#lashes. lips. eyes. thank you camera person
lenreli · 8 months
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Victoria (2016~2019) ↳1.08, "Young England"
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moonchildstyles · 6 months
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y/n is harry's best friend and she'd never received a valentine's present like this one before.
wordcount: 9.5k+
Just as she finished patting in her skincare for the night, (Y/N)'s phone vibrated for where she had it plugged in, in her bedroom. There was only one person that would be calling her this late at night. 
Dismissing the products she had scattered on her bathroom counter, she rushed back into her room. Upon the screen was a blurry, distorted picture of her best friend with his hair on top of his head in different spikes, thanks for a heaping of sticky hair gel and free time during a snowstorm. His name was plastered across the top, the peapod emoji right next to it. She didn't hesitate before she answered the call. 
"Harry?" she sang after pressing her phone to her ear.
"Hey, are you busy?" 
"I'm just getting ready for bed. Why?" 
"Can I FaceTime you?" 
She barely had time to give a yes before the call switched to a FaceTime in her hand, her screen lighting up a beat later. In front of her was the top half of his face, revealing only his eyes and up. His hair was pulled back with a claw clip, the angle showing off the length of his lashes and the furrow of his brow. 
(Y/N) could see herself in the small box in the corner of the screen, showing off a rather similar angle to what he was giving, though she thought hers was much less flattering somehow. 
The furrow in her best friend's brow decreased at the sound of her voice, giving away the smile that was spreading across his lips even if she couldn't see it on screen. 
"Can y'see me?" he asked, his voice sounding muffled and far away. 
"Yes, but I can barely hear you. Are you covering your speakers?" 
Her world went askew as Harry shuffled his phone in his hand, his mouth set in a comical frown for a glimpse before he righted his grip and was back with the half view of his face. "Sorry, can y'hear me now?" 
She hummed a confirmation, smiling to the camera. "What did you want to show me?" 
Harry's cheeks lifted, giving away the hint of a dimple in the corner of the frame. "I have new samples." 
A gasp fell from (Y/N) lips, excitement filling her. "For the collection?! Or different ones?" 
"For the collection." 
Her excitement only rose at the new information. "Let me see!" she bubbled, eagerly curling up on her bed, ready to spend the next hour poring over the new development with Harry.
After a small struggle and a lagging view of Harry's face, the camera suddenly turned to show a view of prototype nail polish bottles and first prints of shimmery nail stickers laid out on his black bedding. 
Even in the low light of his room, (Y/N) could see flecks of glitter in a few of the polishes, the stickers glimmering in the shapes of hearts and flowers. The colors themselves ranged from quiet pastels to vivid brights, some left creamy, others containing barely-there shimmers, and the remainders boasting chunky bright glitters. The collection was large, containing two sets of polishes: one set was full of delicate pastels ranging in the pink family, with the other championing rich, clinging colors. The first iterations of the polish packaging came with the iconic spheres on the tops of the bottles, though this collection featured watercolor petals draped over the shape, leaving the illusion of flowers encased in the bottle all in the same color as the polish inside. 
"What do you think?" 
(Y/N) was sure he could see the wide set to her eyes, the way she was practically fawning over them already. "H, I love it! This is for the Valentine's collection, right?" 
"Something like that, yeah," he answered, his smile evident in his voice, "I figured y'liked the pink ones." 
"I do," she chirped, bringing her phone closer as if she could gain a clearer look of each shade that way. "Put your phone closer, I want to see the colors and the stickers better." 
Harry did just that without hesitation, bringing his phone to his bed, though he went a step further and picked up the stickers to show off in front of the camera. 
Gasping, (Y/N)'s brows bounced over her eyes when she took in the sticker sheet. 
"Are those bows?!" 
He only laughed.
"Goodnight, (Y/N). I'll talk to you tomorrow." 
"Talk to you tomorrow, H," (Y/N) yawned, unabashedly showing off a downturned angle of the moment while Harry watched on. "Let me know if you want to get dinner later this week. Love you." 
His heart squeezed in his chest at her casual declaration. "Love you, too." 
With that, the video of her sleepy face disappeared, showing only the simple photo he had saved to his lockscreen. Harry's gaze lingered on the empty space for a heartbeat, just a split second away from calling her back despite the late hour and the fact she'd been half asleep before he'd suggested she head to bed. He forced himself to lock his phone and set it on his bedside table, keeping it out of sight and hopefully out of mind. 
Still spread out on his bed, where he had sprawled out his limbs and grew comfortable amongst the bedding, were the new Pleasing products he had been so eager to show off. Everything was still in the test package, nothing completely finalized or one hundred percent polished just yet, but he'd been too excited. He'd shared the concept with (Y/N) ages ago, right after he'd made it out of a meeting with Harry Lambert and Molly, unable to keep the secret under wraps—especially when he found his own inspiration for the collection. 
It had been Molly's idea to unveil a Valentine's themed collection after the small set of apparel that would be released around his birthday, hoping to tap into another facet of him that was so beloved to the public. She had in mind something that would commemorate the love songs he was so famous for; the kind of sweetheart, love-sick energy that he often utilized to make his most memorable lyrics and showcased on stage.
As she had gone on, sharing what kind of feeling she wanted to invoke for the season's rollout, Harry was only thinking of his own inspiration. 
It was the same thing that inspired his music, his attitude, his want to improve and be more and more than he started as. 
His best friend. 
He saw his own idea for the collection coming in flashes of her favorite colors, the shade of the dress she wore to his birthday party, the hue of her eyes, the colors that falling in love with her made him see in the world. He could see her with her fingernails proudly painted in his brand, the way she always did when Pleasing made something new just so she could support him. There were already prototypes of new apparel, manicure stickers, and campaign designs forming in his head. 
Harry had come away from that meeting with plenty of ideas to think on, and lyrics forming that he hoped he wouldn't forget before he had a chance to write them down. 
Months later, he had enough ideas for more than one micro-collection. Each one had been passed by Molly and Harry Lambert—both being excited and surprised that there was so much to be used and saved for later collections—leaving with a duo of aesthetics they planned on basing the campaign around. 
That was what he had shown (Y/N) tonight, and was now spread across his bedspread as he tried to calm down his winding heart after their late night call. He kept seeing her face when she spotted the romantic set that was directly inspired by her, the way her eyes lit up when she took in the shades of pink and the shimmery accents. That had been the kind of reaction he had been hoping for when he received the initial samples. 
Collecting each piece, he took his time pulling each bottle, rolling them in his hands with bubbles floating through the polish. He wondered if (Y/N) would catch the connections when he revealed the names to her. He wondered if she would know that he named this shimmery soft pink Woman with her in mind, including inspiration from a song he penned that now was soaked in her memory. The buttery yellow with golden reflects dubbed Home, would she know that was based on the golden dress she wore the first time she saw him on tour? The rich, creamy red he'd called Feast, he hoped she'd see the lipstick she wore the first time they met in the shade. 
He lingered over the bottles, all eight shades invoking a specific memory that went into the creation. Carefully replacing them in the drawer with the rest of his Pleasing pieces, ensuring nothing clinked together too hard with the sticker bundle staying together, he allowed himself a moment with the full collection under the bright light of his bathroom. It was near perfect, seeing it all together. All that was left to sample was the apparel that had been drafted up a few weeks prior with Harry Lambert's guidance, and the extra accessories they were debating on adding in the collection.
He had a feeling (Y/N) would fight to take the samples from him. The idea had a small smile spreading on his lips by the time he was flicking his bathroom light off and padding back to his room. 
By the time Harry bundled himself in his bedding, his phone settled away in his bedside table, he shuttered his eyes though he could still see the ghost of (Y/N)'s excited face on the inside of his eyelids. Just as much as he hoped she would notice the names of the polishes, catch the fact that the stickers were an ode to her, the apparel made with her form in mind, scents formulated to sweep over her skin, he feared she wouldn't notice in the same way she'd never noticed him in the way he wanted. 
Did she remember the yellow dress she wore to the first live show she could make it to? (Y/N) barely ever wore lipstick these days, did she even have that tube of red anymore? Did she ever listen to Woman and hear the words he was too scared to say to her every time she introduced him to a new boyfriend?
The idea needled at the center of his chest just as it always had when he was reminded that he was years into an infatuation that had no sign of ending either from sweet reciprocation or his heart moving on.
Nonetheless, he thought, grasping at positivity as always, he was going to revel in the reactions she gave him as if it were for himself. Those delicate compliments and the joyous excitement, he would hold tight as if they were for who he was and not something that he made. 
And, probably try to convince her to be a part of the product shoot. 
      i'm here !! 🍣🍣
(Y/N) pocketed her phone as she approached the small gate surrounding Harry's home, the concrete divider and plethora of greenery giving privacy to the space. The bag of takeaway sushi hung at her side, the hood of her coat lifted over her head in case there was anyone around hoping to spot a glimpse of Harry's personal life and spin whatever tale. 
She didn't have to check if her text went through, having to wait only a moment before she heard him make his way from his front door and going through the protective greenery. "(Y/N)," he sang through the trees, the syllables of her name sifting through the plants. 
"Harry," she reciprocated, a smile spreading across her lips at the familiar greeting. 
Swinging open the gate, Harry welcomed her in with his hair held back in a familiar flower clip and dimples thumbed into his cheeks. She quickly stepped over the threshold, heading towards his porch while he locked the gate behind her. Only a beat after the click of the lock sounded, he fell into step beside her, hooking an arm around her shoulders. 
"Hi," he smiled, dimples clear on his cheeks as he gazed down at her. 
"Hi," she answered, her own features curling and softening. Feeling his eyes on her face, she took on the responsibility of guiding them towards the front door without stumbling through his garden. "Sorry I'm late. The sushi place was packed for some reason today." 
"Yeah?" he sounded, voice decidedly softer than just a beat before, "'M sorry. I would have gone if I'd known it would be that busy." 
"It's alright," she told him, leading them through his front door to which he dropped his arm from around her to instead shut and lock the door, "I just figured it wouldn't be so bad since they just opened, but everyone else probably had the same idea."
Placing the takeaway bag on the coffee table, (Y/N) shed her jacket and the knitted beanie covering her head. She had another question on her lips as she turned to face Harry once more, though that line died once she took in his outfit for the day. 
"What are you wearing?" 
A small smile spread over his lips at her words though he didn't offer his own response. 
His legs were covered in athletic joggers, the same heather green ones he always seems to be wearing lately, but that wasn't what caught her attention. Draped over his torso was a delicately pink crewneck, thick and warm, with Pleasing scripted across the center of the chest in a mauve shimmer. 
"That's new, isn't it?" she prodded, stepping towards him with her eyes on the shimmering puff print on the crewneck. He had mentioned something about adding apparel to the polish collection she'd been shown last week, but he didn't offer any specific details. 
"Maybe," he teased, "Do you like it?" 
Reaching his arms out, he let her see the full piece, including the glittery stitching that ran through the garment and drew her eyes along his form. She stepped towards him, running a finger along the seam at the cuff of the sleeve. 
"I love it," she smiled, "I didn't know you were making these." 
"I know—I wanted it to be a surprise," he told her, his arm flexing under her fingertip before dropping back to his side with his hands sliding into his pockets, "I know you've been wanting a pink one since the first set came out, so I thought it was finally time." 
"For Valentine's Day?" she bubbled, thinking back to the samples he'd shown off to her the week before. 
Something flashed over his eyes as they dropped from hers, taking in the rest of her features. "Something like that, yeah." 
"Do you have any more?" Before he even answered, she couldn't help herself but to start edging towards the stairs bordering the wall behind her. 
A plume of laughter fell from Harry's lips, catching her with his palm landing on her arms before she could scurry away. "No," he drawled as he pulled her back towards him, "But, you can have this one if y'want." 
"Are you sure?" she asked, eyes wide as she fixed her gaze on him, hands on his chest over the puff print of the lettering. "I don't want to take it if this is the only one you're testing right now." 
Harry shrugged her off, his hands on her arms sliding down in a lingering drag before they finally fell back to his sides. "'S alright. No one knows yet, anyway." 
Tucking her bottom lip between her teeth, (Y/N) dropped her gaze from his to peruse over the glimmering neckline of the crewneck. "I don't want you to get it in trouble, though, if you give it away." 
He scrunched his features, shaking his head as if what she said was completely incredulous. "(Y/N), I made it for you." 
His words were cemented as he began pulling the piece off completely, leaving him in only the vintage shirt he'd had on underneath, the print faded and unfamiliar. He shoved the garment in her arms, a waft of his scent enveloping her. 
(Y/N) hesitated for long enough that Harry had to have noticed, prompting him to set a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Really, lovie. 'S alright. I don't want y'to have to wait to get your own." 
Relenting, she fell into his chest, Harry wrapping his arms around her with a laugh rumbling his chest under her cheek. "Thanks, H. I promise I won't wear it out or anything until you announce it, though." 
She could feel him smile when he buried his nose into her hair, his arms pulsing around her a snug embrace. 
For a brief moment, (Y/N) let her eyes close as she sunk into his arms. The fragrance of his washing detergent and the lingering scent of his cologne that had sunk into every fiber of his home washed over her. There were times she could see her friendship with Harry moving into territory she'd been too fearful to even explore in her imagination, but feeling his embrace and the words I made it for you ringing in her ears, she could be coaxed to imagine a lot of things with him.
Before she could run too far away in her head, she drew away with a bright smile, hoping he didn't catch the warmth under her skin. 
"We need to eat before our soup gets cold," she told him, stepping towards the couch with her new crewneck in her arms. 
Harry followed after her, becoming a warm shadow as he took his seat next to her. It wasn't until all of the containers were distributed out from the bag, and (Y/N)'s new sweatshirt was folded carefully at her side that he peeked at her from where he was stirring his miso soup. 
"I do have one condition with the crewneck," he murmured, taking a spoonful of tofu and seaweed. (Y/N), her own mouth full with a wonton, raised her brow in response. Taking his time to swallow, his words hanging in the air for a beat, Harry finally followed up with, "We might need an extra model for the Valentine's campaign."
"Okay," (Y/N) mumbled, a furrow pinching at her brows. "Do you need me to ask someone? I think I still have a couple of numbers of some of the people from your music videos if you want me to reach out." 
A sheepish smile touched at the corners of Harry's lips. "No, I mean... Would you want to be a model? The shoots in a few weeks, so." 
Pushing her chopsticks against the wontons floating in her soup, (Y/N) wasn't sure how to respond. "H, you know I'm not a model or anything—like, you remember that, right?" 
He laughed at her remark. "Yes, I remember. This one's going to be really special, though, and a lot of fun. I want you to be in it—if you're comfortable." 
She mulled over his words, rolling the short I want you around her head. "And this is a condition of taking the crewneck home with me today?" 
A single dimple touched his cheek. "Something like that," he tilted his head, stirring his miso soup into a slow vortex, "I am doing you a favor, aren't I?" 
She nudged his shoulder with her own, rolling her eyes. "You said it was made for me, how is it a favor to give it to me?" she teased, only shaking her head when he laughed at her. 
A beat passed before Harry returned his eyes to her, his features softened and warm. "Really, it would mean a lot to me if y'were a part of this shoot. At least think about it?" 
"I can do that," she compromised, seeing her best friend in front of her even if his words touched a separate part of her shoved into a box in the back of her mind, "I'll think about it, and let you know." 
It was the way that his smile bloomed across his features, something bright unfurling in his eyes that (Y/N) was sure she already had her decision pocketed away. 
As Molly stood in front of the slew of models and talent sitting in wait for the day, Harry stood behind her as if to read the agenda in her hands even if all he really did was sweep his eyes towards (Y/N) standing at the end of the line. 
"First up is the pink side of the campaign," Molly read off, presenting the information with a smile while others ran around behind her setting up for the double shoot that would be happening, "Nail techs will be coming around to make sure everyone has something on their nails—remember which group you're in so we get the correct colors on your nails. Hair and makeup will follow afterwards..." 
There was more Molly was saying, the outline of the day being extra exhausting given there were two different aesthetics being achieved today, but Harry was much more focused on the extra model at the shoot. 
Truly, he hadn't thought (Y/N) would accept. He knew it was much for her to be in front of a camera like this, seeing as his own need for privacy definitely had rubbed off on her, so he hadn't been surprised that she had lagged on her response for a week. It was when she had called asking about details of the shoot, wanting to know about the times and location, and just how long they would be needed on set, all followed up with a chirped I'll be there! that had surprised him. It wasn't until that call that he planned on being on set all day, having previously only meant to pop by for a few hours before leaving everyone to get the real work done without him being in the way. That was how he ended up here right at eight a.m., hair back in a pink flower clip (another accessory for the collection), and his eyes searching for (Y/N). 
"Okay, everyone go pick a station and someone from hair and makeup will come help as soon as they can!" Molly dismissed everyone with a smile before turning on her heel and looking around for Harry Lambert. 
Harry stood back with the sets coming together behind him as he watched the line of models scatter towards the lit up tables. There was only one that strayed behind, hands in a bundle at her waist with her wide eyes immediately fixing to him. He didn't hesitate before he stepped towards (Y/N), reaching out to her until his arm was slung over her shoulders. 
"Y'alright?" he murmured to her, voice low compared to the bustle happening around the set. 
"Yeah," she sighed, scanning her gaze along for the last open station, "It's just weird being on set like this when I'm not just here to watch. I don't want to mess anything up." 
He shrugged his shoulders, his arm scrunching around her as he tipped his head. "You're probably going to, but 'm sure Molly or someone will be able to fix it." 
It wasn't until she looked up at him with her mouth a gape and an accusatory light in her eyes that he broke with his laughter. His shrug became a comforting hug as he held her to his side. "'M kidding, lovie. You're going to be jus' fine—we're gonna take care of you, don't worry." 
Harry pulled out the chair to the vanity for her, catching her reflection in the mirror. There was a part of him that, while he watched her, wanted to grab a camera and get his own shots for the campaign. There was nothing more romantic—in the Valentine's spirit—than the quiet moments with a partner; the moments that made it clear they were a team.
He was tugged out of his head when he heard her speak up. "Are you going to be hanging around for the shoot today then? Or are you going home soon?" 
"I'll be here all day," he decided then, setting his hands on the back of her chair as they met eyes in the mirror.
Her gaze brightened, seemingly reflecting back the lights ringing the mirror. "Are you going to be in any of the pictures?" 
It was the bubbling of her voice, the way she beamed at him that had his own lips curling into a small smile. "Maybe." 
It wouldn't be hard to convince his team to let him sneak in a couple of shots. His nails were already done up anyway. 
Before (Y/N) could say much more, one of the three nail techs flittered to her station. Familiar bottles of polish were tucked away in her apron, the pink bottles being placed out on the vanity as she offered (Y/N) a bright smile. 
"Hi," she greeted, eyes landing on Harry for a split second before bouncing away just as quickly. "I'm Mari, I'll be doing your nails this morning. How are you?" 
"I'm (Y/N). I'm doing good, thank you," she chirped, her voice decidedly higher and sweeter than when she had been speaking with Harry a moment before. He nudged her shoulder just a bit, a silent tease. "How are you?" 
"I'm doing well, thank you for asking," Mari said, carefully looking at Harry through the fan of her lashes, "And you, Mr. Styles?" 
"I'm good, thank you," he offered, his voice low with a pleasant smile given to Mari. He could spot the small ticks that gave away just how aware she was of him, he didn't want to make her any more nervous. "I appreciate your help today, Mari. I've seen some of your work, and 'm really excited to see what you can do for us." 
Mari's tan cheeks heated with a small blush bubbling underneath, faint under her skin. "Of course. Thank you for the opportunity—really." 
Harry's smile only spread wider when he felt (Y/N) nudge against his hand, her own quiet tease over his dazzling interaction. 
Before she could fluster much more, with all of her supplies spread out on the vanity table, Mari concentrated on (Y/N) once more. "Do you remember which group you were in today, (Y/N)?" 
"I'm actually in both groups today, but I think I'm a part of the pink shoot first," (Y/N) smiled, tilting her chin upwards to peek at Harry upside down, "Right?" 
"Right," Harry affirmed. It was a lot he was putting on her plate, being in both sides of the campaign, he knew that. But, just as he had told her when he laid out the details, it meant a lot to him to see her in both aesthetics. She was the face of the collection in his mind, he couldn't imagine her not pictured in every iteration.
"Long day," Mari muttered, her features school back into a pleasant expression. She plucked her fingers through the bottles, skating over the set of pink varnishes first. "Do you have a preference for what color we use today?" 
At this, (Y/N) looked to Harry once more. "Do you? I'm okay with any of them, but is there something you want me to have for the pictures, or anything?" 
Instinctively, Harry looked to the creamy baby pink shade embedded with opal flecks. He nodded towards the bottle, "That one if that's alright."
"This one?" Mari clarified, picking up the bottle he had in mind.
"Yes, please," Harry smiled, looking towards (Y/N) with his raised brows to which she gave him a small giddy nod. "And some of the stickers if y'have them." 
A quiet gasp left (Y/N)'s lips. He knew she would like that detail. 
"Sounds perfect," Mari bleated, asking for one of (Y/N)'s hands before she started prepping for the manicure. 
With her on hand free, (Y/N) reached for the opal polish to be painted over her fingers. "Do you mind if I look?" 
"Go for it," Mari smiled, concentrating on the alcohol wipe she was swiping over (Y/N)'s nail beds. 
Rolling the bottle around her hand, (Y/N) smiled up at Harry. "Is this the final bottle?" 
"Mhm," he hummed, a sense of pride touching at the center of his chest, "We changed a couple of things from when I last showed you, but this is it." 
He watched her admire the polish, tipping the bottle to and fro as she watched the color inside bubble and shift. The glitters shown in the light, going undetected until catching a ray and sparkling a vivid pink. When he saw her tilt the bottle to catch the name stickered to the bottom, he couldn't help the pulse his hands gave to the back of her chair. 
Would she notice? Was the connecting line thick enough to spot? 
Labeled on the bottom of the bottle was the word lovie printed in white ink on the black sticker. 
"Hey," (Y/N) called, her voice lilting, "That's me!" 
She pulled the bottle towards him, showing off the proof with a warming smile on her lips. 
His lungs squeezed even as he tried to play it off, squinting at the bottle as if reading it for the first time. "It is, isn't it?" 
"Did you do that on purpose?" she asked, alternating her hands once Mari gave a small tap to her wrist. 
"Maybe," he murmured. Did he sound as breathless as he felt?
(Y/N)'s mouth pulled into a bubbly smile—just as bright and attention grabbing as the first time he met her. "Harry," she crooned his name, the syllables cradled on her tongue, "I didn't know you did that. It's so sweet." 
There was a moment where he wondered if this was the moment. Was this the moment to share that of course he would name one of these shades after her, as this whole thing was an ode to his feelings for her. Was this warehouse being used as their set the perfect place to tell her what every single shade meant to him and how it was tied to her? It wouldn't be so bad, he thought. 
Instead, Harry only bashfully shrugged, tipping his shy smile towards his feet. "'M happy y'like it." 
Settling her hands for Mari to begin painting, (Y/N) still kept her attention tipped towards Harry. "Is that why you wanted me to be in the shoot?" she asked, leaning towards where he was still stationed behind her chair, "So, there's, like, platonic love in there too for Valentine's?" 
Harry's lungs squeezed for a different reason this time. Platonic love between friends. That's why he named a polish after her in his most romantic collection to date. 
"Something like that," he settled on, hoping she didn't catch the way his smile fell just a hair. 
Though (Y/N) parted her lips to offer a response, she was cut off before she could take a breath. Harry Lambert was fluttering by the stations, keeping an eye on every model readying for the campaign before he met Harry. 
"Sue, would you help me bring in all the clothing, please?" he asked, a tenor of stress entering his voice. 
Breaking away from (Y/N)'s chair, Harry didn't hesitate before nodding his head. "Course. Where do y'need me?" 
Vaguely, Harry Lambert pointed towards the set pieces before he shook his head. "Just follow me." 
Absently, Harry tossed over his shoulder to (Y/N), "I'll be right back, lovie." 
When he heard a small okay peep from her, he looked towards her only to see her already blinking at him with admiration in her eyes. No wonder he felt so warm.
Harry was sure his dimples were deep in his cheeks as he leaned over Molly's shoulder, looking at the photos popping up on the computer screen as every shot was uploaded. Unsurprisingly, his favorites were of (Y/N).
Her makeup and hair was done minimally in true Pleasing style, leaving everything sheer and pastel. Her nails were glimmering in the light, dreamy filters to be added to the shots that would accentuate the glitter in the varnish. She looked entirely too cozy in the large pink crewneck clad on her torso and the comfy lounge shorts hugging her hips. Though there was still a stiffness as she transitioned between poses, as if waiting for someone to yell at her to fix her stance, he could see her growing more and more comfortable among the set. She made friends with a few of the other models, making it much easier for her to fit into those group shots and allow her laughter to filter through the room. 
It made him feel an undeniable hint of pride seeing her grow so comfortable in front of the camera. He knew she never much preferred being in front of the camera like this, so every small breath of progress she made had his heart glowing for her. 
Watching every shot come in over Molly's shoulder, Harry was almost disappointed when the photographer called for a cut; the lighting needed to be adjusted apparently with extra props being brought in before the focus would shift to the colorful end of the campaign. He stepped back, giving however many assistants were helping out all the space they needed to take care of every minute change. 
As the models scattered, (Y/N) made a beeline back towards Harry, ushering out of the way as quickly as possible. With everyone distracted, he didn't hesitate before he draped his arms around her shoulders in a loose hug. 
"How are y'feeling?" he asked, offering her a quiet smile, "Y'look like you're having fun." 
(Y/N) leant into him, her cheek smushed against the blocked muscle of his chest. "I am, but I'm getting tired. I don't know how you do this all the time." 
A breath of laughter left his lips at her mumbling. "'S surprisingly exhausting, isn't it? Being the center of attention really takes a lot out of a person." 
"No wonder you can fall asleep anywhere," she mused, playing along, "Your life is so hard." 
"I've been trying to tell you," he smiled, pulsing his arms around her when he realized just how hard she was leaning into him. 
She'd been on her feet from the second she had her makeup and hair finished and there were still hours left of her day, even after lunch was served. As much as he was teasing, he was sure she truly was rather exhausted with this being her first time being more than a spectator on set. 
A companionable silence settled between them, Harry not needing to peek to know that she'd had shuttered her eyes while he hugged her. From the corner of his eye, there was a familiar production assistant flittering around with the polaroid camera Harry Lambert had passed off earlier in the day, tasked with documenting the day for behind-the-scenes content. Like a sixth sense, Harry swore he could feel the lens focusing on him and (Y/N), but he didn't flinch back or turn to spot the assistant. 
Instead, he stayed right where he was with (Y/N) in his arms even when the camera clicked and light flashed over the space. 
"I'll be done in, like, ten minutes, 'kay?" Harry murmured, dropping his bag by the station (Y/N) had claimed for the day, "Lambert said there were only a couple of totes left, so I won't take long." 
"Okay," (Y/N) nodded, matching his eyes in the mirror as she pulled out makeup wipes, "I should be done by then." 
Harry lingered behind her for a moment, eyes bright in the reflection, before he stepped away. (Y/N) felt her skin warm in his wake, heart fumbling in its beats before she settled in her chair. She made a point to fix her attention to the makeup wipe she was skimming over her skin, keeping her eyes forward instead of following after him. 
The other models had cleared out as soon as the photographer had called for a wrap, leaving production behind to clean up and clear out for the night. Harry had, of course, volunteered to help clean as much as he could for the night causing (Y/N) to stay back with him. She had helped break down stations and pack props before finally retiring to the final standing station so she could get un-ready herself. 
From her peripheral, (Y/N) spotted Molly bustling around, trusty clipboard in hand. Catching her eye in the mirror, Molly finally paused her constant rushing with her muscles visibly relaxing. 
"I've barely been able to talk to you today," Molly said in greeting as she approached (Y/N)'s station, gifting a small hug with an arm around her shoulders. "Thank you for helping out today." 
"Of course," (Y/N) smiled, the bulbs around the mirror catching the shimmering stickers on her nails that only made her smile stretch wider. "Thank you for letting me be a part of the shoot. I had a lot of fun." 
Molly shifted her weight and leant against (Y/N)’s chair, her features softened. "I could tell. Harry was so worried for you this morning," she shared, "He felt bad, like he had made you say yes when you didn't really want to do this." 
Wiping the light mascara off her eyes, (Y/N) shrugged, "You know it's not really my thing, but he said this one was really important to him. I'm really happy I did it, though—the collection is gorgeous, you guys really did so well with this one." 
 "All of the ideas were H's, so I can't really take any credit for it. Lambert and I just put it all in production," Molly shared, fondness on her features. "We only told him we wanted to do a Valentine's inspired collection, and he already had all of these ideas. We weren't planning to do a dual release, but he'd had so many that he wanted to add that it turned into what we have now." 
"He didn't tell me that," (Y/N) chirped, feeling herself begin to soften. She had known Harry had a large hand in the creative side of these collections, but she hadn't known that he had brought all of the ideas to the table for this one. "I don't know where he gets all of his inspiration between writing and everything with this. He never stops." 
(Y/N)'s teasing comment prompted Molly to laugh along with her, both of them familiar with how hard Harry tended to push himself both creatively and physically. 
"Like, you don't know," Molly said, amusement carrying over her words. 
A pinch touched at (Y/N)'s brows, her hand slowing over her skin to leave her mascara as only smudges under her eyes. "What do you mean?" 
It was Molly's turn to cant her head, her lashes fluttering as she blinked at (Y/N)'s reflection. "I thought that was why you decided to finally be a part of the shoot. That Harry told you." 
For a heartbeat, (Y/N) swore she was in some kind of movie scene. The theatrics of the moment seemed to be blown out of proportion, if only in her eyes. 
"Told me about what?" 
At this, Molly seemingly realized that she may have hinted at something (Y/N) hadn't known anything about. She pursed her lips as if she wanted to keep in her next words, but both of them knew she didn't have much of a choice now that she had started on this avenue. 
"That it's you—the inspiration for the collection. He wasn't very good at hiding it before he finally just told Lambert. All of the shades have something to do with you." 
(Y/N) was hyper aware of Molly's words, even if the sound of her heart pumping began to flood through her ears. 
Strings began to connect throughout the last month since he initially showed her the samples of the polishes. The crew neck he claimed he made with her in mind. The dual collection having four different shades of her favorite color—a fact about her he knew without a doubt. The varnish named after the pet name he had dubbed her as throughout the years, something he had immediately tied to her when she had pointed it out just that morning. 
Maybe it was the new information getting to her head, but more and more pieced itself together. That lingering look he gave her in the mirror just moments earlier felt like more evidence, including the way he held her between shots today, tiny moments that didn't feel out of the ordinary for him. Now those memories could be tinted in rose as moments that were only ordinary because it was between the two of them. 
"Oh," (Y/N) simply sounded, dropping her eyes from Molly's with a flutter of her lashes.
A beat passed before Molly piped up with an apology in her tone. "I'm sorry, (Y/N). I thought you knew, or I wouldn't have said anything." 
"No, no, don't be sorry!" (Y/N) rushed, turning in her seat to match her eyes truly, "It's okay, I'm just surprised." 
Casting her eyes around the dwindling room, Molly lowered her voice by the time she matched (Y/N)'s gaze once more. "Good surprise?" 
Before (Y/N) could give an answer—one she wasn't even sure of—Harry joined their group, He reached towards his bag on the vanity, lookin at the two women with a question in his eyes. "Did you need a couple more minutes?" he asked, not-so-discreetly looking at the shadows left under (Y/N)'s eyes. 
She could feel her stilted smile on her lips, but (Y/N) hoped Harry wouldn't notice. "Why? Did I miss something?" 
Molly made a quiet getaway with a quick pat to Harry's shoulder, taking his attention for a moment as he gave a small way and murmured his goodbye. For a split second, Molly shot (Y/N) a sheepish glance before she was hustling through the space once more. 
When Harry returned to (Y/N), his gaze was scrutinizing this time, a pinch to his brows as he ducked his head to be level with her. 
"I don't think so, no," he said, answering her teasing remark. Reaching out, he gently dragged his fingertips over the soft skin of her under eye, picking up some of the smudgy mess on the pads of his fingers. Her breath caught in her throat at the touch, a stillness touching her muscles she hoped he wouldn't catch. He made a show of inspecting his hands with a comically deep frown on his lips. "Thought I saw something, but, no, y'got it all. Ready to go?" 
Looking at her through the fan of his lashes, (Y/N) saw the teasing gleam to his eyes, though she swore there was something more floating in his irises. 
Had that always been there?
"Um," she mumbled, dropping back into the moment, "Yeah, I'm ready." 
The amusement in Harry's eyes faded at her stilted answer. Creases appeared between his eyes as he gazed at her, his bag loose in his hand. "Y'alright?" 
"Yeah," she attempted to chirp, hopping out of her chair, "I think the day is just catching up to me and all. Just got really tired." 
"Well, then," he started, standing to the full of his height before slinging an arm over her shoulder, "let's get y'home, lovie." 
When he gave a small pulse to the cuff of her shoulder, his fingers denting the soft of her arm, (Y/N) tried to remember if it always felt that charged when he touched her. 
"Hey, you." 
Harry held back a sigh when (Y/N) reached his open arms, burying his nose into her hair as she wrapped her arms around his middle. He settled instead for shuttering his eyes and sinking into her hold. It'd been a long week since he'd seen her last after taking her home after the Pleasing shoot; both he and (Y/N) seemed to be too busy to send more than a few texts to one another throughout the day. It wasn't a secret to him that (Y/N) was the brightest party of his day, but he hadn't realized just how good he had it until she had pulled back those days. 
"How are you?" (Y/N) murmured, her voice muffled from the way her cheek was squished against his chest, "I feel like I've barely talked to you since last week." 
"Me too," he said, drawing away just enough to see her face with his arms a warm loop around her, "I've been alright, though. You?" 
Her eyes skated down his features long enough Harry swore he could feel her gaze like a touch from her hand. His skin warmed in her wake, a pinkened blush surely rising to the surface of his cheeks. 
"I've been good," she finally answered, the heartbeat between his question and her response seeming hours long instead of mere seconds. "Just tired still. I feel like I haven't recovered from last weekend, yet." 
"'M not surprised, y'worked hard." Harry dropped himself back into the moment, clearing his throat. "Molly emailed me some preliminary shots the other day." 
Perking up in his arms, her eyes brightening. "She did? How did they look?" 
A lopsided smile poked at the corner of his mouth. "I can show you, if y'want. Jus' need to grab m'laptop from m'room." 
All it took was a giddy nod from her and a quiet yes, please! that had him untangling from her arms and heading towards his room.
As much as he wanted to stay right where he was in her arms, he needed a breath of air. Perhaps distance, no matter how small it was, really did make the heart grow fonder and Harry wasn't immune to the effects. 
His paces were measured as he scaled his stairs to his bedroom, grabbing his laptop from where it was charging on the side of his bed. The email in question wasn't hard to find, especially since one of his favorite shots—the polaroid one production assistant had nabbed of he and (Y/N) snuggling during a break—was now his home screen on his phone. (And, one of (Y/N)'s official shots was now her contact photo). 
Heading downstairs, he found her already making herself at home on his couch. With a blanket his mom had knitted for him thrown over her legs, she was scrolling through her phone despite the streaming service pulled up on his television. 
"Comfy already, lovie?" he laughed, crossing from the landing to take his own spot next to her. 
"A little," she answered, decidedly reserved in her teasing. That had been much of how it was this past week, (Y/N) too distracted, or tired, or whatever it was to play with him too much. He hoped it truly was nothing more than being a little tired. 
Leaning in close, he settled his laptop on his thighs as he pulled up the attachments.  Beginning to card through the photos, he offered a short explanation, "They're not edited completely yet, but we've got some of the effects added. We're still picking which shots are going to be used for the site and which will be used for the socials, but it all turned out really well." 
Even as every picture lit up his screen, the pad of his finger on the touchpad, Harry favored watching (Y/N)'s reactions as opposed to looking at the shots themselves. He wanted to know if she loved it as much as he did. 
The bright colors cast washes of pale color over her skin, shining like the moon at times with others giving a petal softness to the high points of her face. He could tell when a picture of her appeared with the way she rolled her lips between her teeth, a quiet bashfulness softening the edges of her features. 
"Wait, wait, go back," (Y/N) asked, leaning forward as if to get a closer look at a missed photo. 
Peeling his gaze away from her profile, Harry looked to his laptop to see the photo that had caught her attention was the same one that he favored. An artistically framed shot of their polaroid filled his screen, the nature of the camera already giving fuzzied edges to their forms, an extra set of dreamy editing adding that much more to the sight. 
"Y'like this one?" he murmured, a delicate edge to his voice. 
"When did they take this one?" she asked, her voice a quiet whisper for only him to hear. 
"During that break, remember? Lambert and Molly had an assistant going around to get production shots, and they caught us," he smiled, reliving that moment with her in his arms and the warmth of her form against his, "We're thinking about using this in one of the social shots." 
(Y/N) was silent then, her eyes flitting over every pixel that made up the photo. He hadn't expected her to go so quiet. 
"But, we don't have to use it if y'don't want to," Harry carefully offered, already rearranging the composition of the offered rollout to accommodate her if she was so uncomfortable. "I can talk to Mo—" 
"No, no, that's not—" she started, stumbling some through her words when she managed to meet his eyes finally, "I just... Can I ask you something?" 
The connotations of the phrase had Harry's heart fumbling and palms sweating right away. "'Course. What is it?" 
Hesitating as she rolled her lips between her teeth, (Y/N) let his words hang between them for a few heartbeats too long. 
"Molly told me something after the shoot," she started, her words careful and calculated, "I wanted to know if it was true." 
He couldn't imagine what Molly would have shared that would have had (Y/N) so cryptic and unsure. "Okay," he offered, drawling over the word. 
"She said..." (Y/N) paused, dropping her eyes from his until they landed on the hollow of his throat—a safe place to look when she was too afraid of his reaction. His palms became that much more clammy. "She said something about how this collection was about... me. That you told Harry that you had all these ideas because they were from me." 
In the same moment that time attempted to stop, everything in Harry's body went into overdrive. Was it safe to feel his heartbeat in the base of his throat? Was it normal to want to suck in more air than his lungs needed? 
What was he supposed to say to that?
More importantly: what answer did (Y/N) want to hear? 
Would she be excited to hear that yes, everything Molly had told her was true and he just didn't know how to tell her himself. It was easier to manifest it all into cute little nail polishes and matching stickers. Or did she want him to say no, Molly's imagination had run a bit too wild, or she had heard him wrong, or, or, or—
"Yes," he suddenly blurted out, his mouth ahead of his brain. 
(Y/N) blinked at him. Her eyes floated back to his, bewildered at his blunt answer. "Yes, it's true?" 
The dam that was his filter had too big of a crack to be properly repaired, it appeared. There was no holding back the river. 
"Yes," he affirmed, a weight in his chest pushing the words out before he could offer more thought, "The—um—the yellow one with the gold glitter, it matches the dress y'wore the first time y'came to one of m'shows. And, pink is your favorite color, so I wanted to make as many different ones as we could so you'd have as many as y'wanted to wear. I don't even know if y'have this lipstick anymore, but the red was to match the one y'were wearing when we met. A-All of them are for—about you." 
By the time he managed to zip his lips, there was still plenty to be said but he figured the rambling was more than enough to both humiliate himself and put (Y/N) on the spot. 
The longer she didn't say anything in response, the more Harry sweat. His thoughts were nothing but a swirl heading down a drain, too heavy and incoherent to make sense of.
"(Y/N), I—I didn't m—" 
As quick as he opened his mouth like a guppy, fumbling over his words, he was silenced with (Y/N) pressing her kiss to his lips. 
It was startling at first, taking every ribbon holding him together unraveled, turning him into a scramble. It was only when he felt a careful smile spread over her mouth and she drew away a hair that Harry came alive. 
This was what he'd dreamt of, why was he wasting it? 
Molding his lips to hers, Harry tasted the soft curve of her cupid's bow when he tucked his bottom lip between her two. Faint traces of a fruity chapstick remained on her mouth, though the only taste he got was her. There was no other way to describe the fragrance other than it being (Y/N). Every soft parting and letting of their mouths gave him a rush of that essence, pulling him in deeper and deeper each time. 
The laptop on his thighs was a forgotten object as he turned his body to face her, the device sliding somewhere among the cushions of his couch. His hand landed carefully on the soft of her cheek, feeling a warmth blooming in her skin under his palm. He could feel every pacing of her muscles, feeling how her body moved for no other purpose than to kiss him. It brought a pinch to his brow, an unfurling happening in his chest he couldn't even begin to unpack right then.
While it wasn't an urgent, explicit kiss, Harry didn't want to pull away first. Hours could have been spent on his couch just like this, if not for the fact (Y/N) decided she needed air more than his kiss. 
Following her cue, he gave her some space when she drew away. Her skin was warm as she blinked her eyes open to match his own. He watched as a smile spread over her lips the longer she looked at him.
"You like me?" 
A peal of laughter fell from Harry's lips, bursting through his chest and filling his bones. 
"Maybe. Why?" 
(Y/N)'s laughter filled the one place his own happiness couldn't fill quite as well: his heart.
     Pleasing's Cupid Collection available now. 
(Y/N) barely noticed the notification sliding down the top of her screen, seeing as she was already on the main page of the brand's website. Refreshing the site, the homepage completely rearranged to showcase the dual collection now available for patrons to browse, her own face flashing in the campaign video playing at the top of the page. It was terrifying and thrilling at the same time. 
Was this how Harry felt every time he released music? Or really anything for the world to see?
With the way her heart hammered in her chest, she wasn't sure how he survived things like this. 
Another notification pinged at the top of her phone. Pleasing had just made a post on Instagram. 
Tapping on the dropdown, she was taken from the Pleasing page and to her instagram app. The new post popped up automatically. 
The shot showcased a collection of polaroid photos, some of behind the scenes shots of official photos for the campaign and others showing candid moments between the models and production during the making of the shoot. They were all laid out on a satiny pink sheet, a dreamy filter adding gleaming lights and iridescent shifts throughout the page. 
There was one familiar polaroid that caught her eye—one that was barely within frame but something she had seen enough times she could spot with the barest of pixels. Just barely, she could see herself leaning against the chest of someone who was almost completely cut out of the frame, leaving only a set of arms to be seen wrapped around her shoulders with her eyes closed in contentment. 
Just barely, through the haze of the filter, (Y/N) could see a small tattoo on her companion's hand: a black cross. 
As if being summoned by her thoughts alone, those same arms draped themselves around her from where she stood in the middle of the kitchen. Harry's chin settled on her shoulder, looking at her screen as she pulled up the comments on the photos. 
"What's everyone saying?" he murmured, his lips pressing against the column of her throat in a delicate kiss. 
The smile that landed on her lips was tender and instinctual, something that settled there without her permission. She didn't have to truly read any of the commented reactions to know the public's opinion. 
"They love it," she told him, voice a quiet croon. 
"Yeah?" His smile was audible in his tone. "I think this one's gonna be the most popular yet." 
"You think so?" (Y/N) questioned, swiping out of the reactions if only to see the glimpse of their polaroid once more. 
Placing a gentle hand on her cheek, Harry tipped her chin to face him. There was a gleam in his eyes that (Y/N) never realized was so familiar until the first time they kissed. There was a small tug to the corner of his lips, a single dimple denting his cheek. 
"Yeah. I've jus' got a feeling." 
He dipped his head, pressing his lips to hers.
:)))) thank you for reading, so sorry if there's any mistakes and if theres any questions or anything you have please please send them in! I hope you enjoyed :)
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pin-k-ink · 4 months
ruination // hoshina soshiro
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tw ⇢ highly suggestive content, mentions of an injury, reader is fucking suicidal, strong sexual tension, slight nipple play, making out, dirty talk
wc ⇢ 3.2k
a/n: this is basically an experiment to see if i’m any good at writing for soshiro. so i need yall to give me some feedback this time please 🙏
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Another kaiju attack, another chance to get up close and personal with true, visceral pandemonium. You ignored the blaring evacuation sirens as the city’s streets emptied around you in a stampede of panicked civilians. Where they saw horror, you found an intoxicating allure in the pounding footfalls and slashing claws reducing skyscrapers to rubble.
Up ahead, a thunderous roar shook the very earth underfoot. You grinned eagerly, clutching your camcorder tighter as you broke into a sprint towards the rampaging beast. This was your raison d'être - capturing the primal chaos and catastrophic beauty of each kaiju's uninhibited violence up close, no matter the cost.
What you hadn't anticipated was the familiar whirlwind abruptly blocking your path mere yards from the leviathan's wake of destruction. A lean form dropped into a battle-ready crouch as disheveled dark violet locks whipped across blazing ruby eyes.
"Well, well...if it isn't my own personal videographer stalker," Soshiro drawled in that rich, lazy cadence that never failed to rankle you.
Despite the undeniable peril surrounding you both, the elite monster hunter's full lips curved into a taunting smirk as he raked an insolent look over you from beneath lowered lashes.
"You know, there are easier ways to get some alone time with me besides throwing yourself into harm's way constantly," he purred. "All you gotta do is ask nicely and I'll let you film me up close and personal with all the...details."
You felt a traitorous flush creep up your neck at the blatant insinuation and couldn't resist scowling fiercely at Soshiro's audacity. As if his suave flirtations and flawless physique encased in that flattering skinsuit weren't enough of a distraction already!
"Ugh, no thanks," you sneered to cover for the treacherous flutter in your belly. "I prefer not to sully my lenses with footage of your ugly mug if I can help it."
Rather than looking affronted, Soshiro simply chuckled - the sound zinging through your veins like lightning before your muddled senses could react. In the blink of an eye, his blade was in hand as he angled his taut body into a defensive crouch shielding you from the kaiju's ravenous path.
"Well then, ugly or not," he shot back with a wink that should be illegal, "better get that fancy camera rolling, sweet thing. You're about to get an up-close look at how this big bad handles ugly customers..."
You hardly registered the lumbering beast's furious bellow as it wheeled towards you both, distracted by the lean lines of sinewy power thrumming through Soshiro with each sinuous shift of his stance. The relentless, feral aura of self-assurance bleeding from his pores in cresting waves of heat that made you feel utterly spellbound.
Shaking yourself free of the trance, you hefted the camcorder almost reflexively to start filming as Soshiro launched himself with devastating speed towards the kaiju's slashing maw. Despite the grave stakes, you couldn't deny your rapidly pounding pulse was just as much about capturing your bodyguard's unbound flow and virile grace on camera as the magnificent monster itself.
As always, Soshiro danced through the melee like a preternatural force unto himself - twisting and feinting with cat-like agility around each lancing tail sweep or snapping jaw until the perfect opening presented itself. The moment his blade carved into the beast's hide elicited a molten thrill you knew better than to name - one that had you ravenously tracking every coiled shift or his powerful physique and piercing eyes narrowed in sublime focus.
You continued relentlessly filming while Soshiro flowed from strike to high-flying counter like a man possessed. Utterly blind to anything but the sheer ruthless beauty of his form locked in mortal combat against the heaving, raging bulk swatting at his diminutive shadow.
So entranced were you by the dance underway that you failed to register your feet carrying you closer and closer into the heart of the fray. Not until a jagged chunk of debris went whipping past your head to strike home in a blossoming line of fiery agony across your scalp.
The world seemed to tilt dangerously for a moment, dimming at the edges as you reeled backwards with your free hand clutched to the ragged gash you could already feel seeping ribbons of wet heat down your face. Your grip on the camcorder slipped, precious cargo tumbling from numb fingers into the rubble.
Vague shouts and alarmed calls echoed in your ringing ears, barely piercing the fog of shock and concussion gripping your addled senses. Until suddenly, a pair of corded arms clamped around your waist to haul you bodily back against a powerful, compact frame that reeked of steel and sandalwood.
"What the fuck...?!" Soshiro roared breathlessly against your dazed form, sounding utterly incensed for perhaps the first time you'd witnessed. "Are you actually trying to get yourself killed today, you crazy girl?!"
You tried valiantly to quip back with some paltry rejoinder, to claw back a shred of your usual contemptuous bravado in the face of his censure. But his grip tightened with bruising force as he wrenched you aside even as you valiantly tried to squirm free.
"Hey, hey...look at me right now," he growled, scorching timbre bleeding real hints of genuine concern as his hand snared your jaw to still your reeling head.
Blearily, you managed to regain focus on the sharp planes of Soshiro's features twisted into rare unguarded turmoil as he drank in your battered state. His brows pinched, pursing those sinful lips around a guttural exhale as ruby irises slowly dilated with rising wrath.
"You never fucking listen to me," he bit out, each word clipped and dripping with bitter accusation. "I tell you to stay back, and what do you do? Go and get yourself hurt because you're too goddamn thick to see how much of a liability you make yourself when you pull this shit!"
You blinked back the sting of tears, uncomprehending and ashamed at the raw anger directed your way, He'd always been such an incorrigible flirt, not outright furious. What had--?
"You're bleeding...Fuck, you're putting me off my game here so fucking bad," Soshiro continued in a strained rush, free hand ghosting over the steady stream trickling from your hairline with surprising delicacy. "What's it gonna take for you to finally get it through that thick skull, huh? That I can't just—!"
Whatever frenzied outburst he might've unleashed fractured apart as the kaiju's baleful roar rent the air behind you both. You felt Soshiro's powerful frame tense against yours instinctively, torn between lashing you further and prioritizing the imminent threat looming ever nearer.
Without an ounce of ceremony, he simply turned and cupped the back of your skull to his chest as the ground quaked beneath another deadly stomp from the rampaging beast. You flinched despite yourself, bracing for the world to detonate around your fragile forms in violence.
Instead, you felt Soshiro's hips roll and coil in slow, sinuous motion as he absorbed the impact through his thighs with flawless technique. The compact power thrumming beneath his supple control sent a frisson of electric heat zinging down your spine to pool low in your core in unmistakable yearning.
"We'll finish this conversation once I've neutralized the threat," he grit out against the crown of your head in a low, dangerous purr. "Until then...don't you dare think about moving from this spot and forcing me to protect you from your own reckless ass again."
With that gruff declaration, Soshiro released you unceremoniously to rejoin the fray with a preternatural gait. You swayed in place numbly, fingers hovering over the ragged cut as wave after wave of arousal and shame crashed over your muddled senses in equal measure.
Part of you bristled at his cavalier disregard, your suicidal urges demanding you fling yourself back into the violent pandemonium without further thought. To let the kaiju's rampage swallow you whole in a blaze of visceral glory against Soshiro's wishes.
But the greater, deeply unsettling part clenched with a yearning you could no longer ignore as you tracked the elite hunter's lithe figure weaving amidst claw swipes and rubble in lethal tandem. Each rolling shift of his taut, sinewy muscles beneath that unforgiving suit set your mouth watering for reasons entirely divorced from your typical appetites.
This time, the compulsion had nothing to do with craving unbound violence or anarchy raining down without mercy. No, your new fixation centered solely on what primal ecstasy might await should you surrender to Soshiro's virile dominion utterly and without reservation. To indulge in the promise of violent rapture bound in the most intoxicating packaging imaginable...
You really were utterly, inexplicably gone when it came to this fearless man blurring the lines between heroics and carnal audacity. And unless this maddening attraction claimed you first, the discovery of whether you'd finally bent Soshiro's staunch convictions to your suicidal compulsions might just render the distinction tragically moot.
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You drifted back to consciousness slowly, a dull throbbing ache pulsing behind your eyes to the cadence of beeping machines. Grimacing against the harsh fluorescent lights, you cracked open your lids and immediately recognized the stark sterility of a hospital room surrounding you.
Sluggishly, the fractured memories trickled back - the kaiju's rampage, Soshiro's scathing fury as he pinned you to safety while blood matted your hair. Tentatively, you raised one hand and felt the coarse linen bandages swaddling your head in confirmation. So that part, at least, hadn't been some fevered dream.
Wincing through the fog of grogginess, you braced yourself upright on shaking arms in preparation to swing your legs over the side of the mattress. This place was the last you wanted to linger after awakening, no matter the severity of your injuries. Anywhere had to be better than--
"Don't. Even. Think about it."
You froze at the rough, utterly irate rasp that seemed to roll over your prone form in a wave of molten sin. Slowly, you felt the hairs along your nape prickling to attention as your gaze skated up over a pair of powerful thighs clad in fatigues to settle on Soshiro's furious visage.
The elite hunter was perched on the room's solitary chair with his forearms braced on widespread knees, dark locks askew in artful disarray. But it was those striking ruby irises smoldering from beneath lowered lashes that held you utterly immobile, pinning you to the mattress with more force than any physical restraint ever could.
"You gotta be kidding me..." Soshiro growled after a fraught pause, upper lip curling in a wordless snarl. "After that stunt you pulled back there, you're seriously going to try and flee medical right when you finally come to?"
You swallowed hard, torn between withering beneath the sheer wrath radiating off him in waves or doubling down with some token act of defiance. Before you could determine which, Soshiro was surging to his feet in an effortless roll of taut muscle and prowling towards the bed like a panther eyeing its prey.
"I said," he repeated, each word bitten off like a slashing blade as you felt the mattress dip beside your prone form, "don't even think about moving, sweet thing..."
Suddenly his looming silhouette blotted out all other input, hemming you in with no avenue of escape as scorching puffs of his molten baritone caressed your flushed features. You stared up at Soshiro in dumbstruck, reluctant awe of the towering fury he exuded so effortlessly - a primal force of nature in his own right contained only by savage self-discipline.
Yet beneath the palpable waves of reproach rolling off him was something else, something darker and infinitely more perilous that set your nerve endings alight in ways you couldn't fathom. It simmered in the blistering intensity of his hooded stare boring into your widened eyes as one calloused palm rose to settle over your rapidly thundering pulse.
"You're lucky you didn't lose this tonight," Soshiro murmured, deep baritone turned to gravel as his knuckles grazed the sensitive skin over your jugular tauntingly. "Playing those idiotic reindeer games amidst a fuckin' deadly situation..."
He trailed off in a wordless growl, the backs of his fingers drifting down the pounding column of your throat in a slithering caress that raised heated goosebumps erupting over every inch of your hyper-aware flesh. Lower still, tracing over your collarbones tantalizingly before he seemed to regain control of himself.
"When are you going to get through that thick skull of yours, huh?" Soshiro rasped out, thumb anchoring against the throbbing pulse point beneath your jaw in a subtly possessive brand. "Realize you're not invincible...and that some of us actually give a damn whether you make it through each rampage intact and breathing?"
You forgot to inhale entirely as he shifted infinitesimally closer on the mattress, until your rapidly thrumming chests were mere inches apart. The simmering intensity of his gaze left you reeling, dizzy in a way the sedatives couldn't account for as each panted breath filled your starving lungs with his dark, inebriating musk.
"Or is that exactly what gets you so worked up and reckless out there, pretty girl?" Soshiro continued in a hushed rasp bordering on a sinful purr that had you flushing all the way down to your toes. "Knowing once the dust settles...we'll be left alone to keep picking up wherever we left off that night? Just me...and my very own lil' daredevil to punish as I see fit..."
Molten desire crashed over you in a searing wave as Soshiro finished with a lingering lick of his full lips, staring down at your own parted ones hungrily. Before you could draw breath to whimper out a response, his palm suddenly splayed warm and possessive over the quivering flat of your abdomen beneath the sheets.
"I don't know how many times I've imagined putting you over my knee for that kind of discipline, sweet thing..." he husked out with liquid silk potency, sending an exquisite tremor racing over your form. "Or bending you right over whatever pile of rubble happens to be closest when the urge strikes...taking my belt to that perfect ass for being so goddamn foolish..."
You keened softly, a high needy sound barely pushing past the lump in your throat. Soshiro seemed to vibrate with answering tension in response, weight sinking further into the vee of your splayed thighs until his chest dragged deliciously against the hardened peaks of your nipples.
"Is that what you really want from me, baby girl?" he growled against the scorching sweep of your cheek, silken heat searing your inflamed senses. "To earn yourself one of my special...punishments at last?"
Your breath left you in a shuddering rush with Soshiro's mouth a hairsbreadth from capturing your own in a searing glide. His fingers twitched, clenching almost imperceptibly against the feverish plane of your stomach as if fighting not to fist the hospital gown and drag you flush against his firm, straining contours.
Soshiro's smoldering stare bored into you with the intensity of a supernova as his thumb rasped over your parted lips in a teasing caress. You instinctively strained toward the promise of his molten mouth, already addicted to that sinful heat despite having yet to indulge.
"Is this what you want?" he husked out in a low rasp that washed over your tingling nerve endings like the most exquisite temptation.
You managed the barest tremor of a nod, whimpering softly as his nose brushed the column of your straining throat in the barest of nuzzles. The rough caress of Soshiro's shadowed jawline ghosting over your hypersensitive skin made you shudder against him helplessly.
"You'll have to use your words, pretty girl," he growled against the thundering pulse leaping just beneath your jaw. "Tell me exactly how bad you need this..."
His tongue traced a blazing path over the hollow of your throat, laving the sweat-slick notch between your collarbones in one tantalizingly slow glide. You whined at the molten temptation, back arching on instinct to press your aching curves against the scorching weight of his powerful frame hovering so tauntingly near.
"Please..." you managed to rasp out desperately, hands fisting in the sheets with restraint. "Soshiro, please I need-- nnngh!"
The rest of your plea dissolved into a high, keening whimper as he sealed his velvet mouth over the rigid peak of your breast in a soul-searing clamp. Soshiro growled softly in evident satisfaction around the mouthful, the vibration ricocheting straight to your throbbing pussy in merciless rapture.
One calloused palm curved around the generous swell spilling free of your sheer gown, possessive and insistent as he laved broad swirls of his sinful tongue over your nipple. You thrashed against the mattress at the overwhelming onslaught of sensation, nails raking along his sculpted forearms in a frantic bid for leverage.
He took that as encouragement, tongue lashing and teeth scraping across your tit with alternating swipes of scorching pleasure and pinprick rapture until you keened unintelligibly. Only then did Soshiro finally release you with one last lingering suckle before dragging his mouth higher in a blazing path.
"Look at me," he snarled in a voice made to ravage. Your eyes flew open to meet the molten, blown crimson glare leveled at you from mere inches away. "Eyes on me when I finally claim this perfect fucking mouth..."
With a low, feral sound he sealed his lips over yours in an explosive crash that instantly stole what little oxygen remained in your lungs with bruising intensity. Soshiro instantly delved his questing tongue past the seam of your parted mouth to invade every slick corner in a deep, territorial glide that left you squirming and whimpering against him shamelessly.
He drank down every gasping, desperate sound greedily, mercilessly ravaging you with wicked swirls and flicks of his velvet muscle that set your world spinning on its axis. You writhed against Soshiro's sculpted body, desperate for any scrap of friction while his weight caged you in relentless captivity.
A shuddering eternity passed with only the filthy slick and harsh pants shared between your greedy mouths echoing off the stark walls. Until at last, Soshiro dragged his lips from yours with a strangled groan, leaving you chasing the connection deliriously as he pinned you with a look of naked, burning possession.
"That's it, sweetheart..." he rasped out in a tone made to scorch every inch of your fevered skin anew. "You just lie there and take your punishment nice and slow...make up for all those close calls when I didn't get the chance to show you how fucking gone I was over every reckless little stunt..."
His mouth crashed back over yours in a searing lay of pure dominance before you could whimper out a response. Soshiro instantly picked up where he'd left off - mapping out every slick crevice with his questing tongue until you shattered against his ruthless onslaught once more.
As the darkness swept in to claim your spiraling consciousness, one blazing truth remained etched into your overloaded synapses even as blissful oblivion swallowed you under its tide - that you would finally surrender everything to this virile, unbound creature's communion without reservation.
Over and over, for however long it took for Soshiro to assuage the ravenous need driving his merciless claiming and bestow the ruinous rapture you'd been so foolishly, recklessly courting all this time. Because nothing else could possibly sate the hunger howling through you both like the maddening call of a wild siren.
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beiasluv · 1 year
forbidden fruit | Charles Leclerc
a/n: new to the f1 communityy 😬 apologies for any term or idea i got wrong. female!reader. no proofread! enjoyy 🤍
summary: the princess of mercedes and the prince of ferrari, what could possibly go wrong?
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“y/n! y/n! she’s in her last turn! leclerc’s trailing behind! can he do an over take?”
splashing champagnes and listening to the dutch national anthem were never your favorite of winning a podium, but who cares?
you were on P3 and charles leclerc was not.
perhaps retelling the story of your rivalry with the monégasque driver would take a whole frustrating, aggravating, and lengthy year for us to get through; and perhaps it was for the best to leave it where it is, never to be touched, but to reminisce with a needle of cringeness poking through your heart.
although an honorable mention to verstappen, for taking the lead role of leclerc’s personal favorite rival.
it was all an inchident, of course.
smirking back to the driver in a flashing, scuderia ferrari, red fire suit, you could only feel your ego bubbling to the top of your throat. charles leclerc was staring. and staring hard. what a shame you couldn’t even take out your phone and take a snippet of his raging glance. what a fun sight for the whole news headlines to see.
‘charles leclerc, envy and jealousy…’
of course, he couldn’t lash it out. how could he? would the handsome, young, and talented ferrari driver want to ruin his reputation in the media? obviously, not.
of course, you knew it all too well. every day you wake up with the tip of a knife, aiming at your throat, ready to nick you anytime you take a wrong step on the luxurious path of an f1 driver. being the only female driver on the grid makes your life a thousand times more challenging.
but who were you to be a nitpick?
the media loves drama. we all do. perhaps it was a little bit more entertaining to see what you are wearing when the races had gone wrong. what hairstyle were you wearing for the big race? or, maybe, just which driver you were dating on the grid this season?
never once you could escape the dating questions or all the bullshit misogynistic attitudes from the journalists, press, media, and, well, …you name it.
perhaps you have to give it to leclerc for never going easy on you just because you are of a different gender.
“congratulations on P3, y/n,” max turned towards you and gave you a pat on the shoulder; simultaneously, bringing you back to reality.
“t- thanks.”
“you win this one, l/n.”
he took off his helmet, and clutched it loosely to his side. the cheeky smirk plastered on his face. the eyes searched for the depth of yours.
only you knew how much pain it was for him to force his lips to create such a soft and fake smile for the thousand camera lenses, waiting to catch the two rivals lacking. bumping into leclerc after the race, fresh and full of adrenaline, alone in the hallway of the track was never an enjoyable experience to endure.
“good race, leclerc,” you muttered out as many PR and drivers walked past you two.
“same to you.”
what a shame your PR manager ushered you out for the media room before you two could give a shot of throwing hands - elegantly, of course.
“good work on the qualifying round, l/n. return to the garage. over.”
“copy that,” you tapped your headset, notifying the engineer of the prestigious mercedes team.
driving for mercedes in f1 could count as your biggest dream since the karting days. and the race won against ferrari was a - personal - success.
slowing your baby down, and pressing the brake mechanism of the car, you came to a halt as the friction overpowered the tires. one or two seconds later, you could hear the mercedes team rushing and scurrying over to your parked position to collect you back to the mothership.
“take her back, guys!”
the screaming of your fans nearby erupted as you ascended out from the cramped space of your f1 seat. taking your helmet off, and waving to them; you gracefully jumped down from the car and headed towards the mercedes headquarters.
a long walk, but who are you to make a fuss?
an f1 driver should have no problem walking a couple of miles. oh but how annoyingly a group of fans quickly crowded over you and blocked your ways…red flags, horses, and charles leclerc faces. clearly, you knew whose fans they were.
fussing, grabbing, and pulling, you were harassed, unfortunately. autographs, hats, pictures, postcards, and questionable stuff were pushed into your face.
“y/n! please! sign my shirt!” “get the hell away from charles!”
“charles deserved p3 today!” “l/n!! l/n! say hi to my dad! he loves you!”
trying to fulfill all of their requirements, you realized you had found yourself in the sea of scuderia ferrari fans. it is an unspoken fact that you were the rival of charles leclerc; you could say some fans were more enthralled by that fact than others.
“y/n! what do you think about charles? are you guys dating?”
sometimes you hate technology. the cameras pointing at you reminded me of the knife you carry mentally with you every day. it could gain you thousands of thousands of likes in a few tiktoks or perhaps get ready to say goodbye to your f1 position.
“…we’re not talking. in any complicate way,” smiling through the pain you signed the cap that was shoved into your face. gosh, mercedes. where was your security?
your patience could only last so much until one fan decided it was worth it to grab your hand and pull you down for an instagram-worthy photo. and he possibly thought the best way to execute it was to, firstly, seize your waist. how thoughtful of him.
“fuc- please don’t-”
“y/n! i love you!”
man-child was not having it. sweaty and clammy hands could send chills down your spine if you didn’t know.
smile through the pain. smile through the pain. it was all part of the job, at the end of the day. the fans still won and you were just a doll for f1. breathe in, breathe out.
he pulled his iphone 7 out of his pocket, painfully slow; slower than the ferrari’s pitstops. his side was squished to yours. the cologne, the smell, the sensory, everything-
“hey, hands off.”
you could say it was the first time you were glad to see charles leclerc from your entire life; wearing his race suit sluttily around his waist. leclerc - being leclerc - stunned his fans, leaving a big hole in the crowd around you.
he was reaching out for your waist; surprisingly, in a way you were pleased, and pulled you out of the red crowd. and just like magic, the security came rushing in and ushered the mob of fans away from the scene.
wearing that stunned face of yours, you regained consciousness and your rival emotions. clearing your already cleared throat, charles took it as a signal to let go of your waist. how suddenly you realized it was all happening over the armor of your fire suit.
thank god.
“no need to thank me,” the competitive tone made its way through his annoying lips again. scoffing, he looked at you with his hand clutching his helmet by his side, “i don’t understand why they need to adore you this much.”
how rude.
“for the record, they are your fans, leclerc,” you scoffed offendedly, and your hand found its natural place on your chest; clutching for dramatic effect.
“what did i do to deserve such loyal fans, l/n…” not even looking at you he smirked under his nose. “they shouldn’t be acting this way, no?”
he looked over at you, seeing you in your distressed state and a chuckle left his lips. the cameras settled on the stands far away in the distance and stared at you two, they were definitely on.
this is going to end up in the headlines.
“check out your new title…” your manager cleared his throat as you nervously waited.
“you can’t just leave me hanging here!”
placing your phone in your lap your hands returned to the comfort of the steering wheel. twisting and turning, you maneuvered your mercedes inside the driver's garage.
“calm the fuck down! i’m pulling out the source for accuracy,” you swore you could see your manager rolling his eyes. “wait for it…‘charles to the rescue. mercedes and ferrari, love or rivalry?’”
“shut up.”
“i can send you the links.”
“please don’t,” you sighed as you looked over your shoulder to slide into the parking lot like a distinguished f1 driver. “…the devil works hard, but the media works harder, or what?”
“we could use a little PR for mercedes, y’know?” the crackled chuckle left your phone.
“the signal is shit in the parking lot, i’ll see you at the paddock. bye.”
“alright, be quick.”
gathering your bag and phone, you checked your face one last time in the rearview mirror and opened the car door. unfortunately, the infamous ferrari entered the parking lot with its signature roars, as you stepped out of your car.
the devil had worked hard once again. walking to your trunk, you kicked it open and snatched some of your essential stuff for the race. and who would’ve thought charles leclerc could park his car in under 20 seconds?
not to mention, it wasn’t straight. (oops)
getting out of his car, he checked his hair and fixed his shirt. obviously, aware of the paparazzi lurking around the track’s garage for the big day, and hoping to sell a couple of pics for something a little more than a couple of bucks. perhaps an even better price for them if they caught you and your rival having a ‘friendly’ chat.
don’t get close to him. don’t get close to him.
“what a coincidence,” leclerc approached your mercedes as he locked his ferrari with its infamous beeping.
“how so?”
smirking back at him, you slammed your trunk closed and shut off; locking your car in the same manner. catching the glimpse of his eyes you made it your personal goal to escape him as fast as you could possibly can.
flicking your head away and taking off, the path inside the track was as empty as you hoped it could be.
“slow down, i just wanna talk.”
“you walk too fast,” you swore if you looked back and he is grinning. “you trying to escape from me?”
“got a problem with that, leclerc?”
his dark green eyes met yours after you decided the risk was below the ‘manageable’ level to turn around.
“no,” he grinned at you. how you wish you could smack it off of his face. “i jus’ want some company while walking to the track, no?”
company, my ass.
clearing his throat, he looked at you, “you’re a pretty good rival though.”
gaining a nod and a smirk from you leclerc was cut short of his run time as his PR manager came to collect him to the ferrari garage. how sad. his messy hair, the confidential wave, and two eyes met yours one last time before you decided to head to the mothership of your mercedes headquarters.
big trouble, y/n. big trouble.
“y/n, we neeed to talk.”
the paddock was usually quiet upstairs, all the mechanics and engineers spent their time in garage down below. only toto, george, lewis, your manager, and their managers, and - obviously - you would spend time up here. also. is every private manager in the world annoyingly scary and friendly at the same time or what?
sitting down next to you on the black sofa of the mercedes headquarters by the pitch, you were face-to-face with your lovely manager.
clearing your nonexistent anxiety, “…yes?”
“look…the media is starting to notice your relationship with charles…”
“and,” he crossed his arms, “we need to work on keeping this situation private…it could affect your reputation. maybe after the soft launch phase is over, you can publicize it…if you want to, obviously.”
the fuck?
“…what are your thoughts?”
he looked into your face, not a single thought behind it. somehow the racetrack outside the notoriously big, shiny window of the mercedes paddock suddenly gained your attention, and he restored to snapping his fingers in front of your face.
“what-? oh right- for fuck’s sake! we’re not in a relationship!”
“and what about those paparazzis’ pictures? I thought we agreed on sharing every ‘public’ detail about your life with me?”
“first of all, privacy. second of all. you believe that?! anthony! you’re my manager, i would’ve told you if i was dating a ferrari driver!” grabbing a quick breath,
“do you think i want to date the reddest of all flags on the grid?!”
“yeah? but that’s not the impression the media got,” he said. “even max! max verstappen thought-”
“who cares what max thinks!” you thrown your head back on the sofa.
“PR could be good, but we don’t know if it’s going to blacklash-”
george russell. he walked up to you two arguing on the black sofa and smirked at you; clearly, he heard your talks about ‘the reddest of all flags on the grid.’
“shut your mouth, russell,” sighing sarcastically as you could and you turned to your manager, who was having the time of his life.
“I’m not saying anything,” he raised his hands defensively, grinning the shit out of the corners of his mouth.
“I’m a driver, not a play doll you could match-make for the team’s reputation. hell. doesn’t charles have a girlfriend?”
anthony pulled out his phone and scrolled through ‘something,’ “yes…charles…has a girlfriend, PR relationship?”
“what do you mean?”
putting his phone away, “doesn’t matter. but what the media care about is to get a story out of nothing.”
“you have a reputation of being a private figure, and you're an expert in keeping it that way. we just need to do that until the end of the season.”
george chuckled sarcastically, "she seems angry at us, guys.”
“i am. and i’m not dating anyone for mercedes. done,” you stood up from the sofa and beelined towards the door. “also. i’m telling toto.”
and someone finally heard you this time. the whole room’s atmosphere seemed to tense up as someone entered the door.
toto wolff.
“is there a problem, y/n?” toto asked as george smirked at the unfolding situation.
you swung your head towards the origin of the sound and cleared your throat, “your employee, mr. wolff, is trying to matchmake me with a ferrari driver.”
toto chuckled.
toto chuckled?
“so there is something between you and charles?” he raised his eyebrow at you. expectedly, george was holding his laughter in for his dear life.
“why does everyone thinks that we’re dating?! even toto?!”
“so you’re not dating leclerc?”
congratulations. you have successfully crashed onto the sofa once again, groaning your pain out.
“she’s lying,” george chimed in.
“I. am. not.”
how surprising that george’s back kissed the sofa as you tackled him jokingly down. a moment of silence for toto to watch many of his best drivers tackle each other like it’s a normal day in kindergarten.
“are you sure you are not dating, leclerc?”
last straw. you clutched your bag and left george dysfunctional on the couch. walking past the room, you glanced back one last time and said with the best sarcasm, “i’m not. and I’m not dating him for mercedes. done! I’m a driver, not a doll!”
slamming the door shut, you headed for your private driver’s room.
"she's angry at us…” george chuckles nervously; obviously, with a hint of joy.
“no shit sherlock”
edit: part 2
part 2?? reblog, like, whatever the heck you want would be appreciated 😘
today’s a great day to take care of yourself, lots of luv 🤍
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temis-de-leon · 2 months
Gn!MC with thick curly hair
Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Satan and Asmodeus (x reader, separately; could be read as pre-relationship since it's a tiny bit suggestive)
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@cubandevil04 : Hello!! I ADORE your writing, it's so fun😘 I was wondering if I could have an obey me headcanon (lucifer, mammon, satan and asmodeus please🙏) with a GN!MC with thick curly hair?? Very 70s curly shag style💅😜 just overall reaction and their thoughts, especially since no character with curly hair has been introduced👀 please and thank you!!
A/N: had so much fun with this one that I wrote it in just a day, can you believe it?
We’re bringing sheep!MC to the table here. Whether you want them to be an ewe or a ram, it doesn’t matter; in the end, they’re cute and their wool is curly and fluffy.
I haven’t read the manga, where this version of MC takes place, so I don’t know how it works, but I like to think the potential human students didn’t have photos on their information sheets as to “not judge a book by its cover”, therefore no one really knew how MC looked like.
(Actually, this HC works with human!MC too)
It isn’t until the year is coming to an end that MC’s biology and immune system have developed enough to survive the Devildom’s atmosphere in their human form. They’re allowed to transform back and everyone finally sees what they’ve been missing out this whole time.
Due to his work, his taste and the way he is overall, most of Lucifer’s friends belong to the nobility or high society or are generally people with ambition and success in mind.
While he can enjoy going to clubs, like some of his brothers, his personality shines in more private ambiences. Old-money type of parties where chatter is never loud and guests are well groomed and put together, showing themselves in their demon forms with grace; the ultimate level of formal attire.
No matter your gender, hair is supposed to be pushed back with a polished look, so thick curls are hardly appreciated.
When he sees your human form for the first time, and this is something he will take to the grave, his first fleeting thought is wondering if you somehow maintained some ovine feature that made your hair look like that.
Suffice to say, it doesn’t take him too long to understand that your appearance is entirely yours and not the consequences of some spell.
He’s not blushing, MC. Stop laughing at him.
Will compliment you to make you blush instead.
The unruliness of your haircut makes it impossible for him to stop staring and he can’t help but imagine what would it feel like to touch it, to curl the loops around his fingers as many times as you’d let him.
He’s curious about how messy it’d look with a bedhead, but that’s a thought he’d rather revisit later.
Although he was extremely curious about your human appearance since the moment you started to grow on him, it wasn’t something he lost sleep over.
He would love you no matter what you looked like.
Being a model himself, it is impossible not to picture you on the cover of a magazine the first time he lays eyes on you. Looking upwards, eyes directed towards the camera under your lashes and lips partially parted, barely hiding a knowing smile.
Yeah, he can picture you. Perhaps too well.
But he’s being honest! You could be a model, MC!
Demons have been following human trends since the dawn of time, given that they are to be perceived as temptation, and he hasn’t seen that haircut in decades. Sure, curls have always been present, but not in that specific style.
You will catch him staring at you way more often than when you were a sheep, but there’s a shift in his eyes that you’ll only notice if you stare just as much.
Before your change, there was admiration and affection, an honest yet small smile that would disappear behind his hand in embarrassment whenever you’d turn his way.
Now, besides that, there’s also yearning. A desire to do something that only manifests when his fingers grab the end of your curls and gently tug to make them longer each time you sit together in class.
He will stop if it bothers you even if your rejection hurts a little, but please, please, allow him this much.
Unlike his eldest brother’s, Satan’s social circle is diverse and large, ranging from interns and students to CEOs and deans.
You never know where help and privileges may be coming from, after all.
He’s not picky about the origins of his friendships either, so one day he might be seen chatting with the National Fangol’s Vice Chairman and with an undiscovered indie singer the next.
His world is versatile and constantly evolves; he’s met a lot of different people through the many years of his life and all of them looked different from the other.
While yours is a haircut he’s already seen other people have, he still smiles the first time he sees your human form, although that might be due to him finally seeing your true self.
There’s a wild feeling to you that’s also cosy and confident. You remind him of bookstore cafés and open mic bars and even music festivals in summer where the dirt is covered in empty cans, half-smoked cigarettes and unconscious people.
He wonders if you like music or poetry, if he could introduce anybody to you that could make your dreams come true or that could give him the perfect opportunity to take you on your ideal date.
Or maybe you’re not an artistic person and you have your fixation focused on science or magic.
Perhaps none of them or even all at once!
He stares, not because he’s obsessed with you or your fitting hairstyle, but because he’s dying to know how much more is there for him to uncover.
I’m going to step into shitpost territory here, but if he could have a Pokedex of inhabitants of the Devildom and beyond, you better believe it would be halfway full.
He’s known, met, and befriended (and more) so many people that is difficult for him to discover someone different.
It’s not your fault or lack of creativity, but when you’re an extroverted demon with such an experience in socializing like him, it gets to a point where finding unique features gets hard.
Still, when he first sees you, he can’t help but stare with shiny eyes and an open wide smile.
Your appearance helps your personality make sense. It’s an accessory that compliments you and, now that he has the whole picture, he can remember all those moments he shared with you and replace your cute little sheep shape with the human body that’s keeping him awake at night.
It’s not like that! Nothing filthy!
Although he won’t mind if you happen to slip inside his bed in the middle of the night.
He just can’t stop thinking about you, the way your curls frame your face or bounce when you play that tiring dance game in Levi’s room.
Not much time passes until he starts watching videos on Deviltube on how to define curls or how to style them with silk scarfs, rings, chains and even crystals. He’ll be happy to help you with the process, especially if it takes longer than expected. That just means you both get to spend even more time together.
And you’re going to look so cute!
Taglist: @ilovecandys2010 @ollieoven @kingofspadesdelusion @whimsybloom
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blindmagdalena · 1 year
Don't Fret Precious (I'm Here)
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Summary: 18+ 8.1k homelander x reader, f!reader, mild sublander, immoral reader, off-screen murder, blood, attempted assault (not by HL), cunnilingus, lite comeplay, penetrative sex, fingering, dirty talk, breeding kink, marking, mild pain play.
During one of his evening patrols, Homelander overhears the beginnings of an assault. By intervening, he not only becomes your personal hero, but falls into a whirlwind of infatuation and obsession with you, and the supposedly ordinary life you led before he happened across you.
thank you @mari-thesimp, whose prompt inspired this monster of a fic! 🖤 AO3 Link.
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To this day, Homelander doesn’t know why you were alone in that alleyway that night: he never thought to ask, and by now, it’s an irrelevant detail. He just knows that it was in a shady side of the city, nowhere near your work or your home.
That was where he first heard you. You were screaming in this shrill, throaty way that reminded him of how women in the movies screamed. You were the perfect little Hollywood damsel, trapped down a dark side street by a man twice your size with a brutish smile and clear intentions. It was almost too perfect of a stage, and Homelander found he couldn’t resist intervening. 
Sure, there weren’t any cameras, but maybe you’d give a couple interviews and boost his ratings.
“S’aright by me, I like it when they scream,” the goon told you, pulling at you with dirty, meaty hands. Homelander could smell his rotten breath from a distance. It must have been like chopped onions in your face, stinging your pretty eyes.
“What a coincidence,” Homelander said from behind the man, voice full and confident. He placed his hands on the man’s shoulders. “So do I.”
He tightened his grip until tendons popped and bones groaned under his strength. The man screamed twice as loudly as you had, relinquishing his hold on you. Clearly not comprehending the sheer danger he was in, the man tried to retaliate, lashing out with swinging arms and legs until Homelander finally let him turn around, at which point the severity of the situation dawned clearly in the man's eyes.
“Homelander,” He realized, tongue thick in his mouth, words heavy with sudden fear. “It’s not what you think,” he said. He was taller and broader than Homelander, but it hardly mattered. He was shaking like a leaf in his hold. “We were just playin’,” he said, sweat prickling along his hairline. Homelander twisted the brute down onto his knees, and angled him to the side, focusing on you now. You, who were staring at him with wide, watery doe eyes. It’s no wonder you were hunted down by a predator. You looked… delicious.
“Is that true, miss?” He asked you in his best discerning hero voice. “Do you know this man?”
The question was followed by a tense beat of silence. He held your gaze, only for his to drop and watch your lips form the simple word, “No.”
“Yeah, I didn’t think so,” he said with a chuckle. Before the man could protest, Homelander made a fist, and struck the back of the man’s head with the bottom of it just hard enough to knock him out cold. The thug crumpled to the ground, and Homelander stepped over him to make his way towards you. He gave you a cursory check for broken or fractured bones, but aside from being disheveled, you looked unharmed, slumped back against the brick wall.
One interesting thing he took note of, however, was the small gun tucked into your purse. Why hadn’t you been reaching for it? Panic, he supposed. Perhaps, though you had thought preemptively to protect yourself, your pretty little head had emptied the moment there was any sort of tangible threat.
You were like a little rabbit. Born to be hunted.
“You alright, miss?” He asked, offering you his hand. You took it, eyes as wide as saucers, lips tilted in an awestruck little smile. It wasn’t anything he wasn’t accustomed to, but it was sweet nonetheless. You were sweet, as soft in his hands as ripe fruit. Just the same, it would take so very little to bruise such a delicate thing.
“I am now,” you answered breathlessly, taking a step closer to him, your hand lingering in his long after he’d helped you up. “That… You were incredible. More amazing than I ever imagined.”
Homelander’s brows lifted curiously. “You imagine something like this often?”
“Yes,” you admitted readily, surprising him. “I’ve had a lot of fantasies about you.”
He laughed breathlessly at that, throat clicking on a dry swallow. You were standing just a few inches from him, but your only point of contact remained your hands. One by one, you began to loosely intertwine your fingers with his, drawing his gaze down. He had met hundreds upon hundreds of fans during his career, but rarely were they brave enough to be so direct with him. “Wow, you are, ah… forward,” he said, feeling heat prickle along his collar.
“Is that a bad thing?” You asked. He felt hyper aware of the slow way you squeezed his gloved hand, the gesture strangely enticing. 
“No, no,” he said, licking his lips. “Always good to feel wanted.”
You smiled at him. “Good.” With a gentle pull, you eased him down. He felt certain you were going to kiss him at that moment, but instead, you bypassed his lips and brought yours to his ear. “Because I want you. Very, very much.”
Your words, your voice instantly pooled heat low in his gut. He found himself breathing shallowly, leaning into the faint, sweet fruit smell of you.
When you drew back, your eyes met. You smiled, still squeezing his hand as you did. Your soft little breaths were warm on his lips. After a split second hesitation, Homelander kissed you. He kissed you again, and again, and again. He would kiss you many, many more times after that.
At first you were just a pretty little thing. A secret indulgence with sweet tasting lips, soft skin, and a seemingly endless propensity for adoration. You were removed from the blood and corporate grind of his day to day life. Before him, your life was simple, mundane, and predictable. It seemed like a lonely and bleak thing to him.
Perhaps that’s what made it so easy for him to become your sun, and coax your entire world into revolving around him. He saw his own loneliness mirrored back at him in your glossy eyes. To you, he is salvation. To him, you’re convenient.
Homelander particularly enjoys the way your breath catches with palpable excitement when he drops in on you unexpectedly. It doesn’t matter the time of day, be it midday or in the earliest hours of the morning, you welcome him with open, warm arms. Stepping into your comedically ordinary apartment is like watching The Wizard of Oz in reverse, wherein Dorothy retreats from the vulgar, brightly colored Oz to the quiet sepia of her humble little farmhouse. 
Here, his only care in the world is the gentle coo of your voice in his ear. Your heart is a steady, soothing rhythm. The first night Homelander found himself in your bed, he was surprised you didn’t accept him as a trophy fuck the way so many others liked to. Instead, you had stilled his greedy hands, and settled them around your waist. You slowed him. At the time he assumed you were still shaken from your encounter in the alley, but even then, the choice had seemed calculated.
You have a way of making him wait. Making him crave. You held him through the night, fingertips tracing patterns along his scalp, hands cupping his face, touching him as if you were trying to commit every detail of him to memory.
He was enraptured. He still is.
It’s what brings him back to you night after night after night.
Tonight, you’re awake when he slips in through your sliding glass door. It’s always unlocked for him. He would scold you for it if you didn’t live several storeys off the ground. To this day, he cannot shake the image of you as a vulnerable creature, watery eyed and terrified in that dark alleyway. It feels good to hear the skip of your heartbeat at the sound of your door opening, only for your breaths and pulse to calm at the sight of him.
It soothes his frayed nerves. The rest of the world is full of vicious ingrates who love him when he serves them, but who continuously prove themselves eager to tear him apart at the slightest provocation. Not you. Never you.
“My hero,” you sigh as he sinks into your arms. You never ask him about what’s going on in the news. This place–the warmth of your embrace–is a sanctuary from the noise of it all. “I missed you,” you tell him. You always do. He nuzzles into the crook of your neck, inhaling the familiar smell of you. His hands settle on your hips, neediness spilling through in the way he grips you, twisting the fabric of your clothing in his grasp. Homelander doesn’t respond right away, choosing instead to brush his lips along the bare skin of your neck, following the line up to your ear. You tilt your head, giving him greater access. You’re always giving more and more of yourself. You’ve done nothing to dissuade him of his possessive thoughts, the ones that whisper he is owed every breath and inch of you. If anything, he could swear you stoke his fires knowingly.
“Are you okay?” You ask gently, coaxing him to look at you with your hand on his cheek. He complies, pulling back just enough to meet your stare. You cup either side of his face, stroking his skin with your thumbs. The sound of your thumb pads catching against the faint bit of stubble on his face is soothing, like scratching an itch deep in his ears. “What do you need?”
“You,” he answers at last, leaning closer.
“You have me,” you say. He can feel your smile against his lips when you kiss him. “Forever. And always,” you say, punctuating each sentiment with a kiss. “What else do you need?”
“Nothing,” he says, voice sinking beneath the weight of his building desire, the heat of it radiating through his body in slow waves. “Not a goddamn thing. I don’t… I don’t need anything or anyone but you,” he whispers, clawing more purposefully at your clothing now, resentful of the barrier they create between him and the warmth of your skin. Too many things that have kept him away from what he desires, what he deserves. Your cheap cotton blend clothes won’t be among them. “Me neither,” you breathe, guiding his hands up your sides, helping him to strip away your shirt. “You’re all I’ve ever wanted. All I’ve ever needed.”
Your words drip like sweet nectar. He swears he can taste the heaven of them on your lips as he kisses you. He follows the imaginary drip of it from your lips to the corner of your mouth, your jaw, your neck. He relishes the low moan you give. You push your hands into his hair, wringing a matching note from the back of his throat with the way you grip it. More, he thinks, insatiable. Give me more.
His gloved hands slide down your sides, mapping out the curves of your body as he has a hundred times before. His thumbs hook on your pants, and he pulls those down, too. He smiles at your bare skin beneath, leaning in to press a kiss to your pelvis, just above the thatch of hair there. “No panties?” He rumbles, helping you step out of your pants.
“I was hoping you’d come,” you say through a smile, hooking your leg over his shoulder, hand braced in his hair. He nuzzles in, lips brushing against your already sensitized clit. He gives a tonal sigh, opening his mouth to inhale the musky-sweet smell of you, his tongue snaking out to glide from your velvety, slick cunt to the gently throbbing nub of your clit. He closes his lips around it, opening his eyes halfway to meet your gaze from between your legs. He’s pleased to see you already staring down at him, admiring him openly. You’re flushed with heat, pupils blown wide. He purrs for the way you smooth his hair back with your fingers, his eyes falling shut so he can focus solely on the taste of you. He cups your ass in his hands and lifts you onto his mouth, hitching your other leg up over his shoulder as well.
Homelander holds you up and drinks greedily from you, coaxing your sweet wetness with slides and thrusts of his tongue, panting into the welcoming heat of you. Drool and slick coat his mouth in equal measure, dripping down his chin, wetting him so thoroughly he can almost pretend it’s sweat. As if he could exert himself. As if he were anything less than a god putting the light of heaven into the space between your thighs.
His favorite part is the way your pussy clenches around his tongue every time he pushes it into you, knowing you’re aching for more. For him.
“Nnngh, baby,” you moan, locking your ankles behind his back, rocking your hips. He squeezes your ass, egging you on. He can almost taste your swelling climax. He moans into you, meets the sway of your hips with eager dives of his tongue. “I’m–hahh, ahh, oh, there, there, mm, baby, you feel so good, m’gonna come,” you moan, prompting him faster, deeper, riled up by every aching praise that falls from your lips.
You pull his hair sharply when you come, and his eyes roll back into his skull with it. He revels in the way you smother him, literally and figuratively. Since the beginning, your affection, your attention, has been an endless, all-consuming thing. There was a time that he believed there would be no one who could stomach the depths of his emptiness, and yet here you are. With him, you form an ouroboros. Neverending mutual consumption.
Homelander laps at you until your shivering body goes lax, and you slide down into the strength of his arms. You kiss him, heedless of the mess you’ve made of his mouth, hands clumsily working to open the top of his suit. “Take me to the bed,” you tell him. The authority in your voice sounds effortless, despite the reedy quality your orgasm has given it. “I need you inside me.”
I need you. The words echo in his ears on a loop like a broken record that he never wants mended. He stands with you secure in his arms, licking your own taste into your mouth as he walks. He sets you down gently, but he grabs your hips hard enough to bruise. He wants to see the evidence that you are as changed by him as he is by you. 
He shrugs his top off. Before it even hits the ground, you’re slipping your hands up beneath the hem of his undershirt, purposefully skating his ticklish sides with your fingertips, surprising a giggle out of him. The shirt comes off of his head with a flourish, mussing his hair into a splay of blonde locks. You smile at one another, secretive, as if this intimacy between you is something stolen.
Homelander often behaves as though it is. More times than not, this happiness feels like borrowed time. Like something he is owed, but was never supposed to have. It leaves him feverish for it, clawing at every second of it he can get his hands on.
You help divest him of his pants next, metal belt hitting the ground with a thud. He steps out of his boots, and back tight into your space, grazing his teeth tantalizingly along the line of your neck before he sucks a dark mark just beneath your earlobe.
Your sigh of pleasure is music to his ears. His own breath catches when your hand slips between his legs, grasping his aching cock. You give a couple of leisurely strokes, but the tunnel of your fist is so loose, he knows you’re teasing him. He thrusts needily against you. “Sshhh,” you hush, guiding him to the bed. “Sit.”
He does, dropping onto the edge of the bed with a bounce, lips parted, breathing his excitement in shallow huffs. Initially, you confuse him by turning your back to him, but he catches on quickly when you put your hand on his thigh, and lower yourself slowly into his lap. He takes hold of your waist reflexively, aiding your descent. His grip on you flexes at the first glorious, wet press of your cunt against the throbbing head of his cock.
“Slow,” you remind him, your own excitement turning your voice thin and airy. Homelander grits his teeth, caught somewhere between impatience and dread. He’s not sure he’ll last long, not with the taste of you so fresh on his tongue and the hot, drenched pull of your body sucking him in. He wants to slam in and flee all at once, caught paralyzed in the middle.
Luckily for him, you’re wholly in control. You grip his wrists and sink down slowly, tipping your head back with a moan as you take every inch of him, settling fully in his lap. Homelander keens, pressing his face between your shoulder blades. You’re so tight and wet, it makes his head spin. The throb of your body alone could make him come, he’s certain of it. Your heart beat is a drum in his ear, one he can feel every pulse of in the velvet walls of your cunt. 
“Please,” he moans, adjusting subtly. Even that makes his balls ache.
“I have you,” you assure him, reaching back over your shoulder. You push your hand into his hair, guiding him to rest his chin on your shoulder as you massage his scalp with your fingertips. He wraps his arms around your waist, fighting the desperate urge to slam up into you, to break you apart and spill into the deepest parts of you. There is such violence in every part of him. It would be foolish to think it would not bleed into his love.
Instead, Homelander remains perfectly still, panting into the crook of your neck while you grip his hair, grounding him. “I love you,” you sigh, to which he screws his eyes shut, exhaling a rough little noise. “It’s okay. I want you to feel good. I want you to fill me up. Give me all of you,” you murmur, reaching down between your legs. You cup his balls in your palm, gently massaging them as you begin to lift, but only barely, fucking yourself down on his cock in deep, sharp drops.
“You’ll do that for me, right, baby? Always make me feel so good. Let me feel you come,” you coax, voice too sweet for the wicked way you seduce him. His balls are tight in your grasp, heavy, his cock weeping precome that’s lost amidst the wetness of you.
Still, he holds back. He adjusts himself to take hold of your breasts, massages them until you moan. He kisses the mark he left on your neck, teases your skin with sharp teeth. He almost bites down when you squeeze his balls, making him jerk up into you with a keening moan.
“F-fuck, mm, like that, do that again, baby,” you urge, tightening your grip on his hair while you continue to fondle his balls, eager to feel them unload inside you. In the midst of it all, he’s rapidly coming undone. Your tone breathy and low in his ear, you moan, “My sweet, perfect boy.”
Homelander chokes on his own sharp inhale, baring his teeth as something primal overtakes him. He locks his arms around you and in one, two, three, four sharp thrusts, lets out a guttural moan alongside the sweltering rush of relief and pleasure that erupts throughout his body. You make all kinds of sweet noises alongside him, surprised every time by the sheer force of his release.
The two of you rest like that, your body slumped back against his, his arms encircling you, keeping you pressed tight to his chest.
You’re spent, but he isn’t finished with you. He doubts he ever will be. You and your ordinary little life are unremarkable in every possible way, yet he clings to you now as though it is your strength that keeps him upright. For a long time, Homelander had believed the crux of his divinity was his distance from humanity. Now, he’s not so sure.
Never has he felt more like a god than he does with your words of worship furling sweetly within him, your body enveloping him in the warmth of your reverence. 
Somewhere along the line, though Homelander finds himself unable to pinpoint when or where, your presence in his life shifted from something convenient to something he needed.
It would scare him if he wasn’t so convinced you need him twice as badly. It compels him to ensure you never forget it, to show you that there will never again be anyone or anything in your life that changes it, enhances it the way he has. The more he needs you, the more you must need him.
It’s what drives him to eventually lift you from his lap and lay you on the bed, to nestle between your legs and lick up the mess he’s made of you. Eating his own come out of you tastes like possession, like familiarity, like love. Your moans, even muffled by the press of your inner thighs to his ears, are divine. He slips his fingers into your dripping cunt both for your pleasure and to push the spill of his come back inside, sucking on your clit while you rock against his fingers.
He loses himself to the fantasy playing behind his eyelids, imagining that this time, the seed takes. That it makes a mother of you. His baby growing in your belly, fattening up your breasts and making you glow with the radiance of it. You would carry the child of a god with incomparable grace, heavy with the weight of his legacy. You’d be bound to him beyond pretty words and carnal embraces. A baby would be his gift to you, and you would accept it without question, he assures himself.
Your cunt spasms around his fingers, pulling him back to reality. He fell so deep into his own bliss, he nearly forgot what he was doing. His eyelids flutter open, dazed and utterly at peace between your legs. Your orgasm hits his tongue beautifully, rhythmic thrums that have you clenching your thighs tight on either side of his head, arching up into his mouth. He slows the thrust of his fingers, licking you leisurely through the aftershocks, until you eventually relax and give his hair a gentle tug, prompting him to crawl obediently up the length of your body.
You kiss him with hunger. He leans back slightly just to see if you’ll give chase. He’s pleasantly surprised when you do, following his lips and pulling him greedily back down into your arms, bringing him flush to your chest. You hitch your legs over his hips, arms sliding around him, holding him like you have the strength to keep him there.
Someday, perhaps, he’ll come to terms with the power you have over him.
“I love you,” you whisper. The sentiment unspools around him and ties loose knots around his every muscle, soothing him until his weight rests fully upon your body. He nestles in between your breasts, brushing his lips along the swell of one. “I love you, too,” he murmurs, voice soft. He feels utterly lost to this marriage of sex and intimacy, secure enough to relax, to let go of the impulse to hold you tightly in place. He knows you will not try to leave him, try to reduce sex to a transaction to be completed and disregarded. It feels good to slip his arms loosely around you, and hold you with the knowledge that he need not fight to keep you.
Instead, it is you who holds on tightly. You entangle your fingers in his hair and cross your ankles over his back, locking him in place. It adds a kind of giddiness to his smile to, for once, be the one clung to.
More and more of Homelander’s day begins to revolve around you. When he isn’t with you, he’s thinking of you. He wakes to your text messages. He gets through the flash and pomp of his day to day life for the sake of returning to your arms. He grows increasingly territorial over his time, irritable when his position in the world forces him to be gone from you longer than his typical schedule calls for.
It’s a difficult feeling to describe. He’s never had something to look forward to outside of the validation of being Homelander.
It begins to manifest in frustration. He’s twice as curt with his responsibilities and those who assign them.
“You’re getting sloppy,” Stan Edgar warns him after a particularly messy incident. “I don’t care what you do in your personal time, or who you do it with,” he says. Homelander’s gut clenches. The words are too pointed to be anything other than a threat. “But here, on my time, you will perform as expected. Am I understood?”
“Yes,” Homelander answered through his teeth, hands locked tight behind his back, beneath his cape, where the world couldn’t see the subtle way they shook.
That night, in your creaky bed, he fucks you missionary–simple, intimate, face to face–and begs to hear your approval.
“More,” he pants desperately, one hand gripping the headboard, the other in a tight fist against the bed, above your shoulder. “More, fuck. Please.”
“My hero,” you croon, cupping his face in your hands, breath hitching with every slow, deliberate thrust of his hips. “They don’t deserve you. They don’t know how good they have it. How good you are,” you say, your words a soothing balm against his scorched ego. “Mm, even now, you’re making me feel so good. I love you so much, I wish you were all mine, only mine,” you say, drawing him down into a messy kiss.
“Only yours,” Homelander echoes through a broken moan, fucking into you harder, faster. He doesn’t miss the way you flinch at the pace, but you don’t tell him to stop. Instead, he feels you clench down hard around him, lips parting on a silent gasp.
“Only mine,” you repeat like an encouragement, wrapping your arms around his neck. Your headboard is slamming loudly against the wall now, each beat of it a step closer to the climax building between you. If you give a fuck about your shitty bed or the thin dry wall behind it, you give no indication of it. Instead, your eyes are locked completely on his, oblivious to the world around you.
He wants to lose himself in that stare.
“Fuck, fuck, I’m–”
An out of place bang against the wall abruptly knocks Homelander out of his delirium. He looks up, and hears a voice on the other side of the wall holler, “Some of us are trying to fucking sleep!”
Homelander bares his teeth, and without a thought, his eyes flare crimson. Two high intensity laser beams cut straight through your wall and into the adjoining apartment. Deafening silence follows. Homelander blinks the light away, staring for a long few seconds at the two holes before he looks down at you, uncertain of what he expects to see. Shock at best, horror at worst.
While your eyes are wide, it’s neither of those he sees.
“Don’t stop,” you tell him breathlessly, thrusting up against him. You look wild with it, heart pounding with adrenaline and arousal in equal measure. Not an ounce of fear. “Don’t you dare stop.”
He obeys immediately, driving into you so sharply it knocks the wind from you. He doubts you’ll ever hear from that neighbor again.
Homelander comes harder than he ever has before. He leaves you tender to the touch from the force of his thrusts, fucked raw. He offers apologies, but you don’t accept them as they’re spoken. Instead, you guide him down to kiss the marks his passion has left on you. Even then, he recognizes that it is not reconciliation you seek. You’re showing him his work, appreciating the canvas he has made of your body.
“Never apologize for this,” you tell him. “For leaving me with so much. It keeps you with me even when you’re away from me.”
For that alone, he would fuck you a dozen more times. It makes him want to sink his teeth into you, leave you with something more permanent. It makes him ache, wishing you could do the same. He never desired the capacity to be wounded until you taught him the beauty of bleeding for love. He finds himself viciously envious of the bruises blossoming on your skin in the shape of his touch. He imagines you idly pressing on them through the day, remembering with that dull ache how thoroughly he had fucked you.
“I wish you could do this to me,” he admits feverishly, tracing the pattern of his hand bruised onto your hip.
You’re quiet for a moment. “Maybe I can,” you say, causing him to pick up curiously. He watches you cover his hand with your own, and bring it to his forearm. His brows furrow slightly. He looks to you for an explanation, but you’re focused intently on wrapping his own hand around his arm, your fingers lined up with his. “Squeeze,” you tell him.
Understanding dawns. Licking his lips, Homelander flexes his grip on his forearm. At the same time, you kiss him, squeezing your hand tight over top of his. “Harder,” you say. He obliges, squeezing until pressure builds into a more alien sensation: pain. His instinct is to stop, to shy away from it, but before he can he feels you cup your hand between his legs, grasping his barely-hard cock. He gives a startled little moan into your mouth, and his hand retightens on his arm. 
“Good boy,” you say wickedly, stroking his cock in slow, firm pulls. “Nice and tight. I want you to remember me, too.”
“I will,” he rasps, folding in against you. “I will, I will, fuck, hhahhh…” he moans, taken apart not only by your touch, but the ease and eagerness with which you fulfill his every wicked thought. Is there any part of him you will shy away from?
He makes a sound somewhere between pain and pleasure, his skin discoloring around the press of his fingers, swelling up between them. At the same time, his cock fills out steadily with your every stroke. The pressure of it is not unlike the grip on his arm, a gradually building sensation that he wants to shy away from as much as he wants to dive into head first. The contrast, the contradiction of it, is intoxicating.
“So good for me. You’d do anything for me, wouldn’t you?” You ask, smiling fondly. He nods fervently, refusing to relinquish his grip while you’re still squeezing his fingers down tight. He never could have fathomed that pain might feel like love.
“Yes, yes, anything,” he grits out, the tips of his fingers beginning to tingle. He lets out a rough breath when you begin to pump him faster, firmer, before he comes hard into the narrow tunnel of your fist, hips jerking while he dutifully maintains the painful, vice-like grip on his arm. You stroke him through it, milking him so thoroughly of his orgasm that he nearly misses when you loosen your fingers over his hand, and prompt him to release his hold. 
Once the skin settles, what Homelander is left with is a throbbing ache, and the unmistakable outline of his grasp imprinted in the burst vessels of his arm. He stares down at it, dumbstruck for a long moment. He has known pain, he’s even known injury, but never like this. He’s still coming down from the euphoria of his release, unable to process what he’s looking at, when your hand slips over top of the bruise, settling nicely into the shadow of it. You press it gently, and though it doesn’t hurt per se, it is different. Strange. It makes his stomach flip unfamiliarly.
“How does it feel?” You ask, tipping his chin up to kiss him.
“Weird,” he answers, distractedly reciprocating.
“How do you feel?” You continue, helping to settle you both down into bed, pulling the covers over your naked bodies.
“I don’t know,” he answers honestly.
“That’s okay,” you say, voice dripping over him like honey, warm and sweet. You lift his arm and turn it, kissing each sprawling line of the bruise he inflicted on himself. The mark he has given himself in your stead. No one has ever… “Do you like it?” He asks, hating how small his own voice sounds.
“Yes,” you sigh, looking at him, your cheek pressed lightly to the palm of the bruise. “Very much.”
Slowly, he smiles. “Kinda fucked up.”
You smile, too. “Good.”
The bruise lingers for several days. For as indestructible as he is, once the damage is done, his body heals at an uncomfortably human rate. It would set his teeth on edge if not for the fact that this mark reminded him that he is yours. He finds himself touching it absently during his day to day, thumb pressing into the fabric of his suit while he zones in and out at various meetings and interviews.
Every day he has it, it reminds him of where he’d rather be.
That same territorial irritation that got him in trouble with Stan Edgar returns tenfold. Every job and press conference feels more arduous an endeavor than the last. The flash of the cameras sting his eyes more than ever, their questions like endless needles pricking his eardrums. Their mindless adoration feels so shallow, it barely registers anymore.
He just wants to be done with it all.
It’s this headspace that leads Homelander to fucking up the worst he has since he was a goddamn teenager.
The flight back to your apartment feels longer than it ever has. Most of the blood and viscera either dries down or flakes away, but every inch of his exposed skin feels tight and itchy with it. He can feel it caked in his hair, too. 
He should return to the tower. There will be press. There will be speeches. There will be a cleanup job that sees him at the center stage.
He should return to the tower he tells himself again and again.
But he wants you.
Your balcony door welcomes him, unlocked as always. He hesitates briefly, staring at his glove. The color of it would mask the blood if not for how dark it has turned. His stomach churns as he steps inside. He wishes the bruise had not faded, that he could press on it now and feel the dull, aching assurance of your love.
He has kept this animal inside him far from you. It’s time to see whether or not you’ll withstand the blood-soaked bite of it. Whether or not you meant it when you said give me all of you.
Homelander steps inside. It’s late, nearly 11:00, but he knows you’re awake. He can hear tinny music playing from your phone, reverberating off the bathroom wall. He can smell the lavender of your bubble bath even over the copper tang of blood in his nostrils.
His stride through your hallway is uncharacteristically slow, footfalls heavy. He hears the water of your bath slosh, and then the music goes silent. “Homelander?” You call, trepidation in your voice. It churns his gut to hear, even if he knows it’s the unusual cadence of his steps you’re reacting to. He knows he sounds like a stranger. Part of him feels like one. He should have showered, washed away the filth until he was your hero again, shining brightly and walking as if the weight of the world did not sit upon him. He still doesn’t know why he couldn’t bring himself to do that.
An awful, warped part of him wants you to see the bloody mess hiding underneath. His throat is tight, twisted up in sickly anticipation. He does not answer your call. He wonders if you’ll scream when you see him. Another slosh of water, followed by the slap of your bare feet against your bathroom floor. He makes his way to your bedroom, listening to the quicken of your heart.
Answer her, he tells himself. You’re scaring her.
Good, answers another thought. It’s time to know, once and for all, what she’s truly made of. To know whether or not all good things come to an end. She should be scared.
Homelander listens to you move from your bathroom to the soft carpeting of your bedroom, hears the hushed, quick way you begin to rummage about. He stands in front of your bedroom door, one blood crusted hand resting on the doorknob. He hesitates for a second, in which everything goes quiet, save for the shallow sounds of your breath, and the quick, rain-drop pattering of your heart.
He opens the door. He barely registers the gun in your hands–or the sharp, focused look in your eyes–before you fire. The sound of it rings almost painfully loud in his ears after he had been listening so intently to the race of your pulse. He blinks several times, glancing down at the bullet wedged between the carved musculature of his suit.
“Homelander,” you gasp, lowering the gun. Since the first day he met you, he knew you owned it. He just didn’t expect you to be any good with it, not after the way you failed to defend yourself with it. Had you been practicing? He can’t remember ever smelling gunpowder on your hands. He plucks the bullet from the chest of his suit, examining it. That shot would have killed a man. You didn’t hesitate long enough to even recognize who stood before you. You knew precisely what you were doing.
“You didn’t answer me,” you say. Gone is that keen killer stare. Your eyes are wide, mortified. He watches you register the state of him, taking in his expression, the blood. You haven’t moved an inch. Why haven’t you come to him yet? He drops the bullet to the ground, and extends his hand out to you.
“C’mere,” he says, voice low.
You look at his hand, but you hesitate. The surge of anger it ignites within him is white hot, making his gut churn violently. “Come here!” He snaps. Your eyes shoot back up to meet his gaze. He can’t read the expression on your face, which only adds kindling to the flames of frustration and anxiety burning him up from the inside out.
He wants to grind himself deep into the marrow of your bones, find sanctuary in the hollow of them. Your body, your mind, your soul, which you have emptied into a haven made for him alone, has become the greatest solace he has ever known. The notion that you might deny him now–might deny him ever–is more horrifying a thought than he can bear.
The handful of seconds it takes before you begin walking feel like hours. Your steps are tentative, like a deer navigating the underbrush silently so as not to disturb the wolves. You look so much like you did that very first night: like you were made to feel the sharp teeth of a predator.
You slip your lavender fresh hand into his bloody one. He closes his gloved fingers around it, gentle with you despite the thrumming tension in his body. He can feel the corners of his mouth twitching with it, his breaths shallow. For once, it’s his own heart thundering in his ears.
“Sshhh,” you hush softly, barely a breath. His brows furrow, dried blood cracking apart on his skin. You lift your free hand to his face, palm lightly ghosting along his jaw. He cups your hand in his and turns his head to push fully into it, lips pressed to your palm, eyes falling shut. He can’t stomach that unfamiliar look on your face.
“I didn’t… they weren’t supposed to be there,” he begins to explain, readying a contingency plan. An explanation you’ll believe. Something to say that will make your face recognizable to him again. However, before he can continue, the press of your thumb to his lips quiets him. 
“It’s okay,” you say, coaxing him from his downward spiral. “I don’t care.” “What?” He doesn’t like the sound of that. 
“I don’t care what you did,” you clarify, squeezing his hand in yours. Slowly, you begin to pull him down, towards you. “I don’t care whose blood this is.” Just as you had that very first night, you bring your lips to his ear. “You are all I have ever cared about.” Goosebumps erupt across every inch of his skin. He lets go of your hand and wraps his arms around you, sinking down against you in sheer relief for the way you slip your arms around his neck, fingers carding up into his hair, matted as it is with blood. He exhales roughly, squeezing you too tight. He can hear it in the strain of your breath, your chest compressed to his, but you don’t fight him. You endure him.
That alone is more than anyone else has managed.
Over your shoulder, Homelander stares at the gun resting atop your bedside table. For the first time, he wonders who truly ensnared who.
Drawing back, he takes hold of your jaw in both hands and kisses you desperately. If you mind the taste of blood, you give no indication of it, opening for his tongue and meeting him readily with yours. “I thought you would–I thought you were–” Fuck, even as his pulse steadies, he can’t get the words straight, can’t get them off of his tongue.
“I’m here, I’m here. I wasn’t,” you manage to say between the fervent presses of his lips, sounding as relieved as he feels. It’s as if you’ve heard his thoughts. “I love you. I love you.” 
A treacherous little whimper crawls up the back of his throat, but he chases it with a groan. He takes his hands from your face to your arms, itching to feel every inch of you, to remind himself that it’s all real. That you’re real. 
“Come with me,” you say. I will. Anywhere, he thinks. You step backwards, and he follows. At some point, the towel slipped from your body. Your damp skin has become a canvas of bloodied impressions ranging from his hands to the texture of his suit. Piece by piece, you begin peeling away the soiled suit from his body. He lets you work, though he cannot keep his hands from you, particularly once you remove his gloves. He pushes his hands into your wet hair while you unbuckle his pants, kisses you hungrily while he steps out of his boots. 
It is a maddening thing, to be loved when you are at your most unloveable.
The bathwater sloshes over the edges as you both sink down into it, all tangled limbs and devouring kisses. The blood stains the soapy lavender pink while your hands leave messy crimson handprints on the ceramic tub. You straddle his lap, and with wet hands, begin working his blood crusted hair wet and loose. Leaning in, Homelander settles his hands on your ribs and kisses a trail down the valley between your breasts, turning his head to lap and suck at your right nipple.
You encourage him with a low moan, nails dragging along his scalp. You cradle his head to your chest, retaliating by rocking your hips slowly down against his, pinning his stiffening cock between your bodies. “Listen to me. There is nothing you could do that would drive me away,” you tell him, punctuating your words with sinuous slides of your hips, wringing tight, needy little moans from him. Your own voice is breathy, the pitch of it gradually climbing. You reach down between your bodies, and take a firm hold of his cock, steadying it until you can sit astride it, and slowly sink back down.
With your mouth at his ear, panting noisy little breaths, you whisper, “I would kill a dozen, a hundred more men if it made you mine.”
What do you mean more?
The thought doesn’t linger long. It’s impossible to focus on anything other than the molten hot clench of your cunt seizing all around him, swallowing him up like it was made to. Homelander slides his hands to your hips and takes a tight hold, meeting the roll of your body with sharp thrusts up. “Nnngh, aah, fuck, I love you–I’m–fuck, I love you, you’re so–so fucking perfect,” he growls through his teeth, dull nails biting crescent marks into your skin while he holds you, pulling you down into every jagged, desperate snap of his hips. Each deep thrust knocks a noise from you, has you gripping his hair tight. Without leverage, all you can do is take it, your moans growing louder and louder, your pussy squeezing him tighter as he fucks you with inhuman precision. Homelander picks up his pace, dying to feel you come for him when he’s like this, messy with the worst parts of himself and wholly at your mercy, whether you know it or not.
“C’mon,” he grits out, though where he means to have authority in his voice, it comes out like a plea. “Come for me. Wanna feel you come on my cock. F-fuck, please, let me–let me feel you,” he says, trailing off into a moan before he buries his face between your breasts, flexing fresh bruises into your skin while you prettily pant and whimper in his ear from the sheer force he fucks you with.
“I will, I–I–” That’s as far as you get before you come, before you double over against him and scream his name loud enough for your entire apartment complex to hear. It tips him right over the edge with you, has him crying out as he arches his back, flooding his release deep into your tight, quivering pussy, thrusting weakly through the aftershocks.
By the time the two of you settle down against one another, your breaths calmed, the majority of the bathwater is outside of the tub. The night air is cool on your naked bodies, but you’ve never been cold in Homelander’s arms. He traces absent patterns on your skin while you recover, your thighs still shaking.
“We should shower,” you say eventually, a slight slur to your tone. It makes Homelander smile. He loves feeling, seeing, and hearing all the ways in which he has ruined you. “Let me finish washing you.”
“Can you stand?” He asks. It’s an earnest question. “Carry me there,” you say.
He stares at you warmly, the corners of his eyes crinkled with the width of his smile. “ ‘Kay.“
The shower is slow, less frenzied. You lather shampoo into his hair, washing away the remnants of what had come before this. You work body wash into his skin until he smells like coconuts instead of blood and viscera. He nuzzles into your touches, kisses you whenever the impulse strikes. There is no way to describe the unparalleled feeling of sharing space with a body that not only welcomes your touch, but also houses a heart that loves you. Once the two of you are sufficiently towel dried, the two of you settle into your familiar creaky bed. You draw the covers up over your bodies, and he draws you into his embrace, kissing the top of your head. He intertwines his fingers with yours, absently rubbing your skin with his thumb, his mind drifting.
“Say,” he begins eventually, stirring you from your near slumber. “The night we met… What were you doing on that side of town, down that alley?” His voice is low, curious.
There’s a pause. He can’t see your face like this, while you’re nestled into the crook of his neck, but he can hear your heart clear as day.
“I was looking for you,” you answer eventually, pulse as steady as a metronome.
At that, he smiles. “I love you,” he whispers, squeezing your hand.
“I love you, too,” you answer, your own smile audible in your sleepy voice. “And I always will.”
Don't fret precious I'm here Step away from the window Go back to sleep Lay your head down child I won't let the boogeyman come Counting bodies like sheep To the rhythm of the war drums Pay no mind to the rabble Pay no mind to the rabble Head down, go to sleep To the rhythm of the war drums
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pinksugarscrub · 15 days
O Sweet Juliet
Tom Holland! Peter Parker x fem! reader
Inspired by @heihei.edits on tik tok! Thank you again for your permission to make a story of my own. Thank you to @froggheadd for allowing me to use their art 💕 (i'll upload the banner asap!)
Word count: 946
Your voice so soft it's barely above a whisper. Peter immediately perks up and drops his pencil. Like he's been waiting to hear your voice. His eyes search yours as he smiles.
“What’s this?”
Scooting your stool closer you ignore the loud squeak it makes across the lab's tile. Peter meanwhile slides his study guide away to the edge of the desk to make room for your textbook, English.
The pages contrast the formulas and theories Peter has been studying for over the past hour.
Normally the two of you would use a timer to keep from overloading your brains. But with finals coming up and an important mission soon after, you had to cram as much information as you could. Ned would also have joined but declined under the excuse his Lola needed him.
He really was your wingman when it came to Peter. You did however, owe him a cartilage of web fluid to mess around with for missing today's study session.
You trace your finger along stanzas before finally reaching line fifty-two. Reciting it before referring back to the essay prompt for your last paper.
“I understand Shakespeare was using pathos but how exactly does that connect to this?”
Peter leaned over you and despite the close proximity he felt so far away. His chin almost resting on your shoulder as he scanned the text. Romeo and Juliet, a “classic”. What? You can't help it if MJ degrades the play every chance she gets.
“Well…” He licked his lips before pulling away. Flipping through the pages as he continued. “The story is about love being blind, right?”
You nod as you look at him quizzically but still with enough patience that you don't interrupt.
“Young love specifically.” Peter finally stops on the prologue. Sticky notes littered in the margins much like the rest of your textbook. Definitions and context mostly.
“Shakespeare sets up this narrative from the beginning.”
The rest of his words fall on deaf ears as you admire him. Peter hasn't noticed that when concentrated, he taps his foot incessantly. Biting his nails as he articulates his next thought. His lashes fluttering remind you of how jealous you are over them.
“So…” you clear your throat as you look back to the textbook. What little words you did catch clicking together like cogs. “By setting up how completely infatuated they are-”
“-their deaths become the payoff,” he completes. Smiling even brighter as he notices that look of understanding flashing in your eyes. One he's seen all too often when you work on Stark tech.
He thinks you're just as bad as his mentor when it comes to your inability to take breaks. The restlessness you get from not being able to solve a miscalculation that leads to midnight coffee runs to the seven-eleven around the corner. Not that he's complaining. If anything, he hopes you'll get the craving for something sweet so he can whisk you away. Have you all to himself without the prying eyes of the other avengers.
Peter's quite aware Tony is hovering through the surveillance cameras. He wouldn't even be surprised if the rest of the team was watching them like their own personal home movie. Frankly he's tired of getting teased, especially by Thor.
“Ok…Ok so-” You shift closer and Peter feels his heart lurch in his chest. It's like you affect him so much his own body can't take being near you.
Would you mind if he peppered kisses along your cheeks when it gets too cold? Hold your hands as he stares at you like you're the most precious thing in his life.
He sometimes wonders if you feel the same way but with how easy you seem to make these interactions he thinks not. Maybe you know enough that these teasing touches are a way to torture him.
“-the scene where they first meet. That's the main foundation for how the reader sees them as a couple.”
Peter nods as he tries not to lean in and kiss you. His eyes dancing between your lips and the pencil you keep chewing on.
“Being star crossed lovers heightens the effect and makes us root for them,” you mumble,“and again is why their deaths are so effective at evoking pathos.”
“Right,” he chuckles.
You lean back but not to far. Stretching your arms over your head as you look down at the mess of notes and candy wrappers you made on Tony's desk. If anything it's to hide how hot your cheeks feel.
“Cool, thanks Pete.” You sneak a glance at him with a quick smile before quickly doting down the major points of your conversation. Ignoring how your heart races once he finally looks away.
“Of course,” he hums. Mind lost on the homework he was doing previously. All these numbers mean squat when you're sitting next to him. His grades would absolutely suffer if he had to share more than one period with you.
Peter must have reread ‘what is the missing angle?’ a dozen times between looking over at you while you admire his reflection through the lab doors.
Somewhere Thor is handing over a wad of cash while Natasha grins over her newfound prize. She gives it until prom season when Peter will have no choice but to ask you out on a date while Tony says it'll be less than a week because that's when the mission is. Adrenaline does something to you y'know? And Bruce…well Bruce just smiles against his coffee mug as he sees your hand reach out for Peter's under the desk. He hopes you like the anniversary gift he helped Peter pick out.
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spideystevie · 2 years
new year's kiss
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summary: new year’s tradition
word count: 0.7k
a/n: merry new year! something old i’ve had in my docs for a while that i reworked for steve <3 hope you guys enjoy.
“Five minutes to midnight!” you hear someone shout through the hoards of people at the party. You can hear the faint sound of Dick Clark’s Rockin’ New Year’s Eve playing off the television somewhere in the living room. 
You’re in a rush trying to find your midnight kiss, hopeful not to miss out on the tradition for the umpteenth time. And yet, Steve’s nowhere to be found. 
The kitchen is crowded and you elbow your way through people, a frown settling on your face. You’re not sure how much time you have until the countdown, a twinge of worry starting to poke at your nerves. 
At the outskirts of the kitchen, near the staircase, you spot Robin and something close to relief washes over you for a moment. A party blower hangs from her mouth and the stars on her new year’s headband wiggle when she moves her head. 
“Robin!” you shout over the crowd, side-stepping someone to get to her. The stars above her head shake when she turns her head to look at you. She smiles.
“Hey! What’re you-”
“Have you seen Steve?” you yell, hearing someone in the distance shout about two minutes until midnight. The same worry from before creeps out of hiding. Robin frowns.
“He said he was looking for you,” she yells back and you hold back a groan. Instead, you smile in thanks and squeeze her arm before melting back into the crowd. There’s another yell of your final minute warning and you huff, forcing your way to the back yard. 
A chill traces down the length of your spine when you step outside, eyes a little lost. There’s random groups of people out in the yard, though it’s not as crowded as inside. Glimpses of sound from the party are heard through the open windows. 
The minute your shoulders deflate, you feel a grab at your waist and are pulled to the side. You yelp, stumbling into someone’s chest and you blink up at the boy you’d been searching for. He smells a little like the party but more like Steve, woodsy and boyish and him. 
You look up at him with a smile, hair in your eyes. “You looked a little lost.”
“30 seconds!” the same person from before yells out. Your heart is starting to beat faster than before as you feel yourself leaning in closer to him. 
“Was just looking for you,” you say, maybe a little bit louder than you really need to. Your eyes flicker from his eyes to his mouth and back again. His face inches closer to your own. 
“Well here I am,” it escapes him in a soft mumble, one you’d probably not be able to hear had you not been so attuned to him. The shouting that surrounds you is almost inaudible in the moment you’re in. 
“Five, four..”
Your foreheads are pressed together, eyes halfway shut with hearts racing in sync. 
“Three,” his nose nudges yours up, his voice not even grazing a whisper. 
“Two,” you’re equally as quiet, eyes fluttering shut completely. You don’t even count the last second out loud together, instead you allow the shouts to announce it to you. He wastes no time in pressing his lips against yours. His hands are on your waist, holding you flush against him while your fingertips graze the hair at the nape of his neck, thumbs brushing across his cheeks. 
It’s near freezing outside, a brush of wind pushing past. You hardly notice it at all, body feeling immensely warm from the way Steve’s kissing you. You feel like you’re melting into one person, two halves of a whole pushing together. 
There’s a ghost of a smile on your lips as you pull back, only to press your lips together again. Fireworks explode in the air above you, casting their own light in accompaniment to the flashes of polaroids and cameras you can make out in your peripherals. You pull back a second time, nudging your nose against his in a kiss of its own. 
A giggle escapes your mouth as you look in his eyes, lashes fluttering. “Happy new year.”
His face is bright, brown eyes shining and wide like his smile as he nudges his nose with yours again, whispering a “happy new year, honey,” before kissing you for a third time.
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TW: Smut. Language. 
SUMMARY: When JJ chooses the pogues over you, you show him what he’s missing.
Anonymous asked:
Heyyy! How are you doing?
I had this idea for JJ secretly dating/hooking up with kook!reader and she asked him to come over because she was home alone but he told her he already had plans with the pouges she’s like fine🥺 but later she starts sending him pictures of her by the pool in her swimsuit and they keep getting dirtier until JJ can’t handle it anymore and he’s like gotta go NOW and rushes to her house
(Of course you can change it however you see fit)
I like your writing so much, you’re literally the only one I send requests to haha 💜
It wasn’t like you owed each other anything. He wasn’t anymore your boyfriend than you were his girlfriend, but he WAS the only person in the entirety of The Outer Banks that could make your body tremble and leave you satisfied long enough to focus on your daily tasks without being sexually frustrated and lashing out. Which was why when he chose his friends over you, you decided to make him pay for it. Even if JJ Maybank wasn’t up to the caliber of guys you had on your side of the island, he was all you wanted. But you would be damned if you made him aware just how reliant you were on the release only he could offer you. 
So you planned to torment him. 
Sliding your figure in view of your phone’s camera, you sent him the first photo taken as it was perfect, showing off the parts of your body he favored. Your breasts, your curves, and more specifically, the exposed skin he could have if only he had chosen you over them. 
‘Goddamn’ He wrote back as you smirked, the previous message you’d sent him having told him that it was ‘fine’ that he had other plans with the pogues now acting as a reminder for him of how much he had come to regret this choice. 
A second photo would show you now on your stomach, your bikini untied as you captioned this with a question, “Do you think I need more sunscreen?” For this, you would get a response in which you could hear spoken in his voice. 
“Are you trying to kill me, princess?”
“Whoops…” You responded, your bikini now set off of your body and photographed off of your frame. 
“Aren’t you worried someone will see you?”
“Why should I? I’m home alone…” The sudden sight of his caller ID spread across your phone made your eyes roll. Perhaps he was unpredictable in most things, but when it came to sex, you could write out his moments second-by-second. 
“Put that camera on so I can see you..” He urged, his breath now low, clearly having been in some sort of hiding in order to talk to you, which wasn’t uncommon as your relationship WAS secret. But the fact he was hiding away in some corner of The Chateau, hand probably halfway down his cargo shorts to relieve the pressure you caused to build, was enough to make you smirk at the power you had over him. 
“Mmm…I don’t know, JJ…I’ve got other plans,” He scoffed, realizing the reason behind such an impromptu photo shoot, “Maybe Rafe or Topper will stop by…maybe both…”
“They can’t do anything to you-”
“Oh really? Why not? I think I hear someone now…Maybe THEY can help me put on sunscreen-” The sound of your name would prompt you to end the call as you smiled wickedly, reclining back in the lounge chair with your bikini bottoms set back around your waist as you laid on your stomach, allowing the sun to give you an even tan across your body. 
A smack to your ass would force you awake as you weren't even aware you’d fallen asleep until this had ripped you from that rest. The gasp from your lips was quickly altered with the sound of his name from your mouth. Pulling the sides of your suit loose, JJ would prompt his fingers over your round ass before slipping between those caverns lower still and finding your clit. 
“If I would have known you were home alone-”
“You made your choice-”
“Well I changed my goddamn mind…”
“I see that…” He scoffed. 
“Turn around.” But when you only adjusted as if to become more comfortable, he now straddled you from behind. 
“I was going to let you come first…but now since you wanna be a tease AND a brat…this is about me.” He would smack your ass again, removing his shorts and spitting on his cock,although this wasn’t needed as you were saturated enough for the both of you, before feeling him slip inside of you with ease. 
“You ARE desperate for it today, aren’t you, princess?” Your fingers fisted the fabric of the lounge chair beneath you, an expensive cloth worn over what was usually used as a means for dripping to the concrete beneath. But this would allow you the chance to hold onto something without worrying about slipping. Something that was needed as he moved into you with such force, complete with his ringed fingers wrapping your hair with vigor as he pounded into you. 
“This what you wanted sending me all of those dirty little pictures? Hmm?”
“More?” He bit his bottom lip, now taking you by your neck and lifting you up to his chest as you were solely reliant on the support of this grip to keep you from falling forward. 
“Give me that-” He groaned, stealing the phone from in front of you and turning it to selfie mode. A handful of pictures would be taken before he would send them to his own cell. 
“Just in case you try to share with anyone else…I want you to think of what everyone would think if they knew you let my pogue cock inside this kook pussy-”
“Is this your way of asking me to be your girl, J?”
“I do THAT everytime I make you come on my cock, didn’t think we needed labels for that. But if that's what it takes to keep anyone else from coming in this pussy,” His hands tightened around your throat. “Then yeah…you’re my girl.”
“Finally…making me a priority.”
“Not right now. You make ME come-” He grunted, forcing you back onto your palms before taking you even lower, setting his hands into a wrap around your wrists and using this as a rein to control your body’s movements in response to his thrusts. 
“I wanna hear it, baby…Whose are you? Who owns these moans? WHO gets to come inside of you?”
“Good girl. MY good girl.” Your eyes rolled at the possessiveness as you nodded. 
“Be good for me. Bring that ass back to me…do a little work…come on…” You obeyed, feeling him slow as you would make up the difference as he growled. 
“FUCK-” He grunted before spillinginto you, yoru body unable to recover before you were taken onto your back as he removed himself from you, your legs taken over his shoulders. 
“Now keep that pretty little mouth shut baby and let me prioritize you…”
Taglist: @hopebaker @iovdrew @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets @lovedetlost @trikigirl271 @maybankslover @slut4starkey @slvtherinseeker @obxiskewl @obxxrxfes @bluesongbird @slut-era @ailee-celeste @rafesbae @pankhoeforlife @pankowperfection
767 notes · View notes
bcbdrums · 7 months
A Drakgo fanfic. Read on: AO3 | FFn
A/N: I realized I'd never done...well...this. Never continued the scene at the UN from the end of Graduation. Thanks @incognitonio for the recent art that reminded and inspired me!
The flash of the camera bulbs seemed to increase tenfold as the vine tightened around them. Shego was pressed against him from knees to abdomen, and Drakken felt the sweat that had already been creeping under his collar drip in a slow, itchy trail down his chest.
"Eh heheh... Sorry," he said. Her body was hot against his, and he could feel her breaths quicken against his cheek even as she attempted to lean away.
His mind raced as the vine tightened. If he were to move, he might lose his precarious balance and they would both topple over. The large pink flower was looming over Shego's shoulder as if watching him, and his embarrassment quickly turned to ire.
"Shego, you are in my personal space," he groused as he set a hand against her wrist to push her away. But before following through his gaze rose to meet hers, and his every thought melted away.
Shego's eyes were wide, and her pupils dilated. Her cheeks were flushed a darker green and her chest was heaving with rapid breaths. Drakken felt his face slacken as his jaw fell open into disbelief. She...couldn't possibly...?
The flower snaked around them further, this time at their shoulders and pulling them so near that it was all Drakken could do to keep his face from touching hers. He was more aware of her presence than he'd ever been—stray wisps of her hair brushing his forehead, her breaths shuddering against his cheek. One of her forearms came to rest on his shoulder, while her other hand settled against his chest, and he felt her body go slack against him in the vine's hold.
"Eh-heh... You're just...doing that because there's nowhere else to put your arms, right?"
He didn't believe the words even as he spoke them, Shego's silence more of an answer than her words could ever be.
Chants of 'kiss her!' from the photographers suddenly cut through the thundering of blood in his ears, and as the meaning of the words fully processed he licked his lips as his brow furrowed in hesitation.
A flash of memory—from the alien ship, when Shego had rushed toward him, smiled, reached for him...until he had drawn back—suddenly made guilt pool in the pit of his churning stomach. He swallowed down the lump in his throat as resolve suddenly settled into his bones, though it did nothing to still the trembling of his hands as he lifted one to place behind Shego's head, the other fitting gently over her wrist where he'd been going to push her away.
Her eyes widened further, but her lips parted as he leaned in, and he had just a moment to see dark lashes flutter closed atop flushed green cheeks before his mouth met hers.
The static that Drakken hadn't fully realized was buzzing in his brain gradually faded away. For a moment all he knew was the soft press of pillowy lips, the gentle sigh from somewhere low in Shego's throat, and then the absolute bliss as she yielded to his touch.
He let his sense of self go as he lost himself in the pure physicality of Shego's lips sliding hot over his, the press of tongues and the gripping of fingers and heat all he knew until the need for oxygen reminded him that he was a human existing separate from the euphoria that was Shego. And when he finally broke away, gasping for air as the weight of her forehead settled against his, he finally realized the vine had released them.
"Ah... I... I..." Drakken gasped quietly as he tried to catch his breath. Below the stage the crowd roared, and cameras continued to make sure the moment would be forever immortalized. His fingers tightened on Shego's wrist as he realized they had an audience of millions beyond the television cameras. But in light of having survived an alien invasion, and with Shego gazing at him with such hope, he decided there was only one audience member he cared about.
"Dr. D.?" she finally said, uncertain. But there was a sparkle in her eyes since they had parted, and Drakken's resolve bloomed into certainty. He slid his hand down to Shego's waist to hold her tightly against him.
"I love you, Shego," he said, and brought their lips together again.
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danosrosegarden · 1 year
helloooo!!!! :3
so i had this idea pop in my head and i would love to see what you do with it!
So basically edward most certainly has an account on onlyfans to see women on there i just feel it in my bones, but anyway his favorite account on there is the reader’s….and let’s say one day she just randomly moves in next to him? he’s freaking. the. FUCK. OUT. i mean his favorite onlyfans model moving next to HIM?? oh he’s creaming his pants forrr sureee, anyway she’s just the sweetest person ever and interact with him (and he’s just there profusely sweating like “she’s talking to me???”) whenever she’s lucky to get to see him come out of his apartment like for example he’s leaving for work and she’s making her way outside aswell to run some errands, and the more they’re getting close and being friends she invites him to her apartment for food or drinks and he’s just flipping the fuck out because he loves her (and her OF content) so much, and that leads to smut 🤭
and i dont know maybe…. one day he could appear in some of her OF content….. if he wanted to of course
anyway have an amazing and lovely day/night!
Girl Next Door - Edward Nashton x Camgirl!Reader Headcannons (NSFW)
Contains: descriptions of masturbation and camming. Also, a jealous and somewhat delusional Eddie.
Note: return of the camgirl! I truly love this dynamic. I know this concept has been done before with Eddie, so I tried to be original as could be.
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♡ "Excuse me, sir? Could you lend a hand for a moment?" Edward's blood runs frosty, his limbs frozen solid as he watches you struggle with your boxes in front of your apartment door. The contents inside clatter about in loud cymbal crashes. There's no fucking way.
♡ The shine coating your hair is the same shine he's seen late at night on his laptop. The curves of your hips are the same curves he's got his eye on as he pumps his cock with a tight grip. The curl of your pouted lips, the bat of your long lashes, hell, the sparkling color of your nails...it's really you, isn't it?
♡ It takes every fluid ounce of strength flowing through his body for him to not jump for joy. He was on his way to the store, but groceries could wait. "Uh, yes, of course," he coughs, scrambling to help hold the boxes.
♡ "Thank you," you say. "I'm new to Gotham. You're actually the first person I've really interacted with." Oh, how heartbreaking. A sugar-sweet angel like you shouldn't have to have her blood pumped and tainted with the filth of this city. If only I could find a way to protect her...to hold her close to me, then nothing bad could happen...
♡ As it turns out, you live two doors away from Edward. You offer a warm smile as you enter your apartment and close the door. Edward nods and rushes back to his own place, instantly peeling his pants away and frantically pulling out his cock. He's grasping at the faint notes of your perfume still swimming around in his nostrils.
♡ Regular porn didn't do it for him. Everything was so...stiff. The moans pouring from the women's mouths reeked of plastic. Fake. That's what it all was. The concept of paying for what he liked seemed more appealing. After all, these were real girls in the comfort of their own homes. Real pleasure. He liked seeing that.
♡ It didn't take long to find you...and he was smitten. You were a real life doll, overflowing with enchanting beauty, soft skin dripping with grace. Your moans were luscious and candy-coated. And besides all that, he could tell you were really enjoying yourself each time you appeared on camera. Oh, how he wished he could hear those groans in person and feel them dissolve on his tongue. How he wished he could just reach out and touch that smooth skin, tug on that soft hair...and now you were here. It felt like a fluffy-clouded dream.
♡ He imagined it with his eyes squeezed shut and his fist gliding up and down, his cock throbbing and glossy with precum. You would invite him over for dinner one night. After all, he was the only person you knew in Gotham. Something about that excited him. You would open the door and Edward's breath would snake out of him, floored by your bewitching allure.
♡ The night would wax and wane to the tune of wine-soaked laughter and stolen glances. "You're so cute, Eddie!" you'd say. "I just want to eat you up!"
♡ A breathy whimper slid from his mouth as he pumped faster, thinking of how small brushes of the hand would turn into grazing up and down his sensitive sides. How that would morph to the shedding of clothes, the soft click of kisses, the candied sound of your moans as you slid down onto him.
♡ He was always jealous of the comments you'd respond to while playing with yourself. Every "you're so pretty" turned his blood a deeper shade of furious red. Each "I want to fuck you" made his heart race with rage. You were supposed to be just for him. His little secret.
♡ "Mine," he growled lowly, tugging desperately, feeling his high draw closer. "Mine." Maybe one day you'd let him come on camera with you...then he'd really show those pigs what they could never have.
♡ Hot cum wept from his tip as his breath hitched in his knotted throat. He did feel a twinge of guilt rip through his organs for a split second afterwards...you had barely spoken two words to him, and here he was, leaking all over his clenched fist from the thought of you.
♡ He couldn't afford to wallow in his pathetic disgrace for too long, though...he had a mission now. It was time to make his dream girl his reality.
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buckysdolls · 1 year
Your Archer of Infamy (Priest x You) Series
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Chapter 1
The windscreen wipers were frantically leaping left to right fighting off the rain that was lashing against your windshield screen. Twelve years of driving and you’re a hundred percent sure this was the worst weather you’d ever driven in, not to mention you felt the pressures of being even more cautious than usual as Rhea was in the car with you. You and Rhea had been friends since 2017 when Rhea joined the company. You were older than her by three years and as soon as you were introduced to each other your personalities clicked. That’s why you made such a great tag team, best friends in the ring, best friends out the ring. You and Rhea tried to drown the sound out of the rain with your singing.
“Out the curtain, lights go up, I'm home..”
“WHOA!” Both you and Rhea belted out Downstrait’s ‘Kingdom’, Cody Rhodes’ entrance song. Your phone chimed, it was a photo message from Damian. As you were driving, Rhea opened it up for you, the photo was of Damian, Finn and Dom waiting in the hotel. 
“When are you two going to stop messing about and just do it?” Rhea blurted out, questioning the chemistry that lingered between you and Damian.
“Straight to the point as ever Rhea” Your exhale turning to laughter.
“We’re all just waiting for it to happen.”
“So am I” Your honesty had Rhea in stitches. She turned the music down that was on full blast to answer a video call she was receiving.
“Who is it?” You asked, wanting to look over but you knew you had to keep your eyes on the road. A chorus of ‘Hi’s’ told you it was Balor, Dom and Priest. 
“ETA?” Balor asked, Rhea looked over at your phone’s navigation app.
“Two minutes, we’re just round the corner.” Rhea replied. 
“Has she crashed yet?” Dom liked to pick on you, he was like a little brother to you. You constantly had playful back and forth spats with each other. 
“Fuck you Dom” keeping your eyes on the road you gave him the middle finger which Rhea pointed the camera at so Dom could see. As Rhea hung up you pulled into the parking lot of the hotel, you both looked at each other and nodded as if you knew what each other was thinking. You both threw open the car doors, slamming them shut. Both of you hastily ran to the boot and grabbed whatever bags there were in an attempt to get as little wet as possible from the rain. Heads down to avoid the rain slapping into your faces as the heavy wind pushed it in your direction you both legged it over to the entrance, dropping the bags as soon as you were in the clear from the rain.
“That’s disgusting” You turned to Rhea gesturing to the rain.
“You got us here safely though” Rhea emphasised the word ‘safely’ loudly in an attempt to grab Dom’s attention as the three of them sat on comfortable leather chairs, their backs to the pair of you. They were waiting for you and Rhea to check in and change so you could all head to the gym together.
You and Rhea headed over to the front desk, as Rhea checked in Grayson Waller had approached you. He’d been trying for a while now, vying for your attention and you wondered how long he would keep up with it. You raised your eyebrows at him as if to question what he wanted, to which he just responded with a smirk, licking his lower lip and continuing to chew his gum. 
From afar, Priest watched the interaction. He wasn’t a fan of it, his knuckles were turning white from the hard grip he had on the arm of the chair. He knew you were well liked and often the desires of many lads in the locker room when the topic of conversation was the female roster. He couldn’t blame them though. You were genuinely one of the sweetest girls but for everyone else the talk was superficial, it was always your looks, to him he cared more about how you reflected the same rockstar lifestyle he lived. Thankful for all your opportunities. Trying to be the best version of yourself. Being happy. The look was just a bonus in the neatly wrapped up package. Balor and Dom noticed where Priest’s attention was currently drawn too, Waller rubbing his hand up and down your arm.
“Tell her bro!” Dom yelled into a whisper. Within an instant Dom’s attention was on Balor and Dom.
“Nah. I’m eleven years older than her, I’ll just be holding her back” Priest slumped back in his chair trying not to look over.
“Sounds like some bullshit excuse to me” Balor coughed in between each word. 
As Waller touched your arm you looked at it, as you did you tried to steal a glance over at Priest using your peripheral vision, you were hoping he was looking in your direction and to your pleasure he was. You adored Priest, you wanted him badly. He always gave you signals like touches and comments that told you it was reciprocated but he never acted up on it. You knew it was an ignorant thing to be doing but you tried to use the attention from other guys to get some sort of reaction out of him. 
“Can’t wait to see you in action tonight.” Waller’s attempt to flirt with you was cringeworthy but you smiled to play along.
“We can take the action back to my room later if you wanted?”
Internally you were gagging and trying not to let your face screw up into a ball in reaction to the cringe comments leaving his mouth. Overhearing the comments Rhea stepped in trying to save you from any more painful Waller interaction.
“Beat it Waller” Rhea rolled her eyes.
“Charming as always Rhea” Waller brought his hand up to his chest as if her words wounded him.
“I’m serious, we’ve got better things to do Grayson” Rhea turned you around so your back was to Waller and although you were finding it hilarious because of Rhea’s bluntness you mouthed ‘thank you’ to her. 
“Check-in” She whispered in your ear before grabbing her bags and walking away to the boys. 
“Think about my offer, yeah?” Waller said as he backed away.
You breathed deeply to regain your composure.
“Hi, I’d like to check in please?”
“Welcome, absolutely, what is the name on the reference?”
You gave the lady behind the counter your name and booking reference, her lips rolled thinly and her eyebrows furrowed as if she was confused. You observed her closely as she kept tapping and scrolling. She’d occasionally look up with apprehension on her face, as she looked at your smile. 
“I’m sorry Miss, it seems there has been a mix up with your booking. The room has been double booked.” 
“How does that even happen?” You huffed in disbelief.
“I’m not sure…” The lady was dumbfounded, as she looked up at you with regret. You weren’t one to yell, it wasn't her fault. 
“Any more rooms available?” You questioned hopefully.
The lady shook her head and pursed her lips outwards “ I’m afraid not, we’re fully booked because of the show. Neighbouring hotels are fully booked too. I could explain your situation to the current occupants and ask if they would mind vacating the room offering them a free stay another time?.”
You shook your head smiling kindly at the lady. 
“That won't be necessary. Could you just make sure you refund me the room please?” You could tell the lady really appreciated your level of calmness, you were almost certain she was used to being yelled at in situations like this.
“Of course, miss. Once again our apologies for this mix up and thank you for being so kind about it”
Turning your back to the counter, you huffed and rubbed your eyes in frustration before making your way over to the group.
“What’s with the long face?” Dom asked. 
“ I don’t have a room, they gave my room to someone else” You flopped over the arms of the chair Damian was sitting on so you were laid across him, letting your body go limp. 
“Shit. I’ve got Buddy staying tonight…” Rhea replied implying she couldn’t offer you space as her boyfriend would need the room. You pulled yourself up like a sit up  then dropped yourself onto the lap of Damian.
“It’s fine, I'll sleep out here. We only ever get five hours of sleep on the road anyway. Zero hours tonight won't hurt. Beside its comfortable”
“It’s only comfortable because you’re sitting on Damian” Dom pointed at the pair of you, You turned to look at Priest who was smirking at you which in turn made the corners of your lips curl upwards. Your eyes darted quickly between his dark eyes and lips, likewise he copied you. You could both sense the tension between you as you’d both forgotten where you were as silence filled the air. 
“I aint complaining” Priest broke first and spoke up, his hands in the air. You refocused, turning back to face everyone else.
“Thanks for stating the obvious Dom” your sarcasm causing everyone to snicker. Priest put one arm round the back of you to lean on your waist.
“Take my bed, I can take the floor for a night” Priest said. You turned to look at Priest, you couldn’t help but look at him lovingly. 
“I can’t do that” 
“I’m not letting you sleep out here on your own” Damian’s other hand gravitated to your leg, settling in between your thighs. 
“This makes me sick” Dom joked as you looked down at the hand. Damian followed your gaze and instantly removed his hand and pushed up to make you both stand up. 
“C’mon let's go.” Priest ignored you as he walked past as if to pretend he didn’t just have you sat on him, his hand grazing your inner thigh..
“Meet here in ten yeah?” Rhea asked and everyone nodded in agreement. You followed behind Damian up to his room. 
The day had dashed by, you were now alone with Priest in the hotel room. You opened the bathroom door to see him in his boxers and you in the only bedtime clothes you had, your lingerie, you weren’t expecting having to share a room with anyone okay! Sometimes pyjamas aren’t needed! You sighed quietly, trying to maintain your composure seeing Damian this way. 
“I’m sorry I dont have pyjamas otherwise I’d wear them” You became nervous as you walked towards Priest, you weren’t sure if you were nervous because you were suddenly overcome with anxiety with how you looked or if it was because Priest made you nervously giddy.
“No need to apologise 
“Like what you see?” Priest’s low gruff voice asked you. Priest was astounded by you, only asking you that question because he liked what he saw.  You rolled your eyes in amusement.
“It’s alright I suppose” You shrugged your shoulders
You watched as Priest laid down on the floor and grabbed the blanket off the bed, his actions confusing you. 
“You’re not actually sleeping there are you?” Priest folded his arms behind his head to lean on, his muscles tensing making your self control even weaker as he just gazed up at you.
“I dunno? Am I?” Reverse psychology… good one you thought. You dropped on to the bed telling Damian to get in. You didn’t need to tell him twice and he was up onto the bed and settled next to you. You turned over to face him, your faces inches apart, all Priest wanted to do was pull you into him and on top of him, his hands grabbing at your ass as you kissed intensely over and over again, him manoeuvring your body to grind against him.
“What do you think of Waller?” His thoughts shattered instantly. Why were you asking him about Waller? Not wanting to let you know he was confused or disappointed, he shrugged his shoulders. 
“Seems fine” Damian’s reply was blunt. 
“I think he wants to go on a date..”
“Enjoy it” Damian smiled and quickly turned over like he was giving you the cold shoulder. He was… he didn’t want to hear about your feelings towards Waller, not that you actually had any. Your reasoning in bringing Waller up had the intention of making Damian jealous and maybe get him to admit his feeling so you could too but his responses had you feeling that your desired outcome had failed.
During the night Damian was woken by your slow movement of turning over and placing your arm over his midsection, curling up to him and resting your forehead on his back. He didn’t want to wake you so he let you cuddle up to him. Was he really going to let someone like Waller get to you before he could?
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makethatelevenrings · 2 years
Day 30 - Stripping
Pairing: Sam Wilson x f!reader
Warnings: reader has to give a lap dance to a suspect but not for long/slight non consensual touching, if you’re under 18 and you’re here even after the 29 other days of me saying go away....go away!!!
Summary: A mission at a strip club goes a bit awry. Sam refuses to let you leave his sight. Things ensue.
Kinktober Masterlist 
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“I just don’t understand why, out of everyone, you had to be the one to come on this mission,” Sam seethed. You rolled your eyes and threw back the shot of vodka without preamble. Bucky was somewhere off near the stages, watching with careful eyes. Normally, you were just a remote analyst who watched over their missions from afar.
But this time, you were up close and personal.
They needed someone that matched your description to entice the likes of a certain arms dealer who was currently under investigation for trafficking mutants. He also favored high end strip clubs.
Hence, you in a full crystalline body suit and sky high platform heels.
You shot Sam an unimpressed look as you passed him. “I know I’m not your favorite person, Wilson, but I would appreciate it if you were less of a dick right now.”
Barnes chuckled over the comms line. “She’s right, Sam. You look good, by the way.”
“Thanks, frosty.” You worried at your bottom lip, your teeth digging into the lipstick that painted your lips. Before you could express your nerves, a hand landed on your bicep.
“New girl, right? You’ve been requested in a VIP room.” The club promoter tugged you behind him and to a door on the far wall. You glanced back at Sam, seeing him follow you closely. You weren’t field trained. Hell, you weren’t trained in anything but computers. If this guy found that you were wearing a wire, you would be as good as dead.
The promoter pushed you into a small room. There was a platform in the middle of the room with two couches facing it. You gulped and tried to not let your nervousness show as you stepped onto the dais. You weren’t supposed to perform! You were just supposed to lead the guy away from the crowd so Sam and Bucky could grab him.
The door opened again and Sam slipped in the back. He wore a badge he must have snatched from one of the club bouncers indicating that he was security. No one paid him any mind, but you glanced back at him. He dipped his chin in acknowledgment and your shoulders relaxed.
As much as the two of you butted heads, you knew Sam would never let anything happen to you.
Some song started playing that you vaguely recognized, but you took it all in stride. You spun slowly on the dais and shook your ass to the beat. This guy would want a lap dance, right? Fuck, well, here goes nothing.
“I’m dismantling the cameras, taking out the guards, and then I’ll meet you both in the room. That work?” Bucky asked over the comms.
“Hurry,” Sam replied. His voice was strangled in your ear and you surreptitiously looked over your shoulder in his direction to find his gaze locked firmly on you.
Slipping one sleeve down, you shimmied out of the top of your bodysuit to reveal the lace bra and panties underneath. You tugged at the sheer fabric of the bodysuit and felt it tear away from your skin as you slowly approached the arms dealer who was spread out on the couch. You sank into a crouch in between his legs and gazed up at him from under your lashes. He grinned, his hand coming up to touch your cheek.
“How much longer?” Sam snarled.
“Just a second,” Bucky grunted.
You pulled away, your hands going to your back to the clasps that held your lacy bra. You released the clasps to the constant mantra of “it’s for the job” playing in your head. Just as the bra fell to your feet, the door burst open and the Winter Soldier marched towards the leering man on the couch. Bucky knocked the guy out with a clean punch as you scrambled to grab your bra from where it puddled on the ground.
“Get him out of here,” Sam snapped. He had moved from where he had been leaning against the wall and now stood in front of you, holding out the leather jacket he was wearing. You accepted it gratefully and pulled it on so it covered most of your torso.
“This is exactly why I didn’t want you on this mission,” he grunted.
You pulled the lapels of the jacket close to hide your body from view. “Was I really that bad?”
Sam turned his sharp gaze on you and the molten burning in his eyes sucked the air out of the room. “No, you were perfect. That’s the problem.”
He started after Bucky and then paused, glancing over his shoulder. Sam raised his hand, extending a metaphorical olive branch and a physical offer of safety when you two walked through the club. You tentatively grasped his hand and he tugged you closer, his warm and steady form pressing against yours.
“The next time I see you like that, baby girl, it’s because you want to.”
“That a promise, Wilson?”
His hand drifted down to the curve of your waist and he pulled you closer, leaving a burning wake along your skin where he touched. “One I intend to keep.”
“Hi, yeah, less flirting, more extracting,” Bucky interrupted over the comms. You snickered and followed Sam out of the club, eager to get back home.
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"Bruno, what did you tell that man? He's a clever man, did you know? I bet he works for the government."
Remus is tired of sitting here. The DMLE interrogation rooms were about as comfortable as the day after a full moon. The aurors were no better. As far as they were concerned he was an accomplice. As far as they were concerned Remus was just as responsible for the murder of his best friends. He thinks of Harry. His skin still thrums with the residual magic of the Veritaserum. A whole vial was unnecessary but Remus complied - a means to an end. Wrong. An ache burrows into the front of his skull, the result of an overly strong Legilimens. Remus knows what they saw, knows there was no way in hell they hadn't felt the betrayal rolling through his bloodstream. He knows there was no way they hadn't felt the love either.
"I think it's real unfair that you should put him there. All we did is kiss, on my grave, I swear. Where did you find his shoes? A lock of my hair?"
Remus sits in a ring of Sirius' belongings. Everything in reach is covered in dust. A year had passed and only now could Remus bear to stand in the house he lived in. 'With Sirius.' he amends in his head. A year of not saying his name, not acknowledging the life or the love they had shared before. He was surprised that the wards had let him in. Sirius could never shake the paranoia that running instilled in him. Sirius only allowed three people free passage to his home, and two of them were dead. And it was his fault. Remus knew what the evidence looked like, knew it was so convincing that a trial was deemed unnecessary. Yet Remus still ponders, traces his hand over the only framed pictures Sirius possessed: Lily and James and Harry in a gold frame, Regulus in a black frame, and him and Sirius in a glass frame, 'toujours pur' engraved below them. Sirius carved in the Black Family motto as a mockery of the life he had left behind, would whisper to Remus that the only pure thing he had done was love him. Remus met his own eyes in the picture - he and Sirius were stood in the garden doorway at the Potter's manor, Euphemia and Fleamont stood behind the camera. Remus couldn't understand, couldn't articulate how he feels. He places the frames on the floor and leaves. Sometimes he closes his eyes and wonders if thinks about Sirius hard enough, maybe he would feel it too.
"Some dull morning we were wearing sheets and he whispered, "I think that they know better than me""
Sirius and Remus were babysitting. Harry was sound asleep in his tiny cot, just meters away from them. They were exhausted and babies were hard work. Harry was barely 9 months - out in the world for just as long as it took to create him. Sirius was elated when Lily asked him to be godfather, kissed Remus so thoroughly as tears rolled down his cheeks. Remus couldn't help but feel a little down in that moment, jealous of Sirius, of the role he would play in Harry's life. He couldn't tell anyone either. Harry was a gift, a moment of relief in the middle of a war zone. He could understand why James and Lily chose to have a baby, he could understand why now and not later. Harry shifted in the cot - a restless stretch with a furrow between his brow, a sign he would wake up. With his eyes closed, Harry resembled all of his father - thick hair, thick lashes, bronzed like the sun was in love with him. Remus gently cradled him close to his chest, and moved back to Sirius. Back to bed. Back to a version of events that didn't quite exist yet. As they sat next to each other, baby between, Remus allowed himself to imagine the future - something perhaps similar to this. Sirius brushed his lips against Harry's forehead, did the same to Remus with a grin and said four words he would never forget, "Lily said next time."
"Everyone will come, everyone will yell. I'd thank you just the same if you didn't tell. My mother says that I will surely go to hell. Please be a good man, please say you won't tell."
He never took it personally that people steered clear of him. The lover of a traitor would never again be his own person. Remus would always be tainted. Somehow it mattered less now that he ran in sync with the moon. That could be overlooked - when, and only when, there was still lingering speculation that you conspired to murder your friends. Remus exists neither in the wizarding world, nor the muggle one. He leaves his cave only to visit a secluded church every Sunday. He had found it after a particularly careless full moon, only a priest ever present. Every moon had been careless since Sirius was gone. He had needed rest, a reprieve - and this was the only place to offer it. Remus wasn't religious, was raised without it. He still kneels at the alter, a heavy cross dangling from his fingertips. His fingers and the cross had only one thing in common - they were the last things to touch Sirius Black. 'Forgive me Father, for I have sinned.' Remus thinks. 'But as I rest here on my knees, I know I would do it again.'
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leiawritesstories · 2 years
Cowboy AU idea: Aelin ends up raising money for a charity and she has an amazing idea how to make that happen - a calendar full of half-naked cowboys 🤭 how on earth will she get cowboy Rowan to agree 😏
how indeed 👀👀
word count: 1,759
warnings: language, so much innuendo, brief sexy times
"Mhmm, mhmm, yep, thank you!" Aelin nodded a couple more times and then plastered a smile onto her face. Customer service tricks, smile so the person on the other end of the phone doesn't know you want to slap them. "Of course! Thanks again!" And she hung up the phone, sighing heavily.
What the hell had she just agreed to do?
A charity organization to whom Aelin's restaurant chain had often donated was holding an event in Cheyenne in a couple of months, and they were asking all of their frequent donors to attend. Written into the subtext, of course, was a subtle request that said frequent donors would, of course, donate, and while Aelin was more than willing to give a piece of Flamin' Heart Diner's proceeds to the charity, she wanted to do more.
She wanted to hold a fundraiser and be able to give that money to the charity along with her donation, but...how?
Ideas, some more fully formed than others, flickered through her mind. She scribbled them down, knowing she needed a written note or she'd forget all of her ideas, and was still pondering what to do when a knock on her office door drew her back into the real world, back to her job.
That night at Rowan's ranch, Aelin paced around her cowboy boyfriend's living room, talking through her ideas aloud and bouncing her thoughts off of him. To her surprise, he had a few thoughts of his own to offer, which was how she ended up with the most brilliant idea she'd ever had.
"Absolutely the fuck not." Rowan seemed to disagree with her.
"What?" She wiggled her brows at him. "Don't you want to be the heat of Flamin' Heart's charity drive?"
"Not if'n my ass is plastered all over the damn calendars," he grumbled.
She blew him a little kiss. "Ro, honey, you misunderstand. We're going for more of a fireman calendar theme, but with cowboys."
He cocked a sun-bleached brow. "An' what'll that mean, love?"
"It means," she beamed, perching herself on the arm of his chair, "that you'll have to take your shirt off, but nothing more."
"You promise?" He still looked skeptical.
So she leaned in close and brushed a soft, teasing kiss just beneath his earlobe. "Promise."
He inhaled sharply, his heartbeat picking up speed beneath her hand splayed over his chest. "I dunno, Fireheart..."
"It'll just be me and a camera," she purred, trailing her fingers up over the hard planes of his chest atop the thin fabric of his worn old t-shirt. "You've never had any complaints about that before, cowboy."
"No I ain't," he agreed in a low, gravelly rumble, tugging her off the armrest and into his lap.
Aelin lowered her lashes and smirked up at him, walking her fingers down and down and down until she reached the waistband of his jeans. "Just you, me, my camera, and those delicious tattoos of yours," she hummed, flicking open the button of his pants. "Yes?"
"Well, I s--fuck, darlin'!" Rowan groaned, swiftly capturing her wrists and tugging her wicked, wicked hands away from his straining self.
She batted her lashes innocently. "A little distracted, cowboy?"
"A lot distracted," he smirked, deliberately rolling his hips up into hers to emphasize his point. Aelin's eyes fluttered closed, the soft, low moan she released one of the sexiest sounds he'd ever heard.
"And this is why you should be on the calendar," she murmured.
Despite himself, he cracked a grin. "All right. Yeah."
"Course, darlin'." He kissed the corner of her lips, smirking at her frustrated huff. "I'll say ya convinced me."
"Stop fussing!" Aelin ordered, frowning at Rowan from behind her camera as she adjusted the lens and the focus. "I promised you none of the photos would have your face, so calm. Down!"
"I can't even make myself comfortable?" Rowan grumbled, shooting her a frown of his own from where he was seated on a stool, half-lounging with his legs separated, one booted foot kicked up onto the rungs of the stool.
She sighed and came to his side, running her fingers through his mussed hair. "I never said that, Ro."
"I'm sorry," he mumbled, "I just...just ain't used to this, darlin'."
"I'm sorry for snapping," she replied. "And yes, cowboy, of course you can make yourself comfortable. Just, uh, don't get too comfy." She winked. "We'll be switchin' poses, we will."
"Why the hell's that sound sexual?" he wondered aloud.
A shit-eating grin curled his girlfriend's lips. "You'll see, love. You'll see." She nudged his upper body to the angle she'd wanted and then pulled a small bottle out of her side pocket.
Rowan eyed it suspiciously. "The hell is that?"
"Almond oil."
"It's for aesthetic purposes," she said loftily, grinning like a fiend. "I showed you fireman calendars, cowboy."
"Yeah, and I know their muscles ain't that--oh. Oh."
"Exactly." She pecked a quick kiss onto his full lips. "Hold still."
Rowan tried to keep himself under control as Aelin dripped a little bit of the oil onto his chest, letting the drops run smoothly down his pecs and his abs, stopping the liquid before it could stain his jeans. He tried to keep a damn handle on himself as she poured more oil into her hand and spread it carefully and gently all over his upper body, defining his muscles in a faintly golden sheen.
Dammit, he tried.
"Cowboy," Aelin mused, her sharp turquoise eyes not missing a single second of his reactions, "you like this, don't you?"
He blew out a harsh breath, closing his eyes before he could catch sight of her sly little smirk and do something very very stupid. "Yeah," he breathed, arching slightly into her caress.
She dropped a kiss onto his jawline. "Y'know, I rather like it, too." She stepped around behind him, dripping oil onto the back of his shoulders and massaging it onto his skin.
Nothing could have stopped the embarrassingly loud purr he released. "Aelin."
"Uh-uh, cowboy, no moving," she chided, the thrum of her voice as sensual as the way she dragged her fingers back up the column of his spine.
And then she completely shattered the mood by clapping her hands. "Right! Picture time!"
"Darlin'," Rowan groaned, his darkened green eyes pleading with her.
She grinned, leaning over to kiss him quickly. "Be good for me and hold still a for a few minutes and I'll give you another kiss, Ro."
"Where?" he hummed, winking slowly.
Her breath hitched at his promise. "Wherever you want it."
A lazy grin curved his mouth, his rapidly darkening gaze sliding to her pulse point where her heartbeat thundered.
The camera shutter whirred gently as Aelin snapped a few more photos in succession. Then she moved the tripod a few steps to the right and captured a back view, drooling a little herself at the way the camera caught every defined groove of Rowan's oiled muscles.
Gods, the dreams she'd be having after this.
"You're a wonderful model," she grinned when she was finished with that set of photos. "Would you like your kiss now?"
Hell yes he would.
The shutter clicked one last time before Aelin switched off her camera and smirked at Rowan, who was now sprawled on the floor, his jeans deliberately hanging low on his chiseled hips, partially facing the camera. "All done, cowboy."
"Thank god," he half-groaned, flopping onto his back.
"Aww," she crooned, putting her camera away and settling herself down by his side, "is someone a little tired of being a smoking hot model?"
"Exhaustin' work," he drawled, rolling over to pin her with his gaze.
"Mmm, I'm sure," she hummed, propping up her head with one hand. "Gonna be worth it for the calendars, though."
"Ya better lemme see the photos before ya go makin' a calendar, darlin'," Rowan grinned.
"Oh, don't worry yourself, of course you'll get to see the photos." Making absolutely no move to go and get her camera, she shucked her own shirt, tossing it carelessly off to the side.
"Good." He traced his gaze slowly over her form, appreciating each line and curve and dip with his leisurely, smoky eyes. "Later, though."
"Oh?" Aelin raised her brows, pretending she knew absolutely nothing of what her cowboy was implying. "Does someone want a kiss for being such a good model?"
"B'lieve ya promised me more'n just a kiss, love," he purred, rolling smoothly towards her on the sheet she'd arranged on the floor as a backdrop.
How convenient that it was there, indeed.
"Did I, now?" she laughed, looping her arms around his neck and tugging his weight down atop her, feeling the delicious slide of his oiled skin against hers.
"Mhmm," he rumbled, that smirk of his curling darkly. "Promised me a--" He leaned down to whisper that promise into her ear, causing her back to arch and her core to throb.
"So I did," she hummed, walking her hands up his chest and bringing his head down until his lips were a hairsbreadth away from hers. "So I did."
And oh, did her cowboy ever get his reward for being such a good model.
Two months later, with Rowan on her arm, Aelin strolled into the charity dinner, beaming and shaking hands and waving off the lavish praises the charity's board members kept piling on her.
"All I did was what I felt I had to do," she laughed, smiling brightly for the camera as the photographer captured a shot of her with the board members.
After all, they had to commemorate the woman who'd donated such a sum to the charity.
"It's my honor to be able to support your work," she beamed, accepting a hug from the older woman who was the current president of the board. "My honor."
"Our honor to receive such a gift," the woman returned, a wee bit emotional.
Aelin squeezed her hand. "Flamin' Heart had a bit of a fundraiser these last two months, it's from all of the community." She conveniently did not mention that this fundraiser had been the sale of cowboy calendars, each month's page featuring a different shot of her beloved shirtless cowboy, oiled muscles gleaming on the glossy pages.
They'd barely been able to print enough to keep up with the demand.
And in the end, it most definitely paid off--she'd donated nearly two and a half thousand dollars to the charity.
All thanks to convincing her favorite cowboy to pose for her.
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firstdivisiongirl · 5 months
Hiiii! How are you??? :) hope you are having a good day<3 may I ask for a romantic Tokyo revengers matchup, please??
My pronouns are she/her and I'm bisexual, but mostly attracted to men. I'm usually very friendly with everyone and willing to help people. I make friends easily and I'm very easygoing, like I could make friends with other random girls on the streets because if I find a girl very pretty or I like her style I usually come up to her and tell her and we start talking and talking like we already knew each other, lol. I'm very very loyal with my friends and family and I'm willing to go confront someone for them if they are having beef with someone else and asking for my help. I talk a lot about things that I like but I am a very good listener. I'm also very very forgetful and very very messy. I'm not good at school, like at all, I just have my head in the clouds most of the time. I'm also a very affectionate and touchy friend, most people find me pretty funny and chill, I tend to swear a lot even in normal conversations, even when I'm not mad, and I fall in love soooo easily, like way too easily😭 I have very very low standards even though I like more older, masculine and tall guys I also really really don't mind nerds, sensitive boys, artists, ykwim?? But I usually gravitate towards people who I think can take care of me and give me a little bit of princess treatment, patient lovers. I'm also kind of the type of girlfriend who is kinda like your best friend. But I just fall very easily and get heartbreaks a lot. I'm a very sensitive person, very empathetic, but sometimes I'm unintentionally rude to my friends or other people, so I can be rude and uncalled sometimes and I'm very ashamed of that after, and sometimes especially with professors I can be easy to put up a fight with since I have a sharp tongue- my hobbies are drawing, photography, watching anime, singing, theater, acting,the history of cinema and animation, makeup and hanging out with my friends :)
I dislike people who are mean just because they think it's fun to be randomly mean to someone, people who look at you weird or snob you when you compliment them, when people touch my stuff without asking, when someone hurt animals and people who just can't stand up for themselves not even a little bit. I really like Italian old love songs, love books from the 50s 60s (they are literally so romantic without being cliche), musicals, disney movies expecially the old ones, animation, flowers (even though im allergic🧍🏻‍♀️), making people laugh, imprevedibile and fun people, dressing feminine, horror and romantic movies, videogames, old rock and romantic music.
I'm 5'0 with long long brown hair with highlights and bangs, amber eyes with long lashes, thin lips, a mole next to my nose and I always try to smile bc I like how I look when I smile :) my skin is pretty taken care of and clear, i love dressing feminine but mostly dress with baggy pants and a crop top or compression shirt, something like that, but sometimes i love putting on very short miniskits and platforms to look taller (I never wear non-platform shoes bc I wanna look taller). Also I love wearing hello kitty stuff😭❤️
I feel like this is way too much I am so so sorry- you can ignore if you don't feel like doing it🙏❤️
Have a great day, love the way you write, keep it up :D
Hi. I am doing pretty good. You didn't write too much at all and I would never ignore it. And thank you for the kind words. I want to let you know that I picked someone who could be considered controversial. If you don't like it, DM me and I will give you another. I hope you like it!
You Got...
Tetta Kisaki!!!!
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I know. He's...him. But hear me out!
He's into girls who are friendly and super nice. You also give me Hina vibes.
He seems to be into very into things like history and film. I think you two would talk about film, it's history, how different camera angles are used, etc.
He would get you so many vintage things like books and old records. Anything to see you smile.
He would love that you fall so easily. That means it is easier for him to win you over. Although, he will try very hard to be the perfect partner.
Will treat you like a princess.
Most people would think he would hate someone who is not great in school. But I believe he would like that because then he could tutor you and spend more time with the person he loves.
Slow dancing to old songs in the living room!
Would love that you can fight for yourself. Makes him worry less about you and your wellbeing. He will still worry, but a little less
And lastly, he will love you no matter what. If you are rude, he will love you. When you are upset, he will love you.
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Please do not copy, modify, translate or repost my writing on other platforms. Comments, reblogs and likes are highly appreciated!
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