#kyle shift
moongreenlight · 7 months
Pretty server!Reader. Mean head chef Ghost. Overly friendly manager Price. Flirty bartender Gaz. Creepy line cook Soap.
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mindshelter · 6 months
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TACT101: Cultivating Respectful Environments in the Workplace and Beyond. Introductory course, no prerequisites required. 2 credits. Instructor: Wally West.
from flash 80-page giant (1998) #2
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saphronethaleph · 2 months
The Second Order
Ben looked up at the sound of voices.
“...just saying,” someone was just saying. “Why Ossus? I get that it’s not a bad place to be sited, but Yavin Four was right there.”
“I considered both,” Uncle Luke replied. “And several other places. But there was… so much to learn, on Ossus.”
“I’m just too used to Yavin Four, I guess,” the other person replied, as they rounded a corner, then glanced up. “Oh, good… uh, is it morning? I’m not sure if it’s morning.”
“It’s the afternoon,” Ben said, putting down his calligraphy set. “Who are you?”
“Master Katarn,” the man introduced himself. “Or, Kyle, I guess. Kyle is probably better, really, it’s just… you know. Jedi Temple.”
“This is my nephew, Ben Solo,” Luke said. “He’s a fine apprentice.”
“Nice to meet you,” Kyle said, holding out his hand to shake, and Ben took it hesitantly.
Much to his relief, the strange Jedi Master – and how did that work? Ben thought he knew everyone who could even try to claim that title – didn’t try the old crusher-grip trick, instead giving him a firm handshake before letting go again.
“Master Skywalker, who is this?” Ben asked. “How don’t I know about him?”
“I’ll let him explain,” Luke invited.
Kyle had looked faintly confused, for a moment, then shrugged it off.
“So there’s this thing called flow walking,” he said. “And I was doing it to try and get out of a Vong ambush, and I ended up here. Fortunately it looks like they didn’t manage to follow me here.”
“...what are Vong?” Ben said.
“If you haven’t heard of them…” Kyle began, then frowned at Luke in an assessing sort of way. “What year is it?”
“You think you might have travelled in time?” Ben asked, realizing what that meant. “It’s, uh, 8004 CRC… um, the New Republic calendar is based on years after the Battle of Yavin, did that happen in your world?”
“Yeah, that happened,” Kyle agreed. “Your uncle destroyed the Death Star, right?”
“Correct,” Luke said. “It’s currently the year twenty-seven, by that reckoning.”
“Great, so I only travelled between universes,” Kyle said. “So… that means the Vong probably aren’t a problem for you, unless they’ve been delayed… have you had any other serious crises that we haven’t? The Yavin academy was assaulted several times, but we’ve always bounced back… did you have the Empire Reborn? Or the Cult of Ragnos?”
Luke and Ben exchanged glances.
“I… don’t know what those are,” Ben admitted.
“I’ve never heard of such a thing either,” Luke agreed. “The only real crisis we’ve faced was the Knights of Ren, but fortunately they didn’t take the lives of any young Jedi.”
“Lucky you,” Kyle said, sounding like he meant it sincerely.
“How are you a Jedi Master?” Ben asked, suddenly.
“It took me a while to accept the title, believe you me,” Kyle replied, with a chuckle. “I’m about… thirty, forty percent self taught, Mara did another twenty percent, and the rest was reciprocal learning from the rest of the Academy. Ultimately Luke’s… counterpart, I guess, named me the Academy’s Battlemaster, but it’s still a struggle to convince myself that I deserve the term.”
He shrugged. “Still, you must have the same kind of problem here, right? Though you didn’t have any of those attacks… any sign of Dark Jedi or rival Sith academies?”
Uncle and nephew both shook their heads, and Kyle seemed to be doing some internal calculations.
“You started your academy in, what, eight to twelve ABY?” he asked. “If you’re much like the Master Skywalker I knew.”
“Eleven,” Ben provided. “Though I didn’t join at that point, I was only six.”
Kyle nodded.
“That means… you must have, what, a hundred and sixty?” he asked. “Two hundred?”
“...um,” Luke began. “Two hundred what?”
“Jedi?” Kyle replied, looking confused.
Ben coughed.
“We have twenty-three,” he said. “I’m one of them, in case it wasn’t clear.”
Kyle just kind of stared for a moment.
“...with all due respect to a fellow Jedi Master,” he began. “What have you been doing with the last sixteen years?”
“I have no idea how to teach!” Luke countered. “I don’t know what your Luke’s training was like, but my training was half an hour with Old Ben in a starship blindfolding me and shooting me with a remote, then I went to a swamp and got… a few months of training, but it was a few months of training from a man who I have now realized was probably crazy before he spent two decades alone in a swamp.”
Kyle nodded along. “Yeah, that’s about right,” he said. “You learned how to touch the Force, and a lot of the rest is just instinct. Most of the education that takes place in a Jedi Academy is when to use the Force – and when not to use the Force.”
He shrugged. “It’s honestly more important that someone learn how to honestly self-assess themselves and how to resist the temptations of the Dark Side than it is to make sure they know exactly how to perform a lightsaber form. If someone needs training on a specific kind of Force skill, teach them at that; don’t feel that someone’s training has to be complete before they’re graduated as a Knight, or even able to be a Master. Learning is continuous.”
Luke looked like he was trying to work out which of several different emotions to be, including embarrassed, offended, contrite and mid-revelation.
“Actually, about a year ago I was in a meeting with the temple management, on how to deal with the war,” Kyle went on, rummaging in his pockets. “We were discussing the best way to implement viable recovery procedures… do I have it on me…”
“I don’t know what those are,” Luke admitted.
“The Vong war on my side of the divide has been causing a lot of casualties,” Kyle explained. “They’ve been going after Jedi especially, and it’s the first time the New Jedi Order’s numbers have contracted… and after what happened before, with the Purges, we were talking about the best way to make sure that the New Jedi Order could flourish and rebuild more quickly. Calista said that she was aiming for the ability to double the Order’s size every four years on average from incoming students… aha!”
Pulling a small cube out of his pocket, Kyle held it up – heedless to the astonished reactions of both Ben and Luke to that statistic.
“I’ve got another one of these back on my ship,” he explained “Calista is pretty sure that these are basically the same as the old Holocrons, and the idea is to share information among all of them to make a distributed archive of knowledge for the New Jedi Order. This one’s… probably mostly up to date.”
He tossed it to Luke, who caught it.
“Feel free,” he said. “Like I say, I’ve got another… I can probably stick around for a bit to help, it should take a few days for the Vong back home to decide that I’m missing and I want to take at least that long before I try going home.”
Ben was trying to recover from everything he’d heard over the last few minutes.
“...actually, now I come to think of it, have you heard of me before?” Kyle asked, most of his focus on Luke. “Because I might need to borrow a starship and take a quick trip to Ruusan to avoid giving you a very serious problem at some point… is there anything that would stop me getting there? I’m not really very clear on politics here.”
“Where’s Ruusan?” Luke asked, tearing his eyes away from the holocron.
“Teraab sector, mid-rim,” Kyle replied. “P-11 on the grid square map.”
“That should be fine,” Ben said. “The First Order isn’t anywhere near there.”
Kyle frowned. “What’s the First Order?”
Ben did his best to explain.
By the end of the explanation, Kyle looked like he was planning on using the starship he planned to borrow to fly into First Order space and look for a fight.
Ben had the oddest feeling that Kyle might well win.
“Did you learn anything from it, yet?” Ben asked, some hours later, after Kyle had left in a borrowed shuttle. “I’ve never actually seen a modern Holocron.”
“Neither have I,” Luke replied, looking up from his study of the little cube. “And, for some reason, this one keeps interfacing with me using a face I’ve never seen before. But I have the strangest feeling she knows me.”
He sighed. “And… I don’t know what I’ve been doing wrong, not yet, but I’m now quite sure I’ve been doing something wrong. I’ve been too afraid of getting things wrong, to do them right.”
After a moment, Luke caught Ben’s eye.
“Ben, I want to tell you something,” he said. “It’s a secret that your parents asked me to keep, and I agreed, because… when I learned it, I was about the same age you are now. And I didn’t take it well.”
“You… didn’t take it well?” Ben repeated, trying to reconcile that with his uncle the Jedi Master.
“Well, I did try to jump into a gas giant not long afterwards,” Luke said. “So I’d say I didn’t take it especially well, yes… but you have to learn some time. I can’t shield you from the painful truth forever.”
He sighed. “So… I’m going to tell you about my father, your grandfather. About who he was, and who he became, and who he still was, deep inside, all but suffocated under the lies of an evil man who wanted to use him as a weapon. I’m going to tell you the full story of Anakin Skywalker.”
(Legends New Jedi Order:
Foundation of the Praexum 11 ABY
Relative peace 11-25 ABY, with several major crises they had to deal with (which caused casualties)
By 25 ABY, there were at least 100 Jedi, with several of the students now Masters in their own right and actively training new Padawans.
The resultant force was very robust, managing to handle serious casualties (they got cut in half in the Vong war of 25-29 ABY, but rebounded to over 200 by 35 ABY) and had mastered rapid recovery - by 44 ABY they are up to over a thousand, despite another war in the interim.
Disney Canon New Jedi Order:
Foundation of the Academy around 10-11 ABY
Almost total peace 11-28 ABY
Then Ben Solo turns to evil and destroys the whole thing in one go, leaving about three survivors who hadn't been present at the time.)
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estcsy · 1 year
This is actually so exciting for me stop 💀 im so ready to see how your relationship with bruce and selina goes! :D
Also do you by any chance have pictures of the place you live? That for me was one of the hardest things for me to figure out because nothing seemed “Gotham” enough for me
but yes i do and i totally get what you mean by “nothing seems gotham enough”
so i live in an apartment and this is what it looks like
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ITS DARK I KNOW but the whole damn city is dark so i wanted to fit in 😋
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justyourtypicalwriter · 3 months
I feel bad for neglecting you gays in order for me to do my smart girl shit but here’s a sneak peak of what I’ve been writing in my down time
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squinch-depraved · 15 days
intro post :D !!!
hi! my name is arwen (or wennie) and i'm relatively new to tumblr. this blog is (probably) for my dabbles in fanfic and also to help me script stuff for my various adventures in reality shifting.
my main fandoms right now are:
jschlatt/ted nivison/chuckle sandwich
call of duty (strictly tf141 <3) (still new to this one)
south park
i have a DR for each fandom and would be willing to post scripts edited to read as x reader fics for anyone who's interested.
i'm taking requests for the following (pls pls pls i want to write but have no ideas) (smut, fluff, angst, whatever):
ted nivison
cooper cscoop
ghost/simon riley
soap/john mactavish
gaz/kyle garrick
john price
kyle broflovski (AGED UP)
stan marsh (AGED UP)
kenny mccormick (AGED UP)
i'm really looking to make friends, so if anyone ever wants to talk please don't hesitate to dm or ask!
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nqn · 1 month
The main 4 for the character bingo
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did kenny already!! ♥
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saintpallis · 1 year
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Orange dog emoji set ^v^
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just-kylesp · 1 year
i need him biblically like 😭😭 it’s so frustrating the position i’m constantly in. i think i’m over him and then fucking NOPE. and there is nothing i can do at all about it. he isn’t mine he will never be mine he’s someone else’s and i respect that. but oh my god. and we speak so sparingly because he’s busy or not doing well and i get it. i really do. but my shifts are so intense and my memories scream at me. my body remembers the feelings of him. my memories are precise and distinct and reoccurring and it won’t let up. every song is about him. everything is about him. now that the distraction is gone i cant fucking handle it. being normal with him is so difficult sometimes but i do it because i care so much. i hate this i hate this so much. god and he’ll probably see this and know it’s about him but i just. god i don’t know how to just get these memories to stop. i don’t want them to but for my sake i should. and it’s not like we can even be kin dating because his irl bf wouldn’t like it. so it’s just. there’s no escape except through the role play which we rarely get to rlly do. it’s not like this for him at all i mean he barely thinks he’s a kinnie at all. but he is he has to be because first of all it’s glaringly obvious but also because we share the SAME thoughts about the specific timeline we roleplay. it was so unanimous and mutual when it came to the bigger picture AND the specific details. everything was so correct. everything felt so right. the intensity of which we feel certain things isn’t coincidence. but that was a different life so. i should just let it go. i should just stop feeling like this. but it’s addicting to me. he’s addicting he always was and that just isn’t gonna change. it’s not his fault. it’s nothing he’s doing it’s all me and my own head hating me this much.
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hegodamask · 9 months
Denise Gough and Kyle Soller discuss their favourite Irish turns of phrase (from September 2022)
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headcanon that Soap is one of those people who likes to pull apart pens when he's bored
he'll be out on a mission, writing little notes, sketching, keeping track of numbers and whatnot and then there's a lull in activity and his mind wanders and he needs to fidget
he quickly goes from flicking and fiddling with his pen to uncapping and unscrewing the top or bottom of it, until finally he just pulls the ballpoint tip completely out of the ink chamber and now there's ink everywhere
it's on his hands, it's on his uniform, it's on his field notes, it's on whichever poor bastard is sitting next to him, it's even somehow speckled across his face
he has permanent stains on some of his uniform pockets because even if he manages to put the pen back together before all the ink runs out, it's never quite enough to stop the flow and he'll end up with a black or blue stain at the corner of his pocket
the 141 is used to it, to... varying degrees
gaz keeps at least a handful of pens on him at any given time. he feels a little guilty because they're usually branded company pens from stores and offices and such because whenever he's out of field-mode and trying to be human again, he has an unconscious habit of just taking whatever pens he's handed when he needs to sign or write anything. he'll find them an hour later and make an "aw shit, not again" kinda noise
he sees Soap with ink on his hands and wordlessly hands him a new pen, half hoping he'll watch the Sergeant go through the exact same process with the new pen because it's very entertaining and he apparently never learns
price carries around a single pen when he's on the field, and it's one of those nice fine line gel pens with the little rubber erasers on the end than can actually erase the ink if needed. he got it because it's practical and writes clean and neatly, and there is some small novelty to the magic of being able to erase pen
he will, very begrudgingly, lend it to Soap if it is needed as a last resort, but will watch him like a hawk and take it back as soon at the Sergeant is finished. he knows it would take Soap a little bit more effort to crack into his pen than a regular ball point, but he also knows how determined Soap is and he's not as willing to let it get that far
ghost doesn't carry pens. he knows that they break or go dry (or have their ink bled out) way too easily. the big man does, however, keep one or two thick carpenter's pencils somewhere on his person. they don't snap too easily if he has to play rough, and they're easy enough to sharpen with one of his knives
Soap has ink on his hands again, Ghost huffs a (slightly) amused sigh and a few seconds later he'll hold one of his pencils out to the other man. no one knows were it came from, the pencil seemingly procured out of thin air
Soap gives him a grin, finishes his notes and his sketch once all the ink on the page is dry and hands the pencil back without Ghost even having to ask
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lostagoodcigar · 13 days
Uhhh cw for dark themes ig? Talks of being stalked and drugged, non-consensual touching technically, somnophilia- nothing too insane I just wanna cover my bases because this came to me at 6am when I was half asleep trying to get ready for work so someone tell me if I missed something or don’t need one of the tags
Something something Stalker!Gaz overhearing you complain to your friend about sleeping like shit- hell maybe he even saw the texts (not his fault you leave your phone out in the open when your sleeping. Can’t blame him for tinkering with it. It’s for your protection)
You also can’t blame him for spiking your nightly tea- or whatever you chose to drink that night. He just wants to help is sweetheart get some rest! You’re knocked out on the couch, ‘course he gets you all tucked into bed just the way you like.
Never-mind his wandering hands, he never gets to touch you, always so vigilant and alert (looking at the knife you keep in your bedside drawer gets him unbelievably hard) He knows you won’t mind that he’s guiding your hand to wrap around his cock while you’re sleeping so hard, he knows you’d want to thank him. Look so soft and sweet while he’s thrusting into your hand grunting. He’ll ease into your life soon enough, just wants to be sure you’re ready!
Safe to say you’re very confused the next morning, takes you a solid 20 minutes to fully wake up and move around, you feel sluggish but.. You slept decent? You think? Brushing off the fact your comforter had possibly new stains on it as you shove it into the wash. Looks like someone tried to wipe it up then gave up, probably one of the nights you were too tired to do anything aside from get yourself off.
Gaz pats himself on the back for deciding to leave a few hickeys on the back of your neck. Didn’t wanna scare you too much yet, but he wanted to mark you somehow.
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dr-lizortecho · 1 month
feeling emotions about Michelle’s “I raised a kind son” line- because it’s about claiming that connection, the realization of who Kyle has become against all odds, and she doesn’t even fully know to what extent she was the major player in all of that, in fending of Jesse Manes and the Valenti legacy with her bare hands, purely based on a mother’s instinct
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estcsy · 1 year
okay sorry its just that gotham was gonna be one of the first places I was gonna shift to till I gave up LMFAO I have so much questions.
did you see salina? what was batman like?
ITS OKAY DONT WORRY HA yes i did see selina, BARELY THO
i was walking home alone which i know is such a stupid thing to do especially in gotham but one thing about me is i’m gonna risk my life when i shift somewhere because i think it’s so fun it’s like a little game to me i don’t take shit serious
while i was walking it felt like i was being watched and it started to scare me a little bit so i was getting myself ready to swing if i needed to do i turned around and nobody was there? so i’m like “okay whatever keep walking”
then it occurs to me to look up so i did and she was like standing on top of a building and i’m not gonna lie i got scared i thought she was gonna rob my ass for a sec 💀
so we’re like staring at each other and i didn’t know what else to do so i waved at her
like “:D👋🏼” and she waved back?? i didn’t think she would but she did that was very nice of her then i walked away and she watched me walk away and it made me nervous she’s intimidating 😭 she’s like 5’2 i got inches in her and still i was shaking in my boots
and i met bruce because like there was some bombing threats so special forces had to be involved so they called me and like some other people and the chief was like “these are our best agents they can assist you if you need” and i was trying not to giggle because i knew damn well that i had it easy and just scripted that in good at what i do and everyone else had to do it that hard way
eventually i started talking to him i said “hi :D” and he didn’t say anything to me then i asked him if he had a good day and he didn’t say anything again so i’m thinking “okay fuck you too” and he didn’t say anything till he was leaving i said “bye batman :D 👋🏼” and he actually said bye back?? that was crazy
his deep ass voice is funny tho he was like “bye 👹”
but yeah i enjoyed it a lot it was very fun!! :D
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softgrungeprophet · 2 months
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kennys-parka-jacket · 3 months
The benefits of having sloppy handwriting is you can write the names of south park characters on your wrist without anyone suspecting a thing
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