#konig x assassin!reader
addicted-to-dc · 8 months
Scorned - König x Assassin!Reader
(A/N) Always a sucker for spitfire assassin readers. 'Tis my weak spot. Anyways, this will contain gun use and descriptions, bullet wounds, violence, body horror, and amongst other things. Nothing too heavy for the first part. Slow burn, slight enemies to lovers. We shall see what the future holds, muahahaha. (2367 word count)
Of course, it had to be fucking Russia the 141 sent you to. Trust was something they’d never give you, not with your track record of running the second you saw a viable chance. Not this time. A severe winter storm obliterated every option you had. You hate being on their leash. If there’s two things you loved about your life before this, it was being rich and free. At least your rage is keeping you warm.
Teeth chattering, you lift your scope and finally spot your target. A warehouse in the middle of nowhere, apparently one of KorTac’s many weapons caches. The mission? Fucking sneak in and place cameras throughout the facility. That’s all they’re using you for, recon for something they’ll just blow up at the end of the day. A waste of your talents.
You itch for the hunt again, researching and observing everything about your target before finally taking them out. It’s not like you popped the heads of good people. All of them deserved it in the end.
“Got eyes on the warehouse. Going in…”
You wait a few seconds, unable to resist snarking back at the men who’re probably enjoying the heat of the base.
“…and go fuck yourselves. I better have a warm bath waiting for me after this.”
Silencing your comms, you pocket the scope and trudge up the snow. The snow boots they forced you to wear are clunky, something that would make sneaking around more difficult than it should be. It’s like they’re trying to kill you, which they most likely are.
Getting past the guards was too easy, quickly memorizing their patterns until you noticed an opening. Slipping through, the clunky boots are left behind and buried in the snow long before you enter. At least you were able to sneak in backups, much more lightweight and silent. Just the way you like it.
Your snake cam quickly slides underneath the door, confirming that it’s safe to enter. The door is unlocked… that’s the first strike. Your instincts tell you to get out of there, that the mission is already fucked, but you continue. Slipping in, you waste no time climbing to the rafters and place cameras. The unlocked door plagues your mind, something so small that KorTac would never allow to happen.
There are several exits you could use if your gut is right. A window, no, two windows and even a skylight, but even if you did manage to get out you would be stranded. The thought chills you to the bone. Was this a suicide mission? Would the ‘good guys’ really do that to you? Shaking the thought out of your head, you decide to save the last camera placement near the door. At least you’d be able to leave quickly.
Just as you place the second to last camera, the door opens. The cold air sends a chill down your spine, but the man you see walk in makes you freeze. He must be 7 feet tall. Fear finally settles in your bones. Hiding behind one of the metal beams, you shift out of his eyeline and regulate your breathing. You can’t lose your shit, not now. You sneak another peak at him and holy shit, he’s wearing a mask. It’s not cheesy like Ghost, the emo skull caricature ruining any intimidation tactics the man tried on you. No, it’s terrifying. The eye holes, a void of black in the lighting, feel like they’re staring right into your soul.
He moves to turn a corner and BAM!
You slam onto the ground before you know it, slamming on your side and  cracking your head on a crate. Your vision blurs, a possible concussion sealing your fate. God, you should be in the Caribbean right now getting your back blown out. This is such bullshit.
“Looks like a little birdy is nesting where she shouldn’t be.”
His voice is accented, possibly German. No, Austrian? It’s taunting, making your blood boil. Despite seeing three of him, you lift your pistol and aim at one of him, but he’s faster than he looks. The giant plucks the weapon from your hand and grabs you by the throat. As if you weigh nothing, he slams you into another crate, shattering the wood beneath you. Black spots dominate your vision, his eyes burning into yours.
Even while you’re clawing at his hand, he rips your mask off with ease. You try to suck in another breath, but it’s in vain. This is it. You’re dying. The dream of retiring and dying of old age is dead, just like you…
Air. You have air? Greedily filling up your lungs, you wheeze and gasp as you’re flung over a shoulder. Something painfully digs into your stomach, nearly making you lose your breath again, but the cold is enough to kickstart your body. You begin to struggle, but a harsh squeeze to your shoulder wound makes you freeze. Fuck, this giant really did a number on you.
Mr. Tall, dark, and horrifying shoves you into a vehicle, shouting something at the driver. The car lurches forward immediately. Your head nearly slams into the window from the force, but you’re pulled close to a warm body. A knife appears in your vision, your unfocused eyes unable to track it as your clothing is cut away. You move to push him away, but the knife moves to your throat.
The overhead light in the car finally lets you see his eyes, deep blue orbs paralyzing you instantly. Satisfied with your reaction, he finishes cutting through your clothes and applies pressure to your wound. Hissing, your eyes flutter shut, but you’re not even allowed the sweet peace of unconsciousness.
“Eyes open.”
A bump in the road sends pain straight down your spine, waking you enough to keep your eyes open. The giant, who is hunching in the vehicle, starts dressing your wound. The sight nearly makes you laugh. Maybe it does. His eyes move from your wound back to you. It makes you want to shrink away, but the fucked-up part of your brain is enjoying this. You missed working with mercs, at least they knew how to have a good time. A good time sounds good right now.
Everything’s a blur, you barely register leaving the vehicle, let alone the gurney trip through a hallway of blinding lights. Multiple figures pull you forward, slamming through door after door until you reach your destination. They stop so fast you nearly vomit, the whiplash too overwhelming. Too many pairs of hands tear at you, stripping your equipment and cutting through any cloth in the way.
“Sir, the resources we’re using for her-”
Heavy footsteps interrupt the doctor’s words, the room growing dead silent. “She’s worth more alive, unbroken. Do not make me repeat myself again.”
Your mouth is dry, why the hell is it dry? Shifting in the bed, the blanket scratches at your exposed skin. The new angle shines a bright ass light in your face. It forces you to shift again, a sigh escaping your lips. That’s when you hear it: a beep. Frowning, your eyes refuse to open until you blink quickly. Flashes of a bright, barren room fill your senses. A hospital?
That’s when it hits you. Oh. Shit. There’s a creak next to you, and that’s when you see him. The giant that subdued you quicker than the 141 did, and that was the whole lot of them. You both stare at each other for a ridiculous amount of time, until he shifts, and your heart rate jumps at the movement. His eyes remain on you, barely blinking.
“You’ve been out for a while,” he remarks, standing up.
He grasps a cup of water, comically small in his hand, and offers it to you. You take it, eyes flicking down to inspect the water before finally taking a sip. God, it feels like heaven. Before you know it, the entire cup is empty. How long were you out?
“Why didn’t you kill me?” you ask, cringing at your own voice. Damn, you sound like you smoked one too many cigs.
“I did not spend months of planning just to kill you, Schatz,” he responds, folding his arms. “After the 141 intercepted our contact, it was my priority to get you back.”
“So, you rescued me?” No one has ever done that for you before. Being used is all you’ve ever known, paid or unpaid. It was you who had to prioritize yourself. “Why?”
“You are not an instrument of death; you use death as an art form.” Who knew he was such a poet? “Apologies for the wounds, I had to convince them we’d kill you.”
“How long was I out for?” Rotating your shoulder, you feel no pain from your bullet wound.
“A month… and there’s something else. The men who had you, the 141, yes?”
You nod, waiting for him to elaborate.
“We found a tag in your arm.”
That makes you sick to your stomach. A tracker? They tagged you like a fucking dog. You played their stupid game, did everything they asked so you could earn their freedom. Your nails dig into the sheets, tearing the fabric from the force of it.
Your eyes flick up to his. “You said something about a contract. What is it?”
Something flashes in his eyes, his head tilting upwards. Is he smiling? “You haven’t lost your fire yet.”
Grumbling, you start stretching your limbs. Like hell you’re going to stay in this bed any longer. Your limbs pop more than you want them to, but at least your body is not as run down as you expected it to be. The routine goes by quickly, and you finally, cautiously, stand up. You wobble slightly, but you’re able to recover.
Your eyes shoot at the mirror in the bathroom, sadness overwhelming you. Shit is what you look like. Your colored hair is long faded, replaced by a dull, washed-out color of blah. Gritting your teeth, you turn to the man who kidnapped you. Technically freed you, but you still have no idea what this giant wants.
“You still haven’t answered my question, big guy,” you huff, immediately snagging the spare clothes next to you. You run through the previous conversation through your head again, trying to get any information out of this gargantuan man.
You slide on the pants, thankfully it’s easier with the shitty hospital gown. Unfolding the shirt, you nearly cry when you see a sports bra fall out of it. God, it’s even your size.
“We will need you for future missions.”
You finish sliding on the bra, freezing. “Missions?”
“Ja. We will discuss a contract, something beneficial to both of us. You and I will be equals in this.”
Tearing off the gown, you pull your shirt over your head. You turn around, sliding your arms through the sleeves with a frown. “And I have a choice?”
“Of course.”
It’s so damn hard to read him with his entire face obscured. At least with Ghost you could cheat a little bit. Masks suck the fun out of everything. “What about living arrangements?”
“Since you are AWOL, soon KIA, I would prefer it if you remained here. There’s a room prepared for you.”
That’s nice of them, but how long until you go crazy in a new cage. You highly doubt they’ll just let you walk out the door, but there must be more to this. He’s got to sweeten the deal.
“The pay?”
“You will find it more generous than your usual prices,” he responds, taking a few steps towards the door. Damn he’s got some legs. Your eyes drift towards his backside. Nice ass, too.
You really need to be spayed. Forcing your eyes upwards, you follow him through the building. Your socked feet are silent compared to his heavy boot steps, but the noise grounds you enough. It allows your mind to wander, this whole situation forcing you to think about how you got here.
You aren’t military, special forces, not even a cop. No, you were a nobody who was willing to do anything to stand up for the little guys. Getting the weapons wasn’t that hard, but training yourself? Being self-taught is what made your skills sought out, always unexpected and untraceable. You made your own rules, picking up a few things whilst you traveled. It’s funny, a life of death and crime let you shed your shell. How things have changed.
You’re in the room before you realize it, your mind wandering too close to memory lane. It’s sparsely decorated, screaming military and barf beige, but it’s all you have. The guns mounted on the walls catch your attention immediately. A gasp leaves your lips before you can help it, gently removing your sniper from its mount.
“Where did you find this? Never thought I’d see this again,” you whisper, immediately falling into your routine of checking it for damages.
“We were too late to prevent your capture,” he replies, watching you, “but we recovered everything they didn’t bother taking.”
Your jaw clenches at the thought of them taking you. Wordlessly, you place it back on its mount. Your hand lingers on it for a few moments, your fingers sliding down in now resistance. “I didn’t wipe my slate clean just to be immediately kidnapped. There was a rat, and not just the one they squeezed my information out of.”
Rage enflames your entire being. Revenge would be a good hobby for you, something to get your strength back. You’re itching for something up close and personal. Almost as if the giant could read your thoughts, he places a file onto the desk. Where was he keeping that? Goddamn you really need to start paying attention.
“We’ve identified a previous client… your first…”
You sift through the information. What information is available on you is enough to fuck you over. She gave them your legal name, history… everything. Your throat tightens at the photo of her, someone you considered a friend. Past tense. She’s on your hit list, bumped up to priority number one. The 141 will have to wait.
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gremlingottoosilly · 8 months
The Horror and The Wild (yan!Emperor!Konig x fem!Reader) COD Fantasy AU
You decided to visit Konig's harem. Turns out, they like you as much as the emperor himself. Tags and TWs: Dub-con, aphrodisiacs, power imbalance, breeding kink, size difference, age difference(Konig in his forties, Reader in her twenties), medieval/fantasy AU, Konig is a pervert AND an evil dictator
Word count: 3274 AO3
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Your husband has a harem. It didn’t bother you as much as you thought it would – he is the emperor, after all. You’d be more concerned and surprised if he didn’t have an army of perfect women lust all over him – catering to his every whim, to every last one of his perverted desires. You read about kings having harems in books – you think that the king of your country had at least a dozen mistresses, although none of them were an official part of the court. Empire is a bit different in its customs – every territory in its big hold wanted to give the sole ruler their greatest treasure, so the politics could be ensured through maidenhood of their daughters. — Little empress is so shy…is this her first time with an angel?
A woman – you think her name was Stiletto, or something equally sharp – was holding you tightly, her breasts against yours, her hips straddling yours in hold that didn’t make you feel unpleasant. If anything, you loved it. Reminded you of the sessions you shared with the Princess. Something that had to be hidden far, far away. — I would r…I think we should discuss, ah, the further fate of the… She holds you close, her lips on your neck. You whimper, looking back only to see König in a relaxed pose, drinking something – you don’t think it was wine, way too golden for anything like this – out of the transparent, beautifully sculpted goblet. For some foolish reason, none of the women in his harem were particularly interested in him – but you counted at least four who already proposed to make your night better. 
It made you feel ecstatic. 
It made you feel shy. You came to the forbidden part of the palace, the one that almost no one is visiting – with the goal to drag at least a few of the servants by their hair, thinking that it would just ensure that you won’t be poisoned later. You came here expecting to be assassinated by some lovestruck princess – but you were kissed, held, and touched by many of them. Your legs already spread wide enough to reveal the edges of the thin laces of your undergarments, your emperor enjoying the show as the women of his harem made a blubbering mess out of you. 
— Are my women not treating you well enough, little princess? 
— Y…your Highness, this is… You whimper, feeling a soft hand on your breast. König was there too – his palm enveloping your chin, gently tilting it so he could kiss you, your face hidden by the fabric of his hood slowly lowering over you. His kisses are softer now, much warmer than they were before – maybe, finally stealing your virtue prompted him to be softer. Maybe, he knew you wouldn’t be running away or trying to kill yourself anymore – so he was able to share with you the softness he previously kept hidden. Maybe, he was always soft and you just never got to see it – but now you can’t help but stare at his softness, taking in every last inch of it. You feel like a fool, honestly. 
There are beautiful women touching you, whispering sweet nothing to you. There is a beautiful man who is devoted to you completely – who burned down an entire castle and took your country just so he would be able to marry you. Yes, with all of these people – powerful, beautiful, angels and gods walking on this sinful earth, you still felt like a servant. Dirt under their boots – the indoctrination of your class is making it impossible to think of yourself as someone who is worthy of even the tiniest bit of praise. 
You think about your princess – if she is alive or not. If she remembers your sacrifice or curses you for it. The news of your wedding should have spread far and wide, even with the little notice that König gave to the bordering kingdoms – and you wonder what would her reaction be. You are getting too far ahead of yourself, after all, You should know your place by now, all things considered. 
König and the girls – you think one of them was the duchess, send here as a peace offering only to be held up in the lower harem, with the Emperor only seeing her for one time and then retreating back to his chambers – only let go of your when you started sniffling, an action so freakingly ugly for an empress. You should never show your true emotions – you knew this even from your years with the princess, with other servants being as cruel as devils while she wasn’t looking. Perhaps, you still haven’t outgrown this mentality. 
— What’s wrong, meine Liebe? 
— You’re disturbing the Empress, your highness. 
— I am her husband! 
— Maybe, this is why she is disturbed. Are you ignoring her needs too, Your Majesty? 
— I will nit be ridiculed by my…
— Oh, but please, do proceed, our lord. The princess is crying already. 
— You scared her!
— Maybe, she didn’t want to be married. You could send her to harem and make her like us… — And to have you, vile creatures, fuck her till she passes out? — At least we could show you pleasure. Maybe, she’s on edge because Your Highness was…
— I won’t be talking to you about it! 
— Ah, but the Empresses’s distress is evident already, our lord. Do we need to cast a potion for your…
You feel their hands on you again, soft touches mixing with rough fingers caressing your face – your cheeks, your lips, passing into your mouth and making you suck for the tiniest bit of a second, leaving right when you started to feel uncomfortable. You feel loved, so thoroughly, by him and by them – and you don’t feel like you deserve to be. 
You can’t find a real reason to talk to them – so you do your best to shut up, biting your lips that were smeared with makeup so thoroughly. You felt awful, you felt horrible, you felt like you were going to freaking burst because, by gods, there are so many people around you who deserve to be treated as kindly as possible, who deserve to be treated like equals – and yet, you still feel like a servant. Like a bought pet who was dragged to the house where no one wanted to see you and to hold you – and yet, there are so many people, longing to just… You sigh, curling up in a corner. Distasteful display from an empress – but you could worry about assassins and court intrigues the other day. You don’t have the strength to play in the games of these vile women anyway. Not that you would be able to even if you’d want. 
— Meine Liebe, please, you must protect your dignity over those…
— I’m sorry. 
— What? 
Hands are gripping you tighter, suffocating. You shouldn’t mistake their devotion for kindness, their affection for liability. No matter your cries and pleads, they won’t let you go – and even the girls who looked the kindest, the ones who already got your dresses collected and your hair in elaborate constructions, with their soft hands running up and down your breasts, your hips, your rear – were nothing more but a pack of people who used to get what they wanted. And you shouldn’t think that your opinion would matter – but you could close your eyes and think about your country. Close your eyes and try to enjoy it if only for a little while. 
— I’m not…not fitting as a queen. 
One of the girls plummets on your lap, her hair spreading across the floor. You start to pet her out of pure instinct – and you can feel König’s hand in your hair, doing the same. Somehow, the tiniest act made you feel even more like a pet and less like a person with power. Maybe, because you never had power to begin with. 
— Of course not. You’re an empress, not a… You gulp, worry still in your mind. You are surrounded by people who should look up at you – and yet, you feel like a pet, brought to them for amusement. Then it strikes you – then it falls down to your shoulders, heavier than the crown you never wanted to wear. 
A consort empress – no power, no influence, just smile and wave to your people in a pathetic attempt to remind them that you exist. You exist, you exist, for their amusement, for your husband’s amusement, to make the crowd wild with promises of heirs, to make everyone forget what exactly you are doing here. That your job as an empress is to sit back and look pretty, hoping that it would be enough. That it needs to be enough.
— Am I? Seems more like a toy for everyone. 
They laugh – they smile and push their hands on you again, surrounding you with swirls of touches and gentle pushes. Back and forth, back and forth. You feel like a fool falling for something as silly as this – being consumed by lust of not just your husband, but also the women who, by all means, are supposed to take you in and leave nothing behind. You were supposed to swirl around in cort intrigues, not in… A hand moves down your stomach, fluttering just above your labia. Dancing on the gentle skin, caressing in a tingling motion – you moan and spread your legs depsite yourself, despite the feeling of apathy slowly growing in your bones. Your body got so used to constant pleasure, it makes you crave it like the last whore in the whole empire. You aren’t sure who is touching you – but you know that König is nearby, his hand tilting your head to the side, so he could look. Enjoy the view – god, you must look like such a mess right now… — The consort is a toy for the whole Empire, Schatzen. You knew this when you agreed to marry me. 
— You never asked my hand properly, Your Highness. 
— Why would I need to, if I could just chop it off and bring it with me? 
You gulp, thinking again – gods, your choice in marriage is as horrible as the legends say. Especially since there are no legends of him yet – his rise to power is too fast and too early – and since you never had a choice on the matter anyway. Since there is no way you could have escaped this. 
— Would you like it, then? To kill me for spare parts? 
He laughs, and the others followsuit. You feel weird – you don’t understand them, their reactions, you feel like your head is going to burst from all the emotions being contained deep inside. You take a deep breathe and think. Trying desperately not to seem insane. — This would be a waste of a perfectly fine princess. 
— She’s an empress now, your highness. 
— Oh, but she will be a princess to us, ja? They giggle – and you feel dragged to the other room, finally alone. Not as much as you linked to be – König is still there, his hands are keeping you in place firmly. Fingers playing with the edges of your outfit, you feel somewhat sated and drained already. Your maidenhood throbs between your legs, soaked and warm from the touches and nice words of the women of his harem – and you feel weird, knowing that he allowed this infidelity to happen on his watch. At least you knew he never touched a single one of these women, although they were gifted to him. At least you know that he is ready to throw you in for the wolves in order to satisfy you while he is away doing everything an evil ruler should. 
He lets you sit on a chair, pulling you in his lap – an intimate position, the outline of his cock is poking at the outline of your rear even through the skirts of the dress you wore. He pushes his face in the crook of your neck and you feel the tingling sensation of his tongue outlining your skin. You don’t want him to make you even warmer, to play with you more than all of his harem did – but it’s a welcomed distraction. You still feel like an imposter who never deserved to even be here in the first place…
— You do realize that you not being a princess doesn’t matter, right, Schatzi? 
He cocks your head to the side, making you look at him wide-eyed, surprised. You are pressed against his chest, your face dangerously close to his – you want to get as far away from him as possible, but he whispers in your neck like it’s a gospel. You’re inclined to listen. 
You don’t answer – you just let him keep going because, in the end, this is what a good empress is supposed to do, you think. Sit tight and listen and listen and use all of the space in your head to get into theirs. You feel like a fool even trying to attempt this, but…you never listened to the stories about your husband before he came into your life – and now you’re fabulously undereducated on the matters of his life. 
König’s hands are going up, into your cleavage – almost ripping your corset open and not caring for how expensive it was. He has a terrible habit of running every pretty thing he buys for you – and you bite your tongue as to no scold him for leaving your breasts out, the diamonds and ripped seams on full display. You feel like a fool, knowing just how inappropriate he is with you. And how you allow him to do it. 
— I would never accept that stuck-up royal of yours as mine. As a part of the harem, maybe. To forget about her bloody existence. 
You bite your lips, a scowl escaping your expression. You don’t want to act like this, but she was still your princess – whenever she is now, if not dead and forgotten even by her own people. 
— Don’t…don’t speak of Her Majesty like this. 
— What a loyal servant you are, meine Liebe. Why not put that loyalty to me? 
— Do you also need help with wearing your own clothes and warming your jewels? 
— Maybe. If I get to feel your hands on me each time you do it. 
You feel your cheeks burning. Your teeth are clenching, your hands and gripping your skirt, almost ripping the delicate material to shreds. Oh no – you’re getting used to a rich life, not even caring for your own clothes and how expensive it would be to replace them. König kisses your forehead, laughing, and your entire face and neck are burning now – the expression of his affection always makes you embarrassed, even if this is, by far, the most innocent thing he did to you. Much more pure than…no, if you’d start thinking about it, the space between your thighs would be wet again – and you already established just how sinful it would be. 
— You are making it look like I have to worry about every maid who swings her skirt around you. 
— Hm. I don’t think that my maids are half as cute as you. 
— So you went to steal maids from other countries? 
He chuckles, holding your chin in an iron grasp. You can’t turn away and save your graces when he is taking his mask down, smiling like a cat who got the cream. Perhaps, he is just like a cat – a ginger one, arrogant and smug, with rare stubble grazing over your sensitive skin as he plants a sloppy kiss on your lips. He is hungry, devouring you with each stroke of his tongue – the literature made you think that those kinds of embraces should be gentle, slow. You know better now, of course. 
— I knew I needed a wife. People won’t take lightly to their emperor being more and more involved with dark powers – I thought that maybe, having a people-pleasing empress would make a difference. 
He pinches your nipples until they are nice and firm, almost bruising your soft breasts in his hands. He is trying to handle them gently, but he is unable to contain his excitement – and you feel your lower parts clenching around nothing, moisture collecting in your undergarments. König isn’t soft when he is handling you like this, the overwhelming pleasure is risking to make itself known to everyone – by gods, you are tired of always getting handled like this. Like just an afterthought in his perverted desires…but, perhaps, you are just that. 
— It was stupid. I sent the first letter, then the second…and this entitled brat didn’t even bother to answer. I knew she wouldn’t – but it still stings. 
You remember the letters. Remember the annoyed voice of your princess, as she told you to handle them – burn them, toss them away, rip them to shreds, and feed them to the birds passing by. Everyone knew that the emperor already had a harem, and your princess didn’t want to be a part of it – besides, the king already established no connections to the empire, even as it was creeping to his doorstep. 
You also remember writing the answers. Polite ones, short ones – the types that wouldn’t involve you in a political ploy. Leaving the emperor without an answer would be even worse than proclaiming war – wounding a man’s pride is something, that your princess knew how to do well, and also a thing that you knew how to take care of. Always the one to clean up her messes.
— I knew it wasn’t her writing those answers. But I remember how they felt, in my hands. The smells of whatever fragrance you put, ja? 
You also remember accidentally cutting yourself while writing one of the answers – ink mixing with blood on expensive paper, made you think twice instead of changing the paper piece to a new one. Perhaps, if you were truly smarter than that, you’d just toss it away. Unfortunately for you and the kingdom, you didn’t want to waste expensive, fragrant paper. 
— So…you’re saying that…
— It’s your fault, Meine Liebe, really. I fell in love with you since the first word you have written for me. So why would you cry in front of me and my harem like that?
— You’re lowering yourself like this. Being on my level…not something fit for an emperor. 
He laughs, his fingers returning to gently squeeze your nipples together – and then go high, to push your face in place again. König plants another kiss on your lips and dips, his tongue playing over one of your swollen nipples. You don’t want to think about how much your body will change when his seed is going to take – but you know it won’t be long, with how often he pushes himself between your legs, filling you up until you can’t walk anymore. 
— You know nothing about me, do you, Schatz? 
— Thought you wanted it that way. 
— Public won’t take nice to a ruler like me. Not a drop of royal blood. 
You don’t think you knew the stories about him. The rumors, maybe – calling him the bastard king, the one that killed the previous ruler of his country in a soldier’s uprising. It’s all being taken down now, with all the old rich families either getting wiped out or signing their loyalty to the new emperor. The books are being burned and written anew. 
— We’re both servants, little princess. And I would never someone born into this uptight fucking family. 
Hm. A bastard emperor and a fake princess.
You really were made for each other. 
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s3thwrit3sstuff · 1 year
❝Oh, oh-oh❞
Konig x male!reader | nsfw, smut | sub. bttm. reader (AMAB) | wc: 3,747
warnings: public sex, crossdressing, feminization, anal fingering, blowjob, slight sexual humiliation towards reader, light degradation, dacryphilia
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in an attempt to win an argument with your boyfriend, you hit a few low blows but he bests you by bringing up how pathetic you were from a few nights ago.
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"God, it is freezing out there" A large hand brings you closer to Konig's side. He rubs your arm though the pressure is barely felt through the thick coat you wore but the gesture is sweet. "I thought the Earth was supposed to get warmer, you know I'm starting to believe that that's just a scam" Konig chuckles. "You are just not built for this weather, babe" He teases as he slings a heavy arm around your shoulder to reach towards your covered face. "Well, I'm sorry I'm not built to survive inhuman levels of temperature, I'm sorry only one of us can be an operator for a private military contractor — Mpfh!" The same gloved hand that offered you comfort mere seconds ago was now planted over your face, tugging your knitted cap down and over your eyes in the process. "Schatz", he warns. [Darling.] His tone is still light despite it. The streets were more or less bare due to the weather but the shops were still aglow with lights. Those poor, poor, retail workers. The only thing staving off feeling completely guilty for stepping into one of the shops and making the already miserable worker have to work in horrid weather was the fact that due to Konig's work relocating the both of you here, your wardrobes were in desperate need of attention. "Hey," He greets them with a nod, his eyes squishing in a façade of a grin. His face was hidden with a mask which he finds a lot of comfort in not only for the fact that he worries someone from work finds out about his face and finds him (or worse, you) but it was less straining to mask his expressions in a conversation.
You rip his hand away from your face with a huff, walking ahead of your boyfriend as a way to show your obvious displeasure. Konig just chuckles and follows along, grabbing a basket. The shop wasn't that big but the brand was a household favourite.
It was a little pricy but Konig had more money than he knew what to do with at times, he can indulge. Plus, the quality and longevity of the clothes were worth it — it was all ethically made as well! A win in both of your books. "Schatz, you can't be mad that I remind you not to speak of my work aloud" his accented voice chides as you look for the basics of a wardrobe. T-shirts in neutral colours, jeans, underwear, and a new winter jacket since yours was doing shit at keeping you warm. "Yeah, yeah, because secret service assassins are constantly listening to you" An arched brow is thrown your way as your larger-than-life boyfriend shadows you. A sigh escapes you and with a dramatic wave of your arm, you place the back of your hand on your forehead and bemoan; "You're so important, schnucki". [sweetie-pie] "A real James Bond, I'm so lucky to be with you". Konig bursts into laughter. The pop song playing on the speakers do little to cover how gleeful the sound was. You stubbornly look ahead, finding immense interest in the different shades of green the t-shirt was made in. He all but towers behind you as he wraps an arm around your shoulder, pressing his covered nose to the top of your head as his chest rumbled with amusement. "You're extremely silly, hübscher". [handsome] "Compared to you? Everyone is, obviously" his eyes gleam and his arm squeezes you closer. It makes you halt your movement. That familiar pressure against you, the aura of heaviness suddenly draping over you. Konig can't help but think of how truly lucky you are. How many soldiers, mercenaries, and lowly scum had he crushed with his bare hands just like this? Too many to even count. He preferred keeping his thoughts of work and you on very different sides of the fences but whenever you throw a silly fit he can't help but coo inwardly at it. The blood he's knee-deep in, the strength in his sinewy muscles, and the rank he's earned by his sheer brutality and determination all purr in delight at your stubbornness. At your brattiness. You feel something poking at your back. A feat only Konig's cock could manage despite the thick coat you're wearing. Well, this wasn't a complete shock. After his return, the two of you would spend hours annoying your neighbours, however, your upheaval from your last house was made in haste.
Konig managed to squeeze in some frottaging in the shower last night but jetlag won over. Perhaps that's why it took so little to rile Konig up. He sways and you do too. Konig eyes his peripherals, noting the workers were pretending to look busy reorganizing some jewellery on a gondola so he leans down to whisper in your ear.
"Let's look in a different section," he knows you're about to retort so he grabs your chin and tilts your head backwards that way he can leer down at you.
"Command, not suggestion". He enjoys the way your eyes scan his. The flicker of emotions, the way you wet your lips and a hint of your teeth brushing over your lower lips. He knows the blood pooling around your cheeks isn't just from the cold. Your eyes flutter close then open and he grins behind his mask as he releases your chin/neck.
Konig guides you towards the women's section with a steady gait. A worker gives an apprehensive glance but admittingly got far too embarrassed to stare once you stopped in front of the more...sexy bedroom set display.
Silk lingerie didn't last long in your bedroom sessions with Konig. He's gentle when he wants to be — those lazy morning sex with his tongue working you open and his hands stroking your dick to completion until you're limp and boneless was bliss — but his fetish for dressing you up in delicate lingerie sets always ends with your legs and hips needing a few days to recuperate. His size was another reason why sex with Konig was utterly satisfying and sore inducing but it's not like you dislike it (quite the opposite). "Which one, hm?" This time his arms are circling your waist. It was a shame that he was so covered up because the sight of his veins across the back of his scarred, calloused, hands always made you shiver. God, you can practically see the way his biceps are flexing as he continues to sway again. The silk clothes are all much too raunchy. Suddenly, it's too warm under your layers but that's not the exact reason you're squirming.
Most of them are cute. Feminine-cut clothes that would hang too low on your hips with thin straps that would slip down one shoulder. The ones that weren't cute were the classic lingerie dresses. Their length is so short you knew it would tickle the back of your thighs and hide nothing once bent over. The way it was tailored to hug just under the breasts was meant to give it definition but seeing as you were lacking in that department you'd think Konig wouldn't be a big fan? Wrong. He's as horny as an animal in heat when it came to you but he did have a thing for the way your "tits" couldn't fill out the certain clothes he got you. Maybe he just has a "thing" for you in general. He was insatiable. Konig stops swaying. You snap back into the present and furrow your brows. "Schatz", he purrs. "Yeah, yeah, I'm..." The black silk set catches your eye and you reach for it to feel the lace that lines the bottom hem. Pleased by your choice, Konig reaches for the hanger to pluck it from your hands and into the basket it goes. "Changing room...Mein König?" [My King?] His mask hides his sharp grin but his eyes darken from that warm coffee-coloured eyes to pools of sin.
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The changing room was foreign. New country, new city, new surroundings. A sense of relief washed over you as you noted the wooden doors, glad they weren't just curtains held together by some loose velcro straps or hooked onto the opposite wall. The changing room hallway was dimmer than usual but once Konig had opened the doors to the room, it was clear why. He let out a low whistle at the sight of the floor-to-ceiling mirrors backlit by LED strips. The dimension of the space was large enough to not feel too claustrophobic — those mirrors seemed to increase the space as well. You shed your jacket, spotting a stool in one corner of the room meant to be a place to put your clothes, bags, or perhaps someone's horny partner to sit on as they look at you expectantly. The sight of Konig sitting on the tiny seat was comical, you pursed your lips to stop laughing but it couldn't be helped. Konig took off his cap and mask, effortlessly reaching towards the hooks on the wall to hang them before he leans back and tilts his head at you. His long, toned, legs stretched out before him. It invades your space. Overwhelming the room with more of him until the giggles fade away. Unwilling to accept his silence, you prod further. "What? You look cute, okay. All awkward in the corner, is this how you were in high school? All limbs like a spider, bet you were an eye-catcher, baby" He doesn't seem phased by your teasing. With his mask off, you can now ogle his face. That scar on the bridge of his aquiline nose, those strong jaws and sunken eye-sockets that give his eyelid a more hooded look. His top lip is thinner than his bottom, with a prominent cupid bow. Feeling emboldened you shed your knitted cap then your jacket and let it drop to the floor. The scarf twirls around your wrist as you walk forward and bend over to level your eye line with Konig. His downward-facing lashes almost always tickle his cheek — well, when they haven't been burnt off from his close proximity to explosives and fire. Thankfully, they're intact this time and you brush your thumb across his cheek, admiring their length. "You're the cutest little boy, you know?" his eye twitches. Still, he does nothing. Konig simply keeps his eyes on your face. You lean in, breath ghosting along his lips while you grin. "Come on, nothing to say, Mein König? Usually, you're the one that's so fucking loud, whimpering, growling, grunting —" Konig jerks forward. You hold your ground. His silence was both nerve-wracking and gratifying. "Ausziehen. Na." [Strip. Now.] He knows you know what he's saying. There's recognition in those perfectly shaped eyes. Leaning back, he adjusts his broad shoulders and eyes those shapely legs impatiently. "Ich werde nicht zweimal fragen." [I will not ask twice.]
He likes this changing room. Not only could he see the expressions on your face as you strip, but he could also see the view from behind thanks to the mirrors. The lights cast you in an almost angelic glow, a rim lighting that makes your skin all but glimmer. You're bent over, pulling your pants down, when the sounds of your moans fill the room. You nearly split your skull open in your haste to grab the phone from Konig's hand. He lifts his leg and his boot pushes onto your stomach, knocking you back and making you stumble onto the floor. You're almost naked, completely defenceless. Konig does not stand. He simply sits and knocks the toe of his boot to your thigh and jerks his chin to the basket close to you. Meanwhile, your moans are still playing. The wet noises of skin slapping against skin, the mattress creaking and the headboard slamming on the wall. "Konig! That's way — That is way too loud!" He splits open your thighs with the same boot and you squeak as he applies pressure to your crotch. The icy coolness from the outside has you shivering as you clamp your thighs around his ankles but he simply presses. Your high-pitched moan elicits a chuckle from Konig. That motherfucker mimics your moan, his stoic face turning annoyingly expressive as he mocked yours. His giddiness is hard to contain. He turns the screen to you and keeps on echoing the noises you're making. "Oh, oh-oh! Oh fuck! Konig! Right there!"
"Point taken!" You plead, blindly reaching behind you to grab the silk dress. You hear the shuffle of feet in the changing room hallway, hushed whispers but Konig does not pause the video. He simply lets it play as you hurriedly slip on the outfit. What a sight you were.
On the floor, pathetically slipping on a raunchy outfit while your crotch was still being stepped on. The straps are falling off your shoulders and your flustered state does little to assist. Your hair is askew and your cheeks are warmer than the fucking sun. The video stops just as you reach your orgasm and Konig removes his boot. "Strip. Fully."
He tosses the phone on the floor and leans forward. His elbows are on his knees and he gazes down upon you like a hungry wolf. After an awkward shimmy, the only thing protecting you from the wooden floors of the changing room was the thin silk. Your cock was tenting the front and no amount of tugging the material down was going to help you. "I think I may have been gone for too long, yes? My slut is much too disobedient as of late and getting more and more perverse. You're so hard after letting everyone in the store hear how pathetic you are when you take my cock, have you no shame?" Konig clicks his tongue on the roof of his mouth when you avert your gaze. When you meet eyes, he's unbuckling his belt with one hand. "Do you even deserve to see my cock?"
You shake your head. No, no, of course, you don't! You're just a whore, a perverted boy who belongs to be on the floor. Even the lingerie you wore was too modest for you. Konig could tell you were edging towards that cloudy state. His cheek twitches as he suppresses a knowing grin. "That's right. You don't. But I'm allowing you to" "Th-Thank you, Mein Konig" He spreads his legs and pats his inner thigh after he had unzipped and pulled his heavy cock out. You gulp at the sight of it. It was damn near monstrous — a cock a few people could only ever see in pornography. Crawling on all fours, you nuzzle his thigh as thanks before grabbing it by the base. God, it was so hefty. A delicious pink tip and a few delicate splatters of moles decorated Konig's cock. The mouthwatering veins were given kisses and yet Konig remains silent as he watches with rapt interest in how you worshipped his big dick. "Perk your ass out. More" You're confused as to what he intends to do. Perhaps he wanted to see your asshole winking back at him in the mirror while you suck him off? That seems likely. You spread your knees and arch your back as you suck on his tip, loosening your jaw and covering your teeth as you close your eyes. Konig removes his glove. It doesn't take long for you to start drooling. He swipes two fingers under his dick, around the ring of your mouth, then leans forward to slip them in. Your choked reply is ignored by Konig. It's hard to breathe. You can feel his fingers scissor your muscles open all while he envelops you in his scent, his warmth, his everything. You feel like he's consuming your every being. His cock is halfway in, your jaw is aching and anyone unlucky enough to walk into the changing area would most definitely hear you gagging on it. Your eyes are watering, huffing through your nose as you feel your hips jerk without any conscious thought behind it. He's fucking you open on his fingers and he knows where to aim to make you all but spineless. There's this distinct dick-shaped bump in your throat. Konig is silent. When he pulls out his fingers and cock you cough, cushioning your face on his thigh as you catch your breath. One of the straps is falling off your shoulder and the dress hangs off your chest in a whorish display thanks to your flat chest. Konig's breathing is faster than usual but he is wordless as he grabs your wet chin.
"Kuh...Konig — Ngh!" You're looking at your reflection. Legs as wobbly as a newborn fawn as he holds you up. The dress is bunched over the curve of your ass. You're jerked forward until you slam into the mirror. A pained whimper is replied with a harsh slap to the back of your thighs. He uses his boots again. This time to kick your ankles apart. The fingers on your chin force you to look forward as Konig's heavy cock is placed on your back.
His face places itself on the crook of your shoulder. Those dark eyes swallow the lights from the mirror as he takes pleasure from your melted expression. You still taste his precum on your tongue, jaws still slack and lungs still desperately trying to swallow air. His thumb on your hole can feel the way you clench around nothing and Konig finally breaks his silence. "You are so filthy" You don't deny him of this fact. His cock pushes on the tight ring of muscles and you moan, fogging up the glass as he pushes, pushes, and pushes until he's inside and oh fuck. Your eyes are rolling to the back of your head. He fills you up so well. Every inch violated, comforted, by him. The pressure is so overwhelming but so familiar and you're getting on the tip of your toes to perk your ass out more. He watches the way your ass swallows inch after meaty inch. "Mein Süßer" [My sweet one] Konig groans into your ear. He's gripping onto your waist so tightly you know bruises will bloom and that thought alone makes you press your cheek on the mirror so you can look at him from over your shoulder. "Mein Konig, please...please, please, please" He's been far too mean and you're begging so sweetly. Konig thrusts in and out of you so harshly that your breath is being knocked out of you. He's kissing you, you're barely there to reciprocate. It's messy, it's hot, it's too much. His hand thumps onto the mirror and the lights flicker but neither of you cares. He's fucking into you so good you can't think. Konig is mouthing your neck, one hand on your waist while the other is groping everywhere, anywhere — as long as it was you. That's all that mattered to Konig. You're being far too loud. Both of you. There's no way no one knows what you're getting up to. Your breaths are fogging up the mirror and there's a ripping sound as Konig tugs on the strap too harshly. "Buh-Baby!" he shushes you. "I'll pay, fuck, I'll pay for anything you want, this boypussy is worth it. So fucking good, so tight " he snaps his hips into you and you choke out a cry at his name. "Fühlt sich gut an, nicht wahr?" [Feels good, doesn't it?] Your chest is now in full view and so Konig grabs at it, twisting your nipples harshly. You're sobbing, tossing your head back as plead for him to slow down. Tears are now streaming down your face, lashes clumping together as you groan out, hand prints being left on the smooth surface as you desperately attempt to grasp at anything to ground yourself. "So sehe ich Dich gerne". [I like seeing you this way.]
Konig grins wickedly. He knows you're close, he can feel it in the way you're tightening up around his cock. He's not that far behind and he was determined for the two of you to cum at the same time. Thankfully, Konig knows just what to do to push you over the edge. Not that it would take much. All that foreplay, that humiliation, already made you a stroke away from jizzing on the floor. His sharp canines sink into the juncture of your shoulder and neck and you yelp as you paint the floor and mirror with your cum. "Ah, fuck!" you tightened around him like a vice and Konig stills as he empties his balls into you. His thighs twitch and his hips jerk a few times as he pants to catch his breath. "Woah!" Konig holds you up, laughing breathlessly as he hugs you. Your head is lolling to the side so he gently leans your head back, stroking your neck and chest until you're able to sharpen your eyes back into focus. "Are you alright, Schatz?" he's flattening his palm on your chest to feel the way your heart thuds against your ribcage. You nod, gulping and panting as you try to form sentences. He's patient as he carefully maneuverers you to lean fully against him. "Fuck, why'd you have to cum in my ass" Konig snorts as he lets you peel away to brace yourself on the mirror. He would say sorry but he's not. The sight of his cum dripping out of your hole has his cock twitching all over again. While you're catching your breath he reaches for his phone. The sound of his camera going off makes you roll your eyes. He's always taking pictures or videos. Says it keeps him occupied when he misses you a bit too much while he's deployed. Who are you to deny your boyfriend his needs? Wordlessly, you jut your hips back and spread your ass for him. He thanks you. It was silent as you both clean up (as much as you could) and when everyone was dressed you try not to limp on your way out. The workers all avoid looking in your direction and you groan as you hide your face in Konig's side. He simply tosses an arm around your shoulder, feeling smug despite the bashful blush under his facemask. "We can never shop here again" you mutter "There are more shops" Konig comforts.
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writersdrug · 1 year
Ghost x Reader x Konig: I Don't Need You (Ch. 3)
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Summary: Price has a solution to end the fighting between you and Ghost - permanently.
Chapter Warnings: cursing
Notes: Aaand here's the next chapter. Things are about to get better(?) in the next few. Konig will appear soon, I promise. Ghost will be absent for a bit though. Might write some oneshots for him to keep yall happy in the meantime. But ch. 4 is in the works!!
(Y/N) (M/I) (L/N)
D.O.B. 10.22.94 / D.O.S. 10.22.13
Navy Seal, USSF / Sniper / Marksman
Price had knocked on my door this morning, waking me up at an ungodly hour on my day off. “Come to my office at nine hundred. Don’t disappoint me.” He had said. He then walked off, leaving me in the doorway with a rats’ nest head of hair and puffy eyes from crying the night before. I stared into the hallway as I processed his words. Figures… throwing a knife at Ghost wasn’t the smartest thing to do.
I peered out beyond my doorframe, watching as Price stopped in front of Ghost’s door. It creaked open, words were exchanged briefly, and then Price moved on. There was a long pause before Ghost’s door slammed shut, followed by a bang as he punched the wall in his dorm.
What a child…
I looked back in front of me; Soap, whose dorm was adjacent to mine, was poking his head out. He winced mockingly. “Ouch… I think he didn’t like your assassination attempt, lass.” He mimicked me throwing my knife.
I stared at him for a moment, unamused. “Go fuck a donkey, Soap.” I barely caught a glimpse of his pout before I slammed my door shut.
I got there at nine hundred on the dot, my hair still wet from my shower, and for the first time since I had met him, Price was the one who was late. Or rather, held up in his office by someone. But, nonetheless, his streak of punctuality was broken. A bad omen, for sure…
I listened, unintentionally, to the conversation in Price’s office. I heard him speaking with a man I heard called “Jax” – a higher-up, a therapist, someone from the “HR” of the military… I didn’t know who he was. But it appeared he would be deciding how Ghost and I would get reprimanded for the rift we were causing within the team.
“Bonnie?” said the unfamiliar voice. “Like Bonnie and Clyde?” followed by an affirmative grunt from Price. “Why?”
“She’s got looks, she’s small, but she’d blow your head open for the thrill of it. And you’d best believe she never misses, either.”
The unknown man paused, glancing over the file – my file, I could tell – and reading the details. “Sniper, marksman, Navy SEAL…“
Price huffed. “Stealth is her specialty. If her head is in the game, she’s a quick thinker, and an even quicker hitman – she once took out a whole checkpoint on her own. Killed ‘em all in less than a minute n’ a half, never even made a sound.”
The man whistled low in admiration. “How’d you get your hands on her?”
“Military couldn’t handle her attitude,” Price admitted, “but they didn’t want to waste the talent either. Bought her off of them before she could end up in the wrong hands.” He sounded smug.
“Leave it to you to pull an operations team out your ass, Price.”
“If it were that easy I’d have a lot more soldiers, Jax.”
The muffled lull of their conversation continued, and my mind refocused on what I had planned to say to Price. It was never supposed to be this messy. We both made a mistake, and a damn big one. We caused issues for the team, we were only thinking of ourselves… basically, share my side of the story, and admit and own up to it all. It was the truth, after all, as well as the best possible way to come out of Price’s office with my head and my job.
Of course, I’d leave out the part where Ghost insulted me – more than once. Or, where he was the one who started the fight in the hall. I mean, technically I did… but I was trying to right my wrong, he had no reason to go after me. Why did he do that? I suddenly realized that Ghost had been seeking out fights ever since a month ago. At first, we avoided each other, but he was the one who lurked around in places I frequented, just to single me out and argue.
That fucking prick.
The conversation in Price’s office ended, ended, and the door swung open. A tall, burly man stepped out: he looked down at me with scrutiny. I stared back. He chuckled.
I tilted my head up and narrowed my eyes. “Can I fucking help you?”
“I guess we’ll see.” He replied, before walking away with a smirk on his face. I scoffed in disgust just as Price stepped out of the office.
“C’mon in, Bonnie.” He stepped aside and gestured me into the office. I reluctantly stood, stretching my limbs and trying to seem unbothered, and entered. Price closed the door behind us. Feels like I’m a kid again in the principal’s office.
I took a seat in the chair facing his desk and immediately stared at the ground. I was hoping this was just going to be some stern, disciplinary lecture. Don’t let it happen again. Which I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t have lashed out at all, if Ghost hadn’t been pushing every single one of my buttons, when he was the one who created this whole landslide in the first place. Honestly if Ghost had just acted like nothing had ever even happened, like I was trying to do –
“- Bonnie, you with me?” Price said, snapping me back to the present. He was now sitting across from me and waving a hand in my direction.
I cleared my throat, doing a poor job at hiding my anxiety. “Yes sir.”
“Alright then. Let’s talk about it.”
I nodded. “Well, after the job in Mexico, maybe about a year – “
“Oh no, no…” Price cut me off with a shake of his head. “I don’t need a recap. I know everything that the two of you have been up to. The whole damn base does.”
I felt a shameful blush rise into my cheeks. If I had any confidence before walking into Price’s office, it was long gone by now. “Oh…” I mumbled.
“‘Oh’?” Price repeated. “Don’t tell me you actually thought you were goin’ under everyone’s nose, did you?” He tapped his pen on his desk with an irritated look. “Aren’t you supposed to be an ex Navy SEAL, here?”
I stared back at him, unamused and unphased by his comment. “Ok, so we may not have tried that hard to keep it a secret. But it was initially just a casual thing.”
Price nodded as he listened. “Initially… so what did it turn into? Because this – “ he gestured to me with a flourish of his pen, “ – is not from something casual.”
I couldn’t answer him. I averted my eyes to his desk, feeling his eyes burning into mine. Into my soul, trying to bring me to the breaking point. But if there was one thing I was perfect at, it was avoiding. So I let myself burn under his gaze, knowing the storm would eventually pass. One way or another.
Price sighed, dragging a hand down his face. “Look, it happens. You throw a bunch of people in a room, deprive them for a few months, and stress them the hell out – they’re bound to make mistakes.”
There was that fucking word again.
“I won’t lie, I’ve been there myself.” Price continued, and I raised a curious eyebrow at him. He ignored it. “And I’m not going to try and prevent it, it’ll only muck things up more. But, when it causes such an issue that my entire team is suffering, something needs to be done. And clearly you and Ghost aren’t reaching any solutions.”
I chewed my lip, leaning my elbows on my knees and anxiously bouncing my knee. I wanted to jump in and tell him my side of the story. I knew for a fact that Price had let Ghost spill his guts on the subject. He always listened to him no matter what. I wanted to explain why I was angry, exactly what Ghost had said and how I had felt – but I know he wouldn’t listen. Not to mention, it would have been extremely personal.
“So, going off of that –“ Price reached across his desk and grabbed a pile of papers, “ – I found a solution for the both of you.”
I sighed. Therapy, workplace relationship, probably anger management for me… Honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he suggested one of us moves to the other side of the barracks –
“That man out there? ‘Jax’. Director of a private military group, just like us.” He flopped the papers on the desk in front of me. I hesitated, looking at Price with confusion, to which he tilted his heads towards the papers. “Take a look.”
I sighed and grabbed the documents. He’s got to be so fucking dramatic, doesn’t he. I scanned the first page: Major August Jax, a very decorated ex-marine. Served two terms, now owns a private military special operations force. Based in Arizona, mostly deals with hostage situations –
“I’m sorry,” I toss the papers back onto the desk. “Why am I reading this?” I asked, my tone a little too angry. It gave away that I knew exactly what Price was thinking, feigning innocence just to push it away a moment longer.
“Jax’s got a good team on his hands.” Price began. He wouldn’t look at me. I leaned forward and glared into his eyes, daring him to look back. Fucking look at me when you throw me out the window, Price.
“He’s always looking for the best soldiers to add to his group. We got wind that he’d been asking around for a marksman. I offered him you.” He paused, noticing the hurt and anger building in my expression. “You’re a good soldier, Bonnie. I would only recommend you to the best team out there. And I might not even have half a mind to do this, if it wasn’t for the situation at hand, between you n’ Ghost.” His face showed compassion, although I felt none of it. It was a façade.
Instead, I felt betrayed. Maybe I did deserve some sort of reprimand for the way I’d been acting, but this felt like a banishment. That’s exactly what it was.
“You’re kicking me off the team?”
Price sighed, facing the dreaded conversation ahead. “This is a reassignment, I’m not- “
“You’re getting rid of me.”
“You’re making this seem much worse than it is.”
“How much did he pay you for me, huh?”
“Bonnie.” Price warned. Watch yourself, now. I was treading awfully close to the edge of the knife here, but I knew he had received some sort of payment or trade for me.
I sank into the back of my chair and huffed, folding my arms over my chest. “So Ghost gets a slap on the wrist. I get sent away.” I looked away from Pierce’s stern gaze and chewed my lip. The anger was quickly boiling over. “Like a fucking dog.”
“Ghost will get his dues.” Price said. “You both were causing issues for the team, now you’re both cleaning your mess up.”
I looked back at Price, taking a moment to glower at him. “Then why does he get to stay?” I said.
Price faltered, searching for the right words. “Ghost is a lieutenant, and he’s an important member of the team.”
I scoffed. “Wow, thanks…”
“- and…” he continued, “… because he’s been a part of this team for so long, he’s essential to it. He’s a leader for the 141, and I’d be ripping the group apart if he was the one goin’.”
“I’m waiting to hear how you somehow avoid insulting me in this next part.” I sent him a glare full of daggers.
“You’re not making this easy, girl.” Price leaned back in his chair. He was unphased by my anger; one of the few who were. “You’re a wild card: you’re a damn good shot, and your wit has gotten our missions through on the better side of things, more than once. But no one outside of our team knows that. You’re good at your game, but you don’t stand out – to the enemy, anyways.”
There was a pause in the conversation as Price let me process his words. They scraped the inside of my mind like burning daggers. Why is this such an easy decision for him to make? Did he decide this last night? Or in the last few days? Looking into Price’s eyes, I felt humiliated. Like I was never as important to him or the team as he made me feel. And it felt heartbreaking, watching his unreadable expression behind his locked fingers.
“Sir, I’m not a fucking baseball card.”
“No, you’re not.” He replied. “But it’s easier for you to move teams. No one knows what you’ve been involved in, because you managed to stay under everyone’s radar. And I salute you for that – it takes a lot of skill.”
His words weren’t convincing. They felt like colorful ribbons tied around a pile of trash. I huffed. “You’re a load of horseshit, you know that?” My anger clouded my judgement as I spoke, forgetting that Price was my superior.
He sighed, seeming to fight some internal war. “Jesus, y/n, I don’t want this anymore than you do. But you know this is how it has to be.”
“Is it?!” I raised my voice (something Price seemed to fully expect, as he remained unbothered). “No – you know what? You’re right.” I got up out of my seat, walking to the far corner of the room, pacing in small circles. “Ship me off to whoever gives you the most money, why don’t you? It’s not like I was a part of the team just as much as he is. But whatever, keep your happy little group together, right? Keep your favorites and to hell with everyone else, huh? I don’t care. I don’t fucking care anymore. I just want to get the fuck away from you all, so maybe you’re onto something, John.”
Price leaned forward in his chair, looking at me with stern eyes. He made it clear that I was dangerously close to crossing a line, if I hadn’t already. “You listen hear and you listen good, alright? We do dirty work in an even dirtier world for people who don’t deserve shit. I run things smoothly by having a team that respects one another. They know they have each other’s backs out there. They work together. You’d best be very careful with what you say about how I operate my team. Now you n’ Ghost have been causing way too much trouble for way too long. It’s been affecting the whole team, and the two of you have been so selfish that you can’t even notice. You in particular have completely lost yourself to your emotions. It’s my job to make sure that my division stays in-tact and on top of their shit. And you bet that the moment I see a flame threatening to burn all that down – I snuff it out. In whichever way gets it done.”
I’d never seen Price so angry before. At least, not with me. Knowing that I had disappointed him – and was currently doing that – felt worse than a bullet to the chest. Price had saved my ass when I was about to be dumped in a military prison; I respected him for that and was forever thankful. So, when I realized how I had just disrespected him, a hint of shame tugged at my mind.
But I forced it down. He was uprooting my entire life from the past ten years and expecting me to ‘take one for the team’. Maybe I hadn’t done as much for everyone as he had done for us, but he said it himself all the time: “Your skills are unmatched.” “We would’ve had a lot more losses without you out there.” “You’re essential for a smooth mission, Bonnie.” The only reason he was doing this was because Ghost had probably talked him up about it. Ghost could really be manipulative when he wanted to… but this still hurt. It still made my blood boil, thinking that Price was so quick to get rid of me, like I was a weed in his garden.
“So that’s it.” I said, defeated, the sting of tears threatening to fall. There was no coming back from this. “I’m out.”
Price nodded, his lips pressed into a tight line. “Afraid so.” He said curtly. He’d had enough of trying to sugarcoat things. I could tell he just wanted me to skip to the acceptance stage and start packing my bags.
I blankly stared at him. I felt my body slump as the realization finally hit. I felt the need to say something, anything, but nothing worth saying came to mind. Instead I looked at Price, sitting behind his desk, hands folded as he watched me process it all. A sudden anger flooded my veins. This is just another transaction for him. He would have done this for any situation. I narrowed my eyes as my mind was brimming with rage.
Price could tell I was getting worked up again. He sighed in annoyance, glancing at the paperwork on his desk. “Look, girl, it’s all said and done. Best you start packing your things tonight, get some sleep before you leave tomorrow.”
Like a weed. Like a thorn in his side. My breaking point had been reached. Crushed. I was back at the bottom of the ladder, where I started out with the 141.
“You know what, sir… “ I leaned over the back of my chair, placing my hands on the arm rests and glowering at Price. “… respectfully- “
“Bonnie-“ he warned, but I didn’t care.
“ -fuck you.” I shoved my finger indignantly in his face, then immediately turned on my heels. I punched open the doors to his office, feeling the buzz of my anger radiate off of me.
Price doesn’t say anything as I storm off. He doesn’t have to. The decision has been made – I could shout and curse and fight all I wanted, but I was being taken off of the team, whether they had to handcuff me and drag me out or not. I felt humiliated realizing that the whole base would be able to guess what happened, and why. I knew that Ghost wouldn’t dare open his mouth about it – but he wouldn’t stop the rumors, either. Price wouldn’t even care.
Fucking push-over. Of course he chooses Ghost. Two peas in a fucking pod, they are.
I didn’t sleep. I had packed everything – my clothes, personal files, knives, and whatever else I cared to call mine – in less than an hour and in three duffel bags, which were now piled by my door. I sat on the edge of my bed and stared at them. My head was empty, unable to process a single thought or emotion. I was spent from my conversation with Price. I didn’t cry after, like I usually did when I fought with Ghost. At least that will be over. I tried to think optimistically, but it was hard. It was hard to think at all. The hours ticked by like minutes as I waited for the dawn to break.
Finally, at seven hundred and nine hours, a knock rapped against the door. I knew who it was. I stood up and swiftly grabbed my bags, opening the door – Jax stood there, a proud smile on his face.
“You said all your goodbyes?” he asked.
“Yep.” I lied. I hadn’t said anything to anyone after leaving Price’s office.
“Great. Let’s get moving, then.” He grabbed one of my bags from me, throwing it over his shoulder. “I’ll give you a hand, young lady.”
Already, I could feel myself hating the reassignment. Already, Jax was treating me like a fragile, sensitive girl. To be fair, the 141 did at first, but they had grown to see me as the skill and potential that I am. An independent soldier. I didn’t want to start over and try to prove myself to a new team. No use crying over it now.
I followed Jax, passing Soap as he stood leaned in his doorway, looking melancholic. I looked back, emotionless. I would miss him. He was one of the only people I would miss at this point, after what had gone down. He was always there to listen, and either offer solutions, or just let me vent. Whichever I needed, he provided. Losing him was going to hurt the most.
But I wasn’t going to let it. I turned my head from him and kept moving.I saw that it looked like Soap wanted to say something. I ignored it.
Beth and Skyline weren’t there. Neither were Gaz or Price. I knew Ghost was somewhere, lurking from the sidelines as I loaded my bags onto a heli. But I didn’t care. I did, but I didn’t let myself look back. If I did I would be in shambles, realizing how much I needed this place and the people here. I felt like a tree being torn out of the ground, roots hanging in the air, searching for a place to ground myself. As long as I didn’t look back, as long as I pushed back the pain and the loneliness, the voice in my head screaming for me to get closure, to say goodbye and get one final look – I would be fine. Or at least, it wouldn’t hurt as much.
I slapped a headset over my ears, sliding into the back of the heli. Jax and an unfamiliar soldier sat in the front as we prepared to take off. “Where are we headed?!” I asked over the deafening sound of the spinning blades. I ignored the sickening feeling of loss that ebbed in the back of my mind.
“Didn’t you read the file from Price?!” Jax turned and looked at me through his dark sun glasses, a smirk resting on his lips. “We’re going to Czech Slovakia!!”
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yourlilawyo · 1 year
Konig x reader
this is long as shit, buckle in baby ;)
Warnings: 18+, fem!reader, fem anatomy, smut, drinking, dom!Konig, Sub!reader, teasing, use of pet names, praise, slight degration(barely though, i’m a slut for praise), oral fem receiving, possession kink, breeding kink, overstimulization, lots of dirty talk, talk of tattoos, size kink, bulge kink, aftercare 
a/n: This is my first piece so cut me some slack :’) also the german phrases are from a translation website so please don’t come for me LOL
Storyline: Your best friend has finally come back from a mission and an opportunity comes up to hang out. You two decide to go to your favorite club with a couple of her task force friends. To your surprise things take an unexpected turn when you meet a  man named Konig and you two talk alittle and leave each other be after. But as your friend leaves with another guy after , and most of the others did as well, you realize you two are left alone. He asks if you want to stay at his place figuring your friend wouldn’t want to be bothered and you had no ride home due to living a good 2 hours away.. You agree and go, but things start to get out of hand after a couple more drinks.
Your feet hurt from dancing and you decided it was time to get another drink. You walk to the bartender and ask for a drink over the loud music and feel a light tap on your shoulder that slides it’s way down to your lower back. You turn around and smile, your eyes meeting your best friend whose leaning in to talk to you, while a guy behind her playfully grabs her waist and downs a shot. 
“Hey what’s up?”, you shout over the music. Grabbing your drink the bartender sat down next to you and taking a sip, slowly swaying to the music in the dim lit club.
“I’m gonna head out.”, she yelled over the music. She lifted her hands to signal the guy hugging her waist. 
“Are you gonna be ok with König?”, she asks. You stop swaying and tilt your head in confusion.
“Just me and König? Where’s everyone else?”, you look over to see König sitting at a two seat table by himself with a drink in his hand, eyeing the both of you. You look back at your friend whose now standing up straight, while the guy she entertains slowly kisses up and down her neck.
“They left because they have to do somethings in the morning.”, she rolled her eyes. You found it kind of rude to just up and leave without saying goodbye to everyone but you pushed it to the side. You nod an shrug.
“ You sure? ‘Cuz I’m probably gonna stay the night as his house”, she signals to the needy guy on her, raising her eyebrows up and down causing you  to giggle. 
“Yeah! It’s all cool.”, you say looking back over at König.
“Have fun!”, you shout waving at her as she leads the guy out of the club, while waving back at you.
 “I’ll call you later!” she mouths and with that, she’s gone.
 “Fuck,” you whisper to yourself. The smiling leaving your lips. “How the hell am I supposed to get home?”
Trying to figure out an answer to that question you decide to worry about it later and focus on going over to König. Taking a deep breath you slowly make your way over to him, hips swaying, your dress riding up alittle, and keeping your eyes on him. 
Even though you had talked before and considering how respectful he was, the way he watched the crowd of dancers  in front of him with a low hanging mask and full body gear on, he looked terrifying. Plus why didn’t he change into something more comfortable? 
You wonder if he keeps it on all the time and why. He looked like he was planning an assassination on someone in the crowd . You watched as his head was slightly down and his eyes pierced through the drunken crowd. He looked as if he was ready to kill someone.
 Your thoughts raced about how terrifying he looked and what he could do. That was until you got close enough to see his fingers picking at each other and his knees jumping up and down barely.
 “Is he nervous?” You ask yourself, a smile slowly forming on your lips.
“How could someone so big be nervous?”, you giggle slightly. If he wanted to he could fuck up anyone here in an instant without even trying. You reach the table and smile as his eyes meet yours.
“Hey!”, you say sitting down on the cold stool. A shiver runs up your back from  the sudden chillness, and you look down to adjust your dress. After pulling it down slightly you look back up to meet his eyes. He quickly looks away, his leg bouncing even faster.
“Hey.”, he says lowly, his accent slipping a little, he then clears his throat. It’s clear you caught him off guard a little by the way he seems like he doesn’t know how to react, his hands now in fists on his thigh.
You turn to face him better and scoot to the edge of your seat to hear him better.
“You ok?”, you ask, “You look really nervous.” He raises his eyebrows and sits up better, relaxing his elbow on the table, now acting calmly as if nothing happened. 
“Oh, of course, just a bit tired, you know? These boots are killing my feet.”, he says chuckling, looking down at his boots.
You laugh, “I felt that, these heels are killing me. Honestly I’m ready to head home.”, you say, bringing your elbows to rest closely to each other on the cold countertop, holding your head with your hands. Looking down you notice his leg suddenly stop bouncing and you look up at him. He’s not looking at your eyes though. You follow his gaze and notice your breast pressing together making your cleavage 10 times more noticeable, You blush and bring your arms to rest back down on your legs. You look up to notice König staring at you but quickly looking away as your eyes meet his. He clears his throat suddenly.
” Um, well I heard that it was a 2 hour drive from your place, so would you like to stay at mine for the night?”, he pauses , “I have a spare room you could stay in.” He says shyly. You look up and smile.
“That’s really sweet of you König, but I don't want to be a burden.”, you reply, scratching the back of your neck.
“It’s no burden, just helping a friend of a friend,” he chuckles meeting your eyes again, “Plus it’s dangerous getting an uber at this time. I don’t even think they would drive that far either.” he laughs, trying to brighten the mood. You think for a second before answering.
“ Well, ok. I guess. If it doesn’t bother you.”, a giddy smile forming on your face, ”Thank you.” 
“ Yeah, of course.”, he says standing up signaling for you too as well. You pull yourself up stepping next to him trying not to slip in your heels. 
“ Holy shit,”, you whisper, looking up. He was huge. He definitely looked huge when he sat but god damn, you didn’t expect him to be that large. Your face met the middle of his vest, and looking up he had to be at least almost two feet taller. That’s a big bitch, you thought. 
He looked down at you and you heart stopped as he leaned down next to your ear.
 “ You ready?”, he said lowly, his accent more prominent. You looked down quickly blushing, feeling yourself get hot. You nodded and started walking towards the exit. You stop suddenly feeling your wrist being pulled softly. You stop and look up to see Konig holding your wrist. His hand completely engulfing it in his grasp. Looking back down his hand was large and veiny, his nails well kept and his fingers soft. You couldn’t help but blush.
 You looked up at him and he pointed towards the other exit. You nodded and followed him out the building and to his car getting in. Sinful thoughts circled your mind as you watched out the window, both of you silent. Thank god he only lived 10 minutes away. The car was started to get hotter with every passing moment and you thought you’d die of embarrassment. Praying to god he didn’t notice how much his build flustered you. He then pulled into a small house’s driveway, which was fairly nice with tiny outdoor lamps to light up the cement. The house cute and cozy looking with a modern twist.
“Here we are.” he says, breaking the silence. You nod, avoiding eye contact, trying to calm yourself down.
Both of you exit the car and you follow behind him to the door. As he unlocks the door you can’t help but sneak another look at his hands, blushing. He finally open the door, signaling you in first. 
“Thank you,” you say smiling. He nods closing the door behind you both. 
 You take in your surroundings as you walk in smiling at how nice and well kept it was. The house is small with a nice kitchen that connects into the living room and a couple rooms down a small hallway. 
“ This is nice,”, you say admiring the house’s coziness. He looks at you and sets his keys down on the kitchen island next to a small pile of mail. 
“ Danke,” , he says nodding. Surprised by the foreign word, you wondered what language it was. Looking to get comfortable you spotted some island stools. You lowered your self onto one fiddling with your fingers.
“So,” you mumble, trying to break the awkwardness. “Where are you from?” you say, titling your head curiously. You watch his eyes flutter as he processes what you asked.
“Well, I’m Austrian if that answers your question,”, he says dryly, undoing the straps of his vest. He slips it off and you freeze at the sight of his build. He has large shoulders and a slim waist, with a muscular build down his arms and chest. Blushing you admire the small glimpse of him through his semi-tight shirt.
Turning around to set his vest on the counter he catches you looking and you avert your eyes quickly to your hands, nodding. 
“That’s really cool,” you say, squeezing your thighs together to stop the hotness spreading across your body as you feel his eyes on you. A couple seconds pass of awkward silence and he finally clears  his throat.
“Um, would you like a drink?”, he asks grabbing two wine glasses from the cupboard and a wine bottle from his fridge. You look up at him, staring at his muscles as he pours himself one.
You swallow, trying to fix your dry throat, “ Yeah, that would be nice.” waiting a couple seconds for him to finish pouring.
“Thank you,” , you say, gently taking the glass from him as he slides it over the marble top. He nods and lifts his mask slightly, taking a sip of the blood red wine, just enough to see his sharp jawline, making you squeeze your thighs tighter. You take as sip to distract yourself, looking down, swallowing the tart wine. He sets his glass on the counter and looks at your forearm where your tattoo sits.
“I like your tattoo,” , he says before taking another sip.
“Oh, thank you, I actually got it not too long ago,” , you beam, smiling up at him. 
He nods again and rest his arms on the countertop, still standing, revealing a small glimpse of what’s under his shirt.
 “Do you have anymore?”, he asks. You take a few seconds to process what he said as you can feel the wine mix with the several drinks you had at the club, slowly feeling the kick. Your head feeling a little heavier and your breathing getting deeper.
You smile widely at the question, and sit up suddenly, startling him a bit.
“Mhm!”, you say enthusiastically, You pull up your dress a tad and he looks away, but you continue, showing another small tattoo,
 “I have this one! And I have one on my ankle. Oh! And a spine tattoo!”, you slur slightly and beam him a smile. 
“Do you have any?”, you ask, taking another sip.
“Nein, I would love to get one though.”. he said chuckling at your excitedness, “ So a spine tattoo, ja?”
You smile and nod.
“ I  could show you if you’d like.”, you announce boldly. Heat starting to rush over you again, you looked deep into his eyes watching his reaction. His eyes widened and he turned to take another drink, nervousness creeping throughout him.
 “Would you like to see?”, your voice lowers a notch and you begin to talk slower, arching your back slightly to show the curve of your ass. Feeling bolder as the alcohol rushes throughout your body.
He clears his throat, starting to return the energy.
“Sure,”, he says lowly looking you up and down. 
You smile and slide off the stool. You slip your heels off and walk to him, standing directly in front of him. His eyes grow wide as he turns to face you leaning his hip on the counter and crossing his arms. You slowly turn around, your back facing him, tilt your head to the side and reach for the zipper of your dress. Taking a deep breath you start to feel hot, questioning why your going through with this. 
You unzip your zipper slightly, not able to reach the rest. He stares attentively, watching as you slowly expose your back, your tattoo showing ever so slightly.
“Can you unzip the rest.”, you ask softly, “I can’t reach.”, you say making your voice a pitch higher and softer. He’s taken aback by the request and clears his throat.
“Um, oh, ja.”, He wipes his hands on his pants to stop them from sweating and takes a step towards you. You can feel him behind you, and you grow nervous. He slowly raises his hands and moves your hair out of the way. You let out a deep breath, waiting for him to unzip your dress, while holding the top of it to ensure it doesn’t fall. He takes a long breath and takes the zipper in his hand, admiring  the way your shoulders are so tiny compared to his. He swallows before slowly unzipping the rest of your dress. He watches as your back becomes more exposed along with your tattoo, redness moving across his face. His eyes lower and he can’t help but focus on the dip between your back and your ass.
He takes a deep breath, not thinking clearly anymore. Trying to pull his thoughts together he takes another breath.
“I’ve never seen anything like it before, it’s gorgeous,” , his voice becomes deeper and slower, his words becoming hypnotizing. 
“Thank you,” , you say in a whisper. His breathing becomes heavy, thoughts racing. You start to feel his fingers lightly graze your tattoo and you freeze.
“Your so pretty,” You hear him say, his voice barely below a whisper. You let out a deep shaky breath. Your on fire, you want him to touch you more. You let out another breath and press your back into his hand more. The corner of his mouth upturns slightly under his mask, enjoying your reaction. He keeps slowly tracing his fingers over the tattoo his eyes look almost transfixed, the feeling overpowering him as if he’s in a trance. His hearts racing and his cheeks are red as he feels himself grow hard. He feels you tense, and a wave of confidence washes over him. He wants more of you, he needs it.
 He slowly snakes his hand down to grip your hip softly and leans down.
 “Is this ok with you?”, He whispers. You tense more as every thought in your mind vanishes. You turn you head to look up at him, now eye level. You try and find any rational thought to stop yourself, but you can’t. Looking up at him you nod, your breaths getting heavier. He pulls off the helmet part of his mask, placing it on the counter, never looking away from you. Shaggy brunette hair is revealed slightly through the hole at the top of his mask, his eyes glare into yours as you admire him.
 “Can I kiss you?”, he asks quietly. The anticipation killing him.
You nod eagerly starting to lift up the hem of his mask. He pulls off the rest of his mask, and your breath is caught in your throat. He’s extremely handsome, with a sharp angled nose and plump lips, his blue eyes with thick eyelashes staring into yours. You crash your lips into his harshly, holding back a moan. He grips your hips and pulls you in tighter, hungrily kissing you back. You  give in and moan into the kiss as he bites your lip softly, your hands flying into his hair and pulling him closer, your kisses growing more intense. He lets out a low moan and slips his hands under you and picks you up. 
   “Fuck,” , he moans and turns to set you on the counter. He crashes into your lips again, gripping your hips and grinding into you. You let out an airy moan into the kiss, letting your dress fall revealing your breast. He looks down, eyes widening. He pulls his lips away, picking you up and taking you to what you assume is the bedroom. He gives the door a slight kick to close it after entering. 
He struggles to kick off his boots while holding you, making you giggle at how desperate he is. He finally gets them off and sets you on the bed softly and pushes you to lay on your back. Trailing down he starts to kiss and bite your neck, letting his hand glide up your inner thigh. You arch your back, digging the back of your head into the pillow, pressing yourself onto his hand, your panties soaked. He rests on his hand beside your head and sits up, smiling at your reaction. He dives back into your neck trailing lower and lower until he reaches your breast.
He flicks your nipple with his tongue and gives it a soft bite making you whimper. His hand glides up to your panties and feels how wet you are through them. He moans softly, tracing his fingers up and down your clothed slit causing another moan to slip from your mouth. 
He chuckles, “Mhmm,” he moans biting his lip and smiling at your reaction.
 “Mmm, does that feel good?”, he purrs in a low, raspy tone, slowly circling your clit with his index finger. You nod eagerly, and let out another moan lightly gripping the bedsheets. He shakes his head, signaling that that wasn’t the answer he was looking for. He chuckles giving your stomach a light kiss, smiling at your adorable moans. 
“Use you words.”, he purrs, biting your nipple softly. 
You gasp quietly, “Fuck,” , you moan grinding on his hand, “ It feels so good.”  
“There we go, good girl.” he smiles giddily at your response continuing to tease through your panties.
“Please don’t stop,” , you whine, pressing yourself down onto him even more.
“I wont pretty girl, I promise,” he moans, slowly kissing down your stomach to your thighs, you shiver and moan in response, making him moan as well. He fully pulls off your dress and moans at the sight of you. 
“So pretty,” he mumbles,” You’re so fucking pretty.”
You blush at his words and your breath hitches as you feel him blow on your clothed heat, moaning softly. 
“König please,”, you whine, “ No more teasing.” You furrow your eyebrows throwing your head back at the slight stimulation. He mocks your moan, chuckling. 
“Hmm, yeah baby?” He kisses you through your panties.
“How bad do you want it, liebling? Hmm? Tell me.” You moan at the pet names, blushing and covering your face with your hands. He shakes his head chuckling, moving back up to see your face, circling your clit once more with his index finger, getting another moan out of you. He grabs your hands and moves them out of the way to see your face.
 “Don’t hide angel ,” he says teasingly, “Look me in the eyes and tell me how bad you want it. How bad do you want me to touch you?” he coos.
 You nervously look him in the eyes, moaning as the pace of his fingers speeds up, “So bad König, please.”
“Yeah? Is that so?” You nod eagerly at his words. “ Alright, liebling,” he says moving down and putting his arms under your legs. He pulls you towards him at the edge of the bed. You gasp as he takes off your panties and takes a long drag of his tongue along your wet slit. He moans, inserting his finger into your wetness.
” Fuck, you’re so wet for me, does it feel good?”, nodding you moan loudly as his finger curls inside of you. His jaw drops slightly in awe of your reaction, watching you intensely through seductive eyes.
 “God your driving me crazy”, He pulls you down harshly and instantly starts licking and sucking your clit as his finger curls rapidly inside you. You moan loudly and can feel yourself getting closer as he continues.
“Fuck Konig!”, You arch you back and drop your hands into his hair pulling at it making him moan, “I’m so close!” You feel yourself about to cum and your hands grip the bedsheets.
“There you go baby, come for me.”, He rubs your clit in circles with his thumb and he fingers you, harshly biting the inside of your thigh causing you to let out a sob at the pain. You arch your back and moan loudly as he drives you to cum, your legs shaking.
 “Mmmm, good girl, good fucking girl,” he moans, kissing back up your stomach. He suddenly stands up watching you through hooded eyes. He quickly takes off his shirt and undoes his belt, taking off his pants and boxers to show his erection. He leans down grabbing your legs and pulls you closer to the edge of the bed to pick you up. He turns around sitting on the edge with you straddling him. 
“Come on schatz, it’s your turn to please me.” , He says looking down at you teasingly. You look down at how big he is and look back up at him with a face of disbelief.
“König...there is no way that’s fitting inside me.” You laugh nervously.He chuckles and lifts your hips, making you gasp.
“Too bad.” He says lining himself up to your entrance, “Your going to take it anyway.” He lowers you onto him making you gasp and moan loudly  as he fills you completely, stretching you out.
He curses, digging his head into your shoulder. 
“F-fuck, you’re so tight.” He says, his eyes fluttering and breath hitching, letting out a whimper. He moans into your shoulder loudly as you near taking him whole. You moan, head thrown back as your eyes grow teary. You let out a sob as you feel him finally stop, his tip pushing harshly at your cervix. His breathing is shallow and you both sit for 10 seconds before you’re both ready to move. He looks down to see a bulge from your lower stomach. He smiles and flips the both of you. Your back now against the bed.
 “Ready?”, he asks. You nod and hug his shoulders to prepare yourself. He slowly moves out of you, watching the bulge follow his movements, he smiles even wider.
 “Just tell me if I’m being too rough, ok?” You nod, feeling light headed already. He takes a second to adjust his hips, and slams into you making you lose your breath. He groans loudly surprised at his own actions. He continues thrusting into you cursing at how good you feel. You moan so loud that you might as well be screaming, as he pounds into you leaving marks all over your neck and chest, moaning how good you feel around him. 
He whimpers, digging his head into your shoulder as his thrusts become harder hitting the same spot over and over making your head reel. You dig your nails into his back, your head light. You look up at him his breath ragged as he thrusts into you  and his hair covering his face. He stares at the way your body meets his, his jaw slack in awe, as his eyes roll back ever so often. He averts his gaze to you watching your expressions. Your lips touch softly as you moan into his mouth, the pain mixing with the pleasure as he pounds into you. He smiles into your lips before bringing you into a harsh kiss sucking and biting making it hard to keep up with as you moan in between. He pulls back watching as your eyes roll, smiling and digging his head into your shoulder watching as he disappears in and out of you. His breathing becoming more and more labored as his thrusts begin to get sloppier. He lets out a soft groan his pace quickening as he chases his high.
“ Scheiße ,” , he whines, over and over as he bites into your shoulder making you moan more. “Ich bin so nah dran,” his voice grows more airy as he fucks harder into you. 
“ Ich brauche mehr von dir, Liebling,” he whines. He then sits up and flips you over onto your hands and knees, grabbing your hips and thrusting even harder with his head thrown back. “So eng, so, so eng,” he moans, taking another look at your tattoo and leaving harsh kisses up and down it, occasionally biting.
“König, please,” you breath in between your moans, “I can’t take it much longer, it’s too much,” you whine, arching your back, and digging your nails into the bedsheets. Your legs were beginning to shake as you felt your high coming. You allow your chest to fall onto the bed, your back arching even more. You moved your hips to meet his with every thrust chasing your high and causing him to let out a groan slowing down every so often to grind into you before going back to quick thrusts.
“Nur ein bisschen mehr Baby,” he moans, “So eng,” he whimpers.
 Your eyes screw shut as you can feel the knot in your stomach coming undone, slightly going light headed. König’s thrusts getting sloppier and heavier, he dips his head into your back moaning. You arch your back even more pushing into him causing him to buck into you harder. He dips his hand between your thighs and rubs your clit sending intense shivers down your body and your legs feel like they’re gonna give out. 
“That’s it”, he says softly between moans, “ I want you to cum with me.”
You moan, his words sending shivers once again down your body, it was so hard to imagine that this was the same man that was so anxious before. The same man that could barely hold eye contact with you earlier was making you scream his name. Making your mascara run down your face, making you teary-eyed from all the pleasure he was giving you. You let out a whimper as you could feel yourself on the edge. 
“ Scheiße,,,you’re mine,” he whispers in your ear between ragged breaths about to come undone, “All fucking mine. You got that? Only I can make you feel this good, only me,”, his thrust slow and become harder. “Only fucking me.” 
You nod eagerly, seconds away from cumming. He took the hint and rubbed your clit faster, sending goosebumps all over your body from the stimulation. You let out a loud whine pushing your hips harder into his moaning loudly.  Your eyes roll in the back of your head, mouth wide as your legs shake and your ears start ringing. Your cunt tightens around him painfully drawing out a straggled moan from him his thrust faltering slightly, pushing him over the edge.
 “Fuck,” he moans pushing his head into your back, squeezing his eyes shut. He presses harshly into you his seed filling you. Both of you moan from the pleasure of him filling you up. He thrust a couple more times, making sure you were fully filled with his cum. Breathing heavy he kisses your back softly where he had bitten you.
 “All fucking mine,”, he says softly, in between kisses. He turns you around, admiring the mess he created, smiling softly while tracing your puffy lips with his thumb before giving you a soft kiss. He trails down and softly leaves kisses along your collar bone and makes his way to your mouth again, kissing you softly.
 “ You did so good for me, leibling. Such a good girl,” he purrs, laying next to you. You turn to face him and he chuckles at the mess of mascara running down your face. He licks his finger and helps clean the smudges.
 “ Such a pretty girl,” he says kissing you softly once again. You feel your heart flutter and you look into his eyes, smiling softly. He pulls you into him by your waist and you cuddle into him tiredly.
“Shower?” He asks. You shake your head too tired to move. He chuckles making a mental note to shower in the morning and wash the sheets. He watches as your eyes flutter shut. Admiring your beauty as he runs circles in your waist pulling you closer into him softly.
 Leaving a soft kiss on your forehead he sighs, ”We need to do this more often from now on.”, he says relaxing his tensed muscles, you giggle at the comment and nod. 
“Sweet dreams.”
“Goodnight schatz.”
a/n: kicking my feet and giggling while rereading this hehehehehe
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kreugarsc0ckwarmer · 1 year
I dont usually post my writing but why not? Just chilling when all the sudden i was craving some very much needed konig angst. Princess reader x assasin konig. Written while listening to Nothings New by Rio Ramero.
You’re the heir to your father’s throne, resting in your bedchambers until you feel a looming presence nearby. You flicker open your eyes; seeing a shadowed figure in the corner of your room; partially hidden behind the draped adorning the large patio.
Konig emerges from the darkness, the moonlight illuminating his eyes as he slowly approaches you with a dagger in his hand.
“Good evening, your majesty, I’ve been sent to…well to take your life.”
His voice is quiet as his other hand gently caresses your cheek, carefully combing your hair away from your face to see you better.
“I must admit, you’re quite a sight to behold.”
Your eyes flutter open, dark circles present below them as if you hadn't been sleeping at all. And in fact you hadn't been; who could when practically the entire nation was out to get you?
It wasn't your fault; yet here you were being punished for it.
Your father was a tyrannical king; and you his only child; therefore being the heir to the throne; not that you desired it.
Many people were after you, both in marriage and my life; any way they would be able to take the throne for themselves. You could have seen this coming a mile away, yet had only hoped that maybe you would have had a little more time before it happened.
A soft sigh left your lips as you pulled your head away from his touch. Shifting; slowly; to a seated position on the lavish bed. Hair shimmering in the moonlight as you moved to grab your crown.
You didn't look scared; nor did you look angry; if anything you looked tired. The kind of tired sleep couldn't fix; yet your gaze still seemed to shimmer somewhat curiously as you stared back at him. His compliment made a barely noticeable half smile ghost over your lips momentarily before it dissapeared
"You surprise me; I wouldn't have expected my killer to be so...chivalrous..."
Your eyes flicked over to meet the blade in his hand before meeting his gaze once again; your tone soft and gentle..yet somewhat cold all the same.
"....will it hurt?..."
You can’t tell, but Konig is smiling underneath that black mask as he looks down at you. You’re exhausted from the stress and anxiety surrounding your role as the next heir to the throne, but even then, you seem curious.
“You won’t feel a thing,”
Konig whispers in a low voice.
“Im only doing our job,”
he whispers. Sounding almost guilty of having to admit that which you both already knew.
"Im aware...you are doing only what you are told.....as am I. I do not fault you for it; if anything I admire you.."
Your words trailed off a bit as your gaze shifts out the window, you didn't doubt that there were others after you in the way konig was. You were just releived the first assassin to reach you was so....kind.
After a moment you stand from the bed, white; royal night dress seeming to flow around your figure as you walk, making you look somewhat etheral. It was no secret...you were stunning, the kings prized possession...
Which is exactly why you were in this position in the first place.
You had given up on your life a long time ago, your will and dreams having been taken from you as a small child. Replaced with the burden of the throne and the stress of being the biggest walking target in the kingdom.
You stepped close the the large patio in your room, the one that overlooked and led to the garden below. Gaze soft and somber as you let it run across the veiw knowing it may very well be the last time you see it.
"Can i...at least pick the place? I'd rather not dirty my chambers. I'd prefer the garden"
Even now your voice held a sort of authority, an admirable trait for someone who was to die.
Konig watches as you stand and then steps aside, letting you approach the patio. You’re beautiful, with a softness behind your eyes and wisdom despite your exhaustion.
“The gardens are my favorite too,”
Konig whispers as he takes off his mask, revealing his face for the first and only time. His dark eyes are set upon you, his face still and calm despite the situation.
“May I…”
Konig turns to look out at the view, taking in the beautiful surroundings.
“May I ask you something before we go?”
You let put a soft hum, signaling for konig to ask his question as you both make your way through the garden. It barely even looks like your walking, rather you seem to float gracefully besides him.
Your demeanor is still surprisingly calm, and unaffected by the impending result of this night walk. Your were making your way towards the pond on the property; surrounded by brilliant red blooming saffron, a rare favourite tea and a sign of your father's wealth.
The pond was thriving with life. Koi fish, plants reeds; cranes and more littering the area. Making it seem rather lively and welcoming despite the nights bitter cold embrace and the somber atmosphere. Momentarily your gaze trails to his face, and you can't stop the tips of your ears from growing a little pink; and boldly you'd decide to state your thoughts without holding back.
"My..your very handsome. It is a pity we should have met in such a way."
Konig looks over at you as you blush, your pink ears just barely seen in the dark. He walks over to the pond, listening to the soft melody of the koi fish below.
“Would you have given me a chance?”
Konig asks quietly. The moonlight shines down on his skin, your eyes locked on one another. The world seems to dissolve around you, only two people standing at the edge of a pond.
“If I had approached you at the ball, or in the library… would you have given me a chance?”
You broke out into a tired somber laugh, plump lips pulling back into a soft but genuine smile before you shook your head; no. Your gaze returning back to the pond as you finally reached the spot you had desired.
A beautiful area right next to the ponds shore; a massive archway of trees covering the area and seeming to beckon you two to enter its embrace. The striking red saffron peeking out from between the lush greenery that surrounded you. The ponds water looked almost eerily inky black, splotches of red gold and white flitting at the surface momentarily as the fish swam.
You remained standing, poised as a queen always was with your arms tucked neatly before you. Back straight and head held high, supporting the crown that sat atop your head.
"...no I'm afraid....I never planned on giving anyone a chance..although I can't deny I wouldn't want too...but it's rather unfair to risk love when I am born to die. It is a duty I must fulfill, as yours....I would much rather not risk the heartache."
Konig listens intently to your words as he steps closer to you and leans against the pond’s edge. Your presence is strong and powerful but you still have a softness that comes out every once in a while.
“Is the heartbreak worse than never being loved at all?”
Konig asks quietly, his eyes still on you.
“I think it would be better to love for just a moment… rather than live a sad, loveless life.”
“Would you like to know what it’s like to love and be loved… even if it’s only for a moment?”
You let out a soft sigh, allowing your head to lower a little before replying.
"Of course...I want to be touch....be loved. I want to be hugged...but it's just the two of us..and apologies are due...but I don't understand how love can be felt here."
"even if it could be...it would hurt most knowing what I could have had; should I have been born anyone else...I'd rather die never knowing what I'm missing rather than burden myself with guilt."
You spoke with a wisdom beyond your years, yet there was a clear sense of longing in my words as well despite you denying you wanted love. You had never experienced love, the ripe age you were; and had never had a lover, been hugged, or held by a man in kindness.... Never been kissed, never been ***held***. You had always been alone, just you, your thoughts, and your garden
Konig’s gaze never leaves you as you speak, his words slow and gentle as his eyes search for any sort of vulnerability in your defenses. Then, without warning, he closes the distance between you and him, wrapping his arms around you in a tight hug. The warmth of his body is unmistakable, his breath hitting your neck as he holds you close.
“Don’t feel guilty,”
Konig whispers as he rests his face in the crook of your neck and lets out a satisfied sigh.
He’s never been this intimate with another person...but he doesn’t want to let you go just yet.
You stand stiff in his hold, not sure what to do. You had seen **other** people hug sure; but had never been hugged yourself. Your mind was sent into almost an instant panic, before his warmth began to seep into your skin. His cologne and musk invading your senses as you slowly wrapped your own arms around his figure. Burying your face into the crook of his neck with a quiet sob. Tears pricking your eyes for the first time in a heartbroken aguish.
It was overwhelming, the feeling of the hug that you were gradually tightening. Like a dam of pent up emotions, wants needs and desires were suddenly freed.
The hug set your heart ablaze and shattered it all at once. Igniting passion, fury, warmth and more; a need for more....but it couldnt be. And after a moment your cries quieted, eyes still red rimmed as you slowly began to pull away; wanting to scream at the feeling of his warmth leaving your skin but remaining silent and poised outside of the small thank you you had uttered after wards. Gaze returning to the pond besides the both of you as you removed the crown. Letting it drop to the ground as you held my hands together before you. Prepared to face your fate, in this case konigs blade. After all he had a job to do; as cruel as fate had intended.
"...thank you...I think I'm ready now"
Konig smiles gently as you allow yourself to feel his embrace, crying into the crook of his neck. The warmth of his body is indescribable and he holds you close before you eventually release him.
Then he steps back and takes out his dagger, his gaze meeting yours. He holds the knife against your throat, the moonlight reflecting off of the blade as he draws your gaze to it.
“Please forgive me,”
Konig whispers, his own heart aching as his voice shook a little.
“I have no choice.”
"There is nothing to forgive you for my love, I can only pray that the gods take mercy on our souls so that next time we meet...we may share our presences a little longer"
You notice him hesitate, your hands raising to delicately caress his cheeks as you pull the two of you closer. For the first time that night a large genuine smile seems to grace your lips. Which are soon pressed against konigs own as you ignore the daggers digging into your neck.
Despite the pain your heart was fluttering, stomach twisting, and brain for once was empty. You felt free, felt loved and warm like you'd never had.
The blood slowly invaded the kiss, leaking from the corners of your lips also beginning to run down your neck and stain the innocent white royal night gown you wore.
The crimson reflecting the blazing color of the saffron blooming around you. You heaved a final soft sigh, pulling your lips from his own as your body began to slack.
Your head resting against his shoulder once more as your weight began to lean against him fully. Hands still holding his face ever so delicately before it grew quiet.
Konig is stunned at first as the life slowly fades from you, his face frozen as he watches your eyes flutter and breathing halt.
He whispers your name but there’s no response, no warm smile, no soft touch. Not anymore.
Your no longer in his arms, the cold air surrounding him as he’s forced to face the truth that this assignment was to kill the woman he loved....and he ahead realized it all too soon.
One knee at a time, he collapses to the ground, foreign tears streaming down his face as he remains cradling your form against his. The blade still clutched tightly in his hand as he oresses his forhead against your. His eyes closing as he simply cherishes holding you close.
The garden is empty, silent save for the sound of his quiet sobs....
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lambtotheslaughterr · 5 months
updated: 05-13-24
rules & requirements below:
i know, or at least i think, most people celebrate at 1000 followers but considering i've had this blog for nearly two years 500 followers is a big deal to me. SO to celebrate i am opening my requests. now, before you go shooting me a request please read & acknowledge the following.
must be following me. that’s a no brainer.
first come first served basis.
i will make an announcement after i have received 10 requests that requests are closed. please DO NOT make any requests after i have closed them. they will be dismissed/deleted. so just save your request for the next celebration. AGAIN those who request off anon will be priority.
because i don't want those whose requests don't get picked or didn't make it into the 10 qualifying spots to miss out on their request i will be saving requests to roll-over into the next celebration post (which will be at 1000 followers) so don't fret! however, a REMINDER that if you make a request AFTER i closed the requests those ones will be deleted.
you may only request oneshots. i will not be accepting any series or mini series requests. however, your oneshot requests can include requesting a sequel to any standing series or oneshots i have already written. for example, 'may i request a 'where are they now' oneshot for reader & rafe in 'always you''. or 'may i request a sequel oneshot to your ransom drysdale 'leatherbound' oneshot'. but of course, feel free to request something totally new!
no naming the reader. these requests are 'reader x whoever character you request'.
also! this is a dark!fic noncon!fic account. keep in mind that when making your request that you know exactly what you're requesting & from who. no fluff, no cutesy romantic stuff (unless it goes dark), etc.
i will include a list of characters below that i will write for that you can choose from, so please pick from there. if there is someone else you have in mind that isn't on the list DM ME first to ask.
along with a list of characters, i will also list the kinks/themes i WILL NOT write about. so be extra sure to go over those because any requests that include anything from my 'will not write about' list, will be dismissed.
lastly, after i recieve 10 requests, my other series i'm currenty writing on here (Rise & I Burn) will be on a momentary pause until i complete all requests. so to my dedicated readers for those two series, i do apologize in advance, but please be patient. they will be returned to.
that's all, folks! make sure you make your request via dropping an ask (i will not accept requests via dm (dm is only if you're asking clarifying questions about characters or boundaries)). be sure to REREAD my rules, too. it doesn't hurt to double check.
happy requesting! muah😘
CHARACTERS by fandom: those in CAPS are who i really want to write for
MARVEL: Steve Rogers | BUCKY BARNES | Loki | Thor | Erik Killmonger | Aged Up Peter Parker | Talos (a.k.a spacedaddy from Captain Marvel) | Billy Russo (The Punisher) | Deacon Frost (Blade) |
CHRIS EVANS CHARACTERS: Ransom Drysdale | Andy Barber | CURTIS EVERETT | Lloyd Hansen |
OUTER BANKS: Rafe Cameron | Daddy Cameron (a.k.a Ward Cameron) |
DC: Clark Kent | Joker (Heath Ledger's joker) | KGBEAST
PEAKY BLINDERS: Thomas fucking Shelby (or any of the Shelby's) | Michael Gray |
THE BOYS: Billy Butcher | HOMELANDER | Black Noir
DEAD BY DAYLIGHT: Frank Morrison ('The Legion' ) | The Trapper | GhostFace | Michael Myers
THE VAMPIRE DIARIES: Stefan Salvatore | Kai Parker | Klaus Mikaelson |
STAR WARS: Darth Maul | Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker | Kylo Ren/Ben Solo |
VIKINGS: Rollo | RAGNAR | Hvitserk | Ubbe | Ivar | Bjorn |
HARRY POTTER: Aged Up Draco Malfoy | Aged Up Tom Riddle (don't you dare request that noseless snake version of him) | Young Sirius Black
THE WALKING DEAD: Negan | Nick Clark
MISC: Aged Up Billy Hargrove | Adrian Griffen (The Invisible Man) | Coriolanus Snow (young, not the old one, blegh) | CHASE ANDREWS | JACKSON RIPPNER | Aged Up JOSEPH DESCAMPS (Mixte) | Elwood Dalton (RoadHouse) | Aged Up Henry Bowers (IT) | Rio (Good Girls) | Roman Godfrey (Hemlock Grove) | Boys from 'The Covenant' (aged up, ofc) | Jax Teller (Sons of Anarchy) | Ajax (The Warriors, bless you if you know who this is. he is my ride or die.) | Walter Deville | Ash (No Exit) | Brahms (The Boy) | Masked Man (Hush) | The Gentleman (The Purge) | AURELIANO (Subburia) | Aged Up Nate Jacobs | The Predator | Reggie Kray (Legend) | Chayton Dockery (Sneaky Pete) |
WILL NOT WRITE ABOUT: these either weird me out or bore me & for me to produce my best work for you i ask that you not request any of the below
a/b/o themes | lactation kinks | dd/lg kinks | real life celebrities | monster fucking (does not include aliens or vampies) | ghost/demon fucking | race play | dp kinks | anal play (generic anal is fine, but anything more is a no from me) | cum eating | basement wife themes | sexual slavery themes | convenience noncon (this is specific to me so you deffo won't know what that is so if you're curious, please ask) | breeding kinks | pregnancy non con | bimbo reader | underage reader/characters | sex pollen themes | blood-related incestual themes | cuckholding kinks | age gaps where reader is 22 or younger |
1. alt!reader x rafe cameron one shot COMPLETED
2. untouched!reader x rafe cameron one shot (best friends) COMPLETED
3. reader x rafe cameron one shot (best friends boyfriend/roommate) COMPLETED
4. 'the night shift' reader x stefan salvatore sequel one shot COMPLETED
5. romani!reader x soft!roman godfrey one shot COMPLETED
6. ‘always you’ reader x rafe cameron sequel one shot COMPLETED
7. ex!reader x rafe cameron one shot (on the run w kid) COMPLETED
8. untouched!reader x stalker!rafe cameron one shot COMPLETED
9. amnesiac!reader x rafe cameron one shot COMPLETED
10. pogue!reader x rafe cameron one shot (kidnapped) COMPLETED
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sunshinefox35 · 3 years
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Hello guys welcome to my blog! My name is Lilith and I’m non- binary. My first language isn't English but I'll try my best !
My request are open until said otherwise. Like everyone else I do have some rules. You will find them listed after the list of fandoms I'm willing to write for.
18+ Divider from @galacticgraffiti
Dividers from @cottage-writings
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FEMALES (mtf or anyone that identifies as female) DNI, you guys have enough content out there!
~Fandoms I write for~
COD (Task force 141)
(I haven't played all the games so a lot of them, if not all of them are going to be very ooc)
Assassins Creed Syndicate
Evie Frye
Jason Frye
Maxwell Roth
Ned Wynert
Lucy Thorne
Lydia Frye
Detroit become Human
Conrad (RK 900)
Gavin Reed
Elijah Kamski
Hank Anderson (No smut)
Rupert (Pigeon boy)
Ralph ( you meet him in the abandoned house)
Jerry (EM400 in the amusement park)
Richard Perkins (FBI Agent)
Series/ Movies
Peaky Blinders
Tommy Shelby
John Shelby
Finn Shelby (Older version, younger version only platonic)
Ada Shelby
Alfie Solomons
Micheal Gray
I won't be writing for Polly Gray, I don't feel comfortable writing for her, after Helen McCrory's death.
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
Aaron Hotchner
Derek Morgan
Emily Prentiss
Jennifer Jareau
Penelope Garcia
David Rossi
Elle Greenaway
Matthew Simmons
Luke Alvez
William LaMontagne Jr.
Wednesday Addams
Tyler Galpin
Ajax Petropolus
Bianca Barclay
Enid Sinclair
Nick Nelson
Charlie Spring
Darcy Olsson
Tara Jones
Elle Argent
Toa Xu
Harry Greene
Squid Game
Hwang Jun ho
Seeing Gi- Hun
Kang Saebyeok
Front Man
How to get away with Murder
Connor Walsh
Oliver Hampton
Wes Gibbins
Laurel Castillo
Stray Kids
Bang Chan
Lee Know
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I will not write:
Nsfw (at the moment)
I will absolutely not write about topics like suicide, abuse or similar topics!
For female readers, you guys have enough out there !
I will write:
xreader (m,gn,ftm)
lgbtq+ couple/ships
platonic relationships. (best friend, brother, parent)
Ocs (mine or yours)
Sidenote :
Make sure you write every detail you want into the request! Please be respectful and kind to others. This is a safe place for anyone! If you want to talk you can always write me, I love making new friends!
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addicted-to-dc · 8 months
Call of Duty Masterlist
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gremlingottoosilly · 10 months
The Horror and the Wild [Emperor!Konig x fem!Reader]
It's time for the wedding - and the wedding night. Emperor is going to make sure you will bear his offsprings by the end of the night. Tags and TW: Dub-con, aphrodisiacs, power imbalance, breeding kink, size difference, loss of virginity, age difference(Konig in his forties, Reader in her twenties), medieval/fantasy AU, Konig is a pervert AND an evil dictator AO3
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You weren’t saved from the humiliation of a public wedding. 
You weren’t saved the torture of picking the flowers as you were choosing the attire to your own funeral – and you weren’t saved your innocence by allowing yourself to ignore all the handmaidens and their horrible, disgusting picture books about penetration, pools of blood and hell that is saved between the legs of a man. 
“My condolences, dear princess. For your parents. And congratulations on your wedding. Our deepest hopes go to your coronation, Empress.” “From the king of South, we send our sheerest condolences. And congratulations on the wedding.” “May your parents rest in peace. And glory to the Emperor.” “Grief surely suits you, Dear Empress. As well as the crown.”
You think you might puke right in your royal garments, looking at all of the royal visitors. 
King Price of Southern Kingdom, with all of his knights – you do not know if you can find solace in the girl clinging to the hand of his masked knight, the stench of death filling you with calmness that you don’t know how to deal with. The girl is terrified, just like you – if you may, you’re probably the same age, that years of servitude grazing in the hands that are covered by the sheerest amounts of gloves. 
The lady – you don’t know her name, and you doubt that any woman in this hall is even allowed to have one other than her husband’s – is looking at you with understanding. You think you might actually die. 
— Lady Ryley? 
She smiles, and before you can go to her – hold her hands, ask her to disappear with you, maybe run away somewhere, you don’t even know where – the masked knight already drags her away, a firm hand on her shoulder. You’re alone, the weight of the royal robe is pinning you to the floor. 
You are dressed in black as the only form of rebellion – guests must assume you’re still mourning your parents, the grief in their eyes is mixed with congratulations on the Empire finally getting prospects of offspring – you hope you’d tore your womb from your body before König could lay his hands on you. Guests may assume that the wedding is a tab bit strange, maybe somewhat unusual for the emperor to marry someone of your status – tiny kingdom, no worthwhile resources, and almost zero prospects for trade. Maybe, you were the only treasure this kingdom ever had to sell so eagerly. 
König holds your hands because you know that you would try to run the second he is letting you go. You know he knows this, too. Guests may assume that he is being protective of his young wife – assassins aren’t unheard of in these places, after all, you were the empress now. The much smarter guests knew what kind of looks you gave him – perhaps, you had the best options at killing the notorious emperor right after he robbed you of the last remains of your dignity. 
You smile and wave like a damned pampered pigeon, pretty and useless, all dressed up in bows and black pearls, dark stones illuminating the depths of your despair – only the monster you had for a husband would even consider ordering a mourning dress this beautiful. You’re almost ashamed of wanting to paint it red – you almost feel bad while holding the butter knife and thinking about plunging it into your chest, ripping away all the delicate laces and ornaments that cut through your skin each time you breathe a bit too freely. 
— You look divine in this dress, meine Liebe. 
He smiles, you know he is – he didn’t forget about his damn hood even on his own wedding, but he holds you dearly, but he smiles with his eyes, an eerie sense of happiness that makes every guest shake in their seats. The Ruler of the Empire doesn’t smile. Not at his wife, who looks like she would rather kill herself, for sure – but he smiles as you say your wows, knowing full well you are not going to fulfill them, but he laughs when the priest stutters once you refused to say you do the first time – König has to squeeze your hands, reminding you of your place. Even your stubbornness has a limit, apparently. 
His lips are dry and chastity. 
König knows he can’t kiss you like he wants to – too many guests, too many pricks, thinking they have a look on his wife. If it weren’t for the admirers and desperate rulers of foreign lands, trying to force their songs and daughters to marry him out of a pathetic attempt at saving their countries, he wouldn’t even think about a public wedding. If it weren’t for the annoyance of constantly swatting the offers away, he would never allow the world to see you. Not how beautiful you look, not how pretty your eyes are, glistening with tears, not how much he just wanted to smother you with affection like there isn’t anyone around. 
Hells, if he knew so many people would accept the short notice for an invitation, he would invade their kingdoms while they were away at his wedding. 
König holds your face in his hands, the contrast between soft skin and his gloves is making you shiver – he pushes his hood up, even just for a little bit, and the only thing that is ever revealed to the audience is the scars on his chin and sudden dryness of his lips. He thought he overcame his childish anxiety when he was still a tiny bird stuck in his adolescence – but he looks at you, his pretty little princess, and his hands are shaking from the anticipation of a kiss. 
The guests will assume you’re crying because you love him so, so much. 
The Emperor knows better, kissing the tears from your lips like it was the sweetest treat around. 
*** You thought you were smart.
You really did. 
Such a slick motion, such an easy task – the girl coming with Knight Riley, the weak one, with trembling hands and face that spoke of innocence of lambs and with calloused hands of a fellow worker, took your hand as you were leaving. The veil of laughs and jokes about finally conceiving a worthy heir for the empire made you shiver from horror – and the girl swatted you to her side, a single sleight of hand putting…something in your palms. 
Some sort of plant – dried, smelling of something sweet and edible, flowers that would feel crispy on your tongue. She smiles softly, her hands are gentle on yours – she whispers in your ear before your respective monsters can catch you and throw you in their layers again. 
She said, it was mercy. 
She said, it would make -it- feel quick and easy. 
You hoped, it was a poison. 
It had to be, you wouldn’t accept anything else – the desire to die and fulfill the destiny of a loyal servant, the whispers of the god of dignified death – you may not see the sweetness of the afterlife with your Princess, but killing oneself to save their bodies from being violated is a worthy fate for any. You pushed the plant in your mouth as swiftly as possible, chewing on the dried grass and crispy flowers, hoping the effect would be immediate. 
You’re bathed and oiled like a pig for devour, short for the apple stuffed in your mouth – instead, you have forced a mouthful of wine, goblets after goblets. To ease the tension of the first night, the servants said, smiling understandably. You feel warm, you feel dizzy, you feel hellishly feverish, and it couldn’t be just from the alcohol – you close your eyes and hope that the plant took its way finally, releasing you from the shell of the mortal life. You’re dressed up in pretty garments, skimpy as something that the empress should never wear – you feel like a cheap whore when your skin is glossy with oils and decorated with flowers. 
Just before you started chewing on them too, your husband finally arrived. 
You hoped you’d be dead before ever seeing him naked again – but you’re forced to watch his muscles tense as the only thing saving his lack of dignity is the smallest ever piece of undergarments. It doesn’t help in hiding his arousal, the monstrosity between his legs. You knew you would have to die before he is ever putting anything in you – but you see the outline of his manhood, poking from the side of a simple cloth, and somehow, you feel hotter than before. 
You blame it on the wine, you blame it on the poison you took. The warmness is spreading in your tummy to your lower areas, forcing its way to moisture your garments, a wet spot, embarrassingly big for an Empress, is slowly spreading between your oiled, scented legs. You’re nothing but a feast for him, a pretty little snack – you knew how much he liked to eat, after all. What great talent he had in forcing your legs apart and showing his head between them, that sinful tongue of his speaking of prayers and soft little blasphemies in the sweetness of your maidenhood. 
— You’re burning, little princess. 
You hoped it’s the poison working. 
For a second, he placed his hand on your forehead and caressed it softly, accessing your temperature. For a second, the cold of his hands made you nuzzle into his palm like a cat that was fed nothing but the finest pieces of meat by the hand that was ready to skin it for its skin. For a second, you hoped that his embrace alone would be enough to kill you. 
If you die, which you must do, you wish it would be with his hands holding you softly. 
— A virgin fewer? I thought you’d know what we’re going to do by now, little prin…
— Don’t stop be from dying. 
You let go of those words before you could claim your silence. 
König’s hands are grasping you immediately, a finger lays in your mouth, making you gag – you open your lips from instinct, no matter how much you want to stop him from ever entering your mouth. He is weirdly smooth with you, the other hand going to grab your waist and press you on the bed – like you ever had a chance to stand against him and run away. Like he didn’t have a row of guards just outside the door. 
— Dying? Scheisse, dumme What did you do? 
He quickly grasped your tongue, the traces of the flower still lingered on your teeth, on the further corners of your mouth – you didn’t know if you had to spit it out or eat it whole, and you didn’t want to guess in the matters of death and loss of dignity. You gag on his fingers as he laughs – an unusual sound. First, the smiles and happiness in his voice, the rings and chains he put you in, and now laugh? Perhaps you died already, and this is your eternal damnation. 
— Let go of me! You have no…
— Were you still so scared, Liebling? 
— I wasn’t…what do you mean, Your Highness? 
The title is good, the title puts some distance between you and him. Only imaginary – he is still as close as possible, hands on your body, wiping the traces of the flowers on the silk sheets and holding you in his embrace again, as tight as he possibly can. You feel ill, you feel hot, every time he puts his hands on you, you can feel your core throbbing, the poison making you dizzy and dumb. 
You almost feel like begging him to touch you again – and again, and again. König, for one, can’t wait to watch. 
— I wonder where you got it. Such a clever Katzen, ja? Eating aphrodisiacs before her wedding night, like I would just mount you like an animal without preparing my wife? 
He laughs and laughs, hand in your hair, petting you gently like you truly were a cat. You’re dumbfounded, the fewer makes everything make less and less sense. You close your eyes, you open your eyes – you feel him on you. Looking, watching, observing, you want him to stop, and you want him to rip away those stupid garments and touch you, as he did in that dim hallway, to push his masterful, sinful tongue down your folds and treat you like a…
You whimper as you fell on the sheets, truly embracing the cat in-heat stance you were for the last few minutes. You roll on the sheets, smooth silk makes your core cool just a bit, the pressure only building with each time you try to hump the sheets, not caring anymore if you were behaving like an animal. 
Perhaps, the Knight’s maiden really wanted to make everything easier for you – just in her own way. 
— Wh…what have you done to me? 
He is bracing his hands between your legs, lingering touches on the wetness of your garments, making you both shiver in anticipation. He is forcing his tongue on you, the immediate pressure making you meow from the sensation. You hate it, you hate it, you have to hate it because if you don’t, then what the hell are you even doing. It’s too much and too little, it does nothing to relief the warmth between your legs, only making you wetter with each stroke of his wide, warm tongue. — I haven’t done anything, little princess. You just want me. 
— I would never want you. 
— I can stop. 
You snap your legs around his neck before he can withdraw his face. 
König is laughing, the sheer adorableness of your expression making him want you even more. You look perfect, so lost in desire for him – gods, he just wanted to devour you, to strip you of all you worth and make you his just as much as he is yours. But simply pleasing you with his tongue won’t ever be enough for this night – he had waited for so long, too long, disgustingly long, he had to have you in every way possible. If he won’t consummate the marriage today, he might as well just die. 
Other night, he will make you beg – plead for him to give you his cock, push the throbbing member in your trembling folds, snap the pleasure from your hands and force you to accept being his wife. The other night, he could wait and tease you for as long as possible. The other night…
He doesn’t have the patience for this night – he can’t even kiss you now, the mere feeling of your trembling lips would snap him beyond repair. It’s unfair to you, little princess, his desire is too much for someone like you to take – alas, he has to have you. Alas, he will have you, one way or the other, even if he’d have to push your pretty head into the pillows and force his manhood between your folds. 
But you plead for him, the desire in your eyes, mixed with fear and anticipation, is enough for him to laugh again, his hand squeezing your chest. You look divine, absolutely – you would look even better when properly bred, tits full of milk, and belly swollen with his little soldiers. Emperor never thought of getting an offspring, always knew his fate was to fall into obscurity with the country he created, but you have wide hips, a soft belly, and warm hands – all the requirements of a mother. But you have the submissiveness of a pet and the wit of a wife. 
But he can’t wait to push his seed into you – with a groan, before you could even lay your eyes on his cock, he is already forcing it in, ravaging all the resistance you once had. 
The plant made you warm, aroused, and wet enough to be dripping when he first pushed his cockhead between your glistening folds. You cry, the feeling of being intruded, ravaged, bot entirely painful, but now very pleasant either, is nothing you were expecting of the first night with your husband. You were expecting screaming, pools of blood, half of your organs falling out from the newly made hole between your legs. 
You just feel…intruded. The knot in your stomach is as tight as ever, even as König gives you a few minutes to adjust, the outline of his manhood throbbing in your tummy. You don’t even want to look at him, and he allows you to drift into a trance, the aphrodisiac you took doing all the job of preparation for him. 
He is feeling you, raw and sensitive, your maidenhood is dripping down your thighs and his cock as he wasn’t exactly gentle – he will be the next night, and the night after, and after, he will promise to take care of you, little princess, but this night is about taking what belongs to him – and he will never allow you to keep your dignity when you can simply be his dumb, adorable wife. 
— You’re so…heavens, princess, you’re strangling me. 
He laughs, struggling to push in and out, his hand finding its place on your folds, playing and tugging with your swollen little clit. The bud is wet, no matter the pain you’re experiencing – the drug won’t allow you to stop wanting it, wanting him, König knows it’s not genuine, he has to work to make you this aroused, but for now, it will work. He doesn’t want you to feel pain – and he will make sure you’re able to take him. 
— Too much, it’s…stop, wait, I am…
— You can take it, Schatzi. 
— I can’t! — You will. 
You whimper under him, you cry under him, he only continues to move, tearing your loyalty to your kingdom with each harsh thrust. You came to this room wanting to die, but now you feel your hands wrapping around his neck, your hips buckling to meet his, to bring the overcoming pleasure like König isn’t the one to tear you apart – you feel raw, you feel tainted, the pleasure in your folds is nothing what you ever had before. 
You’re betraying yourself with each moan and each whimper – you find yourself begging for him, the tears of yours is not just from pain anymore. He kisses you, rough lips on your mouth, making sure you’re as prepared for him as he is, you want for him to stop, but you plead with him to continue. 
— Stop already…I…
— I only came twice, little princess. And you – trice. Doesn’t feel fair, ja? — ‘s not, I can’t take it anymore…
— I will breed you, Schatzen. Until you’re swollen with my sons. — It w…won’t be royal children…
— Ach, my blood is enough to make a dog royal. — But…
— I will breed you, little princess. You can stop pretending you don’t want it.
You’re not even sure at what orgasm you are already – you feel like he came already, the wetness in your cunt should be evident of his already breeding you quite a few times, but the time is a blur when every time you cum, your vision blurs and your brain becomes foggier and foggier. 
König knows you will look perfect, all thoughtless and swollen with his children – not now, maybe, with a few elixirs to enhance your ability to bear children, but he can’t wait till you’re done. You might not like it at first, princesses do tend to be just a bit dumb when it comes to their duties, but there is something in your eyes that is telling him you’re going to bring him sons just like a good girl you are. Just like he expects you to do, your pretty tummy all swollen, and your body is barely handling the passion of his lovemaking. Gods, he knew you would be worth it. Even if, to his knowledge, you’re not a princess at all.
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