#spread your positivity
takemetodragonstone · 2 months
*if your gender and sexuality brought on different feelings, vote for whichever you want. (whichever feeling was stronger, or first, or however you want to decide).
If you’re comfortable with it, put your sexuality and/or gender identity in the tags along with the feeling you experienced upon discovering it so we can see if any trends appear with correlations between certain identities and feelings!
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heartstopperlarrie · 9 months
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jaarijani · 5 months
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baby lasagna wishes this were him
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mothmancat · 17 days
If I could I would bring you a fresh baked good to say this but I have to settle for an ask
Thank you so, so much for Israeli Miku. 🩵 I showed her to my Israeli partner and I don’t think I have EVER seen them experience joy like that about being Israeli
The cup, the claw clip on the shirt, the tan lines, every little detail adds up to her looking EXACTLY like our family and friends every time they visit
They shrieked, they laughed, they ran around, they sent it around to their Israeli family and friends and I just want to thank you thank you thank you from the deepest part of my heart for creating one of the few things that makes it feel good to be Israeli right now
Seriously I wish there was more I could do to express my gratitude but please know you’ve done something really really special and important for someone who deserves the entire world. <333
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paranormalsylvi · 5 months
Shoutout to all Selfshippers.
Shoutout to the women who selfship, to the men who selfship, to the intersex people, to the nonbinary people and other trans people who selfship. Shoutout to the Xenogender Selfshippers and those who prefer to stay unlabeled.
Shoutout to the black Selfshippers, to the white Selfshippers, to asian Selfshippers and to all the other people of color in the community. Shoutout to those of you who speak english, those who don't, those who only speak one language and those who speak multiple.
Shoutout to the Selfshippers who don't use she/her pronouns, to the ones who use she/her pronouns! Shoutout to the he/him, they/them, it/its, neopronouns and no pronouns using Selfshippers.
Shoutout to Selfshippers who date men and those who date women. And Shoutout to Selfshippers who date both men and women, or even anyone that isn't either. Shoutout to the Selfshippers whose F/Os have no canon gender or are canonically genderless.
Shoutout to neurodivergent Selfshippers, to those of you who have personality disorders and dissociative disorders. Shoutout to those of you who struggle with social interactions, who need a constant reassurance, to those who feel safest in their relationship with their F/Os.
Shoutout to disabeled Selfshippers, to those who don't always need their aid and to those who do always need them! To Selfshippers who have learned to live with their disability and embrace it the best they can, and those who struggle daily with their disability.
Shoutout to Selfshippers who are Aromantic or Asexual, to Selfshippers who are Fictosexual and Fictoromantic. Shoutout to the staight, gay, lesbian, bi, pan, omni and poly Selfshippers. Shoutout to the Selfshippers whos Orientation can't be tied down with those words and to Selfshippers who refuse to label themselves.
Shoutout to monogamous Selfshippers, to polyamorous Selfshippers, those who are ambiamorous and those who don't label themselves in this regard.
Shoutout to the Selfshippers who are also Plural or Otherkin, to the Therians and Fictionkins. A Shoutout to the Selfshippers who are IRLs of Characters and those who heavily identify with certain characters for any reason whatsoever.
Shoutout to the Selfshippers who ship with their F/Os for fun, and to those who take their relationship with their F/Os serious. Shoutout to those whose F/Os have saved them and to those who save their F/Os.
Shoutout to Selfshippers to ship with popular characters, to those who ship with unpopular characters. Shoutout to those who ship with main characters, those who ship with side characters, to those who ship with villains, and those who ship with background characters. Shoutout to those who took their F/Os and made them an OC to save them from their source.
Shoutout to Selfshippers who accept all of their F/Os canon, to those who only accept certain aspects as canon and those who refuse all of their canon.
Shoutout to Selfshippers who have interacted with, watched and read all of their F/Os sourcematerial. Shoutout to those who haven't watched everything, regardless of if you plan to or not. Shoutout to the Selfshippers who have not once interacted with their F/Os source.
Shoutout to Selfshippers who draw Art of their F/Os, who draw Art with them and their F/Os, to those who write about their F/Os and to those who don't do any of this. Shoutout to those who daydream about their F/Os and those who dream about their F/Os at night.
Shoutout to Selfshippers who only have one F/O, to those who have multiple. Shoutout to those who have only romantic F/Os and to those who have not one romantic F/O. Shoutout to the Selfshippers who ship platonically, queerplatonically, romantically, familial or any other way.
Shoutout to the young Selfshippers in the Community, to the teens and the adults. Shoutout to those who only started selfshipping now and those who have selfshipped for years on end.
Shoutout to Selfshippers who feel as though selfshipping saved their life. Shoutout to those who use it as a coping mechanism, to those who beat loneliness and to those who use it as a means of getting through their daily life.
Shoutout to Selfshippers who date someone next to their F/Os, to those who love both their Significant Other and their Fictional Other. Shoutout to those who don't want to date someone in real life because they feel content with their F/Os and to those who can't date someone in real life due to being so committed to their F/Os.
Shoutout to Selfshippers with F/Os from popular media, to those with F/Os from their childhood media and to those with really unknown or obscure media.
Shoutout to Selfshippers who go to school, who work or who are at home. Shoutout to the Selfshippers who struggle with life and those who are secure and happy.
Shoutout to Selfshippers who would give everything to have their F/Os be real and to those who are fine with them being fictional. Shoutout to Selfshippers who struggle to understand that their F/Os are fictional.
Shoutout to Selfshippers who have found their family in their F/Os, to those with two families now, to Selfshippers who have a friendgroup of F/Os.
Shoutout to Selfshippers who are comfortable sharing their F/Os, to those who feel uncomfortable with sharing them. Shoutout to Selfshippers whos boundaries around their F/Os change, to the Selfshippers who feel guilty for their boundaries. Shoutout to the Selfshippers who feel embarassed about their F/Os or feel embarassed about gushing about them.
Shoutout to the Selfshippers who see themselves as pretty and those who don't. Shoutout to those of you that are insecure, that feel embarassed about certain aspects of their looks and those who love themselves fully.
Shoutout to skinny Selfshippers, to chubby and fat Selfshippers. Shoutout to those of you who love their body and those who don't. Shoutout to those of you who have stretch marks, those who have body hair and shave and those who don't shave.
Shoutout to Selfshippers with dyed hair and those who keep their hair natural. Shoutout to those with tattoos and those with piercings.
Shoutout to Selfshippers who own a bunch of merch of their F/Os and shoutout to those of you who don't have any merch at all. Shoutout to those of you who have F/Os that have no merch and to those of you who don't have the money to buy merch. Shoutout to those of you who make their own merch of their F/Os, those who commission others and those who buy their merch online.
Shoutout to all and any Selfshipper. Know that your F/Os love you - because you're the definition of perfect to them.
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foldingfittedsheets · 2 months
You helped me realize that my bed was part of the reason my partner and I have been so sore lately. We are going to get a new mattress soon, and I really appreciate all the tips on what to look out for when buying a new one. Thank you for your public service and all the good you do in the world.
Literally everything I could wish for what I spread into the world is people thinking critically about whether their bed is still serving them well.
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seaside-lovers-archive · 10 months
shout out to my fellow ficto self shippers who aren't comfortable sharing f/o(s) bc they are an actual relationship for you. you are so cool and i hope you have a great day
no proship please
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ae-cha08 · 3 months
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ididoktoday · 1 year
I bet you did the best you could today.
May you come to see that performance as the most any human could ever ask of you.
I bet you made the best choices you could with the information you have.
May you come to understand all the lessons the Universe has to teach you.
I bet you regulated your emotions with as much skill as you were taught by those who cared for you when you were young.
May you come to befriend your full spectrum of emotions and come to see them as helpful information that you engage with consciously and curiously.
I bet you cared for your body with as much love as you’ve been led to believe you deserve.
May you come to see yourself as deserving as much love as the whole Universe holds.
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communistkenobi · 9 months
there are certain academic writing styles that are insufferable and miserable to read but hard to describe - it’s writing that uses jargon for the sake of it. like jargon is effective when you don’t have anything else on hand, it can be powerful in summarising complex ideas or processes or traditions. I even find it sometimes effective when writing in a more rhetorical/flowery register. but you really do not need to use the word “caesura” when you just mean “break” like come the fuck on dude
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sereia1313 · 6 months
Guilty Pleasure/Cringe PSA
Why did this ever become a thing? Why were we ever made to feel guilty about something we enjoy? And why has it evolved to the point when doing so makes people cringe?
The concept is so stupid. 
Even within the world of fandom, where people are supposed to be more accepting, insults are thrown, and fights break out because we don’t like things the same way. Or we happen to like two different characters. 
It’s garbage. 
Life is too short to waste time worrying about the opinions of others when it comes to things that make us happy. We should be able to revel in the bliss of a hobby, or the melody of a song, or the repetitiveness of a trope as we read about the same pair falling in love again and again because it helps us escape the horror that is reality. 
Listen to the song.  Crochet the stuffy.  Buy the figurine.  Wear the cosplay.  Write the fic.  Draw the art. 
Be proud of what makes you happy, and stop questioning the bliss of others, even when you don’t understand it or it’s different from yours. Everyone finds something different at the end of the rainbow, and it is not up to you to judge their choice, tear them down, or make them question why they like it in the first place. People should not have to hide behind pretense and popular opinion to fit in. 
Acceptance is something that you have to learn, something you have to practice. You may even have to teach it now and then. It’s hard, but you will be a better human for it. Building people up has long-lasting effects, and it’s incredible what making someone smile will do to your day. 
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. And never let anyone dull your sparkle. 
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fellshish · 1 month
not an unhinged ask but something to spread a little positivity: what is something good that happened in the last 24h to you? 🧡
ppl said nice things about my fics and it made all shy like 🥺❤️ omg writing those wasn’t a waste of time. y’know?
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moonlightloverrr · 3 months
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Hey beautiful people.👋🏼 It’s been a while since I posted a selfie. I hope everyone is doing okay.🫶🏼
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oopsallsyscourse · 2 months
No syscourse today, just remember there is love all around you. There is joy. It's all there waiting for you. Enjoy your day
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wrylu · 5 months
I hate ur art style sm
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agirlunfilteredsblog · 6 months
Can you expand on how to create a Happy Routine? That's a new concept to me.
I would love to!!! And don’t worry, the idea of a “Happy Routine” is only something I started implementing as of recently too!!
Honestly, I would say a big part of this concept is acting intuitively. Often times, we are so conditioned into doing what others expect us to do or implementing habits that don’t accommodate to our bodies. A Happy Routine is a routine that rejoices your body in all aspects: physical and mental.
Start incorporating habits that you enjoy doing. Reflect deeply on what actually brings you joy and things that you THINK bring you joy. Stop caring about what people have to say about the things you enjoy doing. All-in-all, I’d say a Happy Routine is simply implementing things that nourish your body, your energy, etc. Think of it as removing things in your life that actively drain you!!
I hope this helps and if you have any other questions do not hesitate to let me know!!
A girl unfiltered 🩷
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