#land of Boggs
starburst0822 · 5 months
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Fanart of Boggo and Boe, from the Land of Boggs (My newest obsession)
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normalcartoonic · 7 months
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Happy Valentines' Day!
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acceberv · 4 months
Three things I’m into, at the moment:
Indigo Park
Land of Boggs
Digital Circus
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bloodmoon24 · 6 months
Literally Vox and Alastor
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blueshinefox · 10 months
Kate's last episode
The voice actress of Boggo has been retired today. At least now she'll finally be with her 'Boe' after all.
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florshedworf · 2 years
boggo’s bf is a trans icon
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minimarvelh · 5 months
*Tony and Peter went on a walk*
Tony: omg, look, Peter, he looks like your twin🥹
Peter *looks*
Tony *literally shows him golden retriever*
Peter *pouts* vErY fUnNy.
Tony *pets someone’s golden retriever* ehh Peter, why do you smell so bad? When we will get home you will definitely gonna take a shower.
Peter *in shock* aLrIgHt, jOkEs oVeR.
Tony: *takes a step back* woah woah, now I’m seeing DoUbLe!
Peter: seriously!! cut it out!!!
*Police comes*
Policeman: alright, mr.Pickles, you’re under arrest. You-
Policeman: *looks at Peter* wOaH I aM sEeInG DoUbLe
Peter: *shakes angrily* tHaT LoOkS nOtHiNg LiKe mE
Policeman: shit, I can’t tell you apart. Okay, I will have to take both of you in.
Tony: wait, officer!! Peter is my kid, and I am confident *points to the dog* this is him.
Peter *too stunned to speak while the officer is putting the handcuffs on him* wHaT.
*goes back to the Tower with dog*
Tony: it was a really good walk, buddy!!
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makoshard · 2 months
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the land of boggs demon is cool
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chase-omega · 16 days
Why does every show have that one character who is clearly the best character, but the writers still seem to hate that character for no reason?
Why do writers seemingly intentionally mistreat and/or underuse their best characters?
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legendsoffodlan · 2 months
Byleth: Claude! Nemesis and his army are at our doorstep!
Claude: I’ll need my top advisor.
*Claude goes running to Hilda*
Claude: HILLLLDA! This old guy’s coming to invade and I don’t know what to do!
Hilda: Awww, don’t worry, sweetie. Hilda’s gonna talk to the bad man.
*Hilda goes marching up to Nemesis*
Hilda: Excuse me! Does your mother know you’re waging wars of revenge?!
Nemesis: No…?
Hilda: If you don’t turn that army around right now, you’re going to be in a world of trouble, Mister!
*Nemesis and his army immediately retreat to the ruins of Shambala*
Claude: Thanks, Hilda.
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starburst0822 · 3 months
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"You're cute but I'm not interested."
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normalcartoonic · 9 months
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Happy Holidays 2023 Part 1
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[Mikey and Leatherhead are eating]
Mikey: Oh look, my brothers are streaming from their vacation!
Mikey: *shows Leatherhead the phone*
Raph: Remember when Mikey wore that ugly Turtflytle outfit?
Donnie: Mikey is so cringe!
Mikey, begins tearing up before looking to see Leatherhead is gone: Leatherhead?
[Leatherhead zooms through the sky and across the Earth to the location of the brothers. Back in NYC, Mikey looks back at the phone]
Leo, looking at the blur: Oh my god, what is that?
Leatherhead, landing on the boat with his claws unsheathed: I'll  teach you to talk crap about my bestie, come here!
Mikey, smiles as screams come from the phone: Aw, Leatherhead...
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khlegacynexus · 9 months
Mikey: (Drawing) Cough
Raph: (smashes the door down) Mikey was that a cough?!
Mikey: No! 0_0
Raph: Ok (pulls wall back to up and Leaves)
Mikey: (Relaxes) Sniffle
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thebekashow · 9 months
drew boggo and boe from land of boggs :3
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i'll be drawing more of the characters
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howlingday · 1 year
Neptune: So, uh, what anime are you into?
Ruby: I don't like anime.
Neptune: You don't? I really thought you would.
Ruby: Everybody always says that about me, (Eyes sparkle) and I don't know why!
Ruby: That does it! This date is over!
Ruby: (Raises magic sparkle wand high, Transforms dress into hoodie, Dials scroll) Yang! Come pick me up!
Ruby: (Runs outside, Hops on Bumblebee)
Yang: Hang tight! (BB shifts into a mecha, Flies off)
Neptune: ...What the fu
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