. Qourra walks up to Zandar and pulls down her face mask.
Qourra: Do you know who I am?
Zandar: Oh um…
Qourra: Oh, you better remember me like your life depends on it! Why don't you take a closer look? [Camera focuses on front view of her face.]
Zander gasps.
Zandar: Oh God! I know you! You’re that water tribe girl!
Lightning strikes, darkening the screen and flashing back to the incident in the igloo with Qourra’s mother and Zandar.
Zander: Now tell me, who is it? Who's the waterbender?
Qourra’s Mother: There are no waterbenders here. The war took them all away a long time ago.
Zander: You're lying. My source says there's one waterbender left in the Southern. We're not leaving until we find the waterbender!
Qourra’s Mother: Please! Just take me as your prisoner and let my people go!
Zander: [Cut to a close-up of Zander who smiles evilly.] I'm afraid I'm not taking prisoners today ...
Fade to present day Zander who gulps in terror as the flashback ends. Lightning strikes in the background.
Qourra: She lied to you! [Cut to a close-up of Qourra who turns away from Zander as she closes her eyes sadly.] She was protecting the last waterbender!
Qourra growls and removes her hair tie
Zander: [Shocked.] What? Who?
Qourra: Me!
She holds both her arms out, halting the falling raindrops and creating a shield above the three of them. After a few moments, she sends a forceful stream of water at Yon Rha, transforming the stream into a flurry of ice daggers midway through her attack. Zander crouches in fear, preparing to be hit. When he does not feel harmed, he looks up to see the ice daggers floating in midair as Sherbet gasp in horror. Qourra’s expression softens and she allows for the daggers to liquefy and drop to the ground.
Zander: [Falls to his knees.] I did a bad thing! I know I did and you deserve revenge, so why don't you take my mother? That would be fair! [Attempts to smile weakly.]
Qourra: [Sorrowfully.] I always wondered what kind of person could do such a thing, but now that I see you, I think I understand. There's just nothing inside you, nothing at all. You're pathetic and sad and empty.
Zander: [Humbly.] Please, spare me! [Cries.]
Qourra: But as much as I hate you ... I just can't do it.
Qourra closes her eyes and lowers her head. Cut to Zander, a hint of a smile gracing his lips upon realizing he will be spared. Without saying another word, Qourra turns around and walks away; Kano looks from Qourra to Zander, shooting the latter a last dirty look, and follows her. Zander continues crying and shivering in the rain. But, then Sherbet slips on the mud and crashed into Qourra as the two girls scream. Qourra looks at Sherbet in rage.
Qourra: What are you doing here?! Sherbet gasp in shock upon seeing Kano carrying Quasarblast, then Sherbet looks at Qourra angrily Uh, I can explain
Sherbet: Korvo?
Sherbet then grabs Qourra’s hands and gets disgusted with her.
Sherbet: What have you two done?! Where are you taking Quasarblast?!
Kano growls. Then, Qourra kicks Sherbet to a tree as Sherbet gasp and then starts screaming in horror as Qourra prepares to bloodbend her, until suddenly, a rock hits Qourra. Qourra turned around gasp upon seeing Nova and Cheery with crossbows of their own. Suddenly Quasarblast wakes up.
Korvo Solar-Opposites/Quasarblast: Huh? What? sees Nova and Cheery Nova? Cheery?!
Nova: Stay the fuck away from my daughter!
Cheery: Yeah! And let go of my friend’s husband!
Sherbet: gasp Nova?
Nova: Sherbet!
Nova runs up and hugs Sherbet as she soothes her as Sherbet starts crying. Then Nova kicks Qourra away while grabbing Quasarblast while Cheery stays behind and fight. Meanwhile, the kids arrived at the hospital. A few seconds later, the nurse turns around and sees Yumyulack, Jesse and Pupa in their human forms.
Human Jesse Solar-Opposites: Excuse me, can you please show us where Sonya is?
Nurse: Just take two turns to the left and you’ll find her.
The human Replicants and Human Pupa then opens the door and sees Sonya, who is reading until she gasp upon seeing the kids. A few minutes later, Sonya is checked out of the hospital and back into her normal clothes as the four children head outside.
Sonya: What are you guys doing here? Why did Terry ask you pick me up?
Human Jesse Solar-Opposites: Korvo’s in danger and we need your help.
Sonya: What?! Korvo? I thought he and his family moved!
The human Replicants and human Pupa then realize what they just said and nervously look at each other with awkward silence. Human Jesse and Human Yumyulack decide to tell Sonya the truth.
Human Jesse Solar-Opposites: sighs Because, it’s us. Your former schoolmates… Jesse and Yumyulack Solar…
Jesse and Yumyulack turn into their Shlorpian forms as Sonya gasps.
Sonya: Woah.
Human Pupa also solemnly turn back into his Pupa self.
Sonya: I-I thought you guys left.
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: We’re sorry. The truth is… we didn’t move away and we had to take on human forms for the safety of our new identities.
Sonya smiles.
Sonya: hugs the three alien siblings It’s okay. You can tell me anything.
Yumyulack, Jesse and Pupa then sigh and transforms into their Mighty Solars as Fung-irl picks up Sonya and the heroes fly off. Sonya gasp in surprise by the truth revealed.
Sonya: You guys are superheroes now?!
Jesse Solar-Opposites/Fung-irl: Yes! We are really the Mighty Solars! And so are some the people you know! Monica is Lightspeed! Korvo’s apprentice is Venus Tip! Our nanny Phoebe is Starburst and Korvo and Terry are Mighton and Quasarblast!
Sonya: Wait, they are?!
Sonya then squeals with excitement.
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites/Vil-Gil-An-T: Looks like she handle that pretty well!
The scene then cuts to Mighton looking around but then tries to remember what Brandy said to him before she died.
Terry Solar-Opposites/Mighton: Hmm? Okay, what did Miss Brandy said to me?
Mighton gasps as he remembers
Brandy: Transform back!
Terry Solar-Opposites/Mighton: Oh right! Duh!
Mighton transforms back. Terry then turns into his human form and quietly sneaks around. He then gasp and sees Cheery getting ready to fight with Qourra but he grew amazed by Cheery’s courage and decided to witness.
Cheery: How could you do this to us Qourra?!
Qourra: You have no idea what it’s like to lose someone you love!
Then, Cheery grabs her Qourra’s hand and Qourra grabs Cheery’s the thunder shocks them in red thunder as it causes Cheery’s DNA to develop into something more as she cries out. Then, suddenly another woman that looks like Cheery appears form behind her back and falls down. Human Terry gasps The woman wakes up and she appears to have short blond her and a scar on her eye as she gasp and hides. Then, Human Terry turns and sees Cheery in her own Mighty Solars’ suit
Cheery/???: Woah!
Cheery looks around and grows amazed, until she hears Qourra screaming in rage as she tries to attack her.
Cheery/???: Damn! Girl has serious anger issues!
Cheery then ducks as she leaps up and tries to reason with Qourra while the kids arrived and gasp.
Cheery/???: Listen to me Qourra! I know what it’s like to lose someone! Trust me I know! When my best friend and first love Alex died, I was heartbroken but I got better because of my moms and my new friends and the Mighty Solars, who saved my life!
A montage occurs which shows Sherbet hugging Nova and meeting up the rest of the gang while they meet Alice for the first time.
Qourra: What is your problem?! Why aren’t you happy for what I have done?! Kano was trying to help! Vil-Gil-An-T, Fung-irl, Mighty Pupa then sees a text form Terry as they see him and hide while they turn back to their normal selves and turns into their human forms while Sonya runs up and hugs Human Terry
Sonya: Mighton!
Cheery/???: Please Qourra! This isn’t the answer!
Human Terry Solar-Opposites: shock at what Sonya said Wait! Sonya knew?!
Sonya giggles.
Qourra: How about you, Smithefs? Wouldn't you give up your life for your sweet dead gf’s happiness? Other Cheery gasp as she hides in a temple
Cheery/???: Do you really think that this is what your dead mom want? To discover that her daughter has turned into a an out of control rebellious teenager, willing to murder a man who killed her mom out of revenge?!
Qourra: ENOUGH!
Cheery luckily duck from a punch Qourra was about to put on her.
Qourra: My Mom would do the same! Other Cheery who renamed herself Naomi after seeing a name tag and puts it on
Cheery Smithers/???: Never! Unlike you, I have made peace with it. I’m not living in the past. I have a whole life ahead of me! You'd know this if you ever took an interest in revenge. But in reality, everyone who reached out to you means nothing to you anymore! You've locked yourself away from the world. Locked yourself in a horrible grooming from the wrong mentor! Locked yourseld into a life that allows you to take the wrong path in order to justify that man’s madness!
Qourra: You’d do the same thing!
Cheery then kicks the man while Kano turns back into Darkness and prepares to kill Quasarblast who has recovers from the his concussion. Then, Naomi sees it and screams in fury as she throws a hammer at Darkness as he screams in pain.
Darkness: What the fuck?! Who threw that fucking hammer at me?!
Naomi: I did!
Darkness growls and tries to fight back. But, then Naomi growls as she pulls a rope that caused some rocks to fall on him as it makes a cut on him.
Sonya: Wait! Where’s Mr. Korvo?!
Quasarblast then turns invisible and makes it back to his family while he watches Darkness getting weaker because of Naomi’s rocks. Cheery keeps fighting with Qourra as Quasarblast gets an idea.
Korvo Solar-Opposites/Quasarblast: HEY QOURRA!
Qourra: WHAT?!
Korvo Solar-Opposites/Quasarblast: You should’ve touch Cheery because I think you have her some of your DNA.
Qourra: What?!
Then, suddenly Qourra stops moving as she gasp and sees Cheery using blood bending, but the good way as she retrains Qourra by blood bending her and making her lose access to her blood bending powers as Qourra screams in pain and falls down on her knees.
Cheery Smithers/Blood Sympathy: Qourra?!
Cheery then gasp upon releasing she is blood bending, but she wasn’t scared as she retrains Qourra who cries out in pain. Then, Cheery takes a deep breath to ease her nerves as she gain full control of her new super powers.
Cheery Smithers/???: It’s too late Qourra… the fight is over… you met the wrath of Blood Sympathy!
Blood Sympathy does her own superhero pose while Quasarblast turns back into his normal Shlorpian self and then back into his human form as he runs up to his family and new adoptive daughter and embrace them.
Human Terry Solar-Opposites: Korvy!
Human Korvo Solar-Opposites: Darling! embraces Terry in a kiss
Sonya: to Human Korvo Hi Quasarblast!
Human Korvo Solar-Opposites: What the! You know? Oh Nevermind. sighs Looks like we didn’t have a choice but to tell you the truth. I’m sorry Sonya.
Sonya: It’s okay. I’m happy you told me now.
Human Korvo smiles but then notices the whole temple collapsing.
Human Korvo Solar-Opposites: Oh shit!
Cheery Smithers/Blood Sympathy: Oh shit! Everyone come on! Let’s get the fuck out of here!
Then, Qourra sees Naomi as she prepares to attack but then as Darkness could have a chance to attack the family, he lost it when suddenly, a spear appears through his heart as he starts screaming and begins to disintegrate.
Darkness explodes into dust as everyone gasp but are relieve. But then, Quarra gets super pissed off and tries to attack. Then, Naomi gets overwhelmed and knocks her out. Naomi screams in rage and then breaks down in tears. Then, Blood Sympathy sees her and gasp. Naomi looks at Blood Sympathy tearfully, which shocks Blood Sympathy because Naomi looks like her.
Cheery Smithers/Blood Sympathy: What?
Naomi then closes her eyes and look down in shame.
Naomi: I’m sorry.
Human Pupa gasp and secretly uses his telekinesis powers to bring up Blood Sympathy by loving the rock she is standing on. Alice then made it while holding Brandy and the gang looks up and gasp upon seeing the entire place coming down.
Human Korvo Solar-Opposites: Oh fuck! Guys we have to get out of here! This whole place is coming down.
Blood Sympathy then sees Naomi and Naomi screams as she prepares to pull down two ropes. Blood Sympathy however refuses to let her do that and flies up and grabs Naomi to safety.
Cheery Smithers/Blood Sympathy: We have to go! The place is gonna collapse!
As Naomi holds on to Blood Sympathy, the gang quickly rushes out of the collapsing temple.
Human Terry Solar-Opposites: Quick everyone! Head to safety!
Human Jesse Solar-Opposites: Aw geez!
Principal Cooke: Holy fuck, this is so not happening!
The temple is now a pile of rubble as the family and their friends are relived. Then, Naomi open her eyes and grows amazed by the environment of Earth-4.
Naomi: Wow. This place is beautiful.
Human Korvo Solar-Opposites: Of course it is. It’s our home. Your home. Welcome home… sees Naomi’s name tag Naomi.
Then, Blood Sympathy starts to feel a feeling that is causing her to blush and moan lovingly upon seeing Naomi.
Cheery Smithers/Blood Sympathy: in her thoughts Holy shit. I think I am in love.
The gang then looks at the sunrise as they smile.
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a1-az · 2 years
Eskiler “Erkeğin okumuşu kadı, kızın okumuşu cadı olur” derken neyi kastediyorlar hala çözebilmiş değilim. Ama bu söyleyişin erkeklerin “liseli” takıntısına halk tabanından gelen ortak bir reaksiyon olduğuna hiç şüphe yok...
Sahi, minibüs camlarına “Liselim” yazılıyor mu hala? Tabi ki evet ve bu ekol bugünlere kadar gelmişse, Alpay'dan Cengiz Kurtoğlu'na, Jason Donovan'dan Quentin Tarantino'ya kadar pek çok ismi unutmamız imkansız hale gelmiş demektir.
‘Okullu kız’ imajı bir zamanlar daha masum bir romantizmi simgeliyordu herhalde…
Minibüs şoförleri, dikiz aynalarına 'liselim’ falan yazarlardı. G.O.R.A. filminde Arif (Cem Yılmaz) Ceku'yla ilk dialoga girdiğinde de “Okuyor musunuz? Kaçıncı sınıfa gidiyorsunuz?” demiyor muydu?
Bu School Girl Fantasy olayı yalnızca Türklere özgü bir şey değil ama. Uzak Doğu'dan Avrupa ve Amerika'ya kadar uzanıyor. Yalnız bunun oralarda bir minibüs kültürü haline gelmesi takdir edersiniz ki biraz zor. Onun yerine Tarantino Kill Bill'de okul üniformasıyla dolaşan 17 yaşındaki Gogo'yu acımasız bir katile dönüştürerek “liseli” algımızı yerle bir ediyor...
Japonların bu konudaki sicili de pek temiz değil hani, eminim bu kadarını siz de duymuşsunuzdur. Ama biz konuyu daha fazla dağıtmadan ve saçmalamadan şarkımıza dönelim...
Müzik piyasasına bu “okullu aşkito” olayı ne zaman düstü bilmiyorum ama benim hatırladığım en eski şarkı Yıldırım Gürses'in 'Liseli Kız’ şarkısıdır: Bir liseli esmer kız, gözleri yıldız yıldız… Bundan sonra da tahmin edersiniz ki okullu kız romantizminin Türk Popunda TOP olduğu şarkı Alpay'ın “Eylülde Gel” şarkısı oldu...
Tatil geldiği zaman ağlarım ben inan
Gidiyorsun işte arkana bakmadan
Nasıl geçer bu yaz, ne olur bana yaz
Sen, sen, sen, sen bir ömre bedel
Yok, yok, yok, gitme gitme gel
Eylülde gel
Okul yolu sensiz ölüm kadar sessiz
Geçtim o yoldan dün, içim doldu hüzün
Yapraklar solarken, adını anarken
Bekletme ne olur, gelmek zamanı gel
Sen, sen, sen, sen bir ömre bedel
Yok, yok, yok, gitme gitme gel
Eylülde gel
Eylülde gel
Eylülde okul yoluna
Konuşmadan yürüyelim, gireyim koluna
'Dönmüş, hem de mutlu’ diyecekler
Ağaçlar sevinçten başımıza konfeti gibi
Yaprak dökecekler
Rahmetli Fecri Ebcioğlu o şarkının sözlerini yazarken ne düşünüyordu tam bilmiyorum ama, SEALED WITH A KISS şarkısının temasından etkilenmiş olabileceği aklıma geliyor...
Sealed with a Kiss şarkısını ilk olarak 1962'de Brian Hyland seslendirdi. Daha sonra Gary Lewis & The Playboys'tan Jason Donovan'a kadar pek çok ses bu şarkıya hayat verdi. Ama nedense şarkının ismi Donovan ile özdeşleşmiş adeta....
Bunda uzatmalı sevgilisi Kyle Minogue'un parmağı olabilir mi?
Benim için hiçbiri kabul değil. Hele bu şarkıyı Albert Vest'ten dinlemişseniz…
Sealed With A Kiss
Though we’ve got to say good-bye
For the summer
Darling, I promise you this
I’ll send you all my love
Everyday in a letter
Sealed with a kiss
Yes it’s gonna be cold, lonely summer
But I’ll fill the emptiness
I’ll send you all my dreams
Everyday in a letter
Sealed with a kiss
I’ll see you in the sunlight
I’ll hear your voice everywhere
I’ll run to tenderly hold you
But, Darlin’ you won’t be there
I don’t wanna say good-bye
For the summer
Knowing the love we’ll miss
Let us make a pledge
To meet in September
And seal it with a kiss
Okul biter, aşık gencimiz için üzünç bir yaz tatili başlar. Sonbaharda okullar açılıp sevgiliye tekrar dönünceye kadar aşıklar birbirlerine her gün aşk mektupları yazarak bu ateşi söndürmemeye söz verirler. Ve bu mektuplar her gün aralıksız aralarında gelir gider..
Mi acaba???
Iste bu tartışmalı sahaya girer. Ama biraz da insaf edin canım! Sevenler ayrılırken tabi ki hüzün olacak, gözyaşı olacak.
Okul aşkınızdan ayrılırken de, yaz sonu yaz aşkınızdan ayrılırken de!..
Daha fazla çekiştirmeden vecizemizi analım, minibüs şoförlerine raconumuzu keselim:
“Lise aşkları, lise defteri gibidir. Sayfaları bitmese bile gelecek öğretim yılında yenisine başlarsınız..”
çabuk geçdi yıllar.
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mtgc858 · 2 years
So You guys wanted to see my Warrior cat map ideas so HERE YOU GO HAHA! sorry, but this will help a lot with info and such.
(EYE STRAIN TW ON THE SECOND IDEA!,Death mention,PTSD mention and Scars)
Idea 1: People Suck(Jayfeather) map
Basically a spoof map of Jayfeather hating everyone lol.
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Idea 2: (Not sure about the song yet) SnowTuft au map
This is a au that SnowTuft got attacked by a hawk(inspo of the Snow Kit and Snow Tuft theory, as in if SnowTuft got attacked by the halk then snow kit,there not the same like the theory cause it doesn't make sense that there the same when Snow kit is deaf and SnowTuft isn't) which SnowTuft has PTSD as he got scars from it,Anything that reminds him of a Hawk (Feathers,Small birds,Bird chirping, Heck even Bird names on cats like Jayfeather gives him a panic attack.
It ends where he kills other cats with the panic attack and goes to the dark forest where he mets HawkFrost, in this au, SnowTuft kills HawkFrost out of fear as he kills him in a panic and SnowTuft is left in the forest devastated and tramatized.
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Idea 3: That me is not me/Fake BrambleStar (Ashfur) au
So I heard the song by tryhardninja and loved it but also had this idea.
What if Ashfur, after he died, saw a cat that wasn't normal/wasn't a actually cat(the grey one/Alternate) and AshFur realized it was targeting SquirrelFlight, Out of a panic, Ashfur takes BrambleStar's body and trys to ward SquirrelFlight, Bramble of course not in his body trys to get it back not realizing the danger untill the very end when Ashfur is willing to sacrifice himself to save Squirrelflight as he leaves the body right as the Alternate Cat lunged at them. Probably Ashfur wins and survives but also there is a chance if there is a bad ending where he dies and the Alternate kills the two also.
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Idea 4: Bitter End Darkstripe Redemption Au Map
Now this idea was old but I love this one,So! Darkstripe is in the dark forest as he feels horrible, he has time to think about what he did and how he lost everything, he lost his good old friend LongTail, He killed cats and died by his half brother, he lost so much trust and etc.
So in this au, He realizes that TigerStar ruined his life,his friendships and why Darkstripe did all those things wasn't worth it it didn't matter at all, so Darkstripe sings the lyrics as he finally confronts Tigerstar and goes to star clan to beg for forgiveness, with him standing up to Tigerstar and telling him off they accept him and he joins.
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Idea 5: Ghost Ncs Blood clan au Color Pallet
So this is kinda a au that Scourge/Tiny is a bit more colder and mean to others, as in the au, His siblings Socks and Ruby aren't mean and bully him but he hates them as they annoyed him which he stormed off into the woods to get away from them.
Basically Scourge is colder and more agressive as in the au all the blood,gore,Teeth and scars are blue, same with the colors. It would end where Scourge gets betrayed by his clan as Bone kills him as he caused so much pain to them then before he arrived, so a bittersweet end.
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Now that's all for now! I got more ideas but this is it so far! I hope you enjoyed^^
Note these are not free to use! Please don't steal, please ask just in case I might help or not, just ask please, thank you.
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lyricsssdotin · 10 months
Song:Woh RaatArtist:Raftaar, Kr$naLabel:RaftaarLyrics:Raftaar, Kr$na Woh Raat Lyrics Yeah! It’s That RR Garrrr Pa Dollar Sign One Time Kabhi Woh Raat Aayegi Tumhein Har Baat Keh Doonga Mere Andar Daba Hai Jo Sabhi Jazbaat Keh Doonga Aah Aah Yeah Raftaar! Karun Karun Tujhe Sit Down Ho Tere Baap Ko Kiya Hai Toone Let Down Ho Karna Padega Tumhein Step Down Ho Raho Ghutne Pe Bina Bole Get Down Ho Woh Bole Mujhe Dumb It Down We Don’t Understand I Bet That No Tic Tac Toe Let Go Like Click Clack Pow Soche Bina Bhage Chahe Zig Zac Woh Rishte Main Lagta Hoon Baap Chalo Mere Chalo Mere Nakshe Kadam Hansta Hoon Karke Bhi Paap Gaadun Toh Hote Na Bakshe Khatam Holy Father Kabhi Soya Nahi Goli Kha Kar Do Boli Likhe Nahi Kabhi Kha Kar Phaili Poora Meri Itni Chadar Poora Bistar Uska Mera Bed Ka Border I Press Recording Dabta R Wahin Dabe Baki Kahi Bhi Na Dabta R Mere Gale Main Hi Laga Hua Compressor Le Kam Pressure Tabhi Bane CR R To The R To The K To The K Ghalti Ki Halke Main Leke Humein Ghalti Se Dane Na Phainke Humein Paisa Loon Poora Bande Bhi Leke Rakhe Kabhi Woh Raat Aayegi Tumhein Har Baat Keh Doonga Mere Andar Daba Hai Jo Sabhi Jazbaat Keh Doonga Dollar Sign Garrr Pa It’s K Repping Double K Double R Saath Charge Up Jaise Double A Chale Waardaat Haalaat Hai Na Badle Kare Aar Paar Mehnat Agar Double Hai Toh Double R Cross I’ll Be The Best Toh Karu Beat Pe Flex And Leave You Stressed In Beat Pe Toh Jeebh Yeh Weapon Teach A Lesson Lage Mujhe Weak Hai Section Latex And I Don’t Need Protection Baar Baar Jeeta Na Kabhi Haarta Haath Hai Kabhi Na Karun Baat Na Kabhi Vartalap Hai Maar-Kaat Nahi Main Toh Gadta Jaake Baahar Dhamake Hote Jab Main Faadta Aake Aise Kyun Lage That I Got No Feeling Kyun Ki 14 Pe Dekhe The Maine Bahut Se Killings Kings And Changing On The Opps Block Spinning I Be Drilling With Diling I Kill ‘Em All N I’m Winning Bole Mujhe Chill Mere Dil Mein Nahi Hai Real Life Mein Hote Kill Yeh Film Mein Nahi Hai Na Smoke Mile Real Bol Chillum Yeh Chahiye Skill Jo Chahiye Kabhi Dekha Inmein Nahi Hai Yeh Tule Hai Badle Pe Rahe Yeh Sadme Mein Jab Tak Hum Pakde Yeh Pen Yeah Dollar Sign One Time ‘Coz I Hit One Time Then I’m Never Gonna See It Again Garrr Pa Kabhi Woh Raat Aayegi Tumhein Har Baat Keh Doonga F@ck F@ck F@ck The Hook Aah Step Up In A Party Ae Aankhon Mein Cardi Hai Ae Tinted Rakhi Gaddi Teeka Body Mein Rakhta Na Tatte Dehadi Fan Nahi Family Mere Bhai Doon Gawahi Sare Monster Hai Goji Rakhayi Jo Fan Inke Brain Dead Hai Trained For The Lie Goo Khaye Jo Sattar Se Battar Hai IQ Inke Dost Nahi Ghost Kare Write Inhein Sapne Main Dikhe Mera Bhoot Maine Itnon Ko Roti Khilayi Meri Khud Ki Na Miti Kabhi Bhook Na Sab Chahiye Kab Chahiye Ab Chahiye Bharpayi Nahi Pie Pie Gazab Chahiye Sky High To Mike Ty’ Ka Jag Chahiye F@ck A Jag Mujhe Ab Sara Jagg Chahiye I Want The World Sateh Ke Upar Hai Laava Laava Sateh Ke Neeche Hai Magma Kama Loon Main Rap Se Paisa Par Gayab Na Hoga Ye Jack Ma Yeh Mera Magma Kabhi Woh Raat Aayegi Tumhein Har Baat Keh Doonga Mere Andar Daba Hai Jo Sabhi Jazbaat Keh Doonga Kabhi Woh Raat Aayegi Tumhein Har Baat Keh Doonga Mere Andar Daba Hai Jo Sabhi Jazbaat Keh Doonga Written by: Raftaar, Kr$na https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvAS1avuOpY #Hindi https://lyricsss.in/woh-raat-lyrics/?feed_id=98&Lyricsss
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mariacallous · 1 year
Veteran Turkish journalist Merdan Yanardag was sentenced to two years and six months in prison on Wednesday for “making propaganda for a terrorist organisation” following his criticism of the jail conditions of Abdullah Ocalan, leader of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party, PKK.
Despite the sentence, Yanardag was released from prison considering he had spent more than three months in prison already.
“I criticized the policies followed by the [ruling] Justice and Development Party. They came to a conclusion that I praised Ocalan, for no reason. Why did you arrest me?” Yanardag asked on Wednesday in a press conference in front of Marmara Prison, formerly known as Silivri Prison, which is famous for holding political prisoners.
“This prison is the symbol of the regime’s tyranny,” Yanardag added.
Another senior journalist, Aysenur Arslan, was taken into police custody and investigated by prosecutors’ office for her comments on last Sunday’s Ankara bombing, which was claimed by the PKK.
Arslan was accused of praising terrorists. Both Arslan and Yanardag were targeted by pro-government media and social media trolls due to their comments.
“I explained what I really said [on TV]. As a result, I was released,” Arslan said on Wednesday in front of the court house in Istanbul.
Turkey’s Radio and Television Supreme Council, RTUK, the government agency for regulating TV and radio broadcasts, has taken punitive measures against Halk TV, citing comments made by Arslan on the channel related to Sunday’s bomb attack in Ankara.
RTUK imposed five programme suspensions, deeming Arslan’s comments a violation of the rules. RTUK also imposed a 3-per-cent fine [of its revenues] on Halk TV for “crossing the line of criticism”.
Yielding to the government of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Halk TV has since ended Arslan’s programme and fired her.
“Although terrorism was condemned in the same program, the unfortunate words spoken live in the … program aired yesterday go beyond the limits of Halk TV’s stance and perspective. Therefore, we announce with regret that we have decided to end the program,” Cafer Mahiroglu, chair of the Board of Directors of Halk TV, announced on Tuesday.
Following last Sunday’s bombing, Turkey has intensified its police and military operations against the PKK.
Since Sunday, the Police and Gendarmerie have arrested at least 105 people, and two more Kurdish militants were killed in clashes with the Gendarmerie in Agri province on Wednesday.
As the air force continues to bomb PKK targets in northern Iraq, the Turkish Defence Minister said that two of the bombers came to Turkey from parts of northern Syria controlled by the Kurdish People’s Defence Units, YPG, forces backed by the United States.
“We would like everyone to know that all facilities and activities of the PKK and YPG in Iraq and Syria are our legitimate targets,” Defence Minister Yasar Guler said.
Turkey considers the YPG a sister organisation of the PKK.
However, Mazloum Abdi, the leader of the YPG, denied playing any role in the bombing.
“Ankara’s attack perpetrators haven’t passed through our region as Turkish officials claim, and we aren’t party to Turkey’s internal conflict, nor do we encourage escalation. Turkey is looking for pretexts to legitimize its ongoing attacks on our region and to launch a new military aggression that is of deep concern to us,” Abdi said on Twitter on Wednesday. He added that Turkish attacks on cities are war crimes.
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retrokid616 · 2 years
critical role campaign 3 episode 49 pregame
so were where we last week well the bells almost got killed by a dragon until NANA JOINS IN DOING COOL HALK SHIT!
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yeah i'm still bitter after the superbowl at all anyway more on that on my youtbe short
also let me know if y'all want my shorts in future pregame posts or i might poll it here who knows.
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speaking of my youtube content i just wrapped up on reviewing season two of vox machina so go check that out if you can.
and that's all you need to know going in to this week's episode so let's see how the bells do this week with only a handfull of days left it the solstice so until then take care and see y'all in the liveblogs.
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greenwood106-blog · 2 years
Darkness Of December 8th
December 8th is a day that represents significant music loss.  Both John Lennon and Darrell "Dimebag" Abbott were murdered on this day in separate years.  Both had significant music impacts in very different ways and on very different groups of people, but the depth of their loss musically is really comparable.
The following is my recollection of the day it happened and my feelings and inspiration from both.
In 1980 I was 12 and hanging out in my room listening to the radio when the DJ said that John Lennon had been shot and killed in from of his place in New York.  I had recently been formally introduced to his music with the Double Fantasy album and was learning his history and contribution to music.  I got up to walk in to my mom's sewing room and told her that John Lennon had been shot and killed.  We were both shocked, but my mom's understanding of his music history was far deeper than mine.
I was floored watching all of the various gatherings and responses to his death and knew that I had to learn more about his music.  While I was much more of a metal head at the time, it was impressive to me all he had done and how he was revered.  I remember when Elvis Presley died and it seemed to me the response was very similar.
As I've gotten older and my music love has expanded, The Beatles music and Lennon's music have become much more relevant and inspirational.  Not to mention Lennon's desire to see peace and equality and how he went about making the issues public.  Whether you agree with his positions or not, the idea that one of the most recognized and regarded celebrities would utilize the fame and constant media attention to do this is impressive.
I won't share any attention for the guy who shot him, but knowing later that the only reason he did it was Lennon was the most famous person accessible to him was even more nauseating.  This pig didn't oppose his music, didn't find his political or human rights positions troubling, he simply chose him as the most famous target he could reach. I'm thankful that the system has denied his release every time it has come up (twelve times total thus far).  His next parole hearing will be in 2023 unless he dies before then.  Rest In Peace John Lennon.
This brings us to 2004.  At 36 I had been playing guitar and was working with a friend of mine to establish better recording practices.  He is a lifelong metal head and has played and recorded for years.  We are both huge fans of the playing of Darrell "Dimebag" Abbott.  His band Pantera changed the heavy metal music sound and his playing technique was incredible.  His brother Vinnie was the drummer both in Pantera and in the band that came after Pantera disbanded, Damageplan.
It was while he was touring with Damageplan in 2004 that they played a show in Columbus, Ohio at the Alrosa Villa.  This venue, as all of them on this tour, was much smaller than he had been playing with Pantera.  I had seen them at what is now called Chase Field on a New Year's Eve show and at an outside venue that had a massive crowd and the largest mosh pit I had ever been next to.  These Damageplan venues were more like nightclubs or maybe the size of an Elk's Lodge Hall.  At the time, these venues had fairly light security and I've stood next to these venues and seen the artists just walk in and out of the side of the venue and be completely accessible. Moments into their set on December 8th, 2004 a mentally disturbed former Marine whose name will also not be mentioned by me ever came through the side door armed, walked right across the stage from stage right to stage left where Darrell was playing, raised the gun and fired five times, hitting him all five times in the head, right in front of his brother.  People tried to stop him or help Darrell, and Jeff "Mayhem" Thompson, head of band security and Alrosa Villa employee Erin Halk were killed trying to stop the dirtbag.  Audience member Nathan Bray was killed for trying to perform CPR on Darrell and Jeff.
Drum tech John "Kat" Brooks and tour manager Chris Paluska were both shot but survived.  Brooks was shot three times trying to stop the maniac.
The police arrived in just a few quick minutes after being called.  Officer James Niggemeyer snuck up on the lunatic who had taken Brooks hostage when he saw the officers in front of the stage.  When he raised the gun up toward Brooks' head, Niggemeyer shot the loser in the head, ending the chaos.
Sitting out at my friend's house late into the night, I received a call that it had been reported on the radio that Darrell had been killed.  We started searching around online, which 18 years ago wasn't nearly as fast and responsive as it is today.  We started to see some possible subtle confirmations, but it wasn't for quite some time before we were able to actually confirm it and we were both devastated.
Darrell's picking, his technique with harmonics and his rhythms were so inspiring for a metal player.  He was also a very open, joyful person and embraced talking with fans and doing instructional videos online and for guitar magazines. I can't imagine seeing a brother murdered in front of you while you were doing what you both lived for, something as innocent as playing music and entertaining fans, but Darrell's brother Vinnie seemed to mourn every day afterwards.  He joined another band called Hellyeah which was a bit of a supergroup of metal musicians and they toured regularly.
In June of 2018, Vinnie died from heart issues.  His heart was forever damaged watching his brother die and from his active drinking and partying lifestyle, which I also attribute to his sadness. December 8th will forever have sad memories for me and many, many other people.  As a guitar and bass guitar teacher, I try to educate people about the amazing techniques and music produced by these two while skipping the pathetic nature of their death.
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wandanatsbaby · 3 years
if possible could you do a sequel of natasha romanoff x wife reader "I lost everything" where reader is visited by team and the teams worst nightmares are confirmed and they realize that reader has completely broken down and has turned completely evil and one day reader finds a way to escape from the facility they are being held at and reader kills and wounds many people in the process and the team has to find reader only to find out reader wants kill the entire team and their families
I Lost Everyhting Part 2
Part 1
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader Warnings: Death, murder, violence, angst, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
It had taken the Avengers months before they dared to visit you. In that time you had thought and thought about what to do but your end thought was always the same. Make them suffer.
When they finally did come visit it was only because they needed you. That just made your anger worse.
You screamed and screamed at them until they left. At this point you were pissed. Even with the collar on you could feel the energy of your powers growing. With a little bit of force, the collar went flying off your kneck and to the other side of the room.
With the flick of your wrist the cell door opened and you stepped out. It only took a matter of seconds before the guards were after you. Simply rolling your eyes you snapped their knecks leaving them to lay limp on the floor.
The sound of sirens caught your attention and you decided it was time to get out of there. Making a hole in the ceiling you quickly flew up and out of the place you had been held at.
You found an abandoned warehouse and decided that you would stay there. The place was a little beat up and dusty but it would work for now.
The next day you decided to cause some trouble. Walking into a busy party you quickly made your presence known. By now everyone had known that the famous y/n was a danger. That she was locked up.
You scoffed at their faces and laughed as a cop pointed his gun at you.
“Silly little cop. You wouldn’t even be able to shoot me before your dead..” Not listening to you he tried shooting you but before he could even pull the trigger you had the gun facing him. Not realizing what had happened he pulled it making the bullet go straight into his skull. By now people were screaming and yelling for help as you kept killing them left and right.
The avengers showed up not long after and staired at you in shock as you stood surrounded by bodies.
“Look what the cat dragged in. The heroes came to save the day,” you said mockingly as you slowly walked towards them. Quickly they sprung into action and started attacking you.
Bruce had turned into Halk by now and was trying to get a punch in. You kept dodging him and everyone else. You were playing with them. Leading them to think they had the advantage before you struck.
Deciding you’ve had enough you lifted them all into the air with your powers. Laughing at their faces you shook your head.
“I'm going to kill every single one of you and then your families.” Before you had a chance red hair caught your attention. Looking to your right thats when you spotted her.
“Nat?” you said desperately as she walked towards you slowly. You couldn’t believe it. You wouldn't believe it. It couldn’t be her. She is dead. You saw her body. You Saw it.
“Detka, it’s me. Come on this isn’t you. Let them go.” Doing as she said you slowly lowered them all to the ground. Tears began to build in your eyes.
“How- How are you here?” you got out through sobs. She said nothing as she took you into her arms. Feeling her and smelling her scent made your sobs become louder. You were so out of it that you didn’t notice her slowly bring a gun to your head. You didn’t notice her taking in a deep breath as she pulled the trigger. The last thing you hear was her whispering “I love you” before everything went black.
Natasha cradled your lifeless body in her arms as tears welled up in her eyes.
“I'm so sorry my love. I'll be there soon” The avengers stood wordlessly around you both. They were all sad about what had to be done. They loved you like family. They knew it was only a matter of seconds before they lost Natasha to. Wanda's magic could only keep her alive so long.
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Brimstone and Fire
Summary - after saving a Dragon’s life from being burned alive [the irony lol] and bleeding out, the very greatful dragon deems it best to try and repay you until he deems fit, maybe gaining for than he bargained for after he begins devolping feeling for the squishy human.
Pairing - Draken x reader, one sided Emma x Draken
Fandom - Tokyo Revengers
Warnings - SMUTT! With plot ig? service dom draken, oral [fem bodied], breeding kink, gn reader, fembodied reader, mentions of heats [dragon heats], mentions of egg laying, one very clinging dragon™, hinted that Draken has given Mikey head before???? maybe
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[divider by @/firefly-graphics]
Draken hated humans.
Always so greedy and wanting more. Dragons were always greatful for their, often very small, hords.
They envyied others and waged wars to get the lands that belonged to weaker and less violent humans.
They attacked in groups, and had no mercy on others.
They were squishy and had no armor. Yet the managed to surprise him and nearly kill him, taking his small trove of gold and silken iteams and lighting the grass and trees around him.
But, there was one human he’d ever even made him think that humans were good in any sense, it was them.
A kind and very gentle fleshy named Y/n, they had seen a group leave the forest and saw smoke arise from the tree tops, and went to see what was wrong. Their eyes held a kindness towards Draken that he hadn’t seen or felt in a long time, his dark eyes held theirs as they held fabric up to his nose, trying to keep the smoke from entering his lungs.
The word rang through Draken’s head as he was dragged through the forest until they were outside a small cottage, the human left him for a moment to rush inside, and came back out with bandages, cotton, and herbs.
“Hey, i need to see your wounds, so-”
A growl ripped from Draken’s throat as he let fire build in his stomache, ready to attack. 
“I-I’m not going to hurt you! you’d hurt me more likely.” Y/n whispered the last part as they scooted closer, letting him know they had no weapons or the like, just medicine and first aid.
So, for the first time in a while, Draken, swallowed his pride and let the human treat his wounds. The weird green gunk they smeared on the stabs and burns made him yell in pain, but it definitely felt a lot better a few minutes later.
“I’m Y/n, i had some beef cooking before  found you, would you like some?”
it had been a few weeks and Y/n keep finding small amounts of jewels and gems on their window ceils. As well as fresh meat and skinned furs, sometimes smelling of brimstone.
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It had to be the dragon, Y/n figured, He’s the only one that could possibly be able to give me jewels and gold.
Y/n was the ‘outcast’ of the village, preferring to making their own medicine, not conforming to gender set rules, and the others just plain out found them weird.
nobody went out of their ways to help them like the rest of the village, and it showed from the sneers and taunts they recieved from others.
And one night, something changed. 
Draken’s heavy foot falls halked right outside Y/n’s cottage as the dragon’s tail trailled behind him and he kneeled at the door, carefully setting a folded deer skin on the steps, when the door opened. 
“Oh, so it really was you!” They smiled and slid from the door frame, “Would you like to come in?”
Somethng was wrong, their smell; it was thicker and had an earthy undertone but also sweet smelling, likey honey. Like a female in heat. Draken’s fingers twitched, andd he watch as he felt their body warm up very slowly.
they were in heat.
They were ready to lay eggs.
They needed him-.
he took a deep breath as he stalked foward, wrapping strong arms around them and nosed their neck.
“Woah-! your affectionate huh?”
“Your in heat, where is your mate?” 
it took a few minutes to figure out what Draken had meant, before their face started to burn in embarressment. 
“no, I’m not in heat. I’m a human, i’m just uh,,,”
The dragonkind rose an eyebrow, “Your just what?”
“I’m aroused.”
Oh, no wonder he had thought they were in heat. Females only get aroused during heat season. But that didn’t explain why they smelled so fertile.
“allow me to assist you.”
And like that, The dragonkind had them on the ground, their pants off and him tonguing their slit. Draken hummed, the taste of them was slightly bitter, but was still good, to him at least. 
“Calm yourself, If i am to breed you, i need to prepare you.” just from how they were reacting, he could tell they weren’t really experienced in sex, at least not with a dragonkin. 
“D-Draken~! Please more!” 
“So greedy~.” Draken teased, puffing hot air on their clit and wrapping his lips around it, and sucked harshly while his fingers teased their hole. “just like my friend, Mikey, neither of you can take what i give you.”
Y/n ignored him but moaned as his fingers and tongue worked their cunt to orgasm again and again. “Good human. turn on your stomach.”
Doing so, their head in thier arms as this hips were positioned in the hair, as his hands found their hips and grounded again their hips, before something slid against their slit. it was hot and heavy, and could feel bumps?
“Stay still, i might not fit.”the head pressed in and caused Y/n to jolt as it rubbed their ribbed insides, the bumps brushing every sensitive spot. But he was grunting, “Good human, halfway there.”
“O-only half??!” They asked, his heavy cock already made them feel too full.
“relax, or else it could hurt us both.” Draken huffed, relishing in the tightness around his cock. 
‘breed, breed, breed, breed-’
“Lets see if i can fit the rest, sweetling.”
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betweenlands · 3 years
okay, so.
"there might be two boogeymen this week," grian warns everyone going into session 2. tango laughs nervously, asks for clarification on that "might" part, and grian just shrugs. "could generate one or two boogeymen. it's random."
okay. okay.
so martyn wakes up in the server, and hears a noise kind of like a metronome. it's different, and that can't bode well -- and sure enough, five minutes in, his HUD helpfully informs him he's a boogeyman for this session. that's great. that's great.
he pokes his head out of his tower and cheerfully informs the rest of the AHAlliance that he is, in fact, not the boogeyman. mumbo shoots him a thumbs-up. grian is barely paying attention on account of he's already busy tormenting jimmy.
impulse, who looks a bit more pale than usual, mumbles something about going on a wa-halk to check the borders. martyn says he'll go with. impulse doesn't argue.
they get out of earshot. there's an Itch at the back of martyn's head, right alongside that steady ticking noise.
"these boogeyman assignments are not random," impulse complains quietly. martyn jerks his head up. impulse keeps talking before he can ask the question. "first bdubs, now the two of us?"
"how do you know that?"
impulse shrugs. he still looks less like he’s about to snap and more like he’s about to pass out. "we swapped ghosts. you keep tapping your fingers against your sword like-"
"-clockwork," martyn finishes, realizing what the tick, tock means. "okay! okay. this is fine. we've got all session to kill someone. you wanna rig You Bet Your Life?"
impulse grimaces. "yes, but uh. okay. well. you know how people bet on cleo and jimmy already?"
martyn nods, trying to tune out the incessant tick, tock noise in the back of his head. it is loud. how does impulse even deal with this?
"so, smajor has... gone up to green since last session," impulse says quietly. martyn takes another look at the tab list. there's only three yellow names. "which, uh, means if we want to properly rig it, we either have to try and kill someone twice, or-"
"-we gotta kill ren?"
"yeah. yeah. which i don't know if you're up for."
tick, tock. tick, tock. impulse's eyes look a little glassy. martyn nods. "sure."
"well, it's not like we're allowed to carry over alliances anyway."
"right," impulse says with a shaky laugh. "right."
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Halk [ @tarberrymentats ] They / Them :: Ko-fi :: Commissions :: Store
HELLOOOOO Sketchy Fans! Loor here! The team and I are back with a fresh prompt, and in honor of the Spooky Season I've taken my usual quote prompt concept and gotten all my quotes from horror properties! Intrigued? Then let us venture past the read-more cut... if you dare! [ Lol ]
For the uninitiated, this week's prompt is a quote prompt! This means Loor has compiled a bunch of quotes from various books, movies, TV shows, games, and songs to pull together a whole bunch of interesting dialogue [ which I spelt incorrectly in the prompt post... whoops! The spelling I used is for computers talking to each other >w< ] . This week you'll get to pick a Fallout character, and a quote that they're either saying or having said to them. And, as stated, Loor went and got all these quotes from the spookier side of the media sphere.
To send a VALID Sketchy Saturday Request, please send the following information as an ASK to our ASKBOX [ @artistsoftheapocalypse ]
The CHARACTER you'd like sketched up ---- ALL Fallout characters welcome ---- Ghoul? Cool! ---- Super Mutant? Super neat! ---- Sentient Deathclaw? Boss!! ---- Failed Enclave FEV Arachnid experiment left forgotten for a century? FUCK YEAH. ---- YES THAT MEANS OCS SHOW THEM TO US
A QUOTE from the list below ---- Spoiled for choice? List the NUMBERS of your TOP THREE quotes, and the artist will choose from those. ---- NO DEALER'S CHOICE THIS WEEK. ---- ! OPTIONAL ! You MAY specify whether the quote is being said BY your selected character, or being SPOKEN TO THEM by someone off-screen. If not specified, the artist will decide.
IF YOU SEND IN AN OC!!! ---- Send in your request ask FIRST ---- THEN send your character's reference information to our lead artist, Loor, @solesurvivorpaigeargot . Ask or IM are both fine! ---- First time participating with us? Consider registering your OC! ---- Not your first rodeo? Don't worry about sending in information again! You ONLY need to send us reference info if it's an OC YOU'VE NEVER SENT IN BEFORE!
And with all that ground covered, on to the quotes!
CONTENT WARNINGS: Cursing, implied violence, implied cannibalism, implied kidnapping, implied surveillance, claustrophobia
"It's here."
"If you want something done right? Do it yourself."
"And now we see what happens to little fingers that play with dangerous toys..."
"Don't... move."
"Problem solving always puts me in a musical mood."
"He thinks the plague came from the wells... he's wrong."
"I want the son of a bitch who did this."
"Sometimes, fear is the appropriate response."
"Just... lemme go, okay? I won't tell anybody."
"It's alright, you're safe now."
"We get in, we get out, we get gone. Got it? I'm not hanging around."
"Truth does not do as much good in the world as its counterfeits do evil."
"Kindness and generosity are antiquated customs."
"The world died a long time ago, but I'm still up for another round."
"How do you get people to protect themselves from something they don't believe in?"
"My generosity only extends... so far."
"Kill me? My dear, I'm already dead."
"Too twisted up inside to even know what shape I was to begin with..."
"That prickly prick will bury us all."
"... monsters are not all they seem."
"Once one is latched on, the only thing to do is burn it and whatever it's got its hooks in. If you don't wanna lose an arm today, I suggest you don't let anything chew on it."
"It watches. The house. It watches every move you make."
"You're the only one small enough to reach it."
"You'll lead the beast straight back to us! How many times have I told you?!"
"You look like hell."
"You think you're clever, child? Clever, moving about in the dark..."
"I know what a traitor looks like."
"Some things in this world are better left where they lie."
"I told you everything. Getting tired of hearing myself talk."
"You don't look like you belong here."
"Need something fresher than bread or dead meat... I want it to squirm in my teeth."
"I'm going. If you're smart, you'll come with me."
"You people think I'm crazy... crazy is building your ark when the floods already come and gone!"
"Oh, fuck."
"I'm sorry, but no one is looking for you."
"You don't believe me either... do you?"
"Our new guest seems confused... perhaps I can help you achieve some clarity."
"You can't help them, no one can!"
"I said, put it down! I'll blow you out of your shoes."
"If we hurry, we could save them--!"
"One deputy and six volunteers... feel like the one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest."
"The earth split, and the skies burned."
"No, I knew them. Disappeared two years ago, everyone thought they just skipped town..."
"Look at 'em-- too stupid to know how much trouble they're in."
That's it! So, to RECAP! Your request ask should contain the following:
---- A Fallout Character [ One ] ---- A quote from the list [ Maximum 3 choices, please use the NUMBERS ]
As always, please be kind and respectful with asks sent to the blog, as they will be seen by our entire team. Remember to say please and thank you to our volunteer artists and mods, reblog the finished works, and leave a few kind words on them if you have any to share.
This prompt was scheduled to post at 8:00 PM, US Pacific Time, on October 21st, 2021.
We are currently taking requests!
Get yours in now!
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violet-of-the-stars · 2 years
sonic,exe you don’t know me but as a sans would say hedgehogs or whatever DEMON YOU SHOULD BE BURNING IN HELL FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE YOU DAIRTY MANIC AND IF I WERE IN YOUR DIMENSION YOU ARE GONNA BE IN FOR A BAD TIME CUZ IF I WERE IN YOUR DIMENSION THERE BE NO WERE YOU COULD HIDE NO WERE YOU COULD RUN NO WERE YOU COULD GO THAT WOULD PREVENT ME FROM FINDING YOU AND KILLING YOU FOR ALL THE. INNOCENTS YOU KILLED YOU GOT THAT i have iq of 670000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 and i get smarter and smarter and i also get stronger faster the more i run so first time running i would get up to the speed of a perfect human man well the second time i would get to the speed faster than any normal adult and the third time i run i would get to speeds up to almost faster than a car than the fifty time i run than i would almost be as strong as the halk well also being faster than any normal human could be oh and don’t think your tricks would work on me i come from actual 3rd dimension a well you are in the 3rd in half dimension you were create to be scary no thing more thing less you are no god you don’t have any centrol you don’t hurt anyone in the actual real world because you are still in not real in other words you sonic.exe are hopelessly trying to be a god without realizing that you are no more than a puppet for some scary storyteller everything you do is predictable you do the same thing over and over again and again and again again people know everything about you from how you think about others to how smart you are everything you do is predetermined you are a sad hedgehog without purpose oh and i know who you are and were came from so don’t think you beat me i am both smarter stronger and always 10.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000009000000000000000000000
Uhh did you send this to the wrong blog? Cuz this isn’t an rp blog anymore haha-
Also, Sonic.exe in my au was actually the good guy, he didnt kill anyone or anything. Also also he’s already dead.
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mshomestyle · 4 years
Hi! I love your face and things, (idk exactly what to call it all 😂) I hope you’re having a wonderful day 🥺💕
I was hoping to ask if you could write a Drabble (I think that’s what it’s called 👉👈) of Halks comforting his female s/o after he accidentally scares her by yelling at her when they’re in a heated argument (because her parents used to yell at her a lot) I hope this makes sense 🤞
Ily 💕
I’m guessing you mean my blog theme! Thank you! I hope you’re also doing well. ♥
Yep, drabble! On this blog it means “I will write as long or as short as I have to!” -u-
Warnings: Argument
Hawks Comforting the Reader after Yelling at her [Drabble]:
He never got loud. At least not around you. It was something that Hawks knew was a big deal for you being as the way you grew up left a mental scar that still needed time to heal. When you were younger, you had suffered through your parents yelling at you all the time and for no good reason. It was just something that you had to deal with, and since Hawks loved you so much, he would deal with it right along with you. He had no problem giving you this accommodation, however...When stress starts to rise, so do tempers.
“It might not be a big deal to you, but it is to me,” you told him. It was quite obvious from your posture of leaning most of your weight on one foot while you had your arms crossed that you were incredibly annoyed. Hawks didn’t take any insult from that though, because he was aggravated, too.
“And I’m trying to explain to you why it isn’t, but you aren’t listening to me,” Keigo said with a shake of his head. The more you both went at it, the more angry he became. How could you not see why this needed to be done?
“No, I hear you loud and clear,” you spoke pointedly, “You want me to drop everything, my work, friends, family, obligations, for one week just because you’re paranoid that some villain is going to come kidnap me.” You started to tap your foot, “That’s a pretty big thing to deal with.”
“It shouldn’t be, though,” Hawks rolled his eyes, “You knew, what being in a relationship with me consisted of. Your life is always on the line, [Name]. You being somewhere safe and out of the public view for a week should be a no brainier. I mean, this was bound to happen sometime, and it’ll probably happen again. This is to keep you safe.”
“You’re just being paranoid,” you told him.
“Come on, [Name], I showed you the note the villain left,” Keigo groaned, “He threatened to kill you.”
“That “note” was a bunch of magazine clippings-”
“You aren’t listening! I’m trying to protect you!” Things were getting much too heated for Keigo, that he did the one thing he promised to never do.
He yelled at you.
The second he saw the scared look on your face, he immediately wished that he had filtered himself better. You opened your mouth as if to say something, though closed it right afterwards, eyes becoming a bit glossy. “[Name], I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to yell.” You looked away from him, stepping back a bit without another word before retreating into your shared bedroom.
It hurt him to see you like this. So scared and at him, too. He was supposed to be the one that you could go to for comfort and happiness, not the one who caused you misery. He wanted to go to you straight away, hug you close and, tell you that he loved you, but he knew that he had to give you some time to relax as he hoped that you seeing him right away after what he just did wouldn’t make the situation worse.
So, Keigo waited...
Only about five minutes, however, because he couldn’t stand not knowing how you were doing. He also wanted to comfort you as soon as he possibly could. He loved you, after all.
Walking over to the bedroom door, he knocked softly before opening it up to see you just sitting on the bed and curled up in a blanket. You were probably still trying to calm yourself down. Keigo let out a sigh before walking over and sitting next to you. “Hey...,” he said, “Are you okay?” You just looked at him. “I’m sorry...I didn’t mean to yell at you. I love you, you know that, and I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you.”
“...You really scared me...,” you finally answered. It truly did hurt Keigo to hear that. He never wanted you to feel that way, especially about him.
“I’m really sorry,” he told you as he reached over, pulling you into his lap. You seemed slightly reluctant at first, but you let him hold you anyway. “I promise I’ll try to never yell at you again. I’m just...I’m just so scared for you. I don’t want anything bad to happen to you.” Now it was your turn to let out a sigh.
“I know, Keigo, but you seriously can’t expect me to pause my life every time you think it’s in danger.”
Keigo nodded at your words, running a hand through his hair a bit tiredly. “How about you and I just go away for a weekend? Would that be a better compromise?” He also may just hire some bodyguards for you, but he would cross that bridge when he got to it.
Slowly but surely, you turned to look at him, smiling softly and nodded. “Alright.” Happily, Keigo wrapped his arms around you tightly, kissing at your face lovingly, which earned him a giggle from you.
“We can go wherever you want to.”
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fandomfic-galore · 4 years
Fuck what they think!
Chapter one.
Warnings: swearing, angst, fighting.
Tumblr media
Beta and Banner @geekandbooknerd
Holding the handle of the blade tightly in your hand, you started to shake slightly. Small blood droplets fell onto your shoes. Her blood. The murderer, scumbag blood soaked your mother's knife and it brought you joy. Even for a brief moment. It has taken you three years to do this and it is finally over. Relief started to wash over your body, your shoulders felt lighter.
Lifting your head slightly you came face to face with a man. Locking eyes with him you breath hitched. His eyes were dark, his brow was creased. His shoulders were hunched over. His anger was flowing all over his body.
He was going to kill you, you thought to yourself. Turning around, you tried to run as fast as you could. The adrenaline in your body was making your head hurt. Your legs started to shake as you know this could be the end for you.
A sharp pain in your lower back brought you down to your knees. Electricity shocked your whole body, you started shaking uncontrollably. You brought your hands to the sidewalk to steady yourselves. The pain was like nothing you never felt before. You tried to fight it, tried to work through but it was to no avail.
The man from before kneeled down and made eye contact with you again.
“Night night, sweetheart”
Your head was spinning, opening your eyes slowly a fluorescent white light beamed at you from above. Trying to shield yourself with your hand, you lifted yourself and checked out your surroundings.
“Y/N” a strange voice called your name.
Looking towards the strange voice, a sharp pain travelled down your neck. Wincing you rubbed the sore spot softly. Trying to get any sort of relief.
“I’m Bruce” he started to walk towards you.
“I know you are Banner or shall I say Halk” you raised your eyebrow at him and he nodded slightly.
Realising you were on hospital bed you jumped down. Bruce recoiled a little bit from you.
“Oh is the big bad scary Hulk afraid of me” you taunted.
“Don’t,” he warned you.
You rolled your eyes and looked down to what you were wearing. A horrible, itchy, hospital gown.
“Where are my clothes” you questioned.
“They have been cleaned for you. Y/N, you need to stay here for a bit longer, you took a blow to the head and have a concussion.”
You huffed and jumped back on the bed.
Bruce wearily walked towards you. You offered a sight smile. Trying to show him he was safe.
“We have been watching you for a while.” You listened carefully to the man. You just wanted out of here as soon as possible.
“You have some unique gifts Y/N” sighing you knew where this was going.
“You’re running any sort of experiments on me? ” anger flowed from your voice. The man chuckled to himself.
“No, we don’t want to do that, we want you to join us. The Avengers”
Your heart stopped for a brief second. You had run from scientists your entire life. Being a lone wolf, you like working alone, other people always got in the way.
“What if I said no” questioning him, you wanted to weigh up your options.
“Then we would have to kill you”
You started to see red. What was he playing at. Energy flowed to your fingertips. Purple sparks started to ignite.
“I’m joking. Y/N calm down” Bruce put his hands up in defence.
“We like the way you work, you go after the bad guys. The ones no one knows about, but somehow you do,” Bruce started to pace around the room.
“One question” Bruce hummed to allow you to speak. “Why did Hawkeye punch me”
“Why didn’t you fucking tell me Tony!” Clint shouted for the whole compound to hear.
“Well, it’s like this” Tony started to ramble.
“Don’t give me your bullshit Tony!” Just tell me” Clint demanded.
“If we told you how powerful she really was, you might have hesitated.” Ironman just sat in his chair. Placing his feet on the table in front of me.
“She could have killed me! What the fuck is wrong with you. You didn’t see what she did, she didn’t hesitate to kill that woman.” Clint was storming around the communal area. He brushed his hair out of his face, anger had taken over his eyes.
“We know, but you were safe. She…” Tony hesitates, looking down at the floor, he lifts his feet off the table and places his elbows on his knees. Clasping his hand together. “She only kills murders, rapists and sex offenders.”
Clint looked confused, his brow creased as he tried to think of what or how to say his next words.
“I’m an assassin. I’m a murderer!” Clint’s voice echoed through the room.
“But you’re one of the good guys” you stepped forward from the doorway and saw the two men snap their heads around to look at you.
“That’s why I ran, I don’t kill people who try to help the world. Only the ones who want to cause chaos.” You gulped, hoping it would put Hawkeye at ease.
Clints back straightened when you spoke. His chest puffed out, he crossed his arms against his chest and raised an eyebrow at you.
“You know I should've killed you back there” his words brought a dull pain to your chest. You didn’t want to show me any weakness. You copied his stance.
“Right back at ya, Hawkeye”
Clint stormed out of the room and brushed passed your shoulder in doing so. Rolling your eyes once again you huffed.
“He will come round in due course. He doesn’t like newcomers.” Tony tried to reassure you. “So...are you joining” Glee came from Tony’s eyes and he watched you intensely. Biting your bottom lip slightly you nodded slightly.
“On a trial basis though.” You warned and Tony nodded in agreement.
A few days had passed since your encounter with Clint, you hadn’t seen him since and that made you happy.
Tony introduced you to the rest of the team. Bucky and Steve wanted to start training straight away. Even against the orders of Bruce you kept brushing off your concussion. Nat and Wanda were very welcoming to say the least, they showed you around the compound and which room was yours. You saw Sam briefly before he went back to his mission. All the others were relaxing in their various rooms.
Standing in the gym opposite the two super soldiers, you felt a bit intimidated by them. Only seeing them on TV, you didn’t realise how large they both were.
“So, we are gonna start by coming and attacking you just to see what you can do” Steve ordered, Bucky nodded in agreement.
You stood there with wide eyes. What if you couldn’t do this, you thought to yourself. Your mind was brought back into the room as you heard heavy footsteps charging towards you.
The purple sparks started at your fingertips again. Both men were charging at full speed now. You flicked your hands up to them and shot them both with electricity. Sending them flying through the gym. Now it was your turn to charge.
Fog started to fill the gym as you gained your composure. Hurling yourself at Steve first, a gust of wind helps launch you towards the bigger man. Straddling Steve you brought your hands to his head and sent him an electric shock. Groaning in pain, a heavy metal arm wrapped around your middle and flew you across the room. Your back hit the wall first with a loud crack. Falling to the ground you groaned as the pain washed over you.
Both men were not done yet though. Opening your palms, you hoovered the right palm over your left. Circling each other the Fog grew around the super soldiers blinding them. Gaining more energy from your hands you slammed them down on the ground. Both men flew up to the ceiling and hit the ground with an almighty thud. Standing up, you looked at both men triumphantly.
“Are you sure you’re not related to Thor” Bucky groaned while standing up slowly.
Laughing you took it as a compliment. Walking towards them both Steve looked proud of you. Bucky reached his hand up and caressed your shoulder.
“Well done punk,” Bucky said.
“Hey, that’s my nickname” Steve jest.
“Next time watch your six. All that power and yet you don’t really know how to fight”.
You snapped your head to the voice. Clint was standing at the doorway watching you. Leaning against the frame he sniggered to himself and then left.
“Dickhead” you whispered under your breath.
Everything Marvel @youclickedthislink
Series @daisyboo11 @carissime72 @yavanna80
Everything @xoxabs88xox
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