#kyrin's writings
cosmokyrin · 5 months
Potential - Chevreuse/Chiori - Genshin Impact
Summary: When the captain and the seamstress have a passing talk about marriage. Ship: Chevreuse/Chiori (Genshin Impact) Rating: Teen and Up Length: 1,171 words Notes: This drabble came to me out of nowhere! It really just started with Chevreuse's line thinking she was disturbing Chiori's mind with her presence, and my introvert ass latched to that relatable thought lmao I first shared this over the Cheviori server I created, and decided, after adding and editing, to share this out as well. I hope you enjoyed them being gay as much as I did LMAO Cheviori real!!!! Link to AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55668778
Full fic also available here! Read below:
“Chevreuse, we’ve talked about this. I don’t mind you being here at all.”
"I know, I know. I just wanted you to know that you don't need to talk with me while I’m here. But if my presence in the room is disturbing your thoughts, you can always tell me to leave. No hard feelings," Chevreuse told Chiori from across the room. It was late at night in the Chioriya Boutique, but the famous — or infamous — seamstress continued to be surrounded by colorful spools of thread delicately spun by her skilled hands. There was a deadline to be met in the next few days, and if Chiori wanted to keep her schedule in line, she had to put in a few extra hours. She enjoyed this, anyway. But a regular guest, the Captain of the Special Patrol — her current significant other, no less — seemed to think her conspicuous presence must be jarring for an introspective and artistic, brooding character like hers. In fact, it was true, Chiori did not deny, because any human presence warranted a portion of one’s attention, no matter how familiar they were.
But Chevreuse’s presence was different. It was comfortable, serene, still. Like ember in the form of water. Like the fire of the hearth, bright and encompassing yet humble and healing. Chiori was sensitive of her personal space, yet Chevreuse fit in like she was already a piece of her.
"You don't need to. I guess this is also good practice when we get married."
"Yeah, I guess..." Chevreuse then almost dropped her book, and her jaw, upon realizing something. "What did you say?"
Chiori shrugged. "When we get married, I'll be living with you often, so that means there will be times that I'm working and it's inevitable you're within the same space I am, and I have to..." Chiori looked up to Chevreuse who dumbfoundedly stared and blushed in front of her. "Just stating facts. I mean..." She softly chuckled, seemingly with a hint of nervousness. "This is not a proposal, Chevreuse. It's speculation. We might not have dated for so long but we are still dating, nonetheless. Marriage might become an option for our relationship someday."
Chevreuse’s mouth opened and closed like that of a fish, failing to create any coherence. She cleared her throat and gazed to the ground, redder than ever. "I-I mean you're right. Nothing wrong with a marriage talk once in a while."
Chiori laughed softly, but the way it reached Chevreuse, it seemed she was being egged onto something else. It was oddly inviting, the way the seamstress looked at her with a sly smile as a needle was lodged in between her teeth — a dangerous habit — much like Chiori herself. "Do you see me as a potential wife in the future, Captain?"
"I, um..." Chevreuse tried to focus on her book, attempting to allay her sudden discomfiture coupled with a fear of saying the wrong thing. She had taken off her gaze from Chiori, quickly falling quiet and reclusive. The seamstress immediately saw through it. She dropped her smirk and looked on with concern.
"You don't have to answer that one if it doesn't make you comfortable."
Chevreuse shot up a glance to Chiori, shock written in her face. She then sighed upon realizing how worked up she had become. "No, I was... I just don't want to say anything wrong."
Chiori shook her head and chuckled. "Perhaps it wasn't really a simple thing to ask. But you don't have to answer me just to please me. Or you can say whatever you want, no hard feelings. And just so you know, whatever your answer, the future always changes—"
"I want to marry you someday," Chevreuse blurted out.
Silence instantly filled up the space they occupied. The Boutique, being a peaceful and unassuming background, suddenly seemed to wake with eyes as wide as Tamoto’s and turned to the young lovers. A hot, hot blush spread to the Garde captain’s face that the thought of biting her tongue off suddenly didn’t seem stupendously irrational nor torturous. What did she just say? She wanted to slap the book on her face, the most useless thing she could try to do to hide her unfathomable embarrassment. She instead covered her mouth and squirmed uncomfortably like a worm dying in her own sweat. She hated her uniform at the moment. 
From her peripheral view, it seemed that Chiori wore a serious face. Did she say something wrong? Was this, by the gods, the wrong answer? More blood rushed to her face now. She took another deep breath. She had to face this head on. This was the most important thing she learned as a soldier. So Chevreuse took another swig of air and courage, then raised her gaze to her lady.
Chiori was holding in her laughter.
Very hard.
"It was…” Chiori said, nearly choking on her own stifled laughter. “It was just a 'yes or no' question."
Crap. Chevreuse completely turned tomato when she realized how corny she sounded, especially now that Chiori's laughter broke out. Her partner was cackling so hard she shut her eyes and had tears pooling in the sides. Captain Chevreuse wanted to go back to being a worm to die in her own sweat. "I'm sorry, okay..."
Chiori let herself giggle a bit more, head slightly bent backwards. She wiped her tears of laughter away and faced Chevreuse with an incredible softness and a beautiful smile that the captain burned in her mind. "What are you sorry for? You didn't say anything wrong." Then her gaze almost instantly shifted in intensity that the captain froze with the subtle bait and switch. But Chiori was… gentle? Happy? In love, perhaps? Chevreuse gulped at the thought.
"Okay. To be fair to you, I see you as my future wife, too, Chevreuse. Or husband. Whatever you prefer."
"So it's mutual, huh?" Chevreuse said, breaking into a grin of relief before her brain and shame could catch up. She blushed all over her face again, but at least she could properly gaze eye to eye with her significant other this time. They laughed together, shaking their heads from the things they just found about each other. Like Chiori said, even their feelings, as strong as their bond may have been now, could change somewhere down the line. Yet, Chevreuse couldn't help the excitement that swelled in her heart upon knowing that she wasn't the only one who saw such a future for the both of them.
Chiori only answered with a wide smile before she resumed her sewing work. Others would have waited, but Chevreuse didn't need the words. If there was anything she liked about their relationship, it was the miraculous ease at which they talked without saying anything. Chevreuse stood up from the sofa and walked across the room towards Chiori.
"Can I disturb you tonight just this one time?" she asked.
Chiori raised a curious brow and shrugged. Chevreuse leaned down and gave her a kiss.
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deluwoo · 11 months
Hi laloves! Wrote something up real quick for the Josh stans out there! Should be posted real soon!
Teaser: A kitten is involved ;)
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AAAAAAAHHH!!! Just found your If and I can already say that I can feel myself bitting at the bars of my cell, this is SO GOOD!
I'm already obsessed about so many different parts of this story and the demo hasn't even come out yet!! So I'm going to do what my little heart and messed up brain can and word vomit about my little fucked up MC!
So, you said they had a rough upbringing and that their situationship with Jules was also not healthy, so I did the sane thing and started projecting on them!
My little guy, my baby boy Kyrin, is absolutely not coping well and he mostly decides that any mean thoughts or emotions that surface are nothing important and immediately bottles them up for another day, month, year. They will never let anyone see under their mask because, well, why would anyone need to know? They like this version of him, so no matter how many things he has to say or thinks, they won't ever see the light of day.
And he does his best to seem like a well adjusted member of society, he even makes some friends (which to him is an epic win!!), and then he meets Jules.
And sadly, for everyone involved, it seems they match each other's freak.
Kyrin and Jules share something in common. Love is strange and scary for them, never having felt this strongly about anyone before, they have no idea how to handle it.
Kyrin, completely fumbling this whole new human experience, loves too hard and too bright. He wants Jules to like them, to spend time with them, to get any shred of attention from them as he can. And he doesn't even understand why.
Jules, of course also doesn't understand this love thing, and is in result scared by it.
The obvious happens.
It's when Jules begins dating another person that Kyrin's mask breaks. Years of anger, grief and a thousand other things finally breaking the camel's back.
Things get messy. Kyrin is angry. Jules is angry. They can't find a middle ground. Bridges are burnt.
And then Jules is murdered.
Kyrin is left alone, mask broken and a whole lot of emotions to sort through for the first time in a long time.
At this point, in the present, Kyrin is less of a wet cat and more of a feral stray kitten. Scared, angry and functioning entirely on his fight or flight mode.
With everything going on, he will absolutely choose to close himself off from others, feeling terrified of being so vulnerable and with so much in his plate that putting on his mask is near impossible at this point.
I have ideas of what I want his story to be, no pressure to add anything of this of course.
His main arc would be obviously getting his shit together and finally figuring himself out as a person but that's going to be pushed far back on the line of things to care about with the whole murderer on the lose and the incarnation of his grief, loss and self hate coming to haunt him.
For romance, it'll be a real hit or miss as the only one I can see him even willingly getting close is Mia and that is mostly because of the whole 'She will hurt you' part. After Jules passing, Kyrin absolutely doesn't believe they can or should be loved and that train of thought will only be reinforced by the new mean Jules in his head.
Of course, this is a big maybe because if that sanity stat does what is says, and by god I hope it does (little guy so fucked up that he is taking control of the narrative!!), then Kyrin will either kill someone or himself before the story ends. I want that stat as low as it can go!
Either way, this is going to be a really messy ride with an even messier ending and I can't wait for it!
kyrin is such a gorgeous, gorgeous name! He gives off major "I confuse instinct for desire. Isn't bite also touch?" vibes. 😭😭
I love it when people talk about their MCs in my asks. It helps me understand what y'all want and write them better. 🫶
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whump-4-ever · 9 months
Say My Name
Just a little something I felt like writing 🤷‍♀️😂just so you all know, in this particular drabble, Whumpee is the “creature” and he’s based off of my OC Kyrin who’s not human, but he has a humanoid form and when he’s in that form, he LOOKS human
“You know, it’s amazing, really,” Whumper began as he observed the creature in front of him. It sat in a chair in the center of the room, its eyes aimed at the wall. It was looking but not seeing, its face expressionless.
Assistant focused his gaze on Whumper, brow creased in confusion. “What do you mean, boss?” He didn’t understand. The creature hadn’t done anything except breathe the whole ten minutes they’d been there. How was that amazing?
Whumper huffed out a laugh and grinned, still fixated on his experiment. “These things, as you and I know, are not human,” he said, still examining the thing in front of him, “but you’d never know that just by looking at them. In their humanoid form, they’re exactly like us, in terms of appearance, that is.”
Assistant cocked his head to the side for a moment, contemplating Whumper’s words. “I suppose that’s true,” he agreed.
“It’s quite fascinating, and I look forward to running those tests my supervisor would like me to perform.” Whumper then leaned in close and forced the being to lift its head by placing a finger under its chin and pulling upward. It obeyed, but its posture remained the same, completely unmoving aside from its steady inhales and exhales, and devoid of emotion.
Assistant shifted his weight from foot to foot as an uneasy feeling made itself known in the pit of his stomach. Something wasn’t right. He hadn’t much experience with these things, these creatures they were now calling ‘Kylinians’, but he’d come across them enough times to reach the conclusion that they were generally very powerful, and they were certainly not submissive little puppets. “Uh, boss, I think we should get out of here.” His eyes darted between the Kylinian in the chair and the exit.
Whumper glanced over his shoulder at Assistant and rolled his eyes. “You always were the one to pussy out when it comes to progress. This completely irrational fear of yours is exactly why they put me in charge.” After Whumper turned his attention back onto the Kylinian, an electric shock suddenly shot through him, zigzagging through his whole body. “Ah! Fuck!” He shouted, immediately stumbling backwards and cradling his arm to his chest as it began to throb. “You little shit,” he hissed angrily at the creature still in the chair. An aura of bright yellow light surrounded its body, electricity surging through each and every part of it, and its eyes now glowed a brilliant sapphire blue.
“It’s Whumpee,” Whumpee spat aggressively. Upon meeting Whumper’s gaze with his own, the Kylinian smirked, a smug expression on his face as he repeated himself. “My name. It’s Whumpee.”
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kitteafountain · 5 months
Hi! How many original characters do you have that you actively write/draw/think about? :)
So. So. Many....
Long ass list you are warned..
Edith, Ezrah, Kasey, Claire, Blagden, Elvira, Maud, Sylvia , Synthia, Princess Arabella, Des, Desmond, Kyosis, Margeaux, Queen Ariadne, Myla, Ingrid, Missy, Wren, Henry Takara, Nikoletta, Sheridan, ande, strix, Kaze, Kyrin, and itty bitty wittle guy the 2nd.
28 ocs.... :3 (that's probably not even all of them) brainrot these little guys took over my brain
Feel free to ask about any of them I can go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on *runs into an electrical fence* hwhhsb
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windingway · 1 year
Thinking about why we write. We have different styles and interests we express.
Phoebe writes, knowing no matter how bad it gets, she wants a "good ending". (Whether that means happy or satisfying depends on the work.)
Lyrian writes of darkness and what lies within it. (A way of facing our fears?)
Lyria wants adventure (and sexiness).
Jeyra wants it to be meaningful. (Or at least well-consructed.)
Meta wants it to be fun. (To write/experience the story. She daydreams a lot!)
Kyrin wants to use writing as a gateway for self-expression (and emotional catharsis)
As for me? I'm unsure. Writing and expressing myself comes naturally, like breathing -- so long as I am not unconsciously holding my breath, for some reason.
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ladykyrin · 2 years
Thank you so, so much to the readers of “Hello, My Old Heart.” Over 100 subscribers in less than 24 hours. There are no words that could adequately capture my gratitude. I’m hard at work on chapter 2 and I can’t wait to share it with you all.
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maramahan · 4 years
Writing a neurodivergent character in a fantasy universe where they don’t have the vocab to discuss neurodivergency is just
How thick can we lay on this coding here????
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secrecykept · 5 years
a medium sized package rolls in past the currently open door, rolling & rolling & rolling along, until it eventually comes to a little stop - a soft bump just by the angels feet. clad in gift wrapper in the hues of sky blue, with a card bearing the words 'happy birthday' written along the front. on the side, a small scribbled angel. once opened would one find a fluffy blue blanket made of the same hues, with clouds speckled across. to keep him nice and cozy and up in the clouds -- somehow.
The movement caught his eye and turned his head. What was that? A present..? 
How strange.
Curious, he sunk down into a crouch to get a better look, head tilting slightly. Had someone dropped it? Lost it? He poked the soft exterior of the gift and then touched the attached card as he spotted it. 
Happy Birthday.
Maybe there was a name…
An angel.
Could it be…this was for him?
Was it his birthday? He hardly kept track of time, let alone the days and months, but he supposed that yes, it was around the time that he had picked for his birthday. But how could this be for him? Was it magic? A miracle of some kind?
He waited a long few minutes before picking the parcel up, sure that someone might come along to reclaim it. But no one came, and his curiosity bloomed like a flower in the sunlight and excitement fluttered in his chest. So he set about carefully unwrapping the present ( there would be not one rip to the paper, ready to rewrap should he have been mistaken ).
Soft. So soft. So fluffy.
The blue material spilled out from the confines of the paper and touched his hands with warmth and unbelievable softness. He removed the rest of the wrapping and slowly stood up, holding the blanket out for full view.
His chest tightened and filled with warmth, his eyes soaking in the details of the blanket. Such beautiful shades of blue…
Adjusting his hold, he brushed his fingers across one of the clouds and he sighed with a smile. How absolutely lovely. It was like the sky, and it made his heart ache. 
He hugged the blanket to himself, burying his face against the welcoming texture for a long moment. Then he began to fold it back up. It was a fine gift, truly wonderful.He ran his hand over it once again, smile ever present. 
With as much care as he could, he wrapped the blanket back up so it looked ( almost ) untouched. 
It would bring happiness to someone, most definitely.
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cosmokyrin · 4 years
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Yes finally a Valentine’s Day special after 100000 years jsldjfsfd
I’ve always wanted to draw Penny’s Amity Arena Valentine’s outfit, but pushed it back a lot, but last week I got to finally draw it for this occasion!
I also wrote a companion fic, coz brainrot stronk. Posted over AO3 :D
A Little More Special Than That
Summary: Everybody's got a date for Hearts' Day, but Penny's on duty for the whole event. She hadn't asked anyone out, nor had anyone ask her out. And she thought she'd spend the whole day alone, but someone did specially think of her.
Ship: Ruby Rose / Penny Polendina
Rating: General
Length: 2,022 words
Notes: Valentine’s Day is called Hearts’ Day here coz why not lol briefly mentions Schneewood Forest, Bees Schnee’s and Renora (with poor Jaune and Oscar third-wheeling)
Link to AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29395623
You may support the artist via commission (at 30% off!) or Ko-fi donations! Links available on Tumblr blog / profile.
Artwork powered by Free and Open-Source Software (FOSS): Linux Mint MATE 19.1 and Krita 4.3.0
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deluwoo · 1 year
— POV: You stole Lee Know’s jacket —
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pairing ▸ lee know x f!reader genre ▸ fluff, suggestive warnings ▸ teasing, petnames, mild suggestive wc ▸ 287
kyrin's notes ▸ I don't normally write fanfics for kpop or fanfics in general. In fact, this is my very first published work. tbh it's not even a fanfic, it's a oneshot. Anygays, I hope you enjoy!
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You’re scrolling through social media on the couch when you hear Lee Know’s voice from the other room.
 “Love, have you seen my jacket?” He says while looking through his closet. Little does he know, you’re wearing his jacket right now. He walks into the living room, where you are, and he spots you wearing his jacket. “(Name), give it back.” He says like the tired mother he is. 
“No! I like this jacket. It’s comfy.” You reply petulantly. “It’s comfy, and it’s mine.” 
He says, as if explaining a very simple rule to a child who doesn’t understand it. You stick your tongue out at him and continue to scroll on Instagram. “Hey, don’t ignore me. Give it back.” You giggle and reply “Nope.” 
He suddenly grabs your phone and holds it above his head. “Hey!” You exclaim and stand up to try and get your phone back. However, he’s taller than you and you can’t really reach your phone when he’s holding it above his head like that. 
“See? How do you like it when someone takes your stuff, huh?” You pout and he chuckles. Give me my jacket and I will give you your phone. Deal?” You sigh and reply. 
“Fine. I admit defeat.” He gives you your phone, but you don’t give him his jacket. You run around the house as Lee Know tries to catch you and get his jacket back. Eventually you run into the bedroom and he catches you. 
You both fall onto the bed, laughing. “Give me my jacket, princess.” You giggle and reply. “Not a chance, pretty boy.” 
He suddenly gets a rather mischievous look on his handsome face. “Y’know… you’d look a lot better without that jacket.”
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repost perhaps?!?!! ©kyrin ©deluwoo
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Okay wait-- have you read the Ilyon Chronicles????
I think I may be a book or two behind on the series currently, though...
*spoilers for the first few books under the cut*
to be honest, it started to lose my interest once Jace and Kyrin became ~~an official couple~~, I think mostly just because I don't enjoy reading romance quite as much as Jaye L. Knight enjoys writing it (or at least, I don't enjoy reading the specific style of romance that she enjoys writing ...?) I'm all for a good ship or two in any series, and I'm not completely romance-adverse in the fiction I read (one of my all-time favourite classics is Jane Eyre, and the romance angle is incredibly important to the plot AND character arcs of that book!) but I'm not very into overly-sweet ooshy-gooshy romance, which is what I felt like was happening a lot as the series went on. and while I still have the utmost respect for Ms. Knight as a writer and am looking forward to seeing what things she writes in the future (and I probably will catch up on The Ilyon Chronicles at some point!), I decided to take a break for a bit after the last one I read just because it wasn't aligning with my personal tastes very well.
and on top of that, I know Ms. Knight took a bit of a hiatus for a while, causing a delay in her publishing schedule. which is totally fine by me, I wholeheartedly support artists and all other creatives taking all the time they need and resting whenever necessary! but because there was such a gap between some of the books coming out, I got interested in other series (*cough* The Afterverse *cough-cough*) and I just haven't cycled back around to Ilyon quite yet.
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bowtied-pasta · 4 years
I know dark LOOKS like a skinny rat but I just wanna put my head on his chest and just stay there for a while
My favorite elf boi is ripped as fuck bro, you just cant tell most of the time because he be wearing hoodies and sweats.
I also.... gave him a name so that when I write stuff we arent just moaning saying Dark. It may or may not even catch on, but @crispycreep69 and I named him Kyrin, together. A pretty boi name for a pretty boy. 😍
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themadbennyhatter · 4 years
My heart is so soft for great-with-kids!Bakugou and I couldn't get the thing with Eri out of my head so now it's in the thing I'm writing and anyway just take it.
Uuhhh spoilers for season 4 if you haven't seen it
"Kacchan," Deku cautions him gently, and Katsuki rocks back to balance on the balls of his feet, knowing he needs to let Eri get used to him first. He knows that he can't rush this, that she's already been overwhelmed by the rest of their classmates. Even now, she's half-hidden behind Deku, clinging to his shirt and watching Katsuki with a look that screams 'please don't hurt me.'
As if Katsuki would. As if he could.
"Wolf man," she whispers, almost too soft to hear, and Katsuki smiles. Those frightened eyes dart to where Kyrin has laid flat against the carpet, her ears folded out in a puppyish, hopeful eagerness. When Eri looks at her, she wiggles.
"She loves kids," he murmurs, catching Eri's attention again. Her eyes get impossibly wider, something like growing curiosity chasing away a few of the shadows. "I bet she'd love it, if you wanted to pet her."
Tiny hands tug at Deku's shirt, and he smiles down at Eri. They look so natural together already, in a way that tugs at Katsuki's heartstrings. His instincts are telling him to scent her, protect her, but that's not his call. She doesn't know him, and Katsuki isn't exactly winning any awards with his personality. Most people probably assume he doesn't like kids, which couldn't be further from the truth. He likes them; he also wants to protect them at all cost. Eri doesn't know that though. He's nothing but a stranger to her. She needs time, and he's more than willing to give it to her.
"You can say hi," Deku says, turning himself enough to give Eri more room to step forward. She kneels, completely unconcerned about her pretty dress, and crawls close enough to reach out and pet Kyrin's muzzle. The wolfdog licks her hands, tail wagging even harder; a steady thud-thud-thud every time it hits the side of the couch. It makes Eri braver, and in no time at all she's nestled into Kyrin's thick, soft belly fur. She seems fascinated by just how thick it is, burying her hands as deep as she can and marveling at how much of her arm disappears into the pale fur.
Katsuki is lying with his head draped over Kyrin's neck when Eri looks at him again. "She's yours?" she asks quietly. He chuffs softly, watching the girl's head tilt at the sound.
"She is," he says, reaching back to scratch one of the wolfdog's ears. "I rescued her when she was a baby. She's been with me ever since."
Eri looks even more fascinated, and Katsuki considers it his biggest fucking victory when he sees those shadows inch back a little more. "You saved her?" she whispers.
He knows about Chisaki, and what Deku did to save Eri from the man. He knows that Mirio's Quirk is gone, and Sir Nighteye is dead, because of that monster. He'd stolen Eri's smile, her childhood, and locked her away like a possession. Deku and Mirio are her heroes because they were the ones to save her. They've given her the chance to live, to be happy.
"I did." Rubbing his cheek against Kyrin's neck, he gives Eri a small, honest smile. "I saved her, and she saved me too."
"She… saved you?"
"Yup." Stretching his arm out, he rests his hand near where Eri's are buried. "Sometimes Heroes need saving too," he whispers like a secret, leaning in to show how serious he is. Eri leans in too, and he knows he's got her undivided attention. "It's not all the time, but sometimes I get really sad. And whenever I get like that, Kyrin comes and saves me."
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tastycitrus · 5 years
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Ah yes, the Chief Knights: Irena, Oz, Eckhart, Hawkeye, and...
*looks at smudged writing on hand* ...Kyrin.
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ladykyrin · 7 years
Hey! So, I’m currently in the process of writing and posting an Ereri Blade Runner AU. I’m very proud of the work I’ve done so far and I’m very excited to continue the project! Here’s the summary: It has been over a decade since an uprising of replicants — genetically engineered, humanlike beings with enhanced abilities and intelligence — threatened to wipe out humanity. Now, worldwide extermination efforts have reduced replicant populations to almost nothing. The few who remain are always on the run from the Royal Government’s Blade Runners: soldiers specially trained to take down replicants. The year is 2043, and Levi Ackerman has long since established a reputation for being the deadliest Blade Runner to ever walk the streets of Paradis. Rumor has it that no replicant has ever looked him in the eye and lived to tell the tale; rumor also has that some of his victims die of fright before he can land a blow. Leaders of human supremacy movements sing his praises. Replicant allies curse his name. Levi knows what his job is, and knows why it has to be done. But after the entire population of a village is found murdered outside the city walls, he finds himself searching for a replicant unlike any he’s ever encountered — and for answers to questions he never thought he’d have to ask. ***NOTE: prior knowledge of Blade Runner is NOT required to understand this fic! *** If you love Ereri, AOT/SNK, Blade Runner, or all of the above, please check it out and let me know what you think! :) (TW: graphic violence, language, rare/mild references to mental illness and suicide, eventual sexual content.)
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