#lactose allergy
givemebishies · 1 year
I don’t mind being allergic to lactose, milk substitutes and vegan cheeses are great!
I don’t mind being allergic to eggs, I don’t really miss them and it’s also really easy to make substitutes for them in as an ingredient
I don’t mind having sensitivities with oil because it sort of forces me to eat healthier foods
I HATE HAVIMG A WHEAT ALLERGY WHEAT FREE BREAD AND PASTA ARE SO DENSE AND CRUMBLY ashdgakdha I miss soft bread and bouncy pasta and soft bread and SOFT BREAD and I also can’t have soy sauce but mostly bread I miss GOOD BREAD
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drjgodo · 2 years
Hidden Dairy Allergies?
Dairy Is A Common Food Allergen For Most People Often people are reacting to dairy and don’t even know it. That glass of milk you thought was healthy could actually be setting off a hidden allergy, causing bloating, diarrhea, acid reflux, sinus infections, and even joint pain. Eliminating or reducing dairy can make a huge difference in how you feel. That includes milk, cheese, butter, cream,…
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raindrvq · 3 months
reading the fanfics that apparently se hinton wrote and
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arctic-hands · 3 months
For real tho health freaks who scream about how sugar and salt will kill us all and try to push for restrictions on things like candy and chips for SNAP recipients or politicians who try from time to time to replace food stamps all together and give out Government Approved Staples like bread and peanut butter and Government Cheese are gonna kill a whole lotta sick and disabled people like
POTS sufferers
People with peanut allergies
People with celiac disease or wheat allergies
The lactose intolerant
People who can't eat solid food
People who are undernourished for any reason and need all the calories they can pack on
So-called "picky eaters" who can't tolerate certain tastes and textures without getting violently ill
A myriad of other human conditions that cannot be neatly tallied into categories because the human body and human experience is vast and infinitely variable
But I don't think ableds really care about us and our health like they like to claim so they can harass us about it, do you?
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caterpillarinacave · 2 years
Bitches really know they can’t eat something, eat it anyway, then get surprised when they get sick. It’s me, I’m bitches.
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happyk44 · 9 months
hermes is on vacation so nico gets some mortal substitute familiar with demigods and the greek pantheon as his doctor and when he calls him up for a visit, dude's like "well hermes didn't really tell me what was up with you because. you know. doctor/patient confidentiality. but he did tell me that if my gut instinct is "you're too young to have that" i should remember that you are apparently over a hundred years old, and if i don't believe that, i should remember he looks like a 25 year old twink but is old enough that he can describe my great grandfather's penis to me in detail. so! what's up with you"
and nico just pulls out this binder from his backpack, slaps it onto the desk and opens it up. the first page is a print out from a powerpoint presentation, the title reading "What Is Wrong With Nico", a subtitle of "aka the old man bones are old man boning", with a smaller subtitle several spaces below reading "current as of: right the fuck now"
the next page is four tables under the title "Ways He Is Broken". the tables depict:
his current diagnosis and the date of diagnosis
his current medications, the amount, and to what problem they correspond
things he's already been tested for that didn't pan out and why he was tested for them
previous medications he was on, the amount and why he was taking them (also includes current meds where the amount was changed)
the next page is titled "How The Fuck Is He Not Dead" and then a bullet pointed list summarizing all his traumas and other minor shit he's been through that has been attached as the cause(s) behind his issues, so like sandwiched between "nearly suffocated to death while trapped in a jar" and "had to shadowtravel across the atlantic ocean with a giant statue and two other people (prior limit was myself going from new york to illinois)" there's a point stating "fell over on the crows nest of a flying boat and dislocated my wrist". next to each bullet point there are coloured dots going to the left. some bullet points only have one, some have two - they are all colour coded to correspond to the ailment(s) in which they apply.
the next page is called "What Is He Up To These Days" and it's just a long list detailing all his diagnosed symptoms - again little circles beside each point to colour code to the corresponding ailment. the column next to it is labelled "new symptoms" and consists of three bullet points: getting dizzy when i stand up, started two months ago once a week, now every time i stand; migraines are back, made me cry in the shower last night, need new meds probably; and, got hit in the rib by a hydra's tail last month, reset my rib myself and eating ambrosia squares, but still hurts really bad, don't think it's healing right
the next page is "What Could Kill Him So Don't Use It*" and it's just a few columns labelled "pet allergies" "food allergies" "drug allergies" "magic allergies" "other allergies" and the only one that has something included is food allergies and it's just the bullet point "garlic intolerant but he's fucking italian so he doesn't care". in the footnotes at the bottom of that page is the asterix relating back to the title saying "Don't fucking give him cigarettes. he is an idiot and he will ask but they do not work and they never worked and he refuses to listen to me when i tell him this. DO NOT LET HIM HAVE CIGARETTES"
it is very clear this page was filled out by Hermes himself
his interim mortal doctor reads carefully each page, glancing once at nico when he gets to Hermes' footnote, before closing the binder. "you're how old?"
"technically 17, chronologically one hundred and something, i dunno i can't do math and i don't remember what my dad put on my cake this year"
"Right. okay." the mortal doctor presses his hands together and to his lips watching nico carefully then lowering his hands to smooth across the desk "have you ever thought about maybe just sitting on a couch and never leaving your house again"
"yeah, i tried that but i get restless, and also i like helping people if they need it and they ask. hermes tells me i should be more selfish then locks me to a chair, but he's also the one who taught me how to pick locks so i can get out pretty easily. honestly don't know why he keeps trying. even if i didn't know how to pick the lock, i'm pretty good at dislocating my joints on purpose too so i can always just get out that way."
the increasingly stressed out doctor just hums quietly. then, "okay! first i'm going to check your rib, and then we're gonna talk about you getting a 24 hour caregiver because you clearly do not understand limits and need someone who does"
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sunnibits · 7 months
you know what I really do understand now why people would always project their stomach issues and eating disorders into izzy hands. the moment I got diagnosed with celiac I was like “yeah izzy has celiac disease now :)”. and guess what he has arfid too. because I said so.
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violinist-rachel · 7 months
do you like cats
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"I love cats!"
"I actually volunteer at my local animal shelter once a week so I get to see them fairly regularly! Truthfully, I also happen to be mildly allergic to them but..."
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"Worth- *achoo!* it- *achoo!* -!!"
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like-this-post-if-you · 3 months
Like this post if you are lactose intolerant
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twisted-rat-king · 10 months
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when GI issues
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honeylemony · 6 months
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People who are lactose intolerant give so little fucks they will just chug down a milkshake say their stomach hurts a bit and carry on with their day meanwhile you have people with peanut allergies being like: "if any of the ingredients of this meal have been in a ten mile radius of a nut you'll have to stab this needle in my leg with the force of a kid trying to get the straw in their capri sun or I die"
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oobbbear · 1 year
I’ve been drinking milk for 18 years now I just realized it is not normal to have horrible stomachache after drinking it and I might be lactose intolerance
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arctic-hands · 3 months
I love food. Would love to be able to actually tolerate eating it one day
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swag696942069 · 1 year
Regulus Black is the typa kid to have a nut allergy and be bullied for it relentlessly by his friends and Sirius.
Sirius Black is the typa kid to be lactose intolerance but eat dairy anyway, and then regret it endlessly later.
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darthpastry · 6 months
William gaslighted Elizabeth into thinking she was lactose intolerant in a weak attempt to get her to stay away from Baby btw. If you even care.
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