#kinda just gave up on these but i might as well share em
idk what i was doing here, just messing around with concepts n colors inspired by the song Can You Forgive Her? by Pet Shop Boys
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jellitchi · 3 months
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vat7k designs in my head...
i thought their canon designs were a eensy weensy bit Unpolished so i made these mostly for myself. erm if u rly want it i think varian is 19 here, hugo 19, nuru 18, yong 12.
i also made rhem all playlists and had to draw them a cover so thats what the last img is I linked each of em under my notes for all of em... Under the cut is Like a Huge Infodump of notes i have for each chara,,,,,,
i kept varians design basically the same, i dislike the design w the orange neck thing so i just Nuked it😭... Here's Varians playlist
Hugos design i just wanted to put him in something more Loose. hes a thief, a professional escape artist. i dont think wearing clunky metal is ideal for him. i also gave him a prosthetic arm (blond w no arm design trope!) but u cant see it in the ref so i added another drawing of him in his under layering👍 i vaguely referenced russian(?) clothes for him as well... Yeah not too much changed w him i just tried to make him slippery-er. Here's Hugo's playlist
yong came relatively easy to me, if it wasn't obvious i did rip gaming from g*nshin's hoodie. i thought the lion hood was Adorable and freaking perfect for what i had in mind for hos character. since the og notes said the fire kingdom is loosely Chinese inspired i basically just kept that. i mashed tgt a buncha diff dynasties though sorry for how inconsistent i was... i think he looks Okay. anyways i changed yongs role a bit, ill explain why im adjusting some of their roles later but i kept yong as the Jinx Type character. hes the eldest in his family and has a buncha younger siblings, hes a lion dancer and does performances w his family/siblings. he rly like special effects n keeps tryna incorporate his fireworks into their performances (it flops and he has to sew up the dmg) ill explain more of yongs role in another post maybe shrugs... Here's Yong's Playlist
miss nuru was a bit of a struggle for me i might share my full design process with her coz i did a Bunch of mockups for her😭😭😭... i didnt have a specific country of reference for her but i chose to make her vaguely south asian inspired. i also really wanted to keep the sheer fabric w the star / constellation map. i love that idea its so cute so shes still technically the navigator. but she also wields a sword too, fencing or whatever. (her and varian r Huge Cass fangirls which is probably why she started tryna use a sword (snuck out to watch cass compete) Okay ill talk abt this later) in my head, okay ill Probably make a whole nother post talking abt how im interpreting/writing each chara, but in my head i think nuru is the youngest and her kingdom's archivist. shes mostly in charge of like Her kingdoms history / artifacts / etc. ok im getting too side tracked ill save the lore dump for later but thats Nurus role in the party. Here's Nuru's Playlist
uhm below i made their character stats mostly to help me with planning / role developing. the yellow is their base stats the color behind is their end stats i guess. i was gonna explain my reasoning for their stats but ermm this post is kinda Really long so sorry😭... varian max int for obvious reasons, also max charisma just coz i feel like u kinda learn a thing or two being around a couple manipulators and spending time in jail idk shrugs... (also lets not forget the "ud b surprised what ppl would do for a cookie!") Hugo slippery guy, if a brick is thrown at him as hes running hes gonna try n run faster to shatter it, his mindset is Run Run Run! i think hes relatively agile too but yeah mostly a Speedster. i think he n varian got no Physical strength varian maybe just like A little coz Farm boy but I rly doubt quirin is making him do a Lotta heavy lifting. yong has incredible stamina and agility because hed a performer. nuru is the strongest coz this team would literally Flop without a proper Offense😭... i think varian n hugo r able to outwit plenty of their opponents but i think nuru is pretty good in a fight, same w yong. Yeah Okay Sorry for a Long Long Post thanks hope u guys enjoy
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strangersmunsons · 6 months
read 'em and weep #3
you and Eddie spend more time together. romance blossoms.
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Chapter 3 Eddie x Bookworm!Reader Series Read Ch. 2 -> Here!
Contains: Eddie x Reader, fem!bookworm!reader, lowkey shy!reader, new love and giddiness all around, and a brief cameo from Steve. No mention of reader's physical appearance, no use of y/n. Warnings: mentions of food/eating. Word Count: ~5.5k this took me sooo, ridiculously long to finish. work, writer's block, etc kept getting in the way! hopefully this is okay. i've spent far too much time at this point editing & second-guessing everything, i finally just had to stop overthinking & post!
You’re lying on your bed, nearly dozing when the telephone on your nightstand starts ringing shrilly.
The shock of it startles you from your half-sleep, and you blearily push yourself upright from the prone position. One hand smashes into the pages of the magazine you’d been skimming through, which slips forward on the soft bed covers.
Too comfy to really want to move, you stretch over and clumsily pick up the phone, bringing it up to your ear. “Hello?”
“Hey, it’s Eddie,” says the voice on the other end. There’s a fuzziness around the edge of his words as they crackle through the speaker.
It’s not the first time he’s rang you at this hour, but a thrill still shoots through you at the sound of his voice. “Hi.”
Eddie has quickly become a fixture in your life over the past few weeks. Your friendship continued to blossom with each visit he paid you at the library, where he gave you live updates on his reading progress, not even bothering to wait until he was finished before sharing his opinions. He was nice, and funny, and you became increasingly fond of him.
Then one day, while he was chatting your ear off about something or other, it hit you: you think Eddie’s pretty. His face is sculpted but soft, everything just looks so soft. The rounded chin and cheeks, the bulbous tip of his nose that looks like the perfect place to plant a tiny kiss…
He had kept on talking, but you could hardly hear what he was saying. Suddenly all you could focus on was the prickly warmth creeping up the back of your neck and into your ears. It was reminiscent of a feeling you’d had once or twice before around him, but this time it came in swinging. And finally, you could see it for what it really was. Oh.
“Did I wake you up? Sorry, I know it’s kinda late.”
“No, I was still up.”
You sound a bit groggy, but if Eddie notices, he doesn’t mention it. “Okay, good. How are you?”
“I’m alright. How are you?”
“I’m alright,” he echoes back wryly. “How was your day? Did you have to work?”
“Yes, I did. It was good.” You reconsider, an uncomfortable moment spent with your boss flashing back to you, and grimace. “Mostly, anyway. How was your day?”
“Listen, don’t worry about me yet, I’m trying to ask about you. Tell me about your day, why was it only mostly good?”
Eddie seems to have a knack for that; saying things that make your heart flutter in a very nonchalant way, like it’s no big deal. You’re glad this conversation is over the phone, so he can’t see the dopey look on your face.
“Well…” You bite your lip. “It’s not a big deal, but do you know the librarian at all?”
“Marissa? Unfortunately. She’s kind of a bitch.”
“Yeah, she is. And today she overheard me telling another clerk what I have planned for Story Time this weekend, and she doesn’t like it. So she got kind of nasty with me.”
“Why? Are you reading something very inappropriate?”
“I want to read them this Dr. Seuss book, Bartholomew and the Oobleck, do you remember that one? And then for the craft period, we’ll make the oobleck. It’s really easy, just cornstarch and water. But she’s saying that I shouldn’t do it because it’s going to make too much of a mess.”
“Oobleck is supposed to be a really thick slime, right? The whole point is that it gets everywhere and they can’t get rid of it?”
“Well, yeah,” you admit. “So she might actually have a point.”
“Are you kidding?” he replies brightly. “They’ll love that shit. You should do it anyway, I think that’s a sick idea.”
“Thank you.” There’s a touch of pride in your voice. You really do try your best to come up with fun and interesting things for the kids. Encouraging them to read and sparking their creativity is all you ever hope for. “I also think it’s a great opportunity to teach them all about non-Newtonian fluids.”
Eddie barks out a laugh, and it digs sharply into your ear.
“You’re funny sometimes, you know that?”
You were being serious, but if it means you’re making Eddie laugh, then you suppose you’ll take it.
He continues without waiting for an answer. “If you need help cleaning up after, I can be around for that, since I don’t work until later.”
Immediately, your brain conjures up visions of green goo splattering everywhere, getting stuck to the low tables and entrenching itself into the carpet. You can’t bring yourself to inflict that upon him. “That’s awfully sweet of you, but you absolutely do not have to do that,” you reassure him.
“I’ll be there,” he says firmly.
“I wanna play with the oobleck. I’ll be there.”
“Fine,” you concede with a laugh. “I won’t argue with that.” There’s a warm pause, mutual affection running through the miles of telephone wire connecting the two of you. You fiddle with a small pilled spot on the bedspread. “So how’s the latest book coming along?”
“Well,” he heaves out with a great sigh, “I finally finished Left Hand of Darkness, which was really good. I can’t say I liked it better than Earthsea, but I enjoyed it. I get why you like it so much.” 
“Comes down to personal preference. I’ve never met a bigger fantasy nerd than you, so Earthsea would be tough competition.”
“For my own sake, I’m choosing to take that as a compliment. Oh, and Genly and Estraven definitely had sex when they were alone on the ice together. I don’t care if they say otherwise.”
“Oh, they totally did!” you concur with a giggle.
“They were definitely kemmering, or whatever it is you’re supposed to call it. Anyway, I’m on to Geek Love now, and frankly, I’m shocked that you recommended this to me.”
“Why? You don’t like it?” It is a little grotesque, but you thought he’d be into that.
“No, I do. But I just can’t believe that a sweet thing like you would read a book like this.”
Your cheeks flood with heat as the word bounces around your head. Sweet, sweet, sweet — he thinks I’m sweet. “I like all kinds of books,” you mumble, and mentally kick yourself for not coming up with something more flirtatious to say back. The banter came a little more easily before you realized just how much you like him.
“So I’ve gathered.”
“Just you wait. I’ll have you reading the Brontës in no time.”
He huffs in disbelief. “Right. That’s likely.” He clears his throat. “Hey, um, can I ask you something?” There’s an edge to his voice you’re not used to hearing. 
“Do you wanna come and hang out at my place this weekend? We could get food and watch a movie, like Lord of the Rings or something, if you still wanted to see it. Or we can go to the video store and pick something out. You can choose.”
So far, Eddie’s only ever come to visit you at the library. The prospect of spending time with him alone — truly alone, without coworkers and patrons lurking just around the corner — makes your heart hammer dizzyingly against your ribs. You keep your answer simple. “Yes. I would like that.”
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Wayne can hear one side of the discussion drifting through the trailer when he comes home, kicking his work boots off and leaving them by the door. Halfway across the living room he spies his nephew in the kitchen, and his eyebrows shoot up at the state of him.
Eddie’s leaning with his back against the wall, the phone held in place between his cheek and his shoulder. One ringed hand is twirling the phone cord around his finger as he speaks in a low voice, goofy grin plastered on his face.
They make eye contact across the trailer. Eddie immediately straightens up and tries to neutralize his expression.
Wayne snorts out a laugh.
“So, um, so anyway—“ Eddie fumbles with the phone “— does six o’clock work?” He turns to the side in a poor attempt to muffle the conversation. 
Wayne steps into the kitchen and tosses his jacket and lunchbox across the table. He makes a kissy-face at Eddie.
Eddie gives him the finger.
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The day Eddie is meant to see you takes forever to arrive. However, as he stares at his reflection in his dresser mirror, he starts to feel like maybe it actually came way too quickly.
He’d spent the past half-hour wildly picking through his closet, combing his hair with his fingers, trying to figure out how he should present himself as more and more clothing gets flung around the room. Eventually he gave up on his hair, and came up with an ensemble he liked, but would you like it? Would you like him?
To the untrained eye, Eddie is wearing his standard Eddie-uniform: tight black pants and a band t-shirt. On the surface, it’s a regular outfit for him. But if one is a truly acute observer, they should clearly be able to see that there are subtle variations within this basic framework he’s donning that scream “Eddie Munson is Trying to Impress a Girl!”
His ripped jeans have tears that expose swaths of skin not just on his knees, but his thighs as well (scandalous!) and he’s wearing his coolest Slayer t-shirt, the one that he ripped the sleeves off of so that his tattooed arms are on full display. And it’s just loose enough so that when he leans forward, the fabric gives way so you can catch a glimpse of his chest, with its sparse hair and winking nipple ring.
It’s all very deliberate.
But as much as Eddie doesn’t want to admit it, he’s nervous. While he becomes increasingly enamored of you, unable to keep the sly compliments and saccharine terms of endearment from slipping out, you get more shy. He still hasn’t figured out if that’s a good or bad sign.
Both of you seem to be hovering in romantic limbo, tiptoeing along the fine line between friendship and flirtation. Playful and insecure. Tender and uncertain. Was your puckish rapport a new experience, or were you like that with every person you met? Did you like it when he phoned you late at night and called you honey and sweetheart, or were you just too polite to correct him? Did you hold his name and face in your soft heart when he wasn’t right there next to you, like he did yours?
He’d chickened out at the last minute, dancing around the word ‘date.’
Eddie could be smooth on occasion, sure. But it was different when you knew you didn’t actually have a shot in hell with the person you were talking to. He didn’t have to be afraid of rejection when he already knew it was coming.
Like, he could flirt and wink at Chrissy Cunningham all he wanted and invite her to the Hideout because he knew full-well that she was never really going to show up to watch his band play — let alone dump her boyfriend to go out with him. So he could ham it up, make a fool of himself, and then shrug it all off when nothing happened.
Only a few girls had ever taken him up on his offers. And they always ended up being private affairs; nobody wanted to risk being seen out at dinner with Eddie Munson. Instead there were quick and clumsy trysts in the back of his van or in the woods behind the school, and he was reduced to a novelty notch in the bedpost, a secret for them to whisper about at slumber parties, the eponymous who of a giggly “Guess who I hooked up with!” 
It took Eddie a minute to catch on. He remembers the first time, when he hooked up with a girl at a party he was dealing at during his junior year. The next school day, he tried approaching her in the hallway as she chatted with a fellow cheerleader, and she quite literally turned on her heel and ran — but not without shooting him a look of such intense disdain that it made Eddie physically flinch. Her friend snapped her locker shut, and snickered knowingly at Eddie before following suit.
He won’t lie, that one stung. He’d stood there in mild shock at being brushed off so harshly, while other students milled about, completely oblivious to his distress; someone deliberately knocked their shoulder into his as they passed by, causing the handle of his lunchbox to slip out from his sweaty fist. It fell to the floor with a loud clang that echoed about his ears.
Eddie had already had a pretty good idea of what other people thought of him, but boy, did it really sink in that day.
It set the framework for what his love life would look like for the rest of high school. Which maybe wouldn’t have been so horrible to deal with, if only he hadn’t been in high school for two years longer than he’d expected to be.
So he leaned into it. It was really the only thing he could do, and hey, at least it meant that he could get some every now and then. What did it matter if they refused to make eye contact with him the next day? He didn’t need all that relationship mess, anyway. He didn’t care.
He didn’t care, he didn’t care, he didn’t care — if he tried to tell himself that one more time he was going to explode.
In reality Eddie’s a pretty lonely guy. But since meeting you? He’s hopeful for the first time in a long time that maybe his life doesn’t have to be that way.
Eddie raps on your front door with his fist, biting the inside of his cheek. Pizza and movies. Easy breezy. There has never been a more relaxed person than you, ever, he thinks, buzzing with nervous energy.
After a moment the door swings open. “Hi,” you greet him, stepping out onto the welcome mat, tugging at the shoulder strap of your purse. 
“Hey,” he responds with an easy smile on his lips, one that doesn’t betray his anxiety. He gives you an approving once-over and lets out a low whistle. “Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?”
And you really are. He’s never seen you in anything but your work clothes, so he appreciates this chance to see you in an outfit that’s true to your style. 
You let out an embarrassed chuckle and wave a hand at him. “Oh, please.” 
“No, I’m serious! You look very nice.”
You can hardly meet his gaze, a flustered grin forming on your own face. “Thank you. So do you.”
He shrugs modestly, but his dimples show. He gestures to where his van sits parked by the curb. “Shall we?”
The interior of the van is plush and blue and smells of tobacco and something vaguely minty. Eddie insists on running around the vehicle so he can open the passenger-side door for you, and holds out his arm for you to grasp while you climb in; an unexpected act of chivalry.
“Wow, I’m getting the full VIP treatment here, aren’t I?” you ask him jokingly as you clamber onto the seat.
“Get used to it, sweetheart. I may not look it, but I’m a gentleman of the highest caliber.”
“I’m sure you are. I’ll bet Emily Post writes to you for etiquette tips.”
Eddie turns the engine on, and music starts blaring from the speakers. He quickly turns the volume down, shooting you an apologetic look. “Sorry. I, uh, I like it loud.” He gestures to a shoebox tucked away on the floor by your feet. “There’s a bunch of other tapes in there, you can pick a different one if you like.”
You’re delighted to realize that you have an opportunity to tease him. You tilt your head up, lips pouting as though you’re deep in thought. “Okay. Let's say I pull out a different tape.”
Eddie looks at you quizzically, but plays along. “Okay. Let’s say you do.” 
“Now, hypothetically, I would do this because I want to hear something different from what’s playing currently. Right?”
You reach into the box and pull out the first tape you make contact with, and end up with the latest W.A.S.P. album. You cock an eyebrow at him while you hold out the tape for him to see. “So riddle me this: what are the chances that this album — or any of these albums, for that matter — sound any different from what you’re playing right now?”
Eddie attempts to stifle a laugh and fails. “Hey now,” he says, trying to sound stern, “there is something incredibly special and nuanced about every single tape in that box. I would never deign to compare Ride the Lightning to The Headless Children. Completely different. Worlds apart, in fact.”
You shrug, pleased with yourself. “If you say so. You would know better than me.”
“I’m gonna teach you how to be metal,” he promises, peering over his shoulder as he backs out onto the street.
You continue rifling around in his box of tapes. “Do you really think I could be? My job is reading picture books to preschoolers.”
“Totally. There’s nothing more metal than the public library.”
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The first stop you and Eddie make is at his favorite local pizza joint, where he insists on paying for dinner himself — he wouldn’t even let you throw a dollar in the tip jar. The shop is conveniently located in the same strip mall as the Family Video, so after putting your order in, the two of you cross the road to browse for a movie while you wait.
When you enter the store, you’re greeted by the little tinkling sound of bells and a bored ‘Welcome’ from the employee seated at the counter.
The cashier is cute — not as cute as Eddie, you think — and probably about the same age. When he finally looks up from the counter and sees the two of you together, his eyebrows shoot up in surprise before furrowing again as he makes eye contact with Eddie.
The two boys stare at each other in mutual distaste. He nods coolly at Eddie. “Munson.”
Eddie’s reply is flat. “Harrington.”
As you approach the counter, the employee’s name tag comes into view: Steve. 
Eddie strides past him and doesn’t stop, even when Steve calls out to his retreating back —
“You still haven’t brought back Spinal Tap!”
“I know,” Eddie replies, not bothering to turn around.
You follow Eddie across the store, skimming through the colorful titles. He stops abruptly in the middle of an aisle, and you bump softly into his back.
He gives you an amused smirk from over his shoulder. “Easy there.”
“Sorry,” you reply, giving him a little smile that’s all too apologetic for his liking. He can’t resist the urge to reach out and take your hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze before letting go again.
You beam at him.
“So what are we feeling?” he asks, feeling needlessly scrambled at the brief but lingering affection. “Something scary? Funny?” He bats his eyelashes dramatically. “Romantic?” 
Your response is automatic. “Whatever you want is fine with me.”
Eddie frowns at you. “I told you, it’s your choice. I already picked out a two-hour cartoon.”
He’s being very sweet. But you want to pick something that he’ll enjoy, too.
Acting on a little tip from your new friend Steve the Cashier, you ask Eddie —
“So you like Rob Reiner movies, huh?”
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Eddie slaps The Princess Bride down on the counter in front of Steve. 
“Nice vest,” he comments.
Steve shoots him a dirty look. “Your late fees are gonna pile up.”
Eddie ignores this.
Steve sighs and begins the checkout process. Eddie can’t help noticing Steve casting you sidelong glances, his eyes flitting up and down your figure appreciatively. 
Eddie clears his throat pointedly.
“Here.” Steve pushes the film back over the counter.
Eddie grabs it and heads for the door without saying anything; you, confused and a little put off by the attitude, offer Steve your most polite “Thank you!” before scurrying out after him. 
Eddie holds the door for you when exiting, a pleasant expression on his face that’s a stark contrast from the one he wore when talking to Steve. When you’re both back outside, you can’t help but wonder what that cashier ever did to him.
“I take it you’re not a fan of Steve from Family Video?” you press.
Eddie looks sheepish. “You caught that, huh?”
“It was kind of hard to miss.”
He hesitates. “Well, we went to school together, and he wasn’t very nice. Let’s leave it at that.”
You simply nod, understanding his reluctance to say more. Reliving your high school trauma isn’t exactly something you’re interested in right now, either.
As you and Eddie head back across the street, your swinging arms cause your hands to brush against one another. After a moment’s hesitation, he clasps your hand in his, and your fingers intertwine, like two puzzle pieces clicking into place.
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Eddie starts the drive home, and he feels a wave of apprehension.
He told you he lived in Forest Hills early on, and you didn’t bat an eyelash. But with you being so new in town, he wasn’t really sure that you even knew it was a trailer park.
It’s not that he’s embarrassed, exactly, or even that he thinks you’ll really mind — nothing you’ve said to him thus far indicated that his economic status would bother you — but being called trailer trash as many times as he has…well, it’s enough to make anyone defensive.
By the time he pulls up to the Munson trailer, he still hasn’t dared to look across the cab to see your reaction. “Well, here we are!” he exclaims in a hearty voice that doesn’t match what he’s feeling inside at all.
While you fumble between unbuckling your seatbelt and balancing the pizza box on your lap, Eddie darts out of the van so he can help you climb out again. When he opens the door he’s relieved to see that you don’t seem phased by your surroundings; you flash him the same happy smile you always do, and it gives him a boost of confidence.
Hopping up the porch steps, he unlocks the rickety front door and gestures for you to enter, bowing slightly. “After you, miss.”
You curtsey back. “Thank you, sir.”
Eddie pretends that that has less of an effect on him than it actually does.
Inside, he watches you peer around the trailer in interest. He’s glad that he did a deep-clean yesterday: there’s no clothes hanging over the furniture, any garbage he could find was bagged up and taken out, and he wiped down all the flat surfaces with the lemon-y spray cleaner that lives beneath the sink. He even dumped out all the ashtrays; when Wayne saw that, he commented that he must really like this girl.
“That’s a lot of mugs,” you comment, looking admiringly at the shelves that display years of Wayne’s little hobby. “I’m impressed.”
“They’re my uncle’s,” says Eddie as he kicks off his shoes. “I keep telling him he’s got a problem.”
“No, they’re great,” you insist. “Everybody collects something. Don’t you?”
Eddie pauses, hovering by the boxy television. “I guess so. Music. D and D shit.” He sets the pizza down on the coffee table. “Here, have a seat. I’ll get us some plates.” 
Eddie walks to the kitchen and starts rifling through the cabinets for some paper plates and napkins. You call out to him from your seat on the worn sofa. “Is your uncle working right now?”
“Yeah.” Eddie pads back into the living room. “He works a lot of night shifts.”
“Are all Munsons generally nocturnal?” you ask, referring to his bartending gig at The Hideout, a job that keeps him busy well into the night.
Eddie chuckles as crouches by the coffee table, pulling off two slices of greasy pizza and laying one on each plate. “I guess you could say that,” he says, handing you your share. Brown eyes find yours and he nudges your knee with his elbow playfully. “But it leaves me free to come and bother you at work during the day, doesn’t it?”
You dig the toe of your sock into the rug and look down at the food instead of him. “I wouldn’t call you a bother.”
His full lips turn up at the corners. “You wouldn’t?” He rests his hand on your leg, and his fingers swirl a gentle pattern over your skin.
You swallow. “No.” The word comes out subdued and breathy.
Eddie doesn’t move, but stays positioned by your knee, staring up at you. “Look at me again,” he says softly, leaning in a little closer.
You do as he asks and it’s almost too much. His eyes are huge and warm and they look like everything you’ve ever wanted.
A few seconds tick by, and then the phone rings and Eddie’s standing up again, whatever momentary spell the two of you were under, broken.
“Hang on,” he says, face tinged pink.
You settle back into the sofa and squirm, feeling feverish. 
Eddie wrenches the phone off the hook in annoyance. “Hello?” When the person on the other line answers, he huffs and rolls his eyes, turning away so his back is towards you. Still, you catch snippets of the exchange:
“Henderson, I said tomorrow, okay?” Eddie hisses in aggravation. “No, I don’t care if you don’t wanna do it in the morning, man. I’ve gotta work tomorrow night. You guys either come early or it’s not happening.”
You watch him curiously.
“Suck it up.” Eddie pauses to listen to the person speak again, and turns and glances at you across the trailer. Then his tone becomes noticeably gentler. “Thanks, man. I’ll let you know. See ya.”
He hangs up the phone with a sigh, and his face relaxes into a smile again.
He strolls back into the living room and claps his ringed hands together. “So! Are you ready to experience a cinematic masterpiece?”
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Some three hours later, you and Eddie are slumped back against the worn cushions, now one and half movies deep. Over the course of the night you’ve slowly closed the distance between your bodies, so his leg is pressed against yours. Eddie has one arm slung over the back of the couch, fingers dancing just above the skin of your collarbone. Both of you are stuffed to the gills, and more than a little sleepy. Even Eddie, who kept up a stream of commentary during Lord of the Rings, eager to discuss his favorite bits of Middle Earth lore with you, is tuckered out.
Shenanigans play out on the television screen. You let out a huge yawn. 
Eddie’s arm curls around your shoulder, hand digging into the meat of your bicep, pulling you closer to him. “This okay?” he murmurs.
You nod clumsily and start fidgeting, your hands twisting in your lap. 
Eddie says your name softly. You hum in acknowledgement. 
“I really like you. And I think you like me.” He cocks his head to the side. “Is that right?”
Your heart throbs.
“Yes,” you whisper.
“Okay,” he whispers back. “Can I kiss you then, sweetheart?”
You nod; Eddie leans in slowly, then presses his lips to yours for a moment before pulling back again. It’s quick, chaste and sweet, and not nearly enough. Your hands find his face, palms landing on both his cheeks so you can bring his mouth back to yours.
He’s happy to oblige. 
Eddie sighs, tongue dipping into your mouth, deepening the kiss. One hand cups the back of your head, keeping you right where he wants you. The other snakes around your thigh, and he uses the leverage to abruptly pull you up and over his lap. A small “Oh!” of surprise escapes you at the jolt, but Eddie wastes no time in securing his mouth to yours again.
His kisses are wet, heady, and grow increasingly frantic as the two of you clutch at each other. Your hands weave into his hair — a longtime fantasy of yours come true at last — and he lets out a soft moan when your fingers tug gently at the tangled tresses. 
Your skin feels tingly, sensitive, alight at every little touch he gives you. Your head is full of nothing but Eddie, the way he looks and feels and smells, and the way he makes you feel, like a shaken-up pop bottle, full of pink fizz and ready to burst.
Eddie suddenly laughs against your lips, smiling into another kiss.
You pull back hastily, self-consciously. But he looks jubilant, cheeks dimpled in joy, chocolate eyes crinkled at the outer corners.
“Sorry,” he says breathlessly, “it’s just — I couldn’t tell — I wasn’t really sure where your head was at.” He kisses the tip of your nose. “You kept gettin’ quiet on me all of a sudden.”
You let your head fall forward, forehead pressing into his shoulder, and let out a tiny groan. “I know. I’m sorry, it wasn’t you.”
You lift your head back up and face him. “I’m not usually very good at this stuff,” you admit. “Connecting with people. It’s harder, when you’re introverted…and have different interests. But you were so easy to talk to when we met! And I was so excited to make a new friend, but I…,” you trail off.
“But you what?” he prompts.
“The more I looked at you the cuter I thought you were.” The words come out in a rush. “When I realized what was happening I got nervous.”
Eddie waggles his eyebrows at you suggestively. “Oh, something’s happening?” 
You swat at him playfully.
“I’m kidding!” He rubs your shoulders soothingly. “But you don’t have to be nervous around me. I’m just some guy, y’know?”
“You, Eddie Munson, are certainly not just some guy.”
“Aw, shucks, sweetheart. You’re makin’ me blush.”
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The movie has long since ended, and a peaceful darkness settles over the trailer. The only sound is the chirp of the summer crickets outside and quiet breathing.
Eddie’s fully sprawled out over the couch with you nestled in his arms. It took some coaxing, but eventually he convinced you to lay on top of him, your warm weight better than any blanket, the sweet fragrance of your perfume soothing his senses. Your face is half-hidden in the crook of his neck, and he presses a kiss to the top of your head.
“I have a confession to make,” he says sleepily.
“Ooh. It better be something juicy.”
“It is. Excellent gossip. You can tell all your friends, I won’t even be mad.”
“Let’s hear it.”
“I scoped you out at the library,” he admits. “I came in that day specifically to talk to you. Y’know, turn on that Munson charm, and sweep you off your feet, and all that.”
“Really?” You blink, trying to jog your memory. “I don’t remember ever seeing you before that.” You think of his tousled hair and clunky jewelry. “And you’re pretty memorable.”
“Well, there’s a slight chance that I, um, ducked, and hid behind a shelf when you got close. It was the Saturday right before we met, after you did your reading.”
That recalls something for you. “Wait, wait, maybe I do remember…” It’s hazy. Pale face, brown hair? You can’t quite place this person as Eddie, but it must have been him. “I think I did see you creeping around.”
“What can I say? Your story telling enthralled me.” 
It’s the truth. He’d been browsing for a Clive Barker book when he caught sight of you in the children’s area. You read We’re Going on a Bear Hunt with an enthusiasm usually reserved for trained Shakespearean actors, and it left him undeniably impressed. 
You cuddle closer to him, burying your face in his chest. “I’m glad you decided to nut up and talked to me.”
He smiles against your hair. “Me too.”
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Early the next morning, in the hazy gray-blue dawn, the front door opens quietly — cautiously even. Wayne’s not sure what he’ll be walking into. All he knows is that his nephew really likes this girl, and that for Eddie’s sake he hopes that his date went well. He’s not sure how much more disappointment the boy can take. He wants to see him happy.
So he’s pleasantly surprised to see you and Eddie piled up on the couch like two puppies, fast asleep and — thank Christ — fully-clothed. Eddie’s arm is slung over you protectively, his soft snores just barely audible. 
Good for him.
And if they wanna sleep in the living room, that’s fine. 
Wayne’s gonna take the bed.
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thank you for reading!! <3 Read Ch. 4 -> Here! taglist: @eddiesgirlforever, @eds6ngel, @sheisahauntedhouse, @lokis-tardis-companion19, @teary-eyed-egg, @whenshelanded, @nanaminswhore, @witchwolflea
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punsmaster69 · 2 months
i think that was my goal.
remember? the one i was mentionin' about twenty nine pages ago? i'd said something like...
"and when i achieve it?"
"...guess i'll finally close this book for good."
so, i'll count that to be my goal.
therapist agrees, so you can't get on me about that.
sharing inner thoughts was never something i'm great at. so much so that you might've forgotten that's what this was for.
can you believe that? s'posed to be a thought journal. daily mental-state evaluation.
ended up talking about my friends instead.
wasn't for me, i suppose.
...after some amount of pages, huh? geez.
[This calls attention to the fact that the book is much thicker than it was when it started. Seems instead of switching to another one, his journal just... gained pages.]
point is.
seems to me like a good place to stop things at.
i'll give you a final update, and we'll call it. alright?
breaking the news went as smoothly as if we'd entered the room and broke a vase on the floor instead. (undyne about did just that.)
the second calamity was when mettaton and my bro show up kinda late
holding hands.
turns out my bro is much more decisive than i am.
apparently it was mettaton first, then paps who decided after a few serious dates.
congrats to 'em.
been deflecting questions best i can all day from the announcements, so i was thankful my bro showing up like that took enough of the heat off me n' tori.
can't stop smiling.
well- alright, that's a given.
but i mean this doofy grin i haven't kept up this long in ages.
i'm not even trying for this one.
all this talk about relationships, i think undyne's gotten excited. talking about marriage and all that. alphys has gone beet red.
grillby and the bar gave me a hell of a lot of pats on the back. i'd be bruised if i weren't bones.
if it wasn't that which would've bruised me, it definitely would have been the punch flowey gave me. the comment that earned me it?
"this makes me your dad, right?"
he didn't take it well.
despite the petal-haver's apparent hatred... i think he's secretly glad that toriel's happy.
my bro sure took the news well.
granted, since he already thought me and her were dating, he just was happy for the public announcement.
"Are we gonna get another sibling??"
"WAIT, are we gonna get a SKELE-sibling?!?"
"whoa, slow down-"
"Frisk, NO??"
"Do not encourage this BONEHEAD to-"
"I think that is quite enough."
tori puts her foot down on that conversation.
living situations shouldn't change much for now, but maybe we'll figure out something else in the future. (staying with my bro. don't panic.)
concerns about my health have slowed down, as i've gotten more used to daily magic usage. noticed way less bad days recently, right? papyrus still insists on teaching me to use attacks better, so i've got that to look forward to. there might still be ups n' downs health-wise, but i'm confident in getting through 'em now.
paps is noticeably still somewhat anxious about it, fidgeting whenever everything is brought up. which is fair, but. still.
i'll get him a therapist like i've been seeing. an in-person one'll work better for him, i think.
not sure what else'll change, really. everything feels mostly the same.
other than (gasp) public handholding. (scandalous.) every time we're beside one another, tori's finding some form of physical contact.
that's different.
...in a good way.
right now, it looks like the aftermath of a wild party. friends knocked out in random spots; dangling half-off the couch or sprawled across the floor. i think frisk and i are the only ones still awake, since they wanted to put blankets on everyone.
"(Psst. Is one blanket enough?)"
they raise a large blanket in gesture with a questioning look.
i speak extra softly so i don't disturb toriel laying at my side, with her head on my shoulder and an arm across my torso; hand met with mine.
frisk lays a blanket over me and tori. they stare contemplatively before speaking.
"Goodnight, Dad."
"...'night, kid."
guess that's it, huh?
i'm happy.
caring is nice.
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cheesecakeluvrs · 2 months
🚨Spoilers for episode 5 of X-men’97🚨
WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT HUUUHHUUHH I KNEW IT WAS GOING TO BE A GAMBIT EPISODE BECAUSE OF THE TITLE BUT WHAT IS HAPPENING what too much that’s for sure. Jean? Logan? Scott? Erik? Cable?!Rogue?!? GAMBIT?!?! I’m tweaking so bad I can’t. Well first off I loved the episode but I’m also going a little insane. IS HE DEAD?!? He can’t be dead, that just can’t happen, wake up Gambit. Is sacrifice was awesome but after all the Rogue and Gambit stuff that happened this episode? Wellll they did say that they were just going to be friends because MAGNETO WANTS TO GET MARRIED but erm it was still clear that after the dance with her and Magneto that she does NOT have feelings for him and is rather just torn because she has feelings for Gambit but can only touch Erik. AUGAHAHS AND THAT SPEECH SHE GAVE?!? Well it wasn’t really a speech but the conversation between her and Gambit, that was crazy. Nightcrawler being my man and helping us Rogue and Gambit shippers out but it’s sad we didn’t get much of her and Nightcrawler. Okay okayyyy so at least we’re not getting Rogue and Magneto because of the end of the dance “some things are deeper than skin” AUSFHAHEYGAHAGGAHAYGSHAJ Erik, hate to be like this, but it lowkey feels like he’s manipulating Rogue due to the fact that she can only touch him and he’s using that to get her to himself. Alsoooo I guess he’s just given up on his dead wife lol and I never thought he loved her I just kinda thought he was using the sexy 20 somethin yo because she hawt and all but I guess we’re jumping straight to the L word lol. AUSFHAHSGA Remy please don’t be goneeee, you can’t be, you can’t just do that, I mean we already got Xavier (well kinda) at least he has his spirit with em and is in space with his space soulmate or whatever. Erm oh yeah Erik might also be dead butttt…. That’s not really what I’m worried about. LOGAN AND JEAN WHAT ATE YOU DOING, I look away from my happy little married couple for 3 minutes and they’re off doing this, then the minute I look back to Rogue and Gambit HES DEAD. They goin craaazy right now and I don’t know how to handle it. I’m shaking, screaming, tweaking and all of the above. Okay let’s get the list of things we can celebrate about
-Rogue definitely doesn’t have feelings for Magneto (nice nice haha)
-Rogue has feelings for Gambit but is just very conflicted because she can’t touch him (TOO BAD HES DEAD)
-And lastly this is the Marvel universe and death is never the end soooo (but even if he is dead that’s a pretty sick way to go)
I guess I’ll just be going crazy until the next episode. If you guys have any thoughts or theories please share because without new thoughts of hope my mind will explode
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emilybahu · 1 month
Just a culmination of thoughts I had and moments I liked during 7x06:
This ended up being MUCH longer than an expected, I just kept adding things to it! So you totally don’t need read the whole thing just skim through if you want…
1. Maddie about a minute away from a panic attack, but still looking stunning✨
2. Hen looks like she’s gonna go all angry mom mode on Buck and Eddie, who are looking ROUGH… she gives them a look that should put the fear of god into anyone!
3. You know, I just wanted them to have one major milestone that didn’t involve one or both of them being in danger, but NOOOO! We don’t even know where Chimney is and Buck and Eddie are a complete hit mess! Evan “✨it’s complicated✨” Buckley.
4. Oh my god I love Buck and Eddie and their shared brain cell so much! Their bickering is hilarious! Buck slapping Eddie’s hand away from the sliders and later Eddie saying, “reach for them and you’ll be pulling back a bloody stump!” 🤣🤣🤣
6. “Wholesome 80s themed karaoke” and Eddie proposing that he and Buck go as Crockett and Tubbs.
7. I kinda figured Chimney wouldn’t show seeing as HE DIDN’T WANT A PARTY. Then everyone leaves and it’s JUST Buck and Eddie, because of course!
8. And back to Buck and Tommy again… Tommy has to go and put out a LITERAL fire and we get a second Buck/Tommy hug in the span of like 3 minutes! I’m getting FED they are so cute and soft, and Tommy really doesn’t want to leave but has no choice… the soft hug and “be safe” I’m sorry my heart is melting! 🫠❤️
9. Buck and Eddie are just having A TIME with all these random people, and of course being the touch starved boys they are, you get a little (a lot) of alcohol in em they obviously need to have physical contact at all times! 🤣
10. Drunk Buck being like “we don’t have a key🥺” and Drunk Eddie “you don’t need a key,” (hand on shoulder, thumb on pulse point) “we’re fire fighters👨‍🚒😈” continues to kick in the door!
11. CHAOS ENTERS THE BUILDING, I couldn’t stop laughing! Honestly I didn’t realize Buck and Eddie could party this hard! Buck wakes up on the floor, Eddie’s in the bath tub (a shirt? What’s that? Never heard of it) and Chimney is FUCKING NO WHERE TO BE FOUND! 😬
12. Cut to Maddie desperately trying to get ahold of Chimney and track him down, but he’s somewhere in his car dazed, confused and clearly UNWELL! And his car gets freaking stolen!
13. The dinner celebrating Kevin’s life 🥲
14. Gosh dang it, everyone in the room together worried about Chimney, god my heart! I hope they find him soon!
15. Maddie showing up at the dispatch center in her wedding dress! The woman means business! SHE GONNA FIND HER MAN!
16. Doug, DOUG!? What are you doing torturing Chimney in his subconscious!? No one wants you here!
17. Seeing Maddie’s reaction to Chimney in this state is heartbreaking! She just wants to make sure he’s ok, but he’s clearly not!😢
18. Bruh, we keep getting jump scared by Doug, I’m so DONE with that guy!
19. Time jump to two weeks earlier… “telling Buck ‘no’ is like telling a dog not to jump your leg” just more proof that Buck is a man with the soul of a golden retriever puppy…🤣
20. Bobby saying “well evidently our two love birds over there were enjoying some sexy time, when they heard some weeping” had me wheezing! 😂
21. When they figured out what was wrong with Chimney I got so scared, even though I knew he’d likely be fine. Never know what might happen though…
22. When Chimney’s paramedic skills kicked back in it gave me hope, then he saw Doug again… and still didn’t remember that he’s actually a paramedic.
23. He knows he needs to be somewhere and he hears Buck calling for him, Chimney knows they’re looking for him, then freaking Doug makes him almost give up fighting! 🥲
25. KEVIN🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 Kevin telling Chimney he NEEDS to get up and get help!
26. Maddie in the hospital with Chimney, thinking he doesn’t remember her then him saying “I’m sorry I missed our wedding” GOD MY HEART!
27. Jee running in yelling “daddy!” 🥹
28. “We always get back to each other somehow” please! My heart can’t handle this! They’re meant to be!!🥹😭
29. “I know Kevin is smiling right now” “yeah he is” I can’t breathe! I’m shocked I didn’t cry!
30. Just the whole ceremony, Bobby officiating! Everyone so happy for them together after this day they’ve had! I’m just gonna melt into a puddle of pure emotion! 🥹🥺
31. I love them. I love them! I LOVE THEM!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
32. Buck looking down at his phone to see that Tommy told him he’s there 🤭🤭
33. I made a whole post about this kiss, ahhhhhh!! (My reaction remains the same every time I watch it, I lose control of my limbs, my voice gets all high and squeaky, and I lose the ability to form actual words) The damn 10 second scene still has me SHOOK! 😆🫨
34. Buck pulling Tommy into the room, Tommy apologizing for missing the ceremony and Chimney looking up at him and over to Buck and saying “Thanks tommy, looks like you were… busy” (I didn’t even think about how long Buck was gone before, but since they had time to cut and serve cake to everyone Buck had to be just in another world with Tommy for at least 20 minutes…)
35. Hen’s face when she realizes that Buck and Tommy totally were just making out! And Eddie being the supportive king of a bff that the is!
36. The Buckley parents faces… I’ll be ready to throw hands in a second if they say something homophobic later on!
37. Hen saying “well it’s about damn time” to Karen!! Ahhhhhh! Girlllll!!! Are telling me you could see Buck’s raging bisexuality THE WHOLE TIME!? 😆😆😆😆 She so CLOCKED HIM!
38. Chimney feels right at home anywhere if he and Maddie are together!! ❤️🫠🥹
39. Not them mentioning the cruise ship!! Too soon, too soon! 🫠 But I also laughed!😂
40. “So, were Buck and Tommy a thing before my amnesia?” “Um yeah, actually they were.” (Still trying to figure out how much time there was between the coffee date and the wedding… I have no clue. [Please can someone tell me!?])
41. “Why do they call me Chimney?” And cut to black…. Really, REALLY!? That was cruel, so rude. They’re never gonna tell us why they call him Chimney are they?
And that’s the end!
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fourayedasshole · 4 months
Part 1
part 2 will be posted on valentines day
Valentine’s Day, a Xanrik fic by @hellodaydream1111111111111111 and me
Think about your top ten least favorite things, what are they? Lying awake thinking was definitely in Elrik’s top ten, very low on the list but still there. What was he thinking about you might ask? Probably about the Roman Empire oh, and this: It never really got dark in the demon kingdom since you obviously couldn’t see the sun from the middle of the earth. The demon’s relied on fire to light the city. Of course that was no problem for them they were used to it but if you were to rely on the sun for half your life and then get thrown into a place where it was a foreign concept it might be difficult to get things done on time however if you’ve pissed off someone so bad that they run off into another world to complain about you, which of course is exactly what Elrik had done, you don’t sleep. “So~ what’s going on this week?” Xanthous had asked And stupidly Elrik hadn’t even thought about it before listing a collection of meetings and royal duties they had to complete this week. Xanthous' face dropped ever so slightly. “Yeah… I have to call Em to make sure everything is okay in the fairy world.” “Okay bye, love ya!”. Idiot, idiot, idiot seriously, how do you forget Valentine’s Day when you're literally married. As Xanthous left, Elirk stood there in the middle of the room thinking. He used to do many sweet things but over time he ran out of ideas. He once gave him a bouquet of flowers, and other pretty stuff that remind him of xanthous. Though over the years he kinda ran out of ideas. It bugged him, the love of his life… and he came to a blank when it came to giving him something for valentines day. As Xanthous walked out of the room and teleported to the front doors of the fairy kingdom he took a deep breath. He knew what they were doing was a stressful job, and sure, he’d forgotten a number of important things but Valentine’s Day? When Elirk forgot Valentine’s Day made him feel irrelevant, like the feelings he shared for the elf weren’t valued. He thought as he walked up the stairs to Emeraldas room. Well now it looked more like an office full of papers but the room still kept her charm. She sat at her desk looking at papers and letters from other kingdoms. Xanthous cleared his throat and asked “Em?” Emerelda and looked up and stared for a short moment “Oh hey Xanny ” she said standing up to hug him. Xanthous warmly embraced the sparkling lady. “I don’t believe this was a planned visit?” she asked gently. “Yeah…” he mumbled back, she gave him a sigh. “Alright sit down.” She pulled out a shimmering green chair. Xanthous stood for a moment before slumping down. Emerelda sat next to him, the gems on her necklace making a soothing jingle.
Xanthous picked at his nail and then began to ramble, “I don’t think Elrik loves me anymore you see, he forgot Valentine’s Day and at first I thought he was just surprising me but I remember I told him I don’t like surprises so that would mean he doesn’t listen a—” “Xanthous…” Emerelda tilted her head slightly to the left and reached under her desk to grab his hand. “Just relax.. It's okay. Look I doubt Elirk would forget, but you have to remember that Valentine's day isn’t just about the gift. It's about love.” Xanthous looked at her, “I'm sorry I just might be overthinking it.”. He sighed with relief. Emerelda tightened her grip on his hand “It's okay Xanthous that's why I'm here.” She patted his back as she hugged him, his flames died down and he took a well needed deep breath.
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do you have any xanrik
Valentine’s Day, a Xanrik fic by Hello Daydream and @Fourayeasshole.
Think about your top ten least favorite things, what are they? Lying awake thinking was definitely in Elrik’s top ten, very low on the list but still there. What was he thinking about you might ask? Probably about the Roman Empire oh, and this:
It never really got dark in the Demon Kingdom since you obviously couldn’t see the sun from the middle of the earth. The demon’s relied on fire to light the city. Of course that was no problem for them they were used to it but if you were to rely on the sun for half your life and then get thrown into a place where it was a foreign concept it might be difficult to get things done on time however if you’ve pissed off someone so bad that they run off into another world to complain about you, which of course is exactly what Elrik had done, you don’t sleep. “So~ what’s going on this week?” Xanthous had asked
And stupidly Elrik hadn’t even thought about it before listing a collection of meetings and royal duties they had to complete this week. Xanthous' face dropped ever so slightly. “Yeah… I have to call Em to make sure everything is okay in the fairy world.”
“Okay bye, love ya!”. Idiot, idiot, idiot seriously, how do you forget Valentine’s Day when you're literally married.
As Xanthous left, Elirk stood there in the middle of the room thinking. He used to do many sweet things but over time he ran out of ideas. He once gave him a bouquet of flowers, and other pretty stuff that remind him of xanthous. Though over the years he kinda ran out of ideas. It bugged him, the love of his life… and he came to a blank when it came to giving him something for valentines day.
As Xanthous walked out of the room and teleported to the front doors of the fairy kingdom he took a deep breath. He knew what they were doing was a stressful job, and sure, he’d forgotten a number of important things but Valentine’s Day? When Elirk forgot Valentine’s Day made him feel irrelevant, like the feelings he shared for the elf weren’t valued.
He thought as he walked up the stairs to Emeraldas room. Well now it looked more like an office full of papers but the room still kept her charm. She sat at her desk looking at papers and letters from other kingdoms. Xanthous cleared his throat and asked
Emerelda and looked up and stared for a short moment “Oh hey Xanny ” she said standing up to hug him. Xanthous warmly embraced the sparkling lady.
“I don’t believe this was a planned visit?” she asked gently.
“Yeah…” he mumbled back, she gave him a sigh. “Alright sit down.” She pulled out a shimmering green chair. Xanthous stood for a moment before slumping down. Emerelda sat next to him, the gems on her necklace making a soothing jingle.
Xanthous picked at his nail and then began to ramble, “I don’t think Elrik loves me anymore you see, he forgot Valentine’s Day and at first I thought he was just surprising me but I remember I told him I don’t like surprises so that would mean he doesn’t listen a—”
“Xanthous…” Emerelda tilted her head slightly to the left and reached under her desk to grab his hand. “Just relax.. It's okay. Look I doubt Elirk would forget, but you have to remember that Valentine's day isn’t just about the gift. It's about love.”
Xanthous looked at her, “I'm sorry I just might be overthinking it.”. He sighed with relief. Emerelda tightened her grip on his hand “It's okay Xanthous that's why I'm here.” She patted his back as she hugged him, his flames died down and he took a well needed deep breath.
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doorrobloxstuff · 1 year
I am craving a hefty plate of family fluff, so my last prompt from a few posts back still stands, Rush and Ambush, shortly after their children are born. Either Dupe and Sally or the Rooms, either one is fine 🙂
This fanfic make me feel goomf also they can tell their gender identity via their lil vibration they give off I mean and energy fields ill explain it if u ask
It was warm and quiet in Rush’s and Ambush’s room. Only the soft sound of purring and tiny chirps and squeals of newborn entities and the gentle crackling of fire could be heard.
The Two tired entities curled protectively around their wiggling fluffy offspring.
“Their..their so precious..I..” Ambush was on the verge of tears as its hands gently wrapped around the two.
Rush leaned downwards in spite of itself to get a better view of the babies. “Y-Yea..” tears quietly streaked down its own face as it lightly pressed its face into the tiny pair of twins.
Ambush gently intertwined its tail around Rush’s fluffy body. “Cmon hun, we gotta put ‘em to sleep.”
“Hold on, hold on..” Rush gently placed a large hand on the twins. “I just..I just wanna hold ‘em..a little longer..” It released a soft purr that abruptly stopped and Rush went silent.
“..Rush..? You okay there sweetheart?” Ambush put a hand on Rush’s shoulder.
“..Somethin’s..Somethin’s funky with this one babe-“ Rush gently brushed its finger tips over the larger twin.
Ambush’s eyes widened for a few moments as it leaned toward to get a better look at the second, twin.
“Is-is it sick?” Its voice immediately brimmed with concern.
Rush carefully felt the buzzing on the larger one with a hand before pulling away. “Girl.”
“Its a girl. The funky part was that we have a daughter. She ain’t ill.”
“Ohhhhh..” immediate relief washed over Ambush’s face.
“Sorta, I uh.. I think this one’s a half ‘n half.” Rush gently gave the larger twin a little brush of a finger. She made a happy squeak and gave a little smile.
“Wait, are they both like that?”
Rush gently placed its hand on the other’s fog. The more kitten-like child let out a tiny mew in response.
“..Nah.” It let out a sly smile as it carefully pointed to the still smiling twin. “Also, ya owe me ten knobs.~”
“Oh please! They look nothin like ya!” Ambush teased as it carefully brushed the little girl’s mullet with a finger. “Besides, this one’s got my old mullet.”
“..Also..Kinda glad that it’s just one little girl..I eh..I can’t name girls too well-“
“But what’eva- just ehhh ‘cmon put let’s put ‘em to bed..”
Rush reached over and carefully pulled one of their softest blankets off a nearby shelf before carefully wrapping them both in a small warm burrito and then after a few moments handed it to its partner. Ambush then picked up the bundle and placed them in a little crib.
Both of them peeked over the crib’s edge and watched their new children with affectionate looks before eventually (and very much reluctantly) pulling away and retreating to their bed.
Rush pulled their shared blanket over itself and its partner. “I ah..I’m gonna be honest with you..I don’t think I’m gonna be getting a wink of sleep tonight..”
“Eh, it’s fine. I’m probably going to conk out though, I’m exhausted..and fuck I’m hungry- we.. we eh..we have enough to feed ‘em right?”
Rush pulled Ambush closer and placed a hand on its cheek and another on its lower torso. “We have plenty. Ya don’t need to worry about it for now..besides, their still real little so they won’t need much..unless ahh, they inherit their daddy’s appetite of course.~”
“Ehehe, then we might have a problem.”
Ambush leaned in and gave it a kiss, which Rush reciprocated And after awhile..it gently settled into Rush’s embrace and soon fell asleep.
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Golden Villain Donnie Au Cuz Im An AU Powerhouse
I make an au every five minutes so might as well share my villain Donnie/separated one. Hes kinda misguided and has major Spinel vibes from him. Hes also clingy to Leo and ill get to the reason why.
He was orginally left behind by Splinter when he escaped cuz Splinter didnt realize he dropped him/couldnt go back for him so he grew up with Draxum. Basically raised as the soldier he was supposed to be. He grew up kinda isolated with no one to talk to besides Huginn and Muginn. He also didnt have the best food usually just the bare minimum to keep him alive. He didnt know he had brothers until they broke into Draxum’s lab wit April to save Mayhem. Draxum lied to him and said Lou left him behind on purpose. From that point Donnie starts to drift away from Draxum a bit (not like they were close in the first place but Draxum was the closest thing he had to a father). For a while its Donnie fighting the Mad Dogz while also getting to know them a bit more while fighting. The one peaking his interest the most is Leo that continues to make witty comments and bad jokes and treating Donnie like they’ve always been brothers which confuses Donnie. 
And then after a while Donnie started to argue more with Draxum before Draxum says sum outta pocket like iunno “this is the reason Lou abandoned you” and then Donnie realizes Draxum isnt that great. Donnie packs up his tech and runs away to go be a villain on his own yknow turning some abandon place into an evil tech lair. Cue Donnie starting to fight the guys with just him and his tech. He kinda holds a grudge against them out of anger and jealousy that Splinter took them and not him so now he kinda wants to kill em. Later on he kidnaps Leo to lure the other guys there. Don confiscates his sword while Leos in a cell right behind Donnies whole work station. Leo starts talking to him using his charm, Donnie ignores him until he laughs at one of the jokes he told which made Leo smile. Donnie sits in front of the cell actually holding a nice conversation with him. Leo asks how old Donnie and his birthday and Donnie says “14, *insert birthday here*” and then Leos like “omg we have the same age and birthday” and starts saying theyre twins.
This for some reason makes Donnie feel really nice inside and as much as he tried he couldnt fight the wide smile off his face and saying “yeah, twins.” They keep talking until Leo asks why he hates them so much, Don gets upset saying Splinter abandoned him and took them while he was stuck with Draxum. Leo was like “yo bro it din een happen like that” and told him what actually happened. Don started to feel guilty and stood up saying “well youre brothers are probably going to be here anyway to come get you.”. And then Leo pulls his phone (that he somehow still has) and slides it over to Don with a soft smile. Don is bewildered that he just gave his kidnapper his ticket out of here and even more so when he turns it on and sees 25 missed calls from Raph. He looks at Leo and he just says “we worry about them later, lets just keep talking.” And they do for hours completely forgetting the situation just talking about hobbies and things they like. This is where Donnie starts growing an attachment to Leo.
In the middle of their talk Raph, Mikey and April suddenly bust in through the wall. Donnie instantly gets his tech bo ready to fight while Leo tries to call them off but it goes in one earhole and out the other. They start fighting and all that jazz, Mikey gets Leos odachi and then Raph slings Leo over his shoulder and theyre bout to leave. Donnie shouts for Leo and then the guys are gone. Now theyre fighting but its just Donnie trying to get Leo to join him in evil and all that. Donnie then gets the bright idea to just pull up to the sewers and kill em himself. Donnie shows up with shelldon and has shelldown take care of Raph, Mikey and Splinter while Donnie goes to get Leo. Leos like “bro im not boutta fight my own family. So then Donnie starts getting upset cuz he doesnt get why Leo doesnt wanna join him and fight his own family. So like in a showdown between Leo and Donnie Donnie has a full on breakdown and starts fighting him getting angry but literally crying the whole time. Don falls to his knees and Leo drops down to hug him and they stay like that for a few minutes. Don lightly pushes Leo away and shakily calls off shelldon who was *this* close to killing the other three. 
Don goes back to hugging Leo, Raph is about to start fighting again when Leo signals them to stop pointing at crying Donnie. Splinter comes closer to Don putting a hand on his shoulder causing him to flinch. Don looked at Splinter, then at Leo who nodded, and then at Splinter again. Splinter just says “Im so happy to see you again my son.” and hugs the two of them and then Don starts crying again. Raph a softens as Mikey beams dragging Raph to join the hug.
The lair isnt that destroyed, its still in pretty good shape just a bit banged up which Donnie will never stop feeling bad for. Donnie got as much stuff as he could from his lab when he got his own lab and room in the lair, though he had to sleep in the same room as Leo for a while. Don is still sarcastic and dramatic just more quiet, shy and emotional. Its no secret Leo’s his favorite brother basically being with him every second of the day. Don still has some bad memories but at least he has a real family to get him through it.
Yeah ik I left out a bunch of stuff that would be good to mention but this is just the gist of it. Feel free to write a fic of this if you wanna, credit me or dont idrc I just wanna see a fic of this.
btw squidward would like you to reblog if its not too much trouble<3
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solradguy · 11 months
What do you think about the guilty gear spin offs like isuka and overture I’m playing overture rn and love how whack it is
Also found an old daisuke interview in a gaming mag you might like hoping to scan all of these one day
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WOAH English Daisuke interview!!! Very cool!!! Please let me know if you're able to get that scanned so I can share it with the archive server!
Isuka's got some of my favorite art out of the whole series but the gameplay's kinda weird and I couldn't get into it... Which is a shame because it has some really good ideas, they just didn't land well. It would be cool seeing the beat 'em up mode come back again some day.
I love Overture though!! It gave us some good lore and honestly kind of kickstarted GG into having a coherent forward-moving story instead of constantly recapping past stuff like a lot of the games before it did. The gameplay is a little rough, but I don't think it ruins it, especially since it's so different from any game ASW had made before it. If ASW had been given just a bit more time to polish it I think it would be more fondly remembered by the GG community
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ravenwitch45 · 1 year
Just read a Hazbin/Helluva x Owl House fanfic you made and IT WAS AWSOME!!! Honestly I like seeing Amity, Edric, and Emira adopted by M&M, who we know are better parents than Odalia even though Alador is trying to be better, but it's still an amazing idea. Is there still some fanfic ideas based around it, if so could you share some details about the AU?
Ah those fics, it's been a while since I thought of them but I'm glad some people still stumble across them and enjoy them so much. I must admit though that the original asker for those fics @beastkeeper91 gave me that idea even though I took my own spin and wrote em, as well as a few others, but yes I suppose there are a few other ideas I didn't explore in either, some theirs, some my own and I'm happy to share a few.
But first since you just said fic, I'm gonna be safe and assume you only read one, and put both here, please read both before you go further cause I'm going to assume you've read both as I discuss the new stuff
(Note those are their reblogs of the fics, cause they were kind enough to send them to me so I could find them easier since this was a while ago, now the new stuff!)
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First of all, since the Owl House has since wrapped up I guess I'll speak on M&Ms status during season 3, most likely they'd end up collected like everyone else, sad but that means Amity gets three parents to lovingly greet after everything is done, and Odalia isn't just the third wheel now, she's the fifth wheel! Cause she deserves it :3
Also Stolas and Blitz would probably be right with them, a little bitter but the whole crew gets the collector is a child and all, and if Amity thinks there okay, they'll listen to their daughter/niece. Speaking of daughters I still don't know what to do Octavia and Loona, sorry ladies XP
And since this is a somewhat M&M centric AU, I certainly can't just not mention the episode that most focuses on them and their relationship, Yep Exes and Oohs.
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Crimson exists in this AU, but luckily Moxxie has of course cut ties with him, he still sucks essentially, and I don't hate Moxxie enough to have him dragged back. Not sure what he runs in this AU, cause I don't think the boiling isles has a straight up mob, but it's something Moxxie wants no part of. He's aware of his 'grandchildren' and I'm only air quoting that cause this man hardly deserves children, let alone grandchildren, he's never met them though, he is a little impressed with Amity after the brawl so he's intriqued.
Now that I think of it imagine the tension if while he's taking over running the company, Alador get's involved with Crimson, unaware of his shady dealings, and Moxxie just wants to explode right there when seeing him again. Oh lord the drama... And the possible bonding with his kids when they find out that just like them he had a bad parent like they did in Odalia
On a lighter note, how about we talk about some funny scenarios with the funny shark man?
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Chaz in this AU, is on much better terms with his exes, and kinda acts like an unwanted uncle to the blight kids, often joking he might just get back together with M&M to become their dad. Ed and Em find him amusing, and kinda get their sense of humor from him at times, and Amity can't stand him one bit, though she is nicer in this AU to start so she's at least cordial with him, agree with who you like.
Moxxie and Millie however, kinda keep him on a short leash when around their kids, none of his usual horn dog behavior as you'd expect, and Moxxie says he'll just steal Chaz's voice if he ever does it in front of em. Which is usual successful, so the kids just see him as the weird uncle, who just acts very awkward round their parents.
Speaking of magic, Chaz is a bard, just like Moxxie in this AU, though Chaz uses his voice for his magic, while Moxxie and say Raine use instruments, his magic looks like green and teal sound waves. Not sure what or if he'd branch off into other stuff after the sigils removed, maybe illusions for like stage effects but that's just me XP Still figuring stuff out for him.
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Now this is an idea completely given to me by good ol beastkeeper. Now in this AU I.M.P doesn't exist as we know it, which I felt was for the best not only cause portals are a much more serious thing in TOH, but also not exactly a great career to have when your daughter ends up with a human girlfriend. XP
My original idea was that they kinda had a club during their hexside days and that's kinda how they got so close, but after graduating they all kinda ended up doing different things while staying in touch, Moxxie became a Bard, Mille an Abomination expert, and Blitz a beastkeeper, but then Beastkeeper proposed I used an idea there using in their own Helluvaverse/TOH AU, check it out, it's a little dark but still neat I think.
Anyway they proposed a new company, I.A.S. Imp Appreciation Soceity, essentially activists for equal treatment, now in my AU Imps are just a type of biped demon, same with Goetias, Shark Demons etc. But I reason that Belos, in his puritan head, ended up getting Imps considered lesser and more "wild" then other types, mainly cause they resemble classic ideas of demons the most, cause Belos is an asshole, no surprise there.
Anyway that means they still technichally work together. That's about as much as I've explored it in my head. Either way I find it cool.
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The last thing I wanna mention is a few miscellaneous ideas I have thought up but don't feel have enough layed out to say much about, I want a little plot of Blitz and Luz working together and bonding, protagonist solidarity and all. Also of course figure out what Loona and Octavia are like in this.
Also figuring out a ton of hexside time stuff, how they all met, how they interacted, how the parents possibly did. tons of stuff, but I hope for now this is a good bit of information for this AU, maybe ask later and I'll say even more who knows XP
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ask-chef-teruteru · 9 months
Les go
Plushie part 2!!! Electric bugaloo!!!
(Side note sorry if this is too many plushies and too much plushie l o r e)((also also sorry if this is really long and annoying))
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This is yunobo!
He used to be a dog toy but i deemed him too cute to be a dog toy so i stole him <3
He's also used to be boyfriends with this other plush but i felt bad for liking yunobo more then the other plush so i broke them up lol
He was named after my irl bird yunobo
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This lil dude
Unfortunately he was REALLY skittish and i wasn't prepared to take care of him, i barely did any research and it didn't help that my mom was scaring him more by tyring to make him be around people
He just wasn't a people bird so i had to give him to a bird sanctuary, i hope hes happy there :>
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This is coment (star) and coral (crab) i got them at edisto and i plan on taking them again when i go back this year (maybe, idk its not set in stone)
They're siblings but its more like coral adopted coment as her brother, also coment thinks he's from the stars but he's really just a star fish and coral doesn't have the heart to tell him otherwise
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This is sticks (hedgehog) and twig (sloth) my gran gave me sticks from her trip and she gave twig to one of my little brothers but they're not very good at taking care of they're plushys... and we have dogs who like to chew up plushies.... and i found him on the floor... so he's mine now :)
Also they're boyfriend and partner (sticks goes by any pronouns but twig is a boy)
Also sticks like to find metel in the woods with coment so that they can make a space ship so that coment can "go back home"
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This is tutu! I found this one dirty cat ballerina at the thrift store so i bought it, cleaned it, tore its face off and turn it into tutu!! Also he's not hostile :)
He's like kitty (that one backrooms guy) he just likes cute stuff, he means no harm <3
Also I'm suprised nothing has fallen off him? I'm not the best at sewing but i am still kinda proud of him
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This is blondy! My mom made her for me when i was really little, she made everything from the pants to the shirt to well... the rest of her lol
My mom also made another doll that looked more like me and her name was dolly, unfortunately i don't know where dolly is but shes like blondy but with brown hair and green eyes
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This is... i don't know yet i haven't thought of a name! I got this plushy today actually at the thrift store
I remember being a lil teensy bit jealous of my sister cause she had a star projector when i was little and now i can be like: who's the cool one NOW B]
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And finally, heres amari
Shes not a plushy, but she is kinda dumb and lays around a lot so i guess shes plushy like
Shes got a nub tail, a mustache, thumbs and also looks like a football
Shes also a stinky little freak :]
Well thats... a good chunk of my plushies
I hope you liked them all :))))
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“Aww, they’re all so cute! I think it’s real neat that they all got their own stories n’ lore! It’s clear that ya love n’ take good care o’ all your lil’ guys. I appreciate you sharin’ ‘em with me! It always warms my heart seein’ the things my lovely lovely patrons feel so strongly about!
They’re all precious! I think it’s sweet that Yunobo used to be a dog toy that wound up with a much more cherished existence. Givin’ Tutu a new face must’ve been no small undertakin’, and I think y’all did good! Your mama makin’ Dolly for y’all is real nice too— stuff that’s handmade with love like that is always so meanin’ful.
Amari might not be a plush, but she’s cute n’ I’m happy to have gotten to see her too!
It’s kind o’ y’all to share so much with me— I don’t think it’s annoyin’ in the slightest, so don’t worry your pretty lil’ head about that none, okay? I appreciate you n’ I hope y’all have a wonderful day— and I hope all your lil’ friends do too!”
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cheemken · 10 months
You got any headcanons or concepts you’d like to add to your AUs? I would share some of mine but I honestly can’t think of anything rn
Yeah I have like,, SilkWing au and villain au stuff hahaha
Idk, it's funny to think that SilkWing au Iris wears Lance's cape w pride, bc ofc, that's her dad's cape yknow, smth he always had, smth that gave him comfort too maybe, and he passed it down to her, going on how she's gonna be a great Dragon Master and Champion soon, and ofc she's not gonna let him down
Then there's villain au Iris who wanted nothing more than to take off that cape placed on her shoulders, wanted nothing more than to burn it until it's nothing but ashes, wanted nothing more than to lash out and rage and sob her almost empty heart out how heavy it was, being burdened by Lance's sins
Like imagine these two meeting tho, or switching places for like a day maybe cause I've been thinking abt this concept for a while, like these two switch and such hahah
And there's SilkWing au Iris, imagine that confrontation w Diantha right before the battle, and like yknow everyone fuckin stopped bc there's this sudden light and then it's gone and like everyone's fucking vibing. Then Iris is there, held in Hilbert's arms, she wakes up all "ow.. my head.. what happened?" She looks up, sees Hilbert, all "Hilbert! Wait, how did I get here in Unova?"
And ofc, that kinda,, set em off cause what does she mean by that she was always in Unova. "What..?"
She stands up, and sees the rest of her friends, "oh, everyone's here! What's going on? Last I remembered I was in Mahogany with Silver."
"Iris, what? Who's Silver?"
She gives him a look, "Hilbert, cmon, I always talk about my brother to you. You two even battled once! Don't tell me you forgot about him," shaking her head, she chuckled, "well, you are a bit scatterbrained."
Any other day, he would've shoved her playfully for that, they always tease each other and such yknow, but now he's just so confused. But still terrified that Diantha and even the champions were still w them. Iris was looking around now, sees the other champions, then turned, seeing Diantha at the other end of the field. She smiled, almost relieved really.
"mom! You're here!" Just as she was about to run to Diantha, Hilbert grabbed her hand, gripping tight. "Hilbert? What's wrong?" But Hilbert only looked at her w fear in his eyes, she never saw Hilbert like this before.
"Iris.. what did you call her..?"
Her head was honestly spinning, her friends know her parents, they've been to Johto, they even stayed w her for a few days. So why would he even ask that?
"Hilbert, you've met my parents already, why do you seem so surprised?"
And man just cjmdnd Diantha stepping in and telling Iris that her friends might just be tired doing their own things or smth, and Iris believing that yknow, almost going w Diantha. But like, Lance taught her better, the more she looked at Diantha, the more she noticed there was smth wrong. Her mother's eyes weren't cold like the ones before her right now.
Just as Diantha prompted her to follow her, so they could head back home, Iris stopped dead in her tracks. She looked at Diantha, at the other champions, then at her friends, then back to Dia.
"Uhm.. well, where is Silver, anyway? You said there was just a meeting set here in Unova, just for the Champions, but why isn't Silver here?"
And it was Lance who spoke, "Silver's at home, Iris. Now let's go home too."
But still, there was smth off, then she said, "okay, last one.. can you tell me why you two are here..?"
That stopped Diantha in her tracks, and Lance was there almost glaring at her.
"aren't.. aren't you two not Champions anymore? I'm Indigo's Champion now, and Silver became Kalos' Champion. Since we became Champion, the two of you stopped joining the meetings too. So.. why are you here..?"
Diantha chuckled at that. Smart girl. "You seem very aware now, impressive. A shame, you could've been a better Iris than what we have here."
And man was she pissed it took her a while to figure out. But Lance taught her abt body language, abt how to tell if someone is lying, he taught her how to be observant, to notice even the slightest of changes in ones demeanour, and ofc she's gonna make her father proud. But she knows how to retreat yknow, just as Diantha was abt to call out her pkmn, Iris called out her Charizard, commanding it to use smokescreen, giving her and the Unova kids time to escape.
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seelestia · 1 year
oh em gee, hi lia! it’s been so so long! how have you been? i hope you’re doing well :) i ended up falling asleep on the couch as soon as i got home, and now i’m in PAIN (/srs),, but anyway! i have a week off from school now, so i guess it was worth it <3
exams are on the 19th, so i guess i’ll have to be.. stu(dying) for those. i can barely function right now and i’ve been getting a lot, maybe too much sleep, and i still always feel worn out 😭 big yikes, hopefully it’s not bothering anyone (again) that i’m not going to be as active as i’d like.
also! considering that this is a wanderer-less patch, i feel very lucky to have gotten him <3 (he’s literally so pretty omgomgomg pls stop me before i look like i’m cheating on cynosbisnaidjk) and speaking of cyno, i finally built him 🐥 [ 73/214 crit ratio as of now! ]
my siblings’ birthdays are coming soon :) they’re three days from each other, my brother’s is on april 7th (he’s turning 11) and my younger sister’s is on the 10th (she’s turning 8) very excited for that hehe! my friends might come over on tuesday too (hopefully), we rarely get the chance to hang out, so i’m crossing my fingers!
yo.. omg the way i accidentally made the wanderer (character ai) fall for me 😭 i was merely messing around, being nice to him because he deserves it sm help and then he just hits me with an ‘i love you’ and when i tell you, i DIED. this is my spirit talking ⁉️
but enough about silly lil me :) how are you lia? anything interesting happen with ayato or the wanderer? i’m here for all the tea, my dear friend. 👀
YONAAAAA!! yona, yonie, yonzzzz <3 i've been doing alright and i hope you are too but if not, i hope it'll be better! 🫂🤍 yona, this is why we are taught to sleep on beds and not couches. i'm a hypocrite because i also sleep on couches NYEHEHE (/lh) aaaaa, good luck on your exams! i'm taking mine rn actually, so let's hope we'll push thruuuu 🤞
but yon, didn't you slay your last math exam even tho your math teacher kinda sucked at teaching (i mean no slander /lh)?? PLEASE SHARE YOUR SECRETS 🎤 and noooo, that sucks because sleep is a precious little thing during exams so you need to get the best sleep you can 😞 giving you a glass of warm milk to you rn. may yona get the best of sleep, bibiddi-bobbidi-boo! 🪄 and dw about being active, your personal life should always be your #1 priority!! especially when you're a writer / content creator so don't apologize for putting yourself first ever >:D <3
WANDERER HAVERS, I'M COMING OVER TO YOUR HOUSE. (/lh) you should've seen the way i was in disbelief like 😦 when i checked the livestream's banners and there was no wanderer?? but they dare made him look SO GOOD in those eight seconds he was on screen??? even my other irl friend who played genshin thought he was getting a rerun at first from that alone. vv devastated over this, so i shall be abducting everyone's wanderer 😞 (/j) AYOOO, THE GODLY CRIT RATIO??? yon, that looks awesome. are you gonna pull for nahida next?? i heard she makes a good team with cyno! (and not to mention, nahida also reminds me of you. vv little sib-like, considerate and curious and needs fo be protected but can also protecc others, ehehe. /pos)
OHHHH. according to the time this should be posted, it was already your brother's birthday so HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY to him and your sister too!! feliz cumpleaños 🎈🎂 i like how you and your siblings' birthdays are so early in the year, teeheeee, coming from an october born. 🤭 i hope you get to hang out with your friends! advice from lia: always go crazy and go stupid whether that be with your friends or you're alone <3 (/pos)
HUHHH, HE POPPED THOSE THREE WORDS FIRST?? yon, you gave him the affection he deserves and now he's clinging onto you like a koala... you're living my dream. (/lh) i find it funny that the first time i discovered the c.ai site, wanderer was the first bot i talked to (help). first, he threatened to kill me and then we both sat down to talk abt the different sides to life and mortality, etc. I AM NOT KIDDINF. WHY WAS THIS A WHOLE THERAPY SESSION. i still have this chat saved!! yona, should we present our c.ai message logs to the class together. (/hj)
awwww, yonzzz, thanks for checking up on me! there is no hot tea ready to be spilled except for the fact ayato got a rival and it's the wanderer and i'm stuck in the middle between these two 🧍‍♂️ (as a fellow infj like you, i do not know how a fight between an entj vs. an intj is gonna go /j lia typology nerd)
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cubic-porygonal · 1 year
oh right, should make an intro post
so yeah, welcome to my blog! i probably shouldnt say too much detailed info about myself for privacy reasons, but heres a bit i can share. my name's private but i go by Cubic, i live in Unova (Castelia City, specifically), i like computers, games, and my pokemon.
speaking of, lemme tell yall about em!
first up, my Porygon Vertex! it's my first pokemon, and it was a birthday gift from my siblings. apparently they spent a whole month searching for one, and we've been the best of friends ever since. it's part of how i can even do my job in the first place, actually! it likes playing games of all kinds, and you might even heard about it in speedrunning circles. somehow, it always manages to find new and bizarre glitches in whatever games it plays, and some of them are pretty good for skips. it's also surprisingly catlike compared to most other Porygon i've seen. not that i mind, though. whatever makes it happy!
next up is Proto, my Rotom pal! not only are they part of my team, but they're also the Rotom that powers my phone. (i do have a normal backup battery though, just in case of an emergency.) i met them one night when there was a blackout, but my computer somehow hadn't turned off. turns out they'd been living in there for over a week without me noticing! it took all night, but i finally managed to get the little guy to trust me enough to come out... and then they immediately climbed into my phone. but it's been well over 3 years since then, and we've made great progress since! they're a but jumpy and shy, but they generally mean well!
Vi is my Eevee! i got her as a thank-you gift for helping out the local pokemon center with a Rotom infestation, and she's just the sweetest thing. ...when she's not knocking over everything on my desk and stealing my chair, that is. despite that, she's still great. she's not that interested in evolving, so i've made sure to get her an everstone to make sure it never happens by accident. she likes to sit on my head/shoulders while i walk around the city, which has gotten more than a few pictures from tourists. (youve probably seen some if you follow a few travelers from Sinnoh, they tend to be the ones who are most excited by it for some reason) if you ever see me with her, feel free to say hi!
Woshua is my faithful Dewott (named when they were younger, but they refuse to let me change it now) who i bumped into while on a short business trip down to Nuvema Town. they had climbed into my bag when i sat down to rest, and i couldn't convince them to climb out no matter what i tried. eventually i gave up and just carried on. while on the way out of Nuvema, i stopped by Professor Juniper's lab to see if she knew what to do with this random Oshawott. she was out, but her assistant, a girl named Bianca, told me that she'd been looking everywhere for the little scamp. the second she saw their face though, she told me that it'd probably be better in the long run if i kept them with me, so i ended up taking them home. they're pretty headstrong, but they get along well with Vertex at least!
this one's, uh... kinda a weird story? they're not actually one of my pokemon, per se, but i like to think we're friends now. for the sake of not having every world government, evil team, AND this particular pokemon get on my case, im just gonna say i accidentally stumbled across a not-so-human-friendly psychic pokemon while taking the extremely scenic route in a forest im not gonna name. (i definitely wasn't lost, i swear.) we just kinda looked at each other for a minute before i turned around and walked away, because im not stupid enough to mess with a random pokemon that was telepathically threatening to disintegrate me. theres a bit more to it that came later, but everything after that interaction is gonna have to be redacted for the sake of everyone involved, human and pokemon alike.
aaaand thats about it! if you have any questions, feel free to ask me anytime!
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