#korekiyo x gender neutral reader
dat-bruv-person · 2 years
I rlly hope this isn't against your rules but..can i propose to korekiyo with a plastic toy ring?? Aaa i was so scared to click "ask" 😭😭
(≧◡≦) ♡ marry me korekiyo!!
a/n: bestie I got no rules except no nsfw asks, you're good! Also I was promising my event, so sorry this is late!
gn!reader, poc!reader friendly always mwah
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
He's... amused. So say the least. But, like, why? He'll marry you, sure. In this timeline, he's in the process of healing with your help and the other's, but why propose to him with a plastic ring when he could at least be proposed to with a haribo instead? Jeez, he could eat it after at the very least! All jokes aside, I feel like he'd have a ring of his own that has a story and symbol behind it, so he'll lend it to you so you can re-propose to him properly.
Korekiyo: My love, perhaps you'd like this ring to propose to me with instead.
You take the ring wordlessly and re-propose.
Korekiyo, tearing up: Oh, oh my goodness! Of course I'll marry you, [name]!
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love-me-purple · 1 year
movie night with the v3 boys
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cw: slight nsfw and cursing in a few of em. spoilers of ET in kaito’s
a/n: might make a 1 and 2 vers. !! naur I did a few light puns in a few of them if you spot them tell me. under the cut cause it’s kinda long
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➼ he’s so sweet
➼ he prioritizes you fully! he gives you the blankets, the snacks, he lets you choose the movie; he does everything.
➼ even if he sits on the sofa cold, hungry, and terribly quiet.
➼ he doesn’t complain a bit.
➼ you notice him shivering slightly a couple minutes into the movie, and even after he protested against getting a half in your luxury, you snuggled against him and buried him under the warm covers.
➼ once you did, he whimpered slightly against you. it just felt so nice. not the fluffy sheets, not the delectable food, and even though the movie was pretty great, you next to him really made the experience better.
➼ he moved closer next to you, kissing you on the cheek. you made him kiss you on the lips after.
➼ the movie run ends with cuddling and tangled arms and legs, overall super fluffy.
➼ large pillow forts with lots of soft pillows and thick blankets. he turns the ac and all the coolers on just so it’ll turn super cold in the house, leading you to bury yourself under the blankets and cuddle closer to him.
➼ he sometimes teases you by stealing the snacks and blankets, making you pissed off and subconsciously pinning him to the carpet floor.
➼ he tries turning the simple, pure movie night into a netflix and chill i SWEAR
➼ he flips the tables and climbs on top of you - kissing you lightly on the lips with a smug look. ➼ and then he gets up and goes back to watching the movie like nothing happened
➼ interpret that any way you want
➼ anyways, if he’s not in that mood, he’s very chatty during movies. ➼ he’ll comment nonstop and predict the future with pretty accurate predictions.
➼ his habit of doing that will, if you don’t already, bring you to do the same.
➼ this guy is so romantic
➼ kisses, smooth; non - pushover pick - up lines, basically everything you’d expect from a good gushy mushy date.
➼ he likes playing with your hair. tangles, small braids, etc. if you don’t have hair, then / another option for him is he runs his hands down your arms and hands.
➼ he draws small patterns on your skin with his fingers while kissing you on the head.
➼ he loves it when you do it to him as well, so by all means, go ahead !!
➼ nooo but the chips with dip are absolute perfection adding to the mix. if you don’t like that kind of thing, he’ll get, like, anything you’d like to eat during the movie -
➼ the prices don’t mean aNYthing to him, he’s happy to spend money for you no matter what it is <3
➼ perfect night for netflix and chill
K1 - B0
➼ he’s a robot. he can’t be cold, he can’t eat, and so all he has to do is sit back and watch.
➼ people (miu) helped him with what to do and how to act during the movie -
➼ he’s so awkward, in a cute way. he’ll get closer to you as the movie progresses, trying to be discreet but pretty much failing.
➼ you pretend you don’t notice though, for his sake.
➼ he’s tense during the movie. but with a few calming, reassuring words - he calms down a bit and attempts to kiss you as a sign of thanks.
➼ oh he also looks up on his mental search engine how to act normal and such and comes across the term of ‘activities’ during watching movies / shows
➼ and then he overheats for a bit (thankfully while you were in the bathroom -)
➼ guess he didn’t have safe search on
➼ horror / documentaries. if you don’t like those things, then …
➼ he likes it when you braid his hair. with any other person he’d kinda just be like ehhh, but when it’s you …
➼ he’s such a simp.
➼ he’s pretty chill, doesn’t really talk except for the parts when either you’re talking, something’s factually wrong, or when something especially pisses him off (usually when the characters are especially dumb).
➼ he likes having his hands free, so, of course, you have the blanket and snacks.
➼ he nuzzles his head into your neck and hair during sweet and overall ushy gushy moments.
➼ yeah
➼ he’s only human after all
➼ like shuichi; he gives the blanket, the snacks, and is awfully quiet.
➼ there’s a sort of worried look on his face, like you won’t like doing this and it’ll never happen again.
➼ he asks you like every couple minutes if you’re okay - nonstop until you reassure him.
➼ because of his overall bulky, tall structure - you’re gonna need a few more blankets to cover him.
➼ and a lotta snacks if he’s especially hungry
➼ he’s the type of guy to watch smth like a bug’s life or the bee movie. and you’ll agree because he’ll be self - conscious of himself if you don’t.
➼ it’s either that or bug documentaries. he hates horror films, especially if it has bugs in it that are thoroughly portrayed incorrectly.
➼ he gets so angry it’s almost funny
➼ until you don’t calm him down and he goes to storm the director’s / producer’s place then uh good luck
➼ tries to be romantic and kinda fails.
➼ the whole mood is sorta goofy. comedy / horror / sci - fi def. if it’s horror though, expect him to scream loudly and cling to you. and then for him to make up an excuse like, “i wasn’t scared! i was just … amazed by the stars in the sky in the film! so … spread out!”
➼ if it’s sci - fi, it’s definitely ET
➼ he cries softly when ET dies. and then he says, “I JUST GOT SOMETHING IN MY EYE WAHHH”
➼ comedy’s chaotic, but pretty fun with him. he tries so hard not to laugh, but when he does, his LaUgh
➼ it depends. it either sounds like a hyena crossed with a donkey or just a hysterical, soft sound.
➼ either way, movie nights with him are always a blast.
➼ he’s smooth. and he predicts the movie in his head, and shows barely emotion during sad, emotional, funny, or romantic moments. like none at all.
➼ but once he gets used to being with you during movies and finding out what exactly you like, he starts showing bits of emotion here and there.
➼ like outward pity. and sadness. and laughter.
➼ sharing is caring when it comes to blankets and snacks. sometimes when both of you reach into the bag / bowl / plate / etc. at the same time, and y’know your hands touch? he’ll squeeze your hand and bring it up to kiss it.
➼ and then he’ll just smile slightly at you. no matter what reaction you have.
➼ yeah other than that it’s pretty normal! still a hit tho
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The Flowers' Warnings (Korekiyo Shinguji x Gender-Neutral Reader)
Summary | A mysterious and creepy man hangs around the floral shop that Y/N owns. Immediately infatuated, Y/N later forms a bond with him after he's discovered in the shop after they closed. Unfortunately, that might've proven to be a grave mistake…
❥Y/N Type | Gender-neutral Ultimate Florist Y/N
✦ Word Count | 6,596 words
➨ Trigger Warnings | Blood/Gore, Mentions of Multination, Mentions of Death, Implied Poisoning, Murder, Ghosts
*Author’s note: Hey! I’m back to writing after a month. Happy Halloween, everyone! To celebrate Halloween, I decided to write a one-shot with probably the creepiest character in Danganronpa, Korekiyo Shinguji. This is my first attempt at a horror-romance genre of writing, so sorry if it’s cringe. Please note that if this story comes across as me romanticizing something, that isn’t my intention. I’m just wanting to make that clear before we start! I am not intending to romanticize anything in this story. If any of the triggers above upset you or trigger you, then this story may not be your thing, so please don’t risk your mental health. Also, I would also like to point out that Korekiyo in this story has a different backstory that I written up a while back because nobody likes the incest that was in his original one! With that out of the way, grab some snacks and enjoy this Halloween special!*
Y/N didn't understand what this guy's deal was...
Ever since he had walked into the small floral shop a month ago, their eyes had been latched onto him like a rabbit just noticing a wolf standing behind the bushes. His tall, slim figure resembling the beauty of a Japanese maple. The long flowing ocean green hair fanning out and brushing against his branch-like arms and legs. Those mysterious golden eyes curiously observing all the plants and people that were scattered around the shop. Y/N remembered their cheeks immediately flushing when he made eye-contact with them, and they've been kind of smitten ever since.
Y/N would notice him hanging around the florist shop and would always keep an eye on him whenever they noticed him. Their eyes would literally feast on this man as he took note of all the different arrangements displayed against the mint walls. He was definitely one of the most attractive men that they had ever seen, and it immediately perked their interest. Sure, they were always curious about their customers, but, this time, their curiosity felt less...innocent. It made them want to rip off the zippered mask that covered the bottom-half of his face, at the least.
Though, they did notice that he never seemed to buy anything. He never approached them to ask any questions about the arrangements being displayed or what's popular at the moment. Hell, he never seemed to talk with any of the customers that were exploring the shop. All he did was just...stare at the people and plants inside. Y/N could've sworn that just last week, he was staring at them for a good thirty minutes before turning his attention away. Maybe most people may have felt creeped out, but, for some reason, Y/N never felt that way. It made their heart pound and their cheeks flush at the idea that this good-looking man was staring right at them of all people. They never had people staring at them before.
Honestly, they weren't too sure of what the man's intentions were for hanging around the shop. Was he just shy and too nervous to talk to anyone? Was he introverted and preferred to figure things out on his own without the help of others? Or was he like them and just enjoyed flowers and plant-life?
At the back of their mind, Y/N could imagine one final possibility. It was possible that he was intending on committing a crime any day now? That was a very low possibility, Y/N had rationalized. He hadn't shown any suspicious behaviors aside from just being creepy and staring, and he could even not be meaning to come off that way. It could be who he is. Besides, the mystery surrounding him kind of made Y/N's crush on him all the more exciting.
Still, Y/N kept an eye on this man, studying him for any suspicious behaviors. It wasn't like they thought he was dangerous or anything. It was just better to be safe than sorry. Besides, it was the perfect excuse to have him as their eye candy.
So, this cycle went on for the month that he hung out in the floral shop. Y/N nervously interacts with the customers that approach them in the shop, takes their arrangement orders, and organizes them. All while keeping an eye on this strange man. And, so far, nothing had happened. He just continues lurking around the shop and quietly staring at plants and people. As a result, Y/N grew used to this person and felt like there was nothing to worry so much about, so they continued on with their business.
"Okay, so you want an Autumn Night arrangement as a centerpiece for a dinner party, right?" they quietly asked as they wrote down the order.
"Yes, dear," the woman standing in front of them nodded. "I'm wanting something autumn-themed to match with the decorations."
Y/N glanced up from their notepad with a sweet smile. "Okay then. It'll cost 5907 yen, please. I'll try to have it ready by tomorrow, and you can come by to pick it up and pay for it then."
The woman smiled. "Alrighty then! Thank you so much! You're such a kind person, sweetheart."
Y/N blushed and starting waving their hands. "O-oh no! Thanks, but I'm just doing my job, ma'am."
"That may be true, but you're the Ultimate Florist. You undoubtedly have far more important orders to tend to than mine."
Y/N shook their head. "Th-that's not true! Flowers are meant to be loved by and shared with everyone! Nobody's arrangement is more important than someone else's. As the Ultimate Florist, my job is just to spread the emotions and beauty that the flowers capture through the arrangements."
After they finished speaking, they looked up at the woman and felt their cheeks turn red. They shyly looked down and mumbled, "At least, that's what I think..."
The woman just gave a fond laugh in response. "I see. Sorry for assuming, Y/N. I suppose flowers don't discriminate!"
Y/N looked up and let out a small giggle. Suddenly, they felt eyes blazing right though them. They glanced up to meet piercing golden eyes as the man in the mask stared right at them. Y/N felt their knees tremble as the man made no effort to avert his leering gaze. The mask prevented them to be able to read his expression, so they had no idea what he was even thinking. Subconsciously, Y/N fiddled with their hat, suddenly worried about how they looked as shivers traveled down their spine. Shakily peaking out from under the brim of their hat, they saw that he still hasn't stopped staring, studying them. They suddenly became aware of the nervousness intensifying the longer they stood there.
Y/N forced their gaze away from the man and turned to the lady. "Uh...I'll go work on your order now..."
With no other words, Y/N dashed towards the back of the counter and swung open the wooden door that separated the customers from the workers and blocked that metallic gaze. As the door shut behind them, the sudden need for air caused Y/N to gasp for breath. It feels so much safer in here.
However, now they were safe and away from his petrifying eyes, Y/N wanted to kick themselves. Why did they run away?! He must've thought that they were really weird now. What kind of shop owner runs away from a customer staring at them. UGH! They were so bad at this.
But still...excitement was bubbling inside their chest as they thought about the attractive man staring at them, giving them their full attention. They placed their hands over their heart as their cheeks flushed. He really was staring at them. Did that mean he was interested? Or did he just wanted to ask a question about the arrangements after so long? He was a customer after all, so the staring could be just him needing something from them. Still, if he was going to ask a question, it still meant he wanted to talk to them. Y/N's heart did a tap dance inside their chest. They felt like a giddy high school student romanticizing a simple "hi" that their crush gave. It just was so exciting to have this crush and fantasize about the possible interactions between them and this guy.
"Uh...Y/N? You do know that you're kneeling on the floor, right? And why are you so sweaty? Are you okay?"
Y/N was snapped out of their fantasies to see their assistant, Kanae, looking down at them, a worried expression etching their gentle features. Y/N felt their cheeks flush as they quickly stood up and brushed the dust off their apron. "Uh...yeah. I'm fine. Just...have a lot to do. That's all. Could you please look after the shop while I'm back here?"
"Um....okay...?" Kanae didn't look exactly convinced, but, regardless, she walked by Y/N and placed her hand on the door knob. As she opened the door, they caught a glance of her phone's screen and there was an article on it. Just from a quick glance of the article, there was a phrase that caught Y/N's attention. "October deaths?" they read.
Kanae turned her head around to look at Y/N and quietly closed the door again. "Oh yeah. It's just an old legend that's been in our town and I've been curious about. It talks about how a lot of people-mainly girls-had suddenly died every year on October 31st, one by one."
"October 31st?" Y/N repeated. "But, that's tomorrow."
"Exactly!" Kanae nodded. "A body would be found every year on the October 31st, seemingly dying a little bit before midnight of that exact same day. The weirdest part is that nobody has any idea of how these people died. Every autopsy report that has been done on each of the bodies had no results of what killed them."
"H-how is that even possible?!" Y/N questioned. "Even if something was done to sabotage the reports, there would've been, at least, some clue to how they've died!"
A small smirk crossed Kanae's face as she placed a finger to her chin. Y/N immediately grew nervous as soon as they saw the expression on their face. "Well, I have a theory...that a ghost is the one that's causing all these mysterious deaths..."
Y/N paled. "A g-g-ghost?! That can't be!"
"Why not?" Kanae had a wide, creepy, smile on her face as she tilted her head at Y/N. "The only way that multiple autopsy report would have no results is if something supernatural was the one causing the deaths. Doesn't it explain how people are suddenly dropping dead with no trace to what killed them? Besides that...did I mention that the bodies were discovered near the entrance gates of a graveyard that's not too far from here?" Kanae giggled creepily. "Sounds like the dead is adding to their numbers..."
Y/N felt chills travel down their spine as their knees buckled. Sweat dripped down their forehead as they stared at Kanae's terrifying smirk, unable to find their voice.
Suddenly, Kanae's mood quickly shifted back to her gentle and bubbly self as she rubbed Y/N's shoulders. "I'm playing, Y/N! I'm playing! You can relax."
Y/N took a deep breath and crossed their arms while glaring at Kanae. "D-don't joke around like that! You nearly gave me a heart attack!"
"I'm sorry," Kanae apologized, rubbing their hand. "I just couldn't resist the opportunity to scare you."
Y/N huffed and flicked Kanae's forehead, which only made her laugh. "You're just the worst, you know that? Now, go to the front and do your job. I have some arrangements to make back here."
Kanae nodded as she opened the door, laughing. "Alright, alright! I got what I deserved." With that, she skipped out of the door, her bubbly laughter being the last thing Y/N heard before the door closed.
They sighed as they walked towards a desk near the side of the room, attempting to calm themselves. 'Should've known that Kanae was pulling one of her usual weird jokes', they thought as they opened one of the desk's drawers and grabbed their knives. 'After all, ghosts weren't real. Those deaths must've just been real bad luck or happened from something else. No way it was a ghost.'
Still, Y/N could feel their hands trembling as they pushed their floral foam knife through the block of foam in front of them, cutting it into three pieces. They couldn't help but wonder about the possibilities of it really being a ghost that was causing all these deaths. Something had to have caused those people to suddenly die and for their autopsy reports to have been screwed up with. Could someone alive really be capable of doing all of that each year on the same exact day?
'Wait, why am I immediately assuming that all of these things are true?' Y/N wondered to themselves. 'Kanae said that it was only a legend, right? So...there's a chance that those deaths may have never happened and it's all meant to just be a spooky myth.'
With that thought comforting them slightly, Y/N focused all their attention on the arrangement, going to the greenhouse at the back of the shop to pick the flowers they needed first before working on the order. Planning the way that the arrangement would look on paper, using their floral knife to thin the stems of the flowers, and poking green wire into the calyxes of the plants, Y/N meticulously worked in their office all day. They had placed so much, if not all, of their focus on their arrangement to the point that, soon enough, they had forgotten all about the mysterious death legend. Time flew by as they worked and by the time they were almost done with the arrangement, the sun had set long ago and all the customers of the shop had already left.
"Nothing really interesting happened today," Kanae reported as she pinned up each order note on the bulletin board hanging over the desk. "Just had some weirdo in a mask making people uncomfortable, but he didn't really do anything suspicious. I just kept an eye on him."
Y/N knew better than to mention to Kanae about their attraction to the "weirdo in the mask", so they just nodded. "Well, as long as the other costumers are safe, we don't have to worry too much. If we see him again, then I'll try to talk to him..."
"Uh...you? Sweetie, you get nervous just having your order taken. You sure you can talk to that guy?"
Y/N blushed. "I-I don't get nervous! And yes, I'm absolutely a hundred percent sure!"
Kanae raised her hands in defeat as she smiled. "Alright then. I'll let you try to talk to him if we get any complaints about him again. Well, I'm off. Got some homework to do tonight. I've already organized the register and cleaned up everything, so you don't have to worry about that."
Y/N nodded. "Thank you. I'm almost done with this arrangement, so I'll be here a little bit longer. Have a good night, Kanae."
Kanae waved goodbye to them and left the office with a final "Night, Y/N." They could hear the gentle ringing of the small bells hung above the door as Kanae had left the floral shop. Y/N sighed and continued to add some final finishing touches to their arrangement before finally getting up and stepping back to admire their work.
Black dahlias in the center to draw the viewer's eyes to darkness, some orange begonias and daffodils surrounding it for that autumn feeling, lily of the valley peaking through for some added flair, and finally, some frosty dusty miller for the greenery. Y/N definitely thought that this captured the autumn night picture that they were looking for.
After making sure that the arrangement covered the wires and tape used to keep the floral foam in the some container, a yawn escaped Y/N's throat as exhaustion weighed down their muscles. They took a glance up at the clock that rested over on the left wall. 11 o'clock. They leaned back and stretched slightly, feeling the tension leave their muscles from being hunched over their work all day.
Satisfied with their arrangement, Y/N began to place all the tools they used back in their respective drawers and spots before grabbing a spray bottle and leaving the office, making their way to the front of the shop.
It was completely pitch-black in the small flower shop aside from some small rays of moonlight peeking through the windows. Leaves, blossoms, and plants that weren't standing straight loomed over to where the moonlight hit them, creating lurking shadows that creepily hung over Y/N in the night. The mint-colored walls seemed to be grey in the darkness and the only sounds that could be heard were the gentle taps of Y/N's shoes. It seemed like the usual cute charm of the florist shop in the day was sucked out and replaced with a nighttime creepiness.
Unaffected by the spooky atmosphere, Y/N simply just grabbed a flashlight from under the counter and made their way towards each plant with their spray bottle raised before pressing the nozzle. Gentle water droplets danced on the blooms and leaves and hydrated the plants. Y/N hummed softly to themselves and carefully stroked the flowers and leaves as they took care of their beloved plants.
After finishing watering an arrangement of roses near the windows, Y/N stepped back from the pot and glanced at a window for a split second. In the second that they looked at the window, they saw a tall, figure-like shadow standing just near the wall behind them. Their eyes widened and their heart pounded as the feeling of someone watching them suddenly flooding their body. They froze as the figure, clearly noticing that they saw them, took a step closer.
Panicking, Y/N spun around and hurled the flashlight right at the intruder's face before sprinting towards the door, mind racing with terrifying ideas of what the intruder was doing in the shop. But, just before they could reach it, they felt a hand grab their arm. Y/N glanced behind them to see a bandaged hand gripping onto their wrist, and they quickly turned around to try to swipe at the door in vain. They were about to scream when suddenly....
"Khehe…throwing a flashlight at my face?" the person grabbing onto them questioned, his calm and coarse voice whispering in their ear. "Quite an unusual way to attack intruder, I must say, though I don't suppose you have many weapons on you."
"P-please don't hurt me..." A quiet shaky voice escaped Y/N's lips as they tried pull themselves free of the stranger's grip, but it was constricting, refusing to let them escape. "Please! I'll do anything you want. J-just...let me go."
"Oh, do not worry," the man reassured. "I wasn't planning on causing harm to you."
"Y-you weren't...?" Y/N felt the hand letting go of its grip on their wrist, releasing them from its constriction. They turned around to see a similar-looking bandaged hand holding out their flashlight to them.
"I believe this is yours?" Y/N quickly took the flashlight out of the stranger's hand and shone it on his face. Immediately, they recognized the masked face of the mysterious golden-eyed stranger they've been eyeing for the past month.
“I-It’s you…” Y/N gasped, cheeks flushing at the reminder of how close they were to him. “You’re the guy that only comes here to observe the plants and people here.”
The man let out a soft, scratching laugh. "Yes, that is correct. I do apologize if I have unnerved you or anyone else during my observations. You see, I am not from around here, and I was intending on looking around and becoming familiar with the customs. I have heard that this florist shop was quite popular and my curiosity led me to coming here to see for myself."
"Uh...if you don't mind me asking, what got you curious about my shop?"
"Well, for starters, I have heard that the Ultimate Florist themselves was the owner. Naturally, that would immediately draw any fellow Ultimate student to investigate. Besides that, my field of study can involve observing the relationships between people and plants. So, I was also given the opportunity to research this."
The way he spoke reminded Y/N of a sophisticated university professor. He seemed dignified as he spoke with a slightly complicated vocabulary than most people would've and his dialect stroke Y/N as being kind of old. Regardless, they were intrigued even more than they already were.
"I guess that makes sense. Well, I am Y/N L/N, the Ultimate Florist. You said that you're an Ultimate, too?"
"That is correct," the man nodded. "My name is Korekiyo Shinguji. I am called the Ultimate Anthropologist."
"Anthropologist?" Y/N repeated. "So, you basically study people, or societies, or cultures. At least, that's what I remember anthropology being. Sorry, I'm not exactly an expert."
"That's quite alright," Korekiyo's golden eyes seemed to glow with a calm passion. "I'm always happy to teach. Anthropology is, like you said, the study of human societies and cultures. However, it is far deeper than simply just that. It is a study that examines the thought behind culture, faith, and customs. I study custom legends, folk tales, songs, and human behavior. I often rigorously analyze these customs to shed light on their origins and what made these customs so popular today."
"Wow!" Y/N gasped, placing a hand over their mouth. "That sounds like a lot of work, Shinguji. So, you were trying to study the relationships of people and plants?"
Korekiyo nodded. "Plants and flowers do tend to influence and affect many human behaviors. In fact, ethnobotany is the study of the interrelationships between cultures and plant-life. It's a connection between two different fields of study-botany and anthropology. Now, I'm no ethnobotanist myself, and I must admit that it's a field of study that's not exactly a part of my expertise. However, I figured that it would be worth observing this florist shop to possibly get more experience with the field. It's not something that I would normally consider researching, but learning more about it would prove to beneficial to me and my studies."
"Really, how?" Y/N asked, tilting their head like a curious puppy.
"Well, one must be willing to expand their knowledge past their experienced fields if they wish to be more well-informed. However, that's not my only goal for studying this field..." While the mask covered his face, Y/N could see the small smile forming in his eyes. "I simply wish to study the extend of humanity's beauty."
"Humanity's beauty?" Y/N probably should've felt creeped out by this, but the way that this guy talked so passionately about anthropology drew them in and got them curious to learn more. Like a moth drawn to a flame.
Korekiyo nodded, gliding over to one of the flower displays near the wall. "I have a pet theory that all aspects of humanity, even the ugly parts, can be considered beautiful. In every situation, every reaction, every culture, even through every hardship. I wish to study and witness all these aspects of humanity in person and relish in its beauty. I figured that a florist's shop would contain much of that beauty within the emotions and nature that is kept here."
He plucked a stem from a butterfly weed plant from the arrangement and turned to face Y/N, who followed right behind him. Korekiyo presented the butterfly weed stem to them. "There was also the chance to speak with the Ultimate Florist, and I couldn't simply pass down that opportunity, could I? I was actually wishing to speak with you sooner, but I didn't wish to pester you when you looked so preoccupied. Again, I do apologize for the conditions. I didn't mean to startle you, but I can say that I do not regret the chance to finally converse with you."
Y/N felt their face heat up as they stared at the bunches of small orange flowers in his hands and then up at his shimmering golden eyes. He...wanted to talk to them? Logically, they should've been creeped out, or terrified out of their wits, or hesitant, or even unsure of what to say. But...they felt like they didn't feel any of those things. Instead, their heart pounded in their chest as they took the bundle of orange flowers, bashfully looking away from his eyes. A warm and fuzzy feeling of flattery spread through their bones. Only one thought danced in their head: 'He wanted to talk to ME of all people...'
Y/N shyly walked past him and carefully placed the butterfly weed back in its arrangement. "Um...please don't pick flowers out of their arrangements...but thank you. I'm honored that you wanted to talk to me. Just, try to approach me next time instead of staring at me from across the room."
Korekiyo nodded. "Of course. Forgive me if I unnerved you."
"I-It's fine, really!" Y/N reassured before swiftly changing the subject. "So, you said that flowers were related to different cultures?"
The excited and passionate fire in Korekiyo's eyes returned as he began another lesson. "Yes. I'm sure you most likely are aware of this, but many societies around the world have assigned associations upon different flowers and plants. Depending on the symbolism of each one, these flowers are used for different occasions and to convey different messages."
He walked away from them and gracefully moved towards an arrangement near the door that had a couple of marigolds decorating it. “For instance, marigolds, or tagetes as they’re scientifically called. I assume you’re already aware, but marigolds are often associated with the sun, and thus, they were seen as symbols of power, strength, or warmth. Quite fitting, don’t you agree? However, they have a darker meaning to them. They are often called the ‘flower of death.’ In fact, in Mexico, they are an important symbol for their festivities during-”
“THE DAY OF THE DEAD!” Y/N blurted out. “Marigolds are believed to attract and guide souls to the altars that were placed to honor deceased family members in Mexico. During the Day of the Dead, their bright colors often encourage families to celebrate life instead of feeling bitter about death, especially since the holiday is about honoring the dead and being with loved ones that have already passed in spirit!”
After letting out their outburst, Y/N quickly realized that Korekiyo was staring right at them. They felt their cheeks heat up uncomfortably and quickly looked away. “At least…that’s what I know. I haven’t done a lot of research into it aside from the floral aspect…heck I can’t even pronounce the name in Spanish…”
"Dias de los Muertos." Y/N glanced up to see Korekiyo walking up to them with an amused eyebrow raised. “I believe that is what it’s called in Spanish. But, yes, you are correct in every other regard. I don’t think you should be so hard on yourself for your outburst.”
Y/N nervously played with a lock of their hair. “R-really, it’s nothing…I just had some orders from some Mexicans for the holiday that required marigolds.”
“It doesn’t make you less intelligent. In fact, I would consider you to be far more informed about plants than I am. It’s rather refreshing to have someone know what I am speaking about actually.” His whisper-like laugh escaped from his lips as Y/N’s rosy cheeks spread their color across their entire face. “Now, if I may continue…”
He walked over to a bouquet of roses that were near the register. “If I’m not mistaken, roses are the most common flower purchased here, correct?”
Y/N nodded eagerly. “Yes! They’re considered the most romantic flowers after all. Symbolizing love, beauty, passion, and, of course, romance! We have a lot of people buying them as gifts for their partners.”
Korekiyo nodded. “Correct. There are many stories in multiple cultures and discuss the origins of the rose. One example is in Greek mythology, where the rose is a symbol of the goddess of love, Aphrodite. She had fallen in love with a mortal man named Adonis, but, one day, he was murdered by a wild boar while out hunting. As he held to death in the goddess’s arms, her tears and his blood mixed onto the soil, producing the red blossom that would be later known as the rose.”
Y/N nodded. “Yeah, I actually heard that story before. It’s probably one of the most popular myths about the rose. I’m not really someone who’s interested in mythology, but my assistant showed me that myth and it did interest me.”
“Then I believe it may please you to know that there are other myths about the origins of flowers around the world. If you wish, I can tell you some of them.”
Y/N immediately nodded. “Yes, please! This stuff is really interesting. I definitely don’t know all the myths out there, so I’ll love to learn.”
“Khehe…I’m glad to hear. Most feel like my teachings can be far too long and lose interest about halfway through. So, it is enjoyable to have someone be curious and interested in what I have to say.”
Y/N giggled softly. “I find it hard to believe that people grow bored of your lectures. This is actually one of the most interesting conversations I had.”
Korekiyo closed his eyes for a moment. “I’m glad I can capture your interest. Now then, there are other myths about the origin of roses. Such as in Arabic mythology-”
Y/N listened to Korekiyo talk about the myth, captured by every word he said. He really was one of the most interesting people they had ever met. Sure, he was a little creepy and they were nervous about talking with them before, but, now, all their nervousness seemed to have faded away. Instead, a shock of energy traveled through their bones as they stared and listened. Korekiyo looked…really beautiful as he talked. His nimble, bandaged fingers moving gracefully as he gestured to the roses and made motions with his hands. His long, ocean-green hair gracefully falling over his shoulders and brushing against his hips. His golden eyes glowing with passionate intelligence. It all was so entrancing and Y/N felt themselves getting more and more pulled in with every word that was spoken in his gentle whisper. 
There are most likely other myths that address the origins of these flowers, but those are the ones that I can currently think of. I could glance back at my notes and search for others if you’re still interested. Or perhaps, I could continue on another topic that you’re interested in learning about.”
“I’m happy with either!” Y/N smiled. “I’m just…having fun just talking with you. Or…with you teaching me about these myths and cultures. Either way, I want to keep talking and spending time with you. Is it weird to say that about someone I just met?”
Korekiyo didn’t say anything for a moment before shaking his head. Y/N felt a hungry delight in their chest once they saw his rose-tinted cheeks through his mask. “Not at all…I’m enjoying this night as well. Like, I’ve mentioned, it’s quite rare to have someone be this invested in anthropology and what I have to say. However, I do think the night must come to a close. It’s getting quite late and I imagine that you have to go home now.”
Y/N’s eyes widened as they looked at the time. 11:45 pm. Did time really go by so fast? Their shoulders slumped as they went to unlock the door with their key in hand. ‘Well…at least I could see him in the shop again tomorrow…’ they thought as they turned the lock.
However, the moment that Y/N glanced up to see Korekiyo walking towards the door, the idea of having to wait in their cold and lonely apartment until they get to see him again suddenly felt like torture. It grew worse the moment that Korekiyo walked by them and a strand of his teal hair brushed against Y/N’s cheek. Desire began to cause their entire body to ache, and it felt like a switch turned on in their head that already decided something.
Now that they had met Korekiyo Shinguji, they didn’t want to spend tonight alone without him.
“H-hey, Shinguji!” Y/N called, quickly locking the door and running after him. “I-it can be very dangerous in these parts at night…so, wouldn’t it be a good idea if we walked home together? You know…for safety reasons.”
Korekiyo raised an eyebrow upon noticing Y/N’ averting their gaze away from him and their red face, but he nodded regardless. “Of course. That would be wise…”
Y/N couldn't stop the massive grin that appeared on their face as they walked away from the flower shop into the night. They suddenly were hyper aware of Korekiyo’s fingers brushing against their own, noticing how close he was…once again, their desire took over and they boldly intertwined their fingers with his, confidence brewing up inside. If Korekiyo noticed the spontaneous decision, he didn’t comment on it.  
They continued walking under the moon’s gentle silver light. The cold wind brushed against Y/N’s face and clothes as they continued walking, but they hardly noticed. Instead, they could only pay attention to the blazing fire that was burning in their chest as they walked closer and closer to their apartment. However, at the back of their mind, there was a little voice nagging at the back of their mind, saying, ‘This is weird…first, this guy suddenly appears in the shop at night and now you’re walking home with him? This may be dangerous…’ However, Y/N ignored the voice.
After a bit more walking, they approached a small graveyard that rested halfway of the path to Y/N’s apartment. With every step that they took, Y/N’s desire grew and grew until it was an uncontrolled inferno. They couldn’t take it anymore. They felt like they had to make the first move right at that moment. The remaining bit of logic that was left in Y/N’s brain screamed at them that something was wrong. It yelled as it tried to remind them of the dangers of the graveyard. What was it again…? Y/N didn’t know, but, at the moment, they didn’t care as they pushed the voice away.
Suddenly, they stopped walking, preventing Korekiyo from continuing to walk forward. “Y/N? Are you alright?”
Korekiyo’s voice drowned the subconscious screams echoing in their head. They smiled sweetly and grabbed both of Korekiyo’s hands, their doe-like eyes filled with lust as they stared up at him. “Never better! I just…feel like we should stop for a bit….”
A small hidden smile crept upon Korekiyo’s face as soon as he heard their answer. He removed one of his hands from the florist’s affectionate grasp, and lifted it up to caress their cheek before resting gently underneath their chin. They felt their cheeks turn pink the moment that his slender fingers brushed their chin gently. Was…he going to do what they thought he was going to? 
Y/N tuned out the annoying voice buzzing around in their brain. It needed to shut up. Didn’t it understand that it wasn’t every day a handsome, intelligent, and fascinating person wanted to kiss them of all people? They couldn’t let this opportunity pass by. Besides, this wasn’t threatening. This wasn’t fear. It was the thrill and excitement that bubbled inside them from this budding romance. This was…love. 
“Close your eyes,” Korekiyo requested politely, calm as he patiently waited for the florist’s response. With no hesitation, Y/N did so and leaned in closer to him. He sighed in disappointment. He had really hoped that they weren’t going to end up having the same fate as all the others. Oh well…he supposed…it couldn’t be helped. Korekiyo removed his hand from their chin for a moment to lower his mask and leaned in, his eyes fluttering shut.
The gentle warmth of his lips enveloping theirs caused them to gasp slightly. Cold shivers ran down their entire body and assisted in cooling their fire, freezing them in place. Korekiyo, taking the lead, wrapped an arm around their shoulders and pulled them closer. For a moment, they had no idea how to respond. What…was this? They never had anyone kiss them like this before, and yet…it felt amazing. Their heart pounded as they felt the butterflies dance in the stomach. The kiss had every muscle tingling at this newfound spark that ignited. They quickly reacted as they stood on their toes to reach his height and returned the kiss, adding more to the thrill of kissing a complete stranger. They knew that they barely knew who this guy was, but…kissing him felt so right. At least, for a moment…
The florist’s hands reached up to hold his face in their hands, but…his cheeks felt wet alongside the warmth. Like there was something dripping down from his cheeks. And…there was something odd about the way his cheeks felt…their fingers felt like they were tracing the outline of a jack-o-lanturn’s mouth. Squishing sounds filled their ears as their fingers investigated, and they immediately pulled away in shock. “What in the-”
They never got a chance to finish their sentence. Sudden pain stabbed at them, causing them to clutch their chest as they suddenly began to gag and cough violently. Scarlet splashed onto the gray concrete sidewalk as it dripped from the florist’s lips. They dropped to their knees, unable to stop the boiling sensation in their throat and the pounding in their head as they attempted to gasp for breath. All they could see were Korekiyo’s black boots as they stood over them.
“W-what….are you…” Their vision slowly grew blurry as the boots only became a black fuzzy blur. They forced themselves to themselves to look up at the figure standing over them. What is happening? They must be delusional or something because even with their blurry vision, they could see that…Korekiyo was transparent?
“I was hoping to spare you…” Korekiyo sighed, remorse painting his voice. “You were probably one of the most charming people that I have met, my dear, and your beauty was some of the finest that humanity had to offer. Just like the most beautiful lily. However…my curse isn’t something that can be beaten that easily. What a shame. Well, I suppose that humanity didn’t deserve your beauty anyways. This is a much better fate for someone as lovely as yourself.”
The florist glared at Korekiyo with a look as venomous as the poison flowing through their body. “Y-you…wicked…son of a-” 
They couldn’t even finish their sentence as they collapsed on their side, feeling like they were having their energy sucked out of them. They…wanted to sleep. Sleep and make all this pain go away. Yeah…sleeping sounded amazing right now. Just…sleep…
….and never wake up.
Before they gave into the temptation to fall into a deep deep sleep, Y/N forced themselves to glance up at the face that they had spent their final moments with. The mask had completely fallen to the ground and was lying next to their weak body, revealing Korekiyo’s face. As their vision cleared to look upon Korekiyo’s face one last time, they saw something that would haunt them for their entire afterlife…
Beneath the mask was a massive gash running across his face, carving his mouth to a wide ear-to-ear grin. His skin was ripped apart from around the gash, revealing the tissue that the weapon tore apart. Scarlet blood dripped down from the scar, falling down his chin and staining his lips with a bright red that clashed with his definitely transparent body. The florist could’ve sworn they saw his natural mouth giving them a terrifying smile as he looked upon their pitiful state.
The ghost of Korekiyo Shinguji knelt down to the florist and used one hand to gently caress their cheek. “Humanity is truly beautiful, isn’t it? Even the death of a soul as pure as yours is beautiful. I’m pleased to see that you’ve died as graceful as you lived, my love.”
His smile widened as he looked upon them, causing the massive scar to grow even wider and become even more grotesque. Before everything went black, a final question was asked to the florist. One that they would never be able to answer. 
“What about me…am I beautiful as well?”
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yawujin · 4 months
Hiiiiii if you don't mind can you pls write v3 boys x reader who can't read social cues for the life of them and need to be told directly to understand a situation.
For example: *one of the boys shows romantic interest*
Reader: "WOW so friendly"
The more I describe it the more it sounds like Marinette from miraculous ladybug
i've never really written something like this so i hope you like how it turned out anon! ദ്ദി( ˶^ᗜ^˶ )
request | how the v3 boys would react to reader that isn't good with social cues
type | react , established relationship , non killing game , gender neutral reader
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shuichi saihara ♡
he's trying his best to make it known that he likes you
kaito and maki have definitely noticed how he's grown so fond of you
although he had to tell kaito straight up that he liked you
well, he finally does it, confessing to you
"to be honest with you, (Y/N), i really like hanging around you..."
can he make it any more obvious?
no, seriously, can he?
you thank him and say you'd love to hang out more!
he instantly realizes he needs to be more clear
"no! i mean, i like you, alot... as in more than a friend..."
you encourage him to be more outspoken in the future
rantaro amami ♡
tries to confess to you in a lowkey way
but once he realizes you don't really get what he's saying
he ups the ante
he starts showing more affection towards you
and then finally he tries again
"you know i really like you, right (Y/N)?"
he explains that he wants to go on a date to show his likeness
ohhh he likes me in that way you think to yourself
K1B0/kiibo ♡
firstly, he does everything you want him to do because he thinks that's how easy it will be to get you to realize he likes you
but it's not
secondly, he tries to just straight up tell you but it's hard to express his emotions
finally, he uses himself to print out a note that has his messy handwriting all over it
who knew he could be so forward when writing?
it read "i love you, (Y/N)! i hope you accept my feelings"
and it definitely got the message across
korekiyo shinguji ♡
he's pretty nonchalant so it's difficult at first for him
he knows that gift giving is a pretty common way for someome to show their likeness towards someone
so he tries that (althought he might not be the best at giving gifts)
but when he does
you just think he's being friendly
kiyo, just like rantaro, will try showing more affection towards you
he touches your arms, plays with your hair etc
"everything about you is so wonderful..."
"i would like for you to share that wonder with me"
and that gets the message across
kaito momota ♡
he would realize that you probably took his outright profession of love to you and chalked it up to him just being a good friend
as per usual
he woke up in a cold sweat about this and decided that starting tomorrow he'll be extra kind towards you
over the course of a few days, he creates a nickname for you
you guys hang out together even more you two are alone more often than not now
he held on to both of your hands and squeezed them
"(Y/N), i'm not sure else how to say this but...will you go out with me sometime?"
gonta gokuhara ♡
gonta accomodates you and invites you everywhere
he just wants to show that he likes you!
he thought it was working for a while until
"you're such a good friend, gonta!"
he shakes his head 'no'
"gonta want him and (Y/N) to be more than friends..."
you understood but was taken aback
he shys away almost instantly
"only if that what (Y/N) want!"
ryoma hoshi ♡
he gets it completely
he isn't a stranger to being outspoken so he's fine with telling you how things are straight up
it just so happens that he likes you a lot
so in this case, he asks:
"would you want to go out with me?" "tell me what you want and you'll get it."
your transition into a platonic relationship to a romantic one was easy
ryoma is easy to get along with <3
kokichi ouma ♡
he has to quickly find solutions on how to tell you his feelings without being too sappy about it
he isn't too good at that
he also wants to do it before he runs out of patience with himself
he does what he does best and pulls a prank on you
when you ask him why he did it he just says:
"isn't it obvious? it's because i like you."
is he being fr? you can never tell
but the confusion you had finally gets cleared up when you get outside confirmation from miu that he is falling hard for you
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nightqueen1221 · 1 year
If ur requests are still open can I get a korekiyo shinguji x easily flustered touch starved reader (gender neutral if possible)
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-He is certainly touch-staved as well.
-That being said, he hates when people touch him. Strangers at least, unless it's something pertaining to anthropology.
-It's also very likely his sister harmed him physically, and getting touched brings back unwanted memories of the hospital she was at.
-His sister once more makes it difficult to engage in physical contact with someone again.
-Once you both start warming up to touches, he's super hesitant but quickly adapts to your body.
-When cuddling he pets the back of your head with his other hand on your outer thigh or hip.
-The mans is tall so he'll probably hug you with his hands around your head or shoulders.
-If you are somehow about the same height or taller, he rests his hands around your waist before pulling closer.
-The fact you get flustered easily makes him want to do it even more.
-Just slight touches such as his hand lightly caressing your chin or (if it can be done) tucking hair behind your ear.
-Overall, he loves these moments of touch and comfort.
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nabateaprodigy · 1 year
I'm Now Taking Requests for Danganronpa!
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The games I'll write for are Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc, Danganronpa 2 Goodbye Despair, and Danganronpa V3 Killing Harmony.
I'll write character x character requests. I'll also write x male, female, and gender-neutral readers.
I'll write for any scenarios you want involving things such as fluff, angst, hurt to comfort, etc. However, I will not write anything for smut sorry.
I'll write for the 3 main games and the characters I'll be writing for those 3 main games. Can be found below.
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Makoto Naegi
Sayaka Maizono
Leon Kuwata
Kyoko Kirigiri
Byakuya Togami
Hifumi Yamada
Mondo Owada
Toko Kukawa/Genocide Jack
Celestia Ludenberg
Aoi Asahina
Kiyotaka Ishimaru
Sakura Ogami
Yasuhiro Hagakure
Junko Enoshima
Chihiro Fujisaki
Mukuro Ikusaba
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Hajime Hinata
Akane Owari
The Ultimate Imposter
Chiaki Nanami
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
Gundham Tanaka
Hiyoko Saionji
Ibuki Mioda
Kazuichi Soda
Mahiru Koizumi
Mikan Tsumiki
Nagito Komaeda
Nekomaru Nidai
Peko Pekoyama
Sonia Nevermind
Teruteru Hanamura
Izuru Kamukura
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Shuichi Saihara
Korekiyo Shinguji
Angie Yonaga
Kirumi Tojo
Kokichi Oma
Tsumugi Shirogane
Tenko Chabashira
Kaede Akamatsu
Kaito Momota
Maki Harukawa
Ryoma Hoshi
Rantaro Amami
Himiko Yumeno
Gonta Gokuhara
Miu Iruma
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limitedgigi · 1 year
welcome to my blog!
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my name is gigi, im 22, and im a gemini! my favorite fandoms are danganronpa (more specifically sdr2 & drv3), the disastrous life of saiki k, soul eater, pokemon, demon slayer, hunter x hunter, inuyasha, doawk, alice in borderland, hamilton, heathers, seven deadly sins, kakegurui and bungou stray dogs!
my blog is kirby themed (obviously) but i may change it occasionally!
i don't necessarily write alot, but i do make headcanons! my requests are always open!
i write for:
nagito komeada
nekomaru nidai
fuyuhiko kuzuryuu
hajime hinata
gundham tanaka
kazuichi souda
rantaro amami
gonta gokuhara
korekiyo shinguji
kaito momota
shuichi saihara
kokichi ouma
you can also make requests outside of danganronpa with the fandoms above, but i'm not sure i'll be able to write for it.
i also make yandere ocs!
you can request hcs of a yandere in my inbox :)
(ex; yandere jock, yandere masochist, etc)
i will write everything except for;
-piss, scat, or any bodily fluid besides cum
-foot fetishes
most of my hcs are directed towards fem! or gn! readers!
korekiyo gambling hcs
yandere! nurse hcs (gender neutral yandere)
yandere! bully hcs (male yandere)
yandere! jock hcs (male yandere)
yandere! wolf hybrid (male yandere)
yandere! nerd hcs (gender neutral yandere)
yandere! wide reciever hcs (male yandere)
yandere! bunny hybrid hcs (male yandere)
yandere! sugar daddy hcs (male yandere)
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starbunii · 1 year
dark out
sneaking out was a nasty habit of yours. kiyo noticed.
korekiyo x ultimate occultist reader! i forgot i wrote some of this so its been sitting for like a month lol
warning for discussion of kiyo’s sister and all the trauma that comes with it, though its not taken lightly, dw
gender neutral, anyone can read <3
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– ♡ –
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You scurried across the near-empty corridors of the dormitories, careful that your resting classmates couldn’t hear you. You looked around, trying hard to avoid any and all suspicion. You were unsure of why you were so nervous. You weren’t committing murder, you weren’t hurting anyone, and you weren’t breaking any school rules. Well…any killing game rules at least. You headed outside, the crisp night air filling your lungs. Your bare feet gently glided against the concrete as you made your way behind the school.
Sitting down at the small patch of grass in front of you, you sighed and admired the night sky. The cage above you made you feel so small, so meaningless. It was a comforting meaninglessness. The knowledge that your life had such little impact, the fact you were practically invisible like the many spirits that spoke to you, it was calming. Being the ultimate occultist wasn’t easy. It was so isolating. No matter how hard you tried to convince those around you, they were always afraid.
But if they had only gotten to know you, they’d see that soft side that was hidden under a scary talent and matching exterior. You were quiet and gentle. You loved poetry, animals, and gardening. You never wanted to hurt anyone, that was the most important thing when it came to your mysterious practices. You sighed, putting the book you had carried outside with you to admire the small patch of wildflowers next to you. You grinned, gently rubbing the petals.
“New England Aster.” A familiar, yet spooky voice chimed from above you. You looked up to see your classmate, Korekiyo Shinguji hovering over you. “Apologies for startling you. I could not sleep and I noticed the door to your dormitory was open, yet you were gone. I went out to look for you.” He admitted.
“Ah, it’s all right. Thanks for looking for me, it’s sweet to know you thought something was up.” You scootched over, anxiously patting the grass for him to take a seat. He took the hint and sat down next to you, clearing his throat as he did so. “I can’t believe I left my door open. I’ve been getting a little too careless lately.” You chuckled.
“I sneak out here when I feel anxious, or just…bad. I like to just relax with the flowers and grass. I usually bring a book and just read. I know I can do that in my room, but I like the feeling of night on my skin.” You sighed.
“What ails you? I am more than willing to listen.” Korekiyo hummed, tilting his head.
“I just…I dunno, I just feel lonely, I guess. Everyone has friends, but the minute I say what my talent is I either hear ‘Oh! That’s…interesting!’ or just screaming and running away. You’re the only one who’s reacted normally.” You laughed bitterly, recalling your interactions with Kaede and Kaito. “I’m just really tired of being treated like a demon because of what I’m good at. It’s not my fault I got saddled with this.”
“I see. I understand where you are coming from. Oftentimes, I feel my talent isolates me as well. No one else wishes to talk about humanity with me. The ups and downs…I feel they appeal to me and me alone. But, believe me, your talent is absolutely wonderful. Do not be ashamed of everyone else’s cowardice. It does not reflect you.” He shook his head. “I suppose it is harder to feel included when people treat you this way, but, I swear on my life, it is not because of you or your talent. Human beings are naturally afraid of the unknown. You have the ability to peer into that unknown, correct?” You nodded. “That may be frightening to others. But, I find it quite impressive.”
“I don’t want people to be afraid of me. I’m actually a really bubbly person underneath the preconceived notion of…devil worship, aliens, and spirits.” You snorted. “I’m not scary to you at least…am I?”
He hesitated.
“Parts of you are, yes. But overall, I find your presence…comforting. Inviting, even. For someone who studies human beings and their behavior, I am horrible at communicating with them. But you…I cannot tell if I am better at speaking with you or worse. I feel odd when I’m around you. Like I am ill.” He scratched at his neck nervously, looking up at the open air. Well, as open as you can get in a cage.
“That might be some of the spirits following me. Maybe that means you’re bad news.” You giggled, gently nudging him with your arm. Korekiyo raised an eyebrow at this. “Only kidding. I feel nice when I’m around you. Because…I guess it’s cuz I know you don’t care.” You rested your chin on the top of your knees.
“That is how I feel around you as well. As though…It does not matter what I do, because you will accept me for who I am regardless. I do not think I have ever felt this way before. I feel very…fast. My heart is skipping four beats a minute. I get a rush of energy, thinking of the golden light that is you. You are a light I could bask in for eternity. You are no longer a human in my eyes. You have transcended that title.” He admitted. You could see a small bit of blush from behind his mask. “You are a god to me.”
“Korekiyo…I! Um…” Your face flushed as you averted your eyes. “Thank you. I…I’m not used to such strong compliments. Especially not from people as gorgeous as you. I appreciate it. I appreciate you and all you’ve done for me. You’re really kind.” You looked over to see his hand a few inches away from yours. You shyly put intertwined your fingers with his, to which he let out a small gasp. “Is this okay?”
“...Yes. Yes, it is.” He nodded, as though trying to convince himself of something. “I…apologize. I get a bit startled. Because…”
“Because of…her. Right?” You looked over to him, not wanting to explicitly state you were mentioning his sister. He just gulped and nodded. “Her presence has left you. Only her tulpa is left. You can’t exactly…get rid of that, I know, but…she’s not gonna hurt you any longer.”
“It is hard to remind myself I am free. I can still feel her.” Shinguji shuddered. “At first I wanted this. This presence…this terrible, sinking feeling. But…I feel as though I’ve grown out of it.”
The world was quiet for a moment. The two of you sat, gathering thoughts and feelings as though they were coins.
“She took advantage of you, you know.” You sighed, breaking the silence. “She didn’t have your best interest at heart. And I know you don’t like me bringing it up, because you want to believe I’m wrong, but it’s true. She hurt you. She sculpted you into someone she could manipulate. Just look at the effect it’s had…” You took both of his hands in yours, not breaking eye contact.
“...I know. I know I should not defend her, I know I should let her go. But I…I cannot. It is not that easy.” He blinked away small tears, trying to put on a brave face in front of you.
“That’s right, it won’t be. But I’m here to help you, and I always will be.”
“I don’t see why you are so insistent on this. But I find your determination…alluring.”
“I’m insistent on this because you’re worth it.” You nodded. “Family is supposed to support you. To be kind to you. She shouldn’t have hurt you. Especially not the way she did. It’s in human nature to get hurt…but…not like that. Never like that.”
“I…” He let out a shaky breath. The feeling of your hands intertwined with his mixed with your kind words made your head spin. “I suppose you’re right. I wouldn’t want her to hurt you like she hurt me. So…if I would not want it for you…It must not be suitable for me.”
“Exactly.” You let go of his right hand, gently squeezing his left as you did so. You then gazed back up at the sky. “I appreciate your company, Kiyo. I appreciate you. I’m glad you’re with me.”
“I feel the same.” He chuckled lowly. “Um…y/n?”
“What's up buttercup?” Your attention was now back on him. He felt like he could melt.
“Can I kiss you?” His voice was barely above a whisper. Korekiyo felt so embarrassed he could just die. And yet he stayed; because your company was worth it. You just nodded, and he slowly took off his mask in response. You slowly moved your hands to cup his cheeks, and he leaned into the warmth.
“You’re beautiful.” You muttered. You treated him as though he were a startled cat, moving slowly into affection, as though he’d run away if you moved any faster. “So beautiful.” “I should be saying the same thing to you, my dear.” He chuckled, cheeks bright red. “I…I think I’m ready now.” He took your right hand down from his face and held it in his lap. He gently lifted your face up by your chin, leaning down to kiss you. “Are you…sure you want this?”
Both of your hearts were racing in an insane rhythm. You wondered if he could hear yours. He wondered the same. You grinned, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear.
Korekiyo leaned down, gently placing his lips on yours. He shivered a bit at the contact, blushing furiously. It felt like the peaceful nighttime had melted away, Korekiyo’s presence becoming your own personal sunlight. The warmth was dangerous and confusing, but so comforting. So sweet and confusing. A disorienting desert of emotions.
Pulling away, you two gazed at each other for a moment, studying each other’s features and reactions.
“I um…thank you.” Your face flushed, looking away at the ground. “I’m sorry, I’m probably not the best person to kiss. I’ve never really-”
“Please do it again.” Korekiyo cried, slapping a hand over his mouth once he realized what he had said.
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starbunii 2024 — all rights reserved. do not redistribute or translate to any other platforms
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lonelyshuichilover · 1 year
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For my own sanity, the limit of characters per post is 4. Sometimes I will write for the "entire" cast, but only half of the cast per post. (eg THH boys with a reader who 'don't know what'.)
If the reader's gender is not specified, the reader will be gender neutral.
I would like you to be specific with your requests and what you want, I would not like to write something that has nothing to do with what you requested simply because I misunderstood.
Also, specific features in the reader are allowed (ex. Nagito with a reader that is the 'I don't know what' Ultimate.)
Don't spam, please.
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More info under the cut!!
I will write!!
Fluff, Angst, Angst to Fluff, Fluff to Angst (does that even exist?)
Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/No Comfort.
Major Character Death (Not Graphic).
Soulmates (Platonic/Romantic).
Platonic Relationships.
Romantic Relationships.
Character x Reader.
Suggestive themes.
Scenarios (my personal favorite).
Series (scenarios that get more than two parts.)
Into consideration (50/50)
One-shots (I'm not good with long stories).
Character x Character.
I will not write.
Non-con/Dub-con (ew).
Character x OC.
Ped0philia. (EW)
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Extra stuff before requesting.
A thousand apologies if the character ends up being very OOC, I'm a bit bad with characterizations, but I'll try to do the best I can.
It might take me a while to finish your request, my posting schedule is quite unstable.
As you can see, I adore Shuichi with my heart, so you will see a lot of him in this blog (Request about him plz, it'll make me very happy).
English is not my first language, so please, have patience with me.
I have the right to deny requests.
Sometimes my motivation is low, and when it happens, I won't write anything, so if you see me inactive, please don't pressure me.
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Characters I will write for
(* = Harder to write but not impossible, I'll try my best :))
Makoto Naegi (♡) Sayaka Maizono Leon Kuwata* Chihiro Fujisaki Mondo Owada* Kiyotaka Ishimaru Celestia Ludenberg* Sakura Ogami Aoi Asahina Byakuya Togami* Yasuhiro Hagakure Toko Fukawa* Kyoko Kirigiri Hajime Hinata Byakuya Twogami* Mahiru Koizumi Peko Pekoyama (♡) Ibuki Mioda Mikan Tsumiki Gundham Tanaka* Nagito Komaeda* Chiaki Nanami Sonia Nevermind Kazuichi Souda Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu* Akane Owari Izuru Kamukura* Shuichi Saihara (♡♡♡) Rantaro Amami* Kaede Akamatsu Ryoma Hoshi* Kirumi Tojo Angie Yonaga Tenko Chabashira Korekiyo Shinguji* Gonta Gokuhara Kokichi Oma* Kaito Momota* K1-B0 Maki Harukawa* Komaru Naegi Yuta Asahina WOH* (except Monaca) (Platonic Only)
Characters I will NOT write for
Hifumi Yamada Mukuro Ikusaba Junko Enoshima Teruteru Hanamura Hiyoko Saionji Miu Iruma Himiko Yumeno Monaca Towa Haiji Towa (I hope he rots in hell).
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And that's everything! If you have any questions, feel free to ask them! <3 Have a great day!
- Mod Shuichi.
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m-y-fandoms · 4 years
Danganronpa V3 boys reaction to: their S/O thinking they were going to hurt them on purpose
Request: could i request something you want to write? it can be anything! free your mind bud~❤
This is the first time an asker has told me to write what I want so I’m gonna do an angst/fluff cliche scenario I really enjoy. I recently requested this from another blog but I need to expand and see more of this trope. Hoping this inspires other DR bloggers to try it LOL - Admin Kokichi
Word Count:  7,400 words (please appreciate this post and show it some love LMAO my hands HURT)
Trope/scenario: A couple is in an argument. It’s really intense, maybe the worst one they’ve ever had. One partner raises a hand suddenly, either to ruffle their hair or wipe sweat from their face, maybe grab something or gesture as they yell, but their S/O cowers/flinches at the sudden movement, and braces themselves or cries out, thinking their partner was about to hit them. Then, the angst ends in fluff with the other partner expressing that they would never hurt their beloved. I will make small variations to this base concept to spice up the piece.
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Kaito Momota:
     Kaito was just always...always so positive and cheery. You loved him for it, but sometimes it got on your nerves. There were days when you just refused to believe his bullshit about everything in life having a bright side or way out. Even when you two were fighting, he tried to pull it back into a more positive light or rope you out of your foul mood. Today though, you’d been crying and frustrated and anxious and when he tried to cheer you up, you just kept on giving him reasons why there was absolutely no bright side to this. He was beginning to get frustrated, more with the situation than with you, of course, but it was coming off as being directed at his dear S/O.
     Truly, he just didn’t want to admit that he, too, was a bit disheartened by your situation. He was mad at himself for losing his signature confidence and cool.
     “Ryoma is fucking dead, Kaito, will you just fucking give it up!” You were in your dorm with him as usual after the nighttime announcement, only this time he wasn’t exactly invited in. You cuddled, played board games or just talked for hours after his training with Maki and Shuichi every night, but tonight you’d told him you just wanted to be alone.
     “Yeah? And so is Kirumi, and Kaede, and Rantarou, too! B-but we didn’t let their deaths get us down, right?! Sure it’s horrible and we miss them but we have to be strong for them! It’s what they would want!”
     “No, Kaito, you didn’t let their deaths get to you! I had a mental breakdown!”
     “Yeah...I-I know but...but! You know we’re here for you! Shuichi and Maki and me! Gonta, Kiibo, everyone here cares about you and we all lift each other up! You even got on that Kiyo creep’s good side! We all have to keep going!” You’d had enough. You just watched someone’s corpse be devoured by piranhas then watched Kirumi, one of your closest confidants, fall to her death in a bloody mess. You were traumatized, and you’d had enough Kaito for today. You began to push past him to your bedroom door. “Hey, where are you goin’ S/O?”
     “Anywhere you aren’t!” You began to cry, your throat choking out your words. That did it. Kaito was officially pissed off. He felt his face heat up and his fists shake. He’d been there for you through everything. He loved you, he protected you, he was your motivational coach, bodyguard, lover, best friend, and this is what he got in return?!
     You felt your hand be snatched off the door and it slammed back closed. You flipped around, Kaito cornering you.
     “K-Kaito!” You’d never seen him get this angry...maybe at Kokichi or Monokuma, but not at you. Never at you.
     “Why are you acting like this! Why do you always have to let everything get to you so much?!”
     “ ‘Acting like this’?! Kaito, our friends are being brutally picked off and killed one by one! And I-”
     “You think I don’t know that?!” he spat, his tone extremely harsh. “And every time that happens what do I do? What do I do, huh?! I come here and support you and talk to you and take care of you and now you wanna just walk away?! I love you, S/O! You push away everyone who cares! Keep actin’ like that and you’ll be next!” He was starting to scare you. You could tell you’d pushed your boyfriend too far.
     “I- I just can’t do this anymore, okay?! I can’t do it! Your support isn’t the cure to everything, okay?!” You screamed, your face burning up. Why was he being such a dick? “You really think you yelling at me right now is helping?! Saying I may be next?! I’m scared, Kaito!”
     “Everyone is scared!”
     “Not you, apparently! Because you’re Mr. Perfect, right?! You’re gonna save us all?! Well you’re making this all worse!”
     “I- don’t put this on me! You push Maki and Shuichi away too! Your friends check in on you and are there for you and you’re not there for them! You’re being selfish!” You felt a chill run don your spine, and tears threaten to fall. You were a mess. You were shaking, terrified, enraged, and he just crossed the line.
     Selfish…not there for them?!
     “...Get out, Kaito!” You leaned forward, yelling in his face.
      His hands quickly flew up to his head to pull at his hair, dumbfounded and tired of this argument. Your eyes closed and you gasped, falling back against the door and flinching.
     Huh..? Kaito looked at you with confusion. What, did you just get a muscle spasm or something? Were you injured?
     Then it hit him. His expression softened and his arms fell to his side.
     “S/O…” Your heart rate sped up as he approached you, though his voice was gentle. All of the anger in it was completely gone. He grabbed your arm and pulled you into his wide chest. He smelled of lavender and fresh men’s aftershave. “Did...did you think I was going to hit you just now…?” He sounded a bit hurt, and you felt guilt wash over you. You didn’t respond, feeling a bit foolish. “I would never hurt you. No matter how much of an ass I’m being or how worked up I get, I will never hurt you.” Tears began to fall from your eyes and soak into his shirt.
     “I know...I’m sorry,” you whispered, sniffling. He sighed, and scooped you up, walking over to your bed and laying down with you on his chest.
     “I love you, S/O...I just need to...talk less and listen more. I didn’t mean those things I said about you, and I know just believing doesn’t fix everything, but it’s all I got right now. I’m scared too, I promise. Just...don’t tell anyone that, please.” He chuckled, still a bit melancholic. You grinned into his shoulder, snuggling in close.
    What a big goof.
     “Kiibo, calm down!” Your voice was stern but held an edge of fear as your normally rational and wholesome boyfriend thrashed about his research lab in a vengeful mood. He was flipping chairs, knocking over gadgets and upgrades, breaking screens.
     “Why are you defending him?! How could you take his side! I am always so...so loyal to you!” His words were almost glitchy, his rage cutting through his programming.
     “I’m not taking his side!” You backed away from the rampaging robot, a bit scared of this new side of him that you’d never seen before. Sure, Kiibo got angry, but usually it just ended with verbal rebuttals and logical arguments. He never got violent like this. It just wasn’t who he was. “I just said that maybe Kokichi has some shit going on down deep in his heart and mind. He’s probably just super insecure. You shouldn’t let him bait you like that! You’re smarter than that!” But he was hearing none of it.
     “Even the person I care most about just sees me as a stupid machine, as someone that people are allowed to pick on and discriminate against!” He began to groan loudly in frustration, pulling at his platinum hair, and that’s when you noticed it…
     “K-Kiibo....? Where’s your antenna?” You asked softly, afraid anything you said at this point, in his favor or not, could set him off even further.
     “What?!” He panted, fists balled up as he craned his neck toward you.
     “Y-Your antenna is gone…?” He smiled wickedly; it was a teasing smirk of irony and instability.
     “Oh, that? Kokichi yanked it off of my head after his merciless bullying session today, just before you came to visit!” He chuckled. “But I’m sure you’ll justify that, too right? Go on, defend him!” The sardonic hum of his voice turned gravelly toward the end of that last sentence, and he felt the pure rage building up again. You saw him almost vibrate, and his eyes glazed over like a computer blue-screening. Electricity pulsed from his irises.
     “Grrrah! Shut up!” He glided across the room, closing in on you with speed that could only be described as inhuman, and you cowered and threw yourself to the ground in front of him. You shielded your head with your arms and began to sob.
     “Kiibo, please!” You cried out to the robot, the boy you loved. He froze dead in his tracks with you at his boots, crumpled into yourself like a crushed soda can.
     “S/O…?” Hesitantly, and so very, very cautiously, you looked up, Kiibo’s gentle eyes returning to their usual baby-blue. “That’s not me. Th-that’s not me!” He fell to his knees and wrapped his cold arms around your shaking form. You let him, sensing no trace of the hostile energy.
     “Kiibo...I was so scared-”
     “I know. I’m sorry that I ever made you think I’d hurt you. I-“
     “I was more scared that’d I’d lost you, that losing your antenna meant that I’d lost the Kiibo I love, that you’d lost your soul…” his eyes widened and his mouth fell agape.
    Soul…? No one ever referred to him or his body like that...soul...a soul was such an extraordinarily human thing to have. Did you see him like that?
     “I don’t need that antenna or the voice inside my head to tell me that I would never hurt the person I love. And I hope you know that, too.” He nuzzled into your neck, and you two set there, silently, just holding each other for a while.
Gonta Gokuhara:
     You didn’t know how to get out of the dangerous situation you’d put yourself in, but you were sure you deserved this…
     You’d upset your gentle giant of a boyfriend, a man possessing endless innocence, chivalry, patience, kindness, and love. You’d done the unthinkable:
     You’d killed a bug in front of him.
     Now you were on the receiving end of the biggest riot you’d ever seen someone cause up close. It was like watching a big kid… a very big kid, throw a tantrum. It would’ve been cute or even funny if he were Kokichi’s size, but seeing the love of your life, the hulking mass of rippling muscles hovering 6 feet 6 inches off the ground and stomping about like Godzilla, you were petrified.
     “Why S/O kill Gonta’s friend?! Gonta was taking care of him!!!” He gestured to the smashed cockroach on the ground, and man had the little eyesore put up a fight.
     “G-Gonta please, calm down! I wasn’t thinking! Why didn’t you tell me there was a roach in my dorm room?! You know I ask you to keep your bugs in your own room or lab!” You tried to put your hands up in surrender and calm the storm brewing inside him.
     “Him not want to leave! Gonta talked with him! He love S/O, just like Gonta! Gonta promised to keep him safe and secret in here! He was comfortable here!” He was almost crying with rage, and you started to feel bad for him. He was so damn innocent and cute. He saw the beauty and value in even a cockroach’s life…
     “Gonta, sweety, my love…” you tried approaching him with nothing but sympathy in your heart.
     “S/O supposed to be good person! Good people no hurt bugs! S/O hurt bug and Gonta’s heart!” His fists clenched and he growled, his aura flaring up like some Super Saiyan trying to raise their power level. He looked like a Shonen villain ready to slaughter millions.
     “Gonta, please forgive me, I’ll do any-“ you placed your hand on his wrist and he pulled away sharply, throwing his hand up into the air in a gesture of frustration. “Gonta-!” You brought your arms up in front of your face, preparing for a blow.
     He saw you cower below him, and everything faded. He receded into himself, his expression blanking. His mind flashed back to kids on the playground in elementary school, running from him, yelling, shrinking back in fear at the much larger kid with the wild green hair. They saw him as a monster, even when he was peaceful and kind to them...so what must you be feeling right now, now that he actually was being a monster? He closed his eyes, teeth clenching in guilt.
     “G-Gonta never hurt you. Gonta is gentleman. Gentleman not hurt people, and gentleman really not hurt people they love.” He shook his head, disowning and denouncing the Gonta he was only seconds ago. He looked to you, and his hands reached out and grasped at the air in front of you, almost afraid to touch you. Afraid he didn’t deserve to.
     “Gonta...I’m really sorry. I really wasn’t thinking. I’m scared of bugs, and I saw your little friend and he surprised me. It was all instin-“
     “Gonta not mad about that anymore. Gonta mad at himself...to make S/O think Gonta is scary, to make S/O scared of Gonta…” Your eyes widened in realization. That was one of his biggest insecurities: being seen as a savage beast and not a gentleman.
     “No! Gonta!” You shoved yourself into his arms and wrapped your arms as much as you could around his very wide torso. He didn’t know what to do, blushing like crazy and overwhelmed with emotions from both sides of the spectrum. “I’m not scared of you. I will never be scared of you.”
     “...Really?” He smiled slowly, hugging you back.
     “Really. Flinching like that was just an instinct as well.” If there’s anything the man raised by animals knew, it was instinct. “A stupid one. I know you’d never hurt me. I love you, my big, loving gentleman.”
Korekiyo Shinguuji:
     Korekiyo was always busy, always lost in his work, and you were starting to miss him more and more. You’d only been dating for a short while, but you’d been best friends for a long period of time before that. Now that you were dating, you wanted more and more of his attention.
     You respected his scholarly nature and admired his work ethic, but it was starting to grind on your nerves. Why? Because he was the one choosing to be away from you. No boss was holding a due date over his head, there was no paycheck that depended on him, no cultural or scientific breakthrough that would benefit the world once he discovered it. That’s what frustrated you. You were locked in the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles, trapped in a killing game with nothing to do but kill or die or waste the days away doing frivolous activities with the other students. So why...why on earth was your boyfriend always spending time in that dusty, archaic old research lab instead of with you?
     You were feeling energetic today, in one of your more hyper-active and careless moods, the boredom clawing at you. You decided this would be a perfect time to go bother Korekiyo, and hopefully use your playful mood to ignite a playful mood in him. Maybe, just maybe, you’d tear him away from his studies to spend time with you.
     “Kiyo~” you danced into his lab, twirling around and landing your backside onto his large desk with a thud. He looked up from his work, with what you presumed was an amused smile. He was wearing his mask as usual. He’d worn it the entire time you knew him, only taking it off for showers or when he slept alone in his room. When he slept over at yours, he wore it the entire night, and you’d never had the courage to pull it down while he slept, fearing you’d see two cat-like, piercing, angry orbs flash open and stare into your soul. He wasn’t ready to show you what was hidden beneath the black fabric, yet, and you never pushed him. It must be something really serious to him…
     You reached out, stroking through his black hair and removing his cap before plopping it on your head and putting your hand in front of your mouth like a mask, narrowing your eyes to mimic his own intense appearance.
      “S/O, you’re rather cheerful this morning…” he was suspicious, but still found your little dance and daring demeanor cute. The crown of his black hair was a bit mussed, tousled about at the roots by the swift motion of you snatching his hat.
     “I just really~ miss you, and I have endless energy today! Sooooooo, let’s go eat then explore! And I think Kaito is setting up some kind of lame game night for everyone later on. I promised him I’d go even though I don’t really want to, but it would still be awesome to team up and destroy Kokichi’s will to live! All we have to do is partner him with someone who sucks at trivia or charades!” He chuckled at you, his eyelids falling closed. You were such a bright light in his life, and he was so happy that you were all his.
     “I’m afraid I’m busy, my dear. Maybe some other time.” He shook his head, his gaze returning to the yellowed pages of a tome in front of him. You reached forward, closing the book. He sighed. “S/O…” his brow furrowed, now speaking in a cautionary tone.
     “Kiyo…” you imitated his serious, gravelly timbre.
     “I’m being serious. You’re adorable, I’ll give you that, but you’re trying my patience~” he tried to lighten the mood and not seem so short with you, a sing-song last warning in his voice before he clasped your hand in his.
    “Sigh!” You said aloud. “I suppose I’ll just have to leave~” you pulled away, standing slowly and teasingly gliding to the door, hoping he would be seduced into wanting your attention, or guilty about forcing you away, or... something! Anything. You reached the door and looked back over your shoulder as if to say ‘this is your last chance!’ and he simply waved back smugly, his fingertips wiggling childishly. You exhaled deeply in defeat, head hanging over dramatically. You drug your feat heavily along the ground back into his lab, pouting as you began flipping through texts on the ceiling-to-floor bookshelf behind your boyfriend. “Can I at least stay in here while you work?”
      “...I suppose,” he didn’t even look up from his book. “If you promise to stay quiet so I can focus.”
     “Alright…” You chimed.
     “I mean it.”
     About fifteen minutes had passed and so far you’d been behaving for the most part, twiddling around relics and blowing dust off of old artifacts. Occasionally you’d bump or clank something accidentally, and Korekiyo would narrow his eyes at you or sigh. You were beginning to feel that same pang of boredom and restlessness creep up your spine for an encore. You were starting to feel antsy.
     How do I get him to just fucking pay attention to me?! You huffed, scheming to yourself. Then it clicked. You had the perfect way to liven him up. He’d have to play along with you if you…
     You crept up quietly behind your boyfriend, and your hands crept around his neck like impish little claws before snatching his mask down and off of his face. You held the black fabric in your hand like this was a game of capture the flag and tried to lean over his shoulder and see his face, his full face, for the first time.
     “S/O!” Korekiyo growled, his reaction time immediate and way too fast for you. He spun away, covering his mouth with his arm. “What the hell are you doing?! Give that back!” He reached out for his mask with his free hand, and you skidded backward, giggling.
     “Come and get it~” You teased, hoping he’d want to give into your playful chase, maybe tackle you...maybe pin you to the ground and use those newly-revealed lips to…
     “Give me the mask, now!” Kiyo flew up from his chair so violently that it fell backwards, tipping over. This alarmed you, and you looked him up and down, scanning him over. He was shaking, a sheen of sweat over the flushed skin that was normally porcelain-white. You’d never seen him this upset. He was usually so composed, so elegant, so graceful and rational.
     “Kiyo…” You almost asked more than stated, doubting the inflamed, shadowy entity in front of you was in fact your boyfriend any more.
     “What the fuck is wrong with you?! Have you no decency or respect?! Why do you torture me so?! Have I not been good to you?! His words were almost muffled by his sleeve concealing his mouth and chin. He quickly turned around again, seemingly scrubbing his sleeve across his mouth roughly. When he turned to you again, you swore you could see something staining his sleeve a deep red.
     “Why are you getting so pissed off?! I was only trying to revive your dead-corpse of a personality! Why the fuck are you even dating me if you never wanna spend time with me?!”
    “Give me. My mask!” He fumed, his eyes holding back something unstable.
     “Everyone, everyone here thinks you’re a creep! They think you’re some weirdo freak and they avoid you! Some of them are even scared of you, but I’m always here! I always have accepted you, have loved who you are, have supported you! And now I’m expressing my feelings and you care about this fucking thing?! I could die tomorrow, killed by one of our friends, and this is how you treat me?!” You shook the mask around in the air before throwing it to the ground with malice. His eyes widened, and in a moment of pure, raw emotion, he flew at you, the gust of air that carried him lifting his black tresses like a veil behind him. He stopped just in front of you, his face inches from yours.
     “Then leave! Leave me alone if I’m such a pathetic excuse for a human being!” He seethed. He no longer had a mind to cover himself. You were now seeing his lower-face for the very first time, but you couldn’t even register that right now. Kiyo was like a cyclone, a demon demanding satisfaction for a wrong-doing. His temper was never this present, and your heart was involuntarily speeding up in fear. Why had you pushed him like this? “Just get out!” His bandaged hand shot forward and you flinched, crying out his name as it flew toward you. You closed your eyes, bracing yourself for the pain that never came as he punched the bookshelf behind you. You kept your eyes closed, shaking as tears began to spill over.
     You were both silent, Kiyo’s shaky breath filling the air as he finally looked into your eyes. His heart dropped upon seeing your tears and cowering body. How could he…? He was never going to hit you, but it didn’t matter, you thought he was going to, and that was enough. He felt the desperate need to explain himself, to save your opinion of him and make sure you were okay. He let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding in. Surely...surely you’d leave him now, and never spare him a glance again.
     “S-S/O...S/O,” he quickly grasped onto your face with weak, trembling hands. His palms cupped your jaw and chin, and gently made you look up at him. You gazed up into his eyes, and saw him, truly saw him. He was beautiful, and his soul was beautiful. How could a mask hide more than appearance? “I need you to know that when I struck my hand out, I was always planning to hit the shelf behind you.” He shook his head, searching your eyes for understanding. “I need you to know that. I would never, ever raise a hand to you. I know very well that even letting my temper take control enough to hit things like a child throwing a tantrum is unacceptable, and was probably very scary for you to watch, but please know that I will never harm you. No matter how upset I get, I will never hurt you. I hold far too much love for you in my heart. I loved you as my best friend, and now I love you as my partner. Please, please forgive me for my outburst.” His honey eyes were glassy and wet, and his face was set in a self-loathing grimace.
     You looked at him, breathing deeply for a moment, before slowly leaning forward. You let your lips melt into his, and they were so soft...softer than you could’ve ever imagined. His eyes widened a bit in confusion and surprise. Did you forgive him? What did this mean? He silenced his thoughts and his eyelids fluttered closed, letting his lips mold around yours like they were meant to fit together.
     Your first kiss.
     He moaned, his arm reaching for your waist and pulling you in to deepen the kiss. After a long while, you both parted for some much needed air.
     “I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have pushed you so far. It wasn’t fair. Nothing that I said or did today was fair. I was being childish as well, and selfish.”
     “No, you’re right. I cherish you, I want you. I should be spending more time with you. And I vow to you, I will.”
Ryoma Hoshi:
     You walked into Ryoma’s research lab, grinning ear-to-ear. You held a little box full of snacks and soft drinks, prepared to spend the night with him. Upon entering, you noticed your boyfriend dripping sweat, gracefully repelling away tennis balls with expertise. The automated machine arm on the other side of the net was pelting him mercilessly, whipping ball after ball in his general direction. Ryoma was unrelenting, balls ricocheting off the walls after he served them back to the machine, which couldn’t keep up with the Ultimate Tennis Pro. He was entranced in the sport, and you were entranced with him.
     You couldn’t help but see the skill he was brandishing out in the open as incredibly attractive. He was so fast, so agile, still so passionate about the sport, even if he didn’t want to admit it. You were amazed and enamored, and simply watched as if it were a private little show just for you. Ryoma was always so cynical and self-loathing, that seeing him in his element, focused-in, enjoying himself, was so intimate. After a few more minutes, you shook yourself out of your reverie. It was snack time! You took a step forward.
     “Wow, Ry-”
     “Gah!” His deep voice growled out, and he pivoted to face you, almost shitting himself. “S/O-!” The machine continued to launch balls, and one hit him at a dangerous velocity right in the back of the neck. “Agh!” He tripped forward, nearly toppling forward but catching himself. “Fuck!”
     “Ryoma!” you teetered over to him, the heavy box in your arms impairing your free movement a bit.
     “No!” He ran at you, tackling you back into the corner of the room. You fell to the ground with Ryoma on top of you as the machine pelted three balls directly where your head would’ve been. The snacks scattered everywhere and the sturdy box knocked off of Ryoma’s head in all of the ruckus. “Ow!” He reached from his prone position for the sleek remote on the ground by the door, and pressed the red button on the side. The machine whirred to a stop, a few already-primed balls dropping from it’s front with a thud.
     I’m such an idiot...you thought to yourself. Gosh, he must be so pissed right now. Why were you so annoying and careless?
     Ryoma sat up, his face blood-red and his chest heaving angrily. His neck and head pulsed with a dull pain, and his temper had shot right up through the roof. You met his eyes with a fearful and apologetic expression.
     “What the hell do you think you’re doing, S/O?!” He yelled, and you cringed. He was usually so chill, so easy-going, even when being self-deprecating or depressing.
     “You know I’m dangerous, that I react instantly to threats. Why would you startle me like that?! I’ve killed people for less!”
     “Ryoma, you’d never hurt m-”
     “Then you walk out in front of a machine launching projectiles at light speed??? Act like you’ve got some fuckin’ sense!” The hand still holding onto his tennis racket in a vice-like grip rose above both of your heads, and you flinched away with a gasp, bracing for it to strike down upon you. Instead, it launched past you both, Ryoma throwing it with a grunt of frustration.He took in your reaction at the very last second, and instantly felt like a piece of shit. He said nothing, pulling his knees up into himself and staring at the ground. Realizing you were in no danger, you sat back up fully, feeling a bit foolish now, and simply crossed your ankles, sitting beside him silently.
     A moment passed, then another, then another. You didn’t want to push him. He didn’t like to open up or to be forced to open up. This was a bit awkward...and sad. Another moment passed. He sighed, taking one of your hands in his.
     “Hey.” You looked to him with apprehension in your eyes.
    “You’re right, I would never hurt you. That was bullshit, everything I just said and did...how I acted was bullshit.” He paused before continuing, hesitant. “I wasn’t mad at you, I was mad at the situation. I was having a rough night anyway before you showed up, thinkin’ about the past and shit. Then you scared me, it hurt my pride, then the ball hit me, and it just hurt my pride even more. Then you walked out onto the court and I just, I was scared that you were gonna get hurt, and angry that you’d be so careless with your safety when you know how much I worry about you. Plus, you know I don’t like people watching me play, it’s embarrassing...I guess all that emotion just built up…” He scratched the back of his neck, waiting for your response, or something more to say. When you remained silent, searching for the right words, he began again. “Enough with the excuses. There is no excuse. I shouldn’t have yelled at you, or thrown the racket. But, you have to know I would never hurt you.” He leaned in to embrace you, a bit stiff as he wasn’t one for physical contact but thought the situation deserved it. You allowed him in, hugging him back tightly.
     “I already know that. I already said so before, didn’t I?” You grinned weakly. “Please, don’t beat yourself up about this. I flinched out of instinct.” You reassured him, but Ryoma was always far too hard on himself.
     “You’re the only thing in this world that matters to me…” He breathed, avoiding your plea to let himself off the hook.
Kokichi Ouma:
     “Kokichi! K-Kokichi stop!” you screamed between pants, barely able to catch your breath. You’d been sprinting away from your little asshole of a boyfriend for a little over ten minutes. He chased after you brandishing a large butcher knife. He snickered and cackled along behind you, not winded in the slightest. It was like his body provided an extra shot of adrenaline and stamina when he was being evil.
     You’d been in the kitchen with Kokichi, him harassing Kirumi while she tried to prepare dinner for everyone like she had every night. He was rearranging and messing up her cooking station, hiding tools and utensils, harping on her to cook faster. She ignored him, and he ignored you begging him to leave the hard-working maid alone, however, he was starting to get bored. He had resigned himself to taking inventory of everything Kirumi had set out, and his eyes seemed to glitter and glisten when they landed on a classy, expensive-looking, and very large butcher knife.
     “Wooooow, coolio!” He picked it up in wonder, posing and swinging it around like a little sword. “Kirumi~ now people might start to get suspicious with you packin’ this thing!” He was beginning to get reckless, swinging the knife loosely and almost clipping his own skin and Kirumi’s skirt.
     “Kokichi, be careful!” You loved him, and saw greatness in him where no one else did, but man could he be an idiot sometimes…
     “You just walkin’ around with this thing under your skirt, Miss Maid? Ready to go scrub down someone’s entire room then plunge this into their heart? That’s gotta be someone’s kink…” his voice trailed off and he swung the knife in a wide arc toward you. You jumped back, and he tilted his head. 
     Slowly, a wicked smirk climbed across his pale, impish face. Oh, no…
    “Kokichi…” You held your hands up in surrender, backing away slowly. He leapt at you with a little yell, gauging your reaction. He liked your reaction. It was most certainly not boring. “K-Kokichi, stop!” He began to creep toward you with a low chuckle. You knew that chuckle.
     You spun on your heel, and jetted out of the dining hall at top speed.
“Nishihi~” The little tyrant immediately gave chase, excitement evident in his voice. He held the knife out in front of him like a serial killer, clearly enjoying the hunter-and-prey dynamic. You, however, were on the verge of collapsing out of stress. Only the fear of death kept your feet going. This was most definitely not fun to you.
     Kokichi always teased you. He pulled pranks on you, flustered you on purpose, hid your belongings, even chased you around like this sometimes...but this was different. Usually, if he chased you, he held a spider from Gonta’s lab or a booger as his weapon of choice, never a fucking knife. That, and the fact that something in his voice sounded more thrilled, strained, more malicious, was setting off your fight-or-flight.
    “Run, run, my little S/O! Run for your life!” He sounded fucking insane, but thankfully also sounded further away now. It seemed you were losing him, much to your relief. Looking around frantically, you turned a corner in a looping hallway and tripped over a foot that stuck out suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere. You fell roughly to your hands and knees with a yelp of pain, turning around to stare up at the Supreme Leader. “AHAHAHA! That’s right, cower at my boots, kneel and beg for your life!” He angled the knife down at you, the tip pointing into the middle of your throat. Your head was spinning. There was something hazy and reeking of blood-lust in his eyes.
     Your walls broke down, and you began to sob loudly, tears pouring from your eyes and snotty yelps and choking-sounds coming from your raw throat. This wasn’t funny, you weren’t playing along. Why was he tormenting you? Your eyes were puffy and you looked absolutely miserable, almost scream-crying up at him. Kokichi felt a chill run down his spine, but not the good kind. He quickly pulled the knife away, and tossed it behind him on the floor to be discarded and forgotten.
     “Huh? Hey, why are you crying? I was just playin’ around, like always.” There was something like child-like innocence and confusion in his tone. You always liked playing with him, what gives? You simply kept weeping, holding your hands in your face, not even wanting to look at him. “H-hey…” Kokichi sunk down onto his knees, now eye-level with you, and he removed your hands from your face. He’d never made you cry before…
     “Please, go away…” You sniveled, looking away from him. You were humiliated, terrified, vulnerable. You didn’t want him there??? This wasn’t fun anymore.
     “S/O...did...did you think I was actually gonna hurt you???” He sounded incredulous. “Why were you so scared?” He reached back behind his neck and untied his checkered scarf before placing his hand under your chin and tilting it upward. He began drying off your face, wiping up the snot.
     “Yes, I thought you were gonna hurt me. Did you hear yourself?!” A bit of anger latched onto your mainly exhausted tone. “You sounded like you’d fucking snapped, ‘Kichi.”
     “Well I was just messin’ around. It’s no fun if you don’t go all out, right?” You didn’t answer. “Right?” He frowned, feeling like the biggest asshole in the world. “Hey! S/O, I would never actually hurt you...this place would be the worst without you. You’re so much fun! And!...and you like me...no one else likes me…” He let his persona slip for half a second before mentally slapping himself. “And I like you!” He grabbed you roughly and pulled you into a hug, trying to distract from that little moment of weakness he’d just shown. “H-how about from now on, we make a secret code or phrase that only you and I know, and when one of us says it, we know that whatever game we are playing is not cool or fun anymore, and we both stop immediately?!” He meant when you said it, he would never chicken out of any activity, no matter what. His pride wouldn’t allow it...but….you could see he was trying. He was sorry. 
     You nuzzled your head into his shoulder and let him whisper little words of apology and encouragement into your ear, promising that next time, you could pick what game you played together.
Shuichi Saihara:
     Shuichi was many things: he was smart, kind, empathetic, intuitive, handsome, loving, punctual, prepared, selfless, but he was not aggressive, or violent in the least.
     So when he’d slammed his fist into the wall beside your head, you’d yelped, your hands flying up to protect your face instinctually, fearing the worst. Shuichi never missed a beat, immediately gasping while his brain rapidly processed and registered his outburst and your defensive reaction all at once. He grabbed you by the shoulders greedily, pulling you into his chest. His head was already buried in your shoulder, sobbing with guilt. He hugged your waist so hard you might’ve snapped in two.
      “S-S/O...S/O, S/O...no no no…” He wept. “Please, please I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. That look on your face. You- you were scared of me!!! I shouldn’t have- I was stressed, I was so damn tired and stressed and a-after that trial, I just can’t- I couldn’t-!”
     “Shuichi!” You grabbed the sides of his face, forcing him to look at you. His navy blue hair stuck to his wet face, which was puffy and flushed pink. He was a mess, and obviously tearing himself apart inside. “Shuichi, shh~” You brushed the hair from his forehead.
     “I would never, NEVER hurt you,” his voice cracked. “I’m so stupid! I’m so, so sorry. I love you...SO much. I’ll never let my emotions take over like this ever again. Please, please forgive me...or-or don’t, but I just need you to know, I would never hurt you.” He took your hand, sniffling before kissing the back of it. “I would never hurt you.” he whispered, a broken man.
      “I know, Shuichi. Everyone has their moments. You’ve never harmed me or even talked harshly to me before. This was a fluke…” He shook his head, not wanting to allow himself any excuses. He was so hard on himself… “Shuichi, we found a dead body today then watched someone die. You do most of the work during the trials. I would think you were inhuman if you didn’t get over-emotional at times…”
     “But, you didn’t do anything to me! You simply were trying to talk me down. When I saw that look in your eyes...the fear, directed toward me, the one who is supposed to love and protect you... I... I’m such an asshole.” He began to cry again. 
     Your sensitive little detective.
     “I will always be here to talk you down. I will always be here for you, Shuichi. I love you, too, so very much. You are forgiven.” You kissed his cheek softly.
Rantarou Amami:
  “No... NO NO NO!” Rantarou ran past the table you were sitting at, falling to his knees in front of the broken tripwire in front of him.
     “Rantarou? W-what’s wrong?” You put down the book you’d been avidly reading and rushed to your boyfriend’s side on the other side of the library.
     “S/O...babe... please tell me this tripwire was already broken when you got here...” He knew it wasn’t, that sliver of a chance the only thing stopping him from exploding.
     “Uhh...well, no. I got here about thirty minutes ago a-and I stepped on it. At first, I thought it was a trap, that I was gonna be the next victim, but nothing happened, so I just found the book I wanted and-”
     “Uggghhh,” Rantarou groaned, running a hand across his face and standing. His face was slowly turning red.
     “What’s wrong, I-”
      “What’s wrong? Are you kidding me?! Monokuma’s motive time limit is almost up! How are you here reading away the night like-”
     “Why are you getting so angry with me?” Your voice faltered. Rantarou was not the type of person to lose his cool easily, and he never yelled at you, never even used a bitter or irritated tone of voice. Where was this all coming from? Your adrenaline started pumping. You must have fucked up big time to cause this reaction.
     “S/O, that trap was our last chance to save whoever the victim will be this time! It was hooked up to cameras and in the perfect spot for the mastermind to trip the wire on the way to their hideout! How-” he was quickly growing more and more pissed off, “ -why are you even here?! We all agreed to stay in the dorms until sunrise!”
     “Why are you here then?!” You snapped back. You felt that his anger at you was unjustified. He broke the agreement with your peers, too, and set up a trap without telling anyone, but expected everyone to avoid it?
     “I-” he ran a hand through his green locks, “- forget it! That’s not important! Someone is gonna die tonight and now I don’t have time to set up a new trap!” He screamed in your face.
     “Well that’s not my fault!” You were starting to feel yourself break, feeling extremely guilty for some reason, cornered, and on edge.
     “Are you fucking kid-” His hands flew up in an exasperated gesture, and you backed away, flinching. 
     Rantarou’s rage instantly melted away. He put his hands on his hips, tears threatening to fall from his eyes but he refused to cry in front of you. Not here, not now. He breathed in deeply for a few seconds, turning away from you before pulling himself together. He then approached you pulling you into a gentle hug. He felt idiotic. “Hey, I was bein’ a dick. You couldn't have possibly known I set the trap, and there’s always a margin of error, anyway. None of this is your fault. Everyone here is under a lot of stress. I’m sorry for losing my cool, but babe…” he pulled back, and you looked up at him. “Seeing you flinch away from me like that...man, that was awful. I would rather die than have you ever look at me with fear in your eyes. I will never hit you. Please, never worry about that.” He stroked your cheek. “I will never push or shove or kick or hit or-” He picked you up, tickling your sides and eliciting a giggle from you, before swinging you up into his arms in a bear hug. “Or ever, ever hurt you in any way.” He kissed your forehead. “I might bite’cha though...” he cooed. You shook your head, grinning.
    “That fight was stupid, let’s just forget it.”
     “I agree. There’s still the time limit though…”
      “There’s nothing we can do about it, now Rantarou, except be the best people we can be.” You met his eyes, trying to let him know that you were there for him.
     “What we can do is lock ourselves up in your dorm room, and barricade the doors after checking for traps and murderers.” He chuckled in that sexy, deep voice of his, the one that made you swoon every time. “And I’m gonna protect you. You’re not gonna be a victim as long as I’m around. That’s a promise.”
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cookiesnt · 3 years
Mondo, Kazuichi and Korekiyo as older brothers!
Let’s start things off with my comfort characters being amazing!!!
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TW: Mentions of sibling death, abuse
No one’s gonna hurt his little sibling
And I mean no one.
He will end anyone who so much as looks at you wrong.
“You keep your hands off of ‘em, or you’ll never walk again!”
On the other hand, he’s not the best at comforting you.
He’ll do his best, but he can’t promise anything.
Daiya was much better at that...
Speaking of which, depending on your age gap, he was terrified at suddenly having to take care of you alone.
He saw himself as an awful older brother.
How could he possibly take care of such an amazing younger sibling like you?
When he got accepted to Hope’s Peak, he only agreed to go when the school offered to let you stay in his dorm.
That was significantly easier once you found your own talent.
Sometimes you’d even get to go to class with him!
You became really close to Leon and Chihiro.
They both became protective over you.
Heck, the whole class became protective.
You were the baby of the class.
Mondo will not allow you to join the gang.
He doesn’t want you to end up like him.
He doesn’t want you to get hurt because of him.
He wouldn’t be able to live with himself.
Clearly, he’s a very chill big brother.
He’s kind of an idiot, but you love him for it.
Despite how dumb he can be, he’ll do his best to protect you from your dad.
Even if that means taking beatings in your place.
He always tells you he’s fine, even though he clearly isn’t.
“C’mon, I’m your big bro! It’s my job to protect ya!”
He gets nightmares sometimes and requests you stay in his bed.
You keep him sane.
When he gets accepted to Hope’s Peak, he refuses to leave you.
He wouldn’t be able to protect you.
He literally forced Hope’s Peak to let you stay with him.
He’s a completely different person around his classmates.
On one hand, you’ve never seen him so happy, but you also know that that isn’t him.
The 1st time you got to meet his friends, they were surprised with how different he was around you.
It took awhile, but he was eventually able to be himself around everyone.
If he ended up becoming a Remnant, he’d still make sure you were safe.
The despair of losing you would be too much.
Once he was back to normal, he was just glad to have his baby sibling back.
And you were glad to finally have your big brother back.
You were born a few years before Miyadera died.
You were the reason why Kiyo realized that what was happening to him was abuse.
He refused to allow her anywhere near you.
She was not going to taint you.
He would not allow you to be hurt like him.
Once she died, he was finally able to relax.
He pursued anthropology because he wanted to, not because she forced him.
Especially when you were younger, you began asking questions.
“Why don’t you like talking about her?” “Why didn’t you let me meet her?”
He gave you the same answer every time:
“She did bad things to me. I needed to protect you.”
Once you were older, he told you the truth.
Now you became protective of your big brother!
“Kiyo, stop that! You’re being mean to yourself again!”
On a more wholesome note, he loved teaching you about humanity!
He told the best stories and seemed to have an answer to ever single question you ever had!
You went to him more than your parents.
School trouble? Kiyo. Friend trouble? Kiyo. Bullies? Kiyo.
Speaking of bullies, all it takes is one glare to send them running.
God forbid they hurt you physically.
“How dare you?! If I see so much as a scratch, I will tear out your nerves!”
He just wants you to be safe.
That’s all.
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dat-bruv-person · 2 years
really down bad for those black-haired mfs like korekiyo, yaomomo, lucifer, inverted!bakugou and todoroki- so please may you come up with something please and thank you~
.[✿]. black-haired beauty
a/n: inverted!todoroki, yaomomo and inverted!bakugou are beauties already ugh 😫
gn!reader, poc!reader friendly <33
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
Korekiyo doesn't let you touch his hair at all at first, but he does let you recommend him styles to do. Once he did a high ponytail, and the urge to run your hands through his hair was just to strong but boundaries are boundaries yk? Once he's healed from his trauma, he'll let you touch it. He wants to rid that woman from his body forever, however you can't undo the past. All he wants from you is to lather his hair in nice smelling lotions and give it a thorough rinse and brush it through to make him feel like a new person 🥺
Momo loved it when you play with her hair, so please take the opportunity and RUN WITH IT. She's highly viewed in the eyes of her class and parents, so sometimes it's really nice to unwind with you: her s/o <3 Tea and cake are a must to munch on whilst you comb through her raven locks, and little kisses from her in between are a plus too!!
Putting bobbles in Lucifer's hair is enough to make me, you, your mum and the brothers laugh. Not him though. Mr Avatar of Pride here is not impressed. Other than that, he's okay with you touching his hair- but bring one single hair accessory near him and he's gone.
Inverted!Bakugou is skrunkly 🥺🥺🥺 he's such a baby and needs all the love and affection you have to offer. He basically worships you and is so nice and has the softest cheeks and softest chest and babiest blue eyes the world has ever seen and the fluffier hair ever so WHY THE FUCK WOULD HE NOT LET YOU TOUCH IT??? This guy needs therapy after years worth of abuse from Inverted!Deku and oh what a coincidence: I'm here, Inverted!Todoroki's here, but most importantly YOU'RE HERE. He is to die for, and his big doe eyes soften and close fondly when you ruffle his hair JDJSBALWJSHSSJWHKWK
Inverted!Todoroki is the most eager for you to play with his hair: he literally whines for your touch and affection. He's an absolute himbo ❤�� Anyway so when you comply to his demands, he's so happy and can't stop giggling into your stomach whilst you run his hair through your hands. The black side he isn't too fond of beacsue of his shit mother, so he likes to decorate it with different accessories when he doesn't have school to piss her off 🙄 He has a whole box of Claire's hair accessories, from clips to bows to ribbons and cute bobbles just to make him feel pretty cos he's just childish and trendy like that :) The complete opposite of mature Shoto Todoroki but hey I like this one more 😊
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dicii · 4 years
Korekiyo x Kind S/O (They/Them)
- This man hasn’t met anyone who’s ever been this sweet
- What do you mean you brought home 3 stray cats because they looked hungry
- He never gets tired of it. Views it almost like Nagito would, as a product of your shining generosity that helps the world grow to be more beautiful.
- Compliments you whenever you do something nice
- “Humanity may be beautiful, but you shine brighter over all.”
- Is always able to make you blush when he’s really sincere
- Is super romantic and will take you on lots of museum dates if you do something sweet for him
- If you ever get hurt while trying to do something nice this man knows basic medical care and he will not stand to have the most amazing, sweetest, most beautiful thing this world has ever produced be injured
- Calls you his Sunshine or his Deity
- Overall his a lil protective to make sure his Sunshine doesn’t get hurt but loves seeing you in action, and will talk about every part of you he thought was perfect once you’ve finished
- You two are adorable together
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yawujin · 4 months
Can you make the danganronpav3 boys with a jealous s/o props if you put extra time into Shuichi, Rantaro and Kokichi they’re my favourites
Thank you if you do!
awwwright here it is, hope you like it :)
request | v3 boys x a jealous S/O
type | established relationship , non killing game , light hearted , gender neutral reader
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shuichi saihara always reminds his love that he only has eyes for them, no one else can compare anyway. still though, they feel the slight sting of envy whenever he is with kaede or himiko, even if they are just his close friends. "come here" he'll beckon his S/O over to sit nearer to him. once they do; he'll embrace them, pulling them in so very close and holding on tight. his sleuthing skills led him to the conclusion that today they were feeling especially jealous. (jk he just can read the room v well) "i'm here, and i'm not going anywhere." he promises.
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rantaro amami's S/O makes him pinky promise that he has room for only one love and that's them. "i have you here, and that's all i need." he kisses their hand gently. later on, if they still feel jealous, he really lays on his charm thick. the sentences "you're all i could ever ask for." & "you're the only one i want." can be heard while rantaro and his S/O are on a hillside, watching the summer festival fireworks. he squeezes their hand as they walk past the many crowds of tourists surrounding the area.
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kiibo usually tries to get his love to talk about all the reasons they are feeling jealous. damn, i wish i was the ultimate inventor so i could spend more time with him is what his S/O would think everytime miu pulled him away for maintenance. when they finally communicate their envious thoughts to him, he says: "this likeness for you is physically impossible for me to feel towards any other person." kiibo pauses. "or in other words, you taught me how to love, and for that i'm devoted to you." and, at least in that moment, their jealousy went away.
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korekiyo shinguji tells them they need not worry, for everyone can get a little envious at times. they always remember how kiyo mentioned he had had encounters with various women from villages he visited in the past. they knew they shouldn't get jealous of that since they weren't even dating at the time but...
however, he had a fix for this. laying his S/O down and whispering affirmations into their ear. "i won't ever leave you, my dear. you have my word."
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kaito momota helps his S/O's jealousy go away by making the push to spend more time with them. if it's attention they want, attention is what they will receive. he's a man of action and shows them that they're the only one he'll do these things with. he chose a late night picnic under the stars for him and his love.
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gonta gokuhara will hold his S/O for an hour straight before he allows them to be jealous any second longer. "gonta promise he only love you!" he always says it with so much sincerity, they have no reason to doubt him.
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ryoma hoshi reminds them that there is so use feeling jealous. "i'm already yours." he states it as fact, so they take it as fact. ryoma's comfort is his S/O, just as he is his S/O's comfort. he plans for it to stay that way for a very long time
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kokichi ouma's initial reaction is to tease them about it. "aww, you feel that much for me?" he says it as if it's a laughing matter, but internally he feels as though he should make more time for them. he begins making excuses up, explaining to his friends that he can't hang out that day because of (insert ridiculous reason) but in reality it's all because he wants to see how happy his S/O gets when they get more of his undivided attention.
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nagitoshopebagelstm · 4 years
𝐠𝐧! 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐤𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐤𝐢𝐲𝐨
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♡ ┊gn! reader x korekiyo . ೄྀ࿐
so what if i told y'all i never watched/played drv3 so korekiyo might be ooc🤡✋
y'AlL- IM SO SORRY IF I GOT HIM WroNG- i sw e a r, i will watch the gameplay soon- its just that school is gettin in the way😭
request page: [link]
requested by: anon (quotev lmaoaoaoao-)
your tired eyes scanned the very last sentence of the book you had occupied yourself in as you sighed. various piles of the supernatural novels were littered around your hunched form, your bookshelves being left bare.
dull ___ eyes glanced at the clock that hung on your wall, the time reading 9 am. considering how much you stayed up, this wasn't as bad as previous nights. closing the book you had just finished reading, you reached for another one, only for your hand to swat at thin air. your eyebrows furrowed and turned your head only to come face to face with a non-existent pile of books left.
you felt your stomach sink, throat tightening as you no longer had anything to distract yourself with, the suffocating feeling of sleepiness taking over, anxiety ever so slightly making it's way into your mind-
you pinched your forearm, your breathing pattern returning to normal as your mind drifted off, stopping abruptly once a certain anthropologist came to mind. would-- would korekiyo allow you to read some of his books? he was really the only person you had been the closest to here, not to mention the both of your ultimates fit together quite nicely, with you listing various occult groups and practices that you had learned and/or been a part of and korekiyo commenting about the beauty of it and how interesting it seemed. in exchange, korekiyo would list countless facts of ancient societies. 
plus, knowing korekiyo, he'd most likely be awake in his room, doing whatever it was he does. suppressing a yawn, you pushed your tired body out of the uncomfortable position you had forced yourself in and made your way to his lab.
here you were, at his door, a clenched hand hesitating to knock. would he really allow you to read his books? of course, he had lent you some previously, but it was early in the morning and the reasoning for your visit was beyond childish, in your opinion at least. shaking your head, you knocked, immediately cringing at how loud it had been.
finally, the door opened, piercing yellow eyes scanning over your gaze immediately.
"oh, to what do i owe the pleasure of the ultimate occultist at this time?" korekiyo spoke, before trailing off, noticing the very obvious eyebags on your face, not to mention how exhausted you looked. "ah, your somniphobia?" you gave a weak nod.
"i recently just finished all the books in my lab.. i was wondering if i could read yours? sorry if i had bothered you-" you had intimately began to apologize, until korekiyo retreated back into his room, his door closing with a soft click until he returned, a thick book in his hands, the cover littered with various occult symbols.
"let's go inside so you can read this." he gestured you inside, and you reluctantly followed him. was he not bothered-? as the two of you walked past the various glass cases he had in this ultimate lab and eventually led you to a desk, two chairs placed there. handing you the book, he nodded as you sat down in your own seat, korekiyo sitting near the farther end of his desk, reading away at a separate book he had.
it wasn't even a paragraph in as you felt your eyelids droop. you quickly sat up straighter, re-reading the paragraph you had been stuck on for what seemed like the millionth time, it was when the book had been plucked from your hands that you looked up and there stood korekiyo in his full height, his bandaged hands dangling the book above you.
"korekiyo..?" you yawned. "what are you-"
"you kept dozing off when reading the book and stayed stuck on the same page." korekiyo answered shortly, following up with his signature laugh. "i'll read it to you," he paused to flip through the book skimming through the paragraphs quickly. "i had chosen this book because i was sure you'd enjoy it, but how could you possibly enjoy something with your state?" he laughed once more and returned to his seat.
as soon as he sat down, he began reading to you, his voice clear and precise although his mask was covering his mouth. due to your distracted state, you failed to notice how much sleepier you had become, and eventually you drifted off to sleep.
korekiyo looked up from the book and sighed. setting the book on his desk, he grabbed a blanket from who knows where and placed it upon your sleeping form. he knew you wouldn't stay asleep for long, so he grabbed another book for him to read once you woke up, smiling softly under his mask. he truly enjoyed your company.
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maki-and-sushi · 7 years
DRV3 Boys “Falling In Love At First Sight” with their crush
Since I haven’t gotten a request yet, I thought I’d do some that were on my mind, enjoy!
drv3 girls
Contains: Non-Despair AU, Male cast, Ultimate!Reader, Neutral Pronouns, POSSIBLE SPOILERS
▪ It all happened so fast you could barely process it, and when you did you were laying on the ground, papers scattered everywhere
▪ You were so sleep deprived and mentally exhausted that you just sat there, and tears started flowing from your eyes
▪ “I’m so sorry I didn’t mean t- oh god are…are you crying? P-please don’t cry I’m sorry!”
▪ You looked up at him, the tears falling from your long eyelashes and down your plump cheeks, so delicate- NOT THAT HE WAS STARING OF COURSE
▪ It takes you a moment to wipe your tears and tell him you’re okay but he insisted to needed to do something as an apology
▪ So what do you do? Drag him out on the roof and sleep in his lap for the rest of the afternoon
▪ He prayed you didn’t wake up to the loud thumping of his heart because everytime he looked at your innocent face he mentally slapped himself
▪ Okay really but who doesn’t already love Rantaro? (You apparently)
▪ You had nothing against him you just realized he’s gone traveling so much (And well, even when he is here he’s surrounded by girl and boys alike)
▪ One day when he actually showed up he came into class fairly late, and there was barely 5 minutes of class left
▪ You? Well you were studying like a good student of course! (That’s a lie, you were doodling)
▪ So into it you didn’t realize Rantaro was watching the whole time until you leaned back and sighed
▪ He had his head in his hands and stared at your work in awe- he was literally 5 inches away from your face- when did he scoot his chair closer to you without you noticing???
▪ “You’re amazing at drawing, [Last name]. Its like watching someone create a movie with the way your hand glides on the paper.”
▪ So you totally see why the other classmates adore him so
▪ “Thank you very much Rantaro!” you smiled
▪ You didn’t even realize you used his first name while packing your things
▪ You waved goodbye and left a very frozen, very Flustered avacado behind
▪ As the ultimate astrologer you admired space and its many many secrets
▪ But what you admired the most was astronauts. They got to go into space and check it out up close!
▪ So when homeroom introductions started you listened politely and quiet until
▪ “I AM KAITO MOMOTA! LUMINARY OF THE STARS! Or the ultimate astronaut is my other title.”
▪ Without thinking you slammed your hand on your desk and shouted out “YOU’RE SO COOL!”
▪ Lets just say after he was done and class was over you went to talk to him and wouldn’t stop
▪ But its so hard to pay attention or think because a genuine angel is talking to him
▪ “How about you be my sidekick and I can tell you everything you want to know, shining star?”
▪ He was not prepared for the big ol hug you gave him- but he was completely shocked when you nuzzled your head against his chest and excitedly said thank you over and over
▪ His heart won’t shut up
▪ No one liked him (Not like he really cared though)
▪ And well, neither did you (Okay it was more like you just never crossed paths with him)
▪ Maki is always ready to sucker punch him if he so much as breathes around you
▪ But Kokichi loved to live dangerously
▪ When he skips class he’s just skipping throughout the halls until he hears a large crash in the nurses office
▪ Upon opening the door in curiosity he giggled at the pitiful state Tsumiki was in; wrapped in bandages and other supplies all over; he was about to tease her when he saw you run into the room from behind a curtain concerned
▪ “TSUMIKI-SAN ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?!?” “I-I’m j-j-just fi…fine…” She Really Isn't™
▪ Kokichi expected you to say it was his fault when you saw him standing there- but all you did was walk past him to grab fresh bandage wraps and back to Mikan to help her up and patch her wounds
▪ When you were done helping her you turned around and almost screamed when you saw Kokichi’s head wrapped up in bandages and moaning like a mummy
▪ “OUMA-KUN WHAT ARE YOU DOING????” “You know I’m starting to realize all I’ve heard is you scream”
▪ He teases you for a bit and laughs about it
▪ What he didn’t expect is for you to giggle along and he froze when he heard how soft and gentle your laugh was
▪ Ah. Oh no. He wants to hear you laugh more.
▪ “Your laugh is so weird [Name]-chii nishishi!” “I could say the same to you Ouma-Kun, ‘ne she shi she shi’”
▪ Crap he’s glad theres bandages covering his face or else he’d look more like a strawberry than grape.
▪ I don’t think he’d ever fall in love at first sight- not with him being a murderer and his girlfriend being dead; Keeps his distance, tries to keep others away as well- too bad you didn’t listen
▪ Well- more so you can’t listen
▪ You’re the ultimate vocalist- skilled in singing any kind of song yet you were deaf
▪ You bump into Ryouma in the hallway and apologise and offered the boy an apologetic smile- yet others were muttering about how it was his fault
▪ He shrugged it off saying it was no issue but you still felt bad; So what do you do? Follow him around all day
▪ He keeps telling you to not associate yourself with him but since you’re mostly behind him and he doesn’t make eye contact a lot you can’t read his lips
▪ So he’s very confused when he turns around and you’re happily humming to yourself??
▪ Why are they so happy and calm they’re standing beside a murderer
▪ Though the thought escaped his head as he distracted his thoughts with the pure melody escaping your lip (Shit you’re good at singing)
▪ Why? Well because you’re the ultimate botanist!
▪ Bugs do so much to help plants and the ecosystem ! (sometimesdamagebutwedonttalkaboutthat)
▪ So that when you heard of Gonta Gokuhara you tried to seek the boy out and caught him in the school gardens
▪ “Gokuhara-San!” “Oh! Hello [Name]! Gonta found ladybug on flower! It seem to like it!” “Gokuhara… that’s a weed”
▪ But he seems to be so happy so you just crouch down and let the ladybug crawl on your finger and Gonta??? IS SO AMAZED
▪ “Do you like bugs too, [Name]?” “Of course! I love ladybugs, grasshoppers, domino beetles-”
▪ Gonta is so happy he found someone else who loves bugs as much as him- and even if he doesn’t know what love is he sure did love being around you
▪ He’s been in love with you for years but the damn boy has such a good poker face you never notice
▪ Childhood and best friends; You were always a quiet shy kid and since you grew up living next to him he made you feel safe
▪ The day you moved in and your parents introduced you to the neighborhood kids his sister was super excited! NEW FRIEND NEW PAL YES YES
▪ Korekiyo was just happy his sister was happy- well, then again upon making eye contact with him he couldn’t stop staring at your eyes
▪ “Sister I know you’re exhausted and sick but… What are these feelings..” “You’re in love Koko!” “??? H U H??”
▪ His sister is super supportive and adored you- so before she died she asked you two to protect each other
▪ He doesn’t need to be told twice- you were already really shy so it became a normal thing to hold your hand protectively, come over to cook food and just overall keep you company
▪ He never wants to lose you, but he doesn’t want to lose your friendship by making things awkward either so he keeps all of his emotions to himself
▪ So long as you’re with him, he’s happy
▪ Love? Whats that?
▪ He didn’t know a thing about it- so he didn’t understand why his entire being starts to overheat when you’re around
▪ The ultimate ballet dancer, you were so graceful and so light upon the ground you walked
▪ Weather you danced on pointe or carried others in the air he thought it was amazing !!
▪ So why did it hurt when talking to you? LETS ASK MIU
▪ bad idea
▪ “you wANNA SAMSH THEM” “I… W-WHAT” “I can make you special toys hehehh…” “How Do I Delete Someones Existence”
▪ Keeps his distance but god does he like you
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