#king and i
chokit-pyrus · 3 months
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weshallc · 1 year
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We Are Here!
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highbrow-hepcat · 1 year
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fayegumi · 1 year
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Asumi Rio will be appearing in the musical King and I from April 2024 in Nissay Theater, and from May 2024 in Umeda Arts Theater Main Hall Asumi Rio as Anna
Kitamura Kazuki as the King
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silentmagi · 2 years
Delinquent Vigilante!Izumi & OFA Candidate!Tooru in "Getting To Know You"
Izumi could feel her there, and for the first time came to realize what it was like to be known, to be seen for who she was at the deepest levels, and it was a little disquieting.
"Getting to know you... Getting to know all about you..."
It wasn't like she could fault her for it either, she supposed that if someone was watching her train constantly. She would have to talk with her about this, to seek out a goal with getting to know her. She was a quirkless delinquent that got lucky.
"Getting to like you..."
Oh, well that was understandable, it would be the first time, but it would be nice.
"Getting to hope you like me..."
Woah, wait, what? She was supposed to like her too? It wasn't that she disliked her, but what did it matter if she liked her as well?
"Getting to know you... putting it my way..."
Putting what her way? Izumi didn't want to be someone else's puppet, not like she was with Nezu. She was Izumi Midoriya, and she's fought her way this far, and as she clenched tighter on her bat, she vowed she would continue fighting, even if this was the most promising candidate she'd seen so far.
"But nicely,"
Nicely? Others had tried to sway her with niceness in the past, and it hadn't ended well.
"You are precisely, my cup of tea."
. . .
Again, WHAT?!
The chaos compels.
If you want to write one of these, please just link me
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skipppppy · 16 days
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I think she’d respect his methodology
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sunriseovergotham · 5 months
characters have to be a little bit awful in ways that you cant defend. its good for the ecosystem. your honor he did do that. He did in fact do that
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tariah23 · 8 months
Oh…. Well, it’s over for Crunchyroll I guess
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hypothetical scenario for you all: the real king arthur returns. you meet him and you welcome him into your home. what is the first thing you do with him? keep in mind, this is a man from the 500s (he died in 542), and you are from the 21st century (2024).
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randomalistic · 9 months
Selfshippers who ship with weird/unappealing characters. I love you. Like hell yeah you go get with Mr Crocker. Go get with lord faarquad
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beaft · 9 months
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google help me
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kazieka · 1 year
so I started a new anxiety medication this past week and so far it’s been going very well except that I have extremely vivid dreams and apparently sleep texting. I seem to have sent this at 3am and i have no memory of it
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but i am Right
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layzeal · 11 months
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i figured it out
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pangur-and-grim · 5 months
I got too excited while playing chess and told my opponent that I was going to slit his throat and slaughter him like a hog. something to work on for next time
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libramooon · 1 year
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richie tozier core
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lordspoooky · 1 year
Ice king is a really good character because they intoduce him and you're like "haha what a freak what's wrong with him" and then the show goes "oh! You want to know? Let me show you :)" and you end up just sitting there like
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