#king of not finishing a w.i.p
rxencantian · 1 year
Le Screeeee...
I'm getting lazy~
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But I'm darn happy!
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annbourbon · 7 months
After reading What is...? by @creativepromptsforwriting (if you haven't read her blog or follow her WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!?)
I decided to add some of my notes here too. Because it's on the little things I've been studying every night to get better at writing. So please consider this post as part/collab of "What is...?"
★Please keep in mind that this comes from someone whose first language it's not english, so, what for some might be obvious, for others it is not.
Blurb? is a short promotional description on your book. But can also be used to promote movies and other things.
Needs: Hook + Keywords (define an audience) + keep it short and leave them wanting for more.
* Remember to check for spelling and grammar mistakes.
Nowadays you can use quotes from your book as promo too. Pinterest is your best ally here. Make a bunch of attractive images with a colorful quotes and upload it on your social media! ^♡^
Honestly when it comes to promos you should exploit it all (meaning: create quotes, collage, your cover, promos, etc!) Be your own fan. Create a playlist, ambience, set the mood. Let your own world drag you into the woods, do not resist it.
If you love it, other will love it too.
W.I.P.? Means Work in Progress. So you have yet a lot to do to finish your story. it's okay, it takes time \^♡^/
Pathetic fallacy Vs Personification?
Pathetic fallacy
It's specifically about giving emotions to something non-human (objects, nature, or animals)
Writers use the pathetic fallacy to evoke a specific mood or feeling that usually reflects their own or a character's internal state. While I have seen some detractors of using this technique, think of Emily Brontë novel, Wuthering Heights, or Shakespeare in several of his works like Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Othello, King Lear and Macbeth. Or Mary Shelly's Frankenstein. So study it and use it carefully and you should be fine. Times change but you should write however you want too.
On the other hand, is giving any human attribute to an object.
Think of The Beauty and the Beast, Alice in Wonderland, and Toy Story as great examples of what personification is.
Atmosphere?  is the way an author uses setting, objects, or internal thoughts of characters to create emotion, mood, or experiences for the reader.
For me Mary Shelley with Frankenstein is one of the most accurate examples I can give, but when I think about it, Robinson Crusoe, and Moby Dick, both feel tremendously claustrophobic and desperate to the reader, full of details, the time passes slowly and it's insufferable. Which in theory is not okay because the reader can drop the book but guess what? They're classic because you want to know what happens next. Which brings me to my next point, if you want to know more about the art of writing, you should try the following channels on YT:
Abbie Emmons
She has some interesting videos, but one crazy tip that will change your mind. It actually works. And don't worry, she keeps repeating it over and over so you learn it too. She also offers some courses and several activities like writing together (in case you're trying to write but can't, now you have a date!)
Ellie Dashwood
If you're into social dynamics, subtlety and want to get better writing period stories wether they are romantic or dramas, then she's your best bet. While she doesn't teach you how to write better she does teach you literature and history. And trust me, some of these things can be more than helpful. The way she analyzes and provides for clarification over social situations has made me understand not just Jane Austen but my own time in a different way.
Fiction Beast
This is showing me a lot of literature and making me read classics. Of course it wouldn't work if it wasn't because of Ellie but it's a must! because it does explains a lot.
Ana Neu
I just discovered her and Ellen so I can't say a lot of things but their videos have been really helpful with some of the things I've been working on especially with Fit or Die, so you should check out both of these girls.
Ellen Brock
and of course, he needs no introduction, but if you didn't know, he has several classes posted on his channel which have been helping me tremendously.
Brandon Sanderson
*Disclaimer: They're not paying me for doing promo. I just do this on my own account because I truly admire their work and effort put into it. Plus, I always do this for anyone if I truly admire the way they work. And I believe this is helpful for anyone with hopes of becoming an author. Even if it's just a hobby. Have fun~!
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multikore · 1 year
[malicious laughing as I return to my posts]
well they’ve been done for a while but I’m finally remembering to post I uh- *cough cough* we don’t talk about that *cough*
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(Note: uhhh they were supposed to be walking on those catwalks above stages but I left a layer out in the back that was supposed to be the supports for the lights behind them but then I forgot to turn the layer back on and I’m not bothered to go back and fix that TODAY at least- I might someday ;v;)
(….frick I forgot Error’s glitches too AAAAAAAA)
Sooooo here’s Error and Nightmare! haha- ignore the mistakes please I beg
Little tid bits under the cut!
I like to think that Nightmare’s ‘canon’ clothes are his just incredible lazy casual ones- because tbh no offense to the design it’s nice but- c’mon KING of negativity? Wearing s l i p p e r s ? TO A FIGHT???
Nightmare gotta be as regal as he acts, he deserves fancy clothes! Clothes of which I am still having to design soon -w-
Now- IF they were to hold like sort of shows, I wanna give them all identification cards on lanyards, hence the said lanyards in the photo :D
Oh and I’m gonna throw this out there as a CONCEPT, AN IDEA, A W.I.P.- butttt instead of the Star Sanses and Bad Sanses being like enemies and fighting, I feel like they’d be (hopefully) friendly competition in this one! :D
So like who gets the most viewers or fans for their festivals or shows and who gets more like- idk gifts? Roses thrown to the parade or show?
Basically who’s more popular I guess
Also I’m having Plum as one of the most famous among them and NO ONE CAN STOP ME >:D
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lucygriefer · 9 months
Storycraft AU
I finally managed to find these Storycraft AU pieces that I made like 2 maybe 3 or so years ago. I don't remember the exact year that I made these. I originally uploaded them onto Amino, then mostly stopped using it. When I tried to find these pieces I had to download the Amino app again because the website isn't the greatest and wouldn't let me scroll all the way down. Anyways here's all the pieces that I've made for this MCSM UT AU.
Plus these pieces show how I use to do the legs when drawing MCSM characters. Back then wen doing MCSM characters I gave them normal upper bodies, while making their legs blocky, to have them sort of fit into the Minecraft world.
The Fallen Child, the ghost of the fallen first fallen child, and the flower that takes over the role of Flowey. The 7th child, and determination soul is Aiden, The first fallen child is Cassie Rose. I don't remember who I decided to have take over the role of Flowey.
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The next piece I made was of who took over the role of Sans and Papyrus. I decided to go with both of them being Jesse. Since in the game you can pick between playing as either a male or a female. Jess (female Jesse) takes over the role of Sans, while Jesse (male Jesse) takes over the role of Papyrus. There is also Ruben (I always spell his name wrong.) that becomes an ice pig and gains ice magic. You can also see Olivia and Aiden in the picture of the background. Everyone in the Undergound aren't completely human. While looking human everyone has different features. For example Jesse and Jess are part zombie/skeleton. While it isn't visible here, the two of them don't have internal organs from the neck down. Magic taking over when it comes to eating and digesting the food that they eat.
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Then there was Petra, who took over the role as captain of the royal guard. She is also part snake. To help with show when she's using things like green magic.
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Then finally there's this piece that I made. Over on Amino I wasn't the only one to create a MCSM UT AU. Another person created their own version and I decided to make this piece for fun. Of the character from MinecraftTale (that's the name they decided to call the AU), where they had Romeo as the character that took over Sans' role while Jesse was the 7th human soul. With Cassie Rose also being the first human soul. I never got to finish this one as I was working on it on an old device. So I gotta try and see if I can find it in a could folder so I can transfer the W.I.P piece over and see if I can finish it.
When the two encounter each other their both very confused. As MinecraftTale thinks Jess is the human he fights, while Jess thinks MinecraftTale Romeo is king Romeo using some type of magic to not be easily spotted right away.
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mldrawzz · 1 year
Current W.I.P which I hope to finish tonight before the darkness takes me and forces me to sleep...
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This is when King Dice was walking with his older brother and sister and he asks his sister a question. This takes place in the past, thus why King Dice looks young.
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phatdonutbear · 3 months
Morrowind inspired story W.I.P. Based off a ROBLOX video.
Saurndra had been in hiding for practically the entire day, yet nobody had realized something was amiss. This was mainly in part of the lie she had told King Salinard hours prior.
“It might take the entire day tending to dinner, so why not I assist?”
“Are you sure, my princess?” Salinard was taken aback by her generosity, for she had never helped out with making anything for the daily food hours.
“But of course, father!” Saurndra reassured her father, “I’m only bored, so why not spend the time cooking for you and Vallilith.”
But alas, all she had done for the day was hide in a crate that had once been filled with leeks, the witches’ poison in her hand. She was tempted to start her attack at lunch, yet there were too many chefs (most of whom were doing hard labor for their crimes) in that area at that time, so she settled for when one of chefs, a Khajiit who had been stirring a pot of vegetable broth, had to help fix a mess a Dunmer made by dropping a crate of oranges, ones made for the orange pie for that dinner.
“Finally,” Saurndra whispered to herself before gently exiting the box, practically smelling like a bowl of soup herself. She quietly snuck up to the pot of broth, still hot and fresh.
“Dinner will commence in 8 minutes…” She told herself.
“My only chance is now. It only kills at full moon, so I mustn't waste time!”
She popped the cork off the bottle, and she foolishly smelt the concoction. It smelled surprisingly earthy, like a sort of seasoning. Perfect in order to blend in with the soup.
“If I want to be Queen of Gemroth, then I must do what I must!” She poured a bit into the soup.
“I need to be powerful, I need the say in everything, I need it!” She added more into the soup.
“The King MUST die!” The fact that no one had heard her deranged rambles was of unfortunate luck, for the poison had finally been added to the broth.
 She finished mixing it with the ladle. Once she was done with this, she ran as fast as she could to her room, hid the poison under her bed, and then-.
“Good daughters, dinner is ready!” The King’s voice bellowed for his daughters.
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welcometowonkas · 8 months
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This is a self-indulging Harry Potter fanfiction with my Original Characters. It goes through the same story point starting from the Sorcerer's Stone and by the end, the Deathly Hallows but with my Original Characters included. Hope you enjoy!
You can tell I've been brainrotting 😞🤝 I'll introduce the OCs in here when I finish Chapter 1... I have a w.i.p art but it isn't FINISHEDD
HARRY POTTER FANFICTION (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone)
Words: 873
Warning(s): N/A
September 1, 1991.
At the beginning of Hogwarts for fresh first-years, Apophis Snape, aged 11, perched at the foot of his bed, idly toying with the serpent necklace gifted by his father. His belongings were all packed, every item necessary for Hogwarts purchased and neatly arranged. He was ready. All he had to do was wait for his mother until they made their way to the train station for his departure. He shouldn’t be nervous—Yes… his parents were both professors in Hogwarts, there’s nothing to worry about, right? Yes right, nothing to worry about Apophis. You’re a Snape. A son of a powerful wizard and a powerful witch. You can’t be nervous. Ever.
“Sweetheart, Apophis. Are you ready?”
Apophis was abruptly pulled from his reverie, his gaze snapping to the closed door at the sound of his mother's three firm knocks. A habit he observed she always had. As a child, Apophis was exceptionally observant, with some insisting he inherited this trait from his father, while others claimed his resemblance favored his mother. The weight of expectations always loomed heavily upon him. Especially that he was a son of two quite famous people, one was almost feared by many. While his parents were genuinely caring, it was the towering expectations of those around him that weighed heavily on Apophis. You are a Snape. DON’T DISAPPOINT YOUR OWN FAMILY LINEAGE.
“Yes, mother!-” Apophis sprang from his bed hastily, then swung open the door, welcoming his mother with a forced, albeit bright, smile. He hoped it masked the thoughts swirling in his mind. He was only 11, for heaven's sake... He deserved to relax and pursue his own desires. After all, he was still just a child. “I’m ready.” Unfortunately for Apophis, his mother possessed keen observation, making it nearly impossible for him to conceal his thoughts from her discerning gaze. It felt as though she could read his mind, yet he trusted that she wasn't intentionally prying. He knew his mother would never be the type to invade his privacy.
“You don’t have to be nervous, sweetheart.” His mother offered reassurance, bending down to his eye level as she gently cradled his cheeks and placed a tender kiss on his forehead, aiming to comfort him. She loved Apophis dearly and was willing to go to any lengths to ensure his safety and comfort. He was her beacon of light, one she was determined to keep shining brightly. “Me and your father will be in Hogwarts alongside you. We’ll be there whenever you need—We can’t exactly join you in the train, but we’ll watch you depart. You’ll get along with the children well, trust me!”
While she may not have fully understood Apophis' exact struggles, her soothing words provided him with a profound sense of reassurance. Feeling calmer than he had moments ago, he grasped his mother's hands, offering a small smile. Perhaps now he felt more excitement about attending Hogwarts than nervousness.
Apophis stood beside the bustling train station with his mother, his gaze scanning the crowded surroundings as he clutched her hand tightly. Navigating through a crowd of strangers wasn't exactly his strong suit, but he had to manage. He scanned the throng, searching for someone in particular—his father, to be exact. That's what his mother had assured him—that his father would be there to see him off before his journey to Hogwarts. Yet, there was no sign of him anywhere, leaving Apophis deeply saddened, his brow furrowed in disappointment.
But he refused to let it dampen his spirits. Understanding that his father was a busy man, he reasoned that they would eventually reunite at school. Yet, despite this logic, a sense of sadness gnawed at him. He despised the sensation, quickly shaking his head to dispel it before returning his gaze to the wall. Suddenly, he found himself confronted by a pair of piercing bright green eyes peering through the solid barrier. A boy with tousled black hair and cracked round glasses met his gaze, and they held each other's eyes for a moment and as the train signaled its imminent departure, they turned their attention to the platform.
Hastily guided onto the train, their belongings stowed away neatly in a separate compartment, Apophis made his way down the corridor, stealing glances out the window. He spotted his mother waving at him with a tender smile as the train prepared to depart. Returning the smile, Apophis bid his mother a temporary farewell. He reasoned there was no need for excessive worry; after all, he would soon reunite with his parents at school during the opening ceremony, or so he had heard. He felt somewhat reassured knowing that both of his parents were professors at Hogwarts.
He halted at a particular compartment, turning his head to peer inside. There sat the boy he had spotted earlier... and beside him, another boy with fiery red hair and scattered freckles across his face. It appeared to be just the two of them... and since his mother had encouraged him to make friends, now seemed like the perfect opportunity, wouldn't it?
“Hey! Is this compartment still free for another person?”
— to be continued
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Still thinking about how Ishida Sui redrew chapter 1 of Tokyo Ghoul after the series ended and said that he was gonna redraw the whole series with his improved art skills then just never did.
Like he's just like me fr fr
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kikoqueenofrats · 3 years
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Hey you guys remember in the original post when I mentioned a king...yeah I just figured out who that king is and exactly how they're gonna impact the story. Well kind of.
So Purple, she's a decent ruler, getting supplies, building walls around her castle...getting resources can be hard and protecting her home from raids can be even harder. She knew she would need some extra help, so after looking for it for a good few months she stumbled upon King Mangos kingdom or well...he stumbled into her. They talked and she managed to gain his help, they trade with each other. Though Mango may have an ulterior motive, not sure what that is yet.
Tw, death and shipping mentioned
Now Dark, he was found in the ruins of a nearby village at the ripe old age of 1yrs old by a captain. the captain decided to raise Dark as his own and did so for a few years before King Mango discovered him and his powers. He trained Dark to become his sort of super soldier...his primary mission was to destroy Mangos (possibly adopted, though I'm not sure) brother and his family. Dark inevitably failed of course after falling in love with the kings son, Chosen. Mango still has some hold over Dark however, maybe by keeping his original caretaker hostage...or, maybe Dark was the one who ended the original kings life?...he just couldn't finish the job with the kids?
This is still a w.i.p, so I'm still kind of figuring stuff out...
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blackevermore · 4 years
x Psssst Guys!!
x You’re fucking amazing
x Make sure to drink water and stay healthy (especially in a shit time like times)
x Also do that assignment you’ve been putting off, it’s gonna feel amazing to have it half way done or completely done!
x I know you might be unmotivated to finish your w.i.ps but come on finish that sentence or the lining/coloring. Little by little it will get done.
x Did you take your meds, yet? Well go take them if you haven’t.
x For my trans men, make sure you switch out your binders and wash them I know being lazy is like god tier right now but you can’t be in them forever. Also change out your sweat pants! Btw idk if anyone has told you but yeah you do look hot when you wake up after staying up all night. Stay handsome kings!
x For my trans women, put on that outfit you’ve been wanting to wear and take some pictures. It is prime time selfie hour now that you have time to sharpen your skills. Yes that hair color does look good on you stop worrying about it. We always stan a queen!
x For my NB babes you’re doing amazing sweetie but remember to eat something. I know you skipped breakfast. I know you skipped lunch too. I love you anyway just make sure you get something in you system your majesty!
x Ace kids? Valid
x Pan kids? Valid (toots my own horn)
x Bi kids? Valid
x Allies? Valid 
x Those of us that have no idea what our gender or sexuality is but we’re happy living and figuring it out day by day? Wow I got heart eyes!
x Are you a person just trying to make it through the day? I feel that, I breath that, I support you efforts and I hope you day is golden!
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themalhambird · 4 years
Six Sentence Sunday
Tagged by @verecunda . Thank you!! I think the idea is to share six sentences from your WIPs? And for once, I actually have WIPs that are actually being written to share….
From : Tom Bertram verses the Supercilious Sermon-makers (Mansfield Park. Canon Follow-on/mild parody. A Working Title, unless I can’t think of anything better- which lbr is highly likely because my naming skills are. Not Great.)
The Grants were to remain in Bath until a situation away from Mansfield could be obtained for Doctor Grant as, it was agreed, nobody so wholly connected with the Crawford Scandal could remain within the Parish, let online preach there, and keep their head held high and as Edmund already had his hands full with making a sermon a week at Thornton Lacy, consoling his father, and endeavouring to raise the spirits of his convalescing brother (ensuring that they were not raised too high, however, lest Tom recover his old ways as well as his old health and all Edmund’s efforts at improving his brother’s mind these last months be for naught) he did not feel quite equal to taking on the church at Mansfield as well for, he had said to his father and written to Doctor Grant, he had only been ordained for a few months. It would be expedient if another member of the clergy could be persuaded to take over Doctor Grant’s affairs for a month or so and show Edmund the ropes at the same time.                  Doctor Grant wrote, therefore, to an acquaintance of his, a clergyman by the name of Collins who was stationed in Kent, and having related the entirety of the Rushworth Affair in full asked Mr. Collins if he might be able to lay his hands on a surplus curate who might be willing to be shipped up to Northampton in order to fill the gap at Mansfield. Mr. Collins replied with the declaration that he would come to Mansfield himself- for he had related the whole of Doctor Grant’s communication to his noble Patroness, the Lady Catherine de Bourgh, and Lady Catherine, having already been informed to no small degree of the misfortunes plaguing the Bertram Family through the gossip in the papers, had been rather seized by the notion that it would be a stupendous act of Christian Charity to sacrifice her favourite clergyman and send him forth like a missionary to such a desert of morality as there appeared to her to be in the environs of Mansfield Park. Moreover Mr. Collins had irritated her of late, for several reasons, but chiefly because he had failed to secure the hand in marriage of his cousin Elizabeth Bennet and therefore prevent that lady from accepting a most advantageous offer of matrimony from Lady Catherine’s own nephew, an alliance the Lady Catherine had most explicitly forbidden from taking place. 
From: The Thing Without A Title Yet Where Maria is Pregnant and the Dates Mean It’s Rushworth’s Baby; For Some Reason This Is Tom’s Problem. (Mansfield Park. Canon Follow on. I named a grumpy butler Crabbily because again. Naming Skills.)
“Really?” Mrs Rushworth sets her cup down on the saucer with a light chinking of china, her eyebrows raising. “Is not he supposed to be dying?” The precarious health of her firstborn had been Lady Bertram’s excuse for not receiving visitors for weeks even before news of her daughter’s scandal broke- not that her ladyship needed an excuse to be inactive; it was common knowledge that she stirred for nothing but her dinner. Crabbily’s lips pursed. “He is well enough to come here and ask for the master, ma’am. Shall I send him- away?” to the devil, his tone implied.
From: Miss Norris. (Mansfield Park. Based on anghraine’s post about the AU Austen posits in-text , where Mrs Norris is Fanny’s mother. Very, Very, VERY W.I.P. Don’t like the style. Have about four variations of this and would quite like to set them all on fire, but it was sharing this or it was sharing the rule 63!Tom Bertram fic and Tom’s already on here twice.)
The late Reverend Mr. Norris’  widow would not have considered his death much of a loss, were it not for the fact that he had, through his profession, provided her with a house and a not inconsiderable portion of the nine hundred pounds or so a year with which she ran it.  That being the case, however, Mr Norris’ passing- without having the decency to wait even until the eldest of his nine children at least was of an age to be comfortably and, more important profitably, ensconced in a profession of his own that might allow him to step forward and fill the breach- was a very great inconvenience to Mrs. Norris. “For how,” she complained to her eldest daughter as they sat together in the parlour, a pile of mending between them, “I am to manage nine of you on only six hundred a year, I am sure I do not know. It was a struggle enough with only nine hundred, and then there was no rent to consider.”      Miss Norris’ needle flew along a fraying seam without pause. “My uncle,” she began, but her mother interrupted her.      “Oh! Sir Thomas will be generous enough I dare say- and so he ought to be considering the long years of devoted service your father gave to him…
A Flower of Chivalry (Richard II & Anne of Bohemia AU, Title so provisional it ought to come with a dozen pages of terms and conditions. @shredsandpatches you know that when I’ve finished the slowburn au in like a million years, it’s gonna take me another million to name it, right?)
Anne’s breath catches in her throat. There’s a young man who looks to be about her own age waiting to greet her, and she wonders if the Prince himself has come to great her. She suddenly has a great deal more courage for England, if he has- not just because of Henry’s gesture in coming to meet her, rather than waiting for her to be brought to him- but because her future husband is gorgeous. Tall and slender, clear skinned and with a bright, welcoming smile. He has reddish blonde hair that curls just beneath his chin and Anne is struck by a sudden longing to reach out and tuck it behind is ear. She’s so caught up in the thought that she almost misses Sir Simon Burley introduce him as “Richard Plantagenet, Duke of Chester and the nephew of his grace King John II.”
tagging @shredsandpatches @skeleton-richard @maplelantern @nuingiliath absolutely no pressure though!
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thebarsondaily · 6 years
Author of the Month (2018)
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SVU: Barba & Benson
Harry Potter: Draco & Hermione,  Harry & Pansy
Favorite Completed Fic - A Barson Thanksgiving -  Law & Order: Special Victims Unit - Barba & Benson  or 12 Days of Barson Christmas -  Law & Order: Special Victims Unit - Barba & Benson
Favorite W.I.P. - Spring Brings New Life - Law & Order: Special Victims Unit - Barba & Benson
What inspired you to begin writing fanfiction? I’ve been writing fanfiction since I saw The Empire Strikes Back and Han Solo was frozen in carbonite and I was beside myself. So I wrote my own fix-it, even though I had no idea that’s what it was. I was 12. Then I didn’t write any more again until I was in high school and fell in love with “Remington Steele”, “Scarecrow & Mrs. King” and “Moonlighting”. I had pages of 3-ring binder paper filled with post-episode or scene extensions or fix-its. I even wrote an original “Remington Steele” fic on my IBM Selectric typewriter. I used this yellow-orange scrap paper that my mom brought home from her Army Reserve office.
When I went to college and those shows were cancelled, I got away from it. Probably because I got to write for a living as a reporter. Then, this past summer, I discovered the world of fan fiction online. I don’t even remember how I stumbled on AO3, but I fell in love when I discovered a world of people who were writing about all my favorite tv and movie characters! After I started reading, new plot bunnies of my own started hopping around in my head.
My first Barson fic was born after I saw a rerun of “Sanctuary” last summer and essentially wanted a fix-it after the last scene when Barba asks Olivia if she’s disenchanted with him and then Dodds comes in, ruining the moment. As you can see in a recent chapter of SBNL I’m not a big fan of Deputy Chief Dodds.
Do you use a story outline or just let the story go wherever it takes you? I may have an outline in my head, but I’ve never written one down. I tend to just let the story go where it takes me. I usually start out with an end game and I work to get there, or a prompt from something I read or saw and start from there. Lately, I’ve been writing future chapters as I’m inspired, even though I’ll later have to go back and link them into the plot.
What helps get you through writer's block? Reading or writing something different. I write for two different fandoms, so switching between them helps. I try and take my mind completely off of what has me stuck.
Do you use music or anything else to help motivate you while you are writing? Please elaborate if you do. I like to listen to music, but I don’t know if it motivates me. I usually don’t need any other motivation than the thoughts in my head. 
Do you have any advice for aspiring fanfiction authors? Just write. Like that old Nike ad: Just do it. If you have an idea that you feel strongly about, chances are someone else does as well and will want to read it. But also, self edit. Proofread. Proofread again.  Read it out loud to yourself. Picture the scene in your head to see if it makes sense. If you aren’t confident in your spelling, grammar, structure skills, ask someone to beta for you. Nothing turns me off faster as a reader than a wonderful plot that I can’t get past the first few paragraphs of because it has bad grammar or structure. I can overlook spelling errors and typos even. But not bad grammar and poor structure. And check your verb tenses! Pick one and stick with it. Don’t switch back and forth.
Does writing energize or exhaust you? I would say it energizes me while I’m doing it. But if it’s late at night when I’m done and put it away I’m exhausted.
If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be? Don’t throw any of it away! At some point I threw away all of my old, handwritten stuff from high school and now it makes me so sad! The only one I even can remember the littlest bit is the original “Remington Steele” one. I had just watched the Shogun miniseries on television so I sent them to Japan!
What was the hardest scene you've ever had to write? It was for a WIP in my other fandom and it was a love scene. I always have a hard time writing those to begin with, whether it’s rated PG or NC-17, but in this case, I didn’t want it to read like a how-to manual and needed to focus more on feelings and emotions than actual actions. It took me quite a while and several re-writes to get it the way I wanted it. But in the end it turned out perfectly.
Do reviews help or hinder your writing process? Reviews always help! I love to hear what people say about my chapters! So far I’ve only had positive feedback. I had one where the reader wasn’t particularly happy with a chapter and I felt SO guilty because I felt like I let her down that I actually contact her via IM and apologized. She told me that she still loved the story and in the end what mattered most was that it was my story and I had to write for myself. And I LOVE when I get a new reader who tells me they’re hooked!
Is there a quote that inspires you? If so, what is it? I don’t know if it inspires me, but it sums up my feelings about writing: “Writing, to me, is simply thinking through my fingers.” -- Isaac Asimov
What is your favorite fanfiction trope to write? Honestly, I’ve never written a trope. Not that I don’t enjoy reading them, but writing them has never appealed to me, although I have a bed sharing one started for Noah Benson and Jesse Rollins. It hasn’t gotten very far though.
Do you have any fanfiction recommendations? Please limit the recs to Barson fanfic only. I’ve read so so many wonderful ones, this is a VERY hard question to answer.
One of the very first ones I read was by @TribalVipe called “A Hand on Your Face in the Dark” and it kept me coming back for more by her. Another finished work by hers that I love is “Don’t Look Behind You” because it includes all three SVU couples I ship. She has a new WIP, “Paraíso Perdido“ that I’m eagerly waiting for an update.
Since the episode-that-shall-not-be-named, one of my favorite completed fix-its is “The Rediscovered Country” by @theoofoof.
I’ve not read anything by @adrianna-m-scovill that I wouldn’t recommend and I very much enjoy @khughes30’s Musical Notes one shots.
p.s. I think A Hand on Your Face in the Dark is actually written by rosehips. ~untapdtreasure
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amethystdarkwolf · 6 years
4, 5, 8, 10, 11, 14? -time anon
4. Favorite character you’ve written?Um… My OC Wesley, which I haven’t posted anything about him on here, which I might but I am unsure. I have only written one small portion of his backstory out, but I fell in love with planning out the rest of his story and just him as a character.5. Character you were most surprised to end up writing?Again another one of my ocs, Alice… Um okay… I thought out her backstory around the time my friend and I were having a “who can make their OC have an angstier backstory” contest. I won, with a different character, but Alice was definitely up there with the worst of them (she has an eye replaced with a button for christ’s sakes)… I always got incredibly anxious even thinking about writing her backstory out in full due to what people would think of it, but I did end up at least starting it and just never finishing it. I’ve used her for different one-shots before and again, I fell in love with her. My poor damaged baby.8. Favorite genre to writeWell, fanfiction, but if we’re talking about genres you’d see at the public library, then Horror :)10. Write in silence or with background noise? With people or alone?I write while having a playlist I made on Spotify of my favorite songs, on shuffle (it’s really long guys, like 4-5 hours.) And I typically just like writing in my room alone unless I’m out in public and I randomly get an idea.11. What aspect of your writing do you think has most improved since you starting writing?Oh God- My grammar and sentence structure, I was king of run-on sentence kingdom when I first started XD14. Do you make playlists for your current W.I.Ps?No, not really.
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The Sunday Morning Post
October 15, 2017                                                              16th Edition
Current News: 
National Novel Writing Month | @nanowrimo   is fast approaching, and if you haven’t started already, now would be a great time to get ready for a month’s worth of writing. 
On November 1, participants begin working towards the goal of writing a 50,000-word novel by 11:59 PM on November 30.  
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In 1999, NaNoWriMo started with only 21 people from the San Francisco Bay Area with a desire to write novels in a short period of time. Their goal was to write 50,000 words in 30 days.  Since then it has blown up into a huge organization where thousands of people come together all over the world to help each other write their stories, though encouragement and swapping ideas. 
NaNoWriMo’s Mission statement:  National Novel Writing Month believes in the transformational power of creativity. We provide the structure, community, and encouragement to help people find their voices, achieve creative goals, and build new worlds—on and off the page. - nanowrimo.org
Story Recommendation: 
Baked by AsbestosMouth | @asbestosmouth
(Game of Thrones)  (Click title to read)
Renowned chef Sandor Clegane is 'the mean judge' on The Great Westerosi Bake Off. He hates soggy bottoms, flaccid gingerbread housing, doughy bread, and doesn't the nation know it? Sansa Stark is an amateur cake lover who is just thrilled to be taking part - it's all so exciting to be thrust into the giddy competition with eleven other hopefuls!
Things do not go according to plan; as everyone knows, lemon drizzle cakes can be most contentious.
Will Yara's innuendo finally be too much? Will Olenna's machinations raise her grandson to glory? Will Ramsay kill everyone with a sharpened spatula? Is Cersei really that drunk all the damned time? Can Podrick's adorableness break Twitter? Who will be crowned King or Queen of the Tent? Let's bake.
the bake off is hilarious, Everything is just Death threats, puns, cake, and innuendos. add some strawberries on top and you have a feast of Mutual pining and baking - @mygeekcorner
Artist Spotlight:
Flowers ft Nori by @bodedo  (Click title to reblog)
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Calvin and Hobbs by Bill Watterson
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This week’s Ko-Fi shout-out goes to Oldmythologies | @oldmythos
I write transformative work, often posting more than a thousand words a day. I have a lot of feelings about many things and am a broke college student.
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Vress by @vress-shark  (Click title to become a patron)
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Fun and Games:  👻🔮✨ spooky questions! ✨🔮👻  by @rosepotion  (Click title to reblog)
ghost: have you ever seen a psychic? witch: do you believe in heaven? black cat: favorite urban legend? bats: are you superstitious? coffin: have you ever had a paranormal experience? cauldron: strangest dream (or nightmare) you’ve had? wizard: do you believe in aliens? enchanted: what fictional character scares you most? haunt: do you believe in haunted objects? spells: do you believe in magic? graveyard: do you believe any conspiracy theories? if so, which ones? potion: favorite horror movie? full moon: do you believe in reincarnation? vampire: are you afraid of death? pumpkin: do you believe in ghosts? midnight: last horror move that you’ve watched? skeleton: what is your biggest fear? crystal ball: when is a time you got caught? magic: have you had any near-death experiences? raven: favorite fairytale? ouija: have you ever played with a ouija board? fangs: favorite poem?
Story Prompt: 
After a long day you come home and flick on the lights. Someone who looks to be a stereotypical vampire is fiddling with your remotes. Before you can speak, they simply say: “Did you know you have a piece of rug that says ‘Come right on in’ in front of your door?”  - @writing-prompt-s
Art Prompt: 
Dress up your favorite character in a Halloween costume.
W.I.P. Motivation:
Blood is thicker than by @icanhinatashouyoutheworld
“You might be Yuri’s biological parent, Mr. Nikiforov. But I’m his father. If Yuri wants to go with you, that’s one thing,” Yuuri Katsuki’s voice flows quiet and dangerous into the room “but if he doesn’t, don’t think that you’re taking my child away from home,”
Or: Victor Nikiforov finds out he has a son. He wants full custody.
Katsuki Yuuri isn't going to give up his child that easily.
Or: Victor and Yuuri fight a custody battle for Yurio. Shit happens.
Or: Yuri Plisetsky starts with one parent, and ends up with two.
model!viktor has a biological son (yuri) he knows nothing about until 8 years later when bio mom dies. danseur!yuuri is adoptive father who just wants to keep the son he's been raising for the past few years. Vicious custody battle with plenty of media attention. bit angsty when it last left off but all the yuuyu is just so sweet and i love it so much? - @mygeekcorner
Please go read and support this artist. They are looking for kudos and comments to get them back into finishing this fantastic story!
Fandom Week:  (Click each line to go to blog)
SeungChuchu Week! October 16th - 23rd.
Keith’s Birthday Week! (Voltron) - October 18th - 24th.
Otabek Altin Week! - October 25th - 31st.
Shaladin Secret Santa! - Sign ups November 5th - 8th.
Yuri on Ice AU Week! - November 5th - 11th.
JJBella Week! - November 26th - December 2nd.
Fic Writers Week! - November 26th - December 7th.
Sailno Week! November 29th - December 5th.
Yuri on Ice BIG BANG Week! Artist sign-ups til December 11th.
not sure what should happen next in your story? by @doctrina  (Click title to reblog) 
Embarrass your protagonist. Make them seem weak and vulnerable in some way.
Shoot someone. That always takes the reader by surprise.
In relation, kidnap someone. Or, rather, make it seem to your protagonist like someone has been kidnapped.
.... (Click title to see full resource)
Help Wanted:
Needed: Tumblr theme editor. Please contact Diamond Winters for details.
Story recommendations!! If you find a story that you absolutely love, and you want to see it get some recognition, please submit a link to it with a 2-3 sentence review of the story. This way it could get in the spotlight in a future edition of the SMP. Requirements are that it’s completed, or a one-shot.
Artist Spotlight!! If you find a piece of artwork that needs more love, please submit a link to it so it may be considered for future spotlights in the future.
WIP Motivation: Please send your support to these writers or artist to encourage them to continue their story or artwork. No good story or piece of art should be left unfinished. - If you know of a good story that hasn’t been updated in a while, and would like to offer encouragement to the author, please let me know, so that I can link to their story here.
If there is ever any section of the Sunday Morning Post that you feel you can contribute too, please send an Ask or Submit to either the SMP, or @d2diamond so that it has a chance at making in a future post.
Thank you!  
@nanowrimo | @asbestosmouth | @mygeekcorner | @bodedo |  @oldmythos |  @vress-shark | @rosepotion | @writing-prompt-s | @icanhinatashouyoutheworld | @seungchuchuweek | @koganetwork | @otabek-altin-week | @shaladinsecretsanta | @yoiauweek-2017 | @jjbellaweek | @ficwritersweek | @saiino-week | @bigbangonice | @doctrina
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mellowmarz · 7 years
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W.I.P. of the Phantom King boss. I have been inspired by Egg Reverie's theme so much. Note I need to finish a lot of W.I.P.'s
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thebarsondaily · 6 years
Author of the Month (2018)
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tumblr || twitter || AO3
SVU: Barba & Benson, Barba & Carisi
Leap of Faith: Jonas Nightingale & Carisi (crossover with SVU)
The Path: Jackson Neill & Carisi (crossover with SVU)
Favorite Completed Fic - What About Us? -  Law & Order: Special Victims Unit - Barba & Benson Or Making a Family  -  Law & Order: Special Victims Unit - Barba & Benson 
Favorite W.I.P. - Working Something Out  - Leap of Faith AU - Jonas Nightingale &Sonny Carisi 
What inspired you to begin writing fanfiction? Raul Esparza fans on Twitter, discussing a specific scene they wanted to see on the show. I felt like I could contribute something by writing what they wanted. It's been good for me to take a break from writing books that hardly anyone reads, to write fics for people who appreciate them :) 
Do you use a story outline or just let the story go wherever it takes you? I rarely outline, unless the plot is extra complicated. Overthinking a story makes it boring to write. Also, in my experience, trying to follow an outline amounts to forcing a story into certain shapes that aren't necessarily organic. Twists and turns often develop on their own, and I just follow them to their conclusions. 
What helps get you through writer's block? Deadlines. Expectations. Feeling like I'll be letting someone down if I don't get a work finished. 
Do you use music or anything else to help motivate you while you are writing? Please elaborate if you do. I almost always listen to music, sometimes random and sometimes specific playlists. If I have a character who's obsessed with Kip Moore, I listen to Kip Moore while writing. If they like Queen, I listen to Queen, etc. 
Do you have any advice for aspiring fanfiction authors? Write what you want to read, and don't compare yourself to other writers.
Does writing energize or exhaust you? The beginning is exciting. Finishing is energizing. The middle is often exhausting. In general, though, the quicker the words come, the more energizing they are; the slower they come, the more exhausting.
If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be? Write faster. Stop worrying about the end and focus on the current scene.
What was the hardest scene you've ever had to write? Probably a scene in my book Loyalty, but I can't say what it was because that would be a major spoiler. It's essentially the end of the book. It was emotionally difficult for me, I didn't want to write it. As far as the hardest to write, mechanically, though...any scenes that involve subjects with which I'm not really familiar, it's always a challenge to research and then try to make the characters sound like they know what they're talking about.
Do reviews help or hinder your writing process? Help, generally. 
Is there a quote that inspires you? If so, what is it? For writing, the one that I turn to with the most frequency is from Stephen King, about the writing process: "Don't look forward, don't look back." It's a reminder not to worry about the beginning or end of the story while you're writing the middle. Also, my favorite King quote about writing is: "Bad writing is more than a matter of shit syntax and faulty observation; bad writing usually arises from a stubborn refusal to tell stories about what people actually do — to face the fact, let us say, that murderers sometimes help old ladies cross the street.” 
What is your favorite fanfiction trope to write? Most of the fics I've written seem to revolve around the "revelation of feelings," but I'm not sure I have a favorite. I don't want to write the same thing twice. If I write 50 smut scenes for the same couple, hopefully each of the 50 will be somehow unique.
Do you have any fanfiction recommendations? I haven't read very many, because I started writing fics in Dec. and have put almost all my "free" time into writing them since then. rosehips, motherbearof03, tribalvibe, theoofoof, handfulofdust, but there are other great writers whose stuff I just haven't had time to explore.
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