#land day
hyperions-fate · 4 months
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'30 March, the Day of the Land', poster issued by the Palestine Liberation Organization in 1986 on Land Day.
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pal1cam · 4 months
Land Day - March 30th
Every year on the 30th of March, Palestinians all across Palestine, yet especially those living inside the 1948 green line (governed by the Israeli government) revive the memory of ‘The Land Day’ (in Arabic : Yawm Al-Ard), a day that first became of significance in the year 1976 when the Israeli government announced the plan that it had in mind, to take and expropriate thousands of dunams of land from Palestinian citizens for “state purposes”… this led the Palestinian citizens living under Israeli rule to take on a general strike and go out in protests and demonstrations in large number against such a decision that deprives them from the lands that they own privately.
On the protests of March 30th 1976 the IOF killed 6 Palestinians (Khadeejah Qasem Shawahneh, Kheir Ahmed Yassin, Raja Hussein Abu Rayya, Khader Eid Mahmoud Khalailah, Mohsen Hasan Sayyed Taha, Ra’afat Ali Zuheiri) while injuring and arresting hundreds more…
Many literary and artistic pieces have been dedicated to the memory of Palestinian Land Day by various authors and artists, the most famous piece being a poem written by the renowned Palestinian author and poet Mahmoud Darwish named “Al-Ard” (which translates to “The Land” in English).
The BDS movement is encouraging people from all over the world to organize huge protests and demonstrations on Land Day, as it is a day that holds a big part of the Palestinian struggle, which is the struggle to take back the stolen lands that were expropriated by the occupation’s government.
So what will you be doing this Land Day (March 30th 2024) to help raise Palestinian voices ?
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palipunk · 1 year
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Some pictures from today, March 30th, 2023, of the Land Day protests in Gaza - we mark the 47th annual Land Day in commemoration with the six Palestinians killed by Israeli occupation forces during demonstrations over land confiscations in 1976, I highly recommend watching this short video to get a better understanding of what the Day of the Land means to Palestinians. From River to Sea - Palestine will be free 🇵🇸
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thenewgothictwice · 4 months
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From Bisan Owda's Instagram, for Land Day (March 30 2024).
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On Land Day, thousands descend upon Belfast to demand an end to occupation and an immediate, permanent ceasefire in Gaza and the West Bank. Under chants of “what do we do when Lebanon / Syria / Yemen / Iraq / Palestine is under attack? Stand up fight back”, speakers spoke of the need to humanise Palestinians: not to see them as invincible heroes, but people like you and me who are grieving and feeling pain.
Belfast, 30.03.2024
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decolonize-the-left · 4 months
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The event became known as Land Day and a symbol of national struggle that unites Palestinians around the world. On Saturday afternoon, under the banner of "stop the war on Gaza", thousands of Palestinians marched through the Palestinian town of Deir Hanna, one of the towns in Israel where the most violent crackdown on protesters took place that day in 1976. Land Day is also seen as significant because it is deemed to mark the first time that Palestinian citizens of Israel organised collectively against Israeli policies. Click on the link below to read more: For Palestinians, Land Day comes amid war, death and land theft
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capybaracorn · 4 months
Land Day: What happened in Palestine in 1976?
Every year on March 30, Palestinians hold protests and vigils and plant olive trees to reaffirm their connection to the land.
(30th of March 2024)
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Hundreds of Palestinians in Gaza joined the Land Day protests near the eastern Gaza borders, March 30, 2022 [Abdelhakim Abu Riash/Al Jazeera]
Every year on March 30, Palestinians observe Land Day, or Yom al-Ard, recalling the events of March 30, 1976, when six unarmed Palestinians were killed and more than 100 injured by Israeli forces during protests against Israel’s confiscation of Palestinian land.
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How much land did Israel confiscate?
Israel ordered the confiscation of 2,000 hectares (4,942 acres) of land belonging to Palestinian citizens of Israel in the Galilee. These plans were part of Israeli state policy to Judaise Galilee following the creation of the state of Israel.
The confiscated land is roughly the size of 3,000 football pitches or the area from the tip of Manhattan to Central Park in New York, US.
What do Palestinians do on Land Day?
Palestinians, both inside Israel and across the occupied territory, mark this day by holding protests and vigils and planting olive trees to reaffirm their connection to the land. The protests are often met with brutal use of force by Israel.
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Um Ahmad al-Banna was wounded in the protests of March of Return and joined Land Day commemorations in Gaza in 2022 [Abdelhakim Abu Riash/Al Jazeera]
Is Israel still seizing land?
Yes, Israel has continued to seize large swaths of Palestinian land, designating them as military zones, state land and other labels.
Most recently, on March 22, 2024, Israel’s Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich declared Israel was seizing 800 hectares (1,977 acres) in the occupied West Bank, in a move that would facilitate building more illegal settlements.
“While there are those in Israel and in the world who seek to undermine our right to Judea and Samaria and the country in general, we promote settlement through hard work and in a strategic manner all over the country,” Smotrich said, using Biblical names for the area that are commonly heard in Israel.
Settlements – illegal under international law – are Jewish-only communities built on Palestinian land in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.
On March 6, Israel’s settlement-planning authority announced it had approved the construction of some 3,500 new housing units in Maale Adumim, Kedar and Efrat within the occupied West Bank.
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From November 1, 2022 to October 31, 2023, Israel has approved at least 24,000 illegal housing units to be built on Palestinian land.
Earlier this month, the United Nations’ High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Turk said settlements had expanded by a record amount and risked eliminating any possibility of a Palestinian state.
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workersolidarity · 4 months
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[ 📹📸 Protesters gather in the village of Deir Hanna, in the north of occupied Palestine, to commemorate Palestinian Land Day, marking the occasion with massive urgent rallies as the genocide in the Gaza Strip continues for the 177th day.]
🇮🇱🇵🇸 🚨
📸 Thousands of Arab Israeli protesters rally on Friday to end the Zionist genocide in the Gaza Strip, waving Palestinian flags on Palestinian Land Day, and marking the violent 1976 crackdown on protests against the Zionist seizure of land owned by Arab citizens.
On March 30th, 1976, as Arab Israelis protested the seizure of 20'000 dunums of land, over 6'300 of which were owned by Arab citizens of "Israel", as part of the Israeli occupation's stated goal of "Judaization of the Galilee", the Israeli occupation forces, in conjunction with the Israeli police, led a violent cracked down on protesters.
During the 1976 protests, the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) and police responded by killing six Arab citizens, half of whom were women, along with the wounding of more than 100 others and the imprisoning hundreds more.
Today's protests involved thousands of Arab citizens of "Israel", who waved Palestinian flags despite the local authorities banning the flag, and waving banners, some of which read, "Stop the War on Gaza!"
Israelis of Arab descent make up about 21% of the current population of the occupied Palestinian territories, usually refered to as "Arab Israelis".
Today's protestors also included a number of Jewish Israelis as well, some carrying placards that read, "Jews and Arabs refuse to be enemies."
Arab Israelis and Palestinians in the occupied West Bank gather each year on March 30th to mark Land Day with protests and Palestinian flags to commemorate the importance of the date and the violent events of 1976.
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violottie · 4 months
"Here’s why millions of people around the world are marching for Palestine this Saturday" from BreakThrough News, 27/Mar/2024:
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drsonnet · 4 months
“The impact of seeing children in that much pain and not having the equipment, medicines to treat them or alleviate pain is too much, even for experienced professionals. Even in a war zone, the sights and sounds of a young child mutilated by bomb cannot be reconciled, let alone understood, within the bounds of humanity.” – Jason Lee, Save the Children’s Country Director for the Occupied Palestinian Territory
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didderd · 4 months
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Today is Palestinian Land Day.
I saw the post linked above and wanted to make sure I posted something for the day.
There are important links in that post, so please check those out too, but I will link a few more here, since I wanted these on my blog for people anyway.
Links below:
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peachiekeaneart · 4 months
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March 30th is Palestinian Land Day (Yawm al-Ard).
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mirkobloom77 · 4 months
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houseofpurplestars · 4 months
On March 15, 2024, Palestinians in Palestine and in exile drafted a statement calling for “unity of land, people, and struggle.” Published in Mada Masr, it declares that liberation is near, making collective struggle more pertinent now than ever. In Gaza, it explains, the people are “showing us the way, reclaiming our agency and advancing the struggle for a better life, not only in Palestine but beyond it as well.”
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thenewgothictwice · 4 months
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March 30, 2024. Marking the immortal Land Day, Palestinians pay a visit to the graves of martyrs who were killed by Israeli forces on March 30th, 1976, in Skhnin city in 1948-occupied territories.
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alwayswiselight · 4 months
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Yesterday March 30th, I attended the Land Day March for Palestine here in New Orleans. It began with a program of speakers in historic Congo Square. Then, we poured out onto North Rampart Street and marched all the way into the Central Business District where we turned around and came back to Congo Square. Because I assisted in carrying a huge banner, I was unable to photograph the actual march itself. However, I was rewarded with a beautiful keffiyeh (Palestinian scarf) that was given to me by a kind gentleman who, along with his wife, assisted in carrying the same banner.
Land Day commemorates the events of March 30, 1976 when six unarmed Palestinians were killed and more than 100 injured by Israeli forces during protests against Israel's confiscation of 4,942 acres of land belonging to Palestinian citizens of Israel in the Galilee. Palestinians mark this day by holding protests, vigils and planting olive trees to reaffirm their connection to the land. Of course, this hasn't stopped Israel's relentless annexations and confiscations of Palestinian lands which have culminated in the current genocide in Gaza. Independent news media has focused on Israel's obvious plan to ethnically cleanse the Gaza strip and build settlements there. For that to actually happen requires a complete victory over Hamas and the other Palestinian resistance fighters. So far, the IDF is failing in its military objectives.
Long live Palestine!
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