#last rites kit
shiftythrifting · 1 year
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This one isn't exactly shifty but it was SO cool to me. Some kinda Catholic prayer kit, candles and holy water stashed in a crucifix box. I left it behind but I might double back for it tomorrow
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aromanticasterisms · 8 months
#personal stuff#delete later#TWO WHOLE OUTFITS FOR FIVE STARS THIS YEAR?? WOO#furina for lantern rite WOO. i'm excited to see her. again#AND CHENYU VALE WOOOO#i'm so excited all the scenery looks so nice!! and the music is really pretty#the lantern rite statue (?) looks so cool this year woahg#and traveler siblings stuff auuuuuuuuuuuuugh#ga-ming looks really cute!!#OOH PLUNGE ATTACK WORKED INTO THE KIT. COOL.#and hp loss mechanic??? i guess we are still in the fontaine era huh#and xianyun's design is definitely like ayato's for me it looks better in motion than the art showed#OOH SHE CAN HOP ON WATER. COOL#i knew her kit centered around plunge attacks but the animations look so nice ooo. also diluc spotted hi diluc#DILUC BOTH TIMES. WHY. not that i'm complaining but what does it mean. i get his plunge attack has high multipliers but Huh#CHENYU VALE CHENYU VALE. EVERYONE MOVE OVER I SEE NEW FLOWERS#OOH WE GET TO SEE CHANGSHENG'S OLD ABODE???#ooooogh the shot of the last area with fontaine in the background looks SO nice#this is an awkward time for me to have named my wanderer fujin though huh.#the new boss looks cool!#OOOHH.#i heard we were getting a xingqiu outfit but didn't particularly care cause. well. but WOAHG#IT'S FONTAINE THEMED. IT LOOKS NICE.#CLOUD RETAINER MADE GANYU AND SHENHE'S OUTFITS WAAAA.#THEY BOTH LOOK SO PRETTY. BUN AND BRAIDS GANYU...#a little bummed no zhongli outfit but ganyu's cute so :]#COOKING EVENT YEAAAAAAH#oh my god it looks so fun <333#and. food-based hilichurl event? interesting
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Hello! first off, love your moodboards, they're all so pretty! i was wondering if you've done a 1920s or 30s themed moodboard before? hope you have a lovely day!
Hello! Thank you so much for the kind words :) I'm thrilled that you enjoy the moodboards!!
That's a really interesting question! I have never done any explicitly 20s- or 30s-themed boards, and as far as I know, but I have done several boards for various media set during those eras. Here's a quick list of them:
John-Boy Walton
Kit Kittredge
The Last Rites of Jeff Myrtlebank
I hope this is helpful! If you'd like a board that's 20s- or 30s-themed, please just let me know and I'll be more than happy to make it :) Thank you again!!
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felassan · 26 days
Notes and thoughts on the companion Abilities we learned today -
just for reference a quick note again of what they are:
Harding - Seismic Shot; Heavy Draw; Shred; Adrenaline Rush; Soothing Potion Davrin - Battle Cry; Death from Above; Heroic Strike; Assan Strike; In War, Victory Bellara - Fade Bolts; Enfeebling Shot; Replenish; Time Slow; Galvanized Tear Taash - Fire Breath; Dragon's Roar; Dragonfire Strike; Spitfire; Fortune's Favor Lucanis - Eviscerate; Abominate; Soothing Potion; Debilitate; Adrenaline Rush Emmrich - Final Rites; Replenish; Entangling Spirits; The Bell Tolls; Time Slow Neve - Icebreaker; Blizzard; Glacial Pace; Time Slow; Replenish
Some Abilities are shared between companions. For example, both Lucanis and Harding have Adrenaline Rush and Soothing Potion, and Emmrich and Neve and Bellara all have Time Slow and Replenish. I think this is to do with the "core kits" that were mentioned before. like "Time Slow" for example as a part of the core kit for mage characters.
some of these Abilities we've seen demonstrated in gameplay videos so far or had shown/described in screenshots/articles before, like Death From Above. :>
Seismic Shot: since "seismic" can relate to earthquakes and other vibrations in the earth and its crust, this is a really cool name for one of Harding's moves (dwarf, Deep Roads, the Stone, Titans, her new earthbending skills etc) and I'm curious about both its gameplay effects and if it's tied to her new magical powers
Shred: arrowfire that shreds armor presumably
Soothing Potion and Replenish: both sound like heals
Heavy Draw: a heavy attack of Harding's? (Rook at least has access to both light attacks and heavy attacks)
Battle Cry: similar in name to previous abilities like War Cry and Battle Roar. Applies Taunted to enemies in the area
On Death From Above and Assan Strike. Death From Above deals high Stagger and can be used to deal damage from afar, presumably Assan Strike can also be used to deal damage from distance
In War, Victory: the Grey Warden motto will never not slap and evoke a great sense of heavy emotion.. 🥺 it was this part of the Grey Warden motto that was featured as a dialogue line in the release date reveal trailer. A+ name for a Grey Warden's move, no notes
Galvanized Tear: this ability is like a gravity well, it pulls enemies together. you can use it to draw enemies into one place
Adrenaline Rush: a buff that grants enhanced damage/enhances Rook's damage stats
Heroic Strike: applies the overwhelmed debuff. This causes the target to take additional Stagger ("deals high Stagger")
Eviscerate: At half health of less, this deals bonus damage, increasing in effectiveness the closer the target is to death. can be used to detonate a combo and strike a whole group of enemies
Abominate: Deals high Barrier damage and applies Knocked down to enemies in the area. can be used to knock enemies down. also, implications
Final Rites: it's giving finishing move vibes. I love the allusion to cultural practises like Last rights. very appropriate for a thoughtful, caring necromancer whose character is about exploring death and necromancy in a thoughtful nuanced way
The Bell Tolls: For Whom The Bell Tolls (two) reference? :) it's giving a 'your time alive is ending' or a 'your time as a spirit inhabiting this dead body is ending', clock strikes midnight, Cinderella-kinda vibe. bells toll in some places of worship when someone has died (funeral bells), or during other important life rites. also very appropriate for a necromancer
^ No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend’s or of thine own were: any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bells tolls; it tolls for thee.
Fortune's Favor: Lords of Fortune allusion, 'fortune favors the bold' :)
Taash has three abilities involving her fire-breathing and two with "dragon" in the name. 👀 they are really emphasizing the dragon connection/dragon symbolism and she is really living up to the "Ataashi" ('dragon, glorious one, great thing') in her name. in Trespasser Dragon's Breath was a Qunari conspiracy to kill most of the leadership of southern Thedas, involving explosives. I'm really curious about the specific mechanism or origin of her fire-breathing; like is she doing it the way fire-breathing performers do it irl (sounds kind of DA Artificer-y), or has she literally gained or developed some kind of literal innate fire-breathing draconic ability?
throwback to this post:
Maybe it was Taash who wrote this Codex, and the title is alliterative, “Taash Talks”? The writer comes across like a dragon enthusiast and it references being near the shore/sea. Iron Bull once said “So, when you face a dragon, does it get your heart pumping? Do you breathe a little faster, feel the blood racing?” (in the DA:TV trailer, Varric says that they will need someone “with fire in their blood” to face dragons).
Varric was being literal in that line huh. :D
the Qunari are known to hold dragons sacred. they have a physical similarity and some believe that the Tamassrans cultivate dragon blood within the Qunari, allowing some to tap into combat abilities similar to Reavers. is that practise the source of Taash's fire-breathing power? Kieran comments that Adaar's blood doesn't belong to their people. Cory also has weird comments about qunari blood. or maybe she just drank dragonblood? Reavers unlock powerful abilities by drinking it and a dragon-hunter would have access to dragonblood in abundance. Cassandra has dialogue where she tells the Inquisitor that her family used to be known for their Reavers. she says that too much dragonblood caused them to grow deformed, they grew scales and became more draconic than human. if there are legends of Reavers growing scales and draconic appearances after overindulging, why couldn't someone also breathe fire dragon-style? :D "igniting everything with draconic fury" makes me think of Reavery stuff too. Taash is out here living my Inquisitor's (who was a Reaver) dreams.
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moodymisty · 4 months
I am a history major and I can say that this whole womb tattoo thing is historically accurate!
The Scythians and the Babylonians were one of the main inspirations for the Word Bearers. Specifically all of Ancient Middle Eastern civilizations have deeply influenced the Word Bearers' whole atmosphere. In ancient Egypt, tattoos were found on female mummies dating back to 2000 BCE. The tattoos, often around the abdomen, lower back, and breasts, were believed to serve protective or therapeutic purposes, possibly related to fertility and childbirth. The most famous example is the mummy of Amunet, a priestess from Thebes, who had tattoos on her abdomen, thighs, and arms. (This also means that the Thousands Sons could also use womb tattoos 🤭)
As for the Babylonians, some cuneiform tablets refer to body markings, although these references are often interpreted as branding, particularly in the context of marking slaves or prisoners rather than decorative tattoos. Babylonian art occasionally depicts figures with what appear to be body markings, though these are generally interpreted as body paint or symbolic markings rather than permanent tattoos.
The Scythian Pazyryk culture, located in the Altai Mountains of Siberia, also provides evidence of tattoos. The mummified remains of a woman known as the "Ukok Princess" or "Siberian Ice Maiden" date to the 5th century BCE and display intricate tattoos on her body, including around the abdomen. These tattoos are thought to have cultural and possibly spiritual significance.
Fun fact! Carcharodons could as well use womb tattos for their.. darlings? (Idk how to call them😭). In Polynesian cultures, which have deeply inspired the aesthetic of the Carcharodons, tattooing has deep cultural significance, with designs often denoting social status, tribal affiliations, and personal achievements. Women's tattoos, including those around the stomach and pelvis, often marked rites of passage and fertility.
This was a legitimating interesting read as someone who likes history, thank you. I didn't realize there was so much diversity it fertility or spiritually related tattooing.
And also the justification to add yet another chapter to the 'would be into womb tattoos' list. I am all for it.
also, kit-williams is going to sniff out that last paragraph in seconds though and I don't blame her cause that shit is REALLY making me want to write a Tyberos fic like someone hold me back.
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lacyjaybird · 3 months
@inukag-week 2k24 Day 2!
Theme: Moonlight
The crackling of the fire didn't lull Kagome to sleep like it normally did. Tonight, she was restless. After a couple of hours of trying, and failing,  she slowly extricated herself from the softly snoring Kitsune kit in her sleeping bag. Allowing the brisk early autumn night air to lead her, she decided star gazing might calm her mind. 
Between their recent extra long stint in Onodera, her grandfather falling ill, and her Algebra finals, she was exhausted and stressed. And honestly just needed to connect with herself again.  Recently she only felt like a tool for use. 
Find that jewel shard. Bury that body. Perform those rites. Ace that quiz. Visit home. Go to the store. Go to the hospital. Study those equations. Bike faster. Aim higher. Write neater…
It was all very… 
Barefoot, she walked until the fire was still visible, but no longer able to reach her. In either warmth or light, And she sat down. 
Looking up at the millions of stars illuminating the sky along side a nearly full moon was enough to send a shiver along her arms.  Truly a sight she missed in modern times.  
“The fuck are you doin all the way out here?” 
Well there went her silence.  
She didn't even bother turning her head to the voice,  knowing exactly who it was.  
“I wanted to have some alone time. It's that too much to ask?” She huffed, a little miffed at the voices owner from his recent demand in pace and action.  
“keh” He huffed, coming to stand behind her left shoulder. She could see the rustling of his red hakama pants in the edge of her vision, stopping at feet as bare as her own. 
“You're gonna get sick, stupid. And that's the last fuckin’ thing we need.” he huffed again,  this time moving his arms in a manner she couldn't decipher before the weight of his jacket thumped onto her shoulders. 
“I'm going to be fine. And don't call me stupid!” She snapped, feeling a tightness in her throat she wasn't quite expecting. 
And neither was he, apparently, because as quickly as it exited, he was in her face. Black brows knit down between spun gold irises. 
“Please,  Inuyasha. I'm just.. I just wanted a little bit to try and rest without being a disappointment for a while, okay?” Kagome turned her face away, the exhaustion and stress coming to a head and threatening to spill over. 
“Now who called you that?” He looked dead serious, the high cheekbones highlighted from the beams as he stared. 
“In not so few words, YOU.“ She turned to face him,  now. Her bottom lip starting to quiver. 
“YOU, Inuyasha. You've been running us ragged and blaming me for every delay. I can't walk fast enough. I can't bike fast enough.  I can't get it together fast enough after helping a woman bury her child. 
I'm annoying when I ask if we are able to get to the well soon. I'm annoying when I ask to take a bath after being covered in demon guts. I'm apparently insufferable when I ask for an hour or so to study before bed every other day instead of collecting materials for camp.  
I can't DO THIS Inuyasha! I can't keep running interference every time Miroku pisses Sango off or when Shippo gets on your nerves. I can't keep babying you when Kouga gets a whiff and comes to once again ignore my boundaries. I can't be expected to bring supplies and my schoolwork all while Ji-chan is in the hospital and Sota needs someone to fix him lunches while mom goes to Kyoto. But HERE I AM.” 
The tears are flowing freely as she gestures to the field in front of her, her hand shaking. 
“STUCK about two days travel from the well. And every.  Single. Time. I even mention needing to go home when you go to lead us off somewhere else on some rabbit chase,  you snap at me!” 
she points her finger into the tip of his nose, her gaze hardening. 
“So how else am I supposed to feel Inuyasha? “ 
“First off.” He gently pushes her hand away, leaning slightly back on his heels. 
“I never called you a disappointment. You figured that for yourself. And Second off, I been bustin our asses so YOU can.. So you can go home for longer this next time.” 
his ears droop as he looks away from her,  clawed finger picking at a loose string on the end of his sleeve. 
“Cause I heard bout yer grandpa and you been really trying to do the shit in that book and you do it for so long yer eyes get bloodshot and you won't even eat when dinner is ready..” She looks back to him, listening carefully as her anger begins to subside. 
“And you wanna help every fuckin’ sad sack this half of Hatakeyama. So o'course I let ya help cause I'm a piece of shit if we don't help bury a fuckin kid. But every day you just look worse and worse and the fuck am I supposed to do when I'm trying to get you back to your time so I can just sit and wait for you to come back to me!” 
Their eyes meet and there's a moment of silence before even the darkness couldn't hide the flush that overwhelmed the hanyou's features.  
Huffing, he spun on his heel and planted his butt firmly in the grass beside her,  looking to the left, away from her.  
“You were trying to help me.” she said,  quietly. 
“I've been putting so much on myself and you've been trying to help me get home quickly.. but I just thought you were criticizing me.” 
Fresh tears welled as she buried her face in her knees, the exhaustion and stress finally winning the war on her heart. 
“Hey! Hey.. c'mon. Don't cry over me. You've done much worse than assume shit about me. This don't mean a fuckin thing.” 
He waves his hands, trying to get her attention.. but settling on pulling her into his side. 
There,  he let her cry until soft sniffles came few and further between. 
“Inuyasha?” The smallest voice asked, looking down,  he noticed her pink nose peering over the neck of his now snot covered jacket, muted in the moons glow. 
“hnn?”  he hummed, gazing down at her toes barely poking or from under the red expanse. 
“Thank you. But in the future… can you just tell me you're trying to be nice?” 
“keh. You act like I ain't always nice. Like right now.  Cause I'm taking yer ass to bed.” 
She gave no fuss as he stood,  picking her up as he went,  and carried her to the low fire. 
Gently,  he laid her in her still open sleeping bag, fingers brushing her bangs as her eyes fluttered shut. 
“Go to sleep,  Kagome.”
The rest of the night was spent watching over his friends,  the moon his only company as her beams and his gaze meeting more often than not on the mess of inky black hair belonging to the woman he cared more for than his own need for a few hours of rest.
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capnmachete · 29 days
Augusnippets 2024 Path of Comfort Day 23: massage/wiping away tears/gentle touch
Old Testament, Part 2: Horse Liniment and Idle Speculation Fandom: Peaky Blinders Characters: Tommy Shelby, Alfie Solomons CW: references to NSFW, profanity, general assholery, M/M, an exchange of what -- for these two stubborn mamzers -- amounts to a declaration of undying love Takes place a week after the events of Old Testament, Part 1. Alfie, predictably, is still achy and bruised and out of sorts. Tommy provides a little TLC. Also here on AO3
OLD TESTAMENT Ch. 2 Horse Liniment and Idle Speculation Tommy eases a leg over Alfie, straddling the big Jew’s thick thighs.  Alfie winces and mutters an unintelligible curse, Tommy's slight weight jarring the still-sore muscles of his lower back.
The rear view is something Tommy never tires of, even now. Alfie’s broad, muscular back is speckled with scars, and decorated with an enormous, vivid tattoo that spans the width of his shoulders – something elaborate and vaguely savage-looking.  A souvenir, according to Alfie, of the seagoing days of his youth.  Merchant navy, he’d told Tommy.  Rite of passage.
Tommy has no idea whether the story is true, or whether Alfie has ever actually set foot on a boat. Alfie says a lot of things, with varying levels of veracity.  Doesn't matter, really. However the tattoo happened, it's fascinating to look at, the thick muscles bunching and tensing under the elaborate swirls of ink. 
All the ink had been a great surprise, the first time Alfie and Tommy had grappled and snogged themselves into a snarling, desperate mess, and torn each other’s kit off.  “Thought your people’s God forbids that sort of thing,” Tommy had remarked afterwards, sweaty and spent, before Alfie pulled his shirt back on.
“Forbids a lot of things, don’t he?” Alfie had rasped agreeably, glancing back over his shoulder to where Tommy lay.  “Man’s gotta exercise his own judgment now and again, yeah?  Decide for himself what’s worth getting smited for and what ain’t.”
The beltmarks that now stripe Alfie's back are healing nicely. Daily applications of horse liniment -- Tommy's favorite cure-all -- gently smoothed on and rubbed in, have gone a long way towards healing both Alfie's foul and indignant mood and the actual bruises. The raised welts are mostly gone now, as is the worst of the bruising, faded now from a vivid purple to a sallow, yellowish hue.
Yellower yet, after Tommy smooths on a handful of the sharp-smelling horse liniment, itself tinted a rather vile yellow. Tommy pours a small amount from the bottle into his cupped hand, and warms it between his palms, before spreading it onto the partly-healed marks.
“Ah – chap nit, you little menace,” Alfie yelps, then hisses through his teeth as the liniment stings a few still-raw spots.  “Treat your horse like a man, and your man like a horse," he grouses, settling again, frowning.  "Typical.”
Tommy cannot disagree, not entirely. It's true -- he does pamper Sheitan, his spirited black stallion. It's what any Romany man worth his salt does; horses are treasured, sacred. Still… “Pot and kettle, Alfie,” Tommy says said mildly, stifling a smile, stroking his hands over Alfie's broad upper back, smoothing in the last of the liniment, before moving on to massage the sore muscles a little lower.  “I can only hope one day you'll treat me as well as you treat Cyril.”
“ ‘s a lovely dream, that is, treacle, but don’t hold your breath, right?”  Alfie rasps with a half smile, glancing back over his own shoulder. And then sucked in a breath, stifling a curse, as Thomas’ knuckles dig into a tender spot – applying a little extra elbow grease to work a knot out.  Alfie blinks back over his shoulder, eyes narrowed and brow lowered. “Fucking hell, ziskeit, if you’re after killing me, just shoot me already and have done with it.  Quicker and less painful.”
“Not anywhere near as satisfying, though,” Tommy reflects, digging in. He smiles to himself as Alfie grumbles, face buried in his folded arms again.  “My horse doesn’t complain near as much as you do; perhaps that’s the reason I'm gentler with him.” Alfie gives him a halfhearted glare, but can't muster up much indignation, too relaxed, soothed into a near-doze by the pleasant weight perched on his thighs and the lovely attention of Tommy's hands, which have finally worked the kinks out of his strained muscles. "Thomas?" he mumbles, stifling a yawn. "Mm?" Tommy, only half-listening, traces the deep furrow that runs down the center of Alfie's back, fingers brushing the near-invisible ginger-gold down that frosts the warm, battered, inked skin. "Maybe I won't kill you after all, yeah?" Alfie muses sleepily. "Suspect -- and this is just idle fuckin' speculation, mind you, so don't go getting bigheaded about it -- suspect maybe I've grown a bit fond of you. You're still fuckin' impossible, and a pain in the backside, but -- " He shrugs, one shoulder rising and dropping lazily. "Glad to hear you've reconsidered. And thank you. I think." Tommy smiles to himself. It's one of those peculiarly-Tommy smiles that only show in the eyes -- something Alfie has in fact grown rather fond of. He clambers down, heading downstairs to wash the horse liniment off his hands and have a smoke. "And likewise," he calls back over his shoulder, after a brief moment of consideration. Although Alfie -- already asleep -- doesn't hear it. ___ mamzer: bastard chap nit: take it easy/ease up Sheitan: Romany for "Satan" ziskeit: sweetie
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idalenn · 6 months
Lillian Kyo - Lore Details
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Thank you so much for giving me an opportunity to talk @elliewiltarwyn!! One day I'll write my way to some of these.....someday.
Under a read more because it's, uh, long.
--B A S I C S--
Name: Lillian Kyo
Nicknames: None given, unless you count "hero" and "kit" (though that last one is a bit of a Gridanian slur)
Age: Late twenties in ARR, just considered early 30s by the end of Endwalker. Stormblood takes up a good chunk of this time. (She's a year younger than she should be: Seat of Sacrifice and time spinning out of control because of Elidibus/The Crystal Tower/the flow of time between shards cause her to miss a year on the Source. The Scions' bodies sure don't, though)
Nameday: 16th Sun of the 1st Astral Moon
Race: Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te
Gender: Transwoman. Will never outright state so
Orientation: Pansexual, though more in theory than practice
Profession: Member of the Conjurers' Guild, member of the Botanists' Guild (on indefinite, and unpaid, sabbatical). Warrior of Light and current holder of the Soul of the White Mage
--P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C  T S--
Hair: Grey as storm clouds. Starts off short and unkempt in ARR, growing to her shoulders in Heavensward where it stays that length until Stormblood where she quickly learns combat and longer hair do her no favors. Once Temulun cleans it up, it goes to about neck length. However, Lillian has no experience in maintaining the Xaela-influenced appearance, so she keeps the general shape but leaves the beads, complex braiding, and oils out. She keeps this look until her story's end.
Eyes: a soft golden hue, often called "piss yellow"
Skin: a brownish-grey
Tattoos/scars: Oh boy. Lillian's most noticeable set are the ones across her face, the edges of her face, and striping her throat in service to some purpose others can't discern - the result of attempting facial feminization before the events of ARR with a knife, a hot flame, a basic grasp of healing magic, and a book on anatomy she could barely read with diagrams interpreted increasingly wrong as the night went on. The end result was mostly a success, though.
Other than those, she collects several over time. Notable ones include burns from dragon fire, being impaled on Zenos' sword at Rhalgr's Reach, being skewered on his sword again later but - unable to pull it out - instead pulling her body away so it cut it's own way out, and another across her front from shoulder to hip in their final fight (somewhat mitigated by a timely application of Benediction)
Healers can take a lot of abuse. No tattoos though.
--F A M I L Y--
Parents: Being a Keeper of the Moon, she has no knowledge of her father. Her mother, however, taught her child what she needed to survive in the world beyond the reach of the tribe knowing the day would eventually come where she'd walk that path and explore the wide, open world. Not seen since the day of Lillian's leaving.
Siblings: Grew up among a litter of siblings in which she was the youngest of all. Hasn't seen a single one since leaving the tribe.
Grandparents: The closest person to a grandparent was her Elder Mother, whom she much respected and loved and continues to be a source of inspiration. Taught Lillian the ways of the Conjurer and of faith in Menphina and the elementals. Likely found the same fate as the tribe.
In-laws and Other: Scions count, right?
Pets: Scions count, right?
--S K I L L S--
Abilities: Being born and raised in the wilds of the Twelveswood have made her specially attuned to the elementals to the point that she's often confused for a Hearer. While naturally a Conjurer/White Mage, the events of Rhalgr's Reach encouraged her to learn from Lyse in putting on some muscle and to take on pugilist training.
Hobbies: Dancing, but moving in general. Tribe life didn't allow her much freedom to dance in general and she was never allowed to take part in the rite of passage other girls enjoyed in which they sang and danced to a certain enchanting tune. Enjoyed playing the flute while living with her tribe, but hasn't done so since leaving.
--T R A I T S--
Most Positive Trait: Will always try to seek the best possible solution to any given problem, even at cost to herself.
Most Negative Trait: The most petulant woman you'll ever meet in her worst moments; absolutely taking pleasure in your pain. Uses the idea of "the logical choice" and removing herself from emotions as a defense mechanism, simultaneously confuses the believed results of these choices with the "greater good".
The decision she makes in Ktisis Hyperboreia is THE nail in the coffin for Meteion's outlook on life.
--L I K E S--
Colors: Different shades of greys and blacks with splashes of blue. The white associated with healers and White Mages does not appeal to her.
Smells: Overpowering floral scents. Lillian uses these to keep herself sweet-smelling in place of showering (unless forced) until Shadowbringers. Also enjoys the aroma of burning and ash in small amounts.
Textures: Woolen clothing and thick, inflexible metal plates. The heavier, the better.
Drinks: Spiced strawberry wine
--O T H E R    D E T A I L S--
Smokes: Not at all. The colored smokes of Radz-at-Han are appealing at first, but she can't be around them for too long or her eyes start to water.
Drinks: None at first, but she picks up the habit during celebrations at the end of Stormblood, which becomes a bigger problem at the end of Shadowbringers as she tries to cope with being a woman out of time and seeing how much the world has progressed and how much she's lost (The resolution of the Bozja conflict, peace with those formerly known as the "beast tribes", the twins' comatose bodies being carried off back to Sharlayan by their father, Y'shtola's being taken by Matoya to better care for her, etc.) By Endwalker she's thinking about picking up a glass of water and tasting wine before she knows what's happening.
Drugs: Not a whole lot of interest.
Mount Issuance: Unicorn babbyyyyyyyy
Been Arrested: Charged with regicide and, later, heresy; they didn't stick.
For tagging (apologies if you get double-tagged by me) the OCs I haven't seen yet are @zoroarkthief @viiioca @candycryptids @sylaurin @reconditerune @amalthea-felsblood @arinaxiv @dreadwyrmz and YOU reader for making it this far!
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the-littlest-kojin · 1 month
The Journal of Shio Shinju: A New World To Explore (Dawntrail, Journal II)
Spoilers through MSQ, "A New World To Explore"
I write presently, sitting in the hold of a Sharlayan ship, bound for Tural. Some weeks have passed since my last entry, in which I have done all I can to prepare for the voyage. Vena is in the hold with a supply of Gysahl Greens to keep him in fine fettle, and Shui, Kit, and Vul are all remaining at home, under the care of my family - I may retrieve them later, but I did not want to risk them on the dangers of a first-time voyage to a new land. Upon reflection upon the rite of succession, I remain reserved about my opinion of Wuk Lamat's honesty - but she at least seems willing to learn, which is a sight better than most in such situations. While ordinarily I would learn the combat art of whatever land I went to while on such journeys, a most auspicious happenstance occured to me in the intervening weeks, in the streets of Ul'dah. I met a stranger in the streets, carrying dual blades. Calling himself a viper, he was willing to teach me the monster-hunting art - and as my katana had been fitting ill in my hands of late, I accepted. Keshkwa, as he called himself, was happy to teach me the style of his home - Tural. His monster-hunting prowess was genuine, able to track and lead prey with practiced ease - and that is to say nothing of his style of combat. I watched the fight, and even in his hands instead of mine, his swords sang to me. Immediately, I knew I had to find out more. Apparently, the viper arts are meant to hunt "tural vidraal" - "those who cling to the earth" - which seem to be… Auspices, given over to their aramitama. I will need to do additional research when the ship makes landfall - I confess a deep curiosity for the respective differences. Vipers, as a whole, are named after snakes, small and venomous, capable of laying low the mightiest of beasts with their relatively small fangs. Holding the swords - twinfangs, he called them - I could feel them sing to me, like nothing else ever had. Even with them currently stowed away in my pack as I write this, I can feel the wrapped leather hilts in my hands, the phantom of the training I went through in the intervening weeks. Even my katana - beloved, a gift from my family, blessed by the lord of storms himself - was only ever a pale imitation of this. I am… Concerned. I worry that my family will feel that I am turning my back on them. That the long hours they spent training me with katana and samurai arts will be tossed aside if I take up these new arts. But I cannot deny the pull that they have on me. Just watching Keshkwa perform his hunt filled me with a sense of belonging, so impossibly profound that I cannot possibly transcribe it fully - I can only hope that my family does understand, as I hope they might. On another topic, it seems that the peoples of Tural go by different names than those I am used to from the Three Great Continents - I was familiar with Xbr'aal from Wuk Lamat, but there are others worth noting. Biologically, what the Three Great Continents call Viera are known as Shetona, Miqo'te are known as Hhetsarro, Hyur as Tonawawta, Vanu Vanu as Hanuhanu, and Goblins as Moblins. (Note: Ask each peoples for their own self-identified names at the earliest opportunity.) Wuk Lamat still seems to reflexively lie in times of stress or duress - including about innucuous things, the deceit around which serving her no purpose at all. I am given to understand that we are pulling into port soon. The idea of a new land makes my blood sing with excitement - I cannot wait to see what there is to see.
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cryptidclaw · 11 months
One last Mocking Bird/fourth cat nonsense I promise this time
What if Mocking Bird and Hollyleaf also look nothing alike? A contrast to the Three and their original selves who were identical.
And also an extra disguise. Even if Blinding Moon did start to suspect they reincarnated into someone that wasn’t in the Fire and Tiger bloodline, they probably wouldn’t look at someone who didn’t resemble their fourth kit.
Ok I love this bec mockingbirds are light gray and white which would be a fun parallel. Light and dark mode hollyleaf 😌
Would also make more since biology to , since Blinding is white and her mate is orange?? Hes orange rite?
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shiftythrifting · 1 year
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My most recent expedition to Value Village tukwila:
1. Not sure if its a real team but I kind of regret not getting it.
2. Some fine commentary
3. Phone jail
4. 10/10 chess competition name
5. Perfect for joints
6. Horse girl dreams
7. Sausage man box
8. Pop Art Han Solo
9. Basketball man
10. Just two dads
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survivalprostore · 4 months
Essential Survival Gear for Every Outdoor Enthusiast: A Humorous Guide
Hey there, fellow adventurers! If you're reading this, you're either gearing up for your next epic outdoor escapade or you're just lost on the internet and thought this might be about surviving your next family reunion. Either way, welcome! Today, we're diving into the must-have survival gear that every camper, hiker, and outdoor enthusiast needs. And we’re going to have a laugh along the way. Because let’s face it, surviving in the wild is tough, but it doesn’t have to be boring!
First up, the multi-tool. This little gadget is the Swiss Army Knife's cooler, more versatile cousin. Need to open a can? Multi-tool. Got a splinter? Multi-tool. Trying to impress your friends by pretending you know how to fix that thingy on your backpack? You guessed it—multi-tool. The 14-in-1 Outdoor Emergency Survival Gear Kit from our store is the ultimate multitasker. It's got everything from a knife to a bottle opener. Yes, because sometimes survival means cracking open a cold one after a long hike.Pro Tip: Make sure you practice opening it before you hit the trail. Nothing ruins a heroic moment like struggling with your tools while your friends are watching.
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The Trusty Fire Starter
Fire is essential for survival. It keeps you warm, cooks your food, and scares away the creepy crawlies that want to join your camping party. Matches? They get wet. Lighters? They run out of fuel. But a magnesium fire starter? Now we're talking. It’s like having a tiny piece of Thor's hammer in your pocket.Check out our awesome fire starter kits. They’re foolproof, which is great because the last thing you want is to be that person who can't start a fire in front of your entire camping group. "Hey, remember when Dave couldn't start a fire, and we almost froze? Good times.
"Pro Tip: Practice at home first. Your neighbors might think you’re preparing for an apocalypse, but better safe than sorry.
The Unassuming Paracord Bracelet
You might think a paracord bracelet is just a fashionable accessory for your rugged outdoor look. Wrong! This little piece of fashion can save your life. Need to tie up your gear, make a shelter, or floss after eating that jerky? Paracord bracelet to the rescue! It’s like wearing Batman’s utility belt on your wrist.Our store offers paracord bracelets that even come with a built-in fire starter and whistle. Now you can call for help and start a fire without even reaching into your pack. Talk about multi-functional!
Pro Tip: Resist the urge to use it as a regular rope for mundane tasks. Save it for when you really need it. Like when you’re about to fall into a ravine. Or need to make an emergency clothesline.
The Legendary First Aid Kit
Getting a blister is not a rite of passage; it's just plain annoying. A first aid kit is the real MVP of any outdoor adventure. Cuts, scrapes, blisters, mysterious rashes—you name it, your first aid kit can handle it. Our kits are compact, comprehensive, and fit perfectly in your backpack without taking up too much space.And let’s be honest, nothing says "I’m prepared" like busting out a first aid kit when your buddy gets a paper cut from the map (yes, people still use maps).
Pro Tip: Don’t just carry it—know how to use it. Otherwise, it’s just extra weight. Maybe take a first aid class. You might even meet someone who shares your love for survival gear!
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The All-Knowing Compass
GPS devices are great until they run out of battery or lose signal. A compass, however, is like the wise old owl of navigation tools. It doesn’t need batteries, it doesn’t glitch, and it won’t judge you for not knowing north from south.Our store has top-notch compasses that are easy to read and reliable. Perfect for when you’ve wandered off the beaten path and are starting to worry about becoming the next headline: "Lost Hiker Found Using Only a Selfie Stick and a Sense of Desperation.
"Pro Tip: Learn to use it properly. Or at least pretend you do while sneakily using your GPS as backup.
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Wrapping It Up!
So there you have it, folks. The essential survival gear that every outdoor enthusiast needs. Remember, it’s not just about having the right tools; it’s about knowing how to use them and keeping a sense of humor when things go sideways. Because in the end, the best survival skill is the ability to laugh in the face of adversity (and your friends’ attempts at starting a campfire). Check out Survival Pro Store for all your gear needs, and may your adventures be epic and your blisters be few!
Happy Trails!
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karlyanalora · 2 years
There’s no medic to call for when you’re a spy. You just had to do it yourself. Alfred bit down on his jacket and yanked his shoulder back into place with a sickening pop and blinding agony. He took a deep breath, rolled his shoulders, plastered a smile on his face, and waltzed back into the lion’s den.
Bruce learned to bandage his own bloody knuckles at the tender age of eight and a half. Alfred wouldn’t let him get them in training, but Bruce sure got them picking fights at school. His tolerance for bullies had vanished with the death of his parents, especially when the older boys picked on young Molly Jenkins. She’d never been the same since her best friend was killed in front of her during a mugging last year. She was skittish now, jumping at any sound that mildly resembled a gunshot, and was prone to tears. The boys thought it was funny; Bruce did not and he cut his knuckles on their teeth.
After the fifth fight, the nurse stopped tending to him first. He had to admit he had the poor woman overwhelmed today. So he found the bandages and did his best to apply them himself. They stuck to the scabs and at home Alfred had to tear them off, though the process was made a bit easier with the use of salt water. He then taught Bruce how to do it properly next time and decided to tutor him at home.
Falling off the R-Cycle was not fun and when you didn’t wear pants meant a bad case of road rash. But Alfred was always there to treat it. But that wasn’t the case anymore, was it? Falling off a motorcycle as Nightwing meant a much more manageable road rash that could be easily treated at his apartment, but Dick could still feel tears pricking at the corners of his eyes. It made him homesick, yet another reminder that he was alone as he picked the rocks out of his skin.
Giving yourself stitches was almost a rite of passage in the Batfamily. It’s an important skill, almost second nature, and for some whacked-up reason, Jason finds it soothing. Maybe it’s because in the back of his mind he can hear Bruce’s deep voice walking him through the steps and Alfred’s “Well done, Master Jason” when he ties the knot. Or maybe it’s the fact is that if all it takes is stitches, the wound can’t be that bad. Most of the time Jason just handles it out in the field and goes on with the rest of his day.
That hadn’t been the case when he first became Robin. He’d been much more fond of the superglue method, content to stay as far away from needles as he could. But Alfred had placed a grounding hand on his shoulder as Bruce stitched up his gashed leg, gently explaining everything he was doing.
According to Dick, that Bruce had died with Jason. The light of gentleness had gone out and he had never returned to the man who was good with kids and called you “chum” and “lad.” Just another reason Jason was a mistake and his coming home wouldn’t fix that.
And yet Batman still wouldn’t kill the Joker.
Jason cut the thread with his teeth and went back to work.
Tim had the Mayo Clinic pulled up on his computer and his poor blistered feet sprawled out in front of him. He’d washed his hands and feet already. He’d nabbed one of his mother’s sewing needles, which was probably an antique since she didn’t sew, and cleaned it with rubbing alcohol. He swabbed the blister with rubbing alcohol as well since their first aid kit didn’t have any iodine. He winced as he pricked the blister near the edge and watched as the liquid oozed out. Already it felt better. He put on some Vaseline and covered it with a bandaid before moving on to the next one. He had school in the morning and he didn’t want his parents to ask why he was limping. If they even noticed.
Cass washed her arm in the river before wrapping an old shirt around it. She’d gotten caught on some barbed wire while out scavenging for food. She would need to find some soap to keep it clean or some of the other things her father had used to treat her training wounds. But this would have to do for now. The air was growing colder every day; wounds she knew how to treat, but how to survive on her own was something new. Her stomach growled as she pulled the knotted sleeves tight and set out once more.
Steph hissed as she gently prodded the giant goose egg that was forming on the side of her head. Stupid Dad. Stupid Steph too; she should have known he was in a bad mood. And with Mom out of commission at the moment, Steph was on her own. She popped down a couple of Ibuprofen and waited for Dad and his “friends” to clear out so she could grab a bag of frozen peas. For now, she wondered how to cover up her newfound lump in time for school tomorrow. Makeup for the bruising and a hat maybe?
Damian had always tended to all his own wounds. Supplies and demonstrations were provided, but that was all. But this scratch, a mere skinned knee, was nothing.
“Grayson, this is ridiculous.”
“I repeat: do you want a Superman, Wonder Woman, or Flash band-aid?”
“I can handle this myself.”
“Yeah, but being part of a family means you don’t have to.”
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gnostichymns · 7 months
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Thank you to everyone who participated in last month's Lantern Rite event! It was an overwhelming success, and we can't wait to bring you all more events like it.
If you have not claimed your prize for the event, the window has officially closed.
And a second thank you to those who participated in the group's first combat event trial! We've received a lot of helpful feedback, with only more to come, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled for the first group-wide event within the next few months!
Which leads us into an important update: your talents have a purpose now! If you would like to get an idea for how our talent system ties in to combat, you can preview our Combat Guide here. (Not every muse in the group has a kit made yet, so don't worry if you don't see one for your own.)
And a couple of reminders from our rules for how the commission system works, as we have seen a few questions.
You may only claim 2 talent points in one month, not including the one given for activity. This means that if you are turning in dropped or completed threads, they can only equate to that number of points. Any event related points are an exception to this.
Dropped commission threads may be claimed for a talent point in two ways. If a dropped thread has 3-4 reblogs, it may be claimed with another dropped thread of the same length for 1 talent point. If a dropped thread has 5 reblogs, however, it may be claimed by itself for a full point.
We recommend keeping track of all claimed threads on your muse's talents page. It'll come in handy for the future.
March's feedback form is now available! Your feedback is a big help to keep our group going, so please consider filling it out. If you participated in the Lantern Rite, any feedback on the event may be given here!
And finally, our commission season Melt has begun! Check out the prompts here!
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finalyaksha · 7 months
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A bit late to talk about this but Happy Xiaoqing Festival, IE Lantern Rite! Despite the fact that we were, once again, robbed of a new interaction, Lantern Rite did not disappoint in dropping more crumbs for me to obsess over.
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Starting with Keqing's scene, this one was particularly interesting, as many Xiaoqing shippers point to Keqing's voice line about Xiao stating that she believes he should be free from his duty. So it's extremely interesting that out of all the kite motifs she could have brought up, she chose the example of a butterfly symbolizing a desire to "break free" or freedom.
It's also interesting that the kite making tradition is specifically mentioned as a Liyue folk tradition that she wants the younger generation to learn more about. She herself is also well versed on information about kites that she learned from her grandfather. Which is also interesting as we know her grandfather, a historian, also knows a lot about the Adepti, which she previously mentioned in the Stove God quest.
Another small detail from this year was the fact that Keqing delivers gifts to the Adepti every year, meaning she continues to see Xiao at least once every year during Lantern Rite.
I have a strong suspicion that, if we take all of this into account, Keqing probably believes, with Xiao being an Adeptus, the kite making traditions of Liyue would probably be an appealing theme to him for Lantern Rite. She's certainly aware that he does not attend them in person and continuously chooses themes that he will be able to see from a distance. Xiao even verbalizes to the traveler that he always picks a spot where he can see everything from.
So we can now brainrot yearly Xiaoqing meetings where she pokes his brain, trying to gain knowledge about his interests and they possibly even play a part in the theme she helps craft year after year.
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Now Xiao's part is equally as interesting. First of all, sly Zhongli, trying to nudge Xiao in the direction of finding someone to fly kites with. He's almost certainly aware that Keqing was behind the theme for the festival, so I can easily inhale enough copium and see her being who he's referring to.
Add on top of that to the fact that Xiao himself seems pretty open to the idea, as anything he doesn't outright dislike is enough to say that he's willing to do it. Especially since his first reaction is to ask who would want to fly kites with him rather than an outright "no".
His view on kites is also pretty interesting, saying that they give him "peace of mind". Pretty much echoing Keqing talking about the butterfly kit symbolizing "happiness" and a desire for freedom. Plenty of details across Xiao's Story and Namecard make it apparent that he does want to eventually be free from his Yaksha duties, even if he doesn't outright say it.
Soooo it just all really comes full circle that Keqing and Xiao meet up, she finds something out about him that she thinks would intrigue him, and themes Lantern Rite Celebrations around that. Based on her own idea that Xiao should be free, she hopes to help push him in the direction of seeking his own freedom, by hosting a Kite Flying Lantern Rite theme that Xiao would be sure to see. And Zhongli, probably also aware of this, hint hint nudge nudges Xiao in her direction for the Xiaoqing Kite Flying Date of The Century.
And because I forgot to take a picture of Keqing releasing a Xiao Lantern with Xiao, have this picture from last year's dinner that Keqing totally deserved to be at. Not that it matters since we now have confirmed yearly meetings, maybe yearly dinners, they're in love, obviously.
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troutfur · 1 year
A Leopardstar with her son's blood on her paws, a Stonefur raising his grandchildren, Leafkit and Squirrelkit, Mistyfoot giving Fireheart last rites like he gave Primrose and Pike last rites when she wasn't able too, Feather and Storm morning their uncle and being their for his kits...
It's quite a somber thing what they all had to face, what they all have to continue to grapple with every time they look upon their clanmates. They all may be there for each other, but to know how the rest of the Clan, specially their leader, threw them to the claws of someone like Tigerstar...
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